#ok you can arrest him AFTER he kills his last victim like????
kenjiyabuki · 9 months
why the sign got me rooting for the murderer lmao
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the-firebird69 · 21 days
Pt. 2 CAR ON FIRE 🔥 + CRAZY KAREN #motorcycle #sportbike #fyp #motovlog
Karen means still caring and they're saying it about our son and what he's saying is you want me to be mad and mad at you and you're getting killed and that's how we react we don't react like a stupid person and you've been getting killed doing this idiot routine in any of you and hatred is on you for shutting the businesses down firing your own people making things impossible and abandoning stuff on purpose not even taking it for weaponry and the list is huge of reasons why they hate you sure they're going to try and attack as well but the pseudo empire and the max are going to intercept and if not we're ready. So you continue your **** and you continue to try and use it to your own advantage and everybody else does too and you're going to end up dead. What you did was you pulled her over and you were harassing her and you're harassing her for miles because you think that she gets rid of you and it's not really mentally sound stuff and the police came and they got reports of what you were doing and they said you're severely mentally ill and he says criminally mentally ill and he started to say he was Charlie Sheen it was Charles Manson that is he's not Charlie Sheen and his wife was telling him no so he started yelling it and he said take my fingerprints and check it out so they did and they arrested him and said he was impersonating Charles Manson and and said he was impersonating Charles Manson and he is one of these killer people and they said her car on fire and she is suing them and the motorcycles were impounded as evidence and they'll auction them off and the insurance company will have to pay her. but the victim always gets the short end of the stick in the old days they used to arrest the people convict them put them in prison and hang them and you would get their motorcycles and other things that they had nowadays you don't get anything your own insurance has to cover it your premium goes up and it's not your fault and it shouldn't be done that way at all and people should have to pay and people like Trump take advantage of it all the time there's going to be a reckoning and it will be coming up very soon and we do not want to hear from you ever again.  we dont like these here hate them but need them to calm down. and wont. they wont. are at it and need the ship desperately. and the vikig ship. and now they say where and was in  amovie last he saw and ok. and the vikingmovie so they go there. Now there are two leads on where the ship might be part of it they say is the stands in Port Charlotte and they're gonna take it apart and they should they need to insult us in our son and we mean to insult you. Now there's a lot of society that we wanted to save a lot of buildings that is and we still gonna try but it seems you people don't care at all 'cause you're a bunch of mindless idiots. My son has memories of buildings he's never seen and it's because they were talked about and he can see it a little and he stares at it and it says where do I know that from and he wants to keep it around to know the people involved in the lives of touched and becomes an emotional thing it's very powerful but we don't see much of that new people at all and we need you out. You're making us mad. We do understand what you're up to but we're gonna come in there and cut you up. You gonna do it to each other and we're gonna make a look that way. You're all gonna go after the ship and the Borg ship and you should the Tommy F is invading and he's frustrated. And Trump is defending an area and he keeps flowing in and they're not getting in and BJA and the Pseudo Empire the max and others it's all kind of divvied up and they are defending the territory this is not going to be cut and dry you people are doomed but really it looks that way and he says that kind of stuff but he's coming in here now with larger forces he withdrew 100 percent and he has gone through them pretty quickly no he's still only lost 5% but they're manning up and they're g.... but they're manning up and they're gearing up they're getting weaponry and they're on there on Cuba they're on Puerto Rico they're on the Dominican Republic and they're getting ready to try and get here and they have ships and the spaceship above and you people are in trouble. And he's trying to kidnap our son who the hell knows why is not a great person to kidnap he gets mad about everything and he messes you up and you're just a stupid pile of **** tommy F. And we're gonna scrape you up and get rid of you fairly soon but these people are gonna wipe you out so have a nice time watching more of you die and you're such a moron about it you're just like this trump guy. But this is happening right now. Wide scale invasion and he's probably sending 5% they're big numbers folks and in the rings you're still fighting 1.4 billion went out today and they're gone. This is the end of the Morlock coming up they don't believe it but no leadership in their going to go fast. We are increasing whiskey production and rum and vodka beer and are sending tons of it huge huge loads and we are getting production juiced up and it is moving fast. We have several companies that want the fast brew and they are the cheaper beers and we're going to do it they stay better yes they have less germs less people get sick almost none of them we don't use the sugar and it's got a little bit more alcohol. And we have several orders and we're going to make huge factories that make it fast. And the same goes for the hard stuff. Moving out and we're going to get it done. We also have a couple other things to announce but we're gonna print
Thor Freya
Hera and they sit and i see. they lose here and will mve ok they sid it too good your smart
Zues and we montirot hey say and close good she says yes me Hera
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awake-my-oceans · 3 years
Kaito as the detective and shin as the Kid (shrinking optional)
(Send me an AU and I’ll tell you five headcanons about it)
Robin, you‘ve talked about how the Phandom makes you write like you‘re possessed, and I‘m starting to get what you mean. Literally nothing in DCMK comes to me without it turning into A Monster. Anyways, roleswap Kaito and Shinichi!
Ok so the thing is this could actually work with canon backstories. Kaito’s whole thing is about honoring his dad and catching the guys who killed him, which translates fairly easily into detective work—particularly if he doesn’t know about the Kaitou Kid bit right away. Shinichi is……a bit harder, but he canonically rolls with the weirdest stuff. If you get the right setup, him being Kaitou KID isn’t that much of a stretch.
I know it’s headcanon time but shhhh this is an interesting premise and I have to figure out how we got here.
Ok, so Kaito doesn’t always pick up nuanced crime scene clues, but he reads people really really well. So when he accidentally runs into Jii, and the mention of his father comes up, Jii winces, pained, and Kaito goes “what do you know you absolutely know something and I won’t drop this” and doesn’t let Jii rest until Jii admits that Kuroba Toichi was murdered. Boom, off we go. Nakamori Ginzo half-raised him ever since Toichi died, so it’s a reasonable jump to go straight into detective work. Kaito can’t always read a crime scene, and frankly, the bodies are unsettling to the point of nausea, but he sure can read everyone’s reactions to the body, and, well, some people are only pretending to grieve. What does this madlad do? Does he teach himself to carefully examine all evidence for clues? Well, yes, but that comes later. Right now, he jumps straight into impersonating the deceased’s voice and mannerisms and accusing everyone and, well, people do tend to have nervous breakdowns and confessions when suddenly confronted with their victim’s ghost. Good, Kaito thinks, remembering how much he’s mourned his father. They deserve it.
Off he goes. He’ll get more and more relevant information over time, but that’s about as slow-burn as canon. Meanwhile, he’s making a name for himself as a medium for the dead.
Meanwhile Shinichi’s come across the reports of Kuroba Toichi’s death, and, well, this is definitely a cover up. A few too-close runs later, he realizes it was a cover up from inside the legal system, and that those people are still very much in power. He has a crisis for all of like two days before realizing that Sherlock Holmes took a legally “flexible” approach to confronting in-house corruption, and, well, if Sherlock Holmes can do it then he can too. Sufficient off-the-record digging, plus talking with his dad (who is also, ah, legally flexible), brings up the whole Kaitou Kid thing and look, playing Kaitou Kid was supposed to be a one-time thing to bait people out of the woodwork, but one thing led to another, and here Shinichi is, moonlighting as a dead thief.
Shinichi isn’t more than competent at magic tricks, but he has a few things in his favor here. 1) both Agasa and Jii are helping him, and their team up is a force to behold. Jii keeps the ideas practical, and Agasa makes the ideas work. 2) Shinichi’s dad absolutely knew the last Kaitou Kid inside out, and he’s giving Shinichi helpful pointers. 3) Shinichi may not be good at doing magic, but he’s absolutely incredible at reading and anticipating the police, having a flawless alibi, and leaving no evidence on-scene. Plus, he’s still working his “day job” as a detective, so he also gets stupidly easy access to department gossip, security layouts, and other classified information.
Headcanon time!
Kaito has his beginning of canon meltdown of “EXCUSE ME, this thief is claiming to be the best magician around and he’s WRONG because my DAD was the best.” This is even more vehement because his dad is a more painful topic overall, given that he was murdered. That said, he’s not going to give this thief the time of day because he’s got more important things to do, like catch the murderers. However, Shinichi-in-disguise is casing a building when someone gets murdered there, and Kaito’s like “what is up with this guy.” Shinichi does pause and lend a hand when Kaito gets stuck, because murder is murder no matter what face he’s wearing. After the case is solved, Kaito’s trying to figure out who on earth this is when he realizes it’s Kaitou Kid. But the guy did just help solve a murder. And when he snarls that his father was the better magician, Kaitou Kid just bows his head and agrees. So Kaito has no idea what to make of this dude. Meanwhile Shinichi’s inner dialogue is just “it’s Toichi’s kid, does he know—NOPE HE SURE DOESN’T, UH, WHAT DO I DO??!”
Kaitou Kid respecting Toichi and admiring Kaito’s magic is a recurring thing, much to Kaito’s bemusement. Like. He can tell that it’s genuine, not a way to throw him off guard, although it’s sure doing that, too. One time Kaitou Kid pauses a heist to help with a case, which leads to Kid almost getting caught. Kaito’s still got a lot of complicated feelings around Kid, but it’s not fair that Kid’s getting arrested just because he had the decency to help stop a murderer. So Kaito covers for Kid with a rather good magic trick that “Kid” performs. Kid escapes, but not before giving Kaito the strangest layered look Kaito’s ever seen. He doesn’t even know what was in all those layers, just that there was a lot of grief and that there were upwards of ten layers in there.
Kaito and Shinichi catch onto each other faster than in canon. This is mainly because their weak spots are more obvious to an expert—Kaito’s definitely not talking to ghosts to solve cases, thinks Shinichi the Savior of the Police Force, and Kid’s definitely got a hidden agenda that’s only almost perfectly covered up, thinks Kaito the Undisputed Expert of Poker Face. Kaito has a very rough go of things when he finds out in rapid succession that 1) Kid’s trying to hunt down murderers via a system that might actually be stranger than talking to “ghosts,” 2) Kid’s looking for who killed Kuroba Toichi specifically, and 3) Kuroba Toichi was actually the original Kid. After that, Kid being a teenage detective is just—whatever. Sure. Why not.
There’s a huge police betting pool on what will happen when Kudou “everything has a rational explanation” Shinichi, and Kuroba “I literally talk to ghosts” Kaito meet. Everyone’s sure there will be conflict—people are just trying to work out how it will go down. Turns out that they get on like a house on fire, but to everyone’s great surprise, the houses they set on fire are all criminals, and they don’t try to set each other’s houses on fire at all. Except for Megure. Megure makes bank.
Turns out that when you have two detectives and two phantom thieves on hand, things get done with furious efficiency. Kaito and Shinichi take turns being Kaitou Kid, depending on whose skill set is most useful. Kaito’s better at dodging bullets and at doing insane magic. Shinichi’s better at forcing the snipers to reveal themselves and at getting the police to notice exactly the right things about the snipers. On a detective front, half the Organization’s convinced that 1) their dead victims are actively sabotaging them and 2) if their victims don’t get them, Kudou Shinichi certainly will.
Honestly, from an outside POV, the back third of this series would just be “there are GHOSTS and we are going to DIE and also reality is bending anytime Kaitou Kid shows up—“
RIP to all the undercover agents in the Organization. They’re about to have a Ride.
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spencermyangel · 3 years
Prompt: Spencer Reid has a rough day so Aaron or Rossi comforts him by hugging him or whatever
Thank you for the request :)
CW - Schizophrenia
Spencer hung up the phone upset. He had just called his mom and she hadn’t recognized his voice and kept saying her son was dead. Spencer looked out the hotel window and stared at the lights of Raleigh as a tear slid down his cheek. He wondered why his Mother had to be sick like this, and if he was looking at his future. He allowed himself to do something he didn’t often do, let himself be sad and angry.
Reid was shaken from his thoughts by his phone ringing, he ran over to the side table and grabbed his phone.
“Reid, it’s Hotch, we got a hit on the DNA”.
“Ok,” said Garcia, when the team was all gathered at the precinct “Johnathan Ellington, is 28 years old, has previously been arrested for robbery and has recently been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, which it appears he inherited from his mother, Susan Ellington, who just recently passed away.”
“Do you have an address, Garcia?”
“67 Abbott street”  
Spencer walked into the hotel and rushed to his room, not even registering the team calling after him. Once he reached his room he went to the bed and began crying. Jonathan had believed he was killing people who were holding his mother hostage. They had got there too late and hadn’t been able to save Johnathan’s last victim, a 16 year old girl, Or Johnathan himself.  
Spencer heard a soft knock at his door and a few seconds later, he heard the door open. He turned around and saw Rossi standing in his room.
“You should know better than to leave your door unlocked”
Spencer quickly tried to wipe his eyes.
“Hey” Rossi said as he sat down, “You don’t have to hide when you’re upset, I know this case must have been tough for you.”
Spencer nodded sadly. “It’s been a rough day, I called my mom this morning, and she didn’t recognize my voice. She kept saying her son was dead. When I said ‘It’s Spencer’, she said ‘that was my son’s name’.” Spencer flapped his one hand and started breathing heavily, moving his other hand up to hit his head.
“Woah, Spencer, don’t hit yourself, Okay, if you need to hit something, hit this pillow” Rossi said moving one of the pillows in front of Reid.
Spencer hit the pillow and took a few deep breaths before he started talking again. “Sometimes, when my mom has a bad episode, I think ‘is that my future?’. And then, this case , Jonathan had cleaned his life up since the robberies when he was a teen, he was getting a degree and then his life was torn apart by his illness” Spencer paused before whispering “what if something like that happens to me?”
Rossi closed his eyes and considered what to say “Spencer, we would never let that happen, even if you got sick, we would always be there for you, to help you. We’re your family”.
Spencer began crying again and Rossi asked “can I hug you?”
Spencer nodded and as Rossi hugged him he felt so much warmth, something he had never felt from his own father. Spencer was so grateful for Rossi, for his team, his family .
Send in requests or asks here
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omgsquee2001 · 3 years
Extreme Aggressor: Part 4
Warning(s): Mentions of death, mentions of sex offenders, mentions of r*pe and r*pists 
Please do not repost anywhere without my permission!
[Y/N] was waiting in an abandoned house across the street. The house a few blocks down was the house of Richard Sleesman, a suspect in the current case the BAU was working. Another Agent was going to lure Richard to the house so that the FBI could arrest him and hold him for questioning. The door opened. “Hello?” A voice called out. This was most likely the voice of Richard. “Hello!” Richard called again. The place came alive when [Y/N] and the other FBI agents came out from their hiding spots. [Y/N] aimed her gun at Richard. 
“FBI! Freeze!” [Y/N] shouted. Richard looked around, clearly confused.
“Freeze! Get him down!” The FBI agents shouted. Elle Greenaway, 
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the agent who had lured Richard into the house, pushed him down to the ground, taking out her handcuffs and placing his hands behind his back. Elle used to work on sex offender cases and was recently transferred to the BAU. This was like her trial to see if she would be useful for the team. 
“Richard Slessman, FBI. You are under arrest for the murder,” Elle’s voice faded out as Richard smirked up at Gideon, who glared down at him. 
Emerson said, "all is riddle, and the key to a riddle... Is another riddle." 
Gideon walked into the house. Reid and [Y/N] rounded the corner. 
“There's no sign of the girl here. We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him.” Reid said. [Y/N] sighed in slight disappointment of the fact that they hadn’t caught the killer. They had, however, caught a very bad man, which [Y/N] was very grateful for. 
“Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list.” She said. Gideon looked at the older woman who was sitting at the table in the kitchen, being consoled by some Police officers. 
“Is that the mother?” Gideon asked. Elle turned the corner and looked at Gideon.  
“Grandmother. The mother died in a fire when he was 13.” Elle said. Gideon nodded. 
“Probably not the only fire in his childhood.” Gideon said. Spencer looked at the older agent. 
“Before his Son of Sam murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires.” Spencer said, telling facts about serial killers who set fires before they actually began killing. [Y/N] looked at her friend as she, Morgan and Spencer followed after Gideon, who had walked into the other room. 
“Exactly how much is a multitude?” [Y/N] asked. Spencer looked at her.
“According to his diary, 1, 400 and.” Spencer trailed off, trying to remember the exact number. 
“88.” Elle finished for him. Gideon looked at Elle. 
“Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenway?” Gideon asked. 
“Elle.” She said, clearly showing that she preferred not to be called by her last name. “I don't send a SWAT team into a house with children.” Elle said. [Y/N] nodded, looking at the woman. 
“That’s completely understandable. Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases. What can you tell us?” She asked. Elle looked at [Y/N] and Gideon.
“The last 4 murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist. He'll keep a victim for a couple of days. He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy.” Elle said. [Y/N] nodded. She was impressed with Elle. She would make a great addition to the team and would be extremely helpful in FBI cases that involved rapists. Gideon looked at Elle. 
“You ok with Hotch being in on the interview?” He asked. Elle nodded. 
“I'd like him to lead, actually.” Elle said. Gideon nodded. 
“Fine. But hold off. Slessman's done time, and he knows the process.” Gideon said. A lot of murderers and serial killers had done time before and more often than not, they knew how to keep their mouths shut about who they had killed and where the bodies were. 
[Y/N] made her way up some stairs and into what looked like an attic. Spencer, Gideon and Hotch followed after. They entered the space and saw a T.V. screen with what looked like a video game paused on it. There was also a board game set up on a table in the middle of the room. [Y/N] furrowed her eyes in confusion as she looked at the board game. The group turned and saw Elle walking up the stairs. She looked at the board game.  
“What kind of game is it?” She asked. She stopped next to Spencer and [Y/N], who were looking down at the board.
“In China, it's called Wei-Chi. Here we call it "Go". It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived.” Spencer said. [Y/N] nodded and looked at Elle. 
“Chairman Mao required his generals to learn it.” She said. Gideon nodded. 
“It also looks like he's playing himself.” Spencer said. Elle looked at him. 
“How can you tell?” She asked. Spencer spun the board around on the books it was perched on. 
“This might provide an advantage, actually.” He said. “Go is considered to be a particularly psychologically revealing game. There are profiles for every player- the conservative point counter, the aggressor, the finesser.” Spencer said. Hotch looked at the young genius.
“What kind of player is Slessman?” Hotch asked. Spencer knelt down and looked at the board. 
“Extreme aggressor.” 
The group made their way down the stairs and into Slessman’s room. Morgan set up a device to the computer. Another computer was sitting beside Slessman’s. 
“Okay, here we go.” Morgan said to himself. Elle walked over and looked at the screen. 
“What's the number 6 at the bottom of the screen?” She asked. Morgan looked at her. 
“Number of password attempts before the program wipes the hard drive.” Morgan said. [Y/N] sighed. 
“There could be an email, or a journal in the computer, something that tells us where Heather is.” She said. Elle nodded, agreeing with her fellow agent. They both looked at Morgan. 
“Do you think you can break in?” Elle asked. Morgan looked at the two women like they had four heads. 
“In 6 tries?” 
Gideon looked at Morgan. 
“‘Try again. Fail again. Fail better.’” He quoted. Spencer nodded his head and searched his mind for the author of the quote. 
“Samuel Beckett.”  
“‘Try not. Do or do not.’” [Y/N] countered. Gideon looked confused as to who the quote was by. Spencer smiled slightly. He looked at Gideon. 
After the quote battle between [Y/N] and Gideon, [Y/N] walked up to a dresser and pulled out a book. Journal of Applied Criminal Psychology. She flipped through the pages and stopped when she saw a news paper clipping. The clipping was old, in black and white. What made [Y/N]’s heart stop was seeing Gideon on the front page, looking very distraught. The title read; Blast Kills 6. [Y/N] looked at Gideon. 
Gideon walked over and looked at the newspaper clipping. He took the book from her and sighed. He closed the book. 
 “I wanna talk to him.” Gideon said. [Y/N] looked at him. 
“I’ll go with you. A female presence might make him more likely to talk.” She said. Gideon nodded and the two walked down the stairs. 
They walking into the kitchen, where Robert was sitting in a chair, his hands cuffed behind his back. Robert was a lean and skinny man. He looked to be about 20, maybe thirty. His eyes moved up as he heard Gideon and [Y/N] walked into the kitchen. [Y/N] stood behind Gideon, her back against the wall. Gideon put the book down in front of the man before sitting down in front of him. 
“You read my paper. Learn anything?” Gideon asked, looking at Richard. Richard’s eyes wondered over to [Y/N] before returning to Gideon.  
“Heirens said a man living inside of his head was the one who committed the murders. You said he was lying, that there'd never been an actual case of multiple personalities.” Robert said. [Y/N] narrowed her eyes at Robert. 
“You have an academic interest in disassociate identity disorder, or you just planning your defense?” She asked. Robert scoffed slightly and smirked, looking away from the female. Gideon sighed and opened the book, taking out the news paper clipping. He placed the clipping in front of Robert. 
“You a fan of Adrian Baal's work?” Gideon asked. Still looking down at the clipping, Robert shook his head. 
“No. I'm a fan of yours.” Robert said, shrugging. “You know they never give you the real facts about CPR that outside of a hospital, it's only effective 7% of the time.” Robert said. [Y/N] tensed. She knew that Robert was only trying to get under Gideon’s skin, however, it was also clear that the subject of the news paper clipping was sensitive for Gideon, even if he didn’t show it. “Your friend had a 93% certainty of dying, but you kept trying even after you'd broken his ribs, even after his blood was all over your hands.” Robert kept going. [Y/N] narrowed her eyes. 
“Why don't you tell us where Heather Woodland is?” She said. Robert looked at [Y/N] and tilted his head.
“Woodland isn't she the girl that went missing a couple days ago?” He asked. [Y/N] moved her eyes from a plaque on the table next to them. Good little boys are like sunshine. She then moved her eyes to a shelf, where there was a cookie jar. Cookies for Good Boys Only. Gideon sighed. 
“Get him out of here.” He said to the officer standing behind Robert. Gideon nodded his head to [Y/N] letting her know that they were done. While Gideon went outside, [Y/N] stood in the living room, staring at the wall. 
‘Isn’t she that girl that went missing a couple days ago?’ Robert’s question kept resounding in her head. 
[Y/N] jumped as she heard Spencer’s voice. He was standing behind her. [Y/N] let out a sigh of relief and smiled slightly. She looked away from Spencer in thought. She then looked back at him. “He said "isn't she the girl". If he'd already killed her, he would have said, "wasn't she the girl".” She said. Spencer’s eyes widened slightly in realization. 
“She's alive.”
[Y/N] nodded. 
“We don't know for how long.” She said. Spencer nodded and looked away. He seemed to be a little upset about something. [Y/N] frowned and looked at her friend. 
“Spence?” She asked. Spencer looked up at her. “You okay?” 
Spencer sighed. “I wanna know if you're ok.” He said. [Y/N] smiled and looked at him, slightly confused. 
“I'm fine.” She said. 
“Are you?”  
[Y/N] sighed. She then smiled in realization. Spencer frowned. 
“What?” He asked. [Y/N] looked at him. 
