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baby-xemnas · 7 months ago
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dfortrafalgar · 11 months ago
I'm Losing You... (But We're Filling the Cracks)
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem. But sometimes, you just need a little bit of love... and a little bit of science.
Warnings: read chapter 1 for warnings
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock | @whore-of-many-hot-men | @nerdisthenewcool | @lilypadmomentum
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Interlude II
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Law only gave you his phone number for study group purposes.  He was strictly adamant that he didn’t want you texting him outside of that single reason.
It was also him that broke that rule.  After only 5 days.
You woke up at around 9 in the morning on a Saturday, exhausted from a night out with your friends.  You lazily rolled over in your bed, squinting your eyes at the sunlight that beamed through the closed blinds of you and Ikkaku’s dorm room.  She had stayed at her boyfriend’s, so you had the entire space to yourself for the morning.  You reached your hand over to the small table you kept by your bed, grabbing your phone and holding it close to your face.  A few texts from your friends containing pictures from the night previous were in your messages, but one stood out to you.
Mean guy from study group Isn’t this the guy that was bothering you?
Mean guy from study group [1 Attachment]
You sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes as you opened your conversation with Law.  You had only texted three times exactly, first to state your name for his contact (if he even bothered to change your contact), followed by a text from him about the time for the next study group meeting, and lastly you saying ‘thanks’.
But now this.
He had attached a hyperlink that opened up to a news headline dated from the day previous.
North Blue University student arrested for cyberstalking and harassment, officials say.
You quickly tapped on the text window to reply to Law, your hands trembling.
Holy shit, yeah thats him alright
The incoming message bubble popped up and disappeared a few times while Law was typing on the other end.  You weren’t expecting him to respond at all, but what he did follow up with made your breath catch in your throat.
Mean guy from study group Are you alright?
Were.  You.  Alright.
Was he asking about your wellbeing?
With your fingers trembling for a completely different reason, you tapped out a response.
Are you worried about me???
You threw your phone down onto your comforter, your hands going to cup your warm cheeks as you watched those three little bubbles appear, then disappear, then appear again, and disappear.  He was surely struggling.  You snatched your phone back up, intent on typing an apologetic message, thinking that you came across more accusatory than you intended, but his response popped up before you could type anything out.
Mean guy from study group I guess.
Mean guy from study group It’s scary being harassed, so I wanted to make sure you saw the news.  Unless you were one of the ones who reported him.
He was worried about you.  Law was worried about you.
You felt blood rush to your face.  You were for sure overreacting.  Some alcohol must still be in your system from how quickly your exhaustion-riddled mind was jumping to conclusions.  He was only sending you this info because he was with you when you were confronted, that’s all.  It couldn’t be anymore than that.
But a strange part of you, a part of you that you struggled to consider, almost wished it was something more.
You quickly typed out a response.
Thank you, I really appreiate iy
Im sorry ;3;
Now you've done it.  He hated spam messages.  If this didn’t get your number blocked by him officially, then you’d resign yourself to never showing up to another study meeting.  You plopped your phone down and swung your legs over the side of your mattress to hop down and retreat to the bathroom, but your screen lit up one more time.
Mean guy from study group Lol.  It’s okay.
You sprinted to the bathroom, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
What was wrong with you?!  He was an asshole.  He was a massive douche who barely bothered to look at you, never talked to you outside of the study group (despite both of your schedules eerily aligning on multiple days of the week).  He made a point to avoid you when you approached his friends on campus to say hello.  He kept his head down, never looking at anyone.
You slapped your hands against your cheeks in the mirror, attempting to snap yourself out of whatever meet-cute daydream your subconscious was trapped in.
He was an asshole you studied with and he helped you out of a predicament once.  It was nothing more than that.
Law didn’t text you for almost a week after he initially sent you that news article, followed up his message with uncharacteristic concern for your wellbeing, and then an ‘lol’.  He was too embarrassed to even open his text messages, the mere glimpse of your contact name making him anxious.
Lunch girl
He couldn’t come up with anything better.  You probably named him something stupid on your phone, too.  Regardless, he was avoiding you like the plague when he could.  Keeping his head down during study group, dodging eye contact like a rogue flyball at a baseball game, and keeping his lips shut when his friends were in conversation with you.  
This was getting annoying.
The next Friday evening, a week after your last brief text message conversation, Law had holed himself up in his room for the evening, intent on swallowing himself into a medical documentary series he had started watching a few days earlier.  All the lights in his single dorm room were off, a small fan was blowing cool air around his room, and his computer was on his bed with the brightness turned all the way up.  He had just sat down on his mattress and popped one earbud in when a loud knock pounded on his door.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d think it was one of the residential assistants.
But that knock was too familiar to him.  With a deep groan, he slid off of his bed and pulled out his earbud, trudging toward the door with one of his hands shoved deep in the pocket of his yellow hoodie.  He pulled the door open, his eyes squinting from the bright light of the hallway.
“The hermit appears,” Shachi chided.  “Come on, we’re taking you out.”
“I hope you mean to kill me,” Law muttered back.  “Whatever you have planned, I’m not interested.”
“Well, we’re not giving you a choice.  Come on,” Penguin replied, grabbing his friend’s arm and yanking him out of his dorm.  Shachi closed the door for Law, making sure to slip inside and grab his friend’s key that was hung on the back of the door handle.
“What the fuck?!” Law hollered as he was dragged into the elevator.  Penguin punched the button to the ground floor, and the three began their slow descent.
“We’re going to Ikkaku’s, we’re gonna have a movie night,” Shachi piped up with an excited lilt in his voice.
Law swallowed sharply.  Ikkaku’s dorm was also your dorm.
“No.  Let me go,” he demanded, trying to push himself away from Penguin, who’s hand was still firmly wrapped around Law’s wrist.
Penguin made a tsk sound in his mouth.  “No-can-do, buck-a-roo,” he sang.  “Besides, it’s getting annoying watching you beat around the bush when it comes to New Girl.  Ikkaku told me she’s been getting sad that you’ve been avoiding her.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Law snapped, his voice dripping with venom.  “I don’t like her.”
“Bullshit,” Shachi snapped.  “You’re smitten for her and you know it.”
Law bit the inside of his lip as the elevator door slid open and his friends dragged him into the lobby of their building, pulling him into the early autumn air.
“Besides, she’s cute.  And somehow she’s been able to put up with your dick energy without getting upset about it.  Well, until now, obviously,” Penguin added.
“I don’t understand why it’s either of your business,” Law barked, tripping over his feet as he was dragged along.
Your dorm building, as well as Law’s, was part of a quadruple group of five-story buildings appropriately named ‘The Quad.’  Your’s was directly across from Law’s, past a fairly large center green with a few benches and a small stone statue of a pig.  No one really knew why the pig was there, and no one really questioned it.
The pig’s marbled eyes reflected Law’s nervous energy in the dark.  The raven-haired man gulped as he was dragged through the doors of your building, into the lobby, and subsequently up the elevator.
“Can you let go of my wrist now?” he asked, wiggling his fingers to make sure he still had feeling in them.  Penguin’s grip might as well have been a handcuff.
“No, ‘cus you’re just gonna run away,” Penguin responded, squeezing his friend’s wrist to punctuate his point.
“I hate you two,” he groaned.
“Love you too, buddy,” Shachi replied with a shit-eating grin.
The elevator door opened on the third floor and the three men stepped out, trudging down the hallway closer toward you and Ikkaku’s dorm.  Your room was located near the end of the hallway.  The outside of it was decorated with paper flowers and a whiteboard that had both of your names on it.  In the corner, a tiny penis was drawn with the dry erase marker that was kept clipped to the top of the board.
Shachi knocked three times in quick succession.  The frantic sound of footsteps bounced from inside of the room.  Large brown eyes and frizzy, curly brown hair was behind the door when it swung open.  
“You got him!” Ikkaku called, a bright smile on her face.
“We needed to trap him like a stray cat,” Penguin said back, his voice almost prideful, as if kidnapping his friend from a nice, peaceful, solitary movie night was an affable feat.
“Come in, come in, we got some drinks,” she said, opening her door wider and beckoning the three inside.  She planted a kiss on Penguin’s cheek when he passed by, making Shachi groan.
