#ok so listen. 7 days to die is one hell of a choice to make ocs for but hear me out. i got 600+ hours in that game and dragged red with me
ruvviks · 20 days
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gayboys in the apocalypse whatever will they do!! rudy (top) belongs to me and luca (bottom) belongs to @mojaves :]
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@celticwoman, @rindemption, @carlosoliveiraa, @noirapocalypto, @dickytwister;
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rainbowdaisy13 · 2 months
TTPD The Anthology Summary Part 1 *IMO*
This is viewed through a queer lens because I believe she is fucking done playing nice so now she’s throwing it in our faces—FUCKING SEE ME
1) Fortnight—
I was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me/I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic
*MIGHTY GOD we start right out the gate sad as hell—no one noticed her queer flagging both quiet and loud and that pushed her from being a functioning alcoholic to a not functioning one. She then says to the fans who refused to acknowledge her truth “I hope that you’re ok but you’re the reason” FOR ME BEING INSANE
*Mentioning wanting to kill people that’s a first and I love it
*I love you it’s ruining my life OUCH 🤕 yes that sounds like something straight people deal with 😑
2) TTPD-
*I’m sorry I can’t remember what mutual said this, but I love love this as coming from Karlie’s perspective. It absolutely fits. She ground Taylor in a way no one else can
*First mention of suicide—both can’t live without the other
*Were crazy—owning the demons together
*The wedding ring line—GOD
*I see this one as Taylor viewing herself as a commodity, also as someone who is broken and needs to be fixed so that she remains lovable. It also gives me Cardigan vibes without the redemption arc
4) Down Bad—
*Love this Alien Abduction theme. Melody is even spacey sounding. The entire song uses alien motifs and I adore it. Fave line “they’ll say I’m nuts if I talk about the existence of you” Brilliant 👽 Also the concept of an Out of this World Love
5) So Long London—
*Cool opening—beautiful when they layer her own voice
How much sad did you think I had in me? 😫
*I see this song as a My Tears Ricochet 2. Taylor giving all her youth to someone for free. You say I abandon the ship but I was going down with it—I truly believe she tried and begged them to let her come out for years and she was always shot down—2 graves 1 gun, more murder imagery
*So Long London, so long Big Machine
Absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking song
These people only raise you to cage you 😫
*Sarahs and Hannahs/braided hair/church/Elders making decisions—giving cult/LDS vibes
Stay away from her -Elders are yelling this—to who? Taylor? So Taylor needs to stay away from HER interesting
*Shed rather burn it all down than listen to them complain about her sexuality and how it impacts them
My good name, it’s mine alone to disgrace —absolutely shots fired at Scott Swift
*Soliloquies line is incredible—“I’ll never see” is such a burn 😆
*This isn’t a phase, this is who she is!!
*This is my choice!!
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7) FOTS—
*Pretty Baby, much like Babydoll is reserved for women and gay men and theys and thems. We don’t call straight men this 😒
*Fresh out the slammer—realllly trying to get these idiots to understand that she’s felt jailed /caged/trapped
My friends…Watch me daily disappearing 😫 fuck
Wearing Imaginary rings 😫😫😫 Says hello to paper rings says hello to imaginary lockets
*It’s gonna be alright she did her time!! 🥹
8) FLORIDA!!!—
I adore this song—my second fave on the album and absolute fucking banger. So glad Florence agreed to this they makes an amazing duo vocally—main vibes—Florida is the place Taylor wants to go to fucking escape the mess she lives in day to day. Anything goes, everyone is there hiding from something—the law, family, winter—nothing is too weird or unaccepted—and a certain someone has a house there 😎
My friends all smell like weed or little babies 😆
Florence’s verse is chefs kiss—Earl had to die vibes, watching bodies sink into the swamp, just full on misandry I LOVE IT—is that a bad thing to say in a song?? 😆 GET THEM ALL
Also I bet this song made Swifties uncomfortable 😆
9) Guilty as sin?
The Gay Longing/Gay Sex Song
*Another* suicide reference—but she’s just joking right swifities?
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No no that’s fine she just described an orgasm and if she’s not touching the person, let’s assume the pic below ⬇️ is like HEY THIS IS THE SEX IM SPEAKING ABOUT—it’s very much giving The Man pose for getting dome👀
And then the Jesus reference is just chefs kiss—gay sex is seen as sin and unholy by idiots and she said ok then bitch, what if I tell you the sex is so good we ARE what’s holy??
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She literally said messy top lip kiss and got away with it like 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
I just……this may be my favorite song of hers ever. It’s absolutely incredible in its intensity, rawness, and truth as well as being a banger
Every lyric screams her pain
My bare hands paved their path/you don’t get to tell me about sad/ If you wanted me dead you should’ve just said
I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street —Witch Imagery again!!
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Shots fired again at Scott Swift!! Let’s hear one more joke—they mocked her pain because they truly thought they could convince her she wasn’t gay 🫥
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Put narcotics into all of my songs—“a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally—a drug that relieves pain and induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility”
and that’s why you’re still singing along 😎
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Just WOW
Brilliant and Heartbreaking and RAW
🤍🤍🤍 We love you Girl 🤍🤍🤍
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post-uwuifer · 3 months
According to all known laws of aviation,there is no way a bee should be able to fly.Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anywaybecause bees don't care what humans think is impossible.ANumber2Pencil, Dec 7, 2016#1dinocerosDonatorMessages:7,482Likes Received:29,999Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little.Barry! Breakfast is ready!Ooming!Hang on a second.Hello?- Barry?
to make one decision in life.But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?Why would you question anything? We're bees
No one's listening to me!Wait till you see the sticks I have.I could say anything right now.
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
"Hey Ebony!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was… Draco Malfoy!
"What's up Draco?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!Let's open some honey and celebrate!Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae.Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!I'm so proud.- We're starting work today!
Today's the day.Oome on! All the good jobs will be gone.Yeah, right.Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal…- Is it still available?
Hang on. Two left!One of them's yours! Oongratulations! Step to the side.- What'd you get?
Picking crud out. Stellar!Wow!Oouple of newbies?Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!Make your choice.- You want to goetting the Krelman?
Sure, you're on.I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.Wax monkey's always open.The Krelman opened up again.What happened?A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one.Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!Oh, this is so hard!Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,mite wrangler. Barry, what do you think I should… Barry?Barry!All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine…What happened to you? Where are you?- I'm going out.
Out? Out where?- Out there.
Oh, no!I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life.You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?Another call coming in.If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rdthat gets their roses today.Hey, guys.- Look at that.
Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.Really? Feeling lucky, are you?Sign here, here. Just initial that.- Thank you.
OK.You got a rain advisory today,and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain.So be careful. As always, watch your brot thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Behold the handmaid of the Lord: Be it done unto me according to Thy word. They drive crazy.- Do they try and kill you, like on TV?
Some of them. But some of them don't.- How'd you get back?
im back UwUcifer, can i enter my own contest?
ah, stwuck again by wengthy ask anon! Mad wespect, yes yoo may UwU
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eveefrost19 · 3 years
The Deal
Ok i tried my hand at a fic with Demon Sans. Please don’t hate if I got this wrong. Thank you again @seirindono for the permission to do this. Sorry again if it sucks.
The Deal
           When you had turned 18 your parents decided to surprise you by leaving in the dead of night. They left you with two things. The debt they had collected over the years and your 11 year old brother to raise. There were no relatives that would take you and your brother in and no friends to turn to. It was just you and your brother. Three years later, your brother was diagnosed with and inoperable tumor that was growing on his brain. The doctors gave him 7 years to live.        
           The doctors had decided to keep him overnight for treatment plans and testing the next day, but they would not let you stay with him. Feeling lonely at home and so overwhelmed you thought drinking a beer would help you feel better. One beer turned to two, two became three, and after the fourth you had lost count and were thoroughly drunk. It was only then that you finally let yourself break down.
           It just wasn’t fair. Wasn’t it enough that your parents left you two on your own with debt that you were still struggling to pay? Was Life so cruel that it would add more debt and bills that you had no hope in paying? Is the God that people say is merciful so sadistic that he would have you watch the one person you care about and work so hard for die right before your eyes? What the hell was the point of all this? What lesson was there to be learned? ISN’T THERE ANYONE LISTENING TO YOUR PRAYERS?
           “relax kid, i heard ya.”
           Hearing someone respond to your break down was not what you were expecting. Let alone some skeletal demon standing in front of you holding out his hand like he wanted you to shake it. You think he is a demon anyway, with the bone horns that curl around to the back of his skull and dark blue tail that ends with an arrow tip swaying in a lazy like matter behind him. “names sans. im the demon of sloth. let’s make a deal.”
           This must be some drunken hallucination. Your poor broken and drunk mind is trying to cope by making up a demon of all things as a savoir. There is just no way this was really happening. Might as well go with it. What’s the harm in finding some hope no matter how false it was? So you tell ‘Sans’ everything. The debt, the upcoming bills, and your brother’s tumor. It honestly was a relief to finally tell someone what was going on. Imaginary or not.
           Through it all Sans said nothing. He listened to everything you had to say with a bored, if somewhat, sleepy expression. When you spilled out everything he had a thoughtful look to his eye lights. Then with a knowing and sadistic smirk, not that you noticed in your state, he made you an offer.
           “you poor soul, having to shoulder all that responsibility all on your own. only then to be told that it is all in vain. such is life i suppose. how about i help you out a little? not much really. hard work is something i strive to avoid. i will cure your brother of his illness. it’s a simple matter to do really. i will also ensure financial stability for seven years. i promise that you and your brother will be able to live more than comfortably for seven years. in return, you give me your sou. not right now. i will collect your soul in seven years. this is not something i offer to anyone, but it seems like you could use a bit of a break. so, do we have a deal?”
           Sans offers his hand again. Do you shake it? Do you accept the deal of a demon? Seven years isn’t long. But if it means saving your brother and clearing the debt that he won’t be saddle with then it is worth it. Besides, this isn’t really happening anyway. There is nothing wrong in entertaining your drunken hallucination. Convinced that there were no real harm you took the demon’s smooth boney hand and shook it. The deal has been made.
           The morning of you are awoken to your phone ringing. You don’t even remember getting into bed. It’s your brother’s doctor calling and he needs you to the hospital right away. A miracle has happened. Your brother’s tumor was gone. He had made a full recovery overnight.
           A week later, a lawyer came to your home. Your parents had died in a plane crash. They left you half a million dollars. More than enough money to pay off all debts, bills, and to live a comfortable life. You are starting to think that Sans was real after all. However, you can’t feel like making that deal was a bad choice. You and your brother are alive and can finally be happy. Seven years is not a long time. So you are going to live your life to the fullest with your brother.
           And for seven years you did. You taught your brother how to drive and helped him get his driver’s license at 16. You were there when he received the highest honors in graduating high school at 18. You supported him when he told you that he was dating a boy that he feel in love with at work. You were there to witness his proposal to that same boy when he was 20.  
           And now seven years since you sold your soul, you are once again home alone and drunk. (Hey it’s your last night alive you didn’t expect to be sober did you?) Your brother is at his finance’s house, he practically lives there now. You realize that you actually don’t want to die in the house. There is a spot that you and your brother go to see the stars. It is a nice, quiet, and beautiful place. Why not go there to die?
           After your fourth (or was it fifth) beer you find your keys and head to the car. It is late enough in the evening that no cars should be out. And the spot is only 15 minuets away. What is the harm in a small road trip while drunk? There is a lot of harm in a short drive while drunk.
           You don’t remember seeing the car. You certainly don’t remember the impact. What you do remember is how familiar the car looked. The dread you felt as you got out of your car to check on the other driver. The horror you felt as you recognize the driver. You remember how the asphalt felt as you fell to your knees while wailing as you look at the dead empty eyes of your brother.
           “i kept my promises. you and your bro lived happily and he was cured. but, even i can’t change his fate. he was destined to die tonight one way or the other. it has been seven years, it is time for you to hold up your end of the deal.”
Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed, Sorry if it was too long, and I’m sorry if you hated it. But thank you all the same. 
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 35 S4: Raphael Joins the Pile of Dead Bodies
Ah 2020, thankfully we have one trashfire somewhat behind us, but I’m still avoiding social media for so many obvious reasons because of all the other trashfires that just never seem to stop burning, so lets talk about Yugioh with all of this newfound time.
Ah, card games. Card games that go on for 6-7 episodes. Lets see how they pad it out:
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In a lot of ways, Roland really is just padding for the show, and that’s OK. He’s doing his best, by doing literally nothing but stand outside and check the time.
Inside the dusty soul chamber, Tristan has decided to do us the favor of recapping what happened last episode, which included the return of our four dead friends, so that they could die...again.
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Seto’s reaction to seeing these dead people suddenly alive again was very “guys...I went nuts like years ago, I’m just going with it at this point.” and he’s still 100% positive that this is all a hologram and that no one will ever die.
Whatever it takes for Seto to get out of bed in the morning, I guess.
(read more under the cut)
One of the big mechanics the game is that you need to stay level headed, or the Orichalcos just kind of slurps you up. This explains a little why Dartz is so freakin chill basically all of the time, just the Bob Ross of evil over there. It also is sort of funny because Pharaoh and Seto are the least chill people to have ever lived so he’s just kind of waiting it out to see whom between Seto and Kaiba gets the most angry first and completely botches it.
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Yugi has to do literally nothing and for the first time in his life this is the right choice.
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I’m so glad he gets to use his big brain move of “If I don’t play, no one dies!” from S1. Glad it came back to serve him for once instead of just make everyone else really annoyed.
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Yugi just...not moving means it’s now Seto’s turn to put down some cards, and he kinda looks over at Pegasus and goes...well you know what’s gonna happen next.
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I have no idea why he didn’t attack Pegasus. Like this episode is kind of weird because we got these flashbacks of Pegasus being like “you’re my only hope, Yugi!” and it’s like wtf, Pegasus trapped you on a murder island and tried to kill you multiple times. He abducted Mokuba and turned both the Kaiba brothers into cards.
yo did Seto and Pegasus get back together in between seasons or something? Was there a whole character development where these two have fun brunches in San Fransisco now? Because I would watch that anime. I would watch the anime where Seto and Pegasus are co-hosting Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, and just destroying every unsuspecting local restaurant they brunch in.
But are we just assuming that the eyeball did all that evil stuff from S1 and that otherwise Pegasus is a good person? Because like...he was a mess before he got possessed. He’s kind of a Yugi, he’s kind of a Bakura, he’s kind of a Marik...in that there’s a mess in that bean, and getting possesed just only amplified what was already there.
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So, with his smug as hell grin, Seto surprises Dartz by only barely getting affected by this inescapable moral dilemma and Seto just very quickly deciding to do a murder. And then we get a little blimp throwback to S2 (S3? I don’t even remember at this point, since we’ve been stuck in S4 for an entire year. Thanks 2020.)
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If blocking the shot when Marik did it in S3 or S2 or whenever that was, didn’t get Mai to like Joey, then it shouldn’t work if you do it a second time.
But hey, I guess it’s better than letting her perma-die. Although this show desperately needs to figure out how to use Mai if they’re gonna keep her around, youknow?
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Like all ships are fine and valid here, ship whatever you want to your hearts content: I don’t ship at all, as you know, but I hope one day they give Mai a personality that is consistently likeable. I do want to like her because she’s like...good at what she does when she plays cards and can be that can be a fun “hey I’m a girl but I’m not a freakin ‘gamer girl’ you male chauvinist assholes” type of character. But, the show just...the show doesn’t know what they want outside of a little romantic tension that they legally can’t follow through because of a 5-6 year age gap with a teenager.
This show actively tries to destroy this ship, and then turns around and is like “oh shoot this ship is all we have.” This show tries to lift up Mai as a feminist icon one season, and then tears her down for being “too” feminist the next season when she decides to--youknow--kill Joey Wheeler because he made her feel weak or something when he saved her life. 
Like the show does a lot to explore weakness and strength, and how what we see as weakness is actually strength, and how what we tend to attribute as strengths is actually weakness, and how our modern career/school/success expectations set us up for failure, but I think they explored that way better with Seto than they ever did with Mai.
Could’ve been cool Mai, you could’ve been cool.
Anyhoo, that was my spicy commentary on a 10+ year old anime, good to get it off my chest.
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Seto and Yami have the typical problem they have whenever they play cards together, where one goes completely rogue. Except this time, the one going rogue isn’t Seto, it’s Yami. He’s just like...I’ll make life for Seto very difficult and I will lose this game and I don’t even mind because I’m already dead, deal with it.
So honestly this is an episode where it’s just Seto demanding we kill a bastard, and Yami being like “but not THAT bastard” and Seto just shrugging and saying “I have to kill A bastard, Yugi! Just CHOOSE one!”
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That actual line in the show (I forget what it was exactly) does infer that Seto thinks Joey holds him back, and that implication speaks miles about Seto’s insecurities.
HOW THOUGH..........what are you jealous of, Seto?
You’re better at cards than he is, he’s never beat you at anything. It’s not about who’s best friends with Yugi because...Yugi’s possessed so Yami is always going to take first place...
......so what could it possibly BE?
Seto doesn’t attend school anymore, is it about that? Is it because Joey is likeable? Is it because Joey pretends he has a much older girlfriend? I mean hypothetically, Blue Eyes White Dragon is WAY older than Mai so...that can’t be it.
.....what IS it???
Does the “friendship” he have with Joey make Seto too soft? Is that what’s holding him back? Because Seto doesn’t actually think he’s friends with these people and says that Yugi and co are “Mokuba’s friends” so like....
.....what are you talking about, Seto???
Is it because you’re addicted to cards again? Because that’s...sort of Joey’s fault because he was the one who told you he needed a ride to Jacksonville, and then let slip that the “King of Games” title was up for grabs, is that it?
Are you just tired of Joey asking you for a ride?