“Conflicts in the profile.” She remembered everything they had gone over that day. The letter. The dumpsites. She then remembered Robert’s behavior. Spencer nodded, realizing what she was getting at. 
“2 different behaviors.” 
“2 different people.” 
“There's a second killer.” [Y/N] said. 
//We’re nearing the end of Episode 1. Please let me know what you all think of the series so far. Is there anything I could improve on?//
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sophiamcdougall · 4 years
So, there’s something I think is missing from the Booker Discourse and the focus on anger vs forgiveness, and whether Booker’s “punishment” is too harsh and who’s responsible if so, and its absence is beginning to slightly disturb me and it’s this: They don’t punish Booker. At all. 
No, really.
It’s one of the things I really like about the film -- how compassionately it treats Booker, both on a narrative and on an inter-character level. In most genre films wrongs against the good guys are usually settled with riproaring vengeance, even if in some the hero conveniently gets not to be the one to enact it directly.  But in the moment Booker’s betrayal becomes clear, character beats we have taken for mere melancholy click into place as heartwrenching grief and suicidal depression. We’re encouraged to grieve for him. We see Andy and Nile’s empathy for him. We see Nicky urging Joe to stop shouting at him even before they yet have any hope of escape. We don’t see a  moment of explicit compassion/restraint from Joe, but he does instantly put aside his anger to accept Andy’s decision that Booker’s coming with them, and does nothing to sabotage that choice. (In fact, it’s unthinkable that he would, but in plenty of action films it wouldn’t be.) And I agree with some of the arguments I’ve recently seen – the intensity of Joe’s fury isn’t necessarily a measure of how long it would last.
And then, as I say, they don’t punish him.
They don’t beat him up. They don’t work off steam killing and re-killing him. They don’t leave him for Kosak, or for the police. Of course they’d never do a full Quynh on him but putting him a box for ... a year? Six months? A week? It would be an option. They don’t do that, either.   
They simply stop hanging out with him. And they have the extraordinary grace to promise this won’t be permanent. And Andy, whom he shot in the back, sees him off with a goodbye hug.
I’m seeing a lot of debate about whether Joe (hotheaded, passionate) vs Nicky (still waters run deep) is The Angry One and which one of them might, by contrast, have been totally fine letting Booker back into the group immediately. I think you can plausibly headcanon the first part of that various ways. Personally I think Nicky would take a more severe line than Joe, although, as I’m about to argue, I don’t think that necessarily has to mean he’s “angrier”.)
What I don’t think you can plausibly headcanon is that either would actually be “fine” taking Booker back immediately, or any time soon.
Now I want to preface this with pointing out that anger is a completely natural and appropriate response to being hurt and whoever is The Angry One out of Nicky and Joe, has every right to that feeling. And to be fair I don’t think that’s really being disputed. But there does seem to be the idea that The Situation  – Anger = Everything’s Fine Now! And I do think it’s slightly ... victim-blamey, like the barrier to HEA isn’t what Booker did, it’s how long the people he hurt retain one specific emotion about it.  Whoever’s angriest is being staggeringly generous to Booker, and the result is 100% compatible with their not being “angry” at all. It’s compatible with “forgiveness” having already taken place. Just for a minute imagine writing to ... Captain Awkward, or Dear Prudence or Reddit Relationships. And explaining that your friend placed you in the power of people who wanted to hurt you, deliberately exposed you to very serious danger and your worst personal fear, and caused you to watch your partner trapped and in pain for somewhere in the ballpark of 48 hours ...  BUT, he is going through some very bad shit, guys, and you really do feel for him. Imagine what the response would be.  (”My friend wanted to commit suicide-by-cop, so he planted weed/guns in the car with me and my husband in it and called the police, although he knows we both have a particular phobia of cops after what happened to another friend who was arrested a while back. Oh and he attacked our other friend, because he wanted to be totally sure the cops would come for him, but he only meant to knock her out not to nearly kill her and he’s depressed and very sorry. I still want to put our friendship on a break. AITA?”)  They would yell at you to oh my god get away from him WTF how is this even a question please get some therapy learn to love yourself. 
And if you repeated that he’s really sad! And it went down worse than he thought it would! And you don’t want to hurt him! they would yell that it’s not about hurting him it’s about protecting you.   Just ... think about it. Imagine you’re either Joe or Nicky. Assume your anger has already completely evaporated, whether you think that’s in-character or not, and imagine you feel truly sorry for Booker. Take the most generous stance on what he did that you can. Fine. But every time you turn your back on him, or see him go off on a mission alone with one of the others ... how do you feel? Even if you don’t think he’d actually do this again, do you feel safe? 
 And imagine trying to recover from the trauma of what just happened to you. Imagine how much it would help to take refuge in all the soft, “family” touches which were also such a refreshing distinguishing feature of this film. Gift exchanges and bets and TV and hugs. Imagine trying to do that with the person who put you through it right. there.
 Nicky and/or Joe could honestly wish Booker no suffering at all, nothing but recovery and healing and peace, and Booker would still be a walking PTSD trigger and working/socialising with him would be downright self-destructive. 
Now, of course this is unpleasant for Booker because he’s already lonely and self-hating and it’s difficult -- though not necessarily impossible! -- for any of them to form a support system outside the group. But that really isn’t the team’s responsibility and, what is really the alternative? 
Maybe it’s being framed so much as “punishment” because Andy says “there has to be a price.” And there does; the consequences of Booker’s choice will unfold in some way whatever they do. The team do not have the option of simply resetting to normal, even if they wanted to. The only question is only who carries the weight of those consequences and how. Should Nicky and Joe have to pretend to feel comfortable around Booker, should they force themselves to go through the motions of friendship – hug him, smile at him, pass him a coffee – while their shoulders go up around their ears whenever he’s in the room, regardless of what that means for their own healing?
The injustice of that should be obvious but even if they did it, even if they made that colossal sacrifice for the person who just hurt them, would it really help Booker? Imagine being him and settling down to watch the football beside Joe and knowing what he likely remembers whenever he looks at you. Honestly, I don’t see that being a healthy path to recovery for him either.
Or OK. Maybe they don’t put on an act. They  keep spending time with him, but they don’t try to hide the nightmares and the flashbacks or the way their smiles drop whenever he comes into the room. Maybe they flinch whenever he gets too close and sometimes they yell at him but they all have to put that on hold every time there’s a mission and somehow they also they try to be his therapists?
I don’t know, it sounds a lot kinder to everyone to just get some fucking space.
Not hanging out with someone who gravely hurt you isn’t punishment, it’s basic boundaries and self-care for you and I’m beginning to worry about what it means that many of you don’t seem to know that.
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stablersolivia · 3 years
Elliot/Olivia Rant About Last Night's Crossover (Sort of)
So, much like everyone else.... I have some thoughts on last night's SVU/OC crossover. Mainly... yes, the Elliot/Angela [redacted].
While I do want Elliot and Olivia together (soon), I do get why he [redacted] Angela. She's a manipulator. A lot of fans (including myself) have been suspicious of her from almost the very beginning.
Her son Rafiq's death is her only connection to Elliot on an emotional level since he's grieving his wife's death as well. So, with that being said, there's a deeper connection between it all IF she ends up being guilty as accused. We see her in jail in the next episode promo, so that leads us to believe she's been arrested. There's more to it, I'm sure.
But, to continue, I get it. I get why Elliot connected with her. He's grieving not only the loss of his wife, he's also grieving the loss of what he once had with his family (notably his Son Eli moved out so now he's alone) and the loss of his connection and partnership with Olivia. She is so close yet so far away and not only is it grief and mourning but also, guilt for leaving. (I just wish they would explain more of why he left and didn't show up during her darkest hours).
Then this woman comes up, Angela, with all these relatable feelings he's having. Obviously, before Isaac Bekher tells him it was her, Elliot doesn't suspect her of anything. He thinks she's the only one he can relate to in that moment. He thinks she's a victim in all this too due to what happened to her son because of what seems like his connection to her ex-husband's (Richard Wheatley) "business."
I genuinely feel that Elliot [redacted] Angela is what he 'thinks' is a connection that, in a way, will protect HIMSELF from doing something with Olivia that he'll regret because he's not in his sound mind.
Remember, toward the beginning of the SVU ep, Olivia tells him people (she doesn't name) are telling her to stay away from him? He looked hurt that she'd tell him that, and or that someone is telling her to stay away from him. She's all he has in reality and maybe he does recognize that eventually. It already seems he feels she doesn't want him in her personal life as of yet (he's yet to meet her son) so he probably feels like he can't talk to her like that quite yet.
He knows he left her, he knows he's hurt her so why go to her in his most vulnerable, insecure, reckless moments and hurt her even more? He may feel like he's connected to Angela through shared trauma but he has nothing to lose with her whereas, he'd lose what he has left in Olivia which is hanging by a thread as is.
While I do believe Elliot and Olivia are slowly rebuilding that trust, having brief moments of honesty, it's nowhere near where they need to be for him to make a move like that with Olivia. It would kill them both if it was the wrong time.
Now my favorite parts of last nights crossover?
First of all, loved the parking garage scene which seems to have replaced the diner scene from what I saw other SVU aficionados state.
I feel the hurt in him when she discloses that there are people warning her about him. But loved the moment he asked if they were ok and she goes, "I hope so." Burned parallel. Gotta love it.
I also loved the way he protected her in the shooting.
On OC, it's like night and day. While they had some tension at the beginning, the whole hallway scene at the OC precinct was so ... Season 12 EO. The way they looked at each other, the way they said Uncle K in sync, the way he pulled the chair out for her, and the way she grabbed his hand and he held on for a split second longer.
I feel like it was a bit of regret on Elliot's part, it was right after - you know. But I feel like he's realizing what he didn't before. He's connected to Olivia more than he'd realized through shared trauma as well. She gets what he is going through and he didn't see that before going to Angela multiple times.
What I didn't like?
Hated the way they had him initially react to Simon's death. "I'm sorry to hear that," is not good enough and I lay that purely on SVU's shoulders because they seem to not want anything to do with Elliot and it shows and it's... quite frankly petty.
He is much more tender and sincere when he and Olivia were talking in the hallway on OC.
I was also a little confused by the Bell comment. She said "Captain Benson means a lot to you, " and in the same scene says to move on. It wasn't clear at first and I feel like... I do now think she meant to move on from Kathy's case, but at first it sounded like she meant that she knows Olivia well enough to know he should move on from her because he'd hurt. Which, you know is probably why he went to Angela again. I don't know, it was confusing. I get it, but it's confusing.
And one last thing I don't like, is that they can't seem to get EO to just have one honest, bare to soul conversation. It's always deflected by the case or Olivia asking about any developments on Kathy's case which she also tells him to step back from so he can help himself heal.
I do genuinely feel like they're setting up EO, which I'm happy about. I just want them on the same page and on solid ground. They're trying to cram everything regarding Elliot's healing into eight episodes, I get that, but I feel like it'll all tie in better when Olivia's POV is more apparent and when they actually talk about the last ten years. I hope when Season 2 is picked up, they delve more into Elliot making up the lost time in the right way with Olivia. Including major explaining and groveling. Also, hope before Season's end, we get some sort of answers to that letter. I still feel like what he said in it, is why Olivia hasn't given up. He's said something we need to hear that she has already thus why she's just... there for him. I also wonder if Angela's seeming involvement in Kathy's death will allow Richard (Dylan Mcdermott) to stay on past season 1. Seems like a big name to only sign on for eight eps.
Guess we'll find out.
I'm just trying to believe Chris and Mariska when they say it'll take time to rebuild their relationship. I just have to believe it'll be something great when they get there.
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alaffy · 3 years
Riverdale 5x13 - Reservoir Dogs (Spoilers)
Quite an episode.  And without Jughead for two weeks.  But I’m guessing that’s because a lot of next week’s episode is going to be Jughead heavy and Cole was probably filming that during this time.  First off, I want to say again how I appreciate how seriously Riverdale is taking the issue of PTSD in soldiers and how, in the US, not enough is done to help them when they return.  
I will also say that, while I wasn’t thrilled with Frank returning at first, I’m starting to change my mind.  What I like about him is that he’s a former soldier, he knows exactly what’s going on.  But it feels different then Fred.  Fred was a father teaching his son, with Frank…it’s sort of fatherly, but it’s not as much teaching in that it’s…counseling?  I’m not sure how to explain it.  
 I’m not too surprised that Bingo was actually a human.  In fact, this reminds me of the last Episode of the old M.A.S.H. tv series, which I’m sure was the point.  And it’s no surprise that Archie, not being able to handle the fact that he has to leave someone to die, isn’t able to process that and so his mind changes Bingo into something else, something he can handle a little better.  It’s not unheard of.  And I’m actually interested in where this is going. 
Cheryl’s, and now Kevin’s, storyline…I’m a little uneasy with.  There is a reason for this, but I’m not convinced that my reason is the reason they’re going for so I’m going to skip this for now. Also, Veronica and Reggie start a business (is she still teaching?).
 And, finally, there’s the Betty and Tabitha's storyline.  So, I noticed people saying that they actually haven’t put a name to what’s going on, that these are sex workers being killed.  I do find that interesting, but it’s also could be because of some censer rule that I don’t know about (Oh, you can’t say sex worker on a teen show at 7pm or some stupid shit like that).  But it is very clear that they are going for a storyline that shows how sex workers are seen as disposable in society.  The truckers know the girls are missing, they don’t care.  Hiram knows there are bodies in his swamp, he doesn’t care.  Glen, when Betty first brought this to his attention, brushed it off as a few girls with problems.  In this episode, when Betty pretends to solicit the truck driver, it turns out to be a sting operation. Now, obviously, Betty pretending to be an FBI agent is wrong (although wouldn’t they have taken her badge when they quit?) and she is extremely lucky that they didn’t arrest her for pretending to be an officer. But Betty is right about one thing.  She is right in her statement on how Glen is treating this case. Why? Because instead of focusing on truckers who solicit sex workers, he’s more interested in entrapping and arresting the sex workers.  Because, of course, if the sex workers weren’t there, there wouldn’t be a problem right?  It’s a great way to assure a community that you’re dealing with a problem, without doing a damn thing.   
This leads into several bad choices Betty makes tonight.  Look, I’m going to say this, I don’t have a problem with Betty and Tabitha trying to find the killer as it is clear no one else truly is.  And I can understand why Betty has problems believing that law enforcement will be able to help or even care to help when they catch the trucker.  If you go back into the first few seasons, there are several times where Betty does actually turn to the police or an authority figure for help, only to be ignored (Keller, Alice) or to find out the authority is already compromised (Weatherby).  And, yes, she always skirted the line between right and wrong in previous seasons (because the whole show is about the morally grey area) …but clearly her methods are out of control, she’s putting herself and others in danger and she is taking the law into her own hands. So why is Betty doing this?  
Folks, I cannot stress how much Roberto said this season is about trauma.  And, yes, women can experience trauma and they can experience PTSD.  And before anyone says they know that, well after some of the comments I’ve seen recently, I’m beginning to question if some people do.  Betty was trapped in a hole for two weeks, basically waiting for a man to kill her (her story could also be a lot worse, I’m just hoping that the story doesn’t go there).  And sometimes, like Betty, people don’t get the help they need for their trauma.   That’s not to say that nobody’s tried, but their methods aren’t working.  And the way Betty talked in her therapy sessions?  It doesn’t sound like she has come to terms with the fact that she was a victim, or rather, that it’s ok for her to be a victim. That while she may have made a mistake, that doesn’t excuse or justify what happened to her. Understanding that being a victim is not shameful or your fault is the first step in surviving.  So, instead of having the emotional breakthrough she needs to heal from what happened, Betty is fighting her demons by going after the same type of person who hurt her.  Again, she is doing it in the worse way possible, but she can’t see that.  I guess the best way to put it is that Betty is, mentally, still in that hole and in a perpetual survival mode.  Her sister’s survival, the women’s survival, her survival…kind of one in the same.   And when you’re in survival mode, yeah any method sounds reasonable to you. Anyway, it looks like 
Jughead and Archie will be getting help next week, so I’m hoping that Betty does too.  
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“The Tall Man” Rewrite
Summary: A few additional moments and scenes from “The Tall Man” episode.
A Jemily comfort fic again, this time with JJ.
Read on AO3
“Breakfast is served.” JJ set out two plates of wheat bread, scrambled eggs, and green grapes for Henry and Michael.
“Now what do we say, boys?” Emily said, appearing from the kitchen behind JJ.
“Thank you,” their sons said in unison.
“You’re welcome,” JJ answered.
Emily held two cups of coffee for JJ and herself, kissing the blonde’s cheek when she gave one cup to her. JJ smiled and thanked her wife.
“Any special requests while we’re here?” JJ asked the boys.
“May I have some ketchup with my eggs?” Henry piped up first.
Michael followed after, “Can I have lime juice?”
Emily and JJ looked at each other before bursting into laughter. “Lime juice?!” the blonde mother playfully exclaimed. “What? On your eggs?”
“I’ll go get some,” she said, ruffling her youngest son’s blonde hair and going to the kitchen.
A buzz was heard from the kitchen table and Emily took a look at her phone, receiving a text from Penelope. As she read the message, her eyes widened. JJ’s not gonna like this, she thought and clicked her tongue.
On cue, JJ came back with a glass of lime juice for Michael and saw Emily’s worried expression. She frowned at her, “What’s wrong? Is there a case?”
The older woman slowly nodded, “Yeah. Penelope just texted.” JJ took the phone from Emily and looked over the message. Her body stiffened and eyes widened as memories flashed back to her. “East Allegheny,” she blinked.
“Your hometown,” Emily stated.
JJ sighed. “I swore I would get out of there and never go back.”
“Look, Jen, if this is all too much, I’ll tell Penelope to look after you,” Emily offered. JJ told Emily before that she never wanted to go back to her hometown because it brought too many painful memories for her. Emily respected her wishes and kept her word.
The blonde shook her head, “No. I have to go. Right?”
“If you feel it’s right,” Emily gave a neutral answer, knowing she can’t control her wife’s decisions. “The case is in the woods, two girls missing. In Dead Man’s Conservatory.”
“Wait, wait. Where?” JJ backtracked Emily’s words, looking at the text again.
“Dead Man’s Conservatory. Is that important?”
Emily pinned a victim’s picture up on the clear board. “Ok, so let’s roll with this for a second. Bethany has a secret boyfriend. He doesn’t want to be exposed, neither does she. But then, Chelsea gets her hands on something neither one wants her to have.”
“Yeah,” JJ nodded. “I think I know what they were looking for."
“Right,” JJ absentmindedly responded, nodding.
“So, the jewelry has to be the key to all of it. What motivates them to this extreme?”
All of a sudden, Emily’s voice becomes a little distant to JJ. The blonde conjures up a memory she had been locking away in the past as she nodded along to what Emily was saying.
“JJ?” Emily’s voice became soft when she saw her wife distracted, her professional voice breaking.
The blonde looked up at her, breaking through her cursed memory.
“Do you want to talk about it?” The unit chief gave her a sympathetic look with her eyes softening.
JJ blankly stared at Emily for a few seconds, contemplating on telling her why she’s been off during the whole case. She lightly shook her head and bit her lip.
“Look, ever since we took this case, all of these…” she exhaled out a breath before continuing, “memories are coming back, and they are not good memories, you know.”
“About Roslyn?”
“Yeah. Like, that morning she took my father’s razor,” JJ started. “I found her. And I just stood there. Frozen. For probably 10 minutes. It’s like my brain couldn’t, um, comprehend what I was seeing.”
She started softly crying at the memory, sniffling. “You know, sometimes l think- I think that’s why I took this job. So I’d always know what to do. So, I’d never freeze again. So, can you- can you give me something to do, Emily? Because I am starting to freeze up again,” JJ’s voice cracked as she blinked her tears away.
Emily checked to see if the office door and window blinds were closed before stepping closer to her blonde wife. She knew it wasn’t the appropriate time or place, but she wrapped her arms around JJ's back and pulled her head close to her chest. JJ reciprocated by wrapping her arms around Emily’s waist and quietly sobbing into her body.
“Shh, shh…” the older agent cooed. “It’s ok, just let it all go. I’m right here.” She rubbed her back in a soothing manner.
“I miss her, Emily,” JJ cried.
“I know. I know," Emily kissed the top of her head. After a few moments, JJ calmed down and slowly pulled back, wiping away her tears.
“Are you ok?”
JJ nodded and cleared her throat, “I think so.”
“Ok,” the unit chief softly kissed her lips and JJ relaxed in the contact. The younger woman gave a small smile, “Thanks.”
JJ was staring through Chelsea’s hospital room window as rage started to build up in her body. She gripped onto the necklace she had taken off when Chelsea pointed it out to her, instantly coming to a realization when she did.
Emily pulled back and nodded. She ran her fingers through JJ’s soft blonde hair, tucking some behind her ear. She then picked up a file. “Luke and Tara are going back to Ally. They are going to use the EMDR technique on her. It’s supposed to be especially effective with schizophrenics...”
“JJ,” Emily called out, walking towards her.
“They had to induce a coma, and we misjudged,” JJ turned to her wife. “The boyfriend, we thought he was a teenager. A peer. Well,” she bitterly chuckled. “He’s older. Much older.”
“How do you know?”
She held up the necklace to Emily with angry, trembling fingers. “Chelsea saw this around my neck. The look in her eyes was recognition.”
“The jewelry the unsub gave Bethany,” Emily noted, piecing together what JJ had found.
“Same one. He gave this to Roslyn, who gave it to me. God only knows how many other girls there’s been since then.” She shut her eyes and gritted her teeth, “I have been wearing this around my neck, his trophy, this whole time.”
Emily cautiously reached out to the blonde. “JJ, we will arrest him.”
JJ had just handcuffed Ethan Howard, their unsub, Roslyn’s older boyfriend and killer and brought him out of the interrogation room. A betrayed Bethany slapped Ethan across the face before being taken into custody as well. JJ, Emily, and Rossi watched as the young girl and unsub left. Emily laid a comforting hand on the small of JJ’s back, and the younger wife eventually relaxed in her touch.
“I know,” JJ nodded. “But when we do, I’m gonna need you to keep me away from him, because if I get a chance, I swear to God, I will kill him.”
“You good, JJ?” Rossi asked.
She nodded, “Yeah.”
“Come on, honey. Let’s go,” Emily softly said and the three walked away. As they were walking to the doors, the unit chief intertwined her fingers with JJ's to comfort her.
JJ and Emily came back home. Emily paid the babysitter and checked on the boys in their rooms. She gave each of them a forehead kiss and smoothed their hair down before going back to her and JJ’s room. JJ let out a heavy sigh and dropped her bag on their bedroom floor before lying down on the bed. Emily laid beside her and pulled her body close to hers. The blonde rested her head on her shoulder, and the older woman ran her fingers through her hair.
JJ took out the gold necklace and ran her thumb over the heart locket. She didn't know what else to do with the necklace. It was her sister's. It held so much meaning to her. So, she put it back inside her pocket and squeezed Emily's hand for reassurance.
