#peter parkee
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Three's a magic number
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Peter Parker Headcanon
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Summary:This is how I think Peter Parker would be with artist!reader
A/n: heyya guys!!! I just wanna apologize and thank everyone who showed support to few of my series that I started but did not post anything after first chapter, I started those series when I was feeling very motivated and was full of ideas but in excitement I didn't planned them out properly and it backfired. I wasn't feeling like it anymore but I knew I have to post and I did write chapters for all of them but I wasn't happy with my work so I never posted them, and it's my fault because I shouldn't have posted them online before planning them out properly, but I promise I will complete them but not anytime soon because I just don't feel like writing them any more. for now I just want to write small one shots and headcanons so I would really appreciate if you guys show these ideas support too, thank you!!
S/n: you can imagine any Peter Parker but I personally had Andrew!Peter in mind when writing this so yeah, likes and reblogs are appreciated and as well as positive criticism, pls don't hate on me 😭 thank you!
T/w: just fluff!! One swear word? none I guess other than my writing lol
I think he really enjoys drawing because it's one of the things he finds calming. 
He usually prefers to watch you draw/sketch, because he thinks you look super cute while you're concentrating on a certain detail or drawing the outline of the figure.
When you guys are drawing together, he'd try to draw you, so he can show you how beautiful you truly are. He just loves you so much he can't help it. 
Gets distracted easily, and blames it on you, and when you ask what you did he'll say something like "stop being so goddamn cute!" or like "you're looking too cozy and cute, makes me wanna cuddle the life out of you!" 
He absolutely LOVES painting with you because then he gets to start a paint war with you. In two or less minutes you guys would be covered in 50 shades of grey🤭😉
And let me tell you, the way he drew you is *chef's kiss* so good. The boy literally put his heart out on this drawing.
When he finally shows you the drawing he'd say something like "I'm sorry if it's not good. And please be honest if it's shit, okay?" "Peter, what are you talking about?! This is beautiful! I look so pretty!! You made me so beautiful in this!" " Well that's because YOU are BEAUTIFUL!" 
He'll most definitely take you to picnic dates, somewhere far and beautiful. He'd lay there next to you while you draw in silence. Those kinds of dates are his favorite; super relaxing and peaceful.
Would model for you if you ask him to, but the poor boy can't sit still. He needs to move or else he'll go crazy, but will apologize every time he moves, you're quick to tell him it's fine and that you don't expect him to become a statue.
Would buy you art supplies but will be too scared to give you because he knows you don't like it  when he spends his money on you. So he'll sneakingly leave it at your desk thinking you won't notice, but of course you did. Will get scolding from you afterwards. 
Let's be honest, you love it when he buys you art supplies, it makes you happy to know that he actually cares enough to got you those, but the thing is art supplies are expensive as fuck! He works really hard for what he earns, and you don't want him to waste it on you. You get scolded in return when you tell him this.
"Nonsense! I'm not wasting anything, you should know that, Y/n! You know, it actually hurts me to think you'd even think something like that." "I'm sorry, Peter." "You're forgiven, but only because I need my cuddles and kisses," "and because you love me?" "yeah that too, but mostly my cuddles."
Definitely, will take (swing) you to different places he thought was worthy enough to be drawn. Or when you're not feeling motivated, or when the art block is just too strong; because he understands how tough it can get for you.
He's always there for you no matter what. He truly understands you, and helps you out when you have no motivation or ideas to create anything. Calms you down when you're frustrated because the drawing you finished is not looking the way you wanted it to be. Always tells you how talented you are and how much he's proud of you and everything you create
Always reminds you to take care of yourself and asks you if you have eaten anything yet? Because when you're drawing you always lose track of time and forget to eat. 
Definitely finds it funny when you rant about how drawing hands is an absolute nightmare, but agrees with you nonetheless. 
100% had said "draw me like one of your French girls" at some point with a dramatic gesture. 
Shows you off to everyone he meets like, " have you met my girlfriend? She's so talented like ohmygod, here look at this" proceeds to show the person your artwork while you stand there embarrassed but so in love
Definitely has hung up your drawings in his room
He's your number one supporter, but does points out mistakes if he sees one (we love honest feedbacks)
So in conclusion Peter Parker is absolutely whipped for you
Thank you so much for reading this I hope you enjoyed this!!
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simonsfav · 1 year
I hope that everyone that reads or writes miles morales fics thinks of him as older/ages him up. Because let's keep in mind, in canon, he's a literal child. So don't be weird.
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nerdyfangirlmel · 2 years
Me over here waiting for the Peter Parker fics based on the midnights album. That shit really is his album.
