#okay and um. i remembered how to turn down my headphones so i did that and took a moment to collect myself
hey quick question. what hte Fuck was that,
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takes1 · 4 months
p.2 one night stand aftermath with needy!tsukishima
this boy is gonna get whinyyyy in the next one. sorry i haven't been posting like everyday anymore, i'm either hitting a wall or i'm exiting my manic creative fever
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warnings. sfw-ish, conversation/narration about sex. minors DNI
info. fem!reader / smut build-up / flirting / one night stand aftermath / needy!tsukki / timeskip!tsukki / museum setting / miscommunication / 1.6k words / reply to be added to taglist for part 3!
haikyuu collection. part one here.
more links. masterlist. my ao3.
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"Are you sure they're not in your bag?"
You did not want to bother somebody at their job because of your nephew's inconvenient tendency to leave his eyeglasses around.
The six-year-old stopped and you watched him search through his little Indiana Jones-themed bag. No glasses. Just the sandwich you packed for him, a coloring book, and pencils to go with it.
"Shit," You sighed under your breath. You had already been in the museum for an hour and a half.
They could've been anywhere. You rubbed the back of your neck and looked at the reclined worker behind the service desk in the lobby.
"We'll... we'll ask if they've seen any, alright?"
You approached, hoping the man would break the ice first when he noticed you.
All he did was keep tapping away on his phone.
If anything, he shrank lower in his seat when you came up to the counter so you couldn't see him as easily.
"Hi, um- Excuse me, we just wanted to know if you've seen any glasses around- Or if anyone had come by to turn some in."
It was difficult enough to muster the courage to speak. But to make matters worse, the worker peeked out from around his shoe with the rudest 'Go away, I'm busy doing nothing' stare that he could muster.
Pressured frustration built in your chest and you readied yourself to speak louder, be more assertive so he could understand this wasn't a problem that would just go away.
It fizzled at a flash of short, fluffy blond hair.
Your fingers twitched from the memory of how soft it was against your shoulder, between your legs, against your palms.
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His eyes widened with recognition. He took his legs back down, a lanky hand setting his headphones to rest around his neck.
You realized you had forgotten his name, so you couldn't express that you knew him so easily-- it left you speechless, grabbing at something to say.
Thankfully, it was a problem for later, because he confirmed that he heard you after all.
"You wear... glasses?" He asked.
His face worked, soaking in every new detail of your natural features he didn't get to see the last time you were together.
"No, I don't," Was all you could say.
You motioned to the child hiding behind your back, clinging to your shirt.
A nearly open-mouthed look.
"Oh!" You covered a small laugh at his unnaturally wide-eyed stare, "He's not mine!"
You held your hand to your heart, then placed it atop your nephew's head and ruffled his hair.
"Just babysitting my nephew. He wouldn't stop asking me to come here,"
The kid leaned all his weight to the side and squinted around, using you as an anchor to hold him up. He couldn't be bothered listening to you.
"He loves the museum."
He spared a glance to the little one rubbing his eyes behind you and, to his own surprise, found sympathy in his heart.
It was a quiet and incredibly uncomfortable search. You remembered his name along the way, thankfully.
It didn't help that it was nearly empty besides your small group making a sloth's pace throughout the vast, never-ending halls. Frequent stops at places you lingered at earlier to read plaques or marvel at figures put some occasional ease on the tension.
Tsukishima walked slow, with his hands in his pockets, and looked at anything but you.
Simply by his wordless agreement to help you, you could tell this job wasn't something he took very seriously. If he didn't already know you inside and out, he would've turned his music up to drown out your plea for help.
His calculated, but somehow yet disinterested gaze stood as strong evidence that he wasn't warm.
You held yourself to silence a shiver.
So, why did he look so heartbroken when you left his bedroom?
A quiet, toneless voice wrenched you out of your inquisitive thoughts.
"You do this often?"
You didn't understand how comfortable you actually were with the quiet until you had to come up with something to respond with. What was he referring to? The museum, or the sex?
His face was so intense when you tried to look at him for more elaboration. Like you had stepped on the back of his shoe.
You quickly looked down.
"With the kid," He muttered.
"Oh, yeah," You blew a breath of relief, "Yeah yeah, I see him every couple weeks. We usually come here."
He hummed.
It was getting quiet all over again. You felt an obligation to try, now.
"Do...you like working here?" You winced. A dumb question you already knew the answer to.
His response wasn't as cruel as you expected. He even pretended to consider it.
"It pays for my tuition."
A generous nugget of information- your nephew began searching on his own accord around this old, interactive archeological sand table and you lingered next to Tsukishima for a minute.
"Tohoku University?"*
He nodded at your question as you both sifted through the sand in front of you.
"Me, too," You smiled, "Kinesiology major."
There was a small laugh on his lips. He smoothed the display back out when it was obvious there were no glasses here and you continued on your way.
"What, are you some snooty med student?" You scoffed at his perceived pretentiousness.
It wasn't rare to come across people who discriminated based on major when you interacted with so many aspiring nurses and surgeons. You liked the student athletes at your university better.
"No," He shook his head, "I- Just- yeah. It's nothing."
You believed him, but he left you confused and hanging on by a thread by his odd mannerisms and avoidant speech. It was difficult to make any lasting judgement about him.
Regardless, he stuck around and, though not enthusiastically, helped you search for the next twenty minutes.
There was the chance he could've been doing it all to repeat that night. If he gave you any indication that he was interested in a round two, you were prepared to take him up on the offer. But you had a feeling he would've already tried to flirt, or talk more, or just flat out tell you instead of dancing around, exhausting your politeness if it was the case.
Another room, another few minutes spent searching.
When nothing came up again, you got his attention with a frown, "You don't have to keep helping. I know this is pretty dull."
His face grew a bit warm. You both looked away.
"I'm not just gonna leave," He managed to work around your invitation to go away and reference your night together.
At first, you trailed behind him on the way into the next hall, but shook your reaction off and caught up to his side.
"So, why did you?"
He cut the niceties and put it all on the table, but you weren't at all expecting it to be laced in guilt, or shame, on his end.
Maybe if he had a sweeter resting face, or didn't kiss you so fast, or wasn't so handsy in the Uber back to his place, or didn't fuck you on the floor because he couldn't wait to get to his room, or didn't talk to you like he owned you, or didn't tell you to scream his name-- maybe if he just had an ounce of patience at the start, you would've foreseen his cuddly side and stayed a bit longer.
Honesty was probably best.
"I just," There was difficulty in your voice, "I just didn't peg you as the type to want more than-,"
His eyes were narrow and focused, fixated on your glossy lips as you spoke. It forced you to end your sentence short.
A minute passed and you were back to the skeleton displays.
As you watched him across the room, leaned under a bench to help search despite it being well over his paycheck, your heart squeezed.
He was a pretty boy- and kind where it counted, as far as you could tell. The most obvious trait of his was how much he liked you, even at the very start.
The way his face worked when he looked at you; intensity in the form of longing you'd never been the subject of before.
You'd be lying if you said it didn't make you feel pretty special to make a guy like that crumble.
"Found them." He called.
You groaned out a yes, excited you didn't have to pay an arm and a leg for a replacement. You jogged over to watch him wipe off the lenses on his shirt and hand them to your nephew.
"Glasses are expensive," Tsukishima placed his hands on his hips, unaware of how intimidating he was to a small child, "You should keep better track of those."
The kid apologized at a barely-there whisper and quickly clung to you again, embarrassed.
After all the searching, you were both tired and relieved to be able to go back home. Part of you weighed your legs down to this spot, though.
"I- suppose I owe you an apology, too," You admitted.
The double meaning was not lost on him. His chest swelled with a tentative, slow breath and he bit the inside of his cheek.
"You don't have to do that."
You were almost certain he was about to invite you back to his place. Just when you thought you had him, he slips away.
It was risky, but as you watched your nephew sprint over to a display he didn't see earlier, you decided it was more appropriate to try again.
"I'd love to make it up to you," You placed your hands on the back of your hips and tried to emulate the same look you passed to him in the club. Through your lashes, real casual, but unwavering eye contact.
His jaw worked at your not-so-subtle request to be invited back. It gave way to a hand rifling through his short, bouncy curls and red-tinged ears.
He looked over his shoulder to check you weren't being listened to.
A familiar sound was his low, interested mutter, "Are you free tonight?"
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holy shit tsukki gets so much love on here. thanks for supporting and tuning in! part three will be hornier
@little-stitious-studios @sunshinesx-264
@hrts4hanniehae @lord-hqcifer
@inofish @integers @ushijimaschubbs
@sharkubi @imiqz @yuyunhoo
reply to be added!
masterlist. requests closed.
*the uni mention: idk what the fuck i'm talking about lmao fan wiki failed me i tried to find out where he actually goes to college don't burn me at the stake
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prkwook · 1 year
THE STORM ⛈️ park gunwook
☆ pairing: high school student!gunwook x fem!reader
☆ genre: (slight??) angst, fluff,
☆ wc: 1.8k
☆ summary: your mind is a storm, spiraling like a hurricane, but at least you have someone ready to wait it out with you, no matter what happens.
☆ warnings: anxiety / social anxiety , reader has a panic attack (pls let me know if there are any i should add)
☆ note: this is my longest fic yet?!!!! not proofread
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"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship." — Louisa May Alcott
You hate having to give presentations in class. So much so, you often skip class the day of your presentation because the thought of getting up in front of everyone makes you physically sick. Due to the amount of absences you were accruing because of this, you wanted to arrive early to school today to try and talk your way out of the presentation you were to give sometime today. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Unfortunately, today was not your lucky day.
When you slept 15 minutes past your alarm, only giving you 20 minutes to get ready and on your way, you thought it was just you being tired and when your hair straightener wouldn’t straighten how it always does, your excuse was that it was a hand-me-down from your older sister and it was getting old. But when your oatmeal was cold and you almost fell down the stairs on your way out the door, and you forgot your headphones at home, you decided that today, your luck (not that you normally have any) had run out.
When you got to school, you made a beeline directly towards the teacher’s office. When you got there, you found your teacher immediately and started walking towards him.
“Good morning, Y/n. What can I do for you this morning?” he asked you, eyes looking up at you from an email he was reading.
“Hi, Mr. Kim. You know those presentations we’re supposed to give today in class?” you mumbled. The frog in your throat was getting bigger by the minute and you didn’t know how much longer you could’ve stood there.
“Oh right! Thank you for reminding me! I completely forgot about those. What about ‘em?” You mentally kicked yourself. Another thing to add to the list of things that just couldn't go right. A nervous laugh escaped your mouth and in that moment, you wanted nothing more than to disappear.
“Right. Um, giving presentations makes me… uh… really um… nervous so I was wondering if I could maybe… uh… just come during lunch and just present to you instead of in front of the whole class.” You could already feel your usual day-of stomach ache coming on and it was not helping.
“I’m sorry, Y/n, but this is a really big part of your grade. Public speaking is very important for your future so you should get used to it. I’m sure everyone is nervous. Plus, I can’t go around making exceptions for people just because they’re nervous, now can I?” he questioned with an expectant look in his eyes. Unable to respond, you sighed quietly and drop your eyes to the hands fidgeting at your side.
“Oh... okay. I understand.” Honestly, you wondered if your day could get any worse?
Turns out, it could and just did.
“Hello, class!” Mr. Kim exclaims as he saunters into the room, smile on his face.
“Good morning, Mr. Kim.” the class less than enthusiastically says back to him.
“Aw, where’s the excitement?” Silence.
“Well …” he claps. “I had forgotten about your presentations today but was reminded about them this morning, thanks to Y/n!” he laughs. All 52 eyes in the class turn to look at you. You remember how you used to want to be Violet from The Incredibles when you were little and try to make yourself as invisible as possible. Maybe if you close your eyes, they’ll all disappear.
“Since you reminded me, why don’t you go first Y/n?” You hesitate and a second later, a hand shoots up. It’s the hand that belongs to the class president, your knight-in-shining armor, and the boy you’ve liked since the first day you joined this school, Park Gunwook.
“I’ll go first!” he announces and starts to walk up to the front of the classroom, hands carrying bright, neon-colored flashcards. You didn’t even prepare flashcards. You watch as he gives his presentation with the confidence only a scholar on the topic could have and when he’s done, you watch as he walks back to his seat and sit down.
“Would anyone else like to go?” Not a single hand raises. “Well, I guess it’s your turn then, Y/n.” You get up and silently shuffle to the front of the room, making a mental note of all of the eyes that travel with you on your way. You also can't help but notice how your hair and uniform are now slightly disheveled, a by-product from when you had to slump down in your seat in order to avoid the gazes of your classmates. Suddenly, you’re more self-conscious than ever, feeling the stare of every single person in the room bore into you. When you finally reach the front, you look out into the sea of eyes that are all staring right back at you.
You look down at your hands and fidget with your rings until you hear your teacher say that you can start when you’re ready. But what if you’ll never be ready? What if this fear of embarrassment, this fear that others will notice that your anxiousness and take advantage of it, never goes away?
“Um…” You feel your hands start to shake so you hide them in the pockets of your sweatshirt. “My project was on…. um…” You look up at the SMART board next to you that has the slide presentation you spent hours on, projected onto it. “It’s on …. um… Romeo- sorry… um … Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.” You look up at the people who could clearly care less about your or your presentation but somehow, your brain has you convinced that they can see your anxiety, as if it’s written in big, bold letters right across your forehead. You start to get overwhelmed and all it takes is a quick glance to the corner where you can see two girls look at you, laugh, and then start whispering to each other, for you to be running out the door.
You run and run and run until you reach the staircase, a place you know no one will be this time of day, and finally let the tears spill. You’re seemingly safe and yet the thoughts in your head spiral like a hurricane, wreaking havoc on your emotions, the peaceful citizens in your brain. Your lungs burn with an all consuming fire, never letting you catch your breath, not for even a millisecond. Your hands are still shaking and you swear your heart is beating so fast, you might even be having a heart attack. You’ve felt these all too familiar feelings before and yet, they’re still as strong as the first time. Everything other than the hurricane is gone and yet, you can still feel a tap on your shoulder, a tap that alerts you of the presence of another being standing on the outside of your storm.
“Y/N, are you okay?” the person asks, worried laced in their words. You could recognize this voice from anywhere.
“Do I look okay?!” you yell, louder than intended. Gunwook recoils, words hitting him like cold water. Your storm widens and he's caught in the crossfire.
“Ok, I probably deserved that. Hey, it’s okay.” he says softly as if he’s trying not to scare you away. “Just breathe with me.” Inhale. Exhale. “Again.” Inhale, exhale. You feel your breathing start to return to normal but even still, you can’t seem to escape the storm. The boy sits down next to you and pats his shoulder. You lay your head down and cry on his shoulder for what feels like an eternity.
You sit up and look at his tear-stained shoulder. “Oh my god, I am so sorry." Embarassment floods your senses and a second wave of tears start to fall. Gunwook wraps his arms around you as if he's trying to protect you from the dangerous winds of your storm, now surrounding you both.
“Hey, no. It’s okay, I promise. No need to apologize. I completely understand how you feel. You might not believe me but trust me, I’ve gotten really good at hiding it. I don’t know if you noticed but while I was up there, my hands were shaking like crazy.”
As he talks, you feel your storm get smaller and smaller until it’s only just a little, tiny rain cloud floating above your head. You pull away and look him in the eyes.
“Why’d you chase after me?” you question, still looking into his warm, brown eyes. He looks right back into yours and wipes away a tear-shaped raindrop running down your cheek.
“Because I was worried about you, Y/N.”
“Why were you worried? I mean look at me, I've never been better.”
Gunwook laughs, and his laugh is a sound you're convinced is your new favorite. “What do you mean why? If the girl I like runs out of the classroom crying, obviously I’m going to be worried …. wait a second…..” He looks away to hide his cheeks, but his red ears are a dead giveaway.
