#oh no way this is allowed. I'm going to wear this sweater on top of dresses I think
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sergle · 1 year ago
ohhh no I'm about to become SOOOO ANNOYINGGGGGGG
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Now that your boobs aren't taking up 80% of your torso anymore, I bet you can wear crop tops now
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darlingsfandom · 6 months ago
So I have an idea, I like men who look for silly excuses to see their girl, you could write something like that with,Cillian,maybe as if she had a pet and he sends her messages with the excuse that he misses the pet ...but he actually can't even stand it (if it could be a cat it would be better, I'm not much of a dog person) because it gives him a little It's embarrassing to say that he misses her since they are in the first months of the relationship,at the end if you want you can add some smut but mainly I would like him to be a fool in love!!🤭
(If you want to write it with some role that Cillian had, that's fine by me too!)
xoxoxo <3
It’s a great idea! I have cats and dogs !
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They say that fools rush into love and cillian was indeed a fool for you. He thought about you when he woke up , during his meetings, when he was masturbating which made sense of course he’d picture his beautiful girlfriend ! But you were on his mind all the time.
It had been three weeks since he had last seen you and not by choice. He’s been busy with meeting after meeting to get this movie deal down and ready to go. You were occupied with your own job as a vet which you still can’t wrap your head around how you got so lucky to even meet Cillian but you were happy you did. Who would’ve guessed a sick cat would’ve brought together but it wasn’t even his cat! It was his sisters cat! You loved that cat!
You were at work sitting at your desk when your phone started to ring.
“Ello beautiful !” You could hear the excitement in his voice .
“Hi Cillian! How are you my love?”
“Good good, I was just calling because I was wondering if yer were busy tomorrow?” He chewed his bottom lip.
“Uh no, I’m free. Why? You want to take me on a date?” You teased while writing something down on the paperwork in front of you.
“I no , just wanted to see your cat! It’s been awhile and you know I love your cat!” He slapped himself with the palm of his hand.
“Oh, yeah that’s fine. Saturdays I usually order in and watch a movie with Marsh anyway.” You felt a little disappointed that he’d rather see your cat but something told me that he was lying.
“Okay good I’ll umm I’ll see you tomorrow around six!”
“See you around six !” And with that you hung up your phone to get back to your work. On the other end Cillian was beating himself up! He doesn’t even like cats like that but he didn’t want to seem desperate or needy or in a way that could scare you away. It had only been eight months since the two of you started dating and he couldn’t even begin to think of the idea of letting you go.
The next night Cillian showed up right at six! You answered the door in a sweater and leggings that showed off your curves.
“My gorgeous girl!” He wrapped his arms around tightly which made you giggle as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Hello handsome.” You pecked his lips a few times before he walked you backwards until you hit the couch. The two of you fell backwards and with Cillian on top of you, you could wrap your leg around his waist.
It was just a kiss. It started that way slowly building up as his lips nipped at the side of your neck making sure to suck hard enough to leave a love bite.
“Cillian!” You gasped as his hands went under your sweater and squeezed your tits.
“Not my fault yer not wearing a bra.” He teased you before placing his lips against yours. Your tongue licked along his bottom lip allowing him to open his mouth so you could easily slide your tongue in. A moan slipped out as his fingers toyed with your nipples. “I’ve missed ya.” He spoke as he pulled away from the kiss.
“I thought you missed the cat.” You arched your eyebrow at him to which he pursed his lips together.
“I missed the both of ya!”
“Nice cover love.” You pulled him back in for a kiss that turned heated fast before a different sound filled the room. Cillian looked up above you and sitting on the window seal across from the couch was the fluff ball you called Marsh. Marsh was sitting there meowing and you knew what that meant.
“I’ll be back.” You sat up on your elbows as Cillian sat back with a pout. “It only takes a few seconds, I have to feed her. She’s my baby.” You walked down the hall and got her food. Soon she the cat heard the food being poured she hopped off the window and made her way to her bowl. Cillian sat there letting out a sigh as he waited for you. You came back with a smile on your face before sitting down in his lap. “So… did you really want to come see my cat or did you just make that up to see me?” Your finger booped his nose making him chuckle.
“I wanted to see ya, I just didn’t want ya to think I was being needy or sumthin!”
“Oh honey, I’ve missed you ! You don’t have to make silly excuses to see me. You know I alway want you around.” Your hand rubbed his back as he kissed your temple.
“I love you.” Fell out of his mouth and your jaw dropped.
“Did you just say what I think you said?”
“I think I’ve just fucked up!” Cillians face turned to pure anxiety .
“I love you too.” You smiled softly while he let out a sigh of relief. He was nervous for nothing after all.
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josphitia · 2 months ago
Portrait of a Mimic
“I don't know about this…” said a young looking woman with long brown hair tied into a ponytail. She wore light wood-colored glasses, a pink shirt emblazoned with a stylish skull, and pink-striped loose fitting bottoms.
“Oh balderdash! If you're going to be working in my office then I need a proper photo of you for your ID!” shouted a balding, bespectacled man wearing simple khakis and a dark blue sweater. While his voice was raised, it was not in a malicious way. Instead his voice sounded like a man accustomed to being talked over, and thus he developed this affectation to ensure his words were heard.
“Can't you just use your phone, like EVERYONE else, Erian? I don't see why you've dragged me to a shopping mall…” she spoke. Her voice was the opposite of the man's. His was meant to be heard above a crowd, while hers sounded as if it wanted to be hidden by one.
“I could, had I no pride. Portraits are something of a hobby of mine, and like any hobbyist I have my tastes and preferences. A portrait is a special thing. It used to be said the camera stole a piece of your soul. I actually find that notion comforting. A piece of you, in that moment, forever preserved. You may grow and change, your visage changing periodically in front of a mirror, but you will always be able to look at your portrait. The camera sees the whole you.”
She didn't know what to say… This man she had a complicated (to put it lightly) relationship with seemed to always hold new surprises for her. At times he seemed as superficial and deep as a rain puddle and at other times his authenticity was inspiring. However one thought quickly flashed before her mind as she looked down:
“Wait wait why didn't you tell me I was having my photo taken before we got here?? I could have focused on making myself more presentable! I'm just in a weekend look, I don't want to look like a schlub!”
“Nonsense, that's the point! Had I told you, you might've tried to hide the real you! No this is wonderful, you look perfect, if I may say so. When our patients walk into the lobby, I want them to see a portrait of YOU, not who you THINK people would want to see.”
“Wait, lobby!? You're going to be hanging this up??”
“Ah yes that's another reason for this excursion. Have you ever tried printing and framing a cell phone picture? No no, better to have a photo taken with genuine film! None of this digital nonsense. Anyway we're here!”
To their left was a small door, squeezed between a kitchenware store and a shop selling sports apparel. She would have completely missed it had it not been pointed directly out to her. A bell jingled as her cohort opened the door and entered.
“TEDDY!” shouted a man on a simple barstool. He was a tall man, at least a foot taller than Erian, wearing jeans and a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was balding on the top of his head, but still sported long hair along the sides and the back that he tied tight into a ponytail. He had a gentle face and a smile that never quite seemed to dissipate. He got up to shake the man who accompanied her.
“Alphonse, it's so good to see you!” said Erian as the two men started hitting it off with the kind of small talk that seems to always accompany old friends. It was as if she was completely forgotten about, which did allow her the convenience of getting to take in the photos along his shop’s walls. Families with fake smiles, graduates beaming with pride, excited newlyweds, all the things standard you would expect to see in a photographer's business. She even saw a picture or two of Erian’s! Her eyes then drifted to a corner that actually held some appeal to her:
Photos of people along a similar journey as hers, along with those she considered friends! There was a red, unenthused dragon whose body barely fit into the frame. A white tigress with a warm smile and tired, yet wise eyes. A sapphire scaled Lamia with a smile so innocent it seemed almost childlike. An amber colored slime she once had lunch with! As she leaned in for the closest view she could take, suddenly she heard the conversation shifting to her as its focus.
“Ah, and is this young lady one of them? Someone you're helping Teddy?”
“She'll soon be my employee, actually.”
“Partner, actually” she said in a cheeky yet firm way.
“Right, yes. Apologies. She's going to be working with me in my office! Alphonse, this is Mayday. Mayday, this is Alphonse.”
The photographer looked her up and down and spoke in a warm tone, devoid of romance but brimming with affection: “My, and aren't you just a sweetheart?”
Try as she might not to, she felt her entire face burning at that comment.
“Just the standard job, then, Teddy?” he said, turning to Erian. “Yes yes, and I'll be paying for it all, tip included.” At that, your future coworker started walking out of the store.
“Well, if you're ready?” he said, gesturing her towards the back. She followed briskly, anxiety starting to build inside her at having been left alone with this man she only just met. Professional or not, meeting new people always put her on edge, not even speaking of the fears currently swelling up inside her. She had always hated having her picture taken. She never thought she looked like “herself” in photos, but maybe now would be different? After all, nowadays she felt more like herself than she ever had.
