#oh yeah and the bg is from the show btw!! :)
5oclock in the morning about to watch Past Prologue for the very first time let’s fucking Go 
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daradiostarzz · 4 months
Okay Hiii me back!! Time to talk about Book Enzo (Honestly the best iteration of Enzo) and an insight on him because I feel people look at book Enzo so one noted and it's very frustrating to watch so okay.
Context: The Book was where Nicky's friends were mostly introduced (This was during a time when SN wasn't considered part of the lore so no Finch, no Ivan and no Delroy and Leader, Brave and Detective were separate cause like Maritza and Enzo were hinted to be dark skinned mexicans) Enzo in the books was also very different in the two books.
Yes he IS a nerd he HAS nerd qualities but he was also had a very sharp tongue and will opp out of a conversation when Aaron is brought in as a topic. And book 2 is where Enzo stole alot of the show cause of his arc and turnaround and also his argument with Nick in chapter 7 and the iconic:
"Have fun alone." While Jackson 5 is blasting in the bg
He also did something somewhat of a prick move which was: ditching Nick & Maritza to instead hang with kids whom he had zero platonic compatibility with and allowing them to walk all over him (Like them giving him an embarrassing nickname) and though in the end of the book he does have a turn around and make up with Nick. Alot of people by that time see Enzo as a prick/mean girl/idk whatever u wanna call him. Ik 14 year old me did at the time till I reread it and started to be charmed and eventually now I usually tend to defend some of his actions of book 1-2 (3 I'll tab in a bit l8r)
Okay, let's start w the easy one which is Enzo telling Nick off in chapter 7 about staying away from Maritza & Trinny: In book 1 Enzo told Nick "Oh btw your neighbor cornered my sister and told her about her dead friend flying" and to which Nick then met up with Maritza irl by book 2 and the two shared a bond over them losing a close friend while amidst Nick falling out w Enzo. So let's go back to that first sentence in blue: imagine a friend of yours is friends with someone who the adult figure in their life said something pretty horrifying to a family member, to which you tell them about it & instead of that friend backing off that friend with the scummy adult figure they instead put your family member risking their life for investigating on that scummy adult figure behind your back cause they thought you simply just want to hide behind your tail and not confront the situation, and mind you. You and the friend are both 12.
Now let me say this: Yes it was somewhat scummy for Enzo to try and avoid it at all costs especially when Maritza was hurt he did not take into consideration her feelings BUT the situation could've been bad had Maritza been closed off to the topic about her two dear friends & being thrust into foregoing to investigate a man who said creepy shit to you by someone you kinda met through your brother. Yeah, Enzo HAD a reason for what he said about Nick staying away from Trinity and Maritza two people who he not only cares about but HAS HISTORY. I love Nick but it is stupidly dangerous how he set up 2 other kids to investigate with him and doesn't think of how DANGEROUS that is especially since in the books it is HEAVILY IMPLIED THEODORE ABUSES AARON.
This isn't a case of unreliable narration or the author forgot to add it in it's a case where the POV doesn't understand why the character feels like that way, it's Nick POV at the end of the day he doesn't have all the answers but it's hinted.
They're meant to be a parallel to their own fathers' how-to approach to an article on Theodore except switched on its heads. So yeah how do you expect a bunch of 12-year-olds to react to someone being kidnapped?
Aaron & Enzo: Okay in general this is something I always kept in mind about the books especially cause this was intended by the author:
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Enzo and (the rest of the kids too not just him.) Are meant to be flawed so it's not a surprise personally he doesn't want to be affiliated with something as macabre as Lucy's death or the Petersons anymore and is again trying to cope (He's 12 his mind is at the end of the day still developing) but it just doesn't work. My only complaint was I wished we could've seen a scene where Enzo realizes Ruben and Seth didn't care for him. But with what we have I much rather have it be implied through Enzo not making it to the basketball team and finally Enzo and Nick making up and going to Miguel for help. Nick & Enzo CARE about the people they love they unfortunately butt heads over how to approach it with Enzo wanting Nick to do nothing while Nick wants Enzo to do something. They don't HATE each other I do not understand where that is coming from especially cause Nick was so quick to forgive Enzo even wanting to hug him like... They care for each other, they just clashed about how to approach a very heavy situation that will likely get police involved.
And as for Enzo falling out with Aaron, obviously, it's the Maritza situation I want to irritate though that yes Aaron isn't at fault Enzo probably with the influence of Miguel shaped his mindset that Aaron and Mya are people he should stay away from in order not to be sucked in by Theodore's toxicity (Cause that book they were all 10 and had brains that soak up like a sponge)
Okay time to talk generally about book 3: It's a very weak book that forces the characters to be written out of a plot for the final scene which was planned out. And though yes Enzo abandoned Nick (with like also Trinity and Maritza)
Oh right I totally forgot HNVR exist despite how book 3 seems to have written them not wanting to do with anything w Nick! let's all actively pretend book 3 never existed:
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Okay, I'll try my only defense for him in book 3 is: Everyone was written stupidly for a forced conflict but I think cause as a reader I was desensitized to Enzo being mean it doesn't come off as left field for me as Trinity and Maritza also he was the last one to opp which again says alot. Also HNVR says otherwise let's pretend they realize how stupid they were and then wanted to apologize only for Nick to be missing let's say that (or pretend book 3 never exist)
So yes this is my gushing about the book Enzo and why I believe he's the most well-written character in the books and what I think alot of people tend to miss out... I wish Enzo was more studied on like this on the same levels as Ted tbh lol
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I love these four... I will talk about these four... Please let me talk about their book versions of them so bad you have no idea how much I will go the 7 seas to defend them like a soccer mom.
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nori-the-cat · 10 days
hi nori~ I’m glad to see you back! This isn’t a request for a reading but I wanted to know your thoughts! While you were gone I had a question I wanted to ask about Anton’s love life but not really love life per se? There was this video about anton being the kind to “date to marry” that genuinely went quite viral? (Idk if you saw it before it was taken down) but it was a video in the BG of a girls fansign with him in Singapore and it caused quite a stir online, with people wondering if he was attracted to her or liked her etc etc because the way he smiled at her was quite crazy I guess? A lot of people was like “I’ve never seen anton look so smitten with a fan” blah blah and apparently the op is the same age as him etc. kfans and cfans were not very happy about the video apparently also bcs he waved at her or smth when she walked to the table? And how his eyes lingered on her as she had to move to the next member? But yeah the discourse was “oh is anton actually attracted to this fan bcs she’s actually really pretty” and it caused the girl quite a bit of hate. I still have a link to a recording of the video and op’s original fansign video if you want to see but my question is more like, is it genuinely possible he could have found her attractive of sort? Like is it possible for idols to feel that way abt fans? Thank u love <3
Hello lovely anon ♡
This one was a mouthful for me to read...HAHAHAHAHA ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;)
First, I do think it's possible for male idols to feel a certain way about a fan. Assume Anton is straight and his preference are women.
Now, if Anton wasn't an idol, I think he would've taken a liking to her simply because she's pretty (Don't quote me on this because you said she's pretty (ᵕ•_•) ). However, I'm pretty sure his job as an idol/celebrity stops him from showing interest.
Second, it's normal for a man to like a pretty woman. Just like Anton. I think the problem here (If I have to pick one) is that fans (based on the info above) nitpick on it too much to the point she received hate. ( ._. )"" Poor girl...
Third, Anton is in the early days of his career and he's a handsome young man. To him, seeing, spotting, and meeting a pretty or physically attractive fan will be an experience. Plus, I'm sure he knows he's good looking. So, I'm not surprised that he showed "interest" in her. I'm sure as time goes by, he'll be used to seeing pretty, beautiful, and physically attractive fans, especially female fans. But for now, something like this would likely repeat itself until he learns his lesson...
Btw, I have no idea which video you're talking about or what she even looks like.
Unfortunately, I'm chronically offline (ᵕ—ᴗ—) if it's okay with you. May I see the video? But that's completely up to you. No pressure.
Another point. If we consider my tarot readings about him, the energy that I got from Anton as a partner/significant other has always been about him as a serious lover. He is someone who dates to marry. He doesn't want to "waste" his time. So, playing around is not on his agenda. He also likes someone with an intention to be with them. However, we must consider that this is tarot. Anything can change. This change can be influenced by Anton's surroundings or personal opinion.
