#oh well you've still got one unicorn
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aduckwithears · 1 year ago
I WROTE THE THING (holy shit this is my first fic longer than like 3 lines so please be kind)
Also, I'm torn, because this conversation could have happened in the cellar, or it could have been a speed-run on the way back from seeing God talk to Job. Anyway, I ended up writing the first scenario. Feel free to fill in the blanks afterward with any, um, more physical activities you like, you degenerates (affectionate).
Aziraphale's First Magic Trick (or, how Crowley unwittingly starts the career of The Amazing Mister Fell, an act which will have Repercussions)
Aziraphale is very full. He's never been fuller. Although he has no reference point for his own stomach, he is starting to suspect that a human would never consume an entire ox. By oneself. In one sitting. 
He glances over at Crawley who seems to be completely enjoying himself, lounging with head lolling back, his wine cup half raised, and eyes half closed. There is a temptation to linger on this sight, but Aziraphale remembers (after several longish moments) that he, as an angel, cannot be tempted, and rapidly readjusts his gaze. It falls upon a clay bowl and 3 multicolored shape-shifted children.
"Crawley, the children!"
"The children! They can't stay newts!"
Crawley hoists himself up on one elbow and looks over at the bowl. "Nahh, not newts. They're a type of lizard - meant for the desert, them. They're fine."
Aziraphale levels a stern, if slightly greasy stare in the direction of the demon. "That's not what I meant. How are you planning to return them to their parents?"
Crawley looks surprised. He had been trying to think of the exact type of lizard the form of the transformation had taken. He thought it might be a grecian but that didn't seem quite right. Greco? Still not it... He tries to focus through the wine. "Back to their parents? Doesn't seem very demonic." He shakes his head. "I got rid of them - no more kids, poof, gone - seems like it would take a miracle to get them back." He waves a hand dismissively. 
Aziraphale huffs out a breath. "Well, they can't stay that way forever. If we could get them back to Sitis and Job after the bet is over, maybe they could be taken as new children..." He trails off, realizing what he is saying.
Crawley is now sitting all the way up, wine goblet forgotten and dangling from his fingers as he slowly raises both eyebrows and aims a golden gaze at the angel. "Ohhhh, do go on," he drawls. 
Finding it suddenly very important to look anywhere but Crawley, Aziraphale feels his shoulders hunch. The taste in his mouth is too oily and his tongue seems raw. "Ahhhh," he says eloquently, casting his eyes about the cellar and encountering bare oxen ribs in his attempt to not look at the attentive demon. He turns his gaze miserably to the floor. 
Several minutes pass and the uncomfortable silence grows, until a wiggle turns into a rustle turns into a black dressed form elegantly scooting (possible if you were once a snake and your human spine is open to suggestion) a little closer to his despondent companion. 
"What about a magic trick?" 
Aziraphale flicks his eyes over to where Crawley sits nearby, long legs folded, gazing up at him. "A... trick,” he manages over his oily tongue.
"Look," says Crawley, "between you and me, Gabriel couldn't tell these kids from Cain and Abel. I doubt he can even count to three." Aziraphale chokes a little, halfway between a laugh and gasp, but he must hand it to the demon, Gabriel has never seemed to be the brightest angel in the choir. He thinks about his recent conversations in Heaven and Gabriel’s insistence that God will provide seven new children to Job. Via Sitis (oh that poor woman).
The red hair and beard shimmer in the low light as Crawley leans forward and catches Aziraphale's eyes with his own. "So we'll do a magic trick. Sitis's births have to start sometime, why not right away?"
"Because... uh... well, you see..." Aziraphale himself is completely at sea. He reflects that perhaps humans do not eat entire oxen because it seems to diminish the power of thought. Does he have a general working knowledge of human reproduction? Yes. (He'd been on the human planning committee after all). Could he explain it to the wide-eyed being sitting in front of him? No. This is probably due to the taste of oxen stifling his brain. No other reason. Certainly not. 
Crawley sighs, points to decimated ox. "Do ya get it? Ribs!" He grins. 
Aziraphale feels his mouth drift open. He looks at the ox, ribs glinting white in the flickering light. He remembers another day, a flickering morning, and a woman taking her first breaths… and more importantly, a birth process Gabriel would believe… “Eve!”
The demon’s grin, impossibly, widens. “Exactly. Even if there are a few angels hanging around it should be easy to plant a few ribs, sneak in a few lizards” (what WERE they called? Gemini? Arghh…) “…and poof! Kids!” His hands flutter in the air. A distant, anachronistic part of Aziraphale’s brain categorizes these as Jazz Hands.
“Magicians!” Aziraphale allows himself a small smile. His shoulders relax. He crinkles his eyes towards Crawley, misses the small intake of breath from his demonic cellar-mate. “That could work!” He hesitates. “As long as no one asks directly which children these are, we should be fine!”
Crawley scoots back and resumes his comfortable position from earlier, refills the forgotten goblet, raises another toast. “Angel, the archangel Gabriel wouldn't notice if his wings were on backward. You bring the ribs and gecko-kids (that was it!! Geckos! Course it was!), I’ll do the talking. We’ll be fine." He takes a deep drink of wine.
Aziraphale's smile widens and he thinks that maybe a few of those ox bones need a little more work to be truly clean. He wiggles a little at the anticipation of the rich taste. He casts a quick glance at his companion, who seems, true to his word, not particularly lonely. His magician’s assistant. They will be fine. 
Can we talk about a missing scene? It’s during the Job job. It definitely happened, and we definitely didn’t get to see it. It's the scene where they figured out the magic trick with the ox ribs.
Here's the thing. We see bits and pieces of the night in the basement (Crowley and his wine, Aziraphale and his ox ribs... and whole ox... and etc.), but what we don't see? The planning! The discussion of the trick.
Because for the bamboozlement of the angels to work, they need props. Aziraphale has to have the ox ribs and the kids in lizard form on him at the time of the transformation. This means they needed to have a conversation about the plan beforehand. And I don't know about you, but this goes far beyond a spur of the moment Bildad shenanigan and takes it to a forerunner of the Arrangement.
I want to know how that conversation went. (maybe i should write it?)
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amuseoffyre · 1 year ago
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Well, mythical creature. Anything to say for yourself? Fuuuuuuuuuck yooooooou.
Bear with me because this may get rambly, but I find it fascinating that Izzy chooses to pick a fight with the figurehead on the ship. Given the history of figureheads as both identifying markers on a vessel and talismans to keep their crews' safe, I got thinking about the fact that for Izzy, Blackbeard is a figurehead.
Literally and figuratively, Blackbeard's identity looms large. Ed said it himself: he doesn't even need to be on the ship. People recognise the flag and the vessel and that's enough.
When the crew 'kill' Ed, Izzy is the one to keep his body on the ship. Which means that Izzy is the one to cover his head, leaving only his body visible. Only then, after Ed turns out to be alive again, Izzy goes and hides with the figurehead and - significantly - picks a fight with it.
Did Ed ever tell Izzy "I'm the kraken" (ie. a mythical creature)? Who knows. But even if he didn't tell him, Izzy said way back in 1x04, "I was honoured to work for the legendary Blackbeard". Blackbeard who is a legend and a ghost and a mad demon pyrate. A mythical creature, if you will.
For Izzy, he really seems to be redirecting all the rage he didn't/couldn't direct at Ed towards the unicorn. The subtext in the first scene between him and Stede at the bow is... uh. Quite telling.
Stede: He's seen better days, hasn't he? Izzy: At least he's still got both legs. Stede: Yes! Oh, he can't hear you. He's got no head. You've got a head, though, which you should look after.
Given that "losing your head" was another euphemism for insanity and Ed said himself "they think I'm a bit crazy" and Izzy described him as "going mad", Izzy really does seem to be projecting everything on to the figurehead who lost its head.
And then, in a drunken rage, he hacks the legs off the unicorn, dragging them along and throwing them down in front of the crew, declaring "There! It's done! Maybe next time he'll think twice about doing his fucking job".
We know that this is a triggering sentence for him. We saw it in episode 1 when he tries to bring the crew to order, and the memory of hearing it from Blackbeard - knowing he's expendable and not as valued or trusted or safe as he believed himself to be - led to him having his breakdown in front of the crew.
For him to bring this back up again, this open wound that led to the meeting with Blackbeard that then led to the confrontation and the shooting that cost him his leg, all ties in together with the unicorn.
Initially, I didn't twig why he was doing it beyond grief and misery and being drunk off his tits, but then in episode 5, it clicked. Specifically because of this exchange:
Izzy: Flipping the tables on Blackbeard didn't quite numb the pain? Lucius: Maybe we try what he did to you next. Izzy: What who did to me? Lucius: Blackbeard. Because he... chopped off your leg.
Which is what Izzy was doing in episode 4: trying what Blackbeard did to him by hacking the legs of the unicorn. Only it didn't help... until it did when the crew took a piece of the damage he had done and made something new from it to support him. (Hello, I am rolling around in the symbolism 🥰)
What I also find especially compelling is that he recognises that Lucius is trying to process his trauma the same way as he did: by doing unto others what was done unto him. Only Lucius does it by pushing actual Blackbeard overboard while Izzy takes his frustrations out on a myffic wooden pony.
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sesshy380 · 2 months ago
got any fics or authors you can recommend? :3
Oh wow, it's been a while since I've gotten one of these. I am ashamed to admit that I've been in a real slump this year as far as reading fic goes (same with writing). That being said, I still have a lot of oldies but goodies, as well as a few additions.
(Please forgive me, but I am going to be copy/pasting a few of these from a similar question back in 2023)
It should go without saying, but READ THE TAGS. I tend to like stuff that pushes the boundaries.
Going to start with authors
BladeofM - Also known as @micheladee, is the author of one of my faves, Eldritch Encounter. Not only did this fic introduce me to the indescribable awesomeness that is @andr0nap's art, but I fell in love with BladeofM's writing style. All I need to see is the name and I know it'll be good.
