#Caryl fanfiction
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[x Reader One-Shots & Drabbles]
[Caryl One-Shots & Drabbles]
[Werewolf AU]
[Incorrect Quotes]
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[x Reader One-Shots & Drabbles]
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[x Reader One-Shots & Drabbles]
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[x Reader One-Shots & Drabbles]
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[x Reader One-Shots & Drabbles]
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[Tabitha Carmen O’Sullivan|TWD]
[Julia Katherine Graham|True Blood]
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+ You can call me Murda
+ I’m older than 20, younger than 50
+ I am a DV and SA survivor
+ I use writing as an outlet
+ I have a plethora of mental health issues
+ I have ranidaphobia
+ I am socially awkward
+ I am vertically challenged
+ I absolutely adore Norman Reedus
+ Daryl Dixon is my comfort character
+ Caryl is my OTP
+ Eric Northman is my imaginary boyfriend
+ My best friend is a three-legged Boxer
+ My soulmate is a 35lb pit bull mix
+ My favorite color is midnight blue
+ I am a notorious people pleaser
+ I want to make millions of friends
+ I don’t want to interact with any of said friends
+ I am ridiculously forgetful
+ I am an unintentional pen thief
+ Spiders can go back to hell where they belong
+ I thought pickles grew on trees until my 20’s
+ I get overwhelmed quite easily
+ I mostly write character x reader
+ I do have an OC but she will rarely be used
+ The only character x character I write is Caryl
+ I do write mature themes
+ I have no control over your choice to read
+ I do have a list of things I won’t write
+ I only accept requests once in a while
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onlycaryl · 1 month ago
I want Carol and Daryl to become romantic Canon. Because I know that they would redefine and reinvent the dynamics of that category. Just as they both have done with their individual character arcs, their friendship and the genre as a whole. If they became romantic canon, it would not be the stereotypical romance in any way. Just as their bond and their love for one another is unlike any other, so would their romance be.
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alatariel-gildaen · 3 months ago
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I learned a lot on Krita doing this, but it was still 90% 'I wonder what this function is' rather than any real clue.
Anyway, here's a tender Caryl moment from Chapter Seven of 'Vault of the Savior' and here's to a happy 2025 for all of us <3
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ninelives2 · 2 months ago
Happy 11th birthday, Nine Lives!
From our "about us" page -
Nine Lives was created at the start of 2014 as a safe-haven for Caryl fans to find fantastic fanfiction.
When Nine Lives was first conceived, the Caryl fandom had been on the go for over two years, growing with each passing season of The Walking Dead, and moments of deliciousness between Daryl and Carol. However, the infamous "slow-burn" of their relationship was driving many to frustration and people sought out the comfort of fanfiction to fill in the blanks or advance the story at a faster pace.
As the amount of readers and writers grew, so did the desire to have a Caryl-only spot to read these glorious texts. This was especially true as other ships started to arise in the fandom; ships that a Caryl fan may accidentally stumble on whilst reading what they thought, or hoped, was a Caryl fic. Things got heated and many started to become discouraged. It was in order to prevent this happening, and to create a community and haven for the Caryl fans, that Megan (Ravenesque, formerly Peta2), Fairies Masquerade and Atoizzard got together to create Nine Lives. Thanks to Megan's experience and influence in the Spuffy fandom, Susan from the Spuffy Archive Elysian Fields kindly agreed to host Nine Lives on their server.
So in January 2014, Nine Lives went live.
In the years since Nine Lives opened, it has grown tremendously and changed a lot. However, one thing remains the same and that is the ethos behind the site. Nine Lives is the place where Caryl fans can come to enjoy (or post) the best that Caryl and McReedus fanfiction has to offer. It is a community where readers and writers are here to support and encourage their fellow Carylers, and help us all get the best experience out of this ride we call fandom. Be it multi-chapter AUs, fluffy drabbles, angsty post-episode fics or wild and crazy smut, here your every desire for Caryl (and McReedus) can be explored and delighted in with like-minded fans.
