#ok wow elena
little-elena · 1 year
“What if my best self is a cunt that can’t wake up before noon?”
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"Well, it's not ideal-" Elena teased, She knows, because her depressive phases have her bed ridden for much longer than that.
"But as long as you get out of bed, you've already accomplished a lot. I know how hard that can be Jer. I meant what I said. Your best is good enough. Somedays that will look different than others. Somedays your best will be just surviving, and that's ok too Jer. It just means we get to celebrate the days where you tackle all the little victories... like waking up before noon."
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fritzes · 4 months
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elenafromthesky · 10 months
Elena, Lestappen Art Queen, did you do a NSFW Charles on his knees beside Max fanart?!! Please, I’m begging you to share this undoubted masterpiece with us, or link it if I was silly enough to miss this!? 🙏🏻❤️
Oh wow, hey! ❤️ I like it when you call me Art Queen haha 😅
Well, there's nothing extraordinary about it, just gives different vibes. It's kinda nsfw...ish? I posted it on lestappen discord channel, because I thought it's not for everyone. I think it's ok to post it in a reply. So here you go 😌
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madissonsworld · 6 months
Thank you for the request!!
Contains smut.
It’s my first time writing smut so.. it’s kinda weird and ew but I hope u enjoy 🫶🏻
Pov: you’re a hunter who hates vampires and you’re friends with elena. What will happen when Kol Mikaelson comes back and you get the task to keep an eye on him till elena and the others find out how to kill him.
“Kol Mikaelson is alive” it’s what Elena says right after I opened the door of my house. It’s Elena and Bonnie.
“Wait.. What?? Isn’t that one of-“ I say till Bonnie cuts me up
“Klaus brothers. Yes. And we need your help.” She says
“Come in, let’s go to the kitchen” I say “ What do you mean, you need my help?” I ask confused
“We need you to keep an eye on him, at least until I found a way to kill him” Bonnie says and I immediately denie
“No! No. No no. Are you crazy?? I can’t do that, you know me, you know I hate vampires” I say with disgust
“We know. But we need to. He can hurt Jeremy or any other person. And I can’t do it obviously. And klaus knows Bonnie and Caroline, they can’t do it either. You are the only one klaus never met, so you won’t cause any distrust. Please, I know it’s hard. But I’m begging you.” Elena says and I decided to do it for her. I mean, she always helped me when I needed and now she needs this.
“Ok” I say
“Ok??” Bonnie smiles
“Ok. Fine. I’ll do it, just show me a photo of him or something “ I say and Elena hugs me and whispers a thank you
Meanwhile I see Bonnie taking out a picture of her purse and handing it to me. I look at the photo and… “Wow” I almost scream inside my head. He’s hot, gorgeous. Maybe this won’t be bad at all!
It’s bad! I’m all the grill with Kol. He was here and I sat by his side and let me tell you, the worst thing I ever did. He doesn’t shut up. I don’t even know what more he is talking, but I just keep listening to his voice.
“Did you like it?” I head and instantly get out of my thoughts
“Like what?” I ask confused
“My story. What I was talking about” he says
“Oh yeah, I loved it. It was so… nice” I say with a smile looking at his eyes. Bloody hell… his eyes are just… perfect. Ahh this is not good!
A few weeks passed, and Bonnie had still no figure it out how to kill him. And in this time, I had passed more time with Kol. And it was becoming hell. I mean… he’s gorgeous, and those brown eyes that I almost get lost, and… and… omg no!! Why am I saying this!! No I can’t. He’s a vampire, a bloody vampire. He’s horrible, a monster, he’s cruel and.. very funny, and, no! Not very funny. Just.. horrible.
I’m now walking to the grill when I feel an arm on my shoulders.
“Hi darling “ I hear this very familiar British accent that I’m obsessed
“Hello Kol” I say but I do not take his arm of my shoulders like I usually do.
“Are you heading to mystic grill?” He asks and I whisper a yes
“Amazing, I’m going too.” He says and I feel a smile starting to appear on my face
“Hahahaha” I laugh at the joke that Kol just did
He does this a lot of times… jokes.. they’re not even funny. What’s funny it’s kol’s face telling the joke, and how he laughs at it.
Sometimes I forget he is a vampire, he can be very nice and funny. Suddenly I receive a message, “Come to the Salvatore house.”- Elena.
“Umm, I need to go Kol. I need to go to my friend” I say
“Do you want me to take you there?” He asks with a smile
“No! No.. I want to go alone” I replied
“Ok, then I’ll stay for a little bit more” he says
“Bye” I say and he says the same and I leave.
Getting to the Salvatore house, I knock and elena almost immediately opens the door.
“Come in. We have it!” She says enthusiastic
“Have what?” I say
“The spell. To kill them. To kill the Mikaelson” she says and guides me to the living room, and I suddenly feel a tightness in my heart.
We get to the living room and there stays Bonnie, Caroline and the Salvatore brothers.
“So… what’s the plan?” I say trying to keep myself steady. Ouch. My heart literally hurts. I don’t understand.
“So, it’s not just us. Esther is going to link them and then… boom!! You kill one. You kill all of them” Bonnie says and I see Damon smiling
“But how is she going to link them all?” I ask confused
“Easy. With the champagne. On the ball” Damon says and I immediately get more confused
“What ball?” I ask
“The Mikaelson ball. I received an invitation “ Elena says and hand me a piece of paper. “Join us… Mikaelson ball… 7 pm…” what is this?? - I say to myself
“Oh, you’re going too?” I ask directing me to the rest
“I go” Caroline says
“We are going to. Elena is not going by herself” Damon says for him and stefan. I murmur a ok
“So that’s it??” I ask and Elena noddes “So can I go home?”
“Yeah. It was just this we wanted to tell you” Bonnie says and I say goodbye and leave to go to my house
Arriving to my house, I see a box in front of my door. I take it and I enter in my house, going upstairs to my room.
Above the box I see an invitation. “Mikaelson ball” the same Elena showed me. I turned the invitation and it had something written.
“Save me a dance,
I smile at it. And I go open the box. It’s a dress, quite frankly the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. It’s so perfect.
The ball is in two days and I’m really excited!
It’s the day of the ball and I’m getting prepared with Caroline and Elena.
Right now I’m doing my makeup meanwhile Caroline is working on my hair and Elena doing her makeup.
Already prepared I went looking in the mirror and “wow” I whisper. This dress fits me so well, I guess Kol is good with sizes, and my hair and makeup. Everything fits so well.
“Okay! Now… let’s go. Let’s end this.” Elena says and we all go to the cars. Elena goes in a car with the Salvatore brothers and I go in another with Caroline.
Arriving to the Mikaelson house we enter and the room is full of people and really decorated. I immediately go to the food table.
“Hello darling” I hear a voice behind me and turn around
“Hi Kol” I say with a smile and he extends his hand
“Dance with me?” He asks with a smile and i nod.
“You look ravishing “ he says and I smile even more
“You look amazing too” I respond
We are dancing when we are interrupted by Esther
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy, than to see my family back together as one. I’d like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers.” She says
“Cheers” everyone in the audience says and raises their glass and drink, and then it all hits me. This is the drink, that they talked about in the Salvatore house. I see Kol raising his glass and I turn to him.
“Wait!” I say “are you going to drink that?”
“Well, normally that’s what you do when raising a glass sweetheart” he says giving a soft smile to me
“Yeah, right, I just thought… um… never mind” I say and turn and leave the room. I really needed air right now.
I’m outside and suddenly comes tears to my eyes to the image of Kol dying because I didn’t tell him the truth. But what would I say… That I’m a hunter who was ask to follow him, and keep an eye on him.
I hear footsteps and I don’t really need to turn around to know who it was.
