#ok I should interrogate that feeling I guess
wlwgang · 3 months
Nicola Coughlan the woman that you are!!!!!
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aka-indulgence · 4 months
Imminent Threat: Baby Pictures Confirmed!
I was bitten by the inspiration bug and I do love this idea a lot, heheh…
Wanna see what happens if HT!Sans catches a glimpse of your baby pictures?
(HT!Sans x Female!Reader)
(No warnings just be prepared for silly, fluff, and cute (aggression))
Sans twiddles his thumbs, watching you leave with the dishes into the kitchen. Your parents had forbidden him from doing the dishes.
“You made us this wonderful meal! It’s her turn on the chores anyway,”
“What! I come home to see you and you’re just making me do chores?”
“Yes! It’s to catch up on all the chores you missed these past few months! Hahahah!”
He turned to you and whispered a pathetic little “sorry,” but you waved him off.
“It’s ok, I’m used to it. Might as well treat them since I can’t cook like you, right? Keep them company.”
So here he was, sitting on the table, feeling like he was going to expel the meal he just ate, watching your parents wipe their lips with tissue like they were about to interrogate him.
“So, how’s living with (Y/n) like?”
“good.” no no. too fast. talk more. “she…… she’s nice.”
nice? is that all i have to say about her?
“Ah. That’s good to hear,” your dad replies, taking a sip of tea from a mug.
i guess if i said the other things i thought of her, they’d probably want to take her away from me.
“Hey, I hope she’s more active than how she used to be. She used to stay home for days, and we’d have to remind her to go outside and get some sun!” Your mom chortles, and Sans rubs the back of his neck.
“a… actually… she’s the one that wants to leave the house now. i don’t… like leaving. the house is nicer.” Sans forces a grin, but he can’t tell if it’s coming off as awkward or spine-chillingly horrifying.
He can’t gauge how your parents reacted. Your dad smirked, and your mom tilted her head. What does that mean? Do they not approve? Sans usually prides himself in being able to read people like a book- even after the head injury. But his skull is full of thoughts.
“I imagine you’d have to stay at home to hone that cooking skill, then?” Your mom offered, “that stew was amazing! The blend of herbs and spices, the broth wasn’t too thick or thin, and the meat was cooked to perfection…”
Your dad chuckles. “I don’t know about cooking as much as my wife does, but I’ll tell you what, that’s one hell of a stew you’ve got. You could probably start a restaurant,”
“heh… heh you think?” His grin turns more genuine as his cheeks turn a tinge of dark blue.
“How did you learn to cook so well, Sans? Did you go to culinary school?” Your mom pries.
“oh… no actually, i learnt it all myself,” Sans explains, “back in the underground we didn’t have much to go on but we didn’t want to eat something completely tasteless so i learnt how to make things taste good with what we had…”
Sans realizes too late that maybe he brought up the underground a bit too casually, because all of a sudden your mom looks stricken with guilt, and your dad looks awfully uncomfortable.
“O-oh, I’m so sorry Sans, I didn’t mean to…”
“no no. i-i brought it up, you don’t have to apologize,”
Is he smiling too much? Should he be frowning? Wait hold on he’s looking at your mom too much, he should look at your dad now. Oh he’s looking away…
Why was he so bad at this? He’s relied on looking scary and stopping everyone from trying to talk to him. B-but he likes your parents, they’re nice, some of the few humans that actually look past his scary face and see him as… sort of harmless?
Your dad broke the silence.
“Yes, I’ve always tried to make the most of my meals. Like when I have crumbs I’d toss them near the anthill we used to have in the backyard. Hahah, one time when (Y/n) was very little she saw me throw breadcrumbs and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was feeding the ants, and she must have been really impressed with that idea… because,”
Your dad got into a fit of giggles, and Sans perks up.
“Tch… hih! Because the next day I found her standing in front of the anthill… with bread on top of it. Whole wheat, whole bread slice. I asked her what she was doing! And she said ‘I’m feeding the ants!’ She looked so proud I had to take a picture of her! I think I have it on my phone,”
Sans mouth opens. He all but quaked in his chair, having to physically restrain from grabbing your dad’s phone.
“m-m…” Sans coughs trying to regain composure, “may i see it,”
“On it, just… give me a sec…” Sans watched as your dad scrolled and scrolled, until…
“Found it,”
He turned his phone around.
There you were, no older than 3, in a little bucket hat, sleeveless shirt and shorts, with tiny flip flops. You had a bright, sunshine smile on your face, and humorously… a slice of bread sitting amidst the grass and dirt just a foot or two away from you.
Sans’ eyelights shrinks, his grin gone. Carefully, he takes the phone out of your dad’s hands and zooms in on your face. You had dimples in your cheeks, and they… they looked so plump like little squishballs. Your eyes were round and sparkled in the sun. His hands shook.
He must’ve looked unhinged.
“What do you think?” Your mom asked.
“sh…… she’s so small……” Sans breaths, then swallows, turning to your dad. “d… d’you… do you have more…?”
Your dad snorts, his arms crossed. “‘Do you have more’ he says,” he scoffs. “Kid, we have an entire baby album.”
You tuned out of the conversation in the kitchen, earphones plugging your ears, a tried and true ‘dish washing’ playlist playing as your background music. It was a nice break. You’re happy to see your parents again, but they can be a bit overbearing at times… ask Sans odd questions about monsters, sometimes mention how tiny you look next to your boyfriend (which had Sans hiding his face… they thought he was offended but he was mortified, worried your parents were hinting at how he was like with you in private).
Though you certainly didn’t miss doing chores back home, you did see it as a bit of a reprieve.
But then over the music, you heard laughter… loud laughter. It didn’t sound like your dad. And Sans doesn’t usually laugh that hard. It started soft at first but it got louder and louder, until you were sure that was Sans. What were they doing to him? It almost sounded like they found his most ticklish bone and was torturing him with him.
A laugh startled you so bad you almost dropped a clean plate onto the floor. You took off an earphone just in time for your mom to walk in.
“Hi dear, this is your dad’s, he’s finished his tea. You don’t have to wash it if you don’t want to…”
“Yea, ok-” you say, distracted and looking over your mom’s shoulder as if you could see what was causing all the ruckus. “What is happening???”
“Oh,” your mom laughed, “Sans is such a sweet, delightful monster. Your dad’s showing him your baby pictures-”
“Excuse me my WHAT?!!”
You threw the gloves onto the sink counter, washed your hands hastily, and yanked the other earphone off, tossing them haphazardly into a pocket. Tripping over your feet to sprint into the room, though you realize you’re too late.
Sans is vibrating on the sofa, having migrated from the table it seems. His eyelight was blown wide, the widest you’ve seen it, glued to the open book in front of him. Your dad flipped a page, looking unaware of the murderous skeleton next to him.
“And here… oh this was on a trip to the beach. She’d gotten scared of water because of a wave too big had brought her out from shore and her legs couldn’t reach the sand. It wasn’t out to sea or anything, but when you’re that small it must’ve been scary. But the hotel had a pool and I couldn’t have my daughter stay afraid of water… this was after a fun session of swimming in floaties and being swung into the pool.”
“ah… HAHAHAH! bright… orange…!”
It was clear to you now. Sans wasn’t laughing from something funny. He was overjoyed. So overjoyed he can’t contain it in himself that he just bursts with it. His eyelights warbled. They looked like hearts shimmering under a running river.
You grabbed your head in despair. “No, no no- what have you done!”
Your dad had looked up immediately, while Sans’ didn’t, holding onto the album. Though… his grin had twisted into something dark.
Dad took a photo out, the one he was just explaining: a picture of you laughing in orange floaties, floral swimwear, carried by your dad in a clear blue pool, looking up at the camera. The sides of the picture were slightly yellow.
“Do you remember this, poppy? It’s weird to think you were ever scared of water now… it’s hard to stop you from swimming, nowadays,”
You can’t help but smile in your heart a little. It brought back happy memories of travelling with your parents when you were little.
Unfortunately, there are far more pressing matters at the moment.
“No, wait, dad… what did you do?”
“You… you showed Sans my baby pictures?”
“Baby and toddler pictures,” your dad corrected. “Also there’s no need to be embarrassed, I feel like it’s a right of passage to have your baby pictures shown to your significant other by your parents.”
“No, I’m not embarrassed,” you shake your hands helplessly, “it’s just… Sans is gonna kill me,”
There was an incident, almost a year ago now. You were shuffling through some things you found in a box you never unpacked… at the bottom you found a polaroid of you rolled up in a baby blue blanket and, admittedly, looking pretty darned cute.
You showed it to Sans, innocently. It’s cute, you can admit it, and you knew Sans would appreciate it.
Oh how naive you were.
He held the picture, stared at it. Was at a loss for words, though he kept trying to form them helplessly, bringing it close to his face like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then he muttered.
“b… baby…… b… baby…”
Then he went crazy. Picking you up, not listening to your protests- usually when Sans gets in a cuddly mood he ignores your complaints but that time, it was like he really couldn’t hear you. His pupil was blown wide and constantly shifted from heart to circle. He squashed you in bed, smooshed your cheeks, kissed you until you were gasping for breath- you don’t even think it’s a sexual thing, he was just overcome with cute aggression!
It wasn’t a one time thing either. Carelessly, you’d leave the picture propped up on the window as a cute memento aesthetic… thing, maybe, but every time Sans looked at the picture too long, he’d get into his violent cuddly moods and kidnap you to the bedroom to squish you. Eventually you had to hide it to avoid inducing anymore ‘cute-induced murderous rage’ in him.
And your parents just opened pandora’s box for you.
Your brows furrow in worry as Sans looks up from the album to you, his eyelight tightening into just a fraction of what it was before, zeroing in on you. His grin was wide and deranged. He chuckled, a low, threatening sound.
“heh heh… i’m going to crush you.”
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
Please can I have a little crumblet of my hubby in therapy 😭🥰
You can have an entire snippet!! 💕💋
“Would you like to talk about these bad experiences?”
“Not really.”
He realizes he’s coming off as rude, and gruffly adds with a shrug: “There’s nothing to talk about. It was a bad experience.”
You look at him now, mirroring the up and down glance he just gave you, and he starts to shake his leg. An involuntary action that tells you he feels like this situation resembles an interrogation. When your gaze slowly drops to his boot bouncing in the air under that chair, it stops.
He doesn’t like it that he got caught being slightly nervous. He makes it clear that he knows what you just did, that you were evaluating him just with your stare, and that he doesn’t like it one bit.
You could almost swear from this little scenario alone that Simon Riley has a background that includes some form of torture.
You scribble another word on your notebook.
Hypervigilant. Suspicious?
“Do you have nightmares?”
“What kind of nightmares?”
He takes a longish pause, directs those vigilant eyes to the floor for a moment. The leg gives another shake, then another shake.
“The regular. Trapped inside a crashed vehicle or plane. Can’t get out and then I wake up feeling like I can’t get air.”
You put it up: regular nightmares about suffocating to death.
“Then there’s the occasional dream where I strangle women.”
