#oh yeah thats YET ANOTHER OC
netzieart · 5 months
[CW: BLOOD, GORE, other things please check the tags] I was in a silly candy gore mood
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I had a lot of fun drawing those pieces! I guess there's just something about neon candy colors that make me glad just to look at them. So tasty
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sodaa-enby · 10 months
ive been workin on a dinomask :D
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rbs apprediated :)
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spagheddiesquash · 3 months
so today i was in the mw oc server talking abt some stuff i noticed about jawbone (+ some other theory stuff as well!!)
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so first of all. two kind of obvious details:
he is green (“yeah no shit sherlock” i hear u thinking. trust me there is a reason why im pointing it out)
his pupils are triangular. nobody else in the show so far has had triangular pupils. (well. i mean commander tezzoree’s eye has a triangular pupil but she hasnt made an appearance in any episodes yet and i doubt the two characters are connected)
just making this point known for now. we will hold this thought for later in the post.
another thing: so in the ref sheet of him posted to the mw tumblr back in september i believe(?), his name is written as “jawbone (a.k.a. scythelord)”
you know where a character by the name of “scythelord” has shown up already?
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on a wanted poster, thats where!! he has a bounty on his head!!!
which means that tyneen and her crew are probably after him, which probably explains why they’re at the thicc chicc casino. (how do i know jawbone is there? because ricket is there, which i know because he is shown interacting with both shrike and tyneen, who we know are both there)
now. remember that thought from earlier that i told you to hold until later? now is the time to bring it back.
ok so. we already know that colors and shapes each have their own respective significance in this show, and colors and shapes are chosen deliberately.
with that said:
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correlation?? maybe???
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this further cements my belief that ep 4 will have a LOT in it regarding the cataclysm or some other related thing. why?
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(2nd pic comes from the VA application doc. unfortunately i dont have any better quality pics of it)
despite the poor image quality in the second pic, you can still tell that both of these characters have some sort of magenta (or pink i guess?) type of theming going on in their designs.
also if we look at campions, like, the flower
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you can see where im trying to go with this idea.
i did a whole bunch of examining colors today in light of this, actually!!! quick fun fact for those unaware: RGB and CMYK invert into each other.
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and then after i made that image i started sorting things into what colors they are. (white and black have been omitted from the screenshots simply because there doesnt seem to be any significant things tied to them)
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obviously this list is probably incomplete and i will continue to add to it, of course.
(my main inspo for even thinking about CMYK for theories in the first place was @toastedclownery btw!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG IF U HAVENT ALREADY THERES SO MANY COOL THEORY POSTS THERE!!)
one final not-as-relevant theory that’s really more of a prediction: i really think joel vargskelethor is gonna be in this upcoming episode, whether it’s in whole or in part. i mean, he already voiced the duende in ep 3, so it’s not like its impossible or anything. also “scythelord” happens to be the name of joel’s band as well (which you should DEFINITELY check out if ur into metal!!!!! absolutely amazing stuff) OH OH AAAAAAND
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id like to direct your attention to the title of this update, which is “the bone zone,” which i believe to be a skeleton metal reference.
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also jawbone/scythelord has the little sweden viking helmet thing on the wanted poster. AND HES GREEN! LIKE FREN!!
for those who dont know, this is fren (also known as vargfren i think)
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so yeah. these evidence pieces combined with the fact that zeurel has made dozens of “vargskelethor animated” videos (which is how i got into zeurel’s animations in the first place actually!!) are what led me to make this prediction.
anyway, i hope you guys liked this theory post. it’s not an update on the web, but i figured id try doing something new. though, if youd like to see the web, here’s a view of the full thing currently:
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but yea thats all i really had. ill reblog with some additions if i think of anything else. bye for now!!! :^D
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shrimp-dumpling · 22 days
twst oc
yes it is i, i have decided i wanted to make a twisted wonderland oc
Here is the beautiful boy in all his colorless glory (i got lazy and if u think the hair looks strange i changed brushes when drawing the hair and got too tired to make it bolder it 😭😭)
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And here is his uhh idk reference sheet ig? Not rly but ehh
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character: Jol seemed like the quiet type, and that was... not really true? It wasn't wrong, yet it wasn't right either. Actually, he had quite a lot of friends (whom he considers as only acquaintances, with this statement usually false for the other party) and was rather friendly despite his lack of ever smiling. He's a good listener, a good friend too. He tries his best, though often times he would always undervalue his own efforts, an unreliable narrator of his own story.
Name: Jol Ninvale (pronounced Jol Nin-veil)
Dorm: savanaclaw
Class: 3-D, second year
Birthday: July 1st (7/1)
Age: 18
Height: 176 cm (5'9") with his ears (doubt that adds much but i'll just put it there anyway lmao) and without his rollerskates
Dominant hand: right
Homeland: shaftlands
Fav subject: visual arts
Best subject: track & field and potions
Club: gargoyle research society
Hobby: watching the world pass him by, roller skating, gaming
Likes: games especially virtual ones, roller skating, food, bells, etc..
