#ok do not percieve me thanks
em-mermaid · 4 months
the sheer amount of times i have been or have nearly been incredibly gay in actual pearl and false’s notes is honestly impressive
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angeltism · 11 months
okay okay last one I think but GOD can I just fucking attach myself onto someone who like . actually fucking pays attention to me . that'd be a fucking nice thing now wouldn't it .
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cepheusgalaxy · 7 days
Ok I'm gonna be very real for a second. I get it where the whole "trans mascs don't face discrimination for being trans mascs" argument comes from.
Trans women are trans and are woman, so they face both transphobia and misoginy. Like in a venn diagram. If transphobia is in one sphere and misoginy on the other, then transmisoginy sits at the middle, at this intersection.
Trans men are trans and are men, so they face transphobia, but not "misandry", because, well, misandry doesn't exist, so there isn't really a thing to transphobia to intersect with.
But this is a very, very simplistic way of seeing how people, trans people relate with gender.
Trans men don't have the same relationship with masculinity that cis men do. In queer spaces, for example, masc trans people are many times denied space because of this association with masculinity. That affects masc trans women and non-transmasc intersex people too. How couldn't it? Because we are "men", but we don't get the so known Men Benefits. We are The Enemy. But "the enemy" doesn't see us as one of them.
This hate of men many people have doesn't really affect your Non-Queer Cis Man. But it affects trans people. Sometimes it's not even just the hating of men. But the conception that men are like this or like that and are perverts or agressive or mean or automatically bad people that comes from sexist ideas that want to take the responsability of misoginistic men out of them by blaming it on their Inherent Nature also hurts trans people. Transmisandry is not something that intercepts transphobia with "misandry". It's a shade of oppresion that composes a lot of different factors that affect not only trans men, but any trans person percieved as a man at any given time, and that's why it's such an important word.
And as a side note, I also don't like the terms "TMA" and "TME". Like, think with me for a minute. Trans people have schrodinher's gender. We are women when it can be used against us and men when it can also be. We are nothing when it conveniences our oppressors, and they just see us as anything they see fit. We know that some trans woman get confused as trans men. We know some trans men get confused as trans women. So, if things are like that, than trans people all face exorsexism, transmisoginy and transandrophobia depending on circumstance. For them, we aren't "trans men" or "trans women". We are all trans freaks that may be "dangerous men" or "confused stupid girls" or "genderless gruesome freaks" as they see fit. So saying someone is "trans-misoginy-exempt" just sounds real silly. Yeah, perhaps in this given situation, but we all know that can very well change literally any time.
I think that, this way, TMA and TME could be better used as descriptors for states or situations, and not as identities. "I am transmisoginy excenpt at this moment." "I am transmisoginy affected in this other situation". I think being used this flexibly would benefit us very greatly
Anyways. Thank you for hearing my two cents. I'm gonna watch Hunter X Hunter now.
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slamdunk-headcanons · 2 months
You sleep on his chest
3/3 from the "You sleep on his chest" series. part 1/part 2
So, the "Sleep on his chest" series comes to an end (or maybe not?) and I hope you guys had fun with it! Thanks to the anom-chan who sent this amazing headcanon ideia! Comment if you want me to keep this series with more Slam Dunk characters!
Mitsui Hisashi
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You were doing too much. Mitsui knew that. You were helping them study for the tests, so they don't get suspended from the team. And you were helping your teammates to study for the same reason. And still, you were doing your best on the trainings because you were the key player of the women's basketball team of Shohoku.
So it wasn't a surprise for him to see your eyelids closing repeatedly while you struggled to stay awake. It was almost 11 o'clock. Only you two percieved to keep studying at your house. Miyagi, Sakuragi, Rukawa and your teammates all left at least 20 minutes ago.
"Oi, you should go to sleep now", said Mitsui.
"No! We have to finish this chapter today or we won't be able to finish all the test content!", you replied shaking your head effusively.
"You're already sleeping", Mitsui insisted. "I'm leaving now".
"No. I'll finish it". "Fine. So I'll take another cup of coffee for us on the kitchen, ok?" "Ok"
When Mitsui got back, you were already sleeping, your arms serving as a uncomfortable pillow to your head. Mitsui sighed and smiled. He sat again next to you and shook your shoulder gently "Oi, [y/n]-chan, go to bed. I'm leaving" "No" you mumbled turning your head to Mitsui side, but still asleep. "I have to finish this unit." Mitsui kept shaking your shoulders. You tried to push him away a few times, but then, your arms enlaced Mitsui's neck and your head finished lying on his chest.
Mitsui freezed for a few seconds. You were in a deep sleep, probably thinking you were in bed iwth all your big pillows to hug, and he became one of them. After a few seconds, a small smiled curved his lips.
"Why are you so stubborn?", he whispered while taking you in his arms. He took you to the TV room and layed you on the couch. As he doesn't have any blanket to cover you up, he used his own basketball jacket to do it.
You immediatly cuddled in the couch grabbing his jacket and sighed. "Mitsui, you idiot", you whispered. "You have to study so I can keep cheering for you, aho!"
Mitsui giggled and left a gentle kiss on your forehead before leaving.
Miyagi Ryota
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The summer training program for the interhigh were reeeeally making you and Ryota tired. He would walk you everyday for the hotel where the women's Shohoku basketball team was staying.
But, on that day, you were so tired that you could barely walk. So Ryota decided to pay a taxi, and insisted to go with you. "But you could go directly to your hotel". "No, [y/n]-chan! I'll accompany you just like everyday." You sighed. "Ok. I won't insist because I'm too tired to fight".