QueenBastet - Sadly, we lost this amazing author this year. She will always be on my rec list. She really had a way with writing the Puzzle boys that I absolutely loved.
Resuri - If you didn't know, I a huge fan of @resuri-art lol. It doesn't matter if it's art or fics...I love it all!
atlas_x - If you like smut, look no further than Atlas lol. I am addicted to their smutfics. Infected is a zombie apocolypse au, less on the smut side, and only a few chapters, but still worth looking at.
Next up is fics.
The Cornered Collection by YadonushiRyou aka @millenniumringg. This AU has an alternative 'bad' ending that ripped my heart out and made me cry...and that's my favorite ending for some reason. If you love your fics in the same genre that Ryou loves his movies, then this is for you.
Role Play AU by @ninjam117. I have always loved fantasy, and this AU hits the spot. Filled with everything a fantasy fic needs: Magic, a Unicorn, battles filled with action, romance/smut, you name it.
The Last Puzzle - by @tenderwulf. I originally binged this over on FFN, and was so inspired that I took the leap and began writing my own longfic. If you've read 'Homecoming' by Fiver over on FFN, you'll love The Last Puzzle.
Philosophy of a Knife by @crush3dmary. Sair's writing style is so poetic. I am very behind on this one, but once I get out of my 'wanting to read' slump, I am going to binge this angst poetry of toxicity.
Kill Shot by @apathetic-theme-song (MMMOTH on AO3)- Another AU that I absolutely love. I am such a fan of immortality and magic in a modern setting. And of course, there's smut. Gotta have that smut in there.
Chained to You by @saijspellhart. A post-season Zero setting where Yugi never learned about the Spirit of the Puzzle. This is another of those longfics that I originally binged over on FFN, and now have bookmarked on AO3.
above all shadows the rides the Sun is a series by lossen on AO3. If you want to see someone put Atem through a meatgrinder the way I do with TKB, definitely worth the read.
The Sunrise is Gone is another fic by lossen. I've been lucky enough to get sneak peeks of some of the coming chapters, and all I can say is I am foaming at the mouth to see how it all comes together. This is a Puzzle boys me-flavored angst fic.
Ok, you can't ask for fic recs without me throwing in a few self-recs.
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real . Imagine waking up, and everyone is trying to convince you that the things you 'remember’ never happened, and that those 'memories’ exist only in YOUR head. The Thief King doesn’t have to imagine…because that’s exactly what happened.
An unhealthy Obsession . Set post-DSOD. Explores the toxic side of Tendershipping.
Returned. Gemshipping sick fic sprinkled with bits of me-flavored angst and sarcastic humor.
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arammies · 2 years ago
pac: what's next in your romantic life ?
ू take a breath and focus on the question. then pick a pile that stands out the most to you. you may pick more than one pile. if nothing catches your attention, then there is simply no message for you here at the current moment.
ू many many thanks to my guides and your guides for helping with these messages :)
ू decks used; crystal unicorn tarot , typo multicolor daily affirmation cards
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from left to right; pile 1, pile 2, pile 3
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pile 1
[ eight of swords, nine of pentacles, affirmation take a moment out of your day just for you ]
your love life might be really stagnant right now and you're left here wondering and wondering when is the next thing going to happen? well buckle up my dear pile 1. because for your love life to start moving to the next phase, the change has to come from you. there's a message of sitting down with yourself and really be aware of what do you need and want in your love life (though i get the feeling that majority of you already did) and if you've done that, now's the time to put it into action! whatever it is you're thinking of trying, do it. putting yourself out there, going on dates, manifestation, etc. after all the reflecting, now's the time to do it! maybe you didn't think you had it in you but really you have it all right there within you. share your love, stand up for yourself, don't isolate yourself from the love life pile 1. i feel like whoever's on the other end of your relationship is waiting for you and misses you so dearly :( you've got this, pile 1! i'm rooting for you!
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pile 2
[ strength reversed, four of pentacles, affirmation sit in the sunshine for 10 mins ]
i feel like this is the already have something with other people(s) pile; whether that be relationship, situationship, courting etc. if you're single, don't worry, this pile is still for you. hello my lovely lovely pile 2. it seems that you've done all the necessary things to be done in your love life and now you have a solid foundation to stand on, congrats! you're probably just here thinking "and now what?" lmao. this is the time to venture yourself out there and enjoy the outside world :D if you've been thinking for signing up on a class or club, or going on a picnic, this is it! the cards are telling you these stuffs, as in spending quality time, will help strengthen your love life whether that be leading you to your s/o(s) for the singles or just greater bond for the non singles. but yes, go out there! it's kind of funny for the coupled ones, your guides are telling me you stay in home too often and they're just 'tsk tsk'ing you guys lmaoo anyway, go have fun!! and be safe pile 2, that's all i got for you :)
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pile 3
[ the star, ace of pentacles, affirmation phone a good friend today & check in ]
oh precious pile 3. my sweet and hardworking pile 3. so many good things are awaiting you and not just in your love life but in your general life as a whole as well. i am so so proud of you pile 3. the cards are telling you to hold your faith and do not lose hope, if you've been putting in the effort, they see you pile 3. a new cycle is coming and with it, comes tons of great things because you deserve them pile 3. you deserve to be loved just as you are. to be loved simply because you exist. keep doing what you're doing and many things will flourish in your love life. you'll get that happy ending pile 3. this is the confirmation that you're looking for. it's coming very very near so please hold on a little more. i love you pile 3 🥺 also the affirmation card states friend but i get the feeling that this "friend" is actually you yourself pile 3 so please take care of yourself lovelies.
extra; you might also feel attracted to pile 1
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zetadraconis11 · 11 months ago
about your last post. I think Ominis would have a fit if he knew how many animal's MC he has. Natty would probably be wondering where MC got the time. and poppy would definitely be happy/mad because there were so many animals and the MC didn't say anything straight away. For the other deserts, I don't think so. seb sees dragon.
I really do headcanon Ominis to just worry for people. "I have to look after you because Merlin knows you're not looking after yourself!" Kind of thing, lol. And MC, well, MC gives Ominis PLENTY to worry about, lol
*in the vivarium*
Ominis: Let me get this straight...You have a Graphorn at your disposal, as well as Hippogriffs and Thestrels and Kneazles?
MC: Don't forget the Diricawls, Mooncalves, Jobberknolls, Fwoopers, Giant Purple Toads, Nifflers, Unicorns and...Puffskeins.
Amit: I-is that an actual Phoenix? It's so beautiful!
MC: Oh yeah! Deek wanted me to keep him safe, so I went through another cave, dealt with unsavory foes, and found him!
Natty: I...how do you find the time to save all these creatures?
MC: I made it work! I will say, this is MUCH better spent time in helping creatures than having to do some ridiculous Merlin Trial.
Poppy: I can't believe you saved all these creatures, and you didn't tell me!
MC: I'm sorry! I meant to, but things got...busy. I made sure Highwing was specially taken care of, though, while I was away.
Poppy: Well...thank you. I suppose I can forgive you.
MC: It's a shame I couldn't tame some mongrels, though. Not for lack of trying either.
Ominis, pinching the bridge of his nose: Why am I even surprised at this point?
Sebastian: MC, I think you're making poor Ominis grow more gray hairs.
Ominis: I just cannot believe how much you've done in ONE YEAR.
MC: I'm just glad I was able to get it all done IN a year! Sure, I forgot to sleep every now and then, but I was able to bounce back for the most part! I think I can still smell color from my lack of sleep, though...
The group:
Garreth: ...so would this be a bad time to ask for permission to gather resources or...?
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dragon-kazansky · 1 year ago
Spirit of the sea
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Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
Blackbeard rules the sea. Despite wanting his captain back, Izzy realises his mistake. Protecting the crew is his concern. Protecting you is his life mission. Stede's return brings hope, but there's a lot of work to be done before this crew becomes a family.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Spoilers. Ed catches one fish one time. Stede is the shit. Also, the sea is on fire. Sorry Zheng.
Chapter Sixteen - Sea on fire
You wake up in the morning with a smile. The memories of last night come rushing back to you immediately. You've never been serenaded before. You could almost still hear him singing to you now.
Izzy wasn't in bed, you noticed. His hear was gone, so he was well and truly up and at it already. You chuckle softly as you glance at the sparrow and the unicorn on the table.
A familiar thud echoes down the hall and your eyes are drawn to the door where Izzy appears. He leans against the door frame with a smile on his face.
"Morning, sleeping beauty," he says, his eyes shining with love and amusement.
"Good morning."
He grins and looks you up and down. "We weren't the only ones who had fun last night."
You chuckle. "Oh? Weren't they taking it slow or something?"
"Think last night got to them."
Right. Stede and forced Ned off the plank. He was long gone now.
"Come on, get up. We're at the Republic of Pirates." Izzy tosses your shirt over to you. You smile as it lands on the bed.
"No lipstick today?" You ask.
"Fuck off," he says softly, smiling as leave the room.
He can hear you laughing as he goes.
You and Izzy walk together. The crew had a little time to themselves for now. Everyone was bound to end up at Jackie's later.
As you walk, you look at the ring Izzy had given you. It hung around your neck like it had done on Izzy all those years. It glittered under the sun.
Izzy walked quietly beside you. You made sure to go at his pace as with his leg he couldn't move quickly easily. He seemed content to stroll.
You eventually find yourselves down on the beach. It's quiet. Everyone else is in town. Izzy follows you down the bank, eyes looking out at sea. You smile softly.
"What?" He asks, having seen you in the corner of his eye.
"Nothing. Just... you and the sea go together, ya know?"
He turns his head to look at you.
"You belong out there on it," you say, smiling softly.
"Do I?"
"Course you do." You walk closer to him and take his hand.
"And you? Where do you belong?"
Your smile seems to get brighter, if that were possible. Izzy is almost mesmerized by the sight. You're so beautiful, and so... you. He loves that. He loves you.