Dislikes: the yellow part of a boiled egg, pain, watching his friends in pain, group projects, pears
Habit: going into places where he probably shouldn't be in because of his Unique Magic and not realizing it
Talent: skating and having really good balance
Flaw: exchanged strength for speed so he's not that strong, doesn't look friendly, undervalues himself
Unique magic: Reawakening reality
Allows him to fast travel to somewhere. It is not teleportation, but with untrained eyes it does look like it
Chant and visual: His ability is called "reawakening past" and his chant would be like smth like "fall through the current past, don't lose yourself in the endless future. Reawakening reality." And when he activates it time would slow and he would fall through the floor like this
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So the red line is the floor and when he activates his unique magic it would sorta different dimension under idk how to explain it but under there is like a purple grey version of the world upstairs but theres nothing and its like a sea ig
The blue line represents that he can still see the above and can see where he's going
Its basically fast travel yk bc the space time there is a lot faster
Also he can drag others with him into the "dimension" but he cant keep them there for long bc they cant breathe in there, only he can
time speeds up unusually down there so for the people who got dragged with him they see a faint image of the world downstairs but then they're at their location, its like teleportation and they just run out of breath a little
Oh yeah i chose fast travel instead of actual teleportation bc thats just cooler and makes more sense than just popping in and out of existence without any explanation
And i chose fast travel cuz the oc's a cheetah beastmen and cheetah's are known for being speeeeedddyyyyyy
So yeah :3
further elaboration:
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The red is the floor and the blue is the part of the floor that would let him fall through like theres nothing there even tho he can see still that the floor's there
So if he was like in an animation it wouldn't be him changing but it would the background, like idk its those pov changing roblox games yk pls get it 😭😭😭
Anyways i also made a meme about his UM in a nutshell
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Beautiful 🥰
Funfact: he has a bell on his foot
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jingle jingle
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Special mention from the Colorless art: he's so cute right guys
another funfact: his wheels are retractable
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Title: Western Anarchy Part 2.
Pairing: OC (male) x GN! reader
TW: yandere behaviour, whole lotta pet names, threats of violence, manipulation, perv behaviour.
Plot: werewolf cowboy man kidnaps his crush. Part one here
 Notes: Eli my man! I'm back with my main man Eil who I legit have written the least but anywho. very short but yeah
"But I don't wanna leave Eli" you murmured, face deep into his chest. You felt his arms constrict around you tighter and his chest take a deep influx of air.
"It ain't safe here no more sweetheart," he stated, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. You look up at him. His face was covered in grime, sweat lines cut through the thick taint of the dust that lingered on his skin. You spotted what looked like dried flakes of mud on his cheek and carefully you lifted your fingers up to scratch them off, you came away confused at the dulled redness of the mud. You decided to question him further, despite his tone, you always had a knack for ignoring his orders.
"But why?"
"Oh come on darlin, we spoke about this" he scoffed, leaving your arms to reach for his hat laying on your bed.
"No, we didn't" you tried "You fell through my window and just demanded I leave with you. You never told me why"
"For good reason!" he shouted, only for you to quickly quiet him, hands finding his chest to shush him. Your parents may be heavy sleepers but Eli Finch could awaken a deaf man three miles away if he pleased.
"For good reason," he whispered, slapping his hat on his head, turning away from you to rummage through your things.
"Now where's that travel bag of yours" he grumbled.
"Eli...Eli, please...Eli stop!" you demanded. Eli gave a sigh and dropped your newly discovered bag to the ground.
"Sweetheart, I've been real patient with you so far but we don't have time for a tantrum of yours, now start packing."
"But why" you urged "The sheriff wants to talk to you and if I leave now won't it look like I have something to hide? With the happenings and now the body, the towns on the edge Eli. Not to mention the fact I don't wanna go in the first place! Eli please just tell me what's going on"
A moment of silence passed. And then another
"The sheriff wants to talk to me? But I had nothing to do with Hudson's death"
"Then just talk to him, he's just crossing his t's and dotting his i's thats all. You went droving with the Hendersons and now one dead and the other missing, so of course, he wants to know where yo-" you stopped with a gasp.
"what? what is it Darlin?" his face twisting into concern.
"How did you know?" you whispered, taking a slow step back.
"Know what?" he laughed, but it felt cold, detached.
"That it was Hudson? He didn't have a face, we, we couldn't identify him... and how, how did you know he was dead at all. I didn't tell you" you were shaking now, inching your way to your door.
"I heard it in town of course sweetheart. You've been reading too much of that sherlock nonsense. Now come and-"
"but you said you hadn't been to town yet. You said you come straight here from the plains. Eli, I don't... Did you..?" you began to tear up, the flaking mud seemed to burn a bright red on his face as it occurred to you the sheriff hadn't been worried Eli was a victim, but instead the aggressor.
"Sweetheart. You don't know what your thinking" his tone had turned cold, it chilled your heart with fear. " So help me pack and we can forget all about your little meltdown alright? We really gotta get going"
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" you shouted, turning to your door and reaching to rip it open. You were dragged back by tight hands to your arms, both snaking around your chest and waist.
"oh for fucks sake! You just couldn't just shut up and do as you told huh?" he growled.
"Pa!! Ma! Help!" you sobbed, desperately trying to pull away.
