#okay i also had a collection of model cars
andthebubbles · 1 year
is this not the COOLEST THING EVER
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chheolie · 2 months
where kim mingyu unexpectedly encounters his first love in paris.
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"bonne après-midi, mademoiselle y/n," the polished voice of the french receptionist sounded from the other side of the hotel room phone line. "the guests you were waiting for have just arrived. may i let them come up to your room?" he continued, now in english, maintaining the formality.
"of course, please!" you responded gently, with a slight smile on your lips.
dressed in a soft velvet robe with matching slippers, your hair loose awaiting an elegant hairstyle, you were getting ready for the evening. soon, the team that would handle your preparation for the event would arrive at your room.
soon, a protective cover was delicately opened, revealing the stunning dress you would wear in a few hours. seated in your glam chair, you watched through the mirror as the preparations began.
distracted, you were scrolling through your social media feed when your manager asked what you would like to eat before the event. "a caprese sandwich and a kale juice, please," you requested, and soon you were savoring your meal, already with your makeup and hairstyle done.
your hair was tied in an elegant ponytail, and the makeup, perfectly matching the black dress, further accentuated your natural beauty. after one last look in the mirror and a few photo snaps, you were finally ready for the party.
it was the usual: camera flashes lighting up the environment as you stepped out of the car, security guiding you through the crowd of fans and paparazzi. the red carpet was covered with a sea of journalists, all trying to catch your attention with questions and interview requests. the sound of cameras clicking incessantly and the animated voices mixed into an almost hypnotic frenzy.
upon entering the event venue, an efficient and well-dressed assistant immediately approached, offering a glass of champagne and informing you about the night's schedule. the soft lighting and ambient music created an elegant atmosphere, while other celebrities and influencers strolled through the corridors, exchanging greetings and calculated smiles.
the runway shows were the highlight of the evening, of course. seated in the front row, alongside other influential figures in the fashion world, you watched as the models walked the runway in stunning outfits. each collection seemed to outdo the previous in creativity and luxury. clapping at the right moments, making eye contact with the designers, and being seen appreciating the pieces were part of the game.
after the shows, it was time to socialize at an exclusive and secret after-party. the loud music, vibrant lights, and the environment filled with international celebrities provided the perfect setting for animated conversations and selfies that might never be posted.
but then, you needed to go to the venue's restroom. distracted, you followed the signs, focused on finding your destination. turning into a narrow corridor, you felt a strong bump. "fu..." you almost cursed loud as the glass was thrown to the ground. you felt the pain from the impact; the man was big and strong.
"i'm so.. y/n?" he said, surprised.
"oh my god, mingyu! you here?" you asked, equally surprised.
"did i hurt you? i'm sorry," he said, struggling with himself not to touch you.
"it's okay," you smiled awkwardly. "sorry again," he said. and you nodded, smiling as you left for the bathroom.
after that encounter, all you could see was mingyu at that party. how did you not see him before?
mingyu was also looking for you with his eyes, his mind transported to that time in the green room, when you still dreamed of debuting as a singer in a big girl group. he caught himself smiling, remembering those moments.
today, music is not your main job. you found yourself in acting and love what you do more than anything. he couldn't help but notice how incredible and fascinating you've become.
he knew you had become a great actress, but everything changed in your sincere friendship when you decided to reveal a secret to him. "well, mingyu... i don't know the best way to tell you this, but i fell in love with you," he remembered every word perfectly, the sound of your voice so vivid in his memory that it seemed like it was said minutes ago.
he took a deep breath, irritated, remembering what came next: he rejected your feelings.
mingyu closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to push away those memories that brought regret and longing.
when he came back to himself, he noticed you were no longer there. so he decided that the party was over for him too.
you arrived at your hotel room, feeling something you could barely define. seeing mingyu after so many years did you good. he used to be the person you sought when you needed a shoulder to cry on, a friend who celebrated your victories and never let you give up. maybe that's why you fell in love, maybe you confused his affection.
already in sweatpants and a clean face, after a relaxing hot bath, you got into the elevator and went up to the rooftop to get some air.
and then you realized that fate wasn't kidding that day. there was mingyu, alone, pacing back and forth, speaking on the phone in a loud and harsh tone. he seemed upset, and you felt a pang in your heart watching this scene.
he hung up the phone, and you could almost hear the heavy sigh. you approached slowly, pretending to have just arrived.
with a forced smile on your face, you disguised the worry you felt.
unlike you, he didn't bother to hide his bad mood. and you didn't think of anything else but what you would have done years ago: you hugged him tightly.
mingyu was surprised. he didn't know what to do but didn't want to think too much either. he just accepted, closed his eyes, and allowed himself to be enveloped in the embrace of someone he missed so much.
you stroked his back, showing that you were there with and for him. he understood the message, responding to the hug's squeeze. "thank you, y/n," he said.
you two let go, and you smiled at him, this time sincerely. "will everything be okay?" you asked.
"yes," he replied. "it's just a work problem."
you nodded, relieved, and he laughed frustratedly.
"i didn't expect to see you again under these circumstances," he said, and you laughed too.
"it happens..." you replied, not knowing what to say.
"sure," he mocked. and you both laughed.
"how have you been?" you asked.
"good," he said, nodding. "and you?"
"the same," you tucked your hair behind your ear. "seeing you earlier made me revisit some years ago," you confessed.
"me too," he replied, sounding sulky
"do you remember that time in the green room, when we were just dreamers?" you began, and he smiled.
"of course i remember. those days were full of hope and craziness," mingyu replied, the nostalgia visible in his eyes.
"i remember how you always cheered me up, no matter how hard the day was," you said, your voice soft and thoughtful.
"you did the same for me, more times than i can count," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the horizon.
"and to think everything changed since then... we changed," you continued, your voice low.
"yes, but some things haven't changed, y/n. the way i'm feeling now being near you, for example," mingyu confessed, turning to face you.
you took a deep breath, feeling the tension in the air.
"mingyu, about that time... i didn't expect you to feel the same. i just wanted to be honest," you said, remembering the confession that changed everything.
"i know. and i regret rejecting your feelings," he said, the sincerity in his eyes touching you deeply. "i was an idiot, afraid of ruining what we had and ended up pushing you away."
"mingyu..." you began, but he interrupted you.
"let me finish. i don't know if it's still possible, but i'd like a second chance. can we start over?" he paused, "i mean. can we see each other again?"
you responded to him with the same tight hug from minutes ago. though you two couldn't see, both of you were smiling.
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traumasurvivors · 8 months
Here’s a link to a blog post on my personal website on a topic that I think is very important.
I’ve also put it below the read more for people that don’t like external links. But if you're okay with it, checking it out on my personal website is really nice (and even giving it a heart if you can)! I don't make money from my website, so there are no intrusive ads or anything like that to stop you from reading the article.
Embracing Your Inner Child
This applies to anyone, but I really want to emphasize this to my fellow survivors who went through trauma as children and/or teenagers.
I’m so sorry you lost part, most or all of your childhood. That doesn’t mean it’s too late to give your inner child what you can. This includes comfort but it also includes doing the things you didn’t get to if you can.
Play the fun games. Buy the tasty treats. Go on adventures.
It’s never too late to feel a little more of the kind of joy you had (or should have had) as a child. You may not be able to be a child again, but you can still help and support your inner child.
You might have been told that a fun idea you had was “silly” or even “stupid.” When you have those thoughts now, instead of rejecting it, embrace the “silly” idea and let yourself enjoy it. It’s not shameful or wrong to do the things your inner child wants to do. It’s okay to be “immature” sometimes, even if you’re twenty years old. Or thirty. Or sixty. I just want to say that I don’t think any of this is immature, but I know that is a bias and judgement a lot of us might pass on ourselves. 