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Not like it matters, because Joey survives, and Seto gets to feel like a complete asshole about it.
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As Raphael (who is this purple blur here) motorcycles into the dome of souls, Rolands last words were
“You can’t go in there!”
which was the weirdest thing to say to a guy you just saw fall down a 50 story building a few hours ago. Raphael not being dead should be the thing Roland fixates on, but instead he’s seen so many people die and come back to life, that he’s only concerned that Raphael will get in trouble for trespassing.
Again, Roland is the only Kaiba that hasn’t died yet, and it’s because he’s the only Kaiba that hasn’t broken the law.
Dude. What if the reason Roland is standing outside is because he’s been politely looking for the doorbell to be let in?
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...the players asking for death...like clockwork...and me asking for the end of this freakin game...we played...1 turn this episode...
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This episode was 1 turn!
And you may ask...well what else could possibly happen to stretch this out and well...
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Raphael dives in on a motorcycle to save the day. Which is an aesthetic, by the way, this huge man covered in like a dozen belts, doing a wheelie jump into a chasm of 1 million souls. that’s an aesthetic.
So he shows up, gets off his bike and I was like “Oh good, someone to maybe save Yugi saving Joey saving Mai?” And instead, I was...not given that.
Mostly Raphael is here because he ALSO wants to kill Dartz, and is like “can I join? I know you’ve only played like 1 round, just deal me a new hand, it’ll be fine.” and it’s like...we already played the Orichalcos Raphael, this is not a game of Uno, you cannot just jump in.
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Dartz is sort of obsessed with how everyone around him has potential for evil except for him, the chillest human to ever be born, and I gotta say...when he’s in this room...Dartz has a point.
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It is sort of nice to have the concept of an older generation (in this case 10,000 years older) fighting with a younger generation. To have the older, more typically wiser generation say “Listen, I kinda screwed the planet and the war economy and the prison system...and I’m gonna keep doing that...and you can’t stop me because you’re a bunch of hypocritical dumbasses.” and then the younger generation say. “We don’t care if we’re a mess, dude. We aren’t the problem here.”
I may be putting some recent topical STUFF into this mold here, but it is a nice little analogy that they made even someone who is such a human disaster as Yami and Seto “morally good” enough to fight Dartz. You don’t have to be a perfect Harvard Grad to fight the system, you don’t have to be an entirely problematic-free savior, you can be even as problematic as Seto Kaiba--just get rid of the dumb assholes trying to destroy the world. That’s all.
Like this concept is strangely prescient because in 2020 we’re in a weird time period where if you aren’t perfect, you’re not allowed to have opinions. You’re not allowed to make content. You’re not allowed to make change. This is mostly an online problem in places like twitter, but it’s a real problem--because in the end what you’re left with is no one that wants to step up to the plate because they know that they, too, are flawed.
And like not even just as a political thing, even as a creator, as an artist, I see this problem more and more with kids. Kids who are like “I am afraid to draw because what if I do it wrong and I get dragged on twitter years later?” or “I want to make a story, but I’m afraid to get cancelled because my fantasy story has problematic stuff in it? Am a bad person for wanting to write it?” And it’s like...what are we doing to young creators right now? Did we all fail humanities? How have we failed art and literature SO badly that we’ve come to this point that people are too afraid to even learn how to do it right?
Anyway that was a tangent, but like...you see the similarities, right? That if you really were as perfect as Dartz either politically or creatively, you’d be a freakin monster and would probably just tear down everyone else around you on twitter rather than lift other people up. It’s a stretch but eh, it’s been a while since I went on a good Yugioh tangent and like
---it’s not like I can say this on twitter---
+++++++++++++++END OF THAT RANT+++++++++++++++++++
So it’s at this point that Dartz turns to Raphael is like “I mean...we weren’t really doing anything else, and Yugi and Yami are playing so slowly...I guess I have time to bust your nuts” and decides to bust his nuts.
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Oh hey, I was right.
And yeah, that’s still effed up. Dartz killed his Raphael’s family, left him on an island, and then adopted him later after forcing him to dig up their graves. Like...Raphael, that’s effed up.
He also did the same thing to everyone else (and for Valon he just kinda glazed over that really fast because we had to edit his backstory out of the English version)
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PS at this part Mokuba started sweating bullets and Tea leaned over and was like “Is this true, Mokuba?”
And Mokuba was like “...yes.”
Because, I don’t think Mokuba can keep any secret from Tea. Like for reals, Tea may be the most dangerous thing to all of KaibaCorp if she wasn’t so distracted by Yami’s endless string of problems. Mokuba is constantly telling them all of Seto’s deepest darkest secrets and there is like nothing Seto can do about it.
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The animation of Gozaburo turning into a beautiful Dartz was just a simple fade to white, but man--imagine if they had dome some crazy effed up animation where Gozaburo just whips back his head and he has ass length blue hair and long, luscious lashes?
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Anyway, this was enough for Raphael, who was already our most gullible and unstable person on this show, to just flip that switch and go lime green like all those other minibosses before him.
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Really glad we built up Raphael for him to just die at the door hahaha.
That was so freakin random.
OK then. Thanks for nothing, Raphael.
I guess we go to the next episode to see if we finally play another turn? We can hope for good things. But if we don’t play a full turn I will NOT be surprised.
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siredsong · 3 years
5, 6, 7, 10, 25! 100w min answers please u___u*
SMASHHHH hi hi hi love uuu babyyyyy <3  😘😘😘ahhhhh sorry for taking so long, pls dont die on me !!! 
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
hmmmm that’s a tough one cause it really depends on the day but in general i would say breakfast cause it’s the only time i can make my basic peanut butter and banana toast with coffee in peace. no but the way that i lIVED off of pb and banana toast with coffee last fall, it was my go to breakfast every. single. day. and im still not tired of it!! if u havent tried it pls do (only if ur not allergic and if u are i am so utterly sorry that u are missing out on one of the greatest creations in existence but im sure there is a substitute that u can indulge in instead :) )
6. Most embarrassing habit?
to be completely honest i have no clue. im self aware about a lot of things but when it comes to habits i just dont really notice them. i mean one thing that might count is that i am or was an avid nail biter :/ but it was something that i worked really hard on overcoming and it’s working at the moment!! my nails are pretty long right now but it’s an ongoing process cause right when i start feeling bored or particularly anxious i’ll start biting them again and the process continues. now that i think about it, it’s always when im studying or taking a test that i really start to bite my nails and i let myself do it cause it’s something i can control i guess?? whereas the difficulty of the material or question is not something i can control ..... hmm interesting thoughts, will ponder on that more later 
LMAO not me getting all deep about nail biting pLS 😭 
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
ahhh this is easy, chocolate all day every day!! i will admit that i definitely love fruity candy like i will suck on jolly ranchers and lollipops all day especially if that lollipop is named kim ta- but if i was given the choice between gummy bears and a twix im tAKING THE TWIX NO ONE COMES BETWEEN ME AND MY TWIX no but seriously i throw hands with my siblings on the daily for dairy milk and kinder buenos but those bITCHES STILL DECIDE TO TRY ME >:( fair warning: don’t come between leeba and her chocolate 🙂
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
alright let’s put my awkward, lowkey socially anxious mind to the test. what to say to a stranger on an elevator bESIDES staring at the doors willing them to open so i can get the hell out of there?? uhhhhh if i was the most confident version of myself and this stranger was hot as hell i would flirt the hELL out of my 2 minutes with them lmaoo probably start off by complimenting them in some way like “wow, i really like ur shoes” or maybe even a “ur face is pretty and im feeling hot right now together we’d be pretty hot, wanna makeout??” jokes jokes this is a jOKE do not actually try this!!!  .......aCTUALLY you know what, it’s ur life, u do u boo but dont call me when u possibly, potentially, probably get arrested 😳
no but seriously i always like complimenting people, so i’d prob just compliment something about their outfit or hair and nowadays a lot of people tend to have pretty masks too so i compliment those as well :)  
damn i just reread the question and it says strangerS. pLURAL. 
fuck. i just wrote down my best debatable content and i didnt even properly answer the question😭😭😭 gahhhh ummmm if there was more than one person i’d prob talk about uhhhhhh ..... the weather ??? i dONT FUCKING KNOW IM TOO AWKWARD FOR THAT SHIT in reality i’d probably back myself up into a corner and stare at the door until i get to my floor and then gET THE HELL OUT OF THERE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE im not cut out for the randomly conversing with a group strangers kinda shit. now if there was someone else with me that’d be a different story and something we shall ponder later cause this shit is getting too fucking long and no one cares HAHA ok 
25. Favorite memory?
hmmmm that’s pretty hard since when it comes to stuff about myself i have a shit memory LOL buttt something that comes to mind right away is the first time i ever rode in my friend’s car. god it was such a nice day and she’s the kind of person who likes windows down and music blasting and honestly it felt like such a movie moment like one of those cheesy coming of age films where they’re in college and getting that first taste of freedom because it was quite literally that first taste of freedom for me. we drove around so much that day, until it got really dark and she just kept playing the best music and we were singing so loudly and being so fucking annoying but i didn’t give a single shit i was having the time of my life lMAO and my hand was out of the window doing those little hands waves things through the air that was whooshing past and my friend who was sitting in the backseat told me later on that throughout the time we were in the car she was just staring at the little hand waves that i was making cause of how cool they looked lol but yea that was such a good day and i even made a playlist of all of the songs that we listened to so whenever we’re in the car we listen to those songs and gAH honestly one of the best memories and listening to those songs makes me smile so hard cause of how free and happy i felt those couple hours 
gosh not me getting sappy on main :/ forget u read that :p 
ANYWAYS THERE U GO U LITTLE IMPATIENT ASS i hope u liked this, my love :) 
send me a number ask game lovelies
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deantransgressions2 · 4 years
4x21 when the levee breaks
this is a long one. enjoy.
#1: sam asked dean repeatedly to be let out of the panic room so he can explain. dean said no. instead he chose to continue to keep sam locked up against his will.
time tag: 1:10
#2: “you lied to me over, and over again. i get it now” (dean to sam).
here he is acknowledging sam has a serious addiction. he doesn’t fucking care though! because instead of treating sam like an addict, he is treating him like a monster.
time tag: 1:36
#3: “strong? this is about as far away from strong as you can get. try weak. desperate. pathetic.”
.... he is an ADDICT. quick google search will tell you that you should never blame the addict, or insult them. dean has never been able to see things from other’s perspectives, and this is a perfect fucking example of that. calling your brother, who has a drug addiction, pathetic and weak....makes me sick.
time tag: 1:55
#4: “oh lilith is going to die. bobby and i will kill her, and not with you” (said to sam).
idiot. dean couldn’t even kill alastair. hell, the angels couldn’t even kill alastair. and lilith is known to be stronger. dean has lost his mind.
time tag: 2:07
#5: “congrats sammy. you just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse”.
okay a couple things, 1. sam didn’t buy shit, dean is forcing him to sit this one out. and 2. dean wants to kill lilith? cool. glad we are all acknowledging that no one knows the consequences of that yet.
time tag: 2:15
#6: shuts the hatch again and leaves to just go back upstairs while sam is screaming for dean to let him out. he not only left sam to detox alone in a locked metal cage. but now he is also leaving the basement so he won’t have to hear his screams? obviously doesn’t care about sam’s wellbeing at. all. it’s so fucked up.
time tag: 2:32
#7: “no one knows how long it will take. hell, or if sam will even live through it” (bobby to dean). dean and bobby do nothing.
time tag: 5:19
#8: “so what? we sacrifice sam’s life, his soul, for the greater good?” (said to bobby, after bobby suggested letting sam help with the apocalypse)
.....bold of dean to act like he cares about sam’s life. his brother is dying downstairs, and dean chilling with bobby upstairs. cute.
time tag: 8:45
#9: sam is too ill to walk across the panic room to get a glass of water. maybe if his “loving” brother was in there with him, that wouldn’t of been a problem.
time tag: 9:47
#10: “you got ass-reamed in heaven, but it was not of import?” (said to cas)
time tag: 14:02
#11: “can he do it? kill lilith? stop the apocalypse?” (said to cas)
oh? dean also believes killing lilith will stop the apocalypse? good to know. won’t matter though, because he’s gonna pretend he didn’t come 5x01.
time tag: 14:20
#12: “we believe it’s you dean, not your brother.” (cas to dean, about killing lilith)
we all know cas was lying, angels knew dean couldn’t do shit about lilith. but the words cas uses are similar to the ones ruby says to sam. dean is being manipulated into thinking HE can kill lilith “the right way” and if sam tries to kill lilith, then he will become a “creature you would feel compelled to kill” (cas to dean). point is, if dean was fully prepared to have the angels use him to kill lilith, then shouldn’t he have understood sam sacrificing himself to kill lilith?
time tag: 14:35
#13: the way the light was hitting him made him look so ugly for a second. looked 85 at best. he deserved to look ugly. best part of the episode.
time tag: 15:40
#14: strapped sam down to the bed. now he has zero access to water, or a toilet. smart.
time tag: 19:23
#15: bobby: “if he doesn’t get what he needs soon, sam’s not gonna last much longer”
dean: ”no. i’m not giving him demon blood. i won’t do it.”
bobby: “and if he dies?”
dean: “then at least he died human!”
dean doesn’t give a flying fuck about sam as a person. he would rather let his brother die, ALONE, just so he dies “human”.....sam hasn’t been 100% human since novemeber 2nd 1983. and ever since dean found this out in 4x03, he has treated sam as less than. he can act like he cares for his brother all he wants, but it’s obvious he fucking doesn’t.
time tag: 20:50
#16: “i won’t let my brother turn into a monster” (said to bobby)
....what kind of “monster” kills demons for the greater good. what kind dean? you let me know.
time tag: 22:27
#17: both dean and bobby think ruby got sam out of the panic room. ok. dumb. but ok.
time tag: 28:07
#18: “i am on call, in my car, on my way to murder the bitch” (said to bobby, about ruby)
time tag: 28:44
#19: ruby: “i had no idea that dean would do that to you”
sam: “you and me both”
thats just....sad. to trust your brother so completely your entire life, and then for him to do that to you....its fucked.
time tag: 30:00
#20: “us finding sam? that’s got to be about getting him back, not pushing him away” (bobby to dean).
dean didn’t fucking listen to a word bobby said.
time tag: 35:52
#21: tried to murder ruby again. as far as dean knows, ruby is also trying to kill lilith for the right reasons just let everyone else. i get he’s mad about the demon blood, but that’s sam’s friend, it’s his call to make. if sam wants to continue his addiction thats HIS choice. the addiction affects dean in 0 ways. therefore, he gets no say in the matter whatsoever.
time tag: 36:32
#22: sam: “let’s just talk about this”
dean: “soon as she’s dead (ruby), we can talk all you want”
why is he giving conditions? just talk to your fucking brother.
time tag: 37:18
#23: “i just want you to be okay” (said to sam) oh? is that why you left him alone to die in an underground metal room?
time tag: 37:53
#24: “come with us, dean. we can do this together” (sam to dean)
let’s remember sam said this. because dean is gonna act like he didn’t
time tag: 38:11
#25: “demon bitch is a deal breaker”
why are there always conditions with dean? like everything always has to go his way. god forbid anyone objects.
time tag: 38:20
#26: sam: “i’m the only one that can do this dean” dean disagrees. he thinks he is.....he thinks that because the angels are manipulating him. two manipulated boys standing in a room f-i-g-h-t-i-n-g.
time tag: 38:38
#27: dean: “you’re not gonna do a single damn thing”
sam: “stop bossing me around, dean!”
time tag: 38:59
#28: sam: “my whole life, you take the wheel, you call the shots, and i trust you, because you are my brother. now, i’m asking you, for once...trust me”
dean: “no.”
so sam trusts his brother, solely because he’s his brother, yet dean won’t trust sam because???? idk he’s too tall maybe.
time tag: 39:11
#29: “it’s not something that you’re doing, it’s what you are!” (said to sam). 
proof that dean only cares if sam is human, and not who sam actually is as a person. he started treating sam differently the day he found out what azazel did to him, and he has treated him with the same apprehension and disdain ever since. 
time tag: 39:35
#30: “it means you’re a monster” (said to sam).
time tag: 39:58
#31: sam punched dean. dean fights back. based on EVERYTHING dean has done to him, i’m gonna go ahead and say that sam punching him is completely justified. now dean deciding to beat the shit out of him....not justified. sam did nothing to deserve that. he literally just made a friend without dean’s permission, and got high. none of which, affected dean.
time tag: 40:05
#32: “you walk out that door...don’t you ever come back” (said to sam)
same words john used. cute dean. like father like son
time tag: 41:46
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Unexpected: Bucky x Reader oneshot
Notes: I can 100% guarantee that this is poorly edited despite my efforts, but I hope you guys like it anyway. I wrote the bones of this story a couple years ago, but decided to edit and finish it while I work on the series fics I have yet to finish.
Summary:  A guest (Y/N) shows up at the tower with a suitcase and a letter looking for the world’s favorite captain. What she didn’t expect, was two super soldiers at the end of her journey instead of one.
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Bucky had just changed into his black tee and sweatpants, ready to head down to the gym to work out with Steve. He went straight to the kitchen for one of his early morning breakfast protein shakes to find Steve already there speaking with Tony about the last mission.
“I’m just telling you it could have gone a bit better if we kept the twins more organized.” Steve spoke in his demanding tone.
Tony replied “They’re twins, capsicle, aren’t they always organized with their magical twin telepathy or whatever?”
“You know, you could do without the sarcasm for one day.”
“Well then you wouldn’t be nearly as in love with me, now would you, Cap?” Steve only scoffed and pushed himself back from the counter. “Don’t worry” Tony winked “I won’t tell Sharon.”
Bucky had had enough. “Can’t you too cool it with the flirting for just one day? Its 7 am. I haven’t even eaten yet.”
