#oh man i wonder who this person is that charlie's referring to
fracturedfamilyau · 3 months
Do any of the missing children value human life at all? (By the way, I’m the one who asked the regard from human life question I ask.) also I saw the post to.
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Killing Doesn't Make You EVIL. ...Does It?
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zablife · 2 years
Bye Bye Blackbird
Tommy Shelby x female reader
Summary: Tommy's love interest from before the war leaves for the excitement of the city, but a chance encounter years later finds her disillusioned with all that sparkles. Can he convince her to come home?
Author’s Note: Requested by the lovely @runnning-outof-time. 
Warnings: language, mention of PTSD, drinking, mention of prostitution, angst
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It started before the war, you would sing in Harry’s pub on Saturdays. Back then a young man with dark hair and the bluest eyes you’d ever seen would come to listen. You knew he was there just for you because Harry said he didn’t come any other day of the week like the other regulars. He never drank much either. His two brothers would accompany him sometimes, flanking him in a booth. Each of his brothers would raise a pint, sloshing it precariously, as they jostled him back and forth with the force of their merriment. They shouted and sang along to the drinking songs, but your admirer liked the quiet, heartfelt ballads best. You wondered if he even heard them over the din of the crowd, but his lovestruck gaze told you he wasn’t just there for the songs. 
One evening in the autumn of 1913 he waited for you, twisting his cap in his hands as you pulled your coat over your shoulders. You jumped when you turned to find him waiting for you, but the gentle look in his eyes calmed you instantly. He introduced himself asking “What’s your name or shall I go on referring to you as Blackbird?” 
“Blackbird?” you asked inquisitively, a warmth creeping into your face and ears.
“Yes because they sing into the night like you do,” he explained, looking down at his shoes. “I didn’t know what else to call you.”
“Oh, I see…erm, you can call me Y/n now if you like. My name is Y/n,” you stumbled over your words, wondering how often Tommy had spoken of you to others.
That night he offered to walk you home, careful to watch for any discomfort in your posture. When you displayed a radiant smile, he felt his heart swell and that started a nightly ritual that quickly escalated to seeing one another as often as possible.
There wasn’t much romance to be found in a town as rough and cold as Brimingham, but Tommy transformed it just for you with late night strolls by the canal and quiet chats in his Uncle Charlie’s scrap metal yard. You found you could talk to Tommy about anything because he understood what it was to dream about having more in the midst of the smoke and dirt that surrounded you. 
Although you didn’t offer much about yourself at first, Tommy revealed his gentle nature in the way he was with the horses. It was one of the first things he shared with you, confiding how he hoped to have his own stables one day. He demonstrated how to pet the large beasts in slow, deliberate strokes. With his hand over yours, you felt comforted as well.
Somehow over time, there in the dark stillness of the night, it was easier to confess how much you wanted from life. You dreamed of brightly lit stages and audiences of bejeweled patrons clapping just for you. Tommy was the only person who didn’t laugh at you. He would listen as you spoke, eyes shining in the dim light as though it was the most fascinating thing he’d ever heard. “Will you come see me when I’m famous?” you giggled.
“Every night,” he replied earnestly, tucking a few stray hairs behind your ear, leaning in for a tender kiss.
A year later he wasn’t on his way to an opera house or even a dance hall. You walked him to the train station for a tearful goodbye neither of you were fully prepared to say.——————————————————-
In the months that followed, you waited for Tommy’s letter saying he was coming home. No one expected the war to last and Tommy had promised to return to you swiftly. Keeping hope alive, you washed your hair on Fridays and put on his favorite dress, swaying and singing along to the tune of a gramophone. Truthfully, the ritual of it was the only thing tethering you to sanity. You longed for the day you’d receive a letter asking you to make the bed and light a fire to welcome him home. You were hopeful in the early days. 
As the years wore on, those ideas faded with the dreams of your youth and you became more practical. With the men away at war, you took up a job at the BSA and forgot about singing. No one wanted to hear your songs, and even if they had, you struggled to remember the words. You’d watched countless women, unskilled at their work, fall victim to injury and you were disillusioned by a life locked away in a factory. 
When a coworker named Millie began concocting a plan to run away to London to escape the pressures of daily life, you began to lend a sympathetic ear. Soon temptation descended and you were unable to deny you wanted a way out as well. However, you often reminded yourself that your circumstances weren’t the same as hers. Her brother had returned with a bad case of shell shock, flying into fits of rage that left her and her mother scared for their lives. You couldn’t blame her for wanting to leave, but you had Tommy to think of. What if he came home to no one waiting for him? Could you abandon him that way?
Then Tommy’s letters stopped arriving in the mail and you failed at all attempts to push dark thoughts from your mind. No matter what you did, they crept in at night like a thief, stealing the happy memories you’d carefully stored away. When you were alone and scared, trembling from fear that Tommy may never return, the devil whispered in your ear that you were all alone. Convinced there was nothing left for you at home, you made a new life in London and never looked back.
