#oh nour
feralkwe · 4 months
girl help i'm being lured by the siren's call of the ill-advised late-day nap
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emilyjunk · 6 months
Chappell did not have to write naked in Manhattan like that
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bogkeep · 5 months
hello captive audience i have been to the library comic section and i found something very good i would like to recommend...
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Your Wish Is My Command / Shubeik Lubeik by Deena Mohamed!
do you enjoy speculative world building such as "what if wishes came true and could be literally bought and sold"? do you enjoy exploring how it impacts that world, and intersects with areas of life such as:
- class
- bureaucracy
- health and mental illness
- religious guilt
- colonialism
- And More?
this graphic novel is a triptych of stories that take place in current day cairo, egypt, all set within the framwork of a kiosk owner trying to sell three bottles of a powerful wish vintage.
other things you may expect:
- top notch visual storytelling <3
- infographics!
- helpful and witty asterisks about egyptian cultural context for english language readers
- "why are wishes measured in dragon power???" "oh."
- old people. as well as The Youth
- chekhov's donkey
- genuinely very heartfelt stories
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deadn30n · 11 months
« 𝐈. » @lobiita ☷ STARTER CALL
a  cigarette  half  hangs  out  of  his  lips;  smoke  drifting  lazily  up  into  the  bright  afternoon  sky.  one  hand  is  tucked  in  his  pocket,  the  other  holding  his  phone  as  he  perused  the  digitized  screen  from  over  red  tinted  sunglasses.  for  all  intent  and  purposes,  he looked  just  like  everyone  else,  but  he  was  anything but.
chasing  the  coattails  of  an  erratic  entity  who  left  him  behind  for  a  life in  this  world had  left  the  sharp  taste  of bitterness  clinging  to  his  tongue.  &  though  he  followed  in  their  footsteps,  his  interests  died  right  there  at  the  base.  while  his darling  younger  brother  sought  to  immerse  themselves  with  humanity,  he  himself  inclined  toward  the darker  parts  of  their  civilization.  where  softness  died  and  violence  thrived; he  loved  it all.
it  was  here  in  those  streets  he  waited,  easy  going,  for  a  prey  to  step  into  the  limelight  of  his  attention.  for  a rabbit  he  could sink  his  teeth  into.  who  would  it  be?  that  was  the beauty of  this; he  didn't  know,  but  it'd  be well  worth  the  wait.
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sinfulsalutations · 1 year
Are you interested in being my sugar baby am ready to spoil you and also make sure you don't get to struggle financially anymore
private messaging is a thing you know that right
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ebonyforged · 2 years
more relationships tags <3 please normies dont find this post just bc theres 1 canon chars full name haha
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
“shosh is out tonight” is a funny way of saying “shosh is staying by crown heights for shabbos so naturally she has gained a second soul and won't be bothered to check tumblr”
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mikanotes · 6 months
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don’t even bother ft. aventurine x gn!reader — just something short bcs his va is too good at his job and him voicing that post made me go oh wow! warnings cursing, clingy aven and reader in denial about their feelings, one suggestive joke, badly written Sorry! this is very much dedicated to nour enjoy ur bf
The light of the sun indicates that the day has started much longer ago than you had originally thought. You cling onto sleep, nevertheless, not at all fond of the idea of facing the day properly.
“Alright. I understand.”
There isn’t need for any context for you to get that the second disruption of your attempts at going back to dreamland is a call concerning work, of all things. The clear exhaustion and barely concealed frustration in Aventurine’s voice as he speaks to the person on the other end of that call indicates he probably feels the same as you.
Irritated enough to go back to sleep immediately after hanging up.
“Let’s schedule the interview for today.” he says, sounding like he’s stretching. Oh, great. He’s decided to be professional and get up. You hear him heave a long sigh, probably after hanging up, and blindly try to reach for him.
“No.” you mumble, frowning slightly. Aventurine hums, seemingly surprised, then chuckles.
“Hm? No?” he repeats, and leans down. You open your eyes enough to see him cover the painful rays of sunlight streaming through the curtains. He looks at you and tilts his head with a smile, “Not even a hello, huh? You’re so polite.” his voice drips with sarcasm.
You try to press your palm to his face but he grabs your wrist before you can, laughing. He presses closer to you and leans his forehead to your shoulder. “No what?” he asks, whispering. You don’t appreciate the chill that runs down your spine. He’s so close.
“No to leaving before me. I heard that call.”
He smiles against your neck before pulling back to look at you. “Who says I’m leaving?” he huffs softly, “I was just trying to sound awake, okay? And since when were you this clingy?”
“I’m the same as usual,” you complain, turning to lay on your back, “I just don’t want to be kicked out become the actual room’s owner isn’t here, is all. It’s a pain to deal with.”
He’s right. You’re not a clingy person. In fact, you don’t usually find yourself sleeping in the same bed as anyone, no matter how close you are to them. This is just… A rare occurence.
You and Aventurine getting one too many drinks at a nearby bar, you realizing you didn’t get yourself a hotel room prior to the whole ordeal, and crashing in his luxury bedsheets before he could protest.
And the worst part of it? You slept well.
In any case, the problem was that the warmth of someone by your side as you slept felt much more comforting than you’d expected it to be. Maybe it was just the previous night’s drinks residue blurring your thoughts. Maybe that’s what made you say no to him potentially leaving before you could actually process it.
Maybe it’s just because it’s him, and you never really mind him being so close to you.
He sighs and moves over your figure, planting his arm at the side of your head to hover over you. “You’re an awful liar. You wouldn’t last at poker.”
“Enlighten me. What the hell am I lying about?”
He smiles, and it somehow makes you all the more aware of the distance between the two of you. It’s not nerve-wracking but it’s not uncomfortable. And it’s not comfortable, either, but it’s somewhere there in the middle. It’s on that line that makes your head struggle to keep up and that’s more than enough to tell you how badly you’re handling what should be a routine, by now. This is nothing new, come on.
“Who am I lying to…?” you continue.
He scoffs. “Yourself. I can practically see the gears turning inside your head. It’s almost cute.”
It’s your turn to scoff. “Almost.”
He smiles to himself but doesn’t add more, moving away from you. He breathes out tiredly as he leans back against his pillows, a hand moving to cover his eyes. “You should get the higher-ups to call for a room for you. No one’ll bother you then.”
“You’re the higher-ups, do it yourself, you have the funds.” you imitate a robotic-sounding voice, then sigh, “That’s what they’ll tell me.”
“Mm, will they, now?”
You look at him. Only then do you notice the sun on his skin, his slightly messed up bangs, and the one button holding that cursed hotel pajamas top. You press your eyes shut with half a mind to hold back an annoyed groan. Don’t look at him like that, you repeat in your head.
You and Aventurine are friends. He likes to tease and flirt but that’s just how he is, so there’s really nothing more to it. You work as a negotiator for a group who frequently deals with the IPC’s offers and request for help to convince people of their grandiose plans. And Aventurine is arguably very high-up in the ranks of the IPC. It’s a wonder you even became friends, but it has been a long while now. A long while of bantering, clinging into each other just a bit too much, and listening to the other’s stories the very few times either of you actually opened up.
— Most of those times being after drinks. Nevertheless, it counts for something.
