#oh maybe a gift card huh?
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theloveinc · 3 months ago
What do I buy a pregnant woman as a gift aside from skincare / chocolates? That doesn’t relate to her baby :/
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bookaddictedrose · 3 months ago
Spectacular rant
What is it with people making their newest books/experts much more explicit than they used to be?
I've seen a lot of people complain about this, but Night in Prague was not the mystery/adventure we were promised, it was practically just non-explicit smut with a side of riddles and half an answer.
And now Spectacular?
Scarlett and Julian were so cute...and Tella genuinely made me want to throw the book at a wall. I already hated her previously, but at least she had a few redeeming features back then. Oh, by the way, could you perhaps move the New Year back a few days? I haven't picked out the right present for my negligent boyfriend who doesn't even like this holiday 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
And then whatever the actual hell happened with the kidnapping thing? It was so confusing to read, and it had such strange themes?
Spoiler in case anybody hasn't read it, but either way it's not worth reading.
It starts with Tella being drugged, then handed a revealing outfit while surrounded by a bunch of clueless and brainwashed girls, who she doesn't even try to help.
And then they're led one by one into some kind of auction or audition where they basically have to act like a stripper.
Tella's tied up and blindfolded where she's led into a room with the guy who arranged it, and by the way she has no idea who this is, and at some point she's straddling him and being very intimate, and also did I mention she doesn't know who he is at all besides the fact that he had her kidnapped and a bunch of girls acting as prostitutes?
And then she finds out it was, in fact, Legend who did all of the above, but oh, it's okay, because it's my handsome and strong boyfriend who just violated me in multiple different ways loves me.
This is not the Caraval I remember?
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screampied · 1 year ago
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gojo planned to confess his love to you on valentine’s day.
he had the entire thing set, he was anxious, pondering just what your reaction might be. you were forever on his mind — even now, he was picturing your smile, imagining you returning the words and accepting your gifts. his heart swooned at the thought, the feeling of you finally returning your feelings to him. he’s had a deep love for you as long as he could remember.
“she’s gonna say it back, she’s gonna say it back.”
he repeated those words in his head like a mantra.
just the thought of your name made gojo’s heart race at such a speed. he was in love with you. he figured today would be the perfect time to tell you, smother you with compliments, decorate pretty roses in your hair and maybe snag a polaroid picture with you to keep in the back case of his phone.
although, once he finally meets up with you, he’d never know how foolish he really could have been.
you’d be somewhere outside by yourself, perhaps sitting on the grass and soaking in the humid sun with the most gorgeous relaxed expression. he texted you prior that he wanted to tell you something, very subtlety.
he felt his heart beat pick up at the sheer sight of you—you were so effortlessly pretty. trapped in your own little world. gojo trods his feet up to you, hiding his hands behind his back with a gift he had prepared for you. it was a necklace with a bunch of your favorite candies inside. he also had a cheesy card that read, “do you have a name? or should i just call you mine.”
it made him snort, he found the idea off of google.
as he kept making his way towards you, dragging his feat, he’s repeating his sappy speech a million times in his head. he straightened his tie, reaching for his pocket to grab a rose out of his pocket before he stopped once he saw geto approach you …
with a kiss.
gojo had a slow reaction, he felt like his breath got snatched from his chest. a tough snatch to where he could barely breathe. geto stroked a thumb against your chin before after a few brief seconds, he pulls away. you smiled at him before geto surprised you with a big box of what appeared to be a gift.
“oh..” gojo mutters, feeling trapped, as if his feet was stuck in place. you looked so happy, he started to feel stupid. he’s so ensnared into his own loud screaming thoughts that he doesn’t even realize that you’re standing in front of him now.
“satoru. hey. you wanted to talk to me about something?” you utter, glancing up at him, wondering why his body language was so awkward and stiff.
his jaw tightened before he blinks twice, sighing out a soft. “huh? oh that—oh, it’s uh, nothing,” and then he forces a fake smile on his face. he was too late to win your heart, and it costed his own to be shattered into a million glass pieces.
“are you sure?” you pry.
he gives you a nod, and you literally slip from his fingers the minute you turn your heels to walk away. gojo felt numb, tears started to swell into his eyes as he brought the gift up to his chest.
a single tear runs down his cheek as he watches you walk off into the sunset with geto, cursing to himself mentally that that should have been him. he had a force smile, because in the end — at least you were happy.
“happy valentine’s day,” he sniffles, knowing the true meaning of heartbreak at that particular moment. “i still love you.”
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jupiterpilgrim · 3 months ago
The Elf Who Couldn't Help
Christmas Special 🎄
Miyeon x Male Reader
word count: 5K
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You're wandering through the crowded mall, Christmas music blasting from every direction as you try to check off the last few items on your shopping list. The usual holiday chaos surrounds you - parents dragging screaming kids, teenagers hogging the benches, old people walking too damn slow. Just another December afternoon.
That's when you spot the Santa's workshop setup near the food court. There's a long-ass line of hyper children waiting to sit on Santa's lap, but what catches your eye is his helper elf. She's this tiny Asian girl in a green costume that looks about two sizes too big, desperately trying to wrangle the kids into some kind of order.
"Please stay in line! One at a time!" Her voice is high and stressed as a group of boys completely ignores her, ducking under the rope barriers.
You can't help but chuckle at how overwhelmed she looks. The elf costume is ridiculous - striped tights, pointy shoes with bells, and a hat that keeps sliding down over her eyes. But there's something endearing about how hard she's trying, even as chaos erupts around her.
And she's undeniably adorable too.
"Fucking hell," you mutter under your breath as another kid breaks free from the line, causing even more chaos. The girl's shoulders slump in defeat as she tries to restore order. This will definitely be a long day for the poor thing.
You continue with your shopping, but find yourself passing by the Santa setup a few more times. Each time, the poor elf looks more and more frazzled. Her dark hair is escaping from under the hat, her cheeks are flushed, and she's practically jogging to keep up with all the line-cutting kids.
"Please, one at a time!" the elf girl pleads, her voice cracking slightly. You notice dark circles under her eyes as you walk past.
After finishing up your shopping, you head to your car feeling accomplished. That's when your phone buzzes - a text from your mother saying your cousin - yes, that cousin - decided last-minute to join Christmas dinner.
Now you need another gift.
With a sigh, you trudge back into the mall. The Santa setup is gone now, packed away for the night. You quickly grab a generic gift card (he's not worth much effort anyway) and head back to the parking lot.
That's when you hear it - soft sniffling coming from between two cars. You pause, keys in hand. The sound continues, clearly someone crying. Following the noise, you find a small figure curled up against a tire, wearing that ridiculous elf costume.
"Hey... are you okay?" You ask gently.
She jerks up with a gasp, hastily wiping her eyes. It's the same elf from earlier, but her makeup is smeared and her eyes are red and puffy.
"I'm fine!" She squeaks, trying to force a smile. "Just... just taking a break!"
You raise an eyebrow. "In the parking lot? At night?"
She deflates slightly. "Okay, maybe not just taking a break..."
"I saw you earlier, helping Santa. Rough day with the kids?"
A bitter laugh escapes her. "That obvious, huh?" She sniffs and wipes her nose with her sleeve. "Everything went wrong. The kids were crazy, I couldn't control them, I dropped hot chocolate all over myself... and now they're firing me. Said I'm not 'elf material.'"
"That's harsh. Those kids were like wild animals though, not sure anyone could have controlled them."
She shrugs, looking down at her ridiculous pointed shoes. "I really needed this job though. Even just through Christmas..."
"I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll find something else soon." You hesitate for a second, then you say your name.
"Miyeon," she replies softly.
"Nice to meet you, Miyeon. Look, this might sound weird but... would you want to grab something to eat? You look like you could use a friend right now."
Her eyes widen. "Oh! That's very kind but... I don't know you. And I probably look terrible..." She gestures at her tear-stained face.
You grin. "Come on, who doesn't want to have dinner with a Christmas elf? I promise I'm not a serial killer. We can go somewhere public with lots of witnesses."
That gets a small laugh out of her. "I really shouldn't..."
Right on cue, her stomach lets out a loud growl. Her face turns bright red.
"When's the last time you ate?" You ask.
"Um... breakfast? Maybe?" She admits sheepishly. "I was too nervous to eat lunch..."
"That settles it then. Come on, my treat. Consider it my good deed for the holiday season."
She bites her lip, clearly conflicted. "You really don't have to..."
"I want to. Plus, how often do I get to take an elf to dinner? It'll make a great story."
Finally, a real smile breaks through. "Okay... but only if you promise to drive me home after?"
"Scout's honor," you reply, helping her up.
You lead her to your car, noticing how small and vulnerable she looks in the ridiculous elf costume. During the short drive, you learn that Miyeon is a college student who needed extra money for textbooks next semester.
"The mall job seemed perfect," she explains. "Decent pay for just two weeks of work. But I guess I'm not cut out for dealing with kids."
"Those weren't kids, they were tiny terrorists," you reply, making her giggle.
At the diner, you slide into a booth and watch in amusement as Miyeon demolishes a huge plate of pancakes. She pauses between bites, suddenly self-conscious.
"Am I being rude? I must look like such a pig..."
"Not at all. Eat up - you've earned it after this sitty day."
Other diners keep glancing at your table, probably wondering why there's an elf having breakfast for dinner. Miyeon shrinks under their stares.
"Don't you need to return the costume?" you ask.
She shakes her head. "Had to buy it myself. Waste of money now..."
"Seriously? They made you pay for it? That's fucked up."
"Yeah... I spent most of my savings on it too." Her voice wavers slightly.
You study her as she eats - she really is cute, even in the silly costume. There's something genuine and sweet about her that draws you in.
"So what are you studying?" you ask.
"Art history. Everyone says it's useless but... I love it. There's something magical about understanding how art has shaped human culture throughout time."
Her eyes light up as she talks about her studies, hands gesturing animatedly. You find yourself smiling at her enthusiasm.
"That's actually really cool. Most people just chase whatever degree will make them the most money."
"That's what my parents wanted me to do," she sighs. "They think I'm wasting my time. The mall job was supposed to prove I could be responsible and support myself but..." she trails off, looking down at her empty plate.
"Hey, no matter what they think. Do what makes you happy."
She gives you a grateful smile that makes your heart skip a beat.
After dinner, you drive her home as promised. She lives in a small apartment complex near campus.
"Thank you so much for everything," Miyeon says sincerely. "I don't know how to repay you."
You pretend to think hard for a moment.
"Hmm, how about drinks tomorrow night?" you suggest. "No elf costume required."
Her eyes widen. "Are you... are you asking me out?"
"Unless that would be weird?"
"No! I mean... no, it wouldn't be weird. I'd like that." Her cheeks flush pink.
"Great. I'll text you?"
She nods, typing her number into your phone. As she gets out of the car, she turns back one more time.
"You know... maybe getting fired wasn't the worst thing after all."
The next evening, you meet Miyeon at a cozy bar downtown. She looks completely different out of the elf costume - wearing a simple sweater and jeans that highlight her petite but curvy figure. Her dark hair falls in soft waves around her face.
"Wow, you clean up nice," you tease. "Almost didn't recognize you without the pointy ears."
She rolls her eyes but smiles. "Never mention that costume again. I'm trying to repress those memories."
Over drinks, conversation flows easily. You learn that Miyeon moved here from Korea as a child, that she has a passion for Renaissance art, and that she secretly loves terrible reality TV shows. She's funny and smart, with a dry sense of humor that catches you off guard.
"So what do you do?" she asks, sipping her cocktail.
You tell her about your job, making her laugh with stories about your weird coworkers. As the night goes on, you find yourself moving closer together, knees touching under the table.
"Want to know a secret?" Miyeon says, slightly tipsy. "I actually hate Christmas music now. Hours of Jingle Bells on repeat will do that to you."
"I don't blame you. That shit's torture."
She giggles, leaning into you slightly. "You know what else? Some of those kids were evil. Like, actually evil. One bit me!"
"No fucking way!"
"Yes! Right here!" She rolls up her sleeve to show you a small bruise on her forearm. Without thinking, you gently run your fingers over the mark. Her skin is incredibly soft.
Miyeon shivers slightly at your touch, looking up at you with those big dark eyes. The air between you feels charged suddenly.
"Do you want to take a walk in the park?" you ask softly.
Shd nods, biting her lower lip.
The winter air nips at your faces as you and Miyeon stroll through the park. Christmas lights twinkle in the trees, creating a magical atmosphere despite the late hour. Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk close together, shoulders brushing.
"Thanks for tonight," Miyeon says softly. "I really needed this after... you know." She gestures vaguely, probably referring to the elf fiasco.
"Hey, I should be thanking you. Not every day I get to rescue a damsel in distress from a parking lot," you tease.
She playfully shoves your shoulder. "I wasn't in distress! I was just... strategically regrouping."
"Is that what we're calling crying behind a car now?"
"Shut up," she laughs, but moves closer to you as a cold breeze whips past.
You find a bench overlooking a small pond, its surface reflecting the colorful lights. Sitting close together for warmth, you can smell her light floral perfume mixing with the crisp winter air.
"You know what's funny?" Miyeon says, watching her breath form little clouds. "If I hadn't been such a terrible elf, we never would have met."
"You weren't terrible. Those kids were demons."
"True. But still..." She turns to look at you, snowflakes catching in her dark hair. Her cheeks are pink from the cold and maybe the drinks. "I'm kind of glad it happened."
The moment feels perfect - the lights, the snow, her eyes shining as she looks up at you. You lean in slowly, giving her time to pull away if she wants to.
Instead, she meets you halfway.
Her lips are soft and slightly cold from the winter air. The kiss is gentle, tentative at first, then deepening as she sighs against your mouth. Your hand comes up to cup her cheek, thumb brushing away a snowflake.
When you finally part, Miyeon's eyes stay closed for a moment longer, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Wow," she breathes.
"Yeah," you agree eloquently, making her giggle.
The next few days pass in a pleasant blur. You text constantly, sharing memes and stories about your days. She sends you pictures of terrible Christmas sweaters at thrift stores, you counter with photos of your coworker's increasingly elaborate desk decorations.
You meet up again for coffee between her job hunting attempts. This time she's wearing an oversized sweater that makes her look even tinier, hands wrapped around a steaming peppermint latte.
"I had another interview today," she sighs. "At a bookstore this time."
"How'd it go?"
"Well, I didn't cry or spill anything, so better than the mall job already." She takes a sip of her drink, leaving a foam mustache that you resist the urge to kiss away. "But they said they're looking for someone with more retail experience."
"That's bullshit. How are you supposed to get experience if no one will hire you?"
"Exactly!" She throws up her hands in frustration. "It's like they expect me to emerge fully formed from the womb with five years of customer service experience."
You think for a moment. "You know... my friend works at that art supply store downtown. I could put in a word?"
