#oh my god it's out in the world!!!!
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After all the lead up... it's here! Three years after posting the last story in my Mystrade spy series, His Professional Capacity, I'm back with a new installment.
The Bell Bird - Chapter 1
When a known assassin comes to London, Mycroft brings Greg along for some spying.
Tags: Assassins, Spies, Mycroft's job, BAMF Mycroft Holmes, Mycroft's work kids, Mycroft is a softie
2,744 words
If you just want to know the basics of the world and the characters before jumping in to this story, I recommend reading Protégé. If you want to get all the references, start with What He Does and read through the series from there. Each post has the next one linked at the bottom, or you can read them all on AO3.
The first chapter contains spoilers for the Count of Monte Cristo. If you haven't read that and plan to, I recommend skipping from where the characters start talking about it to the section break.
This story is completely written and is just being edited at this point. I anticipate posting a new chapter every Sunday, but we'll see.
Read it below or on AO3.
“I’ll see you for lunch.” The words were murmured against Greg’s cheek, followed by a soft kiss. Greg woke just enough to grunt an “Uh-huh” in response before sinking back into his pre-dawn sleep.
“Hey, boss!” Sally called from the other side of the crime scene they were studying. Greg looked up at her, and she jutted her chin towards the street. “That’s for you, innit?”
Greg followed her gaze to the sleek black sedan waiting by the kerb. He swore. It wasn’t that he had forgotten that he had agreed to meet Mycroft at his office for lunch, he had just lost track of the time. “Sally, is there any way you could—”
“Yeah, boss.” She grinned. “I’ve got it. Just try not to look too dishevelled when you come back, alright?”
Greg rolled his eyes. It had been one time in the early days when he and Mycroft could hardly keep their hands off each other, that he had pulled himself out of a black sedan looking slightly worse for wear. They had been through a lot since then: a hostage situation, the following recovery, an assassination attempt—and, of course, they had now lived together for well over a year. But Sally was covering for him, so he took the teasing without protesting that his days of acting like a horny teenager were behind him.
“Thanks, Sarge!” he called as he stood and dusted a few stray blades of grass off the knees of his trousers, then trotted over to the car. He opened the front passenger door and smiled at the driver. “Hey, Lucy.”
“Hey yourself,” Lucy replied, unable to suppress her grin even though she was annoyed. “Get in. You’re late. You could have let me know you wouldn’t be at the Met.”
Lucy Simmons and Mycroft had been junior agents together at the beginning of their careers. But just as Mycroft’s star was starting to rise, there had been an accident. Mycroft hadn’t given Greg details except to say that an innocent person had died as a result of Lucy’s actions. Reading between the lines of what Mycroft had felt he could say, Greg concluded that the incident had broken Lucy’s spirit and she had left the Service.
Later, when Mycroft needed a driver, he had found Lucy and asked her to come work for him. He had told her that he wanted someone who had intelligence experience and the proper security clearance, but didn’t have ambitions within the Service. Greg privately suspected that Mycroft had also wanted to make sure Lucy had a stable job with a good paycheck.
“Sorry,” Greg winced. “New murder.” He pulled out his mobile to text Mycroft. Running late, in car now. Very distracting murder, sorry. Still good for lunch?
“No novel?” Greg asked Lucy, looking around for the paperback she kept on hand for the times between driving Mycroft places. Greg liked Lucy a lot, but she was tight-lipped about anything personal, so books always fuelled their conversation when it was just the two of them in the car.
Lucy sighed and touched the tight bun in her greying hair. “Glove box. Don’t poke fun.”
Greg’s mobile pinged with Mycroft’s reply. I would still like you to come, but we will be a bit more rushed than I had intended.
Greg sighed as he texted back. Sorry. Love you.
“You reading a bodice-ripper?” Greg put his mobile away and opened the glove box to pull out a thick tome. “Count of Monte Cristo? Again, Lucy? How many times have you read this book?”
“I said not to poke fun!”
“I’m not poking fun. I am asking how many times you’ve read it.” He waved the book at her.
“It is the perfect book!” she said defensively. “It has pirates and buried treasure and star-crossed lovers and fighting and poison and wildly complicated revenge plots!”
“And all of the female characters are ridiculous one-dimensional parodies,” Greg said, depositing the book back in the glove box.
“Ok, Mr. Enlightened Feminist, most of the male characters are that too.”