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sydneyshipsstuff · 1 year
answering both of the recent tag games in one since im lazy (so scroll for the questions below the bingo)
tagged by @professional-benaddict (sorry for responding so late lol) and because i dont have too many mutuals, tagging anyone who sees it & wants to do it!
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I chose my baby Spider-Man/Peter Parkee, with a focus on the starker fandom!
1. How did you discover your fave?
spider-man movies -> video edits on insta/tiktok -> irondad fanfics on wattpad -> ao3 -> looking at starker in disgust -> becoming a part of the fandom
2. How long have you been a fan of your fave?
since homecoming! when it first came out but it took me a while to start interacting with the fandom
3. Do you write for your fave? (E.g. AU's, Drabbles, Fan Fics.)
sorta! i don't actively write, just kinda drabble sometimes and i mostly dont post that, plus helping others write, i do have drafts that have been in my docs for years though
4. Do you like what is canon about your fave?
i do but i feel bad for him! poor guy has nobody :((, but before endgame i was in love with canon.
5. Tell some of your headcanons of your fave.
•his spider abilities on top of the originals like purring, cant have peppermint, hibernates, etc
•his love of animals, always stopping on patrols to say hi to them or trying to keep the strays he finss
•being worthy of mjolnir and picking it up without knowing the significance
•that he worms his way into the hearts of everyone he meets
6. Do you draw for your fave? (E.g. Fan Art)
no i dont, but i love seeing others fan art obviously!
7. If your fave/s are portrayed by several actors, who are your fave portrayers?
basic, ik, but tommy.
8. Are you more into Books/ Comics/Films when it comes to your fave?
mostly the fanfics then anything, but the movies and comics are so entertaining.
9. Quote anything about what your fave has said.
this ones weird but when i went to new york i went out of my way to go to moma because of him mentioning it to tony
10. Quote your favourite line of your fave!
basic but the "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." because even though its sad/semi unhealthy to put that pressure on yourself, i relate to it in a way and uphold myself to helping whenever i can.
11. Ever made a edit for/of your fave?
i dont think so? maybe photos but that would have been a while ago
12. Songs you associate with your fave?
anything to do w new york really
13. If your fave was real, do you think they'd like you?
i think so, if we meant in a natural way lolol, i try to be social and i think id be able to joke with him
14. Amongst your fave/s who do you think are you? (E.g. You have 5 faves, amongst the 5 of them you think of yourself as fave no.3)
skipping because i only am answering for the one
15. Do you know your fave origin story?
yes i doo, radioactive spider bite, yada yada, parents dead, yada yada, uncle shot, rip, grew up in queens & stayed there
16. In 1 word describe your fave’s aesthetic.
17. Is/Are your fave/s famous on A03?
yes very much, but mostly for irondad
18. Ships that you like with your fave?
i do like irondad if thats even considered a ship, peter w tony, harley, steve, stephen, and bucky, either seperate or at the same time, and im open to other pairings too
19. Is/Are your fave/s well known?
yes very well
20. If your fave/s have a fandom, what do you think about the fandom?
i like them, idk if theyd like me now that ive gone to the dark side lol
21. Describe yourself using something your faves have said
oops kinda did this already for another question but, "I am Responsible. I…Oh crap. My backpack’s gone." I try to be responsible but i am very clumsy and forgetful lol, and i do a lot of stupid shit
22. If you would feed your fave/s something, what would it be?
as big of a meal as i could possibly make, very carby, probably pasta, get some meat on those bones and feed the super apetite
23. How do you see yourself in any of your fave/s?
i see the optimism/ akwardness in myseld as well, we are semi-close in age so i think that contributes to it
24. Ever taken a break from your fave/s?
sorta, it was very short and it was mostly in between going from irondad to starker as well as small breaks i took from everything lol
25. If your fave/s were to have a crossover, who and which character would they have a crossover with?
well they did have one with stephen and the other spidermen but i think it would be cool to see him really interacting w the women of marvel, aka kate, yelena or natasha (also rip), pepper, captain marvel, america chavez, etc.
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tomandharrisongifs · 4 years
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Tom Holland said stay safe during self-isolation and love your homies.
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faylor · 4 years
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By @faylor for @peer-parker as part of the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange!
Rating: G
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark / Iron Dad
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark
Prompt: Peter over-works himself. - AKA Peter is REAL tired.
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One week. One more week and finals would be over and done with. Then Peter could get some actual sleep. Between the constant studying every day, patrols every night, and interning for Mr. Stark, admittedly he wasn’t exactly getting the recommended eight hours of sleep at night. He was tired. Really tired. But he would never admit to it, at least not to your face. And he was pretty good at hiding it for the most part.