Your room was substantially larger than Law’s, on account of there being two of you, and each side was decorated with your respective tastes.  Ikkaku’s bed was lifted, with a tidy desk area underneath and plush blankets covering her mattress.  Her side of the wall was decorated with flowers and posters from her favorite musicians, and some polaroid photos attached to string lights hanging near the ceiling.  Your side was similar, with a large amount of fluffy pillows and blankets, but the poster that was hanging above the head of your bed frame was what caught his eye first.
It was a framed poster of ‘Sora: Warrior of the Sea’.  The bottom of it was signed with a few names in metallic alcohol markers.  You were sitting on your bed with your legs crossed, holding a pillow to your chest.  When Law finally tore his eyes away from the poster, they landed on you staring back at him.  You must have known he was ogling your mounted possession, as you simply tossed him a shy, knowing smile.
“So, what are we watching?” Penguin asked, finally releasing Law’s grip to clamor onto Ikkaku’s bed.
Ikkaku grinned.  “I found this cool murder mystery documentary.  I think it’s based on a true story, or something.  Perfect for a Friday night.”
Your shoulders stiffened.  “Are you sure…?  Ika, you know I don’t like stuff like that…”
Law’s chest clenched at the sound of your unsure voice.  He thought about how nervous you became when he first encountered you during lunch that day, how you shied away from the kid confronting you as if you hoped the wall would swallow you whole.  You looked so small, then.  He remained standing in the center of your room, feeling too awkward to take a seat anywhere.  He finally decided to simply sit on the floor against the back wall, facing the small television that was connected to Ikkaku’s laptop.
“You’ll be fine,�� Ikkaku chided.  “You’re with us, nothing’s gonna happen to you.”
He didn’t miss the way your throat bobbed slightly as you swallowed a thick glob of spit.
With a few taps against the trackpad of Ikkaku’s laptop, the movie started.  She turned off her string lights with her phone, plunging the room into darkness, with the only light being from the television screen.  Some opening credits flashed on the screen as the documentary started.  Some over-dramatic narration about a serial killer who was found guilty for an estimated 20 or so murders of college-aged women.
How topical.
Some comments were passed around between Shachi, Penguin, and Ikkaku, some dry jokes here and there related to the crimes committed by this degenerate man.
Everything was going smoothly, until the documentary made a bold choice to act out the scene of an assault.  Suddenly, you bolted upright from your bed, landing on your feet, bolting to your door in the dark based on muscle memory.  Law watched as your figure eclipsed the television screen, the door to your room opening and closing quickly cutting off the light from the hallway.
“What was that about?” Shachi asked, confusion and slight annoyance in his voice.
“She can’t stand stuff like this, I don’t get it.  It’s all over dramatic, anyway,” Ikkaku replied.
Law bit the inside of his cheek.  His body began moving on its own, pushing him to his feet and out the door, tripping over a pair of shoes in the dark as he fumbled to leave the room.  The bright light from the hallway infiltrated his eyes and made them water slightly, but he took long strides down the hallway to the stairwell to ascend to the first floor.  He wasn’t telling himself to look for you, but at the same time, that’s exactly what he was doing.
The stairs dumped him outside where a fire escape door was attached to the side of the building.  The sun had officially set now, plunging the entire campus into darkness save for the walkway lamps that lit the sidewalk.  He frantically looked left, right, then left again, before rounding the back of the building.  You must have been somewhere out here.  He had a feeling.
To his mild surprise, you were indeed behind the building, sitting on a concrete ledge with your arms around your head.  The only light above you was a flood light that barely cast enough of an image over the building’s exterior, but it was enough to make out your posture.  You had essentially folded yourself in half, your chest pressed against your knees as your feet dangled a few inches above the ground.  Even in the darkness, Law could see you trembling.  His heart skipped a beat as he approached you faster than he would have liked.  He felt like he was out of his body.
“H-Hey…” he uttered, afraid his words were too quiet.
Your head shot up, your eyes widened in surprise.  Tears were streaming down your swollen cheeks, your chin quivering as you held in your hiccups and sobs.
“What do you want,” you uttered, your eyebrows furrowing.
Law couldn’t blame you for your venomous tone, after all the disinterest he had given you over the past week.  You probably thought he wanted you dead, if anything.
“I just… wanted to make sure you were okay,” he muttered back, his low voice barely above a whisper.
You wiped your eyes against the sleeve of your own sweatshirt.  “Why do you care?  Don’t you hate me, or something?”
“I don’t hate you,” he replied.  It wasn’t a lie.  Maybe when he first met you he wanted it to be, but after getting thrice-a-week doses of your smile when you talked to his friends, he was finding it harder and harder to hate you.  If anything, he struggled to admit that he had actually grown quite fond of you.  The thought still made a shiver run up his spine.  It was so foreign, so unlike him.  The kid who had grown to hate the thought of love, having lost everything to its toxic clutches.
You were staring at him with red, puffy eyes.  You wanted to ask him why he had been so off putting toward you after your brief text conversation with him the week prior.  You wanted to yell at him for being a dickhead toward you, for not having the balls to simply tell you that he didn’t want you around instead of acting like you didn’t exist.  But your lips stayed closed, trembling as you held in your tears.
A deep-rooted part of you wanted him to sit next to you.
Law’s feet started moving on their own again, a mere subconscious in a vessel of flesh.  He sat on the concrete beside you.
After a few painfully awkward moments, he finally opened his mouth to speak.  “I’m kind of a dick.”
You snorted, dry and sarcastic.  “I couldn’t tell.”
Law brought one of his knees to his chest, his heel resting against the concrete retaining wall.  “I’m not good with words, either.”
This time, you simply stayed silent.  The only noises coming from you were weak sniffles as your tears died down, your mind finding peace with his presence.  A peace you would have never expected.  Through the low light from the flood lamp above your heads, your eyes caught another look at the tattoos on his hands.  DEATH.
Neither of you moved when your head knocked against his shoulder, your upper body leaning to the side.  You could feel his chest still as he held his breath, eyes surly blown wide with the suddenness of your movement.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you muttered.  “I don’t know why I’m leaning on you.”
“Are you some kind of zombie?” he replied, keeping his voice low.  A very small smirk creeped onto his lips, but he forced it down as soon as he felt his muscles twitch.
“Probably,” you responded, serious as you could be.  “I don’t like assault.”
Law’s mind flashed back to the scene that had made you get up and leave.  Not many people did like assault, but he had a keen feeling your words were a bit deeper than that.
Without thinking, he blurted, “What do you like?”
You kept your skull against his bony shoulder.  He had a certain scent to him, a boyish musk mixed with the scent of cedar and something citrus-y.  It was… comforting.  With a small grin, you replied, “Sora.”
Law’s heart skipped a beat.
You finally picked your head up.  “I saw you staring at my poster.  I got it a few years ago at a con… the voice actors from the anime were in the dealer’s room doing a signing event.”
“Have you read the latest chapters of the comic?” he asked, finally turning his attention toward you.  Your eyes were still swollen from crying, but you had a small smile on your face, very similar to the one you gave him during your lunchroom encounter.  His chest fluttered again.  He was probably dying of acute heart failure.  Perhaps an aortic aneurysm.
“I have, I pirate it online,” you replied.  “Yo ho ho.”
Your voice was dry, but the sound of your lazy imitation of a pirate laugh made him snort.  He couldn’t help it.  His body was acting on its own.  He shouldn’t be laughing with you, he shouldn’t have let you lean your head on his shoulder.  He needed to keep you at arm’s length, or even further away.  But something about you kept drawing him in.  Something about you, the sound of your voice, the faint smell of lavender on your skin, the way your eyes sparkled on cloudless days, the softness of your lips when they curled into a smile while you laughed.
“Law…?” you questioned, his golden eyes staring off into space.
He snapped back to attention, tearing his eyes away from you and staring at the ground below his feet.  “Sorry.”
Your lips fell.  “It’s alright.”
A few brief moments of silence passed through you before he suddenly blurted, “I wouldn’t be a good man for you.”
You turned your head to face him.  “What?”
“Nothing,” he stated bluntly.  “I spoke without thinking.”
You had heard him loud and clear, though.  Your heart hammered in your chest, hoping, begging for him to repeat those words.  You were shocked with how badly you wanted to prove him wrong.
