#oh you don't like him? vote against him.
hellbendergender · 2 months
"He's gonna use this to his advantage." "Nothing could be worse for Biden's campaign" "his supporters are going to rally around him" shut. UP.
Y'all need to stop moping and put your money where your mouth is and vote.
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inkskinned · 3 months
one of the things that's the most fucking frustrating for me about arguing with climate change deniers is the sheer fucking scope of how much it matters. sweating in my father's car, thinking about how it's the "hottest summer so far," every summer. and there's this deep, roiling rage that comes over me, every time.
the stakes are wrong, is the thing. that's part of what makes it not an actual debate: the other side isn't coming to the table with anything to fucking lose.
like okay. i am obviously pro gun control. but there is a basic human part of me that can understand and empathize with someone who says, "i'm worried that would lead to the law-abiding citizens being punished while criminals now essentially have a superpower." i don't agree, but i can tell the stakes for them are also very high.
but let's say the science is wrong and i'm wrong and the visible reality is wrong and every climate disaster refugee is wrong. let's say you're right, humans aren't causing it or it's not happening or whatever else. let's just say that, for fun.
so we spend hundreds of millions of dollars making the earth cleaner, and then it turns out we didn't need to do that. oops! we cleaned the earth. our children grow up with skies full of more butterflies and bees. lawns are taken over with rich local biodiversity. we don't cry over our electric bills anymore. and, if you're staunchly capitalist and i need to speak ROI with you - we've created so many jobs in developing sectors and we have exciting new investment opportunities.
i am reminded of kodak, and how they did not make "the switch" to digital photography; how within 20 years kodak was no longer a household brand. do we, as a nation, feel comfortable watching as the world makes "the switch" while we ride the laurels of oil? this boggles me. i have heard so much propaganda about how america cannot "fall behind" other countries, but in this crucial sector - the one that could actually influence our own monopolies - suddenly we turn the other cheek. but maybe you're right! maybe it will collapse like just another silicone valley dream. but isn't that the crux of capitalism? that some economies will peter out eventually?
but let's say you're right, and i'm wrong, and we stopped fracking for no good reason. that they re-seed quarries. that we tear down unused corporate-owned buildings or at least repurpose them for communities. that we make an effort, and that effort doesn't really help. what happens then? what are the stakes. what have we lost, and what have we gained?
sometimes we take our cars through a car wash and then later, it rains. "oh," we laugh to ourselves. we gripe about it over coffee with our coworkers. what a shame! but we are also aware: the car is cleaner. is that what you are worried about? that you'll make the effort but things will resolve naturally? that it will just be "a waste"?
and what i'm right. what if we're already seeing people lose their houses and their lives. what if it is happening everywhere, not just in coastal towns or equatorial countries you don't care about. what if i'm right and you're wrong but you're yelling and rich and powerful. so we ignore all of the bellwethers and all of the indicators and all of the sirens. what if we say - well, if it happens, it's fate.
nevermind. you wouldn't even wear a mask, anyway. i know what happens when you see disaster. you think the disaster will flinch if you just shout louder. that you can toss enough lives into the storm for the storm to recognize your sacrifice and balk. you argue because it feels good to stand up against "the liberals" even when the situation should not be political. you are busy crying for jesus with a bullhorn while i am trying to usher people into a shelter. you've already locked the doors, even on the church.
the stakes are skewed. you think this is some intellectual "debate" to win, some funny banter. you fuel up your huge unmuddied truck and say suck it to every citizen of that shitbird state california. serves them right for voting blue!
and the rest of us are terrified of the entire fucking environment collapsing.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
if you as a fic reader ever become possessed by the urge to do a popularity bracket with the fics other people wrote and shared for fun and for free, consider:
don't ❤️ 
#just!!!! make a rec list!!!!!!!!!#popularity contests do nothing but drive writers out of fandoms by pitting people against their friends#and invariably result in people being assholes in the comments as if the people who wrote the fic can't see it#like ''oh clearly fic x is better than fic y''#or ''why is fic c even in this poll?''#nobody gains anything by you doing a bracket to see which fic is the ''most popular''#a stat which could be found more easily & less cruelly by simply hitting the sort by bookmarks/kudos button on ao3#anyway ugh. i saw that one of my fics was being pitted against one of my friend's fics in this bracket that's going around#and i have no idea who is ''winning'' because i refuse to look. but either way it's gonna feel bad!!!#because i want my friend to get his flowers so i want him to win!!! but i also would like to know that people like my fic!!!!#so it's just a lose/lose situation even though i generally don't give a shit about numbers#but this turns it into a schoolyard popularity thing#and the emotional response to having people *vote* on if your work is *better or worse* than other fic is hard to ignore#cannot reiterate enough JUST MAKE A REC LIST#or if you absolutely must do a bracket like this do it in a private chat server or something#don't create a public forum for people to pass value judgements where the authors can see it#and feel bad if they get told their fic is ''worse'' than someone elses#but also feel bad if they get told theirs is ''better'' because it came at the cost of telling another author they weren't good enough#ANYWAY i still feel sick with a super sore throat and a headache & am probably extra cranky because of it#(still testing negative thankfully so it's probably just weather/allergen related)#gonna go make some tea and prep the fic updates i want to post today#cass says things#fandom problems#wank adjacent
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anexperimentallife · 2 months
Project 2025 would ban anything the far right considers pornography. The far right considers anything queer-positive to be pornography, and they WILL encode that into law if given just a TINY bit more power.
Have queer fanfic (or trad published literature) or pics of your transition, or of two men kissing, saved to your hard drive? If the GOP get their way, you'd be guilty of possession of pornography. Did you share any of it? You'd be guilty of distribution of pornography. Have a sweet coming of age story with a queer protagonist? That'd be child pornography.
Even now, states are trying to make it a crime to be openly queer in public (by, among other things, classifying dressing as the "wrong gender" anyplace kids might see as a sex crime against children). Oh, and Florida tried (and thankfully failed) to impose the death penalty for the above.
This is just one example of the horrors awaiting us if the project comes to fruition.
And the far right is already screaming that any adult who mentions around kids that queer people exist is "grooming" children. Wear your Pride shirt past a playground? You're now a child groomer. Think they won't put that into law if allowed? You're naive.
The GOP currently controls the Supreme Court (which is how they overturned Roe v. Wade) and has a majority in one branch of congress. Imagine what will happen nationwide with the GOP controlling every branch of government, including supermajoroties in both houses of Congress.
Oh, and top GOP officials have also announced their desire to NUKE Gaza, so don't come at me with, "but I can't vote blue because Biden..." Or tell me how you think Gaza would somehow be better off with Trump and the GOP.
In France, the left and center joined together--even though they disagree vehemently on many issues (get two leftists together and they'll have three positions on any issue)--to stop the far right from totally taking over, because the one thing they ALL agree on is that fascists dictatorships are BAD.
Much the same with the UK finally kicking out their own neo-fascist party, the Torries, to install 400 Labour MPs. Not everyone loves Labour's policies, but virtually everyone with a brain cell recognizes that the Torries are fascists, and that FASCISM BAD.
"Every election, they tell us this is the most important election if our lives!" Yeah, because each election over the past several decades has been more important than the one before, until we are now at a tipping point between remaining a fucked up oligarchy with SOME resemblance to freedom, and an outright neo-fascist military dictatorship.
Trump has literally stated publicly his intent to criminalize dissent, use US armed forces against protesters (Kent State, but multiply it by thousands), purge all agencies and stuff them with those personally loyal to him, and use the DOJ to go after anyone he perceives as a threat to his political power, among other things.
And remember the things he did in office, like pulling the teeth of federal workplace protections for queer folks (which Biden reatored).
I don't care if you don't like Biden or Harris. Neither do I. But the alternative is Trump, and anyone telling you not to vote in 2024, or to vote third party, is rooting for Trump, and for Project 2025. Anyone telling you not to vote does not give one single solitary flying fuck about vulnerable populations in the US or anywhere else in the world.
"You're just being an alarmist!" Right. Like I was being alarmist when I predicted the failed Jan 6 coup attempt. Like I was being alarmist when I said the GOP would try to use control over SCOTUS to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Fucking vote.
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ariaxmu · 1 month
just friends.
a mattheo riddle x reader fic
summary: fluffy, friends to lovers. lots of kissing, a little jealousy. lavender being annoying.
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''stop scooching around'' he mumbles, putting his hands on my waist to keep me from moving.
''sorry... its small in here...'' i say, taking a deep breath to hide how insanely nervous i am. mattheo and i are at the weekly slytherin party held in the common room. and of course, everybody including myself, are very drunk and started playing games.
and so here i am, stuck in the closet with my best friend, whom i have been crushing on an insane amount for the past three months, for seven minutes. our friendship is so, so precious to me, hence why i have not made a move or told him how i felt. also the insane fear of rejection, but mostly ruining that friendship.
but its getting harder to hide it, harder to deny how insanely in love with him i am. i find it most hard when there are girls flirting with him in front of my eyes, which in fact has been happening all night. the only person that know about my feelings is pansy. so of course, she voted me and mattheo to be in the closet together.
i should also mention, i have never even so much as kissed a guy. never held hands with a guy, never even cuddled with one. so that adds perfectly on top of the nerves i'm already feelings as his big hands grip my waist.
''it's dark in here, i can't even see you.'' he mumbles, standing even closer to me, my back pressed up against him.
i groan, covering my face as i feel it warm up.
''what's wrong, pretty? am i making you nervous?'' he teases, like always.
''shut up.'' i whisper yell, turning around so that i was a little more in control of just how close i was to him. i look up, only the light creeping through the door making his pretty face visible. he is of course wearing a cheeky grin, cheeks a little flushed from alcohol.
''i knew i'd end up in here with someone, but i did not think it'd be you.'' he giggles, and my face goes even more red. i am thankful it's dark in here.
''why? did you wish it was lavender or something?'' i mumble, grimacing at the thought of her. she's been undeniably obsessed with him for ages now. and nothing irritates me more.
''i'm surprised she isn't knocking this door down now as we speak.'' he rolls his eyes dramatically.
i groan a little, ''yeah, me too.'' i snap slightly.
''ooo, someone's jealous.'' he teases again, smirking as he steps a little closer to me, his hands creeping up my waist. i almost pass out.
''n-no!! obviously not.'' i exclaim, trying to hide my face.
''oh please, you are!''
''you must be''
''not even a little bit?''
''sorry, sorry..''
i sigh, looking up at him for a second with crossed arms.
''i wouldn't be.. y'know, opposed if you were, you know.'' he says, a little suspiciously. i raise an eyebrow.
''you.. you'd like it if i was jealous?'' i say, quietly and nervously.
''maybe a little...'' he says, raising one hand to rest on the side of my face. his thumb brushes my cheek.
''m-mattheo, what are yo-''
''shhh.'' he whispers, ''tell me to stop..'' he says, leaning down slowly, before pressing his lips softly onto mine, just pecking me ever so slightly. he pulls back, trying to look for any distaste on my face, but only finding rosy cheeks and shut eyes.
he presses his lips back onto mine, a little more firm this time, stepping closer to me to pull me in, i kiss back, letting my body relax and melt into the kiss and him. god, him. he's perfect.
i fall even harder.
''times up!!'' i hear pansy yell, the lock on the door jiggles and we jump away from each other, both blushing and flustered messes. pansy opens the door with a smirk, ''did u have fun, lovebirds?'' she giggles. ''don't worry, i'm sure you'll get a turn back in there together at some point.'' she winks.
mattheo smiles at me, a little giddy and lovesick. i blush even more, as we both walk out and sit back down in the circle with all our friends.
lavender scoffs. ''ok. my turn''. she snaps, grabbing the bottle and spinning it. mattheo keeps his eyes on mine the entire time, as i nervously try and avoid all eye contact.
for a second i'm too shocked to even realize who the bottle lands on for lavender. but of course, who other than mattheo. i'm sure she charmed the bottle to definitely land on him. my heart drops, as i quickly look over at him. he looks over at me, ''uh, i don't really think we should lavender...'' mattheo says.
pansy smirks, nudging me with her elbow. ''what happened in there?'' she whispers excitedly. i don't answer though, i stay watching lavender and mattheo intently.
''this is the game mattheo. come on, it'll be fun.'' she exclaims, standing up and walking over it the closet, waiting for him. he glances at me again, ''i won't kiss her..'' he says to me quickly, standing up and joining her.
''oh god'' i mumble, stomach turning a little at the thought of them alone in there. i glance at pansy, ''what is happening'' i whisper in a panic.
i'm just completely and utterly in shock. i kissed him. now he's in there with her. does he like me back? he was the one who kissed me first. and he also said he isn't going to kiss lavender in there. but does he truly mean it? what if she kisses him? i dot want her to kiss him!
i groan, grabbing more alcohol in hopes of calming my nerves.
''calm down, it's going to be okay'' pansy whispers, wrapping her arm over my shoulder.
seven minutes later, mattheo bursts out, wiping his mouth with his sleeve and he doesn't look happy. ''don't you ever pull that shit again'' he snaps at her, coming to sit on the other side of me. i take a breath in, looking over at him.
''you okay?'' i whisper to him.
''i promise i didn't kiss her, when we got in there i told her to just stay on one end and i'd stay the other, but she kind of forced herself onto me and kissed me a-and i pushed her away and came straight out when she did'' he scrambles out.
''no no it's okay, i-i mean even if you did you're allowed..''
''but i don't want to..'' he mumbles. ''oh'' i say, trying to hide my happiness as i hide my smile. he grins at me, a little cheeky grin again.
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after more drinks, more people in the closet, it was mattheo's turn again. he glances at me, winking a little as he spins it and of course, it lands on me.
i gulp.
''what are the chances!!'' pansy exclaims, smiling mischievously at me. i narrow my eyes, suspicious of her.
''c'mon pretty girl'' he mumbles, grabbing my hands and pulling me into the closet again. i try to hide my anxiety, my shyness as he shuts the door and it gets locked.
''i told pansy to come and get us in 20 minutes, by the way. she's going to distract everybody else to play another game, i just wanted some time alone with you'' he says softly, stepping closer to me.
i look up at him. ''i'm sorry if i'm being.. too nervous or anything.. but you know i haven't done any of this before...'' i say softly, smiling a little.
