#ok goodnight sweeties
barkingangelbaby · 5 months
sleeping with the windows open bc it's so fucking hot and woke up to the sound of the sudden downpour of rain. .. my comfort sound fr....
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bayheart · 2 years
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may be too late for valentine’s but it’s still february so idc <3 KITTIES IN LUV!!
there’s very few wc ships that actively live in my brain BUT i wanted to draw kitties......... so have my one actively thought about wc ship and jaywillow which consumed my every waking thought when i was younger :]
(reused the designs and the background from my montero drawing for hawkash LMAO)
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thetidemice · 7 months
the tadc fandom can scare me off a little bit but the look of it reminds me soo much of playing crash bandicoot and mariokart dsi (yay).. like to the point it's a little nauseating/claustrophobic?!?? which i guess it's supposed to be bc it's like digital hell aaah🔥🔥.. i especially like ragatha's design i love ragdoll type characters she could totally be in bagpuss!! NEway it's not something that would usually be my thing (and that claustrophobic saturated videogame feel is definitely not) but i like the music that always comes up on my fyp
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traveler-at-heart · 10 months
The Tooth Fairy
Summary: Your daughter gets a generous visit.
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
A/N: Sorry for the weird format, I’m on my phone. Also, fun game, drink everytime you find the word fairy in this fic 🧚
Your daughhter’s scream puts you immediately on edge.
Her voice is quivering, as if she’s not sure she should be crying over what’s happening.
“What is it, sweetie?” you kneel next to her on the playground, mentally counting all her fingers and checking for injuries. You have to stay calm for her sake.
“My tooth fell off” Anya says, showing it to you. “Does this mean that I can’t eat chocolate anymore?”
“No, sweetheart, it’s fine” you pick her up and carry her to the park bench. “These are called baby teeth. They’ll fall off and then you’ll get your new ones. And those are for good.”
“Well, yes. Unless you eat too much chocolate. Then you’ll get cavities”
Anya keeps looking at the tooth in her hand and then offers it to you. Closing one eye, you examine it as if it were a diamond.
“The tooth fairy is gonna be real happy with this one”
“There’s a fairy?” Anya perks up and you smile.
“Oh, yes. You have to leave it under your pillow with a small note and then they’ll pick it up. Leave you a dollar or two if they think it’s a good tooth”
“I wanna write the note, can we go home now?”
“Yes, sweetie” you carry her, relieved now that Anya seems happier.
It’s not an easy task, but you persuade Anya to wait for her other mom to write the note. You’re sure Natasha wouldn’t wanna miss it.
After all, this is the same woman that almost cried when she was away on a mission and your daughter sneezed for the first time.
“I’m home” you hear the door open and close. Anya smiles, eager to tell her mom about the highlight of the day.
“Mama” she jumps to her arms, wavy red hair flying as Natasha catches her.
“Someone is very happy to see me”
“I’m happy to see you too” you say, leaning forward and giving her a quick kiss.
“Then why aren’t you jumping into my arms?”
“Mama, I’m going to meet the tooth fairy!” Anya interrupts you, pulling her tooth from the pocket of her pants.
“Your first tooth? And I missed it?”
Damn it, she’s gonna cry again. You can’t have that.
“Baby, you didn’t miss it. Anya still has to write a letter. She’s been waiting for you”
“Yeah, come on” Anya bounces on her arms, encouraging Natasha to go to the living room.
“I’ll work on dinner while you two do that, ok?” you kiss Natasha’s cheek and let her enjoy the time with Anya.
From your spot on the kitchen, you can hear Anya asking all sorts of questions about the fairy lore.
She’s a smart kid, so all Natasha does is hand her the crayons she requests. Anya falls silent, and then begins to write the letter.
“All done?” your wife says and Anya covers the sheet of paper with her tiny hands.
“This is a secret letter”
Natasha looks at you, both struggling to hold your smiles.
“Dinner’s ready” you announce, serving pasta.
Anya giggles when the spaguetti goes through the whole her tooth left.
“Baby, don’t play with your food like that” you scold. Then you turn to Natasha for support, only to find her creating a spaguetti mustache that leaves her face full of sauce. “Honestly, Natalia”
“Mama is in trouble” Anya laughs.
“She’s doing the dishes, that’s for sure” you agree.
After dinner, Natasha prepares a bath for Anya while you clean the kitchen. You both know you’re too obsessive to leave the cleaning to anyone else.
You go to the study to write a small thank you note for Anya from the tooth fairy. You even add some glitter for extra flare.
Tucking it in the back of your pocket, you walk into your daughter’s room to wish her goodnight.
“Is it under your pillow?” you check and she nods, yawning.
“I wanna wait for them”
“Oh, the fairy only shows up when you’re asleep, darling. Like Santa”
“Are they friends?” Anya says, quickly falling asleep.
“Yeah, you could say they’re practically the same person” Natasha whispers and you nudge her with your elbow. Anya is already asleep, so it doesn’t really matter if she heard that last part.
Quietly, you take the letter from under her bed and place yours instead.
“Why are your hands all shiny?” Natasha asks as you’re getting ready for bed.
“Welll, I am a fairy, baby. Haven’t you heard?” you tap the tip of her nose, leaving some glitter on it.
“I’m happy I was here for this” Natasha says against your shoulder as you cuddle.
“Me too” you say, your eyelids heavy. “Oh, crap. I forgot to leave the money under Anya’s pillow”
“That’s ok, I’ll do it”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. You’re the stealthy spy here” you smile when Natasha kisses your neck and leaves the bed. You’re so tired you fall asleep before she comes back.
The smell of coffee wakes you up.
Coffee and pancakes. Stretching, you get out of bed, feeling relaxed and happy.
“Hey, baby” you greet your wife, admiring her toned arm muscles accentuated by the white tank top.
“Morning, detka” she smiles, adding more pancakes to the plate next to the stove. “Breakfast is ready”
“I’m hungry for other things” you lift the edge of her tank top, scratching Natasha’s abs with your nails. She follows your lead, tilting her head and parting her lips to let your tongue explore her mouth.
“Mom, mama!” Anya says, running out of her room. You sigh against Natasha’s lips and step away. “They were here! I woke up and there was a letter with some glitter”
“That’s awesome, sweetie” you smile, pouring yourself a cup of coffee. You turn to your daughter as you take a sip.
“And look! She left me this!”
Anya waves a hundred dollar bill in front of you, making you choke on your coffee.
“Wow, that fairy won the lottery since the last time I saw her” you catch your breath.
