#okay let's see who are daryl's besties
thewalkingdeadband · 2 years
Review for "Family", twd season 11 ep 23, spoilers ahead:
Sooo many things to unpack... Ok, here we go:
Judith intro and in the rest of the episode:
First off all, the music used in this intro is the same as the one used for Rick's last episode when he blew up the bridge ... okay what a way to start 😭
talk abt Lori, unusual, nice. Then about Rick, Michonne, Carl. Nice again. As i said in previous reviews, this screams end of series, but its logical, i guess. Oh, and she probably doesnt know Rick isnt her biological father, i mean he didnt tell her when he was here cauz she was too young and im pretty sure Michonne never said it either ? Correct me if im wrong. Saying this cause some people seemed to think she would mention Shane.
Im also still not convinced Rick isnt the father by the way, the only thing we know is that Rick IS convinced he's not her father, but that could be his insecurities showing up, i mean if i recall well he could totally be, since he had sex with Lori very quickly after reuniting with her, so i dont know, maybe im bad at maths and maybe i missed an interview from someone saying this is canon and true (Kirkman? Anyone?), but i always believed that it was just Rick's belief but not a proof
And that doesnt matter anyway cause he's her father. She said "maybe im a grimes after all" and yes you are baby girl.
She's giving the hat to R.J, and later when Carol says "you and Carl are alike", she answers "he died saving people" and Carol goes "yes he did". These two events foreshadows the end of the episode, where she saves Maggie and gets shot. Also, what a moving call back, Judith saving Maggie who helped Lori giving birth to her.
Ok, before continuing, let me say this: she is NOT dying. She is going to reunite with Rick and Michonne. How, where, in what spin off/show/whatever, we dont know. But it IS happening. I have ZERO doubts. Same for R.J. Now, maybe then Rick dies within 15 mns of said reunion, you never know with TWD, or maybe then she dies (doubt so) but they ARE seing each other again.
Comic ending Spoilers:
Im pretty convinced, now that she gives the hat to Herschel, despite the fact that she was narrating here, that they re going to follow - in a way - the comics and have R.J be the one narrating everything after some time jump, to his children or something like that. Could be wrong.
Back to the show: When Daryl carried her to the clinic helped by Carol and everyone, of fucking course it made me think of the scene of Carl losing his eyes and getting carried by Rick with Michonne and everyone's help to Denise ❤❤💔💔
Then Judith said "daddy", and while some think she was talking to Daryl since she was dizzy and losing conscience (Daryl who did call her and R.J his kids a few episodes earlier...), to me it was obvious she was seeing/hallucinating/thinking abt Rick at this moment. Im not saying Andy is going to appear next week as an hallucination, but it was of course done on purpose. What purpose, we'll see...
But hey, Diane is aliiiive! Where the hell has she been all those episodes? Where the hell is Virgil??
Maggie/Negan: They are setting up the spin off with these lines: "together you and i we get this done" "not a we"...
Negan/Zeke nice talk with Maggie listening hidden is also a way to humanise him in Maggie's eyes in order to tease the spin off. Im not saying they re going to become besties, but they have to tease this so...
Ezekiel: "and yet i smile". His speech was amazing and a also nice call back for exactly why Rick spared Negan: dying would have been too easy. Rick probably didnt expect Negan to do any good though, but to just rot in his cell (the one built by Morgan by the way, just saying😎) but its happening now. So... "everything gets a return", you know (yes, Morgan again).
Back in 8.16 i was not ok with Rick sparing Negan, then in 9A i was kind on team Rick because well we knew he was leaving, we feared he would die, i could not bring myself to stay mad at him, i just wanted Daryl and him to get along again, i was moved by Carol trying to be supportive of both... anyway, digression.
Im still not at ease with the way Negan's been acting until very recently, but since Annie, since the few last episodes, he's definitely earning his redemption.
Bad ass Eugene taking down soldiers, is that his first real human kill by the way? And nice reunion with Max
Mercer a hero taking so many risks and his men too
Yumiko and Magna mini reunion, ok
Carol praising Judith, as in "we could all use her will to think abt the future and not just the present" made me think abt a certain doom: "new mexico still out here" "we got things to do first" AND IT HURTS
I loove that Judith and Carol had these moments since i hated to see that they hadnt seen each other at all for years at the start of 9b. I also loved the unit Carol, Daryl and her formed in this episode. And her mentioning she wishes she had more time with Carl, with all of them. Reminding me of when she said "im starting to forget their voices" to Michonne refering to Carl /Rick in 9b 💔. If u think abt it, she's also one of the oldest characters in the show u know.
Daryl saying "once this is over i'll tell u abt the people who loved you:: YES?? TYREESE? BETH? HERSCHEL? for instance. But we know he's leaving so he wont have time anyway to say anything, unless : time jump, return and spin off set in between, but i doubt it, we ll see.
Could u remind me again why we are supposed to believe Gabe and Rosita have broken up? I mean as per Angela's interview i think, not on screen. Because they obviously still love each other, duh? ?
Tyler: apologizes to Princess, she doesnt have to forgive him she has every right to be cold to him but it was still nice to have Connie, Kelly and Magna being nice and encouraging to him. And of course he died... the scene of Connie trying to reach out for him was touching.
Aaron, Jerry, Lydia:
Lydia so scared to lose Elijah the way she lost Henry...
Jerry going out to find Elijah "see u on the other side" ouuuh this doesnt look good at all and when u think of Queen Nabilla/King Jerry in Kingdom 2.0, it reminds me that once you start having plans in this show, it doesnt look good for you (Abe and Sasha💔...) , and Aaron looked at him like he knew, so im pretty sure he's a goner 💔💔... Also Please if he dies dont have Lydia feel guilty because she panicked and he decided to go look for Elijah...
And oh My God: "you are so loved, Lydia..."😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 she soo needed to hear that, u know?
I love Aaron so much, please dont die, please??
I probably have a thousand more things to say, still, but it's already wayyy too long
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sophygurl · 7 years
🌋 (for the unpopular opinion) walking dead
oooooo thank you. I could really re-write my previous unpopular opinion thing about villains and just put Negan’s name in there, but I’ll do something else lol
okay. I’m gonna make some enemies with this one but. I honestly believe that Daryl should have been one of the one’s Lucille’d in the season opener. 
not because I hate Daryl or Norman or white dudes or whatever.
but because it made the most amount of sense to me within the framework of the narrative. I feel like if the writers were not scared to kill off the most beloved character on the show, it’s the route they would have taken. And I get why they didn’t, but here’s why I wish they did:
Negan had clear goals in choosing who to kill in that moment. Despite the creepy af (not to mention amazingly intense cliffhanger that resulted - good job show runners on that one tbh) “eenie meenie minie moe” thing - he knew who he wanted to kill and why. And Abraham being the substitute for Daryl made the second amount of sense but still...
Negan leaves the leaders of communities in place as much as possible because his goal is not to lord over each community and micro-manage them but to allow each community to persist basically within their own sub-culture as-is while also toiling for him and his people. The best way to do that is to keep things mostly intact. So Rick and Michonne and even Maggie are out right off. They’d be needed, under Negan’s estimation, to keep the community functioning enough to serve him. 
He doesn’t hesitate, however, to threaten those closest to the leaders or those who the community holds dear - so going after Carl, as a child of the leader as well as being a child and therefore someone the community is likely to hold as precious to them, but not actually killing him. No, he makes it very clear that while he’d take his arm off, he is not to be killed.
(this is also why I don’t think Glenn made sense as a kill because he was so obviously the heart of the group - threatening him, torturing him, kidnapping him - yea, but not outright killing him. I think, a case can definitely be made for him being the second kill that night making sense because when he did THAT, he was trying to make a different point than with his first kill but that’s another meta)
So, while the main leaders and even the hearts of the community were out - secondary leaders are in. Specifically secondary leaders who are strong, willful, and who show signs of standing against Negan and the Saviors even once Negan got Rick good and subjugated. (what Negan didn’t know is that describes MOST of the group but that’s his flaw and not what went into his decision-making that night)
Sparing the leaders who can keep the group functional and the emotional centers who can keep them motivated is good. Killing other badasses in the community who might rise against him and/or urge others to do the same is also good. Hence, his choice of Abraham right? The way Abraham just juts his head forward like - do it you scumbag or you’ll have me to deal with later?? That’s what got him the first Lucille death of the group.
But that should have been Daryl. Everything we know about Daryl says he’d be the one to do this, and in fact he basically does when he later jumps out at Negan causing Glenn’s death and his own kidnapping and torture. Right? Daryl is someone who is not going to allow his people to be hurt or threatened. He’s super fucking protective of those he claims as his own. And he has a deep need to stand up against bullies and for those being hurt and tormented. This is essential to who Daryl is. 
So yea, I believe Negan would have seen that in Daryl and chosen him first. And the rallying cry that would have sounded through the community at both Daryl and Glenn’s deaths (in my pretend scenario here, probably someone else would have lashed out at what all was going on - maybe even Abraham and we’d then get to see Abe eating dog food sandwiches and saying something oddly both offensive and amusing about the song Easy Street as Dwight tried to torture him into saying he was Negan and OH! Can you imagine, because probably Abe wouldn’t have escaped the way Daryl did mirite? So he’d have been there when EUGENE got there and Eugene would not have tried to go with the flow and convince MFing Abe to join Negan - wow, that could have been an amazing story... okay sorry tangent moving on), 
but the rallying cry for Daryl - I’m sorry - would have been much bigger and deeper and truer than the one for Abe. Like, Abe had basically three people who were really close to him? And Daryl has more like eleventy? IDK. We can count that up later. 
But Alexandrians and Team Family alike would have been not just devastated but moved to ANGER in a way they weren’t for Abe. Glenn devastated everyone. Abe devastated a few. But Daryl would have just catapulted the group to new levels of motivation. 
hmmm, maybe that’s why he wasn’t picked? Because they wanted Rick to have half a season of dragging his heels not wanting to provoke Negan further when if he’d lost Daryl he would have been propelled into action much sooner? That’s a thought.
But I still think Daryl made more sense than Abe. And it’s not because I want Daryl gone more than I wanted Abe gone. I’m kinda meh on Abe and love Daryl to pieces. I just think his death would have made more sense both for Negan’s purposes of taking down someone who could stand against him and for the group’s purposes of how to organize to fight back after such a big blow. 
I’ve been thinking this ever since I got over season 6′s finale enough to think carefully about it vs. just FEELS-ing all over the place, but this is my first time writing it out so thanks for the opportunity! 
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haruhey · 3 years
Girl’s Talk
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Word count: 8k
Fluff | Smut | Filth February Prompt 2
Daryl overhears a conversation he definitely shouldn’t have, but he acts on it anyways.
The tip of my tongue is sweet Whenever I say your name Typical conversations, the smallest feelings I keep talking about them About you
Girl’s talk Girl’s talk  Girl’s talk Girl’s talk about you
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“It’s not my fault!”
Daryl’s steps freeze at the sound coming from your makeshift office, your voice slightly muted by the wooden door pulled shut but still seeping through the little space which separates it from the floor.
‘It’s not my fault’?
“But it is, you idiot!”
Raising an eyebrow, he adjusts the crossbow slung over his shoulder, leaning his ear closer and trying to make out the muffled voice responding back to you. It’s wrong, he knows it is - privacy and all that shit - but, God, he wants to know everything about you.
“He gives you ‘fuck me’ eyes all the time! Ask literally anyone around here, dude. He wants to rail you.”
Now that catches his attention, an undeserving flash of jealousy crashing through his body as a lump forms in his throat. His grip tightens on the strap digging into skin as he swallows it down, the thought of you with someone else making him hot with anger even though he knows you’re not his. That gnaw of privacy returns, but he wants to know who has been obvious enough that anyone can see it, and why the fuck he hasn’t noticed.
“No he doesn’t, Rosita.”
He doesn’t blame whoever ‘he’ is - after all, it would be hypocritical of Daryl to, considering he’s been pining after you for damn near a year with little to no progress to show for all the heartache he’s been through - but Jesus, if ‘he’ ends up confessing before he does, you might take ‘him’ up on the offer. You might take ‘him’ up on the offer and all Daryl will be left with would be a broken heart and many, many more cold and lonely nights.
Fuck, who is ‘he’?
“It does look like he wants to rail you.”
Another flash of anger and- wait. Is that-
It is.
“No, he doesn’t. He just- his eyes are just expressive, and they’re like- they just look like that, okay?”
He promises to himself to pry Carol for answers despite the weighted drop of dread in his stomach. She knows who ‘he’ is, but chooses not to say anything when she catches him staring at you when he knows you’re not looking? God, if she’s not telling him whoever ‘he’ is, she must think he’s not enough competition to even know about ‘him’ in the first place. Did she just let him steep in his wishful thinking as a consolation prize for the fact it’ll always be a fantasy?
“You give him ‘fuck me’ eyes, too, y’know. Daryl’s smart, but he’s an idiot when it comes to you. Trust me.”
He’s ‘he’?
Holy shit.
“Don’t ‘Maggie’ me. We all know he’d try an’ punch the ground if you fell.”
Daryl reds then, a heat of blush crawling up his chest at the realization of how fucking obvious he’s been and how, yeah, maybe he would actually try and punch the ground if you fell. He’s not moving anymore - just spun away from the door, stuck from his own shock to the floor - but when your voice muffles through the wood next, he turns towards it like a sailor to a damn siren song.
“Remind me why you’re all here again?”
He hears an onslaught of answers then; ‘you’re too hot to be pining after someone. Especially someone who looks like they would jump on you the second they can’, ‘Daryl looks at you like you’re everything, and I’ve never seen him look at anyone quite like that’, ‘Daryl told me he likes you’- thanks, Carol - and his eyes widen at the way the casualness of their words, as if they’ve been said to you a million times before.
Wait… you’re pining after ‘him’? The ‘him’ who happens to actually be him?
Jesus fucking Christ.
“It was- I- look, guys, besties, ladies, it- it doesn’t matter that I have a tiny, little crush on him.”
Now comes a cacophony of scoffs, your groan cutting through them before you speak again, and Daryl thinks something must be wrong with his circulation because his pulse is beating in his ears so hard that he leans almost comically close to the door in order to hear you over it.
But no, there’s nothing wrong with his circulation. If anything, it’s working perfectly well because the rush of blood that accompanies the realization is the only rational result of knowing about your tiny crush.
Your tiny crush.
Your tiny crush on him.
“Okay, fine, yeah, sure, maybe it’s not tiny. Maybe I’ve been in love with him for, like, months now and maybe it’s not going away, but what about it? It’s not like he thinks of me the same way, okay? Just because I want to kiss him and, like, cuddle him and, yeah, maybe get him to rail me doesn’t mean he wants to, okay?“
You.. you think he doesn’t think of you that way? You want to kiss him and cuddle with him and you want him to- you want him to-
Swallowing, Daryl wipes at his red-soaked face, his jeans starting a little too tight at the images rushing through his head like a flood. You want him to-
You want him to-
“We literally just told you he fully wants to rail you, too!”
Yeah, they’re pretty damn right about that.
He pulls from the door then, his brain clouded over in thoughts so debilitating that he thinks if he stays there too long - if he hears more than he already has - he might push all critical thinking to the side and burst through the door with everyone still in there. His hands are sweaty with want as he shifts the placement of his crossbow, and he wipes his palms on his jeans, desperately searching for anything to tie his senses back to reality.
Shit, what the fuck was he even here for?
Does it even matter anymore?
He comes to the conclusion that, no it doesn’t, rather quickly, and he massages his temples as he strides out of the hallway, quick steps covering the distance between your room and the infirmary’s entrance before the realization of his eavesdropping really, really, dawns on him.
You - intelligent, funny, caring, stupidly pretty and perfect and out of his league you - have a crush on him, and when the haze of lust finally clears from his brain, despite being much too old for things like that, his ego swells to the size of Texas and he can feel his heart doing a goddamn victory dance.
Daryl spots Denise in the corner of his eye, her hands a mess of chalk dust and she’s in a hoodie that’s Tara’s. They’ve been together a lot - he’s pretty sure he caught them kissing behind the medicine shelves just a few days ago - and they seem pretty fucking happy, too.
He’s envious of them. Envious of Aaron and Eric with how many times Aaron’s told him he ‘can’t wait to get home to Eric’, and he’s certainly no stranger to the ugly green feeling that rears its head when he thinks of Glenn and Maggie.
God, he wants that. He wants that with you. He’s wanted it with you since the cement walls of the prison, and now that he knows you feel the same, why does he have to wait?
Exactly!, he screams at himself. Why does he have to wait?
No more fucking waiting.
He glances at the window just next to one of the exam tables, and though it’s just late afternoon, Daryl crosses the distance to get to Denise, a determination in his eye that could burn down his path. He’s never been one to push his luck - that’s probably why he’d locked his lips and buried his feelings for you for all those months - but he stands tall in front of her and takes the chance.
“Got a quick question for ya.”
Denise’s eyes flick up from the sheet of paper in her hands and she raises her eyebrows as she notices the puff of his chest, the surety of his gaze making his face look meaner than it usually is.
“You can take her off her shift after your check up, if you want. I’ll just get Rosita to cover it.”
And he’s surprised for a second - half because he’d just remembered that, yeah, there was a reason to come here in the first place, and half because she’d guessed his intentions before he’d even gotten his words out. Though, maybe he shouldn’t be surprised, because if today had taught him anything, it’s that he’s just that fucking oblivious to the fact he’s just that fucking obvious.
No, he’s going to change that.
By the end of today, Daryl will be able to call himself yours, or he’ll spin the Earth around himself for another chance.
Nodding, he turns towards your office and suppresses his giddiness as calls your name, long strides taking him to you so quickly he thinks he might be sprinting, and his heart is speeding up as he formulates a plan.
He needs this to be perfect.
Like you, perfect.