“Its everything ok? Today you’re strange. What’s wrong?” He asks and I nod my head
“Nothing.. it’s nothing. Maybe I’m just tired tonight.” I say turning to him and smiling
“Tired means with tears in the eyes” he says and I immediately clean the tears “Look, talk to me”
“There’s nothing wrong, let’s go” I say grabbing his hand and walking to the mansion.
The rest of the ball was me and Kol dancing, and now I just got home.
I went to my room changing and then went to the couch watch Netflix.
Looking at the hour, I realise that already passed 2 hours since I got home. I turn off the tv and when I went to the stairs I heard a knock on the door.
Silently I went see who was. Kol. I open the door.
“Can I come in?” He says, and I notice he looks angry
“Yeah” I say and he goes straight towards the living room
“Did you knew?” He says
“Knew what?” I say, but I already knew what we was referring to
“DID YOU KNEW?? Don’t play with me now. About the link of my mother through the champagne “ he says and the look on his face suddenly changes. He realised “ah.. that’s why you were like that today.”
“Look, that’s not what it looks like” I trie to say but he interrupts me
“Isn’t it?? What it look to me is that you knew my mother was going to kill me and link me to my brothers and didn’t bother to say nothing “ he says, and I realise that he’s more hurt than angry.
“Yes, you right. For a moment I was trying to help killing you.” I say
“Why would you do that to me? To me??” He says
“Because I’m a hunter” I shouted “You are a Mikaelson, every story of evil on the books have your name. You’re a vampire!… But… then when I met you, I realise that you were not that evil, at least not with me.”
“How can I believe you again? I really thought something was happening here, and I don’t do thing like this.” He says
“I’m sorry. But now it’s different.” I say but he seems not to believe
“No. That doesn’t work.” He says walking to the door
“I love you” I say
“What?” He responds turning around
“I love you. I love everything about you. The way you make me feel good, the way you make jokes about everything. The way you smile and those eyes… damn I don’t really know what they have but I’m obsessed. And… and you… you are… amazing and you care about me, and… I don’t know.. I just know I.. I love you. I’m so in love with you. It’s like you’re in me. And I just love you. All the time. Every minute of every day.” I say and the next second I just fell his lips on mine.
“Where is your room?” He asks with is mouth brushing mine
“The first one in the left” I respond with a sigh
Within a second we were in my room, I was on my bed with him above me.
He kisses me again and then I feel his fingers on my panties.
“Already wet like this darling?” He says and I moan. He continues to touch my button through my underwear. My mind quickly clouded over at his touch. “Gonna cum on my hand like a good girl?” With that I came on is hand.
He then takes off my clothes and his and kisses me again.
He enters me while kissing my lips and starts thrusting me. My walls clenched and a whine let my lips when he thrusted again.
He started thrusting me in an inhuman pace, starting now applying pressure to my clit, my legs already trembling and already feeling myself coming in his cock.
I feel his teeth on my neck, however he didn’t bite.
“Can I?” He asks
“Yes” I whisper
He trusted in me one more time before he came inside me bitting me at the same time. He slowly came off and kiss me one more time before lay down next to me.
“Well… we are definitely doing this again .” I heard he say and I chuckled
“Yeah, we are” I smile
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cancerian-woman · 7 months
I wish we saw some bonding between Bonnie and Qetsiyah or something, like imagine meeting your ANCESTOR who started all of this shit (besides Dahlia, Inadu, and Esther, the whole doppelgänger thing existing is what I’m talking about). How would you have wanted Bonnie and Qetsiyah’s relationship to have been like? Like Qetsiyah is arguably the most naturally powerful witch on the show, more powerful than Dahlia and Esther (I’m sure there’s like 20 posts on reddit explaining their feats), I just wish her and Bonnie could’ve had more interaction ughhhhhh.
Like isn’t Qetsiyah Egyptian or Greek or something? Wouldn’t it have been cool to incorporate that into a storyline with Bonnie and her magic?
Isn’t it crazy that even outside potential romantic relationships, there’s still so much lacking in Bonnie’s writing in the show? Like besides the MFG, she has ZERO FRIENDS. Stefan isn’t really her friend, she wasn’t friends with Damon until the whole prison world shit, I think, Stefan and Caroline were friends with Klaus (Caroline being more of a fling than a friend, but whatever), I forgot who Elena was friends with, but my point is that Bonnie is actually more sidelined than I thought. Bonnie never even had enemies that were strictly HER enemies. Kai could count as one, but he was more focused on Alaric and the Parker family when he left the prison world, Elena was one of the vocal points of the show, so she had all that shit, Caroline had that whole thing with Tyler and Klaus and other storylines, where was BONNIE’S STORYLINE.
Like isn’t it crazy that Klaus and all these people talk about how powerful and epic the Bennetts are, so why isn’t Bonnie considered a threat? Like… it literally doesn’t make sense. Like you’re telling me that everyone knew Bonnie was crazy powerful and had a crazily powerful ancestral background, she’s a psychic, she can create dimensions, etc… but she’s somehow just the MFG helper… right.
It’s giving mammy in the form of the magical negro. A motherly figure who is always moral and takes care of everyone and is so strong and blah blah blah, I’m so sick of it.
And I don’t mind black witches being a thing in shows. As an African, it really intrigues me to see how shows tackle the topic of black people and witchcraft but WHY do us black folk have to be helpers to EVERYONE. EVEN IN SHOWS. GOSH. She doesn’t even get a proper ending in the show. “Bonnie travelled to Africa”…😐😐😐. Wow. Ok.
And I wish we saw more scenes of Bonnie just LEARNING. Like yeah, great. We have like one or two scenes of her playing with feathers, but imagine if she was in the originals and Vincent was mentoring her or some shit. Idk. Or if her and white Bonnie!Freya or white Bonnie!Davina were just chilling and practicing witchcraft together or whatever. We never really get to see Bonnie CHILL or just learn without having the goal of saving Elena or someone in the MFG. Do we ever see her relax? Nope. My brain just reminded me of Plec tweeting to Megan Thee Stallion that she sees black women as superheroes that will save us all and I’m even more mad now.
Sorry for the rant.
You summed up everything perfectly! I’ll answer the Qet part.
I would’ve liked to see Qetsiyah and Bonnie see each other as family. Have Qetsiyah uplift Bonnie rather than cause her pain by being the anchor. Qetsiyah was arrogant as hell. Why should Qetsiyah lessen who she is? Everything ties back to her as the oldest Bennett witch we meet.
Qetsiyah made Silas suffer for his manipulation and abuse of her magic. Bonnie’s in the same position Qetsiyah was in. A young Bennett witch being used by vampires for their own deeds. So why not have Qetsiyah remind Bonnie she’s not just any witch she’s a Bennett witch. She’s stronger than them, she doesn’t have to take their shit just because she loves them. Fight back.
TVDU has no value for their characters of color and doesn’t want the Bennett’s as a family. I do think it would’ve been nice if Bonnie’s magical education was handled better but Bonnie being a self taught witch through it all really makes her stand out more.
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springw6ter · 1 year
Hi (nyfw thoughts)
Ok so first I just want to say that this fashion week was so boring and really sums up the kind of good idea drought we’re living in. BUT there was a fair share of discussion over some things so! instead of trying to fit my thoughts about everything on the app formerly known as twitter, I’m just gonna tell y’all here.