''it's okay, pretty. i know..'' he says gently, tucking some hair behind my ear. ''i'm sorry for, y'know, kissing you out of nowhere. i've managed to stop myself one hundred times before, but you just looked so pretty and... we were alone'' he rambles. ''i just.. i really like you'' he says, smiling at me. ''if that wasn't obvious by now'' he giggled.
my heart just soars out of my chest. ''i like you! too, i mean'' i stuttered.
he sighs, ''god. you're cute'' he presses a soft kiss against my forehead. he then leans down. pressing his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes.
''i lied by the way, i don't just like you. i'm definitely pathetically in love with you.'' he murmurs, before leaning down and connecting our lips together again. firmer, this time, more desperate.
i moan lightly as he kisses me, just urging him on more as he kisses me more and more, his hands holding me as close to him as i can be. my hands grip onto his shirt, as his tongue lightly brushes against my bottom lip. the kiss only gets deeper, and more intense.
''god, i love you'' he practically whimpers against my lips.
i pull back for a breath, as he stares at me so needy, so desperate. something just ignites inside of me, whether it be alcohol, excitement, being insanely in love, or maybe al three.
''i love you, so, so much'' i whisper, stroking my thumb across his rosy cheeks, as he looks at me a little breathless.
''not to come on too strong but if this doesn't mean you're my girlfriend now i might jump out of the windo-''
''yes it means i'm your girlfriend!'' i cut him off eagerly, with a giggle.
''perfect'' he smirks, pressing a soft kiss on my lips again. ''so... wanna go up to my dorm and make out all night?'' he shrugs.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
i hope this was okay :3 thank u all for the love on my last 2 fics, it makes me so so happy. love u angels x
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entitled-fangirl · 3 days
A good father.
Gwayne Hightower x wife!reader
Summary: fatherhood is different than what Gwayne expected. Daeron worries that it will be the same as Otto and Gwayne's relationship.
A/n: so I saw that this was the most voted for the poll so far, so I just decided to write it today! Surprise!
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Otto Hightower had returned to Old Town only days ago, and things could not have been more awkward.
Well, not for Gwayne.
That cocky little shit just said everything that came to mind.
It seemed he liked to battle his father.
"Daeron?" Her soft voice came over the yard.
Young Daeron sat in the garden of Old Town, a frown upon his face. But at the sound of her voice, he turned and his eyes brightened.
Y/n Hightower slowly walked to him. Five months had passed and finally, she was beginning to show the child that was growing inside her. And she seemed to glow all the more for it.
Daeron moved to the side of make room for her on the bench, as well as hold his hand out to her to help her sit.
"Something is bothering you." She stated and pushed his blonde hair behind his ear. 
He shook his head. "It's nothing."
"Daeron," she tried again softly.
She had a way with him. She never had to raise her voice to get her way, for everyone that heard the meek tone of her voice still listened and obeyed. 
"It's Grandsire," Daemon explained. "More… it's the constant bickering."
She nodded, running a hand through his hair affectionately. "Gwayne and his father have never seen eye to eye, not since Alicent became queen. They are just two very different men."
"Is that how all fathers and sons talk?"
She pulled his chin up to make his eyes meet hers, "No. Not all fathers and sons speak in ill regard of one another."
"What if he does it to his own son?"
Her brows furrowed, "What?"
"What if Gwayne speaks like that to the babe?" 
She just realized how his eyes glazed over with tears. "Oh, sweet boy." She pulled him to her. "Gwayne is a man with a temper, but he would not do that. There is a barrier between Gwayne and his father. One that cannot be fixed now, and only because of that do they fight."
Daeron considered her words for a while, "So, because there is no barrier with the babe-"
"-Gwayne will love this child with his entire being, I promise you."
She held him for a while, promising to talk to her husband about it later.
"Might I speak with you?" Her voice echoed out.
Gwayne turned slowly, his face lighting up at her sudden appearance. "You and I both know that you may."
A soft smile came to her lips as she walked to him, "I've missed you as of late."
His head tilted, "I've been here."
She rested her hands on his chest, "Yes, but your mind has been elsewhere."
One of his hands moved to her swollen stomach, "Very much so. My father has been occupying my attention." He scoffed thinking about it, "He's a foolish man."
Her hands rubbed soothingly across his chest. "Even now, you only think of him." She leaned forward and kissed his shoulder, "Don't neglect your wife and future child to argue with your father."
He let out a soft sigh as her words broke his angered facade. "Forgive me."
"No." She leaned against him. "You need to apologize to Daeron."
"Daeron?" He asked in surprise. "Why Daeron?"
"He's worried for you. Well… for the child."
His eyes moved to her to stomach. "I don't understand. He has no reason to worry."
"He's seen the way you bicker with your father."
His hand rubbed up and down, "I'm still rather confused. What does my relationship with my father have to do with the child? Are you alright? Is the babe alright?"
She placed her hand over his, "I am fine."
He tilted his head in worry, "You're sure?"
"I am. Daeron is frightened that you'll speak to our child the way your father speaks to you."
A worried look came over his face, "I would never."
"I know that."
"I did not realize he noticed that."
"I told him I'd speak to you to reassure his worries."
He nodded and looked to her face. "Let me talk to him."
She nodded, "Alright. He should still be outdoors."
Gwayne placed a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'll go now. Wait for me?"
She hummed a questioning noise, "What? Why?"
He grinned, "I want to make up for lost time when I return."
A blush came to her cheeks, "Do make it quick then."
He smoothed down her hair, "I shall."
"Come here, nephew."
Daeron looked up and saw his uncle. He stood and smoothed out his shirt. "Yes, uncle?"
He ruffled the boy's hair and smirked, "I've been told that you're worried about something."
A guilty look crossed the boy's face, "Aunt Y/n told you that?"
"She did. But I want to hear it from you." He pointed to the bench, "Sit." Gwayne sat next to him. "I understand that you worry about the way your grandsire and I speak to one another."
Daeron nodded, "You fight often."
"We do." He wanted to fully explain it all, but his nephew was still a child. "We do not… agree often. That is all."
"You and Aunt Y/n disagree often," he pointed out.
He realized the direction that the boy was going, and was earnestly trying to make him see his side. "I'd never speak negatively to that woman."
"But why is that different to Grandsire?"
"Well, I love my wife," he said immediately.
Daeron's eyes watered, "Do you not love Grandsire?"
"I…" he looked away in thought. "He is my father. Do you love your father, Daeron?"
"I believe I do," he answered. "But I do not know. I've lived here for almost my whole life. I don't know father well at all."
"May I tell you a secret? I do not know my father at all, either." Gwayne leaned back against the bench. "My father has always been in King's Landing with your father. Seems we're the same."
Daeron nodded, "I didn't… I didn't think about that."
Gwayne put a hand on Daeron's shoulder, "I will always stay by the babe's side. I will not part from my family."
The boy relaxed at that. He stared in thought, something clearly bothering him. "What is my mother like?"
Gwayne frowned, "W…What?"
"The queen. What is she like? Surely you know."
"Why not ask your Grandsire?"
"I don't know him well enough. I try to avoid him in all honestly. Is that wrong of me?"
Gwayne considered the thought. "I don't think so. I was very frustrated to see him return too."
The Targaryen prince stared up at his uncle, "Did he treat his wife poorly?"
Gwayne felt a smile come to his face at the mention of his mother. "No. No, he loved her very dearly, as I love my wife." He looked out over the garden. "And Alicent is much like your grandmother. Very headstrong but very kind, and as fiery as the Hightower hair. Or, at least… I think she is. She was." He turned to look at Daeron, "Do you wish to visit your mother at some point?"
"No. I'm content here."
"Are you?" A soft voice interrupted. 
Y/n approached the two, a slight waddle to her step due to her condition.
Gwayne stood up and held his arms out to her. When she was close enough, he helped her sit on the bench. 
She still looked to Daeron. "You're happy here?"
He nodded.
"I'm very glad," she smiled.
Gwayne knelt in front of the boy, "I promise to you that I will love my child unconditionally. Now, I want you to stop worrying. Will you do that?"
Daeron nodded again.
Y/n reached up to smooth the boy's hair, "And you'll still be loved the same when you have a cousin."
"You'll be an excellent cousin," Gwayne chipped in.
"I don't know how to do so. I… I am hardly a brother."
"Do not fret, Daeron. It will come to you naturally," she cooed.
A few months later, Daeron entered the couple's chambers in nervousness, eager to meet his cousin.
Gwayne sat against the headboard of the bed, his exhausted wife leaning against his chest. "Daeron?"
He looked up at his uncle, "Is she alright?"
Gwayne nodded and pulled her just a little closer. "She's perfect."
"And the babe?"
Gwayne looked across the room. 
Otto Hightower sat on the sofa across the room, the babe held securely in his arms. 
It was clear that there was a little tension between the two men.
Otto looked to Daeron, "C'mere."
Daeron walked to his grandsire curiously.
Otto lowered one shoulder to let Daeron see the babe. "A boy."
Daeron's eyes widened, "A boy?"
Gwayne spoke up, "Are you happy?"
He nodded immediately.
Y/n's eyes opened and she let out a groan.
Gwayne shifted her, getting her more comfortable. "Need something?"
"Wanna get up," she whispered. 
Gwayne looked at the others in the room, "Leave us."
Daeron nodded, leaving with the maester.
Otto wanted to be annoyed, but he couldn't. He stood and went to put the babe down, but Gwayne spoke up, "Bring him here."
Y/n's eager arms took the child from Otto. 
Lord Hightower smiled softly, "You'll be a wonderful mother."
She grinned. "I hope so."
Otto then looked to Gwayne. He stared at him for a while. Gwayne was expecting an insult. 
"I was so scared the day you were born."
Gwayne was confused by the sudden confession. "What?"
"The day you were born. I remember the way my hands shook." He looked between the two, "Your mother was so confident."
"I heard she was wonderful," Y/n chirped in softly.
Otto nodded, "She was."
"Gwayne, I need to feed the babe."
Gwayne nodded. "I'll fetch the midwife to help you." He stood and led his father out.
The two walked down the corridor in silence. Finally, Otto spoke. "Your son will be a strong warrior."
"He will be. I'll be here to ensure it," Gwayne said bitterly.
Otto sighed. "We've never gotten along, I understand-"
"-No, you just weren't here."
"I was leading the realm," Otto tried to reason.
"You left," he grunted.
"I am still your father."
"No. Only by blood."
Otto scoffed, "Do not be weak."
"I will raise my son properly. I won't leave my child. And I won't leave my wife." Gwayne grunted. "Something you didn't do."
"Do you believe that I returned here only because I wished to?"
Gwayne stared at him for a while, "I… I do not pretend to understand your choices."
Otto took a step forward, "I was terrified the day you were born. I did not know how to be a father. I didn't have one long enough to learn from him."
Gwayne's head tilted, "And?"
"And…" Otto sighed as his frustration grew. "The king granted me a few months leave. Do you believe I just so happened to time out my arrival with end of your wife's condition and the months after?"
He crossed his arms in annoyance, "What are you saying? You wanted to be here? You wanted to see the child?"
"I WANTED TO SEE YOU!" Otto yelled. "YOU AND YOUR FOOLISH PRIDE!" He brought a hand to his forehead, "I remember the feeling of holding your first child. It is not easy to be a new father and to lead. I only wish to help you in the ways I know how."
"You came back for me?" He asked incredulously.
"Entirely," he admitted. "I see your mother in you. In every word, in every deed. Even in death, she haunts my narrative."
"Would you change your choices if you could restart?"
"Very much."
That was all Gwayne needed to hear. "We are both too stubborn for our own good."
"I want the best for you, Gwayne. I am sorry if I have never stated that. Your wife lives, as does your child. That is the greatest blessing that a man can receive."
"I am well aware," Gwayne smiled lightly. "I… I had to rule Old Town in your absence. I suppose it has been hard to step aside now that you've returned."
Otto smiled. "For now, I wish for you to tend to your family. Leave the rest to me."
Gwayne nodded, "I will." He turned to leave, but hesitated. "Father."
Otto's brows lifted.
Gwayne forced the words out, the feeling new. "Thank you."
Daeron had hidden around the corner, listening to the entire exchange.
"Do promise to write often," Y/n smiled as she held the small infant in her arms.
Otto strapped the last bag onto the horse, "I shall try."
She shifted the babe in her arms, "Gwayne has… spoken well of you, as of late." She smiled teasingly, "Do you know why?"
Otto faked a confused look. "Has he? Haven't the faintest idea."
"Well, know that he does. Perhaps he's only now respecting the challenge that fatherhood brings."
He grinned, "I will pray that your son is only half of the battle that Gwayne is."
She laughed, "He is a Hightower. We both know that a prayer like that is worthless. He will be a fighter until his dying day."
Gwayne walked to the pair, pulling his wife to his side, "When will you return?"
Otto shrugged, "When I am granted leave next. I am uncertain. Care for Daeron for me still."
The red head nodded, "You know I always will."
Y/n stepped forward and kissed Otto's cheek, "We shall await the day you return."
He looked at the two. The love they shared was obvious. "As do I."
He mounted his horse. 
Y/n muttered something about feeding the babe and excused herself, leaving Otto and Gwayne.
"And Gwayne? You're a good father."
He felt a small twist in his gut.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Frat Peter and he's all cocky, but he gets really shy when you're around and his friends keep teasing him about his little crush and how he's putty in your hands and you don't even know?
god i love him so much
“Your girls here, parker.” 
Peter rolls his eyes, as much as he denies no one believes him. You’re not his girl, not by a long shot but god does he wish you were. The jab still couldn’t stop him from swiveling his neck, sure enough you were laughing with friends, your wide smile made him smile too. You looked so pretty, he’s never seen someone fill out clothes the way you do. 
He needs to find a way to talk to you, it started as group partners and he may have played a little dumb to get you to study with him, just for some one on one time. Since then you’ve gotten closer, and everyday he feels more and more like a lovesick puppy. He’d do anything you ask, just so he can prove he could make you happy. 
“Pong, let’s go, parker.” 