But you’ve never seen him in this kind of light. In sunlight! You’re not seeing him in any kind of new light at all. It’s just a different atmosphere than what you’re used to around him. You’ve spent time talking for hours at quiet bars or helping each other out in the most chaotic situations, but it’s never been this.
It’s so… calm.
But your phone rings. You sigh heavily before you grab it and answer the call. “Hello?” You barely get to properly register who called you before the voice of your senior at work starts complaining in your ear. You grimace.
Aventurine stares at you curiously.
“… This is really last-minute. Seriously?” you say, then wait for an answer. Seems like you’re needed somewhere again. But calling you saying to get to a location one system hour later is just… “Fine, I’ll— I said fine. I’ll be there. Yeah. Yes, sir.”
You hang up. Quiet daydream’s over.
“Turns out I’m gonna need to leave, anyways.” you mutter, sitting up. You suddenly become very aware of how comfortable it was simply laying there talking with Aventurine. Now that you’re faced eith your usual duties and loud coworkers, you’re forced to realize just how soothing the man’s presence is in comparison.
You feel a hand on your arm. It’s warm on your skin, holding some remains from the sun’s touch. You turn your head to see Aventurine’s fingers trailing down slightly, seemingly in thought. “How about…” he trails off, brows furrowing.
“How about?”
He looks up at you and grins before pulling you back into him, wrapping his free arm around your waist swiftly. You end up much closer to his face than either of you had anticipated but you don’t move away, and neither does he.
“How about we take a day off?” he whispers.
You try to say something but no word comes to mind. Aventurine stares at you for a while and you notice his gaze flitting down your face for a flicker of a second before he grabs your arm more firmly and pulls you closer, leaving you no room to even attempt thinking. “Hm?”
“I, you… Fuck you.” is the only response you manage to get out of your throat, and even that sounds half-hearted. It almost sounds like a question, even. You have to blame it on the exhaustion. You brain’s not cooperating, right now.
“Are you offering?”
Now he’s done it. You manage to grab his pillow from underneath his head to swat it at him, making him exclaim in surprise and soon yell for mercy. “Okay, hold on, hear me out, I’m sorry!”
You lower the pillow, looking down at him. You’ve been close before but straddling him’s a new one. Outside of fighting, that is. Maybe this counts as fighting.
“Good Heavens.” he huffs, hair at least ten times messier than it was before, “Okay. That was unnecessary.”
“False. Deserved.”
“…Perhaps.” he clicks his tongue, and carefully picks his pillow from your hands, like it’s a gun threatening to fire at him. “But that was no answer to my offer. Shall we take a vacation?”
“You get to decide when your vacation is?”
His sigh sounds nothing short of exasperated. “Just play along, will you? If you do, I’ll find a way to cover for both of us.” he says, fingers touching your face for who-knows-why. His eyes focus back on yours and he raises his eyebrows questioningly.
You’re not going to immediately say yes.
“Fine. Full blame’s on you if my boss kills me.”
He laughs, seemingly pleased with your answer.
“Then rest.” he says quietly, pulling you against his chest. You tense for a while, then relax. Now the sun is on your skin, too, and its warmth almost seems to beckon you back into sleep. Or is it his arms wrapped around you? You can’t tell.
Maybe the world feels a bit less harsh and cold when Aventurine is with you, and maybe you just shouldn’t bother questioning it.
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Bound By Blood
Being on your period was already a pain as it is, but accidentally binding yourself to a demon with a menstrual pad was a real cherry on top.
demon!Daemon Targaryen x Reader x bf!Aemond Targaryen | 2k+| cw: fem!reader, modern au, menstruation and its symptoms (duh), bloody depictions, crack fic, dumbass shenanigans, internet translated high Valyrian, typos, etc.
A/N: after reading @happilyhertale's period fic and @lady-phasma's period fic, i remembered a tumblr post i saw a long time ago about how napkins have really pretty designs for no reason cuz ur gonna get blood all over it anyway. as tumblr posts do, it spiraled and someone likened the designs to like a pentagram then someone was like u could accidentally summon a demon, thus this. i really did try to find it but alas i could not
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @delicious-xx @deniixlovezelda @ceoofyearning
@targaryenmoony @risefallrise @thebullship @sa3losa @pendragora @sloanexx
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If you've ever had a hard time with your period, please consider donating €5 to Nour's GoFundMe, as the people in Palestine do not have access to any sort of feminine hygiene products; help her and her family evacuate.
I put my phone on loud speaker and place it on the side of the sink, "did I tell you to buy macadamia chocolates?"
"... no. I'll get you some."
"And something salty," I sit on the toilet and open my pad packet. I peel the red wrapper off.
"Mmm... crisps?"
"Yeah, the pink one."
"Alright. Anything else, love?"
I change the napkin on my underwear before replying, "mmm... oh! Please read the packaging. I want pads with wings, Aemond, with wings."
"Right. Copy, copy. With wings."
I pull my shorts up and flush the toilet, "thank you, love."
"Mmm. Love you. Bye."
"Bye, love. I love you."
The call ends and I wrap my used napkin in the wrapper of my new pad, rolling it up, and throwing it out. I grab my phone and walk back to my bed.
I huff and get under the sheets, petting the black cat asleep on top of it. Vhagar wags her tail once and I grab my laptop, continuing my binge session.
I wince when I feel a dull pain in my uterus. I pause my show and lean into my pillow, riding out the discomfort.
I moan and begin to heave. My eye twitches at the stabbing sensation. I slowly get out of bed, annoyed by the gush of blood I feel when I move. I make my way to my kitchen and grip on the counter as I prepare a kettle for some tea.
"Stop hating me cause I'm not pregnant," I hiss at my uterus as the pain continues.
I push my weight onto the counter top as I reach for a mug and a tea bag. I huff and screw my eyes. Once the pain subsides enough, I grab my kettle and turn, putting it on the stove. Once the fire is lit, I turn back to grab my mug and place the tea bag in my mug.
Suddenly, the room is thick, the atmosphere is heavy, and there is an inexplicable feeling of dread in my stomach. I feel my body warm and the hairs at the back of my neck raise, and it was not because of my period.
"Iksis ziry iā rūs jaelā?" Is it a baby you want?
I gasp and snap back, pulling my mug to my chest. My eyes widen and my heart leaps into my throat as I behold a towering figure covered in blood. Its body is barely contained in the room; its long neck coils downward to peer at me and its wings are cramped together behind itself. It's as though all the blood in my body drains.
The dragon-like creature chuckles deeply, his golden eyes sparkle, "gaoman jorrāelagon se yknagon hen zūgagon," I do love the smell of fear. It reaches out and delicately scratches its talons on my neck, "but I would not frighten you to death before completing our pact, devoted."
My body is frozen cold in fear as he pulls away. Slowly, its body morphs into a man. The reptilian features and glistening scales where replaced by long, silver hair and plump, smirking lips, all still drenched in blood. His expression mischievous and expectant.
"Ask of me, and see the beauty in thine blood offering to Daemon, The Rogue Prince."
Through barely a breath, in the most strained of voices, I mutter, "w h a t ?"
A rich chuckle bubbles out of his curved lips, "oh, I do loathe the coy and simple-minded. If you wish to amuse me, flatter me. Do not play dumb."