Miyeon's eyes light up. "Really? You'd do that?"
"Of course. Plus, it's related to your major kind of. You'd be surrounded by art stuff all day."
She practically bounces in her seat. "That would be amazing! Thank you-thank you-thank you!"
Her enthusiasm is infectious. You can't help but lean across the table to kiss her, tasting peppermint on her lips.
The art store interview goes well - Your friend's recommendation carries weight, and Miyeon's genuine passion for art shines through. They hire her for a temporary position through the holiday season, with potential to stay on part-time after.
"I start Monday!" she tells you excitedly over the phone. "And the employee discount is amazing. I'm going to buy so many fancy pencils."
You celebrate with takeout at her tiny apartment near campus. It's cramped but cozy, walls covered in art prints and fairy lights. You sit on her futon eating Chinese food straight from the containers while she tells you about all her plans.
"The manager said they do workshops sometimes too. Like, teaching basic techniques and stuff. Maybe eventually I could lead one!" She's practically vibrating with excitement.
"Look at you, moving up in the world. From disgraced elf to art guru."
She throws a fortune cookie at your head. "Never mention the elf thing again! I'm trying to maintain some dignity here."
You catch the cookie and crack it open. "'A surprise encounter will lead to lasting happiness.’ Huh, guess these things are right sometimes."
Miyeon blushes, ducking her head. You set aside the takeout containers and pull her close, kissing her slowly. She melts against you, fingers curling into your shirt.
The makeout sessions are becoming a regular thing, but neither of you pushes for more. It's nice, this slow build of intimacy. Learning the little things about each other - how she scrunches her nose when she laughs, the way she absently hums while reading, her habit of stealing sips of your drinks and more.
You help her prepare for her first day, picking out an outfit that's professional but still her style.
She texts you updates throughout the day:
"OMG there are so many types of pencils. How are there this many pencils??"
"Just had to explain to someone why they can't return used paint. Why are people like this?"
"A kid just asked me what colors taste the best. I told him blue. Hope I don't get sued."
After her shift, you meet her for dinner. She's tired but happy, chattering about everything she learned.
"And did you know there are pencils that cost like $50 EACH? For one pencil! But they're so smooth, feel this!" She pulls a sample pencil from her bag, making you test it on a napkin.
"Very smooth," you agree, charmed by her enthusiasm. "Worth $50?"
"Maybe not $50, but with my discount..." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
The days leading up to Christmas pass quickly. You help Miyeon learn the store's inventory system, quizzing her on different types of paper and brush sizes. She introduces you to her favorite cheap noodle places near campus.
One evening, you're walking her home when it starts snowing heavily. She tilts her head back, sticking out her tongue to catch snowflakes.
"You know what?" she says thoughtfully. "I actually kind of miss the elf costume. Just a tiny bit."
You raise an eyebrow. "Stockholm syndrome kicking in?"
"No, it's just... if I hadn't taken that stupid job, if I hadn't been so bad at it... we wouldn't be here now." She stops walking, turning to face you. "Sometimes the worst things lead to the best things, you know?"
You brush snow from her hair. "Very philosophical. Must be all that art history education."
"Shut up," she laughs, standing on tiptoes to kiss you. Her lips are cold but her mouth is warm, tasting like the hot chocolate you shared earlier.
When she pulls back, her eyes are serious. "Thank you. For everything. The job, the support... just being there."
"Hey, I got something out of it too. How many people can say they're dating a former mall elf?"
She groans. "I take it back. You're the worst."
But she's smiling as she says it, snowflakes catching on her eyelashes, and you think maybe those fortune cookies know what they're talking about after all.
The art supply store keeps her busy through the holiday rush. You bring her coffee during her breaks, watching her explain different types of paints to customers with growing confidence. She's in her element here, surrounded by creative supplies and fellow art enthusiasts.
"A lady asked me to recommend brushes for oil painting today," she tells you proudly. "And I actually knew what to suggest! I'm becoming one of those knowledgeable retail people."
"Better than being one of those retail people who hides in the stockroom to cry," you point out.
"That was ONE TIME," she protests, but she's laughing.
Finally, about two days before Christmas, you invite her over to your place for dinner. You've cooked before, but tonight feels different. There's an electricity in the air, an unspoken anticipation.
Miyeon shows up wearing a simple red dress that hugs every curve. Her dark hair falls in soft waves past her shoulders, and you catch a hint of floral perfume when she hugs you hello.
"Something smells amazing," she says, following you to the kitchen.
"Don't sound so surprised," you tease. "I can cook sometimes."
"Sometimes being the key word." She peers into the pot on the stove. "Remember the Great Pasta Disaster of last week?"
"Hey, how was I supposed to know the sauce would explode like that?"
She laughs, stealing a piece of garlic bread. "My ceiling is still stained red. My landlord thinks I murdered someone up there."
Dinner is comfortable, filled with your usual banter. But there's an undercurrent of tension, a charge building between you. Every accidental brush of hands sends sparks down your spine. You catch her staring at your lips more than once.
After the dishes are done, you move to the couch with glasses of wine. Miyeon curls up against your side, fitting perfectly under your arm. You can feel her heart racing.
"This is nice," she murmurs, tracing patterns on your thigh.
"Yeah?" Your voice comes out rougher than intended. "Just nice?"
She tilts her head up to look at you, eyes dark and intense. "Maybe more than nice..."
You cup her face with one hand, thumb brushing her cheek. She leans into the touch, breath hitching slightly.
"Do you like me?"
Instead of answering, she surges up to press her lips against yours. It starts soft, tentative, but quickly deepens into something more urgent. Her tongue slides against yours as she shifts to straddle your lap, dress riding up her thighs.
You run your hands up her sides, feeling her shiver. She grinds down against you, drawing a groan from your throat. When you break for air, her pupils are blown wide with desire.
"Bedroom?" You manage to ask.
She nods frantically. "Please."
You stand, lifting her with you. Her legs wrap around your waist as you carry her down the hall, still kissing. You nearly trip twice, making her giggle against your mouth.
Finally reaching the bedroom, you put her back on the floor, your fingers gently touch her cheek, she looks up at you with such trust and want that it makes your chest ache.
"You're sure about this?" You have to ask.
"I've never been more sure of anything," she replies.
That’s all you needed to hear.
Your hands roam over Miyeon's body, mapping every delicious curve through her thin dress. She arches into your touch, soft moans escaping her perfect lips. When you kiss down her neck, she threads her fingers through your hair, pulling you closer.
"I've wanted this for so long," she whispers, her voice trembling with need. "Ever since we first met..."
You gently bite her neck, making her gasp. "Me too, princess. You drive me fucking crazy." Your hands slide down to squeeze her ass through the dress. She feels so perfect, so soft yet firm.
Miyeon grinds against you, her breath coming faster. "Please... touch me more..." She guides your hand to her breast, letting you feel her hardened nipple through the fabric.
You waste no time sliding the dress straps off her shoulders, revealing more of her flawless porcelain skin. Her medium breasts spill free, pink nipples begging for attention. "Fuck, you're gorgeous," you growl, taking one peak into your mouth.
"Ohh! Yes, suck them..." She holds your head to her chest as you lavish her breasts with your tongue, alternating between gentle licks and firm sucking. Her moans get louder when you graze your teeth over the sensitive buds.
Your hands push her dress down further until it pools at her feet. Miyeon stands before you in just her lacy panties, her face flushed with arousal and slight embarrassment. You drink in the sight of her nearly naked body.
"You're staring too much," she says shyly.
You gently grab her wrists. "It's because you're fucking perfect." You pull her close for a deep kiss, your tongue exploring her mouth as your hands roam her exposed skin.
She melts into the kiss, pressing her breasts against your chest. You can feel her nipples hard against you through your shirt. Her hands tug at the fabric. "Take this off... I want to feel your skin..."
You break the kiss just long enough to pull your shirt over your head. When your bare chest meets hers, you both moan at the contact. Her skin is so incredibly soft against yours.
"Bed. Now." You guide her backwards until her knees hit the mattress. She lies back, dark hair fanning out on the pillow as she looks up at you with those innocent yet lustful eyes.
You crawl over her, leaving a trail of hot kisses from her tummy up to her neck. Her hands explore your back, nails lightly scratching. When you grind your clothed erection against her core, she gasps.
"Can you feel how hard you make me?" You thrust against her again, making her whimper.
"Y-yes... I want to see it..." Her hands move to your belt, fumbling with the buckle.
You help her undo your pants, kicking them off along with your boxers. Your cock springs free, already rock hard and leaking precum. Miyeon's eyes widen as she takes in your size.
"Like what you see, princess?" You smirk as her hand wraps around your shaft, stroking experimentally.
"It's so big..." she whispers, thumb brushing over your sensitive tip. "Will it... fit?"
"We'll go nice and slow, baby. But first..." You hook your fingers in her panties, sliding them down her legs. You spread her creamy thighs wide apart, admiring how her pink pussy glistens with arousal. Her outer lips are puffy and swollen, inner folds glistening with her juices. The musky scent of her cunt makes your mouth water as you lean in closer. “Fuck, you're already so wet for me.”
"Please..." she whimpers, squirming under your intense gaze. "Stop teasing and lick me already!"
You give her a wicked grin before diving in, dragging your hot tongue through her dripping slit from bottom to top. The taste of her pussy explodes across your tongue - tangy and sweet like ripe fruit. She cries out and bucks her hips up into your face.
"Fuck! Your tongue feels so good!" Her fingers tangle in your hair as you focus on her clit, circling the swollen nub with firm strokes. You can feel it getting harder and more pronounced under your tongue.
Holding her thighs open wider, you bury your face deeper between her legs, eating her pussy like it's your last meal. Your tongue alternates between fucking into her tight hole and flicking rapidly over her clit. Wet sucking sounds fill the room as you devour her cunt.
Her pussy is absolutely drenched now, cream coating your chin as you feast on her. You slide two fingers into her clutching channel while continuing to assault her clit with your tongue. The walls of her cunt squeeze your digits hungrily.
"Holy shit, don't stop! Right there!" She grinds her pussy against your face, chasing her pleasure. "I'm getting so close already..."
You curl your fingers to massage her g-spot while sucking her clit between your lips. The combination has her writhing and moaning uncontrollably. Her thighs start to tremble as her orgasm builds.
You increase the pressure and speed, determined to make her cum hard on your tongue. Your fingers pump in and out of her sopping pussy while you flick her clit mercilessly. She's so wet that obscene squelching noises accompany each thrust of your fingers.
"Fuck fuck fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Her back arches off the bed as her climax hits. Her pussy clamps down on your fingers as waves of pleasure course through her. You keep licking and sucking, drawing out her orgasm until she pushes your head away.
But you're not done with her yet. Not so soon. As she lies there panting, you reposition yourself between her legs. Her pussy is still twitching with aftershocks when you dive back in, this time focusing solely on her sensitive clit.
"Wait! I just came—ahhhh!" Her protest turns into a moan as you suck her swollen clit between your lips. You can feel her trying to close her legs but you hold them open, continuing your relentless assault on her pussy.
The oversensitivity quickly transforms back into pleasure as you work her towards another orgasm. Your tongue swirls around her clit in tight circles while three fingers pump into her dripping hole. Her cream coats your hand as you finger-fuck her roughly.
"Oh god, I can't... it's too much!" But her hips are rocking against your face again, chasing the building pleasure. You can feel her pussy getting even wetter, if that's possible.
You alternate between broad strokes with your flattened tongue and quick flicks directly on her clit. Meanwhile your fingers curl to hit her g-spot with each thrust. The combination of stimulation has her climbing rapidly towards another peak.
Her moans get higher and more desperate as you drive her wild with your mouth and fingers. You can tell she's fighting the pleasure, still sensitive from her first orgasm. But you're determined to make her cum again.
"Please... I can't take it... gonna cum again!" Her thighs start shaking as her second orgasm approaches. You double down, sucking her clit firmly while hammering your fingers against her g-spot.
She screams as she cums, her pussy clamping down so hard on your fingers that you can barely move them. You keep your lips locked around her clit, sucking gently to draw out the intense pleasure.
When her orgasm finally subsides, you slowly withdraw your fingers from her quivering pussy. They're absolutely coated in her cream. You make eye contact as you lick them clean, savoring her tangy flavor.
"Holy shit..." Miyeon pants, still trembling. "That was incredible. I've never cum that hard before."
You smirk and dive right back in, making her yelp in surprise. Her clit is swollen and ultra-sensitive now, perfect for what you have planned. You flatten your tongue and lap at her pussy with long, slow strokes.
"No more, baby, I can't..." But her protests are weak and her hips are already moving against your mouth again. You can feel her getting wetter as you continue eating her out.
This time you take it slow, building her up gradually. Your tongue explores every fold and crease of her pussy, occasionally dipping into her hole to taste her essence. When you finally return attention to her clit, she's practically begging for it.
"Please... need to cum again..." Miyeon rocks desperately against your face, seeking more pressure. But you keep your touches light and teasing, driving her crazy with want.
You trace letters on her clit with the tip of your tongue, spelling out filthy words as she writhes beneath you. When you finally slide your fingers back into her clutching pussy, she moans in relief.
"Yes! Fuck me with your fingers while you eat my pussy!" Her dirty talk spurs you on as you pump three fingers into her dripping hole. Your tongue works her clit with firm, steady pressure.
Her pussy is absolutely gushing now, cream running down your wrist as you finger-fuck her roughly. The wet sounds of your fingers plunging into her cunt fill the room along with her desperate moans.
You curl your fingers to massage her g-spot while sucking her clit between your lips. The dual stimulation has her climbing rapidly towards another orgasm. Her thighs start trembling as she gets close.
"Gonna cum again! Don't stop, please don't stop!" She grinds her pussy against your face, chasing her pleasure. You increase the pressure and speed, determined to give her the most intense orgasm yet.
Her back lifts clear off the bed, her body trembling violently as the orgasm tears through her. Miyeon's cries of your name echo in the room, her voice breaking into a series of desperate whimpers. Her pussy clamps down on your fingers, pulsating in rhythm with the waves of pleasure crashing through her. Her hands clutch at the sheets, knuckles white, as her thighs twitch uncontrollably. You don’t let up, your fingers continuing to work her through every shuddering moment of ecstasy, curling and teasing until she lets out a sharp gasp and pushes your head back, her hips jerking away.
"Stop, stop! Too much," she pants, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her body glistening with sweat.
You lean back, watching her recover, her hair splayed out like a halo against the pillow. Her cheeks are flushed deep red, lips parted as she struggles to catch her breath. She drapes an arm over her face, giggling weakly. "Wow... that was—like—insane. I didn’t know you were this good with your hands."
“Take your time,” you say, your tone soft but teasing as your gaze roams her utterly wrecked form.
