#ok but the reputation tour
anixknowsnothin · 1 year
I'm sorry but I have to ask
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Reputation Taylor is my weakness.
How can she be so hot af but at the same time be so freakin’ cute??
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feeling swiftie emotions: the way how in rep taylor was killing off her previous selves and presenting herself as new and not associated with anything in her past, and how now, in eras and the rerecordings, she's reliving those selves and breathing life back into her past
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polstoria · 2 months
Imagine że jesteś swiftie i mieszkasz w Warszawie ale nie mogłaś iść na koncert bo masz pracę. I meldujesz się na swoją drugą zmianę w hotelu nieszczęsna i niezadowolona bo Taylor jest tak blisko ale też tak daleko i każą ci myć jakieś naczynia czy coś bo to drogi hotel i zmywarka jest poniżej ich poziomu wszystko jest handmade. I nagle szefowa ci mówi że ich gość Taylor Swift we własnej osobie zażyczyła sobie na podwieczorek po powrocie z koncertu donuty z Dunkin donuts i masz pójść na miasto i przynieść jej takie jakie chce. I to jest dla ciebie spełnienie marzeń bo jako swiftie dokładnie weisz jakie są jej ulubione ale jednocześnie zdajesz sobie sprawę że w Polsce nie ma żadnego lokalu Dunkin donuts. I wchodzisz na jakieś najbardziej podejrzane reddity żeby dowiedzieć się jaka jest ich tajna receptura i je odtworzyć w hotelowej kuchni. Udaje ci się osiągnąć pewien sukces i układasz je ładnie na talerzu w odpowiedniej kolejności*. Potem zanosisz je do pokoju Taylor Swift myśląc że zdążysz zanim wróci, ale w stresie zapominasz że przecież ona lata prywatnym odrzutowcem i zdążyła już wrócic z koncertu. Wchodzisz do jej apartamentu i kładziesz donuty na stole ale nagle ona przychodzi z innego pokoju i stajesz oniemiała bo to twoja idolka. Ona najpierw cię nie zauważa i bierze donuta. W końcu dukasz do niej 'hi' a ona odpowiada 'czesc'. Wciąż w szoku zaczynasz pytać czy możesz sobie zrobić z nią zdjęcie. Ona mówi że jasne i w ogóle to dobre te donuty. Nerwowo odblokowujesz telefon, a ona patrzy przez twoje ramie na ekran blokady (jest na nim twój edit z cytatem z jej piosenki) i mówi że nigdy jeszcze nie widziała żeby ktoś zinterpretował go poprawnie ale tobie się to udało. Zamiast zdjęcia całą noc przegadujecie o jej piosenkach. Ona mówi że nikt nigdy nie zrozumiał jej tak jak ty. Taylor rozważa kupienie domku i jeziora na Mazurach. Nigdy nie byłyście szczęśliwsze. W końcu Taylor zauważa że za oknem robi się już jasno a ona przecież wieczorem ma koncert i mówi że musicie pójść po kawę bo ona powinna zaraz wstawać i przygotowywać się do występu i nie wierzy że zachowała się tak nieprofesjonalnie. Wtedy ty jej mówisz że o tej porze wszystkie kawiarnie będą zamknięte, pozostaje jedynie kawa z żabki**. Ona na to, kiedy już wytłumaczysz jej co to żabka, patrzy na ciebie zimnym, pustym wzrokiem. Widzisz i rozumiesz, że to oznacza że porozumienie jakie powstało między wami tej nocy zniknęło na zawsze. Wycofujesz się.
Rok później Taylor wydaje najbardziej incomprehensible album w całej swojej historii. Nikt oprócz najbardziej zaprawionych w boju gaylors nie może pojąć co miała na myśli pisząc o fake donuts. Kilka z nich ląduje w szpitalach.
*Swiftie będą wiedzieć o co chodzi***
**Kasia Babis relacjonowała dramę na tik toku gdzie Amerykanie strasznie oburzali się że w Europie kawiarnie otwierają się za późno i nie mieliby kiedy wypić kawy np. przed pracą
***ja nie wiem
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there's six Os. if we get rep tv next i'm going to scream
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noburden · 2 years
my top 3 are lavender haze anti hero and bejewelled idk what order. my bottom 3 are snow on the beach midnight rain and wayyyy in last place is vigilante shit
nooo Lavender Haze is first 😭 i respect it but don’t look at the other ask … your bottom three i haven’t listened to very much yet except vigilante shit and i have to agree
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beauty-of-nyx · 7 months
Do you guys think she has multiple rep suits?