You and Millie let a flat together and tried to be family for one another. Without leaving a forwarding address, you had no other choice. Millie found work in a bakery and you jumped at the chance to perform at the Eden Club. Things looked bright for a brief shining moment before your tomorrows began to fade away once more.
"Blackbird?” a low, rough voice called from behind your left shoulder, leaving a trail of goosebumps down your arm. It had been so long since anyone called you that. You knew it could only be one man. A lump formed in your throat involuntarily and you briefly considered walking away, but you knew he’d only follow you. Turning to face him, you readied a mask for the occasion, hoping the cracks didn’t show.
“Hello handsome,” you purred, treating him like any other customer.
Tommy halted as he observed you, “Can we talk?” he asked hesitantly. It had been far too long and he had so much he wanted to know. You’d left Birmingham abruptly and no one had been able to find you, though plenty of people still asked about the girl with the beautiful voice.
“That depends,” you said, batting your lashes at him. “I’m in high demand this time of night so you’ll have to pay for the privilege.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you, unfamiliar with this new persona. It was so far removed from the fresh faced girl he’d known from the Garrison. The finger waves in your hair and the short dress weren’t the only differences though, your whole attitude had changed. You carried yourself with an air of haughty entitlement.
“Why don’t you start by buying me a drink,” you suggested, raising your empty champagne glass to his eye level.
“The girl I used to know drank cordial and water,” he said, removing his hat, the light reflecting off the sharp edged metal at his fingertips.
“Well, people grow up,” you explained with a sharp inhale and a tight smile. “The boy I knew didn’t have razor blades sewn into his cap,” you retorted, eyeing him suspiciously. 
You had heard all about Tommy’s business back in Birmingham. He was making a name for himself as a dangerous gangster whom many feared. While it hurt to hear how much the war had changed him, the deepest cut was knowing he arrived home safely and never came looking for you, but you couldn’t show that now.
Tommy clenched his jaw as he shoved his cap into his pocket, taking a step closer to you. “It’s not the same, Y/n,” he protested, shaking his head. You rolled your eyes, wondering how he could be so naive to think people didn’t change with time and circumstance. If Sabini’s men were to be believed, he was no different than you when it came to making deals.
“Do you want to know a secret?” you asked leaning in to whisper conspiratorially, light breath fanning over his ear as your fingertips brushed along his shoulder. “Everyone’s a whore, Tommy. We just sell different parts of ourselves.” Pulling back to see if it had the desired effect, you gave him a knowing smile. Tommy’s handsome face held a note of pain briefly as he realized he didn’t recognize the hardened woman before him. 
“When I returned home from France, I did what I had to do for my family. If you had waited for me, I would have helped you too. I can still help you,” he asserted.
“You’re on the wrong side of pity, Tommy,” you scoffed. “I don’t need you to take care of me. I did that quite well for five years,” you explained, but the words took on a pathetic, hollow tone, even to your ears. 
You might have changed the scenery over time, but your days were as difficult and tedious as they had been at the factory. Life as a chorus girl took you nowhere so you’d had to find other means to pay the rent. Providing company to wealthy gentlemen might have kept a roof over your head, but it didn’t fill the hole in your heart. You shook your head, knowing it was too late for regrets and feeling too stubborn to admit your plight to Tommy.
As usual though, Tommy saw through you. “You expect me to believe this is the life you chose, eh?” You looked away momentarily, gritting your teeth when confronted by the dirty secret lying beneath your glittering facade.
“If you feel you’ve humiliated me enough for one evening, I’ll go,” you said, attempting to brush past Tommy, but he grabbed your arm above the elbow, pulling you back to face him. The beads of your dress clashed against your body, protesting the sudden stop and your face held a momentary hint of shock.
“You had a perfectly good life in Birmingham. Come home,” he pleaded, brows knit in a serious expression.
“I’m not stupid enough to think anyone back home is waiting for my return. Who would love me now?” you asked, bitterness seeping from your tongue. 
“I would,” Tommy said, blue eyes holding you in a determined stare. “Do you believe me?” He held his breath as he awaited an answer.
“A thousand sunrises ago…I might have,” you said sorrowfully, Meeting his gaze you confessed, “I’m not sure I have a place for you, in here, anymore Tommy,” you said, gesturing toward your heart. “I’ve had to shut everyone out for so long to survive and I’m not sure I have the courage to change,” you apologized as tears welled in your eyes. 
You’d already held them back as long as you could and now they threatened to spring forth and reveal your weakness. Feeling as though you might suffocate, you pulled away from him and pushed through the crowd to find a way out. You could hear Tommy shouting at people, shoving them out of his way in his haste to follow you. “Don’t look back,” you mumbled angrily to yourself, swiping at the rivulets, trickling down your cheeks, ruining your make up. 
Once outside, you walked brusquely in the cold night air, heels clicking against the pavement until your lungs burned. You didn’t want to think about what Tommy was offering or how badly you wanted him back in your life. You heard the heavy door of the club slam shut, followed by footsteps pounding incessantly behind you. “Y/n, stop! Look in my eyes and tell me you don’t remember what we used to be?”