You pause in the middle of writing, then quickly return to what you were doing.
Okay... Okay. Nothing too unusual, you can do this. You try to keep your breaths long and even as you raise your stare and your professional compassion to him.
“Would you like to elaborate more on that?”
He huffs a dark, short chuckle.
“No. But I guess I have to.”
He thinks he has to tell you about his nightmares about hurting women only because that’s far more concerning than the occasional dreams of being caught in a death trap. Or then he wants you to say it’s ok and that they are only dreams.
You draw a breath, but it's he who speaks first.
“I would never hurt a woman in real life.”
You tilt your head, this time with genuine compassion. It’s simply the human in you: the woman in you. One of your whimsical new age friends said you're a wounded healer and that you should be careful before you start mothering another emotionally unavailable, broken man. That you ought to date someone sensible for once.
You fight the urge to shake those thoughts off – you’re not planning to date this man. You can’t date your clients, it’s the first rule of being a therapist. Well, perhaps not the first, but still, you’re not here to save–
“Don’t know what to do with those dreams. It's just… Is wha’ it is.”
You take another deep breath. “How does it–”
“Make me feel?” He huffs. It’s not what you were going to ask, but you’re pleased to see he’s being co-operative. In his own way.
“Disgusting. Makes me feel disgusted with myself.”
“These are just dreams. As long as you don’t make them reality, they’re just dreams.”
“Yeah. I know.”
Your lips draw into a thin line, and you can’t help yourself from scribbling another thing down.
“What did I do now?” He asks, trying to direct the conversation elsewhere. Or then he’s genuinely curious. What was it in his Yeah, I know that was so telling, so monumental? You notice that you’re smiling softly as you draw him back to the session in hand.
“How have you dealt with these feelings of shame and disgust?”
He blinks.
“Guess I haven’t. What would doctor suggest?”
“I’m not a doctor. But I would suggest you introduce yourself to mercy every time you have these nightmares.”
“Mercy,” he repeats, a bit flabbergasted. His voice lacks the commanding, rough tone it usually has when he knows he’s one step ahead.
“Yes. How does that feel?” You could hit yourself on the forehead for using such a cliche line. You continue before he gets to return it all back to you with a jab. “Does the word mercy incite anything particular in you?”
“I dunno. Haven’t found it useful.”
His answer is typical for a soldier and a commander of his team. But you see that you’ve at least planted a seed. The word mercy will probably be on his mind even when he goes to sleep tonight.
“And why is that?”
“It’s a luxury I can’t afford,” he shrugs nonchalantly. A tough world view, as was expected, and you move on to the question everyone either hates or loves the most.
“How would you describe your childhood? Your relationship with your mother and father?”
He gives a short laugh. “That didn’t take long.”
“Some of these questions might seem unimportant right now but I hope you would answer them nonetheless. Could you do that for me?”
The last line is not your usual go, but with this client, you have a hunch that a little bit of charm might go a long way. And you just can’t help yourself. Of course, the results are immediate.
“Sure, miss,” he drags every syllable like he’s tasting champagne on his tongue. “Childhood… Not a very happy one. Father was a drinker. Cheated on my mum.”
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spotsandsocks · 3 months
Fuck it Friday 💚🧡🩷❤️💜💙
Hello my friends, thanks for the tags @eddiebabygirldiaz @inell @repressedqueen @tizniz @loveyouanyway @loserdiaz
So today I’m doing something a bit different cos why not.. this week I got a comment on an older fic from ao3 user starspangledwriter (hello) that lead to a lovely conversation about the Buddie of it all and why they mean so much to me. The person I was chatting to suggested it might be nice to share here, so I am.
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And also just to say this is what i think we writers love/hope for with comments, it’s not about wanting people to say nice things (which is obviously lovely) but having a chat about my beloveds and the story I created.
And speaking of the story… here it is if you want to check it out.
Fifteen Minutes 1.4k
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“You look happy.”
Buck smiles at Eddie because he’s right, he is happy. He hasn’t been for a while but today he is, he might not have everything he wants but right now he’s happy to be in this place with these people.
He takes a deep breath and says that around his smile  “I am.” He scans Bobby and Athena’s living room takes in its occupants all chatting and laughing together. “Everyone I love is here.” He looks at Eddie expecting to see him smiling but he’s sees a frown instead. Eddie doesn’t look at him when he says,
“I didn’t see Taylor arrive. Is she here?”
Oh yeah that. He hasn’t actually told Eddie yet has he.
“Um no” he says casually. He can see Eddie trying to process that, he’s adorable when he’s confused.
“But you just said.”
“I know what I said.” He replies also not looking as he confirms the news that Taylor is not here and that he’s worked out he doesn’t love her. There’s a pause, he can’t resist a quick look at Eddie so he catches it when it finally clicks.  Eddie says  “oh”  and Buck sees a smile flash across his face like quicksilver before he wipes it away. There and gone again, so quick Buck might have imagined it. He’s pretty sure he hadn’t though. There’s another moment of silence before Eddie asks the question good friends are supposed to in these circumstances.
“You ok?”
“Yup like I said everyone I love is here. I’m perfect.”
He should probably distract Eddie or he might get interrogated as to why he’s broken up with his girlfriend and that’s a conversation he’s not keen to have. He doesn’t like lying especially to Eddie and any explanation as to why he did what he did is going to reveal more than he’d like.
He can practically hear Eddie thinking, his mouth opens and he just knows the next sentence is going to start with why so Buck jumps in.
“Did you know the Ancient Greeks thought there were 7 types of love.”
Eddie’s expression changes instantly and settles into something softer as he says “No Buck I didn’t, but I guess I’m about to find out huh?” He thinks Eddie looks quite happy about it. No one else looks at him like that when he’s infodumping. It makes him feel warm all over.
“Well” Buck twists towards Eddie and leans in without thinking.
There’s philia that’s family love so like how I feel  for Maddie and Chim. Bobby and Athena too really and Hen. That’s for the people you love and trust cos you know they’ll always be there for you.
Eddie nods.
“All of  us have kinda got agape; that’s universal love for others, it’s why we do what we do, help people.”
And like Hen and Karen they’ve been together for years so they’ve got pragma that’s long lasting love, it’s just there warm and steady. But they’ve got eros too, that’s you know,  desire and stuff.”
Eddie chuckles “I guess Bobby and Athena have that if the firefighter role play is  anything to go by.”
“Eww I just told you they’re like my parents, why would you do that to me. It was bad enough first time round.” He shakes himself to clear the image and Eddie laughs.
“What else? That’s only five.”
He carries on “Well there’s ludus” he’s hoping to skim over the last two “that’s about sex without commitment, just for fun.” He doesn’t say that’s what he had with Taylor and that was why he’d ended it. He doesn’t say he wants something different from life now and that he’d thought he could find it with her but he'd been wrong.
Eddie purses his lips and nods “ok” that seems to be it, Eddie seems happy to move on from that one too.
“And there’s the love parents feel for their kids that’s called storge.”
“So what I feel for Chris and what Bobby feels for you?”
He can feel his cheeks heating “You and Chris yeah, for sure”  he looks over at Bobby, it’d be nice if Bobby felt like that. His thoughts must be written all over his face or maybe Eddie’s just good at reading him.
“I think he does” Eddie says gently, Buck shrugs the colour high in his cheeks.
“What about you and Chris?” Eddie asks. Buck hesitates, cheeks getting pinker by the second. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to answer that. Which answer Eddie wants. He risks a look at him, he looks the same, smiling fondly. He waits and when Buck doesn’t answer he says “You're allowed to feel it you know, say it, if you want to.”
“Am I?” All his doubts are on show.
And the rest is on ao3 🩷
Tagging for FIF if anyone wants to share anything at all!
@hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @bi-buckrights @fiona-fififi
@rogerzsteven @bekkachaos @thekristen999 @ronordmann @hippolotamus
@stagefoureddiediaz @spaceprincessem @underwaterninja13 @wildlife4life @exhuastedpigeon
@weewootruck @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @jesuisici33
@daffi-990 @diazsdimples @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @actualalligator
@rainbow-nerdss @shipperqueen6
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airgiodslv · 18 days
I skipped the July creation wrap-up because nearly everything I worked on was for challenges revealed in August. There's a lot!
Guess That Voice: WIK Edition
KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, rated T
Kim is grilled within an inch of his life about Wik’s personal life, his projects, and his future plans. Chay takes meticulous notes on his phone the whole time. Kim has trained with professional interrogators who are less intimidating than Chay crafting a bomb to drop on Twitter.
“It’s not for Twitter,” Chay corrects him. Kim has a short-lived moment of relief before Chay clarifies: “I’m writing Wikfic.”
(Fic Text + Podfic)
The Shadow Lyctors
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe & The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir, rated M
Moonshine was the cavalier primary to Sunshine, Third Saint to serve the King Undying. It is unclear whether this was his given name, or how Sunshine has memorialized him after death. Sunshine calls him ‘an Alexandrite’, referring to the branch of Sixth House cavaliers whose attractiveness and skill earned them an education in erotic poetry and a Cohort assignment, for the express purpose of finding a mate to diversify the ailing Sixth House gene pool.
Given Sunshine’s sense of humor, it is possible this was a joke.
(A fandom Wiki for a fictional book trilogy)
Podfic Triptych + Ficlet: Sunshine and Rain, written by TheCookieOfDoom, shubaka, and AirgiodSLV
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe, Sunshine/Rain, rated T
untitled ficlet, written by TheCookieOfDoom The being coalesces from smoke and shadow.
from where the light shines, written by shubaka The Rain God discovers a man on a rooftop, lying in a pool of his own blood.
ghost light, written by AirgiodSLV On the night of Wan Ok Phansa, Sunshine dances on the Mekong River.
by the light of the sun, a remix of to have and to hold by shubaka
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe & Wuju Bakery, Sunshine/Ghost, Sunshine/Passion, rated G
Most people forget that Sunshine is the scion of a dynasty himself, too used to thinking of him only as Prince Raon’s companion.
Passion, however, forgets very little that could prove useful to him.
hiraeth and hwyl, written & performed by The Sentient Hive (AirgiodSLV, CompassRose, ellejabell, epaulettes, kitkat50311, mahons-ondine, minnabird, sisi_rambles)
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones & Piranesi - Susanna Clarke, rated G
You find yourself looking at a door.
It looks like an ordinary door, but you’re somehow certain that it isn’t.
In theory, you could open the door…but something warns you off.
You might not survive, if you pass through that door. You might no longer be you.
Podfics & Audio:
you could cut ties with all the lies (that you've been living in), written by Nemainofthewater
Nirvana in Fire, Lin Chen/Xiao Jingyan & Mei Changsu, rated M
“Sir Sū,” Jĭngyán said, “Forgive me, but I can’t help but feel strange referring to you in such a manner after such intimacies.”
“Ah,” said Lìn Chén, abruptly thrown out of his warm, post-coital state, “No, Your Highness is going to have to trust me on this, calling me Chángsū is really going to spoil the mood.”