The taxi came, and Miyagi helped you to get into the car holding your hand gently.
On the way, he noticed you head boucing while you struggled to keep awaken. Blushing, he said "I-if you want to, you can take a nap on my shoulder"
You immediatly layed your head on his shoulder without saying a word and Miyagi IS SO SHOOK.
He's extremely cautious when the issue is touching girls, specially you. Every touch is a big event for him, and that one was totally unexpected and unedited.
The taxi accidentally passed through a hole on the street, and you two shook on the back sit. Your head slipped down from his shoulder to his chest.
Miyagi is going to have a heart attack
As you're sleep, when you felt his warm chest, you uncounciously cuddled closer to him;
He's definetly having a heart attack why you could keep sleeping with his heart pounding like that?
When the taxi stopped on your hotel, Miyagi made you sit up really quick and gently before you noticed you slept on his chest.
You rubbed you eyes to see him already off the taxi stretching his hand towards you to help you off the taxi
He shyly said "good night to you" blushing a lot and, even sleepy, you couldn't stop thinking what happened during the taxi ride.
Check out the Masterlist!/ Ask box is open!
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
I really admire the amount of thought you’ve put into understanding the core of both of these characters in canon. Even in your asks it really shines through how deeply you understand them and it makes your writing of them really next level. All of your clexas are so different but all somehow really ring true in a way. How do you decide how to develop/craft each of your clexas in a way that you feel stays true to the base of the original character in a way? Like, are there core characteristics or motivations you try to keep for either of them across any au? Or an element of their arc/development? I know all of your AUs vary wildly but I wanted to ask because it really comes through that you have thought deeply about what Clarke and lexa either would or wouldn’t do etc.
Ok well first of all, thank you 🥺 that's just an incredibly lovely thing to hear. Really, I've had a righ couple days and this was just such a nice thing to read, that you feel that way about these weird little stories 💕
As for your questions, stuff like this is always jard to answer because while I'd love to give some intelligent, big brained answer, the truth is I'm not entirely sure 😅
I tend to mostly just get an idea for a story and then it kind of... idk, it develops in my head in stages? And it's different every time with every story. I don't go into each story looking to purposefully focus on core elements or characteristics, but rather as the story comes together each character kinda - as absolutely pretentious as this sounds - tells me what parts of them fit best in the story?
For example, MBFW Lexa. Since I've been talking about her a lot lately. Once I knew that she'd be the Jules character, she kind of built herself around the attributes of being devoted and dependable, but jarringly unpredictable at times when she feels it is for greater good. She does things that she thinks are best even when they may hurt herself and other people, because in her mind she is ultimately making the right and rational choice (even if from an outside perspective that may not be true.) With MBFW Clarke, her loyalty and devotion are her driving forces, but also her stubbornness and ultimately her rash decision making when her emotions run high (you'll see 😏). Clarke will go through hell for the people she loves and she is a ride or die bitch, even in the face of her own heartache. That's what she does when she loves someone. So you get these two personalities together that have this intense and unshakable love, but it's one that's also a revolving door of missed opportunities, and staying silent even when they shouldn't for their own percieved thoughts of the greater good, and unwittingly hurting each other in the process. But the love is still there, always.
I guess overall in each fic I just try and go at it with the thought of, "What traits and quirks of themselves would these life experiences have developed most (i.e. moodiness, playfulness, stubbornness, standoffish, nurturing etc.) over the others that they had canon? And ultimately, what about those characteristics would make them love each other in this universe? Because they are still always themselves, even in different universes. And Clarke and Lexa, they love each other. They'll always love each other. But why this time? What about them would draw them together here? What pieces of themselves would connect in this situation? How do they compliment each other in this world?" And then it just builds itself from there.
If that makes sense?
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sleepsentry · 7 months
Hi i love your billford art soso much and im not confident enough to reblog it rn bc people im friends with have been weird about me shipping it and im not ready to defend myself just yet but i still want you to know that your art!!!! Is so great and i love how you draw ford so scrungly and bill is a creature and i think you are really cool ok gbye
It's a shame to feel shame over something so "trivial" for lack of a better word.
I'd argue that's all the more reason to reblog and share, if people are going to be wierd about something objectively harmless, that's on them.
I've noticed not many people reblog my billford art and sometimes they do but don't add any tags, as if they're quietly embarrassed by enjoying something that's percieved as "sacrilegious" to the commonly accepted interpretation.
Rather than make me upset or insulted it makes me a bit sad honestly.
To hell with that! Enjoy yourself! Reblog and share and proudly tag whatever it may be!
And if you're friends are gonna make you feel bad about enjoying a thing that they don't like, then they need to learn to be less petty.
*climbs down from soapbox*
Thank you for the ask.
I hope you'll feel less ashamed of a simple personal preference eventually.
There's more dramatic and serious things worthy of that kind of thought and attention, so please don't lose your time and energy feeling self conscious over ships and fiction.
I know from experience that it's very difficult to do so, but it's genuinely never worth the energy and time lost to what often ends up being simple schoolyard bullying.
And maybe talk to your friends about not losing their time and energy to making others self conscious over differences in opinion. ^^'
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lippiethehoe · 4 months
Well hi tumblr queers again :D.
Okay so for starters CONTENT WARNING I'll be talking about sexuality sex and overall sexual stuff so if that's not something you wanna look at then don't read thanks :).