"Sweetheart I really don't wanna do this but I don't think you want your darling parents in a room with me? Wouldn't want your lovely ma to be without a face like dear old Hudson huh. Or what about your father hm? He's not as young as he used to be, don't think he would be a match for me would he?" he growled, fear sinking into your skin.
"Please don't hurt them" you begged
"then be good for once and do as your told."
you quickly nodded, trying to hold back the tears.
"I did it for you, you know." his voice became soft again and oh so sweet, his lips finding your neck. You flinched and tried to ignore one of his hands drifting south. "He just wouldn't keep his trap shut. I won't taint your ears by telling you what he said about ya, but oh darlin that man was a fucking bastard alright. I warned him, but he just kept fucking talking. Told him if he kept talking about you like he did we would be having words. And well then I guess you could say I had a change of heart and words become me ripping his fucking face off. Of course, his stupid younger brother had to come to his rescue. Can't remember where I dumped him." you choked back a sob "So now you know, why we gotta leave, why you're gonna do as I say, why I'm not lying when I say I'll burn this place to the ground if you try anything I don't like."
" I'm just trying to protect you, sweetheart." he groaned as his wandering hand squeezed your backside. "All I've ever done is protect you" As he continued to hold you, you stared directly at the yellow eyes glowing in the reflection of the mirror in front of you. Something happened to Eli out on those plains and now it was coming back to bite you.
First drabble in a long time! How was it? kinda sad it's not very long but I've gotta plan where I wanna take eli's story and this felt like a good place to stop. Happy new year!!
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curdled-blood · 9 months
I would like to know your headcanons for Splendor and Fen 👀 Basic stuff like personality and hobbies. I have my own versions of them that I’m in love with, but I love seeing other people’s stuff too. -🎀
OMG I HAVE MY OWN VERSIONS TOO!!! I'm so happy you asked because Fen is one of my favs ever !!!
To start things off it is my version of them used to be humans that died and came back, same with the rest of their family!! I'm not quiet exactly sure how Splendor but I know that Fen's death was a murder that happened due to a series of unfortunate events that happened in his life.. Don't make deals with a man claiming to be the devil, kids.
Splendor - to be honest his personality is about what you'd expect. Very much up beat and happy go lucky optimist type deal that has definitely been influenced by past traumas in his life 😃 He's especially peppy around kids and REFUSES to swear cuz yk... but around other adults he kindaaa loosens up a bit but he can still be a bit uptight. Even then, he still has a chaotic side that RARLEY peeks out. Sometimes he gets so wound up that he just eventually breaks down and starts freaking out but he usually finds a way to survive 👍🏻 fighting the urge to call him a prude cuz thats mean but its so truuuuuuuuuue
Offender - Okay so like imagine if Deadpool was more cut off and distant. Flirty, witty, kind of a prick but secretly has a heart of...silver. If you wanna get to know him, and I mean REALLY get to know him, it's pretty much impossible unless you were quite literally hand picked and/or forced upon him (i.e. his proxies *wearing a t-shirt that says ask about my fen proxy ocs*) Bro doesn't even trust his own fucking family, so he tends to be stand-off-ish if that makes sense 😭
I should see what personality types they have 🤔
Splendor -
Cooking - OKAY BUT YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS MAN WOULD NOT MAKE THEEEE BEST COMFORT FOOD YOU'VE EVER FUCKING TASTED. You eat one of his dishes and suddenly you have fat puppy syndrome. Fat, full, and tired. I like to think him and his family was from Germany and that he specializes in German dishes :D
Baking - Same with cooking, you CANNOT disagree that he'd make the most delicious goodies. He also definitely makes weed brownies, though he may deny it.
Music - Splendorman may not play an instrument like some of his other family members, but boy does he love listening to music. Him and Trenderman both LOOOVE to collect vinyls together <3. Splendor definitely has a record player that he uses RELIGIOUSLY and a phonograph somewhere around his big ass cottage teehee
Tea - OH yeah, ya boys a tea conisour. He has like every tea you can think of AND THEN SOME. he probably has an entire room just for storing all that damn tea.
Offender -
Gardening - Since Fen was a kid he's been absolutely in love with nature, especially flowers specifically. Sometimes he'll spend hours, even entire days, messing around out front of his broken down mansion and about his forest, tending to the flowers and other floura.
Violin - Another hobby Offender has had since he was a small lad!! Over the many years of his existence he has had plenty of time to master the craft of violin playing. Though since his death he stopped playing as often as he used to but he still does every now and then!!
Singing - Fen may not sing often but when he does, he has the voice of an arch fucking angel. He likes singing just fine but if he's being completely honest with himself, he enjoys playing the violin more. Though he does occasionally use his hypnotic voice to lure people in so he can steal their souls but that's business, not a hobby.
Painting - Yet another activity Fen is incredibly skilled in, but does not often indulge in. But since Fen has access to so many different flowers with many varying colors, sometimes he'll make paint to make something insanely beautiful.
Random Fun Fen Fact: After his death, Fen has this snake tattoo implanted on him by the devil that is slowly moving and slithering around his body!!