Listen to the radio, audio collage of music & interviews by Jeff Satur, with art by TheCookieOfDoom
On a desolate planet under distant stars, these heroes fight against the corporations that control society. Late at night, you can hear them broadcast to each other on pirate radio frequencies, sending secret messages across the airwaves...
"Fuck it, I'm adopting her," said John Gaius, not knowing the paperwork wasn't necessary, written by Naamah_Beherit
The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir, rated T
Gideon, a highly distinguished Cohort lieutenant, saves the day—and the girl—and then gets stuck in the lift of The Erebos with a man feeding her peanuts as if they have all the time in the world. They don't, but if he doesn't mind, then why should she?
baby I, baby I, I'm caught in the middle, written by IsleofSolitude
KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, Chay/OMC, rated E
Seth has had threesomes before. He knows he’s great at sex—that sex with him is something Chay enjoys immensely. He and Chay have a strong relationship, he knows Chay intimately. He’s never had a third with him and an omega during a heat before, but Kim’s sort of attractive. Besides, they are in his home. There’s no reason to not be okay with it. If things go badly, he can just kick Kim out.
(the steal the show inspired threesome omegaverse inspired by a dream)
love, let my love inside go free, written by daltoneering
KinnPorsche, Kinn/Porsche, rated E
They burst to the surface gasping for breath, water clogging Porsche’s ears, distorting the brightness of Kinn’s laughter across the pool into muffled echoes along the tall glass walls of the building. He grabs for the side, lungs screaming.
“Fuck! You want to drown me?”
Kinn shows Porsche just how grateful he is for the perfect first date.
History Talking to Itself, written by Sour_Idealist
Teixcalaan Series - Arkady Martine, Mahit Dzmare/Three Seagrass, Yskandr Aghavn/Nineteen Adze/Six Direction, Past Mahit Dzmare/OFC, rated T
Twelve excerpts from Teixcalaan and from Lsel Station.
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spacegoblin2106 · 9 days
Internal monologues
Sirius: my eyeliner is on point today … what you looking at Snivelus, you could never pull this off … Oh! Prank idea! Nice one padfoot. Thank you Padfoot ... “Crazy little thing call love, there goes my baby, she knows how to rock and roll…” … But Moony hasn’t complimented my eyeliner yet ☹️ I guess he is kinda preoccupied with the full moon coming up �� I should get him more chocolate, his stash is running low, that will make him feel better …
Remus: right, I have a free period this morning and I have to get my transfiguration essay done if I want to make any progress on my charms project before prefect rounds tonight. Shit! I have tutoring this afternoon! Ok I’ll just pull an all nighter to get my project done before the moon. Oh for fucks sake Sirius just made his “I have an idea for a prank” face. There goes my whole evening.
Peter: ugh, look at Izzie Cooper’s makeup. Learn how to contour girl. No wonder Jack Bennett is snogging Luke Green behind her back. I can’t wait to see that blow up … no way did Marlene just come to dinner late with a hicky, I’ll definitely be interrogating her later. I hope it’s Dorcas, I can’t take any more of their “rivalry”.
James: beep beep ima sheep I said beep beep ima sheep, beep beep… Wait! … Don’t fear ima deer I said don’t fear ima deer. I’m a genius.
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gunilslaugh · 4 months
Not How It's Supposed To Be Pt.2
Goo Gunil Summary: Gunil’s reaction to finding out the truth about you. (non-idol au) WC:~1k Warning:none
part 1 part 3 epilogue!
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photo not mine credits to owner.
The tension in the room grew tenfold after those words left your mouth. You didn’t have any courage to look at Gunil. You could only look down at your lap. 
“What?" His tone was dead cold. It made you scared to speak, but you knew that you had to. 
“I was sent here undercover to get evidence about the illegal drug distribution you’re doing.” 
“So you’re no better than anyone else,” he states. His words prick your heart. 
“That was supposed to be the plan, but I haven’t been following it. I started to lie to them instead,” you disclosed. You can hear Gunil scoff from beside you. 
“Why should I believe that? Liars aren’t to be trusted.” His tone is harsh. 
“I told them about the shipment going out soon, but that’s it,” you say. 
“You expect me to believe that. You’ve been working here two months, but you’ve only told them about one shipment? Are you sure you didn’t help them break into the warehouse?” He accused you.
“I didn’t know about that until after it happened,” you defended. You found the courage to meet his eye. 
“Oh really?” he asked sarcastically. 
“If I had known I would have warned you!” You raised your voice. Something in Gunil’s demeanor shifts, but he does a good job at hiding it. 
“Why?” he questioned. 
“Cause I care about you and I know you probably won’t believe that either, but it's the whole reason why I’m coming clean. I don’t want to lie to you anymore. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Get out.” His voice is emotionless. 
“Ok.” You stand up from the couch with shaky legs. You make your way over to the door. “Be sure to change that shipment,” you say before opening the door. You pull the handle of the door and exit Gunil’s office. As soon as the door closes you can hear a bunch of smashing and the sounds of items breaking. Each item that hits the floor feels like a hit to your heart. 
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be at all. Go undercover and get evidence. It wasn’t a complicated plan, but your heart had to go and complicate everything. You were never supposed to care about Gunil. The possibility of him getting hurt shouldn’t phase you at all. Him getting caught was supposed to feel like justice had been served, yet now you’re helping him evade getting caught. What was wrong with you?
Your feet practically drag across the floor as you walk back to your desk. You collected your things and started on your way out of the building. Upon exiting you take one last look at the large building. Eyes trailing up to the window where Gunil’s office would be. A sigh leaves your stressed body. Just forget all about this. You tell yourself. Like it was a dream. None of it ever happened. You don’t know who Gunil is. You tear your eyes away from the window and turn your back. Leaving it all behind. 
“What do you mean you’re done? Did Gunil find out? Did he threaten you?” Your very confused and frustrated partner interrogated you. 
“I just don’t want to do this anymore ok? I’m not cut out for being undercover. I can’t handle the lying. I don’t-” Want to be the kind of person Gunil hates the most. Wait, no, you weren’t supposed to think about him anymore. You left. It’s over now. It’s none of your concern. He’s none of your concern. “I’m done. Let’s pretend we never knew one another,” you say.
“Y/n you can’t be done. This is too sudden. You were fine last week. What happened? If he threatened you you can tell me. I’ll help you,” your partner tells you. 
“He didn’t threaten me,” you tell them. 
“Then what is it?” they asked.
“I told him!” You confessed. 
“Y-you what!”
“I told him! I told him that I was sent to work there undercover,” you revealed. 
“Are you crazy! Why? Why would you?” Your partner looked at you like you were insane. 
“I guess I am. I don’t really understand it either, but the more time I spent with him. The more I couldn’t lie to him.”
“So what, you fell in love with him?” they scoffed. 
“I don’t think you could call it love, but I do care about him,” you confess. 
“You really have lost your mind. You know what kind of person he is. His drugs are killing people y/n. How could you fall for someone like that!”
“I don’t know! But that’s why I’m done. I don’t want anything to do with this anymore.” 
“How much did you tell him about us?” Your partner looks at you with a look of betrayal, it stabs you.
“Just that I told you about the shipment and that I know it was you who broke into the warehouse, but I never revealed anything about your identity or anything else,” you state. 
“I guess you have some sense left in you. You’re right I think it’s best that you aren’t involved anymore. Let’s part ways here.” 
“Ok, that’s what I was trying to do anyway,” you say. Your partner practically stormed out of your place after that. You somehow managed to feel worse than you already did, but another part of you felt a bit better. It felt like you could now truly put all of this mess behind you. You could move on with your life and act like it never happened. The storm was over. All you had to do now was pick yourself up from the aftermath. 
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed there was a knock on your door. Your brows knitted in confusion as you walked over to the door of your apartment. You certainly weren’t expecting anyone. 
“Who is it?” you asked. 
“Open the door,” the voice on the other side says. It was a voice you recognized. You twisted the handle and opened the door. 
part 1 part 3 epilogue!
Taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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ohbabydollie · 8 months
I need more of schlatt & latina reader PLEAAAASDEE 😵‍💫
few more hcs!!
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if you grew up in a home that was more of a “children are meant to be seen not heard” schlatt will hear you out!
he will make sure you do feel heard, even when it’s hard
he knows can’t fix the past so he’ll help you learn how to do good in the future
he understands you don’t mean to be angry or upset sometimes but you just are and will wait until you want to talk about it
he’s wants to be there for you through the good and the bad and the awful
onto the less angsty
yk how his fam is big corn people?
he will eat tf out of some esquites or any street food as a matter of fact
likes going to tianguis, la pulga, etc. with you!
especially the cheap ass prices at a pulga
throw in some chicharrón bien preparado n call it a date
likes looking for places to go eat with you
has made it a saturday morning tradition that you both go eat pancita (or anything you like) at a restaurant for breakfast/brunch
it hits everytime, especially when you’re both hungover
likes his gansitos frozen (no i’m not taking criticism)
keeps little snacks or candies in his pantry/fridge all the time
calls u “cariño” “corazón de melón” “vieja” “amor” “chiquita” “chikibaby”etc. especially if one of the nicknames pisses u off
LOVES salsa valentina and chamoy
god forbid someone makes homemade chamoy bc he’s absolutely devouring it with any and every fruit he can think of
if you listen to bolero while cleaning with him he’ll stop you so you guys can dance
“not right now, i gotta clean schlatt” you say as your boyfriend hugs you from behind “jus’ take a break, c’mon it won’t kill ya” he says as you roll your eyes and finally agree
“okay, but no funny business” you say putting the rag down and washing your hands to dance with him. he smiles at you, leaning into you and softly singing the lyrics to you as you smile
before you know it, you find yourselves making out with the music in the background, cleaning supplies forgotten but you’ll get to cleaning tomorrow
he genuinely puts so much love and passion into your relationship, getting you flowers, making the most out of little moments, etc.
he will be as romantic as he can be
meeting your cousins sucks for him though
they (especially if you have any male cousins) side eye him most of the time when they first meet him
they don’t mean to be rude but wtf is a random boy doing in their home???
your male cousins (esp if they see you as a little sister) don’t think anyone is good enough for you
they try to scare off schlatt at first but it doesn’t work so they try plan B
making him stay stupid shit in spanish infront of the family until he gets embarrassed and decides not to return (spoiler it doesn’t work)
“say ‘tengo el pene chiquito’ ” a cousin says to schlatt “tengo el pene chiquito(i have a small dick)?” schlatt asks as they snicker and nod “yeah just like that, don’t change a word” they say laughing while schlatt nods in acknowledgment
“ok, just don’t change a word” they say laughing while you go up to schlatt “y/n, guess what?” he asks you “hm?”
