#okawa genki
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mahoromouse · 1 year ago
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The complete Bucchigiri?! article from Animage April 2024
Spreads are read from right to left and include interviews with Arajin and Matakara's VA's (Genki Okawa and Yusuke Hoshino), an interview with director Hiroko Utsumi, an interview with head writer Taku Kishimoto, and an interview with music composer Michiru Oshima.
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spiritsncrystals · 4 months ago
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The light and shadow philosophy will destroy everything - Revolution XX - Lagrange Point
If I had a penny for every time I drew Mizael as Kira Himuro, I'd have two pennies, which isn't a lot, but it's fun that it happened twice.
Why? Well because they're both voiced by Okawa Genki!
Though the outfit comes from the formentioned song in the Marginal#4 anime this time!
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ecargmura · 1 year ago
Bucchigiri?! Episode 6 Review - The Gang War
This was a heavy action-packed episode! But there was a satisfactory conclusion. It makes me wonder what will happen now as it’s Episode 6—the halfway point. The main villain, supposedly, has been defeated and Arajin is now respected by everyone. What’s next for him? We still haven’t explored Ichiya’s role in the story and Mitsukuni has yet to make his official debut. I feel like the second half will be about that?
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Anyways, shout out to the Arajin defenders because your boy finally did something substantial for once! I respect those who defend him and his writing! However, I’m still not viewing him favorably. The fact that he went to the scene of the fight, saw Matakara and others get beaten up and still wouldn’t involve himself in the scene and even thought about leaving when Mahoro rejected him once again was a bit frustrating to watch. You won’t help out even as a decent human being? Is getting Mahoro’s heart all that matters to you? What if someone dies because of your inability to act? It was nice for him to finally take action, it was only when Akutaro smacked Mahoro that he did something as he didn’t want a rehash of what happened with Matakara during his childhood—Arajin, maybe you should’ve done that when Matakara was down?
I did like seeing the flashback of how Siguma came to be and how Marito’s ultimate goal is to defeat Kenichiro in a fight. It was nice seeing Marito and Outa as freshman and how his mind worked back then and now. Marito wants a good fight, all in all. Though, knowing that Kenichiro is a frequent school repeater because he wants Marito (or someone) to defeat him is hilarious. Why go to such lengths to stay in school?
Mahoro was cool for standing up against Akutaro. She has more balls than Arajin, to be honest. I love how her sharp tongue is one of her defining traits as she used it to reject Arajin and now to tell Akutaro off. She’s not wrong about the things she said to him, though. Akutaro is a coward and practically nothing without weapons and cheats. Since Arajin protected her, will their relationship change? I think it’ll change it a bit? She probably won’t fall for Arajin immediately, but maybe she’ll view him a bit more favorably?
Speaking of Akutaro, can I mention how much of a banger the NG Boys’ theme song is? Like, I was bopping my head during the scene of him fighting everyone with his whip. Akutaro did feel like a final boss of sorts, but given that this is Episode 6, he’s practically a disc-one/first arc boss; it seems that Ichiya, the genie possessing Akutaro is the real final boss. While Akutaro did reveal that he knows Arajin has Senya possessing him, he refuses to elaborate too much. Whether his actions are being done on his own or by Ichiya are still yet to be elaborated. I have a feeling that it’s the latter. If Akutaro is battered and no longer useful, it’s the perfect set up to find a new host—which is most likely Matakara as hinted in the opening.
I have seen theories about how the next half of the story will be a bit of a downfall as Arajin got everything he wanted in the first half with him getting a genie, the “princess” (Mahoro) and to be seen as strong by his peers as it ties to the original story of Aladdin and the Lamp. This intrigues me a lot. I can’t wait to see what Ichiya does to make the story more engaging as he has yet to make a true appearance. He has a voice actor reveal, however. The official Twitter page of Bucchigiri revealed that his voice actor is Tetsuharu Ota, who is known for voicing Yamazaki from Gintama.