"I belong right here beside you. No matter where you go, I will follow. I'm never having you again."
Izzy smiles. His eyes seem to sparkle. He is so open with you. "I'm never leaving you again either."
Izzy leans in to kiss you, but you smile mischievously and push away from him. He looks at you confused before realising what you're doing.
You stand there with your sword drawn.
"Duel me."
He laughs. "What?"
"Come on, like old times. Duel me."
He looks at the way you're standing, prepared for a fight. You're keeping him on his toes... so to speak.
Izzy draws his sword. "You asked for it."
You grin as he swings. You block. Izzy only holds back enough for it to not be lethal. He is, after all, an expert swordsman. He's still strong. You manage to hold him off.
Izzy appreciates your footwork. He taught you a lot about using a sword. He taught you how to survive. It pleases his heart to know you took his lessons seriously.
It's just the two of you alone outside on the beach. Not another soul to witness the two pirates practising down on the beach. You manage to keep up with Izzy really well. In the blink of an eye you manage to disarm him and get up behind him, wrapping an arm around him and holding him close. You keep your sword pointing away, not wanting to actually hurt him
"I win."
Izzy pants, turning his head to look up at you. "Yeah. I suppose you did."
You let go of Izzy and watch him as he steps away. He looks at his sword in the sand. A look overcomes him.
"What is it?" You ask softly.
Izzy places a hand over his thigh on his bad leg. You see his fingers twitch.
"I'm losing my touch."
You frown. You walk over to Izzy's sword and pick it up for him. Turning, you look at his face. "No you're not. You're still the best pirate I've ever had the privilege to meet."
"You're just saying that because I'm sweet on you."
"Shut up, Izzy. You know that's not true. You're one of the greatest men on the planet. It has been an honour to sail with you all these years. And even bigger privilege to be the keeper of your heart. I love you, silly fool."
Izzy looks at you with such a tender gaze.
"What would I do without you?" He asks.
"You'd probably be a bit lonely." You hand him back his sword. He takes it from your hand allowing his fingers to brush against yours.
"I love you."
You smile. "I know. I love you too."
You lean forward and give Izzy a soft kiss. He seems to melt under your touch, chasing your lips when you go to pull away. You let him draw close again and kiss him once more. His hands settle on your waist.
"Shall we get ourselves a drink?" You ask.
"Yeah, why not. Bet the crew already are."
You chuckle and take his hand. Both of you slowly make your way back up the bank heading back into town. No doubt everyone was at Spanish Jackie's by now.
As you pass through the docks you both spot Ed. Izzy brings you to a stop.
"You go on ahead, I'm gonna talk to him."
You nod, kissing his cheek softly before letting go of his hand. You give Ed a little wave as you walk past and carry on going.
In Spanish Jackie's you find the crew all in there. The Swede is working the bar. It seems like the news of Ned Low got around quick. The crew were being celebrated.
You walk past Stede who seems to have a few fans gathered. He's telling them some tales. On the other side of the room Lucius and Wee John. You walk over to them.
"Having fun?" You ask, smiling at them.
"Isn't this totally crazy?" Lucius asks.
You chuckle. "Kind of. I never expected this crew to get so... popular."
Lucius smiles. "It feels weird."
"Stede seems to be enjoying himself," you point out, looking over at where the captain was.
"Yeah. People know his name now."
You wonder if this sudden popularity of Stede has anything to do with Ed sitting outside by himself. You hope Izzy might be able to enlighten you later.
""Having a think, are ya?" Izzy asks, approaching Ed.
"Ya know what I did this mornin'? Bright and early?" Ed asks Izzy, watching the fishermen.
"Made your boyfriend blush." Izzy smiles. "Ya threw away your leathers, I saw ya."
"'Course ya did."
"How'd it feel?"
"Fucking great," Ed says softly.
"Maybe you should listen to it." Izzy tells him.
It was clear Edward had been doing a lot of thinking. Izzy could read it in Ed. Izzy knew he would leap at the chance to do anything, as long as he had you by his side. So, why shouldn't Ed do the same for Stede?
As long as they were happy.
Izzy enters the bar and scans the area for you. He finds you sat with Lucius, laughing. He smiles as he watches you. Just seeing you made him feel lighter than ever.
The familiar tap of his wooden leg on the ground brought your attention to him. You smile as he draws near. Izzy places a hand on your shoulder and walks past you. You chuckle softly to yourself knowing he wants to sit in the back away from most prying eyes.
Lucius smiles at you as you leave the table, following after your man.
You slide into the booth next to Izzy and smile softly. He watches you, a smile of his own upon his lips. He loved looking at you.
"Well?" You ask.
"I think Ed is having some thoughts."
"Oh. Shit. Izzy, you didn't feed him some bullshit that's gonna have him run off again, did you?"
"If he runs off, that was unintentional. I told he should probably listen to his feelings."
"Oh, Izzy. Have you met Edward? Is that a good idea? He panics when it comes to his own feelings. We've literally seen it before."
Izzy reaches out and takes your hand.
You sigh and lean over, resting your head on his shoulder. "You're not going to leave me, are you?"
"Fuck no. That's a promise, love."
Night draws in. You and Izzy had been say in the bar for a while now. The crew were still having a great time. The number of times you had made Izzy laugh in the last hour alone was honestly the best feeling ever.
You laugh as you watch Frankie walk past sith planks in his hand, trying to sell them as merchandise. Izzy chuckles.
Pete and Lucius are selling "autographs" from Stede. Wee John is doing tattoos of Stede's face.
Stede had returned to the tavern alone, you had noticed. He had taken to sitting in the corner with his new friends, telling them more stories.
Izzy pats your knee as he gets up and makes his way over to talk to him.
You sip your drink quietly.
You watch from your table. Izzy talks to Stede quietly. It seems like Ed did leave. It seems like one of them always leaves the other.
You can't imagine ever leaving Izzy again.
At one point Izzy glances over at you. You smile at him, but can't help wondering what he's saying. Stede just nods beside him.
Izzy sits down beside Stede. They look at each other. A look of understanding.
You watch them a little longer.
Izzy looks up and turns back to you. He waves you over with a swift gesture of his hand. You get up and walk across the bar, joining them at their table.
"It's about seeing what's good for you," Izzy says. He's looking right at you. You look at him confused, not understanding what he meant by that, but your heart flutters pleasantly in your chest.
Stede just smiles.
Izzy then turns to Stede. "Let's get you back on the ship. You need it. Besides, you stay here much longer, you're gonna end up on the wrong end of a sword."
Voices at the bar draw Stede's attention over there. Zheng is with Olu talking to Jim and Archie.
"What's she doing here?"
"She's recruited half the island." Izzy tells him.
"She better back off my guys," Stede says, frowning heavily.
Stede gets up and makes his way to the bar, clearly unhappy with Zheng. You shrink down in your seat. "Shit."
"Oh, I see. We're all friendly now. Zheng, last we saw each other, you were trying kill everyone."
"Hi, Stede." She greets him politely. "Congrats on the Ned Low thing, that's big for you."
"Leave my crew alone."
"Are you sure they're yours?" She asks him.
"They are. We've been through hell together."
Olu tries to explain, but Stede gets the message. Olu wanted to go.
"You're gonna stab me in the back right in front of me? For her? I took her whole crew down with chamomile tea!"
"Let's not do this here," Zheng pleads softly.
"Do what? We're just talking, aren't we? Unless, you had something else in mind." Stede puts his hand on his sword.
"Shit," you whisper.
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just touch your sword."
"Should I pretend you're not pushing my crew?" Stede asks.
Izzy leaves your side to go stand by Stede. You quickly get out of your seat to join him. This is going to end badly if Stede didn't stop soon.
"It's not poaching if they wanna leave," she tells him. "Maybe go spend some time with your serial killer boyfriend. Or did he already leave you again?"
Stede steps forward. "Who told ya that?"
"Oh, shit, really? That was a lucky shot, but, yeah, figures."
Steak Knife steps in front of Stede.
"That was really mean."
"I'd back up." Zheng tells him.
"Now, I'll be mean."
"Okie-dokie." Zheng manages to take Steak Knife out with a very quick manoeuvre using only her hands.
You were impressed. Queen's got moves.
Stede draws his sword.
"Oh, Bonnet, no." Izzy sighs. This is what he was trying to avoid happening.
Zheng draws her sword work a wicked flourish. "I'll make this quick."
"You're gonna die quickly, are you?" Stede asks.
He swings, but Zheng manages to step on his sword. She hit him with the flat edge of her sword. "You fight like a towel boy."
He frees his sword from under her boot and swings again. Everyone backs up as the two fight it out, Stede backing himself into a table. Zheng stands over him with her sword pointed at his neck.
"I've killed mediocre men. I've killed exceptional men. But you're the worst kind: a mediocre man who thinks he's exceptional." She tells him.
"Thing about being mediocre, no one sees you coming." He throws a bottle at her, but Zheng ducks. It hits someone else instead.
Now he's done it.
The whole bar breaks out into a fight. You stand there with a hand over your eyes as Izzy throws a chair at someone who dared put their hands on him.
Jackie comes down furious. "Take this shit outside!"
Zheng takes it outside. She kicks Stede, getting him down onto the ground.
"Stay down Stede," Pete says.
"Stede, please don't get up." Zheng says to him. "Say mercy and this all ends."
"Just do it," Olu pleads.
"Sat it, Stede."
"Merci... beaucoup." Stede tries to throw some dirt at her, but misses.
You groan. Izzy leans on you for support as he watches this unfold.
Zheng picks up a plank that had been propped up behind Stede. She starts hitting him with it. "Is this how you plank someone, Stede? Am I doing it right?"
Stede is on the ground with nowhere else to go.
"Well, actually." He stands up. Zheng hits him in the head with it. He falls back down.
"Fucking hell," Pete mutters.
You're finding it very hard to keep watching. Izzy's hand slips into yours.