“I don’t think that’s true,” you whispered.  “I think you could be a really good man for me.”
Law sucked in a breath, his eyes widening.  He slowly picked his head up, his weary golden eyes meeting your own.  You were gazing at him, a mixture of apprehension and understanding painting your features.  You seemed just as damaged as he was.
“Do you…” he mumbled, trying to collect his racing thoughts.  “Do you want to go back to my place and watch Sora?”
Your lips broke out into a nervous grin.  “I’d love to.”
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 1 year ago
Hi! This is super angsty so I 100% understand if you don't wanna do it!!
I was wondering how Tangerine would act if reader and him got into an argument and she cried hcs? I live and thrive on angst 🤍
hii!!! no no don’t worry, I love stuff like this, especially with tan😩 ofc ofc!! hope you like it💌
tan has a crazy scale for anger I just know it. the dude has anger problems and could blow up over practically nothing - goes from 0 to 10 in no time. so I think that living with him you have to be quite patient and understanding, but not to the point where you get walked over!! 
tan has a grasp on his anger around you, so don't worry!! he'd never take it out on you as you're his happy place, and safe haven kinda thing - but sometimes he finds it hard to control his anger and would accidentally lash out at you
maybe you get into a small argument about something (maybe bc of something he said or the way he said it) you bring it up and tans already having a bad day (maybe stressed having to plan a mission or just returned from one)
you bring it up in a calm, reasonable way, and he thinks that you're trying to start something or just being petty. maybe he's like, "can't do this now, not in the mood for that shit," and you're like, "im not trying to start something. I just want to talk about (...)" and he's all like "did you not hear me the first time, can't fucking do this right now," maybe you start a sentence to counteract what he said and he interrupts saying, "you always do this, always hounding me. just give me a fucking minute."
you're kinda stunned, standing there and your face drops, lips turn down and brows pull together (all of your features showing obvious signs of sadness and hurt) eyes soft with pulled back ears, all that kinda thing. and bc his back is to you, he can't see your face. he's continuing to go off on one then notices how quiet you are. he turns around and sees you standing there with your head in your hands (hands covering your ears) tears, wobbly bottom lip, the lot 
IMMEDIATE regret from tan!! his heart and face drops. features FULL of concern and shame!! he rushes over to you, trying to pry away your hands. maybe you flinch and back away then open your eyes and see how guilty he looks. he's all like "love? love, im so sorry— it's okay," maybe you're in a state of shock?? he's trying to calm you down and bring you back, whispering reassurances. "I didn't mean that."
maybe he's trying to analyse you, seeing what you need. he assesses your body language and moves forward, hesitantly opening his arms as if to offer a hug. you don't pull back, you just stand there crying. he goes slow and eventually wraps you in a tight hug. he'd rub over your back, holding your head into the crook of his neck with the other, soothing and calming you. whispers lots of apologies!! he feels awful
you'd stay like that for a bit and then hug him back - squeezing him and crying into his shoulder
he'd never lose his temper like that again, seeing you so upset by something he had done almost killed him. he'd never want to make you feel like that again💔💔
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
no taglist as don’t wanna spam you guys
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bivwifeybunny · 1 year ago
I here by request Foolish fluff that can allude to smut!
Maybe reader has a headache and Foolish ends stream early to comfort her and she starts feeling better and then things lead into the bedroom..
(Also may I have permission to write the smut part? Like you put out the fluff and then I give the part 2 that’s smut 👀)
My Special Girl
Pairing(s): Foolish x reader
Warning(s): Cursing, alluded smut (actual smut in the part 2 hehehe 🤭), mostly just fluff tho
A/N: RAHHH I'm finally posting a fic after.... uhhh idk but a LONG time. haha... yeah sorry about that. but HEY it's a foolish fic and that's something new. shrimpy here convinced me to start writing for him (it wasn't hard since i cant say no to shrimpy lmao) but yeah, this is a little collab I did with her. so as said in the ask, she wrote part 2 with the actual smut. I loved writing this and working with her honestly. she helped with a couple questions I had and was really patient with me (i took 11 days to finish this lol rip) so would def do again. also my first collab? im so excited for y'all to read this. anyways this is getting long, enjoy and the link for part two is at the end.
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You already felt it coming on. The tension building behind your eyes and the strain forming at your temples. But you’d be cruel to deny him when he looked at you with that cute pout. So you walked off, popped an ibuprofen and came back, sitting next to him as you watched him play some Minecraft.
However, the ibuprofen was definitely not enough. Thanks to his bright ass lights, the less than cozy screaming and yelling, and the eye strain from staring at the monitors, your headache began to worsen.
“I thought Minecraft was supposed to be a relaxing game.” You groaned, eyes squinted as you struggled to keep up with the pvp he was doing.
“Maybe it could be, if Richarlyson wasn’t being such a little bITCH!” Foolish screamed, resulting in another wince from you. His fingers darted around, clicking away as he chased after the little pixelated egg.
And then came the barking.
The back and forth, screaming, barking, with the added touch of his way too bright lights and the blue light from the monitors made you groan again. You leaned your head down, your hand covering your eyes, trying to find some relief. He was so excited to show you his progress on the titan, and you promised you’d at least stay long enough to see it, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could take this.
Luckily though, most of the screaming and barking stopped when Richas made a strategic retreat and teleported away. So you were able to look back at the monitor when he called your name.
“Okay, finally. Alright, alright, look.” Foolish grinned as he warped over to his titan build and began to glide over to it. “Now, I’m obviously not completely done but I’m so close, and I only really have- No, no, nO, NO!” He whined as a creeper dropped down next to him and exploded, ruining a part of the hand.
And unfortunately for you, that note struck the wrong cord and the pounding in your head grew past your limit. “Foolish, I’m gonna go lay down, okay?” You whispered, not only because of the throbbing in your head but also so his chat wouldn’t hear. You hurried off screen, heading back into his bedroom and crawling into bed after ensuring all the lights were off. You tossed the blankets over your head and buried your face into the cool pillow, hoping it’d ease the pain.
Meanwhile, as soon as you left, the doozers were all spamming things like “what happened to ___?”, “i dont think they were feeling well”, “they had their head down earlier”, “are they okay?” and so on.
Foolish, however, didn’t even glance at chat as he hurried off of Minecraft. “I think I’m gonna call it a day, guys. Sorry this was a shorter stream than usual.” He apologized for his 3 hour stream before quickly ending.
As soon as he was sure he ended, he rushed over to his room. He frowned at the dark room and the faint outline of your body curled up under the blankets. “Baby?” He called out quietly, climbing onto the bed next to you. He leaned over, propped up on his elbow and gently drew back the blankets. “What’s wrong?”
“Head hurts.” You muttered, eyes still shut tightly, jaw clenched.
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey.” He whispered softly, turning you to face him before rubbing his thumbs over your eyebrows, a silent instruction to relax from your tense position. “Should’ve told me. I wouldn’t have asked you to come on stream if I’d known you weren’t feeling good. Did you take anything to help it?”
“Just ibuprofen but’s not working.” You answered, leaning into his touch with a soft sigh, making him smile.
“Well, here. Why don't we try a bit of this?” Foolish mumbled, pulling you on top of him. “Where does it hurt?” He asked, to which you muttered, “My temples ‘nd behind my eyes,” snuggling into his warmth. He nodded, moving his hands to your head and beginning to massage your temples gently, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You sighed in relief, relaxing your stiff position even more as he rubbed away all the tension, humming in a soothing, soft tone. You stayed like that for a while, letting Foolish work his magic while you cuddled him close.
After a little while he kissed your head again and moved his hands away, hugging you instead. “Feel any better?”
“Good.” He smiled softly. “And I hope you know I’m going to absolutely clowned on by chat tomorrow and it’s all your fault.” He teased with a playful smirk.
“I say it’s worth it. They already get to spend way too much time with you as is. It’s about time I stole you away from them for a little while.” You laughed, lifting your head to look up at him before smirking. “But if you really want me to make it up to you, I have an idea in mind I’m sure you’d like.”
“Oh ho ho ho.” Foolish giggled excitedly, meeting you halfway when you leaned up to kiss him. “Don’t mind if I do…” He smirked into the kiss, flipping you over. “But since my baby was hurting, why don’t you let me take care of you?”