I can’t wait to see what the second half of the show has to offer. There won’t be a new episode next week due to a table tennis match; instead, there will be a recap episode narrated by Arajin’s voice actor Genki Okawa. This means Episode 7 will be aired on March, so I’ll see you guys in two weeks! What are your thoughts on this episode?
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wotakugo · 1 year ago
The upcoming Bucchigiri?! anime-original by MAPPA has dropped a new trailer and key visual. Kroi will perform the opening theme song “Sesame.” The anime will have its regular premiere on January 13, 2024, after announced early screenings for December. The announced cast includes:Genki Okawa: Arajin TomoshibiYusuke Hoshino: Matakara AsamineMasafumi Kobatake as Majin SenyaNozomu Sasaki as MaritoJiro Saito as KenichiroAnna Nagase as MahoroKappei Yamaguchi as KomaoYukihiro Nozuyama as ZabuRyota Takeuchi as OutaMakoto Furukawa as JabashiriShota Hayama as HagureChihiro Suzuki as AkutaroBucchigiri?! visualCheck out the trailer too:[wpcc-iframe data-lazyloaded="1" data-ezsrc="about:blank" title="TVアニメ『ぶっちぎり?!』メインPV/BUCCHIGIRI?! Main Trailer" width="1170" height="658" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RQPex4Y8rMA?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen class="ezlazyload"][wpcc-iframe title="TVアニメ『ぶっちぎり?!』メインPV/BUCCHIGIRI?! Main Trailer" width="1170" height="658" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RQPex4Y8rMA?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen]Bucchigiri?! trailerThe latest Bucchigiri?! visual and trailer follows images of the characters from July. The main character Arajin Tomoshibi featured in this twist on Arabian Nights by MAPPA, as well as the “Yanki” genre seen in similar anime like Wind Breaker and Tokyo Revengers. Bucchigiri?! was first at MAPPA STAGE 2023 earlier in May, and was created by Hiroko Utsumi, Taku Kishimoto, MAPPA, and TOHO, with the full staff list previously announced.The official Bucchigiri?! synopsis is:A chance reunion with his former best friend Matakara Asamine draws Arajin Tomoshibi into battles among powerful warriors… Amidst this, the shadow of a gigantic demon appears…?!Source: Official Website© Bucchigiri?! Production CommitteeAfter AnimeCorner
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bomber-base · 1 year ago
Super Bomberman R: Bomberman TV - Round 2 (video + partial transcript)
Originally aired on March 27, 2017. Hosted by Tetsuya Yanagihara (Magnet Bomber) and Yoshiyuki Hirai (Golem Bomber). The guests are Genki Okawa (Blue Bomber) and “Setobon,” a Konami employee.
There was initially a comment here about how, as with the first video, we’ve refrained from doing a full transcription and instead focused on the parts that might be relevant or more interesting to bomberfans in order to get this out in a timely manner...but then this post languished as a draft for basically six years because I kept forgetting about it. Oops. 🤣
But! It does remain true that this is a partial transcription. Parts we left out include but are not limited to:
Some things that seemed like more or less common knowledge about the game at this point in terms of features
Some things that just didn’t seem too important in the entire scheme of things
A fair amount of conversational filler
If someone else is able to do a full transcript of this video (and the previous one), by all means take the wheel from Jesus. (Or the Angel? We’re not entirely sure who’s in charge anymore.) 
As always, muchos arigatous to the Base’s resident translator minion Bomber D. Rufi for providing the translation.
SEGMENT #1: (0:00 - 4:32)
Yanagihara and Hirai introduce themselves, remind the viewers that Super Bomberman R is out now, and introduce the guests: Blue Bomber’s seiyuu and a Konami employee.
(0:35) HIRAI: My dream is to be a voice actor!
(0:39) YANAGIHARA: That’s kinda old news, man. Bringing that over from the first episode makes it old news.
(1:04) HIRAI: So last time we had White’s voice actor Koumoto-san and Aqua’s voice actor Takahashi-san on the show.
(1:09) HIRAI + ON-SCREEN TEXT: They were a pretty uneven combination, yeah?
(1:11) HIRAI: The eldest son and youngest daughter.