“The girl you what?!”
“Shit. I’m sorry if that just made this awkward. I mean you said it yourself, we’re not really friends so I don’t blame you at all if you want me to leave. You know what, I’ll just go.” As he gets up and starts to walk back in the direction of your classroom, you grab his hand.
“Don’t I get to say my piece now?” Gunwook pauses and you take this as a sign to continue. “Remember when you were assigned to show me around the school because I was new? That was the day I spilled my strawberry milk all over you. I felt so bad and kept apologizing but you insisted that it was actually your fault because you bumped into me. You even bought me a new one from the cafeteria. Instead of making me feel embarrassed or humiliated, you comforted me, saying that it was okay because you had been looking for an excuse to get a new jacket. To this day, no one has ever done something for me like that.”
Gunwook laughs and the smile you’ve come to love appears on his face. “I remember that day like it was yesterday. The entire time I was with you, I was so nervous. I mean how could I not be? You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Every time you smiled, my heart skipped a beat.”
“How come you never told me how you felt?”
“I don’t know. I guess I was scared. It’s a lot easier to stay quiet about it than have to deal with rejection.” Gunwook responds, sadness written all over his face.
“Who says I would’ve rejected you?” You say and smile for the first time that day.
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pahtoosh · 1 year
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[image ID: sebastian stan as lee bodecker from the set of the devil all the time. he has one headphone in and is holding the other cord out expectantly. /.end ID]
wc: ~1500 words
warnings: other kids being mean, name-calling, lee not listening to you
a/n: I was trying to fulfill one of my requests and somehow the story got away from me and doesn’t match with the request at all😭 I’ll have to try again with that one, it was so good!
pairing: lee bodecker x gn!little!reader
summary: lee takes you to a party to make little friends. while you’re there, things take a turn and names get thrown around
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“You ready to go, bunny?” Lee called up the stairs. “We’re gonna be late!”
“Almost, Daddy! I need help!” You tan towards him, almost tripping down the stairs but he caught you just in time. “Can you put this pin on my jacket? Please!”
“Of course, baby. Maybe I shoulda called you button instead of bunny,” he joked. “Is my little baby ready for the party now?”
You swapped your smile for a nervous look. “Scared, Daddy.”
“You’ve got nothin’ to be worried ‘bout. This’ll be good for ya. Lots of other littles from our town will be there. Maybe you could make a friend or two.”
You still weren’t convinced, but Lee looked so hopeful and he had been talking about this party for days. You hated disappointing him. Your daddy did so much for you; you could handle one little party for his sake.
“Okay,” you said, taking a deep breath.
Lee grinned. “That’s my bunny.” He held out his hand for you to take and walked you to the car. He helped you buckle the seatbelt and kissed your cheek reassuringly when he felt your rapid heartbeat.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
The O'Connolly's house looked just about like every other rich person’s house in Knockemstiff. The picket white fence, rose bushes, and perfectly trimmed lawn had you feeling out of place. The conflicting, rowdy shouts from the backyard did little to calm you.
Lee was oblivious to your apprehension. “Ready to go in?”
“Daddy I don’t wanna go. I feel funny.”
“Are ya sick, bunny?” He felt your forehead.
“No, my tummy’s rumbly a-and my heart.” You held his hand and pressed it to your chest.
“Aw baby, that’s your nerves, remember? Do those breathin’ exercises the doctor taught ya. In, out, that’s it.”
Once your nerves settled a bit, you agreed to go inside. You wanted Lee to hold you, but fought the urge. You didn’t want to look even more like a baby with how clingy you were being.
Mrs. O’Connolly answered the door. “Sheriff Bodecker! How nice to see you! And this must be your little angel.”
You hid behind Lee as he greeted the host. “Come out, bunny. Say hi. Mrs. O’Connolly ain’t nothin’ to be scared of.”
You peeked your head out and shyly waved. “Hi, Mrs.”
“Aw, isn’t that darling? You two come on in now. The other littles are playing in the yard and us adults are on the patio. We’ve got enough snacks and drinks for the whole football team, so you help yourselves with that. And the grown up juice is in the blue cooler.” She whispered that last part to Lee.
The three of you made it to the backyard where everybody else was. A couple of people waved or shouted a greeting while the others continued with their games and conversations.
Lee nodded his head towards where the littles were playing. “Go on and play with the other kids. Daddy’s gonna talk with the grown ups, okay?”
You whimpered and tugged on Lee’s hand that you’d been holding the whole time.
“You can do it, bunny. I know ya can. Just have fun.” He kissed you goodbye and sat down at the adults table.
You looked betrayed. How could Daddy just leave me here? No, it’s okay. Daddy said I can do this. Big kid thoughts. Big kid thoughts.
You straightened out your posture and walked over to where the littles were playing. “Hi, um, can I play with you?”
A couple of the kids looked unimpressed but one of them brightened at the sight of you. “Sure! We were gonna play dragons and princesses! My name is Julie!”
You responded with your name and the others introduced themselves to you.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Dragons and princesses turned out to be very fun. You thought all boys had to be dragons and all girls had to be princesses, but Julie said anyone can be what they wanna be. She even switched back and forth between the two characters during the game.
You decided that you liked Julie and most of the others. The only tough one to crack was Marcy. She was the O’Connolly’s little and Julie’s best friend. For whatever reason, she didn’t seem to like you from the beginning.
You were all lying in the grass, just talking after catching your breath from dragons and princesses.
“I think they’re gonna put a new gas station where the old pharmacy was!” Jack said.
“A different one from Pumps and Plums?” Julie asked.
“Yeah! Like Gas for Cash or Stop for Snacks!”
“That’s dumb, those gas stations don’t even exist. It’s gonna be a tailor shop,” Marcy said.
Jack frowned and looked back up at the sky instead of craning his head to see the rest of you like he’d been doing before.
“Maybe it can be a gas station, Daddy says we need another one and there’s already a tailor shop on that block.”
The others hummed in agreement and Jack looked at you gratefully. Marcy, however was absolutely fuming. “What do you know anyway? You’re dumb and you’re a meanie.”
You sat up. “What? I’m not a meanie.”
“Sure you are, you called Julie a dummy. I heard you.” By now, everyone was standing and leaving space between the two of you.
“I didn’t say that! You’re the one calling everyone dumb!”
“See? There you go again. You’re nothing but a dummy. Right, Julie?” Marcy put a hand on her hip and looked expectantly at her best friend.
“Y-yeah I guess you are kind of a dummy,” Julie hesitantly agreed.
You held back tears and tamped down the sob in your throat as the others began to walk away and play without you. You rushed over to Lee and tugged on his shirt to get his attention.
“What’s up, bunny? Ya havin’ fun?”
You bit your lip and leaned to whisper in his ear. “Daddy I wanna go home.”
“Home? Oh no, not yet, yer bein’ awfully rude,” Lee replied through gritted teeth.
“Enough. I said not yet. Why don’t you go play with Marcy and them?”
You considered telling Lee about how mean the other kids had been to you, but decided not to. Lee was already in a bad mood and you didn’t want him to cause a scene. Assuming he’d even believe you, that is.
“I’m tired. Can I sit with you?”
“We’re talkin’ ‘bout grownup stuff. It’s not safe for little ears to hear.”
“Can I wait in the car?”
Lee huffed and excused himself before grabbing you by the arm and pulling you to the other, unoccupied end of the yard.
“Ah, Daddy that hurts.”
Lee unfortunately didn’t hear you over his angry muttering that was getting louder as you two got further away from the party.
“-always wantin’ somethin’ ya can’t have and runnin’ from what’s good for ya. Ya know why I wanted to come to this dang party? It wasn’t just for the hell of it. I did it for you. Like I do everything for you. And so I put on this stiff button up shirt and played nice with our neighbors so you could play with the other littles in town, maybe even make a friend. But you didn’t want that, did ya. And why? I can’t think of a single reason. So you’re gonna stand here and tell me why I wasted my Saturday afternoon.”
He stopped his movements and looked at you expectantly.
You gulped before answering. Lip trembling, you blurted out “I don’t like them! Marcy was bein’ mean an’ she called me a dummy! And she telled Julie I don’t like her but I didn’t say that and then Julie called me a dummy too! And now daddy’s bein’ mean but I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Tears ran down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away. You held onto Lee as you wailed, wetting his shirt with your tears and drool. Although you were upset with him, you still looked to him for comfort. You didn’t realize it, but Lee was hugging you back and kissing your head while he rubbed your back. Your body had an innate reaction to Lee. Just a few minutes of your daddy’s touch were enough to calm you down.
Now just hiccuping and embarrassed at your outburst, you began to pull away from Lee but he didn’t let you.
“I’m sorry baby, I should’ve listened to ya. Here I was, thinkin’ I’m doin’ somethin’ nice for my baby when you’re actually miserable.” He looked down at you and wiped away the leftover tears. He didn’t like seeing you like this. The only times tears should be running down your cheeks are when you laugh until you cry, or when you’re overcome with happiness.
He squeezed you a little tighter as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Let’s go home now, bunny.”
“Wait, wanna stay like this a little.”
“That’s alright by me,” Lee said. He’d keep holding you forever if you asked him to.
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lakin-sturniolo · 5 months
1 / 5
SYNOPSIS: What happens when Matts best friend has been in love with him for years but still cannot tell him and excepts, he loves another? This is exactly what Y/N is going through when Matt asks her how to get his ex-back, but is he truly trying to get his ex-back or is that what Y/N just believes?
I sit here almost everyday of my life wishing I was sitting here as Matts girlfriend and not just as the boy’s best friend. Moving to California with them was an easy decision considering I would follow Matt anywhere since we have been attached at the hip for almost 16 years now. That of course changed a little when his Ex Elise came into the picture. Nick would bug me days on end about confessing to Matt seeing how badly it hurt me, but I just kept claiming it was strange just not being around Matt constantly and that any feelings they thought I had for him were false. Sighing, I grabbed my headphones putting them on and turning my music on since the boys would be back from filming soon. I hobbled up into Chris’s room looking for a hoodie before he got back and noticed I had one of his on.
I stopped wearing Matts when he started to let Elise wear them and thought it was only common decency not to wear someone else’s boyfriend’s hoodies. I also started to stay with Chris and Nick in their rooms when I stayed over. Loving Matt was easy, but trying to stop was harder. I knew a certain question was going to pop up when he got back, and I was not ready for it. I had heard him discussing it with Nick and Chris, but he would not do anything severe unless he had my opinion, my opinion on how to get Elise back. How to get the girl by Taylor Swift started playing in my headphones as the boys started up the stairs.
Stand there like a ghost
Shaking come the rain
“How did recording go?” I stood up from the couch to grab a towel considering the boys were drenched from the rain. “It went good, though I am exhausted, and I am going to take a shower real fast.” Chris took off down the other flight of stairs leading to his room. I handed Nick and Matt a towel each as Matt walked to the kitchen. “Hey Nick, can I talk to you real fast?” He slowly nodded his head squinting his eyes at me. I nodded, pausing my music, and walking upstairs with him. “What’s up? Is everything okay?” I patted his bed beside me hinting for him to sit down. “I um, I need to tell someone this and I feel like it
needs to be you. When I go back downstairs and Matt asks me how to get her back, I will be leaving. Not you as a friend but California, as a place. I believe I need physical space from him to be able to get over him, and I cannot do that in such a small area. So, moving across the US is what I feel will be best for me.” I could feel the tears slowly sliding down my face. Nick just sat there staring at me, I could see the tears pooling in his eyes. “Its that bad huh?” I just nodded before sobbing into my best friend’s arms. He knew how bad it had gotten but remembered that I would just simply deny it.
A knock erupted our hug as I turned away from the door as it opened. “Oh Y/N what’s wrong kid?” I turned to see Chris shutting the door behind him and walking up to me. “She is going to be leaving. Back to Boston for a while, um, it is worse than we originally thought Chris and she just needs a break away from any reminder right now.” I could feel Chris’s arms wrapped around me tightly before he sighed and pulled me to face him. “I think what I came to tell you is what you are hiding from.” I nodded, wiping my eyes before taking a deep breath and opening the door up. I stood there looking down the stairs. “HEY THAT IS MY HOODIE!” I quickly shut the door, bounding down the stairs now into the set of arms I so wished I could say were mine.
“Hey, I need to talk to you.” I just nodded at him while he grabbed my hand leading me to his room. Could he confess he loves me? Yes, but will he confess he loves me and not her? NO. I sat on his bed fidgeting while he paced in front of me. “I need your help on what I need to say to Elise.” I nodded before taking a deep breath. “Say that yo-
Say it’s been a long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want
My music started playing again in my ear as I accidentally hit it fidgeting I guess. “Say it has been a long few months and that you were to afraid to tell her what you wanted.” He stood there looking down at me before speaking. “And that is how it works? That is how you get the girl?”
And that’s how it works
That’s how you get the girl
And then you say
I want you for worse or for better
I would wait forever and ever
Broke your heart, I’ll put it back together
I would wait forever and ever
“Um yeah just say, I want you for worse or for better and that you would wait forever and ever. That you broke her heart, but you will put it back together and would still wait forever and ever.” I had to laugh a little so I could stop the tears flowing as I have never related more to a Taylor Swift song than I do right now.
And that’s how it works
That’s how you get the girl
And that’s how it works
That’s how you get the girl
The silence was deafening, and I knew if no words were exchanged I would cry. “Remind her how you guys used to be. Like with framed pictures of simple little kisses on cheeks. Tell her how you lost your mind when you left her all alone and never told her why.”
Remind her how it used to be
Yeah, with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
Tell her how you must’ve lost your mind
When you left her all alone and never told her why
“So I need to explain to her that what I have been doing is only making things worse for the both of us and to apologize for the lost time.” He shot up from his chair heading into his closet. I could feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. He still looked completely past me as I told him how to confess to me how he felt.
And that’s how it works
That’s how you lost the girl
He came running out of his closet with a new jumper on and a hat. I stood up to hug him before wishing him luck and walking out. Chris and Nick sat in the living room watching me walk out. I simply gave a small smile and wave before bounding down the stairs. I reached the front door before taking in a deep breath and walking outside. The rain still pelting down around me. “WAIT, WAIT!” I turned to see Chris running outside to me. His warm arms wrapped around me tightly allowing me to cry into his arms once again. “He is so stupid. Just know that I will always be waiting here for you to come back and I will be visiting you. I love you to much Kid to let you go completely.” I could hear him sniffling into my hair before pulling back to wipe his eyes. He gave me one small smile before turning around to leave.
And you could know
That I don’t want you to go
Remind me how it used to be
Pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
And say you want me
It only took me ten minutes to get to my apartment from their house. I started packing as soon as I collected myself after an hour of sitting on the ground and crying. I got a text not long after I finished packing my last bag.
Glad I could help. Just please make sure to always have a good time and do not stress over anything!
Did I do something?
What happened?
Can you answer me?
Please answer the phone.
What did I do?
I ignored his texts knowing it only hurt me more. Only to have a knock pull me away from them and to my front door. I picked myself up thinking that Nick or Chris probably sent me food. Yet it was neither them nor food, but Matthew Sturniolo himself. In the pouring rain holding a gift bag and flowers. “Matt why are you here?” “I know we have been friends for 16 years and it’s been a long 16 years but Y/N, I want you for worse or for better. I will wait for ever and ever and I know that when I started dating Elise, I broke your heart because I was scared but I will put it back together. I will wait for you forever and ever. I even went and printed pictures of us together where you’re kissing my cheek and framed them, I am just saying that I want you to be mine. I texted you that it worked because when I told Chris and Nick about you ‘helping me get Elise back’ they finally spilled that you felt the same way I did.” I stared at the boy in front of me. Scared that if I moved too fast, he would vanish, but I knew he wouldn’t. I reached my arms up to grab the collar of his shirt pulling his lips down to meet mine. The kiss was soft and sweet like how I have always imagined kissing him would be. “Works every time.” I whipped my head around to the side to see Chris and Nick standing there fist-bumping. I groaned throwing my head into Matts chest as he laughed wrapping his arms around me. I guess it does work every time.