“Just sit right here, May” the man said as he pulled a curtain closed behind her.
“It's Mayday, actually, please.”
“Alright sweetheart. Mayday it is!”
She couldn't help but smile and feel a bit warm inside at the ‘sweetheart’ nickname. Whether it was something he chose specifically for her or simply a nickname for all the feminine people he worked with, she couldn't tell. But it was still a nickname she made a mental note of.
“Now then, you're gonna be working with Teddy? You look pretty normal, are you also one of them ‘therians?’” As he spoke, he clicked a small remote as a floodlight suddenly turned on to her right side. It startled her so much a third eyeball erupted out of the side of her head to give her an additional look at the could-be hazard.
“Ah. I guess that answers my question.”
“Sorry, sorry” she said quietly. She had been gaining confidence in who she was. Pride in being a mimic. But being isolated and partaking in an activity she hated, it brought back old habits. It didn't matter how nice this man seemed… She was uncomfortable, and that always affected how well she could hold her form.
“It's absolutely no worry to me, sweetheart. Why, I've been taking many photos for these new animal people like yourself a lot lately! Guess it's not too surprising, people wanting to immortalize their new forms. Especially around this time of year! Why, I had a dragon in here a month ago and I'm still patching the ceiling where her horns busted through! Now, if I may ask, what kinda animal are you? I've never seen someone just spout an eye like that before.”
“Ah.. I'm a mimic…” While she was certain she was still holding onto her humanoid form, it felt as if the entire world was growing large around her. She didn't like being the focus of conversation.
“Mimic? I don't think I've ever seen one of them before, even at the zoo. Well, it's wonderful meeting someone of your kind!” His nonchalant acceptance was comforting, if surprising. Still, she wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Anything that helped make this ordeal go by any faster and smoother.
“Now, gimme a smile?”
She began to force herself to smile when-
A bright light illuminated the room and frightened the poor mimic, she instinctively closed her eyes. She closed both… all three… all six… wait
At that moment she began to open her eyes and took in a 360 degree view of the room around her. She had sprouted eyes about every inch of her body… Tears started to well up in a few of them, she must've looked ridiculous, this man would soon start screaming and kick her out and and and
“Oh, oh my. Okay. I'm sorry sweetheart I guess I should've warned you.”
All her eyes turned towards the man, still illuminating the room like a gentle sunbeam with that soft smile of his. “Now now, please don't cry! You're fine! I don't think any decent photographer has gotten the right picture on the first try! It's just you and me here and I'm not going anywhere. Let me know when you're ready for the next one.”
After a minute or two of composing herself, one by one her eyes receding into herself, she nodded. An affirmation that she was ready.
“Alright, now try to keep your eyes open this time. And…”
Again a flash from the camera and try as she might, it still startled her. She didn't sprout eyes this time, however she did sprout large purple spikes in every direction.
“I think someone might be on edge” he said with a laughing tone. “I'm in no rush Mayday. Take as much time to relax yourself.”
She did as he instructed. She imagined a soft running river, gently streaming over rocks and foliage.
“Ah… perhaps a bit too relaxed, then…”
She had relaxed herself into a literal purple puddle, drooping over the wooden stool. Immediately she collected herself and assumed her humanoid form.
“Alright, try focusing on me then as I take the picture?”
She nodded and started taking in every aspect of the man. His hair, his choice of clothing, his facial wrinkles, the number of moles on his left arm, his-
“Well, I think you were focusing too much on me there. No offense but that's a bit unnerving.”
Sitting opposite of the man was an almost exact replica of him, if doused in a purple hue. “Sorry!” she immediately said, shaking each part of her form until they resembled her natural look.
“No worries sweetheart. I do think we were on the right track there, that was the best photo so far. Instead of me, try thinking of another. Do you have someone special in your life?”
She did. Many people, in fact. She loved, and was loved, by the most wonderful group of creatures she had ever met. People who made her feel warm inside. Animals who always made her feel accepted. Friends who were always looking out for her and protecting her and friends she protected in turn. Companions who listened. Cohorts who made her happy. Family who completed her.
“Perfect. Now, give me a nice smile”
With thoughts and images of her loved ones dancing in her mind, Mayday did as instructed.
“Oh this is simply perfect” said the balding man in glasses as he marveled at the frame in front of him. He started climbing a ladder, ready to hang it next to a framed photo of himself.
“I look ridiculous… why did he send you that one!? There must've been a better picture! Let me go retake it, please!” Said the feminine mimic, now adorned in more work-appropriate attire.
“Shush!” Said her coworker as he started climbing down. “I said I wanted a picture of YOU not what you think other people would want to see.”
He walked next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. “This is the happiest I've ever seen you. You must have been thinking some very pleasant thoughts. This is the perfect face to greet our patients as they walk in.”
She started looking at the wall with a small sense of pride now. “Thank you, doctor. And yes. I was thinking of some very pleasant thoughts.”
Hanging in front of the two, beside the man's own, somewhat frumpy faced photo, was her. Her eyes were closed in happiness, she held a relaxed demeanor that yet brimmed with confidence. She held a wide smile that transcended the edges of her own face, with teeth that seemed to number in the hundreds. While no actual illumination glowed from her portrait, she brightened up the entire lobby. It was the most comforting smile that anyone who entered that office had ever seen.
Thanks for reading! This was a gift for my dear friend @scrubbinn for the holidays! GO READ THEIR OWN STORIES THEY'RE SO GOOD
There are also cameos of @ayviedoesthings , @tigergirltail , @ariathelamia , and @sandyca5tle
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starpains · 5 months ago
your post about ewan mcgregor being hot because he feels *real* despite being objectively gorgeous and outside of the norm? 100% accurate.
there are so many actors who check off every box on the list of attractive features but still don't feel attractive because it's manufactured in a way that actually minimizes the impact. "oh yeah if someone goes on insane diets and routines every single day, they'll probably look like that." the attractiveness doesn't feel inherent and just an integral part of that person, and if you took away the toned abs and whatnot, then it's gone.
but ewan mcgregor specifically should go in top 10 male celebs who aged well. part of it is what you said about how he didn't get crazy work done (he's a celeb so i'm sure he gets care), he has lines and grey hair and all that.
and that's actually what makes him hotter. because we see these features and realize he's relatively normal...
but still looks exorbitantly better than us lmfao.
he's sometimes toned, sometimes soft, sometimes with a big bushy beard and sometimes not but always. attractive. which is something that average people don't have. i have one singular look that works for me, you know?
i guess that's why so many people go after the whole "effortless beauty" thing. because seeing someone who hasn't gone through cartwheels to appear attractive, but is still extraordinarily attractive. you can't beat that.
Thank you for contributing so beautifully to expand what I wrote ❤️. I’m gonna tag it so that everyone else can see it too, because you worded things so well. Anon is referencing my post here.
I agree about the top 10 celebs who aged well, and I’m also going to add to it, that he should be on it not only because he didn’t get crazy work done, and celebrates his signs of aging, but also because he was blessed with a face that allows him to still look good (or even better in my opinion xd) as he ages. He got lucky in the face lottery lol. I have so many actors who I considered super attractive when they were younger but then with age, they became kinda meh to me, but McGregor just really ticks all the boxes.
I’m going to add one of my favourite recent photos of him, where he just looks like the finest wine 🍷 .
Bonus for wearing a turtleneck because Ewan in turtlenecks is the reason I even am in the Star Wars fandom (because of the long-ass fanfic I wrote in celebration of him in sweaters lol).
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I swear I just wanna look at this photo forever.
Thank you again, anon! You made me feel feels in the early morning ❤️.
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yeonmuse · 3 months ago
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ᥫ᭡ f!reader x yang jungwon ── 𝒢enre. Uni au. fluff, non idol enha. feats. ot7 [reqs are open] ᝰ.ᐟ 𝓁ibrary 🎧
authors 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈 I honestly have no idea where this came from I just thought of anti social Jungwon and Anti social reader coming together and this is where it got me. This is part of admins Enhypen university Series
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ᦓynopsis Jungwon is a film major that finds honestly complete captivated by an antisocial girl with a love for the stars and a passion for music
Moonstruck Cafe
Yn lie looking at her phone somewhat confused, now having had 5 new follower requests on her twitter along with five new followers other than Sunoo, and by the looks of it they seemed to be friends of his. She contemplated on whether or not she should bring it up to him or just let it be then decided that she wouldn’t even ask about it, she figured that since they all had a mutual following of sunoo and Chaewon that that’s why they had followed her, oh she was so wrong.
After spending what felt like an hour lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling she finally forced herself out of bed. Her thoughts continuously drifted back to the previous night even as she prepared for this new day to come.