(1:15) YANAGIHARA: Yeah, the big brother and little sister. 
(1:20) YANAGIHARA: And now this time around we have this person sitting in with us...if you’d please?
(1:25) OKAWA: Hello, I’m Blue’s voice actor, Genki Okawa, nice to meet you.
(1:28) YANAGIHARA: Ah, Genki-chan. [NOTE: Yanagihara addresses/refers to Okawa as “Genki-chan,” with -chan being an honorific of cuteness and/or familiarity. Possibly they know each other from something else? Especially since they’re apparently on a first-name basis.]
(1:35) YANAGIHARA: So Genki-chan, who plays Blue, is here, along with someone else...
(1:43) SETOBON: Nice to meet you! I’m Setobon from Konami.
(1:49) HIRAI: She’s from Konami...
(1:50) YANAGIHARA: Right, a Konami employee.
(1:53) HIRAI: Right, so, Ms. Setobon, what is it that you do at Konami?
(1:55) SETOBON: Usually I’m in charge of promoting Super Bomberman R.
(2:02) HIRAI: So you’re putting in time all over the place, huh?
(2:10) SETOBON: I guess you could say I’m the chief of Bomberman, or something like that.
(2:25) YANAGIHARA: So, y’know, it’s said that she’s the best at Bomberman out of all the staff.
(2:26) HIRAI: That’s some pretty high praise. Are you that good?
(2:34) SETOBON: Well...
(2:35) HIRAI: How good are you, really?
(2:37) SETOBON: I was able to defeat a boss with one hand.
(2:41) HIRAI: You’re that good?
(2:43) YANAGIHARA: She was able to use the Switch like this.
(2:53) YANAGIHARA: She’s strong and cute.
(3:15) OKAWA + ON-SCREEN TEXT: Dude, I don’t belong here at all, do I?
(3:17) OKAWA: Should I just go home? It’s like this is just an ad for Konami.
(3:25) YANAGIHARA: Okay, Genki-chan, we’ll shine the spotlight on you.
(3:27) YANAGIHARA: So what kind of character role does Blue play in the game?
(3:30) OKAWA: He’s the leader.
(3:31) YANAGIHARA: Uh, no. He’s not.
(3:32) OKAWA: What, he isn’t?
(3:33) HIRAI: He’s the third kid, after all.
(3:38) OKAWA: Well, he’s the kind of person who could lead if he really wanted to.
(3:41) HIRAI: He’s the type who wants to come out on top, right?
(3:43) YANAGIHARA: Uh, no, that’s totally wrong.
(3:51) OKAWA: So basically he’s always sleeping, anytime and anywhere.
(4:03) HIRAI: He’s basically like a sloth then.
(4:05) OKAWA: But that’s not all. He’s actually got a bunch of smarts.
(4:07) YANAGIHARA: Oh, so that’s the sort of set-up he’s got.
(4:14) OKAWA: Yeah, he’s actually got a good head on his shoulders and is pretty clever, but he’s usually half-asleep most of the time.
(4:16) YANAGIHARA: So he’s smart, but always tired.
(4:28) YANAGIHARA: So with that out of the way, let’s play some Super Bomberman R!
SEGMENT #3 (4:33 - 19:15)
The gameplay section. Hirai once again explains the mechanics for those who aren’t familiar, and the guests discuss their previous experiences with the franchise. They skip straight to battle mode, with Yanagihara and Hirai once again forming Team Boss Characters while Okawa and Setobon form Team Youngsters.
(4:37) HIRAI: Okay, so, like we did last time, we’ll give a simple explanation of what Bomberman is to people who haven’t heard of it yet.
(5:01) YANAGIHARA: So as for the two of you, it’s obvious that you’ve played Bomberman now, but did you play it when you little?
(5:07) OKAWA: I have.
(5:10) HIRAI: How old were you when you first played?
(5:13) OKAWA: I think the first time I played, it was on the Sega Saturn while I was in elementary school.
(5:16) YANAGIHARA: Ah, so on the Saturn...
(5:20) OKAWA: The one where they were all in 3D.
