#okay alright i’m gonna write a bit more and then genuinely take a nap
threnodians · 2 years
y’all ngl this kaeya fic i’ve been working on for ages now is easily the MOST self-indulgent thing i have EVER written, it’s kind of sort of all over the place but i swear to all of the gods i just need to LOVE this man because he DESERVES it and NEEDS it
why can’t i ever feel this intensely for a real person? lmao
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riconas · 1 year
teeny bit of angst? i feel like i just got hit over the head lol
swiss better make it up to dew, after that stunt he just pulled
lovely writing as always<3
teeny bit of angst! just a tiny drop! but i suppose swiss really should make it up to dew.
no smut in this one—just banter and cuddles.
takes place after this ficlet
“Come on, Dew,” Swiss pleads. 
“No way,” Dew says sullenly. “You’re gonna be mean again.”
It’s been a full day since Swiss royally fucked up. A full day since he rocked Dew to sleep and spent the next three hours contemplating where he had gone wrong. He finally has Dew again, albeit in a pissy mood, but hell if he isn’t going to try. 
Swiss takes his hands and looks up at him pleadingly. Dew won’t even glance at him from where he’s kneeling on the floor beside the bed, between Dew’s knees. He just pushes his chin out and stares haughtily at the wall, pointedly ignoring Swiss’s attempts to get in his pants. 
“I won’t,” he says genuinely. “I’ll be really nice, Dewdrop. I swear. I wanna make it up to you.”
Dew sniffles. “You could have made it up to me earlier. Instead of being horrible.”
Swiss rests his head on Dew’s thigh. Dew, mercifully, doesn’t kick him off. “I’m sorry I was horrible, Dew.” 
“No, you aren’t,” Dew says. “You always say that. You just want to get your dick in me.”
Swiss puts a hand over his chest, mock offended. He doesn’t want to get his dick in Dew, per se. He just wants to make Dew feel so good he forgets how to bully Swiss. And he’s already halfway to kissing Dew’s feet, anyway. What’s a little more?
“That’s not true,” Swiss says, a little bit hurt. 
“Well,” Dew replies airily. “I think very little of you.” 
But there’s a smile pulling at his mouth now, twitching at the corners. And he’s finally looking at Swiss, instead of pretending Swiss is invisible. He tugs his hands out of Swiss’s and cards them through Swiss’s curls, scratching lightly. Swiss leans into his hands, purring. 
“Please?” Swiss asks. “We can just cuddle. We don’t have to do anything more than that.”
Dew pretends to consider it. He swings his feet, toes brushing the floor. Swiss gazes lovingly. 
“Fine,” he says at last. “But I get to be the little spoon. And if you grind against my ass, I’ll scratch your eyes out.”
Swiss is okay with that—those are reasonable terms and conditions. He pulls the covers back and ushers Dew up into bed, curling himself around Dew’s little body, slinging an arm over his waist so he can pull him closer. 
He’s so bony. Mountain could use him to play the drums. 
“Your feet are cold,” Dew complains, as Swiss tugs the duvet up to Dew’s chin. He pointedly puts his feet on top of Dew’s again, just to hear him grumble, because an irritated Dew is better than a sad Dew. He breathes in the burnt-cinnamon smell of Dew’s skin, nosing sweetly underneath his ear, and Dew lets out the quietest little sigh. 
“Does anything still hurt?” Swiss asks. He curls his hand around Dew’s warm cheek, and Dew rubs against him like a cat. 
“Nah. I was fine after I had a nap.” He grabs Swiss’s hand, brings it up to his lips, and presses a kiss to Swiss’s knuckles. It feels like an apology. Swiss doesn’t know what for—Dew has no reason to apologise. He wishes he could be closer to Dew, but they’re already pressed as tightly together as they physically can be. He tangles their legs together under the blanket, hooking his knee around Dew’s ankle. 
It’ll have to do. 
“I’m sorry I left,” Swiss murmurs. He’s said it more times than he can count, but the guilt hadn’t gone away, even after Dew had claimed to be alright. 
“You still owe me,” Dew says softly. 
Swiss sighs. “I know.”
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Attack Of The Winter Wolf: Revealed
Summary- 7.7k Alpha Steve x Little One Reader. Steve and you pack up in the Stark Jet and head across the ocean, this time to Norway. Steve seems to think that there will be the answers needed to help your friends for good. Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Warnings- None
A/N- Those that have stuck with me through this, thank you. I hope this isn’t turning into a “what the hell are you trying to do Amber” kind of deal. Haha. I don’t have any real answers, its just whats coming out. Anyways, thank you for reading, as always its so appreciated to hear what your thoughts are on it. Happy Howling 🐺💙
Chapter Three / Masterlist
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It was a rush the following morning, Steve and Tony were busy checking over the jet being loaned for the mission. Meanwhile Pepper showed you around the giant Stark Towers. The last time you had been here you were unconscious, not remembering any of it. Pepper’s heels clicking against linoleum, while you rushed after the fast paced Alpha who was doing two tasks at once. But once she led you on the elevator, hitting some buttons, she tucked her tablet under her arm, turning her attention to you with a relaxed smile. 
“Dr. Banner has been wanting to officially meet you.” She stated as an explanation for the elevator ride. Twiddling your fingers, you shuffled foot to foot a bit nervous, only knowing the doctor had been where Steve rushed you to first when Pierce injected you. 
When the elevator door dinged and the two of you stepped out to what looked like a medical wing. A dark haired man stepped out while flipping through a chart muttering to himself when Pepper cleared her throat. “Bruce, you have a visitor.” His head lifted, blinking at them from over his glasses frames, confused as to who would want to intrude on him. But then recognition crossed his features and he snapped his clipboard shut, striding over. 
“Y/N! Pepper told me Steve was coming back this way for help, and I was hoping he would bring you.” His hand popped out to shake yours. You welcomed it with a tilt of your head, drawing in his scent. A part of you recognized him, the hint of warmth and freshness. 
“ Dr.Banner a pleasure… Steve told me what you had done for me, thank you for everything.” 
Bruce sputtered a bit, giving a shrug. “Ahh, I wasn’t able to do much, just send you along to someone better able to handle what happened to you. Umm, do you have a few minutes? I just really would like to ask you a few questions about your experience. If you are okay with that of course.” He added almost shyly and you smiled reassuringly. 
“I have no problem with that Dr.Banner.” 
“Bruce please.” Bruce looked expectantly at Pepper who checked her watch and nodded. 
“We got time, Tony will have Friday call for us when the jet is ready.” Bruce immediately turned on his heels and led the two of you towards his office. 
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Steve went through the jet, checking all the gear stashed on board as well as settling in the controls chair to make sure he was familiar with everything before leaving Stark towers. Tony plopped in the one next to him, making the Alpha in Steve rumble at the intrusion but Steve was able to placate him. 
“So off to Norway huh?” Tony leaned forward to enter the coordinates in the dash for the autopilot. “What's in Norway that can help you with everything?” 
Steve growled as he continued going over the controls. “You saw the file Fury sent along Stark. You know exactly who is there.” 
“Okay you got me.” Tony finished what he was doing and turned the chair to face Steve. “I also know he's basically a recluse now and the chance of you getting him to talk is almost nada, zip, zilch. What makes you think he's gonna spill what you need.” 
“I have my ways…” Steve said coldly, his wolf growling softly at the other Alpha in his space. 
Tony gave a mock shiver. “Alright alright… just be careful okay? I know we're not on the best terms Steve but I do have a lot of respect for what you are trying to do.” 
Steve arched a brow and shook his head. “We’re not enemies Tony, I don’t happen to agree or appreciate that stunt you pulled with Ross. But I think now my stance on that shit is known. We can disagree and still be fine.” Tony next to him brushed it off while continuing with the switches, making his own adjustments to the system. 
“I know Steve, it was still a shitty move on my part, bringing Ross into your home, where your mate was after everything that happened. But she certainly put me in my place.” He laughed, recalling how you kicked all of them out.
Steve glanced at Tony from the corner of his eye and rumbled out a “Thank you Stark, Y/N certainly isn't taking anyone's shit, not anymore.” Tony snorted in agreement to that statement. 
“I don’t think they ever do, Pepper is the same damn way.” 
Steve laughed in return, knowing full well that everything Tony said was accurate about Pepper Potts, Tony had chosen well for himself in Steve’s opinion. For all the tension between Steve and Tony, he respected the Alpha next to him, and knew that finding his packmates was just as important to Tony as it was to Steve. Not to mention finding those responsible for Happy’s murder. Steve turned his chair to face the other Alpha. “I’m sorry about what happened to Happy Tony. I know it’s hard to have lost someone who was family to you.” 
Tony blinked at him, warring with his own feelings about everything that happened. Losing Happy so brutally had taken a toll on Tony, finding the body having been dumped just outside of his territory, he still hadn’t been able to fully come to terms with it. “Thank you. Finding the bastards who did that has become my main priority.” Clapping his hands together to end the topic, he moved to a stand. “You Rogers are ready to go, ready to Captain my jet?” 
Steve waited till Tony moved out of his space before moving to follow him off the jet, keeping quiet about the further mention of Tony seeking out Happy’s killer. After seeing what had happened with Bucky and the rest, he already had his own sinking suspicions as to who killed Happy and he knew Tony did as well. 
“More than ready to go.” Steve stated, coming down the steps off the jet. Tony spoke up right then. 
“Friday, let Pepper and Y/N know that Captain Rogers is ready.” That caused Steve to roll his eyes and fold his arms over his chest. 
“Seriously Tony?” 
A smirk flashed, Tony winked at him. “Come on, I think it's a fitting title for you.”
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Bruce was furiously writing notes while you described to him what you remembered being under due to the drug Pierce had injected you with when the AI Friday announced that the jet was ready, as well as Captain Rogers. You and Pepper quirk a confused look at one another, and she rolled her eyes with a sigh. “That's gotta be Tony’s doing I'm sure.” 
You nod in agreement, turning back to Bruce. “Looks like it's time for me to go Dr.Banner…” 
“Bruce.” He was quick to interrupt and moved to a stand to shake your hand. “Thank you so much for this.” He tapped his pad of paper where he had all the notes jotted. “I will put them in my file to share with Shuri. All this is incredibly helpful knowing more about the serum used on you.” 
Giving a vigorous shake back, you smiled genuinely at Bruce, you and your Little Wolf feeling quite relaxed with the man. “If I think of anything, I will be sure to send an email.” The Little Wolf flicked her tail in agreement, half listening while she was napping. 
“Oh! Yes please do with anything you might remember, no bit of information is too small.”   
Pepper walked out with you and joined you in the elevator. Reaching the top of Stark Towers, you both were greeted by Steve and Tony, who waited just inside the jet. As soon as you saw Steve, warmth washed over you, feeling that bond between you two hum happily, your wolves sought each other, in the moment they both were teasing each other, making your mood lift from having to leave once more. The genuine pleasure at seeing Steve melded that away, just as his own did, the wolves happiness being together melded with your own. Steve enclosed you in his arms, nuzzling the crown of your head a moment before questioning if you were all set.
“Tony Stark is funding another trip for us? I’m absolutely ready.” You joked as Steve let you go so you could turn to face Tony who scoffed at you. 
“Don’t let Cap here defile my jet please!” Tony was sure to give you his signature hug, that made Steve rumble a bit although you instead laughed and gave a bop of your shoulder. 
“No promises Stark. Pepper, thank you for showing me around your home.” Embracing her in a thank you. 
“Stay safe and bring my jet back quickly, Cap.” Tony pipped up while walking off the jet with Pepper, cackling to himself at the finger Steve threw up while the doors shut you two in. 
The Alpha muttered to himself while dropping into the pilot's seat and you were quick to join him on the opposite side. You buckled in while he flicked on buttons. “Captain Rogers?” you questioned watching him get the jet ready. 
Steve rolled his eyes as he made sure everything was set and handed you a headset while fitting his own on, the jet rumbling to life around you. “Tony thinks he is very slick, giving nicknames. Apparently Cap is his new one for me.” 
You smirked at him, winking as you settled the headset on and spoke into the microphone. “I think Captain Rogers has its benefits, Steve.” 
His hand went around the handle and started to push it forward, edging the jet forward to take off, the spanse of New York City below you. Much like the night before, you marveled at the beauty only a city could offer. “You would Little One.” 
A voice piped up over the channel, Tony coming over the comms. “I think your mate has a point Cap.” 
Steve growled into the comm for a second while you started laughing in the seat next to him. “Tony! Get off this channel.” 
“It's my jet, Rogers! I will listen in if I want.” He was about to continue when Steve took off his headset, setting the jet on autopilot with the coordinates. 
You snickered into the system. “Sorry Tony, Steve is cutting you off. Bye Stark.” You effectively cut Tony off and slipped the head set off, setting it aside while you leaned forward to get a better look out the window, unbuckling in the process. “You know since I have been with you Steve, I have seen things I never thought I would. Look at this.” You directed your gaze at the expanse of the sky before you, baby blue as far as the eye could see, the skyline rushing closer till the two of you crossed over the cities edged, now nothing but the Atlantic underneath you. “Beautiful.” 
Steve settled back to admire what you were looking at, letting some of his worries sink to the back of his mind. “It is… sometimes I forget you haven't seen all this before.” He held out his arm for you to join him, which you pushed from your seat and settled in his lap, his chin resting on your shoulder. “Do you remember much from the last time I showed you?” 
You perch on his knee and look over the dash, worrying your lip. “Mmh barely.” Your eyes roved over the panels while Steve dragged the tip of his nose along the curve of your neck, inhaling against it and letting it settle him further. Both the man and Alpha wanted to enjoy the long flight with you. 
“I guess we will be getting a crash course, Little One.” He rumbled happily while you seated yourself into a more comfortable position in his lap. 
You looked over your shoulder at him, your eyes laughing at his remark and bringing the exact response he wanted. “Really Captain?” 
Tightening his arm around your waist, he nipped at your lips with teasing affection. “Tony isn't the only funny one around here.” 
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Steve spent a few hours describing the functions and some of how to fly. Together you both got to watch the sun going down and eventually you started napping in the copilot's seat, even though Steve tried to get you to go lay down in the back. 
These quiet moments, Steve wandered back to his memories, the Alpha in his mind lifting his head from the Little Wolf’s back where he had laid to rest, flicking his ears back and forth a bit at Steve’s thoughts. 
The first thing that came to memory was the stinging scent of smoke.
“Rogers, don't you dare go into that building!” Fury’s voice commanded Steve who stalled in the doorway, peering into Hydras base, nose flaring trying to catch scent of their missing comrades. “You are not commander in this mission.” 
“But Buck and the rest might be in there… I'm going” Steve defied Fury, darting into the darkness and out of sight, Fury's voice echoing behind him. 
Steve continued forward, letting his Wolf out enough to sharpen his senses. His eyes picking up the bit of light in the darkened hallways leading deeper into the compound, his eyes glimmer dangerously in the dark looking for any sign of movement. He could sense others nearby, friend or foe though he was unsure. Footsteps silent, Steve once in a while looking behind him tense to make sure no one knew he was there. Glances in rooms showed them abandoned, cleared in a haste to get out before Shield got there Steve was sure. Ahead he heard scuffles and growls, chains clanking and the sound of voices in hushed tones. The Wolf lowered to his belly, quivering in anticipation should Steve allow him to take over. He eased the door open with a creak when relief washed over him. 
There men, most of them in large cages. Familiar scents washed over him and they all perked sensing Steve. 
“Rogers is that you?” Someone muttered while Steve approached, searching for a key anywhere in a nearby desk. 
“Yes, the rest of the troop is just outside. We haven't found anyone though. Where is everyone?” 
“Bolted man, once they heard Fury was coming they grabbed their shit and left. They didn’t have the bodies to defend this place.” Dugan responded as he pushed to the front watching while Steve searched the desk. Steve opened the last drawer, cursing as he pushed aside papers and flung them to the side. Then he was rewarded with a ring full of keys. Rushing over, the two men tried sorting through them, Steve stuffing them one by one in the locks, quick to go to the next till they found another. 
“They left us and their experiments.” Dugan continued filling Steve in while he tried to find the right keys. “Some messed up stuff, they are in the next room I think.”
The Alpha rumbled to catch Steve’s attention. <Bucky isn’t with them.> The mans head whipped up while the lock clicked finally, able to pry it open and release his packmates. 
“Where is Buck?”  
“Bucky… he was brought in there and never came back out.” another said, pointing at the door across the room.
The Alpha rumbled suddenly in an alert and Steve tensed and whipped around when an eerily sharp howl sounded through the building. Dugan pushed the door open, tensing as well. “That's one of them, their experiments.” 
Steve wrangled the keys out of the lock and started to go down the line, unlocking each cage, shifters passing him to get outside. 
“Fury, you have outcoming hostages, they are friendly, don't fire.” Steve spoke into the comm. 
“I hear you Rogers.” Came Fury’s voice in a wave of static. “Any unfriendlies?” 
“No, Dugan notified me they all bailed once they heard we were coming” Steve responded before turning to his friend. “Dugan, get the rest out of here, I’m going to keep looking.” 
His friend bared his teeth at him, bristling at the notion. “You don’t know what's back there Rogers.” 
“If I have to, I will retreat, get these men out of here. I’m not leaving anyone behind.” Steve growled back deeper, the Alpha in him asserting himself and the man backed off with a disgruntled nod. 
Waiting to make sure they were going to leave, Steve approached the door cautiously, using his senses to pick up what might be on the other side, who might be on the other side. He was praying for a miracle, because nothing but death filled his senses as he eyed the door, drawing in any scent left behind. It was all jumbled, multitudes of men and women have passed through the threshhold, making it almost impossible to pinpoint any specific person. “Well… let's see what's on the other side.” Steve shouldered through the door and a lab stretched before him, ominous equipment stretched on either side. A groan came from somewhere ahead and Steve paused till he heard it again. It was so distinct to him that the hair on the back of his neck prickled, the Alphas own fur raising as well along the ridge of his back, it was another Alpha, but this one they knew. 
“Oh thank fucking god.” Steve uttered as he rushed forward to find Bucky strapped down and Steve started pulling at the straps holding him down. Wires were strapped all over Bucky's neck and chest and stretched to attach to some equipment, Steve started yanking them off as well when finally Bucky started to come around. 
“S-Steve?” His eyes sharpened and he clutched at Steve's uniform, worried that he wasn't real. 
“It’s me Buck, we’re getting out of here.” Steve tried assuring him, keeping his voice light and calm even though he was far from that. He had never seen Bucky so scared. Suddenly the howling started again from the back of the room and both men glanced that way. 
“Whoever it is just keeps doing that.” Bucky muttered when a voice crackled in the comms. 
“In-ing” then static sounded in Steve's ear, making him wince as he pressed his hand over his ear. 
“Repeat? What was that Fury?” 
“In-oming! G-t Ou-” The building started to shake and lights started zapping and popping around them. 
“We ca-t hold hi-, Get O-” Fury yelled into the comm but Steve had to rip it out, electricity zapping through it and breaking it up too much. Bucky gripped Steve tighter, his pupils blown in his panic. 
“What the fuck is it now?!” 
“I don't know… but we gotta get out of here.” Bucky started pulling Steve towards the exit, but whatever was in the back rattled its cage with a savage snarl, and Steve couldn’t leave who ever or what ever it was behind. He stuttered to a stop, Bucky pausing at the door with a shake of his head. 
“Man, we got to go… there isn't enough time.” 
Steve’s hands dropped to his pants and felt madly for the keys he had stuffed in his pocket earlier. “We can’t leave him in there Buck.” He waved his hand. “Go, I got this.” 
Bucky cursed but held tight, refusing to leave Steve behind.  
Steve raced towards the cage to free whatever was inside, shoving the key he used before into the lock and it clicked to open. Glowering green eyes blinked at him from the shadowed part of the cage, but he couldn't make anything else out in the seconds he got the door open. Bucky was screaming his name and when he managed to get the door to swing wide, a bundle of black sprang on his chest, bared white fangs yawning open going for Steve’s throat….
“Steve- Steve?” Your voice cut through and he shook his head a bit to clear it before looking at you. 
“Sorry, I thought you were sleeping Little One.” 
“I was, but the computer started beeping on the dash.” You pointed to a blinking light and Steve leaned forward to check the system, smiling. 
“We're here and just in time to. Look” He pointed out the window at the faint purple in the skyline, the sun easing up beyond the cloud cover to turn a brilliant red and orange of dawn. When Steve took over, he started to drop the jet down. Below the clouds the land turned a deep almost emerald wild green shimmering with mist stretching like tendrils to a spiderweb over the land, still in the early morning phase of waking up. 
You weren't lying earlier when you said you saw things you had never expected. From the rainforest and safari of Wakanda to the lush greenery of Norway, you soaked it all in with awe. So long spent locked away in a room, gazing with longing at the upper windows that offered nothing more than peeks of the sky. Now you soared over the world with your Mate. Even the Little Wolf was in awe, slithering away from where the Alpha was half sleeping and prancing excitedly with joy at the adventure. The Alpha stretched out, arching his back and padded heavily after her, nuzzling her affectionately while her tail waved back and forth, unable to stay still in her excitement. 
“The Little Wolf is excited.” You told Steve and he winked at you. 
“I can feel it. What do you say we take her down?” 
Steve easily maneuvered the Stark Jet down to land in a wide open field bordering the ocean. You followed him towards the doors swinging open and already wolves appeared from the long grass with tilted heads checking out the newcomers. You sidled up to Steve’s side a moment, watching the wolves dart back out of sight in the tall grass and heard their howls break the silence, announcing their arrival. It was a welcome sound, you couldn't detect any hostility in the notes. But their songs were so different. Sounded much older, almost like a language all its own. 
Steve cupped his hand and gave a sharp “We’re here” yip, that was answered resoundingly from all around you, the pack having circled you two and remained just out of sight. His arm lowered around your shoulders and you held your breath, unsure of what to expect. A bellow came, joyful and loud as a tall blonde man, even taller than Steve stepped out, his arms opened wide in greeting. 
“Why what a surprise! Are you here for the Asgard hospitality? I didn't think anything would ever get you to leave your corner in the world.” The over sized man strode towards them rather quickly, and the closer he came the more your eyes widened. You didn't think you had seen anyone who was as bigger then Steve in stature. He clasped Steve's shoulder and directed his joyful gaze down at you. “And who is this lovely maiden you bring with you?” 
“If I could be there, trust me I would. This is my mate, Y/N. Y/N, this is Thor, the Alpha here.” Steve protectively wrapped an arm around you, even though you wore his mark for Thor to see, Alphas always had a bit of tension between them no matter how much their human counterparts tried to quell it. 
Thor though seemed unaware of such a vibe as he beamed down at you warmly. “Well Little Pup, welcome to Asgard.” He took your hand in a vigorous pump and you couldn't help but warm right up to him and his exuberant nature. “We run free and feast like we are in the halls of the Old Kings here.” He swept the both of you down the path and all around his wolves started to howl and dance in a joyful manner, playing among each other much like they were participating in the Full Moon Run. “Now Rogers does tell me what has been going on across the water? It's been a while since I've visited there.” 
“Afraid we have been having some issues.” Steve started, filling Thor in on the recent attacks, taking apart the packs and capturing the Alpha’s. The viciousness in the attacks and the destruction left behind. Thor listened patiently until Steve mentioned Hydra. That's when he paused, you and Steve having taken a few steps ahead but noticed he wasn't with you. You turned to see him glowering. 