Peter wants to whine like a toddler, he wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on you. Not that he needs to, and definitely not to scare off a potential suitor, he just wants to make sure you’re safe, that’s all. He looks you over again, you’re with friends and he thinks you’ll be alright. 
Right before he can turn back to his brothers your eyes flicker up, meeting his you send a grin. Peter’s been caught, he’s been looking over you for a minute and that smile said ‘caught you,’ it made his cheeks warm, a faint blush coats his cheeks and you can’t help but watch as his friends hoop and shake his shoulders, causing him to nearly run to the garage for a game of beer pong. 
Peter doesn’t know how long he’s been playing. He knows it’s been about three games, and he’s trying to act the perfect amount of buzzed. What he does know is that time stopped when you came looking for him, his ears picking up on your fluttery soft voice pushing for apologies.
“Do you know where peter is?” 
Wasted white girl looks appalled you asked, “who the fuck is peter?” 
“Oh. Um, parker?” 
Wasted white girl drags out an ‘oh,’ then points in his general direction, you raise on tiptoes, looking over the shoulders in the cramped room, catching sight of his snapback, turned backwards. You started to make your decent, politely excusing yourself and apologizing when you rub up against someone. 
You think about tapping his shoulder, but you’re a menace. You tug at his hat, pulling it off his head, before you can complete the task his hand grips your wrist, a dull tone comes from his mouth. 
“Don’t do that.” 
Your hand drops, you didn’t know there was a boundary there. 
“I’m sorry!” 
His head whips to yours, wide eyed and flushed. 
“I didn’t know it was you! You can do that, you have my permission.” 
His teammate, Ethan, if you remember correctly, coughed into his hand, one word slipping from his mouth made Peter jerk his shoulder into his. “Simp.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, “peter’s not a simp, that’s mean. You should say sorry.” 
Ethan is having fun, “oh trust me, if you knew what I know, you would call him a simp too.” Peter, in a panic, rips his hat off his head and throws it on yours, it falls over your eyes, you fix it with enough time to watch Peter mumble out “watch it,” before directing all his attention on you. 
“Looking good.” 
You do a spin for him, “think I can pledge next year?” 
“You have my vote.” 
Ethan had to bite back another simp comment. 
“Can you do me a favor?” 
Rushed, “anything.” 
Ethan can’t help his snort, he tries to hide it behind clearing his throat. 
Peter wants to kill his friend. 
“I’ve been ditched and I really have to pee, so would you mind watching my drink?” 
Peter holds out a hand to take it, his palm covering the open mouth. “It would be my honor.” 
You smile at him, “thanks, be right back.” 
“Five minutes and I come looking.” 
That was new, it was protective. It made you feel warm and safe inside, he was a really good friend. You promised you would be back, but the line was longer than you expected and you were unable to complete the task in just a few minutes. 
Peter kept count, and like he said, went looking. Ethan’s pissed that they’ve now lost the game to a forfeit, all because Peter was head over heels in a gushy crush. You bound down the steps in time to see Peter getting aggravated by his friend, you couldn’t help but overhear.
“You know this is super entertaining, right?” 
“Shut up, Ethan.” 
“It’s adorable. The way you run after her, bending to her will. Who knew parker had a bitch in him.” 
In one quick motion Peter had him pinned to the wall. 
“Don’t ruin this for me. I’m gonna make a move, alright? She makes me nervous and I’m not used to this, okay?” 
“Ask her on a fucking date, I’d put a thousand on the line she’d say yes.” 
You wonder who he’s talking about, you have more than an inkling it’s you but Peter’s never seemed interested, just a good friend. It must have been someone else. 
“I’m not betting on Y/N, I like her too much.” 
Oh fuck. He is talking about you, and it makes you warm and fuzzy all over. 
Ethan is right, you would say yes. 
You duck your head down, pressing against the bars on the stairway. 
“I’m okay with you betting on me, take the grand and then take me out on a nice date.” 
Peter’s eyes blew up, he wanted to punch Ethan. He also wanted to thank him. 
“It’s not like that!” Peter feels his brain melt, stop talking, why are you talking?  
You frown, “it’s not?” 
Ethan tries to push his head against the wall, his chin poking up high to get a view of you crouched down. “It is like that, you heard him.” He gags when Peter presses his forearm against his throat, it’s not meant to hurt, just silence. 
“Well, if it is like that, and I make you nervous, there really isn’t a need cause I would say yes.” 
Peter’s arm drops, “come here.” 
Ethan takes this as his moment to escape, you watch the stairs as you follow them down, narrowly missing a spilled beer. Peter meets you at the bottom of the staircase, he hands you over the drink he’d been watching. 
“Thank you.” 
“No problem.” 
You blinked at the boy, he stood there and looked at his hat on your head. You waited until it started to get awkward. 
“If you don’t ask, I will, then I’ll have ripped the rights from you. You’ll have to tell our grandkids you chickened out.” 
That doesn’t sound bad to him, but he thinks the least he can do is get the words out. 
“I would really, really like to take you out for dinner, is that okay?” 
You chew your cheek, “what’s your policy on kissing before the first date?” 
“It should be a thing.” 
You bite your lower lip to hide your smile, it didn’t work. 
“Wanna make it a thing?” 
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strangerxperv · 3 months
Y'all seem to really like step bro Eddie (I can see those votes you naughty bitches) so here's a lil thot.
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Warning: smut/ minors DNI, step bro Eddie, Eddie is a warning, he's also manipulative, unprotected sex, breeding, edging, Eddie runs his mouth a lot, and your both drunk off sex.
Eddie's been begging you to let him fuck you for months. You've held steady by refusing him at every turn stating that it's taboo. It would be crossing the line if the both of you were to have sex.
Kissing in secret is one thing. Letting him fuck your pussy with his tongue is reasonable. Choking down Eddie's cock, fair. But letting your step brother fuck you? Out of the question.
You aren't one to not compromise and that's how he's landed you on your back. Legs spread wide with Eddie's warm hands under your knees. Pressed firmly on your bare bouncing fat tits. Your small hands are wrapped around you to keep his dick in place.
The leaky cherry red tinted a pretty purple is smashed against your stiff clit. It dribbles precum which pools over your clit to seep into your pulsing heat. He fucks over your cunt like a man possessed.
Fucking you to the edge but never letting you fall over and over again. The man himself has spilled his seed spraying over your cute jiggling tummy. But he never stopped fucking you.
It's been so long that your brain has completely melted and long since dripped from your desperate depths. You want to cum so bad you'll do anything the curly haired man wants. You'll even break your own rules.
"Please! Eddie! -Mmm- please, just fuck me-" your breathless whines gasping out through swollen lips.
"Why should I? You said it yerself. I can't fuck my sweet lil sis, 's too taboo, but this way I'll get to pretend-" Eddie's smirk is so mean you can't help it as tears streak over plump cheeks.
"P-p-pleeEEeease! Please, am sorry and I don't care if i's wrong! I wan' your cock in my pussy! Please! I'll be good an' I'll do anything, I swear!" Your sobs are exactly what your big brother wants to hear.
"Oh yeah? You sure that's a good idea? I don't have any condoms..." His hands slip out from under your knees one dragging your hand from between you. His hands hold yours above your head as his shoulders support your legs. Eddie's throbbing erection is sandwiched by both your bodies. His lips brush your ear, "Baby, you aren't on birth control. Won't that really cross the line? Knocking you up?"
"I wan' it! Wanna have your babies! No one makes me feel so good or loves me so well, please." Your hands clench around his as if imploring him, hoping he'll ravage you.
"Such a good girl. Gon' make a good mama too-" Eddie angles his hips till his tip is kissing your quivering hole, "We're gon' make such pretty babies," Finally he sinks into your cunt with easy. The man has been edging you for so long your slick pussy welcomes him, "Fuck! Fuckfickfu-!"
He's thrusts are relentlessly deep where no one has ever dared to reach. His phallus punches in fast succession against your cervix. It stings in such a pleasant way your breath catches, "and I'm gonna- heh- im gonna teach 'em music."
"Eddie-!" You squeal with your head thrown back, "I's too much!! Too deep!!"
"No, s'not. Not enough. Need more an' 'm gon' give you more!" His words are slurred slack jawed and pussy drunk above you, "Godda be deep, baby, so ya can get knocked up."
For the second time tonight you wonder what you've gotten into.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Kinda Perfect
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Summary: It's a girls' night out and Harry shows up, but you decide not to let your new friend Tiffany know that Harry is your boyfriend.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1230
A/N: Real Harry x y/n, written in 2017. Originally an oc, edited to be a reader fic. Thanks for voting for me to repost all these silly little fics lol. I used to refer to these as blurbs or drabbles, but I think the definitions have changed over the years. They will still be listed under one shots on my masterlist, but they are shorter than most of my other one shots, around 1200-1600 words.
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"Oh my God!" Tiffany shouted before immediately covering her mouth with her hand.
"What is it?" you asked, swirling your straw around your glass.
"Is that..." she leaned closer to you in the booth and whispered loudly, "Harry Styles?"
Your eyes followed her gaze across the room where indeed you spotted the tall, handsome man.
"Oh. Yeah," you smirked.
"Wow. Have you seen him here before?"
You nodded. "A few times."
Tiffany sighed, sitting back. "He's so..."
You raised a brow. "So what?"
You jutted out your bottom lip as you pretended to consider her comment. "You think?"
"God, yes. Don't you?"
You chuckled lightly. "I suppose so."
Just then, your best friend Linda returned from the restroom with Jan. Scooting into the booth across from you, Linda grinned at you.
"He's here, did you see?" she cocked her head toward the front of the room where Harry stood.
"Yes," you eyed her.
She bit her lip as she acknowledged your intent.
"Are you talking about Harry?" asked Tiffany, your new oblivious friend.
"Yeah," Linda said quickly before lifting her beer.
"Do you guys know him or something?"
"Oh, yeah, he's Y/N's-" Jan began before you kicked her under the table. "Ouch!"
You watched Tiffany's eyes widen as she gasped. "He's your what?"
"Friend," Linda finished.
"Yeah, friend," Jan grimaced as she rubbed her shin.
"Oh! How lucky. Does that mean...I get to meet him?"
Your gaze shifted between your two other friends who just looked at you dumbfounded. Then you addressed Tiffany nonchalantly.
"Oh gosh! Um...maybe I should go to-"
Tiffany's words stopped abruptly when she saw the tall figure walking toward you. You bit your tongue and held my breath as Harry stepped up to your table, an easy grin on his face.
"Hello, ladies," he greeted.
"Hi, Harry," Jan and Linda said in unison.
He raised his brows at you, noticing my silence. You lifted your hand and wiggled your fingers in a poor attempt of a wave. You could practically feel the nerves emitting from Tiffany as she stared up at him.
"Harry, this is our friend, Tiffany," you said.
With typical Harry Styles charm, his smile widened to reveal his perfect teeth as he held out his hand.
"Hello, Tiffany."
"Lovely to meet you," she replied in a slightly shaky voice.
You giggled to yourself as Harry's eyes locked on Tiffany's, and you saw her blush. You could feel Linda and Jan looking at you, but you knew if you turned my head you'd lose your cool.
"Are we having drinks?" asked Harry when he let go of Tiffany's hand.
"Yep," answered Jan, lifting her nearly empty glass.
"Need another one, I see. I'll be right back."
Harry patted his hand against the table, his rings clicking, before turning in the direction of the bar. However, he was stopped mid-way by a couple other people that he knew, and because he was always so polite, he engaged them in conversation.
"I should probably just get my own drink," remarked Jan with a smirk.
"He's kind of a dork," scoffed Linda.
"Are you kidding me?" asked Tiffany incredulously. "He's kinda perfect."
You dropped your head to keep from laughing as you heard Linda snicker.
"What? What did I say?"
"No guy is perfect," Linda answered. "Even Harry Styles."
"Well, I beg to differ." Tiffany sat back and crossed her arms. "Of course I could never be so lucky to get a guy like that."
"Oh c'mon, Tiff, yes you could," said Jan.
"No way," Tiffany shook her blonde curls. "He's way out of my league."
"Eh, he's not so great," you commented. "He's just like any other guy. He curses and smells sometimes."
Tiffany's jaw dropped as she glared at you. "But you're friends with him. Surely you know how amazing he is."
You shrugged. "I mean, he's cute, I'll admit. And he's funny. But he's...kind of overrated. He's annoying as fuck."
"I have a hard time believing that," Tiffany laughed.
"It's true," you rolled your eyes. "And he's not even a good kisser."
The collective gasp at the table was audible as you realized what you'd just said.
"You've kissed him?" Tiffany whined.
"Um...whoops," you mumbled.
Your eyes met Linda's as she shook her head, silently telling you you'd gone too far. You sucked in your lips and looked up, hoping to God Harry hadn't decided on that moment to stroll back to your table. You were relieved when you saw he was still chatting with a small group of people.
"Did...did you guys date?"
"Um..." you grabbed you cocktail and took a hesitant sip, prolonging your reply. Fortunately Jan took the liberty of replying for you.
"You could say that."
"Oh," Tiffany sighed. "What hap- I mean...why aren't you...um...never mind. It's none of my business."
Before you could say anything else and let her know it was okay, Harry returned to your booth with a glass in each hand. He set them in front of Jan and Tiffany who both smiled and said thank you. Then with a smirk, he beckoned you. Sliding out of the booth, you followed him to the bar where he handed you a drink. As you took a sip, he slipped his hands around your waist.
"I missed you," he whispered in your ear.
"Me too," you said softly before planting a soft kiss on his jaw.
"Mmm," he sounded at the touch. "What time can we leave?"
You chuckled, looking down at your cocktail. "I told you it's a girls' night tonight."
"All night?"
"Mmhmm," you nodded.
"So when do we get a Harry and Y/N night?"
"Maybe when you stop following me everywhere," you teased.
"'m not following you," he laughed with a hint of a pout.
Blinking slowly, you looked up at him. "Do you wanna be with me, H?"
Lifting his brows, he nodded. "Yeah."
Tilting your head slightly, you raised your hand to brush his cheek before kissing his lips. "Then be with me."
Turning for the booth, you made your way to the other side and sat down next to Tiffany. You saw that she was fiddling with a napkin, folding the corners until they met in the middle, then opening it up only to do it over again. Your heart sank in your chest. You felt horrible.
