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nebelihood · 11 months ago
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Ok- I see a pattern
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dnd-rootsandscales-mako · 10 days ago
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Jejejejeje, registro de sesiones dndiosas. MAKO POV
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zero06iranosaurusrex · 2 years ago
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seeing nebelihood's acting au and the announcement of porky and daffy's movie are still in progress meanwhile no another news for bye bye bunny made me think about this ....bye bye bunny in literal meaning fr
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ducktracy · 3 years ago
Hi- I'm sorry, I hope this question is not at all insulting in any way and if it is feel free to ignore it! I don't know if you've been asked this before (If you have, a a link to the answer would be awesome!) but I'm really curious of how you got your job! It's just that you are so young, and since I have your same age, it makes me really amazed how you are already in the industry and know so much! I really admire that, and I'd love to know more about your journey! Hopefully I can pick some teachings from it and you qwq
Anyways, that's all, have a great day and I love your artwork a lot<3
HI THERE!! don't worry, it's not at all insulting!
i have gotten asked it before, but i don't mind repeating myself! here's a more in-depth answer, but tldr they were staffing up for the show and looking for more talent, one of my coworkers saw me posting my art on Twitter and recommended me to the supervising director who reached out to me. i was going to start as a character designer, but posted an animatic online which caught the attention of my director who made me a revisionist instead, which is right up my alley!
i talk about in more in the linked post, but my experience is NOT the norm and shouldn't be! i started at 19 with 0 experience artistically or even professionally which is INSAAAANELY young. some industry pros don't start until their '30s and '40s (which is still VERY YOUNG in my eyes), i'm just VERY very lucky.
and one more point, posting to social media helped me quite a bit, but ultimately i wasn't hired because of clout, but because they thought my style fit the needs of the show and that i had the skillset necessary to match the demands. drawing what i love, drawing it often, and being very open about my passion for cartooning i think has also helped quite a bit.
your ask is very kind and means a lot! i'm still very much a newbie to the industry myself and am constantly learning new things everyday. while i'm still ignorant to a lot of its mechanics, i hope this helps at least a little!
thank you SO much! you have a great day as well, and best of luck conquering your goals! i believe in you!!
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carpedzem · 4 years ago
the way @/nebelihood draws little George
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gods he gives me life I could watch your animations all the time PEOPLE GO SUBSCRIBE
bonus dre
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nebelihood · 11 months ago
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dnd-rootsandscales-mako · 10 days ago
Durmieron en guardias. Aramis bonding time ish. Entregaron cartas encontradas. Investigaron al elfo de trenzas, compraron cosas, se despidieron del circo. Descubrieron despido de elfo. Se marcharon a Aatma sin Leo y Bethsheba. Carta. Encontraron carreta del elfo sospechoso atacada por ¿Kobolds alados?
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unwillingwriter · 2 years ago
It Came Slow
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Summary: His liking. His Admiration. His everything.
It came back slowly when he finally decided to let pieces of his walls break apart in order to let the rabbit in.
It was the studio that created what was just a character into a person- well toon In Daffy Ducks Case.
Nobody knows about the happy Daffy that first Joined the looney tunes show. All they know is the cocky narcissist they've created who would do his absolute best to be in the spotlight
Characters are not mine they all rightfully belong to the Warner Brothers and Looney Toon Studio.
A/N: So I posted this on Wattpad, hopefully I’ll be able to continue it. It’s short so I hope you enjoy.
Pt 1?.
Inspiration from @nebelihood actor AU.
He was at it again, angrily spouting and shouting demanding his own show so — in his words — that greedy rabbit stops hogging the spotlight.
Everyone moaned and groaned, some complaining that Daffy is causing too much of a scene and stopping other people from working.
It took Chuck to dismiss the duck that made him shut—not completely. His beak grumbling under his breath heading towards his dressing room by Chuck's orders. Daffy hands were balled up into a fist at his sides as he stomped away from the producer. Everyone brushed it off as Daffy having a temper tantrum but the toons— specifically Bugs didn't. Today's anger and episode was different.