A short, not at all complete list of things you might do for your inner child:
Watch childhood movies or tv shows (Did you watch “Blues Clues”, or “Pokemon”? Maybe “The Land Before Time”? There’s no reason you can’t still enjoy them.)
Listen to “silly” music, maybe singing along or dancing to it (for me, one favourite is “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” from The Lion King. I know every word and have a dance party everytime it comes on my shuffle.)
Go to the park and use the swings (I don’t know why, but flying up just a few feet can make me forget all my “grown-up” worries)
Have a treat just because (maybe that big sundae your parents never let you have, or the chicken nuggets you haven’t had in a decade). Maybe you want to fulfil your childhood dream of having ice cream for breakfast! 
Go to the toy store - maybe even get some stuffed animals or other toy items. (I just recently realized that I can fulfill my childhood dream of collecting certain toys that I never got to have when I was younger!) 
Ride a roller coaster and scream your head off on the way down (I like to try to be in the very first car)
Make creative, crafty stuff - like a painting or drawing, or decorating a picture on construction paper with googly eyes and glitter or a clay model with a weirdly shaped head (even if the result looks like something you’d expect to see in a kindergarten class, or the process makes a mess that looks like a glitter bomb went off)
Another aspect of embracing your inner child is trying to give your inner child the person you needed when you were a child. 
This might mean standing up for yourself when others try to put you down or take credit for things you’ve done, even (or especially) if no one else spoke up for you when you were a child. 
It might mean offering comfort and compassion to yourself, and not being too hard on yourself when you make mistakes that you would have been insulted for as a child or don’t know something that “everyone learns as a child.” Maybe now you can teach yourself that accidents happen, and spilling a drink or breaking a plate is not the disaster and failure of character that you were told as a child. 
It might mean being patient with yourself when something is harder to do than you feel like it should be (whether you actually aren’t able to do it as easily as others, or you have unrealistic expectations of its difficulty because of the expectations put on you as a child). There are lots of instructional videos out there to help you to gain basic cooking or cleaning skills. If you never really learned to read, there are programs to help you. If you weren’t allowed or able to learn to manage your emotions or relationships in healthy ways, there’s help out there for you. There is absolutely no shame in not learning any kind of skills you feel you “should” have learned as a child, and it is okay to learn them as an adult.
You may have had to grow up too fast. You may not have been allowed to do the fun things. You may have suffered trauma that shattered your childhood. I’m here to tell you that you still have an inner child, and embracing that inner child is good for you. Just because you’re an adult, at any age, doesn’t mean that you’re too old to have fun.
No one else gets to decide what’s right for you - you get to decide what you enjoy and what you want.
And it’s never too late to remember, indulge, listen to, and embrace your inner child. Let them be a part of how you choose to move forward. It’s time for us to realize that there is no one way to be an adult, and we get to decide what being an adult means to us. And if that means I want to rent a bouncy castle for my birthday, then that is my perfectly valid version of an adult birthday (a birthday which my inner child would be thrilled about, by the way).
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filmbyjy · 1 year
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TWENTY-TWO — clearing up mistakes
SYNOPSIS > being the new CEO to the ‘Sim Corp’ was hard and stressful. jake didn’t have much time to spend with layla and so he decides to get a dogsitter, you. though, you were originally already his secretary. how will dog sitting bring you two closer?
WARNINGS: none :D let me know if there are some idk missing words to sentences. sometimes my brain processes the sentence but when I reread it, it doesn’t have the word but I swear I wrote it down😭
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as you threw on your outfit that you had decided for the ‘date’, or whatever jake asked you, you had stepped in front of the mirror and snapped a quick photo.
posting it right on your Instagram story that was very much public to everyone. it wasn’t disclosed but you had a decent amount of following but nobody saw your face, just your body. you had wanted to keep it a secret because you know, private stuff.
your friends knew about the account. heeseung even joked about you looking like some faceless model with the way you took pictures of yourself. quite suggestive poses, very little clothing but you just wanted to express yourself because why not love yourself?
“shit, I should leave.” you didn’t even think to cover your face when you posted that photo on your account. you had quickly made it out of your apartment and went downstairs to see jake’s car waiting for you.
the moment you entered the car, you see jake looking at his phone in shock. you had peeped at his phone a little. then it hits you, you posted that pic without covering your face. jake’s eyes slowly met with yours.
“sir.” it was the only thing you could mutter out.
“you’re the faceless model that I was looking for?” he says.
you were confused. no seriously confused, “what do you mean, Mr.Sim?”
“I wanted to possibly reach out to this girl to collab for the new collection that we’re going to send out to a designer brands competition and sign her up for a contract.”
“you’re her?” jake says still in shock.
“is it that shocking that I am her?”
“no, not at all. it’s just that…I didn’t think you’d pose in such positions.”
“I just post this for my own pleasure. it’s fun to dress up and take photos.”
“yes, Mr.Sim?”
“please be the model for our ‘JS collection’.”
“Mr.Sim, I don’t exactly want to be a model. I’m already your secretary and it’s something I have been focusing on for the past 4 years.”
“I know but this would be a great opportunity. You’re pretty and you definitely fit the vibes of our new collection, it’s perfect.”
you can’t help but blush when jake called you pretty.
“also dropped the ‘Mr.Sim’. I already told you when it’s just us call me jake.” jake demanded said.
“okay, umm jake. I really don’t think I can do it.”
“then what if I reward you with something if you do it?”
you deadpanned at him, “jake, I am not Layla.”
“I’m not using the ‘good girl’ tactic like you’re a dog. I’m serious, I’ll reward you with something good.”
“what is this something good?”
“tickets for like a holiday? You deserve it after working long hours as my secretary and also…for hearing what you did back in office.”
holy shit, sound the alarm sim jaeyun is apologising.
“yeah, I was supposed to apologised at the restaurant once we got there but since we’re already here in my car talking, I think I should apologise first.” jake takes a deep breath.
“look, I understand what you heard isn’t exactly what any normal person should hear in an office space. let alone a CEO’s office. you’re also my secretary so it was unprofessional to let that happen considering your desk was also near me. I’ll be honest, that part slipped my mind. I forgot we’re both not in two different offices. your desk is like at least 10 footsteps away from my office.” jake was about to ramble on more but you had cut him off.
“it’s fine. I understand you have your little scandalous activities you wanna do. moreover, you’re well, someone attractive so like it’s only more normal for you to have fun.”
jake shakes his head, “let’s forget about this and have dinner. I’m sure after a long day of working, you need some good food. of course, this is also a token of apology for the umm things you heard.” jake starts up the car and starts to drive.
it was great to have this whole thing be cleared up and jake apologising. it made you feel warm on the inside, hearing jake be soft-spoken and kind to you was a change. You liked this version of jake and if you were being honest, you liked the view beside you right now.
jake holding onto the steering wheel with one hand, slick back black hair with a few pieces of hair falling onto his forehead. His black suit tucked into his pants, the black slacks he wore, one of his sleeves folded up his hand. His arm exposed that showed off the black Galaxy watch he wore on his wrist.
God the arm veins…
Your inner conscious was screaming at you. Sim Jaeyun was definitely out to murder you. you don’t even know how long you’ve been staring at him for.
“We’re here.” Jake says as he parks the car at the front of the restaurant. He goes out of the car to pass the keys to the staff there and then opens the door for you.
“Let’s go, my lady.” he says in a deep voice. You swore you just got a whole shiver down your spine which is why jake went to open the back door of the car to grab his jacket and wrapped it around your figure.
“you’re not talking, are you in shock?” he snickers. “if you must know, I have never brought anyone to some fancy high end restaurant before.”