“Was he actually flirting…? Sunoo and Chaewon are just being dramatic about this right?” Shaking her head she forced herself from her thoughts before she ended up overthinking it all yet again. Knowing it would be cold out she dressed warm from head to toe. Baggy jeans, and a long sleeve knitted sweater that fell slightly off the shoulders, she kept her hair pinned up and placed a warm pair of earmuffs on her ear, knowing that if any part of her face or ears had gotten cold first nothing else she had been wearing would do any good.
As she had been preparing to make her way out she realized that she actually had no idea whatsoever where she was meant to go.
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Jungwon stared at his phone for what felt like twenty minutes, “won” she called him “won”. It was the smallest thing to overthink but, of course his thoughts held him hostage the moment he read the message. Was she warming up to him? Did she want him to call her by some sort of nickname too? Were they now on a nickname basis?
Placing his phone down onto the table before him he forced himself to dismiss any thought of it for now so that he could focus on the task at hand, but the ghost of a smile that curled onto his lips remained there.
After thirty minutes of walking, yn finally arrived at her destination, a cafe she had searched for all night before she went to bed, simply because she wanted to return the favor to Jungwon. Moonstruck cafe, the moment she stepped inside her eyes lit up. She didn’t know where to look, everything about the cafe itself was captivating, despite how small it had been on the inside it was absolutely charming. As her eyes fell upon the menu and the multitude of options she realized she had absolutely no idea what Jungwon would like. Pulling out her phone she sends an immediate SoS to the only people she knew that could possibly guide her in what to get.
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Slipping her phone into her pocket she steps up to the counter somewhat nervous to be ordering all alone in a new place all of a sudden. It also didn’t help that the girl at the counter was extremely beautiful.
“Hi, I'm manon! Is this your first time at moonstruck?”
“Yes, I'm sorry I'm kind of nervous.”
“Trust me I understand, ordering alone, especially somewhere you’ve never eaten before, can be so stressful.” Though it wasn't much that she did, manon's understanding of the situation allowed yn to relax a bit more.
“Let’s start by taking a name for the order?”
“yn!” She stood silently while watching the girl enter her name into the system behind the counter.
“Alright and is there anything in particular that caught your eyes on the menu?”
“Buttermilk galaxy drop waffles? With strawberry topping, maybe chocolate and caramel too?”
“Oh that’s a good choice, it’s our most popular waffle, anything else?”
“Two of your honey dew starrys?”
“Alright and you have the choice of strawberry or chocolate milk for those.”
“Can I get one of each?”
“Of course will that be all?”
“Yes that’s it, thank you so much.”
“See, look at you, ordered all by yourself, no stress and nothing exploded or anything.” Manon jokes to lighten the mood which does in fact earn a laugh from yn. The girl showed absolute great company as she and her chat while she waited for her order. By the time her order had come out and it was time to leave the cafe she had made herself a new friend.
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🔖 @jwonistic
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
i just posted a silly impulsive headcanon in the discord off the top of my head, but now that i'm thinking about it...
let's say, during their stay in jamaica (or maybe in a later season/different show altogether?) the contestants are staying in hotel rooms for simplicities' sake. and due to the number of them, they're paired up. not an issue, right?
noah goes to join owen in his room, but he's already partnered up with tyler (or whomever), so noah's left with only alejandro as an option. great. again, it's whatever, it's only temporary. at least they'll be able to sleep in proper beds, so things are still looking up!
oh, they've been given the last available room? it's got the queen bed? oh sweet! so they've got bigger beds than the others? no?
wait. what do you mean "only one bed?"
oh shit oh fuck he's totally doomed.
well, they'll just have to make do. noah isn't about to cause a fuss about his sleeping arrangements, he's already tired enough from the plane crash itself and the challenges they competed in. what's the worst that could happen?
(he steadfastly ignores the Very Possible Outcome of his unfortunate sleeping habit, even when various headlines pertaining to a certain awake-a-thon incident race across his vision like spectres. because it's NOT going to happen again.)
alejandro also takes the news with his usual levels of grace and poise- all of that social training as the son of a diplomat has done him well- though noah can just tell by the tenseness in his shoulders and the stiffness of his posture that he's not as calm about the situation as he'd like the others to believe.
whatever. it's just a bed, who cares?
when they're getting ready to sleep- in an actual bed, what a luxury!- noah and alejandro gingerly climb into their respective sleep wears, both facing the opposite direction. this is the first time the whole season that they've been allowed the opportunity to sleep in their actual pyjamas. you know, since they haven't exactly had beds.
alejandro, dressed in his tank top and sleep shorts (he'd usually sleep in just the shorts, but the thought of doing so whilst sharing a sleep space seemed inappropriate), turns to climb into their queen bed only to see noah, who is already dressed in his own loose t-shirt and shorts, stepping into a pair of sweatpants and pulling a thick looking sweater over his sleepwear. what the fuck?
the room they're in isn't even cold, they're in jamaica?
even worse, noah's actively putting on a pair of fluffy socks. who wears socks to bed?
and then, then, the absolute mad lad reaches into his luggage and pulls out an equally fluffy dressing gown (or bathrobe/housecoat, same thing tbf), wrapping it around himself like a winter coat as if he's somehow cold in his two- now three- layers. it's almost 26°c out there! (80°f)
and the psycho smiles to himself, breathing out a sigh of contented air (and, alejandro notices, uncurling from his slightly hunched over posture, as if he'd been trying to conserve heat), as if he's not sweating his ass off under his three weather inappropriate layers!
so, as a concerned team leader, alejandro points out the obvious; he shouldn't be wearing so many layers to bed, he's going to get heat stroke.
but noah argues back; he naturally runs cold, especially when he's asleep.
and alejandro briefly recalls the amount of times he's noticed a napping noah shivering in his sleep despite wearing his usual three layers of clothing and the jet itself being kept a consistent room temperature for all it's faults, but his logic reasons that even so noah still doesn't need to wear socks to bed (it's immoral).
eventually noah gives up defending his (objectively wrong) decision to wear thick layered clothing and socks to bed and just climbs under the covers (discarding the dressing gown on the way, he's not completely insane), huffing in annoyance as he curls up at the edge of the mattress and makes a point of ignoring his company.
alejandro also sighs to himself, though whether it's in defeat or exasperation he isn't entirely sure, and carefully slots himself onto the opposite edge of the bed.
the two fall asleep in a tense silence with almost a meter of space between them.
which is why it's surprising when alejandro wakes up a few hours later, absolutely boiling under the heated weight practically glued to his side.
noah's iconic hair, softer in texture that it's usually neat waves would imply, tickles at his neck whilst the cynic's face is pressed firmly into his chest. his sweater-clad arms and wrapped almost possessively around his shoulders and his legs and tangled between the latino's own. whilst the added pressure is nice bearable, alejandro is sweating his life out beneath the warmth of another body.
when he tries to unpeel his clingy companion from his side, a sleeping noah seems to take that as a challenge and digs his hands into the taller's shoulders, which is when alejandro realises that despite everything noah's hands are freezing to the touch. how?! the two of them end up even further entwined than before, as his escape efforts only lead to noah wrapping his body even tighter around alejandro like a particularly stubborn boa constrictor until he had the shorter practically sleeping on top of him- as if alejandro himself was the mattress, or some oversized teddy bear.
it's... not an ideal situation.
alejandro kicks the duvet off of the pair, prompting a shiver from the wannabe koala attached to him, but the freedom from the oppressive heat outweighs any remorse he would've felt for depriving his companion from potential heat stroke. without the oven-like heat of the duvet, having the warmth of another curled up against him is actually pretty nice, and alejandro soon finds unconsciousness washing over him like the (comparatively) cool air of their room.
noah wakes up as sunlight filters into their suite, his face tucked firmly into alejandro's neck as the taller cradles him between his arms, deep slumbering breaths making his chest periodically rise and fall against noah's own. his arms are wrapped around the spaniard's waist, cold hands gripping loosely at the fabric of his tank top, and their legs are to tangled together that it takes the bookworm a few moments to figure out which ones are his.
he's warm, for once, and it's wonderful. he barely spares a thought at how awkward the situation is going to be when they're both awake and just presses himself further into alejandro's inviting warmth, mouth twitching into a smile, as he drifts back to sleep.
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tia-amorosa · 1 month ago
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Episode 10: Last Night for Two
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After Don had tidied up the kitchen, he switched off the TV in the living room and went upstairs. Cassandra had finished changing and was standing in front of the closet. He had to smile, but more at the way her hair was pinned up. Then he looked at the sweater she had chosen. “I can't even remember that piece"/ ‘bottom drawer, right at the back, hnhn, I guess you're not that tidy after all.’.