“Shh. Just get some rest, ok? We had a tough case. You did,” Emily whispered.
"I just-" JJ sat up and ran a hand through her hair. "I almost didn't save Bethany in time. She- she would've become… his next trophy. I couldn't save Roslyn then. Bethany could've ended up like her."
Emily sat up, too, and reached out to touch her wife's hands. "JJ, this is not your fault, ok? Don't put yourself down like this."
JJ nodded and sighed, “I’m sorry.” She slumped her shoulders and glanced down at their joined hands, playing with Emily's gentle fingers. "I just really miss her. Ros always gave up her time for me, helped me whenever I got hurt, and… I looked up to her a lot. I even wanted to play soccer because of her," she smiled fondly at the memory of her sister. “She even told me I was a badass."
Emily chuckled along with her, “Well, she’s right. You are a badass.” She kissed her lips and pulled back to look at her. "Roslyn would've been proud of what you did with the case. You did her justice and she would’ve been grateful for that."
JJ slowly nodded and bit her lip. Emily’s right. She did bring justice for her sister, and Roslyn would’ve thought it was badass. The blonde agent quietly chuckled to herself as she remembered Roslyn's words from before, "...he'll know not to mess with Jennifer Jareau. 'Cause she's a total badass.”
"Now, get some sleep. You need it," Emily's voice quietly broke through and JJ felt herself being pulled back down. She laid her head on Emily's shoulder and snuggled back into her body.
The next day, Emily was in her office, fixing a small black box for her wife. Earlier that noon, she had used the last 15 minutes of her lunch break to “run an errand” at the jewelry store, leaving a confused JJ behind because she usually ate with her. When Emily was done with her finishing touches, she went outside her office to see JJ at her desk, concentrating on her reports.
Emily let her wife fall asleep first. She thought about the necklace JJ had before they learned it was a painful and awful reminder of what happened with Roslyn before. She noticed JJ taking the necklace out at the police precinct and made a mental note to go to the jewelry store tomorrow.
“JJ, I need to see you for a moment,” Emily called out across the bullpen, using her stern unit chief voice.
“Ooh, looks like you’re in trouble, JJ,” Matt joked, looking up from his paperwork. JJ playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head before heading upstairs to see her wife.
The blonde profiler followed Emily into her office, closing the door behind her, “What’s up?”
The unit chief grabbed the box from her desk, “I got you something earlier while you were busy.”
JJ took the box from her and slowly opened it. She quietly gasped at the sight. It was a gold necklace, similar to the one Roslyn gave her, but there was a minor difference. The locket was not heart-shaped, but a different one.
“Blackbird,” JJ noticed and looked up at Emily.
The unit chief nodded and pointed at the locket, “Look what’s inside.” The blonde picked it up from the box and opened the locket, revealing two pictures: one of Henry and Michael on one side and the one of Roslyn and JJ on the other side. Emily had enlisted some of Penelope’s help with the photos to fit the locket size. Tears started to form in JJ’s eyes as she ran her thumbs along the pictures inside.
The older woman softly smiled, “I hope you like it.”
JJ nodded and smiled, “I do. I love it so much.” She kissed her and Emily grabbed the necklace from her hand. The blonde wife turned around, brushing her hair aside. Emily clasped the necklace closed when she put it around her neck.
JJ turned back around to face Emily and looked down to toy with her new necklace. She gave a tearful smile and kissed the brunette for a few seconds, resting her forehead against hers after, “Thank you, Emily.”
Emily smiled back, “For what?”
"For understanding. For being there when I needed you," the blonde answered, playing with the fabric on the shoulder of her wife’s work shirt.
"I will always be here for you, JJ. You know that," Emily kissed her forehead.
“I know. I love you.”
“I love you, too, JJ,” the older woman said and pulled her into a tight embrace.
JJ smiled and kissed her again, this time deepening it. She lightly pushed Emily against her desk and her hands blindly found her boss’s belt buckle, attempting to undo it.
“Babe, we have work to do. Those reports aren’t going to finish themselves,” Emily murmured and chuckled.
“Mm-mm, I want to properly thank you,” JJ said, kissing Emily’s jawline. “I’m determined to make you finish first.”
The brunette lightly laughed and pulled away, with JJ slightly frowning at the loss of contact. Emily kissed her cheek and offered to make a deal, “How about this? We get off work at around 5, so I’ll let you have your way with me then.”
JJ’s eyes lit up as she nodded. She kissed her one more time and hugged her again. JJ rested her head on Emily’s shoulder as her fingers played with the blackbird locket again.
The blackbird was very significant to JJ. Not only did it mean a code for danger to her, but it also meant courage and change. JJ thought about how she grew up the person she is today, but she couldn’t have done it without Roslyn in her younger years and Emily in her older years. Her sister helped her learn how to find herself when she was younger, and her wife built JJ to become the stronger version of herself later on. It’s no wonder why Emily chose a blackbird for the locket. It’s because that’s how the unit chief saw JJ: hopeful and brave.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 57
Whooo!! The next chapter!! I hope you guys like it. It was fun to write and to follow up on the Mob Boss chapter. Also only on more chapter to go then it's time for my Miracle Queen and love eater. I have a nice plan for that :D Anyway, next up is actually pixelator so that should be fun to adapt.
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Song of the Frightingale
Luka sighed to himself as he tapped his foot nervously. He was sat in an waiting room, waiting to go inside to talk to a therapist. Penny had actually been the one to suggest it, bringing it up to his mother. The captain had agreed and they had contacted one of the best for him. Luka himself had tried to insist that he was fine and didn't need to see a therapist but if he was been honest with himself, he knew he wasn't fine. Despite Issac been arrested, he was still suffering from the whole experience. He wasn't getting much sleep because he was waking up from nightmares but that wasn't even the worst part. He had broken down in gym when Mr D'Argencourt had shouted. It hadn't even been directed at him but it had triggered a full blown flashback and panic attack. Aurora and Marc had been the ones to calm him down as he saw Mr D'Argencourt as Issac and had cowered away, afraid. He sighed to himself as he played with his hands. He had been more anxious as well and had taken to turning into Anatis more then necessary but he had found he wasn't as afraid when he was in the suit. He figured it was because in those moments, he wasn't Luka. He wasn't powerless or helpless. He was strong and the hero of Paris. 
 "Luka Couffaine?" The receptionist called out, making him jump. He was sat on his own but that's because he asked to go alone. Anarka was working more often at the moment and he didn't want to bother anyone plus it was something he wanted to face. He looked at the receptionist who gave him a nice smile. "Dr Lang is ready to see you now,"
 "Thank you," He mumbled, getting up and walking over to the door. He knocked on it and entered, noticing the chinese paintings on the wall straight away before turning his attention to the doctor. She looked like she was in her early 30s and was very pretty. Her hair was dark and tied in a loose bun and she wore a red cheongsam with black pants. Her eyes were dark brown and she was asian decent. She smiled softly at him and gestured to the seat in front of her. He slowly took a seat as she took out a notebook.
 "Luka Couffaine, I'm guessing?" She asked, making him nod. "I'm Doctor Mila Lang,"
 "It's nice to meet you," He mumbled, playing with his hands.
 "Likewise," She replied, writing down on her notepad. "I read over your notes and it mentioned that you recently experienced a traumatic experience?"
 He nodded, glancing down. She rose an eyebrow as he played with his hands again.
 "My stepfather kidnapped me and tried to kill me," He muttered as she wrote on the notepad again. 
 "Your notes also mentioned you broke down at school?" She asked, glancing up at him. "Care to explain to me what happened?"
 "I was in gym and Mr D'Argencourt had risen his voice at one of the other boys but it spooked me and I started to feel panicky. It just got worse from there," He sighed, frowning and looking to the side, trying to focus on something while he retold the story. "I started to panic as I began to feel like I was back in the warehouse my stepfather had held me in and I begin to freak out as I saw Mr D'Argencourt as my stepfather and then it was like I was living it all over again..."
 "A flashback..." She muttered, writing down the details. "Do you have similar nightmares?"
 He nodded, making her frown a little.
 "How often?"
 "Almost every night..." He admitted, frowning. She wrote it down too. "Even my mediation doesn't help anymore..."
 "You mediate?" She asked, glancing up at him. "Why?"
 "Um to help my mind and feelings... I'm kind of sensitive I guess..." He mumbled, not wanting to tell her about the empathy. Doctors tended no to believe in things like that. "Part of the reason why I started it was because of my stepfather. Um... he was... he wasn't a very nice man and would look for any reason to hit me. I had imaginary friends as a child but he would punish me for talking to them. As I grew up, I moved on from them as kids do but then he would punish me for not completing my homework on time or for wanting to learn to play guitar. He would even punish me for been sick or for crying... so I started to mediate to calm myself down before he got home... after he left my life, I continued with it because it helped ground me..."
 "It mentions in your notes that you were homeschooled for the last six years and that the last time you were in a normal school was when you were nine years old?" She asked, looking up at home. "And you also use to live Bordeaux?"
 "Yes, Ma'am," Luka replied, making her nod. "We moved to Paris after my ma split up with my stepfather,"
 "You mentioned your stepfather was abusive towards you... can I ask if he was abusive towards your mother?" She asked, glancing up at him.
 "He was but I only found out recently," He admitted, looking down. Dr Lang nodded and wrote on the notepad again.
 "Ok," She muttered as Luka tapped his fingers. "Let's talk about the akumas,"
 Instantly, he froze up, making her frown a little. His eyes had gone wide and his hand was actually shaking.
 "Luka," Her voice made him look up as he felt his heart rate increase and he felt sick. "I want you to close your eyes and focus on your breathing,"
 Luka nodded and did as instructed as Dr Lang frowned a little, writing down on her notes that he had a panicked response to the word akumas. She had been working with a number of the akuma victims she arrived in Paris a year ago and a lot of them had unique reactions to them but she hadn't seen anything of them almost enter a panic attack just by mentioning the word. Slowly, Luka calmed down, focusing on his breathing. He had experienced a number of panic attacks since Blackout but since Mob Boss, they had gotten worst. He didn't get them as Anatis but he just figured that's because he had a way to fight them and that they hadn't gone near him or tried to possess him but when he thought about them or someone mentioned them, his mind just went into overdrive. 
 "While we talk about them, I want you to keep focused on your breathing ok?" Dr Lang's voice brought him out of his thoughts and he nodded. "Ok. Your notes mentioned that you have been possessed by akumas twice but have never actually turned into a supervillain. Is this correct?"
 "Y-Yeah," Luka replied, taking slow but steady breathes. 
 "Let's tackle the first one. My notes mention that you were almost possessed before the akuma blackout happened," She stated as he kept his breathing steady. "Can you tell me why?"
"M-Mr Roth stole my music and my friend's costumes," He muttered, thinking back on that day. Everything had been great until they realized Bob Roth had ripped them off. "S-She had worked so hard on them and I got so mad because he stole them and then he threatened her..."
 "And he also stole your music?" She asked, making him nod. "What happened when the akuma entered the item you were holding?"
 "I h-heard Hawkmoth's voice. He called me Silencer but then there was this buzzing noise and I tried to tell him no but he insisted and the buzzing got worst then I heard Marinette scream before I had a seizure and blacked out," He replied, not telling her about the hut or meeting Feng. She wouldn't understand. "I briefly woke up when Marinette tried to get me away from the akuma but I don't remember much from it to be honest,"
 "I see," She replied, looking up from her notes. "And what happened the second time?"
 "I... I almost suffocated," He replied before sighing. "H-Hawkmoth wanted to give me the power to escape. Even a s-sentimonster this time,"
 He took a deep breathe.
 "He decided Escape Artist would be my akuma but I had another seizure. It was... worse then before," He continued before frowning as he thought about why. "M-Maybe it was because I had been beaten up or because it was an akuma and an amok but I couldn't breathe..."
 She nodded as he spoke.
 "M-My stepfather had put duct tape around my nose and had broken my nose and ribs. I only managed to escape because one of his men actually realized I was fitting and removed the duct tape and handcuffs. I escaped while they were distracted," He replied as he felt tears in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away. "S-Sorry,"
 "It's fine to cry, Luka," Dr Lang replied, grabbing a box of tissues before passing it to him. He took one out and wiped his eyes. "You have gone through a lot in the last few weeks. Been nearly akumatized twice, having your step father attempt to abduct you and then actually succeed and try to kill you. It's not a surprise that you are frightening and having nightmares. Your mind is trying to deal with that trauma but bottling it up won't help,"
 "With all due respect, Doctor but if I don't bottle it up then I could be at risk at been akumatized again and it's not like that's very good for me," He replied before sighing. "I am afraid but I can't let myself feel it. Hawkmoth preys on negative emotions,"
 "I understand that, Luka but it isn't a healthy coping method," She replied, making him frown. She was right. He knew that but there was a lot more at risk for him then just been akumatized. He would have a seizure again but more importantly, he was Anatis. He couldn't afford to be akumatized. "Now it's an excellent thing that you are meditating but have you tried to keep a diary or a journal?"
 "I have one but I only really use it for important things," He replied, thinking about the one he kept some of his superhero thoughts in.
 "I think you should take up writing one," She replied, making him nod. "I think it will help releasing the negative emotions but another thing you should considering doing is socializing. Go out with your friends. You're a teenager, Luka. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, even if it feels like you do,"
 "What makes you think that?" He asked, looking at her. She didn't feel like she knew his secret but maybe she did. She chuckled and tapped her pen.
 "You have a part time job, you live with your mother and sister and more then likely you see yourself as the 'man' of the house or their protector," She replied, making him frown. "And your file mentions that your reaction to waking up in hospital wasn't 'am I ok' but 'is everyone ok?'. It suggests that you see yourself as someone who's job is to protect those who are weaken then yourself and while it is noble and there is nothing wrong with that, I don't wish for you to forget that you're still a teenager. You're 16 years old after all,"
 "You're wrong about one thing," He stated, making her look at him. "I don't view myself as my family's protector. I know my ma and sister are more then capable of looking after themselves but even if they are, I'll protect them. Not because I'm the 'man' of the house but because it's the right thing to do and because I refuse to become like Issac,"
 "It's good that you don't want to be like him and it's good that you have a strong sense of justice," She replied, making him nod. "But just don't get that you're still a teenager. It's ok to ask for help if you need it,"
 Luka nodded, causing Dr Lang to smile before they continued their session.
 ~A Few Days Later~
 Luka moved his fingers across the neck of the violin as he played his latest creation. He had been writing a song but chose to play it on his violin instead of his guitar. It had a melancholy feel to it and as much as he loved playing his guitar, he felt like it wouldn't do it justice. The song was made to played on the violin, especially since he was taking the emotions he had felt with the whole Issac situation and put them into a song. Sure, it wasn't exactly a journal but he still had a feeling that Doctor Lang would approve. He stopped playing and grabbed his pen, adjusting the notes on his sheet of music before playing through it again. He smiled as it sounded perfect before he put his violin down and stretched, glancing over at Tikki. She was dancing in front of his computer as she watched one of Clara Nightingale's song, making himself before he walked over.
 "Having fun?" He asked as she spun before grinning at him.
 "Definitely!" She declared as the song came to an end. "I love her music. She is really incredible!"
 "She is pretty good," Luka smiled as he grabbed the case and equipment to clean his violin.
 "And that was Clara Nightingale's latest single Big Bang," Alec stated as he looked at the screen. Clara walked over and stood next to him as she continued to dance, making Luka look up and chuckle a little.
 "She seems passionate about her art," He stated as Alec turned to her. Tikki nodded in enthusiasm as Luka dusted down his violin before placing it in the case, securing it. He picked up the bow next and began to clean that as he looked up.
 "Clara, you have once again become an international sensation with your hit single, Big Bang and your unique style," Alec stated as Clara sung around and moved her arm up and down as she continued to dance. "Apparently, you ever sing and dance in your sleep. Do you ever stop?"
 "Never, you see! Singing and dancing is everything to me!" She rhymed as she danced around Alec and faced the camera. "And I'm happy to share the joy of song and dance to the amazing people of France,"
 "See that, Luka?!" Tikki gasped, making him look at her. "She's a true artist!!"
 "Well, I'll take your word on it," He grinned, putting his bow in the case and closing it up. "After all, you are the embodiment of creativity,"
 Tikki giggled as he gently patted her head before she turned their attention back to the computer.
 "You've come back to Paris to film the music video for your next single, titled Miraculous," Alec declared, making Luka look at the screen in surprise. He knew Jagged had made a song about Anatis and Lady Noir but he didn't think other artists would. 
 "I really admire and adore Anatis and Lady Noir," She rhymed, smiling. "An homage to them I wanted to pay because they inspire me every single day!"
 "But last time you tried to film a video for a song devoted to our heroes, you became an akuma," Alec stated, making her frown. "Are you concerned that something will go wrong this?"
 "No, not at all. It will be ok. It is my call," She declared, smiling again. "And even if I fall under a spell, I know that everything will be swell. Anatis and Lady Noir will save the day and I'll be ok. You see, with our heroes around, I know we'll all be safe and sound,"
 "Your faith in our heroes is wonderful," He smiled as Luka smiled as well. 
 "I can believe she's written a song about Anatis and Lady Noir," Alec replied as she continued to dance. "So authoditions will be held in the Grand Paris hotel. Tell me have you casted Anatis or Lady Noir yet?"
 "We have not cast the heroes just yet but don't worry we won't forget!" She declared, moving her arms as she grinned. "We must also must cast extras by the way so come out and audition today! Whenever it be hero or someone to dance, come down and give it a chance! You never know you might get to play a hero of France!"
 Luka jumped a little as someone knocked on his door. Tikki hid before he walked over to it and opened it. Juleka was stood in front of it, playing with her hands. She glanced up at him and gave him a little smile.
 "Um Everyone is meeting up to go to the auditions for Clara Nightingale's video and I was thinking you could come with us?" She suggested, making him smile a little. Since the whole kidnap thing, Juleka had been finding more excuses to hang out with him. Part of him thought it was because she was worried and part of him suspected it was so she could be sure he was safe. He didn't mind though. He liked spending more time with his sister and their friends. 
 "Sure, Jewels," He smiled, making her smile back. "Let me put on my shoes and grab my hoodie,"
 "Ok," She smiled back before disappearing back into the living area. Luka closed the door before grabbing his shoes and slipping them on. Tikki flew over to him.
 "You're not gonna audition for the Anatis role are you?" She asked, a little concerned. Luka chuckled and gently stroked her head.
 "Don't worry, Tikki. We're just gonna be extras in the video," He smiled, putting on his hoodie. He held it open for her to fly in, which she did after giving him a nod.
 ~At the Grand Paris Hotel~
 "Oh this is so exciting!!" Rose declared as they walked up to the stands. Juleka had her arms wrapped around her and leaning on her. Alya was stood next to Alix and Mylene as she took photos. They had manage to get there pretty early but there was still a lot of people stood outside. They hadn't opened for the auditions just yet but the gang had gotten quite a good place. They should be some of the first in the que. Currently, Luka was stood next to Juleka and Marinette, who was practically vibrating with excitement. Adrien was stood with them, along with Chloe. Sadly, Kagami couldn't make it. "Ooh, do you think you'll get to play Lady Noir this time, Marinette?!"
 "Oh, I just want to be an extra," Marinette smiled, holding up her hands. "I mean it was really cool that I almost got to play Ryuko last time but I'm definitely no Lady Noir. She's way more graceful then I am,"
 "I think you'd make a good Lady Noir," Luka smiled, making Marinette's cheeks turn red before he turned to Adrien. "Are you gonna try out for Anatis?"
 "Father wants me to but I managed to convince him that I wasn't tall enough or even the same build," He replied, making Luka nod before he clicked his fingers. "Oh you should try out for it! You're the same height and build plus you know him so you would be able to play him better then anyone else here,"
 "Oh that's true!!" Marinette gasped, making Luka blush. "You're good looking enough- I mean you look similar to him as well,"
 The girls sniggered as Luka went bright red from Marinette calling him good looking. Chloe shook her head as she smirked.
 "While Luka is attractive enough to play him, Anatis has that little bit extra," She explained, looking at her nails before looking up. "No offense, Luka,"
 "N-None taken," He replied, blushing still. He still found it strange that people found him attractive. "But I won't be playing Anatis. I just want to be an extra with you guys,"
 "Aww!!" Everyone stated, causing him to smile bashfully. However, a shrill laugh made them look over as Lila walked over, smirking. Marinette instantly froze up as Luka grabbed the pepper spray in his pocket. He had brought it everywhere with him since Issac. It's not that he didn't feel safe. He did to a certain degree since Issac was been held in a secure unit outside Paris until his trial but he had been badly shaken up by the whole event and brought his pepper spray with him. He hadn't need to use it yet but it would be useful for him to keep it on himself. Especially with someone like Lila. 
 "Hi, everyone," She smirked as she walked over. She clearly ignored the glares from Chloe, Marinette and Juleka before stepping closer to Luka. "Hi, Luka. It's nice to see you out and about. Though I'm surprised. I would be terrified if I were you,"
 "Lila, piss off," He stated in a harsh tone, making her gasp in shock. However, the rest of them were sniggering. Lila narrowed her eyes and swept them across them, landing on Chloe before she smiled falsely.
 "Oh, I'm surprised you're not trying to audition for Lady Noir, Chloe," She stated in a too sweet voice. "You would have the most experience been that you were Lady Copycat... Oh but didn't you cause Clara's akumatization last time? I'm surprised you showed up,"
 "Well, unlike you, Liela, I have actually changed," She pointed out, making Lila glare at little. "And I have no intention of been Lady Noir. I know I'm not right for the role,"
 "That's probably a good thing," Lila smirked, trying to bait her but when she didn't bite, she decided to go with another thing. "I mean after the role of Lady Noir has been promised to me by Clara and Gabriel. She just loves my moves after all and I'm his best model but to make it look fair and so her rep isn't ruined, she wants me to audition so I better get in line,"
 She turned on her heel and walked off, making the group let out a sigh.
 "I still don't understand how that harpy got a contract with Gabriel," Chloe gasped as Adrien shrugged. "Is Uncle Gabriel on drugs?"
 "Not that I'm aware of," Adrien replied as an event worker came out of the building. "He might have had way too much caffeine though,"
 "Extras on the left!!" He declared, pointing towards the left as the doors opened, allowing people to head inside. "Auditionees for Anatis and Lady Noir to the right,"
 The gang moved into the door on the left and walked into the building, standing behind the barriers as auditionees moved through the barriers on the right. Luka looked around as he took in the place. The stage had giant colorful triangles around it that resembled Clara's outfit. Luka couldn't help but smile at the song he was listening to. It was full of hope and excitement. Marinette glanced at him, making her smile as she saw the light in his eyes. She moved a little closer to him and poked his cheek, making him glance down at her.
 "What does it sound like?" She asked, making him smile before he closed his eyes and began to hum. The people around them stopped chatting and turned to listen to his humming, finding themselves smiling as they listened. Marinette smiled and lightly closed her eyes as she leaned against him, listening. Chloe and Adrien felt their hearts flutter and feel light while Juleka, Alya, Rose, Mylene and Alix closed their eyes. Rose placed her hand over Juleka's as Juleka placed hers on her heart. Alya swayed a little as she listened. Mylene wiped away a tear as Alix tapped her foot. Finally, he came to a stop and opened his eyes, causing everyone to do the same.