"Now the plank walks you!" Zheng says, holding it over her head.
Everything that happened in the next few seconds was unexpected. You would never had predicted any of it happening.
Just as Zheng was about to hit Stede again the sea lit up in flames. Zheng's fleet had been sitting in the water just opposite where you all were. Each and every one of those shops exploded before your eyes, lighting the water up.
Canons fired in the distance.
Izzy instinctively grabbed you, pulling you away along with the crew as the town was shot at. You grab onto him tight and flee back the way you all came from.
Stede scurried away as Zheng was left to watch her empire burn.
The Republic of Pirates was under threat.
@grippleback-galaxy - @askmarinaandothers - @godlikegallagher - @for-fuck-sake-im-alive - @whiskeyswriting - @lxsm2 - @bloody-bunni666 - @the-chocoholic-writer - @bugbugboy - @callmemana - @the-shenny-of-azkaban - @cool-ontherun-world - @outer-space-beech - @ahewi24 - @grace585 - @innertimemachinegirl - @dmitrytherat - @emilynissangtr - @fruitymoonbeams-blog -
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strawberrybobamilk · 2 months ago
Cut Here (Part 9)
Notes: helloo!! Sorry this part took a long time and I have also been inactive for a while, but it's been quite a stressful time lately. Thankfully I will go back to writing more soon!❤ ty for the support and love you all give to my work!
TWs: Language
November 2004
"...six... five... four... should I really count down to one with my eyes closed?"
Trevor chuckled "Kiddo, if you open your eyes before it wouldn't be a surprise now, wouldn't it?"
The girl pouted, her eyes still closed "Right! Three... two... one..." she opened her blue eyes and raised her eyebrow at the sight of a large stuffed unicorn in Trevor's hands.
"Happy birthday little Tracey" a little smile appeared under Trevor's bushy beard.
Tracey picked up the unicorn, she seemed touched by his gesture but also... confused "Uncle T... thank you, it's cute and I like it but... I'm thirteen..."
Trevor sighed "I know, I... just wanted to give ya something pretty, ya know? I mean, come on, you love unicorns! You had that one pink unicorn you called Princess Cottoncandy and we played with it together and..."
"Uncle T, that was SEVEN years ago" Tracey said almost embarrassed by the memory "Look, thank you and all really, just... I'm not a child anymore, ok? Just... things change, PEOPLE CHANGE" she walked off holding the unicorn by the tail to her room, leaving Trevor sitting there on the sofa, the sounds of Tracey's younger brother Jimmy's videogame being the only thing breaking the silence.
Trevor was knocking on Michael's door, almost smashing it.
The sound of babies coming from the inside made him remember. Oh yeah right, Michael knocked up Amanda. Twice.
Michael opened the door, looking more disheveled than usual.
"What... do you want Trevor?" he snarled and rubbed his face, as a little girl was pulling his shirt hem. He picked her up with a "Not now, Tracey, dad is busy"
"What do I want?! I want YOU to answer the phone when I call! We are a team and me, you and, yeah, Brad as well, had a job to do, and you're here playing house"
Before Trevor could continue with his ranting, Amanda came in, holding a crying baby Jimmy in her arms, her nose scrunched "Michael please can you help me just a second?"
"Oh for fu- another diaper change?!" he turned to Trevor putting the crying Tracey in his arms "Be right back, hold Tracey a second for me ok?"
"What?! I'm not a fuckin' babysitter!" but Michael was already gone. Trevor sighed and sat down with a frown, putting the sniffling Tracey on his lap "Alright alright little gremlin don't cry I am Trevor Philips or uncle T the hell you prefer to call me and I'm here or whatever you tell children-"
Tracey interrupted him by putting her small hand on his nose and laughing at his "Hey!"
She babbled "Uuun-cllee...Teee"
Trevor stopped, his gaze softening at her coos "Yes kiddo, I'm Uncle T" and in his mind, he swore to God, if anyone harmed her or little Jimmy, that anyone was gonna get skinned alive.
He looked at Michael smoking outside, looking at the sky.
"People change. Right".
He got out and sat down on the snowy ground, next to the blue eyed man "Hey"
"Hey" Michael blew a grey cloud of smoke "Something on your mind?"
"I could tell the same thing about you man, it's your daughter's birthday and you've been awfully quiet the whole time" his eyes narrowed "Pretty too quiet, lately, if you ask me"
Michael scoffed "What am I supposed to say? She's getting old, into her moody teenager years. Gotta be prepared for that shit now"
"Yeah... I guess she is" Trevor sighed "Jesus, I already miss that little bundle of joy she was when she was a small kid. I guess people change, like she said..." he looked down at the snowy ground, both of them sat down. It reminded him of the first time they met under the bridge. The day their friendship was born. And now sometimes Michael was part of him, sometimes not... he wished he could go back to those idyllic times, just for one day...
"Mikey... that time me and Brad robbed that lady, you said something along the lines of 'it's time to step up our game'. But you never said what you meant by that. How about you spill the beans?"
Michael looked at Trevor with something resembling a mix of fear and respect at Trevor's incredible memory "I did say that, didn't I?" he threw away the cigarette "Well, ever since I started robbing around, I wanted to do something BIG. Something that would go down in history. Not just petty crimes and thefts, but something... that would have me remembered when I'm dead, and I would be remembered for the... the..."
"The big one?" Trevor suggested, and Michael nodded.
"Yeah, the Big One!" Trevor put his hand on Michael's shoulder, both of them reminiscing their camaraderie times, but Michael's smile vanished when he looked at Jimmy and Tracey playing videogames together, and Amanda coming in with two plates of cake in her hands much to the two kids' delight. Amanda picked up two more plates of cake and walked to Michael and Trevor.
"Come on you two, you really wanna eat cake while freezing outside?" she handed Michael's cake slice giving him a little kiss on the cheek, and handed Trevor's cake slice giving him a cold glare before walking back in.
Trevor has always been aware of Amanda's deep disliking of him but didn't even care or notice her glare as he quickly started devouring his slice like a feral animal, he almost didn't hear Michael saying after a long time "We're gonna do it"
"Yeah. Me, you and Brad" he chewed his cake bite a little, thinking for a while "Bobcat Security Depot, next month"
Trevor raised an eyebrow at the other man's suggestion, to which Michael promptly replied "Hey, haven't I always been the mastermind when planning our jobs? Just like the old times"
Trevor paused, then grinned "Welcome back man"
Trevor kept munching, while Michael absent mindedly twirled his plastic fork around his plate and after some minutes mumbled an almost inaudible "I'm sorry T..."
"For what?" Trevor licked clean his plate.
Michael inhaled "I'm sorry... for not being there all the times..." he suddendly pulled Trevor in a hug, almost knocking their plates over "You're my best friend T"
Trevor paused at Michael's unexpected display of affection, and after a bit he slowly leaned into the hug.
"You too Mikey, you too"
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nin-jay-go · 7 months ago
oh we're just starting off in the administration huh
sora?????? and arin??????? breaking in?????
look at themmmm being ninja ;w;
jay's missing???????? hello????????????????
is the master jay. that'd be so funny
"i can't believe she wasn't waving her designated vapor-dispelling papers"
dragons descending
nokt's voice is cool
OH..... SHE'S DEAD.....
oh hi rapton good to know you've gone freelance
HE'S AN MLP FAN JHSGFCDKJHASKJSGF wait. this is confirming unicorns exist. MY QIRINS CAN BE REAL
oh shit a source dragon died? yiiiikes
wyldfyre.... girlie.............
oh god they are so bad at stealth
zane so busy all the time
jay out here destroying source dragons for fun not clickbait
oh is geo not here? friend: he's staying home to look after the kids
can't they just like. provide proof that they got a mission from the source dragons?????
elemental master of ceremonies!
he's a little bit cringe
frak ;w;w;w; youre so cute
AND THE BALL DROPS. they finally used the same element as one of my ocs 😔 sorry teri but ig you have an actual canon one now
very interesting that roby's outfit is the same colors as chen's coat
jay wins it, calling it now
ohhhhhhhh zantans is the new nature master!
DEMONS????? DAVONIANS.........
omg he's bilingual
HELLO????? WHO ARE YOU??????????
really enjoying the fight choreography
ohhhh it was a droid
paws :3 he's a kitty kitty
if frak's master is jay i'm gonna scream. i miss him
sighs. 13 year olds.
oh hey geo did come! nice
friend: cole your mom had a gundham! me: she has two!
frak :( come onnnnn
O_O guy on throne.....
master of reflex??? zur?????
that was. fast
elemental transition? 🏳️‍⚧️
she's well-hydrated!
oh god she's fighting JAY OH THERE HE FUCKING IS
oh he just fucking woke up there huh
and i will always hate you
oh the throne person's a woman? love wins
nyaaaa :((((
i dont think jay's been sent away btw. i think he's still around
ohhhh no arin
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO [excited]
reverse the merge.....
arin: lloyd's never gonna believe that his master caused the merge, i can't tell him! us two: he will. he's done worse without meaning to.
noooo euphrasia :((((
why does frak sound like robin
hi nokt
....now i'm thinking about marchosias jay......
vr experience slash gift shop....oh arin buddy this is NOT the person to ask about roby
oh so they're retconning lloyd's element as life instead of energy?????? hello??????
oh figment is a GOOD power name
that. is a horrible fix guys
HE'S IN A COMA??????
we took an intermission and chatted about what we think is up with jay. i think that jay being away is a mission for him to gain back ras' trust in taking down the ninja, or he's just being kept in reserve just in case
of course lloyd would know how to use wind....