“That's why you are here, Rogers, isn't it? Because of Hydra. He wont talk to you about it you know.” 
Steve sighed and you had a sinking feeling about the situation, not fully understanding what was going on. 
“I have to try Thor, your brother was the only one who was able to break from the collars power and the mind shit Hydra does to their victims.” 
“He barely interacts with any of us Steve, he mostly stays as his animal out there.” Thor retorted, the sky started to darken slightly and you frowned to yourself at the sudden change in atmosphere while glancing up. 
Steve sighed, letting his arms hang loose at his sides to show Thor he was no threat to him. “I know Odinson, trust me. I wouldn’t be here if there was any other way. Packs, families are all being killed off, Alphas removed. How long till you think it will be till it comes over here?” Steve pointed out and Thor’s face twisted and he looked away. 
“It won’t be like before, I won’t let it.” 
“You don't know that… Shield risked sending the Howling Commando’s over here to help your people, now I’m asking for your help. Just let me try talking to him?” 
Your heart twisted as you saw Thor try to control his emotions on his face and you reached out to touch his arm, Steve for once kept quiet, inhaling deeply to keep himself in check. “Hydra really hurt him, didn't they? If it's too much we will just leave. Right Steve?” 
“If you tell me absolutely not Thor, she’s right. We will leave right now and not bother you again.” 
Thor glanced back at you, his eyes searching yours and you could see everything he was doing was about protecting this person. You bit at your lip nervously, you knew you were invading this Alpha’s space but stepped in closer anyways. “Please let us try? We just want to save those we still have left. Our packmates are fighting a losing battle with Hydra, we don't want to lose them.” 
A sigh escaped the man and he glanced over your head to Steve. “You're lucky you have her you know… she’s softened me. Slightly.” You stepped back towards Steve, who now laid his hand around your waist, chuckling softly. 
“You really don’t know half of it, she has a gift.” You wriggled in his hold a bit but he just tightened his fingers against you. “Thank you Thor for letting us try.” 
He shrugged at you both with a shake of his head. “I'm still saying that he wont talk to you, but I will show you where he stays when he is not hunting.” 
Steve gave a nod of appreciation while you reached for his hand and gave a light squeeze. “Thank you Thor.” You gave your own sentiments. 
The man looked at the two of you a moment, his eyes falling to your linked hands and motioned across the moors. “This way…” He cupped his hands, giving another howling song and the wolves joined them, spreading around Thor, these wolves were even larger than Mountain Packs wolves, giant beasts that were moving gracefully around there Alpha. You could feel the ground beneath your footfalls vibrating from there movements, the lush grass swishing to add to the melody of it all. Above them the thunder still rumbled with strong booms that cackled with electricity but had retreated from the fierceness it had flared up earlier. 
Your Little Wolf kneaded her paws next to the Alpha, lifting her head to inhale the air around them, it spoke of a wildness she was not used to. Something feral that did not adhere to normal pack constraints. The Alpha rumbled next to her, now and then dropping his muzzle to his mate to reassure her, but the pull to shift for both of them was strong. 
You could tell Steve felt it as well, the way he angled his body close to yours in a protective manner, his hand moving from a simple hold to pressing against your hip, wrapping around you. You tilted your head up towards Steve, your confusion clouding your features. He dropped his head to press a nip to your neck, whispering softly just for you. “I will explain later.” 
Thor paused in front of a wood that looked ancient, the gnarled trees had stories to tell. Shadows played deeper beyond the edge, enticing you to wander in. Your Little Wolf huffed slightly, breaking the enchantment you had fallen into. 
<This isn't just a forest Y/N, something powerful lives here.> Her ears flattened and you could feel her unease and the Alpha’s wariness sharpening, his ears pricked forward before twisting listening. 
What is it? You questioned your Little Wolf and she whined unsure. You felt the Alpha slip away, in the same moment Steve tilted his face up, his nostrils flaring. You knew he was scenting for any kind of danger that might come from the old forest.
Next to you Thor boomed out loudly, making it echo. “Come out Loki!” You and the Little Wolf perked, hearing the woods shift and groan, shadows danced closer when a streamlined black shadow emerged to turn solid, the beast was streamlined. His size shifting to grow larger in the presence of you and Steve, a sharp pointed muzzle turned towards you and ears twitched with interest as he took you both in. You were a bit taken aback when you saw Loki, but he paused just after the forest ended and you could see the tip of his nose twitching, green eyes with almost emerald qualities glinting with the bit of light that somehow seemed to filter from the thunderous clouds still rumbling above you. 
What do we have here? An omega to Rogers? A true Omega? Oh what a prize he really does have here. I wonder if he knows… A voice tickled your senses and the Little Wolf spun in your mind, searching for the intrusion. The Alpha returned to the Little Wolf, curling around her with a growl and a laugh echoed through you, not one that belonged to you. 
“Steve…” You whined a bit and he furrowed his brow looking at you, confused as well as to what was going on, feeling you through your bond. 
“Rogers is here to talk with you Loki, come out and quit playing games Brother.” Thor folded muscular arms across his chest and the black canine shimmered an emerald green while disappearing in a wisp of shadow and a sharp yip barking out from nowhere. 
A resounding defiant No. 
Thor shook his head at Steve. “Loki won't interact with Alphas short of me Steve, not since Shield pulled him from Hydra.” 
The Little Wolf unweaved from the Alpha when she heard Thor. 
<Y/N, we’re not an Alpha. Maybe he will talk to us.> 
Steve would never allow us to go in there alone. 
<It's the only way, Loki won't talk to Steve. He's too much of a threat to him. Say something, that big Alpha doesn't seem scared that Loki will hurt us.> 
You took a deep breath and while Thor and Steve discussed other options, you turned to the men, catching there attention. “Let me go in and talk to him.” Steve immediately barked out a no, but Thor tilted his head, considering what you were saying. “I'm not an Alpha, he won't be threatened by me, right Thor?” You pressed for an answer from the man and he nodded. 
“Your Little Pup has a point, Rogers. Loki wouldn't hurt her. I will escort her inside so she’s protected the whole way.” 
Steve felt his chest expand as he drew up to his full height. “I'm not letting Y/N go in by herself, I know you trust your brother, but I don't.” His eyes flared yellow, the Alpha close to the surface with concerns of your safety. You could see that he was winding up to call all this off when you reached up to grasp his face between your palms, tilting his head to look directly at you. 
“Alpha trust me, I know I can do this.” You stressed to him, the furrow in his forehead deepening as you knew he was at war with himself. “If anything is wrong, I will call you. Let me do this.” His hands circled your wrists and you felt that war inside of him. The same one where it was ingrained in him to keep you safe at all costs. It was all right there, flooding through the bond you two shared, your confidence, his worry. Steve huffed slightly before lifting his gaze from yours.  
“Thor, give me a moment with my mate please.” Steve requested and Thor moved away, closer towards the border of his brother’s forest, his broad back turned towards the two of you while he waited. “Little One, if something happens. Loki isn't a normal wolf…” 
“I could tell that as soon as we came near here.” You let your fingers press through his beard on his cheeks and slide down to his neck, sure to rub his scent against you in the process as well as sharing calming touches. “But he has the answers we need, Alpha.” 
Steve knew you were right, but the inner battle was fierce. The Alpha wanted to protect his mate, an animalistic need to not let you go into that forest, every fiber of his being was on edge because of it. His human side knew you could do this and get the answer to save their pack mates. You were confident, he needed to trust you like you asked. 
<Don't you let her go in there with that Alpha. What is Loki going to do to stop us.> 
Loki is not all Wolf as you well know, he won't tolerate the intrusion. 
The Alpha bristled aggressively, licking his muzzle over and over nervously. <We won't be there to protect her should he turn on her.> 
But Thor will be… You know as much as I do that he wouldn't let any get hurt in his care. 
“Trust me Alpha.” Your fingers trailed along the mark you had left on him, your mark that made him belong to you. The most sacred of bonds a mated pair could share and made in the utmost trust that you two would take care of each other. 
She is asking us to trust her. If we can’t trust in our mate, then what hope do we have? Steve was firm and the Alpha had to concede to him. 
Steve moved his hands to your face, cupping the most important part of his life gently in his palms as he inhaled deeply and tipped his forehead against yours. “Little One, if anything happens, anything at all, call for me. I will come get you.” 
The corners of your mouth lifted and he saw it go to your eyes, pride and strength that your Alpha was trusting you to go in his place. “Of course Alpha.” You lifted to catch his lips, nuzzling your nose against his. “I know you will come for me if I need you.” You embraced him fiercely, Steve let his nose bury in the crown of your head and then let you go against his instincts. The Wolf rumbled, anxious as he paced watching you reach Thor. His eyes reached the other Alphas. “Thor…” 
“I understand what is at stake. No harm will come to her, I swear it.” 
You looked so tiny next to the man, your head tilted up to look at him with a warm smile and Thor's tilted down to look back at you. Steve watched the same warm smile cross Thor's face, making your mate proud of you, how easily you had already won Thor over. You had come so far from the runaway he first met and your warmth spread so easily to those around you. Maybe Loki wouldn't be immune to you. 
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The moment you stepped into the forest with Thor, it darkened. Looking over your shoulder, the emerald green sea of the moor was almost a picture racing away to be enclosed by old tree trunks. You licked your lips nervously and folded your arms around your body, sure to keep up with Thor. He was confident in his strides, the darkening vibrant woods was just as much home for him as the windswept open land you two left behind. 
The Little Wolf was curious in the new surroundings, pacing and keeping a keen eye on everything you were hurriedly passing by trying to keep up with Thor. 
You weren't wrong that the forest had a life all its own. It seemed to breathe around you, moss stretched across large boulders that sprang tendrils of plant life curling upwards to try and reach sunlight. Heavy thick trees were bristling against your palm and almost seemed to heave in sighs at your gentle touch. Thor glanced back at you, golden tendrils clinging to his face now and his eyes crinkled in watching you loosen from your fear into awe. 
“You feel it, right?” He chuckled and you withdrew your hand from the tree back to your body. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Its soul, the magic in it all.” He braced against a tree and inhaled deeply. “All of this is very alive as you and I, it's old and has been standing long before we claimed this as home.” 
You tentatively touched a nearby tree again, feeling tingles in your palms, making you shudder a bit. “It is certainly… like home, but not quite.” 
Thor nodded with a wink. “Still a baby over there, your packs are just starting to write the stories that will live on after you are gone. One day they will have a life of their own, just like this one.” 
Your brows quirked at his words. He's a funny man isn't he. 
Your Little Wolf curled her tail around herself as she sat down. <He is, but I like him. This place feels like we belong here.> 
There does seem to be a certain calling to be here… 
You two continued on and you risked another statement. “Loki is not like you, is he?” 
Thor shook his head. “No, he is not. But you have no need to worry Little Wolf.” He paused while he glanced around, inhaling sharply. “It's just me and Y/n, Brother, come out of hiding.” 
“I'm not hiding, I can't help that you are not a more observant Brother.” A cool voice came from above and your eyes shot up to a long legged man lounging in the branches, looking almost like he couldn't be bothered. Thor snorted impatiently and motioned towards you. 
“Y/N has some questions for you.” 
Vivid green eyes fell on you and a cool grin formed as he moved to sit up and slide down. He walked in such a predatory way, almost circling you. The Little Wolf's hackles raised at him and you hitched yourself straighter. You felt that tingle in your mind again. 
Why is it your Alpha is sending you in here for Omega? My brother is right, you are just a little pup aren’t you, so new to the world...
You snarled out loud, glaring at him. “You are not welcome in my mind, and I’m no pup.” And a quick withdrawal left you and Little Wolf alone once more. You could feel your Alphas curling warmth in your mind, even if he couldn't be with you. 
Respect crossed Loki's features and he bowed his head. “Forgive my intrusion. It's not often I'm sought out, except by Thor that is.” Thor barked out a deep bellowing laugh, clasping your shoulder. 
“You can't use your tricks on this one, she is small but fierce. Her Alpha has great respect for her.” 
Loki gave a slight sniff, his green eyes sliding over you as he remarked. “I’m afraid you are right.” 
You shrugged out of Thor’s grasp now, wanting the answers you came for. “Loki, our packmates have been collared by Hydra. Steve seems to think that you know how to break from their control. Please, is there any way to break the hold they have on them.” Loki suddenly appeared next to you, his fingers catching a lock of your hair and pressing it between his fingers for a moment as if further inspecting you. You jumped and pulled away from him, making Thor growl a warning at him. But you narrowed your gaze at him, knowing well that he was testing you. You had seen it all before while living with Pierce. “Don't touch me Loki, only Steve is allowed to. How did you do that anyways, appear next to me?” 
His fingers swirled slightly, green wisps dancing around his nimble long fingers. “Magic Dear. I'm part Coyote, a Trickster. Sure your Alpha told you?” 
You shook your head. “No… He doesn't talk much about his life in Shield.” Your Little Wolf crooned in comfort, knowing sometimes you were worried about how he would be so vague about it. 
“Well it was a dark time for the shifters.” Loki admitted and glanced at his brother. “I don't much like discussing that time either.” You clenched your jaw a moment, worried he was going to flat out refuse your requests but he dipped his head. “But for you Dear, you boldly come out here without your Alpha, that deserves to have your questions answered. Come…” He beckoned to you and led you away, Thor was not far behind. Soon a small dwelling came into view and the door yawned open, which Loki stepped in. 
Inside was different from what you were expecting. Books lined shelves upon shelves, seeming to go on forever. Plush chairs were dotted near a fireplace and wooden carvings dotted the entire area. Wood shavings littered the floor, making you smile a bit because it reminded you of your Alpha, the fresh wood scent enveloping you. The place was cozy, almost like something from a story book. Of course, this whole experience was making you feel that way, like some sort of fairytale your mother would have told you before bed. Thor heavily fell into a nearby chair, quiet as his brother waved at a seat in offering to you.   
Loki approached a shelf and whispered under his breath till a box fell into his hands. Easing it open, he pulled out a collar. Silver strands weaved together into an intricate design. “This one was mine, but it stopped working on me after a time. So it was just useless metal. Why Hydra had kept me caged when Steve found me.” He handed it to you and you were caught by surprise at how light it was. Studying it closer, you could see twists of coarse black fur wedged through it where it sat on Loki’s neck. 
“Why did it stop working?” You asked curiously and Loki settled down in one of the seats. 
“Simple, I willed for my freedom. Most of the wolves have such a strong desire to follow an Alpha. Even the Alphas themselves can be forced to follow a stronger one should they come across one. Hydra didn't know I wasn't a Wolf, not completely. I can't be controlled in the same way for long. But it's that simple in how to get your wolves back. Your Alpha has to challenge them for control. Assert that he is stronger than the one controlling them with the collars.”  
You handed his collar back to him and Loki flicked his wrist to send it back to the box, the box flashing away in the same green blaze you had seen earlier. “That's all it takes?” You asked incredulously. Loki shrugged with a nod. 
“Hydra though is led by someone who has a power that no Wolf should have. It's how they are able to control such a large and secret organization for such a long time. But such power can always be challenged.” He drifted off, looking away into the fire he had burning in the fireplace. 
You let the silence sit for a few moments before speaking up. 
“Why wouldn't you talk to Steve?” 
Loki gave a slight roll of eyes. “I don't care for Alpha’s, they always feel the need to challenge and dominate. I've dealt with that enough in my life. I choose to live on the edges of my own Pack, still a member should Thor need my assistance and the rest leave me in peace.” 
“Then why me? You seemed interested in me being an Omega.” The Little Wolf stopped her pacing for just a moment, head tilted in curiosity. 
“Because true Omegas do not need to dominate or be controlled by anyone.” Loki turned towards you, his head tilting into your direction. “You might always submit to your Alpha, but that's a choice you and your wolf make together, consciously or not. If you were to ever truly want to defy him, you easily could. It's why you were able to make me leave when I was exploring your mind.” You rolled your eyes a bit at the trickster, clearly not believing him. A life time of being made to submit to Pierce against your will and the recent incidents with Steve... you felt he had you mistaken. “ You can roll your eyes at me all you want Little Pup, but I know what I’m talking about. Omega’s can be a threat to Alpha’s or for the right one, there everything. Really depends on the Alpha they are connected to. So I like you Little Omega, you are a challenge for me.” He winked and you rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the smile you gave to him. After all was said and done, you liked the Trickster. 
“Is there anything else you can tell me? How did you get the collar off?” You asked and Loki motioned towards Thor. 
“That was me. After Fury contacted me that Loki was with the Howling Commando’s Unit, I went to bring him home. I can provide you two with a special knife made to deal with unnatural made materials.” Loki rubbed at his face and his front door sprang open, a rush of air billowing into the dwelling. 
“Now I have answered your questions Omega, I can feel your Alpha pacing my border anxious. It's getting on my nerves. Return to him so he can settle back down.” 
You nodded, letting your senses open a bit and sure enough Steve was anxious, although far physically, you could feel him. Nodding as you approached Loki, you held out your hand to him. He eyed it a moment, and then slid his own in yours respectfully to give a shake. “Perhaps soon we will cross paths again, Little Omega.” 
“Perhaps we will Trickster.” You bid a final goodbye and now you left a bit more at ease, having the information you and Steve needed to save your family. 
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awormonastring · 4 years
Office Hours- Professor Aizawa x Student
Summary: Life as a college student left you bored. Your history professor, Aizawa Shouta gives you just what you need, but you get a little too close.
Word count: 6077
CW: Professor x Student Relationship 
College life was basic. Wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, sleep. It was a basic cycle, but you made the most out of it by getting good grades. Except recently, something was up. It was your third year of college and you still didn’t have a major. With all your friends being in the process of getting ready to graduate, you were still left confused. This made you feel alone and unfulfilled. Ultimately, you just felt unmotivated with school. What’s the point of trying if you’re just going nowhere? So you started to miss more of your classes, assignments, which led to your grades plummeting. Your history class was a class you genuinely enjoyed but you just never felt like going. To avoid getting kicked out from school (which would upset your parents), you decided to just show up to your classes.
You forced yourself to wake up early, with your class starting at 10am, and decided to do your makeup and actually make an effort to get ready (just as a little motivation boost). You headed to your 10am science class and actually made it on time, which made you feel proud. After about 2 hours your class ended and you had about an hour long break until your last class of the day which was your history class. You decided to get some coffee to wake you up a bit since you felt extremely tired. A part of you still felt unmotivated, but you convinced yourself to push through.
It was 2pm and you were now in your last class of the day. You kept on giving yourself little motivators to make yourself pay attention and try:
“C’mon Y/N. It’s the last class of the day. After this you can go home and reward yourself with a nap. It’ll go by quickly. You like this subject plus this professor is good looking. At least let that motivate you” the little voice in your head said.
Sitting next to the door, you were the first one who knew when your professor was here. You could hear his footsteps and smell his cologne that left an invisible trail leading to the door. He walked into the room holding a coffee cup and black messenger bag. His long black hair was tied back into a low bun. He wore a light blue dress shirt, dark grey pants, and dark brown shoes. Damn, he actually was really good looking. It was something you never noticed since you were always just focused on your work and left class as soon as it ended. You didn’t even know his name. It started with an “A” but you weren’t really sure what it was. To your luck, one of your classmates raised his hand to ask a question. Professor Aizawa was his name. The name easily flowed off your tongue as you mouthed it. Getting your attention, pieces of paper being passed your way.
Oh shit.
It turns out that today your first paper of the semester was due, and you had no idea. As Professor Aizawa came by to collect the papers, he could sense your gloomy energy.
“Y/N,” he spoke which caused your head to look up at him, “Can you stay after class? I have to talk to you about something?”
“Yeah.” You responded. Great. Was he going to drop you from the class for missing too many days? Probably. The duration of the class consisted of you bouncing your leg, clicking your pen, wallowing in anxiousness. You know you were probably bothering the rest of your classmates, but you weren’t a person of confrontation. Class finally ended. You waited for the rest of your classmates to leave before approaching Professor Aizawa’s desk.
Waiting with sweaty palms, Professor Aizawa looked up at you while he was in the middle of writing. He placed the tip of his pen to his mouth, thinking about what to say.
“Y/N. I’ve recently noticed that you haven’t been showing up to class.” You could sense the disappointment in his face, which was weird. Why was he so disappointed about you not showing up to class? He’s never even spoken to you, let alone even acknowledged you until now. After taking a long inhale, you respond.
“Yeah. I’m sorry, I just… I’m just going through one of those times. There’s just a lot going on with me.”
“I understand. But you always have to make the most out of your education, you aren’t paying all this tuition for nothing,” He gently laughed, “Anyways, I wanted to let you know about your recent missing assignments but my next class is about to start. How about I give you my card and you come to my office hours. This is gonna be my last class so if you’re free in about an hour you can come and we can figure out what to do about these assignments.” He reaches into his bag and pulls out his card.
The card reads: Shouta Aizawa. Department of Social Sciences. Head of the History Department.
His phone number and email are also being shown. You looked up at him.
“Okay. Sounds good! I can wait an hour. Thank you.”
You left the classroom feeling a bit of a relief. You honestly expected him to just drop you from the class. But the way he was so nice with you made you feel relaxed. It made you feel like someone could see the better in you. You headed to the library to take a nap before this meeting.
Walking around the social science building, you had no idea where you were going. The fact that the social science building consisted of 3 levels definitely made things more complicated for you. His office was located in 118O. You weren’t anywhere near that. “142” the nearest room showed. You decided to just give up and figure everything out tomorrow.
From a short distance, you could see Professor Aizawa walking the other direction. You thought about following him but felt like you would seem creepy if you did that. He turned around and noticed you staring at him.
“Hello Y/N. Are you lost?” he remarked. God how weird did you look just standing there? Your face flushed red.
“Hi Professor Aizawa. I’m sorry. I was just trying to find your office but uh, this building is a lot bigger than I expected” You tried laughing to ease awkwardness.
“No worries. Just follow me. My office is a bit hard to find since it’s sort of isolated.” He walked a bit in front of you while telling you about his previous class and how half of the class didn’t show up. After about 5 minutes, the two of you arrived at his office. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his keys and unlocking the door. You were surprised to find that his office was extremely clean. From his appearance, you assumed his office was going to be a little messy. His office consisted of random diplomas, a stack of papers on his desk along with a computer, black couch, basically everything that would be in your typical office. He glanced at you, “Take a seat. Make yourself comfortable.” He sat at his computer, typing away.
You looked around at his office to find something to help start conversation since the silence in the room made you feel awkward. Except, he didn’t have any photos. No family, friends, nothing. It made you feel kind of bad for him. Imagine how lonely he must be.
Finally saying something, the professor started, “Looking at your current grade- well, you’re at a D+ right now. C’mon Y/N, I expected better of you. You started off my class doing exceptional work on all my assignments. But now, you are so behind.”
“I know. I just haven’t been doing good these past couple of weeks. It’s just a lot going on not even with my life ju-”
“It’s alright. If you want to explain what has been going on, I’m here to listen. I just want you to do better. I don’t like seeing my students struggle, especially if I know what they are capable of. You can talk to me about what you are going through, only if you’re comfortable” His eyes glued to his computer then made eye contact with you for a brief moment. After a few seconds, he ran his fingers, pushing the strands on his face back, going back to viewing the screen.