The second he gets to the door, it creaks open - hinges much too old for this house that he hasn’t gotten around to oiling yet, though he’d promised a week ago to do it - and he’s almost trampled by the familiar faces you’re forcing out, each one sharing a knowing glance as they pass him in the hallway.
Carol even gives him a thumbs up, and he wonders if she knows what’s running through his mind. It damn well wouldn’t be the first time.
“Hey, Daryl. Sorry about all that.”
Running his hand through his hair, he sets his crossbow down on your desk as you make your way to the bed, patting it in a much too familiar signal for him to sit.
This is good.
You don’t suspect a thing, and that’s good.
Step one is a success.
“Nah, ‘s fine, don’t worry ‘bout it.”
He eases a chuckle into his voice and waits for you to turn around, watching you close one of the drawers with those lollipops the little ones like, and when you do, you face him with a smile spread so wide across your lips, and it’s like his whole brain goes blank.
You look at him expectantly, a second passing before he remembers his fucking pulled lower back muscle from nearly two weeks ago, and his hands snap to his vest, pulling it off and setting it next to his crossbow. In his defense, it doesn’t even feel like anything’s happened anymore, so it’s not his fault that he’d forgotten about it for the past few days.
Clearing his throat, he shakes his bangs from his face and makes his way to the tiny twin bed he’s seen you passed out sleep-drunk in so many times before. He’s much too busy dwelling over that moment of embarrassment to realize that his shirt is riding up and his belt doesn’t really do shit to keep his pants above the waistband of his boxers, but you notice, and you swallow down the lump in your throat.
No, you have to stay professional. Even if he has the audacity to look like that.
“Tell me if this hurts, okay?“
Your hands are on him in a second, pressing against his once overstrained muscles, and he wonders if anything could ever hurt when you’re touching him.
“You having fun out there with Aaron?”
Letting out a silent groan, he shrugs - or, whatever the equivalent of him turning his head in the other direction against the mattress and looking at you through the overhang of his locks is.
“Nah, ain’t nothin’ really goin’ on out there no more. Don’t really take Aaron much either. Jus’ ridin’ alone. Hopin’ a deer or somethin’ worth grabbin’ passes me.”
You hum in response, satisfied at the state of his muscles and the feeling of them underneath your hands. It’s not necessary, these massages, but you’re pretty sure you read somewhere that it helps the healing, and even if you were lying to yourself, he doesn’t seem to mind, and you sure as hell don’t.
“Then come get me next time, Daryl. I would love to go ‘ridin’’.”
Those words shouldn’t light something in him - shouldn’t conjure up those fantasies of your body that he’s only ever explored alone by himself - because you’re doing that shitty imitation of his voice that usually makes a chuckle want to worm out of his throat, but it does and it makes him burn.
He takes an eyeful of you when you stand and turn towards the medicine cupboards, and he gorges himself on the sight of your thighs as they poke out through your cloth shorts. The leg holes on them are cut so damn big he swears he can see your underwear from where he’s laying, and a rush of saliva forces its way into his mouth, wet hot heat licking through him at his desire to bury his face up against you.
You want him to take you for a ride?
Daryl could do that. He’s got a couple ideas right now about riding that he wouldn’t mind acting out.
“We’re also running low on some antibiotics,”
Turning, he kicks off the bed, letting the mattress squeak and only half listening to you as he tries to hype himself up enough to actually go through with his plan. He’s gotta do this - act now and follow your dreams, or whatever the other bullshit was that he heard when he used to be in school - and he will, but he just needs a second to fucking man up.
“So when you go out with Rick in a few days,”
He takes a step then, fueled on by your wood-muffled confession that’s currently devouring his mess of a brain, and then he takes another and another, not stopping his methodical steps until you’re barely a foot from him.
“Could you keep an eye out for these…“
You spin on your heel then, hands full and halfway outstretched in order to give the pill bottles to him until they hit his chest, the sudden block of him knocking them out of your grip. They fall to the ground with a rattle, and your voice drains from your throat when you look up at him, the looming figure of his broad shoulders stretching out to steal your vision from everything but him, his face lent down just the slightest.
You should want to cower - Daryl’s so fucking big he could box you in and keep you sandwiched between the wooden cabinets and his body with little effort - but you like it. Especially the way he’s looking at you.
“Dar- Daryl, what’re you-“
And he’s so close to you, too. So close that you’re pretty sure he can hear each shaky breath you take, and when your hands go to grip at the ledge for the balance he’s knocked from you, he grabs them instead, warm, work-calloused hands wrapped around your wrist to bring them to his chest and over his heart.
“Ya feel that?”
He leans impossibly closer, taking another step forward until one of his legs is between yours, and your head swims from the thought that he really has sandwiched you in front of him. His heart pounds underneath your palm and it quickens with each passing moment, a limbo of apprehension hanging for a second longer before he bites the bullet, whispering the words to you as if forcing them out is the only way he’ll be able to say the words he’s saying.
“This, it- it beats for you.”
The second he says it, he cringes and drops your wrist - turns his face to the side and shuts his eyes as his face scrunches inwards - but despite it, a sickeningly saccharine feeling wells up in your chest.
“God- shit- sorry, I-“
This is the last time he’ll listen to any of Glenn’s suggestions. Romantic? More like fucking stupid.
Sighing, he turns around, leaving you to stare at his back even more confused at the sudden drop of tension, and you wipe your sweaty hands on your shorts, your knees needing a moment to solidify from the near jelly they’d become at his closeness.
“What was- what're you doing? This isn’t funny.”
You watch as he runs his fingers through his hair, and faces you again, a look of utter embarrassment mixed with disappointment settling in his eyes after he hears you.
“It- it ain’t supposed to be.”
And he sounds so genuine in his response - you know he doesn’t lie to you - but there’s no way he means what he’s saying. Not when he’s so quick to apologize for his confession.
“Daryl, if this is a joke…“
He can’t be serious.
But he is.
If there was one thing in the world that he would ever be serious about, it would be this. He just needs to stop thinking. What’s so hard about this, anyway? He knows you like him, and he knows damn well he likes you, too.
Swallowing, he holds your curious look, eyebrows furrowing with a newly settled determination, and the courage he needs to man the fuck up flares to fruition when he replays your words again.
“I heard ya.”
You bite at your lip then, a singular ‘what?’ falling from them no later, and a rush of something primal works through Daryl’s body at the way it looks so inviting for his own teeth to replace.
“I heard ya. Talkin’ with Rosita n’ Maggie an’ Carol.”
The ice-cold waterfall of your realization makes you freeze, and another stutter of ‘wh- what?’ breaks from your throat.
“I heard ya. Heard everythin’.”
He takes a step then, and your mind is telling you to back up and retreat from this embarrassment, but your body wants nothing more than to stay still. It burns for him, lonely nights and months of pining holding your feet down like an anvil.
“I know ya have a crush on me. That ya wanna kiss me.”
Staring down at the ground, your fists ball up at your sides as you hear him move, and he just keeps coming, pacing with wide strides.
“That ya wanna cuddle.”
Daryl’s voice is low, gravelly, sounding too fucking good for your poor brain to take - and you close your eyes, crushing your eyelids together to brace for when you eventually overheat and crash.
“That… ya want me to…”
Fuck, you know what you said. He doesn’t need to actually finish his sentence for either of you to understand what he means.
He grabs your chin then, two thick fingers and his thumb tilting your head up to him like he was holding a cigarette, and just this proximity makes him think you could overtake him. You could be his new addiction, and he’d be perfectly fine with that.
“Daryl, I-“
The second you open your eyes, his face surges forward, and you close them again, preparing for the messy press of his lips, but it never comes. Instead, he grabs both your hands in his, running his thumb along your knuckles before he overtakes your stutter.
“I wanna give ya all’a that. An’ more, if ya let me.”
His words whisper along your lips, and you nearly crumble with each syllable. He presses up against you in this bubble of intensity, and you think you might be going crazy, but you think he can hear your pulse thrum through your skin.
“So can I kiss ya?”
Nodding, your impatience drives you forward, and in a second, your lips touch his, clumsily bumping noses in your fervour before the kiss gets firmer. He drinks down the sensation like an aged liquor, and his grunt surprises the both of you, as well as the push of his leg between the two of yours.
There are no words being said when he brings your hands to rest at his waist, and he grabs yours, absentminded fingers playing with the laces of your shorts before sliding underneath the hem of your tucked-in shirt. He doesn’t mean to make pictures of him undoing your pants spark in your mind, but he just needs to touch you in whatever form that would be, and, quite honestly, he doesn’t exactly mind that you’re pushing back with so much need as well.
You’d imagined your first kiss with him to be gentle, maybe even a little desperate, but this, this lust devouring both of your brains is so loud that neither of you care about the adrenaline so high in your veins.
“Let’s get outta here.”
Only when you both pull away to breathe does he speak, and only then do you even realize you’re in your office and that the cupboard might make an indent into your skull with how long you’ve been resting your head against it.
“Daryl, I- I can’t. I need to be here for a few more hours. But if I didn’t, I would go with you. I- there’s a lot of things I want to do with you.“
He knows what you want. You’ve been pulling his hips against yours by the leather of his belt, and though he’s made no indication that he knows, he does nothing to stop you.
“You can go. Come with me, I mean. I, uh, I asked Denise. She said it was fine. That- that Rosita’ll cover your shift.”
He mumbles as he presses himself back down, just against your chin. Just until he feels you smile from the tickle of his stubble and he flames alight with the affection steeped intimacy.
“You planned this? Wanna take me home that bad?”
Giggling, you thread your fingers through the mess of his uncut hair, and you catch the way he blushes red despite the fact you’re happy about his… proactivity? He wants you like you want him, and you kiss him again, feather-light to the corner of his lips.
“I ain’t gon’ lie to ya. It’s, uh, it's been- I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout it since the prison.”
A boyish smile works its way onto Daryl’s face, and you slip from his hold, ducking down and around him when he dips his face down to yours again, crouching down and pulling open a drawer before grabbing a string of condoms and stuffing it into your pockets. It doesn’t take much time for him to turn around and see what you’re doing, but before he reaches you, you’re back on your feet.
“Then c’mon. Take me home.”
He speeds up his steps at your words, and he grabs your hand, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before slinging his crossbow over his shoulder as he cuts his path to the door.
“Ya sure ‘bout this? Hundred percent?“
Just before he crosses the threshold into the hallway, he looks back at you, almost blinding with how radiant you are, and you squeeze his hand, a grin so wide it makes his heart want to explode.
“Let’s get outta here, Daryl.”
That’s all he needs.
Months of loving you in silence makes him delirious with anticipation, and he has half the mind to throw you across his shoulder and carry you back to his house, but he settles for quick strides of his long legs, his hand held firmly in yours.
He doesn’t care that everyone can see. No, maybe he wants them to see, but that doesn’t matter as he occupies himself with how perfect and soft your fingers feel in his. Neither you nor him notice the fact that Rosita and Carol have hung back, or that the former notices the holographic gold peeking out from the pockets of your shorts and slaps the latter’s shoulder with an excitement that could rival yours, because the only thing on his mind is you, the same way he’s on yours.
Your body is practiced to the way he moves - the runs you’ve been on with him and the countless times sneaking around with him makes his steps a familiar rhythm - and you match him until you both get to his house.
Even before Daryl manages to control his nerve-shaking hands and open the door, there’s a tension so thick in the air that it’s threatening to suffocate either of you in it, and when you finally manage to get some privacy as the door finally closes the two of you in, both his hands are on your body. There’s no escape from him as he presses your back against his closed door. Not that you want one. God, you don’t want an escape from him.
“Tell me to stop. Tell me ya think we’re movin’ too fast. Tell me to stop an’ I will.”
Shaking your head, you look back up at him, threading your fingers through his hair and pushing his bangs from his face as he leans on his arm to your right. He’s so handsome like this - looking at you so reverently - and it makes you choke on your own words, stuttered through a consuming wave of pure affection.
“I want you, Daryl. I don’t- don’t you think we’ve waited long enough?”
He lets every damn syllable sounding from your voice sink into his brain, and Jesus Christ can you do things to him. You make him feel in a way he’s never felt before, and he could fucking cry at the way your eyes round in a plead.
“Thought everyone was goin’ fuckin’ crazy thinkin’ you wanted me, too.”
Leaning up, you press a kiss to him, so intoxicating you make him want to chase your lips like a lush, but he pulls away in order to put his crossbow somewhere. He loves it - cherishes it - but right now, it’s just a fucking nuisance.
“I want you. You’re- you’re everything I want.”
Does your voice have to sound so good?
It all happens in such a flurry of need - you’ve both kicked off your shoes, you’ve wrapped your fingers around his wrist and he’s wrapped his around yours, he’s whispered a confession about how long he’s waited to hear you say that, you’ve beamed and kissed him and touched him - and when he finally opens the door to the basement, you’re giggling at how he almost trips the two of you over trying to keep his lips on your neck as you descend the stairs.
“You’re so cute, Daryl. Has anyone ever told you that?”
He has his chest pressed up against your back, arms linked across your waist and at the front of your stomach before you spin around to face him, and he holds you gently by the small of your back, drawing random shapes against the fabric of your shirt.
“I ain’t cute.”
But he can’t deny the pleasant feeling wading through him, nor can he hide the fact the corner of lip pulls upwards just the slightest.
“You are.”
Heated hands grab at you, and he kisses you into his bedroom, your fingers restless at his shirt buttons. Quickly, so damn quickly, each rush of adrenaline driving the both of you towards each other, he finally gets to his mattress, and he crashes down to a sit, bringing your knees to either side of him and pulling you into a straddle as the poor springs threaten to buckle underneath him for a second.
“Still think I’m cute?”
You nod, shakily since your brain is too preoccupied with telling you not to squeal at the sudden movement, but you fail, your thighs closing on either side of his body. Your hips move in a jolt, unintentionally rubbing against him for just a second before his big hands coax more movement out of you by the careful kneading of your ass, and you do it again and again, spurred on by the warmth of his overheated skin as you unbutton his shirt.
His large hands return to you just after he chucks his shirt in the other direction, and he swears when he feels your thighs start to quiver around him, your pelvis bucking in a desperate rhythm he’s more than happy to be a part of. He’s firm, pressing up against you through his jeans, and you can feel him, especially when he lifts his hips up against yours in reaction and pulls an intoxicating little whine from you.
“Tha’s it. Tha’s it. Feel good, huh?”
You can’t remember what you were going to say - thoughts wiped clean from your head with each roll of him - and you’ve bitten your lip so hard it flashes white indents when your mouth drops open slightly to feed your lungs’ burn for oxygen. Daryl watches each movement of yours in admiration, fascinated and wholly captivated at the fact he can render you into this with a precarious flex of his thigh and the rough of his jeans against your cloth shorts, and his ego grows tenfold.
“Feels good, then?”
He grinds you down on him as you nod, encouragement dripping from his chapped lips that have no right being as soft as they are, and with each movement of him - with each devastating push and pull of his hands, a pressure growing in the base of your stomach that you want to take over your body and you want to dissolve into - you breathe out his name, two simple syllables making him throb under the confines of that stupid zipper keeping him packed down tight.
You’re beautiful, he praises, and your body burns and burns with his words, the gravelly twang setting deep in your body and making heat flush up your face.
“D- Daryl, I think I’m-“
He knows how close you are - he’s close too, a damp mess in his boxers that probably mirrors your own underwear despite the chaffing from the thick layer of denim that covers him from you - and he hitches you over his thigh instead, digging his fingers into the give of flesh and groaning into your ear afterwards.
He’s obsessed, the feeling of your body in his hands, and when you moan out his name, leaning forward and pressing his head into your neck, his heart races from his chest and he wants to put it in your hands. He’s being overwhelmed in the best way - he breathes you in, letting you settle in his lungs while you make those pretty little noises next to his ear that almost make him unravel from them alone - and when you press your chest up to his, dragging yourself along the length of his muscular thigh and whine, the rope of tension tightens and tightens.
“God, you’re fuckin’- fuckin’ beautiful like this.”
You’ve learned rather quickly that, for a man who speaks in grunts and glares, Daryl’s rather talkative when you’re in a selfish search for your own pleasure, and damn it if it doesn’t catapult you to the snap in the base of your stomach. But there are too many layers of clothing separating you from him. It’s muted those sensations - made them plateau to a dull ache - and you think you might cry as you slow down.
“Daryl, I can’t- it’s- it’s not enough.”
He hears the way your voice breaks - watches you tilt your head down as if you’d expected him to scold you like those days back at the Greene farm, when his mouth ran angry more often than not, and he had a heart filled with too much emotion to understand what to do with it - and he lifts his hand until it’s below your chin, gently tilting you to look at him.
“Hey, hey, ‘s okay. If ya don’t wanna do this, then don’t.”
And Daryl’s so fucking tender, big puppy eyes staring up at you like you’d hung the stars into the sky, and your hips stop, instead leaning your face forward until your forehead rests against his. A small smile spreads across your cheeks at the clumsy little knock of his nose against yours, and you press a quick kiss to the corner of his lips.
“No- no. I want to do this. I just- it’s not enough.”
Nodding, he lets you pull your face away before reaching down and taking the knot keeping your shorts up along your waist between his fingers. He raises an eyebrow at you, watching you for any signs of hesitation or discomfort, but when he sees none - when you bite your lip and nod for him - he undoes it, watching you get up and slip your hands underneath the hem.
He’s a little obvious with how excited he is to see you slide them off, but it only feeds your own excitement. It’s endearing, this broad-shoulder hulking man crumbling for you, and when you finally step out of your shorts, your underwear has such a wet spot it could be embarrassing had your mind not been so preoccupied by a desire to please him in any way you can.
“I want this, Daryl. As long as you still want this.”
With each step you take, his throat closes up more and more, and when you grab his hand, placing it against the bottom of your shirt, he pulls it off of you, your eyes brimming with so much warmth he truly thinks this might be heaven on Earth.