"I'm sorry," you murmured.
"It's okay," she blinked, not taking her focus from the napkin.
"No, that was cruel of me. I thought I'd have a little laugh, playing a little trick to see if you'd catch on. But it backfired. I'm really sorry."
You felt Harry sit down on the other side of you as he reached across the table to give Linda her glass. You heard her say thanks as Tiffany shrugged and looked at you.
"It really is okay," she smiled. "So you are together?"
A hand touched your back then, and you felt a warmth surge through your body. Swallowing hard, you nodded. "It's still really new...but yeah."
"I'm happy for you," Tiffany said. "I just hope you know how lucky you are."
You sighed as Harry's fingers traveled up your back and then down your arm until his hand found yours.
"I think I do," you grinned as you squeezed his hand. "And you're right. He is kinda perfect."
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If you enjoyed, please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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asmolfolk · 4 months
Married! Boothill with kids.
"Oh, to be the one who married Boothill… A dream that yours truly writer would love to live. So, did you even think about it?"
Idea: Married Boothill with kids. Fandom: Honkai Star Rail. Character: Boothill. Genre: Fluffy and a tiny tiny lil' bit of angst! There's a small mention of sex too. TW? Spoilers/leaks ahead! ─────────────────────────── As you guys voted: Boothill with kids it is! Just to make sure you all know, the first part is HIM as a Husband. AFTER THAT It's him as a dad. It was really fun doing this as this was something that I thought about with him with my Yume <3 Also: If you take inspiration or use this as a reference, please TAG ME!! I RLLY WANT TO SEE! I will do way more Boothill too! So stay tunned, the next one will be: "One last time." A short-fic~
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When you were about to proclaim your title as "HIS PARTNER", you could see the way that his eyes shined as he looked at you. For once, it was certain: This man was IN LOVE with you. The way he seemed to be completely lost in your eyes as you talked to him, The way he would hold your hands… For the first time in forever, you saw him so vulnerable. And, then, when you two looked at each other and finally kissed. It wasn’t a kiss like the many others you two would share, it was… Sweet, it was gentle and held on a flame that you could never think that someone could feel.
As the day would pass by... You were sure you married the right man, he's eyes showed nothing but devotion, love and everything else you could EVER imagine to have someone looking you as. He literally seemed to be falling in love with you a hundred times PER second.
You saw how... Sad he looked as he would see the family of your friends, but then... It was just one look at you and you could almost read exactly what he was thinking: "I also DO have a family now."
But, enough with that! Let’s talk about how he IS as a Married man.
At first, you didn’t notice it but he would look at you for longer, his eyes were always checking on you - as If he was scared to see you disappear if his eyes were somewhere else. Every Time you talked, he would immediately look at you with those big heart eyes. [I swear! Instead of a gun point, it looks like this:] (Also, just wanted to point out that he canonically blushes - the shy expression - even at his nose.)
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(I edited those images!! - The little hearts and the blushing)
I SWEAR! He looks so blushy and shy, but don't be tricked by that fool expression! He is going to say some really romantical stuff out of nowhere, always trying to make you blush just like him. Not only that, but Boothill also seems to LOVE messing with you... But can't quite handle you making this back, at least, not in the beginning.
"Doll, aren't ya' the prettiest being in the universe? I could swear ya' were one of those goddess of beauty that the red haired knight would tal' about." - He would smile as he hold your hand, bringing it closer to his lips - "I could jus' survive by looking at you." His words were always so sweet and full of love, he could NEVER say something bad about you - Also because of his beacon. He would always try to make you feel loved by his words, even more after being married to you.
 As your husband, he would always be close to you. Normally, he loves to make you feel his face… It’s the only place he can feel it too. So, he loves EVERYTHING that could work with that.  He would let his head resting on your lap, chest, belly, shoulder - ANYTHING. His head slowly turned into something that he communicates BEAUTIFULLY with you about.  Sometimes, you compare him to an animal - More specifically a dog or a fox - because they would usually rub their head against their owners or to receive more attention.  Even so, it was nice. Even if he was a bit heavy, those moments could be cherished as really important.
It was close to noon, still… Boothill was laying his head against your chest not even moving a finger while he recharged and kept his eyes closed. You were sleeping, he knew you were tired and he didn’t let you do anything else before you could receive a good sleep for some minutes. He swore to wake you up before it was too late for your compromise. When it hitted the exact hour you asked him to wake you up, he immediately started to try to wake you. He didn’t even think about letting you sleep, if you INSISTED on going: It was important and he TRULY didn’t want to ruin anything you were on. “Doll? Partner! Spouse.” - When you finally woke up or stopped asking for more minutes, he would hold you even closer - “It’s time for you to do your stuff.” When he did that, he knew it was only a favor but he always loved when you gave him a kiss or a praise for waking you in time. They were more than just happy to help you out. As he received his reward for waking you up, he would help around anything you needed as you did your own thing.
He would show you off... But not in THAT strange way, no. He would proudly show everyone EVERYTHING you did - with your consent. You are an artist? Well, pal, seems like Pom Pom and the WHOOOLE Astral express LOVES your art, even the unimpressed trailblazer. [They asked you to make... A drawing of them and a trashcan falling in love?-]  You make outfits? Seems like Argenti and others fashion and beauty freaks are making lots and lots of commissions.  You BAKE?! Well, sweetie. For the first time, you saw lots of Galaxy Rangers at your door, asking for your prices and sweets.  You KNOW that this was ALL him. But, even though you could think that he was trying to help you out - He would confess that he just couldn't stop talking about you to them.  He is the sweetest cyborg hubby.
“My husband…” - You didn’t even need to call for him again, he stopped cleaning his guns and immediately came to you - “Could you perhaps explain to me why a lot of people started calling me and following me on social media?” “Oh… About that, darlin’… I may or may not talk about your skills at the bar…” - You couldn’t even get mad. He was at a BAR and the only thing he did was talk about you and drink, it was… Strangely nice, you felt a little tingle' in your heart as you heard him talk about what he said. You couldn’t even handle a laugh while you told him that it was okay.
As your husband, you should’ve known that he would do anything AND everything to just see you smile. He was already like this… But you DID NOT expect how far he would go. If he saw you sad, he would sit down and ask you about everything. He believes in trust and that THINGS can be solved talking [with words or guns] and he WOULD NEVER try to buy your happiness.  Not only that, he knows how to make you feel better. He made sure to remember every forking time you were feeling bad and he helped you… He always made sure to remember: What worked, what didn’t work, what helped a bit and what you HATED.
”Darlin’, you can’t be in your room forever.” - He heard a low (Watch me) from you and he chuckled - “I know ya’ are upset, but, lemme tell ya’ something darlin’... I just bought the whole Phantom of the Opera Musical and the Movie to watch with you and sing too… But I guess our musical karaoke can wait”  The moment you came out of the room, you were met with Boothill wearing the Phantom’s mask. “Now, come, my Angel of Music… Let’s start that thing.”
Just a bonus: I’m OBSESSIVE over Musicals. I love them so much!! And I think that Boothill would love them too, at first: He would say that he doesn’t like them that much: The only ones he saw were really poorly made.  But when you showed them your FAVS? THEY WERE IN LOVE! He started to sing along with you, loving the way you would always pick the best couples to interpret as.  The first musical he loved was The Addam’s Family: He was the Gomez of your Mortícia. You two would sing along so sweetly that you thought about submitting to be them.  Also: Never show Dear Evan Hansen to him, he will NOT stop trying to cry for a MONTH or WORSE. (Or do show.)
 As your husband… Oh, dear. His kisses were the BEST!! He CAN’T go one day without kissing you at least three times in a day. He loves feeling your lips, he loves taking your breath out and letting you feel all hot and bothered. Knowing that - even with that metal body - can make you blush and shy away or giggle or just look at him full of love was enough for him.
 “Please… Again.” - He would ask and, as always, you would indulge. You kissed him, he would hold you so close that you thought he was trying to merge with you - “Ya’ are so… Amazing.” - He said, with a big smile while backing away for one second - “I could lose myself… In those big ol’ eyes of ya’” “Then, why don’t you?” “I want to still be able to live with ya’, to feel you… Not only to observe but to be present. If I were to lose myself on ya’ every time, where would I have the time to show ya’ my whole forking affection?”
As your husband… He would never let you without aftercare. He would clean you up and let you relax as he does all the work, he is never tired, not after the modifications… So he doesn’t really need a rest. When he came across you, he finally noticed how cute you were. Letting you rest and caressing your head, he would pick you up to the bath… He would take care of you just like you always did with him.
”Are ya’ okay, darlin’? Want something?” - He asked as he massaged your back while you relaxed at the bath - “Food, water… Anything?” “Hmmm… Juss… Keep this up.” - You would answer, almost sleeping. His massage skills have improved a lot since the first time he did it, it was incredible - “I’m so… Tired, I just want to sleep.” “Hah… Aren’t ya a sleepy one? Well, I can do that for you.” - Again, he would take care of you… Even if it means learning new skills, learning how to hold you while drying you with a towel, learning how to help you put on your clothes or to just lead you to the bedroom. Learning how to look at your face and control himself to not kiss you: You were tired, he should NOT make any move to start something more right now. Learning how to hug you, learning how to let his head rest on your shoulder… Learning how it feels to hear your heart, learning how good it is to sleep hearing it.
As your Husband, you can always expect good things from him… But there was one thing you never expected. When he told you about his family. [Spoilers/Leaks ahead!!]  He was always so… Cheerful and silly while with you, you never DID expect to be meeted with such a cruel and terrifying backstory.  The way he told you about his family… About that little girl that he took care of, about his daughter. How she died… How he lost EVERYONE in one day. One day was enough.  He explained that… He truly felt like you could disappear if he didn’t try to make things right, if he didn’t protect you enough.
 When he stopped for a second, looked at his hands… You didn’t expect the words that followed: “I… Never thought I would find a family again or someone to care about me. Not in this condition, I…’m so forking grateful to have meeted ya’. Not one freaking day I passed without loving you even more.”
 “Darlin’, ya saw my bad sides… You saw how disgusting I look… And even so, ya still keep around… I don’t know why, I don’t even want to know why you stayed… In my head, it doesn’t matter why… I love you.”
“Sorry for that big talk, but ya know how I am sometimes;”
As your husband and future Father, he would try to see if he could get you pregnant… If not, he would suggest adopting and then, you hitted him with an idea… That he loved: “What if we adopted kids from destroyed planets by the Ipc? Kids that live in shelters.” He knew, YOU were the one for him FOR SURE!
“Dove, you are a genius!” He would say, holding you and twirling you around - “I knew it! I knew it!... I knew that you were always the right one.”
As a father, Boothill would probably adopt as many as he could. So I won’t tell you numbers exactly… But he would have a lot, he would be a total girl’s dad. Sweets, you could EVEN SEE: Boothill having their make-up done by the girls, playing with dolls with them, letting them play with his hair and the list goes on and on. You knew he would be a good dad and he exceeds your expectations. He would be so gentle and calm with the kids that many would think that he is another person: But you knew more than them. You would see him always playing, always making them laugh… And, of course: You would always be involved. It was NEVER always: “Just Dad and the Girls”, you were close. In any activity that you could participate in, the kids and Boothill were more than happy to have you around. The kids, some in 4~5, others newborns… Others almost or are teenagers, would be so happy playing and just studying with their papa.
”PAPA! MOMMA! LOOK!” - One of the oldest showed you their report card, they were an +A student - “I’m so so happy!! Are y’all proud of me?!” It was in a second, Boothill was holding the teenager - That he named Aponi - while screaming of happiness. “THAT’S MA GIRL! YOU SHOWED THAT FORKING PAPER WHO IS THE BOSS!” - He would cheer up with you. “We are so proud, Apo! You studied so much… You deserve a break… How about your favorite place for tonight? I know you wanted to go there.” “R-Really?! We can go!?” “Why, of course! You know that we just want your happiness more than anything… And, if that place makes you happy: It makes us happy too. Thank you for your hard work, Aponi… You did soo great!” “Yeah, gal, you deserve every compliment! But just so y’know… If you want something else, just ask me and I’ll buy it for ya.”
As a father: He pampers his kids a lot… You could ask him to stop, but he wouldn’t. He has the money, the resources EVERYTHING to make this worth it… So he wants to, he wants - more than anything - to make this right.  He couldn’t pamper his daughter properly and he CAN’T handle the thought that he may not be able to pamper any of his kids. He NEEDS to pamper, he feels like an obligation.  Sometimes, you need to step up and try to put limitations on what he’s doing. He still needs to understand somestuff.
”Dear, you know that Kiona is only 5 months old, right? What’s she going to do with 8 pokemon’s plushies and those pokemon cards?”  “She likes watching it… So I bought it so when she grows up, she will still have those.”
“Dear… I told you not to buy more of those for Nashoba. He needs to take better care of his teeths and the doctor told us to control the candies.”  “I know, I know… But it was only one…” ... “Dear… Are you giving your credit card to a 12 year old?”  “WHAT- Nooo… She just wanted to buy things for herself like a big girl, but I’m going to be right at her side!”
As a father: He wouldn’t scream at his kids… NEVER. He would never even raise a hand, he would always talk and make sure that they KNOW that this IS a safe place. If you do something wrong, he is going to take care of it… YOU all are going to take care of it together.  Even when his kid came across with a sad face while asking for forgiveness when they didn’t pass with all A+ and they started crying because they were scared that they would be sent alway… Boothill was hella mad but, right in front of his child, he would calm them, saying that they did their best and he would boost them up.  Telling them that their grades were awesome and that they were so intelligent. Boothill would concentrate on what he KNOWS his kids like and praise them for it…  As for the situation mentioned while you take care of the other children… He would have “a talk” with the kids' old parents.