“And a child gets murdered and the accessory to murder completely gets away with it!”
“Listen, copper, it was a bratty child and an accident, and the accessory felt bad.”
“Yeah, he felt bad as he went off to live his life of luxury with his child bride who literally saw him as a father figure!”
“There are well over a thousand pages of good stuff before that slightly questionable ending.”
“Uh huh. And how many times have you read those thousand pages of good stuff?”
“A few,” she admitted. “But I average two books a week, the vast majority of which are new to me, so I can have some literary comfort food sometimes.”
“Alright, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t tease. Oh! I started reading this new space opera a few days ago; it’s incredible.”
Greg exited the lift to Anthea’s slightly disapproving gaze. “They’re waiting for you,” she said by way of greeting.
“They?” Greg frowned and she waved him into the office.
“Sir, there’s no reason to do it this way!” The thick Scottish accent met Greg’s ears the moment he opened the sound-proofed door.
“The reason to do it this way, Mr. Romer, is that I say we are doing it this way, and that is sufficient.” Mycroft’s tone was calm and definitive.
Greg entered to see Mycroft seated behind his large mahogany desk with Agent Peter Romer pacing in front and Agent Fatima Ahmad lounging in one of the chairs. Romer’s hair was short and blonde, a look Greg hadn’t seen on him before, but it worked, particularly with the slim-fit light grey suit the young agent was sporting.
Greg assumed that Ahmad had clothing other than jeans and a leather jacket, but he had yet to see it. She leaned her head against the back of the chair, letting her long black braid hang down behind, the picture of languid grace.
They all looked up as Greg stepped into the room.
“Oh good,” Romer said, smirking. “Silver Fox made it after all.”
Mycroft’s smile was warm but a little strained. “Gregory. I had hoped we would have time to eat before Romer and Ahmad got here, but—”
Greg grimaced as he crossed the plush carpet. “Yeah, sorry, love. Got sidetracked by a new murder.” Greg quickly decided that he didn’t mind kissing Mycroft in front of the others. After all, they had both worked Mycroft’s security detail: it was nothing they hadn’t seen before. Still, he settled for a chaste kiss on the cheek before taking the chair beside Ahmad’s. “So, is this a group lunch?”
“No, Gregory,” Mycroft said, “we need to speak with you about a professional matter.”
“Oh, no,” Greg groaned. “My latest vic was a spy?”
“No, no. Nothing to do with any of your cases. One of Ahmad’s assignments actually.”
Greg looked at the woman with interest as she pulled herself up in her chair.
“There is a very skilled assassin whom I have tracked for a number of years called the Bell Bird,” Ahmad said, cracking her knuckles. “She works for hire and is not affiliated with any government or organisation as far as I’ve been able to tell. She’s American, and her cover is that she is an opera singer.”
“It’s not just a cover,” Mycroft interjected. “She’s a virtuosic soprano. A sought-after recitalist who has recorded several albums that have sold very well.”
“Her career as a singer, legitimate though it may be,” Ahmad acknowledged, “has provided cover for her extralegal activities. She has a performance in a city, and while she’s there someone turns up dead. It’s never anyone who has a link to her, but we believe that she sometimes makes contact with her clients at her performances. I’ve been able to link her to ten murders in the five years I’ve been tracking her.”
Greg’s jaw dropped. “Ten murders? And you haven’t brought her in?”
“She has never worked in the United Kingdom,” Mycroft said. “And her activities have not… conflicted with our interests to this point.”
“Yeah, but ten murders is ten murders!”
“We are not international police, Gregory. I could no more arrest her for a murder that happened in Paris or Singapore than you could.”
“Then why follow her?”
“Because we want to know what someone like that is up to,” Romer put in from where he leaned against the desk, hands in the pockets of his trousers.
“And because by following her, we now know that she is coming to the United Kingdom,” Mycroft said. “To London, in fact.”
Greg’s eyes widened. “Why now?”
“We don’t know, but we intend to find out.” Mycroft leaned forward over his desk.
Greg looked between the three of them. “Are… you planning to have me investigate the murder she does here?”
Romer snorted. “That’s a more reasonable guess than the actual plan.”