(5:23) HIRAI: Oh, where the objects were realistic.
(5:27) YANAGIHARA: What about you, Setobon?
(5:29) SETOBON: Um, well, I...
(5:30) OKAWA: Ah, this doesn’t sound good.
(5:33) SETOBON: I know it seems like I’m just being shy, but...
(5:35) HIRAI: Ah, we can’t quite hear you...
(5:36) SETOBON: I never played it!
(5:38) HIRAI: How dare you!
(5:42) SETOBON: It just wasn’t around for my generation!
(5:44) HIRAI: Generation ain’t got nothin’ to do with it, dammit.
(5:47) YANAGIHARA: Bomberman’s been around for a loooong time, though.
(5:48) OKAWA: Bomberman isn’t a generational thing.
(5:49) HIRAI: Don’t you have oodles of info to tell you that?
(5:51) YANAGIHARA: We weren’t expecting you to come out with an answer like that, it’s strange!
(5:53) SETOBON: When the company put me in charge of the series, I did like it...
(5:57) HIRAI: That’s already too late!
(6:02) HIRAI: How old are you right now?
(6:03) SETOBON: 23...
(6:04) HIRAI: Take responsibility!
(6:05) YANAGIHARA: [holding Hirai back] Stop that!
(6:07) HIRAI: I mean, you could play the game on a smartphone even, dammit.
(6:08) SETOBON: I do have it on my personal smartphone, I just started playing!
(6:13) OKAWA: You can play it on a smartphone?
(6:15) HIRAI: Yeah.
(6:15) OKAWA: I’m totally downloading it.
(6:25) YANAGIHARA: In times like these, girls gotta experience games themselves to get hooked.
(6:30) HIRAI: So how do you play it?
(6:32) YANAGIHARA: Yeah, how?
(6:33) SETOBON: I just have fun.
(6:34) HIRAI: Don’t take so long to answer!
(6:45) YANAGIHARA: So, what, out of everyone here, you think she might be the best at this?
(6:47) OKAWA: No way am I gonna lose to someone I don’t even know.
(7:02) [ON SCREEN: “Team Boss Characters” “Team Youngsters”]
(7:09) OKAWA: Cool, well, I’m gonna end this right here.
(7:19) YANAGIHARA: Right, for the first match, we’ll go to The Great Wall.
(8:13) MAGNET: “Don’t call me little!���
(8:23) YANAGIHARA: It sounded like Blue was saying something...
(8:25) OKAWA: Let’s have him talk again.
(8:30) BLUE: “Huh? Me?”
(8:33) OKAWA: Seems like it was shorter this time around. Well, whatever!
(8:41) YANAGIHARA: What’s up with that?
(8:43) HIRAI: That’s free raw materials.
(9:37) SETOBON: I can’t seem to get on the second level...
(9:40) HIRAI: Seems more to me like you don’t want to.
(10:13) OKAWA: Wait, since we’re on teams, doesn’t this mean that we already won?
(10:16) SETOBON: That’s right...
(10:17) HIRAI: Yeah, you did actually win.
(10:19) OKAWA: But I wanna win since I’ve got a grudge now.
(10:31) SETOBON: But I won without doing anything!
(10:34) OKAWA: Yeah, but you got to see just how awesome and powerful I am.
(10:42) YANAGIHARA: How did we lose just now?
(11:37) GOLEM: “I will win for sure.”
(12:04) GOLEM: “Defeat ????” [NOTE: Unintelligible.]
(12:06) OKAWA: He said “safety hazard suit.” [NOTE: Looks like they didn’t know what he said either.]
(12:26) SETOBON: And you’re back...this sucks...
(12:31) OKAWA: Ahhh, what am I doing?!
(12:38) HIRAI: Okay, first we go after her.
(12:40) SETOBON: And who is this “her”...?
(12:43) OKAWA: Let’s work together.
(12:44) SETOBON: Hey, wait a second!
(12:52) OKAWA: Awwyeah.
(12:53) SETOBON: What are you so happy about?
(13:08) YANAGIHARA: So, uh, you guys seem to have misunderstood something...