Unfortunately, I tried asking Anton through Tarot and I got the 2 of Swords and The Hermit. Basically, he refuses to answer and lets us know.
To summarise my point, yes, I do think it's likely for a male idol to find or think his female fans are pretty and find them attractive. In this case, it's very possible that Anton found her attractive.
Also, remember that Anton had just turned 20...He's a young man...Possibly, a straight young man. He's also a rookie. So, it's likely that he's still unaware of his own actions as an idol and what he should or should not do.
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golbrocklovely · 10 months
Apparently the fandom has bullied Colby for having himself as his phone background and made him take the picture down off his instagram story? (I just checked, it's true the picture he'd shared showing the song he was listening to on his phone that revealed his phone background is now gone).
Wtf is wrong with people? Why shouldn't the man have a cool modelling photo from the xplr shoot as his background?
The fandom needs to grow up and let the man live!
sorry for the delayed response :)
in case anyone doesn't know what pic is being referred to, here's the photo that colby posted then deleted:
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i did see that whole interacting on twitter.
i know this isn't something that needs to be taken seriously for the most part. bc to anyone that's new to the fandom or doesn't think too deeply about anything that happens here, you'd probably think "this isn't that serious. we were just joking with colby, he gets our humor."
my thing is, of course, i believe that 99% of the ppl that make fun or poke at colby aren't doing it maliciously. they truly believe the above statement: that they're just having fun with colby and he gets it. and that's a valid thought to have. and for sure, if YOU were the only one joking, then yeah - he would brush it off and not care and know that it's most likely a joke. the problem is this fandom doesn't know when to let a joke die. they will keep at a joke for weeks, months even. and maybe the first couple ppl that started the joke were joking, but once you get to the 150th person saying the same thing at you, it's not gonna feel like a joke anymore.
also, i hate to be the bear of bad news, but SAM AND COLBY DON'T KNOW YOU. sorry, but you aren't besties with snc, they don't know who you are. so you could easily think that "oh, they get my humor, they know i'm joking" but reality is, this might be the first time they see you. how the fuck are they supposed to know that you're joking? especially if you're the 100+ person to say this same statement at them? and also, you don't have a bond or a rapport with them. you can't say they "get" you're joking or your humor. no, babes, they don't. bc you're a complete stranger to them.
there's a reason why colby brings up the "bloody tampon" comment and the fact that he gets emails and loses followers when he grows facial hair. it's not a joke. maybe in the beginning it was, but after a certain point, it gets mean bc it's just ppl saying the same thing over and over and over again.
that's not to say that you can't joke. i'm not here to police ppl. but i think maybe ppl need to be a bit more mindful of what they say to snc. if you're gonna say something in a joking way, maybe don't @ them. or just keep it to yourself.
bc it's a real shame that, most likely, colby liked that photo of himself (which is why he set it as his bg) and now he looks at it differently and literally changed it bc he was harassed into doing so. not to mention, he posted a ss of his lockscreen bc he was listening to a song. a song, btw, that's really fucking sad. so like……… maybe as a fandom we can focus on raising them up rather than shitting on them, kay? :)
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gemwolfz · 1 year
good morning chat (<- it's 12:30 pm) its time for a GEM FROG WATCHPOST (instead of putting it in the bg while i draw because ive accepted i cant draw and read at the same time)
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btw my very legal straming site doesnt have episode descriptions and no way im remembering an episode thats been mentioned by number so i have no idea what im getting into. also im setting a timer to truly see how long my autistic ass can stretch a 15 minute episode. ok lets get started :)
okay first of all intro i havent seen yet lets GOOOO. PURURU SIGHTING IN THERE HEY GIRL!! i actually need to watch some eps with pururu in em btw. like hey show her to me. anyway good intro lots of guys spotted :)
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^ CATEGORY 5 DORORO EVENT HI. experiencing the horrors as usual i see
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i see so this is what we're doing today huh. do you intend to rip my heart out.
im sorry they have a fucking invasion planning chore wheel? thats really funny
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wcdonalds btw. sorry sorry wcdonalds cracks me up every time in any show
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^^ his ass did NOT process what was just said!!!
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he had it right the first several times cmon man.
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hes taking this in stride huh. even in category 5 THE LORE situations the silly grind doesnt stop
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why is zeroro resonance so fucking stupid btw. sorry man.
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screenshot that speaks for itself man
somehow i dont think "my alien ninja partner is in serious trouble i need to leave immediately" will be counted as an excused absence by your teachers but after scaling a building in a single leap i dont think anybodys gonna question you. i love you koyuki
[this image set broke in the editor but it included keroro and tamama calling zeroro SO MEAN for not explaining his plan to them] frankly i respect keroros unwillingness to treat situations with the proper gravity because i do the same thing king
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his ass does not care
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he changed his mind something is terribly wrong
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okay lets be real here the platoon would NOT have found him there. if he hadn't been able to contact koyuki he'd have been fucked. badly. something something being saved again by the person who showed you the warmth and beauty the planet has to offer
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literally yeah the fate of the planet is held by natsumi being able to throw frogs like splat balls. pov youre giroro and the number one person standing between you guys and invasion is decidedly the girl who is constantly personally stopping you from blowing shit up. this is a personal attack
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important and relevant but also im sorry "brat" is incredibly funny word choice coming from tamama
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no reaction i can put into words. btw this episode is labelled as a filler episode. just so you know. i just think thats funny. haha so silly
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aye.......................................... i would be using more reaction images but i have to prioritize screenshots. anyway god.
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they were holding their fucking BREATH. his ass could have died!! badly!!! their deep sigh of relief is not as visible as i'd have hoped but you know. you feel me.
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there are reactions i am making that are sound effects i cannot put into words sorry. im better at posting silly nonsense im sure you understand. hell, post horse staring at the ocean MAN again
he goes "i'm sorry about that, everyone!" as if it was fucking nothing. DUDE. This is why you caught that trauma-eating brain parasite because you just act like shit was NOTHING DUDE...
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gem conclusion:
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anyway i spent an hour watching this ten minute episode. sorry for maybe a weak reaction post i need to stir this episode in my head like a soup. thank you plates for your recommendation. join me in the rbs later as i may watch episode B and experience whatever tonal whiplash this episode came with
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fainthedcherry · 8 months
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OK GIANT CREDIT BLOCK GO (Freepik and pexels my beloved saved my entire college year lmao):
The drawing though is made by my acoustic arse /lh
THE LYRICS ARE TAKEN FROM THE VID I LINKED. HAYLEY'S VOICE MY BELOVED AND FOREVER DEAREST ENTIRE BAND /POSPOSPOS. I wanna sing like Hayley so badly, she is such an idol to me, when it comes to vocals and I wish to sing as expressive as her some day 🤧✨💖
WHAT MORE CAN I SAY, OTHER THAN I'VE BEEN EXPERIMENTING WITH SHORT DRAWINGS, THAT TAKE UNDER A DAY TO COMPLETE TO FIGURE OUT SOME THINGS I WANNA DO AS AN ARTIST AND POSSIBLY COMMISSIONS. + These drawings genuinely kinda de-stress so it's been free therapy too, oops. I wanna do more of these vector-style drawings, that are just me taking lyrics and creating these fun collages, of things that inspire me or I like. It's a chill practice and lets my creativity actually do the work for once, instead of my usual need to outdo myself in every drawing and improve lmao. Improvement is cool and all, but dear god did I not realise how hard my need for perfection last year stress and strangle me tf out. I seriously need to re-evaluate the way I approach art as this massive, intimidating medium, when most artists literally draw for fun, and for me it's been like...A Sisyphean task.
If you enjoyed seeing this, I might make a sequel with C'est Comme Ca and w/ Marco in it instead and a red BG,, if I want to, I might turn these into a series, just like those aesthetic icon drawings I made of my 2 boys, started Lotta, and IMMEDIATELY lost that sketch due to my USB's death back in 2022 and lost all motivation for art due to that massive loss /neg
Not sure what else to add here other than my thoughts that I already did!! Other than ofc, the usual, MASSIVE thank you to my friend Hollowed-Hartlocke for introducing me to Paramore back in 2019 <3
Think I'm done rambling now tho!! OH WAIT. I can add, that I had to actually pull out Adobe Illustrator just to add stretched text for aesthetic purposes. Then I got so impatient with the effects panel not showing me the usual layer-effects and me being too lazy to look up, whether InDesign was the one, that had the usual layer effects I use in an Adobe program or not. Btw still mooching off my college acc that shoulda been dead long ago but just isn't??? LMAO I'M STILL GONNA USE IT IF I CAN ALRIGHT.