We managed to miss celebrating our 10th anniversary last January! But as ever, we sincerely appreciate the readers and authors who continue to contribute to our little corner of the fandom universe and hope to celebrate many more years together.
Caryl on!
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lola-andheruniverse · 3 months ago
🎄 Caryl Fanfiction Rec - Christmas Edition 🎄
Merry Christmas, my beloved carylers! Here we are for another round of sweet stories filled with the Christmas spirit (you can check the 2023 rec list here). I hope you're all feeling warm and loved today, wherever you are, whatever you're celebrating; and that this year's fics renew your love for Carol and Daryl. Read, rejoice and, please, review! Let's not forget to thank our authors for writing these precious little gifts, okay? Love you all. Caryl on, caryl on! A Christmas Sweater Collection by @spanishrose2002 [ 9Lives | AO3 | FF.net ] Summary: Caryl, AU.  Oneshot.  The man doesn’t look like the kind of man who wants a Christmas sweater collection, but Carol knows better than to judge a book by its cover—or a situation at first glance.  Rated for language. Rated: M Published: August 28, 2022 Evergreen by @subversivegrrl [ 9Lives | AO3 | FF.net ] Summary: Set between Seasons 2 & 3. The gang is on the run, finds a temporary haven, and decides to celebrate what they still have, while they can. Hints of developing Caryl relationship. Rated: T Published: December 11, 2015
Fourth Time is a Charm by @sira01 [ 9Lives | AO3 ] Summary: Daryl and Carol develop their own kind of Christmas tradition after the world breaks apart. Rated: T Published: December 26, 2016
Silent Night by Kenzieboyd08 [ 9Lives ] Summary: Carol and Daryl share a quiet Christmas moment at the prison. Rated: M Published: December 05, 2016
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onlyxmcbride · 2 months ago
I think I'm coming to the end of my multi chapter fic and I feel SO sad about it 🥲
I've explored all of the plot points that I wanted to so I don't really see any other way to continue it. (It's still a few chapters away but I'm planning ahead for once)
Tell me why, I'm getting emotional about saying goodbye to my own version of Daryl and Carol in this story? 🥺
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I've loved every minute of writing this fic and when I got my job and had no time to write it was so incredibly hard.
I'm talking as though I don't already have another story plotted and the first chapter drafted. Maybe I'm too attached to it 🥺
This is just a lot of rambling lmao, I use this platform to say how I'm feeling a lot 🤭
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oliposca · 2 months ago
Ladies love country boys?
Dunno the title anymore.
I've been looking for this fanfiction for AGES!
At this point I'm sure it's been canceled from the internet :(
It's a caryl long fic, AU, super well written with lots of OC, like Roscoe which is supposed to be Daryl's half-brother.
It diverges after hershel's factory if I'm not wrong and they stabilize themselves in some cabins in the woods.
Sophia lives past the farm and eventually ends up adopted by Daryl.
They manage to disband Terminus by overwriting the message in this radio tower that either broadcast Ladies Love Country Boys by Trace Adkins or a terminus message.
This is more or less what I remember
I'm 100% SURE it was posted on ff.net, it was in my library but now it's gone and I've been hitting my head on a wall for a year trying to find it.
Pls send help
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theresnosafeharbor4myships · 3 months ago
Fandom: The Walking Dead (DD/TBOC), Caryl Title: Christmas Reminisce (Also on 9L)
A/N: This was my 2023 Caryl Secret Santa fic. I realize I never posted it here, so you get it now, for 2024. Merry Holidays!
Daryl bolted upright, heaving breaths through his nose as his dream world slipped away. He turned immediately to his left, but the spot beside him was empty.
“You okay?”
On his right, Carol stood at the window, the blue-white moonlight filtering in, lighting up her face just enough for him to see the concern written on it. She'd wrapped her too-large, calf-length sweater around her, her arms crossed to help ward off the cold seeping into the monastery walls.
