#ok going to bed now i think zzzzz
dj-wayback · 1 year
What was that lizard with NS in the rot picture?
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And what is a “rot picture”? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anything like that. It definitely doesn’t sound… pleasant.
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toastsnaffler · 20 days
ah shit only just realised its september now.... lets hope the rest of this month isn't like this.....
#just med shit innit. gonna force myself up at my usual work time even tho i have the day off bc I need to be in my routine or ill lose it#i am. very tired and very sad. and thats ok generally im ok ive been keeping myself so busy for weeks and weeks#and im glad im going out n doing shit often n meeting new ppl n trying to focus more on hobbies n get more on the life balance#but whenever i have a moment to stop i still get so sad. ik exactly why theyre all just old aches n wounds i dont want to wallow in them!!#lately its been well under control i only usually have one actual bad day a week and sometimes its not even a whole day#and the rest im.just busy and i dont know if im just avoiding things and its not satisfying being busy bc im still missing out needs#but i cant fulfil them so might as well stay busy and not think about it!!#and its okay its all okay im just so sad right now :-( but im going to sleep soon and then ill be busy tmr so i dont have to think abt it#i wanna ventpost abt it but also i dont rly want to bc findinf the words to talk abt the things distressing me involves thinking abt it#which will just.make me feel worse. and it wont resolve anything bc its all mostly outside of my control anyway just hurts innit#but im trying hard to make my life bigger than it was before even if its still shallow and not quite enough at least it covers more space#yeah yeah we all want to feel genuine connection and wanted and loved but life doesnt often work out like that so.#hands in your pockets player keep it moving. im goiny to brush my teeth and then rly need to go to bed zzzzz#.diaries#hope everyone else had a nice weekend i had a pretty good saturday at least. and played a lot of videogames today so could be worse#very glad i dont have work tomorrow as well thank u past me for booking it off ahh..
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an-ecu-harrypotter-au · 4 months
TPS Part 10: Jacklin's 1st Match
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I wake up early so I can get ready for Gryffindor's first Quidditch game. Even though I won't be playing, I still think it's appropriate to follow the same routine as the rest of the team.
"Good morning, Tiger. Are you ready for breakfast?"
Tiger meows from inside of his cage.
"In that case, I'll let you out of your cage for a while."
I unlock Tiger's cage and start to prepare his food. Tiger starts to stretch out and walk around on my bed.
"There you go Tiger. Here's your breakfast."
He gets off the bed and starts eating as I start getting dressed in my robes.
"Now you behave while I'm gone, Tiger."
He meows quietly as he eats his food in peace. I leave my dorm room and make my way to the boys' dorm room to see if Toby's awake yet.
I see Toby sprawled out on his bed, lips parted as he sleeps. I realize that to entertain myself until breakfast, I should study my Quidditch book. While I'm more than familiar with the rules, it never hurts to go over special techniques and plays far above my skillset. It helps me learn how to train and prepare should the need arise.
"The Wronksi Feint: A Seeker from high above dives down, sharply, as if to collect the Snitch, causing the opposing Seeker to chase after him, only to pull up at the last second, causing the opposing Seeker to crash into the ground below."
I shake my head knowing I never want to intentionally hurt another player. A play like that is shameful and should be banned. If you see the Snitch, you follow it. You shouldn't have to resort to injuring another player as a means of getting an advantage.
"Ngh ah. Mornin, Jacklin. Yer up early."
I look up and see Toby coming out from his dorm room yawning. He sits down next to me while he rubs his eyes.
"Good morning, Toby. Our first Quidditch game is today and I don't want to be caught off guard."
"Ok. How important's it tha' yer team wins?"
"I can definitely say it isn't a life and death situation. The team with the most number of points by the end of the season, wins the Quidditch Cup. The winner of each match gets 50 points for the House Cup."
"Ohhh. Makes sense."
We walk down with the rest of Gryffindor to the Great Hall for breakfast. As we eat, I hear the sound of Arthur flying in with a small package.
"Oh. Thank you, Arthur."
He flies away and I look at the label.
"Who's it from, Jacklin?"
"It's from my father. I was wondering why he didn't send me anything for my birthday."
"Open it. Open it."
I open the package and there's a letter attached to the small box.
"He specifically waited until my present was finished before sending it. It was custom made while he was in Paris and is supposed to wish me luck for my first Quidditch match."
"Wow. Wha'd he get ya?"
I open the small box and Toby's eyes widen.
"Whoa! Ya got a bird bow."
"I think it's also meant to be similar to the Golden Snitch. The wings are golden even though the hair clip is green."
"Do ya know bout humminbirds?"
I think for a tick to make sure I know what Toby is asking.
"No. We don't have hummingbirds in this part of the world. Are they small?"
"Yeah they're real small. Ah thought yer daddy sent ya one cause a how it looked."
"Oh. Well it definitely looks lovely. I'll put it on after breakfast and send my father a thank you letter."
We go back to eating breakfast until it's time for our free period.
Time Skip (Toby's POV)
We have lunch an Ah'm gettin excited bout mah first game a Quidditch. Ah still dunno the names a all the balls they use but Ah wanna cheer fer Gryffindor. Jacklin's sittin in front a mah mirror ta put on 'er bird bow. Ah know it ain't called that but tha's how it looks.
"Ah jus can't stop starin at yer bird bow, Jacklin."
"Is that so? Why do you think that is?"
"Cause it jus looks so much like one."
Ah see 'er smile an Ah hope it ain't cause she thinks Ah'm a dummy.
"Yes the wings definitely make it stand out. I have no idea if this was my father's design or the one who made this clip. I'll definitely be sure to ask him when I send my letter with Arthur tomorrow."
"Makes me wonder though why ya don't use it ta tie all yer long hair up cause yer gonna be flyin round a lot."
"Well. It's because my mother likes to stick to the Veela tradition of keeping hair long and untied. Veela hair is so valuable in Bulgarian culture, that we can't even cut our hair unless it becomes a hazard. It's only when we become fully grown that Veela women can design their hair anyway they want. Veela men are very rare so they don't have to follow that same rule."
Ah take a sec ta think bout all that.
"Well at least ya ain't gettin yer hair caught in doors cause Ah'm sure yer ma'd be upset ya didn't tell 'er bout it bein a problem."
"She did say in my birthday letter that she will see if it needs to be cut during the Christmas holidays."
Time Skip
"I'll be sitting with Professor McGonagall, Toby. She wants me to be ready in case our regular Seeker gets injured."
Ah look over at Jacklin an' Ah smile.
"Yeah, okay, Ah'll be watchin' ya."
"Oh I likely won't be playing today. It's only the first game of the season."
"Really? But, if somethin' happens ta the Seeker can ya go in, then?"
"That's right."
"Ok 'cause Ah really wanna support ya."
"I know you do, Toby. Maybe you can make a banner for the team."
Ah figure Jacklin deserves somethin' special for bein' real patient wit’ me, so Ah start tryin’ ta think of anythin' Ah can do fer her, but Ah dunno nothin' bout banner-makin' an’ Ah ain’t got no ideas.
"I know it's a little late to get it ready for this game but I think wearing your House scarf would be enough. I'm sure some of the older students already have things prepared."
"Ah guess wearin' it could be enough, but Ah know, if Ah woulda been real smart, Ah coulda figured somethin' else out."
Ah look down at mah feet an' try real hard ta stop feelin’ so disappointed in mahself for not bein' good ta Jacklin.
"You don't need to feel bad about it, Toby. I didn't think of it myself until today."
"Yeah, yer right."
"At least we can sit together when Gryffindor isn't playing. Our next match isn't until March."
Ah smile wider. It ain’t really wha' Ah was lookin’ fer, but Ah’m just tryin’ ta feel better.
"Now let's walk down to Madam Hooch's office. I have to pick up my broomstick."
"Oh yes I forget to tell you. Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch gave me special permission to use one of the training brooms."
We finish walkin down ta get 'er broom.
"So when ya say trainin broom ya mean tha brooms we use in Flyin classes?"
"Yes of course. It isn't a fancy model since it's only meant to be used to teach, but it still serves well in a pinch."
"I think you should get the Bluebottle. It's a family model so you and your Pop can safely fly together on the same broom."
"Yeah it seems like a good choice ta me."
"Now for me, I would want something that's fast yet controllable. Probably the latest Cleansweep or Comet series. The Nimbus series is just too fast to control."
We make it outside ta the stands an Ah feel real cold. It's like Ah'm takin our midnight Astronomy classes durin the day. Ah see a bunch a grown ups who ain't teachers.
"Jacklin who're all 'em people in the stands."
"Oh those are members of powerful wizard families and donors to St. Mungo's Hospital. Headmaster Dumbledore personally invites them to attend the first Quidditch game of the season."
Ah look round the stands.
"Yer dad here? He oughta be if he's one a the wizard kings."
"No he only attends international events held at the school. My father is way too busy doing ambassador work across Europe to attend Quidditch matches. My mother usually attends in his place but she was unable to make it this time."
"Ok. How's bein an ambassder work?"
"He maintains and builds alliances. My father has been meeting with wizards from other countries ever since the darkest wizard in recent British history, Voldemort was defeated. Voldemort's plan was to eliminate all human born wizards in existence. He would've started in the UK, then France, then slowly all of Europe."
Ah see McGonagall come up ta us.
"Come with me, Miss Gryffindor."
"Yes, Professor McGonagall. Well Toby, I'll see you after the game."
Ah watch Jacklin walk over ta where she's gonna sit wit' McGonagall.
"Yeah. Ah'll see ya after the game."
Ah turn round ta walk back toward the Gryffindor section. One a the bigger kids nudges me.
"Wouldja like to hold our flag? I gotta help me mates hold our banner."
"Ok. Ah reckon it’s jus holdin’ it up, right?"
"Yeah mate, ya just hold it and wave it 'round for Gryffindor."
Ah take the flag an Ah hold it up an’ try ta wave it 'round.
"Captains prepare to receive the Quaffle on my whistle. 3. 2. 1. GO!"
Madam Hooch tosses the soccer ball in the air an both Quidditch captains start goin fer it.
"And the game is underway! Slytherin just barely gets possession of the Quaffle!"
Ah hear the announcer's voice an Ah try ta stay calm an’ not screw up.
"Captain Marcus Flint makes his move up the pitch! He's aiming to score with the Quaffle!"
Ah watch the Slytherin player fly real close an throw the ball. Jacklin's captain flies in front a the hoop.
"Captain Oliver Wood knocks the Quaffle away! No points for Slytherin as Chaser Alicia Spinnet gains possession for Gryffindor!"
Gryffindor cheers cause we got a chance ta score.
"Alicia Spinnet passes the Quaffle to Angelina Johnson! Angelina Johnson swerves past a Bludger and throws it in the hoop past Miles Bletchley! Gryffindor scores!"
Everybody in Gryffindor's cheerin fer Angelina scorin first.
"Gryffindor's Seeker, Sean Lee spots the Snitch with Terence Higgs following right behind him! A bludger comes flying towards Lee and he dodges it successfully."
Ah keep holdin' up the flag an' wavin' it 'round.
"Sean Lee makes an attempt to grab the Snitch but is blocked by Captain Marcus Flint! That's going to be a foul on Slytherin!"
All a Gryffindor cheers while all a Slytherin boos. Suddenly Ah start ta see a vision a Jacklin strugglin ta hold onta 'er broom.
Ah look round an let out a sigh of relief when Ah see 'er still sittin wit McGonagall. Ah wish Ah didn't have a vision, but Ah gotta focus on mah flag wavin.
"Gryffindor's Alicia Spinnet lines up for the penalty throw! She takes aim and the Quaffle goes right into the hoop!"
Gryffindor cheers an Ah'm lookin real closely at the weird soccer ball. Somehow it kinda teleports back ta the Slytherin side cause it's their turn ta have it.
"Gryffindor's up 20-0 as Sean Lee's still following the Snitch! But wait a Bludger crashes right into his broomstick! It shatters from the impact and Lee's falling to the ground!"
Ah watch the black ball hit the broomstick an’ the boy crash ta the ground. Ah really don’t want anythin’ bad ta happen ta Jacklin, so Ah gotta figure this out real fast. Ah turn an see Jacklin gettin on 'er. Ah'm real nervous.
"With Sean Lee out of the game, it's up to Jacklin Gryffindor to take his place! Boy is she a cutie!"
Ah hear Jacklin’s name gettin' announced. Ah’m still so confused bout how Ah can help 'er. Ah feel like Ah gotta get out there an' do somethin’ ta protect Jacklin.
"Jacklin Gryffindor immediately takes her position high in the air looking for the Snitch! There's a Bludger coming her way as she's flying!"
Ah get that bad feelin’ again as Ah watch it headin’ right fer Jacklin’s broom!
"Unbelievable! Jacklin flips over her broom and dodges the Bludger like she's been playing Quidditch for years! What a talent!"
Ah see Jacklin flips over an’ dodge it. She flips back ta the right side up an’ continues 'er search. Suddenly Jacklin start's buckin round like she's at a rodeo.
"What's this?! Jacklin Gryffindor's losing control of her broom! Slytherin is taking advantage of Gryffindor's concern and is racking up points! It's now 60-20 Slytherin!"
Slytherin's all cheerin an Ah dunno if it's cause they're winnin or cause they wanna see 'er fall. Ah know Ah gotta do somethin’ even if Ah don’t know what it is, Ah gotta try somethin’.
"Here take this!"
Ah don't even see who Ah give it to an’ Ah run over ta McGonagall's seat. Ah reach over an’ Ah grab 'er arm.
"Mr. Kwimper what on earth is going on?"
"Someone's jinxin Jacklin's broom! We have ta help 'er!
Ah look over at Jacklin an' see 'er holdin’ on fer dear life.
"It's a rogue Bludger! Watch out in the stands people!"
Ah hear the announcer as Ah dive ta the floor. Ah kinda crash inta the teachers an’ Ah look over at Jacklin. Somehow the broom stops movin weird.
"Amazing! Jacklin Gryffindor manages to gain control of her broom again! You can all rest easy boys!"
Ah help McGonagall stand back up cause Ah feel bad bout knockin 'er over.
"I understand what you mean, Mr. Kwimper. This is a situation that must be investigated. At the very least it is most peculiar to see a bucking broom suddenly stop as soon as the Bludger flew into the stands. I can assure you that it will be taken care of so for now please go back to your seat."
"Yes ma'am."
Ah go on back ta mah seat. Ah hope she knows Ah didn't mean no harm by it.
"After what could have been a disaster, Jacklin Gryffindor shakes it off! She sees the Snitch again and gives chase!"
All a Gryffindor's cheerin ta see 'er flyin. Ah take a breath cause Ah'm feelin better now.
"Despite only having a training broom she’s dodging Bludgers left and right! But wait here comes the Slytherin’s Seeker, Terence Higgs! Both Seekers spot the Snitch as it makes a nose dive to the ground!"
Ah wonder what's gonna happen. Ah’m on the edge a mah seat.
"Only 5 meters left before someone’s hitting the ground! This Snitch is baiting someone to crash! But wait, Terrence Higgs pulls up leaving Jacklin Gryffindor alone! She needs to make a move fast!"
Ah’m holdin’ mah breath. Ah don't wanna see Jacklin crash.
"She’s still making a grab for it! She flips upside down to grab it and oh no she hits the ground!"
Ah feel mah heart start beatin' a million miles a minute. Ah hold mah breath.
"She’s sitting up but what’s this?! Is that?! Unbelievable! Jacklin Gryffindor has the Snitch!"
The tension jus flies right outta mah body an' Ah start cheerin'. Ah feel joy flood mah system an Ah feel like huggin' someone ta get rid a the excitement rushin' through mah body.
"Gryffindor wins! 170 to 60!"
Ah watch the crowd cheer fer Jacklin. Ah jus hope Jacklin ain't hurt cause she hit the ground real hard. Tha's the last thang Ah want. It don't matter what team yer on. Nobody should be gettin hurt over somethin tha's just a game.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis,
@vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters,
@pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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oceanlue · 2 years
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Nsfw alphabet- auron🖊⌚
A (aftercare)
❤ This man would ask if your ok and he would hold you till your fine, he will lift you up and bring you to the bathroom and now you two are taking a nice bath
❤ And after he will hold you in bed until you fall asleep
B (fav body part)
❤ he likes your things and lips, likes how soft they are and he likes to bite your thighs
C (cum)
❤ He cums in you or on your stomach
❤ If he's in the mood he'll cum in you
D (dirty secret)
❤ He wants to push you over the edge like you crying, beging, trembling, whimpering while he sits and enjoys the show
E (experience)
❤ None he didn't have anyone before you but he knows what he's doing
❤ I think when he was a teen he looked at some suff and now he knows
F (favorite position)
❤ He likes you tied up and on his lap while he is in you, while you squirm and try to get some type of movement
❤ He like to see you like this
G (goofy)
❤ He not goofy anytime he more serious when he's in the mood
H (hair)
❤ He's well groomed down there not to much but just right
I (intimate)
❤ Not much he will once a day give you a kiss on the hand or give you a small hug
❤ But do not pull him in by his belt
J (jackoff)
❤ Once or twice he'll do it but he has you
❤ but when he thinks of you and your NOT around he'll think of you and do the dirty
K (kinks)
❤ He has some much kinks that I think he would have a red room just for some intimate things
L (location)
❤ He likes to do it in his office or in his room and his pent house
M (motivation)
❤ All he has to do is think of you being submissive and he's gone
❤ And he'll even tell you want he was thinking
N (no)
❤ He wouldn't do anything that will scare you
❤ He'll ask what is and not allowed when you to are doing it
O (oral)
❤ He likes both giveing and resving
❤ But he more likes to see you lose you mind
P ( pace)
❤ It depends if he wants to tease the f^#* out of you
❤ But he's more rough
Q (quicke)
❤ Not a fan of them but if he needs you and he has a meeting in 10 minutes he'll be finished by 5 minutes with you
R (risk)
❤ I think he'd take a little risk
S (stamina)
❤ It depends if he is tired or not
❤ If tired he can go for 2 rounds
❤ But if he feels awake and full he'll not let you leave until he is satisfied (6 rounds)
T (toys)
❤ Oh yes~ I wouldn't be surprised if he had his own little room for toys for you two
❤ I think he likes vibrators the most just to you struggle
U (unfair)
❤ This man is so unfair
❤ He let's you Edge to the point your going to cum then stop at the right moment
❤ Makes you beg to keep going
❤ Like to see you weak
V (volume)
❤ He does grunts and sighs but he likes to rant about how he's going to finish you
W (wild card)
❤ He likes to role play....like master and pet
❤ Or sir and maid
X (x-ray)
❤ Ok people ok calm down
❤ He is proudly 11 inches
❤ He really likes how you lose you mind just by sitting on him
Y (yearning)
❤ Since he is a buzy man he has to focus on his work but that doesn't mean he doesn't miss you
❤ Most times he wishes you were in his arms and other he wishes he was in yours
Z (Zzzzz)
❤ I like I said before if he's tired then he'll go to sleep fast
❤ But if he has the energy he will make sure your good and cuddle till you fall asleep
(Picture does not belong to me)
Hope you all like it
Peace out
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deke-rivers-1957 · 8 months
Jacklin The Seeker
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I wake up early so I can get ready for Gryffindor's first Quidditch game. Even though I won't be officially playing, I still think it's appropriate to follow the same routine as the rest of the team.
"Good morning, Tiger. Are you ready for breakfast?"
Tiger meows from inside of his cage.
"In that case, I'll let you out of your cage for a while."
I unlock Tiger's cage and start to prepare his food. Tiger starts to stretch out and walk around on my bed.
"I have your food ready now, Tiger."
He gets off the bed and starts eating as I start getting dressed in my robes.
"Now you behave while I'm gone, Tiger."
He meows quietly as he eats his food in peace. I leave my dorm room and make my way to the boys' dorm room to see if Toby's awake yet.
I see Toby sprawled out on his bed, lips parted as he sleeps. I realize that to entertain myself until breakfast, I should study my Quidditch book. While I'm more than familiar with the rules, it never hurts to go over special techniques and plays far above my skillset. It helps me learn how to train and prepare should the need arise.
"The Wronksi Feint: A Seeker from high above dives down, sharply, as if to collect the Snitch, causing the opposing Seeker to chase after him, only to pull up at the last second, causing the opposing Seeker to crash into the ground below."
I shake my head knowing I never want to intentionally hurt another player. A play like that is shameful and should be banned. If you see the Snitch, you follow it. You shouldn't have to resort to injuring another player as a means of getting an advantage.
"Ngh ah. Mornin, Jacklin. Yer up early."
I look up and see Toby coming out from his dorm room yawning. He sits down next to me while he rubs his eyes.
"Good morning, Toby. Our first Quidditch game is today and I don't want to be caught off guard."
"Ok. How important is it tha' yer team wins?"
"I can definitely say it isn't a life and death situation. The team with the most number of points by the end of the season, wins the Quidditch Cup. The winner of each match gets 50 points for the House Cup."
"Ohhh. Makes sense."
We walk down with the rest of Gryffindor to the Great Hall for breakfast. As we eat I hear the sound of Arthur flying in with a small package.
"Oh. Thank you, Arthur."
He flies away and I look at the label.
"Who's it from, Jacklin?"
"It's from my father. I was wondering why he didn't send me anything for my birthday."
"Open it. Open it."
I open the package and there's a letter attached to the small box.
"He specifically waited until my present was finished before sending it. It was custom made while he was in Paris and is supposed to wish me luck for my first Quidditch match."
"Wow. Wha'd he get ya?"
I open the small box and Toby's eyes widen.
"Whoa! Ya got a bird bow."
"I think it's also meant to be similar to the Golden Snitch. The wings are golden even though the hair clip is green."
"Do ya know bout humminbirds?"
I think for a tick to make sure I know what Toby is asking.
"No we don't have hummingbirds in this part of the world. Are they small?"
"Yeah they're real small. Ah thought yer daddy sent ya one cause a how it looked."
"Oh. Well it definitely looks lovely. I'll put it on after breakfast and send my father a thank you letter."
We go back to eating breakfast until it's time for our free period.
Time Skip (Toby's POV)
We have lunch an Ah'm gettin excited bout mah first game a Quidditch. Ah still dunno the names a all the balls they use but Ah wanna cheer fer Gryffindor.
"Ah jus can't stop starin at yer bird bow, Jacklin."
"Is that so? Why do you think that is?"
"Cause Ah know it ain't a real bird but it jus looks so much like one."
Ah see 'er smile an Ah hope it ain't cause she thinks Ah'm a dummy.
"Yes the wings definitely make it stand out. I have no idea if this was my father's design or the one who made this clip. I'll definitely be sure to ask him when I send my letter with Arthur tomorrow."
"Makes me wonder though why ya don't use it ta tie all yer long hair up cause yer gonna be flyin round a lot."
"Well. It's because my mother likes to stick to the Veela tradition of keeping our hair long and untied. Veela hair is so valuable in Bulgarian culture, that we can't even cut our hair unless it becomes a hazard. It's only when we become fully grown that Veela women can design their hair anyway they want. Veela men are very rare so they don't have to follow that same rule."
Ah take a sec ta think bout all that.
"Well at least ya ain't gettin yer hair caught in doors cause Ah'm sure yer ma'd be upset ya didn't tell 'er bout it bein a problem."
"She did say in my birthday letter that she will see if it needs to be cut during the Christmas holidays."
Time Skip
"I'll be sitting with Professor McGonagall, Toby. She wants me to be ready in case our regular Seeker gets injured."
Ah look over at Jacklin an' Ah smile.
"Yeah, okay, Ah'll be watchin' ya from tha stands."
"I think you'll get a better view watching the game since I'm not playing yet."
"Really? But, if somethin' happens ta tha Seeker can ya go in, then?"
"That's right."
"Ok 'cause Ah really wanna support ya."
"I know you do, Toby. Maybe you can make a banner for the team."
Ah figure Jacklin deserves somethin' special for bein' real patient wit’ me, so Ah start tryin’ ta think of anythin' Ah can do fer her, but Ah dunno nothin' bout banner-makin' an’ Ah ain’t got no ideas.
"I know it's a little late to get it ready for this game but I think wearing your House scarf would be enough. I'm sure some of the older students already have things prepared."
"Ah guess wearin' tha House scarf could be enough, but Ah know, if Ah woulda been real smart, Ah coulda figured somethin' else out."
Ah look down at mah feet an' try real hard ta stop feelin’ so disappointed in mahself for not bein' good ta Jacklin.
"You don't need to feel bad about it, Toby. I didn't think of it myself until today."
Ah look up an' nod mah head.
"Yeah, yer right."
"At least we can sit together when Gryffindor isn't playing. Our next match isn't until March."
Ah smile wider. It ain’t really wha' Ah was lookin’ fer, but Ah’m just tryin’ ta feel better.
"Now let's walk down to Madam Hooch's office. I have to pick up my broomstick."
"Oh yes I forget to tell you. Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch gave me special permission to use one of the training brooms."
We finish walkin down ta get 'er broom.
"So when ya say trainin broom ya mean tha brooms we use in Flyin classes?"
"Yes of course. It isn't a fancy model since it's only meant to be used to teach, but it still serves well in a pinch."
Ah look at tha broomstick real close.
"Well, that don’t look like no regular broomstick ta me."
Ah hope tha sounds alright ta Jacklin. Ah just want her to know she got a real nice broomstick, ‘cause Ah think she would be embarrassed to be flyin’ somethin' lame.
"At least next next year we'll be able to get something different. What type of broom would you want to get, Toby?"
Ah think real hard ta try an' come off as someone who got tha confidence an' knows tha answers to all a the questions. But Ah don’t think it’s workin’.
"Ah dunno, ‘cause Ah’ve only ever been on tha one broom we use fer Flyin."
"Oh yes that's right, you don't handle it well. You would want a broom that’s safe and reliable."
"I think you should get the Bluebottle. It's a family model so you and your Pop can safely fly together on the same broom."
Ah look at Jacklin an' Ah can feel tha relief floodin' through mah veins.
"Yeah, tha seems like a good choice ta me."
"Now for me, I would want something that's fast yet controllable. Probably the latest Cleansweep or Comet series. The Nimbus series is just too fast to control."
"Ah guess tha makes sense."
We make it outside ta the stands an Ah feel real cold. It's like Ah'm takin our midnight Astronomy classes durin the day. Ah see a bunch a grown ups who ain't teachers.
"Jacklin who're all 'em people in the stands."
"Oh those are members of powerful wizard families and donors to St. Mungo's Hospital. Headmaster Dumbledore personally invites them to attend the first Quidditch game of the season."
Ah look round the stands.
"Yer dad here? He oughta be if he's one a the wizard kings."
"No he only attends international events held at the school. My father is way too busy doing ambassador work across Europe to attend Quidditch matches."
"How's that work?"
"My father has been meeting with wizards from other countries ever since the darkest wizard in recent British history, Voldemort was defeated. Voldemort's plan was to eliminate all human born wizards in existence. He would've started in the UK, then France, then slowly all of Europe."
This sure is a lot ta take in. Ah ain't realized this' real serious.
"When he goes on his trips, he builds and maintains alliances. That way if any country ever had a sudden uprising, they could call on allies to help."
Ah see McGonagall come up ta us.
"Come with me, Miss Gryffindor."
"Yes, Professor McGonagall. Well Toby, I'll see you after the game."
Ah watch Jacklin walk over ta where she's gonna sit wit' Professor McGonigal.
"Yeah. Yeah, Ah'll see ya after tha game."
Ah turn round ta walk back toward tha Gryffindor section an' Ah remember tha banner Ah was gonna make. One a the bigger kids nudges me.
"Wouldja like to hold our flag? I gotta help me mates hold our banner."
"Ok. Ah reckon it’s jus holdin’ it up, right?"
"Yeah mate, ya just hold it and wave it 'round for Gryffindor."
Ah take tha flag an Ah hold it up an’ try ta wave it 'round like tha last flag holder Ah saw.
"Am Ah doin good?"
"Yeah yer doing great."
There's a loud whistle noise.
"Captains prepare to recieve the Quaffle on my whistle. 3. 2. 1. GO!"
Madam Hooch tosses the soccer ball in the air an both Quidditch captains start goin fer it.
"And the game is underway! Slytherin just barely gets possession of the Quaffle!"
Ah hear the announcer's voice an can feel all tha Gryffindor fans stare at me. Ah try ta stay calm an’ not screw up tha flag holdin’ job.
"Captain Marcus Flint makes his move up the pitch! He's aiming to score with the Quaffle!"
Ah watch the Slytherin player fly real close an throw the ball. Jacklin's captain flies in front a the hoop.
"Captain Oliver Wood knocks the Quaffle away! No points for Slytherin as Chaser Alicia Spinnet gains possession for Gryffindor!"
Ah hold the flag up an’ wave it ‘round like tha last flag holder Ah saw.
"Alicia Spinnet passes the Quaffle to Angelina Johnson! Angelina Johnson swerves past a Bludger and throws it in the hoop past Miles Bletchley! Gryffindor scores!"
Everybody in Gryffindor's cheerin fer Angelina scorin first.
"Gryffindor's Seeker, Sean Lee spots the Snitch with Terence Higgs following right behind him! A bludger comes flying towards Lee and he dodges it successfully."
Ah keep holdin' up tha flag an' wavin' it 'round.
"Sean Lee makes an attempt to grab the Snitch but is blocked by Captain Marcus Flint! That's going to be a foul on Slytherin!"
All a Gryffindor cheers while all a Slytherin boos. Suddenly Ah start ta see a vision a Jacklin strugglin ta hold onta 'er broom.
Ah look round an let out a sigh of relief when Ah see 'er still sittin wit McGonagall. Ah look back to tha game an' Ah wave tha flag again. Ah wish Ah hadn’t had tha vision, but Ah gotta focus on mah flag wavin.
"Gryffindor's Alicia Spinnet lines up for the penalty throw! She takes aim and the Quaffle goes right into the hoop!"
Gryffindor cheers an Ah'm lookin real closely at the weird soccer ball. Somehow it kinda teleports back ta the Slytherin side cause it's their turn ta have it.
"Gryffindor's up 20-0 as Sean Lee's still following the Snitch! But wait a Bludger crashes right into his broomstick! It shatters from the impact and Lee's falling to the ground!"
Ah watch Ah’ve watched the black ball hit tha broomstick an’ tha boy crash ta tha ground. Ah really don’t want anythin’ bad ta happen ta Jacklin, so Ah gotta figure this out real fast. Ah turn an see Jacklin gettin on 'er. Ah'm real nervous.
"With Sean Lee out of the game, it's up to Jacklin Gryffindor to take his place! Boy is she a cutie!"
Ah hear Jacklin’s name gettin' announced. Ah look at tha flag Ah’m still holdin’. Ah’m still so confused bout how Ah can help 'er. Ah feel like Ah gotta get out there an' do somethin’ ta protect Jacklin.
"Jacklin Gryffindor immediately takes her position high in the air looking for the Snitch! There's a Bludger coming her way as she's flying!"
Ah look over at tha pitch an’ Ah see Jacklin flyin’ in tha middle. Suddenly Ah get tha bad feelin’ again as Ah watch it headin’ right fer Jacklin’s broom!
"Unbelievable! Jacklin flips over her broom and dodges the Bludger like she's been playing Quidditch for years! What a talent!"
Ah see Jacklin flips tha broom over an’ dodge it. Ah watch as Jacklin flips tha broom back ta tha right side an’ continues 'er search.
"What's this?! Jacklin Gryffindor's losing control of her broom! Slytherin is taking advantage of Gryffindor's concern and is racking up points! It's now 60-20 Slytherin!"
Ah watch as Jacklin struggles ta stay on tha broomstick as it bucks ‘round. Slytherin's all cheerin an Ah dunno if it's cause they're winnin or cause they wanna see 'er fall. Ah know Ah gotta do somethin’ even if Ah don’t know what it is, Ah gotta try somethin’.
"Here take this!"
Ah give tha flag to tha student next ta me an’ Ah run over ta Professor McGonagall's seat. Ah reach over tha railing of her seat an’ Ah grab her arm.
"Mr. Kwimper what on earth is going on?"
Ah take a minute ta think, Ah try hard ta say tha right thing that will make her take me seriously. Ah flap mah hand a bit ta help me think when Ah got it.
"Professor McGonagall, someone's jinxin Jacklin's broom while she's tryin’ ta catch tha Snitch! We have ta help 'er!
Ah don’t know if tha’s tha right thing ta say, but Ah feel tha urgency. Ah hope she understands how important it is.
"What exactly do you expect me to do?"
"Jus look at 'er! She's barely hangin onta 'er broom!"
Ah look over at Jacklin an' see her holdin’ on fer dear life.
"It's a rogue Bludger! Watch out in the stands people!"
Ah hear the announcer as Ah dive ta the floor. Ah kinda crash inta tha professors an’ Ah look over at Jacklin. Somehow the broom stops movin weird.
"Amazing! Jacklin Gryffindor manages to gain control of her broom again! You can all rest easy boys!"
Ah help McGonagall stand back up cause Ah feel bad bout knockin 'er over.
"I understand what you mean, Mr. Kwimper. This is a situation that must be investigated. At the very least it is most peculiar to see a bucking broom suddenly stop as soon as the Bludger flew into the stands. I can assure you that it will be taken care of so for now please go back to your seat."
"Yes ma'am."
Ah go on back ta mah seat. Ah hope tha professor knows Ah didn't mean no harm by it. Ah sit next ta tha other student who Ah gave tha flag to an' Ah watch tha game play out without any further incident.
"After what could have been a disaster, Jacklin Gryffindor shakes it off! She sees the Snitch again and gives chase!"
All a Gryffindor's cheerin ta see 'er get back on 'er broom. Ah take a breath cause Ah'm feelin better now.
"Despite only having a training broom she’s dodging Bludgers left and right! But wait here comes the Slytherin’s Seeker, Terence Higgs! Both Seekers spot the Snitch as it makes a nose dive to the ground!"
Ah wonder what's gonna happen, but Ah’m on tha edge a mah seat.
"The Snitch is getting dangerously close to the ground but neither Seeker’s letting up! We have a game of chicken in this match!"
Ah hear tha danger an Ah'm not sure what he means by 'game a chicken', but Ah know it's dangerous fer Jacklin.
"Only 5 meters left before someone’s hitting the ground! This Snitch is baiting someone to crash! But wait, Terrence Higgs pulls up leaving Jacklin Gryffindor alone! She needs to make a move fast!"
Ah’m holdin’ mah breath. Ah don't wanna see Jacklin crash.
"She’s still making a grab for it! She flips upside down to grab it and oh no she hits the ground!"
Ah feel mah heart start beatin' a million miles a minute as Ah watch Jacklin hit tha ground. Ah feel tha worry flood mah body an' Ah hold mah breath.
"She’s sitting up but what’s this?! Is that?! Unbelievable! Jacklin Gryffindor has the Snitch!"
The tension jus flies right outta mah body an' Ah start cheerin' along wit tha rest of tha crowd. Ah feel tha joy flood mah system an Ah feel like huggin' someone ta get rid a tha excitement rushin' through my body.
"Gryffindor wins! 170 to 60!"
Ah watch tha crowd cheer for Jacklin an' tha Gryffindor team. Ah know Ah only played a small part a winnin’. Ah hope Ah did tha right thin’.
Tag list: @arrolyn1114, @aliengoth3, @vintagepresley, @comebackep, @thetaoofzoe, @presleysgirl6, @bigdaddyelvislover, and @mercsandmonsters.
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artsyaprilmr · 5 years
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It's 2 am :^)
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literaphobe · 4 years
season one of she-ra rated by catradora content
the sword part 1: right off the bat we find out just what adora’s all about. she’s a so called goody two shoes but she’ll lie to authority to protect catra.... ok lesbian lmao. but then we meet catra and she’s like “hey adora ;) how’s it hanging?” and we get it. we completely get it. oh my god. everything from the way catra talks to the way she laughs. adora never stood a chance :( we get a classic locker room flirting scene where catra teases adora and adora pretends she’s above all that only to be like hey cat gf is that a MOUSE which is very rude :( don’t scare ur cat gf or she will become evil :( oh wait. anyway.... their flirting gets cut short because homophobia walks in and separates them :/ before that tho she praises adora. adora who loves her gf so much ignores shadow weaver’s praise and says “catra did so good tho <3” and puts her arm around catra which pisses off the only homophobe in etheria. adora doesn’t really want to follow shadow weaver because she just wants to be with catra, and she even argues with shadow weaver about bringing catra onto the field with her. but she loses the argument because shadow weaver fucking sucks and has no idea how to be chill :/ catra finds adora after that and greets adora the way all gals greet their pals. by... pouncing on her waist. ok lol. catra is so proud of her gf getting promoted and says baby i love you <3 baby when are we leaving <3 except adora says catra’s not allowed to come :( so cat gf gets sad and runs to the roof. in response, adora gets a literal Grappling Hook to chase after her. adora doesn’t want her gf to be sad so she steals a skiff and they go on a date <3 but they’re so obsessed with control and play fighting with each other that adora falls off the skiff and finds out she’s like. god with a sword. i mean she-ra. uh, so adora fake wakes up in a dream and is like catra? :( because catra is the only thing she ever looks for when she wakes up (yes i am clowning. of course i know catra was the only person she was with but shhhh), and then she wakes up for real and catra is straddling her waist, which... ok. catra worries about her gf maybe being brain damaged so they cut their date short and go back to the fright zone. they go to sleep, and have their nightly sleepover, which means they sleep in the same bed :) even tho catra’s own bed is already on top of adora’s :) superb :) anyway adora dreams about her lesbian sword and wakes up scared. she smiles when she sees catra sleeping soundly in her bed however because uwu cat gf go zzzzz. adora gets out of bed which catra IMMEDIATELY senses because she opens her eyes right after and follows adora. because uh.... their friendship is just that lit and strong. catra is worried and wants to follow her gf to find this cool lesbian sword she keeps talking about, but adora makes perhaps one of the worst calls ever and tells catra to stay behind because she doesn’t want to get catra in trouble :( which is like, she has good intentions and all, but you should always bring your gymnast cat gf along when u look for sick ass gay swords. adora would know that if she wasn’t raised by the literal embodiment of gay oppression. oh well. guess they’re gonna have to fight each other for five seasons to figure it out. 9.5/10 because we got so much content all literally in the first ep. it’s like hey look they’re in love and they’re girlfriends who touch each other way too much. and we’re like noelle that’s really cool! will we get more gf content? and noelle said yes but also you’ve got a big storm coming! and it’s going to kill you!
the sword part 2: against adora’s wishes, catra gets in trouble for adora’s departure, and this makes catra sad bc where did her gf go? :( shadow weaver accuses catra of knowing where adora is because despite her raging homophobia she still knows that adora wouldn’t go anywhere without telling catra. and she’s right but just because she’s right doesn’t mean i have to like her. anyway... catra gets sent to bring adora back to the fright zone, and even tho shadow weaver threatens her in scary horrid ways catra is only happy to see adora again and once again pins her to the ground with her knees on adora’s.... yea........ and she’s happy bc she has a tank :) good for u catra we all love and cherish you <3333 anyway catra makes fun of adora because she thought adora got captured which... technically true but also not but also! catra sees a flower in adora’s hair which she takes to mean that adora cheated on her :( wtf :( and adora says no baby :( no i didn’t cheat on u :( and catra is like. ok fine. let’s go back to the horde. and adora says baby we can’t go back to the horde :( did u know that they were evil? im woke now. come be woke with me. and catra is like. wait. u just realized the horde sucks? did you not see shadow weaver electrocute me. did you think she did that for gay rights? and adora is like catra baby i didn’t mean it like that :( but it’s too late. it’s all very upsetting and i don’t wanna get into it. essentially catra thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse by fighting the horde from within but adora thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse and the horde’s evil by literally escaping the horde. u can see where both of them are coming from and that’s why it’s so sad :( it’s so fucking sad y’all :( they do their whole. come with me vs stay with me thing,,, and it doesn’t work out. duh it’s like ep 2 why would it work out. catra finds out that adora can use her lesbian sword to turn into a taller lesbian and instead of giving into her gayness and marrying adora right away her internalized homophobia makes her run away :( she thought adora doesn’t care about her anymore because she has new friends and can turn into a giant sword lady :( and it’s all very sad :( 8.5/10
razz: adora’s having trouble turning into she-ra. no one asked, but based on this whole show, it’s because she just broke up with catra and that hit hard :( it’s pretty hard to turn into ur superhero alter ego when you’re yearning. back at the horde, catra is also yearning. she is bitter because everyone is raving about how lit she-ra is and catra is like yeah she-ra is sexy but can we have a discussion about how she-ra breaks your heart. how she-ra makes you cry. how she-ra abandons you for new friends and doesn’t want to be your gf anymore? have we considered that? and everyone is confused because why does catra seem like she knows she-ra so well. didn’t you just meet her catra? and even tho catra is a bitter ex who’s angry and wants revenge she’s still like. in love with adora and wants to protect her. so she acts cool and doesn’t tell anyone that adora is she-ra. even tho lonnie tells catra not to be so feral because “adora’s not here to protect you anymore” catra still wants to protect adora. okay. yes the thought of that does make me wanna cry. what about it. catra goes and lies on their shared adora’s bed. and she sees the teeny drawing of catra and adora on the bed frame. it reminds catra of the break up and she scratches adora’s picture. she regrets it like instantly and starts destroying the bed. and she cries. she like cries real tears what the FUCK. and then SHADOW WEAVER WALKS IN?? rude much?? can’t a girl get some privacy as she mourns a break up with a girl she’s been in love with her whole life but technically never dated for real? 9/10
flowers for she-ra: adora realizes that it’s a pretty bad idea to break up with your girlfriend when you spent your whole life sleeping in the same room/same bed as her and she comes to the Very Shocking realization that she gasp! cannot sleep without catra! wow who would have thought! so she immediately goes on a search for a sleeping partner rebound... who is glimmer (sorry glimmer it’s her first time not having her gf) and she even sleeps at glimmer’s feet the way we saw catra sleep at adora’s feet. really makes you wonder if catra and adora take turns doing that? sleeping at each other’s feet because their internalized homophobia (thanks a lot shadow bitch) prevented them from going a step further and sleeping in each other’s arms... oh well. meanwhile, catra is gloating about being force captain, but she’s also Still protecting adora’s identity as she-ra. and apparently, drawing pictures of she-ra? that she hid from shadow weaver? is that what happened? i can’t tell if she drew that picture or not but the way it looks from the scene she Definitely drew that picture! hello????? anyway, catra’s still crying to anyone that has ears about how her gf dumped her, when really it was kind of a mutual break up that was entirely shadow weaver’s fault even tho she wasn’t there. sigh. i’m bringing this up to a 7/10 because of “it’s just a phase! she’s confused, i’ll bring her back, i swear :(“
the sea gate: “i’ve got something more important to do” and here we see the start of catra literally abandoning all other duties because she would rather go flirt with her enemy gf... she literally hopped onto she-ra’s sword.... she insult her gf....... she brag to her gf about achievement.... but she also want her gf back :( adora refuses to go back to the land of oppression tho so they get into a. really suggestive fight. and catra always makes adora leaving the horde out to be adora leaving her.... she’s like babe i am literally so sexy. why would you dump me :( i’m hot :( and she’s right but i hate them. can y’all just like. not be so gay? :/ it’s starting to make me a lil bit homophobic tbh! and catra whispers into adora’s ear but it’s kind of like an insult so she gets water slapped and is forced to stop flirting :( boooo 8.5/10
system failure: hm. catra wasn’t in this ep? damn :( it’s a great ep but it’s pretty hard to find any catradora if adora is delirious the whole time and catra isn’t there. but! drunk/high adora existing gives us an idea of what she would be like around catra. 1/10 for the potential
in the shadows of mystacor: catra’s face when she sees adora in shadow weaver’s spy cam thing... interesting. she also acts like she’s So Sick of the adora missions which is true but also she is lying. kind of annoying that shadow weaver would be like. homophobic. but when she’s messing with adora’s head in mystacor she uses catra’s voice and laugh to achieve maximum effect :/ which like. thanks? but catra wasn’t actually there so shadow weaver really full on gaybaited adora huh :/ adora eventually defeats shadow weaver and we finally see catra again uwu she ends up plotting to kidnap bow and glimmer but the line “if you want to take down adora, you have to go for the heart” is so interesting because we eventually find out just how much of adora’s heart is filled with catra... 4/10 on its own 6/10 if you let the heart comment ruin your life!
princess prom: ARE Y’ALL READY TO PARTY oh my god,,, this is it you guys. this is THE ep. so funny of adora to be like. i have so many plans for every single thing that might happen. i am GOING to spend the party getting princess frosta to join the rebellion. and then catra shows up and adora is like nvm. what if i followed catra wherever she went instead. which is very interesting! adora, sweet baby, why do you always assign yourself to fight/follow/chase catra? when according to her in future eps is actually a bad decision which we can infer from her saying stuff like catra knows my every move she will be able to take me down,, ok then stop hogging her all the time?? anyway. let’s get into things chronologically. “how dare those princesses pretend they’re better than you? just because you’re different? how dare they abandon people just because they don’t fit in with their perfect little lives? how DARE they take best friends and turn them into giant sword ladies who run off with people clearly inferior to you?!” catra.... u got sth to say there buddy? :/ u got something u wanna get off your chest? :/ u had us in the beginning but then you started to get really specific :/ what’s that about sweetie :/ catra’s coping mechanism for this is to put on a really hot suit and going to princess prom to seduce the shit outta adora? fucking genius. yes she also kidnapped two people but let’s focus on the ingenuity of catra’s plan to make adora hot and heavy and also somehow jealous the entire time. incredible. so, catra shows up at the prom with scorpia and adora immediately starts bickering with her about rules. she fails to get catra kicked out so she resolves to stalk her instead! and catra... oh catra... she puts on a whole show..... performing everything from popping a tiny cake into her mouth to circling around a pillar seductively and dropping a note into a bin that says hi adora >:3 with a drawing of catra’s face that she worked hard on!! and adora looks like a crazy stalker ex gf and everyone is like damn.... u ok? :/ but adora doesn’t have time to care too much aside from a little “haha i swear i’m not a weirdo!” look because her mind is just screaming CATRA CATRA CATRA and she finds catra creeping up to entrapta. but ofc catra’s not trying to push entrapta off the ledge! no! she’s using entrapta to make adora jealous :3 catra pulls entrapta close and says “she stole my food and then asked me to spy on people with her. is this what love feels like?” and it WORKS and adora has to pull entrapta aside and be all hey i know we’re not super close yet but the bro code kinda states that u don’t date ur friend’s ex :/ so could you please back off? and entrapta is like say what now? ur gf just ditched btw so adora goes running after catra again and surprise surprise! it’s time to dance! and there are romantic lights and music! and uh oh! everyone else has a partner except for catra! guess this means adora’s gotta dance with her ohhhhh noooooooo :/ “i don’t know about you.... but i am having a blast” i really don’t think catra was lying!! i am on the verge of passing out!! adora moving away from catra after saying “whatever it is you’re planning, it won’t work!” and catra, many dance partners later, slamming back into adora’s body to continue their conversation with “maybe my plan won’t work, but then again...” THE DIP!!!!!!! “maybe it already has...” oh my god you guys. what the fuck. like they get into an angry shove fight after this but the tension! the tension! and then adora LIFTS catra up in the air? real close? they get ice blocked by frosta after this, more specifically she traps adora because she shoved catra first djfjdjdjdjd,,, after telling glimmer to find bow catra grazes adora’s chin with her tail to remind her that she’s still here!! don’t neglect!! and catra says the iconic “it was fun distracting you though ;)” line that adora was clearly affected by because she memorizes it and says it back to catra..... years later. i CANNOT make any of this shit up. what the fuck y’all. the fact that these evaluations are so long bother me but i HAVE to call these hoes out!! moving on, adora runs after catra in a very dramatic chase/fight scene, and adora is very amped up on uh, hormones. she catches catra at a “dead end” and goes “hah! trapped >:)” which is such a stupid thing to say to ur cat gf who can jump very high, so catra says “you wish ;)” and it is just. everything they are saying sounds very suggestive okay why are they LIKE THIS anyway catra jumps up some floating ice and adora follows her up the floating ice because she’s gay and she will jump however much is required of her to chase her gf down ok!! and so adora and catra are now on some ice cliff where adora keeps lunging and they’re also kind of like dancing? and catra is being very ~smooth~ dodging all of adora’s strikes and hitting her in one move. that’s kind of cool but also don’t bully your gf :( come on catra :( not cool :( but adora doesn’t give up and they continue fighting, until one missed move from catra nearly sends her off the cliff. but adora thinks she’s hot and she’s in love with her so she’s like nooo catra don’t fall off this cliff ur so sexy aha and catches her by. the waist. not the hand! but by the waist. any normal person would’ve gone for the hand. factually speaking, catra’s hand is easier to reach than her waist. but adora’s a hoe. so, she grabs catra by the waist and pulls her in closer by grabbing! oh you guessed it! her chest! like she grabs her shirt but it’s the part of the shirt that was at the chest. what the fuck. they both get this look in their eye that makes it seem like they want to kiss each other???? hello????????? and like. very upsettingly we now know that they’ve always wanted to kiss each other so. that knowledge makes watching this scene even worse. they shouldn’t have become enemies if they were going to be this horny. they’re so distracted by each other’s lips that they forget they’re standing at the edge of a cliff and guess what! they fall off the cliff! what a twist! but adora is like i’m NOT going to die because i was distracted by catra’s lips, so she grabs her hair stick thing and stabs it into the ice cliff. she grabs catra by the hand to save her, not the waist this time, because holding catra’s hand is also gay so she might as well do it. too bad catra lets go of her hand and ditches her tho :( i would minus points for that except it wouldn’t make much of a difference. catra says “see you later, princess ;)” because she’s already expecting to see adora again.... good lord 4828473737373/10 thanks noelle! i died
no princess left behind: but i’m a buddhist so i’m back. we open with catra laughing so prettily looking at her gf’s lesbian sword. very cute. later on, when shadow weaver betrays catra and tells her to go pack her things because she’s not needed anymore... adora gives her this look? :( she looks like she feels bad because catra’s clearly still suffering under shadow weaver’s thumb. but let’s zero in on the most important part! catra dragging the sword and pointing it at adora, before turning it around and giving it to her. “this is NOT because i like you” ok catra i didn’t think that before but now i Absolutely believe that you did this because you like adora. and u can tell adora kind of is like. ready to start her whole “you can come with me! we can be together! :(“ thing but things are complicated and catra told her to Just Go so... it is a lot and we know things are deeper than just catra liking adora but we will get emo over that later. 9/10 that was a good fucking scene
the beacon: “she left me behind too, like i was nothing :(“ some people say this is catra manipulating entrapta, and they are correct, but also she’s like.. “oh adora left you too? mad kin :(“ she was deadass about to start a support group with entrapta and technically she kind of did! good for them <3 catra goes to look for first ones tech and adora goes to look for the beacon to learn how to heal and guess what happens! they’re looking for the same place! catra’s “on second thought... hey adora >;)” at the end pushes this up to an 8/10, but that’s just like the last five seconds of the ep so objectively the rest of the ep was like. 4/10 idk lmaoooo
promise: finally some good fucking food. catra follows adora into the beacon and has a little fun spying on her and enjoying her epic fails at getting information on she-ra. she also finds the first one tech she needs, because she’s a multitasker and she can spy on her gf while doing important missions <3 but also she gets caught and adora nearly kills her fksjdjd “hey watch it! >:(“ is so funny because catra??? u are trespassing???? but also uwu baby yeah don’t accidentally kill ur gf adora :( adora’s reaction is also very funny “catra? what are you doing here? :O” as if catra hasn’t shown up at 70% of the places adora has been, but the way she asks it’s like. adora is happy to see catra? pleasantly surprised? man she is whipped. anyway, adora tries to pull the Tough Girlfriend move and like, mildly scold catra for trespassing into a building where only one person (she-ra) is allowed to be in. but she still grabs catra’s hand and guides her to an escape path :’) she lifts up a giant door thing and waits until catra runs in to let go and run after her <3 chivalry isn’t dead after all <3 they get into a lover’s tiff as they run for their lives and essentially it’s like “babe wtf WHY are giant mutant spiders trying to kill us isn’t this ur house” “they’re trying to kill YOU this is why you ring the doorbell instead of running in secretly after i open the door!” “oh and how was i supposed to know that! why can’t you just tell your teenage mutant ninja spiders to chill out??” “they’re not house-trained babe :( i moved in two minutes ago they came with the apartment” anyway the angry spider monsters catch up to them so catra goes “adora? :(“ and that’s enough for adora to take Direct Action so she slashes the walls and ceiling of the room they’re in before grabbing catra to shield them both. she is NOT getting her deposit back but uwu anything to keep gf safe <3 adora transforms back to her usual body and she once again reminds catra that she’s Not Supposed To Be Here and she’s like “god now i have to like Protect You and it’s gonna put my life in danger :/ haha what are you gonna do for me in return tho ;)” and catra is like. “well good thing i didn’t ASK you to protect me” so adora is like :( —> >:( wait u know what??? ok u know what????? why are u here >:( how’d u find me?? >:( and do u mean any of this in a gay way?? >:( say it’s in a gay way right now >:( and catra is like. ur gay castle sent a gay beam of light into the sky. i saw it immediately bc im gay but i do NOT mean this in a gay way. and adora is like oh :( ok :’( and then asks about shadow weaver bc she saw what went down in the horde and she like. i think she can tell shadow weaver still exerts some form of control that catra hasn’t broken free from? :( and then catra is like haha shadow weaver is a LOSER and adora starts giving her Gay Looks and it makes catra scared because her gf now thinks she has a crush on her!!!!!!! how Embarrassing!! “ugh, i knew you’d be weird about me letting you escape” ok so why did you say that thing about not liking her? “i told you it’s not because i like you!” there it is! that’s EXACTLY what i thought you’d say you lesbian! and the way she says it??? she definitely likes adora???? she is so bad at lying?????? and adora is so smug about it like her Face plus her crossed arms and the whole “i mean, i didn’t ;) i didn’t say anything ;)” her eyes.... your honor she’s gay...... she’s like what if we were in my secret castle..... standing amongst the rubble because i destroyed the infrastructure to protect you..... and we were both girls....... adora was Ready to turn her sword into a Bed right then and there ok!!! it’s not me it’s Her Eyes,,, anyway catra starts being salty again and brings up bow and glimmer and is like hey where’s those idiots u dumped me for :/ thought you looooooved hanging out with them and doing everything with them :/ like we used to :/ are they not as fun to hang out with adora is that why you’re standing in this spider infested building with me instead :/ and adora suddenly remembers that she can’t just be horny and that she has to hold catra accountable for her actions so she’s like oh my friends? the ones who u kidnapped and held for ransom???? >:( and catra is like ya what other friends would i be talking about :/ like god i know she’s evil but she’s so funny take her back adora :( jk ik ur gonna start begging her to Come With You in like minutes u absolute simp. but before that happened catra was like fuck u lets Split Up >:( we already broke up why would we run away from spiders together huh? unless u still like me? but clearly there’s only one way for them to walk so they can’t split up just yet and adora gives catra this >:( look so catra is like FINE one last date and they walk away together. they go into this... dark room and catra wants to leave the dark room because she’s scared of ghosts :( jk but the door disappears and something scans catra and adora and light hope is like cool! time to show them memories that are specifically picked to make catra resent adora! which :( not cool light hope :( i get that ur a bot who’s programmed to serve the homophobic agenda but damn u were gay once too :( anyway they’re sent to a memory in the fright zone and adora gets Angry bc she thinks catra tricked her and catra is like i wouldn’t play u like that :( and she finds out it’s all fake so she’s like adora :D u don’t have to be scared or mad at me anymore! :D she goes to look for adora but adora’s watching a memory of them when they were six and being really cute. back when adora had the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair and only really cared about making catra happy and having her back. catra blinded octavia and insulted her and adora was still like: ur not bleeding ur bones aren’t broken and u picked a pointless fight with someone who did not provoke you in any way. where is she i will insult her some more. i love u. like damn adora really do be a ride or die girl huh!! she’s still like this but they both have too many issues to realize it :( anyway catra and adora slip into the catra and adora of their memories and begin running off together holding hands............ and then they Realize they’re running off together Holding Hands....... and catra pulls away because of her internalized homophobia :( devastating. they get into a tiny little fight over magic and kidnapping again and then adora’s face softens and she’s like catra :( why Did you let me escape :( i know i made fun of u for it before but i legit do not know if u meant it in a gay way. pls confirm? :( u could have gotten caught catra :( why did u risk it :( is it because you secretly want to run away with me and join the rebellion? :( and be my gf? :( she’s so caught up in her questions that she nearly falls off a cliff AGAIN and catra catches her by the hand because these girls are obsessed with almost falling off cliffs to their deaths and saving each other. don’t judge them their Intricate Rituals are THAT deep. and catra is like. did you really think. i would let shadow weaver erase your memory like that? and risk you forgetting our relationship? even towards the end when we were broken up and fighting each other it was kinda lit and i want u to remember it. and adora is an idiot so she’s like idk lmao probably aren’t u like evil now and catra is like well you have a point but also fuck u for thinking i don’t care about u,,, u never did have too much faith in me :( and adora is like can u blame me :( and catra is like ur hot so.... no. i will let my tail linger on your hand as a hint that i still love you. and then catra is like.... adora i know u said fuck horde rights but does that include our relationship :( u had good memories right :( of me? :( and adora is like um duh??? i miss you so goddamn much too oh my god and catra is like hey how dare you imply that i missed you even tho it’s true!!! get over urself! and adora is like not until you admit you like me ;) and they play fight again because the rituals are so intricate..... and catra lies and says she doesn’t like adora ok lmao... they enter the next memory and it’s catra and adora sparring and they’re competitive but it’s also flirty? catra pretends to be hurt to get adora to let her guard down but lonnie interferes and this causes adora to beat catra. which. yeah :( and after adora wins she does the good gf thing where she asks catra if she’s okay and catra’s not ok but she lies and hides away to cry :( and we get it babe we do!! it’s hard being in love with someone who you’re also resentful of because you’re raised in a competitive environment and always treated like you’re worthless in comparison :( but the simulation stops and catra is caught by one of the spiders and adora doesn’t manage to save her in time, grabbing her hand only to fail and have catra slip through her fingers :( they scream for each other but catra manages to get the upper hand on the spider monster, except adora charges in at the last second and delivers the final blow, further driving home the false point that light hope is trying to make :( adora just wants to protect catra but because of their upbringing catra sees it as adora always wanting to be the best and adora thinking she’s better than catra hence her telling catra what to do “all the time” which isn’t totally true but it’s what catra has been led to believe :( and also adora’s upbringing plays into it too because she thinks she has to save everyone and take responsibility for everything and it’s all just really sad bros :( what the fuck :( adora apologizes for leaving again and tries to convince catra she never meant to leave her and that she wants catra to come with her because she knows catra isn’t a bad person :( and you can see!! catra considering it!! but then precisely BECAUSE catra is considering it the memory simulation thing kicks in again and... hoo boy. we see catra and adora sneak into the black garnet chamber, after being cute and competitive and running around the horde swinging from wire to wire.... they get caught by shadow weaver and she specifically punishes only catra. and it’s so fucked because it puts adora in this position of guilt where she always feels like she has to protect adora whilst slowly brainwashing her over the years into believing that catra does do disobedient things and that adora can only escape that if she’s always perfect and taking charge of everything. and for catra.... it takes the mutually loving relationship they have and poisons it because shadow weaver makes it very clear that to her, catra’s only redeeming quality is that adora favors her? and if not for that she would be disposed of? and so it’s very hard for catra to find individuality and a healthy connection to adora which created unresolved resentment and issues and just... :( and the whole confrontation they have after the simulation ends... adora could never protect catra in the way she needed to be protected because adora was also a child, and receiving a different form of abuse, and it’s just. harder for catra to leave? especially because she didn’t receive a sudden destiny the way adora did and her issues with the horde were never limited to morality. and so catra is just. she has way too much to work through and she can’t see past her resentment for adora because the machine is making her remember all of it. and so she tells a half truth and half lie to adora about giving her the sword because she didn’t want adora to come back :( catra runs away from adora and is attacked by flashes of memory. and then she faces one last memory alone. and it’s the promise adora made to catra when they were kids, about always looking out for each other, and catra looks at kid!catra and thinks adora has broken that promise, still stinging from the hurt of adora leaving her behind after finding the sword and becoming she-ra. it was never meant to be like this but catra is hurting so she focuses only on her side of things and how she saw these events play out and she :( decides to kind of betray adora? it hurts So Much because adora looks so hopeful when she sees catra while hanging on for dear life, and she thinks catra will save her again but catra talks about how the sword won’t work for her because she’s never been the Special One like adora was always heralded to be in the horde. and having adora literally be she-ra just drives that point home for catra and she hates adora for it because this means all the other stuff she believes is true too. adora made her feel weak on purpose, adora made catra think she needed her on purpose. “every hero needs a sidekick, right?” and adora’s “catra, no, that’s not how it was!” hits even harder now because we know that adora just. loved catra. she was in love with her but adora was also like catra in that she’s a product of her circumstances and upbringing. she was the way she is as a means of survival. but the one thing there that was pure and true was that they loved each other.... upsettingly neither of them can see that. catra goes down even further into the path of evil and thinks that. being free of adora. is the thing that will liberate her and bring her happiness. which. she is wrong about. but she can’t exactly see all that clearly right now :( and adora begging catra not to “do this” which... means she’s begging her not to leave? “bye adora! i really am going to miss you” and adora’s desperation skyrockets but it’s too late :( catra doesn’t come back for her and adora cries.... and it’s just so insane that literally everyone who wants to control adora focuses on poisoning her bond with catra because that’s the relationship that... matters most to her in the world. when you’ve loved someone your whole life it hurts when they betray you and it hurts to betray them too, as we can see from catra when she arrives back at the horde. she essentially looks Wrecked and freezes up when scorpia calls her “the best friend ever!” but i want to make one quick note of her “personal space” talk with scorpia? like fjdjdjdjd you have never had personal space with adora not once in your life ok that’s reserved for the gf only i see. 10/10 i am so wrecked emotionally this is way too much but also because it makes me so emo i will give it a perfect score but nothing else. no bonus points because i do not want to reward putting me in pain!
light hope: light hope showing adora the memories that make her feel guilty and it’s the first scene where catra sees her as she-ra and walks away.... adora’s been feeling guilty over catra since the moment she failed at getting catra to leave the horde :( 3/10
the battle of bright moon: “catra will be leading the horde when they attack. i have to face her.” it’s so interesting how there’s so many pressing things at hand? the weather is screwy, the alliance is broken, no one’s coming to save them, the rebellion could be crushed, but the thing that is really bothering adora, the thing that she brings up first, is catra. “i saw catra in there. i thought i could get through to her, but all i did was push her farther to the side of evil” she sounds... so heartbroken about it all :( catra and adora meet on the battlefield and the first thing catra says is,,, u guessed it,,,, “hey adora.” and adora’s like “catra. surprised to see me?” and like damn they’re really so good at being enemies. the talent. the tension. impeccable. and then catra says nah i didn’t think u died and im glad u made it out alive. and adora, bless her soul, is like oh.... u mean in a gay way..... u didn’t want me to die..... for homosexual reasons?? and catra is like no! haha! i uh, i just wanted to kill u in a cooler much sexier way. and adora is like oh :( oh >:( oh >:’( and they get into a very heated sexy fight like catra wanted. and they taunt each other like. “i thOUgHt yOU weRe suPposED tO bE stRoNG” “aND i tHouGHt yOu wERe sUpPOsEd tO bE fAst” you know. very cool well crafted taunts. and like. they fight a lot which is kind of sad but also kind of sexy because their styles are like? similar and different? which is the dumbest way to compare any two things ever but like :( y’all get what i mean right :( we get one more Hanging Off A Cliff scene and this time adora grabs catra by the chest and shoves her against the wall, and catra is like cool! but u did this,, for what? and then adora realizes catra was just distracting her Again and bright moon is very badly under attack :( catra bids her adieu so adora can run back and fight. but she like. gets caught :( and catra walks up to her and gently caresses her cheek before adora passes out and it’s evil but it’s also tender? but it’s also evil i know i know :( all of the princesses come to help adora so she sends a beam of magic gay light and heals everything and then all the princesses send a gay tsunami washing over catra. the horde loses, and catra retreats in a skiff, but adora and catra exchange one more Look as she leaves... hm. 9/10
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sushigal007 · 3 years
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Can’t imagine why Erin rolled this want as soon as I loaded up the lot.
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Lol jk, I knew this was coming, I remember inviting her plague-ridden ass over to the Patels. Unfortunately, even though she’s a Family secondary, she doesn’t have enough aspiration points to unlock it. So, rest!
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Lola: Can’t rest, gotta make money! REST.
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That’s more like it.
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Alas, they’re all too wide awake to rest for long, so I plonk Lola and Erin in front of the TV for a while instead and totally miss Lola sprinting out for the carpool.
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Kristen has other ideas. Kristen: Hey baby, wanna bang?
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Kristen: It’s fine, I’m wearing a mask. Look, not to get all anti-mask, but in this game, that doesn’t actually work. Kristen: OK, but also, I’m in bed, so...
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Erin: Gotta go to work! NO! REST! Erin: Lol too late bye!
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Kristen: No tongue, I’m sick and I’d don’t want to give it to you.
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So Jason gives her something else instead.
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Lola: Oh wait shit, I actually don’t feel too good. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone to work after all. Ya think? Damn, I wish I’d found that Duvet Days mod before I played you idiots.
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Kristen: Do you think Erin might be pregnant?
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Erin: Wheeee! That thing is Sim crack, I swear. It’s not as bad as the soccer net, at least.
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Lola: Zzzzz... there’s a very real chance this may kill me... She’s at 116/120 according to the Batbox, so um, yeah. It really might.
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But where one life ends, another begins. Unless Kristen dies too lol.
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Kristen: It’s nice, but it’s not exactly Grandma’s fucking Soup now, is it, Erin? Erin: I’M TRYING. ROLL BETTER WANTS. Erin: I’M NOT TRYING THAT HARD.
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But finally Kristen is cured, yay!
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I sent her out as a reward and she just had enough time to scarf down a burger before her energy ran out.
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Lola: *poot*
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But Erin and Lola are still languishing, so I decided to try out the First Aid Station now I’ve put new soup in.
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Erin: I’m so happy I finally get to work in the garden! Erin: *Unlocks Comfort Soup*
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Lola: You wanna know the secret to the perfect grilled cheese sandwich? Because-
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Edward: No. Lola: Get out.
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But look! It’s baby time!
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Jason: Hey, I was just randomly walking past, anything interesting happening? Erin: You can have a baby without getting married!? Kristen; EVIDENTLY.
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It’s a boy! I let my bestie name him and she called him Clive. She is no longer allowed to name my babies.
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Kristen: Who’s the cutest baby in the franchise? Sims 2 babies, that’s who!
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Kristen: And there you go. Clive: Well, this was inevitable. Jason: Can I have custody?
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Jason: That was sexy.
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Kristen: Is it still too late to give the baby to Jason? Yes.
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Kristen: I could sail it down a river? Nice try, but there’s no river in Strangetown.
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But you know what there is plenty of in Strangetown? Erin: Is it bees? It sure is!
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My greatest secret wish is that someone manages to connect the Custom Painting code to other pictures. Until then, it’s up to Kristen to crank out the fanart.
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Dominic: Is it safe? Erin: Hmm? Sorry, I missed that, I was thinking about food.
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General Buzz: So what are your thoughts on recycling. Lola: *aggressively ignores*
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General Buzz: Personally I think anyone who doesn’t recycle should be arrested. Lola:
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That’s right, we’re inviting over some people - in VERY SMALL GROUPS - to try and tackle the outbreak. Chloe was first because I’m playing her next, and she brought her Twikki crush, Jim. Chloe: Mmm, delicious soup. I can feel my sinuses clearing.
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Lola: Just a little world domination.
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I reward Erin for her soup with a little painting.
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And a little hobbying that doesn’t involve bugs.
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She also wanted to throw a party and hey, it’s Clive’s birthday! Let’s have a baby shower! Loki: It’s a muzzle. Kristen: No.
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FINALLY! I’ve been wanting these two to get together forever!
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Baby time! Clive: I want a flower crown too. I don’t think they’re enabled for boys. Clive: Rude.
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Kristen: Just gonna gob all over the cake lol. Erin: The things I put up with for true love.
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As you can see, the birthday’s going great. Lola: Can we eat cake yet? Kristen: No. Lola: How about now? Kristen: NO.
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You gonna grow that up? Erin: Little fucker ruined my party, so no.
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Maybe if I just leave the lot for a little while... Kristen: It’s not cake, but it’ll do.
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And here’s toddler Clive in all his glory, just in time for the end of the round.
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the-keeper-crew · 4 years
Mia’s Sophiana fic
Whoever answers Mia’s new asks, please add the newest installment to this post, I can’t always do it. -Misty
story is under the cut because it got super long -dmitri
Knock knock. Sophie answered her bedroom door, to see Biana standing there. “Uhh hi Biana.” Sophie said awkwardly. “Come on in.”Biana sat down and smiled at her, making Sophie hug her tightly. “I just came to check in on you, with all the hectic stuff happening.”“I’m fine. Thanks for coming though.” Sophie said, “I don’t mean that rudely, sorry I’m really bad at speaking.” Sophie said. “I’ll stop now.”Biana laughed,“Will you go out with me?” Sophie asked, before she could stop herself. 
“Wait… you want to go out with me?” Biana looked at Sophie, her perfect face blushing a little. Sophie nodded, the butterflies in her stomach doing loop the loops. “Yeah.” Sophie said, a little shakily.“R-really?” Biana asked, looking up at Sophie. Her teal eyes seemed nervous, but happy at the same time. “Weren’t you like… dating Fitz?”
“We kind of broke up.” Sophie said looking at her feet. “It wasn’t a bad thing.” She added quickly. “We just didn’t like each other like that.”Biana didn’t respond, awkwardly twisting her hair.“It’s fine fine if you don’t like me like that, I don’t really care phht why would I? I mean-” Sophie said quickly, as red as a tomato.“I like you too.” Biana cut her off.“Wait… really?” Sophie asked, looking up at annoyingly perfect Biana.“Y-yeah.” 
After Biana had left, Sophie screamed into her pillow. She had just asked Biana fricking Vacker out. Now was officially time to panic. After the pillow screaming fest, she immediately hailed Dex. “Judging from the amount of happiness you are radiating, you asked Biana out?”“Yeeeessss!” Sophie nearly squealed.
“What happened?” Dex asked. “Give me all the details.”“Was I this pushy when you asked fitz out?” Now it was Dex’s turn to blush.“I specifically remember you telling me that if I hadn’t just gotten a boyfriend, you would strangle me for the details.” Dex said laughing“That’s different.” Sophie said, grinning “I still can’t believe you asked Biana out. How did you manage to do it without hiding under your blankets for the rest of your life?”
Sophie waited outside Aldens door, when she stopped in her tracks. “Dad, I don’t want to register for Match lists!” Biana said angrily.“Biana Amberly Vacker. I am simply asking for you to register.”“I don’t want to!” Biana said.“There isn’t one boy that you hope is on your list?” Alden asked.“No.”“No boys, not even one? What about Keefe or Dex?” Alden said“Ugghhhh dad!” Biana groaned.“Don’t you want to see what boys are on your list?”“What if I don’t want to date a boy?“ the room went silent.
“Biana...” Alden said warningly. “Seriously. What if I want to date a girl?” Biana asked defiantly. “I know you’re a rebellious teenager...” “no seriously.” Biana said. “Well then I guess you’d have to reconsider your place in this family.” Alden said quietly. “Alden...” Della said quietly. “Get out of here. Both of you.” Alden said and Sophie scrambled away.
Sophie sat on her bed, worrying. She knew the elves might not be as accepting, but the way Alden had talked to Biana earlier made her stomach twist. She stood up and paced the room. Why was this so hard? Couldn’t people just love who they wanted to love? She sighed. Knock knock. “Come in!” Sophie called. Edaline stepped inside, and looked at Sophie. “Are you ok? You’ve been acting upset.”
“Oh I’m fine.” Sophie lied.“You sure?” Edaline said, sitting next to Sophie.“I really am.” Sophie said, trying to convince herself.Edaline wrapped her arms around Sophie, and Sophie breathed in her scent of lilac. “You can tell me anything, you know that?” Edaline asked softly.“I know…” Sophie said. Could she really though. “ I love you mom.”“I love you too sweetheart.”
Sophie watched Edaline leave, her head swirling. Would Edaline and Grady even care? They’d always been so supportive of Sophie, would this change anything, but aldens angry words came back to haunt her. “Well then I guess you’d have to reconsider your place in this family.” She hugged her blanket around her. Why was this so hard? She closed her eyes trying to think about good things. Like how she was dating the most beautiful girl in the world, and that beautiful girl was strong and... zzzzz
The sun rose over the fields of havenfield, slipping under Sophie’s curtains. She woke up, and flopped back onto her pillows. It’s too early to be up… suddenly someone knocked on her door. “Sophie?” Biana called. Sophie nearly jumped out of bed and straightened the wrinkled tunic she had slept in. “Yes?” She asked, trying to force down the butterflies in her stomach. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah sure.” Sophie smiled at her, trying to forget that her hair looked like Verdi had licked it. Biana sat on her bed, smiling at her. “Did I wake you up?” Biana asked, concerned. “It’s fine, I should have been up anyway. What are you doing up so early?” Sophie asked. “I wanted to get out of the house. Dinner last night was awkward to say the least.” “I’m sorry…” Sophie said. “It’s fine. Dad’ll come around.” Sophie nodded, but still was worried. 
“You ok? How did fitz react?” Sophie asked. “Oh, he brought me some mallowmelt, and told me that what I did was brave.” “And you didn’t save any mallowmelt for me?” Sophie asked, pretending to be indignant. Biana laughed. “You really think I would do something as vile as to not bring my beautiful girlfriend mallowmelt?” Biana laughed.
Later that day, Alden hailed Sophie to talk with her in his office. Biana told her to go, she’d stay right here and would most definitely not look through her old photo albums. “What did you want to talk about?” Sophie asked. “Nothing important. Amy haile to tell you happy birthday.” It took Sophie a minute to process that. “Oh!Yeah. Thanks.” Sophie says. “Was that all?”Alden shook his head. “Have you seen Biana? She’s going through a bit of a rebellious phase.” Sophie wanted to punch Alden. “No“
Alden narrowed his eyes but didn’t prod any further. “Well, if you do see her then tell her to come home.” “I will” Sophie said, lying through gritted teeth. She light leaped back to everglen, running into Edaline. “Oh!” Edaline smiled at her. “Biana just left, said something about going to Atlantis? She seemed flustered.” Edaline said. “Oh, it was probably nothing.” Sophie said.
“Oh, guess what? It’s my human birthday!” Sophie said trying to change the subject. “I know elves don’t really do birthdays but…” edaline smiled. “Do you want to have a dinner with a special friend or two? Just something small? I’ll ask the gnomes to make something special?” “That would be awesome!” Sophie hugged Edaline, breathing in the scent of lilacs, which is rare especially in a place where there’s more animal poop a day than animals. 
Sophie looked over her friends. “It’s my birthday guys, so I swear to all the gods if I even hear the word gulon at the dinner table, I will promise you will never want to cross me again.” “Jeez who you tryin to impress foster?” Keefe asked. “Probably her new girlfriend Biana.” Dex said. Sophie glared at him as Keefe dramatically opened his eyes wide. 
Keefe automatically broke into a grin. “You must tell me everything.” Sophie rolled her eyes. “Not now!” Keefe laughed. “Ok, note to self, remind Sophie to spill the tea about her dating the next Vacker sibling.” Tam snickers a little at that. They walk into the dining room, all still teasing each other. “Sorry I’m late.” Biana rushes in, and Keefe raises his eyebrows. Biana sits down next to Sophie, out of breath. “What’d I miss?” Keefe smirks. “Oh nothing”
They shared a dinner of traditional human food, vegetarian of course, which Sophie didn’t know how Edaline got her hands on. Grady even showed them a cool human card trick, which Keefe then had to try. Biana kept shooting her these adorable looks that made Sophie want to melt inside. Edaline raised her eyebrows at Sophie, but she just blushed and kept talking with her friends.
After Sophie tried to teach her friends how to sing happy birthday, and it just ended up horribly out of tune, she and her friends retreated up to her room to hang out. She sat on the bed, while the rest of them sat on bean bags on the floor. They had been one short, so Keefe “took one for the team” by sitting next to Tam on his beanbag. Link of course found this hilarious, and Tam just looked vaguely disgruntled but pleased with himself.
Slowly, her friends started to head home until it was just the Vacker siblings. “Hey fitz...” Biana said, standing up. “Could you head home and tell dad I’m having a sleepover with Sophie tonight?” “Biana, he’s not gonna like that…” fitz started to say. “It’s fine.” Fitz obliged, and soon the two girls were alone. “I’m sorry, but your dad can be a real jerk face sometimes.” Biana laughed. “Definitely. Oh!” She pulled out a hastily wrapped package. “Happy Birthday Sophie.”
Sophie took the gift, blushing a little. It was wrapped in a silvery paper with purple swirls, tied up with a lopsided bow. She opened the present carefully, trying not to rip the packaging. Biana looked a little nervous, but Sophie gasped when she saw the gift. It was a beautiful snowglobe of foxfire, with little mini people, so small you could barely see them milling around the campus. “It’s awesome Biana! I love it!” Biana blushed a little, making sophie blush more.
Sophie put it on her shelf carefully, and sat back down, stealing glances at Biana. The Vacker girl looked a little lost in thought, staring out the window. “Do you want to go for a walk?” Sophie asked “Verdi should be asleep so we don’t have to worry about a green feathered chaperone.” Biana giggled. “Sure.” They snuck outside, the light from the windows of the house half illuminating their features.
The moonlight made everything shine with a sort of silvery glow, making it feel almost dream-like. They started strolling side-by-side, along the fences of the enclosures. The animals were mostly quiet, which was good. Sophie wasn’t exactly sure how it happened, but after a few minutes, they were holding hands. They didn’t talk, but just enjoyed each other’s company, content with the silence. 
It could have been 2 minutes, it could have been an hour, Sophie didn’t know, she liked Biana’s company too much. They made their way up to the Panakes tree, and sat there, watching the moonlight filtering through the delicate flowers. “Sophie?” Biana asked, softly. “Yes?” Sophie whispered. “Can I kiss you?” Sophie’s breath stopped for a moment. 
Sophie didn’t bother responding, she just kissed Biana. In the back of her mind, she wondered how much Keefe would tease her, but that wasn’t important now. “So. That happened.” Sophie finally said. “It did.” Biana said, her cheeks flushed. They grinned at each other like idiots, unaware of the blue eyes watching from the window.
Sophie went to bed floating on a cloud that night, Biana sleeping on a pile of bean bags. She had a wonderful dream, about dancing and balls, and Biana in the most gorgeous dress. She woke up the next morning, adrenaline still there, making her feel giddy. She snuck past a sleeping Biana, and downstairs. Grady and Edaline were talking quietly over tea. “Good morning guys!” She said, and they abruptly stopped.
“Morning Sophie.” Grady said, nodding at her. “How are-“ he was cut off by a knock at the door. Edaline got up to answer. It was Alden, who looked like he hadn’t slept. “Is my daughter here? Fitz said she was sleeping over, I’d like to pick her up.” Edaline nodded. “It’s really fine, we don’t mind having her over.” Alden shook his head. “Morning Sophie, where’s Biana?”
“Umm… she’s still sleeping.” “Go wake her up for me, will you?” Sophie nodded and ran upstairs. She shook Biana awake. “It’s your dad.” Biana groaned and stood up. Sophie knew she shouldn’t think about how absolutely adorable Biana looked with bed head, but really, who was going to stop her. They headed downstairs to Alden sipping a cup of tea. “Morning Biana.” 
Biana awkwardly waved at him. “Well, we better be going now.” Alden said starting to turn. “Would Biana be able to stay for breakfast? I’m having the gnomes make something special.” Edaline said. “No, I don’t need her infringing on your family any more.” And with that, the two Vackers were gone.
Sophie sat down with Edaline and Grady. An awkward silence settled over them as they ate delicious breakfast pastries. Sophie finished hers first, and sat back. “I had fun last night. Thanks guys.” Edaline looked like she wanted to say something, but held it back. “I’m glad you had fun.”
Sophie headed up to her room, telling her parents she was gonna get ready for foxfire tommorow. She opened the door to iggy poking his head up from a pile of blankets. “Hey iggy.” She said, picking him up. “You’re adorable, aren’t you?” He didn’t respond, simply farting in her face.
“Life is easy for you, isn’t it? You don’t have a girlfriend who’s dad is just… and live in a world where there’s no chance you can ever be normal?” Iggy grinned at her and curled up in her hair. Sophie sighed. “And now I’m talking to an imp. Great.”
After an hour of moping, or as Sophie liked to call it, hiding under your blankets and looking through your photographic memory, Edaline knocked on the door. “Come in” Sophie called, sitting up. “Ok, so with foxfire starting tomorrow, I wondered if you wanted to go shopping in Atlantis?”
“Sure.” Sophie said, standing up. “You should get dressed and ready.” Sophie nodded. Edaline left gracefully, and Sophie quickly changed into a grey tunic and whatever else she needed. She headed downstairs. “Ready.”She said “Ok, do you want to bring your girlfriend?”
Sophie nearly choked. “I- what?” Edaline finished putting on her cloak. “Biana? Do you want to bring her?” Sophie blinked. “What? How? Huh?” How could Edaline know? They weren’t that obvious were they? What did she think? Why was this so hard?
“How do you know?” Sophie finally managed to spit out. Edaline sat down next to her. “You weren’t super subtle last night at dinner, and then I accidentally saw you by the Panakes. Sophie blushed, looking down. “Are you ok?” Edaline asked. “Yeah… I’m fine.” Sophie hugged her knees, not meeting Edalines warm gaze. “Hey… I’m here if you need me.” Edaline said, hugging Sophie.
The first day of foxfire came quicker than Sophie would have liked. But there she was, adjusting that stupid half cape in the mirror. She hadn’t seen Biana since that morning, but told herself it was because of school prep. She waved goodbye to Edaline and Grady, and headed to the Leap master. 