“We don’t actually know if she’s planning a murder here.” Mycroft’s glare removed the smirk from Romer’s face. “The fact that she’s never worked here, despite being a native speaker of the language – well, the American version of the language – is notable. She does have singing engagements that seem to be unconnected to her murder-for-hire work, and it is entirely possible that she is coming for one of those.”
The looks on Ahmad’s and Romer’s faces clearly showed what they thought of that possibility.
“Next week she will be performing at an invite-only fundraiser for the arts education charity I support, and I have received an invitation,” Mycroft continued. “I shall be attending, and I would like you to accompany me, Gregory.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You want to go hear a murderer sing? Isn’t that what you have this lot for?” Greg waved a hand at Romer and Ahmad. “And, I don’t know, all of your other field agents?”
“Romer and Ahmad have both secured places on the catering staff for the event, and Wilkinson and Yang will at least be nearby as well,” Mycroft said, referring to the two agents who were currently on his security detail. “If the prospect alarms you, Gregory, I can attend alone—”
“I’m not alarmed about me attending, Mycroft, I’m alarmed about you attending!” Greg turned to Romer. “How many people are trying to kill him?”
“More than you have clearance to know about,” the young man replied.
“And you want to go cosy up to an international assassin?” Greg asked Mycroft.
“Don’t be dramatic, Gregory, there will be no ‘cosying up.’ I want to use an easy opportunity to see what the woman is up to, and who she meets there. By doing so, we may be able to prevent a murder. I was hoping that you would agree to join me to add your considerable observational skill to the operation, as well as to be on hand if something goes awry.”
Romer jumped in before Greg could reply. “A role that – if you insist on attending – could easily be played by a trained field agent, sir.”
“Yes, Romer,” Mycroft’s tone contained a hint of irritation, “but as we have discussed, I will be using no more than my standard cover for this event, as the invitation was issued to me. Gregory is my partner and I have no desire to complicate things by bringing another individual to an event we would be expected to attend as a couple.”
“Sir, you were ‘married’ to Agent Forrester for a year in Bilbao,” Romer protested, doing the air quotes.
Mycroft narrowed his eyes. “I’ve never talked to you about that operation. Are they teaching that in training now?” He sighed at Romer’s nod. “Christ, I feel old.” He shook his head. “Regardless, the fact that a female colleague and I posed as a married couple during an extended overseas operation a number of years ago has no bearing on this situation. Mycroft Holmes of the Department for Transport received an invitation to attend with a guest and I shall be attending. I fail to understand why you are trying to overcomplicate this, Romer.”
“And I fail to understand why you two,” Greg levelled looks at Ahmad and Romer, “aren’t kicking up more of a fuss about him attending at all.”
“She doesn’t kill at her performances,” Ahmad said simply. “It would ruin her excellent cover. It’s much more likely that she’s going to make contact with her client there. The odds are quite high that Mr. Holmes will be perfectly safe, and they only improve if you’re aware of the situation and are on your toes and maybe armed. Romer’s just being stroppy because he never got over the situation with the Russians, and Mr. Holmes sending him to the Continent for four months didn’t help like it was intended to.”
“Oi!” Romer protested.
Plus,” Ahmad ignored Romer and looked Mycroft right in the eye, “the boss has been behind that desk since Syria, and he gets tetchy when it’s been this long since his last op.”
Mycroft rolled his eyes. “Get out, both of you. Romer, I want the revision of your Oslo report in an hour. Ahmad, I’m sure you have something to do that does not involve insubordination and antagonising your colleagues.”
Both agents gave a “yes, sir,” before leaving.
“Syria,” Greg said quietly, once the door had shut behind them. Mycroft’s face became immediately inscrutable. “You’ve never said where…” Greg trailed off, waited for some kind of reaction or response, but Mycroft just watched him in silence. It had been eighteen months since Mycroft had been taken hostage. Eighteen months since he had been beaten, choked, and forced to watch his team be hurt. They only talked about it in the most abstract terms, and usually only after Mycroft woke screaming from nightmares, when Greg would hold him and stroke his hair and his back until the shaking stopped.
Greg cleared his throat. “Was she not supposed to say that? Is my clearance not high enough to know where you were?”
It was a strange thing, seeing emotion return to his partner’s face. Fatigue, sadness, a little fear. “It is now,” Mycroft murmured, looking away from him, “since I had it raised last year. I can’t give you details but the location is permitted. I just…”
Greg stood and rounded the desk, half perching beside Mycroft and cupping his cheek in his hand, turning his face up. “It’s alright, darling. We don’t need to talk about it.” Greg leaned down for a kiss, warm and gentle.