“oh…” was the only thing you could say.
jake chuckles before softly grabbing your hand, “let’s go, it’s cold out here.”
which was how you found yourself being dragged by jake into the restaurant where the food was extremely expensive and really divine. definitely a meal for the rich.
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a/n: HELL🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ I am sat! jake do be very hot for apologising and knowing what he did was very wrong and if you think that they are gonna start dating, THINK AGAIN🙄🤚🏻 I gotta drag this story for a little longer
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This is an embarassingly bad paper based on the use of two aversive based dog trainers who are clearly incompetant in the use of +R - yet the e collar training community is taking a victory lap.
The fact that this got past an animal ethics review is honestly appalling and the university should be ashamed.
Let's go over the main huge flaws with this study:
The positive reinforcement protocol they are using to compare to e collars is laughably incompetant - with no management or use of distance, desensitisation. Just use a leash? Maybe?
Use of aversives to stop chasing is, unsurprisingly, effective. Because, yes, painful consequences tend to work to suppress behaviour. That isn't the problem that people have with e collars.
The author seems to think that use of e collars is justified because it "gets results" in a short amount of time to stop dogs chasing - again, apparently we haven't heard of a leash.
"Aside from presumably pain-induced yelps in the dogs with e-collars when they received shocks, none of the dogs in any groups showed any signs of stress or distress." So we're saying a pain vocalisation isn't a sign of distress? That's your welfare parameter? Jfc.
Love how they didn't even try to get fecal cortisol baselines and just collected samples from a few dogs but not all of them. You tried, I guess?
The fact that the trainers for the study is "Ivan and Ivan's Student" is ridiculously biased. Acting as if both these trainers know how to apply +R effectively as opposed to their heavy aversive tool use is laughable.
"We designed our study’s methods around current trainer practices as well as the recommendations of our senior trainer while attempting to keep continencies as simple as possible." - yeeeah that's a conflict of interest. Especially when your "senior trainer" has an axe to grind with R+ people using scientific papers to support their training methods.
You're chucking treats in a bowl after a few sessions and you think that's going to stop a dog chasing a lure? Oh yeah, you got us. We just throw kibble in a bowl to stop dogs running into traffic. I am genuinely floored that that's how they think a +R protocol for chasing works. They have no business comparing the two when they can't even do one properly.
"We also did not test whether the food rewards we deployed were highly valued." Okay so the majority of my client dogs will go nuts for my meaty high value treats because they've only had store bought dry treats and the client is shocked at how food motivated their dog suddenly is..... So this study was relying on whatever the guardian of the dog brought with them lmao rookie mistake.
"Dogs that chase livestock may be shot or otherwise euthanized, and dogs that chase cars may be killed in traffic." Put. Them. On. A. Leash.
"The practical applicability of either the LIMA or LIFE models is likely limited, at least in the United States where dog trainers are not required to be licensed or certified. In a sample of highly rated dog trainers, more than half did not document any relevant education." Does that include your "senior trainer"? It does. Because he doesn't have any formal education in canine behaviour, welfare and science. You know this. You chose him to be your trainer for your study.
"The speed and effectiveness with which the e-collar inhibited the dogs in this study from chasing may justify the limited number of painful stimulations the dogs experienced if the object the dogs were chasing had been something that could directly or indirectly cause them serious injury or death." Or..... OR.... you could not use electric shocks on your dog and potential cause long term damage, fear responses ect.... And use a leash.
Just baffled by this whole study. My high prey drive whippet will go feral for a lure but only when she knows the context for when she's being allowed to chase. She can be at a lure coursing trial for the whole day not worrying about the lure because 1) I keep her at a distance where the stimulus isn't saliant enough and 2) she gets reinforcement for calmly watching from a distance.
I'm honestly getting second hand embarassment reading this study. It's just such bad science should never have gotten past an ethics board.
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 12!!!
This post features the way I think renting cars works. I'm very sure it doesn't actually work this way, and I could have researched it, but the image is in my head and I thought it was funny having cars on shelves with little description tags like some kind of Automobile Costco Warehouse.
Also, I'm gonna link my playlist because I feel like you all might be interested to see the list of songs I'm working from lol.
Fun fact, the playlist used to be called List of Holding and was meant to be a small collection of songs that I wanted to hear REALLY often. But, um...well, I've since had to change the name :P
This is All Good Omens Now Who Am I Kidding
And yes, I'm very VERY picky about my Queen songs.
OKAY here we go.
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In the end, it was surprisingly easy to find a rental company willing to loan you all a car (considering that three out of the four of you have no identification, documents, credit score, valid driver’s licenses, etc.). Deciding on a car, on the other hand, was a bit more complicated.
“I don’t understand why I can’t just miracle the Bentley over,” Crowley whines as the four of you wander the aisles of cars.
“Well for starters, the steering wheel is on the wrong side,” Anathema reasons.
“The wheel’s not on the wrong side! All of these have steering wheels on the wrong side! They drive on the wrong side of the road here too! Americans!” He shoves his hands in his pockets, practically spitting the last word like it’s some kind of curse. Anathema raises an eyebrow at him, but otherwise says nothing.
“Ooh!” Aziraphale calls from further ahead, “Look at this one! The description says that it’s very good for the environment. I mean, aesthetically speaking it isn’t anything extraordinary, but I do like all of these things written on the tag.”
“What kind of car is it?” Anathema asks.
“I believe it says it’s a...Tesla?”
You snort a laugh. “I am NOT getting into one of those things,” You say between giggles.
“Why not?” Aziraphale’s confusion is genuine – you can see it in his face.
“Well,” You begin counting on your fingers, “It farts, it can see ghosts, and it may or may not explode while we’re in it, SO!” You see Crowley’s face light up.
“Sounds like my kind of car!” He says, making his way towards the car that Aziraphale is inspecting.
“No,” Anathema sounds like she’s talking to a child. Or maybe a dog. “No, we are not riding in a Tesla. I’m with you on this one,” she says in your direction.
“I have a suggestion,” You pipe up, raising your hand.
“Oh-ho!” Crowley calls. He leaned slightly to the left, and took off between the aisles. All three of you have to jog to keep up with him. He’s stopped in front of an enormous Hummer. “Now THIS is a CAR!”
Anathema is shaking her head.
“No, wait, listen, I have it,” You say, and everyone turns to look at you expectantly. “It’s the only logical option here. It fits the vintage vibe that you two like, and it’s the most reliable car I know of aside from Bentley.”
“Well go on,” encourages Anathema, “Don’t keep us in suspense.”
“What we need is a 1967 Chevy Impala!”
And THAT, dear Reader, is how you find out that none of them have seen Supernatural. Or heard of it, even. Criminal, really. You resolve to make them watch it next chance you get. In the end, Anathema suggests a very practical SUV and well, you’ve all learned not to argue with her by now.
Honestly the woman needs a cake for putting up with the three of you.
Also, as it turns out, one of the perks of having a current car model is that you can sync up your playlist to the bluetooth. So guess who ends up in charge of the music.
“And THIS one,” You say, flicking through your playlist, “Is a song that was suggested for the Season 3 playlist by Neil Gaiman himself!” And you press play on The Book of Love. And you watch their faces. You want to see their reaction when it gets to the part about wedding rings.
“Are all of your songs for us love songs?” Aziraphale asks. He stopped complaining about your taste in music an hour ago. Crowley is driving, and Anathema has been zoned out for a while now.
“Uuuummm, the ones that aren’t breakup songs you mean? Pretty much yeah.”
Crowley groans.
“Except for like, Queen and Hozier.”
Crowley groans again.
“I thought you liked Queen,” You are shocked and alarmed. Crowley rolls his whole head (probably because you wouldn’t see him roll his eyes behind his sunglasses).
