#oh my god and they can do it the way the impulse comics go with like how he barely talks and imagines a lot more and pictures things in his
animentality · 22 hours
special announcement time
alright everyone.
at long last, i have finished polishing my latest writing project, a horror romcom fantasy novel (94k words), and am looking for beta readers to tell me what they think of it.
but not only that...
i am also interested in beta swapping.
if you got an ongoing fanfic, if you've got a novel of your own...or any other kind of big writing project, or web comic even, that you want eyes on...dm me or send me an ask (or reply to this post, I'll reach out).
i have turned on dms and replies for this purpose.
it can be pretty much any length and any genre, about anything. i don't mind any experience level either, whether you've never written anything at all, or have been doing it for years. i can help aspiring authors (trad or indie), fanfic authors who want to participate in fan events/post to AO3, people who don't want to share their work with the public...
i'll read sci fi, fantasy, horror, historical, contemporary, romance. porn. any genre, with any audience (YA, MG, adult, whatever).
but also, you know. we don't have to swap. if you just wanna read it, that's perfectly alright too. summary here, so you can see if you'd be interested.
Warnings: Graphic violence, child death (death of an infant), self-harm (because their powers are blood-based, and they need to self harm in order to use them), implied sexual assault/incest (not graphic), animal death (a lot of it), and oh yeah, sex scenes. this is an adult romantasy. adult.
In a world ravaged by war between the old gods and the new, demigods sow chaos and discord wherever they go, destined to be either legendary heroes or fearsome villains. But Marrow is not like other demigods. They are the child of the god of blood and slaughter, born with only one purpose: to kill in their savage father’s name, and bleed the entire world dry. The one problem? 
The only living creature they want to kill is their father.
But Marrow has been imprisoned within their temple for their entire life, unable to realize that dream…until now. A deal with a devil allows them to escape, making their way into a hostile world they know little about- and matters are not helped by the fact that their father can use their eyes to see what they're seeing at any time. To keep him from seeing their location, Marrow must remained blindfolded. But Marrow, an eternal optimist, won’t let their lack of vision stop them from fulfilling their lifelong dream. 
The demigod hunter might, however. Arlo Ren is a member of the Razor Watch, a religious order dedicated to the goddess of the hunt. He is clever, but impulsive, eager to prove himself to his goddess by capturing powerful prey. Soon after meeting Marrow by chance, and discovering what they are, he sees his opportunity and refuses to let it go. Literally. The demigod hunter handcuffs the demigod to his side, and swears to sacrifice them in his god’s name. Luckily for him, Marrow is an inexperienced, blind pacifist, who needs him to guide them through a dangerous, unknown world. They fully intend to escape him eventually. But perhaps a demigod and a demigod hunter have more in common than they might think. Perhaps they might even need each other...but they will, at the very least, need to learn how to live, work, and fight together as they are relentlessly chased by Marrow’s powerful demigod siblings, all hoping to kill their youngest sibling and please the god they abandoned. 
So yeaaaah. DM or replied or whatever if interested. We can chat some more in discord or on Tumblr (but I'm faster on discord).
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oh-theatre · 1 year
I think it’s time for a Bart Allen show
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feelingbat-ty · 4 months
This is inspired by @aflamboyanceofflamingos post about Tim choosing to publicly hate Robin as Tim Drake, cause to love or hate someone is the best way to hide a secret identity.
I started thinking about Tim coming into contact with his teammates as a civilian and Tim using this as an opportunity to take out all the grievances he has for his team in a way, that 1) Won't cause tension and fights. And 2) let him get away with being a petty arsehole, cause it's not like superheros can just go and beat up random civilians.
And well... my hand slipped.
--- You Can't Spell Spite Without Timothy Jackson Drake ---
The amount of times YJ comes across Tim Drake in the wild would be concerning if Tim didn't stalk them as often as his busy schedule allows (which turns out to be quite often). The Beta tube in the Batcave and another secret Beta tube in the bowls of Wayne enterprise's Francisco building allows Tim easy and direct access whenever he so desires.
And well, Tim never did grow out of his stalking phase.
It would be comical - if it wasn't maddening - how often they don't realise he's there. Most of the time he's stalking trailing a member of the team he's not trying to hide his presence, it wouldn't make sense for him to, not as Tim Drake.
The team have a tally board that sits in the common room, it's at 85.
His team's situational awareness is absolutely appalling. 85, they've noticed him only 85 of the hundreds of times he's followed them around?
He complains to Dick about it, a lot. He's hoping Dick will give him some tips on how to beat situational awareness into his teammates thick skulls. He was the leader of the Titans, so he has to have something!
Dick - like the asshole he secretly is - just laughs at him.
He asks Cassie about it once. Why they don't find it concerning that they encounter Tim Drake: famous for being the civilian who 'beat Robin in a fight' every other week?
"I mean, You're usually right about these sorts of things, Rob. If you don't think Drakes an issue, then we trust you."
Tim can't figure out whether to feel warm and giddy at the fact that they apparently trust him, or to be annoyed at the fact that they follow after him like sheep. Not even doing their own research and recon (Cassie probably did. Kon and Bart? Yeah, hell would have a better chance at freezing over).
The first time was a coincidence. Tim had needed some space (from Bruce. From his deadlines. From his own mind...) and ended up wondering the streets of San Francisco with no real destination in mind.
An impulse turn led him onto the boardwalk and from there right to Superboy.
It was a bright and sunny day in Fran and Kon was glowing. Literally, because of the sun and figuratively from pride after he stopped a would-be pick pocket-er from pick pocketing an elderly lady.
He shouldn't. He knows he shouldn't, not when the team know of Tim Drake, know his face and all about how he hates Robin and makes it his whole personality. Not when the only thing that stops them putting Tim Drake on Baby Super villain watch is Tims general blasé attitude about, well... himself.
But is it oh, so tempting.
Especially because the month before, Kon had accidentally smashed Tim's favourite coffee mug in a series of event's (involving a yoga ball, shearing scissors, laser vision and a will from God himself) so convoluted that Tim was convinced it had been orchestrated for a solid week.
Was it a cheap mug from Kmart? Yes, but it's the principle of the matter!
As Tim’s left shoe impacts the side of Superboys face, a sense of manic glee overtakes him. Tim takes special care to seer this memory of Superboy getting hit in the head with Tim's shoe and the stupid face he makes as the ratty converse collides with his cheek, into his brain.
It's not much, but it's justice all the same for his once beloved mug.
Tim... might just be a tad sleep-deprived.
Superboy startles and lets out a frantic “Shit!” Assuming he’s being attacked by a surprise enemy (the kind that isn’t just civilians throwing shoes) he looks around, taking stock of his surroundings and looking for any immediate threats before glancing down at the shoe and visibly doing a double take.
His face is blank as he stares - undoubtably confused - at the shoe. A second later he's lifting his gaze, following the direction the show came from and staring right at Tim.
Tim, who (like an idiot) is still, for some reason, positioned how he was when he threw the shoe - arm outstretched and leg back to brace himself.
There is absolutely no way he wasn't the one who threw the shoe. If the stance didn't give it away, then him having one shoe (that shoe being a near identical ratty rad converse) probably did.
“What?” Superboy asks. He looks befuddled. A little amused, but mostly just confused. He's got a small, polite smile on his face that just reeks of Clark Kent's influence. Kon is obviously trying to model himself off of Superman - specifically Superman's polite and approachable "Grandma pinching worthy" vibe and not his fashion choices, since he's still got the leather jacket and sunglasses.
Tim makes a mental note to tell Kon that he has a really expressive face. Tim is literally reading all his emotions in 4K. They should probably work on that, it could be a liability in the field.
Tim briefly considers playing dumb and acting like it wasn’t him that threw the shoe, before dismissing that idea, Kon can be clueless at times, but he’s not a complete idiot.
So instead, he says, “that was a very open-ended question.”
And well, it was.
At the look Superboy gives him, he elaborates, “What, when said in that context, could mean literally anything! Like, ‘what was the purpose of that?’ ‘What’s your name, so I can in-prison you’ ‘What shoe size was that?’ Seriously, dude, be more specific!”
Superboy’s befuddlement takes a sudden nosedive to incredulity. “Okay, fine. Why did you throw a shoe at me?”
“Cause you work with Robin.” He says simply. He'd say 'justice' but then he'd sound like batman and like, thanks but no thanks.
“Cause I- what? You physically assaulted me with a shoe because I work on the same team as Robin?”
Tim, personally, thinks assault is a strong word to use for this situation, but he’s glad that at least some of his lessons on the proper terms and vocabulary are paying off.
He nods, cause that is indeed what he just did, he crosses his arms across his chest, and stares Superboy down.
Superboy who, looks like he’s regretting everything that led him to this moment. Tim relishes in that for just a little too long to be healthy. Probably.
Tim doesn’t really care. He told Kon (as Robin) that he’d regret breaking Tim’s favourite mug (accident or not, he's still not over it.) yeah, this might not be how either of them envisioned it, but Tim thinks this might just be better than beating Kon up as Robin in their next team training session. What better way to get someone back than to publicly humiliate them in front of all their peers? Shame he can't do that anymore.
Eh, who is he kidding? He’s still going to do that anyway.
“You’re only gonna throw one?” Superboy has a look on his face that’s similar to the one Bruce gets when he’s decided to give up and play along with the crazy. The one where he'll smile and nod, slowly inching out of the room, as Duke and Damian (There has truly never been a more terrifying duo) explain to him in vivid detail how they're going to use psychological warfare to make a shitty teacher at their school resign.