“Then would it, uh, would it be alright if… if we, uh, try somethin’ else?”
When your shirt joins your shorts just a few feet away, you nod, stripping your bra from yourself as well before breathing forward a ‘yes’ that makes him want to claw at his jeans. Though, when your hands reach for his belt, he grabs your wrist, stopping you in place, his grip unmoving and firm. Only when your eyes flick up to meet his does he run his thumb across your skin, and you swear you see the corner of his mouth quirk upwards.
“Sit on my face.”
His words are so abrupt that it takes a second for you to register them, and when you do, a giggle bubbles up from your throat, stuttering a ‘what?’ before kneeling between his legs on the mattress. You expect him to join you - to hear that grumbling chuckle before he lays you on your back and pull the leather off - but when he doesn’t and starts slowly moving the two of you up towards his headboard, you realize he’s serious and a pang of arousal shoots through you.
“Daryl, I- I’ve-“
It’s silly, the way you lower your voice to almost a whisper before speaking again, and if you didn’t look so fucking good with each of your movements - all beautiful body and beautiful face - he might have laughed. Just the tiniest bit.
“What if I kill you?”
Oh, no, that makes him chuckle - the sound blossoming through his chest - and he brings your knuckles to his lips, pressing kisses against the skin before looking up at you through his bangs. God, you’re so fucking pretty it hurts.
“Ain’t the worst way to go.”
There’s a boyish smile on his face as he speaks, but you’re still looking at him with those sloped eyebrows that scream concern, and evidently, joking was not the best way to handle this situation.
“Just- I jus’- I wanna taste ya. An’- an’ I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout this. A lot. Too much.”
He lets go of your hands at that, letting one of his rest at the crook of your neck and the other on the outside of one thigh, and his thumb caresses at your jawbone before he opens his mouth again.
“Wanna do this so fuckin’ bad, but- but ya don’t gotta if ya don’t wanna. There ain’t a lotta things I won’t do with ya. Or- or for ya.”
Daryl’s expression turns bashful at his confession, but he elates when he feels you nod against his palm, spreading your hand over his before pressing a kiss to it. He’s god damn buzzing with excitement when your movements become more sure, leading him up the bed before his back hits the headboard.
“You’ll tell me if it’s too much, right?”
He nods then - maybe does it too quickly, honestly - but he can’t bring himself to care as he feels you press him down against his mattress. His cock is throbbing at the surety of your actions, and he’s in a haze of mind-numbing lust until you’re straddled over his lower stomach, fully naked now if the slick heat of you there means anything.
“How will- how will you let me know? ‘Cause you won’t exactly be able to talk.”
Your thighs rest flush on either side of him and his hands gravitate to them before you can even finish your first sentence. Daryl’s tongue darts out when he sees that patch of wet curls sat below the rise of his ribcage, and, yeah, this is heaven on fucking Earth.
“I’ll tap out right like this. Scout’s honour.”
He taps on the outside of your thighs once, then twice before he spreads his palm across your ass and lifts you towards him. The bed squeaks as you shuffle closer and closer, and he swallows down the rush of saliva racing up his throat, half in anticipation and half in how fucking good you look. He’d stare forever if he could.
“You were never a boy scout.”
Scoffing insincerely, he watches in awe as you rise to a kneel, and his fingers spread you open, nearly groaning himself at the way you moan when he brushes against your entrance. There’s a sneaking suspicion in him that, even if it gets too much for him, maybe he never would tap out. Maybe he’d spend eternity between your thighs and overwhelm himself with you. He’s certainly not opposed to it now that you’re so close.
“Jus’ take what ya need, y’understand? I’m a big boy. I can take it.”
You might still be a little too sensitive from just moments ago, but you push through the slight shake in your thigh as you near his face. Daryl doesn’t seem to be on your side, though, because his tongue darts out between his lips and he stares at all of you - like he wants to fucking devour you, a 12 course meal after months of starvation.
“Dar- Daryl, don’t look at me like that.”
Heat blankets you from neck up and you grip the edge of his headboard to get yourself out of your head, patting yourself on the back for making it just below his chin.
Stop overthinking this. Just stop.
“You’re soakin’. Worked up, ain’t ya? Jesus, you’re so pretty it hurts.”
You wish you could hate him. You wish you could hate the tiny, miniscule lilt of amusement in his voice, but then he drags his pointer and middle fingerpads against your entrance, gathering the evidence of his observation with palms still spread against you, and there’s no way to hate his stupidly handsome upturned lips.
“Shut up.”
His grin only grows at your words, and when one of his eyebrows rises, you’ve played enough children’s games with him to know what he’s going to say.
“Make me.”
And you do.
Sinking down on him, you tighten your hold against his headboard and nearly keel forward when he tightens his hold against you, pulling you down further until you’re sure you must be suffocating him. But when you go to lift off him, he grunts into you, keeping you in place so he can flatten his tongue against you and encouraging you to grind.
It’s a little awkward at first - the bed is squeaking with the uneven rock of your weight-bearing knees and there’s no fucking way he thinks you look good from that angle - but his stubble rubs against you just right, and when he grabs your hand, letting you thread your fingers through his hair so you can angle him and take your pleasure from him, your forehead thumps against the drywall, the thud of it reverberating with your moan.
Your abdomen flexes as you rut into him, your eyes falling closed though his stay open to watch. He’d gone too many nights thinking about this - the sounds you would make, what you would like and how you would like it - and when he moves you just the slightest bit upwards, his nose drags against you and his tongue presses in, lighting your nerves on fire and rubbing against something fucking devasting, you think you might have cried out his name loud enough for the houses across the street to hear.
Or, at the very least, his neighbour, whose name escapes you because the only name you can think of is Daryl, Daryl, Daryl.
His eyebrows are furrowed beneath you, deadset in determination and concentration as his fingers dig into your inner thighs, palms resting at the tops of them to keep you from moving up too much and letting any of you escape him. He’s making as much of a ruckus as you are - less, considering he has you muffling him - but when you moan, he moans, the sound reverberating through you and making the cycle repeat itself.
He’s a quick learner; it didn’t take a genius to know he's observant, or that he’s damn good with his hands, but what you didn’t know was how easily he could pull your noises until your throat felt raw. You’re not sure if the person you’re hearing is even you, but then again, who else would Daryl even let do this to him?
“Daryl- Daryl, oh my god.”
Nor does it take a genius to know how close you are, a precarious lean over a cliff’s edge. Just a breeze could knock you down
He pulls you away then - just a bit, kissing the inside of your thighs after obscenely licking his lips and swallowing - and his words are less coherent sentences than they are half-formed, love-drunk mumblings, but they’re just as sure in his intent.
“C’mon, give it to me. Be a good girl ‘n give it to me. So fuckin’ pretty like this, ya got no idea. Ain’t got no right lookin’ like this.”
His praises are all you need to succumb, another flick of his tongue and grind of your hips making you spasm as he holds you, your legs pressing against him and sandwiching his ears as the tension in your stomach rises and snaps. You didn’t know you could feel like this - that someone could make you feel like this - and you coat him, running down his cheek and his tongue and his stubble as he tries to catch as much of you as he can.
You clench around nothing as he mouths at you, eager and sloppy with his movements, and your hand in his hair keeps him in place. You feel like you might float away from Earth if you weren’t holding onto him, and even as you start to slow down, bangs fallen into your face and sweat stuck to your forehead, he keeps you rocking against him. It’s wholly selfish, he knows it is and he would confess that if you wanted him to, but he wants to see you do it again. He wants to see it so fucking bad.
“Daryl- I- it’s too- it’s too much.”
He lets go of his grip then, pressing kisses down your thigh as you rise up off him, but as he watches you clench, his spit and your own arousal a slick mess against you, his biceps flex to keep you in place again. The dig of his nails makes you mewl, and when your hand unthreads from his hair and goes to grab one of his, he links his fingers with yours, holding you against your own thigh.
“Jus’- jus’ let me look for a second. Jus’ a little longer.”
And when he sounds like that, who are you to say no? Your whole being’s belonged to him for months now.
So you let him stare - even bring your other hand down from the headboard to clear his stray strands from his eyes so he can see you better.
“Was that what you thought it would be like?”
Humming, he kisses your legs once more before letting you go, wiping at his stubble with the back of his hand before sitting up against the headboard. You’re to the side of him, perched on those pretty knees that were around his head just minutes ago, and for a second, he’s stuck replaying, half-lidded cerulean staring back at you.
“Was more’n I could’a thought. Was fuckin’- you were- you were so fuckin’ hot.”
He feels like such an idiot when he says those words, reduced to a hormone riddled teenager because he can - shit - he’s pretty sure he can still taste you, and he brings the back of his hand to his forehead, closing his eyes and pulling breaths from the air. He needs a second to process and pick up the pieces of his lust-crumbled brain, and even though he tries, it slips from his grasp like sand.
You shuffle towards him then, your weight leant on your arms to give him a quick kiss, disarming in its charm, the heat of your fingers beneath his chin still lingering even after you’ve moved. His lips stay puckered for a second longer, and when he feels you grab at his belt, an interested raise of his brows accompany the opening flutter of his eyes.
He watches enamoured as you unclink the buckle, a spectator in your erotic display as you slide the leather from their loops and unzip his too fucking tight jeans, and he audibly groans when you pull them off him, the sway of your chest making too many late night thoughts lurch forward.
“Think you can keep goin’?”
Smiling, you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from making an audible noise when you finally pull his boxers from him. He’s red - so red and angry, jutting against Daryl’s stomach as if screaming at you to look - and just the sight of his cock is enough to have you reaching out to palm at him.
“Yes. Yes. I can keep going. I wanna do everything with you.”
He nearly melts into a puddle from your voice - raw from calling out his name and the haze of desire from feeling him leak viscous against your palm - and in a fluid motion, he has your back pressed against the mattress, only the squeak of it even making you realize he’s moved you. Well, that and the fact he’s propped himself up on both elbows and has your body beneath his.
“Then let’s keep goin’.”
Daryl sinks down then, and when you feel him smile against the skin of your neck, you wonder if, after you’re both sated and heaving breaths to fill your lungs from the exertion, you’ll ever want to be anywhere else but his bed.
Either way, you won’t hear a complaint from him.
»»———— ⊱
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWB 1x09/1x10: A Template for the Daryl/Carol Spinoff and a Bethyl Reunion
So, what did everyone think of TWB finale? I really enjoyed it. As I’ve been teasing, I had a HUGE lightbulb moment about this series and what it points to symbolically.  I know many in the fandom are asking what the point of this series is if we don’t see Rick. Well, I think I know. As I’ve said in Asks, I think plot-wise, we may still see Rick (or even Beth) in S2. The characters aren’t actually inside the CRM yet, but at least Hope and Silas are going there, so there will be more opportunity for them to run into Rick or Beth next season.
***As always, spoilers abound below for TWB 1x09 and 1x10. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
So, what was my big lightbulb moment? Here it is:
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Symbolically, this is foreshadowing what will happen with the Daryl/Carol spinoff, Rick, and how Daryl and Beth will reunite. The good news is, I’m more convinced than ever that she’s close. You’ll see why as we go along. The bad news is, we really probably won’t get a Bethyl reunion until the spinoff, which will come after S11. That’s a ways off. I was just praying we’d see her either in the flagship series or in TWB or FTWD before then, and then the news broke that she’ll be in the bonus episodes in flashbacks. I know that doesn’t prove she’s alive, but it was still kind of an answer to a prayer for me. Okay, so here goes.
This will be long, as I have a LOT of things to talk about here. Let’s establish names, first of all, as I’ll be referencing all these people. Iris and Hope’s dad is Leo. The woman with him (the same female scientist we’ve seen in the codas) is Lyla Belshaw. Felix’s boyfriend’s name is Will.
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So, we finally met Will in ep 9. We see him in flashbacks. We see when he and Felix first met (which incidentally was when he first met Huck; that’s important). Then there’s a bedroom scene where they’ve obviously been in a relationship for a time. We see Felix talking to Will about how he really wants to go with Leo, but Leo has asked him to stay behind with Iris and Hope. Then we see Felix find out Will was going with Leo instead (which kinda crushed him) and then we see them all say goodbye.
This is a funny thing to say, but it was the bedroom scene that made it all click for me. Lol. It was because of the sleeve Felix wears on one arm. My fellow theorists tell me that they talked about this earlier in the season, but I either completely missed it, or it went in one ear and out the other. Hey, I’m human, too. ;D  
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It reminded me of the plaid sleeve on Daryl’s coat when they went to Oceanside in 7x15 to take their guns. Remember that? 
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At first, I thought he was missing the sleeve of his jacket. But then someone told me it was actually just that a different sleeve was sewn onto the jacket. As though someone had put it together piecemeal. Well, same thing, only this was black rather than plaid. Now, we’ve seen parallels between Felix and Daryl before, especially in the beginning. He talked about how he had a not-so-happy family background and specifically how his dad (like Daryl’s) was just not cool. He’s also like Daryl in that he’s kind of the badass protector of the group, right? So when I first noticed the sleeve, I went, “Okay, another Daryl parallel. Hmm.”
Then Will had an interesting line. As they got up, he said, “I’ll make pancakes if you made dinner later.” I went, “pancakes!” 
Cue first lightbulb moment. (Reminder: pancakes/Bisquik is a Beth/resurrection symbol.) Felix = Daryl; Will = Beth. That’s what these symbols are pointing to. And it actually makes perfect sense in a way I hadn’t really thought of before. Think about it: at the beginning of this series, we had Felix who was once in a romantic relationship with Will, but the two of them are separated. Felix hasn’t talked to, seen, or heard from Will in a long time, right? So, it’s a separation thing. You could even argue (and I think I did back in ep 1) that Felix keeping and wearing Will’s coat lines up with Daryl having Beth’s knife. At the end of ep 10, Felix runs into Will and they have a huge reunion. I’ll come back to that in more detail in a minute.
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So here’s the thing: the more I thought about this, the more lightbulb moments I had. What do we know about Felix’s backstory, especially where Leo (Iris and Hope’s dad) is concerned? We know Felix and Leo became friends, Leo kind of adopted him, and Felix became part of the family, right? Well, that’s pretty much exactly what happened with Rick and Daryl. If Felix = Daryl and Will = Beth, Leo = Rick. Think about that. Leo left to join the CRM/helicopter group. Felix was left behind to protect his children. The biggest difference in TWD is that Rick didn’t go voluntarily, where Leo did. But other than that, same situation. Rick was taken into the CRM, and Daryl is now raising and protecting his children.
My next lightbulb moment came later in the episode. Felix gets hurt. He can’t walk very well. Huck says she has to leave him behind. Everyone is upset and saying goodbye and Felix hugs Huck and tells her he loves her. And of course this isn’t romantic love because, well, he’s gay. And THAT’S when it hit me.
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From a Daryl standpoint, who is a woman Daryl loves, but not romantically? Carol. Gals, if Felix is Daryl and Will is Beth and Leo is Rick, then Huck is Carol. And think about it: if you set Iris and Hope and the boys aside for a minute, this entire story line is about the Daryl character (Felix) and the Carol character (Huck) taking off together to look for Leo. (Otherwise known as the Rick character.)
Boom. This entire thing is a foreshadow and parallel/proxy of the Carol/Daryl spinoff storyline. I guess you could say that my official theory now is that it’s new of Rick that will pull Daryl and Carol away from the community. They’ll go to find him. That’s why they’ll leave together after S11. But what happens here for Felix? On his journey to find Leo, he runs into Will, his love interest, who represents Beth.
So, Daryl will leave to find Rick, and somewhere along the way, he’ll finally find Beth and they’ll have their reunion.
Couple of thoughts/details here, just for clarification:
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1) I’m not sure Huck’s exact arc here will be Carol’s. She’s a member of the CRM, which Carol is clearly not. And she really betrays Felix with all this. In the finale, the two of them get into full-on hand-to-hand combat, which I REALLY don’t see being the case with Daryl and Carol. But we also know Carol has betrayed TF in various ways over the years (Karen/David, letting Negan out of his cell, Connie) so it may be more about the type of character than about the exact arc.
2) I’m not sure how the kids fit in. Even though we’ve always thought Iris and Hope might be proxies to Beth and Maggie (and I still think that’s true) overall, I think they MORE represent Judith and RJ. Only because of Leo = Rick and they’re his kids. Now, obviously Iris and Hope are much older than Rick’s kids, and Judith and RJ aren’t going to take off to find Rick. So I don’t know if they’ll figure into this or not. It’s hard to say because in this show, Leo’s kids are with Felix. So will it be a matter of Judith and RJ being taken, or will he leave them behind? I honestly don’t know.
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What I said above about Felix meeting Huck and Will at the same time? It just struck me as yet another parallel. Even though Daryl knew Carol before Beth (because S1), S2 was only days after s1. So really, he met them around the same time. And while he became besties with Carol, the romance lies with Beth. Same with Felix. Besties with Huck. In love with Will. Just saying.
Oh, and something @frangipanilove​ reminded me of: Tom Sawyer Theory. There have been tons of Mark Twain/Widow Douglas/Tom Sawyer references around Carol. Now this character’s name is Huck, and it’s a nickname that comes from Huckleberry Finn because she was found on a raft.
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Okay, moving on. Um…let’s talk Percy for a minute.
Remember that I said last week he was a major Beth proxy, because he seems to have staggered off, wounded, and everyone assumes he’s dead, but there was no body.
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In this episode, Elton finds him and guess what? He’s been shot. So in keeping with the Beth parallel (no body, staggered away, presumed dead) he was also shot, not stabbed. Not in the head, of course, but in the chest/shoulder. But it was important for Elton to find that because it made him realize Silas didn’t do it. Silas didn’t have a gun. 