You felt conflicted. You wanted to tell him about what you were going through. But, you didn’t feel like your struggles were valid. Should you be given another shot at your assignments when you didn’t show up to class for almost a month? Nothing was going on in your life, so what could you even say?
You decided to just say what was on your mind. Being honest was the only chance you had at passing this class, especially since you wanted to transfer soon. You stopped playing with your fingers and fixed your posture.
“Well, recently I’ve just been overthinking. I’ve kind of lost all my motivation for school. I don’t even know why. I’m assuming it’s because I still don’t have a major while all my friends are already transferring, graduating, and planning out their futures. While I’m just stuck. I feel like I’m not going anywhere.” The man sitting across from you, with his full attention. You didn’t even know when he stopped paying attention to his computer. He responds.
“That’s completely understandable”
“What?” That caught you off guard. You were so used to most teachers invalidating their students’ feelings.
“I mean. I can absolutely see how that would affect your mindset for school. How about we figure out a plan to get you right back on track.” His hands clasped together showed that he was genuinely interested in helping you. Staring at his hands, you noticed his hands were really big, his veins immediately grabbing your attention. This caused your face to go red. You could tell he enjoyed working out in his free time.
“Sounds good.” you smiled. You were still confused as to why he was helping you but he was able to get your grade up plus he was attractive so it served as eye candy while he worked.
After countless questions about your interests, the two of you were able to figure out a potential major for you which made you feel a lot more motivated. You felt like you were finally moving forward rather than continuing to be stagnant. Two hours had now passed and you had to go home. As you packed your notebook and pencil bag, the man invited you to another potential meeting.
“Y/N if you ever need help with figuring out how to go about your major just let me know and we could help figure out a plan.” He stated. His eagerness to help you really meant a lot, so why not visit him again?
“Yeah. That actually sounds really good. I’d love to plan out my schedule.” You responded.
“Great! You can just come by whenever. No need to make an appointment… that is if you can find my office on your own.” He teased which caused you to jokingly roll your eyes. “Anyways, I’ll see you Y/N.”
“Thank you for your help Professor Aizawa!” You left his office and made your way home. Not only feeling accomplished but also feeling a weird feeling, almost like butterflies.
The next day, you decided to go by his office to see if he was there. You weren’t planning on having another meeting with Professor Aizawa since you didn’t want to seem weird, but you still wanted to see him since you only had class with him 2 days a week.
You walked into the Social Sciences building and headed to his office, only wanting to casually walk by to get a glance of the professor before heading home. Walking up the stairs, you made your way and pretended to casually stroll by… like you didn’t purposely walk across your campus just to get a glimpse of him. A part of you didn’t even know why you were even doing this. Another part of you just wanted to see what he was wearing, hear his voice, you wanted him to acknowledge you. These thoughts in your head turned into a full on day dream and you dozed off as you walked, not noticing that you had walked by without even looking into his office.
“Fuck” You thought. You missed your chance at seeing him. Should you walk back and potentially get caught walking around his office or should you just give up and go home?
You turned around and headed back towards his office. If he noticed you walking by his office again you could just say you forgot something. But why would he even ask? Your mind started to race with possible scenarios that could occur. Suddenly, you noticed a figure walking towards you. Of course, it was Professor Aizawa heading home.
“Hi Y/N. What are you doing here? There aren’t any classes going on right now?”
Embarrassment flowed throughout your whole body. You weren’t even sure of what to tell him since you were on the third floor of the Social Science Building where all the offices were located. Most of the professors had gone home. You cleared your throat.
“Um- I was just…” God what could you even say? “I just wanted to see if you were in your office- to see if we could plan out my schedule for next semester. You know since you said you could help me” You awkwardly laughed.
“But I see you’re done for the day so we can just plan ano-”
“No it’s fine. I don’t mind staying later. I’m not busy this evening” He interrupted.
The two of you walked to his office. You felt a little guilty since you’re the reason that he has to stay on campus even longer.
“I’m sorry for making you stay later” You apologized.
“No don’t be sorry. I don’t mind at all. Listen. My job is to help my students. I enjoy this.”
You had no idea why that made your heart rate increase. Were you starting to develop feelings for your professor? You were so confused but you pushed it aside to take in the time you were spending. Admiring every feature of his face. From his man bun, to his 5 o’clock shadow, everything about Professor Aizawa captivated you.
After about an hour, you finally had all your classes for the next 2 semesters planned out. You planned on taking 12 units per semester which included general ed classes along with classes for your major. Grinning at your professor as you put away your paperwork into your backpack, you felt so much appreciation for him. In just 2 days, you were able to not only pick a major, but also plan out your semesters. And it was all thanks to your history professor.
“Thank you so much. I really appreciate you going all this way for me. I really don’t deserve all this honestly. But it means a lot that you are so willing to help me.”
“Don’t sweat it. Seeing you grow is enough of a reward to me. It’s why I do what I do.” He was packing his things as well.
“Well, I’ll see you in class! Thank you so much again for all your help,” waving goodbye as you walked out.
When you approached the door of the Social Science building you noticed that it was pouring rain outside. You had no idea it was even going to rain so you definitely were not prepared. Conveniently, you also planned to walk home since you couldn’t afford an uber home. You decided to try calling your mom, no answer. Friends? The two friends you had both worked. While you were waiting and trying to call your friends, Professor Aizawa approached the door to go to his car.
“Oh my bad.” He could sense that there was something wrong with you which caused him to make a second take to you. “You have a way home right?” Oh no. Were you better off lying to him or being honest?
“Um, yeah I wasn’t aware it was gonna rain today and I was planning on walking home. I don’t know why no one is answering to pick me up.”
“If you want I could give you a ride home. Just so you don’t have to walk home in the rain,” the keys wiggling between his fingers called your attention.
“Oh god haha. I feel bad.”
“I don’t mind. I’d rather drive you home then have you walking home by yourself in the rain.”
“If you can, I would appreciate it.”
“Alright. Let’s go.” He declared.
Walking to the parking lot while sharing an umbrella, you wondered what kind of car your professor would have. Your curiosity was put on hold when you heard a car ring. There it was. You weren’t someone who knew much about cars but the car had a small logo in front. The top of the license plate read: Mercedes Benz. The car shimmered with a clean grey tint. The car itself looked expensive. You both entered the car and headed to your home.
The car ride was about half an hour. It was also very silent. Professor Aizawa occasionally made small talk but due to the fact that it was pouring rain he became too focused on the road. The car was filled with the sound of the radio playing top hits. From time to time, you would glance at him. You noticed how mad he looked when he drove which made you flustered. His left thumb was placed on his lip as his right hand steered the wheel. Whenever someone cut him off, he would tug on his tie to let out his frustration. Furrowed eyebrows and random moments where he would clear his throat as if he was about to say something but never did. You noticed the details about the professor, such as when he would look back, he’d place his arm around your seat which always made you hold your breath with a clear blush on your face.
Professor Aizawa finally arrived at your house. You watched his hand as he moved the gear shift to ‘P.’ He rubbed his five o clock shadow before turning to you. You were lost in him.
“This is your house right?” He questioned which broke you from your trance.
“Oh! Yeah. This is my house. Thank you again for taking me home. I’ll try giving you gas money next time I see you”
“It’s alright. Don’t worry about it. Your house is on the way to mine so I don’t lose anything from taking you home. Let me know if you ever need me to drop you off again okay?”
“Sure thing. Thank you again Professor Aizawa!”
“Call me Aizawa. I’m not on the job right now so feel free to just call me Aizawa. Have a good one.” He laughed. You exited his car and walked to your door, noticing that he was waiting until you entered your home which made your heart warm.
When you entered your room, you immediately threw yourself on your bed. An exhale left you and had you feeling a sense of satisfaction. Your whole body felt warm and you weren’t sure why. You felt so many feelings. You constantly wanted to be around Aizawa. A part of you felt disappointed that he would never send you a text message everyday, let alone even feel the same way about you. The other part of you felt a sense of bliss that you were even in his car. Another part of you felt weird and wrong for having these wants and feelings towards your professor. You pressed your thighs together to give yourself the pleasure your teacher would never be able to, imagining his touch granting you all of your deepest desires as a melody of his name left your lips.
The next couple of weeks consisted of you going to Aizawa’s office after your classes. The first couple of days, you would make up random excuses to visit him like homework help, directions, small things like that. As time passed on, you just started to go with no excuse. The two of you would talk for hours about random things. He would even go as far as buy you food. The two of you would eat while laughing about life stories each of you would tell. He would take you home everyday, even teaching you how to drive. The man would constantly tease you for not knowing how to drive.
“So let me get this. You’re 21 and can’t drive?” The man laughed as he took the last bite of his burrito bowl.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, “you know I kinda have a fear of driving.”
“Want me to teach you?”
The more you hung out with him, the more you fell head over heels over him. You felt like your feelings were wrong. Was it bad to like someone 10 years older than you? Someone who already had his life figured out while you were still trying to figure out yours? These questions kept you up at night. The divide within your thoughts had you torn. No one could fulfill you like he could.
You entered his office one Thursday evening. It was the end of the week and the end of finals. You were completely exhausted. When you entered Aizawa’s office, things were different. The couch and your usual seat were gone. You stared at the professor in confusion.
“Oh… are you busy today?” You questioned.
“No. Oh! The chairs- I just needed to get my furniture cleaned since the semester is about to end but I guess they still haven’t finished cleaning.” He kept his eyes on the computer.
“Should I leave?” You were so confused. He was acting so weird.
“Why?” He continued typing, completely unfazed.
“Well there’s nowhere for me to sit…”
“Why don’t you just sit on the floor, princess” Immediately, a look of regret spread on his face. He was so focused typing he didn’t realize what he said, “Oh shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to call you that.” Both of your faces were covered in a bright shade of red. You tried to ease the discomfort in the room. “Oh it’s okay I actually like it! It’s cute!” Too honest. That was probably the wrong thing to say. Aizawa moved his focus from his computer to you. His eyes could see the longing you felt for him. His eyes knew that you wanted him.
“Oh really?” He playfully said, “In that case, I don’t think a princess should be sitting on the ground like that.”
“Well there’s nowhere else to sit.” You could sense he was flirting with you. Did he want you as much as you wanted him, or was it all in your head?
“Well… why don’t you sit on my lap?” His voice mocked you. The energy in the room had completely shifted. It felt like pure ecstasy. Was this real? Or just another one of your dreams? One of those dreams of your professor that left you absolutely soaked every single time you woke up. There was no way this was reality.
Aizawa had rolled his chair back, waiting for you to join him. His hands hanging from the arm rests, the sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows which made your breathing faster. You wanted those hands on you so bad. The urge for pleasure ran all over your body.
“What the fuck” was all you could say. It caught you off guard that he would say something like that. You were so used to seeing him be professional that seeing this side of him threw you off, but you loved this new side of him. And you wanted to have some fun with him…
“Maybe if you would’ve had a chair I would’ve had an actual place to sit..but whatever I guess” You talked back. You knew this would bother him since he was so used to being in charge as a teacher.
“Ahhh so that’s how it’s going to be” which was followed by a sinister giggle and dark stare. Your body was entangled by Aizawa’s eyes. He didn’t even have to lift a finger and you were already walking towards him. He had you on an imaginary leash that you loved. When you were close enough he yanked your arm and placed you on his lap, looking away from him. You could feel yourself getting wet for him.
”Since you want to act like a little brat with me, how about I show you how things are done here? You must’ve gotten a little too comfortable with me so let me put you in your place, princess” He whispered into the crook of your neck, which released a whine in you.
“Look at how wet you are for me, all I have to do is whisper in your ear and you’re dripping for me, I can feel it,” He was right. Aizawa didn’t have to touch you and you were a mess for him. Even in class, whenever you noticed Aizawa glance at you, you would always tighten your thighs just to get some sort of small release. His whisper in your ear made you so weak and he knew that, “So why doesn’t my princess destress herself. I can't even imagine how stressful school must be for her.” His hands were wrapped around you, gently brushing against your bare inner thigh. You always wore skirts everyday in hopes that he could put his hands up your legs and it was finally happening.
“Hnnng” All you could do was whine. Nothing was being done, so how could you already feel so much?
“C’mon. Why don’t you grind on my thigh? I can tell by the way you’ve been looking at me that you’ve wanted this for so, so long. Go on- Here why don’t I help you” The man proceeded to grab your hips and gyrate them. Moving your body in circles, you whimpered cries of pleasure. His toned thigh against your throbbing sex while his hands gripped you. His hands progressively got tighter around your waist and he began using his tongue on your neck to follow the gyrating motion from your hips. All you could do was grasp his hands and cry. You felt so good but you had to keep your voice down since the two of you were in his office and you were scared others would hear.
“God, I can feel how wet you are for me. C'mon let me hear you moan for me, don’t be shy” He nibbled on your ear as he moved his hand down your body and underneath your skirt. He chuckled under his breath as he felt how wet you were for him. Aizawa gave you some time to get used to his touch before inserting two fingers inside of you. An audible “mmm” could be heard and felt from him. He thought it was so hot how much you wanted him. He noticed all those times in class when you would move your eyes to his bulge whenever he was teaching, or when you would stare at his hands when he drove. He wanted to keep you wanting him.
He removed his fingers from your pussy and stuck them in your mouth so you could taste yourself. Moving his fingers, you gagged with watery eyes.
“Look at you. You’re a sloppy fucking mess for me. I can't wait to have my cock in you.” He moaned in your ear before moving you to the ground. The man moved you to the ground and demanded you to strip for
“Strip for me like the slut you are.” He walked back to his seat and watched you fully clothed as you slowly removed your clothes. He didn’t move at all, his eyes stayed glued on you. Meanwhile, you couldn’t even stare at him. You focused your attention to your clothes. After finally taking off everything, he made you crawl to him. A part of you was embarrassed at how much control this man had over you. But the other half of you had dreamt of this for so long. You wanted him to control you so bad.
You slowly unzipped his pants and could feel his erect cock spring out. A trail of precum leaked from it. You took the tip into your mouth as your tongue swirled along his sensitive part which stirred up a groan from the man. After a few minutes, you fully took him into your mouth. You felt pressure on the back of your head. Aizawa had placed his hand on the back of your head to keep you on his entire cock. This elicited a gag from you.
“Damn you would think with the way you dress you’d know how to do this by now. No worries, princess I’ll teach you how” He ridiculed before grabbing your hair and moving your face to his shaft, taking him whole. He started to move your face up and down his cock as he fucked your face. The back of your throat burned and your vision was blurred, however through all that, this was the most fulfilled you’ve been. After so many dreams of Aizawa, you finally had him. Your fantasy was being granted. He came in your mouth, telling you to open your cum filled mouth. He grabbed your face as he spit in your mouth. You swallowed before thanking him.
“Thank you, sir” You breathed. He grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you for the first time. Lips brushed against each other as the two of you mumbled sweet nothings. Aizawa stroked himself as he seductively spoke in between your lips.
“Well since there’s no chair I guess the only place your slutty ass can sit is on my cock, huh princess?” He sat on his chair, his hand around your waist. His hair was down and strands covered his face. A look of sin was conveyed on his face. He wasn’t just your professor anymore. At this moment, Aizawa embodied corruption. This was a completely different side of him that no one would ever get to see. Nobody except you. This realization scared you but it also excited you.
You joined him on the chair and slowly lowered yourself onto his cock. You let out a harsh cry as soon as his tip was inside of you before quickly covering your mouth.
“I want you to fuck yourself using my cock, you understand?” He purred into your ear which sent chills down your spine.
“Y-yes sir” You stuttered before slowly lifting yourself up. Up & down- the motion that would drive you mad. Even the slow speed you were going at wasn’t enough to have your legs trembling.
“Ah..fuck” You moaned.
“That’s a good girl. Like that.” Aizawa murmured. He had sat back and admired you, letting you go at your own pace. Occasionally, the man would pet your hair and caress your face.
After some time, impatience grew for Aizawa. He wanted to fuck you so hard. It took everything in him to let you go at your own slow pace. But his animalistic arousal was getting the best of him. He put his hand around your neck as he put you down on his desk.He buried his cock in you. The pace progressively got faster and faster. You weren’t used to this at all.
“Aizawa fuck. Too fast. Please keep going” You begged. Stars started to form in your vision but the feeling of euphoria you felt ran down to your sweet spot. Your natural instinct in you caused you to place your hands on his chest to move him away due to the overwhelming sensation you felt. In response, he stopped. He grabbed your hands that were on his chest and moved them on above your head. Aizawa undid his maroon tie and proceeded to bind your hands together.
“Your hands were getting in the way.” His raspy voice let out an almost menacing chuckle, as if he was now mocking you. You were in his complete control, which is something that brought out a raunchy side of him. It was something that made you absolutely weak. You wanted to submit to him.
He continued to thrust in and out of you again. Eventually, he was going at a fast pace again. His fuck had your mind blank. All you could let out were whimpers and pleads, while he grunted in your ear.
“C’mon I wanna hear you moan louder for daddy. You're daddy’s princess, let me hear you. Here let me help you” The man moved his hand to your sweet spot and proceeded to move his fingers in circles. By this point, you were practically screaming at all the pleasure he was giving you. You didn’t even care if others could hear your moans. You wanted him to keep going so bad, but could your body handle it? You opened your eyes for a brief second and caught a glimpse of the man’s eyes. His black eyes were full of impurity as he watched you go from his innocent student to his lewd fucktoy.
“I'm not gonna let you cum until you’re begging for me. Why don’t you ask me if you can cum?” his hand on your clit continued to move in circles, picking up speed.
“Ah~ Fuck. I want to cum” You moaned. The man grabbed your jaw in an aggressive manner and moved his face close to yours.
“That’s not what I fucking said. I told you to ask. Guess you’re not good at listening to directions huh.” He said as he sternly looked into your tear-filled eyes.
“P-please- Can I please cum?~” You cried out. You ached for release.
Aizawa began pulling your hips down to him, sinking his fingers into them. His cock could be felt pulsating in you as he quickly entered you. Sparks flew within his office. The room was filled with lust and you could feel yourself rising to release. Both of your breaths got faster and you felt yourself let go. Aizawa had released himself on your stomach. You stayed on his desk and he sat in his chair, the two of you catching your breaths and coming back to earth.
“Here.” Aizawa handed you a cold water bottle. “Are you okay?” The concern in his voice made you finally come back to your reality. He helped you clean you up.
“I’m fine.” You felt more than fine. Your mind had just returned from a state of euphoria that you never thought you were ever going to get. You secretly pinched your thigh just to see if you could have been dreaming. This was no dream. This was just a reality you never expected.
“I wasn’t too rough on you right? I guess I got too carried away.”
“No! Don’t worry about it! I was good the whole time.” You reassured him.
The look in his eyes was different now. They gleamed in the light and had a sweet look. The two of you got dressed again. You made your way to the door of the building, before Aizawa rushed to grab your arm. The man cleared his throat once you turned his direction.
“Do you uh- want to eat something before you go? If you want, I can drive you home.” His cheeks became a bright pink, which made you giggle. The fact that he was acting so shy now after everything that the two of you just did.
“Oh. Sure”
“Alright. I’ll order us some Chipotle. How does that sound?”
“Sounds good.” You smiled at him as the two of you walked back to his office. You guys would end up spending the rest of the evening chatting and embracing each other’s company, literally. The rest of the day would be spent in Aizawa’s arms and you would cherish the warmth of his arms around you, feeling safe. 
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d0llpie · 4 years
could we suggest a scenario instead of a # from the prompt list? if we can could you write hcs (or whatever format you prefer haha) of fake dating for sakusa? like maybe you’re going home from college and ur parents are expecting you to bring home a boyfriend.
ofc if this isn’t what you normally do i understand !!
Fake Dating Sakusa
sakusa x reader
a/n: Hii yes this is perfectly fine, thank you for the request love <33 Also i don’t usually incorporate ‘germaphobe’ sakusa into my works, i still make reference to his social anxiety and cleanliness but i keep it low key if that makes sense? Hope you enjoy regardless <3
wc: 2k
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- You were friends with Komori during middle school since he lived near you
- As you grew closer you started attending his volleyball practices and he introduced you to Sakusa
- You were bright and bubbly and spoke to him every game and practice, commending him on his skills. It was rare to get a reply but you still tried nonetheless
- Once Komori had asked you to become the manager, the three of you started hanging out more often, leading to you being one of the few people Sakusa wasn’t uncomfortable around
- Once you entered high school together the boy’s volleyball team was already amazing, Sakusa became the ace while you were focused on your studies and own extra curriculars
- When Sakusa asked you to manage his team he didn’t think you would decline, as petty as it was he started ignoring you
- Komori was annoyed at his behaviour and you just tried to get under his skin to annoy him. Slipping notes into his locker and notebooks, even flinging your mask at him across the classroom but he didn’t blink.
- Your mum asked why she hadn’t seen Kiyoomi around lately and you decided to tell her everything, including how much you missed him.
- She offered to call his mum but you quickly shut her down, instead making Komori talk some sense into him.
- The next day he showed up at your door, with brows furrowed, although you could only see half his face you could tell he had a guilty expression
- “Soo, you come crawling back to me just like always” you sighed dramatically before entering your house, rolling his eyes
- “I’m sorry for expecting so much from you, i know you aren’t interested in volleyball and just support me but i enjoy your support.” you were taken back by his blunt apology and nodded, about to speak when you were interrupted
- “Sakusa! Come in come in, i haven’t seen you in while how is volleyball!” you mum ushered him into the kitchen, starting the kettle to make some tea
- “Hi mrs l/n, it’s been good, we’re improving and nationals is approaching” he removed his mask and sat at the bench, looking over at you expectantly
- You smiled before sitting next him, “Well thats great! I’m sure your mum is proud, i need to catch up with her soon” you watched fondly as they interacted, remembering how your mum seemed to be on his side more when you explained his absence
- “I have to leave soon, i’ll be back in a few hours, Kiyoomi would you like to stay for dinner dear?” he nodded curtly “if that’s okay with you” she smiled before turning to you
- “y/n, about the trip next week, your cousin is bringing her boyfriend so you can bring Sakusa, if you’re free of course” you became embarrassed quickly, understanding that your mum had mistaken Kiyoomi for your boyfriend when you spoke to her
- “mum wait-“ “okay i really need to go now, we can talk about this later, bye guys” she rushed out the door and you sighed, slowly turning to see Sakusa’s unreadable expression
- “Is your mother under the impression that we’re dating...?” you wanted to crawl under the floorboards and melt into the earth “um, i think so? i didn’t tell her that i think she got confused when i explained why you were ignoring me..” he nodded understandingly
- “I am free” you quirked your brow “Omi you don’t have to come i can explain everything to her..”
- “i guess, that’s a bit of a hassle though don’t you think? And besides, your family likes me more than you.” you lightly hit his shoulder before standing up to bring the tea into the lounge room, Sakusa following behind you
- “I guess, but, you’d have to pretend to be my boyfriend in front of everyone and my cousin will ask a lot of question, do you think you’d be okay?” his eyes softened at your concern before he answered
- “I don’t mind, it won’t be difficult, plus we can always just stay in the hotel room and say we’re on a date or something if it gets too much” he shrugged “wow Omi, i didn’t know you could think this much so fast” he glared at you and you laughed
- “Alright then babe, i’ll tell mum when she gets back” you laughed again, focusing on your cup of tea, missing the way the tips of his ears burned red
Next week came all too fast, you and Sakusa had managed to slip back into the way your friendship was beforehand, comfortable.