“Go on then,” he says, “Which Queen songs do you have on that playlist of yours?” He glares at you through the rearview mirror. Suddenly, you hesitate.
“Um...Somebody to Love, and Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy,” You finish meekly. Crowley nearly crashes the car. Whether it was on purpose or not doesn’t matter. Anathema takes the wheel and he gets demoted to the back seat. Next to you. As a peace offering, you hand him your phone with your spotify open, and let him take charge of the music. You feel that you might not survive the ride otherwise.
Google Maps pegs the estimated driving time from NYC to New Orleans at 19 hours. Splitting the driving between a demon and a responsible human woman, the four of you manage a respectable 12 hours including a number of breaks to: use the washroom, get coffee, get food, look at the view, poke around a used bookshop, pick some apples, eat the apples, and buy some fudge. Crowley refuses to admit that he may or may not have stopped time once or twice, and Aziraphale refuses to account for your sudden bursts of energy from time to time (conveniently and suspiciously whenever there was a stop he was interested in).
So, having made excellent time, all four of you arrive in New Orleans. Crowley is back at the wheel now, and he pulls the car into the parking lot of The Ritz. Because of course it’s The Ritz again. Anathema doesn’t even comment this time. You figure she was probably expecting it. Learning fast, that one. You check in, and aren’t all that surprised to find that you’ve been booked into the fanciest suite in the place once again. According to the pamphlet at the front desk, this suite is supposed to only be two rooms, but when you arrive, you find that it actually contains 3. Why? Supernatural beings who influence their surroundings.
“You really do have some expensive taste,” You say casually to Aziraphale as you place your bag on the floor.
“It was Crowley who booked this one,” the angel replies, inspecting the knick-knacks on a shelf to his left.
“Crowley? Trying to impress you, no doubt.”
“Pft!” Comes Crowley’s response from behind you, “Right, and not at all because to get up here you need a special passkey, which keeps unexpected guests few, far between, and easy to notice.” He gives you a pointed look over his sunglasses. “We’ve been lucky so far that we’ve been left alone since Heathrow. But don’t think for a minute that he won’t be back.”
“That’s...fair.” You pause and think for a minute. “Then we should probably limit going out too. Unless we really need to.”
“That would be best, yes,” Anathema agrees, “But please, leave the hotel staff alone.”
Well, honestly she could only expect that request to go so far once Aziraphale found the room service menu.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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Undertale Yellow Car Headcanons 2
People liked the first one, so I figured I'd go do a few more to cover some folks I missed and add some extras for ones I already covered. Kudos to a friend on Discord who's a massive car nut and suggested quite a few of these. First one in case you haven't seen it. This one's a bit chonkier, so grab a snack or something.
Martlet: Electric Bike
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Even if Martlet getting her hands on a driver's license is nigh impossible, we figured she should at least have something, even if she doesn't use it that much. Electric bikes seem to fit her style. Dunno if she'd use it often, but if the surface has no-fly laws or whatever, it'd probably help her out some.
Toriel: 2CV
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...okay, Tori isn't really a UTY-exclusive character, but she has a minor role in the game, so does she count? Anyway, my friend had the idea of her using what they described as 'everybody's favorite little wine snail' and I think it fits her too well.
Chujin: Loud Ass 90s Tuner Car
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If Chujin didn't inject raw Mountain Dew Voltage into his soul and survived to see the surface, he'd probably drive something like this. It ties in with the whole Ben 10 thing and it's a great way to express himself, as obnoxious as it may be. Usually, Ceroba makes him drive the family sedan.
Ceroba: If She Owned the Hummer (Semi-Joke one)
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I meant for it as a shitpost, but we thought up an idea if she actually did own the car. Don't worry, she always looks before merging. Anyway, we figured she got it mainly because it's pretty cool. However, it is a massive waste of gas money, so she only uses it for camping or driving Kanako and Clover around on their birthdays. Otherwise, it mainly collects dust in her garage while she uses the more fuel-efficient sedan.
El Bailador: Lowrider
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Kudos to @cheddarchandelure for suggesting this and it couldn't fit any better. Lowriders fit him like a glove. You know he just has this thing modded like crazy. It's nearly 20 feet of car, too. You don't get much more expressive than that.
Feisty Five: GMC Vandura
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I gave the Feisty Five individual vehicles, but they also kinda need a car for the whole gang and what better vehicle for a group of crime fighting dinguses. Perfect for missions, lassons, or just hanging out as a group together. Starlo technically owns it, but usually Moray or Ace drive the thing.
Ace: Antique Mercedes
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Okay, I know I technically already did Ace in the first part, but my friend suggested an Antique Mercedes, which I think fits a lot better than the Porche. I'll let you guys draw your own conclusions, tho.
Moray: SLK Roadster
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Still a convertible, but I didn't like the image I used in the last one. So now we got a specific model for our favorite fish with no gender.
Mooch: Pretty Much Anything, but here's a Corolla
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On the chance that Mooch somehow gets her license back, she'd be willing to drive whatever. Hopefully more responsibly this time around.
Dina: 5th Gen Mustang
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My friend suggested that a classier style of muscle car would fit better than the more aggressive model I used in the first, and I think it suits her more laid-back nature well.
Blackjack: Antique Flatbed
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It's been in his family for generations, and he's way too attached to the thing to get rid of it. Generally, he just fixes up anything that breaks down on him.
Starlo's Family: Uh...Trucks
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The main workhorses for the Sunnyside Farm. Sure, they got a few dents and aren't the cleanest or most advanced, but hey, they get the job done. Mainly driven by Solomon and Orion, occasionally Starlo. The Cabover (bottom) is generally used for the big harvests and the pickup works for everything else.
Mo: C4 Corvette
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The perfect car for a sleazy businessman! Well, not sleazy, but you get what I mean. He likes to act stylish with his choice of car, but his is constantly breaking down mechanically, since he doesn't really bother fixing the thing, just detailing it. Doesn't leave the best impressions for shoppers.
Honeydew Shopkeeper: Figaro
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Why? Well, simple, it's small and cute, just like she is! Not much else to say beyond that.
Kanako: '70 Dodge Challenger
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Kanako's still a bit too young to drive, but we settled on this for a dream car of hers, with both a road and track package. She got the idea from both the racing games she plays and Dina's own muscle car. Nobody understands why, But she really wants to visit San Francisco with it
Clover: Ford Galaxie Convertible
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Figured we should do Clover's dream car as well. Not much a reasoning, we thought this just fit their style. Once they come of age, you know darn well they'll be racing Kanako.
Warned ya that would be a big one! Anyway, lemme know what y'all think!
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
The stream starts with Raph sitting on a big beanbag chair in what looks like his train car, with some modifications. His model is wearing sblack/red shirts, wrist wraps, his mask, and teddy bear slippers.
"Hey guys, I got a new game that Mandarin told me about. Little Kitty Big City. It looks very cute. You get to play as a cute kitty, and I can't wait." As he talks his tail is wagging up a storm.
He starts from the Home Screen, and selects the game, and selects Save Slot 1.
"Oh! Is that the Kitty we play as listen to those purrs. Oh, Streeeech. Woah! They FELL!" Raph watches the cutscene, and then to actual control of the cat. "So we're trying to get home, but we're also gonna explore. Oh an inventory... are those hats? We get to put hats on the Kitty! Oh Cat-chievments. Sounds like Blues kind of pun. Okay how do I control this cat."
A good minute of messing with the controls and Raph starts wandering around. "Okay avoid the water. The jump is still weird though. I probably have to find some food, or something first."
"Oh, so it's just B, but holding it gets you ready to pounce. Swipe... knock over the pots~ Oh shiny spot! Jump! Shoot missed."
The stream watches as Raph wanders around, trying to get to Shiny spots, and figure out where to go. While saying 'jump', 'pounce' 'smack' and 'oh I can pick this up!' "Oh Zoomies!"