”Booth-... Oh, I see.” You saw him, without any blood, but by his expression: You knew he killed them - “Are you okay?” “I’m better now… I discovered the whole scheme about those muddle-fudgers… They got what they deserved.”  “I’m proud of you.” - You said, holding his hand and letting his head fall into your chest - “Thank you for protecting our children…”
As a father, you knew that Boothill would do anything for your kids. It didn’t matter if they were adoptive or biological, he would treat them the EXACT same. Of course, he would spend a lil’ bit more time with those who want to follow his path… But, he would never let the others feel jealous about that.  Not only this but he would also show the kids some skills he has. He would sing them songs, give them musical instruments if they are interested in… They would form a lil’ band together and you would be their singer.  The kids were in love with that idea, even the ones who weren’t interested in music would participate: Dancing, making drawings, outfits and etc etc etc.
”Ohhh! Those are so cute!” - Said March 7 looking at your kids drawings - “Your kids are so talented!”  The Astral Express became one of your kids favorite spots, even so that some of them want to become one.  The sweet look on Welt's face when one of them told him that they wanted to become just like him.  The look on Himeko’s face when one of the kids revealed that they didn’t like coffee until they tried hers.  The look on March's face when the lil’ girl called for her, saying that she loved March and that she would always appreciate the photos they took together.  The look on Dan Heng’s face when the quiet kid told him that they would love to be like him and take care of the databank.  The look on the Trailblazer’s face when one the kids helped them to search for trash cans and even complimented the trash cans with them.  The look on PomPom’s face when one the youngest said their name.  Oh, the Astral Express LOVES your kids. They let them enter ANY time and would love to babysit them.
As a father, you knew that Boothill made them love you even more, you knew that by the way the kids asked about you guys' love life once they grew up. The more romantical ones would dream loudly about how they would wish to have a romance like that - making Papa Boothill notice how fast your kids were growing.  And, when you asked about who they wanted to be with… The answers came fastly. It was a big difference between other relationships, they were open with you two. They - YES - would tell if they were uncomfortable talking about something, but, even so… The ones who weren’t would tell you guys everything.
”I met this really cute boy at Xianzhou! He was soo cute!” - One of your kids said - “I thought to myself: They are so skilled and such a cute lil’ fellow.”  “Sis, you are younger than him.”  “Lemme praise him for a second!!”
As a father, he was more than happy to have a family. He would be happy with just you… But with all of them, they remind him so much of his first daughter… Of his siblings. He, to himself, would wish that they could see him right now… And be sure:
”It took a while for me… But, now… I have a family again. My two families will always be together in my heart.”
So, we reached the end! Hope you guys enjoyed it and that this made your day a bit brighter. As someone who sees Boothill as a comfort character, having people interested on my writting for him is such a nice touch. I can only thank you guys for your support and for reading until here. Thank you. If anyone wishes to be in the taglist for upcomming Boothill's oneshots, headcanons and imagines - Please tell me! And for those who wanted Angst, maybe I'll do the angst one someday <3
Taglist: @spaeko, @4onlyyouruse.
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punkshort · 7 months
somewhere to run | 10. austin
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Pairing: sheriff!Joel x f!reader
Chapter Summary: You and Joel travel to Austin to meet with a lawyer.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, hurt/comfort, flirting, sexual tension, emotional abuse, infidelity, some recapping of DV and SA situations but nothing new, smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected (reader previously mentions she's on bc) piv sex
WC: 6.6K
A/N: I have started a notification blog - @punkshort-notifs if you are interested in following for fic updates (but I will be keeping the tag list for this series until it is over)
Series Masterlist
One Month Later
Life carried on the way it always does. Without permission, regardless of any pain or suffering, it always remained a constant. Whether you were present or not, whether you wanted to acknowledge it or hide from it, it didn't matter, because life always carried on.
The first week was the worst. A week of what you could only describe as depression. A week of being alone. Safe, but terribly alone. Going to work helped distract you, until he came in for lunch like always and it felt like your heart was being torn in two all over again. And you could tell it hurt him, too, but you both seemed willing to withstand the pain over not seeing each other at all. Because even though it hurt, it was a reminder you were alive. A reminder that you could still care enough about somebody else, despite everything.
The second week was when you could no longer smell him in your bed. You woke up one morning, eyes barely even open as you searched around the pillowcase, then the sheets, grabbing and pulling at the fabric, desperate to seek out his scent to no avail.
The third week was when you finally didn't have to fight the urge to call or text him, even though he said you could, you knew it would just make things harder. And he must have agreed because he didn't reach out, either.
The fourth week was when you began to feel like you were finally coming out of your slump. You could go to the grocery store or pharmacy and didn't feel your heart skip a beat, you didn't scan the parking lot for his truck in the hopes of running into him. You didn't stop thinking about him, but it just hurt less. That is, until you ran into Hailey coming back from work one evening.
She was out on the sidewalk, cleaning up some garbage from the picnic tables in front of the pizzeria when you waved and caught her eye. You could immediately tell something was wrong by the pained smile she gave you.
"Hey," she said, the smile not reaching her eyes as she leaned up against her broom.
"What's going on?" you asked her. "Haven't seen you in a while."
"Yeah, I know, sorry. Work's been-" she waved in the direction of the propped open door and shook her head. "But I've been meaning to talk to you."
"It's about book club," she said, dropping her gaze to the ground. "And I just want to let you know, I voted against it-"
"They don't want me back, do they?" you offered, trying to make it easier for her. She sighed and shook her head.
"It's all so stupid, I'm sorry," she said, looking up at you again. "Nikki's got all those old ladies wrapped around her finger and they're just pissed Joel dumped her for... well, y'know."
"They know we aren't together, right? I mean, I'm married..." you trailed off, not wishing to go into too much detail when you knew eventually when you went to court, all your dirty laundry would be aired.
"Yeah, they do. Still, they blame you, and it's stupid, like I said. They should be mad at Joel, it's not like it's your fault, and I swear I tried explaining that-"
"It's okay," you said, holding up your hand and giving her a sad smile. "I appreciate it, but it's fine. I have a lot coming up, anyway. I won't find that much time to read."
"But we can still hang out! Do you wanna go get drinks this weekend? Or maybe see a movie?" Hailey asked, and you could tell she genuinely felt bad.
"Yeah, either of those sound great," you said. "I'll text you and we can figure something out."
You made a hasty exit and dragged yourself up the stairs to your apartment. Even though you probably wouldn't have continued to go, the rejection still stung.
For a while, the silence was deafening. Without a TV to even distract you, leaving you with endless amounts of time to overthink, you were worried you were going insane. You lucked out recently and found a decent TV at a thrift store, so you at least had something to occupy your time, although you knew it would be short lived. In a couple days, you had an appointment to meet with a law firm in Austin. An appointment Joel had set up and offered to attend with you, and at the time, you were so desperate for anything to do with him, you agreed, but now you were wondering if that was a bad idea. Almost two hours in the car alone with Joel? No, that didn't seem like a good idea at all.
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"Whadd'ya mean, you wanna drive separate?" Joel asked as you refilled his coffee. "That doesn't make any sense. Waste of gas."
"Yeah, but I was thinking of staying an extra day. Check out the city," you lied, turning your back to him so he wouldn't be able to see through you.
You cringed at the word, but nodded. The little dinner bell rang in the window and your eyes jumped up just in time to see Thor put Joel's sandwich on the small shelf. You grabbed the plate and set it down in front of him, his eyes still boring into you, waiting for a better explanation.
"I think it'll just be easier," you said quietly, the words only meant for his ears. When he connected the dots, he leaned back in his chair and nodded.
"Oh," he said, gaze drifting down to his food. "That's a shame. I was lookin' forward to it."
"I'm sorry," you told him, grabbing a rag and pretending to wipe down the counter so your conversation didn't invite gossip and speculation. "So was I. That's the problem."
"And if I promise to behave myself, would you reconsider?" he teased, finally making you smile a little.
"I think you're incapable of behaving yourself, Sheriff," you replied, making him chuckle.
This was what your relationship had been reduced to: quick, flirty exchanges over coffee and turkey clubs. You supposed it was better than nothing.
"C'mon, it's just a couple hours. If you want, you can nap or listen to music," he said, picking up his sandwich and taking a bite.
"Fine," you relented, but only because once you offered taking two cars out loud, you realized how stupid it sounded.
"Pick you up at 7?" he asked around a mouth full of food.
"Sure. Do I need to prepare anything? I've never gotten this far in the process before," you told him, suddenly feeling nervous.
"Nope. Helen already sent over all the reports and once the process gets started, they'll reach out to whatever hospital you went to back in Philly to get your emergency room medical reports," he explained, and you nodded along, feeling fidgety. "I'm sure they'll do some more digging while they're at it. Reach out to his police captain and all that."
"Right," you said, biting your nail.
"One step at a time, alright?" he told you softly, picking up on your nerves. "You already did your part, now let the lawyers do theirs."
"But I'll have to testify," you reminded him, and he slowly nodded.
"Most likely, yes. You don't have to, but it'll help your case if you do."
"And he'll be there?" you asked, wringing the towel between your hands.
"Yeah, he'll be there," Joel said, watching your face fall. "But I'll be there, too. You just look at me when the time comes, don't look at him."
"Okay," you said, taking a deep breath. You knew this would be hard, but you also knew it was necessary. "And this lawyer - they can help me get a divorce?"
"Yeah," he said with a nod, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
"Okay," you said again. You forced yourself to smile even though the anxiety was already creeping up. "I can do this," you told him, trying to sound confident.
"Hell yes, you can do this," he replied. "That's my girl," he added, picking up his sandwich then pausing before taking a bite. He glanced up at you and gave you half a smirk when he noticed the look on your face at the term of endearment. "Sorry, I'll behave."
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You had initially dreaded waking up so early, but after the restless night's sleep you ended up having, it turned out it didn't make much of a difference. Your appointment was at 9:30 and it took about two hours to get to Austin, so Joel arriving at 7am gave you a decent cushion in case there was traffic.
Already two cups of coffee down, you poured the rest into a travel thermos and grabbed your purse before jogging lightly down your stairs. You locked your door and turned towards the street to find Joel's truck parked right out front. Glancing around, you noticed it was fairly quiet still, which was a relief. Joel didn't have to take you to see a lawyer. His job was technically done until the trial. He was doing this for you, to give you some support and advice and it would be ideal if you could keep people from gossiping about it for as long as possible.
"Mornin'," he greeted you with a lazy smile, which perked right up when you handed him the thermos. "Oh, you're an angel, baby," he murmured, taking a sip with an appreciative groan. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to focus on your seatbelt. Less than two minutes and he already had you squirming in your seat.
The first hour of the trip actually turned out to be relatively quiet. You sat in a comfortable silence, listening to the radio while Joel hummed along and tapped the steering wheel and if you closed your eyes, you could imagine the scene just a little differently. Instead of Joel taking you to see a lawyer in Austin so you could press charges and divorce your abusive husband, you imagined you were taking a road trip together. Maybe with no destination in mind: just the two of you and the open road, stopping whenever you saw fit to explore and staying at roadside motels with stiff sheets and shag carpets, limbs tangled together as you panted into each other's mouths. No secrets. No drama. You smiled to yourself, the fantasy giving you a pleasant reminder of what you could have if you just stayed strong.
"What're you smilin' for?" he asked, and your eyes opened to look at him.
"Nothing," you said, and he clicked his tongue against his teeth. God, you missed that tongue and what it could do.
"When all this is over, do you think we can take a road trip together?" you asked him, and his eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Yeah, 'course we can," he replied, glancing over at you briefly before looking back at the road. "Where did you wanna go?"
"Doesn't matter," you said, rolling the back of your head against the seat. "Just wanna be with you," you added, softer this time. He looked over at you again, examining your face quickly before focusing back on the road.
"Me too, baby," he said, just as softly.
Joel stopped at a gas station just outside the city to fuel up and stretch your legs. After using the restroom, you wandered up and down the aisles while Joel pumped gas just outside. You were the only one in the store, aside from the sleazy cashier with greasy hair and nicotine stained teeth leering at you every time you crossed his field of vision.
You decided on a couple waters and some sugary pastries and made your way up to the front, forcing a polite smile for the cashier, whose eyes were greedily raking up and down your frame as you approached. You were wearing a modest dress with a cardigan, doing your best to look put together for your appointment, but that didn't stop the cashier's eyes from roaming.
"That all?" he asked as he began to ring you up. You nodded and hummed before glancing out the window, watching as Joel replaced the nozzle on the pump.
"$8.32," he told you, his eyes dropping to your chest as you pulled out a ten dollar bill from your wallet and handed it to him. Your fingertips tapped impatiently on the counter as he slowly counted out your change, clearly trying to prolong the interaction longer than necessary. When it appeared he was ready to hand over the money, you held your hand out, but he pulled your change back a bit and leaned forward.
"You from 'round here?"
"No, just passing through," you said, lifting your hand again, but he clenched your change in his fist.
"What's a pretty girl like you doin' out here all by yourself?" he sneered, his hand dropping below the counter to not so subtly adjust himself in his pants. You made a disgusted face and he smirked.
"She ain't alone," Joel's deep voice rang out from behind you. The cashier's eyes drifted over your shoulder and looked like he was about to make a snide comment when you felt Joel's hand around your waist. His eyes fell to Joel's belt and saw the badge and gun and the smirk he was sporting a moment ago vanished. He quickly handed you back your change and busied himself with organizing the cigarettes while Joel tugged on your waist, urging you to back towards the parking lot.
"And you wanted to drive separate," Joel teased as he led you towards his truck. He opened the passenger door and stepped back so you could get in but you paused and looked up at him. His forehead crinkled as he grinned, his eyes squinting in the sun and all you wanted to do was kiss him and never stop.
"What?" he finally asked when you didn't make a move to get into the car.
"I really want to kiss you right now," you murmured, and you watched the grin slip from his face and his eyes flick down to your mouth.
"We can't," he replied, his voice pained as his gaze continued to drift from your eyes to your lips.
"I know," you sighed. Instead, you stood on your tiptoes to press a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth, your lips lingering a moment longer than you should have before climbing into his truck. His breathing stuttered, the feeling of your lips on his skin again sending him into a tailspin. He took a deep breath and looked up at you in the cab, putting on your seatbelt.
"Soon," he told you, giving your leg a squeeze before closing the door.
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"So you mentioned you know some of these lawyers?" you asked him as he drove through downtown Austin.