Another thing I found interesting is that Elton was sure Percy would die. His hallucination of Percy kept saying, “you know I’m going to die, right? I’m not going to survive.” And things like that. But low and behold, Percy actually lives. So, yet another way to round out the Beth parallel. Got shot. Staggered away. No one correctly understood what actually happened there. But he runs into someone who helps him and saves him. And, he lives.
So then Elton and Percy find Silas. And this was super cool from a TD standpoint as well. Silas accidentally starts a fire. The smoke from it, while less, looks EXACTLY like the smoke from the moonshine shack in Still. (Ah foreshadows.) Elton sees the smoke and follows it, hoping to find Silas, which he does.
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And here’s where, again, it gets interesting. They have a small but sweet reunion. Elton runs up and hugs Silas really tight and says that he found him and also that he brought Silas’s bag and that he found his walkman and headphones in the road. 
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It was the way he said that that caught my attention. He found them in the road. Last week, we totally compared the headphones to the music box, but I didn’t think about the fact that he dropped them in the middle of the road. I didn’t think to compare them to Daryl finding the green jasper in the middle of the road. But Elton found Silas’s MUSICAL DEVICE in the middle of the road and brought it back to him. Also, Rock in the Road story/theory. And @wdway​ pointed out Daryl’s line to Beth in Alone: “Go up the road a ways; I’ll meet you there.”
So, think about this. We have this rock-in-the-road reference, and a reunion between Elton and Silas. In the same episode, we see Felix, out on the road, walking through the woods, stumble onto his romantic partner, who he hasn’t seen in a LONG time. They hug, have a reunion, both are crying, and Will cries out, “I thought you were dead.” 
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Let’s talk about Leo, Iris and Hope’s dad. In terms of the plot, I actually have a lot of questions, but I suppose that’s the point. In ep 10, we have lots of scenes of Iris and Hope’s dad. The woman from the codas, Lyla is in them, too. She and Leo are in a romantic relationship. But it’s obvious that she’s a plant by the CRM and that she’s feeding them information. I wasn’t sure if these scenes were meant to be present day, or flashbacks. I THINK they’re present day. So, he’s actually fine and not really in any danger.
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We were right in thinking that Hope is the asset. In this episode, they say they just want her for her smarts, to help her father in his research. To some extent, it’s like she’s Eugene for this show (except for real, lol). Her dad says of her at one point, “maybe she’ll save the world.” Which feels like a foreshadowing. So maybe she really will find the cure or something. We’re also wondering if there’s something more they aren’t telling us. Like some sort of immunity thing. But they haven’t said anything like that in this episode.
The other reason I’m not sure about what Hope’s role will be is that she is obviously a proxy for Beth on her own. (In one flashback, everyone is eating dinner together and she says, “I made the carrots.” So yeah, self-proclaimed Beth proxy.) Carrot Theory Here.
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So maybe she’ll find the cure and save the world. Or maybe all these characters will die at the end and she’s just functioning as a Beth proxy. Beth isn’t the super-smart Eugene type that will save the world in that way, but I do think the fact that Hope is the “asset” and the CRM wants her is probably a proxy for Beth in some way. Just not sure how it will play out.
So, back to the dad. In these Leo scenes, it’s obvious that he’s suspicious about things having to do with the CRM. He says that he recognizes they do good things, but he’s suspicious about the military. He says that Will’s scouting mission should have been back days ago. (Yes, Felix’s Will.) But he’s not. And Lyla just passes it off as “lots of things can happen that might have delayed him.”
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So, I wasn’t sure if Will’s group, which we only see for a few seconds at the end, is part of the CRM and has just been delayed in returning, or if they’re purposely not returning because they know what the CRM did to the people at the university and have become a rebel group. My first impression was that they were rebels, hanging out in the forest, but they honestly don’t tell us much, here.
Well, that was because, the first time through, I missed the coda at the end of episode 9. You guys gotta see this shot! What happens is basically that we see Will running. He trips and falls by this walker, stares at it a moment, and then jumps up to run again. We see CRM soldiers running after him. So, that confirms that he’s now a rebel. Hiding from and rebelling against the CRM because he saw what they did at the University.
And the only reason that even matters is that we’ve conjectured that Beth might be leading a rebel group against the CRM. This is a confirmation of that theory (because Will = Beth).
But look at this shot:
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It’s a blond walker who’s literally rising from her grave. If that’s not confirmation that Will = Beth, I don’t know what is.
Oh, let’s go back to Silas for a minute. I said last week that he might be headed toward Beth, right? Yeah, I still think he might be. So, after Elton, Percy, and Silas reunite, Silas is happy to know that he didn’t kill Tony or hurt Percy. Huck did. But he and Elton want to go find the girls and tell them about Huck. Before they can, the CRM soldiers arrive. They probably followed Silas’s smoke, and also at one point Percy talked to Huck, very briefly on the walkie on an open channel. 
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So, the CRM knows they’re around and is looking for them. They try to sneak away, and come to a chain-lined fence with a locked gate. They unlock it to go through, but Percy is still bleeding a lot from his GSW. He tells them to leave him behind because he’s slowing them down and the dripping blood will be a trail right to them.
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Silas makes a choice to save his friends. He pushes them through the gate and turns himself into the CRM, even cutting his hand to account for the dripping blood. He locks it so they can’t come back in and says, “go save Iris.” The CRM does take him into custody and Elton and Percy get away. So again, if Rick and Beth are inside the organization somewhere, he really could run into them.
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What this really reminded me of was Sasha and Rosita. Major parallel there. Which, sadly, makes me wonder if Silas will die next season. A proxy, just as Sasha was. I thought it was interesting that Silas cut his hand across the palm. It’s a Christic wound and he sacrificed himself for his friends. But he’s also inside the CRM now, which means he could potentially run into Rick or Beth next season.
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I wrote down other, smaller symbols. Things we always talk about like dialogue and background symbols. There’s a part where Elton kills some walkers and a bright red leaf flies across the screen. One of our red objects, I think. And that’s while he’s saving Percy, who should have died, but lived. Percy calls Elton Corduroy at one point, which is a bear reference.
Oh! Here’s an interesting one, though it’s not directly related to Beth. At one point, when Felix gets hurt, he and the ladies (Hope, Iris, Huck) go to a particular building. I believe it used to be a retirement home, though it honestly doesn’t look medical at all. More like a manor house. Like Hilltop, only in major disrepair. When they go in, Iris says, “This place feels haunted.” And Hope says, “the whole world is haunted.” 
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That’s a shockingly exact echo of Tyreese saying that to Carol in 4x14. He said, “the whole world is haunted now.” It’s so lovely and sad, it was always one of my favorite lines. So, I sat and thought about what the parallel is supposed to be. 
I think it may be about the truth coming out. Because the biggest thing about 4x14 was Lizzie and Mica’s deaths, but nothing happened in this episode to really mirror that. No one died. But Carol also told Ty the truth about her and how she’d killed Karen. And remember that Huck is the Carol character. Here, they all find out who Huck really is and what she’s doing. It’s like, deceptions fall away and the truth is revealed. So yeah, not really a TD thing, but I thought that was super interesting.
One other thing: at one point, Hope and Huck run into walkers on the road and have to fight them. Hope has Felix’s gun, but she drops it. They’re standing on a bridge (Bridge Theory) but it’s not a huge bridge or an overpass. It’s one of those little wooden bridges over a pathetic little stream. Like, literally four feet down and they could jump off the bridge without being hurt, right? Well, when Hope dropped the gun (because she’s fighting a walker) and it slid down off the bridge and into the stream.
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Visually, it reminded me a lot of when Beth kicked the gun down the elevator shaft in Coda. So I watched closely to see if they would retrieve it. They didn’t. Huck even said something like “well, the pistol is gone, so let’s just keep going.” And I had to laugh at that. Not realistic at all. The pistol isn’t gone. It’s right there. They just had to jump down and get it. No way the little bit of water would have been enough to carry a metal gun away. So yeah, I feel like that was a purposeful parallel to Beth at Grady.
That’s most of the big stuff. My overall theory, following the template TWB is laying out for us is this: Daryl and Carol will take off together after S11, either because they have word of Rick or something to do with the kids. Just as Will is inside the CRM with Leo, Beth is inside the CRM with Rick. Somewhere on that journey, Daryl will run into Beth on the road. What happens next season in TWB will give us a better idea of what will happen where Rick is concerned in the story. But this is definitely a foreshadow of the spinoff and how Daryl and Beth will reunite.
And now, with word of Emily being in the bonus episodes, even if they’re just flashbacks, it makes me think we’ll see her in the second season of TWB. The flashbacks are priming the audience for her true return. I literally wrote the above to @wdway​ and @frangipanilove​ on Friday morning. Friday afternoon, news of Emily being in the bonus episodes broke. For me, it was just everything falling perfectly into place.
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Who are your mains/fave rp partners? Why?
I don’t have any mains really. I love all of my partners, but like with real life, there are a few of my partners that I’m closer to and talk with out of character more than any of the others. I hesitate sometimes in doing asks of this nature because I do not want to make anyone feel left out, but I feel that isn’t fair to me either. I love and adore all of my partners and our plots/threads so this is in no way a slight against anyone not listed. 
@amongxashesxembers - Love all her characters. They are so welcome and inviting. Just like the mun that portrays them. I’ve gotten super close to her since I returned to my blog last summer, and I am pretty sure I’d be lost without her. So never go anywhere, okay? <3
@boltsandashes - We talk almost every day. Pretty sure she gets sick of me, but oh well! She’s opened my eyes to a lot of different things I never gave much thought about when it comes to Daryl Dixon, and I love that so much. So happy I didn’t let anxiety keep me from approaching you that day when I did. <3 
@burnslikefire - Syd, I don’t know where I’d be if you and I weren’t friends. I am pretty damned sure that you’re my bestie in the roleplay community. Yes, we’ve had our ups and downs, but we always come back together and work things out. I love you, honey! I’m proud of you for knowing when you need a break and knowing you can trust those that love and care about you to understand that you do. Not going anywhere, honey buns! 
@doginthecorner - You and I became better friends through a rocky time in my roleplay life, and I’m so glad that you chose to keep me around. I love that just about any Caryl plot that comes into my head that you’re game for doing. I cannot wait to see what these two chuckleheads get up to! 
@its-a-superpower - Woman! I wasn’t really into the whole pairing of Connie and Daryl, and for the show, I’m still not, but our threads give me life. They are so unique and completely different from anything I’m doing with anyone else. And you? My dear, you are hilarious as all get out and just a true gem and a joy to have as a friend. I’m so happy you came into my roleplay life and became my friend. 
@prettymuchdeadalready || @aintlikeitwasbefore || @quickdrawcoltxrick || @wingsofadixon -  Tenley, my love! Where do I even start?! You and I have had it super rough, but we’re still here years later fighting that good fight. I wouldn’t have this blog if it wasn’t for you and your characters and all the plots/threads that we have going on. I don’t care if they take us 50 years to complete, I’m in for the long haul! Love you! 
@sassysurvivor - I know we don’t get to roleplay or talk much anymore, but it doesn’t change the fact that I love and adore you. You’re always on my mind when I’m on here. I miss seeing you on my dash and all your lovely muses. You were the first (and only) to indulge me with my rare pairing of Lori/Daryl, and I can never thank you enough for that. Just know that I’m always here if/when you return. 
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shimmershae · 5 years
Waltzing might have stalled (for the moment), but all the words and worlds crowding my brain haven't.  Wanna have a look-see at some of the other little Caryl drabble-verses I'm considering turning into their own full-fledged stories (eventually)?  Here you go.  Tell me which one(s) you'd most like to revisit.
First up, the AU Caryl married fic where they raise Sophia.  And a puppy. 
 “Please, Mom.” 
 “Sophia,” Carol warned. 
 “But it was an accident, Mom.  He didn’t mean to.” 
 “Tell that to my begonias.” 
 She heard a snort behind her, and she whirled around to glare at her husband.  He was just as complicit in the laundry list of crimes as her twelve-year-old.  He didn’t know it yet, but he would pay.  “Daryl, don’t even.” 
 “Didn’t say nothing.”  He grinned, edged a little closer, penned her in against the counter.  “You know you want it, Sweetheart.”   
 “Mommy,” Sophia pleaded. 
 Three pairs of puppy dog eyes stared at her until she folded, completely melted. 
“Daryl, have you seen my favorite…” 
 Daryl tried to hide the chewed-up shoe behind his back, but it was too late.  She’d already spotted it. 
 “Where is he?”
 “Sweetheart, just remember.  Harvey’s still a puppy.  He don’t know no better.”
 “Harvey Dent Dixon!” 
 Sophia appeared behind her mother, their happily slobbering new addition cradled in her arms. 
 Daryl tried to warn her away with his eyebrows, but he didn’t marry no fool.  His wife whirled around and angrily wagged her finger beneath the puppy’s nose.  
 “How do I even put up with you?”
 “We should have named you Wreck-It-Ralph.” 
 “Harvey, you know you’re not supposed to be in the bed.”
 The puppy responded to her half-hearted scolding with a sweetly pathetic whine and a broad swipe of his pink tongue across her chin, burrowing beneath the blankets with her and flopping down in an exhausted heap. 
 Caught between a giggle and a sigh, Carol merely smiled and opened her eyes, thankful her husband and daughter were at soccer practice and not bearing witness to her utter failure disciplining the little obedience school dropout.  “Oh, you.”
 Harvey’s tail thumped lazily. 
 “I have a secret.  Two, actually.  Promise not to tell?”    
“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.” 
 Daryl peeled back, let his arms fall to his sides.  His blue eyes darted over to Sophia, but the preteen was looking elsewhere, anywhere but at them. 
 Harvey was flopped down between her daughter’s bare feet, his tongue lolling, mouth panting as he tilted his head this way and that, happily, tiredly unrepentant for the latest episode of chaos.
 “Help me out here, Soph.” 
 “It looked dead.” 
 “Weren’t, though.  How’s I s’posed to know Mama and Pa would go all Commando on us?  Fucking squirrels.” 
 Carol snorted out a laugh.  “Daryl!” 
“No more dogs.  How hard is it to understand?” 
 “Really?” Carol sighed as her husband mimicked her oft-repeated words.  Twisting in her seat to face him, at least as much as the seatbelt cinched snug across her hips would allow, she challenged, “C’mon.  You can do better than that, Pookie.” 
 Behind them, Sophia giggled. 
 Catching his stepdaughter’s eyes in the reflection of the rear-view mirror, Daryl narrowed his eyes.  “Traitor.” 
 Sophia grinned, stretching out her legs and wiggling her socked feet between them, her smelly socked feet. 
 “Sophia!  Shoes back on!” 
 “What your mom said.” 
 “Technically, it’s a kitten.” 
 “You fell asleep in the tub?”
 “Third time this week,” Sophia piped up oh-so-helpfully, fingers tightening in Harvey’s collar when he made another playful lunge at their newest family member.    
 Coined Poison Ivy by her feline-averse husband, the kitten squeaked.  Blue eyes huge, just as wet and bedraggled as Carol thanks to this latest disastrous romp, it shivered and snuggled itself into the open vee of her robe. 
 “Third time, huh?”
 “Not now,” Carol frowned.  “Sophia.  Take Harvey outside.  Let him chase some real squirrels.” 
 “But Mom…” 
 Once alone, Daryl reached for her.   “Something you wanna tell me, Sweetheart?” 
 Eyeing her husband’s pale face warily, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth, Carol murmured, “Did you hear…” 
 Daryl staggered a little on his feet, hands fumbling to find the edge of their mattress, just flopped there like a fish out of water.  Still looking a little stunned, he nodded at her when she made her careful approach. 
 Smiling hopefully when his hands found her waist, Carol tenderly brushed his hair back from his forehead.  “Use your words.” 
 “A baby?  You’re…” 
 “Holy shit, Sweetheart.  We’re living in a sitcom.”    
 Frightened from her doze, Ivy mewed plaintively. 
 “Cat agrees.” 
 Second, the AU where Carol and Daryl are partners.  Purely platonic.  Or are they?
 “Bed, Soph.  Now.” 
 “Love you.” 
 “Teenagers,” Carol muttered, falling back against her bedroom door.  Kicking her heels off, she bent to peel the stockings from her legs, made short work of her blouse and skirt.  She was down to her underwear and thigh holster before she realized she wasn’t alone. 
 “Keep going, Partner.” 
 “Fuck!  Dixon!  Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” 
 “Exterminators, remember?”    
 She took off her gun, turned on the bedside lamp, rolled her eyes at the erection tenting the sheet pooled around his waist.  “Seriously?” 
 He shrugged, grinned.  “Happens.”    
 “Stay on your side." 
Thing about Mason was, she was fun to fuck with.  And Daryl?  He loved fucking around.  Both in the bedroom, and…well.  Barring the field, everywhere really. 
 She’d left her bra on.  Sexy little number.  Just a lacy shadow against her pale, freckled skin. 
 His hands, body burned with the need to touch that skin, touch her.  He didn’t.  Didn’t trust himself not to take them both down a long, dark road that would consume them both.  Didn’t want to put their partnership on the line that way, but fuck.  She was right there.  He groaned. 
 “My name isn’t Leslie…who’s Leslie?” 
Carol rolled over, glared at her uninvited bedmate.  “Answer me, Dixon.  Who the fuck is Leslie?” 
 His smirk was slow.  Sly.  “Why?  You jealous?”  He deftly avoided her attempt to knee him in the nuts, pulled her leg over his hip instead. 
 Heeding her warning, he let her go.  “Relax.  Been watching tv with your ball-busting daughter.” 
 Carol softened.  “She loves that show.” 
 “Yeah, well.  Didn’t do much for me.” 
 “Your taste is questionable at best.” 
 “Mine?  What about yours?” 
 “Excuse me?” 
 “Your UPS man wear his little shorts on your date?” 
 “Scoot over a little bit, please.” 