(13:14) YANAGIHARA: You made Setobon your rival and all, but...
(13:16) SETOBON: But we’re supposed to be a team.
(13:48) YANAGIHARA: And then there’s you, dude. You were all like, “Let’s go after her together!” with Genki-chan...
(13:54) HIRAI: Ah, yeah, I did.
(13:55) YANAGIHARA: But that’s what you’re supposed to say to me, yeah?
(16:47) OKAWA: What the hell?!
(16:51) OKAWA: I got beat.
(16:59) HIRAI: You were the last one standing, Setobon! You came back to life to claim victory?
(17:19) HIRAI: Even Genki-kun’s shivering...
(17:33) SETOBON: That was a total coincidence, though...
(17:35) SETOBON: Though coincidences like that do happen in Bomberman, huh.
(17:53) HIRAI: Well, being able to win by coincidence is all you can do in Bomberman, where no one’s ever sure what’ll happen.
(18:08) [ON SCREEN: Team Youngsters Wins.] GENKI: We did it!
(18:13) HIRAI: Even though we used special bombs and all...we couldn’t beat you in the end.
(18:17) OKAWA: Those special bombs were pretty dangerous.
(18:42) HIRAI: We have to thank Setobon for explaining the stages and demonstrating the terror of a woman, despite it only being her sophomore year.
(18:56) YANAGIHARA: Though somehow now I think I get why she’s considered the best.
(19:03) SETOBON: An evaluation meeting, huh...
(19:05) HIRAI: Huh? Why?
(19:07) SETOBON: An evaluation meeting...
(19:08) OKAWA: If you’d like on your own, sure.
(19:11) YANAGIHARA: What’s there to evaluate?
SEGMENT #4: (19:16 - 23:53)
Wrapping up the video.
(19:22) HIRAI: So we got to try out the special bombs this time around...
(19:27) HIRAI: So with Golem, he can defeat others who are hit by the bombs he makes.
(19:35) YANAGIHARA: So how does Magnet’s ability work?
(19:37) SETOBON: When he makes his bomb, it’ll chase the opponent.
(19:50) OKAWA: Using that thing is bad news, huh.
(19:52) YANAGIHARA: Yeah, even I was surprised.
(20:00) YANAGIHARA: Here I was thinking it’d come back to me.
(20:02) SETOBON: It doesn’t come back.
(20:06) YANAGIHARA: I was pressing the lower button wondering what he was doing.
(20:12) OKAWA: So if you had a bunch of friends, you could get together online and fight it out, right?
(20:17) HIRAI: Yeah, that’s right — you can do stuff online.
(20:23) HIRAI: You can have up to eight people playing together.
(20:25) YANAGIHARA: That’s eight! Eight!
(20:27) OKAWA: No way, that’s scary!
(20:52) YANAGIHARA: So what’d you think, Genki-chan?
(20:53) OKAWA: I had a great time. I can see myself getting really into this.
(20:58) HIRAI: A hot-blooded type, huh...
(20:59) OKAWA: If I were with my buddies we’d probably end up getting into a fight.
(21:26) YANAGIHARA: And your feelings on it, Seto-chan?
(21:28) SETOBON: I think this is a game everyone can be enthusiastic about. Even I was fighting seriously, maybe a little too seriously now that I think about it. It’s a party game that I’d be happy if everyone took home to enjoy once it’s released in March.
(22:03) YANAGIHARA: She was doing this [gesturing with his hands] whole time to White, twisting and pulling him. I felt kind of bad for him.
(22:11) OKAWA: Poor White.
(22:16) YANAGIHARA: And what’d you think, Hirai?
(22:19) HIRAI: We should totally play again.
(22:22) YANAGIHARA: You wanna go at it again?
(22:24) HIRAI: Yeah, to improve things.
(22:25) YANAGIHARA: After this? Yeah.  
(22:26) HIRAI: I don’t mean the game. I mean Seto-san.
(22:30) YANAGIHARA: Whaaaat?
(22:31) HIRAI: We can turn her into the ultimate PR machine.
(22:36) OKAWA: This show turned into something completely different.