"Yeah, I've dealt with this law firm a lot on some cases over the years. They're good people, as far as lawyers go," he joked before making a right hand turn. "I asked to meet with one of the women. Her name's Madeline. She's nice. Been there a real long time. Thought you'd feel more comfortable with that," he said, and you nodded.
"Thank you," you told him for maybe the twentieth time that day. You were convinced if not for Joel, you never would have made it this far. You would have had no idea where to even begin, but he knew the answers to all those questions and helped give you the confidence you so desperately needed.
Your hands began to shake and your stomach felt like it was in knots as the two of you walked up to the front doors of the impressive four-story building. Men and women streamed in and out of the doors, most dressed in suits and pencil skirts and talking on their phones hurriedly. You swallowed the lump in your throat once you got to the front of the building, but Joel held the door open for you with a reassuring smile.
"Don't be nervous, it'll be alright," he murmured as you walked up to the large receptionist desk that housed two women with headsets on, typing furiously into their computers. One looked up and caught your eye, giving you a friendly smile.
"Mornin'," Joel said, telling the young woman your name and appointment time. She glanced at her computer and nodded before looking back up at you both with another smile.
"I'll let her know you're here, you can take a seat. It shouldn't be very long," the woman said, casting Joel one more admiring glance before she turned back to her phone and dialed a number.
Joel led you over to some plush couches and chairs and you nervously picked up an old magazine. You skimmed through it, just looking for something to occupy your hands as you waited. He sat down next to you, then inched closer so he could rest his arm along the back of the couch. It felt like he was wrapping his arms around you without actually touching you, and it gave you a temporary sense of peace.
After a few minutes of listening to the receptionists answer the phones and transfer calls, you finally heard your name and Joel's. You both looked up to find a thin, middle aged woman with short, blonde hair and glasses and a kind smile waiting for you.
"Maddy," Joel said warmly, and the hairs on the back of your neck went up. He wouldn't have asked an ex-girlfriend to represent you, would he?
"Joel, long time no see," she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before introducing herself to you and shaking your hand.
"That's usually a good thing," he reminded her as the two of you followed her down a long hallway, passing by a few empty conference rooms and closed doors that presumably lead to offices.
"Yes, very true," she agreed with a chuckle before stopping in front of her office. She extended an arm, inviting the two of you to enter first before she followed and closed the door behind her.
"How's Tracy?" Joel asked, glancing at a photo on her desk as you sat down.
"She's great. It's our ten year anniversary this summer. We're planning a cruise," she said, settling into her desk chair and shooting you a smile.
Okay, so probably not an ex.
"Alright, let's not waste any time. I know you drove a long way to get here," Madeline said, clasping her hands together on her desk and giving you another smile. She gave off a positive energy, and you could feel yourself loosening up. "I read over everything Joel sent over so I know the basics, and I am so sorry for everything you've had to endure," she said, her eyes softening. "But can you explain to me why you've never tried to come forward before? Trust me, his lawyer will bring it up."
"Well, I have tried," you began, your fingers tangling together in your lap. "I've gone to the police a handful of times but every time I thought I was making progress, Patrick would do something - call in a favor, I don't know," you said with a shrug. "And my police reports magically disappeared. I've gone to the hospital on several occasions-"
"That's right, I did read that. Which hospital?" she asked, picking up a pen, the tip hovering over a legal pad.
"There were a few different ones," you said, then rattled off the names and approximate dates you visited each hospital.
"Okay. We'll reach out and get copies of those records for the trial," she said, dropping the pen and looking at you to continue.
You went on to tell her about your experience with the police back in Philadelphia and how angry Patrick would get after those visits. You told her about his disappearances for days at a time and how he would come home in a haze, no doubt with alcohol and some type of drug in his veins, how those were the times he hurt you the most.
By the time you got to the part in your story where you packed a bag and left Philadelphia during one of Patrick's benders, you felt a lot more at ease. Your nerves were gone and Madeline's comforting gaze made it so much easier to tell her everything.
"So the next step in the process is discovery. Our team here is going to be digging up dirt back in Philly, and I am sure Patrick's lawyer is already doing the same thing," she said, putting down her pen and looking at you over her glasses. "That being said: is there anything I need to know? I don't like surprises in court. I don't care if you ever smoked weed or pushed him back, I just need to know so I can get ahead of it." You quickly shook your head.
"No, I've never tried drugs and I never hit him back." You glanced over at Joel for the first time and found him staring at you with a look in his eye that made you believe you were thinking about the same thing. After a moment, you turned back to Madeline, about to open your mouth to speak when Joel cut you off.
"There's one more thing," he said, sitting up straighter in his chair. She looked at him curiously, clearly not expecting him to have anything to add. "We, uh," he cleared his throat and glanced over at you. "We had a brief, personal relationship," he said. Madeline sat back in her chair and you could have sworn she was glaring at him. "It's over. It was just once," he continued, and you nodded quickly, trying to help him out.
"Nobody knows, either," you told her, drawing her gaze back onto you. "Patrick had his suspicions, but he also accused me of sleeping with two cooks from work, which is untrue," you clarified, "he's just jealous and angry."
"How can you be sure nobody knows?" she asked, and you paused.
"W-well, nobody..." you trailed off, looking at Joel for help.
"It's a small town, Maddy. If people knew, they'd be talkin'. Trust me," he said, rolling his eyes. "The most anyone knows is I had a little crush on her, but nothin' more."
"Besides. Patrick's cheated on me for years. I'm not an idiot, I could smell the perfume on his jacket and found the condom wrappers in his pants pocket," you told her, but she shook her head.
"This is a little different, hun," she said, leaning forward. "Joel's the town sheriff. He arrested Patrick and broke his nose. It's going to look like he had ulterior motives," she said, lifting up a piece of paper in front of her to double check her notes.
"I didn't break his nose, the table broke his nose. It was self-defense. The guy's got nothin'," Joel scoffed.
"Yeah you're probably right, but he's still going to make your life a living hell in court," Madeline said. "You looking for representation, too?"
"What?!" you exclaimed, turning in your seat to look at Joel. "He's suing you?"
"Yeah, it's no big deal. Happens from time to time, nothin' ever comes from it," he said casually.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked, your voice softening.
"Didn't wanna worry you. You gotta focus on this," he said, pointing to Madeline. "The other shit doesn't matter."
You wanted to argue with him but you knew your time was running short, so you let it go.
"Well at least you had the good sense not to take her statement," she said, glancing down at the papers before her. "Let's just hope it doesn't come up, and if it does, I'll be prepared," she said, making a note to herself before giving you her attention again. "I'll do my best to fast track this and set a court date. I'll have my team call his superior officer and we'll run some checks on him, call the hospitals, and start building your case. I'll be in touch soon about any potential witnesses you can bring to the stand that you trust. Anybody who might have witnessed Patrick abusing you, even if he was just yelling or twisting your arm. People you confided in. Anybody you might think can help, start thinking about it now and gathering contact info, okay?"
"Okay," you said firmly. You were starting to feel better, like this was the beginning of the end. And you had the feeling that Madeline was the right person to fight for you. She seemed honest and straight forward, understanding yet tough. This was someone who would give you your freedom back.
"And I can get a divorce?" you asked, and she nodded.
"Yes, I'm going to file the petition this afternoon and he will be served the papers," she explained. "If he contests it, we can cross that bridge when we come to it, but I'm hoping with all the fire we're throwing at him, he won't want to put up a fight."
"Thank you," you breathed, feeling even more at ease now that something was actually happening today. Any amount of progress at this point made you feel good.
You stayed another hour to review an endless amount of paperwork: the contract with the law firm, reviewing your statement for any inaccuracies, initialing and dating next to so many paragraphs on the petition to be filed that your eyes were going blurry by the end.
As you both stood up to follow Madeline out of her office, you stopped short.
"Wait, what about payment? I don't think we discussed legal fees in the contract," you said, frowning as you pulled your copy of the contract out from under your arm.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought Joel already told you," she said, glancing over at Joel, who dropped his gaze to his shoes. "The partners picked your case pro bono. The firm has to do a certain number each year and Joel suggested to a few of the right people that your case should be considered."
Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped.
"Are you kidding me?" you whispered in shock, trying to fight the tears that were beginning to spring up. You looked at Joel but he averted his gaze before awkwardly clearing his throat.
"It's no big deal-" he began, but you cut him off.
"No, it is a big deal," you told him, and he clamped his mouth shut. Madeline's eyes flicked between the two of you for a moment, watching as you tried and failed to come up with the right words to convey your gratitude.
"The firm is happy to represent you, hun," Madeline said, breaking the silence. "We're gonna make sure this guy gets what's coming to him, understand?"
You tore your eyes away from Joel, who was finding it difficult to look anywhere but the floor.
"Thank you. Thank you so much," you told her, and she smiled before extending her arm towards the door.
As you walked towards the lobby, she was reminding you to expect a call in a few days with an update and to have a list of contacts ready for her, but you just nodded along numbly, barely listening.
Joel had already gone above and beyond by finding you a good lawyer and coming with you for support, but to also convince them to handle your legal fees? He didn't have to do any of this, but he did, and he didn't expect anything in return. Nobody had ever expressed so much concern about you before. And as you walked in silence towards the parking garage, you realized there could only be one explanation. There could only be one reason why he would do so much, and the thought had your heart pounding in your chest.
You drove in silence for a while, the atmosphere in the truck tense. He tried putting music on but you couldn't focus on anything other than everything that happened in the past few hours. Then you started to go back even further: cleaning your apartment and finding you furniture after Patrick vandalized it, walking you home during a rain storm, fixing your fucking sink when you had barely spoken two sentences to him. You rolled your head to the side, watching him as he focused on the freeway, his grip tight around the steering wheel.
"Look at me," you said quietly, and you saw a muscle in his jaw twitch. After too long of a pause, he just said one word.
"Why not?"
"I'm drivin'."
"Bullshit," you said, and watched his throat bob as he swallowed nervously. You continued to stare him down, willing him to look at you, needing to see into his eyes to confirm your suspicion.
"Please, Joel," you finally said, your voice small. You could see the conflict in his face. The way his lips formed a hard line and his brows pinched together as he fought the urge, but once again he found he couldn't say no.
Slowly, he pulled his gaze off the road and forced himself to look at you. Your lips parted as you looked right through him and he knew right then and there he was fucked.
"Pull over," you mumbled, and he just nodded. He could feel the heat of your gaze on him as he took the nearest exit and pulled into a parking lot of what appeared to be an abandoned department store.
He didn't need to ask and you didn't bother to explain.
Once he parked, doing his best to choose a secluded spot, you each ripped off your seatbelts. He reached down to pull the lever below his seat and slid it back as far as it would go and in broad daylight, you climbed over the console to straddle his lap. His hands flew to your hips as you gripped the sides of his face, searching his eyes frantically before your mouth crashed down over his with a moan.
Joel was normally a strong man, but something about you always made him so weak. Weak and selfish and desperate and he wouldn't have it any other way. That's why, even though he knew it was a mistake, he kissed you back. Your tongues tangled together and when your hands slid up to his hair, he was done for. You were too warm and tasted too sweet and felt too fucking good, it was a miracle he came to his senses when your hand dropped down between you to land on his belt and he managed to pull away.
"That's not why I did all this," he said, each of you panting for air. "I didn't do it so I could fuck you."
"I know," you assured him, cupping the back of his neck. "I know why you did it."
He gazed up at you and slowly nodded.
"Reckon it's pretty obvious, huh?" he said softly, toying with the hem of your dress.
You didn't say anything in return. Instead, you lowered your mouth hungrily over his and he happily obliged. And when your hand drifted back down to his belt, he didn't stop you. He couldn't deny it any longer. He tried, he really did, but it was hopeless.
He wouldn't say the words out loud, and you were grateful. Because if he had, you weren't sure you would be able to convince yourself this was a one-time thing. Madeline's disapproving glare was seared into the back of your mind, her comments about Joel's own lawsuit still very much a concern, but when you lowered yourself onto him, each of you groaning your need into each other's mouths as you stretched around him, it all became a distant memory.
"Missed you so much," you mumbled against his skin as your mouth dragged down his jaw. You rolled your hips, slowly at first, but picked up the pace when you remembered you were in the middle of a parking lot and didn't have much time. "You feel so good," you continued, feeling his arms tense around you as he tried to hold himself back. "Think about you all the time. Especially in bed - ah!" you cried out when he began bucking up into you.
"Yeah? You touch yourself when you think about me?" he grunted in your ear, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you nodded. His hands gripped your waist, guiding your movements up and down while his mouth ghosted over your chest, wishing more than ever he could glide his tongue over your nipples, but he was too aware of where you were. He settled for yanking the sleeve of your dress down, exposing your shoulder so his teeth and facial hair could leave little red marks, hidden from view.
"Can't get enough of you, can't fuckin' stay away," he groaned, watching as you circled your hips, greedily chasing your own pleasure. Your arm shot out to the side, seeking leverage against the now foggy window, your fingers leaving telltale streaks as your hand slowly dragged downwards so when he got into his truck the next morning, he would see the ghost of your hand in the early morning dew.
"Joel," you whined, tossing your head back while you began to bounce, your ass accidentally beeping the horn and making you both laugh. Nothing could harm you here. Not when you had each other. Not when you had the feel of his rough hands over your skin and his soft lips against your mouth.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. "C'mon, baby. Want you to feel me tomorrow," he said, lifting his hips up to meet yours, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
You gasped as your body went rigid, a white hot heat ripping through you while your legs began to shake and you whimpered his name over and over. You heard Joel groan and say something, probably a warning he was close, but you couldn't be sure. You nodded and mumbled some encouragement but your mind was still too fuzzy and your ears were practically ringing from the force of your orgasm. But when his teeth sunk into your shoulder, the slight pain snapped you out of it. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you down firmly onto his lap until his body stilled and he grunted into your skin.
You rested your cheek on the top of his head while his face stayed buried in your chest, both of you fighting for air as reality slowly began to sink in.
"Guess I didn't behave myself," he finally said with a chuckle. You grinned and lazily raised your head up so you could look at him.
"I think I'll take the blame for this one," you said before lifting off of him with a little gasp and moving your underwear back in place. You were about to swing your leg back over to your seat when he stopped you.
"Just another minute," he said, his hands mindlessly sliding up and down your thighs, and you draped your arms around his neck.