“Quit moving.  I’m trying to sleep.  Wait.  Are you…what?!” 
 Daryl’s hand stilled under the sheet just long enough for him to hiss, groan.  “Jesus, Mason.  Think you can stop screaming in my ear?”  That was absofuckinglutely the wrong thing to say because those blue eyes flashed and caught fire, and shit.  Shit.  His hand quickly went from tugging his dick to shielding it as his partner’s small hands balled into fists, and she growled.  She fucking growled.  He was equal parts terrified and turned on.  Alright.  More like 60% terrified, 40%...
 “My kid’s…” 
 “14 going on 40 and not here.” 
Third, teen besties Caryl AU where they both grew up with absent parents and found each other early on. 
 “We really doing this silent treatment shit?  S’not my fault they only had one room.” 
 Carol heaved her duffel on top of the bed with a roll of her eyes, started digging through it like it held the secrets of the fuckin’ universe. 
 He wished.  Some last hurrah this was turning out to be.  Stuck in Bumfuck, Nowheresville in this Bates Motel wannabe.  With a best friend who’d sooner rip his nuts off than utter a civil word.  “Got a beer in there?” 
  “Shit.  Sorry.  Jesus.”
 “Is that…That’s my shirt.  So is that…wait.”   
 “S’Walsh, right?  You crushin’ on me, Sweetheart?" 
 He was almost asleep, first decent forty winks he’d managed since they’d started this trash-fire trip when he heard it:  a blood-curdling scream worthy of this place’s whole Psycho ambience. 
 The bathroom door bounced against the wall when he burst through it, practically broke his nose on the rebound, but that was all beside the point.  Two steps inside, and Carol was in his arms.  Shaking, still squealing, naked as the day she was fuckin’ born.  “Shh.  Got ya.  S’alright.  Somebody…shit.” 
 “Kill it.” 
 “A roach?  Seriously?  Thought you were bein’ murdered.” 
 “It’s prehistoric…what?” 
 “You’re so clingy.  I love it.” 
 They checked out, ended up at some Waffle House knock-off a half mile down the road that smelled like grease and maple syrup. 
 Daryl had already demolished his burger, was on the second refill of his shake before he addressed the huge fuckin’ pink elephant in the room.  “So, I saw you naked.  No big deal.” 
 Carol tugged at one of her wet curls.   “Great.  What every girl wants to hear.” 
 “Yeah, well.  Waxing poetic or some shit ‘bout your world class tits would only make things weird.” 
 “World class, huh?” 
 “Sharing is caring.  Now, give me your fries.” 
 “Oh.  Did I scare you, big boy?” 
 His fingers still fumbling with his half-zipped fly, Daryl scowled.  “Fuck off.” 
 Carol sighed, gathered her loose curls in one hand, lifted them from her sweaty neck.  “Would you relax?  I didn’t even see anything.” 
 Daryl remained skeptical.  “Sure?”
 This time, Carol rolled her eyes.  “Yes, I’m sure.   Want me to tear the hinges off a bathroom door next time?” 
 Daryl’s ears burned with the pointed reminder, and he joined her on the truck’s old tailgate, cast his eyes to the evening sky, their surroundings.  It was too…
 “Children of the Corn.” 
 Fourth, Sophia finds herself in a spot of trouble. 
“Quit stalling.  Where’s your father?” 
 Beside her, Sophia moaned into the cover of her hands.  “Mom, please.  It’s not Cade’s fault.” 
 Feeling her blood pressure tick up another notch, Carol wryly reminded her teen daughter, “Of course not.  I paid attention in health class.  It takes two.” 
 “Which makes it both their faults.” 
 The screen door slammed shut behind the man as he belatedly joined the fray, and Carol did a double take.  “Daryl?” 
 The boy’s shoulders lifted defiantly, but his blue eyes still looked just as worried. 
 “You’re Cade’s father?” 
 “Uncle,” Daryl clarified. 
 “This keeps getting better and better.” 
 Finally, because this post is too long and I'm going to have to do another one, AU.  Carol and Daryl are two neighbors not-so-secretly pining over each other, and the waiting game for one of them to make a move is killing Carol’s visiting friend Aaron.  He decides to help things along. 
  “Hold my hand so he gets jealous.” 
 “What?  But you’re, well.”  Her cheeks almost as red in that moment as her hair, Carol couldn’t even sputter out the word. 
 Aaron, as always, was quick to bail her out of the awkward moment.  Hiding his smirk in her mad cap of curls, he took her hand in his own and pulled her against his side, ushering her quickly down the hallway to her apartment door while her neighbor—her hot, adorably awkward, single, and undeniably interested neighbor—watched.  “What Dixon doesn’t know…” 
 “No buts.  Just play along.” 
 “He watching?” 
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mtvswatches · 6 years
Crazy Ex Girlfriend - 4x02 I Am Ashamed
Stray thoughts
1) Is “Meet Rebecca” – if that’s the title – the new theme song? I was wondering what the new theme song was going to be, and I was also pondering about the fact that this show has changed its theme song every season and all of them were magical and catchy in their own way. I felt the same way at the beginning of season 2 and season 3 (why are they doing this? I loved the old theme song!) and yet I always ended up actually liking the new one. More importantly, I understood why the theme song needed to change. It definitely sets the tone of the season and gives you an idea of what Rebecca’s arc is going to be about.
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So yeah, I don’t know how I feel about Meet Rebecca. I think the song “Who’s the new guy?” summarizes my feelings about every new theme song in this show. Like, is this the new song we're going to have to grow to care about?
2) The evil laugh from the doorbell was Rebecca’s laugh from I’m the Villain in My Own Story, right?
3) Did anyone really believe Rebecca wouldn’t look at the comments? And of course she spent three days doing it, a la Research Me Obsessively.
4) “I was trying to help people” Well, you were trying to help people in order to try and help yourself, it’s not exactly selfless…
5) I do love the idea that all the things she’s done around town as part of her zany plans have not gone unnoticed. I love how this is the exact opposite of what happens on social media because literally, everything that is being said about Rebecca is actually true. She’s done all of these things that people are pinning on her, they are not making all of this shit up. And while Rebecca is intent on owning up to everything she’s done, going to jail was the easy way out. Having every little – and big – horrible thing you’ve done shoved on your face and posted online for the whole world to see? That’s the real challenge.
6) Ha! She just basically said what I just explained:
I want to say “fake news”, but it’s just “news.”
7)  They’re watching Hocus Pocus!!
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8) Hebbeca, Darryl? What are you doing to your child? But also, I just love every single scene Darryl is in. He’s such a wholesome, bisexual, beautiful, mustached, sweet man. And I don’t think the show gets enough credit for what they’re doing with Daryl’s arc. Not only did he come out as bisexual, but he’s also an amazing father and he’s a male character who was given the typical female I-want-to-have-a-baby “arc”. And he’s all around awesome.
9) YES! New Guy callback!! (that’s one of my favorite songs, it’s so wonderfully meta and self-aware, I just love it!)
10) Carpe Diem, Carpe Dontem – what a great way to boil down that inner struggle of simultaneously wanting and not wanting to seize the day. (Edit: I didn’t immediately like the song the first time I heard it, but after rewatching the episode, I enjoyed it a whole lot more.)
11) I just wanted to say that Dr. Akopian is a great doctor and has been such a pivotal part of Rebecca’s recovery. This character represents yet again the thing I like the most about this show – how grounded in reality it is. You want to get better? It’s not going to happen overnight and there are no magical solutions. It’s hard and it takes time and effort, and you will need professional help, the right professional for you. And I think Rebecca has definitely found hers.
REBECCA: I’m sorry about Hocus Pocus, I was masturbating for six hours.
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13) Is this literally a Halloween episode, as in, is it going to be a scary episode…?
14) OF COURSE Rebecca’s house would be a POO murder house. (“I'm in the backyard and I got poo on my shoes.”)
15) I love Hector 100% more after he tried to get Rebecca out of the house without shaming her, okay? He was just like, “Okay, ghost, right, let’s go!”
16) Not only is Valencia totally buying the whole ghost thing but she claims to have been haunted by John Candy’s ghost? How many layers does this woman have?
17) Rebecca wants to do the spells they did on The Craft, I mean, who wouldn’t? Raise your hand if you and your besties tried to do the whole “Light as a feather, stiff as a board” and were utterly disillusioned when none of you floated.
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18) Snailor Swift, how cute!
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19) I kinda love that the new guy is here to get the business back on track but he’s also down to dressing up for Halloween and bonding with everyone? Because who says you can’t do both?
20) So, White Josh is babysitting Hebecca. Huh.
21) Yes, Girl Group is definitely the pivotal relationship in this show.
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Neither Heather nor Paula want to pander to Rebecca’s constant need to run away from her problems. They call it like it is, and they stand by her anyway. Because that’s what friends do.
22) Hmmm…
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23) This has to be… collective hysteria or something, right? It can’t be a ghost…
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24) I made this point during my recap for the first episode, and I think I was right? Nathaniel is turning into Season 1 Rebecca…
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Look at him, sitting in the dark after he met a private detective he hired to find dirt on the new guy... 
25) Tag yourself, I’m Paula. Literally.
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Well, at least she’s using the ghost as an excuse to get out of the house right?
26) It’s so nice to see divorced parents co-parenting and being supportive of each other.
27) “You can’t change what happened but you can change what will happen.” That’s a powerful message, and it’s nice to see Rebecca reached that conclusion on her own. Even if she did make up a ghost to get there...
28) Is this guy a security guard of... everywhere?
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29) I just loved every little thing about The Cringe? It was so wonderfully Halloweeny while being oddly un-Halloweeny, you know? But I truly did love the theme of the song. I think we all have those moments of things we did or said eons ago that somehow pop up in our minds at the weirdest moments and make us cringe in embarrassment. I know I have quite a few of those for sure.
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30) So, is Rebecca going to become the town’s celebrity or something?
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31) I’m so glad there really wasn’t a ghost. Thank you, show, for not disappointing me.
32) Yeah, I’m loving how the show keeps selling this relationship as the center of the show. I’m all for it.
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33) While I did enjoy this episode and it was a fun hour, I don’t think it’s one of the strongest of the series. But I can’t wait to see what else they have in store for us this season!
34) As usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
7 notes · View notes
crzcorgi · 7 years
Love on Board
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader x Jon Bernthal
5200 words
Warnings ~ NSFW
Who would think that a cruise could change your life?
tagging ~ @namelesslosers @walkingdead96 @chelseafartnoise @yedi16 @mypopculturediva @londoncapsule @xsophiaxox @hobobilbo @dramaqueenarg @sarahlee8793 @trees-and-ink
   I couldn’t believe it. I was finally living my dream. My bestie Suzy and I were on The Walking Dead cruise. A boat full of other fans as crazy for the show as we were. And we were joined by a handful of the show’s stars. Which is why I was here.  Actually, I was here to see 3 of those stars specifically. 3 breathtaking men that turn every red blooded woman crazy with lust. Suzy and I were getting ready for a panel with one of those men, the other two having a panel later on.
 Once we were dressed, our swimsuits on under our sundresses, we headed down to the deck that held the panels.
   A last minute change in panels caused them to place the 3 men I was most eager to meet, the men that haunted my dreams, together. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Norman Reedus and Jon Bernthal.
 “Can you believe this?!” I whispered to my best friend, Suzy. “It’s like a dream come true!” I worked my way through the crowd, hoping to get closer to the stage. It was like the clouds parted as I was  able to reach the edge of barricades separating the crowd from the stage.
 “Desperate much?” Suzy jabbed my side, a smirk on her face. I laughed her off, I was way too excited to care.
 Just then the moderator stepped up on the stage, walking to the middle. “Is everyone ready? Can I hear some ‘Hell ya’s?!’” The crowd erupted in cheers, me included.
 “Let’s give it up for some of our favorites from the Walking Dead world. First up, you know him as Rick’s partner, Shane Walsh, and now starring as Frank Castle, The Punisher, Mr. Jon Bernthal!
 As he stepped onto the stage, I couldn’t help but swoon a bit, he was, after all, my first Walking Dead crush. My bestie whispering, “He’s better looking in person!” I didn’t want to miss a thing so I just nodded in agreement, my eyes never leaving the stage.
 “He’s everyone’s favorite lovable redneck, Daryl Dixon, Mr. Norman Reedus!” As Norman stepped on stage, the crowd erupted in hoots, a chorus of “I love you’s” and whistles, Suzy quickly joining in. He was her favorite so no surprise.
 “He’s the bad guy everyone loves to hate, or hates to love, the man with the bat, Negan, Mr. Jeffrey Dean Morgan!”
 The crowd, which hadn’t calmed down from Norman’s entrance, became much louder and rowdier. And I, of course, joined in.
 “Calm down y/n!” Suzy grabbed my arm, acting like she was disapproving but quickly joined in.
 “I’m sorry Suzy, but he is freaking gorgeous! They all are!” As I was staring at Jeffrey, I kept taking quick glances at Norman and Jon. As the men began joking with each, I became utterly enthralled. These men, honestly took my breath away.
I wasn’t even sure I took in what they were saying, just watching them, each one so amazingly handsome in their own way. But you always seemed to gravitate back towards Jeff & Jon.
Norman, though not conventionally handsome, had a certain rough around the edges charm. Very handsome in his own right.
Jon was swoon-worthy, so very manly, a masculinity that just made me gasp.
 Jeffrey, he was the whole package. The whole sexy swagger, manly man, rugged as fuck, that made your panties wet. His lip-licking, nose crinkling, adorably dimpled damn face that you just couldn’t look away from.
 Yes, I had it bad.
 “Y/N, what next?”
 “It’s over, whatta we doing next?”
 Looking up on the stage I realized it was over, the men standing up, chatting with each other.
 “Can we just hang out here, poolside for a bit?”
 Suzy began giggling. “Oh, just want to watch them? I get it, they are all sights to behold! Sure why not. I’ve got a bit of a buzz and am in a good mood.”
 We made our way to a couple of lounge chairs, making sure we could still see the stage.
 “You know you’re practically drooling there, y/n?”
 “Oh, pffishh! I am not!”
 I tried not to stare, but how could I ignore them? These men were gods, or at least, god-like. A little bit of heaven on earth. And I was this close to it. And I wanted them. Badly.
I closed my eyes, the afternoon sun feeling so nice on my face. Falling asleep, I began dreaming, a wonderful dream featuring those beautiful men. But I was soon rudely awakened.
 “Wake up! Let’s go back to the cabin and get ready for the party tonight. I haven’t a clue which outfit I’m wearing and I need your help.”
 Back in our cabin, trying on outfits, enjoying some nice wine, I all but forgot about my desire.
 Heading down to the deck the party was on I started feeling excited. It had been awhile since I’d been out. I missed it, the parties, fun crowds, the drinking. I never drank to excess, but feeling that fun high from just a bit too much was so fucking enjoyable.
 We made our way through the crowd finding an empty table. “I’ll go get our drinks.” Suzy said as I climbed up onto the bar stool.
 I took a look around at the crowd. There were people of all ages, everyone mingling, chatting, laughing. It seemed a bit more laid back than the usual bar scene, everyone there for the same reason, their love of The Walking Dead bringing them together in a different kind of friendship.
 I was looking down, noticing one of my freshly manicured nails had a tiny chip, making me frown.
 “Shit!” I muttered to myself.
 “I’m sorry?”
 I knew that voice, but couldn’t believe it. Wasn’t sure I wanted to lift my face to see him, to look into those eyes. This had to be a dream. He cleared his throat, trying to get my attention thinking I must not have heard him. I had to look at him. And so, I did, slowly lifting my head to face him.
 And I choked, on nothing but air. There he stood, all 6 foot 2 inches of fucking manliness.
 “You okay sweetheart?” He placed his large palm on my back, patting it lightly, then rubbing it softly. I could feel the heat radiating off it. It felt so good.  
Breathe, breathe! I had to will myself to keep up bodily functions that normally would be automatic. I knew I needed to speak, but how? But I was saved when Suzy appeared, drinks in hand.
 “OMG! Hello! Uh, we love you!” She put the drinks down, non stop giggling as she sat next to me.
 “I’m afraid I scared your beautiful friend.” Jeffrey told her. “I was just going to ask if this seat was free, I’m so sorry darling, I’ll just be on my way.” He removed his hand from my back, making me audibly sigh.
 “No, uh, please, this seat is free!” I squeaked out, my voice so much higher than usual.
 “Are you sure?” He leaned down, so much closer to my face, looking directly into my eyes.
 “We’re sure!” Suzy chirped, kicking the extra stool out with her foot.
 He moved away from me just enough to grab the stool, pulling it directly next to me and sitting down.
 “So, how are you enjoying the cruise so far? No seasickness right?” He smiled, those damn dimples on full display.
 Suzy spoke up. “Nope, we’ve been juuuust fiiiine!” She giggled, obviously the wine she’d had earlier plus the whiskey she just downed, going to her head.
 “That’s good. Don’t want this beautiful lady sick in bed.”
 Was he talking to me?! I couldn’t wrap my head around it. So I just smiled nicely at him, grabbing the glass of god knows what Suzy had brought me, and downed it in one shot.
 Jeff grabbed my hand, causing me to squeak. “Easy there sweetheart! You’ve gotta pace yourself. We have plenty of night left!”
“Fuck dood! We’ve been lookin’ for ya!” It was Norman Reedus. And behind him, pulling away from eager fangirls, was Jon Bernthal.
 I’m drunk and dreaming, that’s it. Because this can’t be real. I can’t be sitting here with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jon Bernthal and Norman Reedus. Nope.
 “Mind if these gentlemen join us dolls?” Jeffrey looked right at me, those hazel eyes boring into me.
 “Oh, of course they can!” Suzy hiccuped, covering her mouth and giggling. “Come sit here Norman!” She patted the stool nearest her.
 I began to feel braver, figuring if I was dreaming, why not enjoy myself? No one would be the wiser as it would all be safe inside my head.