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boydepartment · 1 year
Enhypen Headcanons- Road-trip!
HELLLO MY DEAR IT HAS BEEN A CRAZY COUPLE OF DAYS BUT I AM ON IN RN!!!! IM GONNA DO THESE AS LIKE HEADCANONS <3 edit- IM SO sorry this took awhile. i had a ton of birthday stuff and then my friends stayed like the entire weekend. I LITERALLY FINISHED THIS WHILE THEYRE SLEEPING EVEN THO WE HAVE CHURCH TOMORROW ITS LIKE 2:30 AM!
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JUNGWON- Jay def put him in charge of music mainly because Riki kept playing something INSANE LIKE ASMR ON THE AUX. Jungwon probably plays really nice classical music that makes everyone fall asleep but then will randomly play screamo too so he scares everyone. He lets everyone choose a song though! DEF ASKS TO GO PEE EVERY 20 MILES HE SITS RIGHT BEHIND JAY! His song choice is No More Dream by bts
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HEESEUNG- I think be brings up like "lets play ispy!!!" then looked at like Jay like "i spy a grumpy pants!" Just to mess with him while he's driving. Other than that he is the snack keeper. He is in the passengers seat and the snacks are by his feet so no one hogs snacks. One time though Heeseung wanted to mess with Jake by playing tug of war with the bag of chips and you can imagine how that ended. Heeseung's song choice is You got a friend in me by Randy Newman
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JAY- HE IS DRIVING. He gives driving vibes yaknow?? He is def a safe driver too, like he isn't driving like a maniac. He always has his blinker on too early and he is driving the speed limit. Can you imagine Jay backing up the car.... ANYWAYS- He has def turned the music off to focus when the car gets tense too Jay's song choice is Mr. Brightside by the Killers or he will just turn on like the oldies radio.
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JAKE- He is somewhere in the middle of the van, I also think he gets carsick so bad. Whenever Riki wants him to look at something on his phone if its longer than a quick glance Jake NEEDS to look out the window, otherwise those chips he ate off the floor bc of Heeseung are coming up to land on the floor again. Other than that he loves to sing a long to songs <3 He would probably play the anything off the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack!
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SUNGHOON- HE HAS THE COOLER W THE DRINKS ALL THE WAY IN THE BACK! They have tea, soda, water, everything. He wanted the seat all the way in the back for this reason. And because Sunoo is just on his phone the entire time. Sunghoon has def accidentally smacked Jake in the head with those sodas that are encased in glass. BY ACCIDENT. He also eats the ice from the cooler.... Sunghoon would play like old songs from I-Land and then be like "remember when so and so did this??" Just to add drama in the car.
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SUNOO- On his phone the entire time!!! Next to Sunghoon in the back. He has his headphones in and he is playing a game. Sunoo is very quiet and just does his own thing! Only looks up when he gets a tincy motion sick or when he sleeps <3 He brought his own snacks. SUNOO DOESNT TRUST ANYONE NOT TO EAT THE FOOD W HIS NAME ON IT. "Riki just pick my song for me I am not listening."
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NI-KI- "Dude if you throw up, puke on Jungwon..." VOMIT INSTIGATOR He also ended up right in the middle of the car which is really dumb because of how tall he is. mf is literally blocking the rear-view mirror. Riki also purposely will take longer to use the bathroom because before he left he sprayed a TON of axe in the car just to mess w people more. He likes when the windows are rolled down so it works out for him. He probably plays the MOST insane shit ever, like cbat or like REALLY old meme songs JUST to get on everyones nerves. LIKE THE RAINING TACOS SONG "Um I get two songs... Sunoo gave me his choice <3" THIS WHOLE CAR IS JUST A MESS!
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jaassmmmiinne0420 · 5 months
I just finished getting dressed and I texted the girls letting them know I'm going to walk today no particular reason it's just a pretty day and the school is only a block away. I put on my headphones and play my playlist as I'm walking to school I admire the beautiful morning, I make it to school and I'm just in my own little world when I get to my locker, I feel a little tap on my shoulder I turn around to see ...him. " Dean ... what's up" I say a little awkwardly " Hey we break up and know you don't know how to act around me come on Em" he says as he puts his arm around me and walks with me, I kindly remove his arm from my shoulder " Seriously Dean what's up we haven't spoken in 2 months" I say " I miss you Em" he says. What am I supposed to say to that? I mean yeah, he would always be special to me but I can't be in a relationship with him our relationship drained me, I look at him and sigh " Look Dean you know you'll always have a special place in my heart but I just can't be with you anymore I love and care for you truly I do but our time is over please ... understand that" I say hoping that'll be the end of this conversation " Em come on I've changed for the better.. for you" he says while standing in my way "No Dean" I say sternly I can see him getting agitated as he was about to say something my girls walked up " Hey Em you ready for class" Megan asks " Yeah Dean and I were just saying goodbye" I responded, the three of us walk off and I let out a big sigh " Thank you" I say to the both of them they nod their heads and walk me to class. I can't believe Dean wanting to get back together that relationship was fucking draining, he never cheated on me or anything, but I know he wanted to or at least thought about it. Every time I would express my feelings, he would dismiss them and be so quick to call me insecure, and he would just check out other girls prioritize a lot of things and people over me. For example, for our second-year anniversary he stood me up because, his friends and him wanted to play some new video game that just dropped after I had made plans and reservations and he told me to get ready but there I was at home all dolled up and excited to celebrate just be stood up. Anyway, I sit in class listening to the teacher ramble on about whatever he was teaching when the class got interrupted by the door being opened " Is this Mr. Wilsons class?" the boy asked " Yes, and you are?" Mr. Wilson asked, " Oh I'm Grayson, Grayson Dolan my schedule got changed" he said as he gave the teacher his schedule Mr. Wilson looks at it and nods " There's an open seat next to Ms. Ruiz sit there, Ms. Ruiz raise your hand" he said as he returned to teaching. I do as told and the boy walks over to me, " Hey, are we supposed to be writing this down?" he asked quietly I shake my head no " He said since it's the first week we don't have to unless we want to, but I did in case you want them" I whispered to him he nods, and I give him my notes. I look up at him and realized it's him ... the boy I hit with the door " Hey! How's your head?" I asked quietly his eyes widen " m-my what?" he stutters why would h- oh that's nasty of him I think to myself " Eww no you pervert I meant from the other day I hit you with the door ... remember? " I asked he looks at me weirdly again. " Okay why do you keep looking at me like that?" I say kind of annoyed. " Um, because you never hit me with a door now that I think about, you're the girl I bumped into on the first day... sorry about that again" he says with a chuckle.  " Okay now I know you got a concussion because I definitely hit you with the bathroom door the other day during lunch" I say with a little sass in my tone, "Woah okay calm down if you want to hit with a door just say that but you most definitely di-" he stopped in his tracks and starts laughing. Okay yeah, he really must've taken a hit because what the hell I think to myself, " You must've hit my twin brother Ethan." he explains. "Ooh you're a twin that makes sense you had me thinking I was the one going crazy" I laugh. He shakes
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moemoemammon · 3 years
im so sorry i dont know how to format this but could i request hcs of mc walking into one of the brothers rooms in the middle of the night and being like “um i had a nightmare.. can i stay with you”🧍if not its okay though!! :]
I Had a Nightmare...
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Lucifer always keeps his door locked when he's asleep, so you took a gamble in choosing to come to him for your post-nightmare comfort. Luckily, the eldest is a night owl so he's awake.
He looks up when you enter his bedroom, currently sitting on his bed and reading a book. He's about to scold you when he sees the face you're making.
You don't even have to tell him something's wrong, because he can tell. He sets his book aside and gestures to the empty side of his bed.
Once you climb in, Lucifer shifts slightly, just so your arm is pressed against his own. It's like an invitation for you to lean in if you want, and should you choose to, he'll wrap you in his arms and carefully rub your back.
"A nightmare, hm? It's interesting to think that there are things that can scare you, considering where you are right now. But there's nothing for you to be afraid of. After all, I have no intention of letting anything bad happen to you, so long as I live."
Mammon startles awake the moment you enter his room, nearly toppling out of his bed in the process. Grrr, he could've seriously gotten hurt! What're you trying to pull, suddenly barging into his room like th-
Oh. Oh.... He takes one look at your face and all that anger of his fizzles out into nothing. He's a little self conscious being shirtless and all, so he awkwardly tugs on a tshirt that's been tossed to the floor, and makes his way over to you
What happened? Did someone do something?? Ah.. a nightmare, huh? Mammon's big brother instincts are taking over, and he's pulling you into a tight hug, squeezing out all your worries.
And when he's finished, he ruffles your hair and gestures to his bed. A human like you still needs to get their rest, so you should try to sleep some more. But if you really can't, he's not against the idea of the two of you bundling up and watching a movie or something.
"You're like a little kid, ya know? But don't worry, the Great Mammon's gonna chase away those bad dreams o' yours, no problem! ...Hah? Whatdya mean 'that's cheesy'?? I'm being serious here!"
Levi's definitely awake when you enter his room, but he doesn't notice you. His computer monitor has his undivided attention, and his headphone are drowning out the sound of your entry.
So it takes you tapping his shoulder for him to react, and boy does he react. Levi nearly has a heart attack and only calms down when he realizes it's only you. Did you come to play games? You should've texted him and he’d set everything up! But wait... that's not it?
You had a nightmare and of all the places you could go, you came to HIM?? Levi's having a hard time pushing down the grin on his face, but he collects himself for your sake. Now's no time to be feeling giddy when his best friend is in need!
He might not be great at comforting people, but he knows what helps him when he has nightmares. So he wraps you up in a blanket and pulls up a chair for you to use so you can watch him game. This is better than thinking about that other stuff, right?
"I'll turn down the screen brightness, and- UWAH! W-wait! Um... no, it's fine. I don't mind if you lean against me like that. You're tired, so it's probably more comfortable like that. I'll keep still, okay..?"
Nightmares aren't something Satan experiences often, being born of rage and the only pure demon in the house. He reads enough horror novels that he's practically become immune to anything scary.
But that doesn't mean he never has bad dreams, so when you come into his room to tell him about yours, his expression softens up. You caught him in the middle of reading, but you're more important than any silly book.
Satan gives you that warm look he reserves only for you (and cats), and gestures for you to come closer. He's got the second comfiest bed in the house, the first being Belphie's. Topped with warm quilts and plenty of pillows to support him as he reads, you're wrapped up in warm comfort once you join him.
Especially when he wraps an arm around you, giving you a curious look. He can be a little too curious at times, so he immediately asks what your nightmare was about.
"If you're interested, I have a guidebook for dream interpretations. I could try to find out the root of your worries, or... you could spend the night here instead? I wouldn't mind having you by my side until morning."
Asmo is VERY invested in his beauty sleep. Even a slight deviation in his schedule could be disastrous for his complexion! His brothers know better than to disturb him lest they feel like dying, but you? You're the only exception... Lucky, huh? ❤️
When you touch him, he barely stirs. It takes a couple of shakes to get him to wake up, and then he's whining and grumbling until he realizes who's there. How could he be upset when he gets to wake up to your gorgeous face?
But right now.. your expression isn't bright and sunny at all. You look distressed, and he soon learns it because a pesky nightmare has been harassing you all night. He couldn't be happier that you chose HIM of all people for your comfort!
While there are many things he could do to help you forget about your bad dream, he opts for carefully guiding you into his bed, cooing sweet nothings until he's got you in his arms. You're enveloped in the smell of his sweet body lotion while he presses kiss after gentle kiss across your temple and down the bridge of your nose.
"There there, love. To think a nightmare has put you in such a state.. It's unforgivable! I'll get rid of all those worries so you can spend the rest of the night dreaming about my beauty! Or... about you and I. Wouldn't that be the perfect dream?"
Beel sleeps almost as soundly as Belphie does, and his monstrously loud snoring drowns out most sound, including your quiet knocking on his bedroom door.
But when you come in and tug on his sleeve, Beel's eyes blink open and he lets out a confused grunt, letting his eyes focus on the darkness around him. Where did that mountain of rainbow pizza go?? He wasn't even halfway done, and- Oh. MC.
You had a nightmare?? Beel stands up immediately and wears a look of worry, pulling you into a gentle hug. You look like you need one.
He's not the best when it comes to comforting words, but he can just show you how he feels. That's good too, isn't it? Maybe if he hugs you for long enough, you won't remember your nightmare.
"Do you want to take my bed? I'll sleep on the sofa, so- ah. Together? ...That's fine, too. I'll hold you close, so you don't have to be afraid anymore."
The heaviest sleeper in the entire Devildom, it's a literal miracle that you managed to wake him up. Still, he's only half awake, and staring blankly at you while you explain why you're there.
A nightmare, huh? He's had plenty of those. If that's all it is, then just climb into bed with him. Belphie lazily pulls back his blankets and opens his arms for you, gesturing expectantly.
And once you're nice and cozy, he pulls you even closer until the gap between you is closed, and all you can feel is his warmth. He buries his face into your neck, tickling your skin with his breath.
His slow, heavy breathing makes you wonder if he's fallen back to sleep just like that, but he gives your side a reassuring squeeze and lets his eyes open slightly to look into yours.
"Must've been pretty scary if you came all the way here. No matter how many bad dreams you have, I'll be right here when you wake up. It feels better to wake up in my arms, doesn't it?"
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mike-wachowski · 3 years
so what was the deal with that offscreen supercorp phone call, huh?
AKA: how i think the Lena/Kara call with Lena breaking the news to kara that she's going to Ireland went 
Kara knows it’s Lena calling before she even picks up her phone. 
She has a different ringer set for Lena, you know. It’s nothing special, really, just a softer, slower Apple-provided tune than the chirpy, high-pitched ones she uses for the rest of her family. She had changed it right after she and Lena had made up, the real time, right before she had been... taken, before everything that happened after. 
She never wanted to miss another call or text from Lena. 
She had hoped she’d get to hear it more before the Phantom Zone. 
She had almost forgotten she’d changed it, and when the plucky ukulele chords fill the dreary silence in Kara’s apartment, she jumps if only for the fact that it’s been so long without noise in her studio and in her head that it startles her more than excites her. 
But then Kara recognizes the tune, and that silly, familiar feeling of warmth floods her chest when she realizes it's Lena calling her, and she only lets the ringtone play out for three and half more seconds before she scrambles for her phone and slides the little green arrow over to take the call. 
“Lena!” She greets her friend (her friend, her friend, her friend again, her brain echoes joyfully). “What’s up? Everything okay?”
“Hi Kara,” Lena responds, voice soft and level, and it makes Kara’s heart thump just once out of time at the knowledge that Lena is smiling when she talks, because Kara can hear the upturn in her lips as she speaks. “I’m doing alright, evidently. How are you?” 
Kara looks around at her empty apartment, the dim lights, the noise-cancelling headphones tossed haphazardly on her couch. “I’m okay.” 
There's a quiet, nasally sigh from the other end of the line, and Kara can practically hear Lena evaluating a response to Kara’s blatant lie. 
Secretly, Kara wishes Lena would call her out on it. Say I know you aren’t okay, to force honesty from Kara in a way they had never breached before Lena knew everything, because the truth is, if anyone else were to ask, to call her out on the bullshit she knows she's giving everyone, she’d probably tense up, hide it, run away. She would lie again, because lying was what was comfortable for Kara these days. 
But if Lena were to ask… maybe Kara could stand having her know. Maybe if anyone were to see Kara right now, for the wreck she saw herself as, Lena would understand. 