^Before-bed edit; Yeah his torso's a TAD too much leaning to the left, it's off-center to the rotation of his pelvis to be in fact, but maybe? I'll roll with this mistake. It kinda gives the piece its abstract nature..I kinda like the mistake?? This is the first time in my life I ever tolerated a mistake I did and now declare it on purpose and will probably build one into the next piece as well. Hell, maybe it'll yield an interesting result. Anyway, it's 12PM as I write this, and I have to get up at 4AM for my train soOooo, yeah, gotta sleep ASAP for school.
I have NO clue again what to 100% accurately tag this, so forgive me if the tags are wrong LMAO, I just will believe what I believe it has overlaps w/ within art-genre.
This piece kiiinda gives pop art??? So I'm gonna tag it as such as well, but but might be incorrect. If a pop-art enjoyer wants to correct me, PLEASE DO. I'm going off the definitions of pop-art I learned in high-school. So I could most def be wrong about me adding this tag in particular. How tf do people confidently tag their posts when I doubt almost every tag I add man. Tagging is the worst part of uploading art to me due to how hard it is to label art really, not meant to be in a genre. xD
Def adding Paramore tags tho bc I NEED to know more Paramore fans out there bc we feel like such a tiny community, when they're literally one of the most influential rock bands of the 2000s and 2010s imho AUGH
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sioster · 2 years
im so sleep deprived,,, but i also interested on the chapter 5 cuz you keep ref to them,,,,, i have a very grabby hands,,, gimme gimme, throw it to my face >which part of that au you personally like? and do you have their designs in mind?
NOOO FINDJNFEVBYFBGF why am I like this and have the urge to reference my stuff 24/7 </3 so sorry ahgnjht ):
not me looking thru all of my school notebooks, workbooks and studentbooks looking for the designs 😭 this is what being addicted to drawing does to a girl instead of drawing only in a single sketchbook </3
very readable summary of the story: (oopsies a bit of blood spilled 'ere)
>wil the hero accidentally blows himself up during a fight (villian dt vs hero sbi minus tommy) (L)
>a civillian (drem) scrapes him off the pavement and tries nursing him back to an okayish state, no bonding here
>dumbass wil leaves the civillian's flat (he's barely walking- dear starclan he's literally breaking down from pain ,,GO BACKKK,, STOP RUNNING OUTSIDE)
>wil meets the villian that he sees as his arch nemesis (dream). Wil initates the fight because he was not very stable at that moment, dream on the other hand sticks to defensive moves since he doesn't want to open up wil's old wounds. Dream slips and cracks open his head like an egg- dream's civillian identity is revealed, wil is torn on what to do, in the end he takes dream back to dream's flat (hes not about to share his addres if he even has one)
-the roles have been reversed, its now wil that has to take care of delirious dream, they finally start to bond. So far the things I have here are just '...sickfic typical stuff again </3' and a comfort after nightmare scene that is important to the growth of their relationship (dream has a nightmare about the time he slipped and wil was practically just yelling and watching him choke on his own blood. in the nightmare however, wil never unmask him so he can breathe- dream chokes, literally drowns in his blood as that face hidden behind bandages watches him. When dream wakes up, wil comforts him and takes off his face bandages by himself for the first time to show that dream no longer asleep and he means the words that he calmed dream with)
-yeah after that i dont really have anything more than just fluff, also yeah at that point wil officialy moves in- it's not like he already was practically living there for the past few months. If this ends up as a fic I'd say to end it here for an open gate if I ever write a sequeal, but fr real I just don't have anything more planned yet lol
Goger- freezes time for short periods of time, long bow
Hero/Villain powers and weapons so far:
Snapneck- fire bending stuff. whatdidya expect </3, fists
Dream- believed by everyone to have super stamina, actually shapeshifter (only dt knows), axe
(there are 2 other heroes (not dsmp) made if I would ever need em in the bg, plus 2 crack antiheroes)
Phil- vampire but instead of bats it's crows (not sure if the blood aspect will stay), a saber
Techno- superstrenght, probably a long sword or a crossbow with some kind of thing allowing for close combat
Tommy (hero apprentice)- electricity, so far doesn't know how to really use it, small daggers
Wilbur- nothing and hes sad about it ): , any kind of explosives (still needs a close range weapon tho..)
So far I only have aliases/hero&villain names for dream (civilian Dream, supervillain Zmora) and wil (civilian Wilbur, superhero Muza)
.... yeah I had to use polish words for them ( : (zmora = mare, muza = muse)
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I call this piece "your hands are so close dudes just hold them"
fullbody designs with ugly face bandages since I didn't know what I was doing yet back then... btw ye wil lost a chunk of his right hand to the explosion oopsies 🤗😊
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finally good looking c5!wil's face bandages 😭 also bonus at!ratza i guees xD
Oh and a favourite moment... I have a difficulty choosing between the confrontation resulting in cracked egg and the after-nightmare comfort sokbpbsbb0a both of these moments have so much of character in them (not really shown here but man,, this ask answer is already super long) so much of insight on what's going on in their brains nlvlmfmpdpdppkf
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 4: The People of the Plains [Part 1]
Alrite, let's get it over with. And, yeah, you can proobably tell that I'm not that excited about this arc, and, honestly, both the Kouga Arc and the Morgiana Arc are just... well, I don't really care about them. Don't get me wrong, they're both good arcs, Morgiana Arc especially, but they just. Well, they don't do it for me. Again, nothing to do with quality, just preference.
Another downside is that I slightly shot myself in the foot with that rewatch, because it kinda drags, ngl. But at the same time, I'm looking forward to rewatching the Magnostadt Arc, so imma be strong and not skip anything. "Do it for her" meme, except it's me and Kukulcan. Imma do it for my lovely snek and I remember that he had silly faces in the anime. At least I hope I remember well. But, eh, I like rewatching the Magnostadt Arc in general, so I'm losing nothing, and I can still make fun of the art quality which kinda scores a downgrade idk.
Alright, alright, I'm shutting up, let's get to the actual episode.
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Love the low bg quality, but anyway, my girl Elizabeth is here :>
Ok, so, something that makes it pretty darn different - here it's said Alibaba's stayed in Qishan for three days, while in the manga Alibaba stays for three days... and then 3 weeks, I believe. That's a pretty big difference.
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They look kinda funny here.
Ok, I kinda ended up checking Morgiana's VA, bc it reminded me of somebody, but also, the same VA apparently voiced a character from Zettai Karen Children, which is one of these kinda niche series that I have a sentiment for. Btw Zettai Karen Children: UNLIMITED opening (Last Resolution) is fukcing fire. Also, damn, the ZKC anime aired in 2008, how tf did I find it years later.
Ok, that's also an interesting difference. In the manga, Alibaba says that he freed everybody etc, because this is what Aladdin would have wanted. At some point after freeing Garda he also tells Toto that he did if because he [Cassim] would've done that, and I'm kinda reading it all as him not yet coming to terms with his own desires, and, yeah, Alibaba does struggle with that a bit, something that Hakuryuu kinda points out. I'm reading it that way because 1) I simply prefer to, 2) I kinda don't think Cassim would've cared that much about Garda. Like, maybe? But idk, it doesn't seem right... Anyway. Back to the topic. Here Alibaba tells Morgiana that it's because he felt that it was something he had to do. So, no deflection, he did what he thought was right. Welp, anime!Alibaba got to show more of insecurity in the Dungeon Arc, while manga!Alibaba here.
Aaaand Morgiana's reaction to finding out that Alibaba'd left was skipped completely. Darn. Kinda a shame. I feel like that moment sets up the fact that Morgiana joins Aladdin to find Alibaba, at least a little bit. That, and later there's a moment in the Balbadd Arc where Morgiana recalls that moment after Alibaba's said something similar, and connects the dots. But oh well.
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Aladdin looked much angrier in the manga.
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It's supposed to be imposing, but damn, it looks kinda off, and as a result really funny. Like, maybe it's the perspective, but isn't his head, like, kinda small? Idk, man.