Steve turned to reply to his friend but was interrupted by the sound of the elevator opening. The three men turned their heads to the doors pulling back revealing a young woman. She had to be in her early twenties. She stepped forward and pulled her suitcase behind her, observing her surroundings before finally seeing the men before her.
“Oh, Hello.” She spoke. Steve, Tony, and Bucky just stared. When they all remained silent, she said, “Does one of you speak, possibly?”
Tony was the first to come to his senses and walked around the counter to the girl. “And who are you?”
“Um, I’m here to speak to your captain over there. I have this…” she said, before rummaging through her purse. She pulled out a small folded piece of paper and handed it to Tony, who unfolded it and read it twice over before walking back over to Steve and Bucky.
“Do you, by chance, have a sister?” He asked Steve.
Steve sat on the couch with the Bucky, Tony, and the girl around him in awkward silence, waiting for him to speak. Tony was the first to put a crack in the dead air. “Are you sure you had a sister?”
Steve turned his head to Tony to give him a look that could only question his idiocy, yet Tony remained unfazed. “Yes, Tony I’m pretty sure. However, ‘had’ is the operative word…” Steve turned his gaze back to the girl whose eyes were locked with Bucky’s “…but that was back in the forties. She was five when I went into the ice, and if she had a daughter later, that kid would certainly be much older than twenty-years-old by now.
“Twenty-three.” The girl piped up, finally tearing her eyes away from the dark, moody super soldier.
“Like it matters.” Tony murmured.
“Listen, kid. Twenty, Twenty-three. It makes zero difference. You say you’re my sister’s kid, but logic says that impossible, so you’re going to have to explain everything to me right now, from the top.” Steve ordered her like the captain he was.
“Ok, I can do that.” The girl readjusted herself in her chair and brushed her fingers through her hair. “My name is Y/N. I was born on (Y/B-Day). My mother adopted me when I was fifteen after my foster mother contacted her about my abilities. I went to live with her and she aimed to train me, but she died before she could. She wrote the note for me to give to you when I saw fit. She said that if I ever wanted extended training then you’d be the guy to go to and you wouldn’t turn me away because you are family.”
“When did she die?” Steve asked.
“Four years ago.”’
“She was alive all this time and didn’t contact me? Why? She obviously knew where I was.”
“I asked her that a million times. All she ever said was that you had a new life now and didn’t need your old one holding you back. I thought it was a stupid reason, but whatever.”
“You mentioned some abilities?” Tony asked, diverting the conversation.
“Which are?”
“I can move metal with my mind.”
“Ohhh no.” Tony said, shaking his head quickly. “You better not also be able to read minds, because we’ve already got one of those freaky-deaky chicks, so you’ll have to join another super hero team.”
“Why would Ellen adopt you because of these abilities?” Steve spoke.
“For a while, Mom was kind of well-known for taking care of people with special abilities. She said that was in the early two-thousands. She went by the name Moira Katz. She ended up adopting me much later.”
Steve rose from his chair and rubbed his face, his mind clearly full of emotions warring with one another. “Look, for now you can stay, but I have to verify this information. It all has to add up. You can have a room. Bucky will show you where.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate this. You have no idea.”
“Fine, but if I find you lied then you’re out.”
Moments later, Bucky stood and pulled Y/Ns suitcase toward an empty room with her in tow.
“You really believe all this?” Tony questioned.
“Normally I wouldn’t, but the note was in Ellen’s handwriting. No doubt about it.”
 Bucky propped Y/Ns suitcase up against the wall adjacent to the bedroom door. Y/N uncrossed her arms and reached for the doorknob. “Thanks for bringing up my bag. I think I’m going to take a rest. Long day, ya know?”
Bucky stood there, eyes cast down at his shoes and grabbed her elbow before she could retreat behind the door. “Did you really think you could get away with acting like we don’t know each other?”
Y/N huffed out a deep breath and Bucky lifted his eyes to meet hers. She pulled her arm out of his grasp and crossed them in front of her chest. “C’mon Bucky, it was just a couple of nights, two months ago. I didn’t know that you were an avenger. It’s not like I knew you would be here of all places. Let’s just forget it and move on. I need Steve to help me and him knowing my past involvement with you would not do me any favors.”
She turned to leave, but Bucky grabbed her back to him by her waist and placed his lips on hers. Initially, Y/N resisted, but as Bucky’s arms tightened around her waist, her lips opened, and she melted into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck when he lifted her up, holding her firm against his body. Bucky pushed Y/N against the wall and she felt him hard against her inner thigh. Just as she quietly moaned, he pulled back from her and set her on the ground.
“What the hell was that?” She asked, her frustrated tone clearly contradicting her body’s response to him kissing her.
“We aren’t done.” Bucky said as he stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Bucky—" Y/N started, but her protest was interrupted.
“And it wasn’t a couple of nights, it was a week and a half, and I’ve thought of you every day since.” Bucky looked down and straightened his shirt out then locked eyes with Y/N once again. “Have a nice night.” Then he turned on his heel and walked down the hall without looking back.
Bucky walked out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen with plans of making a protein shake for his morning workout, again. When he turned the corner, Steve sat at the counter with his head in his hands, staring at the piece of paper in front of him. Bucky sighed. No workout for now.
“Hey Steve.” He said as he walked up behind his friend and gave him a friendly slap on the back. “You look a little down.” He joked. Steve looked up at him with an expression that stated he clearly wasn’t amused, then slid the paper in Bucky’s general direction. As he picked it up, Bucky glanced back at Steve who resumed his previous position, then looked down at the information in front of him.
“She was telling the truth, then,” he said nonchalantly. Steve rubbed his face with his palms. He looked like shit. “Have you been up all night?”
“Wouldn’t you have been?” he responded, fully expecting Bucky not to answer. “Tony came back late last night with the results and I’ve been staring at them for…” he paused and looked at the clock. “Five hours.”
“Look Steve, I know it’s a weird day at Stark Tower when some kid comes up to you demanding training, but—”
“Buck, that happens every day with the new recruits.” He sighed.
“Still haven’t exactly caught on to the concept of sarcasm, huh?” Bucky smiled. Steve stood up, pushing the stool back at the same time.
“Bucky, do you even realize what this paper says? It says my sister was alive. If that were true, Ellen would’ve come found me, I just know it. The story this kid has is not adding up. I don’t care about the evidence; anything can be forged. She might not even have abilities, for all we know.” He said, his own words knocking him into action as he stormed around Bucky, straight for Y/N’s room.
“Steve, come on.” Bucky called before turning to go after him. When he caught up, Steve was already banging on the door hard enough that it was surprising his fist didn’t go right through it. “Steve...” he started, but he lost his breath the minute Y/N opened the door in her tiny shorts and tight tank that prominently displayed her breasts. When she saw it was Steve, she grabbed her silky robe off the hook to her right and wrapped it around her. She looked up after securing the ties and caught Bucky’s gaze for half a second before quickly moving her attention back to Steve.
“Good Morning.” She smiled lightly, which did nothing to soothe Steve’s frustration but did everything to remind Bucky even more of why he needed this girl.
“You need to prove yourself now, or you’re out!” Steve ground out harshly. “Come with me.” He grabbed Y/N’s arm and dragged her down the hall with him, not giving her any other choice but to obey. She looked to her left and locked eyes with Bucky who shot her back a wink which was returned with an eye roll.
She was pulled back into the living room where Tony and Pietro sat on opposite couches; Pietro flipping through the tv channels and Tony yelling at him to just pick one already. They stopped their argument when they saw Steve drag Y/N behind him to the center of the room before letting her go and stepping a safe distance back from her. “Go on.” He said.
“What’s happening?” Tony asked, looking from Cap to Y/N and back.
“We need to see her abilities.” Steve demanded.
Tony rolled his eyes and directed his next question only at Y/N, “Having a good morning, Sweetheart?’
“Oh, just the greatest.” She huffed back, arms crossed in front of her chest. Tony looked at Steve with a slight smile on his face.
“Capsicle, that right there, was a perfect example of sarcasm. She’s already more useful than you expected her to be.”
“Be quiet, Tony.” Steve bit back before looking again to Y/N. “Do it.”
Y/N sighed and began to lift her land when it was seized by Pietro. “Hello, I don’t believe I have had the pleasure. Pietro Maximoff.” He smiled and winked before placing his lips on the back of her hand.
Y/N retuned his smile. “It’s nice to meet you, but believe me, I already know who you are.”
“What!?” Bucky yelled. “You know who he is, but you didn’t know who I was?!” Y/N turned her head to look directly at him along with the rest of the room. Bucky nearly blushed at his outburst, realizing he might have just raised suspicion as to his relationship with her, but they all turned back around as if it didn’t happen.
“He tends to overreact when someone isn’t aware of his fame and beauty. Try not to take it personally, Y/N.” Tony joked. Bucky rolled his eyes and Y/N continued her conversation with Pietro.
“A friend of mine is originally from Sokovia. She follows your ‘career’ very carefully and is a huge fan. I think she talked about you almost every day.”
Pietro lifted the corner of his mouth. “All good things, I hope.” He said with a lustful look in his eyes that Bucky had seen directed at one too many women, and he was well aware of what it meant.
“Ok, Ok.” Bucky said as he moved between Y/N and Pietro, breaking their hands apart. “Let’s get this over with. Just do your thing or whatever it is that you do.”
Y/N shot him and angry glare. “Fine!” she snapped then closed her eyes and took one deep breath before opening them again. They had turned neon green. She lifted her right fist in front of her face and extended her index finger. The men all stared at her, waiting patiently for her to do something. In the blink of an eye, Y/N’s finger moved sharply to left and a barbell flew towards them from the gym, shattering the glass wall separating the rooms, and hitting Bucky hard, pinning him to the floor by his neck. He tried to pry it up, but it wouldn’t budge until Y/N dropped her hand and closed her eyes, returning them to her natural color.
“Another glowing-eyed chick.” Tony said. “I knew it.” He smiled as Bucky shoved the barbell off him and righted himself, brushing dust off his shirt. Y/N smirked at him and he frowned back. “Well clearly she isn’t lying about that bit.” Tony said as he rolled his eyes in Steve’s general direction. “I’ll go discuss this with Bruce. You’ll meet him later Y/N. Good job kid.” He said before turning on his heel and heading toward the stairs.
Pietro was gone before he even finished mumbling something about telling the girls, and Steve had disappeared right along with him, leaving Y/N and Bucky alone in the living room.
“So,” He started as he walked towards her. “I didn’t exactly know you could do that. You didn’t have to be so rough with me, beautiful.”
Y/N turned to face him. “How could you know? We just met last night.” She said with a hard, straight face, ignoring his second statement all together.
Bucky half-chuckled. “Oh, come on. You know I won’t ever let you forget me…or how we met.” His eyes gleamed as he reached up and cupped her cheek, stroking its soft skin with his calloused thumb.
“Get off!” she said, slapping his hand away from her.
He grinned, full and satisfied. “Fine. But there’s no need to be hostile, doll face.”
They were both silent for a moment. Her arms crossed and eyes cast down to the floor. Bucky smiling, more than happy to be looking at her beautiful face.
“Well” he said, breaking the silence and looking down at his shirt, “It seems that your little stunt got my shirt all dirty when you pinned me to the floor.” In truth, there was not a speck on it, but Bucky was never one to pass up an opportunity. He grasped his shirt from the back of the neck and slowly pulled it over his head, the muscles in his arms contorting underneath his beautifully tanned skin. “I really need to wash this.” He smirked as he watched Y/N’s eyes quickly flick to his chest before returning to the ground, but she said nothing.
Bucky reached for her chin and lifted it until they locked eyes, their faces an inch apart. “You can pretend all you want that you don’t care for me too. But, when you run out of energy keeping up with that little lie, I’ll still be here.” He took a last lingering look at her plump lips, slightly parted, before letting go of her and withdrawing. He turned and walked away from her without looking back. “I’m very patient man, Y/N,” he called back as he climbed the stairs.
 She dodged one arrow, then another, then spread her fingers of her right hand before quickly making a fist, shattering the third one a foot from her face.
“Good.” Tony said. “Again.”
They continued this exercise four more times until Clint shot six arrows at her at once. Y/N slowly closed her eyes and snapped her fingers sending out a strong force that sent Clint flying back and hitting the wall while forcing Tony to step back a few paces to steady himself. Clint groaned and moved to get up. “Alright, ok, that was good. You’re getting good at that.” He cracked his neck and brushed himself off. “That one was good. That one hurt.”
Tony looked his direction and crossed his arms in front of him. “What, did you break a hip? Getting too old for this?”
“No older than you.” He said as he bent back to crack his back.
“Ouch. You know, I’m not completely made of stone.” Tony replied sarcastically.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Clint said as he stretched out his arms.
Y/N chucked to herself. “I’m sorry, Clint.”
“Nope, No problem. I’m just gonna go take a rest.”
“Walk it off, Grandpa” Tony yelled after him, receiving a mumbled ‘Fuck you’ in return. He turned to Y/N. “You still up for some more, kid?”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. “Sure.”
“Ok, good.” Tony looked at his watch. “Alright, give me a minute. I have to go meet Pepper in ten. I’ll send someone down, OK?”
“Good. You did good today, sweetheart. In a few days, we are gonna have Wanda down here to help out.” He replied before smiling and exiting the room.
Y/N slowly paced around for a few minutes before she moved to the back wall to get a drink of water, bending down to grab the bottle from her bag. Then, she heard the door shut and footsteps come in her direction.
“What a view.”
Y/N shot up and turned in time to see Bucky starring at her ass before he quickly looked up, met her eyes, and smiled, his arms folded in front of his chest. She groaned. “Of all the Avengers, he had to send you?”
Bucky chuckled and gave his shoulders a light shrug. “I volunteered.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Of course you did.” Then she stepped around him to grab her bag and head out the door as quickly as possible. “I’m not in the mood for this.” She mumbled.
“If you leave because of me, it’ll look weird to the others. Tony said another hour and if you stomp up there all pissed in front of them, they’ll know somethings up between us.” He said as she reached for the door handle. Y/N dropped her hand and turned to face him.
“There isn’t anything ‘up’ between us.” She replied angrily.
“Yes, there is.” He quickly returned with a huge smile across his face.
“No there--ughh!” Y/N balled her hands into fists. “Why are you like this!”
“I thought you would have figured that out already.”
Y/N huffed. “Bucky, I’m not getting into this right now. If Tony says I have to train for another hour and I’m stuck with you, then lets just get it over with.”
“Anything you want, doll face, but don’t think I won’t enjoy myself.” He said as she dropped her bag back against the wall.
They faced each other ten paces apart.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t plan to go easy on you in any way.” Y/N started.
“Like you ever do.” Bucky smirked.
She ignored him completely and tightened her ponytail. “Are you ready?’
“Are you flirting with me, Y/N?”
“How was that flirting?”
“Oh, I just figured you had your own way of doing it.”
“I do, but you’ll never see it.”
“Pretty sure I already did see it. Don’t you remember?” Y/N let out an annoyed groan and shot her hand out towards him, sending her metal water bottle in the direction of Bucky’s head, but his arm snatched it out of the air before it could reach him. “Aww, c’mon, doll,” Bucky mumbled in disappointed as he got into place. He threw the bottle to the side and ran a hand through his hair before looking back at her. “Ready when you are.” He smirked.
They readied themselves and before Y/N knew it, Bucky was charging for her. She quickly closed and opened her eyes to her green neon orbs, and put her hands up above her head, fingers spread, then tightened them in a fist before quickly throwing them down in front of her, one crossing over the other. Within half a second, two ceiling beams slammed into the ground in front of her in the form of an X, shielding her from Bucky. He smirked and reached his metal arm up to one of the beams, pulled it from the ground and threw it to the side before advancing toward her. Y/N stepped back as he neared her, searching around for something to throw at him. There wasn’t enough metal.  She threw the water bottle again only for him to side step and watch it fly past his face. “C’mon doll face, give it up.” He smiled, looking back to her.
She continued to look around until it dawned on her. Bucky’s metal arm wasn’t flesh. How was that not the first thing she thought of? Y/N reached her hand straight out in front of her and felt her power latch on to his arm. Slowly, she seeped it through the individual joints of the metal and stretched them apart, creating gaps between each panel. Bucky tried to regain control, but Y/N only got stronger and it was as if his arm was no longer his own. He saw her huff out a breath and before he knew it, he was flying, lifted solely by the metal attached to his body.
Y/N held him there, dangling in the air for a second before she moved her arm to the left in one sharp motion, sending Bucky in the same direction, but it was more powerful than either of them expected.
As he hit the wall, Bucky’s head slammed against the concrete with a sickening crack and he felt his vision go dark. Immediately, Y/N closed her eyes and snapped them back open to their natural color just in time to see Bucky fall hard to the ground. “Bucky!?”
She ran over to him and got on her knees beside him. “Bucky? She shook him hard by the shoulders, but he didn’t budge. “Bucky wake up! Bucky, please!”
When he refused to move, Y/N ran to the intercom on the wall and screamed for Steve or Tony or Pietro. Anyone. Then, she ran back to Bucky’s side and rested his head on her knees. She only noticed she was crying when her tears began to fall into his hair as she brushed the locks back from his face. She was so distracted that she didn’t even notice Tony and Steve slide up next to her. Steve looked down at her, a mixture of emotions on his handsome face. “What did you do?”
“Steve…” Tony said, knowing the sight of the captain’s best friend knocked out would spike his temper.
“Steve, I’m sorry. I—I didn’t mean to. I couldn’t control it.” Y/N sobbed, moving her eyes from Steve’s face back to Bucky’s unconscious one. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just leave,” he groaned.
“Steve. I—I didn’t…” she tried, before Tony spoke up.
“Best to just listen to him right now, kid. We’ll take care of Barnes.” He lightly smiled. “Go on.”
