#ok anyway time to go meet so mi
toastysol · 6 months
I go to start playing through phantom liberty again and the second I see jago at the dogtown gates I drop everything I'm doing to look at his tag what is wrong with me
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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Mommy Duties P.2
"Hola mi amigos, it's your girl Cassie. And today is a very special day. And before you hit me with the omg, she is finally having the baby comments. No, this thickass baby isn't coming until like 2 months from now. Anyways, today will be a pool day. So, I'm sure everyone knows that last time I visited Bada on set, and while I was there, Mina and some of the staff suggested I come to their little pool break. Now, it will be a bit difficult because, well, you know who isn't ready yet. Obviously, Corey is a toddler and feels the need to make everything difficult."
Cassie says dramatically while walking around the house, trying to gather all of Corey's things. Realizing, i forgot to pack his diapers, which is the most important thing. I laugh at the camera, looking around my room before sitting on to my bed, trying to figure out where the hell I put those diapers. "I swear I had them last night yall, shit just be disappearing in this house." I look down on the floor and see the diapers sitting right there still in the pack, turning around looking at the camera with a guilty smile on my face. "We just gonna edit that out, I don't need yall knowing my pregnancy brain be fucking with me ok. And while we are on the topic of kids, I just wanna let yall know how I raise mine is how we meaning me and my wife choose to raise our son. I've gotten comments saying all this and that while questioning my methods. Like first of all, I do say I will hit him sometimes when he does shit but I always just yell. I mean, I don't put my hands on him. I grey up with Dominican parents yall trust me I know what the fuck I'm doing. Second, aren't Asian parents known for giving their kids childhood trauma? How about yall ask yall kids why they are so afraid yo fail and depressed before you come at me. Thank you."
Now, after that moment, I managed to get Corey ready. "I got him ready off camera mainly because he was being a bit fussy. It's slightly earlier than when I usually wake him up, so bear with my baby yall." I state after grabbing all the items, including my son, who is currently in the process of going to sleep. Thank God for that. Hopefully, he will wake up with a lot of energy when we get there and get worn out. Carrying everything to my car with a sleeping baby and being pregnant, call me superwoman at this point. I unlock the car door and place everything inside, making sure that Corey is all tucked in before I start driving. I make my way towards the front of the car and sit down, getting ready to go. "Yall, be sitting there saying our heights are so funny to look at compared to Bada. Like, yall simply don't know the struggle. Every time I get in this vehicle, I have to adjust the seat before I drive. Like who can drive from all the way back here. The steering wheel is in Korea, and the drivers seat is in Japan. That's a time difference here, people. Anyways, I'm gonna be doing a little Q&A to keep yall preoccupied. So, yall don't have to focus on my side profile."
Luffy57-When did you and Bada decide to have kids?
Monsterhigh99-Why do you always call them Bada's kids, aren't they just technically yours?
I read the first two questions, trying to gather all the information before I start up the car so I won't have to keep looking down or anywhere else but the road while driving. "OK, to be honest, I didn't want kids like at all. I'm not saying you are supposed to like count kids out if you are with a woman. But me personally, I didn't want any. I just could never see myself as a mother, I didn't want to. But, I met Bada, and life kinda changed. Now, ywll don't go thinking just because you meet people, your perspective will automatically change. Bada didn't change my decision, I did. I envisioned a different life for myself. After doing some thinking, I decided." I said while looking at the camera for a split second and looking back at the road. Until we reached a red light. And I glance at Corey. "He always knocked out in the car."
I sit there for a while, thinking about food, to be honest. Then I remember the second question, and the light turns green, causing us to go back on the road again. "Right, my bad yall. So, wait, what was the question again? Ooo, right, so I obviously call them her kids because they are. I mean, we are both raising them, so it shouldn't matter about the little details. Second, technically, Corey is literally her son. He looks like both of us. Bada wanted to be more involved in the process when we decided that I would be the first runner-up to have the baby. She volunteered, even though she was scared too. But here, career was just taking off, and I refused to have her waste time when she was finally getting recognized. So, she offered to give me some of her eggs and stuff like that, and yea shit happens."
I look up and see the building, realizing we made it. I call Bada to help with stuff. Because I no longer feel like carrying all this shit anymore.
Myocean💖-Hello baby
Mywife💞-You mind introducing yourself to the exit to come help me carry all this stuff.
Myocean💖-And by stuff, do you mean our child and his things?
Mywife💞-Yes, before I randomly decide to make today not your day, if you keep sweet talking me Ms. Lee
Myocean💖-Whatever you say, baby. I'm on my way, Mrs. Lee
I hand up the phone smiling. "That's my baby yall." I giggle all girly like, and then I see Bada smiling at me through the window. "Omg, what is wrong with you? Couldn't you have told me you were here, out here scaring me." She opens the car door before looking me up and down, "and ruin your little moment. Nah, baby, I wouldn't do that. Are you wearing a top under that ?" I look down at my pink bathing suit top before looking up at her. "Baby, this is the top. I mean, it literally has long sleeves and stuff." She stares at me while poking her tongue on the inside of her cheek. She only does that when she is made or annoyed. "Now, would it happen to have long sleeves because you are trying to make for that fact that you happen to me wearing a thong under that skirt?" I just kiss her check telling her how much I love her.
After some minor issues with Bada, we finally make it into the building, with her carrying Corey, who, by the way, had finally woken up and chosen his favorite to spend the day with as always. "Crazy, how you hold a lid for 9 months only for them to come out picking the other as their favorite. I'm basically just a storage closet." She laughs at my remarks and kisses the corner of my lips, causing a whine to leave my lips. "Behave." I listen for the moment. We make our way inside, and I see all the girls playing in the water. I almost forgot that tsubakill members were eliminated. Then I see Mina running up to me. "Omg, you made it. I thought you weren't gonna come. Almost had to beg Bada to get you here." I turn around and look at Bada while hugging Mina.
"Of course, I made it. I mean, who would miss a free pool day." We chuckle at each other before she grabs my hand, and I turn to look a Bada seeing her motion towards Bebe. Letting me know where they will be. "I just thought with Corey and everything you would be busy, you know," she says while sitting us down, making sure to place a cushion under me. I nod as a sign of thanks. "I mean, he was eager to come when I told him this morning, though I think he completely forgot. He was only focused on the fact that I was waking him up early." We laugh together, and soon the whole crew of DeepnDap comes over, greeting me. Though, since I mainly know Mina, I stick with her throughout the day. We talk for what feels like hours. She gets a bit touchy after seeing her with her members. I notice that's just how she is. I can't help but feel a certain stare on me, knowing who it is I excuse myself.
I walk over to the table, grabbing something to drink. Until I hear breathing behind me, startling me. I turn and find Bada looking at me with a smirk on her face. "You scared the shit out of me, baby. Don't do that." She completely disregards my statement. "You and Mina seem to be getting along quite well, don't you think?" I grab my chest startled by her walking up on me. "Bada what the fuck, my heart can't take all that, and I don't know what you're talking about." Ofc I knew what she was talking about I just liked to fuck with her. How evil of me, right? "Well, whether you choose to know or not, you're off the market. I stare up at her now that she has gotten closer. "Is that so?" "Yes it is so. Because the moment I put that ring on your finger, actually fuck that the moment I looked at you, you were off the market. And now that you're carrying our baby, it just makes it better. Now tell her to back off before I have to do a repeat last night." I shyly turned to face the table again, making myself busy. "I don't know what you're talking about last night wasn't all that good." "O, really?"
For the night, Bada's parents agreed to watch Corey. Saying they missed their grandchild, but I think it was simply for our alone time. Considering they winked at me while picking up Corey's toys. Bada's mom even told me to be careful and pointed to my stomach. But now that was long forgotten, well, at least by me. As I'm laid on all fours, completely at the mercy of Bada, with her constantly slamming her strap into me. "F-fuck... slow down...m. mmm." She leaned down and locked a bold strip of my neck, "really, I thought I wasn't moving fast enough. Now it's slow down. You just don't know what the fuck you want, huh? Just a greedy little whore." As she says that last word she makes sure to push in harder making me see stars. I didn't know whether I wanted her to go faster or slow down anymore. It all felt too good. The only thing anyone could her in or outside of the room was skin claps on skin claps. And of course, me screaming for my fucking life. "Just needed this can't filled, that all you ever need, huh? Just me." I can't register what she is saying anymore. "Y-yes fill it upp."
End Flashback
Bada is sitting there reminding me of everything that happened last night. "OK, ok, I'm sorry, I remember shit." I tell her, hoping she will stop embarrassing me before she drags me to the nearest bathroom. "Bada, we can't do that here. What about everyone? And Corey?" I ask already in fear and slight excitement of what she is doing. "Corey is sleeping." She states while turning me around, shoving me into the sink, though making sure not to hurt my stomach. She is always cautious about that. "And everyone else should mind their business and now their place. Which is not with my wife, much like Mina, correct?" I simply nod as she pulls down my thong bottoms and immediately shoves a finger in my pussy. "I fucked how many times last night and you're still fucking tight. So I have to fuck you open again, huh princess?" I look at her though the mirror before looking down in embarrassment.
"Look at the mirror right fucking now." I hurry and look up and make eye contact with her as she places another finger inside and rubs my clit hard. "Answer me, you know I don't like repeating myself. Remember your manners." I start to answer or try to, as all that comes out is a much of bullshit. "Y-yes please fuck me open. J-just f-uck me so good, Bada." She nods her head, getting down on her knees, causing me to grab her shoulders to stop her. "But-", she kisses my lips, shutting me up for the time being. "No more, talking baby, just let me eat, ok."