When she arrived at foxfire, she immediately looked around for Biana. She didn’t even realize Dex walk up beside her. “Hey Soph. You excited for classes?” Dex asked. She didn’t respond for a sec. “oh it’s you. yeah.” Dex faked indignation. “Oh, It’s you? That’s what your best friend gets? I’m offended.” Sophie snickered. “Sorry Dex…”
They walked together to her locker when she finally saw Biana. She was looking at Fitz, as if they were having a serious conversation. It took all of Sophie’s willpower to not go and interrupt. “Earth to Sophie!” Dex said. “Are you even listening? The gang is getting together after school to have epic snowball fights at my house.” Sophie laughed again. “Do you ever get sick of snow?” She asked. “Nope!” 
“Sophie?” Sophie nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard Biana behind her. “Oh, hi! I didn’t see you there.” Biana smiled at her. “Sorry for being so distant-“ she started. “It’s fine it really is, I’m sorry I interrupted you. I’m sorry.” Sophie said, stumbling over her words. Biana giggled. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s fine.” Sophie grinned.
“So how are you lovebirds doing?” Keefe walked up, grinning. “We are not lovebirds,” Sophie said. Biana raised her perfect little eyebrows. “I beg to differ” Dex jumped in. “Ok, then how are things going with Fitz Dex, and Keefe, what’s up with Tam?” Biana said. Both boys blushed, and Sophie laughed. “What classes do y’all have first?”
Their conversation was cut off by Magnate Leto’s voice coming from the large screen thing. “Happy first day of school my prodigies! I hope you are all doing well, and are excited for a new year of learning!” Keefe snickered. “And Keefe sencen I would like to ask you how you found it appropriate to stick a muskog in my desk drawer and since it technically happened before school started you will not get detention, but I do recommend staying out of your locker” “It wasn’t even me” Keefe said.
“My first class is… elementalism.” Sophie made a face. Biana looked at her. “I have Alchemy… I’ll see y’all at lunch!” Biana walked away, her floofy brown hair bouncing. Sophie was pretty sure her heart just melted. She walked to class, nearly floating.
Lunch time couldn’t have come fast enough. Sophie tried not to run down the hall, but she was going to see Biana at lunch and honestly that seemed like a good excuse to run. She sat at a table, Fitz and Linh were already there, talking about something. “What are you talking about?” Sophie asked. 
Fitz looked at her. “Not much, mostly just first day of school stuff.” He said. Sophie raised her eyebrows. “You seriously havent heard?” Fitz asked. Linh nodded. “I thought they told teachers to give the announcement.” Sophie shrugged. “Well my elementalism professor is a bit swiss cheesed brain, so what is it?” “Well…”
Suddenly Keefe burst up behind the table. “There’s a dance guys!” Sophie blinked. “Huh?” Fitz laughed as the rest of their friends sat down. “It’s called the first annual welcome ball!” Linh explained. “Both parents and students will show up!” “When is it?” Sophie asked. “This Friday!” Sophie blinked. That was not a lot of time. 
Biana showed up late to the lunch table, so Keefe excitedly explained to her the dance. Though Sophie suspected he just saw it as a way to annoy his father. Biana looked excited, and grinned at Sophie making her heart skip a beat. Why does she have to be so cute?
After lunch, Sophie managed to catch Biana in the hall. “Ummm soo I hope your dad wasn’t too bad…” Sophie said. “No, I just got a talk about the Vacker legacy, even though I’m only part of it when he wants me to be.” Biana said grumpily. “I’m sorry…” Biana rolled her eyes. “The one thing that made it better was Mom mouthing the words to it in the background, Im fairly sure she has it memorized by now.” Both of the girls laughed a little at that.
Sophie grinned. “So… the dance…” Biana said, tucking a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. “The dance…” Sophie repeated. “Are you going?” Biana asked. “I think so?” Sophie said. “Is that a question?” Biana teased. “I mean yeah, probably.” Biana grinned. “You know what this means?” “What?” Sophie asked. “We get to go outfit shopping.” Biana said excitedly.
The first week of school was officially over, and Sophie was exhausted. She flopped on the couch of Rimeshire, surrounded by her friends. They had all agreed to stop invading Dex’s house, but he had made a surround sound 4K movie watching set up for his mom, and no one else had anything as good. They all settled in, and bickered about the movie. Dex wanted The Hunger games, Sophie Harry Potter.
On Saturday morning, Sophie woke up to iggy asking for attention. After giving him a few papers to rip up, she headed downstairs for breakfast. The dance was tomorrow, and today was when Biana would drag her dress shopping. Sophie ate a muffin, excited for the day. Generally she didn’t like clothes shopping that much, but if Biana was going to be there that made it better.
Atlantis was buzzing with activity, Sophie recognized at least four families from school, and tried her best to avoid their gaze. The twisting spires of Atlantis glinted in the light provided by the balefire. Voices echoed across the empty streets as the crowds bustled along. Sophie felt a little overwhelmed by it all, and stood close to Edaline.
Suddenly someone tapped Sophie’s shoulder, and she nearly jumped out of Atlantis. “Oh. It’s you Biana.” She sighed with relief. Biana was standing there, perfect as ever, with Della standing there. “Hi Della.” Della smiled at her. “Hi Sophie.” The two moms started walking behind the girls, talking about whatever Elf Moms™ talk about. Biana and Sophie walked side by side, watching each other out of the corner of their eye.
The four elves headed into The Atlantis Boutique, and Sophie thought Biana was in heaven. Her stunning teal eyes widened, as they looked at all the dresses. Before Sophie could process the ginormous size this shop was, Biana grabbed her arm, and dragged her down aisles of long dresses. Edaline laughed as she watched the two of them disappear behind the rows of sparkling dresses. Della ducked out of the shop, saying she was meeting a friend, and Edaline stood at the front watching the two girls.
Biana worked with a scary efficiency, picking up dresses, holding them up to her and Sophie, and putting them back or carrying them with her. Sophie followed in awe as Biana quickly broke down each dress based on what fabrics it was made of, additional materials, effectiveness to strangle someone with, and ability to kick someone. Sophie swore that if Biana weaponized her knowledge, they’d all be dead.
Finally they had narrowed the outfits down to two outfits. A red suit thing or a shining red dress for Sophie, and a long silvery dress for Biana or a purple dress with silver sparkles making it shimmer in the light of balefire. Sophie went into the changing room, and tried on the two outfits. They both looked stunning according to Biana, which was a whole other level of stress to choose the right one.
Finally, Sophie decided on the suit, and the lady running the store put it in a box. Biana also chose a dress but wouldn’t show Sophie which one. Della re-entered the shop, a little out of breath. “Do you girls want to go to a bakery in Mysterium?” Della asked. “Sure.” Biana said, and Sophie nodded. 10 minutes later, the four of them found themselves on the cobbled streets of Mysterium.
The four of them sat at a table, and a server brought them a plate of assorted elvin pastries, including rippleruffs, mallowmelt, and a whole assortment of things that were delicious and could most likely start wars. “Mmmm this is good.” Sophie said, chewing a butterblast. Biana nodded in agreement, and the two of them helped finish the pastries. Sophie stretched. “That was really good.” Edaline smiled. “I’m glad you liked it.”
The night of the dance came too quickly. Edaline told her everything would be perfect, and rumor had it the council themselves would be attending. That didn’t stop Sophie from worrying though. She’d never really been to a dance, what would she act like? She straightened her suit for the 43rd time, fidgeting with the buttons. She exhaled, and walked with Grady and Edaline to the Leap master.
Foxfire was decorated beautifully, though a lot of the decorations were fungi, and honestly Sophie was really annoyed at this point. Mold was not good decor. They headed into the gymnasium, which was beautifully decorated, and this time there was no fungus. Hip hip hooray! Sophie looked around, wandering through groups of students and parents.
“Sophie!” Biana called from the corner of the room. Sophie excitedly walked over to her friends. “Hi guys!” She smiled at her friends. “You look awesome!” Sophie said to Biana. Biana twirled in her purple and teal dress. “You do too” Sophie awkwardly straightened her suit. She caught Keefe shooting her a look and she glared at him. Their little group of eight laughed and poked at each other while more people filed into the gym.
“Sophie!” Biana called from the corner of the room. Sophie excitedly walked over to her friends. “Hi guys!” She smiled at her friends. “You look awesome!” Sophie said to Biana. Biana twirled in her purple and teal dress. “You do too” Sophie awkwardly straightened her suit. She caught Keefe shooting her a look and she glared at him. Their little group of eight laughed and poked at each other while more people filed into the gym.
The dance floor went silent as the 12 councilors appeared. They appeared regal as always, all wearing different colors, that shimmered in the lighting of the gym. After the initial shock of their arrival, things went back to normal, now with the councilors mingling with the students and parents. Sophie was pretty sure one kid peed himself when bronte started talking to them.  Slowly, their little group dissolved. Dex and Fitz went off into the crowd, and the. Keefe nearly dragged tam to the staff cafeteria “while it was unguarded” That left the four girls. Marella said something about checking in on her mom, and Linh vaguely followed her. Sophie looked awkwardly at Biana. “Umm…” Biana grinned. “I have something I want to show you.” Biana dragged Sophie out of the gym and down the hall way.
Biana opened a side door, and they walked through the grass. They could still hear the faint sound of music and chatter from the gym, and light flowed from the windows, half illuminating the world. Biana led her to a small clearing, filled with long weeping willow trees, and little flowers that glowed in the moonlight. “This place is beautiful.”
“Shall we dance?” Biana reached out her hand, and Sophie blushed, thankful for the darkness. Sophie took a deep breath, and took Bianas hand. The two girls started dancing, to the melody of the forest, the crickets song, and the moonlight symphony. Sophie couldn’t remember a time she’d been happier
The two girls danced, almost in their own little world. Time was irrelevant. They danced around the little clearing, twirling to their own tune. Finally, they slowed to a stop. Sophie had completely given up any hope of hiding her blush. Then, there under the moon, the two girls shared a kiss together, all worries forgotten.
Suddenly a boom echoed through the campus. The two girls stumbled back, shocked. Their eyes met, full of fear. They ran toward the campus, Sophie wondering if bianas extensive knowledge of how to fight in a dress would have to be used. They emerged from the forest, to see the gymnasium erupting in flames. It looked like most of the people were out of the gym, but Sophie could see black cloaked figures, even from the distance.
Magnate Leto ran up to them, followed by their friends. “You kids need to get out of here.” “But-“ Sophie protests. “Now.” Magnate Leto gives her a hard glare. Suddenly Linh pipes up. “Where’s marella?” Marella wasn’t with them. “I see her!” Tam says, pointing to their braided friend. She’s stuck in a crowd, surrounded by people. (i dont think this is the neverseen being antigay, just generic evil stuff. Decisionssss)
Before Tam could stop her, Linh was dashing through the crowd, shooting water at the flames. “Marella!” Linh calls, and marella looks up. “Linh?” Marella blasts another wave of fire at a neverseen member. Suddenly a wall of fire surrounds the crowd, and Tam’s breath catches.
Sophie feels herself start falling, even though she’s on solid ground. Linh… marella… they can’t be gone! She can’t lose more friends. She feels Biana wrap her arms around her, as she starts shaking. Nononono! Suddenly a figure starts emerging from the blaze.
Marella is there, seemingly unharmed except for singed hair. In her arms, is an unconscious figure, Linh. Tam immediately rushes to Linh’s side. “Ahem.” Magnate Leto says, “you all need to go. Take this.” He hands them a leaping crystal and dissapears into the crowd. Sophie holds the crystal to the light, and they step into the beam.
They stumble onto someone’s front lawn. Physic, or Livvy stepped out the front door and ushered them inside. They set Linh on the couch, and sat around a dining table. “What just happened?” Sophie asked. “How did no one know the neverseen were there?” Tam shrugged. “It happened out of the blue. Everything was fine, and the there was fintan trying to burn down the gym.”
Sophie knew that they shouldn’t be able to say things like that so casually, but they had been through so much, the unhinged pyrokinetic really had to try to surprise them. Livvy walked into the dining room, wiping her forehead. “Your sister is in a stable condition.” She tells tam, and sits down. “How much do you guys know?”
“Nothing.” Sophie said. “What in the world is going on?” She asked. Livvy sighed and shook her head. “The neverseen came for you a few days ago, Grady found shreds of a black cloak in the pastures. Verdi got to the member before they got anywhere, but we were on high alert.” Sophie narrowed her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” Livvy sighed. “We wanted your life to be as normal as possible.”
“Well what happens now?” Sophie asked, a little annoyed. She wasn’t a kid anymore, she wanted to know what was happening in her life. “You’re going to pretend to be humans.” Livvy says matter of factly. The table burst into chaos. Sophie’s eyes widened, and the rest of them shouted various protests. Livvy quieted them. “For a while. You’re going to be visiting me, Aunt Olivias house. That’s what you’re telling everyone anyway.“ 
“What?” Sophie asked. “The eight of us don’t look remotely related.” Livvy sighed. “I told the fork man that, he said to figure it out.” Sophie giggled. “We’ll just go by a don’t ask don’t tell thing. Are we like actually going places and stuff?” Livvy nodded. “You will be normal teenagers, even going to school and doing homework.” The whole table groaned.
Three days later, and after almost dying because of Livvy’s driving, the eight of them headed into the front office to register for school. They all looked normal in tshirts and jeans, except for linhs arm in a cast. They got registered, and headed to their lockers. Sophie had to show them how to open them without licking them, and they headed to their individual homerooms, ready for the day.
By lunch rumor had spread of the mysterious eight new students who refused to talk to anyone outside of the eight. They all sat at a table in the corner of the cafeteria, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Linh hated not being able to talk to the humans, but tam told her it was for their safety. They sat down, to talk about the first day.
Before they could settle in, a group of people came over. “Hi, we noticed you lot are new here, do you want to come sit with us?” Sophie looked at Biana and the rest of them, and they shrugged. The eight of them headed over to a larger table. “My name’s beau,” the first person said. “Mine is felony.” The person with lime green hair said, grinning. They all sat down awkwardly. “What’s y’all’s names?” Felony asked grinning. “I’m Sophia, this is Bianca, Dexter, Marin, Aylin, Tommy, Keegan, and Fred
Her friends hated the names Livvy insisted on calling them while humans, but played along. “Cool.” Another person at the table said. “This is Lia, Jojo, Lynn, and the rest.” “Oh wow I’m glad we mean so much to you that you’ll tell the newbies our name. I’m tater, call me tater.” Sophie blinked. “Great.” These humans were nice? Of course there were nice humans, but she had never felt welcomed by people outside her family
“So tommy…” Keefe said, scooting closer to Tam. “How did you like your first classes.” “Shut up Keegan” tam said glaring at Keefe. Sophie laughed. “Sorry about my friends.” Beau smiled. “Where’d y’all come from?” Sophie shrugged “San Francisco, we’re visiting a friend of all our families, we’re close.” “Yep” Biana agreed. Sophie though it sounded suspicious at best, but Lia and Lynn were nodding. “Cool.”
“I feel like I know you guy...” felony said, narrowing their eyes “How could you know us?” Sophie said. “We’ve been on the west coast forever!” Sophie was panicking a little. Felony shrugged. “I have some family out there, might have seen you around. “Oh, ok…” Sophie sighed in relief. Sophie took a bite of the veggie roll Livvy had packed. She had made their lunches because vegetarian.
Brrrrriiinng! The cafeteria got noisy as people clamored to leave. “See y’all tommorow?” Beau called as they joined the crowd. Sophie nodded. She turned to her friends. “That wasn’t so bad.” “It really wasn’t.” Marella said in agreement. They all headed to classes, a little more confident.
The group got home, exhausted. They all flopped in the living room, sighing. “You kids tired?” Livvy asked “you had to give me the name Fred?” Fitz asked, sitting up. “It sounds so weird!” “It sounds normal.” Livvy corrected. Tam grumbled something about the name tommy, and Keefe laughed at him. “School was good. We even made a few friends.” Livvy smiled. “Friends are good. Now to celebrate the first day of school, do y’all want to get takeout?”
After a dinner of delicious pizza, which her friends devoured, Livvy came in. “I have a surprise for you guys!” Tam looked at her. “Is this surprise better than you making my name Tommy to the humans.” Linh giggled. “Yes, it is.” Livvy said. “I got everyone phones.” Everyone blinked, confused except for Sophie. 
“What is a phone?” Keefe asked. “Don’t ask me Keegan.” Tam said grumpily. Dex took it. “Oh gosh! It’s like an imparter, but like…” he trailed off, and started pushing buttons. Marella took hers as well, but immediately got confused. Sophie wanted to die laughing, this was hilarious. Keefe took to poking his phone cautiously, watch what happens, and repeat. Linh simply stared at it like telepathically telling it what to do.
A few weeks passed, and things seem to grow normal. The only reminder of the lost cities was when they hailed their parents/friends to check in each Friday. Repairs were made to foxfire, and the eight stayed underground. Finally, one Wednesday, at lunch with the kids from school, they had grown closer over the weeks, and Sophie realized felony was right. It did feel like they knew each other. Finally, Lia tapped on her shoulder one day in class.
“Hey Sophia, it’s my birthday party this weekend, I was wondering if y’all wanted to come.” Sophie shrugged. “I’ll ask the others, but can’t think of a reason to not go.” Lia smiled. Sophie was right, the others did in fact want to go. The day before the party was a mess of gift shopping, and Biana insisting they have perfect outfits. Livvy was also worried, they all were, the threat of the neverseen was still there, and they didn’t want their human friends in the crossfire.
Ding dong! They eight of them waited by the front door, the sun setting. “Hi guys!“Felony opened the door, and ushered them inside. They dropped their gifts off, and headed downstairs where chaos was already beginning.
Lynn and some others were aggressively… could you aggressively talk? Well, they were talking about some vacation to Amsterdam that Sophie was unsure whether it happened or not. Keefe automatically went to join them, and Sophie went off to find someone to talk to. She’d never really been to a human birthday party other than her sisters and her own. What was she supposed to do?
Suddenly Beau ran down the stairs. “Guys! Me and Tater got the fire pit going for s’mores! Come on!” Lynn looked incredulous, like she was saying “you trusted them with fire?” But Lia just shrugged and they all ran upstairs. 
They all settled around the fire pit, Biana and sophie shared a chair next to the fire, with a blanket pulled over them. Biana snuggled up next to her, which the others didn’t seem to kind as they violently stabbed marshmallows, and then set them on fire. Keefe, to no ones surprise found this process quite amusing.
Well… Keefe found it amusing until he decided to try and feed tam the marshmallow sandwich. Long story short, it ended with a marshmallow covered Tam and a hysterically laughing Keefe. Biana giggled and made her s’more, which was somehow perfectly cooked. The humans didn’t even seem that bothered, getting up to their own marshmallow related shenanigans.
The scene slowly devolved until it was a full on marshmallow war. Marella was secretly making her marshmallows meltier to throw at people, and Keefe was pelting everyone with half melted marshmallows. Fitz was trying to stop this of course, saying things like “guys, we don’t want to waste the marshmallows,” that was until Dex smushed and open s’more in his face, it just got more chaotic from there.
Finally, it winded down and people started floating to the back porch where there were traditional party games like pin the tail on the donkey. The elves found it hilarious, and Sophie giggled as Linh tried to stop felony from hitting the donkey. Biana looked up at her. “This is nice isn’t it?” She asked, the fire reflecting in her teal eyes. “It really is.” (No it’s fine, it’s your suggestions and feedback is why this is steadily growing, and not just ending.)
“Kiss kiss kiss kiss.” Sophie turned around to see Beau badly hiding behind a bush. She blushed and Beau laughed. Biana giggled. “We have to please the people, right?” Sophie blushed even harder as Biana kissed her. Beau laughed harder. “I knew it. JOJO! YOU OWE ME 15 DOLLARS!” Beau yelled. “Oh and lovebirds, cakes out.” Biana stood up and followed Beau. “You coming?
“Yeah one sec.” Sophie said, sitting up and stretching. Biana walked towards the porch, and Sophie looked into the bushes. She could have sworn she saw something moving. She looked over her shoulder. Everyone was too busy talking to notice her. She walked towards the bushes and looked down. There was a small scrap of parchment… she picked it up, expecting a black swan note. She opened it, and her heart stopped. It was the neverseen eye, staring up at her.
Sophie hasn’t slept since Lia’s party. She had rushed home as soon as the party finished, and told Livvy, who told forkle. Shockingly, he didn’t demand they relocate, they instead had some members on standby to defend the house, and they couldn’t go anywhere alone. Sophie stared out the window. The moon was rising and she knew she should be in bed, but the human world had coffee, so it was fine, right?
She scribbled in her notebook, running over that night in her head. Had anything been out of the ordinary? Her head hurt, and she groaned. She really should sleep… but if she slept she’d have nightmares and honestly no sleep was better. She paced her room, filtering through her thoughts. She froze as someone knocked on her door
She opened the door to see Biana holding two mugs of hot chocolate. “Fitz made these for you. Said he got the recipe from Beau, so it has to be good.” Sophie took a mug and sat down at her desk, Biana sitting on her bed. “How did they did they find us Bi?” Sophie asked, for the 345th time this week. “I don’t know Soph, but obsessing over it won’t help. When’s the last time you slept?” Sophie thought. “I think… a few days ago for an hour or two?” She sipped her cocoa.
Biana shook her head. “You need to sleep Sophie.” Sophie looked at her floor. “I’m fine Bi” Biana raised her eyebrows. “You’re not. Even the humans are noticing somethings up. If you won’t sleep for you, will you sleep to help protect us? Will you sleep for me?” Sophie hugged her knees. Biana wrapped her arms around Sophie, hugging her. “Please sleep…” 
Sophie woke up the next morning, to Biana still there, arms wrapped around her. Biana looked peaceful when she slept. Everything was peaceful. That was until she heard Keefe’s muffled screaming downstairs. She shot up and ran down the stairs. “What is it?! Neverseen? The council? Gluons?” Keefe laughed. “No, it’s snowing!” Sophie peered out the window. 
Biana was still asleep when Sophie walked in. “Biana?” She asked. “I don’t want bananas. They taste yucky.” Biana said, still half asleep. Sophie giggled and shook her shoulder gently. “Wake up, it’s snowing outside.” Biana sat up, still bleary eyed. “Really?” Sophie nodded.
Bianas eyes lit up. “I have a plan then.” She said, grinning evilly. Sophie laughed. “Should I be worried?” Biana smirked. “No, but fitz should be, I still haven’t been able to get revenge on him for dumping that flour on me back at…” she trailed off. The air was thick. Both of them knew they couldn’t be normal. “Hey…” Sophie said as Biana looked down. “What was your plan?”
Biana shook her head evilly. “You’ll see.” The morning went by quickly, when fitz got a call from Beau. “Hey guys, there’s gonna be a snow war at the park, you wanna join?” A shared glance from their friends, and they were in.
It took longer than expected to get ready for the snow, none of the elf’s were good at Velcro, and Sophie was too busy laughing to help them. Finally, they piled in Livvys car, and they headed to the park. Luckily, it wasn’t full on war yet. Felony and Lia waved at them, inviting them to sit at the snowy picnic tables.
Tam muttered something about being cold, but sat down with the rest of them. Felony started talking about how epic the war was going to be. Then, a wave a cold snow hits Sophie. She turns around to see Beau and Tater laughing, her and a couple others now covered in snow. “Oh it’s on!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
the rats have a new base, sturm goes to paris, and new students
[[cont from part 83]]
Adam: "That's the last of them..." yana:....*sigh*...what a pain... Ivan: *lying in a gurney* Q_____Q zoey: this is your fault..... Gogol: "...Which one?" zoey: *glares at ivan* you let this happen, and now my baby's gone..... Ivan: -____- "He wasn't your baby. He was some demonic hellspawn you adopted and brainwashed." Gogol: "Phew! I thought she was blaming me." ^_^ zoey: *punches ivan's leg* SHUT UP!......at least....i still have master's baby....inside me.....it feels....so good.... elizaveta: *frowns* Ivan: *screams* "Ow-ow-ow..." T~T "Young Master, help..." yana: zoey, stop being petty for a moment. Ivan: TwT -elsewhere- etta: we're heeeeere~ Walter: "..." *looks up, cups his hands* "Hello!!! Echo!!!" hans: wow, fancy. Kafka: -n- "I doubt the beds will be sanitary." Leroux: "..." etta: *looks out the window* wooooow! Leroux: *sees the city* "...” etta: so pretty. *shiny eyes* Kafka: "...Yes, I suppose it is." hans: *checking pamphlets* Walter: "Where to after we finish unpacking?" etta: let's check out the Eiffel tower! Leroux: "..." etta:.....roro? Leroux: "Yes~?" ^_^; etta: are you sure you're ok? Leroux: "J-Just fine. Why?" etta: you deserve to enjoy this trip as much of the rest of us. *smiles with concern* Leroux: "...Right. I will. Thank you." Kafka: "..." -elsewhere- Fyodor: "..." guard: ......... guard 2: call for you. Fyodor: "??? Me?" guard 2: *hands him the phone* Fyodor: *takes the phone* "..." yana: bad news boss.... *she explains what all happened* Fyodor: "...Disappointing." yana: when are you gonna get out of prison, morale hasnt been good here... Fyodor: "Wait." yana: hm.... Fyodor: "You know what is expected of you." yana:.....right... Fyodor: "So do it. I expect to hear good news." yana:...understood....*hangs up*..........(i feel i should be crying now.....but i dont feel anything.....) ...*leans back in her chair and sighs* Gogol: "..." *pokes in his head* yana: *leans her head back to look at him* <what?> Gogol: <Did he blame me?> yana: <no one's blaming you for anything, gogol.> Gogol: "..." *nods* <Good. Thank you, Boss.> yana:....<not to bother you with pointless bullshit but.....do you think there's a reason i exist?> Gogol: <Way beyond my paygrade. I don't entertain existentialist questions.> yana:....<forget i said anything then...> Gogol: <DONE!> ^w^ yana:..... -elsewhere- Magaki: "I'm done." *hands the book over* tsubaki: thank you. Magaki: *nods* "It was enjoyable. I liked the descriptions. Do you read a lot?" tsubaki: *she nods* sometimes. Magaki: "It's helping me with the language. What kind of stories do you read?" -elsewhere- Q: OwO kirako: ._.; aya: *opens arms* kirako:......*hugs Q and aya* Q: QWQ *squeeze* kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Just careful, given his ability--" Q: *HISS* kirako: ^^; noted. Dazai: ._____. Q: *nuzzle* -w- naomi:....no comment. Tanizaki: "Stay away from the child, Naomi." naomi: oh no need to tell me twice. sylvia: ..... Q: "??? Who's she?" sylvia: *hides behind kyouka* eep! >A< Kyoka: *intense stare at Q* "Stay away from Q, Sylvia." Q: ._. sylvia: o-o-okaaaay.... Q.Q;;;; Q: Q_Q *squeezes Aya and Kirako more tightly* atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku:...what did mori even _do_ to this kid? Q: "C-Can I stay here, with Aya and with, um, any parent?" yosano: for the time being. Q: QwQ atsushi: (never a dull moment with the agency...) Kunikida: "..." *rubs his eyes* aya:...kunkida? Kunikida: "...I'm sorry." aya: it's ok. im here, right? Kunikida: *nods* "And good for you to reach out to Shousaku." aya: .....right. Kunikida: "...We'll...have to find their new location." aya: *nods* Kunikida: "For now...let's get you a meal." kirako: what do you want, Q? Q: OwO "Cookies?" kirako: *pokes nose* after dinner. ^^ aya: pizza! Q: O\\\\\O -elsewhere- Anya: *tapping her foot* mio: ...? Anya: "They've been in there a long time..." ao: so.....t-tsugumi..is there someone you like? Tsugumi: OwO;;;; "...You'll have to be more specific." ao: do you...have romantic feelings for anyone? Tsugumi: O\\\\\w\\\\\O;;;; "...Specifically?" ao: y-yes. Tsugumi: "..." *covers her face* "I don't want to tell! I'm just someone who has a lot of love and don't know what it is that I want!" >\\\w\\\< ao:....do you think....you could love someone like me? Tsugumi: "...Wait...You..." ao: y...yes... *looks down, blushing* i've....liked you a long time now... Tsugumi: "O-Oh?" .\\\\\. "I-I'm sorry I didn't figure that out...I guess I sort of knew given how close we are..." ao: r-really? *blushing* Tsugumi: "I guess? I just didn't think to misread or anything in case it was just in my imagination that you liked me--you know how romantic and over-thinking I get reading into things too much when I start on a roll with my--" ao: tsugumi? Tsugumi: *blinks* "...Yes?" ao: you didnt answer. ^^; Tsugumi: .\\\\\\. "...I-I'd need some time to think about that one. It's a bit of a paradigm shift...But there's nothing about you that I couldn't see myself loving someone like you." ao: i see... im glad though. even if you didnt feel the same for me, i would still be glad to be with you, tsugumi. ^^ Tsugumi: ^\\\^ "I'm glad to be with you. Just...be patient while I try to figure this out? I'm sorry I don't have an answer yet." ao: i understand. mio:....*looks at anya* Anya: *has her ear pressed to the door* Q\\\\\\Q mio:...*pat pat* that's rough, buddy. Anya: T\\\T "Shut up, Mio..." mio: *pap pap* Anya: T________T -elsewhere- Lily: "YAY!" *tosses rose petals* misono: you seem happier than usual. Lily: "Spring will soon be upon us~ We'll be able to escape the chilly confines of this cramp estate and enjoy all of nature--" *throws open his coat* misono: just keep your pants on! Lily: *is standing with a pair of jeans and a sheer shirt* "??? Oh. Sure~" misono: *sigh* Lily: "Are you okay?" misono: yes. Lily: "...Okay." -elsewhere- Relan: *drenched in water* =_=; iris: *wraps him in a towel* Relan: T~T "Thank you...I didn't even see it coming..." iris: *pap pap* Arthur: *still holding the firehose* "Hang on, I see another fly--" maki: *chop* no. Arthur: >_< "You knew I couldn't be trusted!" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "FAAAAAAANG!" T~T "I need help..." fang-hua: whats up? Tsukiyo: "The invitation says 'Plus One.' I don't have one!" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: *sniffs* "How do I find one?!" fang-hua: im sure there's someone in the area. maybe go to a mixer? Tsukiyo: QwQ "Mixer?" fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: *takes her hand* "LET'S GO!" fang-hua: it's later in the week! Tsukiyo: "LET'S GO GET MY OUTFIT!!!" -elsewhere- rowena: *rings doorbell* lenore: *perched on rowena's shoulder* Blair: "???" *opens the door* "Hello~" rowena: hello, miss blair. hope you dont mind us dropping in. lenore: *nod* Blair: "Not at all! Come in!" *wiggles a finger to set up a chair* rowena: *sits down* thank you. Blair: *heats up some water* "Tea?" rowena: yes please. lenore: *POOF* *takes a seat* Blair: ^^ "Comfy?" *sets out tea cups* lenore: as comfy as i can be. you got any seed on ya? im starvin' Blair: *holds out a hand* *POOF* "Here you go~" lenore: *nom nom* rowena: so you two know each other, right? lenore: yeah, from back in the day. Blair: "..." *smiles* rowena: what was it like? Blair: "It was...an experience." lenore: we were familiars to an old witch. it was me, blair, and melas. Blair: *stares into her tea* rowena: i see. lenore: i remember our mistress was an old lady, a bit of a hermit, even by witch world standards. Blair: *nods* "She...seemed to appreciate the company." rowena: *listening* Blair: "She was far away from others, and I think she needed companionship." *sad smile* "For many people, having a cat around can make even the most un-homely place feel cozy." rowena: right...or in edgar's case, a raccoon. Blair: "Hee hee~ I suppose so. ... Lenore, do you think our mistress liked having us around?" lenore: i think so. i mean, she had to have liked us enough to grant us magic, right? Blair: "..." *nods* "...She gave us a bit..." -elsewhere- Dazai: -n- ("He's eating all the pizza...") Kunikida: "..." ("I'm going to be reprimanded for what happened to Aya...I'm just glad she's safe...") Q: ^w^ "Want my slice, Aya?" aya: *already eating her slice* yosano: kunikiiiidaaa~ ^^# may i have a word with you? Kunikida: ._______. "...In private?" yosano: *grabs him by the ponytail and drags him off* -too violent- Q: OwO;;;;; "...Are they doing adult things?" atsushi: .__________________________________. *shocked look at Q* aya: ........................ sylvia: like t-taxes? Q: OwO *stares at Atsushi* "...Very loud taxes." atsushi: ehehehe...yeah... ^^;;;; Q: "Huh..." *nom on pizza* Kunikida: X_____X -elsewhere- Rin: "How have your classes gone?" madoka: tiring *yaaaawn* Rin: "..." *pats her back* madoka: =///u///= Rin: "I could make some tea. And some cookies..." -elsewhere- Kid: "--and then we'll have to check on when your delivery arrives, re-do the drapes in our room, fix up Father's study, and--" *turns to look at Stocking--and just stares* stocking: *has her hair in a ponytail*...hm? Kid: "..." .\\\\\. "...Sorry. I just...haven't looked at you for so long..." stocking: kid... Kid: "...I like your hair like that." *smiles* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *reaches for her hand* stocking: *squeezes and kisses him* Kid: "Mmmm~" ^////^ stocking: hehe~ Kid: "...Even if I don't say it enough, please don't doubt that you are the most beautiful person." stocking: and you're the most handsome guy, kiddo~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ "D'aw..." *hug* stocking: hehehe~ i love you so much~<3 Kid: "I love you so much, too." stocking: *smooooch* mmmm~<3 Kid: "Mmm..." *pats her back* -elsewhere- soul: .......*tucks the kids in* Damon: "Zzz..." becky: zzzzz soul:....*closes the door*....*sigh*......*glances at maka's room*............*goes in and sits on the floor* .......... *There's a bit of dust on the desk* soul:.....(i've left your room untouched for so long.......) *There's a creaking sound* soul:......(yeah....you're right....ok. i'll get started first thing tomorrow...) *SLAM* soul: ?! *goes to check* *A book has fallen from the shelf* soul:....*picks it up, dusting it off* *It looks to be a children's book* soul:......*smiles* -elsewhere- hans: *looking at a tour guide pamphlet* Kafka: *reviewing a French phrase book* Walter: "How much further?" etta: it should be coming up soon, right roro? Leroux: *looking around* "Yes... hans:....i know, this is a big challenge for you to see it again after such a long time... Leroux: "...Yes." hans:..ah. there it is. Leroux: "..." *shakes* etta:....*pats his back* Leroux: "Th-Thanks..." hans: well then, shall we go in? Leroux: *whimpers* hans:....you can wait in the car if you want to.... Leroux: "I-I can do it...R-Right, Christine?" Kafka: -____- ("Can I stay in the car?") christine?: .... Leroux: "..." *steps forward* -inside- woman: <hello and welcom-...> !! Leroux: Q___Q Woman: <gaston! is that you?> Leroux: <...> *nods* woman: <it's me, meg giry! remember?> hans: <a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.> Leroux: *whimper* hans:... leroux, if you really are uncomfortable- Leroux: "I...can't back down." hans:....right. meg: <do you want to take the tour?> Walter: "Yes, please!" ^w^ Death the Kid: Kafka: -_____- ("Ruining a moment...") -and so- meg: <this room is the main theater, where all the shows took place.> etta: *shiny eyes* woooooah! Leroux: "..." Walter: "Etta's on stage a lot, too!" meg: <is that right?> etta: hehe~ <i am an actress back home after all~> *wink* meg: <i see.> ^^ {christine: *on stage, singing*} {Leroux: *staring* ._____. } {-she looks so lovely in the spotlight-} {Leroux: "..." *sighs, leans his hand on his chin*} Leroux: T~T etta:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." Hemingway: *fishing at a stream* twain: =w= *also fishing* oscar: its so peaceful, right? Hemingway: "Hmm." dorothy:.....bored. =A= baum: we'll remedy that right away! Hemingway: "???" oscar: i have an idea, dearies~ why not play the~king's~game~? twain: ohohohohoho! sounds good! Hemingway: "How's that work?" oscar: well in this case, i do have popcicle sticks. one stick is marked with red, which represents the 'king'. and the other sticks all have numbers, for all the other players. everyone draws sticks, and the person with the red marked stick is the king. the king then chooses a number or numbers and gives the order for what that person has to do. Hemingway: "..." *shoves Steinbeck* Steinbeck: "Ha-Wha?" Hemingway: "We're playing a game." -and so- Steinbeck: "..." *takes a stick* emily: since we have two minors playing with us, lets keep the game wholesome, ok? Hemingway: "Agreed. No booze." ebie: ^^ dorothy: ... baum: =v= Lovecraft: .~. twain: alright. who's gonna be the kiiing~? ebie: ok! im king! hmmm.....3 has to pat 8 on the back. Hemingway: "..." *holds up 8* oscar: *pap pap* hmhm ^^ Hemingway: *sighs* *hops on* -who is the king this time?- Steinbeck: *holds up the stick* "I am the king. And...2 has to put make-up on 7." -ebie did lovecraft's face up, spiderman style- Lovecraft: ._____. Steinbeck: "D'aw..." ^^ -it was twain's turn next- twain: alright....4 and 2....have to hold haaands nyohoho` =v= emily: ... 4.... .///.; Steinbeck: *holds up 2* emily:....*hand hold* .////////////////. Steinbeck: "..." ("Huh. Soft.") oscar: my my, seem she's all red, hoho~ Steinbeck: "... ... ..." Hemingway: "Oscar, please." emily: .///////////. *steam coming off her head* Lovecraft: "...John? Are you--" Steinbeck: "... ... ... ..." ebie: O.O mr steinbeck? Steinbeck: *opens his mouth--and only a squeak escapes..." dorothy:....they're in heat, arent they? baum: D8 oscar: OvO twain: O_O ebie: ?? Hemingway: "Nah, they haven't engaged in the traditional mating rituals." emily: 0______________0 Steinbeck: "..." *lets go of Emily's hand, doesn't look at her, just stares forward* emily: ah- Steinbeck: *squeaks* "N-Next king?" -elsewhere- Shousaku: *chained to a floor* "..." zoey: you knoooow.....im pretty upset now....my baby's run away....we had to move base....all because of that little brat.....and you tried to help her.......you knocked me down....you almost hurt master's baby.... Shousaku: "..." zoey: fufufufu.....ahhhhh~ *pant pant* i wanna kill you so much~ Shousaku: "...Is that...what 'master' wants?" zoey: .......perhaps....i'd have to......ask him......*exits* Shousaku: *sighs* -elsewhere- Magaki: *lying awake* "..." otogiri:....cant sleep? Magaki: *shakes their head 'no'* otogiri:....is something bothering you? Magaki: "...Guilt." otogiri: how so? Magaki: "I didn't ask to desire human blood. It...almost feels like a natural urge to consume." otogiri: ....that's understandable... Magaki: "...Sorry. I know it's not like...I mean, I don't know why any of us are like this." otogiri:....in our case, it's easier to explain.....our master, tsubaki *whisper* his name is also tsubaki, so try not to get confused, *normal* saved us. Magaki: "...Why would he do that?" otogiri: he was lonely.....he wanted a family. Magaki: "...Makes sense. ...Did you want to be in his family?" otogiri:.....do you know how we differentiate from other vampires? Magaki: *shakes their head 'no'* -one session of long exposition later- Magaki: "...I'm sorry you lost him." otogiri: he is alive, somewhere. we're certain of that. Magaki: "Hmm. That's good." -elsewhere- etta: *nom* mmmm~ so yummy~ =w= meg: glad to hear that. this was actually the theater's concession stand long ago. Leroux: "..." *inhale* meg:...<can i talk to you a moment, gaston?> Leroux: <...Of course.> meg:.....<listen, im sorry for everything mama, papa, and big sister did to you. i wish i could have understood better, then maybe...> Leroux: <I don't blame you.> meg:...<i know coming back is....probably hard for you, given all that's happened.> Leroux: <...That's an understatement...> *looks at the walls* meg:......<even though most of the main theater and structure was damaged, there were some places that werent burned. like the basement.> Leroux: <...I could see it?> meg: <well, it's not open to the public....but this place was still your home so...i suppose i'll make an exception this time.> Leroux: *nods* <Thank you.> -downstairs- meg:....<if you wanted to gather any of your old belongings-> Leroux: <Hmm.> *walks to his previous home* -the room is virtually untouched...save for the dust- Leroux: "..." *looks at the lights* -several bulbs have burnt out- Leroux: *disappointed grunt...turns and looks at the wall* -the poster is still there, if a bit aged- Leroux: *sad smile* -upstairs- etta: *checking the gift shop*... ah! Kafka: *following* etta: *picks up a CD; 'Julia Leroux Vocal Collection Remastered Edition'* *shiny eyes* Kafka: "??? Something you're getting?" etta: mmhmm! it's gonna be a present! Kafka: "...Hm." *looks around* -there are two men talking- man 1: <yeah, i heard this place has ghosts residing in it.> Kafka: "???" Man 2: <You think ghosts are everywhere.> Kafka: *opens his phrase book* man: <it's true man! there's two ghosts in particular that stand out. 'the lady in green' and 'the lady in white'.> Kafka: *flips* (" 'Lady'?") Man 2: <'Green'? 'White'? What, plaid wasn't available?> man: <haha screw off. anyway, they were apparently singers that preformed here long ago, and supposedly died on the premises. the lady in green haunts the theater, while at night, the lady in white haunts the theater, calling out to someone, probably family.> Kafka: *trying to keep up* (" 'Singers'...'Family'...") "..." *looks at Etta--and the album* etta: <sir, is there a place i can listen to this?> Clerk: <We have a player over there.> etta: <thank you~> *listening* (pretty....) Kafka: *listening* "..." *looks up at the ceiling* -elsewhere- meg: <are you done yet?> Leroux: <May I take this?> meg: <the poster? no offense meant, but it seems kind of....old now. ^^; > Leroux: <Consider me nostalgic.> meg:....<right> Leroux: *carefully takes down the poster* "..." <Thank you.> meg: ..... Leroux: "..." *carefully rolls the poster...he's crying* meg:...... {madame giry: <this is that wretch's fault that this happened! his mother never should have given birth to him!>} meg:... (shut up...) Leroux: "???" meg: <j-just remembering something> Leroux: "..." *sad smile* <A lot of that going around.> meg:....<yeah...well, we shouldnt keep your friends waiting.> Leroux: *nods* <After you.> -upstairs- Kafka: *flipping through more pages* Walter: ^w^ "Good dancing, Harriet." harriet: *tapping on the table.....people are leaving money down* Bystander #1: <So cute~!> hans: i guess this place still attracts performances after all. Kafka: "...I'm not sure they ever stopped, Hans." meg: <we're back~> ^^ Leroux: "..." hans: how was it? Leroux: "...Bittersweet." hans:...i see. meg: <find anything you all liked?> Walter: "You got some good tunes here..." meg: <ah. well if there's anything you want, i'll tell the clerk to give you a 70% discount today> Walter: "Excellent!" <Thank you!> Kafka: "..." *sighs* ("Of course Walter speaks French...") -____- hans: ^^; Leroux: *listening* "...!" meg: ?? Leroux: "Th-That music..." meg: ??? Leroux: "..." ("Mother...") meg: <gaston?> Leroux: <What is that music?> meg: *listening* ?? Leroux: <It...sounds like mother.> meg:.... *glances at the cd* Leroux: "..." *shaking* "It's beautiful..." meg: ..... Leroux: "...W-Walter, could you put this away?" *hands him the rolled-up poster* Walter: "??? Sure." *takes off his poster canister from his back and slips the poster in carefully* etta: ?? roro? Leroux: *sniffs, wipes his eye* etta: roro? are you ok?? -in a mausoleum- ???: *listening to the CD* .....julia...............no...nononononono! *throws the CD against the wall* IT DOESNT SOUND THE SAME!! it doesnt have....your cadence.....fools....they cant match your perfection.... *a drip is heard in the room* ???:......*goes up to the body.....strokes its face* just a little while longer.......only a few more i need....then we can be together..... .........*kiss* *the body is stiff against the kiss* ???: soon we'll be together.....and the rest of them will pay....for what they have done to us.... -morning- Dazai: "Zzz..." kirako: zzzzzz Dazai: *turns* Q: zzzzz Dazai: -_____- *groans, gets out of bed* Q: *snuggles up to kirako* mommy.... uwu Dazai: *heats up coffee, waffles* Q: *sniff* O.O *gets up* Dazai: *pours some glasses of orange juice* Q: *peeeeeeek* Dazai: "??? ...Want cereal?" Q: sure. Dazai: *pours a bowl, passes it to him* Q:..... Dazai: "...Did you want yogurt or something on it?" Q: strawberries! Dazai: "I think we got some...Yes!" *grabs some and washes them before slicing them and dropping them onto the cereal* Q: thanks bi-....dazai. Dazai: "...Yeah, sure." *takes out the waffles* -elsewhere- Damon: "???" becky: mr spirit, why are we hanging out with you today? Spirit: "Because you kids deserve to have some fun!" ^^ becky:...ok? izumi: ^^ Spirit: "Where you want to go first? We could play games, check out the toy shop--" becky: *looks out the window* *The weather is warming up a bit* Spirit: "??? Becky?" becky: yeah? Spirit: "Did you want to go out for a walk? Maybe the park?" becky:...sure. Spirit: "..." *looks at Izumi with a face that screams 'HELP'* izumi: there's even a playground there too! Damon: "!!! Really?!" izumi: yep! mom took me to play there all the time when we moved to death city. ^^ Damon: "..." izumi:...it'll be ok. Damon: *sniff* becky:.... *pap pap* Damon: *hugs Becky* -elsewhere- Kafka: "Zzz..." hans: *making breakfast* *some dinosaur growls are heard with each footstep...* hans: ??? Walter: *steps out in dinosaur-foot slippers* "What's for breakfast?" owo hans: *sweatdrop* Kafka: *tosses in bed--then falls out* "...Ow." etta: *in bed, still asleep* Kafka: *crawls up* *looks into the kitchen* "Where's Leroux?" hans: still sleeping. Kafka: "...Hmph. Let him sleep, then. Is there any fruit?" hans: there should be. Kafka: *takes some from the basket, slices up an apple* "Where did the boss want us to visit next?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Update on the city?" nygus: security cameras have been upgraded with tech from manhasset. Yumi: "..." *sighs* "That's some relief. Did footage find anyone of interest?" -elsewhere- Justin: *washing dishes* oriko: *watering flowers* Justin: *turns off the sink, dries his hands* "...The flowers look like they're coming in nicely." oriko: *smiles* Justin: "Any plans for today?" -elsewhere- Hemingway: "...I'm worried. He just sat up straight all night." Steinbeck: O_____O "Zzzzz..." oscar: you dont think the poor dear's sick, do you? baum: *prods him with a stick* i just hope whatever is wrong with him isnt contagious. that would just suck for everyone. Steinbeck: O____________O ebie: *spider mode, sitting on his head* owo Steinbeck: O_________O "...Ebie, please get off." ebie: are you still alive, mr john? Steinbeck: "Yes. What time is it?" baum: around 11 am. Steinbeck: O_________o "Jeez, that's too late. I need coffee and a cold shower." oscar: on it~ Hemingway: "And some protein, too. I'll cook up a steak with eggs." -elsewhere- Black Star: "...You sure about this, Soul?" soul: *nods* it's about that time now....i'll keep her things somewhere safe. Black Star: "...She'd appreciate this." soul:...yeah.... Black Star: "...Are _you_ okay with it?" soul:.....*nod* Black Star: "..." *pat pat* soul: i think it'll help both parties... Black Star: "True." *packs some books into boxes* "What you going to do with the kids? Put them in school?" soul: guess so. Black Star: "..." *small laugh* "You at parent-teacher conferences, though." soul: *chuckle* yeah, who'da thought... Black Star: "...How the heck did we end up with 'kids'?" soul: life's unpredictable, i guess. Black Star: "True...When do the kids' beds arrive?" soul: soon i hope. Black Star: "And that still leaves whatever decorations you want up." soul: i should probably let the kids pick their own decorations out. Black Star: "What do they even like?" soul:..... ._.;;; i need to learn more about them, dont i? Black Star: "Yep, 'Dad.'" soul: *sweats* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: *reading* Chuuya: "..." *sets down some boxes* "Sonia? Is that for homework?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Did Kajii ask you to take notes?" sonia: i think so.... Chuuya: "...Could I help?" sonia: sure. Chuuya: *takes a sheet of notebook paper* "Let's see what to write down. What subject is this?" -elsewhere- Panda: *staring at the microwave* "Come on--hurry!" sasori: ........ {sasori: *strapped to a table, crying*} {???: "Stop that."} {sasori: <m-mama! papa! im scared!> *sob*} {???: "They are not here."} {sasori: *cries*} {???: "Relax. It'll end quickly."} sasori:.... Panda: "DING!" inka: awesome! popcorn's ready! Sancho: "What's the movie?" -elsewhere- Alone: "So what are we doing again?" shaula: hell if _i_ know. Alone: .w. "Well, you're the smart one. I mean, besides Grim." shaula: hmmm..... Kurogiri: "Ah, there you are. I had questions about why there are scorpions in tanks under the bar." shaula: they're my babies! Kurogiri: "...Your babies are too young for the bar." shaula:....har-de-fuckin-har. Alone: "Ha! Dad humor!" shaula:.....oh. 7_7 Kurogiri: "...Thank you. Now, onto other business--we have a meeting." shaula: cool. Kurogiri: "We will need the others-- ...Where are the others?" -a loud female moan sounds from one room- beatrice:....well we know where kinuta is. Kurogiri: "..." -______________- "Make it stop." shaula: so who's going in NOT IT himiko: not it! beatrice: not it. Alone: "Wait, I wasn't invited! Not it!" Kurogiri: "?!!! I-I didn't know we were doing that!" >_< twice: no-.....darn.....*opens door* O________O WOWZERS! kinuta: hm? oh, hey. Dabi: "...You mind?" twice:...meeting in a few minutes. see ya there. *closes door*.......excuse me, i need to wash my mask. *blood is leaking where his nostrils are* Kurogiri: "...Gross." himiko: *pouts* not enough for me to use. boo. Kurogiri: "Himiko, please." Alone: "...So she's a vampire?" himiko: soooorta but not really~ hehe~ Alone: "??? Vague, but not the weirdest thing I've heard." -elsewhere- Damon: *sits on the swing* ._. becky: *pushing him on the swing* Damon: "..." ^w^ becky:...*smiles and pushes* Spirit: "She seems to take good care of him." izumi: must be nice to have siblings. Spirit: "...I think it is...I wish that you had that chance." izumi: .... Spirit: "...Maka...would have liked you." izumi:...yeah... Spirit: "..." *wipes his eyes* izumi:... *pat pat* Spirit: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: *lifts up Shiori* shiori: kid! Kid: "Hello! Ready to go?" shiori: ya! Kid: *sets her in her stroller* "Let's roll." shiori: ^u^ Kid: *opens the door, wheels out* "Really bright today, isn't it?" shiori: sunny! Kid: "Yep! No clouds...but the trees are budding." shiori: OuO Kid: "Soon there will be leaves, flowers growing again--it'll be warmer." shiori: fwower! Kid: "Yes! And flowers with butterflies." shiori: buffy! Kid: ^^ "You like butterflies, too?" shiori: *giggle* Kid: "I like them, too. So symmetrical..." =\\\= shiori: ^o^ Kid: " *ahem* Let's head to the park--you can go on the swings." shiori: ok! Kid: ^w^ "And you'll go high and high up on the swing...” izumi: ?? oh, hey mr kid! becky: ?? Kid: "Oh, Izumi, Spirit. Hello!" Damon: "..." *whispers* "His hair..." izumi: *covers his mouth* ^^;; becky: is that his daughter? shiori: ? Kid: ^^; "No, this is my baby sister, Shiori. Say 'Hi,' Shiori." shiori: hihi! Kid: "You're Becky and Damon, yes?" becky:...yes? Damon: "..." Kid: *holds out his hand* "I'm Kid." becky: arent you a bit old to be a kid? Kid: ^^; "It's short for 'Death the Kid.' My father is the previous Death." becky: ...oh... Damon: Q__Q "...You're a zombie?" Kid: ._.; "...No?" izumi: there is a zombie in town, but he's really nice. ^^; Spirit: "Kid is a shinigami--a death god, responsible for putting departed souls to rest." becky:.....oh.... Damon: "..." *crying* shiori: ?? baba? becky:..*hugs damon* Kid: "...I am sorry, to both of you, for your loss. I don't know what you feel...but I have known this loss as well." becky: ...... Kid: "My mother...passed away when I was very young." becky:....oh..... Kid: "I know it hurts. And I don't think the pain leaves. But you find ways to remember and honor those you lost--and share the love you had with your parents to others who are invested in your well-being." Damon: *crying* *sniff* becky:....right.... Damon: "I-I don't understand..." Kid: "..." becky:....mr soul...said he'd look after us, right? Damon: "Y-Yeah?" becky:....then we'll have to trust him a bit more... Kid: *smiles* "I have known Soul a long time. You can trust him." becky:.... -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *sighs* naho: *leaning against him, her back to his chest* lilac: zzzz *his chest to sakuya's back* Sakuya: =\\\= *hugs Naho* naho: ^w^ Sakuya: "Mmm..." *yawns* -elsewhere- Meme: "How are they all?" mio:....they seem to be ok... Meme: *sigh* "I hope so. Anya looked angry." mio: ..... Meme: "And Tsugumi has enough problems..." *smiles at Mio* "Maybe we can cheer them up." mio: hmmm.... Meme: "Maybe movie night?" mio: sounds good. Meme: "Let's find something for them." -elsewhere- yana: ..... Ivan: <Master~?> yana:...yeah? Ivan: "What's wrong?" yana:....just tired.... Ivan: "I'm sorry. Perhaps nap?" yana: just woke up from one... Ivan: "Oh...Tea?" yana:...sure. Ivan: ^w^ *heats water* yana:...... {yana: .......} {Fyodor: <Speaking yet?>} {yana:.....*looks at him*} {Fyodor: "..." <I am Fyodor.>} {yana:....*grunt of reply*} {Fyodor: <And I will guide you.>} yana:...... Ivan: *sets down some cups* yana: .....*stares out the window* Ivan: "It's not the worst view..." yana:....must look nice on a rainy day.... Ivan: "Mm! Wait for spring." yana: i guess...... Ivan: "We may even be able to plant things--if we can avoid being detected." yana: *nod* Ivan: "Maybe wind chimes~" -elsewhere- Mall Customer #1: *skating* erina: excuse me, you'll have to take that outside. Mall Customer #1: "Why? Nothing illegal to skate here." erina: it's more of a safety concern. Mall Customer #1: "I'm wearing a helmet! Get off my back, lady!" erina: sir, had someone fall into the fountain earlier in the week. Mall Customer #1: "...Okay, I don't think you're listening, bitch--" erina: sir, please calm down. Mall Customer #1: "No! I keep dealing with shit from people like you trying to keep me and my skateboard down--" ???: "Is there a problem, fellow young person?" Mall Customer #1: *spins, swings his fist* Jordan: .______. *barely ducks* "!!!" erina: *cuffs the guy* sir, im going to have to ask you to come with me? Mall Customer #1: "HE STARTED IT!" Jordan: "DUDE! RUDE!" erina: sir, he only just started talking after us. Jordan: Q_______Q "You almost made me drop my purchase. It makes soda and everything--" *finally recognizes Erina* "!!! Oh! Erina!" erina: *nods* hey. i'll talk to you later, im on shift right now. ^^; Jordan: OwO " 'K-Kay! Go reprimand that miscreant!" Mall Customer #1: "That's not my name, douche!" erina: come on. *drags him off* Mall Customer #1: "Maaaaaaaaan! Mom's gonna ground me..." T~T -elsewhere- Black Star: *asleep on Soul's couch* "Zzz..." soul: *checking his phone* Spirit: [ready for them to come home?] soul: [still setting up. maybe have them sleep over @ izumi's?] Spirit: [i think they'll be fine with that. i would talk with them on the phone though--kids like to know they can talk with their parents any time] soul: [right.] Spirit: *looks at the kids* becky: *playing* Damon: *picks up a doll* -elsewhere- Blair: "..." lenore: well, thanks for having us over. Blair: *smiles* "Of course! Come back any time!" rowena: *nods and exits, waving* Blair: "..." *shuts the door...lays a hand on it* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "How do you feel?" leo: well...*rubs her stomach* Motojiro: "...Upset tummy?" leo: *shakes head* just nervous. Motojiro: "...O-Oh! Right..." *rests a hand on her stomach* It'll be okay." leo: *nuzzle* Motojiro: =w= "Mmm." -elsewhere- Leroux: "..." hans: *knock* Leroux: "??? Come in." hans: how're you feeling? Leroux: "...I don't know. I feel sad..." hans: ....i understand it was hard for you today...*pat pat* Leroux: "Yes...I miss her." hans: she's still with you... Leroux: "...In my memories?" hans: *nods* and in your heart. Leroux: "..." *sad smile* hans: get some rest. we're going to be visiting the louvre tomorrow. Leroux: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *brings Shiori inside* shiori: hehe lord death: hey kiddos~ *hug* Kid: "..." *hug* "Hello, Father." lord death: you two have fun on your walk? shiori: babu! Kid: "..." *sad smile, nods* lord death: something on your mind, kiddo? Kid: "...I met the children Soul is taking care of." lord death: ah. i see. Kid: "It brought up some sadness, to lose a parent." lord death:....*pats his back* Kid: *nods* "Sorry..." lord death: it's ok shiori: bubu... Kid: "..." *strokes Shiori's hair* shiori: =w= Kid: "...I miss Mother. And...I want to do right for her." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." mahiru: *pacing* Kuro: "??? What's with you?" mahiru: s-sorry....just a bit nervous because of this whole school thing....what's C3 planning? Kuro: "...Nothing good, I'm sure." *digs through a closet* mahiru:...... Kuro: *pulls out a mop* "...For real?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *blowing a bubble...and floating up with it* OoO;;; ryuuko: *shoots a feather bullet* *POP* Kishiri: *suspended in mid air* "..." *and falls like a lead balloon* *lands in a conveniently placed bush* "..." *coughs up leaves* ryuuko: *sigh* Kishiri: "I'm okay!" -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking through street, staring at a map...and lost* *grumble* ???: *walking* Kafka: "Grr...Um..." <Pardon me? I am lost.> ???: .... <i see...> -the man has long black hair and red eyes..- Kafka: ._______. "..." <Where is the metro?> man: <two blocks to the right.> Kafka: *stares* <...Thank you.> *turns* man:...... Kafka: ("Stay calm, keep walking, just your imagination...") *shudders* ("Creep.") man:....*skulks into the alley* *The alley is quiet* man:....<soon...my dearest...> -elsewhere- Dazai: *driving* atsushi: O_O;;;; Dazai: *grabs his Big Gulp, takes a sip, still driving with only one hand on the wheel* "SLUUUUUUURP. So...Excited?" atsushi: my adrenaline certainly is pumping... Dazai: "I know--errands do that for me, too. But keep your eye on the goal, and we'll be home in time for whatever Lucy cooks for you." *turns sharply* atsushi: *faceplants against the window* Dazai: "...HOLY SHIT!" *slams the brakes* atsushi: grk- Dazai: *kicks open the door, runs to the front of the car--and gets down to asphalt level* atsushi: dazai? what? *There are baby ducks and their mother walking right in front of the car* Dazai: Q____Q "I almost hit them..." atsushi: *phew* that was close.. *sits and waits for them to carry on safely* Dazai: *sits on the sidewalk, staring forward* Q______Q atsushi:.... Dazai: "The little baby quack-quacks...and their mama quack-quack..." atsushi: yeah... odasaku: ..... Dazai: "...I'm not cut out for this." atsushi:...*looks at dazai* Dazai: "Akutagawa...Q...Not exactly parental or brotherly material." atsushi:.....i think maybe you're doing better than you were. you've been takng care of me, right? kyouka too. Dazai: "..." *sighs* "You two would be fine without me." atsushi: *shakes head* if i hadnt met you, i'd probably be living on the street still. and besides....you're the one who helped me understand my ability. Dazai: "..." *nods* atsushi: *hugs* i think you're doing great. Dazai: "..." Q___Q *pat pat* odasaku:....*smiles* Dazai: "..." *looks up* atsushi: ..... Dazai: "...Is it going to rain?" atsushi: later this evening, i think... Dazai: "..." *sighs* "I guess we have our work remaining..." atsushi:...right. Dazai: "..." *stands up* "...Want to drive?" atsushi: i dont have a license... ^^; Dazai: "Then we'll practice!!!" atsushi: .-.;;; -elsewhere- Chuuya: *folding clothes* sonia: *sitting on her bed, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "How's Mito?" sonia: she seems happy...*pet pet* mito: *meow* Chuuya: *smiles* "Good...I'll get food going in a bit." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Anything you're craving?" sonia: *shrug* Chuuya: "Maybe some pasta?" sonia:...ok. Chuuya: "..." *sits on the bed with her* sonia:...*leans against him* Chuuya: *pat pat* "I love you." sonia: i love you too, papa. Chuuya: "...You're such a perfect person...and a gift." sonia:....*hug* Chuuya: *hug* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Black Star still isn't home?" tsubaki: he's staying the night. soul told me he just crashed after working all day. ^^; Shamrock: "I've seen him practically lift buildings--and household moving tuckers him out?" *sets out tea and a slice of pie* -elsewhere- Gogol: *asleep on the floor* yana:.... -_-; Gogol: =w= *growls* yana:... lydia: *lifts him up and carries him to his room* Gogol: *sucks his thumb* lydia: -_-; <stop that.> Gogol: "Sing me a bedtime story~" lydia:....*sigh* -elsewhere- Crona: *shakes* mami: *holds them* Crona: "I-I'm sorry..." mami: its ok. *strokes their head* Crona: "J-Just bad dreams...So much blood..." mami: shhh, im here now… Crona: "..." *nods...inhales* -morning- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzz Kid: *hug* stocking: mmm~ =w= Kid: "Good morning." stocking: *snuggles* Kid: =w= *hugs, kisses her cheek* "Sleep well, then?" stocking: yeah. ^///^ Kid: *nods* "I feel better after... ..." *hug* stocking: glad to hear. *kiss* Kid: =\\\\= *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring, talking in his sleep* "No, Tsubaki...No, pecans are stealing my money..." -elsewhere- -seems to be raining now- Motojiro: *lying beside Leo, listening to the drops* leo: *sleeping* Motojiro: "..." *tucks her in* leo: *smile* Motojiro: <Warm enough?> leo: <yes.> Motojiro: *hug* <Any plans?> -elsewhere- Akitaru: *watches raindrops on the window, sips his coffee* -the firefly pulls up to the 8th's base- Akitaru: "???" *opens the door* miwa: *waves* heyyy~ hope you dont mind us dropping by! Akitaru: "Not at all! Come in, get dry..." -and so- sayu: *eating pancakes* Akitaru: "Eat up! We got more..." sayu: thaaanks~ nayumi: *nom nom* tamaki: =w= Arthur: *stacks pancakes into another castle tower* Akitaru: "What brings you over?" miwa: thought we'd pay a visit for a while. Akitaru: "Well, we could use the help. We're still recovering after Hoods and other work." padma: *nods* Akitaru: "I don't suppose you all have encountered any of them?" miwa: not that im aware, no. misora: i did, remember? and that creepy guy? *CRINGE* tamaki: oh right, she-....she was there... Arthur: "They could be following us, even to our frontsteps." tamaki: well we should be on our guard, just in case they sneak in our ranks... misora: ..... Victor: .w.;;; Akitaru: *nods* "I think we may go back to a buddy system." -elsewhere- Damon: "..." *picks up the spoon* sachiko: *making breakfast* Spirit: "Anything you're craving, kids?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* "...Looks good enough." soul: yeah. they're gonna love it. Black Star: "Heh...Look at you being all giddy." soul: ?? 7///7; Black Star: "You're going to be great dad material." soul: sure hope so... Black Star: *stretches* "Need anything else before I head home?" -elsewhere- Walter: *looking at the itinerary* etta: *shiny eyes* Kafka: "...Hm. Not that bad." hans: *looking around* Leroux: *points* "Then there is the cafe over there..." hans: *smiles* Leroux: "...Maybe some pastries..." etta: =w= Kafka: "..." *stomach growl* -elsewhere- Bon: "You found nothing?" konekomaru: *shakes head* Bon: "Damn it...Where could they be..." Rin: .___________.;;;;; *hiding* Bon: "I still can't get the smell of sawdust out of my nose..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Come on, let's head out." naho: yay! lilac: o-ok! >.< Sakuya: "We can even get you some hot chocolate!" -elsewhere- Dazai: *humming, chopping apples* Q: *staaaaare* Dazai: "...Want peanut butter?" Q: cant have peanuts. Dazai: "Oh...Good warning. How about yogurt?" Q: okaaay. Dazai: "Sleep okay?" Q: i guess. Dazai: "...You seemed quiet. Not kicking as much..." Q:....*looks down at his cereal* Dazai: "...Something's bothering you." Q:....just lonely.... Dazai: "...Aya or your new-mommy?" Q:....mama... Dazai: "Hmm...You know that wasn't your real mom." Q:....i know... Dazai: "...But you wanted her to be." Q:...*whimper* Dazai: "...Hey. Not everyone has parents...You can't just grab onto the first one who offers a hand. You got to pick better ones." Q:.........are you gonna send me back to the mafia? Dazai: "...Yes." Q:.......are they gonna lock me up again? Dazai: "...I'm going to talk to them." Q:..... Dazai: "Just...It has to get better." Q:........ Dazai: "..." *small smile* "Have a little faith in me." Q:.....*looks down at the floor* Dazai: "..." *pats his head* Q:.... Q~Q Dazai: "..." Q: uuuuuu...... Dazai: "..." *hug* Q:.....*awkward hug* Dazai: *pat pat* Q:...c-can i do one thing first? Dazai: "??? What's that?" Q: *KICK TO THE SHINS* THAT'S FOR HAVING ME LOCKED UP IN THE FIRST PLACE! Dazai: Q___Q "Ow ow ow! You little-!" Q: >XP atsushi: *sweatdrop* so much for a touching moment... Dazai: "Ow...Atsushi, finish his breakfast...I need to put ice on this..." -elsewhere- Hemingway: "At least he's talking again..." twain: hey buddy, you ok? Steinbeck: "F-Fine. Just dandy." oscar: you still look a bit red, johnny boy. Steinbeck: -\\\\\- "I'm. Fine." -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the door* "I'm home." tsubaki: welcome back. ^^ Black Star: ^^ "Miss me?" tsubaki: *hug* Black Star: ^\\\^ *pat pat* -elsewhere- Poe: O~O "The rain just keeps coming..." lana: yeah. spring will be here soon. Poe: "Hmm...Warmer weather, then." *holds up Karl* karl: ^o^ Poe: "..." *smiles* "At least you'll get to play outside more." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "And this is us on the Ferris wheel--" *swipes the phone screen* sylvia: w-wow...that's...p-pretty high up.. .~. Kyoka: "Hmm. It was worth it for the view." sylvia: .... Kyoka: "..." *flips to another screen* "There's a petting zoo in town." sylvia: hmmm... Kyoka: "...Do you like animals?" -elsewhere- Damon: "..." soul: got a surprise for you two. becky: ?? soul: *opens the door* you're own room. becky: *shiny eyes* Damon: "!!! F-For us?" soul: *smiles and nods* we can go out and buy decorations today if you want. Damon: "...A-Are you sure?" soul: *he nods* becky: thanks mr soul! Damon: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I gave them some tasks to keep them busy..." ???: good. Kurogiri: "It's a rather odd group..." ???: sounds like it. Kurogiri: "They provide muscle, some new experiments..." ???: *listening* Kurogiri: "We could always release a few..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *nom nom nom nom nom--* Walter: o_o hans: .... etta: ._. Walter: "M-Maybe go slower on those macarons, buddy--or at least share--" *reaches for one* Kafka: *hiss* hans: 0-0; -elsewhere- Lily: "Welcome, Mahiru~" mahiru: hey. *wave* misono: so you're transfering to the DWMA next month? mahiru: im every bit as shocked as you are. Kuro: "It's a pain." -_- shinoa: that means we'll be seeing you more often. Lily: "You can have study groups!" mahiru: *smiles* Kuro: *grumbles* "The lessons can't be that fun..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *driving back home* -red light- Spirit: *comes to a stop* -someone is...climbing on top of the car?!- inka: >83 Spirit: "?!!! What the hell--" -light turns green- inka: YEEHAW! *The car drives forward* Spirit: .____. "..." *follows* inka: *hanging on* Spirit: *carefully pulls up to the side, signals to the driver to lower their window* driver: ?? Spirit: *shouts* "Pull over! You have someone on your roof!" driver: ?? *looks up* inka: hey. driver: HEY GET DOWN FROM THERE! Spirit: "PULL. OVER!" -the driver does so- inka: *pouts* awww... Spirit: *stamps forward* "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!" Inka: *sticks out tongue and runs* driver:...weird kid.... Spirit: "Oh, no, you don't!" *runs after her* -elsewhere- Patty: *holds up Takeru's jacket* "Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!" takeru: yeah... i-it is pretty big... ^^; hito: ... Patty: "Hee hee..." *puts on the jacket* "Hito! Look! I could fit another half of me in this!" hito: i suppose so. Patty: "Hey, how's training going?" *leans forward* -elsewhere- meg: *opens door* im home.... ???: <welcome home, young madame> meg: ?!?! <w-who are-> ???: <i have come to clean up some loose ends...> *twisted grin* -later- Leroux: "..." etta: today was a good day. ^^ Kafka: *holding a brown paper bag* =\\\\= hans: well, seems we all learned a few things today. Kafka: *hugs the paper bag* >\\\\\< "I don't have to share these..." hans: *chuckle* etta: hehehe~ Kafka: .\\\\~\\\\. "..." Walter: "Where next?" hans: maybe check out one of the parks? im sure they'll be lit up tonight. Leroux: "...Yes, they will be." hans:...it's already so late.... -singing can be heard in the distance.....a familiar voice...- Leroux: "...?!" etta: ?? roro? what is it? -it seems to be coming from the alley- Leroux: "..." *runs* hans: h-hey! wait! etta: *follows him* Leroux: ("It can't...It isn't...") *turns into the alley* -the voice seems to be coming from inside a graveyard- Leroux: *shaking...approaches* gravekeeper: ....?? <sir? why are you here so late-> Leroux: <D-Don't you hear it?> gravekeeper:.... <i dont hear anything...> -a scream is heard from one mausoleum- gravekeeper: ?! Leroux: <What the devil?!> gravekeeper: *takes out keys and heads over* hans:.....*uneasy* Leroux: *follows* Kafka: *panting* "Wh-What is he..." Walter: *wheezing, takes out inhaler* etta: roro! what's gotten into you!? Leroux: <How is this possible?! It can't be--> hans: leroux, what did you hear? Leroux: "Singing..." hans: ?? etta: well we did hear that scream... Leroux: "..." *approaches the entrance* gravekeeper: ...??! <it's unlocked?!> *opens the door* <HEY! Who's in here?!> meg: <PLEASE HELP!> ???:..............*glares* Kafka: "!!! You?!" ???: <how dare you....how dare you interrupt this....i was finally going to make them pay for all they have done...she was to be the last to bring her back....> Leroux: "..." <'Her'?> ???: <my beloved julia....she died because of this girl and her family! they tore us apart, and left her to die... i already eliminated them and their first daughter before....and now she will join them in hell...hehehe~ and soon, my darling julia will return to me~> Leroux: "..." meg:....<you.....you're erik destler....a former theater employee, right?> erik: ....<seems you have done your research...but it wont do you any good...> Leroux: <Step away.> erik: ?? meg: ?? <gaston?> Leroux: <Whatever you are planning, I cannot allow it.> erik: <i simply wish to be with my love again, how can you not understand that?> Leroux: <Believe me...I know.> erik: *putting on a claw glove* <then you would let me have this...> Leroux: "!!!" *looks around* meg: !!!! Leroux: *spots a sword* "..." *takes it from the wall* erik: <farewell-> Leroux: <Leave, scoundrel!> *swings his blade* erik: <you insufferable CUR!> *slashes* meg: *pulling off the other bindings and runs to the stairwell* Leroux: *blocks* <What did she mean to you?> erik: <she was an angel... her voice could move the heavens themselves. we were young, and so happy together. knowing she loved an insignificant man like myself, made me feel like my life was worth something.....> Kafka: *watching* "..." ("Move...Move, you idiot! Why won't you do something?!) etta: *helping meg upstairs* Leroux: *continues to slice, trying to keep Erik back* <How did you know her?> Walter: "Oh, man...What did we get ourselves into?" erik: <it is as the girl said, i was but a simple stage hand, who fell in love with an angel of music. my beloved Julia Leroux.> Leroux: <...What do you know about her family?> erik: ??? <she was pregnant with my child.....but the child is likely long dead...> Leroux: <No...That child is not.> erik:....<what do you mean?> Leroux: <I am her child!> erik:.....<you're lying.....you're lying you're lying YOU'RE LYING YOU'RE LYING!!!> *attacks* Leroux: "!!!" *dodges* erik: <i'll kill you, i'll kill you!> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! -FWOOOM- erik: *dodges* hans: *had sent a fire blast* LEROUX! COME ON! Leroux: "..." *follows her* erik: *follows* gravekeeper: <you all go warn the police, i'll hold him off!> Walter: *already calling on his phone, trying to keep up* Kafka: "..." *not focused as he runs with them* -shrk- gravekeeper: !!! *claw through the gut* hans: !!!! erik:................*rips the soul out*....<you'll just have to do.....> *runs back downstairs* etta: !!!! meg: *shocked* Leroux: "!!!" <Monster!> *starts to run--* meg: <gaston dont! he's too dangerous!!> -halfway down the stairs, a loud screech is heard- Leroux: "!!! ..." *continues slowly down the stairs* -there is a female figure, crawling out of the casket, adorned in a green dress.....but her body has since mummified, leaving a bony withered corpse behind- 'julia': *lets out a dry groan* Leroux: "..." <No...> erik: *takes her bony hand* shhhh <there there, my love. i'm here now....> *he smiles* <absolutely beautiful...> Leroux: <What have you done...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!> erik: <my darling julia is alive again....and as beautiful as the day we met~> *strokes 'her' face* <soon, we will be wed, and we will be together for eternity....> hans: !!!!!!!!!!! meg: *SCREAMS* 'julia': *turns to look at them* *dry groan* erik: <that girl, she is the last of the damned giry family who tore us apart.....we will put an end to them here...> 'julia': *SCREEEEEEECH* Leroux: *points the blade at them...his hand shaking* <Don't do this.> erik: <i've already eliminated most of those fiends! i even set that accursed theater ablaze! all for her!> Leroux: "!!! You...You killed her..." meg: !!!!! hans: oh fuck. erik: ?? Leroux: "...YOU KILLED CHRISTINE!" erik: oh? hans: leroux now is not the time to fly off the handle- Leroux: "AND IF IT WAS SOMEONE YOU LOVED THAT HE KILLED?!" hans: .... 'julia': *lunges at them screaming* Leroux: "..." *tries to grab her* 'julia': *dry groan.....strokes his face*.... <y...o...u..r..........f..a...t..h..e...r..s........e...y...e...s.......