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Part 2 :D by @mentallyillcrustacean
Taglist: @jordyncandy @foxilia @lacunaanonymoused @remiwastaken
Foolish taglist: none yet :)
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eeeeeidklol · 24 days ago
winter romance part 1
warnings: cussing? i think that’s all idk reader is bi? (she flirts w a guy and isn’t very sure of her sexuality yet!)
random: i’ve never done one of these before so be nice probably a bunch of grammar and spelling errors sorry!*also this part is mainly background explaining stuff*
your in college living your life it’s almost winter break and you can’t help to be excited but all of a sudden you get the worst news of your life..well according to you.
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you decide to post about it..your bestfriend lena immediately comments on it and then texts you.
*one notification*
lena: your going to jackson?! since when!
“trust me not by choice i’m leaving in a few days probably”
you immediately respond with
*buzz buzz*
lena: but what about all our fun winter plans?! this sucks y/n.
“i know im sorry but we still have a few days..let’s hang while we can linnie”
lena: oh don’t “linnie” me i’m so bummed but you’re right let’s hang soon with the whole group!!
linnie is a nickname you gave your bestfriend lena when in class the teacher couldn’t pronounce her name and you both found it extremely funny and silly and you’ve randomly called her that ever since
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you post on your spam account some pictures of you and your friends hang out already missing them.. the next day you hit the road your already going to the airport your a bit nervous you haven’t seen your dad in so long your lost in thoughts until..
*buzz buzz*
ethan winston commented: miss you already pretty lady
you immediately groan at the notification you and ethan had been flirty for a bit but you both always never took it too seriously plus you weren’t sure if you even really did like him or if you just thought he was cute either way you both didn’t wanna ruin the friend group by causing unnecessary drama by dating. your thoughts break as your mom speaks.
“y/n i want you on your best behavior when your at your dads okay?”
“yea..okay i don’t even understand why i have to go?”
“look i know it’s never been easy for you ever since me and you dad split honey..but your father is finally ready to reconnect with you and i’ve told him that door has always been open for him.”
“he never tried to connect with me when i was younger.” you say your voice laced with attitude
“y/n.” your mom says sternly before her voice softens.
“your dad was busy when you were little always working on his business sweetie he loves you and now that he’s all settled down in jackson he’s ready for you to see his life okay?”
you just hum and nod at her not wanting to continue this conversation. you knew the real reason why he wanted you over there just so he could please your mom and make her happy and make her think he’s changed when in reality he hasn’t you’ve always known he misses your mom but his pride holds him back plus your mom definitely doesn’t miss him after he never payed attention to her for years and only focused on his work. all he cared about was money and growing his business but now your getting of the car saying your goodbyes to your mom dragging your suitcases into the airport.
*buzz buzz*
your phone buzzes as you sit down and wait for your plane to arrive.
new messages from: lena, kenna, bre.
*are we there yet?*
a gc made which your 3 best friends made on a long car ride which taking forever and your friends brother mark was driving and you all couldn’t talk out loud since your friends brother would hear the conversation which none of you wanted.. since the conversation was very silly and private you all were bored out of your minds hence the gc name no one has bothered to change it since then.
bre:“day 1 without y/n i feel myself going blind”
lena: literally i miss her so much RIP Y/N!
i’m literally right here?
you text.
kenna: it’s like she’s still here..
you can’t help but let out a small giggle at that..you and your friends text until it’s time to board the plane..it takes some long hours until your finally off the plane. once your off and go get your bags outside waiting for you is your dad claiming he couldn’t go inside since it was “too confusing” as if he hasn’t been to millions of businesses meeting that involved him traveling.
“no it’s okay dad i don’t mind..” you say to his excuse on why he didn’t meet you but still you give him a warm smile.
“alright then let’s go you’ll love it sweetie.”
your dad wasn’t a bad person..he’s just money obsessed which confused you since he lived in jackson. as your dad described it jackson was a warm nice town where most everyone knew eachother. your dad had loved working in nyc he loved the business in jackson he was a boss of a important business there.. you really didn’t know much you just knew he was the boss around there.
your looking out the window appreciating the view it was very pretty it was late night and you were exhausted after tour 7 hour flight you decided to text your mom.
“hey with dad now. miss you love you mom.”
*buzz buzz*
“happy to hear sweetie love you.”
you close your phone and smile sweetly and your moms “i love you” text soon your off youe dads car and into his house it was a nice house the neighborhood was nice..your dad shows you your room it looks nice you immediately get into bed not bothering to unpack yet your dad chuckles at you
“ready to hit the hay?” he says
“yea im all jet lagged. so sleepy.”
“alright night sweetie..nice having you here..maybe..uh tomorrow morning we can get some coffee? if you even like that sort of thing.”
“coffee sounds great dad..thanks..night.”
he shuts your room door and you cuddle into the sheets. has he really changed? is he really trying to bond? your not sure but decide to sleep it off.
next morning you wake up at 9 in the morning sleepy only to find out your dad is up and awake you linger around the house you eventually find him typing away in his office making calls too he soon realized you and turns to you and smiles as he’s on the phone quickly putting it on mute
“i’m almost done here you can go and change and then we’ll head out for breakfast okay?”
“okay..” you rub your eyes and head back upstairs into your room unpacking most of your important stuff like makeup and outfits and your brush just to get ready and soon you’re all ready.
you and your dad head out and go to a local breakfast place you walk there and talk about how life’s been and things like that sook your there and you both sit
“what can i get you?”
a girl with a slicked back pony tail asks.
“just 2 coffees for now dina thanks”
“oh! mark! it’s you! sorry been so busy haven’t even payed attention..who’s this?”
“that’s my daughter..y/n she’s probably around your age she’s in college aswell..”
“hi..” you say and smile shyly
“hi im dina! so nice to finally meet you your dad has talked about you before he comes in here a lot so i’d know.”
“mhm dina i was wondering if you could show y/n the town maybe? just so you know she has a friend”
you get interrupted you didn’t need anyone to keep you busy while he was off at work you didn’t wanna be a inconvenience.
“i’d love to! that would be so great..plus id love to make a new friend aswell.”
you smile warmly at her
“are you sure i don’t wanna be a bother..”
“no don’t worry! you won’t”
“well..i have to get to work soon..”
“but our drinks dad-“
“well you woke up late sweets..sorry.”
you get up to leave with him but dina stops you
“wait! stay! you can meet my friends..they’ll be by soon and i’ll sit too and we could all talk..? and get to know eachother “
you look at your dad hurrying already to work and you agree and quickly tell your father you’ll stay you curse yourself feeling like your dad hadn’t changed one bit now..your lost in thought upset but the door of the dinner opens a girl walks in with green eyes her face scattered with freckles she was very pretty she immediately caught your attention you barley noticed the guy next to her
“ellie! jesse! your here come sit!”
dina immediately abandones her cleaning tables and comes to me
“this is my new friend y/n she’s very nice she’s new around here wait..how long are you here for y/n?”
“just for the winter break so like for 3 weeks because then my college classes start up again”
“ahh..nice okay! this is ellie..and jesse”
they both sit down at the table
“hey..nice to meet you”
the guy says you greet him aswell he obviously has a thing for dina not being able to take his eyes off her as she gets their drinks.
“nice to meet you too”
the freckled girl says looking at you
“so..what are you doing in jackson?”
“oh visiting my dad..for the holidays”
“nice wait so where do you live?”
immediately you both hit it off asking eachother question with dina’s friend jesse being too busy just waiting for dina to come back soon i leave to the restroom excusing myself while im gone dina comes with the drinks and sits down
“woah? ellie’s actually talking that’s surprising”
“how’s that-“
“because you never talk to new people ellie.” dina teases
“mmh yea this is the most talkative she’s been in awhile” jesse chuckles ellie just gets embarrassed
“shut up! i’m just being nice plus jesse was just gawking over you the whole time so i had to say something!”
“ellie since when are you fucking nice??”
you finally come back and sit down noticing it goes a bit quiet when you come back and just smile awkwardly
“soo..why’s ellie red?”
dina bursts out laughing
“yea can you explain that one ellie?”
“probably because dina’s pissing me off”. ellie smirks a bit
(ahh in ending it right here bc i need to sleep and i don’t wanna make into a draft bc last time i did that it didn’t upload anyway this is part 1!! ill make part 2 tmr maybe!)