EVIL WOMAN !!!!!!!
oh zur's voiced by paul dobson. neat!
oh wait is reflex just the renamed speed element? or are they different
augh poor roby :( doesn't understand that his uncle is EVIL
nooo whattttt? rigged? can't be /s
oh those are giant claw arms
soul yoinked!
i know the truth about this universe.....
jay's power went in a WEIRD direction
bye wuost
oh this was fun this was soooo fun
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bodrewritten · 8 months ago
Daughter of Discord Rewritten Chapter 22: My Love Is Alive
2:30 Pm / CW: descriptions of a meltdown, comfort. Stay tuned for a bonus chapter with an epic surprise. Read tags
When the young couple floated back to the ground, their lips were still locked. The world around them had returned to normal, save for the blizzard. Discord was standing up.
"okay ya crazy kids, come up for air!"
When the pair finally pulled away, Mothball was smiling like an idiot.
His eyes spun in circles and hearts beat in his eyes. This made Screwball giggle. Her friends rushed to her side and embraced her.
"That was amazing!" Apple Blossom shouted.
"Heroic!" Cinnamon twist added.
"Cool!" Doodle palooza piped.
"Romantic!" Dinky sighed.
Autumn Glory lifted her head from below dinky. "Major league epic."
Dinky got off of her friend, giggling. "Whoopsie!."
"So you guys aren't mad at me?" Screwball asked hopefully.
"Yeah, w-well," maple Cinnamon said, putting his hoof to his bandaged head. "You s-seemed to learn y-y-your lesson."
Meanwhile, Mothball was twirling in circles, lost in the memory of the bliss he had just experienced.
"Uh oh," Apple Blossom chuckled. "Screwy, I think your kiss did more than save the world. You've made the poor boy all loopy!"
"like some sorta poison frog!" Cinnamon twist laughed.
The group laughed. Screwball broke their hug and walked over to her coltfriend. She put her hooves on his shoulders to stop him from falling over. Mothball then returned to his senses, only to get lost in her hypnotic swirls.
"I'm proud of you, Screwy."
They turned toward Twilight, who had her horn back.
"I guess I was wrong, you really didn't have to choose. Between loves, I mean." She immediately told spike to write it down.
Rarity dashed to hug her girlfriends, kissing rainbow dash passionately, the only warmth around the mare. She glanced towards Applejack, who only looked towards Autumn Glory. Applejack seemed withdrawn. It made Rarity feel distant again.
Mothball blushed nervously. "Grand duchess...I know I've done some bad things in the past, but I swear I'll be careful around ponies! I can become a vegetarian and live on chocolate!"
Twilight laughed. "You are pardoned, Mothball." She looked at screwball's family.
"I don't think you'll starve anytime soon."
The unicorn's mirth diminished when Discord stepped in front of her. Mothball shrunk under the draconequus' strict glare. His arms were folded and his face wore a frown. The changeling clung to Screwball for leverage. She gave him a reassuring squeeze.
Discord glanced between the two. Neither said anything for a long while. Then he sighed and extended his paw towards the changeling.
Mothball looked at it unsurely. He glanced at Screwball, who was grinning excitedly. She let go of him and nudged him toward Discord's paw. The prince gazed up at the draconequus. His face softened to one of happiness.
"put'er there, son!"
The changeling slowly raised his hoof and placed it in his paw. As soon as they made contact, Mothball felt a bolt of electricity and shook uncontrollably.
Discord started laughing and revealed the joybuzzer in his paw. He clutched he pulled the poor boy into a hug. The Pie family was laughing as well, as was Screwball. The others either giggled or just grinned in amusement.
Mothball looked at his marefriend in confusion.
Screwball chuckled as she patted him on the back. "that's his way of showing that he likes you!"
The changeling looked at the others. Cinnamon twist gave him a shrug.
"It's true."
"t'aint wrong."
"I still have the mark on my hoof."
Mothball then found himself snickering. He still didn't get it.
Screwball left Mothball and ran to her parents.
The couple pulled away and opened their arms for their daughter. Fluttershy weeped at the sight of Zany.
"Oh, my baby!" she cried. "I thought I had lost you!"
"Our family," Discord sighed, "together at last!"
"Promise me we'll never split up again?"
The draconequus shook his head with a laugh. "Never."
Mothball smiled as the family embraced each other. He was happy that they were whole again, but it also made him sad. The changelings were the only family he had ever known. Now that he had left them, he had no one. He did not even have a place to live.
Then Fluttershy noticed Mothball. She was surprised to see him here, but given the fact that Discord had not vaporized him, she figured things were sorted out between them now. She reached out her hoof toward him. Mothball beamed as he took it and she pulled him in.
Pinkie Pie blew her nose in a handkerchief.
"It's so beautiful!" she cried.
Then she smiled suddenly. "Hey! Why the blizzard in summer?"
Everyone looked onward to the horizon line, beyond the mountains. There, windigos raced towards the village.
Something was almost irreversiblly wrong in the relationships with the ponies if they hadn't begun to talk.
The bunkers opened, only to be met with walls of snow.
"Did we miss anything?" Cadence inquired. She had just arrived in ponyville. Princess Celestia and Luna took care of the diplomatic relations in Canterlot.
"quite a bit! Windigos across the mountains!"
The sky was a mourning grey, blistering cold, freezing the tips of their limbs. Crystalline ice formed on the surfaces of everything, sprinkled like glitter on the face of the scowling town.
"screwball, what is happening?"
"WINDIGOS ARE REAL?!" Screwball shouted to her mother! Her eyes were wide with shock.
Why wouldn't they be? They detected the war, drawn in by the bloodshed and now they galloped to consume everything in their sight.
"b-but everything is better now! This shouldn't be happening!" Rainbow dash exclaimed.
Rarity yelped as the wind picked up. Rainbow dash couldn't fly in this wind, not as well as she usually would. Her wings unfurled, but dash almost fell over.
"Applejack! Please! Go get her!"
Applejack stood still in fear, confusion, and...
Twilight tried to rally crowds of ponyville citizens back into their basement, but they screamed, hurling their worst at mothball.
"he did this!"
"spawn of evil!"
Mothball covered his ears. Everything felt like it was being pelted at him, making him angrier, more frustrated, unable to express anything out. Mothball grit his teeth and thrashed at anything, anything to release the steam building up, and The fire around him.
Shouting, yelling, screaming, screech, the blizzard of stinging, the ache in his exoskeleton, the aggravating, irritating tinging of their every breath, crack, shatter, thump, repeat, repeat repeat.
Mothball couldn't help but cry, couldn't help but push out every tear hoping the repeating screams of contempt just goes away. The dull ringing in his ears attempting to muffle everything never worked. Suddenly, he was scooped up and brought somewhere near silent. Still, like a water lily. He was tightly wound up like a little grub baby.
Mothball was under a weighted blanket, hugged tightly under pale yellow hooves.
Mothball's ears were covered with thick earmuffs. He wanted to talk, but Fluttershy spoke first.
"Screwball gets this way too. She's in her bubble right now. I know it might be difficult to talk right now, so if you need anything, just tap me. I'm right here"
He drove himself closer to her. The crowd was quieted down by the princess, cadence and Grand Duchess Twilight Sparkle.
"please, everypony, quiet down! Mothball is an ally! He's a part of the house Discord!" Twilight yelled, and the crowd screamed towards her their woes, the chill dripping from their faces unnoticed.
Cadence made them stand back, directing the crowd to speak one at a time.
"Cadence, I can't keep doing this, they won't listen!" Twilight turned up to her sister in law, ears pulled back.
"oh twily, they might never listen. But we have one chance to do our best. You're always great at that." Cadence noogied the Duchess' hair, and twilight smiled for the first time all day.
The crowd hushed when they saw this. Twilight addressed them directly. "Citizens of ponyville, mothball, the prince, no longer holds that royal title. He has been accepted by the family Discord, so why can't you accept him? He fought off the changeling queen, he and screwball defeated our enemies, he is an ally to the entire equestria."
The crowd talked amongst themselves while rainbow dash crawled towards rarity. The winds blew harder, an impending twister upon them. Rarity climbed into a ditch, safe in a pipe, and rainbow dash held up a wooden pallet, bringing it to cover the entrance. Applejack was attached to a tree, holding onto her hat as hard as she could.
"Applejack!" Rainbow dash yelped! "Dude, what are you doing?! Talk to me! We need to get to rarity!"
Applejack held onto her tree tight as a boa. "Nothing is wrong! Y'all leave me be, I'll get there when I do!"
"what are you talking about!? You haven't talked to rarity in two days! Something's up and you're leaving me out!
Rarity lifted her head. "Is this about the gala? Prince Blueblood? Applejack I can't fix what I did if you don't tell me how!"
"we don't gotta fix anything! I just wanna go back to how it was! I ain't got nothin' more to say!"
Rainbow dash had quite enough.
Rarity looked at her wife, tears streaming from her face the same way they did at twilight's first sleepover. The first time she thought about kissing her woman. She pleaded with her wet, shimmering eyes, salty tears freezing to her thick lashes. Applejack gulped and hid her face. The shame bubbled in her chest. Her hind hooves flew freely in the whipping wind, tearing away her hair ties.
"when you said you would never let Autumn Glory know about her dad, I felt like you didn't care how much it affects a pony! I felt like you intentionally ignored how much losing my parents damaged me!"
Rainbow dash looked in shock. Rarity looked with love.
"oh darling! Just let the words fall out!"
"you're my best girl! So's Dashie! I know you'd never hurt me on purpose, but I couldn't face how much you was hurtin' cuz I'd have to confront how I felt when i lost my parents!"
The storm died down, allowing some leverage for Applejack's hoof to hit the ground. She outstretched every limb like a lazy cat, adjusting every muscle to reach her wives. Finally, after torturous minutes, she found shelter in the large pipe.
Fluttershy sat next to discord to wait out the storm. He turned to his wife and nuzzled her nose. Mothball felt a bit embarrassed that they were being so sweet while he was right there.
"discord I have to say it. I thought that screwball wouldn't find love as easy as she did because of how hard it was for you to love and be loved in the beginning. I thought other ponies might think that she's too much."
Discord looked at her with drooping eyes.
"you don't still believe that, do you?"
