#ok i know joker and akechi are like
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fakecats · 1 year ago
once i really get into my p5r replay i am going to go So hard trying to explore the different character dynamics other than joker and akechi sorry
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miitokii · 3 months ago
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shuake go to a miku concert
the song being performed is obviously Akatsuki Arrival (Producer: Last Note.)
see below the cut for extras!
Akechi: i hate miku as much as i hate pancakes >:(
Joker: oh true. you love both to the point it breaks your facade.
lol this started as me drawing my friend as akechi (they need to stop making akechi-aah expressions otherwise i’m never gonna stop)
hence the first is the redraw with the og pic used as a background lol. second is something goofy i did with the lighting idk
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have the non blurred/text versions of the drawings too (with akechi’s unobscurred scarf, because i spent too long on that stupidly complicated pattern only for it to be covered up)
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sunset-bridge · 1 year ago
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i wanna rest in your light
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koipalm · 2 years ago
my like i guess take/personal view of joker is that he's only able to help akechi because the other phantom thieves showed him kindness and love,
if we use the chain metaphor joker locked his heart away , he felt mad, betrayed and confused , and just to me joker at the start is a very just cold person,
but then he meets the thieves and little by little his chains begin to break then he meets akechi and a river suddenly overflowing, its very sudden and hard to control because he realizes he finally can allow himself to love
if that make sense fghgjkll;
i like that idea, but i also like the idea that its a two way street! im of the unpopular opinion that akechi likely wouldnt have done the same thing if he had been afforded the same thing in jokers shoes & circumstances. I say this because as joker people reaching out to you is just as important as reaching out to them and helping and spending time with them and connecting to them. theoretically in the game dynamics you could claim that joker is partially (or only) doing this to gain the confidante points and power up, but to me i only see that as a dynamic of the persona games. i really do feel storywise like joker is reaching out to others because he cares and wants to help them..... for example, even if the player themselves does not want to help a confidante, jokers dialogue options dont allow for that!
in contrast, i do think akechi was not in the worst possible position that he couldnt have "gone back" in a sense and reached out for help and helped other people too. of course, we dont have an inside look on akechi's life, but even at a more shallow look at things it does seem that he had options to turn back and he didn't. from his position as a detective, i think he would have had a lot of connections both from his work and even in the metaverse of finding people that could have helped him. i personally think that this mentality of akechis is interesting and kind of funny that he wanted revenge so bad that he was willing to forsake everything else. of course, its all up for interpretation....
but yeah, i really do think that his case was not necessarily a case of "i had to do this and there was no other choice because the adults made me" like mishima, but more of him actively, choice by choice, damning himself. of course, i dont think that his story can be divorced from adults using and abusing kids, but again, to me, PERSONALLY i see akechi as the type to throw others under the bus until the system eventually turns on him. in the end i also dont see akechi as genuinely remorseful of his actions, in that he actively grieves and regrets the lives hes taken. i think that he regrets the path that his life took and the fact that he was used in turn, but i think theres a kind of disconnect: he may regret that he killed, but i dont think he feels for the life that was lost, both with the mental shutdowns and the psychotic breaks, or the collateral damage.
even in third semester, (and while again. it can be argued that theyre shadows and not people, or that he is simply blowing off steam) it really does feel like he wants to cause harm. and i dont see a change like 'i want to hurt someone/something' -> 'im hurting someone/something because im pissed about being used by someone' BUT ONCE AGAIN. my personal opinion. i think hes a ruthless kind of guy.
in the end with all this being said, i cant be certain that in jokers shoes he would act similarly or that in better circumstances he would act as kind! that isnt to say that i think akechi was always doomed to be an asshole and he could never reach out and be kind, or hell that the system wasnt to blame for him turning out this way. but i DO think the system was not the only thing to blame! i think he made a lot of choices and felt that he had no other path or choice, so he didnt LOOK. but even at the end joker and the rest of the phantom thieves reach out despite ALL that he has done. he was irrevocably a murderer, and a hand was still extended....
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dragon-zena · 1 year ago
im very ambivalent towards p5 aus where a PT has a palace because sometimes theyre done so well and get to the root of that person's feelings towards themselves and the people around them, and other times it's like. 1) out of character, 2) out of context, 3) needlessly cruel?
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leonawriter · 5 months ago
Who Killed Goro Akechi?
Titled thus because I was just going through the scene right after Mementos merges with reality, after they've failed to defeat the grail, and "Igor" tells Akira that he's lost the game.
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And I'm like, ok, I've seen this a fair few times before. I know the script.
But then I was paying attention, and I just went WAIT WAIT WAIT HANG ON A MINUTE HERE.
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"In accordance to the game's rules, the defeated must pay a price."
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"Your life is forfeit."
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"I sentence you to be executed."
And I was just... hang on. There's been more than one player in the game. If we go back to the earlier lines, "Igor" also says "You were mean to bring change to mankind, but it seems that was too much for you."
In a sense, all of this could also be applied to Goro Akechi.
Akechi was also forcing mankind to react and to change, albeit via chaos and uncertainty rather than encouraging people to stand on their own two feet the way the Phantom Thieves were trying to.
And what happens in the engine room?
Akechi loses the game.
He realises that Akira and the PT fooled him, and when he tries to get the better of them one last time, he fails. We often talk about how after he was defeated he "almost went over to their side" - but isn't that another aspect of his "defeat" in Yaldabaoth's eyes? Akechi admits, effectively, that he accepts the Phantom Thieves' way of doing things over his own.
And it's here that we get Cognitive Akechi, who comes in and starts talking about how the Captain (Shido) sees him, gives him an option to rejoin (or for the PT to switch sides), and.... hm, isn't that familiar?