Kara waits for the end of the pause. She waits for Lena to say what she’s secretly begging to hear.
But it doesn’t come. 
Lena does speak again, but what she actually says is: 
“That’s good to hear, Kara. Listen, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“Um,” Kara sucks in a breath, a little ragged, and hopes Lena doesn’t hear it through her receiver.. “What did you want to talk about?” 
“Kara, seeing you with your father… seeing you reconnect with him... It's made me consider some things.” 
“Okay…” Kara nods along, not really following. Is Lena going to try and get in touch with Lillian again?
“I think I’m going to-” Lena halts for one, two, three seconds, and in the clear silence Kara wonders what she’s thinking. When she continues, Kara doesn’t have to wonder much longer. 
“I think I’m going to go back to Ireland. I want to try and reconnect with my mother, with my old home, in any way I can.” 
Kara’s whole body tenses. She squeezes her phone with a trembling hand so clenched she hears the quiet crack of her screen, and sucks in tight, panicked breath. 
“I’m so sorry, Kara. I know you just returned, and I don’t want you to think I'm avoiding you- in fact, if you need me to stay, please tell me and I’ll turn around right now-” 
At that, Kara refocuses. She would never let Lena abandon her dream for her. Hasn’t Kara held her back, hurt her enough already? Doesn’t Lena deserve to find her happiness, even if it means flying all the way across the world from her? 
“No, Lena, no.” Kara steadies her voice, surprised herself at the clarity and force behind her hollow words. “If you need to go to Ireland, if you need to reconnect with your mom, I completely understand. I’ll always support you… you know that.” 
Lena pauses again, like she’s weighing the truthfulness of Kara’s words against the heart she knows so well. 
“But what about what you need, Kara?” 
Kara sighs. I need you, Lena, I need you, she wants to scream. But that would be selfish. And Kara has been selfish enough in their time. 
“I just need some potstickers and a good nap, I think.” She says in her cheeriest, most playful Kara Danvers tone she can muster, and pointedly ignores the tears beginning to slowly flow down her cheeks. 
“Okay,” Lena mutters, and then louder, more reassuring: “Okay. Okay. I’ll keep in touch, Kara, I promise.” 
“Right,” Kara nods, because it’s all she can do, really. “Um- how long- how long do you think you’ll be gone for?” 
Lena sighs, and Kara already knows the answer to her question, and she hates it. “I’m not sure, Kara. I don’t really know what I’m looking for.” 
“Okay- that’s okay! Take as much time as you need!” She presses one palm to her left eye, hoping to maybe stifle the tears or ground herself in the pressure of her touch. “Just, um. Don’t be a stranger.” 
“I won’t,” Lena quickly assures her, rushing her next words. “I’ll call, and I'll text you as much as I can, and the rest of the friends too, and if you ever need my help I can remotely operate parts of the tower from my laptop...” Lena trails off. Their paused silence hangs over the phone call, the awkward trepidation from both sides apparent when they both realize the end of the conversation is coming. 
“I’ll miss you.” Lena finally breaches through, sounding slightly choked up herself, but Kara ignores it for the sake of her own heart and mind. 
“I-” I love you. I love you. I love you. “I’ll miss you too.” 
Another period of silence lapses, and Kara wipes the last of the tears she’s now managed to quell on her sweater sleeve. 
“Well, I suppose I should let you go.” Lena whispers. Kara doesn’t want to let her go, because the panicked, irrational side of her is screaming that this could be the last time she hears from Lena, and she can’t even see her. But she remembers what selfishly holding onto Lena had done to their relationship before, and maybe this is why Lena’s leaving. Maybe Lena needs to know Kara can let her go. 
So Kara does the worst thing. She makes the hard decision. 
Kara says goodbye. 
“Yeah,” She says, shaking out all the voices in her head screaming for Lena to stay. She wants to backtrack, to say what she really needs right now is for Lena to come over right now and hold her tight so she can dissolve and know she’s still safe. She remembers a similar position, once, but the roles had been reversed, then; Kara used to be the one holding Lena through her those moments she felt like she was slipping through. But even those moments are marred now, disfigured by the lens of all the lying Kara had been putting Lena through.. Lena must feel it too. 
So Kara says goodbye, if not to ask anything more from Lena than her forgiveness. 
“Bye, Lena,” Kara's eyes are clenched closed. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
“I’ll see you soon, Kara,” Lena says, sounding sincere enough for Kara to almost believe it. “Goodbye.” 
And then the line goes silent. 
Kara puts her phone screen down on her coffee table. She doesn’t have the energy right now to look for the cracks in her screen she heard earlier-doesn’t think her heart can stand seeing the physical manifestation of her loss. 
So she coughs out a weak sob- lets herself break for just a minute- and then grabs her phone, eyes still closed, and calls up the one person who’s number she can always navigate to even with her eyes closed. 
“Hey Alex?” Her sister picks up after one ring. “Can we have a sister night? I don't think I- I can be alone right now.” 
And when Alex comes over half an hour later, wine and Chinese in tow, Kara tries not to think about how badly she wishes it were Lena holding her at the edge of the couch as she falls apart.
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mushrubes · 2 years
2 | The meeting
I was made for lovin’ you
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Pairing : Eddie Munson x (they/them) Henderson! reader
Summary : Eddie finally offically meets Y/n in the secluded area behind the school and finds out there’s more in common than he thinks.
Word count : 934
Y/n looked around before heading into the forest which sat behind the track at the back of the school, people rarely ever going there. It was their quiet place - where they went for some much needed alone time. They sat down, pulling their pad out and started drawing, doodling random ideas that came to them while they played music from their Walkman, loud enough for them to hear but also quiet enough for them to be able to hear if there were any voices that were nearby. As if on que, they heard footsteps approaching them and then a voice.
"Henderson!" they said rather loudly, causing them to flinch and shout a little, turning around and feeling relieved it was only Eddie. "Woah, hey, hey, hey. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." he chuckled, before stopping and turning serious. "You okay?" he questioned as Y/n nodded to assure him. They sat back down, Eddie following and sitting opposite, placing his box down. "There's, uh...there's nothing to worry about, okay? No one ever comes out here. We're safe. I promise." he comforted as y/n nodded. "Thanks Eddie, I know, I normally come out here to get away from everyone, for a bit of peace and quiet, you know?" they told him as he hummed in agreement, his smile fading.
"Hey, uh, just give me the word and I'll walk away." he said softly, resting his head on his hand and grabbing his box. "No, it's fine, I don't want you to go." they said at once, slightly unsure of where it came from. They sat in a comfortable silence, Eddie quietly debating whether to smoke or not but pushing the box away from him to be less tempted. "Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?" Y/n asked out of nowhere, carrying on drawing. Eddie tilted his head and smiled softly. "Uhm...you know just...on a daily basis." he joked. "I mean, I feel like I'm losing my mind right now sat out here with Y/n Henderson, the royal of Hawkins High." he teased, gaining a chuckle from them. "You know, this isn't the first time we've, um...hung out. The cafeteria earlier doesn't count either." he added. Y/n looked at him in confusion, eyebrows furrowed. "No?" they asked, head tilted as they desperately tried to remember when it was. "You don't remember?" he asked, pretending to sad and a frown appearing on his face. "I'm sorry. I-" they tried to apologise as he cut them off. "That's okay." he assured.
He faked having a heart attack, falling onto the floor making them shout. "I wouldn't remember me either, y/n." he admitted, getting up and leaning over the table. "Honestly, do I have stuff in my hair?" he asked, Y/n shaking their head no and laughing at him. "You don't remember me?" he grinned, arms folded on his chest. "I'm sorry!" they defended, grinning back at him and pulling their headphones off. "Middle school, talent show. You were doing this cheer thing with your friends...you know, the thing you did." he said, mimicking the pom poms. "It was pretty cool, actually. And I... I was with my band." he reminded, y/n's face lighting up. "Corroded Coffin! Oh my God! Yes, of course, with a name like that, how could I forget?" they said, Eddie fist bumping the air. "Yes! You do remember!" he chuckled, looking at them. "I dunno, you're a freak, Henderson." he teased, making them scoff. They looked at him, mainly at his hair trying to remember.
"No, you just...you looked so..." they paused, trying to think of the words. "Different? Yeah, well, uh, my hair was buzzed, and I didn't have these sweet old tatties yet." he said, pulling his shirt down slightly. "You played guitar, right?" Y/n asked, getting the story straight. "Uh-huh. Still do, still do. You should come see us. Uh, we play at the hideout on Tuesdays, it's pretty cool. We...we actually get a crowd of about five...drunks." he admitted making Y/n giggle. "It's not exactly the Garden, but you gotta start somewhere, right? So" he told, Y/n agreeing. "You know, you're not what I thought you'd be like." Y/n confessed as he played with his long, dark brown curls. "Mean and scary?" he wondered, y/n humming in agreement. "Yeah, well, I actually kinda thought you'd be mean and scary too." he said leaning over the table. “Me?” Y/n whispered, looking at him in disbelief. "Terrifying. Plus, I'm surprised you're talking to me, you know, 'the freak' since everyone loves you and you're welcoming to everyone." he mumbled.
They smirked, holding their Walkman up to him to see the Metallica cassette inside. "We're more similar than you think, Eddie." they confessed as he beamed even more. "You're interesting you know that, more than your brother. Might have to keep you around." he said, both their hearts fluttering. "I'd like that..." they answered, heart missing a beat as they locked eyes. "In other good news, flattery works with me, so...I'll buy a round of drinks when you come to see my band, yeah? Robbing me blind here, you know." he asked as they nodded. "You have yourself a deal, Munson. Anyways, I should probably get going, Dustin's probably looking for me. I'll see you soon?" they finished, Eddie still smiling like a mad man. "Yeah, see you soon, y/n." he said softly, taking the paper they held out to him and waving goodbye as Y/n headed back towards the school. He felt a fuzzy feeling swarm his body as he gazed at the paper, a sketch of him smiling with a bit of writing at the bottom.
Here's my number, call me sometime ;) - y/n
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a-simple-gaywitch · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Spencer’s in love with his new neighbor- and her son that’s just like him
Word Count: 3234
Warnings: Typical CM stuff (Amplification specifically), Single Parent!Reader, slight angst
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“Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind, or forgotten.” -Lilo and Stitch
Spencer remembered the day you moved in. He remembered you lugging boxes up five flights of stairs by yourself. When he saw you struggling with a heavy box, trying to find your key, he decided to be bold and help. 
“You look like you could use some assistance,” he said. “I’m, uh, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, I live right across the hall.”
“Dr. (Y/N) (L/N),” you said.
“Here, let me hold the box for you.”
“Careful, it’s heavy,” you said, shifting it into his arms. 
Spencer was jostled for a moment from the weight of the box, which was labeled (Y/N)’s Books. “So, MD or PhD?” he asked you as you searched for the right key. 
“PhD, I’m too squeamish to be in the medical field,” you said with a laugh. It was the most beautiful sound Spencer had ever heard. “What about you?”
“What? Oh,” Spencer shook his head, focusing back on the conversation. “PhDs.”
You stopped sorting through your keys and turned to face Spencer. “Plural? Holy shit, are you a genius or something?”
Spencer let out a small laugh before saying, “Yeah, technically. But I don’t think intelligence can be accurately quantified.”
You finally found the right key and sighed as you heard the lock click. “Um, you can set the box with the others by the bookshelf.”
Spencer turned to see a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf, much like his own, with boxes upon boxes of books in front of it. Some were labeled Academics, some had the same label as the one he was currently holding, and some had Oliver’s Books scrawled across the top.
“So, uh, where are you moving from?” he asked you, following the maze of boxes to your kitchen.
You offered him a bottle of water. “Erie, Pennsylvania. I got a job at Georgetown as an Associate Professor in the history department.”
“Oh, I guest lecture there every once in a while. In the criminology department. Uh, what’s your concentration?” Spencer took a sip from the water bottle. 
“Medieval and Renaissance history,” you said. “I get to teach fun classes like Medieval Weaponry and Warfare.”
“Well, maybe I can sit in on that class someday.”
You smiled at him and that was when Spencer knew, you’d worked your way into his heart and you were never leaving.
Spencer remembered the first time he met Oliver. It was 53 hours, 27 minutes, and 15 seconds since the day he met you. He was coming home from an exhausting case when he saw you trying to balance paper shopping bags in your arms while opening your door. A small boy, no older than 6, stood behind you with oversized headphones and a mobile gaming system. He had a huge backpack on his shoulders.
“Ollie, take the keys. Ollie. Oliver.”
“You need some help?” Spencer asked, setting his go-bag in front of his door.
“Spencer, hi! Um, some help would be great.” Spencer took the bags from your arms so you could open the door. “Oh, uh, this is Oliver, my son.”
“Your-your son?” Spencer asked. If you had a son, it was likely you had a partner. 
“Yep, he’s my boy.” You tapped his shoulder and gestured for him to say hi. The boy gave a small wave before going back to his game.
Spencer cleared his throat. “So, uh, where’s-where’s his father?”
“California. At least, that’s where he went when he left us.” Your hand was resting on top of your son’s head. He looked just like you. “Here, can you just set the bags on the counter?” you asked after opening the door. Oliver started down the hallway when you grabbed the loop of his backpack. “Not so fast. You know the rules. Homework first, then you can play your game again.”
Oliver groaned and handed you his game. You set it on the counter next to the bags of groceries. 
“So, you’re raising him alone?” Spencer asked you. 
You nodded and started unpacking the bags. “Yeah. You know, it’s been hard, but I can’t imagine life without my Ollie. He’s my heart and soul.”
Spencer and you became friends quite quickly. He told you about his job as a profiler, and you told him about working at the university. He would come over after cases and watch movies with you and Oliver. He’d help you put groceries away and he’d help you with simple tasks. 
He also picked up on Oliver’s eccentricities. He reminded Spencer of his younger self. He didn’t talk much about kids at school and he breezed through schoolwork. His interests seemed heightened beyond what could be considered normal for a kid his age. One day, Spencer decided to ask about it as inconspicuously as he could. 
The two of you were playing a game of chess when he brought it up.
“So, Oliver seems to be doing pretty well in school. What grade did you say he was in, second?”
“Yeah, the school bumped him up a grade. They wanted me to move him up to fourth, but I know how important it is to have friends your own age. And he already struggles to make friends.”
“He does? Why?”
You sighed, moving your knight. “Check. He was diagnosed as autistic when he was three. He doesn’t quite get social cues so it’s hard for him.”
Spencer moved his bishop and took your knight. “I’m sure his dad leaving didn’t help.”
“Well, he, uh, he never actually met his dad. Leo left me when I was four months pregnant.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
You waved him off. “It’s fine. It was almost seven years ago. I moved on, and I learned to balance motherhood with college. I completed my undergrad when he was only a few months old and I worked on graduate school when he was a high-energy toddler. It just proved to me that I can do anything. Checkmate.”
Spencer was enjoying a rare day off on a Tuesday when his phone started ringing. He groaned, thinking it was Hotch with an urgent case. But when he saw your name on the caller ID, his face lit up. 
“(Y/N), hey!” he said. “What’s going on?”
“Ollie’s school just called me. He’s sick but I have classes and meetings all day so I can’t go get him and-”
“Are you asking if I can go get him?” Spencer said, cutting off your rambling.
“Yes! Could you, please? I’d be so so grateful.”
Spencer smiled, grabbing the spare key you gave him. “Of course.”
“Oh, thank you so much. There’s a spare car seat in the coat closet. I’ll call the school and let them know you’ll be picking him up. Thank you so much, Spencer.”
When Spencer got to the school, he was fidgety. He’d never spent time alone with your son before. And he wasn’t even sure if the kid liked him. 
He walked into the front office and said, “Hi, my name is Spencer Reid, I’m here to pick up Oliver (L/N)?”