"We shouldn't do this again," you finally said, breaking the spell. He sighed and nodded but his hands continued to glide up and down your legs.
"I know."
You cupped his face and tilted his chin up to look at you. Your thumbs brushed over his cheeks as you stared into his eyes, still seeing everything he didn't have the courage to say. Leaning down, you pressed a tender kiss against his lips, then rested your foreheads together.
"Thank you, Joel."
"You're welcome, baby."
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As promised, a few days later, Madeline's secretary reached out for a list of contacts that could be called upon to support your case. You didn't have many people in your corner, but you gave her your cousin's information back in Philadelphia, an old co-worker who you had partially confided in when the abuse started, a few friends who had noticed bruises but you had made up excuses for them at the time, and you reluctantly gave your mother's information, with the note to discuss with you first before contacting her.
You had hoped Madeline wouldn't want to call on your mother to testify. You hadn't spoken to her since you ran away to Texas, and given the way she responded when you told her what Patrick was doing, you weren't confident she would be a good witness. But it was still someone from your past who you confided in, and that was what Madeline was looking for: a trail of evidence, cries for help, anything to prove the most recent incident was not a one off situation.
"Madeline called me today," you told Joel after picking up his empty plate.
"Oh, yeah?" he asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"She reviewed all the contacts I gave to her secretary and she scheduled another appointment for next week."
"Great, what day?" he asked, pulling out his phone.
"Tuesday," you said, replacing his coffee with a glass of ice water. He glanced up at you and quirked an eyebrow. "You drink too much caffeine," you explained, and he grinned.
"Ah, shit. I have a thing at Sarah's school that day. Lemme see if I can reschedule it-"
"No, go to Sarah's school, I wasn't telling you so you would come with me, I was just... letting you know," you said with a shrug.
"You sure?" he questioned, and you nodded.
"I'm sure. I know how to get there now and I feel comfortable with Madeline. I swear, I'll be fine," you told him. He put his phone down on the counter and thought for a moment before leaning forward and lowering his voice.
"This ain't 'bout what happened last time, is it?"
"No!" you said in surprise, and he looked relieved. "Not at all. I'm just trying to... I don't know, take control of my life, I guess?" He nodded but he still looked confused. "What I mean is, I think it's important I do some things for myself. Not that I don't appreciate-"
"I get it," he said with a chuckle as he stood up from his stool. "You just let me know if you change your mind."
"Okay," you replied with a smile, but stopped him when you realized he hadn't touched his water. You held the glass out to him and he stared at it, then looked at you with a sigh before plucking it from your grip and downing the whole thing in one gulp.
"Very," you said with a grin, and watched him as he walked towards the front door, stopping briefly to chat with Maria before heading back to work.
Joel shoved his hands into the pockets of his dress pants as he walked back to the station, nodding to a few people along the way. He couldn't stop his gaze from traveling up to the window above the pizza place every time he walked by, smiling to himself when he noticed a new plant in your window.
The bullpen sounded quiet as Joel made his way back to his office. He liked quiet days. That was always a good day, in his book. He sat down in his chair with a huff, the little orange light on his desk phone blinking angrily at him, indicating a voicemail. He picked up the phone and punched in his passcode. He was reaching for a pen when the voice on the other end of the phone made him freeze.
"Joel, it's Maddy. Give me a call back when you get this, it's urgent."
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galesleftearring · 11 months
Sleep Well
Gale x Reader (Baldur's Gate 3)
Rating: Explicit. 18+ only.
CW: AFAB reader, no pronouns or names used. Graphic descriptions of oral sex. Mentions of p.i.v.
Since I hit 69 followers on this blog, you all voted if I should celebrate by writing something, and I did. Enjoy! This is my first time writing for Gale and I don't expect it to be my last.
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Gale sighed and put down the book he'd been reading. He yawned and stretched like a cat, his fingers finding your hairline and gently stroking. "Shall we go to bed, my love?"
You nuzzled your cheek into his thigh where you lay. "Mm, I think I could stay like this forever."
He chuckled, tracing the line of your cheekbone with his thumb.
"As could I, but we have a long day of travel ahead of us. We need to be well rested for whatever tomorrow will bring."
You pouted, nestling your face further into his lap. "But I'm so comfortable here," you complained, only half in jest. "And I'm not sleepy."
Gale sighed. "The rest of camp is surely asleep by now. We have already stayed up a bit too late reading. We should-"
You cut him off. "Well, if the others are all asleep..."
You turned your head ever so slightly, meeting his warm gaze. You could get lost in those deep brown eyes. The look in them was one of pure adoration, no secrets swimming in their depths. From the moment he had confessed his love to you, any reservations he had held had melted away at the assurance of your hand in his. He loved you.
A smile teased at his lips. "Oh, I see. Perhaps you want me to, erm, wear you out? Make sure you sleep well tonight?"
You nodded, blushing slightly.
He hummed approval, easing you off of his lap as he pulled off his tunic. His broad chest, tattoo tracing its way from his heart to his cheek, was softly illuminated in the candlelight.
"Come here." His voice was thick with arousal, somewhere between an order and a plea. He could have been begging, he could have been demanding. You stood, shucking off your own nightclothes, before kneeling, straddling his head, but not lowering yourself fully. Close enough for him to smell your arousal but not letting him taste you yet.
He groaned, hands rising to your hips as though to pull you onto him, hold you steady while you rode his tongue as you had many times before.
You grasped his fingers before he could pull your hips down, close the distance between your slick cunt and his warm mouth. He let out a small whine of protest. He was hungry for you.
"Is this what you want?" You teased, "do you want me to sit down? Do you want to taste me?"
Gale let out a low moan. "You know that's all I want, all I've ever wanted. I crave your nectar." So poetic, even with his pupils blown wide and cheeks flushed.
"Then you're going to have to let me taste you first." A wicked grin spread across your face as you lifted up, gently pushing his hands down to his sides.
"My love, you know you never have to--that I never expect you to--Aah!" Gale gasped sharply as you unlaced his breeches and pulled them down, exposing his already hard cock to the night air filling his tent. Running a finger up the vein on the underside, you smiled. "Good boy, already so hard for me. You know exactly what I want, don't you?"
Pressing a kiss to the head, you scooted down so that you were resting on your stomach between Gale's thighs. You knew that if you didn't take him like this, he would be content to make you cum against his mouth again and again, only seeking his own pleasure once you were a mewling mess begging for him to fill your sensitive, twitching pussy. You loved that about him--how could you not be damn near addicted to such a generous lover?
But as delightful as it was to watch him shudder with desire just from giving you orgasm after orgasm, you found that there was a very real part of you that wanted to do the same for him. Make him squirm and whimper your name, bucking his hips into your hand as you stroked him. Take his cock into your mouth until you were choking on it, tears streaming down your face. See, you would think, see how completely undone I am for you? How I worship you every bit as much as you worship me?
This was one of those nights. Just as you were lowering your head about to start sucking at his cock, Gale placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you. "No, not like this."
Immediately, you sat up. "What's wrong? We can stop if you're uncomfortable or too tired or--"
He cut you off with a low laugh.
"No, no. What you were about to do is.... delightful. Please, do not think that the feeling of your lips around me does not drive me wild. It does, most assuredly. I simply want--I still want to taste you. In fact, I'd prefer to taste you while you do that, if it's all the same to you."
You felt your eyes widen. "Absolutely," you choked out, "I would love that."
Rising from between his legs, you crouched above his face once more, this time facing his crotch. The moment you lowered yourself fully onto Gale's lips, his cock twitched and a small bead of precum bloomed from the tip.
You rocked your hips slightly against him, the friction sending jolts of pleasure along your clit. Moaning, you leaned forward, gently pulling his thighs toward you for balance. With his feet flat on his bedroll, Gale spread his legs. You bent forward, taking his tip into your mouth and licking the precum from it. Gently, you flicked your tongue across the slit there, widening the circle until you were tracing the flare at the base of the head with just your tongue.
He moaned into you and the vibration of the sound made you let out a whine of your own, muffled by your mouthful of cock.
As your pace quickened, the careful patterns Gale had been tracing along your folds became more frenzied. His fingers, usually so gentle, dug into the flesh of your hips as he pulled himself deeper into you, tongue flicking into your vagina with a desperation you'd never felt from him before, even on your first few nights together. If you hadn't had your mouth full, you thought you would have been screaming his name.
Instead, you moaned louder against his shaft as your head bobbed, taking every inch of him if only to stifle the sounds he was rending from you as he tonguefucked you. It was too much. You came with a gasp, needily grinding against his chin as he kept licking and sucking you through your orgasm.
Even though you had stopped working him as you came, the sound and taste of your orgasm sent him rutting up into your mouth again, rougher this time, thrusting up into your mouth while you held your head still and came down from your high. He was close, you could tell from his whimpers that he was about to spill. Once you could breathe again, you pulled a hand from his leg and began to stroke him, his shaft slick with your spit, as you ran your tongue along the head. Faster, faster, until he came, his load spilling down your throat with a beautiful moan.
You swallowed, your throat contracting as you licked the last of his cum from his still twitching dick.
Gingerly, you rolled off of him and resituated so that you were lying on the bedroll beside him, your faces only inches apart. Gale rolled onto his side and kissed you, deeply, sloppily. You tasted yourself on his tongue and knew he must taste the salty tang of his semen in your mouth as well.
Satisfied and slightly out of breath, he pulled back. "Was that...what you...had hoped for?" He gasped.
"Oh Gale," you murmured as you buried your face in his chest, "I don't even know where to start." Your eyelids were growing heavy with sleep.
Gale raised one big hand to cradle your face. "Start with sleep, my darling."
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ilovechuuy4 · 6 months
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What you know about reachin' your peak and inches of death܀⊹~
Soukoku x GN!Reader
Warnings; HEAVY sex/Smut, making out/kissing, face fucking, threes0me, double penetration, no protection (condoms.), rough sex, bl0wj0bs, rimming/eating out, anal sex, f1ngering, spit as lube (hardly proofread
Description; A threes0me with your BOYFRIEND and COWORKER?
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A/N: Hai hai!!! If you saw the pole you could tell what won, thank you for the almost 400 votes too! I love all the support and notes :3 I hope y'all like this one a lot!! Love y'all! ♡(P.S this is gonna be one of my longer fanfics tried my best to make it short but since it isn't head canons and us a fic about PURE SMUT it was going to be long. 100 FOLLOWER SPECIAL!!!
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You weren't the one that recommended it, it was inntionally your coworker, Dazai, who asked. How did you even end up between your boyfriend, chuuya, and that annoying dazai. You had to admit they were both really attractive though as dazai kissed your neck slowly. Chuuyas hands trailing down your body.
The words Dazai asked still ringing in your ears, "Hey I know you're dating someone but can we do a threesome with him and the both of us?" He was so forward with it. You remember being so flustered you couldn't even form a sentence and ended up rambling to your boyfriend about it and he actually agreed.
You had to admit that being sandwiches in between these two wasn't the worst thing in your life since the attention was all on you. By the time you were dazed, Dazai already made it his plan to strip you naked, take your clothes anywhere but your body. The brunette was already at your thighs biting softly at them meanwhile your boyfriend was undressing himself, his lips glued to yours.
Chuuyas fingers were lubed with his own spit as he gently pushing one inside you, thrusting them in and out of you slowly. This was a lot. You were already overstimulated because of all the kisses and biting but now this was an entire new level. Dazai was slowly stroking himself, you could tell he wanted you to blow him.
You leaned forward a bit, kissing the base of Dazai's shaft with soft whimpering as you felt Chuuya add another finger. "Spread your legs a wide, darlin'," Chuuya hums softly, kissing down your back. You comply, spreading your legs wider for your boyfriend all the while you take Dazais cock in your mouth.
The brunette groans softly, his fingers caressing the back of your neck, gently pushing you down further on his cock. "Oh fuck..keep going baby," he mutters, his hips slowly thrusting up a bit. You could feel the ginger haired male behind you slowly add another finger inside you. 2 fingers now, sliding slowly in and out of you.
"Darlin' you wouldn't mind if I went down on you, right?" Chuuya asked, kissing softly down the small of your back. You felt blood rush up into your now beet red face as you pull away slowly from Dazais erect member to respond. "I wouldn't mind," you responded nervously. Yes you've don't many inappropriate things with your boyfriend but this was a different.
"Mkay, tell me if I'm steppin' over any boundaries here," Chuuya says before pulling his fingers out of you. His lips pulled away from the small of your back, moving to your spread legs. This was easy for chuuya, take you were on your hands and knees. His hands were gently squeezing your thighs as he leans in, his tongue lapping at your already drenched hole from his saliva and other bodily fluids.
You let out a soft whimper as you feel the sensation of chuuya wet tongue lap at your private areas. Before anything else, Dazai gently pushes your head down, his erect pressed against your lips. "You gonna keep going, baby?" Dazai asked with that usual shit eating grin. You nod, opening your mouth to take him back in.
You suck, bobbing your head up and down the room filled with sucking and slurping not only from you but, chuuya too as he continues to eat you out/rim you. You felt as his tongue slowly slips inside you, chuuya enjoyed tasting the unique way you tasted. You moan around Dazais cock, your hands trembling as your nails dig into the brunette's thighs.
"Wow, calm down now baby~ Your nails hurt now," Dazai said with a chuckle, his slim fingers running through your messy hair all the while he pushes you don't further. You gag a bit but slowly get used to the horrific feel of the tip hitting the back of your throat.
You felt Chuuya pull away from you, his hands roaming your body. "Sweetheart, im gonna go in now, alright? But just know we don't have any condoms we ran out the other day" Chuuya said, kissing your spine softly. You nod, still sucking Dazais cock despite feeling your cowork thrust his hips up, shoving his cock further in your mouth.
Chuuya rolls down his pants, taking out his erect cock. He spit on his hand, rubbing it on his cock as a lubricant. He positioned himself at your entrance, teasing you by rubbing it against your hole. He then slowly pushed in with a heavy groan. His cock sunk into you, slowly disapearing inside you.
"Fuck..darlin' you're so tight." Chuuya groans, his kisses trails on your spine as his slow thrusts start speeding up. You moan and whimper, your body trembling like a leaf in the air. You were on your hands and knees, sucking Dazais cock as he bucks his hips up into your mouth, face fucking you.