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*burns down building cutely* guys im literally just a girl!!!
welcome to my blog
hi guys!!! im loralai but you can call me lora. this post is a running collection of all my chaos
you guys like lists? good bc that's all ive got for you
stuff i do
i draw in ibis paint on my phone with a disc stylus and use capcut to edit animatics (which yes, i can still do, despite being in the us). most of my stuff is tagged with either #art or #doodles, rarely both. doodles is my old tag for sketches and... well, doodles. i put everything under the art tag now
i have one published fic right now with another multi chapter on the way and some one shots im going to get to eventually! i don't have an update schedule. im little1133 on ao3
if you have perfect pitch talk to me please i need someone who understands the feeling when you get a song stuck in your head and you can't remember what key it's in but all the keys you picture it in sound wrong so now it's in your head but it sounds WRONG
epic the musical
this is my main fandom right now! epic has had a huge effect on my life, gotten me back into drawing and writing :) im always down to yap about the babies or read your fic or whatever
i love odypen so so much. also i heard someone use the ship name penelody and that's the prettiest ship name ive ever heard i think. platonic eurypoli is also one of my favs. im a eurylochus defender for life
if you follow me you are big time signing up for epic spam
this is my longest-term fandom i think. i love this little fandom so much!! Katie (@ myfairkatiecat , very cool user) got me into it last summer (i know, not very long term for my longest term fandom. im young okay). im a keefe defender (sorry stria) and i love fintan pyren a normal amount. fav ships are sokeefe, dexiana, and fintante! i am a sucker for platonic sophitz. they go well together what can i say
iywalirayhtdwa > wiityispb
percy jackson / riordanverse
i love love love this series so much. leo is my baby. percabeth should be called smartwater for ever and ever. i don't participate in this fandom because i learned my lesson from kotlc about joining the fandom before you're done reading and ive already gotten spoiled enough just from random youtube comments. am i really going to abstain from this fandom until ive read all however many series there are? probably not
greek mythology in general
yeah... right above this is percy jackson and epic the musical. you knew this was coming. im rapidly turning into the greek mythology kid. it's bad.
i listened to the soundtrack with animatics a bit ago and im planning on watching a recording of the actual show. this musical has already. made me. FEEL THINGS. A LOT. doubt comes in absolutely broke me which im sure isn't a surprise to anyone who's seen hadestown. just like in epic Hermes is a whole vibe and a half. living it up on top, chant, and why we build the wall have alternated being played on loop in my brain. this musical is literally so.
im currently playing in a dnd campaign (#ivanna) as an elven wizard named Ivanna and in the late planning stages of dming a campaign (#crossfire campaign) for me and my friends. im unwell about both of these things
i... don't have much to say about this fandom. im not very active in it. love the fanart. love daisuke and anya ofc. we be taking responsibility with this one
elnea kingdom
i don't really post about this game on here because the fandom is mainly on Reddit. this is here purely for propaganda. look up this game and play it. you know you want toooo ohh you wanna play it soooo baaaad
posts i want you to see
too lazy to do this list rn. im gonna link the seaglass vacker eyes post, the Ody is the short one in odypen, and some of my top posts later
tags ig
#art - self explanatory.
#bookmark - things I'm saving to refer back to later.
#liveblog - ive been doing this less lately but it's always a tradition for me to do at least a few liveblogs whenever im consuming a new media. i love this tag because it contains my magnum opus: my huge reblog chains with every little thought i had while reading kotlc. all of them have like 40 self reblogs to just add to them. there's a chain for each book, and i did it for the first like 5 or 6 books. i highly recommend looking at those they're very funny.
userboxes + other
i don't have a dni. if i don't like you ill block you
im not donating to your gofundme
my interests are subject to change on a whim with zero warning
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leesolbeesol · 9 months ago
Call On Silent
(Part 1: Chicken Scratch) (Part 3: Easy Talking) (Part 4: Over The Moon) (Part 5: No Messing Up) (Part 6: Can We Talk?) (Part 7: Goldilocks)
genre: fluff, college!au
pairing: student!mark x student!o/c (this one can still be treated as xreader)
summary: the cute guy calls you!
wc: ~600
note: upwards of 500 words again! this one's just cute and only a little stressful for m/c
As you sit in your lecture, your phone is buzzing incessantly in your pocket as you frantically try to silence it. A call?? Why isn’t it on silent?! Drawing a few stares from the people in your immediate surroundings, you finally silence it—that, or it goes off by itself. What the hell? You try to refocus on the lecture but your interest is piqued, who was calling you? Your mom knows not to call you now because you're busy, and your friends are all in lectures. Prof. Im’s usually entertaining words go in one ear and out the other because curiosity swallows you whole. You don’t even know why you’re so curious. You could just pull your phone out, but you risk getting in trouble—even if your professor is a sweetheart. 
Soon after, you find yourself walking out of the lecture hall, brightly lit by the midmorning sun, on the way to the ‘bathroom’. Your back hits the hard white brick wall as you lean into it and whip out your phone in it’s cherry red case. It’s an unknown number. You realize it’s probably spam, and feel a let down that it’s not the boy from the café. That is, until you see the 26 second voicemail and the transcript that the number left and your heart almost stops. He actually called? Mark Lee actually called? You’re shocked, to say the least. He did give you a nod, but you expected that it was just for politeness’ sake. Should I listen now? Your mind is racing with anticipation. You press the play button and hold your phone up to your ear, eager to hear what he said. Is he going to let me down easy?
“Hey, um, I realized I didn’t even get your name… I just called you to say that I thought you were really cute at the café, and I’d love to take you out somewhere sometime. It doesn’t matter to me where we go, I want you to have fun. I know you gave me your number but if you changed your mind that’s totally okay too, but I really hope you’ll take me up on the offer.” 
He sounds really nervous. You guess he doesn’t have class now? Besides that, you’re floored. He called you and wants to take you out on a date. This is so crazy. You didn’t even realize he didn’t know your name. It makes sense, you’re mutual friends but you’ve never really had a conversation. You’ve heard a Mark referenced in passing, but you never knew who he was or what he looked like. You guess that it goes the same for him—he’s never put your name to your face. He can’t see that I’ve listened, right? You’re faced with two options: A) text him that you’re in class and say yes, or B) text him later and say you were in class and say yes. To hell with it, you’ve already listened, you might as well text him now. The pads of your fingers beat rhythmically against the digital keys: hey! i got your voicemail, but i’m in class so i can’t call you, so sorry! i’d love to go out sometime. we can figure out the details later lol. You rephrase it like three times, what would make you sound eager but not crazy? You don’t know—you’ve never done this before. You remember to add something else: my name is moon sora, by the way. You think your name is silly; moon in English and sky in Japanese. You pad your way back into the classroom—you were only gone for 5 minutes.
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madfantasy · 1 year ago
Dear blogging
Wish you peace, always. Considering all, it been extra rough. My guardians were sick, and my fragile of a stability was about to break— but it okay now, and the pendulum of consciousness returned swaying in my head.
Somehow in the middle of everything, I was starting to feel okay and accept that this is the best it can get for this non verbal Mani. I honestly I stopped living as if there was tomorrow maybe the majority of 2023, zero drive or hopefulness, and lately started to accept that there's no denying that I'm not made to survive this life, and dropped all pretence that I'm able, set a 5 years counter. Because if mere looking at people's faces distress me so much that I blank out &/or go mute, since childhood, no amount of me forcing myself to watch videos/ pictures over and over can fix that. That's simply how I'm made and I know that now, and in a way it's bringing me peace.
Because I thought I'm bratting when I wore my headphones to cancel out noise that were literally going to drive me insane, or when I couldn't respond to messages knowing that I can articulate deeply in writing but ignoring all the endless times when I simply couldn't, and have forced myself to eat many things that set me days in nausea and abdominal pain while I only enjoy liquids more and get high off of fruits, I love them so much half my OCs are named after some.. and drew.. drew even before I spoke because it was my only outlit to express because how much I'm told I'm like a robot, I'm so expressionless and non reactive and disgustingly literal, even when they actively beat me black Nd blue to stop drawing, I couldn't.. where do you free those emotions when U can, i needed emotion displays and heartfelt trimmers, thrilling or killing, I needed to do them as if my life depended on it, and I haven't realised it back then, but my life was dependent on them, even when I had 'no talent ' , as I have always been told.