She peeks at you from beneath her arm, her eyes still hazy and unfocused. Her thighs quiver as she stretches her legs out, one hand brushing against her stomach as if grounding herself. “Okay, just give me a second,” she murmurs, her voice shaky, a tired smile playing at her lips.
While she lies there, basking in the aftershocks, you reach over to the nightstand. Your fingers brush against the foil packet, and you tear it open deliberately, watching her out of the corner of your eye. Her gaze snaps to you as you roll the condom onto your throbbing cock, her pupils dilating slightly.
"Already?" she whispers, a flicker of excitement chasing away the exhaustion in her expression. You smirk, positioning yourself above her, letting her feel the heat of your body pressing against hers.
"Yes. Ready for me, princess?" You position yourself at her entrance, rubbing your tip through her folds.
She nods, pulling you down for a passionate kiss. You can feel her trembling with anticipation.
"Tell me if it's too much," you murmur against her lips as you start pushing in. The head pops past her tight entrance, making you both moan.
"Oh fuck... you're so big..." She bites her lip, adjusting to the stretch as you slowly feed more of your length into her.
You go inch by inch, letting her pussy accommodate your size. Her walls grip you like a vice, so hot and tight it takes all your control not to just slam in.
"That's it, baby, taking my cock so well..." You bottom out, fully sheathed in her warmth.
You stay still for a moment, letting her adjust while peppering kisses across her face and neck. When her hips start moving against you, you take it as your cue to move.
You start with a few slow, shallow thrusts, just to get her warmed up. Miyeon's moans are soft at first, but they grow louder with each push, urging you on. You can feel her nails digging into your back, her legs wrapping around your waist, pulling you deeper into her. The angle changes, and you hit something inside her that makes her cry out.
"Fuck, right there," she gasps. "Don't stop."
You don't plan to. You pick up the pace, your hips moving faster, your cock sliding in and out of her slick pussy. She's meeting your thrusts, her body arching up to take you deeper.
"Faster," she begs, her voice ragged. "Please fuck me faster."
You grip her hips, your fingers digging into her soft flesh. You start really giving it to her, your balls slapping against her ass with each stroke. The bed creaks beneath you, the headboard banging against the wall as you pound her tight pussy.
"You like that, huh?" you growl in her ear. "Like getting fucked hard by my big cock?"
"Yes!" she screams. "Oh god, yes! Your cock feels so fucking good inside me."
Her words dissolve into incoherent moans, her body writhing beneath you. You can feel her getting wetter, her cream coating your shaft and dripping down her ass, making a fucking mess of the sheets. You can see it glistening on your cock every time you pull out, can feel it easing the way as you slam back in.
You lean down, your teeth finding her neck, biting down as you fuck her even harder. She cries out, her body convulsing around you. You can feel her pussy clenching, her walls squeezing your cock.
"Fuck, you're close," you groan. "I can feel it."
"Yes," she pants. "I'm gonna cum again. I'm gonna cum all over your cock."
You can feel your own orgasm building, your balls drawing up tight. But you hold back, determined to make her cum first. You want to feel her lose control, want to feel her pussy milking your cock.
You reach between them, your fingers finding her clit. You rub it in tight circles, your cock still pounding into her. She screams, her body bucking, her pussy clamping down on you like a vice.
"Cum for me, baby," you growl. "Let me feel you cum all over my cock."
And she does. She cums hard, her body convulsing, her pussy pulsing around you. You can feel her cream coating your cock, can feel it dripping down your balls. You keep fucking her, drawing out her orgasm, making her cry out with each thrust. Gradually you slow down the pace, each time your cock goes deep inside her, it pulls out slowly, you stay at this teasing pace until she catches her breath, then when you finally pull your cock out of her, without warning, you lift her shapely leg, exposing her dripping pussy and those delicate feet with festive red toenails.
"What are you doing?" she asks, watching as you grip her ankle.
"I'm gonna worship every inch of you," you growl, bringing her foot closer to your face. "Your pretty little toes look too tasty to resist."
Miyeon giggles nervously. "Nobody's ever... Oh fuck!" she gasps as you take her big toe into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. The polish is smooth against your tongue as you suck gently, watching her face for reactions.
"Does that feel good, baby?" You ask between licks. Her toes taste clean with just a hint of salt from sweat.
"Mmmhh... it's weird but... kinda nice," she admits, wiggling her toes against your tongue. You take two toes in your mouth now, sucking harder as your hand slides up her thigh.
"Your feet are fucking perfect," you tell her, kissing down to her arch. "Just like the rest of you." Your fingers find her pussy lips, already swollen and slick from earlier. You gather some of her wetness and start rubbing slow circles around her clit.
"Ohhh..." Miyeon moans, her leg trembling in your grip. You alternate between sucking her toes and licking long stripes up her sole while your fingers work her pussy. Her cream coats your digits as you slide two inside her tight channel.
"So wet for me," you growl. "I love how your pussy gets all creamy when you're turned on." You curl your fingers, finding that special spot that makes her whole body jerk.
"Fuck! Right there!" she cries out, grinding against your hand. You keep the pressure steady, pumping your fingers as you lavish attention on her feet. Her pussy clenches rhythmically around you.
"You gonna cum again for me?" you ask, increasing the pace of your fingers. "Gonna soak my hand with that sweet pussy?"
"Yes! Please don't stop!" Miyeon pants, her head thrashing on the pillow. You can feel her getting close, her inner walls fluttering. Just before she peaks, you withdraw your fingers, making her whine in protest.
"Not yet baby," you tease, releasing her foot. "I want to fuck you while I suck these pretty toes." You position yourself behind her, keeping her leg lifted. Your cock slides easily through her folds, gathering her wetness.
"Please," she begs. "I need you inside me..."
You press just the tip against her entrance, making her squirm.
"Tell me how bad you want it."
"Please, baby, I need to feel your big cock deep in my pussy! Please fuck me... I'm so empty..."
Unable to resist her pleading, you thrust forward, burying your full length in her tight heat. "Fuuuck," you groan. "Your pussy feels amazing." You start a steady rhythm, not too fast yet, wanting to build her up slowly.
Miyeon moans with each thrust, her pussy gripping you perfectly. You capture her toes in your mouth again, sucking hard as you fuck her. The dual stimulation has her writhing.
"Oh god... that's so... unngh!" She can barely form words as pleasure overwhelms her. You increase your pace gradually, driving deeper. Her cream coats your shaft, making obscene wet sounds with each stroke.
"You like having your toes sucked while I fuck this tight pussy?" you ask, releasing her foot momentarily. "Such a good girl, taking my cock so well."
"Yes! Love it... love your cock..." she gasps. You've never heard her talk so dirty before. It spurs you on, making you thrust harder.
Her pussy starts clenching erratically around you as you pound into her. You can tell she's getting close again. This time you don't let up, determined to make her cum hard.
"Something's happening..." Miyeon pants suddenly. "Feels different... like I need to pee..."
"That's it baby," you encourage her. "Don't fight it. Let go for me." You redouble your efforts, angling your hips to hit her g-spot with each thrust while sucking her toes enthusiastically.
"But... unngh... I can't..." she protests weakly, even as her body tenses up.
"Yes, you can! Cum for me Miyeon. Fucking squirt all over my cock!" You slam into her faster, feeling her pussy spasm around you.
"Oh god, oh god, OH FUCK!" Miyeon screams as the dam finally breaks. Clear fluid gushes from around your cock, soaking the sheets beneath you. Her whole body convulses as she experiences her first squirting orgasm.
You keep thrusting through her release, prolonging it as much as possible. More fluid spurts out with each stroke as she trembles uncontrollably.
"That's it baby, let it all out," you growl around her toes. "So fucking hot watching you squirt."
Miyeon can only moan incoherently as waves of pleasure crash over her. Her pussy clamps down so hard it nearly pushes you out, but you maintain your rhythm until her orgasm finally starts to subside.
You gently release her foot and slow your thrusts, giving her time to catch her breath. She looks absolutely wrecked in the best way possible.
"Holy shit," she pants when she can speak again. "What... what was that?"
You chuckle, still buried deep inside her quivering pussy. "That was you squirting, baby. Felt good, didn't it?"
She nods weakly. "Amazing... I didn't know I could do that..."
"Oh we're just getting started," you promise with a wicked grin. "Now that I know how to make you squirt, I'm gonna make you do it again and again..."
Miyeon whimpers at your words, her pussy clenching around you. You can feel she's still sensitive, but also still aroused.
"Ready?" you ask, starting to move inside her again. She moans in response as you lift her foot back to your mouth...
Your cock slides easily through her creamy folds as you build up a steady rhythm once more. Miyeon's moans get louder with each thrust, her oversensitive pussy gripping you like a vice.
"Such a good girl," you praise her between licks to her foot. "Taking my cock so well after that huge orgasm."
"Feels so good," she gasps. "Everything's so sensitive..."
You angle your hips to hit her g-spot again, making her whole body jerk. "Think you can squirt for me again?" You ask, increasing your pace slightly.
"I... unngh... maybe?" Miyeon pants. "Still feels like I might pee..."
"That's normal, baby. Just let it happen." You suck her big toe into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it as you fuck her deeper. Her cream coats your shaft, dripping down onto the already soaked sheets.
"Oh fuck... oh fuck..." she chants as the pleasure builds. You can feel her starting to tense up again, her inner walls fluttering around your cock.
"That's it," you encourage her. "Let go for me. Show me what a good little squirter you are."
Your words push her over the edge. With a sharp cry, Miyeon's pussy contracts hard and another gush of clear fluid sprays out around your cock.
"Fuck yes!" You growl, maintaining your rhythm as she squirts. "So fucking hot watching you lose control like this."
Wave after wave of pleasure rocks through her body as you continue fucking her through the intense orgasm. Her toes curl against your tongue as more fluid spurts out with each thrust.
When her release finally subsides, Miyeon lies there trembling and gasping for air. You slow your pace but don't stop completely, knowing you can wring at least one more orgasm from her oversensitive body.
"Please..." she whimpers, her body trembling beneath you. "It's too much... I can't..."
"Shh, baby," you murmur, your voice steady and firm. "You can take it. You can take everything I give you." You slow your thrusts a little more, letting her catch her breath, but not enough to let her come down from the peak. "You've got one more in you. I know you do."
She shakes her head, her hair sticking to her sweat-slicked face. "No, I can't... I can't..."
"You can," you insist, your cock still moving inside her, stirring up her pleasure again. "You're a fucking goddess, Miyeon. You can take every inch of my cock. You can cum all over it again."
You increase your speed, your hips moving faster, your cock hitting that spot inside her that makes her scream. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, trying to keep you in, trying to milk you.
"Oh god," she moans, her voice rising in pitch. "Oh god, oh god, oh god..."
"That's it, baby," you growl. "Feel that? Feel my cock hitting your g-spot? You're gonna cum for me again. You're gonna squirt all over my cock."
"I'm so close... I'm so clo—OH GOD!" she cries out, her body tensing, her pussy gripping you like a vice.
You can feel her right on the edge, her body coiled tight, ready to snap. You lean down, your teeth finding her earlobe, biting down just hard enough to send a shockwave through her.
"Cum for me, Miyeon," you command, your voice low and rough. "Fucking let go. Let me feel that pussy explode. Let me see that squirt. Do it, baby. Fucking do it now."
She screams, her body convulsing, her eyes rolling back in her head. "I'm cumm—AAAAH!"
You can feel it, hot and wet, gushing out of her, coating your cock, dripping down your balls. You keep fucking her, drawing out her orgasm, making her scream with each thrust.
"That's it, baby," you groan. "Fuck, that's so good. You're squirting all over my cock. You're such a good girl, Miyeon. Such a fucking good girl."
Her body is shaking, her pussy still pulsing around you. You slow your thrusts, letting her ride out her orgasm, letting her come down slowly. You're about to cum, right on the edge, but you hold back again. This is about her.
This is about Miyeon.
You gently pull out of her, your cock still hard and glistening with her cum. You move down her body, your tongue tracing a path down her stomach, down to her pussy, your hands stroking her thighs, your touch gentle and soothing.
The bed beneath her is a fucking mess—sheets soaked through, the scent of sex heavy in the air. You can see the wet spot spreading, a testament to her pleasure.
"Fuck, baby," you murmur, your voice soft but filled with awe. "Look at this mess you made. You're so fucking sexy."
Miyeon's breath hitches as she looks down at the wet sheets, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and satisfaction. "I... I didn't know I could do that," she admits, her voice shaky. "It felt... god, it felt so fucking good."
You smile, your fingers tracing patterns on her inner thighs, feeling the slickness of her cum. "You squirted, baby. You fucking squirted all over my cock. It was the hottest thing I've ever seen."
She shivers, her body still sensitive from the intense orgasm. "I've never... I've never felt anything like that before. It was like... like my whole body just let go."
You lean in, your tongue lapping at her pussy, tasting her, cleaning her up. She jolts, her hips bucking slightly, but you hold her steady, your hands gripping her thighs.
"Shh, baby," you soothe. "Let me take care of you. Let me clean you up."
She relaxes, her body melting into the bed as you take your time, your tongue exploring every inch of her pussy. You can feel her shivering, her body responding to your touch. The taste of her is intoxicating, a mix of sweet and salty, pure fucking heaven.
"You taste so fucking good, Miyeon," you murmur, your voice low and husky. "I could do this all fucking night."
She moans softly, her fingers tangling in your hair. "It feels so good... I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I squirted."
You look up at her, your eyes meeting hers. She's watching you, her eyes soft and hazy with pleasure. You smile, your tongue giving her one last lick.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Miyeon," you whisper. "God, you're so fucking perfect…"
"But you haven't come yet," she suddenly notes.
"You're right. And where do you want my cum, princess?" You ask.
"On my face... want to taste you..."
"Fuck... Okay. Yeah, right. Get on your knees, baby,” you ask her as you quickly remove the condom.
Miyeon looks up at you with those innocent eyes as she kneels before you, her pretty face flushed with arousal. Her lips are already swollen from all the kissing, making them look even more cock-hungry than usual. You grab a fistful of her silky black hair, guiding her face closer to your throbbing shaft.
"Open that pretty mouth for me baby," you command, tapping your cock head against her plump lips. "I want to see how deep you can take it."
She parts her lips obediently, sticking out her pink tongue to lap at your sensitive tip. The sight of your precum glistening on her tongue makes your cock throb with need. You slowly feed her more of your length, watching in satisfaction as her lips stretch around your girth.
"Mmmmph," she moans around your cock, her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure. She clearly loves having her mouth filled, eagerly sucking and slurping as you push deeper.
You start with slow, shallow thrusts, letting her get used to your size. Her tongue swirls expertly around your shaft as you slide in and out between those perfect lips. Wet sucking sounds fill the room along with her muffled moans.