“Oh, (Y/N) said you were coming to get him. If I could just see your ID?” the receptionist asked. Spencer nodded and pulled out his driver’s license. “Great, if you could just sign Oliver out on the clipboard here, you’ll be good to go.”
Spencer scribbled his signature on the clipboard and the receptionist got up to get Oliver from the back office. Oliver followed the receptionist, his backpack on his shoulders and a paper bag clutched in his hands. His face was pale and he was swaying slightly. 
“Hey, Ollie,” Spencer said.
“Hi, Spencer. Where’s my mom?”
“She got stuck at work, buddy. You’re gonna stay with me until she comes home, okay?”
Oliver nodded. “Okay.” He followed Spencer out of the school and climbed in the back of his car.
“Do you want me to put the window down?” Spencer offered, looking back at the boy in the mirror. When Oliver nodded, Spencer put his window down and pulled out of the parking lot.
After pulling into the parking garage, Spencer looked in the mirror again. Oliver was fast asleep, his head slumped against the door. Rather than waking the boy, Spencer unbuckled him and scooped him up in his arms. 
Oliver wrapped his little, sweaty arms around Spencer’s neck as he was carried inside. Maybe it was instinct, maybe it was how much he cared for the boy, but Spencer pressed a small kiss to the side of his head. Spencer dug your spare key out of his pocket and unlocked the door, setting Ollie down on the couch.
After covering him with a blanket, Spencer dug around in your kitchen for some ginger ale and crackers. After setting them on the coffee table, he heard a small voice say, “Why are you being so nice to me?”
Spencer noticed Oliver watching him from the couch. He sat on the edge of the coffee table, handing Oliver the soda with a red bendy straw. “What do you mean, bud?”
“I know you like-like my mom. But you’re nice to me even when she’s not here. Matt didn’t do that. He called me names when Mom wasn’t around. He said I was weird.”
Spencer knew Matt was your ex from your time working at the Erie campus of Penn State. He was the first person you’d been with since Oliver’s father. And hearing how he treated Oliver didn’t sit right with Spencer.
Spencer sighed and looked at Oliver. “I’m nice to you because I like you, too. And I was a lot like you when I was your age.”
“You were?” Oliver handed the cup back to Spencer to set back on the table.
Spencer nodded. “People still think I’m weird. But being weird is good. How boring would the world be if everyone was normal?”
Oliver smiled. “It would be pretty boring,” he said.
“Get some rest, okay? It’ll help you feel better.”
You finally managed to sneak out of work and get home. When you opened the door, you saw Spencer sitting in the chair across from your sleeping son, reading a book. 
“Hey,” he said in a voice just above a whisper.
“Hey. How is he?”
“He has a low-grade fever and he hasn’t been able to keep anything in his stomach. I’ve been having him nibble on some crackers but even that doesn’t stay down.”
“Oh, my poor boy. Thank you for staying with him.”
“Of course. You know I’d do anything for you, for both of you.”
The team got back from a particularly rough case dealing with kids. Hotch gave them the weekend off to recuperate. 
“Anyone want to go grab a drink?” Derek offered to the group.
“Or five?” Emily added.
“What do you say, kid? You in?” Derek asked Spencer as the younger man packed up his bag. 
“Oh, no, sorry. I, uh, I have plans,” he said with a smile before slipping out of the office. The team watched him hurry out of the building before sharing glances with each other. 
“Spence has a girlfriend,” JJ realized. 
“Pretty boy has a girlfriend?”
“Think about it. When does Spencer ever have plans? And when was the last time he didn’t stay to do paperwork when we were given the time off?”
“And he upgraded his phone out of nowhere,” Emily chimed in. “He went from one that had only the bare essentials to a smartphone he texts on all the time.”
“We need to find out who this girl is,” Morgan decided. 
Spencer had been keeping you a secret from the team on purpose. Not because he was ashamed of you, or embarrassed, but because he knew the team saw him as the baby and they would be invasive if they ever found out. He didn’t want them to scare you away, he loved you too much to lose you. Though, he hadn’t said it out loud yet.
You and Spencer were walking down the street, Oliver asleep on Spencer’s back, snoring against his shoulder, his arms wrapped around Spencer’s neck.
“You have no idea how excited he is for you to see his science fair project,” you said. “It was all he could talk about all week.”
Spencer smiled and adjusted the boy on his back. “I think I’m just as excited to see his project, especially since he wouldn’t let me know anything about it.”
You reached the apartment complex and you dug your keys out of your bag. “Are you sure you can carry him up the stairs? I can wake him if you want me to.”
“No, it’s fine. I got him,” Spencer whispered, moving so that Oliver was clinging to his front rather than his back. He followed you up the stairs to your apartment. When you unlocked the door, he went straight to Oliver’s room and put the tired boy in his bed. He kissed Ollie’s forehead before flicking on his nightlight and leaving the room. 
“Oh, hey,” you said when Spencer came out of the room, “Is he still out?”
“Yeah. I think we might have put him in a coma.”
You laughed and kissed Spencer’s cheek. “Go get some sleep. I know you’re tired, too.”
“I’m not-”
“Spence, you nearly fell asleep at the movies tonight. Go.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll go. But not without a kiss goodnight.”
You gave Spencer a kiss before shooing him across the hall. When Spencer unlocked his door and flicked on the light, he saw his team sitting in his living room. 
“What the hell? What are you doing here? JJ, I gave you a key for emergencies!”
“This is an emergency!” Penelope said. “You have a girlfriend and you didn’t tell us!”
“Kid, please tell me she’s a single mother and you haven’t been keeping a family a secret from us for years,” said Morgan.
Spencer was still annoyed his friends broke into his apartment, but he couldn’t resist talking about you, especially when they’d already seen you. “Her name’s (Y/N), she moved in about a year ago with her son, Oliver. We’ve been dating for three months.”
“Spence, why didn’t you tell us?” JJ asked.
Spencer looked down at his shoes, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “I didn’t want you scaring her off. I love her. I love both of them. And you guys can be intimidating.”
“Spencer’s coming to the science fair tonight, right?” Oliver asked you as you got him ready for school. 
“That’s what he said,” you told him. “And you know Spencer likes to keep his promises.”
“I can’t wait to show him my mold project!”
“Okay, kiddo, we have to go. We don’t want to be late, do we?”
Meanwhile, Spencer was in the conference room at work, worrying about the latest case they’ve been presented. Someone was releasing a new strain of anthrax in public places around the DC area.
But under his stress over the case, he was worrying about you and Ollie. Maybe that’s why he worked so much harder on this one. 
He and Morgan were sent to the suspect’s house, and Spencer entered first. Looking around, he noticed his mistake. When Morgan made his way to the door, he slammed and locked the door. 
“Reid, what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.”
Spencer was infected. He knew there was a large chance he would die, but he couldn’t stop working. He needed to find the antidote. HIs breathing was getting heavier and he felt sweat dripping down his face. He pulled out his phone and dialed. 
“Hey, Garcia?”
“Reid! Oh, my god, Derek told me what happened. How are you feeling? Are you okay?”
“That’s not important right now,” he said. “Um, can you- can you record a message for me? It’s for (Y/N) and Ollie.”
“Oh, uh, of course.” He heard her typing. “Okay. Go ahead.”
Spencer cleared the lump in his throat. “Uh, hi, (Y/N), it’s Spencer. Um, I-I wanted to let you know that, uh, I love you and…” he paused, taking a breath and blinking tears from his eyes, “and I’m so happy you let me into your life, into your family. And I want Ollie to know I love him, too. You- both of you- you’re my family.”
After that, things happened too fast. Spencer was being pulled out of the house and hosed down before being ushered to the waiting ambulance. He fell out of consciousness on the ride to the hospital. 
When he woke up in a hospital bed, Morgan was sitting by his side. 
“Are you eating Jell-O?” he asked, his voice cracking from being dry.
Morgan lit up with a smile. “Welcome back, kid.”
“Is there anymore Jell-O?”
Morgan chuckled. “You know, there’s some people here waiting for you.”
Before Morgan could explain, you and Oliver burst into the room.
“Oh, my god, Spence!” You ran over and hugged him the best you could with the various medical equipment attached to him. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again,” you scolded. 
Oliver climbed onto the bed and curled up next to Spencer. “Yeah, don’t do that again,” he said. “How can I take you to Donuts with Dad if you’re dead?” He looked up at Spencer with his big doe-eyes and Spencer felt his heart break a little bit. 
“You-you want me to go to Donuts with Dad with you? Even though I missed your science fair?”
Ollie nodded. “I don’t care that you missed my science fair. I just care that you’re still here.” He looked up and Spencer and wrapped his arms around his torso. “I love you, Spencer.” He gave Spencer a light squeeze. 
Spencer smiled and ruffled his hair. “I love you too, Ollie.” He looked up at you. “And I love you, (Y/N).”
You smiled and gave Spencer a soft kiss. 
“Ewww!” Ollie squealed, making you both laugh. 
Spencer proposed to you about a year later. You’d both decided you didn’t want a huge wedding, just family and close friends. Rossi gave his backyard for you to use for the ceremony. It was simple and small, but it was special and wonderful. Spencer had flown Diana out, and you’d flown your parents out.
After the ceremony, Spencer announced that the both of you had a surprise for Ollie. He went inside Rossi’s house and returned with a manila envelope. He cleared his throat. “Ladies and gentlemen, in this envelope, I hold the most important document I have ever signed.” He opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. He cleared his throat. “This certificate certifies that Oliver B. (L/N) is the adopted child of Spencer W. Reid,” he read.
Oliver’s jaw dropped. “What? You’re- what?”
“Remember all those Saturdays Penelope watched you while Spencer and I went out? This is what we were doing,” you told him. 
Oliver ran over to you and Spencer and wrapped you in hugs. The rest of Spencer’s team and your parents joined in. In just two years, your family had gone from just you and your son to more people than you knew what to do with. And that was more than okay with you.
“They may not have my eyes, they may not have my smile, but they have all my heart.” -Anonymous
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
could i pls get a part 2 of elevator with dream🥺 the way that they show their vulnerable sides to each other is adorable <3
yes! of course! i still kept this pretty fluffy but in another request, someone asked for smut so it's a little spicy.
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𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑. ♘ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
pairing: dream x reader (dre™ my beloved)
warnings: light smut (i didn't completely write it out I'm sorry), a virgin reader, language, fwb kinda, mentions of sexual content
previous part: elevator
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After nearly two hours, the elevator began to buzz with life, hoisting up to the floor where Clay and Sapnap lived. The two of you had bonded in the dim, red elevator, coming out of the cramped room as friends when you had previously just been an odd mix of acquaintance and mutual. Sapnap stood in the threshold, an apologetic look on his face as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
You and Clay became nearly inseparable. You found yourself showing up at his apartment for him just as much as for Sapnap. There were even times when you’d text Sapnap to see if he was busy when your roommate would be trying to shove you out the door and he’d send Clay over instead. His presence always made it awkward for your roommate’s boyfriend and while you hated to admit it, it was hilarious.
“So, you do what kind of farming?” Clay asked from his spot beside you, leaning on the counter with his eyes zoning out to watch your hands as you cooked.
Her boyfriend---who the two of you often referred to as Ricky Fitts behind his back---sighed. He had explained his profession to Clay numerous times, but the manner in which he did it was so pretentious that Clay was addicted to picking at him for it. “It’s botanical gardening. Not farming,” he groaned. “In simple man’s terms, I curate a garden for plant research and help to diversify the plant species in the area.”
Clay nodded. “And how many strains of marijuana do you have in the span of, say, a year.”
“I’m not going over this with you again,” he nipped, making Clay look down in mock defeat.
He sighed longingly before straightening up. “Okay, fine. So, hypothetically speaking, how many strains.”
Ricky stared at him blankly and you knew if you looked up, you’d break character. “Don’t the two of you have somewhere to be? Like a cave or something?”
Clay let out a short laugh. “I’m free all night actually,” he spoke, smirking slightly. “Did you wanna check out a cave with me, baby?” Clay asked him, fluttering his eyelashes.
The two of you often rode the bus together; Clay's height mimicking a skyscraper over you to grab at the bar or handle above you and kneeing you in the butt just because you were short enough that he could. That would usually end in you elbowing him in the gut. When you were coming back from class was when you were a bit quieter usually, nearly falling asleep as you stood by him and then fighting off a blush when he would wrap an arm around you just to keep you balanced upright. When he had first ridden the bus, you had completely forgotten what had told him in the elevator.
Your fingers tightened around the pole attaching the overhead bus shelf to the ground, attempting to steady yourself as you stared out the window adjacent to you. The bus screeched to a halt, jolting you forward slightly. The sea of new people obstructed your view, namely a tall figure as he sidestepped through the crowd of people. You furrowed your brows, brushing your hand against Clay’s arm to capture his attention.
He removed his headphones after pretending not to recognize you. He greeted you and grabbed onto the bar you had commandeered, leaning on the bus wall beside you. “Don’t you have a car?” You asked, reaching out to lightly pull on the lanyard sticking out of his pocket.
He smirked, brushing your hand off. “It’s dangerous down there, careful,” he jeered, making you roll your eyes at his lude joke. “Is there something wrong with supporting local businesses?”
Your brows knitted together in disbelief. “We’re on a city bus, Dream.” He shrugged. You bit your lip slightly, your mind breaking off into another explanation. “You wouldn’t be stalking me, would you?” You baited, a ghost of a blush settling over his cheeks.
He reached forward to cover your mouth. “You ask too many questions.”
He moved closer to let someone have the seat beside him, his hand settling to the space just above yours as your sides threatened to touch. You bit back the idea that Clay was following you around, finding a silent pleasure in that fact. He would probably never admit it fully.
He towered over you as the bus swayed, you having to lean back slightly in order to talk to him. “So, are you gonna walk me to class too then, simp?” You mocked, making him shake his head.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “I’m not a simp, thanks,” he answered with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. “And maybe I will.”
You crossed your legs, knees popping as you bent out of your previous position on the kitchen floor with your back pressed against one of the sink’s cabinet doors. Clay was on his back, shoulders emerged in that same cupboard as he messed with the sink. You handed him a tool that he vaguely asked for, your eyes lingering on his old high school shirt celebrating some kind of sports achievement.
You chewed the inside of your cheek. “Dream?” You got his attention, delaying your question. He hummed in acknowledgment. “How many people have you slept with?”
He was quiet for a moment. “Let me think,” he murmured, making you snicker. “Three.”
“You had to think about that?” You joshed.
He chuckled at your words. “Well, I mean. No one’s asked me what my body count is since like… I don’t know honestly.” He peeked out at you momentarily. “Why? You looking to be number four?” He jeered, a smirk brushing across his lips as you rolled your eyes.
You huffed sarcastically. “Yeah, you wish,” you mumbled, fighting not to blush.
“Maybe I do,” he stated plainly.
You opened your mouth to retort, but Sapnap walked in, peering down at his phone with an unbending concentration. Clay sat up beside you, flashing you a look before Sapnap began to speak. “I have a date. I just wanted you guys to know,” he stated before grabbing his coat off of one of the hooks. He finally looked up from his phone, lazily point a finger at the pair of you. “Don’t hook up. It’ll make it awkward for me and I’m not ready to deal with you guys being together yet.”
Clay laughed and your ears warmed, rolling your eyes as he left the two of you with his words.
After an hour, Sapnap’s words were blown to the wind as Clay’s fingers carded through your hair, his lips pressed against yours in some kind of heated passion to prove himself to you; that he was worthy of being with you in such an intimate way.
You weren’t hesitant, to say the least, and had even initiated the manner as the sun had begun to set. You had been sitting beside each other, lazily discussing your sex lives and lack-there-of.
“So, these three… Do you still keep in touch?” You asked him, watching as his green eyes searched yours for the reason behind your questions. The deep orange rays of the sunset peeked through the blinds to reflect against his blond hair.