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dreamlandgirlie · 8 months
ranking t.s. albums before the grammys tonight in case anything happens 👀
red (taylor’s version)
speak now (taylor’s version)
1989 (taylor’s version)
fearless (taylor’s version)
taylor swift
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dorotheado · 7 months
OK NOW THAT IM ALIVE AND MY BRAIN IS WORKING i want to comment on some things that i noticed at the eras tour that i think are super cool & underrated
stage effects during blank space where she looks like a magazine. all the stage versions doing the same choreo. sooo cool
during lwymmd when the lights in the crowd make a literal spinning cube !!!! what !!!!! how do they do it!!!!!
the way that at the end of the man when she's ascended to the highest level, the entire structure lowers into the stage and everything is just a little more accessible. nice.
the way the trees grow on stage for evermore? thats funky
also the way the torch light in marjorie makes the stadium soooo well lit and suddenly you can see everything? thats crazy
the reputation transition does a LOT for the hype like wow!!! its not just the set its also the transition!!!!
delicate stage has been talked abt many times but its just sooooo good!!!!!!!
the way the speak now set is the best set in the show and enchanted isnt even my fav from speak now.... screaming it in a stadium changed it for me!!!!!
the red set is soooo hyped jaime was right
once again have to say: 'tell him he's dreaming' fixed me!!!!!!! thank u kam!!!!!
during august the fucking light up bracelets make the most gorgeous colours i s2g i tried to film it every time but couldnt get the brightness to work for me hahahhaa
the hand up at the end of tlgad! such cute choreo for that whole song but i love that last little flick hehe
obsessed w bad blood tbh it was soooo fun to sing
mastermind bracelets were sooo fun (also mastermind choreo but that was obvious its just ao good)
its also crazy how much bejeweled grew on me from seeing it live
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historical-kitten · 6 months
Ancient Roman Politicians on a Modern Date
Gaius Julius Caesar: He invites you to a dinner party at his house and is a fairly witty and engaging host, but all of his stories seem to be about himself. However, friends assure you he's "every woman's man and every man's woman," so stick around for the nightcap he offers you if that makes you curious.
Marcus Licinius Crassus: For a man who is absolutely the wealthiest you've ever met, it seems a little convenient that he 'forgot his wallet' on your date to that expensive gastropub, so you couldn't go halfsies and had to pay for both your meals. The gold flake dessert shines bright, but you sort of wish he'd choke on it.
Gnaeus Pompeius Maximus: It's kind of weird how he takes you around to show you his art collection since it mainly consists of statues of himself, but hey, at least he's interested in art? He also tells a lot of stories about himself. However, he has a reputation for being a devoted husband and he's in between spouses, so if you're ready for that, give him a chance.
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus aka Augustus: He literally wrote out a plan for your entire date, how it would go, and what he would say to the most commonly asked smalltalk questions. Do not deviate from his script. He takes you somewhere like a museum or a fancy restaurant where they barely feed you, but although he is polished, his romantic delivery seems a little flat until you run into his best friend Agrippa... They are just besties, right?
Marcus Antonius aka Mark Antony: Ok, there are a couple ways this could go. He is either an absolutely fantastic date who takes you to see a hilarious play and finishes off with a fun night on the town, or he takes you to a bar in a seedy part of town where you dance and drink and party all night. Either way he gives you nice gifts and is charming and funny. On a later date he may take you on the most expensive, romantic, fancy date ever. Most likely a good time date, just don't expect things to get serious unless you're the Queen of Egypt.
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus: He never showed up for your date. Completely ghosted you. You track down his coworkers Mark Antony and Octavian and they say they have no idea where he is either. Weird.
Marcus Agrippa: He takes you on a tour of the city, pointing out all the architecture and finishes this off with dinner. He seems nice, intelligent, and is very attentive to your needs. So why isn't he off the market yet? His attachment to his slightly creepy best friend and roommate Octavian, maybe? They were roommates.
Sextus Pompeius Magnus Pius: A much better date than his father, he takes you to his private boat and gives you a seaside tour. He valiantly fights off pirates during your date, but did you catch one of them winking at him? Regardless, it's an unforgettable adventure.
Who would you rather date? And again, I'm sorry, Lepidus.
As always, thanks to @just-late-roman-republic-things for inspiring these posts.
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sageandravens · 1 year
Patience - Something
Summary: Bucky and Sunshine’s first meeting
Featuring: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Tony Stark
Word count: 1997
Warnings: Bucky being self deprecating. Tony being smug ass.