"That's it baby, take my cock," you growl, tightening your grip in her hair. "Your mouth feels so fucking good."
She responds by taking you deeper, relaxing her throat to accommodate more of your length. Tears form in the corners of her eyes as you hit the back of her throat, but she doesn't pull away.
If anything, she seems even more eager.
You pick up the pace slightly, fucking her mouth with measured strokes. Her lipstick is getting smeared all over your cock, marking it with traces of red. The sight of her face getting messy already has your balls tightening.
"Such a good little cocksucker," you praise, watching her cheeks hollow with suction. "You love having your pretty face fucked don't you?"
She nods as best she can with your cock stuffed in her mouth, humming in agreement. The vibrations send pleasure shooting through your shaft.
You pull out briefly to let her catch her breath, a string of saliva connecting her lips to your cock head. She gasps for air but immediately opens wide again, eager for more. Her face is already a mess of smeared makeup and drool.
"Please fuck my face harder," she begs, voice hoarse. "I want you to use my mouth like a pussy."
You don't need to be asked twice. Gripping her head firmly with both hands, you slam your cock back between her lips. This time you don't hold back, setting a brutal pace as you fuck her throat. She gags and chokes but takes it like a champ, her eyes watering heavily.
The wet sounds of her throat getting pounded are absolutely obscene. Drool runs down her chin and neck as you use her mouth roughly. Her hands grip your thighs for support but she doesn't try to pull away or slow you down.
"Fuck yes, take that cock," you grunt, watching your shaft disappear repeatedly into her willing mouth. "Going to paint that pretty face white soon."
She moans eagerly around your length, clearly excited by the promise of a facial. You can feel your orgasm building as her throat muscles massage your sensitive head.
Your thrusts become more erratic as you get closer to the edge. Her face is an absolute mess now - mascara running down her cheeks, lipstick completely ruined, drool everywhere. She looks utterly debauched and you haven't even cum yet.
"Get ready baby," you warn, feeling your balls tighten. "Going to cover that beautiful face."
You pull out just in time, the slick heat of her lips giving way as you grip your shaft tightly, aiming at Miyeon's upturned face. Her mouth is already open, tongue stretched out, her eyes locked on yours with a look of pure, desperate need. "Give it to me," she breathes, her voice thick with anticipation. The sight of her waiting so hungrily for your release sends a jolt through you, your cock twitching violently in your hand.
With a guttural groan, you let go, the first rope of hot cum splattering across her forehead and sliding down to her nose. She gasps softly, her breath hitching as the next thick jet paints her cheek, followed by another streaking across the bridge of her nose. Your hand works your shaft steadily, aiming with intent, making sure to glaze her perfect lips thoroughly, the creamy mess dripping onto her tongue as she moans in satisfaction.
She doesn’t flinch—if anything, she leans into it, her tongue sweeping over her lips, savoring every drop that lands in her mouth. You’re relentless, emptying yourself onto her until her face is a masterpiece of your desire, every inch of her skin marked with your seed. Thick streaks cling to her lashes, a stray drop dangling precariously from her chin before falling onto her chest. By the time you're finished, she’s a vision of debauched perfection, her flushed cheeks and parted lips framed by the glistening evidence of your climax.
"Fuck," you mutter, your voice hoarse as you admire her. "Look at you. My perfect, filthy girl."
She moans softly, tilting her head as you bring your cock closer, your tip still sensitive but eager for more. Slowly, deliberately, you use your softening length to spread the mess across her skin. You smear the cum over her cheeks, tracing her jawline, rubbing it into her lips before sliding down to her chin. She stays perfectly still, her eyes closed, a serene smile tugging at her mouth as she basks in the attention.
“You’re so fucking beautiful like this,” you whisper, your voice thick with awe. “That pretty face deserves to be covered in my cum every day.”
Her lashes flutter as she peeks up at you, her voice soft but dripping with satisfaction. “I’ll let you paint me whenever you want. I love how it feels... so warm, so dirty.”
Your thumb moves to her lips, smearing the last of the cum over them before pushing lightly into her mouth. She sucks on it obediently, her tongue flicking against your skin, her moan vibrating through your thumb.
When you finally pull back, you grab a handful of tissues, leaning down to clean her face. You start gently, dabbing at her cheeks and lips, but you can’t help but pause to admire her wrecked state—the messy hair, her flushed skin, her swollen, cock-bruised lips. Even as you clean her, the heat between you lingers, your touch lingering on her skin as she smiles up at you.
"You’re mine, Miyeon," you blurt out unconsciously, but there’s no mistaking the edge in your voice.
"Yours," she repeats, her voice a dreamy whisper. "Yeah, I'm yours.”
After changing the sheets on the bed, you both collapse onto the fresh, clean mattress, exhausted but content. You pull Miyeon close, her body fitting perfectly against yours as you snuggle together. The room is quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the city outside the window.
Miyeon props herself up on an elbow, looking down at you with those dark, beautiful eyes. "So... this isn't just a one-time thing, right?" she asks, her voice soft but hopeful.
You pull her in for a kiss, your lips lingering on hers. "Definitely not," you murmur against her mouth. "Unless you want it to be?"
"No!" she says quickly, then blushes, her cheeks turning a cute shade of pink. "I mean... I really like you. Like, really really like you."
You smile, your heart swelling in your chest. "Good, because I really really like you too," you say. "Even when you're not dressed as an elf."
She groans, hiding her face in your neck. "Are you ever going to let me live that down?" she mumbles, her voice muffled.
You chuckle, your arms tightening around her. "Nope. It's how we met, it's part of our love story now."
She goes still in your arms, her body tensing slightly.
"Love story?" She asks
Shit. Too soon? You think to yourself, wondering if you've fucked up. But then she's beaming up at you with that bright smile that first caught your attention, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Yeah," you say softly. "Love story."
She kisses you again, pouring all her feelings into it. When she pulls back, her eyes are sparkling with happy tears. "Best Christmas present ever," she declares, her voice filled with joy.
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wonderjanga · 4 months ago
I’m Never Going Back to That Farm
Clark was talking to Marvel and he realized the man didn’t have anyone to celebrate Christmas with. So, he invited him over. Cause why not? Might as well spread some Christmas spirit. What he didn’t expect was…
Ma Kent: “Clark, your home!” *hugs her son*
Supes: “It’s good to see you too Ma
Ma Kent: “Oh, and who is your little friend-” *looks over to Marvel before doing a double take* “C.C.?”
Marvel: “Huh?”
Ma Kent: “Oh my God, C.C. is that really you?” *turns around to call Pa Kent* “Honey! Come here and look who Clark brought over!”
Supes and Marvel: *share a look*
Pa Kent: “What’s wrong Martha?” *comes from the kitchen* “Charley!? Is that really is you?” *rubs his eyes and looks again* “God, we thought you died in the plane crash! Also, Jesus, you’ve grown 2 feet.”
Supes: “Your name is Charley?” *looks over to Marvel*
Ma Kent: “Oh no sweetie, it’s Clarence, but this guy thought the name was too boring. So we either called him Charley or C.C.”
Marvel: “Haha… Yeah.” *oozing awkwardness*
Supes: *staring with a hint of betrayal*
As for why Clark felt betrayed? Well, his parents knew about Marvel’s entire secret identity before he even did! But, that betrayal was quickly forgotten when his Ma and Pa decided to go down memory lane and pull out a box Clark had never seen before.
Supes: “What’s all this?”
Ma Kent: “Just some old keepsakes your father and I look back on every now and then.”
Pa Kent: *pulls out a photo* “Oh I remember this one. One of my biggest races.” *shows a photo of Ma and Pa Kent, and C.C. and Marilyn all smiling at the camera while Pa Kent is holding a second place trophy*
Supes: “Are you wearing a leather jacket here? Also who’s that?” *points to Marilyn*
Marvel: “That’s my uh…” *looks to the Ma and Pa Kent before looking back to Clark* “My wife?”
Supes: “Wife?!”
Ma Kent: *ignores him* “Speaking of her, where is Marilyn? Did she not come along? Are you two still married?”
Marvel: *also ignores him* “Oh uhm… She didn’t survive the crash.” *still super awkward*
Ma Kent: “Oh Charles… I’m so sorry.”
Pa Kent: “And the kids?”
Supes: “Kids?!”
Marvel: *continues ignoring him* “They’re doing good. Mary and Billy are twelve now.”
Ma Kent: “Oh that’s just wonderful. Say, Clark, isn’t Jon the same age as Charley’s kids?”
Supes: “He’s a year younger.”
Pa Kent: *puts the photo of the four of them back into the box* “You two should set up a little playdate.”
Marvel: “Maybe.” *awkward smile*
So now Clark is completely floored. This man that he’s known for nearly 5 years has had a wife who died??? Not only that, but he has two whole children??? Also Cap knew his parents when they were younger??? He’s definitely going to ask more about that playdate though. Jon should have more superpowered friends his age.
Later during dinner…
Pa Kent: “You know, Charley it surprises me how much you haven’t changed.”
Marvel: “Huh…? Whatdya mean?” *shoveling food in his mouth because it delicious*
Ma Kent: “Well, for starters, you look the exact same.” *little laugh as she puts more food on Marvel’s plate*
Pa Kent: “And when you’re not being super awkward, your personality hasn’t changed all that much either.”
Marvel: “You’ve noticed me being awkward?”
Supes: “It’d be kind of hard not to notice, Cap.”
Billy found out more about his parents from this one Christmas alone than he had in his entire life up until now. That is why he will not be coming back to this farm ever again. He’ll send Christmas cards, he might even send a gift or two, but never again. He doesn’t want these two to realize their friend is actually dead. They’re sweet little old people who don’t deserve that. But other than all that, Billy is super happy to find out he and his dad are very similar in personality. It makes him feel closer to the man.
Also, I went on Wikipedia to learn more about the Kent’s and apparently Pa Kent was a race car driver so in case anybody was confused about the race thing, there’s your explanation.
Also, also, as for how the Batsons and the Kents knew each other? Let’s say that Marilyn grew up in Smallville and met Martha. Then Marilyn moved away to Fawcett, but the two still kept in touch. Then both of the women met their respective husbands and they all got together to be a nice little friend group. And then, you know, the Batsons died.
Also, also, also, after this whole thing, Clark started calling Billy Charley or C.C. which made Billy violently flinch when it first happened. After a while though, he grew used to it because he’d rather be called Charley and have someone think he’s C.C. Batson instead of someone thinking he’s Billy.
Also, also, also, also, (I’m sorry I can’t help but add more) when Clark thought no one was looking, he whipped out his phone and took several pictures of the photo of the Kents and Batsons. Or more accurately, he took photos of the part of the picture with C.C. in a leather jacket. Marvel just didn’t seem like the type so he wanted recorded evidence so he could be sure he wasn’t crazy.
Alright I’m done now. Super duper early Christmas post, yay!
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hminnj · 6 months ago
Maybe In A Different Age
Senku/fem reader
cw: angst no comfort (i tried) ik this fandom kinda dead lowkey but I wanted to write this cause its so senku coded. Senku's an idiot (unsuprisingly). Not very good writing.
wc: uhh i wrote this in my notes, around 1k probably
Byakuya brings two strangers into their house on a random thursday.
"Senku, this is a close friend and her daughter, I'm sure you guys will get along splendidly."
Five year old Senku is harshly blunt when he meets you for the first time, staring at him silently as if you've never seen a human before. He doesn't have anything to say and it seems neither do you, so he walks off, deciding he has better things to do. Promptly ignoring the sigh and apology the older man lets out.
"So I got this new idea and I'm going through the basic logistics and research right now, might need your help later."
"I'll go get us some snacks and something to do while you work on it then."
Six year old Senku watches you dissappear from his doorway, absentmindedly humming while you head to the very familiar kitchen. Your family has been apparently busy as of late so he forcibly sees your face more often. You usually just eat his food, do your work, and ask him (dumb) questions. You're a friend now, he supposes.
"Hey dum dum, Byakuya got me new equipment, so I have some new ideas. So listen up."
"Course Senku!"
Seven year old Senku grins, you're always willing to help him out for whatever reason you have (something weird probably, in his opinion). In return, he always tells you what he's working on and his labor demands. So per usual, he excitedly gets into the details of the next project that he plans on working you and Taiju to the bone for.
"Hey Senku?"
"I think I love you."
"Huh? You better not be catching feelings dum dum." He gives you a confused squint after hearing your words.
"Whatever you say." You hum
Eight year old Senku hears you say those three words for the first time, you don't say why and he doesn't know either. He thinks its rather idiotic, but he shrugs it off after you silently go back to reading. You've been picking up books more often as of late, not that he cares much.
"You're late for the test runs, Taiju and Yuzuriha already left."
"Sorry sorry! My teacher held me up a little later at practice today."
"Hm." His disappointed stare returns.
"Im sorry..? Love you?" You're sheepish with your response.
"How is that supposed to make up for anything? Now come help me carry this stuff"
"As you wish, princess Senku."
Nine year old Senku doesn't understand why you and Byakuya tell him that so often (or that stupid nickname sourced from his "feebleness"), but he moves on quickly to detail the results of the test and the numerous next steps. Much to his pleasure.
"Wake up stupid. You fell asleep." Senku (roughly) shakes you awake from your shoulders, poking at your face a few times.
"Huh? Oh sorry Senku, I guess I'm just tired."
"Well you're not gonna wanna miss this." He grins while looking up, expectant.
"Hm. Hey the moons pretty tonight yeah?"
"It looks the same as it always does. Is that poetry getting to you and making you sappy?"
You wait before responding, "Maybe."
Eleven year old Senku keeps you up on certain nights for his projects or for nights like these where there's a meteor shower. He thinks you should stop reading so much of those books that make you sound like Byakuya. You should also get more rest, he adds.
"Happy Valentines Day Senku!! Got you a gift, heh."
"Must I tell you again?" Senku turns to a usual sight, you waving a gift in front of his face as if he were a dog.
"I'm good I just wanted to remind you."
Twelve year old Senku doesn't see the point in meaningless feelings or holidays for said feelings. Nevertheless, he takes the homemade chocolate from you, skimming through the card which contents include exactly what he expected (a confession of sorts, again), and placing it to the side. Ignoring it in favor of the much more sensible chemicals in front of him. Like every year though, Senku keeps it. He doesn't know why.
"Taiju and Yuzuriha definitely have something going on don't you think?"
"And you're bringing this up why?"
You pause, you know why, but you know he wouldn't understand. "It's cute... wish I could have something like that you know?"
"...For the last time-"
"I know I know Senku, don't worry I'll try to bother you less."
Thirteen year old Senku doesn't see you as much anymore, mostly because of your practice that your mom wants you to perfect. You come over less nowadays, a shame (for his projects obviously), but your presence isn't any smaller of an intrusion at school. So much for bothering him less.