“te voy a dar mis hijos (im gonna give you my kids)” he says making you go red and your cousins stare at him
“hablas español (you speak spanish)?” they ask as he nods
most of your family interrogating him AND you
“does he treat you well?” “does he make good money?” “would he make you work” “cuantos hijos quiere (how many kids does he want)?” “es católico? (is he catholic)” etc.
at the end they decide that they approve of him
he should watch him back if you guys have a nasty break up though (warned by any male family member of urs)
“haha, just don’t break her heart” one of your uncles says to schlatt, laughing and shaking him as schlatt laughs nervously
“no seriously, hurt her and you’re dead, i’ve been to prison, i’ll go again”
at the end of the day as long as you’re happy, they’ll be happy
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munamania · 8 months
ok um i am going to vent on something as someone with an outside perspective and people are going to be normal about that right. okay lol. im sick of hearing about taylor swift <3 as compared to a few years ago even she is like... suffocating. and i feel like we never advance this conversation because on one hand we have people who swing into full misogyny when talking about her, and on the other we have people who won't admit that she blatantly uses feminism to deflect from her problematic behaviors, or at least they won't like, do anything about it, and in this way she sort of ends up misleading a lot of young girls into like. girlboss liberal white feminism. im not saying shes a supervillain for it but you can't deny the ramifications of what she does and doesn't speak up about, just given the absolutely massive platform she has. she is the biggest pop star in the world
for the record, i don't expect taylor to be like. a normal person. she was very famous from a very young age and people aren't normal about teen/adolescent stars, especially when they're girls and women. she had her personal drama aired out in front of the world, had so much misogynistic dialogue surrounding her, from demeaning her success to interrogating her dating life (and never holding the pedos who preyed on her at a young age to any sort of standard!) and for many years people weren't very critical of that. it was normalized to be trashing this young girl's name and saying vile shit about her to like the entire nation and i dont blame her for being like, a little off after that. and yeah i also don’t think we should look to celebrities as our end all be all of activism and opinions on sociopolitical issues
but we've gone full swing into like. she is so famous and so big that her actions can be harmful and she does these things anyway because she doesn't expect her fanbase to hold her accountable, lest they be acting like the very sexists who tried to ruin her career. at least i imagine that's what the thought process is like, at least at some level, but at this point it's just like. this woman makes so much money. so much money it's ridiculous. idk how y'all fathomed paying so much for concert tickets but like i'll give props that they at least seemed to have some insane production/theatrics... so like alright. there's that.
but she is reselling the same songs. sometimes that don't sound that good. and making more money off that. yes yes to 'officially own them' and whatever. and releasing vault tracks and other versions of albums with different songs on them. but never all the same bc u need to collect them all. and the thing is some of them are like kinda bad. but you listen to them anyway because we live in a time of overconsumption/consumerism in late capitalism and it's like trendy and fun to be able to tell what song of hers is playing in the first millisecond. sorry or just your personal attachment to her. and don't say it's embarrassing to be a taylor swift fan these days she's like. so huge. and some of you equate embarrassment with having to hear criticism toward her. which might not be as common if swifties idk stepped it up and actually expected something from her?
which i guess is getting me to my main point here. can you imagine like. what would happen if taylor swift actually said anything about palestine? or anything of value in the world right now? no one's asking her to be a fucking scholar on it but genuinely sorry there’s like a genocide. several. the most documented real time genocide of our time i don’t care if it makes you upset that people expect something from her. she is time's person of the year. she has everyone from young girls to lesbians to gay men to bored football wives to dads to well fucking etc you get the point tuned in. she has dabbled in so many different spaces done so many collaborations aligned herself with so many entities who can keep up? if she, as massive as she is right now, posted something as simple as 'free palestine' or called for a ceasefire, can you imagine what would happen? i can’t help but think about it when day in and day out my feed is filled with screaming people being pulled from rubble or having their limbs amputated.
but she won't, because, quite frankly, what does she have to gain from it? she’s teaming up with the nfl right now to make some more money, she's gotta have at least like 4 new albums recorded in the last two years and at least um what three more that you're expecting? and she doesn't even have to like? write new music really? (edit: oh boy!) why the fuck would she be doing anything with her time other than poisoning the planet with jet fuel to visit her pr boyfriend?
taylor swift is never gonna be punk or what the hell ever beyond like a white liberal-at-best moderate woman. but if any of you could talk to each other and talk about, like, organizing in ways that it would be impossible for her to continue to ignore these situations, and just keep playing her tour FILM (how could i forget) in israel and etc, like if you could flood her socials or do a mass movement (and it would be massive given the sheer amount of peoples' top artists she's in) of not listening/buying/interacting with her stuff, until her agents and whatever had to make some sort of statement? like that's the only chance we've got with her
i'm not saying don’t be her fan, or listen to her music, or have an attachment, etc, but she's been around enough vile, anti-feminist, racist things this past year that y'all DO need to hold her accountable. like way more than you do. or it's going to be like really difficult to. tolerate it. haha. like you SHOULD be vocally and loudly disapproving of her actions when it causes a lot of damage overall. speaking up about her insane climate irresponsibility when we're having the hottest years on record is not the same as the people who felt the need to like pick apart her dating life on the news. but can we talk about how she's officially like. circled back and now is purposefully making news about her dating life? for her personal gain and that of the fucking nfl? lol. in a way it is funny for her to ‘take that power back’ in a way, of her image, and i think that’s how some people might view it, but like on the other hand she obviously is gaining a lot from this. you know. a lot of actual money. she is going to profit off this image of her being misunderstood etc for as long as u guys allow it and well i just think that has run its course. yk
continuing into 2024 (edit: and now with the release of a new album!) i don't want to see swifties automatically exonerating themselves from difficult conversations because like they feel like their fave has faced enough unwarranted criticism. or bc other people should also be criticized. much of it is warranted! and you guys need to grow up and be able to talk about it and stop painting taylor swift's face as like the Pinnacle of feminism. she doesn't and shouldn't have to be, and she isn't, and she should in fact be held accountable when she does really fucking shitty things on account of they're shitty! i don't care that she's a woman! it's like that meme of oh yay a woman democrat sent these missiles. oh yay a woman is massively damaging the planet and proudly dated a violent misogynistic racist, and faced minimum criticism for these things over and over because your only comeback is ‘well what about’ if a man did the same thing, etc, you refuse to just look at the situation we do have. yes we should. we should do that we should hold men accountable but you can also like not accept awful fucking behavior from your faves when you have a chance. do you think that’s helping feminism genuinely. use your voice use your power (your money) to like. do something for once. i cannot keep living in the taylor swift echo chamber.
and for the record. i like enjoyed taylor like back when i was a young girl and she had a few songs on the radio, and i honestly even had a moment where i used guys' opinions on her as a first step to navigate who i felt safe around in a very hypermasculine sexist college space. because yes. some people do need feminism 101 and some people's genuinely misogynistic rage will be demonstrated in their hatred of taylor and her success. but at some point we gotta move on from that. if some people will look at the most powerful woman in the world, who has enough money to stay away from them and an extremely massive loyal fanbase watching and supporting her every move - if some men take out their hatred on her, a powerful white woman, how do you think they view and treat women who are not white, thin, "conventionally"/eurocentrically attractive, or accessible to cis/het audiences?
anyway i hope that i can bring a conversation to the swiftieverse cause i honestly believe u guys could have comparable impact to like. bts stans. maybe. if you put your minds together for a good cause. and we don’t have to do the oppression olympics or whataboutisms or WHATEVER for forever. can we please move the conversation forward does anyone else feel insane with like where we’re at
on that note, i really do think now is the perfect moment for you to disrupt shit with your voices and demand better from her. it might not save the world, but it could make a huge difference in changing peoples' minds
okay um. thanks 👍
tldr i can’t do another year of swiftie discourse i just can’t please if there is a god out there help us
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Killer In NYC
Tara Carpenter X Reader
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Part 3
Tara POV
Red and blue lights painted the scene around us as we once again went through an interrogation. After the police arrived and wrote their reports they advised us to be more cautious and to notify them of any other "suspicious" activity. Detective Brooks providing his card should we need anything.
"Don't you think you should make sure we have some protection or something?!" Sam yelled.
Detective Brooks narrowed his eyes. "Look Miss unfortunately we can't keep an eye on a group of college kids in the city that never sleeps. You're not the only one with problems so try to stay vigilant, stick together and call me if you need help."
Sam scoffed. "Great work detective. I'll let you know we need help when we're dead."
The man shook his head laughing sarcastically before walking off.
"So I guess we're on our own again?" I sighed.
"Can't be surprised cops aren't usually very helpful in horror films unless they're sleeping with the main character." Chads eyebrows raised at his sisters cadence. I couldn't help but laugh.
However our laughter was cut short by Sam's phone ringing.
"Kirby?! What? Slow down where..." she glanced to me. "Ok we'll be there in a bit." Sam hung up the phone still looking to me.
I felt my eyebrows furrow.
Sam sighed looking to Chad and Mindy next.
"Kirby was attacked but she was able to find a safe spot before Ghostface could kill her."
Chad cheered as Mindy's eyes narrowed slightly.
"She had help from an employee at a coffee shop near by." That's when Sam's eyes went to me. "She said she's at the hospital now with the girl who helped her."
Mindy spoke up then. "Who helped her?"
Sam sighed. "She said her name was Y/n."
As soon as Sam parked I ran into the hospital and to the front desk.
"Y/n L/n?" The nurse looked up surprised.
"You family?" Sam ran up behind me with Chad and Mindy.
"Im her girlfriend and they're her cousins." I lied smoothly knowing I'd never hear the end of this from Mindy after.
"Room 13" I walked faster almost barging in the room seeing Kirby sitting next to Y/n knee bouncing. The girl in question sleeping peacefully with an arm sling around her shoulder. Upon hearing our arrival Kirby looked up with a bandaged nose relief shining through her eyes as she barely spared a glance to Sam.
"How is she?"
"Stable, multiple stab wounds but the doctor said she's tough so she'll make a full recovery with some rest." I sighed feeling my body sag in relief. "She saved my life."
I went to closer to the bed staring at the tubes coming from her body. Kirby looked at Sam standing up. "Can we talk?"
My sister nodded and the two went out into the hallway.
Chad going to the vending machine to get himself and Mindy some snacks.
"So girlfriend huh?" I felt myself flush a bit before turning to the girl with an eyebrow raised.
"Seriously you couldn't wait until we left the hospital?" The olive skinned girl shrugged.
"What? You know I live for gay shit and something tells me that lie wasn't too far off the mark." I shook my head.
"You do remember my boyfriend right, Evan?"
"The same dude who didn't even know you had asthma? Which brings me to another question..why did she have your spare inhaler?" I stayed quiet looking at the girl in the bed. "Tara-"
"Alright I got Funyuns, Ruffles, Cheetos, Doritos and some candies." Mindy gave me a look letting me know our conversation wasn't finished. A frustrated Kirby following shortly after with Sam and a nurse.
"I'm sorry everyone but our visiting hours are ending shortly."
"Can I stay?" I bit my lip as Kirby stared at me curiously.
"We'll we're usually not allowed but since you're the girlfriend you can everyone else will have to wait until tomorrow morning." Mindy chuckled shaking her head as Kirby's eyes widened.
Chad gave me some of the snacks he'd bought before leaving with everyone else.
I had moved the chair closer to her bed placing one of my hands on hers.