*request by @vachieve
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pxgeturner · 6 months
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Miguel O'Hara is a world-renowned professional boxer, and Hobie's other best friend. One night he finally makes the two worlds collide and sparks immediately fly between the two of you. But will he distract you from meeting your publisher's deadline? And will you distract him from getting World Champ?
before you follow. m.list. Iron Fist gfx library. series m.list. tag list.
Prologue. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Epilogue.
wc. 1.5k
an. hi. its me! Giselle, or gi, or gigi to few (not to be confused w gg, that is one of my moots. she makes really cool art.) n e ways here is the awaited Prologue for Iron Fist. Oh goodness I'm so nervous. I just want to make a few things clear. the reader is an author (obvs). She's recently graduated uni and is Latina! I write with a woc!r in mind always. I try to be as inclusive as possible, pero porque soy Mexicana, r might lean towards being more Mexican but I'll try to keep her Spanish standard and not be too specific to my family's culture. much love! hope you enjoy <3
please don't forget to reblog! likes do nothing to boost engagement.
Your foot taps against the floor. The damn blank document stares back at you. Mocking you is what it’s really doing. Fuck you, you think, I achieved my goal. I published a book and it is a damn bestseller! Only problem is that the readers want more. It’s been… some time since your first book. And sure, Jess said you can take a break before starting a new project. But you also know that it’s good to ride on existing publicity. At least be able to make an announcement that you’re writing something while all this excitement lasts. Maybe you should write something about vampires. You love vampires and how they fit into romance and how them drinking blood is a euphemism just a bit away from, the whole cannibalism-equals-all-consuming-love trope and how when a vampire attacks it’s often an allegory for rape and— but you have nothing to add to the conversation. You have nothing new to say, no new perspective or hot take, or twist. You have nothing. No ideas.
Not a single word on the page.
You have an idea, leaning forward to peck the keyboard. “F-u-c-k. T-h-i-s!” You highlight the text and italicize it.
Fuck this. At least it’s words on the page.
You reach for your cup and take a sip. “If all else fails I can ride on the rest of the signing bonus and royalties for a bit since the book is doing good, and once that dries up, I can apply to be circulation assistant at a library or something.” You sigh and take another sip. “But nobody has to know for now.” You get up, searching for your phone. You find it resting on the arm of the couch, you grab it, sliding onto the cushions, resting your head where your phone just was. “God, don’t make me a one hit wonder, I wanna be a star. I wanna be the one to push that bitch Colleen Hoover into obsoletion. Please God. Please.”
You open your phone and look for your mother on speed dial.
“Hola, nena!” Your mama’s voice is happy, she must be having a good day. You move into the kitchen. You need a snack.
“Hey, mama, how are you?” You hold the cell with your shoulder as you look through your pantry.
“Good, good,” you find a pack of roasted seaweed snacks and grab it.
“I went on a date anoche.” Your shoulder drops and the pack of seaweed slips out of your grasp.
Mi mami fue a una cita. Con un man! You stand there, trying to process that she is actually back on the dating scene.
“How did it—” you aren’t holding your phone anymore. You use the wall as support to lower yourself to pick up your phone and snack.
“—ay, mami, lo siento, mi cellular se cayo de mi mano.”
“Todo bien, hija! I’m glad you’re ok.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ok, I’m ok. Anyways— how was the date? What’s he like? Am I going to have a stepfather soon?” you joke.
“My time for marriage is gone, muñeca, I’m just looking for companionship, pero, tu lo sabes.” You hear some subtle clinking in the background of the call, she must be stirring her coffee. You open your snack and park yourself on the couch. “Are you writing?” Ugh. Not you, too.
“I was, just finished for a bit before I called you.”
“You called me to procrastinate.” You choke on your seaweed from the accusation.
You clear your throat, “I called to check in with you. I call you practically every day.”
“But right now you called me to check up on me as an excuse to not write. Nena, I know you.”
“Okay, fine. I might be having some writer’s block,” you admit, sighing.
“And that’s okay, nena, but then you need to get out, get some inspiration. Allow the world to give you a story.” There’s mama, with her easier-said-than-done advice. But, maybe you should get out of the house.
“Alright, I’ll go out soon.”
“—I will go out to the Chinese place across the street and nothing more. I’ll talk with Hobie when he gets back to see if he has any ideas.” You hear your mama make a noise in her throat.
“You still live with that boy?” Here it comes. You’ve lived with Hobie Brown for three years and have known him for five. She’s always been apprehensive of him, since he’s radical and looks like he’s been in jail, with all the metal in his face, and why does his hair look like that? But Hobie is the one who’s kept you sane all these years. He’s held you while you cried and pushed out of your comfort zone when you were getting too stuck into your routines, most likely by dragging you to a concert or a protest. You help him thrift and flip clothes and ever since that one time his stylist had an emergency and canceled, you now help him tighten his wicks every so often. On days like that the two of you stay in, watching nostalgic movies and listening to any demos he’s recorded recently. He’s like a brother to you at this point.
“Yes, mama, I still live with Hobie. Nothing’s changed.” You move the phone down to your chest and take a deep breath.
“I didn’t like him when I first met him,” you clench your jaw as she continues— “…and although he’s one of those kids, I can tell he is a good boy. I’m glad he takes care of you.” You relax. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have someone you could kiss.” “It would be nice, but right now it’s not happening.” “Alright, muñeca. I’ll leave you alone for now, but keep your eyes open for a nice man.”
“I will, con cuidado, mami, besitos.” You make a kissing noise into the phone, and she responds with a goodbye of her own, and you wait for her to hang up the call.
You sigh, and look at the coffee table. Hobie left his song book at home, weird. It’s open to the song he was working on the other day. It’s a slower song, you can still hear the melody. You drum your fingers to the tune. He’s on an unfinished verse. You pick up a pen from the little catch-all dish and scribble down a line or two.
Hobie weaves through the roar of chattering, anticipating fans and into the tunnel, and walks past employees and into Miguel's prep room to see him tying his shoes. “Hey,” Miguel looks up. “Hey.”
“Are you excited?” He moves to sit by the boxer, shimmying up against his shoulder.
“Haven’t really been excited for one of these in a while.” Miguel breathes.
“Well, one step closer to retirement!” Hobie bounces out of his seat. He turns to face his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gonna do great, you big fuckin’ bear of a man.” He ruffle’s Miguel’s hair.
Miguel gives a half-ass hum in response.
“Well then, I’ll be out there, mate, cheerin’ you on.” He puts his hands in his vest pockets and walks out the room.
As he reaches the empty doorframe, Miguel speaks up. “Thank you, Hobie.”
“Anything for you, mate.” Hobie nods and goes to join the audience. Miguel fastens his gloves and puts on his robe. He warms up waiting for his coach.
“Ready, O’Hara?”
Miguel turns around. “Always ready for a fight.” He clenches his jaw. Walking down that hallway, the festive colors lighting up his path and the music blaring, he does his little bit, the movements molded into muscle memory.
This is it. This is his last year fighting. If he gets world champ again, he’s free.
Soon, he gets to fight his last fight. And dammit, the world championship will be his last match. Then, he’s never gonna have to come back.
He weaves under the ropes, entering the ring. Sitting on the stool, he shrugs off the robe and lets Carlos put the mouthguard in.
“You are going to show this guy exactly why people call you el oso!” Miguel beats his gloves together and nods. He might not like his job right now, but he really wants to hit something and goddammit if his opponent doesn’t look so beatable right now.
Coach Carlos steps out of the way, and Miguel stands to walk to the ref as he calls for him to center.
“We went over the rules in the dressing room.” Right before Hobie got here. “I want to remind you to protect yourself at all times, and obey my commands.” Ring the damn bell already. “God bless you both,” I don’t need it but this kid might. “Touch up,” here we go. He touches gloves with his newbie opponent and each goes back to their respective corners.
Miguel takes an orthodox stance.
The bell rings.
Miguel lands the first punch. He also lands the last.
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So I'm thinking of my own self-insert fic and how I meet Misraaks. And yes it's cheesy and trope-y. But it's my universe and what I say goes.
Anyway, I'm a Titan, obviously, but I use a bunch of melee weapons since irl I can't aim for shit. So I imagine a more futuristic barbarian aesthetic since I always LARP as a barbarian, with myself carrying an axe in one hand, and Caiatl absolutely gave me a Centurion shield to use so there's that in my other hand.
Anyway, I'm on the battlefields with Misraaks because Hive have attacked and somehow he's caught up in the mix.
A bunch come, and one knight jams his blade through Misraaks, injuring him gravely.
I see this. I fucking go berserk. With fury and wrath I summon the Hammer of Sol, and charge the swarm with vengeance and rage, eliminating nearly all within moments.
The knight takes notice and approaches.
My hammer fades, and I grab my axe, jumping as I outright tackle the Hive to the ground and grapple him.
Misraaks watches, absolutely ASTOUNDED that this tiny ass Titan not even 5ft tall has somehow managed to subdue a humongous Hive knight.
An epic fight ensues between the knight and I, ultimately ending when I am flung off the dude and stop mid-air, soar from above, and drive my axe through his chest, ripping it out as I land on the ground, then use my shield to shatter the knight apart.