Raph had to pause real quick, "Okay, so I need to collect this stuff to give to the Tanuki, and Raven, to give me what I need to finish the game. At least it's not very hard."
A couple minutes later and he's struggling to catch a bird to get the feathers, so he switches to looking for cans to get shinies.
Though the audience is very entertained by the expressions on Raphs model, and how his tail is basically a blur right now, because he keeps finding the animations very adorable.
He eventually figured out how to catch the birds, but it was still tricky without bread.
"I got the feathers, now to find the Tanuki."
"He opened a portal thingy? Oh boy. I'm in the trash can ain't I?... Yup, and I didn't give the crow the shinies yet either." Raph lets out a sigh, "Well, I knew there would be more explorin to do, so let's figure out what to do next."
Raph finally got back to the crow, and got his first fish, and climbed the wall.
"So now I gotta find some ducklings, well at least this map also tells me were to find more fish."
"This crow is telling me it's not selling hats, just that it'll spin the Gotcha to give me random hats... I now get why I need to get lots of shinies..."
+A few minutes later+
"So helping that 'Mayor' cat only got me a emote, but I guess I have to go through that door to find the last duckling. According to the map he's here." Then he get through the door.
....."I have to climb this! To find the last duck!"
"That wasn't the last duckling? Well at least it's close to where the Dad is, and not like near the beginning of the game."
Raph wasn't sure what to feel at the moment. "A beetle, runs a famous cats social media, and I have to steal a new phone for it... Red feels very confused by this game. Wait how do I steal a phone again?"
After reading chat for the first time for a reminder (he didn't want spoilers). "I have to trip one of the humans holding a phone. Gotcha! How do I trip them? Run into their legs? That's kinda mean. But then again I'm playing as a cat."
"And my reward is a an in game camera. Not what I expected, but okay. Next thing, let's just get some of these Cat-chievements done. Since I think I need a few more fish, and we can do this stuff while looking for the last fish."
The chat was spamming cat emotes the entire time, as Raph just messed around for the rest of the stream. He kinda forgot to actually finish the game.
I just bought the game myself, and this is my thoughts on the first bit of the game. I don't know how far into the game I am, but I also want to complete everything before I climb the building to get home anyway.
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peipurr · 4 months
sometimes I love to think of how the Generalfeldmarschalls are just .... human. beneath their military personality and after all the atrocities they may have done. and no, this isn't me justifying the n4zi's horrendous crimes, but sometimes I just think that people who wrote books abt them need to see that side of them too, like okay their military was great but c'mon, let's not forget about their interesting personality!
and some of the facts I often think are:
that my precious baby Model was a member of literary society during his youth excelled in Greek, Latin, and History (and some also say in Poetry — I wonder if he ever wrote a poem).
Von Leeb loved to collect stamps!!! and very fond of his family's chronicles.
There is a story in the Keitel Family that Wilhelm almost went to tears when he gave up his hope to become a farmer in order to stay in the military to support his family.
Von Reichenau was fond of German literature and classical music. He brought to the battlefield in the Polish campaign a small volume of a selection of German poetry.
Von Rundstedt loved detective thriller books but was shy to show it. He regularly read the novel in an open drawer which could be quickly closed whenever anyone came in to see him.
Rommel and Schörner's rivalry. David Irving wrote: "One of Schoerner’s frequent pranks was to plant silver cutlery from the mess in the pockets of guests at formal banquets and watch their embarrassment when the spoons and forks fell out. Rommel, when it happened to him, was not amused. Their rivalry persisted to the end. It was generally friendly, and once, after Schoerner had made a name for ruthlessness bordering on brutality in the Crimea ... Rommel solicitously took him aside and candidly urged him to try a different method."
Von Bock seemed to be very fond of boys —not in the negative way. In Sudetenland, he once "took his twelve-year-old son, dressed in a sailor suit, along in his car "to impress on his son the beauty and exhilaration that lie in soldiering."". In 1940, he sent a postcard to the same son, Dinnies von der Osten. Also, one of Fedi's last wishes to von Manstein was that he should take care of the 16 year old Dinnies after his death, which Erli did until his capitulation. Not that it matters, but Dinnies was not his biological son. It was his second wife's son from her previous marriage. I think it shows how much Fedi cared for the boy. Then, his diary entry on 8/9/39: " ... I was able to present the first Iron Cross of this war to a Private First Class of the 94th Regiment who acted bravely at Graudenz. The young man beamed; too beautiful these lads!". He's just ... adores his troops (and youngest stepson) so much :')
Wolfram von Richthofen always found studying language to be painful. His foreign language grades were either a borderline pass or an “unsatisfactory.” And "he was a somewhat indulgent father. When he returned home during the war years, Jutta would relate some minor misbehavior of the boys and ask that Wolfram, as their father, discipline them. Wolfram’s reply was usually something on the lines of “boys will be boys” and “they’re good kids—let’s give them a break.”". Then, Wolfram once described the Luftwaffe as “the army’s whore”.
Von Manstein's writing is something else. Even if he did lie about the breakout order in Stalingrad, I still enjoyed his memoirs, to be honest. His words are beautiful, the way he tells a story and the allusions — I got the impression that he was a highly educated person by reading Lost Victories.
Also, von Küchler and Busch's rivalry (which was bitter, unlike the Rommel-Schörner's one), which unfortunately I couldn't remember which book explained that and couldn't find it yet :(
Hitler's Generals - Edited by Correlli Barnett
Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und Lagebeurteilungen aus zwei Weltkriegen
The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel: Chief of the German High Command, 1938-1945 - Edited by Walter Görlitz
Same as 1
Lost Victories by Erich von Manstein
The Trail of The Fox by David Irving
Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von Bock: The War Diary, 1939-1945 || Manstein: Hitler's Greatest General by Melvin Mungo || World War: The Three Vons (Time Magazine, August 18th, 1941
Wolfram von Richthofen Master of The German Air War by James Corum || Stopped at Stalingrad: the Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in The East, 1942-1943 by Prof. Joel Hayward
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Tsumugi Tsukioka SSR: Whereabouts of the Lost Item - Part 3
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Shrine maiden: Numbers 17 and 18, thank you for waiting~
Citron: Our goshuin are ready!
Izumi: Woah, this is very skillfully done and pretty…!
Kumon: They’re kinda awesome! Now I’m getting a lil interested in goshuin too!
Tsumugi: Right, seeing them up close like this makes me want to start collecting too.
Citron: You two should start collecting too!
Tsumugi: Mmhm, I’ll take some time to think about it.
Kumon: Oh, right! There’s still some time till Itaru-san comes, so I wanna take a few pics of the shrine!
Citron: I will also take a picture to commemorate my first goshuin!
Tsumugi: I should take a picture too.
Tsumugi: … Hm?
Tsumugi: My phone’s gone…
Izumi: Eh, you can’t find it anywhere?
Tsumugi: Yes, I think I lost it…
Kumon: When was the last time you’re sure you had it with you? At Itaru-san’s car?
Tsumugi: Yup. I put my phone in my pocket and then got out of the car…
Citron: Maybe you dropped it while walking?
Tsumugi: That might be the case…
Kumon: Oh! There’s that Find My Phone function, right? How about trying that!?
Izumi: Now that you mention it, that’s a thing! I’ve never used it, so I forgot about it…!
Citron: It’s worth a try!
Tsumugi: So smartphones have that kind of function…
Izumi: Let’s search for it from my phone.
Izumi: Tsumugi-san, can you put the password you use for your phone here?
Tsumugi: Here you go.
Izumi: I’ll start the search.
Izumi: … Hm? Huh? It can’t find it…?
Kumon: HUH? Why!?