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He came a little closer to her. It was already quite dark and only the bedside lamps gave off a little light in the room. “What…?” she asked as he scrutinized her intensely. “You're beautiful even in men's clothes… But at least now I don't have to worry about you suddenly getting up and leaving at some point. Or tell me you're on your period or something else.” She shook her head, laughing. “Hnhn, no… None of that”.
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Don then changed his clothes too. He didn't wear much for the night either. Simple underpants, a loose shirt… Then he sat down at the foot of the bed, reached out for her hand and pulled her towards him. She climbed a little onto the bed with him so that her legs were to the left and right of his thighs. She looked at him seriously and questioningly. “Hey, don't worry… I want to wake up in the morning and have you alive next to me, okay?” he said as he stroked her back.
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“Thanks for your understanding all this time… Oh man, I wish it was just a Bible thing, no sex before marriage and stuff, then at least we could have done it secretly, even before the wedding.” He had to smile a little when he heard her words. “Oh, you would have done that?“/”Sure. You're so sexy, Don, hnn“/”You said the act itself is what's dangerous…“/”Yes. I know sex isn't just 'in and out', but I'm afraid of every exception “..
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“You don't want to take any risks… I get it. You've done so much research, is there anything you allowed to do? Anything, Cassy?”. His voice had a pleading undertone. She looked at him for a long time, without any facial expressions. It took a while, but then one corner of her mouth twitched upwards mischievously. “Yes - there is something.” She kissed him, but that wasn't what she meant. So she gently pushed him backwards so that he landed on his back. “Just relax, hn”.
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Cassandra had no previous experience, but there was more than enough illustrative material, be it in books, on the Internet or conversations between friends. He relaxed - until his privates were exposed… “A-are you sure that won't cause any problems? Hey, I'm sensitive"/ ”Mhm, no problems. Oh, don't worry, I'll be very careful…” she smiled as her hand did what he expected.
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Don got involved in what his fiancée was doing to him. At first she was a little impetuous and almost awkward, but then a certain routine settled in and he was able to enjoy it. And even if it only gave satisfaction to one of them, it still involved a lot of trust. She knew that he always paid attention to safety with other women, which had once come up in conversation. And so she wasn't afraid of catching some kind of disease. And she certainly managed to satisfy him.
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After he had recovered from the climax of this little surprise and she was already sitting at the foot of the bed, almost grinning, he sat up and pulled her to him, so quickly that he fell over backwards with her again, “oops, hnhn, hey…”. When she was lying reasonably comfortably on top of him again, he looked at her thoughtfully. “Well, if that's how it works… Theoretically, it should go the other way too, right?"/,,I… I don't know, I…"/ ”No risk, it's okay. that was really good"/ ”yes?” / “Fast service, gladly again”.
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Cassandra had to laugh because of his saying, because it reminded her of an eBay review. Short and sweet, but still meaningful for the seller. Once she had regained her composure, she lay down next to him. And the room fell silent for a moment. “When do you have to leave, sweetie?” / ”Around noon…“/“Take care of yourself, okay?”/“Of course…”.
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“Alone with a couple of men…“/”And a toddler. Are you jealous?“/”Me? No, definitely not. Don't you wonder what they look like?“/,,I know what they look like, quite normal, their pictures can be seen in a scientific forum…hm, just not of the youngest brother”/ ,,hm, o.k., what's his name?” / ”hhh,…. I think it was something about Las… Lasse… Lazlo or something. Good night, Don”.
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But before Cassandra could fall completely asleep, he gently put her back into the right position in bed, slipped under the covers with her, turned off the lights and pulled her close. They fell asleep together. The next morning, the two of them had a hearty breakfast before she set off. He asked her to contact him when she arrived in the desert city, but would he really stick to his promise not to go to bed with another woman before she returned? Only time will tell…
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@greenplumbboblover , @solorisims , @plumbobgothica 😬🙂
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years ago
the8 - one morning
word count : 519
"sweetheart? hey, wake up for a sec," you heard your boyfriend say to you, waking you up.
you groaned and rolled away from him, despite the blanket being pulled away by minghao afterwards. "five more minutes..." you mumbled to him, not wanting to wake up since you went to bed late.
"can you wake up so i can kiss you goodbye?" he asked.
you rolled back and opened your eyes to see minghao sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. he had a sling on due to his collarbone, but you also noticed that he was holding one of your jackets.
"what are you doing with my jacket?" you asked him, clearing your throat afterwards.
"i want to wear it," he answered. "am i not allowed to?" he asked.
"considering that i steal your clothes? you're always allowed," you replied before sitting up and yawning. you helped him put one sleeve on while the other side of the jacket rested on his shoulder. "will you be warm enough? it's really cold today," you asked, remembering what the weather app on your phone said about today's temperatures.
"i'll be fine. i'm bringing another jacket," he mentioned. "you should sleep some more. you didn't sleep much last night," he said to you.
"you didn't either," you replied to him.
"yea, well, i'm the one with work. you get the day off," he said and kissed your cheek. "see you later."
"let me walk you out," you said to him. "i'll go back to sleep afterwards."
"okay," he said and stood up. you got out of bed and threw on a sweater that was on top of the dresser while the8 went out of the room.
you met him at the front door, where he slipped on a pair of sneakers. you made sure his second jacket was secured around him.
"call or text me when you're in your way home," you said to him.
he nodded, "i know," he said with a smile. "love you."
"love you," you said to him.
suddenly, someone knocked on the front door. the8 looked through the peephole before unlocking and opening the door, letting a freezing cold breeze into the house. you crossed your arms in attempt to conserve some warmth from your body.
behind the door revealed jun and hoshi. “uber pickup for the8," hoshi spoke with a chuckle. "oh hey y/n," he greeted.
"hi," you smiled at the guys who were at the door, "make sure he doesn't do anything," you said to them.
"we know. don't worry," jun said to you.
"see you later, sweetheart," the8 said to you before kissing your cheek.
"bye," you replied and pecked his lips.
"i think i threw up internally."
"me too."
"can you guys stop?" minghao asked while stepping out. he smiled at you while you waved at him. you watched the three get into the car, where dino waved from the driver's seat. you returned the greeting before dino drove off. then, you closed and locked the door before going back to the bedroom to get another hour of sleep.
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pedrotonin · 2 years ago
Or: Thanks to Joel Miller.
[part 1] [part 2]
Summary: you tugged his hair again and then messed everything up. You think.
Paring: Pedro Pascal x Female reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mild sexual tension.
A/N: and that's a wrap. Sorry no smut, but writing a RPF...it just made me uncomfortable. I guess I'll just have to start writing a character based one soon 😉 oh and look at this gif. Rawr.
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10 minutes pass. 20 minutes pass. Still no sign of Pedro.
After 30 minutes you start wondering if he'll come back at all. Maybe he told his stylist what had happened. Heat creeps up your face, maybe it's for the best. It seems you're not in control of yourself when he's around.
Suddenly you hear him clear his throat to get your attention. You slowly turn towards him.
He stands in the doorway, not meeting your eyes, wearing a new white button up and the sweater from before. One hand on the back of his neck, the other in his pocket.
"Look, I'm sorry," you begin, "I'll just pack my things and-"
He cuts you off.
He looks at you now. No smile this time, his expression serious.
"I would like for you to stay," he takes a deep breath. "Please."
You nod, can not find the right words. Taking a step to your right you make room for him to sit down.
He hesitates for just a second, but then he takes off his glasses and takes a seat.
Nothing happened after that. You styled his hair without any tugging -or accidents- and he had to leave right after you finished.
A few weeks go by. You allow yourself a peek on Pedro Pascal fanaccount. Watch 'The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent' again for the umpteenth time. You even allow yourself to read a real smutty Joel Miller fanfiction.
At night your thoughts drift to Pedro. You have dreams of pulling his curls, hard.
The next day, you finally get a call. A last-minute request, so you're currently on your way to meet them at some fancy hotel.
After parking your car and swinging your backpack over your shoulders, you walk into the hotel lobby and spot Pedro talking animatedly to one of the receptionists. Raising his hand in a way of greeting when he sees you.
He's wearing his purple Lakers shirt and it makes you smile. Slowly making your way over, you see he allowes the receptionist to take a selfie with him before he turns towards you.
"Hi, so glad you could make it on such short notice."
He gently puts his hand on your lower back and guides you to the nearby elevator, pushing a button. He tells you he just finished an interview and they requested a photoshoot.
He gestures you into a room and you begin to unpack your bag while Pedro changes into a deep red polo shirt. He sits down and tells you what he wants this time. Slicked back. You reach for a comb but he stops you, placing his hand on top of yours.
"Listen. I don't want you to think I'm some kind of creep. I just seem to particularly enjoy it when you...touch my hair. I hope it's not a problem."
He removes his hand.
Did he just sort of confess to you he liked it when you pulled his hair? A strange warmth spreads through your body. He looks at you, waiting for an answer.
"It's not," you reassure him.
He smiles and it emboldens you.