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just-call-mefr1es · 5 months
lil infodump bout that band camp tbp au i made within my head because @staggersz is keeping me hostage🫶🏽 /j
so, im not all that familiar with band camps in general, i just know its like summer camp,,,,,, but instruments,,, so yeah really interesting. i’m pretyyyy sure that band camp becomes available when honour band becomes available because they handed out scholarships for band camp (or whatever) when i was in honour band so yeah. not sure if its different in the states but oh well (im canadian)
alright alrigth,, so i dont have a deadset outlook on the au yet (just silly thoughts and ideas) womp womp for me. i mostly have down the instruments from that post i made about guessing what instrument they would play, if you wanna know what instruments they have but dont wanna scroll thru my blog to find the post (dont blame you) just send an ask xx
what i have so far: bruce definitely got a scholarship. not sure if they do that in U S and an A but whatever if they dont. making this up as i go along, dont judge. anygays, if band camps are still following ‘typical summer camp culture’, with the bunks, cabins and shit (ill do research later sjsjsj) then boom. all basement boys™️ (or should i say,, BANDboys.. haha im so funny) are sharing a bunk. yipee. theyre also probably separated by gender so gwen n amy’ll share a cabin^^
just realized i forgot donna (IM SO SORRY) bass clarinet. no arguments? no arguments.
kk, so bruce has definitely been going to band camp for a while, perhaps vance as well. OOO what if they bickered. haha mutual-dislike-towards-one-another to okay-we-can-work-together-for-the-sake-of-our-cabin to hey-you’re-actually-kinda-cool to friends to wait-a-damn-minute, so on and so forth???? hell yeah actually
AAAAA THE IDEAS ARE FLOODING INNNxkmskddmmddmd what if,, because band camp open to everyone n shit (i caANT WORD UGH),, what if finney n robin were childhood friends, one moved (idk which one) then they reunited at band camp⁉️⁉️⁉️ rinney enthusiasts better take that and run idk what else to do
as much as i love griffin, i have no idea- wait nevermind i do and im too lazy to rewrite thst sentence. cause i gave him an older sister (ocs, they are old yes, but i dont care. will talk about them later) no doubt she joined, he just wanted to be with his sister for the summer. okay yeah that works. same could go for billy, since i reduced him to middle child status (sorry my guy) but i feel like he just joined for funsies.
okay thats all my brain can think about for now, im gonna create an animatic in my head then cry about it for an hour now byeee
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thatcheeseycandle · 4 months
Woah whats this about a big series your working on? I saw ur reblog of that oc ask post and now left curious. Could I hear a bit about it from you?
//Future me here, who just finished writing all that out, warning for a LONG LONG paragraph of everything. As in it's like 6k+ words (I DIDNT USE A WORD COUNTER SO YEAH THATS PRACTICALLY A GUESS-)
Of course! To explain, there are two series-es
One being, An Universal Animatronic Revolution (AUAR), aka where Mixie is from alongside Axel.
The second one being, Lifetales (LT, THE NAME IS BEING WORKED ON SHHHSHSHSHSH), which is where Platinum and the rest of the Triple HHH Court come from.
Now to note, these two are actually apart of the same multiverse. AUAR and LT are basically groups for my OCs, not like "Oh this one is fantasy and this one goes to cyberpunk" no it's more like how they'd work in these two worlds.
LifeTales takes place in a historical-fiction type world where it's it own world, while also bringing in IRL concepts (ex: religions, irl nationalities, etc). But it's mainly explored in the present timeline considering the time before it wasn't, yknow, it didnt have all that yet
Basically the world first started as it's own. Instead of the current continents, it has five continents based on the five "Entities" being the Triple H Court. Note that I am not referring to the current generation of the same court, but rather a different court.
Now it's important to mention that the multiverse of LifeTales only consists of 6 universes.
The first one, being the main universe, aka where Selene and Golian originated before they died and reincarnated as Platinum and Gold, where the five continents are
The rest, well, they take place in other eras in time. Take the universe where Ruby, but otherwise known as Cathmore before he reincarnated into Ruby, had lived in. It was basically the 1930s.
Now I havent expanded on the 4 other universes yet. But it'll most likely not exist in the future considering they're just placeholders for how I'll world build the places the entities lived in before they were entities.
But as for AUAR? Basically it's a multiverse, it's main genre being Science-fiction. A big one, that's publically explored. The universe Mixie comes from, she's basically from the real world, the current timeline of the universe in the story being between 2010-2013. While the universe she stumbles into, Retro Way's timeline is 2019-2022
Retro Way is also the center of this multiverse, being a universe of it's own with the mix of people from all sorts of universes yes but while also being a sort of HQ for all experienced multiversal travellers (Except Doctor Strange, sorry MCU fans the MCU in this multiverse is still known as media)
Now to note, in Mixie's universe, Multiversal Travel isn't much known. In a way where she and the people she's with havent exactly been to the places where the "portals" and all the multiversal travel stuff is at.
And another thing to note, Retro Way still has it's residents aka theres still people from there. And yes nationalities still exist, if your born in Retro Way and had parents with Dutch origins, your nationality would be Dutch.
Now as much as I'd love to like SPILL all the story of AUAR and LifeTales, I wouldn't want to spill it too soon considering, well this:
AUAR is one generation of 10 generations (technically 11 adding in the prequel for it, Everyday Engineering aka EE), specifically theres 12 seasons in AUAR, adding two new seasons each generation. And within each season theres 12 episodes, which to my calculations since the last time I updated the planout doc of that, was enough to supply 2-6 plots.