“Yes.” Why’d he throw both his shoes? He’d have no shoes!
“… Right. Why did you throw this one?”
All these questions!
“I like that one the least,” he shrugs, and it's true, the converse on his right foot has a little bi flag that Steph sewed into it back when they were dating. A throw pillow was the closest thing in reach at the time, so he sewed a little pan flag on it for her (he later did one on the breast pocket of one of her denim jackets).
“You are so freakin’ weird, dude! You throw a shoe at me! Because I work with Robin!”
Uh, yeah, we've already established that.
“How did you even get it off that fast!”
To be Honest, Tim is also surprised at how fast he was able to get his shoe off. One second he’s looking at Superboy the next he’s lobbing a shoe at his thick head.
Instead of saying any of that, Tim channels his inner Janet Drake, sticking his nose into the air and scoffing like Kon is the literal gum stuck on the sole of his shoe.
Kon, - because he’s no longer Superboy, he’s too fired up to hold onto the mask - shakes his head. It’s mocking, when he says, “You must be really shitty at throwing a punch if you had to resort to throwing shoes.”
Tim shrugs, “Well, I woulda thrown a fist, but you’re not worth a fist.”
Kon is silent and doing an amazing impression of a blobfish.
Tim turns and struts away before Kon has the chance to come up with a rebuttal, or just decides to punch him in the face.
He’ll grab his shoe later, after Kon leaves.
The basted incinerated his shoe.
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gabriellaeva2005 · 4 months
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I really cannot express how much this piece of work means to me! As corny as it sounds I really found this story at the perfect point in my life, I initially started reading the impulse 1995 comics when I was 14 and I ended up falling upon this story when I was 17 I just immediately fell in love! The concept was so creative and fit into the pre-existing plot line perfectly! All the new characters are so enjoyable to read, Nathaniel and Jude have such a wonderful and also sad dynamic, as a twin my self every scene with them just really hit me in the heart! Six especially in the first several chapters was so comically annoying and clearly insecure, in a way that I think a lot of us can relate to, one way or another especially when we got to here is internal monologue, I’ve always been a sucker for the asshole character with an air of insouciance and superiority, who by the end of the story, just ends up being a pretty all right guy! And Five oh my god five! I love this guy so much! he’s just so genuine and someone who clearly cares deeply, and him being technically the physically oldest in the room, but also being the one with the least amount of experience is a very literal take on an experience I think a lot of people have felt, myself included, And I think we all know I’m a Three apologist, his whole story is just so devastating and haunting, part of me is always rooting for him, whilst also being terrified for what he might do to the other characters, there is so much complexity with his relationships with the other characters, such as five and four, every time theirs a seen with three and four the writing always makes me feel so on edge and is really able to puts me in three’s shoes! And god! The way three and five interact is so sweet and sad there relationship is just too much! The last chapter absolutely destroyed me!! And Bart and Thad are so perfectly characterized it truly just feels like a natural progression of their characters, the way they both are just really struggling to deal with the inevitability of change hit me so hard, like I said I started reading the impulse comics when I was 14 so these characters have such a place in my heart, so now being able to read about them going through these struggles, when I was also experiencing a lot of change, is such a comfort to me, it was like in a way these characters got older with me, and you know it’s always nice to see some of your childhood characters going through the same stuff as you, currently being a slightly terrified 18 year old, it was great to be able to read about two other slightly terrified 18 year olds, anyways I wanted to post some of my sketches from the past few weeks, and don’t worry there are definitely more to come cause I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop drawing these guys!
@cryptocism you really sent me on a journey, thank you for that!💖💖
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Chameleon, as your psychology professor (Anxiety ridden reader)
- You heard about the mysterious professor that everyone’s been talking about… Not only being famous for being bizarre, she was also famous for her mature looks, so of course you are going to hear the occasional thirst from the others as well… 🧎‍♀️ Regardless, you wind up becoming her student when the first semester rolls around. People are very jealous at the fact that you get to be in her class… Stink, first impressions are long-lasting so you better not mess up! - You bumped into her accidentally on the way to her class… Yikes, clumsy you…! You were beyond mortified 😰 at the piles of paperwork that you had to pick up, your brain was technically not braining the moment you decide to ignore reality and get in your head… Mood. 😪 Well, you’re about to enter that realm now because on the inside, you are a bundle of nerves, but on the outside? You were basically picking the papers up as fast as you can while mumbling apologies… Girl, same. 🤝 You were so focused on the task ahead while overthinking about the whole situation as well, wow ✨multitasking✨, you didn’t notice her helping you out and as well as observing your behavior… - “Calm yourself. I do not bite…” Is what she said, and you impulsively thought that she might as well do that… Rebecca reads your mind and smiles at the thought. You are funny. Slayed 💅 “I assume you are a new student here or…?” That was your queue to answer her, finally snapping out of your anxious state. She was satisfied with your answer, but she noticed that you were heading in the same class that she is going as well… “Are you one of my students in lecture hall ___?” You immediately went stiff at the mention of the class you were supposed to go. Goodbye 😞 Your career was over before it even started…! 😫 You just wanted to crawl in your grave at the sudden realization that she probably was, your professor… You couldn’t look up to see her being amused at your thoughts… In fact, you haven’t even looked up to see her for the first time… Whoops 😊 - And when you finally do, now you were very, very conscious of the way she looked… Exactly how those people described her. Wow. You just had to ruin your first impression with your college professor… You forced a shaky smile in an attempt to hide your pitiful state. Babes, I fear there is no coming back from this… But thank God before your professor could even leave another comment, the bell rang. - Immediately shooting up and giving her the papers that you picked up for her… You comically just really left her and she was like Oh…! 🤨 Now, that’s how you make an impression sis! You were sweating 🥵bullets on the way to the lecture hall, like GIRL, you were WORKING 💪, so HARD that you almost girlbossed too close to the sun from the incident 😭. - Girlie arrived a few moments after you, and start the class. Miss maam had you shaking like a leaf 🍃, at the back of the class though, I am not that cruel enough to put you in a spotlight sis 💅 - When it was your turn to introduce yourself, you felt like you might as well jump off the window due to how many… People were staring, and even her, who was anticipating for your introduction… Sis was looking at you like you were some tiny puzzle that stuck out from the rest of the class… After your introduction, she commented on how interesting your background was, slay? But that didn’t help at all when she was the person you bumped into and your mind kept going back at the encounter… Help. - The rest of the class went surprisingly smooth… If not for the fact that she was STARING 👁👄👁 at you at every opportunity, like GIRL you were sitting at the back of the class, why is she staring at you, when she can stare at the people in the front? 😰 Your anxiety level went ↘⬅🔁⬆↪↙↖↕↔⤵ - After the class, you were going through SPEED 🚅 levels of sonic, my girl you were RUSHING to get out of there asap! You were going to BOOK it 🏃‍♀️💨 Until, you hear her call your name and asked you to stay behind. Life does not unfortunately get better for you, poor unfortunate soul... 😇
- So, you wind up staring at the ceiling, finding the ceiling more appealing than the sight of your professor, staring. 😰 Bestie, you just wanted to get out of there and never come back again… You hear her clear her throat, and so you immediately meet her eye, she gives you a motherly smile… ☺One that made you want to die, because how could you deserve such a thing, when you bumped into her…? You were losing it on the inside, babes you’re fine, she’s here for you, and I’m here to support you as well…! In the background, of course! 💅 - She looks entertained at the prospect of a new student that has a rather interesting mind to dissect… She probably sees you as some sort of a new patient to have some fun conversations with… She wanted to see if she can alleviate your anxiousness by the power of psychology rather than the usual hypnosis. And so, she talked to you about how the experience was being on her class and if you had any feedback that you can provide so that it may help her out as well… You were now short-circuiting with all these, overwhelming developments that was suddenly happening… You ended up embarrassingly stuttering the whole time, trying to communicate that the experience was fine…! But you, on the other hand? Was not. On the inside. 💀 - She again, gives you that same smile, that makes you want to jump of the window because, what did YOU do??? 😩 While you were being a confused mess, she decided that she wanted to talk to you again, and ended the conversation with “I hope to have an exchange with you again. You may now go.” You didn’t hear the first part of the sentence; you only heard the words “go” and you ZOOMED 🏃‍♀️💨 out of the lecture hall just like that. Leaving, a very entertained Rebecca.
An: I wrote this before the nursing student intern, but I ended up finishing that one first before this... This... Is so unserious. With the random emojis 😶 there will be another part of this, and a fic as well if I am able to come up with ideas, till then!
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: I think we all know I basically spent these 3 chapters cackling maniacally
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In the demon business, we call that BAIT!
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I'm all but wiggling happily. I love a good game of chess. I'm not entirely sure it actually is a game of chess beyond in Kabru's mind.
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OH GOOD HE'S A LITTLE BIT STUPID. This comic really does take care to portray people as badass, hyper-competent, and kinda stupid, all in different ways.
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oh, ALWAYS love a Santa-coded crime boss.
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I appreciate that Kabru's pride is solidly among the things he's 100% willing to temporarily ignore in order to be someone's friend/get them to do what he wants. I like that in a man.
Interesting - clearly he's being magically influenced, but not so...directly? as to have the hourglass pupils.
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^ words of a man who is about to get his ass, and his entire criminal organization, absolutely WHUPPED by like 6 elves. I suspect the Canaries are underestimating the tallmen and other denizens of this dungeon, because they're arrogant pricks, but the locals are underestimating this elite team of elvish warriors a LOT more. I can't wait to find out what they're actually doing while "sight-seeing." Spreading out into tactical positions, maybe?