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I'm just. Listen, I'm trying to be serious, but it reminds me about these Friendship is Manly MLP animations, and I just can't.
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Ok, now he's angry.
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Baba! And Aladdin's future staff! That will break! Whoops!
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Oh, look, the magi lore funky wallrug
Ok, in the manga, Toya was here earlier, and it was Aladdin who'd told Baba that he can see Rukh, too, but here she's the one to just know that he does. Here, though, we jump straight into the lore.
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This looks hilarious here, but also, it probably was on purpose, as a form of subtle foreshadowingTM. But anyway. Magi: expectation vs reality.
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This entire animation of Rukh flying here is fucking gorgeous. I've told you I'm a corvid.
Ok, but I feel like overall in the anime adaptation Aladdin's lost a bit of his agency, y'know? First in the Dungeon, to Alibaba, and here, too, he seems even more passive than he actually is.
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Toya! Definitely gives off a more depressed vibe than in the manga. On the flipside, very nice voice.
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Damn, there sure was a lot of effort put in here.
Aww, we didn't get the best fucking wingmen in the series : (
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Aww, the "whatever your name is spelled as this time" looks kinda ni-
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(honking laughter noises)
Ok, in the manga it was obvious D-guy had a huge crush on Toya, while her feelings were more ambiguous, but here it's Toya who seems to be crushing more.
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First of all, lmao, and second of all, I am about to reach the pic limit bc of this image alone.
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(more honks)
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clueless, and the goddamn horse not getting paid enough for this bs
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And last but not least
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The boy.
That being said, in the anime he brings out Ugo just like that, completely unprompted, while in the manga he wanted Ugo to thank them for saving him, too, F.
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Honestly, I feel like I gotta tone it down with pointing out the differences. I'd just never shut up. So unless I consider something important or interesting, imma drop it.
Aladdin's in much more hurry to return to Qishan in the manga.
Say what you will, but Aladdin and Alibaba's friendship comes off as far stronger than there, even if it already was pretty darn strong.
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Oh, so now it's- Actually, I'm having second thoughts. Is is it a crescent or full moon. Whatever. It's pretty.
Ok, I seem to be pretty close to the photo limit.
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tellywoodtrash · 2 years
channa mereya 31.10.22 lb
ginni came home and showed gulaabo ji the jala hua diary
gulaabo ji ecstatic
idk why tho
kuch bhi toh nahi rha diary ka, covers ke alaaava
gulaabo ji finally noticing ki hein why this fuckin burnt to a crisp
telling where you find this did you tell adi call him and tell him
ginni told truth
ginni shows pic of daarji and her dad
gulaabo dimpy shampy shock mein
lol the acting of the dimpy shampy kids tho
bless their hearts
udhar adi reading legal papers ke daarji has decided to give 50% of all assets to gulaabo ji and fam
ambar simmering in BG
taayiji like OMFG what we gonna do hum kangaal ho jayenge
dairy toh maine aise hi……
ambar is fuckin livid when he realises
oh god they're teaming up now
adi leaving with papers
ambar takes it from them and phaad diya
ambar doing bechara acting and said I'm stopping you from making a mistake
taayiji saying ginni and fam will just interpret this as you trying to put a monetary value and purchase their sammaan
blah blah they keep at it to brainwash stupid adi
and he's like yeah we should do what's right for ginni
lmaoooooooooo he's like ok so imma just take the lawyer to ginni's and let her decide how she wants compensation
ambar and taayiji like asjkdksdjksjdksjk 50% jaane ko tha ab poora ka poora chala jayga haath se
ginni lamenting ke she went to that fam unhe apna maanke
but daarji and ambar always knew whose daughter she was
and just kept cheating her
poora ka poora Singh parivaar fraud hai
gulaabo ji is in alag lvl of rage
ek toh business kharaab kiya
upar se ladki ki life bhi
she's about to burn this shit down
daaaaayum idk who's writing this show but the female characters are chefs kiss 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
I was scared gulaabo ji would be back on her shaadi vyaah bs telling ginni to forgive it's ok it's sasuraal
but clearly ginni gets her rage from her mom lol
gulaabo ji chaaku leke nikli threatening to murder them all
ginni like wtf stop
gulaabo like tu sasural ki ho gyi hai kya fckin decide whose side you're on
ginni finally gets knife away and says i wanna punish them too but not like this
we got till the diary, now we have to tell the truth to world
ki what these ppl did to us
we will do it together as a fam
we will get justice for papaji
police case court case jo chaahe karenge
and we willlllllll fuck them up
adi here with lawyer
lmao if looks could kill
adi would be a pile of ash on the floor like that dhaaba was 2 weeks ago
adi like i've brought him so you can do all the proceedings
gulaabo ji like we don't want a hissa of your paapi business
kyun karoon main deal with the murderers of my husband
i gave you such a precious thing of mine, my daughter
and you proved me wrong
ok but why everyone yelling at HIM
for what his dad and grandad did
woh toh bechaara iss mulk mein bhi nahi tha
usko dhakke maar ke nikaala tha uske baap ne
anyway poor lil baby adi *pats his head*
lots of khari khoti being sunaofied to him
ginni like pls leave
adi saying pls i really didn't know
since i found out i've been dying in guilt pls i really love you
ginni like if you love me then why didn't you tell me the truth
coz you were scared. not of losing me. but that your family ka truth will be exposed.
btw she's not yelling haan
bohut rage hai but she's talking calmly
ginni says if you really wanna give me something, give me justice
tell the world what your family did to mine
i don't want you to throw money at this
i want healing
kaun sayaana yeh show likh rha hai yaaar 😭😭😭
itna logic saha nahi jaa rha
ginni asking bolo de sakte ho this justice
that the world learns ki what caliber ka chef my dad was
adi like i'll do it i promise
thinks about how daarji is sick and fighting for his life and tells ginni not now, let him become ok
ginni says good you care for your fam
so even i will
and you're just using daarji as an excuse to emotionally blackmail
girl pls let's calm down
anyway she's like my family should keep suffering but yours shouldnt face any inconvenience
he's begging pls just give me time
anyway she calls out his stupid fuckin family for driving her dad to madness and asks for accountability from them
he's still promising justice but need some time
she's like ok fine then
only talk to me through lawyers
that's it
he's determined ki i'll do what I said
precap: daarji asking for ginni and adi saying she didn't come back she wants justice
taayiji angry and yelling she just wants badla from us
also there's an angry mob outside their house
and someone threw ink on daarji
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strawberryseeded · 1 month
i spent the weekend watching various horror movies in netflix (my moms accnt obvs) cos i was too lazy to pir/ate anything. i watched uuh.. konferensen 2023 (it was fine, it was a good time), split 2016 (p good imo tho the superhuman angle was kinda silly to me. but it was interesting. solid. ending was a bit unsatisfying tbh? and the msg quite confusing? like i geddit, empowered victims.. but the kidnapper ended up becoming a perpetrator too? and the fl didnt shoot him in that crucial moment AND they also didnt show what she ended up doing abt her uncle. idk if the plan was 2 make a sequel but it all ended up coming off as.. pretty lukewarm..), the stepfather 2009 (nice. rly straight foward w the premise tho not super focused w its message.. like it was abt family but it gave too much focus to the protags gf? which i thought was a bit juvenile like we get it they are teens in love now lets get back to the dude trying to murder the whole family please.. also i kept thinking the story wud have been fun from the mothers perspective as well.. oh and a bit more bg & development for the killer wud hv been stellar), monster 2023 (indonesian) (plot was p standard (rly reminded me of that free ice cream horror flash game) but i rly liked it visually! rly cool scenography!! it almost had no dialogue & that was rly refreshing and interesting. it really didnt need any), and today i watched longlegs 2024 w my sister (which i did pirat/e)..uuuuummm... ok SPOILERS for longlegs
i rly liked the way it was filmed n the photography. also the music/sound dsgn. the time setting was confusing as hell for me tho?? like idk im not usamerican but the story supossedly took place in the 2000s but it all looked like the 70s to me???? and there are big differences between the 2 eras its not like im THAT period blind. the only scene i thought oh yeah theres no way this is the 70s is a scene in which you can see computers in the bg but anyways. the movie.
it started off GREAT. very eerie.. i had no clue abt the plot or anything btw i went into it completely blind.. so i had no idea if the movie was going for a realistic angle or a more supernatural angle. it rly reminded me of it follows 2014 not bc the fl was played by the same actress (it was) but bc everything that was happening seemed not quite real. like a dream. i loved that..