You stopped suddenly, dropping your head in your hands. You did remember, every night spent singing to him at the Garrison and every sunrise over the canal. As you stood, shoulders shaking with the force of your sobs, Tommy approached carefully and placed his coat around you for warmth.
“Cause I never forgot. I tried to find you, but Sabini’s men got to my messenger first,” Tommy said, hanging his head at the memory of the boy who had been killed crossing into enemy territory to find you.
“What?” you said, spinning around to face him. “You looked for me?” Tommy nodded in affirmation. “You forgave me for leaving?” you asked, wiping the tears as they fell.
“Nothing to forgive,” Tommy said with a quick shake of his head. You’d done nothing to deserve your circumstances. He only wanted you home where you could be together. 
He offered you his handkerchief as you let out a sniffle. “Tommy, what if we don’t work out?” you asked in a small, frightened voice.
“Only one way to find out,” he said, reaching a hand out toward you, “Come back to me, Blackbird. I don't want to say goodbye again.”
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nightcolorz · 8 months
I can’t believe that I haven’t seen anyone talk about how in the little weird ass “educational” performance Charlie puts on in episode 2 between Angel and Pentious the reason Angel gets upset and goes to his room is ofc, partly cus Charlie is disregarding him in favor of pentious and inadvertently communicating to him that she doesn’t think he’s capable of ever getting better, but also bcus she is actively shaming and insulting him?? 😭😭 like she has angel preform as who she literally refers to as “the crackhead” who tries to corrupt a child’s innocence, then said child declares that drugs are bad and “having sex before marriage” is sinful—-
like I’ve always considered Charlie’s main flaw that she wants to help traumatized people heal and become better but she is too privileged and generally ignorant to meaningfully understand the life experiences and struggles of the ppl she is trying to help enough to make effective change 😭 She has a savior complex but she’s just so well meaning u can’t help but root for her. Its like if the only person in the entire world who had the motive drive and goal to help improve life conditions for the disempowered was literal royalty with no social political or mental health experience that thinks the key to curing trauma is kindergarten coloring exercises and trust falls 😭. She is so naive but u want to root for her cuz who else is going to do anything, right?
like Charlie is so ignorant 💔 could u imagine working at what u claim to be a rehab of sorts, and ur idea of an exercise meant to help ppl improve is having ur gay, crossdressing, (demographic historically demonized as child groomers) drug addicted sex worker patient play pretend as ur childish portrayal of what u think a drug addict is, a scary man in a long coat who tries to take away a child’s virtue with Catholic ass temptations of drugs and sex 😭😭 like Charlie love u girl but OH MY GOD 😭 no wonder angel ran off.
Not only was it being affirmed to angel that the only people in hell he has ever met who believe and advocate for redemption and self betterment when it seems like there is no hope consider him to be a too far gone-lost cause who is not worth focusing any sort of minimal attention or effort on saving, BUT ALSO he is being told by Charlie (tho unintentionally) that she sees him as a demonic pervert who is in hell for being an evil crack head who had impure homo sex that goes against gods ordained laws of marriage 😭👍 god I love this show, such a hot mess
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wisteria-winter · 7 months
I just had to say that your last Anon's dream, and your thoughts, are absolutely BRILLIANT, and have my mind buzzing with theories all over again!
I've definitely always gotten a Wizard Of Oz type vibe from Alastor, where he could be possibly using intimidation as a smoke screen to hide something...or someone...else. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
It would make perfect sense for our favorite Radio Demon to make a deal with someone to have them take his competition out for him, so that he can take the credit and move up in the ranks of the Overlords himself, in exchange for his soul.
The fact that we just hear the missing Overlord's screams, and never hear of any bodies, tells me that they might not even be dead at all, but imprisoned by whoever Alastor made his deal with. Juicy future plot hook alert if somebody finds out that Alastor didn't actually kill the overlords himself, or the Overlords Alastor had taken out show up again!
Eve as the embodiment of evil, and a possible candidate for who that person could be, is something that had never crossed my mind before, and I really like it! The fact that Eve hasn't made an appearance yet, or mentioned much, leaves things wide open for her to appear as the ultimate Big Bad somewhere down the line!
The one thing that's always intrigued me, is how Husk knows that Alastor is on a chain, too. If I remember correctly, I think the chains don't really appear in physical form unless the person who owns the soul pulls on it, so Husk must have seen the chain himself, and possibly whoever was on the other end of it.
Does Husk know the person somehow, I wonder? And did Alastor win Husk's soul in the card game, in order to keep him quiet about his own deal?
Sorry for rambling a but, but there's just so much to think about!
Oh, thank you dear! You really make one smile from ear to ear
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Alastor is indeed one who likes to keep himself as a mystery.
Very much one who would hide his powers when he knows he's the strongest. There is far more joy in seeing the face of one who thought they could take the world realize that they are simply a rat to be stomped out. Seeing that confidence turn into despair, hearing how quickly spats of arrogance turn into pleads of mercy. Quite a joy indeed.