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ASS! WHUPPED! omg it's like an evil version of the Wink.
I want to see this fight animated so fucking bad.
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I dunno, Kabru, he clearly uses the combination pretty fucking effectively.
WHY DO YOU THINK THAT A VISIBLE DEMONSTRATION OF MONSTERS WILL GET THROUGH WHERE WORDS DIDN'T? These people already know there are monsters down here... And at best, of course, a bunch of people will die... But they're just short-lived races so I suppose it doesn't matter :)
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While I do appreciate this dedication to making Mithrun look as cool as possible at all times, sending a giant, zombie-making walking mushroom into the middle of the Level 4 lake is going to be SUCH a disruption to that ecosystem!! Somewhere, Senshi just groaned in pain like Obi-Wan when Alderaan was destroyed.
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Mithrun has recognized that Kabru is going at picking out unusual people in a crowd, and is now using him as a manhandled tool to do so, and I just think that's Neat.
And it works! (So now it's their turn to get their asses handed to them.)
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This chapter cover is giving me a lot of feelings about...love, and families of choice.
Except for how I'm holding Laios in one arm while brandishing a knife at that lion fountain behind him. Get the HELL away from my boy, you tiny manifestation of the granting of wishes, and all you greater ones as well.
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oh are they now? They're definitely canaries in a coal mine, then. Badass and valued for their skills, but disposable. Hmm AU where Marcille...
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oh my god holy shit never mind, it turns out Thistle sucks at this when facing an opponent who isn't caught off-guard.
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It is possible that Mithrun is honestly, earnestly trying to help Thistle? As best he can?
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Sharing food as love!!!
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Oh Mithrun actually only has one eye, it's not just dramatic anime effect + hair flop? Hm. Should have a cool scar to make it clearer. I'm impressed with what depth perception he's shown, though, with the teleporting!
Obviously this does mean he ranks up in the Favorite Characters list.
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Kabru: Ooh nice strategy, manipulating all those people in order to manipulate that one person!
Kabru: Wait, right, I still don't like you.
Yes! Yes! The Kabru's inner desires is OUT! He is impulsively risking this chance to prevent another Utaya - his stated goal, the obvious greater good, definitely very genuinely his primary focus - in favor of demanding the answers he WANTS, and the independence from long-lived elves.
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I appreciate that Mithrun isn't bad at this personal assessment thing.
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brb need to go chew a wall or something!
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Season four of the boys is hitting my brain like a crowbar so I’ve got a couple more thoughts about the new episode
There’s gonna be spoilers for the episode, a bit of talk about the comics, and some only slightly bloody images, so be wary, be warned!
These are my thoughts during the first watch:
- When Butcher hit his head I actively gasped. My poor babygirl.
- I do like how they’ve made Becca meaner but essentially still her
- Frenchie. Break up with him.
- I’m glad Annie has more plot and scenes this season. I’m also glad that Firecracker is actually fucking with her. Their foundation is messy but the actual rivalry is coming together quite nicely
- “I had nightmares about that exact moment, and you can’t even remember it. It’s funny, isn’t it, how people can have such different memory of the exact same thing.” Oh my god this is such a good line. Like obviously not to the extremes of Homelander but kids can and will retain things that their parents won’t even remember. They make some parts of his character easy to understand because you can see that his actions are always impulsive and unhealthy and created by the ways he was raised and the environment he’s been surrounded by
- Okay that death was so so well done. It’s so emotional for Homelander because he’s seeing how people aren’t honest or caring until he’s threatening them. I can’t even try and decipher the “I forgive you” line because it’s so full of apathy
- Hughie and Kimiko teaming up is so special to me. I need more of them.
- HUGHIE GETTING V FOR HIS DAD??? CONFRONTING A TRAIN??? Discuss??? (There’s more thoughts later)
- Hughie saying that him and A-Train would be “good” if A-Train got the v for him is so heavy. It felt like Hughie trading Robin’s life for his dads. Or for his future? Like in order to move on he has to let go of Robin and that feels so awful
- I wanna state how easily and quickly they made me uncomfortable with Firecracker and The Deep singing. How is that so unreasonably uncomfortable?
- So uh. Yeah I’m not sure I wanna touch that scene…
- I literally screamed when Hughie killed him omg. This is what I’m here for omg omg my babygirl
(Here’s a behind the scenes stunt video on insta)
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- Tala is so fair for that but when is she gonna become apart of the boys family?
- I think Annie is going to blow up. Like I think she will do something really bad.
- YEA BEAT HER UP ANNIE… okay maybe not the best decision but…
- Fun fact Homelander’s birth that Barbara describes is how Becca dies in the comics
- UM UM UM UM UM so uhhhhhh I suspected that Sage needed to give herself lobotomies for that reason (wish I said smt goddamnit) but I was not ready for a scene depicting a lobotomy that also implied it was like sex to her?
- Kimiko and Annie hug <333
- Hughie forgave him… now kiss
- “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life hating anybody” YESS that’s what this is about!!! How fucking contrasting Hughie and Butchers views are on the subject of revenge and superheroes. Their situations are so very different from the comics and I like that both of them are (somewhat) healing. Hughie’s forgiven A-Train and Butcher is just trying to get Ryan safe. It’s less about killing for both of them in the show which I love
- I paused to write that before the “there’s enough here to save you too” OH MY GOD NO. No no. Nonononono. No.
- Hughie’s face when getting coffee? Mwah! Give him little kiss
- HIS MOM. KNOWS. ABOUT. V!!?? I mean. They couldn’t kill off Simon Pegg. He’s Simon Pegg! Just kidding I totally thought he was going to die. I wonder if they’ll give him the same kind of quandary Hughie originally got in the comics when Butcher forcefully injected him with V
- Perfect ending for Homelander’s visit home.
So I haven’t started the rewatch yet but two things about some characters of the last three episodes that actually didn’t make an appearance in this one.
First off I don’t think I mentioned this in my last post but I really like what they’ve done with Noir. It’s an interesting and corporate way to bring back the character that makes a lot of sense in universe
Secondly there’s a theory I wanted to bring to people’s attention. This video on instagram has the theory that Kessler is like Becca and isn’t actually real. Which I think is really neat. I’ll take it either way but it would make a lot of sense if he wasn’t since he seems to hold a lot of negative traits that Butcher used to have and is trying to grow from
Okay I lied, third thing cause it just got brought to my attention again; everyone who is making fun of Laz Alonso shut the fuck up. Thank you. I won’t be taking criticism on this.
Onto the rewatch:
- The first shot is of different variations of Homelander’s costume. Pretty cool!
- Second shot has two pictures of Frank and Martin working in the lab with Frank’s picture framed by a newspaper thats article makes no sense but has a lot of key words and phrases (could just be gibberish idk) the title on a separate article from the same newspaper can be read as “Drama class wins award” other than that there’s also some kind of document that’s the same kind of gibberish but it caught my eye cause it says “-orthward gay” … not sure what this means…
Camera then pans down to reveal a memo and news clipping. The memo is from Barbara to the staff and talks about how anyone who breaks the confidentiality of Project Odessa will be terminated and prosecuted. The news clipping is more gibberish with the heading “Nervous system mystery revealed” by Greg Gilmore (by gibberish I mean the first couple sentences are “Had men rose from down lady able. Its son him ferrars proceed six parlors.” And then continues on like that)
- I actually love the horror movie situation they find themselves in. It’s a creepy basement lab. The security cams go out. Communication to the outside world has been cut off. Then the devil arrives in the elevator. It’s done so well, things are set up perfectly. There’s even a sign that says “All activities monitored by video camera” and a box with the words “fire safety plan” (could be foreshadowing or I’m just connecting non existent dots)
- The picture of young Homelander with the scientists. It’s so horribly terrible and amazing
- Fudgie the whale is their last meal :(
- titties ahem I didn’t really pay any attention to the shower scene last time. That’s a terrible shower head in my opinion, I don’t like the way it sprays water- OH WAIT THE WIRM IS IN HIS SPINE????? He’s also got a bullet wound in his back. He’s also got a lot of nice freckles on his back. Oh the way Becca sits on the edge and offers her hand and he reaches to take it but grasps the edge of the bathtub instead
- Hughie’s mom seems so fucking casual in the scene where they’re deciding whether to pull his dad’s feeding tubes. She’s too relaxed and almost smiling? At least with her eyes. A lot.
- OH YEAH Gen V mentioned!
- ANNIE I LOVE YOU!!! Look at her face after she burned the president!
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- Seriously though such a good Annie moment. She’s so confident with this and marches into the presidents’ office with a plan but by the end of this it’s all backfired and taken away from her. It shows just how fucking much Firecracker ends up affecting her
- I’m not going to be nit picky and go on about how Colin should’ve noticed Frenchie’s ankle because obviously he’d be checking and Frenchie wouldn’t’ve known to hide it before. But I am going to say that’s a Count Olaf ass ankle shot.
- Oh I love how it seems like almost a sweet moment between Sage and Firecracker when she says “we gotta look out for each other” but now you know Sage fully intends for Firecracker to get beat up by Starlight
- I was trying to figure out why Sage got the Deep to do her lobotomy. It’s not that Sage trusts the Deep or even likes him but I think it really is just kind of transactional for her. Like she knows what he wants and what will keep him happy, he’s the only one she’s really made a connection with other than Homelander and Firecracker, and he is not likely to want anything else from her or blab about it. Somehow he is logically the best one to do it?