I kinda feel like starting a little conversation and also hopefully getting some answers from lgbts from tumblr which hmmm... idk if this is the best place for this, especially since I don't particularly have a big following, nor do I think I have the means to make this be more visible to randos on tumblr so hmm, if this amounts to nothing know I'll be embarassed about it but that's okay, but also I fucking hate reddit and all my google research efforts have resulted in either basically nothing or people asking similar questions to mine but having very deeply different prespectives of both gender in general and sexuality in general than me so google research didn't slay at all, and so I'll lend my trust to the tumblers ig.
Ok so hello, I'm lilly I'm a demiromantic trans woman and I've struggled for kind of a while with my sexuality, not because I don't know what it is, but because I'm actually a huge labels person. Having a word to describe the way i feel about things has always helped me feel as though I know myself better and can make others know me better aswell. Even if putting labels on complex human feelings and emotions is essentialy pointless, it's still something that means alot to me, and I hate that for the longest time I have been perfectly capable of knowing what my sexuality is, but can't simple it down to one word and use it on my day to day life and that makes me sad. It also makes me feel kinda alone in my feelings? cause I'm basically the only person i know with this prespective on my sexuality at least for now so I'm a bit confused, obviously I don't think I'm the only person like this cause that's basically impossible but it still feels that way ig?
Also I remembered this recently only because it's pride month, happy pride month btw :3, and I was doing a thing on discord where everyday I'd add a flag that I indetify with on my profile picture, problem is I've ran out of flags, because no sexual orientation feels right and from my knowledge of it there isn't a sexuality nor a flag for what I feel, and now not only does my discord pfp not look full of colors and pretty it also re-awakened a little identity crisis I've had for a while.
This is definetly gonna be a very long post but I won't feel like I explained myself correctly if it isn't a big post so bear with me, but let's start.
So I'm gonna start explaining how I personally view sexuality and gender so you, reader, can have all the means available to understand my prespective on this. Sexuality to me is kinda simple, simply means whatever a person is attracted to, what makes them sexually interested in someone, whatever other way you wanna put it, and gender is simply the way a person identifies themselves with, the eyes they navigate the world through, the way they percieve themselves and the way they want to be percieved as by others etcetera, I won't explain my prespective on romanticism cause that's essentially useless to my question, but yeah simple stuff right?
So here's where I don't believe I fit in with most sexualities, here's the question I've had for quite a while but never thought to express it in a place where more than just a few friends could hear, I am not sexuality attracted to genders, ok now is when someone screams at me and says pansexual, I don't agree, but moving on, I'm not sexually attracted to people much, I am sexually attracted to penis tho, and here's where someone screams heterosexual at me AND IF YOU DID I FUCKING HATE YOU FYI NOT CAUSE I HATE HETEROS BUT BECAUSE THAT AS AN ANSWER TO WHAT I SAID IS FUCKING TRANSPHOBIC, YEAH I SAID IT, BITCH!!!
But here's the thing, what is a gender, ok I wrote alot after i said that but deleted it all cause this could fall into a very long rabbit hole, but gender's a construct blah blah, can you tell I probably have some neurodivergencies going on in the head anyways continuing. Genuinely, I don't know what it feels like to be a sexuality that includes gender in it, not because I don't think it to be true obviously i know people are heterosexual bisexual homosexual lesbians any other sexual orientation that implies gender being a part of the equation. But to me I can't be sexually attracted to men because a man can be anything to me, I can't be sexually attracted to women because a woman can be anything to me, i can't be sexually attracted to enbys cause being non-binary can be anything to me and the list goes on. Nothing is set in gender because to me gender can look like, feel like, and be like anything, if I labeled myself heterosexual, sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender of me, what would I mean by it? cause think about it, there're big men small men skinny fat muscular men hairy shaved brown eyed dark skinned pussy having dick having blah blah blah and the list goes on again, and even in there I'm not specifically attracted to any of the traits on that list anyways, none of those traits sexually arouse me, men don't sexually arouse me, women don't sexually arouse me, but you know what does? penis. So therein lies the issue, cause surprise, there's a bunch of dicks in the world, what? that's crazy? Yeah penis is everywhere, there're men with penises women with penises nonbinaries with penises intersex people with penises dildos people with strap-ons and the list goes on and in that entire list, the only thing that sexualy arouses me personally, is penis, not who has it, not wether or not it was there from birth, not wether or not it's made of plastic or human skin, not wether or not I'm specifically sexually attracted to any other aspect of said person, but simply the thing that sexually arrouses me and makes me feel pleasure is the thing that sexually attracts me, which in my head is so fucking obvious? Like it's a conclusion so natural to me, but it seems I'm the only person in a 50 km radius that feels this way? It's also possible that I'm actually wrong and view the current existing sexualities in the wrong way and if that's what's up please tell me.
Also i feel the rising tension of someone saying stuff like "people can sexually stimulate others with fingers are u FiNgErSeXuAl?" and the truth is not really but I still find it sexually arousing when it happens, but the last thing I'm gonna do is look at fingers and blush I think. WOAH THAT JUST OPENED A NEW DOOR FUCKK OH NO THIS IS GONNA BE TOO LONG MAYBE I SHOULDN'T POST THIS IDK. I am also sexually attracted to certain actions, but at this point I feel I'm leaving sexuality and going into kink territory and that isn't really where I wanted to go. EITHER WAY my overall conclusion is I don't understand most sexualities and feel as though my view of my sexuality should have a label so I feel more comfortable, maybe I should be the catalyst who knows maybe someone's already been the catalyst and I'm simply unaware of that, either way I'd like a sexuality flag to add to my discord pfp so maybe I'll just make a flag up, who fucking knows, that's it tho. So yeah if anyone who sees this post experiences anything similar to this and wants to share about it please do I'd be really thankful.