Y/N stood as tears continued to fall down her cheeks and took one long look at Bucky before turning and heading for the door. When she was out of sight, she ran to her room, slammed the door behind her, and began to sob again.
Y/N’s eyes were unbelievably red after crying through the night. She couldn’t believe what she had done. She didn’t mean to, but for a split second she lost control of it. And now this man, a man that for whatever reason cared about her and never gave up after she repeatedly brushed him off, was hurt.
She was distracted from her thoughts at the sudden knock. Slowly, miserably, she rose from her bed, wiped the tears from her cheeks and walked to the door. When she opened it, Wanda was on the other side.
“Hello.” The witch spoke.
“Hi, Wanda. How are you?” Y/N replied and felt bad that her tone lacked any sincerity.
“I’m ok, but I’m more worried about you. Are you ok?”
Instantly, the tears returned. They were uncontrollable and Wanda pulled Y/N into a hug before leading her over to the bed and sitting down next to her.
“I don’t know how it happened. I hurt him.” Y/N explained through her sobs.
Wanda rubbed her back in return. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I know you didn’t mean to.”
“What if he never wakes up?”
“Believe me, that man will wake up. He never seems to die.” Y/N was silent. There was nothing else to say. She had never felt so bad in her entire life. “I think you should go see him. He’s in the lab. Dr. Cho is fixing him up, monitoring his vitals. You being there, it may help.”
“How could me being there possibly help?”
Wanda smiled softly. “Y/N, I’ve seen his thoughts. I know his feelings. I promise you, it would help.”
Y/N gasped when she saw him lying there. If he wasn’t barely breathing and the sound of the heart rate monitor was not beeping incessantly, he would’ve looked dead, and the tears started back up. She couldn’t take her eyes off him and didn’t even hear Dr. Cho tell her she would give the two of them a minute before leaving the room.
Tentatively, Y/N neared him and reached out a hand to stoke his cheek, her thumb moving back 'and forth in soft motions along the cheekbone. “Oh God.” She whispered to herself. “Bucky.” she softly sobbed. “I am so sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I never wanted to hurt you.”  Y/N moved her hand to brush a lock of hair from his forehead. “Please, wake up. I just…I can’t imagine not seeing you again.” She inhaled a quick breath and sniffled. “I’m sorry I acted like I don’t care about you too.” She muttered and then made the decision to lean down and kiss his forehead. She closed her eyes as she felt his warm skin against her lips. Then, she moved her kiss down to his cheek, to the tip of his nose, before placing them fully on his plump lips. He didn’t kiss back. She knew he wouldn’t, but it didn’t surprise her one bit to realize how much she wished he would. When she rose, she looked down to his hand and touched it with her own before slowly stepping away and turning to go back to her room.
Y/N was in the kitchen getting some water when Bucky Barnes walked into the room. She looked up at the sound of footsteps and turned to see who it was. Her eyes went wide at the man before her and her hand stopped in the middle of bringing the glass to her lips. She said nothing; there was nothing she could think of to say, so he was the one to do it first.
“So, I hear you like me.” He smirked, rather arrogantly.
“What? Who told you something like that?” Who could have known? She never told anyone. She never planned to. Sure, she told Wanda she felt bad about hurting him, but that didn’t necessarily mean she liked him.
He looked back at her, causally walking towards her before stopping a few feet away. “You did.”
“No, I most certainly did not!”
“Yes, you did. But in all fairness, you didn’t think I would hear you.”
Shock took over her face as she realized what he was talking about and she panicked to find the right words. “You were unconscious!”
His faced scrunched a bit, knowing she wouldn’t like the truth. “Not exactly.”
He raised his hands in defense. “It was Wanda’s idea, not mine. I mean, you did knock me out, but I woke up a couple hours before you came to talk to me. Wanda suggested the idea, and I was game for anything that would get you to let your guard down.”
“WANDA!!!” Y/N screamed. The rest of the tower could probably hear her, but in that moment, she didn’t care one bit. “I am going to kill that witch!”
Wanda rounded the corner ten seconds later but stopped in her tracks at the sight of the couple before her and the anger on Y/N’s face.
Her eyes moved to Bucky, her face full of annoyance. “You weren’t supposed to tell her!”
“Should I have lied to her instead?”
“Oh yea, because that’s a strong foundation for a good relationship.”
Y/N interrupted their banter. “Shut up!” She said before turning to her ‘friend.’ “Wanda, you tricked me!”
“Only a little bit, but what was I supposed to do, Y/N? You’re too stubborn for your own good. He”, She said, pointing to Bucky, “would pine over you for the rest of his life and you would be too scared to admit that you want him too. I told you I read his thoughts and I did, but I also read yours. They are one and the same. So, just get over it and be happy, damn it! You both need it, you both deserve it. Life is too fucking short, for fucks sake.” Y/N slowly exhaled the breath she had been holding after the witch’s quick outburst. “Talk! And if I see either of you leave, I’ll start throwing things.” Then Wanda left, leaving them alone.
Y/N turned to Bucky and he smiled at her with a triumphant grin. “This changes nothing.” She said and began to walk away. Let Wanda throw things. Y/N could move things with her mind too!
As she brushed by him, Bucky grabbed Y/N’s arm, spinning her around and making eye contact. “Yes, it does.”.
“And what makes you think so?”
“Are you kidding? Y/N, Wanda just laid it out for you. You like me just as much and I think you have since we slept together. I was on that mission for a reason and, apart from infiltrating one lousy building, I think that reason was you.”
She chuckled, highly annoyed. “So, Bucky Barnes believes in fate.”
“You bet your cute ass I do.”
“Ridiculous.” She mumbled.
Bucky groaned. “Just shut your mouth and let me kiss you.”
Before she knew it, his lips were on hers with his hands on her cheeks. His lips were soft, and Y/N couldn’t stand it. If he never kissed her again, she could have easily lived her life in blissful denial, but now that he had, she was fucked.
She placed her hands on his chest before sliding them up into his hair and pulling him closer. He moaned and slipped his arms around her waist before lifting her off her feet entirely.
“I told you we weren’t done,” He whispered between their lips as he supported her ass so her legs could wrap fully around him.
“I know,” Y/N whispered back, slightly irritated at how right he had been. But this was inevitable, she knew. He was inevitable.
And so, moments later, when her eyes turned softer and truly shown with the lust and honesty inside them, Bucky smiled, nudged his nose with hers and connected their lips again.
tags: @dugan365 @moonlightimagination @pietrotheavenger @marvel-fanfiction @hawkeyeharrington @dani-si @alyssiamking @wintersoldier98 @then-there-was-me-emily @prxttybirdz @tessvillegas @xceafh @jazzwoman897 @fandoms-who @meganwinchester1999 @ufffg @debra77 @rebelliouscat @anise-d-castle6 @projectxhappiness @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @lowkeysebby @stringgeek13 @notmyfault404 @quotemeow @jjamesbbarness @stangirl4eva @guera31 @sophiatomlinson23 @youreahandsomedevil @thisismysecrethappyplace @hiddles-rose @vibhati123 @mywinterwolf @stevesaidabadlanguageword @picapicapicassobaby @lokilvrr @private-bucky-barnes
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stardust-walker · 3 years
High Hopes: Chapter 12
Previous Chapters:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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word count: 4007
A/N: Season 2 let’s gOOOOOOO
Dove wanted to cry as she looked out the window at the empty streets of Atlanta as they made their way out of the city. This was nothing like the city that she loved and had grown up around. As much as she tried to hold on, every chance the world got it seemed like it was going to challenge her faith. They had managed to siphon gas from some of the vehicles they were leaving behind in order to hopefully make it to Fort Benning.
There was something deep down in her gut that made her feel like there was something good out there for them. The young woman just had to keep hoping that it was sooner rather than later as she sat in the backseat with Sophia, Carol, and Carl.  It definitely wasn’t as comfortable as before with her family and Rick’s all shoved into the same car.
Dove felt a smile cross her face at the discussion about the Grand Canyon. “Can we go,” Sophia piped up from the middle seat. “I’d like to.” Dove looked over Sophia’s head to her sister. The silence was broken by Rick.
“We’d never go anywhere without you guys,” Rick glanced into the rearview mirror for a moment before his gaze shifted back to the road.
A thought crossed Dove’s mind and she let out a chuckle. “I think the only vacation that Sophia’s ever been on is when I, according to Ed, ‘kidnapped’ her and Carol for the weekend when I was living up in Virginia. We took a train into DC for the day, went to a whole bunch of museums. Remember that, bug?” Dove beamed as she stroked her niece’s hair.
Carol cracked a smile. “I remember Sophia being so excited to see the dinosaur bones…”
“And being terrified when she realized how tall they all were compared to her?” Dove finished with a laugh. Lori and Rick laughed from the front seat and Carl looked over at Sophia.
“It’s ok, Sophia. I would probably be real nervous too.” Carl said comfortingly. Dove noticed how Sophia blushed a little bit before she smiled and leaned her head on Carol’s shoulder. Despite the cramped space, Dove could stay in the car with them like this for forever. It was nice. Too nice, she thought, as they crept to a stop.
She felt her throat begin to close up from the anxiety that crept in as they began to make their way through the claustrophobic space on the freeway. As they came to a stop, Dove reached over and pushed the door open before she exited the car with everyone else.
Dove pursed her lips and slipped her hands into her back pockets as she surveyed the road. Lori was right. This was a big fucking graveyard. T-Dog snapped her out of her thoughts as he walked past her. “Come on, y’all. Just look around.” Dove sighed.
“Food, water. Priorities,” she nodded at Carol before she split from them to follow after T-Dog. A tug on her hand stopped her in her tracks.
She glanced down to see Sophia look at her nervously. “Do you have to go that way? What if something happens?”
Dove pulled Sophia into a tight hug as she replied. “Well, if something happens and we have to get back to the car, I’m a real fast runner and we know now that you are too.” Sophia let out a weak laugh at that. “If you get real scared, your mama’s right here. But if you need me, just yell for me. I’ll get to you as quick as I can.” Dove tried to wipe the worry from her face as she leaned over and kissed Sophia on the head. “I promise. I love you, bug.” She pulled away and gave Carol’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Yell if you need me,” and then she was off.
She heard Carol warn the kids not to look in the cars as she walked past her to T-Dog. “You guys getting gas?” Dove questioned as she shielded her eyes from the sunlight.
“Yep,” T mumbled as he inserted a hose into the gas tank of the car. “You guys go on up ahead. I got this one.” He nodded and Dove turned her head to look at Daryl. The other man just grunted and motioned for her to follow him.
Dove sighed and ran a hand across her forehead. “Think we should save some gas in some of these cars? Maybe we can move them out of the way if we don’t totally empty the tanks…” she trailed off as she looked around.
Daryl turned slightly to look at her, an eyebrow raised. “You know what. You might not really be that stupid after all.”
Dove let out a snort of laughter and her reply was lost as she heard Rick call for Lori to get under the cars. Panic swept through her as she went to run towards her family. A sharp tug on her arm froze her in place as Daryl shook his head and put a finger to his lips. She shoved him, angry as all hell. “I gotta help Sophia.”
“You wanna die? You’re gonna run straight into a mess of walkers,” Daryl hissed back at her before he motioned for her to get low to the ground and follow him. They were headed back towards T-Dog. She wanted to run to Sophia and Carol as fast as she could but she would be no use to them if she got bit.
As she looked down, there was a trail of blood and she had to cover her mouth to keep a scream from coming out of her mouth. She peeked out from behind a truck just in time to see Daryl stab a walker through the back of the head. He motioned for her to get under one of the bodies and Dove froze for a moment. There were a lot of walkers and they were coming. She didn’t have a choice as she lifted a body slightly and slid to the ground, sure to pull it over her. She held her breath to keep the smell of decay from getting into her nose as much as she could. Once it was clear, she sat up quickly. Her heart sank as she took in the sight before her. T-Dog was bleeding. Bad. “Oh shit,” Dove mumbled as Daryl hurried to try to tie a tourniquet around his arm. All other thoughts were gone as she heard Sophia scream.
“Mommy! Dovey, help me,” the little girl’s shrieks cut through the air like a knife. Dove was on her feet quicker than either of the men beside her. She heard someone call after her as she ran in the direction of the screams. She reached the guardrail just in time to see Sophia disappear into the woods, two walkers right behind her.
“Sophia,” Dove called after her and Rick pushed her back.
“Go with Lori and Carol. Now! I got her,” he whispered as he jumped the guardrail and ran after her.
Dove just stood there, stunned. It was like her brain didn’t want to comprehend what was happening. Sophia was being chased by walkers through the woods. Sophia didn’t know the woods. “Two walkers after my baby,” she heard Carol cry before she turned to see Lori trying to hush her. Arms were around her in a few seconds and it too her a minute to realize that it was Glenn.
“What the hell happened,” Glenn whispered at Lori.
“We were under the cars. We thought they were all gone. One of them heard Sophia and tried to get at her under the car so she took off runnin. Rick went after her,” Lori explained in a hushed voice as she tried to calm both Carol and her son down.
Dove felt herself begin to shake in Glenn’s arms as he stroked her hair. “Are you ok?”
Dove felt her chest tighten and she began to cry. “I can’t…I can’t breathe,” she tried to keep her voice low but she just wanted to scream as she felt it. The months of things happening without a break and now Sophia was gone? An anxiety attack had been a long time coming.
Panic flashed across Glenn’s face as he struggled to think of what to do before Dale stepped up and put a hand on Glenn’s shoulder. The Asian boy moved back a few steps as Dale reached forward and took the young woman’s shaking hand in his. “Dove, look at me,” he spoke softly as Dove leaned against the hood of a car and tried to breathe. The world was spinning now, it all started to crash in on her. “Listen to me, you’re having an anxiety attack. I just need you to breathe, honey. Everything’s gonna be just fine.” Dale’s calm, even tone made the world stop spinning just enough for her to begin to focus. “Good. Alright now just focus on your breath, ok. Breathe in…breathe out. Big deep breath in,” Dove tried to listen to what Dale was saying and it was getting easier now. “I know you’re scared right now. We all are. But Rick’s out there looking for Sophia right now. Everything’s gonna be just fine,” Dale nodded and Glenn took a slow step forward and began to rub her shoulder. It took a few more moments before her breathing evened out enough for her to nod at Dale.
Dove gave the older man’s hand a squeeze, “Thank you,” She mumbled as she leaned her head on Glenn’s shoulder. Her heart still pounded in her chest and her hands still shook but she was grounded. She could breathe again for now.
“I woulda made a hell of a therapist, huh,” Dale mumbled. Dove rolled her eyes as she took a shaky step forward. Rick was back already. He looked around the group.
“Where’s Sophia,” his only answer was blank stares. “She’s not back yet,” his voice broke as he realized that he had lost the little girl once again. As Carol started to cry, Dove took a few shaky steps forward and knelt next to her on the ground.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Dove tried to focus on her breathing again as her older sister clung to her and began to sob. That was the only thing she can focus on for what felt like hours before she heard someone else speak up.
Daryl’s harsh voice got louder as he stepped forward. “Well what are we waitin for? Let’s get back out there and find the little girl.”
Lori placed a gentle hand on Dove’s shoulder and nodded at her. With a nod right back, Dove looped an arm under Carol’s as she and Lori pulled Carol to her feet. “Cmon Carol, let’s get you back to the RV. You need to rest while we wait for Sophia, ok? They’re gonna bring her back real soon.”
Dove ended up being the one resting in the RV while Carol waited at the guardrail for anyone to come back with news about Sophia. Soft footsteps made the young woman sit upright from her spot and her expression fell when she saw it was just Lori. The older woman sat down next to her and placed a comforting arm around her. “Rick’s not gonna stop until he finds her. Daryl’s a good tracker. They’re gonna find her,” Lori said as she tried to soothe her.
Dove sniffled and buried her head in her hands. “The last thing I said to her was to yell for me and I would get to her as quick as I could.”
Lori shook her head, “There were too many of em. You woulda died if you tried to get back to her right when the herd came through. It’s not your fault.” Dove hated the fact that Lori was right. Because that meant that Daryl was also right and Sophia was still gone.
“I still coulda done something,” Dove sighed as she looked up at Lori.
The older brunette sighed as she pulled Dove into a one-armed hug, “You did all you could. Now it’s our turn. We’re gonna find her, I promise.”
With that, Dove allowed Lori to lead her back out to the rest of the group. Carol needed her more than ever right now. An appreciative smile back at Lori said all that she had to say as she approached her sister. Dove wrapped an arm around Carol as she took a spot next to her, just staring out into the woods. “You alright,” Carol said in a hushed voice as she stared straight ahead.
“I will be once they get back. We all will. Sophia too,” Dove leaned her head on Carol’s shoulder. Carol didn’t say anything, she just nodded in agreement. Dove sighed as she let her hand fall from Carol’s waist. She didn’t say anything either as her sister reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. Something about the fact that at least she still had Carol after everything they’d been through, even before this, was a comfort.
As she heard sticks begin to break, she leaned over the guardrail. “Holy shit, they’re back,” Dove mumbled to Carol. Dove jumped the guardrail, by-passed Rick and ran right up to Daryl. “Did you find anything,” she couldn’t hide the desperation in her voice as she turned on her heel to walk alongside the redneck. She tried her hardest to tune out Carol’s cries.
“Found a trail, but didn’t find her,” Daryl mumbled back before he looked over at the brunette. “ ‘M sorry,” Daryl frowned before he averted his eyes. Dove allowed Glenn to help her back over the guardrail as she wrapped her arms around Carol to try and comfort her. “Out in the dark’s no good,” Daryl told Carol. “We’d just be tripping over ourselves. More people would get lost out there.”
“She’s 12. She can’t be out there on her own,” Carol pleaded.
“I know this is hard, but I’m asking you not to panic. We know she’s still out there,” Rick placed a comforting hand on Carol’s arm.
“We tracked her for a while,” Daryl added.