“Is this enough to buy a pony?”
“No, darling. Go set the table, I’ll bring you some juice and pancakes, ok?”
“Can I watch tv while having breakfast?”
“Fine” Natasha answers and you wait for your daughter to be out of earshot to talk to her. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Uh, baby, did you leave all that money for Anya?”
“Yes, I didn’t know how much to put and you were asleep”
“Ok, for future reference, five bucks is more than fine” you smile, placing your hands on her shoulders.
“I’m sorry” she looks defeated and you try to cheer her up.
“Don’t be, it’s fine. We’ll use the savings we have for the rest of the teeh and then send her to community college”
“Stop!” Natasha rolls her eyes.
“Come on, it’s ok” you kiss her softly. “We’ll tell her that the fairy had to pay her mortgage and is broke. I’ll even add less glitter on the next letter”
“You’re taking this glitter thing too seriously”
“Well, we have to rely on Alexei to play Santa. At least I get to have some fun with this”
Later that day, as your friends get together for a barbecue, Anya shows everyone the place where her tooth once was; luckily, she left the money at home.
That doesn’t stop Billy and Tommy from finding out. Pretty soon, they’re asking their mom about the tooth fairy and if there’s a special deal for twins.
“They left 100 dollars for Anya” Billy shouts and everyone falls silent.
“Oh, wow. Maybe the fairy can visit me as well” Sam smiles. You kick him under the table.
Unfortunately for Natasha, you have to explain everything when Wanda convinces the twins to go back to play.
“Don’t sweat it, Red. Everything’s so expensive nowadays, it’s only fair Anya starts saving now”
“Oh, you’re one to talk” Pepper points at Tony. “He left a blank check under Morgan’s pillow the first time she lost a tooth”
Everyone laughs at that, Tony adjusting in his seat.
“Would you like to adopt me?” Sam asks after a minute.
“I got the door” you whisper. Natasha is carrying Anya to her room. It was a fun afternoon of playing with friends and then doing the math on how many plushies she could get with all that money.
She’s fast asleep, and you wait by the door as Natasha tucks her in.
“You ok?” you want to double check, knowing she can be insecure about motherhood.
“I just wish I knew everything”
“Well, so do I. I wish I knew how to stay calm. Remember last week when she hurt her hand with the stove? I thought I was going to throw up and you handled it while I panicked”
“It’s nothing”
“It’s a lot, Tasha. We love you. And we need you” you kiss her softly and she smiles against your lips.
“Wanna read the letter?” you offer once you’re settled in bed. Your wife nods and you take it out of your nighstand. “Dear Miss Fairy - very formal. This is my tooth, it felll off while I was playing. Mom told me you take them and leave some money. My Mama helped me draw this. I love my moms and I want to buy them ice cream and chocolate with the money you give me. Hugs, Anya Romanoff”
“She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You both are” Natasha says as you cuddle, kissing her neck.
“We love you”
“So, what do we do next time?”
“We tell her the fairy is getting heer a car at 16 and hopefully she’ll forget about it by then” you smile, confident.
Of course, she doesn’t.
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the snap (Matt Murdock x fem-reader )
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Summary: after the blip Matt was blipped away. But what happens when he shows up after everyone comes back?
Part 2 Warnings: angst, I mean it this time ok? I teared up writing this. But with fluff it has a happy ending trust me. Im dyslexic so there are probably/definitely going to be spelling errors. (I’m trying yall. Let me know how I did my first fic for Matt I think I’m going to make a part 2. Please comment if you can and reblog are appreciated if you want ❤️) mentions of pregnancy and childbirth and children
My eyes take in the childrens bedroom. It was small and quant but cozy. The nightlights lit up the room and my five year old daughter was layed down on the soft pastel blankets. I sit down on the side of her bed. She was so beautiful, her sweet brown eyes and brown hair. Her name was angel Murdock, She resembled Matt so much, sometimes it even hurt to look at her. It showed his best attributes on her. Even though she was only five years old she was already fearless, the teachers at the preschool always say she’s already getting in fights with the bullies in the class, no fist fights yet thankfully. It was her bedtime so you were finishing up reading a story to her about a princess and prince who fought a dragon.
“And they lived happily ever after the end” I kiss her forehead. And get up from her sleepy form.
“mommy, why do all the other kids have dads?”
Her question struck me in the heart. Leaving a wound size I couldn’t even patch up after patching up so many of Matt’s wounds. But I remain calm and collected like her words were just a simple question. Which they were, she’s just a curious child, there is no way that she knows how deeply I am affected by them. I twist my diamond ring on my finger and bite my lip trying to figure out how to answer this question without terrifying her. I can’t lie to her, I promised I would never lie to her.
“Angel, your father….went away. Hes gone he went with another half of the universe”
“will he be comeback?”
“no, no he won’t” I answered quietly trying to keep myself from sobbing. God I feel so weak, it’s been five years! Fiver years and I still can’t get over his death
“did he leave because of me?”
“no! No, he never knew about you sweetie. He was taken before he knew”
I take a shaky breath and kiss her on the forehead “goodnight” I leave her now asleep form and creep to the kitchen. I look down and the sink and I can’t take it anymore. Grief racks my body as sobs come out in waves. Why? Why did you have to leave I know you didn’t do it on purpose but why? It’s so unfair. Mathew I miss you. I know The city needed but mainly I needed you. I bring my knees up to hug my chest. I feel so weak, so fucking weak it’s been 5 years and I still haven’t recovered. I tpull myself together and wipe my tears mainly because I hear noises outside. A lot of noises. Screams, cries, laughter, sobs. I run to the window and open the curtain. Hundreds and hundreds of people are flooding the streets. Some are hugging, kissing, others are just staring in disbelief. Poeple are running in all directions and so so many of them are confused. Who are these people? Where did they come from? Could they he the ones who were snappe—
Knock! knock! knock!
the noise of someone at my door shattered my trail of thoughts like a broken mirror, breaking me of my trance. Who on earth. Or any planet for that matter would be calling to me at this hour? I tentatively get up. Cross the room and open the door, I was not prepared.
there. Right there stood my husband dead for 5 years after the blip. He stood in his lawyer suit in the doorframe. Just as he was before he left. He’s exactly the same. To him no time has passed at all. But I’m sure he’s heard it’s been 5 years on the streets. My body is rigid from shock utter shock. He takes off his red glasses so I can see his face again. A small gasp escapes my mouth as my eyes lay upon him again. Hes so gorgeous it actually hurts. Makes my heart ache. To say I felt conflicted would be an understatement I was downright a wreck inside. He so damn pretty. Was all I could really think. my shaky hand reaches up and caresses his face as if feeling he’s actually there and this isn’t some hallucination.