And on the other side of that coin, he is also one, that when weak, would show off his powers. Making himself out as the strongest, like a snake dawning the skin of one with venom. For if others believes his ruse, then there will be no one who'll challenge him, and with that, figure out his bluff.
An interesting note is also that, we don't really see many magic users throughout the series. Which makes me believe that when the overlords speak of strength, it's mostly referring to the power they hold over others, and possibly, the more souls you own the more physical strength you get. (Which could be why it is seen as hard to overthrow an overlord)
So, there really doesn't seem to be many magic users only ones I can recall are, Charlie, Lucifer and Alastor. Which I feel is a part in what makes Alastor’s powers unique.
Though there is an interesting thing about magic, most of the time, it's just smoke and mirrors. It's like he's a non-magical magician who found his way into a world of fantasy and is pretending to be a powerful mage. When in reality he's just normal man with a great talent for fooling others and tricking their senses.
This is clearly not the case for Charlie and Lucifer, as they have inherited magic.
Oh, there is also Adam, whom I'd guess got some magic when he became an angle.
Makes me wonder if all winners gain some sort of magic.
Which also leads me to wondering, how do angels gain more power? Do they also have some sort of soul deals or is it simply that there is no way to gain power in heaven? So you just get what you've been given and there is no way to change that?
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Indeed, Alastor having someone that cleans up the riff-raff and then using that action to his advantage, feels quite fitting. He'd take credit for cleaning the streets while also sharing the last songs of the ones who dirtied them. Making everyone believe that he's a force never before seen and one you should be weary off. When the reality is not actually that cut and dry. For in reality, he's just a little deer falsely reporting the news.
Though it does beg the question of, why? Why would he sell his soul for something like that?
He doesn't strike me as immensely power hungry, more someone sees himself as always deserving respect. Like, I do feel that he'd be pretty content just spending most of his time sitting in his radio tower doing whatever he does. So, what pushed him into making the deal?
(What if at first it was just a simple deal? Something similar to the one he made with Vaggie, but then over time, those kinds of deals escalated and before realizing it, he was stuck on a leash.)
We don't really have enough info to conclude anything, but there had to be something that pushed him. Or maybe whoever did the killings wanted him to broadcast the screams and the first deal was really just "I'll make them scream and you broadcast it to everyone" and then after a while they allowed him to take credit as well. (Possibly in a way to keep their own actions hidden.)
Regardless, of how true any of that is, it is clear that the flashback that Mimzy tells isn't the whole story. Like I doubt we can even fully trust the visuals, considering that he shows up with his current show outfit. In contrast, he is shown with his pilot outfit in the photo Vox has of him.
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Quite so, the screams and lack of bodies leaves the possibility of them not being as dead as one would presume, open. I like your idea that instead of being dead they are more just imprisoned. And having them at some point return does sound quite interesting, would Alastor be able to beat them? Would they be able to expose him? Does anyone remember them?
To add to that, what if they are alive, but in pieces? Alastor does say "I'll tear your soul apart" when 'disciplining' Husk, which makes me wonder if he's done that before?
What if the overlord that disappeared had their souls pulled apart? Had those pieces sown into puppets just to be used? Letting them to lose their sense of self and just follow orders. Left to only be seen as a doll on string.
I do feel that that could explain where his little minions come from.
An interesting note is that the only other character we've seen summon 'minions' is Lucifer, though his 'minions' were more just copies of himself. Which just further the fact that Alastor is indeed powerful, but his powers are more just a cheap imitation of Lucifer's powers.
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Glad to hear you find it reasonable that Eve could have become the embodiment of evil as a result of consuming the apple. Maybe that means were onto something?
I do like the idea that she could be the ultimate challenge for our crew. Wonder if they would just kill her like they did Adam or try to, in a way, purge that evil from Eve and then try to redeem her?
Hard to tell, but knowing that, somewhere in the embodiment of evil, there is a girl who just made a mistake of trusting someone. That has to hurt. I wonder how Lucifer would feel, like he can't really condone killing Eve(Evil) for in the end, it's his fault. It's all his fault.
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Indeed, Husk knowing Alastor is on a leash is quite an interesting fact. Considering that it doesn't really ley in Alastor to tell something so demeaning, and based on his reaction it very much seems like something he rather Husk didn't know.
I feel you are quite right in the chains only appearing when in used.
So it could be, as you noted, that the only reason Husk knows is because he saw the chain being used on Alastor. Husk probably wasn't meant to see that, bringing further irritation to Alastor. As it being a mistake means it could have been prevented.
There is also the possibility that Alastor accidentally blurted it out on accident and regrets it to this day. I can imagen that he hates the fact that Husk knows his biggest secret, and in a way, may fear him telling someone. Like Husk was able to say it to Al, so there is always the fear and possibility that someone could overhear.