- It’s great how much Annie really really doesn’t want Butcher there. And neither does Frenchie. Or M. M. Damn, my babygirl has pissed off a lot of people
- Homelander’s theme is so so good. The lone violin does something to my brain. It highlights his isolation and intimidation and fear so nicely.
- I do not know how some people didn’t know Frenchie was queer? I thought it was actually very obvious that in cannon he is bi/pan and polyamorous. Maybe that was just me…
- Just realized how this episode we have both Hughie and Homelander forgiving people. Dots connected! 😃👍 (I’m not dissecting this right now, what do you think I’m an English major?)
- I love all the Hughie and A-Train moments. There’s so much history between them and it’s so present in those moments so it’s interesting to see them have to let it go to help each other because I think they both realize that they’re both fucked up people who are trying to be good and they ultimately relate to each other in a way I don’t think either of them realizes
- Kimiko telling Hughie to let his dad die, to not use the V, is so so strangely powerful coming from her. She understands what it’s like to have V forced upon you, and to be saved by it time and time again. And although she’s now choosing it, she sees how Hughie’s dad probably won’t end up like her and will find it to be a curse
- Hughie tripping is such a loser move (lovingly) like I thought he got shot in the leg or smt but no he just trips. Like the little fail boy he is.
- I love Kimiko showing Hughie how to fight someone and protect himself and then later helping him walk away (it’s a little funny just because Jack Quaid is really fucking tall). She also gives him the motivation of ‘it’s not just about your survival, it’s about your dads as well’ she wants him getting through this and I cannot handle when the boys show care to each other especially when it’s Hughie and Kimiko
- Homelander’s need to be loved is really really really well set up in previous seasons. It’s the only thing that could control him and he doesn’t know it’s even happening for most of his life because he doesn’t know how to ask for it. The environment he grew up in wouldn’t teach him that and the environment he’s put in pushes away and punishes emotion and care. He started off wanting a family from work because it’s similar enough to the lab but no one there has hurt him yet or appears afraid of him. But as he realizes he can’t gain their care, that he can’t make a family, he leans on the fact he can take most of what he wants. But not love. Not true care.
I think eventually he begins to think there’s something wrong with him, but rather than facing that idea (the idea that he’s unlovable) he pushes harder on the idea he is perfect. He is better. Furthering his decent and pushing everyone even further away.
- Butcher and M.M’s ‘time to fill the audience in’ lines caused me to look up what an enema is. And then left the rest to my imagination. First, fuck you! Second that’s a very good device to use because sometimes not showing and leaving it to the audiences imaginations is the most horrifying (it’s their own private horror show)
- I’m looking at the scene where A-Train and Ashley catch each other and I have a feeling it’s going to play out as either Ashley betrays A-Train to win Homelander’s favour, A-Train betrays Ashley, or they betray each other. I’m fairly certain Sage knows A-Train is switching sides so I wonder if she’ll have a plan for when he gets caught.
I also have a feeling that by the end of this season A-Train is either going to die in some horrible way (maybe by Hughie, maybe Homelander, maybe Butcher even) or he’s going to betray the Boys.
If A-Train does die (pls please do not kill him please) I’m wondering how they’ll do it because his death in the comics wouldn’t make sense here and I feel like SuperSonic’s death was already an homage to that
- I wonder if Ashley’s floater will have any consequences. Like they took the time to set it up. Will Homelander comment on it later?
- The way he says “you called me squirt silly” is so so aughhh. This is probably another moment that Homelander remembers that seems so inconsequential to Marty. He was watched and humiliated all of his childhood and then he gets this one thing to himself and when someone discovers it they laugh, adding so much more humiliation. Anyway I’m um skipping the rest of this scene until Barbara shows up.
- Can we take a second to appreciate how fucking well Nancy Lenehan plays the character of Barbara. There is still so much fear to her character but there is no bullshit, there’s a lot of control in a situation where so little is available. She’s cold while still giving a kind of stern mothering vibe. She explains the situation, all the gory details as facts. Starting with “put him out of his misery” to “they were scared”, you could have left, and you were killing from the moment you were born. She knows begging will get her nowhere but she’s still very very afraid.
- Babygirl moment I will never get over. He fought for his life, he kicked and shoved and he won. How this man is alive is a mystery to me but I’m so glad :)
- Tala finally got to say what she wanted to Kimiko but the look on her face as Kimiko leaves is so.. unsatisfied. It’s not over between them, and maybe it hurts that Tala now sees her being kind and caring because that’s not what she got when she first met Kimiko. Maybe she still wants to get that ice cream. Probably not. Just theorizing about her character. Lemme know what you think
- The worm looks like it’s struggling. Maybe Butcher’s life is connected to its life?
- This episode is kind of like one gory scene to the next. You get Hughie and Kimiko killing, then Annie beating the shit out of Firecracker, then Butcher blowing up Ezekiel, and then you’re back to Homelander’s whole fucking slaughter, then it’s Colin beating up Frenchie, THEN it’s a LOBOTOMY, then it’s a nice little hug awwwe
- Barbara’s monologue. I can’t even touch on that. It’s too much for my brain but I’ve been seeing a lot of good posts about it.
- My heart is full after the Hughie and Annie scene. It is so full of love. Fuck OFF Dakota Bob.
- Hughie and A-Train sittin’ in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-
- “You fucking dog wanker” actually Butcher its dog welder and I wouldn’t compare anyone, let alone Hughie, to him
- Hughie getting told by Butcher not to cure his dad is also really fucking sad. Karl Urban don’t kill Simon Pegg! Instead join the USS Enterprise-
- Daphne tries to get close to Hughie and he rejects her cause he doesn’t feel comfortable crying in front of his mom. Hughie stop being relatable.
- He’s really cute when he smiles. I get it. But he’s also committed atrocities. You cannot fix him. (Which man am I talking about? You’ll never know…)
Here’s a link to the first one because if you got this far I guess you enjoy me talking about this
I’ll probably continue talking about this so if there’s more you will find a link to the post here
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distort-opia · 1 year
In other news I re-read Superman: Birthright and I am now the living equivalent of the MAN HOLD ON. HOLD ON A SECOND meme :) There's... a specific aspect to their dynamic in this comic that makes me want to just. Gnaw off my own arm.
Lex and Clark had been friends during highschool, after Lex moved to Smallville, and it was because of Clark. Clark saw this person who was so frighteningly intelligent and "other" compared to his peers, incapable of hiding all the ways in which he was different. He saw Lex being so impulsive, prone to mood swings and lacking the emotional intelligence (at that point) needed to know when to intervene and when to retreat, visibly set him apart. Meanwhile, Clark had managed to assimilate, to make himself unnoticed, but on the inside he felt like he was apart-- so when Lex rolls into town, it's almost heartbreaking how fast he becomes fascinated and attached.
And yet there's this inevitable barrier. Lex talks about feeling like he doesn't belong on this Earth, about searching for alien life among the stars; essentially, looking for a place to belong. And Clark painfully relates to that, except he can't say it, he can't divulge the secret of who he really is, because of his promise to his father. He keeps seeking Lex out and trying to help him as much as he can, but he can only do it from the position of an outsider in Lex's eyes. But then Lex holes himself up in a lab for weeks, with Clark obsessively checking in on him and attempting to talk to him... leading to The Incident. Aka, the device Lex had been building was powered by a Kryptonite shard that had led Lex to Smallville, in his quest for alien life. So for the first time ever, Clark feels weakness and pain so intense he can barely speak, as a result of his exposure to it; and Lex, in his erratic state, mistakes it for fear. He throws Clark out.
And what's driving me bonkers about this is that Clark had decided to go there to tell Lex about his powers, about him not being of this Earth. Going against his Pa's wishes, because he couldn't bear the thought of Lex fully unraveling. He never gets the chance to, because Lex is blinded by his experiences and sees the worst in Clark's expression. In Lex's mind, he'd just showed Clark something so important to him, and Clark had balked just like everyone else.
And again. Kryptonite. Clark's a kid. He's feeling the worst thing he's ever felt, in the presence of that rock. But he still pounds onto the door, tears streaming down his face, for Lex to let him back in-- where the freaking meteorite is!
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[gestures speechlessly for a second] I mean. I don't know about you but that makes me want to eat drywall. Clark doesn't care about the kryptonite, doesn't ask himself why he's feeling like this or doesn't even think about getting away, he's just desperately trying to fix it. To make sure Lex doesn't believe Clark hates him, asking for forgiveness, when it isn't even his fault. But of course, the power grid explodes, and Clark is too weakened to do anything about the ensuing fire. Lex is greatly injured in it, and his father dies. It's the last time Clark sees him, before they meet as adults.
The horribly tragic irony of Lex having come to Smallville to find proof of alien life, and then that very proof finding him, but Lex never knowing... it's just so compelling. While Clark didn't manage to tell Lex the truth, Lex also never suspected it, not even when a machine he'd built for detection purposes pointed at Clark. He immediately assumed it was broken and threw a fit about it. Lex wasn't able to look past Clark's "disguise" back then because he was so caught up in being angry at the world, and he never managed to see Clark enough to not assume the very worst of him at that critical moment. He never managed to trust Clark enough, and assumed the worst possible scenario when all Clark had been feeling was pain.
AND THEN. They meet as adults. And oh my god, it just must've hurt, the way Lex didn't recognize Clark at all. It doesn't even really matter if Lex actually did remember Clark Kent, but he just pretended he didn't to keep in line with erasing all of the evidence of him ever being in Smallville, because it's still a rejection of who Clark is. It declares him as insignificant. And then Lex meets Superman, and poses the exact same question: do I know you? Not even now does he manage to see Clark; not even when he's a super-powered, othered being, in his "alien" form. He doesn't make any connection between kid Clark Kent's reaction to the meteorite and the way Superman reacts to the kryptonite.