Fluttershy kissed him. "You two are so easy to love. I'm glad the world knows that now. No, I don't."
Mothball cringed as they hugged and snuggled above him. He ran out to the blanket and out into the cold, starkly contrasting.
Mothball stood in behind Cadence to face the crowds. His chest was raised and chin held level. Just like Mantis taught him to face crowds.
The ponyville citizens kept their stare at him. Cadence pushed him forward, and before he knew it, twilight sparkle let him address the ponies.
"kingdom of ponyville, I implore thee to still thy tongue." He said in the changeling language, like queen Chrysalis did. "I cannot apologize for what my previous hive has done. You have every right to hold malice against them. But please, forgive me. I have experienced the life I can live with you, and I will use my powers to help out kingdom, if only you will let me into your hive. Together, we can be strong, and our friendship will be universal!"
Yikes. Twilight and Cadence looked at each other with wide eyes, lips pursed. Silent as a dead lamb.
One pony piped up from the crowd, "close enough!" Before they erupted into cheers.
The parties were happening all about the town, but most vibrant in the park. Rarity sold more in ponyville than ever before. As did Pinkie. Rainbow dash played in the sky, taking her wives up high as she could, doing anything just for fun. Twilight danced and didn't care who saw, telling everypony what constellations she recognized. (All of them.) Rarity set up a date to allow Autumn Glory and her other foals to meet their father, and told them what to expect. Applejack supported her the whole way.
The war was over, and the storm was dying down. Ponies enthusiastically hugged their heroes, swapped stories of survival, and played through the night. A party with lanterns and fairy lights illuminated the starry sky. All was warm and bright. They could sleep in the day, work even later, but for now, nothing kept the citizens away from eachother
Under a string of pink and blue lights, twilight found Princess Celestia, chatting away with her guard near the banquet.
"and make sure none of them are white. I cannot see the- Twilight!" Celestia smiled at her, unapologetically showing her teeth.
Twilight hugged her and she took the unicorn under her wing.
"you have proven yourself more than capable of your royal position, and much more. You are the biggest mark on history I have ever witnessed."
Twilight nearly cried. huge, wet eyes met Celestia's. She chuckled and pat her student's head.
"consider yourself graduated from my mentorship. You... Are ready."
Twilight was barely able to comprehend that statement before Celestia brought her to her magical alicorn-creating void between universes. Idk man I'm ready to end this series.
Discord and Fluttershy walked to an empty area of the park. Their time alone together was long overdue and the first thing they did was share a passionate kiss.
"I never should have doubted you," Discord said. "I should have known you would never betray me." He chuckled nervously. "I'm such a nutcase."
Fluttershy smiled. "It's alright. We have everything in order now.." She glanced back at the party. "Are you alright with Screwball's coltfriend?"
Discord cringed. "I've been meaning to tell you"
Fluttershy gulped. He seemed so approving bef-
"Fluttershy, he has no place to stay can we please-"
Fluttershy practically deflated. "Discord, you big softie,he can stay with us as long as he needs to."
Discord scooped her up and she blushed a deep color. He kissed her all along her face.
Screwball and mothball, meanwhile, drank punch on the sidelines.
"shall we tell them that everypony can see them kissing?" Mothball said, not looking at his fillyfriend.
"jeez, 16 years and they still act like a couple'a teenagers!"
"that does not seem entirely distasteful. At least you know they love each other!"
"you wanna talk distasteful? Try sleeping down the hall from em."
Mothball stared blankly into the distance. "Glad I do not live with you!" And they laughed at once!
Discord appeared right next to them instantly!
"great news kid! You're living with us! Don't try getting out of it!
Mothball was stunned. He wanted to thank the man and his wife, shake his hoof, but something felt like he wouldn't know peace for the rest of his life.
As he agreed and hugged his girlfriend's family, he felt that he could live with that.
"Aw, Daddy!"
He looked up and saw Screwball hovering above him
Screwball floated down and hugged her father around his neck.
"I'll always be your little girl," she declared.
Discord smiled and wrapped his arms around the filly. No matter what would happen, no matter how big she would get, she would always be his daughter Screwball, and he would always be there for her.
For he was her Daddy Discord.
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popculturebuffet · 8 months ago
Next up for Cartoon Network era of shows, who is your favorite character from each of the early 2010s Check It renaissance era shows you've seen like: Regular Show, Sym Bionic Titan, Robotomy, The Problem Solverz, The Amazing World of Gumball, Secret Mountain Fort Awesome, Ben 10 Omniverse, Uncle Grandpa, Steven Universe, and Clarence?
Regular Show: CJ... besides being cute she's a fun character and was a good match for Mordecai.. then he fucking blew it in an incident i've never quite gotten over and will cover at some point if anyone's intrested, though till I do Sarcastic Chorus has covered mordecai fumbling the ball well. Overall the show itself is great, aside from season 6. The Romance Stuff can be drawn out when your not talking about Rigleen, but it's got great comedy, good batshit insanity and ends on a high note. It's an all time classic and like adventure time left a mark on animation. It's succesor close enough was even better and go seek it out since it's hard to find offically because warner bros fucking blows.
Sym Bionic Titan: Octus, brian poshen's best role and one of the best designs i've seen. The show itself was treated oh so shittily and i'ts nice Gennendy now has more of a blank check over at cartoon network (Still need to watch more of Unicorn: Warriors Eternal) as they owe him after canceling this. Still a good show and I hope he can continue it someday.
The Problem Solverz: no faviorites, didn't like this one. Almost forgot to include it. Next.
Robotmy: Don't really have a faviorite character but I did last this one. Like Titan deserved better and that's a bit of a theme at times during this era: some shows got the runs they deserved, others died fast
Gumball; Penny. I liked her first design and her unshelled one was a nice twist. She also serves as a nice contrast to her boyfriends nonsense and i'm glad they pulled the trigger on that fast. Carie is a close second. As for this show I honestly need to see more as I simply lost touch when I stopped having cable and didn't catch up on streaming. But it's an excellent show. While I hated it's sticking to the status quo, in hindsight it dosen't: both the boys get girlfriends in stand out episodes, their grandma gets married, richard's dad comes back, change does happen it's just more on the simpsons scale of "it's gradual". I"m happy it's coming back and to see a movie eventually.
Secret Mountain Fort Awesome: I got nothing. I didn't really watch this one, wasn't intrested, what I saw wasn't good. Next.
Ben 10 Omniverse: Rook Mothefucking Blonko. For all the ups and down with the series, he was a worthy partner to ben, a fun character and a nice contrast being the more reserved by the book badass normal to Ben's empowered moron. One of the series best additions, bring him back whenever it returns. Have child him adventure with ben I don't care. As for the show as a whole.. it's a fucking mess. It has some really good stuff like the initial arc, Blox (My faviorite transformation of this era), and some good one off episodes... but also a lot of wacky nonsense. The show tried to restroe some of the og continuity the alien era ignored, which is good on paper but in practice left the franchise a spiraling mess, brought back some characters without properly reintroducing them (Though bringing lucy back was a good move and she was fantastic), and had a ton of ships for ben but settled on the worst option, making him a harem protaganist for no real reason. Some arcs were good, some eps were good, a lot of it is garbage, and the design work is excellent. It's not horrible but it is a hot mess of a show and a weird note to end the og continuity on.
Uncle Grandpa: Pizza Steve. This show was alright: Id idn't like it at first but it grew on me a little, though I just kinda drifted from it. As batshit insane as the idea was, I did like the steven universe crossover as it somehow worked and has some of the best pearl moments series wide. Otherwise the series is alright and probably worth another look.
Steven Universe: Garnet. The series has a LOT of great characters (Pearl and Greg are close seconds and thirds), but Garnet is a throughly intresting character, a kind leader and a good mom to steven with one of the most badass musical numbers in all of animation. Pearl again is a very close second being a nicely flawed character. The series as a whole.. is one of my faviorite cartoons of all time if not my faviorite. It's one I need to rewatch: beautifully animated, paced decently (Far from perfectly but looking at the bigger picture now it's over, not nearly as bad as it's rep was. It spaced out story moments with life just happening). The cast is memorable and charming as hell, the fight scenes some of the best in western animatoin and animation period, and the finale while rushed due to rebecca having to take a seasons worth of finale material and compress it into a few extra episodes she had to beg cartoon network for, is utterly satisfying. Steven Unvierse Future: While this one is a bit later might as well get it out of the way. I love this one. I get why some don't, it's divisive, to me it feels like a valid deconstruction of Steven's trauma, an epilogue that shows what having this savior complex thrust on him, this need to fix grown adults, would do to the poor boy and ends with him finding his own life. It's bleak as hell in places, but it ends on a note of hope and humanity that makes the jouney worht it.
Clarence: Sumo whose some classic tom kenny and usually pretty fun. A weird note to end on as while Steven Universe, like adventure time before, changed animation, where as CN kinda buried Clarence after it's creator's public breakdown and like Gumball I lost touch eventually. That being said.. Clarence is excellent. The crew rebounded well, the characters are charming and it's a nice slice of life show. I wish Jeff was less of a jerk, but otherwise it's a really fun show with a really kind protagonist.
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nogenderbee · 3 months ago
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔻𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @hayillaaaaaaa @wabatle @ravenmoon903
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You finally got conifer into your living room! Maybe it was a bit hard to find good place for it at first... but with a bit of thought, you managed to find the perfect spot for it!
The tree was kinda on the side so no one would bump into it but it was still pretty noticable~ Now you just needed decorations!
You never were the type to have aby aesthetic ones though... so you did what any person at your place would do! You stepped out of your house into the garden and yelled as loud as you can...
Not long after, window from the house next to you opened and the girl you were calling popped out from it.
The next thing you saw was Sayori closing the window and turning light in her bedroom off, meaning she's most likely leaving now. Your neighbors surely are used to you screaming to each other by now si that wasn't really your concern... you just quickly stepped back into your house because of how cold it was outside and you didn't bother to dress up for quick screaming exchange...