Now I already have an idea of 3/10 generations but I havent like, written all chapters/episodes down aka I havent translated every single daydream into a chapter yet.
On the otherhand
LifeTales has three "eras" or generations in a way. The first one being, well, the backstories. Mainly the backstories of Platinum and Gold, and other characters that'll appear in Era 3
The second Era is basically, the current timeline. How their life is going, what they're doing, the current timeline of that era, etc. (While also having a similar plot-planout to AUAR, aka their life isn't too casual, they still have their adventures and bits of character growth)
The third era, well, it's basically the current timeline but it actually moves on from the current plot. It expands on new plots and has more character growth than last Era, also expanding more into other characters' backstories than the first Era.
But alas, until these two stories/series are done, I cannot confirm it has solid conclusions YET
I'll of course post randoms bit from random parts of these two stories on my tumblr, and on my other socials whenever I can
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iiusia · 2 months
Your little story snippet got me curious, so if you don’t mind me asking: who are Mariam and Olivia? :0 I’m so so intrigued!!
!!!!!!! you dont know how much this means 2 me i am always thinking about these guys forever and ever....
okay SO. mariam and olivia (and eli, though he appears only a bit in the snippet) r my silly little ocs (that are MAYBE adapted from a dsmp fic. shhhhhhhh they are so much more 2 me now).
mariam and eli are brother and sister and olivia is like... a really close childhood friend, pretty much a sister at this point. their story as I've developped it in my mind so far is: (under read more cause this got LONG)
they live in the same small-ish town and olivia is over at their house a LOT... like pretty much living with them, bc [nebulous part of the story that i have yet to develop but that basically keeps her dad away a lot]
at some point though that [nebulous event] comes to an end and olivia starts seeing them less and less bc frankly. her dad is not a Good Man (and all the implications that come with that)
the snippet i posted happens a few years later when olivia shows up at their door bc its the place she feels the safest in, yk?
they sort some legal stuff out, olivia starts living with them For Real
and THEN there's a whole arc that happens when she leaves 2 go to uni but thats whole other story LMAO
but yeah that's the basic idea!! now for characterization olivia is the Definition of repression. she LOVES repression its her favourite hobby... she's the type that can talk a lot and make you feel like she's not able to keep a secret until you realize that 4 all she talks she doesn't really Say Anything About Herself. she's also the type that convinces herself that since she Understands, objectively, what she's gone through and that it was wrong, she doesn't have to actually deal with it bc like. it happened. it was bad. she got out. what's more to say? surely this will have no impact on her psyche [VERY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER]. (a huge part of the story after she gets to uni is about how she's terrified of people thinking that what happened was her fault to the point of distancing herself from everyone who knows about it)
mariam.... mariam is so special 2 me always... she's the oldest, the "adult" and she cares about these kids SO MUCH... it's maybe not obvious outwardly bc she's not really the demonstrative kind but she shows it in her own way. her instinct is always to be very.... business-like with it? not quite the word but basically she does her gestures quietly and without fanfare and then you find out about it like 3 weeks later and you're like oh...... she really does care a lot. but also worth mentionning she is more mature so she does know that people have different needs when it comes to knowing that they're loved so with eli she does make an effort to be more Obvious with it. she's also SO scared all the time... she's terrified that something will happen to them always but she doesn't show it because she doesn't want to freak them out :(
eli.. i know you didn't ask about him but i still will answer because hes just so perfect 2 me... he's the youngest (in the snippet i would say he's 13? maybe? haven't figured out timeline yet). he feels everything so strongly all the time he is FULL of emotions. him and olivia understand each other in a way where they dont really talk about it ever because they don't Need to (or so they think. ahem). he's also a mischevious little guy.. loves exploring and disappearing for hours at a time and almost giving mariam a heart attack. he loves so strongly it physically hurts sometimes ... my little guy :(
anyways heres another snippet for u..... in thanks
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straycalamities · 1 year
Just to know, what are the canon pairings between your ocs at the moment? :3
cANON? UHHHH uhh what is canon uhhh
well mainverse entre is with 12 they've been dating since......2012? 2013? oh god. (maybe they're married at this point who knows)
trufflu entre isss ummmmmmm hard to answer :) he's With swag obv but its Complicated and Unlabeled (til its not, but that's......a story for another time)
weehawken entre is kinda? flirting? interested? in vin not official yet but they had their Moments
man..entre is my bicycle ill be honest. and there's more aus and iterations of entre all usually with their own boo (or the same boo just different situation) i just like to have fun
but anyways enough about him
eboy is canonly with EDU HIMSELF. uwu
mronceler is canonly. divorced :)
andrew and ace are usually canonly planned to get together. i literally made ace FOR andrew. so i guess they're technically canon? i just haven't officially done any stories yet where they get to that point. but they're supposed to. especially in their main universes (there's like two now..maybe three..oh no)
andrew canonly has feelings for ji-hoon but they're not reciprocated. he also has a thing for julian, but its uh. awful. its bad. i wont go into it here
i think thats about it for him? uh :( same for ace err...yeah they pretty much just have each other rn even in different universes (i'd be down to play around with hooking them up with other ocs if anyone's interested tho wink)
kian is canonly with dev uwu they are in LOVE and sometimes eventually have a dotter named sid (sidney (because of scream yes))
i also have like four more oc pairings with edu, but i think i havent ever posted about them here...uh...seiki, will, aoife, and sean. well i HAVE posted about aoife and will but i dont think edu has anything posted of taelim or dean...so...