Thank you so much if you sticked with me all the way to the end, and if you feel like you might have some insight on what I'm saying or simply wanna say something relevant to this topic please do, it's pride month and I'm incredibly proud of all queers and gender fuckers :3 happy pride month!
Ps: I just wanna say something, this isn't an invitation to flirt with me send me unsolicited dick pics or respond to things I clearly showed not to be questions, I want this topic to be taken in more of a discussion way than a sexual one, if that could be possible I'd be thankful, ok that's it bie bie.
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lynxindisguise · 3 months
lynx!! today i made my friends who are very-not-into-fandoms take your ao3 tag test and it was one of the most entertaining experiences of my life
while they were taking the test the following happened:
having to explain what omegaverse was. a truly wonderful experience i highly reccomend. i don't think they'll see me the same way after today
defending age gap as an ok trope to read and not the weirdest thing you could find only / i ever read (they were flabbergasted by this statement)
having to explain what "wip" means. also having to explain what "fic" means. they may not be fandom people but they are chronically online, so that was surprising to me, i thought they'd at least know these ones
having my friends scream "what the hell does AU mean you either tell me now or i'll never finish this test on principle" while i laughed histerically. they did end up finishing the test
explain what a spotify daylist is. they all have spotify. none of them had a clue of what it was supposed to be.
explain what "afraid to be percieved" means. i mostly blame it on english not being anyone's first language, but they're all people living in english speaking countries so they don't really have an excuse
also this whole conversation happend while videochatting, except i was on a walk and my headphones weren't working so i had them on speaker. so i just walked around my town for a solid hour talking about all this stuff, to the entertainment of whoever passed me by
this all to say - thank you so much for creating that test, i think it's one of my favourite things on the internet, i had so much fun forcing tham to do it and now i'm putting up a little rec list based on their preferences (they will 100% never read anything but that's ok)
lots of love xx
hi!!! oh my god this is amazing I’m screaming!! the number of ways one quiz has traumatized them in one night… sometimes I forget what the average person does and doesn’t know. (also surprised about the age gap thing!! I thought the “problematic age gap” discourse came from fics and that the general public was fine with this being a thing in romance/porn)
anon I simply must know what their results were and if you had to explain those to them too!!
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melissa-titanium · 6 months
the ask game stuff..001 for N nd doll (giggles
GO FUCK YOURSELF . but thank uou... anime berdly emoji . ill answer...FOR NOW
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: VERY RECENTLY ACTUALLY id say within the last like two weeks. ive always loved doll and always loved n but then i realized like. oh huh i connect alot with n and want to make out with doll . boom. its like borderline selfship at this point its cringe as fuck but let me do whatever i want.
my thoughts: surprisingly i don't have as many thoughts on them as i did but i feel like. because of how much of a foil doll is to uzi i think thats the word it would be like. IDK i feel like for doll it'd help to understand the 'humanity' of the dds. if she witnesses a disassembly drone killing war machine trip over his own tail or bump his head into a doorframe and wince and laugh and talk and hug with gentle arms and do things that she specifically reprogrammed herself NOT to do so she'd have a better chance to kill her worst enemy and avenge her parents... she would short circuit. to actually get to the point of not killing him on sight would take a while or lots of coercing via ... lizzy? or hell maybe even uzi im not sure. unless they had an individual encounter (which, you know, could totally happen! doll out in the wastes and n is on a solo hunt, you know her ass was following them.) that lead to a stalemate, i'm not sure how they'd even meet. HM OK NOW IM THINKING ABOUT THIS. either way tho n has a habit of befriending insane drones (or like... smoochin depending on how you see enzi tho i see them as platonic) and i think he could. Not fix her but he could be there for her bless. and again i think she could help him be not a doormat 💛 also stupid hc i had aboit them i hv always thought doll to have like... a freakishly good memory. which, works perfectly paired with n because like .you know. his memory prahblems . dolls ass can remember the angle of your arm when you were like fucking sitting on a chair on the 13th of april last year or some shit like she PAYS ATTENTION even if she doesn't often share her input... which is also a good thing bcos n is super inclusive always. n voice DOLLLL LOOK WE ARE DOING A THING!!!! :D & shes just like. sighs okay (comes ova 2 him) and eventually.. i think itd get to the point where she can go do shit on her own without being explicitly invited YAY
What makes me happy about them: gotta bring up the Me & My Wife shit again bcos its borderline selfship at this point. i just think its interesting and awesome I REALLY HOPE THEY HAVE AN INTERACTION... tho i doubt it; i think they might fight or smt in ep 7 WHICH HONESTLY I WOULDNT BE SAD ABOUT my goil needs moe screenrtime
What makes me sad about them: doll probably hasnt experienced like. affection in fucking ages & frankly n really hasnt either. i think they'd hold hands and talk about their kill counts. also i just realized they both kind of went thru a period of time tht was little socialization only KILL. doll had school & lizzy, sure, but also living in an apartment with ur parents' & dozens of others' corpses its like. tht fucks w u. but the interesting thing about them is… n and doll don't experience guilt over Killing And Eating People the same way i think. like. just for example v and uzi do (atleast in my perception). like v couldnt cope with the knowledge she had so she fell extra EXTRA hard into her role (atleast using her maid self as an accurate portrayal of her old self) and uzi has never ever experiuenced anything like that before so its fucking terrifying to her. however, with doll and n… they dont percieve it the same way. we understand that both of them are capable of guilt but it takes a very strong connection for them to experience it. ep one; n feels bad for making uzi argue with khan & ruining the card game. does he say a single thing about killing and eating half a dozen workers? No! because it's natural to him. there's nothing out of the ordinary in that situation except for the fact that he was "rude" by interrupting someone & "rude" by causing an argument. yes, he's very sweet and patient and all of the above but he doesn't see killing as really a BAD THING… he sees it as a necessity; as him being useful, higher numbers means hes doing a good job. but, really, that's all he's known. he doesn't remember being a worker. after meeting uzi he's capable of realizing… oh, these are living creatures! i feel a little bad now. but the guilt doesn't come crashing down onto him and leave him utterly devastated at his kill count, it just sits there. it festers. similarly, in my opinion, to how doll reacts to guilt. we see her as this unstoppable force at every point until the end of promening. she knows her goals, she knows what she has to do to get to them, and has shaped herself into the perfect killing machine to do what she needs, removing all forms of guilt from her person to make sure it doesn't get in the way. though, again, it comes bubbling to the surface back from where she buried it so deeply under all her anger when uzi pops her emo little head in. she isnt instantly all "oh my god, what have i done?" but it eats away at her all of this fucking time, she has been killing and hurting her kind, believing she was the only one who could possibly shoulder this burden and deal justice to those who deserved it. but now that she knows she isn't alone… it festers.