You put the milk on stove as soon as you arrived, figuring that you might make some hot chocolate in exchange for Sayori bringing you decorations for the christmas tree in your living room, just waiting to be decorated.
When you were just getting marshmallows from the closet, you finally heard the long awaited doorbell! Not wanting to make your childhood friend freeze to her death out there, you quickly opened the door and saw no one else than her~ She was carrying a box like half her size...
"Oh here you are! Thanks for bringing these~"
"No problem! Guess it's just like every year... you bring tree, I bring decorations?"
"Hah... Yeah, guess that'll just never change~"
You took the box from her and kept the door open so she can enter and hopefully warm herself up. And she gladly took this offer! Upon entering your house she immidietly sniffled the air and looked over at Yoh with questionable gaze.
"Yup, I made hot chocolate~"
"Well thanks a lot!! I might have to come here more often!"
"Heh, it's in the kitchen. I just didn't manage to throw marshmallows in before you came."
"It's fine, I can do it!"
"Sure, I'll put away the decorations then."
Sayori just gave you a nod and went into the ktichen, visibly eager to finally drink the drink you've prepared beforehand~
You on the other hand, placed box with decorations right next to the tree, you were about to go to kitchen and drink some chocolate but you already saw Sayori coming out with... nothing?
"The chocolate is too hot. Wanna decorate tree while we wait for it to cool down a bit?"
"Hm~ Sure, let's do it!"
You agreed so quickly because if chocolate was too hot... might as well do something useful, no?
So you opened the box and took our bauble that was on top. And it was... rainbow unicorn?
"Seriously? I thought you'd have some Christmas decorations..."
"Hehe~ There are some! But I also put in some of my favorite baubles in a bought recently~"
"Alright... guess we can use it too..."
You were a bit disappointed that your tree will have not only christmas decorations but also some out of place ones... Well at least they're cute, no?
You picked up bauble after bauble with Sayori next to you. Some were typically Christmas themed, and others were... less Christmas themed...
Your tree turned out to be pretty much a mix of aesthetics by the end of the day... But hey! At least you had lots of fun decorating it and it was most certainly a special one~
ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ 2024 ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛ ᴄᴀʟᴇɴᴅᴀʀ
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dirty-bosmer · 2 years ago
Tell me about the fish you saw snorkeling please :)
Oh my GOD I nearly burned my self with my coffee when I saw this. Thank you so much for asking, but also you've opened the flood gates because it just so happens I am about to dump so many fish on you. While I primarily study freshwater fishes, I am a lover off all things aquatic, so here we go (all these images are from the internet):
Parrot fish galore and HUGE ones at that. The biggest one I saw looked like this. I don't know my scarids very well, but I do know that I saw a bumphead parrotfish. So funny looking. I was honestly surprised by how all the fish out there are CONSTANTLY nipping at the corals, but the current was pretty strong so we all had to swim a lot. It makes sense that they always need to be eating. I had no idea life on the reef was so turbulent
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A lot of acunthurids. No blue tangs but plenty of brown ones and some unicorn tang! The ones I saw had really small humps.
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So the common name for acunthirds is surgeonfishes because they have these sharp, blade like spines on their caudal peduncle called a scalpel. You can see it a bit more clearly on the Clown Unicornfishes (which were my fave cause the colors were so bright). Here they're the bright orange processes near the tail.
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Wrasses. SO many wrasses. We saw birdnose wrasses with their long snoots, moon wrasses that were as colorful as rainbow lorikeets. My favorite were the cleaner wrasses following all the big parrotfish around and eating their ectoparasites,
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I saw a moray!! That was the most unexpected find for me. I was the only one in my group to see one, but it was so far out that the crew working the sailboat had to call me back in 😅 It was brown and spotted black and looked just like this guy. I didn't actually see his head, but I saw his long long body. He was huge!!
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Some gobies hiding in their holes. Apparently some species of goby have a mutualistic relationship with shrimp. The shrimp digs a series of tunnels in the sand and the goby stands sentinel at the entrance. The shrimp then maintains contact with the goby with its long antennae so that it knows if the goby moves or startles when predators are nearby.
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The goatfish was probably my second favorite find after the moray because I had no idea they were out there. Goatfish have two long chin barbels covered in tastebuds that they use to probe along the sand in search for prey. They are quite dextrous barbels too. They flick em around so fast!
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I got stung by something! it whipped me across the face pretty much 20 minutes into the water and it felt long and filamentous so i thought maybe it was some stray strand of anemone or jellyfish with active nematocysts. The crew member said it was likely a small jelly so woohoo! I got stung by a jelly on the great barrier reef :D
Triggerfish. Iw as hoping to see more tetraodonotiforms like puffers or filefish or a cowfish maybe, but I'm glad I still got to see at least one representative of the order cause they are among the most bizarre groups of fishes
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This Moorish Idol that looked exactly like Gill from finding nemo
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Lemonpeel angelfish, bluegirdle angelfish, emperor angelfish, you name it.
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a lot of chaetodontids too. As I said, I don't study marine fishes so all the butterfly fishes looked so similar to me XD most of them were some combination of white, yellow, and black with their characteristically tall bodies and narrow snouts.
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Giant clam!!! THEY WERE SO BIG. And so colorful. The movement of their spiracle truly hypnotized me.
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Alright. That's all I got time for at the moment, as I need to pack and head up to the rainforest for the last leg of my trip. I'm sure I have forgotten dozens of fish already XD Thank you for attending my show and tell and for expressing interesting. Truly, I'm living any biologists dream rn, and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to visit such a beautiful part of the world 🥲
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 2 years ago
Angel of God, My Guardian Dear Chapter 15: Matt
Rating: Explicit (18+, MINORS DNI)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Story Summary: While speaking at a local school for visually impaired youth, Matt runs into his childhood best friend, with whom he lost touch almost 20 years prior.
Warnings/Tags: Nothing for this chapter.
Word Count: ~1250ish for this chapter
A/N: This is admittedly a filler chapter, so enjoy a double update!
"...Then he said a unicorn appeared and started shitting Skittles everywhere," Foggy said the next morning as he stood in the doorway of Matt's office telling him about a new client.
"Mmm," Matt replied, his mind admittedly elsewhere. 
Foggy sighed. "You're not even paying attention, Matt. Did you just hear anything I just said?" 
Matt grimaced. "I'm sorry, Fog. I've got a lot on my mind."
"Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since you got back from Florida yesterday." Foggy paused. "Aw, man, your talk with Y/N's aunt didn't go well, did it? I'm sorry, man --"
Matt shook his head with a smile. "Actually, no, that went better than I could've expected. I'm just thinking about some stuff." 
Foggy sat in the client chair in Matt's office. "Well since we're obviously not going to get any work done at the moment and neither of us have any appointments until later, tell me about your trip."
Matt grinned. "Okay."
He told Foggy about how comfortable Aunt Ruth had made him feel from the moment they had arrived and how he had overheard her telling Y/N how happy she was that Y/N had found Matt again, and how genuinely warm and accommodating she had been… and about how not warm and accommodating Mrs. Vaughn had been at Aunt Ruth's birthday dinner. "Needless to say Y/N was still pretty upset after we got home, so she and I sat on the swing out on the back patio."
He smiled at the memory. "She told me about what sort of things she would imagine us doing if I had gotten to visit her in Florida, like walking around her neighborhood and going to the beach, so I figured better late than never and suggested that we go to the beach the next afternoon while Y/N's aunt was hosting her pokeno group, then we talked about the future and I told her in no uncertain terms that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her."
"Aww, that's so sweet, man."
Matt grinned. "Then the next morning we went to Mass then to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for a picnic at the beach."
Foggy whistled. "Wow, a romantic beach picnic? I'll have to remember that for a date idea if I'm ever near the ocean."
Matt smiled. "Y/N and I already work so seamlessly together that grocery shopping was a breeze, and in fact we're going to start doing our weekly grocery shopping together."
"Hey, that's great, dude! I know you hated relying on that grocery delivery service."
Matt nodded. "Anyway, we ran into Y/N's old guidance counselor while we were at the store, so Y/N talked with her for a minute then we had to run so we could get back to Ms. Y/L/N's to get everything prepped for our picnic."
He grinned. "Ms. Y/L/N was kind enough to lend Y/N her car for the afternoon so instead of going to one of the local beaches Y/N took me down to this secluded little beach in the Keys."
"Oh wow, that's awesome."
Matt nodded. "She said that the first time she set foot there she knew she wanted to share it with me."
"Aww, that's sweet."
"Anyway, we ate then read for a while, then we put our stuff back in the car and went for a walk down the boardwalk. It was..." Matt smiled at the memory. "Magical. Everything was just so perfect that I wished I could actually see Y/N, just for a few seconds."
Foggy made a sympathetic sound, but said nothing.
Matt sighed. "Anyway, we got on the subject of having kids and how both our apartments are way too small to raise a family, and Y/N mentioned that once her lease was up that she was thinking about moving anyway, so we started talking about looking for a bigger place together."
Foggy clicked his tongue. "Man, it definitely sounds like you had a busy weekend full of important conversations. No wonder you're distracted."
Matt nodded. "Luckily I was also able to talk to Y/N's aunt Monday morning before we left."
"And??? Come on, Matt, I'm dying to know how that went!"
Matt chuckled. "Okay, well, Y/N was still sleeping when I got up but Ms. Y/L/N was in the kitchen making coffee, so I got ready and headed into the kitchen. Ms. Y/L/N offered me some coffee and we made small talk about Y/N's and my trip down to the Keys, then I thanked her for her hospitality over the weekend."
He smiled. "She said it was nice getting to know me after hearing so much about me that wasn't the total bullshit Sister Bernadette had told her, then she apologized for her part in keeping me and Y/N from each other and said that she could tell that I truly love and care about Y/N and that my intentions were sincere, so I told her about my nickname for Y/N and how I've loved her pretty much from the moment I met her… then I asked her for her blessing to marry Y/N."