"Next time, I'll tug a little harder."
His beautiful rich laugh fills to room.
"Please do".
Months have past and the two of you are sitting on his couch. He sneaks his arm around you and moves his face to your neck, breathing you in.
"Look at us. I am so glad you could not control yourself around me... and my hair," he whispers.
You elbow him in the side, making him laugh. Straddling him, you pull his hair, yanking his head back. He moans as his arms wrap around your back.
Silently, you thank yourself for your lack of self-control as well.
And for Joel Miller fanfiction.
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cadybear420 · 6 months ago
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Alan Parke, OG HSS Book 2. Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
Now let's see how well the Book 2 outfits does justice to Alan!
Directory for the other parts will be included in the reblogs after I've completed the posts for all books!
Ch 1: "Hipster Handsome", "Winter Wonderland", and "Snow Day" Starter Outfits
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These outfits are pretty neat. I think Alan would like the scarf and jacket from hipster handsome and the sweater in the winter wonderland one. But that's about it. Even then, they're not quite his style.
Verdict: Only the first two outfits are in Alan's wardrobe, and only partly. Alter by combining some pieces and adding a skirt.
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Here's something more in his style. Weather appropriate, but still stylish.
Ch 1: "Live From Berry High" Outfit for Tiger News
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It's nice, but he'd prefer the f!MC's version. This looks more like the m!version of the premium casual "Make A Statement" outfit from f!MC's wardrobe. Hence, something Evie would wear as a semiformal/date night thing (reminder to self: edit this outfit onto Evie).
Verdict: Alan would not wear this. Replace entirely.
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Here's what he'd prefer.
BONUS ROUND: Ch 2: Basketball Uniform
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Doesn't look bad on him, but not really his style either.
Verdict: Technically not in Alan's wardrobe because you have to return uniforms, but he wouldn't care for it either way.
Ch 3: "OMB Tigers" for Winter Carnival
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Solid look, but he deserves to have a little "B" necklace like the f!MC version has.
Verdict: Part of Alan's wardrobe, but needs the addition of an extra piece. Alter by adding necklace. And replacing pants with skirt.
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Here's the look in Alan's style.
Ch 7: "Evening Jade" for Maria's birthday party
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This actually looks really nice on him! The tie goes with his hair. But it isn't really his preferred style.
Verdict: Alan would not own this. Replace entirely.
Obviously, I'm gonna give him a dress. I wanna keep it just nice enough for the restaurant, but still have a bit of a casual feel to it and not overly flashy, and somewhat maintain the aesthetic of the original. As much as he loves to grab people's attention with his dress style and make things all about him, he knows better than to upstage the birthday girl. Especially since he likes the birthday girl. I already made him lean into self-centered jerk in Book 2's storyline, no need to top that by having him straight up upstage the birthday gir...
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...oh fuck it. His logic is that he should wear something extra nice to celebrate the special day of a girl he likes. And also that she gets some good eyecandy on her birthday. I don't think Maria would mind. Classic Alan Parke.
And I do still plan to make new outfits for the other characters for this event. Stay tuned.
Ch 11: "Clean Sweep" Janitor Disguise
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Not his usual style, but he rocks the look, ngl. It's worth disguising himself.
Verdict: Alan would wear as a disguise, but he would not own this item (and I'm not sure if he'd be allowed to anyways). Keep it as is.
Ch 14: "Saturday Night" and "Forever Young" Premium Outfit for Payton's Winter Party
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Ohhhhhh my god these have got to be the PLAINEST outfits in the whole game. They make the pool party outfit look like a met gala fashion show outfit. Legit the f!MC options are a shimmery gold sequin top and a bright pink tight top with a short pattern skirt, and then the m!MC outfits are THIS poopoo-colored shit!?!?!
I'm having a hard time deciding which is blander. The button-up on the first one kind of looks like snow falling in the night sky which is a bit of a nice touch, and I'd also say the blazer at least looks appropriate for the party setting but DID IT HAVE TO BE BROWN???? Meanwhile, the second one has a much better color scheme, but it's so plain and casual??? The f!MC's pink tank top and skirt outfit could also be technically considered casual, but it at least had a distinct style and some eyecatching design that I can actually buy the other characters fawning over them. I can not buy that with either of these.
Verdict: Alan would NOT own either of these. Replace entirely.
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Here's the outfit that Alan WOULD wear, from the f!MC's options again.
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herefortarlos · 10 months ago
hello dearest. 🧥🚒⛰️ please <3
Hello, beautiful!! Are you proud of me, Michelle, I answered an ask in a little more than a day 😂
🧥Whose fashion do you like the best?
I loveee Marjan's many iconic looks, with the bright colors, and jewelry, accessories and how she coordinates with her hijabs! But in terms of fashion that I can see myself wearing, I think I prefer a lot of Grace's looks! I am a big sweater girl, although how Grace can wear as many sweaters as she does in Texas, I will never know. But I would wear the hell out of that Marjan dress here! So I like these two best!
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🚒 Quick! You’re suddenly a part of the universe! What do you do?
Ahh, what do I do that is within my realm of possibilities and experience and that also allows me to be friends with these beloved characters?? 😂 I got it! I would be a 911 dispatcher so I can be work friends with Grace AND I would be one of Tarlos' neighbors! When we introduce ourselves to each other, we of course say what our jobs are and oh look at that, you're First Responders, and we have similar things in common! You're queer, I'm queer, let's hang out and see if we can be friends!! And ideally I would be invited to some hangs at their place so I can meet everyone else in the 126. It's the perfect plan!
⛰️What’s one hill you’ll die on regarding this show? (the more trivial, the better)
Okay, this one is proving harder than it should be! Hmm, oh, I was always a TK can cook believer and would very much die on that hill!! I had no idea where it came from that our man couldn't cook! He was a firefighter and they know how to cook tasty, filling meals! And he lived in NYC, and there's no way he was ordering take out and going out every night with how expensive that can be! And again, being a firefighter I am assuming he would need to be eating nutritious meals to stay in top rescuing form, so he wasn't surviving on cereal and instant ramen! I don't think he often cooked elaborate meals for himself, but he definitely had the capability. Carlos of course changed that because cooking is one of his love languages and TK finally had someone he loved that he knew would appreciate his cooking! I cannot tell you how happy and vindicated I felt when we got TK cooking that beef wellington in 4x12 🤗
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leffee · 10 months ago
Day 8: Homecoming
Sharukh got out of the limousine and opened his mouth wide in order to take in the fresh air.
Behind him, the driver got out of the car and wordlessly moved to the car's boot, taking out the many suitcases.
“Bring those back to their spots and take care of everything that is inside,” He ordered, getting a nod in return as his butler continued working.
Sharukh stood for a moment in front of the door, rubbing whatever dust managed to cling to his wrinkled clothes and once he was somewhat content with his appearance, he swung the doors open wildly and yelled, “I am home!”
However, aside from nods from all the butlers he could see at the moment there was no further recognition of his greeting, so he walked up to one of his workers who stopped in their tracks upon noticing.
“Have you seen Vinnie anywhere? He is in the house, isn't he?”
“He is, sir, the last time I saw him he was in his room.”
“How curious,” Sharukh wondered aloud and then waved his hand. “You may go now.”
He climbed up the stairs and walked several meters down the hallway before reaching his destination. On the other side of the door, he found him.
“Vinnie, there you are.” His gaze softened as he closed the door behind himself, securing their privacy. “I was surprised not to see you waiting for me at the door.”
Vinnie reacted by turning around, however, that just revealed his expression - a grumpy scowl.
“I wasn't in the mood,” He huffed. “You're a day late.”
“Yes, like I told you on the phone, it wasn't my fault.” Sharukh sat down next to his boyfriend who promptly moved away.
“Well, I still had to wait, that didn’t change.”
“So, because of that now you're going to be all moody?” Sharukh smirked when Vinnie didn't say anything, folding his arms and looking away instead. “If you're so mad then how come you're still wearing this?” He tugged at the oversized, gray sweater the other was had on. It felt past his hips and hands practically swallowing his frame whole.
“Psh, you can take it back, it doesn't even smell like you anymore it's been so long.” Despite his words, Vinnie made no move to remove the garment.
“Hmm, no, I like the way you look wearing it too much. It emphasizes your smallness.”
“No, it doesn't!” Vinnie protested. “I'm not small, you're just… big, just a little bit bigger than me though.” 
“Yeaaah, no.” Sharukh got closer to his boyfriend, this time managing to wrap one of his hands around Vinnie's chest, effectively keeping him in place. “I looove how small you are, why the opposition? Besides, you can't play that game with me,” He got closer to Vinnie's ear and whispered, “I know you secretly like it, Vincent.”
A violent shiver ran down Vinnie's spine causing his shoulders to tense up and toes to curl. “I don't…”
“And if the scent is what you're after, do you know what smells like me too? Me,” He answered his own question while wrapping Vinnie in a proper hug from behind.