The field is clear, and I rush to Misraaks, gripping him close and gently.
Much to the Kell's surprise, I lift him in my arms and run him to my ship, then fly us to the Last City where I bring him to get help.
I'm walking through the Tower idly, worried sick.
Ikora sees me, and approaches. She says Misraaks told her what I did, and that I managed to intimidate him a bit with my prowess, apparently. But Ikora laughs a bit, and says she always knew I was fierce. That's just who I am.
There I absolutely panic. I didn't mean to scare him! I just freaked out and wanted him safe! This is just how I fight! I care about him, I had to get him help and fast and I couldn't do that without decimating the enemies, and—
Ikora stops me. She says it's ok. Misraaks is ok. And he is glad I saved him. She thinks he might've even taken some appreciation to my strength in battle. Maybe even in the same way I appreciate him...
How does she know I like him? I never said anything to anyone. How would she—
And Ikora tells me to just go. See Misraaks. He needs the company.
So, nervously, I head out to where Misraaks is. He's laying in a medical cot, wound wrapped, helmet off with just his rebreather on. I rush to his side.
Misraaks seemingly grins at the sight of me.
I sigh in relief at seeing him ok.
The Kell tells me he has not seen a ferocity as mine before, but that he's heard from others how I'm just like that. I defend, I protect, and I do so with my entire being because I love.
And Misraaks says it's ok. He knows.
I freeze. I'm literally stunned in silence.
But Misraaks lifts his arms closest to me, and pulls me against his chest. And with all four, he hugs me gently.
I just lay against him softly, carefully, listening to his heartbeat, and suddenly Misraaks moves his rebreather away, and leans down. He kisses my head.
"I love you, too," he tells me.
And I lean up, and return this kiss to him as he and I just hug and hold and love.
Days later, when Misraaks is recovered, I outright carry him out of the place, and when we make it to the Tower, Osiris sees us.
"So the lovebirds finally took flight," he says.
I frown at him.
How many people knew? How long have they known? HOW did they know I love him?!
"To be fair," Osiris says, "You've been learning Eliksni, and I don't know anyone who would go so far as you have to save a man as you did."
"Says the guy who broke time to save his husband," I tell him.
"Exactly. You're gay. I'm gay. It's all gay. Now go take your boyfriend on a date already. The whole City has been waiting long enough for you to."
I'm stunned.
The whole damn Last City knows???
I accidentally drop Misraaks in my surprise, then freak out! Is he ok?! I apologize so much!
But Misraaks stands up, laughing and hugs me close. "I am fine, Magnus. Stop worrying, please. Let's go have a pleasant lunch."
I blush. Hugging the Kell back, I nod. "Ok. Agreed. I uhhh... I know a good mac and cheese place if you want that."
And so we have our first date with mac and cheese as the meal, and both of us are happy.
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ladymarlin · 9 months
Here’s an idea for a fic!!! I’ve also talked abt it with @not-eli. For like a Christmas special for alheather, Heather could announce that she’s pregnant. Just an idea.
Ok so, it took me a few days and I'm kinda iffy on my writing 😅
But I think the general concept of this is really cute (if anyone wants to rewrite it or anything) And I also had another idea with Heather's family but this just kept coming to me. Also I did all my writing very late at night and I did NOT revise and edit or reread 🤣
Merry Christmas 😁
Heather knew this feeling. Sure it's been a few years, but it was a feeling she could never forget. It did cause her nine months of (mostly) misery, after all.
The pregnancy test only confirmed it. Part of her was excited. She and Alejandro were having another child! But at the same time, she and Alejandro were having another child. She loves her daughter, but she hated being pregnant. What's to like about it? The exhaustion? The cravings? The hormones making every emotion feel ridiculously heavy?
She took a deep breath and shook it off. She needed to tell her fiance. That's important. She needed to tell him. And she had a strong feeling he'd be more than happy. He's so good with their daughter, Heather can't help but smile at the two interacting. And of course the "We should have another one" something Heather would usually reply to with "We'll see what happens."
Yeah, he'll love this.
Maybe she should surprise him. Christmas was only two days away, anyways. It was the perfect opportunity. A perfect gift to her love.
So Heather got a small box. The plan was to put the positive pregnancy test in it, but she ended up standing there for a bit wondering if that was weird and unsanitary. Should she put it in a case or something? What if he grabs it by the wrong end? That's gross.
After some research, she decided to put the stick in the box with some tissue paper. It should be enough. People on the internet were doing way too much, and Heather was not about to do all that.
She wrapped the small rectangular box just as nicely as the other gifts, and slipped it under the tree.
Now it was time to wait.
She spent the two days trying not to raise his suspicions. It wasn't too hard. She really only needed to try and not seem too tired. It was... A little difficult, but she managed. Somehow.
Christmas morning, the couple were woken up earlier than they'd like.
Their daughter entered the room practically squealing with excitement. It's Christmas! Lucky for Heather, the four year old was always quick to go to her father. The girl shook her father, as if he wasn't already woken up by her struggling to open the door, and then the door bursting open, letting in all the light from the living room.
"I'm up, I'm up..." He sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"It's... Presents?" She asked, pointing the general direction their Christmas tree is in.
"How about we sleep a little longer, mi hijita?"
She shook her head with a smile.
He turned to his fiancee and shook her a bit, "Heather..."
She fought back a groan and sat up after a minute or so, her eyes puffy and tired.
"I'll meet you in the living room, mi amor." He kissed her on the cheek before being dragged away by their daughter.
Heather dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom, making herself decent enough for the early morning.
She walked out to the two sitting on the floor by the tree.
"-see, look, 'to, Marisol'" he read with a smile, showing the young girl one of her presents.
Heather sat on the ottoman, watching the two. Alejandro glanced over and was given a gesture towards the presents, letting him know they're free to open their gifts.
Alejandro handed Marisol the gift he was holding and gave her a nod. Of course, she started digging in, as any four year old would.
Alejandro got to work on opening his own presents, Heather getting oddly nervous as he got closer to the small rectangular box.
She didn't understand why. There was no reason. This could only go well... But she was nervous.
Then he picked it up.
Heather could practically hear her heart racing, keeping her eyes on him.
"Something wrong?"
He pulls her out of her head for a second, "just open the gift."
He looks at her with a mix of suspicion and curiosity, unwrapping, opening, and removing the tissue paper.
It takes him a minute to process what he's looking at, but then his face brightens completely.
All is well.
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cwritesforfun · 2 years
Jake Hangman Seresin x Fem!Reader: Pretend We’re Dating?
I did write another fake dating with Hangman fic which will be linked here. This one is different I promise. 
#23. "Just pretend to be my date." and #60. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me." 
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I open my door and Jake is standing there with a rose asking “Can I tempt you with a free night out on the town with me, free of charge?” I laugh and answer “Tempting, but I don’t know.” He laughs and begs “Just pretend to be my date."  I reply "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me." He replies “Maybe I am. You never know. So, will you do it?” I ask “What? Pretend to be your date?” He answers “Yes that.” I reply “Sure. The night was boring until you got here anyway.” He replies “Compliments won’t buy me drinks.” I playfully slap him and he then says “Come on. We have to go.” I quickly ask “For what?” He answers “The fake dating... it’s kind of tonight. We have to be somewhere and need to leave in the next 5 minutes in order to be early. I told them that my date loves to be there early, so we have to leave in ... well 4 minutes now.” I ask “And who is the rose for?” He answers “Ah... you mi lady.” He hands me the rose and I reply “Ok come in. Thank you for the rose. Now, what do I wear?” He answers “I’d prefer nothing... I’m kidding. Would it be too cliché to ask if we could match? I’ve always wanted to wear matching outfits with someone.” I reply “Ok. I’ll be right back.”
I change into similar colors as Jake and I then walk back to where he is sitting. Jake exclaims “Wow, that is great. We look great. Okay, let’s go.”
Jake starts driving and I notice he seems anxious. I rub his leg and ask “Hey Jake. You seem anxious and that is making me anxious. Where are we going and who are we meeting?” He answers “I just ... my friends wanted everyone to bring their girlfriend so we could hang out together outside of work. I promised them I would bring my girlfriend tonight and I’ve been telling them I’ve been dating you for 6 months at this point, so yeah that’s about it.”  HE TOLD PEOPLE WE WERE DATING FOR 6 MONTHS!?! That’s a huge lie. Wait... he’s been talking about me for 6 months?!?! That is kind of sweet. I ask “Is that why we always hang out on the same night every week and why we’ve stayed at each other’s places? You’ve been saying you have a date night with your girlfriend on that night?” He answers “Sort of, yeah. That sums it up.” I ask “And do you actually like me?” He answers “Shit, I wish I wasn’t driving right now, so I could look at you. Here, let me pull over.”
Jake gets over 2 lanes and pulls into a spot at a store. He then turns to face me and exclaims “Most of the time when we’re together, I get so embarrassed to say anything especially how I feel about you. And now... Now, I need to tell you. I really like you, Y/N. You’re beautiful, kind, and hilarious, and you make me the happiest guy in the world. When tonight is over, could we go on a real date?” I answer “Yes we can, Jake. I like you too.” He smiles, grabs my hand to kiss it, and then holds it as he starts to drive again.
We end up arriving at this restaurant 10 minutes early according to Jake. He still seems stressed about something. 