3rd Person POV
Sam was on her way to drop off Kirby to the theater where her cousin, Sasha, was waiting for her. Chad and Mindy were going to join but decided they'd "wanted to live for at least a few more minutes".
Kirby relayed the events prior as Mindy mentally tried to keep track of who the killer may be.
Exiting the car and making her way in quickly
Kirby walks in to the theater, a bucket of popcorn tucked safely in her arms. She looked around for a familiar head of blonde hair. She only found the back of her head as she was currently locking lips with her boyfriend Gabe.
"Ew." She threw popcorn at the couple making then break apart. She sat down roughly next to Sasha who wiped some of her lipstick off.
"Sorry cuz." She grinned widely grabbing some popcorn.
"Where's Joy?" The younger blonde rolled her eyes.
"She wanted to see the new Stab movie next door, and knew you wouldn't want to be involved so Gabe was keeping me company before joining her." Said boy saluted both women before heading over to the next theater over.
Hooting and hollering was heard all around as the previous Stab movie credits rolled. Everyone cheering with some even going as far to dress up as Ghostface and try to scare people.
"What's up?" Gabe had plopped down in his seat next to Joy. Who had yet to say anything. He pushed her shoulder twice before she fell forward body revealing a sharp knife in her back.
"Oh my God! HEL-“
The girls body began to shake as she laughed.
"Got ya!"
"Fuck can you not?" She shrugged looking at him.
"No popcorn?" He rolled his eyes.
"You're not my girlfriend, you can get yourself some popcorn if you want it so bad."
She scoffed rolling her eyes as the next movie begins.
A pout begins to form.
Damn it's too late now.
The girl looks to the boy again as lights dimmed and the movie began getting more cheers from the crowd.
He stared back feeling his eyes well up.
"Fuck!" He blinked first. "Fine but you gotta come back with me to see this again!"
The girl smiled nodding and clapping as she turned to the movie.
"The whole fucking series!"
Gabe ran up to the register giving his money to an acne ridden teen behind the counter.
Sam sat with Mindy and Chad in her living room as her phone rang.
"Samantha Loomis.."The voice sang. "How are you?"
Everyone in the apartment grew still. Mindy already dialing a number as Chad grabbed the lamp next to him.
"What do you want now asshole?"
She spoke through gritted teeth.
"I was just wondering if it was such a good idea leaving your sister alone when there's a killer on the loose?"
At the hospital, Tara slept soundly next to Y/n nothing to be heard except the beeping of the monitor next to them and the occasional squeak of a wheel chair rolling by.
The gentle rise and fall of Y/N's chest the only sign of life from the girl.
Sam shot up.
"Leave my sister the fuck alone!" She was already getting her keys as Mindy spoke with Detective Brooks.
They climbed into the car, the harsh sound of tires squealing heard throughout her apartment complex.
Detective Brooks jumped into his car, siren blaring as he tried weaving his way through traffic.
Joy bounced in her seat as the movie opened and the first kill had begun. She felt a body sit next to her and immediately reached for the bowl of popcorn.
"That was fast." She commented before leaning in. "And right on time for the first dumb bimbo to get slaughtered." She laughed.
The person next to her remained silent. Joy felt her eyebrows furrow in confusion. Gabe usually loved to criticize the girls on film. He also would've complaint about how he'd missed some Easter egg that he just knew would prove important later in the movie.
She turned her body to her neighbor only to see a weathered Ghostface mask staring back at her, gloved hand going over her mouth as he stabbed her.
A muffled gurgling filled the killers ears. The girl quickly tried to make her way to the front of the theater only to drop dead in the isle as Ghostface calmly stood over her dragging the knife from one ear to the other making the audience go crazier. Ghostface had picked the body up bridal style, someone else taking a picture before they’d dropped Joy and disappeared.
A heavy thud woke Y/n as she sat up abruptly in her hospital bed. Her eyes turning to the culprit to see Tara smiling sheepishly holding up her phone.
"Sorry." She looked down unable to look the other girl in the eye at the moment.
"It's fine." She rasped out pushing her pillows as she prepared to sit up.
Tara quickly ran over to help making the barista laugh.
"Damn if I knew getting stabbed would be the way to get your attention I would've done it sooner."
Tara stared incredulous.
"Seriously?" The other girl shrugged making the brunette give a sarcastic laugh.
"I- " a shrill ring from her phone interrupted her.
"Sam?" Y/n sat up straighter. "What?! No we're fine...we-"
A crash outside of the door made both girls look to the door and back to each other.
I better not have missed anything good.
Gabe walked back into the theater nearly tripping over something he looked down. He felt his head tilt as he dropped the popcorn bucket. He turned the body over feeling himself grow nauseous as he saw the body belonged to Joy.
"HELP!" He looked around trying to get someone to do something. "SHES DEAD!" He put his hands covered in blood up.
Everyone continued laughing shouting and enjoying the movie playing on screen as the boy ran out to call the police. As he reached the theaters front doors a figure grabbed him by his hair stabbing him in the chest. He pushed away running out the door and into Times Square. He tried his best as another sharp slice was made into his back.
"HELP!" The crowd around him creating a circle still watching as the screens around began to change their focus to him and the dark figure following. A knife went through his temple as Ghostface stared directly into the screen.
Everyone screaming and running once they realized what was happening.
Detective Brooks stared at the screens from his car. He quickly got out gun drawn as he tried to shove his way through the crowd. He attempted to shoot once and get the crowd to disperse but there were too many civilians too much chaos. He looked up at the big screen again seeing the boys lifeless body sit on the pavement. The puddle of blood growing quickly around him, eyes wide open still painted in fear.
He sighed as he called for the paramedic.
Sam ran through the dark hallway of the hospital crashing into a nurse who'd been going to change a patients IV. Chad and Mindy following closely behind stopping to help her before they continued their journey to save the younger Carpenter.
A familiar figure was trying to get into Y/N's room shoulder pushing hard as both girls behind the door blocked it off as best they could.
Chad ran and tackled the figure going to punch whoever it was when he got a glimpse of the persons face.
"David?" He coughed holding his hands up. The flowers he'd been carrying now ruined, as he groaned holding his rib cage.
"Sam texted that Tara was in the hospital I thought I'd keep her company." Mindy’s eyes narrowed as did Sam's.
The door swung open upon their arrival. Chad helping David up but still holding him close by his shirt collar not trusting him.
Y/n winced grabbing Tara's attention as she helped the taller girl get back on the hospital bed. The two accidentally turning on the TV causing everyone's eyes widening as a news reporter stood at Times Square familiar faces popping up in a box next to her.
"......Reporting Live from New York this is Gale Weathers."
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
To add onto the idea that Danny sheds his human body and becomes some kind of eldritch shadow monster with which MM has to play Pictionary with, I also feel like it would be really funny if at some point Danny has this lighting bulb moment (which he describes to MM as several electric lightbulbs and exclamation points) and just...fucking overshadows some super that's there. Dealers choice who, could be superman (thinking of some of your kryptonite/ectoplasm prompts), could be some member of the bat family (since there's a Lazarus pit under Gotham right? lots of exposure makes them compatible), one of the flashes ig if you do something with the speed force.
Either way, Danny's eldritch shadow form suddenly disappears, causing the JL to erupt into panic and interrogating MM like where did he go what happened he disappeared did he say something is he pissed is he going to attack earth what level of world ending threat should we be prepping for, none of which Martian Manhunter can answer since he's just as confused.
Only for someone to straighten up and give the rest of the JL the biggest sheepish smile ever and go "Whew! Sorry about that, don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. I guess I never wondered if it was a possibility but this body seems sturdier than most. Anyway--this is so much easier now--hi! My name is Danny, I'm fourteen years old from Illinois and it's so cool to meet you!" punctuated with an awkward wave that looks so out of place on the hero they all know.
There's just so much potential for chaos if the only way Danny can actually communicate with words is to overshadow someone. Especially if they're just...the complete opposite of him. Like Batman or something.
Prompt anon is referencing.
Oh maN this is beautiful. The Justice league realizing “holy shit. This is just a kid. What happened to a kid that made them look like that.”
Ok Batman getting overshadowed is funny but I also give you:
- Plastic Man. Danny still shifting and twisting in very unnatural ways as he’s possessing Plastic Man because this body is far too bendy and he’s forgotten the range and motions of how normal human bodies move.
- Dr Fate. Mostly for the fear of “oh fuck this kid possessed dr fate, a host who’s technically sort of possessed by another guy already.”
- Wonder Woman. Danny Lasso of Truth’s himself to prove that he’s not a threat and it shocks everyone.
- Martian Manhunter. When he possesses the Martian, his form shifts to look like Danny just before he shed his human form.
- Robin. Oh god you can see even clearer that this is a child since he’s already in a younger persons body.
There’s so much to work with here. This is truly a beautiful idea dude thanks for sending this in.
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missywritesfor7 · 2 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 30: More Energy
Hyeri left early the following morning for her shoot where she’s meant to be on set until later in the evening, so in the meantime Yoongi is in the studio preparing for the group’s comeback as well as working on some solo music. His day started with a great boost of motivation and encouragement the second he opened his eyes and saw Hyeri still laying next to him. It truly does feel like the early days of their relationship again. He feels amazing and nothing can bring him down.
When Hyeri finishes shooting for the day she heads over to Haeun’s to get her things and likely face a barrage of questions before going back home to Yoongi. She prepares herself for Haeun’s interrogation then exits her car and carefully enters through the front door.
“Hyeri-ya!!!” Haeun yells the moment she notices Hyeri coming through the door. “Why are you here??”
“What do you mean?” Hyeri laughs.
“You were gone for two days! Get out of here!” She jokes waving her off.
“Calm down, unnie. I have to get my stuff.”
“Really? So you’re finally going back home?”
“Yes, since you’ve been so eager to get rid of me.”
“No,” Haeun jumps off the couch and takes Hyeri’s arm. “I just want you to be happy. Now tell me all about it.”
“I just came to get my things and go home and sleep,” Hyeri chuckles knowing she wasn’t going to get away with not telling Haeun about the last couple of days.
“That foot massager is mine until you give me details.” Haeun sits Hyeri down on the couch and eagerly awaits the details of the reconciliation she’d been dying for.
“How is that fair?” Hyeri laughs. “It was nothing major, we just talked it out and, I don’t know, I just felt like my heart wouldn’t be happy if I stayed away from him any longer. I miss him, but I don’t trust him. We’re going to work on it though and after some time we’ll hopefully be back to how we were before.”
“Finally!” Haeun jokes. “I don’t know why you didn’t stay there after Christmas.”
“I know, I should have,” she sighs. “I just kept second guessing myself. I never know if I’m making the right decision. I always seem to make bad ones.”
“It’s not that you make bad decisions, you just make quick decisions.” Haeun takes Hyeri’s hand and lightly squeezes it to show support. “You always get ahead of yourself and I think it’s great that you’re always so optimistic about everything, but I think you need to learn to slow down and give yourself time to process the things going on around you. You jump into things so fast then realize after the fact that you don’t know what you’re doing.”