Like, I wonder is part of his visceral reaction was in part that Husk said it when the Morningstars + Vaggie where just a few steps down the hall. What if they heard? (They probably didn't, Charlie was talking, and Lucifer was focused on her. The only one that possibly could have heard would have been Vaggie, but she also seemed pretty distracted. Plus, none of them seemed to have noted that Alastor stopped.)
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Oh! That's an interesting though,
Which could mean that Alastor and Husk were well acquainted before the 'accident'.
Oh, imagen having such a powerful friendly fellow, finding out their secret and as a result you lose all their trust, and it's not even your fault. Then they force you into a game, knowing you can't refuse because you need the power. It's pretty interesting, if not a bit half-baked.
As for Husk knowing the person, it feels very up in the air. I think it mostly depends on how attentive Alastor’s handler is and how they communicate. Like if they visit in person, then at the very least, Husk should recognize them. But, what if the communication is over the radio waves? What if it's Alastor’s mic that's connecting him to them and it's through that, they communicate? If such was the case, then I'd doubt Husk would know them in any way.
A fun little note, when the chain of Husk is shown, it's very much wrapped around Alastor’s mic, not really his hand. Which makes me curious if the mic is some kind of conduit for his powers. Like others are connected to him through his mic. Like, what if the mic is a creation between Alastor and his handler? Making him bound to his mic, but anyone else bound to his mic will fall under him. While his handler is more bound directly to him.
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I don't mind the ramble, if anything I welcome it! Plus, can't say I'm much better when my own response is around 1500 words
Regardless, Thank you so much! I really do appreciate the ask, it really made one think, Which is always a delight, right?
I hope my letters, sown into the words the you've read, have given something thoughtful for your head ᵔᵜᵔ
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sathellio · 4 months
it's genloss ep 3 rewatch time! let's see if I cry this time
1. OH MY GOD I don't remember the last time I watched this episode and THE INTRO?? GOES SO HARD??? the glitches, the drone footage, the MUSIC??? ugh, perfection. literally took my breath away
2. hi gl!Ranboo, we are here, we want to help so badly (I feel so much despair at their ask for help)
3. I forgot how much the soundtrack in this ep adds to the ambience. it just feels so perfect for an abandoned mall where you don't know what to do, how to move forward
4. poor gl!Ranboo was just so scared. I think the only reason he trusts Hetch is because, well, what else can he do in this moment? he doesn't know where he is or presumably how he got there in the first place, so he clings to the first and only person to offer help, and that becomes his downfall
5. oh god, Hetch plants the idea that we, the audience, are not to be trusted. he says "they can't control you anymore." yes, it's true to some extent that we controlled him sometimes, but by saying "control" instead of "help" or some other, more positive connotating word, Hetch is making sure that Ranboo doesn't trust us, also making them trust Hetch more. it's an us vs them mindset. no wonder gl!Ranboo probably thought we killed him out of hate :(
6. oh, one of Ranboo's first thoughts being that he could have helped the others :(
7. "the police can handle this I can't handle this" ow ow ow :(
8. "that's security, you won't have to worry about it" yeah Charlie's the one that has to worry about it (I'm sorry)
9. oh Hetch said he reprogrammed the employees to think Ranboo is part of the show, but he really didn't because he Is still part of the show
10. "how long have I been here" :(
11. when Ranboo is searching the office for the usb he finds a little army dude just like the one found in Charlie in ep 2. do you think the employees donated all the things Charlie had or,,,
12. on the day 1 plan whiteboard there's magnet letters spelling out "newspeak." did we ever figure out what that's for?
13. "looks like they've upped security since, uh" since last time? :(
14. I saw someone say that in the heart of the facility the place where Ranboo enters the code looks like lungs, and that made me realize all the tubes and wires around that are like intestines and arteries respectively. even the colors make sense for that
15. remember how I said Hetch planted the idea that the audience is not to be trusted? yeah, that's why it didn't matter what code we picked. gl!Ranboo was too scared of us
16. who's blood is it at security when the door is opened? an employee?
17. oo the fire alarm adds so much (so silly it wasn't planned)
18. ugh the corridor running scene <3
19. Charlie saying he needs longer legs, silly
20. Hetch refers to himself as The Hetch, clue to his identity or him just being a weirdo?
21. gl!Ranboo murder arc rahhh
22. man the reveal of the cabin gets me every time
23. they already reset the cabin. they're ready for the next show
24. just Everything about it between the cabin reveal and the button press
25. no the music and the light and the birds and oh he almost made it :'(
27. god this is so painful :(
28. the subtle change in Ranboo's eyes when Hetch says the audience gets to pick oh god
29. the way Ranboo gets quieter as they weigh the options
30. I think the feeling of choosing death will live with me forever. the way the majority chose live at first because of course we want to save them. and then we heard what will happen, and we tried so hard to 50/50 it because we couldn't accept either option. the moment Ranboo begged for death it switched over. the long pause before Hetch announces the result when we know what was chosen lets our decision sink in. and then it's done. we were forced to speedrun the five stages of grief, or at least the first four
31. the way we can hear gl!Ranboo's last breath before the box closes? god
32. the way, when the lights go red and there's silence and all we can do is watch, it finally looks like a heart with all the veins and blood. roll credits and tears roll down my face
33. and then, of course, it's just another tape. nothing special. just an experiment
god I love generation loss so so much and I'm so so excited to see where it will go in the future. see y'all June 15th I guess
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linesonscreens · 11 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yes, all of it) - February 1952
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
Feb 1, 1952
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The record in question is almost certainly a song version of the poem “The Sugar-Plum Tree” by Eugene Field. I can't find a song version of it from around this time though so either it's been lost to time or it never existed and Schulz is just using it to make a reference.