That is, until he accidentally dozed off in class. He couldn’t really help it though. That day’s chemistry lesson wasn’t anything new or exciting to him, so what would it hurt if he didn’t pay as much attention just this once?
“Mr. Parker?”
Peter’s head jerked upward at the sound of Mr. Harrington’s voice, his eyes immediately widening as he realized what had happened.
“Uh- I-“ he sputtered as his eyes focused on the board in the front of the room.
“As I was saying,” his teacher continued with a raised brow, “would you care to explain the name of the formula?”
Thinking quickly, Peter scanned the writings on the board, his gaze landing on said formula. “Um, it’s iron oxide. Or rust.” His voice wavered slightly with embarrassment as he felt his cheeks heat up.
“Right,” Mr. Harrington said, clearing his throat. Peter quietly sighed in relief as his teacher continued with the lecture without another word to him.
Ugh, how could he be so stupid to let himself fall asleep in the middle of class? He’d never done it before, but god was he tired. Most of his classes this semester were more advanced, which hadn’t need an issue before, but trying to balance them with being Spider-Man had proven to be maybe just a bit too much on his plate at once.
“Hey,” Ned whispered from beside him, drawing his attention. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just... late night.” Peter shrugged. “I’ll explain later.”
And by that, he meant that he’d make up some story about patrolling super late and losing track of time, which wasn’t technically a lie. But he’d definitely leave out the part about it happening over the course of the past two weeks. Peter just didn’t like for people to worry about him. He was fine, really. Maybe he’d just have to sacrifice an hour or two a night on patrol until finals were over with. He could live with that. Maybe.
After school, Peter did his usual routine of homework and then studying, followed by dinner and more studying. By the time nine o’clock rolled around, he decided to retire his textbooks for the night and trade them in for his suit, which he slipped on before quietly escaping out his bedroom window.
It was only about an hour in on his patrol when his fatigue really started to hit him, but he figured all he needed was a short break. So he made his way to one of his favorite rooftops downtown and sat down on the ledge, letting his feet swing as he gazed out at the city. It was all in all a relaxing sight, which didn’t much help his state.
His head was all but spinning, and his limbs suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. His eyelids were fighting him to close, but he had to stay alert. He had to stay awake.
But sleep would be so nice, he thought. Maybe if he just took a short nap. He could have Karen wake him up and he’d be right back at it- No, he had to stay awake. He had to. But his eyes were beginning to betray him as they started to slip closed, and then he was out.
Something had suddenly jolted him awake, though - his senses practically screaming at him. His eyes flickered back and forth, widening as he saw the ledge he’d been sitting on getting further and further away. He was... falling?
“Shit!” Peter gasped. He had to think fast.
He quickly outstretched his arm, activating his web shooter toward the building. The relief of swinging away never came though. Instead, he felt himself hit the ground, hard. His back and head were immediately drowning in a wave of pain that made him groan with a strained voice, and that familiar feeling of heavy eyes quickly came back again. This time, he didn’t hesitate to give in to it.
The next thing Peter remembered was the feeling of floating. Was he still falling? No. He remembered hitting the ground. Or had he dreamt that? Was the whole thing a dream? Was he still just asleep on the rooftop? He really had hoped so. He hoped that he was fine. That he had just dozed off on the roof and he was just dreaming and that everything was okay.
That train of thought was entirely derailed as the faint yet distinct beeping of a heart monitor started to fill his ears. At about the same time, the back of his head began to ache, alongside practically the rest of his body. Okay, so he had definitely fallen, and he was definitely not dreaming. But where was he? And how the hell had he gotten there?
He fluttered his eyes open, his vision started to focus on his surroundings. He could tell he was in some sort of hospital room, but it definitely wasn’t a regular hospital. It was almost as if he knew, but his head was still spinning and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
“And there he is,” an all too familiar voice sounded from his side. His head jerked toward the source as his brows furrowed.
“M-Mssr Stark?” Peter slurred, his eyes slightly widening.
“How’re you feeling, kiddo?” Mr. Stark asked, taking a small step toward him.
“I- My head...”
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s gonna be sore for a bit, thanks to that lovely concussion you got from falling - what was it - ten stories?” His mentor raised a brow, his lips pressed into a fine line.
Peter’s face immediately shifted to a mixture of embarrassment, surprise, and guilt. He could tell Tony knew exactly what had happened last night. Wait, had it been last night? Or the day before. Peter could quite tell how long he’d been out. It honestly felt like days.
“Karen showed me everything, Pete.” He sighed, his expression turning to concern. “How much sleep are you getting at night?”