“You think I do things too fast?”
“Hyeri.” Haeun shakes her head. “You moved in with Yoongi after only a few months of dating. Then not long after that he was gone. He wasn’t back home for a full year before he was gone again. When you think about it, you two have spent more time apart than together, but you told me you two talked about marriage? Things have been a disaster this last year, you said so yourself. How could you be thinking about marriage right now?”
Hyeri looks at the floor in embarrassment. She knows Haeun is right, she’s always right, but it doesn’t make her feel any better. She knows she’s moved fast with Yoongi, and if she’s learned anything in the last year, it’s that jumping into things without resolving others will only cause more problems later on.
“Don’t marry him, Hyeri,” Haeun says.
“What?” Hyeri tilts her head.
“I mean, not so soon,” Haeun clarifies. “It’s not that I don’t think you should marry him if you feel that’s what your heart wants, but I want to make sure you don’t rush into it. Marriage is a big thing, just take whatever time you need to make sure you’re ok with everything else first.”
Hyeri quietly nods. She knows Haeun is only looking out for her, but the harsh truth still stings a little. She isn’t exactly sure what the right pace is, all she knows is she just wants to be able to trust Yoongi again.
When Hyeri arrives home Yoongi is already washed up and in bed scrolling his phone. He looks up at her with his big smile and she starts to realize that maybe it’s that signature gummy smile of his that always makes her want to make such quick decisions. Or perhaps it’s the way he jumps out of bed to take her things and gets them all unpacked and put away that makes her second guess her second guessing. The way she feels so warm and safe in his arms as he holds her until she falls asleep that makes her feel like being with him is a no brainer. The breakfast he woke up extra early to make her in the morning is pure husband material, how could she not want to spend the rest of her life with him? The sweet kiss and encouragement he gives her on her way out the door gives her a great boost of confidence and energy to get through the day. An article she came across during one of her breaks where an unethical so-called journalist did an interview with Chelsea from prison for the sole purpose of getting dirt on Yoongi, drops her right back down from her cloud.
“I guess everything can’t be perfect,” she sighs to herself before returning to set for her next scene.
While Hyeri is only annoyed by the article, Yoongi is near livid. He found out once he made it to the studio and hasn’t stopped seething since. That one night with Chelsea was nothing and she didn’t know who he was which made her fuzzy on details since she wasn’t too interested in anything other than what she could steal. However, that’s only a small bit of relief compared to the amount of rage he’s feeling when he reads that she talked about how terribly drunk he was that night and how he could hardly “get it up” when she claims she tried to be intimate with him. Things started to finally calm down after the drug rumors and now he has to deal with this. The good thing is that the company’s legal team is already on it and trying to get the site to take the article down, but the damage has already been done. Talk of Yoongi’s alcoholism is quietly surfacing and if those few comments are picked up by many more people then soon those whispers will be a loud roar.
Yoongi spends more time spinning anxiously in his chair than he does doing any real work. Every time he tries to get himself to work on something he’s pulled back to his phone to see if anyone else is talking about his alcoholism. The only thing that pulls him away is dance rehearsal later that afternoon.
Of course the rest of the guys already know. As soon as Yoongi enters the practice room he can feel it in the atmosphere that everyone knows. He isn’t sure if he should play dumb to avoid the topic and get everyone to lighten up, or if he should just rip the bandaid off and address it right away. But just then he gets a text from Hyeri with a photo of a cat that she said wandered on set and she’s asking if they can adopt it. That message alone is enough to make Yoongi’s decision. He’s going to play dumb because he’s already smiling like a fool at his phone and he doesn’t want to kill that joy he feels right now, even if he does have to say no to adopting the cat.
“You’re looking extra happy today,” Jin says. “Things with Hyeri must be improving.”
“Better than improving,” Yoongi smiles. “She moved back home.”
“Really?” Hobi smiles as everyone else’s faces light up.
“Yeah,” Yoongi boasts. He knew that would bring the mood up. “She stayed the night New Years and yesterday she moved her things back in.”
“That’s good to hear!” Namjoon says feeling relieved for more reasons than one. “Let’s get started then.”
They all begin practice as usual and things start off great with everyone thinking Yoongi hasn’t seen the article yet. However, about halfway through practice Yoongi starts to feel his anxiety creep up again. At first everyone thought he was always so eager to check his phone so he could text Hyeri, he was like that when they first started dating so it’s nothing new to them. Then they started to realize Yoongi wasn’t looking quite as happy as he was when he first arrived. He kept looking around wildly like he was being chased or something. Really he just kept thinking he could hear his phone going off, but every time it was just his mind playing tricks on him.
At the end of practice no one is sure what to say or do. That goofy smile he had when talking about Hyeri coming back home is now a pursed line across his face as he tries and fails to make himself appear unbothered.
“Hyung,” Jimin says walking up to Yoongi as everyone prepares to leave. “Do you want to grab a drink and maybe a snack at the coffee shop?”
“Me too!” Taehyung shouts bouncing up behind Yoongi.
“Well um…” Yoongi hesitates.
“I’ll drive,” Taehyung offers. “Come on!”
Without much of a chance to protest, Yoongi finds himself being dragged out of the room and out to Taehyung’s car. Halfway there he allows himself to relax and, if only for a short time, at least enjoy a cup of tea with his mischievous ‘95 brothers. It’s certainly better than wallowing in anxiety.
They arrive at a small coffee shop that they frequent very often when they have the chance. They always receive a warm welcome and a table to sit where they can have at least a little privacy from anyone who may recognize them. Yoongi orders a honey citrus tea which is one of his two usual drinks when he comes here. The other being a plain decaf americano. Taehyung chooses a passionfruit lemonade, while Jimin decides to try the limited time special which includes coffee, cocoa, caramel, white chocolate, and a hint of cinnamon. After they get their drinks, they go to their usual table and begin chatting.
“That smells like cake,” Taehyung says leaning close to Jimin. “Is it good?”
“Yeah,” Jimin says taking a sip. “Wanna try?”
“I don’t know,” Taehyung frowns knowing he likely won’t enjoy the drink with it having mostly coffee in it.
“Here.” Jimin hands his cup to Taehyung who immediately sniffs and inspects it closer.
“Just taste it,” Yoongi chuckles.
Taehyung takes a sip then flips through a range of facial expressions. “Not bad,” he says, though his mouth is twisted in a slight frown. “It tastes like cake, but it still tastes like coffee.”
“You just have to get used to it,” Jimin laughs.
“I don’t want to,” Taehyung quickly says while sliding the cup back to Jimin.
“Do you want to try it?” Jimin asks Yoongi.
“Sure,” Yoongi agrees. He grabs the cup then takes a small sip. Then another small sip. Then a slightly bigger sip.
“Ok ok that’s enough,” Jimin laughs reaching for his drink.
“No it’s not,” Yoongi jokes. He takes another gulp before finally handing the cup back over.
“You know you can order yourself one,” Jimin says protecting his cup.
“It’s good,” Yoongi says. “It tastes like one of those pastries they always give us when we’re in Europe.”
“And coffee,” Taehyung adds still frowning.
“Anyway,” Jimin says trying to move on to what he wanted to talk to Yoongi about in the first place. “So you and Hyeri are working things out?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi nods. “We’re going to take it slow, but we’re going in the right direction.”
“Is that why you couldn’t keep your eyes off of your phone?” Jimin knows the real reason but he’s hoping Yoongi will open up without him having to be so direct about it.
“Yeah,” Yoongi exhales. “Kind of. There’s just more bullshit that came up and I’m trying to make sure things don’t get out of hand. Again,” he admits.
“I’m sorry, hyung,” Jimin says. “But you know the company will take care of things.”
“I know, I just feel like this is going to be another setback for this comeback.”
“It’s not,” Taehyung assures. “We’re still on track.”
“Except for the release date being pushed back two weeks,” Yoongi responds feeling guilty. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how the date suddenly and quietly changed.”
“That wasn’t because of you,” Jimin says trying to make Yoongi feel a little better. “You know we had a lot of things happen, the date change was just so we can make sure everything is perfect when it’s released.”
“Right. I’ll keep that in mind when the date gets pushed again.” Yoongi takes a sip of his tea feeling unconvinced but appreciative of their attempt to make him feel better.
“We won’t need to push it back over some stuff a thief said,” Taehyung says. “The article is already down so don’t worry.”
Jimin stares daggers at Taehyung. He was hoping to continue acting as if none of them know about the article with Chelsea. If Yoongi wasn’t going to mention it directly then Jimin was simply going to go along with it. He only wanted Yoongi to open up about his feelings so he wouldn’t stew in it as he tends to do sometimes. It takes Taehyung a second before he realizes what he said and why he was getting a death stare from Jimin.
“You guys are terrible actors,” Yoongi says finishing off his tea. “Just say what you want to say, I’d rather you do that than pretend like nothing is going on and act all awkward around me.”
“Sorry, hyung,” Jimin apologizes. “Sometimes we just don’t know what will trigger you or not.”
“I’m fine,” Yoongi assures. “Just stop being weird.”
“That’s kind of hard for him,” Jimin points his head towards Taehyung who gives him a sharp look.
“You know what I mean,” Yoongi chuckles. “You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me, I’m not going to get mad or anything.”
“We don’t think you’ll get mad,” Taehyung says. “We just don’t want you to start drinking again.”
Taehyung’s confession sends a small pang through Yoongi’s chest. It hurts for him to see the look of concern and definite lack of trust in their faces. He knows just as he has to earn Hyeri’s trust back, he has to earn theirs too.
“I get it,” Yoongi says somberly. “I know I’ve fucked up a lot, but I’m in a much better place than I’ve ever been. You guys can be straight with me. Even if it is triggering, I know how to ask for help. I’m ok asking for help. I promise, I’m a different person than before.”
Jimin smiles feeling good to hear Yoongi say that. Taehyung’s face remains unchanged though inside he feels relieved as well. It’s the first time in a long time that they’ve felt like they could believe Yoongi and trust that he won’t clear out an entire cabinet worth of alcohol. The trust may not be back at 100% but it’s certainly improving and they can all feel that.
Later that night Hyeri gets home to find Yoongi in his familiar position laying in bed while scrolling his phone. By now the article has been taken down so he’s only keeping an eye on any chatter still going on about his alcoholism. In the grand scheme of things, the discussion about his addiction is quite minimal compared to all of the other talk going on currently. But one person talking about his very real struggle is already too many. Hyeri can tell his been slowly sinking into insanity, so she quickly washes up and joins him in bed. She puts his phone aside and simply holds him and rests her head on his chest.
That’s the thing. The foolproof method to melt his anxiety away. The love of his life holding him in her warm embrace. Without a word he knows she’s seen the article. He can tell she’s in her caring and cautious mode that she gets into whenever she knows he is or may be upset about something. There couldn’t have been a better time for her to come back home.
The following day everything is business as usual. Yoongi hasn’t seen much more about his alcoholism rumors and no one else has either. By late afternoon he finally feels much more at ease and is able to get through the remainder of his day.