erendriel, daisy, and spook as of now are all canonly single and ready to mingle... idk do they even have ""canons"" right now ?? they kinda just exist in my head as amorphous blobs of vibes and vague traits (except spook who's got more than that but not rly anywhere to belong yet. it's just out here.) so if someone wanted to..make smth happen. my ocs. y'all's ocs. fingerguns. i know spook has one interested party rn. and has done stuff with another treasured friend's oc in the past
there's also danny, apollo, beleth, callisto, leah, mary, brady, nayasha, toni, and zenathrael. i have so many ocs dude...umm nayasha has a gf in canon but i havent designed her yet. brady has a...Thing going on with their basically-boss but...:) and the rest are all canonly single. i have even more but idk this is already getting out of hand.
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ikoarts · 8 months
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October 2022 Art (OC-tober)
All my drawings for OC-tober 2022! I did miss out Day 9 + Day 22, I think coz the prompts weren't specific to any of my OCs, but I was happy to get a unique OC drawn for 29 whole days! I'll list the prompts below too
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1, 2, 3 - 01-02-03/10/2022 : (The Care Taker ; The Crazy One ; The Guide)
Raven, Calypso, and Sean - Raven being something of a caretaker, caring for her little brothers, and even taking on her infant half siblings, she's very busy all of the time... Calypso, yeah hes just crazie. Sean I figured is a maths teacher, he probably teaches Noah, and is a mentor to him
4, 5, 6 - 04-05-06/10/2022 : (The Grump ; The Beauty ; The Evil One)
Ruben, Antonia, and Russula - Ruben is definitely grumpy, I think the only thing that could make him smile is if you present him with some nice cheeses, or do something really stupid :p Toni, ofc is beautiful, she takes a lot of pride in her appearance, oh the style!! i wanna be her!! Russula.. isnt "evil", not really, but shes a demon lady so thats as close as you'll get x
7, 8, 9 - 07-08-10/10/2022 : (The Pet Owner ; The Mechanic ; The Quiet One)
Wren, Delilah, and Jay - I like thinking Wren would, at some point, have a guide dog, though it's not really canon unfortunately. Delilah is one of my Ace Attorney OCs! The daughter of Ron & Desiree, she definitely has a knack for mechanics, even at such a young age. Jay is like the "fly on the wall" of the Maedas, so is Robin tbf, I think both of them sit in a corner and stare, but yeah totally quiet, unless he feels like being snarky, he just sits and is judgemental
10, 11, 12 - 11-12-13/10/2022 : (The Handsome One ; The Thief ; The Best Friends)
Copper, Angel, Blaire + Ginger - Copper is handsome!!! thats all really. Angel is another of my AA OCs, Delilah's grandma, actually, like Ron she's a thief, though it's more serious stuff, Angel might not even be her real name, who knows! Blaire and Ginger are beloved to me, best friends who found each other thru drag!
13, 14 - 14-15/10/2022 : (The Gun Lover ; The Cutie pie)
Richie and Robin - Richie isn't a "gun lover" exactly, only that he has a gun for an arm, sometimes, which he loves, but yea he might be a bit "and then i started blastin"... and Robin is a cutie pie! I've updated his design since this, but he's still cute <3
15, 16, 17 - 16-17-18/10/2022 : (Someone Else's OC (Mitzi from @creaturedrawz) ; The Helper ; The Nature Lover)
Mitzi, Susie, and Buttercup - i hadn't drawn Mitzi yet and i rly wanted to bc i love her... i need to draw for others more x ,, Susie, ofc is very helpful, super friendly and outgoing, and Buttercup is a farm boy, despite living in the city he still ofc has a huge love of nature
18, 19, 20 - 19-20-21/10/2022 : (The Father ; The Siblings ; The Girl Next Door)
Felix, Una + Zin, and Penny - Felix... ugh.. da dad evar... i love his swag ass gay boy style... Una n Zin, some of my IZ OCs, they're siblings, but, it's complicated, they consider each other siblings anyway thats all that matters, Una worries abt him a lot. PENNY, ms americas sweetheart that penny. she is battling demons in hell, with her boobs (gay)... she used to be human, but since fucking. dying. shes having a gradual transformation x
21, 22, 23 - 23-24-25/10/2022 : (The Gang Leader ; The Sad One ; The Gamer)
Caspian, Rushada, and Pumpkin - Caspian isn't a gang leader, but he would get wrapped up in gangs, but dont worry he turns it around <3 Rushada my beloved sadgirl.. again its funny to see her before i gave her a slight redesign, i liked her hands in this one tho. Pumpkin is a gamer, in his gamer zelda shirt and gamer cargo shorts, thats about it
24, 25, 26 - 26-27-28/10/2022 : (The Mother ; The Power Within ; The Lovers)
Alice, Lafayette, Gizmo + Jasmine - Alice <3 my scouse ma.. she kinda just is The mother of my ocs ig ,, Lafayette, i still haven't figured out anything too concrete about his lore, but the hidden power thing is something i feel fits him. Jasmine n Gizmo have been my standout married couple ocs for years now, i just never draw Gizmo LOL, so this is still the most recent thing of him... oops
27, 28, 29 - 29-30-31/10/2022 : (The Scientist ; The Marked One ; The Goddess)
Daffy, Luna, and Rosaline - Last stretch..... im getting tired of typing....... Daffy likes to picture himself as a mad scientist but hes just a dorky autistic dude accidentally making nuclear bombs in his bedroom lmfao. Luna i thought was obvious for the prompt, she's a zombie catgirl so shes just, parts. bits n pieces. Rosaline, again like Lafayette, i dont have much concrete about her, but being my 1 goddess oc it was pretty obvious she'd be the one i drew for the last day lol
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tenguucringefails · 1 year
So here’s ✨Twinkle✨formally known as Princess Taffy
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I aint like her outfit the first time I drew her so I rearranged her entire existence, now she’s lovingly named princess twinkle lmao
ANYWAY, she's a girl's birthday bot and was designed to sell the fairy princess experience and she's a total bitch.