“sweetheart, I’m real” he smiles
“I-i Matt you were dead—you-you—oh!” I choke out in sobs
I seizes his head and he walks closer to me closing the door. I kiss him desperately like a woman starved. The kiss is searing and leaves us gasping for air. As soon as we break the seal we dive into it again and I let out a small whimper that allows him to slip his rougue into my mouth. I immediately submit to him and let him take the dominance. After sometime in a log swaying kiss. We stumble towards the couch where he tries to explain to me what happened but with me kissing his neck desperately it’s hard for him. In the five years he was gone I never took a lover. I couldn’t bring myself to. I was always thinking about Mathew even if he was just in the back of my mind. Especially as I walked down the more dangerous streets of Hells kitchen without him.
“sweetheart—sweetheart— “ he lets out a small groan that is music to my ears “are you going to let me know what happened or let me explain” he laughs.
I pull back and bip my lip “sorry”
”I know five years have passed someone on the street told me that after they did I ran to find you I’m sorry—“ his head tilts to the side as if he’s picking up something “there’s another heartbeat in the apartment”
I take his hands “Matt this is a lot to take in I know but….”
“y/n you can tell me anything” the way my name rolls of his toung sounds like honey. He runs his finger over my silk nightgown, his favorite fabric. He takes his time training my figure and them cup up to claps both my hands again “anything”
Reassured now I start my tale “the day of the blip was also the day I found out I was pregnant. Turns out half the universe was blipped away. You’ve been gone for five years now. The pregnancy was hard, half the doctors were gone, you were gone. Without many people to support it was hard but, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who looks so much like you. I named her angel Murdock.”
he’s silent for a bit. I feel sorry I know how much it is to take in “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you sweetheart. I left you and everyone behind. God I feel so guilty.”
“Mathew there is nothing to apologize for! You couldn’t control it!”
We’re silent for a bit and I wonder if he’s listening to angel’s heartbeat. He beams “I can’t believe I’m a father.” He laughs “ironic isn’t it?”
“what is?”
“the devil is the father of an angel” he muses. His face is bright and happy
“I never thought of it that way” I ponder “she’s already fearless like you”
“Hm, maybe not a good thing. But she sure has the Murdock fighter genes. I’m just sorry I missed the pregnancy and everything”
“well we could always try again?”
“I’d love that” he purrs into my ear in his deep voice. And his head rests in the crook of my neck as he leans into my body. And I’m so so starved for touched after all these years I hold onto him like he’s the last thing in the world. I practically melt into his touch as I haven’t been intimate like this in so long.
“don’t leave me” i whisper
“no sweetheart” his strokes my hair “im never leaving you again”
it feels so comfy with his bodyweight on mine on the couch we don’t even bother to move to the bed as we fall asleep there that night not wanting for a second to leave each other’s arms. It would be hard to explain to to angel who this man she never met was will figure that out in the morning. Things are always better in the morning. No things are always better now that’s he’s back. Everything seems fixed, my whole world.
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babywaddlebutt · 9 months
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No sweety, you are far to little to give yourself a bath. You can sit right there on the floor In your stinky diaper until I get the bath ready for you. Yes I am leaving the door open I don't care if our friends walk by and see you. Once your bath is ready I'll take your diaper off and clean your stinky tushie. We can't have you without a diaper too long. I don't wanna clean that mess up. Keep arguing with me and our friends are going to see you get a spanking. That's what I thought, now lay back so I can wipe you clean. Good girl. After your bath I have this cutest little onesie for you to put on. No your not getting anything over it. No babies don't get to choose what they wear to bed. I chose what you wear. Now let's get your bath. Yes the door is still staying open. Babies don't get privacy. When we're done with the bath your getting a spanking and going to bed. Your way to fussy to stay up any later. Now that your all clean let's get you dried off. Shucks I forgot your new diaper. Come with me we will do this in here. Do you want to add more spankings? Let's go! Sorry guys my baby was more fussy than normal for bath time. I forgot her diaper in here. I hope you guys don't mind I'm going to get her dressed here. OK, lay down baby. Let's get this diaper under your bottom quickly so we don't have any messes. Good girl. Let's get you all powdered up and taped up. That's a good baby. No I didn't forget about your spankings. She was very fussy during her bath. Now come lay across my lap and I will spank you so we can get you in bed. I think 15 spanks will be enough for my big baby to learn her lesson. Good girl. Now let's get the onesie on you. It's so pretty and pink. Can baby read what it says. Of course not your far to little for that. It says daddy's big baby on it and has little baby items like a rattle and a paci on it. Now your all dressed. Tell everyone good night and thanks for coming. Yes, she can give yall a hug good night. You heard them baby go give them a hug and the crawl in your bed. I'll be in in a minute to put the railing up and tuck you in. Goodnight my big baby.
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h3avymachin3ry · 1 month
Hi!! How are you!! Is it okay to request for a subspace with a very energetic s/o who likes biografts? Thank you!!
subspace x energetic! gn! reader (who also likes biografts)
i'm doing great, anon! i've had a lot of motivation recently so im spitting shit out like crazy!!! wuah!!!
divider by sister-lucifer! i reblog all of the ones i use on my main- @syx6vii
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You were always the first to ask Subspace about his biografts.
"Hey, Subspace! Whatcha doin'?"
Your cheerful voice rings out through his lab, where he's tinkering with a biograft prototype. Clicking and typing away on his computer, as he analyzes the blueprints.
"Oh?! Visiting me in the lab, gorgeous??" He turns his attention to you, swiveling his chair around to face you.
"Well, since you asked—I'm experimenting with different behaviours and mechanisms!! To make them more efficient at..."
His voice trails off, and he continues rambling as you pull up a chair next to him. You nod occaisionally in acknowledgement, admiring the way he goes on and on.... He really loves the fact you listen to him talk about his inventions.
He even assigned a biograft to be your bodyguard.
That means he had to alter the whole kill-on-sight code, but it was worth it! He loved seeing how happy you were.
"Thank you so much, Subspace! I- I don't even know what to say, this is SO COOL!" You exclaimed, glancing back at the biograft with absolute joy.
"I knew you'd like it!! Of course it is I, Subspace T. Mine, who knows my partner the best!!" He beamed.
Subspace loves talking you to sleep while he's spooning you.