Also, oh God Charlie brown is one of ~those~ people, isn't he?
Feb 3, 1952
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Wait, what? *googles*
verb goldbricked; goldbricking; goldbricks
transitive verb: : swindle intransitive verb : to shirk duty or responsibility
Apparently it's a reference to the act of paining a normal brick with gold paint and passing it off as something valuable.
Good word. Keeping that one for later.
Feb 4, 1952
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I'm sorry, who!? *googles again*
Albert Payson Terhune (December 21, 1872 – February 18, 1942) was an American writer, dog breeder, and journalist. He was popular for his novels relating the adventures of his beloved collies and as a breeder of collies at his Sunnybank Kennels, the lines of which still exist in today's Rough Collies
Oooooooh... OK, that's kind of funny I guess.
Also, I'm noticing that this guy died almost exactly a decade before this strip came out. I wonder if this strip is supposed to be some kind of tribute.
Feb 6, 1952
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Screw the haters, kid. This is a perfectly valid technique and I respect it.
Feb 8, 1952
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You want to know why the radio man didn't have that record? Because Beethoven's Sonata #29 is 40 God damn minutes long!
Pretty though. I like it.
Feb 11, 1952
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How is this kid even still alive at this point?
Feb 14, 1952
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This is not a healthy relationship.
Feb 16, 1952
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How on earth did two separate sets of parent's come to this conclusion about Charlie fucking Brown?
Feb 18, 1951
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I just realized that Schulz makes almost this exact same joke later on with Lucy. I'll try to remember to post it when we get there (emphasis on "try").
Feb 27, 1952
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Literally me including the part where he's bitching out loud in front of the other person while they're talking.
I like it when Schulz makes a weird reference to something I've never heard of. It's a fun excuse to learn a new thing or experience some old form of media I'd never consider touching otherwise.
Probably won't dig up a copy one of the dog breeder guy's books though. That... doesn't seem like my jam.
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hydrangeyes · 8 months
Rambles as I finally watch ep 5 and 6
Ep 5:
I adore when Alastor is just being the opposite of what a lot of us expected, it's legit funny to me. (reminds me of the livestreams)
OOOOOOOOO so like was someone telling Luci Charlie didn't want to see him and vice versa for Charlie cause this reeks miscommunication?
Oh. Oh no husky.....
curious about who has Alastor on a leash but tbh it has to be someone high up. I don't think it would be Lilith but I can see how if Charlie branched off to be her own person and then started the hotel publicly how she would one the strongest but not directly connected sinner to look after Charlie. (OOOO especially if Lilith knew about vaggie and didn't trust her.)
I've seen folks talk about Eve, cause yeah where are they in all this but I can't see why Eve would want anything to do with the hotel unless to use it to drag Adam down or rise back up to heaven- oooooooooooo
Still unsure why use Alastor for that but eh....
Is eve even in hell??? I'm trying to think back in the bible if she does or not (Not that I'm sticking to the stores there for an exact reference but eh wouldn't hurt)
I don't think Charlie yet understands there's more to being a "good" person than opening up and positivity. Especially if it landed you in hell? tho yeah there are some who can be hopeful, i would think they would travel to stay in the hotel if that were the case (but then again they would have to see proof that it's possible)
Luci boi has a point but i also think his unease/fear of heaven dampening things, that and his general distaste for humans clearly
hell yeah go off little man
mm so like what is up with the divorce couple? like clearly Lilith got Charlie in the divorce but the line that even before that she didn't know him (she looks fairly in her todler years so like)
I very much like loved more than anything the song.
lmao vaggie is STRESSED.
on to Ep 6!
oh vaggie looks exhausted
I have a head canon of Vaggie and Charlie have the same dynamic as Cassandra and Rapunzel if they hooked up.... before the plot twist reveal anyway.
God Sir pentious is so pathetic I love him
mmmm that was a design choice for saint peter but tbh Idc much
oooo the designs are prety cool!
Ugh fuckin' Adam
Wait- so legit NO one else knows about the extermination?????
mmm naming reasons a sideeeee Called it
God fuckin' Adam, get this man off my phone screen
I need charlie to spend a month on earth, cause hearing her marvel at rainbow sprinkles is both cute and sad
Oh Sera so like- you're kinda the worse huh?
"He was the first human-" Uh yeaaaaaa cause the rough draft is SO much better than the final product????