 "Something like that but there's so many different instruments in here that I can't do it justice," He replied, gently rubbing the back of his neck nervously as everyone around him smiled and looked at him with amazement. However, their attention left him as Clara Nightingale walked onto the stage, causing everyone to look at him. Luka blinked as her song sung much louder then others he had heard but it was full of love, compassion and excitement.
 "Thank you for coming all of you!! It's like a dream come true!!" She declared as she danced and moved around the stage. "Together, we'll all dance and sing!! It's gonna be awesome and amazing!"
 "We're gonna be in Clara Nightingale's music video!!" Alya gasped as everyone else practically vibrated in excitement. "This is humongous!"
 "I can't believe this happening!!" Marinette grinned, jumping up and down a little as Luka smiled at her before he turned his attention back to Clara and the stage.
 "Time to have some fun and find a star!" Clara declared as she spun around. "Let's start by finding our Lady Noir!"
 The security guards opened the line of the Lady Noir Auditionees as Clara climbed down from the stage as the music started. Luka watched as the first person took the stage, wondering who would end up playing his partner. Whoever it was who have to have a playful energy but would also need to know when to be serious. They would have to be brave and kind as well as tough and ready to do what was right. He frowned a little as no one really had the energy that she did. Most people were just moving around the stage or doing small things. One or two tried gymnastics but made both him and Clara frown when they failed but he had to admire them for trying and it was nice to see so many people wanting to portray his partner. He glanced back over at the line and frowned as he noticed Lila talking to people, causing them to look down. He knew her game. She was using her silver tongue to make them feel bad or convincing them that they have no chance. She actually dropped something and picked it up but the person who she knelt next to end up tripping on her shoelaces, making him frown. Soon, Lila's turn came up and she strutted onto the stage like she owned it before beginning to move and dance, causing everyone to start at her in surprise. Luka hated to admit it but he always gave credit where it was due. She was good. She threw her arms and flicked her hair with confidence as Clara watched her. 
 "Your moves are good and your dancing is too," Clara stated, making Lila smirk. "But your heart doesn't seem true..."
 Lila couldn't help but frown at her comment before quickly fixing her face but it was too late. Clara had seen it and she frowned as she did but even if she hadn't, it didn't matter. She didn't want Lila to be her Lady Noir. She knew about the whole her been exposed by Anatis and it felt wrong to have her play one of the heroes who had exposed her. The only reason why she was giving her the time of day is because Gabriel had suggested her. She was the face of his new clothes line for teenagers but seeing her in action, Clara couldn't understand why. While she had the moves, she had no passion.
 "I assure you, Miss Nightingale, as the face of Gabriel, my heart is sincere and true," Lila stated, trying to look innocent. Clara sighed and glanced around, noticing a familiar face in the crowd. 
 "Marinette, is that you?" She gasped, rushing over. Marinette gasped and blushed. "Oh, this is a dream come true! My Ryuko has grown and became a star! Tell me, will you be my Lady Noir?"
 "Her?!" Lila screeched but Clara ignored her and Nathalie gave her a warning look. Lila wisely shut up. 
 "Oh, I mean... I'm honoured but..." Marinette gasped, blushing as she played with her hands. She glanced over at Lila, who smirked at her. She knew if she said no, Lila would get the role and there's no way she would be a good Lady Noir. However, Marinette really just intend to come here to hang with her friends. "I would like to just stay with my friends,"
 Lila gasped in surprise as she generally expected Marinette to take the role. She knew she would have but apparently, Marinette thought she was too good for it. Clara frowned sadly but gave her a small smile before nodding in understanding.
 "It looks like you get the role, oh face of Gabriel," She replied, making Lila smile. However, she said for now in her head as one of the stage hands walked over to her.
 "Head to the changing room and try on the suit," He ordered, causing Lila to walk off stage and headed to the changing room. A few minutes later, she walked out and back onto the stage, making Clara look at her with a critical eye. The suit didn't suit her and she hadn't even put on the wig.
 "Where's your wig?" Gabriel asked from the tablet as Lila flicked her hair.
 "Oh, I didn't think it worked," She replied, making him frown before turning to a stage hand.
 "Find the wig,"
 "It's no biggie. It's ok," Clara stated as the stage hand ran off. "We don't need to the wig for the anatis tryouts anyway. Come on!"
 The security guard by the line for Anatis Auditionees moved and let them come on the stage one by one. And one by one, they went back. Either they didn't have what it took or Lila glared at them. Clara frowned as she hated the look of Lila and it was becoming increasingly clear that she was definitely not the right choice. She glanced back at Marinette who also was considering changing her mind but while Marinette was perfect for the role of Lady Noir, she needed to find a perfect Anatis and these tryouts were just not working. They had gone through all of them and not a single one was worthy to be Anatis. Even if Lila wasn't there, they wouldn't be. She held out her hand, causing the music to stop.
 "Lila, please go get changed," She stated, surprising her. "You don't have the right feel or range,"
 "I'm perfect for the role!" Lila gasped, looking to Gabriel to agree but he shook his head.
 "I'm afraid not, Miss Rossi," He stated, making her gasp. "Besides, all this filming will interfere with your contract... I'd hate to lose you as the face of Gabriel,"
 "Oh... well when you put it that way," Lila gasped before walking off. She exited a few minutes later and walked out. Though Marinette and Luka felt like it wasn't over yet. Clara, however, ignored her and tapped her cheek as she wondered what to do. She didn't have a Lady Noir or an Anatis yet. She could probably convince Marinette to play Lady Noir. She knew the girl was perfect but she still needed to find a perfect Anatis. Someone who would compliment her in the same way Anatis compliments Lady Noir and vice versa. She glanced over at the crowd who wanted to be extras. Her Anatis was in there. She could feel it. She glanced over at the refreshment table and smiled as an idea popped to her head. She walked over and picked up a tray of snacks before turning to them.
 "You must starving from all this waiting," She declared, spinning around before walking over. She smirked to herself before on purposely tripping herself up, falling to the floor as the snacks covered her and the tray landed on the ground. The crowd gasped in shock but only one person made a move. Luka slipped under the ribbon and helped her up, asking if she was ok. "Oh there you are!!"
 "I'm sorry?" He asked, surprised.
 "Here's a hug!" She declared, hugging him. "Because you're Anatis the Ladybug,"
 "Uh I have no idea what you're talking about," He gasped, going bright red and holding up his hands. Clara looked over and saw how Marinette looked at him before smiling. He was the right choice. She grabbed his arms and spun around with him.
 "You did what Anatis would have! Just the same!" She declared as they danced, spinning them around. "Your heart is pure like his. What's your name?"
 "Um... L-Luka..." He gasped as she dipped him down with surprising strength.
 "Luka..." She smiled, spinning back around before getting down on one knee. "Say it so! You will play Anatis in my video?!"
 "M-Me?" He gasped, completely taken back as Clara looked at him with hope and his friends cheered. He didn't want to disappoint her but he also didn't want to disappoint Tikki. He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Ms Nightingale. It's really kind of you to ask but I came here to be with my friends and I'd like to stay with them,"
 "Oh, that's a pity and shame but I know it's true," She declared, smiling a little before standing up. "That's a very cool gesture. Very Anatis of you,"
 She grinned before taking his hand and pulling him over to a make up area.
 "Just sit here for make ok?" She grinned, dancing a little. "I'll have your friends sent over right away,"
 "Thank you," He smiled back before she walked away. A few minutes later, Marinette and the others rushed over to him, hugging him. Clara gave them a smile as she walked over, still determined to find her Anatis and Lady Noir.
 ~Outside of the Building~
 Lila huffed to herself as she was annoyed. She wanted to be the star in the show but apparently, Gabriel didn't want her to be. The good thing was Marinette wasn't gonna be playing Lady Noir either. Still it annoyed her. However, her mind was taking off it when her phone vibrated. She took it out and saw it was a withheld number, making her smirk as she pressed answer and held it to her ear.
 "Miss Rossi, time to prove your usefulness and show me those skills you promised you have," A deep voice stated, making her smirk.
 "Consider it done," She replied, hanging up before scrolling through her phone, stopping on the mayor's number. She had stolen it from her mother's phone when she wasn't looking. She figured it would be useful to have. She pressed the call button before holding it to her ear. It answered on the third ring.
 "Hi, is this Mr Bourigous?" She asked in her sweetest voice.
 "Speaking but how did you get this number?" He gasped. "Who is this?"
 "Oh, my name is Lila. I'm a close friend of your daughter Chloe. She gave me your number in case I ever needed to get in contact," She lied, smirking. "I hate to bother you but she is really upset,"
 "What?! Why?" He gasped, sounding worried.
 "Because of the music video that Clara Nightingale is filming," She stated, smirking. "She wouldn't say it herself because she is trying to be a better person but she feels really upset that she can't play Lady Noir in it. I tried to comfort her but nothing I said has cheered her up. I fear she might be akumatized unless something happens,"
 "My goodness!" He gasped, buying it. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. My Chloekin's is too kind for her own good,"
 "Oh yes. She's improved so much," She stated, rolling her eyes. "But she's still so upset,"
 "Of course, thank you for informing me," He replied.
 "Anything for my friends," She replied, finishing up the phone call. She hung up and smirked before flicking her hair and walking inside. Clara was chatting and working with the stage hands and direction as they tried to work out who should be in the role. Lila frowned as she saw Luka and his friends sat talking happily. She narrowed her eyes before noticing Clara's microphone set aside. She moved closer to it and picked it up, looking at it as the door burst open and the mayor came in, looking angry. The look on Chloe's face was priceless as he stormed over to Clara and began to tell her she couldn't film in Paris without a permit. Luka looked alarmed as Chloe jumped up and rushed over.
 "Daddy, what are you doing?!" She gasped, making him look at her.
 "Don't worry, darling. Daddy will fix it," He stated, turning back to her. "Since you don't have a permit, it means you can't film anywhere in France including Paris!"
 "Daddy!" Chloe gasped as Marinette, Luka and the others rushed over. "Why are you stopping her from filming?!"
 "Because you're upset about not playing the main role," He gasped, making her look at him in horror and surprise. "You... are upset right?"
 "What? No, I don't want to play Lady Noir!" She gasped, surprising him. "Who told you I was upset?!"
 "Your friend called me!" He gasped, making everyone look at Lila with a glare. She was the only person who would do something like that after all. She gave them a smirk back. "Sweetie, I've already put the permit through. Clara can't film here today,"
 "But I don't understand..." Clara gasped as Lila walked over. Alya instantly looked at her.
 "Girl, tell me you didn't do that," She asked as she ignored her.
 "Oh, I'm sorry. I really did think Chloe was upset," She replied, in her sweetest voice as everyone stared at her. Clara looked extremely hurt as Lila held out her mic to her. She went to take it but Lila dropped it to the floor, causing the star on it to crack. It seemed to be the last straw as Clara began to cry as she picked it up. "Ooops,"
 "You did that on purpose!" Marinette gasped, glaring at her along with the others. Even Alya was glaring at her but Lila looked at them with watery eyes.
 "Of course, I didn't," She sniffed. "My hand shakes from my athirist and I really thought I was helping Chloe. I didn't meant to completely ruin production but it's not a massive deal. I'm sure Mr Mayor can reverse it,"
 "I... I can't," He gasped, making them all look at them. "Once the paper work is done, it's done... I'm sorry..."
 "No, the video needs to be shoot here in Paris, the capital of love... the City of Anatis and Lady Noir..." Clara gasped, holding her broken mic in her hand as tears rolled down her cheeks. Luka gasped and leaned down to try and comfort her. "This ruins all of my plans... I'm sorry, my beloved fans!"
 She stood and rushed off, sobbing as she did.
 "Clara!" Luka gasped before turning to Lila with a dark expression. It actually scared her a little and reminded her off how Anatis looked at her. "You're evil,"
 "I was-"
 "Save it for someone who believes you, Rossi," He stated, coldly. "We all know you did it on purpose because you didn't get the role but this just proves you're not worth to play Lady Noir at all. You're no hero,"
 Lila went to say something but Luka rushed away from her and towards the trailer Clara had rushed into, knocking on the door as he did. However, Clara refused to open the door. Lila smirked to herself and walked out of the building as Luka sighed and walked back over to the group. 
 "I can't believe Lila did that," Alya gasped, making Marinette frown.
 "I can," Luka stated as Marinette nodded. "She isn't a good person no matter how much she pretends,"
 "Yeah... I'm starting to see what you mean," Alya stated, frowning. She wanted to give Lila the benefit of the doubt but the whole incident with Luka and this was really making her wonder who Lila really was. However, she didn't have much time to think as a whip suddenly hit her and Mayor Bourgeois who was near her. "What the hell?"
 "Sing, dance or rhyme!" Clara declared, causing everyone to look over at her. Luka and Marinette gasped as she had clearly been akumatized. "Or you're be frozen in no time!"
 "What?!" The mayor gasped but he suddenly turned into a magenta statue, causing Alya to gasp.
 "Um, yo it's alya and I'll keep up this rhyme," She gasped as Frightingale grinned. "I don't want to be frozen! Not this time!"
 "Bravo," She declared, clapping her hands. "You have the right tempo!"
 She laughed before lifting her mic and using it to whip people, causing them to scream and run as they turned into statues. In the panic of the crowd, Luka and Marinette managed to get away without getting hit. Luka managed to sneak into one of the trailers and opened his hoodie, causing Tikki to fly out.
 "I'm proud of you resisting been Anatis," She grinned, making him smile.
 "Yeah but now it's time to be the star of the show," He declared, swiping his earrings. "Tikki, spots on!"
 He transformed into Anatis and slipped outside, looking around as he noticed there were statues but Frightingale wasn't inside. He frowned as he heard screams coming from out. He ran and jumped, climbing onto the roof as Frightingale stood at the top and whipped people, turning them into statues.
 "Sing, dance or rhyme!" She yelled, smirking evilly. "Or you'll be frozen in no time!"
 "I thought you were a fan of us, Nightingale so you should know we fight villains!" He yelled, throwing his yoyo and wrapping it around her whip, making her look at him. "And this is not a very nice way to treat your fans either!"
 "I'm Frightingale from now on out! Forever and ever, there's no doubt!" She declared, yanking the string and pulling him a bit closer to her. Anatis jumped back and down to the edge of the building as she tried to whip him. "And if you stand in my way, there'll be a price to pay!"
 "You can't let negative emotions get to you!" He declared, dodging and throwing his yoyo at her. "Forcing people to sing or dance isn't who you are!"
 "Song and dance will make the world a better place," She declared, catching his yoyo and spinning it as she jumped down. "If you don't agree me then you're a disgrace!"
 "The only disgrace is Hawkmoth!" He declared, dodging his yoyo as she tried to attack him with it before he jumped off the building, pulling her with him before the two of them landed on the ground. He charged at her, trying to hit her with his yoyo as she moved away and dodged it. "Listen, I can help you. Just give me your akuma-"
 "No!" She screamed as she jumped back. "I won't let you take my akuma away!! I like the new me and I'm here to stay!!"
 She charged at him, causing him to lift his yoyo but she tripped as Lady Noir arrived and used her baton to knock her down. She grinned as she jumped over to them.
 "Might if I join the dance?" She asked. Frightingale jumped over her and landed on the building across the street. "Well, she's got a lot of energy,"
 "I'm not surprised," Anatis replied as he walked over to Lady Noir. "Clara?! There's another way!"
 "You're just like the others but you can't silence me!" She shouted back, making him sigh. "I'm just trying to make the world better, can't you see?!"
 The butterfly mask appeared around her eyes as Hawkmoth talked to her, causing Anatis to frown before she pointed her wand at him.
 "Do you really think the two of you can win this battle through and through?" She asked as Lady Noir clicked her neck.
 "Two is always better then one!" She replied before turning to Anatis. "I'll take the left,"
 "I'll take the right then," Anatis replied before the two of them ran over and scaled the building as Frightingale smirked and striked a pose. Anatis threw his yoyo as Lady Noir extended her baton but Frightingale dodged them, causing his yoyo to wrap around her baton. He pulled his yoyo back as Lady Noir backflipped out of the way of Frightingale's whip before throwing it again. Lady Noir dived at her this time, causing her to backflip out of the way. Anatis' yoyo wrapped around Lady Noir, causing her to fall onto the roof as Frightingale landed again. She went to hit Lady Noir with her whip but Anatis pulled her out of the way and caught her in his arms. Seeing her chance, Frightingale threw her whip and hit them both, causing them to gain a magenta glow before she laughed.
 "Welcome to my musical show!" She shouted, taking a bow. "I hope it will be your fatal blow,"
 She laughed as Lady Noir and looked at her arms.
 "Oh, really now? Is that what you think?" Anatis stated, surprising her. "Well, I got news for you. Me and my partner are in perfect sync,"
 "What?!" She gasped, surprised as Lady Noir gently danced. "No, that can't be so! You should fail. How are you resisting my glow?!"
 "Music is my nature, it's in my soul," He replied, making Lady Noir look at him. "So let's get on with this fight. It's time to rock and roll!"
 He turned to Lady Noir and gave her smile as she looked a bit unsure. She was just moving her arms to stop herself from been turned into a statue.
 "Don't be afraid. I'll get us freed," He stated, holding his hand. "But til then, just follow my lead,"
 He winked at her, making her blush as she took his hand. He spun her around and pulled her towards him as Frightingale charged at them. Using dance, they fought her. Anatis lifted Lady Noir by her hips, allowing her to kick out at Frightingale before he spun her back around and the two of them jumped out of the way. 
 "What should we do? We can't keep up this dance," She stated as they jumped back. "We don't stand a chance,"
 "Not right now but I know what to do," He stated before saluting Frightingale. "Adieu,"
 He and Lady Noir jumped off the building and landed behind the bus before the two of them moved in a sort of dance. They heard Frightingale land on the ground and declared that they can't hide as she looked around for them.
 "It's not in our favor in a glance," Lady Noir gasped, looking at him. "Cause we have to advance while constantly keeping up the song and dance. We can't leave nothing to chance,"
 "I agree and I have a plan you see," He replied before taking out his yoyo. "If there's anything that can do her harm, it will be my... Lucky Charm!"
 "Handcuffs? Now that seems strange," Lady Noir gasped as he caught them and looked around. "Maybe our luck will change... but we know we need to stop her so what plan do you have to offer?"
 "Hmm..." He stated as he danced, glancing around. The handcuffs, his yoyo and Lady Noir's ring lit up, causing him to smirk. "They're not for her. Theyr'e for us... but we're gonna need you to do your stuff,"
 "How can I use my power? I can't think of a rhyme!" Lady Noir gasped, looking down a little. "Maybe you could help me out this time,"
 "Hmm... well, you're a good talker, dancer and talker," He stated, tapping his chin. "So look on the bright side today. Don't be pessimistic and make way..."
 "For optimism!" She gasped before holding out her hand. "Cataclysm!"
 The dark energy appeared in her hand before Anatis handcuffed their hands together and used his yoyo to tie their feet together. Just as Frightingale lifted the bus they were hiding behind. However, she gasped when she saw them stood back to back, chained together.
 "I warned you that we are in sync," Anatis stated as she stepped back before he looked at Lady Noir. "Let's get this done before she can think,"
 "Our movement are one and we are the same," Lady Noir grinned, moving with Anatis as the two of them fought against Frightingale, knocking her back. "We're done with playing your little game!"
 "By any chance, will you grant me this dance?" Anatis smirked as they punched her and kicked her, causing her to retreat farther.
 "Of course, for you... my sweet bug-a-boo," Lady Noir winked before they kicked her through the door to the audition room. They walked through as she scrambled to get up.
 "You can't bend the rules!" She shouted as she ran over to the stage before pointing at them. "Dancing tied up is cheating, fools,"
 "When someone's akumatized, we never compromise," Anatis stated before they ran over to the stage and dived at her, causing her to dive out of the way. They got back to the feet and landed a hit on her as she tried to hit them with her whip. They dodged by blocking her with their arms before using their conjoined arms to knock her back. They made a grab for her wand, causing it to turn into dust as Lady Noir touched it with her charged hand. The akuma broke free and the two heroes grinned, taking off the handcuffs before they both threw them up in the air and shouted the magic words. They burst into the swarm and fixed everything, flowing around them before disappearing. Anatis threw out his yoyo and captured the akuma before releasing the purified version as Lady Noir grinned.
 "You never told me you were good at dancing," She grinned, making him blush a little as Frightingale turned back into Clara. Lady Noir rubbed the back of her neck as she looked to the side. "Sorry I wasn't..."
 "You're not bad, kitten," He replied, smiling a little as Clara blinked and looked around before noticing the heroes.
 "Anatis?! Lady Noir?!" She gasped as Anatis helped her to her feet. "What are you doing here?"
 "You were akumatized," He stated gently. "But it's ok now,"
 "I was saved by both of you!!" She gasped, spinning around. "Oh this is a dream come true!"
 Lady Noir giggled and walked over.
 "I have an idea for your video if you're interested,"
 ~Later that Night~
 "Can I ask a favor, Annie?" Lady Noir asked as they sat on top of the Arc de Triomphe. They had finished up their patrol for the night and were just enjoying the evening while sharing a bag of cookies. He looked over at her and nodded. "Could.. could you teach me to dance?..."
 For a moment, he was quite and she thought he was going to say no before he put down the cookie he was eating.
 "Well, I don't know if I'm the best to teach you," He replied, standing up before holding his hand to her. "But I'll try,"
 She smiled and took his hand, following him to the middle. 
 "Ok, place your hand here," He stated, putting her hand on his shoulder before taking her hand in his before placing his spare hand on her waist. "Now step back,"
 She did as he stepped forward before stepping to the side then back then to the side again before repeating it.
 "One, two, three, four," He counted as they did before he spun her, making her laugh a little before they continued to dance. Lady Noir found herself leaning against him slightly but when to stop and apologizing but he gave her a soft smile. She smiled back and continued to dance with him under the moonlight and stars.
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (26)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
When you're a journalist, you have to know a lot of things. The most important thing in this business is neutrality of course. Even if the temptation to give his opinion is strong, a journalist must remain neutral in all circumstances. He must then have good source and good contact. A good source is even essential to get a good scoop. And having good contact in the field makes it easier. But if there is one thing a journalist must have... It's cold-blooded.
And luckily for Wilhelm, Danny has A LOT of composure. Oh, how many times did he dream of sticking anything in his skull? how many times did he dream of burning, drowning, skinning, dismembering him and what else do I know? Far too much to remember. and every time he dreamed of it; Danny took an indescribable pleasure in it. he would have liked to spend his day with you, not to move from the bed, your little body so fragile in his arms ... Unfortunately, you both work, and if the prospect of going to the police station does not enchant him basically, seeing Wilhelm's face early in the morning, did not help either. And as if that wasn't enough, Wilhelm was in a bad mood. Has he been in a good mood at least once in his life? There's a good chance he won't.