He never really realizes that he's hurt and alienated and let down the person he's been looking for all along, and that is the reason for the look of disgust and disappointment Superman levies at him, and which Lex resents to the point of orchestrating Superman's downfall. Once again, it's a look from Clark that sends everything crashing down, that Lex interprets his own way without hesitation.
AND YET! Mark Waid just keeps fucking going! And yet, despite Lex trying to destroy Superman, he's the one to actually tell Clark who he is. It's because of Lex's invention that Clark finds out what his planet was named, who his parents were, what his family was like-- it's Lex who inadvertently gives Clark something he'd been looking for all his life. Both Lex and Clark had been looking for the place they belonged, and then Lex ends up delivering that to Clark while trying to kill him.
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"You weren't always, Lex." But Lex doesn't know what he's talking about! He doesn't know what he's ruined, and it's so sad, both for him and for Clark-- who all along, had just wanted to share who he truly was with Lex and to help him, but Lex... never sees it.
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vinelark · 1 year
hey hey! i love bbts so much, it makes me so happy whenever i reread it✌️one of the (many) things i love about it is the core four friendship! so i was wondering, do you have any recs for fics with fun yj dynamics?! no pressure ofc, either way i hope you have a lovely day ☺️✨
hello! so sorry this took forever! also so glad bbts makes you happy on the reread 🥰
first, some of my absolute fav core four content: coralreefskim's comics and cryptocism's comics. great art, great dialogue, great codependent friendship nightmare polycule genuinely endearing "would kill for you would live for you would save the world with you but more importantly would never let you live down that typo you made in the groupchat that one time" vibes all around.
and a few fics:
Into the Brighter Night by shoalsea
when a past enemy comes back for tim, the batfam learn a lot about tim and his young justice adventures in the fallout. this one's long and plotty and has that super compelling trope of the POV character watching an interaction where the reader is in on the jokes but the POV character isn't--basically a great sort-of-outsider POV on the core four, plus, from what i could tell, almost every other yj character at some point.
a study by bernard dowd by cv_angels
a short, hilarious fic with timber and implied future timberkon, in which tim (sort of) reveals his identity and that leads to kon and bart and cassie meeting bernard.
Lipstick on the glass by kerosceene
i'm a broken record with this one, but it's just. 🤌🤌 it starts out focused on timkon but part 2 has college-age core four halloween shenanigans. cassie has a civilian gf. bart dresses up as a meme that doesn't exist yet. kon is in the dragriculture club. tim loves his friends (and boyfriend) so much. it's just so heartwarming and good.
The Mystery of the Superboy Shirts by Aviatricks
silly oneshot with tim going full obsessive detective mode about everything but his own feelings, good yj squad dynamics, bart being a passable liar, and some timkon.
Detours by miyaji_08
i've also rec'd this one before (twice, even) but once again it fits the bill, because the core four scenes in this are so good. it's a reverse robins au where tim becomes roommates with kon and bart and cassie, who are superboy, impulse, and wonder girl but have no idea (yet) that tim has his own secret identity, too. so there's identity shenanigans with all four of them, classic reverse robins tim angst, some enemies-to-lovers and oh-my-god-they-were-roommates timkon, and a really fun final action sequence. it's part 2 of a series and i highly recommend reading part 1 first, but if you want to dive right into the core four aspects you can probably piece together the context as you go.
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anxietygremlin7 · 2 months
Mission 'Disco Inferno'
“You did not.” Impulse’s eyes open wide, staring into the box.
“Oh I so did!”
“Oh my god.” His eyes flick between Skizz and the continents of the box.
Skizz giggles, smile wide on his face.
“Why do you have a box full of disco balls?!”
1.7k words
Hello there! Welcome to a fic that definitely isn't just one big Dad Joke!
The song/inspiration for this fic, if you didn't catch it, is 'Disco Inferno' by the Trammps! You should listen to it if you don't know the song, it's pretty fire (all puns always intended).
No but seriously, I've seen some amazing fics/comics with Superhero AU's so now I've brainrotted my own. This is just a oneshot from the universe my mind is cooking up. I want to try and write more in this universe!
Info that needs to be explained? Not much I think, just that Tango is a Vigilante who has the Alius 'Inferno'. Neither Skizz nor Impulse are Supers (If you get that reference, I love you, if not, It's the term used for people with powers who are either a Villain or a Hero in the move 'The Incredibles' (I stole the term cause I like it and it's easy)) though they do have powers (to be revealed later as they're not crucial to this fic).
Anyways, hope you enjoy! :)
Ao3 link if you prefer:
“Impulse! Dipple-Dop!” Someone whisper-shouts in his ear. Impulse just groans and rolls over, it is far too early for any of Skizz’s shenanigans.
“...too early,” he mutters, burying his head in a pillow. Skizz just pokes his shoulder.
Impulse ignores him, Skizz would go away eventually, right? 
He knows better, Skizz would not be going anywhere until he got what he wanted. The hand poking Impulse’s shoulder started to shake him.
“C’mon! Get up!” Impulse felt like a father and not in a ‘aww kids are cute’ way but in a ‘get this demon child away from me’ way. He stuck an arm out in some attempt to shove Skizz, which failed and only resulted in Skizz grabbing his arm and yanking.
You see, falling from two feet off a very comfortable surface onto a very decidedly not comfortable surface, would be a shock for anyone. So it was no surprise when Impulse shouted upon impact with the hardwood floor.
“Shush!” Skizz drops to his knees and shoots his hand out over Impulse’s mouth, “You can’t wake up Tango!”
“Hm mh hmm hmmhmm hmm.”
“Huh?” Impulse just looks between Skizz and the hand covering his mouth, eyebrows raised. “Oh right!” Skizz huffs a laugh, taking his hand off of Impulse’s mouth.
“So what’s your master plan,” Impulse sounds just as tired and annoyed as he feels. He loves living with his two best friends but when one of them wakes you up at 7 in the morning, you’re bound to have regrets.
“It’s not even that early, man!” Skizz is still smiling, seemingly enjoying Impulse’s great pain and suffering of being in his early twenties and awake before noon.
“Skizz, the sun hasn’t risen yet. Neither of us should be awake,” Impulse groans, flopping back down onto the floor.
“Come on! Come on! We need to prank Tango-Top!” Skizz pulls Impulse’s arm, dragging him up to stand.
“How do you have so much energy, did we not literally go to sleep like four hours ago?” 
“This is far more important than a Rocket League tournament!” Skizz is still whisper-shouting, yanking on Impulse’s arm to pull him out of his room.
“Okay, so what’re we doing to Tango?” Impulse gives in, he knows that there is no way he can fight against Skizz for those couple of hours of sleep. Skizz’s eyes light up, as he drags Impulse 
into his room. 
“Mission ‘Disco Inferno’!”
“Okay-okay-okay-okay, so you know how Tango told us he’s like a Super Villain or something?”
“Whatever. But like his name is Inferno, yeah?”
“You know what has historically always gone with infernos?”
“Uh…you’re gonna need to clue me in on this one, buddy.”
“Discos! Like, ‘Disco Inferno’, the song, you know?”
“The song from the 70’s? The really old song?”
“Oh shush, you. But I had an idea!” Skizz drags a box out from under his bed, “Come see!”
Impulse walks over, kneeling on the floor next to Skizz who opens the top of the box to reveal what's inside.
“You did not.” Impulse’s eyes open wide, staring into the box.
“Oh I so did!”
“Oh my god.” His eyes flick between Skizz and the continents of the box.
Skizz giggles, smile wide on his face.
“Why do you have a box full of disco balls?!”
“Because, Dipple-Dop, we, as the best friends of a Super Villain-”
“-have a job to do! Mission ‘Disco Inferno’ must be completed!” Skizz finishes with a flourish of his hands and more giggles.
“Tango is going to kill you.”
“Correction, Tango is going to kill us!”
Impulse shakes his head, a small smile on his face. Leave it to Skizz to come up with the most stupid prank on Earth.
“You can’t get out of this one, homie-buddy!” Skizz picks up the box, standing up and practically bounding out of the room.
With another shake of his head and a fond scoff, Impulse grabs a forgotten roll of duct-tape from Skizz’s desk and follows him out into the hallway. There’s no way he’s missing out on this prank.
Skizz, definitely over-dramatically, tip-toes towards Tango’s door. The box is absurdly large in his arms, somewhat blocking his face, making for a very funny image that Impulse struggles not to laugh at.
“You do realize that Tango could sleep through the literal end of the world, right?” 
“Shush!” Skizz turns to ‘glare’ at Impulse from behind the box, his smile and the laugh in his voice remove all of the intimidation he was aiming for. Skizz then walks up to the door, practically running into it, and he pauses.
“I got it,” Impulse says with a laugh, reaching past Skizz’s full arms to turn the door handle.
Tango’s room is dark and quiet and Impulse almost misses his own warm bed and dark quiet room. Skizz shuffles into the room, gently setting the box down on the floor. Impulse follows him, closing the door behind them. Tango’s bed is in the far corner of the room and Tango is rolled away from the door, buried in blankets, he’s not waking up anytime soon.
Skizz motions Impulse to come over, bright smile visible even in the low light of the room. “You hand me disco balls, I tape them to the ceiling?” Skizz whispers, leaning into Impulse’s ear. He nods, handing the duct-tape to Skizz, and reaching into the box for the first disco ball. A grin settles across Impulse’s face as he hands the disco ball to an equally grinning Skizz.