 We all began chatting, Suzy and I peppering them with TWD questions. And they answering us both happily. It was like we were old friends just catching up.
 “Can I let you in on a little secret doll?” Jeff had leaned into, almost whispering into my ear, the vibrations from his deep baritone heading straight to my core, making me rethink my panty choice.
 “Um, sure?!” I was almost afraid to ask.
 “We saw you from the stage. All 3 of us.” He winked, his tongue darting out across his bottom lip. “We know how you feel about us.”
 My eyes must have grown 3 sizes bigger. How could he possibly know that?
 “Uh, you saw me?”
 “I most certainly fucking did. And I pointed you out to Bubba and Jon.” His eyes never leaving mine as his hand landed on my bare thigh.
 I tried to stay calm. But all I could think of, what I realized, was that his hand, on my leg, was most certainly not a dream. It was real. Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s hand was touching my bare skin, very close to my… UGH!
 “So…” He had now moved impossibly closer, his lips grazing my ear. “what do you say to going somewhere much more private?”
 I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, so afraid I might make a noise, panicked my body would betray me and he would know exactly what he was doing to me. I wanted, needed, to look cool, unaffected by his moves.
 “Uh, but I’m here with my frie…” I looked up to see Suzy was gone, Norman too. “What the?!”
 “Looks like she saw what she wanted and fucking took it. That leaves me and Jon. All alone doll.” He gave me this sad puppy dog look, pouty lips and all. I couldn’t help the giggle.
 “Whatta say sweetheart?” Jon was suddenly standing behind me, his hands reaching out lightly to massage my shoulders.
 Something inside me switched, on or off, I’m not sure. All I know is in that moment, that glorious moment, I decided to throw caution, and god willing, my panties, to the wind.
 I began to stand, both men attempting to help me. Jeff taking my hand while Jon pulled my bar stool back.
 “So where to gentlemen?” I winked in both their directions. A smirk on my cherry red lips.
 “How about my stateroom Doll?” Jeffrey purred in my ear.
 Not counting on my voice, I just nodded. We left out of the bar, heading straight for the elevator. As the doors opened, we stepped inside, Jeff’s hand landed on my lower back causing shivers to run up and down my spine.
 “Nervous darlin’?” Jon asked, startling me out of my thoughts.
 “Kind of?” I wasn’t sure how to answer, I didn’t want to scare them away with the wrong words.
 “No need to be.” Jeff whispered in my ear, causing another wave of shivers.
 “But we also want to make sure you are sure of this?” Jon motioned between you all.  
 “Yes, I’m sure.” I glanced up at them both, a shy smile on my lips.
 “You are fucking adorable doll face!” Jeffrey pulled me tightly into his side making me squeak.
 “We’re sharing Morgan.” Jon snickered, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.
 Whoa, wow.
 The elevator chimed, letting us know we reached Jeff’s deck. The doors opened and Jeff gently guided me out the door.
 “To the right sweetheart, fifth door on the left.”
 We reached the door, Jeffrey bringing his keycard out to open it. I stepped inside, taking in the opulence.
 “Wow! This is so nice!” I couldn’t help it. It was a beautiful room.
 “They do set us up nicely.” Jeff spoke, leading me over to a sofa. “Sit doll.”
 I sat down, Jeff sitting next to me, right next to me. So close our legs were touching, his body heat sinking into my bare thigh. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.
 “I gotta use your bathroom Morgan, pour me a glass?” Jon yelled as he stepped out of the living area.
 “I’m not your fucking bartender Bernthal!” He stood up, turning quickly to offer me his hand. “Come help me y/n, I’ll pour us all a little something.”
 I stood, making sure my too short dress was hiked up too far. I followed him to the bar, still a bit wobbly from the drinks I already had.
 “So what will your poison be sweet thing?” Jeff’s tongue darting our across his lips, causing my thighs to clench together tightly.
 “I think maybe I should pass, I’m still a bit tipsy.” I giggled. I turned to look out the window noticing the huge deck. I jumped when Jon’s hand landed on my ass, just a light slap.
 “Fuck girl, you are smoking hot from behind!”
 Giggling again, my voice almost a whisper as I thanked him. Hoping he didn’t notice the blush forming on my cheeks.
 “Let’s head out on the patio.” Jeff led the way outside to a grouping of soft seats.
 I sat down in a chair, both men just staring at me. Shit, did I have something on my face, in my hair?
 “Y/N, why are you sitting by yourself, get that sweet ass over here!” Jon patted the empty seat between both of them. I swallowed hard, standing to make my way to them.
 And then it happened, so quickly I couldn’t stop it. I tripped. Landing right into Jeff’s lap, my face that is.
 “Sweetheart! Are you okay?” Jeff was pulling me up and onto his lap. And I was trying so hard not to cry, the tears beginning to form. “Oh sweet girl, it’s okay! Are you hurt?” He began rubbing my back, pushing my loose hair back from my face.
 “I’m…okay, I’m just, so embarrassed!” I brought my hands up to hide my face. Humiliated.
 “No, no need to be embarrassed sweetheart, that rug is loose, any one of us could have tripped.” Jon took a hold of my feet, pulling them up into his lap, taking my shoes off and rubbing them. And fuck if that didn’t feel good.
 Jeff was now wiping the few tears that had made their way onto my cheeks, surprising me when he leaned in to kiss all over my face rapidly finding my mouth. It was such a sweet gentle kiss that turned heated when his tongue snaked its way over my lips and into my mouth. Our tongues began dancing the dance of domination, Jeff quickly winning. I brought my hands up behind his neck and into his short waves.
 I was so into our ministrations that I almost didn’t feel Jon’s hands slowly massaging their way up my legs, reaching my dress hem and sneaking underneath. He continued moving upward, my dress bunching up, until he reached his destination.
 “Silk, my favorite.” He growled as he ran his fingers over my now damp panties. “May I?” He had a hold of the lace waistband, asking permission to remove them.
 As we pulled away for air, I looked down towards Jon.
 “Yes.” I panted.
 Jeff was now nipping at my neck, finding that sweet spot where my neck melds into my shoulder. One hand grasping at my still clothed breasts, the other reaching around to my back, unzipping my dress.
 Jon’s fingers pulled at my panties, sliding them down, not stopping to touch me, just drawing it out, taking his time.
 I felt so many sensations at once, it was almost an overload. Jeff’s nips and licks on my neck, shoulder. His hands pulling my dress down, one hand undoing my bra hook. My bra falling, my breasts freed, my nipples becoming hard from the cool night air. Jon’s fingers gently tugging my panties down my legs, the delicate feather touch causing goosebumps to erupt all over my over sensitive body.
 As quick as it all began, it ended.
 “Can you stand up baby?” Jeff asked in his gravelly voice causing me to shiver.
 “Yes? I think?” I was a bit confused as to what was going on. My dress was around my waist now, my panties in Jon’s hands. My bra god knows where, my breasts exposed.
 I slipped my feet off of Jon’s lap, dropping them to the floor. As I stood, my dress slid the rest of the way down my body, pooling at my feet. I stepped out of it, pushing it aside. And there I stood, completely bare, my naked body fully exposed. In front of two men that I adored.
 “Fucking breathtaking baby, fucking breathtaking.” Jeff breathed out.
 “Gorgeous darling.”
 I felt self conscious, on display, bare, all of me. It must have shown on my face because both men leaned forward, each taking one of my hands.
 “It’s okay y/n. Let’s go inside.” Jeff stood, as did Jon, Jeff taking the lead while Jon waved me ahead. When we got back inside, Jeff spoke.
 “Bed?” He looked hesitant, but I nodded yes. I wanted them, I did. And I wouldn’t let my self doubt or nerves stop me from this once in a lifetime experience.
 As I made my way towards the bed, I glanced over my shoulder at both men. How did I ever end up here? My own fucking personal heaven.
 I crawled up onto the bed reaching the headboard and turning around. Both Jeff and Jon standing at the end of the bed, watching my every move. Their eyes lust blown and so very dark. Glancing down their bodies I notice both are quite “ready” for what was coming, in more ways than one.
 Their “looks” sent a wave of different feelings, sensations, through my mind, body. I felt totally exposed, on display. But I was not at all self conscious from it. They looked at me as if I was the most beautiful, most glorious creature they had ever laid eyes upon.
 “You are fucking marvelous darlin’, a sight to behold.” Jon spoke, a smile a mile wide upon his handsome face.
 “Amen brother. A piece of art, a fucking masterpiece doll. And as much as I would love to stand here drinking you in, I have a few other things I would fucking rather be doing with you right now.” Jeff growled, his tongue running over his amazingly white teeth.
My desire for both men causing me to become suddenly, and extraordinarily, bold.
 “How about you both give me a bit of a show?” I sat forward, beginning to crawl down the bed to where they stood. Reaching the end, I sat back on my feet, my hands itching to touch them.
 They laughed, a gruff throaty sound coming from both.
 “Wanna see us strip doll?” Jon winked at me as he backed up to sit down in a plush chair across from the bed. He slipped his boots off, socks next.
 Jeffrey did the same thing, dropping into a chair that was in the opposite corner. His eyes never left mine as he began to undress, boots, socks, pants, shirt. Until he was left in a pair of black boxer briefs.
 I wasn’t sure where to direct my eyes. Jeff stood, walking back over to the bed, his gaze never wavering. And I was staring at his very obvious bulge.
 “Like what you see sweetheart? Wanna touch?” He purred, his hand reaching out to cup my chin, tilting my face upward. “Now, as much as I would enjoy your delicate hands on my very hard cock, I need to touch you, every fucking gorgeous inch of you.”
 Jon appeared beside him, completely naked. I tried not to show the surprise, the shock, but my face betrayed me.
 “S’ok sweetheart, you can look, no need to be shy.”
As Jon spoke, and I unabashedly stared, Jeff climbed on the bed unbeknownst to me, his arms slipping around my waist, his lips on my neck causing me to yelp in surprise.
 In a muffled voice, Jeff laughed, his face now buried in me. “Sorry baby, I couldn’t wait.”
I felt the bed dip as Jon joined us, his hand running up my leg. Jeff’s hands coming up to my cheeks. “I need to taste you y/n, may I?” He sounded almost out of breath, desperate.
 “Yes, yes.” I blurted out.
 “Can you lay back doll, let us take care of you?” Jon asked.
 I nodded my head, crawling backwards up the bed, my eyes watching them both, not wanting to be surprised.
 Jon followed me up the bed, laying beside me. I sighed, he was so handsome up close and I just wanted to take it, him, all in.
 “Fucking gorgeous.” Jeff growled, his hands on my calves, slowly moving upwards. Taking his time, drawing out the delicious pleasure of his touch.
 Jon’s fingers began threading through my hair, his eyes gazing at me. I felt so special, so loved. Jon leaned in, his face inches from me. He lips brushed over mine, just barely touching. His tongue tickling my lips, requesting entrance. Which I gave willingly. Our tongues intertwining, tasting each other.
 Jeff’s hands now at that oh so sensitive spot that can make a girl beg for more. His fingers crawling closer to my core. Suddenly he pulled his hands away, his face replacing them. I could feel his warm breath on my damp center, making me twitch with excitement.
 “Be careful darling!” He snickered as he placed his hands on my thighs, propping them open.
 Jon’s hands were now on my breasts, squeezing each one with a featherlight touch, slipping upward and delicately tweaking each nipple into a hardened peak. His lips were now on my neck, my ear, licking, nipping, kissing my over sensitive skin, causing shivers all over.
 Jeff’s face was now right at my entrance, just sniffing, breathing me in. “Fuck baby girl! You smell like fucking dessert! And I’m gonna enjoy myself!” He dove in, causing me to jump, almost knocking Jon off of the bed.
 “I’m so, uh… l so sorry!” I gasped, his tongue running back and forth between my clit and pussy, driving me mad. I wanted to squirm, tried to. But Jeff’s large hands had a death grip on my thighs.
 Jon was laughing at my reaction, making me a bit self conscious. I frowned, imagining that he was rethinking his decision to be here.
 “I’m sorry y/n, I wasn’t laughing at you,” his hands clutching my neck. “it was more of a nervous laugh. I’d never laugh at you beautiful.”
 Both men had stopped their action, Jeff now moving up towards the head, a look of concern on his face.
 “Baby doll, are you second guessing this? We would never force you to do anything you don’t want sweetheart, you understand that right?” Jeff was now on my right, his hand running up and down my arm, the heat building up.
 “Jeff’s right sweets, say no and we’ll stop. I won’t lie and say I won’t be disappointed. But shit doll, speaking for myself, I want you to be happy with whatever is going down.” He leaned down, lightly kissing my temple.
 “Ditto everything Jon’s said, darlin’. This is all about you. But fuck, the things you are doin’ to me!” He licked his lips, moving to place a soft kiss on my lips.
 These men were everything I dreamed and more. I hadn’t been treated very well by men in my past, causing me to be very much gun shy. But Jeff, Jon, the way they looked at me, spoke about me, like I was someone to be revered, adored, loved.
 “I want this,” I whispered “whatever this may be.” I closed my eyes, sighing. “Just please don’t break my heart.”
 “Oh fuck, sweetheart, I’d never do that. You are a princess, and should be treated as such.” Jeff pulled me completely into his arms. “And I want nothing more to show you the effect you have had on me in such a small time.” He nuzzled into my hair, kissing my head, his lips staying there.
 I could feel Jon’s hands on my back, a gentle caress. “You are way to amazing, a stunning beauty that can fucking steal a man’s heart with one glance. Doll, don’t ever doubt that. Fucking kill me if I ever do anything to hurt you.”
 I don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was truly feeling love for the first time. Maybe it was the being in the arms of two incredibly handsome, sweet and sensitive men. Maybe it was the salt air, I didn’t know, and honestly didn’t care. I just knew what I wanted, what I needed. And I would get it.
 “Take me, please!”
 I could tell they were silently communicating with each other, feeling a thickness in the air. Jeff took a hold of my face, our lips meeting in an instantly hot and heated kiss, his tongue discover mine and fighting for dominance. Jon’s hands moved downward from my back, over my curvy hips to grasp a hold of my ass, squeezing tightly and making me squirm.
 While Jeff and I continued our kiss, Jon grabbed my hip with his left hand, his right squeezing between my clenched thighs, urging my leg upward. His fingers finding my wet and wanting pussy, causing me to moan into Jeff’s mouth.
 Jeff pulled his hands away from my face, placing them on my breasts, rapidly squeezing and tugging at my nipples. Our lips pulling apart only to catch a quick breath.
 Jon slowly entered me with two fingers, another slipping forward to find my eager clit. I writhed around as much as I could with their heavy bodies pinning me in place. I was nearing my end, quicker than I ever had before. As I came, each man slowed their ministrations, just light touches and soft whisper kisses all over my body.
 “I don’t know about Jon, y/n, but I need you, now.” Jeff growled in my ear.
 “Fuck yeah. Are you up to both of us sweetheart? I promise to be gentle and will stop the minute you say so.” Jon spoke into my hair, causing shivers.
 “Yes, yes, please. I need you both.”
 It happened so quickly, a whirlwind of movements arms, legs, lips, delicate touches and both men were well seated inside me, moving slowly, soothingly, as if I might break. But it felt like heaven.
 They began quickening their pace, moving in perfect unison. As Jeff joined our lips once again, Jon began nipping at my neck, quickly finding out how much I enjoyed that small spot where my shoulder meets my neck. His tiny licks and nips driving me wild.
 I felt a change of pace, both men nearing their ends, Jeff was now slamming up, his tip hitting my cervix and causing me to whimper from the pleasure. Jon was keepers by his pace steady, trying hard not to be too rough, but I could take it. I reached back to grasp his neck, whispering “it’s okay.”
 Upping his speed, I wondered if it was possible to die from too much pleasure. Soon the cabin became full of moans, grunts, sighs and screams. I was a bundle of hyped up nerve endings, shocks, sparks, shakes and shivers running up and down me, head to toes. I felt a great warmth entering me as both Jeff and Jon came, filling me up with their seed. It became surreal, almost otherworldly, the pleasure, the overwhelming feeling of love.
 We laid together, a big mess of sweaty legs and arms intertwined together. But it felt wonderful to me. The smell of each man, Jon, a strong manly cologne mixed with liquor and mints. Jeff, a lighter clean smelling cologne, with a hint of leather, coffee and cigs.
 I was startled, trying to sit up but realizing I couldn’t move, a heavy weight on me. What the hell? And then it all came rushing back. The panel, the bar. Jeff, Jon. I turned my head to see Jeffrey, sleeping with both arms encircling me, his head against mine.
 “Morning darlin’. Sleep well?” His gruff voice turning me to mush.
 “Uh, good, great actually. You?”
 “Like a fucking baby.” He pulled me tightly, causing me to roll over onto him. “That’s better.” He began rubbing my back. “Jon had early morning ops so he left after you fell asleep. Said he see you later.” He kissed my forehead. “But not if I can help it.”
 I tilted my head to look up at him, silently questioning his comment.
 “Last night was a one time thing. I’ve never done that and don’t plan on doing it again.”
 I was stunned. I mean, I knew that this was just a fling, a shipboard romance. I understood that. But wow, what he said, so blunt and to the point. It stung. And he must have seen the look on my face.
 He sat up, bringing me with him, pulling me into his lap. “Fuck! Sometimes I speak before I think! NO! I didn’t mean that WE are a one time thing! I mean sharing you, Jon, THAT is a one time thing.”
 Tilting my head again to look at him, “I’m confused?”
 “Sweetheart, I had an amazing night with you. I didn’t care if I had to share, if that’s the only way I could fucking be with you, then so be it. You did something to me, the minute I first laid eyes on you. And I knew I had to pursue you, couldn’t let you get away. And I would like to find out what it is between us.”
