#like i just want to love Peter Parker
theshadowrealmitself · 7 months
Ideal Peter Parker getting to full on mentor Miles Morales for me is Peter, who has been keeping his identity a secret from everyone for years, giving Miles absolutely wild advice on how to hide his identity and sounding like he’s super overthinking everything
And then Miles meets like,, Nick Fury, or someone else who really wants to know Spidey’s identity, and it turns out to all be really rational advice because there are people out there going to great lengths to find out his identity
(So yeah, sorry Miles, but you are gonna have to figure out how to manufacture your own spray paint if you wanna use any as Spidey because they will try to use that to figure out who you are)
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #144
Peter Parker sounds just like Spider-Man. This is something that the students of Midtown find hilarious
Soon, Peter's getting comments in the halls like, "Hey are you that kid who sounds like Spider-Man?" "Uhhh I mean -" "Holy shit it's truuue" and, "Hey Parker, say, 'Hiya Mister Criminal'' "(sigh) Hiya Mister criminal-"
It becomes a daily bit on the school news: they put Peter in the cheapest, most ridiculous Spider-Man mask imaginable and get him to say wild stuff, whatever Midtown students can think of. Like that bit at the end of Honest Trailers.
(Peter may or may not go slightly viral saying some Stuff about the Rogue Avengers in his "Spider-Man voice." Tony may or may not nearly piss himself laughing about it when he finds out.
Spider-Man himself has yet to comment.)
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greenfrogartist · 5 months
Been a while since I’ve drawn anything but guess what
A fanart! For the fic “Missing”by @zoiaeras !
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Honestly it’s more of how I imagine Peter’s design to be rather than a fanart, cause usually when I do a fanart I either draw a scene or as I’ve lately been doing draw what I imagine the cover would look like (to be fair I kinda drew the breakfast scene? )
So this is more like a very small character sheets?? And the design is wrong a bit (his hair is supposed to be a bit longer but I only ingrained the choppy hair part)
Tried to keep the blue and red of his spidey suit in, but darker and paler to show the effects Gotham had on him
Honestly the fic is amazing! and the pacing is a chef kiss, and the comedy is on point for me and what I love the most about this is that it’s doing other stuff rather than just sticking to the norm of peter - Gotham crossover
Other characters are present, there is a plot being made and the characterization makes sense for the life the characters lived, and we’re even out of Gotham and introducing other superheroes to the plot like Superman and the flash and also villains like lex Luther
And what’s fun about this fic is that currently, the strongest thing Peter have is his brain, but he is still stupid outside of building stuff (I love this adorable bean)
My most favorite thing about it is probably the plot point and that things are actually happening with consequences to them that change the status que of the fic
The fic feels like a never stopping train wreck about to happen and I’m so excited to see just how big the crash will be and how sharp the debris left of it are
Honestly I can go on and on about this fic forever but that’s mean more spoiler which is a big no no
Just know that if you want a dc x peter crossover, with more justice league characters in it, this is the fic for you
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frog-with-no-therapy · 6 months
I want a spider X dcu but have Peter working at the league's base in space as a mechanic or a scientist, cause of course they will have the best material and information to help him make a way home. Except that Peter is weird.
Like, weird weird. Like, spider bite kind of weird with a hint of different culture from a different world kind of weird.
Listen most of his interactions with humans in their world is with them cause he's at the watchtower all the time, so his understanding of what is normal is a bit skew, and he probably also got used to acting more spidery, especially when in a lab or sm (courtesy of his time at the avenger tower where he doesn't really have to hide his spidery side)
Then you take into account him having a different kind of humour and a different set of memes and you have the whole justice league thinking he's secretly an alien
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sciderman · 9 months
Demanding more lisp
posts in which it is imperative that wade be read with a fruity obnoxious little gay lisp:
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foolsocracy · 3 months
I can't get the idea out of my head, so please consider; MJ invites Peter out along with some of her friends for dancing. Results may vary
ok this has been SITTING in my inbox. I was thinking about drawing something but ive caved and im just gonna talk.
YES. That girl can DANCE and she loves it!! I feel in the 19th and 20th century everyone could do a bit of social dancing because thats just what people did for fun. I think the Parkers and the Watsons both taught their kids to dance 'older' stuff they would have done when they were younger, like a solid waltz, quadrille, two-step, polka, what have you. MJ learned them all with fervor. Pete... learned some of them.
I think MJ and Pete would probably do (east coast) swing most often. Because they are hip and of the times. I think Pete probably would have had MJ and Robbie get to know each other through dance, actually. Like Robbie was around the welfare center when MJ was and Pete immediately was like Yes, now MJ can practice with him and not me (ultimate backfire because how he's got 2 partners)! Harlem is definitely the hot spot for swing, with black Americans engineering the whole thing. MJ was totally ecstatic to have a friend over there to run into who was a ready and willing partner!