(22:38) OKAWA: Everyone already knows about Bomberman, so...
(22:43) HIRAI: So we can’t help but be interested in Seto-san.
(22:46) YANAGIHARA: Seems like we’ve got another explosive daughter on our hands.
(23:08) YANAGIHARA: Now, if you’d like to introduce the game to the audience...
(23:11) OKAWA: Super Bomberman R is currently in stores everywhere! This is a brand new game for the Nintendo Switch, so please enjoy it with your friends and family.
(23:25) YANAGIHARA: And if you’d please?
(23:27) SETOBON: We hope you’ll enjoy it!
(23:30) YANAGIHARA: Well, we hope you’ll have a good time until we meet again! Thanks for watching episode 2 of Bomberman TV! Well, then — goodbye!
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stary-teller · 1 year ago
Shaking Two Hearts - Nome Tatsuhiro Romaji Lyrics
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Title: Shaking Two Hearts
Artist: Nome Tatsuhiro (CV: Okawa Genki)
Kasaneta jikan ni umareru yume
Itsudatte hashirinuketa
Senaka wo osarete wa
Genkai nante nakunatta
Cause be as one
Mind omae to nara orenai
Pain makeru ki nante nai sa
You omoi ga mazaru tabi ni
Tomaranai passion
Shaking two hearts
Samenai netsu wo moyashite
Yume no saki tsurete ikou
Forever yakusoku wa takaenai sa
Make it up make it up
Taisetsu na jikan
Beside you beside me
Modoranu kinou wo nageku mae ni
Kokoro wo togisumaseru
Omae no manazashi wa
Kumorasenai to kimetanda
On the winding road
Lose tachidomaru shunkan mo
Eyes sorasu tsumori wa nai sa
You sono egao ga aru kara
Egakeru vision
Fly to the high
Gooru wa mada hitsuyou nai
Kono netsu ga sakenderu
Whatever arata na keshiki wo tsukurou
Keep it up keep it up
Donna toki datte
Follow me follow me
Mite ite kure
Ippun ichibyou sugiru hibi
Hitotsu mo muda janai
Kidzukasete kureru no wa
Omae to ita jikan no naka
Mind dakara ore wa orenai
Pain nando datte chikara ni
You kakegae nai omoi ga
Tsunageru passion
Shaking two hearts
Samenai netsu wo moyashite
Yume no saki tsurete ikou
Forever yakusoku wa takaenai sa
Make it up make it up
Taisetsu na jikan
Beside you beside me
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fuyuteki · 2 years ago
Ohse's VA (Hyuga Saku) saying "Gen-kun" to Terra's VA (Genki Okawa)
If this is giving a hint of something of the second season and Ohse starts calling the other residents by cute nickname -kun, I die (not in a good way, because then it means "Io-kun" would not be as special anymore)
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yabaifeelings · 5 years ago
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津田健次郎・大河元気のジョシ禁ラジオ!! 第47回CUT
Tsuda Kenjiro • Okawa Genki Joshi kin Radio! Guest: Aoi Shouta || 2019
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yunhokick · 4 years ago
Watch "【KOFG】Benimaru Nikaido & Robert Garcia- - Starlight Journey -(Official Video)" on YouTube
Artwork by Tsuyomaru-san!
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SING SENG SONG (しんせんそんぐ) is the name of the project under which new KOFG songs and illustrations by various artists will be released.
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cocotome · 5 years ago
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Cast photo from the first night of Rejet Fes.2020 Action!! The event takes place February 22nd and 23rd, with two performances on both days. So many awesome seiyuu in one photo! 😍
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utagoe · 5 years ago
B-PROJECT: Dancing Dancing Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for Dancing Dancing by MooNs
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(kanji source) パート分け:和南 百太郎 暉 龍広 帝人
Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Come On!