Around 21:00 is when he hears the familiar ringing of his doorbell. "It's late, why are you here?"
"Got out of training not too long ago and wanted to see you before I headed in."
"Your house isn't even remotely close to mine" A raised eyebrow is all you get in response to your grin.
"What does it matter when I'm already here, but gotta go before I get scolded. Goodnight Senku, Love you!"
"You know it's never gonna happen, as you know-"
"Yeah yeah, 10 billion percent illogical, I know, but I can't let my favorite person forget can I?" You flash another smile.
"As if I'd ever with how often you say it, now goodnight."
Fourteen year old Senku closes the door after you've cheerfully said your bye and faded from his sight enough. The lack of noise is strange, now that Byakuya has "ascended like an angel" (his words not Senkus) it's much quieter. The usual noise of a certain two people is absent more often than not. He let's the silence of the house sit in.
"Hey, can you get me something from the storage real quick? Need it soon but that bonehead forgot when he came up here babbling about confessing to Yuzuriha"
"Of course. I'd do anything for you. Always here. You know that Sen."
Fifteen year old Senku glances at your fleeting figure. The nickname is new, for sure. And he can't say he dislikes it, but the lack of a certain three words with your departure is strange. He brushes it off to your usual forgetfulness and peers out the window at Taiju and Yuzuriha. Thoughts preoccupied until a bright green light overtakes his vision and he can't do anything but think into the void.
So he counts.
And maybe every once in a while you pop into his head like you always do.
Three-thousand and something year old Senku wakes up to a world where theres a lack of civilization, a lack of his decency, and most importantly, a lack of you.
You would be useful right now, he supposes.
Three-thousand and something year old Senku spends his free time trying to find you and the rest of the "gang" (as you would say).
He finds Taiju, he finds Yuzuriha, he also finds a lion-punching maniac, but there's no sign of you.
He's ten billion percent sure you survived.
The concerned stare Yuzuriha gives him as they part is ignored.
(Physically) Sixteen year old Senku celebrates this birthday gazing into the sky from his new observatory. It reminds him of a lot of things, but he can't help but notice how empty it is, it's eerily quiet.
He doesn't like it.
Senku wishes you were here.
His first real birthday wish.
(Still) Sixteen year old Senku breaks when he hears his father's voice again for the first time in ages. It's not his voice that gets to Senku. He's heard it plenty enough in his lifetime. It's the mention of you.
"Just kidding! I know it's you on the other side of this Senku! And ____'s there with you right? Please tell me you're dating already or even better married so I can have grandchildren. Please please please Senku! Although you can't really tell me that but-"
Senku stops himself from showing vulnerability in front of the village, and he also stops himself from pausing the record right there and then. Opting to sigh and curse his dad out as a cover up, his fist lightly punching the table.
"Damn you old man."
The questions from the villagers about who you could be are forgotten in favor of an angelic voice. Senku's quick to tune it out. It reminds him of you.
(Mentally) Sixteen year old Senku sits by himself that night. It's been a long day. The constant repeat of a certain melody in the background, more work for the science kingdom, and a few questions about who you were. They stopped after a few radio silences from him, feelings are hard for the scientist after all.
It's cold.
He wishes you were here.
It's dark.
He wishes you were here.
It's lonely.
He wishes you were here.
The day he can always guarantee you're there has long passed. You should be here, is what his mind tells him. You owe him for the past 3000 years of missed birthdays after all.
It's funny, in his opinion. That you were probably most-definitely always there. And the one (multiple actually, 10 billion in his mind) time he looks for you, you're not there.
He doesn't think its funny.
"I'd do anything for you huh..."
Anything but keep your word.
He scoffs, but it's directed at himself. He would never blame you for this, or anything for that matter, he can't.
So he sits. And he stays. Like you would've wanted him too. He looks at the clear sky like you usually do. And he notes how the moon is pretty tonight. Just like you.
"I love you too."
He's 10 billion percent sure he does.
Thanks for reading, if you did :). Sorry for any errors not fully proofread. Senku is so right person wrong time coded when it comes to romance that i had to write this even if its lowkey bad
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months ago
SSR Jamil Viper - Room Relaxation Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Well, of course I would go all out on taking care of my appearance. Particularly on my birthday, when I'm to be the man of the hour.
Summon Line: I should take time to relax, at least on my birthday of all days, huh... True, I guess it might not be terrible to have a breather in my room sometimes.
Groooovy!!: I think I could afford to switch up my makeup application every once in a while. ...Maybe just for my birthday, at least.
Home: I'll just rest a bit.
Swap Looks: I should tend to my hair.
Home Idle 1: Won't I ever cut my hair short? Well, this length may require extra care, but I think I'll keep it this way for a while. I actually rather like it.
Home Idle 2: I received a birthday card from Jade. He could have just handed it to me directly, so why did he bother posting it in the mail...?
Home Idle 3: This stays between us, but... Whenever my birthday draws near, I get a little excited. Pretty childish of me, isn't it?
Home Idle - Login: In my private time, I have many things I both want to do and should do. I'd like to make the most of that time.
Home Idle - Groovy: Ortho mentioned he noticed that my makeup was different from usual. I'm not saying he's wrong, but... It's a little embarrassing to have it pointed out right to my face.
Home Tap 1: I like to wear oversized and comfortable clothes. Not only is it perfectly loose-fitting, but it's also easy to move around in.
Home Tap 2: Rook-senpai really does just call anything beautiful, doesn't he? He said as much when I ran into him by chance while wearing this outfit, how absurd.
Home Tap 3: What's my roommate like? Well, he's not a pain, or anything. He's the kind of guy that doesn't care at all if I start doing stretches in the middle of the night.
Home Tap 4: I felt a quick shiver when Malleus-senpai suddenly hailed me. There's no way I would have ever expected that he'd just want to wish me a happy birthday.
Home Tap 5: Whenever I pick out new outfits, I always make sure to try them on first. Of course I make sure to look at the design and material type, but I also like to put an emphasis on comfortability.
Home Tap - Groovy: You want to know what hair care products I'd recommend? ...I don't mind, but don't go telling other people. I'd hate for it to be even harder to find in stock.
Duo: [JAMIL]: I'm expecting a good gift from you, Ortho. [ORTHO]: I think you'll definitely like it, Jamil-san!
Birthday Login Message: So, you remembered my birthday, huh. Thanks. ...Hm? There's something on my head? Oh, it must be some of the confetti from the party poppers. Just a moment ago, Ace and Floyd set some off. I already had my suspicions about what was to come when I saw them trying to lurk in the shadows, but I pretended to be surprised for them. Why...? Well, if I don't give them the right reaction, who knows what'll happen next, right? Even so, they still griped about my lack of reaction. Geez, what do they want from me?
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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2-shots2-thehead · 1 month ago
- I blinked and suddenly I had a valentine -
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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Summary : Lego flowers on your desk ? ..You have plenty of kinda dorky coworkers, but..
Pairing : Spencer Agnew (Smosh) x GN!Cast!Reader (Use of Y/n)
Word Count : 638
Warnings/ Fic type : None !! Fluffy little short Oneshot
A/N : the pics I chose felt so him but ESPECIALLY the first one
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“What the-“
You started oddly at the tiny vase on your desk, filled with flowers. Well..not real flowers. Lego flowers?
“Who’s it from?”
You could hear Courtney’s voice interrupt your contemplation. You shift your gaze from the small glass vase to her. You shrugged just once, not taking too long before turning to face the gift once again.
“..’Dunno. There’s no card.”
“No card?”
“Yup. No card. ..Maybe they put it on the wrong desk? It was probably meant for someone else.”
“Y/n, your desk is filed with pictures of you and your cats. I think they’d know.”
You sighed quietly to yourself, knowing she was right. It’s not that you were disappointed. Of course not. It was just frustrating to know you’d have to figure it out yourself. With zero clues, other than the fact that they can build cute things with legos.
“Yeah.. I guess you’re right.”
You reached forward to gently push it away from your computer screen, sitting down to get some work done in the meantime. It’s not like you’d focus anyway. You had some sort of..secret admirer. That’s a new one.
After a few hours, Spencer came by your desk to check on you, just like he had twice a day for the past two years. You didn’t have to look up at him to recognize his voice. You’d pinpointed at some point in time that it was one of your favorite things about him.
“Hey, Y/n.”
Even if you didn’t necessarily need to, you look up at him anyway. You didn’t need to, but you wanted to. Curly, messy dark hair, golden thin-rimmed glasses, and a bright smile.
“Hey, Spence. What’s up?”
“Not much. Y’like the flowers?”
“..Huh? What do y’mean?”
“Y’know, the flowers. Well, the fake flowers. Plastic flowers.”
You could’ve sworn your brain short-circuited at that exact moment. They were from him?? No. No, he’s gotta be talking about something else.
You hesitantly gesture to the lego flowers, already preparing for the sting of rejection. Well, not necessarily rejection, just disappointment.
You watched his eyebrows crease with confusion. Oh, God. Yup. He was definitely talking about something else. Seriously, why would you ever-
“Yeah? What else would it be? ..Did someone else get you fake flowers?”
You couldn’t fight back the small blush quickly creeping up to your cheeks and ears. So..they were from him. There was no rejection. Just surprise, and..excitement.
“…They’re from you??”
“Yeah..? I’m really confused- Would someone else make you flowers?”
“No- No, I just-…wasn’t expecting it to be from you. ..Why?”
“..Why what?”
“Why’d you give them to me?”
He shrugged, a simple smile on his lips. He leaned down against the little wall divider beside your desk.
“Why wouldn’t I? You said you like flowers. And I can’t grow flowers. But I’m kinda a whiz with legos.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his wording. He always chose unique words like that because he knew they’d make you laugh.
“Yeah, but-.. Okay. You can’t grow flowers, so you built them. ..Why, though? What’s the point?”
He seemed to think a little harder before answering that one, folding his hands neatly in front of him.
“..I thought they’d make you happy. And-…y’know-…it’s almost Valentine’s Day. You didn’t-..have a-..date of some sort, as far as I’m aware, so-..I figured I’d ask you. With flowers. Y’know, like the gentleman I am.”
It didn’t take long for his nervous state to be replaced with the sarcastic jokes you knew and loved. You smiled softly at his words. It was..sweet. Considerate.
“Spencer Agnew, are you asking me to be your valentine?”
“Y/n L/n, maybe I am.”
Your soft smile shifted to just a bit of a smirk.
“Well..I think I’ll just have to say yes. I can’t turn down hand-built flowers.”
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annebd · 3 months ago
winter warmers, day 16: secret santa. ~1800 words <-holy shit.
There’s a little box on the corner of Daniel’s desk, wrapped neatly in green paper and topped with a gold bow. The tag is a small square card, no more than a couple inches across, with a short message on one side:
To: Daniel
From: Your Secret Santa
Daniel opens the box and unfolds the carefully wrapped tissue paper bundle inside to remove the expected Scrabble tile. Today is the letter H. He tucks it into the top drawer of his desk, along with the rest of the tiles. The bow is also gently removed and stuck up on the pinboard next to the other twenty-two bows that he’s gotten so far this month. Some are gold, some silver, a few red and green.
There’s one particularly sparkly bow that’s been shedding glitter on him and all of his possessions for the past week. Halfway through the marketing team meeting last Thursday, Max reached over and brushed his thumb across Daniel’s cheekbone.
“You are all shiny, Daniel,” he said and showed him the sparkles of golden glitter that he’d rubbed off. “Always you’re so handsome, but today you’re like a shining star, too.”
Daniel was pretty sure he’d turned bright red, not even the deep tan in the middle of an Australian summer able to hide the color rising in his cheeks.
“Oh, uh, thanks, mate,” he replied and then turned back to the meeting on the last marketing push for Christmas sales, while trying not to think about the feeling of Max’s hand against his skin.
Today’s bow isn’t quite as glittery, but it does glint prettily in the glow of Daniel’s desk lamp. It’s 8:52am on December 23rd. Early enough that he has time to sip his coffee without interruption for a few minutes as he waits for his computer to boot up and he has to hop into the workday.
He eyes the drawer that holds the Scrabble tiles and decides he’s got time. As he’s done so many times so far this month, he pulls them all out and scatters them across his desk. Twenty three tiles so far. One of them is a blank, but a little question mark has been drawn on in black sharpie.
The ? tile showed up on the 17th, and he assumed that that was the end of it, so he’d spent the entire day trying to unscramble the letters, but couldn’t get anywhere. When another N arrived the next day, he realized that it wasn’t quite over yet.
The first box had arrived on the first of December. He wasn’t expecting it. George, over in operations, had floated the idea of doing a Secret Santa exchange a few weeks prior, but there had been so much hemming and hawing, with no one really wanting to commit, that he’d given up and moved on. Daniel hadn’t given it any further thought until the first box showed up.
Like every day since, the little box was wrapped inexpertly, though neatly, with green paper, and had a red bow stuck right on top. The same note, from “your secret Santa,” was attached. The Scrabble tile that day had been a D. Daniel assumed it stood for Daniel and that someone was either playing a silly joke, or truly had the worst taste in gift giving.
That assumption was only further confirmed on the second, when another box arrived, containing an R, which he could only assume stood for Ricciardo.
Thoroughly confused, he stopped by George’s office to poke his head in the door and ask when the Secret Santa drawing had been and why he hadn’t been involved.
“There was no drawing, mate,” George told him. “You lot were all too cool for the idea, so I didn’t bother. Why d’you ask?”
“Huh,” Daniel said, flummoxed. “Never mind. Don’t worry about it.”
He brought it up to Max when they had lunch that Friday. It was Daniel’s favorite part of the week- getting Max all to himself for an hour, to make ridiculous jokes and watch Max turn pink from laughter.
“Strange, isn’t it? Just a random couple of Scrabble tiles. What, am I supposed to use them to make a name tag for myself?”
“Maybe you have a secret admirer,” Max replied. “And they are, of course, just using the Secret Santa as an excuse to send you gifts.”
“They’re some weird gifts, then,” Daniel said, and took a bite of his pastrami on rye. It was good. Mustardy.
“They might get better. It could be fun.” Max looked over at Daniel, who was in the middle of another big bite of his sandwich. “You’ve got a little-” and pointed to the corner of Daniel’s mouth. He reached out, as though he intended to swipe away the crumb with his own finger, but he pulled back and let Daniel dab at his mouth with a napkin.
“Thanks, Max. And I guess you’re right. But I reserve the right to be annoyed if it’s just a bunch of letters spelling my name.
Day three put a wrench in the name theory when he popped open the box and found a V. So definitely not his name then.
Over the next couple of days, he received a W and a Y. On the following Monday, he showed up to two Ls and another E, each tucked into one of three boxes lined up carefully along the edge of his desk. He’d wondered what would happen over the weekend, and he was quietly pleased that his secret Santa had taken into account the extra days.