Peter opened his mouth to protest, but the words never made it out. Instead, they were replaced with a sigh and a slight head shake. “I’m sorry...” he mumbled.
“Kid, listen,” Mr. Stark started, making his way over to Peter’s bedside. “I know I agreed to not spy on you and look through your suit recordings, but I wanted to figure out what was going on.” He sighed, running a hand over his face. “Karen told me you’ve been out patrolling until two in the morning sometimes. Wanna tell me why?”
Peter hesitated, a sigh sipping past his lips. “I- It’s just that- Finals are coming up and I’ve been kinda struggling with a couple of classes and I just wanted to make sure I did really good on the finals, you know? So I’ve been trying to study a lot more, which means I don’t get to patrol until later so I-“
“Take a breath, Pete,” Mr. Stark cut him off, a half amused smile on his face. “At least now I know why you’ve seemed so spaced out in the lab recently.”
“I- I wasn’t spaced out. Just... not as, uh, focused.” He gave his mentor a sheepish smile.
Mr. Stark hummed, an eyebrow slightly raised. “You don’t need to be working yourself that hard.”
“I know, I know... It’s just- I mean I’ve been trying to make sure I can do everything that I need to, and I guess I haven’t really been keeping track of time and-“ he sighed, his head slightly dropping as his fingers toyed with one another in his lap. “And I’m just trying to keep up with my responsibilities. I can’t just not be Spider-Man.” His tone turned dismal.
Somewhere in the back of Peter’s mind, he knew that he probably should’ve cut his patrols short for the time being and catch up on sleep, but he also knew that his guilt would be eating him away at the thought of Spider-Man not being there for his neck of the woods every day.
On the other hand, he should’ve known better. Getting about three or four hours of sleep at most over the past couple of weeks had definitely not been treating him well, and it only kept getting worse and worse. And now he knew the repercussions of that.
Mr. Stark was quiet for a moment, looking at Peter with a mixture of worry, yet with understanding.
“Hey,” he placed a gentle hand on Peter’s shoulder, prompting his attention. “I know I’m not exactly the poster child for proper sleep schedules, or time management for that matter... But Pete, you gotta realize that being responsible is also remembering to take care of yourself sometimes, too. Your finals are important, yeah. And being Spider-Man is, too. I get that. But you can’t keep over-working yourself and sacrificing sleep just so you can cram everything into your life at once. You’ve gotta take time for yourself, you know.”
Peter’s gaze found its way to his mentor, his head nodding a bit. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, Pete.” He brushed a stray curl from Peter’s forehead. “And don’t feel like you can’t take a night off or two from being Spider-Baby if you need to.” A slight smirk formed on Mr. Stark’s features before it turned into a more genuine smile. “No more patrolling on nights you’re gonna be out past eleven, alright?”
Peter’s features formed a small smile of their own. “Fine.”
“Good.” Mr. Stark returned his smile. “Now you need to get some more actual rest, kiddo. You’ve got one nasty concussion to sleep off. Not to mention the cracked rib. And the major bruising-“
“I get it, I get it,” Peter laughed, playfully swatting a hand at him.
“I’ll be here when you wake up, kid.”
“Don’t wait up, Mr Stark.” He slightly smirked, his eyes already drifting closed. “I’ve got a lot of sleep to catch up on...”
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Tag List: @zissa93 @mala-sadas @romeoandjulietyouwish @justme--emily
If you would like to be on my tag list, please let me know! 😊
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zee-illustrates · 4 years
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“Hey, I’ll be the last thing you see...”
Some cocky Peter Parker cause why not.
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frobster · 4 years
If Bucky, Steve, and Peter were frogs, what kind would they be?
Bucky: Alaskan wood frog. Why? They freeze to hibernate during winter.
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Steve: American toad. Why? Small, angry, ready to fight.
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Peter: Strawberry poison dart frog. Why? Well, look at those colors. Also, small and deadly.
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krinxx-x · 5 years
I don’t write my own tumblr posts, I just go on a reblogging spree of whatever I’m in the mood for
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theserlingbucket · 6 years
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My hot take, I don’t take criticism
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It’s Peter Parker loving hours today and always 💖
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dutchwa · 5 years
*Spoiler Free*
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cinnamonrollstark · 5 years
Okay is it just me or when its alluded to that one of your favorite characters (that's a teenager) is like, a sexual being? I'm just like uh no can we not
Like no just let them be ace like me lmao
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cutie1365 · 5 years
I wrote a page yesterday. I know it’s not a lot but I’m trying :)
I have the rest of the chapter mapped out so I just need to string it together.
Who’s excited for A Kid From Queens chapter 9?? Comment below what you think will happen!
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