> Leroux: "..." *tears up* erik: <YES! FINISH HIM OFF!> Leroux: <Mother...No...> 'julia': *SCREEECH* *holding 'her' head* Leroux: "..." *crying* <It hurts, doesn't it?> 'julia': *grooan* *shaking* erik: <julia? darling? what's wrong?> *going over to her* Leroux: *aims the sword at Erik* <STAY BACK!> erik: <GET AWAY FROM HER!!> Leroux: <YOU HAVE MADE HER SUFFER! YOU HAVE MADE ALL OF US SUFFER! MURDERER!> erik: <all i've done, i did for her! after what they did-> Leroux: <This was NEVER the way to fix any of this! There has been enough death! Now stay back!> erik: <i've worked so hard to be with her again! i wont let you take her away-> ?! *he cant move* Leroux: "?!!!" etta: *holding them in place* meg: <please, just stop this! i dont know what my parents did to upset you, mr destler! cant you at least explain it to us?!> Leroux: "..." erik: ..... meg: <i know, you're both hurting, but fighting isnt going to solve this!> erik:.....<as you know, julia was a songstress, and i, a simple stagehand. we were happy, but the madame didnt approve our relationship...eventually, she had me sent away. i was gone for years, and when i returned....my darling julia was dead...> Leroux: <...In childbirth.> erik:.....<what?> Leroux: <She died...giving birth to her son.> erik:....... {julia: <you have his eyes....you have your father's eyes...>} Leoux: "..." *looks up, tears coming from one eye...his hand reaches for his mask* erik: ?? Leroux: <I am Julia's son. And yours.> erik:......*too shocked to move* hans: !!! etta:...roro... Leroux: <...This is not fair to her...> erik: ........*tears falling* <i dont....want to lose her again....> Leroux: <We can't...bring them back.> erik: .................. Leroux: <Please...Let her rest.> erik:..............*shaking* <julia.....> hans:..... miss leroux? please hold still......*looks at leroux* Leroux: <She's suffered enough...> hans:....i'll make it quick.....*ignites her* 'julia':.......... *she doesnt even scream* erik: no- NO!! *sobbing* ???: "It's okay." erik: *looks up* *There is Julia, smiling* erik:.....*holds her tightly* Julia: <It's okay...I'm here.> erik: *whimpers* <please.....dont leave me....> Julia: <I won't...I promise.> erik: *holding her, stroking her hair* hans:..... Leroux: *watches* "..." -later- Leroux: *sitting on the steps* "..." meg: <well, he'll be sent to a psychiatric center to get help...> Leroux: *nods* meg:.....*covers her face* <i cant believe mother was so unfair to them....and to you....> Leroux: *shakes his head* <None of this that...that he did was ever justified. It is I who is sorry...> meg: ?? Leroux: <I am sorry for your loss...> meg:.... <same to you....> Leroux: "..." *wipes his eye* meg:...*hug* Leroux: "..." *pat pat* etta: *hug* you're not alone, roro. dont forget that, ok? hans: *hug* Walter: *hug* T~T Kafka: >_> "..." *pats Leroux's shoulder* Leroux: Q____Q hans: ...well, we should at least enjoy the rest of our trip, right? Leroux: "T-Tomorrow...We all need rest..." hans:...right. -elsewhere- goethe: *staring at the ceiling* ...... Jakob: -3- "I'm bored." wilhelm: im hungry =3= goethe: same. wilhelm: ...hey mr goethe, why do you hate that four-doors guy so much? [note; he means fyodor] goethe: cause he's a sack of shit. Jakob: ._. "...Oh. How is he a sack of shit?" goethe: lets say our goals contradict each other. Jakob: "...So he doesn't want to help ability users?" goethe: far from it kid. {goethe: 'eliminate the sin of ability users’, you say?} {Fyodor: "Of course."} {Ivan: "..."} {hans:...} {goethe:...*giggles....before he starts cackling*} {Fyodor: "???"} {Ivan: *head tilt*} {hans: johann?} {goethe: oh my god! HAHAHA! how ludicrous! how unthinkable! KAHAHAHAHA! i heard that russians had an odd sense of humor, but i didnt think it was this bad! HAHAHAHA!!!} {Fyodor: *smiles* "I was not joking."} {goethe: oh this has to be a joke, otherwise, i draw one of two conclusions. *holds up one finger* conclusion number 1, you're stupid. *holds up two fingers* conclusion 2, you're REALLY freaking stupid!} {Ivan: "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MASTER, YOU LAYABOUT!"} {goethe: seems i just did. do you have a problem with that?} {Ivan: "Let me hurt him, Master--"} {Fyodor: *holds up a hand to say 'no'*} {hans: *glares at them*} {goethe: it seems our goals are too different. an alliance between us is impossibly impossible!} {Fyodor: "Well, that's disappointing. And a bit of a stumbling block."} {goethe: not my problem. you may now kindly leave the premises, and throw yourself into a burning pile of shit on your way out.} {Fyodor: "You misunderstand. When I encounter a stumbling block--"} {*CRASH*} {*Ivan's Golem fist attacks*} {hans: !!! *fire blast*} {Fyodor: "I knock it down."} {Ivan: *tries to encase the fire in rock*} {hans: !!! *flame blast at ivan's feet*} {Ivan: "!!!" *leaps back* "Witch!"} {hans: no, just gifted is all.} {goethe: *grins*} {Fyodor: "..." *stares at Hans*} {hans: i believe he asked you to leave.} {Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "Tell me...Have you ever had a nosebleed?"} {hans: ?? what does that have to-} {*SLAM*} {hans: *knocked back*} {goethe: !!} {Fyodor: "Thank you, Ivan."} {Ivan: ~<3 *has a Golem that knocked Hans*} {Fyodor: *walks up to Hans, removes his glove*} {hans: !!! *FIRE BLAST*} {Ivan: <MASTER!>} {Fyodor: *stops just short of the flames...but his hat catches a small flame*} {hans: *smirks* i may be knocked down, but im not knocked out.} {Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "The next time I touch you, you'll be dead."} {goethe: then hopefully we never cross paths again.} {Fyodor: "...Hope as you wish. But I do not ignore the possibility." <Until we meet again.> *turns*} wilhelm: *gulp* ._.;;; miss hans is badass. Jakob: "Those men sound dangerous..." goethe: just keep an eye out for them, ok? wilhelm: will do. ._.;; -elsewhere- Relan: "It's a bit more crowded now." ^^; "How long are they visiting?" shinra: not sure. i think oubi mentioned something about another training camp? Relan: "Oh..." *rotates his shoulder* "Hope it's not as rough as it could be..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: -_____- "I don't wanna..." ryuuko: kishiri.... Kishiri: "It's dumb. More training and working together?" ryuuko: *hard glare* Kishiri: "..." Q____Q "Don't look at me like that. I'll do it." ryuuko: glad to hear that. -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking home* ochako: see you guys tomorrow!....hm? oh hey todoroki. *wave* Todoroki: "Oh. Hello." *smiles, waves* ochako: just got off shift for the night. *streeetch* Todoroki: "...Oh. How...did it go?" ochako: it went pretty good i think. ^^ Todoroki: "How far along are you with raising money?" ochako: i should have enough for a sleeping bag by april! Todoroki: "That's great. Will you continue after that point?" ochako: ....*sweats* Todoroki: "...Sorry, I said something wrong, didn't I?" ochako: oh no, you didnt do anything wrong! ^^; though it brings up a moral dilemma. it's a temporary job, but i dont want to feel like a quitter. =3= such is the struggle of life. Todoroki: "...People do move from job to job. You're just getting that experience sooner than most. And is this the kind of job you thought would lost longer than just a few months?" ochako:...that is a good point. Todoroki: "..." *nods* "I know you'll do what you need to." ochako: *smiles* thanks. Todoroki: "You're welcome. ... Heading home?" ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "Same..." -awkward silence- ochako: soooo... Todoroki: "...Which way is your home again?" ochako: this way. -morning- Shotaro: *hanging from the ceiling* "Zzz..." setsuna: showtaro, breakfast. ^^ Shotaro: *eyes open* OwO *has bat teeth, wings, and feet* "Coming!" *descends from the ceiling* mana: so kepuri, you used to be in the dokeshi federation too, right? Kepuri: "Um...Yeah?" mana: how did you first find out about being a dokeshi? Kepuri: "...When I stopped growing taller." T___T nea: well, at least its better than being locked in a freezer. Kepuri: "?! Seriously?" nea: by an enemy family. it was really cold in there, i begged for someone to save me...and thats when my abilities awakened. Kepuri: "...And I can imagine what happened to them?" saki: i see. *writing something down* Kepuri: "??? What's that?" saki: im just working on a little pet project. *shows the paper; it seems to be a note on all the dokeshi living in dokeshi house, their ability, condition, and some side notes* chie: wow. impressive. Kepuri: "That's...thorough. And kind of wiki-y." *looks over Saki's shoulder* -there are notes indicating if an ability was awakened by necessity or by chance- Kepuri: "Hmm...Could be useful for determining patterns as to how Dokeshi are awakened--" *stone face* -kepuri's height; 4'10" (sans heels)- Kepuri: "That...is off by a half-inch." saki: well i did double check medical records- Kepuri: "...Wait. HOW DO YOU HAVE MY MEDICAL RECORDS?" setsuna: ^^; saki:..... >w>;;;; io: bwah? Kepuri: "..." *cracks her knuckles* -elsewhere- Relan: "...Is she supposed to be an idol singer, or just a poser?" padma: well.... *looking around* she accidently burnt her parents when she was younger. badly, and she uses her 'idol persona' as a coping mechanism. Relan: "...Oh, God, I'm sorry..." padma: it's alright. you didnt know. *adjusts her glasses* Relan: "You've been in the squad long?" padma: yes. i was one of the founding members. Relan: "O-Oh? Were you in another brigade before?" padma: before founding squad 0, miwa and i used to be in the 3rd. Relan: "How was the commander?" padma:....miwa and the 3rd's commander....didnt see eye to eye. Relan: "...Oh. I...understand that." -elsewhere- meg: *holding a camera* <alright, all together now.> -they're all posed to spell out 'paris'- etta: ^u^ Leroux: TwT Walter: *holding his pose as "S"* "THANK YOU, YOGA!" Kafka: *just standing as the I* "..." -_- meg: say cheese! etta: cheeese~<3 -click- Kafka: -____- "We done?" Walter: *stretches* "How did it turn out?" meg: <looks great!> Leroux: *stares at the photograph* "..." ("Mother...I think I found...another family...") etta: ^^ hans: *smiles* Leroux: "..." *sniff* Kafka: "???" etta: roro? are you ok? Leroux: "I-I-I'm...fine. Just fine." Kafka: "..." *sighs* "Here." Leroux: "???" Kafka: *hug* etta: awww, hehe~ ^^ Kafka: "There. Just a hug. Completely normal hugging. Just...normal." Walter: "Forget that noise!" *group hug* etta: *HUUUG* hans: ^^; meg: ^^; Leroux: "P-Please...You're all squeezing Christine." *holds up the doll* "Isn't that right, Christine~?" hans: ...*sweatdrop* meg: .... Kafka: "..." *somehow facepalms inside the hug* Walter: ^^; "Same as it ever was..." etta: *sniff* true love as its finest. *wipes her eyes* Kafka: "..." ("What the *@%# kind of definition of 'love' is that?") hans: i guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. Leroux: ^w^ Kafka: "CAN WE GO HOME NOW?" hans: next stop, the new base in death city! Walter: "AMERICA!" Kafka: "...Let's not. It's full of weirdos." hans: boss' orders. Leroux: "BROADWAY! BRIGHT LIGHTS!" Kakfa: T_______T hans: it's in nevada. Leroux: "...RENO COMMUNITY THEATER!" -elsewhere- Lucy: *flipping through some photographs* "..." -some pictures of kirako during her high school years- Lucy: "...Did you like high school?" kirako: it was nice. Lucy: "...Did you like high school?" kirako: it was nice. Lucy: "...They have those in school? What do you do?" kirako: my job was to make sure all the books were in order. Lucy: "Ah. There's something like that at the Academy's library--Edgar told me about it." kirako: *smiles* {Lucy: "No! Give it back!" *she's at the river* "Give me back my book!"} {girl: aawww, you want _this_? *looks at them* its not even that good.} {Lucy: "Just because you can't read and need pictures isn't my problem! Please, it's all I have--"} {girl: how good are you at swimming, pipsqueak?} {Lucy: "...!!! No--!"} {girl: *toss* oopsie~} {Lucy: "..." *wheezing, huffing* "YOU JERK!" *rushes forward* } {girl: *shove* whoops~} {Lucy: !!! *SPLASH* "*gulb* H-Help!" *waves her arms* "Help--" ??:...cy? lucy? *shaking her* lucy are you ok? Lucy: *panting, shaking, struggling to breathe* "N-No!" kirako: lucy! please! Lucy: "..." *sobs* kirako:.....*hugs her* shhh, there there.... *head pet* Lucy: *shaking* "...I-I'm sorry..." kirako: it's ok... Lucy: "..." *sniff* "J-Just a bad memory..." kirako: you're here now. Lucy: *nods* "A-And I can swim like a dolphin!" kirako: should be useful when the pool opens up again. Lucy: *sniffles but looking proud* "I'll swim circles around the rest!" kirako: we believe in you. ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: >_> yosano:...nervous? Dazai: "Not looking forward to...this. Shin-damage. Whatever Chuuya will do. And what they'll do to Q..." Q:....*shaking* Dazai: "!!! Th-That's just..." *sigh* "We'll see. If it's that bad, I'll pull you out." Q:..... Dazai: "Sure." yosano: we'll have to be careful. given the warrant on the mafia.... Dazai: "...Got any sunglasses?" yosano:...do you really think that's gonna help him? Q: *hugs his doll* Dazai: "Sure. Hat, sunglasses--maybe put him in a girl's dress--" Q: wouldnt be the first time i've done it. Dazai: "Perfect! Who has a little girl's dress?" yosano: ..... aya: noooope. atsushi:......... maybe just get him a coat? Dazai: *glares at Aya* "Oh, come on! You _are_ a little girl!" Kunikida: -_-# *hands Atsushi a coat* -rip dazai's shins. again- Dazai: Q_____Q atsushi: here you go, Q. Q: thank you mr tiger, i can see why akutagawa loves you so much. atsushi:...^^;;;;; riiiight..... Kunikida: "At least Lucy wasn't here to hear that..." atsushi:.... QwQ;;;; Q: ?? Dazai: "Just...help my poor legs get into the car..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and that's why the taste of pudding reminds me of head injuries!" katya:...thats.... pushkin: i dont even know how to feel about that. Motojiro: *holds up pudding cups* "Feel like vanilla or chocolate?" -elsewhere- Daisy: "..." *staring into her tea* louisa:....?? Daisy: "...What were you doing before you worked with Fitz?" louisa: i did attend school, even though i didnt have very many friends. Daisy: "Hmm...Bullied?" louisa: i just kept to myself. Daisy: "Never had to deck a girl in PE?" louisa: oh heavens no! Daisy: "Hmm. I had to put two in a locker..." louisa: ._.; Daisy: "...Although now that I think about it, maybe _I_ was the bully? ...Huh." louisa: *sweatdrop* Daisy: "Hmm. So, after school, you just jumped into the organization?" louisa: lord francis did see potential in my ability... Daisy: "What, he was checking out high schools or something?" louisa: n-no! he just heard about my ability through word of mouth! Daisy: "He must have some connections, then...Given how he was able to trick Tom, not too surprising, then." louisa: yeah.... Daisy: "I wonder how Tom is doing in prison..." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...You look like shit. Didn't you sleep?" yuuji: *groaning into his desk* Aizawa: "..." *puts a blanket over his shoulders, takes a travel pillow out of his drawer* yuuji: thanks. Aizawa: *pat pat* "Get some sleep...We'll catch up later." yuuji: will do, dad.... Aizawa: "..." *turns, goes back to his desk...small smile* yuuji:...zzzzz Aizawa: "..." *goes back to grading* -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." *picks up Toru* toru: baba! Yohei: "..." *smiles* {Mr. Nanami: "He's still locked in his room?"} {mrs nanami: he said he was working on something. *knock* yohei? sweetie?} {Yohei: "One second!" *turns one lock...then another, another, another, another--*} {mrs nanami: ._.; } {Yohei: *finishes unlocking the door, peeks out* "..." ^w^ "I made something!"} {mrs nanami: oh, how lovely. we thought you'd be hungry, so we made you a bento.} {Yohei: "??? Really?"} {mrs nanami: *hands it to him* ^^} {Yohei: "..." ^^; "I lost track of time...Thank you, Mom."} Yohei: "..." *holds Toru, takes his phone, taps 'Mom and Dad'* mr nanami: y'ello? Yohei: "Hey, Dad..." mr nanami: how's it going, yohei? Yohei: "Doing okay...Toru wants to say hi to Grandpa." toru: baapa! mr nanami: hey sport, how're ya doing? toru: *babble* ^o^ Yohei: *smiles* "How are you, Dad?" mr nanami: doing well, you're mother's doing good too. Yohei: "Glad to hear. Any plans this week?" -elsewhere- Damon: *sips fruit juice* =w= soul: *making lunch* Damon: "Mr. Soul? What are we doing this afternoon?" soul: we're gonna head to some stores for decorations for your room. becky: awesome. Damon: "Can we get stars?" soul: sure. like those glow in the dark ones, right? Damon: *nods* soul: sure. ^^ Damon: "..." ^_^ -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *thumbing through the atlas* "Hmm..." *marks a line* ebie: *peeeek* Steinbeck: *not even turning around* "Come in, Ebie." ebie: *takes a seat* whatcha doooin? Steinbeck: "I was thinking how to map our next trips...Maybe some interesting places to visit." ebie: like where? Steinbeck: "Might be some interesting spots in the Carolinas." ebie: *loooks* *Steinbeck marked one location: 'Moon Eyes'* ebie: ooooh. Steinbeck: *nods, not looking up* "Been rumors of different people we've never seen..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "So your parents run a business? But what do they do for fun?" ochako: well, we have gone on a few hikes in the past. and sometimes my mom and i do disc shooting. Hyde: "Oh--didn't think you were a disc shooting kind of person." ochako: you'd be surprised. pe-chew! Hyde: ^^; "Okay, Trigger. But you don't cheat with your Quirk on that, do you?" ochako: of course not! >3< Hyde: "A'ight, a'ight...But I think the judges better keep their eye on you out there." -elsewhere- Shima: "--and that's all I can report." illuminati higher up: hmm, i see. Shima: "Is there anything else?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "One kid's meal and one bacon burger." employee: coming right up. Q: *in big sunglasses, coat, and a wig* Dazai: "So, what kinds of toys does the kid's meal have this month?" -later- employee: here you go....sir...*notices Q* Q: *siiiip, wave* employee: ._.;;; Dazai: ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "Please don't stare at my little sibling. They're sensitive." employee: i...see....have a good day sir.........*looks at coworker* Employee #2: =____= "I don't get paid enough to question." employee: dude....i think that was an E.T. Employee #2: "I wouldn't know--I'm so high everyone looks like an alien." employee: dammit dude! -elsewhere- Lily: "Be still!" misono: >~~~~< Lily: "It'll just be to check your overall health. Unless you want my nurses and I to handle it~" misono: *whiine* Q~Q;;;; Lily: "...Maybe the doctor will give you a lollipop at the end~" Dr. John: *steps out* "Oh, there you are!" misono: ._.;;; Dr. John: "Your doctor asked me to bring you over--I didn't see that you had an appointment with an OB-GYN." misono: O_O LILY!! Lily: "That won't be necessary~ Misono has not gotten any girl pregnant yet." misono: *pierced with an arrow that reads 'ouch'* Dr. John: ^^; "I see...Well, bring along your, um...partner." misono: =~=;;;;;;;; Lily: "I'm his nanny!" misono: (kill me.) Dr. John: "...D'aaaaaaaaaaaw!" *shiny eyes* "So considerate! Right this way--the nurse will see you in a moment." misono: if it looks like im crying, im not. Dr. John: "Nervous?" misono: i need to pee. Dr. John: "...I think we have a bedpan over there--" misono: D8< Dr. John: "Kidding--kidding! The bathroom is next door on the right." -elsewhere- Magaki: "It's...still weird." tsubaki: ?? Magaki: "..." *inhales* "Okay. This house isn't as big as I've seen other ones, yet you can fit so many people in it. You two do missions, yet Black Star seems far behind so many other people. And I still don't understand so many arrangements, where people came from, how they got here, what is a 'Mahiru,' and--" tsubaki: easy now. one at a time. Magaki: *sighs* "Okay...Tell me about your missions with Black Star. What are your other ones like?" tsubaki: well, part of our job is to find monsters causing trouble and-....put them to rest.... ^^;;; Magaki: "...Yes. And you collect their souls." tsubaki:...thats right. Magaki: "And the souls...do something to your weapon form?" tsubaki: in a manner of speaking. Magaki: "...Is this like a video game?" tsubaki: eh? Magaki: "Sakuya was showing me one. Do you collect souls to level up and unlock some other feature?" tsubaki: i....guess so. ^^; Magaki: "And when you receive this upgrade, what will you do?" tsubaki:....not sure yet. -a few days later, it was march- Kuro: "...Well, this was fun. Let's go home now." *tugs his sleeve* mahiru: oh no you dont. *heads up the steps* Kuro: *whines* "There are too many steps..." -and so- mahiru: *pant* we....made it... TTuTT Kuro: Q________Q "That was the harshest ordeal...What monsters make this school? I don't even see a handicap ramp..." misono: there is. you just have to have the key for it. Kuro: "..." *climbs up, grabbing Misono by the collar, shaking* "You could have told us at any time..." misono: -__- lets just get you to your starting class, ok? Kuro: *grumbles* -there seem to be a few new faces at the school- Kuro: "I don't know who any of these people are." Lily: *in butterfly form on Misono's head* "New faces!" girl: *playing on a PSP* Kuro: "..." *looks at the PSP* girl:....*looks up* Kuro: "...Cool PSP." girl: <thanks> Kuro: "?? Um...Qué es ustedes jugando?" girl: <persona> Kuro: "Man...I wanted that--but he won't buy it..." girl: *glances at mahiru* mahiru: um... <hi> *wave* girl:...<your boyfriend?> Kuro: "...No." girl: <oh. ok> mahiru: kuro? your face looks red. Kuro: =\\\\\= "Just get me to class already so I can sleep." -elsewhere in school- sayaka: new students~! so hype! *Someone is holding an umbrella, walking through the outdoor hall* sayaka: hmm? well hello there, newcomer! Magaki: "!!! ..." *nods* sayaka: how do you like it here so far? Magaki: "...It's rather bright." *puts on sunglasses* sayaka: well it is springtime now. Magaki: "Yes...How long have you been here?" sayaka: i'v been here a long time, so im pretty experienced! *kung-fu chops and bumps into someone* oh shi- sorry about that! ???: its alright, sayaka. sayaka: wait.......*rubs eyes* HITOMI?!? hitomi: ^^ *wave* Magaki: "...???" sayaka: Owo; sorry kiddo, didnt mean to interrupt our chat there, just happy to see an old friend, haha. hitomi: ^^;; Magaki: "Oh." *small bow* -elsewhere- hans: *hugs goethe* we're here. wilhelm: *gag* grown up love, groooss. the cooties! Jakob: >_< hans: *sweatdrop* Goethe: *strokes her head* "Glad you're...*yawn*...here." hans: ^////^ etta: paris was a reeeeally eventful trip. Leroux: "..." *holds 'Christine' close* Goethe: "...Huh. What's up with Leroux?" etta: a really. eventful, week. Jakob: “....Ok?” wilhelm: ...where are our gifts?! hans: we have them right here. wilhelm: AAAWESOOOOOME! 8D Jakob: ^w^ Kafka: "Zzz..." =_= harriet: o)_(o Walter: *stretches* "I call dibs on my room!" *runs* hans: ^^; Goethe: "Zzz..." hans: *sweatdrop* Leroux: *looks around* "It's a sizable location..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: .... (will they be ok?) Black Star: *yawns* *opens his eyes* "...Hey." tsubaki: *smooch* *smiles* Black Star: ^\\\\\^ "...Where's everyone?" tsubaki: kids are at school, grownups are here Black Star: "...How you think the kids are?" tsubaki: well, i hope. -elsewhere- Q: ...... Motojiro: ^w^ "And that's how you do trig!" sonia: ah. Q: ...... Motojiro: "...Q? Is it okay?" Q:...y-yeah. sonia:...i think he's just sad about something. Motojiro: "Ah...Being away from here takes some re-adjustment..." leo: *concerned* Q: "..." *sniffle* leo: *hug* Q: .\\\\\\. "Wh-What?" leo: it's ok. Q: "B-But...I miss my mommy..." leo: *looks at motojiro* Motojiro: "...Then...perhaps seek family elsewhere?" Q: "???" leo: we can be your family. all of us. Q: Q_______Q "R-Really? B-But I thought...You're going to lock me away again..." higuchi: can you behave yourself, Q? Q: "Uh-huh...Unless it's Dazai. Then I want to kick him." higuchi: and mori. he is terrible. the worst kind of terrible there is. Q: "...Okay. I-I'll not hurt anyone else..." higuchi: *head pet* then thats all we need to know. ^^ Q: QwQ "..." *hugs Higuchi* higuchi:.... TwT kuniko: ._.; Gin: ._.; Motojiro: *sniff, wipes his eye, puts a hand around Leo* leo: *smiles* Q: >w< "And can I see Aya?" -mass sweatdrop- Q: OwO "...???" higuchi: i'll give you a soft 'maybe' on that. Q: "I'LL TAKE IT! Then we can make it a hard yes!" pushkin: *CHOKES* katya:.....<what the fuck....> Gin: *glares at Pushkin* "No." pushkin: I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING! D8> Q: *smiling, flowers of happiness practically blooming off of him* =w= -elsewhere- Sid: "Oh, Izumi--got a sec?" izumi: yeah? Sid: "Some of the new students are having difficulty getting around--can I have you guide one of them around?" izumi: sure thing, sir! Sid: "Great!" *looks behind him* "Hey, come on--stop hanging back and say 'hi' to Izumi." izumi: *wave* mahiru: hey. Kuro: "Zzz..." Magaki: ._.; izumi: ^^; right this way please. -elsewhere- Damon: "...Mr. Soul?" soul: yeah? Damon: "Why do you have a motorcycle?" soul: transportation. Damon: "...Without a helmet?" soul:...*puts on helmet.....gives helmets to the two of them* becky: ... Damon: "..." *looks around* "...Is there a sidecar?" -elsewhere- stocking: *snuggle* u///u Kid: ^\\\^ "Care for another treat~?" stocking: yes please~ Kid: *offers a blindfold* stocking: oh~ *puts it on* Kid: "Keep your eyes closed..." *reaches under the bed, removing a box of chocolates and some chocolate-dipped fruit* "Say 'ah'~" stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: *slips a small chocolate into her mouth, his finger just brushing along her lips* stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: *smirks* "Want to make it more delicious?" stocking: how so~? Kid: *brushes a cloth strap along her right wrist* stocking: ah~ Kid: "May I?" stocking: yes... Kid: *ties her wrists carefully to the bed...removes the blindfold...he's shirtless, holding a chocolate up to...his lips* stocking: o/////o i fucking love you, you know that? Kid: "Hee hee...I love you, too...But how badly do you want this chocolate~?" stocking: so fucking bad...*squirms, her tongue hanging out of her mouth* Kid: "Say it...again." *holds the chocolate at his teeth, as he leans to her face* stocking: kid, sweetie, please... Kid: *lets the chocolate rest on her lips--* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *slips the chocolate onto her tongue, leans back, smiles at her* stocking: hehe~ ^///^ Kid: "Did the tantalizing influence make it tastier~?" stocking: you know it did... Kid: *strokes her cheek* "And there's more...because you deserve so much more." stocking: ahh...*looks down, licks her lips* Kid: "What do you want next? Perhaps the strawberry?" -elsewhere- Haumea: *tapping a finger on a radio* "...Nothing yet." guruna: kururu.... Haumea: "Guruna, anything you heard upstairs?" guruna: not that i heard, no. Haumea: "I keep asking around, someone to sense the Fifth--nothing. Nothing!" *holds her head* "AAAH! So annoying..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "I used to read this to my kid all the time..." sayu: *pats the sheep* fluffy. Akitaru: ^^ "Yep! Really good for learning the senses, words...It's cute." sayu: hehe. ^^ Akitaru: "Want to read a few of these?" sayu: can i? *shiny eyes* Akitaru: "Sure thing! Just stick to the appropriate books..." *takes out a manual* "Something like this may be a bit boring." -elsewhere- Kafka: "And how exactly did you afford this place?" goethe: you'd be surprised. Kafka: "I'm sure I would...I don't remember seeing it budgeted." goethe:...well, im gonna go for a walk now. Kafka: "Hmph. Meeting someone, I'm sure." goethe: maaaybe.... Kafka: "...I have work to finish here." *turns back to his files* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi:...dazai? Dazai: "Hmm? What's up?" atsushi: you ok? Dazai: "...Just thinking about Q." atsushi:...oh..... Dazai: "I mean, it's not like we can just walk into the Mafia and see how they are doing..." atsushi:....yeah....just how _did_ info on the mafia's actions get revealed? i know the rats have something to do with it... Dazai: "You'll have to ask Ranpo for that--seems someone started spreading intelligence...or that the intelligence just popped up." atsushi: ..something seems off with him, though....he seems sad about something... Dazai: "After this case especially...I think the disappearance of the suspect is part of it." atsushi: *concerned* Dazai: "..." *slides a newspaper to Atsushi* atsushi: *examines* *It shows an arrest the Agency helped make last week* Dazai: "Look at the fourth paragraph--how they refer to one of us..." atsushi: *squints* Newspaper: "--with some of its members having alleged to have involvement with organized crime--" atsushi: !!?? Dazai: "...Better keep an eye on Kyoka." atsushi:...right... *looks at the main article....a 2nd murder....* Dazai: "And other crimes..." atsushi: ..... newspaper: -a deputy commander of the coast guard was found with his head melted down to the bone by corrosive acid. cause of death was neurogenic shock. Dazai: "Not how I would've written the article. I think 'he has no head' is a clear enough cause of death." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "I know Kunikida is trying to get Ranpo to find a trend--but it's not easy." atsushi:...do you have any errands for me right now? Dazai: "Yes." *hands an envelope* "I need this deposited." *hands a key* atsushi: got it. *takes the items and heads out* Dazai: "..." *shakes slightly* -on the subway- atsushi: ...... -an individual with white hair is seated a few spots down from him- ???: .... atsushi:....?? ???:....*glances and smiles* atsushi:... ??? ???: you have a fascinating ability... atsushi: wait how do you- -the person is gone- atsushi:.... ._.;;;;; (that was weird...) .... (well, here's my stop.) *exits* *The stop looks rather busy* atsushi:.... (i was probably just seeing things....) *heads to his location...* *There's a bank on the corner* atsushi: *heads in* -elsewhere- child: *running, with a loaf of bread under their vest* *A hand reaches out of the alley* child: ?! *The child is grabbed and pulled in* child: ?!?! h-hey- Goethe: "Shh...They'll find you otherwise." child:......... Goethe: "Trying to hide?" child:....*looks away* Goethe: "Hey. I'm no snitch. It's too exhausting." child:...whats it to you? Goethe: "I'm a curious person. That's about the most busyness I can handle." child:.....maybe i sort of...'borrowed' some bread.... Goethe: "So, stole." child:.... *grumble* 7~7 Goethe: "No cash?" child: i...dont have much on me.... Goethe: "That sucks. And no parents?" child....i do have them, just not in the city… Goethe: "Then how did you end up here?" child:....left home. Goethe: "...Bad terms?" child: i just.....felt trapped. Goethe: "Ah...I know that pain." child: ? Goethe: "Just need a break from people...I had to get out from my, um, 'family' of sorts." child: ...... Goethe: "Just kind of cramped, so I figured I'd take a walk, see what's what." child:....what does that have to do with me, then? Goethe: *shrug* "Beats me. I'm the one making conversation while you hide from the fuzz." child: hmm.... Goethe: "Think you'll go back home?" child: doubt it. its too restricted, i just want to be free to live my life how i want to. Goethe: "...Need some help with that?" child: ?? Goethe: "Maybe just something so you're not scrounging around for food like a common thief." child:....like what? Goethe: "Tell me something--if you could have something to make things easier for you, what would it be?" child: .....i want freedom to go where i please. to be free like water, i guess. Goethe: "...What's your name?" child: uhh... george! george eliot. Goethe: "Well, George, I can help you. I am an ability user." george: ability user? Goethe: "Haven't heard of them?" george: vaguely, through word of mouth. Goethe: "Well, they're not like Dokeshi with any condition, and they aren't Quirks that can be genetic and bodily--it's like something you gain." george: ....alright, what are you able to do then? Goethe: "I can give abilities." george: .... Goethe: "I can give _you_ an ability." george: how is this gonna benefit me? Goethe: "You would be given freedom of movement..." george:... Goethe: "While not having to be without shelter." george:.....alright... Goethe: "All you need is to contract with me..." george:...ok, you have a deal... Goethe: "..." *holds out his hand* -elsewhere- Ivan: "...Quieter now." lydia: *she nods* Ivan: "Especially without that child." lydia: .......the medic locked herself in her room, i can hear her muttering in there.... Ivan: "...About Master or the child?" lydia:...both. Ivan: *sighs* "Who is speaking with her?" zoey: *mumbling, cutting at the walls with a scalpel* lydia:...she's muttering to herself... Ivan: "I mean, who _should_ speak with her?" *instantly raises his hand* "NOT IT!" lydia: ..*glances at gogol* Gogol: "..." OwO "Want to see me work? You got it!" *knocks on Zoey's door* zoey: *muttering incoherently* Gogol: "...Hmph." *uses his ability to have a hand reach for the doorknob inside* -click- Gogol: ^w^ *throws open the door* "Hello, nurse! What are you...up...to?" O_O -she has gouged at the walls with a knife, and is stabbing at the walls, kneeling on the floor- zoey: ...... Gogol: "...How's it going?" zoey: my baby's run away...*stab*...all because of that kid...*stab*...because of him....becauseofhimbecauseofhimbecauseofhimbecauseofhim...*stab stab stab stab stab* ahhhhhh~ i want to make him hurt... *drags the knife down* i want to stick pins in his fingertips....i want to burn his eyelids....i want to slice open his abdomen and fill it with salt.... Gogol: "..." *pulls up a chair* "...Go on." zoey: *rubs her stomach* i want my baby to be born...i want my baby to be born want my baby born want my baby born wantmybabywantmybaby.... hehehehehe....i want master to be here again.... Gogol: *eyeroll* "Yes, yes, your baby...But go back to the torture stuff. I mean, do you think Master would want that?" zoey: if he wished for it......i want to feel him again..... Gogol: "...Uuuuuuum...Well, he still has to finish his...life sentence..." zoey:.......*lunges at him* master...will return....he has to....he has to he has to he has to.... Gogol: "!!!" *grabs her by the shoulders* "O-Okay! I've heard enough! I assure you, he'll get out--" zoey: ........... Gogol: "..." *sigh* "You miss him, right?" zoey: of course.... Gogol: "...Then wait for him to get out already, and stop being a weirdo in your room alone! Jeez!" zoey: ............ Gogol: " 'Oh, when will Master come back?' 'Oh, my baby!' GROW UP! He'll be back when he's back! And you're pregnant, so worry about your child first!" zoey:........*lays on her bed, facing away from him* Gogol: "..." .________. "...Did I say the wrong thing?" zoey: just leave me alone.... Gogol: "..." *opens the door* lydia: <how did it go?> Gogol: "..." Q______Q <I made it worse.> lydia: ... elizaveta: *pap pap* Gogol: *sniff* <She's inconsolable, misses him, is obsessing over killing What's-His-Face and that kid...> yana: ..... Gogol: <Can't we, I don't know, kidnap a therapist or something?> yana:....i dont want to be _that_ person....but maybe we should put her out of her misery....? Gogol: "..." *blink* <What about the child--> Ivan: *already sharpening his knife* lydia: v-vanya.... *sweatdrop* let's not get ahead of ourselves.... yana:....i'll ask the boss about it... Gogol: <Maybe we need another doctor...So, kidnap one therapist, one physician, and a dentist--> yana: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Spirit: "That'll be it for today. Finish Chapter 1 tonight and the questions at the end. Tomorrow, I'll have a surprise for your lesson. Class dismissed." mahiru: *sits up* Kuro: *asleep at the desk* Spirit: "..." -____-# "Can you wake him up?" mahiru: kuro? *nudge* Kuro: "No...No, the aliens want the grilled cheese--but it's mine..." Spirit: *slams a book down* Kuro: *bounces up--and clings to the ceiling* .__________. -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Here, try it." *hands video game controller* sylvia: um..*looks at it* w-what do i do? Kyoka: "If you press that button, it makes the vehicle move forward." sylvia: *presses it* *The vehicle darts forward--into the wall* sylvia: D8> *Then the vehicle explodes, catching fire* Kyoka: "...Okay, now press the other button to reverse." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "--9, 10--Keep it going. Tamaki! Keep up with the jumping jacks." tamaki: *still at it* Takehisa: "Very good. Keep it up before switch to stretches--" *stares* "...Arthur." Arthur: *moving up and down* "Yes?" Takehisa: "...Why are you on a horse?" shinra:....where did he- Arthur: *on a horse that is imitating jumping jacks* "Because I am a knight." Relan: *struggling to keep up* T~T Takehisa: "..." *takes out a carrot* Horse: OvO *gallops up* Takehisa: *pets the horse* "...Arthur, get off and do your actual work." -elsewhere- Paku: "...You're going to try to see her?" izumo:...y-yeah....im really nervous.... Paku: "It makes sense you would be...but at least you can see her, right?" izumo...y-yeah....*takes the key and gulps* Paku: "..." *smiles* "You can do it..." izumo:....*puts in the key and opens the door* *Air blows through the door* izumo: *looks through* -there is a large, modern style mansion- izumo:....*glances to the back yard* *There is a child with a watering can, tending to the flowers* izumo:....*gingerly walks up to the fence* *The child fills up the can again, turns--* Tsukumo: "!!!!" izumo: hi tsukumo....*smiles* Tsukumo: ?? "Sorry, Mom told me not to talk to strangers..." izumo:....oh....*tosses a fox doll over the fence* you dropped that. i wanted to return it to you. Tsukumo: "!!! My doll!" *grabs it, hugs it* >w< "Where did you find it, ma'am?" izumo:...i guess i got lucky....*waves* bye....*leaves......closes the door* ..... Paku: "...Izumo...What--" izumo:.....*smiles, tears falling* she seems to be happy where she is.... Paku: "..." *hug* izumo: she doesnt remember me.....even if it hurts, i shouldnt be upset... she's alive, she's safe...thats all i need to know... Paku: *nods* "Right..." -elsewhere- Walter: *wipes his brow* "Okay! Ethernet cables now run through the place!" *flips open his 3DS* Leroux: ^w^ hans: goethe's back. and he brought a new member. Kafka: "?!!! Oh, for crying out loud..." Jakob: "???" wilhelm: woot! new kid! george:...hey. *wave* Goethe: "New kid, this is the team. Team, this is the new kid..." *lies down on the couch* george: 'names george eliot...and im new....and i have no idea what's even going on here. Walter: "MAGIC, NEW PERFECT CHILD!" Kafka: -__________- -after hans explained everything- george: i see.... my head's spinning... ._.; i dont even know what kind of ability i was given. like, how do i _know_?! Leroux: *brings out tea* "We all find out based on what we desire, or what Goethe--" Goethe: *asleep* "Zzz..." Leroux: "...said to us. For example, Kafka--" Kafka: *DEAD SERIOUS GLARE* Leroux: ._____. *hides behind Christine* george: .....um......o...k? Leroux: *sets out the tea* "Careful--it's hot." Walter: "...No cookies?" hans: i'll have to do some grocery shopping, it seems. Walter + Kafka + the Twins: T____T
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arcdragonblade · 7 years
The Lost Guardian
Second Prologue
( female voice ) Scarlett… Scarlett…. it’s time to wake up….. come on now get up…. [ Scarlett wake slowly ] ( Scarlett ) Mmmmaaahhh…. is that time already I’m still a little tired and groggy and beside I’m training really hard last night and do some side job as well that’s few more minutes, come on let me…. sleep….. a….. little…. bit….. more……zzzz…ZZZZZ….zzzzz…. ( female ) [sign, she grabbed Scarlett pillow and beat her with it!! ] get your lazy ass up you are not sleeping in today and besides I got food ready and you got some chores to do, and don’t forget you got some training to do, SO GET YOUR ASS UP… [ she pulled the blanket off of her and drag by her tail out of bed ] ( Scarlett ) fine fine I’m up now you’re happy Nadia geez be so rough this morning. ( Nadia ) I had to be tough if I don’t you be sleeping through afternoon and besides that is Miss Inverse to you young lady, so hurry up wash up and get ready for breakfast we got a lot of things to do today or less like you more motivation get out of bed [ Nadia close her fist up at energy start to swirl around her hand ] ( Scarlett ) alright, I got it geez I wish you’d be a little bit more kiner but NOOooo are you sure you’re not my sister because you’re sure acting like one. ( Nadia ) if I was God have mercy on your soul because I will not be pleasant besides you’re the one have a tail Miss half saiyan, half Ctarl-Ctarl you don’t see me have a tail because maybe I’m a human does have a exception a largemouth of Mana and you still need to learn how control yours you’re a master to ki Energy that thanks go to your parents the magic partment well you need to work on a little bit longer so I’m here for you my Young Apprentice. ( Scarlett ) you’re still acting like my sister besides the only person I got now… [ a sad look on her face ] { Nadia thought herself: ohhh shit I just brought that up…. f..u..c..k… me… I need to fix this real quick before she start to be depressed again } ( Nadia ) [ sign, hug her ] I’m sorry brought that up I was in a heated moment im sorry about that, I made your favorite breakfast so come on little sister… ( Scarlett ) that’s okay and thanks being there for me big sister [ the warm smile on her face when he’s hugging Nadia ]. -Later on that day Nadia and Scarlet went a small town call Gardia, here together up grocery, equipment and odd jobs when did enter the Gardia a Starship come from the sky with gun blazing and drop pods taking down defense grid of the town in all the chaos people are screaming and calling for help and try to fend yourself coming threat the nearby Guild came in an action too Aid and help defending the townspeople but quickly there be overrun by the troops coming out to the drop pods and Starship Landing nearby to Gardia and this where Nadia and Scarlett is caught in middle of all the chaos defending their self and helping the people around them.- ( Nadia ) “Lord of the Darkness and Four Worlds, I beseech thy fragments; by all of the power thou possesseth, grant the heavens’ wrath to my hand; unleash the sword of dark, freezing nothingness; by our power, our combined might, let us walk as one along the path of destruction: LAGUNA BLADE!“ [ dark swirling Mana energy surround of her then a black sword of appear to her hand slang her enemies from left and right protected people and try backing Scarlett up ] Scarlett are going too far come back and help me out!! ( Scarlett ) no you got it and beside I need to know what crest on their shoulder pad I seen that crest somewhere before so I will beat it out of them and tell me why they’re trying to take over this Gardia, “KALO-KEN TIME 5!” [ exploded crimson aura she flew tours to her enemies and beat the crap each one of them every few seconds ] that’s it that’s all you guys have you guys are pushovers, now tell me why are you here. ( Nadia ) LOOK BEHIND YOU!!! - a moment Scarlet turn around it was too late she was knocked out cold, before she blacking out a dark figure of a man look down to her that man voice said: I found you little half-breed mutt… later on she woke up and she found herself a weird world has she was confused and lost Scarlett say hello anybody Here Echo filled the world a few moments later a voice came out mist I am here can I help you something? - Chapter 2 leaving sanctuary
( Scarlett ) fine you win… but I want to know you’re name if you don’t mind? ( Arc ) very well my name is ArcDragonBlade, you surprise me young one, you do have the power to protect your friend when you go back, by the way what’s your name young one. ( Scarlett ) okay then my name is Scarlett Crescent so yeah how to get out of here again you didn’t really tell me how…. ( Arc ) [ the confused look on his face] what you telling me just sense where your home is? ( Scarlett ) [ the blush embarrassment on her face ] yeah about that Mr blade I cannot really scene energy not that well I think that’s probably why I end up here, sooooo yeaaaah. ( Arc ) [ sign ]… you gotta be kidding me, really…!? ( Scarlett )…. yeah…. sorry mr. blade I do sense energy not as well that is my flaw [ fake chuckles ] ( Arc ) fine fine since I got your body’s here I guess how open portal for you and besides I stopped call me Mr blade just call me Arc you’re making me feel old. ( Scarlett ) okay mr. Arc [ the warm smile on her face ] ( Arc ) [ sign ] no, just call me Arc that will be fine [ he raised his right hand up and open the portal to her world ] when you go back you should be back in time frame if you waking up on you last standing and time will resume and also be cautious your surrounding I don’t want you end up here again, ok ( Scarlett ) I cannot make any promise there, I know how are you come with me in to my world ( Arc ) [ sign, rub this forehead ] Why do I want to do that and besides the point are you guys in the middle of battle… ( Scarlett ) yeah, but don’t worry about it I’ll protect you and besides you’re my guest so don’t worry about it [ with a warm smile ]. ( Arc ) [ the confuse look on his face ] really….? You know I lot powerful than you, hell I could destroy planet, solar system, Galaxy and then some, you did see my power right…? [ shake his head and confuse ] are you planning something to use me somehow or what? ( Scarlett ) [ she look straight to his eyes ] no I want you to come over have dinner with us after the battle is over basically I want you come out be my friend and beside you want me to call you just Arc right, pretty much you’re One Step Closer being friends so please come with me friend { Scarlett thing to her self : I can see your heart is heavy, dark and broken because I can’t sense energy very well but I put my hand your chest and I seen how heavy it is, please Arc don’t be afraid } ( Arc )…….. you are weird and I don’t know what to say about this….. { Arc think yourself : what the fuck is going on here, did she say I’m her friend?…. I cannot tell see lying or not but her eyes you seem honest and true to me, DAMMIT!! ‘sign’ well she leave me no choice it seemed like } [ sign ]…. very well I guess I go into your world…. ( Scarlett ) [ excited look on her face ] ALRIGHT let’s go Arc, sis going to be please I’m made a new friend. ( Arc ) why do I have a feeling I’m going to grit my choice [ sign ]…. ( Scarlett ) I’ll be alright don’t worry about it I got you, and besides that my sis help too so don’t worry about it between my sister and me we’re pretty strong are world. ( Arc ) great that make me feel sooo comfortable, maybe guess your sister sense like you do [ sign ]…. ( Scarlett ) No, she can sense a lot more than I could and besides she’s a sorcerer and she my adopted sister, she been watching me last 5 years so yeah we’re not related by blood but she’s only family I have left [ the sad look on your face ]. ( Arc ) did I say something upset you young one, if I did I’m sorry but does explain a lot about you how you could use the dragon slay and also combined with Kalo-Ken that is very difficult to pull off especially your current abilities like I said before you surprise me and rarely people surprise me so raise your head high and you have the power to protect your friends and family but it seem like you got a long way to go though. ( Scarlett ) no he didn’t upset me I’m just remember something reminding my past… and thanks for the praise, so you haven’t see other people that ability combination [ she closer Fist of excitement ] { Scarlett think herself : YES I’m the first one to use Ultimate technique together! } ( Arc ) wellll… noooo… I have seen similar technique that type combination. ( Scarlett ) OH… d..a..m..i..t.. so what type of techique you see? ( Arc ) don’t worry about it like I said you’re a long way to go to master other techniques and besides I thought will be leaving right about now, I thought your friends in trouble not standing around talking all day. ( Scartett ) yeah you’re right we should be going anyway I thought You could control time in your dimension. ( Arc ) [ sign ] yes you’re right, but holding up you’re open doorway to your realm is tire some, I did not remember doing stamina training open this doorway for you, if don’t mind I like to go, I might change my mind kick you out of my dimension! [ look aggravation ] ( Scarlett ) sorry sorry sorry, okay let’s move on and don’t worry you don’t have to do very much, I will protect you and everyone I care about! ( Arc ) you don’t have to, you just focus everyone else except for me, I could take care of myself. ( Scarlett ) yeah but there’s some chance you might get hurt and beside you are the guest of honor let me so around the world after I defeat all the douchebag try to take all my town and beat them up for information why did try to go over my town! [ stretch and cracking knuckles with a devious smile ] ( Arc ) [ sign and slightly surprised ] whatever, you’re the odd one Scralett. { Arc yourself : I’ve Been Awhile someone protect me, I’m not worth of protecting but I give her this much, she have a strong heart but something odd about her I can’t put my finger on it, what is it about her, I see something but I don’t know what that is yet? } - Arc and Scarlett leave the Silverline realm into Gardia where the battle waits for them… -
-Be continued for next Chapter 3 Protector of Gardia -
Thank you for your time to read I know grammar and spelling not perfect if I did mess up here I’m sorry, overall if you want continue the story just leave a comment below if you want more until next time later
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humansofderry · 7 years
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“The biggest argument was, what do you call the city? Is it Derry? Is it Londonderry? Is it Durye? Which is Irish. Is it Stroke City? There was a lot of kind of bitterness. And people just went, ‘it’s just a name.’ We’re all the same people living in the same community. When the year’s over we're still going to be left here. So many things came out of that, where the communities mixed. People started building the peace bridge. It didn’t matter, you didn’t define people by their surname, what part of town they lived in. Now in 2017, where we are, you would never of thought coming to a place like where you are. We would have never had a hotel up there. That was sort of one of the key areas where we use to riot. Now you don’t get any of it. If there’s a marching going on, 16th of December they do the Battle of the brine, the 16th of August the apprentice boys march, 12 of July we would still commit to work. You would close, but you would still come into work. You just wouldn’t work against the marchers. It’s a completely different place, we have to move on. That’s the only way. Don’t forget you have to respect it. But, you have to forgive.”
“Well, I grew up in Donegal, which is the Republic of Ireland, which is right across the border. It’s about 20 miles from Derry. I went to school and was a teenager in the North, in a predominantly protestant home, which is about 20 miles from here, it was a convent. The only Catholic school in that particular time. Then I did my final years in the republic of Ireland. So, as a young teenager, aged from 11 to 16 or 17, living in one extreme in the Republic of Ireland - which people call the South of Ireland - and going to school in the North, for someone my age who didn’t know much about the Troubles, didn’t want to identify as protestant or Catholic. It was quite a very Catholic school I went to, we stood out because we wore a blue Uniform. Such school uniforms you would feel intimidated on the train for example, coming home, on the bus. There kind of was a great nervousness. My mother is from Derry and my Father would be from Donegal, across the border. You’ll find that in this particular region of Derry, completely different currencies, politics, education systems, health systems… So, in the 80’s 90’s before the ceasefire and the  Good Friday agreement there was a lot of social unrest and I remember a lot of riots. My father had a business north and south. Vans were being constantly burned out, hijacked and this was from both sides. I would be predominately from a Nationalist background. I wouldn’t necessarily say a Republic background. Maybe at one stage, but not now.  I moved to Derry in the 90’s when I was in my 20’s, after spending a number of years in Dublin. At that stage it was quite settled… but it got quiet… I’m trying to see what really triggered it off… there was a lot of social mess, the army was still on the streets here. A lot of  “no go areas”. This particular area that you are in would have been a “no go area”. At the top of the street when you come into Bishops gate would have been the army checkpoint. And then when you would cross the border there were army checkpoints as well. So you were stopped every time you were going from Derry to Donegal. Your car would be searched, you would be searched. I remember an incident, I don’t know if you want to hear particular incidents, but a group of us were coming up in a bus from Dublin. We were all mixed, some were getting off in Derry, some Damshung, we had been on the bus about 7 hours. It should have only taken about 4 hours from Dublin. Coming into entering one part of the border, in Monaghan, which is in Ulster in the Republic of Ireland, tailbacks of hundreds of cars. They were stopping every single car. At that time this was 1990-1991. People think it was the 60’s and 70’s, but it was quite bad in the 90’s as well, because people were still extremely angry, people were still looking for justice. The army was still here, there was a lot of intimidation. Young friends of mine, young adults were being pulled out of their beds at night you know for no particular reason. But, at that stage where we had to go through the boarder twice we had to get searched, they went through all our bags, everything taken out and put back again. They were still suspicious of us going through the border. It was very obvious we were a group of students or a group of people coming home from Christmas. I think for me anyways that was the trigger or human rights. You were getting searched, it wasn’t a female officer, it was whatever young one was there at the time.
“When I moved to Derry I was aware my accent… for start I knew that we all sound the same here, but I would stand out a little bit. And my surname, people define people by their surnames. So, I thought, “Right… Ok”. And I was working on the waterside and the waterside and the cityside do not mix. You will see now that the peace bridge there, was built in 2012. That has opened up so much more, all of the communities are mixed. I also think that Derry has the highest number of under 25’s living here. It’s got a very cosmopolitan, youthful vibrancy, staying here and studying here. Even though we don’t have the University we should have. And that has an awful lot to do with Politics as well. If we had a big University like the University like Queen's in Belfast or Trinity in Dublin, the Derry was meant to get. But it went to place called Coleraine. Because of that a lot of the young ones couldn’t get jobs, couldn’t afford to go studying elsewhere. There wasn’t the employment or the infrastructure here. So, they had no other choice than to join civil rights movements and take sides as well. There was a restlessness and a anger as well that the Catholics were being treated as second class citizens. On the bogside where Catholics were put, they didn’t get housing, didn’t get voting rights, didn’t get so many things to an extreme. On the other side, the protestants would have gotten the best of the best.
“Coming back to the 90’s… coming here in the 90’s. I lived in 15 different places in Derry. Different streets. Even a 5 minute walk from here is a completely different area such from another. This would have been on all the streets. It’s very safe to walk around. Despite the army all being here, it was safe. There was a great community spirit, people did look out for each other. Not only that there was a solidarity. Without it all being completely negative, there was a great community spirit and respect. Where now we know it shows with the army all gone, it highlights the social problems that we have. There is not any sort of distraction. On the employment side it was very much there. The healthcare, welfare, employment, infrastructure, education, and drug… I remember there being a drug problem, I don’t remember there being an alcohol problem at all. I really don’t remember that here in my early 20’s.
“When the ceasefire in 1994, the Good Friday Agreement, there was a complete change, a sigh of relief. Right, great, finally. The army leave and the army were young guys, they were 18, 19, 20 years of age. First tour of duty as well. I mean they weren’t holding a rifle and feeling uncomfortable, they were probably more intimidated by the people. You forgot, you ignored them, didn’t make eye contact as well. They would say hello and you were taught to completely ignore them. In my later years I thought, my God that was somebody’s son or somebody’s brother. You were judging them for what they wore. Looking back, I was judged on what I wore for my school uniform at 13-14, because I stood out like a sore thumb. We wore blue uniforms. All the other schools wore green or grey. So, straight away we were stamped with Catholic.
“Back to in the 90’s, I lived just about a 10 minute walk from here. Which is right beside the area called the fountain. Which still now is the last predominantly protestant residence area within the city walls. If you go up through the Bishop's Gate. To the right where the verbal arts center were, where the army barracks were, cameras everywhere. If you were out walking your dog or something you could here the ‘zzzzz’ of the camera following you and watching you, sorta like Big Brother. It was sort of like a intimidation when you were walking on your own, or with your dog, on your way home. Going through the Bishop’s Gate you knew to the left where the old Derry jail use to be, big high walls and barricades and barbed wire. A bit like the peace wall in Belfast, but not as high. But you know in there you do not mix. There was an entrance for the people to live this way and a completely different entrance for the people who live in the fountain. And back in the day you didn’t make contact, you didn’t speak, you just avoided and you would cross the street. I don’t know where that came from, I think it was just everyone being weary of each other. When the cease fire happened and all the army barracks went it was kind of like a sigh of relief. You know I didn’t care if you were a Sikh or a Jew. If you’re a person and you’re a good person that’s what counts. You know don’t hate me for it, whatever. But, I do remember all the marches and I worked in bookshop that was two streets away. And all the parades we would open. Two doors down from us was the Celtic shop, it was the football shop. Always, always there would be riots outside that. We would be selling books. I don’t know why. We never got our windows broken. But, to walk home I would have to walk home through all the protesters. And your going the opposite direction. That was an intimidation as well. You got to know the local of faces. The rest of the year you would pass them on the street or the local shop and it would be Hello, hello, hello. It just became very much the norm.
“Then, there was a very bad incident. Horrific. The Omagh Bombing. Maybe back in 1998. Omagh is another big town within the North here. The Omagh bombing where they never found out who did it, because the IRA didn’t do it. But, Omagh is predominantly a Catholic town as well. I think there was about 20 people as well that died and a lot of people injured. City center on a Saturday afternoon people were out with their Children getting their school uniforms. Also, on Halloween in Derry as well there was a greysteel bombing. Where guys from the loyalist went into a Catholic bar and just shot. And Bloody Sunday which I know you have heard of happened in 1972, but having those kinds of monstrosities happen and then later in the 80’s and 90’s were still happening, but they probably didn’t wait. The rioting was just atrocious. They were still petrol bombing and using plastic bullets. And the human rights organizations, they shouldn’t have been using the plastic bullets, but they still were using the plastic bullets. Use to use tear gas back in the 70’s and 80’s and that was a really horrific time that was really bad then. 1998 was the Good Friday agreement, the army had all left. Up at the top of the street the army towers were moved and you could see new buildings going up. I just don’t know, look now at 2016-2017… 2013 we got city of culture here. I don’t know if you knew that. We got City of Culture.
 “The biggest argument was, what do you call the city? Is it Derry? Is it Londonderry? Is it Durye? Which is Irish. Is it Stroke City? There was a lot of kind of bitterness. And people just went, it’s just a name. Were all the same people living in the same community. When the year’s over we're still going to be left here. So many things came out of that. Where the communities mixed. People started building the peace bridge. It didn’t matter, you didn’t define people by their Surname, what part of town they lived in. Now in 2017, where we are, you would never of thought coming to a place like where you are. We would have never had a hotel up there. That was sort of one of the key areas where we use to riot. Now you don’t get any of it. If there’s marching going on, 16th of December they do the Battle of the brine, the 16th of August the apprentice boys march, 12 of July we would still commit to work. You would close, but you would still come into work. You just wouldn’t work against the marchers. It’s a completely different place, we have to move on. That’s the only way. Don’t forget you have to respect it. But, you have to forgive.”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from fire brigade formals to zombies to snowy days
Relan: *stares at the 3rd new commander* "..." iris: she seems jittery... shinra: considering all the controversy surrounding the 3rd these days, i can see why. Relan: "..." *walks up* "Commander?" tennouji: !!!! *salute* 3-3-3RD BRIGADE ACTING COMMANDER HIMARI TENNOUJI R-R-REPORTING SIR!! Relan: ._. "..." *salutes* "??? I...I'm Relan. I was...in the 3rd?" tennouji: oh. i-i-i think i might have s-seen you around. d-did you have a pet rat? Relan: owo "...His name is Buttons." tennouji: ah, so that was you then. shinra: ^^ Relan: "Y-Yes...How are you adjusting?" tennouji: i-its scary Q_Q Relan: o_o "...You should speak to Obi! He is newer at this work and is full of helpful advice!" tennouji: i-i wouldnt want to impose- Relan: "He wouldn't think of it like that. And he's far less intense than Captain Hinawa..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *slurring slightly* "Then that pointy-nose masked jerk is the _real_ villain! I told y'all!" gabriella: *holding her up, to make sure she doesnt fall over* hibana.... ._.; huang: ._.;;; Asako: =_= *takes another sip of brandy* "He most certainly was a dick." Hibana: =w= "Gabby, I know you want to get close to me--" *fiery eyes* "BUT I'M STILL COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT BASTARD." gabriella: ^-^; a-at least be sure to drink some water... Hibana: "Could you pour me some~?" gabriella: of course. Asako: "--and his voice was really disgusting..." -elsewhere- Patty: "!!! SHE'S ADORABLE!!!" hanako: >.< Patty: "Hee hee! And what a wonderful dress! Your moms picked it out?" hanako: ._. *nervous, hiding behind one angel* Patty: owo "...Oh. Didn't mean to scare you..." *backs up* angel 1: it's alright. ^^; hanako: mom said not to talk to strangers... Patty: ^^; "Fair enough..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *grumbling whining muttering* itsuka: [hey katsuki ^^ ] Bakugo: "..." [yo. how's it goin?] itsuka: [good. craming 4 exams w/ the squad >u< ] Bakugo: [they asked u for help or u volunteering?] itsuka: [study group @ tokage's place.] [PS tokage and tetsutetsu said to say 'hello'.] Bakugo: [tell them my exam grades will be better than theirs] itsuka: [noted] -elsewhere- midnight: *patching her arm up while mt lady is asleep on the couch* Mount Lady: "Zzz..." *loud snore* midnight:...(honestly, what am i gonna do with this one?).... *puts a pillow under her head* Mount Lady: *stops snoring* =w= midnight:.... (she's still young. hopefully she'll mellow out in time.) *chuckle* (i remember when i was young and naive like that. not a care in the world.) Mount Lady: *curls up on the bed, yawns--and grows two feet, her feet falling off the bed* -elsewhere- Black Star: "--and hence, I got a grandfather." tsubaki: it's nice to meet you, sir. grey*star: likewise. Black Star: "And Tsubaki is a great weapon! She has multiple forms, is sweet, smells nice, cooks--" tsubaki: ^-^; Black Star: "And she's a great caretaker to our family--" grey*star: ._. you...have children? Black Star: "I mean, sort of? Adopted." grey*star: ah. -elsewhere- stocking: mom? you ok? felisia: *whimpering, holding her stomach* Mephisto: "...Do you need some time to chat, Sweetie?" stocking: *hugs her mom* felisia: i-im so scared....w-what if i mess up? what if i do something wrong? i-i dont know what to do! *crying* Mephisto: "..." *hug* stocking: it's gonna be ok, mom. we're here for you. and your circumstances are different from before... Mephisto: *nod nod* "We're not going away..." felisia: t-thanks...*rubs her stomach* its ok...im going to do my best for you.... Mephisto: *nods, smiles* "We know..." -elsewhere- Kid: *cradling Shiori* shiori: babu! Kid: *holds up a doll* "And who is this person?" ^^ lord death: hard to believe she'll be 2 next month... Kid: *nods* "Growing up fast..." lord death: ahhh, im getting all teary eyed thinking about it! TT~TT Kid: "..." *whispers to Shiori* "I think Papa needs a hug..." shiori: hug papa. lord death: *HUUUUUGS* Kid: *hug* ^w^;;; -elsewhere- Aizawa: *yawns* "Okay. Location is set for tomorrow..." yuuji: cool. so these kid's quirks... Aizawa: "Surprising, huh?" yuuji: yeah....but this romero kid....i get a bad vibe from him... Aizawa: "...Little prejudicial?" yuuji: s-sorry. 7-7; -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Can't sleep?" mahiru: guess im just anxious. Shamrock: "Given past experiences, I suppose that is to be expected." mahiru: .....*pets kuro* Kuro: =_= mahiru: *small chuckle* Kuro: *kitten yawn* "Stop chuckling..." mahiru: ^^; Kuro: *curls up* "A cute thing like me deserves a fluffy blanket and kitten treats..." -elsewhere- Q: zzzzz.... Adam: "???" zoey: *hums a lullaby as she strokes Q's head* Q: =w= Adam: *listens* ("I never heard this...") zoey: *smiles and hums* Adam: *yawns, sits back* -elsewhere- Victor: owo "...That's new." nozomi: i figured it was time for a new look. i'm gonna have a busy night ahead of me. Victor: "Oh?" nozomi: deciphering my father's notes and what not. Victor: "After the party, though?" nozomi: *she nods* -later- shinra: aahhh. im beat. Relan: "But it was fun..." *yawn* shinra: yeah.... *sigh* Relan: "...What's wrong?" shinra: i didnt see the 4th commander at all. i figured maybe we could get answers from him... Relan: "...Maybe you need the direct approach? Ogun could help?" shinra: maybe. Relan: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Asako: "..." vivian: captain? Asako: "??? Yes, Vivian?" vivian: are you alright? Asako: "...I did not see Grandfather." vivian:......oh.... Asako: *wipes her eyes* "I guess I had to expect it..." *sniffs* vivian:....*understanding hug* Asako: "Th-Thank you..." vivian:...*nod* Asako: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring down your night. How did you enjoy the event?" vivian: it was fun. ^^ Asako: *smiles* "That's good...You seemed engaged with your boyfriend." vivian: *giggling* >///u///< <3 Asako: *wipes her eyes* "How long have you been dating?" -elsewhere- Burns: "--and file your report as to the intelligence gathered from the event by 10-hundred hours." Fulham: *nodding off* -elsewhere- lydia: ....... shadowy bull: .... *nuzzles its head against her face* lydia:.... *pets* <thank you...> Ivan: *knock knock* lydia: <it's open> Ivan: "..." <How is it going?> lydia: .... <same as usual...> Ivan: *nods* <No new updates from Master. That means to continue surveillance and preparations.> lydia:... <right. and oguri?> Ivan: "Dotting the i's and crossing the t's." <Checking up on the targets.> lydia: <ah.> Ivan: <So you'll need to be ready for backup...Especially if anyone gets in the way...> *hands a folder* <Some ability users Master located.> lydia: *examining* *One person is marked ???: Ranpo* lydia: hmmm... Ivan: <We're determining who to assign as backup--but you know how difficult Oguri can be.> lydia: <oguri? difficult?> *excalibur face* *sarcastically* <noooo, you're joking.> Ivan: ^^;;; <Please be patient: we'll need Oguri's help, especially as Adam has been--> *crash* lydia: <oh for fucks sake, what now?> Adam: "I didn't know spraying your alcohol-based hair product into a flame was a bad idea! Stop hitting me!" oguri: YOU SON OF A BITCH MOTHER FUCKER I WILL KILL YOU AND THEY WONT EVEN BE ABLE TO PROVE JACK SHIT!!! yana: ok, settle down. Adam: *leaps up into Ivan's arms* Ivan: Q_Q *can barely hold him* lydia: oguri, calm down. oguri: I'LL CALM DOWN AFTER I MURDER THAT WRETCHED SLAG LICKING LITTLE FUCKER!! lydia: oguri. not in front of the child. Q: ?? Adam: Q______Q Ivan: "..." <Keep cursing.> yana: you know, all that sodium isnt good for you....you know...because all the saltiness? Adam: "...OH! I get it!" ^^ -early morning- keek:...happy birthday to me, i guess... Mrs. Harue: "...I'm happy you're here." *holds her hand* keek:...*small hug* im happy too, mom. Mrs. Harue: *hug* *pat pat* "I'll have your cake ready this evening...and your breakfast now?" keek: yeah. -elsewhere- Takehisa: *holding his head* =____= karin: buzzed? Takehisa: "Hungover..." karin: ah. Takehisa: "I only had a sip of my drink, then I just switched to punch...Someone must've spiked it..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Zzz..." EF: we're here. Meme: *opens her eyes* "Huh?" -they're at the hotel- Meme: "..." *pushes the bed* "...Who brought me...*yawn* in?" ao: we all carried you. Anya: *lying on the vibrating bed* =w= "M-M-My b-b-b-back was k-k-k-killing me after..." mio: ._.; Meme: .___.;;; "...Need more quarters, Anya?" Anya: "I-I'm g-g-g-good..." tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "..." *looks out the window* "What's around here?" -there is a movie theater across the street- Meme: "..." *reads the marquee* ((Which city did they get to?)) tsugumi: *reading brochures* Meme: "..." *gets out of bed* "I'm going to shower. Then we can look around..." mio: ok. -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki: *making a call back home* *phone rings* Shamrock: "Hello?" tsubaki: it's me. how's everything at home? Shamrock: "...About the same as usual?" x_^;;;; tsubaki: ah, i see. -she explains what all happened- Shamrock: "...That is a lot for one trip...And this other one, Magaki?" tsubaki: they'll be under DWMA custody for the time being. Shamrock: "Ah...Are you comfortable with this?" tsubaki: i think so. Shamrock: *nods* "Okay...It's not too much to take on, is it?" tsubaki: i feel i have to try. Shamrock: "Of course...Do not exhaust yourself." tsubaki: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *stare* fukuzawa: .... ? Mori: "...I wanted to play..." fukuzawa: ...alright, what did you have in mind? Mori: "My father used to let me play with paper dolls--to identify their organs..." fukuzawa: um..... *sweatdrop* lets see here.....i have this. *hands him a kendama* just try to get the ball into the cup or onto the spike, but hold it away from you so you dont hurt yourself. be careful. Mori: "..." *small swing up--and the ball misses the spike* "Nuts." fukuzawa: it takes a bit of practice. ranpo: yeah, took me about 2 weeks to get it. Mori: "..." *whispers to Fukuzawa* "Why is that 30-year-old man dressed like a child cosplaying like a boy detective?" ranpo: OI! im only 27! Mori: "Close enough." *continues playing--and catches the ball on the spike* owo fukuzawa: see? *smile* Mori: ^w^ *swings it again--and the ball smashes into his eye* fukuzawa: *gets the medkit* i warned you. -_-; hold on, i'll fix this- Mori: TTwTT "I was excited..." fukuzawa: *patching him up* (at least he didnt break down crying this time...) Mori: "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Ogun: "He hasn't stepped out of the office?" pan: no. i hear him muttering in there sometimes. kind of unnerving. Ogun: "??? No idea what he's saying?" selim *presses ear to the door*........... Arg: *mutter mutter* "--burn--" *mutter mutter* "--Heaven--" selim: *giggles, lava forming at his feet* pan: !!! MORIYAMA! *A crash is heard in the office* pan: !!!! *slams the door open* sir!! Arg: *standing beside his desk...a book has fallen onto the floor...all looks normal in the room* "???" pan: sir are you alright? ogun! get moriyama to the nurse! Ogun: "On it!" *tries to lead Selim* selim: *follows, giggling all the while* Arg: "...Yes, I'm fine. How are you?" pan: we heard a commotion in here, sir. Arg: "??? Just knocked over this book..." pan: *walks over to pick it up* *The book is opened to some pages about photosynthesis--and have three long tears along it...* pan: ??? Arg: "I was trying to open a letter--" *gestures to the envelop opener* "--and darn thing slipped." -elsewhere- Poe: "..." lana: zzzzz Poe: "..." *hug* lana: u///u Poe: *holds onto her* lana:....morning edgar. Poe: "...Good morning, Lana. Sleep well?" lana: yeah....*brushes his bangs back and kisses his forehead* so sweet. Poe: =\\\\= "Lana..." lana: *kiss* ^///^ -elsewhere- katya: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pushkin: *nudge* <kati? you up yet?> katya: *muttering* pushkin: <that's ok, take your time.> *goes to make coffee* -elsewhere- oguri:..... {oguri: please...tell me...what do you see, when you look at me?} {???: …what i see is- } -knocks- oguri: !!!! IM NOT DECENT! Ivan: *calling from outside* "Meeting in 20." oguri: NOTED! >///n///<; Ivan: "??? Need medicine?" oguri: im fine! >3< *rubs eyes* i just need to get dressed first! Ivan: "Okay. If 20 is not enough--" oguri: I'LL BE OUT!! lydia: *gives ivan a motion to say 'lets go already'* Ivan: "..." *turns, leaves* oguri:....*sighs* get it together, already, mushitaro. -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusts his tie* "So this meeting will be about missions?" lord death: yes. you get to hand out missions today! Kid: "Yay!" *takes them--then stares* "...Father? I think you need to...They look uneven?" lord death: deep breaths, kiddo. Kid: "..." *inhales, exhales* "Okay..." *flips to the first mission* "This one is for--Sid?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *asleep at his school desk* nygus: mr watanuki? Sakuya: *grunts* naho: *nudge* sakkun, wake up. Sakuya: *sits up* "S-Sis?!" nygus: mr watanuki? is everything alright? Sakuya: "...Fine. Just...fine." *opens his book* "Sorry." naho:... -elsewhere- Magaki: *holds up shackled hands* <I'll need someone to hold the umbrella.> tsubaki: *holding it out* *smiles* Magaki: "..." *small blush* <Thank you.> *walks forward into the daylight* -elsewhere- tsuyu: ... mina: these exams are gonna kill me TT_TT Denki: "I don't want to fail..." Mineta: "YOU BETTER NOT FAIL, MINA! YOU NEED TO BE AT THE TRAINING--" jirou: *SLAM DUNKS HIM INTO THE TRASH* Mineta: D:< "I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING YET!" jirou: shhhhhh stop talking. Izuku: ^^; "Let's all do our best...I'm sure tutoring is helping?" ochako: yeah, it sure is. Bakugo: *dark aura around him* "I am the best fucking tutor ever..." sato: scary. *footsteps are heard in the hallway...more than just one pair* Iida: "ATTENTION!" *stands up* "TAKE YOUR SEATS BEFORE OUR TEACHER ARRIVES!" Bakugo: -_-# "You're out of your seat, numb-nuts..." jirou: ?? (more than one person?) *The door slides open, revealing Aizawa and--* momo: new students? Aizawa: "Quiet...everyone take your seat. Iida, sit down already." Iida: *slams down into his chair with a crash* .\\\\\. *Four students walk in--one hiding behind the others* girl: ... large boy: .