They work out a rhythm. Grab, hand, tape, move. Grab, hand, tape, move. This process continues for what must be nearly 50 mid-sized disco balls, they almost run out of ceiling space. It takes a surprisingly long amount of time, probably because the two of them completely panic at any slight movement from Tango.
By the time all of the disco balls have been hung, and Impulse and Skizz have nearly jumped out of their skins for the thirtieth time, it's almost eight in the morning. The two pranksters quietly sneak their way out of Tango’s room, taking the empty box and depleted roll of duct-tape with them.
“That was epic, bro!” Skizz whisper-shouts. They high-five, both grinning.
“And now we wait.”
“And now we wait,” Skizz agrees.
After another hour goes by of Impulse and Skizz entertaining themselves, Skizz speaks, “I think it’s time.”
“For what?” Impulse looks up from his laptop.
“Phase two,” Skizz stands, placing his hands on his hips and tilting his chin up, looking like an absolute goof.
“Phase two,” Impulse just looks at him, holding back a laugh.
“Phase two of mission ‘Disco Inferno’ aka, the best part of the whole plan!”
“And what would the second phase of mission ‘Disco Inferno’ be?”
“Ripping open Tango’s curtain and blasting ‘Disco Inferno’ at full volume through my speaker of course!” And Skizz looks far too proud of himself.
“Oh boy, here we go,” Impulse finally lets his facade crack, a smile spreading across his face. Skizz runs back to his room, probably to grab his speaker. Impulse closes his laptop and stands up from the couch, yawning as he waits.
“Okay-okay-okay, let’s do this!” Skizz rushes past Impulse, speaker in one hand, phone in the other. Impulse just smiles and follows at a much more relaxed pace.
“Alright, so,” Skizz starts, leaning towards Impulse as they stand outside of Tango’s door, “We go in, you go to the curtains and on the count of three, you yank ‘em open and I blast the song, got it?”
“Got it!” Impulse fake salutes, causing Skizz to huff a laugh.
“Here we go,” Skizz reaches out to open the door and then realizes that both of his hands are full, yet again.
“I got it, dummy,” Impulse says, laughter in his voice. Skizz just grumbles something about being a completely capable person as Impulse creeps the door open.
They rush to their spots and Impulse nods at Skizz once he’s in position.
“Okay,” Skizz whispers, “Three…Two…One…Disco time baby!”
Impulse rips the curtains open, it’s a matter of luck that they don’t rip off the rail.
Skizz blasts ‘Disco Inferno’ through his speaker.
And Tango shoots up in bed.
Tango looks panicked for a second before he looks between Impulse and Skizz.
“Ugh, why the hell do I live with you two idiots!” And slams his face back down into a pillow.
Impulse and Skizz just laugh, trying and failing to sing along to the song as they dance through the room.
The disco balls reflect the morning light, speckling the walls with bright white squares.
Tango groans again, trying to cover his ears.
“C’mon Top! It’s your song!” Skizz shouts over the music, running over to Tango’s bed. Impulse follows him.
“It’s not a song, it’s a war crime,” Tango mutter’s into the pillow, refusing to lift his head.
“You know you love it!” Impulse adds, poking Tango’s back.
Tango rolls over, glaring at the two of them. The pranksters just laugh, doubling over onto each other.
“Ugh! I did not get enough sleep for this!” Tango bemoans, dragging his hands down his face.
Impulse and Skizz just laugh harder.
“And why all the disco balls! This doesn’t even make any sense!”
“Oh come on, buddy! You named yourself ‘Inferno’, you had to have known this would happen!” Skizz exclaims, standing back upright to look at Tango.
“Seriously, ‘Disco Inferno’? What are you, twelve?” If looks could kill, let’s just say Tango might have a hard time paying rent for such a large and empty apartment.
Speaking of this being an apartment, Skizz seems to come back to himself a bit and turns the song down. Pranks are great but they’re not so great when they get you in trouble with your Landlord.
Impulse continues to cackle, still doubled over with his laughter.
“Oh come on,” Tango groans, “How can you find this funny?!”
Impulse can’t say anything through his laughter, not that he has a reasonable excuse for why this is so funny anyway.
“Top, you have to admit that this is maybe just a little bit funny!” Skizz slaps Impulse on the back, still laughing himself.
“I guess this is what I get for trusting my friends!” Tango grumbles, “You two’re cleaning this up by the way.”
Skizz ignores Tango’s comment, instead turning to Impulse who’s still folded in half with laughter. Skizz giggles at Impulse’s laughing and pulls him up by the shoulder.
“Mission ‘Disco Inferno’ success!”
Hello again! Hopefully you enjoyed that because I had fun with my Dad Joke ;)
As I said at the start, this is a universe I want to expand upon (I already have another one-shot almost done and plenty more ideas)! So if you liked this, keep an eye out for those!
Anyways, thanks for reading, see ya when I see ya! :)
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rontra · 1 year
holding your hand looking into your eyes is the exact energy I intended thank you for picking up on it
typeoneninja asked: Maybe though do say who powergirl is because I have actually less than zero idea
oh my god i get to talk about my blorbo...okay well you MUST understand i'm still a comics newbie and laser focus on only the stuff i directly care about so it's not like i've read everything about her or anything (and things do vary--sometimes A LOT depending on the character lol--from comic to comic as is DC's dark design). so take everything here as kinda loosy-goosy from someone who's Casually Acquainted. however (LONG POST)
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you know Supergirl right. heard of her. kara zor-el (spelling may wary) she's superman's cousin (usually) and has the same power set. it's me supergirl and i have all your powers
power girl is Also kara zor-el (spelling may vary) from a Different Dimension. two of them.
the details about her backstory vary a little but the agreed upon IDEA for her is that her home dimension has like collapsed somehow or the earth in it is torn to shreds or whatever. she's either like the only survivor of a dimension that went poof or she's been isekai'd here from an earth that was getting blown up by demons or whatever.
and now there's two karas and theyre forced to coexist on the same earth and they can't both show up dressed like supergirl so now power girl has to do her own thing.
that's like generally the gist of whats going on w her conceptually. she got vooped over here and now she's stranded on an earth that isn't hers with castmates that aren't the same people she knew
like i said the specifics of her backstory vary but on top of being Dimension Displaced she usually shares Supergirl's whole "after their home planet exploded she arrived to earth much later than Superman did, due to Space Shenanigans" thing. she's usually older than supergirl. and she DOES have bigger boobs also. NOT sure why that's a dimensional difference between them but i'll take it (what were they feeding her on earth 2?)
sometimes they're drawn basically looking identical. i can understand the impulse (they are both kara zor-el after all.) but i think it's kind of a shame when power girl doesn't look Older than her because i like it when she's older than her. i guess sometimes they either ditch that part or just don't feel like it. F.
anyway when they look identical you can usually tell them apart by identifying which one DC has bequeathed the Boob Window upon and that one will be power girl. works every time
to me i became enamored with her when i was reading some green lantern comic (it was my first comic, they had launched a guy's coffin into the sun and had to go get it back it was wack) and i noticed a boob window girl (my beloved) had BEEN INVITED but didnt get to DO anything. she spent all her time standing in crowd shots while other people did the main stuff. and i thought "wow. now there's a character i need to put in my purse". and the rest is history
it was like this
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i felt like bad for her i was like oh honey...you're coming with me... my girl in the ensemble
she kind of struggles in general because she doesn't get a lot of content coming her way. (and when she does it's not usually stuff that i love.) she shares this with supergirl too 🥰
anyway i hope that helps a little. she's supergirl from a different dimension and she's stuck here now. is the gist of it.
for a bonus side-elaboration on what IM doing over here in my AU, my main basis for CTDE power girl is her shenanigans in the n52 where she gets stuck here WITH another extremely normal girl (they get isekai'd together during like a big dumb demon war on their home earth). that's helena wayne she's batman's daughter in the other dimension and no such person exists on this earth. they're both stuck (together) (the only 2 people on earth who know and understand each other) (it's romance) (superbat for girls)
in that story power girl becomes like mildly obsessed for a bit with devising a way to get HOME to her own dimension and earth which is (as far as she knows) still under siege by Planet Fucking Hellmouth. shes building machines. shes using technology
(while helena believes there's nothing to go home to anymore and they should try to make a new life in this new dimension)
what gets me about it is that its SO FUNNY that this specific power girl's setup is basically a supervillain origin story that they just don't lean into because her name is on the book (obviously). (hey why do so many villains build a DimensionFucking Machine that's gonna Fuck Up the Dimensions because theyre obsessed with something on the other side anyway)
but i feel no such restraint obviously!!!!
so anyway my CTDE "Arc 1" is about Power Girl (now almost two decades deep in her desperate fixation) finishing building the ultimate DimensionFucker 9000 to get home. shes been working on this for years. she doesn't care very much about this earth and she needs to go back to her own one NOW
Helena is realizing with horror she's way too late to talk her babygirl out of this one because PG just isn't listening to her anymore (and as a human she would struggle to snap PG out of it by force). she feels she has no other recourse but to betray her most specialest girl and sell her out to supergirl, who's investigating the Weird Dimension Rift Shit that's been going on (and is strong enough to actually fight her)
And Supergirl has to stop PG because what that thing is doing to HER universe is NOT GOOD!!!!!