I slowly try to maneuver away from him, "I-" I whisper under sharp breaths, "I don't know what you mean-"
In a rush of either confidence or lunacy, I sprint away from him and run back into the bedroom. I scream and halt in my spot when I collide with the same being's chest.
I feel blood stick to me as I recoil and drop to the floor at the impact. The creature looks down on me and lifts his chin, "what's that then?"
Daemon points to the floor, causing me to look and see nothing but the panels.
Just then, Vhagar awakes and begins to go feral. She hisses loudly at the man, and I scramble to my feet, trying to get to her and calm her down, fearing he blood bathed being would kill her.
Remarkably, it seems I should actually do the opposite as the demon is deterred by Vhagar. He steps back and lowers his gaze. He chuckles dryly as I jump on the bed, going behind Vhagar.
"What is this trickery?"
He scoffs and I swear his eyes are set ablaze, "I am bound by my sigil, woman, and I smell the blood on it."
My face morphs into bewilderment, "I DID NOT MAKE A BLOOD SACRIFICE-"
"Where is your summoning circle then!" he demands.
Vhagar hisses at his tone, her fur prickling as Daemon steps forward. He stills and draws in a deep breath. I swear his eyes go red for a second.
He points again, this time at me, "your legs."
My eyes widen preternaturally.
"My blood altar is between your thighs."
Meanwhile, Aemond was on the bus when he received a call.
He picks it up, "hel-"
"THERE'S A-" he pulls his phone away from his ear, "-DEMON IN OUR HOME! AEMOND-"
Aemond knits his brows tightly in concern at the sound of sobbing. He pulls his groceries closer to his chest, "honey, what do me--"
Aemond's heart drops at the sound of the commotion from the other end of the call. He hears cat yowling and objects crashing. He stiffens and speaks as calmly as possible, "I'm coming home. I'm almost there. Can you hear me, I-" the call ends.
By the time he gets home, his defenses are up. The ruckus from the inside is audible from outside the apartment. He holds his groceries in one hand and opens the door, warily entering. He grabs the long purple umbrella by the rack and closes the door soundlessly. He stalks inside, clenching his jaw at the sudden silence.
He surveys the place and sees the mess, yet no soul was present. He places the groceries on the kitchen top and creeps into the bedroom.
The door was already open, but, still, there was no one.
He freezes when Vhagar hisses. He lifts his gaze upon the black, senior cat sat at the top of the closet, looking into space with her fur raised.
Aemond lowers his gaze.
"NO, DON'T HURT HIM!" I scream from inside the closet.
Aemond grips the umbrella and looks around the room. Vhagar hisses again.
He looks at his cat then the closet door.
Without another word, I leap out of the closet and grab Aemond, yanking him inside. I immediately shut the doors and begin to hyperventilate.
"What's happening? What's going on?" he asks, clutching my cheeks.
I whine and grip his wrists in distress. I whisper, "Vhagar's keeping us safe."
Aemond's nostrils flare, "what's happening? What's wrong?"
I shake my head and shudder, "there's a demon--"
"You know I can hear you right?"
I squeal, making Aemond tense and tighten his grip on me. I hear Vhagar hiss from above the closet.
Without much thought, Aemond pushes the doors open and holds his umbrella like a weapon.
I scream and pull him back when I hear sinister laughtera, "AEMOND, NO!"
Aemond claims an offensive stance, ready to bat his umbrella at whomever was in front of him, and yet there was no one. My breath hitches as I anticipate Daemon to jump us both, but he doesn't.
With furrowed brows, the man looks over to me, "baby, there's no o-"
Aemond yelps as I rush out of the closet and drag him out of the bedroom with me. We make our way to the kitchen, and I immediately rummage through the groceries, grabbing the pack of pads.
"Honey, what was it exactly that you-" Aemond cuts himself off as he watches me run out of the room, heading to the bathroom.
Immediately, I pull my shorts down and replace my bloody pad. I stare at the menstrual blood on the white napkin, realizing only now that there was, in fact, a sigil of a three headed dragon on the surface.
"There is it."
I scream. I look up at the bloody Daemon staring back at me, smirking with crossed arms.
I hear Aemond run towards the bathroom door. He calls out my name in concern.
I rip my used napkin off my underwear and chuck it to the demon. I scream once more when he manifests beside me, avoiding my assault.
"Unsanitary," Daemon clicks his tongue.
Aemond bangs on the door, "what's going on? Do you need any help?"
I sidestep away from Daemon and hurriedly replace my pad.
Aemond calls out my name as he knocks.
Daemon turns to the door, lips curling in annoyance, "I will slay him if he enters."
My eyes widen. It was only then I realized there was a sword hanging upon his hip. I feel sick.
Aemonds sounds agitated, "I'm coming insi-"
"NO!" I rip my pants up and run to the door. I shove Aemond back the moment I can. I squeeze myself out of the small opening and I push him back until he finally repels me and grabs my arms. Aemond and I are in the kitchen by then.
He calls out my name and grabs my cheeks. His face is marked by worry.
I panic, "wait, where's Vhagar?"
"She's probably just-"
"Look at me!"
I stare at him with wide, watery eyes. I whimper through a broken voice, "Vhagar was the only thing keeping me safe."
"From the demon?" Aemond asks carefully, swiping my tears with his thumbs.
"Please-" I choke out, "-believe me, I-"
"I believe you, darling," he strokes my hair. He pulls away and grabs the salt jar on the counter. He shows me the container before pouring some in his hand.
I raise my brows as he presents me the salt in his cupped palm.
Aemond speaks calmly, "if I see that fucker, I'll-"
"You'll what?"
Aemond shrieks and chucks the salt behind me. In the same terrified manner, I squeal and run behind Aemond.
The demon groans, "ao doru-borto qogralbar!" You stupid fuck!
Aemond pushes me behind him as he watches the blood covered man rub his eyes. He almost, out of instinct, chucked the whole jar at him, but he was glad he didn't. He pours a salt circle on the floor.
Aemond pulls me into his chest and begins to chant, "qrīdrughagon lēda ao!" Away with you!
Daemon looks up at us with a furious expression. His rage is quelled but when he sees the ground which we stood. His red eyes widen as he looks up at me, as if in disbelief of what he was seeing.
I tug on Aemond's shirt with agitation, "is this circle gonna keep us-"
"QRĪDRUGHAGON LĒDA AO!" Aemond shouts.
Daemon's eye twitches, "who is this imbecile you seek refuge in?"
"Don't answer it! Don't give him my name," Aemond says as he fishes something in his pocket.
"You act as though I know not your name is Aemond, imbecile."
"Aemond, I really think we-"
"Ignore him," says Aemond as he pulls out his phone.
Daemon chuckles darkly, "oh... how sweet you think such a thing is possible.
I cling tightly onto Aemond as he pulls out his phone. I whimper, "is now really the time?!"
"I'm calling Aegon," Aemond replies, placing his phone to his ear.
"He knows how to do an exorcism."
"You dare," Daemon yells, "think that I-"
"He was recruited in a cult once."
"-would be easily cast out by m-"
If you enjoyed this fic, please consider donating €5 to Nour's GoFundMe so that she and her family can evacuate and experience the luxury of reading fics in the safety of their homes.