 Was he saying what I think he was saying?! “Uh, yes, yes, I’d very much like that. I feel it too. No one has made me feel like this, so special, like I matter.”
 “You matter y/n, to everyone. But most especially to me.” And then he kissed me. A sweet deep kiss that almost sucked the air right out of me.
 When we finally came up for air, he placed me beside him on the bed, standing up.
 “I’ve gotta shower, join me doll?” And he gave me the triple threat, a wink, dimples on full display, and the tongue dart out.
 And I knew I was in trouble.
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 9: part 2
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“Alright Henny and coke got you” I said to this Man at the bar. As I went to go make the drink, I seen Zion standing at the bar looking at md, she gave me a small smile. “Hey!” She yelled over the music. I just looked at her and walked off to finish making the drink. She already left me 10 missed calls and 4 voice mails and a lot of text messages. I mean I forgive her, and I want her no doubt, but I slick felt some type of way like she used me. I brought the man his Henny and coke. It was two other bartenders so I could slip away for a little minute just to see what she has to say. I signaled her to follow me out back. When we got outside, I lit me a blunt and leaned up against the wall. “What’s up?” I asked her. I was looking at her and She was looking good. “Look, Kyrel I don’t want you to be mad at me okay, I just, I’m scared that when I go back to Atlanta I will miss you and I haven’t been this attached since my first heart break, and I apologize for how I said things last night, I care for you it’s just I’m not ready to give my all this felt much better and safe when I thought we both knew this was a fling” She said. I shook my head at her. “But it’s not, when I met you, I wanted you, and I was dead set on making you mine, okay”. She just looked at me, “Ky, look I understand that. Most men be all over me and want me and pine for me, niggas even stalk me, but nobody has ever flipped the script on me where I cared about how I made them feel. I feel really bad, I feel really scared and I feel butterflies when I’m with you and I think maybe yes I’m falling for you, and I’m hard to get, so that’s just a weird feeling, I haven’t felt in forever”. I shrugged my shoulders, “So what Z, you want us to be together or what? Cause of this is just a game you can save all the bullshit” I stressed to her. The back door flew open, it was my homie Maurice, he was emptying the trash and probably coming to smoke a cigarette. “What’s up boss” He said to me dapping me up. “Oh, hell nah” Zion said. Maurice clenched his jaw. “You know this bitch?” He said. I looked him crazy cause why was he calling her out her name like that. “Nah homie I need you to watch your mouth” I said. He smirked. “Oh, this you playa?” He said laughing. I looked at Zion. “You know Maurice?” I asked her. She looked pissed. “Yea I know this nigga” I looked between them trying to figure out what was going on between my homie and the girl I might make my girl. “Remember the shorty I told you about that’s her” Maurice told me. He came in mad talking about a girl he fucked and how she left him hanging after dinner he was dogging her out. I felt like killing somebody. Because here she was in my face pleading with me when she fucked my homie not even a full day went by. “You fucked my homie?” I asked her. She looked at me confused. “What?” She asked. “Come on baby tell my dawg how I bussed in them guts earlier” Maurice said smirking. I looked at her. “Is it true?” I asked. She sucked her teeth in and shook her head. “If you believe anything out this slimey ass grimey ass nigga mouth then nigga we done” She said to me. “So how you know him?” I asked. She rolled her eyes. “He asked me out and I went out with him but then I realized he was a clown and for the record I only went out with him to try to get my mind off of you, you wasn’t calling me back so I thought I should just continue doing me, and yes doing me is meeting a nigga to make me feel good for the night then dip but he wasn’t worth none of my time, it only was a 45minute meet up before this nigga told me he wanted to fuck me and drive around in my car with his bum ass” She snapped. I shook my head not only was she trying to play me she went out with my home boy and maybe fucked him. “So, you lying to me? Why are you even here Zion if you needed a nigga to make you feel good?” I asked. She slightly laughed. “For the record, I would never sleep with this motherfucker and I have fucked worst niggas but the whole time I realized, I wanted the way you made me feel so after wards I came over here to see you to fix shit with you, but fuck this. If you want to believe him cool but at least I tried”. I had a lot of pride in me. She looked at me. I looked away. She sucked her teeth at me. “Whatever” She said, I watched her shake her head and go back inside to leave. I wanted to go after her. I tossed the blunt to follow her inside, by the time I got in there she had left. “Damn it”. I said. Maurice was right me, “Man fuck that hoe ass bitch”. I grabbed him and dragged him into the bathroom. “Why you lie about fucking her?” I asked. Maurice just smirked. I grabbed his shirt and pinned him to the wall. “Man, cause I don’t know, you believed it, plus that bitch embarrassed me and had me banned from the lounge!” I threw him into a staw. “Stop calling her out her name!” I yelled before walking off. My dumb ass had to do some dumb shit. If Maurice did not come outside shit would have been back good between but I had to let my pride take over.
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I woke up with a headache, from smoking all that damn weed and drinking all that liquor. I looked at my phone to see missed calls from Diamond. “Damn It” I said to myself. I rolled over and got out of bed and looked for my clothes. I forgot I had to meet Diamond for brunch so we can talk about our relationship. I listened to my voicemail from her. “Samar where the hell are you, we have reservations at the Potato bar 12:30, its 11:20!” She stressed. I sighed and looked at the clock it was 11:45 I needed to get to Diamond. My phone started ringing again, I seen it was Diamond. “Yo baby girl I’m sorry Tye and I got lit last night and passed out with her friends” I lied. I heard Tye softly groaning. I looked over and seen her turnover. “Samar hurry up and get here” Diamond said. “I got you” I said hanging up. “Where you are going?” Tye asked. “To Brunch with Di” I said looking for my shit so I can leave. “Why are you going out with her after we just fucked Samar, you not even taking a shower with yo nasty ass!” She snapped. I sighed “Yo don’t start this bugging shit, you been spazzing lately, you know how I feel about Diamond” I said annoyed as fuck. She threw a pillow at me. “Your full of shit Samar why would you go out with that bitch after she fucked somebody while yall was together?” She started getting up and putting on her clothes.Diamond had gone on tour with Brent Fiayaz and ended up fucking him on tour, she apparently got pregnant but then got an abortion and lied about to me. “Yo why you bring that’s shit up?” I asked. She knew how I felt about that situation. She rolled her eyes. “Samar what the hell are we doing?” She asked. I shrugged “Whatchu mean? I told you what it was” she put her hand on her hip and what the fuck is it? You get your relationship right with that bitch then fuck me when its convenient for you Samar, what are we like fuck buddies now? From best friends to fuck buddies. Let me know Samar because I need to just move on”. I shook my head, “Nah I’m not about to let you fuck another nigga Tye”, She opened her door and stood there with her arms crossed “Samar I don’t want to do this anymore” She said. “Do what Tye?” I sighed. “This, you trying to tell me who I can fuck and who I can date like a side chick. Samar I’m sorry for fucking this shit up, we should have never complicated things, I need space from you” She said. I smirked at her cause she just talking. “Ima come over later I promise” I said trying to grab her cheeks and kiss her. She pushed my hands out her face. “Damn you really mad?” I said laughing, I cannot Tye serious she always gone be there like we besties she aint going nowhere this just a little baby ass issue, she will get over it. She mugged the fuck out of me. “Samar get your shit and get the fuck out and don’t come back over here later, I said what the fuck I said. You not my nigga and you don’t want to be, so let’s just stop this shit where it’s at we fucked twice that’s it yeah we have feelings that you don’t really take into consideration and loving you without you knowing was better than this” I shook my head at her, “Aight Tye Whatever” I looked at her holding my stuff. “What? You can go” She told me. I walked out her room and she slammed the door on me. I went downstairs and let myself out, this girl was tripping.
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“Here you go” Daryl the sprint guy said to me handing me my phone. I felt relieved to know my shit was fixed. Melody was on my mind heavy, so I dialed her number. It rang a few times before she answered. “Hello?” She said. “Hey, can I see you and we talk?” I asked. She breathed into the phone. “Yeah”. Okay, give me like 25minutes aight” I said before I hung up the phone. Trey and Freddie had met up with me in the food court. “Aye new phone who dis nigga” Trey said laughing. Freddie had a little baddie with him. I looked at Freddie and he smirked. “Keyshawn this is my bro Isaac, Isaac this my little shorty Keyshawn” He introduced us. I smiled at her and shook her hand. My homies been pulling baddies left and right. “Well, I need the whip again today” I said. Trey smirked. “Mel?” He asked. I shrugged, “Man don’t worry about it” I told him. “My home girl Neesha having a little kick back so yall can just ride with me” Keyshawn said. Freddie nodded and threw me the keys. “Be safe dawg”. I nodded. I left the mall and went to the parking deck. I got in the rental and put her GPS in. Bryson Tiller “Been That Way” started playing “I wanna know how we became so distant girl, the way we fell in love it was almost instant, I’m trying to find a way around it, girl tell me how you feel about it, you still love me that’s the way it sounded, Thank God I would have never found this”. I drove to her Airbnb just listening to the lyrics.  “Baby it’s been that way, Baby it’s been that way. Baby I still feel the same, something I got to maintain listen to me when I say baby its always, its always been that way”. I guess my phone knew I was in my feelings cause Miguel “Sure Thing” played next and I was 5 minutes from her place, “Even when the sky comes falling, even when the sun don’t shine. I got faith in you and I so put your pretty little hand in mine. Even when we down to the wire baby, even when its do or die. We can do it baby simple and plain cause this love is Sure Thing, you can bet that never got to sweat that” I sang along. I texted Mel and let her know I was pulling up. It was like 5:15 pm.
She waited for me at the door. She had on boy shorts and an oversize crop top with her hair in two buns. When I walked in, she looked at me awkwardly. Music was playing throughout the house. I see Tye was rolling up weed on the kitchen bar stool. “What’s up Tye?” I said greeting her. She smiled and waved “Hey Isaac”. “Aye you got another blunt?” I asked her. She nodded; I passed her $10 she shook her head. “You good”. I nodded. “You clutch with it, you know I always fucks with you” I told Tye, she just laughed. Melody led me to the back yard. It was a big ass pool with a waterfall out there and a little bar area. We had to walk down some stairs to get to the yard, so we just sat on the steps. I grabbed my lighter out my fanny pack I had across my body. I lit the blunt and started smoking to ease my nerves. Melody started playing with her hands, then she stood up and started talking. “I went on a date last night” She said. I could feel the jealousy in me rising. “A date, with that nigga?” I asked. She slowly nodded. “I wanted to be honest with you”. I was mad not going to lie. “So, what he hit?” I asked. I looked at her and she looked at me, I was looking into her eyes to see if she would lie or not. She shook her head. “No”. I could tell she was telling the truth, but she seemed uneasy. “You ain’t do nothing?” I asked. She sighed and laid her head in her hands. “We kissed that’s it” She said. I was picturing her and this nigga, shit making my skin crawl, I felt sick as fuck. “So why we are talking then Melody?” I asked. Why she ain’t with this nigga then. “Because I can’t get you out of my head or my heart, it felt okay at the moment but then I had to stop because shit could have gone far and I would have been disgusted in myself cause you know that ain’t me Isaac, I feel like my body is yours okay, like I only want you to kiss me and you to touch me not anybody else it doesn’t feel right”. I wanted to be mad at her for kissing this nigga and going on the date but honestly after the other night she probably thought I was done with her. “Why you even go on the date?”. I asked her. She shrugged “I figured we was for real done, so I thought maybe I could get my mind off you but that’s it” I watched her looking stressed. I just palmed my face. “What’s up with you and that thotty you left the Pajama Party with? Tye saw you with?” She said. I sighed because I forgot all about Shorty, even her name. “Aight look I was drunk as hell and mad about you and Ole boy so yes I took her home, did we fuck yeah almost she just gave me head and she barely did that, you was blowing my shit up and she left.” I admitted. “So, when you get mad at me you try to fuck other hoes, that’s what we are doing?” She asked mad. I shook my head irritated. “Mel, right now we still sorting shit out, yes I got mad at you and dude, and yes I thought if you left with him you was fucking him and I wanted to just get mind off you and this nigga, and I felt crazy about it after you left and I broke my phone, but I’m here right now letting you know that I do want to be with you and I don’t want no other man to have you, Shit makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about this man kissing you, touching you” I said feeling all this emotion I try to avoid showing. She just looked at me and started crying a little. “Come here bruh” I said. She got up and looked at me I brought her closer to me so she could sit in my lap facing me. “You going to see this nigga again?” I asked her, looking her straight in the eyes. She shook her head. “No, it’s not fair to him for me to be in love with somebody else and lead him on, But I do need to let him know” She told me. Man fuck that nigga she can leave homie hanging. “Man, aight”. We just looked at each other before she brought her lips to mine and we were making out. My hands trailed down to her ass and softly grabbed it. “Mmm” She moaned into the kiss. I broke the kiss before things got to intense. “Go break things off with homeboy” I told her she slowly nodded. “Okay fine”. She got up off my lap and we both got up from the bench. “I want us to get to know each other again, and I want to take you out and get to know you and date you the proper way” I said. She smiled and nodded her head. “Alright”.
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“Hey Ri-Ri it’s Ant again, I’m calling you from my homie phone cause I know you blocked me but I just want to say I’m sorry mami, It wasn’t would it looked like. Nina is my ex we were just catching up” I said over the voicemail I left for Ariana. I knew she was pissed and probably thought I was playing her, but I was not, I really went to go meet up with Nina because I needed to clear my head. I was scared about what I am feeling for Ariana and I had not felt that way since Nina and I broke up. I wanted to see if I had finally moved on from her and I did. I called Ariana again, she finally picked up “Hello, who is this?” She asked sounding sleepy. “It’s Anthony, I wanted to know If I could see you so we can talk” I asked. She groaned annoyed “There’s nothing to talk about Anthony I saw you out with another girl” She said. “Look I can explain, can we please meet up?” I asked. She sighed “Fine, I will meet you at the beach” She said. We hung up, and I got up and prepared myself to meet Ari at the beach. I got in my car and headed over. When I got there, I seen Ariana leaning on The Rental Jeep going through her phone. She had her hair in a scarf and some basket balls shorts and over size tee shirt with slides on. I got out my car and went over to her. She looked at me mad as hell. “So say what the fuck you got to say, because I don’t have the time for any more bullshit” She said. “Well first of all why was you drunk at the restaurant?” I asked her curious. She shrugged, “Because for your information I met up with Marlon, he was apologizing for how he acted and that was it then I stayed to drink by myself if you really needed to know” I smirked at her irritated she got me out here trying to apologize when she was meeting up with that nigga. “So you tripping on me but you was with Marlon?” I asked. She put crossed her arms getting upset. “Nigga, I didn’t hear from you all damn day and yes I went to hear what he needed to say I was on a date like you were avoiding my calls, you know what I’m leaving” She said, I quickly grabbed her arm. She snatched her arm away from me. “Don’t touch me” She snapped. I put my hands up in defense. “I’m sorry Ari, I just don’t like how he did you” I said. She sucked her teeth at me. “Excuse me? You did me the same way fucked me then disappeared to a new bitch or is that your girlfriend or wife?” She asked. I shook my head. “No, Nina is my ex okay. I was getting cold feet about us and I wanted to make sure I was fully over her before I pursued anything with you because before you came we had been broken up for like atleast 2 months, and we had been together for a year. She was the first girl I ever loved, and I was torn over her when I found out she had got with another man when she was with me, and I wanted to make sure it was nothing there that was it” I said to her. She started laughing. “So let me get this straight, you ignored me all damn day to see if you still loved another bitch nigga just save all the bullshit, this shit is over between us. I won’t be played off no goofy shit okay?” She stated. She unlocked her car doors. “Ari it’s not like that, I just wanted to give myself to you fully without having feelings maybe for Nina, that was it” I told her hoping she would understand. She shook her head. “Just leave me the hell alone Anthony” She said before getting her car and leaving. “Fuck!” I stressed. I pulled out my phone thinking if she will not believe me maybe she will believe Nina, I told her how I felt about Ariana that day at the restaurant. “Hey Nina, can you do me a favor?”.
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twdfanfics · 8 years
Who Are You?
Request: Yes, anon
hey can you possibly do like a daryl x daughter type of thing and have it be when negan takes daryl but instead of just daryl he takes u too(ur around 10-13) and he puts u in separate cells (but next to each other) and one of his men keeps coming in ur room to assault/beat/rape u or something and when Dwight takes daryl to see negan your there too and r all bruised up and stuff, and the person who does that stuff to u walks in the room and u get scared and stuff? U can decide the rest if u want
Words: 498
Daryl cringes as he hears scared screams come from the cell next to him. He stands up and starts to pound on the wall, not being able to deal with the fact that he can’t do anything to help you here. He slams against the door until he’s bruised and his hands are bleeding from beating against it. Your screams have stopped, but he can hear that you’re on the floor crying. They’re much quieter than the screams, but break his heart more than the screams had. Almost.
The days come and go, but the screams never stop. Every night someone comes into your cell and beats you, doing things that make Daryl’s blood boil and his whole being shake from rage.
There are days that you’ll be okay. Well, not okay. Nothing about you is okay, but nobody will come into your cell. Sometimes you’ll be able to talk to your dad in the next cell over, but it’s rare. You’re broken. Everything about you screams it. When you first got here you were so confident that someone would come and save Daryl and you. That wasn’t the case. Now, you wish they’d just kill you.
“Rise and shine,” says Dwight. You’re hauled out of your cell roughly. Dwight grabs you right where you’ve got a deep purple bruise, making you gasp in pain. Daryl is pounding on his door again. It’s no use, as usual.
You’re taken to a room down the hall where Negan is standing with the man who’s been sneaking into your cell. Eyes are on your from the moment you enter the room until another person comes in.
“Dad,” you say, as you try to walk to him, but you’re roughly grabbed and held back. Daryl looks murderous when he sees you. They haven’t let you see what you look like, but you could catch your reflection in some surfaces and it wasn’t pretty.