Sharukh could hear Vinnie's breath catching in his throat who managed to breathlessly reply after just a while too long, “I don't want you, go awayyy,” He complained, squirming weakly in his boyfriend's embrace. Sharukh however simply tightened his grip around him rendering Vinnie barely even able to wriggle anymore, not only that, but the prolonged silence and lack of movement bothered him. “Hey, you’re gonna sAyy-?” His words turned into a squeal once he felt a gust of air on the back of his neck going from top to bottom. “...!” His shoulders tensed up even more when he felt something more - lips on his neck following the same trail as the air. 
“How can you be mad if you’re blushing so much?”
“S-Shut up…” Vinnie breathed out, his eyes rolling backwards. “You can’t even see my face.” He slammed his warm face against the pillow. “Stop, you asshole. You’re not allowed to do that now.”
“Oh, I think I am.” Vinnie felt a hand worming its way between the fabric and his skin, causing delightful tremors to run through him. “I am doing it right now after all.” After a teasing second of pause, Sharukh just barely tapped Vinnie’s neck with his tongue and wiggled his fingers on his stomach, immediately feeling even more violent squirming as well as sharp breaths. 
“Ahah-, Sharukh, n-noho!” Vinnie tried to speak as calmly as possible, but his voice and body completely betrayed him.
“Say you’re not mad at me anymore.” When Vinnie refused by becoming non-verbal, Sharukh placed his other hand under Vinnie’s, or rather his, sweater. However, before he could utilize it in any way, his lover took advantage of the weaker grip managing to wriggle off and jump off the bed.
“No… don’t… you can’t,” He mumbled but with far less conviction in his voice than before although it was accompanied by an over exaggerated frown.
“If this was supposed to convince me that you don’t like what I’m doing then you’re doing a horrible job.” Sharukh smirked and got up as well, now towering over his flustered boyfriend. This didn’t deter him though and he grabbed Vinnie’s chin with one hand inducing him to face him. “You’re all red.” He smirked more when the purple eyes widened. “Yet you’re not even trying to walk away.”
“W-well, just watch me.” Vinnie closed his eyes and did indeed begin walking away with folded arms. However, before he could really go anywhere, he felt a tug on his tail just forceful enough to make him fall backwards, only for warm arms to catch him right before he could hit the ground.
“Does this make you feel any better?” Sharukh’s shadow covered Vinnie as he held him in a dip, making the other's breath stop. 
“No, I’m still mad,�� Vinnie burred while looking away.
“Really? You give me no choice then.” He lifted Vinnie up and after holding him for a second or two Sharukh let him down slowly and then clutched the hem of his shirt with both hands.
“Wait, no, you don’t have to do that.” Vinnie instantly walked backwards a few steps, but his gaze remained glued to his boyfriend, nonetheless.
“Let me think.” Sharukh held Vinnie’s gaze with his own teasing one for a moment filled with palpable silence. “No.” With that, in one smooth move he took off his shirt. “What now?” He challenged once he had a good view of Vinnie’s, now even redder, face along with a slightly opened mouth. The staring contest lasted for next few seconds before Vinnie shook his head and looked away, but just before he did that Shahrukh managed to catch a sight of a wide, forcibly held back smile.
“Stop that,” Vinnie stumbled, forcing his eyes to remain tightly closed. “You can’t make me sway your way by showing me your…” He stole a quick glance at the other, “big, perfect…” He stole another glance, this time a longer one, “chiselled, unreal,” The next time he didn’t backtrack, “fucking awesome muscles, give me!” He bolted out and clung to Sharukh, practically drooling all over him. “Ahh," Vinnie hummed happily and rubbed his head against Sharukh’s abs.
“Works every time.” Sharukh patted Vinnie on the back and then used the same hand to push his face more against himself. 
“Yeah, yeah, you’re just lucky ‘cause you look like that.” Vinnie sighed dreamily.
“I’m fine with that.” Sharukh picked the other up who wrapped his legs around him. “Come here.” Vinnie felt his back hit the wall just before Sharukh’s lips distracted him by landing mere centimeters away from his own. He then tugged on the collar of the sweater Vinnie was wearing and ran his finger over the faint mark on his neck. “It’s barely visible anymore.” He frowned.
“I told you you were gone for too long,” Vinnie breathed out.
“I see your point; however, I believe there’s an easy solution to our dilemma.” Sharukh’s head dipped, allowing him to bite the side of Vinnie’s neck. He heard a quick intake of air through teeth, but he wasn’t finished, instead biting with more and more force, enjoying the little noises escaping Vinnie’s mouth as he shifted in his arms. “There,” He said as he let go and eyed the new, bigger, and redder mark. “This should do for now, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, just make sure to do that before if you leave me again,” Vinnie whispered lovingly but with a hint of warning. “Then I might not get mad if you return later than you were supposed to, promise?”
“Promise,” Sharukh replied before his lips met Vinnie’s.
Me when January to December do you wanna be a member? LoooOnLy HeeeaRTS CluUUB.
After so many horrors Vinnie gets to shamelessly enjoy completely surface-level goods. This is genuinely longer than the previous one and I spent wayyy too much time on it. I have exams soon, projects' due dates coming, but my gosh, nothing will stop me from writing these now (I saw your tags, pris - that I can take breaks, I know, but man, I just don't want to, so just wanted to say that I acknowledged it).
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rjam9 · 2 years ago
Glitched Gregory and TPIOFY Gregory Interactions:
Scene where both Gregory’s decide to try out the “Sundrops” after rummaging through a bunch of piñatas they found, both just looking at each other and going “eh. What the heck”. Cut to them in the daycare, one of the Gregory’s foaming at the mouth and standing on top of the play structures making incoherent growling noises. Another Gregory is having zoomies around the entire daycare at 30 miles an hour.
Another scene, probably taking place after this one, of just the Gregory’s snoozing, leaning on one another, their mouths stained with candy. The Freddy’s come in and put a blanket over them and saying goodnight.
The Gregory’s somehow making their way to that ride above Gator golf and just riding it back and forth in the background while a conversation is happening.
Monty eventually jumps on the ride a couple cars behind them, and it becomes this chase sequence, with both Gregorys laughing and shrieking as Monty jumps from one car to the next to get to them, laughing as well. He’s about to jump to the final car when he’s suddenly pelted with a turret ball, and the Gregorys turn to see Moon by one of the turrets mockingly wave. On either side of them are Roxy and Chica all at different turrets and it becomes a game of “dodge the flying balls” as the Gregorys and Monty both have to duck for cover as a million colorful turret balls start flying up at them at once.
A running gag that whenever the crew needs something, Glitched Gregory happens to have stored it in Freddy’s chest compartment, kind of implying that it’s an infinite hammer space. Glitched Gregory: “Oh yeah! I happen to have that!!” *pulls out crowbar from Freddy’s chest* Glitched Freddy, looking equally shocked as everyone else: “Gregory, when did you store that??”
Both Gregory's wear different themed sweaters, the ones you can find around the Pizzaplex just so they can tell each other apart for a bit. They probably just pull it from Glitched Freddy’s chest compartment. There is a list of all the collectibles in Security Breach here that explains what I’m imagining: https://triple-a-fazbear.fandom.com/wiki/Collectibles
Honest question, if your Gregory had to wear one of those sweaters, which would he chose? I’m just imagining both Gregorys in the different orange and blue Freddy Sweaters and Vanessa with the pink one on, the Freddys tearing up and holding up their cameras. But I can totally see either Gregory wearing the Pizzaplex Sweater or the “4-Block" Sweater.
The Gregory’s start hanging out in Kids Cove, as that’s close by the Daycare and one of the few safe areas without staff bots, and they hang out in that little TV area in the pirate ship. It’s their base of operations and the place they can go to for some privacy and to hang out. No robots or security guards allowed! (Except maybe Freddy) The Gregorys watching TV:
“Damn, this TV show's OLD.” “I still don’t get why they would want to befriend that fox guy” “I mean, he seems pretty cool. Not as cool as Bonnie but still pretty cool” “Yeah, Bonnie’s the cool one of the group.” Monty popping in: “Hey little guys, Freddy wanted me to tell you-“ “MONTY, YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED HERE!! GET OUT!!” “YEAH!! NO CROCODILES ALLOWED!!”
Monty, immediately irritated: “I AIN’T NO DAD-GUM CROC!! I'M AN ALLIGATOR!!”
“Well, no alligators allowed either then!" Moon, popping in as well: “Ha! Well, you heard the boys, Monty!” “And no celestial daycare attendants either! That means you, Moon!” “That also includes you too, Sun, I know you’re listening!”