I do have to say that MJ is a total back lead when it comes to Peter. They will ARGUE on the floor (in good fun). She'll be like 'do that one move I just taught you!' or 'If you fumble this texas tommy i'll kill you' or 'ok on this next backstep we're doing Charleston... aaand triple step, back step.' And Peter will snark back. Whenever she really wants to piss him off she'll make him practice Balboa (he thinks it looks stupid).
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mikuhats · 9 months
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happy winter
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achillean-knight · 11 months
There is a distinct lack of Trans Noir art and head canons and I present my own art to make myself feel better SHBSBSBSBSB
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ALSO I will get to asks asap!! I just need to finish a few things and had to draw this for myself
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thecatspasta · 1 year
Please there are 2 correct options, and I will violently maim you if you get it wrong./joking. kinda.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Okay but like Peter Parker reincarnated as dick grayson angst
#peter parker#dick grayson#nightwing#spiderman#Me in my little head listening to music and suddenly it auto fills a gap that wasn't even there and now I can't stop thinking about it#batman#story prompt#fic prompt#Fic idea#The angst would be juiciest if he didn't keep his powers#So like he's always pushing his body further to try and gain back just an inch more of what he had#Because even as spiderman he was too slow or weak to save everyone and he never realised just how dependent he was on his spider sense#At first he's living the dream with alive loving parents and acrobatics and travelling the world in peace#He's crushed when they die. In a way spiderman could have so easily prevented with his webs. He had to watch AGAIN. He's furious#With his experience from his previous life he latches onto batman and creates Robin from that. He balances school and hero life once more.#He becomes night wing when Gotham grows too dark and stifling. He needs out. To be a solo hero again. He hates that he has to leave batman#But at least he's alive to be mad.#When he gets siblings wow new experience!! Batman parenting normal kids is Such a bad idea but he'd die for them!#Then everything cascades and batman goes from iron man/daredevil to punisher/black widow and Jason doesn't want to listen#Even tho he died too and it hurt and b had a bio kid and he's batman until he isn't and he misses aunt may and still he loves being alive#Because spiderman was killed#And nightwing is older than he will ever be
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
I like stories about Peter as a civilian and him coming of age but I can’t stand the way his personal relationships are portrayed especially the romantic ones and certainly his relationship with Mary Jane. 
Even before the current run and all its character assignations, MJ has always confused me when it came to her loving Peter as Peter and as Spider-Man. It was implied and then explicitly stated for a brief while that she knew he was Spider-Man even before they started dating. She understood the responsibilities he had and seemed to sympathize with how much he had to sacrifice personally to be Spider-Man.
And then when they start dating she constantly gets fed up with his heroics. Not just worrying about him, I’m not getting on her for that, but like not having time for his personal life or his guilt complex, which she knows he struggles with. I would deem this justified if she didn’t know his idenity as Spider-Man but she did. She practically always has and it was a key part of their relationship and why things worked at first. It creates this idea that she wants him to change for her or even tone down his heroics which is again is something that causes him mental anguish and he struggles working through.
Peter isn’t innocent. He has a horrible work-life balance that hurts even those who know but Mary Jane is pitched as his match made in heave, his soul-mate. The on-again off-again nature of their relationship, often triggered by MJ, makes her seem like she had this romanticized version of being the superhero’s girl, like Lois Lane and Superman, only to realize this is real life (for them) and not that. 
She’s loyal but not much of a partner; A lover, a companion but she fails to provide that true support in understanding. Her patience frequently comes with ultimatums and I can’t fathom why the writers or editorial writes her like this for drama when it would much more enthralling to have her disdain and resentment come from her husband's almost dying everyday rather than not having time for her.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #137
Fic where Tony doesn't just use the time travel device to go into the past. Before even setting out on the heist, he uses it to travel into the future
He does this because, no matter what happens next, he's pretty sure he's not going to survive. He wants to see his daughter all grown up. He wants to see Peter again, see the kind of man he's become
Tony travels forward to some time after NWH. He witnesses what his death has done to his family, to the world. He learns that nobody remembers Peter, that the kid he's about to risk everything for is now all alone
Then, we have a few options!
For maximum angst:
While in the future, Tony speaks to Peter, who at first doesn't believe that he's real. They both get some kind of closure, with Tony finally getting to share how he loves Peter like a son. Then, they go their separate ways. Tony goes back to the past and follows through with his plan
Medium angst:
Same as the first option, but Tony also makes sure to fix some stuff while he's in the future! He reconnects Peter with Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Karen, and FRIDAY, gets the kid a proper suit, and so on
Happy ending:
After witnessing how bad everything is in the future, Tony alters his game plan for fighting Thanos. He does something to make sure that he will survive
Also, after his discussion with Peter, he's even more determined than ever to tell the kid how much he means to him. He can't let the kid keep stewing in insecurities and doubts
Medium angst timeline happens, but then Tony also decides to fix things when he gets back to the present, creating a branch in the timelines!