Once we get out, I stop walking and Jake turns to face me asking “What’s wrong? Why did you stop walking?” I answer “You still seem stressed. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He smiles, cups my face with his hands, and says “I’m fine. I just ... It wasn’t how I wanted to share my feelings to you. I don’t know. It feels wrong how I did it when you deserve something so much bigger and better.” I lean closer and say “I can think of one way to ease this worry.” He asks “What?” I answer “A kiss on the lips.” He smirks and asks “May I?” I answer “Yes.” He leans in and we kiss. 
I hear clapping and we pull apart. I see some of his friends standing there watching and clapping. 
Jake waves and exclaims “Hey guys! Sorry about that, she asked for a kiss and who am I to deny my beautiful girlfriend?” I laugh. He’s so cute. I wanna kiss him again. Fuck, I really really like him. 
Jake introduces me to his friends then we head inside where I meet more of his friends. It intimidates me a little because there are so many of them and only one of me. I only have like 2 or 3 friends in town because I like my alone time more than I like to spend time with people other than Jake that is.
Jake’s friend, Coyote, turns to me, and asks “So how did you and Jake meet?” I answer “We met at the Hard Deck. I was with some friends when he hit on me and I thought he seemed arrogant. However, my friends said I needed to get out there and talk to guys, so I went and talked with him for a while. My first impression was wrong. We hit it off there and I didn’t give him my number or any way to reach me. I went back the next week in hopes of seeing him because I didn’t give him my number and he was there. He was happy to see me, we exchanged numbers, and then we made Thursday night our date night every week. Jake has been my constant ray of sunshine and joy for the past 6 months. I cannot wait for many more months like these.” Coyote replies “The Hard Deck? Wait, that means I was there. I’m with him every time we go there. Unless you’re cheating on me, Hangman?” Jake rests his arm around the chair behind me and answers “I have gone without you. I’m sorry. Bros before hoes, except when she’s your hoe. Right, man?” Coyote stares confused and then bursts out laughing. Yeah, Jake just called me a hoe but he called me HIS?! So do I consider that a win? Yes. I turn to Jake and say “You’re lucky you’re hot.” Jake asks “How mad would you be if I kissed you?” I answer “Not mad at all.” He smiles, leans in, and kisses me.
Dinner goes so well that we all plan to start hanging out weekly. After dinner, we all go see a movie where Jake and I hold hands the whole time all the while we sneak glances at each other. He’s so freaking cute. I could scream.
We end the night at the Hard Deck. Where else would we end the night? 
I’m sitting on a stool watching the boys play pool. I had to get off my feet. Why did I wear heels? Whose idea was that? Mine. I know. 
Jake walks over, pecks me on the lips, and says “Hi.” I reply “Kiss me better.” He smiles, puts his hands on the side of my face, and says “Ooh bossy I like it.” He leans in and kisses me gently. He slowly moves his hands from my face to my neck and deepens the kiss.
I hear “Dude, PDA! Chill Hangman.” Jake pulls away long enough to flip off his friends. I hear them laughing as turns back to me, and asks “Where were we?”  I laugh and he leans back into my lips.
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figs-and-cigs · 13 days
This is going to be another rant of mine. I've been organizing my thoughts around this. There's a part of me that's just kind of frustrated and sad about things - that have very little to do with me lol.
I had a playdate with someone the other week. I wouldn't directly call him a partner as we don't have dates very often (it's been a couple years!) But I do consider him a good friend. While catching up and going over our polyamory "mis"adventures, he share that he felt his relationship with wife was going to dramatically change over the next year.
Of course I invited him to share more. His wife has been growing closer to her other relationship, hasn't been around as much, and he's sensing a dynamic change. I was pretty surprised, they've been a poly couple I'd looked up to. I was at their wedding just a few years ago. I was at their housewarming when they bought the house. I'd been to their other parties. I assumed one of the reasons he and I weren't seeing each other often was because his relationship, other life things, finances, his step daughter finishing highschool etc. was taking up a lot of energy - which is totally understandable and ok.
When I asked how he felt about the dynamic changing he said, "oh totally ok. That's how it goes in poly. Dynamics shift and change. I don't know what's going to happen..." He paused, "I am a little worried about what that will mean for the house, and mortgage, and finances... And..." another pause, "bills have kind of fallen on me anyway."
Meanwhile he had also shared I was the first "partner" he's had over at the house because his wife works from home and he doesn't want to interrupt that, and she'd gone on a month long trip with her other partner.
Truthfully, none of this is any of my business or concern. I could spend some time listening to him, comforting him, and just holding space. I do think there was a disconnect from the logic of polyamory relationship dynamics can fluidly change, and his actual feelings around a potential divorce coming. There's a lot more skin in the game when finances are intertwined vs. a change in frequency of schedule.
Meanwhile, another couple in our poly group IS going through a divorce. Again, another couple I looked up to for their poly experiences and relationships. They created the meet up group we're part of. Were active in most events, hosted play parties at their home and seemed pretty awesome. We somewhat watched as they had relationships come and go, but their marriage seemed stable. Until it wasn't.
In spending time with the wife, a dear friend, and holding space for her to share about things, I heard a lot of shocking things. One painful experience she relayed:
Months and months ago she was having a mental health crisis and had asked him to reschedule a date so he could take her to hospital and make sure there was adequate child care for their 3 year old. At first he agreed, called to cancel his date, but then came back with a changed mind. "No, I'm not going to cancel dates for you. That would be hierarchy and unethical."
She's shared this story with me (and my husband) a couple times, and always jumps in to add - "we aren't hierarchical! I would NEVER ask him to cancel a date for me if it wasn't an emergency. If one of his other girlfriends needed him to take her to the hospital I would tell him to go!" He then, not only left her for the date, but was gone for 4 days for dates with his two other girlfriends.
She also laments about having to be the primary caregiver for their child whenever he goes out. That in divorce discussion he's adamant about 50/50 custody, but expects her to arrange her schedule around his and be willing to have the kid whenever he needs (while not explicitly said, his schedule revolves around multiple relationships). That there will be no set schedule, he will not pay child support. He expects her to take on the majority of their shared debt, for her to either keep or sell the house (which if she sells he gets more than half since he put most of the labor into it).
Monogamy or no, divorces are messy. It's sad to be on the sidelines and hear how things are proceeding, especially for a couple that seemed to be so strong. She's facing potential homelessness, horrifying debt, and an unpredictable schedule regarding child care. Nevermind the chaotic situation her child will be in the middle of. Nevermind the emotional anguish she's is dealing with at losing someone she loved and trusted.
The thing I keep ruminating on is their adamant denial of hierarchy. No, it's not a hierarchy thing to cancel a date because one partner is in crisis. As someone who practiced hierarchy, I would hope my husband would rearrange his schedule to help ANY partner or friend in crisis.
But the wife? The one on your medical insurance? The mother of your child? Whom you share a home, and finances with? I don't think it's unfair or unethical to say that relationship *should* take priority.
The reality that she's become the default parent/caregiver because her husband has more partners, a more flexible work schedule - that she avoided asking him to date less because it would be "controlling" - is a part of "non-hierarchal poly" subscription language that baffles me.
I don't know if anyone read my previous rants about a relationship of mine that fell a part. There were a lot of things wrong with that relationship, but the end began when I said I couldn't do Saturday overnights anymore. That my husband's work schedule changed, which meant Saturday nights were for my husband BECAUSE that made the most sense for us to have a babysitter. That our primary relationship needs one child free night a week. (Mind you, my schedule during the week is flexible and she was seeing me 3+ times a week as it was.)
While she never directly said, "that's unethical relationship privilege", it was an unspoken undercurrent in her response. Which was maddening. Sorry, not sorry - my child's schedule, well being, and relationship of the caregivers will always come first. It wasn't a matter of taking Saturdays away from this girlfriend, but a matter of making sure my husband and I had a day to connect when our kiddo could go with the babysitter.
When I talk about hierarchy in my primary relationship, it's not at all to devalue my other relationships - like I hear so many poly people claim. It doesn't mean "my husband and I make the rules", it doesn't mean "he gets a say in what happens in my other relationships."
When I talk about hierarchy what I mean is, my finances, my home, the well being of my child, my schedule are all entirely tied to this person. That relationship takes priority because, God forbid, it ever falls a part. Those ties need to be strong to ensure our financial stability, that we have a home, that the child is taken care of healthy and happy. It doesn't make my relationship with others "less than" in regards to worth, love, value - it just makes them different in regards to need, responsibility, and time.
Another couple in our meet up group recently finalized their divorce. We hardly see them at the group and events anymore. They're struggling, their other relationships fell a part because there's no easy way to manage child care schedules, work schedules, finances.
Another couple with 4 kids, broke up - she attempted to make her other relationship a primary and he very much resented the newfound responsibility of shared time with kids, financial needs, and less time for other relationships. The first couple just moved back in together. While they still claim "non-hierarchal" I can't help my scratch my head.
While the one partner I mentioned, doesn't need childcare (their step- child is a recent highschool grad), his wife is off on a month long trip with her other partner. Don't tell me these other couples, with young children, would find that acceptable. Add in his concern about finances while his wife is spending their shared money on this trip... Whether that's acceptable or not is between them. Obviously, in all of this, communication is key. Whatever they agree on is between them, but if one agrees out of fear and wanting to avoid "hierarchy" - is it really ethical or reasonable?