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Here's Caroline saying "If that's what our master wishes..." with Akira having a response tree of-
-"You're going to execute me?" -"Are you serious?" -or just plain being unable to speak (he could also be unspeakably angry, but he seems far more scared than angry, here).
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Next, Akira refuses to die, because he has people relying on him.
I'm reminded of how with Akechi, once he's behind that bulkhead door, if you haven't finished his confidant he'll say something to the effect of "So my final enemy is a puppet of myself, how fitting."
If you have maxed his confidant? You get Joker telling him he can't die yet, as he has a promise to fulfil ("I'll hold onto your glove") with the implication that it's something that Akechi can use as motivation to want to keep living.
In both, it's "I can't die, I have a reason to live, and that reason is at least one other person."
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When the twin wardens try to "execute" Akira, now in his Joker attire as his will of rebellion has manifested, Justine says "If our master orders so... then it cannot be helped..."
I'm reminded of how Cognitive Akechi was a being of pure servitude toward his Captain (master), Shido. If the Captain willed it, he'd even die for him.
This one feels similar, because the twins were never supposed to have "execution" as part of their duties at all, and both parties were pushed into a sense of unfailing loyalty to someone who never cared for them, and who warped their duties to something wrong.
In fact, I just went back to confirm the lines for Cognitive Akechi, and-
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Top is Cognitive Akechi saying "Captain Shido's orders... He has no need for losers." and the lower one is "Igor" saying "You have lost the game."
Basically, the same lines.
To the point that...
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Cognitive Akechi: "Here, I'll give you one last chance. Shoot them."
God of Control: "I shall grant you an opportunity to make a deal with me."
Both times, it's clear that this is the wrong thing to do, and in both cases, the person being offered rejects said deal entirely - Akechi by shooting the switch to activate the bulkhead door, making it impossible for his cognitive self to attack the Phantom Thieves, and Akira by denying Yaldabaoth and reaffirming his bonds with the Thieves once he's told that they're also there.
I titled the post the way I did, because the way Shido is used by Yaldabaoth, I would not be surprised if Cognitive Akechi isn't just a product of Shido's mind protecting him against threats from, say, his own attack dog, but also?
This is Yaldabaoth's way to quite literally execute the first piece he started to play with, since Goro Akechi had failed as a Trickster and had "lost the game" - and as he and cognitive Akechi both say, losers end up dead.
So the question is - who really killed Akechi? Was it Shido's cognition? Was it Yaldabaoth? And was that cognition even an original part of Shido's palace in the first place, to that extent? How much was it "appropriated" at the "right" time, here?
There are far too many coincidences for me to pass it off as such
But the highlight for me at least, is this:
In both terms of Akira and Akechi's "executions," it's their sense of thinking and feeling that "I can't die, I have a reason to live, and that reason is at least one other person" that keeps them alive. And to the point, it's what keeps Akira's sense of rebellion so strong, and against nigh insurmountable odds.
If anything, it supports the fact that with Akechi's confidant maxed, he really does live, because that, too, echoes Akira's experience in the Velvet Room not even a full month later.
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 7 months ago
Ok, I think I have a pretty good idea of why a lot of Akechi's dialogue is... like that.
So, even before his confidant truly started, I noticed that he has a real knack for directing the flow of a conversation. This is very fitting for someone who is both a detective and skilled at interviews - when there is a topic and a goal, Akechi is in his element.
All this to say, he's actually kind of controlling when it comes to conversational flow. He probes for information, or turns the conversation around to a particular topic, usually the Phantom Thieves. He manages to take a few of Joker's dialogue options and spin them so they sound mildly incriminating in the context he's placed them in - the only way to truly get around this is to pick answers that feign indifference, and even then, that's more than a bit telling. He's clearly very good at this kind of thing.
But then, we get conversations where either Joker does something he didn't expect, or else he doesn't have a particular goal in mind - and the conversation stutters. In the first instance, Joker does something (a particularly egregious example is putting his glasses on him and fluffing his hair in rank 3) which both leaves him wrong-footed and no longer in perfect control of the situation. He just kind of... freezes, for awhile. It's hilarious. He has no idea how to respond.
He picks up control again in the phone call afterwards, having chosen to play into it, turning this "fooling the crowds" into a kind of game or secret between them. Nice save.
But in instances where there isn't an obvious topic and the goal is somewhat nebulous, for instance, that one Leblanc scene, it becomes pretty apparent that Akechi doesn't have the right "script" to go off of. Again, it's particularly notable in that scene, because I'm fairly sure he didn't have any specific reason to be at Leblanc, other than him looking for a quiet spot now that public opinion has turned on him. And because there isn't anything specific he's digging for, he kind of just ends up throwing things at the wall to see what will stick. Probing for any kind of recognizable reaction that he can jump on and work with, and that just doesn't really happen in this scene.
He references Sae, a woman in a respectable position, to Sojiro, but instead of that netting a welcome, it earns his ire, given Sae's recent actions against him. He then tries to greet Joker, his... rival? friend? enemy? person who at least seems to somewhat enjoy spending time with him? But Joker's responses are somewhat short, and Akechi practically wilts. He tries to commiserate by oversharing. He tries to involve Futaba and reaches out for the only topic of interest he can think of around "young people". He compliments the coffee. He compliments Joker. He tries to invoke that connection between them. None of it is really sticking, nor does it serve as a jumping off point for him to steer the conversation, or even really start one.
So, he basically just ends up having a one-sided chat with himself and then leaves. Hilarious. Also a little sad, if I'm being honest. It's really giving "guy with no friends who only knows how to speak to adults" energy. If there's no specific purpose to the exchange, or he is not in control of its direction, he seems to be kind of out of his depth. He succeeds only in being a little awkward and confusing, more than anything.