When they broke apart Mycroft smiled up at him and squeezed his thigh. “Thank you, Gregory,” he whispered.
Greg kissed his forehead again before sitting back with a slightly mischievous smile. “So you’ve been tetchy with the kids lately?”
Mycroft snorted in surprised amusement, but then sighed. “I suppose I get a bit… nitpicky. When I haven’t been directly involved in an operation for a while.” He rubbed his forehead. “A slight tendency towards more criticism than is strictly necessary with my subordinates.”
“You? Nitpicky? I can’t even imagine!” Greg grinned.
Mycroft shot him a slightly sour look. “Be that as it may, while it is certainly possible to do my job in a purely supervisory capacity, and that is how my predecessor did it, I believe a more hands-on approach leads to better results. And it keeps me from going mad.”
Greg bit his lower lip and chuckled. “Alright, so to maintain your sanity and to keep your agents from finding other employment, we’re going to spy on an international assassin who is singing a charity concert?”
Mycroft paused to consider for a moment. “That’s about the shape of it, yes.”
“When’s this happening? Do I get any spy training first?”
“The concert is next week and no, you don’t need any special training beyond your already considerable detective skills. As Ahmad said, we just want you to be aware of the situation and on your guard. The spying, as it were, is well in hand.”
“So I’ll get to observe you in the field? One of the best?”
Mycroft raised one eyebrow. “There is no ‘one of,’ Gregory.”
“Hah!” Greg laughed. “Not bothering with modesty today, darling?”
Mycroft smirked. “There is little less attractive than false modesty, my love.”
Greg snorted and shook his head. “Ridiculous how hot I find it when you’re being an arrogant twit.” He leaned in for another kiss, this one neither chaste nor gentle.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, I appreciate if you let me know!
Chapter 2 is up now.
#oh my god it's out in the world!!!!#this has been a long time coming#I'm very excited for people to read it#pleeeaaase let me know if you read it!#ahem some organization tags:#mystrade#mycroft holmes#greg lestrade#mycroft holmes x greg lestrade#bbc sherlock#mystrade fan fic#his professional capacity#mirokai writes
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"Former One Direction singer Liam Payne died outside a hotel in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, local media reported on Wednesday, saying the 31-year-old British musician was found dead after falling from the hotel's third floor.
Citing officials, leading local newspapers La Nacion and Clarin reported that police were called to the hotel in the capital's leafy Palermo neighborhood responding to an emergency call that cited "an aggressive man who could be under the effects of drugs and alcohol.""
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#destiel meme news#destiel meme#news#world news#liam payne#one direction#1d#1direction#entertainment news#death tw#tw death#accidental death#oh my god#sorry if you find out this way
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I wish we could have met in some other way.
Lawlight Week Day 2: Soulmates
If you saw me repost and re-edit this several times uh No you didn't </3
Still frames/Individual gifs:


If you know what every frame is from you get a free cookie. by the way
#death note#dn#light yagami#l lawliet#lawlight#oh god here we go#death note jdrama#death note 2015#death note 2006#death note musical#lctw#l change the world#dntm#lawlightweek2024#my art#collapses i am NEVER putting this much effort in one piece ever again /hj this was the Only one i had mostly prepared in advance#ironically the most painstaking part about making this entire thing was converting the images into an animated file#that wasn't either horrifically compressed or just. wouldn't loop. why do gifs have to look so BAD it's so inconvenient#and THEN i realized I had to forcibly Stitch the two animations together so they would actually be synced and it wouldn't look dumb#and the end result is STILL so compressed. because Tumblr. uhhh just don't click on it it'll look so scuffed LOL. anyways#this is what i get for watching Every Adaptation of Death Note. i am a death note multiverse truther#usually i'd have something clever to say in the tags but. this drained the life out of me just uh.#yeah. they're doomed in every universe. this is the only way they could've met. they are doomed by their own natures and the#circumstances that surround them. there is no universe where light tries to prevent L's death. and even in the cases where L Doesn't die#there is no universe where L can save light. there is no universe where he can truly “catch” Kira and make him see where he went wrong#(<- if you read LCTW you know. :) )#in every universe and adaptation L will call Light his first friend. in some universes they'll take that notion more seriously than others#no matter what one of them will die due to the other. its the only constant. it's the only way it can ever be. they are the others downfall