I'm not saying hierarchy is a solution to these problems. Divorce happens, relationships fall a part. But the unspoken resentment that their needs in regard to finances, child-care, and even the relationship as a whole, seems pretty loud and apparent to me. That undercurrent of "I don't want to be unethical so I don't ask to be priority" while worrying about their homes, children, and financial stability - is just... Sad.
Before opening our relationship, my husband and I very clearly defined the importance of our relationship. It needs to be healthy, it needs attention and time, and it needs to function for the well being of our kiddo, home, and finances.
My other relationships also needs those things. All of my relationships need to be healthy, and varying levels of time and attention - but ONLY for the well-being of the relationship. If those relationships fall apart they aren't going to risk leaving me homeless, in debt, or put my kiddo in a chaotic situation. While those relationships ending sucks, emotionally, they won't ruin so many important aspects of my life.
So I'm not ashamed to say I practice hierarchy. I won't deny the importance of my primary relationship to protect others feelings. I won't risk my marriage for another relationship, and anyone who enters a relationship with me knows that. There aren't any rules preventing those relationships from evolving emotionally in whatever way they do. But it's unlikely I'm going to go on a month long trip, spend beyond my budget, or ditch my family in a crisis for you.
In some ways I question if some of these partners use poly as a trap door for their relationships. One they can use to slip in and out of when the relationship gets hard. I'm not opposed to the occasional escapism, but not at the expense of children and someone's financial stability - heck even their emotional well-being to an extent.
Ok I've ranted long enough I think. Thanks for reading if you did.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
chancellor esteban flores x reader headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: i literally NEVER see him or this fandom so I’m here to fill the void 🫡 disclaimer though it’s been a while since i watched this show and i am only on s2 so that is when this will take place i guess 🎀💌
dating esteban would include…
ok so like he met you at a trade summit with a neighboring kingdom 
you couldn’t keep your eyes of each other
you heard it here folks-
esteban “uptight, professional, reserved” flores couldn’t keep his eyes off you 
ofc doña notices
anyways you get a job at the castle in avalor 
you guys keep meeting at different conferences/events/etc
you both flirt but neither makes a move
esteban keeps asking doña for advice 
because he knows nothing about romance
you are at all the grand council meetings
finally he asks you out 
naomi won’t stop teasing him about it 
he gets all flustered around you and elena loves to try to help him make nice gestures for you
he is still reserved and it takes a bit for him to actually open up to you but when he does it’s so cute 
“He HaTeS eVeRyOnE bUt HeS dIfFeReNt WiTh YoU” 
i know it’s cliche but like it’s true in this case
he loves taking you sailing occasionally 
and he is super busy but always makes time for you 
you eventually find out about his dealings with shuriki when he finally confides in you
obviously he still feels really guilty and you comfort him 
you become besties with naomi and elena and mateo and gabe
gabe flirted with you once though and esteban didn’t let it go for weeks
you hang out with doña a lot and you have girls nights
he’s actually super protective and proud of you 
he isn’t into pda but when it’s just you two he loves cuddling 
victor tried to blackmail you once and the council had to intervine before esteban tried to send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love to hunt down his old friend 
a/n: sorry hamilton reference
you call him el segundo to get on his nerves
he has the cutest nicknames for you
”princesa” “mi amor” “chiquitita” “mi reina”
his family is so so important to him and he hates the thought of losing you like his parents and aunt and uncle 
he loves making his family’s recipes for you
he loves it when you sing him to sleep
you make him feel 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃
you guys get a pet jaquin
even though he’s never been fond of them
but he relented because you wanted one
and he insisted on naming it after you
you guys just love each other so much and everyone in avalor knows it <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ well there it is…like i said i am not 100% up to date on this show but i hope you enjoyed!! i love esteban so much and i have since i was 12 so this felt like something i needed to write ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚🍒🩰
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milesmoraleswife4l · 1 year
Miles 1610 X Nigerian Y/N
notes: nigga when I tell you this took my too long to make. Like writing this is not for the weak bruh
warnings: jus fluff ig
summary: y/n takes miles to meet her nigerian parents. ( im nigerian so umm yea)
“Miles, they are not going to like you if you don't take this seriously.” You said this for the 15th time. Miles is coming with you to a party your parents are throwing at your house. You thought it would be a good time to introduce them to Miles for the first time. As much as you were excited, you were hella nervous because this was the first time you ever brought into this household. And not just any household, but a Nigerian one at that. 
Miles needed to understand that one wrong move will ultimately end in your mom gossiping to all your aunts and your dad to the uncles saying, “ arabinrin mi, o ko ni gbagbọ aṣiwère ti ọmọbinrin wa mu fun wa lati pade oh.” (my sister, you won't believe the fool our daughter has brought back for us to meet oh) 
It's like you could hear it from a mile away. The thought made you sweat bullets because you know that they'll never approve if they have a horrible introduction to each other. “ No Miles try again, that's not right! C’mon you actually have to try. “ You said about just giving up and saying maybe this isn't the right time for him to meet them. ‘’Mami por que te preocupas tanto?’’ He said coming closer to hold your waist. “ because you don't know my parents, they're super judgemental and really strict. Like they didn't want me to even think about boys until i was at the ripe age of 30.’’ “ Thats crazy.’’ He said while laughing. 
 ‘Not its not, because as much as i love you, i need our parents to support our relationship.’’ you said as you were pacing around your room. ‘’ Ok ok I understand. Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it ok?” he said while grabbing both of your sides and engulfing you in a warm hug. And you sigh as you take in a pleasant whiff of his cologne.
Miles rang the doorbell to your parents house. “ remember everything i taught you please, and just be yourself at the same time.’’ you said while giving him a nervous smile. ‘’ Don't worry mami everything will be ok’’ He said wanting to give you a kiss but the door flew open.’’ e kassan mommy this is Miles” you said very sweetly to your mom. “ ekassan ma o dara pupọ o pade rẹ” Miles said while bending down to greet your mom. You just stand there; completely shook because you never taught him all of that. ‘’ Here are some roses I brought you, and you look completely beautiful, now I know where Yn got her beauty from.” He says smirking a little at you and how surprised you are. “ AHH AHH YN, why didn't you tell me you got with this handsome man?! Please arewa okunrin, what's your ethnicity, let me have three guesses!’’ your mom said begging the poor boy. “ No mom please no, he doesn't need to tell you all of that.” you said completely embarrassed that it even came out of her mouth. Luckily, Miles just laughed and proceeded to answer the question. “ I'm actually African american and Puerto rican ma.’’ “
Ehen so Yn has now gone and brought home a latin boy, ok ohh.’’ Your mom says, folding her arms in astonishment. “ Ok well Yns dad isn't here right now but you're more than welcome to stay.” Your mom says pulling him away for him to meet all your aunties. “ Come and see the fine boy Yn has brought to me ohh.’’ She exclaimed while pulling miles away. You laughed as you saw him being poked and prodded by many aunties at once. When they finally finished, which felt like hours after, he came back to meet you with a smirk on your face. “ Well, that was definitely something.’’ he said like he just saw a ghost. “ This is my family for you.’’ You said while laughing your head off. “ Haha. very funny.’’ He said while rolling his eyes. “ Anyway, im super hungry, can i get something to eat real quick?’’ He asked, wrapping his hand around your shoulder. “ Not too close omo, do you want her to get pregnant?!’’ Your mom yelled from far away. “ Mom! Stop please im begging” you said covering your face in embarrassment. “ Sorry!” Miles quickly said while moving his arm, but still scooting closer to you so that he can be near you as much as possible. “ Ok lemme just get something for you to eat c’mon.’’ You said while pulling him off the couch. 
He followed you to the kitchen and jumped up when he saw plantain. 
“ You guys have platanos too?!’’ “ Mi vida, here if anyone hears you call it that you're in big trouble. We call it dodo or plantain.” You said while rubbing his face by how cute he's being. “ Well whatever you want to call it, give me two big spoon-fuls of that please.” He said  while looking at it like it was his prey he was about to catch. “ Ok OK! It's not going anywhere why are you looking at it like that?’’ You said, chuckling at how hungry he is. “ Oh and gimme some fufu and efo riro.” He said looking over the table. “ Miles bruh, how do you even know about that?’ You said dying of laughter. “ Mami stop asking my questions and just put it please i'm dying over here” He said all dramatic.
Ok so this is litterally my first story so dont judge me pls. :)
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toastysol · 6 months
Why am I putting myself through the tower ending again what is wrong with me
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soudlenoop · 9 months
“What even happens in this AU of yours, Mr. Big Time Gambler?” Part 2
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Theme: https://youtu.be/PvT8Kx1WC64?feature=shared (Soviet Connection - GTA4)
What’s popping gamers, I’m back and I’m coming in swinging with Hyperchrome AU Chapter 2! This one is where things really start to pick up, because it’s where GUN is introduced. This summary might be a little bit longer than Chapter 1, but bear with me.
Chapter 2 takes place around the end of November, about 5 months after the events of Chapter 1. Basically, what happens is that Sonic and Tails are relaxing when they hear about GUN agreeing to help South Island by stationing a buncha soldiers there.
Anyways, there’s a ship that pulls up to the ports, and that’s where the soldiers are, and everybody gets situated. Cue the events of Sonic Adventure 2 with the Hyperchrome flare.
Eggman’s plan this time around is that he made his way up to an abandoned space colony, called the ARK. It appears to have a storied, but confidential past. It also appears to HAVE A FUCKING LASER- oh it needs 72 hours to charge. Well, that’s still bad, but manageable.