“We have to make this an organized effort. Daryl knows the woods better than anyone,” Rick continued and Dove’s gaze shifted to the other man. Daryl definitely looked uncomfortable with all of the attention shifted to him. “I’ve asked him to oversee this.”
Dove’s head began to spin again as Rick tried to calm Carol down and reassure her. “How do you know that,” Andrea spoke up from behind her. A quick flash of anger ran through Dove as she imagined herself pushing the other woman down the embankment right in front of them. Instead, she settled on clenching her jaw.
At least they’d made sure, she thought as she sat down next to Carol on the side of the road. “How could you just leave her out there,” Carol spat that Rick. The anger and hatred in Carol’s voice made Dove want to curl up into a ball. She leaned her head on Carol’s shoulder and turned away from the sheriff.
“Those two walkers were on us, I had to lead them away.” Bullshit.
Dove closed her eyes, tried to focus on her breathing but she felt the tears start to slip down her face as Carol began to cry too. She was angry and sad enough to allow Andrea to offer comfort and that was saying something.
Dove didn’t sleep that night but she was ready the next morning as Rick began to discuss their plan. She placed her hand on the handle of the hatchet as Andrea spoke. “These aren’t the kind of weapons we need, what about the guns.” Dove’s hand tightened around the handle as she whispered to the person next to her.
“If the next thing she said is some pity me bullshit, this hatchet goes through her head,” she huffed.
Daryl whispered back, “Easy there, bird. I don’t think Sophia would want her aunt being a murderer when she gets back.” Dove growled quietly as she picked the hatchet up and stared at it.
Dove placed a hand on Carol’s shoulder, “Stay close to Daryl. If anyone’s gonna find her…”
Carol nodded, “It’s the tracker, right?”
Dove smiled weakly at her sister. “Damn straight.” She tried her best to mind her own business as Andrea and Dale began to argue about the gun and it somehow turned into an argument about whether or not she was suicidal. The woman definitely isn’t stable enough to handle a gun, Dove thought to herself as they began walking. Then again, neither was she but she hadn’t asked for one.
 Dove sighed as she leaned her head back and looked up through the trees. She felt extra comfort in the fact that Glenn was behind her. She wasn’t sure when she’d done it, but at one point, she felt Glenn give her hand a squeeze of reassurance before she pulled her hand back up to her side.
Her pulse quickened as she was told to stay put. She watched Daryl approach the yellow tent, wringing her hands as she ran after Carol. “Sophia, sweetie. Are you in there? We’re all here, baby. It’s mommy,” Carol called softly as Dove came up behind her. She wrapped an arm around Carol as Daryl walked into the tent. He walked out and confirmed what she thought. It wasn’t her. Then she heard it. Fucking church bells.
Dove grabbed Glenn’s arm as they came to a stop and started to try to locate the bells. “We’re gonna find her,” he assured her as the group took off again. Dove cursed herself for not keeping up with her exercise when she went to college. She wouldn’t be this out of shape if she did. Dove walked up the steps of the church before Carol and what she saw made her heart sink. Walkers were witting in the church pews. This was sick.
Sophia wasn’t there. Dove felt like a ghost as she walked back into the church with Carol. She sank down in one of the pews and buried her face in her hands as she heard the pew creak. She lifted her head slowly to see Lori sit next to her. Carol’s voice was quiet but what she said hurt Dove more than anything.
“Forgive me, lord. I prayed for safe passage from Atlanta and you provided. I prayed for Ed to be punished for laying his hands on me and for looking at his own daughter with whatever sickness was growing in his soul,” Carol whispered. Dove felt her stomach churn. “I prayed you’d put a stop to it, give me a chance to raise her right, help her not make my mistakes.” Dove bit down on her lip to keep from saying anything. Carol should be able to have this moment, but it hurt her how much her family had really been hurting without her knowledge. Dove buried her face in her hands again as the tears began to pour. “She’s so fearful. She’s so young in her way. She hasn’t had a chance. Praying for Ed’s death was a sin. Please don’t let this be my punishment.” Dove couldn’t handle it anymore. She got up from the pew as quick as she could, a hand pressed to her mouth as she moved towards the door. She took the steps two at a time as she exited the building.
The cool grass hit her hands as she collapsed to the ground outside of the church. Sobs tore out of her throat as she tried to calm herself down. The thought of Ed hurting Sophia in the way that Carol was hinting at in the church was the worst thing she could ever think. Ed was a bastard but she didn’t see any signs of him being capable of that. It made her want to go back and bash his head in even more than Carol already had.
She lifted her head up from the ground as she steadied her breathing and her heart sank as she saw Glenn and Daryl both looking at her from the other side of the building. At least Daryl had the decency to avert his eyes when she noticed him. Glenn just looked on in concern. “What,” she grumbled as she rubbed her eyes.
She didn’t like the idea of leaving anyone behind, but it wasn’t like she had a choice. “C’mon,” Daryl caught her attention and pulled her out of her mental fog as he tapped her elbow lightly. She reached out and took Carol’s hand in hers as they began to walk off. She was worried about everyone. Why were they leaving people behind again?
Dove whispered so only Carol could hear. “Why didn’t you tell me,” her voice cracked.
Carol held her head high and sniffled, “We didn’t want to bother you. You were doing so good and I was so proud of you. I didn’t want you to ruin your life for me and Sophia,” she whispered back. “Plus Ed wouldn’t let me.” Dove squeezed her hand tighter as they walked in silence.
Carol broke the silence again as she pulled on Dove’s hand. Her hazel eyes locked on her sister as she sat down on a log and asked about the plan.
“I guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller and smaller groups,” Daryl mused.
“Carrying knives and pointy sticks,” Andrea complained. “I see you have a gun,” Andrea eyes Lori angrily.
Dove rolled her eyes, “Our ancestors survived with less. You’re lucky that Dale even let you have a pointy stick.”
“Why you want my gun? Take it. I’m sick of the looks you’re giving me,” Lori snapped back as she held the gun out to Andrea. Lori looked tired as she sat on the log next to Carol. Dove let go of her sister’s hand and folded her arms across her chest. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through and I would do anything to stop it, but you have got to stop blaming Rick.” Lori spoke calmly and Carol’s expression softened just a little. “It is in your face every time you look at him. When Sophia ran he didn’t hesitate, did he?”
Dove felt a wave of guilt wash over her as she turned to look away from the two women. She thought she saw a guilty look cross Daryl’s features for a moment before he turned his focus up towards the canopy. “I don’t know that any of us would’ve gone after her the way he did. Made the hard decisions that he had to make or that anybody could have done it any differently.” Dove ran a hand down her face and let out a shaky breath. “Dove, I know you wanted to run after her too,” Lori spoke to her now. “But just think about it. What if you got lost out here too? I know you’re angry that Rick stopped you, but you have to know he did the right thing,” Lori pleaded with her.
Dove paused for a moment before she turned to face Lori again. She uncrossed her arms and threw her hands up in the air before she brought them down to her sides, “Of course I know he did the right thing. I’m angry at myself. Not at him. I could’ve done more. I promised her.”
Lori nodded at her, “Thank you…Now as for everyone else, if you think you can do this without Rick you go right on ahead. I’m not gonna stop you.” Lori had really had enough of everyone’s bullshit. It was enough to knock Andrea out of her funk as she handed the gun back to her.
Then they were moving again. All Dove wanted was to go back to the RV and go to bed, but she doubted that sleep would come again tonight. If it did, she had a feeling that it would be the furthest thing from restful.
@crossbowking​ @momc95​ @chaotic-gary-king-stan​​
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
A Unique Birthday Cake
This is for @marvelinsanity . Sua, I wish you the happiest of birthday wishes! I hope you have an amazing day despite our unfortunate circumstances. Ily! Thanks for always being so inclusive and friendly!  
Please send her some wishes tmrw, everyone! She is truly an amazing person! 
I know your birthday is tomorrow, but I just couldn’t wait hehehe. Don’t worry, I’m gonna post your request and a lil something else tomorrow too ≧◡≦ 
(I swear I’m done bothering you after that lol)
Please pardon any mistakes, I’m half asleep. 
This morning Wanda and Nat came bursting into your room at the ungodly hour of 7 am. To some, 7 am wasn’t early, but try having a pre-birthday dinner with the Avengers the night before and then we'll talk.
“(y/n) c’mon get up! We are going birthday shopping!”
You tiredly groaned and covered your head with Steve’s vacant pillow, in hopes of shunning the overly-peppy women away. It’s not that you didn’t appreciate their kind gesture, but birthday shopping was the last thing on your to do list, more in favor of getting some shut-eye.
“Nat, Wanda. I love you both, I do, but pleaseeee let me sleep.” Silence now filled the room and you assumed they had gotten the message.
Apparently you thought wrong.
Natasha then pried the pillow from your deathly grip while Wanda pulled back the bed covers, making you shiver, covered in nothing more than shorts and t-shirt. Steve must’ve set the thermostat to polar again.
Not all us can be fine while in the ice for seventy years, sir.
“We got teaaaa.” That’s all it took. Wanda’s tempting offer made you hop up from the bed. You passed them and made a beeline straight for the kitchen, not caring about your messy appearance.
Before you made it four steps out the door, Natasha grabbed you by the shoulders, turning you to look at her and Wanda.
“Oops, forgot to mention you have to get ready first!” Her smirk made you sick, as you scowled at her, pouting like a child on your way to the bathroom, complying to their orders.
“You two are cruel.”
Wanda and Natasha then high fived at their small victory, actually heading to the kitchen to make you tea, for real this time. By 9 am, the three of you had already made it out of the compound and to the bustling and ever famous, 5th Avenue. In all your years spent in New York, not once had you stepped foot on 5th Avenue. When you made your confession to Wanda and Natasha, you were sure they’d die right on the spot. So now, you three giddy women went to all the fancy and exquisite stores, not actually buying but just looking for your own entertainment.
You hadn’t known, but Wanda and Natasha were helping out Steve who was planning his very own surprise for your birthday.
“Guys, be serious.” Steve was now using his Captain voice, he clearly meant business.
“We’re listening, Cap.” Directly across the island counter, Bucky, Sam stood, trying to contain their laughter once more.
“How the hell do we make this cake?” Bucky just lost it at Steve’s truly innocent question. Sam quickly shot his arm out to steady the cackling man.
“Ok, whew. Step aside. Let the pros show ya.” At the confident remark from his friend, Steve stepped aside in surrender allowing the men to do their thing.
If you are wondering how Steve got here, it all started last week.
You were in the compound kitchen, helping Sam prepare a last minute dinner since it was his night to cook. The whole team had just gotten back from a long and draining mission, especially looking forward to a home-cooked meal. Unfortunately, the compound’s pantry was completely desolate, leaving Sam completely clueless as to what to do for dinner that night. Just as Sam was about to dial takeout, you and Steve strolled in. The two of you were now in a much more jovial mood after getting cleaned up and basking in the feeling of being home.
“Hey Sammy, whatcha cookin’?”  
The distressed man then flung you the ragged Chinese menu and a frown made home on your face.
“Hold that thought, because there has to be something.”
When Sam didn’t get the message, you walked up to him and took the phone, ending the call.
“Why’d you do that!”
“Because we will find something to eat.”
While you and Sam had your own staring contest, Steve wandered off to the pantry, checking its contents for himself.
“Hey doll! There’s some bread in here, and a few cans of tomato soup.”
You looked away from Sam and ran to Steve.
“You're a lifesaver, babe!” Swiftly, you pecked him on the cheek, swiping the cans of soup from his arms.
“Now if we have some cheese, I’m sure we can make some grilled cheese sandwiches.” At your appeasing offer, Sam visibly brightened up.  
“Sam, can you start the soup while Steve and I make the sandwiches?”
And needless to say, everything went smoothly, that is until you let Steve cook one sandwich and he burnt it to charcoal.
How that happened, you have no clue.
In the kindest way possible, you let him down gently, because he was trying his best. A sullen look crossed his face and you felt like you had just smacked a baby. Without second thought, you got on tippy toes to deeply kiss him trying to give some reassurance.
“Cooking is a tough science, don’t sweat it, darling.”
So maybe he couldn’t scramble an egg, but he sure as hell would try to learn. With your challenge still fresh in his mind, Steve thought making a birthday cake for you would be none other than the best time to show off his baking skills. That man was never one to cower down from a challenge.
Now here he was, staring at the cake recipe as if he were trying to escape Alcatraz. One word came to Steve’s mind when he thought about either. Impossible.
“You good, buddy?” Bucky looked over to Steve whose eyes were locked onto the piece of paper, clenched tightly in his hand.
“It can’t be that hard right?”
Sam and Bucky just looked at each other shrugging.
“For gosh sakes, you can fight Hydra, but the big scary cake monster is deathly terrifying?”
In mock horror, Sam brought his hands to his face, mimicking a shocked look. Steve just rolled his eyes and playfully slapped Sam on the shoulder.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
That was three hours ago.
In such a short time the men managed to make a complete mess. When Bucky said pros, Steve really should’ve known better.
The kitchen was completely dusted in the white, snow-like, flour. Sugar nestled within the powder while vanilla extract absentmindedly flowed off the counter and to the floor. Up against the oven, Sam slumped over and across from him at the sink, Bucky was trying to wash cake batter out of his hair. Steve just looked in utter shock at the scene, it looked like a war zone, and he’s seen plenty of those.
Oh and the cake…
Can it even classify as a cake?
Because from where Steve was standing, it looked like pizza dough. The whole way through Sam kept reprimanding that it’d look better in the end, decorated in frosting, but my god there was no saving this… creature.
“So about what I said earlier,” Steve looked over to see Sam staring at the ground, obviously contemplating his life choices, “I’d like to revoke my statement.”
Hell, they’d gotten this far.
Steve walked over to the frosting, which, thank the heavens, was store bought. Completely traumatized and absorbed in the whole situation, he just lathered on all the frosting. With a gel icing, he carefully penned out your name and ‘Happy Birthday’.
Really the only thing going for that “cake” was his neat penmanship.
So maybe you were right.
Unfortunately it was too late to order a real cake. Steve would just have to face the consequences and cross his fingers that you wouldn’t break up with him.
By time Wanda and Natasha had ushered you home, it was 4 pm. Today you were just so caught up in all the fun that you completely forgot about Steve which made you feel terrible. Knowing Steve, he went all out for your birthday, you just hoped you hadn’t ruined it.
As you walked into the compound, everything seemed perfectly normal, which quite frankly kind of disappointed you, until you rounded the corner to the kitchen. The lights were off, but soon came on when Sam, Bucky and Steve popped up around the table, presenting a... dough ball????
You got closer and realized it was a cake. Or was supposed to be.
“Please don't break up with me, doll.” Steve nervously bit his lip and you reached up to stop him, then full on laughing, grabbing his broad shoulders for support.
“Oh Stevie! Don’t be so dramatic. I’m actually really looking forward to what happened.”
Steve then pulled out your chair as everyone else settled around the table, where the dough baby idly was set upon.
The three men told of their tale while you ladies laughed over ice cream, a quick solution thanks to Wanda.
Sam and Bucky continued to tell their more animated version of the story, while Steve leaned close to you, wrapping his muscular arm around your waist with lips pressed to your temple.
“Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.”
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novaknightwritings · 3 years
Setting up for Summer plus a bit of gamer rage.
Yea, that is the joy of seasonal jobs, making sure I got enought to get thought the slower season and I can work in my projects then. 
Well, its the last week of April, May is right around the corner and College for me is out in May 12th, so we are at that last bit of time where I am making sure I got all my money shit set up to get me thought til the end of September because of all things go as planned for the college it should be opening in the first week of September/Last week of August (For move in time). I thankfully should have enought money set aside now that I should be good for that time, its just getting gift cards and prepaying as many of the streaming services for the next few months so I don’t have to worry about the bills. Why did I start doing that? Well this time of the year one of the stores around here does a bonus sale in gift cards do to Mother Day, so I get extra points for going to their shop and spending the money I would be spending in the bills anyway, so it saves me a bit more money to do it this way and by putting the cash in the cards I can insure that I don’t do something silly like spend it in a green screen that is coming over from China (Ok already did that, and its should be here in about three weeks but not like I will be using it a lot before summer anyway).
As for projects, I have gotten a good deal of shit down. Got all the old mowers removed from the house, plus some other things that had been sitting around and needed to be removed that would have costed me cash to drop off. The scarp metal guy can totally have them, I don’t know how to get cash out of the stuff and the places that I know about that took it want me to pay them to get rid of it. Having to do a little work to remove the things myself is worth it instead of paying $32 for someone to take my old and broken AC unit that I would need to have loaded up and brought to that location anyway.
But getting off of that rant, I did mention that there where is a bit of game drama that I needed to rant about. See the issue is pretty much this, I joined a discord WtA game a while ago, and because I know the world and kind of the system behind it (Game is TT and I am used to the MET) I was able to help out a bit and got myself added to teh ST team. That is cool and all, I helped out, did paperwork and other back end stuff as much as I could while trying to balance RL and STing.  Well, while we had a ton of Staff they put me in ST Leave because trying to do stuff and work 60 was a bitch for a bit. I had been able to get them to slowly allow me to do little bits of work for the game so I am not super rusty. And then D-day hit, due to drama that I don’t fully know about (Was at work when this happened and honestly trying to hunt down everyone that was a part of it was just to much work), four of the active ST left the game in about 24 hours and caused a small player bleed as those that had followed the ST to the game also left.