(Supergirl was like a teenager when her home planet krypton went kaboom--she Remembers it and feels detached from everything because she doesn't Have a home anymore + oh my god the trauma + also no one on earth even really needs her that much. but that doesn't mean PG can DESTROY THE DIMENSION!!!!)
(also in my AU the other earth is actually lost for good, so it's not only a Grief Quest but a FUTILE Grief Quest because there's no one alive and nothing to salvage on the other side of the portal anyway)
It's the "Power Girl As Villain In A Supergirl Book" arc. because i think women should have cute obsessions that endanger other people and i LOVE when the karas interact
this is why i drew pictures of them being very not nice to each other 😔
like it all works out. it's fine. they do some crying and screaming at each other, some kicking and punching, helena gets her piece in, and PG's brain fungus finally calms down enough for her to take the "Protagonist Kara" seat for Arc 2 (when Supergirl has her own issues to deal with)
theres just a lot of "kara zor el screaming At Herself that she can't go home because there is no such place anymore and she has to live with that forever in a place she doesn't belong". you know. girl talk
anyway that's like roughly power girl + what im doing with her in my first arc (helena is here too dont worry) hope that helps. shes my comic blorbo. hope she gets the main stage in a good comic someday. MDGHBJFGM
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blondchameleon · 3 months
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🎵 Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby and I'm a monster on the hill. Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city. Pierced through the heart, but never killed 🎶 (anti-hero by taylor swift plays automatically when you go on sam's blog)
name: samuel jessica evans. 
nicknames: sammy, white chocolate, trouty mouth, blond chameleon or captain trouty. 
pronouns: he/him.
gender: cismale.
birthday/zodiac: may 21, gemini.
birthplace: knoxville, tn!
relationship status: single.
sexuality: pansexual, like deadpool.
occupation: “accountant” and part time exotic dancer, also an ex-model. you might've seen my junk looking as big as a car on the side of a bus in new york a couple of years ago.
sports/clubs: art club, astronomy club, digital media club, drama club, fight club, film club, gay-straight alliance, god squad, improv club, painting club, photography club. i'm also on the football team, go titans! and the swim and synchronized swim teams.
major/minor: digital media and visual communications!
languages: english, ASL, na'vi, very poor spanish.
social media handles: blondchameleon everywhere and uh, ifykyk about my other ones.
height: 6'0''.
build: athletic??? and my abs can cut glass, absolutely ab-ulous!
eye color:  hazel.
hair color: blond and i don't dye it.
piercings: oh man, i got my nipples, tongue and ears pierced... but like, think teddy altman from marvel not grey's anatomy. but also specifically in his earth-616 era.
tattoos:  i have a firefly quote on my forearm, i'm fine on my inner elbow, i'm just starting a sleeve of comics and anime panels on my right arm and left leg, respectively.
other distinguishing features:  i got some birthmarks on my face?
style: homeless man, 12 year old boy, and a hooker!
traits: pretty much anything that fits a hufflepuff, so like loyal and creative, optimistic and i think i'm pretty funny and charming! i uh, might also be kinda stubborn and impulsive, according to my therapist.
likes: space, comic books, anime, chapstick, mountain dew and cool ranch doritos, avatar, star wars, lord of the rings, you know that kinda stuff.
dislikes: rude people (but i ain't hannibal okay), onions, pickles, losing, politics, math.
fears: being homless again or losing my friends and family.
skills: i can play the guitar and i can hold my breath for like five minutes underwater. i can fit my whole fist in my mouth too! i'm also pretty good at tying knots.
quirks: i bite my nails and talk in my sleep??? if i'm stressed out i also sleep walk?? i also do that thing people hate where i jiggle my leg when i'm nervous.
hobbies: doing impressions, playing sports and video games, i used to model a lot more than i do, but i think i like taking pictures more, playing the guitar and bass, especially for high road. i also dabble in paint and i love stargazing.
music tastes: ♪♫♬ listen... i like a lot of different stuff and some was just for work, but you can't hear something for so long and not enjoy it too. ♪♫♬
myers-briggs: it started with an e and ended with t? i think?
kinsey scale: it's a solid three, i know 'cause they taught me at pride a couple of years ago.
strengths: if you've seen me in the gym, you know. also i'm really working on my singing 'cause if i want to voice something on disney, i know i'm going to have to sing.
weaknesses: math. fuck math, fr.
My personality is like a radioactive asteroid, spend too much time with it and it could kill you.
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liauditore · 11 months
For the traffic life asks, won't ask the ones I already know the answer to XD
🎨 favourite piece of fanart? link it!
🌿 any favourite interpretations?
⚡️ most cinematic death? (so I can scribble about it)
🔮 predict the winner of secret life (just for the record, I know who you want to win, its who you think will win idk yet)
traffic ask game !
🎨 favourite piece of fanart? link it!
oh god um um this fandom is. insane actually so that's a high ask. my first instinct was this comic page that. drives me a bit insane with its composition actually.
there was also this ethubs comic going from 'he loves me' to bdubs' permadeath and etho's reaction to it that was a couple of parts long? But I can't find it anymore and it's driving me insane.
⚡️ most cinematic death?
God I uh. Objectively see I know I should say either Scar's final third life death or Ren's beheading or Tilly Death Do Us Part but. I feel like I don't have much to add to any of those that other ppl haven't said already more eloquently than I could?
So as a wild card, totally not just cus they were the first POVs I watched and stuck harder, Lizzie and Bdub's Last Life permadeaths.
I'm. very sleep deprived so I'll try to make this make sense but. something about the way they were both attached to one person (bdubs to etho and lizzie to joel) as their sole 'partner' at the end of the game. the way bdubs trusts that etho won't leave him for dead ("he loves me") and follows through with his promise while lizzie was planning to kill joel as part of her revenge plan but never did. the fact that joel avenged lizzie immediately whereas etho never got the life to bdubs.
something something life series themes about love and trust yada yada juxtaposition
very close runners ups would be skizz's limlife sacrifice (GOD) and martyn backstabbing scott. I don't know why but the latter has always given me utena vibes. if you know you know.
🔮 predict the winner of secret life
Look at this point I'm gunning for Etho so hard I think I've actually deluded myself into thinking he's got a chance and my brain refuses to consider the more rational options. (Impulse is the rational option it could very much be Impulse)
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dotster001 · 1 year
Congratulations on 1.5k followers, you deserve it! I was wondering if for your event I could request a type one matchup for twst. (Sorry if this is a bit long I’m just trying to give as much information I can-) I’d say I’m a pretty calm person in general, but sometimes I tend to be chaotic and a bit impulsive when I get excited. I do have a slight problem with sleeping aka I tend to sleep a lot more than the recommended hours and get sleepy easily. I am an ambivert leaning towards extrovert(somehow) and tend to have to be the one standing up for my friends. I have a wide range of interests but the main ones would probably be sharks/any kind of marine life, dinosaurs, and plants(help I sound like your average 5 year old kid-) I love to drone on about my interests unless the other person will get bored then I just don’t. I’m not as empathetic as others would presume but when it comes for the people I really care about I’m not afraid to go above and beyond for them. I am in band and love musicals and theatre in general, but I also do enjoy playing video games and making comics for fun. I do also like tending to my plants and bake. I don’t really dislike anything, I just find it annoying when people don’t understand that no means no and when people bother me in my sleep(even if they have the best intentions)
I hopes didn’t drone on too long and that you have a wonderful rest of your day/night ^^
Event Closed
I match you with Azul Ashengrotto.
Is this partially because I saw "marine life" and couldn't think of anything else? Yes. But for real, he loves to hear you go off about your ocean interests, cause sometimes things are different in our world. Plus, he gets to be the coolest person in your eyes when he takes you on a tour of his home, and wows you with his extensive knowledge on marine life of the area. (He also has a couple shark mers who owe him a favor. He can def introduce you if you want to hear about shark's straight from the…uh…the shark's mouth.)
You probably start dating because he tricks you into a contract with a potion to help you stay awake. He 100% had a crush on you, and used it to his advantage. Yeah it's skeezy, but you eventually fall for him back, so all's well. Classic enemies to lovers. But pretty soon, he finds he likes when you sleep longer, because it means your clingy octopus has lots of time to cuddle and cling. (He makes sure the twins know they will not be receiving a paycheck if they ever disturb your sleep. And if you beat them up for waking you up, he'll look the other way)
He likes your ambivert/extravert side. He plans to be a high achieving business man until he can retire, so he'll be doing a lot of networking, a lot of parties, and he'll need people to help him run the business. He hopes he can count on you for some of that, but if you can at least be someone to attend parties with him, he'll be so excited to show you off.
He also likes your not so empathetic side. He likes to see you be snarky or devious. He thinks it's so hot. There was one time you had to fire a terrible worker, and when you were done, he took you into the VIP room to make out. It was the hottest thing he's ever seen.
Literally, all your hobbies make him fall more in love with you. If you bake him something, if you buy him a plant, if you draw him something, if you invite him to game with you, oh my God! The man is weak! His poor heart(s) can't take it! He is puddy in your hands. He'll give you anything in this entire world! You're just too much for him!!!!!
"Say you'll share with me one life, one lifetime,"
Azul looked up from his paperwork, searching for the voice that was able to draw him in far better than any siren could.
"Say the word and I will follow you."
He left his desk, and quickly ran out the door, in the direction of the lounge.
"Share each day with me, each night, each morning."
He found you singing into a microphone, standing in front of one of the tables, which was decorated with candles and a romantic place setting.
"Anywhere you go let me go too."
He came right up to you, and grinned, pretending his eyes weren't littered with tears, just like they were  every time you sang him a romantic ballad from your world.