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(commissioned by precious Julia ♥️🖤)
And besides drawing my needs, I actually, physically, started to feel better when I didn't do what my body said it literally can't do, all my life:
-Walked away from my guardians arguments, my chest stabbing pains became less frequent.
Stopped "practicing" my voice &/or facial expressions, I talk for 2 minutes, immediately my whole face muscles hurt, voice is cracking and gone, I don't feel like my eyebrows hurt as much. I'm okay being the monotone no expresso train c:
-stopped eating what I "don't like" (I mean it's not like I have much choice, but stopped feeling guilty over refusing it cuz food be tight) Nd now I can actually drink more water, and my tummy aches are on lower levels now
-i stopped dealing with Discord, or group chats in general cuz I don't expect accommodation over things I can't deal with. Stopped stressing over doing engaging material that no body seems to care about, cuz I'm not a good judge of demand, or stressing over either I should be thanking everyone who spams me with likes or not, (while I appreciate it to the moon) 90% of the time they don't respond Nd Im forced to think like I've done something wrong. I'm now at more ease with posting — (literally I have to fight the urges to delete my socials daily) just with interacting with who addresses me (I lov U guys sm) and I've been more relaxed from it.
I returned to "speaking in riddles" cuz if I don't use the words my brain spews no matter how weird they R, a tire will pop somewhere on the other side of an AU- idk lo'
-i rock, hum and laugh OUT my maniacal laugh, hard and strong, continued loving and talking to my plushies as I used to do, the easiest thing I could do to feel calmer again. As everyone should do
.. I stopped saying the word sorry. It's a naughty Mani era.
Accepting these facts and many, even with having no will to live had me saner than I ever been, at least I hope so.
I just know that I have a few to be grateful of: that I'm still here somehow, even with my dwindling income, Nd my internet not worth costing 120$± I'm always grateful for the sudden one or two commissions that keeps me here and buys me coffee and pumpkins seeds..
I still struggle horrindously with sleep. But I'm grateful at least I'm at pure ease playing games. Games been my go to media for knowing basically all based on books they were made about, like Severus and Tintin, I still play their ps1 games! Tho I got stuck on this game & their sleep has given me so much ease lo
I'm at my happy place rn, heh.
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Bonus panel: ye they R hungry for that SHI- lo 🙈
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And an honorary appearance of my OC with Tintin hehe
Stay safe, don't feed the overconsumption machine, don't give up on your heartstrings's stringers, don't worry— there are people who think and feel like you always between the crowds, and I'm thankful that I share the same timeline with you♥️🖤
Sweet dreams 🌃 19.2.2024
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months ago
TW: domestic abuse???
sorry for the yapping btw lol reaallllly long lol
so recently one of my friends has been having relationship problems with an ex.....
They were dating for about 8 months and broke up because she was starting to verbally abuse him, manipulate him, gaslight, guilt trip, the whole shabang in a long distance relationship. She also cheated on him, 3 times, in the span of a month...!
Even though they broke up, they were still in contact, and when he went on a date with someone she went crazy screaming at him on the phone. I saw this first had because I was there when she called him. I could here her even without speaker.
(Most of this was very shocking to me because I had started to become friends with her, and I had never seen her/heard of her acting like that.)
The next day (they had talked it through) she went on a date with a different guy and said it was fine because she was the girl in the relationship and she could do what she wanted. (no????)
After this they had a long talk about if they could see other people because she had insisted on it. they came to the conclusion that they were over had no control or say over each others lives.
Yay!! proplem solved right? WRONG
My friend ends up getting a girlfriend a couple weeks later (same girl he went on a date with.)
They had still be talking as friends as one does sometimes but one night she calls 7 times, and then spam texts him. He thinks something is wrong so he texts her back because she wasn't been doing well mentally. (he cant call because its 2am on a school night.)
She starts asking all these questions about their relationship, saying "oh how did i mess up" "do you still love me more then friends" "am i a shit person because I cheated on you" "I miss you" "we should get back together" etc....
He says no, because he started dating someone about a week ago at this point and he's not giving up on that girl just to go back to her. Reasonable right?
She freaks out and starts yelling at him (over text yes, it was in caps) and starts claiming oh you never loved me, im gonna off myself becuase of this, your such a bad person etc....
he ends up just turning his phone of because she will not stop texting him and its a school night.
That was yesterday and he hasn't done anything about it yet. Ive talked to him about it and suggested that because he still wants to be friends with her (????) that he give her an ultimatum because this is extremely unhealthy for both of them.
Ultimatum being that if she does not clean up her act, that he will cut contact with her.
He's said "no i dont want to do this because shes really unstabled right now and i dont want her to hurt herself or others" but he is not responsible for her life or happiness, peoples actions have consequences.
a concerned friend
Okay, this sounds eerily like one of my past experiences lol. And as someone who has dealt with this before- he NEEDS to cut her off. He is not responsible for her emotions or her actions. He needs to take care of himself, and this is not healthy. He will feel SO much better after he cuts contact. Please remind him that he's not responsible for her and if he's actually concerned about those things, he should call the police.
Naming you concerned friend anon!
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comedicallyterriblemasky · 1 year ago
TEEHEE IM BACK (i hope me spamming you ((i know this isnt spamming but shh)) is okay) I WANNA SEE YOUR HEADCANNONS FOR TIM AND MASKY and also maybe eyeless jack? i don't remember if you write for him IM SORRY IF YOU DON'T, ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HEADCANONS FOR TIM RA|IGHT NOW: he would so paint, like it makes sense to me that he would, and i think he would be good at it too!!! he would at least be okay at it yknow?
Characters: Tim Wright, Masky and Eyeless Jack
S/O: No
CW: Semi realistic
Tags: SFW (Sexually)
Headcanons below!:
Tim Wright:
Ok expanding on that painting headcanon,, he would totally paint! And he would 100% be decent at it, though I can imagine it sorta being like Alex Kralie's pages, but like,, more deranged if that makes sense. Like to an average person who doesn't know what happened during canon/pre canon would probably find it drawings/paintings off an insane person. But I feel like the paintings would just be like, the operator and the events that happened but like, he has really terrible handwriting + I feel like he shakes a lot so it all combines into a mess. But I also can imagine him painting like really nice landscapes as well, of forests, swamps, mountains etc.
I have a feeling that he still visits Brian, Jays and even Alex's graves every month or so, even if it does bring up bad times and makes him emotional I feel like, he would still want to visit them and just update them about life
Remember how very shortly in early marble hornets how Alex mentioned his dog? (Not Seth's) I believe the dogs name was Rocky, yea, definitely adopted the dog after Alex died
I don't know how much he'd really be social after Marble Hornets, he'd probably stay mostly to himself and just try to stay alone
On a brighter note,I think he would try to quit smoking and I believe the medication has helped him a lot now.
Definitely doesn't even utter A single sound now, he mostly just wanders through the woods and occasionally kicks rocks. I don't see him being too murderous nowadays, if he does kill he tries to keep it short and painless, he doesn't want anyone to suffer and definitely sometimes has breakdowns after.
Finds the tapes sometimes, watches then on an almost broken player
Sometimes will try and apologize to Jessica but will run away before being able to
Eyeless Jack:
Hobie Brown but cannibal basically
He definitely is a stalker-ish type, not a "One day and done type of guy" no, he'll stalk his victim for weeks, making sure they're perfect
Stalks from the trees and alleys type, once he figures out that it is the right person, he'll plan a,perfect time and date, he's already memorized their schedule and such
Scalpel? Yea, maybe usually just uses thought animalistic talons and teeth of his though, the police usually can't find any evidence of what had happened cause either he'd: 1 burn the place down, 2 kill the people investigating the crime or 3 hide the body somewhere it'll decompose fast enough for it to be hard to trace
Seedeater was merely an accident, just a random deer, dog and bison carcus merged together into the demonic entity today that Jack happened to meet
A/N: Tim is my favorite, can you tell?
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nezz-cringe-crib · 1 month ago
I am not okay!!!!