More info about her below!
She's never outright mean to the kids or to staff but she's openly mean to the other animatronics. For really obnoxious kids, she’ll express her true feelings when no one is around. She's basically two faced.
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She views the entirety of the pizzaplex as her kingdom and particularly despises Sun and Moon since they're considered the "court jesters". She actively terrorizes Sun, whose too afraid to fight back seeing as she has staff believing she’s well behaved and one wrong move could land him in parts and services. HOWEVER, Moon isn’t as cautious and is just as mean and vindictive back to her and she hates it. The two of them constantly get into fights and petty prank wars.
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She also kinda hates them both because they have an entire large scale area to theirselves while she's stuck in a single room with a tacky fairy castle theme.
I haven't figured out where it should be located yet but I figured it could be an extension to the daycare area.
She thinks of Freddy as a subservient stepstool.
Roxy a gaudy poodle.
Chica a trash gobbling pig.
And Monty a loudmouthed lizard.
Also, she mostly refers to Sun and Moon as the court jesters but she also calls Sun the “town’s fool” and Moon “scrapmetal.”
OH THE DJ I ALMOST FORGOT she thinks of him as a roach and doesn't really interact with him lmao it's mostly because he's the only other bot she has an inkling of fear towards.
The one who terrifies her the most is Mother Dearest, one of my other bot OCs who has a history of being extremely volatile towards other bots.
Twinkle also doesn't get along with another oc of mine, Cirrostratus (who I’ll drop next) but she DOES get along with (and this is the final bot lmao) Flippy BECAUSE FLIPPY IS NICE AND SWEET *BANGS FIST* AND EVERYONE LOVES HER!!!!!!!
Twinkle is still kinda mean to Flippy tbh but she actually calls her by her name because Flippy will sometimes bring her shiny items that have been lost (she loves sparkly shit)
My bots are part of the canon security breach universe also, so they all get the afton disease EXCEPT FLIPPY but behind twinkle’s face plate are gross insect mandibles ✨💖✨
I feel like I should have made her wings look more butterfly-ish or at least more rounded because she's meant to be like a BUTTERFLY fairy, hence her antennas and cartoony nose.
But yeah! Thats Twinkle the fairy princess birthday bot!
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enlighten3d · 5 months
uhm. so adele and janette’s final death cuz oh boy its been in my head for a whileee
SO. Janette’s weird sprite (not the drink) curse with the flowers that burst out of her skin with a single papercut are a BIG part of this. Basically Janette decides well fuck it we ball ig and tries to stab Adele and during this fight janette gets wounded in either the chest or stomach (i haven’t decided yet) and like. thats already not a good place to get hurt in even without that curse but with the flowers already growing she decides to try to hug adele because.
ok science lesson time (of my oc lore lmao) but the flowers in this curse will push through anything (flesh, wood, stone, another human-) to grow! So when Janette hugs Adele, she’s basically stabbing her with the flowers. So they both die in a hug D: In a way. Well not really but close enough to one lmao BUT AUGHHH YEAH. THEY MAKE ME ILL. But also Josh and Adele never talk again since that was the last conversation they had before adele’s death. And Josh could tell her everything he had to except adele didn’t apologise or anything- *sounds of me falling over and sobbing aughh*/hj/silly
hehe dasselbe..
OKAY. preparing myself for this. i think that i, in fact, have not heard this.
oh. oh boy. oh boy. oh boy. weLL THATS RLY FUN SDHLKJFNS
lark what the fuck, thats fucked up, im not koay...a sdlhfkjaHKJSHDkjlnlkdjsfhgd
do. do the flowers keep growing after they die and cover their dead bodies in their fucked up embrace in a pile of blue flowers (are the flowers actually blue, or is that a hting that my mind made up??? cant recall) and then theyre either painstakingly dug out of there or theyre left to rot there (i mean, no one rly likes adele (other than josh maybe), and no one would touch janette considering the villages attitude towards resurrected ppls..) for all eternity and the flower field spreads in a cascade of death flowers that eventually slowly takes over the village and one day long long after all this a couple of people find jadele and theyre rotted and just skeletons and all thats seen is that theyre hugging and that theyre the origin of the flowers so scientists go 'huge archaelogical find in hotspot of alleged supernatural activity ! we have proof ! these two lovers sacrificed themselves for eachother for the sake of the village' or some shit like that and their legacy is completely twisted and no one knows who the fuck they actually are and- okay i got a bit carried away,d ont m,ind me HKDSLJFGH.........