Shows talked about in this post; Proenza Schouler, Eckhaus Latta, AREA, Luar, Helmut Lang, Elena Velez and Tory Burch
Proenza Schouler
There’s no way Proenza was going to ruffle any feathers this season. They have a loyal following (which I’m sure has nothing to do with the celebrity affiliations of the brand) and a consistent history of people pleasing so they’ll always get their praise from Vogue. They dropped a new monogram which is the only “newness” they wanted to introduce. Jack McCollough said they wanted to continue last seasons narrative and they sure did! (Only thing different was no Sevigny). The clothes are obviously well made and evoke wealth in that special kind of iykyk way. Many people said this looked more like Helmut Lang than Helmut lang did (I’ll get to that later) and they’re not entirely wrong. Not gonna act like I wouldn’t wear this collection but definitely nothing groundbreaking.
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Eckhaus Latta
Eckhaus latta is a brand that has always had a special place in my heart (maybe because I’m from the city that the two designers met and started the brand together in)(maybe). My style has definitely evolved since I first became aware of the brand but I’m always interested in what they’re doing. This season they got experimental! They worked with a 3D printing company named “Unspun” where they came up with jeans made from all different materials like hardware store twine and ikea plastic bags. The way they combined tech innovation and sustainability is not just commendable, it’s very forward thinking, which is a staple in the brands identity. With that being said some of the collection felt directionless in comparison to all of the innovation. The sheer (which dawned their new EL monogram) was very MNZ store to me but not in a bad way. I like that they’re not trying to be trendy and come up with new things however a-lot of brands were doing that so it makes me wonder if that’s a good thing or not.
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I loved their modern Stone Age ladies. I think it was one of the only luxury focused shows where I was like wow! This is different. The fur printed coats were so gaudy and held its shape in the way good ol’ fur coats used to. I think this collection was really cohesive, adventurous, new. Everyone saw Saweetie wear it at the VMAs and even the unfashionable general public could see the yabba dabba reference. The prehistoric influence was chosen because as Piotrek Panscyzk said “pelts and bones were the first things humans had to build an identity around”. There’s definitely a case for a narrative about how much luxury (the hunger, the status) mirrors pre historic, pre civilized behaviors.
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Raul Lopez is a diamond. This collection kind of came of as a continuation of last season as well but I like this brand so much that it feels good to me. I feel like Raul is constantly playing with this really restrictive, God-fearing way of being and an inhibition-less eternality. Padded shoulders, the top draped from the eyewear, perfect collared shirts, jeans and leather, it had all the perfect Luar moments for me. No notes.
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Ok.. now on to the “controversial” shows
Helmut Lang
When Peter Do was announced as the new creative director of Helmut Lang, everyone rejoiced. Why? His strengths as a designer seemed like a natural fit for the brand. Expert tailoring, black and white as a main color palette, maybe a little overlap in philosophy.. but as the outfits came out people’s reactions… were… unfavorable to say the least. People saw the reference to key Lang moments like seat belt bondage, the use of Ocean Vuongs poetry (which I felt was terribly misunderstood), the classic button up and jeans as disappointing instead of nostalgic. For me, personally, I think everyone’s expectations were rooted in something that Peter Do could not have delivered. That expectation being Helmut Lang himself. People saw Do as the second-coming and that’s just the truth but where do we draw the line with our expectations on reliving the past and how do we honor the kind of openness necessary to evolution? I myself had to sit with the collection and came to the conclusion that maybe Peter is just defining a clear end to the Helmut era of yesterday and the start of his own journey now. After closely looking at the collection and it’s details you can see how wonderful the clothes really are. It is everyone’s responsibility to question and examine the things they “care” about and I think this fashion public is not patient enough for that. It wasn’t the greatest debut but it also wasn’t the worst. Anyway we’ll see what comes next.
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Elena Velez
Mud gate ss24! Since her NYT article last year, people have been really fed up with Elena (I learned only after the mud fight started to circulate) and she doesn’t really seem to mind, she seems to like it actually. She argues online, she argues IN lines, she doesn’t pay people adequately and the list apparently goes on and on. This collection is called “the longhouse” and in her press release she says a lot of things about the commercialization, sanitization, condemning and control of womanhood, she talks about anti-heroines and contemporary female evil (which she loves to embody I guess) and she says that this show was ritualistic catharsis from oversocialization. I think it’s pretentious when someone has to use so many complex, institutionalized words to convey their message. She’s speaking in code. To be honest I like her clothes but I don’t think her designs are that original. I really want to raise the question who does her message benefit? We should all be allowed our multiplicity in this life, that’s true, but being a bad person in practice is something I’m personally not attracted to. I’m a little confused but it is what it is.
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Who I think should be receiving a cease and desist from Miuccia Prada any moment now. This collection is such a departure from the Tory Burch we all grew up with. This must be that post divorce clarity. I like it! It’s 60s. It’s Prada. It’s miu miu. It’s Tory Burch now too!
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If you made it this far I really appreciate you ♡ this was just for ki’s sake. It’s not my most critical thinking to date but there was discussion and I loved that. I wanted to contribute and this was the best way I could think of. Lmk if I should do this again with lfw!!
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The Hope of the Mikaelsons family Part three
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Summary: Caroline expresses her concern that Klaus hasn’t answered his phone while her friends voice their doubts about trusting him with her sister, Y/n. Despite their worries, Caroline stands by her belief that Klaus treats Y/n like his own daughter. They discuss the idea of inviting Klaus and his family to Y/n's upcoming sixth birthday party, ensuring her mother is out of town for the occasion.
Warnings: Mild depictions of medical scenarios (e.g., blood transfusion, anemia)Family-related trauma, Emotional distress due to health concerns,Implied danger related to past character actions and Anxiety or tension regarding trust and relationships
"Guys Klaus is not answering his phone." Caroline tells her friends
"See I told you to not trust Klaus with your sister." Elena said
"You did what?" Damon asked mad
"Caroline trusted Klaus with her Y/N." Bonnie tells Damon
"Caroline, are you serious? you know how dangerous that family is. I can't believe you trust him with your sister." Stefan shakes his head at Caroline
"Guys don't get mad I know he wouldn't hurt my sister. " Caroline tries to tell them without them getting mad at her
"How can you be sure about that?" Jeremy asked
"Stop being so judgmental about Klaus and his family, you all know he changed for the sake of his daughter." Caroline yelled
Scooby Gang looked at Caroline with a guilty looked
"You're right, we need to stop being so judgemental about them, we're just not used to them being nice and everything. " Enzo says as everyone nods
"You know what invite them to Y/n's sixth birthday party." Bonnie tells Caroline with everyone agreeing with her
"But will your mom let you invite them?" Tyler asked
"Don't worry, she will be out of town so there will not be any problems."
"What if she hires someone to watch your sister and you?" Matt asked
"What's why we have Damon and Stefan to compel them."
Caroline smiles as everyone laughs, but stopped when there was a knock
Caroline stood up from the couch "it might be them." She opened the door to see Klaus and you "Why didn't you answer my calls." Caroline asked worry
"Sorry Caroline, we were watching a movie and we ended up sleeping. My siblings didn't wake us up because they also fell asleep."
"Your siblings are here?"
"Yes and so is Hayley. They came today."
"That's nice by the way, your family and you are invited to Y/n's birthday party on Friday."
"It's in two days thank you, but are you sure your mother and friends are going to be happy with us being there?"
"Don't worry my mother is leaving town today and my friends are okay about it."
"Alright, I'll let my family know."
"Y/n sweetheart, tell thank you to klaus."
"Thank you klausy." You smiled
Klaus smiled back, "no problem love."
Caroline smiled, whispering "thank you."
Klaus nods with a smile and left the Forbes's house
"Wow, your right Caroline Klaus does treat Y/N nicely he treats her like his own daughter." Elena says
"Yes, I know and it breaks my heart seeing that."
"I honestly don't want to go through what Klaus and his family are going through right now." Bonnie says
"They might've done bad things, but they don't deserve it." Stefan said sadly
"You all want to know something?" Caroline asked and everyone nodded. "Klaus told me that my sister reminds him of his daughter because she has the same name and age."