"Goddamn..Chuuya you have a fine partner here..good in bed and good at work..i might just steal them." Dazai groans with a smirk. Chuuya knew what this cocky bastard was doing, trying to get him angry so he’d move more aggressively but that just wasnt gonna happen. Chuuya keeps his thrusts steady and at medium paced, pumping his cock inside you.
Dazai thrusts his hips up, your lips against the base of his length and your nose practically buried in his happy trail. You gag against it as he gently pulls your hair, taking you away from his cock. "Chuuya~ cmon let this pretty thing get in my lap and maybe they can take double." He said with a mischievous smirk while making a hand motion of two fingers going in and out a hole he made with his other hand.
Chuuya slowly pulls back, his erect slipping from your entrance. "You bastard," he growled yet he complied. The fingers hand wrapped around your waist helping you get onto Dazais lap, your back pressing against Dazais chest. The blood that had rushed to your face made you look like a ripe beet freshly picked from the ground.
"We'll go slow darlin' don't worry too much." Chuuya reassured gently kissing your neck as he entered you once more, thrust into slowly trying to prepare you for what's to come. You whimpers soft, biting your lip as you feel the tip of Dazais erect slowly push it. It was painful, yes, but it would be worth it surely.
You feel Dazai push in, spreading you wider than you've felt before. Youre legs trembling as you dig your nails into Chuuyas shoulder blades. "Wow, babe you're really fucking tight down here," Dazai says with a chuckle. Chuuya cuts in with a huff, "I wounded why you fucking nut job." Chuuya snaps, slowly trusting in and out of Y/N.
Dazais entire length finally makes it fully inside you, his thrusts matching the pace of Chuuyas yet a little faster. You squirm a bit as their pace picks up, your moans filling the room. "Ch..chuuya, mhm~ ahh~" you moan, your back arching slightly as you can feel them hitting your core.
The raveshing of your insides goes on for at least another 30 minutes, you've reached your peak multiple times and it feels like you can't reach it much more. Their pace had sped up over time, slamming into you mercilessly. You were panting heavily, you're nail marks etching a drawing of y'alls shared pleasure.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum darlin'." Chuuya warned, kissing down your neck slowly, his thrusts quick and steady. "Me too, Y/N. Surely you can take both are pleasure?" Dazai said with a cocky smile with a loud groan, cumming deep within your anal cavidy, chuuya cumming quickly after.
Their thrusts slowly before coming to a full stop, the room silent but the soft pants of y'alls breathing. You sit there in pure ecstasy, you're body trembling between the two. It truely felt as if you reached your peak and inches of death. Chuuya slowly pulls out, Dazai following as your entrance throbbed, their mixed ecstasy dripping out of you.
The room smelt of musk and the lingering aftermath of sex. You felt refreshed yet exhausted as Dazai pressed a kiss on the nape of your neck and Chuuya putting one on your lips before pulling away.
"You look like death just came apon you baby~" Dazai said with a chuckle making Chuuya growl. "Leave 'em alone damnit." Chuuya states pulling you into his arms and holding you tight.
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mias-blogs · 8 months
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𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐧, 𝐐𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐚 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖
𝐟𝐢𝐜'𝐬 (𝐓𝐖: 𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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A quick thank you to anyone who voted!
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𝐓𝐰: Overstimulation, nicknames, degrading, subspace, nipple play, reader is mean and rough
The once prideful god is now laying almost motionless underneath you, his hands laying next to his head as he whimpers and moans till his throat almost hurts, he can't even count how many times he had came, your hips still forcefully clapping down on his dick over and over again, as he feels dizzy everytime your soft and moist insides get tighter around his cock, he tried to keep up, he really did, but it's too much when you keep throwing insult after insult everytime he cums too early, of course he's sensitive, you won't even let him have a break.
“ You call yourself a ‘god’? a ‘Tyrant’? don't make me laugh.” you chuckled to yourself as you slammed your hips down hard, burying his cock deep inside, making him cum inside of you, his now weak hands tried to paw at your hips to push you away, his whining can't even be put into any form of words as he keeps on just begging between his sentences, oh, how great if felt to tear at his ego and crush his pride, having him all pathetic under you, what happened to that perfect god thing he had up?
“ One more.” you said as you start to move again, making the god under you whine as he seemed like he was about to throw a fit but too weak to do so, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat, it was the nth time you said that in one night, why do you treat him like he's nothing but under you? like he's lower than all the mortals that he hates, he shouldn't be treated like this, he's a king, a god, you should bow in his presence, yet you taunt and torment him for your own enjoyment till he's forced into a mess.
Your fingers slowly trail up his chest, finding their way up to his pink nipples, as they reached their destination, you pinch his nipples tightly at the same time snapping your hips down on him, making him let out a yelp mixed with a loud moan as he throws his head back, his knees jolted up as he quickly falls back into his moveless state, his moans becoming louder as you play with his nipples harshly and at the same time ride his cock too fast for him to take, his head becoming dizzy as he tries to move his chest away from your gaze and your harsh touch
“ Stop whining like a common whore and take it, your supposed to be a god or something, right?” you taunt him again as you don't move your hands away from their place, pinching hard as you pull at them ever so slightly, as you almost immediately felt him cum again, looking down at his face, it looks like he's about to pass out from all of this, you chuckled under your breath as you slowly pull away letting his cock slip out of you with a wet sound as it slowly starts to spill out of you, that's probably enough for him, for today at least.
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𝐓𝐰: Handjob, edging, nipple play, reader squeezes his (tits) pecs, overstimulation (implied at the end)
You currently have the first emperor of china up against your chest while you play with his cock and he struggles to not cum, his back pressed up against your breasts as his muscular arms hold onto your thighs tightly, his head thrown back against you shoulder as moans and pathetic whimpers fall from his throat, your hand doesn't stop as it reaches his tip, running your thumb over the slit teasingly and immediately pulling back as you feel a twitch from his cock that he's about to cum.
He immediately let's out a frustrated moan as his tip leaks out pre cum on his thigh, his hands strongly squeezing your thighs as he huffed is annoyance,“I- I beg of you..” the emperor chokes on his own moan as he tries to beg for your mercy, he's an emperor and you treat him as your own personal servant and toy, which he does find enjoyable but also tortures with how you don't even give him a moments rest.
Your hand almost immediately goes back to his cock, stroking up and down as a smile paints onto your face, your eyes looking at his cock and your hand continues teasing him without rest, your lips kissing his jaw as you pull him close to you, one of your hands that's on his stomach to keep him from slipping, slowly makes its way to his chest, gently squeezing one his pecs, putting his nipple between your index and middle finger as you pull at it gently, making him bite his lip as he struggles not to let out a whine.
But that is quickly put down the drain as you move your hand faster around his cock and pitch at his nipple at the same time, he let's out a whine and throws his head back in pleasure, as many loud moans fall from his throat right after and you feel his cock twitching, before you could pull away, he spills into your hand as he's panting heavily, his body limp against your chest, his cum being all over your hands and his thighs.
“Really? You couldn't even hold back one more time till I told you you could come?” you taunt at him as you look at his flush drowned face, he tries to gather his words and try to talk to you, but is quickly shut up by your hand starting to move up and down his shaft in a fast motion, no real intension of stopping any time soon, he just came and yet you do this out of the blue? now that's just cruel to your little emperor.
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𝐓𝐰: riding, begging, sweet talk (not really), nice and mean reader, orgasm denial
“ [Name]! I- I beg of y- you! pl-please!” the scientist words turn into mindless blabbering as he can't even think straight any longer, you keep going so slow, and he knows your doing it on purpose, you won't go any faster even when he begs, oh so sweetly to you, haven't you mocked him enough by treating him as if he's a crying child all this time? it's as if he's throwing a tantrum, but he's not, he's listening to your words so sweetly, yet you don't even ride him right.
“ Nikola.. your whining again, you know I don't like when you whine like that.” you muttered as you softly pet his hair as he buries his face into your soft breasts, wrapping his arms around your back as he tries and listens to your every order, but you make it so hard when your seemingly punishing him for something he didn't do, he can only nod his head as tires and calms down but when your pussy is so snuggly tight and wrapped around his cock like that, it makes it so hard to not try and thrust up to get some stimulation.
You hum as you move your hips slowly, a smile painting your lips as you watch him react, you know he needs more, but your not giving it to him, why? because he needs to have some sense into him, of course, he's a sweetheart of a nerdy scientist but he can be more oblivious than a damn rock, so why not make him whine and torture him for a tad bit?
Your hand brushes against the man's, now messy, short brown hair, twirling it around your finger gently as you brush it out of his face, kissing his forehead gently as the scientist looks at you with lost eyes in admiration and awe of you, the only god he was willing to worship, you smile down at him as he leans into your gentle touches, at the same time your hips start to move faster as you obliged to his earlier wishes, making the mans breath catch on his throat as his hands go to grip onto your thighs as he throws his head back in pleasure.
Pleads and thank you's leave his throat as he tries to pull you closer to him, your touch on his bare skin feeling like a blessing to him, his cock already so sensitive from the time you forced him to stay still while he was buried deep inside of you and your warm pussy was squeezing him so tightly he thought he'd cum right there, his moans growing louder as your hips moved faster against his, one of your hands placed on his shoulder for support as you leaned back to give him a view of what you were doing to him.
As he gets closer and closer to the edge of his climax, he feels your hips stop right as they slam him all the way in for the last time, he chokes on his breath as his head fall forward, burying his face into your shoulder as his arms are tightly wrapped around you, you were so cruel to your sweet scientist but he didn't let a word out, only swallowing his words as he was merciless under your sweet and loving touch.
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I like being mean on this one, idk why
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arc-misadventures · 16 days
MFK Winter: Rusted Knight Jaune, Marrow, and Robin.
Winter: MFK II
Winter: Weiss, why must I do this?
Weiss: Because it's just a simple thought exercise to help you relax. You don't have to actually do any of it, it's just for fun.
Winter: But, why these three individuals in particular?
Weiss: What? Did you want someone else to, MFK?
Winter: No, I just... Haaa... Okay, let's get this over with. I would kill, Specialist Armin.
Marrow: What?! What did I do?
Winter: I am your superior officer, the thought of being in a relationship with you, is both against regulations, and something I find wholly unappealing.
Jaune: Ouch.
Marrow: I never get the girl...
Robyn: You're just not this girls type.
Marrow: Yeah right... What is, Winter's type then?
Winter: Jaune is my type for starters.
Jaune: I am?
Winter: Indeed. You are a mature, skilled, and smart individual. I find those characteristics to be appeasing in a potential marriage partner. Characteristics I often used to tell my father that if the individuals he was trying to... sell me off to didn't have this traits, I wouldn't humour him the chance for his... future business plans.
Robyn: Of course your father tried to sell you off like a business asset. Heartless bastard.
Winter: Indeed he is. Another contributing factor for why I wish to marry, Jaune is because... Well... since his return from this, Ever After place... He became far more appealing as a romantic partner.
Robyn: I have to agree, this... mature look he has is quite invigorating to look at.
Winter: I never knew that I was into silver fox's, then again, I guess it all depends on the fox~!
Jaune: Uhhh... T-Thanks...?
Winter: So... this no doubt means I would have to fuck you, Robyn...
Robyn: Oh, so sorry you have to fuck me. Maybe you would have a better time doing yourself.
Winter: Like you yourself know how to please a woman.
Robyn: Are you sure you want to play this game, Specialist Schnee?
Winter: It will be green if you decide to check.
Robyn: Care to put your vote where your mouth is?
Winter: Let's put it to a vote then~!
Robyn: Lets~!
Weiss: ...
Weiss: What just happen?
Jaune: Seems, Winter still has some issues she needs to resolve with, Robyn. And, they have chosen a rather specific way to solve them.
Weiss: What?
Jaune: They're gonna bang each other, Weiss.
Weiss: They're going to what?!
Marrow: Nice.
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weebsinstash · 9 months
I'm on my betrayal loving bullshit again thinking of some shit like, the typical hero plot where one lies to an ally to intentionally mislead them and keep them away from danger, but it's hidden under the guise of, something that can be REALLY shitty on the surface, and I'm thinking about a yandere coming to "collect" you after revealing the truth and you're all "oh, ok, I understand! I'm still staying here and not coming back with you though :)"
Batman showing up at your apartment, "listen I know I started voicing complaints and even initiated the vote to kick you from the Justice League BUT it was all part of my contingency plan, there was a mole in the League connected to Darkseid and--" and you just hit him with "ok great thats awesome good for you um, I destroyed my costume and threw it in the garbage and I'm an alcoholic now and also thanks for making me realize how much I hate myself and how I never belonged anywhere, you can go now ok thanks byeeee :')" and here therein commences the mass surveillance on your phone/house/walking routes/internet use/the inside of your bedroom--
Same idea twice really but, Miguel coming back from those one ideas I had, "hey, I'm sorry I kicked you out of the Spider Society because you weren't trying to date anyone in your universe, also maybe we fooled around a little and had mutual feelings and I broke your heart by kicking you out and trying to get you to date in your own universe, but it turns out canon isn't real, so, 👉👈🥺❤️?" and here you are, "oh cool, I wish you happiness with whomever you choose :) I'm glad I'm 'allowed' to be single since, you know, you proved to me i dont belong anywhere :)"
Gojo "I'm sorry I bullied you and called you weak when you wanted to go up against this one curse but it was actually way stronger than you and you would have died if I hadn't talked you out of it" Satoru standing there with disbelief as he sees you've gotten rid of anything to do with Jujutsu Tech (uniform, equipment, or otherwise), "being a sorceror is stupid. You were right, I'm NOT cut out for it. I think I want to settle down. I'm gonna give Nanami a call"
You gotta take the character that's totally down bad for you and have them absolutely break your heart and then when they come back for you and reveal, actually, they may have had an extremely good reason for doing so and never wanted to anyways, you're just like "actually you know what? You opened up deeper psychological wounds inside of me and fundamentally damaged me and I don't think I can be the same person you remember me as anymore" and leaving them DESPERATE to keep you, any version of you, in their lives at all costs
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