“Mmm,” he hummed noncommittally, throwing the covers away from his legs, grateful to leave the nightmare that haunted him behind.
The chilly air immediately stole the warmth of the bed from him as he moved to stand behind her, and he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back into his chest. They stood in silence for a few minutes, slightly swaying to a slow rhythm and staring out at the frigid night, the frosted ground, the icy waters.
He'd never intended to stay in France, but he was grateful it'd turned out the way it had or he'd be fighting off the winter elements in parts unknown, and Carol...well, she wouldn't be in his arms right now, he knew that much.
On a good day in the Before, he never could've imagined visiting France. And while it wasn't home and it'd been a treacherous journey through the country, being here in a once-famous monastery was something he and Carol would forever share: the two of them—having separately traversed an ocean—found each other and ended up here. Together.
“Wanna tell me about your dream?” Her voice came softly, quietly, and without demand.
He dropped a kiss into her hair just above her ear. “Some other time.” Another kiss. “Same thing got you up?”
Silence for a few beats, then she murmured a 'no' on a sigh. “Just thinking about home. Hoping Jude and RJ aren't giving Aaron and Gabriel too much trouble.”
He waited for her to continue, and when she didn't, he asked, “Sure that's all?”
He saw her quirk one side of her mouth up in the window's reflection. “Remember our Christmas at the prison?”
He nodded. “Yeah,” he answered, an unusual sense of nostalgia washing over him. He didn't often let himself think about what had been—either the good or the bad. Both hurt too much, and he had enough on his plate on any given day without the added weight of memories. But for a few moments, holding Carol and remembering together, he let himself reminisce. The tree Carl roped Glenn into cutting down. The ornaments the kids made to decorate it. The songs the others had sung in hushed tones that echoed throughout their cell block. The smiles and laughter that accompanied them more on that one day they'd chosen to celebrate as Christmas than any day that'd come before for their group. How he'd felt like an actual part of that group of people.
“We barely had anything to make it an actual Christmas celebration, but it worked somehow.” Carol paused, and he wondered how she remembered it, which moments had solidified in her mind. “Those ugly ornaments the kids made,” she chuckled. “That bitter chocolate Hershel found in the warden's desk drawer that we made into hot choco-yuck.”
Daryl huffed a laugh, remembering Carl's name for the silt water they'd all pretended was cocoa.
Carol didn't continue, and he waited, the cold seeping through his pajamas along his back a sharp contrast to the warmth he felt with her against his chest.
“I wonder what the kids are doing this year.”
He felt more than heard the heartache in her words and wished, like she did, that they slept at home, with the kids and the rest of their family nearby.
The Nest leaders had been promising the kids in the commune a Christmas celebration, albeit a simple one, for the past week. Daryl had ignored the hype, much like he'd done with Christmases in the Before, but he'd noticed Carol's contemplative nature earlier at dinner. He'd sat next to her, deftly fending off the few attempts at conversation others threw their way. He hadn't asked her what was on her mind as they'd readied for bed, instead waiting for her to reveal what bothered her. It didn't surprise him it had to do with the kids. He missed them too.
“Hey,” he said softly, unwrapping his arms from around her and gently turning her to face him. “We're gonna see 'em again.” He cupped one hand along the side of her neck, just below her ear, his thumb running back and forth along her jawline. “Soon as the snow melts and it's safe to sail again, we're goin'.”
She peered up at him, her eyes full of trust and tears. “I know. Just feels like forever away right now. We've been gone so long...”
“Sorry I got caught up in stuff I shouldn't have. I didn't mean—”
She raised a finger to his lips. “I'm not sorry I came looking for you. And certainly not sorry I'm here.”
He nodded, believing her even as guilt sat heavy in his gut.
With a hand to the back of his neck, Carol drew his face toward her until his forehead touched hers. He closed his eyes for a minute, listening to her breathe, feeling her fingers ruffle through his hair at the nape of his neck.