so ok. its p clear from the beginning that something is p weird (supernatural weird) abt this whole thing. the fl makes my suspicions grow bc shes some sort pf psychic so i though ok the killer is def some kind of hypnotist. i was wrong tho, whatever. lets skip a lot of stuff. plot twist it was the devil all along. i felt kinda silly bc im usually p good/fast understanding movies (esp this type of movies) but i was so confused by the end of this.. i was like huh.. wait what do you mean the devil is real in this story. it was rly easy to catch onto that btw i was just still expecting a psychic weirdo killer angle idk maybe i liked that idea more deep down lol? but it wasnt so my sister was like dude are you serious the devil was right there in one scene and i was like what. she went back to that scene. the devil was right there. oh ok. wait then what about the scene in which the mother shoots the dolls head why did she do that it the deal wasnt over. and what about the surviving victim why did she kill herself after the ball was out of the dolls head. also why didnt the fl shoot the dolls head at the bd party in the first place why did she wait until the dad started killing ppl. also the deal was supposed to end with the 13th victim i think so why did the mother say she will keep killing. me & my sister concluded well idk lets sleep on it i guess. yeah.
overall enjoyable and interesting, but i feel like the plot-twist reveal and the ending were a bit idk rushed?? like ill be quite honest i didnt feel anything abt the mother being the accomplice???? it was good in concept but was a bit lacking in execution.. like. why shud i even care.
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smile-files · 4 years
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i’ve been rewatching tangled the series!! and boy do i love varian more than ever
but now that i think about it, it’s no wonder - he checks every box when it comes to ‘character that the entire fandom adores’:
adorable? check. dorky? check. can sing? check. daddy issues? check. insanely talented? check. sympathetic? check. sympathetically evil? check. absent for a season so we miss him? check. major part of the next season? check. redeemed from villany? check. is very much traumatized? checkeroo. deals with angst? check. helps save the day? check. funny? check. stars in awesome songs? check. is easily flustered? check. completely dysfunctional? check. super fun to psychoanalyze? check. can build an entire hot air balloon in 20 minutes for some reason? check, apparently.
you can’t blame me or anyone else for liking hair stripe here, now can you
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hee4won · 4 years
exploring an abandoned building w/ bffs!en-
warnings: horror? maybe one bad word but other than that none.
a/n: hopefully i’m posting this after i’ve already made a masterlist 🤔 thanks for the likes on my first post btw!! <3
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i rmbr during i-land when everyone was scared of that “ghost” + heesseung was super relaxed but since debut he seems to have softened up so i think he wouldn’t mind showing his fear around you guys!!
so.. his heart would be pounding before u even get to the building
and it’s not like it’s a scary place either it’s just old and run down .. like a rlly empty old mall
HOWEVER! being the eldest he can not show his fear!! right?
that boy will literally stay sandwiched between you and niki because
“you’re both really young and still have a lot of fight left in you” ??? Ok Heeseung.
for some time he actually eases up and enjoys going to different areas w the guys
and that’s when you and niki go “missing”
in reality you guys just snuck off to the old food court to come up with a way to scare the living crap out of hee
you two definitely were not trying to see if the frosty machine still worked 😇
details abt scaring hee will be under niki!
you know what
i really don’t think jay would be that scared
scratches head
you know that little smug grin he always has on his face ?
yeah he’d have it the whole time bc hes the “least scared” out of everyone there
jay is actually in need of a hand hold, a back rub, literally ANYTHING
he just can’t show his weakness in front of you guys
sunghoon would be sneaky bc he can sense jay’s bluff and come up behind the poor boy
jay would flinch so hard he pulls a muscle LMAOO
and all of you were actually watching bc
there’s no way jay was pretending to keep his cool the wholee time right
yeah looks like you’re wrong again. 0 for 2
holding your hand the entire time he has ZERO shame
he’s only glued to you bc sunghoon got tired of him
jake just woukd not let go no matter the circumstances
it was almost as if his senses became advanced when he was scared..?
like his eyesight would pick up on the tiniest piece of lent and he would flip
this boy could hear the rain coming in an hour before the weather channel 😑
overall he’s terrified and he won’t deny it at all he doesn’t care
if you complain he’ll say it’s your fault for inviting him in the first place (which is true)
oky i know everyone says this but he’s cool as a cucumber
UNLESS!! he hears something or “sees something staring at him in the corner”
we all saw him playing the vr horror game during i-land okay we know he’s a chicken
but if he gets scared he’ll freak out then act like it never happened HELP
he will literally scream and flail like a little baby then deadpan and say “why’d we stop? let’s keep going”
but you guys know it will hurt his pride if you tease him so you let him be aww besties 🥺❤️
why would you suggest something like this
it’s not like he was freaking out he was just confused as to why you would propose an idea like this in the first place
he said he wasn’t gonna do it 😭
sunoo is like.. “do i look like i want to throw my mental stability out the window?? i’m not going y/n.”
but you begged and begged and he agreed to RIDE THERE
he was staying in the car though
he actually lasted a while just sitting in the car until it started getting dark and he realized that he couldn’t drive
so he texted you guys to let you know that he was coming in
the whole time he was trying to find you guys he was humming to himself bc it would “make the ghosts too happy to be mean” ...
had no reaction when you were letting everyone know about your idea
he was just like “okay, let’s do it”
nice enthusiasm jungwon 😒
i think he would have the best time honestly
and not bc of the exploring
he just enjoyed seeing everyone older than him freak out about literally nothing
and you better believe this boy has his phone out recording the WHOLEEE thing
on the way home he puts all the vids and pics together in a small comp w bg music so he can show you guys when you get to the dorm
it was very funny btw
oh boy
you two had the best time
also not bc of the exploring part
you guys had actually been coming up with a way to scare heeseung for a while now
bc he woke you guys up after you two had pulled an all-nighter
so yes this was actually niki’s idea
but he made YOU tell the guys bc no one would agree if niki had asked
poor kid 🙏
THE PLAN: scope out a bathroom -> you feel sick so you need to find a toilet -> heeseung goes w you bc hes the oldest -> niki is secretly following behind u guys -> you trick heeseung into checking a stall -> niki sneaks into the stall furthest from hee -> you slowly creep out of the bathroom and slam the door shut -> niki scares hee while he’s in there (keep in mind it’s pitch black in there once the door is shut)
and well the rest is history 😇
it was very successful btw heeseung couldn’t sleep alone for a whole week
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alchemania · 4 years
Every day I think about how the one time Kaeya opened up to Diluc and told him the truth about everything after Crepus died, Diluc's response was to get angry and push him away. :") And that's why Kaeya lies a lot now, because telling the truth causes him to lose the people he cares about and so if he shrouds himself in mystery, nobody can get close or hurt him ever again. It must've taken a lot of guts to be honest and show that much vulnerability and I think while Diluc's response is absolutely valid and understandable, that doesn't take away from the fact that it most likely hurt Kaeya a LOT, perhaps more than he lets on. (I'm not blaming Diluc in any way btw, this is a case where both reactions are understandable. Everybody is sad.)
They're both hurting a lot really, and I feel like while Diluc's way of dealing with it was to retreat into himself, Kaeya instead reached out to essentially everybody and became more of a people pleaser. He wants to be generally liked but I think having close friends is a little scary because oh boy...vulnerability. So he keeps people at arm's length: he's friendly and charming but he doesn't really let anybody get close to him. And then Aether comes along and it starts with Kaeya teasing him cuz, yanno; that's what he does. And he expects Aether to be annoyed with him but he's not, and he keeps hanging around him and looking genuinely happy to see him and Kaeya's like '...ohno.' To his amazement (and mild fear) they start getting closer as friends and Kaeya's internally freaking out because maybe... maybe...this is somebody he can trust and be open with; completely. So he starts being truthful with Aether about little things: oh, this eye patch? it wasn't inherited i...just wear it to look cool. Aether just laughs like "Yeah, I figured that. You dork," and while it seems trivial the positive affirmations to being honest give Kaeya courage to open up a little bit at a time and the confessions start getting heavier.
"I give Klee advice to help her get out of solitary confinement."
"My father abandoned me when I was a kid." (Aether hugs him for like 5 minutes straight after hearing that one and there's some tears because man. I don't think Kaeya's okay about that at all.)