The day after is filled with photoshoots and rehearsals. Much too much for Yoongi to remain worried about online chatter. He's trying his best to stay focused but later in the afternoon he feels himself losing energy. Hes struggling to keep up with the day's heavy schedule, so he decides to get himself a small energy drink. One that's meant to last 5-6 hours and is only a shot of tangy heavily concentrated caffiene. It's not his usual choice for energy, typically j-hope and the maknaes are filled with enough energy to rub off on him, but today he just needs a little more help.
Unfortunaely, there's a downside to a decaf coffee drinker suddenly drinking a high dose of caffiene. Yoongi is able to get through the rest of the day with high energy, and the night, and most of the next morning. He stayed in the studio until about 3 am waiting for the caffiene to wear off. Once he gave up on waiting, he finally went home still on a high he's not used to. When he arrives home, Hyeri is already up getting herself ready for another day on set. She has an early call and since Yoongi never arrived home before she fell asleep she assumed he'd be spending the whole night in his studio. Instead, she's surprised to see him walking into the room as she's getting dressed.
“You’re here late…or early?” She says raising a brow.
“I had one of those energy shots and it’s not wearing off,” Yoongi groans throwing himself on the bed.
“Why would you do that?” She laughs. “You were better off just getting a regular caffeinated americano.”
“I realize that now,” he chuckles bouncing back up to his feet. “I want to go to sleep but I can’t even stay in one spot for more than 5 minutes. I’ve been up almost 24 hours straight. That drink was only supposed to last 5 hours!”
“I wish I could help you, babe,” Hyeri says cupping his face in her hands. “But I have to go. Drink water and good luck.” She gives him a quick peck then turns to grab her bag and phone.
“Thanks, babe,” he says sarcastically. “I’ll remember those words when my heart explodes.”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” she laughs. “I’ll see you later. I love you.”
“Love you too, even though you don’t care that my heart may explode,” he huffs playfully then gives her another quick kiss. She laughs shaking her head then heads out the door.
Yoongi tries his best to get himself to get just a little sleep. He doesn’t have much time before his day is to get started and he hasn’t even slept off the previous day. He lays in bed struggling until his alarm goes off. Four whole hours and he only managed about 10 minutes of sleep.
“Fuck,” he mumbles to himself. At this point he hopes that energy shot is able to continue carrying him through the rest of the day.
After a commercial shoot and another round of album jacket shooting, Yoongi finds himself fighting the inevitable crash. He thought that it would be easier to fight while at dance practice, but the moment they got a quick water break, he passed out. Right in the middle of the practice room floor.
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ante--meridiem · 7 months
Post is under the cut for typical Creepy Ex Landlord content but there's nothing new on that front, just me processing stuff that had happened while the situation was ongoing.
I've been half considering telling my new roommates the real reason I moved out from the previous place because I have reason to believe they'd be understanding and we've definitely reached the level of friendship where that kind of thing can be shared but I hesitate to even call it "sexual harassment" out loud and not on tumblr because to do so I have to interrogate whether I ever actually said no clearly and firmly enough, though at the end of the day I'm fairly confident I did and its failure to get through to him was him just not wanting to listen. I laid out my discomfort to him several times and he apologised and seemed really genuinely guilty/upset and I told him I didn't want him to apologise or feel bad I just wanted him to stop and then he'd go straight back to what he'd been doing before.
I guess what I'm stuck on though is, maybe it's just autistic inability to fully comprehend that people can be lying to me but his belief that he's done nothing seriously wrong or against my consent seems fully genuine. He seemed honestly hurt and confused when I blocked him as soon as I could because he'd really believed we'd still be ""friends"" after I moved out. There was this one time when he was telling me about a news article about a woman who got sexually assaulted and he was all wide-eyed I-just-don't-understand-how-people-could-do-that innocence about it and I truly understood what emotion the phrase "look into the camera like you're on the office" expresses, because really?
I'm pretty sure most of it runs on technicalities and plausible deniability because ok, if you do things without asking that you have plenty of reason to think I wouldn't be ok with then technically I didn't say no, and you can even be proud of yourself for stopping once I do get around to saying it. And if you plead and wheedle with me until I decide it's easier to give you what you want than keep arguing then technically I said yes. But what really throws me is how much he seemed to genuinely believe he was morally in the clear, rather than just having legalistic plausible deniability.
Like, by the end of it and by the time he found out my sexuality, even he couldn't convince himself that I secretly wanted him. Even before he'd found out, he'd mostly switched tack from "so what if you have a boyfriend, he can't tell you what to do" to "what's so wrong with me that you aren't attracted to me? :( I've been so nice to you :(" but he never seemed to have any level of cognitive dissonance over, if I had never had any shred of attraction to him and repeatedly expressed discomfort with him being sexual towards me, why I would have ""consented"" to all the things that I totally definitely freely consented to and he totally definitely never forced on me and pressured me into (please note heavy sarcasm). He really thought I'd stay friends with him, "friends" of course here meaning "we cannot have a conversation that stays for longer than five minutes on a topic other than him commenting on my appearance and asking me for pictures". Like, I get missing signals other people think are clear, but if I found out someone I'd thought was freely consenting to physical intimacy with me (giving him benefit of the doubt that he actually thought that) felt that way my reaction wouldn't be "too bad you're not attracted to me but we'll still be friends where I constantly talk about how pretty you are and what you should wear. I never pressured you into anything btw! Me going oh come on whenever you said no to me was just me being cute!", it would be "oh shit, did I pressure you? I'm so sorry and will leave you alone immediately if that's what you want." And then actually leave them alone.
And this "you cannot honestly believe you're innocent can you? If you really believe that maybe I somehow wasn't clear enough?" doubting on my side is all pretty standard stuff as these kind of situations go I'm pretty sure, and I feel reasonably confident most people would still take my side given full details, but at the same time... even on tumblr I see people making fun of the idea that you should ask verbal consent for every little thing as "puritanical", and while I'm reasonably sure those people are talking about "someone who's been flirting with you leans in for a kiss so you don't ask before going for it" situations and not, this whole thing, I can only think that Creepy Landlord had somehow convinced himself it was that kind of situation.
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enanan-ami · 2 months
i HIGHLY doubt muu being forgiven in t3 if anything happens to haruka.
shes stated shes going to let him because thats what he wants to do.
this is an entire analysis, not just what i think will happen in t3. this is me analyzing muu and putting my own opinion into what might have happened in the beginning, as well as adding the t3 theory.
M: Ah, but if you don’t forgive me, Haruka-kun will die, so I think it’d be best to not do that.
E: So you’ve heard about that nonsense too?
M: Yeah. Haruka-kun told me. So I could rest easy, according to him. That made me happy… It made me really feel our friendship!
E: You know about it and you’re not trying to stop him? Haruka, that is?
M: Why would I? Haruka-kun says he wants to do it, so there’s nothing I can do, right?
the way she words it, the way she says things. she sees him as another pawn, or worker bee, as shown in INMF.
and before anyone says im trying to make her look bad. no. im not. i feel like she does care and does want to help him, but shes so caught up in fear of what happened to her last time that she resorts to practically manipulating him. i think everything that happened to her messed her up so badly that she is resorting to making herself the one on top, because even though it looks bad to others, thats what seems right to her in order to protect herself.
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if the colors in the three closest to muus hair represent her previous friends having colors in matching hues, and the pink is because of bees being attracted to that color, what does the blue in her hair mean ?
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what if the blue represents haruka.
what if the blue represents how she feels close to haruka, but is afraid to have him turn on her. hes heavily codependent, and she basically has him wrapped around her finger because that is what she wants in order to protect herself.
M: Haruka-kun, I brought you some food. Are you alive? You haven't grown mold or anything?
H: .....Oh, thank you very much. Muu-san, I'm sorry, that ..... I..
M: Don't shut yourself up in that cell forever! You have to eat properly too, you know? I understand if you feel this way though, the recent atmosphere has been feeling bad lately.
H: Um, I said it's okay..... I, thought of what I should do, a little. What do I do, what do I do, to keep... My promise. For Muu-san's sake....
she. does. care. about. him. shes afraid to give too much into a relationship.
i think shes letting him do it if he wants to because the fact that he would basically sacrifice himself for her gives her a feeling of this is what is supposed to happen and friends would do anything for each other, because what if the reason she ended up bullying people in the first place is because she was forced to then her friends turned on her because she took it too far. they are who enabled her behavior.
why do i think muu killed rei ? because she was tired of rei manipulating her.
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Q: Do you have apologetic feelings for who you killed?
A: The person who did the wrong thing first should apologize.
i think she could have been dependent on rei, so now she is growing into who rei was.
can i also point out the after pain lyrics ?
"If I was gone, If I had just disappeared. I overheard, I found out how much I’m not needed"
simply stating, she was the one being used before. remember these songs are coming from the prisoners hearts. SHE CANT LIE IN THE SONG AND I AM TIRED OF HEARING THAT.
"Why won’t you stop hurt-hurt-hurting me? My heart is all dried up. My sorry spells must be wearing off. But I guess some of it is my fault. Maybe it’s ok as it is. I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?"
her friends manipulating her. i think this was her subconscious telling her that. and then also bringing her to fault for it, maybe for choosing the wrong friends.
plus, after going back through the interrogation questions.
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Q: Do you regret it?
A: Mmh, I should have chosen my friends better.
"“I’m sorry” won’t reach anyone (I hope it will someday)"
"I was miserable, someone please help me"
"If you’re going to make me the villain it’s ok to ignore me"
i believe this plays onto her not having the original idea to bully people.
"its not my fault" could be because IT IS LITERALLY NOT HER FAULT. instead of being what you expect and it having a different meaning, she is saying it outright because its what you dont expect. she acts how she does because that is what she learned.
i think that muu trying to suppress and mask NPD could have been what caused her to react the way she does in the end. believing its all okay what she was taught.
back to the beginning point of this, muu likely being unforgiven if haruka gets killed off.
think of kotoko. im sure there were a LOT of people who voted kotoko guilty just because she almost killed mahiru and badly injured fuuta.
if haruka gets hurt or killed off, its expected that people will treat muu similar.
i also think that if anything happens to haruka, muu will be given some kind of talk from fuuta, whether its yelling, or a talk about how he could have been saved.
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Q: Which prisoner do you get along with the most?
A: I'm not anyone's happy friend. Well Haruka's younger, so I take care of him.
F: Hey, listen. Is he okay? He's been holed up and hasn't come out at all.
M: Haruka-kun? Hmm. Yeah, probably. Muu has been taking food to him, so he should be fine. Isn't Muu amazing?
F: Huh? Do you have to say it yourself, seriously… Oh, well. I guess I can understand a bit now. When you're feeling down, it's nice to have someone to rely on, someone who accepts you. We might not fully understand from our perspective, but if you're the "salvation" for Haruka, well, that's something.
M: Salvation…? I don't really get it. Futa-kun, you've started saying strange things. Did you hit your head or something? Oh, you did. Hahaha. Oh, by the way, it's Muu's birthday today.