And today, as Daniel sits sipping his coffee with twenty two letters and a question mark, he decides that he’s got to be able to figure this out. Christmas is in just two days, which means that he’s only expecting two more gifts. And really, he’s only expecting one gift, since the office is closed on the 25th, and he’s not coming in for anything- even a secret Santa surprise.
Daniel mixes the tiles around, trying different combinations of words. The twenty three tiles at hand read NOIVUHHTLEMIWARELDYNIE?, which he’s pretty sure isn’t a thing. He can spell various words. He’s got the letters for DANIEL, but not RICCIARDO, so he’s mostly ruled out his initial name tag theory.
He’s been able to make a few phrases, some more promising than others. He had “HAVE YOU LET ME DIE?” laid out when Max stopped by his desk last week.
Max had raised an eyebrow at the phrase and given Daniel a disapproving look. “You don’t think that’s what your secret admirer is saying, do you?”
Daniel shrugged. “No clue, mate. Your guess is as good as mine right now.”
Max didn’t offer any actual help, but he scrambled the tiles again so that the question was no longer visible. “I don’t know either, but probably it isn’t about death.”
Daniel tries a few more letter combos, but nothing is jumping out at him. As the clock on his desktop ticks over to 9:00, he gathers up the tiles and places them back into his drawer.
When he heads out of the office that afternoon, he bumps into Max in the elevator. “You’re wrapping up early today!” he exclaims.
Max is always staying late at the office, and Daniel is forever trying to get him to leave on time, have a life outside of work. But Max insists that software engineering waits for no man, and he’d rather just get as much work done in the office as possible, instead of having to take it home with him and continue with it there.
“Hello, Daniel,” Max says. “Yes, today is an early night. I have some things to do today. Before Christmas, you know.”
“I’m glad,” Daniel replies. “See you tomorrow?”
Max gives him a big smile. “Yes. Tomorrow. See you then.”
The next day is Christmas Eve, and, Daniel assumes, the last day of his Secret Santa gifts. He still has no clue what the tiles are supposed to be telling him, but he feels a nervous energy thrumming in his stomach. Something big is coming, he thinks.
He gets to his desk by 8:45, eager to unwrap his final gift and finally figure out what’s going on. To his surprise, instead of just the one little green box he’s expecting, there are three wrapped presents on his desk. The first is the usual green box, but the tag that he’s expecting to proclaim the usual salutations instead proclaims “open me first.” He checks the other two. The box to its right reads “open me second.” And, just to be sure, he confirms that the final box on the end says to open it last.
With a slight shake in his hand, he picks up the first box and plucks off the bow to secure it to the pinboard. He opens it up and pulls out the last tile, another W. He adds it to the stash in his drawer and then reaches for the second box.
It’s the same size as the first, wrapped in the same way- no bow on this one. Perhaps it’s a one bow per day kind of deal.
Inside, there’s a small slip of paper folded in half. Daniel unfolds it to find a clue:
W_ _ _ Y_ _ H_ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ W _ _ _ M_?
He waffles for a moment. Does he open the third gift, or does he unscramble the letters? The opening instructions didn’t say, so he supposes he could do either. Tiles, he decides.
He pulls open the drawer and tips the tiles onto his desk, then carefully arranges each one face up and pointing in the right direction.
Slowly, he starts moving tiles around. The Y is probably You, he guesses. So perhaps the M is Me? And then H could be Have. W is What? No, he realizes; that wouldn’t make sense. W for Will?
A sentence begins to take shape.
WILL YOU HAVE D_ _ _ _ _ W _ _ _ ME?
Daniel is fairly certain where this is going. He arranges the last few letters into place and then reaches for the third box. He tears open the paper, carefully as usual, and opens the box.
Inside is a card, on which is printed the name of the fanciest restaurant in Perth, which Daniel has been wanting to try for months, but which he has lamented to Max several times is impossible to get reservations for.
Beneath the name of the restaurant is today’s date, the 24th, and a time, 7pm.
Beneath that, there’s a final line, which simply says “TURN AROUND.”
Daniel takes a deep breath, steadies himself, and then swivels in his chair.
Behind him, Max is leaned against the doorframe to his office.
“So?” he asks. “I asked a question, I think.”
Daniel looks back over the tiles, laid out neatly on his desk. He looks back at Max and grins helplessly. “Yeah, Maxy. I would love to.”
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theemporium · 1 year ago
I am in the mood for some SugarDaddy! Seb that’s all fluffy ❤️ please and thank you!!! 🙏🏻
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
The boy glared at you from the other side of the counter. 
“I said I was sorry,” you tried again, crossing your arms over your chest in an attempt to look a little more controlled. But in all honesty, the argument had been going on since you stepped into his apartment and you weren’t sure how much longer your patience could handle it.
Yet, Sebastian remained silent and stubborn. 
“It was just a coffee,” you groaned, your eyes darting over to the stupid cup that had essentially caused the tiff between you two.
“An outrageously priced coffee,” Sebastian corrected, something in his tone making you stand a little straighter in your sport. “One that you paid for with your own card.”
You sighed. “Seb—”
But the boy shut you down with a pointed look. 
The whole thing was utterly ridiculous. You had just finished running the few errands you needed to tick off on your day off before you headed to Sebastian’s apartment on the fancier side of town. You thought you would be sweet, stop by one of your favourite bakeries on this side of town and maybe get Sebastian something too.
You didn’t think it was that big of a deal that you instinctively reached for your own card instead of the one he had given you. And yet, here you were, still arguing over it almost twenty minutes later.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” you said to your boyfriend but his frown deepened.
“It’s a big deal to me, schatz,” Sebastian replied, a crease between his furrowed brows that you just wanted to smooth out with your thumb. 
You rounded the counter, leaving your coffees and the sweet treats you bought on the other side as you stepped into Sebastian’s space. Despite his annoyance, he wasted no time in opening his arms for you and letting you settle against him as you wound your arms around his waist. 
“I’m sorry,” you said again, though it was a little softer and less brattish this time around. “You know I didn’t do it on purpose to spite you or anything. It was a simple accident.” 
Sebastian hummed, pressing his lips together.
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll even let you buy me some outrageously expensive gift and I promise I won’t even complain about how many zeroes are on the end of it,” you bargained with a hopeful smile on your face.
You watched his expression closely as a slow grin began to spread across his face before he leaned down to kiss you. 
“Deal,” he murmured between soft pecks, but his quick acceptance made you pull back and narrow your eyes in suspicion.
“You weren’t pissed at all, were you?” You accused, watching his expression fill with glee. He wasn’t even ashamed of his tactics. “This was your plan all along, huh?”
“And now you can’t take it back,” he retorted, leaning down to kiss you again. “You just have to sit there and look pretty whilst I choose what yacht to get you.” 
“Kidding. I am actually thinking about a helicopter—”
“Oh my god.”
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residenthughes · 1 year ago
opera house - jack hughes
pairing: jack hughes x afab reader
word count: 2.5k
tags/warnings: +18 nsfw, so minors dni, oral sex (m on f), dirty talk (if you can call it that?), no mention of y/n, pet names (baby, princess)
summary: reading is your favourite pastime. jack makes it harder than anticipated.
notes: so...🫣 this happened. it's a small little thing that started out with me just wanting to write about how pretty jack is only to turn into the respectful pile of filth. don't write smut much so apologies if this isn't to your liking, but hopefully i'll be back with something better. also, the sentence in italics is a quote from the book mentioned in the fic. much love! <3
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As the cold November climate nips at your flesh and colours the sky in hues of grey, you nestle in the cosiness of your home, warm and sheltered with your treasured fuzzy socks on as you curl up on your bed with one of the books you’ve been meaning to read. Jack says it’s a bad habit of yours: buying books that collect dust on your shelf, to which you quickly argue that he’s the one enabling your ‘bad habit’ by constantly buying them for you - your Goodreads profile bookmarked in his phone for safe keeping. An endearing act of service, all of which he is no stranger to - gifting said books in the form of a bouquet every time he leaves for a long road trip, taking out the trash because he knows it’s your least favourite chore, curling up with you now, sweetly bundled in between your legs as you two find peace in the silence you share. It’s like a warm hot chocolate on a chilly day like today, your connection smooth and comforting, wrapping you in the warmth of its embrace.
You peer beyond the top of your book, catching an eyeful of the back of Jack’s head and his loose curls, the soft clicks of his gamer control sounding as his eyes focus on the TV screen a few metres ahead. Your sugary thoughts of how endearing your long-term boyfriend can be - always is - overflow like lava, the smile on your face terribly enamoured as your fingers card through his hair, curling the soft locks around your index finger.
Like clockwork, Jack leans into your touch, slouching further into his position in between your thighs, laying a chilly cheek against the flesh of your thighs.
You squirm against the brush of his eyelashes against your skin. “That tickles.”
“Uh huh,” he absently answers, tapping away at his gamer control. “Does this?”
A delicate kiss marks you, Jack’s head going back to laying against your thigh as he directs his attention to the game set out against the TV.
“No,” you blush. “But, that was nice.”
A huff of amusement sounds from Jack and instantly, you know what position you've put yourself in by saying that. “Bet it was. Aren’t you busy with that book of yours?”
You bite back, the muscles of your thighs tightening their grip around your boyfriend. “Sometimes a distraction is necessary.”
The clicks of his gamer control halt and silence envelopes the room, your eyebrow raised as his on-screen character dies as a result of his negligence. 
Jack clears his throat, his body shuffling against yours as he readjusts his position, restarting the game. “Maybe you’re right about that, baby.”
A pout remains settled against your lips as your eyes squint at your partner, your suspicion towards his action not enough to distract you from the habitual motion of your fingers as they thread through Jack’s hair. You raise your opened book back to eye-level, not batting an eyelash.
It’s when you’ve gotten perhaps three sentences into your book that Jack breaks the silence. “What’s the story about?”
“The book I’m currently reading?” Jack hums in reply. “Oh, it’s a spinoff of a series I’ve been meaning to read. It’s basically a college romance story about a girl aspiring to be on the national ice hockey team and her getting help from this guy she met years ago, called Ryder. Unexpectedly smutty, 10/10 would recommend.”
Jack laughs with you at your nasty comment, body vibrating against yours as his chuckle courses through him. You lower your book again.
“You and your smutty books,” Jack snickers to himself, eyes trained ahead of him. There’s a pause before he speaks again. “In what ways is it unexpectedly smutty?”
Despite how long you’ve been with Jack and the comfort you've established living alongside him, the question does make you a bit flustered, crimsoning as you look away, avoiding any view of him. “Well, it’s pretty raunchy up front. Like how they’ve done some naughty things in the shower - quite tame, but I’ve also just read that Ryder did some things when they went to go see the opera.”
“What things?” Jack asks, point blank.
Now, it’s time for you to clear your throat. Cheeks tinted. “Do I even have to say, Jack?”
The pause screen displays itself against the TV, the clicks of his controller no more as Jack shifts once again within your grasp, body turning as he lays his stomach against the comfort of the mattress, pools of azure staring into yours. Your heart thuds in your chest.
“Yes, I wanna hear what things you’re reading,” he says easily as if he isn’t inciting violence in your chest right now, the corner of his pink lips curved softly as he tilts his head against your thigh. “All of it.”
Suddenly, the temperature in the room escalates from toasty warm to scorching hot, a familiar flame in the pits of your stomach igniting as you’ve somehow found yourself in such a predicament - backed into a corner and at a loss for words.
“He,” you stammer, averting your eyes because all Jack’s eyes do is look at you, his burning gaze elevating the heat that dances against the surface of your cheeks. “He fingers her in the opera.”
You whisper that last part but Jack hears you judging by the faint chuckle coming from him. “He fingers who at the opera?”
He accents his point with a kiss against your thigh, this time the gesture conjuring a polar opposite sensation as goosebumps riddle your skin. You let out a shaky breath you hadn’t known you were holding, looking again at your partner to still find him looking right back at you, eyelids heavy and eyes dark. You have to look away.
You gulp. “Gigi - her name is Gigi.”
You finally muster some sort of courage you’ve had to find within your situation when you hear Jack shift again, eyes capturing your boyfriend’s arms coming up to circle around your thighs, eyes never leaving yours as his hands find purchase against your skin, thumbs absently caressing the surface much like you did earlier with his hair. 
“Is that short for something?” Jack accents his question with another kiss, his touch searing. 
“No,” you gulp, voice foolishly unsteady as your eyes study Jack’s movements with caution. “I mean, Ryder jokes that her name is Gisele, but that’s-”
“Guys like to tease,” he kisses a little higher against your thigh as if to prove his point. “Especially with girls they like.”
“I don’t think that’s appreciated, Jack.” 
You’re talking about a completely different thing now - a conversation within a conversation. 
“I don’t know about that, baby,” whilst still staring at you, his teeth manage to nip at a small sliver of your skin, numbness plaguing your limbs. “Read it to me.”
Your brows knit together, puzzled as ever. “What?”
“You heard me,” declares Jack, his kisses abundantly littering the expanse of your thigh as your mind begins to spiral. “Read it to me.”
Your mind is frazzled, brain working overtime to comprehend the sudden turn of events, all the while Jack takes it upon himself to sit pretty in between your legs and touch you as if made from porcelain - delicate and tender, a sharp contrast to the emotions bathing you in lust. Jack glances up at you one more time, button nose nuzzling against your inner thigh as he gives you a knowing look, his lips preoccupied. You obey wordlessly, uneasy eyes still on him as you bring your book back upwards, its previous position altered so you can manage to steal a look at Jack out of your peripheral.
Out loud, you begin to read to him the aftermath of the opera scene, a more tame development following as you manage to get through the next page unscathed. Jack’s kisses at first, are a bit distracting and have your voice betray you, but they’re sporadic and by the time you’ve turned the page, you’re already used to the sensation. You even achieve some comfort in his touch, but that doesn’t last long because when you’re in the midst of your storytelling, you feel Jack’s fingers hook around your shorts’ waistband.
Immediately, you lower your book, a chill running down your spine. “What are you doing?”
He bats his long eyelashes, almost mockingly. “Listening to you.”
“Jack.” For once, your tone is firm, watching aimlessly as he inches the material past your hip bones.
“Lift your hips a little or I won’t be able to get these off you,” he insists, a convincing smile settled amongst his charming features that express his pleasure in this all. “Unless you wanna keep them on?”
It’s a rhetorical question, a trap set up to see if you’ll bite and despite it all, the excitement of what’s to come leads you right where Jack wants you. Lifting your hips with an embarrassing ache in between your legs as you lie in anticipation, continuing on with your reading as Jack goes back to teasing you endlessly.
“Gettin’ pretty worked up over this story, huh?” echoes Jack. “I can tell.”