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This was it. This is where all the hard work you’ve completed led you. All the sacrifices you’ve made to reach your goal has finally brought you to were you wanted to be in your career. Your background in Special Forces Night Stalkers Unit and your time in the CIA had caught the eye of Nick Fury, after all the constant training and tests and interviews, you found yourself staring at the grand building that was the Avengers compound. Pride swelling within your chest, this one achievement outshining all the others you have accomplished in the past.
To say that you were eager was an understatement. Your body vibrated with unrestrained excitement about meeting the people responsible for saving the world. People you had admired for their accomplishments. People you get to call your coworkers and maybe one day, your friends.
You carried on, practically skipping your way to the entrance of the building. Reaching the entrance, you smoothed your hands down the yellow knee length pencil skirt and adjusted your white blouse of the imaginary wrinkles that the nerves in your mind believed were there. With one last tug of your skirt, you plastered on a smile and walked to reception.
The receptionist had you sit on a nearby bench as she called to inform of your arrival. You smiled and greeted at whoever glanced your way and chatted with the receptionist in between her calls, your politeness helping you to pass the time.
“So, you’re the new recruit?” An amused voice snapped you out of your conversation with the receptionist. Looking to your left your eyes widened as they landed on Tony Stark himself.
“Mr. Stark! You’re leading my orientation?” You mentally slapped yourself as you straightened your posture. “I mean, yes, yes I’m the new recruit.” You offered your hand to the billionaire, internally holding back your excitement.
Ironman! Oh my god, oh my GOD.
“When I went over your file, I didn’t expect someone who was the personification of puppies and rainbows.” Stark stated. You quirked a brow at him.
“I was observing you from our security system on my way here.” He shrugged like it was no big deal for him.
“Ok, Bubbles. Let’s get this show on the road.” You grinned back at him, following his lead as he explained the workings of the compound and the work you will be doing within its walls. The whole time absorbing all the information that he spewed, asking questions, and matching him snark for snark.
Tony gave you a very grandiose tour of the facility, which you didn’t expect anything less considering his reputation. He showed you the gym, the dining facilities, the offices and the briefing rooms in the compound. Along the way, he had introduced you to some of the Avengers that you will be working closely with.
You hit it off immediately with Steve, who had congratulated you on joining the team and looked forward to working on missions with you in the future. You beamed at his praise and thanked him for being so welcoming.
Natasha took a little longer to warm up to you. Upon introductions she had stared you down while giving you a once over, making you feel as if she was trying to seek out anything that made you suspicious. She stepped back giving a nod to Tony.
“She’s good, welcome to the team.” You blinked at the abruptness of her departure, watching her as she walked down the hallway.
“You’ll get used to that, Bubbles.”
You and Tony continued on your tour, listening as Tony explained your moving in process. He lead you down another hallway with less foot traffic, you looked around at the various decorative art pieces along the walls, glittering light caught your eye, focusing on its source you saw it reflecting off a tall, muscular man ahead of you.
Reflecting off his metal arm. His very recognizable metal arm.
“Is that who I think it is?” You ask, catching Tony’s attention. He looked in your line sight and raised a brow.
“The arm doesn’t give it away?” You rolled your eyes at Stark. “I’ll introduce you, just don’t expect a warm welcome. He’s still a little frosty.”
The metallic clang of the weights echoed throughout the gym. Sounds of grunts and bodies hitting the floor mats as agents trained and worked out all around the gym. It was almost mid morning by the time Bucky finally decided to put the weights down, having been in the compounds gym since five in the morning. Another night where a nightmare has plagued his already battered mind, usually, a couple of hours in the gym calmed him down but this particular nightmare he couldn’t seem to shake off.
The screams of the victims. His victims, still echoed in his mind, their horrified faces and their blood that he spilled was a slide show on repeat. The frown on his face deepened, matching the aggravated look on his face.
Frustated, he placed the weights back on the rack with a grunt. Pushing back the lose strands of his hair that escaped from his low bun away from his face he looked around, taking in all the agents around him. It was getting too crowded for his liking, and his anxiety wasn’t letting up, he gathered his items and trudged back to his room within the compound. Hoping a hot shower would ease his frazzled mind.
Bucky stomped through the halls, ignoring the way the agents and other employees quickly moved out of his way with worried looks. He knew they feared him, fearing that he would snap back into his Winter Soldier persona. Worried that whatever deprogramming they did in Wakanda didn’t actually work.