AAA ADELE NEVER APOLOGISING THO... she would Never in the first place but like. fuck. last conversations being Arguments always gets me. joshhh ))):: he spoke his mind FINALLy, but nothing changed because nothing ever changes he has no control-
im not okay lark what the ufkc
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trashy-opossum · 2 years
Oh man! I've forgotten completely to post my stuff here! Been busy with stuffs, but I've been getting into writing more!! Not gonna unfortunately put anything public yet, but I'm hoping in the future I get my little guys story put together! ^-^
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Also new(-ish) guy!! Frances my beloved little nerd, He's basically another one of my Gaurdian enjoyer ocs, He's a cannon friend of #325 and have been besties for decades. (Also I'm blaming Nero again for influencing me!!/lh /j)
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Some sketches as well! (Sooo.. Uhh, Ignore the fact that I spelled jealous incorrectly, I couldn't go back and fix it cause I merged layers so.. I'm still weeping about it!!)
Also.. *cough* Yeah thats a Psychonauts OC in the middle but I'm keeping it untagged
And Jozlyn!! my girl!! Letting you on a little secret, But since I've seen my friend play HOME I've personally Headcannoned that all the cats were owned by their respective guardians... I think its super cute..
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The Horror and an older oc!! Only my og friends remembers who this tough guy is!! I like his design a lot this time round, Both these goobs will be important for a certain someone's story, so look out for that!! :3c
OKOK, so that's all! Enjoyyy~ -w-
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urm0m19 · 8 months
NEW OC!!!!!! ::🦈
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CREDS TO : @kix-mm for helping me find a name for him💕
~Name : Martin
~Species : Giant
~Personality : nice,kind,helpful,funny,organized but also messy
~Likes : humans,kids,cute stuff,movies,etc
~Dislikes : vegetables (he still makes Haru eat them😞), bullies,taxes,his parents,etc
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So yes he knows Haru and he is kinda protective of her but I will tell you all about their lore later :3 (for suspense😈)
Oh and another thing! So the teddy bear is bigger and it’s for a normal giant kid size because I was kind of in a hurry of making him so yeah…The teddy bear is normal-human-plushie sized tho!
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I don't even know what day it is
(It's day 20)
(Specifically of reading homestuck)
Point and click with John wahoo
What are we just going to the crashed car and moving on?
Oh it just wouldn't let me click the arrow for a bit I see
Hi Roxy!
Elevatorstuck, with Meows
I so very badly want to know what their options actually were 👀👀👀
So "something something loss" was the other option great to know x)
Not to be a filthy little Legend of zelda fan in the honestuck live react but this is such "fanon idea Link of link's awakening waking up from the dream and having to battle with himself over whether it was even real" vibes
Off we go, into the blank ass yonder x)
"Rumble royal with mangaka dudebro, lord of the shitwanks" gotta love roxy
John this is very much not the right place or time
I also can't believe that worked
Vriska and Meenah's friendship is very cute
Slowly rotating horse cylinder
Hi dead Jane!
Making OCs at the drop of a hat is self care you can't change my mind because I'm right
Oh fuck you Terezi, I do have to remember the numbers in the passwords >:/
"Ooh, look! Another space tragedy."
Popped into a girl's bedroom, stole a stuffed dragon, nbd
"you don't need him." Well that's vague
Oho? This Jane's story is different than I remember
Oh yeah this is way different
Oh damn funeral time
That I'd such a shallow grave, Rox
The witness has been deployed
John your extra notes are worrying me
Uh oh the girlies tripped off a cliff
They rollin
I swear if they do the cheesy "whu oh we fell on top of eachother guess we gotta kiss" thing
Oh gosh Terezi stop trying to grab the scarf
Karkat is here
Everything is falling apart again aw beans
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Ah how I miss when Karkat could be angry about stupid things instead of life threatening things 😌
Awww John and Roxy are holding hands
Aw fuck, bye bye everything I guess
shes8ack, whatever that means
Dang we got the monument valley music and everything
Oh they're not dead?
Okay I guess it has been a while since Caliborn's Fuck Around and Find Out Hour
Homosuck Swan Song
I don't appreciate that Caliborn has apparently drawn pictures of Callies supposed safe space
Shit, this is actually good stop motion! Congrats on developing your style Caliborn (but also fuck u)
Okay fine Vriska you're off my shitlist since you've been being a good girl
Help this is too cute
I find it funny how Vriska was so important to shit not going sideways but I still do not appreciate her self-centeredness lol
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Lalonde reunionnnn
I just want to mention that we have yet to see Dave bleat like a goat unless I'm stupid and missed it
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