This upset the HST, as none of them had talked to her about leaving (Running Thoery is that ST left do to Burn out or just being tired of Conflict between what the HST and the ST saw as beeing needed for the game) and did it “Behind her back”. Now this shit is a mess, no matter how you slice it and she put out an statement to the game of “Yes, that did just happen, we as ST aren’t fully sure of why that happened but we will work to keep this server going and figure out what we are doing now that its happened.”. The next day Priviate Messages are send out to the ST on leave group to cover the most needed rolls because 24/7 gaming means with no game set times stuff could be happening at any moment. We get that mostly set up within about 10 hours (Time zones be a bitch) Now we come to the big fight/issue, you see the ST that left where the ones that where the most active and the most stressed because the rest of the ST where put in ST Leave by the Storytellers or just hadn’t been online in quite some time. So we had all those plots that the people that had left had left behind, and us with no clue of what they hell they where, if anything was build for them ect ect. So, me with that little time I can get with still doing about 60 hours a week of work am like, “Hey, maybe we should as an ST talk about some of those plots, see what ones we can run, want to run (I mean one of those plots has know had two to three ST running it with not idea that the hell we are doing), and the players may want to do so they aren’t just sitting around soft RP’ing all the time”. This got dropped a week and half ago as a suggestion, because yea with so many ST leaving we have to kind of clean ship, and do to how big one of the plots is not letting the setting reflect that we aren’t at war is kind of a big issue. This sugguestion sat there for all of that time, as me and other ST that had returned talked about it going “This would be a good idea, there was already issues with this plot and this plot”. But the HST is no where to really be seen, but is also the one worried that if we don’t bring new players and such into the game that the server will die out. And I am just over here going, “If we have no plot, there is no reason to play in a game. We need to figure out the issues with the current plot so that there is shit we can run. And then we need people to in fact run this shit!” While the whole time going in about how the side effects of a character personal plot, that where done before the ST leaving may cause a player to die from stupid choices. Something we have allowed to happen in the past, because the player is “New to the System”. Listen, I get it. We are trying to help people learn the system and not be totally assholes while they do it, but there has to be a cut off point that choices that are made have effects. You do stupid, you get stupid back some times. 
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rainbowgoddd99 · 3 years
♡︎Even at any moment You are always the sh*t ♥︎
Read it over and over every minute as much as you need just keep going you can it’s okay if you think you can’t you can you can you can you CAN!!!! Take it easy one by one you definitely can. If you can’t focus on your own life then try to make another’s bright even if it’s just one word you can you can be that light until you find your own. You are strong you matter.
1. We would miss you.
2. It’s not worth the regret. Either by yourself if you failed or just simply left scars, or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you.
3. It does get better. Believe it or not it will eventually get better. Sometimes you have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow.
4. There’s so much you would miss out on doing.
5. There is always a reason to live. It might not be clear right now, but it is always there.
6. So many people care, and it would hurt them if you hurt yourself.
7. You ARE worth it. Don’t let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise.
8. You are amazing.
9. A time will come, once you’ve battled the toughest times of your life and are in ease once again, where you will be so glad that you decided to keep on living. You will emerge stronger from this all, and won’t regret your choice to carry on with life. Because things always get better.
10. What about all the things you’ve always wanted to do? What about the things you’ve planned, but never got around to doing? You can’t do them when you’re dead.
11. I love you. Even if only one person loves you, that’s still a reason to stay alive.
12. You won’t be able to listen to music if you die.
13. Killing yourself is never worth it. You’ll hurt both yourself and all the people you care about.
14. There are so many people that would miss you, including me.
15. You’re preventing a future generation, YOUR KIDS, from even being born.
16. How do you think your family would feel? Would it improve their lives if you died?
17. You’re gorgeous, amazing, and to someone you are perfect.
18. Think about your favourite music artist, you’ll never hear their voice again...
19. You’ll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day
20. Listening to incredibly loud music
21. Being alive is just really good.
22. Not being alive is really bad.
23. Finding your soulmate.
24. Red pandas
25. Going to diners at three in the morning.
26. Really soft pillows.
27. Eating pizza in New York City.
28. Proving people wrong with your success.
29. Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life.
30. Seeing someone trip over a garbage can.
31. Being able to help other people.
32. Bonfires.
33. Sitting on rooftops.
34. Seeing every single country in the world.
35. Going on roadtrips.
36. You might win the lottery someday.
37. Listening to music on a record player.
38. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
39. Taking really cool pictures.
40. Literally meeting thousands of new people.
41. Hearing crazy stories.
42. Telling crazy stories.
43. Eating ice cream on a hot day.
44. More Harry Potter books could come out, you never know.
45. Travelling to another planet someday.
46. Having an underwater house.
47. Randomly running into your hero on the street.
48. Having your own room at a fancy hotel.
49. Trampolines.
50. Think about your favourite movie, you’ll never watch it again.
51. Think about the feeling of laughing out loud in a public place because your best friend has just sent you an inside joke,
52. Your survival will make the world better, even if it’s for just one person or 20 or 100 or more.
53. People do care.
54. Treehouses
55. Hanging out with your soul mate in a treehouse
55. Snorting when you laugh and not caring who sees
56. I don’t even know you and I love you.
57. I don’t even know you and I care about you.
58. Because nobody is going to be like you ever, so embrace your uniqueness!
59. You won’t be here to experience the first cat world emperor.
61. Starbucks.
62. Hugs.
63. Stargazing.
64. You have a purpose, and it’s up to you to find out what it is.
65. You’ve changed somebody’s life.
66. Now you could change the world.
67. You will meet the person that’s perfect for you.
68. No matter how much or how little, you have your life ahead of you.
69. You have the chance to save somebody’s life.
70. If you end your life, you’re stopping yourself from achieving great things.
71. Making snow angels.
72. Making snowmen.
73. Snowball fights.
74. Life is what you make of it.
75. Everybody has a talent.
76. Laughing until you cry.
77. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy.
78. The world would not be the same if you didn’t exist.
79. Its possible to turn frowns, upside down .
80. Be yourself, don’t take anyone’s shit, and never let them take you alive.
81. Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. Be your own hero.
82. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
83. One day your smile will be real.
84. Having a really hot, relaxing bath after a stressful day.
85. Lying on grass and laughing at the clouds.
86. Getting completely smashed with your best friends.
87. Eating crazy food.
88. Staying up all night watching your favourite films with a loved one.
89. Sleeping in all day.
90. Creating something you’re proud of.
91. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and being proud you didn’t commit.
92. Being able to meet your Internet friends.
93. Tea / Coffee / Hot Chocolate.
94. The new season of Sherlock.
95. Cuddling under the stars.
96. Being stupid in public because you just can.
97. If you are reading this then you are alive! Is there any more reason to smile?
98. Being able to hug that one person you havent seen in years.
99. People care enough about you and your future to come up with 100 reasons for you not to do this.
100. But, the final and most important one is, just, being able to experience life. Because even if your life doesn’t seem so great right now, literally anything could happen at any moment, make the most out of your life, life seems so long but short, enjoy it, do whatever you want, break a bunch of laws, travel the world, change your style, help others, do things that make you happy. Who gives. FUCK what people say or judge you about just bark at them. Have a good mindset and you’ll be ok. I love you <333333
You got this yeah that seems shallow to say but hell YOU GOT THIS you do look at you I mean you’re amazing it’s okay to not feel it from time to time but you’re important yes the hell you are fuck those voices you are important you are you matter you mean something on this world you exist the world know it you have helped so many so let them help you back now yes pain hurtsss so much it really hurts and it feels like it’s never ending it makes you not have a thing to look forward to but you know what it’s not forever it’s not I know that’s not the best to hear when you are in such pain but you can do this you can do it even if you can’t see light pretend there is one if you can’t then just laugh an laugh an laugh because one day that laugh will be real and you’ll look back an just amazing wonder just how you did it and that’s because you’re strong you are also remember these thing you are valid you are you matter and you are godam awesome you learn with everything it makes you stronger it molds you so when you find your destiny you’ll be really it just sucks with uncertainty there’s so many versions of you and each is amazing each can do this each an every one you will definitely see light again it’s coming just taking time on your path because it’s so amazed by the greatness it’s seeing and soon you’ll see just want it did you got a life you really do you got one dangg you do! It’s amazing it really is it can be tiring definitely it wears you down just know you won’t be tired forever
You will look up one day and breath and that air will be so clear
You will see just what life really is and that’s
Full of different experience
There’s pain
There’s regret
But there’s discovering new things
Obsessing over dumb things
Life is not horrible it’s not amazing either at then end of the day life is life it’s random an definitely unexplainable but it’s for you an only you emotions will get to you but some things need you to some things you’re there destiny and you yourself have a great destiny you got this I mean it I know you do now cry scream get mad regret do it all!!!!!!!! But know you really do got this you are strong and you YOU CAN LIVEEEE!!!!!!
Not today not tomorrow either not ever okay
You got this you have so many rolls left
You can smile
Fuck it lol if any one ever is over it just say fuck it
I made this for people that in every bodies eyes is amazing and make them feel better and people suffering with mental issues I made this for people who don’t go out enough that they are losing vitamins in there body and are causing physical damage to there body because you can’t get up in time to do normal things like pee I want you to know I know it’s not a joke I know it hurts and I know half of you suffer alone or try to do masking techniques you have been taught. Others are out there and sure there are some that try to understand and relate and that’s very nice that they try but I get that in them doing that it makes you feel more and more bad they mean no harm tho remember that they aren’t you so they have no clue what they do. There is some there just like you it’s true. You just have to find them.
It's your life fuck anyone who tries to have a say in it you all are your own main mother freaking character you all are.
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badass-women-league · 4 years
5- Tali’s birthday
6 months has passed. Ziva was now feeling like her life was back on the tracks for good. Tony had helped her to see a brighter future. Him and Tali had been the lights that helped her get through the darkness of the past years. Tony was sitting on the couch, he was watching an old movie on the Tv. Ziva walked into the living room and sat next to him. She was getting back from Tali's bedroom after putting her to bed. She was looking concern about something. She said:
-"we need to talk about Tali.."
Tony muted the tv and turned to Ziva without saying a word. Ziva continued:
-"She is asking a lot of question about herself.."
Tony was confused:
-"what do you mean ?"
-"She asked me question about her skin... why is her skin not as white as other children at her school ? Why are we not living in the same country as uncle Tim and her cousins ? Why aren't we sharing the same last name ?"
Tony said with his charming smile:
-"we are working on that..."
-"I tried to explain her but I think she is still very confused about all those questions"
-"what did you say ?"
-"I told her that one day we will take her to see Israel and D.C so she can see the lands from which she comes from"
-"why not doing this now ?"
Ziva was surprised:
-"what ?"
-"now is the perfect time, her birthday is in a few weeks.. we should take her to D.C. and Israel"
Ziva seemed nervous. Tony grabbed her hand and said:
-"it's gonna be alright.. You said it, she needs it and so do you.."
Tony was suddenly more nervous. He had something in his mind, Ziva could see it.
He leaned over her to kiss her neck. His hands caressing her face, her shoulders, her breast.. he stopped and whispered:
-"I want another one..."
Ziva was confused. As she kissed him she asked:
-"what ?"
Tony's hand stopped on Ziva's belly. He stopped his kissing to check her reaction when he said:
-"I want to have another baby.."
Ziva tensed up. Tony tried to reassure her:
-"I know this is a big decision but Tali will be 7 soon, she's not a baby anymore. If you need more time we can wait but you seemed to feel better so I thought..."
Ziva stopped his monologue by placing a kiss on his lips. She was kissing him so strongly that it was almost painful. When she broke the kiss, Tony was still confused by her reactions. She still haven't given an answer. She cupped his face and smiled:
-"are you sure you can handle my "deadly pregnant mood" ?"
-"well.. we all have to die one day"
Ziva laughed and kiss him again. Tony asked:
-"I don't want you to feel forced to do it..."
-"I don't... I just need some time to be sure that I am myself again.. I haven't had panic attacks for months which is a good sign. Just give me some time and I can be ready"
Tony felt his heart pounding through his chest. He smiled and kissed her passionately.
-"Take all the time you need"
A few days later. Tony was putting Tali to bed. He tucked her in and said:
-"Ima told me about those questions that you have.. you wanna talk to me about it ?"
She shrugged her shoulders to indicate that she wasn't sure. Tony said:
-"it's ok.. if you don't want to talk then I will do the talking, that is something the DiNozzo's are really good at" he brush a lock of hair away from her face and continued: "you and your mom are the most beautiful things that ever happened to me. Your skin is the same color of the sand of Ima's country, you have my hair and your mother's eyes. You are looking more like your mother everyday and it makes me happy. You know that Ima and I, had to make difficult choices, right ? I told you about why Ima had to live away from us for so long." Tali nodded. "I promise you that from now on, there will be no difficult choices anymore and we'll stay together, Ima, Aba and Tali... and who knows, maybe one day you will be a big sister"
He kissed Tali on her forehead and stood up.
-"good night Tali, I love you"
Tali answered with her tiny voice:
-"love you Aba"
Tony walked out of the room and closed the door, Ziva was waiting outside of the bedroom, leaned on the wall next to the door. She had been listening to their conversation. Tony was surprised:
-"hey, you there"
As only answer Ziva kissed him. It was a long and soft kiss. She was putting all the love she had for him in this kiss. She had been nervous about welcoming another child, until now. Seeing Tony taking such a good care of their daughter overwhelmed her. She knew he would be there to help her as he had been there to help Tali. She broke the kiss and said:
-"let's make a baby"
3 weeks later. Gibbs stepped out from the elevator with his usual coffee on his hand. He stopped between Mcgee and Ellie's desk and looked at his team. They were quiet, too quiet. Mcgee raised his head from his screen, smiled and greet him:
-"Morning boss"
Gibbs didn't answer. Nick nodded to him with a smile. What the hell was going on here. He walked to his desk and stopped when he finally figured what they were hiding. He smiled when he saw Tali, sitting at his desk. He turned to Mcgee and asked:
-"our new recruit Mcgee ?"
Tali jumped from the chair and rushed to Gibbs. Gibbs lifted her up to hug her and Tony and Ziva appeared on the bullpen. Tony said:
-"you should be proud Tali, you are the only DiNozzo ever allowed to seat at this desk without getting your head slapped" Gibbs looked at Tony with a smile, he was lucky that Tali was there otherwise he would have gotten that head slap. Tony smiled and said:
-"Hi boss !"
They shook each other's hands. Gibbs turned to Ziva. It was a special moments for them. They haven't seen each other since she left D.C after Sahar. He said:
-"Ziver... you look fine"
-"I am.."
-"what are you doing here ?"
Tony answered:
-"We were missing those orange walls. We had this little family trip to Israel and since someone is getting 7 in two days, we thought it would be a good idea to stop by D.C before getting back to Paris."
A few hours later. Ellie had introduced Nick to Tony. Tony said:
-"yeah I've heard that your first meeting with Ziva was pretty physical.."
Ellie said:
-"yeah! He keeps telling everyone that he kicked the ass of the legendary Ziva David"
Nick panicked and frowned at her:
-"no wait! It's not what I said, why are you telling them this..."
Ziva interrupt him:
-"Tell me when you are ready for a quick rematch ‘ass kicking demon’" She winked at him. He was a man who liked to be challenged but he was not sure this was really a good idea for his ego. Tony laughed and said to Ellie:
-"20 bucks on Ziva.."
-"you already won.." and she walked away.
Nick complained and shouted:
-"thanks for the support, you should be on my side!"
Mcgee came back with Tali. After taking her on a tour of the building.
He stopped by his desk and said:
-"and this Tali is uncle Tim's desk but it used to be your dad's desk. Go on, sit"
She rushed to the chair and sat. Tony and Ziva walked in with Ellie and stopped to look at their daughter. Tony felt so proud to see his daughter sitting at this particular desk.
Gibbs was also coming back to his desk. He looked at Tali sitting at her dad's former desk. He walked to her and said:
-"hey Tali, I have something for you. This is something special that only special people get to wear..." He placed an NCIS cap on Tali's head. She took it off to look at it and put her tiny finger through the hole in the peak. Gibbs continued:
-"this is not every cap.. This belonged to your father first, then he gave it to your mom.."
Tali asked:
-"why is there a hole in it ?"
Gibbs smiled and looked at Tony:
-"you will ask your dad about this"
Tony nervously smile since he was the one who missed the shot and holed the cap. Gibbs placed a kiss on Tali's forehead and walked to Ziva. He said:
-"you did it. You got your family back"
-"it is thanks to you"
-"your father would be proud"
Ziva smiled. This little sentence meant so much to her.
-"I wish he could have met her"
-"he would have loved her. She's a great kid"
Ziva touched her ring, Gibbs look at it and said:
-"you two came a long way since the first day you sat at these desks"
-"and we still have a long way ahead of us... will you do me the honor to be by my side when I will walk down the aisle ?"
He was the best person to walk her down the aisle. He has always been like a father to her. One of her biggest fear when she was an agent was to disappoint him. He taught her so maybe things about work, life and most of all about herself. He fought for her, he protected her, he saved her. Gibbs smiled and kissed her forehead:
-"it will be my honor"
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Tali's birthday
Everyone was supposed to gathered at Gibbs' house. Tali was playing with John and Morgan in the garden. Tony was finishing to get the food ready along with Jack. He looked at his watch. Where were they ? They should be here by now. He took his phone and dialed Ziva's number:
-"hey! Where are you, everything is almost ready"
The door of the house opened and Ziva entered along with Nick, Ellie and Mcgee:
She hang up the phone. Nick was holding a towel on his face. Ziva smiled and asked to Jack:
-"do you know if there is some ice we could use for his face ?"
Jack asked worriedly:
-"what happened ?"
Ziva, Mcgee and Ellie smiled at each other but no one answered. Nick was clearly pissed, he said:
-"go one make fun of me if you want, you know what ? I don't care... I have been blinded by the sun"
Ellie laughed:
-"the sun...sure.."