They should fear me. They’d be dumb if they didn’t. His face turned darker at the thought. He continued down the hall towards the elevator reserved for the Avengers that lead to the residential floor. The promise of a long, hot shower to process his racing thoughts and wash away the sweat from his extended workout this morning within a short distance. The hope of finally being away from lingering fearful stares and hushed whispers only an elevator ride away. He placed his hand upon the scanner built into the wall, waiting patiently for elevator to make its descent.
“Hey, Manchurian Canidate!” Bucky groaned at the sound of the irksome nickname. He silently prayed that the elevator doors would open at that second to make his escape. The frown on his face getting even deeper as he realized that his need to be alone was disappearing the closer as they footsteps approached him. Turning around, Bucky accepted his fate, hoping that his post workout odor makes this impending conversation short. Bucky was not in a mood for Starks antics today, or any day at all, really.
“Whoa, you are ripe! You know there are showers in the gym right?” Bucky rolled his eyes and grunted a response. The ding of the elevator announced the arrival of his belated escape plan, turning back around when Bucky entered the elevator and much to his annoyance Tony followed. The movement of someone clad in bright yellow caught his attention, tilting his head up, his eyes focused on the young woman standing next to Stark.
“Oh, by the way.” Tony passively gestures towards you. “This is Y/N. Our new recruit, former sergeant first class. She outranks you.” He added smugly.
Bucky refused to take the bait, giving Tony another short grunt, not even bothering to look at him. You looked at Bucky, noticing the dark circles under his eyes, the sweat clinging to his brow, evidence of his strenuous workout. But, you noticed something behind his blue eyes that spoke of something darker, an emotion that seems to plague him.
“Hi. It’s nice to meet you!” Your peppy voice rang in his ears. The joyfulness of your tone making him wince. He glanced back at you, your (y/e/c) eyes bright matching the smile that graced your lips, your hand reaching past Stark waiting for him to grasp it. Bucky just stared at it.
“Oh, well, I look forward to working with you and the others.” You say, the pep in your voice never faltered. You brought your hand back to your side, you had hoped that being your usually bright self, you would come off as a potential friend to Bucky and break the grumpy exterior Tony warned you about. No luck, not letting Bucky’s rebuff of your greeting bother you. Bucky’s eyes landed on your face once more giving you a confused look.
“I’m excited to learn how you and the rest of the team work together quickly. I know my skills will be of great use to you all. Maybe we’ll be paired up for a mission some time?” His lack of words made you want to fill the silence between you. You were alright with that, you understood that some people weren’t the talking type. Bucky’s stare made you continue on with your rambling.
“Since you know, we both have military experience. I think we would pair well with each other.” You smiled brightly once again.
Bucky continued to stare at you. Completely, blindsided that you continued to look him in the eye and talk to him without fear and worry. Did you not know who he was? Are you confusing him with someone else? Bucky shifted his gym bag on his shoulder, his grip on the strap making the mechanics of his metal arm begin to whir.
Well, if she doesn’t know who I am, she does now. Bucky frowned again.
Stark looked on between you and the living statue that was Bucky, getting some amusement from the completely polar opposite personalities in front of him. He watched on as you continued on with the one sided conversation. Smirking to himself as he watched Bucky become increasingly uncomfortable.
Bucky let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as the elevator doors opened. He readjusted his bag, and quickly left, leaving you and Tony in the dust without so much as a goodbye. You watched as he walked away, the tension still present in his shoulders making you frown. He walked with a heaviness, a weight of bottled up emotions and dark thoughts. You recognized that stance, you’ve seen it with some of the soldiers that were under your command after grueling missions.
“Told ya he was still frosty.” Tony placed his hand upon your back guiding you out of the elevator to finish the tour of the compound.
“He’ll warm up to me, I’m sure.” You smiled at Tony with confidence.
“Hope you’re up for a challenge,”
Later that day Bucky exited his room. Refreshed and gym odor free from his long hot shower. It eased his mind somewhat, pushing back his memories enough to not be distracting. He walked to the communal kitchen of the residential floor, his stomach begging for some leftovers from the night before. Popping in a plate of some leftover fettuccine into the microwave, he leaned against the counter waiting for the time to go off.
Steve sat at the kitchen island across from him, with a cup of coffee in his hand looking at the file in front of him. He glanced over at the file that had his best friend so intrigued. He noticed that it was your file.
“Have you met the new recruit yet?” Steve asked him.
“Yup.” Bucky replied, popping the P. Steve continued to flip through your file, feeling impressed more and more with all of your achievements.
“She’s something, isn’t she?” Steve started with with awe.