Your hockey boys are SO GOOD! UGH! THE APPEAL! THE EXPRESSIONS! THE DRAMA! Ugh, literally like obsessed with it as a piece of art OUTSIDE of being hockey AU art it’s so fun and pretty and the splash of colour on Light’s cheeks and the gradients under their helmets I AM VERY NORMAL ABOUT IT.
Beautiful. 10/10. Do not know how I am supposed to sleep after this!!!
I shall ask you now what your favourite version of DN is and why (because this is an ask box after all, if I have to yap, so do YOU) and your top 3 fave ships b/c im curious
Okay BYE 💕✨
AAAAAUG DUDE I SAW YOUR SPAM TAG REBLOG AND HAVE BEEN INTERNALLY FREAKING OUT YOU HAVE ZERO CLUE HOW INSANE I AM ABOUT YOUR HOCKEY GUYS I WAS QUITE LITERALLY JUST RAMBLING ABOUT IT TO MY BOYFRIEND TO CONVINCE HIM TO READ IT (seriously though my autism is feral over this fic. i had plans today and canceled them solely because i wanted to reread + draw the chapters and then spin them around in my head for a few more hours. i have never touched hockey in my life but at this point i'm considering committing to the bit and just watching some games atp.)
IM HONOURED YOU LIKE IT!!! THEYRE SO FUN TO DRAW (and i have now learned the art of helmets those things are so wacky)!!!!! also im sorry in advance for how much im gonna be spamming your comment sections man i am not normal about them.
ANYWAYS i'll stop screaming and answer these silly questions YYAAYY!!!!
my favorite version of death note has to be the musical. the jdrama probably comes in a very close second. i adore all the other versions just as much honestly, i like viewing them all as their own separate stories because each of them are just so good in their own rights. the musical wins though because i've listened to that damn soundtrack too many times, i'm a threatre kid, it was the first version of death note i watched, and also because oh my god they're so doomed yaoi it hurts.
the score is so damn thought-out it actually hurts. each actor i've seen portray the silly guys does it so well and OOUGGG THE VOICES OUGGGGH,,, also its ending is my favorite out of them all. (spoilers for this next sentence if you havent seen it) i love the idea of them dying together-- i know it was most likely done because it's a musical and it'd be difficult to pull off a second part but god it's perfect to me nothing beats that amount of "different sides of the same coin" doomed yaoi to me.
only downside is now jeremy jordan has followed me into four different fandoms and that terrifies me.
lawlight clearly if that wasn't obvious enough.
lawmane because lawliet is a bisexual pervert and i just think they're neat
anndd lawmassacre!!! again because bisexual whore!!!! and also i just generally adore their dynamic, i really want to see it explored more.
honestly any ship with L is a ship that intrigues me (also all the other ships too since i love seeing the different dynamics but i have a bias for emos). honorable mention is L x soichiro because i think light deserves it.
thank you for letting me yap with you this has been the most therapeutic experience of my life. chucking m&ms at you, have a wonderful day hockey lad.
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spamtoon · 8 months ago
DCRC week 4.. in week 5. paperinik
i am behind. you know this by now. let's read paperinik
love the cross hatching in these first few panels something's gonna happen for sure!
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JFEAJFOIEAJFIEAJ ill be so real the walt disney logo and OMBRE SU VENERE caught me off guard so hard. the way its in the corner and yellow and Not Fitting At All. the word art ahh look of the text (though i understand why they couldnt replace it in a way that looks good) im so. what a beautiful panel
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donald is so sad.... the way that theres so many screens and they're all donald. duckblr user (not that angus fangus would be allowed on duckblr. he doesnt even deserve to call lyla luv)
great to learn that this donald is computer generated. he doesnt have five hands though so this clearly isnt the ai art issue. also ever since last issue learning that lyla is a robot whos become so acclimated to her environment she loves playing the part of the reporter and is still passionate despite technically being made to literally call the time police whenever things go wrong she ough. ohohoh. i appreciate her so much more
i think uno deserves to spy on people. as a treat
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one's face... he's so silly....... he's so insanely silly....
the evronians should get angus fangus i think. destroy him agron of evron. i know they're trying to team up to make duck avenger look bad or something but please
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the action panels in this comic are also lovely but maybe thats because i havent read a superhero comic before. that isnt darkwing duck
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JOIFEAOIFJ THE WAY DONALD LOOKS UP LIKE Xadhoom! (: haha glad to see you here! and then she just. comes down in a firey rage its beautiful.
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excellent wisdom donald. im so glad he smokes weed (I AM JOKING I EDITED THIS AS A JOKE)
okay hello for context i am writing this almost a full week later. my ahh did not wanna do this but cog it. we ball. i think i need to just like. stop treating this as an obligation because like it's literally fine spam. you dont have school rn you deserve to chill.
ughhghghg donald loves uno so much already. he's so glad for uno dude... dudeeeeee... artificial or not you're a genius
oguhghh. donald's determination to save angus despite everything because nobody deserves to have Them sucked out of them. ough
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this whole page is so cool but i love how they visualize the search okay. sorry i'm just appreciating the Comic-ness. of this comic. you know? when the comic play with panels...
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he's so tired.... you're so right uno. i should go to bed after this. oughhghgh he's so silly when he's tired.
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i think uno deserves to be done with people's crap more often
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oughoghgnghng seeing uno happy again and laughing at donald im so. uno... hi uno... little uno...
im so happy we're four issues in and already donald and xadhoom are going to space to take down aliens. its beautiful... sorry if my commentary gets worse i may just be tired but i know if i dont do it now i'll never do it
hi camera 9... i do not care one bit about this red hair character so far but hello camera 9 you're just little (unaware of the camera 9 lore)
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the way that all three of them are slouching here. nobody is stnaidng their ahh up straight when they got incomprehensible angus to worry about
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good for him he got on megavolt's good side. bribed him with a lightbulb (SORRY i like making darkwing duck references. i know its not) UFOEAIJFOIEAJ lyla being in the shadow i'm so. she's so silly here ough
the fight scenes in this comic are so.. maybe thats just because i havent read a non-darkwing comic before but like. i dont know im admiring the art and the art style and the time period and the medium and such you know
i dont know what they wanna do with angus fangus other than just like. set him up against the duck avenger and make the earth go against him but like. i suppose he knows he cant kill paperinik here which alright. fair
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xadhoom... gnngngnng she's so distressed in these panels
HELP IM SO MAD he really is just a hateful guy. okay they're candace flynning him i see
luckily for us, the universe sucks so much lots of people hate life
xadhoom............................... she deserves so much
glad even angus fangus hates this guy. like great. i wanted that crime to happen and you just. messed it up.
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uno with party hat... they really decided y'know what? he's aiing us? let's just ai him back. okay thats the end of the comic maybe next time i'll be more coherent but i hope this satisfies puffy i'm tired man. i was procrastinating on this so hard but this comic... good...
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tinyowlet · 2 months ago
OKAY im done with the master list updates for now!!! sorry for the spam guys this took literal hours i am TIRED and you can also find all my original boards and DNI banners on @tinyowlet-archive
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haikuckuck · 1 year ago
I am german and newcomer( in tumblr and cybers at all,iam no native digital,and 69 years old.)
I tried Instagram,but dont want to be in a blog where unpleasent people like Dieter Bohlen jump into ones eye, catch the eyes,when you open the app,you understand?
Shortly i tried reddit:
Posted many photographs of my own,( particularly mushroom pictures),have many in my Smartphone google Photos ,internal storage,assured from sd cards..etc.
I disliked the weird karma function there and soon anonymous people wrote me ,i only could be a troll ,bot,fake blog etc. A betraying person..i asked him why he said this ,why he was believing it: it could not be ,that one real person Uploads,posted many images in a few hours beeing new in Reddit...