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i've seen like three n/doll fics literally EVER but i'd honestly say. major mischaracterization of doll... i feel like doll gets mischaracterized more than n? n's behaviours are easy to understand and read with a surface level understanding because he has more screentime and again ON THE SURFACE looks relatively simple. i think a huge thing in some fanfics that bugs me is that. imitation of speech patterns = perfect characterization WHICH IS NOT TRUE... but also understandably makes it difficult to do with doll because she doesn't talk alot, while N talks a LOT so it leads to a heavy imbalance in mischaracterization. just because the characters would fucking say that, doesnt mean they would Fucking Do That
apparently there is a word limit on tumblr. pleasantly surprised this will be two posts instead
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catboymitosis · 1 year
Ok so I found your account very recently and I am loving it! Would you be fine with discussing more of your thoughts on Daan being trans? I briefly thought about it the other day but I would love to hear your perspective. Sorry if you already discussed this somewhere else and I didn’t see it 😭
Aaaa thank you glad you're enjoying your time here so far! I talked a tiny bit about it in the tags of my post about him as the blank soul but I'll gladly talk more about it <3
I personally worked my way backward into seeing Daan as trans, rather than looking for evidence it was more about what reading him as trans connected with and brought to other aspects of his character.
My starting point is what Pocketcat says to him during his moonscorching transformation and how much of it was focused on idenity issues, faking who you are, putting on masks, being so obviously out of place and seen through. I don't think what Pocketcat says during this scene should be taken 100% at face value because a lot of what he tells Daan that he really feels actively benefits its goals of turning him into a vessel but this being what Pocketcat chooses to manipulate him through is telling.
Daan holds very deep seated insecurities about not passing. And boy do we see him fail to pass in game. Karin calls him a queer right in front of everyone and in party talks a few of the jabs she takes at him are about his percieved failure at masculine things. If the player attacks and intimidates him they call his "blade" too small, to me this paints the picture that Daan has an in world queerness to him that's so obvious it's not strange that it would get used against him.
He effectively does pass as a man, he's likely had access to what gender affirming surgery and hormones existed at the time and period-typical transphobia would dictate if they even knew what a transexual was they probably still wouldn't know they could be men. So what Daan's not passing as is actually a straight man (world's #1 gayest wife guy) but that at the same time that really doesn't matter for his own anxieties. We see him pass as a man of higher status by pretty much everyone (another thing Karin likes to take jabs at him for) despite how much he feels out of place in that world, nobody would ever be able to guess his past involvement with Sylvain from the way he acts in Prehevil yet he still feels like they can see through it and know how he's been aligned with her aligned with her all his life.
He's got that voice in his head that tells him "they all know what you are" which, as a trans person myself, very much resonates with part of the trans experience. As does how much others push the kind of man he "should" be onto him.
I tend to fixate on his identity issues the most out of any aspect of his character. How suggestible he is about being told who he is because he needs a role to play lest it really sink in how blank he is. Having him despite that, know he is and choose to live as a man feels very powerful and impactful to me! It also makes it all the more tragic that one of the very few things he decided for himself that he was inevitibly gets affirmed yet twisted and perverted into Pocketcat, who while not being a manly man of any sort is basically the natural extreme to those flamboyant effeminate cartoon gaycoded villains of the old disney movies, a very male threat.
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phtalogreenpoison · 14 days
already assigned you little bubbles that let you know how youre percieved but still wanted to send an ask. hii green how is this fine day treating you? :3
HI BUCK! i'm doing ok! a little lonely but thank you for perceiving me. how about you?
ooh or what book are you reading right now?
i'm currently reading LOTR book 1 and watching Link Click/Shiguang Daili Ren
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cactus-cactus-cactus · 10 months
Unfortunately my Nimbus Agent Greysonpost got a note so now I'm forcing you all to percieve my greyson is traxler au ok hear me out. In a world without Traxler Greyson would not have stopped the trip wire and Citra and Curie die right? So in this scenario however they do get exploded but they are not exploded enough to be really dead so the plot keeps happening- however this is the Bad Timeline. Endura happens and Greyson is included in the world becoming unsavory. I'm imagining he graduated a little after Loriana I'm not gonna do the math but in my head he was never actually an agent before it was rendered obsolete lol but he still got his degree, badge, etc. so he has all the qualifications, just no practical applications of his knowledge. Also Goddard is the Forever Dictator that's just how it is this is the Bad Timeline so he ended up getting the diamonds first and just leaving Citra and Rowan in the ocean they're not his problem. Ok now you really really need to trust me but several decades pass and time travel exists. Maybe Greyson invented it maybe Thunderhead dropped some Signs and Wonders maybe he had a midlife crisis and got super into engineering you just gotta trust me but it exists and our boy is the only one with access to it. So he goes back to Point Zero, invents a fake name and persona. He knows everyone here from his past so he can easily convince them all he's a recent transfer from whereverthefuck and sets himself up an appointment with his young sel. In his head he thinks all he has to do is stop the 3 assassination attempts on Citra/Curie and everything will be fine!! He does not foresee his younger self experiencing Insane Girl Pussy and ands up getting murdered tho. Ok thank you and good night.