Sakusa was sitting on the edge of your bed, watching you pack up the last of your things into the suitcase. You knew it might be a bit much for him to be in a car with your family for hours so you were going to take his car. It would give you both time to sort out your story and prepare for the week ahead. You hopped into the passenger seat and started playing your playlist.
“Okay so, mum won’t ask many questions, she loves you anyway, however, my cousin will ask about first dates and will want to know e v e r y t h i n g” you turned to face him when his arm reached behind the head of your chair, he looked back to reverse and you stared blankly at his side profile, seeing his arms flex. You cleared your throat and turned back in front of you to continue. “We need a story”, as he pulled out of your street and began driving he spoke “I mean we can tell the truth about how we met, say you confessed after a volleyball match where i won and our first date was a picnic, we’ve been together for a few months and your mum found out recently” you stared at him shocked “i thought i would be having to prepare you but okay” you playfully rolled your eyes and smiled “What about acting like a couple?” “well your mum already assumed and i’m comfortable with you so it’s not like people don’t already think we act like one, anything off limits?” you hummed “jeez what do you have in mind” you teased and he scoffed “I mean the obvious hand holding and hugs will have to probably happen but anything else you do or don’t want?” yes. You shook the thought away “That should be fine, what about you?” “that’s fine, you can take a nap if you’re tired, it’ll be a few hours” you nodded before settling into your seat comfortably, quickly falling asleep.
Sakusa looked over at you and noticed the goosebumps on your skin, he reaching onto the backseat floor and placed a jacket over you the best he could. He glanced to you at the side fairly often, watching you peacefully sleep under his jacket. He smiled to himself while continuing to drive.
You woke up as soon as the car stopped, looking around confused, feeling an unfamiliar weight and material draped over you. You looked down and recognised Sakusas jacket, remembering you fell asleep in the car. You looked over to see Sakusa looking down at you “sleep well?” “mhm” you sat up properly and took a few minutes to adjust to being awake. “Alright well, your family is here, you ready to act babe?” he threw the nickname back at you and your eyes widened before you put on a casual smile, realising you needed to get used to acting like you were in a relationship with your friend.
“Y/n, Sakusa! How was the drive? We’re all gonna put our bags away and get settled in before dinner, make sure you both get ready!” your parents greeted you both “It was nice, we’ll settle in now, thank you” your mother handed Sakusa one of the room keys. You went to grab your bags but Sakusa beat you to it, taking both of your bags and leading you to the room.
When you entered you made a mental note to annoy your mother, there was only one bed. “Kiyoomi i’m sorry, I didn’t know she would book it like this, actually i’m not surprised...” he nodded understandingly, putting both your bags on the bed. “I’ll sleep on the chair or the floor it’ll be fine, c’mon let’s get ready” you wanted to argue against him doing that, but hummed and began to get ready.
Once you finished getting dressed, you left the bathroom and met Sakusa by the door “You look good, ready?” you nodded, smiling brightly at him. He slipped an arm around your waist and you tensed up before relaxing into his hold
Dinner went smoothly for the most part, you let Kiyoomi do most of the talking since he answered all the questions relating to your relationship with ease, even including stories from middle school and weaving them into the lies about your dating life. “So, when did you realise you liked each other?” your cousin eyed you curiously and you looked over to Sakusa. “I’ve always known, she’s always made me feel safe enough to be myself, respecting me while still annoying the crap out of me. I knew on her first day as our manager in middle school, during a break she handed everyone water bottles but she went to my bag to bring me my own water bottle instead” you were staring at him in awe, millions of thoughts running through your mind. Was he serious? He couldn’t be..but wow that was detailed and he seemed, genuine? He looked over to see you staring at him, starstruck expression on your face, similar to when he looks over to you in the stands after landing a spike. Your cousin let out a few ‘awws’ holding her boyfriends hand before turning to you again. “Oh, um, I knew when he came and picked me up at the mall, i had had a horrible day, everything was going wrong and i just wanted to get out of there but i was so stressed and despite the crowded place he still came anyway.” your heart was racing, you were sure you looked completely flustered, fiddling with your hands under the table. Sakusa noticed your nervous state and gripped your hand in his own, squeezing to calm you while keeping his attention on the rest of the table. You smiled, squeezing back softly.
After dinner you flopped onto the bed, exhausted and trying to calm down. You let Kiyoomi shower first, hopping in after him, letting the hot water soak into your muscles and relax you. After you got ready for bed you came out of the bathroom to see Kiyoomi setting blankets on the floor “Just get on the bed Sakusa” you laughed and slid under the covers, lying as far on edge as possible to avoid making him uncomfortable. “I wasn’t lying.” he was lying on his back, staring up at the roof, you turned to face him, your heart rate picking up again. “Me neither...” he turned his head to look at you, moving onto his side, your faces mere inches apart. “I agreed to this because i like you y/n..” you could feel his breath fan across your face and you smiled “I wanted you to come, i like you too” you whispered the last part as you closed the distance between you both, kissing him on the cheek softly. A small blush spread across his cheeks and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest “I’m glad we aren’t faking anymore” you whispered into his chest “i never was, goodnight y/n” you snuggled further into his hold “goodnight omi”
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jesswritesthat · 4 years
hey babe! i love your writing so much!!! so i recently watched kaguya-sama: love is war and i was wondering if you could do a headcanon of kuroo, bokuto and atsumu where their crush gets sick and they visit her and she drags them into her bed to sleep with them? you can decide how it ends. thank you so much in advance if you do end up writing this! i love you and take care of youself💞
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for this, I’ve never seen Kaguya-Sama but it sounds really cute. Also take care of yourself too and I hope these are okay! Much love 💕
Summary: Bokuto, Kuroo and Atsumu checking up on their sick crush headcanons
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Bokuto Kōtarō:
• Has felt like he's been missing something all day but couldn't quite decipher what it was until Akaashi mentions how you're off sick.
• Thats when your phone is bombarded with ‘urgent’ messages inquiring about your wellbeing to the dramatic extent of:
[ Kou: (N/N)! You haven't answered me yet, are yOu StiLl AliVe?! ]
[ (N/n): no ]
[ Kou: Aw, can I have your cool headphones then, since you won't be needing them anymore? 😁💕 ]
[ (N/n): Wow Kou, I'll haunt your dumbass at Volleyball games for that. ]
[ Kou: Even in death, your support means everything to me. ]
• Despite his nonsense he kept updated with you throughout the school day by sending memes in hopes of raising your spirits. The most peace you got was during Volleyball Club time - the Ace too invested to message you at that point.
• At the end though he calls his team for a serious discussion and they're all expecting major improvements on their gameplay ready for Nationals.
But no.
"What can I get (N/n) to make her feel better, this is crucial. I need only good ideas!"
• They all knew about his crush on you, he wasn't exactly secretive about it but you were none the wiser. Even so, Fukurōdani offered what advice they could to their friend because like him, they cared about you too.
• "Akaashi picked up your schoolwork." Bokuto says as he walks into your room, waving the papers and placing them on your side.
"And you didn't think to take notes for me?"
"Nah, I wanted to bring you good stuff."
"Fair point."
• Bokutos likely brought everything he could find once he went home and changed/showered - he's got flowers, your favourite snacks, drinks, medicine and some movies to cure your boredom. Like how much do I owe you???
He's says it's fine though, in return you have to be better by tomorrow.
That's not how it works Kou.
• You're both seated on your bed watching some shitty movie when you start getting a bit sleepy and you just want warmth.
"Can you give me a hug Kōtarō? I just need a hug, I know how weird that sounds..."
• Doesn't even think twice about it, he practically tackles you onto the covers which elicits lovely giggles from you - the potential of him getting sick too isn't even considered, he's just focused on being with you and making you feel better.
• His arms are so warm and they’re beautiful, you forgot how toned he is and you grow so comfortable in his embrace. He’s also really relaxed about it and is calm enough to ramble on normally - except when you nuzzle against him during a cold shiver. Bokuto full on freezes mid sentence, releasing a cautious breath prior to changing the subject.
• It’s obvious he’s content with you though, and surprisingly falls asleep first which makes you laugh. Kōtarō keeps a strong but delicate hold on your body and is subconsciously receptive enough to your every move. You adjusted yourself slightly which stirred him, his voice is much huskier than before due to sleep but remains concerned.
“Can’t you sleep (Y/n)? I can-“
“I’m fine, you’re keeping me warm.”
• With a nod of understanding he’s gone again and you follow shortly afterwards, the both of you unintentionally making the nap a sleepover. Which you only realise the next morning - still in his arms even if the position has changed. You take a few minutes to enjoy it.
• Miraculously doesn't get sick, his immune system must be immortal as he's brimming with energy once he gets up. His radiance is actually contagious as you feel much better in yourself too and his vibrant attitude really motivates you for the day despite being physically exhausted from beating the flu.
• "Your partner is going to be blessed if you bring them breakfast, I mean talk about amazing." You comment as he brings up a plate that he’d crafted in your kitchen, which is surprisingly decent. You suppose he must keep his body fit somehow.
"My crush will have to do for now."
"Wait I - ah, you have a crush on me?"
"Hah, didn't you know? I never tried to hide it or anything."
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Kuroo Tetsurō:
• Notices your absence immediately, he's observant by nature but especially where his crush is concerned and he isn't afraid to contact you before class starts.
• "Hey (Y/n), it's Kuroo, are you running late today?"
"Hnn, I'm not gonna make it. I tried but I feel awful - Sickness: 1, (L/n): 0." Already by the grogginess in your voice he can tell you're under the weather and winces at the sound of you stifling a cough.
"Ah geez, go to bed would you? And drink plenty of water, I'll inform the teachers and everything."
"Thanks Tetsurō, I owe you one."
• Will message you at regular intervals throughout the day regarding your health with cute little reminders. You were on his mind frequently, he’s lowkey worried okay?
[ Tetsu: Drink water, and eat breakfast if you can. ]
[ (Y/n): Yeah yeah I have, go learn something. ]
[ Tetsu: Why are you replying? Shouldn't you be sleeping it off - I don't want your germs. ]
[ (Y/n): Sharing is caring. ]
[ Tetsu: Oya? It took a cold for you finally admit you care, so is it gonna take a pandemic to say you love me? 😏 ]
[ (Y/n): 🖕🏻]
• Is actually considerate enough to tell you he'll swing by after practice, and asks if you want anything from the shop so you give basics like water and tablets. Comes equipped with the extra notes he's taken from all of your shared classes and requested papers from teachers in those you don't, so you're not falling behind.
• Aside from the bare minimum you requested, he chucks your favourite snacks on your desk stating that it’s important to keep morale high too. Liar. He just wanted to do something nice for you.
• Checks your temperature despite your protests of not being a child, he only does this because it vexes you and Kuroo finds that cute. As a silent apology for teasing the Hell out of you, he’ll make you some tea and you both get lost in conversation.
• Notices you’re starting to doze off, rest you should’ve had instead of texting everyone - but ensuring everything is fine, he’s about to stealthily exit until your fingers grasp his wrist and tug him back slightly.
"Stay Tetsurō..."
"You'll likely regret that request once you wake up."
"S'ok, it's you."
• The strength you have when tugging him into bed with you catches him completely off guard and he’s actually blushing - doesn’t know what to say but knows he has to at least maintain some composure.
“So uh, never knew you wanted me this badly.”
“Ugh shut up dumbass, I can feel your rapid heartbeat from here.”
• Kuroo goes all shy, you’ve wrapped your arms around his waist and are comfortably leaning against his side and he absentmindedly runs his fingers soothingly up and down your arm to settle his own nerves.
• It’s peacefully silent, simply enjoying one another’s company before he hears your muffled sniffles indicating you’ve fallen asleep and a soft smile graces his lips. If you were his, then he’d definitely kiss your forehead, and lips to be honest, but the fact you aren’t leaves him with a disappointed sigh.
• You both end up taking a nap, waking up wrapped in each other’s arms and noses practically touching which startled the Captain - Kuroo literally falling off of your bed with a yelp much to your amusement. Afterwards, he departs suggesting you get more rest, get better soon and he’ll see you at school next week.
• At least that was the plan, which altered with the text exchange the following morning.
[ Kuroo: Sharing is not caring, I wanted your snacks not your sickness! ]
[ (Y/n): RIP us. 💀 ]
[ Tetsu: You owe me one remember? I've got the house to myself this weekend so would you like to suffer together? I have blankets, entertainment and food. ]
[ (Y/n): Beats sniffling alone, I'll bring the tissues and drugs. ]
• So, you went over with a trail of sneezing in your wake and ended up snuggled with Kuroo under a blanket with a variety of games gracing the TV as you skilfully passed around the tissues. Aside from being ill, spending time like this with him was perfect.
• "Sickness: 2, (L/n) and Kuroo: 0..."
"No, Kuroo: 1.”
"How so? You K.O. a sneeze or something?"
"I got to spend the day with you didn't I? That counts as a win in my book."
"Tch careful, anyone would think the Scheming Captain cares~"
"I do smartass, I care about you a lot (Y/n)..."
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Miya Atsumu:
• Atsumu wasn't one to act needy in any way, the only excuse for him to contact you in regards to your absence was to do it with a remark and hope you'd elaborate.
[ Atsumu: Yo, are ya ditching me to survive English on my own? That's cold (Y/n) 😭 ]
[ (Y/n): Sorry 'Tsumu, I'm too busy dying to care rn. Have a fun missing me loser. ]
[ Atsumu: Hah you wish, you alright tho? ]
• You're good friends but he's never really expressed genuine concern about you before, not verbally anyway. You thought the final "K" after you'd told him you were gonna rest would be the end of it.
So you were beyond surprised when he rocked up to your house later that evening.
• It took everything you had not to mock him for his embarrassed stature, solely flustered by the fact you'd seen him so considerate. Admittedly you were also exhausted and probably couldn't think of a snarky reply anyway.
• "What's up? Was there homework or - ugh, or something?"
"Huh? Oh I dunno. But uh, I got 'Samu to make you some Okayu, and a Umeboshi Tea since it's good for colds and stuff."
• Totally pestered Osamu all day to help him make you something and had to do stupid favours in return but Atsumu will deny it if you ever ask.
• “I love how you don’t care what you look like when you have guests over.”
“Take your stupid backhanded compliments and shove them up your pretty litt-“ You bite back, flipping him off in the process while Atsumu remains proudly victorious.
“Nah ah, is that any way to speak to the man who brought you dinner?”
“It’s the way to speak to the man whose currently annoying me.”
“You’re welcome, this is revenge for ditching me in class gorgeous~”
• Despite how irritating he could be, Atsumu stuck around for a bit to make sure you ate everything he’d brought and taken the appropriate medication.
• “Oh yeah, I brought that movie you were talking about the other day. Figured it might pass the time a bit.”
“Thank you! I’ll give it back once I’m better - thank you so much ‘Tsumu.”
Your excitement was endearing, and he had to collect himself a bit since admiring such little quirks was out of the question - his crush was bad enough as it is.
“Wanna watch it now? I haven’t got anything to do so I can give you spoilers.”
“Sounds good - and not a word!”
• You spent the afternoon watching the film and playfully wrestling the blonde in order to shut him up whenever he made an attempt to spoil it - he would never, but provoking you was too funny.
• You settle down later on, putting on a mindless tv show for background noise before collapsing onto your bed with groan. Atsumu raising a smug brow at your exhausted state as he threw his jacket on.
• "Wanna sleep with me?" It was innocent, at least you didn’t think much of it then.
"Do I what now?" He was smirking, thankful that your panic left you oblivious to the blush crawling up his neck at the mere insinuation alone.
"Sleep wit- ohh I did not think that through! I meant sleep in my bed, next to me, to help me drift off. Maybe it's the sleepiness or medicine but I really want you Atsumu..."
"Not helping your case at all." Again he smugly responded, dropping his jacket to the floor with a sly smile.
"Stop smirking and just hug me okay? Then you can leave and tease me about this later."
• Atsumu isn't awkward about it, subduing his nerves enough to pull you into his arms as he sits up - dutifully ignoring the butterflies in his stomach due to your close proximity and the intoxicating smell of your hair.
• Atsumu becomes unintentionally soft, his fingers slowly begin to glide through your hair and he hesitates when he feels the hum of contentment you release before continuing. Your whole body just relaxes against his and he subconsciously does the same, not even realising he was this tense around you - was his body always like that in your general presence?
• As you start quietly talking about nothing and everything, he notices a weakness - you’re a lot more open when drowsy and god he wants to take advantage but knows you’ll remember the questions he asked and murder him for it when you’re able.
• Intead he attempts to protect any dignity he thinks he has left with you - jokes on him, it’s absolutely none. You guys are way past that level and he knows it.
“You better get healthy quick, not that I care but English is really borin’ on my own ya know?”
"The people you truly care about must be really lucky to have you 'Tsumu..." The mumble is enough to make him roll his eyes, but he waits until you’re asleep to reply.
"Yeah... you are..."
[ Masterlist ]
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harrysgoldenline · 5 years
can i get a harry one shot where you are really insecure about the whole album/ camille thing and u talk to sarah about it and ur crying and harry notices and comes over but u run away and sarah tells him everything and he comes to find you but you pretend like ur fine but he sees through it and he goes off on this lone speech about how much he loves you and how ur the only person he will ever love and u both are just happy it’s out and the open and a happy ending ?
OMG MY FIRST REQUEST!! YES OF COURSE! I REALLY REALLY REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT ! and if anyone else has any requests, send them my way!!! :)
My Muse
Y/N was distraught.
She loved Harry, his music, his career and could not be more proud of him, his success and who he has become.
Although, she was struggling.
This whole album has been about Harry discovering himself, who he is... but also about his ex-girlfriend Camille.
Y/N knew about Harry everything he went through after their relationship ended, he was struggling greatly. They met around half a year after the break up, but she could see Harry was still struggling. She could see how he would keep to himself around new people, especially out in public. He was quite and wouldn’t speak out much, very different then how their mutual friend, Sarah had always described him.
Sarah has always talked highly of him, being in his band they grew very close and she often got to see how he went through his different writing processes. She saw him before and after shows and she knew him before and after Camille. Something Y/N could not relate to.
As time passed, the two got together, forming what their friends called a power couple. Harry and Y/N were completely inseparable, growing closer and closer as each day passed.
Harry opened up to her a few months into the relationship, sitting her down and letting her know exactly what happened in the relationship and why it was so difficult for him when it ended. He told her that since it was a huge part of the album, he might have to talk about it a bit, without saying names of course but she knew that everyone else already knew who he was going to be talking about.
“It’s okay, Harry. I totally understand. Don’t worry about it.” She would always say, giving him a smile and a soft kiss onto his jawline.
Y/N wasn’t lying, she did understand why and she didn’t want him to worry about her, not now. Not when his second album is taking off, hitting the top of the charts in preorder alone.
She did enjoy the majority of interviews. Hearing him tell funny stories of the writing process, or always getting emotional as he opens up about finding himself, his true sound and how he doesn’t feel like he needs to hold back anymore. But interview after interview, it got harder. Hearing him talk about the love he felt and then the unbearable pain after it was gone. She felt inadequate. Wondering if nothing went wrong, where would she be? Would Harry still fall for her when Sarah introduced him like he said he did?
Although, Y/N never brought up these concerns to him. Especially after the album drop he was on top of the world, explaining how he has never felt happier and more free, but she couldn’t help thinking if he would be happier with her by his side instead.
“Y/N, are you alright?” A voice brings her out, looking up and seeing Sarah standing there at the door, offering her a soft smile.
“Oh hi! Yeah, I’m totally fine don’t worry about me.” She nodded, looking back at the monitor, watching Harry messing around on stage with Mitch after finishing up a soundcheck nearly a minute ago. They often liked to stay for a while, messing around on stage, this often gave Sarah and Y/N sometime to catch up as their boys hung out together.
“Are you sure, sweetheart?” She asked, eyebrows furrowing as she sat next to her on the couch, “Cmon (Y/N), you know you can trust me with anything.”
“How’d Harry do?” She asked, trying to ease in, hearing Harry strum in the background to Cherry, causing Y/N to bite her bottom lip.
“Good... was just a sound check. Everything running fine- seriously what’s going on?” Sarah insisted, interrupting herself.
“What was he like? With her?”
A silence fills the room until Sarah let’s out a sigh, muttering a soft ‘oh honey’ before scooting closer, arms going around her friend protectively. Sarah knew she was struggling, but with it being such a difficult subject, she didn’t want to pry too much. She wanted to wait until Y/N was ready to confide in her, but instead she bottled it up.
“Fuck, sorry I shouldn’t have asked thats... sorry it’s none of my business.” Y/N quickly says, forcing a laugh and wiping her eyes, standing up quickly and going to look for her purse.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I know how hard this has been for you.” Her friend agrees, standing and following her, “have you and Harry talked about it? Talked about how this has been for you?”
Y/N shook her head, biting her lip hard as her eyes were squeezed shut, knowing if she spoke a word she would break down, she had been holding it in for too long.
“Do you wanna talk about it with him?”
She shrugged at this, honestly not knowing the answer. If she did, she didn’t know if Harry would stop all together, making his album less authentic or If he would be upset she held it in, or even said anything about it at all. But she genuinely didn’t know if she could hold it in any longer.
“You can tell me.” Sarah nodded, hugging her tightly, “let it out.”
“It hurts” Y/N breaks, letting out a sob, “it seems like- like all he talks about is her! And I know he wrote this whole thing before we met and- do you think he still loves her?”
“Y/N, no.” She says, pulling her back and wiping the tears from her friends face, “I’ve seen this man before, during and after both of you, and I have never seen him this happy. Ever”
She shakes her head, not believing her. “It can’t be me. It’s the album, the success! He’s himself now, so that’s what’s making him happy. I didn’t help him- she did.”
“Y/N stop” Sarah demanded, grabbing her shoulders and moving her hair out of her face, “Harry is in love with you! I remember him coming to me, asking me for advice when you went out on your first date.”
She shakes her head, disbelief and doubt being pumped through her veins, “it just doesn’t make sense! Look at her and then look at me. Who would you choose?”
“Stop.” She argues, rolling her eyes, “she’s skinnier and prettier and older! She’s way older than me, way older than him. Is that what he wants? I’m younger than him, Sarah. Young enough where there’s a million articles about it.”
“You’re going to make yourself sick if you don’t calm down.” Sarah demands, “please? Just calm down and we can talk about this. What does your age have to do with anything? You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”
“No, I should stop. Mitch and Harry will be back any second.” She sniffles, looking at herself in the mirror and sighing, dabbing at the skin around her eyes to try and depuff them.
“You can’t hold this in.” Sarah whispers, hugging her friend again, “please? Talk to me?”
“I love him and it’s scary because I don’t know-“ Y/N begins but quickly stops, hearing her boyfriends loud laughter, soon getting louder as he opened the door.
Y/N shoots Sarah a sympathetic look, silently begging her to remain quiet and not say a word, which she nods, giving Mitch and Harry a smile as they walk in the door, each boy going to each of them.
“Hey babe!” Harry smirks, kissing her before pulling back, eyebrows furrowing together and he lowers his voice, “are you alright? You look like you’ve been crying.”
“I’m okay!” She smiles, “poked my eye when I was fixing my makeup. Anyways, what are you guys up to?”