Damon nods "We knew that."
"How?" Caroline asked, confused
Matt looked at Caroline confused "Everyone knows that Y/n and your sister somehow look alike.”
"But everyone calls her the hope of the Mikaelsons family because she's the reason the Mikaelsons stopped picking fights and that they found peace because of her." Tyler adds
"The Mikaelsons can't be here in town,not on the day that I need to leave, but it's ok, I hired someone to watch them." Sheriff Forbes tells Sheriff Rodriguez
"I bet it sucks, needing to leave today when in two days it's your daughter's birthday."
"It does, but I pay for everything for her party. She has Caroline and her friends. " Sheriff Forbes smiles sadly "for now we need to give good expectations to Alexander so he knows what to do in case the Mikaelsons or anyone tries to harm my daughters."
"Good we should get going, we wouldn't want the plane to leave without us." Sheriff Rodriguez says
"What? Caroline invited us to Y/n's Birthday party? " Rebekah asked, shocked
"and her friends are okay about it?"
"Yes, it's weird that they're okay about it."
"We're going to her birthday party right?" Hayley asked
"Of course we wouldn't miss it for anything." Klaus answers
"I'm happy to have you as my sister Y/N I don't know what I'll do if something were to happen to you I'll even risk my life to save you."
You hugged Caroline "I love you so much big sister."
Caroline hugged you back. I love you so much too, little sister."
"Wake up sweetie." Caroline tells you
"No Care, I want to sleep for a little bit longer." You tell your sister sleepy
"I know sweetie, but I need to get you ready for your birthday party. Everyone is coming in one hour."
"Fine care, I'll get up. " You got up from your bed tiredly
"Happy birthday little one." Damon and Stefan smiled
"You keep getting old Y/n." Enzo tease
"I'm not getting old like you enzo. " You sass making everyone laugh
"You broke my heart, little one." Enzo pretended to cry
"Thank you for inviting us." Klaus smiles a little bit
Alexander walked up to Caroline "Excuse me miss Forbes but your mom told me to tell you that you can't have the Mikaelsons here."
Damon smiles and compels Alexander "you're going to mind your own Damn business when Sheriff Forbes comes back you're going to tell her nothing got it."
Alexander nodded and left as Klaus gave a confused look to his siblings "since when did your sister and you have a bodyguard?" Rebekah asked
Caroline smiles "since my mom has been leaving to help in another state."
"Wow, it might be hard not having your mother at all times. " Marcel says
"It can be but I have Y/n and she has me." Caroline tells Marcel
You grabbed Klaus hand "Klausy let's go paint."
Elena laughs "not even on your birthday you'll stop painting."
"Bye guys if you need us, we're going to be painting." Klaus tells everyone as they all smiled
"Hayley, we want to help find your daughter." Bonnie tells her
Hayley let out tears, "You guys want us to help?"
Elena nodded "Yes, we do only if you guys let us help if not we understand."
"Of course, but why do you all want to help us? If we have done bad things to all of you before. " Kol asked
"We know, but you guys don't deserve to go through what all of you are going through right now."
"Why don't we forget everything that happened and start fresh." Kol suggests
Everyone was about to agree, but stopped when they heard Klaus scream for help they all ran to where Klaus and you were
Caroline saw you unconscious in Klaus's arms, she was about to fall down but she was caught by Damon
"Klaus what happened to my sister?"
"Everything happened too fast."
"What are we waiting for? Let's take her to the Hospital."
When the hospital's doors opened immediately doctors and nurses started to work on you and to put you in a room, Caroline was about to follow, but she was stopped by a nurse "Sorry mama, but your friends and you have to stay here we need room to work."
"But she's my sister, she needs me." Caroline glared
"I understand, but we need the room to work." The nurse said before going into the room
Caroline was pulled into a hug by Bonnie. "Caroline don't worry she's going to be ok trust me."
"Brother what happened?, why was Y/n unconscious in your arms?" Elijah asked worried
"Not right now brother at the moment Caroline needs us." Rebekah says
Caroline stood up quickly when the doctor came out with a worried look "Doctor What happened to my sister?"
The doctor doesn't respond as he gives everyone a worried stare
"Doctor, answer what happened to Y/N"?
"Y/N has Anemia. She immediately needs a transfusion of red blood cells."
"Could I donate?" Caroline asked
"Of course, but I'll need two more people to donate In case you're not eligible to donate."
"I'll do it." Klaus agrees
"I'll do it too." Elena agrees too
Caroline give a thank you smile to klaus and Elena
"Alright then follow me so we can get started." The doctor smiled
"Hopefully one of them is eligible to donate." Bonnie tells Enzo
"Bonnie,don't worry Caroline will be eligible if not we have Elena or Klaus." Enzo pulls Bonnie into a deep hug
"I feel bad for Caroline. I don't know why bad things have to happen to innocent kids." Rebekah tells Elijah
"Right poor Y/n I feel so bad for her I wish we could go see her." Elijah said
"Davina, is something wrong?" Marcel asked through the phone
"Marcel I might've done a little research on Hayley and Klaus's daughter I might've found out where she has been this whole time
"Sorry Miss Forbes but you're not eligible to donate."
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nebelihood · 3 months
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SPOILERS/ I haven't finished the book (But I watched the movie so I already know how it's gonna end hehe)
This will be poorly written (I write how I speak and I speak very wrongly so-)
I read the book in spanish so I hope things aren't too different in other languages
It's a very good book (bruh HAHA). OK BUT IT IS A VERY GOOD BOOK. It's super short. It plays with time so as it's explaining something to you, it involves the past, the present and the future AND I LOVE THAT. Cause sometimes I don't know where I am and what things have happened already and what hasn't. It uses a lot of uhmm... how is it called? imaginary resources? It uses a lot of magical realism AND I LIVE FOR THAT. THERE ARE SO MANY SCENES I WANNA ANIMATE JUST BECAUSE THEY FEEL SO POETIC AND INCREDIBLE TO PICTURE. Not that I understand them, but it's just so magical to read them.
Honestly, some stupid theories I thought while reading was Tita had super powers or something, or she's crazy and everything described is all in her mind. But I would very much prefer to believe, all those things are real in that universe.
Anyways, good book. Short, it has a lot of cooking recipes (It's unknown to me if people would be able to copy them by just buying this book but who knows, maybe) a lot of magical realism and incredible pictures. I HAVE TO MENTION- that this book wouldn't exactly be for kids as it references adult relationships and many of the imaginary resources come from private body parts or mildy... LIKE NOT DISGUSTING THINGS, just not... average things? Idk- If I had to describe it in a way. It's a kind of book that is like when you see someone naked and it's not supposed to be sexual or awkward. It's like you are drawing a model and take it as art.
-He loves Tita I guess (He does,I guess,,, after all these years, it's true- he never forgot about her, I'll give him that)
-He's nice with Tita? (I mean what else is he supposed to do if he likes her? I can't think of anything else tbh. Let's go to the cons.)
-He's Tita's same age (Oh right)
-HE MARRIED TITA'S SISTER TO BE CLOSER TO TITA (WOW WAAAAAW WOW *SARCASTIC CLAPS* REEEEAAAAAL GENIUS MOVE, DUDE. YOU TOTALLY NAILED IT. OK- for the sake of continuing. Maybe, yeah- let's say he didn't have any other option! Let's say that if he didn't marry Rosaura, he'd have never seen Tita again. Let's continue)
(it's still pretty stupid, ugh)
-He has no personality (I honestly don't know anything about him. I just know he likes Tita. All the scenes where he has dialogue, I feel nothing from him. It's like a wall that does what the scene asks him to do. Idk maybe I was bias from the beginning because of the movie- AND I LOVED HIM AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE)
-He does nothing. He only does what he's told. (I understand Mamá Elena was super terrifying. But like, he didn't even try to fight. He just accepted to exist there, married with someone he didn't like and SABROSEANDOSE a Tita all the time.)