Usually when Chuck calmly denies Daffy from having his own Show, the duck oddly enough just glares at him and walks away of course complaining under his breath and somewhat stomping away to show he was unhappy.
But no, today was different. Daffy's face from the neck up bubbled red like a thermometer steam coming out of his head and ears to the point the duck almost seemed like he was gonna cry. Bugs has known the duck for years and he knows in his spare time that the duck cries out his frustration when he's alone and when no one is looking.
Today the rejection actually got to the little black duck and no one took the time to take him seriously or care since they thought he was just being a thorn in their side again. When Daffy passed Bugs on his way, he side eyed the rabbit quickly as Bugs munched on a carrot looking right back at him tilting his head a bit to add more character.
The black duck huffed through his nose going on his marry way wanting to be away from people for a while.
Bugs follows behind at a safe distance so Daffy doesn't bust a vein in his head or neck. Understanding the duck wants to be alone.
But then again.
He wouldn't be Bugs Bunny if he left well enough alone now would he?.
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veyette · 2 years ago
Art by Nebelihood. Check them out on Webtoon !
they are each other's best friends and understand each other better than anyone else
💀 idk ab this one brother
ok well listen i think there's some like dissonance or whatever (there's a really good post out there somewhere that talks about it like in terms of the way they approach and react to certain situations and shit like that but i can't find it) but i also think at the end of the day there's an inherent mutual understanding - or at the very least knowledge - of one another that comes with being the type of friends that they are, sorry i didn't find the way to work all of that complexity into a short emotional post i typed out in like idk less than a minute, also the post does not include dream or his influence/impact/etc on their friendship (bc obviously the 3 of them are weird codependent little gremlins and whatever ← JOKE but do you get what im trying to say they all Get each other in different ways but again . short emotionally typed post written really quickly) which was obvious in my head but probably could have been stated i just didn't think about it bc i post for myself etc etc you get the point
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drink-tang-gang · 2 years ago
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I posted 244 times in 2022
90 posts created (37%)
154 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 216 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#baffy - 69 posts
#you sittin there yakkin (talk tag) - 48 posts
#isn’t that lovely? (ask tag) - 46 posts
#looney tunes - 44 posts
#daffy duck - 39 posts
#bugs bunny - 38 posts
#online shopping to fill a void (analysis) - 10 posts
#zany fam - 6 posts
#✍️ scenery! where’s the scenery? ✍️ - 6 posts
#animaniacs - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#the animal characters 👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ should exhibit animalisms 👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ i said what i said!!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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If I had a nickel for every time someone commissioned me to draw LT KH, I’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s fun that it’s happened twice. 💜🦆🐇🧡
620 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
I think irl and in canon ppl are baffled by what Bugs sees in Daffy, as if Daffy’s Mr. Wrong.
But…. It’s kinda switched once you think about it??
Yes, Daffy’s flaws tend to outshine his better qualities, but his friendliness and cheerfulness is overlooked. Like, he’s best friends with one of the most temperamental yet patient everyman there is! Daffy’s selfish, but he knows how to be part of a team. In both the meta and literal sense, he has the unparalleled ability to slips into various roles to accommodate a dynamic, and still be true to himself (Duck Twacy, Duck Dogers, Porky’s Husband friend or enemy, Danny Boy) His affectionate gestures are quite sincere compared to the rest of the tune cast. (and again, as a rule of thumb any sincerity is offset by a gag, so take that with a grain of salt) Bugs on the other hand, operates in a way that teamwork or camaraderie is out of the picture. Without trying, he dominates. He’s unreachable in ways that make it hard to be friendly with him, or engage in conversation without him (somehow) talking down to an audience. Have you noticed he has that air about him?? Even with his peers, he’s always on a pedestal. And Bugs has never been cast as anyone but himself… he’s inflexible.
Bugs can be at once, affectionate and manipulative. He’s very hard to read, and his few positive relationships make it unclear when he’s being honest or not. That’s not to say Bugs can’t be kind, generous or polite, I think compared to Daffy (and most tunes) he exhibits better etiquette. He’s more charming by design. Daffy, for better or worse, has no filter for his motivations or deeper emotions. He’s supposed to be relatable in that sense.