Glitched Gregory has a huge hoard of stuff from all the collectibles he gathered from around the Pizzaplex, and TPIOFY Gregory likes to go through them as he’s never really had time to look over that stuff. Every now and again, though they would NEVER admit it, they would start playing with the toys inside the Pirate ship. Start giving the toys little voices and start literally playing pretend (I know they’re a bit older but let me HAVE this). The pretend would mostly be just doing impressions of the animatronics, but its still playing!! Only Glitched Freddy and Roxy can see it, because of their eyes, but every now and again the Gregorys are so focused on themselves that they wouldn’t notice TPIOFY Freddy listening in a little bit ;)
Whenever Glitched Freddy gets too stressed, he starts going Quantum, so whenever he gets stressed, its shown when he visably glitches in and out of reality for a moment. So while he’s mostly chill, his stress is shown whenever he randomly glitches to the other side of the room and then back again. TPIOFY Freddy is VERY disturbed by this.
The Freddy’s get taken to Roxy’s Beauty Saloon by Roxy and Chica, saying that they’ll get wrinkles from all that stress (“We can’t get wrinkles-“ “Zip it, Freddy.”) and the Freddy’s get a well deserved spa day, leaving Moon and Monty in charge (don’t ask me how they thought it was a good idea.) It then plays out like “Honey I shrunk the kids” or “Parental Guidance” where Moon and Monty argue and then IMMEDIATELY lose the Gregory’s, panicking because “oh god thel Freddy's are going to use SUCH a disappointing tone-“ and they have to frantically search for the Gregory’s before the Freddy’s get back, like a typical family comedy.
The voice in TPIOFY Gregory’s head starts acting up again, and Glitched Gregory can hear it as well (don’t ask me how) and tells the voice to fuck off. Voice: ‘You’re wasting my time and energy…’ TPIOFY Gregory: “That’s what she said” *TPIOFY Gregory holds out his hand and Glitched Gregory high fives him* Voice, visibly agitated: ‘Oh, where’d you learn that burn? So origina-‘ Glitched Gregory, interrupting: “He learnt it at your moms house.” TPIOFY Gregory: “She has lots of energy.” *Gregorys high five again* Vanessa, who just watched Gregory diss himself again and this other Gregory helping:
The Gregory's frequently steal Monty’s sunglasses and Moons hat and wear them around to annoy them. They call Moon bald.
Glitched Gregory does have to sleep now and again as his state of being does not revert back unless he’s killed, so that means he does get tired and hungry, and I think to think that during these loops where Glitched Gregory has to sleep, TPIOFY Gregory sleeps as well just cause he doesn’t wanna wait for his friend to wake up, so he just takes that loop to rest (I know this is ofc but this boy needs to REST dammit!) (the voice isn’t there to nag him and influence him because it became quieter when the Glitched universe crossed over, probably due to whatever was making that world so glitched effecting the voice as well. Whenever it DOES come back, Glitched Gregory just immediately shuts it down. Because reasons. Because I want TPIOFY Gregory to just have a bit of fun and make some DAMN friends his age without having to WORRY all the time)
The Gregory’s sneak into the arcade to play some games, just deciding to not wake the DJ up, as there was no reason to. They play games for a while, both of them being pro gamers obviously (though TPIOFY Gregory keeps saying Glitched Gregory is using cheats, which he probably is) but they suddenly feel a presence behind them and turn to realize the DJ as been watching them play games for a while. The Gregory’s freak out. And run for the hills as the DJ tries to catch both kids, a remixed version of his boss battle playing. Its basically just an episode of Tom and Jerry. Think of any episode of Tom and Jerry and insert the Gregory’s and Music Man.
Glitched Freddy has THE worse sense of humor. Worse then Sun. He calls himself “gregnant” when Gregory’s in his stomach hatch. He IS the among us Freddy meme. Glitched Freddy: “You know Gregory, I don’t trust stairs…” TPIOFY Gregory, confused: “Wait what?” Glitched Freddy, barely holding back laughter: “Yeah.. their always up to somethinG- PFFT!!” And then he proceeds to laugh at his own joke. He and your Sun would get along. Sun makes a joke and your Freddy sighs slightly while my Freddy is holding his stomach laughing. Like that scene where Sun is telling jokes to a disgruntled Freddy, Vanessa and Gregory? Glitched Freddy would be there full on belly laughing at they’re jokes.
The Gregorys find a bunch of ready-to-use, animatronic-themed go karts set up near the Raceway, looking like they could be driven around the Pizzaplex.
Both Gregory’s eye the Freddy themed one and immediately scramble to grab it, pulling on each others shirts and grabbing the other’s arm to slow the other down.
TPIOFY Gregory is able to get Glitched Gregory to get his foot stuck in the floor (being glitched and all) and claims the kart, much to Glitched Gregorys dismay.
He huffs, and HE GUESSES he can ride the Sun one… they're the only one Glitched Gregory TOLERATES besides Freddy.
The Gregorys SPEED out of the Raceway and into the atrium, zooming past the group and TPIOFY Gregory cackles and drives straight through the group, who have to clamour out of the way to dodge them (He wasn’t ACTUALLY going to hit them… probably). Glitched Gregory absolutely aims towards for Roxy before swerving out of the way to scare her.
The Gregory's are now speeding around the atrium at top speeds in ways I can only describe through this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laygLrQAGXI&list=PL-ArboOXoB_QPCl97mlLKX03pOmGRq11S&index=21
One of the Gregorys absolutely barrels into Map Bot, won’t say which one though. But the Gregorys are absolutely running staff bots over, have you SEEN Gregory drive??? TPIOFY Gregory is crashing through any walls that look mildly breakable, and Glitched Gregory is full-on ZOOMING along the walls like you’re able to do in the cut Roxy Go-kart minigame.
This entire section was inspired by the unused Roxy Raceway Go-karting game you can see in this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc_BmFnOBaI
there were so many good ideas in this that i want to do but i ran out of steam. anyways enjoy my deranged scribbles. i entered a fugue state as soon as i started and this is what i ended up with. maybe i’ll go back and clean these up later (i have many ideas about how to draw the differences between the Gregorys) but yeah. here you go.
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namuneulbo · 2 months ago
week one hundred and sixty six
at what point is it time to start typing out the weeks in numbers?
this week was... whorey.
work on monday. it was super quiet so i cleaned the kitchen, found a cup of coffee on top of the shelf with mold growing in it. yum!
i tried on some shoes too. i tried the 1461 quads again and i'm convinced those are my next uniform pair because i love them so much. they feel so me. i feel so dainty and cute in them.
tuesday i went on a date with j. it went well? he didn't really look the way i imagined him to and he had shaved his eyebrows too which is cunty but i was just so caught off guard, i guess?
anyways, we had sushi and then went for beer and then went to his place. i was peak on my period and out of pads so i was rocking the toilet paper trick. they had a super cute maine coon. we were going to watch fight club but ended up watching the wolf of wallstreet (film bro, yes). we hooked up and he's super subby but it was fun to boss him around even though i mostly prefer subbing but my way of flirting is bullying so it comes weirdly naturally. we fell asleep at around six in the morning and i left around 11 after getting at least some sleep in my system (plus i was weirdly awake when i woke up).
i wore such a slay fit on tuesday though, i wore my gerard way skirt for the first time. it eats! i sent a fit check to b and he said he liked it and sent me one back of him wearing a new sweater. he's so cute. he's so sweet and flirty and adorable, i actually can't. i can't wait to meet him.
i met up with j again on friday to watch a rerun of scott pilgrim vs. the world. it was so fun to see it on the big screen but, oh my fucking god, can people not quote every single line of the movie. like honestly i can ALMOST let it slide if it's like the most iconic line in the movie but when every other line was being quoted... dude. like i mouthed along to the line if i really wanted to quote it but not out loud????
we went to j's place afterwards. it wasn't really planned but we did because we both wanted to fuck lmao. again, i was still on my period so... it was limited.
i don't know, i don't have anything against the guy but i don't know if i want to meet again. it's just kind of... i'm not attracted to him like that? he's not ugly or anything, i just don't get that turned on TT i might still meet him though, i don't knoooow. funny thing though is that my legs literally hurt from fucking... it's like a little souvenir.
am i allowed to say fuck if it wasn't penetrative? because i will.
on saturday i had eight hours of work then right after we were celebrating my sister's boyfriend's birthday. i met them at a bar near the restaurant and then we waited there until our booked table was ready. it took ages for the food to arrive. i felt bad for the chef. there was only one and they were making eight dishes at once. the food was so good though. i had a tofu mala and it was sooooo good. we went to another place after that. i tried staying for a bit but there were so many people and i was tired and just ended up getting a bit overwhelmed so i went home.
my throat started hurting on saturday. i hope i'm not getting sick. i genuinely think it might be because i have uh... been choked more than usual in the past week TT or technically strangled but it's not called a strangling kink now, is it?
i hope b messages me more today. i don't want him to feel like he has to message constantly but he's so fun to talk to. i want to talk to him all day.
sotw: metric & brie larson - black sheep
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 2 months ago
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Heart of the Weave part 2
*please only read if you've read the entirety of part 1*
You can also find my fics on AO3, click here.