“We were gonna go grab some food before the show! Where do you wanna go?” He asks, hands going around her waist.
“Oh I’m not hungry.” She quickly responds, “been feeling a bit off all day so I might stay behind. I wanna feel better for your show.”
Harry frowns, pulling her closer to him before leading her out of the lounge room, leaving Mitch and Sarah as they continue their own conversation. Harry leads her off to his private dressing room.
“What’s up?” He frowns, lifting his hand to her face and rubbing her cheek softly, “what happened?”
“Nothing, Harry.” She smiles, her heart growing at his concern. Yet, she knows she can’t tell him. Not now, hours before his mini Fine Line show in London. The last thing she wants to be is a distraction, “don’t worry about me, really! And I feel like I’ve been budging in too much, go bond with the band!”
“You’re not interrupting anything. I want you here.”
“I know and I appreciate that, really, love being around you and everybody.” She giggles, “but I’m not gonna be there the whole tour and I gotta get used to that.”
“I wish you could be.” He frowns, pulling her right against his chest, “always want you next to me.... or below me.”
“Harry!” She laughed, pulling back and playfully pushing him, “you’re crazy.”
“Crazy for you, my love.” He dopily smirks, kissing her, softly.
She giggled against his lips, pulling him closer for another, each kiss making her worries drift further and further away. Mind reeling as his hands fall down her waist, gripping her bum as he pushes her closer, his lips falling down to her neck.
“Hey man, Sar-“ Mitchs voice causing them to jump away from each other, the three of them turning red as he clears his throat, “Um- sorry. I was just saying that Sarah said she’s gonna take a nap before the show too so I think it’s just just gonna be us and the other guys.”
“Sounds good!” He smirks, feeling a bit smug after what Mitch just walked in on, he turns back to Y/N, tucking a hair behind her ear, “you can stay in here if you want, lock the door and take a nap or whatever you need. Nobody should bother you and I’ll be back before you know it. Okay?”
She nodded, thanking him before pressing a kiss to his lips, “I love you, Harry.”
“I love you more, babygirl.” He smiles, kissing the top of her head before waving goodbye, following Mitch out.
She sighs, falling back on the couch and closing her eyes, mind muddled with confusion. Moments like that make her feel so silly, wondering why she ever worried in the first place. She does trust Harry, she doesn’t worry about him going out to try and find someone else, but she always wonders if he prefers to be with her, just has Y/N because he doesn’t have that option anymore.
She can’t help but lay awake, spending many sleepless nights just comparing herself to her. Camille was beautiful, and nobody could deny that. She had such grace and Y/N felt like her French accent and demeanor made her much more interesting then her own plain American ways. She wonders if Harry wishes Y/N was older, rather than being multiple years younger. She wondered if it annoyed him, bothered him that she had a great lack of experience. Harry was all she’d ever known and all she wants forever.
But did he feel the same? Did he actually love her? Does he actually find her as beautiful as he said? She found it hard to believe, especially seeing all he has had in the past. It makes her feel guilty, guilty for feeling so upset and hurt by seeing and hearing about people he was with prior, even though they’d never met at the time.
The door swings open, startling her and causing her to jump and heart to pound as she prepared what she would say next to Sarah, but it wasn’t her, it was Harry.
“What? What are you doing here?” She rushes, clutching her chest to try and calm her racing heart, I thought you were going to get food? Did you forget something?”
“Yes.” He mumbles, sinking down onto the couch next to her and holding her face in his hands, “I forgot to tell you how important you are to me. More than any album, place on the charts, anything.”
“W-what? Where is this coming from, Bubs?”
“Sarah told me what you said to her.” He frowns, eyes sparkling, “and I’m the biggest fucking arsehole I didn’t stop to talk to you about it once. To stop and actually ask you about it.”
“Harry, really, I’m just being-“
“Y/N listen, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. You’re my person. You’re it for me.” He whispers, leaning his forehead against her, tears forming in her eyes as she’s filled with so many emotions, “you gotta believe me, lovie.”
“I love you, Harry.” She sniffles, “I believe you, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong. This is all my fault. I should’ve talked to you more, I didn’t even think about how hard this would be for you, I’m so sorry.” He rambles, “you are the love of my life Y/N. Yes, I was in love before but this? With you? It’s so strong and real and terrifying. I’ve never felt this before. I want to be with you. Forever. Nobody else. And I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am to not have made that clear.”
“I should’ve told you from the beginning how I felt.” She admits, “I don’t want you to stop talking about it in interviews if that’s what you want to say, you should say it. It’s just really hard to hear you talk about her all the time.”
“I’m sorry my love. I don’t deserve you, don’t deserve your support.” He whispers, kissing her hands, “I am so beyond lucky to have you. You are the most beautiful, kind, considerate woman in the whole world. I don’t know how I got you.”
“Stop it.” She blushes, bringing her hands away from his lips and up to his face, shaking her head in disbelief, wondering how he even existed, “you are truly the most perfect man.”
“Now you stop.” He chuckles, cheeks turning pink, “I’m praising you here... really though love. You are my muse. I have millions of songs written about you.”
“Really?” She whispers, eyes wide, “you’re not just saying that?”
“What do you think Mitch and I are doing all the time?” He laughs, “we make Sarah go because we know she’d tell!”
“Well you’re right, because she told you what I said after I told her not too.” She blushes, looking down at her lap.
“Oh stop that you know she did the right thing.” He laughs, dragging her a bit closer to him so her legs lay over his lap, “Honestly, I was scared to show you them, thought I was open before wait till you hear these.”
“Can I? Can I hear them? Please?”
“I guess since you have good manners.” He smirks, pulling her on top of him. She giggles and he pulls her onto his lap, “you can hear ‘em all. Don’t know what I was waiting for... guess I was just scared?”
“Of what, Bubby?” She frowns, arms resting around his shoulders as she looks up at him.
“I don’t know... I just... I know you’re the one, so it’s kinda scary I guess...not knowing if you feel the same.”
“I do.” She squeaks, “I love you so much- wanna be with you forever.”
“Yeah?” He smirks, squeezing her hips tight causing her to squeal, falling into him, “I’ve been yours since the day we met. You inspire me, Y/N. You are my muse. I’d choose you over anyone. You are my priority.”
He leans in, kissing her softly, almost as if he was afraid of breaking her in two. His lips fell to her neck, sucking on her favorite spot and her grip tightened on him, head falling to the side a bit and she lets out a soft whimper.
“Harry, please...” she squeaked, hips pressing down into him involuntarily.
“I’m gonna take care of you.” He whispers lowly, pulling up the bottom of her dress and over her head, “gonna take care of you until the day I die, my love.”
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faylor · 4 years
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By @faylor for @peer-parker as part of the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange!
Rating: G
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark / Iron Dad
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark
Prompt: Peter over-works himself. - AKA Peter is REAL tired.
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One week. One more week and finals would be over and done with. Then Peter could get some actual sleep. Between the constant studying every day, patrols every night, and interning for Mr. Stark, admittedly he wasn’t exactly getting the recommended eight hours of sleep at night. He was tired. Really tired. But he would never admit to it, at least not to your face. And he was pretty good at hiding it for the most part.
That is, until he accidentally dozed off in class. He couldn’t really help it though. That day’s chemistry lesson wasn’t anything new or exciting to him, so what would it hurt if he didn’t pay as much attention just this once?
“Mr. Parker?”
Peter’s head jerked upward at the sound of Mr. Harrington’s voice, his eyes immediately widening as he realized what had happened.
“Uh- I-“ he sputtered as his eyes focused on the board in the front of the room.
“As I was saying,” his teacher continued with a raised brow, “would you care to explain the name of the formula?”
Thinking quickly, Peter scanned the writings on the board, his gaze landing on said formula. “Um, it’s iron oxide. Or rust.” His voice wavered slightly with embarrassment as he felt his cheeks heat up.
“Right,” Mr. Harrington said, clearing his throat. Peter quietly sighed in relief as his teacher continued with the lecture without another word to him.
Ugh, how could he be so stupid to let himself fall asleep in the middle of class? He’d never done it before, but god was he tired. Most of his classes this semester were more advanced, which hadn’t need an issue before, but trying to balance them with being Spider-Man had proven to be maybe just a bit too much on his plate at once.
“Hey,” Ned whispered from beside him, drawing his attention. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just... late night.” Peter shrugged. “I’ll explain later.”
And by that, he meant that he’d make up some story about patrolling super late and losing track of time, which wasn’t technically a lie. But he’d definitely leave out the part about it happening over the course of the past two weeks. Peter just didn’t like for people to worry about him. He was fine, really. Maybe he’d just have to sacrifice an hour or two a night on patrol until finals were over with. He could live with that. Maybe.
After school, Peter did his usual routine of homework and then studying, followed by dinner and more studying. By the time nine o’clock rolled around, he decided to retire his textbooks for the night and trade them in for his suit, which he slipped on before quietly escaping out his bedroom window.
It was only about an hour in on his patrol when his fatigue really started to hit him, but he figured all he needed was a short break. So he made his way to one of his favorite rooftops downtown and sat down on the ledge, letting his feet swing as he gazed out at the city. It was all in all a relaxing sight, which didn’t much help his state.
His head was all but spinning, and his limbs suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. His eyelids were fighting him to close, but he had to stay alert. He had to stay awake.
But sleep would be so nice, he thought. Maybe if he just took a short nap. He could have Karen wake him up and he’d be right back at it- No, he had to stay awake. He had to. But his eyes were beginning to betray him as they started to slip closed, and then he was out.
Something had suddenly jolted him awake, though - his senses practically screaming at him. His eyes flickered back and forth, widening as he saw the ledge he’d been sitting on getting further and further away. He was... falling?
“Shit!” Peter gasped. He had to think fast.
He quickly outstretched his arm, activating his web shooter toward the building. The relief of swinging away never came though. Instead, he felt himself hit the ground, hard. His back and head were immediately drowning in a wave of pain that made him groan with a strained voice, and that familiar feeling of heavy eyes quickly came back again. This time, he didn’t hesitate to give in to it.
The next thing Peter remembered was the feeling of floating. Was he still falling? No. He remembered hitting the ground. Or had he dreamt that? Was the whole thing a dream? Was he still just asleep on the rooftop? He really had hoped so. He hoped that he was fine. That he had just dozed off on the roof and he was just dreaming and that everything was okay.
That train of thought was entirely derailed as the faint yet distinct beeping of a heart monitor started to fill his ears. At about the same time, the back of his head began to ache, alongside practically the rest of his body. Okay, so he had definitely fallen, and he was definitely not dreaming. But where was he? And how the hell had he gotten there?
He fluttered his eyes open, his vision started to focus on his surroundings. He could tell he was in some sort of hospital room, but it definitely wasn’t a regular hospital. It was almost as if he knew, but his head was still spinning and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
“And there he is,” an all too familiar voice sounded from his side. His head jerked toward the source as his brows furrowed.
“M-Mssr Stark?” Peter slurred, his eyes slightly widening.
“How’re you feeling, kiddo?” Mr. Stark asked, taking a small step toward him.
“I- My head...”
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s gonna be sore for a bit, thanks to that lovely concussion you got from falling - what was it - ten stories?” His mentor raised a brow, his lips pressed into a fine line.
Peter’s face immediately shifted to a mixture of embarrassment, surprise, and guilt. He could tell Tony knew exactly what had happened last night. Wait, had it been last night? Or the day before. Peter could quite tell how long he’d been out. It honestly felt like days.
“Karen showed me everything, Pete.” He sighed, his expression turning to concern. “How much sleep are you getting at night?”
Peter opened his mouth to protest, but the words never made it out. Instead, they were replaced with a sigh and a slight head shake. “I’m sorry...” he mumbled.
“Kid, listen,” Mr. Stark started, making his way over to Peter’s bedside. “I know I agreed to not spy on you and look through your suit recordings, but I wanted to figure out what was going on.” He sighed, running a hand over his face. “Karen told me you’ve been out patrolling until two in the morning sometimes. Wanna tell me why?”
Peter hesitated, a sigh sipping past his lips. “I- It’s just that- Finals are coming up and I’ve been kinda struggling with a couple of classes and I just wanted to make sure I did really good on the finals, you know? So I’ve been trying to study a lot more, which means I don’t get to patrol until later so I-“
“Take a breath, Pete,” Mr. Stark cut him off, a half amused smile on his face. “At least now I know why you’ve seemed so spaced out in the lab recently.”
“I- I wasn’t spaced out. Just... not as, uh, focused.” He gave his mentor a sheepish smile.
Mr. Stark hummed, an eyebrow slightly raised. “You don’t need to be working yourself that hard.”
“I know, I know... It’s just- I mean I’ve been trying to make sure I can do everything that I need to, and I guess I haven’t really been keeping track of time and-“ he sighed, his head slightly dropping as his fingers toyed with one another in his lap. “And I’m just trying to keep up with my responsibilities. I can’t just not be Spider-Man.” His tone turned dismal.
Somewhere in the back of Peter’s mind, he knew that he probably should’ve cut his patrols short for the time being and catch up on sleep, but he also knew that his guilt would be eating him away at the thought of Spider-Man not being there for his neck of the woods every day.
On the other hand, he should’ve known better. Getting about three or four hours of sleep at most over the past couple of weeks had definitely not been treating him well, and it only kept getting worse and worse. And now he knew the repercussions of that.
Mr. Stark was quiet for a moment, looking at Peter with a mixture of worry, yet with understanding.
“Hey,” he placed a gentle hand on Peter’s shoulder, prompting his attention. “I know I’m not exactly the poster child for proper sleep schedules, or time management for that matter... But Pete, you gotta realize that being responsible is also remembering to take care of yourself sometimes, too. Your finals are important, yeah. And being Spider-Man is, too. I get that. But you can’t keep over-working yourself and sacrificing sleep just so you can cram everything into your life at once. You’ve gotta take time for yourself, you know.”
Peter’s gaze found its way to his mentor, his head nodding a bit. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, Pete.” He brushed a stray curl from Peter’s forehead. “And don’t feel like you can’t take a night off or two from being Spider-Baby if you need to.” A slight smirk formed on Mr. Stark’s features before it turned into a more genuine smile. “No more patrolling on nights you’re gonna be out past eleven, alright?”
Peter’s features formed a small smile of their own. “Fine.”
“Good.” Mr. Stark returned his smile. “Now you need to get some more actual rest, kiddo. You’ve got one nasty concussion to sleep off. Not to mention the cracked rib. And the major bruising-“
“I get it, I get it,” Peter laughed, playfully swatting a hand at him.
“I’ll be here when you wake up, kid.”
“Don’t wait up, Mr Stark.” He slightly smirked, his eyes already drifting closed. “I’ve got a lot of sleep to catch up on...”
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Tag List: @zissa93 @mala-sadas @romeoandjulietyouwish @justme--emily
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innittowinit · 4 years
Can you pick me up? my uni burnt down (Chapt. 2)
Relationships: Sleepy bois inc (all fics i write are platonic)
 In which Techno goes to England for University, his building catches fire in the night, and he isn't prepared for the difference in climate between England and California. SBI fluff ensues
Chapter summary: 
After waking up, Wilbur has the great idea that they should do a sleepy boys stream. Tommy doesn't get told about this id
Words: 1785
Language: English
AO3 Chapt. 1
Listen, waking up on a sofa, with a thin blanket shared with 3 men was never going to be the best morning. His back hurt and his legs were numb from Wilbur having sprawled out over the three of them as he slept. 
Stretching his arms back, he recounted the events of last night. God, it really was only a few hours ago, he was so tired. Had this been last year, he would have been able to stay up for days on end and then just crash for an entire weekend. It wasn’t last year though and Techno had gotten himself into a fairly healthy routine, he couldn’t exactly be sleeping through his uni classes anyway. 
“Alright you two” Hearing Philza’s voice, he propped his head up, “Get up, you can’t lay around all day”
A groan came from the mass of blankets and cushions that happened to be Wilbur, who was curled up in the centre of it,
“Phil it's so early and we went to bed so late. It’s fine to sleep in”
“Okay” he chuckled, humouring his tired friend “It’s midday Wil, im taking the blankets away now”
Techno thought it was much too early too, as he tugged the sleeves of Wilbur’s hoodie down a little further so they could act like gloves. 
“Do you mind if I use your PC to try and find out what’s going on with my classes at some point? They'll probably send me an email or something” He grumbled, standing up so he could stretch his back out properly, following Phil slowly to the kitchen.
“That’s fine, it's up in my room, do what you need”
Breakfast was nice, it had been a while since Techno had had time for it honestly, and even longer since he had been able to eat with people he cared about. He had a couple slices of buttered toast and a bowl of some british cereal which he didn’t really like but he didn’t want to be rude so he ate it anyway. 
“You wanna stream together later?” Wil asked through a mouth full of food, earning a snort from Phil. This was nice. 
“Yeah maybe, you use face cam though, I’m not like against showing them my face but y'know, it is what it is” he shrugged, spooning another mouthful of his breakfast into his mouth, he had to admit it was very bland, he much preferred the sweeter ones that were more popular in America. 
“Well think about it, if you decide you don't want them to see you, you can always just sit off to the side and I'll turn my monitor so you can still see it. My office is big enough for it anyway, it’ll be like where Niki was during that one MCC remember?”
Techno nodded and carried on eating, they really were 3 very sleepy boys right now. Maybe he’d take a nap once he found out what was going on with his classes. 
Streaming without any gameplay to comment about and with facecam on? Techno wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. That just didn’t really sound like something he was going to enjoy.
It was nerve wracking and he always seemed to glance at the camera too much when it was pointed at him. He knew the fans would be disappointed if he didn’t do it though, When Wilbur tweeted out saying that he and Phil would join him in a ‘you laugh you lose’ he watched as the replies freaked out. 
You could say he was just a bit camera shy, he wasn’t incredibly insecure, sure there were things he didn’t like that much but everyone had things like that, it just made him nervous to know that people were looking at him. 
He’d be okay with his friend’s though, he trusted that they’d never put him in an uncomfortable situation. He knew if he got overwhelmed he could sit outside the frame. 
It would be okay. 
“Hey hey chat” Wilbur mumbled into the mic, making it loud enough so that everyone could hear but it still sounded like he was whispering. 
“We’ve got the blade here, bet you weren’t expecting that huh chat? Or maybe you were, maybe you read the title of the stream, bet there’s someone watching who didn't think he’d be here though” he finally turned the music off and switched from his ‘starting soon’ screen to his regular camera. 
Wil went through the rules, it was the normal stuff, he added in some jokes here and there, prodding Techno and Phil to talk at times. They’d already agreed that this wouldn’t be for youtube, since that seemed to add a bit too much pressure for Techno, but hey, he still had to welcome his chat. 
“Okay!! First media share! Lets go”  
After a series of videos, some funnier than others, Techno had started to loosen up a bit. He was getting more comfortable with the camera and while he’d probably cringe while looking back at the footage, at least he was having fun right now.
He had a warm feeling in his chest that wasn’t usually there when he was streaming alone, sure it was usually fun but nothing was better than being with his friends while doing it, there was really only one person who was missing. 
As if on queue, chat started spamming Tommy’s name, for a moment Techno thought he had been mumbling his thoughts out loud, before he looked between Phil and Wilbur, who both seemed equally confused. Moving Wilbur’s mouse over the chat to pause it, Techno tried to read some of the messages. 
“Oh he tweeted something” he mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket without a care. Maybe some irl streamers would have used the computer but knowing Wilbur’s history, he doubted it could run Chrome and streamlabs at the same time. 
Looking at the tweet he felt a little pang of guilt. It was lighthearted and jokey but he knew there’d be a little truth to it. He nudged the other two and read it aloud to them. 
‘Damn guess I’m not a sleepy boy after all’
The air felt a little thick after that, they hadn’t meant to exclude Tommy; all of the excitement of Techno coming to stay had just made it a little hard to arrange to have Tommy here after all. 
Still, they probably should have still told him though. They were supposed to be each other's family.  
“Hey chat I think we’re gonna have to end stream early.” Wilbur finally piped up, deciding it wouldn't be right to carry on when they had hurt their friend, not that chat needed to know that though, he didn’t want to embarrass Tommy. 
“I feel kinda sick and I don't think you all wanna watch me vomit right? Yeah so it’s best we end it now” 
Techno sniggered to himself at that, in games Wilbur always seemed to be very cunning but he supposed he wasn’t very good at lying when it was about something he actually cared about. Said something being Tommy.  
After raiding Fundy, the trio hopped straight onto discord. 
Tommy didn't answer the first time he was called. 
Or the second. 
Finally, after three calls, Tommy decided he’d talk to them. 
“You are all a bunch of dick heads, you know that? What the hell! Why wasn’t I invited to the sleepy boy’s stream! Wilbur you bitch!” Through all the vulgar language and the constant yelling, it was clear that Tommy was genuinely upset. 
He had every right to be, as far as Techno was concerned. From his point of view his friend’s had just gone off and hung out without him. He just hoped he’d calm down once they explained everything.  
“You know I thought we were friends! I thought we were brothers! But if you don’t wanna hang out with a ‘kid�� you can just tell me and i’ll- i'll go!” He was still yelling, as usual, it was clear he was trying to make this into a joke where he could overreact but Techno noticed the small sniffles and the quiver in his voice. 
By the looks on Phil’s and Wilbur’s faces, they recognised it too.  
“Listen, Tommy” 
Wil was the first to talk, it made sense, it seemed that Tommy trusted him the most at times. Sometimes Techno could be a bit too cold and sometimes Phil could get a bit too overbearing.
Techno understood this, he didn’t take it personally, he knew it was only natural that you have people you trust with your emotions more than others. It didn’t mean Tommy didn’t love them just as much, just that they weren’t his ‘go-to’ when he felt down. 
Techno felt the same way sometimes. Feeling’s got complicated and personally he thought Phil was the best to talk to about that, the fact that he was older and had his life sorted out gave him a sense of comfort, like he could trust him because he knew what he was talking about. 
“We didn’t plan a meetup, it just sorta happened. Phil was at my place, helping me record, and then Techno’s Uni had a fire and he needed a place to stay while they’re making it safe again” Wilbur sighed as he heard Tommy moving on the other side of his mic. Techno wondered what he was doing. 
“We would have invited you, had we known that we’d all be in the same place Toms” 
Phil took over, giving Wilbur a little sympathetic smile. The brunette so obviously felt guilty about the situation. 
“But when we got the call from Tech’ it was past 3 in the morning and it was tipping it down with snow, as soon as we got home we all slept. We decided to do a stream this morning but never once did we intend to try and make you feel like you aren’t welcome with us” 
Finally it was Techno’s turn to talk...Fuck.
He wasn’t exactly the most sentimental guy, he struggled to show his emotions and he just assumed everyone he cared for just knew that he cared for them. He rarely had to say it out loud. God okay. He just had to swallow his pride and go for it. 
“Tommy you are a sleepy boy and you are our brother. We did kind of a dick move today and if I was you I’d probably be upset too. I know I didn't like seeing you guys playing without me during MCC and that wasn’t even any of our decisions. We should have called you or something. I know I kinda tease you a lot but that’s just how I show I like people. Listen Tommy if I didn’t care about you I wouldn’t be comfortable enough to make those kinds of jokes with you. It’s not funny if it’s hurting you though..”