-Then he was just h*rny all the time for Tita. (idk- what about chatting? you know? maybe this isn't just that type of book)
-He's dumb and impulsive
-When he's jealous of a man, he wants to break people's faces off.
-He's way bigger than her. IDk the number but he saw her when she was a child. He was married before and had a child.
hmmm can't think of anymore? maybe??
-He has a kid?? But Tita likes kids I think, so?
-He's understanding and kind.
-He took care of Tita when no one did.
-He took her in untils she was completely fine. Even if she was kind of mean to him or wouldn't talk to him at all. He let her be as she pleased.
-He comforted her when her mom was JUST HORRIBLE with her.
-He proposed or signaled his interest on her in front of her mother despite mamá Elena's protests.
Hmmm those things are the ones I can think of rn. When I finish the book I'll see If I add more
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chloesreality · 3 months
do you ship stefan x Caroline
ermmmm good question…
noyesno maybe not
don’t get me wrong I love them individually but just not so much together. And I’ll explain why!
when I first watched the vampire diaries I was a die hard stelena fan (still am) and watching steroline happen hurt my brain lol then I got used to them and thought they’re not so bad but I don’t like them together.
you’d think that they’d be good together but in reality I didn’t feel the love. They were never really together (literally as in, in the same room together) they had bad communication so they didn’t really know eachother on a deeper level and same with delena too. So I think the love aspect was lost and I think that’s the whole point of a successful relationship…🥴
anyways lemme show you some gifs to further explain.
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so she wants to get him back but doesn’t care if their gonna end up together or not? ok
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stefussy if you loved her so much why did you spend your last moments hugging Elena rather than using the time to call up your wife and tell her?
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Caroline agrees to get married to Alaric but she’s still loves Stefan? Amazing.
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wow Stefan shows up at cares door after not seeing him for a while and instead of saying something to him she kisses Alaric on the cheek and completely ignores Stefan lmao
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they didn’t trust eachother and lean on each other as much as they could’ve and Caroline felt no security in their relationship at all? she was always making digs at Stefan about how he would always love Elena more
I don’t ship them I tolerate them when I watch them 😭
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zalrb · 8 months
“I could give you the tour,” Katherine continued. “There isn’t an inch of this place where I haven’t taken him.” 
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He’d walked away from her, angry and anguished, but he hadn’t left the cabin. He wasn’t going far, not after the attack. He’d stayed around, making sure they were safe inside, making sure she felt OK, making her tea, getting her blankets, but he was quiet and contemplative, silently agonizing over their conversation, a desperation, a wordless indignation at what she’d revealed to him about her deal with Elijah. And when they’d gotten into bed, Stefan lying on his side, facing away from her, Elena staring up at the ceiling, she lay next to him for exactly five minutes before shaking her head and sighing.  
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“I can’t go to sleep like this,” she said. “With you angry at me. I--” She turned so she could face him, though all she saw was his back. “Stefan, please try to under---” 
He’d rolled over and kissed her with an earnestness that moved her to immediately put her arms around his neck.
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the whole sex scene.... just... wow.
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me wondering how i got here
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His determination to make her feel him, feel what it was to be alive, had her grabbing at him, pulling at the sheets, whimpering and begging, answering his pleas with pleas of her own. He’d awakened every atom in her body to him, and feeling his heart beat wildly against her chest had in turn made her wild and overwhelmed --- a mess of sensations. She was overcome with the singular feeling that she could never, ever give this up, she never wanted to live without this. He rocked into her deeper and deeper as if to say, So then stay with me, stay with me, stay with me … 
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“It must kill you to want him back and know he wants nothing to do with you,” said Katherine now.
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“And now he’s gone,” said Elena simply. “I didn’t think about that, not really, because I’ve never thought of him being gone, never thought about how much that would …” She took another sip so the vodka would burn away the anguish she felt. She paused, as if she were trying to gather her words. “I think the only thing that would be worse is being with him and never being loved by him.” She looked at Katherine, her eyes hardened. A harshness twisted her face.
“So you should tell me, how does that feel? Do you think it’s worse?” 
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“You think that you and him actually have something. You think it’s, oh my God,” she put her drink back down, walked across the room and reached out to touch Katherine’s shoulder, “you think it’s special.” 
“He did none of that with you,” she said finally. “If you are special to him, Katherine, it’s for all the wrong reasons. You’re the bitch who ruined his life.”
“No,” said Katherine, inching closer to Elena, staring her dead in the eye. “I’m the only one he’s sleeping with right now. I’m that bitch.” Katherine didn’t know if it was rage or heartbreak that flickered in Elena’s eyes but it was enough to satisfy her. “You can let yourself out,” she said as she slipped out of the living room. 
DAMN LOL, everytime elena and katherine fight i feel like im watching a tennis match LOL
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the back and fourth is amazing and ON TOP OF THAT very thought provoking. they have me questioning whether katherine really IS special to stefan or not. i can see both sides lol but thats probably just me being a libra
He’d walked away from her, angry and anguished, but he hadn’t left the cabin. He wasn’t going far, not after the attack. He’d stayed around, making sure they were safe inside, making sure she felt OK, making her tea, getting her blankets, but he was quiet and contemplative, silently agonizing over their conversation, a desperation, a wordless indignation at what she’d revealed to him about her deal with Elijah. And when they’d gotten into bed, Stefan lying on his side, facing away from her, Elena staring up at the ceiling, she lay next to him for exactly five minutes before shaking her head and sighing.  
Well because he does it in 4x02 after finding out that she blood-shared with Damon (not knowing she was sired into doing it and into not telling him)
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like he's mad but he's still going to be there for her
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“I can’t go to sleep like this,” she said. “With you angry at me. I--” She turned so she could face him, though all she saw was his back. “Stefan, please try to under---” 
He’d rolled over and kissed her with an earnestness that moved her to immediately put her arms around his neck.
the whole sex scene.... just... wow.
Well, we've spoken about how my SEx scenes are underrated in this fic because of Steferine but it's really fun to show the difference between the two of them and I think this might be one of my favourite SEx scenes I've written. This entire fic was me being like I've written dozens of sex scenes for SE and for SK, how am I going to do these ones differently?
the back and fourth is amazing and ON TOP OF THAT very thought provoking. they have me questioning whether katherine really IS special to stefan or not. i can see both sides lol but thats probably just me being a libra
ROFLMAO. Maybe not special but maybe ... specific/particular.
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 months
Full Episode Commentary
1x2: The Night of the Comet
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I believe Katherine IS the comet. The soundtrack lyrics at the open are hilarious to me. "I tremble. They're gonna eat me alive." Damon kills another couple, and both are premeditated. This time, he's more or less playing with his food based on what they say to each other, making it "rain" blood. This is Katherine's impact on Damon. More journal voiceovers from Stefan and Elena. "For once, I don't regret the day before it begins." If only Elena knew that Stefan would burn to ash in the daylight without his ring on. "For once, I don't regret the day before it begins. Because I know I will see him again. For the first time in a long time, I feel good." Here, Elena speaks of being too dependent. As if she needs Stefan just to get out of bed. To feel good. Beyond disgusting and very unhealthy.
Jenna needing to ask Elena questions about Jeremy shows her failure as their guardian. He's visiting Vicki at the hospital. Stefan and Elena can't even get through class without ogling each other. A beautiful parallel there. For Stelena, it's high school with Mr. Tanner. For Delena, it's college with professor Shane. They interrupt class. Stefan brought Elena a copy of Wuthering Heights. He lies to her about where he got it. Caroline tells Bonnie to conjure up Damon's name and phone number, she's that stuck on him. Stefan intrudes on Elena's conversation with Matt. Now the second time he eavesdrops. Matt is talking to her about Vicki, and to be clear… Damon was the first to tell Elena their truth, he simply told her through Vicki. It takes Elena three more episodes to find out it's actually true.