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dreamsy990 · 3 months ago
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rough sketches for designs of all the pt for the wof au! (also more akechi and better joker here)
thoughts + closeups under the cut
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i tried to give proper justification for all the pt to have their codenames here which for a handful of them meant their names are just. shortened versions of something else. so crow is short for crow poison. aka false garlic. its a type of flower :3. i mean theororetically crow would be a valid name but hes a rainwing here and it didnt seem like a very fitting name with that in mind? but theres a couple rainwings named after flowers i think. hes a rainwing for obvious reasons i think. id like to think hed have a very light color palette that shifts to this when he gives up trying to hide who he is. youuu can see that lighter palette in the art i linked earlier.
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fox! which is short for snowfox. yes i know snowfox is a real canon name but yknow what else is canon? icewings have a big list of names they go down. so his name is snowfox. i dont have anything else to say here. like ofc hes an icewing hes YUSUKE. id like to think he left the ice kingdom to go to jade mountain (bc is it a wof au without jade mountain) to "broaden his horizons as an artist". which would be how he meets the other guys
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skull! is it his real name? hes not telling! i am the least happy with his design tbh.
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ORACLE!! her real name is beetle but she likes to go by oracle instead. i struggled a bit on what tribe to make her actually. originally i wanted her to be either part or fully rainwing? because i thought her using her camoflauge to hide from people in crowded places could be fun. but eventually i decided i not to do that. i dont think theres any hybrids in this cast actually? might actually change my mind on that to make noir half leafwing but shh. anyways i think a bug is fitting for her. so she gets to be a hivewing. no abilities for her shes just a little guy
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JOKER!! i think it would be fun if joker IS his real name but people think its an alias. his design was easy as shit. ofc hes a nightwing ofc hes got big red stars on his wings hes JOKER. not pictured is morgana also! mona is jokers """pet""" scavenger who speaks dragon. congrats mona you finally get to be human! too bad its in the dragon au. anyways might post a morgana drawing whenever i clean up his design
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violet! (named after the violet copper butterfly). her sisters name and the name she uses for a while is rose (named after the common rose butterfly). i ALSO kinda considered her being a rainwing (literally changing herself to look more like her sister) but decided silkwing was a better choice,,,,, im really happy with her design ok
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PANTHER!! that is her actual name btw. MY FIRST THOUGHT FOR THIS AU WAS SKYWING ANN I WOULD KILL MYSELF IF SHE WAS ANYTHING ELSE,,,, ik skywings cant have blue eyes unless theyre firescales or sky but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wanted to,,,,,, canon is what i want it to be.
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queen is short for queenfish! she was a bit of an afterthought sorry </3. but shes a seawing! good for her <3
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AND NOIIIRRRR!! i wanted her to be a mudwing as soon as i thought about it for more than a second. design wise i dont have much to say but i think storywise it might be cool if she was an only child and her father (in an incrdible rare move for a mudwing) was actually a present figure in her life. leading her to be kinda isolated from her peers and giving her a big reason to be very attached to him. idk its just thoughts rn. i dont have a clear story in mind yet. anyways those are my dragon thieves i hope you liked them
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corviiids · 7 months ago
hi rook sorrgy I'm back but I've been thinking about your akeshu as girls genderfuckery tweet for 20 million years. idk if you can share anything in good faith here on the Tumblr corner of the internet (if not then by all means ignore this) but if you did I'd owe you perhaps my entire soul!! thank you very much either way :3
i would LOVE to talk about this thank you so much for asking
[under the cut in case anyone would not like to see genderfuckery stuff]
okay so first of all.
on the topic of boobs
this is important to lead with do you understand. most of the akeshu as girls stuff ive seen around has akc as flat-chested and ren as boobed. and that's valid i support that. but personally. personally to me. i think it's the opposite. tbe reason (well one reason) i think it's the opposite is because i think girlren is a little rat of a creature and akechi who is prim and feminine and perfect is so FUCKING angry about her crush on ren like she's barely surviving it and then this is the nail in the coffin. she's like why can't i stop thinking about that messy unassuming thing. she doesn't even have boobs
my other reasons for tihs are that i think joker is more androgynous charm while akechi is more feminine/masculine duality i think this makes sense to nobody else. i think ren regardless of agab is riding the rail of the gender spectrum 🛹 while akc is collecting extremes of gender presentation like they're pokemon do you understand. are we on the same page here. ren being into drag is important to me for this reason (again regardless of agab). meanwhile akechi having very clear feminine secondary sex characteristics but presenting gradually more and more masculine in terms of clothing/hair/personal style etc. is also extremely important to me. and that includes being biog of tity while her style veers more and more into masc as time goes on
the detective prince
i think girl akechi (at 17-18) presents very femininely because it's what's effective for her. i would call her style................... kawaii corporate chic. does that make sense for everyone. it's like schoolgirl girlboss. she has a bow instead of a tie but it's a very classy one not a kitschy one. smart blazer, uniform pleated skirt, patent leather shoes, u know the drill BUT. people still call her the detective prince. this is VERY IMPORTANT to me. no detective princess. only detective prince. do you understand the importance of the genderfuckery of a super feminine girl being called by masculine terms. to me. we're continuing the legacy set by my hero naoto shirogane bigender queeng. bigender kin. bigender genderneutral non-monarchical ruler
i think by third sem girl akechi is starting to dress more androgynously/masculinely. more pants. i think her third sem outfit is unchanged from canon. just a smart coat, sweater, buttondown, slacks. postcanon she gets a haircut.