Techno bit his lip, this wasn’t as hard as he had anticipated but it was coming out like word vomit. 
“You’re young Tommy but you’re so talented. We love you”
There was some more rustling, it sounded like Tommy was wiping his eyes. Maybe the boy had expected a yelling match, only for it to turn out to be very emotional. 
“I love you guys too.. If you ever exclude me ever again though I’m getting my vlog knife out”
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just-jordie-things · 5 years
Secret Muse - Richie Tozier
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word count: 4308 warnings: swearing, mentions of sex summary: (y/n) and Richie have been secretly going out for a while now... and it was fun at first, but it was getting pretty hard to hide their feelings as they grew into something more.
Richie’s brow furrowed a bit, and his nose twitched as he could see a bright light behind his closed eyes.
He brushed it off, and went back to resting, but then he heard that sound again.
And this time when the bright light flashed, he peeked an eye open, finding (y/n) sitting up at his side, camera in hand.
“What the hell are you doin’?” He mumbled sleepily, while she eagerly waited for the polaroid photo to print out.
“Nothing” She drew out the word, eyes focused on the black film of the photo, wanting to see the image appear.
He pushed himself upwards, to sit semi-properly on the bed.  He had a way of sprawling out over the girl’s bed, the boy was all limbs.  Not that she ever minded, she loved having him in her space.  All to herself.
“Doesn’t look like nothing” Richie says, one arm wrapping around her waist, while his other hand snatches the photo out of her hand.
“Don’t ruin it!” She shrieks, taking it back gently from his hand.
Richie rolls his eyes at her, but his smile is affectionate as he looks at the picture.
“Now, why would you want a picture of me sleeping?” He asks, snorting at the photo that appeared on the polaroid.  He then presses a kiss to her cheek, nose pressed up against her face.  “You gonna start stalking me or something?” He whispers, and she lets out a small giggle.
“Oh, babe, we’re well past that, don’t you think?” She teases, turning to chastely kiss his lips.  “Besides, I want something of just you.  You’re my muse”
He smirks, leaning in with that look in his eyes- she’d been going out with him for a few months now, and she’d known him since they were kids, so she knew that look.
“You know you can have any of me any time of day, right baby-?”
“Yeah yeah,” (y/n) whacks her hand against his shoulder.  “Unless anyone else is around” She says in a mumble.
See, Richie and (y/n) had decided when they first started going out, to keep it to themselves.  They knew their friends would get weird about it, and thought it was best, for the both of them, to just explore their new feelings without other people stuffing their opinions in their faces.
At first it was perfect, it was kind of fun to sneak around, and hide in plain sight.  But now she just wanted to be with him whenever she wanted.  She wanted to hold his hand at school and cuddle up to him during movie nights.  She just wanted to be completely his, and not just when they were in private.
“What’re you thinkin’ about, pretty girl?” Richie asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Despite the blush on her face, she gave him a sad sort of smile, before shaking her head.
“Just you” She says sweetly, before leaning in closer to kiss him.
“You’re a sap, baby” He murmurs, stealing another kiss.
“Yeah, I know” (y/n) whispers back, and drops her camera and photos so she can run her fingers through his mop of curls.
She lets out a soft sigh, before wrapping her arms around his neck, and laying back with him on the bed.  Richie wasted no time in embracing her, holding her tight against his chest.
“You gonna nap with me now?” He asked softly.
She nods her head, and cuddles further against him, happily.
The problem now was that she was falling for him, and it was getting harder to hide that. ___
It wasn’t until the next day at school that she felt these nerves build up again.  She wondered if waiting too long to tell their friends would look bac, or if they’d be upset with her for hiding this for so long, or if-
“If you keep thinking so hard, your head’s gonna pop right off, you know that, right?”
She almost jumped in the air when Richie appeared next to her in the hall, seemingly out of nowhere.  He chuckled at her reaction, walking with her to her locker.
“Jesus, babe, calm down, what’s going on?”
“Nothing” She says quickly, shaking her head, and giving him a bright, but forced, smile.
Richie was an idiot, but he wasn’t stupid.  He knew she was getting worked up over something.
“Come on (y/n/n), don’t bullshit me,” He says softly, and leans against the wall of lockers while she puts in the combination to hers.  “What’s wrong?” His hand reaches out to hers, but she pulls away before he can take it.
“Really, Rich, nothing, I’m just tired, okay?”
He knows she’s still lying, and right to his face no less, but he drops it.  
She doesn’t say anything else as she gets her things for first period.  He waits for her to say something, literally anything, but she’s dead silent, until the bell rings.
“Gotta go” She says quickly, barely looking at him, before heading off.  She didn’t even give him a chance to speak. ___
“Hey,” Richie whispers to Bill at some point in the middle of class.  “Has (y/n) said anything to you? Um, about me?”
Bill’s eyebrows furrow as he looks back at his friend.
“No?” He responds, confused by the question.  “W-why?”
“I don’t know… she just… was weird this morning-”
“Y-you probably annoyed h-her” Bill responds.
Richie shakes his head.
“But I didn’t do anything-”
“Sure,” Bill chuckles.  “W-why do y-you care a-anyway?”
He doesn’t say anything, just stares down at his notebook, while Bill studies him curiously.
“O-oh, please d-don’t tell me th-that you h-have a c-crush on (y/n).  W-what, are y-you secretly i-in love w-with her?”
A bit too late for that, Richie thinks to himself.
“No- I just-”
“Oh m-my god, you a-are” Bill says, and then lets out a groan that makes Richie grimace.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He asked.
“Mister Tozier,” Scolds their Calculus teacher, “Is there something you’d like to share with the class?”
“No, Miss Scottsdale-”
“Well then how about we watch our language, hm?” The woman asked, hands on her hips.  “Now zip the lip, and take the notes, please”
After a few minutes of taking notes, and keeping his head down so he didn’t get sent to the principal’s office for the third day in a row, he turned to Bill again, this time with an annoyed and expectant look on his face, silently asking why he’d reacted so horribly.
“O-obviously it’s not a g-good idea, Richie,” Bill says to him quietly.  “It’s (y/n)... sh-she’s our f-friend”
“And?” Richie shakes his head, his heart on a slow plummet to his stomach.
“And it w-wouldn’t work,” Bill chuckles at the mere idea of Richie and (y/n) being together.  “Y-you’re polar o-opposites”
Richie stares down at his empty notebook, and tried to shove the disappointment he felt way, way down.  He shouldn’t be so upset, he knows that Bill’s wrong, because he and (y/n) do work.  They work really well.
But it still sucks to hear from his best friend that he didn’t think they were a good fit.
“R-really, not a g-good fit, l-like at all, it w-would n-never-”
“Okay I fucking get it”
“Tozier! Office, now!”
He didn’t even care at that point, just grabbed his bag and books and bee-lined for the door. ___
(y/n) had been stuck on the same essay prompt for the past two hours.  She’d come straight home from school, sat down at her desk to get to work on her english project, and she hadn’t come up with one good idea for it.
She knew why.  Any other day, she could get to work and write the whole essay in one sitting.  But her mind was preoccupied, and unfortunately, this thing with Richie that she was in was taking up every thought in her brain.
He must have somehow known too, because next thing she knew, there was a knock on her window, and Richie Tozier himself was climbing in before she could even invite him.
“Richie,” The relief in her voice came out in a sigh as she stood up from her desk to walk over to him.  “You could’ve come in the front door, my parents aren’t home-”
Before she could even finish talking, he was wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning down to kiss her.  It was quick, but his lips were soft against hers.  She’s smiling against his lips, and she’s still smiling when he pulls away.
“Well hello to you too,” She murmurs, giggling nervously.  “What was that for?”
“I just missed you today,” He mumbles, a content smile growing on his lips.  “And I was worried about you”
“Worried about me?” She asks, tilting her head to the side.  “Why?”
“I just knew you were kinda… um… off this morning, and I- I wanted to make sure you’re feeling alright…” He licks his lips before continuing, “And feeling alright… about us…”
Her lips quirked up into a smile, and she laughed again, this time more genuinely.  Not because he was funny, but because he was so cute, and it was sweet that he came to check up on her.
“I’m okay, Rich,” She hums.  “This morning was nothing, you’ve got nothing to worry about”
He grins, pulling her closer, one of his hands reaching up to cradle the back of her head.  His fingers stroked through her hair for a moment, before tangling themselves in the roots and he spoke up again.
“You still like me and all that shit?” He asks, voice softer than she’d expected.
“Somehow, yes,” She teases.  “Of course, Rich,”
She leans up on the tips of her toes to press a reassuring kiss against his lips.
“You wanna stay over and watch a movie?”
He grins, nodding his head, and forgetting all about Bill’s stupid opinions for a minute.  And when she fell asleep curled up in his lap on the couch, he decided it didn’t matter what Bill thought- or what any of their friends might think.  He loved her so much that he thought his heart might explode if he looked at her any longer.
She always insisted that she wouldn’t fall asleep if they cuddled.  But then he’d start to feel her body slumping into his more, her head lying on his shoulder or his lap.  Then she’d request a back rub or a blanket and she’d be done for.  Out like a light.
Richie never minded.  He thought it was adorable that she’d get too cozy and drift off in his arms.  Her head was lying in his lap, legs curled up to preserve her own heat, and her arms tucked between her chest and his stomach.  Tonight, neither one of them wanted to move to get her a blanket, so Richie had shrugged off his jacket and laid it over her instead.
Looking at her now, he hoped she’d never want to get up, because he didn’t want to either.
“I can feel you staring at me,” She mumbles.  Her eyes don’t open, she’s still half asleep, but she just knows that he’s staring at her.  She can feel them boring holes into her.  “What’cha thinkin’ about, babe?”
Her hand reaches out towards his shirt, fisting the material.
“How pretty you are” He answers without missing a beat.
Always a charmer, (y/n) thinks as she lets out a short chuckle.
She looks up at him, eyes meeting his in an unamused stare.
“You’re pretty too,” She says, and smacks her lips in a playful air-kiss.  “Now come on, what’s goin’ on?”
He sighs, and reaches down to run a hand through her hair.  He does this a few times before finally speaking up.  She almost could’ve fallen back asleep.
“I just had a… a weird conversation with Bill,” He says, and she nods for him to go on.  “He just said some shit and it was annoying is all-”
“What’d he say?” She asked, leaning back on his legs to look up at him better.  “You guys didn’t fight, did you?”
“No, not really anyways, but he-”
“He said we’re not a good fit” Richie said quickly, before he could get too nervous.
“What?” (y/n) blinked, eyes going wide.  “Did you tell him about us?”
“N-no, I just- see, he has this idea that I have a crush on you-”
“And you don’t have a crush on me?” She asks playfully, earning an eye roll from the boy.
“But he was really weird about it, (y/n/n).  He said it would never work”
(y/n) frowns, not because Bill had said something so blatantly idiotic, but because Richie was clearly very hurt by it.
“Richie,” She giggles, and her brows knit together.  “That’s nothing you have to worry about,”
She sits up in his lap, one of her hands brushing sweetly over his cheek, the other placed on his shoulder to keep her balanced.
“Don’t ever tell him I said this,” She whispers, “But he’s dumb,”
Richie snorts, and shakes his head at her.
“I’m serious, Rich, look at us,” She murmurs, thumb tracing over his cheekbone in the gentlest of ways..  “We’re a perfect fit,” She tells him, voice growing even softer as she looks him in the eyes.  “Bill doesn’t know what he’s talking about”
This makes him crack a smile- she’s so sugary sweet he swears she’s gonna give him cavities, or Type Two- but that would be alright by him.
“You’re right,” He hums, eyes lazily wandering the features of her face.  “We are perfect”
She giggles again, nodding as she leans in closer.
“How much more time do you need before you realize I’m always right?” She teases.  “Besides, Bill wouldn’t have said such a silly thing had he known the truth, you know that,” She reminds him.  “And, even if he was dumb enough to think that, I don’t care,”
Her eyes are soft, and focused on his so intently that all his worries disappear with her gaze.  It’s a superpower she has, he thinks, because no one and nothing else could work a magic like that on him.
“Because I really like you, and I really like being with you, even if it’s just for a couple hours a week”
She gives him a timid smile, but when he grins back at her it grows.
One of his arms wraps around her back to pull her flush against his chest, and his free hand cradles her cheek to bring her face closer to his.
“Why are you so goddamn cute?” He murmurs, lips barely brushing over hers as she speaks.
She wastes no more time as she closes the distance between them, slanting her lips over his delicately.  Her fingers spread over his cheek as she leans fully against him so that the kiss could last as long as possible- unfortunately, they need air eventually.
When they do, she nuzzles her nose against his affectionately.
There’s three words that her brain and her heart are collectively screaming at her to say, but they catch in her throat, and her nerves force her to swallow them.
Another time, maybe.
She doesn’t know that Richie is dealing with the same struggle.  His anxiety gets the best of him as well, and he settles for holding her a little bit tighter and kissing her again.  Which will certainly do for now. ___
It takes him a week to muster up the courage, and he knows just what to do.
(y/n) had just left lunch, and the class she had after was the only class she had without one of the Loser’s in it.  She didn’t know how she got so unlucky to be in the class by herself, but Richie had known it was the only time she was alone, so it was the perfect time to plant it.
She went to her locker, dropping off her books from her previous class, and replacing them with the next one.  It wasn’t until she moved to close the locker door that she noticed it.
It was a polaroid, taped onto the inside of the door.
A picture she surprisingly hadn’t taken, but she couldn’t have, because she was asleep in the photo.  Passed out on Richie’s chest, who was very awake.  There was a bright grin on his lips, and she could see that he’d wrapped one arm around her to keep her secure against him, while the other was outstretched above them with the camera angled downwards to snap the photo.
The picture alone was enough to make her whole day- hell, her whole week.  It was the sweetest thing she’d ever seen.  But it was what he’d scribbled below it that made it perfect.
I love you.  
She knew just from the neat letters that he’d carefully written it, since it wasn’t in Richie’s usual chicken scratch.  
Carefully, she pulled the photo off of the door, smiling uncontrollably as she stared at it, wanting it glued to her memory.
With only a few minutes left before class, she held it to her chest, before sticking it back on the door, and shutting it safely inside her locker.
The smile on her face lasted the entire day. ___
The next time she saw Richie was two days later.
The Losers had all gotten together for a night of video games and junk.  Ben had just gotten the new Atari, so they found themselves clumped together in his living room, hogging the game and the couch cushions.
It was the first time that (y/n) found it incredibly hard not to throw herself at Richie.  She was typically pretty good at controlling herself, or at least talking herself down.  But she’d never felt something so strong, and she just wanted to tell him she loved him and kiss him senseless.
That was pretty reasonable, she thought.
“So, Richie” Stan speaks up with a snicker, and the look in his eyes already has Richie annoyed.
“What?” he mutters back, casting a momentary glance towards his girlfriend, who’s standing between the kitchen and the living room.  
She’d been lingering there while there were pizzas in the oven, walking into the room occasionally to watch her friends play games and cheer them on.
“Bill told me about your crush” Stan continues, and it appears that Bill told everyone, because now there are six pairs of eyes on him, waiting for his response.
“Take a fuckin picture,” He grumbles.  “And Stan, why don’t you cut the eleven-year-old-girl-drama, it’s not a good look on you”
“You’ve got a crush?” Beverly speaks up, eyes lighting up with excitement, because finally something interesting with one of these boys happened.
“He does!” Ben says before Richie has the chance to speak for himself.
(y/n), who’s still standing just a few feet away from the drama, is silent.  She knows that even if she tried to jump in and save him, it would only get worse.  So when he looked at her subtly, she gave the smallest of shrugs, as though to tell him to do whatever he wanted.
“Yeah,” Richie sighs in defeat.  “I do”
“On who?” Beverly questions him again, and he doesn’t bother saying anything, because almost everyone is eager to tell her.
They must have all shouted it at once, and then each of them turned to the girl mentioned, as though waiting for her reaction, which she doesn’t give them.  She remains still, and quiet.  Her eyes do travel to Richie, however, who’s rolling his eyes incredibly far back into his head.
Stan starts to laugh, which makes Bill start to laugh as well.  The others give a few chuckles and giggles, but it’s not the same, and Richie knows it.
They’re laughing at him, and it drives him crazy.
He waits for them to stop, giving them both death glares before looking to (y/n), who’s nervously staring down at the floor, lost as to what to do to fix this awkward situation.
“You know what?” Richie speaks up, and he shoots straight out of his seat.  The laughing doesn’t cease, but he doesn’t care.  “Fuck you.  Fuck both of you,”
The boys are wiping tears from their eyes as Richie whirls around, hurdling over the back of the couch to cross the room to (y/n).
“And fuck this, I’m tired of not getting to do this all the time” He says, surprising her and everyone else in the room when he cups her face in his hands and passionately kisses her.
A short squeak of astonishment dies in the back of her throat as she melts into the kiss, and soon she’s delightedly wrapping her arms around his neck to keep him at her level so that she can continue kissing him.
Richie seemed to want to give their friends a show, anyways.
He pulls away all too soon, letting out a dramatic sigh of relief.
“I’m fucking in love with her, okay?” He says to the others.  “There.  Now you know.  We’re all on the same page now”
No one says anything, shell-shocked by what had just happened in front of them.  Richie was proud to see so many jaws on the floor.
(y/n) reaches out to take his chin in her fingers, turning his head back to look at her.
“I love you too,” She whispered with a smile.  “I tried to tell you the other night- last week- I just, um, was too scared” She tells him sheepishly.
“Me too,” he chuckles, and pushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Their friends are still wordlessly watching the scene before them.
“Did you like the picture though? I thought that was a pretty damn good idea”
“It was,” (y/n) laughs.  “I loved it, it’s still there, I’ll keep it for-”
“I’m sorry,” Mike is the first to come to his senses.  He’s pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand, like it’s physically troubling him to process this.  “Are you two dating?”
(y/n) and Richie share a sheepish look before nodding back at him.
“Y-you were t-together th-this whole t-time?” Bill asks.  “Richie, I- I’m so s-sorry-”
“I know man, it’s alright,” Richie says dismissively.  “You didn’t know we were perfect for each other.  Really though, her mouth fits perfect around-”
“Beep beep!” (y/n) shrieks, swatting at his stomach before he can even think about finishing that sentence.
Not that he has to.  The smirk on his face speaks for itself.
“I- I have so many questions,” Eddie shakes his head.  “Number one, why? And number two, (y/n), blink twice if he’s making you go out with him against your will”
“Jesus Christ Eds” Richie grumbled, but (y/n) finds it hilarious.
“How long have you been dating?” Ben asks, smiling between the unexpected pair.
“Five and a half months” Richie answers, because (y/n) is still laughing.  He wraps his arms around her tight and pushing her face into his chest to muffle the laughing.
“So, uh, is it always gonna be like this now?” Stan asks, a cringe taking over his face that he tried to hide, but he couldn’t help it.
“Yep!” Richie announces, squeezing (y/n) tighter when she tries to shuffle out of his arms.  “You’re just gonna have to suck it up and deal with it”
“Yeah, I managed to, you guys can too” (y/n) says, voice muffled in his sweatshirt.
“Would you shut the fuck up please?” He muttered down to her.  “You’re makin’ me look bad”
“So you guys are like…” Mike glances to the others before continuing, “Full on married”
“How did we not notice?” Eddie mumbles.
“Richie’s surprisingly good at keeping his hands to himself” (y/n) answers with a grin, and this time it’s his turn to whack her in the shoulder.
The oven beeps then, and finally he lets her out of his hold to go get the pizzas.
“I honestly… can’t believe it” Beverly says once (y/n’s) gone.
“Yeah… (y/n)? Going out with you?” Eddie adds with a snicker.
“I mean, how did you even-”
“Actually, she asked me out” Richie says, before anyone else can say anything.
That seems to throw them for a loop again, and he just laughs as he walks into the kitchen after his girlfriend, leaving his friends to discuss just how the hell this all happened.
“Having fun?” (y/n) hums while she’s slicing up the pizzas on the kitchen counter.  She sends Richie a smile over her shoulder for a moment.
He leans in from behind her to swiftly press a kiss to her cheek, before sitting on the counter next to her.
“Oh yeah,” He answers.  “Especially now that I get to do that whenever I want”
She grins, and he takes one of the slices of pizza.
“So, are you gonna tell them that you begged me to go out with you, or…?”
“Nope.  I’m just gonna fuck with them a little bit.  They’re already going nuts out there”
She laughs, nodding her head.  She expected no less from him.
“Alright dummy, help me carry these out” She says, holding a pan of sausage pizza out for him.
“Oh, I see, you want a big sausage pizz-”
“No- nope,” She shoved a hand over the boy’s mouth.  “I want you to help me take these out to the living room” (y/n) says, before nodding her head for him to get moving.
“Fine, babe,” Richie sighs rather theatrically, and slides off the counter.  “Maybe later then?”
She giggles, and pushes his shoulders so he’ll walk faster.
xoxo ~ jordie
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
UA Idol | Chapter Nine
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
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Word Count: 1,532
Warnings: Language
A/N: This is just kind of a filler chapter, I promise that the next chapter is the beginning of ~Hell Week~ and I am having a blast writing it. I’m gonna have to use so many descriptor words, I have so many ideas for how all these performances look and II just need to write them DOWN. I hope you enjoy this chapter!! And thank you for the support to everyone who keeps reading it, you mean the world to me 🥺(Also out of curiosity should I draw Mina and Denki like I imagine them in this AU too?? Would that be a thing anyone is interested in??? Let me know!!)
Shinsou felt someone shake his shoulder, making his eyes shoot open. He’d fallen asleep, apparently. “I’m so sorry sir, but we’re going to be landing soon, and you and your girlfriend don’t have your seatbelts on…” she explains, and he raises his eyebrow. Girlfriend? He doesn’t have a… oh my GOD your head is on his shoulder and you’re sleeping on him. And his head is on top of yours. “Uh… sorry,” he mumbles, his face turning a bright red. “It’s alright, sir, just buckle up, okay?” He nods, gently shaking you awake, but you mumble something about 5 more minutes, shifting and burying your face deeper in his neck. He feels the blush on his face flood throughout his body, and his heart speeds up.
He did NOT want to move you. He wanted to let you cuddle him and let him hold you forever, but unfortunately the plane was going to land and as much as he wanted to stay close to you, he also didn’t want you to fly out of your seat and hit your head and die. “Come on, kitten, you need to put your seatbelt on,” he says, gently shaking you again. You shake your head, a small yawn leaving your mouth until you realize just who exactly you were laying on. This causes your spine to go rigid and you sit straight up, trying to hide the ever-present embarrassment showing on your face. “Seatbelt, (Y/n/n),” Shinsou says, buckling his and pretending like he, too, wasn’t the shade of a literal tomato. You nod, quickly buckling up and looking over at him. “So, um… we slept for a long time,” you say, and he nods. “Yep. Yeah, we did. Best sleep I’ve gotten in a while,” he answers, clearing his throat and looking around at everyone else on the plane. “Me too, me too,” you respond, looking out of the plane window. That’s when the pilot comes over the loudspeaker, telling the passengers that the plane was about to land. And that’s when Shinsou gets even more anxious than he already was. That’s also when you remember what he said about plane crashes. ‘Take offs and landings are the scariest parts because that’s when things go wrong and crashes happen most often.’