♪If you have trust and abandonment issues, clap your hands-♪
(Kaeya claps loudly in the BG)
Eventually Kaeya drops the bombshell "I want you to know everything about me," and he fesses up to what he told Diluc about himself 4 years ago. His expression is uncharacteristically solemn and inwardly he is terrified that Aether is going to hate him but even so, he doesn't want anything hidden. And Aether just listens, and afterwards he asks Kaeya what he is going to do. To say that Kaeya's shocked is an understatement: he expected Aether to blow up or scream or..something! "You're not angry??"
"I mean, I'm upset because you're my friend and I never expected this; but you also had the guts to tell me this so...there's that."
"...I see."
"What are you going to do?"
"...I don't know. I don't know what to do."
"Yes you do. You do what you know is right." It's simple, but it shakes Kaeya to his core. "And I dunno about everybody else but, as long as you stay loyal, I got your back, okay?"
And it's quiet a moment and then Kaeya gives Aether a hug like "I'm really glad you're my friend. I mean that."
"I know ya do."
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godkilller · 4 years
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I wanna hear you rant about the Gin vs Hitsugaya anime fight bc I love seeing your pov and you clearly write better than whoever extended that scene :) pretty please
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          out of character.  DON’T ENABLE ME SO MUCH !!  No but I cackled when I first saw this ask because oh my god, clearly you saw a taste of my annoyance about the anime adaptation -- no, adaptation implies it was accurate, I’ll say the anime’s take was “inspired by” the manga’s quick run-in. I’ll start by saying this moment is supposed to be a bit important considering, via the audience’s point of view, THIS IS THE FIRST WE SEE OF TWO CAPTAIN-RANKED SHINIGAMI CLASHING. The only other captain-involved fight we’ve seen thus far in the manga is Kenpachi  ( who is an outlier and should not be counted... no, I joke... but, still, Ichigo was not an equal to him, his sword was sliced through like butter. )  The whole reason I enjoyed this encounter between Toshiro and Gin was simply this; it wasn’t some fancy multi-chaptered fight. IN THE MANGA, THERE ARE ONLY TWO BLOWS MADE. One, by Toshiro, to begin the fight. The second, to end it, is Gin’s strike.
          I want you to know that I’ve rewatched this specifically to answer this ask, and only due to this, as I wouldn’t have ever sought it out otherwise. HONOR MY SACRIFICE.
          Read more for length. I’m merciful.
          In the anime, they monologue at each other, and it’s mostly a combination of Toshiro making three separate death threats  ( he starts this off by saying “I’ll kill you before Hinamori arrives” and then goes on rewording it each time, and then also repeats the death-threat he gave Gin prior to this conflict about “I’ll kill you if Hinamori bleeds” )  and then also Gin and Izuru talking about how truly powerful and amazing Toshiro is -- no, this isn’t me being bitter or petty, I literally shit you not, Gin has a line that is legit “AS EXPECTED FROM HITSUGAYA TOSHIRO, CAPTAIN OF THE TENTH DIVISION, A CHILD PRODIGY OF TH' SORT THAT ONLY COMES ALONG ONLY ONCE EVERY FEW CENTURIES. HOW VEEEERY DANGEROUS. YOU’RE SERIOUS, AIN’T YA?” like don’t get me wrong, love a good sarcastic little shit comment like that, but the amount of times the anime pumps Toshiro up like he’s their shinest new cash cow ( and he is, at this point, it is not even 50 episodes into the series and they’ve realized everyone likes him and he’s jumped to high ranks in popularity polls... earning him filler spotlights, and eventually his very own non-canon movie )  so everything coming out of Gin’s mouth feels like more bullshit than necessary. Izuru’s already literally monologued, internally, how powerful and amazing Toshiro is anyways. Why this ?
          Not to mention that, prior to saying that long-winded shit, Gin’s haori changed length three times  ( and once it was longer than his entire body by several feet, and no not in a ‘to show motion’ way )  and most importantly Shinso was drawn, consistently, at katana-length for the duration of their little spat where the following, too, happened: Gin frog-leaps after doing a backflip, Toshiro gives Gin two (2) haircuts, Gin ruins some floorboards and gives Toshiro at least one splinter in his arm, Toshiro whilst wearing socks lands on Shinso’s blunt edge and pushes the sword down with his footsie because that’s how that works, there’s another backflip somewhere in there that Gin doesn’t need to be doing, twirl, twirl, and ballet, Gin’s face elongates until his chin is bigger than his face, Gin spends ten+ seconds purely dodging very close strikes to his face as Toshiro is the only one making breathy growly and ‘tsuuaaah’ sounds, there is a brief moment of no gravity as Toshiro keeps hacking at Gin midair and Gin blocks it over and over again but they still stay in the air but they’re not standing or jumping or using reiatsu they’re just like, momentum-locked I don’t fucking know, Gin frowny faces as he blocks because like somehow this kid who doesn’t even have more reiatsu than him, whose arm strength should not be an issue, is like. making him nervous?? as sword sparks fly. if you know me at all you know I hate when they fuckin’ firework sparkler-ify swords clashing.
          Anyways, all of this happens whilst Shinso is the wrong length and Gin’s hair is getting purpler by the second and this entire thing is somehow a big jack-off to Toshiro’s immense strength even though he’s screaming and wailing at Gin like a child and Gin’s just a vessel at this point to Enhance Toshiro, which, fine, okay, but at least be more accurate with it god damn. ANYWAYS,
          THEY JOUST. They literally run at each other, swords centered, and run past / to the side of one another. Jousting. “Cause that’s how that works. No slashes, no cutting motion. Just swords centered, because the animators were like “no worries guys I know swordfighting basics that’s a legit pose” yeah it is WHEN STATIONARY. Not rUNNING IT DOWN.
          And then Gin’s sleeve is cut, somehow, from the Jousting, because wow Toshiro wow wow wowowowow, and then Toshiro comes back and starts wailing at Gin again and Gin blocks it, again, and it’s all very annoyingly repetitive, and Gin’s frowning and sparks are flying and Gin’s using Shinso, the katana-length wakizashi I guess, with two hands because like I said, the animators knew basics and basics are “katana are used two-handed” like. Okay, you’re not wrong, but I cannot stress this enough: SHINSO IS NOT A KATANA. It’s shorter and meant to be used single-handed!!!! sTop!!! So then Gin rips off the tattered part of his sleeve and throws it at Toshiro, who swipes it away from his face using his Zanpakuto because that’s intelligent and a piece of cloth was definitely threatening enough to use your sword to bat it away  ( btw, Hitsugaya wasn’t holding his sword with two hands at this precise moment, so he could have just... used his other hand )  and then Gin goes in for the classic “stabby stabby rapidly at you while the animation gets a little breather because we repeat this cycle a few times with flashy bgs and phew money made” ... WE ARE FOUR MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS INTO THIS FIGHT BY THE WAY. Gin does this for seventeen (17) agonizing seconds straight. Yes, I counted. That was sixteen and a half too many seconds for me, personally.
          Toshiro somehow lassos Shinso whilst Gin is stabby stabby-ing with Hyourinmaru’s chain component. I say component like it’s somehow some type of beauty guru’s lipstick holder, but really am I that wrong ? When else has he ever used this feature ? Anyways, he lassos Shinso because yeehaw I guess, god I’m falling apart at this point can y’all tell????? I need a drink.
          and so, because now Toshiro has Gin’s sword somehow trapped with chain even though it’s just looped around it, he backflips over Gin for a cool trickshot, no blow issued, just vibes, and Gin uses a big brain moment to tug Shinso and the chains slide off. okay now what. We’re past five minutes into this fight, nonstop.
          SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TIME FOR GIN TO PAUSE AND APPRECIATE TOSHIRO AGAIN! “I see, I shouldn’t have underestimated you, HItsugaya Toshiro” I’m starting to have a feeling Gin’s VA was told to just wing these lines because the amount of times he fills silences / Gin’s mouth movements with Toshiro’s long-ass name is astounding, he’s definitely drawing blanks here but he sure as hell knows one thing: that damn ice-boy’s name. He continues by saying “I suppose I’ll end up regretting it afterwards.”