It doesn't happen often, since he works pretty late into the night.
But when it does, it's pretty nice. You're curled up against him, your back pressing against his chest.
Your eyelids start to feel heavy, your "mhm"s growing more and more faint.
"Darling??" Subspace says softly, making sure you're asleep before kissing you on the cheek.
"Goodnight, my treasure..."
Subspace never gets tired of you and your energetic personality.
He loves you. Everything about you. Your laugh, your smile, the way you cheerfully burst into his lab, he loves all of it.
"Yes, sweetie??"
"Do you.. ever get tired of me? I mean, like, how i'm so.. troublesome, sometimes?"
"No!! Of course not!! How could i ever get tired of you?! Youre, well.. perfect..!!" ♡
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:D I don't really know how to write energetic personalities since im dead inside myself but i hope this is ok!!!
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halfmoondaze · 11 months
Got a little request 🤭 so jack has always been the fun parent while y/n is the bad one and puts her foot down Intill one day jack comes home and sees one of the little ones disrespect y/n there mom by maybe hitting her or screaming and y/n had an argument before that jack needs to put his foot down at times and not let things slide Intill he witness and saw what he saw his kid was doing to his mom jack was livid and let’s say the bad cop definitely came out of him
Good/Bad Parent
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Jack had always been the fun parent, always bringing laughter into their household, while Y/N was the one enforcing discipline and rules. 
Parenting style was always a topic in their arguments, either because Y/N was too strict, or Jack was too relaxed. But they always found a way to meet in the middle. 
One night, Jack came home after a long recording studio session and wanting nothing more than to relax in peace and quiet. To his surprise, their home was more like a chaotic scene. 
Aitana was in the midst if a tantrum, screaming and hitting Y/N in frustration, as Y/N attempted to deescalate the situation, but it was clear it had escalated beyond her control. 
Jack quickly moved Y/N to the side. 
“Aitana! We don’t hit or scream at each other in this household!” Jack said in a calm but authoritative voice. 
“But daddy!” she whined. 
“I don’t wanna hear it. You’re grounded. Apologize now to your mom and go to your room” he said sternly. 
Aitana had never seen Jack angry and was taken back. She looked at him with sad eyes as tears started streaming from her face, then turned to Y/N. 
“I’m sorry mommy” she softly said. 
Then she quietly went to her bedroom. 
“Hey, are you ok?” he turned to Y/N. 
Y/N nodded.
“I’m sorry. I thought you were exaggerating when you said I was too relaxed. You were right. I see it now” 
“It’s ok Jack” 
“No, it’s not ok. Clearly, I would’ve known If I was here more. Supporting you” 
“You are supporting me. You provide for all of us” 
“But what kind of parent am I, if I’m not doing my job as a parent?” 
Y/n went quiet.
“You don’t have to do this alone. That’s what I’m here for” he cupped her cheek. 
“Thanks Jack”
Jack gave her a faint smile. 
“Don’t mention it” he kissed her. “Wanna go to bed?” 
After changing into comfier clothes, they started getting into bed, when they heard small footsteps by the bedroom hall. 
“Mommy? Daddy?”
“Yes Aitana?” Jack responds. 
“Can I come in?” 
Aitana quietly enters their room. 
“Is there something you want to say to your mom?”
She nods and turns to Y/N. 
“I’m sorry mommy” she said before hugging Y/N tightly and burying her face in her chest. 
“It’s ok baby. I forgive you” she kissed the top of her head. “Just promise you won’t do that again” 
“I promise”
“Good girl. Now it’s time to go to bed. Say goodnight to mommy” he smiled at her. 
“Goodnight mommy” she hugged Y/N again. “Love you”
“I love you sweetie” she kissed her cheek. 
Jack took her hand and they walked to her bedroom.
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gethooked · 8 months
Having my baby ~ HOOK imagine
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Hook and reader having their first child together - requested by @carlybow
Having a baby with Tyler in the beginning of your relationship was not what you expected on your 2024 timeline. It all started after HOOK defeated Samoa Joe for the AEW world championship. The night and the whole morning before your flight you guys celebrated if you know what I mean. A month later you realize you missed your period. You thought nothing of it as you always had irregular periods.
You told HOOK this and he told you, “You should take a pregnancy test just to make sure, we’ll handle the results as they come.” You were still unsure if you wanted to take the test but his reassurance helped you get through the period of waiting for the test result. After the 5 minutes of stalling you finally looked and it read “PREGNANT!” Once you read it you started bawling. “He’s gonna leave, he’s not ready to be a dad yet, his career just started!” you said.
After a little bit he knocked on the bathroom door, “Are you ok Y/N, what are the results sweetie?” said Tyler. You opened the door with tears all over your face and handed the test to Tyler to see the result himself. As soon as he read it, he brought you into a big bear hug playing with your hair, “It’ll be alright we got this!” he said. After that you really knew he was ready to be a dad. At your first appointment he made sure he had the day off of work so he could be there with you.
As soon as they started the ultrasound and found the baby he started tearing up this would be a recurrence at all of your ultrasound appointments. When he heard the heartbeat he started bawling like a kid if someone stole candy from them. “That’s our baby sweetie!” he would say every time he would hear the heartbeat. Whenever he would walk by you he would rub his hand all over your belly with a big smile on his face. When you get your cravings no matter how weird it is he would get it right away no matter what time of day or night it was.
One time you woke up at 3 in the morning for a craving of cheesecake with nacho cheese sauce on top. I know it's weird you have not craved anything like that before. You woke Tyler up and right away he went to the store and got you your cravings. “Here sweetie, I think this is the weirdest and nastiest craving you have ever had but I got it for you anyway.” Tyler said. You would sit in bed eating it and he would just stare at you with a smile on his face like the first time he knew you were the one.
As your bump got bigger it became harder for you to sleep due to your back hurting and the baby kicking all night. At one point he realized and ended up talking to the baby. “Look baby Senerchia it's time to go to bed, Mama is already in a lot of pain you kicking is making it worse. Give her a break. I love you, goodnight baby Senerchia.” Tyler said. After Tyler got done talking to the baby and kissing your bump the baby stopped and was calmed down. “Thank you,” you would say and give him a kiss on the lips before you got comfortable and fell asleep.
You guys decided that only you two wanted to know the gender so you did your own gender reveal. You guys decided on the cake reveal. You both were so nervous. As you guys both cut a piece and pulled it apart you both saw blue. You guys stopped what you were doing and dropped the knives and he pulled you into a big bear hug and kissed you on the head as you were crying from the excitement.