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franciskirkland · 10 months
Alright to start this ask off I'm just gonna say my interactions w/ you have genuenly been one of the funniest ive had in a long ass time. I've read ur recent post and I empathyse a lot. You seem incredibly funny and genuine. Idk your situation and your background and even your age, but I think you can and are pulling through. Things will get better even if you dont actively want them to. Im not saying this in a vague hope to make the situation you are in better. Im telling you, as a person who from the age of 14 went from therapist to therapist, somehow been on meds that dont fuckin exist yet in croatia, someone who feels trapped in the very /country/ she lives in with no means of escape, someone who is "waiting" for things to finally financially/academicaly/politicaly be better so that I can make something of my life. As it did for me, you will feel joy again in what you do, in what you have, and in what you can achieve. I think it's ok to be down, its ok to feel like "if a bus hit me tomorrow i wouldnt protest" but the thing about people is we adapt rather quickly. So putting yourself out there, going to places you are scared to and believe yourself to be an outcast from is exactly what gets you to meet people and see things that youll remember forever. And after a while the outcast will stop coming to these places, the person there will be someone who belongs. Apathy is a way of saying "fine whatever i dont even care anymore" but youll see how much you care.
I started getting ok after a full decade of *trying* and what I've always found is that for me the saying "don't take anything seriously" is no.1 rule. I get worked up, anxious and overwhelmed with so much so many times.
You may have problems with people at work with friends and whomever, but the main thing you gotta remember is *you cant change anyone but yourself*
And its not a change of personality, hair color, interests, its how much something will get to you, how willing are you to give something up thats not working out and how you will percieve something.
I have no doubt that you know all of this crap but i guess i wanted to say all of that just bc there is no greater pain for me than when i see someone feel like i did regardless of the reason or situation.
Keep on truckin and doing what u love even if its mpregfrance posting. I will always be here to send you to liking-france-jail, mwah <3
hello my sweaty angle <3 i'm sorry i'm just replying to this now. i had to sleep on it because your thoughtfulness deserves a sincere reply.
first of all - thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being so kind, sweet and insightful and offering your support.
the fact that you would take the precious time out of your day to write this out for me is, in a word, unbelievable. i really appreciate you checking in, it's an incredibly caring thing to do. to be honest i'm a little overwhelmed by the magnitude of this unexpected message and i wish i knew how better to express my appreciation.
i really do love to hear that i made you laugh. i live to shitpost. i've always prided myself on my sense of humor and sometimes i feel as if it's slipping away, so it's reliving to hear i've still got it.
unfortunately i still haven't had the strength to eat. i'm heading to work in a bit. things are pretty rough right now, but when have they not been? obviously my present circumstances aren't the root cause of all my problems. in fact my life has improved since moving here.
extensive bianca lore and vulnerability under the cut, apologies in advance.
basically, in so few words, my current situation is that i'm nearly 25 and have nothing to show for it. i've lived in different cities across the US, had great jobs, apartments, friends, roommates, relationships, etc. i have done a lot of living in a short amount of time. but then, in retrospect, it feels like it stopped.
about 3 years ago i was in a very bad place mentally due to the isolation of the pandemic, and i met my husband online. in early 2022 i gave up everything, saved over $10k for the visa and moving costs, and relocated from the US to australia to live with him. our relationship itself has improved from how it used to be, but since the beginning we've had seemingly endless bad luck and financial setbacks.
last year, not long after our (very disappointing) wedding, i suffered a devastating miscarriage. ruptured ectopic, massive internal bleeding, required emergency surgery etc. not only was that traumatic emotionally, but i wasn't eligible for healthcare at the time bc of my immigration status, so we're still paying off the medical bill.
we share a house with my mother in law who is a domineering, emotionally incestuous single mom and an emotionally abusive narcissist. i don't throw that term around lightly, as so many people do these days, but i honestly believe she's devoid of empathy. she's admitted that she dislikes me and thinks i'm stupid because i don't talk much, and goes out of her way to make me feel unwelcome.
so i'm stuck in an area that feels, to me, like the middle of nowhere. i'm not homesick, i love this country. it's just that i'm not used to suburbs. i feel most comfortable in a city where there's people and places and things, neon lights and background noise and stuff to do.
i'd would be happy to live anywhere as long as it's not with her. it honestly feels like a prison sometimes. that sounds dramatic but she's cultivating an unbelievably hostile environment that causes me to feel on edge whenever she's around.
needless to say we need to move, desperately. it's our #1 priority. more than anything else i want a place of our own and eventually a family. we've been actively househunting for the better part of a year, but the rental market is catastrophically bad right now. it's not even about the money, since we're both working we can afford a decent place. it's just that it's so competitive. every showing i've attended, there's been like 30 other prospective tenants. we've been turned down from every apartment we've applied for.
on top of our living situation i have complex health issues that are just getting worse. my energy is zapped. trying to balance work work and housework leaves me with almost no free time to write.