just trying to live an honest student life
ren is like so fundamentallyuncomfortable with the fact of his existence at the beginning of canon so to me girlren is like... she dresses like she's trying to hide in her clothes. messy hair. i have no strong feelings about whetehr her hair should be long or short, or whether it's loose or pulled into a tail, but i know it's messsy. untamed curls. and she uses it to hide her face. none of her clothes fit. she's in oversized everything. i have a very clear image in my head of a ren idle animation where she leans down to pull up her leggings because they keep falling down. she also has terrible posture. she's androgynous at this stage not on purpose but because she's too self conscious to like... exist... and present... in any notable way at all
i think as she gets more confident and as the year progresses she starts to dress more distinctively. i like the idea of her getting more comfortable prettying up. maybe working at crossroads helps her with this 🤔 i dont know how to explain this but i think she's still feminine in a gentlemanly chivalrous way rather than a girly cute way. girlren has that same steady calming vibe that guy ren does
joker & crow
crow has a magical girl skirt. i have a drawing of this but im too self conscious about my own lack of drawing skill to show it off so i cropped out the key part and put it into an ms paint void in the distance as my visual aid
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there. i hope this is illustrative
i think given girl akechi's use of her feminine charms to gain popularity, her hero complex would be similarly gendered given we have confirmation that robin hood represents not (only) heroics for altruistic reasons but also the theatre of being seen doing good. there's a real drama element to the idea of a magical girl transformation that i honestly wish we got for male crow too. i always am depressed that we don't get to see much theatre for akechi's initial appearance as crow and summoning of robin hood, anyway, girlcrow has ribbons and a capelet that flap in non-existent wind.
black mask's outfit is unchanged from canon. i'd like it to look a little less stupid but that has nothing to do with gender i just want it to look a little less stupid.
joker's outfit is also unchanged from canon. listen. im back on my bullshit. in the metaverse her behaviour gets more feminine and more sly and confident than in reality. she's got that femme fatale shit going on. however, she is still a gentleman thief. she has the long coat. she has the poofy trousers. she has the waistcoat. she's still smirking and fixing her gloves and flipping her knife and doing that thing that canon ren does where he lifts his chin and does the little "come on" thing with her fingers. do you understand? do you understand me
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homoeroticbetrayal · 2 years ago
Iconic Homerotice Betrayals: Round 3
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Poll Directory
Summarized by Anonymous Contributor
Ok so Akira(you the player) are the leader of a group of thieves (who are doing good for society) but there are more sinister things happening that also get attributed to your group.
Enter Akechi the famous charismatic detective who’s declared that he will catch you(you can probably already guess where this is going) When you first meet him it is already clear that something is very wrong under that obviously fake smile. Under your civilian identity you befriend him and slowly(or rather fast) he opens up to you showing more of his true self and what pains his heart. Even disclosing sensitive information that could bring him down. Of course this is all just lies he made up to get close to you right? Nope.
You see the betrayal coming from miles ahead. Not only does he betray you, he’s been the real culprit all along.
Despite knowing this loooong ahead you still take him on little gay dates to the aquarium, public bathhouse, pretending to shoot eachother, a café or try to impress him with your amazing darts skills. You may even willingly make wrong choices just for his approval (I did gdi Akechi I trusted you.) And when you come home he's already waiting for you.
After you survive him gleefully shooting you through the head(it makes sense in context) you meet again he admits that he wishes you’d have met earlier, confirming that your bond was genuine, that you could’ve been friends/partners(? It’s complicated) and he really meant it when he said you’re the only one he feels at ease with. But not without having a truly unhinged meltdown about it first, vehemently rejecting your offer to still be friends and turn over a new leaf. (so after he's attempted to kill you at least 2 times and is gearing up for making it 3)
Akechi betraying you is as much a betrayal of himself as it is one of you.
Bonus points:
other characters comment on you being the only one close to him
during one rank he confesses to you…. His hate?
as previously mentioned, your relationship ranks up after he shoots you in the head(you survive, it make sense in context)
he himself compares his betrayal of you to romance(yes after shooting you through the head). On live tv. In the same moment he reminds himself how he’s felt unwanted his entire life, like a reminder he killed the only person who ever made him wanted.
At the end you have the choice to stay in a perfect world where he is alive and never underwent any of the pain in his life turning him into a wholly different person, or let him die(again) as his true self. If you pick the former you can return the betrayal.
*vague description it’s complicated.
Read other summary here.
Summary by Anonymous Contributor
This is the story of 3 betrayals :
1. Madoka and Homura meet and become best friends. Madoka believes in love and justice and helping people as a magical girl. But she gets killed. So Homura, loving her and believing in her cause, becomes a magical girl in order to time travel and save Madoka. Eventually, however, they find out they were being tricked all along, and none of what they thought they were fighting for is real. And this is BETRAYAL NUMBER 1: They've agreed to give up and just die/become monsters Together, when suddenly Madoka sacrifices herself to save Homura. As she is dying in Homura's arms she tells her she has a selfish goal: "you can travel in time, right ? Go back in time and warn me, stop me from getting tricked and becoming a magical girl."
2. So Homura goes back in time and tries to warn Madoka and their friends, but no one believes her. She can't save Madoka from her fate. So she time travels, again and again and again, trying desperately to save Madoka and failing every time, and becoming more and more estranged from her with every timeline. By the time we get to the timeline we know, she's done it so many times that she's become a stranger to Madoka, but Homura has become cold and hardened. It doesn't matter if Madoka doesn't love her anymore, all that matters is saving her. In the end, Homura's time travel has tied the strings of fate around Madoka so much, that Madoka bcomes the most powerful magical girl of all time and is able to essentially become a god, and rewrite the rules of the universe. She's created a better world, but at the cost of erasing her own human existence. Now no one will remember her except for Homura. As they are hugging naked in the cosmos, saying goodbye as the universe rewrites itself, Homura expresses how devastated she is by this turn of events. Madoka has saved her from the time loop she was in, but has sacrificed herself, and thereby Homura has failed to keep her promise of saving her. This is BETRAYAL NUMBER 2: Homura now has to live without Madoka, and all hope of keeping her promise to save her is lost.