To demonstrate the meaning of his words, he blows a cool breeze against you that makes you mewl and draw your thighs closer at the sensation. Heart thudding against your chest, your bewildered gaze gravitates back to Jack who kisses you through the fabric of your underwear and has you fumbling for words.
“I didn’t say you could stop reading,” Jack removes his lips, peering up at you with a look that melts you into a pathetic pool of yourself. “You stop, I stop. Sound fair?”
That sounds anything but fair, but who are you to say so? He clearly holds all the power in this situation, you dancing right in the palm of his hand. This has escalated beyond a point of no return and you’re not backing out now so you oblige, opening your mouth to read but uttering out nothing more than a moan as Jack pulls your underwear to the side, his fingers gliding through your wet folds. 
“So satisfying to tease you when your reactions are this good,” he rasps, followed by a low chuckle as his calloused fingertip circles around your clit, eliciting the buck of your hips and the waiver in your voice. “Anyways, you were saying?”
You’re grasping for straws here, trying to tie yourself down to the little sanity (and patience) you have as your frantic eyes try and find where you last left off, straying away every couple of words as Jack does nothing more than use his fingers to distract you. 
“Words, baby. Use your words,” he instructs, and it’s the sexist thing you’ve ever heard in your entire life. “We follow...”
“We follow..the people,” you falter, voice wobbly. “We follow the people in…”
Somewhere in that sentence, a hefty exhale blows past your mouth as Jack moves two fingers into you, the curl of them accentuating the end of your sentence with a moan. 
“Always sound so pretty with my fingers in you,” muses Jack, tone low and memorised as he works said fingers in and out of you, your slick building all around his fingers. “Can’t get enough of it.”
You do a subpar job of reading the next few lines as Jack’s fingers pick up the pace, moving deeper in you to milk every reaction you give him mixed in with your slurred words. Your attempt at remaining coherent diminishes completely when Jack’s lips find their way to your swollen clit, a light press of the lips against the hood of your clit before he’s sucking on the bud.
Your words come out in stutters, voice trembling pathetically as he wraps you around his fingers, making a mess of you in the form of kitten licks against your clit and nibble fingers coaxing your building orgasm out of you. His motions stop every time you get lost in the feeling of him sucking your clit, fingers tangled in his locks of hair. And with a whine, you compel with his previous instructions, reading along with the world’s prettiest distraction in between your legs. 
Somehow, you make it to the next page without much delay, Jack’s mouth trained on you as he laps up every bit of you, tongue drawing all kinds of figures against or around your clit. You’re clenching around his fingers more than you can forgive yourself for, body running hot as the sounds of your slick echo throughout the room, the pit in your stomach only growing.
“Just like that, princess,” he hums against your clit, the sensation drawing a tight-lipped whimper from you as your hips follow the vibration. “How many more pages until the chapter’s finished? I don’t think you’re gonna last long.”
And, it’s all true. Body twitching, toes curling and cunt spasming around his fingers that curl in you. Your brain can barely keep up at this point. “So many.”
Jack tsks, his thumb replacing his lips against your clit as he moves it in slow circles. “You think you can hold on till then?”
You answer truthfully, however embarrassing it may be. “No.” 
He laughs briefly when he hits that spongy part inside of you, your back bowing off the stacked pillows behind you as Jack continues to hit the exact spot that has you seeing stars. 
“How ‘bout a compromise?” Jack starts, your hips lifting to meet the insistent thrust of his fingers. “You tell me how badly you wanna come, and you get to ditch the book whilst I make you come. Sounds good?”
An awfully generous offer considering how your brain has turned to mush and can barely keep up with any of the inked words on the page right now. So, you agree. Enthusiastically.
“Please,” you mewl with a puckered forehead, gazing down at your beautiful boyfriend with his tousled hair and glossy lips. A sight for sore eyes. “Please, J. I wanna come.”
“How bad?” He doesn’t miss a beat, eyes challenge yours.
“So bad,” you keen when his other hand lays over your stomach, applying pressure to the spongy spot that teethers you on the very edge. “Fuck, it’s only you. Only you can…make me feel good. Please, J.” 
The begging works. It always works and with that, you drop your book, long discarded amidst the mess of the sheets as your fingers tangle in Jack’s hair as he sucks roughly on your clit again. Rocking up against his mouth, the angle of his fingers renders you completely at his mercy, uttering stuttery breaths as he brings you over the edge, applying pressure in all the right places because he knows your body better than you do, gushing slick flowing from you as you ride out your high, brain reduced to syrup. 
He doesn’t even wait before you’ve caught your breath that he sends you a flirtatious wink in between your quivering thighs. “So, opera date next week?”
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lostinlovingrevery · 2 months ago
Vans Valentines- Cynical Romantic
Old Man Logan X F! Reader
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A/N: This is a little short but I actually really enjoyed writing this one!
Plot: Logan doesn't like Valentines day, but he loves you
Warnings: Logan being a grump, fluff, suggestiveness, established relationship, smoking
Word Count: 1243
Valentines Day,
Another holiday that corporate greed has grabbed with its slimy hands, ripping it apart, twisting it and contorting it, picking it apart in every way possible to make sure they can get every cent worth out of the holiday. 
Holiday that was supposed to be based around love, about giving appreciation to the ones you loved. Buy them roses, chocolates, little stuffed animals, maybe a cheesy little card with some pun like “We are a perfect match Valentine!” and a cartoon of matches drawn on it. Maybe if they liked their gifts enough, if you say the right words, and spare enough flirty glances, you’ll get lucky later.
It’s stupid, considering you should be showing the one you love appreciation every day. Not only because a date on a calendar tells you to. 
He’s been around long enough to pick up the bullshit that the world sells to people.
“You brooding again?” 
Your voice makes Logan raise his head. His eyes soften at the sight of you. You were wearing that pretty red dress he got for you a while back. The one that complimented your figure well. 
“I don’t brood.”
“Uh-huh.” You smile, a teasing edge in your voice as you approach him, reaching his side and kissing his cheek. “You’re a total brooder Lo, always have been.”
He shook his head, looking down as he opened his blazer, his hand slipping inside and pulling out a cigar he had been smoking earlier and hadn’t finished. He was savoring it because it was his last one. He pats his pockets, searching for the matches he had, but you stop him, stepping in front of him with a flirty smile, reaching into the back pocket of his trousers, your hand sensually sliding down into the pocket, fingers curling around the small box and pulling it out. 
You flipped the small lid open, taking the match and scratching it along the edge, the wooden piece puffed into a flame, and you held it up to his cigar, he leaned forward, not breaking eye contact with you, as he puffed on the cigar, the butt of it turning red, small embers falling to the concrete ground. 
You shook the match, blowing it out and dropping it to the ground as well, his foot coming over to make sure it was fully snuffed out. He puffed on the cigar some more, small amounts of smoke escaping his lips before he brought his hand up to pick the cigar out of his mouth.  
“Oh, yeah-” He turned, standing up from the car, his chest bumping into yours, as he gave you a suspicious look, a raised eyebrow before he turned and reached his arm into the window of the driver's seat. He pulled out a large bouquet, a mix of roses, lavender, and eucalyptus- all your favorites. 
You gasped, a big smile stretching across your face as you took the bouquet, practically bouncing on the heels of your feet. He couldn’t help but smile warmly at your reaction. 
God, she’s so beautiful
“Lo! They’re beautiful!” You smiled, and you leaned forward, taking in a deep sniff of the fragrant flowers. Then you moved to give him a kiss, which he happily accepted. “I thought...” You turn your body slightly, a sly tone in your voice as you give him a side glance with half-lidded eyes. “We weren’t getting each other anything for Valentine's?” 
“I ain’t one for rules darling, you know that.” 
You smiled big again, your hand slipping into your purse, as you pulled out a black box, handing it to him. “Me neither.” You winked.
He gave you a knowing look, sticking the cigar back between his lips before taking the box, holding it in one hand, and pulling the lid off with the other. His eyes widened a bit, and a small scoff escaped him.
Cuban cigars. His favorite kind. The pricey kind he hasn’t gotten to taste in a long time. Cohiba 55 Aniversario. He looked down at you past his furrowed eyebrows.
“Always gotta show me up darling dont’cha?” He mumbles with the cigar between his lips, but the grin on his face gives away his attitude. You moved to face him, leaning in,
“It’s the thought that counts.” You hummed, tipping your chin towards him with a cheeky smile. 
He tipped his chin up, looking down at you with a quirked brow, throwing the small box into the driver's seat and pulling the cigar from his lips again. His arm roughly went around your hip and pulled you against him, making you giggle as your hands went to his chest. He leans down, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke in a low sultry tone “It’s alright, I’ll make it even later tonight.” 
“I know you will.” You grin, your hand coming up to his cheek as you look into his hazel eyes. Most days, Logan looked tired and angry. However, whenever he looks at you- you see the same youthful fire you saw in him when you first met him- 15 years ago. 
The day you met him, he looked at you like you were the love of his life- only to figure out that indeed, you were the love of his life; and he was yours. Logan was a young- well…younger man then. He pursued you with a stubbornness and arrogance that drove you insane and eventually, you gave into his whims and discovered someone so much more than the rough exterior he gave off outside, deep inside. 
You were the only one Logan trusted with his heart. 
His free hand came up to yours cradling his cheek, careful of the cigar still resting between his fingers. He turned his head, softly kissing your palm, eyes not leaving yours, as his lips made contact with the ring on your ring finger. You smiled, your eyes crinkling in the corner- faint signs of crow's feet lingering, showing your age catching up to you. 
Thank god he didn’t lose you.
When the Westchester incident happened, he didn’t know what to do. By some luck, if you want to call it that - you weren’t anywhere near the school that day. You and him got Charles, and ran, protecting the old headmaster from the government and other threats, becoming his caretakers and working tirelessly to keep him fed, medicated, and comfortable. You and Logan have both grieved the loss of your friends- your family together. You worked together taking care of Charles, and have supported each other through everything. He didn’t know what he’d do without you, and you without him. 
You were partners. Nothing less.
“You ready doll?” He finally asks. You nodded, leaning up to give him a passionate smooch, squeezing his hand for reassurance and letting go.
‘I told Caliban not to wait up.” You say, as you walk around the other side of the car, Logan following you- and opening the passenger side door for you. “Charles told us not to get into any trouble.” You say with amusement. 
“He knows us well,” Logan mutters, shutting the door before walking back into the driver's seat. He turned the car on, his hand moving to the gear shift.
“Hey-” Your hand went to his, stopping him for a moment. “Happy Valentine's day.” You smiled. He grinned, leaning over to kiss you.
“Happy Valentine's, love.” 
Yeah, Valentine's Day was a crock. He’ll give you his love, every day.
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hughesmuse86 · 1 month ago
hi! it’s actually valentines already in my country. do you have any jack hughes thots abt valentines?? im honestly thinking of how he would react if he would be the recipient of flowers instead acccckkkk thank u in advance!
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Awww I love this 💕 Happy Valentine’s Day bb!! I hope you have the best day. <3
+18 → smut | fluffy + a little suggestive/no smut. Jack just being the best boyfriend ever
𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓼 𝔁 𝓯𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
So, I’m thinking about Jack already being a little in his head about being away from you this Valentine's Day, especially since he was with you last year, and it went so well.
But now, he’s far away and determined to make it special nonetheless. He knows where you’ll be throughout the day and is already on top of it. He hid a wrapped gift in his nightstand, texting you when he knew you woke up every morning.
Jack: Hey baby, Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you slept well. I miss you so much. Look in my nightstand. I left something for you.
And, then you go to work, and he’s right there, sending you your coffee order.
Jack: Hope you're having a good day baby.
Then, at the end of the day, you walk to your front door and see your favorite flowers waiting for you.
Wish I was there holding these for you. Miss you like crazy, princess. Can’t wait to be home.
Love, Jack
Right when you’re about to call, you get a text on your phone that has you giggling because the man is so baffled.
Jack: Please do not tell me I sent these flowers to myself
Jack: Please tell me you got yours, baby. I’m losing my shit.
You: Look at the card jack 💕
Your phone starts ringing instantly, and his face lights up your screen, with a FaceTime. You accept it and he’s just staring at the ground, his brows pinched together, his pretty blue eyes blinking a few times.
“You—You bought these for me?” He asks, still confused. “Did you… Uh—Are you trying to tell me somethin’, pretty,” he asks as he picks them up off the ground, holding the delicate bouquet in his big hand.
“Tell you what?” You giggle.
“I don’t know,” he asks, studying the arrangement as he walks into his hotel room. “Maybe you didn’t think I was gonna send you some. And you were tryin’ to make it a point… Like, umm… ‘this is what I wanted you to send me earlier, Jack,’” he copies your gentler tone.
“No, baby,” you sigh, “I just wanted to send you something nice. I think you’ve taken care of me plenty today,” you smile as you cuddle up on the couch.
“Now, you’re takin’ care of me, huh?”
“Mhmm…” You hum happily, watching as he blushes a bit.
”They’re pretty,” he mumbles in his raspy voice, fighting back a smile that he has to half-cover with his hand.
“So are yours, baby.” You flip the camera around, showing off the flowers he got you.
“You’re perfect, you know that?”
“So are you.”
Your doorbell will ring, and like clockwork, Jack will get a knock at his door. He will accept his room service while you take Jack's food from Uber Eats.
He can hardly contain his smile because he gets to see you light up over something he did for you. Just another surprise from him. Perfectly planned—even though he’s miles and miles away he wants to have dinner with you.
I think the rest of the night would be made up of the two of you catching up on your day and his. Maybe a little phone sex because he loves talking you through it. 🤭💕
Oh and thinking about how excited he’d get about you sneaking a gift in his luggage. Maybe in a side pocket you know he wouldn’t touch with a sweet card, some pictures you shot of yourself in a red lingerie set he’s never seen, or in his jersey showing off his name on the back because he LOVES that, and something sentimental of course—maybe cufflinks for his game-day suit with your initials together.