Somewhere along the lines, Sonic meets up with a few of the odd soldiers of GUN. He meets Major Rouge Mauve and Major Lanolin Forbes, who I talked about, Private Duo the Cat and Private Tangle Gillette, who share one collective brain cell, Private Nack Stilgram, who is a know-it-all when it comes to weapons and all that, and Captain Whisper Watanabe, the voice of reason who puts up with everybody’s antics and is also a REALLY good sniper. But of course, we can’t forget about Private Mi- well, actually, he’s on a separate solo mission, he’s not here right now, but you’ll meet him later, friend!
Also, there’s Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform. Apparently he came FROM the ARK, and was locked away for 50 years when the ARK was raided. He’s only here now, because Eggman freed him for nefarious purposes. Shadow ain’t all about the nefarious purposes, though. Being locked up for 50 years makes him wish for nobody to go through what he did.
Shadow may seem intimidating, but he’s rather nice when you get to know him. In fact, he saves the world from destruction! One of the dormant Ultimate Lifeform prototypes, the BioLizard, goes crazy and takes over the ARK with intent to ram it into the Earth. However, Shadow takes it upon himself to stop it, using the Chaos Energy built up for 50 years inside him to become Super Shadow! Luckily, Shadow eventually stops the BioLizard and makes it back safe, and everyone lives happily ever af- Uhh, Sonic, what’s up? What’s with the angry look… and why are your eyes so damn green?
A few months later, everybody’s moved on and everybody’s happy- hey, that airplane just exploded…
Ok that took way too long, I’m tired, GOODBYE. Oh wait, also, there will be subchapters, like as in point-five material, so keep on the lookout.
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so i think reader + suguru meet 4 the first time after witnessing some weird ass shit on campus, n then they both look at each other cuz theyre the only other ppl in the vicinity, and BAM theyre friends !!! [also they both r studying marine biology so MORE interaction] [but the weird ass shit is what gets the ball rolling pretty much]
so theyre friends yayy !!! reader thinks suguru is the perfect boyfriend n is a little heartbroken when they learn that suguru + satoru r a thing, but they move on [no the fuck they dont theyre just really good at hiding how they feel and they end up hiding it from THEMSELVES] and through suguru + satoru they meet shoko, the sleep deprived n tired med student who they dont see much of at first
but maybe reader remembers something shoko likes n picks it up 4 her at the convenience store, bring it back home, and then BAM reader + shoko hang out way more [and reader keeps buying stuff 4 shoko bcuz theyre in LOVEEEE id do anything 4 my lovely wife mi esposa bonita]
i think reader + satoru r like magnets in the sense that they both attract IMMEDIATELY they both quote the same internet shit that suguru + shoko dont rlly get [like . mulch gang on tiktok] they both share sweet food w each other [sharing being a first 4 satoru, but i think hed share if the ppl around him would APPRECIATE the metric fuck ton of sugar in the shit he eats] n they both r TOUCHY AS FUCKKKKK [self projecting but whatever the author injects parts of themself into their writing or whatever] no but reader + satoru r so annoying w their touchyness w other ppl but w each other theyre clinging on2 eachother 4 dear life, giving each other wet kisses on the cheek, laying on each others bare stomachs, holding on2 any body part at all times, n shoving chairs 2gether 2 make a mega chair so theyre squished 2gether always
AND THEN . DISASTER STRIKES . the readers landlord sold the apartments they lived in 2 someone else and they ARENT RENEWING ANYONES LEASES so reader has 2 get out of there FAST
shoko, suguru, n satoru all live 2gether in a 4 bedroom apt so after reader texts the gc [that satoru made] abt not getting their lease renewed n after a VERY quick discussion they offer their last room 2 the reader !!!!! yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MOVING TIME w the help of 3 other ppl [not rlly, satoru just moved already packed boxes around n shouted encouragement at reader + suguru while shoko passed out on readers couch until they had 2 get rid of it since it wouldnt fit in sashisu's apartment] reader didnt mind tho bcuz they got 2 b w their very attractive and silly friends
once they move in finally, so much more of sashisu's dynamic is revealed 2 them [n reader gets slowly integrated in2 it] satosugu r an established couple n do gross couple shit like sloppy make outs IN SHOKOS ROOM . they hang out in there 2 annoy shoko but after she puts more focus on her medical textbook they end up just doing whatever the hell they want ,, shoko doesnt care that much bcuz atp shes used 2 it n reader gets used 2 it pretty fast 2 cuz they would do the same when reader still had an apt [rip readers apt u will b missed]
ANYWAY there is so much tension in that damn apartment its unreal, sometimes the touches w satoru turn awkward in a SNAP, late at night when its just reader n shoko that r awake at the dining table n the conversation lulls n suddenly shokos big brown eyes are the most beautiful things in the world, driving around w suguru 4 groceries n ending up being mistaken as a couple n the idea of what could b just ends up sitting w reader + suguru 4 the rest of the trip AND THEN WHEN UR ALL 2GETHER shoko already also has mildly romantic moments w satosugu separately n together but w reader added in2 the mix ends up w all 4 of u on the couch watching a movie n limbs r everywhere n its warm n its raining outside but ur all inside w blankets n snacks n a shitty movie but ur all w each other so its fine and then suguru makes breakfast the next morning cuz its a sunday n he needs 2 clear out the fridge 2 make room 4 the new weeks groceries
WAIT expanding on breakfast w suguru . waking up around the same time as him n u end up helping w breakfast BUT since suguru is a music nerd 2 ME . 2 ME HE IS . u end up picking out a vinyl from his collection in his room and put something on the record player in the living room [THIS . THIS ALBUM I LOVE IT SO MUCH esp go my son, desert rose, i walk in beauty, reservation blues, sehe nado yodo, n from the eagles bed] so ur both just there swaying in the kitchen n all is good in the world :3
OK . ok . enough tension they all need 2 make out NEOWWWW
i think the first time reader + satosugu kiss on the lips is when they end up looking 2 long at satosugu kissing, so satoru turns 2 reader n says some cocky shit like 'what ? u want one 2 ?' n in full seriousness reader goes 'yes.' n then satoru gets a goofy ass smile n he grants a singular kiss on the lips n then they both turn 2 suguru whos just sitting there in quiet admiration n then he goes DAMN !! theyre all looking at me . in his head n then he just leans forward n gives a firm press on the lips, holding the back of ur head, n he ends up tasting a lil of ur orange chapstick
AND THEN SHOKOO shoko ,,,,,,, theyre both in readers car, in some random parking lot waiting on take out 2 b ready, n its COLDD but shoko wants 2 smoke so she rolls the window down [a courtesy she gives 2 no one without asking other than u, suguru, satoru, n utahime] but the cold ends up coming in either way so u ask her 2 roll it up n she raises an eyebrow n blows the smoke from her previous inhale in ur general direction, and its like shoko herself crawled in2 ur lungs and nested there once u take a deep breath of the secondhand smoke in. 'are you sure ?' she asks and u nod 'yeah, dont want you to get cold' she gives u a sharp smile n puts out the half burnt cigarette n rolls the window up once shes back in the car. shoko tilts her head the way she does when she knows something you dont want her 2 know, 'now what ?' u look into her big eyes with reverence as the smoke smell lingers around you, 'i dunno, what do you want to do ?' your voice is soft, unsure, but what the two of you have been itching to do for the past few months metaphorically crashes over the car as shoko reaches her hand out to you jaw while you cup the side of her face and pull her into a gentle kiss that COULDVE been more if it werent for your damn phone pinging w a notification abt the food being ready
and then !!!!!! u all slip in2 a happy polycule, there isnt much talking required, except 4 one night at the insistence of suguru + reader bcuz u wanted 2 get boundaries straight n grievances aired n suguru wanted 2 know the general details of what was happening between u all
but after that ? GUESS WHAT . ur all in love <3 BUT . DISASTER STRIKES AGAIN . reader has 2 go the hell HOME . 2 THE USA . [probs not the us, but somewhere out of japan] cuz they ran out of days on their school visa n all 4 of u guys r abt 2 finish ur senior year of college. reader wouldve gotten a work visa, but they couldnt find a job in time
so then reader goes home after a few months of the greatest part of their life, and all 4 of u stand in a circle at the airport n everyones crying bcuz u all gave up on holding back tears after satoru started sobbing in the car on the way 2 the airport
even shoko was crying !! damn . u thought her tear ducts were all dried up from how dry her eyes were from staring at computer screens all day [u told her that 2 her face in the car once a few tears slipped away from her big brown eyes n she giggled a lil . and then started crying harder]
all of u look at each other and u end up getting glomped in2 a group hug that reeks of salt and wetness. and then ur all kissing each other. really ur getting showered w kisses on ALL sides while satoru clings on2 ur side like a big baby. eventually when u HAVE 2 go n get started on bag checks n stuff, ur all sobbing, u say i love u , they say it back, and then ur GONE . not 4ever but 4 a few months ur gone until u get a WORK VISAAA
the second everyone [minus reader] is in the car 2 go home, satoru n shoko r searching up the best way 2 get ppl in2 japan thru work visas while suguru is having a mild depression spiral in the front seat [he gets pulled out of that mess FAST]
and then more i havent decided on yet eye dee kay BUT THANK U 4 READING THIS GIANT THING im so excited 2 write it when i finish writing all of the chapters of my satosugu x reader fic which ALSO involves reader having 2 go home, but in . a different way . [not really adsgshsg] also i just realized i changed perspectives so many times writing this . what .