So what does Daffy see in Bugs?? Longtime WB producer and director Tony Cervone has stated multiple times that Bugs finds Daffy entertaining, his unpredictability fascinates him. (and further cements the insinuation that team ups have been initiated by Bugs, i.e, he pursues)
So, I think for Daffy, ironically, it’s complicated. It seems what draws him to Bugs, are also what he despises him for. Ok, the elephant in the room: Bugs models the qualities Daffy lacks. Stardom, adulation, effortless appeal, knowing what to say and when (tact is something Daffy desperately needs). It’s very easy to look up to Bugs, and as I said a couple posts ago, he once and (kinda??) still does. But, Daffy also has the hidden ability to being people to his level, and after spending enough time around Bugs I think he recognizes he’s not as untouchable as he (and his audience) makes himself out to be. Bugs is the type of person who masks imperfection well. Fortunately, Daffy’s drawn to mystery (in canon and in his roles in shorts), so I can see him quietly trying to investigate the parts of Bugs that never reaches public eyes, like a case study. So, is this a positive or negative draw?? it depends on Bugs’ attitude and Daffy’s mood. I guess it can be said that the fascination is mutual, Bugs is entertained by Daffy and Bugs gets under Daffy’s skin.
And of course, we CAN’T ignore the surface level of Bugs’ appeal to Daffy. Bugs’ generosity gives Daffy many opportunities to exercise his materialism and lavish lifestyle. He gets free dinners, Bugs covers all their vacations, and (a big plus for Daffy) he doesn’t mind relinquishing treasures and fortune when they come across it. Don’t call Daffy a gold digger don’t call Daffy a gold digger don’t
So yeah, I went off on a tangent but I hope I cleared up the misconception that Daffy’s Mr. Wrong, both of them—Bugs even more so— are the ‘odd’ choice.
This clear up doesn’t help paint their relationship in a healthy light. There’s ulterior motives and mutual selfishness, but I believe there’s never a fundamental misunderstanding of the other. If they were both more introspective, they’d find to their horror no one understands them the way they do each other. For two stars with excruciatingly large egos, that’s probably the best and worst quality of their weird relationship, ‘being known’, haha.
697 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
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876 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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1,088 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,731 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hahaha-cough · 2 years ago
Looney Revue Starlight
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Every year the Warner Bros Music Academy performs the annual play "Starlight" for the school festival.
However, in the weeks leading up to this play, auditions are staged where they must fight, dance, and sing for the opportunity of becoming the Top Star of this play.
Among the Competitors are: (Under Read More)
Bugs Bunny
A prodigy when it comes to acting, singing, dancing, and almost seemingly anything they can put their mind to. When it comes to top class actor, they represent it, Because of this they have become the face of the top of their school and a leading role is almost always theirs.
Never the type to gloat they let their talent speak for themselves.
they remain cool and aloof set upon an untouchable pedestal. Making the rabbit somewhat distant from their peers.
Daffy Duck
When it comes to mind who comes after Bugs Bunny of the academy Daffy Duck is there to come to mind.
The very definition of "practice makes perfect" this actor does everything they can to compete against Bugs Bunny for the leading role.
Despite what it may seem, Daffy Duck was the reigning top star of their class before Bugs Bunny came along. However this didn't discourage him, it instead fanned the flames for Daffy to do even better and reclaim his spot once again.
Although passionate through their pride and ego they are never truly mean-spirited about it. Daffy finds himself revitalized by finding someone they can call a rival.
(This was inspired by @nebelihood and their collection of looney tunes AUs. At the time I was going through a Revue Starlight hyperfixation so why not create a fusion of the two. If you can guess who Bugs and Daffy are parallels to I award you 2 internet points
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zero06iranosaurusrex · 2 years ago
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idk seeing nebelihood drawing bugs on ms paint makes me wanna try too
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teawizard · 2 months ago
Awwwwww she's the cutest!! ❤️❤️❤️ Once I figure out how to send her freeze dried chicken she will never have to eat anything else
And goddamn I wasn't expecting the question and went to sleep, sorry :(
I got wordy so - cut!