I just think he’d be the perfect Valentine. 💕💕💕
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strawberry-raikkonen · 2 months ago
sheer lace pt. 2: toto wolff
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the series where the reader takes the romantic interest(s) lingerie shopping
series masterlist
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“Can I interest you in-” he looked up to read the name of the store, “Agent Provocateur?” Toto managed to play his surprise off cool but you caught the subtle shift in his tone. He wanted to shower you with anything you could have without you asking for it, offering to lead you into any store the two of you walked by. He wanted to take care of you whenever he could afford the time to. You’d often rejected his advances, for he gifted you anything you needed anyways, but this time, you raised your eyebrow and smiled coyly, “sounds good.” His possessive arm snaked around your side from its place in the small of your back and you were led into the store, Ttoto holding the door open for you. Quite the collection had accumulated on Toto’s arm as the two of browsed what was on display. “Don’t be shy schatz, pick more,” he whispered into your ear lowly, you sighed at the warm feeling that spread around your lower stomach, “I’m going to tear them off of you anyway.” “Believe me,” you turned to him and pressed the front your body against his and leaned into his ear, standing on your tippy toes, or tried to, in your heels, “I’m looking forward to it.” “Why don’t we get going and then you can be a good girl show me now, hmm?” You could see past the suggestion to know that it was an order, but were you ever a good girl? “Maybe I’ll choose some more, huh? Because you keep tearing them and all,” you replied, almost purring. Two could play at this game. Toto plucked the garment you had in your hand, slinging onto the collection on his arm, “Don’t be shy darling, take your time.” You did, and you tried on everything in the fitting room, twirling, playing with your hair, batting your lashes, even a mini lap dance and striptease, the whole nine yards. Toto, as composed as ever, remained stoic, concealing any crack. Toto handed his card to the cashier, American express black, of course, and swept up your bags. He walked you to his car with no offer to enter any other store on the walk there. You didn’t offer either. The teasing and the anticipation had made you very desperate, you had to pretend to not rub your thighs together in the store. Toto noticed, of course. He noticed everything about you. You just wanted to get home for your punishment to come. “In the car, now.” Toto opened the passenger door for you and wrestled the assorted shopping bags into the trunk then drove the two of you home, his hand disappeared up your skirt, dangerously close to where you needed him the most, but gripped your thigh so hard you were sure it was going to bruise. The only noise in the car was the slight rumble of the engine and the traffic around it. Nothing had to be said, both passengers knew what was coming ahead. The bags fell on the marble floor of the entryway in your shared home, you stood in your place, buzzing with excitement as you looked up at Toto as he tossed the keys into the dish littered with mail and coins and removed his coat. You both knew what you were doing: awaiting order. “On our bed, all fours, now. And keep the lace.” He ordered. “Make me.” Oh, he did, by pulling you over his very toned shoulder. You came 7 times that night, one for every set you bought. “Told you I’d rip it off of you.” “Looks like we’ll have to go back to buy more.”
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
Dinner for three
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Summary: You and your husband eat together to celebrate something special  
Pairing: AU!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, pregnant reader
Catch up here: Dinner for two
Dinner for … masterlist
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“The usual?” The hostess chuckles at the insider joke. “Your table is ready, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes.” She guides you toward your table. “I hope you’ll like our new menu. We have a few new desserts.”
“New desserts,” you hum. “Maybe I’ll try something new tonight. What do you recommend?” 
Bucky chuckles next to you. He knows you’ve got a sweet tooth when it comes to desserts. 
“Oh, I’d recommend the new tiramisu with cherries. Not everyone likes it, but it tastes like heaven. It’s alcohol-free too if you do not like your tiramisu with alcohol.” 
Bucky pulls the chair for you, still smiling as you keep on talking to the hostess. He pecks your cheek and whispers something only you can hear.
“I love cherries,” you exclaim. “And it’s a plus that the dessert is alcohol-free. I do not like alcohol in a dessert.”
“We already decided on the dessert then,” he says and sits down to have a look at the menu. “What about the main course, doll? Salmon maybe or lasagna?”
You grin. “The usual please, Clarice,” you say before Bucky gets the chance to decide on what to eat. I’ll take the chicken parmesan and my husband will take the usual.”
“You know me so well,” he grins and closes the menu. Bucky gently grabs your hand to bring it to his lips. “It’s been five years since we first met here. I can’t believe I met the love of my life by chance at my favorite restaurant after I got stood up.”
“Mr. Barnes are you trying to seduce me with your charm and pretty smile,” you chuckle. “You know we are already married, right?”
“This doesn’t mean that I’ll stop complimenting you, Y/N,” he flashes you a smile. “I got a surprise for you too, baby doll. I want to celebrate our anniversary.”
“I want to celebrate something too, baby. It’s a surprise,” you return his smile and bat your eyelashes. “I think this is the perfect moment. But let’s eat first. I’m starving.”
“What? No…you can’t just do things like that and leave me hanging, Y/N,” he pouts, making your resolve crumble. “Please tell me.” Bucky is giddy like a child when you refuse to tell him about the surprise.
You will take your time and wait for the perfect moment. For now, you are damn hungry and want to enjoy dinner with the man you love.
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“…and then you just sat down and had dinner with me and my bear,” you giggle at the memory. “If you think about it, I should’ve thanked my unfaithful ex for cheating on me. If he wasn’t such a horrid person, we’d never met.”
“I’ll send him a gift hamper,” Bucky smirks and dips his head to watch you get something out of your bag, “but instead of confect or wine, he’ll get a turd, so he knows he’s a piece of shit.” He whispers the last part. 
“James Buchanan Barnes!” You raise your index finger. “You won’t poop into a gift hamper. That’s not…” You struggle not to laugh. “We should stop talking about my ex. I have a surprise I wanted to share with you.”
“Before dessert?” He asks. 
You open your hand to reveal a business card with his name on it. Bucky cocks a brow when you place the card on the table and shove it toward him. “What’s this?”
“I made your new business cards,” you casually say. “Why don’t you read it? I chose a nice font, and the paper is eco-friendly. Maybe you should read your new title first.”
“New font, huh?” Bucky wonders aloud as he looks at the business card. “Hmm…James Buchanan Barnes, best soon-to-be dad in the world.” He swallows audibly. “Is this real?”
“I got to know this morning,” You get a tiny shirt saying Daddy luvs me out. “I didn’t feel well over the last days, and I was overdue.” You lick your lips. Bucky and you talked about having children, but now you are a little nervous. “I was seeing my gynecologist and they confirmed that I’m five weeks pregnant.”
“I-“ he looks at the tiny shirt. “Really?” Bucky hiccups. “You are not joking?” He jumps up, knocking his chair over to pounce on you. Bucky wraps you in his arms and whispers your name.
“Buck, are you happy? I know this is sudden and—” Bucky cups your face and presses his lips.
“More than happy, baby doll,” he smiles, and tears are in his eyes. “I guess this means we are having dinner for three soon.”
“We already have dinner for three, baby. They are with us, and enjoyed every bite,” he laughs and kisses you again.
“Dinner for three,” he whispers. “I can’t wait to tell them our story…”
Part 4
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midnight-mourning · 1 month ago
Jelly Hearts
💘💘Midnight's DCA Valentine's Day 7💘💘
I FORGOT TO POST THIS AHHHHHHH, my bad all, please enjoy some self-indulgent jealousy hehe
Prompt: also I think that I'd put in a request for some really jealous dca time. maybe they see reader getting some other valentines or hears that they have plans the day of after they're off work and assume that they've got a date (rightfully or incorrectly idk) and they just can't let this happen. y/n is Theirs™️
Word Count: 1750
Read here if you prefer ao3!
The flowers on the desk were a surprise, about a week before the middle of February, roughly. You weren't sure where they'd come from or what they were doing there, and found yourself very surprised to find it was in fact, a gift for you. The card stuck inside the bouquet had neat script, and was to the point. 
'Happy Valentine's day! From, Your Secret Admirer'
You'd asked the security guard if they knew anything about who had gifted it, but they had no clue either. It had been a common theme over the past few days, the kids had been gifting you early cards and treats, but this seemed to be a bit more than that. 
"What've you got there, Sunshine?"
You turn, confused smile on your face. "Looks like a gift! From a uh, secret admirer? You know anything about that?" You tease. 
Sun tilts his head sharply, rays and faceplate spinning from the force. 
"Hm, no. Don't think so!"
Your smile falls a bit, mainly because you'd been hoping it was him, and based on his tone he wasn't lying about it to mess with you either. "Oh, gotcha."
"But! I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled just for you, Starlight." He bends down quickly, coming eye to eye with you and booping your nose. "And if I do find out, I'll be sure to let you know."
He stands straight and walks off then, and it takes you a moment to process what just happened. You probably just imagined the edge to his tone. You shake your head, and glance back down to the vase. 
Huh. The card's missing. It must have dropped somewhere. 
But after a quick search you never did end up finding it. 
Not that it mattered much, as a day or so later you were sent another gift, this time jelly candy hearts and heart-shaped chocolates. Same message as last time, 'Happy Valentine's! Love, Your Secret Admirer'. You sat and enjoyed the sweets during nap time, just to keep from any little hands or pleading eyes from trying to snatch one for themselves. 
As you were snacking, Moon suddenly sat down beside you, hands folding into his lap and head almost snapping to look at you. 
You raise a hand to greet him. "Hey, Moon-man."
You cock your head to the side, popping another candy in your mouth. "Need something? Or just come over to hang out?"
"Where did you get that?" He points to the half-opened box in your lap. 
You shrug, lifting the little slip of paper for him to read. "Secret admirer strikes again I guess."
"Seems so." He snarls out.
It surprises you, brows raised as you look at him again. "You alright?"
"Fine." He turns away from you and the card, facing forward to observe the Daycare. 
You don't speak again for the rest of the time. 
Similarly 'issues' arise throughout the rest of the week. Little gifts from that same person being sent your way, not to mention the growing number of cards and the likes from the Daycare kids. 
During all of this, the attendant pulled back from you, you weren't entirely sure why. They were shorter, blunter, not nearly as talkative or teasing with you. You wonder if it was because of all the attention you were getting compared to them, which made you feel awful. They deserved some appreciation too. 
It's not until the day of Valentine's that you realize who your 'Secret Admirer' is after all. Specifically, it was your best friend, who you'd been helping out with getting set up on a date the past couple of weeks. You'd laughed about it once you'd found out, getting on to them for 'leading you on' even though regardless of who your admirer was, your heart belonged to someone else. 
Specifically the two someone's who'd been avoiding you all week long. 
You planned to talk to them about it tomorrow, tonight you had to focus on holding to your promises and make sure your friend's date actually went well. You were going to shadow with another friend of yours to see to it the date proceeded smoothly. 
You sling your jacket over your shoulders, taking one last glance around the Daycare before you head to leave. Just as you turn to head to the door, your face knocks gently against something metal. You jump, stepping back to find that Sun is standing before you. 
"Going so soon, Sunshine?" He tilts his head, eyes uplifted crescents. 
You nod, smiling. "Yup! I have a date tonight—"
"A. Date?" 
You bite your tongue. You hadn't meant to say that at all. "Oh no, I just meant that—"
"You know, I think there's some cleaning up still left to do, friend." Sun takes you by the shoulders, and leads you back into the Daycare, you lose your jacket at some point in the process. 
You try to protest. "I, Sun I really should go—"
"Stay." He states, speech a bit garbled for a moment before uplifting into his usual cheer. "I really must insist! We can't have this place looking less than perfect when the kiddos come in tomorrow now, can we?"
You scan the play area, nothing seems out of place to you, so you say as much. "No offense, Sunny, but everything seems just fine—"
There's a crash to your left, over by the arts and crafts tables. Turning you're bewildered to see Sun lying amongst a disaster of spilled craft supplies, some of which leaks quickly onto the padded floor. You don't even know how he got over there, he was just right next to you moment's before.
You're not able to question it much before Sun's speaking up. "Whoops! I don't know what got into me! Could you lend me a hand with this, pretty please, Sunshine?"
"Of course but are you okay?" You ask, slightly hurrying as you walk over to him. "Don't need to go to Parts and Services or anything?"
Sun makes a noise similar to grinding gears, next words blunt. "No. It was just a simple mistake."
"I, right, right." You offer him your hand, which he takes and uses to help get to his feet. He doesn't let go once he is standing, however. Leaving you no choice but to hold his hand, lest you make this awkward. 
You think for a moment. You should stay and help clean this up, you know how neurotic he—and moon—can be when it came to messes. You did feel bad about not being able to make it up to them regarding their lack of gifts, this could be a good chance. Especially when the opportunity presents itself to you.
"And I'll tell you what, Starshine. If we clean up quick I'll make sure to it'll be worth your while. How's that?" His hand squeezes yours just a little tighter. 
Something about the way he phrases it makes your cheeks heat up. You cough into your hand with a nod. "Yeah, that um, sounds good."
The next hour or two is a blur. After you cleaned up, the attendant had one activity then the next for you to do together.
Making a last couple of Valentine's crafts before putting the supplies away for the year, making puzzles, reading stories, acting out scenes, dancing to music. From one moment to the next it was something, something, something. You would have expected this out of Sun for sure, but the fact that Moon was just as active a participant was more than surprising. 
In a brief moment of a break, while sitting down to watch a movie, do you think to check the time. 
Twenty minutes before your friend's date. Shoot, you'd lost a lot more time than you'd thought. You peek up to Moon, who's focused on the screen in front of you both. He's got his arms wrapped around you as you sit—practically—in his lap. You think if you try to move you'll get trapped further, so you attempt with words first. 
"Hey, this has been, a lot of fun, but I really need to get going now, alright?" You put your hand on his. 
Moon's faceplate snaps down, hold on you instantly tightening. Not what you wanted in the slightest. "Why? Are they that much more important?"
"I, wait. Moon-man, are you jealous?"
He freezes, then looks away, hold on you slipping as he starts to shrink in on himself. "Yes. No. We both are." His next words are muttered, a mixture of static and, maybe another voice? "It's not fair. We've loved you for so long, but someone else gets to have you instead."
"You, you guys, like me?" You ask in the quiet.
Moon grips the edge of his hat, pulling it down over his eyes. You swear you almost see some of Sun's rays poking out behind his faceplate in the low light. "Not like, love. Too scared to say it until now."
"Even if I told you I cared about you both too?" You twist to face him fully, hands cupping his cheeks. 
He melts into your touch. "Even what?"
You giggle. "Would you still be scared to say it? If I said I loved you too?"
"Maybe, maybe not..." One eye peeks out from the hat. "But, you're taken." And again, that harsh tone comes back, resentment, you realize.
At this you can't take anymore and start to laugh. "No, I'm not. I've been, well not trying super hard, but I've been trying to tell you that since early."
You finally are given the chance to fully explain the situation, including the 'Secret Admirer' part of the whole deal. You watch the tension melt in the bot in front of you, quickly becoming embarrassed and flustered that they'd been jealous over nothing at all. 
Despite that, however, you end up having to text your friends that you can't help out tonight. As you've been told you have a lot of 'making up' to do for your 'awful' behavior. By both attendants, for that matter. 
You're still sitting in their lap, movie long forgotten and lights now raised just slightly. Yellow and blue hands trace patterns into your waist as they hold you tight, seeming afraid to let go despite your whispered assurances. Their rays flutter and faceplate clicks at every sound you make, intentional or not.
As you kiss and are kissed—over and over and over again—there's only one word they murmur back, consistently, without fail. 
Thank you @juukai for the request! I enjoy making jealous dca a lot hehe, just feels very fitting to me >:)c
My writing Masterpost
DCA Valentine's Masterpost
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