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runningwithscizzorz · 5 months
Oh my god I’m so stupid invested in Narinder and Nour’s arc. I have so many questions. What was making Nour lose themselves, was it just new god things? How did both of them change over the 10 years apart? After the initial reaction of Narinder being back, did the two or them go back to normal or was it tense? What were his siblings’ reactions? Your art is gorgeous btw, always a highlight of my day when I see you posted. Much love!
WHEEEWWW where do I even start🤣🤣 Nour’s desire for complete control over their life is what the crown fed on in the time they were Narinder’s vessel, so they were already having to fight the urge to give in and completely lose it for 600 years.
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Once Narinder was freed, they put that entire need for control into HIM, making them extremely possessive and using him as a sort of eldritch anger scapegoat. He reciprocated with his anger at their betrayal, so they fought a LOT the first ten years of freedom. Doesn’t mean they weren’t “getting along” between trying to tear out the others eyes though hehe. As for the other questions, I shall answer them when I actually draw their reunion!✨👏
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finsterwalds · 6 months
Got my hands on the script of Anatomy of a Fall, and I couldn't help but compare it with some scenes from the movie because that's how deep I am rn :'D Anyway, here are some of my finds and things I personally enjoyed. I'm sure there are more things to dig out but these are what I wanted to share with the world. The order of my finds will be chronological, for the most part, but keep in mind that sometimes, some scenes were edited to show up later, or earlier than originally intended. Spoilers for the whole movie obviously so you've been warned!
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Takes place when Vincent first visits Sandra to discuss Samuel's death. In the movie, Sandra stops Vincent and cuts him harshly, saying "STOP, I did not kill him". Vincent then says a line that I think is pretty iconic in the movie, a sarcastic : "That's not the point. Really". His line is much harsher than on the script, where he's a bit softer. "You don't need to tell me that" implies that he has some deep, loyal faith in Sandra, while "That's not the point" cuts any further discussion. He really doesn't wanna know if she actually did it. Comes from a wish to remain blind still, but with less innocence and a lot of denial. Oh, Vincent.
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In the movie, his last line is way better imo, he says "No one's gonna believe that. I don't believe that." I like the emphasis on his opinion rather than the fleeting and impersonal "it's really hard to believe". Truly hits way harder and puts Vincent back in the position of a lawyer.
The rest will be under the cut because I think it's gonna be a wall of text I apologize guys...... This movie does things to my brain.
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There's a scene that was cut where Vincent phones Nour while still at Sandra's, which I would have enjoyed a lot but I'll admit it's a bit filler-y. Doesn't add a lot and kinda cuts the serious tone of Sandra's confession, imo, as they discuss the judge's antics in a pretty comical manner. I just love Nour so I'm based......
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Another, REALLY long scene that was cut where a medium comes into Sandra's house to feel Samuel's ghost and foreshadows Daniel poisoning Snoop with aspirin. I had a good laugh at that one, honestly. It feels pretty out of place with the tone of the movie, and the personality of the characters even... I can't picture Sandra calling a medium. I'm glad they removed it because the foreshadowing was unnecessary too. It's still interesting that they had planned it however.
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This takes place after Vincent finds out about the tape. Interestingly, his whole line was cut after "before he died". In the movie, he never comments on Sandra's affairs/sexuality. He never really asks much about her life at all. He truly is blinded by his wish to shield himself from her inner demons, in order to maintain his undying loyalty towards her. To see what he wants of her...
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Another scene that was completely cut (a flashback, I believe?) where Sandra makes Daniel pose for a german photographer to make some money, which Monica dislikes, and then they argue. I think it really frames her as too unsympathetic, so I'm also glad it was cut.
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Okay, so now, here comes The Big Change. The scene where Vincent and Sandra drink together after the first trial was heavily altered, because its tone in the movie is pretty tense when compared with the lightheartedness of the script. In the script, they laugh and reminisce together about the past and even kiss at the end of the scene. In the movie, none of was I screenshot happens : instead of playing along with the 'firing Vincent' suggestion, the scene ends with Sandra scolding Vincent for judging her in his head. Vincent backs off and the scene ends. Another instance of him not pressing emotional depth to shield himself.
There are other scenes I liked (many that touch upon Sandra's books) but I'll stop there. Hope you'll enjoy that... I might draw some of these so stay tuned... This movie has absorbed my soul but it feels good to be alive, thank you Justine Triet.
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acidburnsthings · 5 months
READ YOUR DIARY // DR3 \\ part seven
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x doctor!reader
Summary: Over a break in Croatia, Daniel falls in love with the ... culture...
faceclaim: Maria Rutkis; various pinterest girls
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 978,461 others
doctor_y/n the kids and I miss him <3 Good luck this weekend!
y/bff/username you guys coming over for the weekend?
doctor_y/n ofc
user1 madame, you are dropping hints and we may be picking up on it...
user2 KIDS?! adorable
user3 LANDO IN THE LIKES?! ok... ok...
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liked by landonorris, doctor_y/n and 976,431 others
danielricciardo ok, i may be just one of her pets
landonorris daniel... please, just introduce uuuusss...
danielricciardo you'll meet her... someday... landonorris nour daniel...
user4 the kids look familiar... oh sorry, pets...
user5 so does the mother... user6 👀 user7 👀 user8 👀
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liked by y/bbf/username, danielricciardo and 968,585 others
doctor_y/n it's supposed to give me wings?
user9 you guys aren't even slick with it anymore
user10 this is basically a hard launch
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 987,465 others
doctor_y/n ˝I zna bi govorit: Kad tad će se spojit Polovice, bit jedno i imat puno dice I svejedno dal si bogat, crn ili rogat Ljubav spaja dušo to je kozmička sloga Jer isto je za sluge, isto je za gazde I najlipše stvari u životu su džabe I kako god da mislija, volija il tija Život je šaka suza, vrića smija˝ - TBF
My baby, my sunshine, happy 1 year to us and many more to come!<3
danielricciardo love you, peaches!
doctor_y/n mwah danielricciardo mwah
landonorris ah, so it is you, twitter was correct hello!
doctor_y/n hello! danielricciardo get lost mate landonorris naaah
user11 and the lyrics, GOD WHEN IS IT MY TURN!!??
user12 what does it say?? user11 it would sound dumb if i translate it literally, but basically that no matter who you are, love connects people, the best things in life are free and that life is ˝a handfull of tears and a bag of laughs˝, it sounds really dumb, but it's taken from a popular song ˝what is life but a fantasy˝ user12 oh that is cute
user13 they are WHIPPED for eachother
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liked by doctor_y/n, landonorris and 964,565 others
danielricciardo no matter the distance <3 love you sm peaches, happy anniversary!!<3
doctor_y/n mwah
danielricciardo mwah landonorris ok, both of you are cringe doctor_y/n ugh rude danielricciardo get out of our comment thread mate
georgerusslle63 congratulations you two <3
carlossainz55 congratulations !!
visacashapprb welcome to the family, Doctor!!
doctor_y/n thank youu!!
yukitsunoda0511 congrats, can't wait to meet her in person!!
danielricciardo expect to see her next weekend
user14 ughhh, can't wait to see her in the paddock
user15 RIGHT?? i bet she'll look bomb af
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if anybody else wants to be tagged, send me a DM or an ask!