3. And so we arrive at BETRAYAL NUMBER 3, the one they're most famous for : Homura tricks Madoka, and steals her godhood. Homura becomes the devil and undoes everything Madoka has fought for just to save Madoka and let her have a human existence, because she loves her that much. It's the ultimate betrayal because she destroys everything Madoka sacrificed herself for, she refuses to let her make the world better because selfishly, she loves Madoka so much she wants her to be able to exist.
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vashtijoy · 2 years ago
akechi + featherman
Ok so. My working theory re. Akechi’s awakening is that he awakens twice, like Yoshizawa—first to Robin Hood, and then later to Loki. I know there’s Word of God that he awakened to them both at the same time, but based on his third awakening sequence, if he did that, Robin Hood was first—note that Hereward is also, essentially, Dark Robin Hood, Batman to Robin’s Superman.
I don’t know if Akechi is a Featherman fan in canon (I can’t see him continuing to unironically enjoy tales of heroism and good triumphant, tbh), but he was one when he awakened, and in this post etc etc.
Here are the P5D Featherman costumes for Joker and Akechi. Note the very big, very obvious, very pointy gold wing motifs across the chest and on the belt buckle:
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Now here's the boy, looking smug in his white crow suit. Do you see the gold wings on his collar, inside the edging braid? It's the same motif.
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Now here's Robin Hood, being a whole lot less subtle about it. First, look at the gold feathers that form the bow. It's the same shape that forms the front of the Featherman suits. Second, zoom in a bit, and check out the feathered edging on the outsides of the R and H. Again, it's the same motif, the gold wings.
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Lastly, of course: what's his codename? The one he picked for himself, the one he almost certainly had chosen when he walked in? It's Crow. Just like all the Feathermen, he's named for a bird. Whether he makes it "Feather Crow" in his head is something we will never know.
I strongly suspect that, if Akechi did awaken to Robin Hood first, he must have been like fourteen—for various lore reasons like the Velvet Room being stolen, P4 puts a hard floor on when Akechi can awaken for P5, otherwise I'd put it even younger. The whole white crow ensemble—the costume, the persona, the toy weapons—it's all so much like a child's will of rebellion, don't you think? And then, at some point, he changes so much that he awakens again, to Loki.
It hurts to think about him awakening that young, already hiding hate and rejection and crushing loneliness behind his smiling good-boy mask, already obsessed with revenge, but relatively innocent and not beyond hope. I feel like his first awakening gives him a chance to do better—and he doesn't take it, or can't take it, or something happens that makes it impossible for him to take it.
Maybe the second awakening comes when he chooses to be a perpetrator and hurt others, rather than be a victim who gets hurt by others, but there are as many theories about Loki and Robin Hood as there are Akechi fans. And of course, if that theory stands up, then something must have happened to Akechi that finally killed his hope that people might one day want him, if he could only be good enough. Something that finally fixed his course, and sent him off to Shido prepared to do whatever was necessary.
And the rest we know.
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narrators-journal · 1 month ago
Hi! I live your writhings! If its ok can i ask for headcanons or whatever you prefer for Akechi Goro plus Joker from persona 5 with an albino partner? I think it would be pretty interesting,plus i.i think albinos are so pretty and rare. If its ok. If not its totally ok!
Okay so, Albinism is a bit of a left-field specification for me because I do noooooott know much about what it’s like to be albino. So, I hope it’s there enough without being offensive somehow in a way I may have missed. I also threw in a poly option just for some funsies. Some extra zest for the reader and to cover my bases
I will be so honest, bestie, Akechi’s likely to date almost exclusively for publicity.
You have to be a certain level of deranged and unstable to match Akechi’s freak, so if he has an Albino partner, it is more than likely for the attention it’ll bring.
That being said, Akechi wouldn’t be a…terrible boyfriend for however long he’s with the reader.
He’d moreso be an emotionally distant, shallow boyfriend than abusive. Abuse isn’t good for publicity, after all, but at the same time, he’s not a very empathetic or emotionally available man.
He would definitely flaunt an Albino lover for the paparazzi.
If you see underneath the carefully curated mask, it’d either be a mistake, or you’re a very, very lucky person.
I don’t think Akechi would never truly date an albino person though! He would, so long as they’re ready to put in the work it’d take to earn that lol.
Though, no matter whether it’s a shallow fake dating thing, or a serious one, Akechi would do his best to accommodate his lover’s struggles. Like sensitivity to the light, sunburning, stuff like that.
Akira’s a little more complex, but also not at the same time.
While Akechi might go so far as to seek out an albino partner for publicity, Akira’s sort of the opposite despite the fact that I imagine Akira has a raging sense of pride and ego.
Outside of being Joker, Akira’s not too keen on being in the spotlight, so a partner who stands out with white hair and such pale skin might lowkey intimidate him lmao.
Though, I can assure you that the relationship is likely to be a much more emotionally fulfilling one than with Akechi.
And, similarly, Akira would accommodate you as much as he could.
he’d even go so far as to research Albinism a little bit to try and prepare for any genetic hiccups.
And, once you get past the initial shyness and avoidance of the spotlight, Akira is a very loving partner, and if you have any insecurities over the paleness of your skin, or your hair, he’d be sure to soothe them as much as possible.
All around, Akira would probably be a sweet, doting partner, no matter his lover’s appearance.
While the two are relatively fine on their own with a partner, they become toxic when put together.
Akechi himself is not a shallow man, but he is emotionally pent up and unfamiliar with the ins and outs of a healthy relationship. So, dating him without the social mask is gonna be a rocky experience.
Meanwhile, Akira has a strong, sin-level sense of pride. He’s got his own potential for toxicity, but thankfully in a poly relationship, most of that noxious bullshit is aimed at Akechi.