Foggy gasped. "Way to bury the lede, dude! She did say yes, right?"
Matt chuckled. "Well first she asked me if I knew that Y/N had been engaged once before."
Foggy sucked in a breath. "Oh shit, did you?"
Matt nodded. "Oh yeah, Y/N told me about it at dinner that first day we ran into each other."
"Oh okay, good."
"Anyway, she said that Y/N's ex-fiancé was nice but that she could tell that Y/N wasn't really in love with him." Matt smiled. "And then she said that Y/N's heart had always belonged to me and that she could tell that mine had always belonged to Y/N, so she gave me her blessing."
Foggy made an 'aww' sound. "Dude, that's awesome. Congratulations."
Matt nodded with a grin. "And she also told me not to wait too long to ask Y/N to marry me and that I could call her Aunt Ruth since I should have been her nephew-in-law years ago."
Foggy huffed out a laugh. "I'm so happy for you, man. So when are you going to propose?"
Matt shook his head. "Honestly I almost blurted out a proposal while Y/N and I were at the beach, then again in the middle of the supermarket on Tuesday, then again last night when I got out of the shower and Y/N was looking at real estate listings to get an idea of what's on the market, so I'm definitely not going to wait too long. I do need to get a ring first though."
"I'll be happy to help you pick one out if you want," Foggy said. 
Matt nodded. "Yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thanks."
"No problem, buddy."
Matt bit his lip. "In the meantime, I gave her a key to my place."
Foggy chuckled. "I'm surprised you just didn't ask her to move in with you."
Matt chuckled. "Oh believe me, the only reason I haven't is because Y/N still has like 8 months on her lease."
He sat up. "Okay, now tell me again about our new client. I promise I'll pay attention this time."
Foggy chuckled again. "Okay. So, our client's name is…"
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ghoulphile · 9 months ago
hi! um, a couple random questions if you've got the time and do not mind.
1. thoughts on Gob & Raul, my most beloved ghouls? not looking for anything specific, just curious, i'm new around this blog i guess, haha.
2. i'm also becoming deeply afflicted with the Walton Goggins BrainRot™ and am going to be binge watching some of his movies, do you have a favorite?
3. also also have you seen his Wikipedia photo? dear god that man truly has a 100,000 watt smile, it feels like i've just stared into the sun, 10/10 do recommend.
have a pleasant day, and thanks for your time! be well! 👍
hello and welcome~ i’m more than happy to answer random questions, i love them 🥰
1. thoughts on Gob & Raul, my most beloved ghouls?
i love them both! this is an all ghouls lover blog lol. gob is my baby — i will murder anyone who harms him, and raul is my sassy sarcastic lil guy.
2. i'm also becoming deeply afflicted with the Walton Goggins BrainRot™ and am going to be binge watching some of his movies, do you have a favorite?
so funny thing is… i’m working my way through his filmography myself 😅 i had no clue who he was before fallout even though he’s been in several of my fave movies like? what??
that said, i’ve watched vice principals, the unicorn, and the righteous gemstones for his tv shows so far. i adored vice principals so i’d definitely recommend that one. i also really liked the unicorn (still finishing season one), it’s got a cute story and he looks too good in every episode 😮‍💨
the righteous gemstones — he’s not in very much though i just finished season 1 so idk, plus he’s a 70 year old man in it so it’s not really a thirst watch for me. i’m ambivalent about it atm if i’m being honest. idk if it’s the premise (televangelist family with scandals and secrets… and i didn’t grow up with religion/church so some things kinda made me go ???) or what but it’s not my favorite thus far. the acting is great and there are a lot of people from vice principals in it, and other shows i like but 🤷‍♀️ we’ll see lol.
for movies, i love the maze runner series and recently rewatched it — though he’s in the death cure for all of 3 minutes? maybe? idk but he doesn’t have a nose again lol. there’s also the 2018 reboot of tomb raider and the ant-man movie but i have no clue of his involvement as i watched them before i knew who he was.
3. also also have you seen his Wikipedia photo? dear god that man truly has a 100,000 watt smile, it feels like i've just stared into the sun, 10/10 do recommend.
oh 🥹 you’re so right he’s such a cute dork i cant—
i hope you have a great day ❤️!
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ravioliet · 10 months ago
It's fun to think that oren in the mlp au oren used to insult olive and todd a lot for being blank flanks and she turns this against todd sometimes in the present. that stupid doodle on your flank isn't fooling anyone buddy boy!
also ms. o uh-oh was the result of oscar having an accident with a time travel spell. that happened once before and it's why he knows the horrors of timetastrophe. also just before olive says "we're all reasonable foals here!" she does a small pulse of magic, not too strong but just strong enough to stun everyone for a few seconds.
yeah yeah!! i think that Oren definitely bullied Otto before he got his cutie mark as well, despite the fact that Otto was at a perfectly reasonable age to be a blank flank. it just seems in character for him
Todd though is kind of an interesting case i think, because i don't feel like he'd necessarily hide his blank flank (in my mind he's kinda given up a bit at this point, like when he starts off as Odd Todd he's still searching for his cutie mark like he was as an agent but he gets frustrated with it pretty easily so eventually he kind of gives up and switches to being like "well if i'm not gonna find my talent i might as well just do whatever i want!" like some sort of coping mechanism i suppose. he pretends like he doesn't care and distracts himself from it but in reality he does i think. if that makes sense) but i can also see him putting something on there like a 43 since it's his trademark or something, so maybe he just puts it on one flank and leaves the other one blank. i can definitely see Olive saying something to him about how he's not going to find his talent like this and that it's pointless and he just laughs at her like "oh Scribbles i know that! gave up on it a long time ago!"
Oscar is very silly to me actually, so gadgets still exist here and despite the fact that Oscar is a unicorn and has unicorn magic telekinesis and everything he still manages to drop them. his magic isn't weak or anything, in fact he knows a lot of magic for a non-magic talent eleven year old (Olive does too, it just kinda comes with being an agent i think. but that's off topic), it's just really easy for him to break his focus when using magic sometimes and it usually happens at the worst possible moments for that. lots of dropped gadgets and spells gone wrong. i can totally see him knowing time magic though yeah, maybe he uses it in building time travel gadgets? i think it would be interesting if some gadgets had a bit of magic in them. you've got me thinking about gadget lore now hmm..
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lemon-sugarcoats-nothing · 2 years ago
Just a little note from Bee 🐝
I have some other characters you can send asks for too, besides Lemon and I;
💜Lucious Vespertilio: You've probably seen him in some of @cinnavanillamelody ask replies and posts! Her portrayal of him is mostly accurate (minus a fanfiction or two)
Species: Half subspecies of bat pony; Love Bats, Half normal pony (Not sure what type though, his parents are Mocha's characters)
Pronouns: He/Him
Nickname: Lucy (He only tolerates his partners calling him that)
Appearance description: greyish purple coat, Dark purple mane and tail that fades out into a lighter (but still saturated) purple color. His hair is usually short and wavy, sometimes curly. He wears a choker with a heart ring (like the ones with a circle ring but... heart bc love). His outfit choices vary
Personality: Usually light-hearted and charming, a bit of a flirt. Before meeting Cinna he was somewhat of a hopeless romantic. He's a bit oblivious sometimes, but he means well. He's very kind and empathetic, especially to his loves, but this extends out to all he meets.
Other: He's bilingual, Bisexual, and bi-g on self love
📕Alistor Sky: You might have also seen him in some of Mocha's and Cinna's posts, I believe he used to be Mocha's character, but is now mine.
Species: Pony (Unicorn)
Pronouns: He/Him
Nickname: Al
Appearance Description: Large unicorn, with a light colored coat and dark mane. (We have not drawn him much). Major RBF, looks very scary to those who dont know him. He has some scars on his neck, head and legs. Magic appears as a red color.
Personality: Actually a teddy bear on the inside. He's been through a lot, which weighs on him a lot mentally, but he's trying his best to work through it. When he's stressed, his default WAS unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking and smoking, but nowadays he buries himself in his magic studies and in the mane of his lover (Nexa Vespertilio, Mocha's character)
Other: He often gets mistaken for much older than he is due to his size and rbf; this has almost gotten him in some hot water before.
💙Kai Darkstone: His pony name might change to be more pony but this works for now
Species; Pony (Unicorn)
Pronouns: He/Him
Nickname: Princey, pretty boy, "Oh hey, Kodi"
Appearance description: Tall and slender, blue eyes, dark curly mane. His coat color isnt set yet. Magic appears as a light sky blue color.
Personality: Kind, caring, charming and mature. He used to be more wild when he was younger, but as he got older he calmed down and became the voice of reason among his siblings (along with his sister, Luna - Mocha's). He likes to read, and actually enjoys school. He's often called airheaded and oblivious due to missing certain social cues and misreading situations.
Other: Parents are in a large closed poly relationship (6), and their blended family means he has a total of 11? siblings. He is/was the eldest. His birth parents are Kodiak and Kira (Kira is Mocha's).
💖Nightshade Darkstone: one of Kai darkstone's husbands
Species; Pony (Pegasus)
Pronouns: He/Him
Nickname: Shade, Daddy (/hj)
Appearance description: As tall as Kai, but not as thin. His mane is black, fading to a bright red. His coat is a muted red that fades to a dark red/black toward his hooves. Sometimes he wears a collar. His eyes are bright red, and he has two small fangs on his top row of teeth.
Personality: He's friendly and a big flirt, which is kind of how he landed two husbands. He's very protective over his family, and he can be stoic at times. Most of the time though, he wears his emotions on his sleeve. Wants a hug? he'll ask or just take it. Needs reassurance? he'll ask for it. Cant figure out the friggen math problem? He'll ask for help.
Other: He's got ADHD, and dyslexia/dyscalculia. He's also been Kai's childhood best friend for as long as they can remember, and was considered a part of the family before they even started dating.
Thats all :D 🐝
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