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booboodaddysblog · 4 months
I want to touch you again…
Part two
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Warnings: smut, public sex, unprotected sex, p in v, sex in the car, kissing, doubts, talking, crying, emotional
Words: 3990
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- Colin?
It was late in the evening. Marg decided to check how Colin was feeling after lunch today.
- Yes? - Colin looked up from his desk and saw Marg who was standing in the doorway to his office.
- I just wanted to ask how you were feeling.
- Oh... yes, yes... I really feel great... - he covered his face with his hands and sighed loudly - sorry, but I was lost in thought... I think I'm already tired - he looked at her again - do you have something for me? - he noticed that she was holding a mug in her hand.
- Yeah… I… yes, coffee - she placed the steaming drink on his desk.
He took a sip of coffee and immediately felt the effects of the caffeine. Although he still hasn't recovered from a slight hangover.
- Thanks Nour... but aren't you here for something else?
Marg looked at him sad and confused.
- Colin… did you just call me Nour?
- Wait...
Colin now realized what he had said. He had called her Nour instead of her real name. This was unlike him. Too many thoughts in his head.
- Oh... I... yes, I... - he was stuttering, not really knowing what to say - fuck…
- Colin? Why did you call me like that? I know you like my friend Nour, and you fucked her, but… you’re thinking about her now? - Marg came closer to his desk.
Colin was beginning to panic, realizing that he had just screwed up his situation with his minor stumble. He was now in full panic mode and felt overwhelmed by the current situation.
- Oh... no... no... no, sorry, I... I don't know why I said that... it's just... I'm probably really tired and I'm talking shit - he said, trying to get out of the hole he had just dug.
- I just don’t know what to say… - Marg looked at her hands - I thought you only think about me, because I’m yours… I’m pregnant with your baby. So I thought I’m the only one woman who is in your head and heart - she looked at him again waiting for an answer.
- Oh no... Nour is not in my head and heart... I just thought about her for a while... it was probably because of our earlier conversation. That's why I accidentally said her name... I did not want to mention her name... - he shook his head with dissatisfaction - you are the only person in my heart and head.... Nour is just a nice person and we together... you know... but it's all just physical stuff. I don't have any emotional attachment or any kind of love for her.
- I really want to believe you.
- You can believe me - he said with a little more conviction.
This situation was quite stressful and he felt bad about having to explain himself to her. He wanted her to simply believe him and see that he was serious. But he understood that this was not easy for her, due to their quarrels in the relationship recently. He tried to explain it somehow, he didn't want any problems caused by miscommunication.
- Because… baby, I’m… I know we have bad time now. We need to talk about this more and… I just want you to focus more on me and our baby - she looked at him with sad eyes - If not… I’m sorry but… I’ll better to be a single mother.
- Of course I will. I've already said that I know I've made some mistakes lately and that I will improve. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. You shouldn't feel this way...
He felt sadness at the thought that she could become a single mother if their problems continued. He didn't want her to be alone, he wanted to at least have some kind of relationship with her throughout the pregnancy, and he wanted to be with her for their baby.
- Colin, one question. This is really important to me - she was quiet for few seconds - do you still love me? Okay two questions. Do you still want this child?
- I love you... a lot, yeah... and I want this child more than anything in the world, I promise you...
He seemed adamant about this. He wanted her to know that he was the most honest he had ever been. He wanted the child to be able to have two parents by his side. He wanted to be able to raise this child with her and be able to give it everything that he himself had never really gotten in life.
- Okay then… at this moment I trust you and your words. It’s just a second month of my pregnancy… if everything works out between us until baby came to this world. I’ll be with you. But remember this is the last chance - she sighed - if not, Colin… I’m too tired to be with you. With person who doesn’t know what he wants. I want peace in my life.
He nodded his head as a sign that he understood her words.
- I still wanted to say that I'm going home soon. So if you want... you can come with me. I will drive you home.
- Oh... sure... I'd be happy to take your suggestion. I don't want to take a cab back again. Thank you - he smiled at her.
She puts her hand on the door handle.
-See you later - she smiled - I love you, Colin.
She lived him alone and left his office. She closed the doors behind her.
- I love you too, Marg.
He felt relieved because they were able to find some common understanding. Even if she was still angry with him, he felt more like they were on the same side. And he hoped that they could continue in this way until the baby was born. He wanted her to be happy and for her pregnancy to be stress-free.
Marg sat in the car and waited for Colin. She sighed deeply and rolled her eyes when she finally saw him leave the police station. He walked to the car and sat in the passenger seat.
- What took you so long? I've been sitting like some fool in the car for half an hour waiting for you.
- I had to clean up the documents, and as I was leaving the office I inadvertently tripped over a flower pot and spilled soil and....
Marg waved her hand in front of his eyes to stop talking.
- Keep quiet and stop making excuses. It was a rhetorical question.
She started the car and headed out of the parking lot toward Colin's house.
They drove in silence. Colin closed his eyes and leaned his head against the headrest of the seat. Marg glanced at him from time to time. He looked really exhausted. She wasn't feeling well either.
She parked outside his house and stroked his cheek to wake him up.
- Colin? We are already there. Wake up.
He mumbled something, but finally opened his eyes.
- Oh... I had a dream - he rubbed his eyes with his hands.
- What kind of dream?
- Hmm... we were in a very interesting situation together - he looked at her uncertainly.
- In what situation? - she asked more and more curious.
- It was... it was... really warm, even hot.
- Oh…
- Marg, may I kiss you? For a good night's sleep? Please.
- Of course - she leaned toward him waiting for a kiss.
He kissed her lightly and gently. He was in no hurry to interrupt this pleasant rapprochement. He touched her face and stroked her cheek. Marg murmured quietly. He moved his hand further and entangled his fingers in her hair. He pulled her closer to him. His other arm went around her waist.
- Colin? - she muttered into his mouth.
- Yes?
- You make me hungry.
- Hungry?
- Yes…
- What are you in the mood for?
- You, Colin.
- Marg… we…
- Colin! I want to fuck you in the back seat of this car! Now!
Colin's heart skipped a beat as he contemplated Marg's bold proposal, and the sudden surge of excitement was tempered by a lingering sense of unease. He looked around nervously, wondering if someone might overhear their conversation.
- Are you sure this is a good idea? - he asked hesitantly, trying to hide his growing desire behind a veil of concern for her well-being and current condition - What if someone sees us? We might get caught...
His words hung in the air between them, underscored by an undeniable undertone of longing that neither of them could deny.
- Yes! I’m sure! - she clenched her fist on his shirt in an attempt to pull him toward her.
Colin hesitated for a moment, torn between his duty to protect Marg and his burning desire to satisfy her every whim.
He finally relented with a sigh of resignation, knowing that resistance would be futile in the face of her unwavering determination.
- All right - he admitted reluctantly - but we need to find some secluded place. I don't want anyone to catch us.
His eyes roamed the area in search of the perfect spot, one that offered both privacy and comfort. Luckily, he spotted a dimly lit alley just behind a row of parked cars, whose shady corners provided ample cover from prying eyes.
- Drive there, please - he pointed with his hand in the direction to go.
Marg sighed loudly and started the car. She drove in the designated direction. She stopped the car and looked at him.
- Yes, perfect, now let’s fuck in the car!