~.;;;;;; Creepy Boy: "..." *sneers* Bakugo: "...The fuck is his problem?" Izuku: "..." ("You're one to talk...") ochako: OwO;;; momo:.... ._.;;; Denki: *shiny eyes* "Adorable..." Mineta: *stuck in the trash can head-down* "What? Is something happening? Is it sexy?" jirou: dont you fucking dare. *shoves mineta back into the trash* Mineta: "GRK! My grapes!" kashiko: um...what's going on? jirou: he's a cursed student, just ignore him and everything will be fine. kashiko: ._.; *blinks* Aizawa: "I know it's unorthodox in the middle of exam studying, but administration decided for your next exercise to engage in some 'exchange student' tactics..." *gestures* "These four are from Isamu High..." Koda: "???" *points at each one...then holds up three fingers* "???" kashiko: it's nice to meet you all. my name is Kashiko Sekigai. dadan: i-im Dadan Tadan...n-nice to....meet you... ._.;;; *sweats* hagakure: aww, he's like a big teddy bear. Romero: "..." *growl* "Fujimi." ochako: ._.;;;; Bakugo: *death glare* "...This jerk's crowding in on _my_ routine..." eijiro: *sweatdrop* Aizawa: "...Yo. Last one. Name yourself." ???: "..." *the one with big hair peeks over Kashiko's shoulder* "..." *spots Tsuyu* "!!!" tsuyu: *looks up* !!!! habuko! Habuko: "TSU!" -HUUUGS~- Izuku: ._. "???" ochako: that's so cute. Izuku: ^^ "Aaaah, despite appearances, any friendship can form--" Romero and Bakugo: "SHUT UP, YOU DAMN NERD--WE'RE NOT THEIR FRIENDS!" Romero and Bakugo: "..." *death glares* mina: this can only lead to disaster. Denki: "...D'aw, Kacchan made a new friend, too--" Romero: *snort laugh* "Kacchan?! That loser who got slimed?!" Bakugo: *slow head turn--180--to glare at Denki* Denki: .________.;;;; jirou: why do you keep saying words? Denki: "Because I'm not Koda..." Koda: *opens his mouth--pauses...then does a "He's not wrong" shrug* jirou: *jabs him* dont be an ass. mina: yikes. kashiko: -_-; Aizawa: "If we are all done...you'll be getting on buses in an hour. Iida, lead the exchange students to the locker room to change into your outfits." -later- momo: so you're the class rep? kashiko: yeah, but it's far from an easy job. Habuko: ^w^ momo: i take it mr fujimi is your 'problem student'? kashiko: oh yes, but he does mean well. mina: so in personality terms, he's a mix of bakugou and monoma. Habuko: "??? I don't know who this Monoma is, but he sounds like an ass." tsuyu: oh trust us, he is. Habuko: *holds Tsuyu's hand* "I missed you!!!" tsuyu: i missed you too >u< Habuko: >w< "We have to talk so much before--" Izuku: ._____. tsuyu: ah right. this is izuku. we're going steady. Habuko: "Oh! I've heard so much about you..." Izuku: *nods* "I heard a bit about you. Tsuyu says you're a great friend--" Habuko: *activates Quirk, stares at Izuku* "YOU HURT HER, AND YOU WON'T HAVE A HEAD..." Izuku: owo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tsuyu: settle habuko, settle. *pat pat* Habuko: =w= *inhale, exhale* "Sorry...If anything happened to Tsuyu, I don't know..." Izuku: *nod nod nod nod* QwQ "I feel the same..." tsuyu: guys... ^^ Habuko: "Initiating group hug!" *glomp* ochako: .... *glances at todoroki* ? Todoroki: "..." Izuku: *choking* -and so- Aizawa: "Stand here at attention...Mineta, move from that spot." Mineta: "But why, sir? I got a great view--" *A light is seen flying up through the sky* Izuku: .______. *Everyone but Mineta takes a step back* ???: "I AM LANDING--" *BOOM* *All Might has arrived* All Might: "--WITH A THUNDERING CRASH! ...Did I step in something?" jirou: just a pile of shit. sato: oooh, sick burn. Mineta: *last-minute protection by his Quirk-balls* q_q "...This is going to end badly for me today..." All Might: "Oh. SORRY, YOUNG MINETA!" *steps off...and wipes his shoe along the dirt* "I AM HERE TO WELCOME OUR INVITED STUDENTS--" Aizawa: "Enough. You're late." All Might: .w.;;;; Romero: *shiny eyes at All Might* kashiko: ^u^; Habuko: "OMG I am so getting his autograph!" Aizawa: "Today is survival tra--" All Might: "SURVIVAL TRAINING!" *turns on hologram* "Six teams! Four members each! RUN OR FIGHT! THE ONLY GOAL IS TO SURVIVE!" Bakugo: "..." *gleeful murderous sneer* dadan: ._.;;; Aizawa: "No. Killing. Kacchan." Bakugo: *grumbles* All Might: "CAPTURE TAPE IS THE ONLY TOOL ALLOWED TO BIND YOUR OPPONENTS!" Habuko: "Oooooo! We did a similar exercise! You used that tape stuff before, Tsu?" tsuyu: *nod* All Might: "NOW FOR THE TEAMS! A Team is Midoriya, Ashido, Uraraka, and Asui!" Mineta: "Jealous." mina: cool. Izuku: ^^; ochako: neato! tsuyu: *ribbit* -TEAM B- momo: oh. eijiro: looks like we're on the same team, bakugou! ^^ Bakugo: "I am winning this one, and the rest of you better just do whatever I say." Shoji: "..." *from arm-mouth* "Typical." -TEAM C- hagakure: yay! Todoroki: "Okay...Let's make this one count." Koda: *nods* =w= Ojiro: "Right." -TEAM D- sato: awesome. Tokoyami: "I look forward to working with you." Iida: "Likewise!" sero: ^u^ -TEAM E- jirou: why me? Denki: "Karma, baby!" Aoyama: "Oui." Mineta: >_> "Freaking sausage fest..." jirou: i hope you get mauled by a bear. Mineta: "...I'm not into bears." Aoyama: "???" -TEAM F- kashiko: so we're all on the same team then. Romero: "Time to show these Death City losers how we do it at Isamu..." dadan: ._.;;; Habuko: "..." *inhales* "Okay...Give it my all, give it my all..." Aizawa: "Teams are selected. Go to their starting locations." All Might: "THE TEST WILL BEGIN WITHOUT WARNING IN FIVE MINUTES--" Aizawa: "That constitutes a warning..." All Might: "...Oh. Um...WITHIN FIVE MINUTES!" -and so- *Everyone runs to their locations* Habuko: "Give it your best, Tsu!" tsuyu: you too! Romero: "Enjoy the stench of defeat!" Bakugo: "JOKES ON YOU--I EAT PIECES OF SHIT LIKE YOU FOR BREAKFAST!" Romero: "..." Bakugo: "...Sh-Shut up!" momo: phrasing, bakugou. phrasing. Iida: ^^ --At Team A's location-- ochako: alright, so what's the game plan, deku? mina: you're our tactician here. Izuku: ._.;; "Lot of pressure...Well, we lack the same surveillance abilities that Jiro and others have...And if we start a fight, that attracts other teams to our location--risking that we have a two-on-one fight, and we're the one..." tsuyu: but this is a survival training, right? mina: maybe just wait it out for now? Izuku: "...It sounds like the best plan until something changes." *nods* "Okay. Let's do that." mina: i even snuck my phone in, so we can stream shows. Izuku: ._.;;; "That's...a little too laid-back for 'survival'...Unless...Hmm...Did this facility have any cameras or wireless in order to access GPS tracking to ascertain the locations of *mumble mumble mumble mumble--" -elsewhere- yuuji: ... Aizawa: "Okay, 'spotter', see anything?" yuuji: well- -BOOOOM- yuuji: that. Aizawa: "...So much for an exercise teaching them patience..." *sigh* -meanwhile- jirou: ok, only one person's footsteps. Denki: "So Bakugo's coming alone...Let's surround him!" jirou: *nod* -on the ground- Bakugo: *running* "Heh heh--" *then *then spots a laser coming at him* Bakugo: "!!!" *leaps, dodges--then sees balls coming at him* ("Coordinated concentrated attack...") *sneers, leaps--and slams his fists onto the ground* "TAKE THAT, EARPHONES!" jirou: ABLABLABLBALBALBALEUUUU X-X Denki: "Jirou!" *runs to her* Mineta: "EAT MY BALLS!" *flings them at Bakugo* Bakugo: "..." *swings a blast--which smashes the balls at--* Aoyama: Q_Q "C'est mauvais..." *BOOM* ochako: ?!?! there's another one! *Aoyama is now stuck to Denki and Jirou* Izuku: "Kacchan...Listen to see where he moves next..." -elsewhere- kashiko: *scanning* amazing, taking on eight people at once... Romero: "Pfft. Tadan! Get ready!" dadan: r-right! -BYEEEEEEWM- Shoji: *hears* "!!! Move!" momo: ?? ... !!!!! *BOOM BOOM BOOM* Romero: "Keep going! Then we'll check the field..." -BOOOOOM- mina: ?!? Izuku: "...Is that Bakugo? ...No...Isamu is making its move." ochako: should we go in? tsuyu: ... ??!!! w-what....what is that? -a pinkish fog rolls in- ochako:... get to high ground! this doesnt look good. Izuku: *runs with the team* -on the top of the hill- ochako: todoroki! Todoroki: "Hello. I would be battling you all here--but obviously whatever that is [the gas] is the bigger threat." tsuyu: i just hope the others are alright... Izuku: "Has to be an Isamu student's Quirk, right? Tsu, you learn anything about theirs?" tsuyu: all i know is habuko's. Izuku: "Hmm...That wouldn't be this one then--" *Footsteps can be heard* mina: !!!! there's someone there! Bakugo: *walking...shambling up* ochako: s-something's not right. tsuyu: .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mina: THEY'RE ZOMBIES!!! AND NOT THE MR SID KIND EITHER!!! Bakugo: "GRAWRRRRRRRRR!!!" Todoroki: "..." ("Seems normal for Bakugo...") *In the shadows of the trees* Romero: "Hee hee hee..." hagakure: how awful. tsuyu: even habuko.... Habuko: "Grrrrrr..." Iida: *running into a tree* mina: they're....kinda slow. ._.; Ojiro: "So we can out-run them to get a report to the teachers...Where the hell is Aizawa...?" Romero: "BWA HA HA HA! Foolish students!" Izuku: ._. Romero: "Impressive, no?" *dramatic pose* "I have out-shined all of you!" mina: WHAT KIND OF HERO ARE YOU, YOU COLLOSAL JERK?! Romero: "The kind of hero who keeps weaklings like you in my shadow!" Todoroki: "...So, you're a fan of All Might. Anyone else you're a fan of?" Romero: "...I think Endeavor is kind of cool--" Todoroki: "Go fuck yourself." ochako: owned. mina:....um.....guys? Romero: .____. "...Jeez. What's up your ass?" *A shadow appears over Romero* *Baku-chomp* Romero: "GAAAAAH!" *collapses* Izuku: "...Kacchan still wants to battle, even when a zombie." Bakugo: *growls* "DEEEEEEEEEEEKUUUUUUU!!!" Izuku: "Eep!" Todoroki: "And without Agent Zero, we can't reverse his poison...Get back!" ochako: OwO;; that means they're still in there somewhere! mina: what now? Romero: "..." *climbs up--a zombie* Izuku: "Like the horror films--don't get bit!" hagakure: ...!! miss akemi! she has time-wimey magic right? Todoroki: *freezes the ground* "And create a barrier..." *Some students shift in the ice* Izuku: "Then we better hurry to find her--before--" -noms on hagakure and ojiro- *BOOM* mina: YOU HAD ONE JOB GUYS COME ON! Ojiro: "GGGGGGGRR..." Tokoyami: "GRRRRRR..." ochako: welp....BAIL!!! Koda: "..." Izuku: "Mina, acid path down the mountain! Todoroki, ice!" Todoroki: *ice slide* -they flee- Habuko: *LOUD WAIL* tsuyu: ..... (habuko....) it's ok, we're going to get help for you guys! *A rock is in Tsuyu's path* tsuyu: AH! *falls* o-ow... Habuko: *snake tongue slithers* "..." Izuku: "TSU!" Habuko: "..." *leans down* tsuyu: ..... Habuko: "..." *tears falling* "Tsssuuuuu..." tsuyu: it's ok habuko. we'll get miss akemi to reverse time to prevent this- ???: *chomp* ochako: !!!!! Izuku: "...OH GODDAMN IT!" Aoyama: *nom nom nom* tsuyu: *ribbit* mina: come on! we got to get homura! Izuku: "Tsu!" *reaches for her--* Todoroki: "We're going, now!" *picks up Izuku* "Who the hell thought this exercise was a good idea--" ???: "HA HA HA!" Izuku: QwQ "Oh, thank goodness! We'll be saved by--" *CRASH, BOOM* All…Might?: *depowered mode* *bleeding out of his mouth* "Aaaaah..." Izuku: Q_Q Todoroki: "..." *facepalm* mina: did some random salaryman fall from the sky? ochako: LETS JUST GO! -they abscond- No Might: "WAIT! I'M NOT A ZOMBIE! I'M HERE TO HELP--" Tokoyami: "Rawr..." No Might: ._.;;;;;;; sato: *pap pap and walks on by* No Might: p_p ("Aizawa...help?") --elsewhere-- Aizawa: "--so let him fix his own mess." yuuji: ....given how this romero kid acted.....are you _sure_ he's a hero? Aizawa: "...I think the categories of 'villain' and 'hero' are being shown to be horribly defined, aren't they?" yuuji:...touche...and i really am in no position to judge, given my circumstances... Aizawa: "It's all what you do with the abilities...And given Bakugo and Romero down there, got a lot of work to do to make them into All Might's, not Endeavor's..." yuuji: right... -meanwhile- Todoroki: *sealing up the entrance with ice* mina: *checks her phone* ugh, no reception. =3= ochako: .... Izuku: *wipes his eyes* "O-Okay...First we got to wait for the gas to clear..." mina: yeah, then everything will be ok, right? ochako:.....*shaking* Todoroki: "Well, if those zombie films my sister and I watch are anything to go by, eventually the zombies will break through here, infect us, then spread the virus out of this state, across the continent, and eventually the wor--" mina: STAAAAAAP THAT. Izuku: *wearing a 'Are you kidding me right now?!' face* ochako: *crying* Todoroki: "!!! ..." *pat pat Ochako's shoulder* ochako: i-i dont want to die, i-i dont want to feel like a coward... Izuku: "We-We're not! Not like this when--" *SHATTER* mina: !!! shit! Izuku: "Okay! Todoroki, get ready for a fire blast!" Todoroki: "...But the ice may not carry far enough--" ochako: l-leave it to us to! mina: yeah! Todoroki: "..." *nods* "Ochaco, gravity the ice to give it distance. Mina, cover me--hit the rocks to give me a barrier." mina: roger that. ochako: *wipes eyes and nods* Izuku: "We'll need to move forward...I'll smash us an escape path forward. Just have to hope our classmates can't feel the damage...Forgive me, guys..." *charges up One for All, leans back against the rocks in a running position* Todoroki: "I'm ready...Mina, Ochaco...NOW!" -acid + gravity = DOUBLE PINK- *BOOM* *The ice explodes forward--knocking a path forward...* Izuku: *tumbles out of the cave, ending at the mountain's rock edge* *pants* "Okay..." Death the Kid: Todoroki: *steps outside* "..." *looks up* "...Um...Ochako? How much gravity did you add to that attack?" ochako: um.... ._.; uhhhh guys? Iida: "I'M FALLING!!!!" Mineta: "WHAT THE H?!" jirou: THIS DAY HAS BEEN TERRIBLE!!! Aoyama: "MERDE MERDE ME--" *into a tree* Izuku: D: "Oh, God, I killed them..." ???: "Not all of us..." Izuku: .___. "...Oh no..." Bakugo: *falling* "DEKU! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" *blasts forward* Todoroki: "!!!" *picks up Ochaco, runs* Bakugo: "SURVIIIIIIIIIVE THIS!" *spinning fire spear* ochako: D8 Izuku: *waving his arms* "NO NO NO--" *BOOM* -they were all fine dont worry- -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Goddamn it, All Might..." yuuji:....well, today was just a big shitshow, wasnt it? Aizawa: "Yep...I get to write letters to their parents. Again." -later- hagakure: good thing for conveniently placed trees, right? Ojiro: *hanging by his tail--having caught Hagakure* "Heh...No kidding." Iida: *bowing* "WE HUMBLY APOLOGIZE FOR THIS UNNECESSARY CARNAGE!" kashiko: it's fine. *glares at romero* romero, apologize. Romero: "...I'm sorry for not telling you earlier how long it takes for my zombie gas to wear off." momo: bakugou. apologize. Bakugo: "...I'm sorry." Iida: "!!!" *smiles* "Bakugo...That is oddly mature--" Bakugo: "Please accept this gift as a token of my apology." *holds up, wrapped in capture tape...Mineta* "Take it. We don't want it anymore." kashiko: ........................................we'll pass. itsuka: ^^; you guys ok? Iida: -_-# Bakugo: "THIS F'ING DAWN OF THE DEAD RIPOFF STARTED A FIGHT WITH US!" Romero: "THIS 1990s ANTI-HERO REJECT WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED IT!" Mineta: -_-# *still tied up* kashiko: ROMERO. DOWN. itsuka: easy there, katsuski. *pat pat* Bakugo: =\\\\\\= Romero: "...How the hell does he have a girlfriend?" momo: one of the school's many mysteries. Iida: ^\\\\^ "Guess there's someone for everyone..." hagakure: you think _bakugou_ is bad? you should meet itsuka's ex. or better yet dont. Monoma: *pops up behind Hagakure* "HOW DARE YOU!" Romero + Bakugo: "SHUT UP!" *both punch Monoma in the face* kashiko:.............you're school is weird. momo: you have no idea. Monoma: *collapses* x____x Mineta: *muffled* "If there is someone for everyone, does that mean--" Iida: "No." Mineta: "...This day sucked." jirou: no kidding. if i see another zombie, im legit going to freak out. Sid: "Oh, Jiro--You missed class, so I brought you your homework--" jirou:...... *lays face down on the floor and sobs* Sid: ._____. "...It's only a worksheet?" -several students hug him- sato: Q~Q we had no idea how hard it is for you. sero: you brave brave person. Koda: *hug* Sid: "..." Q_____Q "Thank you...You don't know how much *sniff* this means to me..." tsuyu: ^^; so habuko, how long are you guys staying in the city for? Habuko: "About a week. Up for showing me the town?" tsuyu: yeah. i'll invite the others too. and maybe one day we could play some mario kart? Habuko: "Hells yay! My girlfriend loves Kart!" tsuyu: awesome. ^^ -elsewhere- All Might: "Midoriya...Please accept the cake as an apology--" Izuku: TT___TT "I can't tell whether you're lying or not..." *bandaged* All Might: "...You kind of look like Miss Nygus--" Izuku: "That is sadly appropriate..." -elsewhere- Anya: "Ice skating rink! Pizza! Museums! Souvenir shops!" tsugumi: *she has her map out* EF: remember to stay close together, girls. mio: yes ma'am. Anya: "Right, of course we will. Right Meme?" *looks around* "...Um...Where is she?" ao: she's right here. mio: *phew* Meme: *staring at bulletin boards* "Hmm..." *writes down some phone numbers* -elsewhere- ochako: ....*tired* Todoroki: "...I'm sorry." ochako: hey, i-it's fine. i was a bit nervous...^^; trixie: *doggy whine and plops her head onto ochako's lap* ochako: *pet pet* Todoroki: "...May I pet her?" ochako: sure, she's friendly. trixie: ^u^ Todoroki: .\\\\. "..." *pet* trixie: *lick lick* Todoroki: *slight shiver* ochako: *giggles* Todoroki: "Heh..." *pet pet* ochako: im glad everything turned out ok in the end. Todoroki: *nods* "More or less...Some injuries will take some time..." -elsewhere- jirou: *collapses onto her bed* uuuugh. bowie: *her parrot* *squawk* jirou: today sucked. i want to sleep. bowie: *squawk* fuck off! fuck off ya piece of shit! jirou:.... *snort laughter* thanks bowie, i needed that today. -elsewhere- yuuji: those kids are gonna need serious therapy for this. Aizawa: "I emailed Marie to ask for help..." yuuji: good call. i heard she's pretty nice...................................i also heard she beat the fuck out of a toilet once. Aizawa: "That's accurate. She...has some issues about relationships." yuuji: i'll stay out of that one thanks. -elsewhere- Yumi: "?! Marie? What's wrong?" marie: hmm? im totally fine~ ^^ Yumi: "Oh, good...You just looked concerned for a moment..." *pulling her necklace away from Shiori* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." White Star: "..." Black Star: "...The heck is your problem?" White Star: "???" Black Star: "Like, what am I supposed to do with you?" grey*star: *enters the room* ...... White Star: "!!!" <The hell?!> grey*star: *he looks at him with a stern expression, yet there is a hint of sadness in his eyes....* White Star: <Why aren't you dead?!> Black Star: *gripping his fists* grey*star: ....<i suppose we're just that tenacious...> White Star: "Pfft." <Who would want to claim your soul anyway? Worthless thief...> grey*star: <at least i didnt resort to eating the souls of innocent people> White Star: "..." *sneers* <You missed out...> grey*star:.......*looks at black*star* Black Star: "...You know what? Stay locked up in here for all I care. Maybe confinement will teach you some manners." -morning- Izuku: Q_Q "I'm not trying to make this a habit, Mom, I swear..." inko: i know, but i cant help but worry. im just glad that nice old nurse is there to help you. Izuku: ^^; "Yeah, she's great...She even collects superhero Pez dispensers..." inko: ah. -elsewhere- rowena: happy birthday brother! ^^ lana: ^^ Poe: *blubbering* Q_Q "Wah mah...Gah mah-mah wah..." lana: *hugs* ^^; -knocks on the door- Poe: c-come in… ranpo: heyoooo~! Poe: Q////Q ranpo: so i heard it was your birthday today. and i also would assume cake is involved somehow? Poe: "..." -_-;;;; "It's over there..." ranpo: awesome! oh, i got you this. *hands him a new pen set* Poe: *shiny eyes* “T-Thank you, Ranpo…” ranpo: ^^ figured you'd like that. Poe: "I shall start writing immediately! I need paper!" rowena: ah, right! -elsewhere- Anya: "Look at the snow globe!" tsugumi: cool! mio: ^^; Meme: "Yeah, real nice..." *looking behind them* "..." mio:...are you ok? Meme: "Just trying to keep an eye open..." mio: ah... *There's a laundromat, some fast food stands, a road to a nearby university...* mio:...it's nice. Meme: *nods* "Kind of a college town setting..." mio:....*examining* *There's someone exiting the laundromat in a hoodie* mio: ?? *The person turns--she looks...odd in her eyes* mio: ... ??!! Meme: "What?" mio: that person... Meme: "!!!" *runs* tsugumi: .. ??? meme! wait up! Anya: *holding a snow globe* "Hang on!" *throws cash at the merchant* -in the alley- Meme: "Stop right there!" girl: *turns to look at them* ya? what do you want, girly? Meme: "Shaula Gorgon!" girl: eh? you on something? -the others have caught up- Anya: "??? ...Why does that person have a scorpion tattoo?" Meme: "BECAUSE SHE'S SHAULA!" girl: hey, i dont know what she's on, but she needs to step off before i kick her ass. tsugumi: meme... Meme: "We know they can impersonate other people! That's her--I know it!" mio:....*holding her hand* Meme: "..." *shudders* -on the roof- beatrice:..... *walking off* -elsewhere- jordan: dude, i just had the weirdest thought. fitz with a mustache. eckleburg:....eh? Daisy: "...I could see that." -elsewhere- leo: *doing some cleaning* Motojiro: "??? That seems inconvenient." leo: hm? Motojiro: "Maybe a better vacuum..." leo: perhaps. Motojiro: "I could repair one. Give it more oomph." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *snuggle* Kid: *sniff, hug* stocking: *kiss* i love you, kiddo. Kid: *nods* "I love you, Stocking..." *strokes her face* stocking: u///u *forehead press* Kid: *small smile, closes his eyes, breathes a little more calmly* -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawn* "How much longer we house sitting?" *glancing at the others* mahiru: tsubaki said she'd be sometime this week. Kuro: "...And you're not worried about...them?" mahiru: .... Kuro: "After what their creator did..." mahiru: … -elsewhere- Habuko: *giggles* "His big hands are so out there!" kashiko: they sure are. dadan ._.;; Romero: -_-# "That mask looks dumb..." -elsewhere- baum: *whistling* dorothy: *walking with him* Steinbeck: *wipes his brow with a handkerchief* "Remarkable..." twain: *vibrating* oscar: so hot =3=; ebie: ^^ *she has a spider on her head* Steinbeck: ._.; "...Ebie?" ebie: it's cool, he's my friend. ^^ oscar: EEP! >~<;; Steinbeck: "Well, if you're sure...Just be careful. And don't let it bite the others." -elsewhere- Arthur: *hiding under sheets* tamaki: *looks at clock* arthur, come on. Arthur: "Keep that quack away from me..." tamaki: come on, the medic wont hurt you... Arthur: "I saw what Giovanni did to people. The medic will take out my brain and replace it with that of a chicken." tamaki: i assure you, she wont do that. shinra: come on, lets go. *pulling at his legs to drag him out of bed* although if he had his brain swapped with a chicken... tamaki: *GLARE* Arthur: Q~Q "UNHAND ME!" *flailing but not really able to do anything* -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and she's still gaga for him." yosano: *sighs* poor girl. Lucy: "He hasn't talked to her, has he?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Okay, so I called this meeting for an update on your job security." *flips through notes* "Assi and Zuno are at Manhasset--" Assi: QwQ "Mr. Fitzgerald is really intimidating but likes robot action figures--" Zuno: "Why do I have all these letters?" *holds up undelivered letters from work* Yohei: "Mana and Mono are at Deathbucks--" mana: *nod* mono: 7//7; medea: ... Shotaro: "Hee hee...'Mana with Mono'..." mana: *chop to showtaro's head* Yohei: "Medea is working at the consignment shop..." medea: *nod* Shotaro: >3< "Worth it!" Yohei: "Tool and Saki are taking that junk he makes out of trash and selling it to museums--" Tool: "It...is called...ART!" saki: ^^; Yohei: "And Emine--" *looks up* "...Where is he?" *Door opens abruptly, as Emine runs in, panting, clutching a duffle bag and leaning against the door* lin-kimpur: !!! emine, are you ok?? Emine: *pant pant--* *looks up* .\\\\. Yohei: "...What did you do?" Emine: "..." *pulls a wad of money out of the bag, hands it to Lin* "Make them quiet." lin: um- chie: *murderous aura* emiiineeee. ^^# Emine: "I DIDN'T STEAL IT! ...I mean, I stole it, but from other...thieves?" Kepuri: *asleep sitting up because of overtime* nea: from where? ^^# Emine: ._. "...I just remember a lot of guns, and a bad deed to finish--" Shotaro: "Aw, it can't be that bad--" *opens duffle bag* Emine: "DON'T--!" Shotaro: "..." *pulls out an arm--* mono: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEAMS* setsuna: o_o; chie: WHAT THE HECK?! mana: EMINE WHAT DID YOU DO!? Shotaro: *pulls the arm out completely--it's a mannequin's arm* "...Hee hee...Fake arm." Emine: ._.;;;; "...It looked real when I ran out...Huh. Guess they didn't kill anyone." Assi: *hiding behind Mono* Kepuri: *still asleep* *snores* akaderu: ._.; Emine: "Look, I was trying to do a bad deed, while also stopping murderers--" Yohei: "Murderers of mannequins." Emine: "I THINK I DESERVE SOME CREDIT!" *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Emine: .______. nea: *checks the peep hole* *Multiple persons with guns are standing at the door* nea: OwO;; chie: *dark shield around io and toru* Yohei: "!!! They must have hacked the security..." *death glare at Emine* Emine: .__________. "I was trying my best to be my worst..." Shotaro: *pat pat* nea: *heads outside* morning, lovelies~ ^^ fine day we're having, no? Gangster: "Get back inside you--Wait...Nea? Nea!" nea: been a while, dearies~ ^^ gangster 2: *kneels* we had no idea you lived here, miss polito! Gangster 1: "...Oh! Right!" *kneels* "We had followed a thief here. Have you seen him?" nea: in a moment~ *drags emine out* he's my servant~<3 Emine: D:< "HOW DARE YOU! I AM NOT--" nea: *clamps a hand over his mouth* he's a bit rambunctious, hoho~ Emine: >_< Gangster 1: "...So, about the money? Is that a deal breaker here?" nea: we'll return it, for a small fee on the side~? and dont worry, we'll give back 'debra' Gangster 1: o\\\\w\\\\o "...It's not what you think." nea: i know, i know, i just know greg will have a fit without 'her'. Gangster: >\\\\< "WHAT FEE DO YOU WANT, MA'AM?!" nea: not much, just something like, say....$50,000. ^^ Gangster 1: Q_Q "The boss will have my pinkies..." nea: was that a complaint? ^^# Gangster 1: Q~Q "No, Ma’am... nea: good. -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...So you're holding the bacon burger...so it doesn't fly?" ochako: hmm? more or less. Todoroki: "...I've heard of pigs flying, but not bacon flying..." ochako: *giggle* Todoroki: *small smile* *sips his hot chocolate* "Any plans this weekend?" -elsewhere- Arthur: Q_Q *rubbing his arm* shinra: now that wasnt so hard, was it? Arthur: "It was awful. Like a tiny joust piercing my epidermal..." iris: still, you're alive, right? ^^ Arthur: Q_Q *meek nod* "May I have a lollipop?" komori: *hands him one* Arthur: "..." *hesitantly takes it...licks* komori: [better?] Arthur: =_= "I like cherry..." -elsewhere- Meme: *grumbling* EF: meme, are you sure you're alright? ao: you've been on edge since we got here... Meme: "Because I feel her--I know she's here!" tsugumi: meme... mio: *worried* Anya: "How do you even know? That person didn't look a thing like Shaula--" Meme: *death glare* tsugumi: !! Meme: "You have no idea what it feels like, 'Princess'!" Anya: "!!!" *tenses* tsugumi: meme, anya, please- Anya: "You're flying off the handles. If you don't calm--" Meme: "Excuse me, don't I have the right to be upset?!" mio: ..... EF: we understand you're stressed out, but you dont have to take it out on us- Meme: "Then how about you help me find Shaula?! Don't you want to stop her?" mio: of course we do. Meme: "..." *shaking* mio:...*hugs* Meme: *shaking still* mio: we'll find her, ok? Meme: *nods* tsugumi: *looks at anya* Anya: "..." *sighs* "I'm sorry...You know we want to stop her, right?" Meme: "...Yeah." tsugumi:...*small smile* Meme: "..." *crying* mio: *hugs her tightly* ao: .... -elsewhere- oguri: *whistling, walking past ivan's room....the door is open?* hm? Ivan: <Is it good, master~?> oguri: ??? *peeeks* .___o ?!?! Ivan: *has a Fyodor doll* =w= oguri: *SWEATS* *backing away and fast walking away* Ivan: "Hee hee..." <So cute...> Adam: *walking from the other way towards Oguri* oguri: dont go in there, just trust me on this. lydia: i wouldnt go into the nurse's room either. *whispers* she's wearing one of his cloaks and spare hat's....and it's all she's wearing -__-; oguri:.... .///.; lydia: D8< oguri: i wasnt thinking anything weird! Adam: "??? 'Weird' like an elephant in a funny hat?" lydia + oguri: ... zoey: *soft moan as she sniffs the cloak* Adam: "??? Sounds like a dying giraffe..." oguri: *cringes* well there goes _my_ libido for the week. Ivan: *soft murmurs and kissy noises* lydia: -____-;;; -elsewhere- Fyodor: *shudders, rattling his chains* guard: oi! keep it down in there! Fyodor: ._. <It's not my fault I felt a shiver up my spine...> guard: ?? Fyodor: "...I feel cold." -elsewhere- katya: *shudder* pushkin: ?? katya: <vachenka's being weird somewhere.> pushkin: <yikes> *The door breaks open* Motojiro: "Someone say something about weird stuff?!" katya: HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT, SKII-MASK?! Motojiro: *holds up--* "A translator! I heard you say 'The kumquats are being weird.'" katya:.......................................................................................................what. pushkin: *siiiiiigh* Motojiro: "...Well, it wasn't lemons being weird, right? That's just goofy." pushkin: *awkwardly laughs and backs up* ^^;;; Motojiro: "Want to talk about science for 4 hours? I got a PowerPoint all set up?" katya: dont you have any other hobbies? Motojiro: "...Want to talk theater?" katya: that's more lev's style. Motojiro: "..." =w= -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: *looking out the plane window* ... {Magaki: <Will I be abandoned when we arrive?>} {tsubaki: *she shakes her head* <you'll stay in DWMA custody for a while, and after you're let go, we'll take you in.>} {Magaki: <...> *nods* <I don't know that I believe you entirely...>} {tsubaki: <and i dont know how to convince you...>} {Magaki: <...Visit?>} {tsubaki: <ok. i will.> *smiles*} tsubaki: .... Black Star: *stretches* "...You okay?" tsubaki: *nod* y-yeah Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* tsubaki: t-thanks. Black Star: *nods* "Any time..." -elsewhere- Poe: *writing* karl: *snoozing* Poe: *pet pet* karl: =w= -elsewhere- lydia:.....it's strange. Adam: "???" lydia: oguri's only been interacting with the rest of us recently... Ivan: "Should we speak to him?" lydia: i mean, he's only started talking to the rest of us after arriving to the new base. yana: yeah, back at the mines, he just stayed in his room the whole time. though at that time, he was the new guy, so.... Ivan: "He seemed really focused on his tasks..." oguri: gossiping about me i see? Ivan: OwO "N-No?" oguri:...carry on then. *walking off* Ivan: "???" lydia:....maybe discuss this some other time. Ivan: "...If we delay asking him..." lydia: a good plan... Ivan: "...Okay. Well...I suppose I should prep some tea. That may help..." yana: <good call> Ivan: *walks by Zoey's room* zoey: *asleep, still wearing the coat and hat* Ivan: *Excalibur face* <Cow.> zoey: =w= Ivan: "..." *closes the door--with a loud slam* zoey: !! .... *lays back down, rubbing her stomach* Ivan: ("Hope that parasite swallows her up...") -elsewhere- Emine: *sitting in the corner with a sign: "I will not steal from the mafia"* -3- -elsewhere- Anya: *grumbles* EF: *hands her a crepe* here. Anya: "..." *angry nom* =n= EF:....im sure meme didnt mean what she said... Anya: "...Still annoying. She knows I value some respect..." EF: ..... Anya: "...Your silence is very judgy." -3- "I'm sorry for getting upset with her..." EF: maybe apologizing to her directly? Anya: "..." >\\\\> "F-Fine...Where's Meme?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking:....y-yeah.... Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: just having a bad day...remembering bad things.... Kid: *nods* "Want to talk or just sit?" stocking: can you rub my back and comfort me? Kid: "Yes." *small, soft rub along her back* stocking: *hugs him, whimpering slightly* Kid: *light humming as he rubs a bit wider* stocking: .....i love you kid. Kid: "I love you, Stocking." *rests his chin on her shoulder* stocking: mmm..... Kid: *continues rubbing along her back, hums* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Good day." kirei: *she nods, smiling* Benimaru: "..." *pats her hand* kirei: ^^ Benimaru: "...Have you wanted to travel?" kirei: at the moment? Benimaru: "Sure. Or before." kirei: it never really crossed me mind to be honest. ^^; Benimaru: "Hmm...Obligations have kept me here more often." kirei: ah. Benimaru: "...Maybe that'll change." kirei: perhaps. if we find some free time, maybe we could see other parts of the city? Benimaru: *nods* "I will schedule it..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *napping in bed* "Zzz..." lisa: zzzz Vulcan: *rests an arm around her waist* lisa: mmm... Vulcan: *small kiss on the back of her neck* lisa: =///= Vulcan: *yawn* "Love you, beautiful..." lisa: love you too, vul... Vulcan: =w= *cuddles, pulling the blanket over them* -elsewhere- Meme: *head buried in pillow* mio: meme? Meme: *groans* mio:...*holds her hand* Meme: "..." *small sob sound* mio:....*small hand kiss* Meme: "Th-Thanks..." mio: any time. Meme: *sits up, wipes her eyes* "...I'm sorry." mio: *hugs her* Meme: *small sob, hugs her back* -elsewhere- ranpo: im hoooome! fukuzawa: welcome back. tanizaki came over to make dinner. Tanizaki: *waves* "How did your day go?" ranpo: visited poe, got cake, it was good. Tanizaki: "...Glad you got your priorities straight..." ^^; maria: *clings to his arm* i wish i could have gone too. >3< Tanizaki: ._. ranpo: is that weirdo mafia boss still here? fukuzawa:....*excalibur* alas...yes. Tanizaki: >_> "He is playing with dolls." ranpo: yikes. fukuzawa: -_-; *actually had to buy dolls today* -elsewhere- Belkia: "How was the trip?" tsubaki: hectic...*lays on the couch* Belkia: "Ah...Well, you can nap if you want. Simpleton and his kitty made sure I didn't blow up the house this time." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *yawns, opens her eyes, stretches* "Mmm..." *looks around* "??? What did I miss?" akaderu: job reviewing, hipster kappas, mafiosos, stuff like that. Kepuri: "...So, typical?" *leans against Akaderu* akaderu: more or less, yeah. Kepuri: "And your job prospects?" akaderu: not sure yet. Kepuri: *nods* "Maybe there's some low-priority work...Maybe the school?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawns* =_= mito: *kitty yawn* Chuuya: "Long day for you, too?" *scratch scratch* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *yawns* *lies down, nestling Mito* "Just lie down for a bit..." mito: =w= Chuuya: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Denki: *collapsed on the floor--still doing his gestures from brain-frying* jirou: who's taking him to the nurse NOT IT. Mineta: "NOT IT!" Kouda: *sign language* <*Not it.*> sero: not- dangit. Denki: o3o *groovy movements* Kouda: ._. "???" sero: *carries him with tape* come on, lets get you to the nurse. Denki: "Boogie oogie fever--" *chants* "Woo woo..." jirou: how he's still alive is a mystery. Kouda: *nod nod* Mineta: "Determination." jirou: .... Denki: "Zzz..." =w= -morning, there was a lot of snow- Kid: *yawns...looks outside* "...Wow..." stocking: we're totally snowed in. Kid: "Yep...Guess no time to go out for supplies..." stocking: and plenty of time to snuggle by the fireplace~ Kid: "With hot cocoa?" *cuddles* stocking: yes please~ Kid: *small laugh* "I made sure to get more of the tiny marshmallows...and we got a big blanket." -elsewhere- tomura: *grumbling* Kurogiri: "Even snow gets on your nerves?" tomura: too cold. and everyone keeps going on about that hero killer still! if i hear one more word of it, im going to snap.... Kurogiri: -_-; "Well, I have to put on some cartoons, so--" *turns on the TV* commercal: -built to get the tough stains out- tomura: *SCREAMS and disintegrates the TV* IT'S NOT FAIR! ITSNOTFAIRITSNOTFAIRITSNOTFAIR!!! *punching the floor and crying* Kurogiri: .______.;;; "...Shigaraki? Sweetie?" tomura: IM GONNA RIP MY HAIR OUT AND KILL SOMETHING!! Kurogiri: *makes a list* "Well, there are a few targets to run by the boss--" tomura: *fetal position and sobbing* Kurogiri: "...Oh, this is serious...Um...Buddy? It'll be...I mean...You want some ice cream?" dabi:....that was fucked up. even for our standards. himiko: he just needs a hug dabi: you want to risk being disintegrated by a tantruming manchild? be my guest himiko: like in beauty and the beast? OwO dabi:....why did i fuck you again? mr compress: because you have impulsive sexual urges dabi: -_-# thank you harry hindsight. -elsewhere- Relan: *shiny eyes* "So much snow..." shinra: OwO Relan: "Snow people! Sledding! And snow--" *SPLAT* Arthur: *smirks, tossing another snowball* shinra: oh it is on. -elsewhere- Motojiro: *puts on a record* =w= *sips his tea, opens his window--* ayako: *nomming on cake* ^u^ Motojiro: "Good morning, you beautiful snowy scene!" *takes up a slice of lemon cake* "What awaits us today--" *SPLAT* ayako: WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!! *throws lemon bombs at the attacker* Gin: *at the street level, holding a snowball, staring at the bomb that dropped at her feet* "...Well, fu--" katya: *10 seconds* *kicks the lemons away from them* *BOOM* Motojiro: OwO "...I'm gonna get punished now..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *building a Snow-Anne* aya: *in her snow fort* Tanizaki: *behind the fort, putting together snowballs* Katai: *builds a snow-futon* atsushi: *looks at kyouka and kenji* ok, here's the plan. kenji will act as diversion while kyouka goes in for the target. kenji: aye-aye! Kyouka: *nods* "I am ready." -elsewhere- Ivan: *opens the dumbwaiter* lydia: <find anything?> Ivan: *scrunches his face* <Rats and old food...> lydia:...<like us then?> Ivan: <The furry kind with big teeth...> lydia: <i know. it was supposed to be a joke.> Ivan: <...Ha.> lydia:.... <we should keep looking...> Ivan: *opens another door* <Closet.> lydia: ....<at least the structure's still standing...> Ivan: *light bulb* <I can put a shrine to Master in here~> lydia: <whatever floats your boat, i guess> Ivan: *already taking measurements of the closet* -elsewhere- Anya: "...This...may get in the way of some tasks today." ao: maybe watch some christmas movies? mio: it's January. Anya: "THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH!" >w< tsugumi: yeah! Meme: "..." *sits down, hugs a pillow* mio:....*hugs* Meme: "..." *leans against her shoulder* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *has already created an outdoor museum of ice sculptures* ochako: neato! momo: wow... Iida: *starts to clap* "Bravo! BRAV--" Todoroki: *carefully takes Iida's good hand, puts a finger over his own lips* "Shh. They are delicate to loud sounds--* *BOOM* ochako: 0-0; Bakugo: "GET BACK HERE, YOU STALKER!" Monoma: *blasting ahead* "Not likely~" Todoroki: "..." *charges up a flame* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "That will be $5 for the sled, $7 for the one with jingle bells..." *standing at top of hill with a stand: "Sleds"* jack: thank you sir. what do we say, julie? julie: thanks! ^^ Fitzgerald: "You're welcome. Be careful going down the hill--some employees are at play." Daisy: *making a snowman--out of Jordan* jordan: *nomming a carrot* Mr. Tsubaki: ._.;;; -elsewhere- Assi: *screaming as he descends a hill on a snowboard* mono: -.-; Zuno: *effortlessly skiing* =u= "So peaceful, so swift..." *opens his eyes* "...Who am I again?" nea: ZUNO, THERE'S A TREE! Zuno: "Oh, right! I'm a tree! And there's my family!" *opens his arms as he approaches the tree* "Time to hug the family tree!" nea:....*pinches nose* -_-; Assi: o_o; *tackles Zuno* "Zuno, no!" Zuno: "Umph!" *Assi and Zuno roll down the hill--forming a giant snow boulder that keeps going down...* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Warm?" kim: =////= Jacqueline: ^\\\^ *nuzzle* -elsewhere- Poe: *lying in the snow, arms by his sides* "...Have I made a snow angel yet?" lana: you're almost there. here, like this. *demonstrating* Poe: "..." *spreads his arms* " 'Kay? Is this good?" lana: see? you're getting it. ^^ Poe: .\\\w\\\. "Yay..." lana: *giggles and kisses his nose* Poe: >\\u\\< "Hee hee..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *standing alone in an alley* naoya: there you are. Akutagawa: "Yes. Hello" naoya: you ok? Akutagawa: *grunts* "It's cold and snowy." naoya:....hungry? Akutagawa: "..." *nods* naoya: ok then. anywhere you have in mind? Akutagawa: "...Ramen?" naoya: sounds good. and i know a pretty good place for it too. Akutagawa: "Good. Okay..." *walks with her* "...What have you been doing today?" naoya: not much. Akutagawa: "...No missions? I would imagine some opponents would use the snow as cover." naoya: too much snow. Akutagawa: "Hmm. Maybe they will freeze to death." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *staring outside at the snow* guard: *walking along* Kunikida: *sighs* ("Quiet...") -fyodor's cell- Fyodor: *humming* ….. <The white snow is gorgeous--when a little color is added to it...> -footsteps are heard. it seems a new guard is starting work here.- guard: *she looks around* Fyodor: "???" guard: what's with him? he's all chained up like an animal... Fyodor: "I prefer to think I'm more human than animal..." guard: ._.; *she looks to the older guard for an answer* Guard 2: "Ignore him. The man is insane..." guard: ._.;;; n-noted, sir! *salutes, with the wrong hand* Fyodor: "Wrong hand~" Guard 2: -_-# guard: s-sorry, sir! im still learning. ^^;; Guard 2: "Right, right--dismissed." guard: understood. -seems her nametag reads 'Erina'- Fyodor: " 'Erina'? Hmm...'Blessing'?" erina: *small blush* um- i-it's gaelic for ireland apparently, even though im only partially irish on my mum's side of the family- Fyodor: "Hmm. In Arabic it also means 'Beautiful lady.'" erina: *blushing* b-beautiful? me? Fyodor: *smiles* "I'm just explaining what your name can mean, dear." erina: um...i-i see... .////.; Fyodor: "Good luck acclimating to this new environment." erina: y-yessir! *walks off* >///<;; Fyodor: *hums again* -elsewhere- zoey: *asleep* {Fyodor: "You are okay?"} {zoey: *panting on the floor, with whip marks along her back and thighs* y-yes...} {Fyodor: "...You know why I must do this?"} {zoey: a-as long as i c-can please you...} {Fyodor: "Correct...This is to instill discipline..." *traces a finger along one whip mark*} {zoey: *soft moan*} {Fyodor: *lies atop her*} {zoey: *blushing, with heart pupils as her breathing becomes faster*} {Fyodor: "Oh? Excited already?" *light grind against her*} zoey: =////= *rubbing against a pillow, sniffing his cloak* master <3 *knock knock* zoey: the door's open. Q: *alert, staring at the door* Adam: *pokes his head in* "Dinner will be ready..." zoey: alright. thank you. Adam: *nods* *looks at Q* "...You want dessert tonight?" Q: yes please. ^u^ Adam: *nods* "I will set it out after your finish your vegetables." Q: >3< -elsewhere- leo: ... Kouyou: *sips wine* leo: do you need me to run any errands for you? Kouyou: "The snow is coming down rather hard...I think we will need blankets." leo: understood. and groceries? Kouyou: "Hmm...Order those." leo: very well...... Kouyou: "And put on that coat." leo: understood. thank you again. *she puts it on as well as some boots and a hat* i'll be back soon. Kouyou: *nods* "Also, take protection..." leo: *has a knife* understood. Kouyou: *smiles* "Good girl." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *shivering* himawari: *gives him a blanket* Shamrock: "Th-Thanks...So cold today..." -elsewhere- Patty: *roasting potatoes* liz: *nom* Patty: "Better in the cold!" *nom nom* "Butter!" *grabs some* Wes: *nom nom* -elsewhere- oscar: *taking a bath in a spring* *humming* Steinbeck: *checking his book against plants* twain: *resting in a tree* this is the life. Steinbeck: "Be more useful if you helped me find the food..." twain: you got it! *looking around* Steinbeck: "Careful of the berries and--" *looks around* "...Where did the rest go?" baum: present! dorothy: yo. ebie: *hanging upside down via spiderwebs* here! Hemingway: *leaps out of the water--covered in piranhas* oscar: doesnt that hurt, earny? Hemingway: "I've built an immunity--and lost most feeling in my skin from sunburns." oscar: ._.; baum: who here is our medic again? emily: i got it. twain: HOLYSHITONASTICK. baum: i seriously forgot you were here. emily: ^-^; Hemingway: "Oh, I'll be alright. I just need some orange juice for the blood loss and some rum to numb the pain. Mix them together and you get a damn fine drink!" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *buried in snow* kenji: sorry. ^^; Tanizaki: *muffled gasps* naomi: *digging him out with her hands* hang on, bro! D8> Tanizaki: *gasping* kirako: you alright? Tanizaki: *waves* "F-Fine..." *coughs up a snowball* aya: wait shouldnt the snow have melted in his mouth? kirako: he was just buried... aya: oh. naomi: im just glad he didnt suffocate! Tanizaki: *collapses back into the snow* @~@ atsushi: *sweatdrop as he pulls dazai from out of the snow* Dazai: *he's encased in ice* atsushi: D8> -FWOOOOM- shinra: g-g-got im! Dazai: OwO;;; *his shoulder is on fire* "..." atsushi:...*puts some snow on it* Dazai: "Thank you..." *waves at Shinra* "WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO BURN ME TO DEATH?!" shinra: um.....im afraid im not able to do that, sir. atsushi: *chop* bad dazai. you said no suicide attempts during kirako's pregnancy. Dazai: -3- "I know..." atsushi: *sighs* (i hope we can bail kunikida out soon...) Lucy: "Get inside, everyone! We got hot chocolate!" *spots Shinra, waves* shinra: *nods* atsushi: say you're kusakabe, right? shinra: yeah. atsushi: wanna join us for hot cocoa? shinra: i'll have to ask my commander first. Akitaru: *pops out of the snow* "Someone say 'hot chocolate'?" shinra:....you know what, im not even going to ask. sure. Akitaru: "Yay!" *climbs out of the snow, dragging a frozen Takehisa behind him* -elsewhere- Yohei: *holding Toru* "...Did we bundle him enough?" toru: burr. Yohei: "Hmm...I don't think he's too happy about it..." chie: its ok sweetie. toru: =3= Yohei: "It's for your own good--can't have you catch a cold." -elsewhere- Black Star: *shuddering* "C-C-Cold..." naho: join us under the kotatsu. i got pokemooon. Black Star: *dives under* "P-Polar bear diving was a mistake..." Sakuya: *rolls his eyes, playing his game* tsubaki: *gives him one of her sweaters* Black Star: *pulls it on* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Kid: *sips hot chocolate* shiori: *snoozing* Kid: *smiles, sets down his drink, whispers* "Time to put her to bed..." lord death: *picks her up and places her in her crib, kissing her forehead* shiori: =w= Yumi: *tucks her in* "Sleep well, sweetie..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *curled up* -silence- Kunikida: "..." *marks again on the wall* ???: doppo... Kunikida: "...???" -a ghostly figure appears and crawls onto him....it's nobuko?- nobuko: doppo~.... Kunikida: "!!!" *tries to pull back--* nobuko: its so cold, doppo....im so lonely... Kunikida: "Stop it--Stop it! You're not here..." nobuko: it's so lonely. *her eyes are completely black, crying some inky fluid* Kunikida: !!!! nobuko: *her face is inches from his. and she opens her mouth unnaturally wide to scream, but all that comes out is loud static* Kunikida: "No!" *pulls back his hand before pushing it at her jaw, ready to slam it shut--* -nothing's there- Kunikida: "..." *pants* -elsewhere- Hiro: [how u holding up?] EF: [been busy] Hiro: [snow got up your way too, huh?] EF: [yeah] Hiro: [how u all been passing time?] EF: [watching movies] Hiro: [snowball fight. in the face.] EF: [u ok?] Hiro: [ice ironically is helping the swelling ^^; ] -elsewhere- Todoroki: *sighs* *rubs his hands* fuyumi: you ok? Todoroki: "Surprisingly cold..." fuyumi: i'll get some hot cocoa Todoroki: "Thanks..." *looks out the window* -the snow fall seems lighter now- Todoroki: "Maybe this blizzard will subside..." -elsewhere- No Might: *wraps scarf more tightly around him* *shivers* inko: *walking with izuku* Izuku: "--and then he slid across the street--and up the building! It was incred--" *spots No Might* owo;;;;; No Might: .___________.;;;;;;; inko: *nods to him, smiling* No Might: *nods* ("KEEP WALKING, KEEP WALKING--") Izuku: OwO;;;;; No Might: *crashes into a light post* inko: oh goodness, are you alright? No Might: *bleeding from his mouth* "Just fine, ma'am!" inko: do you need a doctor?? No Might: "N-Nah! Happens all the time! Just need to take my medicine..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *slurp* naoya: tastes good, ya? Akutagawa: *nods* "Good broth..." naoya: glad to hear. ^^ -elsewhere- shinra:.....*anxious* Relan: "...Shinra? Did you hear me?" shinra: !! oh, h-hey rel. *wipes his eyes, smiling* Relan: "..." *holds his hand* shinra:....i-i keep having dreams about her....i-i-im scared she's going to hurt me....im too scared to sleep. Relan: "...I wish I could stop them..." shinra: *buries his face in his chest, whimpering* Relan: *strokes his head* "..." shinra: *sniffle* Relan: "You're safe here..." shinra: t-thanks... Relan: *nods* "You're welcome...I'll be here, as long as you need..." shinra:...c-can you sleep in here tonight? Relan: *nods* -elsewhere- yana: *fiddling with a pen* .... *There are papers and maps in front of her* yana: *examining*..... *sigh* <bored...> *Some of the wallpaper in the room is torn* yana: .... *small yawn* {Fyodor: <Keep the others on their toes.>} yana: ..... (how can i do that, when i can barely keep awake?.....) *There is a blanket on the bed...It looks more comfortable than to be expected for this hotel* yana:.... *prods at it, making sure it's actually usable* *The bed stays up* yana:....*checking for any abnormalities, like needles and such* *Nothing--there's just a pillow and sheets with a blanket* yana:....*removes cloak, little crown, and boots and lays in bed, falling asleep instantly* *Images appear of two people...* yana: *shuffling in her sleep* lydia: .... *puts the cloak over her* {Fyodor: *intense stare*} {Anya: *concerned look*} {yana: what's.....going on? a dream?} {Fyodor: <Have you completed what I wish?>} {yana:....<been getting there.>} {Fyodor: <Not quickly enough.>} lydia:.....she's shaking badly, ivan... Ivan: "???!" {Anya: *hug*} yana: *eyes open*...wha? lydia: are you alright? yana: fine..... Ivan: "..." *puts a hand on her forehead* yana: ivan what the heck- Ivan: "You don't have a temperature..." yana: im fine, im not a baby. =3=; Ivan: "But you have widdle baby cheeks." ^^ yana:.......*completely unamused* riiiiight. thanks, i reeeally appreciate that, gonch. Ivan: <You're welcome.> lydia: ... <in any case> you really should eat something. yana: what are you, my mom? Ivan: <I would say 'no.'> yana: it was sarcasm, ivan. lydia: you really should look after yourself. you've been working non-stop since we arrived. Ivan: <Delegate.> yana:....maybe.....*picks up the crown and examines it* Ivan: <...Shiny.> yana: for the aesthetic, i guess. lydia: didnt you buy it at a costume shop? yana: yeah. the cape's one of fyodor's though. Ivan: OwO;;;; yana:...what? Ivan: "May I smell it?" yana: ...... lydia: *nose pinch* -_-; yana: sure....go nuts...just not too nuts. (maybe i shouldnt tell him the shirt is fyodor's too, that would be too weird.) Ivan: =w= <Thank you, oh glorious leader, spawn of our other glorious leader...> yana: *sweatdrops* Ivan: *laughing giddily to himself as he departs the room...* yana: i honestly dont know about that one. -elsewhere- Meme: *curled up in bed* "..." mio: ..... Meme: "..." *whimper* -elsewhere- Ogun: "How long can one man stay in there?" student: maybe he's asleep. Ogun: "Could be...Need something loud to get his attention--" pan: *WHISTLING* Ogun: *covers his ears* "Y-Yeah, that's plenty loud..." -morning- Kid: *stretches* stocking: *yaaawn* Kid: "Good morning, beautiful." stocking: *sitting on his lap* hello~ Kid: ^\\\\^ "Sleep well?" *kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sets out a tall stack of pancakes* shinra: yesssss Arthur: "I want mine in the shape of a castle." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *hands Sonia her mittens* "Almost ready?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Okay. We'll head to the store and back for food..." *opens the door, steps into the hallway* sonia: *following him* Chuuya: "Want any treats while we're there?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "--and for one-fifth the price of Rolexes sold in major stores! See? I can be an economical consumer!" louisa:....(should i tell him?) Fitzgerald: *shiny eyes--then all the color fades out of his face...and skin...and suit* "..." louisa:....sir?.....*backs up* sir? Fitzgerald: "...What is a 'Folex'?" bram: it means you got ripped off. Fitzgerald: "..." *reaches into his wallet, pulls out $500* "This should about do it..." -elsewhere- Anya: "--and they have free-roaming bison!" Meme: "..." tsugumi: ^^;..... *looks out the window* shaula:....*walking along* tsugumi: !!! Anya: *still reading brochures* tsugumi: it's her! for real this time! Meme: "!!! Mio!" mio: on it! *hammer-axe mode* EF: O-O h-hey- Meme: *kicks open the door* EF: D8> Meme: *runs out to where she spotted Shaula* shaula:... *smirks and runs into an alley* tsugumi:...come on! we have to go after them! Meme: *following* ("Don't give her a sense where I'm going, what I'm going to do--except to feel my absolute desire for her death!") Anya: "Right!" ao: understood. *follows tsugumi* Meme: ("She's cornered...But she can leap high...Mio...Get ready for my jump!") mio: [you got it!] shaula: *heading into an empty warehouse* Meme: "...NOW!" *leaps* "HUAAAAAA!" shaula: *stinger block* well, look what came crawling back! Meme: *angry smile as she continues to press her weapon in an attempt to break the block* "Not crawling...Standing..." -CLANG CLANG SLASH- shaula: i got to say, there's a fire in your eyes, meme...you want something from me, dont you? Meme: "Keep at it, Mio!" *SLAM* "We're going to get it from her...I want to know where they are!" shaula: they? hmmm, what could you mean by that meemers? i've been around sooo many years, its hard to keep track of all the lives ive ruined, lol~ mio: *jawdrop* [did she seriously just say 'lol'?] Meme: *not even influenced, swings at Shaula's head* shaula: tsk- tsk-, is this any way to treat the one who raised you? so ungrateful... Meme: "YOU DIDN'T!" *holds Mio with just one hand--and swings her fist at Shaula's jaw* shaula: grk-.... you outten't have done that~ *wraps her stinger around meme's leg, throwing her into the wall* Meme: "AAAaaaah--" *CRASH, CRACK* mio: MEME!! Meme: *she's not moving* shaula: wait a sec....oh NOW i get it.... *baby talk* you wants to knows about mommy and daddy, dont yews? Meme: *groans, trying to push herself up* mio: BITCH!! *charges at her with an axe arm* shaula: *grabs her wrist, twisting it* mio: AHHHH!!!! Meme: *bolts up* "Mio! No!" shaula: you want to know what happened to your parents? well i'd be happy to...... NOT tell you~ ^u^ Meme: "Let her go!" shaula: i wonder, how she'll react to the venom~ Meme: "!!!" *a burst of energy flows through her as she runs at Shaula--and trips, falling, pain shooting through her back* "Mio..." *crying* mio: *wince* Meme: "I can't..." ???: "Royal Lance!" shaula: ?? *drops mio and dodges* mio: ah....meme! *runs over to her* tsugumi: oh no you dont! Meme: "Mio..." mio: are you ok? Meme: *can't speak, just shaking* Anya: "The right!" tsugumi: roger! shaula: *dodging* Anya: "Again!" -SLASH SLASH- Anya: "Once more--the wall behind her!" -BOOOOM- shaula: !! SCORPION-SCISSORS! *The wall is collapsing* mio: !!! *holds meme tight* -RUMBLE- mio: !!!...w-wha... Meme: "???" -part of the floor is elevated to keep the rubble from falling on them- Meme: "How..." mio: so that's my elemental alignment, eh?....kickass. Meme: "...Mio..." mio:...ready to kick this witch's ass? Meme: "..." *holds out her hand* mio: *takes her hand* tsugumi: HYAH! shaula: *SLASH* ao: *on the upper level* Meme: *stands, holding her weapon--and aims for Shaula's head* mio: [i have a plan, slam the hammer to the ground] Meme: "??? ..." Right. *walks slowly...before starting to jog and eventually run* ao: *holding tsugumi, who has scythe blade increased* ~MIDORI NO KAZE~ *slashes, sending little wind slices at shaula* shaula: *sliced a bit, but still standing* URK- you little shits! mio: NOW! Meme: *lifts up her weapon and--drops the hammer* ~TERRA SPIKE~ -a line of spikes shoots out of the ground, heading towards shaula, stabbing her limbs- shaula: *SCREAMS* Meme: *pants, leaning against her weapon* "Now then..." *looks up* "You know the question I have..." shaula: alright, jeez....what do you want to know? im not exactly g-going anywhere, haha ow, hurts to laugh. Meme: "...My parents." shaula: oh right....they're dead. Meme: "!!!" shaula: what can i say, i needed an infant for my plan, and its their own fault for being in the right place at the right time. Meme: "..." *clenches her fists, shaking* tsugumi: you.....DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELF?! shaula: ah? Anya: "Selfish! Deplorable! Wicked! Evil!" shaula: please, do ahead, i've heard them all before. Anya: "SNIVELING COLD-HEARTED BITCH WITH UGLY HAIR!" shaula: *yawns* Anya: "AND YOU SUCK AT VIDEO GAMES!" shaula: YOU WANNA FUCKING GO BETCH!?!? ao: i see why you're the least favorite. shaula: *crying* YOU KEEP MY MOTHER OUT OF THIS! Meme: "SHUT UP!" shaula: !!... Meme: "...Tell me...Who were they?" shaula:...very well. Jirou Kozuki, physics professor. Asuka Tatane, university student. Meme: "...What were they like?" shaula: hell if i care, but they must have loved you, being willing to try fighting me off to protect you... Meme: "...They died...to protect me...Why did you want me?" shaula: i needed a child to raise for my plans, and i didnt want to knock myself up. so why not just take someone else's kid? like i said, you were in the right place at the right time. Meme: "For what purpose?! What plan?!!" shaula: remember the death city invasions with the traitors? you were a vital pawn for both plans. the first you were a trainee soldier, the second you were my spy. but then you had to go and betray me. Meme: " 'Betray'...Betray? I owe you nothing!" shaula: HA! everything you have now...it's all thanks to me....so you better appreciate it~ Meme: "...There's one thing I have that I don't owe to you..." *picks up Mio in weapon form* shaula: ah? Meme: *lifts Mio and holds it over Shaula's head before bringing the weapon down--* shaula: !!!!! -slice- shaula: *SHRIEKS as her ponytail is cut off* Meme: "..." -the ponytail twitches violently...before stopping- tsugumi:....................holy shit. Anya: ._.; ao: oh my~ *claps* mio:....get. rekt. Meme: *still holds Mio* "Ugly witch..." ao: so do we just leave her here? Meme: *shakes her head* "We have to get her back to Death City...This witch is too dangerous." tsugumi: right. -and so- Anya: *looking around* EF: THERE YOU GIRLS ARE! I WAS LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU AND WHEN THE DWMA SENT-......what's that? tsugumi: *holding the braid, which now has a ribbon tied to it* war trophy. Anya: -_-; EF:........*JAWDROPS SO HARD SHE BREAKS THE SIDEWALK* Anya: "!!! H-How did you..." EF: HOW DID YOU EVEN- ao: dont question it too much, princess, you'll hurt yourself~ ^^ Meme: "..." *bows to Eternal Feather* "I'm sorry to have worried you." EF:...*sigh* at least you weren’t hurt too badly... Anya: "And we took care of one problem..." EF: y-you-YOU DONT MEAN- shaula: *THRASHING AGAINST THE RESTRAINTS. she's all tied like hannibal lector* -at medusa's house- neian: bu? Medusa: "..." *contented sigh* =w= -elsewhere- arachne:...seems good things can happen after all. Giriko: "???" -elsewhere- Fyodor: *whistling* erina: *by the door, keeping guard* Fyodor: *humming...lightly singing* erina: *nervous* Fyodor: *singing* <Sometimes we pretend we do, just for show...> erina: i dont recognize that one. Fyodor: *smiles* "Old love song from back home." erina:.... .////. i see.... Fyodor: "It's a favorite of mine. I particularly like how it rises..." erina: y-yeah...*awkward shuffling* do you...have anyone you like? Fyodor: "Maybe~" erina: *awkward laugh*... ./////////.;;;; Fyodor: *smiles, returns to humming* -elsewhere- Lucy: *picking up bowls* "...Oh. You." mahiru: ^^; Kuro: *slurp* Lucy: "..." *looks at Mahiru* "Do you need a refill?" -elsewhere- Daisy: *holding an ice pack to her head* -_-# louisa: rough night? Daisy: "I tried to drink away the night--and hit my head." louisa: oh goodness... ._.; Daisy: "And while out, I lost my car keys, so I had to take the bus to work..." louisa: i think they're still on your desk. ^^; Daisy: "..." *loud annoyed sigh* *Suddenly, singing is heard coming up the hallway* ???: "Oh what a beautiful morning..." louisa: *peek* Zuno: "Oh what a beautiful day--" *spots Louisa* "Oh! I got your mail..." *it's addressed to "Louis Fine"* louisa: um...thanks..... (i'll get this to him asap) -elsewhere- Kuro: *in cat form...with a cloth lion mane on him* "...I do this for show and tell in class, and you promise ramen, right?" mahiru: yes, kuro. Kuro: "..." *inhales* "Let me get into character..." *half-hearted 'roar'* "..." *nods* "Okay. Let's do this." -elsewhere- Black Star: *staring at a photo of him and Sid when he was a baby* naho: awwww, you had such squishy cheeks! Black Star: >_< "You're darn right I was adorable..." tsubaki: *chuckle* lavender: mr barret looks so young here... Higan: “It’s like he had a baby face.” -elsewhere- Kunikida: *shudders* shaula: *glares at kunikida* OH RUB IT ON IN WHY DONT YA?! Kunikida: "??? No, not that. I was...just...You know, nevermind..." Alone: "...It's a new look?" shaula:..... *GLAAAARE* grimoire: ..... Alone: ._.; "...It still looks nice on you, though?" shaula: *pouts* what happened to butter-brat? Alone: "Adopted." shaula: well good for her then! >n< Alone: "Yeah, she's with my dream-frog...AND THAT STUPID UGLY MAN-WOLF!" >_< shaula: thats rough buddy. Alone: *sniff* T~T "This place isn't fun...But at last you're back, Stingy!" shaula:..... Q___Q my poor stinger. Alone: "...It grows back, right?" shaula: TT_TT eventually... Alone: "Well, plenty of time to pass for it to grow back...We could play games?" shaula:.....oi, whats her deal? erina: *sweats* Alone: *shrug* "She guards this really smart but creepy prisoner who speaks Russian." shaula: so? grimoire: i would advise avoiding him. Alone: "Yeah, or he might flirt with you, too..." shaula: pass. Fyodor: <Just as well: I don't sleep with worms.> -elsewhere- Meme: *clenching her hands* "..." mio:.....*holds her* Meme: "..." *sniff, wipes her eyes* mio: we're here for you, ok, meme? Meme: "Th-Thanks...I just can't see how to...get through this..." mio: lets take it a day at a time, ok? Meme: *cries, nods* mio: *kiss* shhh...*rubs her back* Meme: *whimpering* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, how many we missing?" hina: two. son of a bitch. PlushFix: "So we lost Flowers and Rent-A-Maid..." mimeca: =3= hina: so now what? PlushFix: "I suggest we release this pent up frustration with some thievery, violence, explosions, and all the usual vices." hina: hell yeah, -elsewhere- Haumea: *staring forward* -________- charon: any news on assault's whereabouts? Haumea: "NO! GOD! WHY DO YOU TALK SO MUCH?!" >_< charon:... i barely said anything... ._.; guruna: kururu....i miss assault. he was easy to deceive. Haumea: T_T "He could do the heavy lifting..." Friz: "He still owes me five dollars..." -elsewhere- Adam: *pulls a five dollar bill out of his pocket* "??? Where did this come from?" oguri: i'll take it if you dont want it~ Adam: Q-Q oguri: *puppy eyes* pwease? im saving for something important. Adam: "What for?" oguri: medical reasons. Adam: "...Of course." *hands him the $5* oguri: thank you~ ^^ *heads to his room* -elsewhere- Kid: *snoozing on the couch* "Zzz..." stocking: *snoozing next to him* Kid: *kitten yawn, hug* stocking: so nice and cozy~ Kid: =w= "Agreed..." *pulls up the blanket* stocking: *purrs* Kid: "Hee hee...Kitten..." *nuzzle* stocking: u/////u <3 Kid: *smooch* stocking: hehehe~ -elsewhere- Joker: *shudders* "Creepy..." ivy: hm? Joker: "N-Nothing...Just remembered something..." ("Creepy woman...") ivy:...hm.... Joker: "..." *shakes as he lights a smoke* -elsewhere- ranpo: ever hear this one story about the human chair? Tanizaki: ._. "...Should I have?" maria: *listening intently* Tanizaki: *listens* ranpo: well, apparently, this creepy guy hid in this lady's chair and stalked her while she sat in it. creepy right? naomi: way creepy! >A<; Tanizaki: .__________.;;;;; "...What the F?" atsushi: D8> Lucy: "...And _how_ did you hear this story? Doesn't sound like one of Edgar's..." ranpo: *licks his lollipop* dont rightly remember. Lucy: -_-# atsushi: *opens mouth to say something, but then shuts up* -elsewhere- Fyodor: =_= erina: *standing guard* Fyodor: <Unfair...> erina: sir? Fyodor: "Hmm? Oh. Sorry. It's nothing...Just a quibble." erina: hmm.... Fyodor: "It's just...I'm not used to being able to speak with someone." erina: ah... Fyodor: "I guess that's not hard for you--you strike me as someone who is an engaged speaker." erina: me? well, in school i did do the morning announcements... Fyodor: "Ah. You must have been very popular." erina: not really, i guess i was fairly average. Fyodor: "...I'm sorry. But I hardly think you're 'average.'" erina: .///. um...t-thanks. Fyodor: "You're welcome. Sometimes, it just takes time, and the right people, to recognize the qualities someone has." erina:...*awkward laugh* .////.;; Fyodor: *small laugh* "...Thank you. I appreciate getting to talk." -elsewhere- Ivan: *asleep--clutching one of Fyodor's cloaks* =w= lydia: .... Ivan: *inhales* *sighs happily* <Master~> lydia:.... *sighs and walks away* (why are you like this, ivan? did fyodor really....?) -elsewhere- Hiro: "That's...eventful." EF: no kidding. Hiro: "At least you're in one piece...Unlike Shaula's hair." EF: *chuckles* Hiro: "Any commendation from Lord Death for a job well done?" EF: most likely. Hiro: "Congrats!" -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding a bucket* "Now be careful stepping onto the ice." *he also has a fishing pole* kenji: ^u^ Kyoka: *carrying the bait* "How will we cut a hole in the ice?" yosano: *chainsaw out* Lucy: ._.; "Won't that scare away the fish?" Kyoka: "Not after we drug the fish." kenji: woah! i got something! *pulls out......!!!* lovecraft: ?? Dazai: "...We're eating fried squid tonight!" >w< Lucy: "..." *grabs the chainsaw, aims it at Dazai* lovecraft: unhand me. i need to hibernate. Kyoka: "In water? You'll freeze to death." Dazai: *shiny eyes* "Freeze...Chainsaw...Freeze or chainsaw..." lovecraft: i've slept in colder waters. Kyoka: "...I think Kenji could still fry him up, too--" Lucy: "CAN YOU NOT?!" lovecraft: ??? hello lucy. Lucy: *smiles* "Hello, Howard." *turns back to Dazai and Kyoka, fire in her eyes* "NO EATING LOVECRAFT!" kenji: ok. ^^ Dazai: T_T "Oh, poo." Kyoka: *shrugs* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "--then a right at the boulder in the shape of a nose..." twain: *holding the map* Hemingway: *passes around the water* "A nose? Kind of an odd instruction..." oscar: what kind of nose're we talking about here? Steinbeck: ._.;;; "I'm just going off of what the notes say..." *flips through the notes* "Maybe there's a photo of it..." -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *opens a book, following a finger along a map* fukuzawa: ?? *It's a map of Berlin* fukuzawa: are you familiar with the city? Mori: "Maybe...I've read about it." fukuzawa: hmm.... Mori: "...I played there?" fukuzawa: was your hometown nearby? Mori: "...Yes." fukuzawa: do you know where? Mori: "...Nearby. Small." fukuzawa:... hmm... Mori: "...Dad's office..." fukuzawa: *listening* Mori: "...I saw people go in." fukuzawa: ... Mori: *shakes his head* "I dont remember them leaving..." fukuzawa: ........ Mori: "..." *shakes his head* "He told me to go play..." fukuzawa: hmm..... Mori: "...I'd like to nap now." -elsewhere- Iida: *skating along the ice* "...This is enjoyable." mina: WOOT! jirou: .~.;; Iida: *does a spin, landing on one leg with arms out* "Ta-da!" Mineta: *stuck head first to the ice* >_< "Show off..." ochako: *spins a circle around him, causing the part of the ice he is stuck to to sink* Mineta: D:< "RUUUUUUUDE...glub glub glub..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *flipping through pages, wearing headphones* "Hmm...Mmm-mm..." ayako:....WE HAVE A VISITOR! Motojiro: *not noticing, headphones too loud* =w= "So melodic..." ayako: OK IMMA LET HER IN NOW. Motojiro: "La la la~" leo: motojiro? Motojiro: *spinning in his chair to the music, singing--then spots Leo* OwO;;; *and spins off of the chair to the floor* leo: ah! are you alright? *going over to him, concerned* Motojiro: o\\\\w\\\\o *crab walks back* "Fi-Fi-Fi--" leo: ?? Motojiro: "--ine!" *crashes into the wall* QwQ leo: ._.; Motojiro: QwQ "...TEA! LET ME MAKE YOU SOME TEA!" *stands up, limping to his chemistry set* leo: are you sure you're alright? Motojiro: "Okey-dokey positively am I!" *he has a slight nosebleed* ^w^ leo:.... ^^; .... ah! you're bleeding... *hands him a tissue* Motojiro: "..." *tentatively takes the tissue* "Th-Th-Th-Muchas gracias!" *takes it* leo:... *small chuckle* Motojiro: .\\\\. "Wh-What brings you?" leo: just thought i would check in to see how you were holding up. Motojiro: "Oh, I'm a little down. On the floor." ^^; leo:....*chuckles, then laughs until she's actually crying* Motojiro: "!!! L-Leo?" *holds out a hand* leo: *sniff* s-sorry, i-its been a while since i had a good laugh...*rubs her eyes* Motojiro: "..." *smiles* "Well, glad I could help..." leo: ......*hugs* Motojiro: .\\\\\. "..." *pat pat* "It's okay..." leo: .... Motojiro: "Just...whatever works?" leo: r-right... Motojiro: *smiles* "So...tea?" leo: s-sure... *small smile* Motojiro: "Great..." *The tea has already exploded in his chemistry set* ayako: *covered in soot and wearing her goggles* tea's done! Motojiro: "Delightful!" *cradles a broken cup* "To good health!" -elsewhere- Honenuki: "opens his book* "Okay, onto Exercise 5." tokage: alright! Hiryu: >~< "Too difficult..." yui: *signing* <got it> Honenuki: "See? Just need to practice it. Yui, could you show Hiryu?" yui: *nod nod* Hiryu: ._. "But I showed all my steps...and it still doesn't get the right answer..." yui: <did you try this?> *shows an equation* Hiryu: *looking over it* "..." .____. "...I forgot the 1..." ^^;;; yui: *pap pap* itsuka: *super focused* Honenuki: *looks at Itsuka* "???" ("Really good focus...") pony: 'ey nate, can ya help me wit dis problem here? Monoma: T-T; ("It's Neito...") "Sure..." *looks at the question* "How far you get through it?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "We're back. We have fish." atsushi: that's gre-..... ._.; um... lovecraft: i was......invited.... Lucy: ^^ "Isn't it great?! Howard is visiting!" atsushi: um.....hello? ^^;;;;; lovecraft: *shakes his hand* hello. atsushi:....f-firm grip..... ^^; Lucy: ^^ Kyoka: "I'll get the plates." *drags a big fish out of the bucket* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Pasta okay?" sonia: ok papa. Chuuya: "That's good..." *adds some spice to the tomato sauce* "And I hope dessert is good. Just needs a little longer to bake..." sonia: ok. -seems she drew some new pictures today- Chuuya: *lowers the heat on the sauce, looks at her drawings* -a few typical drawings a (physically) 6-year-old girl would draw, such as flowers, kitties, kouyou....and rain- Chuuya: "..." *looks at the drawing of Rain* -she seems to be smiling, with angel wings and a halo with some crayon text that says 'mama'- Chuuya: "..." *sad smile* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Honestly, this mess..." *brushes candy wrappers off the desk* kirako: wouldnt kill him to clean up after himself... Tanizaki: "He probably thinks it gets in the way of his deductions..." kirako: why is he like this?... -elsewhere- neian: *baby babble* Medusa: "...Enjoying yourself?" neian: ^o^ *happy babble* Medusa: "Well, that's good..." *picks her up* neian: zzzz Medusa: "..." *soft sway before setting her into her crib* neian: zzzzz Medusa: *tucks her in* "..." ("The future...")…. =w= "Still feel that peace...Hee hee...Poor sister..." -elsewhere- Fyodor: =w= "I don't see what has you so upset..." shaula: I DONT EVEN GET ANY ALCOHOL HERE! AND I WAS BEATEN BY A BUNCH OF PREPUBECANT TWITS! Alone: "...Hey, I'm not judging, but maybe re-phrase the last part?" *is making toilet bowl wine* shaula: ..............................................dude, gross. Alone: "Don't knock it! I cleaned the toilet first! Beggars can't be choosers..." *dips his ladle into the bowl--and it dissolves* ._.;;; shaula:.....eugh..... Fyodor: "Fufufu~" shaula: and what's _your_ beef, fyodorkus? Fyodor: "What? I have no...What is this 'beef'?" *smiles* shaula: its what you get from cows- WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH YOU, CREEPY WEIRDO? Fyodor: "Passing time. Same as anyone." shaula: tch-....what're you in for then? Fyodor: "Accessory to murder, murder, conspiracy, theft, kidnapping, mutilation--I've lost track of the charges." shaula: cool story bro. Fyodor: "I may write it...I'm sure your story is interesting as well. After all, I have long heard about the famous Gorgons..." shaula: oh really? Fyodor: "Yes, the Mother of Weapons Arachne. The mad scientist Medusa. And...the third one." shaula: all you probably know about us is just the legends. Fyodor: "Oh? That's a shame. I guess those stories about your victories in deception were exaggerations, too?" shaula: maybe he does know. Fyodor: *smiles* "I hope, while we have time here together, to hear the truth behind those legends." shaula: *grinch grin* grimoire: but i thought- shaula: grimmy, shut it. im gay as fuck, and am willing to take all the compliments. grimoire:................................. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* -_-; Giriko: "Feeling alright?" arachne: i feel like all is alright with the world. malaria: ?? arachne: ^u^ Giriko: "Well, that's super." ^^ -elsewhere- leo: thank you for today. Motojiro: "Of course--I hope it was satisfying." leo:.....*small kiss on the cheek* see you tomorrow then? Motojiro: .\\\\\\. "H-Hum-Humma-Ho-O-Okay..." leo: *smiles and exits*..... (feels warm......) *soft smile* Motojiro: "...Legs...failing. Gravity taking over. Fetch me the pillow..." ayako: *throws pillow in just the right position* Motojiro: *falls onto the pillows* =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Nedzu: *brewing his tea* ^w^ "Now, to review--how is progress?" midnight: we've determined the match-ups. Nedzu: "Goodie!" *reviews the files* "Hmm...Interesting...That'll require setting up the locations...What exactly is a 'Denki'?" -elsewhere- katya: *tapping foot, antsy* Gin: "??? What's with you?" katya: n-need to...need to kill someone....feels like sand.....its all feeling like sand.... *shaking* pushkin: !! <shit-shit!> come on, dont you have prisoners who need executing? anyone?? Gin: "..." ("That's a problem...") "We are currently interrogating..." katya: I NEED TO KILL SOMETHING PLEASE! Gin: "Fine. We have one...I'll take you to them." katya: g-get the big guns out.... -in the cell- Prisoner: Q__Q "I need out..." katya: *has a submachine gun, giggling maniacally* gladly~ *sticks the gun into his mouth.............and opens fire, with a look of pure malicious glee on her face* Prisoner: *in their last moments--a look of despair and then, they are gone, the head now a mess left on the floor, the body left twitching before all functions cease* katya: *panting as she puts the gun down* .........heh......*sigh*......... pushkin: you ok in there, kati? katya:...y-yeah....i feel better now... pushkin: *phew* glad to hear. Gin: "...Holy shit." naoya: jeez, overkill much? katya: well, at least im back to some feeling of reality, so im good.... pushkin: *pap pap* Gin: ._. ("...If that's reality...") katya:...............................im fucking parched. *takes a swig of her flask* ah, good shit.... Gin: "...Go rest." katya: *grunts of 'fine fine'* -elsewhere-
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with a new year comes new challenges...
Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: happy new year~ *kiss* Kid: *smiles* "The best start..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: *snores* tsubaki:.... *forehead kiss* happy birthday. Black Star: =w= *yawns* "Thanks..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." naoya: oooi, akuta. Akutagawa: "H-Huh? Wha?" naoya: happy new year. *hands him a beer can* Akutagawa: "???" *looks at the can* naoya: hey, you're gonna be 21 this year, so why not something early? Akutagawa: "..." *opens the can...sniffs--and scrunches his face* >_< naoya: relax, its not gonna bite, haha. Akutagawa: "Hope it tastes better than it smells..." *sip* "..." naoya: well? Akutagawa: "...I’ve tasted worse." naoya: see? there ya go! *pats his back* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: *opens her eyes* "...New Year." atsushi: yeah. lets make this one a great one! Kyoka: "..." *fist bump* atsushi: *fist bump* ^^ -elsewhere- Burns: "...It won't come off." foien: yeah, it's going to be a while. *cough* -elsewhere- shinra:.....dang, cant believe we'll be in the collage program this year.... Arthur: "Then comes the knight school." shinra: not even going to question it. tamaki: -_-; Relan: *filling in his schedule* iris: *smiles* Relan: "Which classes were you thinking, Iris?" iris: i think taking up a theology class might help. and maybe natural studies. Relan: *nods* "You'll be good in those, especially for botany...I'm still looking at math classes..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Back to the grind..." ochako: yeah.... Todoroki: "...Looking forward to continuing your internship?" ochako: *nods* Todoroki: "...Let's do our best, then." ochako:....hey, todoroki? Todoroki: "Yes?" ochako: why did you chose endeavour's agency? Todoroki: "..." *looks at his left hand* "If I want to learn how to use my Quirk, I thought learning from the person from whom I inherited it, and who used it to rise to Number Two Hero, would be a start..." ochako:...even after he- Todoroki: "...This is something I have to try, at least...I'm not saying I'm giving him a chance...but my mother told me...this is my power..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "...I want to see what I can do with it...I don't know." ochako:...if that's the case. i believe in you! ^^ Todoroki: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *flipping pancakes* sonia: *coloring* Chuuya: "Just about done. Sonia, please set the table." sonia: ok. *doing so* Chuuya: *sets out maple syrup and berries* "Excited for the new year?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And school?" sonia:...i guess. Chuuya: "Well, you'll get to learn more about drawing, math, reading, science...Can meet some new friends..." sonia: ..... Chuuya: "And I'll be at a school, too, so it'll be like we're both going through it together..." sonia: but papa wont be at the school i'll be at... Chuuya: "...Well, yeah, I know--I just meant, you know, even if we're in different physical locations, we're...still in the same place?" ^^; sonia: .... Chuuya: "...You'll have to go to school at some point. And if there is ever any problem, me, or Granny, or Gin, or someone will be there to pick you up." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *smiles* "You can pick out your own backpack, too." -elsewhere- Meme: *pours milk* mio: *yaaaaawns* Meme: "Good morning!" mio: *hug from behind* happy new year.... =///= Meme: ^\\\\^ "Happy new year to you." *pats Mio's hand* -elsewhere- Joker: *blows a party favor* scarlet: *groans* its too early in the morning for this... Joker: "..." *sets out medicine and coffee* "Maybe we all overdid it." ivy: zzzzzzzzzzzz Joker: "...So, new year's resolution: flush out the Hoods..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *his head is bandaged* prisoner: jeez, you look fucked up. Kunikida: "..." *picks up his chalk, writes again on the wall* -elsewhere- Gin: *dries plate* "Here you go." higuchi: thanks for staying the night *kiss on the cheek* Gin: =\\\\= "Happy to. Did you sleep okay?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Excited to be going back to classes?" izumi: yep. Spirit: "And your course schedule looks good. Just watch out for certain teachers." izumi: noted. Spirit: "Any clubs you're joining?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." mii: *mreeeow* Mori: "???" mii: are you quite well now? Mori: "I don't know. I keep thinking abouDID YOU JUST TALK?!" mii: hmm, perhaps i should take a form you would be more familiar with? Mori: *curled up in the corner, staring* Q____Q souseki: hmm. still unwell, lad? Mori: "S-Sir? Y-Yes...I want her back." souseki: have you been focusing your ability? Mori: "I-I can't...My mind is clouded with memories..." souseki: hmm... Mori: "..." *holds out a hand...it shakes* *Something shimmers along his hand...* souseki: ?? *Something like...a face seems to pass along the shimmer--then fades into nothing* Mori: "D-Damn..." souseki: hmmm.... Mori: "Sir...I'm forgetting what she looked like." souseki: dont you have a photograph of her? Mori: "A photograph cannot capture every second of her that was burned into my brain, its flames cooled by the passage of time and...and whatever has happened to me." souseki: hmmm... Mori: "...I don't know..." *brushes a hand through his hair* "...I feel sick..." -elsewhere- taoka: .... pixie: so boooored.... Member #1: *filing their nails* lust oni: *whistling* Member #1: "...Maybe play a game?" lust oni: who's up for darts? Member #2: "T-The pointy kind?" lust oni: *holding up a few darts* mmhmm~<3 Member #2: *twitchy smile* "I-I like the p-p-p-pointy ones..." *takes one carefully* pixie: is this a good idea? greed oni: nah, he's gonna be fine....maybe. Member #2: *toss* -15 pts- pixie: not bad! Member #2: "Hee hee...Your turn!" pixie: *toss* -10 pts- =3= boo. Member #2: "Too bad!" *picks up another one...tosses--* -5 pts- greed oni: you were saying? Member #2: "..." *eye twitch* pixie: *sticks her tongue out* ^u^ Member #2: *summons a flaming mantis pincer--aiming for Pixie's tongue* pixie: *jumps up onto the ceiling* tsk-tsk. Member #2: "..." *stares at Pixie...licks their lips* "Just toss your dart..." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." michelle: zzzzz Neuhaus: *sets down the tea...sits by the bed* -a tiny jorogumo is on her head- jorogumo: zzzzz Neuhaus: "!!!" jorogumo: o^o ~? Neuhaus: "..." *whispers* "Why are you here?" jorogumo: ?? Neuhaus: "...Just...please, don't hurt her..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *stares* "...Maybe we should sell this thing?" Agey: D:< medea:....perhaps take it to the curator? Kepuri: "??? Curator?" medea: in the land of nod....it's a shop. chie: oh, didnt we sell that demon teddy to them? Yohei: *bad memories* Q____Q;;; chie: *protective shadow hug* Yohei: =~= Agey: "Now see here!" *pokes his finger into Medea's nose* "My brain contains more knowledge in it than your pinky! I am not some toy you can just trade for playing cards or whatever you children do nowadays!" medea: ....i'll deliver him myself. if it's a way to bring myself redemption.... Agey: D:< "I AM NOT AN OBJECT! I AM A HUMAN BEING!" Kepuri: "...A tanuki-looking human being..." >3> -elsewhere- kim: *sneeze* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Family jewels, bitches!" mimeca: \(^o^)/ PlushFix: "Damn right!" *holds up the newspaper* "We break in, we take, we rich!" -elsewhere- Alone: "You gonna eat that, Grimoire?" *his eye is bandaged* grimoire:...not hungry. Alone: "..." *shrugs, takes the muffin* "So..." *nom* "When we leaving?" grimoire:...... Alone: "...Tomorrow? Next week?" *wagging his tail* -elsewhere- Haumea: "...Okay. Who did this?" *points at her crown--which has googly eyes glued to it* guruna: OuO *shaking* arrow:....*glances at friz, bee, and jonah* Jonah: *whistles innocently* Friz: "I swear, I have no idea how--" Bee: "Friz did it." Friz: "JUDAS!" arrow: -_-; Haumea: "..." *flicks Bee in the forehead* Bee: *coughs up blood, falls back* "Wh-Why--" Haumea: "Snitching is a sin." guruna: roost in persimmon. Friz: ^w^ "Well, that's--" *BANG* guruna: O-O;;; Haumea: *flicked Friz* Friz: XwX -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." ("Still no text message reply...") inko: waiting for a call? Izuku: "I have been texting Iida, but he hasn't replied..." inko: you two arent fighting, are you? Izuku: "I-I don't think so? I just...wanted to reach out after his brother's injury..." inko: ah. Izuku: "...Mom? Do I give him his space? Do I wait for him to ask for help?" inko: i guess let him talk to you first? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah..." *sets his phone down* -elsewhere- Gopher: *with game controller* "So...Which classes did you pick?" kirika: i think i work well with the thief class. fast and able to steal the enemy's shit. Gopher: "Seems appropriate..." *selects an angel character* "And classes at school this semester?" kirika: infiltration? if thats a thing. Gopher: "I think so. Mr. Sid and Miss Mira teach some...So, you'll be a ninja?" kirika: maybe, sounds pretty badass. Gopher: ^w^ "Yep!--angelic badass ninja thief..." kirika: fuck yeah. -elsewhere- Katai: "Keek, you see this?" *pulls up photos on his laptop* "Anyone look familiar?" keek: *examining* ... Katai: *taps a key--and two photos appear* "These were taken within seconds of each other..." *there's a person missing in the photo on the left* "The older one was altered..." keek: hm... Katai: "...I don't know--this is so confusing..." *puts in eyedrops* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: *making lunch* Kuro: *sniffs--bolts upright* "What are you making?" mahiru: omelets. Kuro: *already seated at the table with a bib on* "Let's dine." mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Giriko: *sets down the sippy cup* "Thirsty, kiddo?" anna: ba! Giriko: "You got it." *offers it* "Drink up." -elsewhere- higuchi: ..... Gin: "Ichiyou?" higuchi: *almost falls out of her chair* O///o Gin: *catches her* "Easy." higuchi: im g-ay!. im been im ok-ood, i mean....*ahem* thanks. Gin: "..." *cheek smooch* higuchi:... ^/////^ Gin: "...Something troubling you?" higuchi: ...*rubs eye* still miss her, i guess.... Gin: *nods* "How long has it been?" higuchi: .....about half a year now.... Gin: "...Rain's child will need more than just mourning for her." higuchi:...*she nods* Gin: "And...have you been looking more into what Mori was doing?" higuchi:...a little bit.... Gin: "Any discoveries?" higuchi: .... i found her head...... Gin: *eyes widen* higuchi: it was so...surreal...like some weird nightmare........the letters....the photos....the journal....*gags slightly* Gin: *rubs her back* *nods* "...I know..." higuchi:....i think i know....at least one of his agendas......he-he was...trying to produce an heir... Gin: "..." *shudders* "Him procreating...minus Sonia, of course, is disgusting." higuchi: h-he's sick....amongst the girl's blood....he was...looking for a potential mo- Gin: "...'Potential'...?" higuchi: *shaking, clutching her stomach* m-moth-.... Gin: *holds her, shushes* "Okay...I understand..." higuchi:...*sniff* Gin: "He's not here...You're safe. Sonia is safe..." higuchi: r-right....d-does hirotsu know about this? Gin: "..." *shakes her head* "I haven't told him...because you're still in charge." higuchi: hmm....he's doing a good job, keeping things together. Gin: *nods* "He's dealt with Mori and Tachihara long enough..." higuchi: *chuckles* Gin: *smiles* "Have some faith in him...And in the rest here. They are containing the situation as best as they can." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "...I'll give you $45." medea: very well. Agey: "WHY DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS--" Mikuni: "Johan, want to play~?" -elsewhere- Iida: *walking to the train* ???: iida! Iida: *looks up* "???" -its ochako and izuku- ochako: so you're heading back to hosu town, huh? Iida: "Yes. I am." ochako: ah. good luck on your internships then! ^^ Iida: "Yes. Thank you." Izuku: "...Iida, we're friends..." Iida: "..." ochako: and we're here for you, 110%! Izuku: "And if you ever need to talk--" Iida: "Thank you. Sincerely." ochako: .... Iida: *smiles* "I will be fine. No need to worry." Todoroki: "..." *watching from a few feet away* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I have an update on the Nomu..." tomura: oh? Kurogiri: "Three are ready. If we wait a few more weeks--" tomura: ahhhhh im getting tired of waiting...*scratch scratch scratch* Kurogiri: "...Perhaps speak with Sensei." tomura:....*turns on the intercom* Sensei: "Yes?" tomura: what's our next plan? Sensei: "That depends. What did you learn from your lesson with Mr. Stain?" tomura: ...i learned that he's a dick. Sensei: "...That...wasn't quite the lesson I wanted you to take away. Didn't his conviction tell you anything?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *knock knock* gran torino: i dont want what yer selli-... oh, its you. Izuku: "Y-Yes, sir! Izuku Midoriya! UA student! Date of birth July 15--" gran torino: for the love of fuck man, INHALE! Izuku: *deep inhale* "S-S-So, you remember me?" QWQ gran torino: hard not to, kid. yer interning, right? Izuku: "Still am, sir! Just returning from winter break, and I'm excited to pick up our lessons where we left out towards fully embracing my Quirk--" gran torino: you got yer backpack? Izuku: "Right here!" *it's heavy and towers over him* gran torino: good, cause we're goin' on a lil holiday soon to hosu town. Izuku: O_O "...Seriously?" -elsewhere- Endeavor: "And my team of experts have limited sites of the most intense crime to this general area." Todoroki: "...But that is outside of Death City." intern: ._. Endeavor: "And that's where we'll be! My researchers weren't just wiping their noses--they were scouting this city out! Isn't that right, Einstein?!" intern: my name is char- Endeavor: "See? They agree with me. Now pack up--our limo comes in 20 minutes." -elsewhere- Uwabami: "Welcome back, dears~!" momo: *nods* itsuka: *wave* hey. Uwabami: "How were your breaks?" *hands a tablet with her schedule to Momo, and a mirror to Itsuka--as she starts adjusting her hair* -elsewhere- Ojiro: [let me know when you land in chicago] hagakure: [k] .... -elsewhere- Burns: "Finally..." *dries his face* "...Clear my schedule tomorrow." dia: understood... Burns: "...Are you taking another personal day?" dia: *shakes her head* Burns: "Good. Keep everything in order." -elsewhere- Bon: *reading* konekomaru: *taking notes* Shima: *setting his head down on the desk...nodding off* -elsewhere- Medusa: "And does Neian like her snake toy?" *washing her in the sink* neian: *babble* ^o^ Medusa: *small smile* "And snakes are your friends...You'll see all kinds of abilities they have..." *pours water along her back* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *humming* guard: ... Fyodor: "Guard, I had said I wanted a radio..." guard: alright. *hands him a small radio through the food slot* Fyodor: "..." -_- "How am I to turn it on? With my toes?" guard: *shrug* Fyodor: "..." *small grunt, trying to reach the dial with his toes--* -radio static- Fyodor: "..." *tries to turn the dial* -country station- Fyodor: -_-# "No." *turns more* -classical station- Fyodor: "..." *sigh of relief* =w= -elsewhere- Assi: "You like that scarf, huh?" mono: =///n///= Assi: *smiles* "It not only looks fashionable, but it's excellent for staying warm in cold winters--" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, Flowers, how did you find your lackey?" shaula: you mean beatrice? well, its an interesting story. long ago, she was just some wandering killer, murdering all in her path, i beat her in a fight, and she became my maid ever since~ beatrice: 7///7; PlushFix: " 'Beat her'? What, like your slave?" beatrice: i had attacked her and she defeated me in combat. -_-; shaula: what she said. PlushFix: "...So, B, what keeps you around? I mean, why not run away?" beatrice:.... 7///7 loyalty. hina:....she's doing you, aint she? shaula: yyuuuuup. beatrice: -///-; l-lady shaula, please. PlushFix: "...That's hot. Ever need a plushie to curl up with?" -punt out the window- beatrice: =_=# -elsewhere- Kyoka: *shoulder poke* atsushi: IMAWAKE! Kyoka: o_o "...I just wanted to say dinner's ready." atsushi: oh. right. haha ^^; Kyoka: "...Did you not sleep well?" *scoops rice* atsushi: *yaaaawn* long night, i guess.... Kyoka: "Maybe take a bath after dinner and get to bed." atsushi: good call. Kyoka: "Tomorrow will be another study prep meeting." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "Then we're searching for more clues." *passes a bowl of curry* -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie: ^u^ aww. Yohei: *smooch* "To a new year..." chie: indeed. *looks at her reflection* might get my hair cut shorter... Yohei: "That'd look good..." *brushes a hand along her hair* "Better ask Toru, too." -elsewhere- Black Star: =w= tsubaki: *rubbing his head* have a nice birthday? Black Star: *nods* "Gifts were great...Food was even better..." *cuddle* tsubaki: that's good. *smooch* Black Star: =\\\\= "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hiding under a blanket* mary: you ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: =3= *wags his tail* mary: do you want the brush? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* mary: *picks him up and sits on the bed with him in her lap as she brushes his fur* brushy brushy~ Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\\= *calms down* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a newspaper report* miwa so what's new? Akitaru: "...Can I let you in on something?" miwa: sure, whats up? Akitaru: "Burns is wanting to talk to Shinra..." *the newspaper article in front of him is a report of what happened at Shinra's house* miwa: !! Akitaru: "...It's going to be rough, whatever he's going to tell Shinra." miwa: cant even imagine.... Akitaru: "...As he's with the First, Burns knows things we at the Eighth haven't even found yet. And he keeps it to himself..." miwa: maybe we can help? Akitaru: "We'd appreciate it. And with Burns snooping around..." tamaki: *from behind a wall* ....... Akitaru: "Try to keep Tamaki and Nozomi occupied." miwa: can do. tamaki:...*walking away* Victor: *spots Tamaki* "???" tamaki:..... {guruna: we're children of misfortune after all~} tamaki:....... Victor: *waves* "Hello?" tamaki: *snaps back angrily* what?! Victor: .__O *leaps back* "N-Nothing?" tamaki:...im going to bed... Victor: "G-Good night?" *looks around, nervous* -morning- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." -alarm clock going off- Steinbeck: *waves his hand to hit the alarm* -got it- Steinbeck: =_= *yawns* twain: *asleep in his own room, sleeping in a hammock* Steinbeck: "Thank goodness for small miracles..." *gets out of bed, pulls on his shirt before stepping outside* oscar: good morning, johnny boy, up and early today? Steinbeck: "Have to be to keep this organization moving." *preps the coffee machine* "What about you?" oscar: just got up early, i suppose~ *wearing a pink, satin robe with faux fur trim* Steinbeck: "Hmm...How far along is breakfast?" oscar: ernest said he'd make breakfast today. Steinbeck: "...What, he's fishing again?" oscar: *chuckles* oh you silly boy. *pap pap* Steinbeck: -_- *FWOOM* Steinbeck: o_O Ernest: "..." *exits...his shoulder has a small flame on it* "Eggs are done!" baum: .___. my bacon..... Q___Q ebie: Q^Q;;; *holds wilbur close to her* twain: *pokes head in* i smell food. Ernest: "Eh, some yogurt will help that bacon, Baumie." *hard slap on the back* baum: oof- >3< dorothy: M'n'M pancakes please. Steinbeck: -_-# "Check the heat setting, Ernest..." Ernest: "Pancakes, I can do!" *flips one--and it lands on Steinbeck's face* twain:...*eats it* yum! Steinbeck: *still has M&M's stuck on his face* -_-# Ernest: *whistles, returns to work...* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his coffee* Mr. Tsubaki: *at his feet, gnawing on a chicken bone* louisa: good morning. Fitzgerald: *smiles* "Morning. We have English biscuits." mary: yay! Fitzgerald: "Granted, they don't hold a candle to American bisc--" bram: i'll just have some tea right now....my stomach isnt agreeing with me today. Mr. Tsubaki: *loud yawn* =n= Fitzgerald: "??? Sorry to hear that, Little Sport." *pours the hot water* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Zzz..." -is that...the smell of coffee?- Shamrock: *yawns* *sits up* "..." *gets up, puts on his robe, heads to the kitchen* -elsewhere- katya: *HURRK* pushkin: *pats her back* you gonna be ok? katya: MY MOUTH TASTES LIKE SADNESS AND BAD DECISIONS! pushkin: *pap pap* Motojiro: *pops up* "Maybe some lemon medicine to settle your tummy?" pushkin: .-. how did you get into our apartme- Motojiro: "Ankle bracelets." pushkin:......what? katya: the fuck? Motojiro: "And I jimmied your lock." *drops the tablet into a glass of water, squeezes a lemon* "Sip slowly." katya: ....... Motojiro: owo "Is it good?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." -phone buzzes- Chuuya: *picks up the phone* naoya: mornin' Chuuya: "Morning...What's up?" naoya: how's everything on your end? Chuuya: "Okay. Trying to get Sonia excited about school." naoya: ah, well akuta's a bit hungover here... Chuuya: "...Why is he hungover, Naoya?" naoya: he maaay have had a bit much from the beer can i gave him ^^; Chuuya: "Naoya. How old is Akutagawa?" naoya: he's gonna be 21 soon! Chuuya: "DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK HE'S READY FOR THAT-- Akutagawa: "Put on the music--I want to sing!" *clutches his head* "Ow..." naoya: ._.; ok ok! i admit, i might have fucked up a bit there. Akutagawa: Q____Q "It all hurts...Rashomon, save me..." Chuuya: "...Do I need to head over?" rashomon: *pap pap* naoya: if you can...but you probably need to spend time with sonia, so i wont force ya. Chuuya: *sigh* "I can ask someone to take her out shopping..." naoya: ...alright. Chuuya: "Okay, bye." *hangs up* "..." *exits his bedroom* mito: o^o Chuuya: *pets* "Hungry, Mito?" mito: *mew* Chuuya: *pulls out a dish and food, sets it down* mito: *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *strokes* "Sonia? You up?" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *walks to Sonia's room* "Sonia?" sonia: *asleep, cuddling her teddy* Chuuya: *rests a hand on her shoulder* sonia: =u= Chuuya: "Time to wake up, sweetie." sonia: *shifting in bed* mm... Chuuya: "Sonia? You okay?" sonia: *yawns and rubs her eyes* nhuh? Chuuya: "I'm about to make breakfast." sonia: ok....*yaaaawn* Chuuya: "Anything you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: =~= fuckin' cramps.... Kid: *sets down the ice pack* "Anything else I should bring?" *opens the grocery bag, removes chocolates* stocking: =3= hot water bottle please. Kid: *nods* "I'll fill it up. Just hang in there..." stocking: TT~TT Kid: *heads into the kitchen, heats up water* -elsewhere- Katai: "All set?" aya: yep, this should be everything. Katai: "And here's your lunch." aya: ok. Katai: "And call if there is an emergency. And take this for safety--" *holds up a pillow cushion* aya: .-.; Katai: "Her name is Natalie, and she is not only compact but comfy." ^w^ aya: i....see... ._.; Katai: "Now, let's get going!" *has dressed up...and put his futon in a dress* aya: ^-^; (KUNI PLEASE BE FREED FROM JAIL SOON) -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pat pat* nozomi:...t-thanks... tamaki: we'll bring your lesson plans back for you, ok? Arthur: *nods* "Want any food from the grocery?" nozomi: im good... Arthur: "..." *hands her his hilt* nozomi: ?? Arthur: "Take this as your weapon. Even without a flame, Excalibur's hilt packs a mean punch." nozomi:...*small chuckle* i'll....keep that in mind... Arthur: *small smile* "Good." shinra: take care, ok? Relan: "About ready?" shinra: yep. iris: *nods* Relan: *hands Iris her backpack* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* "Now how do I get him to school? What the hell?" naoya: i called him in sick. Chuuya: "Then I better head to school--" Akutagawa: *sobbing* Chuuya: "...Oh, darn." naoya: heeey, you're gonna be ok, akuta. Akutagawa: *whimpers* Chuuya: "...Hang in there, buddy. I'll see you after school." -elsewhere- Meme: *opens her locker--and it's full of--* "Paper cranes?" tsugumi: were you making a wish? Meme: "I didn't make these..." ._.; tsugumi: *examining* Meme: "Is this an omen? Is someone going to send cranes after me?" tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "Well, I better clear these out--" *an envelope falls out of her locker--and inside is a photo* "???" mio: what's that? Meme: *looks at the photo...and trembles* mio: whats wrong? Meme: "Th-That child?" mio: ?? *examines the photo* *The photo shows someone holding a baby that looks like a young Meme* tsugumi: is...is this...? Meme: "Mio...Is that me?" mio: it...it looks like you. Meme: "...I need to know who went into my locker." *fast-walking to front desk* mio: h-hey wait for us! Meme: "Granny!" *rings the desk bell* auntie: hmm? what is it dearie? Meme: "Do you have security cam footage before 7:24 this morning showing my locker?" auntie: i think so, let me just check. Meme: *taps her fingers nervously* auntie: alright, come on in. Meme: *enters* -there is a small meeting room with a TV, showing the camera feed- Meme: *pulls the footage to 7:24* "...Nothing..." *rewinds* mio: .... Meme: "..." *keeps searching back...and back...to 4:17 AM when--* *In the footage, light flashes from inside her locker* Meme: "?!" mio: ?! w-what is- Meme: "Wh-What was that light?" *tries to slow the video down...* tsugumi: ?? Meme: "I still don't see anything...Magic? A prank? What even is this?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? Hmm. Quieter here today." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: "Because Akutagawa is not here." atsushi: i guess. ^^; Chuuya: "..." shinra: hey guys! atsushi: hey, um...kusakabe, right? shinra: yep, that'd be me. Kyoka: *waves* "Hello. You were hospitalized, weren't you?" shinra:...for a while, yeah. Lucy: "??? Where did you--" Kyoka: "I investigate now." Lucy: "...So, what year are you, Kusakabe?" shinra: i think im actually in the university courses now ^^; or at least i will be in spring. atsushi: really? you dont look any older than 17... shinra: yeah *side glance* so i've heard. Lucy: ._.;;;; *looks around* "???" Kyoka: "Have you recovered enough for classes?" shinra: yeah. Lucy: "Well, that's good news. Welcome back!" tamaki: thanks. ^^ Lucy: "...Um..." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Big sis." tamaki: um- Kyoka: *hug* tamaki: .///.; Kyoka: "I haven't seen you since the Sports Festival." tamaki: yeah, feels like its been a while since i saw you last. ^^; Kyoka: "How have you been? Did you enjoy Christmas? What did you do for New Year?" *pulls out a notepad* "Have you seen this symbol?" *shows the Rat symbol* tamaki: well, it's been......eventful. shinra: actually, we did see that symbol! at the nether... Kyoka: "??? 'Nether'?" shinra: >->;; shit maybe i said too much... tamaki: no shit, sherlock. Kyoka: *leans close* "Are you a member of the Rats? What do you know about Doppo Kunikida?" *nose to nose* "Where are the Rats?" shinra: i dont know anything about any rats, and i dont know who that is or where they are?? atsushi: kyouka, down. Kyoka: *small kitten growl as Atsushi pulls her back* -elsewhere- Hyde: -_-# "How do I get detention on the first day?" misono: how do you kick a _ceiling_....on _accident_?! licht: -_-; Hyde: "I aim, I move--and then someone kicked me in the keister!" -elsewhere- Child #1: *waves at Sonia* "Hello!" sonia:...*small wave* ._.; Child #1: "Want to play tag?" sonia: um....ok. is there a point system or is it to the death? Child #1: "...Well, 'sudden-death' matches are only when we play dodgeball, I think?" *holds out a hand* "I'm Alex!" sonia:...sonia. Alex: *smiles...then a small smirk* "Well, Sonia..." *soft clap on Sonia's hand* "You're it!" *runs* sonia:...*blinks and stares at her hand* ???? Alex: *behind a tree* "...Um...You're it. That means, you know, you have to run after someone, tag them, then they're it?" sonia:.....*pats the teacher* Teacher: ._.;;;; "???" Alex: *facepalm* "Um, adults don't count. It's a kids' game?" ("She's kinda different.") sonia:.....*pats one child.* Child #2: "D'aw, nuts!" *tries to run after Sonia--* Alex: "No tag-backs, Chris!" Chris (Child #2): >3< *runs after another kid* Alex: *waves at Sonia* "Hide here!" sonia: *hiding* Alex: *whispers* "You never played tag?" sonia: i would hide sometimes, in the other place... Alex: "??? Or, Hide and Seek?" sonia: ....i guess. Alex: "Neat! You like coloring?" sonia: *she nods* -elsewhere- Burns: *walking up to the entrance of the Eighth* miwa:.... !! Burns: "Greetings. I am here to speak with Kusakabe." miwa: he and the other kiddos are at school, sorry. Burns: "I know. I came early." *holds up a book* "I brought reading." -elsewhere- leo: *walking along the ozaki estate* .... Motojiro: *digging in the front yard* "Stupid shovel..." leo: ....!! ah! what are you doing? D8> Motojiro: "??? I wanted to plant a lemon tree." leo: s-shouldnt you ask miss kouyou's permission first? Motojiro: "..." *facepalm* "I knew I forgot to do something! Assistant, go ask Miss Kouyou!" ayako: on it! *runs to do that* Motojiro: "Now, to deposit the lemons..." leo:....^^; -elsewhere- Yohei: "So, none of you have a job--so, you're going to get one, or I'm calling the cops." Assi: D8> Zuno: "???" Shotaro: "...I volunteer." Yohei: "Good enough, Shotaro. You're excused." mana: *sigh* alright. Shotaro: "Yay!" *jumps out the window* akaderu: what a drag. Emine: "...My hobbies keep me busy." -elsewhere- Poe: *sorting books* Jacqueline: *giving a tour to transfer students* "--and we have a variety of reading options." Tour Student #1: "What's the deal with the raccoon?" tour student 2: dude, i saw a kid with a _sloth_. a raccoon aint no big deal. karl: *chitter!* [translation: rude!] -elsewhere- Hiro: Q____Q "Just one more semester...Just one more semester..." EF: hiro? are you ok? Hiro: "Oh, hey." *weak smile* "Just planning this semester to get out of here..." EF: oh... Hiro: "Then...I have to figure out a job. And a mortgage. And retirement. And--and--and--" *empties the brown paper bag of his lunch--and starts breathing into it* EF: Hiro! breathe! Hiro: *wheeze, breathing...calms down* "Th-Thanks..." EF: it'll be ok. *smiles* Hiro: "..." *nods, tries to smile* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...I feel naked without Excalibur." shinra: please never say that again. tamaki:..........*excalibur face* Arthur: "A knight without his weapon might as well be a knight without his armor. How do I defend myself?" *holds up his fists* "...This is not fiery enough." tamaki: hmmm.. iris: ^^; Chuuya: *staring at Atsushi* "..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *texting Marie* [how's the trip?] marie: [busy. marie's already a hit with her cousins!] Yumi: [pics?] -several pics sent- Yumi: [she looks so tiny against your big relatives! ^^ ] marie: [i know! >u<] Yumi: [enjoy! send more pics] -elsewhere- Gopher: *looking through a book in the library* "..." rowena: looking for something, sir? Gopher: "...Do you have anything on the Lunar Ark?" rowena: hm? i think there might be something in the ancient history section. Gopher: *nods* "Thank you..." *holds the book he was looking through close to him as he walks to ancient history...* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...Is he still out there?" maki: yeah...do we send a warning text to the others? Takehisa: "Yes. Do it." maki: ok. -elsewhere- Meme: "..." mio: meme?....*holds her hand* Meme: "...I don't remember..." mio: ? Meme: "...I forgot a lot of my childhood." mio: ...... tsugumi:....*grips her fist* Anya: "Meme...Do you...I mean..." Meme: *shakes her head* "I don't..." tsugumi:....then we'll just have to find the answers. Meme: "??? Where?" tsugumi: we'll search the whole world if we have to! ao: should we ask mr barrett? Meme: "..." Anya: "Worth a try. I mean, he would have some knowledge after--" tsugumi: *covers her mouth* Meme: "If you could ask him..." -elsewhere- Friz: "--and I heard under her crown, she's got horns instead of eyes!" Bee: "Stop! She'll hear you!" Haumea: -_-; "I'm right behind you twits." Friz: owo;;; guruna: kuruun? Haumea: "Just because my eyes are covered doesn't mean I'm deaf...Guruna, pick a body..." *cracks her knuckles* Bee: Q___Q -elsewhere- Stein: "You going to manage things while I'm out?" valentine: yep. aya drevis: yessir! Stein: *nods* "Thank you. And be sure to torment Spirit periodically." valentine: noted. -elsewhere- Patty: *sets out the last mat* "Okay--nap time, kiddos!" child: zzzzz Patty: "..." ("Well, that was fast.") *sits back, looks at her phone* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." Teacher: "??? A cat?" mahiru: ._.;; -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Any plan after school?" atsushi: maybe check out this 'nether' place? Kyoka: *nods* "Let's do this." Chuuya: *overhearing* "..." -elsewhere- Rin: "So, lessons will be starting up soon. You excited?" shiemi: yeah. konekomaru: *nod nod* Shima: "Zzz..." Bon: -_- Rin: ._.; "...Is he in a coma?" konekomaru: i guess he pulled an all-nighter. ^^; Rin: "...!!!" *smirks...blows at Shima's ear* Shima: =w= "Ladies, please..." Rin: *high-pitched voice* "Oh, Shima..." *deep voice* "That was amazing." Shima: O_O *bolts up awake* shiemi: *trying not to laugh* konekomaru: r-rin.... ._.; izumo: he really is the son of satan... Rin: -_-# "Yo, that's just mean..." izumo: its true though. Shima: .\\\\. "Great--now the ladies in my dreams are going to sound like Satan. Hope you're happy..." Rin: "ENOUGH WITH THE SATAN TALK!" >_< konekomaru: come on guys, the teacher's gonna be here in a few minutes. -the door opens- seiya: good afternoon, everyone. Yukio: "Please take your seats." Rin: ("So many new teachers I lose track...") *opens his book--upside down* -elsewhere- mushitaro:......pastor, please let go of me. =_=# Hawthorne: "I'm so glad you are safe...I have been working to restore your honor..." mushitaro: IM NOT MITCHELL YOU CREEP! D8< WHY IS YOUR GRIP SO FUCKING TIGHT?! yana: um...phrasing? Hawthorne: "...Did you get shorter, though?" mushitaro: D8< Hawthorne: "Let's get you milk and read from Scripture." mushitaro: ivan please help me. Ivan: *holds up--* <Saw or drill?> -elsewhere- Iida: "I finished filing paperwork, sir." manual: good job, iida. *smiles* Iida: *nods* "What may I do next to help? Police radio reports? Patrol?" manual: actually, ever been to the hosu town aquarium? Iida: "No. I had wanted to after my brother recommended--" *grows quiet* manual:....*pats his back* well, that's our next stop. Iida: *nods* "Okay." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...This plane looks...impressive." Endeavor: "Only the best, son." Todoroki: ("Then why are you in it...?") -elsewhere- Arthur: "I left Excalibur with Nozomi, and my cell phone at the castle. Where is my brain today?" shinra: where was it _ever_? Arthur: -_-; Relan: O~O;;; iris:...relan? whats wrong? Relan: "Shinra...Tamaki...Burns is at the 8th." tamaki: ?! shinra: what? Relan: "Captain Hinawa texted. They can't get him to leave." shinra: what could he want? Relan: *shrug* "But if he's being this hardcore..." Arthur: "The Lion is a magnificent beast--but one that can be scared away. Iris, I will need a shield." iris: ..... shinra: i'll see what he wants.... Relan: "You sure?" shinra: *he nods* Relan: "..." *tries to look tough* "R-Right..." iris: *pats his back* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *looks at caution tape* "..." *cuts it* atsushi: this place gives me the creeps..... Lucy: *turns on a flashlight* "Police won't like us entering..." atsushi: im just glad we got a permit from fukuzawa. Dazai: *has night-vision goggles on* atsushi: it should be near the entrance.... Lucy: *shines a light along where the ground and the wall meets* "..." atsushi: !!!! i-is that a body? Lucy: "!!!" D8> Dazai: "Looks vaguely body-shaped..." *nudges Atsushi forward* kenji: looks pretty old. atsushi: ._.; *gulp*..... *examines the pockets* *Inside are some coins...melted* atsushi: these dont look like much use.... *searching other pockets* *A wallet* atsushi: hmm... *examines the wallet* *The person was in their late 30s, seems to be from out of state* atsushi: *examines photos in the wallet* *There are photos of the person in expedition gear, another in their cap and gown at graduation...ones with a partner and kids* Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Kyoka: "Bring the wallet. We'll need it to identify them later." *takes the flashlight, shines down the tunnel* "There." atsushi: *spots the logo* Lucy: "So they were here...They may have killed this person." Kyoka: "And just leave their corpse to be found?" atsushi: it doesnt explain the melted coins, though... Kyoka: "They may have burned the corpse...But how did the wallet then survive?" atsushi: maybe heat resistant materials? Lucy: "Or...directed heat...These clothes are synthetic fabric...Maybe it targeted...the skin?" atsushi: its likely. Lucy: *shudders* "It's creepy...A fire targeting only--" Dazai: "Infernals." atsushi: infernals? Dazai: "?!" ^^; "Just something I've heard before...Seems to be what the cool people call Flame Humans." atsushi: like kusakabe? Dazai: "Moooooooooore like Flame Humans who go out of control and attack people mindlessly." atsushi: ._.; sounds scary. Haumea: *appearing over Atsushi's shoulder...hanging upside down* "You have no idea." atsushi: HOLY FUCK! *jumps back* Dazai: "???" Lucy: "!!!" Kyoka: *already has a kunai--which she tosses at Haumea's forehead* Haumea: *catches...and melts it with her fingers* *smiles* "Hello, interlopers. Why are you--" Friz: "FOUND IT! We can go now--Oh." *waves* "Hello!" atsushi: i think we found the people responsible for that body.... Dazai: "No kidding..." *smiles, cracks his knuckles* "Been looking forward to this~" atsushi: lucy, you got anything to defend yourself with? Lucy: *pulls out a can of mace* "..." ._.; "I recommend a strategic exit--" *FWOOSH* *Lucy just barely dodges a flame disc* Lucy: Q___Q atsushi: !!!! ok, you two are going down! *tiger limbs and charges* Dazai: "Always wanted to see whether I could cancel out your abilities!" *rushes at Friz and Haumea* atsushi: !! Kyoka: "We don't have time for this..." *opens her phone--and sees zero bars* "!!! Oh no..." atsushi: .-.; that's not good. Dazai: "AAAH!" *kicks Haumea in the side of the head...* Haumea: "..." *holds up a middle finger...it's on fire* Dazai: ._.; "...Okay, not my smartest--" atsushi: DAZAI! LOOK OUT! Haumea: *flicks Dazai in the head--sending him flying* Dazai: "Crap crap cra--!" *CRASH* atsushi: *nice catch* Dazai: @~@ "...I don't think my ability works on them." atsushi: .... Lucy: *dodging more flame discs--and one slices just the clip of her hair* "Eep! STOP THROWING THOSE THINGS AT ME WHEN I'M--" atsushi: *charges at haumea* i'll take this one, kyouka, handle the other one! lucy, clear the exit! Kyoka: *tackles Lucy before another disc behends her* Lucy: "R-Right!" Kyoka: *holding multiple kunai* "I'll take the childish one." Friz: "?! You're the one who likes like a preschooler!" Kyoka: "You play with flying discs and sound like puberty hasn't come to you yet." Friz: "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" >_< *throws more discs* Haumea: -_-; "I just wanted to get the map, go home. But noooo, couldn't have that..." *blocking Atsushi* atsushi: *punch* Haumea: *her head is knocked back...she spits out blood...something bright pierces from behind her cracked mask, before she covers her face with her hand...* *she turns her head* *...she looks furious* atsushi: ._.; *defensive stance* Haumea: "I have no time for this..." *snaps her fingers* *Atsushi's skin feels like it's getting hotter...* atsushi: *screaming* *Atsushi's entire body is engulfed in flames* Kyoka: "!!!" Dazai: "No!" atsushi: MAKE IT STOP! Lucy: *crying* "Atsushi!" *Thunder is heard--as Anne's Room crashes open behind them* Haumea: "??? What the--That's not Hell! It's too...sugary?" atsushi: *tiger punches haumea in the gut* Lucy: *eyes full of tears* "Atsushi! Fight it!" -full tiger mode- Haumea: *coughs up blood, struggling to still cover her eye* "...Oh, that's enough...I'M GOING TO BURN YOU INTO ASHES!" *She increases the flames--which are burning off his skin* tiger!atsushi: *charges at her* Haumea: *knocked down--as she starts punching his exposed muscles* "BAD TOUCH! BAD! TOUCH!" Dazai: "Atsushi! Retreat! Now!" atsushi: *PUNCH* *coughing blood* Haumea: "AH! ..." *smirks...stares at Atsushi...* atsushi: ?!?! Haumea: "Tiger, tiger...Burning bright..." *she clutches his arm--and explosions leap off his body, leaving only a barely conscious skeleton, muscles attached to it...and Atsushi's dead eyes staring out of the body's skull* Kyoka: *staring in shock* Dazai: "Oh God..." Lucy: *cannot speak...* Friz: "...Fuck. I think you went too far, Boss." -something charges at them- atsushi: *ROARS* Haumea: "WHAT THE HELL?!" Lucy: *her eyes...are glowing...* tiger: you dun fuzzed up now. Haumea: "...What kind of devil are you?!" atsushi: *regenerating* im no devil.....im a beast. Haumea: "...Mere beast? Then I'll just keep lighting you up until you die!" *smashes her fist into his eye* -nope- atsushi: ..... Haumea: "...Oh, biscuits." Friz: "Boss! We're out of here--" *Thunder is heard again...* *Something pops up behind Friz* Friz: o_o;; *slowly turns...and spots...Anne* anne: >83 Friz: Q_____Q "..." *starts to run* anne: *glares at haumea* Haumea: "...Okay, I don't know what girly crap the girl, the midget--" Kyoka: *glare* Haumea: "--and the ugly guy are into--" Dazai: *whispers to the catatonic Lucy* "Why did he call you 'an ugly guy'?" Haumea: "But y'all are some messed up--" -BAM- *Haumea is knocked face first into the wall...obliterating the last of her crown...something bright is shining behind it...and is shaking the grown* Kyoka: "!!! Lucy!" *shakes her* "We're leaving now! Dazai, grab Atsushi!" Lucy: *not moving...* anne: *tosses haumea out* atsushi: *recovering* LUCY! Dazai: *picks up Atsushi* "Ew! You got blood all on you." Lucy: "Kill...Kill Anne..." anne: ... Haumea: "SCREW YOU ALL!" *tossed down the tunnel...then an explosion is heard...sending a fireball down the tunnel at them!* anne: *SHIELDS THEM* Dazai: O~O *let's go of Atsushi, picks up Kyoka, and tosses her into Anne's Room* atsushi: lucy........*hugs her and kisses her* Kyoka: "?!!!" Lucy: "..." *closes her eyes, returns the kiss--* *FWOOOSH* *The fireball passes over them...Anne's room is now sealed shut around them* Kyoka: *upside down, slammed against a Jack in the Box, arms crossed* "...Rude." Dazai: ^^; "Sorry." atsushi:....*pulls back, now fully healed* ok, you have every right to punch me in the face. Lucy: "..." *starts loudly sobbing* atsushi:.....*hugs her tightly* im sorry for scaring you all.... Lucy: *sniffles* "Th-The next time I see that ugly harlot, I'm going to split her in two for calling Anne ugly!" atsushi: *pats her back* Lucy: *hug* "I'm sorry...AND DON'T EVER GET BURNED ALIVE LIKE THAT AGAIN!" atsushi: i'll do my best....how's everyone else? Dazai: "Well, my pride is wounded, so that's tragic." Kyoka: "Fine. Just disoriented." *still upside down* atsushi: ok ken-.... KENJI! kenji: *pops out of a box* job's done!....what i miss? Kyoka: "...We fought flame people. We beat them. I scared away one with kunai. You can be impressed now." Lucy: D:< "I did a lot of work, too!" kenji: great job guys! ^u^ atsushi:...yeah.....*collapses* zzzzzzzz....... Lucy: *catches him...his head resting on her chest* .\\\. "..." *pat pat* kenji: aww, he's all tuckered out. Kyoka: "..." *playful jab in his shoulder* "You need to stop disappearing in the middle of fight…” -elsewhere- Mr. Asui: "???" *sets down his newspaper* "Was that...a thunderstorm? An earthquake?" mrs asui: well, seems it's over now. satsuki: Q-Q scawwy. -elsewhere- Akitaru: -_-# "More tea?" Burns: "No, thank you. I'll take another cookie, though." ???: YO BURNS! Burns: "???" *holding his teacup* "Yes--?" shinra: ..... Burns: "Kusakabe." *sets down his teacup* "I see you were released. How do you feel?" shinra: better, but enough about me, why are you here? if this has to do with tamaki- Burns: "No, it does not." shinra: so then why are you here? Burns: "...Since you're mostly recovered, let's talk. About what happened 17 years ago." shinra: !!!!!! -and so- shinra:...... tamaki: *listening in from behind a wall* ... (what does he want?) Burns: "You aren't cold?" shinra: i have fire abilities, i'll be fine, right? Burns: "...And you know how you got those abilities?" shinra:....i was born with them, i guess? Burns: "Then why didn't they manifest until after the fire burned down your family's home?" shinra: ?? Burns: "...What do you remember 17 years ago?" shinra: ....standing in the wreckage.....you were standing to my right....staring off at something.... Burns: "Where I saw your brother taken away by the White Hoods." shinra: !!!!! *grips his fist and grabs burns' collar* THEN WHY?! WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE HIM BACK THEN?! ISNT THAT YOUR JOB?! TO SAVE PEOPLE?! Burns: "..." *Flames leap off Burns's shoulder* shinra: couldnt you have at least told me sooner?! *tears are streaming* Burns: "...Look at yourself right now. Look at what has happened to you. You almost died. If I told you, 17 years ago, the truth, what could you have done?" shinra: i would have- Burns: "You would have died. You are here, right now, not because you willed it, but because of mere luck." tamaki:.... *grips fist* shinra: ...you have some damn nerve to say that shit.... Burns: "Am I wrong? Prove it." shinra: *charges at him* Burns: *doesn't budge* maki: isnt anyone going to stop them?! dia: ... Akitaru: "...He has to work this out on his own, even if that means making a mistake. Besides...Burns can handle this." shinra: *flame kicks at him* Burns: *kicked in the face...wipes the blood off his face* "Is that the speed of someone who received Divine Protection?" shinra: stop dodging the question and give me the truth! Burns: "...Any brigade does not have time for its individual members indulging their own selfish emotions." *his eyepatch lights up on fire* Akitaru: "!!! Everyone, get back!" iris: !!!! Relan: *pulling Iris back* dia: ..... Burns: *fire blasts off of him, heading right for Shinra's face* shinra: *dodging* ANSWER ME, DAMN YOU! Burns: "..." *opens his fist--and the flame expands, knocking into Shinra's body* shinra: *knocked back* grk- s-shit... *Burns stands, his body engulfed in flames* Burns: "Only the strong survive. Only they are strong enough to handle the truth. If you want to know, show me that your power deserves it.” tamaki:.....*shaking, biting her lip* dia:...... {dia: *13 years old, fighting infernals in a training exercise*} {Burns: "On your left!"} {dia: r-right! *attacking*} {Burns: "Are you strong enough to handle this?"} {dia: ye-!!!!} {infernal: *tackles her, and roars*} {dia: !!!!} {*CRUNCH*} {dia: c-commander!} {Burns: *his fist is through the Infernal's chest* "...Recite their last rites."} {dia: ashes to ashes....} {Burns: "Dust to dust..."} {-the infernal vanishes-} {dia: .....} {Burns: "..." *sighs* "You know I won't always be there to save you, Dia."} {dia: i know...i promise i'll get better, sir...} dia: .... shinra: *charging again* Burns: "Maybe you just aren't strong enough..." ("But that speed...!") {shinra: .........} {Burns: *staring at the destroyed house, holding Shinra's hand*} {shinra:....*smiling a weak smile* *mumbling something*} shinra: *jumping forwards* Burns: *remains standing...the outdoor floor beneath him is starting to crack* shinra: *aims his foot for burns' face* Burns: *blocks with his forearm...* *Something like sizzling is heard* Akitaru: "!!! Duck!" *FWOOSH* *Fire explodes behind Burns* shinra: WOAH! Burns: *the ground under his feet is now shattered* "...Is that all you can do, Candlestick? Your flame is small..." shinra: JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY. Burns: "..." *shakes out his forearm, extinguishing his flames* "It has been a long time since someone's kick managed to send shivers through my arm..." -a wall of fire shoots up between them- shinra: !?!? Burns: "?!" pearl: *her arm outstretched* PLEASE! BOTH OF YOU, STOP THIS! Burns: "??? Fiamma?" pearl: fighting amongst yourselves wont solve anything! cant you just tell him normally? Burns: "..." *looks at Shinra* "Can you handle what you will learn?" shinra: ...i have to know, no matter what. Burns: "..." *looks at Dia and Akitaru* "Please..." Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Come on, folks--give them some room..." dia: alright, everyone inside. tamaki: ...... Burns: "...First, what you know about that event 17 years ago...there is more to it." shinra:...im ready.... {-17 years ago...-} {charon: haumea, do you sense anything?} {Tiny!Haumea: "This is it...Just where the Preacher promised...A new Adora Bust will be born..."} {-in the kusakabe household...-} {Baby Sho: "Zzz..."} {*BLINK*} {Baby Sho: *opens his eyes...*} {mrs kusakabe: mmm... huh? *enters sho's room* sho-... !!!!!!} {*At the top of the ceiling is a fireball, with Sho in the center, looking like he's in a trance*} {Sho: "..."} {mrs kusakabe: SHO!! *tries to put the flame out*} {Sho: *still not moving...the ball's flames seem to snake down the ceiling and walls...towards Mrs. Kusakabe*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!!} {*A flame covers her hand...or is it coming _from_ her hand?*} {mrs kusakabe: *screams*} {shinra: mommy?....mommy, sho, where are you?} {*The flames are along the left side of her face...*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!! shinra! please! run!} {shinra: *too stunned to move*} {-horns form on her head-} {mrs kusakabe: pLEasE...rUn...} {-horns form from out of her eyes as she screams-} {*Shinra can see the flames start to dissipate, as if pulled inward into something...someone...*} {shinra: mommy?! mom-...... !!!!!!} {horned being: *howls*} {shinra: *tries to back away...his feet propelling him backwards into the wall*} {horned being: ... s....h...o......m...y......b....a...b.....y..... {*A figure appears...The room is now white...*} {horned being: *reaching for her baby*} {*The fireball descends...Sho, as if barely conscious, in a trance, is lowered into the Preacher's hands...The Preacher hands the baby to the Horned Being*} -...- shinra: ...................................................................*eyes wide, tears falling* Burns: "..." tamaki:.....*completly stunned* shinra:...ha...hahahaha...ahahahahaha....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *he's shaking badly* Burns: "..." *grabs Shinra by the collar* "Get a hold of yourself." shinra: *he throws up onto the ground* ...... Burns: "..." *sighs* shinra:........................w-what then....? Burns: "...I did not arrive until 15 minutes after we received the report of the fire at your family's house." {officer: we found a survivor, it's a child!} {shinra: *barely breathing*} {Burns: "Put out the flames! What are you all doing?!} {officer 2: w-we cant! they wont go out!} {shinra: m...mommy...s-sho...t-the....d-demon...} {-on the roof-} {charon:...haumea?} {Haumea: *giggling, her fingers moving, like a puppeteer pulling strings* "Hee hee..."} {charon: haume-} {Haumea: "SILENCE!"} {charon:....} {-inside the inferno-} {Burns: *already inside* ("No one was searching for his mother and brother...But even if I find them, there is no way they could survive. Not unless--Urk!" *clutches his eyepatch...and notices it is on fire* "!!!"} {horned being: *holding sho* ....} {Burns: "!!! A demon? No...It's..." *holds out a hand* "Wait!"} {horned being: *leaps to the window*} {Burns: "Don't go!"} {sister: commander! it's going to collapse!} {Burns: "..." *turns back, heading to the exit*} {-outside-} {Burns: "..." *the flames remain under his eyepatch...he removes it* ("A fire that will not go out...A horned being...It is...Adora.")} {shinra: *trying to get in* MOMMY! SHO! I HAVE TO SAVE THEM!} {sister: child, you cannot! it's far to dangerous!} {shinra: LET GO'A ME!} {Burns: "..." ("So why didn't they want him?")} {shinra: *falls to his knees, tears falling*} {Burns: "..." *marches up to Shinra*} {shinra: .....} {Burns: "Listen to me. Your mother is...dead."} {shinra:.....*smiling that sad, demonic smile*} shinra:...*voice cracks slightly* why?....why would you lie to me? -he's shaking, tears falling- Burns: "Those Hoods you faced just now--the ones who almost killed you? They were the ones who took your mother and brother from you. If I told you the truth then, what would you have done? Run into battle? You almost died, Kusakabe: you would've died then, too, if not for your dumb luck." shinra: do you even care what happened to me because of what you said? i was left in my grandmother's care....do you even care that she abused me?! that she would leave me locked in a dark pantry out of spite for what she thought i did?! tamaki:...*silently crying* Burns: "...I didn't want this for you. I didn't...want some child entering this war." shinra:....but im not a child anymore. Burns: "No, you are not. And despite my efforts, fate brought you here. I wanted you to fear the flames...” shinra: .....the same flames i used to get here.......did you...really see it? the adora- Burns: "...Do you know why this eye is blinded?" *removes his eyepatch* shinra:.... !!!!!!!!!! tamaki: !!!!!!!!!!!!! *His eye is blank...but almost...bone-like?* Burns: "If you look into the Sun, you burn. If you look into Hell...Hell occupies your own body. This is my Hell. This is Adora." shinra: *nervous smile, shaking* Burns: "This is the price I paid...Did you see it? Did you see Adora?" shinra:......*remembering soichiro arg's face in his vision*....i..i dont know... Burns: "...Your luck persists, then." *replaces his eyepatch* "The Hoods have been fighting this battle long before you were born. Be careful. You have no idea what they are capable of--" Nurse Arg: *appears behind Shinra* "Pardon me...?" shinra: ?!?! Burns: "??? Arg? What are you doing here?" shinra: wait......arg?! as in the 4th commander? Nurse Arg: "S-Sorry! I was here to check up on Kusakabe, then I saw the explosions and figured, 'Oh, maybe that's where he is!' Then I came here and--" *finally notices Shinra* "Oh! There you are!" shinra: um.... hi? tamaki: =A=; (way to kill the mood.) Nurse Arg: "Hi! I was asked to stop by to do an in-person medical review and--Wait, did you say Fourth Commander?" *looks back and forth* "Is Grandpa here, too?" Burns: "..." shinra: no, just heard the name 'arg' and figured 'hey maybe they know each other?' haha ^^; Nurse Arg: ^^; "Well, 'Arg' doesn't scream 'common household name,' so good guess! He's my grandfather." shinra + tamaki: *trying to place it in their heads*..... (W...T...F?!?!) Nurse Arg: "But I haven't talked to him in some time..." *sad smile* shinra: oh...i see. tamaki:... *heads back inside* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: ._.; "...What happened to you guys?" Dazai: *has a swollen cheek* "Not much...Just went exploring..." Kyoka: *holding ice to her head* "..." Lucy: *wiping her eyes* atsushi: *asleep* kenji: we found a body. Tanizaki: o_________O;;; "Please tell me Kyoka didn't kill someone--" Kyoka: *frowns* "Why do you assume it's _my_ fault?" kenji: he was dead before we go there. Tanizaki: *sighs* "Oh, that's a relief...Well, bring the corpse to the Doctor for examination--" yosano: corpse you say? Lucy: ._.; ("He recovered quickly...What on earth has he seen?!") Kyoka: "Corpse. No way to bring back to life. Also, Atsushi was burned alive. But he got better." yosano: holy shit....so you want me to examine the body. of corpse i will~ Kyoka: "..." *small smile* Lucy: -_-; "No." yosano:.. 737 -elsewhere- Chuuya: *knock knock* naoya: oh, hey chuuya. he's in the guest room. Chuuya: "Thanks...How is he?" naoya: he's recovering. oh goddamn was last night a shitshow.... Chuuya: *looks around the apartment* "...No kidding..." naoya: fortunately no one died, so....good news. -just a few things knocked over, nothing too badly damaged- Chuuya: *sighs* "You know ability users and alcohol can be a dangerous mix." naoya: ok, so i messed up. Chuuya: "..." *rubs the back of his neck* "Like I'm one to talk..." naoya: *stops at the guest room door* he's in there.... Akutagawa: *curled up in bed* Q_Q Chuuya: *knocks* "Hey. It's me. Can I come in?" Akutagawa: "...It's open." Chuuya: *enters* "...So, you had your first hangover." *sits on the bed* "May it be the first of many--" Akutagawa: "I never want to drink that swill again." naoya: that's fair. Chuuya: "Can always try something fruity. Or coffee-y. Maybe a Guinness--" Akutagawa: *shudders* naoya: i take that as a no, then? Akutagawa: "Can we talk about anything but...alcohol right now?" Chuuya: "...I brought your homework and syllabi?" -elsewhere- shinra: *in bed, whimpering* Akitaru: "..." *knocks* shinra: i-its open...*smiles, but tears are still falling* Akitaru: *enters* "...Hey." shinra: *has the blanket wrapped around him* Akitaru: "...Shinra...I'm sorry." shinra: ..... Akitaru: "..." *hug* shinra: *whimpers* m-mom..... Akitaru: "..." *nods, pats his back* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Hey?" tamaki: ?? Arthur: "How are you?" tamaki:...o-ok... Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki: !!!.... t-thanks... 7///7; Arthur: *pat pat* "You're welcome." *forehead kiss* -morning- Lucy: "Zzz..." atsushi: ..... Lucy: *turns over--her arm landing across his chest* atsushi: O////O; Lucy: *pulls Atsushi closer* atsushi:.....*hugs her* Lucy: *rubs his back* "...What did it feel like?" atsushi: O///. w-wh-wha? Lucy: "The fire...What does it feel like to almost die?" atsushi:.....it was terrifying....*holds her* im sorry.... Lucy: "I know..." *cheek kiss* "...I'm sorry I didn't...do anything sooner." atsushi: im here...im ok...*strokes her back* Lucy: =\\\\= "R-Right...Don't get killed like that again..." atsushi:...ok.......d-did we...um..d-do anything? .///.; (and cue me getting punched...) Lucy: O\\\\\O "NO!" atsushi: oh, ok. ^^; s-sorry >///<; Lucy: -\\\\\- "What, you think I wouldn't _ask_ you first?" -3- atsushi:....*falls onto his back* O/////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: D: "DON'T DIE!" atsushi: IM ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA AND IM OK! Lucy: -_-;;;; "...I'm going to make tea. Help me toast the waffles." atsushi: yes ma'am! *salutes* -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: =w=~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "Stocking..." *cuddles* stocking: hehe~ i love you~ Kid: "I love you, too. Forever..." -elsewhere- Haumea: *her eyes are bandaged...bits of rock are still embedded in her face* -_-# dahlia: you should be more mindful, child. Haumea: "I'm not the one who left something behind. And I don't remember holy texts warning about unkillable tigers." -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *poke poke* tsubaki: *yawn* Black Star: "Morning." tsubaki: morni- ???: AHHHHHH~<3 tsubaki: ._.; naho: gross! Black Star: o_o; "...Who the hell--" naho: lavender and higan are banging at WAY TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING-O-CLOCK! Black Star: .\\\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Higan: *pants* "B-Best part of waking up..." lavender: hehe~ Higan: *kisses down her chest* lavender: ah~ so good~ naho: *gags* Black Star: .\\\\\. *leaves for the bathroom* "Just block out the noise..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Are you liking school?" sonia: it's ok. Chuuya: "Is your teacher helping you get used to things?" sonia: *nods* miss baker's nice. Chuuya: "That's good. You have your homework in your bag?" sonia: *she nods and gets to work* Chuuya: ^^ "Let me know if I can help." sonia: ok... Chuuya: "Maybe Uncle Motojiro can help with the math parts..." sonia: maybe. Chuuya: "..." *picks up plates* {miss baker: she's certainly an interesting girl. she seems to get along better with the other teachers than with the other children...} {Chuuya: "She hasn't had much chance to be around other kids her age. I...had her around adults lately." ^^; } {miss baker: is that so?} {Chuuya: *nods* "She was home-schooled."} {miss baker: i see.} {Chuuya: "Has she had difficulty catching up with any subjects?"} {miss baker: not that i can see. actually, she's quite beyond her grade level.} {Chuuya: "Do you think it's best to leave her in this grade?"} {miss baker: she has potential, but i do think it'd be important for her to have friends of her age group...} {Chuuya: *nods* "Okay...Thanks for your feedback on that."} sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "How are the other students, Sonia?" sonia: they're nice. hard to follow, though. Chuuya: " 'Follow'?" sonia: i dont quite understand them...i try to act like the other kids, but its hard. Chuuya: "...It does take time...Stick with it--I know you can do it." sonia:....ok papa...... Chuuya: "...Thanks." *pats her shoulder* "I want you to feel comfortable in this world. Make friends. Feel safe." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "!!!" *hug* sonia: do you think...the other kids saw someone die? Chuuya: "...I don't know. That's not something mention to strangers..." *looks at her* "Please don't bring that up to your teachers and the other students." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Thank you." -elsewhere- baum: *humming* Ivan: *tapping his fingers* yana: <whats up?> Ivan: <Could she just pump that parasite out already?> yana: <....allow me to explain to you something...> -elsewhere- Burns: "..." dia:...sir? Burns: "Yes? What is it?" dia: are you alright? Burns: "I'm fine. Just taking a break to...get something to drink." dia:...i see. Burns: "Have you a question about tasks I assigned you?" dia: no sir. Burns: "Are the others doing as I asked?" dia: yes. Burns: "...And Fiamma?" dia: she's doing well. Burns: "Good..." *hands her a paper* "Have her train that ability more." dia: understood. -elsewhere- Emine: *looking at Classified ads* "...I think I could do well as a Candy Striper. I just have to make dying people feel better about their approaching demise?" mana: ._.; Shotaro: "...Let's try something else. How about a secretary? Assi is trying for one of those!" Assi: "I prefer 'office coordinator'?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *rubs his cheek* TT~TT yosano: *hands him an ice pack* Dazai: "Thanks...Couldn't cancel their abilities, can't get healed because of my ability..." yosano: *sigh* Dazai: "All because some stupid bag woman did this to me..." yosano:....what? Dazai: "She was wearing a bag! And she had a dumb crown covering her eyes! And she sounded stupid, too!" yosano:....how hard were you hit? Dazai: "She knocked me clear across the room--with one punch!" ranpo: like one punch man? -elsewhere- Hibana: *clap clap* "Line up--we're going shopping, ladies!" mikami: oh my. ryuuko: this will be an interesting experience. hanako: yay! Hibana: "We are getting you new fashionable outfits before the spring--and likely some product for your hair. Oh, and jewelry. And pretzels." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *looking at the job application--upside down* "...This doesn't look right at all. metsu: *turns it around* -_-; Jeje: -_-;; Mikuni: "Oh! That's better! So, would you say you are organized?" medea: as far as i am able to tell. Mikuni: "What do you know about dolls?" medea: a lot. they are my companions. Mikuni: OWO "Really? Me too!" *sets his dolls out on the table* "See?" medea: i see. Mikuni: "What do you and your dollies talk about?" *pours glasses of soda--* Johannes: Q~Q *staring, as Mikuni is pouring from _his_ bottle of soda* medea: my dolls are vessels for those who have died. Mikuni: "...Like vampires?" Jeje: *snake glare at Mikuni* medea: more like spirits. Mikuni: "Oh! We could use one of those people here! You're hired!" -elsewhere- Poe: *removes books on his shelf--and puts the box there* "..." lenore: *in raven form, staring* Poe: *smiles, turns--and spots Lenore* o_O; lenore: hey, im not saying anything, im just perched here. Poe: "Please don't!" Q_Q lenore: ok ok, chill. i wont tell anyone. Poe: "Thank you." TTWTT "I'll get you your favorite...whatever you eat." lenore: sunflower seeds please. Poe: "The best for you!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *pulling medical files* ritsu: *taking notes* Nurse Arg: "I'm done with this one. Kusakabe can be moved to the outpatient file." ritsu: o-ok! Nurse Arg: "??? Is something wrong?" tao: i think she's just like that. Nurse Arg: *nods* "I-I can understand a bit." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "??? I thought you were going out." ebie: i did. i got some errands done! ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh. You went shopping?" ebie: *she nods* i went to the farmers market and got a lotta good stuff! Steinbeck: "Any produce?" ebie: lots! Steinbeck: *looking through the bag* "I take it the pig figurine is yours?" ebie: *she nods* a little something for my room. i wanted wilbur to have a friend. *holds the plushie up* Steinbeck: ^^ "That's good." *unpacking the produce--then spots--* "Who's the book for?" ebie: dorothy. Steinbeck: "That's kind of you..." *sets it down, looking at the title* -seems its a coloring book, with a lion, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a young girl- dorothy: oh yay! *takes it and walks off* Steinbeck: ._.; *looks in the bag...pulls out a feather boa* "...For Oscar?" twain: oh nice thanks! Steinbeck: O-o;;; twain: do-do-do-do, gonna deck out my room, doodoodoo. oscar: oh my, how creative, marky~ ^^ Steinbeck: "..." *goes back to searching for other items--pulls out a box of raisins* "..." -elsewhere- Assi: *in waiting room, adjusting his tie, sweating* Zuno: *looking out the window* "It's so high up!" eckleburg: ah, glad yo see you, gentlemen. mr fitzgerald's office is this way. Assi: *nods* *follows Eckleburg--then notices Zuno* "Um...Zuno?" Zuno: "??" *looks back and forth* "...Oh! Am I a gentleman?" Assi: "..." *pats Zuno* "Come on." Fitzgerald: "Jordan! Where are my scissors?!" jordan: right here, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, thank you." *slasher smile, as he holds the scissors* Assi: Q_____Q Fitzgerald: "So then..." *SNIP...through the coupon* "There! Now I'll save fifty cents on Death Mart Frozen Pizza!" *looks up* "Oh! Mr. Assi! Or...is that your first name?" Assi: "A-Assi is fine, sir." *holds out his hand* Fitzgerald: "..." *puts a tissue in his hand, then shakes* "A pleasure. Now, then, you and Mr. Zuno worked at Happy Factory, yes?" Assi: *nods* Fitzgerald: *sneers* "Then you are more than qualified..." jordan: >->; Zuno: "???" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "It's good being home..." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "Now let's see what's changed while we were out!" *leaps up to the top of a fence* -it looks more or less the same- Tsukiyo: "...Oh, poo." -3- "Was hoping something interesting happened..." fang-hua: anything happen, commander? Benimaru: "No explosions, hardly any fights. But we're still on alert for impersonators, so--" Tsukiyo: "???" Benimaru: *tapes paper to Tsukiyo's forehead* Tsukiyo: "..." -_-; fang-hua: ^^; Benimaru: "...Okay, you're not an impersonator." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *curls up on the couch, staring forward* "..." kirika: oooi, its me. are you dying in here or what? Gopher: *perks up* "N-No? I'm here! It's open!" kirika: *opens the door* *examines the area* nice place you got in here. guess the old sage spoils you, huh? Gopher: ^\\\^; "He's accumulated quite a number of priceless relics in his long life." *pats the sofa seat* kirika: *sits down* good condition, it looks. Gopher: "He also teaches how to take good care of the furniture..." *smiles...his eyes look a little red* kirika:....oi, something's bothering you, isnt it? Gopher: "..." *sighs* "I was reading..." kirika: *listening* Gopher: "...I was trying to determine how someone like...me exists." kirika: .... Gopher: "I don't know much about my mo--...this woman I see in my dreams." kirika:....*pats his back* Gopher: "..." *holds her hand* "I want to find her." kirika: *nods* yeah. Gopher: "So, um, I may be taking some weekends to look..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Nothing..." *pokes the crane origami* "Maybe it's magic." mio: maybe take them to a teacher? Meme: *nods* *scoops a few up* "Who specializes in magic...paper crane...thingies?" mio: not sure... Meme: "...I guess start with Miss Marie--No, she's out of town. Stein?" mio: sounds good. Meme: *walks up to the infirmary, knocks on the door* nygus: its open. Meme: *pokes her head in* "...Hello, ma'am." nygus: what do you need? Meme: "Is Dr. Stein in? I had a question about who tried to break into my locker..." nygus: he's in the teacher's lounge. Meme: *nods* "Thank you..." *walks there, opens the door--* *Smoke escapes out of the lounge* Meme: "?!" mio: *gags and runs to the bathroom* Stein: "???" *puts out his cigarette* "Sorry. Can I help?" Meme: ._.; "..." *holds up a crane in her hand* Stein: "...I don't accept gifts from students--" Meme: "It's not...I just...Can you check this for magic? They put it in my locker." *shoves it in his hand* " 'Kay, thanks!" *runs to Mio* "Hold up!" Stein: "..." *just looks at the crane* nygus: i think i heard a story about this. if you fold 1000 paper cranes, a wish is granted, right? Stein: "Is someone trying to give her a wish...or grant their own?" *sets the crane down* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *lying in bed* "..." guard: *slides his lunch through the door slot* Kunikida: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Hibana: *wearing big sunglasses* gabriella: *also in big sunglasses* ryuuko: ... mikami: ^^; Hibana: "They're fashionable and UV protected!" -elsewhere- Relan: "...Hey?" tamaki: ya? Relan: *sits down* "You feeling okay?" tamaki: i guess. Relan: " 'Cause you've been quiet...and looking sad." tamaki: still shook up i guess.... Relan: *nods* "...You at least knocked down one of the Hoods." tamaki:...yeah..... Relan: "...Thanks for making sure Iris and I didn't die...and helping against that monster going after Sh-Shinra..." tamaki:...*smiles* anytime. Relan: ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sets down the tray of drinks* "So, what're you up to tomorrow?" naho: lets go to the mall! Sakuya: "Sounds good--should still be a few sales going on. Been wanting to upgrade my phone..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *resting under Louisa's desk* louisa: *jotting notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches...steps out from under the desk, leaps to the windowsill* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Stocking, could you hold Shiori?" stocking: ah, sure. shiori: ^u^ Yumi: *washing her hands* "Feel better?" stocking: yeah. Yumi: "...Are you looking forward to your classes?" stocking: i guess. this whole 'student-teacher' thing is tough. Yumi: "Been there." *dries her hands, holds them out to take Shiori* "Want some pointers?" stocking: sure. Yumi: "Reinforce they need to put in the time to practice on whatever they're working on, daily, to make it a habit." stocking: *nods* Yumi: "You'll need to repeat some lessons, so get in that habit, too. I tried starting each day with a mini-exercise on some small detail, like a quiz on a topic, practicing a simple maneuver or stretch..." stocking: right. Yumi: "What were some of the lessons you have the most trouble with in school?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "When your mission?" soul: not sure yet. stein said he'd let me go with him. Hyde: "You been to Germany before?" soul: i think so. licht: i can teach you some phrases. soul: for real? licht: indeed, because i am an angel. Hyde: -_-; "Now say it in German." licht: <because i am an angel, descended from the heavens above> Hyde: "...Loses something in the translation." -KICK- Hyde: *smashed into the ceiling* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *outside, walking slowly* ???: oooi! araragi! Akutagawa: "???" *turns* female student: .//w//. Akutagawa: "...Do I know you?" female student: um...i was wondering...d-did you want to go out some time? Akutagawa: "...'Go out'?" female student: you know, like a date? Akutagawa: "...I don't think--" Tachihara: "Of course he would!" Akutagawa: "?!!!" o_o; female student: >////< Akutagawa: *whispers angrily at Tachihara* "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Tachihara: "I'll just have to help my little bro--give you a ride." *pat pat* Akutagawa: -_-# female student: s-see you this weekend then? >////< Akutagawa: "...Fine. My 'brother'--" *puts an arm around Tachihara's neck* "--will pick you up..." Tachihara: *getting choked by the 'affectionate' hug* X____X female student: oh, ok! Akutagawa: "Just write your address here--" *grabs Tachihara's arm--hard--and shoves it at her* "Just write on his arm." -she does so- Akutagawa: "Friday at 7?" female student: ok! see you then, araragi! *runs off* Tachihara: Q___Q Akutagawa: "...When this is over, I'm killing you." Tachihara: TTWTT "You're just nervous...Maybe a double date will help! Is your sister available?" Akutagawa: "..." *SLICE* *RIP* *FWOOSH* Akutagawa: *wipes his hand* "There. I feel relieved now." Tachihara: *covering himself* child:....weiner! Parent: *covers child's eyes* "Police! Help!" -elsewhere- Victor: *knocks* "Nozomi?" nozomi: its open... Victor: *enters with a basic* "...Hi. I brought mushrooms." nozomi:...*small chuckle* Victor: ^^ "I was digging around and trying to categorize them again..." *holds up--* "I was surprised Grifola frondosa grew here." nozomi: .... Victor: "But it's edible! Just, you know, not with allergies..." *sets it aside* "These are safe, though!" *offers one* -elsewhere- Yohei: *puts Toru in the bouncy chair* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "Who's a happy boy?" toru: *babble* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Where's Mommy at, Toru?" toru: *points* ma! chie: thats right, sweetie! ^^ Yohei: "Good boy." *snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." lydia:...still moping? Hawthorne: "...He had promised..." lydia:....she will recover. it takes some time for the plan to work... Hawthorne: "And with him in jail, how does that change the schedule?" lydia: that is his intention. i dont know the details yet, but all is going to plan... Hawthorne: "Be nice to have more of a clue about all of this..." lydia:..........do you know why i joined the rats? Hawthorne: *shakes his head* lydia: the same reason as you, to save the life of my beloved. Hawthorne: "...When did he approach you?" lydia: ...two years ago. {lydia:.....*staring at her scarred eyes* .....} {natalia: *comatose in the hospital bed*} {lydia:.......<im sorry this had to happen to you....please get better, natya....>} {Fyodor: <Wishing won't be enough.>} {lydia: ?! *jumps back*} {Fyodor: <Don't be alarmed. I'm just rather direct.>} {lydia: *standing in front of natalia's bed, defensive*} {Fyodor: *looks at Lydia, then at Natalia* <Awful, isn't it, what they did...>} {lydia:....*shaking* <i failed her...i wanted to keep her safe.....> *tears falling*} {Fyodor: <You didn't fail her. You just didn't have all that you needed...But you can get it.>} {lydia: ??? <what do you mean?>} {Fyodor: <I have opportunities to provide to take care of Natalia's health and recuperation...and you have skills I need.>} {lydia: ......} {Fyodor: <Will you show me?>} {lydia:....} {-a shadowy hawk is perched onto her shoulder} {Fyodor: <...It suits you. Your strength is in the shadows...That is where we operate.>} {lydia:....<and in return, you will help her?>} {Fyodor: <I will.>} lydia: he gave me this mask to cover my scars. Hawthorne: "..." ("And to hide your identity...?") lydia:....i should go, i've been given my next task. Hawthorne: "Oh?" lydia: *she exits* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Any updates on his condition?" yosano: he's fine. atsushi: hi. Tanizaki: "Oh, hey! Man, that's some healing ability..." atsushi: i've had worse. naomi: ._.; Tanizaki: "Getting burned alive..." ._.; atsushi: no stranger to pain. now if you excuse me, it's naptime. *asleep on the exam table* yosano:.....let him rest for now. Tanizaki: "O-Okay?" *walks away* -elsewhere- Kid: "Nice putt, Father!" lord death: ^^ Kid: *takes his swing, and--* "Yes!" -elsewhere- Katai: "How is school?" aya: it's nice. i got to meet some other kids. Katai: "How are your teachers?" aya: as good as teachers can get, i suppose. Katai: "...We've known better teachers..." ("Kunikida...") aya: ... Katai: "..." *weak smile* "H-How about ice cream?" aya:....*sigh* ok sure. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "How's the job hunt going?" mono: ....... Shotaro: "...That bad, huh?" mono:... =///=; stupid short skirts.... Shotaro: "??? 'Short skirts'? Like, a cafe or something?" mana: yeeep. Shotaro: "Deathbucks?" mana: that's the one. Kepuri: "Man, I worked there...Watch your ass out there. Especially if Assi finds out you work there, Mono--" mono: YOU SHUSH! D///X< Shotaro: "Hey, maybe I should grab my schoolgirl uniform and put it on again! We can compare outfits and undies!" -PUNCH PUNCH KICK- mana: -_-; akaderu: what a pain, lets just skip to the next one before these cliche gags get worse... -elsewhere- Hiro: "??? Arthur? How did you--" Arthur: "The door was open." Hiro: "..." *looks at the door...which has been sliced in two* hime: D8< Arthur: "You're out of jelly." Hiro: -_-; "Mom's gonna make you pay for that door, Arthur." -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *rubs his eye* ivy: ? Joker: "Just exhausted reading this...Ivy, you get any reports?" ivy: heard some interesting folks decided to check out the nether. Joker: "??? Why? It got cleared out." ivy: apparently these guys are detectives. what a joke. Joker: "Did those 'detectives' find anything?" ivy: they had a run in with a few hoods. managed to give them a run for their money. not sure if they're just that strong or just ridiculously lucky. Joker: "...Might be a good deterrent against the Hoods going forward. Any identification?" ivy: i'll see what i can find. Joker: *nods, back to rubbing his unmasked eye* "Man, I need eyedrops..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holds up a shirt* "What you think, Lilac? Buy it?" lilac: i-i guess so... Sakuya: "It'll be good to try some new outfits before spring..." ._.; "Naho, what the heck?" naho: ouo~? *she has a hello kitty dress* Sakuya: "...Well, it suits you." ^^ -elsewhere- Wes: *napping on the couch* liz: *pats his head and checks her phone* Stein: [hello] liz: [hey. u get the application?] Stein: [i did. we're scheduling interviews. you available tuesday?] liz: [should be] Stein: [okay. appointments are available at 10 AM, 11, 2 PM] -elsewhere- Mifune: *sets down the glasses of apple juice* angela: thanks! *siiiip* ^u^ yuma: *entering through the door, taking her shoes off* im home! Mifune: "Welcome. How was it?" yuma: theres some new kids at school now. i had fun. ^^ Mifune: "That's good. Making friends?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* atsushi: zzzzz..... Kyoka: "..." *tucks him in* ("He must've been sleeping forever.") -elsewhere- leo: *checking newspaper, apparently there is an opera showing at the theater tonight...* Motojiro: "Ahem..." leo: !!! ah! mr kajii, you startled me. Motojiro: "Sorry--just excited!" *shows "one" ticket to the opera* leo: oh, will you be attending the show then? i didnt expect you to be someone who finds interest in theater. Motojiro: "A true scientist has to engage with various arts to appreciate the wide range of experiences! Including...magic!" *slides a second ticket from behind the first* leo: ah! will you be inviting miss sakurai with you? ayako: love but cant! got stuff to do! Motojiro: "...I was thinking...you like opera?" leo: well, i did attend with my family when i was younger...y-yes, i suppose. Motojiro: "Glorious! Get on your best clothes!" leo: e-eh? o///o; s-shouldnt i ask permission from miss kouyou- Kouyou: "Permission for what?" leo: m-mr kajii had invited me to a show at the theater. s-should i? Kouyou: "..." *looks around Leo at Motojiro* Motojiro: owo Kouyou: "..." *pats Leo's shoulder* "You can do so much better--" Motojiro: D8> leo: um...*looks awkwardly back at him* Motojiro: Q_Q Kouyou: "But he's harmless." Motojiro: QWQ Kouyou: "Mostly." *takes Leo's hand. Let's get you dressed." leo: ah. a-alright then. Motojiro: *smiling, following* Kouyou: *death glare* "Not. You." -in the dressing room- Kouyou: "So, let's see...Opera, opera..." *picks out three outfits* leo: .... Kouyou: "...Do you want to go?" *holds up an outfit at her* leo: i would feel bad for turning him down.....although....*sad smile* Kouyou: "...Well, you are not in a position where you _have_ to go out with him, and 'I would feel bad for turning him down' isn't necessary...So, what's the _real_ reason?" leo: ........*looking down at the ground*...... Kouyou: "...You still hold a torch for him?" leo:......*shaking a bit* Kouyou: "Hey, none of that..." *hug* leo: ??! Kouyou: "You have a date, no time for feeling sad..." leo: i-im sorry, ma'am...i still miss him, i suppose...its...not an easy sentimentality to let go of. Kouyou: "...The heart wants what the heart wants. But that does not preclude you to enjoy this moment at this time." leo: .....what should i do? Kouyou: *smiles* "Put on your best attire, enjoy the opera, and enjoy whatever you get out of this date." leo:...alright then. *small smile* Kouyou: "And if he tries anything--" *holds up a taser* leo: .-.; Kouyou: "We can't afford to kill him, and we need him to retain both hands and his gustatory and olfactory senses--Hmm...I suppose you could remove a foot." Motojiro: *listening outside* Q______Q leo: ._.; Kouyou: "And pick me up a program." ^^ leo: noted. -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *looking at the streets* intern: whats up? Todoroki: "...What activities have been in this town?" -elsewhere- Iida: "The aquarium looks...serene." patron: ah! the show's starting now! -manual was also taking part in the show- Iida: o_o; "...This was unexpected." -people seem to be enjoying it- Iida: "..." ("Is this...also something heroes do?") intern: sometimes, heros are asked to do promotional work as well. Iida: "I see...And his promotional work is an aquatic performance?" intern: *he nods* his quirk is hydro-kinesis, so it makes quite the spectacle. Iida: "I guess I hadn't thought of him as much of an entertainer. He's seems a bit reserved." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yo, Maki, you got any calendar for the new year?" *setting up a table in the garage* maki:.....7u7 yeeep. Vulcan: "??? Could I borrow one? I'm losing track of days." maki: *hands him one...._that_ one.* Vulcan: ._.;;; "...When was this photographed?" maki: a while ago~ shinra: hey whats-....................................MAKI!!!! D8< maki: *nyoom* Vulcan: *flipping through the pages...holds at horizontal* "...Damn. They accept auditions for this or what?" shinra: *excalibur face* -ELSEWHERE- Asura: "..." *looks up through a grate* "..." ("Nirvana...") -lab workers are taking above the grate- worker: have you ever met the CEO? Asura: *ear twitch* worker 2: i dont think anyone has. Asura: "..." *intense listening* worker 2: oi, vinny, you ever see the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh." [translator’s note; "Nyeh" is Brooklyn for "No."] worker 2: did, you ever, see, the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh, I nyever saw the boss." worker 3: i heard they live at the top of the building, but no one ever goes up there, so hard to tell. Asura: "..." *looks at his scarf...snakes it along a pipe off the ceiling...lifts himself up...then lowers himself down* ("Climbing won't be a problem...") "..." *walks to a grate leading up into the ventilation* "..." *tightens himself up to be thinner--and pulls himself up with his scarves* -in the top room- ???: ...... Asura: *arrives in the duct...silent, just watching* ???: so you finally found this place...kishin? *she looks back at him.* im so happy...to finally meet lady pandora's grandson... -this woman...she's a lunarian- Asura: *stays inside* "...How did you come here?" woman: i arrived to this world like she had, all those 800 years ago... Asura: "...With my grandmother?" woman: *she nods* i long to see her again... Asura: "...Good luck with that." woman:...for now, i must follow her orders...use the clowns, evolve them....share the blessing of madness with this world. Asura: "..." *shudder* "M-Madness?" woman: have you ever wondered, where the clowns originated? Asura: "...I've felt something off of them..." woman: that's because....*smiles* the originals are not of this earth.... Asura: "...They are..." woman: like lady pandora and myself...born from the moon.... Asura: " 'Like you'...But mad..." woman:.....at one point, the lunarian society were people of culture, intelligence...but their thirst for knowledge became their downfall. with the discovery of a certain substance, the black blood, they began experimenting with it...creating those monsters. to ensure survival, they sent 8 children to the earth’s surface. Asura: "And of those eight..." woman: amongst them were myself and lady pandora, along with the scholar enoch and sage, diana. Asura: "...Enoch..." woman:....he and the sage's son sealed her in that damned book.....ah....ahhhh it pisses me off so muuuch.... Asura: "Understandable..." *looks around the room* -its dark...- Asura: "...When did you form this organization?" ("Where are the lights...?") woman: a long time ago...when the studies of science were still young..........your wife and child....*smiles* i look forward to meeting them soon... Asura: "..." ("...I don't trust her to...") -elsewhere- Kid: "--and Father won." stocking: ah. Kid: "How was your day?" *sits down* stocking: it went well. ^^ Kid: "Oh? You thought about your student-teaching?" stocking: yeah. yumi gave me some advice. Kid: "Did it help?" stocking: i think so. Kid: *nods* "Yumi wants to help, and she has a wealth of experience." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "And with your hard work and talent..." *cheek smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Just keep at it..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "--and so I'm stuck on this dumb date next week." naoya: ah. higuchi: sounds like a bummer. Gin: "...You could still back out of it." Akutagawa: "...I don't know. It would make things more complicated." naoya: just tell her you dont swing that way, whats complicated about that? Akutagawa: "...She seemed insistent." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't take the rejection well, if I was her." higuchi: ..... (yeah, based on how he handled the weretiger's rejection....) Gin: "You should at least have someone chaperone--" Akutagawa: "Tachihara offered--" naoya: oh boy. higuchi: oh dear god. Gin: "No." Akutagawa: "Well, how do I turn him down--" Gin: "Ichiyo, stop him." higuchi: already on it....how do i kick him in the balls through the phone? Akutagawa: "???" naoya: comedic physics? Gin: "...If you tell him we invite him to a threesome, I'm sure that would bring him over." higuchi:...........*higuchi.exe has stopped responding* Gin: "...I was kidding. But subterfuge is a good way to undermine him." *dials the number* "Naoya, you want to try?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *listening to the music, captivated* leo:....(he seems to be enjoying himself...) ... {leo: *6 years old* *shiny eyes* <papa look!>} {Papa: <Yes, dear...> *watches with her*} {leo: OuO} {Papa: <She seems to be enjoying it...>} {mama: <indeed.>} {Papa: <Oh! Listen to that voice...>} {sister 1: <maybe one day, that'll be _you_ up there.>} {leo: <really?>} {sister 3: <yeah!>} {Papa: ^^ <If you put your mind to it...>} leo:...*sad smile* Motojiro: *glances at her* "..." *whispers* "How is it?" leo:...*wipes tear* i-im enjoying it. Motojiro: "..." *offers his handkerchief* *it is decorated with lemons* leo:...*small chuckle and wipes tears* Motojiro: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Done brushing?" sonia: yep. Chuuya: "And washed your face?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Ready for your bedtime story?" sonia: *nod nod, holding her teddy* Chuuya: *tucks her in* "Once upon time, there was a girl, in a small village..." sonia: *listening, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "This girl spent much of her time alone, except with her cat..." *pets Mito* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: "And while every home needs a cat, this girl needed something else: she needed a parent to be there, to provide what a parent should." sonia: ... Chuuya: "The child would need a safe home, with food in the cupboards--and for her cat--and the opportunities to learn all that a child has to in order to grow up into a smart, mature adult. One day, a prince was passing through town--where he saw the girl." sonia: was he a nice prince? Chuuya: "Hmmm...I'd say so. He may get a little upset if people made fun of his height...or his excellent choice in headwear..." *adjusts his hat* sonia: *giggles* Chuuya: "Hee hee...And the prince saw the girl--and he recognized her, having heard about this child, and the child's mother..." sonia:........*hug* Chuuya: *hug* "And he wanted to give that child the life her mother...would want." sonia:...thanks, papa. Chuuya: "Thank you, Sonia..." mito: =A=; sonia: sorry, mito. *pet pet* mito: =3= Chuuya: ^^; "Sorry..." *kisses Sonia's forehead* "Now, the princess needs to get her sleep." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Good night, Sonia." -saturday morning- zoey: happy birthday, kyusaku. Q: *huuuugs* >u< Ivan: -_-; zoey: do you like your gift? Q: *in a new jacket* *NOD NOD* Ivan: <Now he looks like a--> -CHOP- yana: <behave> Ivan: >_<# <Stupid cow, and that parasite with the ugly two-tone hair...> yana: <gonch, im worried for your health, all this salt cant be good for you. where are you getting all this salt, the ocean?> Ivan: <I still say we could get better medical help...> yana *rolls eyes* <i'll send the complaint to management then.> Ivan: *crosses his arms* yana: *pap pap* Ivan: TT_TT mushitaro: here. *hands him one of a box with one of fyodor's spare capes* enjoy. Ivan: QWQ *takes it--and inhales* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawn* "..." *checks his phone* -message from kouyou- Chuuya: *pulls it up* kouyou: [sleep ok?] Chuuya: [pretty well. you?] kouyou: [i slept well] Chuuya: [any plans for today?] -elsewhere- leo: ...... Kouyou: "Good morning." leo: good morning, miss kouyou. Kouyou: "Did you get home safely?" leo: yes. *she nods* Kouyou: "Did you have to use the taser?" leo: no, ma'am. Kouyou: "Well, that's good." *sets down tea* "How was the music?" leo:...nostalgic. *faint smile* Kouyou: *nods* "In a comforting way?" leo:...yes. Kouyou: "...I'm glad you went out. It's good to get out now and then." leo: ....mr kajii seemed to enjoy it as well. Kouyou: "Well, he does have surprising interests." leo: ... Kouyou: "He seems to enjoy your company." leo: *she nods* Kouyou: "Do you enjoy his?" leo:...i suppose. Kouyou: "..." *pat pat* "Give whatever you want time." leo: r-right. Kouyou: "Don't feel pressured: do what you want, not what he wants." leo: … Kouyou: "Now, we begin the day--" *opens the door* "..." -_-# "...This is for you." *holds up a gift basket...full of lemons* leo:....^^; Kouyou: "Make some tea with these at least." leo: ok. -elsewhere- Patty: "So you scored the interview?" liz: yep! Patty: "Sweet! Thompson sisters, the best teachers ever!" liz: hell yeah! high five! Kid: ".. Never thought I'd see this when first meeting you two." liz: life's full of surprises, eh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes." Patty: "...You condescending us, Reaper?!" Kid: .-.; liz: ^^; Kid: "N-Not at all! I was just saying it was surprising--" Patty: *noogies Kid* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *folding his clothes* "Think Sham is looking more stressed than usual?" naho: we should throw him a party! Sakuya: "That works...What does a Sham party look like? Fancy cheeses and small talk?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *checking off his list* "Tub scrubbed, ceiling dusted...How's fence repair going?" GET: *thumbs up* Yohei: "Good GET." *drops an apple core in his trash compartment* GET: ^o^ Yohei: "Saki, you finish moving the furniture?" saki: yep. *sets down the couch* Emine: *still seated on that couch* "..." Yohei: "...I told you to do the laundry." Emine: "I did." chie: half of it is pink... Emine: "It needed to be pink. Pink is close enough to blood." chie:.... oh, that reminds me. *pricks her finger* *phew* Yohei: ^^ "Let's get that bandaged up." -elsewhere- Hugh: *reviewing a log book* "Uptick in business thanks to the winter..." tetsu: that's good to know. *cleaning* Hugh: "But when the heat comes in, fewer customers...WE NEED A SALES PITCH FOR THE SPRING!" -elsewhere- Izuku: O_O;;; "This town is...busy." gran torino: it's a big city, kid. not as big as death city, but big none-the-less. Izuku: "I guess it just seems more...um, hipster?" gran torino: that it is, kiddo. Bystander #1: "...Who made your outfit, kid, your mommy?" Izuku: "...Yes. And it is awesome. Thank you." bystander 2: ._. ....ok then. Izuku: ^^ -elsewhere- manual: -so yeah, hosu is a pretty nice town to live in. unfortunately, some other places in the world arent as friendly to those with quirks, like chicago. but there are heroes like valkyria there that act as a beacon of hope. Iida: "I am familiar. It is challenging..." manual: still we shouldnt be discouraged. Iida: *quietly* "Hard not to be..." -elsewhere- Stain: "..." *pulls scarf closer* -a light snowfall covers the area- Stain: *looking down the alley* -silence- Stain: "..." *steps carefully* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Is this wise?" tomura: it has to be done tonight....if not...im gonna scratch all my skin off.... Kurogiri: "..._That_ is not wise." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "I just want you to know something, sir." best jeanist: oh? Bakugo: *holds up his smaller gauntlets* "I sweat. My sweat is explosive. These tiny pansy-ass gauntlets are not going to fucking cut it." -elsewhere- Fourth Kind: "I SAID FILE CHRONOLOGICALLY, NOT ALPHABETICALLY!" eijiro: YESSIR! tetsutetsu: QuQ -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets out a tray of cookies* "Eat up." atsushi: thanks. *nom* Lucy: "...We need to talk." atsushi: Q_Q did i mess up? Lucy: "No. I just wanted to let you know..." *brushes hair over her ear* "Look, I was fine sharing my bed with you..." atsushi:... oh... .///.;;; Lucy: "...Right. I'm just not ready for...that. Not today, anyway." atsushi: y-yeah...... .////.;;;;; same. Lucy: *smiles* "Good. Just...give me time, okay?" atsushi: i will. Lucy: "Good..." *wipes the chocolate off his lips with her finger* atsushi: ^///^ Lucy: "..." .\\\\. *quickly cleans it off with a napkin* -elsewhere- Tachihara: o______O *trying to hide from Higuchi and Gin* hirotsu: what did you do this time? Tachihara: "I roped in Akutagawa into a date." hirotsu: oh? Tachihara: "With a girl." hirotsu: is that right? Tachihara: "And since he's not really into that, and I was so forceful--" Gin: "Then you must die." higuchi: *loading pistol* Tachihara: ._______. "..." *LOUD HIGH-PITCHED SQUEAL* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and I think it went well!" Chuuya: "Well, glad to hear." Motojiro: =w= *sips his tea at the cafe* "How's it going, Sonia?" sonia: pretty good. school's nice. Motojiro: "Need help with chemistry? I can show you how to make a smoke bomb--" Chuuya: *glaaaaaare* sonia: im in 1st grade. Motojiro: "Never too early to try--" Chuuya: *imitating a 'cut it out' slice across his own neck* sonia: no thanks, im good. Chuuya: *decisive parent nod* Motojiro: "Okay...Students aren't giving you trouble, are they?" sonia: if you're asking if im being bullied, no. Motojiro: "Oh, good! I didn't like that as a kid..." sonia: ... Motojiro: "..." *sips his tea* >_> -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Here's your seat, sir." *gets up out of his on the bus* fukuzawa: thank you. *sits down* Shotaro: ^^ "Anything for the elderly." fukuzawa: ... *doesnt have the heart to correct him* Shotaro: "...You a samurai? I know a kappa who wields a sickle, which isn't the same as a sword but pretty awesome!" fukuzawa: do you now? Shotaro: *nod nod* "You ever meet a kappa?" fukuzawa: no, but i have heard stories. Shotaro: "You read a lot, sir?" fukuzawa: *he nods* *cough* Shotaro: "??? You okay?" fukuzawa: fine. -elsewhere- Iida: "..." manual: you ok? Iida: "!!! Yes, sorry. Was thinking about our schedule." manual: ah, good to know. we'll be on a patrol later this evening. Iida: "I look forward to it." *looking at the streets* -evening...- Izuku: "Sir?" gran torino: whu? whazzit? Izuku: "Sorry...I thought you wanted to go on patrol this evening?" gran torino: yeah, that. *hops up* ever take the monorail? Izuku: "Nothing that trendy, I'm afraid. Has Death City ever had one?" gran torino: of course, you just gotta know where to look. -elsewhere tomura: ah.....so this is hosu, huh? Kurogiri: "Yes...It has had a bit of a drop in crime..." tomura: well then, why dont we kick off the new year with a bang? Kurogiri: "..." *sighs, opens another gate* -3 creatures....nomus..appear- tomura: hey staaaain, if you can hear me, we brought the party to your stomping grounds! -on the monorail- Izuku: *looking through his phone* "Still nothing..." gran torino: waiting on a message from a special somebody, kid? Izuku: "Just my friend Iida..." ._. "N-Not like that! Not that there is anything wrong. But I'm seeing someone else--" -CRASH- Izuku: "!!!" lion man: w-what the hell even is that?! blue nomu: *SHRIEEEEEK* Izuku: "Nomu?!" gran torino: stay there, kid! *jumps and tackles the nomu out the hole in the wall* Izuku: "Wait, sir! That's not how--" *looks out the hole* -smoke and fire coming from downtown- Izuku: "No..." worker: everyone, please keep calm, the heroes and authorities have been alerted- Izuku: "..." *leaps out the hole, takes off running* worker: h-hey kid! kid get back here! it's dangerous! -elsewhere- manual: *running* this way! Iida: *follows--then sees down an alley* native: *groan* Stain: *looking to the side at the explosions* "...Who is that flashy fool just blowing stuff up randomly? Whatever. I'll take care of that target next...For now...I have to take care of you..." *pulls a knife aimed at Native* native: urk- (why cant i move? the blood...he-) Stain: "I will allow you to choose your last words. Choose carefully." native:....*glances*....!!! *A blur is approaching Stain--* Stain: "..." *slice* *A helmet goes flying* native: !! Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Who are you, kid?" Iida: "..." *barely able to get up again...hard murderous stare at Stain* Stain: "...Leave, kid. This is no place for rugrats like yo--" Iida: "Red scarf. Blood red. Armed to the teeth...The Hero Killer Stain...I have been hunting you. I did not expect to meet so soon...I am--!" *FLIK* Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Those eyes. Cybernetic, right?" Iida: "..." Stain: "Yet full of revenge...Watch your mouth, because your age and your condition won't save you." Iida: "..." *grabs the blade* Stain: "?!" Iida: *pushes it away, as he stands* "...You fail to see me as a threat. That is your first mistake, criminal. I AM THE YOUNGER BROTHER OF THE HERO YOU ATTACKED! THE HERO AMONG HEROES! AND FOR HIM, I AM BRINGING YOUR CAMPAIGN OF MURDER TO AN END! THE LAST MINUTES YOU HAVE, ALL YOU WILL REMEMBER IS MY NAME!" Stain: "..." Death the Kid: Iida: "I AM INGENIUM! THE HERO WHO WILL TAKE YOU DOWN!" Stain: "..." *stands still* Iida: "AAAAH!" *swings his leg for a super-fast kick--* Stain: *dodges* Iida: "?!!!" Stain: *flipping over Iida* "Ingenium..." *slams his foot down onto Iida's shoulder--the spikes tearing through Iida's armor* Iida: "Gah!" Stain: *lands on Iida's head, slamming his foot down--then his sword into Iida's shoulder* Iida: "ARRRRGH!" Stain: "...You feign heroism...like the fake you are..." Iida: "Silence, evildoer!" Stain: "..." *small chuckle* Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! The damage you did to his spinal cord...My brother will be crippled forever! He can never be a hero again!" Stain: "Then he was never a hero to begin with--" Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! ...He is a great hero! He has saved so many! And what have you done, murderer?!" {Iida: *shiny eyes at dinner*} {Father Iida: "Excellent work, son!"} {tensei: aw, its nothing. ^^; } {Father Iida: "It's certainly no small feat, I'll tell you that! You're this young but already command so many sidekicks..."} {tensei: i wouldnt say that. im not able to do much by myself, and they're all there to support me. i owe them a lot. heroes have to bear the weight of that title, right? then if my job helps at least someone, then im doing good at it.} {Iida: "..." *small smile*} Iida: "My hero...has inspired my dreams! I'll kill you!" Stain: "And what of him?" *points to Native* native: *passed out* Iida: "..." Stain: "Your instinct was to attack me, not to save him? You wield power for yourself. Your greed blinds you...That is the furthest thing for a hero. That is why..." *kicks Iida's head to the side* Iida: "AH!" Stain: *removes the blade from Iida's shoulder...licks...* Iida: "?!" Stain: *holds it over his left eye* "You must die..." Iida: "!!!" ("My body...it's frozen...") Stain: "Be pleased that your offering will improve our society." Iida: "I said...shut up!" {Iida: "I am thoroughly impressed, brother!"} {tensei: you look up to me that much? guess that makes me a great hero or something. *smiles*} Iida: "Regardless what you say--you remain the criminal who hurt my brother!" Stain: *grins...* -something rushes in- Stain: "Huh--" -KAPOW- Iida: "...Midoriya?" izuku: iida! are you ok? Iida: "...Why are you here?" izuku: like the news reports said. 60% of the hero killers victims were found in alleys. i searched all over the back alleys looking for you! Iida: "...Not 'how'...Why?!" izuku: why? because we're friends, right? *smile* Iida: "...Do not interfere." izuku: ?? iida? Iida: "This has nothing to do with you!" izuku: what do you- Stain: *stares at Izuku* "...That's a cute line, kid..." *rubs his cheek* "But these fakes must die. And in a fight between you and me, the weaker will be eliminated..." *intense stare* izuku: *frozen* {All Might: "Villains with agenda...'ideals'...have a different kind of fire burning in their eyes..."} izuku:...*fist clench* Iida: "I said leave, Midoriya! This does not concern you!" izuku: whats a hero supposed to do when you say those kinds of things? its like what allmight said. giving help when its not asked for....thats what makes a true hero! Stain: "...Ahh..." *stands* izuku: *charges forwards* Stain: *swings his blade* izuku: *ducks down* Stain: *swings again* izuku: *jumps up* -5% DETROIT SMASH- Stain: *head knocked down* izuku: *lands* (i did it!) Stain: "..." *licks his blade* izuku: !!!! (w-what?! i-i cant move...did he graze me without feeling it....no...it's the blood!) Stain: "...So many heroes think they need power...Is that what you think, kid?" izuku: ...... Stain: "Obviously not. You wouldn't have relied on only your power, or mentioned All Might...You have something these fakers lack: focus. Observation. You tracked me. You exploited my blind spot. Your movements, your skill...You aren't one of these fools who just talks...You...are worth keeping alive." izuku: ?? Stain: "These others are not..." *lifts his sword, aiming again for Iida's eye* izuku: NO DONT- *FWOOSH* *The alley lights up in flames* Stain: *barely dodges* izuku: !!! ???: "I need more than a GPS coordinate, Izuku." izuku: todoroki! Todoroki: *on fire* "Took me far too long to recognize the coordinates you texted as being this location: you're too organized to send out meaningless numbers." Stain: "..." *runs at Todoroki* Todoroki: *ice foot slam at Stain's steps* Stain: *leaps to the right* Todoroki: *fire-stream at Stain, as his ice picks up Native and Izuku* izuku: woah! native:...nngh....nhuh? *The ice carries Native and Izuku to behind Todoroki* Todoroki: "You will not have them, Killer." Stain: "..." izuku: whatever happens, dont let him ingest your blood, he'll paralyze you! thats how he got us! Todoroki: "..." ("Hence the blades. Just keep my distance--") *SHUK!* izuku: !!! Todoroki: "!!!" *dodges knife thrown at him* Stain: *already in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "!!!" *spots blood on his own cheek* ("He grazed me!") Stain: *tosses his sword up* Todoroki: "!!!" ("Got to dodge--but--") Stain: *tongue out--* Todoroki: *blasts fire off his shoulder, arm, and leg* Stain: *leaps back* Todoroki: ("He depends on simultaneous attacks...") Iida: "Leave...This is my fight...I inherited my brother's name! I--" Todoroki: *slams ice down to form a wall, blocking Stain*"...'Inherited'? Yeah. I know that. But you, 'Ingenium,' never made those faces...Murderous. Violent. Vengeful. I thought my family had a dark side..." Iida: "Wh-What are you--" izuku:...*finger twitch* !! Todoroki: "Stop obsessing. I know it's not healthy when--" *CRASH* Todoroki: "!!!" Stain: "...Obstruction is rarely good enough. This is poor strategy--" Todoroki: *backs up, charges up his flames* -STAB STAB STAB- Todoroki: *clutching an arm, with three knives now in it* -VREEEEEEN- izuku: *he grabbed him by the scarf* Todoroki: "!!! How did you--" izuku: i think the paralysis has a time limit! native: but he was the last one to get hit, i still cant move. Stain: "..." ("Damn O...") *lands* Todoroki: "Get back, Izuku!" *sends ice at the floor* "Dodge it!" izuku: *dodge* !! Stain: *dodges* Todoroki: "How are you moving, Izuku?" izuku: i managed to break free, but i was the last hit. maybe there is a time limit? or some alternative reason? Todoroki: "Whatever it is, that makes you are best shot..." izuku: right. i'll get his attention while you take up the rear. Todoroki: "We have to delay him until Endeavor and the other Pros arrive. Dodge." izuku: right! Todoroki: "Remember, protect them..." izuku: *he nods* Stain: "Appreciate the plan to go two against one, boys..." Todoroki: "..." {Todoroki: "Mother...I want to know..."} {yuki: ??} {Todoroki: "To control this fire...what should I do?"} {yuki: ...use your flames to protect people. i believe in you...} -...- {ochako: why your dad's agency? after all that he-} {Todoroki: "To learn to control my flames..."} {ochako: ...is that the only reason?} {Todoroki: "...Regardless what he has done, he has the experience of someone long in this profession. There is something I can learn from him."} {ochako: .....} {Todoroki: "I don't like it. But I want to try, to move beyond this hate...I don't want it to consume me."} {ochako:...then you give it your all!} {Todoroki: "..." *nods*} Todoroki: (" 'My power is my own,' right? Then it's time I prove it--by saving Iida and the others first.") Iida: *watching...* "...Stop..." Stain: *on all fours--slicing at Izuku's ankle* izuku: GAH! Iida: "Please, don't...I can't take it..." Todoroki: " 'Can't'? ...THEN STAND UP AND FIGHT! Be the hero you want to become! Remember who you are!"