Their partner is moreso just, stuck in the middle lmao.
That being said, still, both would be sure to be mindful of their partners needs. Sunscreen, assistance with vision issues, guarding them from bullies or creeps, they’d still do that.
You just also gotta stomach their bickering, fist fights, and attempts to bring each other down to their level.
With you though, they’d be perfectly fine. Even if you do need to keep them separate lmao.
Just be thankful that they aren’t Yanderes.
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miitokii · 6 months ago
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ok so imagine if joker killed someone and the guilt stained his hands with blood forever
so he understands why akechi wears gloves all the time lol
btw i traced the hands from an anime called Beyond the Boundary (just search anime bloody hands and it’s like the first result), i wanted to focus more on the effect and the expression
also have some drawings of akechi i did with a different fit. imagine if joker had a dream with akechi in it with phantom thief outfit before akechi revealed his persona to the thieves lol
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ALSO if you want more context for the joker killing someone idea, and an edit i did with these drawings to please the instagram algorithm, please see under the cut
ok so i was thinking about the PT’s plan against Akechi, and a common gripe i see is how the cognitions don’t die like that in other palaces, they just dissipate into black smoke. BUT ALSO other palace rulers don’t really see people as actual people unlike Sae.
so Kamoshida sees people as nothing more than dolls/slaves he can use how he wants, hence cognitive Ann just dissipates when sliced (a puppet with cut strings is useless). Okumura sees people as robots so cognitive Haru explodes because she’s a robot. Kaneshiro sees people as ATMs so they just malfunction and break down.
i imagine the cognitions in Madarame’s palace are kinda just like… 3D living statues, just there to admire Madarame’s work, so if they were killed they’d probably dissipate or crumble like Kamoshida’s. and obviously there are no cognitions in Futaba’s palace (apart from Wakaba, who has a whole boss) because she’s a shut in.
anyway, the PT would notice that cognitions have different behaviour even in death depending on the palace ruler, so to confirm the plan would work, they would have to kill a cognition to see what happens in Sae’s palace. Makoto is probably sure her sister still sees people as people so it would work, but she also knows it’s vital they check this. in a way it would ease her too, since it would be confirmation.
and of course Joker being the leader he is would volunteer to do the ‘deed’. so he kills an innocent, harmless, cognitive person, watches them beg for their life as he holds a gun to their head and fires. he knows it’s just a cognition so it’s irrational, but the guilt he feels is all the same, especially as he watches the cognition slump to the floor just like a real corpse and bleed out onto the floor. Unlike other cognitions in other palaces it doesn’t dissipate after a while, it stays there, because Sae, how distorted she may be, still sees people as people, in life or death.
ALSO even when cognitive Ren and the guard dissipate after a while, it’s not because they’re cognitions, it’s because Sae has by then found out the whole thing was a ploy. she now knows both Ren and the guard are very much alive - so then of course the corpses would disappear
leave out the Joker kills a cognition bit (let’s say they were confident enough in their reasoning) and it could basically be canon
lol anyway yeah i wrote that in a fic and wanted to draw it in a sort of quick sketch lol
anyway here’s the edit lol
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kroosluvr · 6 months ago
i'm genuinely curious I WANT YOU to outline how the shu/ake/sumi romance/and-or/situationship would unfurl in a post-p5r reality (where akechi lives, of course). what are the bullet points for what would happen between them. would they have a falling out. are they doomed. would they be horrible at communicating. would they finally be good at it. which pairing comes together first, if any at all. or would all 3 pairings happen at the same time at the same pace. or are they all in a limbo, not romantic nor platonic but a secret third thing.
OMG HI. HIIIII ok so. i havent actually thought about it that much (SURPRISING I KNOW) because i honestly suck ass at timelines (in regards to canon. tennis au on the other hand...) BUT I WILL DO MY BEST a lot of this is loose too.... im totally up for most anything but this is how i see it most of hte time heheeh (TY FOR THE ASK I LOVE THINKIJGN ABT THESE 3.)
this is .. kinda.. long.. ahem
pre-p5r: sumire is acquainted with goro thru her dad's show: they're not friends, but she's talked with him more than her sister. so when goro meets 'kasumi' at the cafe something strikes him as odd but it doesn't quite register: like ehhhh well why should i care / maybe my memory is just wrong / not worth my time
during p5r: 'kasumi' has a crush on akira, a kind of on-the-surface adoration of "wow i think you're really cool and we get along well!" nothing that's super advanced on or anything, and akira doesn't see her as anything beyond friends anyway.
she drops the crush upon reverting back to sumire, and it builds slowly over the course of 3rd sem but is also never really actualized - like she likes him ok whatever but then what..??
3rd sem (long winter au): long winter barebones: maruki's idealized world starts like on christmas or smth (havent thought this out TOO much LOL) and royaltrio-centric part of 3rd sem lasts for quite a while, at least 3 weeks-1 month. how does this work w the timeline i have no idea. BUT it leads to tense moments like spending new years together with the idealized thieves and trying to stay upbeat during all that, all the attempts and failures at breaking them out of it, and a LOT of tension during this time.
they argue and fight and are irritated with each other a lot of the time (goro the most vocal abt it obviously, sumire kind of drawing back into herself, and akira doing his best to stay optimistic. i think when akira starts to lose his spark is when the others r like oh we gotta make up for that slack and they finally up their game a bit) and yeah even sumire argues with akira and with goro and etc. im figuring this out PROMSIE ill come up w stuff and draw comic/write fic for it...