          Toshiro says that’s not enough, and it’s really dramatic and cool. His eyes even glow all icy and blue and pretty, like his flowy reiatsu. Aesthetic points were gifted entirely to Toshiro’s animations in this scene. Gin was finished in MS Paint and each new scene they had to draw Shinso from memory and try to remember what hue of purple his hair was at gunpoint. Toshiro lets off a big wave of reiatsu and then it vanishes, and he jumps up reaaaally high. like this guy’s flying. his eyes arent glowing anymore that’s sad. Bring Back Glowing Eyes For Strong Shinigami 2k21.
          Toshiro releases his Shikai, and it’s badass, the sky darkens, Izuru looks distinctly more worried than usual, and Gin’s frowning with his teeth out like Bugs Bunny’s having a bad day, all is right in the world. Toshiro and his released Shikai have a nice moment for the Pics, and a big epic freeze frame blur moment happens with it all coiled and swirling around him. Wrow!  ( click the ‘wrow’ it’s a link to my exact reaction )  Izuru narrates for the third time about how powerful Toshiro is, his reiatsu, his Zanpakuto being a deity who is only unlocked every few centuries. The strongest ice-type sword. Pardon the pun, but that’s... you could say, so cool.
          It can even control the weather. So hey, next time it’s rainy, cold, icy, or snowing and you’re unhappy, it’s time to direct a big fuck you at Toshiro.
          Gin dodges the first dragon, and blocks the second with Shinso because blocking water and ice with a sword makes sense right? This actually takes a solid amount of seconds as Gin cuts through the entire length of this ice dragon noodle. Things dissipate, and pause, too, to really drag this out. Surprisingly, this reveals that Gin’s made a boo-boo, his left arm’s frozen, which doesn’t even mean anything because Gin is right-handed, and Toshiro teleports himself behind Gin in true fighty fashion.
          We have arrived at seven minutes and just under twenty seconds of this fight, and Gin turns, DOES THE UNTHINKABLE, gasp! He opens his eyes. His red, dull, evil, gray-eyebrowed with purple hair eyes, and shoots Shinso through its hideout spot behind his haori. This nearly takes off Toshiro’s eye and upwards of his head, but the little guy dives down fast. The rest happens in slow motion, supposedly, because it takes an eternity and people talk entire full sentences in its span of time.
          Gin asks Toshiro if he’s sure he’d like to dodge that  ( it’s a little late for that ) and says that Momo’ll die if he does. SHINSO SCRAPING ALONG AGAINST HYOURINMARU STRANGELY MAKES NOT A SINGLE SOUND. Mute. Even though before they had no problem animating and adding sounds to them smacking blades earlier. There are soundless sparks though, so there’s that. Yay. Can you tell how exhausted this’s made me? I need a nap.
          Shinso is already more than halfway towards Momo, still unconscious, she most definitely has a serious concussion via Toshiro backhanding her midair consider she’s been unconscious for longer than ten minutes. Toshiro has time to get up off the floor where he dropped to dodge, realize with a shocked gasp, turn, shout her name, and watch as Rangiku arrives in a random glow of gold which never happens ever again and blocks the attack with Haineko. Haineko almost cracks on the impact, and continues growing in damage as Rangiku holds Shinso there, implying that she’s stopped it from reaching one-hundred sword’s lengths to pierce Momo. Yes I’m including that implication / note in here because we love to see Rangiku succeeding in life and being Not-Helpless, all while potentially damaging Haineko severely if it wasn’t able to hold him off. Yikes, Gin!
          Rangiku threatens to join the fight if he doesn’t withdraw his sword. Gin smiles, withdraws it, and then Shunpos away.
          Whatta mess. Oh, and the anime fight was pretty fucked up, too.
          This is a long post, but here’s the manga version:
Toshiro leaps into the air,
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This is where the fight actually starts between them:
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And end. 
Five pages. Two blows. Does not equate to ten minutes of non-stop fighting and monologues. Sometimes, and I mean this in the most unbiased way possible, less is more.
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
alright here’s ma thoughts on that flick I mentioned
we hatewatched a*my of the dead because we were CONVINCED “zombies in las vegas” would be an impossible concept to screw up, but in so assuming we obviously invoked a holy wager with the universe and got reminded, once again, that hoping for improvement from someone who’s dependably put out bad art is never a wise choice 😐
but we were honestly kinda roped in by the marketing??? and expected a goofy fast-paced flick with the odd traditional undead metaphor thrown in, framing some sort of relationship drama maybe or hell even nothing at all! we’d have taken pure indulgent storytelling, idk italian job with zombies in las vegas, I don’t know fucking anything but??? whatever this was???? spoilers below for it is time for One Of My Rants
I mean the main reason I really want to write all this and complain. this film here probably has the most unappealing cinematography I have ever experienced in my life and that is saying something. who the fuck signed off on that CONSTANT shallow-ass depth of field that imprisons your eyeline and turns every shot into bokeh paste???? and I mean every shot almost!!!! I promise if you think I am overreacting just throw a dart at the seek bar and watch twenty seconds from wherever it lands. it is horrifying to look at. at least it gave my girlfriend a good visual shorthand for what it’s like when I lose my glasses
why was sean spicer in this movie. did they pay him to be here. was sean spicer paid hollywood money for his scene in this film because fuck everyone who was involved in that decision
the legitimately baffling hints at the extraterrestrial origins of the infection that went absolutely nowhere and had no dramatic or plot-level bearing. we love to see the franchise sprouts fellas
yet another big budget waste of everything hiroyuki sanada has to offer. and bautista too I guess? I like him but man was this an odd career move
what was the crux of his conflict/resolution with his daughter btw. I understand it was rooted in miscommunication over their forms of grief irt mom but uhh… it was all rather clunky and didn’t land for me. I tried I really tried to buy in but something was wrong fundamentally with the groundwork there, it did not click and their catharsis felt unearned. I know there’s massive amounts of tragic baggage being projected there from the author so I’m not slapping any judgment down really;
but again it would be an easy thing to wave off if they just had a vibrant cast of lovable simpletons with good chemistry and the kinetic sense of plotting the trailers promised (and this premise never discounts good drama, either). but instead it was just two and a half (!) hours of meandering into situations the filmmaking instincts had no idea how to flow in and out of
to wit. I know talking about “bad pacing” is associated with armchair bullshit but consider the example of the scene were dieter does an out of nowhere little dance after childishly screaming but then still-killing a zombie, with the film framing this as a micro character triumph, and not a second later the bg soundtrack instantly fades into an orchestral score dramatizing a nearby mcguffin reveal, completely 180 degreeing the tone without a semblance of deft insert shot stitching or even I dont know a fucking jump cut maybe. now imagine this whiplash for 2.5 hrs uninterrupted
I will keep complaining about the length yeah because this was not a story requiring this much real estate to be told. Uhh in my humble and personal opinion, of course
[man sees zombie tiger] “this is crossing the line!” you can in fact write dialogue that is not utter nonsense that falls apart once you drill down its single fickle layer of referential meta winking. what line are you talking about. you have rules in this insane situation you’re in? total nitpick moment I know but it got burned in my brain for some reason. like a microcosm of the mismanaged dramatic instincts paired with weird writing that dots this movie. I am sure the director calls this either satire or genre deconstruction. I am SO sure
tumblr domino meme that goes from “dude getting sucked off while driving” to “entire las vegas literally nuked”
tig notaro is always great to see but once you know she’s been filmed as a separate greenscreen plate months after photography wrapped - cause she had to apparently replace some abusive asshole but that’s a whole other pig not worth fucking - it becomes impossible to unsee her odd detachment from everyone else in the movie lmao. it doesn’t really “ruin” anything on its lonesome but it is hard to unsee
why. was. sean. spicer. in. this. movie