OK lmk what u think teehee ^_^ or not u can scream n ill take it hdjsghsb
ASHLEY. sorry for the wait but i’m finally answering this absolute gem thank you for the feast 🙏🙏
OK SO . the reason this took so long to answer was bc i genuinely don’t have anything to add i just think this is perfect 😭😭 SUCHH a cute & lovely au and it’s just perfect for sashisu :((( i love them sm!! ANYWAYY i’m just gonna comment a bit hehe. i rlly adore this so much!!!
READER AND SUGU MEETING …. both of them studying marine biology ……. that’s so Good. for some reason i’m just imagining the weird campus thing being todou walking around butt ass naked in the middle of winter 💀💀 he’s insane. i love him. AND THEN SHOKOOO OUR MED STUDENT :(( reader buying her stuff is so real and you are too ashley i also need to spoil my wife. she deserves all the treats!!!! AND SATORU . BEING SO TOUCHY. READER BEING TOUCHY RIGHT BACK. they’re cute and i love them
AND THEN MOVING INNNNN WITH THEM my actual dream btw……. that’s the sweetest roommate scenario ever ever ever. anyway THE TENSIONNN I’M SO WEAK. the pining. the slowburn of it all. small intimate touches w satoru and late nights w shoko and grocery trips w suguru…….. ANDDDD that moment when you’re all together and tangled up and everything feels so Right. I LOVE THEM. also breakfast w sugu is my favorite concept ever and him being a music lover is the realest thing ever <3333
BUT THE KISSES I CRIEDDDDDD the stsg kiss….. sugu literally being awestruck by his hot s/os. i can’t believe him. AND THE SMOKEY KISS WITH SHOKO the way i would fold instantly…… sashisu/reader polycule could save lives i think. it’s also so fitting that it’s sugu and reader who insist on making it official phdkdjdj
HELPPPP NOT THE USA 😭😭😭 jumpscare…. BUT THAT’S SOO HEARTBREAKING sashisu crying :((((((( it hurts so bad bc i don’t think any of them r the type to cry in front of others. but they just!! can’t help it!!!! AND THE KISSES OHHH THEY’RE THE CUTEST :((((( also sugu’s depression spiral…. he’s the realest
NO BUT I ADOREEEEE THIS CONCEPT i can’t wait to read it all written out whenever you post it!!!! tysm for the good food my beloved i ATE this up. 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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kentucky-fried-thea · 2 years
Les mis for the musical thing.
ok so imma preface this by saying normally I do this all on my own (I shouldn't but I do) but for this one I just. totally and completely. forgot the name thenardier. so yeah. wikipedia had a slight assist on this one. anyways, on with the show
so jean valjean (ʒɒn vælʒɒn) steals a loaf of bread, goes to prison, and then tries to run away so he gets more prison. 19 more prison. and then he finally runs out of prison, and is on parole, with his parole officer being javert (ʒɑːveər) who is in literal love with the law
so jean is struggling™️ and can't find food when a lovely bishop is like come here my son I will give you bread and wine and Mr valjean is like OPPORTUNITY and fucking. steals the guy's candlesticks. and not only does the bishop let him get away with it, but he gives him More silver, too, on the condition that he becomes an actually good person. for once. or something.
TiMe SkIp
there's a lovely girl named fantine and I'm not spelling that phonetically bc context clues please and she's got a daughter named cossette (not spelling that 2 electric boogaloo) and so shes trying to make money however. she gets fired from her job. so she sells her locket, her hair, her teeth, and eventually, her love.
eventually some asshole is an asshole to fantine so she (the absolute girlboss) fights back and javert is like aww nawwww this bitch is NOT being a valid human being on My watch. and valjean is like bro?? shes?? defending herself???? fuck all the way off????? and takes her to the hospital.
tHEN, mr fauchelevant (faʊʃelevɑːnt) gets stuck under a cart and valjean goes and saves him and thus is the beginning of his hero complex. and javert is like. omg ur so strong can I kiss you I mean talk to you I mean um I mean uhh... um I once knew a man that hot I mean sexy i mean strong fuck anyways it doesn't matter bc we caught him his name was jean valjean and his prison number was 24601 and there is a totally heterosexual reason that I remember him and his sexy I mean impressive strength. and valjean's new and improved hero complex shows up and says no you haven't caught him. I'm him. then he promises to fantine on her deathbed that he'll take care of cossette and she dies, and javert tries to arrest him but it doesn't work.
meanwhile, the thenardiers (tenɑːʳdiːeɪs) who are basically mr and mrs krabs but eviler are taking care of cossete along side their daughter eponine. well, taking care of is the wrong phrase. more like using her. there's some clear nepotism. so they send her to fetch water in the middle of the night, and valjean sees her and goes O_o who are you and clearly she never learned about stranger danger so she goes I'm cossette :)
so valjean literally haggles a price for her and takes her home to be his daughter.
TiMe SkIp
so now it's nine years later and there's a lot of stage business going on and we are introduced to marius the booby and a now grown up eponine
the thenardiers try to scam valjean and a grown up cossette and they are not having it and then marius and cossette meet and fall in love at first sight.
javert has an angsty moment where he's like I WILL find you jean valjean and kiss you on the mouth put you back in jail
marius goes to eponine and is like eponine you know your way round town right and she's like ya and so he goes ok go find cossette?? please? oh btw eponine is inlove with him hut he doesn't know that
anyways enjolras (ɑːndʒɔɪlrɑːs) is giving a rousing speech to a group of revolutionaries and marius arrives complaining about cossette and enjolras is like marius I do not have time for this heterosexual bullshit can you please keep it in your pants for a moment while I try to avenge france. then liddol babey gavroche (gævrɒʃ) arrives announcing that a v important person is dead and the revolutionaries (called the amis del abc, or the amis) incite their revolution
then, eponine takes marius to cossette's house, and theyspend time together while eponine protects them from her parents, the thenardiers. valjean thinks he and cossette are in danger, so he plans to move them far far away. marius is very unhappy about that, and so he decides to go and die about it, so he joins to amis officially and helps them.
act 2
the amis have built a barricade and eponine wants to join them so she dresses like a boy and tries to join, bc shes sad that marius will never love her. javert arrives at the barricade pretending he wants to spy for the amis, but really he wants to spy ON them. gavroche realizes as much and shows his lawful ass up, and they tie him up and save him for later.
eponine is shot, and confesses her love to marius. shes bleeding so much that it feels like it's raining. then she dies.
the amis make a plan to kill javert and then valjean shows up and is like. I am on your side. may I please kill him. and they're like ya ok sure. which was the wrong decision bc valjean frees him. but then javert has a crisis bc a criminal just saved his life.
enj is like ok everybody stay awake we need to keep alert. except for you marius you look like you need a nap. and valjean monologues over marius' sleeping body. eventually, enjy realizes that the amis are the only ones fighting against the enemy, so he's like ok if you wanna survive, leave. and nobody leaves. and then gavroche dies and coufeyrac (kuːfeɪʳɒk) is so so so upset. also everyone else dies. enj and grantaire die in a very homosexual manner. but marius and valjean don't die. but marius is also very injured. so off to the sewers they go
valjean is like omg I gotta save this twink bc my adopted daughter cossette is inlove with him. so he carries him through the sewers to safety. and he runs into thenardier, who steals marius' ring.
when they get out of the sewers, javert is waiting for them, and valjean is like Jesus man I don't mean to cockblock your police duties again but can I please get this thing to a hospital. and javert say ok. and then he's like omg I just went against the law I am irredeemable. so he goes and dies about it.
marius and cossette have a very healthy relationship and plan to get married, and then valjean tells marius his life story, and is like please don't tell cossette, she'll be sad. and marius is like ok fine. and then valjean fucks off to do who knows what
and then they get married and thenardier arrives at the wedding and says yall dont trust valjean he's a murderer I saw him carrying a dead body and the dead body was wearing this ring and marius goes :O that's my ring. omg valjean saved me. I have to go find him
they go back and find him and he tells cossette his story and then he dies
tldr everyone dies except two people also very very gay
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás? ¿Que planes tienes para esta semana? I hope everything's going great for you! I had a great weekend, I wish I could spend my entire life on vacation mode!
I'm scared about this chapter 🥺
The One with the Prophecy
Is this about the prince???
People, when they were in pain, didn’t want to be understood.
This is heartbreaking 🥲
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Lexi flew into her room through the window and enveloped her in a bone-crushing hug.
Why is this making me cry?? 😭😭😭😭
“It was Marcus,” Georgia whispered.
Of course it was him!!!! Burn him!!!!
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“We do what we always do,” Uncle Jace said. “We listen to Alec.”
Always the correct choice!! Kind of ironic coming from Jace but he's not wrong!!
“I won’t get hurt,” Camila promised. “I won't do anything that will bring Rafael any more pain today.”
Ay no! Camila hazme caso, no vayas!!!!
“Because he is a genius, Camila,” Gigi sighed. “And unfortunately for us, he is on the other side.”
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“Go ask Anjali Rosales how it feels to be deprived of what you love most in the world,” Marcus told her.
This motherfucker!!! Dani please let me shower him with fire 🔥 🤬🔥🤬🔥
Marcus smiled at her. “Not yet.”