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imavikingo · 8 days
Headcanon that isn’t particularly mine nor particularly a headcanon really:
Most of the characters having a crush on Captain America at some point, but when they get to know Steve Rogers…
They have a bigger and more real crush on him.
Because he is actually funny? And not only nice but good and not the embodiment of “virtue”? He curses and gets angry, is sassy and a lil shit.
A great artist too, like damn.
He isn’t what they thought Captain America was supposed to be, because that persona doesn’t really exist, he’s just a really good guy with a lot of issues too, like any other normal person, but at the same time really caring and understanding guy who is loyal to a fault.
(He isn’t the judgmental man from the 40’s they thought he was. He isn’t only nice because thats what he is supposed to be. He isn’t just propaganda personified).
Most of them would love to have known Steve when he was a tiny ball of anger who punched bullies, even when he was the only one losing every single time.
He’s just really charming and they don’t understand how he’s still fighting and wanting to make the world a better place when he already lost everything, more than once.
And that makes them want to better themselves too.
Of course Steve doesn’t see this and doesn’t understand why everyone wants to talk to him or wants to listen to him outside of missions. He’s just a guy from the forties that’s is too overwhelmed to process everything all at once.
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sciderman · 3 months
no no,, being born in debt as an american would’ve given you more power.
you wouldve been on step closer to becoming peter parker.
i don't think peter parker has much power at all unless a radioactive spider is part of the equation
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cheezyratz · 1 year
Ahh, Idk if u already did it but from fluff bingo 1C (genuine apology) would be great ‼️
Sorry it took me so long to answer! (Four days I think? Oof my bad!) btw, spoilers ahead!
Also let’s say this is pre-movie but post-Miguel-losing-his-family
Peter paced back and forth, anxiously rubbing his hands together as he waited for Miguel to come back. He couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened around a week ago. Miguel was already irritable, it was one of those things you knew about a person because you knew that person, y’know? And, really, that should’ve been Peter’s sign to just leave the big guy alone. But no, he just had to talk Miguel’s ear off about MayDay The scene played in his head over and over again. Peter was saying something or another about his daughter when Miguel snapped, both his patience and the pencil he had in his hand. “I know you’re not trying to upset me, Peter, but could you please talk about something else?” Miguel pushed the words through clenched teeth. Even though he wasn’t yelling, Peter could still tell he wasn’t happy. That’s when he realized what he had done. Pretty much rubbing the fact that he had a daughter in Miguel’s face, when the man was already on edge for whatever reason. Miguel looked hurt, and Peter felt guilty. For days he had gone sleepless, regret— Peter shook his head. This wasn’t about him. This was about Miguel. Speaking of Miguel, Peter heard the sound of his door squeak open. “Peter? Why are you in my office?” Miguel asked, arms folded as his narrowed in suspicion. Peter gulped. “Oh! I— uh— um…” Peter stuttered, before sighing. “I just… wanted to say that I’m sorry.” Miguel raised an eyebrow. “For what? You’ve messed up a lot, like, a lot. You’re gonna have to be specific.” Peter chose to ignore Miguel’s second statement. “About the other day. I should’ve been more considerate. You had lost your daughter, and I was there when it happened, and I just…” Peter trailed off, scratching at the back of his neck, “I brought those memories back to you, and I’m sorry.” He said, trying his best to stare at anything other than Miguel. The two were quiet, silence filling the room before Miguel sighed. Peter looked to Miguel, watching as he shook his head. “Thank you, Peter. That…” Miguel trailed off this time, his eyes looking to the side as he searched for the right words, “…actually means a lot, Petey.” He continued, chuckled a little. “You are very— wait…” Peter interrupted himself mid-sentence. “Did you just call me Petey? A nickname? From you, the ever-serious Miguel?” Miguel let out a laugh that made Peter’s heart beat a little faster. “Maybe I did. What’re you gonna do about it?” Miguel’s tone was playful, and Peter turned a bit pink at that. “N-Nothing.” Peter choked out, and Miguel laughed again.
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thattimdrakeguy · 1 year
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I don't know if anyone even knows what this comic is. But I super enjoy this little AU.
The sad thing is it only exists in about two digital miniseries to my knowledge, and not an ongoing. So there is not nearly enough of this dynamic working together.
Yeah, yeah, it's just Peter, Gwen, Harry, woopdie woop. I don't care, I like how they're modernized here. It's simple, fun, and pleasant. I enjoy that.
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