I am very very happy and flattered that you think I understand anatomy well - I don't actually do lots of anatomy studies but I have been drawing on and off for at least 10-12 years + people have been a focus of my art as of lately, so I guess drawing somewhat consistently has paid off. I have finished a small sketchbook recently which is pretty huge for me and one day I swear I'll post more of what I draw I just think my wips have more potential to them than they are now
And I think it's important that I look at so much art daily and if I see the thing drawn in a cool way I stare into it and try understanding how it was done and then replicate it. Like, I see that the arms are drawn as tubes - I try drawing them the same way idk :D
The main inspiration for me in sketching are usually storyboard artists, because they each have a distinct style, are able to draw quickly and usually are very good with composition which are like my main objectives in drawing. I also like that storyboards are not fully colored and only done in gray-scale because it really makes you think of values and what's important to the shot rather than which colors you like more.
Also! Comic artists! I love ladybeug's hilarious comics and Death And The Maiden is awesome (although I have no idea if they're two blogs by the same person or two separate people but they're both amazing anyway)
Here's a couple of them (I hope I'm not tagging them 'cause they're like celebrities to me, but if I do - sorry?? Tumblr does what it wants):
sketchncanto / chelstory
(added because I LOVE how they draw facial features)
(I love their sketches and how they consistently draw characters)
God, I have to stop myself, jeez
(i had to remove @s cause tumblr wouldn't srop tagging them)
Okay, basically, I know I want to create cool visuals while still drawing in a simplistic way and that's why I don't really enjoy putting too much details in my art and storyboarding seems like a great ground for me to develop in. But it's freaking hard 'cause to draw storyboards you have to draw consistently and this drives me mad if I'm putting too much thought into drawing so I try to do it as quickly and as intuitively as possible and that's where my style peeks out I guess??
Also speakerdeck.com is actually a great resource where artists publish their storyboards. I learned about it from a couple of the owl houses storyboards and it's awesome, here's a link to one of them: https://speakerdeck.com/plantstories/boards-the-owl-house-season-2-hollow-mind
So yeah, I guess the main inspiration in art for me are storyboards because they're simple and effective! Could've said it much faster lol
Thank you so much for asking me this ❤️
A small follow-up question, if you're okay with that - when do you find time to write? Your fics are huge, I mean, I haven't been able to write anything finished and more than 2k words long yet. Are you writing several paragraphs in one go or are you like writing a few sentences while on commute to work or both?
Hi uhm I saw you rbd a post about asks so- here's one!
What is your main inspiration in writing? I mean not the "what's the reason you write?" or "why do you keep writing?" (although I wouldn't mind getting the answers to them as well!) but more "do you have media in mind that you want your writing to be similar to?"
For example, do you try to replicate writing "tricks" of your favourite authors or do you like a specific way characters are introduced in a movie?
Hello! Seeing your icon pop up in my notifs always makes my day. This is tricky, nothing immediately comes to mind, I think I’d have to say a little of every story I’ve ever consumed pops up some where in my writing. The one I’m posting right now is inspired by Overly Sarcastic Production’s piece on time loops, but it’s sort of an outlier in that it has one single inspiration, everything else is a hodgepodge.
Separating the art from the artist, I’m a huge fan of the way Joss Whedon writes dialogue in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Prose and character wise, I like the book The Rook by Daniel O���Malley (at least I think that’s his name, my dog is asleep on me so I don’t want to get up and check my bookshelf). The economy is in shambles, so I crave happy endings, even when dealing with dark topics. Subject matter wise I can write short stories that are just about the characters and plot, but anything over twenty chapters risks becoming a way for me to examine a deeper subject like rape culture, colonialism, or globalism vs isolationism, so the inspiration for my longest stories are essays and editorials I’ve read. (Except Leandra’s story in Love and Fury, that ended up being about a real experience of mine).
And that doubles as the reason why I keep writing, the little stories I tell myself are how I digest the world, and pacing around the room while I daydream disturbs my dog’s sleep schedule so I write fan fiction instead!
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ilikeyoubetterthisway · 3 years ago
Warning: Fanart
*inhales deeply*
HI THERE! I'm summoning all Ryuumo / Bonizumo shippers here because I gotta show you all this frickin amazing beautiful perfect 'is making me fucking cry' fanart that my friend @nebelihood did for me as a commission.