also 1/9 sumire fight is probably the beginning moment when goro starts to respect sumire more/see her more as a friend/comrade than a teammate. bc she almost kills joker and then him LMAO really giving them a run for their money... and also he really sees the pain she feels at being herself and resonates with it, either unconsciously or consciously
also upon seeing her Past broadcasted on maruki live television:tm: he makes the connection and is like oh so that's what happened. so all this time she was just masquerading as someone else. hmmm
anyway they're all very fragile and scared and sad during 3rd sem so they stick to eachother closely bc they're all they got to lean on. i think they have a lot of skinship during this time? handholding hugs leaning on each other sleeping in the same room (they hang out at leblanc A LOT bc 1) they're kind of afraid of being alone during this time 2) they're afraid of the OTHERS being alone during this time 3) leblanc is "untouched", compared to other parts of maruki's reality. can u imagine if even goro's apartment suddenly became nice overnight LMAO) but its like no feelings attached, just pure comfort kinda thing
kissing could also happen during this time but also no feelings attached, purely Why the hell not etc sort of vibe.
also goro and sumire get on first name basis during this time. this comic i drew w goro dying in my head which is Why he initiates first-name basis, but we can operate off the idea that he thought he'd die but somehow magically didnt. YAY!
but they have impeccable communication w each other and are very honest with their feelings. (goro avoids talking about his past tho. so maybe not THAT honest.) but they all achieve a really strong understanding of each other to survive maruki's winter wonderland...
i do think they develop feelings for each other during this time but they're all confused whether it's feelings of like comfort/security with each other or like romance/yay. so like nightmare situationship basically. so they all individually decide to hold on to this happiness while it lasts bc they sure as hell know it won't last (when have any of them been able to keep good things)
3rd sem: the thieves join yay! i think they'd notice that the 3 of them have become very close-knit (bouncing off eachother insanely well in battle, talk to eachother casually, and are generally pretty affectionate with each other. weird but ok! at least they (akira goro.) aren't trying to kill each other all the time.
this is also nice for sumire bc she had those 3-4 weeks to kinda Figure herself (sumire) out btwn akira and goro so she's less like down in the dumps about not being 'kasumi' anymore and more secure in herself and stuff like that. yay!
they beat maruki and stuff. YAY!
post-p5r: akira moves back to his hometown for 3rd year of highschool and college, goro is who-knows-where (i imagine he gets back on his feet of his own making and then goes abroad for school somehow. idk just seems like smth he'd do esp since i think he'd avoid everyone during this time) and sumire stays at shujin for 2-3rd year, then probably goes to a uni in japan but goes abroad for 1-2 yrs (gymnastics and etc.)
the "goro doesn't die and reunites with akira/sumi" timeline
goro, walking into leblanc on 2/4 or whatever: hi guys i didn't die actually
sumire: haha why would u silly? lol
the end.
i think they do go to separate universities though and theyre like damn wait i miss those guys but they go thru school and keep pretty decent contact w each other and see each other during vacations and stuff when they can and then when they come back to tokyo it's like no time has passed btwn them and they just pick up where 3rd sem left off but like better and happier and more peaceful. YAY!
i haven't really thought of how they "CONFESS" or whatever but i think all of them just feel (TWINGE OF JEALOUSY) at the idea of any of them dating someone else so theyre like ok well thats that i guess. we're a thing now (they refuse to use any other terms like that i think. For a while at least. until maybe one of the thieves etc gets engaged/married and then theyre like ok we can grow up about this. but basically they're just A Thing and Offlimits:tm: and etc.)
COMMUNICATION IS GOOD HERE!!!! i think for sh/uakes/umi i prefer them becoming a Thing at once rather than 1 couple happening first (esp since i like the idea of "none of them rlly understand romance and stuff so they just say 'fuck it' and become Thing" like thats kinda funny asf to me.)
i also feel like to anyone else they just seem like a group of besties until u see exchanged kisses or hugs or interlocked arms/hands and ur like wait....? hm. well idk. (bc they don't either. no one has any idea)
the "goro doesn't die and avoids them" timeline
also in my head sumire doesn't endeavor for the olympics/world stage/international fame and just kinda sticks around national rankings while she still figures herself out (in this timeline. also probably true for the other one but shrug IT CLD GO EITHER WAY I THINK)
somewhat relevant is my shsm fic where i elaborate on sumire's emotions more during this time (especially while thinking goro's dead). <- actually this is pretty recommended cele sumire reading bc this basically totally encapsulates how i see her. the first oneshot is 6k words tho ITS A MOUTHFUL.. SORRY
she and akira drift farrrr apart. she feels extremely guilty and also bitter and frustrated about goro's death and the fact that akira didn't tell her (or goro, in fact.) and he feels guilty and sad about it too, that he should have done something? anything? for him or for her, and he couldn't figure it out and now its over. so now the two of them r grappling w this and trying to overcome it and forget each other even tho the memories during 3rd sem, although painful and haunting, still were sweet and nice and they don't want to forget but they HAVE TO MOVE ON... RIGHT....
meanwhile goro's probably thinking like "damn i miss those guys." but they also think he's dead so hes also like "this is stupid i have to move on(?) Or whatever." ok imma be honest i didnt really think THAT much into goro's thinking during this time (YET.) bc i think he'd be floundering a LOT with everything during his life and being kinda just miserable.
also during this time they try to date other people and it all is miserable and falls apart and also they havent forgotten about the other two so theyre like fuck.
akira - 25~, sumire - 24~, goro - 26~, eventually goro moves back to tokyo and kinda just goes about his life hoping he'll see them again. or maybe find out what they were up to and finally get some closure. wow he does! they kinda all go back to tokyo at the same time wow shocker soulmate things IM JOKINGGGG but they all kinda hold that sentimentality of ok so much time has passed maybe i'll feel better about this place now. and then when they run into each other again its like no time has passed at all. HAPPY ENDING YAY!
communication is less good in this timeline now they're healing from the "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" stuff. so thats a whole nother can of worms. probably ironically in this universe they try to actualyl figure out how this whole romance thing works so they can label each other as partners and be like OK DONT RUN OFF AGAIN. ANY OF U!!! DO NOT!!!!
ok this shit is so long im so sorry. HI. SDGSHKJFHJKDSHG THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE ASK IM BAWLING i really havent thought much of post-3rd sem stuff as u can tell........... but i WILL ipromise.
edit: LAST ADDENDUM im very passionate abt shsm being nightmare situationship. guys who never got together but got divorced 50 times. sh/uake fits into this category as well i think. i can also kinda see ak/esumi like that but ironically i feel like they'd have the most stable situationship out of the 3 individual ships..... idk.. need to let it all cook in my head a bit more BUT VERY PASSIONATE ABT THE SHSM THING.