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Sigh… Jenna showing more and more that she's a parental guardian failure. Using the death of Jeremy's parents to excuse his skipping classes. Mr. Tanner shouldn't have to tell Jenna that Jeremy is on drugs when they live in the same house, but clearly it's news to her. She then gives him attitude while he's being real with her. Stefan is at the hospital, compelling Vicki. Matt catches sight of him and follows. That's when Stefan runs right into the phlebotomy area and vamps out. It's clear that he's insanely hungry for human blood because he's been on animal blood. Something Damon commented about in the pilot episode. Caroline straight-up insults Bonnie's grandmother, and appears to be more interested in hearing about Elena's time with Stefan. "Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!" So this is the same girl that refers to Damon as a man slut in 4x8. She's actually questioning why Elena didn't sleep with Stefan the day after meeting him. Wow. Elena agrees with Caroline, which I find hilarious because it's the reason she meets Damon.
Matt questions Vicki about her attack. It's clear that Stefan didn't compel her well because she actually has to think about what attacked her. The answer should come easily. Jeremy stops in and takes the hint to give them time alone. Matt has similar body language for Delena in 4x7. Vicki makes it sound like she's much older than Jeremy when he's 15. She's having a relationship with him in secret, which I feel isn't fair to him. He's young, so he's a lot more tolerant to that crap than Elena. Still, his love for her is real and adorably sweet.
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This was the moment I fell in love with Damon. Just this right here. The way he looks at her with fun in his eyes. I love him all the more for bringing the crow in. He's straight-up confessing that he was at the cemetery, and he's the one Bonnie saw when she did her beer bottle reading. Damon doesn't require words to actually speak. He simply needs Elena to accept what she's seeing. Such is the case with him closing the door behind her when she left it open. Damon is telling her he's a vampire without telling her he's a vampire, she's just not ready to accept it. Clearly he wants her to know. Just as clear that Elena hears but doesn't listen. "Stefan didn't tell me he had a brother." Actually, he did. If Stefan didn't have a sibling, he'd admit he doesn't have a sibling. When Elena asked if he had siblings, his response was enough. "None that I talk to." A basic admission that he has siblings, but they're estranged. "Well, Stefan's not one to brag." Exactly what Stefan does in his final goodbye to Elena. There's a duality in Damon where Elena is concerned, and I find it altogether beautiful. I think it's only natural for both brothers to be curious about her. However, being curious doesn't require being in her life. The difference between Damon and Stefan is that Damon doesn't "have to" know her, he "gets to" know her. If not for Stefan, he'd simply care for Elena from a distance.
Damon has a certain style about him as he speaks of their family room. "It's a little kitschy for my taste." He would require an emotional connection to their art to actually like it. From this point forward, it's important to pay mind to what he says because he uses alternate meanings. Not just in this episode either. "I see why my brother's so smitten." The sense of sight because she's a doppelganger. "It's about time. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one." Sense of time as they're over 145 years old. "Nearly destroyed him." And a sense of being because Stefan literally died and became a vampire. This is how quick Damon conjures up alternate meanings. He's also able to pull off beautiful speeches on the spot.
"Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend? Oh, you two haven't had the awkward exes conversation yet. Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end."
Damon drops Katherine's name for the sake of Elena asking Stefan about her because it'll be hard for him to talk about Katherine without revealing his age. Damon then pushes the idea that Stefan is on the rebound for the sake of Elena pushing the issue all the more. The best way to get Elena questioning Stefan about Katherine is by making her question if she is in fact a rebound. He then admits to being a fatalist. This is extremely important for season 5, as it's his belief that things are fated to happen. Elena's comment jumps off his comment to Stefan in the pilot. "Well, let's hope not. We both know how that ended." Damon believes Katherine has been desiccating in the tomb for 145 years, so it ended.
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Stefan interrupts their conversation. Bothersome to me because I already have a problem with the way he regards Elena. In this scene, it's his body language. He's coming off extremely possessive. Like a dog guarding its bone, only Elena is the bone. It's even in his eyes. He's having a non-verbal conversation with Damon, and in this conversation, basically tells Damon that Elena belongs to him. When Stefan makes Elena feel so unwelcomed that she admits she should've called first, yeah. He's literally giving her the feeling that she doesn't belong there. Damon's response is hilarious. "Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. Isn't she, Stefan? You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But… I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker." He's already offering her photo albums and home movies, both of which would reveal their truth. Stefan still hasn't taken his eyes off Damon, as if Damon did something wrong. A two second look at Elena, and his eyes are back on Damon. It's insane how possessive he is, and I love the way Damon responds to it. Even when Elena goes to leave, he's like a brick wall. She actually has to repeat Stefan's name to get him to step aside so she can leave. The way he holds his hands behind his back, he's exhibiting power and dominance.
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Damon knows Stefan quite well, so he knows he was at the hospital to compel Vicki. He questions if it worked because apparently it doesn't work well for vampires that don't drink human blood. Stefan asks Damon a question that speaks to his jealous nature. "How long was Elena here?" He basically wants to know how long Damon and Elena were alone with each other. Damon responds to Stefan's jealousy. "Are you worried, Stefan? Scared we may be doomed to repeat the past?" Elena is hilarious to me because she's quick to believe Stefan is on the rebound as Damon told her he was. "Raging family issues" is how she chooses to describe Stefan's possessive nature. Jeremy is hilarious in the way he talks to Jenna after she throws an apple at him, and she has no idea what to make of his response. Given what happens to Vicki, Damon had every reason to question if Stefan's compulsion worked on her. The only way I can describe her issue is by referring to Damon's mind in 8x10. He placed himself in hell fire in his conscious mind and in the cemetery in his subconscious mind. For a vampire on human blood, compulsion should reach the subconscious mind. It should reach the cemetery. For Stefan, it's only reaching the conscious mind, the hell fire. That's why Vicki is having nightmares about Damon. Her subconscious is breaking through and literally haunting her. Caroline catches sight of Damon and he disappears right before her eyes lol. At this point, he's acting like a tease. It's my belief that he's teasing her to the point she aches for him. He does this extremely well with Elena.
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Zach is questioning why Damon is there. "Why did he come home?" If it is Damon's home, there should be no reason to question why he is home, and I feel the question quite insulting for either brother. Stefan assumes it's because of him. Uhm, no. Damon is home because he plans to rescue Katherine from the tomb. He's planning to make Stefan miserable because Stefan forced himself into Elena's life whilst pretending to be human. "Is she worth it? Uncle Stefan, this girl you came back for?" Insane that Zach feels this way about Stefan. I feel Elena is worth Stefan stepping out of her life, but he won't respect her enough. They're in town where most of their events take place, lighting candles and waiting for the comet to pass over. I consider the candle lighting representations just like the opening of the pilot. Stefan and Elena discuss the comet, his description is quite beautiful. Elena lol… "You seem to spend a lot of time apologizing." That's because Stefan is a big, fat liar. His question is perfect by design, and its intent is to further lie to her. "What did he say?" He wants to know what Damon told her about Katherine because he doesn't want to share unnecessary information. Sharing unnecessary information could reveal their truth. I consider this a manipulation. She talks about how Damon spoke of Katherine breaking his heart. Stefan tells her that was a long time ago. Uhm… he's stuck in his 17 year old body and pretending to be human. It's gonna be hard to claim it was a very long time ago while also being at an age when he would've dated her. Stefan stands in front of her to get her attention. Obvious that his intimate distance doesn't do to Elena what Damon's does, and I don't think it's meant to. She blows out her candle and leaves him at the event.