Citron: … Tsumugi, you always make sure to update your phone, right?
Tsumugi: Eh… Do I need to update my phone?
Citron: Of course you do! If your phone doesn’t have Find My Phone, then that means you haven’t updated it in a while!
Kumon: So that’s why we can���t find it!
Tsumugi: Sorry, I didn’t know updating is a must…
Izumi: We can’t do anything about that for now! Let’s just see if it fell somewhere nearby.
Tsumugi: I’m so sorry… I’ve caused you some unnecessary trouble.
Citron: Don’t worry about it!
Kumon: Yeah! Let’s start searching from the first place we visited!
Citron: We didn’t find it anywhere… 
Kumon: Just where could it be?
Tsumugi: Thank you for searching, everyone. Since we can’t find it after all, I think we should just give up…
Izumi: Tsumugi-san…
Izumi: Ah! Then, let’s go to the office and ask them to call the dorm in case they find it!
Citron: Nice idea! That’s good!
Itaru: Ah, there you are. Heya.
Kumon: Itaru-san!
Tsumugi: Thanks for coming to pick us up.
Itaru: You’re welcome.
Itaru: Oh, yeah. Tsumugi, you forgot your phone in the car.
Tsumugi: Wh!
Citron: It was in the car!?
Itaru: Yeah. It was on the seat.
Tsumugi: I thought I put it in my pocket, but I was in such a hurry that I probably didn’t put it away properly…
Tsumugi: I’m sorry, everyone…
Kumon: It’s okay! I’m glad we found it!
Itaru: Huh, were you looking for it? You could’ve just searched for it through someone else’s phone.
Citron: Tsumugi’s phone is old and hasn’t been updated in forever, so we couldn’t use Find My Phone!
Itaru: Ahhh… IC. This is a pretty old model…
Tsumugi: So I had everyone look for it all over the shrine grounds…
Kumon: But thanks to that, we got to see every part of the shrine!
Citron: It was fun in its own way!
Izumi: Oh, just like it said in the omikuji, you had a lost thing returned to you.
Tsumugi: That’s true… Maybe the omikuji here is just very accurate.
Itaru: Fr?
Tsumugi: It could just be a coincidence, though.
Izumi: Whatever it may be, I’m glad you found it!
Tsumugi: Thank you very much. But still, I’ll update my phone as soon as we get home so something like this doesn’t happen again.
Tsumugi: … So, Itaru-kun. Can I ask you to show me how to update my phone later?
Itaru: kk, we’re getting that done as soon as we get back. 
Tsumugi: Yup. Thanks, Itaru-kun. 
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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loveon-venus · 1 year
𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗. 𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙺𝙰𝚄𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚉 𝚡 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁
Formal meeting Bill’s POV
Two years ago I found a new designer store RS but it wasn’t like any other designer store I’ve seen. They had goth, emo, streetwear, and grunge clothing. I was in shock I mean come on the place looked like paradise! I ran out the door so quick just so I could see what this brand is about.
Once I got home I immediately started looking the brand. “RS” actually stands for Ritual Sex Then I moved on to the person that makes the Designs “Y/n L/n from London, England.” Then I moved onto interviews with them. They looked serious, calm also kind of mean. Their style was exactly what they have for their brand. Sometimes their friend Ally would be in the interviews too those were the only times Tom would watch with me because he found Ally attractive. Me I watched them for Y/n when they smiled (which was rare) my heart would melt and I’d want to see it all over again. Tom makes fun of me for it but I don’t really care. How could I when I’m drooling over a literal piece of art?.
Over the two years I’ve got a decent collection of their pieces. One day I was sitting in my room until Tom comes bursting in through my door and shoved a paper in my face
“YOUR LOVER IS GOING TO BERLIN FOR A RUNWAY PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU BECAUSE I HEARD THEY’RE BRINGING ALLY WITH THEM!” I stare at him “your fucking joking….THEY ARE GOING TO BERLIN! TOM WE NEED TO GET SEATS RIGHT NOW.” We call the number at the bottom of the paper and pay for two seats near the front. Then they ask us if we’d like to go to the after party. We immediately said yes.
It’s been 2 months and we’re sitting down looking at the runway. I’ve never been so nervous in my life I mean it’s not like they’re one of the models.
The runway ends and I drag Tom to the car so we can get to the after party quick. We arrive and we realize that this- this is a red carpet situation and we’re obviously not prepared for ANY OF THIS! So our only solution is walking through because no way in hell I’m I losing the chance to talk to Y/n and apparently Tom isn’t losing the chance to talk to his crush because he follows me inside. The outside is very different from the inside. Slightly less formal, music blasting, an open bar, and a couple of substances on an elegant table near the bar.
It’s been about 30 minutes and still no sign of Y/n. I’m just walking around on my own because Tom went to go find Ally. I take another step and bump into someone. I catch them, lean into their ear because of the loud environment and say “Are you okay?” They look up and I panic
“Oh shit…”
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parfaitfever · 1 year
headcanons for ssomega characters i have!!!!!!!!!
this will be mostly justt how i see the characters and sexuality hcs here and there and just lil ramble for each characters!!!!!!!!
Pegasus koga
hes a clueless little guy in s1 maybe the little brother for everyone
after training shaina would probably let him play pokemon on his gba
he would accidentally see yuna bleeding on the ass and asked what happened not knowing anything (neither does his other 3 friends)
ate dirt ONCE shaina n tatsumi scolded him and he never do it again
after ep18 he never ever wants to touch spicy food ever again
i mentioned this and i'll mention it again, i lovee aroace koga cus whn it comes to love the first think he thinks was family love and says it something like "i love you as much i love saori!"
Lionet soma
like hyoga did in the classic, would somehow be able to drive cars and we never knew wether he had a license or not
im still wondering who the hell are those bitches in ep18??????? are those girlies his BITHCES??? SOMA PULLED THEM??? IS THIS REAL???