Tony turned to Ziva:
-"I don't need to ask who won"
-"you don't .. but he had been a good sparring partner, he fought well"
Ellie was putting ice on Nick's face and she was fighting the urges to make fun of him, just like Mcgee. Ziva kissed Tony and walked upstairs to take a quick shower. Tony was looking at her as she walked away and stopped his look on her curves. He would have loved to drop everything he had to do to join her upstairs. Once she had disappeared he turned his attention back on Nick and Ellie:
-"I told you this was a bad idea.. a lot of people tried to defeat her"
Nick asked:
-"what about you ?"
-"me ?" He laughed "I am not suicidal, I have spent years following the only rules you should know about Ziva David" Tony and McGee looked at each other and answered at the same time: "don't make her angry"
The rest of the afternoon went on. Tali spent most of her time playing with Mcgee's children. The adults were all gathered around a large table full of food, talking about life and how Nick got his ass kicked again by Ziva.
At the end of the day, Tony was sat on the couch. McGee joined him with two beers. He held one out to him and asked.
-"so Anthony DiNozzo is finally gonna be a married man"
-"Can you believe that ? I have never been more nervous in my entire life. Next to that, being kidnapped by terrorists in the desert was a cakewalk"
-"you'll be fine! You are marrying your best friend..nothing can go wrong in that"
-"you're right" Tony raised his beer and said "To marrying our best friends"
McGee smiled, raised his beer and repeated:
-"To marrying our best friends"
Tony suddenly got more serious almost solemn and asked with a small smile:
-"Will you be standing next to me as my best man Probie ?"
It has been a while since McGee had heard this nickname. He was certainly not missing it:
-"if you promise that you'll never call me probie again.. it will be an honor"
Ziva suddenly appeared with Tali in the kitchen. Mcgee asked:
-"how is she doing ?"
-"ah you know.. she's the toughest woman I ever met. She's doing better but the first weeks had been pretty challenging. She had nightmares and panic attacks all the time, we tried our best to protect Tali from that. We talked a lot, even though I know she never told me everything about what happened to her. That's her way of protecting me I guess. And here we are, planning our wedding and trying to expand our family"
-"what ? Really ? That's wonderful"
-"yeah but keep that to yourself ok...I am not even sure I am supposed talk about it"
-"talk about what ?"
Ziva's voice made them startled.
-"nothing ! We were just here, talking about..wedding"
Mcgee nodded:
-"yeah... wedding"
They were clearly very nervous. Ziva threw them a suspicious look and smiled before walking out.
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justreadingfics · 5 years
Looking For a Heartbeat (7/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Series Summary: You and Bucky used to be in a relationship. Feelings were hurt, you left. It’s been two years and you’re back. You both will handle the reunion well, won’t you?
Chapter Summary:  The day after  the  rooftop.
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings for this chapter: angst, cursing, canon physical violence, actions that could be interpreted as suicidal thoughts.
 A/N: Thanks @nedthegay for helping me with this chapter! Please, let me know what you all think. Links are ruining posts, so you can find the the masterlist link on my description. 
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  Steve has his full Captain mode on, pointing and explaining the strategies for next mission.  The details of the it mimicked in the 3D holograms hovering over the round table. Something about alien guns and dealers based on an abandoned construction site. Bucky couldn’t tell exactly. Always the same old shit. Whatever Steve’s says falls on deaf ears. His thoughts are somewhere else. Or better, someone else...
His attention is fastened on the vacant seat between Nat and Tony. As far as he remembers, you were never one to be late for briefings, especially the ones right before missions. The team should be those Natasha and Tony, alongside Steve, himself and you, but it’s been at least 20 minutes and you haven’t shown up yet.
Drifting off to the last night events he can’t believe he let that happen. When you got to the roof he thought that maybe that would be the opportunity to finally talk to you, come clean to whatever there might still lingering between you two. But like the damn coward he is, he chickened out, only for two seconds later, to fuck your brains out against the wall.
Jesus… he swears he can still taste you in his tongue, feel your velvet touch around him, the softness of your lips against his… He has no idea what came to his mind. He wasn’t really thinking. All he felt was the desperate need for you, like an addict who finally gets a taste of their drug of choice after a long time of abstinence.
Now, after the relapse, he has to deal with the hangover.
He had had no self-restraint. He was so fucking harsh on you…and you let him. He had you bare and vulnerable under his demanding touch and you let him do whatever he pleased, giving yourself fully to him, driving him fucking crazy.     
You don't deserve this… the way he's been treating you ever since you came back. No matter what happened two years ago, you're not to blame for his own insecurities. You’re not to blame for how unstable he becomes when it comes to you. It's all on him.
Regret weighs on him over the way he left you there, wrecked and alone. But why the hell did you have to go and tell him you loved him? The moment he heard you saying that, holding him between your arms, sounding so fucking sincere… his heart thundered and swelled inside his chest, begging his dazed mind to believe you, to give himself to you the same way you had just done. But in his head, the reality of what you were saying mingled with flashes of the complete abandon he felt when he realized you were gone, and then him begging you to hear those same three words years ago that day in London. If that's the truth, if you truly love him, why did you run from him the way you did?
The sound of opening doors in front of him takes him out of his own thoughts.
“Hey, hey. Look who finally decided to grace us with her Director of SHIELD’s ass,” Tony exclaims, giving you a teasing smile.
As you walk to Tony with a tired smile and bend down to put your arms around him, Bucky can’t avert his stare from the dark circles around your eyes, which you clearly have tried to conceal with makeup. His stomach flips with shame, replaying in his head the way he left you the night before.
“How the hell did you manage to keep Pepper in a thousand years long honeymoon, old man?” You pat Tony’s shoulder wearing a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes by a long shot.  
“Oh honey, I could tell you how, but Cap here would choke on his own guts, and you don’t want me to break America’s favorite toy soldier, do you?”
Nat and you chuckle and, as Steve rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to respond, Tony adds, “By the way, I heard last night was girls night, huh? A wild one, sugar?” He winks after giving you a once over.
As Bucky’s eyes widen, your hand flies to cover your neck in a clearly unconscious act and embarrassment etches in your face, which you quickly try to hide with tight lips.
“Ok, ok. Enough with the chit chat. Sit down, Y/N, I don’t have all day for this shit.”
Bucky thank the Gods for Natasha Alianovna Romanoff. Always saying the right thing at the right time.
Answering Tony’s grimace at her with a similar one, Nat pulls the chair beside her and in front of Bucky for you to sit, which you promptly do, delicately running your hand over your neck and not even once glancing at Bucky, switching your attention to Steve, instead, who pick up from where he’s left off.
His fists clench under the table, gripping the jeans over his thighs. The embarrassment you’ve shown at Tony’s comment feels like a punch in his guts.  He’s disgusted at himself. He’s been that rough, if not rougher, with you during sex before, but this is completely different. Before, there was solely lust, desire and love behind his possessive, demanding actions. Last night there was desperation and even a twisted wish to somehow provoke harm, like some sort of retaliation… He feels like shit, like he’s taken advantage of you, like he’s truly hurt you. And hasn’t he done exactly that?    
He’s a goddamn moron, that’s what he is. Fucking you like he did, instead of acting like a grown ass man and talking to you like Anna had told him to…
Is what you said the truth? Is Anna really in love with him? Is he really so blind?
“Are you listening, Bucky?” Steve’s voice is stern.
Bucky blinks and look around, all eyes on him.
Except yours.
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” He lies and nods at Steve, before his eyes seek yours again, only to see your distant gaze fixed on your hands over the table, as your fingers swiftly tug at one another.  
“Let’s go, then.” Steve commands, switching off the holograms and leading the way to the jets after everyone promptly got up to follow him.
Everything happens so fast. The place where you busted the dealers is a construction site, huge and open. The team needed to disperse in order to deal with the unexpectedly large number of hostiles, who were heavily armed with all kinds of alien weaponry and tech.
You face each one of them who dare to cross your path with all you got. You are reckless,  and don’t listen to Cap’s orders or anyone else’s words of warning through the coms.  If they said there was too many hostiles at a certain spot, there would be; you don’t wait when they tell you to, don’t listen when someone told you need help and can’t do what you’re doing alone. All you see is red. From the enemy’s blood or yours, you can’t tell. This is what you do best, this is you. And right no all you can be is you. And all you can do is fight without anything else in your head and your heart.  
You only stop when you finally hear his voice calling your name. He is shouting, calling for you, desperately, pleadingly, angrily. You turn around just in time to witness what happens next.
One of your opponents were right behind him as Bucky runs to you. You’re quick to take the man down with a single perfect shot from your gun, but not quick enough to stop him before he used a blaster to tear a thick piece of concrete from the construction. Your blood freeze as you see it crashing down towards Bucky’s direction. You sprint to him, screaming and calling his name, taking down whatever blurry figures that come between you and him.
You finally remember to breathe again when you finally get to him and see he has somehow managed to block the concrete, but his metal arm is stuck under the heavy block.
“We gotta get you outta here,” you pant, kneeling in front of him and pointlessly trying to move the block.
“It’s worthless, even I can’t move it.” He’s trapped with his side to the floor, holding his machine gun securely against him with his flesh hand, “There’s more coming, you gotta go,”
“Tony, Steve, where are you?  Bucky’s stuck, we need you here,” You ignore him, shouting through the comms.
“I’m a little stuck myself, darling, gimme a minute.” The answer comes from Tony.
“I spotted you two, I’m coming over,” Steve replies.
And that’s when a buzzing sound catches both you and Bucky’s attention. You spot the shooter up in the building roof before the small red device attaches to the top of the block trapping his arm. Through the small screen, the countdown started: 15, 14…
“Get the fuck outta here,” Bucky screams and pushes you making you fall backwards.
You ignore the desperation etched on his face and in his voice to favor your own, as you get back up and bolts to the device, trying to pull it out of the rock, to no avail. Some damn alien shit...
10, 9…
“Steve, Tony…”
“Almost there,” Steve shouts back.
“It’s gonna fucking explode. I might be able to take it, you certainly can’t! Get the fuck out of here.”  He gestures with his arm for you to go.
“I won’t leave you,” You cry out, still trying to unattach the small explosive.
7, 6…
“You’re gonna die, Y/N.” He desperately begs.
“And do you think I fucking care?” You snap, locking your gaze with his. Silencing him completely.
5, 4…
The ticking of the countdown in the background is all you can hear as you keep  staring at each other.
His blue eyes are terrified and his parted lips are speechless.
3, 2…
“Back off.”
Tony’s voice makes you step back as he jumps to the device, easily hooking it off with a blast and tossing it to the sky just before the loud thunder of the explosion booms.
“Do you have a fucking death wish, Y/N? You were gonna blow the fuck up,” Tony yells at you at the same time he pulls the block off of Bucky’s arm.
You don’t answer. Steve, who has just arrived, gives you a concern expression, offering his arm to lift Bucky up who remains astonished and wordless, staring at you.
Terror still haunting his eyes.
The rides back home from missions are never cheerful. Even in victory, there’s always the regret, the feeling that more could’ve been done, the heavy weight of the casualties, the collateral damage, and the darkness that inevitably came with a fight.
However, you can’t remember ever feeling the way you feel now. The whole team is quiet; each one busy with their own demons, but also trying to digest what had almost just happened to you.
He’s sitting right across from you. You can feel the fire in his eyes burning into you.  But you don’t dare to look at him.
The jet lands and you’re the first one to rush out, only nodding when Steve says he wants to see you in his office the next day.
You run to your room, leaving the door unlocked behind you. Breathing heavily, you sit on your bed and stare at the door. He will come, you know this.  To scream and yell at you. Call you crazy and reckless. You know what you said and how it sounded. You’re not sure what it really meant for you, though.
But you know he won’t let this one go.
You wait for him.
It’s hard to contain the tremble on his hands as he rushes past the elevator and hurries over to the stairs, hoping the physical exertion would at least ease down a bit the hurricane inside him.
You were going to die. Right there in front of him. And it seemed like that was all you wanted at that moment. His throat is tight and he feels sick. So utterly sick at the thought. The way you came back, last night, the mission… This is not ok. You’re both a couple of fuck ups and it needs to end.
Right now.  
His heart hammers with every step as he climbs up to her floor. He needs to see her, talk to her, listen to her voice.
He needs to calm the fuck down.
Bucky’s rushed pace halts completely when he meets the door in front of him. He takes in a deep breath and runs his hand over his damp locks before bumping his fists to the wood repeatedly.  
A few seconds pass before the door opens and startled eyes meet his.
“Bucky?” She takes in his appearance, “Are you ok?”
“Is it true?” he ignores her questions, his eyes frantically analyzing her face, “Is it true that you’re in love with me?”
A small gasp slips Anna’s parted lips and her eyes widen even more while she takes an unconscious step back. He can tell she’s struggling with her mind before her jaw clenches and she straightens up her posture, keeping her gaze on him.
“Yes, it is,” she answers, simply, in a soft, yet full of resolution voice.
Bucky doesn’t even let the words sink in before he crashes his lips on hers.
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
The Woman in Velvet pt. 7
This was tiring.., but it's here! Hooray!! I appreciate my bestfriend @princessgeekface for being my editor, please go check her out she really rules!!
Without a further ado.
PAIRING: Arthur Fleck x Oc
WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse, Self Inflicted Pain.
@gloomybih @princessgeekface @mijachula @memory-mortis
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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"Well as of right now, Mr. Wayne, I think we can close a deal." The man in the large black suit said over the telephone. "I'm sure she'd be happy to perform. How about next Tuesday? Great! I'll see you then." The man promptly hung up the phone.
The little girl sat in the far corner of the room.
"Good news, sweetheart. You're preforming for Thomas Wayne." The man said to the girl.
The girl's cheeks were red, and her eyes were puffy. Her lips were busted and bruised. She whimpered in the corner. "Great." She whispered to herself.
"You should smile, my dear. It's wonderful news." He walked closer to her. "I love you."
The girl turned away. "No, you don't." She growled.
"What was that?" The man walked up to her with a firing rage.
"You don't love me, Uncle Charlie. If you did, I won't play in these stupid shows." She got off her knees, shaking.
"You quit with this attitude, young lady." He hissed, grabbing onto her shoulders.
"I'm 16 years old, Charlie." She yelled. "Stop controlling my life."
"Listen here, I've tried to be nice to you, but you really leave me no choice. Be a good girl, Sandy, and I'll reward you." The man gripped on tight to her large waist.
She pushed him off. "You can't do this to me. Just let me go." The girl screamed.
The man grabbed her by the throat. "Listen here, you fucking bitch. You're not going anywhere as long as I am still alive." He let go of her throat.
She fell to the ground coughing.
"Besides, Sandy, you're useless without me. Completely worthless."
'10:30 am? I guess it could be worse.' She slumped out of her bed, and headed to the kitchen. Sandy couldn't stop thinking about Arthur, and their little date. She didn't know why she was so heads over heels for this boy.
Sandy woke up in a cold sweat. 'Thank fuck that today's my day off.' She thought to herself. Sandy looked over at the clock.
Sandy smiled while stirring her coffee. She sighed dreamily like a schoolgirl, and pressed the button on her answering machine.
"You have (2) new messages." The autonomous voice said.
"Voicemail 1:
Hey, Sandy, It's me, Arthur. I'm heading to Wayne Manor today, and I've got some exciting news." His voice got closer to the phone. "Thomas Wayne is my dad."
Sandy eyes widened. She choked a little on her coffee. 'He's joking, right?' Sandy set her coffee down, and rubbed her temples. "Ugh, damn it, Art." She mumbled to herself.
Meanwhile the answering machine started playing the 2nd message.
"Voicemail 2:
Hello, is this the phone number of Sandy Dolere? I regret to inform that your uncle, Charles Paul Harris, has passed away as of last week. He was suffering from heart failure, and he was scheduled for an operation in December. Charles died in his sleep from natural causes. When you get the chance, please call us back at 467-286-7789."
Sandy looked at the machine. Her hand hovered over the delete button. Softly, she moved her hand and fell to the kitchen floor. Her loud sobs could be heard throughout the complex.
Her coffee mug was shatter with spilled brown liquid all over the floor. Sandy reached over the counter, taking a pack of cigarettes from of the counter. Gently, she placed in in her mouth, laying there on the floor. Sandy got up, finding herself a lighter. She looked over to the bottle of whiskey in the open cabinet. She turned away from it, lighting her cigarette. As Sandy took a long peaceful drag from the cigarette, she exhaled into the dreary morning. She took the cigarette out of her mouth and looked down at her bare arm. Sandy jammed the burning cigarette into her porcelain skin. Tears formed in her eyes as the ashes and blood dripped down her arm. She took the cigarette off and looked at the whole in her arm.
"Fuck." Sandy whispered, throwing her cigarette away. She went over to the bathroom to wash all the blood and sorrow away. She laid there in the bathtub. Hot water flowed out the faucet. She ducked her head under the water, holding in her breath. Whilst she was in her thoughts, she heard a knock at the door.
Quickly, she jumped out of the tub, and put on her lime green robe, usually she expected Arthur to drop by with a quick kiss or so, but to her surprise, it was two detectives in black.
"Good Afternoon, Ms. Dolere. I'm Detective Gordon, and this is my partner Detective Johnson." The detective known as "Gordon" turned to his partner.
"We're looking into the murders that happened on the subway. As you may know they were Wayne employees, and one of them just so happened to be your co-worker, Dennis Cullen." Detective Johnson said, as he stepped inside her apartment. "Nice place." He commented.
"Thanks." Sandy mumbled under her breath. "If you could give me a second, gentleman, I just got out of the tub." Sandy disappeared into the other room, struggling to find clothes.
Detective Gordon sat down on the couch.
"No worries. We'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind."
"No, I don't mind." Sandy reentered the room, fully dressed. She sat on the couch, taking a deep breath. She eyed the two detectives up and down.
Detective Gordon shifted in his seat, while Detective Johnson took out a notepad. Both detectives sat across from Sandy, who looked pretty annoyed at them for just being there.
"Where were you on the night the subway murders happened?" Johnson asked, eyeing her reaction.