“Why are you crying?” Tyler said. “Their happy tears, leave me alone.” you would say. The day you hit 9 months is the exact same day you went into labor. Luckily Tyler didn’t leave for work yet. He rushed you guys to the hospital.
Once you got there you were admitted. After 16 hours of labor they decided you needed an emergency c-section. You were nervous and Tyler knew this, hell he was nervous himself. The best way he could reassure you was giving you kisses and telling you everything will be ok. As soon as you both heard your son cry you both started crying.
“That’s our boy!” you guys both would say at the same time. He would send you a big smile, give you a big kiss and go on to take pictures of your guy's son. Once you guys got home from the hospital he made sure that you guys and everything you needed or wanted. You needed to get something he would get instead of you having to get up and wake up the baby. You guys were the happiest parents on planet earth with your son.
You were just glad Tyler stayed with you and you guys had a very healthy baby boy. “I love you Y/N, I don’t know what I would do without you or our son.” said Tyler.
Taglist: @99hook @carlybow
(See my pinned post for requests, taglist, and Masterlist)
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hello!! Imagine that fem reader is Edgeshot's daughter, but no one knows about it, because he wanted a good childhood for her without paparazzi and too much attention. Now reader in UA and dating with Bakugo and she wants to introduce him to her dad. Love you🥰
Masterlist MHA Masterlist #2
Who's Daughter? - Bakugou x Reader
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2045 words
Warnings: none
+ You are the daughter of Edgeshot and girlfriend to Bakugou Katsuki. You had been dating for a while, and your parents want to finally meet him. The problem is that noone knows you are the daughter of Edgeshot, so Bakugou is in for a surprise.
Quirk- Light Ribbon Whips (Mother has a light quirk)
It was a quiet evening at UA. I was scrolling through Facebook while Bakugou was asleep on my chest. I was gently running my fingers through his blonde spikes. He hummed in delight in his sleep. The domesticity of the situation was making my heart flutter.
We have been dating for a while. He had asked me out not long after we moved into the dorms and it was bliss. I was apprehensive at first due to how he was but he convinced me to let him prove himself. He never did anything halfway.
"Cuteness..." I muttered as I brushed the hair from his forehead. My phone softly ringing pulled me out of my stuper. "Hello?"
"Hi there, my Little Whip."
"His Dad." I whispered.
"Something wrong?" His voice became alert.
"Nope. Bakugou is just asleep." I said. My parents knew Bakugou and I spent time in each other's room. They trusted me and didn't tell Aizawa either.
"Oh, alright. That's good." He relaxed. "Actually, he's part of the reason I called."
"Oh really?" I looked down at the boy. I began to run my free hand through his hair again.
"Yes. Your mother and I would like to finally meet him. He makes you so happy and that makes us happy. We don't want to rush anything so when he's ready, we're ready. Just let us know."
"Alright. Wow." I chuckled softly. I stilled when Bakugou shifted. "I'll ask him. But don't go all big tough dad on him Okay. I'm pretty sure he'll just blow up on you."
"Oh, I know. I've met the young man out on the field. I'm more curious to see his reaction when he realizes who your dad is."
"That'll be something." I chuckled softly. "What was the other thing you wanted to talk about?"
"Oh, that was for your mother. Kei! Your turn."
"Thank you." I heard the phone being passed. "Hi Honey."
"Hi mom."
"I just wanted to let you know that I will be leaving in two days for England for work. I'll be gone for around two days."
"Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know. I don't want to call you while you're sleeping, Mama Bear."
"Oh you!" She laughed. "I'm not that grumpy waking up."
"Yes you are!" I heard dad in the background. I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh out loud.
"Alright, alright." She huffed. "Goodnight, sweetie."
"Goodnight you guys." I hung up and plugged my phone in. I used my whip to hit the light switch and settled in myself.
It wasn't until lunch the next day that I brought it up with Bakugou. I waited for him to get to the table while trying to think of how to ask him. About halfway through lunch I just decided to ask him outright.
"Hey Bakugou?"
"Hmm?" He looked up at me from where he was leant over his bowl.
"How would you like to meet my parents?" I asked quickly. He choked suddenly, hitting his chest to help.
"Oooo!" Kaminari chimed.
"Shut it spark plug." He glared at the boy with warning sparks before turning back to me. "What?"
"My parents want to meet you. There's no rush of when. Just wherever you're ready."
"Oh." He looked away. He became a little red in the face. I gnawed at my lip, nervous. "Can I think about it?"
"Of course. Whenever you're ready." I assured him. He nodded. I looked down and I went back to gnawing my lip.
"Hey." I felt his thumb press against my lip. I stopped and looked up at him. "Don't do that. It'll be alright."
"Okay." He got up, gave me a peck, and left the table. I shared a look with Kiri and he gave me a smile.
"It'll be okay like he said. It's Bakugou, this is new to him."
"You're right." I nodded before looking in the direction Bakugou went off.
"Since when has Kacchan been so soft?" A giggle forced its way out as that quickly became the topic of the table.
It was a few days before Bakugou came to me with an answer. He was quiet for those few days. Unusually quiet. He still spent time with me but he was noticeably distracted. I was starting to get discouraged when he showed up at my room.
"Baby?" I looked up to see him leaving against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He was watching me with a sorry look on his face.
"Hey." I smiled up at him. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with a book in my lap. He gave me a small smile before pushing off the frame.
"First of all, I would like to apologize." He sat on his knees in front of me. "I've been really distant lately. This just threw me off guard. You know that all this sappy relationship stuff is new to me."
"Yeah. I know." I reached up and brushed his cheek. "I knew this would be a bit jarring. But I knew you could handle it."
"Yeah. Of course I can." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "But on a serious note. I would like to meet your parents."
"Really?" My eyes widened. He nodded. "Awesome. I promise they'll be on their best behavior. As long as you are on your best behavior too."
"Huh!" Before I could blink, I was tackled back onto my bed. "I'm always on my best behavior." He yelled.
"Bakugou!" I laughed. "Maybe we should revisit your definition of 'best'." I poked him in the chest. He glared at me before huffing. He plopped down next to me. "So when were you thinking?"
"This weekend, maybe?" He looked at me.
"Okay. I'll call my parents."
"Okay. There's no need to be nervous. My parents are really cool and laid back." I ran my fingers through his hair. He just watched me. He was dressed normally. Black jeans with a simple long sleeve orange shirt.