Colin quickly locked the door. His heart pounded with impatience as he saw Marg move to the back seat.
Once they were safely in the back of the vehicle, he wasted no time in reaching for her, drawing her to him with a sudden passion that contradicted his earlier hesitation. In one swift motion, he unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her lacy bra to his hungry gaze.
Letting out a low murmur of approval, he cupped her breasts gently in his hands, then leaned down to capture a ruddy nipple between his lips.
Her soft moans filled the interior of the car as he sucked hungrily on her flesh, his fingers deftly unbuttoning her jeans so he could slide them down over her hips.
Marg wriggled beneath him, desperately craving more contact, even as she struggled to maintain control over her rapidly growing desires.
- Yes, Colin! This is what I needed! And I was waiting for so long! - she moaned loudly.
Feeling emboldened by Marg's enthusiastic reaction, he continued exploring her body with renewed vigor.
Moving his hand lower, he slid it under the waistband of her panties and found her slippery entrance, already wet and ready for him.
With a groan of satisfaction, he plunged two fingers deep inside her, eliciting a sharp cry of pleasure from the woman beside him.
He smiled willy-nilly as he began pumping them in and out, matching the rhythm of their hot kisses while his thumb wound circles around her swollen clit.
Despite his best intentions to take things slowly, he felt himself losing control, consumed by the raw passion that burned like wildfire between them. As Marg arched her back, seeking release from the exquisite torment building in her loins, Colin knew there was no turning back now. Without warning, he withdrew his fingers from her depths and lay on top of her trembling body, his swollen member at the entrance to paradise.
- Are you sure about this? - he muttered in a hoarse voice, barely able to contain his raging desire.
But even as the words left his mouth, he knew the answer no longer mattered.
She just moaned loudly.
Unable to resist any longer, Colin moved forward with a throaty moan, sinking up to his balls in Marg's welcoming warmth.
Her nails dug into his shoulders as she screamed in ecstasy, her body arching upward to meet each powerful thrust of his hips.
He could feel her inner walls pulsing around him, drawing him deeper and deeper into her embrace as she rode the crest of a wave of orgasm that threatened to engulf them both completely.
Lost in the heat of passion, Colin gave himself over to the moment, letting instinct and desire guide his actions as he once again took ownership of her willing body.
Their uneven breaths mingled in the confined space of the car, punctuated by the sound of skin hitting skin and occasional curses or whispered pleas for mercy. And yet, despite the intensity of their connection, there remained an underlying tension, a nagging doubt that cast a shadow over their not-so-perfect relationship.
- "What will happen next?" - Colin wondered fleetingly, even as he relished the sheer physicality of their shared experience - "Will we ever be able to return to normal?"
- Oh my god! Colin, don't slow down! Push me harder!
At Marg's insistence, Colin redoubled his efforts, thrusting into her with a ferocity that made them both gasp for air.
His hands gripped her hips tightly, clinging her to him while he thrust relentlessly into her, his own climax building up inside him like a gathering storm.
Despite the growing pressure in his groin, he forced himself to hold back, determined to prolong their mutual pleasure as long as possible.
But even as he tried to maintain control over his body's primal urges, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.
- "Why does it feel so wrong?" - his thoughts kept him guessing.
- Honey, I'm so close! Oh my God! - she had no control over her body.
As Marg's screams grew louder and more frantic, Colin sensed that she was on the verge of release. His own excitement reached a new level as he watched her writhing beneath him, her body trembling with impatience.
With a final surge of energy, he increased the pace of his thrusts. Each one pushed her closer to the edge until finally, with a stifled scream, she collapsed around him in a blinding flash of ecstasy.
Her inner walls clenched tightly against his shaft, unleashing his own explosive climax almost instantly.
He threw his head back and roared triumphantly, emptying himself deep inside her with a force that left him weak and breathless.
For several long moments, neither of them spoke, content to simply wallow in the glow of their passionate encounter. But in the end, reality came down on them like an icy shower, reminding them both of the hard truth they had so desperately tried to ignore.
- We can't go on like this. I don't know if this was a good idea - whispered Colin into her neck.
Marg looked confused at the headliner of the car.
- What do you mean, Colin?
He rose and noticed that Marg was staring at him with confusion etched on her face. He realized that he needed to clarify his thoughts before they got out of hand.
- What I mean - he began slowly - is that we can't pretend that everything is fine between us - he sighed heavily, combing his hand through his tousled hair, trying to gather his scattered thoughts - our relationship has been strained for months, and this... this doesn't help.
- But... I want to start again, baby... I love you more than you can imagine... I want to be with you! I need you! - she felt she wanted to cry.
Colin's heart fluttered at the sight of Marg's impassioned declaration, but he knew that words alone would not solve their problems. They needed action, concrete steps towards healing and rebuilding their broken relationship.
- Look, I love you too, Marg, but we can't just sweep everything under the rug and expect it to go away - he took her hand in his, squeezing gently as he continued - we need to address the issues that brought us here in the first place, the breakdown in communication, the trust issues...
- I know, I know I made some mistakes… I mean you did… but I’m here to help you. I want to help you with your drinking problem. I want you to be healthy and happy. I want us to be happy together, again. What do you say? - she looked at him with hope in her eyes.
While he appreciated her concern, he couldn't help wondering if this was another attempt to sweep their deeper problems under the rug.
- Thanks for your support, Marg, but I think it would be better if I talk to a professional about my drinking habits - he hesitated for a moment before adding quietly - and as for being happy together...
- Go on, Colin.
Colin hesitated, unsure how to express his feelings without hurting Marg further.
- I don't want to give up on us, but we need time to sort everything out. We've been stuck in this cycle of bickering and reconciliation for too long now - his voice faltered slightly as he continued - maybe when we both have some time to breathe and reflect, we can come back together stronger than ever.
- You want a break? Again?! - she was beginning to feel anger mixed with crying. Her hormones began to take control of her.
Colin saw a grimace of hurt and anger appear on Marg's face. He immediately regretted not choosing his words more carefully. He reached out to gently touch her shoulder, hoping to express his sincerity in this way.
- No, I don't want a break exactly... but maybe we need to take a step back from each other for a while - his expression softened as he looked into her eyes - it's not about giving up on us, it's about giving ourselves a chance to heal and grow as individuals so that we can be better partners for each other when we get back together.
- But... Colin, I'm pregnant... I don't want to be alone now, again. I've been alone for too long, without you. It was so hard for me.
- Oh God, Marg... I'm so sorry - he pulled her close, feeling the weight of their future together.
Their lives were about to change forever, and he couldn't imagine going through it without her by his side.
- Yes, you hurt me so much!
- Yes, I know... I know - he whispered into her hair.
His head spun slightly, but he knew that now was not the time for selfish thoughts. They had a baby on the way and needed to focus on building a stable environment for their family.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
- We will make it, Marg. We will fix it. Together we will figure out how to deal with these challenges.
- That's why I need you close to me. I don't want you to sit in the bar and drink. I want you to be by my side.
Colin nodded, understanding the seriousness of her request. He knew he had to curb his drinking habits for the sake of their growing family.
- You're right, I shouldn't be spending so much time at the bar - he sighed heavily, realizing how difficult it would be to break these old patterns - I promise to cut down on my drinking and focus on being present for you and our baby.