Bucky thought of your bright smile, your relaxed and bright presence. He thought of you carrying on introducing yourself, never stopping even if he was not responding. But what he thought of the most was how you didn’t have fear in your eyes.
“Yeah, she’s something.”
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thebearer · 1 year
Omg can you do a blurb of Camry and you going to the eras tour?
"I don't understand."
"Understand what?" You hum, smoothing out your skirt- a newspaper print since your were of course in your reputation era.
"The thing with, uh, with the bracelets and shit." Carmen waved his hands around, looking at the packed venue. Everyone dressed for the, Richie included. You'd managed to get Carmen into a plain white shirt that read 'KARMA' for the occasion.
"It's just for fun, Carm." You grinned, shrugging. "It's, like, her biggest tour. People are just going all out."
"Yeah, cousin, relax." Richie snorted, his own beaded friendship bracelets dangling on his arm. "Everything's not so serious all the time. Some shit can just be for fun."
Carmen rolled his eyes, turning away from him, annoyed. You cooed at him, tucking a longer curl behind his ear. "Ignore him, Carm. He's just fuckin' with you." You giggled gently. "I know it looks silly, but it's just what you do. Just to make it more fun, I guess."
"It's cute." Carmen muttered, looking over at you sweetly. "I just, I didn't know."
"It's alright. I wouldn't expect you to be on the mega swifty level that Richie is." You snorted, looking at the man cheering for the countdown.
"I don't know any of her songs." Carmen muttered, fingers drumming by his sides.
"That's ok." You hum, hugging him tight to you. "I'll sing for both of us, I promise."
Carmen grinned, pressing a kiss to your head. "Hey, uh, I heard those girls say there's another table with stuff on the other end of the stadium. Do you want me to go see if they have your hoodie there?"
"You don't have to, Carm. I got my shirt-"
"-No, no. I don't mind. I don't want you to miss anything." Carmen said, nodding towards the stage. "I can go look and see."
"You don't care to?" You asked, rolling your lip between your teeth.
"No, of course not, baby." Carmen hummed, lips brushing over your cheek. "I'll go check. You need anything else? I'll get you a water too."
"No, don't get me a water! Then I'll have to pee, Carm, and I'm not leaving during the show." You frowned.
Carmen gave you a light look, which you returned. He rolled his eyes. "I'll get you one just in case." He squeezed your hand gently, sliding past Richie and Eva to jog up the stadium stairs.
Carmen returned in time for the start of 'Lover', triumphantly holding the sweatshirt in the clear bag, grinning when you squealed and peppered his face in kisses. "Ah, you are the best." You hugged him tightly, swaying with him to the song, arms around his waist feeling positively smitten with your lover.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
the vibing allan and the reluctant ken ! mick s. x ofc (filipino!ofc)
summary: mick schumacher just wants a break from arthur leclerc.
OR the young monegasque has a bad habit of third wheeling. thankfully, mick learned how to be patient as he took care of sebastian vettel's kids with his girlfriend. will he be able to apply these skills as the couple and their third wheel travel to another country?
content warning: use of explicit language, platonic!third wheel!arthur leclerc x ofc, mentions of sebastian vettel x ofc (bel vettel), bf!mick x bbf!arthur banter, chaos and crack fic, arthur drives for ferrari, baby kimi vettel is of age for karting ❤️
note: i've had this in my mind since this morning. enjoy xx
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i. this ken's job is karting coach
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ii. the vettel child treatment™ (philippine edition)
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arthur_leclerc posted a story !!!
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tagged barblanco
liked by arthur_leclerc, charles_leclerc, estebanocon
arthur_leclerc no credits for the photo?? i didn't take you as a thief
user1 this man riles up mick for no reason and i love him so much for it
mickschumacher thank you to our photographer i guess 🙄
arthur_leclerc you're welcome!!! anything for my best friend (not you)
user2 maman et papa 🙌
user3 i'm no better than a man 😩🥰
landonorris did you at least bring your sunscreen this time? liked by mickschumacher
charles_leclerc i ship ❤️‍🔥 liked by mickschumacher
user4 charles the barmacher stan. been real since day one 🤝
barblanco 🥰😽 liked by mickschumacher
mickschumacher 🤭😊
user5 someone call the simp police 🤧
user6 omg hes so back welcome him 😭
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tagged mickschumacher
liked by arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, landonorris
arthur_leclerc everybody say "thank you arthur~" 🙄🙄 liked by barblanco
barblanco thank you artieeeeee~~
user1 thank you arthurrrrr
charles_leclerc thanks artie 🙏
user2 look at our biggest stan!!!