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three--rings · 6 months ago
Jack and Joker ep 2
Okay, actually my Persona 5 obsession with this show is like, wait, okay yeah the plot is different, but here's how shuake can still win this...
So you've got the noble charismatic thief character who is determined to win over/reform the hardened criminal/corrupted youth. Totally a Joker/Akechi style dynamic. With a different backstory, sure. But I've not given up all hope that someone DID actually decide to make P5 into an actual BL at some point back in this show's dna.
Lol he's claiming he lost everything in Dogecoin, huh? Lol, this is extra funny considering I knew someone who was all in on Dogecoin...
Oh GOD I like how flirty Joker is being in this fight. This is, unfortunately, so much my shit.
Honestly I have to say it's a little disappointing that Jack is still good at heart and not really corrupted by the last 5 years. But whatever, FINE.
Look, COME ON:
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Like I know the term Phantom Thief is used outside of Persona 5 and it's at least a translation of a common at least Japanese phrase. But like, The Phantom Thief Joker? That's fucking P5, baby!!
Ok this show is a LOT of fun and I hope they keep on hitting their mark.
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years ago
Cats In The Cradle
A/N: I was cleaning out my drive again and found a fun little chat fic I forgot about!
Futaba: @everyone
Futaba: Guys.
Futaba: Inari’s on the Phan Site
Ryuji: What?
Yusuke: ?
Futaba: “Kitagawa Yusuke keeps having his demon cat attack unsuspecting students”
Ann: lol what?
Akira: Links
Futaba: https://www.phansite.jp/forums/post/20004563
Futaba: apparently the cat just jumps on people’s lunches
Makoto: do they mean Morgana?
Akira: Morgana’s never attacked anyone
Yusuke: The poster probably means Vincent
Yusuke: Which is preposterous, because Vincent mostly just sits in the corner unless he wants pets. He’s certainly not a demon.
Yusuke: Who could look at this face and call him a demon cat
Yusuke: IMG_20170116_1345.jpeg
Sumire: he’s such a cute kitty, is he a tabby?
Yusuke: Yes, though I wouldn’t call him a “kitty,” He’s around 13.
Sumire: all cats are kitties. Also tell him I love him
Yusuke: will do.
Akira: I didn’t know you had another cat.
Ryuji: Is Mona jealous?
Akira: He says he isn’t
Yusuke: Vincent used to hang out around the shack and I’d see him on the way to school. Then a few weeks after I moved into the dorms, he just showed up.
Sumire: awwwwwwwww
Makoto: They allow you to have pets in the dorm?
Yusuke: Well the dorm I’m in specifically is the “pet dorm” for students who want to have pets and keep the separate from students who have allergies or just don’t want to live near them
Yusuke: It was the only dorm that still had a room on such short notice.
Ann: Oh that’s so cool!
Akira: Is that why you were allowed to keep your lobsters?
Ryuji: Oh yeah, how are they doing?
Yusuke: Da Vinci and Rembrandt are doing well
Yusuke: IMG_20170116_1356.jpeg
Akechi: They’re just lobsters
Sumire: they’re adorable >:T
Akechi: :/
Haru: Sorry to get off topic but did anyone else read that full post?
Futaba: Nah, I just saw the title and texted everyone
Akechi: Wow. This person hates your guts
Yusuke: Huh, odd.
Ryuji: Wait, the way Akechi hates Akira’s guts or the way he hates other people’s guts?
Akechi: what?
Sumire: Definitely the way he hates Maruki
Akechi: Wait what does that mean
Yusuke: I believe they mean is the commentor’s hatred of me laced with homoeroticism or not
Sumire: No need to get so worked up, we aren’t saying you want to have hate sex with him or anything
Ryuji: I am 100% saying that
Sumire: It just could go either way sometimes the way you talk about him
Akechi: I hate all of you
Ann: But not the way you hate Akira, which is the point
Akechi has left the chat
Makoto: Anyway
Makoto: Is this worth looking into?
Yusuke: Probably not.
Yusuke: They haven’t tried anything directly, we should just consider it a troll or vent comment.
Yusuke: I can hardly think of anything I’ve done to warrant this ire though
Futaba: reading between the lines, sounds like Vincent gets out and bothers him when he shit talks you and now he’s convinced you’re doing this somehow
Yusuke: I don’t think Vincent is that smart, he just likes that I feed him.
Sumire: Shush! He loves you and is defending you from bullies!
Yusuke: that’s a pleasant thought :)
Sumire: You should bring him to the cafe and he can hang out with Mona!
Haru: Do you think he’d wear cute outfits?
Akira: Mona wants to pick out the outfits if he’s wearing anything.
Ann: Oh I know a place that makes little cat-shaped macarons!
Sumire: Cat playdate! Cat playdate!
Akira: Cat playdate! Cat playdate!
Yusuke: Vincent seems ok with it.
Ann: Cat playdate!
Haru: Cat playdate!
Makoto: Cat playdate?
Ryuji: Cat playdate!
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