“I'm so glad I found you.”
Daryl felt the breath of her words against his face and tangle in his heart. “Glad you came lookin'.”
She eased away from him a few seconds later to look into his eyes. “It's a miracle we didn't miss each other.”
“Oh, I missed you plenty,” he stated, feathering her hair away from her forehead with one hand. A smile lit up her face. “More'an you know. Never shoulda left you.”
“Now's your chance to never do it again,” she teased.
“Yes, ma'am.”
Carol shivered, and Daryl rubbed his hands up and down her arms to lend her warmth. “Head back to bed?” he asked, head nodding towards the large bed with layers of blankets on it.
She took a final glace out the window at the cold night and nodded. “Yeah.”
She waited for him to settle into the mattress before sliding under the covers and pressing her back against his chest. He draped his arm loosely around her waist as she tucked the edges of the blankets around her body, sealing the frigid air out and cocooning them in warmth.
“'Night.” Daryl dropped another kiss into her hair and closed his eyes contentedly, the best Christmas present he could ever wish for wrapped in his arms.
Forever tag: @madwomanlexie @mel-loves-all @memcjo @suellenalmeida @chey1995 @itsmymeaningoflife Message me to be added or removed.
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thegratefulsouth · 7 months ago
From the woman who gives us all the recs, @lola-andheruniverse I have to recommend 50 days and Countdown, which I've just consumed with a little straw because they are so decadent with longing and intricate detail. I have left very spoilery reviews. Set after the finale, so perfect timing for a read with TBOC so increasingly imminent!
50 Days on Nine Lives
Countdown on Nine Lives
Thank you Lola for all your recs, and your writing, you do a wonderful job 💖
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spanishrose2002 · 22 days ago
In your story old life new there's a part where they remember that he missed the birth of his son. So she named the son Dallas since that's where Daryl was when he found out. Would you think about possibly writing that as a Oneshot. I could just see that as being a cute story to show.
It's been a long time coming, and I'm sorry for that, but I can finally say "ask and you shall receive"! I do hope that you enjoy! Thank you for the ask, and thank you for reading!
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I absolutely love writing Daryl as being captivated, even discreetly so, with Carol. Just…with the desire to give her everything, worship her. And she’s just as enthralled with him but neither of them realize the extent of the other’s devotion.
Idiots. Both of them. I love it.
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onlycaryl · 28 days ago
I'm not trying to start a war here (it seems there's already one going on), but is it possible that Melissa McBride does not want to have her character's name in the title?
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alatariel-gildaen · 11 months ago
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Carol Peletier and Daryl Dixon as Vault Hunters.
Vault of the Savior
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ninelives2 · 7 months ago
Happy September! Fanfiction Challenge, Fundraising!
We start September with two big announcements. Firstly, below you will find the details of our first fanfic challenge in several years - we hope you will be inspired to take part.
The second announcement is that, while we have been incredibly fortunate to have had enough funding to keep us going through the Caryl dark years, sadly funds are now running low. 
Our last funding drive was in 2021, and the money raised then and since has paid for upkeep costs through 2024!
We are incredibly grateful to those who have donated to the site in the past, and those who have set up a regular donation - you are seen and appreciated, friends! 
However, In order to continue Nine Lives as an active site, we need to ask for your help to boost the funds and keep the site going.
We want to keep being the Caryl safe haven you love and need through the next few years, so if you can help contribute to the running costs of the site, please click the donate button on the home page.
Thank you in advance for any donation, however small. 
Reunited and it feels so good… After a long hiatus - enough time to take a slow boat to France and back - the Nine Lives Fanfic Challenge has returned!
To celebrate Carol’s return to the Walking Dead Universe, and the premiere of season two of TWD: Daryl Dixon The Book of Carol, we invite you to participate in the challenge by writing a fic on the theme of “Reunions”.
Just as we are reuniting with challenges, many fans are being reunited with The Walking Dead - all because we know this fall we will be witnessing another epic Caryl reunion, as Carol travels to France to find Daryl.