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Damon's at the Grill, having a drink when Vicki walks in. He considers it unfortunate that she knows him, but he's speaking specifically to Stefan's inability to compel her correctly. That's why he takes her to the roof. He wants Stefan to feed because he's not even strong enough to compel. Like the pilot episode, Matt has another split-second moment that I swear he suspects Stefan of being a vampire. It's when Stefan hears Damon and Vicki on the roof, and he tilts his head to it. I also find it very hard for Stefan to explain why he's at the hospital visiting Vicki when he's a stranger to them. Damon cracks me up every time he pokes fun at Stefan's animal diet. He questions Vicki in front of Stefan for the sake of showing him that he's not compelling correctly. That's why he presses about what attacked her. A correctly compelled person wouldn't remember a vampire. Damon is genuinely upset that Stefan is as weak as he is. Understand that he has no idea Stefan is a blood junkie. He only knows that Stefan is a ripper. One doesn't necessarily have to do with the other. "No! I want you to remember who you are!" Stefan believes this is about Damon wanting to be brothers again. Uhm... this asshole truly can't think of any other reason why Damon is acting this way. Stefan forced himself into Elena's life and is playing human with her. He literally just got done writing in his journal about how he's unable to resist her, still poses a threat to her as he chooses to remain in her life, and he wonders why Damon wants him to remember who he is? He's the Ripper of Monterey!! Stefan actually tells him that he'd rather die and be rid of him than live and have him in his life. And fans wonder why I consider Stefan a shit brother. Through his response, Damon is basically telling Stefan that he's being dramatic. Damon doesn't want his brother dead, he wants him strong. It's insane to me that Stefan is choosing to build a life in Mystic Falls while remaining weak on the animal diet. Stefan won't be able to hide every little thing for long, so he will need his strength at some point. "Give Elena my best." Damon's comment has an alternate meaning, and it's actually quite literal. Stefan is giving Damon's best to Elena and Damon is giving Stefan's best to Caroline. Stefan is ripping into Elena in 3x5 and Damon is kissing her in 3x10.
Caroline makes it clear that she likes being the center of attention. God forbid Vicki actually be center of attention for the night. "Ugh, it's just so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" This is Caroline describing herself.
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When Bonnie hands Elena's phone number to Stefan, she has the same reaction as she did for her beer bottle reading. She can sense that he's a vampire. Even though Jenna is having a problem acting as their parental guardian, I feel that's mostly due to her age. It's sad that Jeremy is stuck in this love triangle with Tyler and Vicki, but he offers an interesting point of view when Elena gets stuck in her own love triangle. At the end of the episode, Stefan treats Elena how he should've treated her when she was talking to Damon. He had no reason whatsoever to react the way he did. His reaction only furthers the fact that he's a possessive and jealous person. This here is insane to me.
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"I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that the world's just going to come crashing down, and I don't know if I can survive that." Elena's comment is enough reason for Stefan not to be in her life, but he's not about caring what's best for her, he's about himself. "Well, this is reality. Right here." Stefan hands Elena another lie. Without his daylight ring, he'd burn to ash when the sun came up. This is only half their reality, so it's a lie by omission. They cut to Damon, who's giving Caroline the other half of their truth. So Stefan is giving Elena Damon's best and Damon is giving Caroline Stefan's best. The very reason Damon needed to enter Elena's life once Stefan did. He's there to unravel the lies Stefan tells her.
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mikimeiko · 1 year
Day 9 - Kosice (Slovakia)
Another glorious sunny day! (The first days scarred me and I keep forgetting that it's summer and it's usually sunny most of the time XD)
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The old town/city center is developed around a long boulevard with the cathedral in the middle, with lots of small pedestrian streets and passages through courtyards.
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It's generally less touristy than any of the cities I visited so far. I still haven't heard any Italian spoken, which is good XD
I finally manage to get the daily lunch menu in a restaurant! I was strongly motivated by the fact that this was my last chance to try it in Slovakia, since it's only during weekdays and on Monday I'm going to be in Czech Republic.
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Today's menu is broccoli soup with creme fraiche, pork stroganoff with rice and cucumber salad. And wow, everything is just so good? I think this is the best meal I had this trip, and to think I almost didn't come here because it felt kinda like a tourist trap. Also very weird, you have to go through another restaurant to get to this restaurant, which is on the first floor. Ok?
On the hills near the city there's the ruin of the old Kosice castle. From the bus stop there's a one km path through the woods to get there, and luckily is a gentle slope, a very pleasant walk in nature.
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The ruins are very ruin-y, but there's also a reconstruction of a village, a small info point and a refreshment stand that is blasting electro-metal (a weird but not completely unpleasant dissonance with the surroundings). There's also an observation tower that I'm sure gives very nice views of the valley, but you have to climb TOO MANY steps and sorry I'm not going to do it XD.
But then I actually find another viewpoint!
The bus ride there and back is very pretty, overlooking fields and woods.
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While the bus climbs the hill I also see some of the high rising buildings neighborhood that are on the outskirts of the city, and as I saw in many ex communist countries that have large areas with buildings like those they have used colors and geometric designs to make them more varied and prettier and I love the result! I also see more of them on a random tram ride (because of course it was time for a random tram ride XD) including one with a smilie on it :D
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And I wasn't expecting to meet anyone in my penzion, but while I was smoking in the courtyard I met a very enthusiastic German lady named Elena (not sure about the spelling) that is here for a running competition that lasts a week!
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eadanga · 7 months
Saint Valentine's Day
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Arthur sat at the round table in thought as his knights chatted around him Hmmm…let’s see…no can’t do that
No I don’t wanna do that
I wonder if I can
“ARTHUR!” Kay slams his fist on the table
Arthur jumps “Huh? Oh my apologies Kay”
“It’s fine but what’s got you so lost in thought?”
Gawain laughs “Isn’t it obvious?” He throws a arm around Arthur “Look at that empty chair he misses his queen”
Arthur chuckles as he removes Gawain’s arm “Well yes I do miss my queen while she’s away visiting her father but that’s not all I’m thinking about”
“Oh I know St Valentine’s day right?”
Arthur chuckles “Yes that’s right”
Gawain stands “Ok fellow knights we have a very important mission to wow the queen with the most amazing St Valentine’s day surprise! Any ideas?”
The table goes silent until Yvain speaks up “I think I’ve got an idea”
Elena sat at her vanity brushing her hair she was so excited to return back to Camelot tomorrow. A knock came at her door “Come in”
A servant enters in “Your Majesty this letter came for you” “Oh thank you very much” As the servant leaves she quickly opens the letter
My love,
I’m so excited for your return tomorrow I can’t wait till your back in my arms again. In honor of your return I’ve arranged the St Valentine’s day ball just for you. I know you’ll enjoy it as much as I will. I love you my queen
Elena grins as she reads the note over and over again then giggles He loves to spoil me I can’t to see him
The next day she prepares her horse for the journey. She gives her father goodbyes and heads off to Camelot. She reaches Camelot by nightfall and eagerly gets off her horse I can’t wait to see Arthur
A servant intercepts her as she enters the castle “Your majesty your not ready for the ball”
“What do you mean?”
“The king has left you a dress come it’s in your room” She guides her to the room and pulls out a dress from the wardrobe.
“Wow it’s beautiful I love it”
The servant helps her change then she helps her pin up her hair “Oh wow this is amazing”
“I’m glad you love it your majesty now it’s time for you to head to the ball”
Elena quickly heads down the hall and the guards open the door to the ballroom. She looks around and finds it empty No one’s here am I early?