"I'm not nervous, babe. I think I can handle your parents." He pushed my hand away. I bit down a smirk and he must have taken it as a nervous bite. He brushed his thumb across my lip. "It'll be alright."
"I know." I kissed him softly. He cupped the back of head, deepening the kiss. I pulled away reluctantly. I don't think it would be nice for my parents to find us making out on the doorstep. "Come on. Oh, and don't be too surprised, okay?"
"Surprised? What are you talking about, women?" I just chuckled, pulling him towards the door. I could feel his glare on the back of my head.
"Mom! Dad! We're here!"
"Finally!" Dad exclaimed.
"Shinya!" I heard mom scold followed by a whack and a grunt. I chuckled. We kicked off our shoes at the door and I heard a small popping. I glanced at Bakugou's hand and saw a Spark before he clenched it into a fist.
"Not nervous, huh?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Shut up." He grumbled. I grabbed his hand, kissed it, and led him through the living room to the dining room. I could see the dining room table set up before my mother stepped into the room.
"Hello! It is so nice to finally meet you, Bakugou. I'm Y/N's mother, Nissa Kamihara." She held out her hand to him. I could see him grasp her hand gently before shaking it.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too." I could hear the very small shake to his voice.
"Shin. Come on in here!"
"Coming!" Out of the kitchen, my dad appeared. His normal jagged, high hair was in a low ponytail that was draped over his shoulder. He was wiping his hands off with a dish towel. "Welcome Mr. Bakugou." He held out his and they shared a firm handshake. I could see a flash of recognition in Bakugou's eyes and held back a chuckle.
"Hello sir." Bakugou nodded. After they let go, Dad pulled me into his side.
"We've missed you, kid." He hugged me tight and kissed my head. He let me go and I went to hug mom.
"Wait... do I know you?" The confusion on Bakugou's face was amusing. I went and stood next to him as he looked at Dad. He looked at me next. "Babe, I swear that I..."
"Ha ha." I started laughing and buried my head in his shoulder. I could hear my Mom giggling too.
"Hey! What?!" He snapped. I could tell he was irritated but only slightly. He hit my hip to get my attention.
"You actually do know me, Mr. Bakugou." I could see the confusion and irritation grow.
"Just tell him, Dad. Before he blows a fuse." Said boy gave me a small side glare.
"Fine. Fine." Dad chuckled. He walked over to the closet he kept his hero suit in. He pulled out his mask, neck wrap, and shoulder guard. Bakugou's eyes squinted before widering in recognition.
"Edgeshot! Your father is Edgeshot?!" He turned to me.
"What? Why didn't you..." He trained off before turning back to dad. "I thought you didn't have a family." Dad smiled before turning to Mom and pulled her into his side.
"How about I explain over dinner?"
"So you see, I just want to protect them. From the media, from villains, everything that is involved with the hero life especially since we had Y/N so young."
"Damn." Bakugou leant back in his chair.
"Yeah. It's not logical for a hero to have a family so young but I wouldn't do it any different." He squeezed moms hand. "Now that Y/N is on her way to being a hero herself, I'm not as worried anymore."
"Are you going to let the world know that you have a family?"
"Possibly. In reality it's not any of the world's business." Bakugou nodded. His hand absentmindedly moved to my thigh in a tense grip. I could tell there was something on his mind. I reached up and ran my hand through his hair.
"Whatcha thinking about, Blasty?"
"Was it hard? Balancing the hero work and your personal life?" Dad sat silent for a minute.
"Yeah. It was. There were times where it was really hard and trying. Times where We didn't know if we could make it through. But it was all worth it in the end."
"Okay." I set my hand on top of his.
After that, the evening became lighter. Bakugou began to act like his normal self. I think he felt more comfortable after realizing he actually knew my Dad. Mom got a taste of the real Bakugou. The angry pomeranian and the soft Bakugou hours. I even heard my Dad and Bakugou having a one on one that I refused to eavesdrop on.
"See you later guys." I called as we left. We walked hand and hand down the sidewalk in a comfortable silence.
"You know, your quirk makes a lot more sense now." He suddenly said.
"Why's that?"
"I always thought that your quirk was similar in a way to Edgeshots in a way. So now it makes more sense."
"Surprise." I chuckled.
"I can't believe you tell me or I didn't figure it out."
"Well in your defense, I don't share a name with my dad for reasons. And I never made any indication of who he was."
"No you didn't!" He grabbed my sides and began to tickle me. I squealed and fought against him. He eventually stopped and just held me to him. He hooked his chin over my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you thought."
"Nah." He turned me around. "I understand why you didn't. It's okay."
"Hmm." I smiled before reaching up and nuzzling my nose against his. I kissed him softly. "Kami's right. You have gotten soft." His face shifted in an instant. I laughed, knowing I stirred him up.
"Wha..." I quickly pushed away and ran.
"Race you back!"
"Oh! You little brat!" I heard the familiar popping of his quirk. "You know you can't beat me. No matter if you're a pro's daughter or not."
God, did I love my angry pomeranian.
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 year
jump then fall
Sebastian Stan x StepDaughter!Teen!reader
wc: shmall/776
summary: y/n comes home drunk but Sebastian is there to make sure she’s okay.
warnings: alcohol, step parents(???), one mention of teen pregnancy, lemme know what i missed plz.
a/n: hiiii wrote this last night. thought it was cute. this is unedited so sorry in advance. will i fix it? no prob not.
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You got your friend to drive you back from the party. You made her turn the headlights off and drop you off a couple of houses down from your home. “Holy Shit!”
“”Language, young lady.”
“”What are you doing up?” You said, trying not to slur your words. It was no use though.
“Waiting for you.” Sebastian said, leaning against the door frame. He hadn’t married your mom yet but he moved in with you and your mom. Over time the relationship between you two grew very deep. It was evident he cared for you. Not growing up with a father figure, you weren’t sure how this was gonna go, but you were thankful for Sebastian being there whenever you needed him to be. He was more than willing to step up.
“You don’t have to do that.” Trying to act nonchalant.
“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Make sure you’re not drunk.”
“Well, no need to worry because I am nethier of those things.” You proceeded to give a weak thumbs up. Sebastian walked over to you after a second. Arms crossed. “How many drink did you have?”
You sighed and looked down, defeated in your drunken state. “like 5.”
“But, I was very responsible! We had a designated driver. We did nothing but talk at Sophie’s house. We even gave each other emergency contacts! I gave them your number just in case!” His heart secretly swelled.