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
#either that or hilariously dysfunctional or both#tf one#orion pax#d 16#megop#megatron#optimus prime#my art#saw one post pointing out in the trailer that a like5 frame shot of megatrons cannon that was snuck between their mahoushoujo type transfor#mations and like.messed up deeply messed up u see how goofy best friends orion and megsy are theyre just silly guys but in every telling of#their story they always end up enemies ok like in a meta multiverse hopping way think about it.like oh my god prewar tfp megop was already j#juicy and earthspark divorced-remarried megop is like.RGHFH tf one is going to destroy me bc this is what they had Before do u get me#before the war before they fell apart before friends became enemies and hands were stained before the beginning of the end im so so normal#like ok.this silly tight goofy buddy dynamic thats shown in tf one so far is.is what they had before. its what they could have kept if only#if only things turned out differently. but in every world optimus prime and megatron end up leading opposite sides of the bloodiest war ever#ok.its a universal fact and everyone who knows any transformers knows this BUT THE CHARACTERS DONT THEYRE POWERLESS TO PREVENT IT#ill clean up these tags in the morning but like im so.so normal about fictional robot guys#anyway i was intending to draw a background for this but i got lazy and also spent too long on the hands!!!!so whatever
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Why are you running?
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jiang yanli#jin zixuan#The ship between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli is yuri. To me.#That whole tearful public confession? The way he immediately runs off? Yuriful.#Everyone going 'oh my god what' and 'hey why are you running off???' makes this chaotic scene even funnier.#He's going to just hide behind a tree a few meters away. They can still see his little hat poking out as he cries.#If I was JYL I would have started biting someone.#What do you *mean* the guy you once had feelings for but treated you poorly now says he likes you? What do you do with that information?#Is it character development? Is it worth letting your heart open up again? Is it a mistake to be vulnerable like that?#Not enough credit is given to the internal torment of shijie.#It really does feel like your world is spinning around when someone you did not expect to confess *does*.#This guy has a LOT to make up for though. I wouldn't take him back but I'm also too rational for my own good at times.
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one day, in a thousand years
#I THINK I HAUVE COVID#oh to meet your love after a thousand years at a museum exhibit of your past lives#thinking about them makes me so sick so ILL DISEASED#I AM NOT IMMUNE#spc i’m cursing u forever for this wtf. WTF bro wtf#ouyang’s last thoughts were a desperate plea for esen to wait for him.#he has NEVER called him by first name he has NEVER asked him anything#and his last thought is asking him to wait#and esen does. bc he would have given ouyang anything he asked for#god i hope u get rawed so good it makes up for all the lost lifetimes u earned it#he who drowned the world#she who became the sun#the radiant emperor#general ouyang#esen-temur#(zhu also present in the golden imperial dragon and the golden light of gayness that brought them together again)#my art#not super proud of how it turned out tbh tbh it looks better in my head 😔😔#would’ve stayed in the drafts if not for my need to feed this 4 ppl fandom#and if not for robin motivation nfngdjfb ty kissa you forever#id in alt text
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Hey there! I read both Reprogrammed and Decoded and was blown away. Unfortunately (sorta), my odd little brain had one little question that was burning from the end of Reprogrammed till the end of the story: what about the Wild Kratts Kids? How did they react to Chris's disappearance/return? I know if I were 8 and my teacher (i guess thats an okay metaphor? maybe?) randomly disappeared for 3 months and came back 10 pounds lighter with dozens of new scars and white hair in their early twenties, I'd be a little torn up/curious. How would Chris feel about showing up on screen in front of a bunch of kids in his state? Would he...wear a...hat...or something...? I don't know, just thoughts lol
They never told the public that Chris was missing (Didn't wanna scare the kids or give the Villains the knowledge that they were vulnerable)
And being out in the most rural parts of the world, it's not uncommon for them to go months without any sort of public appearance. For now, Martin is handling any sort of press alone until Chris is ready to be back in the public eye.
But of course they still run into a wild kratts kid every once and a while.
He's still working on his alibi.....