i think he'd flirt w someone and just failed miserably
besties w yuna since he arrived in palaestra (ep69) and gave her a childhood nickname and grew further from her a little when he starts to open up to more people and probs only got closer again cus of koga and the saori situation
he is anything but straight (hes pan)
his birthday is 23th of july (younger me said so)
Aquila yuna
been a favorite since young literally my role model when im 7 yiu dont undrstand shes just such a girlboss 4 me my cringeass tomboy asskicker phase back in grade 4 was her influence
for me, even though she kinda became the mother of the group and just hates on everyone, she actually super cared for thm liek koga or soma but shes just scared to get attached to them and it ended up something like her family or pavlin or aria ... so shes just scared she'll get attached to people > lose them at some point so she also tries to kinda distant them to try and not get attach this is also probably why in ep54 her cloth wasnt able to change for the first time bcus she fear if she goes back in to fight she'd lose someone dear to her again (i guess .... im not sure if this is right im js rambling lols)
also notice how riene (yunas childhood friend in ep25) looks a bit like raki and I CANT EXPLAIN HOWMUCH I LOVE EXPLAINING HER YOU GET WHAT I MEAN DO YOU?!??@!? (im just projecting probably, plz help) YOU KNW WHAT I EAMN WHEN I SAY EP25 OKAY LIKE SHE DOESNF EVEN CARE THAT WAS AN ILLUSION SHE'LL SAVE IT TO SEE THE PEOPLE SHE CARES FOR AGAIN YOU KNW WHAT I MEAN
imagine her in her bday not doing anything after she goes out for a meal so when she casually goes back home the maincast gave her a bday surprise :3 (projectig
i did a little redesign of her but its just adding ribbons and glasses bcus i do
arne would introduce her to precure and she discovered who cure moonlight is and now its her fave cuz she looks liek pavlin :3
did i mention how much of a girlboss she is she just onehitko a gold saint (cancer schiller)
bicon ... #1
Dragon ryuho
i used to think hes good at everything BUT cooking
i think he does most of the house chores while shunrei takes care of shiryu like dish washing, sweeping the house very diligent lil boy :3
he loves talkking about his dads adventures or just his family in general uaghegdha *sobs on the flor* he loves his family somuc aughe *chokes
haruto once asked why ryuho never showed up in his concerts and ryuho sweats so much n claims that "he doesnt have enough money to buy the ticker but that doesnt mean he didnt want to support hes just" and harutoo cuts him off and gave him a free ticket
would have like a collection of antique dishes or teacups (its a gift from dohko i guess?? this is a random thought) and he once like broke one and mourns it in his room for 3 days
i used to think he suck at cooking in someway or another unless hes supervised or following a certain recipe (i MENTIONED ths but i didnt notice oh well)
he plays with harutos hair end of story
as a kid i use to htink hes a girl until i heard his voice
gay. end of story
Wolf haruto
i probably still think hes stuck in the school jail for 6 months
episode 22
look listen i feel like i shipped him w an mlp character but i forget whether it was rainbowdash or applejack
he learns those corny jokes froms soma (he fell for ut smh)
allergic to peanuts but he learned it the hard way. so like he got some food with peanuts in it and went to the palaestra infirmary for 2 weeks and when its eps22 harutos dad told ryuho hes allergic to peanuts but never got to tell him and then when ryuho told haruto about it hes liek ... "ah yeah right, thanks but i learned about it long time ago when i ate tofu and stayed in the infirmary for almost a month. "
he likes instant noodles
dyed his hair ends with black/red just bcuz (i kinda drew him like this sometimes hewlo)
Orion eden
hes like the silly dumb like koga but more ... quiet i guess??? like, someone would crack a dad joke to him like what do you call a fish with no eye? fsh. and hes like "i never knew thats how you call eyeless fishes" and took literally without him knowing
very very polite but if something just irritates/annoys him he wont hesitate to ZAP
looks at my old book ... *sighs* stso x mlp ships ... eden was one of the victims
i still dont completely understand why his hair turned grey i mean i dont mind the design doesnt rly affect much buut how I CANT REMEMBER was it cuz of aria or soemthig
foudn this in my school stso hcs notes, he secretly sneaks to arias room and plays piano for her but got caught by sonia and now hes forbidden to even touch the door w/o perms
bi :3
hes seatmates with haruto and so he needs to deal with haruto trying out his jokes he learned from soma and took most of them literally
soma fooled him with the "if you eat the watermelon seeds it'll grow in your stomach"
i keep crying whenever theres aria and eden scene and iys just very sad i just paused the video and cry first
favorite food bread
i cant believe i never drawed her as a kid 3:
saoris daughter...
look look look i have a buncha hcs for her but i literally cant remember
twins with koga...... fight mw right now
yuna actually tries to teach her how to cook basic recipes and they also sometimes cook together but aria doesnt rly understand and ended up messing stuff up and eventually yuna gives up n aria would ended up apologizing a lotta times ... but yuna said "its ok!!! ure aria i wont do anything"
she passed those jfashion shops and stared at the store for 15mins
she actually has struggles with talking to people so every so often eden or koga did the talking for her
only thing she can bake is simple bread with yuna
she wouuld like clean n neat stuff so she often broom the house here and there and somehow made koga actually wants to clean
the flower decos all around their house is white, blue or lilly of the valley bcus its her
equuleus subaru
ash ketchum
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steelminds · 1 year
shaking. hi. ★♦▼ for ryoko and sara?
-> ryoko hirose
+ sad headcanon
ryoko has. a tendency to disconnect herself from her feelings. the easiest thing for her to do is to focus on the emotional needs of those she cares about, rather than taking care of herself. when sara & joe disappear one night and don't return, it takes a while for ryoko to fully accept the situation - even when she passed by police cars on their block, it hadn't fully set in that something bad had happened until about a full day later, when she couldn't even get a hold of sara's mother. she'd been somewhat aware something was going on, but the feeling just hadn't set in until then.
+ quirks/hobbies headcanon
ryoko enjoys painting,,, between her and her friends, her 'talent' shows more on canvases and paper. there are a few pictures hanging in her room of painted sunsets and sunrises, and even stars... there's a direct inspiration for all of those paintings, but she refuses to say what. (it's because of sara btw. she's a little gay.) additionally, she likes photography! though she prefers scenery, there's over a few dozen photos in sara & joe's rooms from both big events and just when they were hanging out as a trio. she likes to capture little moments, and give them to those she cares for as a reminder that things won't always be bad.
+ childhood headcanon
ryoko's parents divorced before she could ever remember them as an actual couple. she rarely saw them together, but when she did as a child, they didn't act any different than they would apart. obviously, she figured it out herself as the years passed, but part of her was like. hm yes this is. normal family stuff. parents always spend months apart and then reunite every now and then for like a day or two. despite it, however, both parents took care of her well :] her mom is a bit scary at times but she's very sweet. and her dad is a bit of a silly guy. they just sorta fell out of love and thats okay !!
-> sara chidouin
+ sad headcanon
this can only really happen in a non-death game scenario, when sara's a bit older, but. one time, haruki (sara's mother) told her a bit about her real dad. he was interested in airplanes and trains, having collected models of them and displaying them in his room. since learning about it, sara tries to collect airplanes too - not because she has a particular interest in them, but as a small hope that if she ever got to meet him, she'd have something to talk about with him. she also tries to learn tagalog with joe, because both haruki & mr chidouin are japanese. she never does get the chance to meet him, but she likes to think there's still a chance.
+ quirks/hobbies headcanon
sara loves puzzles!! like with the model airplanes and stuff, she likes putting things together... getting to create something that started off as a bunch of pieces makes her really proud of herself. i also got this from you but. she would enjoy wood carving and the like, following the idea of slowly making something that doesn't seem very special into something impressive... also she likes working with her hands. autism and all.
+ childhood headcanon
sara used to be interested in dance when she was younger - specifically, ballet! she didn't do very well, but she enjoyed it up until her father pointed out she was no good at it. the words got to her head, and during her first performance, she fell and injured herself pretty badly. it healed eventually, but when she walks/runs for too long without resting, her right ankle begins to hurt a little.
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slow-button-off · 11 months
I'm ignoring the disqualification and just want to get into the strategy. I really don't get it. There's a few things that I've been thinking of:
1. Like okay fine, their simulations showed that a one stop would be similar to a 2 stop, but what kind of data are you collecting when you have data from the sprint that shows how much more your tyres fell off compared to everyone. Did they think that somehow they'd magically be able to change something between Saturday and Sunday even though they were under parc ferme. They're usually so cautious and sometimes this season have been TOO conservative with their tyres out of fear of excessive deg, so then why now would they think that they could pull this off knowing the track characteristics and the weakness of their car. And this leads me into another point:
2. Do you think they realize that a major weakness for them is that they can't think on the fly and adapt to changing situations. We've seen this so many times - rain suddenly comes and they panic, safety car comes out and they don't know what to do. They saw that the strategy wasn't working like merc and mclaren but instead of adjusting and reassessing, they just pushed through. Why do they keep following what their data says and not what's actually happening on track. The same as Hungary 2022 where it was clear that the hard tyre wasn't the right choice, but no, our computer tells us it's what we should do so we won't follow what we see happening in front of us on track, we'll follow our data. This is something that they really need to work on because it affects so many races - usually on charles side of course. There's obviously something flawed with their simulation model. Why are they the only team that shows weird things like this. Why are they the only team that expects rain when there isn't rain (Brazil 2022), why are their numbers so often wrong. Surely by now you'd figure that they need to make changes to their systems.