Oh fuck! Oh no... 😥
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He knew Max didn’t handle death well – especially after losing Rafael and David at the same time.
I don't think any of us will ever recover from that trauma!! 😭😭😭
Something small. Something cute.
Aww my child!!! 😍
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“You’re familiar with Paradise Lost?” the boy asked.
This book keeps being mentioned and I'm starting to get suspicious about it!!
The warlock smiled at that. “No one thought to ask me that.”
You've never met a more charming prince in your very long live!! 😌😌😌
“The Prince of Darkness is not a person,” Nicolas said. “It’s a prophecy.”
I knew it!! Ok... let's get some answers 🕵🏻‍♀️
Nicolas chuckled. “Haven’t you heard, David? All the stories are true.”
Those were not the answers I wanted!!!!
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“I can’t leave Anjali,” Rafael croaked.
Ay mi bebé precioso, se me rompe el corazón 😭😭😭😭
“These hands got my parents killed,” Anjali whispered. 
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“Because I’m surrounded by people who have never made me feel like one,” Magnus smiled. “And guess what, Anjali? So are you.”
“Oh,” Mallory said. “I have a boyfriend now.”
No you do NOT you delusional bitch!!!!! 🤬🤬
Nothing was wrong with her.
Everything is wrong with you...EVERYTHING!!! 🤬🤬🤬
Mallory looked up at the warlock and smiled.  “I need demon blood.”
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I hope she drowns in that same demon blood 🤬
Thank you Dani... ¡eres la mejor! 😌 this chapter has left me very scared and very anxious, but mostly excited about what's to come!!!! I am love you!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Hola, mi amor (this took a lot of effort oml). someone rec me some good Spanish shows to watch on Netflix i am begging (NOT ELITE!)
sorry i had a whole moment there sdkjhncjsk i just really need to watch some shows to learn a couple of words (ps - i know a lot of Spanish swear words because of narcos lmao)
i am love you babygirl 💚💚
ps - wishing more vacay weekends for both of us ;)
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evilichu · 1 year
a recap on my life this last couple of weeks
look if you just happened to stumble across this blog, i'm letting you know that this will have a lot of suicidal mentions and other cute little things about my mental illness (bpd). and this is just me talking about my life, it's not interesting
i had really strong suicidal thoughts. i started planning to do it, but not like in that same week cuz i had to write a ton of letters and buy more pills to make sure, you know?
but on one of those planning days i told my boyfriend i was feeling like shit, and since he was scared for me i reassured him that i would go out of my room and hang out w my mom —i'd be safe. so my mom saw me bawling my eyes out w no explanation and she decided to change my psychiatrist appointment to the very next day.
and that was the first time my psychiatrist ever saw me in a planning phase. it usually lasts a couple of days and then i'm ok for some time, and then it comes back and i go further on my plans.
so my psychiatrist (dr evangelina) kind of freaks out i think cuz she's never seen me so cynical and careless and just not ok. she changed my meds. and she warned my mom to keep an eye on me cuz i could do some wild shit.
later that day. i had a meeting and my boyfriend was acting weird as hell. but the thing is that i usually overthink so much that i don't even know wether i'm overthinking or sensing something real. but then he was dropping me off that night and i was like bro, u good? and he tried to break up with me.
yeah. so. i don't blame him, having to deal with something like this is so hard, and he explained that he felt like he could one day wake up and someone would tell him that i had killed myself and that it was too much for him to bear with.
i honestly respect him so much for telling me that. cuz yeah, i knew it was fucked up, but i don't know. i think him trying to break up with me shook me to my core. and i snapped out of it.
don't get me wrong, right then and there i was like ok i guess i'm getting out of this car and killing myself cuz what's stopping me now. but at the same time i couldn't, i couldn't let him go, i just started asking him to stay, and promising that i would do better.
at that moment, him leaving me scared me much more than dying. so i had to do something. at first i was just bullshitting, saying anything for him to take it back, but i didn't think he would so i didn't really mean it, i was just trying cuz i was desperate.
it was the most confusing shit ever honestly (at least for him) i laughed, cracked jokes, cried, hugged him, told him to not touch me when he tried to comfort me and then i asked for a hug again, i cried more, i wanted to scratch my eyes out, and then i laughed some more, and
he was insanely understanding. and he explained to me that he still loved me but he couldn't be in a relationship with this much uncertainty and so unstable. so this is when i took a while, and i understood.
so i agreed, and i promised that i wouldn't kill myself. mis planning-phase i explained that i could not control my own thoughts, but i would try to control what i did with them. i promised i wouldn't write any letters, and that i would stop stocking pills.
we didn't break up. he even asked for forgiveness about this whole thing a couple days later, and although i understand the guilt of trying to let go during hard times, there was nothing for me to forgive. he truly is the sweetest human on earth and i feel terrible for all the pressure i put on him. there is only so much someone can deal with. i get sad whenever i think about all the damage i caused him.
anyway, i started thinking about getting it together. i was like you know what? fuck mental illness i can do whatever i set my mind to. i started planning on doing some shit. so far, i'm doing good. i'm not getting better, and kind of worse everyday, but not worse than what i was before, you know?
how do i explain this?
i started aiming for the stars. and then i was like, but getting to the moon would be great. and then, well it's good enough that i bought some tape so i can build a rocket. and now i'm using the tape to put some cute posters on my wall. what even is this metaphor?
i don't wanna kill myself right now. i wanted to be a great human being, but i'd be ok with just being someone i don't hate. i do think that soon the awful thoughts will come back, and that scares me shitless (i have started crying lately. not as often, but like every other day, and whenever i start crying i'm like oh no! it's happening again! but it passes). but for now i'm okay, just being a normal human being. i think.
as normal as i can be, which gets into: new hobby.
i bought my niece a doll, an off-brand barbie. but my cute little niece is not interested in it at all, which is fine. she likes spiderman, not dolls [btw, my sister bought her a spiderman costume and it's the cutest thing ever! it's like spiderman shrinked and it's now travel size]. but i was so excited when i bought it, like, it made ME really happy to buy a doll, and i wanted to play with it and touch it as soon as i gave it to her. so, i wanted a doll.
i resisted the idea at first. c'mon, you're an adult. you're twenty one. then sunday came and oh man. i stayed the whole day in and in the afternoon i started seeing pictures of my siblings, people who i used to call friends, everyone was out having fun. and i was just so alone. i've always been.
so i was like, fuck it. i went out and bought myself two fucking dolls. cause who cares. i always played alone in my room, and my siblings didn't want to play with me because they were older, and it's just that feeling over and over again. everyone is growing up without me, life keeps going on and they don't care that they left me behind. so if it's going to be me and my dolls, then i guess i better buy myself some dolls.
i've been sewing clothes for them. and i'm having so much fun with it. and i told my boyfriend and him being the cutest human ever ordered me an original barbie (they are so expensive here).
i've been giving them names. we have alexa, june, margo and gigi. and soon will arrive erin (i'm so excited for her!!!!)
and that's it so far. anyway, back to life
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
hi darling, do you know the feeling when you like someone and the person is smiling/laughing and you just like 🥺🥰🥰🤩 can you write something about jack being whipped and soooo in love that he can't stop staring at you from the other side of the room 😚 tnx mi amor💕
authors note : Im so sorry, I just realized once I finished writing an editing this, that it went exactly what you wanted. I focused more on the part of Jack being whipped. Please feel free to send the ask again if you didn't like it, but I figured I'll post it anyways since its finished. I hope you like it though.
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“Ok we have Jack Harlow here” the radio interviewer announced. 
“What’s up?” Jack said.
“Congratulations on your new album” 
“Thanks man, I really appreciate it” 
“Come Home The Kids Miss You” 
As the interview went on, Jack discussed his experience collaborating with Fergie on First Class, collaborating and performing with Kanye West, his music video, and his new album “Come Home The Kids Miss You”.
“Ok so I have to mention this. What’s going on between you and Y/N?”
“I met her backstage at the Grammys. Such a sweetheart” he said showing no emotion behind to create rumors. 
“Were you starstruck meeting her for the first time?” 
“Hell yeah, you know…she’s been in the industry for a while, and I have a lot of appreciation for her work” 
“So…nothing romantic going on?” 
“You know…I really look at her like a sister” 
Then everyone burst in laughter.
“Can we expect a collab between you two?” the interviewer asked once the laughter died down. 
“I mean…who knows?”
It came as no surprise for Y/N when for the last couple of days, social media was flooded with everyone’s reaction to the latest interview.
So, after someone asked Y/N on an Instagram live about Jack, he knew he needed to make a move. 
Y/N was in her usual baggy clothes attempting to make boxed brownies at 9 pm while doing an Instagram live while answering fan questions. Most of these being about Jack, which she would ignore. But soon she realized she couldn’t escape him as all the comments that flooded her phone were about “Jack being in her live”. 
By the time she finished eating the brownies on camera, she decided to call it a night, end the live and get ready for bed. 
“ok bye” she said before abruptly ending the live. 
Y/N was doing her nighttime skincare routine when her phone chimed. Upon checking her phone, she realized it was a notification from no other than Jack Harlow on her DMs. 
“I’ll cut to the chase. I think you’re cute, can I take you out sometime?” the message read. 
She was stunned. 
“I don’t know, can you?” 
“Ok, I see how it is. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night. Wear sometime cute” 
“I’ll be waiting”
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