"I was at home watching the TV. I had a long day at work, and I was unwinding." Sandy replied.
"Right." said Detective Johnson, writing down on his notepad.
"We had asked around about your relationship with Dennis, and they said that you two had a 'thing'. Is this true?" Gordon asked, putting air quotes over the word 'thing'.
"I had no relationship with him. He was just an asshole around the office. He was also the guy to make the most sales, but I saw no reason why he should die." Sandy replied with a stoic look on her face.
"I see. We've been asking around the building and we wanted to ask about your relationship with Arthur Fleck. The neighbors say they've see you get quite close these past few weeks, is that true?" Gordon took the notepad from Johnson, and looked over the notes.
Sandy froze for a second, continuing her stoic face, but with a red tint placed on her cheeks. "I'd say that yes, we've gotten closer. He's very nice to me. He's passionate about his comedy career, and I support him fully."
"Uh-huh." Johnson mumbled. "Did you two have any sexual encounters with each other?"
Sandy blushed madly, taken aback by this information. "That's none of your business." She glared at Johnson, crossing her arms.
"Alright, thank you for your time, Ms. Dolere." Gordon got off the couch, shaking Sandy's hand. Johnson followed behind him.
"Have a good evening, gentlemen." Sandy closed her door. "For sweet hell, it's already evening?" She said to herself, looking outside on the horizon. Sandy looked down at her scarred arm. She stared at it for a good long while, almost as if she was mocking it. Sandy smirked.
"Poor, poor Dennis," She mocked, lighting another cigarette. She heard a loud bang coming from the apartment downstairs. Sandy extinguished the cigarette.
She ran out of her apartment, and pressed the button on the elevator. 'What the fuck?' Sandy's thoughts ran a muck. The elevator slowly closed its doors as Sandy pressed down on Arthur's floor.
She hurried to his apartment door. As Sandy rapidly knocked on the door, she heard Arthur's mother screaming.
Sandy's eyes got wide as she heard the screams. She slammed all her weight into the door, but as it swung open, her head hit the ground.
"Ugh. Fuck." She hissed.
Right in front of her laid Penny Fleck's collapsed body.
"Ms. Dolere, are you alright?" Detective Gordon rushed over to Sandy, while Johnson was tending Penny.
"I'm fine. What about her? Call a god damn ambulance." Sandy pushed the detective out of her way to the phone. She quickly dialed 911.
Arthur saw the scene just as he got home. Everything was a mess. He rushed over to the ambulance. As Arthur got inside the vehicle, he glanced over to Sandy.
Sandy had questions, tons of questions, but she knew that now wasn't the best time for them. She went over to Detective Gordon.
"I need a ride to the hospital." Sandy wasn't asking.
Gordon sighed. "Ok, sure."
He pointed over to a black car, parked on the side of the road.
Sandy sat in the back seat, glaring at the two detectives threw their rear view windows.
As the detectives pulled up to the hospital, Sandy noticed Arthur sitting on a bench outside the hospital, smoking a cigarette.
Sandy got out of the car, but stayed near it to observe the situation.
"Arthur Fleck, I'm Detective Gordon, and this is my partner, Detective Johnson. We wanted to ask you a few questions, but you weren't home, so we asked your mother." Detective Gordon said.
Arthur looked up at him, scornfully. "Did you do this?" Arthur asked, griping tightly on his cigarette.
"Oh no, you see she was hyperventilating and acting all hysterical." Detective Johnson interjected.
"Yeah, the doctors said she had a stroke." Arthur said, bluntly.
"We're sorry to hear that," Gordon mumbled. "We still would like to ask a few questions about the subway killings. Have you heard of them?"
Sandy watched in the distance the whole thing play out. Of course, Arthur had a lot of stuff on his plate and these detectives weren't making matters better.
"Yeah, they're awful." Arthur muttered.
"Well, we talked to your boss from your old job. He says you were fired for bringing a gun in the children's hospital." Gordon stated.
"It was a prop. I'm a party clown." Arthur said, annoyed.
"Oh, yeah? Then why were you fired?" Detective Johnson asked.
"They said I wasn't funny enough. Can you imagine that?" Arthur scoffed. He got off the bench.
"Your boss gave us this card. This condition of yours. Is it real? Or is it a clown thing?"
"A clown thing?" Arthur repeated. He tossed the cigarette to the ground. "What do you think?"
Arthur ran into the hospital door.
The two detectives walked away.
"Hey." Sandy called.
Arthur turned to Sandy. He smiled gently at her. His blue/green eyes full of admiration.
"Hey." Arthur called back to her.
"You do know it says 'Exit' on it." Sandy pointed to the letters above the door.
"Yeah." Arthur hesitantly held onto Sandy's hand as they walked into the hospital.
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eddiesasspbrak · 4 years
Forever and Always Ch. 7
Eddie is the only one of his friends to stay behind in Derry after high school, causing him to lose touch with some of them. Now 24, Eddie has heard rumors that his now famous, former best friend (aka love of his life) may be coming back to town. That won’t be too awkward, right?
Ch. 8
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2k+ words
Wednesday Richie had a video conference with his manager and some producer. He also needed to help bring his dad home and get situated. He’d told Eddie the night before that he may not be available to see him at all that day. Eddie had to work all day anyway, but he was still sad about having to miss even one day with him. Neither knew what would happen in a week when Richie was gone again.
With the store empty, Eddie had time to really think things over as he sat on top of his stool and leaned heavily against the countertop. He knew that he wanted to be with Richie. He’d known it for a long time. Now that he knew Richie wanted him back and they were together, could he really just let it all slip away again? Part of him thought he’d start packing that evening and look for jobs and apartments online in New York. He had a decent enough savings that he could swing the first and last months rent on a very tiny studio apartment. There was the option of staying with Richie or Ben and Bev while he looked for a place he could manage. He would work all day and then go to Richie’s shows in the evening. They get dinner and drinks with Beverly and Ben and have date night at least once a week.
The fantasy was just starting to convince him he could make it all a reality when his mother’s voice filled his head. “You can’t leave me Eddie! What if I get sick again? Who will take care of me if you’re not here?  New York is so dangerous! You could be mugged or bitten by a rat on the subway and die in a hospital bed wishing you’d listened to me.”
Then there was her reaction to his sexuality to worry about. If he told her he was leaving to be with his boyfriend she would go into shock. If she found out that his boyfriend was Richie Tozier, she was likely to go into cardiac arrest. She still didn’t know that he had any contact with him since being back in town. He’d told her that he’d been at the library and was too tired to eat when he returned as he’d already eaten with Richie. The lies were piling up, but he didn’t feel like he had a choice.
It seemed the easiest thing to do would be to disappear in the middle of the night with a note left on the table. He knew he couldn’t do that to her though. It might actually kill her and that’s not what he wanted. He just wanted to be in New York with Richie, making up for the mistake he’d made six years ago.
Eddie was distracted with his inner turmoil and didn’t notice when Gerard arrived. He didn’t hear the bell above the door jingle and he definitely didn’t hear Gerard sneaking up behind him. When he felt something press into his back, he startled and whirled around on the stool when he heard Gerard, in a deep voice, say, “Empty the register.”
Eddie slapped his hand away while Gerard laughed at his own joke. He hadn’t even realized how late it had gotten while he was staring into space thinking about all of his life choices.
“Couldn’t resist trying to scare you since you were so out of it.” Gerard giggled. “What’s going on with you?”
“I’m trying to make an important life decision that could completely alter my future.”
Gerard set his bag on the floor and dropped onto his own stool. “Damn, you pregnant or something?”
“Yes Gerard. I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”
“Hell yea that would be one cute kid.”
“I cannot talk to you.” Eddie turned his back on Gerard, only to have him pull his stool up next to him so he couldn’t avoid him.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to cheer you up. What’s going on?”
Eddie sighed and wondered if he could tell Gerard everything. He’d never betrayed his trust before, so why shouldn’t he? He didn’t have a lot of people to confide in and he knew what all of their friends would say if he went to them. They’d all tried to encourage him to leave multiple times. He needed someone else’s opinion.
“To explain I have to give a bit of backstory.” Gerard nodded and stayed silent, so Eddie continued. “When we were seventeen, I made out with Richie on the kissing bridge except I was drunk and forgot all about it. Since I acted like it never happened, Richie thought I was rejecting him.”
“Then when he was leaving Derry to move to New York, he asked me to come with him. I didn’t go because I didn’t think my mom could survive without me. I was also worried that I’d have to watch him fall in love and end up alone there because I didn’t know how he felt.”
“Do you know how he feels now?”
“Yea. He loves me and has since we were kids. I’ve been in love with him just as long and I feel so stupid for letting so much time slip away from us.”
“Fuck. I knew you loved him as like a fan, but I didn’t know you were in love with him. Sorry I keep having sex dreams about your man.”
“He’s leaving in a week. Maybe sooner. He has to go back to New York and get back to work. He wants me to go with him and I’m eighteen again standing on the side of the road, watching him drive away. Only this time I can fix it and get in the car with him, but the same dilemma remains.”
“Your mom?”
“And she still doesn’t know you’re gay?”
“No. She doesn’t even know I’m in touch with Richie. She’s always hated him, so I lied about reconnecting with him. I keep lying to stop that lie from being uncovered and now if I make the choice to go, I have to admit to it all. Which will just make everything worse and more complicated.”
Both fell silent as Gerard took it all in and thought it over. He didn’t know what to tell him. He was sixteen and didn’t have any real-world experience yet. He thought that if it were him, he would have gone the first time. But he also could see why Eddie made the choice he did. There was just one problem…
“You made the choice not to go with Richie because you were eighteen and scared. You’re not eighteen anymore Eddie. You know what life is like if you say no and stay in Derry. Do you want to continue driving an hour outside of town just to go to a bar that will accept you? Do you want to have drunk one-night stands with random guys instead of waking up next to the man you love? Do you want to spend the rest of your life working in this shitty little convenience store, complaining to your next teenage coworker about how you’re 35 and still living with your manipulative mother who doesn’t even know the truth about you?”
“Ok, ok. I get it. I know you’re right. Of course, I want to go with him. I just, I need to think about it seriously. About what it would mean to go and what it would mean to stay.”
“If you stay, I’m never speaking to you again.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“No, I don’t. But I will forever think of you as the stupidest man I ever met in my life.”
Eddie still had a lot to think about but hearing Gerard voice the words that had been rattling around in his head all day was sobering. He knew that the first step was sitting down and telling his mom everything. Just…not yet. He had to think about what he was going to say and what he’d do if she reacted the way he expected. Having Richie on standby was probably the best bet in case she tried to lock him away in his bedroom. He could rescue him like the princes in the tower and would enjoy every second of it. He spent much of their teen years climbing in through Eddie’s bedroom window anyway, so he knew how to go about it.
Gerard and Eddie had to finish their conversation when a customer walked in. He didn’t want to broadcast to anyone else in the town that he was gay and thinking about leaving Derry. He just knew that it would get back to his mother somehow and that’s not how he intended for her to find out. The rest of his shift went fairly smoothly after that. It picked up a bit the closer it got to 5pm with people running out to get last minute ingredients for dinner. He and Gerard closed up and went their separate ways around 6:30.
Eddie spent his walk home imagining what it would be like to tell his mom as soon as he got home that he was leaving Derry to move to New York with his boyfriend Richie. He could practically see her head combusting. He needed a way to break it to her softly, but he didn’t know the right way. Maybe if he presented her with a plane ticket to New York first it would go a little easier. Like she’d ever get on a plane.
“I’m home.” He called as he walked in the front door.
His mother came from the kitchen, looking annoyed already. “Good. I’m making dinner and I expect you’ll be here to eat it tonight. You’ve left me alone for the past two nights.”
“Er…yea. Sorry. I’ll be here. I’m gonna go clean up first.” Eddie said, kicking off his shoes and dashing up the stairs.
He swapped out the white polo he’d worn to work for a more comfortable t-shirt and jeans for some sweats. His mother wouldn’t approve but he didn’t care. He was in the bathroom washing his hands when his phone began to ring in his bedroom. Quickly drying his hands, he rushed back down the hall to grab it before they hung up. His heart skipped a beat when he read the caller ID. Richie.
“Hello?” Eddie answered the phone, dropping onto his back on his bed.
“Good evening Spaghetti. Are you home yet?”
“Yea I got home a few minutes ago. Is your dad situated at home?”
“He’s resting comfortably in his lounger. Hey, have you eaten yet?”
“No. My mom is cooking. Why?”
“I was just thinking that I miss you and wanted to see if you’d like to go out.”
“Absolutely. Yes. 100%.” Eddie said with a wide grin. “Too eager?”
“Just eager enough. And the answer I was hoping for. I’m on your porch.”
Eddie sat up quickly and looked toward the hallway. “You haven’t knocked or rang the doorbell, have you?”
“No not yet.”
“Don’t. Please. My mom can’t know you’re here. Just…go back to your car and drive to the end of the block. I’ll meet you there in a second.”
Richie was silent for a second. “I’m starting to think you’re ashamed of me Eds.” He laughed but it was more nervous than humorous.
“I’m not. I swear. I just…I’ll explain in the car, ok?”
“Yea. Ok.”
Eddie hung up and rushed to put his jeans back on. At the bottom of the stairs, he sat to slip his shoes back on. Hearing him running down the stairs, his mom came into the hallway in time to see him standing and heading to the door.
“Eddie!” She called out to him. “Where are you going? You said you’d have dinner with me.”
“I’m sorry, ma. There’s an emergency.”
“What kind of emergency?”
“It’s, uh…Gerard. He needs my help with…his grandmother. She’s staying with them and can’t get out of the tub. I’m going to help lift her out. I shouldn’t be too long. Maybe an hour. Or two.”
“Two hours to lift an old woman out of the tub?”
“Well, yea. I have to make sure she’s ok and he might need other help just getting her situated. I’ll text you.”
“But, Eddie!”
He left then, closing the door behind him so she couldn’t see which way he was running in the dark. He heard the door open behind him, but Richie had parked far enough down that she wouldn’t be able to see him getting into the car. Richie eyed him as he slid into the passenger’s seat of his parent’s car and looked out the rear window toward his house.
“Running from the police?” Richie asked.
“Or something.”
Richie pulled away from the curb as Eddie buckled his seat belt. “I figured we’d go somewhere outside of Derry if that’s alright. It’s a longer drive but plenty of time for you to explain why you had to sneak away.”
“Outside of Derry is probably a good idea. My mom doesn’t exactly know that I’m going out with you.”
“Yea I figured since I had to park a block away. You couldn’t have just told her we were hanging out as friends?”
“Well…she doesn’t exactly know that I’m in contact with you…at all.”
“She’s not your biggest fan you know…”
“Yea it’s been rough since the breakup.”
“Choosing to ignore you. And when she initially asked me, I didn’t think I was going to be seeing you. It was before we talked about things the first time. I haven’t told her yet because things are complicated, and she’ll ask me why I’m spending so much time with you. I just feel like it will end up coming out that I’m gay and I’m not ready for her to know that. I don’t know how she’ll respond or what she’ll do to me.”
“It’s fine Eds. I understand.” Richie reached across the center console to grab Eddie’s hand in the dark space between them. “I know she’s bad when it comes to you but what do you think she’d do if you told her?”
“Lock me in my room until I agreed to marry a woman. Hire a hitman to kill you. Break my legs and tie me to the bed like in Misery. Who knows? Maybe all of the above.”
“So, what your saying is, I should just keep driving and hide you away in my apartment?”
Eddie smiled and turned his head to look at Richie. “I’m pretty sure she has a tracker on me somewhere. She was always so afraid I’d be kidnapped I wouldn’t put it past her. They put those things in dogs and cats, they can probably put them in humans too, right?”
“Worth a shot. If she shows up at my place, we’ll just say you went on an impromptu vacation.”
“Cause that will go over well.”
Richie fell silent as he squeezed Eddie’s fingers. “I just don’t want to let you go again.”
“I know. I don’t either. I’ve already decided to tell her everything. I just need to figure out how to do it, so she won’t freak out.”
“Maybe call a swat team to hide behind for when she hulks out.”
“Not the worst plan you’ve had.” Eddie sighed. “I want to tell her. I really do. I’m sick of hiding who I am, and I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you. Because I’m not.”
“I would never think that. You’re lucky to have scored a hot piece of ass like me.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You mean you’re the lucky one because I actually like your unfunny ass.” He laughed.
“I’m about to get sappy as fuck because you’re damn right I’m the lucky one. I could barely sleep last night knowing I probably wouldn’t see you today. I got yelled at a handful of times during my video conference because I kept getting distracted just thinking about you. I was at your door before I could even think about it. Fuck, Eds, I love you more than I ever thought possible.”
Eddie chewed his bottom lip, trying to keep emotion from welling up but it was a losing battle. Some part of him knew that his mother loved him deep down under all the instability. He knew that his friends loved him in a familial way. But he’d never felt loved like this. Loved so completely for who he is. Loved by someone that he loved more than anyone else. In an instant, he hated his mother. Hated her for keeping his leash around his neck for years. Making him too afraid of being honest with her and too afraid to leave her. Drilling these compulsions into him with years of fake medication and fears of the outside world. If she’d had it her way, he would never have left their house for even a second his entire life.
“I want to go with you Richie. To New York. And I’m going to tell her everything. That I’m gay, that I’ve been dating you and that I’m leaving to be with you. I promise. As soon as I figure out how, I’ll tell her. Just give me time. Ok?”
Eddie felt a tear slip down his face but luckily Richie couldn’t see it as he kept his eyes on the road. His grip on Eddie’s hand tightened as he brought it to his lips and pressed a firm kiss to the back of it. “Tell me what you need me to do to help. Promise me you won’t let her guilt you into anything.”
“I promise.” Eddie turned his gaze to the road speeding by through the windshield. “I won’t let her manipulation keep us apart ever again.”
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