- I’ll help you to find a good specialist to help you with your problem - she kissed him on the cheek.
- Thank you, Marg. Having someone who believes in me makes all the difference.
- Yes, you must be strong for our baby, for our family.
- Our child deserves the best version of me - he squeezed her hand tightly, resolving to face all challenges with courage and conviction - together we will build a loving and supportive home for our little one.
- Okay enough of this talk. I'm cold, I could use some clothes - she laughed, pulling herself out of his grasp.
As they searched for clothes in the car, Colin couldn't shake the feeling that they had crossed the line today. Although he longed for closeness with Marg, he knew that their actions were driven by longing and desperation.
- Let's get dressed and try to forget about it for the time being - he helped her gather the scattered clothes, hoping they could salvage the remnants of their dignity - we need to focus on moving forward together, not dwell on mistakes made under the influence of the moment.
- So sex in the car was a mistake? I don't think so! It was wonderful!
Colin hesitated, not knowing how to answer. On the one hand, he shared the passion and desire during their meeting, on the other hand, he realized that their actions were impulsive.
- While it may have been wonderful at the time, I think we need to be honest with ourselves about why we acted the way we did - he looked her honestly in the eyes, wanting her to understand his point of view - we were both vulnerable and desperate. This is not a healthy foundation for intimacy. Let's strive for a deeper bond based on trust and respect, not just physical attraction.
- It's true, but I'm not complaining one bit. I want to do it again.... one day.
- Marg, I can hear you loud and clear. I know you want to be close to me. But right now we need to focus on healing our emotional wounds and rebuilding trust between us - he sighed loudly - when the time is right, I promise we will share moments like this again. Just not until we work through everything else first.
- Shut up! You're acting like a serious detective again. Be yourself, Colin! I want my Colin back!
- You are right. Sometimes I get carried away with trying to fix everything and end up losing sight of what's really important - he put his arms around her, pulling her close - from now on, let's promise each other that we will put our relationships above everything else. And yes, that includes playing together - he laughed.
- Oh, this is what I mean!
He hesitated for a moment before speaking up.
- Will you spend the night with me in my bed tonight? - he asked hesitantly.
- Okay, why not! - she smiled broadly.
Feeling relieved that his mood had improved, Colin smiled at Marg. He knew they still had a long way to go, but for now it was important to enjoy each other's company and strengthen the bond.
- Let's go home and spend some time together. Maybe watch a movie or just talk about anything that comes to mind. No pressure, no expectations, just being ourselves.
He kissed her gently on the forehead, hoping to reassure her of his commitment to making things right between them.
- Yes, let’s go home. I need a shower - she laughed and kissed him.
As they walked toward home, Colin couldn't help but feel a new sense of hope for their relationship. He knew they had challenges ahead, but he was determined to overcome them with her.
- I'll join you in the shower, if you don't mind the company - he suggested jokingly.
- Sure, feel free to join me. You don't have to be a good boy - she laughed.
Part one
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storiesfromgaza · 11 months
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At seven in the morning, I sat with my family. Dad: Do you know Sa'id Nasr? Yes, what happened to him? Dad: Sadly, both his legs were amputated.. Muwaffaq, my brother: Oh, right, yesterday, all the children of this young man's cousin were bombarded they all were bombarded.. Hamoud, my other brother: Do you know my friend who was with me yesterday? -Yes, what happened to him? He was injured, and unfortunately, he will have a partial paralysis. Oh my God..! Hamoud: And his brother was martyred. My phone rang, and it was my friend Farah: Nour, listen, do you remember Doaa (a girl) who we studied with in high school? Yes, what happened to her? Farah: She and her entire family passed away. Listen, do you remember... I hung up on Farah so I wouldn't hear the next piece of news. By the way, all of this happened in just two minutes. I hesitated to open Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp groups, so I wouldn't hear any more news, as I've had my share for this hour..
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soba-riri · 10 months
Oh, to hear Marc speak Arabic again. Marc calling Layla, Habibti or Hayati. Steven's Azizi and Jake's Nour ‘yooni/'yooni. Even him humming to Egyptian songs. I also want to hear Habibi from Layla, I know Marc melts to that.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
Habibi, ya nour el-ain
Please read the request here! It will explain a lot :) ((Almost everything in this one shot was specified by the requester))
Summary: Daryl defends arab!reader from the discrimination of an old smelly asshole.
18+ MDNI || Warnings: profanity, TWD typical violence, prejudice and islamophobia
Note: I hope I did this justice and represented Morocco & arab culture respectfully and accurately! I feel so honored you trusted me with this anon, and I hope you'll correct any inaccuracies or mistakes. I did a lot of reading on Morocco and different aspects of arabic cultures while writing this. As for translations, please feel free to correct those if need be, a lot of them were from google!
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        You hadn't been able to indulge in your own culture in so long. You were starting to fear you'd slowly lose touch with all these things that moulded you into the person you had become. You'd often speak to yourself quietly in arabic just to maintain that connection.
        As you were walking through the house, cleaning up random messes left from daily activities, you mumbled, "Yajib ealaa alnaas hqan 'an yunazifuu 'anfusahum.." ((People really should clean up after themselves..)) 
        "Yal tatakalam alearabiatu?" (You speak arabic?)) A voice startled you from behind.
        "Oh, Siddiq, yes I do." You smiled bashfully. He was there to find Daryl.
        "I didn't know you were arab." He admitted.
        "I am." You nodded. 
        "Hal ant musliman?"  ((Are you muslim?)) He asked.
        "'Ana kadhalika, 'iidha kan hadha mhman baed alan." ((Yes I am, if that matters anymore.)) You lamented. You were admittedly feeling very sad and homesick lately. At home, in Morocco, you missed the vibrant culture and traditional cuisines. You'd often think about the bright and colorful architecture back home when you stared at the dull copy and paste buildings you had seen all over the states. Most of all, you missed the music. Music in general, yes, but your music was what you longed for the most. 
        "Bialtabe yahmi. Anah maant ealayhi." ((Of course it matters. It is who you are.)) Siddiq comforted, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Qul lay, min 'ayn 'anti?" ((Tell me, where are you from?))
        "Ana min almaghrib." ((I'm from Morocco.))
        That was about the time you noticed Daryl standing by the front door, blinking blankly at the scene before him. Of course he knew you were arab. He loved listening to you talk about your family when it wasn't too painful to bring up. You always looked so happy to think about it. But, somehow, he had no idea you spoke arabic. After all, he never heard you.
        "Oh, Daryl! Hey!" You chuckled nervously.
        "Hey." He gruffed. "Watcha doin'?" He gestured to you and Siddiq.
        "We were just excited to speak our mother tongue to someone else." Siddiq explained. "I haven't spoken arabic to anyone since the last time I saw my mother."
        "I didn't know." Daryl said. "That you could.." He tried to clarify.
        "I know." You smiled softly. "I would have told you but I guess it just never came up."
        Daryl and Siddiq had both left later that morning to go on a run. A younger couple was set to get married that day. You spent most of your time trying to set up decorations while the other women worked to bake goods and set out trays of food. You chuckled softly as Eugene mumbled with aggravation over in the corner, trying to fix up an old radio so the wedding could have music.