this barely scratches the surface of why I Am The Way That I Am™. i'm not saying any of this to evoke sympathy or brag about 'having it hard'. simply trying to explain. my upbringing was abusive and dysfunctional in a number of ways. i just barely graduated high school. i never had traditional opportunities, i was raised in a way where there's basically no assumption/expectation that you'll ever be successful or fulfilled. i'm diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD and bipolar 2 - haven't been able to get my proper meds in australia. i've been addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. i'm not pleasant to be around. i will probably always look like and act like the lower class, white trash girl that i am. i have spent my entire life in survival mode.
i'm always in the midst of some identity crisis or running away from something. so yeah, i've been hurt and downtrodden. i've also experienced the beautiful side of life from time to time. i've gained a breadth of knowledge and met incredible individuals who introduced me to new perspectives and i'm forever grateful for them. with the way i've lived, i'm very lucky to not be dead or incarcerated right now.
ok, pity party's over. for real this time.
you're pretty much describing exactly how i feel. you know the struggle. the part about waiting to live my life; that's precisely where i'm at. i don't necessarily have a desire to fit in, i just want to get away into somewhere that i can adjust better to.
my isolation is partially due to a lack of energy but also i don't seek out interaction because i'm afraid no one else can understand me. not because i believe i'm too 'complex' or 'damaged' to be understood. that's a load of self-pitying bullshit. it's just scary to be truly seen. or vulnerable. or genuine. bc the results of such openness are unpredictable and uncomfortable.
it's hard, but i know i have to find it within myself to take that push. what's holding me back right now is mainly my material conditions, circumstances out of my direct control. i have no doubt i'll feel at least 50% better when i stop living with this woman.
i certainly have no problem with starting over if something doesn't work for me. contrary to what i might've described, i believe i'm pretty well adjusted, self aware and rational. as is obvious i don't take many things that seriously lmao. i went from caring wayyy too much about everything, being overly emotional and sensitive, to going entirely with the flow and accepting what i can't control or predict.
also i am well aware that you can't change people, that's never been my goal lmao i've never needed someone to tell me that <3
tl;dr, thank you. so much. this really uplifted and inspired me meli, thank you so much for being so thoughtful and compassionate.
it sounds like you're also stuck between a rock and a hard place in your own environment, and i'm sorry to hear that. it's a wretched feeling but i believe you you will thrive no matter the setting, because in all seriousness, you're incredibly talented. i hope you know you should follow your dreams. hell, it looks like you already are and you're giving us the privilege of witnessing it. your art is stunning, the passion and care you put into your work is obvious. your matthew is absolutely beautiful - like his maman.
from a rabidly devoted france woobifier to the designated france hater, i'm only going to say this once but you are validated in your distaste. i understand. you gotta admit though, he is a MILF.
if one thing is certain i will never stop frussyposting. in fact right now i am thinking about france hetalia big fat juicy boobies mmmm milky squishy. i'm giving her a teensy tiny little slut waist and childbearing hips. i would give him a brazilian butt lift but he doesn't even need it!!!
if that is a crime then lock me up. please. strap on the handcuffs and throw me in the crate for naughty little freaks teeheehee >:3
be careful tho. if you keep sending me gay ass love letters like this they're gonna start shipping toxic yuri melianca even harder <3
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mononcmarc · 3 months
INFP male. WTF? FML.
Being an INFP male is litteraly Hell on Earth. And don't worry, I'm not going to go on an incel rent. I've always found incels to be immature misogynistic humans who believe they don't have any inner growth to do. No. I know I can't blame others for how I am. I found out through introspection, or in my case I would call it daydreaming my life away, that I am omnisexual. Basically, this means that I can feel attraction towards men, women, gender fluid, trans, non-binary, wathever. I am also attracted towards some traits, like creativity, compassion and empathy. Basically, it means that I am falling in love and/or am aroused by around a fifth of all the people I meet. You know the cliché of how we INFPs tend to fantasize about people we meet and daydream about our hypothetical loving relationships? Well, guess what, it's true and the fact that I'm a man doesn't change that at all. Now on top of all that, in the same introspection process, I found out that I am polyamourous and totally capable of having at the same time many hypothetical daydreamed loving relationships. Imagine having to go through that for 1 person out of 5 you meet IRL, online, celebrities, friend of a friend of a friend that you see on social media, random person who decides to make a video about INFPs on YouTube, came out of nowhere human being on Instagram (clearly not a bot, right...?) who dm me because they liked something I posted 3 years ago, EVERYONE ! And how we INFPs process everything, every information we get : introverted feeling. This means that most of my time (normally 2/3rd of my waking hours) is spent analyzing every sentence, every word, every comma, every gesture, every non-verbal communication that I make or percieve from others in order to make sure that I haven't miss any red flags or that I've not commited a faux-pas of some sort, and of course, I will at some point say too much (TMI is one of our many middle names after all). On top of that (because it ain't over - lol - you sweet summer child you) don't forget that I have to repeat the whole process for every sentence, every word, every gesture of all hypothetical daydream love scenario that my brain pops out (oh yeah, sometimes even with fictional characters also) with facts, logic and my own personal values in order to separate what is plausible, what is maybe usable for any creative project and what is just plain bull****. Most days, I just want to stay in bed and speak to no one, see no one, text no one, read no books, watch no movies or shows and simply exist in my own inner world in my mind but I can't. I'm an INFP and deep human connections is what I desire the most. And I know I'm kinda charming and funny without even trying and I've been told that I have soft big puppy brown eyes and a deep relaxing manly voice, so making new friends ain't hard. What is super hard is having to "man up" because that's what people expect you to do while having the inner emotional turmoil of a Disney princess who's out of fairy dust. Litteral Hell, I say. I've cried the whole time I was writing this. I'm tired. Don't worry, I'll be OK. I'll make myself a tomato sandwich I guess and watch videos of cute cats or something. Sorry. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope it will make you understand us male INFPs more. Or maybe it won't. Does it matter? I guess not. What matters is you who's still reading this. You are awesome and I love you. F***. Now I'll daydream about a person who is virtually inexistant but could be plausible and then go through the whole Fi judgemental process again. See? Hell.