Without even giving it a second thought, you reach out to hold his hand again. You give it a reassuring squeeze, and you see like maybe .5% of his anxiety go away, but hey at least it was some of it. “We’re gonna be okay, Shinsou. Don’t even worry about it, if anything happens I won’t let you get hurt,” you reassure him, and he glances at you before nodding. Of course, that’s right when the plane starts to actually descend, and you swear you can feel Shinsou’s soul leave his body and you aren’t even a part of his soul or body. Luckily, though, you land perfectly. Nothing bad happens, and you see the relief flood through him. His hand was still in yours, though. Looks like he got a little comfortable with that part, and didn’t even try to take it away until everyone began to unload. Before you could grab your bags from the overhead, he did the job for you, handing you your bag with a small smirk. “I have a five dollar fee for manual labor,” he says, and you roll your eyes. You both begin to walk off the plane, and you noticed all his anxiety seemed to have gone away now that you were back on land. And of course that meant his sarcastic ass was back. “And I have three cents to my name.”
“Looks like you’ll have to pay me back some other way.”
“And what is this other way you are mentioning?” He opens his mouth, about to say something, when suddenly a flash of blonde and pink interrupts your little moment. Just like always. “I hope you both slept well,” Denki winks, resulting in him getting a punch to the arm from Shinsou. “Ow, man, what the hell?”
“I must have slept better than I thought, that was harder than I anticipated.”
“Yeah you slept well because of your little cuddle buddy over here.” Denki gets punched again. “I cannot believe you guys slept on each other, (Y/n). It was so cute I took like eleven pictures and I bet that’s why he slept so well,” Mina whisper squeals to you, and you roll your eyes. “Mina, we slept well because we’re both genuinely exhausted from our energetic best friends who even after an eight hour flight still seem to be bouncing off the walls and causing us pain,” you respond and she laughs. “Hey you’re not the only ones who took a fat nap. Of course, I didn’t cuddle with the love of my life that I’m pretending isn’t the love of my life, but hey it was still nice.” You shoot her a small glare to which she responds to you with a wink. You sigh, glancing over at Shinsou. He was still being badgered by Denki, and he looked very unamused, but you can’t deny how attractive he looked. You were definitely developing a bit of a crush on him, not that you’d ever admit it out loud. The way you two can talk for hours and never get bored as well as… well everything else about him really is just so appealing to you. Not to mention the strange connection you feel toward him. He’s like your favorite song that you listen to every day but never seem to get tired of.
“Hellooooooo? Earth to (Y/n),” Mina starts frantically waving her hand in front of your face, pulling you out of your thoughts completely. “You okay there?” she asks, and you nod. “Yeah, I was just thinking about some song lyrics, don’t worry about it.”
“Well, I hope those song lyrics have something to do with that sign over there that says Hollywood and literally proves that we are, in fact, in Los Angeles about to start Hell Week. This is all becoming so real now,” she starts to ramble on excitedly about how y’all were really genuinely truly there in Los Angeles, about to perform in front of world famous artists all over again, and hopefully make it through to live shows where you would then go on a world tour for many months until the winner was finally revealed. You take a deep breath because quite honestly, all of this was very stressful, and as excited as you were, you were also scared. If you would happen to get through to the live shows, that means that you would probably have to drop out of the university in Tokyo that you worked ridiculously hard to be able to attend. But on the other hand, you’d finally be doing what you’ve always wanted to do.
As much as you loved going to school, actually being able to perform your songs in front of people is what you’ve always wanted to do. You just put it on the back burner because living in a society where getting a degree means getting a good job resulting in earning more money means your dreams need to wait. But there’s also that nagging fear of what if you don’t even get through? Or even worse, what if you don’t and Mina does, or if you do and Mina doesn’t. You two have been attached at the hip ever since the beginning of university, so being here with her albeit great, was also scary. And what if you both did make it. What would happen to Nyx? Could you bring her with you? And even then, would you have to quit your job? What if you made it to live shows but eventually the world decided you weren’t what they wanted, do you just go back to living a normal life like nothing ever happened? And what if-
“(Y/n)? Are you okay?” you hear Shinsou’s voice and feel a large hand grasp onto yours. You hadn’t even realized you’d zoned out, but Shinsou did. And he could tell your little zone out episode wasn’t necessarily a good one. He starts rubbing your hand with his thumb to try and help you out, calm you down a bit, and it does work. You nod your head, giving his hand a light squeeze. “I’m okay. Just thinking,” you assure him and he raises an eyebrow. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I promise.”
“If you need to talk about anything uh… I’m here for you, you know that right?” he says, low enough that Mina and Denki can’t hear him. You give him a small smile. “I know. And I’m here for you if you need anything too… so.”
“Can you two stop flirting? We need to get to the hotel and get ready for the hardest week of our lives!” Mina shrieks, and you both let go of each other’s hands. For now, you do your best at pushing all the fears your brain is conjuring up inside you to the very back of your mind. Who knows. Maybe this week will change your life.
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hiddennerdworld · 4 years
A New Beginning
Avengers x Reader
Warnings: A lil bit of violence, swearing, and a lot of dialogue (I’m sorry)
Note: hey this is my first writing. I hope you like it :) sorry it’s long and has a lot of talking
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You’ve been working at Stark Industries for a couple months now, and it’s been a blast. At first you couldn’t believe you were going to be a lab assistant for THE Tony Stark, your hero. But now you not only consider Tony to be your boss but also kind of like a friend. Over time your job shifted from just being a lab assistant to being an assistant for the Avengers in general. It started with meeting them while testing out new equipment and then being invited to one of Tony’s wild parties where you got to know the team better. Ever since then you’ve been spending more time outside the lab and doing more tasks around the Tower: grabbing coffee for whoever doesn’t like making their own, creating schedules, keeping score during sparring matches, even helping Peter make his web fluid.
On a what seemed to be ordinary night you decided to take some work home. You had to transfer some mission paperwork into the online database. Nothing too difficult, but the office was already mainly empty, besides those who lived there, and you were exhausted. So back to your tiny New York apartment you went.
You put your key in the door and shoved it open, almost falling into the apartment. Flinging your shoes off, you let out a huge sigh. But when you go to walk towards the light switch in the kitchen, you heard footsteps behind you.
“Turn around and give me your bag. I wouldn’t want to have to hurt you.” You heard a deep ominous voice grovel behind you. Then suddenly you feel something on the back of your head.
“Is that a fucking gun?!” You thought. Now shaking, you extended your hand holding the bad out. The man quickly snatched it and started rummaging. After a few seconds the man grabs the files out the bag, throws your bag back on the ground, pushes you over, and runs out of your apartment.
“Shit... shit! Shit! Shit!” After your heart stopped pacing and your breathing relaxed, you thought about how important those files were and started to freak out again.
Before long though your landlord knocked and opened the door a little more to find you lying on the floor. “Oh my God! Y/N are you okay? I saw someone run out of here, and they didn’t seem friendly.”
“Yea I’m alright I guess. Thank you.” You gave her a small smile as she helped you off the ground.
“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh, um well I found the guy in here when I got home and he robbed me.” Saying it out loud didn’t even seem real.
“I’m so sorry. You’re not hurt are you? What did he take?”
“No I’m alright. He just pushed me when he left so I couldn’t chase him, no injuries. And luckily he just took some stuff from work.”
“From work? That’s a little weird. Why would he want that?”
“Well I work at Stark Industries and I’m guessing it was an enemy of his trying to get some inside info.”
Your landlord stepped back shocked, “Wait, you work for Tony Stark?!”
“The one and only,” you let out a giggle. “Yea I was surprised when I first found out too.”
“While I’m really happy for you, I don’t know if having someone like you living here is such a good idea.”
You gasped, not expecting another bombshell tonight.
“I’m so sorry, but if this is going to be a regular thing, the threat of armed men coming here trying to hurt you, then I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I can’t risk the other tennents’ safety.”
You nodded, understanding her concern. This part of the city already wasn’t the most safe place to live, but adding the possible danger of random people after Stark trying to get to you would cause a lot of worry, especially after the whole Loki incident. And you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if one of your neighbors got hurt, or worse, because of you.
“Again I’m really sorry. I’ll give you some time to think about it.” Your landlord said patting you on the shoulder and leaving.
You didn’t even do your nightly routine. Just plopped into bed hoping that you might get a wink of sleep. Not didn’t seem likely though with the huge weight in your mind.
. . . . . . . . .
The next morning you slumped into the compound. Despite trying for what seemed like an eternity, you got maybe a half hour of sleep. You had already called in that morning saying you needed the day off, but you still needed to talk to Stark.
You got into the elevator preparing yourself to face him. *Ding* The elevator stopped and you were met with two familiar faces, Nat and Steve. Both greeted you with big smiles on their faces.
“Hey, Y/N! I thought you weren’t coming in today.” Steve said looking happy to see you.
“Yea, I thought I just needed a day off, but now I’m looking for Tony,” you answered quietly, voice still raspy, “You see him anywhere?”
“Last remember him talking about working in the lab today. Hey are you alright? You seem.. off” Nat said with a concerned look on her face as she put her hand on your shoulder.
You nodded unconvincingly and stepped off the elevator when it got to your floor. You waved goodbye and gave a tiny forced smile.
“Hey it’s Y/N!” Tony stood up from his station to greet you. “Well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine today? What happened to taking a break?”
You stared down at your feet, so nervous about what you needed to say. “About that, the break might be longer than expected.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I think I’m going to have to quit, Mr Stark. I-“
“Again, it’s Tony and sorry you’re not allowed to do that.”
“But if I don’t I’m going to be kicked out of my apartment!” You started to get louder as you were getting emotional. “Last night there was a man in my apartment and he took the files. And then my landlord found out and said it’s too dangerous for me to live there while working for you. I love working here but that’s the only place affordable for me and- and.”
Tony stopped you by grabbing your shoulders. “Okay slow your roll. Take a deep breath now.” He did an exaggerated breath while you did so. “Good, now did you see who it was?”
You shook your head. “I-I never got a look of his face. It was so dark and he was basically behind me the whole time with a gun to my head”
“Wait what?!” You heard someone call out. Turning to look at the sound you find Steve hiding in the doorway. However, it wasn’t just Steve. One by one, almost the whole team walked out.
“Nice going. Aren’t you supposed to be a super spy?” Sam said hitting him on the shoulder.
“Have you guys been there the whole time?” You ask rubbing the tears from your eyes.
“More or less.” Nat replied “Sorry, hun. Steve and I saw how weird you were being and decided to follow you off the elevator. Then everyone else decided to join in.” She said eyeing the group.
“So are you alright?” Steve stepped up and asked, looking genuinely concerned.
“Yeah I’m not hurt. I let him get the files though. I-I’m so sorry.” The tears start flowing again.
“Hey don’t worry about the stupid files.” Tony grabbed your attention again, “I just feel bad you were in that position in the first place. We’ll figure this out.”
“But, Tony I-“
“I got an idea!” He said lifting his arms up in excitement, interrupting you again. “You can live here! Boom problem solved!”
You looked up in surprise. “Wait what?! You would really let me do that. But I’m just an assistant, you don’t need to worry about me.”
“Bullshit!” Sam yelled. Everyone nodded in agreeance.
“He’s right, Y/N, to be honest I’m not sure how it happened, but seeing you work here these past 6 months, I can tell everyone has grown to need you,” Vision calmly said, “Your reliability and cheerfulness have affected us all and now we don’t want that to go away.”
“Yea, you’re like our little mascot.” Sam said making you giggle a little.
“See, kiddo. You’re an essential part of this team. You’re not gonna ditch us now are you?” Tony asked with puppy eyes. You could feel everyone else’s gazes on you also as you stated at the floor.
You sniffled and a smile started to grow on your face. “Well I guess I don’t have a choice do I?” You giggled and looked up. “I would love to stay here with you guys.”
You heard everyone cheer. All of a sudden Nat pulled you into a hug. Soon everyone else joined in too. You couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you guys.” They gave you a tight squeeze. You were ready to start life here with your new family... maybe after a nap though.
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frauleinjustice · 4 years
Saiouma Week Day 1: Morning
Hello everyone!! I wanted to write for Day 1 of saioumaweek ( @saiouma-events ): morning/night, specifically for morning! 
Summary: Shuichi normally isn’t awake so early at 6am, but had went to sleep very early last night. Deciding it’d make for a peaceful morning to read outside on a bench, he would also come across Kokichi who spots him. Kokichi himself is awake due to having difficulty sleeping... so Shuichi will help him try to get some sleep. 
Heheh as always, smth short and cute I wanted to do~! And if you give it a read, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy! ღ
6am... normally, the detective was still asleep at this time. Though: he had fallen asleep much earlier than his usual bedtime, so he woke up very early. He didn't mind it, though: in fact, he even got dressed so he could go outside and take a stroll through campus, eventually stopping at a bench so he could sit down and read. The sky slowly brightens as the sun continues to rise. It made for a very pretty sight, paired with the sound of the birds tweeting in the background and a cool morning breeze sweeping past him. 
As expected, there wasn't really anyone else outside... save for the peculiar sight of Kokichi, who was also up and about this morning. His reason for being awake, though, was because he hadn't slept, barely getting two hours in. His sleeping schedule was never consistent, anyway: sometimes he got a decent amount of rest, and other times, he barely got in a nap's worth of sleep. He was incredibly exhausted and his eyes were baggy, but he gave up trying to go back to sleep after failing to do so multiple times. When he enters the part of campus Shuichi is in, and spots him-"!" He looks surprised, not expecting to see the detective of all people out so early. "Saihara-chan...?" But it was a nice surprise: he always got excited when he spotted Shuichi. He quickly and quietly moves around to behind the bench. Then slowly, he sneaks closer from behind, and... places his hands over Shuichi's eyes. 
"Oh-!" Not having spotted or heard him, Shuichi lets out a surprised gasp when his vision is suddenly blocked. 
"Guess whooo~?"
"!" He was about to ask who it was, but once Kokichi spoke and he recognized his voice, a smile now appeared on his face. Giggling, he answers: "If I had to guess... Ouma-kun?"
"Ding ding ding!" He snickers, moving his hands away before he wraps his arms around Shuichi's neck, nuzzling their cheeks together. "Saihara-chan!!"
"Ouma-kun!" He smiles brightly, nuzzling their cheeks together as well before he looks towards him. "Good morning! I didn't expect to see you out here: enjoying a morning stroll, too?"
"I could say the same thing for you! And in actuality, I was contemplating which facility I should take over and make my secret base, next. Perhaps if Saihara-chan joins my organization, I'll take over his favorite library so he can have allll the books he wants..."
"Aww, Ouma-kun... how sweet of you." Then an amused smile creeps onto his face. "But no."
"Ah! Rude!!" He playfully pouts, jabbing his finger into the laughing Shuichi's cheek before he starts laughing with him. Whenever Shuichi was playful with him like this and laughed as if he was having fun: Kokichi adored it. He adored many things about his beloved detective. "Anywaaay.. why are you up so early, Saihara-chan? Were you up all night reading again?"
"N-No! It's just... I fell asleep way earlier than my bedtime, so I ended up waking up at like 5:30am, a-ahaha... and since I didn't feel tired enough to head back to sleep, I thought it'd be nice to come out here. The sky looks so pretty at this hour..."
"I see, I see... cause if Shumai pulled another all night, I'd have to roast his books over a fire!"
"I-It's always an accident when it happens, I swear!" He whines, before a worried expression appears on his face.. "A-Anyway… did you not get any sleep last night, Ouma-kun? Your eyes have bags under them... is everything alright? Did you have a nightmare?"
"Jeeez... Saihara-chan worries too much. I'm just way too busy for sleep, is all!" He didn't want to tell Shuichi that it was simply trouble sleeping, as he didn't want to worry him even more than he already was. 
"B-But..." Shuichi knows it has to be more than that, which only makes him worry worse. "Still! You should get some sleep... hmm..." He thinks for a moment... before he pats his lap. "H...Here. You can lay your head on my nap and rest."
"I told youuu, I’m...huh?" Just as he was about to insist once more he doesn't need to keep worrying, the sudden offer catches him off guard. "Saihara-chan wants me to... lay my head on his lap?"
"Y-Yeah, well: if you want, that is. Even if it's only 30 minutes of sleep.. something is better than nothing. And... I wouldn't mind it..." 
".................." He doesn't respond right away. Not that he's deciding if he wants to or not: he very much would love to. But the thought of laying on Shuichi's lap... he hopes the blush that slowly creeps onto his face won't be too notable. "F...Fine. Only so I won't hear you keep nagging at me." Is the convenient excuse he gives, before laying his body onto the bench and lays his head on Shuichi’s lap.
Shuichi feels his heart thump in his chest once Kokichi's laying on his lap, still surprised he was even bold enough to suggest that. He knows he could've suggested he should just go back to his own bed to sleep, but he... wanted to take that risk and ask of this: he's glad he did. Having the person he's secretly in love with, resting on his lap... it's something he'd love to experience. "A...Are you comfy?"
"Hmm...nope! This is the worst pillow ever!" But then a big, bright smile appears on his face. "But that's a lie! Saihara-chan's lap is... passable enough."
"G-Geez... never a straight answer with you, huh?" He chuckles, smiling down at him so warmly. 
"Nishishi...." Shuichi looking down at him with such a smile, highlighted by the bright sunlight... it made the blush on his cheeks darken, and his smile shift into a more natural, genuine one. He always found the detective so pretty; but especially right now. "Shumai’s got such a pretty smile..." He mumbles quietly, nuzzling part of his face in Shuichi’s stomach with a giggle. "And if I'm napping on my beloved detective's nap... then maybe I'll look forward to sleeping."
“A...Ah… e-ehehe…” His own cheeks turn a darker shade of red as well, the look in his eyes looking warmer and more loving.” Th...Thank you…. And I’m happy to hear that, Ouma-kun. You deserve a good rest.” His hand hesitates for a moment… but then he slowly brings it up towards Kokichi’s head, so he can start gently combing it through his hair. If Kokichi didn’t like the gesture, he’d stop: but hearing a content sigh leave him instead, and even nuzzling his head more against Shuichi’s hand… makes him softly  giggle as he continues the gesture.  “Have a nice nap now, okay…?”
“Aye!” Once he’s extra comfy on his lap, he nuzzles his face against his stomach some more before slowly drifting off to sleep. Shuichi continues stroking his hair while reading with his other hand, occasionally glancing down at him. He looked so peaceful and content as he slept… the first time in a long while sleep felt this nice. 
“...Never thought someone as normally eccentric and boisterous as him, could have such an adorable sleeping face…” He whispers to himself, giggling. He was happy he could help Kokichi finally get some sleep.
It’s around two hours later when Kokichi wakes up. “Mmnngh…” He wipes the small drool lazily with his sleeve, eyes squinting when the sunlight hits them… and instead of rising back up: he wraps  his arms around Shuichi’s face, burying his face in his stomach once more while sleepily mumbling incoherent babbles. He doesn’t want to get up yet.
“Oh…!” That whole while, Shuichi had still been reading. His legs did become a bit numb overtime, but he didn’t mind it: he wouldn’t move until Kokichi was awake. He looks down at him when he feels him move around, chuckling as he gives his cheek a small poke. “Hellooo, Ouma-kuuun… did you have a nice sleep?”
“Mraaah…” He snickers at the cheek poke, eventually raising his head back up and slowly rises, yawning with a nod. “Yeah… I did. I didn’t wanna wake up yet, though: Shumai’s so comfyyy…” Once he’s sitting next to him again, he leans his head against his shoulder. “Zzz…nishishi...” 
“You’re so silly…” He giggles, giving his hair a soft ruffle. “But I’m glad. Still take it  easy for today, though, okay?”
“Hmm….” He looks up at him with a mischievous smile. “Only if I can have Saihara-chan to myself for the rest of the day! He’s gonna make us breakfast while I invade his dorm room!”
“S-So it’s already been determined, huh… well, not that I mind: sure. Let’s hang out in my room today!” Classes weren’t mandatory, anyway: he figures it wouldn’t hurt to miss a day, spending it with Kokichi.
“Yaaaay~!” Kokichi glomps him down in a big hug. “Saihara-chan’s the best!” He wraps his arms around him and starts cuddling him, giggling happily… before he leans in to plant a soft kiss to his cheek. “Because my beloved made me have such a great sleep on his lap…”
“W-Woah-!” His book flew out of his hand from the impact of being glomped down, laughing happily. “A-Ahaha! Yes, yes, we’ll have fun today!” The kiss to his cheek, though, makes a surprised gasp leave him. “!” His cheeks turn a light pink and his heart flutters happily… before he gives a fluffy smile and nods. “N… No problem…” Shuichi slowly wraps his arms around him in turn to cuddle him back. “I’ll happily let you sleep on my lap, anytime…” And shyly leans in to give his forehead a soft peck.
“N...Nishishi….” He buries his face in Shuichi’s chest for a moment, feeling his heart bouncing around from the peck to his forehead, and being cuddled up in his arms like this. He’s so happy, it’s nearly overwhelming. “...Thank you, Saihara-chan. I’d love that.. Now-!” His cheeks still a burning red, Kokichi lets go of him and hops off, holding his hands out with the brightest, beaming smile. “Let’s eat, let’s eaaat! And then have lotsa fun!”
“H-Hehe, yes!” Shuichi grabs both of Kokichi’s hands once he sits back up, so that he can yank the detective up to his feet. “I’ll make us something nice… and then we’ll have a lazy day together…” Grabbing his book, Shuichi begins walking alongside Kokichi as they talk about whatever. To think this all happened, because Shuichi just happened to be out here this early like Kokichi… now, he determines having accidentally slept in so early last night was a very happy accident: one he would not mind at all happening, again.
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et-lesailes · 5 years
Hey, I was wondering if you could write a short Drabble about Chris and the reader just having a baby and the reader had to have a c section and now she has a scar and she feels insecure about it and Chris makes her feel better? I love your writing by the way💜
thank you so much love 💕
-> -> -> You sit in your bed cradling your baby in your arms, looking down at her with fond eyes. She's your entire world now, and you know your husband feels the same way.
He comes into the bedroom with the glass of water you requested, setting it on the nightstand carefully making sure to be quiet. "She going back to sleep?" he whispers, a smile already crossing his lips as he peers over your shoulder at his beloved daughter dozing off. "Mhm," you hum, gently stroking the few dirty blonde wisps of hair she has atop her head. "She had a little bit to eat and she's already tired again, I think this is gonna be a long nap."
"Oh, yeah? So more downtime for us then, right?" Chris says with a playful smirk, leaning down to kiss your forehead. You force a smile. It's been about three weeks since you've given birth, but in those three weeks you've barely let Chris touch you or even see you naked. He's asked you if everything is alright, and you simply keep brushing it off as being tired or not in the mood.
"I'm going to take her to her crib." You whisper, starting to get up- however, he stops you. "Let me, sweetheart. You just relax." He gently takes the little girl from you; she only opens her eyes for a second, barely makes a face, then closes them again. He chuckles lovingly and leaves the bedroom, returning a few moments later empty handed.
You settle down under the covers and sigh in content. "I think I might take a nap too," you remark somewhat lamely, and he gets into bed with you and wraps his arms tightly around you. "Mind if I lay with you then, baby girl?" You barely smile, nuzzling your head into his chest. "Of course not."