a very simple key ingredient missing from fully turning lip service sympathy for main uruk hai dude into actual empathy that would generate meaningful conflict with hero family would be to spend a bit more time articulating what he internally wanted the most. because he was obviously trying to do something here with pointed agenda. a family, to have kids, build a caste system, save his wife’s head, return to his planet??? all of these could represent the bigger context in his psychology that spurred his vengeance but none of them are dramatically emphasized long enough for you to cheer him on. I’m not asking too much I promise. Articulating interiority of a mute character is pretty doable with deft cinema language, just gotta linger and hold a shot here and there for a few seconds, frame as his POV, donezo. I know this is also one of those like. “who cares” moments but the movie does, very evidently so, in making this guy an actual character. you can kinda piece it together and create a framework of sympathy for him, sure, but then again he ultimately becomes a foil to be killed and not defeated, so. Ehh whatever
quarantine zone stuff was not a wildly childish covid allegory quarantine zone stuff was not a wildly childish covid allegory quarantine zone stuff was n
the rooftop helicopter fakout at the end was such an ass-backwards, manufactured moment of what could be a simple setup/payoff it just pissed me off??? you gain nothing by giving sad dad five seconds of pointless crisis that flips right back to previous status quo ANYWAY, except for a weaksauce waste of runtime, which could be used instead to get inside notaro’s head and actually SHOW the remorse form as she took off, literally maybe even a frown playing on her face as she’s headed for safety right before we cut back to drax and the kid. just a simple-ass, minimal, momentary setup for what is the most basic filmmaking trick of creating macro catharsis moments. Just???? g o d if you can’t even land that shit why are you even doing any of this
that lil run final pam did was very very charming and super choreographed in a way that was the tiiiniest bit overdone
the whole intro with the simul-backstories and posing with family photos was just… oddly motivated. what was the goal? “here’s what we’re fighting for” vignettes? why? it’s not a functional setup in that vein. what was all that
also I am sorry if this is insensitive but the reasons most characters end up articulating to justify going back into the hell that destroyed their lives makes them sound seriously insane
I dont like complaining about CGI (honestly) but so much of it in modern movies can achieve higher fidelity if the animation is simply subdued. Do not overengineer and over-apply 2D cell methodologies and kinematics to each tiny twitch and movement in a hyper 3D model and I promise you. it will look a thousand times more natural. look at thanos in those last two movies. your rendering and detail are absolutely perfect with the tiger you just have to let stuff sit instead of constantly simulating swaying hair strands and firing off all facial muscles at once. great moment at one point where makeup zombie horse and CG zombie tiger are both in one shot together and just by unnecessary amounts of movement alone you can tell who doesn’t belong. again; detail, rendering, compositing, lighting, all picture-perfect; but y’all just gotta let the animation breathe sometimes, and chill it out
plot holes don’t really matter to me but it was kinda funny how lilly decided not to mention the enormous wrinkle in intel pertaining to an actual territorial tribe of intelligent zombies that require human offerings to let you pass, just so that reveal could play out in real time through the joyous punishment of the cartoonishly misogynistic dude
total chad move for mister uruk hai and final pam to rule from a rusted swimming pool complex
the ending with vanderohe oh my god. with the. cash stacks at the airport register. and specifically them working in his favor. that is literally something you do to get arrested under suspicion of theft. it was almost played for laughs and I respect that. coulda been goofier. make these movies goofy ya dorks
anyway, weird, weird movie. bad marketing. message unclear (something something sins of the father???), baffling editing instincts, literal worst-looking cinematography I ever laid eyes upon. Confidently dying on that last hill
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ohoshi · 3 years
This just turned into a hoshi love post but we love to see that <3 he deserves all the love you’re giving and more !
Ooo what was the last kpop cover you did?
He is annoying but he’s best that way. I won’t like hoshi if he isn’t pain in the ass. He really is something else. Whenever he dances it’s so magical like it isn’t humanly possible to be this perfect!
Hoshi is definitely an all rounder. His singing voice is beautiful and he’s gotten soooo amazing (he already was so good by ykwim)
what you said about kpop sleeping on svt, I totally agree with that cause svt truly has best vocalists and choreographer which other artists look up too. I feel sometimes seventeens talent is not appreciated enough.
junhao and seok are such good choices. # 1 hoshi, it really do be like that sometimes.
Al1 does of one of the best promos pledis ever did! The aesthetics were so soft and nice and the songs *chefs kiss*
DWC wasn’t the song that brought in so many carats just like that. It’s a queen .
L&l always gives me such nostalgia
my favourite album has to be either an ode / ymmdawn / henggarae. Those always are just wow . They hit the spot. It’s there for every mood. soft? Kidult, hug. Hoe? Good to me, shhh, getting closer. Hurt? Fear. Upbeat? Snapshoot, let me hear you say
OKAY I CAN GO ON ABOUT BSIDES ALOT. I CANT CHOOSE TOP 3 SO ILL JUST NAME A FEW OF MY FAVES: flower, campfire, I don’t know, heavens cloud, getting closer, pinwheel, kidult, together, hug, my my, snapshoot, lmhys, ah love , all my love , fearless, fast pace , holiday, space.
I like the tracks A LOT. It’s such a fresh style for title track. And heavens cloud my beloved <3 I love all 3 concepts of photoshoots for the album. Not really fond of the way they designed everything. Like, the track list and all could be so pretty but no.
Ahh!! I love making gifs and gfx! Gfx can be really tiring but I love the outcome so I’m satisfied. Well, for biases these days jihoon, dino, and coups are really just on top !
I got into svt during fear era cause my best friend is a carat too!!
What was your favourite svt concept ? WHATS YOUR FAV JAPANESE TRACK? What other groups do you stan?
-cloud anon ☁️
I KNOOOW ANON AND I AM SO SORRY KAGAKSGAK I HAVE A HARD TIME CONTROLLING MYSELF when you ask me to talk about him 😔 sorry ksgsjsg i have so much love and admiration for him!!
the last kpop cover i did was chungha's bicycle (which was a while ago lol), i wanted to do spider but i don't have the props so :/ i gave up lmao
IKR!!!! THE WHOLE GDA PERFORMANCE !!!!!! it has a tight grip on me i think it's one of the best performances they've had so far
yeah, exactly shagaj it just kinda bothers me that kpop stans will really talk about 3rd gen main vocalists and not mention svt? or they would really (which i advocate is the most stupid thing btw) rank main dancers and not include hoshi ????? or dino ???? OR MINGHAO !!!! minghao would have a main dancer position in your average kpop boy group lol also they have the audacity to be surprised  that svt has a big loyal fandom jsgaakag it's so stupid and annoying sigh
AWWWW LOVE YOUR CHOICES!!! honestly yeah ymmdawn, henggarae and obvs al1 are my top 3 mini albums from svt!! really like you said they have it all, so i guess you prefer some darker concepts???
JSGSSLAGAKGAAKGAA FELT!!! THE WAY YOU LISTED HALF OF THEIR DISCOGRAPHY OH MY GOD SJAGAJA they really know what they're doing huh making the best music in the industry<3
ohh yeah they did design the track list for your choice misersbly skshsj but i liked the albums?? i actually love the packaging and all that i think it's beautiful and i can't stop staring, probably my favorite album physical wise so far
WHAT A COMBO DINO WOOZI COUPS SJSGSKSGSK DEADLY!!!!! love how you have a member for each subunit sjgssjg why do you like them? yk how i wrote a whole ass essay about hoshi? your turn!!
WOW!!!! YOUR BEST FRIEND IS A CARAT my best friend is not even into kpop 🥲 THAT'S FUN I AM JEALOUS OF YOU!! so i assume your best friend introduced svt to you??
my favorite seventeen concept hmm wow this is really hard ksgaajg i liked all of them but hmm for the sake of it i'll say thanks? because of the sentimental value, i like how they incorporated their creative process into a title track and also showed their gratitude?? thanks is probably in my top 3 choreos from svt too lol BUT I REALLY LIKED EVERYTHING SO FAR LOL; honorable mention: fear because dark concepts are rare for them and it was their first hoe concept for a tt so hehehe
OK LOOK I KNOW THIS IS CLICHE BUT nothing beats queen falling flower. i don't think the elaboration is needed here sjgshs
i am a casual kpop stan i like to keep up with everything that goes on in kpop hagsajga however i only call myself a 'carat' it feels wrong to call myself any other fandom name except maybe shawol, shinee was my first group so they're my first and big love<3 i used to be a diehard shawol jagajsg (now i'm a diehard carat) do we see a pattern here, shinee introduced the importance of dance and invented dance practice videos, svt took it on another level other than that i can't call myself a stan of any other group BUT I LIKE A LOT OF THEM CASUALLY AJGSSJGS also i'm more of a bg stan than gg stan, i mean i love ggs but not as much as i used to? seungkwan and i have the same taste for ggs sjsvwjg he's the kpop bestie i want<3 sooo yeah!! wbu??? are you a multi kpoppie too 🤪
have you ever been to their concert? in person
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