arthur_leclerc this trip is a blast!! danke barbie!!! liked by barblanco
barblanco i never break any promises i make, art! 🤩
user3 ok but cute???
user4 i love 😍
belongvettel ughhh i love!!! ❤️ liked by barblanco
barblanco i can't wait to bring some souvenirs back bel!!! ❤️
mickschumacher best trip ever (excluding arthur) 🥰 liked by barblanco
barblanco 🤣🤣🤣
arthur_leclerc ok mICK 🙄🙄
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tagged barblanco
liked by mickschumacher, charles_leclerc, olliebearman
user2 i love my petty king 🤭
charles_leclerc i want souvenirs, arthur!! liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc beg.
lorenzotl i want mine too 🤨 liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc bet.
charles_leclerc 😲😲
user5 you can't 🤧 i think they're somewhere around palawan rn because they've been touring everyday
mickschumacher i see how it is 🤔 liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc you called me a donkey 🙄
charles_leclerc was he incorrect?
arthur_leclerc shal whose side are you on? 🥲
user6 charles is being unnecessarily funny and shady 🤭😭
barblanco glad you're liking it!!! liked by arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc ofc!!! i don't think about the killjoy in the room most of the time and i pretend that he's a ghost so that's why!!
mickschumacher you are so not invited to the next trip, leclerc 😠
arthur_leclerc now mick-
user7 bf vs bbf in the comments??? god. take it in a parking lot guys 🤩🙄
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tagged barblanco, arthur_leclerc
liked charles_leclerc, landonorris, lance_stroll
landonorris mick just entered his reputation era 🤩
user2 naw mick is out for blood guys 🤣🤣
user3 arthur is hysterically crying at this post rn 🤣
charles_leclerc art kinda deserved that 😭
arthur_leclerc hella mean of you mick 😠
mickschumacher sorry i don't talk to people who slipped and ate shit on camera 😌
user4 NOW MICK-
barblanco you two are my walking migraines 🤕 liked by mickschumacher
mickschumacher no i'm not, liebe 😻
barblanco do i have to tell you two to kiss and make up?
arthur_leclerc i'd rather jump to hell than do that 🤢
mickschumacher arthur_leclerc i already was in hell when you came along in the trip 😒
arthur_leclerc stay mad mickie 😝
barblanco god love testosterones 🙄
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iii. ken says no more allan
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pterodactylterrace · 3 months
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Do they understand the difference between perceived infidelity (Rhaenyra had an open relationship, but literally no one but her, Laenor, and their paramours knew that, so the general public, she is being unfaithful) and a widow having sex? Alicent’s husband is dead at this point. She’s not being unfaithful. Their vows were until death, and Viserys is dead. She can fuck whoever consents.
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Is now a bad time to bring up Emma saying they also don’t like Rhaenyra and stating that she is a liar? I don’t care, I’m saying it anyway. Emma doesn’t much care for their character either, because they understand that she brings everything on herself.
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Ok, cool. When was she given this opportunity? Was it when she was encouraging Viserys to make a political match with Laena, or when Viserys announced to the small council his intentions without ever asking for her input on marrying him? The king told her she would marry him. She never had a choice in the matter, unlike a certain someone else.
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Rhaenyra was forced to marry Laenor because she ended her matchmaking tour months early, leaving several destinations unvisited. She threw a tantrum because she didn’t like the suitors she had seen thus far, incited a fucking murder, abandoned the tour months early and was spotted in a brothel with Daemon with her pants down. She had opportunities to find someone she could have legitimate heirs with. An opportunity provided by Alicent. It’s wild how people seem to forget that. Laenor was an absolute last resort to save face after she destroyed her own reputation. She threw away an opportunity to marry who she wanted, a choice most nobles don’t have. She brought this whole situation on herself by being an insufferable brat.
She never even made it to the part of the tour where she would have met Harwin, the man that ends up fathering her bastards. He is the heir to Harrenhal, the largest castle in Westeros. He is an accomplished knight. He is known as being the strongest man of his time. He is interested n her. Everything she was hoping for, had she just had a modicum of patience. Her arranged marriage to a homosexual man is no one’s fault but her own, and was brought on by her own actions. She is solely to blame for her position, and then she decided to birth obvious bastards, quite possibly the worst option she could have gone with as heir. The only thing worse than no heirs is obviously illegitimate heirs being pushed as trueborn. Now she has no heirs, and is also a liar to boot. Fantastic work!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
avery head canons
@ariscats requested these, and avery's my fav girl so of course i'm gonna make them. hope you like them<3! (i apologize for any spelling mistakes). @catapparently helped me with some of these.