Luckily, Mattew and Melina were there. They're the only ones, with you of course, that Danny will never kill. It's rare to be off the Ghostface hunting board. You can thank God for your luck. But that doesn't mean he won't get revenge in bed. And that you will not escape, you can be sure. Wilhelm was chatting "calmly" with his officers while our trio of journalists sat down working a little further away.
“That's bullshit! There must be a connection between this story and McKellan's murder! They are accused of fraud on a national scale and coincidentally one of the suspects dies! And as luck would have it, Horace Hoggins threatens him three f***ing days before the murder!” said Wilhelm shouting and striking the table.  
“Yes, but the modus operandi is too similar to Ghostface's. What if it was really him that he killed him? Or he hired him. But I can't see the "Ghost of Roseville" playing mercenaries.” Said one of the officers.  
“Hoggins has money. He could hire any mentally ill person to do the job. After all, we don't know who we actually see in this city. Sometimes the most honest citizen can be the greatest criminal.” replied another one.  
“And then reproduce the modus operandi of Ghostface is not very complicated if you have all the necessary equipment to leave no trace. And that, Hoggins can provide.” said the third one.  
Danny bit his lips inwardly about it. Copying his modus operandi? not complicated? No criminal even thinks about going that far! Even the bloodiest, or the craziest, would have made a mistake! Danny is the mixture of the two, and yet you never suspect him because he never left any trace, you idiots! But he has to hold back... it was his plan to get Hoggins charged. He must stick to it, and remain calm.,
“Well, he needs to relax a little, inspector... He's going to end up having a heart attack. But hey I can understand, he wants to bring justice to Roseville.” said Melina.  
“Yes, but in the meantime, the boss, he's very nice but he's not the one who has to face Wilhelm's nerve attacks... Why did it have to fall on us?” said Mattew, lying on the table.
“Simply because we published this article. Now we can't go back.” responds Danny by putting his glasses back on properly, while looking at his laptop. It was the one the boss gave him so he could store his work. He had a personal one but I do not draw you on what it contains ... You're smart enough to know that.
He looked at all the pictures he had taken in his job as a journalist and a big smile was on his face when he found something to incriminate Hoggins. It is true that he had spied on him at his home that day. And it's like a day or two before Hoggins threatened McKellan. It's perfect.
“Wilhelm. You should come and see this. Maybe I have something for you.” Said Danny.  
“If it's to waste my time Olsen I swear I'll put you in jail in the second that comes. Then it's better for you that your find advances the investigation.” respond Wilhelm annoyed before advancing towards Danny.
“Oh, I'm sure you'll like what I have in front of me. When the "scandal" broke out, my boss asked me to take pictures of Hoggins. Spy on him if you prefer. And I remember that a few days before he threatened McKellan... Mr. Hoggins was with someone at his house.”  
“... I should arrest you for violation of a private property Olsen... But these photos are important evidence. I would be curious to know what this man who was chatting with Hoggins that day will tell us... and given his face, this man is not a saint. it pisses me off to tell you that but... good job Olsen. Print me these photos so that we can add them to the evidence board.” Replied Wilhelm looking at the photo seriously before leaving the room to get some coffee.  
Danny smiled inwardly in front of Wilhelm's face. it's so good to see this bastard feel compelled to thank Danny for helping him. Even if, in truth, Danny was directing him on a false trail. But in the end, everyone will win, Danny even more. Once again, he will escape all suspicion. And his pleasure will be even greater, when he announces to Wilhelm that Hoggins had nothing to do with the story in the end. It's going to ruin his career and that's all he deserves. And then... he will begin his descent into hell. Which will end sooner or later on Ghostface’s knife. Danny does not yet know what he will do to Wilhelm, but he is sure of one thing; He'll love to slaughter him. It doesn't matter how.
Wilhelm returned a few minutes later with his coffee and the photos Danny had printed in the meantime. He put down his coffee to hang the pictures on the board. Then took his cup back to sip coffee.
“Ok. Thanks to Olsen, I'm pissed off to say it, we know Hoggins was talking to this man a day or two before the threats. Which means that long before he threatened him, he was carrying out his plan. We have to find this man and question him! search our entire police registry. His head tells me something.” said Wilhelm.  
“Yes Sir!” responds the three officers before leaving. Wilhelm, Danny, Mattew et Melina were now alone in the room.
“You still here? You don't have to do anything else?” replied Wilhelm, looking at the trio.  
“Always so kind, we just gave you a boost in your investigation, I point out, you could be nicer at least.” said Mattew.
“You may have helped me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to sympathize with snoops. Olsen is already lucky that I don't arrest him to be entering on private property because he took the right pictures. So now you can go and do your snoops somewhere else! I'll call you when I have news. Get out of the way!”
“Ok, ok, we leave. See ya later, inspector.” said Melina before leaving the police station with Danny and Mattew. Once outside, she couldn't help but grumble. " What a dirty jerk. We help him move forward in the investigation and he treats us like that? Frankly next time, he's going to get fucked.”
“Forget it. We did our part, now it's up to them to do theirs. Anyway, he has to work with us until the end, so we're going to have to be patient. He will be happy to have solved this murder, and we will be free to avoid him... until Ghostface's next murder.” respond Danny calmly, even if in his mind, he wanted to slice Wilhelm's jugular.
“Yes, you're right. So, what do we do? Are we investigating on our side? Or are we going back to the paper?”
“Wilhelm doesn't have us at the right side, if we start snooping around a little too much in his investigation, you can be sure he's going to put us in the most disgusting cells in the prison.” Said Mattew worried.  
“Mattew's right, we'd better not pissed off the inspector. Even if I feel like he doesn't need much at the base to piss him off. He said he'll let us know when he gets information, let's trust him, for once. I'm going home for my part. I need to work quietly right now.” Said Danny.  
“Say instead, you want to see your sleeping beauty. How's she doing? It’s said that she recruits employees.” ask Melina.  
“Yeah. I don't know what it turned out for; I don't think she's made up her mind yet. And then with Ghostface hanging around... she feels a little insecure. We plan to live together in the same apartment. Well, I'm on my way. Say hello to the boss for me! See you later!”
Danny got into his van and greeted his colleagues one last time. Once far enough away, a crooked smile appeared on his face. What a beautiful bunch of fools they all make. It's so easy to fool them... It becomes comical by force. They don't need much to believe anything. But as long as it served his interests... it doesn't mind him more than that.  
He went home to work calmly as he had said. He still has articles to write. It's hard to be a journalist and a murderer at the same time, it's a very busy schedule, on both sides. He put down his glasses and rubbed his eyes to wake up a little. He then went to his office to admire his hunting board. A big smile was on his face, watching all those people who fell under his blade... And it wasn't over. He did not forget those he had killed in all the other cities... he wondered if he was still wanted there. And he was already thinking about his future victims. The ones he'll kill when he lives in another city. With you.
What to do tonight? go see you for the umpteenth time? certainly. He is tempted to go to see Wilhelm, to finally confront for the first time, Ghostface and the inspector who is stalking him. That would be great! That would be a huge provocation from him! but... you have to be clear-headed. Throwing yourself into the wolf's mouth after all this work... would be a pity to be captured or killed, so foolishly in addition.
“Don't worry Wilhelm... soon we will meet you and me... Ghostface and you should I say. I can't wait to see that day come, just to see your reaction. I'm sure it will be memorable. For now... I'm going to focus on my plan, to make you go crazy. And also... focus on my beautiful angel.” Danny said looking at your picture.  
He knew how to play on both charts. Scare you and reassure you about himself at once... He didn't want a coward, but he still had to keep control of you, and if he has to scare you from time to time to remind you who's in charge... then he will. That won't change the fact that Jed will have to disappear. After all... it's just a name. A ridiculous character he invented to disguise himself in people's eyes. Danny Johnson is real compared to Jed. And you will have to accept it, one way or another.
He moved to his computer to work on his articles, which he was to return soon. He couldn't help but think about your idea of recruiting employees for your coffee. He didn't really like the idea, especially if there's a man among your future employees. He might be tempted to seduce you without worrying about the consequences. Let him try once... and he'll lose his hand. Or the leg. Or the head. It depends on Ghostface's level of anger.
He's going to have to watch your employees very closely. At least when you choose them. At the moment that’s not the case. Danny got up for coffee and went back to the office, taking a sip to keep writing. Occasionally he paused, to stretch a little and move, eat and take a shower to have a clear mind. When he writes, nothing can stop him. If he doesn't take a break himself to feed himself or whatever, he'd spend the whole day at his computer, typing his articles. He could have been an author, but he did not have the faith to write books that, over time, would lose meaning and logic, because of the stress and pressure that would set in and grow.
The last glimmers of the sun disappeared on the horizon, leaving the dark but starry sky of the night. Danny typed the last words of his article, before backing it up and getting up to stretch. Once again, he had done a good job. If Carla were still here... he was sure that she would have scolded him for having worked so much without resting. She used to do it when they were together in high school...  she would have done so even today. And you would have done the same if you'd been there.
Danny reread the message you sent him during the day, so adorable that it made him smile, a sweet and sincere smile. He grabbed his Ghostface outfit before putting it on, looked in the mirror and smiled, before putting on the mask and leaving out by the window, like he does every night. You were brushing your teeth when Danny came into your house. He walked discreetly to the bathroom and looked at you from the door. You're so adorable in these pyjamas.
“You're brushing your teeth with a child toothpaste? How cute. Just like this outfit for that matter. Do you want me to make you a pretty braid like little girls?” He said, laughing when he saw you spit out the water you had in your mouth by surprise.
“Hahaha... I didn't know you had such a great sense of humor. Given what happened last time it's hard to guess...” You said ironically, pushing him away to get out of the bathroom.  
“Oh, but I'm a very funny person when I want to. Hawn, are you still mad at me for that? But in what sense? Because I almost did it without your consent... Or because you wanted to and I held back?” he replied, smiling when he saw your angry face. “You don't have to give me that face, sweetheart. I'm not here to do it again, I told you: I'm going to make you languish. If I'm here, it's because I heard you were recruiting employees... I'm disappointed, I'd think you'd call on me.”
“Like I'm going to ask a lunatic like you. I want to keep my coffee shop open, not shut it up for murder. I guess you're proud of yourself right now, everyone's talking about your achievement on McKellan. You must have enjoyed slaughtering him like that.”
“Obviously! You should have seen that; he was screaming like a chicken and no one could hear him because this fool puts the music to an almost inhuman volume... It was perfect. I confess that to make deer antlers with his legs and arms, it took me a lot of patience and concentration but... The result is only magnificent. the inspector had to vomit his guts...”
“You're making me sick. Unfortunately for you, I don't plan on being alone for very long.” you replied with a smirk.
“Oh! Are you going to live with your little nerd? How cute. I feel sorry for you, he's just working, working and still working. While I... Well, I'd be more available.” Said Danny with a smirk.
“I fully respect his life choice. And I understand that. I would do anything to make sure he could work while taking care of himself. After what he's been through... he deserves to be looked after.”  
“Everyone's been through something tragic, sweetheart. I'm one of them. And I'm going to make everyone pay for it. Until my last breath. And if someone hurts you... So there... I can't guarantee I'll leave him in one piece. I know that one day... You'll call on me for that. Everyone has a dark side to the bottom of their heart; it only takes one click to bring it out. Even the most beautiful angel can't escape it. I'm going to let you sleep... You've had a rough day. As for me, I still have work to do. Goodbye, sweetheart. Have a beautiful dream.
Danny sent you a kiss before disappearing out by the window like every night. He knows that one day you will ask him to kill someone who will hurt you. Or at least you'll make him understand. And on that day, he will be like a knight obeying his queen. Patience and composure are necessary.  
It’s only a matter of time.
(This little stay at my friend's home made me feel good! I was able to clear my mind a little and now I'm on the attack for the next chapters to come! Don't hesitate to ask me questions or other, I'll be there to answer you! In the meantime, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all! See ya!)
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blue-lothus · 4 years
Summary: It was a misunderstanding, really. But because of it, Akira found himself banished to work at the ship of the terrible captain Kamoshida. But before he could start serving his time, he met a merman, and somehow got both of them thrown in the brig, with a death sentence on their heads. 
Or, how Akira saved a merman, got a best friend, fell in love a little bit, and went on an adventure. 
Or how it’s @grapeflavoredorange ‘s birthday, and I wanted to write something nice for this amazing person, who wrote amazing things for my favorite pairing. I took the idea from one of our conversations, about how in the sims 4 a mermaid’s kiss gives you the ability to breathe underwater for a few hours.
It was an odd day, the atmosphere felt charged and unnatural. It was raining softly, but the grey clouds were dense, looming over his head. A young man with a mop of rebellious black hair sat at the bay, passively watching the horizon, and the sea. 
The rain started to fall harder, and that was the only thing that made him move from his spot.
Akira wasn’t really sure how he even ended up there. The last weeks of his life felt like a bad dream, all disconnect feelings and sudden events that made no sense at all. 
How did he end up convicted and then condemned to serve his time on a poacher’s ship? 
A year on the sea, for a boy who should have just continued his family business and run a farm. 
He sighed under the small shelter he found from the rain. 
There was movement in the water, something bright and golden flashing quickly and then vanishing. Gone almost as soon as it appeared, a flash of colour in the white haze of the copious rain. It was pouring at this point, and it was impossible to tell what was that, from where he stood.
Akira had always been too curious for his own good.
He approached, silent as a cat, and leaned over the wooden plates of the pier. For his absolute shock, he found someone staring back at him.
It was beautiful. It looked like a he. His hair was golden and unnatural. But his eyes were a gentle brown, almost human, if his teeth weren’t so sharp. If his hair wasn’t so odd. There weren’t any humanoid creatures around these parts of the ocean, except for merfolk.
This one was surely pretty enough to be one of them. And then, the fact that he was still swimming in that weather was surely proof that he wasn’t afraid of drowning. It was just… a weird place to see one of them. They usually hid from humans, since they started being hunted.
“What were you doing so close to the ship- wait, sorry. You probably have no idea what I’m saying.” Akira shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. It was a well known fact that merfolk didn’t speak human language. 
The creature frowned, seemingly deeply offended. 
“I’m not dumb. I can speak your dumb language.”
“I didn’t- I mean…” Akira blinked, startled. The creature sounded a bit strange, but he was fluent enough. 
“You can stop the bullshit, ok? Kamoshida knows I can speak, and anyone from his crew knows it too.”
“I don’t even know this Kamoshida person. I’m not a poacher. I just got assigned here today.”
The aggression immediately left those brown eyes. 
“Oh. I guess it makes sense then.” The blond looked around, swimming in place. “I was just passing by and saw his ship and I thought of throwing some rocks at this stupid thing so it might stall him a bit.” 
Akira leaned closer, trying to hear the blond through the thunderous noise of the rain splattering hard around them.
Later, Akira would want to smack himself in the head for being so stupid. It should be so obvious what was going to happen. But they were both distracted, and the rain was too loud to allow them to hear fickle things like footsteps. Akira just noticed when something blocked the partial daylight, a shadow just behind him. 
“Who do we have here?” 
It was a man’s voice, but Akira didn’t recognize it. The blond, however, seemed to do. His brown eyes got wide, and he immediately yelled:
“It’s Kamoshida, run!”
Akira did turn to run away, but he was a bit too late for that, and the blunt handle of a saber came down hard on his head.
He was too dizzy to see how the merman stopped a second too long when it heard him crying out. 
He did hear a pained scream not long after, and then something heavy being brought on board of the ship, still trashing.
“This damned monster, now I finally got him.” Akira heard, and he felt his chest tight with worry. Of course. The captain hunted merfolk. He noticed the hat, and the nicer clothes. Kamoshida was the name of the captain of the ship he had been assigned to.
Kamoshida’s eyes turned to him. “And of course this scum here would turn out to be a mutineer. I knew he was bad news, when my friend asked me for him to join this crew.” And Akira was fairly certain Kamoshida wasn’t ever going to give him a chance. 
“I was invited to an important event at the next port so I’ll wait to hand you over to the authorities in the next town.” Kamoshida went on, and Akira’s head was pounding already, and he wished he wasn’t so dizzy otherwise he’d have decked the captain’s stupid face just to get him to shut up. 
“And you… I might already have a buyer in potential. If you live that long that is.” 
It was clearly a petty vengeance coming from a pitiful man who cared more about humiliating others than he could care about money. He cared about having power over others, and he’d enjoy watching them squirm in place. 
Akira was thrown in the brig, and heard the lock clicking heavily. He cursed under his breath, looking around.
There was a metal container there, filled with water and fixed to the floor with screws. It was occupied, unfortunately. 
The merman he saw earlier looked in agony, his breathing shallow and fast. The harpoon had caught him by a few inches, and had been torn free of him as he struggled. What remained was an open wound on the side of his tail, ragged edges bleeding a startling red blood. 
His scales were a gentle shade of gold. It seemed to gleam faintly in an ethereal way even under the dim light. It was this bit heartbreaking to see something this beautiful with a wound like that. 
“I just wanna help.” He held his hands up, in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture. 
The creature bared its teeth, snarling. He had very sharp teeth, indeed. Clearly made to tear flesh. 
“It’s okay,” he said, trying to calm himself down, because if the merman was going to survive, Akira would have to do something to help. Kamoshida would clearly enjoy watching the specimen die slowly. 
Akira reached a hand out. 
The merman snapped his mouth, threatening a vicious bite. 
The venom was known to paralyze its victim in a few seconds. Painful. Probably deadly, but as far as Akira knew merfolk liked to eat its food while it was still alive, so no one really knew if the venom was fatal. 
Those who bought merfolk as exotic pets usually had them muzzled most of the time. Sedated when not. Some pulled off all of their teeth and used it as decoration. 
A few tried to get rid of their vocal chords, because they hated the shrills merfolk made. 
“C’mon, we need to get that treated. You don’t wanna give Kamoshida the satisfaction of actually killing you.” 
That earned him a startled blink from the merman, followed by a resentful glare pointed at the door, where he last saw the captain. 
“You’re right.” He seemed to deflate, and allowed Akira to come closer.
“So… if you don’t wanna hunt merfolk, why are you here?” The blond asked in a voice that trembled in pain, but he was bravely pretending otherwise. 
Akira found himself telling it all. Maybe because it was the first friendly contact he had since he got arrested. Maybe because the blond made him feel oddly at ease. But as Akira tried his best to stop the bleeding using his own shirt, he started talking about before.
His tale had the merit of distracting the merman from the pain. When the blood stopped overflowing, and as he finished tying off the cloth around the wound, the blond was entirely caught up with the story.
“That’s horrible! It wasn’t fair. I can’t believe they did that to you. And now you got caught up with Kamoshida’s shit.” 
Akira blinked, feeling a curious pressure on his throat. It was the first time anyone told him that. It was the first time anyone really looked at him after he was labeled a criminal. 
But it made some sense, that another one that was seen as inherently evil and wicked would understand him. They both knew what humans could do to those they deemed too different. 
“So… I’m guessing you’ve met Kamoshida personally before this.” Akira was curious about the merman’s reaction at seeing the man, and the disgust in his face at just uttering his name.
“Yeah. He kinda got me once already. He almost caught me and a group of my friends. But I stayed behind and gave them the alarm, and Kamoshida caught me and broke my tail. Sent me back just so all the others would see what happened to those who tried to save one another. He’s trying to divide us, so he can have an easier time catching us.” And he had already broken that one specimen, it wouldn’t be worth that much in the market. But it’d kept the others afraid enough. 
“That’s... that’s horrible,” Akira breathed out.
The merman fell silent, and it was just then that Akira noticed how quiet everything was. The late afternoon had probably turned into night without him realizing it. The ship was rocking slightly, a bit differently from when they were at the shore. With a pang of anxiety, Akira realized they had set sail. 
There was no way out, and the ship was silent as a tomb as the night grew late. Akira was glad for having company. 
Until the next port at least. And then the merman would be sold off, and Akira would be handed over to the authorities and arrested. 
They had little to occupy their days, but they had each other, at least. Theyplayed games, and talked, about nothing and everything. 
“What do you miss the most, from back home?” Akira asked, one day.
“My mom. You?” 
“I don’t think I have anything to go back to.”
Over the days, Akira learned that his new friend’s name was a couple of whistles he had no idea on how to pronounce. He was feeling a bit self conscious about his inability to say it, but the blond looked very frustrated as well as he tried saying his own name. 
“Air is so weird,” the merman complained, trying saying his name again and just ended up producing some hisses. 
Since he couldn’t tell his proper name out of the water, the blond insisted on Akira suggesting some human names that would fit him. He got into his head that it’d be cool to have another name. He was also extremely picky, and wanted something that sounded cool enough, and that had a relevant meaning.
After many names were discarded, one day, he settled on one. 
“Ryuji. I like the sound of that. And I like that it was a warrior’s name. Ok, I’m Ryuji!”
Ryuji had a lot of scars. As if he had cut his back hitting his back on a sharp rock. A slightly crooked finger. A cut next to his eyebrow. Akira had expected for merfolk to have smooth and unblemished skin, but Ryuji wasn’t like that. 
Akira wondered why he couldn’t find the blond any less pretty because of that. It was probably the smile. Ryuji had a beautiful smile, and a cute laugh. 
Akira had never heard him singing, and he wondered if it was true their voice could put spells on people. His breathless laughter seemed to have a similar effect. 
On that day, Ryuji started on the measly breakfast Kamoshida deemed to offer the prisoners, namely, a portion of fish. 
“So… does your kind eat humans?” Akira asked, while he was gently washing the wound with what he could spare of the small supply of fresh water they were offered. Fortunately, merfolk seemed to have a much better time recovering from wounds, because it didn’t look infected. Could it be the seawater? Akira had so many questions. It was partially because he had never met a merman before, but it was also a lot just because he wanted to get to know Ryuji better.
The blond hummed as he acknowledged his question. Akira wondered if he should’ve started from another topic. He didn’t mean to sound judgemental. He really should try to improve his social skills... 
“Some of us do,” Ryuji answered easily, seemingly unbothered by Akira’s bluntness. “Well, we’re all carnivores, and we are kinda similar to fishes, and humans, but we’re not those things. We wouldn’t eat another merfolk, but humans and fishes ain’t merfolk,” he reasoned. “Oh, but I’ve never eaten a human.” 
He was born and raised on that specific part of the ocean, where hunting merfolk was pretty common, so it wasn’t really worth it to any of them to go after humans while in their original form. But they still learned human language so they could trick sailors into thinking they didn’t capture a mermaid, it was just that drunk lad over there who thought he saw a fishtail but he was wrong can’t you see my human legs and how I speak? Please let me go. “That’s kinda those poachers’ fault, tho.” 
Akira looked thoughtful, but not afraid, and he didn’t stop treating his wound. Ryuji felt a swell of affection for that boy, so human and fragile, but so daring. So reckless. He’d probably try to befriend anything partially capable of understanding his words. And get his kind hand bitten by the creature. Mangled beyond recognition. Ryuji felt an uncomfortable twinge in his chest. 