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
more of dem vampire feels
Kid: *holding wrapped boxes* "I think I have what I needed to pick up today...How about you?" liz: yep. should be everything. Patty: *pissed* "..." stocking: its ok.. ^^; Patty: "Santa's not going to give me one thing I asked for...And his beard was fake, too." liz: what is that? Patty: "??? Um...It's a secret..." liz: ah. Patty: -\\\\\- Kid: *smiles* "I can't wait for Christmas~" stocking: yeah. Kid: "...Oh...Um, Stocking? Is your father...still going to send fruitcake?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "..." *slight forced smile* "Great." stocking: i bet we could kill an evil human with it. Kid: "...Truly, the most powerful weapon..." *small laugh* "Sorry." liz:...patti...PATTI NO! -elsewhere- Anya: *packing* ao: *staaaare* Anya: *not even turning around to look* -___- "What is it, Ao?" ao: visiting family? Anya: "Yes. And what will you be doing during the break?" ao: the same. tending to the family shrine. Anya: "They needed extra hands?" ao: perhaps....maybe its just homesickness... Anya: "...Yes, that is understandable..." *struggling to shut her suitcase* ao: could i be of assistance? Anya: "...I suppose." Anya: "I just can't get it to shut..." -elsewhere- Crona: *eating a gingerbread cookie* mami: *has the radio on as she is making dinner* Crona: *smiles* "The gingerbread is very good--not too sweet, not too spicy." mami: *she smiles* Crona: "...May I help with dinner?" mami: of course. Crona: *smiles* "O-Okay...What should I do first?" -elsewhere- naho: so cold oooout... Shamrock: "Then you should have bundled up." *adjusts his scarf* naho: XP Mr. Tsubaki: *removes his jacket, drapes it onto Naho's shoulders* "Here you go~" naho: thanks. ^^ Shamrock: D: Mr. Tsubaki: *POOFs into fox form, leaps into Naho's arms* naho: ^^ so fwuffy~ Mr. Tsubaki: "Why, thank you--I make sure my shampoo and regimental brushing keeps my fur in this form so soft~" Shamrock: Q~Q naho: =w= ~<3 Mr. Tsubaki: "...So, Naho, how are things at the school? I had some recommended courses for you to take..." naho: they're doing good. Mr. Tsubaki: "First, for the dance ahead of us, I want you to take some dance classes. And second, I think you would benefit from a course in audio-visual technologies." naho: *writing down notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *smirk* "It may help you with those videos you keep recording..." naho: OwO;;;;; Shamrock: D: "Wh-What?!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Fu-fu-fu-fu~" naho: >3>;; Mr. Tsubaki: "You are so transparent, Naho..." *nuzzles against her* "Such a troublesome peer..." naho: OwO;;;;;;;;;;;; eh? sakuya: hey lila, want to go for a walk? *drags him off* lilac: e-eh?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Why do you record me when I am disrobing?" naho: >3>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lavender: have you even looked in her journals? naho: LAV!! >/////////< Mr. Tsubaki: "...Well, I guess Naho is getting doujinshi for Christmas..." naho: thank you! OwO belkia: *looking at the journals* dayum. Shamrock: "???" *looks over belkia’s shoulder...and his jaw drops* -TOO LEWD TO SHOW- lavender: nice. Higan: "Hmmm...The syntax is poor, but the descriptions are quite vivid...May we borrow these ideas?" Shamrock: D: D: D: D: "...I need something to wipe these memories from my mind..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "999...1000! Okay, I'm done..." *covered in sweat from his push-ups* "Need the bathroom? I was thinking of taking a bath." tsubaki: im good. *reading under the kotatsu* Black Star: "...Alright. Keeping warm? Got some good reading?" *takes off his sweat-covered shirt* tsubaki: yeah....very good.....*staring* Black Star: "... ??? Something wrong?" *he's now just in boxers* tsubaki: >////////////> Black Star: *concerned voice* "...Um...Maybe you should get out of the kotatsu for a bit. You look hot." tsubaki: im ok! Black Star: "Okay, okay, sheesh! Just checking...Maybe you need a bath, too." -elsewhere- Arthur: *holds up empty plate* "Seconds, please!" mrs kenshimono: you sure worked up an appetite today, huh? Arthur: -\\\\- "Your cooking is great..." ("Especially after some less-than-stellar brigade meals.") Hiro: "Yes, thank you! How is your meal, Eternal Feather?" ef: it's delicious, thank you ^^ Arthur: "Dessert should be tasty, too. Always really good ones here..." *looks at his phone* "..." hime: *she nods* dad got cookie making supplies today, so that should be fun. Hiro: "??? Arthur? Put your phone away--we're still having dinner." Arthur: *sighs* "Yeah, yeah..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *hugs Lord Death from behind* lord death: ^////^ Yumi: *kiss on the cheek* "All set with the children's gifts?" lord death: mmhmm! Yumi: "Good...because I finished wrapping your gifts...most of them." lord death: oh~? Stein: *yawn* aya: *she hands him a pillow* Stein: "Thanks..." *puts it under his head, lies down...* LK: -elsewhere- belkia: duuuude im gonna backflip right offa dis bitch bar, lol! Mr. Tsubaki: "N-Now thassssss...That's stupid..." belkia: imma do it for the vine! Shamrock: "Oh, let him jump." *downs another shot* "Woo..." sakuya: -_-; *is designated driver* Higan: *holds up phone* "Ssssss'okay...I got it...I'm recording...and...go!" belkia: OKAY HERE I GOOOO! *slam* oooow...im good! im immertal like eye of the tiger haha! Shamrock: "...You're eye is dangling out of its socket, 'tiger'..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *LOUD LAUGHTER* "...I'm so lonely..." belkia: oh shit. someone get me water? i need to wash the dirt off! Higan: *covers his mouth, starts running for the bathroom* Shamrock: "...Waiter! We need water! Our colleague has his eye out of his head!" sakuya: -_-; waitress: *SCREAMS* Mr. Tsubaki: *covers his ears* "Not so loud...Some of us have sensitive hearing..." Shamrock: "H-Hang on...I think I can put the eye back in..." otogiri: -_-; maybe we should go now. Higan: *collapsed on the men's room floor* "Ugh...Just like junior high school..." Mr. Tsubaki: "N-Nah-uh! We can't go yet! No one has taken their shirt off yet..." Shamrock: "Is it back in yet?" Mr. Tsubaki: "...That's what she said!" *loud laughter* -gun shots are heard as a black vehicle drives past being chased by a white van with the C3 logo on it- gil: DRIVE MAN! FUCKIN DRIVE! ray: DRIVING AS FAST AS IT CAN GO! Mr. Tsubaki: "...The fuck?!" Shamrock: ._. "...Shouldn't a secret organization not have its name on the side of the vehicle?" sakuya: oh fuck- guys, we need to bail! yumikage: DAMMIT TSURUGI LET ME OR JUN DRIVE! Mr. Tsubaki: "W-Wait! Where's Higan?" Shamrock: -_-;;;; sakuya: i'll get him, head out the back! Mr. Tsubaki: *picks up Belkia* "Right! Shamrock, get my credit card!" *runs off* Shamrock: "..." *looks at waitress* "...Could we get his credit card back, please?" waitress: here you go sir. o-o; Shamrock: *nods* "Thank you." *hands her $200* "Your tip. Good night." *runs after Mr. Tsubaki* -on the road- yumikage: OI! WRATH AND SUBCLASS BASTARDS! THAT IS A STOLEN VEHICLE! PULL THE FUCK OVER! gil: SCREW YOU <SCUM SUCKERS> THEY WERE GONNA SCRAP THIS BEAUTY! LIKE HELL WE WERE GONNA LET THEM DO THAT! Jun: -_-;;;; "Can't this vehicle go any more quickly?" yumikage: WE'RE DOING 79! Jun: *sigh* "Which weapons are in here...?" *tosses random items in the van...* the mother: gil, was the car really worth it? -_-; gil: uh, DOI! this is a classic 1920s cadillac! and in mint condition! Tsurugi: "Jeez, you are all so petulant about this! Just drive faster! How hard is that?! Do I have to take the wheel?!!" Ray: "...I have to agree with Gil: these are indeed <scum suckers>." yumikage: YOU CANT EVEN DRIVE! Tsurugi: "I CAN DO ANYTHING I SET MY MIND TO!" Jun: -____- "Stop. Yelling." gil: *drifts into a parking garage, hoping to lose them* -a female with green hair yawns in the back of the vehicle- ???: eh? whats going on? Ray: "Hello..." gil: !! UNA! my sweet lovely darling! did i startle you?! una: oh, hey gil. ^^ Ray: "Um...Gil? The road? Driving?" gil: <OH SHIT RIGHT!> phew, that was close. una: ^^; Ray: "...So, sleep well?" una: zzzzz.... the mother: and out she goes again. Ray: -_-;;; "No kidding...So, any idea how to avoid those weirdos?" the mother: seems we're going to have to lay low somewhere. last i heard, old child was in a hot springs someplace, all of love was in alisuin mansion, and doubt doubt was awol. Ray: *sigh* "Great...Where you want to go, then?" the mother: old child and all of love are our best options currently. una: a hot spring sounds lovely. gil: HOT SPRINGS IT IS! which one? -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Zzz..." kirei: how is he? Konro: "Today took a lot out of him. He will need his sleep." kirei:...i'll be returning to the shrine. rest well. Benimaru: "Zzz..." Konro: *smiles, nods* -early morning- Takehisa: *already with a cup of coffee, looking at the sunrise* misora: !!! *sneaks back into the firefly* Takehisa: *doesn't notice...* ("A lot quieter with people on break...") misora:..... -elsewhere- Hugh: -_-;;;;; the mother: and that's what all happened. misono: then that means 7 out of 8 servamps are in death city... Lily: "Quite a family reunion..." Hugh: -____- "Why are you staying here?" the mother: like i said, we're on the lam because SOMEONE...stole an antique car. gil: QwQ; Lily: "...That's rather...avaricious. Fu-fu-fu~" the mother: speaking of which, you said lawless was in death city as well? mahiru: yeah...its been...difficult to work with him, to say the least *sweatdrop* Hugh: "His temper has evened out--but his sense of humor is as awful as ever." the mother: at least he is in good spirits....after.....*she shakes her head* nevermind, it's none of my business. Hugh: "..." Lily: *nods* "Yes...Well...Will you be needing anything? We will be running errands..." the mother: just a roof over our heads until C3 gets off our backs. uzuki: scary... the mother: im not mad, this is just how my face looks.....does anyone want to hear any of my farming stories? -elsewhere- Kid: *yawns, hugs Stocking in bed* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Morning, Cupcake..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *nods* "Same..." *holds her hand* "Christmas break starts today..." stocking: yeah, christmas break. *kiss* im not gonna leave you, ok? Kid: "..." *hugs her* "Thank you...Could we...meet your parents, though?" stocking: sure. -elsewhere- otogiri: that was too risky last night...... belkia: on the plus side, my eye's back to normal! Mr. Tsubaki: *groaning, sipping black coffee* "Yes, please, lecture us--that's what my hangover needs, Otogiri..." Shamrock: -_-;;; "Lucky you..." Higan: *passed out on the floor* saku:..... <pitiful> lavender: so what's the next move? Mr. Tsubaki: *stands up too quickly* "Prepare for the dance~! ..." *collapses* "Oh, my head..." otogiri: how bothersome. -_-; Higan: *talking in his sleep* "Mmmm...I came to class naked again...I guess I'm stuck as the nude model...Get me from all angles." sakuya: *hurk* naho: *disgusted face* that's gross old man. Shamrock: "He could not control his drinking or smoking. It is amazing he is able to speak..." Mr. Tsubaki: *lying on the couch* "How will I dance like this?" saku: ....... -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki: *making breakfast* *phone rings* hmm? Black Star: *tosses over in bed, putting the pillow over his head to block out the phone* tsubaki: yes? who is it? Lily: "Tsubaki, sweetie! It's me, Lily! How are you?" tsubaki: doing good. Lily: "Excellent! Um...Maybe sit down, because I have some major news: some new vampire allies are in town!" tsubaki: thats great! Lily: "Now, this new vampire who arrived may seem...um...angry. She looks angry. Like, all the time. So...Yeah." tsubaki: noted. Lily: "How are you and Black Star doing, sweetie?" tsubaki: doing well. -elsewhere- PlushFix: *asleep, clutching the TV remote* -at the hot spring- misono: zzzzz....*yawn* morning already...? Hugh: *poke poke* "Why are you still sleeping here?" misono: *mumbling* -lily's phone rings- Lily: "Bonjour~" dodo: hey, its dodo, big news; mr alisuin going to be coming back to death city soon for the holidays. Lily: o_o "Oh...I should let Misono know then..." dodo: yeah. also, when he gets back, he wants to discuss something with misono... Lily: "...Any hint of what they'll discuss?" dodo: all i got was that it's urgent. Lily: "Yes...I will let Misono know. Thank you." dodo: and you should meet these two new maids, they are hella sexy!- Lily: "...Um...Okay?" -SLAP on the other side- ???: ignore him, he's an idiot. Lily: o____o; "Um...To whom am I speaking?" ???: its me, mitsuki? we live in the same estate? -_-; Lily: "Oh! ...You sound different on the phone..." -elsewhere- belkia: we got our eyes on the inside, and soon its gonna be showtime!! hehehehehe~ Shamrock: "Yes...If only some of us kept their eyes in their heads..." Mr. Tsubaki: *practicing his dance steps with his Tsubaki plushie* "One two three...One two three..." sakuya: ....... belkia: im just glad i got those maid costumes prior!....for reasons >w>; Shamrock: *unrolls a map of the DWMA...* "Yes, we are all so pleased that you have maid outfits..." *eyeroll* belkia: with lav and girioto handling the alisuin place, _we_ will crash the dance! hell yeah! Higan: -\\\\\\- "Let's save the outfit...for some modeling for my next painting...and sculpture..." sakuya: *muttering* next porno film. Shamrock: -_- "Don't give him ideas..." Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; "So disgusting, fascinating about people in maid outfits...Now, a kimono..." *fantasizes about Tsubaki* saku: ........................ Shamrock: *studying Saku* "Um..." saku: what? Shamrock: "N-Nothing!" saku:.... -elsewhere- Relan: *adjusting his tie...* shinra: ok. *inhales* im ready. Relan: *nods...knocks* mrs koizumi: relan honey, welcome home! *she hugs him* this must be shinra, what a pleasure to meet you~ ^^ Relan: o\\\\\o "H-Hi..." shinra: HELLO MRS KOIZUMI! *nervous smile* mrs koizumi: do come in sweeties. shinra: (thinking: ok, so far so good) Relan: *inching into the room* "W-Where is...um...?" mrs koizumi: *she looks at him* papa is upstairs sleeping. *she looks at shinra* my hubby works very hard and needs his rest. please dont disturb him~ -her tone is almost forced- Relan: o________o;;;;;;;; "Oh..." shinra: ok then...*looks at relan* .... mrs koizumi: do you boys need anything~? Relan: "W-W-W-W-W-Water?" shinra: same. mrs koizumi: coming right up~ *she goes to get some* shinra:..... Relan: ._. *looks at Shinra* shinra: *looks at him like 'do you want me to help you?'* Relan: *whispers* "Mother is...insistent, about things." shinra: *nods and looks upstairs* (thinking: the atmosphere here just got really foreboding....) Relan: *whispering* "Whatever she says, just nod..." shinra: ok.... Relan: "...Be kind to Father." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea, slowly* kabuki: did you sleep ok last night? Benimaru: *shakes his head 'no'* "Another one..." kabuki:........ Benimaru: "...How are preparations for the memorial?" kabuki: just about finished... Benimaru: *nods* "I appreciate your work on this, especially during this break..." -elsewhere- Meme: *pokes Mio's arm* mio: *snert* nyeh? *yaaawn* Meme: "We're going to land soon. Better get your seat belt back on." mio: ah, right. Meme: "..." *holds her hand* "Hey..." mio: *blush* ?? Meme: "You okay with this?" mio: yeah. Meme: *smiles* "Me too." Meme: "Thanks for letting me come along." mio: *she smiles a bit* Meme: "...Anything I should know before we get to your family's?" mio: i have pretty much all the consoles. as for my parents and brother, they're pretty chill for the most part. Meme: *giggles* "Well, glad to hear that about the game systems...Um...Have you...I mean, what does your family know about me?" mio: ./////. w-what i've told them, basically.... Meme: -\\\\- "Ha ha..." *pats Mio's hand* "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Kuro: *playing with a ball* sayaka: hehe, how cute~ mahiru: ^^; Kuro: -_-; "This is simply for hand-eye coordination, nothing more..." mahiru:.....misono didnt come back today..... madoka: maybe he's sick? Kuro: "?!!" sayaka: maybe we could check on him? Kuro: "...Yes. Mahiru, we should go..." Kuro: "What do you know about Misono's household?" mahiru: it's a big mansion, we were there, remember? Kuro: "But who else lives there...?" -someone is knocking at the door- sayaka: hmm? julie: *faints as the door is open* nnnh.... the mother: !!! get her inside, now! Kuro: "!!!" *helps to support her, walk her inside...* the mother: is she nuts? doesnt she realize how drastically a subclass' stamina drops in direct sunlight? it could have easily killed her... Kuro: "Then she'll bring an umbrella next time...Hey, you? Can you hear me?" julie: *breathing, but needs to recharge* mahiru: she's...one of lily's subclass....why would she come here? Kuro: "...Because Lily is in trouble?" julie: *waking up* mi...sono...trouble.... Kuro: "!!! Where? The mansion?" julie: misono...he's trapped. his father wont let him leave. Kuro: "...How do we get into the mansion?" sayaka: we can take my scooter! i think i remember the address! Kuro: *hops onto Sayaka's head* "Okay...Someone carry me there..." sayaka: there's room in my backpack! -and so- sayaka: there it is. julie: is it safe? mahiru: i think so. Kuro: *looking around to see who is at the mansion...* dodo: julie! there you are. you know its dangerous to go alone. sayaka: hey mr chauffeur guy! mahiru: is misono in? dodo: yeah, but he kinda got sick all the sudden, cant let anyone in, could be contagious. mahiru: .... Kuro: "...Sounds suspicious..." sayaka: i have to give him something. *pulls out a bag of caramels* i was gonna save them for later, but i think he'd like this as a token of kindness! ^^ Kuro: Q~Q "...May I have one?" dodo: ...sorry, boss' orders. now...wait, did i leave the back gate locked? sayaka: *NYOOM* mahiru: SAYAKA WAIT UP! D: Kuro: *holding on for dear life* o___O -inside- sayaka: MISONOOOOO- Mikado: "???" sayaka: oof! oh my gosh im so sorry! mahiru: *pant pant* jeez, you run fast.... mitsuki: who are you two? why are you here? dodo: sorry, they kinda slipped in. ^^; mitsuki: -_-#; honestly dodo.... -some of the subclass kids surround them- child: mahimahi! child 2: sawaka! Kuro: "...What?" child 3: kitty! hehe~ Mikado: "...Who are you all? And did that cat just talk?" Kuro: "...Feed me treats. Now." mahiru: um, i can explain- Mikado: *stares intently at Mahiru* "...Are you here for my child, Misono?" *glares* mahiru: um... sayaka: we're friends of his! OwO;; -elsewhere- Patty: *appears behind Liz* "...TICKLE ATTACK!!!" liz: GAH! HAHAHA STOP! XD Patty: *tackle onto the couch* "Tickle tickle tickle!!!" stocking: they seem to be in a good mood. Kid: *smiles* "A lot of changes..." stocking: *she nods* Patty: "SIS! That tickles! Ha ha ha ha!" Kid: *holds Stocking's hand* "We're...all much older now." stocking: yeah... hard to believe.... Patty: *taps Stocking's arm* "I'm tagging out! Your turn to do the tickle attack--ON KIDDO!" Kid: o__o -elsewhere- Shotaro: *stringing popcorn chains for the Christmas tree* -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage...*once the customers exit, she closes up shop* Jeje: "..." Faustus: *humming* metsu: *she looks upstairs, to where mikuni's room is*....he's been awfully quiet. Jeje: "Hmm...Has Misono not contacted him?" metsu: i dont believe so....from what i recall, doesnt misono despise him? Jeje: *nods* "...Someone should talk with him." Faustus: "...Don't look at me. I'm very busy." *holds up a shrunken head* "Say hello to my new friend, Alphonse!" metsu: ......well, when mikuni does come out of his room, he has a telegram from dr shuuhei... -elsewhere- Hibana: *knees wobbling* >_< "How does anyone stay on these skiis?!" -elsewhere- akane: i still dont see how fighting ghost thingies will help anyone... mitsuba: they're called 'jinn' dummy...right mr jun? Jun: *nods* "Yeah, yeah, jinn...And we are here to contain them." *stares at Akane* "That's how they help people." akane: .... shinoa: while we may not be 'eves', per say, but the weapons we were given might help make them easier to shake off people. akane: then what? yumikage: we contain them with these bad boys! *shows off jinn vaccum* mitsuba: what is this, ghost busters?! Jun: "Agreed on the weapons. But you'll need more practice with them, not just on the scene but here." *holds up a jar that says 'Fake Jinn'* "Hence this little exercise..." akane: *sword drawn* alright, its takedown time! -elsewhere- sayaka: thanks for the meal~ *nom nom nom* mahiru: misono isnt joining us for dinner? Mikado: "...Misono is busy. Recovering." sayaka: so you're misono and mikuni's dad? children: mikuni?............who is that? sayaka: O-O;;;;; Kuro: *nom nomming on candy* "Hmm?" Mikado: "...'Mikuni'?" sayaka:....uh- yamame: there is no one by that name who lives here. the only servamp living here is snow lily...misono is the only son. mahiru: ??? (thinking: they really dont know who mikuni is? whats going on?) Lily: *overhearing from the shadows...* Kuro: "..." *swallows another cookie* sayaka:....excuse me! nature calls! *exits*........*notices misono outside the window and makes her way to the door* misono:......... sayaka: hey misono! misono: !!! good god miki, dont sneak up on me like that! sayaka: we came to bail you out! misono:...what? sayaka: mahiru and i are here and we're gonna help you escape! misono: why are you even doing that? you're going to get in serious trouble with my father. sayaka: why? its because thats what friends do for each other. they look out for each other.....caramel? misono:......*takes some and puts them in his pocket* thanks....i think.... sayaka: hehe, now come on, lets blow this fancy popcicle stand! misono:............... \misono please....you're the only family i have left\ misono: im sorry. but i cant.....my father...im his only family. he'd worry- sayaka: thats not true, what about your brother mikuni?....come to think of it, why does no one here know who he is? its weird. misono: ...i- dodo: there you are! jeez your fast....come on, time for you to head home. sayaka: but i- mitsuki: *drags her off* sayaka: call you tomorrow! misono:....... -elsewhere- sayaka: that could have gone better... Q.Q; mahiru: at least it was something. Kuro: -w- *tummy full of sweets* mahiru: so what now? sayaka: all we do now is wait.... -elsewhere- misono: the backdoor key....it should be in mikuni's room....its such a mess here....what is it they...dont...want me....to.......*he passes out* Lily: *catches Misono* "...Time for you to rest... Misono....I hope you can forgive me for doing this....” -two maids watch from a distance- maid 1:....*she smirks* maid 2:....how bothersome. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sips his tea...smirks* belkia: any updates? Mr. Tsubaki: "Quite. Our informant has kept a close eye..." -phone buzzes- Mr. Tsubaki: "???" lavender: [seems lust is hiding something from the alisuin kid. may prove useful 2 our cause >:) ] lavender: [also turns out limo driver boy has a thing for big boobs. also useful info for me 2 use 2 my advantage <3 >8) ] otogiri: [ignore that last comment. -_-; ] Mr. Tsubaki: [too late -_-; keep us updated] otogiri: [understood] Mr. Tsubaki: "...Belkia? I think I'll take a poll online." belkia: neat! for what? Mr. Tsubaki: "Which are better: maids outfits or kimonos?" belkia: maid for the win! sakuya: are you kidding me? -_-# saku: <to each their own> Higan: "NURSE OUTFITS NURSE OUTFITS NURSEOUTFITS--" *foaming at the mouth* Shamrock: -_-;;;;; lilac:.....im confused. o-o; ame: ?????? naho: i'll go for anything that's cute, to be honest. Mr. Tsubaki: *drooling* "My camellia..." sakuya: so shameless.... -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: *wipes the drool* "Now, then...Let's review the best ways for infiltrating the Academy..." -elsewhere- Emine: *dressed as an elf* "...I hate you all." lin: ^^ Shotaro: *also in an elf outfit* "But it helps the kids--and Santa! You don't want to disappoint Santa, do you?" Emine: "...Do you really want to imagine what I want to do to Santa?" mana: *glare* Emine: "!!!" *hides behind Lin* "That snow-monster looks upset..." -3 days later- Lily: "Hello, Misono..." misono: ??? *yawns* lily? how long was i out? *rubbing his eyes* Lily: "...You must be hungry. Let me bring you something~" misono: that didnt answer my question, but ok..... -misono got up and went to the dining hall- maid: morning young master~ ^^ maid 2: up early i see. misono: morning. -the two maids depart, looking back for a moment, with the first maid smirking slightly- Mikado: *seated at the table* misono: ...good morning father, how was england? Mikado: *shiny eyes* "Misono! Cheerio, good chap! Come here--" *holds out his arms for a hug* misono: oh uh *hugged* o-o; mitsuki: you were more excited when he got back, so much so that you passed out. dodo: not as excited as you and your idol sho- mitsuki: YOU JUST KEEP QUIET! >////< Mikado: *nods* TWT "Papa missed you!" -the day goes on as normal, perhaps a bit too normally- -the phone rings- misono: damn, how do i answer this thing? Lily: "!!! M-Maybe I should answer..." misono: seems like a good option. Lily: *answers* "Hello?" sayaka: *on the other end* heyo~ how's it going~? Lily: *answers* "Hello?" Lily: "Oh! Hello! How are you?" sayaka: great. is misono there? Lily: .w.;;;; "...No?" misono: im right here! T-T; sayaka: thats a bummer, we agreed to talk a few days ago, but he didnt pick up. well, let him know to call us back when he can, ok? Lily: .w.;;;;;;;;; "R-Right! Of course! Thank you! Toodles!" misono: what was that just now? Lily: "Um...Telemarketer?" misono:..... -later that evening- misono: *gets into bed....but he feels something soft in his pockets* ?!?! what the- *he pulls it out* ....caramel?....!! *remembering sayaka offering some to him* !!! what? *he steps out into the hall and catches a glimpse of lily* lily? *he follows* otogiri:.... "Lily": "..." misono: lily wait! -he follows till he loses track of him, but ends up at the door of the tea room- ???: he's going to find out eventually... misono: *listening* .... (thinking: find out?) ???: "There has to be a way...Perhaps I could..." misono: *he peeks inside* Lily: "...change them again." misono: !!! *he feels like his heart dropped into his stomach* (thinking: change what again?!) otogiri: young master? you're up rather late. misono: !!!! *he stumbles into the room* mitsuki: m-misono! lavender:... Lily: "...Oh no...Misono...I..." misono: whats...whats going on? what did you talk about changin-.....the caramels......*he pulls them out of his pocket* sayaka....she was here a few days ago, wasnt she?? Lily: "Misono...I'm sorry. Can we just...sit down and talk?" misono: then i went to get the key when-.....what is it you're trying to hide from me?! Lily: "..." *tries to hug Misono* Lily: "I'm sorry..." misono: *backing away* if you wont answer me...ill just find the answer on my own! *he storms to mikuni's room* lavender:.... mitsuki: miso- *slammed into the wall by otogiri's strings* grk- Lily: "?!!!" *looks around for the antagonist...* otogiri: *sends the doll to attack lily* seems the bond is weakening....how bothersome....well....bothersome for you. dodo: what?! mitsuki: there was a mole?! otogiri: *she removes her wig* remember me...all of love? from the hotel? dodo:.... .///.; mitsuki: DODO! D:< Lily: "!!! Everyone, get back! I'll--" otogiri: you'll what? let misono learn the truth of what you're hiding from him? Lily: "..." *glares* "Ma'am...I cannot let this attack on anyone in this household stand." *battle pose* "Leave, while you still can." dodo: we'll handle her! go get misono! yamame: *pin sword in hand* Lily: "Right!" *chases after Misono* dodo: *pulls out gun* alright, lets dance. lavender: say, i know this is out of nowhere, but...you're kinda cute~ dodo: um... .///. mitsuki: DODO! D:< lavender: let me ask....you have a thing for big breasts, dont you~? <3 *pressing herself against him* dodo: O/////O mitsuki: DODO!! D8< lavender: thought so~ *kisses him below the ear* dodo: O//////O ...!!! i...i cant move?! lavender: *takes the gun* i'll be taking this thanks~ *she chases after lily* mitsuki: WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE IM KILLING YOU UNTIL YOU DIE!!! Lily: ("Where is he?") misono: *running to where mikuni's room was* Lily: "!!! Misono, stop!" misono: stay away from me! .....i always hated mikuni.....but i dont know why.....why are you manipulating my own memories? what is it that you dont want me to know?! Lily: "Misono...I can't have you hating...hating..." misono: JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH ALREADY! if you're so insistent....then....how can i even trust you?! Lily: "...I don't want you to hate m--" -BANG- misono: !!! lavender: *smirks* -shatter- Lily: "..." *bleeds from his mouth...feelings Jinn release from the wound...* "M-Mi-Misono...G-Get back..." *collapses to his knees, crying* misono: !!! LILY!!! -at the dance- Kid: *glaring at one decoration* "...This snowflake is off..." tsubaki: ^^; stocking: want to dance? Kid: *instant smile* "Of course~" Black Star: -\\\\- tsubaki:....you've been practicing... stocking: hehe~<3 Black Star: "Y-Yeah...It's kinda like fighting in battle. Only without punching...You dance great, Tsubaki." Kid: *smiles at Stocking* tsubaki: ^^ Patty: *holds up a gingerbread man to Takeru* takeru:...*nom* t-thank you ^^ belkia: *staring from across the room* i wanna punch that guy so muuuch! >n< Mr. Tsubaki: *frowning* "No kidding." Shamrock: x_-; "Calm yourselves...Please." Patty: "Hee hee hee...You got a crumb..." *kisses his cheek* lilac: .......*looking around, awkwardly* takeru: >/////////< Crona: "H-Hi, Lilac..." lilac: !!! oh...h-h-hi! mami: glad to see you're ok. *she smiles* lilac: t-thank you! Crona: "...Enjoying the dance?" lilac: y-yeah....d-dad decided to chaperone... Crona: *looks at Shamrock* "...He looks upset." lilac: y-yeah.... sakuya: *dancing* Jacqueline: *watching Sakuya* "Hmm...He isn't dancing with anyone?" kim: doesnt look like it, neither are those new kids..... mitsuba: this is so dumb. -_-; yumikage: its no picnic for us either, princess. mitsuba: why you- shinoa: oh my. a little lovers spat i see? mitsuba + yumikage: HELL NO! Jun: "Be quiet, and have some cake..." akane: she's way too chill....freaking rich kids, am i right? Jacqueline: "...I am familiar with people concerned with money..." akane: and you are? Jacqueline: "Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupré." kim: you can call me Kim. you new here? akane:....yeah. names Akane Hyakuya. the blonde girl is Mitsuba, and the purple haired girl is Shinoa. we're transfer students. Jacqueline: "Well, a party is certainly a good way to be introduced to your new classmates." akane: i guess so.... so the DWMA really is a school of the elites, huh? Jacqueline: "Well...It does attract some of the most powerful meisters, weapons, warriors..." akane: ah... Jacqueline: "Are you a weapon?" akane: not really.....i-....its complicated. tsubaki: *goes out to get some fresh air* Jacqueline: "..." *nods* "It's okay..." *smiles* "The Academy is supposed to be welcoming to all students..." kim: yeah, we get new people every day. Jacqueline: "You can always find activities here..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stands back from her...* tsubaki:.........*a bit tense* (thinking: something.....doesnt feel right....) Mr. Tsubaki: *opens his mouth...* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello." tsubaki: !!! *she turns to face him*.....why are you here? Mr. Tsubaki: *small, innocent smile* "Am I not invited?" tsubaki:.... -mr tsubaki's phone rings- Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Sorry..." *looks at the phone* otogiri: all of love has been taken out. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Thank you. What comes next, then?" -noises are heard on the other end- lavender: kyan~<3 mahiru: OHMYGODIMSORRY! Mr. Tsubaki: -____- "...What is going on?" otogiri:.... -_-; mahiru shirota arrived. do you wish to speak with him? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh! Yes, very much so~" mahiru: *takes the phone* hello? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, there! How are you~?" mahiru: what's going on?! what did you do to lily? why is there jinn- Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, when a vampire is injured, all that jinn just floats on up out of them. Perhaps it has something to do with all those misdeeds us naughty sins are up to..." tsubaki: ?!?! mahiru: what?! Mr. Tsubaki: "Best not get too close to it...But maybe you should get used to seeing it..." tsubaki: w-what's going on?? mahiru: what? Mr. Tsubaki: "Are you familiar with C3? Surprising people. Very interesting. But they are such a nuisance. So I thought, 'Why not spread some of that jinn around?' How do you think the world would look, with that darkness hanging over them?" tsubaki: !!!!!! mahiru: !!!!! Mr. Tsubaki: *smirks...until he sees Tsubaki staring at him...he frowns, seriously, as if he is talking to both Mahiru and her...* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Do you know what it is like, to feel melancholia hanging over you?" tsubaki: ........ mahiru: *he runs for lily* otogiri:.....we should go now. lavender: good call... *she and otogiri exit* Lily: *crying, on the floor, wreathing* "Stay back..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." tsubaki:.....tsubaki.....what did you do....? Mr. Tsubaki: "..._I_ did nothing...technically." -back at the mansion- mahiru: lily! snap out of it! misono: ....... Lily: *crying* "M-Misono..." misono: LILY! *he runs over to him* mahiru: MISONO NO! Lily: "..." *looks up, with pure animalistic rage, as he screams at Misono, leaping at him* misono: !!!!! *shuts his eyes tightly* Lily: *slashes at Misono, as if pulling Misono towards him...and into him...* misono: *he opens his eyes*.... ???? where.....am i? ???: "...You are not supposed to be here~" misono: ??? *A small child emerges from the shadows...Easter eggs are around them* misono: are you...part of lily? Child!Lily: *nods* "Uh huh! I never thought I'd see you in here, Misono!" misono: whats going on? (thinking: is this like what mahiru....) Child!Lily: "...I got hurt. Badly. And I...I...did something wrong, didn't I?" misono:......the only one to blame here is me....its my own arrogance that got you hurt....i just...wanted to know the truth... Child!Lily: "...You should not. The truth...will change things." misono: what do you mean? Child!Lily: "...I can't...You'll hate me...you'll hate yourself." misono:....even then, i just want closure. cant you at least let me have that? being happy all the time....its not realistic. we have bad days too... Child!Lily: "Misono...How can you have life...without love in it? Please...Don't..." misono: i'll be ok...i promise. Child!Lily: "But...What if I'm not there to be with you?" *The Easter Eggs start shattering, sinking into the water around them...* misono: !!! *lily's memories flood his head* Memory!Lily: "...I promise: he will not remember what has transpired." memory!mikuni: hey little guy, im your big brother. Memory!Mikado: "What have you done?!!" misono: are these....!!! memory!mary: *she weakly reaches her hand out* Memory!Mikado: "He must never know. He is my son--and I don't want him to be hurt." memory!mikage: to think im a father...its amazing. Memory!Lily: *looking at Mikage's pocket watch, smiles* "Time flies, does it not, my friend?" memory!misono: please stay with us, snow lily. misono: *he opens his eyes...he is now in his bed* mitsuki: he's awake! Mikado: "...Son?" misono: father? Mikado: Q~Q "MY BABY!!!" misono: ah! t-too tight! ???: misono! misono:.... !!!! madoka: *waves* misono: W-WHY IS SHE HERE?! Rin: "!!! Um...We want to check up on you, dude? You had a pretty nasty time, huh?" misono:....lily is he- mitsuki: he's alive...albiet a bit lethargic....he hasnt spoken to anyone since he woke up. he hasnt even tried to strip. Rin: "...Tried to what?" mitsuki:.....long story. madoka: *sweatdrop* misono: are mahiru and the others- Mikado: "My baby needs rest! Please, don't worry your pretty little head..." yamame: they're helping out....dodo is injured, the subclass fell ill... misono:....... Mikado: *stares at Yamame* -_-; misono: .....i need to use the bathroom Rin: *looking around* "Um..." ("I don't see a bedpan...Can he even stand up?") Mikado: "Of course. Would you like me to carry you there?" misono: i can walk thanks. tetsu: i'll walk him there. Mikado: "CLEAR THE WAY! MY SON NEEDS TO TINKLE!" misono: FATHER PLEASE! -tetsu and misono exit.....outside- misono: why are you- tetsu: just thought you needed help. misono:.....thanks..... *he goes inside* -The library has numerous volumes, as well as a desk covered with Mikado's files, books, and letters- misono: *looking around* -One book is a journal, opened to a page with a word standing out: Mikuni- misono: *he looks at a photo of his family*......*he looks at the journal*...... misono:....!!!! w-what....? Mikado's journal: "...but I was too late: Mikuni had killed her." misono: .....oh....that's right..... misono: why...why did he kill our mother?....*looks at more journals* there has to be some......thing..... *his eyes widen and his pupils shrink* journal: the truth is, misono was born from an affair. misono: *he feels his heart drop again* -he continues to read how mikuni's mother murdered misono's birth mother, how he was taken in, how mrs alisuin tried to kill him before mikuni killed her then left- misono:...no....nonononono......*he feels like he is about to scream....but nothing came out but silence* misono: *whimpering* im sorry....im sorry.....im sorry....lily....mother....father....mikuni......this is my fault....if i had just died then- -Misono's hand knocks into a book...- misono: ??? w-what? -Letters fall out of the book- misono: *he reads them*..... letter: dear mikado, thank you for the letter you sent. misono and i are doing well. do you like the name? i named him after you to an extent. he's already beginning to speak and he's always smiling. -misono continues to read the letter- misono: *tears begin to fall* -a watch is contained in the letter, as well as a photo of misono and his mother. misono:....i really...do take after her..... -inside the mansion- Lily: "..." yamane: lily? misono wants to speak with you. misono:......i know the truth now. Lily: "...I hurt you, didn't I?" misono:....you arent the one to blame here....no one is really.....it hurt a lot....but....i think im ready to accept it....my mother would have wanted me to....im not mad at you. Lily: "...Misono...Your mother..." misono: i know. Lily: "...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...for all of this." misono: ....i forgive you....*he hands him the watch* i know its early but, merry Christmas, snow lily. Lily: "...Merry Christmas, Misono..." *accepts the watch* misono:....*extends an arm* here....you're probably hungry.... Lily: "...No, I'm--" *stomach growl* o\\\\o "...Okay, a little." misono: *smiles* Lily: "..." *opens his mouth, as he leans towards Misono's arm...* -later- sayaka: there, how does that look? mitsuki: looks good. Mikado: "???" sayaka: *putting up decorations* oh, thanks for letting us help out, mr alisuin! Mikado: "It is...helpful. It has been so long since hanging up these decorations..." *examines one ornament...* sayaka: *she looks* *The ornament says "Mikuni's 4th Christmas* sayaka: so you do remember him? Mikado: "...This is a family that, for so long, has wanted one thing: to forget...Maybe..." sayaka:.....is this mrs alisuin.....wait a second...misono doesnt look like either of you. *GASP* is he *whispers* adopted? Mikado: "N-No...It's...a family concern." misono: father...may i speak with you? in private? Mikado: *chipper* "Of course, my son~" *gently sets the ornament onto the tree, in a prominent spot* "..." *follows Misono* -in the study- misono: i know the truth now. about my mother....my real mother. Mikado: "..." *nods* "I...did not want you to...You were so young and...I didn't..." misono: .....even then, i would learn eventually....but im not angry with you...if i held it against you, i wouldnt get anywhere....you really loved her, didnt you? both of them? Mikado: "...Yes. I am...awful." misono: you.....did something wrong....but that doesnt make you a terrible person. i appreciate that you looked out for me. but i think im ready to face things on my own. no....im not on my own...i have friends by my side. Mikado: "...I can't just let you out there. You are a child. You need family to be with you--" -chessboard chairs appear- Mikado: "?!!! What on Earth...?" misono: i am young, yes, but that doesnt mean im not mature. im not going to leave my family, i can always come home. but im ready to find my own path. Mikado: "...'Your own path'..." *smiles* "Interesting...I think that path may take you somewhere...May I ask you something?" misono: yes, but first i must ask something as well. i know this will come off as harsh, but it needs to be said, would my mother have wanted me to be locked up forever? Mikado: "...No." -the board and chairs dissipate- misono: now...what did you want to ask me? Mikado: *sighs* "...If you see your brother...I want you to pass on this message from me." misono:......what is it? Mikado: " 'Son...Come home.'" misono:....ok. i will. -elsewhere- metsu: rummaging through mikuni's mail _again_, doctor? Faustus: "...What? I like the free perfume samples." *sniffs the mail* "Aaaaaah~ Lavender!" metsu: -.-; .... ??? *she notices something; an invitation to the alisuin mansion christmas party* oh? Jeje: "..." Faustus: "...Oh, that invitation? Yeah, junk mail. Can I use it for scrap paper?" metsu: .....*she goes upstairs* mikuni? you have a letter. Mikuni: *holds up a puppet, speaking through it with a high pitch* "What's that, buddy?" metsu:....here. *she sticks the letter in the puppets mouth and goes back downstairs* Mikuni: *smiles, waves...Picks the invitation out of the mouth...and recognizes the handwriting* "...No..." Mikuni: "..." *leaves it on his desk...* "Wh-Why now...?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm..." *staring at seven candles, around one large candle...he put out one candle* "One down..." Lavender: and then there were 6... -elsewhere- Hibana: *frowning, her leg in a cast* gabriella: *kiss* its ok. we can still cozy up to the fire place~ Hibana: *pouts, blushing from the kiss* "I can't believe I break my leg going down the children's slope..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: HYAAAH! *slicing jinn away* take that! akane: where did it all come from in one night? Jun: "Something bad..." tinker: no kidding. these readings are off the charts! Jun: "Contain it, and mark the locations. We can track them to their origin..." tinker: right! shuuhei, how's everything at your end? Shuuhei: *grumbles* "So dirty...It's everywhere..." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Are there any updates?" ryuuko: nothing currently. Relan: "Oh...Okay...H-How are you?" ryuuko: well. mikami and i were invited to a christmas party. Some of the more prestigious families in the area will be attending. Relan: *smiles* "That should be nice." ryuuko: *she nods* Relan: *picks up Buttons* "A lot of fun happening..." buttons: ^o^ Relan: "So cute!" *smiles happily* "Wait 'til you see the new toys you get for Christmas, Buttons..." -and so, the next night- kilik: wow, fancy party. sayaka: sure is! Wes: *looking around* "Impressive architecture." norio: mikado. a pleasure to see you. *he nods* Mikado: "Oh! Greetings." *offers his hand* norio: *shakes hand* i'd like you to meet my wife, Chikami, and my daughter, Mikami. mikami: h-hello... ._.; Mikado: "A pleasure..." ("A name that starts with an 'M'..." *plotting* ) ryuuko: ... Mikado: *looks at Ryuuko* "Hello!" norio: and this is my daughter's friend, Ryuuko Houo. they're both members of the 3rd special fire brigade. Mikado: "Oh...Is that the brigade with the head of Hajima Industries?" norio: no that would be. Mr Helvitz: actually, that would be the 6th brigade. also its head of haijima's european branch. vivian: ^^ Mikado: "Oh...Well, welcome!" -on the balcony- madoka: you're a really good dancer, rin. Rin: *small embarrassed laugh* "I had a lot of practice...Dad always had me do that..." madoka:....is he...feeling any better? Rin: "...Some days are better than others..." madoka:....*she hugs him* Rin: *holds her close* "I'm sorry for bringing it up..." madoka: its ok. *she kisses him on the nose* Rin: -\\\\- "Aaaah..." madoka: hehe~ so cute. Rin: "Um, I mean, you're cuter..." misono:......*walking away, somewhat heartbroken*....*sighs* -bump- misono: !!! shinoa: oh, pardon me. i guess i wasnt paying attention~ misono: ..... shinoa: something wrong? misono: nothing..... shinoa: ....say, want to dance? misono: w-wha? shinoa: ah, introductions. im Shinoa Hiiragi. *extends a hand* misono:.... 7///7; Misono Alisuin. Lily: *peeks from around the corner* :3 misono:...f-fine. shinoa: hehe, come on~ *she takes him back to the ballroom* Lily: *squee* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: such a nice night out... Kid: *nods* "Glad to see one..." *holds her hand* ("Especially after such curfews...") stocking: *admiring the lights* Kid: *points to one light* "Excellent display..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...When I was tiny, my father took me out to see the light displays...and I...I..." stocking: ?? Kid: -\\\\- "I had thought about taking my _own_ children to see such light displays..." stocking: *blush* that would be lovely. Kid: *nods...small squeeze of her hand* "Stocking...I love you." stocking: i love you too kid. *she kisses him* Kid: *kisses back...smiles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "...I keep checking around here, making sure the windows are all secured." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "...Hey. You're going to be alright." tsubaki: i know....it's lily im worried about... Black Star: *nods* "...Any update?" tsubaki:...he's...better....but still weakened.... Black Star: "..." *puts his hand over Tsubaki's* "He's a tenacious guy: he's going to get better." tsubaki:....*she nods* Black Star: "...Would you like to go visit him?" tsubaki: i would like that...i think there's a formal party there.... Black Star: "I could get dressed up, right now!" -and so- Black Star: o_o "...You keep figuring out new ways to look classy." tsubaki: thanks ^^; *she is in an asian inspired outfit with her hair done up* Black Star: *in a suit, actually looking presentable* *offers his arm to lead her inside* soul:...*spots them* dont i know you from somewhere? *he speaks in a joking tone* Black Star: *smirks* "Yeah, the row behind you in class." soul: yeah i know, haha! surprised to see you guys here. tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "...You see Lily around?" soul: hmm? oh, you mean the person with the, uh... *puts two fingers on his head to mimic lily's antennae* Black Star: "Yeah. Also, he may be stripping." soul:.......uhhhh... mahiru: he's in the kid's room. soul: O______O mahiru: HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING TO THEM! Black Star: "Awesome--thanks, Mahiru! Tsubaki, you want to talk with him on your own, or...?" tsubaki: *she nods and goes to the kid's room* mary: miss tsubaki! *hug* julie: tsutsu! Lily: "???" *looks to see Tsubaki, smiles* "Hello." tsubaki: hello. feeling any better? Lily: "...A bit. Slowly." tsubaki: at least its something.....and how is misono doing? Lily: "...He is...encountering some major changes in his life." *smiles* "But I think he is ready to face them...He _has_ been ready, for some time." tsubaki: *she nods* misono: -//////- honestly, that girl.... Lily: "How are you, sweetie?" *glances at Misono...* tsubaki: well...oh, hey misono. misono: *he nods* Lily: "Misono, want to sit and chat with Tsubaki and me for a bit?" misono: um. sure. Lily: *smiles* "Tsubaki, are you okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* yeah. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." naho: something wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am torn, in two directions, by what my goal is...and what my heart desires." naho: *listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "I want to make a point to these other sins...but I fear, should I move forward with this plan, I will shut off another option...another path towards happiness, towards her." naho: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am stuck having to wait and see what comes next." -outside- lilac:......*sniff* saku:...what is it? lilac:..... saku: is this because of what greed did? lilac:.....*tearing up* saku:......your friends....they died because they were weak. lilac: *tenses* saku: in this world, only the strongest survive...remember that. lilac:...... Shamrock: "...Is there a problem here?" saku: its nothing....*walking away* lilac:....... Shamrock: "...Lilac. Don't listen to her..." *pats Lilac's shoulder* lilac:...... Shamrock: "...Let's get some tea..." lilac:..... -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzzz..." chie: *tucking him in* hehe~ -christmas morning- Patty: *peeks over Liz's bed* :3 liz: merry christmas sis! Patty: "Awwww, I was going to wake you up!" *crawls into bed, hugs Liz* "Merry Christmas!" liz: hehe... Patty: "Can we head down and open gifts now?" liz: sure thing! -in kid and stocking's room- Kid: o\\\\o stocking: well~? *in a cute wintery nightgown* Kid: "That looks great on you..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "..." *holds up a small wrapped box for her* "Merry Christmas, Stocking." stocking: *she opens it* !!! kid... *The jewelry looks like a candy necklace, only thinner and with more subdued colors* Kid: "..." stocking: its beautiful. *she kisses him* Kid: -\\\\- "It seemed to suit you..." stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Akitaru: *giddy* "New weights! Thanks!" shinra: *he smiles* Takehisa: *looking at his present* "..." tamaki: its not going to eat you. Arthur: "I hope not...I once thought there was a Griffin in my Christmas gift, but it was only socks..." *unwraps...* "!!!" -it was a custom pen sword- Arthur: "...Glorious...THANK YOU!" tamaki: no problem. Arthur: -\\\\\- "Here is your gift..." tamaki: thanks. *she opened it up* *It is a cat themed bracelet and a set of game cards for her mobile video game* tamaki: *shiny eyes* this is great! thanks! *hug* Arthur: "Heh. I'm glad you like them..." -elsewhere- Emine: "...Why is this box wrapped in paper decorated with dancing penguins?" mana: it's called 'gift wrap' Emine: "...That one penguin looks mischievous..." *carefully unwraps...* -its a nice scarf- Emine: "...I like this color." lin: ^^ i worked extra hard on it! Emine: *smooch* "Thank you." lin: >////////< -elsewhere- Hibana: "I had a surprise for you, before this broken leg..." gabriella: oh? Hibana: -////- "Yeah...but I did get you another surprise..." *hands her a new phone* gabriella: aww, thank you! *smooch* Hibana: *hug* "I tried to get the best I could, for the best woman..." gabriella: >///////////< Hibana: "I love you so much..." -elsewhere- lilac:......... Mr. Tsubaki: "Lilac?" lilac: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "What troubles you?" lilac:.....nothing... Mr. Tsubaki: "...When something is on my mind, I look to the sky. I never got to see many stars when I was younger. Too many clouds out..." lilac:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "Gives perspective, on where we are in this universe." lilac:......... belkia: *downing a whole thing of egg nog* Shamrock: *sips* "Really, you will have a terrible hangover..." lavender: CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! belkia: MUSCLE TUFF! *slams bottle to the ground* HOO HOO!! Higan: "Yay, booze!" sakuya: -_-; Shamrock: "So embarrassing..." saku:..... <idiots.> Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, now, enough drinking...We have additional gifts..." -elsewhere- the mother: i say we find this little 'tsubaki' prick and give him a good what for. *cracks knuckles* Hugh: "He is quite powerful..." soul: if we all ambush the guy, then we can get some answers. tsubaki:..... Black Star: "We'd do better if we separated him from his clique... mahiru: then we'll have to bait him out somehow.... Kuro: "...Tsubaki?" tetsu: isnt that what we're discussing? Kuro: "No, I was speaking to _our_ Tsubaki. She can be our bait." tsubaki:.... Black Star: "What?! After what has happened?!!" mahiru: it does sound risky... Hugh: "Yet he seems to let his guard down around her..." tsubaki:...i'll do it. if it helps. Black Star: "...Can we be your backup?" tsubaki: .... romina: i think i have a plan. guildenstern, you got spare whale suits? Guil: *whale noise* "...I mean, yes." sayaka: THE WHALE FREAKING TALKS?! Guildenstern: "I CAN SAY MANY THINGS." Black Star: "...I remember when talking cats were weirdest thing I saw..." romina: the whale suit's actually a costume. sayaka: oh, ok. Guildenstern: "But what do you need an extra whale suit for?" -romina explains her plan of hiding tsubaki in one of 5 whale suits, while 4 others, including guildenstern and romina, hide in the other suits- Black Star: "...So, Mr. Tsubaki won't attack or risk hurting her..." the mother: it sounds crazy enough to work. Hugh: "Or just crazy..." romina: i say we take a call of hands. all in favor. Kuro: "..." *reverts to cat form, buries himself in Mahiru's arms* mahiru: *exits the room with kuro* Hugh: -_-;;; "Yes, I agree...but no more votes..." the mother: i think we should give it a shot. Black Star: "..." (pats Tsubaki's hand) the mother:......oh...right.... tsubaki:...*she nods* romina: so that's me and guildenstern in two suits. any volunteers for the other suits? Black Star: "Right here!" una:....those whale suits look so fluffy....i wouldnt mind sleeping on one -.- Guildenstern: -_-;;; "The outfits are comfortable..." una: does it make a good bed or pillow? ray *sweatdrop* (thinking: she certainly lives in her own world, doesnt she?) Guildenstern: "...Likely." una: yaaay. -w- ray: gil? what do you think? Gil: "I wanna shove a harpoon up this Tsubaki jerkoff's butt!" *cackles, before turning calmly to Ray* "Is that okay?" ray: sounds good. una: whale shish-kabobs?.....sounds yummy –w Guildenstern: "I will not be shishkabobbed!" Black Star: o-o "...I hope he meant the Tsubaki we don't like..." ray: he did. Black Star: "Good..." una: can we get yakitori afterwards? Gil: "Whatever you wish~" ray: *sweatdrop* the mother: *sweatdrops* Black Star: "...In any case, how will Tsubaki and another person move in those suits?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: [text: okay trip with family?] vivian: [yeah. europe is nice, but i miss u *sad face*] Kishiri: [same. Wish I could be there. Anything u want me to do while you're away?] -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: *smooooch* you're just the sweetest~<3 Kid: "You're doubly sweet~ Did you like your gifts?" stocking: very much so. Kid: "...That's not all..." stocking: oh? Kid: *holds up a blindfold* stocking: oh my~ *she puts it on* Kid: *small kiss on her cheeks* "These clothes won't do, though..." stocking: ah... Kid: "carefully takes off her dress, leaving her in her underwear* "I'm going to walk you just over here...You're still in our bedroom, the door is locked...Do you trust me?" stocking: yes, of course i do. Kid: "Okay..." *he is behind her, guiding her to sit down...she can feel something hard against her leg* stocking: ahh.... Kid: *slides her panties to the side* "I'm going to slide this new toy in, okay?" stocking: o-ok... *She feels it slide into her...It is long..She is sitting on something with a dildo going into her* Kid: "And now, to turn it on..." stocking: ahhhh.... *Kid guides her hands to clutch the base of the device on which she is seated...Then he turns it on, sending light, slow pulses into her* stocking: *she moans loudly* k-kid! Kid: *he clutches her breasts from behind* "I control the switch...Should I decrease the speed?" stocking: m-more...please... Kid: *on set of fingers release the snaps on her bra, while his other hand turns up the speed...* "Enjoy..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *cuddles* chie: hehe~<3 Yohei: "Imagine our baby's first Christmas..." chie: >w< Yohei: "Little snowman outfit..." chie: *squeeee* Yohei: "Children's books...stuffed toys...advanced robotics manuals..." chie: ^^; Yohei: "I'm kidding! ...A little" chie: sure babe. *smooch* Yohei: >\\\\< "I'm just excited.. " chie: i am too. Yohei: "I hope he has your smile.. " -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "..." *crying silently* kabuki: ??? are you ok miss usada? Tsukiyo: "K-Kabuki?!" *wipes tears, puts on fake smile* "How's it hanging?" kabuki:...alright...but you seemed upset... Tsukiyo: (fake smile falls) "...I barely heard from family..." kabuki:...*soft hug* Tsukiyo: "..." *holds onto him, cries* kabuki: shhh... its ok. Tsukiyo: *calms down...* "Thank you...I'm sorry." kabuki: it's quite alright. Tsukiyo: *still holding onto him...eyes droop...then...* "Zzzzz..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Comfy?" liz: yeah. Wes: *slides under the blanket and next to her* "Good...I was worried you were chilly..." liz: not with you. Wes: "Hee hee..." *hugs her, kisses her cheek* liz: i love you. Wes: "...I love you, too..." *cuddles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "You sure about this?" tsubaki: *she nods* i have no intention of killing him. if i can resolve this peacefully, i will. Black Star: "Will he try to hurt you?" tsubaki: i dont believe he will. Black Star: "...I'll back you up to make sure that doesn't happen." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *holds her hand* "I love you." tsubaki: *she hugs him* i love you too. Black Star: *hug* "..." soul:....*he looks over at lawless* Lawless: "..." *stands to exit* licht: where are you doing? Lawless: "Nothing..." romina:..... Lawless: "I shall depart to get some air..." romina:..... Lawless: "...WHAT?" romina: i didnt say anything. Lawless: "Then cease with your stares! Look inward at thyself rather than upon my visage!" soul: huh? Lawless: "...Just stop looking at me. I'm sensitive to that." soul: sorry, jeez. Lawless: *marches away* soul: should we go after him. licht: why should we care? soul: you know, you have some fucking nerve todoroki. he's your partner! sure you may disagree a lot, but you're both in this together dammit! *drags him along* Black Star: "..." *loud applause* romina:...... ray: so that just happened. Gil: "Fuck yeah, it did! Really loud rant there!" misono: now to put the plan in motion...thankfully i had lily write down the phone number while we still had that old man's phone. Black Star: "So, you're calling the guy himself?" misono: ........would someone call him? mahiru: are you ever going to learn how to use a phone? -_-; Black Star: "Just one of you dial that creep!" tsubaki: i'll do it. *she dials the number* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *answers* "Hello?" tsubaki: hello. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom?" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* yes, its me. Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, hello~ To what do I owe this pleasure?" tsubaki:.....*she looks at black*star. she had a plan* i surrender. Black Star: "??!!" Mr. Tsubaki: 0///0 "Surrender what?" tsubaki: i'll surrender myself. Mr. Tsubaki: "...To...me? Why?" tsubaki: on one condition; if i surrender, you wont send your subclass to harm the other servamps. Mr. Tsubaki: "...With you by my side, I will have no reason to...Where shall we meet? I can send a subclass--" tsubaki: ....i want to see you. face to face. Mr. Tsubaki: "As you wish. The park?" tsubaki: in the wooded area, yes. Mr. Tsubaki: "I look forward to seeing you. I promise, I will do whatever to make your time with me the happiest in your life." tsubaki:.... -at the hotel- belkia: what was that call for? Mr. Tsubaki: *starts dancing with Belkia* "I have a date with destiny!" lavender: huh, i think i worked with a girl by that name way back when. otogiri: it's a figure of speech. -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: *twirls Belkia* "I am off to bring our new mommy home: the Camelia Blossom herself!" Shamrock: D: naho: *JAWDROP* Mr. Tsubaki: "Toodles!" *starts skipping to the exit* Shamrock: "B-Bu-But--Someone stop him!" belkia: question! should we have this be a traditional japanese style wedding, or a western style? Mr. Tsubaki: *calls back* "Two weddings, then! Two days of weddings! Four days! Oh, make everyday a new wedding for me and my blossom!" lavender + sakuya + otogiri: -A-; (thinking: he's way beyond salvation at this point...) Mr. Tsubaki: *departs for the elevator, humming the wedding march* -elsewhere- licht: fuck, he runs fast for shit rat. soul: no kidding....OI! LAWLESS! WHERE DID YA GO?! Lawless: *hidden amongst the bushes...* soul: ....... (thinking: maka, if you were here, you could find him....) *Wind brushes by Soul...from a direction that seems to draw with it a familiar wavelength...* Lawless: *feels wind blow by him* "?!!!" ("When did it get all warm all of a sudden?") soul: hey. Lawless: "?!!! 'Swounds! How did you spot me?!!" soul: call it divine intervention. licht: come on idiot, lets go already. Lawless: "No! Don't you get it? We have a gorgeous opportunity to stop the Sin of Melancholy once and for all!" soul: but tsubaki...she wants to resolve this peacefully, and that's what we're going to do. Lawless: "No! I will not let that happen! I will not let someone give themselves up to secure peace. I WILL NOT LOSE HER AGAIN!" soul: !!!! licht: ?? Lawless: "...Nothing. It is zero, a space, the 'o' in...in her name. Forget it. Be like Lavinia and cut off your tongues than speak of what I am about to do! I will kill Melancholia, save your Tsubaki, and this war can end..." licht: *KICKS HIM ACROSS THE FACE* you talk too much. soul: h-hey! what the hell?! licht: im going to knock some fucking sense into him....because *pose* im an angel. soul: THIS ISNT THE TIME FOR THAT D:< Lawless: "If you intend to block my path...THEN PREPARE TO DIE!" soul: !!! licht: say that shit to my face. Lawless: *rushes at him* "No words, just force!" soul: !!!! *blocks the sword with a scythe arm* Lawless: "Back, shark! Or you will be meat for my stew!" soul: what the hell is wrong with you? Lawless: "Why is she doing this?!" *slices at Soul* "No one should have to sacrifice themselves, especially not her!" licht: she's doing it of her own volition, why should it matter to you? Lawless: "Because this does not have to happen! It should not happen!" soul: well, it kind of is, no changing it now. Lawless: "...Then I will stop her!" (Tries to make a run for it...) licht: *summons piano barrier* she knows what she's doing. Lawless: "NO, SHE DOES NOT!" *shrieks and howls, as the reality around him ripples* soul + licht: !!!!! -the area around them resembles a theater- voice: everyone take your seats. the show is about to begin. soul: ??? *Lawless appears, in Renaissance garb, before a statue, its features hidden in shadows* soul: ??? (thinking: isnt...that the same statue from history class?) Lawless: *steps into the spotlight* "...This is the tale of a woman too pure for this damned world." licht: ... *Light shines onto a setting of a city on the other side of the stage...Two groups, one wearing blue and the other wearing green, quarrel* Mob: "Sacrifice!" "We demand blood!" "Bring us the sacrifice!" soul: ?? Lawless: "..." *smirks* "But, I am telling the story out of order. Let's start earlier..." *The set moves away, taking the mob with it, their screams of bloodlust fading as sunshine falls onto the stage, revealing a castle in the distance, a forest in front of it...Lawless seems to have vanished from the stage* ~The Tragedy Of Ophelia~ ???: "Ophelia!" *A hedgehog runs through the forest* Lawless: "Ophelia!" ???: just a little further now... -a young lady picks a fruit from the top of a tree- ???: got it! -upon grabbing the fruit, the young lady fell out from the canopy- ???: ah- Lawless: "Ophelia!" *transforms into human, leaps, catches her...* ophelia: hehe, nice catch. girl: princess! are you ok? ophelia: im fine. look. i got the largest one on the tree. boy: wow! Lawless: *still holding her, pouts* ophelia: thanks for catching me.....lawless, you can put me down now ^^; Lawless: "You should not be picking fruit for others. Why can't you leave this work to someone else?" ophelia: *sigh* puck's going to be a big brother soon, we were gathering fruits to celebrate. girl: mr lawless, lets make flower crowns! -when sunset came, the two returned to the palace- ophelia:...its nice isnt it? the families of this country are growing more each day. Lawless: -_- "Yeah...Speaking of growing, you're getting harder to carry...and catch when you fall..." ophelia: *she pouts* mean. im not a little girl anymore, haha. *Lawless is wearing a flower crown* ophelia: hehe, its a cute look for you. -time passed on for the two, until one day....- ophelia: *in an ornate gown* i'll be getting married soon. Lawless: "What?! Why?!" ophelia: ....the skirmishes with the neighboring country have gotten worse. if it escalates further, a war will break out... Lawless: "But...But I...I..." ophelia: ?? Lawless: "...I don't want you to throw away your independence like this." ("Why can't I speak the truth to her...?") ophelia: ....*soft smile* im not looking for freedom, what i want...is peace for this country. i want to become an icon of peace, and tie the knot between both our countries. -and so, with the union of the prince and princess, the two countries were brought together, and peace was attained. however... such peace, did not last long- soldier: that attack was a declaration of war! soldier 2: the've gone two far this time! solider 3: i saw we put their beloved princess to death! that should teach them a lesson! Lawless: (overhearing in hedgehog mode) Lawless: (runs to Ophelia's room) ophelia: hmm? what is it? Lawless: "We have to escape! You have to escape! The military intends a coup, intends to kill you!" ophelia: !!..... Lawless: (takes her hand) "We can run away! To safety! Where you won't be hurt!" ophelia:....im sorry. but im staying here. Lawless: "...What?" ophelia: *she chuckles* this is the second time now that you suggested we run away...but its like i said before, i dont want to run away. what i want is peace, for not only my country, but both countries. heh, i guess that is rather avaricous of me, huh? if i must die for self-realization, then so be it. Lawless: "...Ophelia...You...You can't...I...I..." ophelia: its ok...no matter what happens, even after im gone, i hope...you can find happiness somewhere. -soon, the day of her execution came- Lawless: (pale, eyes sunken) "..." ophelia: how mane ages hence? shall this, our lofty scene be acted over? in states unborn and accents unknown? this will be my final sacrifice for peace, this is not the beginning of a war, but the end of one. people of both countries, heed my words. i was not forced to come here, i am here of my own accord. if you were to ask why, the answer is quite simple. it is because i loved peace, as much as i could love it. ophelia: people of both countries. i hope that you will plant a flower of peace... all of you. whom i loved. -those....were her final words- -slice- -The stage fades to black...and the sun rises. The scaffold and its blade are gone, replaced with a statue...- -decades passed, and a lonely, heartbroken stayed by the statue built in memory of the princess- -Rain falls onto Lawless and the statue- ???: this is why we dont fall in love with humans. -a young boy, no, the servamp of pride, approached the young man- Lawless: "...What can I say...I desire..." -the 7 silblings of sin discussed an important matter...however, this is a story we already heard, is it not? ignoring the repetitive details, when the man returned, all that remained of that country...was rubble- Lawless: "...What the devil...happened...?" -the statue of peace was left in shatters, the head barely remained....but as the statue shattered....so did the young man's mind- Lawless: "...Hee...Hee...HA HA HA HA!!!" (Tears falling down his face) -life...love...such a pitiful thing....such a pitiful man....pitiful...pitiful meaningless life- -its time for the final curtain call and final bows everyone~- Lawless: "All for naught! All for naught!" soul:...... licht:..... Lawless: -approaches stage...bows.. - licht: ok. enough is enough... *he stands up* puppet!romina: backstage passes only~ Lawless: "???" licht: *kicks the doll aside* out of the way, shit doll. Lawless: 'Sorry, no encores..." licht: mind if we give you some critique? the soundtrack needs improving. *he gets onto the stage, soul follows* Lawless: "Hey! This is my story!" soul: lets hear him out for a moment. licht: *begins playing fur elise* i can see it now...the faces of those moved to tears by my performance. i can hear their tears dripping onto their hands. Lawless: "...Stop that, you bastard...You know I despise sad songs..." soul: its not the song that's sad....its, all open to interpretation, right? Lawless: "And that is what I see and hear. The world is depressing. That is all I sense from it." soul: ....isnt is just _you_ who's depressed?.....after what happened, its reasonable to be sad.....but you cant just spend your life being miserable. Lawless: "...A lifetime cannot change what I did wrong...I should have told her..." soul: .....i think i know what you mean......i lost someone i loved too. sure, we squabbled often, but in the end, we always made up....she really did...bring out the better parts of me......when she was killed, i was ready to just give everything up....but, i had friends there, to help me overcome the pain......if im remembering correctly, ophelia wanted you to be happy, didnt she? Lawless: "...I...can't imagine happiness." licht: of course you can. soul: *he then begins to play; tsubasa wo kudasai* licht: just think of it....you are a small child....you are an elderly woman....you are flowers....you are the universe. what is it you want in life? imagine it with all your heart and soul. -what are you?- Lawless: "!!!" ("...I never wanted anything greater in this world...But then I heard Licht's music, and it was like nothing I heard before. And I wanted to be with it, hear it...and I want to hear this music...hear so much more music...") -what is it that you wanted to become?- -ophelia's image smiles warmly- Lawless: (clutches something around his neck) "...I want to be the man she loved." -its ok for you to miss her. its understandable. as long as you remember her, then she's never truly gone- licht: do you want to be someone who just withers and dies? left to be forgotten? Lawless: "Ophelia...I didn't tell you I loved you. I didn't ask you to leave with me to make your global peace a reality. But now...I will bring this peace to this world, and I will make sure this is a world where love and peace can thrive.” licht: then get out there.... licht + soul: AND LIVE YOUR DAMN LIFE TO THE FULLEST!! Lawless: (sneers) "Such coarse language...but it's loud and clear!" -they are back on the sidewalk- licht:...come on hyde. lets go home. Lawless: "Tch. Home? Don't you think we'd still be more helpful backing up the young lady against Melancholia?" licht: *kick* i meant home base, dumbass -_-; soul: ^^; i guess the more things change, the more they stay the same....hey, lawless.....there's gonna be days when you feel like shit....if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me, ok? Lawless: "Ouch! How mean!...And sure, whatever, talk...Um...thanks." soul: no probs. Lawless: "...Hey, how do you even have teeth like that?" -elsewhere, in the woods- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." (internal screaming of glee) ??? hey. -WHAAAAAALE- Mr. Tsubaki: "...What?" (Dodges) -5 whales are standing before you. whale 1: yo. Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, my! Such silly designs and inappropriate voices! Hee hee hee! What is this?" whale 1: the person you are looking for is in one of these suits. can you guess which one it is? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom? You're into...whale cosplay. Hmmm...That is surprising, but I suppose I could get used to it..." whale 1: .....YOU GONNA TRY FINDIN HER OR NOT?! Mr. Tsubaki: "If it gets me closer to her--" (flash step until he is next to one whale..and hugs them) "Blossom Flower!" whale 2: O-O;; (ray: *SCREAMING INTERNALLY*) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Wait...I CAN'T TELL WHO IS IN HERE! Too much padding!" whale 3: *CHARGES AT HIM* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Not interesting at all.. " (dodges) "I'll just have to take the outfit off of each of you until I find my Camelia inside..." whale 1: O-O; (romina: im gonna whup his ass.) Mr. Tsubaki: (leaps at Whale 1) whale 3: *HEADBUTT* SCATTER!!! -the whales run in different directions- Mr. Tsubaki: "Umph! Wait! Come back, my love!” *Chases one whale* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." misono: looks like we're going to infultrate again...i got better disguises this time, so hopefully this works. mahiru: quick question....why are half of us going dressed as girls? misono: since our group is mostly guys, they wont expect it! it's called strategy! sayaka: i think you guys look so cuuuute! Lily: "Strike a pose!" the mother: it's a nice look. madoka: so convincing. Black Star: "Then keep the parts up so not to bring suspicion..." tetsu: ok. *dressed as a butler* Hugh: ): "I hate this baby look..." sayaka: i think it's really cute! i just wanna take you home! >w< uzuki: it's amazing i still had some doll clothes that fit you. Hugh: D: -and so- Lily: (waves to everyone as they enter) "Excellent dress! Oh, you are rocking those shoes! Cool shades!" clerk: may i help you. misono: *higher voice* yes, we're looking for 'carmine entertainers' to audition? Hugh: (nods) clerk: ah yes, the top floor. *hands them a key* Lily: "Wonderful! Thank you so much..." -on the elevator- mahiru: you guys ready? misono: yeah. tetsu: *nods* Hugh: (nods) Lily: "Yes...Can't wait to try battling in this number..." misono: try to take it easy. you still lost a lot of jinn... Lily: "...Of course..." -top floor- Shamrock: "...Where is the master? What is taking him so long?" belkia: izayoin's still isnt back either. -ding- otogiri: ?? Shamrock: (opens the door) misono: guess who. Shamrock: "...Who are you young ladies with these familiar looking young men?" misono: O-O; sakuya: what's going o-....m...mahiru?! mahiru: O-O;;;; Lily: "...So much for the plan..." tetsu: *throws a coffin at shamrock* Shamrock: (coffin to the head) "OUCHIE!" -elsewhere, mr tsubaki's phone rings- belkia: WE GOTS A PROBLEM! Mr. Tsubaki: "So do I! These whale suits are practically glued to their skin!" belkia: WE GOT PLAYED LIKE A FIDDLE MAN! THOSE BRATS AMBUSHED US! Mr. Tsubaki: "...WHAT?!!" *rip!* "...Nope, you definitely are not my Blossom. Nice undies, though." Guildenstern: D: ray: im officially scarred for life. Mr. Tsubaki: "...My Blossom lied to me!!! She's not here at all, is she?!" ray: maybe she is maybe she isnt. romina: schrodinger's flower. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Belkia, capture the interlopers but do not kill them. I have whales to strip..." belkia: you got it! Mr. Tsubaki: (war cry) "I will find you, my beloved! I hope you are presentable!" -back at the hotel- Hugh: "Behind you!" tetsu: !! *dodge* lavender: you know, you're kinda cute. a shame you arent a bit older. otogiri: you're shameless. belkia: SHISHKABOBING TIME! Lily: (dodging, barely) misono: this is bad. Shamrock: "How dare you trick us with deceptive albeit fashionable attire!" mahiru: kuro! belkia: jeez, where's izayoin when you need her? Kuro: "...I don't want to. I hate this outfit." (Dressed like Hello Kitty) Shamrock: (tackles Tetsu) tetsu: !!! Shamrock: (chokehold) misono: *jumps onto shamrock's back and tries prying him off* GET OFF HIM! Shamrock: "Get this elf off my back!" -someone throws him into a wall- saku:..... Kuro: "!!!" (Leaps at Saku) Hello Kitten Klaws!" saku: *blocks them with her sword*....how annoying. Kuro: (sliced) "Aah!" (Growls) mahiru: KURO!! *runs over to him* Shamrock: "...This tall one is down..." Hugh: (bat form to fly away) lavender: not bad sakun~ saku: shut your damn mouth. lavender: ?! what the hell got into you? saku:....retribution...for what you all did. ~Tale of the bamboo cutter~ -SLASH- -lavender is sliced in two- lavender: ah-..... Hugh: "!!!" Shamrock: "What on earth?! Why did you do that?!" saku: *picks up lavender's top half and throws it though the door* im....not pleased. Shamrock: "Neither are we, but that is against the young master's wishes..." lavender: *too shocked to even make a sound* Kuro: "...Insane..." saku: you misunderstood....im not pleased with you. that old man...he defeated me.....i want to make him...all of you pay. Shamrock: "...Higan?" saku: *grips the sword tighter* Shamrock: "!!! Then take it out on him, not us!" saku: i have...a plan in mind. Shamrock: 0-0 lavender: ah....... *SCREAMING* Shamrock: "!!!" belkia: HOLY SHIT! OI! OLD MAN WE COULD USE BACK UP PRONTO!! lavender: YOU FUCKING BITCH I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!! Higan: (yawn) "What---?" belkia: HOW ARE YOU SLEEPING THROUGH THIS WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!! lavender: SAKU YOU C*NT I WILL FUCKING CLAW YOUR MOTHERFUCKIN EYES OUT FOR THIS!! Higan: "Well, see, last night, Lav did this thing with her tongue that sapped the energy all out of me--" (notices the battle...) ".. All right! Cat fight!" sakuya: NOW?! OF ALL TIMES?! SHE'S CUT IN HALF YOU ASS!! lavender: oh really? i didnt notice, except, oh i dunno. MY LOWER HALF IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HALLWAY! Higan: "...I have so many jokes to make, but first--" (summons flames) "While you're crazy hot, Saku, I am not afraid to fight a woman...So how about you surrender now?" saku: just die already. *charges at him* i have no intention of losing a second time... Higan: "Burn." -Flames explode at her, aimed for her eyes, chest, and limbs- saku: .... saku: *SCREAMS* d-damn! *burns on parts of her face* Higan: "...Such beautiful colors..." saku: *charging and slashing at him again* i refuse to lose. those who lose are weak... Higan: (pulls back his fist) Higan: --knees her-- "Right in the babymaker..." saku: !!! d-dammit.....*she looks out the window and smirks* right on time... Shamrock: "???" yumikage: yo. belkia: awwww shit. Shamrock: "You're with them?!" saku: not quite. yumikage: she just told us where you were. lavender: YOU'RE THE FUCKING WORST!! Higan: "Why do a thing like that? They'll hurt you, too--" Jun: "Take this!" (Knees Shamrock in the balls) Shamrock: >< yumikage: we made kind of a deal with her. she tells us where tsubaki is, and we let her live. fair enough. Higan: "...Yeah, no. You need to leave--" mahiru: !! Higan: "Be gone, while you still have legs on which to run..." yumikage: ....tch- damn, where the hell is tsurugi when you need him? Tsurugi: "GUYS!" (Calling from another room) "I can't find Tsubaki...just a plush doll he was dancing with..." mahiru: O-O;; misono: creepy. Hugh: "...Disgusting..." Shamrock: "We can obsess about Young Master's proclivities another time...Belkia! Attack!" belkia: *swords in hand* ALRIGHT STABBY TIME! >8D Tsurugi: "...Do I still get paid?" -in the woods- ray: good thing there's overcast today... Mr. Tsubaki: (giggling) "Get back here~" tsubaki: O-O;;;;;; Guildenstern: (pursuing Mr. Tsubaki...in only his boxers) "Get back here, you foolish vampire!" romina: -_-; (thinking: at least i have clothes on under the suit. and not just undies.) Mr. Tsubaki: (dodges) "Nice orca design on your undies, buddy! Now, where is my Blossom..." (sniff) "...I. Smell. You!" romina: AW HELL NAH! Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Move aside, you." romina: D8 tsubaki: O-O;;;;; *in the yellow whale suit* Mr. Tsubaki: "I have my beautiful flower to find..." (tries to walk by Romina towards Yellow Whale...) tsubaki: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mr Tsubaki: (approaches Yellow Whale..smiles) "I am ready to go home, with you." tsubaki: O____________O;;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why did you pull me away from my family, Tsubaki? So that your friends could hurt them?" tsubaki:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Was this all some ruse? Tsubaki...Don't hurt my family..." tsubaki:...*trembling* after you hurt mine? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I...didn't...Tsubaki, they aren't..." tsubaki: arent what? Mr. Tsubaki: "...They aren't your family, are they? They aren't someone for whom you gave up so much...to give them life..." tsubaki:.......even so, i want to protect them. Mr. Tsubaki: "...And I want to protect my family, as you do your own...So, we are at an impasse. What do we do?" -the phone rings again- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *answers* "Yes?" belkia: shit got really bad...the brats left, but turns out izayoin sold us out to C3...we chased them off, but lavs hurt really bad, izayoin fled.... Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! I'm on my way!" *looks at Tsubaki* "...Did you send C3 after us?" tsubaki: C3? *confused* i dont...i didnt send them. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I know you didn't. I just wanted to hear you say it. I have to go..." tsubaki:.... -later- lavender:..... *healed, but asleep* Higan: "..." *sitting by her bed, holding her hand* lavender: mmn....ma....im sorry mama..... Higan: "??? Shh...It's okay..." lavender: ....*calming down a bit* Higan: "...I'm here. Not going anywhere. Not again." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Yo...Um...Is the Tsubaki girl back? What's going on?" romina: it's....complicated, to say the least. Lawless: "!!! What happened? Is she okay?!" romina: she's alive and well. the incident ended in stalemate... julian: wrath's subclass and guildenstern are still a bit worn out though... Guildenstern: (bandaged, without his whale suit, and wearing a shirt that said ‘oh whale’) -_-;; ray: on the plus side, casualties were kept to a minimum. Lawless: "...Which suggests there _were_ casualties?" ray: just two suits. Guildenstern: T_T "MY BABIES!" tsubaki: it's ok... *pat pat* Lawless: "...What about you, Tsubaki? How are you holding up?" tsubaki:...im ok...what about you? you kind of ran off... Lawless: "...I'm...conflicted. But I'm here now." tsubaki: *she nods* -a few days later- Mr. Tsubaki: "How are you, Lavender?" lavender: better...least im not dead, haha... Mr. Tsubaki: (smiles) "Good...Ready for a mission, or need a bit more rest?" lavender: still recovering, so im just gonna rest a bit. sakuya: we're gonna need a new base... Mr. Tsubaki: "I have an idea--" Shamrock: "No, sir, we are not moving in next door to your beloved." Mr. Tsubaki: D: lilac: w-where can we go then? Higan: "There are some deserted locations..." Shamrock: "Museums, hotels, mansions..." otogiri: hmmm... Hirano estate. an abandoned eastern style mansion whos residents suddenly left without a trace... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmmm...Sounds rich, but it could use a flower theme name...I'll think of something after we move in. Shamrock, purchase it." Shamrock: 'It is abandoned, so not too difficult." belkia: it looks like the kinda place that has creepy little girls crawling out of the well. Higan: "Yeah, really...Hey, Lilac, you're shaking..." lilac: i-i-im ok... naho: its ok lila, sakuya and i will protect ya ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "Such rumors are just superstition anyway." -elsewhere- Kid: "It's so sad removing the Christmas decorations each year..." stocking: yeah. Kid: *carefully placing ornaments into wrapping, then into storage* "...Do you think..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...Sorry. I was just imagining future Christmases." *holds up an ornament: "Kiddo's First Christmas." It has a photo in it of Kid holding a zebra stuffed toy* stocking: awww. Kid: "Heh..." *wraps it carefully, places it into the box* "...You know, maybe we should have an ornament, together..." stocking: *blush* Kid: "Could always make one..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Thanks for inviting me to lunch..." shinra: it's not a problem. iris: ^^ Relan: (smiles at Iris) "How was your break, Iris?" iris: it was nice. sister's leg is getting better a little bit. Relan: "Yeah, I saw her post online. It's kind of you to visit her." ^^ -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Zzzz..." fang-hua: so that's what all happened, commander? Benimaru: (nods) "It is horrifying..." fang-hua: if i'd just been here, then- Benimaru: "No, it's not...I mean, you couldn't have known..." fang-hua: ..... Benimaru: (pats her hand) fang-hua:.....*she nods* Benimaru: "We will have to follow this evidence. I'm going to need your help." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: (smiles) "It's good to have you back..." fang-hua: glad to be back... Tsukiyo: (yawn) "Hey, why are there people in my--!!! Fang-Hua!!!” fang-hua: hey tsukiyo, im back. Tsukiyo: (GLOMP) fang-hua: haha.. ^^; Tsukiyo: "Did you miss me?" fang-hua: yeah, i missed all of you. -peeeeeeek- hikage + hinata: big sis kohana's back! *hug* Benimaru: (smiles) "That's sweet..." kirei: miss huo. its good to see you *she smiles* fang-hua: good to see you too, sister. Benimaru: "..." -/////- hikage + hinata: ... 83 Benimaru: "...Well, you'll be busy catching up. I'll start my patrol..." -elsewhere- PlushFix: (sharpening claws) hina: found ourselves some new recruits. PlushFix: "Cool, cool...How they look?" hina:....quiet. saku:..... PlushFix: "...Still hot, though." saku: *draws her sword at him* mimeca: *looks at akua* PlushFix: (flashes his claws) "I got blades, too..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: (drying her hair) nea: ahh, nice and refreshed~ Kepuri: "Yeah, we ladies needed a break..." chie: mmhmm. medea: -.- *swimming through the onsen* Kepuri: "So calming..." chie: it sure is, right toru, honey? *rubs her stomach* Kepuri: "...May I feel?" chie: i dont mind. Kepuri: (puts hand on her belly...) "!!! He kicked!" chie: *squeeees* Kepuri: "Medea! Want to feel the kick?" medea:....i'll pass thank you. Kepuri: (pouts) "Whatever...Nea?" nea: yeah? Kepuri: "Want to feel the baby kick?" nea: i guess... Kepuri: (squee...then goes into onsen with Medea) "What's up with you?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: (sigh) "Ahhh..." kim: zzzzz.... Jacqueline: "..." (looks at Kim) ("She looks so peaceful...") kim: *sleepy tanuki noises* Jacqueline: (small laugh..."Cute...") -at the onsen- soul: *stirring awake*....what the? Lawless: "Zzzz..." soul: O-O;; (thinking: i have no idea how to feel about this...) Lawless: (sleep talking) "I missed you, my Juliet..." soul: O__________O;;; Lawless: (hand strokes Soul's chest) "Hmmm...Your breasts feel smaller..." soul: O/////////////////////O *SCREAMS INTERNALLY* Lawless: "Mmm...Let me take a look..." (reaches under Soul's shirt) soul: <____>;;; Lawless: (light kiss on Soul's chest...) "Wait...You never had a scar there..." soul: gnh- >///o;; Lawless: (wakes up) "...Soul? What the devil...?" soul: dude.....what the shit?...... O-O; why do you have an erection right now?! Lawless: "...Um..." soul: O-O;;;; Lawless: "...Cold shower?" soul: im good.......this incident never happened. Lawless: "...Okay. But if it did happen--" soul: dude. Lawless: "I'm just saying! We all get lonely now and then--" soul: .... Lawless: "...Yeah, maybe I need a cold shower. Excuse me..." *stands up* -elsewhere- Emine: -_-;;; "Shotaro, stop splashing water at me..." Shotaro: *splash splash splash* "Hee hee..." akaderu: *slumped in the water* what a drag... Tool: "Stop whining and just relax..." *dunks head under water, swimming* Yohei: *sipping tea* "Ahhhh~" Assi: *can't really see because he doesn't have his glasses on...* "Where's the soap?" Zuno: "..." *hands it to him* "Here." Assi: "Thanks!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *shudders* tsubaki: everything ok? Black Star: "Yeah, just a weird feeling I got...after..." tsubaki:....*she hugs him* Black Star: *hugs back* "I'm glad he...he didn't hurt you." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *lies his head against her chest...* "...You're brave." -at the shop- metsu: mikuni, package for you. Mikuni: "??? What d'ya think is in it?" metsu: i dont bother looking through mail that isnt mine...unlike certain _other_ people. *pokerface glare at johannes* Johannes: "..." *wearing a pair of boxers on his head that are labeled "Jeje's"* "...What?" Jeje: *removes the boxers from Johannes's head--and slugs him in the jaw* Mikuni: *opens the box* "...!!! A dollie!!!" metsu: *reading the note* 'dearest miku, i found this on a raid, and i know how much you love dollies, so i sent you this. plz send money, tsurugi.'....he also drew a kissy face on the letter... Mikuni: "..." *sigh* "What money? I spend it all on dolls--he knows that..." -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: hehe~ *circles her finger along his chest* Kid: *shudders excitedly* "I hope I haven't been too rough on you, with the new toys..." stocking: its fine, you know i like it rough~<3 Kid: "...Really, now?" *holds one of her wrists, massaging it* -at the hotel- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ready to move?" belkia: yeppers! naho: all set~ otogiri: have everything? lilac: *nods* ame: *nod* Shamrock: "Aye." Higan: "Here, let me help you, Lavender..." lavender: im good, im recovering, but im not completely helpless, haha. Higan: "Then maybe I just want to be close to you...cop a feel..." Sakuya: gross. -_-' Higan: -_-;;;; "Grow up." otogiri:.... anyway that should be everythi- Shamrock: "DON'T OPEN THAT BOX, BELKIA!" belkia: ??? *The box has items belonging to Mr. Tsubaki, as well as photos, illustrations, poems* belkia:....... o_o Shamrock: *closes box, grabs Belkia by the throat* "Not a word to young master, or your head will be shoved into a furnace!" belkia: *choked voice* ok ok! Shamrock: "Good." *releases Belkia onto the floor, picks up his box, and walks into the living room* "Ready to depart, young master~" Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Where is Lilac?" lavender: hallway i think....he's been rather quiet lately....*concerned* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'll get them..." *approaches Lilac in the hallway...* lilac:....*looking up, clutching his fox plushie* Mr. Tsubaki: "We're about ready to move..." lilac:....*nods and puts the plushie back into his backpack* Mr. Tsubaki: *offers a hand, smiles* "It'll be okay..." lilac:....o-ok.... Mr. Tsubaki: "You'll like your room." lilac:.... Mr. Tsubaki: "And you'll be in another neighborhood...Maybe make new friends there?" lilac:......*slight trembling* (saku: your friends.....they died because they were weak.) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Lilac? Did something happen?" lilac: i...im ok... Mr. Tsubaki: "...If something _did_ happen, I hope you will tell me..." -morning- soul: ....... sayaka: so what's our next step? Lawless: "Wouldn't mind finding Mr. Tsubaki's new location and take the fight to him..." mahiru: perhaps we should recruit mikuni? misono:........ Kuro: "He seems a bit...off." mahiru: but he seems to know a lot of stuff about servamps and such...he could be a useful ally. misono:.....*sigh* fine. but im not going to enjoy it. Lily: "...It may go better than expected...I hope." sayaka: i'll just hold down the fort ^^;;;; -and so- sayaka: *hiding in the coffin* why Q-Q mahiru: here it is. misono:... tetsu: *knocks on the door* sayaka: O___O;;;; metsu: come on in. -the group enters- misono:.... Jeje: *stares at Misono* misono: *cold chill* mahiru:....*AHEM* is mikuni in? metsu: oh, he's upstairs. *Faustus appears around the corner* Faustus: "HELLO!!!" misono: ACK! sayaka: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;; licht: the fuck? tetsu:....hi. Faustus: *looks at Tetsu for a moment* "...Damn, they are making them tall nowadays...Where is Teddy Bear?" tetsu:...there's some over there on the shelf. Faustus: "Huh? No, I mean your friend, Sayaka?" tetsu: oh. she's in the coffin. Faustus: "...Fun." sayaka: TETSU YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM!! tetsu: hold on a sec. *he opens it up, and sayaka stumbles out onto the floor...on her face* sayaka:....ow Q.Q Faustus: "Rubber Ducky! Hang on, I'll get you bandages, an ice pack, and ointment!" *runs off* sayaka:....tetsu why? tetsu:....was i not supposed to say anything? licht:....(thinking:....what the hell is going on here?!) Lawless: *stares at Jeje* "..." Jeje: *stares back* Kuro: (playing with a ball of yarn) metsu:....*goes back to stocking shelves* tsubaki:...*notices the doll*.... O-O;;;;;; Black Star: "...Oh, fuck no, that ain't right..." Mikuni: *in his room, hosting a tea party* "I told you: three cupcakes is my limit!" misono:....*ACHOO!* stupid dust. Mikuni: *tenses* "I...recognize that sneeze..." sayaka: aww, you sneeze like a kitty. misono: i do not! shut up! >3< Mikuni: *peeks over the stairway...* misono: *tenses* (thinking: i feel a familiar presense. a presence i have not felt since....) Mikuni: "..." ("I can't talk to him...What would I even say--") *his hat falls off his hat, down the stairway* o_____o;;; misono: ...SEEMS HE'S NOT HERE! LETS JUST LEAVE! O-O; sayaka: but we just got he- -the hat landed on misono's head- misono: O-O;;; Mikuni: D: "MY HAT!" *covers his mouth* misono: oh goddammit... Mikuni: "...Um...Hello, brother. Brother's friend." misono:....mikuni. sayaka: hey mikuni. *wave* Mikuni: "...MISONO!!!!" *leaps over the bannister, arms out, to be caught by Misono* -due to misono's small stature, he got squished- misono: get....off...me.... Mikuni: "Oh...Sorry." *gets off him, picks him up* "...I thought you'd be taller." misono: T_T; sayaka: well, he is the younger brother... misono: no one asked you. sayaka: q.q Mikuni: "..." *takes back his hat...which is flattened* "So...Um...How are you?" misono: ....had some stuff go down in my life. but surviving... Johannes: *holding up bandages* "I'm back! Sayaka, why don't we give these two some privacy?" sayaka: i just remembered! i have work! later! *she opens the door.....its a blizzard* D8 ....(thinking: i am at the mercy of a cruel god.) Johannes: "...D'aw..." Mikuni: "...You...are here, Misono..." sayaka:....seems im stranded here now until the storm passes...... QwQ;; misono:...yeah.... metsu: shall i get you all something to drink? Kuro: "...Milk." Lily: "Tea~" Mikuni: "..." Johannes: "Soda! How about you, Wet Goose?" soul: O_O; sayaka:....some ramune if you have any QwQ Black Star: "Yo, one right here, too." Jeje: "Blood...I mean, water." metsu: i can get you blood if you want. *holds up syringe* mikuni, hold still. Mikuni: *pouts* "Fine...Just clean the spot first..." metsu: very well. -and so- tsubaki: that's basically what's been happening. Mikuni: *looks at Misono, then back at Tsubaki* "So...You think we can help?" mahiru: you guys seem to know a lot about vampires, so you might just be able to help us. sayaka: *trembling* soul: you ok sayaka? you've been on edge since we got here. sayaka: imokreally. Johannes: *leering at Soul* "So...You are one of Sayaka's friends, too, huh...?" soul: yeah, i guess i've known her since she started attending school at the academy. Johannes: *towers over Soul* "Are you treating her well~?" soul: of course, why do you ask O.O; Johannes: *smiling but creepy, angry voice* "Because if you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and show you your own lower intestines~" soul: O_O; why would you care? sayaka: >__>;;;;; Johannes: "Just. Being. Cautious. You hear me?" Mikuni: -__-;;; "Someone, please hit him." metsu: *CHOP* stop that. sayaka: thank you metsu! Black Star: "...Man, I thought the people we hang around are weird..." soul: something seems familiar Mikuni: "...Misono?" misono: what? Mikuni: "...You know, don't you?" misono:........yeah. Mikuni: "...I am...I did something awful." misono:......if you didnt...then i-......t-thanks.....i guess... Mikuni: "...I am happy you are alive." misono:.....father...wants to see you. Mikuni: "...Oh. That is surprising." tsubaki: about this doll...*she holds it up* Mikuni: "..." *looks at the doll...then Tsubaki...* "Oh my God! Someone figured out how to turn dolls into flesh and blood humans?! Neato! Can you turn my Veronica doll into a flesh and blood human? Or my unicorn doll?" metsu: one of mikuni's former partners in C3 sent it to him. mahiru: EH?! Mikuni: *nods* "Yes--I think they got it on a mission?" Mikuni: "I think it was at a hotel?" tsubaki:....i think i'll purchase it. Black Star: o______o;;;; Jeje: "Good purchase." metsu: come downstairs, and i'll ring you up. tsubaki: thank you. Mikuni: "...When did Father expect me? I did receive an invitation from him..." misono: he will be heading to europe after the new year... Mikuni: "...I guess I better get there soon. Today?" tsubaki: there's so many dolls here... Lawless: *looking around at dolls* "No kidding...Jeez, who collects them all?" metsu: that would be mikuni. -_-; Lawless: "Man, expensive hobby. But a fool and his money are soon parted--" licht: how much for this one? *holds up a doll with angel wings* it's so adorable. Lawless: -____-;;;; "You damn nerd." tsubaki: do they all have names? Lawless: "I see some labels on them...'Angelica,' 'Beatrice'..." soul: 'Lilian', 'Christine', 'Emilia', 'Jeanette', 'Oph-'...oh.....oh shit. Lawless: "???" *spots it* "..." Q_______Q soul:...*comforting awkward hug* easy buddy. licht:.... Lawless: "...I-I-I...Is that...doll available?" licht: ...? Lawless: "May I buy that doll?" metsu: why do you ask? Lawless: "Sentimental value. Maybe I need a hobby, dress up dolls or something..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Man, Mana--you're really good at ping pong!" mana: *griiiins* Emine: *sipping milk* "Hmm...Never been to an onsen. It was nice. Too much time around naked people, though." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "So, when is the boss going to be off the crutches?" officer: soon hopefully...but at least im not getting stepped on, my spine cant take much more... Kishiri: "...Oh, don't even act like you didn't like that." -_-;;; officer: D8 Hibana: *walking on crutches towards them* "You! Officer! You still have paperwork not finished!!! Gabriella, release the dogs!" Kishiri: -____-;;; "Don't I deal with enough dogs..." -elsewhere- Relan: "That was a good meal--thanks!" iris: ^^ Relan: *stretches* "The Commander has been running us ragged, so this was a great break..." shinra: ah. Relan: "...Was it this hard for you, to do the basic physical training?" shinra: a little bit...did you want to train together sometime? Relan: *nods* "Training with people strong like those in the 8th would help..." *winks at Shinra and Iris* shinra: daww… *blush* iris: ^^ Relan: "How is everyone else at the brigade? Your commander okay?" shinra: yeah. he's doing well. Takehisa: *emerges from around the corner* "...Hide me..." shinra: !! Takehisa: *dives behind sofa* Relan: "...That sofa is not big enough for your tallness, sir..." iris: uhhh.... O-O; Takehisa: "I think I have upset Maki. HIDE ME." -elsewhere- PlushFix: *looks at Akua* "So, what's your story?" akua:....not much money...family were druggies....but i found salvation. *pulls up pant leg to show a marking of 3 eyes on their ankle* PlushFix: "...Huh. Didn't that weird M&M kid have that mark on his fancy mask?" akua: i felt there was some kind of link between him and the kishin....i wanted to think there was....the madness....numbed the pain. PlushFix: "Heh heh...Madness is kind of fun like that." akua: it...doesnt hurt anymore.... PlushFix: "Ha ha ha! That's good, then, right? Pain is no good--not unless you're into that kind of thing. But I don't feel pain now! Watch!" *slams his plush body against the wall, each time making a loud squeak* "See? No pain!" mimeca: *giggling motion* PlushFix: "See? Mimeca's laughing! So why don't you laugh, too, Emo Buddy?" -elsewhere- Konro: "And that's what has transpired, Fang-Hua." fang-hua: ...... Konro: "...I'm sorry. I know this is a lot to take in." fang-hua: ..im....just glad everyone is ok... Konro: *nods* "This...has been a difficult time, especially for Young Master." fang-hua:...is there anything i can do? Konro: "Just be there for him--that's all you can do." fang-hua: right. Konro: "...You care deeply for Benimaru, don't you?" fang-hua: of course i do. Konro: *nods* "Yes, that is obvious. And I know he cares for you as well." fang-hua:...*she smiles a bit* Konro: *pats her back* "Keep doing what you're doing. But always take care of yourself, first." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: *knocks* "May I enter?" fang-hua: !! oh, of course. Konro: "...I think I have to go on patrol..." *exits* Benimaru: "...Hello, Kohana." fang-hua: *ahem* commander. *she nods* Benimaru: *sits across from her* "...You okay?" fang-hua: yeah.....things have....really been hectic here, huh? Benimaru: *nods* "Frightening. I think people here will need some time to calm down. Opportunities to relax..." fang-hua: *she nods* Benimaru: "...Sorry. I was rambling. I just have no idea how to calm the divisiveness that has torn our community apart." fang-hua:.... Benimaru: "Kohana, when you are troubled, what are things you do to distract your mind?" -elsewhere- Patty: *half of her hair is dyed pink, half purple* Kid: *glare* kirika: *snickers* Patty: "What? I thought this hairstyle is very fashionable! Right, Takeru?" takeru: it's really colorful. Patty: "Hee hee..." *smooch* Kid: *growls, slowly pulls out an electric hair clipper...* stocking: easy kiddo. *hug* Kid: -\\\\\\- *small kitten growl* stocking: hehe~<3 Patty: *hugs Takeru* <3 -elsewhere- Shotaro: *yawn* "We all had a lot of fun at the baths, Mom..." setsuna: that's good. *rubbing his head* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Emine: "You still lost to Mana in the game of pong-pinging." setsuna: you tried your best. Shotaro: "I know!" *huggy* Emine: *frowns* "In any case, that was a new experience, but now it is time to sleep. Good night, Shotaro...Mother." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *swipes finger along fireplace* "Hmm...Dusty." otogiri: it's surprisingly well intact...on the inside at least. Higan: "Will need to do some repairs on some areas. The chandelier could be refurbished." Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* belkia: we need to get some cable in here stat! Shamrock: "I will place that call..." Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around for Lilac* lilac: *asleep on one of the futons* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, pulls a blanket out and plays it down over Lilac* naho: is he gonna be ok? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I have confidence Lilac will be fine." naho: ..... sakuya:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I think we could all use some sleep..." Higan: *looks at Lavender* lavender: yeah, good call. i've been feeling kind of out of it lately... Higan: "I already assembled your bed and put down the sheets. It should be comfortable for you." lavender: thanks. Mr. Tsubaki: "Which other rooms have their beds set up? Or sleeping bags?" otogiri: we got you a futon like you'd asked. belkia and sham have beds as well. ame also was given a room with a bed. Mr. Tsubaki: *claps his hands* "Yay, futon!" ame: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: "Turn in, all. We have a busy day in the morning for additional repairs...and to initiate the next step in my plan..." *sneer* -elsewhere- Black Star: *light kiss on Tsubaki's neck* tsubaki: >/////< Black Star: "S-Sorry. Too much?" tsubaki: i-its fine. Black Star: "...Hey..." *hugs her* "You okay?" tsubaki: yeah, you? Black Star: *nods* "I just...Um..." tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "..." *closes his eyes, his lips leaning towards hers* tsubaki: *surprise, but kisses back* Black Star: *kisses her...his tongue passes along her bottom lip* tsubaki: a-ahh~! Black Star: *holds her close* "Too much?" tsubaki: just...still getting used to it... Black Star: *nods* "Okay. Let's take our time...Want to cuddle?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: *lies back in bed, hugging Tsubaki* "...I'm happy you're here." tsubaki: *she smiles and nuzzles into him* Black Star: *holds her* "...You've gotten more beautiful since I first met you. Taller..." tsubaki: you too... .////.' Black Star: .\\\\. "Y-Yeah...I've gotten bigger..." -elsewhere- misono: *asleep* Lily: *keeping an eye on Misono* mitsuki: how is he? Lily: "Recovering...This is so much to accept." mitsuki: .....he's a strong kid. Lily: "Very...I just did not see that..." mitsuki: ....sooo, has he been making friends? Lily: "Quite a number~ Close compatriots of varying temperaments that help him stretch as a person, to learn more about different people." mitsuki: that's good..... >->;; does he have any special someone's in his life? n-not that im prying or anything! j-just curious. Lily: "...Mitsuki, I am Lust itself. I can see through you~ And...Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? I do think he has someone in mind..." mitsuki: oh really? Lily: "Yes, but it is complicated: she's already spoken for." mitsuki: oh. that's a bummer. Lily: *nods* "I don't know how to advise him..." mitsuki: .... Lily: "There was also another girl, as the Christmas party..." mitsuki: *perks up* Lily: "A girl named Shinoa. A little peculiar..." mitsuki: shinoa, eh? i think i heard the name... Lily: "Oh? She was at the dance. What do you know of her? I think her last name was Hiragi?" mitsuki: Hiragii! i hear the hiragi family is a really prestigious family in japan. if what i heard is true, they have strong connections to the IDPC Lily: "...Is that a bad thing?" mitsuki: i dont think so, but it is something i figured you might want to know. Lily: *nods* "Better to have this information now than be caught with my pants down...so to speak." mitsuki: -_-; Lily: *giggles* "Just a slip of the tongue...so to speak." mitsuki: hey! phrasing! Lily: "Sorry! When I'm on a roll, I just can't stop myself until I get off this kick!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Aaaaah..." stocking: *panting and shuddering* f-fuuuck... Kid: "You are so amazing..." *slaps her bottom* stocking: o-oh~! harder kiddo! Kid: "You asked for it~" *spank spank spank* stocking: ah~! that feels so good! Kid: "You know what else feels good..." *grabs her breast, pinches her nipple* stocking: ah! >/////o Kid: *turns her around, puts his mouth against her breast* "Mmmm..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *tied in bandages, hanging by his ankles from the ceiling* tamaki:....*drinking her orange juice*...so anyway... Arthur: "...Difficulty sleeping, too?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: "...Yeah. I...had some dreams." tamaki: mm... Arthur: "...Does OJ help you sleep?" tamaki: i was just thirsty. Arthur: "Ah..." *smirk* "I thought you'd prefer milk." tamaki: oh shush. -early morning- mahiru: happy birthday kuro. *gives him a scarf* Kuro: "...This will keep me warm. Thank you." mahiru: *he smiles* Lily: *holds up a ball of yarn* Kuro: -____- the mother: i got you this. *it's a t-shirt with an 8-bit link on it* i heard you like video games, so i thought this would work. Kuro: ._. "...Thank you so much." *small squee* soul:....oi, law, didnt you get him anything? Lawless: "...Yeah, I did...Let me just reach into my pocket..." *shoves his hand into his pocket* "Aaaaaand..." *pulls out his hand--giving the finger at Kuro* Kuro: -____- soul: -__-; Lawless: "BWA HA HA HA HA!!!" soul: (thinking: this guy is one tough egg to crack...) Lawless: "..." *sigh* "Fine." *tosses a 3DS Nintendo Awards card at Kuro* "Here, try not to choke on it." -elsewhere- Black Star: *washing his hair* "Awww..." tsubaki: *making breakfast* Black Star: *finishes in the shower, exits in towel* "All done in there!" tsubaki: good to know....*she smiles* Black Star: *sniffs* "Hmm...That breakfast smells GOOD!" *walks over, grabs a slice of bread* "Something to hold me over before I get dressed..." tsubaki: hehe~ Black Star: *leans over to grab some butter for his bread...* Black Star: *holds his towel, as he walks to his room* "You go shower, I'll dress and eat..." -elsewhere- Kid: *soft rub on her bottom* "I'm sorry..." stocking: *wince* its fine. im not dying. Kid: *small kiss on her bottom* "Let's get some ice..." stocking: nng...yeah. Kid: *puts on his robe* "I'll be back shortly..." *blows a kiss to her as he opens the door and exits* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hugging his pillow, sleep talking* "Why, yes, I do want to shop for new linens, my love..." sakuya: *couldnt sleep* Shamrock: -_-; "Belkia, stop spooning with me." belkia: *drooling* naho: *watching intently* lavender: *covering herself with the bedsheet* fuck, that was great. Higan: *relieved sigh* "Y-Yeah...I think you're back to 110 percent health..." *soft spank* lavender: ah~ *she smiles* thanks. i really needed that last night. Higan: "Same..." *strokes her cheek* "I needed something, too...To know you recovered..." lavender: t-thanks. 7///7 Higan: "..." *strokes down her cheek...to her chest* "...These are marvelous...A work of art...I would love to draw you like this..." -in another room- ame: *yaaawns and knocks on a door* lilac: *waking up* ??? ame: cant sleep. *lays on top of the futon* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches on his bed...spots the full-size Tsubaki Nakatsukasa doll* -_-;;; "Why, Belkia?" *exits, walks into hallway, looks into Lilac and Ame's room...* "???" lilac: *not sure what to do* ame: zzzzz.... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *waves at Lilac as he enters, whispers* "How about I take her to her bed? Or she can sleep in mind, since I'm awake anyway..." lilac: m-maybe her room... -in ame's room are a few crayon drawings. including a girl with a polka-dot dress and braids with the word 'me' written next to her- Mr. Tsubaki: *lays her in her bed, puts the sheets over her...sits by her bed, looking around the room* -there is drawings of the other subclass, as well as ame's parents- Mr. Tsubaki: *small laugh* ("She made my nose too big in that drawing...") -in one drawing is the whole group, plus her parents that says 'i wish mr soobaky will invite mommy and daddy to live with us. i miss them ): - Mr. Tsubaki: "..." TT_TT -elsewhere- uzuki: um, im not sure how to yell you this but...you're subclass is asleep in the washing machine. the mother: ...where is that? uzuki: come on. una: zzzzz... *asleep inside the washing machine* ray: ....no comment. uzuki: does she...usually fall asleep in weird places like this? the mother: this is nothing compared to other places we found her dozing off. ray: HEY GIL! WE FOUND HER! SHE WAS IN THE WASHING MACHINE! Gil: "AGAIN?!!!" *runs to the room* "Oh, darn it!" *opens the door...* una: zzzzzz =w= Gil: "She's all wet again!" ray: i'll get the towels. una: *cute kitty yaaaawn* oh..hey gil. Gil: -\\\\- "Hello...You were asleep in the washing machine. We have to get these wet clothes off of you." -chop- the mother: i'll get her into a change of clothes thank you -_-; Gil: o___o;;; "I didn't mean anything like that!" una: zzzzz..... Gil: "J-Just...Just get her changed, please." the mother: alright. -later- Hugh: -_-; "The washing machine is not a place for bathing, the drier is not a place for getting warm--AND WHO IS NOT CLEANING THE DISHES?!" mahiru: need us to help out? Hugh: "..." *gets on his hands and knees* "I'M BEGGING YOU! It's been so hard with these crazy people here!" Q~Q mahiru: ok then. una: zzzzz... *in a nice floral print dress* the mother: it was nice of your sister to lend her that dress. tetsu: no problem. Gil: o\\\\\o una: zzzzz *leaning against gil* Gil: *steam comes out of his ears* "G'aw..." ray: cute. Gil: "Ray...Help me! What do I do?" ray: just roll with it? i dont know. Gil: "...* repositions Una so her head rests on his lap* "???" una: zzzzz.... -elsewhere- Hibana: "I should be out of this cast soon...and when I do, I want a row of men on which to step." gabriella: understood! *salutes* Kishiri: Q~Q [texts Vivian: hibana wants to step on my back. help me] -elsewhere- belkia: we're gonna need an epic gift for tsubakyun's birthday. any ideas guys? Shamrock: "A complete set of encyclopedia!" Higan: "A sculpture in his honor!" naho: new sandals! sakuya: a less shitty attitude? belkia: let's kidnap that girl! >8D otogiri: .......*makes belkia slap himself* belkia: OW! that was mean girioto Q.Q Shamrock: "Hmm...Sandals are doable and useful. Now we need something a bit more expensive and unnecessary, and something he really wants." Higan: "...Kidnapping the young lady may not be a bad idea--" otogiri: O_O sakuya: D8 lavender: if it gets him to stop whining, then sure. otogiri: D:< Shamrock: "I protest this plan!!!" belkia: all in favor? *raises hand* lavender: im in. ame: *raises hand* Higan: *raises hand* belkia: those against it? *sakuya and otogiri raise their hands* Shamrock: *raises both hands* belkia: that's 3 against 4 then. lilac? lilac:.....uhhhhhhhh........... Shamrock: *intense glare at Lilac* Higan: "Come on, Lilac--you know Tsubaki needs some relief..." lilac:....*tearing up* c-can i be left out of this? naho: yeah, leave him alone, he's stressed enough!....im just gonna be neutral. Higan: *smirks at Shamrock* Shamrock: D:< belkia: two neutral, 3 saying no, and 4 saying yes. the i's have it! >8D Higan: "Alright...Then let's figure out how to get Tsubaki's beloved here...Maybe in a stripper cake..." otogiri: *CHOP* too far. naho: gross, old man. Higan: Q_Q Shamrock: "...This will blow up in our faces..." belkia: never know until ya try! Shamrock: "Hmph...How do you even propose luring her? Kidnapping? How?" belkia:....hmmmmm....how about having ame bring her here? Higan: "Sure! Ame, you can do that, right?" ame: ok! whaddo i have to do? Higan: "How about you tell her that you are lost and need help getting home?" ame: ok. Higan: *smiles* "Good." lavender: i'll keep an eye on her. Shamrock: *grumble* *grumble* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *cut down, but still tied up* "...I said I was sorry." maki:...*sigh* its fine. Takehisa: "I simply meant that--" Akitaru: "Maki! Good to see you up and awake! I'll untie Takehisa, while you lead today's morning exercise routine, 'kay? Great!" *picks up Takehisa, runs* Takehisa: o_o; -elsewhere- Shinoda: *offers a bowl of ice cream to Nea* nea: *nom nom* mmmm~! ^^ Shinoda: "Oh, Medea!" medea: yes? Shotaro: *holds up a crude drawing of her* "For you!" medea: um....thank you. i suppose. Shotaro: "Hee hee..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: much~ Kid: "That's good. You always heal so quickly..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "How may I make it up to you?" stocking: however you feel~ Kid: "Maybe candy...Or a bath? Or..." -elsewhere- Medusa: "Easy there...I'm here, it's okay." neian: *sniffle* Medusa: "You'll feel better...Just need to finish your medicine and get some more sleep..." neian: *hic* Medusa: "Shh..." *starts singing..." neian: ......zzzzz Medusa: *smiles, kisses her forehead, places her back into her crib* Ponera: Q~Q -elsewhere- Wes: *hands coffee to Liz* "Just how you like it..." liz: thanks. Wes: "Feel better?" liz: yeah. Wes: "That's good...About the New Year..." liz: hmm? Wes: *hugs her, pulls a blanket over them* "What would you like to do? Any place you want to travel to?" -elsewhere- tsubaki: *out on a walk* ???: *in a baseball cap, collar pulled up, whispers into collar* "Target spotted." ame: *sniff sniff* tsubaki: ?? ame: bi-big sis...where did you go? tsubaki: aww, its ok. i'll help you find your sister. ame: r-really? ???: *watching, smirks...* *stands up, approaching near Ame and Tsubaki...* lavender: ah! there you are! jeez, you really shouldnt wander off like that kiddo. ame: sorry. lavender: *kneels down and pats her head* its fine...*looks at tsubaki* i hope my kid sister wasnt too much trouble for you. tsubaki: not at all. lavender: *she nods* say, how about you come over for lunch? tsubaki: i wouldnt want to intrude- lavender: its fine, really. ???: *stays back, watching from afar...* < > Let Lavender lead her < > Intervene to knock out Tsubaki < > Kidnap Tsubaki themselves ame: pleeeease? ???: *observing, overhearing...* tsubaki: well, i guess i wouldnt mind. ???: *follows Tsubaki, Lavender, and Ame* -they arrive at the front of the estate- tsubaki:.....(thinking: something seems....off.) Shamrock: *inside, in disguise, wearing shades, a wig, a modified butler's outfit...and a fake goatee* lavender: we're home~! ame: we're back! Shamrock: *effected voice* "Welcome. It is good to have you home." tsubaki: it's....very clean on the inside. Shamrock: "Oh, a guest." *forced smile* "Thank you for the compliment. I do try to keep things nice and tidy..." tsubaki: may i sit down? *leaving her shoes at the door* Shamrock: "Of course...Let me lead you to the den..." tsubaki: *follows* -in another room- belkia: the eagle is in the nest! tsubakyun's gonna be so happy! otogiri: i think he's out right now...said something about 'adding a few more subclass' *Knock knock* belkia: ?? Higan: *through door* "It's me. Open up." belkia: hey higano! how'd it go? Higan: *smiles* "Tsubaki's gift has arrived~" otogiri:..... sakuya: now what? Higan: "Well, to best present her to Tsubaki, I have some wonderful outfits she could try on--" otogiri: *chop* -_-; naho: gross, old man. Higan: "Ow! Jeez...Fine. (Then you can keep the nurse outfit...) So, we just keep her busy until Tsubaki returns..." lavender: i think i might have an idea~ Higan: o\\\\o "Oh?" lavender: given his fondness for eastern style things, we could have her in a white yukata that i got. i even got a red sash to go with it. Higan: o\\\\\\\\\\\\o "...If I were Tsubaki, I'd love that." otogiri: at least it's something modest. -_-; Higan: "Well, I guess we should get to work fitting her for it--" otogiri: *CHOP* leave that to me and lavender. -_-# Higan: *head slammed against the floor* “So young….so cruel.” -outside- tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "More tea, ma'am?" tsubaki: sure. i really hope im not intruding at all. Shamrock: "Not at all. We enjoy any company we receive." *still forced smile* tsubaki: ^^; *drinking her tea* i hope this isnt rude, but the estate looked....kind of abandoned. im amazed people are living here still. Shamrock: "Oh, yes: this old home has seen better days. But we have been at work with refurbishing." tsubaki: ah....so the estate's owner.... Shamrock: "Very busy, I'm afraid, but they will be returning shortly--" tsubaki: ah.....*her head is growing fuzzy* (thinking: my head....i...!!!) *she tries to get up and exit, but falls to the floor* w-what? Shamrock: "Hmph. Took long enough..." tsubaki: *tries to send a distress text* Shamrock: "Stop that..." *kicks the phone away from her hand* "Can't have you do that..." tsubaki: ah.... *she passes out* Shamrock: "Hmph...Better if we just eliminated her." belkia: you know we cant do that. Shamrock: "Yes, yes..." Shamrock: "So, what happens now?" otogiri: *lifts her up with puppet strings and brings her to another room* .....im sorry for this... lavender: we'll handle things from here~ otogiri: *locks the door behind her* no. peeping. Shamrock: "???" Higan: *still bleeding in the other room* "Damn it..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "?!!!!" mahiru: !!! soul: shit, this is bad! misono: any idea where she is? Kuro: "GPS coordinates?" misono:....how do i even do that? Kuro: *sighs* "I'm not a hacker--I'm just tossing out ideas. We'd need someone who knows tech better, and my knowledge extends to homebrew video game systems..." licht: maybe check the school's computer lab? Black Star: "Something there has to be able to find her! And someone who can read souls, too! Come on! Let's go!" -later, elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "...How do you feel?" ame's father: we-we did what you asked, now please...just tell us our daughter is ok! Mr. Tsubaki: "Shh...Not so loud. I don't like loudness...She's fine, I assure you..." ame's mother: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "Given her...current condition, she is not exactly in a position to be out and about." ame's mother: .....*trembling* Mr. Tsubaki: "People don't take kindly to...my kind. Her best bet is to remain under my protection." ame's mother: then...can we at least see her? i just...want to see my baby again...please... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "I could have you visit us, but we need time to keep people from locating us. I know it is difficult, to want to see your child again...Could you please wait just two more days?" ame's father:....if she gets hurt- Mr. Tsubaki: "She will not: I give you my word." -elsewhere- ???: *texting* [location found. looks like they lured someone inside. seen her around before] tsuyuki: .... [any further details?] ???: [no idea how many persons inside. quiet from out here. the girl hasn't left the house yet--she may already be dead] tsuyuki:.... [keep an eye on things. i have my doubts tsubaki would kill her] ???: [ok] tsuyuki: [C3 has her as a 'POI' for a reason.] ???: [why exactly?] tsuyuki: [seems tsubaki has taken a liking to this girl.] ???: [...gross] tsuyuki: [she may be our key to containing him.] ???: [yeah, can only hope. alright. i'll text the address. want pics of building?] -elsewhere- Black Star: "WHERE IS SHE?!!!!" students: *staring at him* Black Star: "...WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?! IF YOU'RE SOMEONE WHO CAN SENSE SOULS OR HACK A CELL PHONE, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! THE REST OF YOU, GET MOVING BEFORE I SMASH MY FIST THROUGH YOUR FACE!" kyouko: what the hell has gotten into you? madoka: ??? Black Star: "Tsubaki is in trouble--because of those goddamn vampires!" madoka: !! kyouko: vampires? Black Star: "Yeah! Real stupid but dangerous ones! And we can't find where they took Tsubaki!" kyouko: so what do you want _us_ to do? Black Star: *clutches Kyouko by the shoulders* "Can you find her soul?! Or hack a GPS phone?! OR DO SOMETHING USEFUL?!!!" kyouko: first off, GET OFFA ME! second, i heard rumors of a genius who spends her time in the metal shop classroom. Black Star: *picks Kyouko up over his head* "LEAD THE WAY TO THIS NERD!" kyouko: PUTMEDOWN!! DX< -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Hurry--Young Master will be back soon!" belkia: the display is set up. nice! got your gifts ready everyone? we save the big one for last! sakuya: his birthday isnt even until tomorrow. belkia:...every party needs a pooper thats why they invited yoooou~! Shamrock: -_-;;;; "I'd say this party has more than one pooper--" Higan: "HA HA HA! You called yourself 'sh*t'!" Shamrock: >_< otogiri: here he comes. *The door opens, as Mr. Tsubaki enters the foyer and locks the front door behind him* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmph...Shamrock isn't here to tend to me upon entering..." Shamrock: D: lavender: *snickering* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *hears Lavender, but can't identify the sound* "Hello? Is anyone home?" (Slight panic, as he remember Ame...) belkia: SURPRISE!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "???? What?! What happened?! Is everyone okay?!! Lilac? Ame?" group: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! otogiri: even if it's a day early. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Oh." *smiles* "Well, that is a surprise, to have a birthday party a day early. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!" -elsewhere- mei: just a little more aaaaand. there we go! should be easy to track her location. but since this an emergency tracker, it's only going to last 24 hours. Black Star: "Then I'll get it done in less than a day! Thanks! Now, to find where those fuckers took Tsubaki!" mei: good luck! -elsewhere- belkia: and now, the megalodon gift! the creame of the crop! the- sakuya: get on with it! Mr. Tsubaki: *face full of cake* "Huh?" -thud- belkia: what wazzat? -in the room- tsubaki: *trying to undo the ribbons binding her wrists and ankles* come on...come ooon... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um...You said there was a megalodon gift. Where is it?" belkia: it should be in there. *points to the room* Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Um, okay?" *gets up, starts walking towards the room...* Mr. Tsubaki: *opens the door* tsubaki: !!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *voice grows quiet, shocked* "...Tsubaki?" tsubaki: *paralyzed with fear* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looks out into the hallway, smiles widely* "Could I have all of my subclasses line up? I would like to thank you for this most gracious gift~" belkia: no probs~! lav and ame lured her here! Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Really? How interesting..." *lines them up...then has Ame and Lilac take a step back* "Then let me show you my thanks..." *Mr. Tsubaki pulls back his hand, and does a long slap across all of their faces (except Ame and Lilac) in one fluid motion* sakuya: DX belkia: OW! tsubaki: WHAT THE FUCK?! otogiri: that was warrented. Shamrock: Q~Q "Young Master! I-I didn't approve of this! I voted against it!" Higan: *holding his cheek* "Ow...I now wear this red mark on my face..." Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles at Lilac and Ame* "Lilac, please take Ame to play in her room for a bit, please~" lilac: uh, o-ok. ame: ok! *Once Lilac and Ame leave...* Mr. Tsubaki: *glaring at his family, pointing behind him to Tsubaki* "I did not ask you to kidnap her. I did not want her harmed. And what is worse, you could have endangered us! You could have hurt Ame! What do you have to say in defense of this insanely stupid action?!" lavender:....oops. sakuya: shit. belkia: Q-Q; Shamrock: *shudders* Higan: "Oh..." otogiri:...im sorry. Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes. 'Oh.'" *pinches the brow of his nose* "Okay. Step one, we untie Tsubaki. Step two...Um...I have no idea what Step Two is." otogiri: right away. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks as Tsubaki is untied* "...You have no reason to believe I had nothing to do with this..." tsubaki:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...When we let you go, you will inform others of our location, won't you?" tsubaki:........do you want me to tell them? Mr. Tsubaki: "No. We are vampires. There are people who would rather see us dead. And Ame..." tsubaki:....then i wont say anything. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "I believe you." *looks to the others* "We are letting her go." tsubaki: i wont lie, you've done terrible, terrible things.....but i dont think you're completely evil. you or your family. Mr. Tsubaki: *ashamed...fox ears pop up on his head, folding down, like an embarrassed dog* "I have...but...I didn't do this to you. Did they...hurt you?" lavender: otogiri and i changed her clothes, and sham drugged her, but that's all we did. Mr. Tsubaki: "DRUGGED HER?! ..." o\\\\\o "Changed her?" *finally notices Tsubaki's outfit...slight nosebleed* Shamrock: *tries to run away* tsubaki:.... *flustered* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um, well, let her change back into her clothes..." o\\\\o *still standing, not leaving the room...* tsubaki: *takes her clothes* i'll....change at home. thanks. 7///7; Mr. Tsubaki: "W-We don't want to inconvenience you..." *reaches an arm out--to grab the escaping Shamrock by the neck* "And Shamrock owes you an apology. Would you like to beat it out of him?" *holds up a baseball bat* "It is my birthday party--he can be our pinata..." Shamrock: *choked* tsubaki: n-no thanks. i think since its the new year tomorrow, we should start fresh. so for that reason, i'll pardon everything that happened today. lavender: for real? tsubaki: *she smiles and nods* Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\o "YOU ARE AN ANGEL!" *drops Shamrock to the floor, gets on his knees, bowing to Tsubaki* "Thank you!" Shamrock: *wheezing from being choked* tsubaki: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *kisses her feet* tsubaki: ./////.; Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *backs up, stands* "S-Sorry. I was groveling--I got carried away..." tsubaki: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *ahem* "W-We will, um, step back and let you exit...Goodbye, Tsubaki." *picks up Shamrock by the collars, leads the subclasses away to the second floor...* tsubaki:....!! wait....i know it's not much but. *she gives him a scarf* happy birthday. Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\\o "...I...don't know what to say..." tsubaki: *she smiles and exits* -Elsewhere- Black Star: "A-Are you sure you're okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* it went better than expected. Black Star: "...Given how bad I expected things would go, that's not exactly reassuring." tsubaki: ...im here now, huh? Black Star: "..." *nods* tsubaki: *she hugs him* Black Star: *hugs back* "...I'm getting worried." tsubaki:....i know. -elsewhere- naho: Q.Q Mr. Tsubaki: *wearing the red scarf* "..." *hugs Naho* naho: eh? Mr. Tsubaki: "I am still upset with what you all did..." *pulls back, smiles* "But I cannot be upset with my family." naho:.... Q_Q belkia: awwww. Mr. Tsubaki: *glares at Belkia* "You, however, could use some time to calm down...What were you thinking?" sakuya:... (thinking: ever since she gave him that scarf, he's had a flowery aura...) belkia: GAME TI-......we dont have a TV.... Mr. Tsubaki: -____-;;; "Then perhaps you all should have chipped in to buy a television rather than KIDNAPPING MY BELOVED AND DRUGGING HER!" *sniffs his scarf* "Aw~" belkia: OwO;;;;; Shamrock: *reviewing paperwork* "We can buy a new television tomorrow..." *looks nervously at Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: *frowns at Shamrock* "...I should have Naho punish you." Shamrock: o___o;;; naho:...... me? owo; Mr. Tsubaki: "Any ideas in mind?" naho: i have no idea. *muttering* if it's with you he'd be really submissive but he looks like he'd be hard dom with anyone else and i've seen his reading habits so i have no idea what i should do he'd probably do really intense things to a cute girl like me *mutter mutter* sakuya:........ (thinking: how can such an innocent looking face have such an x-rated mind?) Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Yes, submissive to me..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...You already have video of him and me...Anything else you wanted?" naho: eh? hmmmmmmmm... i dunno~ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *whispers* "Are you interested in intense things with Shamrock?" naho: eh? OwO;;;; sakuya: *mortified* otogiri: *judgmental look* Shamrock: D: Mr. Tsubaki: "...What? I am asking the question, to be direct..." naho: owo............ OwO............ O//////////w//////////O *vibrating* lavender:...i think you broke her. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Indeed. I'll put her to bed." Shamrock: D: D: D: D: Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Not like that..." belkia:...sham...did you need to 'vent' again? Shamrock: *meek nod* Mr. Tsubaki: *sets Naho in bed* "Will you be okay?" naho: O///////w///////O belkia: same place? lavender: dont go breaking peoples legs this time! Higan: -_-;;;; "How about we _not_ take Shamrock out into public again and just get him a video?" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Naho, talk to me. This isn't appropriate to keep it bottled in." naho: *blink blink* what? belkia: yeesh.....or should we just bring someone here then eat them? Mr. Tsubaki: "You are a young woman, with sexual desires. And bottling them up is not healthy." Shamrock: *stomach growls* o\\\\\o "...I think Mr. Tsubaki is already on edge. Would he want us to?" naho: *flustered* i never really thought about my own love life..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, it doesn't have to be _love_. But sex is helpful for some people--" belkia: HEY TSUBAKYUN! CAN WE CALL SHAM A PROSTITUTE? Mr. Tsubaki: *hears the yell* -_-;;;; "...Naho? What do you think? Sham deserves some punishment, and I'm...just not in the mood to kill a random human right now." naho: but he broke someone in half last time! >^< Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "Good point..." *calls back* "No, Belkia! He can deal with simply a porno and pig's blood!" *looks at Naho* "..." *lies beside her in bed* naho: !!!! i-i cant do that with you! i-i'd just be weird! Mr. Tsubaki: "Okay...That is what I wanted to hear. But it that is the case, why is that weird but not you filming me?" naho: O///w///O;;; ummm.... sakuya: you realize she's a textbook fujoshi, right? naho: WHAT HE SAID! Mr. Tsubaki: "...What's that?" sakuya: it means she likes to see two guys doing it. -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: "...That can work, Naho, but not without trust. And you haven't earned that when you spy on people." naho:.....*teary eyed* im sorry....am i a bad person? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *hugs her* "I forgive you...but I think you need to apologize to Shamrock." naho: ok...*knock knock* sham? c-may i come in? Shamrock: "Yes, what is it, Naho?" naho:...im sorry for filming you guys. Q.Q Shamrock: "..." *nods* "I am happy to finally hear you say that directly. Thank you." naho:...i just wanted you to be happy.... Shamrock: "...You are still young, and may not realize that you may fail at making someone happy if you embarrass them. How would you have felt in my situation?" naho: ........Q~Q Shamrock: "...The look on your face says it all." *sigh* "Naho, don't you think you need a more healthy outlet? I mean, even reading porn would be better..." naho:...do yaoi doujins count? Shamrock: "Yes, they do." naho: ok ^^ Shamrock: "Just...Just don't spy on me anymore, please?" naho: i'll behave. Shamrock: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *overhearing, smiles* Shamrock: "...What was that thing you were muttering earlier?" naho: OwO;;;; what? Shamrock: "What. Were. You. Muttering?" naho: *sweats* Shamrock: "..." -she tells him- Shamrock: "...Really?" naho: .////w////.;;; Shamrock: "...May I ask you two personal questions?" naho: O.O what? Shamrock: "First, when did you last masturbate?" naho: >//////>;;; Shamrock: "You violated my privacy, so I asked you a question..." naho:....i dont know. .////.; Shamrock: *nods* "And my second question...are you a virgin?" naho: O//////////////O y....yeah. .//////////.;;;; Shamrock: "...If you could have that fantasy of yours made a reality--what you muttered about 'intense things'...Would you want me to do that to you?" naho: O/////////////////O i-id probably break in half! Shamrock: "...I promise, I would be gentle. I could use a toy instead..." Shamrock: "...So..." naho: well....you swear you wont break my legs? Shamrock: *hand over his heart* "I promise, I will not break your legs, or any part of you..." *small smirk* "Well, except maybe your hymen." naho: .////////.;; Shamrock: *walks to the door, locks it...* "...You have seen me naked, so I think turnabout is fair play...Please, remove your clothes..." naho: *gulps and strips down* Shamrock: *smirk* "My, my..." *gets on his knees, staring at her panties* "Those are quite cute..." naho: *flustered* Shamrock: "...Little bunny rabbit..." *kisses lightly on her hip, his hand gently resting on her leg* naho: *squeak* >/////<;; Shamrock: "Heh heh...You make adorable noises, you know that?" *kisses up her side until he reaches just under her bra...small lick where her bra meets her skin* naho: >///////////<; Shamrock: "Does this feel alright?" naho: f-feels weird.... 7////7;; Shamrock: "...Would you feel more comfortable if you weren't the only one in their underwear?" *starts unbuttoning his shirt* naho: are you...ok with this? what about mr tsubaki? Shamrock: "Mr. Tsubaki is not here right now...and I do not mind trying a different experience..." *lays a finger on her chin* "...You are beautiful." naho: >////< nu-uh, im cute, dangit! Shamrock: *lifts her chin up...* "...You indeed are cute..." *closes his eye, leans towards her face...* naho: *biting her lip* Shamrock: *his lips meet hers, just lightly brushing along her upper lip and teeth...* naho: *her breath is caught in her throat* >/////<;; Shamrock: "...Was that your first kiss?" naho:.....*she looks down and nods, embarrassed* Shamrock: "...Oh...It felt nice. You have very soft lips." naho:.....*she doesnt say anything* Shamrock: "Naho...Is this okay?" naho: ... *whimpering* t-this is all wrong...this isnt...how i wanted it to be... Shamrock: "!!! Oh, Naho...I'm sorry." *tentative hug* naho: im so stupid....i was about to give myself to someone much older than me....it wouldnt be right....i wanted it...to be with someone who honestly cared about me.. Shamrock: *nods* "That is for the best...Let's just forget this, okay?" naho: o-ok....*hic* Shamrock: *rubs her back* "It's okay..." *drapes his shirt around her shoulders* naho: *sniffle* Shamrock: *seats her on edge of his bed, sitting with her and a box of tissues to let her let it all out* -she just whimpers- Shamrock: "It's going to be okay, Naho...You'll find the right time, with the right person..." naho: b-but...what if i dont? Shamrock: "..." *smile* "Then you'll be okay. Because that is okay." naho: *hic* Shamrock: "...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: mmmmn~ that was great... Kid: *smiles* "Y-Yeah..." stocking: hehe~ happy new year kiddo. Kid: *smiles* "Happy new year, love...We brought it in with a bang..." stocking: yeah, hehe ^^ Kid: *strokes her side* "I know one thing that could make this better..." stocking: oh~? Kid: *reaches under the bed...and a rush of cold air is felt* "I put a small icebox under here..." *pulls out two Popsicles* stocking: ooh. thanks! *nom* ^^ Kid: *licks his* "Mmmmm~" -morning- ~BEGINNING OF Y5~
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
from plays, to hero exams, jailbreak jobs and major storms.
 Arthur: *knocks on Tamaki's door*
tamaki: it's open.
Arthur: *enters* "Hello..." *sits next to her on the bed*
tamaki: whats up?
Arthur: "..." *drops his head on her lap* "Please don't leave me for the Sun God."
tamaki: ./////. *holds him* im not.
Arthur: *nods* "Thank you...I just wanted to see." *hug*
tamaki:....*hug* i love you, you know.
Arthur: "I love you, too..." *sniff*
Arthur: "Mmm..." *kiss, pats her hand*
lana: thanks for picking me up, guys.
rowena: it's no trouble. ^^
Poe: ^^ "How was your day?"
lana: went pretty well. had to clean vomit today, so _thats_ there. -_-;
rowena: yikes.
Poe: -~- "Awful. Some guests had too much to drink?"
lana: you could say that.
Poe: "Hmph. How irresponsible. Well, we can focus on a good hearty meal."
lana: cheers to that.
Poe: "Maybe a good bowl of soup, or a delicious plate of grilled chicken with lemon, or..."
lenore: sunflower seeds.
rowena: ^^;
Poe: "Oh, they serve those at this restaurant, too! Such a wide selection when catering to so many different customers."
Inka: *asleep in her bedroom* "Zzz..."
{Inka: "Okay, you all know what to do?"}
{panda: yeah, we know. *his skin is charred*}
{Sancho: "Just give me a second." *his arm is missing, his left side blown out*}
{Inka: *stares...* "...What the hell..."}
{panda: why'd ya let us die, huh?}
{Inka: "..." *frowns* "You knew how this was. You know what I wanted. Not my fault you couldn't keep up--"}
{???: because you're a selfish coward.}
{Inka: *her eyes shift, forming the shape when activating her Adora* "You think so, huh?" *turns* "Say it to my face..."}
{inka?: *a corpse like inka stares back* selfish, little bitch.}
{Inka: "?!!! ...Who the hell are you?" *she backs up--bumping into Panda and Sancho, feeling their burnt skin* }
{inka?: isnt this what you want? to be so close to death like this?}
{Inka: "..." *smiles, but nervously* "Y-Yeah, it is...It's great!"}
{inka?: *right in her face* then why are you so nervous?}
{-the other inka is rotting at an alarming rate...-}
{Inka: *stares, still smiling, but feeling tears fall* "C-Cool, right?" *she wipes her face* "...?!!" *those aren't tears--it's blood*}
{other inka: *touches the original's face, before unhinging her jaw to swallow her head whole*}
{Inka: *screams, feeling Panda and Sancho holding her, as she is swallowed--*}
sasori: INKA!
Inka: *screams, bolting up-right in bed* *pants, looking at Sasori* "Wh-What..."
sasori: you were shaking....
Inka: "...I-I'm fine...Just a dream..." *wipes her brow, covered in sweat* "Th-That's all...What are you doing here?"
sasori: we have the same room, remember?
Inka: "...Right...I woke you, then?"
sasori: i wasnt even asleep.
Inka: "...Oh...Trouble sleeping?"
Inka: "..." *hug*
sasori: !!!!! i-inka?
Inka: "...Okay, good, you're not some ghost or something..." >\\\> *pat pat* "Sorry to bother you."
sasori:....7///7; *awkward pat* i-it's fine...just glad you're fine.
Inka: "...Thanks...bodyguard. Um...Could you...um..."
sasori:...*lets go* s-sorry.... 7///////7;;;
Kid: *kitten yawn*
stocking: *already getting changed, trying to pick out an outfit* hmmmm
Kid: "Something for teaching? Or a meeting?"
stocking: should i do an office lady style? or should i go with a pantsuit?
Kid: "Maybe pantsuit for a change?"
stocking: sounds good. i'll even wear glasses to go with~ ^^
Kid: "Excellent." ^^
erina: zzzzz
Allison: *peeks in*
Jordan: "Zzzz..."
erina: *hugging him*
Allison: "..." -\\\u\\\- *carefully closes the door*
Jordan: *holds her, small murmur*
erina: *yaaawn* morning, jo.
Jordan: ^^ "Mornin'...Sleep okay?"
erina: yeah...thanks for last night. i-i know it wasnt much but, im glad you were there.
Jordan: "Hey, if you need anything, I want to help..." *soft pat of her hand*
erina: *hugs*
Jordan: ^\\\^ *pat pat*
Vulcan: *sets down breakfast* "Eat up."
yu: thanks for the meal!
lisa: *nom*
nozomi: thanks, vulcan.
Vulcan: "Any time! There's plenty more if you want it..." *sets down his art pad, doodling some shapes on it*
nozomi: what are you working on?
Vulcan: "You know how firefighters have those oxygen masks? I wanted to shrink the size of those while using lighter but denser materials without obstructing vision--and to, frankly, make them look more badass..." *he has drawings of dragons, demons, birds...*
nozomi: *points to one, a bird* that one looks nice.
Vulcan: "You like it? When I get the prototype ready, maybe you can try it out."
nozomi: i'd like that. ^^
Vulcan: "Cool...I think I'll have my work cut out for me--the Commander has me designing a ton of stuff for this trip..."
nozomi: how about one that's a turtle? OvO
Vulcan: "Aw, yeah!" *starts drawing*
Hyde: "Dude, a fight's happening in the hall!"
mahiru: wait seriously?!
Hyde: "Anya flipped a fool! You got to see it!"
mahiru: *looks outside*
Anya: *holding someone down* "WATCH YOUR HANDS NEXT TIME, OR YOU'LL LOSE THEM!"
mahiru: *glances*
Mineta: *pinned to the ground* Q____Q
mahiru: *walks away*
Hyde: *snaps pics*
Mineta: D: "HELP ME!"
ao:....*glances at a dust chute* he should be small enough to fit...
Anya: "Doing it!" *tosses him*
Mineta: "AAAAH--" *crashes into the chute*
Magaki: *looking at various contact lenses* "..."
clerk: see anything to your liking? ^^
Magaki: "What would look normal and assist with UV protection?"
clerk: hmm, let's see here.
Magaki: "I'll try the blue ones."
clerk: ah, and the sclerae color?
Magaki: "Normal?"
clerk: would you like white? or a different color?
Magaki: "...White."
clerk: alright then. *showing a few displays* what suits your fancy? ^^
Magaki: "..." *points to one on the left* "Let's try this one."
Tanizaki: "Yes...Yes, I understand. We'll call with any information...I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. Goodbye." *hangs up* "..." *sighs*
-knock knock knock-
Tanizaki: "Coming..." *looks through the peephole*
frances: *waves, holding a wagon full of flowers?*
Tanizaki: "???" *opens the door* "Hey!"
frances: hello~ i come bearing gifts~! *hands him a flower in a pot*
Tanizaki: "Neat--thanks! Dropping them off around the building?"
frances: indeed~ ^^ thought i'd bring some cheerful little blossoms to the building and its tenants~ ^^
Tanizaki: "Not a bad plan. You try the restaurant downstairs?"
frances: indeed i have~
atsushi: (she's even left flowers in all the agency apartments...) *sweatdrop*
Tanizaki: ^_^;;;; "Well, thank you."
frances: do take care of them now, and water them regularly. and do talk to them too.
Tanizaki: " 'Talk'? It helps them?"
frances: indeed~ ^^
kirako: i've heard about that.
atsushi: yeah, lucy does that too. ^////^
Tanizaki: "Huh...Um...Hi, little plant?"
-no comment...-
Tanizaki: "..." ^^; "Welcome...to our office?"
Steinbeck: *holding up a doll* "Want to play?"
lavinia: *staaaaare*
emily:... ^^; not very talkative, is she?
Steinbeck: "Well, a lot of kids have their own pace." *shakes the doll--and it talks--*
Doll: "I want to play!"
lavinia:....*sticks the doll in her mouth by its head*
Steinbeck: ^^; "See? She likes it!"
emily: ^^;;;;;;
Doll: *muffled* "I love you."
emily: ._________________.
lavinia: *chewing on the doll's head*
Steinbeck: TwT;;;
Shotaro: "Bandages off!"
mana: amazing how not even being all wrapped up stopped you from doing good deeds. thats determination right there.
Shotaro: "Yep!"
{Shotaro: *stamping paperwork for someone...with the stamp held between his teeth*}
{Shotaro: *walking dogs--while being pulled in a wheelchair* "MUSH! MUSH!"}
{Shotaro: *wrapped in bandages, stuffed into a pharaoh casket*}
nea: i'm both impressed and alarmed.
Shotaro: OwO "...Still not sure why they needed that last one..."
leroux: *walking in the hall*
Hirotsu: *adjusting his collar* *nods to Leroux*
leroux: afternoon, sir.
Hirotsu: *nods* "Afternoon. Could I ask you for some information?"
leroux: about what, per say?
Hirotsu: "You're involved in theatre, correct?"
leroux: why indeed. a stagehand in youth, and theatre aficionado, as it were. ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, good--someone to speak with. I do miss going to shows. The last one was abysmal--the person playing Ophelia couldn't act her way out of a paper bag."
leroux: *LIGHTBULB* why dont we host a production here? *shiny eyes*
Hirotsu: "...Oh, thank God, someone finally recommends it! Yes, please, do! Which plays do you know?"
leroux: which ones DONT i know?! OvO
Hirotsu: "Excellent...but given the quality of, um...potential actors here..."
*Motojiro is talking to a lemon, Kafka is screaming into a pillow, Walter is asleep*
Hirotsu: "Perhaps a simpler play would be the best course of action."
leroux: hmmmm...i'll see what we can come up with!
Hirotsu: *nods* "Thank you."
Konro: "Fireworks, huh?"
fang-hua: yes. it's actually how i also discovered my ability, when my brother jin decided to light one in the house. i managed to hold the flame in place.
Konro: "Oh, no...Was anyone hurt?"
fang-hua: thankfully no. mom tells me grandpa had the abilities too.
Konro: "But not your mother, so it skipped a generation?"
fang-hua: most likely.
Konro: "How goes business for your family without you there?"
fang-hua: it goes pretty well. we get to bring in shipments to the harbor cities too.
Konro: "By ship?"
fang-hua: by ship, by wagon.
Tsukiyo: "Attach sparklers to the wagon wheels?"
fang-hua: no. *sweatdrop*
Tsukiyo: -3- "Boo."
Konro: ^^; "How are the language lessons going?"
fang-hua: they seem to be coming along well.
Tsukiyo: "What're you teaching them? Just enough to get around town?"
fang-hua: yeah. im also teaching them cultural customs and history.
Tsukiyo: "...Think you'll find out about the first fire demons?"
fang-hua: it's likely...
Tsukiyo: "Hope so..."
Spirit: *packing*
izumi: need help, dad?
Spirit: "Sure! Some of the beach stuff can go in the luggage."
izumi: ok!
*Looks like towels, sunscreen...seems to be something in the pocket of the swim trunks*
Spirit: "Just be careful with some of it--don't want anything getting lost."
tensei: *rolling on in*
Iida: "Brother..."
tensei: hey tenya. *smiles*
Iida: *weak smile*
tensei: pretty cool wheels, huh?
Iida: "Heh...Going to customize them?"
tensei: i think so. what do you think about silver with blue stripes?
Iida: "Th-That'd be great..."
tensei:...it's gonna be ok.
Iida: "..." *hug*
tensei: *hug*
Iida: *sniff, pat pat*
Todoroki: *sets out ice tea*
ochako: looks good.
Todoroki: "Thanks..." *looks at his watch* "Should be here soon..."
ochako: *looks around*
Izuku: "Hey!" *waves*
momo: hello.
ochako: hey guys.
tsuyu: *wave*
Todoroki: "Welcome. I ordered tea to start."
momo: thanks.
ochako: ^^
Izuku: *pulls out a chair for Tsuyu*
tsuyu: *sits down*
Izuku: "I've been wanting to try this place--looks peaceful..." *glances at the menu*
ochako: so how was the exams for you?
tsuyu: my stomach still feels weird.
ochako: yikes.
Izuku: "...Maybe some ginger ale?"
tsuyu: good call.
Patty: "Pass it to me! Pass it!"
riley: HA! *toss*
Patty: *catches* "Yay!"
*The toy laughs when tossed*
julie: *laughs*
Patty: "Catch, Jules!" *tosses softly*
-nice catch-
julie: i did it!
Lord Death Toy: "You did it--yay!"
Jun: "Okay, let's see them."
takuto: *holds up his drawing of his family*
mitsuba: DAWWWW SO CUTE!
Jun: "Great work!"
takuto: ^u^
Jun: *pat pat* "Let's hang it up..."
Jun: "Um...Hyakuya, up for getting us some snacks for lunch?"
hyakuya: oh yeah, sure.
Jun: "Thanks. Maybe celery with peanut butter?"
hyakuya: sounds good.
Jun: "And I'll get this posted..." *puts the drawing up on the fridge*
-it's of takuto, jun, yumikage, tsurugi...and shifumi-
Jun: "..." *sad smile*
hyakuya: .....
Jun: *hugs Takuto*
kirako:......!!! we need oranges.
Kyoka: "??? What?" *looks*
kirako: also do we have peanut butter?
Kyoka: "...I'll check." *goes to the cupboard* "Yes to peanut butter, not to oranges. I can pick some up."
kirako: thank you.
Kyoka: *nods* "I'll be back shortly." *exits*
Kyoka: *sets down the oranges and peanut butter* "...Soooooo..."
kirako: Q~Q you're such a good person kyoukaaaaaa *hugs her and sobs*
Kyoka: "...I...know?" *pat pat* "How are you?"
kirako: hungwy Q3Q
Kyoka: "...How about we peel oranges?"
Kafka: "...A play. Of all the things we need, right now...a play?"
leroux: yes.
Kafka: "..." *sighs, lowers his head* "Send me a budget projection report, I'll review it...What play?"
leroux: i...havent decided yet. ^^; there's so many to choose from! romeo and juliet, hamlet, the scottish play, sleeping beauty, cinderella, snow white, so many to choose from! >3<
Kafka: -_-; "Why do people insist on calling it 'The Scottish Play'..."
hans: we're back with groceries!
etta: ^^
Kafka: "... ... ..."
{Kafka: *haired swept back, in princely attire with a cape*}
{etta: my prince~<3}
{Kafka: *smiles* "Princess..." *sweeps her off her feet*}
{etta: *leans in*}
{Kafka: *smiles, closes his eyes, leans...*}
leroux: KAFKA? are you paying attention? *waves hand in front of him* HELLO? <friend?> Hellooooo?
Kafka: -3- "Mm...Mm...Mmm..."
leroux:....*sigh* <well damn.> .....girls, your assistance a moment?
etta: oh, hey roro.
hans: whats up?
leroux: i've been more-or-less commissioned for a play showing here! but im having trouble deciding which production to host.
Walter: *walks by* "Oh, neat!" *walks in* "Which plays are you looking at?"
wilhelm: *pokes his head in*
Jakob: "??? A play? It's not some mushy lovey stuff, is it?" *looking through Hans's grocery bag*
leroux: im trying to decide, but im having trouble. AH! MY MUSE! I BEG OF YOUR ASSISTANCE IN THIS DIRE TIME!
Walter: "...We could just put them on a dartboard and let fate decide."
Jakob: *tosses cinnamon rolls to Wilhelm*
wilhelm: awesome!
hans: you can have these later.
wilhelm: =3=#
Kafka: "Mmm~ ..." *opens his eyes* "... !!!!" .\\\\\.
hans: *hands them both apples* you can have these for now.
Jakob: -_- "Fine. It's sweet at least."
wilhelm: ?? whats up with him?
Walter: "??? What did Christine show you?"
leroux: the apple! i've made my decision! our showing shall be snow white!
Walter: "...Neat!"
wilhelm: =3= is there gonna be smooching?
Jakob: >~<
leroux: of course, it is the most pivitol scene after all.
wilhelm: eww gros-
etta: *shoves the apple into wilhelm's mouth* sounds wonderful, roro!
Kafka: .\\\\\\\.
wilhelm: DX
Jakob: ._.;
leroux: im kind of nervous too, this is the first time i've ever done any directing. _should_ i be directing or should i leave the task to someone more experienced?
hans: breathe in.
leroux: *INHALES*
hans: and out.
leroux: *exhale* merci.
hans: we can host auditions this weekend.
Jakob: "??? What, some goofy outfit and a fake beard?"
Giriko: "How's your sister holding up?"
kirika: doing better i think. classes have been helping her too.
Giriko: "Sounds like good news...Any hint she remembers more?"
kirika: not sure, but she's remembering bits and pieces.
Giriko: *nods* "Preacher keeping an eye on her?"
kirika: yeah. 7.7
Giriko: "...Need me to 'talk' to him?" *cracks his knuckles*
kirika: as much as i'd like to, i'm gonna have to decline for oriko's sake. no clue what she sees in him...
Giriko: "..." *opens his mouth to say something, stops...* "...Yeah."
Child: *crying* "I-I want to go home..."
guruna: oh child. this _is_ your home now. *smile*
Child: "No, it isn't! I want my daddy! Give him back!"
guruna:....your papa's in a better place now. and he's happy. and he'd want you to be happy here too. all your brothers and sisters are happy.
Child: "They aren't my brothers and sisters!" *collapses, covering their face, sobbing*
guruna:....child....are we going to have to punish you? *sickening smile*
Child: *tossing on the floor* "I want to go home!"
seraphim: *picks them up* i'll handle this one......*takes one of her feathers.....and burns the child's wrist*
Child: *knocked down*
seraphim: stop squirming.
Child: "..." *their eyes look deadened*
seraphim: this is what happens to children who misbehave~
Child: "..." *stays lying on the floor*
seraphim: you can stay there on the ground until you learn your lesson....
sasori:......*walks away*
Child: "..." *curls up into the fetal position*
mono: *asleep*
*From outside her room, it smells like someone is cooking...*
mono: ?? *looks outside*
*Looks like Assi is cooking something in a skillet*
mono: ?? whats that?
Assi: "?!!! O-Oh, Mono...I-I was heating up some pizza bagels..."
mono: oh. *sits down*
Assi: *sets out two plates, then the bagels* "Sleep okay?" *smiles*
mono: yeah.
Assi: *sets down the bagel--it's...heart-shaped?*
mono: .... 7///7;
Assi: ^\\\^; "This house has some great cookie cutters..." *sits down*
mono: ........
Assi: "..." *awkward nom* >\\\\>
mono:.....i guess...
Assi: "??? ...So...How is it?"
mono: hmm? i-it's good. thanks.
Assi: ^\\\^ "You're welcome."
mono: hmm...
Assi: "...You, um, have something on your cheek." *hands a napkin*
mono: *wipes* t-thanks. =//=;
Assi: ^^ "I get excited for pizza stuff, too."
Benimaru: *sits down, holding his head*
kirei: *hug*
Benimaru: "...Thank you."
marie: *putting up posters*
Sid: *hangs another one*
sayaka: looks good!
nygus: thanks. mind helping out, this is so much work, its killing me.
sayaka: not a problem at all!
Sid: "..." Q_Q " 'Killing'?"
nygus: s-sorry, slip of the tongue.
Sid: "Y-Yeah, right--Death Child speak..."
sayaka: ^^ so what do you need help with?
Sid: "Well, you can pass out flyers, ask local businesses to put up the posters."
sayaka: *salutes* you got it, mr barrett!
Sid: *salute* "Thanks...If you run out, come back to pick up more."
sayaka: if all else fails, i can make my own flyers!
yana:........*stuffing a dead squirrel* .....
Ivan: "How's it coming along?"
yana:....<ok, i guess.> ......(i wonder.....why did i pick up this hobby to begin with?......its just trying to make something dead seem living, even though there's no life to it......perhaps by occupying myself with something so trivial.....im trying to make _myself_ feel alive.....) *sigh*
Ivan: "..." <It looks lifelike.>
yana:...<i guess so.> (doesnt mean it's _alive_.)
Ivan: <You're quite good at it--very creative with the pose...>
yana: hmm....
Arthur: *holds up two images against each other--a photo of Qingdao, and a drawing of Avalon*
tamaki: what are you doing?
Arthur: "I think...I know what caused the Great Disaster. It was...King Arthur's Holy Sword!"
shinra: i dont think that's what it was.
tamaki:......*excalibur face* i wouldnt be surprised if it were, though.
Arthur: "See? Tamaki supports my hypothesis. Why can't you be more supportive?"
shinra: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: *points to the images* "See? Similar designs. King Arthur likely ventured forth to this location, did something with the Holy Sword, caused a fire, then we get Flame Humans. All we need is the Lady of the Lake to restore balance."
Master: *sets out rice crispy treats shaped like bunnies*
mio: easter stuff already?
ao: it's april.
Meme: "When it's that cute, I'm not complaining!"
mio: oh. my brain was still in february.
Master: *nods* "I wanted some new menu items for the spring."
tsugumi: hmmm. *thinking*
Master: "Tsugumi?"
tsugumi: *idea* how about omurice chicks?
Master: "Huh. Yeah, I can add those."
Gin: "So, you're auditioning?"
higuchi: yeah. i auditioned once for the very snow white role in middle school....i ended up being the bottom half of the horse.
Gin: "..." *small laugh* "I-I'm sorry..."
higuchi: this is my chance to make up for past mistakes! *determined*
Gin: "Yes! ...Who do you think will be Charming in this play?"
higuchi: not sure.
Gin: "...Well, I look forward to the play. And I will not be jealous of whoever plays Charming. At all."
Walter: "Hi! I'm here to audition for--"
Walter: QwQ;;;
higuchi: gin, easy.
Gin: *holding a kunai* "..." *exhale*
madoka: *nuzzle* ^///^
Rin: ^\\\^ *puts an arm around her*
madoka: *tail pet* hehe ^^
Rin: .\\\\. "heh..."
madoka: fluffy. ^^
Rin: "Yes, it is...Is it okay?"
madoka: *nod* it's kinda cute, actually.
Rin: .\\\\. "Really~?"
madoka: ^^ *cheek smooch*
Rin: *soft shudder* "Th-Thanks..." *holds her hand*
tamaki: *checking her horoscope*
Iris: "Anything interesting?"
tamaki: hmmmm, 'your dreams will take you on a fantastic journey'... huh.
Iris: "Usually they say something a little more, I don't know, tangible?"
tamaki: *looks again*
Iris: "Hmm...The one for Shinra mentions 'Something is coming up.' I wonder what that means."
Motojiro: "I got the chemicals for the theater fog and magic explosions!"
hans: thank you, just be careful that the kids dont get into it.
Motojiro: "Right! After all, dry ice requires keeping the hands free from the CO2--" *opens the box* "..." OwO; "...Where did it go?"
ayako: got it right here!
Motojiro: *loud exhale* "Thank goodness..." *puts on gloves* "Hand it here..."
Hirotsu: *seated* "Okay, next auditioning for the role of the Queen..."
kouyou: hello~ ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, Kouyou, welcome. Do you need another copy of the script, or are you ready?"
kouyou: i'm ready. ^^
etta: miss kouyou does have a queenly nature to her, huh?
leo: i'm certain she'd be perfect for the role.
katya: what about the witch?
leo: ._.;
Hirotsu: "Traditionally the Queen also plays the Witch."
kouyou: =3=
pushkin:....*meekly raises his hand* i can handle the witch maybe?
katya: *manly tears* you are such a goddamn trooper.
Hirotsu: "That'll be up for auditions..." *hands him the script*
pushkin: *SALUTES*
Hirotsu: "Um..." *half-hearted salute* "That leaves auditioning for Charming and Snow White..."
tachihara:.... (ok, this could be my chance! even if it is a play! it's something!)
Yumi: *making flower crowns with Shiori*
shiori: ^u^
Yumi: "I'm sure your father and siblings will love these..."
shiori: piddy! [translation; pretty!]
Yumi: "Yes, they are pretty!" *adjusts the one for Kid* "Just have to make this one a little more even on the sides..."
Stein: *finds a photo on his desk* "???" *picks it up*
-it's a picture of stein, spirit, kami, marie, nygus, sid, and yumi when they were students-
Stein: "Hmm...Haven't seen this in a bit."
valentine: old class photo?
Stein: *nods* "We all looked different..."