He shook his head. “They were all me being stupid, basically. I didn’t really like any of them,” he admitted, making your stomach turn. “What about you? What’s your number?”
You shrugged. “Zero,” you snorted.
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “Oh, that’s right. I knew that,” he recounted as if he were remembering what you’d told him when the two of you were trapped in the elevator. “Um… Why?”
You shrugged again. “I’ve never trusted anyone enough.” He barely bit his lip, nodding in understanding. You cleared your throat. “It’s not that it’s a big deal to me or anything, I just… I’d like to feel safe during it, at least,” you clarified.
“It’s okay if it’s a big deal,” he stated. “It was important to me too at one point. I just…” he sighed. “I don’t know. I guess I got caught up in the pressure of losing it.”
You nodded, letting a breath of silence pass between the two of you. “Would you want to…” You looked away from him, biting back a grin at how stupid you were about to sound. “Would you want to take my virginity?”
He nearly giggled. “You feel safe with me?”
You snorted. “Yeah. I mean, I like you,” you answered, biting back a laugh. The air between you was mellow and easy. You had thrown your awkwardness out the window after Sapnap had left. “I mean, you’re one of my best friends, you know. But it’s just an offer.”
He grinned, a dusting of red settling in his cheeks from the pride he was beaming at you. “No, I want to. I just… I want you to be sure.”
You chewed on your bottom lip. “Yeah, I’m sure. But if it’s too much pressure and everything, like I get it.”
He chuckled. “Quit. I’m honored honestly.”
You laughed. “Okay, then do it,” you stated.
And there the two of you were, Clay’s breath warm against your skin as he knotted his fingers with yours, moaning as you ground your hips against his. You could tell he was holding back for your sake, being as gentle as he could and trying not to crush you under his massive frame.
When you had pictured losing your virginity in the past, you’d always thought your body would be urging you to be thinking of something else, racing with pure terror as your partner got themselves off to get it over with. But Clay’s hands were careful, slowly introducing you to different sensations and testing the waters for you. Your mind was only focused on the fact that Clay smelled like lavender; the scent lingering on his clothes and in his hair.
You slipped your hands under the hem of his shirt, before pulling it over his head. You hadn’t seen him naked before, but heat flushed to your cheeks at the view of him, even if he had pressed you into another kiss as soon as he had discarded his shirt. As he pressed a leg between yours, you moaned, fingers traveling along the length of his spine. His taste of bitter coffee and mint was becoming your new obsession as his tongue pressed into your mouth, grinding his hips against yours.
He leaned off of you to remove your shirt, every instinct telling you to cover back up, but he brushed it off, pressing his lips to yours again as his thumb gently brushed against your side. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone you’re hot,” he joked, making you giggle as he lightened the mood.
“You’re so charming,” you mocked, running your fingers into his hair as his lips pressed against your neck lovingly.
He chuckled. “Only when you’re around,” he answered, making you laugh again.
The next morning, you sat beside Clay at the breakfast table, the two of you chatting about a movie you were planning on seeing later in the day. Sapnap strolled in, eyeing you carefully with his lips pursed. You both looked up at him as if to motion for him to spit out whatever was bothering him.
Sapnap took to the chair on the other side of Clay after pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Okay, so am I supposed to pretend I didn’t see you sneaking out of Dream’s room this morning?” He gestured between the two of you. “And now you’re wearing each other’s hoodies.” Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Clay look down with a small “what?” whispering from his lips quietly. “I mean come on, that one was mine at one point,” he continued, his comments mainly directed at you.
You scoffed. “Am I supposed to pretend you didn’t come back until an hour ago and I know you don’t carry condoms?” You countered.
Clay let out a soft gasp. “Sapnap… safe sex.” At this point he was just the Sophoclean chorus; the peanut gallery.
Sapnap sent you a sarcastic grin, disregarding your statement. “Am I supposed to pretend like I didn’t tell you guys not to hook up and you did?” Clay sipped his drink at this. “I mean, look at you two!” He swatted his finger to point at where the two of your hands were joined together.
In reality, you weren’t even sure when Clay had grabbed your hand or even that you here holding onto him as well. “Am I supposed to pretend like you didn’t do that on purpose so we didn’t bother you for a few hours?” You shot back.
Sapnap’s mouth dramatically tilted, brows raised in shock. “A Few. Hours?”
You covered your mouth as Clay laughed beside you.
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@karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @more-like-reyna
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tendousthoughts · 4 years
HQ Boys Calling Their S/O Clingy Pt. 1
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Character(s) included: Iwaizumi and Ushijima
Warnings: slight cursing
A/N: so imma try to make this look really pretty and shit. But if you want a pt 2 just put it in my ask box + what characters you want next! So I don’t know what to call this format thingy but anything with the line next to it (like now) is what happened the day before (when they called their s/o clingy) and everything not in that day won’t be! I also just ate like five airhead lmao. Well enjoy! Reblogs & follows are greatly appreciated! My ask box is always open to request, and if you wanna talk or just wanna say something! Please don’t laugh at my grammatical or spelling errors, I’m sorry!
My Masters List: here
My series : here
Credit: @/teesumu
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When he came home all you wanted to do was hug him. It had been almost a week since he had gotten his new job. He was stressed all the time and never had time for you two alone. So what if you want just hug him for a bit.. you deserve that much right just that much of his time? So he walked in, and your eyes lit up... he was one of the few people you felt safe around. You ran up to him with a big smile and that goofy lovable personality of yours.
“Dinner is ready and then we can cuddle and maybe watch a movie. I have it all planned out!” You smile laughing a bit just imagining how fun it will be. He doesn’t look so amused though.
“I ate already and I am going to bed, y/n.” He didn’t even give you a second to process what he had said instead he just walked away. You follow him to the room you share smiling.
“Oh okay! We can just cuddle then!” You smile a bit and hop onto the bed next to him. Wrapping your arms tightly around him, not too tight, just perfect, you smile. Till you are shoved off. He looked at you with pure annoyance.
“Y/n, can you stop being so fucking clingy. You never stop trying to touch me,” He screamed and you just sat there with tears. God damnit. He was right, wasn’t he? You never gave him space. He turned his back and you turned away too. The tears silently fell.
The morning came faster than it should have. By the time he was awake you were out of the room. He got up and walked out and entered the kitchen.
“Morning y/n, I have the day off so we can do anything you want,” he smiled as he walked in, yet you weren’t there. He searched the whole house and you weren’t there. An hour passed and you walked in.
“Uh hey y/n.. where’d you go? I mean like you weren’t there when I woke up, love?” He smiled and you just gave a soft smile.
“Oh.. um I just went for a random drive for some coffee and drove nowhere for like twenty minutes,” you lied. You love doing that but to be honest you were talking to Oikawa for a bit and ranting to him.
“Oh um.. I have the day off if you just wanna hang out? Maybe go for dinner or something?” He smiles hopefully.
“Uh sure..” you sat far from him on the couch as the movie started. He looked at you and you tried not to pay attention.
“Uh do you need something?” You turn towards him.
“Oh um.. no, never mind,” he looks back at the tv confused. He wanted to cuddle yet was too embarrassed to say so.
Thirty minutes passed by and you were quite distant. “Um do you wanna cuddle or something..?” He smiles hopefully.
“I’m good thanks for asking,” you remain glaring at the tv.
“Um y/n is everything okay.. you’ve been really distant and I know you went to Oikawa’s place yet you told me otherwise..” he looks at you.
You freeze looking at him again, you look like a deer in headlights. Frozen and shocked. You say the first thing that comes to mind which is extremely dumb. “Uh I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You helplessly smile.
He looks at you, shocked. You were a terrible liar yet you still tried to, “why are you lying? I know you were there just tell me.”
“Last night I was thinking that you are right. I am too clingy and I need to give you some space,” you keep your on him “This morning you weren’t up and I just felt like talking so I decided to head out and not bug you.” Your voice breaks as tears roll down your cheeks. Wiping them away quickly hoping he doesn’t notice but it is already too late.
“Y/n... I didn’t mean it,” he feels like absolute shit right now and he doesn’t know what to do. “I..I like how you cling to me and how you just act like yourself. I..I love the sound of your voice so you can always talk to me. I didn’t mean for me to come off so rude to you and hurt you... you mean everything to me. I am so sorry y/n for making you so fucking uncomfortable. This is your house too and I shouldn’t do that to you...” he whispers holding your hands in his as he pulls you closer. Lifting you to his lap.
You try to climb off but his grip just gets tighter in a protective way.
“I’m sorry y/n... I didn’t mean any of that. I will make more room for us to hang out...” He smiles a bit wrapping his arms around your waist. “I love you so much..”
“I..I love you too,” you make out in between heavy deep breaths
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You tried to call him multiple times, it was extremely late and you were worried. He normally would text you if he was going to practice a bit longer or he was going to head to dinner with his team. Knowing how worried you get and not wanting you to make him a whole meal when he is full. Yet he never picked up it was probably twelve thirty when he walked in.
He tried to walk in silently but soon found you awake in bed. You smile a bit getting up and giving him a hug. “Hey baby..” you mumble with your sleepy voice “where were you? I was worried sick,” you didn’t sound mad, just concerned. 
He slightly shoved you off making his way to his dresser to change. “Out.” He grumbled a bit.
“Are you hungry? I made dinner..” you smile slightly making your way closer to him.
“Can you just leave me alone? I don’t need you to be so god damn clingy! You’re not my mom and I am a grown ass adult. I don’t need you to stay up wondering where I was!” He took a deep breath calming down. You slowly backed down and just laid at your side of the bed closing your eyes. Slightly thinking about all the “problems” you have.
Morning came and when Ushijima woke up he was later than usual needing to rush a couple of things. You were on the couch, as he came in he looked for something to eat. “Y/n, do you know if there is anything I can eat?” He called out.
“I don’t know you can look, can’t you?” You look up from your computer for a split second before returning to gaze at your computer.
“Uh.. ya. Well bye!” He grabbed a banana and grabbed his stuff. Rushing out the door unsure what had possibly made you so harsh that morning. Forgetting everything he had said the night before.
When he came home it was early and you were already eating while using your phone. “I’m home!” He called.
You just smiled and returned eating. Your eyes locked on back onto your phone. Typing for a second.
“Who are you texting babe?” He smiled as he walked in.
“No one” you put your phone down. The sound of a text came up but you just ignored it walking to put your dishes away and then grabbing your phone to go back to your room.
“Uh.. y/n? You wanna hang out for a bit?” You turn and just shake your head.
“No I’m good thanks though.” You mumble before walking away. Him following close after.
“Are you okay..?” He mumbles as he joins you in bed.
“Ya. I’m fine,” you mumble as you plot your headphones in listening to some music.
He taps your shoulder and you take out one of your earbuds. “What’s going on.. what did I do?” He mumbled.
“I mean I am not your mother so I don’t understand why you need me to hang out with you and be your best friend. I mean I am just too clingy aren’t I?” You burst out.
“What?” He looks at you for a moment remembering the night before. “Wait y/n.. I didn’t me-”
“I don’t care if you didn’t mean it! You made me feel like absolute shit!” You look at him before getting up and heading to the spare room. “You can leave and go out. I don’t give a fuck just leave me alone for a bit.”
He goes to check on you two hours later. When he walks in he finds you crying. “Y/n, can we talk?” He whispered softly in his calming voice.
You look up wiping your tears. “I guess.”
“May I sit on the bed or would you like some space..?” He really didn’t want to make you feel worse then you probably already did.
“I don’t care do what you want,” it wasn’t like you to be so snappy. But you just wanted to get it out of your system. He sat down next to you and slowly reached out his arms. You slowly entered his embrace as he held you tight whispering sweet nothingness into your ear. His words are full of praise and truth.
“I am so sorry I made you feel like that. I should have texted you back. I know that you were just worried,” he rubbed your back slowly, making soft circles. “I don’t find you clingy.. and I like when you take care of me. You mean the world to me and I am sorry I made you think otherwise..”
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
Racing Hearts
[a companion piece to this gorgeous piece of Luke art brought to you by the ever talented @mamirugbee]
   It‘s a warm and quiet night as Julie lies comfortably on a sleeping Luke, the sound of his strong heartbeat thudding steadily against her ear.
   Her finger lazily traces patterns on his chest as her eyes roam the dark room, taking in the familiar surroundings of yet another hotel room. Julie had come to learn that no matter what country they were in, the hotel rooms were always the same.
   Her eyes brush over his discarded navy and black suit along with his black band tee draped over the sofa across the room, landing on the shiny helmet propped on top of the coffee table, the gloss glittering with the light of the moon shining through the slanted shutters of the window. Her gaze lingers on the various logos littered across the top of it, each one of them so familiar to her now. As her eyes take in the shape of the Sunset Curve Racing logo, her heart warms once more at the memory of Luke pulling it off earlier that day, as he swiped his sweaty hair away from his face, listening intently to the scores. She also distinctly remembers the brightness of his smile that had been visible from miles away as his name echoed through the circuit, the announcers praising him as the youngest driver to ever win the Mexican Grand Prix.
   Her eyes flick away from the helmet to rest on the trophy standing tall on the centre of the dining table tucked away in the corner of their room, the silver glint of it guiding her gaze down towards the name engraved on the plaque at its base.
   She had watched him from the base of the podium as his competitors sprayed him with champagne, his smile not waning for a second as his hat, his favourite Screams from the Attic band tee and his suit tied at his waist got drenched. The multicoloured flags behind him had flapped in the wind as he turned his gaze, searching for her in the gathering crowd. She had backed away the second his eyes landed on her, the growing mischievous smile on his face a warning sign as he started towards her, the sticky nature of dried champagne pushing her to move even further away from his approaching hands.
   She had lost of course, a smile now making its way on her lips as she remembers his arms snaking their way around her waist from the back, lifting her up until her feet were helplessly kicking the air in front of her, her squeals louder than the cheering crowd.
   Julie pulls her attention away from the day’s events and back to the quiet room she finds herself in, her eyes coming back to trace the features of the sleeping driver beneath her.
   Her heart grows tenfold as she takes in the peaceful almost boyish look on his face, sleep taking away any edge it might carry during the day. Without her permission, her fingers skim the lines of his chest, dipping past his collarbone and up his neck as they settle at the base of his jawline.
   She thanks whatever greater power brought him safely back to her after yet another successful race.
   Because truth be told, even though she had gotten better at controlling the anxiety that riddled her whenever he walked away from her and towards his car, Julie still worried about him and struggled to sit still while she watched him race to the finish line.
   Just like she was now, she often found herself wondering how Luke kept his pre-race nerves at bay as he got ready to risk his life again and again for his job - his passion. She admired for him, even if it scared the living daylights out of her.
   She always watched him as he got ready while the team, including Alex and Reggie, prepped him before he slid into his seat behind the wheel, glimpsing a look of peace settling on his features as he closed his eyes for a few seconds, shutting out the flurry of activity happening around him.
   Julie had always assumed it was due to the music pulsing through his headphones, the loud beating of the drums and heavy guitar riffs blocking out the world for just those few seconds. It was a ritual she’d seen time and time again, even before he knew she existed - but during his last few races, she’d been seeing less and less of that. The headphones themselves would be left dangling in her hands as he walked away - no music in his ears, his eyes never leaving hers.
   Maybe whatever brought on that peaceful expression to his face could help her, too.
   Her fingers move upwards once more, her thumb gently swiping against his cheek and grazing the day old stubble. Her index finger glides down the length of his nose, her hand hovering just above his mouth when she feels lips pressing into her palm.
   A giggle slips out of her before she can stop herself.
   “Did I wake you?”
   Her whispered question is met with a soft grunt, followed by a hand tightening its hold on her hip.
   “Yes. No. Maybe?” His sleepy answer brings out more laughter to bubble out, her hand retracting itself from his face to slap across her mouth.