“I’d never eat you, tho.” 
Akira tilted his head, apparently surprised. 
“Why not?” 
“Well, it’s like if you had a friendly... what do you guys eat for meat?” 
“Fish as well. Duck. Pig. Rabbits.”
“Well imagine you had a fish as a pet. Or this pig you said. You think of it as your friend right? You wouldn’t eat it. You wouldn’t wanna.”
Akira huffed a laugh. 
“What?! I’m being serious here, y’know?”
“What the hell…” he said, but he was laughing too, and Akira felt his heart beating a little too fast inside his chest. 
At night, the chilly wind from outside passed through the gaps of the wood, dropping the temperature to an uncomfortable amount. Ryuji ran colder anyway, used to the water temperature of that region, so it took him a few nights to notice Akira wasn’t fairing very well. He woke up in the middle of the night to a small wound. 
Akira’s naked torso shuddered as he drew in a breath. His shirt was being used as a makeshift bandage for the merman’s injured tail, and his ragged pants were made of a cheap and too thin fabric. 
Ryuji gets out of the water then, lying down next to Akira.
“Will you be okay out of the water?” 
Ryuji startled a little at hearing Akira’s voice, not having expected him to still be awake at that hour. But he supposed it was hard to fall asleep when he was that cold. 
“If it dries up, after half an hour or so, my tail just changes into legs and I look like a human. I only need a few minutes in the water for it to come back, though.” The blond shrugged, coming closer and blocking a bit of the wind. “I’ve heard not all merfolk can do that, but our species around here can. My grandma says back in the day we used that to charm humans and trick them into falling in love with us. But I don’t know if it’s true.”
Akira considered the concept for a while, then made the very important math that soon enough Ryuji would be naked. Human naked. Of course Ryuji was kind of naked before, but that was different. Akira considered his options. Under his pants he was still using loose shorts as underwear. He could perfectly do without his pants, since his shorts came down to almost his knees. It wasn’t that proper, but who was he trying to impress anyway? It was more important not to have his attractive friend walking around naked. 
“What you doing?” Ryuji curiously asked as he saw Akira getting up and taking off his pants.
“You can wear this when you get your legs. I-it can get a bit cold when you have legs,” he said, even if it was an excuse. 
Ryuji shrugged, but seemed to believe his words, and kept the clothing in his hands.
They stayed close together, Ryuji trying to trap in a bit of Akira’s body heat. He’d probably be more comfortable in the water, which made Akira feel a bit guilty.
If the blond could make it to water, he could get away. Merfolk could swim miles, and too fast for any ship to pursue if they started running away, which was why they were mostly caught by using traps and other underhanded methods. 
“What if I thought of a way to return you to the sea?” Akira asked quietly. “I could make a distraction and buy you a few minutes to swim away.” 
Ryuji hesitated for a moment. It wasn’t something he liked to talk about, but then again, he trusted Akira.
“... I don’t think I’d get very far.” 
“Why not?” Akira asked softly. 
You know you can tell me anything. 
Ryuji knew it. It felt a bit shameful anyway.
What’s a merman worth if he cannot even swim properly?
“I’m not… I mean, I can still swim, but I’m really slow. After… Kamoshida broke my tail, I couldn’t swim as before. I’m slow and I tire easily,” he admitted, looking away, missing the crushed look on Akira’s eyes as he realized the extent of the damage Kamoshida had inflicted on his friend. “Sometimes I think I should give up on the sea.” 
“But you love it, right?” 
Ryuji wasn’t used to anyone being able to look at him and… see him. It was incredibly nice, even if it made his heart hurt a little. 
“Yeah, I do.”
They were silent for a few more minutes. The tiniest window on the opposite side of their cell allowed for a stream of moonlight. Akira contemplated it for a bit, until he heard Ryuji hissing, and he turned to look. 
His hair was still messy and spiky, but it was tinted a common black, and his teeth were rounded and human. His canines still looked a little too sharp, but it was mostly imperceptible. 
Akira very firmly didn’t look down.
Ryuji noticed him staring at his face, and he half smiled, making a valiant effort into putting on that piece of clothing Akira offered. It felt weird on his skin. He put one leg in one hole, and the other in the other hole, and pulled the cloth up. Then, he tied again the bandage around his newly formed leg. The wound looked more gruesome on his human skin, located somewhere close to his shin. 
“So… how do I look?” he asked as he finished putting on the ragged clothing, and dressing his wound on his leg.
“You look like a thug.”
Akira huffed a laugh, and Ryuji laughed back. 
He took a moment to look at Akira’s eyes, the gentle curve of his nose, the pale pink of his lips. Ryuji’s heart did a funny thing in his chest when he did that last thing. Akira wetted his lips after a moment, and Ryuji looked away as quick as he could, his heart jackrabbiting against his ribs.
When he thought he had escaped that weird feeling in his chest, Akira’s deep and smooth voice sounded again, and Ryuji’s heart continued racing. It started doing that lately, when Akira did or said some things. 
“I barely know how to swim,” Akira offered with a shrug. “I mean, I don’t think I’d drown if I fell in the water, but I wouldn’t last much there.” He could dog paddle and that was about it. Did it work? Yes, but that surely as hell wasn’t meant to be done for more than a couple of minutes.
Swimming wasn’t something he was expecting to need in his life, since his parents owned a farm, but then again since when his life went according to the plan? 
Ryuji perked up at the information, though. 
“I could teach you! You may need it someday! It’s… everything is so heavy outside of the water. You can’t go up, you have always to walk on the stupid ground and it’s…” He just couldn’t find words to tell. “Swimming is just the best thing. And the fastest you go, the better it feels. It can be useful even when you go back home.” 
“I’d like that.” Akira’s gaze was far away, and he sounded oddly melancholic. 
“Yeah… anyway, after we get out of here, we could travel the world together.” 
“You… Will you want to stay with me? Even after you’re free to go?” 
“‘Course. We’re friends, and I think it’d be awesome to go on an adventure, and help people on our way.” And he would have a chance to finally feel worthy, and to make his mom proud of him. 
And there was no one else he’d rather go with on an adventure than with Akira. The realization hit him all at once. 
“You’re my friend. And… Y’know how I told ya swimming made me feel? Being with you is kinda the same. I feel free.” 
Ryuji aimed a bright smile at him, and Akira felt his heart skipping a beat, tripping over while doing something it should know how to do. 
“I know a mermaid,” Ryuji continued, excited about the idea of their new adventure. “She’s travelled to other seas, she might know her way around. After we break out of here, maybe at the next stop for supplies, we could ask her for directions and then when Kamoshida notices we escaped, we’ll be far from his stupid ship.” 
Akira nodded, thoughtfully. 
“Sounds good.” 
“Awesome! Then we have a plan.” 
It was the thinnest skeleton of a plan, but it was enough for them. They could always wing it from there. 
The day their lives really started to change started off as any other. Ryuji was restlessly sitting on his small container of water as he told stories about his life in the sea. Akira had started teaching him how to properly walk on two legs, in exchange of being taught on how to swim at the next chance they got. They had just stopped their training when they heard a commotion outside.
And then a small tuxedo cat gets thrown in the brig with them, screeching bloody murder. One of the poachers used one side of a manacle to put around its neck, and chained it to the wall just outside their cell. The crewmate looked warily at the animal, and threw the keys inside, hoping that the monster the captain caught would dissuade the cat from trying to get to the keys. Akira found it particularly odd, that anyone would put that much effort into capturing a cat. And found it even more odd that the crewmate somehow thought the cat could escape if he got the key. 
The cat screamed well after the crewmate left, and it needed a minute before noticing there were more people in the room.
“Woah! A huge tuna! Looks yummy…” the cat actually talked. 
“Gah! Aki, what is that thing?!”
Ryuji grabbed Akira’s arm, hiding slightly behind him and glaring at the newcomer. Just in case- he had never seen this cat thing before, but apparently it thought he was food because he had a fish tail- the blond leapt off the container, hoping to get his legs back soon. 
“Huh… a cat. But I’ve never seen a talking cat before.” 
“And I’ve never seen a talking tuna before.” 
“Cat, stop saying my friend looks like a tuna.” Akira didn’t know enough about fish to tell, but Ryuji’s tail didn’t look like a tuna's tail. 
“I’m not a cat and I have a proper name.” The cat tried to stand a little taller, but the metal of the manacles was suffocating him a bit. “I’m Morgana.”
They blinked at him. Akira knew he should have started to expect the unexpected since he befriended a merman, but seeing a talking cat was still weird. 
“So… will you two let me out? Please, I can help you two as well!”
Ryuji hesitated.
“I dunno… Should we trust him, Aki?” 
The cat looked quite miserable, and Akira pondered his options. He hated to see how they trapped such a small animal, and if the cat was imprisoned like them, he probably was an enemy of Kamoshida. Something in his guts told him it was an important decision, and that he kind of knew what he would be choosing from the start. 
He really hoped he didn’t regret that choice. 
He freed the cat, who took his time to stretch its lean spine and flex his legs. But, true to his word, Morgana leapt up and started trying to pick the keys to their cell from the hook where they hung. He had to insist for a few minutes, but he eventually got them and picked it up with his mouth, treading to their cell. 
“There! It wasn’t a bad deal, was it?” He preened, while Akira made a quick job of opening the cell.
“But now what, cat?” Ryuji sullenly asked. 
“There’s a storm coming pretty soon, you dumbasses. I’ve been roaming this ship since we left the port, I know the crewmate’s schedules, so we can sneak around them. And then you two can swim to the shore, we’re not that far away, but they won’t notice you’re gone, and they wouldn’t go after you in this weather.” 
“What about you?”
“I still have some business here, but I can get out when we reach land. I can hide, I just got caught this time because the stupid captain got up at night out of nowhere…”
“Whaddya think, Aki?”
“Well, I think it’s the better shot we’ll have. I think we can manage to swim, if we’re that close to land. You can swim as slow as you need, and I won’t have to swim a big distance, I think it’s doable. After that, we can hide for a bit, and then go after your friend and ask for directions, and then we’ll see what happens.”
Ryuji nodded, and they all waited until he got his legs again and dressed up, and then they were on the run.
They parted ways with the cat somewhere along a corridor, with instructions about how to get on the deck. 
The storm was fierce, having picked up in a matter of minutes, and Akira barely managed to keep upright as the ship lurched to the side. They emerged from below deck to the howling wind and thundering skies. Ryuji faltered, his leg still hurting from the wound, and from using muscles he wasn’t used to.
When the blond crashed into a few crates, they swayed to the side and slid downstairs just to crash into a door. The captain’s door, by the look of it, but they were sprinting on the slippery wood of the deck and running for their lives.
But of course, they weren’t alone above deck.
“They’re running away!” 
The storm was sending huge waves that were washing over the wooden floor, tilting the ship in absurd angles, making it absolutely impossible to run. Akira froze in place, and whirled around to look at any possible weapons. Maybe if he took down that group of sailors, before anyone else noticed, on the off chance no one heard the alarm over the roaring of the storm-
It was then that Kamoshida showed up. 
“Shoot them!”
Ryuji collided against his side, and the world tilted off its axis as they plunged into the water. 
Akira tried to keep his head above the crashing waves, but he only managed to swallow an entire mouthful of seawater. As another wave passed above his head, his body was thrown to the side. 
As he tried to swim up, he realized he couldn’t tell up from down even with his eyes wide open. The water was too deep and his lungs burned for air. Everything was salty water that burned his eyes and constricted his lungs from the outside. 
The stormy sea at night was every bit as terrifying as he had heard about, and he was lost. 
Ryuji’s voice was forming a series of shrills and clickings but everything was drowned out by the roaring in his ears. 
Akira shook his head desperatedly, not understanding a single sound out of Ryuji’s mouth, his lungs spasming as he couldn’t hold his breath anymore.
His panic was suddenly cut off by soft lips on his mouth, strong hands framing his face gently. His heart swelled, and it was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. 
It was entirely like a breath of air. 
Akira instinctively closed his eyes and let himself savour it, feeling a sudden rush of life running down his whole body. 
There was a gentle thumb caressing his cheek, and suddenly Akira forgot entirely about menial things like air. His hands cradled the hands on his face, and he kissed back because he had sort of been wanting to do that for weeks. 
It felt absolutely amazing.
They pulled apart, and Akira remembered again he was still underwater. 
Ryuji’s lips mouthed human words for him, gesticulating his meaning. 
Akira realised then and there that he really trusted Ryuji with his life. He tried to breathe. 
It was the weirdest sensation ever. He shouldn’t be able to do that. But somehow as the water rushed into his mouth, his lungs stopped hurting as if he had taken a breath of fresh air. 
Ryuji pulled him along, swimming slower than ever with his still human legs, away from the ship. After a minute or two, he got his tail back, and then he started to swim more easily. He brought them away from the eye of the storm, and away from Kamoshida, deciding to take the longer way to the shore, just in case.
They slowly made their way back to the surface, and when they emerged, Akira immediately turned to look at the merman.  He felt a lot conscious of the fact that Ryuji’s strong arms were keeping him afloat. They were also really close, and Akira felt his cheeks flushing.
“W-what? How did I…?” It was raining softly over their heads, but he barely noticed. 
How am I alive?
“A-a mermaid kiss can make you able to breathe underwater for some hours.” 
“O-oh.” So Ryuji was just trying to help. Akira felt oddly disappointed. “Thanks.” 
“A-anytime?” As soon as the words left his lips- that felt like they were still tingling with the kiss- Ryuji realised how much he meant it. 
And Ryuji wondered if he imagined the small spark of hope in Akira’s voice. On the off chance he had been right, he decided to push it a little bit. 
“Yeah. I liked it.” 
Akira’s lips curled into a small smile, but he looked a little embarrassed, a blush still high on his cheeks. 
“... You know, I think I’m still feeling a little out of breath.”
“For real?!” Ryuji blinked, confused. It should have worked! Maybe he didn’t kiss him right? 
Akira huffed a laugh. 
“Then what- oh. Oh.” Realization dawned on him all at once, and Ryuji felt his heart soaring. 
“Ok?” Akira asked.
Ryuji excitedly jumped him, and his kiss tasted like the sea. 
Akira couldn’t stop himself from smiling throughout that kiss and the next one, and the next one. 
If they kept that up, he’d have enough in him to spend his whole life living in the sea and never come up for air ever again. 
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Soulmates Part 9
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At 8:15 am, Kelsey and Rafael walked hand in hand into the 16th precinct. The couple were in complete bliss with each other they couldn't wipe their corny smiles off their faces.
 When they reached the special victims unit, they pecked each other's lips. "see you later, dulce chica. If you're around later, wanna grab lunch?" "Sounds good handsome." Rafael smirked and pulled Kelsey into a kiss. "go get some work done, detective." Rafael walked into Cragen's office and shut the door behind him. When Kelsey got to her desk, she saw Elliot in her chair looking at his case files. "what are you doing to my desk." Elliot laughed and put his feet on the desk. "Captain has done a complete shuffle; your desk is Amaro's old one." Kelsey made her way over to her new desk and sat down. Elliot turned to kelsey.
"How're things with loverboy"   he quizzed "It's really good.....almost too good. Andrew knows about the bonding, Which means it's only a matter of time until my family find out and destroy everything." Eliott jaw clenched up, and he closed his eyes to steady his anger " you know I have girls about your age, and it kills me to see a family destroy one of their own for the sake of their twisted, sick games. Before you started, we googled you as nick recognised you. It turns out you were on the cover for some magazine that his wife reads. We thought bratty rich kid has come to join the squad. On your first day, you came in for that whole hour and then you were bonded and was rushed to hospital. We got on with the day as we thought you would have a line of people trying to help you while you threw money at the problem, and then Declan showed up. He told us you didn't have it good, and when you came to the city, you felt free from your family and expectations, but we thought you had played him and were fabricating the truth".  
Kelsey's silent tears were flowing at this point uncontrollably. Elliot moved round to her desk and rubbed her back. "Then Andrew showed and tried to kidnap you, you were crying, and you didn't even know that you were.  The look of terror in your eyes that you had I will never forget. You were trying to mould yourself to Barba. Every part of your body was shaking with fear for the man in front trying to kidnap you down the aisle. The whole squad saw how much Murphy left out, how your life hasn't been glitz and glamour at all. We all saw our kids, sisters and nieces in you, Hardy." Kelsey was still silently crying, focusing on Eliott rubbing her back to calm her down. "What I'm trying to say is that this squad might not be a conventional family, but you're one of us and look after and love our own."
"Thank you, Elliot. I appreciate that. Thank you for giving me a chance and helping me. I didn't realise how much I needed to hear that." Elliot smiled and walked back to his desk "oh, and by the way, get some work done; otherwise, dad will be pissed." Kelsey laughed and dug out Katie's file to work on it. Kelsey pulled Katie's picture out of the file and taped it to her laptop screen. Just as she did this, Sonny was at the desk opposite her" Hey doll, Warner wants us about the Junave case." kelsey grabbed her bag and coat ", let us go, I'll drive."
"I ran the DNA on Katie's fetus, and we have a match, Tommy Sullivan fathered Katie's baby".  Carisi went pale and snatched the file from the doctor, and walked out of the room. "Is he ok?" the doctor asked. "I'm sorry, Melinda, I'm not sure what happened, but I will find out ." Kelsey rushed out of the room to catch up with her partner. "What the hell was that about? Poor woman has done nothing wrong, and it looked like you were going to lunge at her." Carisi gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white. "Let us go and update the captain. I wanna nail this bastard."
When Kelsey and Sonny returned to the office, Cragen and Rafael stood waiting for them with the warrant in Cragen's hands for property, computers and financials. Sonny went to grab the warrants out of the captain's hand, and the captain shook his head " Benson, my office." the older woman walked in and shut the office door. "Benson, go with Hardy to carry out the search warrant on Tommy Sullivan, Carisi's brother in law."
*Later that day*
Kelsey and Olivia carried out the search warrant and found overwhelming evidence. They went over to 1 Hogan place and presented it to Rafael. Rafael agreed and got judge Barth to sign an arrest warrant. "Go pick Sullivan up, detectives. I need it all by the book," Rafael commanded. Both women nod and grab their coats, but before they left, Rafael grabbed Kelsey by the waist, pulled her into him and kissed her forehead "by the book, baby."
Olivia and Kelsey were questioning Tommy. He realised he was screwed that everyone knew he raped Katie. He felt anger towards the detectives, They were hanging him out to dry, and he was family. "Why did you do it, Tommy? You have Bella Carisi, a loving wife, an amazing family and friends and a good job. Why go out and rape a disabled girl, huh?" Kelsey asked. Somewhat smugly, Tommy responded, "I want a lawyer" both women left the room.
Rafael called legal aid for Tommy to get a lawyer; an hour later, a lawyer was in the room with Tommy. "Barba Can I see you for a moment" Rafael turned to see the Italian detective standing in the doorway. "Carisi, I know he is your family but think of Katie and her family, Carisi." Sonny scoffed at the lawyer, "that's exactly what I'm doing. If you plead him out, don't give him less than double digits, He raped Katie Junave, destroyed her family and caused her to commit suicide.  Please, Barba, play hardball."
Two hours later, Tommy is taken to central booking awaiting his sentence hearing for the rape of Katie Junave. Rafael walked into the bullpen at 9 pm to the whole squad. He sat down next to Kelsey and removed his tie, and sighed. "I pled him out he will serve a 17-year sentence. He is in central booking now and is awaiting his hearing." The lawyer turned to sonny, "go home, Carisi, go be with your sister and family." Rafael turned and rested his forehead against Kelsey's shoulder. "Go get your bag and coat, baby. We are going out for food. The last thing we had to eat was the yoghurt and fruit we had at 7 am this morning.
Kelsey and Rafael walked out of the 16th precinct hand in hand. Kelsey turned to Rafael. "Can we go to your apartment tonight, order off a food app and cuddle. It's been a long and stressful day for both of us, and I want to be with you tonight and not have to worry about other people." Rafael smiled pulled her to him "sounds good, baby."
After their dinner, the couple were cuddled up on the couch with each other. "Baby, I think we need to see a specialist about the bond. We are both unsure of how the bond connects and changes us; we need to know what, and we need to prepare for this to happen." Kelsey nodded. "Rafe, I agree. We need to know what we are dealing with, darling." the couple stayed cuddled up with each other for a while longer until they went to bed.
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find your way (back to me) - chapter ten
God, I have been SO EXCITED for this chapter. BIG praise to Em who helped me get through little hooks and finding Martin’s voice. Honestly they are crazy talented and have such a grasp for his tone and movements they’re such a big help to me and I love my best friend so damn much ok. 
Anyways!! I wanted to send this out after tonight’s ep but I have yet to watch it. I was out with my sister helping her get over a sad spell so I unfortunately missed it live and won’t be able to watch until tomorrow so I would love to avoid spoilers. Thank y’all so much!! Hope y’all enjoy the update!
Gil opens the door to the morgue, Edrisa looks up from the body with a small nod but her normal smile isn’t quite there. Malcolm stands beside her shifting from side to side. He raises an eyebrow but says nothing. JT lingers in the corner of the room, jaw set. “Ready?”
This presentation feels heavier than most. It doesn’t help either he or Malcolm that they both had to reluctantly leave the apartment so early in the morning. Ainsley remained behind, having called in a few favors to work from his place at least until the case was solved. Still, he worries. They both do.
“Yes,” Edrisa breathes, settling into the motions. “Cause of death was the slit throat. There were traces of tranquilizer in the victim, that might be how he was transferred from place to place. The state of the body suggests he’s been dead for a day.”
“He was alive an entire week. Our killer waited. He waited until mother was out of the hospital.” He’s already agitated, it’s not good.
“He wasn’t killed in Mrs. Whitly’s home. He was transported post mortem.”
“We can assume our killer has completely unraveled. This kill goes completely off M.O.”
“He’s desperate.” Gil agrees. 
“Has she remembered anything yet?” Gil turns to where JT is standing.
“No.” Malcolm sighs, “She’s going through dissociative amnesia. Ainsley did after…” He gestures, it’s enough for them to understand. “Honestly, I hope she doesn’t.”
“You do?” The question isn’t meant as a harm but he sees Malcolm flinch. There’s a flash of guilt on JT’s face but Malcolm waves him off before he can apologize.
“From an investigative standing? I would. It would certainly help narrow it down.” He shakes his head, like trying to rid of a thought that was too much even for him. “But after Ainsley remembered? She completely shut down. She looked right past us and it tore my mother up.” Gil remembers that. The blank stare lasted for hours before she finally broke down. It was Jessica who finally got her out of it, playing with her hair and singing her a lullaby. “I don’t want that for her.”
Edrisa places a gentle hand on his shoulder, and to Malcolm’s credit rather than flinching away he subtly leans into the touch.
“Did we find out any more about Freddy?” The question seems to bring a new heaviness to the room. Edrisa and Malcolm share a look, one that tells they know something that hasn’t been spoken quite yet.