#wild kratts#littlecrittereli#chris kratt#wk reprogrammed au#reprogrammed au#martin kratt#asks#wild kratts fanart#wild kratts au#kratt brothers#wk decoded#I'd like to think they arent super mainstream celebrities#like in the scientific world? legends ofc#but like the average joe probably doesnt really know who they are#but they end up on the news every so often for their breakthroughs in biology and robots#(well Aviva gets on the news)#The brothers are just the poster boys LOL#they definitely avoid the press as much as possible though#they only do public appearances when they absolutely have to for like... grant and funding reasons... they would much rather be in the fiel#they are 100% more interested in animals than the fame AHAHA#they are like oh my god please leave us alone and let us hang out with animals#(they always have time to educate the kids though)#(and they volunteer to lecture at colleges every so often too)
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Siiighs.... here's Crumb's official little design page thing after a few days of rotating them. They are wearing generic clothes in the second image (and doodles) so i can show off their weird limbs. Not quite just human anymore but also nowhere close to divine. Warped by the rift into something they can't recognize as themselves- at least not yet.
Worst vacation ever, 0/10 wouldn't recommend to my worst enemies.
#great god grove#ggg spoilers#ggg hector#ggg miss mitternacht#ggg patty#ggg godpoke#Crumbs got assigned part bizzyboy by the rift and its not even a joke. i wish it was a joke.#say thanks to hector for messign their life up for daring to do somethign so heinous as: go on a fucking vacation#some prize for saving the world; eh? getting amalgamated with traits from multiple gods because the state of the rift#pretty indulgent idea and design but its MY CRUMBS i do what I WANT /silly#desperate need to make my godpoke a fizzgig won out in the end#we really need to get this thing therapy oh my god#also not my adhd pulling me from projects i should be doing for things like this lol#just take it and enjoy crumbs and the issues ive put into their little head#They/them only for crumbs and an extra reminder to say they are mute and have been since pre rift
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a lot of thoughts are being thunk
#havent been the same ever since i saw this clip a few hours ago#like its just. so simple but oh my gOD he makes me feel so many things#i dont wanna go all full obsessive on here bcs its embarrassing but#are yall even seeing his curlsssss like how has the rest of the world not just stopped to admire his hair????#how can people just go on with their lives without freaking out#and his pretty pretty pretty eyes#can never get enough of them#and just. everything about him is perfect?? like the nose and cheeks and#said i wasnt gonna get obsessive and then it still happened 🙃 i apologize#anyways. cutie pie#i reeeeaaallllyyyy need to write more college!will but i have no ideas 💔#nhl#hockey#will smith#william smith#san jose sharks#will smith hockey#sharks
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do u guys know that one song by doja cat that goes “like fortnite ima need ur skin.” that’s what inspired this. hope u enjoy. | mlist

imagine you, an aspiring singer, starting to date the wildly influential streamer, kodzuken. you two are the definition of a picture perfect couple, and you start to make lots of content together. as a result, your career begins to take off, and kenma’s content grows in popularity,
everything’s great— until it isn’t. the relationship ends up crashing and burning in an embarrassingly public breakup.
people are devastated. video essays are made. diehard fans even claim the split is the equivalent of “parents divorcing.”
it’s a whole ordeal.
but as time passes, the wounds heal. and in true internet fashion, it becomes old news. some people still whisper about how they believe you two are soulmates, but for the most part, kenma’s chat and your comment section don’t get flooded with invasive questions about whether you two will get back together anymore.
fast forward to two years or so after the breakup, you and kenma end up growing in your respective careers. his several business ventures have grown exponentially, and you’re now selling out stadiums.
kenma doesn’t stream as much as he used to when you two were together, but he chalks it up to having to juggle so many different commitments now. fans speculate as to whether or not that’s the true reason, but as a collective, they agree that they’ll take whatever content they can get from the elusive creator.
despite not streaming as frequently, kenma still likes to indulge his audience every once in a while by hopping online. normally, he likes to decide what to play, but every once in a while, he’ll let chat decide.
tonight is one of those nights.
on a whim, he gives in to requests for him to boot up fortnite— an old favorite of his— for the first time in months.
big mistake.
the second he opens the once beloved game, he gets jumpscared by something that even his worst nightmares couldn’t have fathomed.
to his horror, and the chat’s delight, he finds that you’ve become the poster child for fortnite’s newest campaign. your face is on the menu screen, banners of you flash in bright colors, and you’re plastered everywhere in the item shop.