   “I’m sorry,” comes her muffled apology.
   “No you’re not.”
   A beat of silence follows before she slips her hand off her face and settles it back on his chest.
   “No I’m not.”
   He grins at her reply, his eyes still closed.
   “How come you’re up?” His brow furrows before he cracks an eye open to peek at her. “Wait — what time is it?”
   Julie shrugs, answering both of his questions in one swift motion.
   “Couldn’t sleep?”
   “No, I’m fine I just...” She tries to think of a reason, but all she can think about is that peaceful look on his face before a race, and she suddenly finds herself itching to ask him.
   “I- I was just thinking about today, and your races in general and I...” she trails off, not entirely sure how to phrase this.
   She feels the hand on her hip give her one quick squeeze, and realises her eyes had drifted away from his gaze.
   She looks back up at him to find him looking at her with both eyes open, a curious and slightly concerned, gleam to them.
   Right. This was Luke — she could do this.
   “It’s just that I know the anxiety that comes along with having a loved one getting into a race car will never fade, especially not after...” she trails off, taking in a deep breath before continuing. “But I- I always see you do this thing before you race. Like suddenly all of the anxiety that was there just kind of...melts away?” Julie registers her words and hurries to explain herself. “I don’t mean you’re not anxious anymore! Or that you’re completely relaxed or— I don’t know how to explain this. It’s like you’re just suddenly okay? Ugh, I’m sorry I don’t know what I’m saying.” She drags her hand towards her face as she hides behind it, hoping she can blame her lack of sleep on whatever the hell that was.
   Anxiety about maybe dying just casually melting away?? Where did that come from?
   The silence that follows only causes her to worry even more, until she feels a hand rest against hers, only to then gently pull it away from her face.
   He holds onto it as she looks up at him again, his thumbs softly tracing her knuckles.
   “I know what you mean, Jules.” He tilts one side of his mouth up into a half smile before he continues. “I’ve always had this habit of losing myself to music right before the race starts — ever since I was a kid music just kind of...I don’t know, had this calming effect on me? Or no, wait.” She watches him as he screws his mouth up, his eyes looking up towards the ceiling as he tries to come up with the right words. “Okay so maybe not calm exactly, but music has always been able to help me sort out how I feel, right? And just like it can help me understand how angry or sad or happy I am, I find that if I choose the right song, the right melody or just the right guitar riff, I can almost will myself to just — feel the way I want to feel? If that makes sense?”
His eyes come back down in search of hers as he struggles to explain himself, but just like she always does, Julie knows exactly what he means.
“Yeah, it does. Music is magic like that,” she tells him, a little smile sneaking its way onto her lips.
“Exactly!” The hand holding hers squeezes once before his thumb goes back to its soothing motion. He grins down at her, a smile just as bright as the one she saw on the podium earlier today, except this one was just for her to see.
Her gaze shifts down to his nose, her next question on the tip on her tongue struggling to make its way out. Was this maybe a little too personal? They’ve been together for a few months now but there were times where it still felt so new — she’d get shy or flustered like a school girl, getting tongue tied just at the sight of his brilliant smile. She had a feeling it would always be that way with Luke.
She hoped it would be.
His voice interrupts her thoughts, bringing her back to the conversation as her eyes reflexively find their way back up to his.
Before she can overthink it, the words spill out of her.
”I um- It’s just that I noticed in the last few races you’ve stopped doing that — listening to music right up until the race starts, I mean. And yet even then you still get that look on your face so I just....wanted to know why - or how - I guess.”
His expression grows soft at her words, his eyes roaming her face once, twice, three times.
“Hmm, something more magical than music came into my life.”
She waits for him to continue, to elaborate and make sense. Instead he just stares at her, as if his vague statement was all the answer she needed.
He laughs quietly at her confusion, the vibrations of his laughter reaching the ear still pressed against his chest.
Not known to be patient, Julie jokingly scowls at him, attempting to look unimpressed as he laughs at her.
“What?” She doesn’t mean to, but a slight whine slips into her tone, followed by a pout settling on her lips. This only makes him laugh even harder, her head shaking with the movement of his chest.
“Nothing, nothing.” He chuckles some more while she half-heartedly glares at him, before continuing. “I thought I was being obvious but I guess Alex was right.”
“Alex? What about Alex?”
He shakes his head at her. “Nah, never mind. He just likes to tell me how wrong I am sometimes, that’s all.”
A snort makes its way out of her before she can stop herself. “When doesn’t he...”
He chuckles once more at her words, before quieting down as his eyes flicker down to her lips.
His eyes tick back up at her questioningly, a smile curling her lips at his short attention span.
Or maybe he just got distracted by her? Huh.
“You were saying about something else taking over music...?”
“Oh! Oh right, yeah sorry. Uh, I mean it hasn’t taken over music exactly — it’s more like I’ve found something else that just kind of,” he lets go of her hand as he reaches over to trace a finger down her cheek. “Better embodies the magic of music for me? Kind of like the living embodiment of it, you could say.”
Her heart starts beating a little faster at his words even as her brain struggles to comprehend his words. Was he-
“Do you get what I’m trying to say, Julie?”
Unable to speak, Julie slowly shakes her head.
The hand on her face cradles her cheek, his fingers weaving their way into her hair.
“You, Jules. You calm my nerves before a race better than any song I’ve ever added to my playlist. I-” A chuckle escapes him before he continues, “Just the thought of you brings me this sense of peace, and it just kind of settles in, pushing away at any jitters that try to shake me before a race. I don’t know how to explain it, even if it’s pretty simple to me.” He stops to stare into her eyes for a second, Julie fully unable to articulate any word or thought.
“I just close my eyes for a few seconds, and picture you. Your voice, your eyes, your smile. I picture you running towards me after a race like you did that first time, and suddenly I’m just excited to race and get to the other side so I can hold you again.”
She feels his thumb gently swipe across her cheek; up and down, up and down.
“I guess what I’m trying to say — what I thought was obvious but maybe Alex was right — is that you’re the reason I’ve been getting better in all my races, the reason I even won today. You make me a better driver, make me want to be a better person.” He tries to draw her closer, his head tilting down towards hers, lifting it off his pillow as he whispers against the crown of her head,
“I love you Jules.”
Still taken by the confession that has left her a little dizzy, Julie pulls herself closer to Luke, wrapping her arms around him as she tightens her hold on him, her face snuggling into his chest. They had already said those three words to each other numerous times before, neither one of them shy about letting the other know the true depth of their feelings.
But somehow, this felt different.
“I love you,” she mouths into the space right above his heart, pressing a kiss into his skin. She feels his fingers twitch in her hair, letting her know that he heard her, felt her, too.
Silence settles in the dark room, neither one of them moving, too happy and comfortable to ruin the moment. They both eventually fall asleep in each other’s arms, ready to conquer whatever the world threw their way - one race at a time.
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willwriteforhugs · 4 years
ateez says “i love you” for the first time
ateez scenario - all members (individually) x reader
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genre: fluff, angst if your vision is worse than 20/60
word count: 4k (total)
warnings: minor intrusive thoughts, some arguing and cursing 
a/n: this fic should be taken lightheartedly! i really enjoyed writing this, but please remember that it is for entertainment purposes only. also beware: some of these are a bit longer than others? please know that it wasn’t intentional lol (no writer’s bias here!) also, the gif above does not belong to me! thank you so much for reading <3
quiet, repetitive sound effects play through the outside of hongjoong’s headphones. you sigh, resting your head on his shoulder. even when your boyfriend isn’t working, he’s working.
you’d been together two months already, but sometimes you worried. he was so busy, and you knew it wasn’t his fault... but you weren't sure how he really felt about you. for you, the first few dates had been butterflies-in-the-stomach, giggling-like-crazy, head-over-heels-for-this-man type emotions. but as you sit in his studio on this saturday night, you start to wonder if he’d ever felt those things.
you tilt your head to look at him. god, he’s beautiful. those long lashes that you would absolutely kill for, his curious eyes... everything about him screamed “love of your life!!!”
hongjoong shifts in his seat, glancing down at you. he smiles a little, and plants a small kiss on your temple. “ten more minutes, my love. i’m almost done.”
you smile and nod sleepily.
the ten minutes pass in relative silence, minus joong’s music, which was accompanied by the tapping of his foot. 
finally, he shuts his laptop. he stands up, returning to his desk to put everything back in order. you stay where you are, watching him.
after a moment, you stand up. “i’m gonna go heat up the car.”
he looks back at you, already protesting. “babe, you don’t need to do that. plus it’s late- i don’t want you out there all alone.”
“i’ll be okay, hongjoong. you know how cold that car will be.”
he holds your gaze for a moment. “alright.”
you turn to leave as he continues talking. 
“i’ll be out in just a minute, okay? i love you.”
you freeze, halfway out the door. your head swivels back, and your boyfriend is staring at you with wide eyes, clearly catching what he’d said.
“what did you say?”
he’d said it in passing. of course he loves you, the same way hongjoong loves everyone, why would he-
“i said i love you,” he sighs. he sets down his bag and crosses the room in large strides. he comes to a stop in front of you, and lifts his hands to cradle your face. “and i meant it. i do. i didn’t mean to tell you like that, but- yeah. i love you.”
your voice cracks when you finally manage to speak. “i love you, too.”
the heels of your boots make angry clicking sounds on the floor of the apartment complex. tears prick at your eyes, and you increase your pace.
just get through the door, y/n. don’t you dare cry in public.
work had been awful, of course. apparently, you’d made a mistake while filing paperwork last week, and now the whole office was behind, scrambling to make up for lost time. learning about your slip up had been hard enough. being absolutely screamed at by your boss had pushed you over the edge. you had managed to finish your hours, but now, you practically sprint for the safety of your apartment.
you take the stairs two at a time, dignity long abandoned. when you get to your front door, your hands shake trying to unlock it. a sob tears through your throat. why, god? what did i do to you?
the door finally swings open, and you stumble inside. kicking off your shoes, you walk straight to the bedroom, where you sink to the floor and begin to cry. 
you raise your head. what the hell was that?
a beat passes, then a voice from the other room: “hello? y/n, is that you?”
the door to your bedroom opens, and there he is. seonghwa, your boyfriend of only three months, stands in the doorway. upon seeing you, his face cracks.
“y/n? babe, what happened? i thought i heard you get home, are you okay?”
hearing your boyfriend’s concern only made you cry harder. frantic, he hits the floor next to you and tugs your hands away from your face. “talk to me. what happened?”
your voice is croaky and broken, but you manage to recap the story from work. by the end of it, seonghwa looks almost as emotional as you do.
“what a douchebag. who does he think he is?”
you reach out and gently swat at his thigh. “don’t talk all big.”
he manages a small smile. “i’m sorry, y/n. tell me what you need right now. let me help you.”
“can... can you just hold me?”
this is something seonghwa knows how to do. he crawls over to you and leans against the bed, hugging you tightly from behind. “yes, i can do that.”
a beat passes.
“you know i love you, right?”
your heart skips a beat. he’d never said that before, not like this. but you don’t say anything. you reply by sinking deeper into his hold, letting out a long sigh. 
he understands.
“okay, seriously. where are we going?” you look over at your boyfriend, feeling the edges of anxiety begin to creep in. 
yunho, who’s seated at the wheel of the car, looks over at you, his eyes crinkling slightly. a smile tugs at his lips. “why are you worried?”
you huff and slouch back in your seat. your seat belt digs into your shoulder, making you cringe. “i’m not worried.” you lie. “i just want to know where you’re taking me.”
“well, i already told you- it’s a surprise.”
“yes, but-” you hold up your hand, counting on your fingers. “it’s not my birthday. it’s not your birthday. it’s not a holiday. it’s not our anniversary. so. what is it?”
yunho glances at you again, exasperated. “you are so difficult. just let me treat you, you dumbass.”
“treat me? yunho-ah, i swear to god-”
“don’t! it’s nothing big! now shut up- you’re on talking restrictions.”
you gape at him. “talking restrictions? i’m not a six year old-”
“oh look, we're here!” your counterpart shouts over you. he turns the vehicle and pulls into a parking lot you don’t recognize. you peer out the window, craning your neck in order to see the building in front of you. “is this a hotel?”
yunho hums a confirmation. “your bag is in the back.” 
- - - 
ten minutes later, you find yourself standing in what’s probably the nicest hotel room you’ve ever graced. you gape at your boyfriend, hoping he realizes how crazy he is.
yunho sees your expression and laughs, his hand instinctively rising to cover his teeth. “do you like it?”
you stutter, unable to hide your surprise. “i- yes, of course. but, yunho, you said it wasn’t anything big!”
he laughs again. “nothing’s too big for you, love.”
your face flushes. god, you love him. yes, he is a hopeless romantic, and yes, he says cheesy things. but you’d been in love with him for a while now, you think. since before he’d even asked you out. you’d always admired him from afar, but yes- you know it was love all along. 
“um. is there...a particular... reason? for this?” you manage. surely this isn’t as  random as it seems.
yunho crosses the room to stand with you, wrapping his long arms around you. you step back in surprise. “yunho-ah?”
he buries his face in your neck, inhaling. “yeah, i-yeah. i guess i just wanted to say-” he pulls away to meet your eyes. “i just wanted to say- to show that i love you.”
you blink, and say the first thing you think of. 
“thank you?”
yunho looks surprised for a moment- then bursts into laughter. you gasp, trying to backtrack. “wait- no- no i love you too,” you scramble.
yunho bends over, only laughing harder. “babe-” he says between wheezes. “that was so funny. i love you so much.”
you’re laughing too, now.
your finger traces circles on the fabric of the couch, and you sigh contentedly. you glance to your left, gazing up at your boyfriend, who’s scrolling on his phone. you and yeosang are only a few months into your relationship, but nights like this already feel so natural.
but looking up at him now, you can’t help but feel that something’s a bit off. you sit up, brushing his arm away from you. “yeosang?”
he looks up at you, eyes wide and curious. “what?”
“are you alright?”
he looks a bit taken aback. “what do you mean?”
“i don’t know, you just- you seem stiff. did something happen? or- was there something you needed to talk about?”
for a moment, he doesn’t answer. then he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “you’ve gotten really good at reading me, you know that?”
you tilt your head. “sure, i guess? what did you need to talk about?”
“oh, it’s just- um- something i wanted to say...” his voice trails off.
you lean forward, worried. “what?”
you’ve known yeosang so long, but you have no idea where he’s going with this. what if he wants to break up? what if he wants to go to third base? do people even say ‘third base’ anymore? what if-
“it’s just. um.” he pauses again, even after interrupting your thoughts. “iloveyou,” he says in a rush. as soon as the words leave his mouth, yeosang’s face turns beet red. his expression twists into a grimace.
you feel your own face betray your surprise. “wait, what?”
he won’t meet your eyes, but your heart speeds up. “yeosang-yah, what did you say?”
he responds in a mumble. “i said i love you.”
you feel so many things at once, and you want to say a million things. you’d dated before, but no one had ever told you they loved you. you feel your eyes begin to burn from withholding tears. “yeosang.”
he looks up at you, his eyes begging for something more.
“i love you too.” you cut him off before he can ask. “and before you ask- yes, i’m sure.”
you reach forward, running a finger down the side of his face. “you dumbass.”
his eyes widen in mock anger. “dumbass!? i can’t even-” he grabs your waist and shoves you back on the couch. “i can’t believe you!”
you burst into laughter. “big words for a man who’s just confessed his love!”
“i don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!”
you throw your hands in the air, exasperated.
san’s face flushes red. “well i don’t know what you want from me!”
your mouth drops open as he turns away. “no. no fucking way- you can’t walk in here and start a fight just to leave! you don’t know what you want from me? you started this!!”
your boyfriend turns to face you again. his eyes burn with barely controlled anger. “no- i wanted a civil conversation. you were the one who went and got all defensive.”