Your fic can be your imagining of the upcoming French reunion, or it can be any other kind of reunion. Maybe AU Caryl are attending their high school reunion? Maybe you want to expand on an already canon reunion between Carol and Daryl with new insight? Maybe pirate Caryl have a reunion on the high seas? 
Whatever kind of “Reunion” takes your fancy, here are the rules if you wish to take part in the challenge:
Challenge Dates - Submission date is September 28th; Posting date is September 29th (fics will be posted ahead of the Sunday evening premiere, to give you something to read as you wait.)
Open to - Fan Fiction (Caryl)
The Prompt - Write a story that deals with the theme of Reunion. Please remember, however, as this is a Caryl archive, the story must feature both Carol and Daryl prominently.
The Deadline - All submissions must be turned in by midnight on September 28th, Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Send a PM to tarascarol, subversivegrrl, or ikkleosu on the Nine Lives site that you want to enter the challenge. Even if you’re not sure you’ll have anything ready in time - let us know you’re planning on it. *YOU MUST DO THIS TO BE INCLUDED*
WRITE! Stories must be at least 100 words.
Multiple entries are allowed (and so veryyyy welcome)!
Do not upload it yet!
Submission Day is Saturday, September 28th – post your fic. It will not appear on the archive, but will enter our validation queue. Make sure you submit it under the Nine Lives Challenge category! Just like in challenges past, we will be suspending automatic validation for that day for all authors who enter the challenge. (This is one of the main reasons why you need to let an admin know you’ll be participating.)
Publication Day is Sunday, September 29th – We will post the master list and all of the challenges entries so everything shows up at once.
Any challenge fics posted before September 28th will be deleted. IF FOR SOME REASON you are unable to post on the 28th, please send a PM to one of the challenge mods - we will work with you.
Any questions? Post here or privately to one of the admins. Happy ficcing!
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lola-andheruniverse · 14 days ago
Hello lovely Lola
I have perused the index and I couldn't find this one, so not sure if I'm too late to submit, but I have to try for Umbra by mizdiz on Ao3. Sorry if you did rec it and I missed it. This is such a unique tale featuring exquisite elements of magic realism, so beautifully told. Captivating, stunning and heartwarming. And hilarious. Carol and Daryl are from very different worlds, but they meet, as if by fate, in a magic room in a Victorian house owned by Dale Horvath.
The banter between Caryl is glorious, especially given their different life experiences, eg:
Carol’s puzzlement turned to excitement when she realized he was pulling out his phone.
“You’re going to use your google?"
“I myself have never engaged in amorous congress”—Daryl mouthed the words “amorous congress” to himself.
"Somehow you talkin’ all polite is makin’ this so much worse.”
"Okay, no, go back to callin’ it amorous whatever the fuck. Sayin’ it outright ain’t better, I was wrong."
They are both so utterly precious, and it's such an emotionally vibrant, vivid journey, that I cannot recommend it enough.
In the old Victorian house, in the room controlled by the moon, Daryl meets a woman who swears she isn't a ghost.
Hello, dear anon! What an amazing recommendation you sent today! I remember reading Umbra when it was a WIP and thinking "that's such an interesting premise, how @waynedunlaptheorgandonor is going to get Carol and Daryl together (aka engaging in the so called amorous congress) if they are literally in different time spaces?" Dare I say, her solution did not disappoint. Heartwarming and captivating is truly what this story is, so thanks so much for rec'cing it. Besides AO3, Umbra is also completed and available on 9Lives. Rated: M Word count: 95.680 (15 chapters) Published: August 16, 2020 - complete
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nooowestayandgetcaught · 5 months ago
We Ain't Dead
read on AO3
~1k, Daryl Dixon/Carol Peletier, G-rating, S2 Canon AU Summary: Before Daryl picks up the trail in the middle of the night, he and Carol stargaze inside of Dale's RV.
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