“We found an ID card on the inside of his jacket.” Edrisa grabs a baggie with the ID badge inside passing it to Gil. “He was a student volunteer at Claremont Psychiatric.”
“Claremont? You think-”
“We don’t know if he has any connection to the surgeon.” Malcolm’s eyes fall to the body. “But I’ve seen him around. It was only in passing but he was nice. Always smiled when I passed.”
“Does Jess know?”
“No. But it gets worse.”
“Worse?” Malcolm bobs his head before straightening, trying to summon every ounce of professionalism he has to ignore the warring feelings.
“Freddy’s full name is Francisco Garcia. When mom was delivering her statement to the police she said Freddy helped tie the tourniquet on her leg. That his mom is a trauma surgeon.” Gil’s face sinks, coming to the same conclusion. Jessica’s doctor that had been helping in the investigation, Dr. Garcia. “Agent Swanson is on her way to the hospital to confirm our findings. But we’re almost certain it’s Dr. Garcia’s son.”
“Did she know he was missing?”
“My guess? No. He was a med student and a volunteer. He probably went weeks at a time without checking in.” Gil runs a hand through his beard. Even thinking about telling Jessica was ripping him apart. She’d connected well with her doctor, it helped that she was a friendly woman. But Jessica will want to help with funeral expenses, help the family financially for whatever they need. There’s no way he can get past telling her.
A ringtone startles them out of the somber silence. Malcolm reaches into his pocket, eyebrows furrowing when he reads the caller ID. “Ains?” His anxious movements stop as his eyes meet Gil’s “What’s wrong?” He can barely make out the sound of crying coming from the phone “What do you mean she’s gone?” Gil sucks in a breath. Gone could mean too many things. “It’s ok. Is her phone still there?” He waits with a fearful beat. “That’s good. She might have left on her own. I’m going to go see if I can track her phone. Have Dani drive you here and we’ll find her ok?”
Malcolm hangs up and he looks ready to throw something. It’s Edrisa who slips the phone out of his hand before he decides to do just that. He clenches his hand taking a deep breath before speaking.
“My mother is gone.”
Jessica’s eyes open to the sound of her phone chiming followed shortly by the sound of the front door shutting. From the light pouring into the bedroom she would guess its at least the afternoon. Sleeping in Gil’s bed made it easier to chase away the nightmares and if she did wake up his presence was enough to soothe her. Listening to his slow breathing lulled her back to sleep eventually, too exhausted for another nightmare.
She picks up her phone, squinting as the light hits her face.
Work emergency. Will be back soon, order takeout and have them give it to George.
So it was Ainsley she heard leaving. She sits up carefully pulling her hair up out of her face. Her phone chimes again
And don’t leave!!
She bites her tongue staring at her bags in the corner of the room. Gil and Malcolm carried all that she’d need for the stay for at least a week. The memories of last night hang over her head precariously, like a rope ready to snap.
She takes her medicine with the glass of water on the nightstand.
Her eyes fall on the shirt from last night. Gil had her change when they arrived and, truthfully, it helped her feel lighter. Yet the note in the pocket still weighs on the back of her mind. There was only one possible way he’d know how she took her tea. It was such a small detail even Malcolm, at his age, wouldn’t remember much less Ainsley. She’d stopped drinking tea for a while after his arrest. It took her years before she found a blend she liked again.
Nobody should know that.
And yet.
Jessica rubs her eyes, dread threatening to push her down into the covers where it was safe and warm again. The thoughts taste foul as she files through. She needs to go see Martin, he’s the only one with the answers. If Gil knew there would be no chance he’d let her go anywhere near Claremont, for perfectly good reasons. Hell, if Malcolm and Ainsley knew they wouldn’t let her out of her sight. Ainsley will only be gone for a short bit, if her texts are accurate.
Now is her only chance.
Getting dressed takes slower than she’s happy with. The pull makes her breath catch in her throat more than a few times. She eyes the wheelchair next to the bed for a moment. She knows the doctor’s order, but around Martin showing weakness at all is a loss. It gives him control of the conversation.
Giving him any sort of control is the last thing she wanted.
She gathers herself, dressed as she normally would. She uses makeup to cover what she can. However some of the scrapes are still so sore that she doesn’t bother. She grabs the note, giving herself a few beats to change her mind and stay. Finally, when she deems herself ready she sweeps out into the living room, opening the front door doing her best annoyed mother tone.
Her eyes settle on the officer patrolling, ready to put on the performance of her life. “Will you drive me to Claremont? My son insists that I shouldn’t be left alone and he’s visiting his father.”
“Sure thing Mrs. Whitly.” The officer, George, grins at her.
The ride there is silent. She practices what she will say in her head over and over. Not that any amount of practice will prepare her to speak to Martin again. It only gets worse as she’s escorted through the halls. She can feel his presence long before she reaches his cell; it’s choking, a cavern that threatens to swallow her and her entire family whole.
“Jessica!” He gasps as she steps in, like he hadn’t known she’d be coming. The shock doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Mr. David didn’t mention you’d be visiting today. I’ve got to say, you���ve looked better.” He gestures vaguely, talking about the scratches on her that she couldn’t cover with makeup. She’s just thankful that she could cover the bruises. “I thought for sure that our children, Malcolm especially, would have you on lockdown. Though, I suppose that never stopped you before.”
She bites the remark that’s on the tip of her tongue. If she wants answers she’ll have to appeal to him. “Malcolm is on the case, Ainsley had some kind work emergency and had to leave.”
He tuts, tilting his head. “Sneaking out? Giving them a taste of their own medicine, huh?” He straightens, narrowing his eyes oh so slightly. “Now don’t tell me you visited just to chat. Not that I’m complaining but come on, I would have put on my good cardigan.”
“No.” He purses his lips at her rejection, but doesn’t interrupt. “Last night there was a body in the kitchen-”
“Someone broke into our home?” My home. She aches for the rebuttal but the answers are too important and she doesn’t have enough time before Ainsley realizes she isn’t there. She will text Malcolm and he’ll no doubt pull every resource he has to find her here, of all places. So she sets her jaw.
“There was a note on my nightstand when I woke up next to a cup of tea that said, just how you like it.” His brows furrow before an understanding washes over him. She thinks, just for a moment.
“Classic stalker behavior.” He shrugs. “Who knows how long he’s been watching you.” She swallows, the thought making her heart freeze. His aloof behavior is betrayed by the years of visits between him and their son. He knows. “And where was the Lieutenant?”
The question scratches her world to a deadly halt. All of the anger at what had happened; the days she was trapped, the injustice of Freddy’s death, her family being threatened. All of it topples over with the words he meant as a knife to her most cherished relationship other than her children.
“Wouldn’t he be there to protect you?”
“Malcolm was.” Darkness washes over him and she watches all the fake humanity drain from his eyes. Barely contained rage makes the room feel colder. She doesn’t allow herself the step backwards that would make her feel more comfortable. “Malcolm was asleep in the chair in the corner of the room.”
“Malcolm was there?”
“Of course he was there! You know Malcolm! He wouldn’t fucking leave let alone sleep in a different room!” She lets out a shuddering breath. “He wouldn’t- he can’t-” Her words jumble and anger is making her shake painfully. Her core aches and she is almost certain if she doesn’t calm down she’ll accidentally pull stitches. “He was in my home. He was in the goddamn kitchen. He was in my room where we were sleeping!” Martin tilts his head, it’s the disapproving tilt. One that she’s seen hundreds of times when a curse slipped out in front of Malcolm or Ainsley when they were so young. He always hated when she cussed. “Malcolm, god he was so tired he didn’t even stir when I woke up.” She can feel the tears coming down but she’s hopeless to stop them now. She’s in an absolute spiral. “God knows how long he was there. How many times he walked past Malcolm. It could’ve been Malcolm.”
The last words are an almost incoherent sob. She had come here, every intention of holding her ground. And here she is having a fucking panic attack in front of her serial killer ex husband. A bitter laugh escapes her.
“It could’ve been Malcolm.” She repeats. “And every time I remember I don’t see that poor boy’s face. I see Malcolm’s. Our son.”
A hand reaches out stroking the tears from her cheek. It takes her far too long to connect the touch to Martin. “Jessie-”
She rips herself away the second her mind connects the dots. The sudden movement causes a new wave of pain. She curses again leaning against the furthest wall to regain her self control. “Stop!” She shouts, getting the attention of Mr. David. “Stop acting like you fucking care.” It hurts too much. She feels like she’s going to stop breathing at any second. When he looks at her with that much sympathy it’s too much. It reminds her of being hunched in the bathroom, morning sickness taking a toll on her. He stayed with her, holding her hair. That sympathy is not only fake, it’s toxic. Another way to gain control.
“That’s not fair.”
“Isn’t it?” She snaps. “You know. You know who it is and you let us be hurt by him. What did you do Martin? What the fuck did you do?” The room holds impossibly still for what feels like an eternity. He heaves a sigh, defeated.
“Lieutenant Arroyo wasn’t the first to catch me.” The words stop her in her tracks. She watches him warily, not trusting a single word he says. “I never met him, but I received a call, a year or two before.” Her stomach sinks, the year or two before was when she’d noticed his growing absence. “He had connected me to a missing woman, able to pin me at her last seen location.” She swallows, realizing he isn’t moving. No shifting head, wild gesturing movements. It’s the truth. “He wanted money.”
“Oh god.”
“I told you I was funding a project at the hospital. Every month I would send him money for his silence.” She holds her breath. “When I got arrested the money stopped, but the calls didn’t.”
“He would threaten Malcolm and Ainsley. He was a belligerent drunk. From what I could gather after he lost that money he lost everything, wife divorced him and took the kids. He drank to forget.” He twists his shoulders back, fixing his posture. “I helped him again. Got him into rehab. From what I could tell, he got his life back together.”
“And became a serial killer.”
“Well not all of us can be perfect, Jessie.” He continues with a shrug, “Never got the wife back but found his faith in religion. Not to keen on it myself but to each their own.”
“Where is he now?”
“From last I heard? He got his job back.”
Just like that the world stops spinning. Her pain makes way for horrific clarity. The black clothes with the covered badges. Malcolm and Gil’s frustration over his ability to get in and out of the park despite there being patrols all over the city. How he got into her home without alerting anyone. “He’s a cop.”
Anxiety clamps down on her stomach. The man has been right there all along. None of them had even suspected. Hell, it could’ve been the man that drove her here. She suddenly, ironically feels herself not wanting to leave. She can’t seem to move. Her feet feel too heavy. Her mind and body aching from overexertion. 
“Jessica?” She hears Martin call to her but she feels too far away to respond. Only the wall behind her is holding her up. “Jessie.” The annoyance laced in his tone exacerbated as she hears the door to the hallway slide open. “Jess!” Panic.
The door opens beside her and Malcolm and Ainsley step in, looking equally alarmed and agitated. Their eyes fall on her, and she sees the color strip from their faces. Malcolm is on her in a second, hands holding her up by her elbows. She must look too pale because he looks like he’s ready for her to faint.
Ainsley, on the other hand, whips around to Martin, eyes accusatory. “What the fuck did you do to her?” She should stop her, a part of her thinks. Yet she still doesn’t move. It’s Mr. David who grabs Ainsley by the middle pulling her back over the red line towards safety. Whether it’s her own or Martin’s she’s not entirely sure.
“Mom. Hey, mom. Look at me.” She does. “We gotta go. Ok?” No, they can’t. It’s not safe. How did they get here? “Gil’s waiting outside. They wouldn’t let him in, but he’s going to take us back.” She relaxes a little. She needs to warn them about the cop. She needs to. But she feels lightheaded and her heels are far too unstable. “I got you, it’s ok.” And he smiles, that gentle smile when he swears that everything will be alright. “Ains, come on.”
She’s braced on both sides by her kids as she walks out with Martin shouting behind them.
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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Dead in the water
Me and Dean sat on the edge of the bed like two teenagers in trouble as Sam was pacing the room, trying to think on what he should say. Finally he stops and looks at the both of us with his arms crossed.
"So let me get this straight, you tell her you wanna wait till she's eighteen but then you decide screw it?"
"....Sammy-" Dean begins to say but Sam cuts him off.
"Dean if your gonna be with her then you can't have sex till she's eighteen."
"Your ove- wait...what? So hold on your ok with this?"
"Yeah, I mean it was gonna happen sooner or later. It's hard for you to stay away from a beautiful lady anyways." I blushed at Sam's comment.
"Well that's new." Dean mutters and he grabs a lock of my hair, making me look over at him.
"Your hair it's pink and purple."
"So two emotions at once? I'm guessing pink is love....and purple is fear. So your nervous and feeling loved at the same time!" Sam grabs his laptop and begins taking even more notes.
"Aren't you guys afraid if me?....I mean this isn't normal, don't you guys think I'm a monster or something?" I wondered, was I a monster? Is this what happened to me years ago? Is this what dad was talking about, about how he didn't trust John because...something happened to me?
"Well you certainly have powers, but you can't control it besides you don't know what's going on."
"And you haven't killed anyone." Dean adds.
"But why is this happening now? When I was at home none of this was happening....maybe I should call dad..."
"No, we can't risk him finding us, the next time you call him he'll probably be ready....and I don't want you to go..." Dean admits, while scooting closer, I could tell he wanted to kiss me.
"You two get a room! Wait no, don't do that." Sam laughs, "Alright love birds we need to get back to the subject at hand." He starts researching about the case we're working on, Dean was still staring at me. "Dean!" Sam yells, catching his attention. "Day dream later, work now, you need to take Y/n to get a few things."
"Like what?" He asked.
"Tattoo, gun that kind of stuff, if she's gonna be a hunter then she needs to have the supplies."
"W-Wait what tattoo?" I stutter and Dean points to the pentagram on his chest.
"It's so we don't get possessed, don't worry I'll be there with you."
"Ok, and a gun? I mean why not just use the ones we already have in the back of the impala?"
"Cause you need your own, one that you can carry with you at all times." Dean gets up, puts his shirt back on then grabs the keys to baby. "C'mon we'll get you prepared while Sam does his nerdy thing." I chuckle and follow after him, while grabbing his hand to hold it. He didn't even question it, he pulled me in and kissed my lips, making me yearn for more. Sadly the kiss didn't last long, if we stood there any longer Sam probably would've come out. When we got in the car, the whole drive to the tattoo parlor we were jamming out to eye of the tiger. Which I was still humming it while I was sitting in the chair getting the pentagram on my (wherever you decide to put it.)
"That's a pretty good spot." Dean commented, as he sat next to me.
"Thank you." I grinned, he smiled but it slowly faltered over time, making me grab his hand, squeezing it. "You ok?" I asked worriedly.
"...What happened at the motel can't happen again." He didn't even look at me it was like he was ashamed, did he regret what we did?
"Why not?" He didn't answer, I grabbed his chin and made him face me. Sighing he scoots closer as he lowers his voice.
"Your seventeen Y/n...."
"So? We only have (how many months until you birthday.) I'm technically eighteen already."
"One I don't wanna get arrested and two, we met about about three weeks ago. Don't you think we're moving a little to fast?"
"According to Sam you bone a girl on every case, or at least try to, and your saying it's a little to fast?"
"Good point, but....I just want you to be sure this-" He points to himself, as if himself was a problem. "-is what you want."
"....You are what I want, if you weren't I wouldn't have kissed you. Although if you wanna wait....I respect your decision." That made him smile, he leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, now I believe your tattoo is done." I looked down at it, it was sexy as hell. After we payed for it, we went on the road again. When we crossed over the bridge I asked Dean if we could stop to see the lake and look at the sunset. Hesitantly he agreed and pulled over, I got out excitedly. The lake was a dark blue mixed in with pink and orange from the sun, it made me sad to think it was gonna be gone soon.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"Not as beautiful as you." Dean flirted making me blush as he pulled me closer by the waist. He started to lean in, those rough lips covering my soft ones.
"I thought we couldn't do this again."
"I meant almost having sex, kisses are something we can definitely do." He smirked and leaned back in again, and as his lips brushed against mine his phone rang. Angrily he sighed and answer it, it was probably Sam.
"What? No we're not!" The look on his face made me giggle as he looked over at me. He started moving his hand, pretending it was Sam who talks to much. "We'll be there in twenty minutes Sam, we still gotta get a gun. Sam, Sammy we're fine....alright we'll be there as soon as we can. Mhm ok bye."
"He's certainly a talker huh?"
"It's a nightmare on how much he can talk...now where were we? Oh yeah I remember." He pulled me back to his side. "Might as well steal as many kisses I can get before we head back to the kiss police." He smirked and smashed his lips against mine once more as his arms wrapped around me. This time it wasn't just a normal kiss, I fought for dominance, my tongue asking for entry. Biting his lip he pulled back, "Y/n keep doing that and I just might say screw it again.." As he said that he slipped from my grasp. "No I promised myself I can wait...c'mon let's get back to Sam." Sighing in disappointment I got back in the car, I guess he's really serious about this.
"I found something." Sam says as we sit next to him. "So there's the three drowning victims this year."
"Any before that?" I wondered.
"Uh, yeah." Sam has a browser window open to The Lake Manitoc Tribune. "DROWNING TAINTS ICE FISHING FESTIVAL." It says, he clicks, and another browser window comes up, again The Tribune: 12-YEAR-OLD Girl DROWNS IN LAKE, Second drowning in 6 months at Lake Manitoc. "Damn, so six more spread out over the past thirty-five years. Those bodies were never recovered either. If there is something out there, it's picking up its pace."
"So, what, we got a lake monster on a binge?" Dean jokes as he grabs a beer, he hands the both of us one.
"Dean no." Sam tries to take it away from me.
"Aww c'mon Sammy one beer won't hurt." Dean winks at me, both of the boys stare at me as I take a sip without any reaction. "See what'd I say? She's fine."
"So this whole lake monster theory." I try getting them back on track. "It, it just bugs me."
"Why?" Sam looks at me in confusion.
"Loch Ness, Lake Champlain, there are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts, but here, almost nothing." Sam looks at the Tribune homepage once more.
"Whatever it is out there, no one's living to talk about it." Sam states as he scrolls to the comments section of an article, I point to one.
"Wait, Barr, Christopher Barr. Where have I heard that name before?" I remember that name, I thought, it's so familiar. Sam reads from the page.
"Christopher Barr, the victim in May." Sam clicks a link, opening a new page. "LOCAL Man IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT." The picture loads and it shows a police officer with Lucas. "Christopher Barr was Andrea's husband, Lucas's father. Apparently he took Lucas out swimming. Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned. Two hours before the kid got rescued." Sam clicks the picture for a better look, then scratches his head. "Maybe we have an eyewitness after all."
"That kid must be so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over....." I felt bad, but so far Lucas is our only lead, hopefully he'll help us. We headed to the park planning to talk to Lucas who was our only witness. Kids are laughing and playing as Andrea sits on a bench and watches her kid. Who is at another bench coloring and playing with toy soldiers.
"Can we join you?" Sam asks and Andrea looks up.
"I'm here with my son." She says as I spot Lucas and so does Dean.
"Oh. Mind if we say hi?" Dean asks, and he lightly grabs my arm signaling for me to come with.
"Why are you bringing me with you?"
"Cause of he doesn't talk, then hopefully you can convince him." We approach Lucas, who's drawing a picture.
"How's it going?" Dean kneels down next to the bench where Lucas is coloring, when Lucas doesn't even look up, Dean picks up one of the toy soldiers.
"Oh, I used to love these things." Dean imitates guns and explosions, I chuckle as he tosses the toy soldier down.
"I think crayons is more his thing Dean. That's cool, besides I like to draw myself, including painting." I noticed that he has a pile of drawings on the bench. Dean takes a look, the top one is of a big black swirl, the second one is of a red bicycle.
"Hey, these are pretty good. You mind if we sit and draw with you for a while?" Dean asks, he picks up a crayon. "I'm not so bad myself."
"Oh really?" I ask.
"Yea I'm a pretty good artist."
"Mhm...we'll see." I grab a crayon and a piece of paper, and start drawing. "Can you draw a bird?"
"Oh so this is a competition? Your on."
Dean sits on the bench, picks up a pad of paper, and starts drawing. "You know, I'm thinking you can hear me, you just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad. I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something." Dean says to Lucas. "You don't think anyone will listen to you, or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake...hm?" I say, Dean sighs. "Okay, no problem. This is for you." Dean holds out to Lucas the picture he drew, it's stick figures. "This is my family." Dean points at each person in turn. "That's my dad. That's my mom. That's my geek brother, and that's me, then a little birdy in the sky-" Dean stops talking as he sees my drawing, which was a lot more detailed than his.
"I thought you could draw Dean." I giggle.
"All right, so I'm a sucky artist...." Dean waits for any sign from Lucas, hoping he would chime in but nothing. "Well see you around, Lucas." Dean heads back to Sam and Andrea, I smile, he seems really good with kids, I thought.
"Here." I place my drawing next to Lucas. "You can keep it...just know of you need anything, I'm here." Him still not responding, I make my way to the others.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me. Not since his dad's accident." I hear Andrea say.
"Yeah, we heard. Sorry." Dean says softly.
"What are the Doctors saying?" I ask.
"That it's a kind of post-traumatic stress." She explains.
"That can't be easy. For either of you." Sam intervenes.
"We moved in with my dad. He helps out a lot. It's just...when I think about what Lucas went through, what he saw..."
"Kids are strong. You'd be surprised what they can deal with." Dean smiles and looks over at me, making me roll my eyes.
"You know, he used to have such life. He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there. Drawing those pictures, playing with those army men. I just wish-" Andrea goes silent as Lucas walks up, carrying a picture.
"Hey sweetie, you ok?" I kneel and smile, he hands me the picture. "Thank you..." It's a picture of the Carlton house....
Me and Dean are inside the motel room, I'm sitting at the table and Dean is sitting on a bed. Sam went to the library to get some books so we were alone.
"Y/n? Here." Dean suddenly speaks, he pats the seat next to him. I slowly walk over and sit next to him.
"You ok?"
"Yeah...About earlier, on the bridge...."
"It's not that I don't want to I do trust me I do...."
"Don't apologize, it's ok I understand..." He glances over at me, his eyes showed a little bit of lust. We both started to lean, this feels wrong, I thought, but yet so right. We've only known each other for a few weeks, yet I wanted him more as his lips brushed against mine. Our lips connect, making me scoot closer but Dean pulls back again.
"We can't..." Yet he kisses me again muttering over and over one more. I slipped onto his lap, straddling him while pulling closer. Before we could possibly go any farther Sam opens the door and comes in as we quickly seperate.
"So, I think it's safe to say we can rule out Nessie." He says, unaware of what was going on.
"What do you mean?" I questioned, Sam sits across from me and Dean.
"I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead."
"He drowned?" Dean asks.
"Yep. In the sink."
"What the hell? So you're right, this isn't a creature. We're dealing with something else."
"Yeah, but what?"
"I don't know. Water wraith, maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean, something that controls water...water that comes from the same source."
"The lake, that's the source." I chime in. "Which would explain why it's upping the body count. The lake is draining. It'll be dry in a few months so whatever this thing is, it's running out of time."