You close your eyes as he holds you close, feeling comfortable and at peace-- until you feel his hand slide up under your shirt. He's not even trying anything, he's simply resting his hand upon your belly-- but you immediately flinch, opening your eyes and pushing it off before even realizing what you're doing. He blinks in surprise, looking down at you with a worried frown. "Baby? What's wrong, did I do something?"
"I-- no, I just-- I didn't mean..." you trail off, feeling guilty and sad at the same time. Before you know it, a tear's slipping down your cheek, and his blue eyes are wide with concern. "Y/N, what's wrong? Come on, talk to me." He wipes your tear away, stroking your hair comfortingly with his other hand. "Please."
"It's just this scar," you whisper pathetically, gripping his shirt. "I hate it so much. I-- of course I'm happy that we had our baby girl and it's nothing to do with her, but the scar, it just-- it looks so ugly and bad, and I hate looking at it and touching it and I hate that you have to do it too.."
He frowns and immediately kisses you softly, mumbling lowly, "Baby girl, I never want to hear you say that again- that scar is not ugly or bad, it shows how unbelievably strong you are and how perfect of a mama you are and how lucky our little angel and I are to have you. I have no issues with looking at or feeling that scar and I don't want you to have any issues with it either, okay darling?"
You sniff, nodding your head slowly but gratefully. "I'll try my best. I guess I'm still kind of all over the place since giving birth," you mumble softly, and he kisses all over your head. "Take as much time as you need, love, but just remember I'll be here for you the whole way through. I love you so much, Y/N. You know that, right?"
"I know." You finally smile more genuinely, wiping at your eyes. "I love you too, Chris."
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
The First Move - Eraqus x Fem!Reader
It’s a little on the long side for my normal stuff, but meh. Eraqus brings out the lighter side of my writing at least. 
                Groaning, I kick at the alarm orb to shut it up. Dragging myself into the bathroom, I wash up and get ready for the day. I find Bragi and Hermod, both also groggy, in line for the bathroom when I step out.
                “Have you seen Eraqus?” I ask, already knowing the answer.
                Hermod shakes his head sleepily and Bragi replies with a tired smirk, “Nah. He’s probably waiting for his babysitter to wake him up.”
                Heaving a dramatic sigh, I prepare myself for the first challenge of the day. I approach the door next to my room and bang on the door. “Era. Eraqus, wake up!”
                “Just let him sleep in and deal with the consequences himself,” Urd yawns, coming upon us along with Vor and Xehanort.
                “I can’t,” I grumble. “Even if Eraqus gets punished, we’ll still get a lecture about looking after each other from the Master.”
                “So you’re a push over,” Xehanort yawns to which I scowl. “You wouldn’t have this problem if you stopped babying Eraqus.”
                “I don’t know if you can call it babying when she can literally throw him out of his room,” hums Urd. Vor giggles.
                Ignoring the rest of their jeers, I push my way into Eraqus’s room. The boy is sprawled across his bed, still fast asleep. Reaching down, I shake him. “Hey, it’s time to get up.” He’s resilient today. Huffing, I rip the pillow from beneath his head and beat him with it. “Wake up, you lazy bum!”
                He snaps awake, trying to cover his head. “I’m up! I’m up!”
                I throw the pillow on top of him. “You better be. Now go get ready.”
                Pushing himself off the bed, he stretches. “Alright, I’m going.”
                Eraqus and I have been friends for a long time. I’ve known him since before our training days. So we’ve been stuck together for years. There’s not much that I don’t know about him, down to his ridiculous habit of chewing on the strings of his robe. And I’m sure he knows all my little quirks. We know each other so well, I could probably pick him out of a line up by his bare ass. He’s been there for me for so long; I’ve probably grown mildly dependant on him, even if it looks the other way around.
                With other students and staff, I collect my breakfast in the cafeteria. I do my usual and gather breakfast for him as well, knowing that the slacker will get here when the food’s all gone. Before long, the others begin to gather at our usual table.  
                An arm reaches over my shoulder for the spare plate. Out of reaction, I move the plate further away and look back, but I didn’t expect him to be so close. My eyes catch on his, mesmerized by the flecks of silver scattered throughout his magical gray irises. I feel the warmth climbing up my spine. I’ve considered having feelings for him before, only to push them aside in favor of not ruining a friendship or distracting ourselves. So I’ve tried to ignore the fluttering in my chest and push aside the fantasies that intrude on my mind, but he makes it so difficult when he’s stupidly adorable and charming and I’m digging a hole.
                “Excuse you,” I grumble and turn away; hoping that he didn’t see the working blush across my face.
                He sits beside me and the sad puppy look comes up. “B-But!”
                “Nu-uh. I got this,” I tell him, trying to maintain my cool, especially in front of the others. “I got up, got ready, came down, and picked this out myself. This is mine.”
                I push my now empty bowl towards him. Eraqus gets the hint and scurries away with the bowl to dump it in the dirty dish bin. Returning, he sits attentively, hoping I’ve been appeased. I let my eyes roll, but relinquish the plate to which he happily digs in. I notice the snickers and glances from the others but elect to ignore them. Only a few short moments later, I drag Eraqus and his half-eaten bagel to class.
                My knees give and I end up on my ass, sighing in relief. Master Odin chuckles and tells us that training is done for the day. My partner in training flops down beside me, leaning against my back.
                “You were great today,” he huffs. “That blizzard spell was strong.”
                I huff between gasps, “Didn’t stop you from breaking out of it.”
                His head tilts back to rest on my shoulder, his wavy hair brushing my cheek. “Thank goodness. The last thing I want to be is a popsicle.”
                “Might make studying in peace a bit easier,” I say, poking at his face.
                “Oh come on. You’d get bored if I weren’t here.”
                “I do have hobbies outside of being bothered by you.”
                “You enjoy it.”
                I glance away in an attempt to hide my grin. “Whatever. Now get off me. You’re all sweaty.” Standing up, I leave him to flop onto his back from where he gives me a goofy grin. I raise a brow at him, hands on my hips. “I’m gonna go shower.”
                Throwing his feet over his head, Eraqus is back on his feet. “’Kay. Then you’ll do my homework after right?” I throw a glare at him and he puts his hands up with that cheeky grin. “Sorry! I mean help; you’ll help me with my homework, yeah?”
                Ignoring the lazy boy’s mischief, I amble off with Urd and Vor to clean up.
                “You know he’s using you, right?” Urd comments on our walk. I glance at her. “Everyone, including Eraqus, knows you won’t let him fall behind.”
                I sigh, “Considering I seem to be the class leader, I don’t know what else you expect me to do.”
                “Part of being a leader is encouraging people to stand on their own,” Vor sings, dancing a few steps ahead. But she suddenly turns back with a Cheshire grin. “But there are other reasons you dote over him, aren’t there.”
                “What’s that supposed to mean?” I snap.
                “Oh nothing.” She continues skipping down the hall and even Urd won’t stop smiling. They quickly change the subject despite my insistence.
                “For the love of-Eraqus!” I tear the book from beneath his face, which subsequently collides with the table.
                “Ow!” He sits up, frantically turning in his seat. “Fire! Daybreak Town! C! What subject is this?!” Regaining his senses, his silver eyes turn on me. Even though I’m standing over him with my arms folded, he sighs in relief and lets out a chuckle.
                “For someone who sleeps in on a regular basis, you sure take a lot of naps,” I growl. “Honestly, if we hadn’t been friends since we started walking, I would’ve left you two grades behind.”
                Propping an elbow on the table and resting a cheek against his palm, he answers, “I dunno. Just because you have ambition doesn’t make you mean. You’d probably drag me along by my feet even if we’d never met before.”
                I shake my head. “Gods, they were right.” He raises a brow. “You’re just using me because you’re lazy.”
                “Oh I dunno about thaaat,” he replies nonchalantly.
                I close my book and reach for another. “I really should just let you fall behind. Even if the Master lectures the rest of us, you might actually-”
                The second book slides away from me. “Woah woah. Okay, hold on. I’ll take it seriously.”
                “Oh really?” I scoff.
                “Yes. I swear.”
                I glance over him briefly. He genuinely seems to mean it, but I can’t be sure it’s not just my soft spot for him. “Prove it.”
                The boy glances around in search of a way to prove he’s serious. When it appears he’s got nothing, Eraqus looks to me, a look of uncertainty on his face. Before I can brush off his failed attempt to convince me to stay, surprise jolts through me like a thunder spell when he takes my wrist and pulls me into his lap.
                “E-Eraqus!” My skin is on fire and the rate of my heart is climbing.
                “Wait! Just-!” He taps at the book in my hands. “Explain the whole worlds-separating thing to me again!” Strong arms around my waist, he hugs me to him. “Please! I’ll pay attention this time!”
                Seeing as I’m not going to get free of Eraqus’s stronger grasp without some force and he’s practically begging me, I relent. This is so incredibly awkward, yet I find it notably comfortable. Even as I read aloud and explain the text to him, my thoughts keep trying to draw me to the closeness of the situation: his body against my side, the arms that never release me, his chin against my shoulder—my insides are a complete wreck. However, Eraqus is true to his words, focusing on our studying and participating in the conversation. It’s only after maybe an hour that his attention lulls.
                “And that’s how your ancestors settled Scala Ad Caelum,” I say, closing the book. “And that should be everything on our history homework.” His eyes blankly continue to stare at the book. “Eraqus?” Reaching up, I tap a finger against his nose. The boy flinches, his grip tightening on me. “You promised to pay attention.”
                “I am,” he grumbles, rubbing his face against my arm. “Uh, you said my ancestors settled Scala Ad Caelum.”
                “Uh…” He’s got no answer. “Okay, I started zoning out a bit near the end. I’m sorry.”
                It’s impossible for me to stay angry at that sheepish smile and I return it. “At least you made some progress.” I don’t know what possesses me to do so, but I let my fingers slide into his hair, pushing his bangs from his face. He emits an expression of serenity and I feel my temperature leap. My hand recoils and I pray that flush I feel isn’t visible on my face. “We should start our magic homework.”
                He peers up at me and my brain goes on high alert. His eyes are burning; the steel color almost molten. “I think we should take a break.”
                His voice is far more serious than usual and I’m sure he can see my fluster now. Still, I let my instincts react to his words rather than his tone. “Eraqus, we can’t keep-”
                “Just ten minutes.” I’m not going to be able to resist if he keeps talking like that. “There’s something else I want to focus on for a bit.” Before I can object, a hand behind my head pulls me closer. My heart might just explode and I’m terrified he can hear it as clearly as I can. “You know, I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting, for you to break. But you’re far more persistent than I thought.” My words catch in my throat, making me unable to respond. “And I just can’t take it anymore.”
                I can barely get his name out. “Eraqus?”
                I never would’ve come close to imagining just how soft and warm his lips are. Even if they are soft, there’s still form behind them which he uses to lead the kiss. My insides are turned to absolute mush and, had my mouth not been occupied, I’d be begging him for more.
                The kiss breaks with a soft click but no one backs away.
                “I really like you,” he whispers as if speaking any louder will ruin everything. “And I really, really want to be more than friends. And I know you do too. So please just admit it already.”
                I take a deep breath. For so long, I doused all budding emotions for this boy the moment they came up. I went about life as normal while convincing myself that he was just a close friend. But I guess there was a seedling that I’d missed, one that’s been growing in the background and hiding in plain sight, because I can’t find a reason to say no.
                “I don’t want to be just friends,” I admit.
                In the privacy of this moment, in the intimacy between us, that’s the brightest smile I’ve ever seen Eraqus wear. “Good.”
                He pulls me in again and I let myself indulge in the weightless feeling of bliss. And Eraqus is happy to let me lead, to let me satiate the hunger that’s bloomed within me. I never knew just how much I wanted this until he handed it to me and now I may never let him go.
                “I told you he was gonna make a move today.”
                With my entire body on fire, I tear away from Eraqus to see our classmates entering the study room. There’s the utmost look of smug victory on Xehanort’s face.
                “Hey guys,” Eraqus greets as if we weren’t just caught making out and I’m not still on his lap.
                Bragi walks past Xehanort. “Please. It was obvious she was in control.”
                “What are you guys…” I trail off because I’m not sure I want to know.
                Hermod leans against the wall, smiling. “They had a bet on who was going to confess first.”
                Vor pipes up, “Bragi was betting you’d make the first move.”
                Eraqus’s chuckle resets the fire crawling across my skin and he nuzzles up against my shoulder. “Then I guess Xehanort wins,” he hums.
                Xehanort looks all the more smug and Bragi’s jaw drops. “No way!”
                My face burns even more and I try to hide some of it behind a hand while the victor replies, “Boom. I win. There was no way she was gonna cave before Eraqus. Now pay up.”
                Bragi glowers as he digs through his pockets. “For years, you’ve taken the lead on almost everything but the one time I need you to be assertive, you let the class clown beat you to the punch.”
                I open my mouth to retort, but Eraqus just laughs. “He’s right, you know.”
                In retaliation, I pinch at his cheeks. “Oh yeah? How about I make you do the rest of your homework by yourself?”
                He turns it around on me with a sly smirk. “If I do, can I have another kiss?”
                “Looks like the class clown’s got our fearless leader on the ropes,” hums Urd, pointing out my returning blush.
                “I think it’s cute.” Vor earns a glare.
                Hermod finally kicks off the wall. “Okay guys, I think that’s enough. Let’s leave the love birds alone.” With that, he ushers the class out of the room, leaving me alone with Eraqus once again.
                “About that kiss…” Eraqus says suggestively.
                I turn on him, slowly drawing my tongue along his bottom lip. This time, it’s his turn to appear flustered. “Shut up.”
                “Yes ma’am.”
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yamayamawrites · 4 years
The Way You Said “I Love You” - #1
Hi friends! A while ago I reblogged a prompt list from mottainaiiii (find the original post here!) with ways to say “I love you”. Now, a very ridiculous amount of time later, I plan on actually writing one-shots (or maybe a fic? Not sure if I want them to overlap) to go with each of these. 
I’m also posting these to my AO3 page, which you can find here! I really miss writing and it’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve posted anything, so to get myself back into it I figured I’d start with prompts that I reblogged literally years ago.
Anyways, enough from me! Here’s the first chapter!
Chapter 1: As a Hello
Marinette and Adrien had been dancing around an important topic for weeks now. That important topic was feelings. Specifically, how they felt about each other. Because after that night at Alya’s, they certainly weren’t just the close friends they thought they were.
After high school, Marinette and Adrien found themselves attending the same university – both on a scholarship that was too good to pass up. Despite how insistent Adrien’s father was on paying for Adrien to go to the best university France had to offer, Adrien continually told him that he wanted to make his way through university without financial help. That didn’t stop Adrien’s father from paying Adrien’s monthly rent at his apartment, but luckily it stopped him from interfering anywhere else.
Nino wasn’t going to university. In his last year of high school, his music career took off when one of his songs played on Paris’s most popular radio station. He moved closer to the coast and out of the city of Paris, and Alya followed him. She attended classes online while she worked full-time as an intern at a journalism company.
This is all to say that the four best friends they’d come to be during their last year of high school had split up, and by the end of their first semester of university, there was a certain pain of something missing that drew them back together.
Marinette had stopped Adrien one day on campus walking out of a different classroom than her. “Hey!” she chirped and, noticing the dark bags under his eyes, assumed he’d just left his last final exam. “Uh, you alright?”
Adrien laughed in response, a bit dazed. “Oh, yeah. Doin’ great. I got a whole hour of sleep last night!”
Marinette laughed back, gently touching his arm. The way friends did. “Well, I’m sure you could use the rest. I was stopping you to…” she tried to recall why she’d stopped him, actually. “Oh! Oh yeah! Alya called last night and invited me out to her and Nino’s apartment for a bit during the break. She told me to ask you – she doesn’t have your number.”
Now that was a lie, Marinette well knew. Alya had everyone’s number. Alya still insisted on trying to set the couple up together, despite both of them believing they were better off as close friends. They seemed to be the only two who believed that to be true.
Adrien leaned in towards her, the way friends do. “Oh, that sounds great! I’ll drive?”
“Well, since you offered,” Marinette giggled. Adrien enjoyed giving Marinette rides when they went out of town together – which for some reason happened quite often now that Adrien had no photo shoots to worry about and Marinette worked mostly remote. “Pick me up after you take a nap, handsome,” she  teased and ruffled his hair, the way friends do.
“’Course. I’ll call you before I leave?” he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, the way friends do.
“You better!” Marinette said as she turned around, smiling her entire walk back to her bike.
The entire drive there, Marinette and Adrien listened to the pop music station, counting how many times Nino’s music came on.
“God, I just can’t believe how famous he got so quickly,” Adrien sighed. “I’m so proud of him.”
Marinette smiled. Adrien genuinely cared for every person in his life, she learned. Even when Chloe first appeared on television, despite Adrien’s annoyance with her, he called her and congratulated her. It made Marinette appreciate the people in her life more.
Adrien began singing along to one of Nino’s songs, quietly at first, then building confidence as Marinette sang with him. Before long, the two were bellowing the song as loudly as they could, laughing at each other’s expressiveness.
They arrived to Nino’s and Alya’s apartment late that evening, and perhaps it was the relief of getting to fully rest after finals week that made Adrien and Marinette so nonchalant about the fact that the third bedroom in the apartment didn’t have a bed for one of them to take. Neither Adrien nor Marinette would offer themselves to take the couch (which was notoriously uncomfortable), and as a result, they slept together in the guest room.
The following morning Marinette woke up first, and the embarrassment of actually sleeping with Adrien set in. She cringed at her stubbornness the night before and quietly grabbed her clothes. She changed in the bathroom and met Alya in the kitchen. Alya smirked her knowing smirk, her mind already swirling with theories of what had happened the night before.
“Shut up,” Marinette groaned before Alya could even open her mouth. Alya just laughed in response and passed her a mug of coffee.
Adrien and Marinette ended up staying for about a week. Alya and Nino announced that they were having a Christmas party the night before Adrien and Marinette were planning on leaving. That excited Marinette; she hadn’t gotten the chance to meet all of the quirky people Alya worked with, but she practically knew their life stories considering how often Alya called to gossip about them. There was Monique, who had too many cats; Adeline and Thomas were in some sort of “on again off again” relationship; and her personal favorite that Marinette desperately hoped to meet was Cindy, who apparently did something crazy every single weekend. Last week, in honor of Christmas coming up, she dyed half her hair white and the other half red.
The group spent most of that Saturday decorating the apartment with cheesy Christmas decorations Nino had bought on sale some time ago. Marinette helped Alya bake cookies for the party, and Adrien and Nino made a quick snack run to prepare.
The party itself was relatively small. Sadly Marinette didn’t get to meet Cindy; she texted Alya just an hour before and said that she was going to Ireland on a surprise trip with her boyfriend. She did, however, meet Thomas and Adeline, who were apparently “off again” that day, because they refused to speak to each other. About halfway through the party, they seemed to be “on again” because they excused themselves to the bedroom to talk for a while.
Marinette didn’t hear any talking, but that wasn’t her business.
Nino had a couple friends come over as well. A few lesser-known musicians, mostly, who Marinette might have been able to recognize one song by. The group of them mostly sat around the living room – Adrien’s arm draped around Marinette’s shoulders, and Marinette leaning into him, like friends do – and played Cards Against Humanity. Each of them had a drink in hand (Marinette didn’t know when Alya got so good at mixing drinks, but she didn’t question it).
Thomas and Adeline left first, followed by a few of Nino’s friends and Monique (who said she had to go feed her cats). Alya and Nino were cleaning something up in the kitchen, and Adrien and Marinette were chatting nonchalantly on the couch, his arm still around her. Sitting in a chair across the room was the last of Nino’s friends (maybe his name was Peter? Marinette couldn’t remember), who was putting the cards back into the box. Finally, he looked up at them and said, “You two are really cute. How long have you been together?”
Adrien’s first instinct was to laugh, and Marinette’s was to push herself away from Adrien’s side. “We’re not dating,” they said in unison, Marinette sounding frightened and Adrien amused.
“Wow, really? Exes?”
“Uh, no,” Marinette squeaked out.
“Huh,” he shrugged. “Well, whatever you’ve got, I wish I had it.” He finished packing up the box. “Merry Christmas. Nice to meet you two.”
“Nice to meet you,” they responded, again in unison, and he went into the kitchen to say goodbye to Nino.
Adrien returned his attention to Marinette. “Do you think he’s got a point?” he asked thoughtfully.
“A-about what?”
“We’d make a really hot couple,” he teased, poking at her side. She laughed, a bit nervously, standing up and turning away.
“I’m gonna go see if they need any help,” she said, walking out of the room.
Later that night, Marinette offered to sleep on the couch.
The car ride home the next morning was quiet. Neither of them sang along to the music, they simply put on Nino’s Christmas album and listened. At one point Adrien tried to ask if Marinette was okay, but she just squeaked and nodded quickly. He knew her well enough to know that everything was not okay, but he was oblivious that he might be causing it.
Marinette had been up all night thinking about how she truly felt about Adrien. Sure, she’d had a massive crush on him, but she strongly believed that she’d grown out of it. Plus, did they really look like a couple? Friends were close with each other, right? They enjoyed sitting close to each other, and calling each other “handsome” and “beautiful”, and jokingly holding hands, and sleeping in the same bed – like friends do, right?
She buried her face in her hands. Not like friends do. Like boyfriends and girlfriends do.
Adrien dropped her off in front of her apartment, offering to walk her upstairs, but she shook her head and excused herself, saying she felt sick. He once again offered to walk her up, as that was more of a reason to walk her upstairs, but still she declined.
He texted her Christmas morning to wish her a ‘Merry Christmas, beautiful!’ and she responded with ‘Merry Christmas!’
Other than that, they did not talk. And it drove Marinette crazy.
The first day of winter semester, she texted Adrien and asked to meet him at the campus café after class. He agreed, and she made the decision that she couldn’t take the way she felt. Adrien needed to know.
She would just spit it out. Then, she wouldn’t have to think of what to say. Just… “I love you.” That’s all it took. She could do it.
She couldn’t do it. Adrien had already gotten her a caramel coffee, she could see it sitting on the table in front of him, and she couldn’t take how sweet he was. Did she really want to risk everything just so he knew how she felt?
Her inner battle to decide what to do continued even as she sat down at the table. Adrien smiled over at her. “Hey, how was your first class?”
“I love you,” she said, a bit more aggressively than she meant to.
“I,” Adrien’s cheeks flushed. “Uh, I love you too? You’re like my best friend—”
“No, Adrien,” she shook her head. Her cheeks were warm and she could tell her face was nearly as red as her shirt. “I love you. I love being close to you, and calling each other pet names, and – I just, I’m in love with you.”
“I…” Adrien, for the first time, stumbled over his words. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything, I just needed to say that to you—”
“I think I’m in love with you, too.”
The words hung in the air for a moment. Marinette blinked. Adrien blinked back. Both seemed a bit shocked by the words that had come out of Adrien’s mouth. Finally, Marinette processed what he’d said. “I…you…huh?”
“Well, I love all of that stuff too. And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t turned down like, a hundred girls because I didn’t want to lose time with you,” he rubbed his neck sheepishly.
Marinette laughed, then, surprising both of them. “Oh my gosh,” she buried her face in her hands. “We’re idiots. Have we just been dating this whole time?”
Adrien laughed back. “Uh, maybe?”
“Do you want to go on a proper date, then?”
“I’ll pick you up at seven.”
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