Pleaseeeeeee sir pentious be quietttttttttt
someone save sir pentious
UGH valentino
let's GOOOOOOOO Angel Dust
what ARE the rules to get into heaven??
legit if you know the answers please share with the class, then maybe you wouldn't have any issues?? what the fuck is actually going on here
mmm the bad place vibes
ooo vaggie angel reveaaalll
I hope Emily kicks ASS
I wonder if Adam legit has special first child privileges that is stopping him from falling cause HUUUUH there's no way he can get away with acting like that
Also given that only Sera and Adam (and his servants) Knew, word would HAVE to get out, as secrets doesn't seem to be a thing.
I wonder if Emily could take thiws up to someone higher like an archangel or something? I legit want Gabriel reveaal, 1: he seemed the most chill thinking back on old bible studies (Its been a while), and too cause supernatural brain rot made me love the dynamic of angel family drama tbh
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emberphantom · 2 years
how long have you been a fan of iasip and how long on sunnyblr? do you know who here has been around for a long time? how has the fandom developed and changed from your perspective? has it always been so reddit-oriented? what have the main opinions (general consensus kinda shit) been in your eyes? were you into macdennis right from the start? did the fandom always follow rcg so closely or is that only after the podcast? sorry for asking so much, just interested in the history of this space
Step into my office Anon. Let me regale you the tale of Sunnyblr from the days of yore. Or whatever.
Me personally, I started watching Sunny in late summer 2019 (tragically I had just missed the fake MacDennis script panic of July 2019). My friends had it on when I went to their house and we didn't have anything else to do, so we just watched like a shitton of episodes that day and I was like hold fuck on this scratches something in my brain. I didn't start poking around on the Sunny side of tumblr until possibly a week later? I think. Basically in my skipping around Sunny episodes I was starting to pick up the vibes Mac and Dennis were putting down and as a joke I was like hmm what if I just take a look at the ao3 tag ahaha jk unless. And that was the beginning of the end. I'm not sure if I checked out the Sunny tag on tumblr first or the MacDennis tag but literally at that time it didn't matter. Sunnyblr was essentially MacDennisblr. Tumblr didn't get me into MacDennis but it definitely accelerated my hyperfixation with them This was all pre-s14 at this point for reference.
Honestly, not many people remain from that time or even before. I remember some folks I had followed reminiscing about post-s12, wondering if Dennis was coming back, or if he turned into the bar. Idk man I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with not knowing if Dennis was coming back like that would've been too much for me.
But 2019 Sunnyblr, and this may just be the nostalgia talking, but man it was magical. The gif sets, the meta breakdowns of episodes, the macdennis posts--god we were eating GOOD. It felt like one giant group chat in the best way. And then The Gang Gets Romantic happens an we were absolutely FERAL. Okay? Like picture Nov 5th but on a way smaller scale. But that was the energy, okay?
But then, tragedy struck in the form of Dee Day. That, for me was kinda the beginning of the end of that version of Sunnyblr. A lot of people were pissed. The glass shelves we had propped RCG and Megan Ganz up on had shattered. A decent amount of people left right then and there. But those who stayed were holding out for something -- a better apology from them regarding the brownface for one. And that...didn't happen (I don't want to speak more on this bc like...look I'll be real with you, I stuck my head in the sand on this one. But people had a right to be hurt by that episode and to this day I haven't rewatched it since it aired). But we trudged along. Bc it's "satire" and these are "bad people" and we are DEF getting canon MacDennis okay they are going to KISS on the MOUTH in BIG MO.
....and then they didn't. Clown shoes squeaking.
Okay trying to get this back on track...
As far as reddit goes, that's always just been the "dudebro" place for Sunny. Sometimes they make valid points and our braincells align and that warrants someone posting it here to discuss.
I feel like the general opinions kinda feel the same to me? Mac and Dennis are endgame, Archie. Dennis is bastardman but also baby. Charlie poor little meow meow. I do have to say...I feel like some stuff used to feel a bit more...grounded than it does now?? If that makes sense? Like idk man people were out here writing academic prose to describe the meta in Clip Show. And I do feel like that vibe's kinda gone. But it's not a bad thing. It's just different. Like it's more unhinged but hey we're still having fun so who cares?
Uh what else? Oh yeah so the RCG stuff. Like I said before, there was a point where Sunnyblr propped them up and we got reality checked real quick, okay? They went from being UnProblematic Kings ™ to Rob posting copaganda on his IG at the height of the George Floyd protests in June of 2020. That happening after all the shit with Dee Day was basically a powder keg. And that's honestly when Sunnyblr as I knew it, really died.
I think the podcast has def shoved them back into a more favorable light in the fandom's eyes. Speaking for myself, I never stopped stanning Glenn but Rob and Charlie and Kait were on thin fucking ice (maybe not Charlie so much but def Rob and Kait--actually mostly Rob). I think RCG have to be prevalent in the fandom as much as the characters do bc they're so close to them and the show like this IS their show y'know?