Relan: *reviewing a medical book*
komori: [learning medical training?]
Relan: *nods* "Just more first aid for now...I felt next to useless in the last attack, that many people injured..."
komori: ....
Relan: "...Sorry. Need to stop my self-pity. It's just...Shinra injured, that person he found still in the hospital..."
komori: [its understandable]
Relan: *nods* "It's going to be more difficult with fewer people here--down one nun, one hero, one...whatever Arthur is."
komori: ^^;
Relan: "At least Victor knows some science--hope he or someone in command knows medicine."
Asura: *shivers*
mikan:...the moon looks lovely tonight, doesnt it?
Asura: "..." *looks up* "...I suppose..."
mikan:...*nuzzle* u///u
Asura: =\\\= *wraps his arms--and scarves--gently in embrace*
mikan: hehe ^^
Asura: "...The moonlight reveals so much..."
mikan: *hug*
Asura: *strokes her head*
Hirotsu: "Okay, auditions turned out well...What do you think of the candidates?"
leroux: looks to be quite promising.
etta: this is my first time being an acting coach. im so excited~
Hirotsu: "Good...Should also consider any understudies needed. Miss Hoffman, interested?"
etta: ^u^
Hirotsu: "Let's see..." *checks off the list* "And the dwarves are learning their lines?"
leroux: madame leo is helping them now.
Jakob: "Will the real apple be poisoned?"
leroux: no.
wilhelm: =3= well _that's_ lame.
Jakob: "Are there sword fights?"
leroux: well... ^^;
Hirotsu: "There's, um...dancing?" ^^;
Jakob: "...That is awful, old man."
wilhelm: =3=
Hirotsu: *stabbed* Q_Q
hans: *CHOP* behave you two.
wilhelm: Q~Q
Jakob: "WAH!" T~T
leroux: ^^;;;
Walter: "??? Kafka, you okay, buddy?"
Kafka: *curled up in a ball* "I am the lowly pillbug..." T~T
etta: *pap pap* its ok, kiddos, we can play sword fight later, ok?
wilhelm: YAAAY!
Jakob: QwQ
hans: use the foam swords!
Jakob: >_> "Fine..."
leroux: ^^.....kafka?
Kafka: *still curled up* <What?>
leroux: erm... *in german* <is something mattering?>
Kafka: <I-I'm fine! It's just...um...The expenses! Yes, this play is too, um, expensive...> *looks away...spots Etta* >\\\\>
leroux:..... 7v7 suuuure it is.
Kafka: "?!!!" *small roach hiss*
leroux: xwo;;;;;;
Kafka: >\\\\~\\\\< <Don't say a word...>
Magaki: "...I can't see a reflection, so I don't know how they look."
tsubaki: they look lovely. ^^
Magaki: "...O-Okay. That should be good enough. Thank you. Maybe people will not stare so much..."
Kyoka: "She has been...well, odd."
atsushi: yeah...
Kyoka: "Is this normal? I mean, she seems healthy..."
atsushi: probably pregnancy stuff.
Kyoka: "Hmm...Weird." *shrugs* "Just keep an eye on her."
Chuuya: "How are preparations?"
pushkin: lot's of painting. *phew*
katya: *hammering*
Chuuya: "...Well, don't huff it."
katya: hmm hmm.....
-there seem to be faded war scars on her body-
Chuuya: "..." *looking at the scars*
Chuuya: *looks at Pushkin* "...What was..."
-he's already back to work-
Chuuya: "...Hmph." *sets up props*
Akitaru: "How's packing going?"
shinra: pretty good. vulcan said he was making some masks for us.
Akitaru: "Oh? Halloween's not for a while..."
tamaki: he means gas masks.
shinra: yeah that.
sonia: zzzzzz
-in her dream, she appears to be walking up the stairs of a large crystaline palace-
sonia: ??
-eventually, she finds a door with an odd symbol on it and opens it to a white room-
sonia: hello? *enters*
-when she reaches the center, the floor shatters and she falls-
sonia: AH!
-when she lands, she is in a field of wildflowers, unharmed. she looks up to see a strange girl with white eyes with red crosses in them looking at her-
sonia: *blinks*
girl: hiya!
sonia: huh?
girl: *staaaaaare*
girl: ....oh! are you that person's daughter?
sonia: who are you-
sonia: *she wakes up* nnhuh?
mito: *nuzzles and purrs*
sonia:... *pet pet* good kitty.... (that girl....who was she?)
*The door opens a crack*
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: *peeks in* "You okay?"
sonia: y-yeah...*yaaawn*
Chuuya: "...It's time to get up. Are you feeling okay?"
sonia: yes, papa. *rubs her eyes*
Chuuya: "...Did you sleep okay?"
sonia: *nod nod*
Chuuya: *nods* "Okay. Wash up--I'm setting out breakfast."
sonia: i will.
sero: Q____Q
mina: TTwTT write back to us from the camp, ok?
Izuku: O_O "Well...I mean, nothing is official yet. Maybe you did pass--"
sero: i really hope you jinxed it.
Denki: *grabs Izuku by the shoulders* "THAT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! WE FLUNKED THE PRACTICAL! AND IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY WHEN YOU FREAKING PASSED!!!" *violently shaking Izuku*
Izuku: *stammering, vibrating* "I aM SOrrY!!!"
jirou: calm down, kaminari, the teacher's gonna be here soon.
Aizawa: *sits up from the back row in a sleeping bag* "Jinx what?"
mina:....how long has he been there?
Aizawa: "Around the part where Kaminari was shaking Midoriya like a snow globe."
Izuku: Q_Q "...Why didn't I see him..."
Aizawa: *yawns*
-everyone takes their seats-
Aizawa: *unzips, hangs the sleeping bag on the coat hook* "Okay. So, some of you failed the exam. Therefore..."
sero: TT_TT damn you mineta.
Mineta: D:<
Aizawa: "You're going on the camping trip."
everyone: WAIT WHAT?!
eijiro: b-but-but the practical exam-
Aizawa: "You all passed the written exam, but Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Mineta failed the practical exam."
sero: what about me?!
Aizawa: "You also failed."
sero: TT~TT
mina: *pats his back* im sorry you had to be put through that, sero.
tsuyu: *pap pap*
Mineta: "What about me? I lost, too." Q_Q
tsuyu: *tosses him into the trash bin*
Mineta: *muffled shouts*
Aizawa: "But the practical wasn't pass-fail: it was specifically designed around your strengths and weaknesses, with tasks and teachers best suited to where you need to strategize how to win. After all, against those teachers at full strength, you didn't stand a chance anyway."
ojiro: so then, when you said you were going to crush us-
Aizawa: "A ploy to motivate you. After all, what kind of monster would deny students from going on a _training_ trip?"
sero: ._.;
mina: ._.;
eijiro: ._.;
Aizawa: "Call it a rational deception."
Iida: *making a Ffffffffffffffff-- face*
Aizawa: "Those who 'failed' will have special supplemental lessons. Enjoy."
Walter: *looking at the cast list* *whistles*
higuchi: I GOT IT! >u<
Gin: "Congratulations!"
higuchi: ^^
Jakob: "Look, Wilhelm!"
wilhelm: cool!
Jakob: "Even the shorty!"
katya: *grabs them both by the head* you want to say that to my face you little shits?
wilhelm: OxO;
Jakob: Q~Q *crosses his legs*
leo: katyusha, please dont fight with the children.
katya:...*grumble* fine then. i'll let them off.....for now.
wilhelm: QvQ thank you mrs leo!
leo: ^^;
Jakob: Q_Q *runs for the bathroom*
Kid: *ties Shiori's shoes*
shiori: thankie.
Kid: *smiles* "You're welcome! Ready to go?"
shiori: *nod nod*
Kid: *picks her up*
shiori: ^u^
Kid: "Let's walk to the door!"
shiori: *waddling along*
Kid: "Great walking."
shiori: *falls on her butt* uh-oh
Kid: "Uh-oh. Ready to get up?" *offers his hands*
shiori: ah.
io: *crying because her jumper is stuck on a cupboard knob*
saki: *filming* did you get stuck, sweetie? ^^;
Tool: "Need some help, Io?"
io: Q~Q UUU! UUU!
saki: oh, come here sweetie. *helps her out* there you go.
io: >^<
saki: *forehead kiss* you're ok, sweetie. wave bye to the camera.
io: *tiny wave* bai bai....
Tool: ^^ "D'aw..."
Bakugo: "..." *pokes the hamster ball*
sybil: O^O
itsuka: ^^
Bakugo: "Tiny critter..."
itsuka: they are pretty tiny. but chacha here's been putting on the pounds. isnt dat right? *tummy poke*
chacha: *squeek* >3<
itsuka: hehe ^^
Bakugo: "What've you fed them?"
itsuka: the usual hamster food, but chacha needs to share with her siblings.
chacha: >3<
Bakugo: *intense stare at Chacha* "Maybe more exercise..."
itsuka: good call.
Vulcan: "Okay, they're all set." *hands a gas-mask helmet to Shinra*
shinra: *puts it on* well? how does it look?
iris: really cool!
maki: super punk rock!
Relan: *nod nod*
Akitaru: "Rock on!"
shinra: ^u^ d'awww, shucks guys.
Vulcan: "Tamaki, Nozomi..." *hands them theirs*
tamaki: so cute!
nozomi: ^^ a very nice theme as always, vulcan.
Vulcan: ^^ "Thanks! Going to put the finishing touches on the last ones before you all head out."
hagakure: here we are~!
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
ochako: i finally saved up enough for a new sleeping bag. ^^
Ojiro: "Good work!"
eijiro: so meet back here at 3?
tsuyu: sounds good.
Izuku: "Okay! I'll find a first aid kit..."
-and so-
-someone in a hoodie is walking into the mall-
Izuku: *looking through shop windows* "!!! Oh, wow! The new Crimson Riot action figure! I'll have to tell Eijiro..."
???: hey, you're izuku midoriya, right?
Izuku: "???" *turns* "Y-Yeah?" ("I guess he saw me at the Tournament...losing...")
???: *puts and arm around his shoulders* you're the one who got wrecked at the tournament, right? then that hero killer business in hosu, you're just all over the place!
Izuku: "Uummm..." *nervous smile* "Y-You sure know your stuff, huh?"
???: still...i cant help but wonder.....*he puts his hand around izuku's neck, save for one finger* just how did you get this far?.....is it fate? or something else.....it's been bothering me ever since the USJ incident.....
-tomura grins at him-
tomura: why dont we have a little chat?
Izuku: "!!!!" ("Tomura...Shigaraki?!")
mina: *modeling sneakers* pretty slick, eh?
Iida: "But will they wear out too quickly?"
mina: i've had sneakers that have lasted for years, i think they should be fine by the time camp star- *GAAASP* OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THESE! *shiny eyes*
Iida: "...And the price?"
mina: just within my budget~ ^^
-they were a pair of lisa frank sneakers-
Iida: "...A hike on the mountains will rip those apart in a day."
mina: _these_ babies are going into my collection. >3<
Iida: "Fine, but you need something durable..." *holds up plain black hiking boots*
ochako: *now with her new sleeping bag* ^^ *looks out over the crowd below* (lots of people. well i got the main goal complete, so, why not play 'lets spot my classmates'?) *looks around*
*Looks like Sero and Eijiro are stepping into a sporting goods shop*
ochako: (they seem to be doing well.....i wonder if tape can be used to catch fish?)
*Momo is pointing to different duffle bags*
ochako: *smiles and glances* ??
*Looks to be someone in a hoodie with...Izuku?*
ochako: (who is that?......deku's face...) ........ (something's wrong here.....) *she starts heading over to where they are*
tomura: y'know, i really hate everything in this world....but the hero killer is really pissing me off the most right now....
Izuku: "??? W-Wasn't he working for you?"
tomura: you'd think, but that's just not how it is. even after a few months, everyone's still talking about him, and ignoring us, ignoring _me_. he can talk big all he damn pleases, but in the end, he's just destroying what he hates, so how does that make us any different?
Izuku: "...U-Understanding?"
tomura: what?
Izuku: "I...don't accept what either of you have done, the Hero Killer or you...But...I can understand the Hero Killer's reasons, not yours..."
tomura: oh do you?
Izuku: "...For him and for me...we follow ideals inspired by All Might...The Hero Killer even saved me, so even if he's destructive, and even if his methods are wrong, I know he's not just doing this for fun: he's trying to live by some ideal."
tomura: *his face is expressionless, but his eyes have a look of pure, utter hatred*
Izuku: "!!!"
tomura: i get it now...hehehe....i see why he pisses me off so much....and why you irritate me so badly....*wide grin* it's aaaaaall be cause of all might....hehehehehehe, it's soooo obvious! the reason these people go about living, smiling without any trouble, is because of all might and that stupid smiling face, acting like there's no one he can't save. *grips izuku's throat tighter*
Izuku: *coughs, struggling to move--*
ochako: hey deku...
tomura: ???
Izuku: "!!!"
ochako: friend of yours?
Izuku: "...Y-Yeah...It's fine..."
tomura: well, i should be going....best not follow me....*gets up and begins walking away*
Izuku: *coughs, inhaling deeply*
ochako: hey, are you alright, deku?
Izuku: "Sh-Shigaraki!"
tomura: ...
ochako: !!!!
Izuku: "Wh-What does All for One want?!"
tomura: ...._that's_ not what you should worry about.....what you _should_ be worried about is when we meet again....because that's when you'll die....*he vanishes into the crowd*
Izuku: *tries to walk forward--but still struggling to breathe*
-ochako ended up contacting mall security and the mall had to be closed down for the time. izuku and ochako also were taken in to be asked questions-
Izuku: "..."
officer: i see, thank you for your time, mr midoriya, you're mother will be here shortly.
Izuku: *nods* "I wish I could've stopped him..."
officer: you did what you could.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
-outside, ochako was sitting on a bench-
ochako: ....
???: "Ochaco!"
ochako: dad! *she hugs him*
Mr. Uraraka: *hug* "I was so worried! Are you okay?"
ochako: y-yeah. i'm alright. (physically at least)...
Mr. Uraraka: "You could've been hurt...Come on, let's get you home..."
ochako: ok, just waiting on my friend first.
-mrs midoriya is sitting across, weeping-
Izuku: *exits from the interrogation room*
inko: my baby!! *she hugs him* oh thank goodness you're ok! you're poor mama's heart can't take it. *she's crying*
ochako: how did it go, deku?
Izuku: "I-I'm okay, Mom...I'm sorry..." *looks at Ochaco* "I don't know...They asked me a lot of questions..."
ochako: well, we're alive, so that's good news.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
ochako: *smile* well, we should probably get home now... see you later? *offers fist bump*
Izuku: *weak smile, bump*
ochako: *laying in bed*
mrs uraraka: *opens the door a bit* you need anything, sweetie?
ochako: im good.
mrs uraraka: well, let us know if you need something, ok?
ochako: i will.
Mr. Uraraka: "..."
mrs uraraka:....*hug* she's a brave girl...
Mr. Uraraka: *nods, hugs her* "Our hero..."
Kurogiri: "..."
banshee: he actually did that? talk about a ballzy move.
himiko: *peeeeks in* OwO~?
Kurogiri: "Reckless, but I think it stirred fear in enough heroes, so, it evens out..."
mr compress: and how is mr shigaraki now?
Kurogiri: "He's focusing on the next step to take."
-in a small bar somewhere in europe-
???: *sips*
bartender: <dont you three have anything else better to do?>
???: <when a job comes by, yes>
bartender: *looks at the two other men seated across from the blonde one*
???: *smiles, waves* <Hello!>
blonde man: *holds the bartender's arm* <if you arent too busy, mr bartender, maybe we could spend time together later~?> <3
???: *sighs* <Please don't flirt with people you don't know.>
blonde man: *pouts* <you're so meeeeean, dumas.>
Dumas: <No, practical.> *tugs the Blonde by his cheek*
blonde man: <ah~!> >///T
-someone enters-
mailman: <telegram for a mr cervantes?>
Cervantes: <I am Mr. Cervantes!>
mailman: <telegram for you, sir.>
-it seems to have an odd symbol on it, like a golden ribbon?-
bartender: (who sends telegrams anymore?)
Cervantes: "..." *grins* <WORK!>
-it reads; salutations, mr cervantes. i hope this message reaches you without too much trouble. you see, i have a job for you and your companions. you may meet with me at the prince hotel at your earliest convenience and we shall discuss the details further there. cordially, TS.-
blonde man: <oh joy!> ^u^
Dumas: *sighs, pulls out a wallet*
Cervantes: <Happy times!> *puts his foot on the chair* <Onward, to adventure!>
Allison: "You're looking happy."
erina: really? i hadnt noticed.
Allison: "Heh--most people don't." *nudge*
erina: ^^;
Allison: "You going to see him after work?"
erina: yeah.
Arthur: <--which then led to new trade opportunities, including the export of electronics and food.> *closes his Chinese textbook*
shinra: wow.
fang-hua: very good, arthur. ^^
Arthur: <Thank you.>
Victor: *thumbing through pages, trying to keep up* O~O
tamaki: *whispers* was that mandarin or cantonese?
shinra: *shrug*
Arthur: "Have you finalized the itinerary with the Commanders, teacher?"
fang-hua: yes.
Arthur: *nods* "Very good." *pulls out a sword* "Point me in the direction." *points East*
fang-hua: ^^;
Honda: "--big beautiful scenery! Strong people! Fast waters! GO FORTH, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE GREAT DISASTER! I-- ...Could you lean down a bit--I can't reach your shoulders, Takeru."
takeru: um y-yessir...
Honda: *pats his shoulders* "MAKE US PROUD, MY BOY!" *warrior cry*
takeru: *strained warrior cry*
hito: *sweatdrop*
Honda: "Where was I...Oh, right! Souvenir shopping! Get something for everyone in the Brigade! Don't skimp!" *hands him money*
Hirotsu: "Okay, let's see the costumes..."
higuchi: *modeling her dress*
maggie: wow!
Hirotsu: "Excellent. How is it?"
-she wore a wig with a brown, yellow, and red colored patchwork dress-
Hirotsu: "Most certainly our Snow White...Let's see the others..."
-kouyou is in quite the elegant gown, the kids are in cute little costumes as well-
Hirotsu: "That leaves Charming..." *looks around* "Where is he?"
Tachihara: *behind the curtain* "...Um...I feel kind of goofy."
katya: come on out here, y'coward.
Tachihara: *grumbles...* stumbles out slightly in tights and a princely jacket* .\\\. *he doesn't have the nose bandage on*
Gin: "...Who the heck is this guy?"
Tachihara: D:<
higuchi: *snickering*
katya: holy shit....he's seriously average looking.
Tachihara: Q_Q "I'm not _that_ average..."
george: ouch.
Hirotsu: "Costume rehearsal begins in five minutes. Take your places..."
Master: *puts up the posters*
nygus:...those are…
-sayaka made doge posters that read 'very festival' 'much spring' 'wow'-
sayaka: ^^
Master: "...Creative."
nygus: that's a polite way of putting it. *sweatdrop*
Master: "Gives me an idea for other menu items..."
Fyodor: *whistling*
Fyodor: "Hmm hmm hmm..." *taps his knuckle on the wall*
Fyodor: "..." *stretches* <Dull.>
Cervantes: *humming, walking along a fence*
Dumas: -_-
blonde man: *humming* ~^^
Cervantes: <Dumas, check the GPS~>
Dumas: *looking at a map*
Cervantes: <I said the GPS~>
Dumas: <A printed map is just as reliable...>
blonde man: <i wonder if our benefactor is good looking..>
Dumas: <They probably have to wear a mask so you don't see their horrible features.>
blonde man: =3= <so gloomy as always.>
Cervantes: <And GPS would be more up to date-->
blonde man: <there it is~!>
Dumas: <I mapped this myself. I am the resourceful, responsible one here.> *turns--and walks into a wall* <...>
Cervantes: <...Please pick up Dumas and bring him in~> *walks on in*
Dumas: "..." X_X *falls back*
-in one area, and individual with long white hair is reading to themselves-
???: hm? <you are cervantes, are you not?>
Cervantes: <Yes! I received your message!>
???: <please, do have a seat. care for some apple slices?> ^^
blonde man: *shiny eyes* <so lovely...>
???: fufufu, <why thank you~>
Dumas: X_X *collapsed on the couch* <Gather the horses, my knights--we will storm the castle...>
???: ?? <is your friend alright?>
blonde man: <he'll be fine momentarily~>
Cervantes: <Just a minor head injury...> *slaps Dumas's face*
Dumas: Q_Q
Cervantes: <See~?>
???: <well, glad to see he isnt dead. now, onto the job. you see, an associate of mine has been wrongfully imprisoned in death city.> *they hand him a folder*
Cervantes: *opens, reads the file, passes the photo to the Blonde Man*
blonde man: *examines* ovo; <um...this is...erm....>
-the photo is of fyodor-
Dumas: *holding his head* <Ugh...> *looks at the photo* <...Oh, yeah, that's a reassuring smile...> *cringes*
???: <so you'll do it? i'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your trouble.>
Cervantes: *looks over maps and reports* "..." *smiles widely* <Yes! We accept!>
blonde man: <it shouldnt be a problem, with my ability, freeing him will be a snap~!>>
Dumas: *sighs* <Escaping a prison? I thought it would be a challenge...>
???: <thank you kindly, gentlemen. i will make sure you do not regret it~>
Iida: "And then one approaches a classmate."
tensei: seriously?
Iida: *nods* "No sign where he went. It was the same who attacked USJ."
tensei: ....
Iida: "Let me pull it up..." *his laptop is frozen* *sighs* "So much for dependable tech..."
tensei: let me try something.
Iida: "???" *hands him the laptop*
-after a while, it seemed to be fixed-
Iida: "Oh, thank you! That was impressive."
Poe: *curled up under a blanket, reading*
karl: zzzzz
Poe: *pets Karl, stroking his back*
karl: =w=
Poe: ^w^ *returns to reading, jotting some notes*
Damon: "Then teacher gave us a quiz for chemistry."
soul: how was that?
becky: i got an 89.
Damon: "84?"
soul: great job you two. ^^ *double head pat*
becky: =,=;
Damon: ^^; "I wanted to do better..."
becky: want me to tutor you?
Damon: *nod* "Yes, please!"
becky: ^^
Damon: *takes out his quiz* "I got Number 5 wrong."
Dumas: *checking off items on the list* "We're still short on flash bombs..."
blonde man: <i can secure more for us~>
Dumas: <Do it. And we'll also need-->
Cervantes: *snores*
Dumas: "..." *poke poke*
Cervantes: "Zzz..."
Dumas: "..." -_-
Lucy: *looks out the window* "...What the heck is he doing?"
atsushi: hmm? *looks*
Dazai: *on all fours, sifting through something in the grass*
atsushi: *watching*
Dazai: "..." *looks surprised, starts pulling on something in the grass*
Lucy: "Did he lose something?"
Dazai: *tugging on what looks like a weed*
atsushi: i better check on him to make sure he isnt hurting himself. *heads outside*
Lucy: "Good thinking..." *follows*
Dazai: *grunting, tugging* "Come on...Get loose!"
atsushi: hey dazai, what're you doing exactly?
Dazai: "Ah, I dropped a quarter while walking back--*GRUNT*--and then I saw this weed--*GROAN*--that won't come loose..." *the 'weed' looks...metallic?*
atsushi: ??? (odasaku, you have any idea what the heck that is?)
odasaku: your guess is as good as mine.
Lucy: "...?!! Wait! I think that's the phone--"
Dazai: *PULLS--and the 'weed' snakes up the grass, to the building--and pulls wires off the wall*
atsushi: ._.;;; um.....
naomi: DAZAI! D8<
Tanizaki: "I had an important call!"
Dazai: "..." *points at Lucy, shoves the weed into her hands*
Lucy: "..." -_-#####
naomi: where do you think _you're_ going, mr? ^^# *she has a rope*
Dazai: OwO;; "...See, I already tried rope before, and it's too painful for proper suic--"
Tanizaki: "Grab him!"
-one nice boat later-
atsushi: .____.
Tanizaki: *finishes the sign, puts it around Dazai's neck* " 'Do not pull wires you don't recognize.'"
Lucy: *snaps a pic*
Dazai: *tied to a tree by his feet and hands* QwQ
kirako: *covers aya and kenji's eyes*
Lucy: *typing* " 'The majestic jackass, soaring over the crowd...'"
atsushi: ._. (he seems to be enjoying this predicament....) *sweatdrop*
Dazai: QwQ "...See, ropes are not good for suicide, but when it comes to S and--"
kirako:...*awkward cough*
Dazai: QwQ "..." *nod nod* "I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry for interrupting your phone calls and downloads. May I come down now~?"
naomi: wait up there for a while.
Benimaru: *sets down tea*
kirei: ^^
kabuki: thanks for inviting us, commander.
Benimaru: *nods* "You're welcome. I thought it best before Kohana departed for her mission."
fang-hua: ^^; you didnt have to go to all the trouble, commander-
Tsukiyo: *gobbling snacks*
Benimaru: "It was no trouble. It was the least we could do." *pours her tea*
fang-hua: well, thank you. ^^
Benimaru: *nods* "I have full confidence in you. Keep an eye on the other brigades and report."
fang-hua: *nods*
kirei: *hands her a charm* this will bring you luck.
fang-hua: thank you!
Tsukiyo: *mouth full* "Wow, so pretty!"
Shotaro: *hands Mana mail* "It keeps coming in for you..."
mana: wow.
Shotaro: "Feeling more healed since your fight?"
mana: i think so.
nea: well, arent  _you_ miss popular?
Shotaro: ^^ "I mean, she did advance far in the competition." *holds up his phone* "Although this one fan site is kind of rude..."
nea: let me see that!
mana: hah?
*The fan site seems to have rude remarks in the comments section, as well as photos of Mana walking around town*
mana: what the hell?
nea: kepuri, find their IP address.
Kepuri: "On it!" *takes Shotaro's phone, taps a few keys* "...Um...It's about 12 feet from us..." *looks down the hall*
Emine: *on his laptop* "..."
-nice boat-
mana: *brushing off her hands*
Shotaro: "...Wow...That's gonna need a whole bucket of bandages..."
Steinbeck: "--and that's the family tree!"
twain: wowzers.
oscar: quite a family, johnny-boy.
ebie: cool!
Steinbeck: "Well, we're extended. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everyone when you have a big family."
emily: i could imagine.
Steinbeck: "How about you--extended family?"
emily: not that i'm familiar with.
Steinbeck: "Aunts or uncles?"
emily: probably, but i havent spoken with them much.
twain: i just have my aunt polly.
oscar: didnt miss porter have an aunt polly, as well?
Hemingway: "Think so..." *flipping through photos*
oscar: *glances*
*Looks like photos of Cuba, with a younger Hemingway in them*
oscar: where was that, ernie?
Hemingway: "Havana, during a fishing trip."
oscar: oooh.
Hemingway: "Work took me to a lot of places."
ebie: *listening* OwO
Hemingway: "Spain, France, Rwanda, Congo--lots of reports to file." *shows a photo of him--wrestling a lion*
emily: (is this man even real?)
Hirotsu: "Hmm...The stage looks sound. How are acoustics?"
naoya: *strumming guitar* *thumbs up*
Hirotsu: "Ah, yes, good. Now, onto seating for the audien--"
Kafka: "OW!" *holding his thumb, dropping a hammer*
naoya: ?? you alright?
Walter: *vacuuming*
Kafka: "THESE BLASTED--" *sound drowned out by vacuuming* "--SEATS WON'T MAKE THEMSELVES, SO I--" *more vacuuming* "--HAVE TO FIX THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE SUCH PIECES OF--" *more vacuuming* "--THAT NO--" *more vacuuming--* "--ING PERSON WOULD EVER BE CAUGHT DEAD IN!"
blonde man: <so how much farther to the airport?>
Dumas: <My map says another 17 miles-->
Cervantes: *points at a sign* <The sign says 1 mile the other way.>
Dumas: -_-#
blonde man: <maybe i should try and get us a lift?>
Dumas: <If you insist--we have enough money...>
blonde man: *stripping by the side of the road*
blonde man: *coy pose*
Cervantes: <No, no--this is all wrong!>
Dumas: <Thank you!>
Cervantes: *imitates a pose* <Like this!>
Dumas: ._. "..." *facepalm*
driver: <what the hell?> *pulls over*
blonde man: <would you pwease give us a ride~?>
Cervantes: *smiles* <See? It worked!>
Dumas: <How do you even know the driver will agree?>
driver: <what the hell is going on here?>
Cervantes: <We request transport to the airport, my friend!>
driver: um...o.....k?
Cervantes: *smug smile at Dumas*
Dumas: >_> <This proves nothing...Just get in the vehicle...AND PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES!>
Anya: *putting on a kimono*
tsugumi: trying on outfits for the spring festival?
Anya: *nods* "Not sure about the color."
tsugumi: it looks nice, a different change of pace. ^^
Anya: "Thanks...Which color will wear?"
ao: isnt blue your image color?
Anya: "I guess that would work..."
naomi: that's one fancy hat, lucy.
Lucy: ^^; "Thanks...I picked the flowers myself in time for the season..."
sylvia: i-it's really pretty, miss montgomery.
Lucy: "..." *clears her throat* "Well, I could make one...if anyone wanted that kind of thing..."
sylvia: a-are you sure? i dont know if i would make a-a hat like that look good, y-your hair is a lot p-prettier than mine...
Lucy: "Then consider it an opportunity to try something to make your hair look better."
sylvia: ....
naomi: maybe we could braid it?
Lucy: "Oh, that'd be great!"
sylvia: .~.
naomi: we're gonna need to wash it and brush it out really good, first.
sylvia: b-but what about m-my ability?
naomi: i dont think your hair will cause any trouble.
Lucy: "Even if it did, 'Medusa,' some hair salon gloves would keep our hands safe enough."
-25 minutes later-
naomi: ._.; how does she _get_ it this tangled?
sylvia: Q~Q
Lucy: "..." *small grunt, grabs a headband, puts it around her own head, stretches* "Leave it to me: if I could style Howard's hair, then I can style hers!"
naomi: good luck.
sylvia: Q~~~Q
Lucy: "Now, just stand still, and if it hurts, please tell me."
sylvia: o-okaaaay....
Kafka: *looking over musical sheets* "...You have to be kidding."
leroux: ??
Kafka: "This score, it's just--BLECH!" *starts scribbling*
leroux: *peeek*
*Looks like Kafka is changing some instructions*
Kafka: "There! You need to be *quiet* in this part, not crescendo!"
leroux: hmm, hmm, i see.
Kafka: "Jeez, who is even handling music in this play?"
karl: *stares at mr shephard*
Mr. Shephard: *puts down his book* "Oh...Hello, um, Karl."
karl: o^o
Poe: "Karl? Karl, where are you?"
karl: *chitter*
Poe: *walks in* "There you are--EEP! M-M-Mr. Shephard..."
Mr. Shephard: "Edgar." *nods*
Poe: .______.
karl: *nudge*
Mr. Shephard: " 'Kay?"
Poe: "I...want your blessing!"
Mr. Shephard: "...Um...I'm not a priest or anything, but--" *makes the sign of the cross* "Amen?"
karl: *facepaw*
Poe: .___. "...Maybe I need to be clearer..." *opens the box, shows the ring*
Mr. Shephard: "Oh, that's pretty. Is it for Lana?"
Poe: "I-I-I-I want to marry her. W-Will you give us your blessing?"
Mr. Shephard: "... ... ..." *sets down the book*
karl: ovo
Poe: *whimper, but stands his ground*
Mr. Shephard: "...Do you love her?"
Poe: "With all my heart!"
Mr. Shephard: "Will you protect her? Against anyone who would do her harm?"
Poe: "Yes!" *inhales deeply*
Mr. Shephard: "..." *sighs* "Then I leave it to her to decide."
Poe: *loud exhale* *hug*
Mr. Shephard: ._.
Poe: *SQUEE!* "I have to go ask her!" *runs outside--then runs back inside, slamming the door, panting* "...It's so bright."
Mephisto: *clears his throat* "How are you?"
stocking: doing well, workwise.
Mephisto: "Good. I had some high compliments from staff and students~"
stocking: oh?
Mephisto: *nods* "On time, prepared for lessons, managing classrooms discussions..." *pulls up a web page* "I had this designed for just such an occasion." *the site is called 'GradeMyTeach.DC'*
stocking: oh cool.
Mephisto: "You're ranking better than Neuhaus--low bar, I know--but your score is going up...Just avoid the hate online."
stocking: i know. is triple A still being a pain in the A?
Mephisto: *Excalibur face* *points to his face* "Does this answer your question?"
stocking: good point.
felisia: *snicker* nice one.
Mephisto: *sighs, resumes his usual face* *pats Felisia's stomach*
felisia: only a month away now...
Mephisto: ^w^ "Glorious~" *nuzzle*
atsushi: *helping dazai down from the tree* easy now.
Dazai: TwT "Thank you, kind sir..."
atsushi: i figured you'd been punished enough, today...
Dazai: "I just wanted to see where it was going--and we have enough other spy risks..."
atsushi: .....
Dazai: "I didn't want someone trying to spy on Kirako...And, you know, too much time on the Internet isn't good for anyone."
atsushi:....did you want to get something to eat?
Dazai: "...Sure. Rice sounds good."
atsushi: yeah, i could go for some chazuke right now...
-and so-
Dazai: *claps his hands* "Thank you for this meal!"
atsushi: *nom* =w=~ *tiger chuff*....*ahem* 737;......so...anything else on your mind, dazai?
Dazai: "...The usual. Scared to death of fatherhood. Want to find the rest of the Rats. Have a rash."
atsushi: did you get ointment from yosano?
Dazai: "I tried--but I got...tied up." OwO
atsushi: maybe i could ask?
Dazai: "Thank you..." *looks at him* "...Huh." *looks at him back and forth*
atsushi: ?? whats up?
Dazai: "...What happened to that scrawny kid Kunikida and I picked up at the canal?"
atsushi: *points to himself* ?
Dazai: *nod nod* "You've bulked up a bit."
atsushi: i guess i have gotten some more muscle...and i think i might be a centimeter taller?
Dazai: "See? A better diet and exercise helps!"
sonia: *putting a rock into the garden with something written on it*
Chuuya: *watching*
-the rock reads 'mama'-
Chuuya: *rubs his eyes*
sonia: *she looks up at him* did you want to put down a rock, papa?
Chuuya: "Um...Yes..."
katya: what're you two up to?
Chuuya: "Just writing..." *putting something on a stone* *looks like he's writing "Rain"*
katya: this some kind of memorial garden?
Chuuya: "Yes..." *sets down the stone, takes another*
katya: i see....
Chuuya: *writing "Oda"* "..." *sets it down*
sonia: did you want to put one down?
katya: nah, there wouldnt be enough room to write all the names down...
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
tamaki: any idea where we're gonna be staying, other than in fang-hua's hometown?
Arthur: "I think visiting Takeru's farm in Qingdao."
tamaki: wonder what that will be like.
shinra: i think a lot different from most farms, i'd think.
Arthur: "Like dragon tooth farms?"
shinra: um....i guess?
Arthur: "Then we shall raise the small warrior babies born from their teeth."
shinra + tamaki: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: "I'll name them Agenor, Guinevere, Phoenix, and Tamaki Jr."
Giriko: *wiping something off his shirt* "Poor thing..."
anna: bwah?
Giriko: ^^; "It's fine, little lady." *light nose tap*
anna: =3=
Giriko: *hug*
anna: ^o^
Giriko: "Heh heh..." *wipes her face carefully*
Patty: "Sis, Kid's doing that thing again."
liz: oh boy.
Kid: "N-Nothing. What makes you think anything happened?" *there's crayon on the wall*
liz: ^^;
Patty: "Um, most kids crayon the walls--it's part of growing up! You could frame it!"
Kid: "..." Q_Q "Do we have extra frames?"
Cervantes: *snores*
blonde man: *reading*
Dumas: *looking out the window* <So dull...>
blonde man: *fidget fidget*
Dumas: <Sit still. Can't you be still?>
blonde man: <too antsy....i wonder if i can join the mile high club>
Dumas: *tugs his ear* <No.>
blonde man: ah! <owieee~>
Dumas: <Contain yourself. Order another drink if you have to...> *looking through his book on poisons*
blonde man: *peeeeek*
Dumas: -_-# <...Yes? I am looking at poisons.>
blonde man: <is it interesting?>
Dumas: <A bit. Did you know there are some poisons you can ingest in small portions to build up resistance?>
blonde man: <oh? i didnt know that.>
Dumas: <Yes...Just takes time...>
blonde man: hmmm....
Dumas: *jots something down* <Yes, just a few more milliters would do it...>
blonde man: *looks around*
Cervantes: *sleep talk* <Curse you, you vile waste of grain grinding...>
blonde man: *fidgeting in his seat*
Cervantes: <BRING ME MY LANCE!> *swings an arm, just missing the Man*
blonde man: ah! >3< <miguel, be careful!>
Cervantes: *yawns, stretches* <Have we landed this giant metal bird yet?>
blonde man: <not yet...> *examines english language guide*
Dumas: <How is language studying coming along?>
blonde man: good.
Dumas: <Oh? Why don't you try asking the flight attendant for something.>
blonde man: ma'am?
Flight Attendant: "Yes? May I help you?"
blonde man: where do i sign for the mile high club~? ^^
Flight Attendant: "...Sir, that is prohibited on flights. And technically it wouldn't be a mile above the ground." -^-
Dumas: *covering his face* <How mortifying...>
blonde man: T3T oh poo.
Flight Attendant: "Now, unless you had anything else to say, I'll take your trash..."
Dumas: "He wouldn't fit in your trash bag."
Flight Attendant: "..." *giggles*
blonde man: <mean> =3=
Dumas: *small smile*
Takehisa: *flipping through a military academy yearbook*
maki: looking at old photos?
Takehisa: *nods* *there's a photo of a younger Takehisa with other cadets--he doesn't have his glasses on* "I couldn't see a thing."
maki: hmm.
Takehisa: *points to a photo of Maki*
maki: man, i was a small-fry back then.
Takehisa: "Yes, not as tall as now. Have you spoken with anyone from the division recently?"
maki: not recently.
Takehisa: "Neither have I...And your father?"
maki: what _about_ him?
Takehisa: "..." *nods* "Sorry."
maki:...*sigh* it's fine.
Takehisa: "...Coffee?"
maki: sure.
mina: yessir!
-they're playing games on bakugou's gamecube-
Eijiro: "Ease up, man--Mina had socks on--OH, YOU JERK!" *tapping on the controller* "No, no, no!"
Bakugo: "IT'S ABOUT POLITENESS!" *leaning while moving the controller*
sero: ooooh oh snap!
mina: nyehehehe~
Eijiro: "You won't be so high and mighty when I--"
*Eijiro loses*
Eijiro: Q_Q
Bakugo: "..."
mina: aw yeah! team acid tape wins again!
sero: up top!
-high five-
Eijiro: "Dang it! Well, Team Shrapnel will be victorious next time!"
Bakugo: "...You no longer get to pick names."
sero: i dunno, 'shrapnel' sounds kinda badass.
mina: it does
Eijiro: ^w^ "See? It's the combination of explosions and rocks--"
Bakugo: "No."
Eijiro: "...You're jealous you didn't think of it first, aren't you--"
Bakugo: *his controller blows up in his hand* -n-###
sero:....guess we have to make another trip to the game-in-box, huh?
Eijiro: "Wow, harsh!"
mina: yeah, baku, no need to be so mean. -3-
sero: at least he's using his name, and not some insulting nickname, eh?
stocking: i'm home.
Kid: "Welcome back." *smiles*
stocking: *huuuug* *whisper* can we go to bed? i wanted to try some new costumes out~
Kid: .\\\\. "O-Oh? Sure..."
stocking: *smirks and drags him to their room by his collar*
Kid: *follows, blushing* "Oh, wow..."
stocking: i thought we could try a little role-playing. some school year nostalgia~ *whispers* i even got us some uniforms~
Kid: "Oh, Stocking, yes..." *lightly brushes his hand along her wrist*
stocking: hehe~ *closes the door*
Kid: "Shall we change?"
-and so-
stocking: *in a uniform, bent over the bed, shaking her rear a bit*
Kid: *in his own uniform* "Well, well, have you been a bad girl?"
stocking: yes. could you tutor me in sex ed~?
Kid: "I don't know..." *rests a hand on her lower back* "I am a hard tutor."
stocking: i would like that~
Kid: "Would you now~?" *rubs her lower back carefully* "Because I think I have to give you an incentive to learn..." *soft pat on her bottom*
stocking: ah~
Kid: "After all, a little stimulation goes a long way..." *his hand passes down over her skirt to her leg, stroking*
stocking: ahhh~<3 T///=
Kid: *leans, his chin on her shoulder, whispering in her ear* "And I like to get close and personal with my tutoring~" *soft kisses along her ear, as his hand slides slowly up her leg*
stocking: nngh~ kid~
Kid: "I love you...but you need to learn a lesson." *small quick spank*
stocking: ah~!
Kid: "I bet that's something not told in the classroom..." *looks down at her uniform* "Oh, that outfit complements you so well..." *his hand brushes above her breasts*
stocking: *soft moan*
Kid: "So after talking and stimulating your partner, you want to check..." *his lower hand brushes against her underwear*
stocking: ah!
Kid: "Oh, too fast?"
stocking: *shaking her rear a bit at him* f-feels good...
Kid: "Oh~?" *spank spank spank*
stocking: *she moans in time with each smack, her legs quivering*
Kid: "Too much of a work-out? Maybe you need some more exercise..." *positions himself behind her, as he rubs against her and cups her breasts over the uniform*
stocking: ahhh, that feels so good...
Kid: *rubs her breasts, lifting the sweater from her stomach, as his hardness is against her* "Oh, Stocking, this takes me back..." *kisses the back of her neck*
stocking: nnnm~ damn, you're so hard already...
Kid: "Can you blame me, my delicious honor roll..." *he reaches down, his fingers sliding up to her* "You're getting wet..."
stocking: ahh, oh god kid, your fingers feel amazing!
Kid: *smiles* "You've given me plenty of practice..." *rubs along her slit* "Tell me how much you want it."
stocking: i want you so fucking bad, baby. i even wore my striped undies for you~
Kid: *lifts her skirt* "Oh, God, Stocking--I'm going to cum so hard in you." *tugs on her panties*
stocking: *panting and blushing* please, please fuck me.
Kid: *loosens his tie* "Beg for it..." *he rubs himself along her lips before guiding himself into her*
stocking: please baby, i need it in me so hard. please. *shaking her rear*
Kid: *smiles* "Then let's start..." *thrust*
stocking: AHH~<3
Kid: "I want to make you feel so good that you can't even stand..." *spanks her, before continuing*
Kid: *still wearing the tie, and not much else* "Ahh..."
stocking: *panting, laying next to him, cum still dripping out of her and decorating her chest* ahh....that....was....incredible....
Kid: *smiles* "Yes, you were..." *reaches for the drawer, and pulls something out* *it's a box...* "Pocky?" *puts one between his lips*
stocking: yes please~ *nom* ^///^~<3<3<3
Kid: *smooch* ^\\\3\\\^
stocking: hehehe~<3 so cute~
Kid: *smiles* "So are you...We go together so well..." *rubs a hand over her stomach*
stocking: *smiles* i love you.
Kid: "I love you, too..." *cheek smooch*
stocking: hehehe~
Kid: *hug* "...Forgive the corniness, but I think we gave a new meaning to 'cram school.'"
stocking:....*snerk* *laughing* oh my god, kiddo.
Kid: ^\\\^; "Sorry..." *nuzzle*
airport intercom: now arriving at death city airport.
Dumas: *stretches* <Finally.>
Cervantes: *holding up a tiny bottle of liquor* "..." <I AM A GIANT NOW!>
blonde man: *yaaaawn*
Dumas: <Focus. Once we leave here, we go to the safe house...>
blonde man: *streeeetch* <do we have a plan?>
Dumas: <Yes, but we'll need to observe the patterns at the prison.>
clerk: passports.
blonde man: *shows his; Marquis De Sade*
Dumas: *his passport: Alexandre Dumas*
Cervantes: *his passport: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra*
clerk: carry on, then.
Cervantes: *smiles* "Thank you!"
marquis: ^u^
Dumas: *follows* "Let's find the taxi stand..."
frances: *watering flowers* ^u^~♫
Kyoka: *walking down the stairs*
frances: hello miss kyouka, lovely day, isnt it~?
Kyoka: "Yes, I suppose so. How are your plants?"
frances: quite well. ^^ .....*smiles* i think something interesting will happen very soon.
Kyoka: "Oh?"
frances: *humming to herself*
Kyoka: "...Hmm...I'm going to run an errand."
frances: you do that now, dearie~...........................*talking to her flowers again* now, what else do you have to tell me, my pretty little babies?
Kid: *smiles, setting out files*
homura: you seem to be in a good mood today, kid.
Kid: "Sometimes there are some small pleasures..." =\\\\=
homura: *sweatdrop* i..see...
Kid: *ahem* "In any case, I was reviewing the next mission assignments."
homura: and?
Kid: "Some activity following incidents in Qingdao, Salt Lake..."
homura: hmm.
Kid: "Any preferences?"
Sakuya: "..." *facepalm*
Belkia: *stuck in the crawl space* "..."
otogiri: *pulling him out*
Belkia: "Ow ow ow--" *pops out* "Pfew! Thank you!" *all scrunched up*
Gin: "How's line memorization?"
higuchi: pretty good.
Gin: "Will you be ready?" *looking at the set*
higuchi: i hope so...
Gin: "I guess just keep calm and practice...If the others can do it..."
higuchi: y-yeah....
Gin: "..." *pat pat* "Need advice?"
higuchi: just excited, and not exactly looking forward to the kiss. 7-7;
Gin: "That makes two of us...Hmph. It is just pretend, so I guess get through it."
higuchi: and you get to kick tachihara's ass later if you want. ^^
Gin: "Always." *takes her hand*
higuchi: ^^ *smooch*
Gin: =/////=
Rin: "Now, tap the egg lightly against the bowl, inside." *demonstrates* "Now you."
momo sakura: *tap tap* like this?
Rin: "A little harder--just until a tiny crack forms on the shell."
momo sakura: what if shell bits get into the bowl?
Rin: "That's why we start with a tiny crack, so we don't have a bit fall in. Plus, after one tiny crack, the shell should mostly stay together. And I always got a handy spoon here to pluck out the shell!"
Dumas: "Here's our new temporary residence..."
marquis: oooh, i like it!
Cervantes: *ringing the doorbell* "Such pleasant music!"
marquis: *plomph onto his bed* silk sheets~ =w=
Dumas: *eyeroll, opens the fridge, dropping in some frozen dinners* "Let's review the map--"
Cervantes: *already asleep on the couch*
Dumas: "..."
marquis: *naked and rolling in his sheets* =w=~<3
Dumas: "STOP THAT!"
marquis: =3=
Cervantes: *wakes up* "...We need to plan."
Dumas: "Good--"
Cervantes: "First, a bubble bath and a toy boat!"
Dumas: "..." *goes back to mapping*
Rino: *opens the door* "I'm home."
*it's empty inside*
Rino: "..." *sighs, drops her bag, goes to her room* "Hey, Seymour."
seymour: 030
Rino: *opens the fish food container next to a note, drops in flakes*
-working late tonight, be home at 10 ~ mom-
Rino: "Of freaking course..." *taps her phone to put on some music*
-text message-
Rino: -_-; *reads the message*
ryuuko: [you get home safe?]
Rino: "???" [yeah]
ryuuko: [glad to know.]
Rino: "..." [thanks] *walks to the kitchen, opens the fridge, takes out some chicken* [going to make dinner and get to bed]
ryuuko: [you need anything?]
Rino: "..." [nah. i'll be back at the 5th early tomorrow before i head off to school] "..." [could i ask one favor?]
ryuuko: [what is it?]
Rino: "..." [would mikami mind if i played with her pet rabbit?]
ryuuko: [if you're interested. she's having a sleepover this weekend.]
Rino: "... ... ..." *looks at the calendar...Mom's at work [i'll check my schedule, but i should be able to come]
ryuuko: [ok]
Chuuya: *playing with Mito*
mito: *purr*
Chuuya: *happy sigh* "Enjoying this, kitty?"
mito: *mewl*
Chuuya: "That's good...Sonia, you washing up?"
sonia: yes, papa.
Chuuya: "Okay--it's a few more minutes before bedtime."
sonia: ok....can you read me a story?
Chuuya: "Sure! Any you had in mind?"
sonia: do you know any grandma used to tell you?
Chuuya: "How about...'The Ant and the Grasshopper'?"
sonia: *nods, holding her teddy close*
Chuuya: "Well, one summer, a day like any other, there was a grasshopper, without a care in the world..."
[*The grasshopper looks like Dazai*
Grass!Dazai: *bouncing along* "I haven't a care in the world!" ^w^
Narrator!Chuuya: "This grasshopper was so full of himself--I mean, itself--that it almost knocked over an anthill--"
Ant!Gin: "Watch it!"
Ant!Motojiro: "Hey!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Pay attention, you jerk!"
ant!higuchi: DX>
ant!akutagawa: *monotone* ah.
Grass!Dazai: "Oh, I didn't see you there. On account of how short you all are."
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "You're real tiny!"
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "Like, microscopic!"
Ant!Chuuya: "...If this was not a children's story, we would all be swarming you right now and eat you alive--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "*AHEM*"
*Grass!Dazai and Ant!Chuuya look to the left*
Ant!Chuuya + Grass!Dazai: ^\\\\^; "S-Sorry..."
Grass!Dazai: *ahem* "So, why all the hard work? It's summer! We can hop, jump, and play!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Some of us are busy toiling to get enough food before winter--"
Grass!Dazai: "Ah, phooey! That's, like, years away!"
Ant!Motojiro: "4 months, 4 days, 12 minutes, 37 seconds, give or take."
Ant!Gin: "Hmph. Come winter, we'll be warm and well-fed. Best to prepare early than regret it later--"
Grass!Dazai: *rolling up a blade of grass, holding it to the sun until it catches a flame, puffs*
Ant!Gin: "...I thought this was a kids' story."
Narrator!Chuuya: "I think the conceit is broken on that--let's just skip to winter."
*The ants run inside*
Grass!Dazai: "??? Where did everyone--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "The snow came."
*Snow falls all at once, putting out Grass!Dazai's smoking blade*
Grass!Dazai: ._. "..." *shivers* "D-Dang, that was quick...I better get some shelter and food--" *looks* "...Um...Where did all the grain go?"
Narrator!Chuuya: "Meanwhile, the ants were warm and--"
sonia: zzzzzz
Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Well, better then get to the sad ending..." *forehead kiss*
sonia: =w=
Prison Guard: *closes their locker*
marquis: hello~
Prison Guard: "???" *turns*
marquis: *blows a kiss......there is a soft sweet smell*
Prison Guard: *sniff* "..." *goofy smile, collapses asleep*
marquis: *unbuttons guard's shirt* i'll be taking this now, sweetie~
-one clothing change later-
Dumas: *adjusting sleeves* "Too big..."
Cervantes: "Off to the galley!"
marquis: i'll handle the cameras~
Dumas: "Proceed." *points* "We go left, then right, upstairs three floors, down the hall, around the corner--"
Cervantes: "Why not a direct approach?"
Dumas: "...What, through walls--"
Cervantes: "If you insist~"
Dumas: "NO."
-elsewhere in the prison-
Fyodor: "...Well, this is lonesome."
-some noise can be heard some ways down the hall-
Fyodor: "???"
*The lights go out down the hall, with one light left on in Fyodor's cell*
Fyodor: "???"
Fyodor: "..."
Guard #2: "Here is it, Princess~"
Cervantes: ^^; "Why, thank you~"
Dumas: *wearing night-vision goggles, dragging an unconscious guard with keys on their belt*
Guard #2: "Don't I get a thank you kiss? I did bring you back to your throne room to reunite with your father~"
Fyodor: "...Well, this is bizarre."
marquis: OvO
Dumas: *looks* *points* "I found the target."
*Dumas is pointing at the wrong cell*
marquis: *turns dumas around*
Dumas: "..." *points* "I found the target."
Cervantes: ^^; "My friend, please give the brave knight their kiss while I speak to the galley-man we must free."
marquis: ok~ *smoooches the guard....with tongue*
Guard #2: *moaning* "Oh, Princess~"
Fyodor: "... ... ...What the hell?"
Cervantes: *waves* "Hello, galley-man! We're here to free you from your unfair imprisonment! Why, look at these surroundings! They didn't even let you have a cellmate--"
Fyodor: "I killed previous cellmates."
Cervantes: OwO;;;;
Dumas: *sighs* "Ignore them, Prisoner. They are weirdos."
Fyodor: "Well, at least I can speak to someone rational--"
Dumas: "Put this on." *he's holding an iron torture device* "It goes around your head."
Fyodor: "... ... ..." *looks around* "Is it too late to call for more guards?"
???: "You're freeing him?"
Cervantes: *spins around, points at ??? in the other cell* "Yes!"
Grimoire: "..." *sets down his book* "He is dangerous."
Cervantes: *raises a finger in the air* "We never turn down a job upon taking it!"
Dumas: "And we can handle someone like him. Right, Marquis--"
marquis: *on the floor, making out with the guard*
Dumas: "...Right, Cervantes?"
Cervantes: "Or die trying!"
Fyodor: "That can be arranged."
Dumas: "..." *shudders* "J-Just...Come on..." *unlocks the door*
Grimoire: "Fools..." *turns back to his book*
Cervantes: "Lead the way, Dumas!"
Dumas: "In a second..." *fire his gun at the last light bulb, completely darkening the entire room* "Follow me."
marquis: *following* ^////^~ hehe
Cervantes: "Sorry!" *puts on night-vision goggles* "Which way, Dumas?"
Fyodor: "How can he even see? Those goggles can't be enough..."
Cervantes: "Dumas is empowered by the dark. Our little night owl..."
Dumas: -\\\\- "Shut up. This way--" *SLAM, CRUNCH* "..."
Cervantes: "...You ran into the wall, didn't--"
Fyodor: "...Help? Guards?"
marquis: shhhhh. >3<;;
Dumas: *angry whispering* "You 'shhh'! Go back to humping the wall!"
marquis: T3T meanie.
Cervantes: "Now, now, no need to fight! We are a trio destined for greatness! We have a task to complete! Now let's bring our victim to safety--"
*step step step step*
Dumas: "...He's running away."
marquis: ._.;
Cervantes: QwQ "Well, that's disappointing. Shibusawa will be unhappy with us--"
Fyodor: "...Shibusawa?"
Cervantes: "YES! Shibusawa asked us to--"
Fyodor: *walks ahead of them* "Let's go."
Cervantes: OwO "...But I had a speech ready--"
Dumas: *drags him along*
marquis: *following*
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Dumas: "Riches left by your benefactor, hidden in the walls?"
marquis: some #######
Dumas: .___________________.
Cervantes: "Marquis, no. It's pronounced--"
Fyodor: "There."
-inside the box is a set of clothes, a cloak, a phone, a knife, and an unshanka-
Cervantes: "Ah! Your uniform! It suits you--"
Fyodor: "..." *death glare*
Cervantes: .w.;;;; "...Right. We'll leave you to it. Come along--"
Fyodor: *unbuttons his shirt*
marquis: OvO
Fyodor: "...A little privacy?"
marquis: T3T
Dumas: "Come along..." *drags Marquis* "...Cervantes, this man seems more...axe-crazy than I expected."
Cervantes: "Nonsense! He's friendly! He'll be our new special friend."
marquis: i like him, he's cute.
Dumas: "No, _we're_ special. He's...creepy. Not even creepy cute. Just creepy."
marquis: =3= you're too paranoid, alex
Dumas: "I am not--who told you that? Was it Cervantes?"
Cervantes: *whistles innocently*
Fyodor: *picks up his phone*…*scrolls down, dials a name marked "порождать"*
yana: <yo>
Fyodor: <Change of plans.>
yana: <bossman? whats up?>
Fyodor: <Someone wants me to pay a visit.>
yana: <in jail?>
Fyodor: <Hmmm, not quite. They want to take me out for a bit.>
yana: <and what are we to do then?>
Fyodor: <Await my instructions.>
yana: <ok. do you want to say hi to the others or->
Fyodor: <No. I'll let you know when to tell them.>
yana: <ok>
Fyodor: "..." <Problem?>
yana: <no...>
Fyodor: <Good. More reports will come to you as necessary. Keep the radio on.>
Kid: *shifts under blankets*
stocking: zzzz
Kid: *hug*
stocking: mmmm =w=
Kid: *smooch*
atsushi: zzzzz
*tap tap*
atsushi: nnhnn...hmm? *yaaaawn* huzzah?
*Something on the window*
atsushi: ?? *goes to check. it's still the early hours of the morning, and the sun is just starting to rise*
*sitting on the tree branch near the window is Lucy*
Lucy: *waves*
atsushi: *rubs eyes* morning-...wait, how did you get up there?
Lucy: "I climbed."
atsushi: i kind of figured. i just wasnt expecting it. ^^;
Lucy: "I used to do this a lot! Now, get over here..." *pats a seat next to her on the branch*
atsushi: um.... oh boy, how do i get over there?
Lucy: "You're the tiger here."
atsushi: um....ok...*steps back...runs forward and jumps* HUP!
-nice grab onto the branch-
atsushi: *legs dangling* ._. little help?
Lucy: -n-; *pulls him up by his arms then lifting him by one of his legs* "UMPH!" *
atsushi: woah!
Lucy: "There..." *pats his bottom* "Now sit."
atsushi: *sitting down* this is nice.....
Lucy: *nods* "I wanted to see the sunrise...and with someone..." *rests her head on his shoulder*
atsushi: ./////////////.
Lucy: *interlocks her fingers with his*
atsushi: *holding her hand and smiles*
Lucy: *soft sigh, smiles* "You know I love you, right?"
atsushi: i-i love you too... *leans in*
Lucy: .\\\. *gulp* >\\\<
Lucy: *smooch* "Mmm~" "..."
atsushi: ./////.
Lucy: *smiles, blushing* "That was really good..." *leans closer*
atsushi: u/////u
ranpo: ooooi, lovebirds! you gonna make a nest or what?
atsushi: ACK! *falls back, bringing lucy with him as they fall into a bush*
Lucy: *groans, struggling to get up*
ranpo: dat got your attention, huh?
atsushi: you ok lucy? *coughs up leaves*
Lucy: *groans* "N-No...I think I bust my bottom..."
atsushi: oh no...
Lucy: *frowns at Atsushi* -n-
atsushi: did i at least break your fall? ^^;
Lucy: "Yeah..." *looks at him* "Are you hurt?"
atsushi: a bit scratched up, but i've had worse...
ranpo: when you get outta there, head to the meeting room, kay?
Lucy: *grumbles* *holds onto Atsushi*
-and so-
atsushi: so what's going on?
kirako:....*looks at fukuzawa*
Fukuzawa: "Dostoyevsky has escaped."
atsushi: ??!!
aya: what?!
yosano: are you serious?!
Kunikida: "...It appears th-that someone infiltrated and pretended to be guards..."
atsushi: the rats?
Kunikida: "One prisoner tried to identify them, and the description doesn't match any Rats we have encountered."
ranpo: then again, we havent met every one of the rats thus far.
Kunikida: "We'll be reviewing the descriptions against known criminals..."
-there is a flower on the windowsill...-
-in frances' office-
frances: *listening to the flower*
*There's a sound coming from the flower*
Flower?: "--and interview the guards, too."
frances: hmmm..... *on the phone* this is quite the curious predicament, ma'am.
agatha: indeed it is. for now, just monitor the situation. don not intervene just yet.
frances: understood. till next time~ *hangs up* ..... hmmm....
*Voice in the flower*: "Two of you will visit the prison to speak with guards. I think it would be best for Kunikida to stay here..."
flower voice 2: understood, sir.
Kunikida: "..."
yosano: ....*pats his back*
Kunikida: *nods* "We'll be researching here..."
Fyodor: *blindfolded*
marquis: are we there yet?
Dumas: "A bit further...I told you the Iron Mask would've been better. He's probably following us even blindfolded."
marquis: hmmm...
Fyodor: "I assure you, I see nothing." *looks at Cervantes* "...What are wearing?"
Cervantes: "Cologne!"
Fyodor: "..." *sniffs* "...Awful."
marquis: so why dont you tell us about yourself~?
Fyodor: "What do you want to know?"
marquis: what are your companions like?
Fyodor: "Loyal…..Mostly."
Cervantes: "As leader of this trio, it is not loyalty so much as--" *pose* "FRIENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSHIP!"
Dumas: -_-;
marquis: any special someone in your life~?
Fyodor: "...There are people with whom I am intimate."
marquis: do tell~
Fyodor: "What's in it for me, lovely?"
marquis: hehehe~ oh you flirter, you~ ^///^
Dumas: "Stop that." *pulls Marquis away* "We're here."
marquis: =3=
Dumas: "Now, how to let them know we're here--"
Cervantes: "WE'RE HERE!"
marquis: *looks out the window*
-there seems to be a large house in the middle of the desert, surrounded by large hills. it almost looks like a large cabin-
Dumas: "...Yeah, that's conspicuous."
Cervantes: "Ring the doorbell!"
Dumas: "Why would a place out here have--"
Cervantes: *suddenly has a doorbell*
marquis: hellooooo?
-a servant answers-
servant: welcome.
Dumas: "Um, yes, we have completed a mission for your employer..."
Cervantes: *waves* "Hi, Sancho!"
Dumas: -_-; "Not every person you meet is 'Sancho.'"
servant: thank you, sirs. my employer first has some business to take care of in europe before coming here to the states.
Dumas: "Wait--they're not even here? Then how do we do this transaction--"
servant: *hands them a briefcase*
Dumas: "..." *puts an ear to it* "...It's not ticking."
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: "So we have to say goodbye to our new friend?"
Fyodor: "I was not your friend."
marquis: so mean. =3=
Fyodor: *looks at the servant* "So, one prison to another..."
servant: do you wish to invite your subordinates to the establishment?
Fyodor: "...Hmm...Interesting proposal. You'll forgive me if I am suspect."
servant: shall i give you a tour, sir?
Fyodor: "..." *follows*
-there's a living room area with a TV, a kitchen and dining area, a game room, a study, and several bedrooms-
Fyodor: "Large."
servant: you can take any of the bedrooms you'd like.
Fyodor: "I don't have much with me."
servant: *nods and exits*
Fyodor: *sits on the bed, looks at the phone*…..*dials*
Fyodor: "..."
*The phone clicks, connecting*
yana: yo.
Fyodor: "I am at the safehouse."
yana: want me to put you on speaker to talk to everyone?
Fyodor: "Yes."
yana: ok..... OI! everyone get on in here! fedya's on the phone!
zoey: master??
lydia: ???
barkova: owo
Gogol: *sets down his tea*
Ivan: QwQ *inches to the phone*
Fyodor: "I am no longer in the prison."
lydia: so we've heard in the news.
elizaveta: yay!
Fyodor: "I will have updates soon--but you must prepare for a move."
yana: to a new location?
Fyodor: "Yes. Just wait until our host gives me more information."
lydia: your host?
Fyodor: "Yes. I am someone's guest."
Ivan: "..."
lydia: who's?
Fyodor: "I'll tell you more soon, but they'll be an...interesting ally."
yana: hmm...
Ivan: OwO "...WE MISS YOU!"
zoey: i want to see you again, master! i want our baby to see you when it's born!
Fyodor: "...I will see you soon."
zoey: *moan~*
Fyodor: "..." *makes a noise* "Whoops--reception--"
lydia: <calm down, vanya, take a breath..> -A-; *sweatdrop*
Ivan: *hyperventilating*
lydia: <inhale, vanya, inhale!>
Ivan: *takes a paper bag, inhales*
lydia: *pats his back*
zoey: pheh....
Fyodor: "I got to go--until then. Yana, may I speak with you..."
yana: sure thing.....do ya'll mind?
Gogol: ^w^ "Let's depart, everyone..." *pushing them out*
yana:...............<what did you want to say?>
Fyodor: <The move will be difficult getting out of the city: keep them in line.>
yana: <noted.>
Fyodor: <Good. Don't disappoint.>
erina: *waking up*
Allison: *looking at the news* "..."
erina: *yaaawn* mornin'
Allison: "!!!" *puts down her phone* "...Morning."
erina: *streeeetch* bacon....
Allison: ^^; "Coming up..."
-phone rings-
erina: *answers* m'hello?
???: "Erina."
erina: *her stomach drops, and her eyes widen in horror*
???: "I hope you did not think I forgot you."
Allison: "Erina...Who is it?"
erina: *she's shaking, unable to speak* ah...
???: "I'm sure you heard the news already: I'm free."
Fyodor: "I'll see you soon."
erina: *she drops the phone.....and falls to her knees*
Allison: "!!! Erina! Erina!"
Fyodor: "..." *smiles*
erina: ah...ah.......*she screams at the top of her lungs in horror, shaking violently*
Allison: "Erina!" *grabs her, holding her*
erina: *hysterically sobbing*
Allison: "..." *keeps holding onto her, strokes her back*
erina: oh god, he's going to come after me! he's going to hurt me!
Allison: *grabs the phone, hangs it up* "Erina...Look at me."
erina: *her eyes look dead, pupils shrunk*
Allison: "..." *gulps* "W-We're not going to let that happen. I'm not going to let him hurt you."
erina:...i cant leave the apartment...
Allison: "...You have to...This is not your prison, this is your home. And...I don't know, we can call the police..."
erina: how can they help me after i-....*urk* *shaking*
Allison: "...I don't know..." *hugs, cries*
erina:.....i feel sick....
Allison: *nods* "L-Let's get you some water..."
Kunikida: *sitting in front of tea* "..."
naomi: ....
Kunikida: *tries to pick up the cup--misses* "..."
naomi: *pat pat*
Kunikida: "...This is not ideal."
naomi: .....
Kunikida: "No one stopped him, again. And he's going to get people killed, again."
yosano: we're going to find him and stop him.
Kunikida: "..." *nods* "Right."
Chuuya: *freezes*
katya: *malicious giggling* ohhhh im gonna kill hiiiim.... OOOOHHHHH IM GONNA KIIIILLL HIIIIIIM NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
pushkin: 0-0;;;;;;
Gin: "Easy there..."
hirotsu: ._. she's certainly....erm... enthusiastic.
Gin: "Yes...I suggest directing her energies towards something effective." *pulls out a sword* "This would work..."
Akutagawa: "..." T_T ("She's still worried for me...")
leo: katyusha, do you want to use the punching bag?
katya: it'll do.....for now....
Tachihara: "Yo, all--"
Gin: "Speaking of punching bags."
katya: *pulls out a knife* C8<
higuchi: not yet, katya.
Tachihara: O_o "..." *slowly backs away*
katya: move it, <shitbag>.
Tachihara: *takes off running* "WHYYYYYYYYY?!!!" >____<
Fitzgerald: "..." *sets down the newspaper*
alcott: oh dear heavens....
Fitzgerald: "Get Eckleburg on this. Track surveillance."
alcott: right away, sir.
Fitzgerald: *looking through files*
Taneda: "I think this calls for additional support."
ango: hmm....
Taneda: "Go through the files, arrange a meeting."
ango: understood.
Taneda: *sighs* "What a mess...Some prison."
ango: *making a call*
*The line is connecting...*
???: "Hello?"
ango: this is ango sakaguchi, with the death city special abilities department. your group has summons to the city ASAP.
???: *sigh* "Very well. I'll make the call."
Yumi: *hands Shiori* "We'll be working until around 2."
kirika: kay.
stocking: *nod*
Yumi: "Thank you." *waves to Shiori*
shiori: baba...
Yumi: *weak smile, as she leaves*
kirika:...be safe mom.
Yumi: "..." *nods* "I will. Thank you."
Dumas: *counting the dollars*
marquis: so what now?
Dumas: "Onto the next task, including dividing up the money--"
Cervantes: *holding binoculars, looking around* "Hmm...Not a bad setting..."
marquis: *pokes head out*
Dumas: "...No--"
Cervantes: "A lovely new home, with chandeliers!"
Dumas: "I said--"
marquis: we can bring your doggy. ^^
Dumas: "... ... ..." >_> "...Backyard?"
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: ^w^ "Even can build our own cave for you~"
Dumas: "...Hmph. Call a real estate agent."
Cervantes: *victory pose*
Yumi: *reviewing maps* "There are multiple exit points." *taps one part of the map* "Here we had reports of lights going out, as well as mass hallucinations."
homura: hmm...
Yumi: "By the time reports came in of the hallucinations, we found border agents at the northwest sector also under the influence. At this time, we cannot confirm whether it was madness, black blood..."
nygus: have we checked the cameras?
Yumi: "Many were disabled in the prison itself. We do have some footage from around the city..."
nygus: lets review that.
Yumi: *taps onto a tablet, pulling up the footage*
homura: ....
*The footage shows three people bringing along what looks like Fyodor*
*One of them starts pointing wildly at skull-shaped decorations on the buildings*
*One of them starts walking off in the wrong direction*
homura: *sweatdrop*
*The one who looks like Fyodor claps his hands, as if trying to get their attention*
nygus: ...
Yumi: "Wait, where did the third one go?"
*the third was out of view of the camera*
*The one looking like Fyodor just stands...tilts his head*
*The one who got lost starts yelling and pointing*
*The other grabs the one off-camera, pulling him along*
homura: hmm....
Yumi: "That's where our footage ends."
nygus: it doesnt help much...
Yumi: "No. Forensics is searching that spot to find any evidence that could identify the trio."
*Rain starts falling*
izumi: *walking along with an umbrella* ^^
rowena: hello, miss albarn.
izumi: hey ro. ^^
Magaki: *nods*
alice: hello....
izumi: heading anywhere?
Magaki: "I was going to the bakery--was asked to pick up bread for the, um, house."
izumi: sounds good.
rowena: ^^ edgar asked me to pick some supplies up for him as well.
Magaki: "??? Ink?"
rowena: *she nods*
Magaki: "Ah. Does he enjoy sweets? Maybe pick one up for him."
Shotaro: *hangs up a teru teru bozu*
setsuna: ^^
Shotaro: "How's yours coming along, Em--"
Emine: *holds up one looking like it's been hanged*
mana: ._.
mono: _that's_ totally not disturbing at all.
lin-kimpur:... ^^ creative.
Emine: "Thank you." *hangs it up*
Shotaro: "Let's make more!" *draws out a face like Mana's*
sonia: *looking out the window*
Motojiro: "--then the light shines through like a prism*
bessy: oooh, neat.
Motojiro: "Then the worms will come out of the ground--"
sonia: ...
Motojiro: "What can you all tell me about the process of how rain is made? Sonia?"
sonia: .........
naoya: *whispers* maaaybe not the best subject to bring up with her.
Motojiro: OwO;;; "...How about we listen to the frogs croaking--MAKING NOISE! Making noise..."
tom: yay!
naoya: you could call it a....ribbeting, experience.
ayako: you did not just say that.
-some of the kids laugh. sonia says nothing-
leo: miss sonia? did you want to go for a walk?
Motojiro: QWQ "..."
Arthur: *meditating...under the pounding rain*
shinra: he's gonna get a cold.
Relan: "I mean, have you ever seen him have a cold?"
Vulcan: "Must be mind over matter."
shinra: mind?
Vulcan: "...Touche. I don't know, maybe Arthur is a robot--"
Viktor: OwO *picks up a screwdriver*
shinra: nah, he'd be short-circuiting if that were the case.
karin: that is also true.
Vulcan: "Could always waterproof things...Hmm...Maybe a submersible...but fire-powered...and with torpedoes with shark faces on them..." *mutter mutter mutter*
karin: *sweatdrop*
lisa: ^^;
Arthur: *eyes break open* "I got it!" *jumps up*
nozomi: oh?
Arthur: *lifts a rock* "The key!" *holding up...a key to the front door?*
shinra: what an epiphany.
Arthur: "The key is what is needed to unlock the secrets!"
Vulcan: "..." *shudders* "A-Already been there..."
shinra: ....
Rino: *looking around* "So...What's the plan?"
mikami: looking for snacks for the party.
Rino: "What does everyone like?" *grabs some gummy worms*
mikami: from what the others tell me, usual party snacks consist of popcorn and chips, right?
Rino: "True, but can't hurt to have something sweet..." *grabs some soda*
ryuuko: *gets some hi-chews* these are really good.
Rino: *small smile* "Good choice...Any cooking?"
mikami: shrimp?
Rino: "That could be good..." -_-; "Unless Hibana cheaps out."
mikami: isnt shrimp always a party food?
Rino: ._.; "...I mean, if you have the cash."
mikami: sorry, im still trying to get used to how other people do things like this. ^^; i know a bit about it i think...at least i hope so.
Rino: "Jeez, don't tell me you haven't had 'commoners' food' or something." *holds up instant ramen*
mikami: o-o-of course i have! i-i didnt mean anything rude a-at all....
ryuuko: easy mikami, easy.
Rino: ._.; "I hit a nerve?"
mikami: n-no, i-i-it's fine... *wipes her eyes*
Rino: ._.;;;; "...Sorry."
mikami: it's alright. i-im not mad at you.
Rino: "...How about I show you a recipe for a simple cheesecake?"
mikami: o-ok.
Shima: ^^; "Maybe I could help. I read about the prison break, and I know a bit about those kinds of thing--"
izumo: *GLARE*
Shima: OwO;;; "...Ah, come on--I'm just trying to help. After all, we're all classmates and teammates again, right?"
izumo: that depends....
Shima: "Depends on what?"
konekomaru: after what you did, it broke a lot of our trust for you. and if you really are being truthful, you're going to have to do a lot of work to earn that trust back.
Shima: "Oh, totally. That's why I'm here! First, help solve this prison break. Second, pay for some meals for you all. Third, take out Izumo--"
izumo: *GLARE*
seiya: *glare*
Shima: ^^;;; "I can skip the last one." *opens a book, showing some arrays*
Kid: "We're back."
lord death: hello~!
kirika: yo.
Kid: "Hello, Shiori!"
shiori: kid!
kirika: how was it?
Kid: *picks Shiori up* *sighs* "I haven't heard any progress. I don't think it's good for prison staff..."
Ivan: *folding clothes into luggage* ^w^
lydia: <so we're moving base then?>
Ivan: <Because Master asked~>
Gogol: <Likely to keep an eye on us.>
yana: we'll have to take unused underground maintenance tunnels out to avoid public eye...
Gogol: "AKA the sewer."
yana: <pretty much>
Gogol: >_< "That stinks. Literally."
lydia: =_=; grow up.
Gogol: <It's not sanitary...> *grabs soap*
Dumas: *looking at furniture*
marquis: hmmm.....i wanna go on a date.
Dumas: "We still want to be low-key, and you haven't met many people here yet."
marquis: but i get wonwy Q3Q
Dumas: *sighs* "Promise you won't out us?"
marquis: i woooont! im not stupid. *pouty face*
Dumas: "And be quiet bringing any date home."
marquis: okaaaay.
Dumas: "Good luck finding someone--even this city seems limited on options."
marquis: you never knooow~
Dumas: *eyeroll, looks at table coasters*
Dabi: *flipping through posts on his phone*
fang: *chewing on a washcloth*
Dabi: *grumbles, looks*
fang: da-
Dabi: "???"
fang: da-bi! ^o^
himiko: OuO
Dabi: "..." *groans*
fang: dabi! dabi! ^u^
Dabi: "Ugh...Why are you repeating that?"
himiko: you're his daddy! ^u^
Dabi: =_=; "Super..."
tomura: ....
Dabi: *looks at Tomura* "What up?"
tomura: *slinks back into his room*
Dabi: "...What's with him? Is he hard-up for attention?"
Gopher: "Hmph..." *looks up at the clouds* "Was hoping for clearer skies..."
kotone: ....
Gopher: "Could fly or go to the park..." *sad sigh* *looks at Kotone* "...Want to make something to eat with me?"
kotone: ok, brother.
Gopher: *smiles* "Cupcakes? With frosting?"
kotone: yes
Gopher: >w< "Okay!" *puts on an apron*
Free: "We're home!" *Milia is in a poncho and rain boots...Free is just in his shirt and pants, soaked*
milia: hi mama!
eruka: welcome back! ^^
???: is this our little granddaughter? she's such a sweetie! ^^
Free: ._.; *turns*
-eruka's parents are there-
sephy: heya, kiddo.
milia: um...hi?
Free: ^^; "Didn't know you were stopping by..."
kerona: we thought we'd come visit due to the lovely weather~ ^^
Free: "Greeeeeeeat..." *shakes the rain off himself*
kerona: we even brought some treats from the witch world along~
milia: *shiny eyes*
Free: "Guess you can have one for now..."
milia: yay!
eruka: it's been a while since i had food from home. *stomach growls*
Free: ^^; "I guess we're all sharing for a bit--" *reaches for one*
Free: *picks up what looks like a cross between an orange and an apple, only it's got green and purple stripes*
eruka: ooh. *picks up another one* *nom* tangy. ^^
Free: "Milia, try this--" *holds up what looks like a dip container--only it's bubbling, neon, and...did it just blink?*
milia: *nom* =w= yum!
Free: "Thank you for trying something new." ^w^
Tool: "How's your arm holding up?"
mana: a bit sore, but fine.
Tool: *nods* "That's good...The streets are saying this isn't going to stop for a bit--and may flood the road."
mana: hmm.
Tool: "I think it's best to put some towels down around the door edges--" *opens the curtains, looks outside* o_O;;;
*Shotaro is now a dolphin, swimming outside*
kyouko: *helping put up sandbags by the edge of the canal*
Rin: "Got another one..." *picks it up*
nygus: thanks again for helping out here today.
kyouko: not a problem, ma'am.
Sid: "The nearby houses are evacuated. Where did this storm come from?"
homura: it could be an incident by a rogue witch.
Sid: "Maybe...Homura, call up some meisters, see which souls they detect. I'll get some other divisions to check on other sources--demons, quirks, abilities..."
homura: understood.
Sid: *texts* [can you patrol for certain rain-based or water-based quirks in the area? potential source of current downpour]
Aizawa: *asleep next to his phone* "Zzzz..."
yuuji: oi, get up. *nudge*
present mic: i got dis.....HEYYYYYYYYYYYY AIZAWA!!!
yuuji: >~Q ow.
Aizawa: =_______= *grabs Present Mic by the throat*
present mic: GRK-
Aizawa: "What."
present mic: text message for you.
Aizawa: *looks* "..." *sighs* "I'll get my poncho...Come along."
Charon: *shivers* "Stupid rain..."
kagu-tsuchi: it should pass soon enough.
Charon: "Not soon enough. I'm freezing." *he's standing with no shirt*
kagu-tsuchi: *sweatdrop* you're the one walking around without a shirt on.
Charon: "??? How could you--"
kagu-tsuchi: your heat signature was different from usual.
Charon: "Hmph. Fine." *puts on a shirt* "It's still unbearable. Rain requires adjusting any techniques in combat."
*There's a child jumping around in the rain, giggling*
shop owner: hey kid, you shouldnt be out here alone, it's dangerous.
???: "???" *smiles, slightly creepy* "But it's fun! Whee!" *plops down, rolling in the puddle*
shop owner: where the heck are your parents?
???: -___-; "Shut up! I'm here because I want to be!" *kicks up water*
shop owner: woah!
???: >n< "I don't need any, any more!" *stamps their feet--and more rain pours down, flooding into the shop*
shop owner: h-hey! hey!!
???: "I get to do what I want! Because I can do THIS!" *splashes water at the window, shattering it*
shop owner: !!!!!
Sid: "Hey!"
???: "???" *turns* "..." ._.; "What the heck are you supposed to be?"
homura: *grabs their shoulder* disciplinary committee.
-one spanking later-
???: Q~Q "You mean ugly jerk!" >n<
*The rain stops falling...*
nygus: so they were the source, then....
homura: *looking up an ID for the kid*
*Looks to be a runaway from the Slums, missing since the disaster there*
homura: you're from the slums, right?
???: "I don't have to tell you anything--you're not my mom!"
nygus: what's your name, sweetie?
???: "...Kai."
nygus: now, how are you able to use this ability of yours, kai? is it a quirk?
Kai: "Dunno...It started happening last week after I...ran."
homura: so you recently discovered your ability, then?
Kai: *frowns at Homura* -n- "Yeah."
nygus: where's your family, kai? in the slums still?
Kai: "...I don't know. After the fire, I couldn't find them...No one came for me anyway, so that's fine."
nygus:.....tell you what, you can stay with us for a while until we get this squared away, alright?
Kai: "Why would you do that for me, Miss Mummy?"
nygus: someone has to make sure you're safe, so that your power isnt used to cause harm to others.
Kai: -n- "I didn't harm anyone..."
*The shop is still flooded*
shop owner: does my insurance cover this?
Sid: "I'm going to guess yes, but I'll check with the Academy--they are taking responsibility for this kid."
shop owner: thank you, mr barrett.
Sid: *nods* "Now, let's dump this brat into a warm bath, get them cleaned up--"
Kai: >_< "MY NAME ISN'T 'BRAT'!"
Joker: "Huh. Rain stopped."
scarlet: weather's odd like that, i guess.
Joker: "Hmm..." *picks up a cigarette box--it's soggy* "...Oh, damn it."
Walter: "Almost ready to put this show on stage, Leroux?"
leroux: just about~ ^u^
Hirotsu: "It's shaping up very well. The costumes in particular."
Kid: *smiles, looking at the rainbow outside*
shiori: woooow!
Kid: "It's so big and colorful! We can see red, orange, and--what else, Shiori?"
shiori: bloo?
Kid: "Yes! The rainbow contains the seven main colors, including indigo."
shiori: indigo?
Kid: "A kind of dark blue..." *Excalibur face* "There should be _eight_ rainbow colors..."
shiori: how about brown?
Kid: "Hmm...Well, that could give us an eighth color, but then it wouldn't be a rainbow but a rain-_brown_." *smiles*
shiori: *giggle*
Kid: ^w^ "Ha ha...The rainbow comes after even the worst rain, kind of a sign of hope."
Todoroki: *passing a finger along rain droplets on the window*
fuyumi: quite a storm, huh?
Todoroki: "No kidding. It wasn't reported at all, so I'm glad it's done."
0 notes