avery loves phoebe bridgers
she's also secretly a swiftie (she was a hugeeee love story stan when she was younger bc she dreamt of a love like that)
she relates to nothing new (ft. phoebe bridgers). she's always blasting that song in her room, crying. (jamie finds out she feels like that song and tries to comfort her by telling her she isn't just something that everyone will get tired of eventually).
she lovesss thrifting her own clothes.
avery pretends to hate her new wardrobe but she secretly likes it.
she used to only drink black coffee but then she found out she actually really likes flavored coffee (vanilla, caramel etc). she loves making her own little coffees at home (xander loves it too)
she went to the eras tour with a reputation/midnights crossover outfit
she loves candles, she has a ton of them in her room
the sheffield grayson kidnapping affects her more than she lets on (sometimes she imagines sheffield walking behind her while she's taking walks and stuff or she'll see his face everywhere)
she has an addiction to those shitty app store games
she used to be a huge star wars fan. she would force libby to watch the movies with her.
sometimes, during family dinners, she'll look at all the people around her (libby, max, the hawthornes, rebecca, etc) and think about how lucky she is to be loved by so many people. she sometimes tears up cause she used to wish to be that loved when she was younger. jamie always notices but knows that she doesn't like it when people point it out.
she loves fanfiction (xander and max introduced it to her)
she loves taking pictures of nature (her and grayson have a shared aesthetic insta account where they post all of their pictures) (i personally really love this one)
avery used to have a percy jackson fan account on insta when she was really young (her mom was her biggest fan) (the hawthornes found the account and find it adorable)
she's a huge percabeth shipper
her favorite book genre is murder mystery (holly jackson stan)
she used to love editing (there was this one percabeth edit of hers to my blood by ellie goulding that went viral)
her mom and her used to love watching rom coms
she used to wonder why no one wanted to be her friend when she was younger (cause she only has max)
ok this one's a bit dark and sad, but we all know she grew up poor in a shitty old town, and that's where you find all the weird creeps. based on the books, she seems to not really be comfortable with physical touch from strangers, so i hc that the reason why is bc walking home from school, she'd sometimes be harassed by these creeps.
she has scars from the bombing and the attempted shooting. she's insecure about them, but jamie always tells her they look beautiful (he also tells her they're proof of how strong she is)
she loves the beach (jamie brings her on dates there all the time)
she tends to get hate comments about her looks (this isn't really a head canon since it was kinda implied in tbh when those people were whispering about her looks (i may be imagining this). sometimes she gets insecure, but jamie always makes sure she knows how beautiful she is by kissing her and whispering sweet nothings in her ear etc. (this one was more of an aj one but oh well, i can never escape them)
avery has really good taste in clothing. her fans are always commenting about how hot she is.
she was times person of the year once
(this one is based off of a pic i saw on pinterest) avery once did a shoot for vogue where she wore a suit vest and nothing underneath and everyone went crazyyy (jamie too). (i'll insert a pic at the bottom)
she's convinced people hate her
she sometimes has nightmares about jamie breaking up with her (jamie proves her wrong in bed if you know what i mean)
she loves interacting with fans (she comments on posts, take pics with them in public, etc)
when libby and her used to live together in lib's apartment and they were struggling to buy food bc of money issues, avery would always leave the food to libby and tell her she ate at the diner (she actually didn't bc she once tried to steal some food but got caught. she didn't want to lose her job so she stopped).
avery secretly loves heels (they make her more confident)
her and rebecca vent to each other sometimes (avery feels really comfortable with her).
she lovesss sushi
absolutely love my girl avery (fav character of all time). i sort of see myself in her so i might be projecting in some of these. she's so underrated and it pisses me off (she easily solos all of the brothers).
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deadricslover · 1 year
tracing roses
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a/n: first post for the loml! I'm a harry Stan 'til I die.
summary: with a whole bunch of changes for the future of one direction, harry doesn't know how he will cope and thankfully you're there to comfort him in his favourite ways.
warnings: no established relationship, anxiety, cursing, Zayn leaving :(, mentions of the management ugh (that deserves a full tw), short post?
pairings: lhh styles x sixthmember!reader
I know that the timeline of events doesn't match the real life one but it's all for the post ok?
What the media portrayed harry to be was the complete opposite of what he was actually like. His reputation was the womanizer, cool and reserved guy who didn't have the time of day for anyone other than the band, and really, it was just unfair because none of that was true. Really, Harry was the sweetest guy who cared for every single person he met and would make a whole room light up with the sparkle in his eyes. Despite what the media thought, He had feelings, and needed comfort here and there like every other person.