F: —Hey, are you really okay with that? If you come with me, you might also be saved you know……Haruka.
H: Yeah……since I already made a decision. I, have something that I must do.
F: Ahh, is that so…… Hey, Haruka, you truly are an idiot. If that’s the case, you won’t be able to be saved.
H: Yeah, thank you. Fuuta, I’m happy that you called out to me. Um, I’m happy that you were so kind to me. I mean it. But, this is the only way I can do this. I’m sorry......
fuuta clearly cares a lot about haruka. as much as he pretended not to in the beginning, he does. and hes grown a connection to him. while by now he is trapped under amanes mindset, he still has spoken that he cares about him a lot, checking on him and trying to find his salvation and a way to save him.
if haruka is hurt or worse, i dont think muu will escape a talking to from fuuta.
if haruka is unsuccessful but gets hurt, i do think that his relationship with muu will suffer. though i think either way muu might realize that she helped him to continue his plan in a sense. i also think that fuuta will try to drag him away from shidou and take haruka under his and amanes care. i think mikoto could also play into this. haruka is the only person to have initiated conversation with mikoto throughout the timelines of trial 2. i think that mikoto would want to do what he can to help haruka, not only because he appreciates it, though that could be his ending motivation. and if orekoto were to switch in during that time and notice the situation, theres a chance of getting more rationality out of ore and having him be seen in a better light, adding for there to be less people afraid of mikoto.
muus mental state will likely suffer, and not only will the unforgiven verdict start that spiral, but again, everything going on with haruka will make her worse.
i wouldnt be surprised if muu also attempts in trial 3.
muu in a potentially terrible mental state and already building herself off of what she sees, having a need for attention and losing it because of everything going on with haruka, plus the likelyhood of her having been suicidal previously.
in the end, trial 3 is going to be hell and there is no changing it. and muu is much more than a manipulative bully as people characterize her to be.
i have only read two muu theories. one showing the imagery of her likelyhood of being suicidal (I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 30 MINUTES AND CANNOT FIND IT AGAIN I AM SO SORRY.) and this one which has the thing about the the hair color hues.
my thoughts may not be perfectly in order because i was thinking of all this as i typed it. if theres anything i missed, tell me. i want to understand muu better.
-Ena 🎨
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eri-pl · 3 months
I would love to hear some of your orcish Maeglin headcanons! I think it's such a neat idea! (Thanks my friend who gave it to me!)
If I may ask, there's a few things in particular that I am super curious about! Does it affect his appearance at all? How does he first react when he learns? If his family learned of it, how would they respond? (Particularly Aredhel!)
Thank you for asking! People never asked me things before.
Long post below cut.
OK, so first, I think we have a different definition of hc. For you it seems to be a complex thing, like a mini-au (not necessasarily alternate). For me hc is just a fact I assume, or sometimes like to assume, or at least like to entertain at the moment.
So when I say "with this origin of orcs (link for people not knowing the context), I would probably hc Maeglin as semi-orc", I mean just this fact, not that I have an explosion of details in my brain. (I think semi-orc is a better name than part-orc when we're talking more about "orcs spontaneously reverting into elves through some generations" thing).
Anyway, I love to see how enthusiastic you are about things, and I like being asked, so let's make something up.
With appearance it depends on how you imagine orcs in general. I would say they are more animalistic and much less symmetrical than Elves, and get scars easily. Elves heal neatly (except in dractic circumstances, like Angband), because of the fea-hroa harmony.
Orcs have less of this harmony than humans, that's how they're made, by messing up their bodies and if the soul gives up, but instead of going away just accepts the situation and is like "well, that's bad, but it's fine I guess" we get an orc. Something like that. Something like in one text in Morgoth's Ring? Manwe talks about accepting evil and building upon it, as not necessarily evil in itself, but a source of problems (the context is of course Finwe's remarriage).
But we're talking an Elf here, so after some generations the bodies are born normal enough to be immortal. So it's more a Maedhros level of messed up than Orc level of messed up.
So how would he look?
Obviously, paler skin and bigger pupils, because this fits the physical traits. I would say, a less symmetric face. Not visible at first sight, still more symmetrical than average human, byt when he smiles, the smile goes a bit sideways. Maybe that's why he doesn't smile in front of others.
Also, in some depictions orcs have thicker, fur-like hair, so, especially if we imagine elven hair as very fine, Maeglin's would be more stiff.
(Also, no big flapping ears. Elven ears are human-sized, maybe a bit more sharp on the top but that's it. That is canon. IDK why but giving Tolkien Elves huge ears angers me more than it should. <3 and respect to everyone who draws the like this, but it gets on my nerves.)
I would assume he learned about his ancestry when being interrogated about the location of Gondolin, so it was ...difficult.
Disbelief, but Maeglin had always known that something was off about him, he'd always felt that his father is hiding something. (Mother too? I'm not sure if she knew.) Basically, it's the mix of emotional reactions which Luke has on Vader being his dad. But with more guilt mixed in, and shame. Maeglin very much feels like a toxic shame guy to me. He would do everything to keep it secret, especially from Idril. And to not be turned into a full orc (which I assume is impossible w/o consent, but the consent may be persuaded with long torture, so...)
Later, after returning to Gondolin, he would spiral into toxic shame, self-hatered, jealous of others who have a normal background and were not threatened like this, etc etc.
Family... well, Eol knew, obviously. It came from his side of family. His mother or father, I would assume, or (if we ignore the "kin of Thingol" note), Eol was of purely orkish ancestry, it just mosly reverted.
Eol... didn't assume orkish ancestry is something you should mention to your future spouse before marriage. He teased Maeglin, always suggested that there was something they shared that was unique and the Noldor would not accept it, but never told him anything concrete.
Aredhel...? she would be worried. Not in a "will my son turn evil?" way, more in a "will my son be healthy?" way and she would be like "now I see why he is like that". Imagine getting a mental health diagnosis for your child, and that's it (well, ok, orkish background has also physical components, not only mental, but I think in terms of how the parent feels it's close). Along with the "How do I treat him now? I should act normal, but also, he has special needs probably..." part.
She would generally be loving but a little lost. She would be angry at Eol for not telling her, but also very much wanting to show Maeglin that she doesn't love him less because he's like this.
She would probably tell the rest of the family, Aredhel doesn't seem to secretive to me. And she'd expect help. Turgon... I know a little of him, I guess he'd be fine with it? I mean, Maeglin is not an orc, just has some traits... And he's a good warrior...
Idril may, paradoxically, feel more comfortable with Maeglin after that (as long as he isn't flirting with her, because unrequited flirting is always uncomfortable). Now she knows what is off with him, she doesn't have to worry that much. She would overcompensate a bit, try to show him "I like you, the reason I don't romantically love you isn't because you have orkish ancestry, it's just because I don't", this would be a little awkward and Maeglin would read it as pity and probably hate it.
Celegorm would suggest banishing Maeglin, if not outright killing him. He spent a lot of time with Orome and is very strict about orcs. (Also, he is kind of a jerk). Curufin wouldn't care, Maeglin is good at crafts, and reasonable and polite, and this matters.
Of course, a lot depends on how and from whom they would learn. This is assuming Aredhel would be alive and she would tell them. I f they learned, let's say, from an anonymous letter, it would be a very different story (Turgon doesn't believe anonymous letters, Celegorm wants to find a way to check it, Curufin agrees it's worth checking, Celegorm is contemplating murdering Maeglin)
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literaphobe · 1 year
I’ve seen a lot of gender swapped mlb stuff where either one or both of their genders are swapped. How do you think any of those variations would change the love square dynamic or the characters in general, if they would change it all?
GONNA TALK ABOUT WLW LOVE SQUARE. other variations will be elaborated on if u come back and ask my sweet anonie <3
adrienette: i feel like fem adrien would give marinette so many more demons. i could go more in depth about my visions but ifl it would be really funny to see alya try and convince marinette that girl adrien TOTALLY likes her like its SO obvious and marinette is like IT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING ALYA SHES NICE TO EVERYONE!! plus we dont even know if adrien likes girls!! and adrien walks by only overhearing the last sentence and is like oh! i do like girls :) and then after marinette’s recovered from her heart attack the new meta becomes OKAY BUT WE DONT KNOW IF SHES ATTRACTED TO GIRLS. MAYBE SHE JUST THINKS GIRLS R REALLY FUCKING COOL!! the next day the papers announce that girl adrien is in love w ladybug
ladynoir: chat noir has got the biggest crush on ladybug like she is so seriously gay like if she didnt already know she was gay if she was the most repressed gay girlie in this gay girlie world she would know what she was with ONE look at ladybug. ladybug has no fucking idea chat noir is in love with her. she thinks they are best friends. no one understands this life other than Her. one time some sleazy guy hit on chat and ladybug beat the shit out of him. he just so happened to be akumatized but she was so pissed off and violent about it. the dating rumors and the media are the same about it. aka incredibly invasive and ladybug is just as pissed off that they think they are dating. she gets so aggressive about it to the point where chat noir asks her what she thinks about the lgbt+ community. and chat is like im sorry like im a wlw and if u dont like gay ppl thats okay i just– and then ladybug like kisses her and is like im gay too u idiot its just weird of the media to speculate so harshly and then chat is just like FROZEN and ladybug freaks out shes like IM SO SORRY I SHOULDNT HAVE LIKE I MEAN I SHOULDVE ASKED and chat is like NO ITS OK UVE KISSED ME BEFORE ANYWAY and ladybug is like THATS DIFFERENT I HAD NO CHOICE BUT HERE– and then chat kisses her to calm her down (and shut her up) and pretty much just even the scales in terms of initiated kisses. when news about girl adrien x ladybug breaks out ladybug is like ???!!!!!!!! and chat is like um do u hate that she likes u i mean the news probably waaaayyyy exaggerated what they interrogated out of her and like um so overstretched it probably haha what do u think of blonde models and um adrien i guess like do u hate her do u think shes cool do u think you could fall madly in love with her and spend all your days together
ladrien: ladybug saves girl adriens life and shes like oh thank you ladybug… ur so wonderful 😍 like so clearly into her but ladybug is dense af and also nervous af she doesnt even believe the rumors!! shes like ur welcome girl adrien haha um yeah so um i saw the news but dont worry!!!! i know how the news exaggerates all the time like they always call me and girl chat noir a couple even tho we are not!! and adrien is like oh so like… ud never date chat noir? and ladybug is like uh… we are… friends and partners. do you.. want me to date chat noir? So the news really got it all wrong and you dont like me at all? and adrien is like I DO LIKE YOU… UM WHO WOULDN’T LIKE YOU? <- she has no idea how to save this bc she wants to date ladybug but doesnt know which identity to chase her with best and she thinks ladybug might not like EITHER of her identities so shes like confused at shit but also she very easily gets her hopes up and shes like maybe i should tell her???
marichat: ifl the events of glaciator will always be so inevitable for marichat. like marinette will always look so inviting on that balcony of hers staring off wistfully into the evening air and chat noir will always feel drawn to it when ladybug is nowhere to be found… what would be fun about wlw marichat guys
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