“Jesus, you look awful!” Negan says when he sees Daryl walking in. “Don’t worry, I’ll have Carson fix you up on Thursday.
“What’d you do to her?” Daryl asks Negan. Negan shakes his head with a smile.
“I didn’t do anything to her,” he says, looking to the guy next to him. “I’m not about that. But why we’re here is you, not her.”
“Then why’d you bring her?”
“Last resort.” He goes on to talk about how him and Dwight weren’t always besties and the whole time all you can think about is how hard it’s getting to keep yourself up on two feet, and eventually start to slouch against Dwight who is still holding onto you.
“All you got to do is answer one simple question… Who are you?” Daryl doesn’t answer. “Cat got your turn or are you just overwhelmed by the awesomeness of this? I’m gonna ask you one more time?” Negan walks towards you, holding Lucille forward threateningly. You try and step back, but Dwight is right behind you. “Who are you?”
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harleyquinnzelz · 8 years
The lovely @eleanoraargent tagged me and so here I go, super ready to dive in a let you guys know allll about me!
RULES - Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status - Taken by my lovely boyfriend of three years! Which is really a huge stretch for me because I have major commitment issues.
Lipstick or Chapstick - On the rare chance that I do my makeup, lipstick. I have a killer shade of matte lipstick that I loved to death. 
Last Song I Listened To - New Perspective by Panic! At the Disco. I love P!ATD, they’re actually one of my fave bands. I’m sure glad it was this song and not something totally embarrassing. 
Last Movie I Watched - Uh..I went to go see Moana again at the discount theatre with my bestie a week ago. I think that would be it.
Top 3 Characters - Because I’m a major cheater, I’m going to do a separate category for dudes and chicks and only one per fandom so that I don’t list off a bunch of characters from the same thing because that seems really boring for me.. 
Girls: At the veeeeeery top of my list is Natasha Romanoff who is my favorite character from anything ever. I adore Harley Quinn as well, she is my bae! And my final lady character is probably Misa Amane from Death Note (look fight me okay I am absolute anime trash!)
Guys: Glenn Rhee (literally the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, picking between him and Daryl) who is my husband and whom I love very much. Monty Green from the 100 who is also my husband and my cinnamon roll. And then Minho from TMR who is, you guessed it, my husband. I love all three of these precious babies so much oops.
Top Three Ships - Oh gosh, how am I ever supposed to choose. Um okay, let’s see...Gleggie is number one, though I was supposed to easily pick between them and Bethyl I don’t know. BuckyNat is my life and I love these two together and am anticipating the day that MCU makes my dreams come true. And then, my last one I guess is uh...Ravi and Liv from iZombie because they would be the cutest thing in the whole wide world okay.
Tagging: @undercovercriminals @themisstars @lilyjcx 
(I’m still working up the nerve to talk to people on here and I know a lot of people that I’d usually tag have been tagged already so I’m cheaping out here. Seriously though, anyone who wants to do it, go ahead!)
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haruhey · 3 years
chronological thoughts of 11x14
- okay so i heard there were some good caryl scenes in this episode so please please PLEASE deliver because i had a bad day today
- omg we’re back to the carlson storyline yes pls
- they just let them turn holy shit
- his hair is so structured omg it’s kinda fire?
- oh and elijah but who rlly cares
- daryl said ‘hi! 🥰’ and carol really said ‘hey! 🥰🥰’
- carol looks so good in the red omg
- aw not him being clowned by rosita for his donut love
- no not that fucking asshole i hate him
- i hate even the look of him omg
- oh no daryl’s gonna get into some trouble and miss their date isnt he
- wait am i lowkey a negan stan ??
- that is such a shitty hiding place omg
- omg i love negan and annie’s friendship they’re so cute
- oh no i feel bad about this
- man fuck this prick i hate him
- you want CASH???
- man fuck this guy so much FUCK THIS GUY
- assassination plot for this prick i don’t even know his name and i hate him
- did they send someone in there already omg
- period lydia speak facts only
- omg negan to the rescue
- omg annie’s pregnant
- oh my god why am i liking negan no no no no no i hate it here nooooo
- wait i kinda like annie’s perspective on negan
- negan please reflect on urself
- okay wait this episode is making me feel for negan
- i hope when he looks at hershel’s face he sees glenn and feels terrible
- no no no no no no no no negan is genuinely sorry for what he did i hate this i hate him i hate him omg why do I FEEL BAD FOR HIM NOOO
- i feel like i’m going through an identity crisis rn omg
- daryl lowkey has bad form omg my decade of taekwondo and karate r cringing
- oh no oh no oh no
- get april to get the money omg daryl you guard the door
- oh god no not the gunshots
- carol saving her bf <3
- gut up and go just fun date tingz for my middle aged parents <33
- someone hold bestie april’s hand omg she is literally going THROUGH it rn
- omg no i thought they were gonna show rosita bit omg
- daryl has 0 guts on him omg
- omg how convenient for maggie and annie to overhear
- oh no oh no oh no
- is carlson drinking
- oh god oh my god oh god
- decoy decoy decoy
- oh yeah its that specific effect where, as a character gets progressively more insane, their hair gets messier so we as the audience can understand where they are mentally as of this moment
- yes slay everyone
- periodt
- its kinda evil but like slay
- woah woah woah woah woah mercer okay slay ig
- why do daryl and i have the SAME HAIR this is so camp
- why dont u just like… kill sebastian idk that prick needs to GO
- anyways wistem
- omg carol carol carol carol
- hornsby was in on it omg
- fucking loan sharks stfu
- literally miss me with this system bullshit this is why people wanted to fuck the government in the first place THIS IS HOW PEOPLE REVOLT YOU FUCKING I D I O T S
- yes carol yes girlboss gaslight him
- carol fr is not into this
- i love it when carol manipulates yes i love it when women do bad things
- omg negan and hershel wwe fight to the death colosseum gladiator style
- not another fucking group guys i cannot deal with this istg if another group gets introduced im gonna lose it
- unless its that one group that rick is in?? MAYBE??
- ooo flashback
- oh fuck off its leah
- oooo we finally got to the maggie daryl beef
- honestly if i was daryl and grew up the way daryl grew up (EVEN IF I DIDNT) and ultimately fell into being the gaurdian of my BEST FRIENDS’ kids, i would put a knife up to that fucker’s neck too if he threatened them like wtf that’s such a shitty thing to do
- i keep forgetting how shiny gabriel’s little head is
- im sorry i really dislike leah im not excited
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
Revolution Theme, Part 3: Lone Ranger
So, several weeks ago, I got a hankering to rewatch the Governor’s episodes (4x06-4x07) because I hadn’t watched them in quite some time and I suspected that based on what we’ve learned in the past year, I would find lots of new and exciting things. I’m going to get to that tomorrow, but first I wanted to post this short theory to sort of bridge the gap between all the Revolution stuff I’ve been talking about the past few days, and the Governor.
Let’s talk the Lone Ranger. And I keep calling it Lone Ranger symbolism, but it ties into the Smokey and the Bandit trailer from S7 and all the western/cowboy type symbolism we’ve seen.
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So, as I said in my Fear writeup (for ep 6x16) I noticed that right before Daniel executed Rollie for being a traitor, Sarah called him Kemosabe. It just caught my ear and the first thought I had was, “isn’t that the Indian guy from the Lone Ranger?” Well, I was close, but it’s not. (Clearly, I’m not terribly well versed in the Lone Ranger universe.) The Native American character in TLR is Tonto. Kemosabe is his nickname for TLR, which depending on the source usually means something along the lines friend, trusted scout, ally, etc.
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So, in general this was just a mention of the Native American theme. But then I thought about how she called Rollie that right before they realized he was a traitor. And I wondered if TLR symbolism could be about that.
That’s when I had a lightbulb moment. If you think back to that trailer in S7, it was Daryl and Richard hiding behind it. And what happened there? Richard was planning to kill Carol, which he backed off of because, um, Daryl. But he still ended up hiding the melon and betraying Ezekiel, which got Benjamin killed. Do you see?
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Rollie betrayed the group in Fear, and Daniel executed him. Richard betrayed the group in S7, and soon after, Morgan killed him. So, this symbolism is about betrayal followed by death.
But I also wondered why they would use The Lone Ranger or Smokey and the Bandit as betrayal symbolism. So, I looked them up.
Again, not terribly familiar with the Lone Ranger, but it’s origin story will definitely make you side-eye. Apparently TLR was one of six rangers out riding, looking for some outlaws, but they are betrayed by one of their own group and ambushed. (Hence why the writers of TWD use this for betrayal symbolism.)
Side note: even the ranger thing is important. They’re law enforcement officers who could be thought of synonymous with “sheriffs.” And what state is most famous for its rangers? That would be Texas.
Anyway, the six rangers are ambushed and all of them are “killed” but when Tonto comes upon the scene, he finds that one of them, the youngest and younger brother of the leader, has survived. *coughs Beth* Left behind and left for dead.
So, Tonto nurses him back to health and they become besties. So begins the series, with TLR mostly on a mission to get revenge for his fallen brother. And get this, he and Tonto bury the rangers, but to aid in the deception, they even dig a 6th, empty grave so the bad guys will believe all six of the rangers did, in fact, die. Remember that grave that was supposed to hold Maggie in S7?
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Anyway, Smokey and the Bandit is less clear. There’s not an obvious betrayal plot, but I still side-eyed when I read through it. It’s about driving contraband alcohol from Texas to Georgia. Yeah. And aside from the obvious TD symbolism, it made me thing of Fear. Of Sarah and her distillery and her semi-truck. I mean, it’s practically the same plot. Okay, not really. But close enough. I think it’s safe to say that, at least on one level, the S7 trailer was pointing toward Fear. But other things, too.
Can we all say Beth-ish origin stories?
Okay, that’s it for today. Come back tomorrow for how this ties to the Governor and how both tie in to the Revolution theme.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
AK’s Script Notes and Why I Love Them!
Okay, I’ve gotten some questions about this the past week and people asking me to post about it. This actually came out before last Sunday’s episode, so I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to address it. (Life is crazy and all that jive.)
So some of Angela Kang’s notes came out from episode 1. Unfortunately, they’ve lit a fire under a certain dark ship who are now on a mission, and I know people are a little disturbed by it.
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So, for anyone who hasn’t seen it, what surfaced were AK’s notes on the scene they released as a sneak peek for episode 1. The one where Daryl and Carol are talking and he says Ezekiel is corny, but he’s happy for her, etc.
I want to start by saying that my FB group actually talked about this scene and reached several conclusions long before AK’s notes came out. Because it was a sneak peek for the premiere, we had this scene broken down, analyzed to death and had practically written dissertations on it before it even aired. (Hehe.)
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And I remember us specifically talking about whether there was a jealous factor involved. We decided that there was, but not in the way most people would think. We thought Daryl WAS jealous of Carol and Ezekiel, but not because he’s in love with Carol and wants her to be with him. Obviously. It’s because he’s jealous of what they have. He’s lonely and has never found happiness with a romantic partner.
I think some of his bitterness about Ezekiel’s “corniness” comes from the fact that Daryl never got to have this with Beth. I can see his thought process being a little bit spiteful like, “How come THIS guy who’s so corny gets this happiness and I don’t?”
So again, my group figured all this out before episode 1 aired. In it’s purest form, his jealousy is really more about Beth than Carol. And, perhaps even more to the point, about himself and his own loneliness. At this point, he’s seen SO many couples around him in the people he cares about: Glaggie, Richonne, Rosita/Abraham, Sashraham, Tara/Denise, Aaron/Eric, and now Carzekiel. I’m sure it’s on his mind a lot.
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So these notes of AK’s surfaced and one word that people are zeroing in on is “Jealousy.” Naturally, it has a certain shipping fandom screaming from the rooftops that “C@ryl is endgame.” You just have to understand that they’re misinterpreting her notes
While it doesn’t define what she means by jealousy, that didn’t bother any of us because we already knew that and what it meant. If you break down the scene in conjunction with both Daryl’s and Carol’s long-term arcs, its very apparent what the jealousy refers to.
But if you want more proof, check out the word next to jealous that those shippers are completely ignoring and just pretending isn’t there:
Saudade is a word that exists in Portuguese and Galicican, but doesn’t have a direct translation into English. As you can see from Angela’s notes, it means “a feeling of nostalgia or melancholy; longing for someone or something you love that’s gone.
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THIS is what Daryl is feeling in this scene. And he’s never lost Carol. She’s never been gone (although she has tried to abandon him a few times). I know the shippers are trying to say it means he’s lost his chance to be with her or some such nonsense, but think about what’s been said in the show.
Then @bluesandbeth sent me THIS LINK, which describes what saudade means. Look at what is written here, guys. Everything about it screams Beth and nothing in here sounds remotely like Carol’s arc or character:
“…a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves…the object of longing might never return…”
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“Stronger forms of saudade might be felt toward people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a lost lover, or a family member who has gone missing, moved away, separated, or died.”
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Beth anyone? Missing girl theme, anyone? Carol has never fit ANY of these descriptions. But it goes on:
“Saudade was once described as ‘the love that remains’ after someone is gone.” 
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“…the recollection of feelings, experiences, places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well-being, which now triggers the senses and makes one live again. (emphasis mine). It can be described as emptiness, like someone…that should be there in a particular moment is missing, and the individual feels this absence.”
See what I mean? For me, this is absolute confirmation from AK that Daryl is still thinking about Beth and it’s her loss still making him sad. (Thank you, Angela!)
Furthermore, in terms of basic logic, they would not send something like this out to fans (apparently it was part of the TWD drop box) that would have spoilers in it. So that ship saying this came out to hint that Caryl is about to go canon is kinda ridiculous. They wouldn’t be that obvious or put spoilers in the drop box.
I believe they included this to give us insight into Daryl’s loneliness. They wanted us to understand how Daryl is feeling during this scene. (Naturally some people are twisting it around to fit their own theories.) With that in mind, let’s look at some of these other notes because they really are fascinating.
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Starting at the top, Angela’s notes say, (next to the line where Carol puts out his cigarette and says, “These things’ll kill you.”
“Want the sense of shared history between them, honest in a way they can’t be with anyone else; it’s 2 a.m. after the bar closed down, sitting on the hood of a car.”
So establishing their history and the fact that they’re BFFs. We already know all that, but AK was noting that she really wanted it to come through in the scene, which I think it did.
Below that from “snore fancy” through “corny” it says:
“Daryl – buried jealousy of Zeke but knows he’s not a bad guy. – King persona so counter to Daryl’s personality.”
It’s that last part that’s super-interesting to me. I already addressed the jealousy, but it specifically says that Daryl has the opposite of a king’s persona. Yeah, I could go off on volumes of tangents about this. I won’t, but here’s a few things to consider:
1. Daryl doesn’t consider himself a king. He considers himself something between humble subject and not-deserving-of-anything.
2. Maybe some of his jealousy/bitterness stems from the fact that he IS so opposite of Zeke. Like he thinks he’s undeserving BECAUSE he’s not at all like that.
3. It also goes to show that he and Carol both need someone as a romantic partner that is utterly unlike them. We’ve said it a million times: these two are ridiculously similar. That’s why they’r besties. But also why they wouldn’t make good romantic partners. They both have way too much of a predilection toward falling into darkness. Beth may not have a “king persona” (though we all know she’s the Queen of Diamonds) but her personality is VERY similar to Zeke’s, which is why she’s good for Daryl and Ezekiel is good for Carol.
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Okay, you get the idea. Let’s move on.
Next, Carol’s line about how after what she went through with Ed, corny is really nice, is circled. Angela’s note says, “the heart of the deal for Carol – she’s probably never said this to anyone else.”
So once again, she can talk to Daryl about things she doesn’t talk to anyone else about. But I like that AK calls this the “heart” of the scene for Carol. This tells us a lot about the relationship from Carol’s side. She’s telling us why she’s with Zeke, why she wants to be with him, why she values his love so much. And Daryl understands not only because he knows her first husband abused her, but because he’s been the object of abuse himself. So he gets it. (Which is what it says one line down in the script: Daryl nods. He gets it.)
Finally, the part where Daryl says he’s glad and happy for her and she deserves it, AK’s note says:
“Vulnerable; heart of Daryl’s problem…wants things to be…they were but they’re not and he’s struggling with that.”
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This is something Daryl’s says later to Rick in episode 1: he wants things to go back to how they were in the beginning with just their small group. He’s nostalgic for the prison and the fulfillment he felt there, but obviously, “you can’t go back.”
So yeah. That’s about all I have to say about this. Don’t let other shippers freak you out. They’re gonna say what they’re gonna say, and believe what they’re gonna believe and that’s their right. Keep in mind, they said the same thing about 5x06, because it was about Daryl and Carol running around Atlanta together. Nothing. They said it about their cabin scenes in 7x10. Nope. It won’t be any more true now than at any other time they’ve said it. The show, the show runners, and the actors have told us again and again that Carol and Daryl’s relationship is platonic.
In fact…okay this is a different ship and I’m sorry to mix them, but I was glancing back through Asks that I answered prior to 9x01 airing, and I received and answered a LOT of worried Anons about the Darsita ship. The Darsita shippers were really laying it on thick at that time about how that ship would go canon this season. 
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Again, I’m a ship and let ship sort of person, but all their theories have already been pretty much disproved. We don’t know what will happen the rest of the season, of course, but we already know Rosita is with FG and spoilers tell us she’ll cheat on him…but not with Daryl. So please don’t let the shippers freak you out.
Yes, we’re shippers too and I’m sure they say similar things to this about us, but we’re also the only ones I know of that pay attention to actual symbolism in the show and listen closely to what tptb and others involved in the production actually tell us.
And then there’s that shot of Beth lying beside Daryl in Rick’s hallucination in 9x05. Just saying. ;D
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