oh my girl もうこんな時間 早く 支度しなくちゃ 髪型は気分で 艶髪で 決めちゃおう
歩けば 振り向くほど イケてる 完璧な stylish 鏡に向かって good job 決めて 準備は let's go OK
俺が行くまで 待ってろよ calling baby もうすぐ会える (ホントの気持ちを知りたい オレの気持ちも伝えたい)
今日は踊り歌おう (時間は) ギリギリまで (騒ごう dancing) 君しか見えない (melody) (百・龍・帝) dancing dancing (和・暉) まだまだ dancing
(百・龍・帝) don't stop music singing your love (和・暉) ��めないで 見つめ合って (百・龍・帝) and dancing dancing singing your love (和・暉) i can't stop music このまま dancing
Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Come On!
oh my girl 何か足りない イメチェン 試してみよう 君の驚く顔 浮かべて 思わず妄想
時代に 遅れないで 常に ネット見て check 流行りの 香水を 吹きかけ 準備は いつでもOK
恋の秘密は 一人一人違って もう止められない (ホントの気持ちを知りたい オレの気持ちも伝えたい)
今日は踊り歌おう (時間は) ギリギリまで (騒ごう dancing) 君しか見えない (melody) (百・暉) dancing dancing (和・龍・帝) まだまだ dancing
(百・暉) don't stop music singing your love (和・龍・帝) 止めないで 見つめ合って (百・暉) and dancing dancing singing your love (和・龍・帝) i can't stop music このまま dancing
時 止めて(タタタ タリナイ) 君と 一緒に(パパパ パーリナイ) 今日は どうしても(タタタ タリナイ) (和・龍) 2人きりで
(Everybody Go Go Everybody yeah yeah Everybody Go Go Everybody yeah yeah)
今日は踊り歌おう (時間は) ギリギリまで (騒ごう dancing) 君しか見えない (melody) (百・龍・帝) dancing dancing (和・暉) まだまだ dancing
(百・龍・帝) don't stop music singing your love (和・暉) 止めないで 見つめ合って (百・龍・帝) and dancing dancing singing your love (和・暉) i can't stop music このまま dancing
このまま dancing yeah まだまだ dancing yeah まだまだ dancing まだまだ dancing このまま dancing yeah
Romaji Colours: Kazuna Momotaro Hikaru Tatsuhiro Mikado
Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Come On!
oh my girl mou konna jikan hayaku shitaku shinakucha kamigata wa kibun de tsuyagami de kimechaou
arukeba furimuku hodo iketeru kanpeki na stylish kagami ni mukatte good job kimete junbi wa let's go OK
ore ga iku made matteroyo calling baby mou sugu aeru (honto no kimochi wo shiritai ore no kimochi mo tsutaetai)
kyou wa odori utaou (jikan wa) girigiri made (sawagou dancing) kimi shika mienai (melody) (Mo・Ta・Mi) dancing dancing (Ka・Hi) mada mada dancing
(Mo・Ta・Mi) don't stop music singing your love (Ka・Hi) tomenaide mitsumeatte (Mo・Ta・Mi) and dancing dancing singing your love (Ka・Hi) i can't stop music kono mama dancing
Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Come On!
oh my girl nanika tarinai imechen tameshite miyou kimi no odoroku kao ukabete omowazu mousou
jidai ni okurenaide tsune ni netto mite check hayari no kousui wo fukikake junbi wa itsudemo OK
koi no himitsu wa hitori hitori chigatte mou tomerarenai (honto no kimochi wo shiritai ore no kimochi mo tsutaetai)
kyou wa odori utaou (jikan wa) girigiri made (sawagou dancing) kimi shika mienai (melody) (Mo・Hi) dancing dancing (Ka・Ta・Mi) mada mada dancing
(Mo・Hi) don't stop music singing your love (Ka・Ta・Mi) tomenaide mitsumeatte (Mo・Hi) and dancing dancing singing your love (Ka・Ta・Mi) i can't stop music kono mama dancing
toki tomete (ta ta ta tarinai) kimi to issho ni (pa pa pa paari nai) kyou wa dou shitemo (ta ta ta tarinai) (Ka・Ta) futari kiri de
(Everybody Go Go Everybody yeah yeah Everybody Go Go Everybody yeah yeah)
kyou wa odori utaou (jikan wa) girigiri made (sawagou dancing) kimi shika mienai (melody) (Mo・Ta・Mi) dancing dancing (Ka・Hi) mada mada dancing
(Mo・Ta・Mi) don't stop music singing your love (Ka・Hi) tomenaide mitsumeatte (Mo・Ta・Mi) and dancing dancing singing your love (Ka・Hi) i can't stop music kono mama dancing
kono mama dancing yeah mada mada dancing yeah mada mada dancing mada mada dancing kono mama dancing yeah
English Colours: Kazuna Momotaro Hikaru Tatsuhiro Mikado
Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Come On!