PLease go check her site bc she's amazing at drawing everything, from expressions, poses, character designs, animations, color, mini stories, eVeRyThInG (with special emphasis on the loony tunes, goodness the ease with which she's able to draw the frickin sketches, is *chef's kiss*), and then just look at this amazing fanarT she did for meeeeee T.T <333.
Got no words. pls just look at it.
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Also, I got blessed by the gods and she even added an extra special and I'm crYinG FoR fukS SakE. No puedo..
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FAK MY HEART NOOOOOOOOO TTT.TTT *slams head on the desk* I got the damn drawings on sheet protectors. i want them framed and hanging on my wall. nobody can stop me. Ryuumo will rule the world with its cuteness and frickin canonicity.
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Here's the clean version.
Perfect babies. I love them so much. I'm seriously containing myself here from my fangirling, I believe it will be rlly annoying and the post will become like triple its lenght so I better keep it short. Fuk, their hair, their faces, their fricking BLUSH BICH NO. AAHSJDJHSFHDS.
Anyways, for a bit of backstory on why I commissioned this specific art and dialogue, it started thanks to these panels on ch. 112, where Izumo, Ryuuji and the rest of the Arch Knights are running away from the artificial zombies. And when Izumo is hurriedly trying to climb up the stairs she frickin stumbles thanks to a zombie hand grabbing her ankle and Ryuuji just freaks out and shouts out her name all worried my little Ryuuji ugH. (He can't hide anymore how much he cares and worries for her)
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I gotta admit that at first I thought Izumo had slipped by herself, but even without that being true, the main idea still stands:
Ryuuji won't let her climb stairs by herself anymore unless he's the one doing it for her by carrying her in his arms (which has been proved before that he can do *winks winks to the beach scene* and enjoys >:).
I hope you love the fanart as much as I do. Thank you for reading~!! <3333
Thank u so much @nebelihood <333
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sheepwasfound · 4 years ago
Do you have any dnf centered blog recs? I'm new around mcytblr and I would like to follow more people (:
basically i follow everyone that tends to add tags to posts whether they post original content or not. might be that some are more dteam centric rather than dnf (if they wanna be removed from here i’ll take em out). not many blogs are the type that they actually post just dnf after all y’know
@aetherknit @akvilenotfound @alliummc @ameriboogeorge @bastardbvby @blumoosh @breaking-genesis @clockay @cloutcod @clownie-brain @cuteboygogy @dnfshmeeneff @dreambaited @dreamnapfound @dreamonotfound @dreamsimp @dreamteamspace @dreamyygeorgenap @fearwastaken @fooleva @forgedraptor @frognotgrog @gays4thebloodgod @genofeve @georgeliker @georgelore @georgenotfond @glowingwizard @gnfguessr @gogynist @gogysglasses @grimaya @grimayart @haiyouchashaobao @hoteltea @insaneboatclutch @jorgenotfound @kekskeksus @li-wri @limbokidd @literallynotfound @luakot @manhunted @mcecologist @messy-gguki @mikyouknow @milktea-grn @momomias @mooshroomking @n4b3 @nameswastaken @nebelihood @netheritedream @nightcreepsin @nootpong @notfoundgeorge @pandemique @pandemique-art @peacenotfound @prettyboynotfound @realitynotfound @redjumper @robbedream @sae-kyuu @sapnapy @secretsscrutinies @taxolotl @thedrawingjay @themoonwastaken @theresssa1 @wanderlustlily @westywallowing @wiggyenjoyer @vicea
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pandemique · 4 years ago
hi, i love your art sm :) do you have any underrated dnf art blogs you recommend?
@apositives @westywallowing @milktea-grn @enderfrog @nebelihood @socola @luaq-q @thedrawingjay @grimaya @phibii @oaixis @daruochan @sunnmu hard vouch :)
i’m assuming u already follow @li-wri & @technoblacle but i can’t just not mention them </3
sorry if i missed anyone, please feel free to reply so i find ur blog!!!
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