She feels a pair of arms around her “I see you got the dress”
She giggles and turns around “Yes and I love it”
Arthur smiles “I knew you would look beautiful in it”
“I thought there was ball where is everyone?”
Arthur smirks “This is our own private ball”
“You did that for me?”
“Yes my beautiful wife” He kisses her hand “Now” He nods towards the musicians who play a slow romantic tune then bows “May I have this dance?”
“Yes you may” Arthur guides her into a slow dance Elena smiles “Is there more to this ball I should look forward to?”
“Oh this is just the beginning my love” He dances her over to a table filled with gifts
“Arthur these are all for me?”
“I don’t see any other beautiful woman”
“You didn’t have to”
Arthur places a finger on her lips “I wanted to cause there’s no one more deserving of these”
“Awww Arthur” She kisses him deeply “I love you”
“I love you too Elena” He grabs a gift off the table “I want you to open this one first”
Elena grins as she opens the gift she smiles when she sees the tiara inside “Arthur this is beautiful”
“I had this personally made for you”
Elena looks closer “These are the jewels from my kingdom”
Arthur smiles “Your father had them delivered so I could add them just wanted to make sure you had a piece of your home and Camelot too”
Elena wipes her tears “Arthur this is so thoughtful”
“I’m glad you love it” He puts it on her head “It looks amazing on you
“You’re amazing Arthur now I have a gift for you”
“You’re the greatest gift”
Elena giggles “But you’ll enjoy this one” She grabs her hand and places it on her stomach
Arthur’s eyes go wide “You’re”
“With child yes”
Arthur picks her up and spins her around “You’ve made me increasingly happy!”
Elena laughs “Arthur put me down!”
He sets her down gently “I love you so much”
“I love you too” He kisses her deeply
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite
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Me at mystic falls high school: oh stuff happened? At the dance? Like what? Wait people DIED???? Who's Elena what are you people talking about there was BLOOD??? Wow so why do the police not care oh they think it was a wild animal attack again ok ok so in other news I am Moving Towns
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damon Salvatore x reader mate
You were on your skate board riding through mystic falls . Bad idea . The roads were so cracked and had so many small pebbles . You were bound to fall . And that’s what you did , but right into someone’s arms . A face you knew all too well . Damon . Stefans brother the one Elena told you to run away from . But you had no reason to fear him . You were a tribrid .Well not yet you still had to trigger your vampire side . Damon caught you . staring into your eyes . He was in love with you .. he always looked for his soulmate ever since his Mark appeared , a black crow … your enchanting sparkling (y/c) eyes and your soft shinny (y/c) hair . His hand pushed lose hair behind your ear . And stroked the back . His mark glowed showing the black crow glow blue and burn . And he saw yours glow too ( falling for me already ? Don’t you think I should take you on a date first ) you laugh at his joke ( well thankyou for catching me ) Damon says ( anytime princess, where you off to in such a hurry ?) . ( oh just our skating clearing my head … would you like to give it a try ?) he says (there a first time for everything) you say ( take my hand . And step on the board .then place. Your other foot here ) he dose so and only almost falls once . ( good job ! Now just push off and lean which way you want to turn … and also watch out for rocks ) he laughs and pushes off . As he skates you walk with him helping him along the way . He steps off the board . ( well I don’t know how you do that) you laugh a little . ( would you like to join me , I was just headed back to my place for a drink ) you think about it and say ( I’d love to …. But I’m not old enough to drink ) Damon chuckles ( it’ll be out little secret ) he walks to his car opening the door ( here you go princess ) you say oh wow .. thankyou ) you get in His very ! Nice car . He gets in the drivers seat . ( may I just say .. you look beautiful today ) you blush ( thankyou … no man ever told me that before) Damon says to you ( pity for them .. lucky me ) he say keeping one hand on the wheel as the others tucks some lose hair behind your ear and caresses your cheek . You blush a lot . Once your to his house he gets out quickly opening your door for you ( thankyou Damon ) you say . When you get in the house you stare in aww at the huge mansion . ( never seen a mansion before ) you say ( no actually .. been in the run since I was 14 I’ve never had anything ) he looks at you with hurt in his eyes ( I’m sorry ) you say ( it’s ok . I didn’t mind ) Damon says ( you’ll never have nothing again , I promise . As he lays back on his couch with a drink in his hand ( pic above ) he patted his lap . Gesturing you to lay on him . You shook your head . ( why what’s wrong ?) he asked . ( I might squish you ..if you haven’t noticed I’m not skinny ) he sat up grabbing your hips pulling you down on his lap ( well I love your curves pet , I like a little more booty to hold at night ) and you just lay there in comfortable quiet . As he lets your hair . And holds your waist . You start talking about yourselves . You tell him how you’ve always been insecure about your weight and hight ( I’m fat and way to tall ) u said. Damon kisses your cheek and says ( baby , I love your hight I think it’s beautiful for you to be as tall as me , all my clothes will fit you which is super hot , and your not fat at all ! Your curves and I love your curves !now quit talking bad about yourself ! It hurts me to here my beautiful girl talk about herself like that !) you roll over so your chest is on Damon’s and you hug him ( I guess peoples comments are the worst and why I feel This way ) Damon says ( I know baby , they will pay and no one will hurt you again .. I promise ) and he pets your back as you hug .
Damon now treats you like a princess buying you expensive jewelry and designer clothes . And showers you with so much love , his dark princess or princess of the dark . Is what he calls you along with baby . He keeps you hidden away tucked in the leather jacket or big coat when your out . He takes you to the fanciest restaurants . Elena is very much jealous . But the night of the mikealson ball Damon buys you this beutiful dress it’s so big and it’s blood red with black heels and a tiara for your head with a ruby in the center . Damon walks you in arms liked as you cling to his side. That night you were the most beutiful woman there . You caught the heart of every man and woman there . Including the mikealsons ,
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karura · 1 year
tagged  by @matbaynton​ thank u ireland! love u!! 💖💙 
8 shows to get to know me better (under the cut)
tagging: @kokushibe​ @pchita​ @upperranktwo​ @elliejoys​ @akmu​ @desi-pluto​ @criticalroles​ @tanchirou​ (no pressure ok love u guys)
1. dark (netflix)
i love time travel stories and this is my favorite netflix original show!! i love all the characters and how everything is connected, foreshadowing etc!!
2. one day at a time (netflix)
this was so important to me!! elena having a supporting family made me so emotional i cried so hard, i love the characters sm!! it sucks that it didn’t have a proper ending but its still one of my favs
3. buffy the vampire slayer
god, the emotional baggage i got from this kjahfjahs it made me feel so many emotions and i miss it so much, even tho some stuff made me angst cry my eyes out akjghasjkh
4. fruits basket (2019)
i love almost everyone (i mean you shigure i hate u), the saddest, most tragic backstories i ever seen, the characters, the bonds they share, ughh!! its so dear to my heart
5. over the garden wall
THIS CARTOON IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME OMG i love greg so much and it helped me during depression ajgkhakshg (same goes for ‘we bare bears’ and ‘bee and puppycat’)
6. the haunting of bly manor
GOD!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!! it has horror stuff, it has lesbians, it has a lot of drama and pain!! ajkfhajksh i never get tired of it
7. interview with the vampire
its a recently show but it became a fav so fast!! the way the characters are written, everything, IS AMAZING!!
8. how i met your mother
(okay alice havent finished yet so i wont elaborate much) even tho i strongly dislike the ending, its my comfort show and i always end up rewatching it religiously. i could talk about the characters for hous, i know a bunch of fun facts abt it, and i think its very realistic about life (waaay more realistic than friends i mean) and how things turn out not being what you wanted/expected, how you have to act “”normal”” even tho you have a broken heart or your life is falling apart.
wow idk if anyone read this far but thank u!!
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