"And if it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone, almost anywhere." Sam says as Dean stands up.
"This is gonna happen again soon. And we do know one other thing for sure. We know this has got something to do with Bill Carlton."
"Yeah, it took both his kids." Dean growls.
"I've been asking around. Lucas's dad, Chris, is Bill Carlton's godson."
"Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit."
We left to go to the Carlton house a s spotted Bill sitting on the bench on the dock. Sam speaks "Mr. Carlton?" He looks up, wondering who we are
"We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."
"We're from the, the Department-" Bill cuts Dean off.
"I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today."
"Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there? Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death-we think there might be a connection to you or your family." I explain.
"My children are gone. It's...it's worse than dying. Go away. Please." Realizing we weren't gonna get any where we decide to head back to the car.
"What do you guys think?" Sam ask.
"I think the poor guy's been through hell. I also think he's not telling us something." Dean guesses, Sam leans on the Impala.
"So now what?" I ask, Dean goes still "What is it?"
"Huh...." Dean is looking at the Carlton house. "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something. Y/n do you have the picture Lucas gave to you?" I nod and pull it out, the picture Lucas brought him, which is of the Carlton house.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea." Andrea says, we decided to give Lucas another visit hoping he'd talk to us.
"We just need to talk to him. Just for a few minutes." I plead.
"He won't say anything. What good's it gonna do?"
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt. We think something's happening out there." Sam explained.
"My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all."
"If that's what you really believe, then we'll go. But if you think there's even a possibility that something else could be going on here, please let me talk to your son." Dean looks at her, hoping she'll say yes. Silently she agrees leads us into Lucas room with Sam and Andrea behind us, he's coloring, toy soldiers standing around him. We enter and Dean crouches down by Lucas. "Hey, Lucas. You remember us?" I notice Lucas has drawn two more pictures of a red bicycle. "You know, I, uh, I wanted to thank you for that last drawing. But the thing is, we need your help again." Lucas is drawing a person in water. Dean opens the house picture and puts it down in front of Lucas.
"How did you know to draw this? Did you know something bad was gonna happen? Maybe you could nod yes or no for me." He ignores Dean and keeps coloring. I slowly walk over and sit down in front of him. "You're scared. It's okay. I understand." Dean told him. "See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom...I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom-I know she wants me to be brave. Cause she taught me to be brave. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too...its ok if you don't want to, but I really need your help." Lucas drops his crayon and looks up at Dean then at me. He hands me a picture of a white church, a yellow house, and a boy with a blue baseball cap and red bicycle in front of a wooden fence.
"Thanks, Lucas." I smile, which he returns making me fill with happiness. After we left Andrea's house the three of us are standing infront of the Impala, Sam examining the church picture.
"Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died." Dean speaks.
"There are cases-going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies." Sam groans.
"It's all part of the process." I chime in. "Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?"
"You mean magically?" Dean asked, confused.
"Yeah, I mean he might be connected but he doesn't even know...but what does the church have to do with this?"
"I don't know, but the only problem is there's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone." Sam looks at the picture. "See this church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here."
"Oh, college boy thinks he's so smart." Dean comments.
"Well what about the church we passed by when we drove into town?" I wondered  which the boys thought it wouldn't hurt. So we drove to the white church shaped like the one in Lucas's picture. There's a yellow house next to the church and a wooden fence near the house. When we got to the door, I knocked and a woman answered. We told her we were FBI, at first she was hesitant but eventually let's us in.
"Im sorry to mother you ma'am, but does a little boy live here, by chance? He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle." I ask.
"No Ms, Not for a very long time. Peter's been gone for thirty-five years now." She sighs, and I notice a picture of Peter on the side table. "The police never-I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared." Sam points out to Dean a number of toy soldiers on a table. Just like the ones at Luca's house, I thought, so I was right. "Losing him-you know, it's...it's worse than dying." She explained, however I felt someone staring at me, it was Dean. When we make eye contact he looks away, cheeks burning.
"Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean asks.
"He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up." Sweeny answers, I start to walk around and pick a picture off the mirror. There are two boys in the picture, one Peter with a bicycle. I read the back of the picture, the words made my eyes go wide. "Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, nineteen seventy." I mutter, after the visit with Mrs. Sweeny, we decide to go talk to Bill again. "Mr. Carlton?" Sam calls out as we walk up to the house, we hear an engine roar. We run around the house to see Bill going out on the lake in his boat. "Hey, check it out." Dean says, pointimg towards the lake. We start to run to the end of the dock, yelling. "Mr. Carlton! You need to come back! Come out of the water! Turn the boat around!"
He ignores us and keeps going, the boat was to far out, all I could see was the water rising up, making Bill's boat flip over.
After the accident me, Sam, Dean, and Jake walk in the door of the police station. Andrea looks over, "Sam, Y/n, Dean." She stands up, putting the bag and a container on her chair. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"So now you're on a first-name basis." Jake says. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought you dinner."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I don't really have the time."
"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?"
"Right now we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home." Lucas looks up and whines, looking stricken. He jumps up and grabs my arm, pulling and tugging.
"Lucas, hey, what is it?" I kneel down, it was like he was trying to get a message to me but couldn't form the words. "Lucas?"
"Lucas." Andrea calls.
"Lucas, it's okay. It's okay. Hey, Lucas, it's okay. It's okay." I say and was about to comfort him when Andrea pulls him away from me and leads him outside. He doesn't look away from me however. Jake throws down his jacket and goes into his office. The three of us follow behind. "Okay, just so I'm clear, you see...something attack Bill's boat, sending Bill-who is a very good swimmer, by the way-into the drink, and you never see him again?" Jake summarizes, Dean glances at me.
"Yeah, that about sums it up." Dean mutters.
"And I'm supposed to believe this, even though I've already sonar-swept that entire lake? And what you're describing is impossible? And you're not really Wildlife Service." Dean looks surprised. "That's right, I checked. Department's never heard of you three."
"See, now, we can explain that."
"Enough. Please. The only reason you're breathing free air is one of Bill's neighbors saw him steering out that boat just before you did. So, we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance. Or, we can chalk this all up to a bad day, you get into your car, you put this town in your rearview mirror, and you don't ever darken my doorstep again."
"Door number two sounds good." Sam says but I was about to protest.
"That's the one I'd pick." After that we left, packed our stuff an left. I was pissed, there is something happening here and we're just gonna leave? The three of us are in the Impala, waiting at a traffic light. A sign says I-43 North to Milwaukee is to the left. The light turns green, but the Impala doesn't move, after a few seconds Dean turns right.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Thats what I'm wondering to. Dean, this job, I think it's over." Sam tells him.
"I'm not so sure." Dean says.
"If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest."
"All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt?"
"Deans gotta point, I don't think this is over either." I agree.
"But why would you think that?" Sam questioned.
"Because Lucas was really scared."
"That's what this is about?" Sam groans.
"I just don't want to leave this town until I know the kid's okay." Dean agrees.
"Who are you? And what have you done with my brother?" Sam chuckles and Dean glances at Sam.
"Shut up."
We arrived back at the Barr's and stood out there for at least a good five minutes.
"Are you sure about this? It's pretty late." Sam asks us, Dean rings the doorbell. At that moment, Lucas opens the door, desperately afraid.
"Lucas? Lucas!" I yell but he takes off. We follow him to the hallway, water is pouring out from under the bathroom door and down the stairs. Lucas starts pounding on the bathroom door again. Dean pushes him over to Sam and I kick in the door. Lucas grabs Dean and me, so Sam runs into the bathroom and sticks his arms in the tub, trying to pull Andrea out. She is pulled back under, and Sam is struggling, so I run over and help him out. The force is strong but not strong enough, we keep pulling until Andrea is all the way out. As soon as she's out she starts coughing up water, later Andrea is sitting in the living room, dry and wearing comfortable clothing.
"Can you tell me?" Sam asks, who is sitting next to me.
"No." She answers. Dean and I were looking through notebooks on bookshelves, to see if anything that is happening would relate to the situation.
"It doesn't make any sense." She starts crying. "I'm going crazy." She puts her face in her hands.
"No, you're not. Tell me what happened. Everything." Sam pleads.
"I heard...I thought I heard...there was this voice."
"What did it say?"
"It said...it said 'come play with me'. What's happening?" Dean pulls out a scrapbook that says "Jake - 12 years old" and opens it, flipping pages. He closes it again, nudges me and we go over to Sam. He puts the book down in front of Andrea, open to a picture of Explorer Troop 37. "Do you recognize the kids in these pictures?"
"What? Um, no. I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must have been about twelve in these pictures." She moves her finger over to another picture of Jake as a child, he is standing next to Peter. Dean looks at Sam, then me.
"Chris Barr's drowning. The connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It must have been to the Sheriff."
"Bill and the Sheriff-they were both involved with Peter." I muttered
"What about Chris? My dad-what are you talking about?" She asks, I look over to Lucas. "Lucas?" I call, he is staring out the window.
"Lucas, what is it?" Dean asks, Lucas opens the door and walks outside. We all follow him, he look determined.
"Lucas, honey?" Andrea calls as he stops and looks at the ground, then at Dean. "You and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" Dean says and Andrea pulls Lucas back to the house. Dean and Sam presumably fetch shovels from the Impala, before they start digging. After five minutes later I hold out my hand.
"Here Sam, I'll take over, why don't you go inside?" He nods and heads inside after handing me the shovel, so now it's just me and Dean. It was silent for a little while, until I spoke. "So, we gonna talk about it?" Dean glances at me.
"About what?"
"...The kiss, that Sam sort of ruined." He laughs.
"Well uh...what is there to talk about?" He stops, making me stop as I walk over to him, lightly placing my hand on his. "Dean I...Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why kiss me? I mean do you...love me? Or is this just a fling." He goes silent for a second, but speaks.
"I don't know what I feel...however when I'm with you I'm happy..." I smile, I make him happy, I thought. "Y/n...I know your seventeen, but I want to be with you. So will you be my girlfriend?" Quickly I nod which makes a flower bloom on his features. He slams his lips against mine. He drops the shovel and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Sam clears his throat while laughing silently and we pull away, both of our cheeks red. "Am I interrupting?" I chuckle and we go back to digging as awkwardness fills the air. My shovel clanks against something, and me and Dean dig with our hands, pulling out a red bicycle.
"Peter's bike." I whisper.
"Who are you?" Jake growls from behind us, pointing a gun.
"Put the gun down, Jake." I tell him.
"How did you know that was there?"
"What happened? You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike? You can't bury the truth, Jake. Nothing stays buried."
"I don't know what the hell your talking about."
"You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell I'm talking about." Just then Andrea runs up yelling. "Dad!"
"And now you got one seriously pissed-off spirit." Dean mentions.
"It's gonna take Andrea, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them. And it's gonna drag their bodies God knows where, so you can feel the same pain Peter's mom felt. And then, after that, it's gonna take you, and it's not gonna stop until it does." I tell Jake, he scoffs.
"Yeah, and how do you know that?"
"Because that's exactly what it did to Bill Carlton." Sam explains.
"Listen to yourselves, all of you. You're insane."
"I don't really give a rat's ass what you think of us. But if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them, and burn them into dust. Now tell me you buried Peter somewhere. Tell me you didn't just let him go in the lake." Dean begs.
"Dad, is any of this true?" Andrea asks, voice shaking.
"No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous."
"Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad, look at me." Jake does. "Tell me you-you didn't kill anyone." He looks away in shame. "Oh my God." 
"Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one. We always bullied him, but this time, it got rough. We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to. But we held him under too long and he drowned. We let the body go, and it sank." Jake tells us and Dean glances at Sam. "Oh, Andrea, we were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris, because of some ghost? It's not rational."
"All right, listen to me, all of you. We need to get you away from this lake, as far as we can, right now." Dean warns, but Andrea turns her head and spots Lucas going down to the lake, she gasps. We turn to what she's looking at, "Lucas!" I yell and I run up to the dock. Lucas is leaning over the side, reaching for a toy soldier in the water. "Lucas!" Dean yells.
"Lucas! Baby, stay where you are" Andrea yells. A hand comes up and pulls Lucas into the water. The adults have reached the edge of the lake. Jake stops as Peter's head is visible, Jake recognizes him. We keep running to the end of the dock.
"Oh my God!" Andrea yells. She takes off her jacket to jump in.
"Andrea, stay there!" I say and I jump in, I could hear Andrea trying to get to Lucas.
"We'll get him! Just stay on the dock!" Sam pleads. I could see Lucas at the bottom and I swim down there to get him. He was being dragged down, I swim faster, what I didn't understand is Lucas was let go and started floating upwards. Did the ghost just let him go? That doesn't matter, I grab Lucas and swim back to the surface. I emerge while holding Lucas, who isn't moving.
The three of us walk out of the motel, Dean opens his car door and Sam tosses a duffel in.
"Look, we're not gonna save everybody." Sam says, he was referring to Jake who died to save Lucas.
"I know." Dean sighs.
"Sam, Dean." Andrea walks up with Lucas. "Hey." Me and Dean say at the same time. "We're glad we caught you. We just, um, we made you lunch for the road." Lucas is carrying a tray of sandwiches.
"Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself."
"Can I give it to them now?" Lucas excitedly asks.
"Of course." Andrea smiles and kisses his head.
"Come on, Lucas, let's load this into the car." Dean says.
"How you holding up?" I ask Andrea.
"It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?" I sigh. "Andrea, I'm sorry, if I knew-" She silences me and shakes her head.
"You saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to hold on to that." I smile as Dean walks up to me with Lucas.
"All right, if you're gonna be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time."
"Zeppelin rules!" Lucas laughs.
"That's right. Up high." Dean holds his hand up for a high-five. Lucas obliges, grinning.
"You take care of your mom, okay?"
"All right." The both of them leave, Dean smiles and gives me a peck on the lips, then goes around the car.
"Sam, move your ass. We're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road."
"Yeah yeah ok." Sam chuckled as we all got in, continuing with our adventure.
The New Hunter Masterlist
@samsgirl93 @nani-gram @eliwinchester99
44 notes · View notes
badwithten · 4 years
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quatervois |  (n.) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one’s life
lucas x reader part 10
gang au
this story will contain, major character death, depression (?), violence, drug use, swearing, angst and possibly suggestive scenes
a/n - sorry that this being the last part is so disappointing lmao, i really just didn't know what else to write baha. i hope the outro is a bit more fulfilling when it comes out ad the after that i’ll make a proper post giving updates about the series :) thank you for the support
masterlist | prev | outro
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The warehouse looked different in the daylight, you thought it was this almighty thing, something that needed to be protected at all cost, that's the impression Taeyong gave off when he wouldn't allow you in any further than the fire escape. But now that you can see it clearly, it's disappointing. You were scared of it for the wrong reason. It looked like it was straight out a horror movie, somewhere a psycho would take his victims to dismember them. A mostly empty area at the bottom, a concrete floor with cracks breaking up and decorating the area, rusty chains and hooks hanging off of the high ceiling. The windows that wrapped around the top were dirty and broken, this place clearly wasn't important or else it would have been cared for. Maybe it really was Taeyongs killing ground, is that what he was doing when you ran into him for the first time? The air is dirty, you feel wrong for being there, the smell of death suddenly fills your nose and for a moment you forget how to breathe altogether.
But how could you? When Lucas was about to die. This was your last chance to do anything. Make a move. Save him. But your body was stiff. Your mind was fuzzy. And you felt numb. All you could do is pray that things would be ok. Deep down you know that they won't. That only happened in movies. Although this was set out like a movie scene, almost too perfect. The light shining through the glass up above, the light breeze coming through the exposed doors, with Taeyong and Lucas in the middle of it all. If this was a movie, it would be the closing scene, the beautifully cinematic one that stuck in the mind of those who watched it. But it wasn't, this was real life.
Kun is in the same position as you. He's watching his friend, no, his family, about to lose his life. He's frozen. But Kun is stronger than you. He's known Lucas for longer. He saved him, raised him, and made him into who he is. Maybe he was harsh on him, but he cared about him. He hoped Lucas knew that. Before it was too late. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if Lucas died thinking Kun didn't care. Kun only had one option. To make a move. He willed his body to run forward.
Yukhei? Yukhei! Lucas is Yukhei? You were even more stunned than before, at what Kun just said. You thought Yukhei had died, but if Lucas is still here what had he meant? All the pain Yukhei went through, all the struggles, the dying. It was all Lucas. You knew there was more to him. You knew he didn't just get involved with Wayv for no reason. He was broken. He is broken. He lost Yukhei but gained Lucas. Kun saved him from himself. And now Kun is saving him again.
Things suddenly fall into place as Kun runs towards Lucas and Taeyong screaming out his name. He only moves a few metres before Taeyong takes action. But a few metres wasn't enough, or maybe it was too much. Either way, a few metres was his difference between life and death. You're not sure what his plan is, but it worked. Maybe not in the way he intended. The gun moves towards Kun. Taeyong pulls the trigger. And in a few seconds, it's all over. The force that was keeping you in place leaves, as if everything got taken off of pause. 
A sound leaves your mouth, you're sure it's loud, you're certain it's a scream. But you can't hear it, you can't hear anything apart from ringing. Kun falls to the ground, hand attached to his side. You still feel frozen but this time it's different, it's as if you're watching yourself from an outside perspective. You're feeling yourself move, but you're not the one making it go. Some outside force is in control and you're simply here to watch. You're glad because you know you're not strong enough to do so on your own. Everything stops happening in a haze and suddenly you're crouching by Kun. Your knees burning from sliding on the ground. You press down onto where the bullet hit him. The atmosphere of the building got heavier once it stopped looking so pretty. The light no longer made everything seem like you are in a holy place, instead, it burned your eyes, the wind only disrupted the dirt on the floor, with Taeyong and Lucas no longer being the main attraction. At least the red added a splash of colour to your world that was currently falling to bits. 
“Oh my god,” It becomes so much real when you feel the warmth of his blood seeping out between your fingers. The smell of iron is thick and it makes you gag, but throwing up is the least of your worries right now. “Kun, I'm so sorry.”
Sobs escape your mouth as you try your best to stop the bleeding, to help him through the pain. Tears flowing down your face with a mixture of snot, you can no longer see him clearly anymore, despite the fact he's lying beneath you. His eyes are glossy and cold, there is no longer life left in them, his skin becomes paler by the second and soon enough you feel his arm flop away from where it sat by his wound. Leaving just your hand trying to stop the bleeding. But it wasn't enough. It would have never been enough. But you can't help but think... what if? What if you ran forward instead of him? What if it was you who was shot? What if it was Lucas?
It's Lucas’ scream that brings you out of your trance. Lucas is a fighter. He takes the chance when the attention is off of him to bring Taeyong to the ground. At first, it's just to get him down but once he notices what's happened it turns violent. Screams leave his throat as he throws punches down into his face, no mercy as he continuously pounds his fists. 
“Lucas, stop it!” You scream at him as you pull his body away from Taeyong. You fall onto your back with Lucas on top of you. It's a wrestle of power, with you trying to secure him into your arms. And he's winning, pulling himself away from you anyway he can, even if it meant hurting you. The force of his punch in your stomach is enough for you to drop him. He scrambles back towards Taeyong but Hendery is there to try to stop him. He has more of a fighting chance against Lucas and is able to stop him until the anger fades and it's just loss that he’s feeling. The boys must have heard the commotion as they burst through the door. Most of them are heading towards Kuns body. You can't bear to focus on that. The pain in your stomach rings through your ears. But you have to get up. You move towards Lucas and pull him into your arms. His tears soaking your shirt, as well as the blood of Taeyong and Kun mixing in your arms. Funny how they both end up in the same place. You try your best to comfort him, rubbing circles onto his back to get him to stop shaking. You're on the verge of breaking yourself. But right now you need to stay strong. Because it isn't Lucas anymore. Yukhei is back. 
“Y/N.” You look up to see Yangyang standing over you, his eyes empty, shirt covered in blood. “What happened?”
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Soft steam from the rain meant you were sweaty and uncomfortable throughout the whole service, even more, uncomfortable than you would have been. When planning the funeral you tried to talk about the boys about what Kun wanted but it dawned on you no one really knew Kun. It's not that they didn't care, but he shut himself off. He wanted to serve and provide from them but not let the boys repay the favour. It came over you the dynamic they had and why Lucas was so scared of him. No one here knew who he was, what he wanted or what he was doing hanging out with a bunch of misfits. He died being alone, empty without a purpose. That realization hurt you more than his actual death. Maybe you shouldn't have gone over to him after he had been shot. It should have been one of the boys, not you. But it was too late now, because either way, he would have died in the arms of a stranger. 
The funeral was small, Kun knew a lot of people, and had a lot of people in his life. But out of those who were in his life through it all. There were only six. You felt out of place there, but the boys insisted that you were now a part of them. You weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. On one hand, it was a found family with a stronger bond than you could ever imagine. But on the other hand, they were a gang and you were a city girl who had no business being with them. You were mainly there to be a pillar of support. Your own mourning would have to wait, as right now, you needed to be there for Yukhei. 
Things wrapped up for Taeyong, getting arrested and treated for his wounds thanks to Lucas. His trial wouldn't be for a long time, and by then you would be gone. It was no longer your stress. And for the first time in a long time, you felt like you could breathe. His weight was off of your back, you could no longer feel the metal against your head, holding you hostage. Maybe that's what scared you so much. His pressure was gone so why were you still here? Well for Yukhei. He was still distraught about the whole thing weeks later, for him it wasn't right to return as if everything was normal. Although he understood why the others could. Kuns death wasn't on their shoulders. It was on him. If he had just listened to you none of this would have happened. The guilt ate him alive each day he had to stay around everyone, seeing the pain of losing Kun in their eyes and thick on their tongues. He thought he was going insane with all that was happening in his mind. The sleepless nights and his empty stomach all distractions from the pain in his heart. He just wanted the aching feeling that was eating him up from the inside out to go away. But it wouldn't. No matter how much he cried or smoked or ran or fought. Nothing would work. Nothing was enough of a distraction to get rid of this horrible feeling. He was left to rot away in bed with you begging at his side. 
Despite all of this, all of his pain. NCT was still around. And now that Kun is gone. it means the stress on Wayv would be even higher. Yet they would still continue on as six, with Ten as leader. Out of all of them, he was the one. Everyone knew he was the right one. Apart from Yukhei who was still in his state.
“How can they continue as normal?” You and he sat outside the house, he had only gotten out of bed for a smoke but you were just glad to see him up. The fresh air would do him good. As the moon reflected onto his skin you were able to see the effects this was taking on him. His cheeks sunken, pale skin, eyes heavy with despair, and worst of all. His smile was gone. The one that was contagious, the one that would light up whatever room he was in and bring you joy, the one you never saw fade. It was no longer there. That was the last straw, you knew you had to get him out of here
“I don't know” You sigh and move into his side. He lifts his arm and brings you in close, scared he might lose you as well. “But you don't have to, you know? Go back to being normal I mean”
“What?” You sigh, you're not sure if it was the fog in his head or he truly just didn't hear you but you had no other choice. He needed saving.
“Come back home with me, Yukhei.” 
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