“Please, whatever you do, please don’t tell mom?”
He sighed and paused for a bit. But finally released a simple “Ok.”
You were shocked. You didn’t think he would let you off this easily.
“What? Ok?”
“Listen, She’s gonna find out. You think she’s an idiot? And even then she’s not gonna be upset. She’s been in your shoes before. We both have! Your mom knows what it’s like to be a teenager and have fun. She got pregnant with you as a teen for Christ's sake!”
“I don’t intend on doing that.” You said slurring.
“That might get you in a little more trouble.”
You hid your head in your hands, both out of embarrassment and out of pain with your oncoming migraine.
“So you’re not mad?”
“No. Of course not. I just wanted to make sure you’re ok and not too drunk.”
“Well i’m ok and super drunk.” you said almost falling in his arms before he caught you.
“Ok we need to get you to bed.”
“But im not tiiiired!”
“Yes, you are.”
“Ok, I’m very tired.”
Sebastian led you to your room. You immediately flopped on your bed with a grunt. Sebastian chuckled to himself as he walked over to your closet to find some pjs for you to wear. He found a set and threw it on your bed. “Get changed into this, I'll be right back.” You just moaned and layed still for a good minute before getting a spruce of energy and sitting up to change. You took of your layers of jewelry and put them in your side table before you heard a knock. “Enter.” You said, as you flopped back down on your bed. Sebastian laughed as he sat down beside you. “Come here.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you up. You just grumbled which only made him smile more. He had a makeup wipe and proceeded to wipe away the dried mascara and and anything else that was left after the drunken night. Once he let go of your arm, you fell back down on the bed again. He smiled. “Goodnight, y/n.”
He turned around. Your eyes were half open as you managed to get yourself under the covers. “You have to tuck me in.” You said matter of factly. “Ah of course.” He returned to your bed and sat beside you, helping to move the covers up. You talked as he tucked you in.
“Am I gonna be hurt tomorrow?”
“Hurt? Well maybe, but it’s nothing time and some advil can’t help.”
“Yes sweetie.”
“I’m never gonna drink again.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Drinking is for disgusting people.”
“But I drink does that mean i’m disgusting?”
“Eh…you get a pass.”
“Thank you.”
He plugged in your phone, turned the light off, and gave you your final tucks.
“Can you stay?” You looked at him with longing eyes. He climbed into bed without another word. He turned on some random disney movie for background noise. After a while, your head fell on his chest and your breathing slowed. He kissed the top of your head.
“I love you baby.”
You snuggled deeper. “I love you too dad”
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I got a new computer today, I spent all day setting her up, and when I finished I gave her a little goodnight kiss on her screen. her fans whirred and she booted up again out of embarrassment. I said "it's ok sweetie go to bed"
So cute... I love her already... ♡
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yuyan · 1 year
Hi there sweetie~
I saw your dancing post of hsr
And I'm OBSSESED to say the least!!
Thought maybe I'll request something for blade?I love him sm I need content (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)
Blade X reader first time sleeping together ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ 0 ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Don't forget to eat cutiepie<3
"Sleep already!"
{Requests: open}
Pairing: Blade and Gepard X reader (separate)
╰┈➤ A/n: I haven't met blade in game yet but I tried my best. Also I actually cooked myself a proper lunch today. I didn't know I could do that. Enjoy!~
✎ sypnosis: Sleeping in the same bed with hsr men for the first time.
Genre: Fluff
CW: ooc blade
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Loading...
Blade _(._.)_
- its been a few months into the relationship and idk what led to this but your boyfriend wants cuddles
- You were dropping him off at his room when he suddenly pulled you inside and closed the door
- You stared at him with a confused look and he just have a small smile and sat on his bed
- "Sleep with me."
- You got so red, so confused, so everything
- "No, not like that, unless...?"
- "No."
- You approached the bed and as soon as you were in arms reach, he'd pull you into his lap
- I don't think he's be awkward or anything
- Probably a big spoon
- I think he likes running his fingers through your hair and will enjoy it if you do the same for him
- He'd tell you to relax if he felt you tensing or being stiff
Scenario below ~
"It was really funny when she did that too!" You laughed, recounting the day the both of you just had. Blade let out a smile, seeing you laugh about prior events and jokes the others made. "Ok, we're here!" you announced, stopping right outside his room. "Goodnight!—Ah!"
Pulling you by the wrist, the man successfully pulled you inside, shutting and locking the door behind you. You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow while he just smiled and sat on top of his bed. It looked fancy with the small jewels encrusted in the head of the bed but simple at the same time.
"Sleep with me," Blade asked, although, it came out more as a demand.
You flushed red. Did he just ask you to? Is this too fast? What will happen if I reject him? Will it be awkward? Do I even want this?
"No, not like that," Blade's alluring voice pulled you out of your thoughts, "unless?"
You blushed brighter, the tips of your ears turning pink. You were speechless. He chuckled and patted the space next to him. Slowly, you approached the bed, a little tense. You two were just helping, it'd be fine. Grabbing you wrist, he pulled you into his lap effortlessly, earning him a yelp from you. You froze for a moment. 'It's just sleeping, you'll be fine!' you repeated in you head as you laid down next to him. Blade pulled you closer, running his fingers through your hair.
"Relax, I don't bite," he said.
"Yeah but do you stab?"
You let out a soft breath, melting into his touch. It was quite nice, the peacefulness of the chilly winter night. Your heartbeats in sync with each other's. Your eyelids slowly closing. Blade pressed a soft kiss in your hair, muttering a 'goodnight' and 'I love you.' Breathing steadily and heartbeat calming, you drifted off to sleep in your lover's arms.
Gepard (。>﹏<。)
He just doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable
Ah he's so cute (。>﹏<。)
"Gepard, we're just sleeping, calm down."
He's so stiff
Poor baby
First time you'd have to take the lead
You were probably big spoon first few time and then he wanted to try big spoon
So now you two take turns to be big/small spoon
"Go to bed," you said, shoving gepard gently into his room. "If you keep overworking yourself, you'll end up sick and then your sister will scold you and I'll probably help with it."
"Dear, I still have reports to do," Gepard said, trying to leave but you blocked the exit. You sighed. Does he have to be so stubborn? Grabbing his arm, you dragged him to his bed, plopping yourself down and pulling him down with you. You could hear the soft wind whistle and shivered a bit. It was always warm with how many heaters are around but you couldn't but feel a tinge bit cold, especially when you thought about the everlasting snowstorm outside.