Chapter 8
It’s the day of the annual Blackstaff Ball, where I get to finally meet some of Gale’s colleagues and dance in a ballroom underneath glass chandeliers and surrounded by vibrant glass-stained windows. I feel like I’ve waited my entire life for this evening, and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s ahead of us. Morena was supposed to watch the girls, but unfortunately she came down with an unexpected illness, so we are dropping the girls off at Karlach and Wyll’s for the night since it’s on the way there anyway. 
  “Oh Mommy! You look so pretty!” Neeve cheers, admiring my violet gown with floral-lace sleeves. My dark brown curly hair is pinned up, with strands of my bangs hanging down by my cheekbones. Gale is wearing his black and purple suit, with three gold buttons that are below the white collar. His chin-length brown hair is slicked back, exposing every inch of his handsome face. “And daddy, don’t let any woman take you away from mommy.” Gale and I bust up laughing as I pick up Jenevelle from the crib, preparing to get her ready for the evening, though she will only wear some comfortable pajamas. 
  “I’d never in a million years leave your mother for someone else. Neeve, your mother means the entire universe to me, just like you do.” Neeve smiles, her eyes shifting from Gale to me, and I can feel my cheeks flushing. 
  “She is really special, isn’t she? I couldn’t ask for a better mommy! Also… Daddy… Next time there’s a ball, make sure you take me. I want to go.” Gale leans down to place a kiss on our daughter’s forehead, then brushes her brown hair out of her face. 
  “Don’t you worry. There’s a father-daughter event coming up and I wouldn’t allow you to miss it for the world.” Gale hands Neeve her favorite purple sweater that Morena had handmade for her awhile back, with little yellow flowers stitched into it for decoration. “Now, please don’t turn anyone into an animal or cause items to fly across the Ravengard’s house, okay Neeve? I know you’ve been good about controlling your magic, but still.” I bounce baby Jenevelle in my arm comfortably and grab her bag that sits on the mahogany rocking chair. Neeve rolls her eyes playfully, then skips out of the room gracefully.
  “Yeah, yeah. I learned my lesson after last time. Let’s go!” Gale gently grabs my shoulder, his eyes meeting mine with the most beautiful gaze. He smiles, taking in my image in front of him. 
  “You are so beautiful. I can’t wait for this evening ahead with you.” He takes my hand delicately, placing his lips on top of it. His touch lingers for a moment, and he looks at me with those big brown eyes as he lets go. “I meant what I said when I told our daughter that you mean more than the universe to me.” I smile, wishing I could nuzzle my face into his chest, but I don’t want to mess up my makeup. He lifts an eyebrow, observing me with that cheeky grin. 
  “The way I want to just bury my face into that fucking chest,” I growl, then clear my throat. “Indulge me later?” He laughs and takes Jenevelle from my arms, feeding her an evening bottle so she will be content on the walk to Karlach’s. The suggestive look in his eye implies that he has plans for me later, though I don't want to get my hopes up entirely. He takes a deep breath, the smile still lingering on his perfect face. 
 “You know it's hard for me to say no. Let's see where this evening takes us, hm? The moment I saw you put that gown on…”
  “Let's go! I want to see Maddox!” Neeve interrupts, peeking her head through the door impatiently. “You have plenty of time to talk later. All night, if I'm not mistaken.” Gale and I exchange glances, chuckling at our daughter’s sassy attitude and eagerness as she leaves the room again. Gale leans in for a moment to whisper in my ear. 
  “Is it normal for a six year old to be this sassy and unpredictable?”  
   The short adventure to Karlach’s was rather relaxing, for the cloudless  sky was a faded violet with a mild orange aura from the sunset. I could smell the delectable scent of coffee being brewed from the coffee shop that seems to never close. Owls can be heard in the distance with their soft hoos, preparing for their evening hunt. Waterdeep is most certainly relaxing and a great place to live if you want to avoid stress. After a peaceful walk, with Neeve twirling down the path through the city, we finally make it to Karlach and Wyll’s home, and Maddox was beyond eager for her arrival. Karlach, of course, immediately takes Jenevelle from my arms in pure excitement. 
  “I don't need another kid, I don't need another kid,” Karlach murmurs as she cuddles Jenevelle in her arms. “One is plenty for me. Or…is it?”
  “Remember what I said before, I'm always open to the discussion,” Wyll chimes in supportively, his face lighting up from the thought. Karlach takes the bag from my other arm and rolls her eyes playfully, but smiles at her husband.  “But I will support whatever choice you make. I’m in your corner.” 
 “Let me know if miss Neeve over there causes any trouble. She has controlled her magic much better recently, but just to be sure,” I mention. “And Jenevelle…she should be fine. She had a bottle not too long ago, but if she gets fussy, she may need another.” Karlach stands there, raising an eyebrow as if I'm talking like she's never watched our baby before. “I'm doing it again, aren't I?”
 “GO. You two have fun, the kiddos will be safe in our presence. Wyll just picked up a pizza for the kids to indulge in, so it's about to get wild in this house. Have fun and remember Emmy: don't trip on your own feet this time.” Even Karlach likes to give me shit about my neverending clumsiness when I dance. And now? I'm nervous. 
We head to Blackstaff, which isn't far at all, and I can feel a sensation of nervousness rise within me. I'm constantly thinking about how I could trip over my gown and cause a scene, or say something out of pocket to one of his colleagues who asks me a simple question, or… I don't know. There's endless situations that could go wrong. Gale takes my hand within his, rubbing the top of it delicately as we continue our way to the Ball. 
  “My love, are you alright? Nervous, perhaps? You're quiet and your face is giving off the impression you're thinking rather hard about something.” I take a deep breath and smile at my concerned husband, feeling a wave of nervousness and excitement simultaneously wash through the inside of my stomach like an ocean. 
  “Yes, maybe a little. I'll be alright. Will your colleagues like me or think I'm a complete doofus?” Gale chuckles and stops me for a moment, placing both of his hands on my waist and pulling me in close. I feel a little better; his touch relieves any negative feeling that corrupted me. He moves his right hand towards my face, brushing my hair behind my ear as he smiles reassuringly at me. I can feel my heart skip a beat as I fall in love with his smile again, his large brown eyes sucking me in and never letting go. 
  “Baby, everything will be alright. I'm by your side, everyone is beyond friendly, and not everyone can dance. Plus, they already know you're a complete doofus and that's why they're so excited to meet you.” I bust up laughing and nod, feeling a weight taken off my chest from the anxiety. “I promise. You’ll be fine and they’ll love you.” 
I stare at the entrance of Blackstaff, smiling as we begin to head inside. This is it. 
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what-if-nct · 1 year ago
hellooo today's reminder is the one thing i allowed myself to buy this month (I've spent way too much these past couple months so I'm trying to balance it out) came today and it's this adorable beige v-neck vest and like. the material is super cute and SO soft and perfectly airy for the summer and it isn't cropped but the length hits just right which is strange because things are usually long on me and they were out of my size so i went a size down and kinda thought that if i had to return it I'd snap out of it a bit but it fits perfectly, any bigger and i would've been drowning in it and not in a cute oversized way but in a "i stole my dad's sweater" way. also this is not generally my style but I've been watching more k dramas recently and really liked the look so i thought I'd give it a go and it looks so good, so much better than i expected. and I have broad shoulders so i tend not to wear things without sleeves but the shoulders are just the perfect width to where I'm not insecure that my arms are out and people can't see that I got my dad's build
… i love it so much and I'm so excited to wear it now let's all please take a moment to pray that this success does not get to my head and i don't go buying every cute thing i see
Hiii, Ooh that sounds so cute, I bet it looks amazing on you. I'm glad it fits perfectly it's so rare to find something that fits perfectly. But it's always the best treasure when it happens. But oh the tornado that happens after one good win then you're just optimistic that it'll all be perfect. Enjoy your new clothing item and close your eyes to every other cute thing you see. You can do it. I believe in you.
Oh I also purchased just one cute thing this month. I was at target and I first picked up a plain pink spaghetti strap crop top but I changed my mind after shopping for a bit and I walked back over to put it back and found the cutest top ever it's cream, made of ribbed pointelle which is my favorite fabric, it has tiny pink flowers, and lace trim with a cream ribbon rosette on the front and cap sleeves and I didn't think twice I bought it, it fits perfectly. And it matches my favorite skirt so well. I wore it on my most recent date and he said I looked cute and white looks good on me, I know boys can't see colors the way girls can but both the top and skirt are cream and beige in a way it's right beside soft yellow, to me the top looks buttery cream not ivory cream. And it's noticeably different beside my white clothes. I just thought it was cute.
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