Oh my girl, look at the time I gotta get ready quickly My hairstyle is up to my mood, I'll go with a glossy hair
People turn when I walk 'Cause I'm cool and perfectly stylish I look in the mirror and decide I did a good job Preparations are, let's go, OK
Wait until I go to you, calling baby - We'll soon be able to meet (I want to know your real feelings, I want to tell you my feelings)
Let's dance and sing today (Until the) Last minute (Let's make noise, dancing) I can't see anyone but you (Melody) (Mo・Ta・Mi) Dancing dancing (Ka・Hi) We still keep on dancing
(Mo・Ta・Mi) Don't stop music singing your love (Ka・Hi) We don't stop, we're looking at each other (Mo・Ta・Mi) And dancing dancing singing your love (Ka・Hi) I can't stop music Like this, we're dancing
Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Hey. Fu~, Come On!
Oh my girl, something's missing Let me try a makeover When I imagine your surprised face, I get a wild idea
I'm not late to the trend I always go online and check Putting on a popular perfume, My preparations are always OK
The secret of love is different for everyone - I can't stop anymore (I want to know your real feelings, I want to tell you my feelings)
Let's dance and sing today (Until the) Last minute (Let's make noise, dancing) I can't see anyone but you (Melody) (Mo・Hi) Dancing dancing (Ka・Ta・Mi) We still keep on dancing
(Mo・Hi) Don't stop music singing your love (Ka・Ta・Mi) We don't stop, we're looking at each other (Mo・Hi) And dancing dancing singing your love (Ka・Ta・Mi) I can't stop music Like this, we're dancing
Stop time (It's it's it's it's not enough) With you, having a (Par par par party night) No matter what, today's still (not not not not enough) (Ka・Ta) Just the two of us
(Everybody Go Go Everybody yeah yeah Everybody Go Go Everybody yeah yeah)
Let's dance and sing today (Until the) Last minute (Let's make noise, dancing) I can't see anyone but you (Melody) (Mo・Ta・Mi) Dancing dancing (Ka・Hi) We still keep on dancing
(Mo・Ta・Mi) Don't stop music singing your love (Ka・Hi) We don't stop, we're looking at each other (Mo・Ta・Mi) And dancing dancing singing your love (Ka・Hi) I can't stop music Like this, we're dancing
Like this, we're dancing yeah We still keep on dancing yeah We still keep on dancing We still keep on dancing Like this, we're dancing yeah
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mahoromouse · 1 year ago
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Part 1 of the Bucchigiri feature in spoon.2Di vol. 107
Spreads are read from right to left and include an interview with director Hiroko Utsumi, an interview with head writer Taku Kishimoto, and interviews with Arajin and Matakara's VA's (Genki Okawa and Yusuke Hoshino).
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ache-shima · 6 years ago
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yaoisex · 5 years ago
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I accidentally stumbled upon this video of Genkichi from 11 years ago.
I saw pics of him from that era but never a video, so that was… an experience.
He was half naked A LOT in this video… in the pool… ocean… bath… on the bed. I almost felt like I was watching something else lol
I don’t know what was the point of this video but I’m not complaining hahaha
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villra · 6 years ago
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HEAVEN Photobook
Dengeki Girls 2019
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jinty66 · 6 years ago
にゃんにゃんにゃん! ガルスタゲーム天国~にゃめんなよ~
Here the video of the live stream from February 22, 2019 with Maeno Tomoaki and Okawa Genki with updates and previews of upcoming online games and some more.
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