"Love me. That's all I ask of you."
He nodded vigorously, before kissing you deeply. He wanted to imprint every part of this moment into his memory. For so long, he thought no one could love him as much as you.
"Azul, stop snogging, your fucking spaghetti's getting cold!"
He sighed, and glared at Floyd, who had just arrived at the table. He wanted to engrave almost every part of this into his memory.
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nowis-scales · 1 year
Ryoma Birthday Headcanons
It’s the first day of May, and so that means that it’s Ryoma’s birthday! Per the usual when there’s a Hoshidan royal with a birthday, I have to write a set of birthday headcanons to celebrate them. Hopefully you enjoy this year’s round!
‣ So you know how for years, there’s been that joke about that Ryoma’s probably like, really annoyed that Xander is taller than him? My hot take on this is that initially, he didn’t really care. Whatever, right? It’s not like he can control his height by sheer force of will, and Ryoma quite likes not having to duck through the average doorway. However, once everyone else started pointing out as a big deal to him… yeah, admittedly, he started to get more grumpy about it. Only problem is, he won’t admit to being grumpy about it, so he’s just standing there like “yeah whatever, I don’t care” when it is just so, so painfully obvious that he cares.
‣ You remember how last year, for Sakura's birthday, I mentioned that one of her siblings lost a tooth by falling down the stairs when they were little? Yeah, that was Ryoma. He was about six when it happened, and of course it was on one of the big stair cases leading up to Castle Shirasagi. Thankfully he was one of those kids that was just like, strangely durable, so he didn’t really cry when it happened. He was far more excited that one of his teeth had been knocked out, and kept trying to excitedly show Sumeragi and Ikona, who were so busy checking him over for cuts and bruises and whispering to each other “oh my gods we’re such terrible parents” to initially understand what their son was trying to show them. Sumeragi used to love to tell that story to people. Fuuga still laughs about it.
‣ According to the 4koma anthology comics, Ryoma is for the most part pretty honest, but he’ll still soften the blow on a lot of things if he can. However, if you really want to see Ryoma at his peak honesty, just talk to him when he’s sick. He doesn’t have the energy to put things into a nicer delivery. Oh, you want him to do politics with a fever, chills, and upset stomach? Fine, but you’d better be prepared to paraphrase literally everything he said in response to that daimyo’s questionable idea, because there’s no way you’re going to be able to deliver anything Ryoma said upfront. And don’t even bother asking about Ryoma’s general symptoms unless you’re the healer — he’ll tell it to you in grouchy, pouting detail.
‣ One of Ryoma’s worst fears is being helpless in any situation. When he’s put into a position where he can’t do anything, he’ll start to panic. This often means that he will do anything he can get to get out of it, even if it means doing something underhanded or against his typical moral code. That's also part of the reason why he can be characterized as impulsive or stubborn at times: he cannot give into a helpless situation. He needs to be able to take some sort of action to make things "right". If he doesn't feel that he has sufficiently acted, then he can never make peace with what happened. In the back of his mind he knows that this is probably a trauma response from Corrin's kidnapping in childhood, but he doesn't really want to have to confront the idea that it might be the wrong thing to do sometimes.
‣ Loves dogs. Loves them. When he was little, he was always pestering Sumeragi to let him have one. Obviously, because of his age, Sumeragi didn't think it was a good idea, but said that he might let him have one when he got older. Unfortunately, he passed before he could see that promise through. For a long time Ryoma largely forgot about getting a canine friend, too focused on other things to consider that that was something he could do for himself... but after the war drew to a close, he finally adopted that pup we see in the art piece Kozaki did of him.
‣ Though Ryoma’s hair may look like it’s spiky, it’s actually more so fluffy than anything. That of course doesn’t make it any easier to work with, but the texture probably isn’t as bad as you’d expect. Unfortunately, this still means that it gets all matted and tangled at the drop of a hat, so Ryoma is constantly wrestling with it to keep it under control. Most of the time he just ties it up to keep it out of the way, but he leaves it down in battle because he’s been told it makes him look more intimidating. It has led to the occasional embarrassing moment when it’s been caught in parts of his armour, though.
‣ His position makes him kind of emotionally distant at times. It's not necessarily something he wants to be, but the whole being a prince thing/being the "head of the family" by Hoshidan standards does kind of make him feel isolated. He tends to act on that in turn, and though there are times where he does try to connect with those around him, it still comes across as awkward and stilted from time to time. He finds it difficult to have close friends, and can never seem to connect with Takumi and Sakura the way that he wants to. To some people, this comes across as him not thinking much of them, but he honestly just doesn't know the right way to engage a lot of the time so he just... doesn't. It's something he would like to improve upon.
‣ One of Hoshido’s most eligible, if not the most eligible, bachelors. He’s not particularly crazy about this status. It’s not like he never wants to get married — he knows some day he’s going to have to, for the good of the kingdom and whatnot — but he hates being in a room full of people or corresponding with people he knows are just trying so desperately to impress him. The entire experience just feels terribly inauthentic, and he’s worried about if any of this is really enough to found a relationship on. Tack on the fact that he barely notices flirting from the average woman, and it just becomes overwhelming to even think about choosing a partner in those circumstances. He would much rather fall in love where it's possible.
‣ When it comes to pettiness, the man is like a crow. If you have wronged him or his family, he can and will remember it. And he doesn't hesitate to take revenge for it at times, either. There's still one nobleman who can't figure out why the crown prince seems so much colder than him than to everyone else. Hinoka asked Ryoma about it one time. Apparently, when they were younger, the nobleman mocked Hinoka's interest in battle and suggested she was a faulty woman. He apparently did so when Hinoka was in earshot, but she doesn't remember a thing. Ryoma, however, has kept this little grudge of his close to his heart and refuses to let go because how dare you talk about my sister that way!!
‣ While we know his English and Japanese VAs can both sing quite well, I feel like Ryoma is just not a very good singer. He's not necessarily always out of tune, but he just... sounds awkward. I don't really think of him as the singing type, to be honest, so whenever he tries it's probably more of that mumble-singing you do in the car anyways. He tends to stumble over lyrics or occasionally hit the wrong note, and when that happens once it's just going to throw him completely and keep happening, so it just tends to be a very mediocre performance. He probably once got Shiro to stop crying as a baby by singing to him, but purely because Shiro was so focused on Ryoma's second-rate lullaby that he couldn't remember to be upset.
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technicianlearner · 11 months
Kirbtober 2023 Day 29: Last Battle Ability
No one knows who created the Star Rod - variations on who made it vary from people to people, from the Ancients to the first members of the GSA to some other civilization sick of Nightmare's shenanigans, but everyone agreed it was made to deal with Nightmare, who was becoming an extremely annoying threat... but it became incomplete due to it being made in a rush. But it still proves to be one hell of an insane weapon against Nightmare anyway, so the creators had no choice but to find an isolated planet, created the Fountain of Dreams in order to power it up while the creators are away, all to hide it from Nightmare. And to the surprise of absolutely no one at this point, guess which planet that was now? Planet Popstar, of course. Thanks to the Fountain of Dreams charging the Star Rod for so long, its influence spread through the area, resulting in the area of Dreamland constantly having good dreams. In all honesty, the rod was made using Dream Matter magic, of course something like this happens. The funny thing? None of the Dreamland citizens KNOW about the Fountain of Dreams. None, not even Meta Knight knows, all they heard was this legend of the Star Rod being a viable weapon to defeat Nightmare. In fact, the reason Kirby can summon it by inhaling the Warp Star was because the supposed 'final bout' happened in his dream, which means Nightmare did a whoopsie and tried to demoralize the puffball in his own turf. Good job, Nightmare. Fortunately, when Nightmare was defeated, a part of his soul that was hidden somewhere manages to revive him, and he sets off to find the Star Rod... and by coincidence, Dedede was going to look into the legend as well. Of course, it's real, and Dedede was extremely surprised when he knew it really wasn't some random legend... oh, and Nightmare's ready to kick his ass, so he acted fast and just sealed the sorcerer before spreading the parts of the rod to random locations and even people he knows he can trust - one of them being Meta Knight. Of course, this causes mass confusion, as people lost their good dreams and just can't sleep. Thanks to Kirby's impulsivity and Tiff and Tuff mainly still being suspicious of Dedede, this entire plan goes into the trash can and Kirby ends up fighting Nightmare with the real Star Rod anyways. After all of this scuffle was solved and all the people who got pulled into this made sure that Nightmare is truly, absolutely f^cking dead, everyone in Dreamland was made aware of the Fountain of Dreams and Star Rod's existences. Since then, the Fountain of Dreams became a rather sacred ground, and the Star Rod became Kirby's first legendary weapon that he wielded that isn't the Galaxia. Kirby still sometimes enter the place himself just to sit there... doing nothing... sometimes taking the Star Rod off its place for a moment... Probably looking at the stars. Who knows what he really does...
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Prompts by @paintpanic and @peachsupremeart Fused list compiled by @desultory-novice (click here for the list!)
Me: Okay there is no way we're going to do the whole comic idea you thought long ago brain so let's just take it easy, it's Sunday and no way in hell you want to suffer for this. My brain: Well what if we just draw the Fountain of Dreams then Me: Me: HOW IS THIS EASY????
God I HATE my brain it really finds 10394839 excuses to just not do that stupid idea huh I hate it I hate it
ANYWAYS free lore wahoo it's just both the Star Rod and the Fountain of Dreams because uh. Yeah.
...yeah I'm so sorry but I hope this sorta makes up for it
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