“san, you’re accusing me! how the hell am i supposed to respond?”
“i didn’t accuse you of anything. i asked you a damn question.”
“an accusatory question.”
san rolled his eyes with so much emotion it hurt to watch. you clench your hands. you couldn’t believe him. don’t misunderstand- you and san usually got along great, and the two of you had been in a steady relationship for a few months now. but san was so emotional- in a way you just weren't. you didn’t understand his emotional insecurities. so when he came home asking why you felt the need to ignore him in favor of your other friends- you couldn’t believe your ears. 
back in the moment, you make a groaning sound. “san-ah,” you begin, trying to keep your voice even. “i just don’t understand what makes you think all that.”
san is still upset, clearly. he scoffs, tossing his head. “please, y/n- you’re always making excuses to leave, it’s like you don’t even want to see me!”
“but that’s not true!”
“just the other night you went out with friends, when i specifically said i wanted to be with you!”
“but san- i hardly see them either! you know how busy i am-”
“i’m even busier than you are!” he argues.
“don’t cut me off!” you seethe. “besides, why is it any business of yours when i want to go out? i don’t-”
“of course it’s my business!” san steps closer, pointing down at your chest. “it’s my business because i love you!”
your words die in your throat. “i...what?”
he loves you? now? he’d never told you that before... 
what just happened?
san grimaces, and the anger leaves his face. his whole body seems to deflate.
 your own pulse seems to slow down, and you sigh. san runs a hand through his hair, looking away.
“y/n, i... i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to-” he cuts himself off, as if afraid of his own words. 
“no, i’m sorry. i can’t believe i blew up like that.” he looks saddened as he takes a step towards you. his hand brushes your elbow, and you shut your eyes. 
you hear him whisper; “can i hold you?”
you nod, then practically melt in his arms. “i’m sorry, too.” you mumble into his chest. for a moment, the two of you just stand there, letting the embrace linger. 
“did...” you begin. “did you mean it? what you said?”
san pulls away to gaze into your eyes. he brushes a stray hair from your eyes. 
“yeah. yeah, i did. i’m sorry i told you like that.”
you pause. “it’s okay. i love you too, though.”
for the first time tonight, your boyfriend smiles.
it’s snowing. and for the first time this season, too. you can’t help but grin as you watch the snow fall, face peeking through the curtains. 
“are you actually that excited?”
you turn to look mingi, your boyfriend, in the eye. “yes, yes i am. are you telling me you’re not?”
he smiles- a big, genuine smile, the one you’d grown to love more than anything. “no, i am. i’m gonna throw it at you, though. just a warning.”
you make a face, and turn back to the window. you and mingi had only been dating a few weeks, but you’d known each other much longer than that. though your relationship had only just begun, it felt like you’d been dating for years. 
many of your girlfriends had said the beginning of a relationship was- while being the most fun part- also the most stressful. there was supposed to be a lot of pressure. but you didn’t feel that way with mingi. you had kissed him only when you felt comfortable, you had met his family only when you felt comfortable... though you hadn’t slept together yet, you felt no rush. part of you wondered if you were doing something wrong, but mingi seemed happy too, so you tried not to overthink it.
the snow continues to fall in large chunks. after a few moments of peace, you hear an odd shuffling behind you. you turn around, and mingi is standing there, wearing a full winter parka, looking like he was about to pick you up. 
“dammit!” he curses. “i was gonna try to scare you.”
“ha-ha.” you deadpan.
“yeah, yeah. put this on.” he tosses your own coat at you, and gestures for you to hurry.
“hold on, you don’t actually want to go play in that, do you?”
“that’s exactly what we’re doing.”
you start to protest, but mingi cuts you off by snatching your coat back and zipping you in it himself. then he grabs you by the waist and drags you off the couch. 
after several minutes of wrestling, you find yourself outside in the cold, sitting on your butt in a snowbank. “oh, it’s on, you little-”
mingi laughs and runs away, then picks up an armful of snow and tosses it in your face. you blink in shock, and he doubles over, laughing even harder than before.
“song mingi! you have some nerve!”
the next 15 minutes consist of you and mingi trying to see how much snow you could force onto the other, along with the occasional laugh break.
finally, mingi collapses onto his back in the snow, breathing heavily. you plop down next to him, giggling. 
“i hate you,” you say between hiccups of laughter.
he turns and grins at you, before turning his face to the sky. “well, i love you.”
you catch his eye, unsure that you heard him correctly. “come again?”
“i love you!” he shouts at the sky, then rolls over to meet your gaze. before you can manage an answer, he leans over and presses his cold lips against yours.
you take another deep breath, determined to keep your heart rate down. 
you are going to do fine. it’s just one interview...
oh, but you really want this job. what if you do terribly?
you shove the thought out of your head. you glance at the clock. 10:56. 19 minutes until you either do amazing or fuck up your entire career. you reach over and pick up your phone. you’d left early, so should you just try to kill the time?
you have a text. it’s from wooyoung, your boyfriend.
wooyoung: hey
wooyoung: if you see this before your interview call me 
you wonder what he could possibly need from you right now, but you hit dial anyways.
you and wooyoung were... a lot. for a while, you’d been in a “relationship that’s not really a relationship” type of thing... but he’d only officially asked you out a few weeks ago. you liked him a lot, actually. you loved how outgoing he was, and how much he seemed to care about you. and his friends were nice. plus, he was- well- not bad on the eyes.
he picks up on the second ring. “hey!”
“hi?” you ask. “was there something you needed?”
on the line, wooyoung fakes a gasp. “i can’t just talk to you whenever i want?”
“you asked me to call you.”
you sigh, laughing a little.
“anyways,” he continues. “i just wanted to see how you were doing. i know you were worried.” your heart flutters at the thought that he was thinking of you now. but the interview...
“oh.” your mind turns back to the event to come. “right. uh, i’ll be okay.”
“are you sure?”
“yes, wooyoung. i mean, i’m definitely nervous, and i can think of 1000 ways this could go wrong, but overall, i’m alright!”
your boyfriend laughs. “i know. really, i know you’ll do well. you’re one of the smartest people i know- they’d be fools to turn you down.”
- - - 
three hours later, you sit at your kitchen table, mindlessly picking at your lunch. across from you, wooyoung looks concerned.
“baby, is the food bad, or...?” 
you look up. “no! no, not at all! i’m just- i’m just not very hungry.”
wooyoung’s eyes crinkle with sympathy. “you’re nervous?”
yes. yes, of course. you have no idea how that interview went. but you were positive that the man in the grey suit hated your guts, even though-
“y/n-ah,” your boyfriend calls you back down to earth. “it’ll be fine. please eat.”
you shove some of the food into your mouth, more to satisfy him than yourself. suddenly, your cell phone rings. the sound makes you jump. you pull it out answering it automatically. “yes?” 
as the voice on the other end of the line talks, you nearly drop your chopsticks. wooyoung leans forward, trying to eavesdrop, and you shoo him away. 
a minute passes, and you slowly lower your phone as the woman on the line ends the call. your boyfriend is staring at you. 
“who was that?”
your voice is froggy. “wooyoung- i got the job.”
a beat passes, then he leaps up. “you- you did?!? i knew it! oh my god!” he grabs your wrists and yanks you out of your seat. he spins you in a frantic circle, ending it by slamming you into his chest, hugging you hard. 
“i knew you could do it, baby. wow, i love you so much.”
your heart skips a beat at these words, but wooyoung himself doesn’t seem to catch them- he keeps talking, because that’s just who he is. but you don’t miss it.
you know he meant it. 
“boom! look at that one!” you laugh, fitting together another set of puzzle pieces. 
jongho, your boyfriend, glances over, letting a small smile escape his lips. “it’s upside down, babe.” 
you look back down at the pieces, realizing he’s right. 
“oops.” you giggle, flipping them upright. “i think they do go on the left, though.”
you’d been so excited for today. you had done nothing all morning, only being able to think about what you were going to do with your boyfriend later. nowadays, with ateez’s popularity, you had very little alone time with jongho. you’d only been dating a short while- but you still wanted to see him as often as possible.
so when he’d come up to your apartment holding a jigsaw puzzle, you immediately agreed to participate. you’d never been particularly good at puzzles, but jongho seemed to enjoy them. it’s the calm, you think. there’s a lot of chaos in his day to day job, so it’s really not surprising that he enjoys things like this. 
you watch his hands as they roam across the table, searching for edge pieces. 
he has such beautiful hands.
“oh, y/n-ah- can you hand me that one there? the blue?”
you hand him the cutout. “what is this supposed to be again?”
“uuh-” jongho hesitates, glancing at the discarded box on the floor. “an alaskan sunset?”
the two of you meet eyes, then look at the table. he bursts into laughter. “are we doing something wrong? alaskan sunset...” he manages.
god, his smile. you love his smile, probably more than anything. you didn’t see it too often- that full, gummy smile of his. your heart flutters as you watch him laugh.
he meets your eyes again. “how are we bad at this? it’s a puzzle!”
“well, it’s your puzzle, and it’s 2000 pieces! who willingly does 2000 piece puzzles?!” you begin to laugh too.
jongho’s chuckling ceases, and he reaches over to grasp your wrist. he places a gentle kiss on your knuckles. “i love to see you laugh like that.”
you feel your face burst into flames. you sheepishly try to pull your hand back. “jongho-yah...”
he smiles again and tugs you closer, placing his forehead against yours. for a moment, he just looks into your eyes, his own sparkling with curiosity and adoration. then he closes his eyes and leans in, pressing his warm lips against yours. 
the kiss is tentative, inviting. you lean into it, hoping he catches on. he does- he begins to kiss you harder, parting your lips with his own. this goes on for a moment before he pulls away.
you almost whine, wishing he hadn’t ended it so quickly. but looking at him, you can see his face is red, and he won’t meet your eyes. before you can truly wonder about his well-being, jongho comes in again, stopping just before his lips meet yours.
he looks down at the floor, his lips barely brushing yours. “y/n.”
you make a small “hmm?” noise.
his words come out in a low whisper. “i think i’m in love with you.”
you almost jerk back in surprise. but instead, you let a beat pass in silence. then you lean forward, pressing a kiss to his chin. “and i think i’m in love with you.”
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volleychumps · 4 years
hii can i request something with tsukki and maybe ushijima where they have a really big soft spot for their s/o and they’re so sweet to her that she genuinely doesnt know how mean/intimidating they are to other people? but then they’re see how they are with others and then *schocked pikachu face*
shocked pikachu face indeed~, enjoy love! 
Softie. (hc w/ Tsukishima and Ushijima) 
- Blonde (sometimes) bitchy boy made it an odd point to kind of make excuses for why you couldn’t come visit the volleyball club after school 
- Would give you a small, half-grin when you would visibly pout as you claim that it’s not fair- you wanted to see what your boyfriend invested so much time in- as he gives you forehead kisses to lighten your pout 
- “You’re cuter when you’re not mad at me.” “I’m not mad!!!” “Sure.” 
- Isn’t super big on PDA so it’s no surprise to anyone that a lot of people don’t know just how far this blonde broomstick would go for you 
- Like literally when you’re in private he can’t keep his hands off you, whether it be playing with the ends of your hair as he listens to music or lifting your knuckles to his lips when he wants attention 
- So imagine you’re surprise when you rush to the volleyball club after school with his favored pair of forgotten headphones in hand only to walk in on the worst kind of conversation 
- “Awh~ Is the King getting fussy because he’s falling back to his old ways?” 
- what the actual fuck who is this 
- continues, still not seeing you as some of his teammates fall on your figure standing at the doorway behind him- Yamaguchi putting a finger to his lips to his best friend with widened eyes 
- Like you’re so shocked you’ve never heard his voice dripping with so much intent to dig underneath someone’s skin 
- “Did you not learn anything from being alone all the time?” “Tsukki-” 
- “And you, Hinata- just because you can spike and have an ungodly amount of energy doesn’t mean-” 
- glares at Suga as his senior physically turns him around so he’s facing your direction, eyes framed by spectacles widening a fraction as you recover from your shock as quickly as you can 
- narrows his eyes as you smile a bit nervously at him before Tsukishima sighs as if he was facing a heavy inconvenience that tugged at your heart- and not in a good way 
- “U-Um, I’ll just uh, leave these here.” “Y/N-”
- but you don’t stay to listen before you’re spinning on your heel to leave the gym, groaning when the blonde easily catches up to you in four strides as you still, his hand on your wrist 
- “Y/N.” “I shouldn’t have come- I was just-” 
- hugs you gently, pulling your waist back so your back is flushed against his front, making you bite your lip as Tsukishima’s lips fall next to your ear 
- “Do you hate me now?” 
- is shocked when you do a whole-ass 360 with a wtf are you talking about expression on your face
- “Listen Kei-” Oh shit you in trouble now, boy "The next thing you say something so dumb, I’ll harm you!” 
- is smirking now as you stomp your feet, pouting up at him as you sigh, picking up his hand to drag your thumb across the ridges
- “I could never hate you- just...I wasn’t expecting to hear you talk like that with your boys. But it’s no biggie.” “Wait, really? And they’re not my boys-” 
- “Yes, dummy. But remember, pull what you did back there with me and I will not hesitate to withold kisses for a month.” 
- “What are you, the devil?” As he smirks, leaning down to place a not witheld kiss on your pout
- Don’t even get me started on how much this boy actively shows his love for you, albeit not as affectionate as some would think 
- 100% the type of boyfriend to remember all the little things about you, and when he exhibits his knowledge of stuff, it’s really just to see you smile 
- “Coffee. I ran by the shop this morning.” “Love, you didn’t have to-” “You have an exam today, right?” 
- So when he sees your small grin into your coffee cup he thinks waking up the extra hour to go is so worth it 
- Sends you messages to make sure you make it to your destination safe and gives you updates on his whereabouts to ensure you won’t worry about him
- Doesn’t show you off to the whole school- but it’s pretty clear that he makes it known: rubbing the small of your back as he guides you through school, and ruffles your hair a tad affectionately before seeing you off to class
- Shrugs when you say that you want to come observe a volleyball practice, but makes you sit a safe distance away to ensure that you won’t get hit 
- At first, you’re surprised at how distanced Ushijima seemed from the rest of the team, the others simply nodding to him (minus Tendou that little shit lmao) in praise when he lands a perfect spike
- But you weren’t expecting for the whole team to still into silence when a ball goes flying in your direction, but still missing you by a long shot as Ushijima’s brows furrow together
- An expression you had never seen before sending a chill down your back
- Your jaw slackens as Goshiki bows deeply to his senior as if he was his servant, exhibiting the difference in how the team seemed to establish the line between themselves and their star spiker 
- “U-Um, I’m okay!” you call out, offering Ushijima the smile he loved so much as you see him visibly relax as Goshiki flinches when he turns back to him
- “...be more careful.” “Yes, senpai!” 
- Was he always this...respected to the point where people were actually scared of him?
- Walks up to you after practice, sipping deeply from his water bottle before occupying the seat next to you in the empty bleachers and now empty gym 
- “Are you...surprised?” As he looks down at his feet, hunched over so his elbows rest on his thighs, and you quirk a brow in response as he seems to scoff a little 
- “That others find me intimidating? Are you going to start after what you saw?” “What? No.” 
- Blinks, eyes widening at your immediate reaction and at how genuinely upset you seemed that he would think that 
- “Are you crazy? Never.” as you shake your head vigorously, causing a rare smile to tickle the corners of your boyfriend’s mouth
- “I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting it, but if that’s a side of you- I don’t care what other people think.” 
- is rendered 50% more speechless than usual as you sigh, resting your head on his shoulder as if you were tired
- “Don’t say things like that.” 
- Glances at you as an arm drapes around your shoulder, tugging you a bit closer as Ushijima leans his head onto yours, closing his eyes 
- “Mm.” 
General works: @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @takemetovalhalla @yams046
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