You pushed his head into your chest and he froze. He was scared stiff. He didn't know what to do or what to say. Should he even say anything?
"Relax, we're just sleeping and you need to rest," you said, "there's nothing to worry about."
He wiggled a bit in your grasp and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Slowly, he felt his eyelids grow heavy and the sound of your calming voice was starting to sound fuzzy.
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
Hey I’m not sure if you are still taking requests so if not I’m really sorry and you can totally just ignore this. But I was wondering if you could write a Mor x Reader where the reader has a panic attack and Mor is helping to soothe her.
I love your writing so much, you are incredibly talented and I’m always in such awe of how creative you are! ❤️
Hold Your Hand
Mor x reader
A/n: thank you so much anon, that’s very kind of you to say❤️❤️
Warnings: anxiety, some angst
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The pulsing music in Rita’s finally got to your head. Everything felt too tight on your body. You had never liked bars or clubs. You had only agreed to come out tonight because you were feeling confident in yourself.
Your feelings for Mor had finally grown to a point where you couldn’t ignore them. You wanted to tell her tonight but the words caught in your throat every time you went to tell her tonight.
Not only would your words die out but you kept getting interrupted. If it wasn’t you then it was a male offering her a drink, or Feyre pulling her on the dance floor.
Coming out of the bathroom you started to walk back to the table. People bumped into you the whole way back, overwhelming your senses, making you feel hot all over again. Your heart started beating erratically and your palms began to sweat.
You couldn’t do it. You were starting to shut down. You couldn’t tell Mor how much you liked her. You had to get home or you were surely going to die.
Mor was watching you, silently begging you to come back over. She wanted to spend time with you tonight but the look on your face told her you weren’t enjoying yourself. A glazed look came over your eyes as you walked out of Rita’s.
She quickly followed you outside into the cool night. Mor whipped her head around looking for you. When the blonde finally spotted you, you were pressed against an alley wall.
Your eyes were screwed shut, your chest was rising and falling rapidly. Mor slowly approached you holding out her hand for yours. “Y/n,” she whispered, “can you open your eyes for me sweetie?” They slowly open with a wince. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t—I,” you trail off, words failing you. Mor gently grabbed your hand pulling you to her body. “I want to go home.” You mumble into her chest. The world fell away as she winnowed you to your room in the River house. Mor backed you up to your bed helping you sit down.
“Can I get you anything?” You nodded, “water.” Your voice barely above a whisper. Mor rushed to your bathroom to fill up the cup next to your sink. Coming back she held the glass up to your lips. You gulp down the cool liquid as you calm down.
The quiet and cool air of your room helping your heart rate slow. You could hear. Or breathing with you which helped more than she’d know. Your eyes fluttered between her and the floor. Now that you were alone with her your courage was faltering.
Mor ran a hand through your hair, her nails lightly scratching your scalp. You lean into her touch as a small smile rubs at your lips. “What else can I get you? Are you ok?” Swallowing audibly you force your question out. “Will you stay with me…tonight?”
Mor’s eyes seemed to sparkle at your request. “Of course I will sweetie. I’ll always stay with you.” Mor climbs into bed with you and you both lay on your pillow, noses practically touching. Mor gently strokes your nose with her pointer finger. Your eyes slowly start to close as the exhaustion from your anxiety attack sets in.
Before you drifted off you felt Mor’s lips gently touch your forehead and a soft, “goodnight y/n.”
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
request about Chris evans getting home where he could find his pregnant wife, reader sleeping on the couch peacefully. He carried her to their bedroom. when he puts her on the bed, he talks to their baby girl
A Dream Come True- Chris Evans Pregnant!xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Chris gets home from filming and finds Y/N (his wife) sleeping on the couch and carries her to bed and talks to their baby daughter
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, fluff, comfort fluff, adorable soft Chris, let me know if I miss anything
~Chris’s POV~
I just got home from filming one of my movie projects and I was really excited to sit with my amazing wife Y/N and talk to our daughter Deanna though I know she may not be able to hear my voice but Y/N told me the other day that she might be able to.
I just got in the door and put my bag down and took my hat and coat off and Dodger our dog came running to me and I knelt down by him to pet him and I said “hey buddy hey dodger how are ya bud?” I saw Y/N laying asleep on the couch and I smiled at her and softly kissed her forehead and picked her up carefully and brought her to bed and Y/N got comfy and went back to sleep and I laid down by her stomach to talk to our daughter. “Hey Deanna it’s me dad hope you’re doing alright sweetie mommy and I both love you so much and can’t wait to have you in our arms soon in two more months.” I whispered to her for a bit and told her how my job is going and how I set up her bedroom already and then I started feeling tired so I kissed Y/N’s stomach gently and told Deanna goodnight and I drifted off to sleep laying by Y/N and Dodger and our daughter and felt so excited to have our family together soon.
A bit later at midnight I heard Y/N get up and I saw her sit up and I said “oh hey darling what do you need? Can I help you or get you anything Y/N?” She smiled and kissed my forehead and said “hey sleepy head no I’m ok your daughter is hungry though I think so I’m gonna go eat something wanna come with me?” I nodded and got up to go to the kitchen with her and we sat down having a snack and I smiled at my wife feeding our unborn child and she noticed I was smiling at her and she said “Chris, why are you smiling like that babe?” I chuckled a bit with a smile and said “I’m just so happy and excited we’re gonna have a baby soon, I talked to her while you were sleeping .”
Y/N loved when I did that and I could tell by that smile on her face, Y/N rubbed her stomach softly and felt Deanna move a bit and she said “Chris, come feel her!” I got up immediately and put my hand on her belly softly and felt Deanna move and I felt my eyes tear up from feeling so happy and I kissed Y/N’s forehead and said “this is a dream come true baby I love you both so much and I always will.”
I think Dodger got jealous because he came running up to me and put his nose by my leg wanting attention and I smiled at him and I felt bad and I knelt by him snd said “Aw hey buddy I’m sorry pal you need love too don’t you?” I pet him and he seemed very happy and having Dodger and soon our baby girl I was so happy to have a family with my lovely and amazing wife Y/N, I adore her and love her so much I knew from day one that she was the one I wanted to be with the rest of my life. I was really nervous to be a father and Y/N noticed and she came over and kissed me softly and said “Chris you will be a wonderful father to our child I love you so much and I can’t wait to have Deanna with us soon.” I hugged her and whispered “I love you too baby and soon we will I promise baby.”
Hi lovely!! I hope this is close to what you wanted! 😊♥️ enjoy xx
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