they say men are constantly haunted by the ghost of their first love, and in a cruel twist of fate, it’s a saying that has become ironically true for kenma as he realizes that epic games has made you into a fucking skin.
he debates the consequences of throwing his pc into a wall, but his screen flashes with an overly excitable chat faster than he can make a decision. old fans are freaking out, new gen fans are wondering what all the fuss is about, and someone donates just to type “YOU’RE FUCKED.”
kenma has half the mind to laugh as the notification illuminates his face because he knows the donor is right.
he’s not an idiot. he knows that you’re popular now, but to be so famous that you have your own skin? he’s in absolute disbelief. there’s no way the universe hates him this much. it’s bad enough that you’re on every headline and radio station. now you’re in his favorite video game?!?!
he is so unbelievably, irrevocably fucked.

—a/n: i think that kenma’s viewers are evil and they all band together and emote on kenma with ur skin whenever they see him online.
—a/n #2: has anyone written abt this concept before. pls lmk. i would love to read it bc i giggled so hard when the thought popped in my head HAHAHA.
—a/n #3: guys i don’t play fortnite, watch streamers, or write for kenma at all so pls don’t hate on me ok thx love u
#this is truly a brain dump oh my god#sorry for the horrible writing#i needed to get this out into the world#LOLLL#kenma x reader#kozume kenma#kozume kenma x reader#haikyuu x reader#hq x reader#hq x you#hq x y/n#haikyuu x you#haikyuu x y/n#kenma x you#kenma x y/n#kenma kozume x reader#haikyuu fluff#hq fluff#kenma kozume x you#kozume kenma x you
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"Hunter is my mentor. When I was found, hungry and scared, he brought me to his iterator's superstructure, and it became my new home. To my surprise, two other slugpups inhabited the premises already. Both of them got also, well, adopted by him. These scugs were just a little older than me, so I finally had friends to play with (and not feel so incredibly alone anymore)."
"In the following cycles, Hunter would venture out on «expeditions»... and would almost always come back with a new little friend. Our group grew over time, and we founded our own small colony. A bunch of kids and one adult is a valid colony, right? It felt right to be amongst my own kind, even if it was hard in the beginning. I did not know how to properly socialize, considering my troubled past. I had to learn a lot of things on the go."
"Before all that, during my time with the scavenger toll tribe, I would occasionally see other slugcats, too. But those scugs either gave us a wide berth, or the tribe would hide me away whenever someone crossed the toll. I think I was too much of a valuable asset to them, they didn't want me to get killed or kidnapped... but that also meant constant supervision, and little to no contact with the outside world. Of course, all that ended... when..."
[Marbles is visibly uncomfortable, but continues her story anyway]
"... uh, well... when they all died. Something got to them. At that time, I thought it was a big lizard, or even a vulture, but the claw marks were small... and, a predator would kill to eat, right? They would be eaten, and yet, they were all left there. Some with burned body parts, and wounds from explosives. The only logical explanaiton I can think of, is that another tribe wiped them out. But why would they do that? There were no warning signs, no previous skirmishes. I ran away as fast as I could - I was so sure I'd perish too if I lingered there for too long. That was the moment I escaped death for the second time..."
"Um, it's... fine? There weren't as many scavengers near NHS' structure anyway, and they stayed out our way. But here, all around Five Pebbles, there's so many of them... and so many pearls, too. It's a gold mine. I can't wait to see what I find or trade for here. I did notice though, the scavengers living in this area are more nervous and jumpy. They seem not to like strangers, be it scug, scav, or any other creature. I have to be more careful around them, sign slowly and clearly that I mean no harm."
[Her ear flicks and she turns her head around, staring into the distance for a moment, before turning it back]
"Another curious thing I've noticed, are those big scavengers roaming around in groups of three or four. They wield sparkling spears and don painted vulture masks. A scary sight to behold... makes me wonder if those are warriors from the aforementioned Metropolis? I want to go there, but I'm a little scared now..."