Uiuiui,my images are often many years in my storage ,some taken in 2013 with my former panasonic lumix with leica optic...and uploads or Downloads are done fast by a good poco ..thick as a brick some guys and they only want to get out someone of the account ,what i did.. i tell you a another story: many years ago i used a watch blog,mechanical watches,and wrote about my experiences with Russian mechanical wrist watches,i was collecting a long time watches and owner of( posessed? )some in the past: all my russian watches were kaputt,defect,after short time bought new! Some could even not get repaired...all of about ten russian watches i got money back or they dont work.. so a pocket watch now ,with a molnija movement ,its kaputt ,doesnt work after only one year in use..bought from juri Levenberg munich. Be sure ,all of my japanese ,swiss watches ,mostly mechanicals,are working well even when more than 10 years in my cases or wrist worn--- i was suddenly accused in this blog,how someone can write such critics beeing only short time new in the account....uiuuiui ,but you very intelligent guy: i have owned many years mechanical watches and my knowledge about the technics of movements and history of swiss watches etc..was long before pretty good!! I went out of this account too,i only told too about my true real experiences....
All my photographs and Texts are made by me,myself,i!!
I dont like to be mistrust and there is no reason for it.
I will stay in tumblr
I like it
And when good guys and girls reblog some very good photos from Professional artist and photographers,its okay for me
I love it to look for example the herps and birds blog here!
I am only unsettled so far in tumblr by people who have different blogs there and when writing you,doing it anonymos ( or from another blog than the concerned one)or write: "hey Alter... ,"I think in tumblr are unfortunately fake accounts too and i got some spams too by women they want to contact me..iam NOT in tumblr to meet women for sexual!!!! I never in my life met and used prostitutes!!
I have no profit interests and i am a pure amateur and will stay this! Some hobbies ,specially since im retired. I like Tumblr too ,because i can enhance my english..i wish,i could talk more with friends here..small talk..sure.
But all i do is serious ,no Fakes,no bot,and those shit..true it is and real!!
I like the pictures of "geopsych" too,and i think i got a good tip by him to buy a used canon sx530 hs for cheap..i read it in a text of the human being from Pennsylvania.(?) Thank you ,this older canon model is able to make good Pictures really. I use it besides my Pentax k50 and Smartphone camera sometimes,i am not a rich man,iam nearly poor..
(My english is not very good ,sorry)
re: the tumblr ai stuff, please don’t wipe your blog!! your blog has been so important to me and many others as a place of authentic light and beauty and i would hate to lose it forever 💕
there is a way to download the contents of a tumblr blog (it’s in settings, i don’t remember rn, but i’ll find it if you need it) maybe you could upload to another site or a personal site?
i know this is very serious, and i hate how we are unwillingly contributing to synthetic art, but the world would be poorer for me without your pictures <3
Thank you. Your words mean a lot to me.
This is a dilemma for me. I have loved doing this blog and going out to look for pictures and interesting things to bring here has given me motivation and meaning through years of struggle with depression and several kinds of grief. Going out to look for pictures has put me in situations where I have seen incredible beauty, much of which I never really managed to capture. Also, the many warm and kind messages I've received from people all over the world have given me heart and made me feel less meaningless as a person and more connected. Sometimes I've been criticized for buying the checkmarks and giving money to Tumblr but I wanted to do what I could because Tumblr has been my one happy and safe place online. But now this. To me AI in relation to creativity is just a way for well-to-do but untalented people, the proverbial tech bros, to profit from other people's hard work and creativity. It has no redeeming value in relation to creativity and is actively harmful to artists of all kinds. <trying to figure out how to put a read more link here> I don't even count myself among the real creatives, artists and writers and others who have worked hard and put years into honing their crafts, into learning to translate their hearts and unique spirits into their creative expression. I just see beautiful things and take pictures of them. But it would still make me sick to see AI works based on my pictures, on these times and places that have meant so much to me. Recently I saw a set of cat 'photos' on here that everyone was reblogging and exclaiming over but that to me seemed to just be AI art that was more convincing than most. As time goes on more and more output of AI is going to be almost indistinguishable from real works and unscrupulous people will pass them off as real, getting credit for what was actually created by others. Whether they profit from them becomes almost irrelevant at that point because what's worse is that we will have less and less sense of what is real. And as some have pointed out AI will now also be scraping from AI, muddying the waters further from here on in. This is an apocalypse of sorts, an apocalypse of creativity, ultimately likely to kill the joy of artistic endeavor for many who would otherwise produced brilliant, beautiful, funny, and/or shockingly original things. I'm still parsing and dissecting my thoughts and feelings about what Tumblr has done and how to react. Staying and leaving my blog up feels like consent. I am not confident in the integrity of anyone connected with scraping sites for AI. I'm not convinced that a little toggle in settings is going to make much of a difference in the long run. On the other hand I like posting here and I have received enough messages over the years to know that my blog is a positive influence on some lives. I was looking forward to May and June and posting pictures of the incredible beauty of eastern Pennsylvania in those months. And I was planning on making a side blog for posting some poetry I've been working on. It will break my heart to leave.
I haven't decided yet. Believe it or not this whole thing has given me awful physical symptoms. I'll let you know when I decide. Thank you again for your kind and lovely note!
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hotchstead · 1 year ago
Nothings wrong - James Wilson
requested: yes
word count: 578
warnings: tbh nothing
a/n: sorry im in love with this guy currently and am spamming you with him... except im not and i will do it again
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Will you please tell me what happened?
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Being with James Wilson was like being with the personified version of a cloud. His hugs were comforting, his aura was soothing. And seeing him was like seeing everything you had ever wanted in life.
And coming home to him after the few years you’d been together had always felt like being greeted with a warm and fuzzy sweater. One handmade and filled with the love you deserve to have.
It was even more needed on days like today. Where everything just felt wrong. Nothing even caused it. Just the mood you woke up in that was somehow made worse the longer your shift at work went on. Dealing with people just drained you.
Traffic made you want to scream and you felt like every molecule in your body was vibrating at such a high frequency that you were going to just combust. So coming home to James was exactly what you needed.
Except seeing him with the biggest grin, and insanely cheery voice made you shove back those feelings instantly. Letting him go on about his job later in the evening. “You really should have seen it, we thought she wasn’t going to make it to Christmas but now we’re talking a few more years.”
He was happily talking, his hands flailing around as he did. “Isn’t that-” His eyes finally caught the look you had been trying to hide from him. The way you were completely zoned out and just staring ahead.
“What’s wrong?”
You shook your head, reeling yourself back in, “What? Nothing, nothing. That’s really amazing, baby.” You tried to sweep it under the rug, tried to put every displaced piece of yourself together just for the sake of conversation.
Which would have worked if he was someone you met an hour ago. But no, he was the man you’d been with for three and a half years that knew your favorite songs, favorite films, everything there was to know inside and out.
So he knew when you were lying, no matter how well you did it, he figured it out in seconds. “No, there’s something. What’s wrong? What happened?” He had stopped the pacing he was doing, instead sitting next to you.
“Jamie..” You didn’t want to talk about it. How do you explain that there wasn’t anything? That you just metaphorically woke up on the wrong side of the bed? SOmething you weren’t even sure there was a science to.
Probably not.
He grabbed your hands in his, looking at you with the biggest brown puppy dog eyes he’d ever done, which, was saying something. He knew it was your weakness, that when he showed that level of care that you’d cave.
“Please, tell me what happened.”
The comforting level of his voice pushed the floodgates open. “Nothing, nothing happened I’m just… I don’t know.” It was the worst feeling. Something was wrong. You were aware of that.
But the what, the why. The reasoning being unknown was the worst of it. “I don’t know what’s wrong.” Your voice cracking as he shifted to pull you into his chest. His back leaning back to the couch, your body coming to lay against his as tears sprung and slipped out of your eyes.
“It’s okay, bad days happen.”
“Today was horrible..” He stroked your hair, knowing it gave you some form of comfort regardless of how you really felt. He knew you better than anyone and you truly had never been so thankful.
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tags: @morketheduck, @cuntyvicodin, @dejerw,
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cryogenicmango · 7 years ago
Alright I’m done
Sooooooooo... I might have gone a little bit overboard with the reblogs right then and there? But really it’s not my fault. It’s @igotarmytocallmebaepsae !!! She’s the one that.....tempted me into going nuts with the reblog button. BUT to be fair it was fun for me so like idc. I see that a few of the people that follow me saw the shit that I posted? I’m sorry? I might have spammed your tumblrs. Woops? 
Also to @corrusgate I am so terribly sorry for all of this. You already thought that I posted a lot....Hahahaha woops? 
But like now I’m done for today with the reblogs and all so you can all rest easy because cryogenicmango is going quiet (at least until I come back from school)
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