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
I agree completely but i iwant you to elaborate anyeaha
-chai gay sex giy(ps i haveca migraine so that is why i cant typw)
MR CHAI GAY SEX in my askbox. no fucking way.....! ai generated. also i hope your migraine clears soon friend : (
anyways AHEM.
ok well. ocd... is the obsession disorder. i think you can already percieve some of this . what with how Obsession is such a theme with goro. Obsession with the Protagonist Obsession with Revenge Obsession with Perfection.
i think he could have pure O ocd. for anyone that doesnt know, pure O ocd is when you only have the obsessions but not physical compulsions. ex: i have an obsession about my house burning down but instead of doing any physical rituals like checking the stove or jumping up and down or pacing around etc. etc . i just. do mental obsessions, like repeating a phrase, counting to a number, arguing with my brain why my house WONT burn down for 4353 hours etc.
he could very well also have classic OCD but... frankly with how little time he would have to make any compulsions due to his frantic public life, im almost certain that 99% of them are mental.
OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive PERSONALITY disorder) is also a candidate for an additional disorder. for anyone that isnt familiar, this disorder is what most people would think as being a "perfectionist" or a "control freak". but to a degree where its obsessive and damaging to your quality of life. its common for it to couple with classic OCD (haha me...) and the combo is quite... devastating.
anyways. i just think the way he doubts his own convictions after meeting the protag is very ocd like.. he tries so hard to not recognize them and to convince himself hes right. he cant be wrong. he CANT AFFORD TO BE WRONG. not about his whole self! nnot about everything he stands for! it would hurt so deeply to be told you been doing it wrong your whole life.. that your core of thinking is wrong..resonates with me.. although for him specifically it would also be real event ocd (when a thing ACTUALLY happened in the past and your obsessions are about this thing etc and any implications. repeating events in your head and analyzing them ad nauseum etc) . i also think the sunk cost thing applied at some point absolutely 100% like. you dedicated your life to this plan. and you want to stop now??? no way. you already put so much into it. got to see it through. you're right. everyone else is wrong. they have to be.everything is hinging on this. no no. its just an intrusive thought. you're right. you have to be. if not, then what the hell was everything for!!
AND ALSO. how he is so. obsessive over maintaning his public image. ofc its for his plan but the feeling still applies. he Needs to be aware of everything always Everything must go according to plan Every detail must be perfect . I need to know what you Expect so i can perform correctly. You will never catch me off guard. I will be in control I need to Be the ONE in control of my life. etc. and so forth
also just the way his life is fleeting away being obsessed with his whole revenge spiral while he kinda gets more fucked up in his brain inside his skull day by day without saying anything to anyone. none of these people know etc...
very ocd core of his part. reminds me of my lowest moments where it felt like i was gonna die in the corner of my room but everything was happening in my brain. i felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife and twisting it inside. but no one else could see (this is not me being dramatic it really just Feels like That. very frustrating. a lot of people with ocd and other anxiety disorders can agree that they cause physical symptoms..)
and yeah his catharsis moment at shidos palace ... yeah...the raw emotion and the cruelty of reality hitting you in the face... everything you lived for and all of your ideals were wrong. this is my worst nightmare. i dont think i could be as strong.
thank you for listening to me! i shall go to sleep.
EDIT ALSO. r/ocdmemes moment
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midgardian-witch · 9 months
well hello, new moot,, finally exposing myself as the thirsty for robbie anon (along with many others) even though it was the most obvious thing in the world,,,, ive kept in mind that one time you asked me to tag you if i ever wrote anything this whole time so yes will 100% tag you whenever i post one of my robbie wips (also would you want to be tagged in all or just the first one?) i was planning to expose myself in that post after tagging you lol and again!! THANK YOUUUUU for all you do<3 ALSO IM SORRY BUT IM INSANE AND I GET SO LIKE IN MY HEAD LIKE "well this persons only ever interacted with me while im on anon so itd be weird if i wasnt at any point so i cant and ahsgsjasbbs" soooo i apologize even though i dont really even need to apologize i guess but i still feel bad sometimes because thats made my interactions with people much more limited and oh god am i venting to a new moot oh god not again
Hey there, lovely mutual! 💙
Yeah I figured out it was you pretty quickly 😅 Like I was 99% sure. BUT! That doesn't matter. Anon is anon and assuming makes an ass out of you and me and all that.
I'd be happy if you tag me in anything you write for Robbie. Our small circle of Robbie fans must be fed and I would hate to miss something. But only if it isn't too much work for you! I struggle with keeping tag lists working personally so no hard feelings if you forget or decide not to tag people.
There really is no need to be sorry. The anon function is there for a reason. Sometimes being percieved is fucking terrifying even online and with as anonymous as most tumblr accounts can be. I send mutuals a bunch of things on anon too because I feel like I am being too awkward or too something so I think I get how you feel. And that's ok. If it makes you feel more comfortable you can still send me asks on anon (even if we both know it's you). I will never judge someone for that.
I am sorry though that I might have crushed your big reveal because that sounded like a very cool plan 😔
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