#rain world#rain world au#rain world oc#rw pioneer#rw hunter#slugcat#slugpup#artificer's pups#ask blog#au lore#“hey is this my slugpupo??”#yes#yes it is#only one drawing for this one#i hope that's okay#dis be a busy weekend#i ran out of time to do more drawings#oh gods what had tumblr done to my drawing...#*pain*#TIL anything +1500pxl in width gets compressed
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“the jump for the beef is so easy how could you fail this!!” have you perchance heard of worldbuilding or fictional stories
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LETS FUCKING GOOOOO canon vampire minhkhoa khan. once again i experience what it is to win
#minhkhoa khan#ghostmaker#dc vs vampires#dc vs vampires world war V#ghost-maker#khoa khan#CANON VAMPIRE KHOA LETS GO LETS GO#literally found out yesterday bc i've been avoiding spoilers on dc vs vamps oh my god the high will last me forever#scribbled this so quick in response#z draws#I WON#wednesday spoilers#kinda#dc fanart#dc comics fanart#dc comics#the ghostmaker#maybe a WIP bc id love to come back n make this less messy
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Gigi... I love you Gigi... hello Gigi...
#Move out of the way everyone I HAVE A NEW FAVOURITE TOON IN TOWN#Shes so silly I love her so much. I LOVE HER SO MUCH#I cannot fucking wait to see what her interactions are with everyone else oh my god#art#dandys world#dandy's world#gigi dandy's world#I need to blow her up (out of love)#I still need to figure out how to draw her comfortably but her sleeves are so fun to draw
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Prompt 101
The Fentons have created a machine! A wonderful machine that will reveal a ghost’s true form! So that everyone will see their trickery! They’ll see that the monsters they really are!
Now, to know what all went wrong, one would have to know some things about the ghost zone, and more specifically the area the Fentons had managed to punch through to.
For one, ghosts do not age like humans. Oh they might take a form similar to that of their death, which may appear as an adult or teen or something similar, but with how they can only die by the complete destruction of their core, theoretically a ghost could live forever once formed.
In fact, the equivalent of eighteen years for a ghost was one-hundred realms-years dead. And those years don’t always sync up with the years of the living world that one might open a door into. Thankfully, the Fenton’s world, being one of those synced closer to the Realms, only had a time dilation of a few seconds.
That being said, the area their portal had ripped into was incredibly rich in ectoplasm. And areas like that, were where newborn ghosts were formed and arrived. A ghost daycare of sorts, almost akin to a toddler area of the zone.
Which meant that when they shoot the Phantom-menace and other pesky ghosts to revert them into their true form, it isn’t exactly monsters that appear. Instead, there are now several ghost toddlers- or in the phantom-trio’s case literal babies- flying around. Very unhappy ghost toddlers.
What a horrible time for the Justice League to arrive. Though perhaps some would say it was actually perfect timing.
#dcxdp#dpxdc#prompts#all the rogues are bby#Danny is also bby#Justice League: Oh my god are these alien children why are there so many#Justice League: WHY ARE PEOPLE SHOOTING AT THE BABIES#Justice League dark is going to be freaking out#What do you Mean the government is hunting baby Realms beings?!#Do you *want* to piss off primordial beings holding worlds together because that'd do it!#Danny: *BitesYouBitesYouBitesYouBitesYouBitesYouBitesYou*#Toddler Box ghost & Lunch lady: W-what if we... held hands a-and shared a sandwich-#TT about Skulker: THE BABY HAS A GUN- OVER!#“What?!”#TT: I will give you this lolipop for that gun#TT as Skulker cocks the gun: Or not this is a robbery now#Technus: I AM DA MASTER OF TECH-MOLOGY!#JL who just hear toddler baby babble: Aw Cyborg he likes you
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i actually think ppl dealing with religious trauma by having an edgy atheist phase is fine. I actually think maybe the kid who makes sorta cringey jokes at the expense of a cult they're trapped in should be allowed to do that. Yes I roll my eyes when I see people calling it "the book of moron" but I also remember being fourteen and seeing someone do that and how incredibly powerful it felt so I think maybe it being a bit cringe in retrospect is fine.
#no one ever fucking. mentions that part of cringe culture. when theyre criticizing it#like no one's willing to defend teenagers who are maybe kinda annoying abt their religious trauma!! worst crime in the world i guess#oh noooo the kid who's forced to attend a church that tells them theyre evil for existing said god is fake and they were SMUG abt it!! 😱😱#who caressss if u think its stupid its not FOR you#ties into my feelings about teenage rebellion being 'cringe' in general tbh. like sorry the person who has zero autonomy is acting out#maybe you should! treat them like a person! that might help who knows!#exmo#exmormon#religious trauma
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