3. My last point is what was the point of it?? Like yes, your data showed that a one stop is a possibility, but no matter which way you looked at it, that wouldn't have been the preferred method. So why would you decide to go that way and make life difficult for your driver when you could do what everyone else was doing and end up with the same position. From what I can recall from the race, it's not like he would've gained anything from doing the one stop. If he did the 2 stop, he wasnt losing any positions. It's not like it was a turkey 2021 situation where they were no where and could try something strange because they had nothing to lose. I don't get why they needed to take a gamble - because thats what it was, a gamble. Even if the simulations showed that it was possible, it was still a risky move. So I just don't get why they decided to go that route. And I won't even get started on why they thought to try the alternate strategy with the lead car, because then I'd have to fly to maranello to burn the place down.
It just worries me so much that things will continue like this even when they get a competitive car and in the end nothing will change
The data collection itself is probably fine but they can't extrapolate it at all.
I think they know. What Fred said makes me think that they know. But they're gonna need to actually go ahead and fix it. But that's also easier when you have good numbers in the background.
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etes-secrecy-post · 11 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Oct 21st, 2011
Title: Doing Assembly
Spot loves model cars collection as a favorite hobby inherited from his dad (Bonn). Whether that he's assembly his new purchased model or fixing/customizing his model cars, he had a bright future of collecting car models, and soon he'll opens his own model kit & R.C. store that related to automobiles after his professional racer career. 🚘🔧🕹️
Spot 🐶🏎️: Uh huh! Did I mentioned, that I also have posters slapped through my bedroom walls? That's typical cliché for kids, I know. 😉🚘
Spot Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME!
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shwarmii · 1 year
i just moved three boxes (two light and one heavy-for-me) to my car to take to the storage unit after a break and i AM SO BRAVE
context: i am still in the process of moving (un-moving? i am here, in a new residence, but i am surrounded by boxes and shit ugh) and i was very kindly gifted a storage unit by my parents since i down-sized so much (and my dad is a hoarder so he was very "YOU CAN'T GET RID OF YOUR BREAKFAST ISLAND CHAIRS JUST BC YOU NO LONGER HAVE A BREAKFAST ISLAND" even tho i got the three plush chairs for a total of $20 bc thrifting yay). but i couldnt supervise the movers (bc i was so wiped i was gonna throw up or faint if i didnt lay down and let them do whatever) and they apparently read like.. 2 or 3 of my labels and none of the rest. so they ignored so many that instructed them to put things in the storage unit. and i dont feel comfy calling them for a discount bc they had to deal with so much regarding me and my disability already (mainly: that i didnt finish packing before they got there. yeah. i did 2 or 3 all-nighters in a row just before they came, worked for weeks, and still couldnt do it all. best i could do was make them piles of the remaining stuff and go "please help")
but yeah, im quite disabled and sickly and i have muscle weakness, and i am spent FOR A DAY after a carrying a single case of Arrowhead water from my car to my personal cart to my apartment, so you can imagine the havoc a medium-to-large Costco Box of board games is apparently causing me
(read more is just more of me complaining about boxes, ft. me breaking down how my internalized ableism skews my pov of how difficultly heavy things are by using my little sister for comparison)
i was so shaky after, it sucked so bad. im so glad my storage unit has carriers by the door so i dont gotta haul that shit long-distance anymore. my body is so disregulated, jfc, that box felt like it might as well have been 50 lbs but i know for a fact it was on the heavier side of "light". bc my little sister helped me out with the worst of my heavy boxes a week or so ago (aka: my book boxes. bastards were the heaviest thing by far bc i have a concept art book collection and those books are weirdly shaped and hardcover and even just five of them is heavy enough for me to struggle. though, in my defense, i had a physical therapist test my muscle strength and she openly said "Oh, god, that's not good" lmao rip) and like.. my lil sister is an athlete, sure (and built like a model jfc she is so tall and dainty, hOW?? shes got muscle mass but its so stretched out that she looks like she doesnt have much. but bitch works out for fun, runs at least a mile every morning before college classes, and does sports and dance for shits and giggles. and also she's STEM. beauty and brains. jfc, i love her, her future partner better worship the ground she walks on, i swear. but yeah, her favorite way to show love is acts of service and she likes doing physical labor, so when i asked for help all hesitantly and ready to bribe, she was like "Okay!!✨️" before i even finished and rejected any form of payment that was more than a starbucks frap. she's back in college on the other side of California now anD I MISS HER COMPANY.. AND ALSO HER MUSCLES...) but she truly carried all my book-boxes like they weighed as much as a handheld-basket of laundry
and i even asked her "Is that an okay weight? I can grab another cart, we can take as many breaks as you need, would you like a water, thank you so much for doing this, are you okay??" and she just laughed like a mix of Santa Claus and the blonde girl from Utena (/positive)
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she was so fine with what she was carrying. the only reason she agreed to a cart was to make shit faster with less trips, but she didnt care about the weight of the boxes themselves. she even said "These aren't nearly as bad as you made them out to be!" (as bad = me telling her I couldn't lift them. i had to make the boxes and tower then ontop of one another and put a book in individually at a time. after they were filled, i could not lift those boxes at all). she openly found these boxes easy to deal with. they were about Office Depot File Cabinet size bc i worried using a BIG box for books would be truly unliftable. but yeah no she was fine. my sister was very open about it even and did a couple of tricks for the comedy of making me go "EY EY EY, BE CAREFUL, DONT HURT YOURSELF" and fuss over her
so. like. i know she'd be able to carry this board-game box i am currently struggling with, probably even one-handed if it wasnt for its awkward size of it which would necessitate she use two hands. and you might go "shwarmi, your sister is probably not an accurate representation of a person's strength, im sure those boxes were heavy, books are heavy, so are board games" and im like:
the book-boxes were likely heavy but mangeable for most people. the board game box was definitely heavy-end-of-the-"light" weight-spectrum. also, my sister is a great barometer for me because i am in F-tier, maybe D-tier on a good day, and she is A-tier. she is likely not S-tier, she isnt a body-builder, doesnt have obvious muscle definition, no a six-pack, no evident biceps or calfs, nothing. so most people are B- or C-tier. so she is actually a good litmus test for me, personally, because i see the strain on a B-/C-tier person and i spiral into thinking they feel like me when they DONT. so seeing my sister have no problems or strain beyond "this cart that your storage unit supplied sucks to steer!" makes my dumbass go "...ahhh, i see how different me struggling versus a B-/C-tier person struggling is now that i see my sister's limits and think of her proverbial Strength Stat as ridiculously high". i have a few other friends (and a brother, who teagically lives far away from me boo) who pride themselves on their strength that similarly make me do a double-take of "OOOOOOH.. oh, okay, my frame of reference has been righted, okay"
really brings to light a reminder that i still have a SHIT TON of internalized ableism. it is very hard rn to not kick myself for only doing three boxes in one trip today. my dumbass really wants to go "DO A NORMAL PERSON AMOUNT OF STORAGE MOVING" but, my comrade, i am not normal. i am disabled. i very physically weak. there is a reason why my loved ones and i make frequent jokes comparing me to "sickly Victorian ghost children" (hence why my @/playbychoices account had that John Mulaney quote as its blog-title for so long). i can do these three boxes today. hopefully, i can do the equivalent or more tomorrow, but i also could have another week-plus long flare-up like i did this past period before today. so. today. just three. very sadge. but alas, the way things do be
praise me for this stupid fucking board-games box. the other two were easy, even for me. one was even the same awkwardly medium-large Costco box but just had lighter shit inside. but the board game box??
shit sucked. im sitting next to an a/c with an ice-cold drink and my feet up, trying to get my likely-POTS-raddled body regulated back to a mangable level
but still
shit sucked
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