        Those who went on the run were supposed to bring back some CDs and anything else to make the wedding feel like a celebration. You couldn't wait to hear some music again, aside from the weird CDs that were in the vehicles.
        Once you were satisfied with what little you had to decorate, you stepped back to admire your work. You arranged flowers on tables and wove them through the arch that you and Michonne built together. You even made a flower crown for the bride.
        You hoped the guys could bring back some streamers or table cloths or anything that would tie it all together. You recalled your sister's wedding back home. The dancing, the decor, the music and laughter, the food and family. You wished you could go back there, if only for one night.
        "They're back!" Someone called as they pulled the gate open. The car rolled in and you rushed over to see what kind of loot they found. To your liking, there were white streamers and table clothes, just as you hoped. There were also some vases for more flower arrangements, party hats, and fake flower petals to scatter for the bride. You bounced with joy. 
        "These are perfect!" You doted, crowding everything into your arms and hurrying over to where you'd all be holding the ceremony. Daryl chuckled and shook his head.
        "Weddings really are for the girls." He commented. Siddiq smiled.
        "Yeah, well, weddings were truly an experience where she's from. Arab weddings in general are very sacred and extravagant." 
        "Mm." Daryl hummed thoughtfully. He was starting to realize how little he had known about your culture. He reasoned he'd have to ask more questions.
        The ceremony had been a success. The bride and groom were enamoured with each other, the bride specifically couldn't stop thanking you for all your hard work with the floral arrangements and decorations. You didn't mind at all. You were happy to be apart of something so beautiful.
        After the ceremony was when the real party started. Aged wines, homemade meads, and baked treats made their rounds to everyone. Eugene got the radio fixed and music filled the air, only muffled by laughter and chatter as you all danced.
        You paused when a familiar tune hit your ears. Daryl, who was watching from his seat with a drink in hand, noticed your change in demeanor immediately. You were so full of joy all night, but this was something different. Something inside you had awoken, like your soul had been rejuvenated. 
        Your eyes scanned the crowd, wondering how this song made it into the mix. When your eyes landed on Siddiq, he flashed a knowing grin and winked. Your lips spread into a cheeky smile,  elated as you began to dance and sing. You lit up the crowd in that moment. Many eyes fell upon you, enamoured by your effortless movements. Your hips moved fluidly, your feet found an easy rhythm, and your body followed suit. The few other arabs in the community joined you shortly after. 
        Daryl couldn't take his eyes off of you. He briefly thought back on his past, and how ignorant he was raised to be. He wondered how anyone could think that way now, when the people around the world were so diverse and beautiful. Not you, though. Beautiful was an understatement. He had never seen anyone so radiant and lovely.
        Your gaze met his as you danced. He involuntarily smiled, eyes glistening with admiration. You sang the lyrics out loud as your vision was glued to the blue orbs behind his strings of hair.
        “Agmal a’ouyoun filkone ana shouftaha..."
        He had no idea what it meant but you did, and it fit him perfectly.
        "Allah a’alake allah a’la sihraha."
        You ripped your eyes away and spun around, noticing Michonne and Rosita having drinks and joining the dance. You rushed over to them and tied scarves around their hips.
        "It's only right if you're going to dance!" You giggled as you danced with them. The three of you laughed as you taught them how to belly dance.
        Daryl's attention was ripped away as another man sat by him. He was fairly new to the community. Daryl never liked him but given the event of the night, he mistakenly decided to be cordial. He was always greasy and had a permanent scowl on his face. He hadn't even cleaned up for the wedding.
        "Now, tell me boy.. The hell's a man like you doin' with a girl like that?" The man spoke. Daryl could smell the alcohol on his breath. He shifted uncomfortably, reminding himself that he didn't want to ruin the night.
        "Dunno." He shrugged. "Got lucky, I guess."
        "Pfft." The man scoffed. "I'm sayin' ya should find yourself a nice girl. A god fearing, American, christian woman. One with morals."
        Daryl raised an eyebrow. He could feel a heat in his chest. Rather than lunge at the man, he decided to defend you calmly.
        "Girl's got more morals than half these people combined." He said as he sipped his drink.
        "That girl ain't got nothin' if she ain't got Jesus. She's from the dessert. She probably came over here with bombs! She's a terrorist--"
        The man didn't get to finish his sentence before Daryl's fist flew, knocking the man out of his seat. Daryl stood up over him, ready to land a few kicks when everyone gasped. The music stopped as you rushed over to hold your love back.
        "Daryl.." You said softly. You heard the man, as most people nearby did, but you tried to ignore it. You were an arab in a post-9/11 America. You were fairly used to the propaganda and islamophobia, but it still hurt. 
        Daryl's chest heaved with rage. His fists clenched. 
        "Daryl, let's just go." You pleaded softly, noticing all the eyes on the three of you.
        After some time to calm his rage, he took a breath. He spit on the man below him, who cowered from Daryl's wrath.
        "My girl's a better person than you could ever dream of bein', you ignorant old fuck." He growled. He crouched down and grabbed the man's collar, bringing him close to ensure he understood his next words very clearly. "If you ever disrespect her again.. You so much as breathe too hard in her direction.. I'll kill you, and it'll be slow. I'll cut off your hands and feet and throw ya to the walkers." He growled.
        With that, he dropped the man on his back, stood up, and took your hand, leading you back to the house.
        "Daryl, you didn't have to--"
        "Nah. That shit ain't gon' fly. He had to learn." Daryl cut you short, still seething.
        You sniffled. Not only were you embarrassed and guilty for causing a scene at someone's wedding, but for someone to be so cruel and ruin such a happy moment for you was discouraging. You only wanted to share your culture with your friends and family and enjoy the night.
        Back home, after you had showered and climbed in bed, Daryl asked; "What was that song about? The one you were singin' to me."
        "Oh.." You smiled sadly. "It's called Nour el Ein. In english it's Glow in My Eyes."
        "What about that part you were singin'?"
        “Agmal a’ouyoun filkone ana shouftaha... The most beautiful eyes I ever saw in this universe." You recalled. "Allah a’alake allah a’la sihraha.. God be with you, what magic eyes."
        "Oh." Was all he could say. He thought back to all those times you told him he had beautiful eyes.
        He blinked back the wateriness in his eyes. He didn't feel like he was going to cry, but finding out what you were really saying to him was a surge of emotion he couldn't quite discern. He brushed his hand through your hair, feeling angry still that some old man ruined such a sweet moment.
        "Don't pay no mind to that asshole." He said softly. "I can still kill him, if ya want."
        You huffed a sad laugh.        
        "It's just... Morocco is so beautiful. My people, they're the most kind, friendly, hospitable people in the world. Back home, we loved to show off our culture. We're proud of who we are. But it hurts when people think of us as monsters and dehumanize us just because they don't understand us or because of the actions of people who don't represent all of us." You explained, sniffling back tears.
        "I get it." He listened. "He don't represent everyone, either. He's just one asshole in a whole community full o' people who love and adore ya."
        He leaned over and planted a kiss on your nose, eliciting a giggle.
        "Get some sleep, habibi." He whispered. You blinked.
        "How did you--"
        "Shh. I love you. G'night." He smirked, still brushing fingers through your hair. He silently thanked Siddiq for the mini arabic lesson on their run earlier that day.
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**habibi = my darling
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