This particular upcoming show was an important one, it was Zayn's last show in the band but the public didn't know yet, so they had to make it count. Nobody was really themselves today as they knew they had to make a good impression for management if they wanted to continue touring and making music without him as a five person group. These emotions were hightened due to the overwhelming sudden surge of sadness and loss due to Zayn's news. Zayn was your best friend alongside Harry and you honestly didn't know how you were going to cope with not having him around when writing songs or performing anymore.
You stumble into Harry's dressing room to let him know we will be going on stage soon, but are met with a teary eyed Harry with his head in his hands. You make your way over to him and wrap your arms around him from the back whilst tracing circles on his arm and place your head on his shoulder, comforting him.
"I know, Haz. I know" you whisper kissing his temple slightly.
"this is just such a big change" he cries
"I know. and it's going to be so hard for us all to adjust to. But, we have gotta support his decision" you explain squeezing him a little tighter. he replies with a teary sigh, gazing at you through the mirror silently asking to be comforted
"even though I can't fix it, I can help you through it" you add leaning your head on his, sadly smiling a little bit, closing your eyes momentarily.
"I'm just gonna miss him" he confesses, the tears making their way to his eyes once again. Seeing him upset always made your heart drop with sadness, and a set of your own tears pricks your eyes seeing one of your favourite people upset.
"I know, haz. let it out, ok? I'm right here" you comfort as he stares blankly at the desk ahead of him
"I think that the mix of Zayn leaving and the anxiety because this show being so important is just making me so much more emotional" he explains his feelings and you listen intently the entire time, empathizing with him as you feel the same way. This is about him though, he doesn't need to know.
you plant kiss after kiss onto his face, cheek, temple and hair in comfort and keep twirling pieces of his hair around your fingers to calm him down. He takes a deep breath in and out to regain himself before looking back at you through the illuminated mirror.
"what time are we on?" he asks
"we have time" you lie. you came into him with fifteen minutes before the show and now you're running late, but, for an important reason. You didn't want him suppressing any feelings.
he looks at you confused, not entirely believing you but leaning back into your touch and closing his eyes nonetheless, while tracing shapes onto your arm wordlessly telling you that he's grateful for you.
your moment is rudely interrupted by Louis Bursting in the door chaotically.
"guys, why the fuck aren't you on stage. we are late. stop cuddling and kissing and get out and get your mics" Louis demands
Harry hops up and looks at you accusingly. You shrug and leave the room with him, both of you following Louis to the stage. You get your assigned microphones and head towards the stage. Harry grabs your arm on the way and stops you both, facing you and looking down at you with a hand on your upper arm.
"Thank you so much for that. I don't know what I would do without you, I really don't" he informs you referring to you comforting him, making your heart throb.
"it's nothing, harry. just want to make you feel better" you reply smiling wholeheartedly at him.
"I love you so much" he confesses, wrapping you in a hug around your arms and you slip yours around his waist to reciprocate.
"I love you too, haz. always here for you" you reply before the six of you get on stage and open with clouds, and nobody can deny that this show wouldn't be the same and that you would all be acting different.
halfway through 'story of my life' harry was sitting down towards the back of the stage looking quite down and nervous as he knew come the end of this song, you guys would have the encore and then the show would be over, concluding the chapter with Zayn in the group. you jog to the back and sit down next to him grabbing his hand in yours lightly and he lays his head down onto your shoulder.
"you good?" you ask him
"mhm" he replies humming. you didn't buy it, you knew him better than that.
you look down to his hand in yours and examine his tattoos for a minute. your eyes land on the rose tattoo next to his elbow and the perfect shading. Your thumb starts tracing the petals and thorns on the design, comforting him as he is focusing on the feeling of your hand. You knew this calmed him down. He takes a couple of deep breaths and continues singing after Louis finishes his part whilst visibly calming down yet again. He gets up from where he was sitting and starts walking around the stage interacting with a couple of fans and the guys maintaining the hold on your hand bringing you around while you giggle to yourself. This doesn't go unnoticed by fans and you were sure you would see some twitter posts about it later, but in the moment you didn't care, all you cared about was making him feel better and calming his anxiety about this whole show.
you were super lucky to have a harry in your life. You think everyone should have a harry in their life too. And he feels the same about you, he thinks everyone should have one of you in their life too. But then again, he didn't want to share you with anybody. He loved you comforting him, and knew that you would always be there for him and visa versa.
everyone needs a you and harry pair in their life.
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