That's...all I can really think of. Like I said, not many people remain from those days. I can think of maybe a handful off the top of my head but I wouldn't consider them nearly as active as they were regarding Sunny when I joined. We're still moots but that's bc we like each other beyond the MacDennis of it all.
Sorry this is so long too lmfao. Like Sunnyblr was such a huge part of my life during that time so I guess I got shit to say. I also for real in no way consider myself the end all be all expert on this either. Like in no way am I the sole authority on Sunnyblr history. This is based on stuff I experienced and picked up on from other's posts from before my time. Anybody can chime in with their own opinions and shit. Correct me too. Idc.
Uh yeah. So I guess that's what you missed on Glee. Or Sunnyblr. The end? I hope that helped (for real).
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feuqueerfire · 8 months
Pit Babe Live Blogging
This show is finally ending, I've been stopping myself from starting it since like December I think when I saw Tiktoks from those early episodes (honestly younger, cute boytoy top Charlie who is so beautiful to me had a hand in that lol). The chatter also seems to really like the show, maybe unexpectedly for quite a few people (also I think at least a certain amount of it is for the side ship? Alan and Jeff or something? who I know nothing about because I only really know some plot points until like ep 4 or smth because I'd look up Tiktoks)
So I really hope I like it! I've only been like "meh, sure" for the 3 shows/movies I've watched so far this month, so I'd love it if this one lives up to my expectations.
Ep 1 (Feb 7)
girl what's going on? okay we're starting with fucking but he's gotta blow off steam bc his senses are too sensitive? Or what's going on?
alpha smell, i died
ohhh dubcon sexual coercion racer/fan hookup as payment <3333
charlie doesn’t have a smell (smth about an enigma in the tiktok comments?) and babe can’t stand alpha scent
fuck off iqiyi ad, right in the middle of the scene
i wonder if Charlie does have ulterior motives other than the car bc tiktok comments hinted at it but i stopped looking at them after a couple eps so didn’t find out
ohhh the objectification and using Charlie as a bet is a doozy
Charlie talking about not exploiting Babe is the funniest shit ever
random villain
I need to sleep almost 2am agh - 28m
back the next morning hehe
Why is this guy who seems to be around the same age as everybody else being called Uncle and referring to himself as old man lmfao is it like how Gumpa was maybe supposed to be older than he was in Not Me?
oh, i like these scenes actually, I usually have a 50-50 on whether I'll skip through these makeout/NC scenes but I'm watching these lmao
Babe being so irritable/standoffish after an orgasm is so funny like why lol
kalsdfjlk;asfjlk;asdfj talking about roleplaying as a maid/wearing maid costume/Charlie calling Babe master omg
Babe doesn't know how to appreciate maid Charlie, give him to me instead
the holes in the walls of Babe's house are so funny like what
Also how old are these people? I think I remember a Tiktok of Charlie going to uni (and Babe following him because he's suspicious lol) and I'm guessing Babe is a couple years older than that?
[Linguistics] Pom and Phi for Charlie while Gu and Mueng for Babe
Babe calling Charlie docile awooga
So was the villain whose face we kinda saw earlier the UAC Corp leader? Tony Chen?
"report about Babe"
okay I'm reading the on-air thread for this on r/boyslove and some people are like hmmm about their chemistry so far and are like why is the NC stuff so tame/vague but personally... I can watch the NC scenes when it's like this, so it's going well in my books lol rip, though I kinda assume it might get more heated in the later eps? Also hm idk about Charlie and Babe's chemistry, it seems fine but not magnetic/magical yet.
Also people in that thread seem to have little to no experience with omegaverse or have mostly read alpha/omega and also seem confused about what's allowed vs not allowed when in fact, there's no rigid rules with omegaverse because it's a literal fanfic concept and you can make it whatever you want. Personally, I haven't read any original book/manhua/etc. with omegaverse but am so well-versed in fanfic a/b/o lol a/a o/o a/o are all great, sometimes with a beta though beta/x do tend to be quite rare, even more than a/a and o/o I feel like?? Also have read OT3 a/b/o or a/a/o or a/o/o etc. Love all the different types of fics omegaverse has to offer: the 4k explicit fics and 20k romances and 60k of criticizing society/trying to break out of the rigid molds/mirroring real world issues/etc. Traditional, medium trad-nontrad, and nontraditional omegaverse can all also be interesting and good.
I'm expecting this one to just be like the 20k kinda non-traditional romances w/ a/a.
Ep 2 (Feb 7)
Oh Tony Chen investor is Babe's literal father?
The fiery flashback transitions lmao
Babe's adoptive father
What's Charlie planning?
the menopause comment is so interesting cuz wtf do you even mean but I'm pretty sure I'm also heard it in reference to men in other BLs maybe Thai ones? So it's probably a different word that refers to a similar thing but not exactly menopause
working for free, not suspicious at all lol
This new repairman kid tuning the car to have more horsepower or whatever is reminding me of a high school class where we were doing AutoCAD and stuff but then also had to ?? create a digital car but neither my partner nor I knew shit about cars so we were fr just trying out whatever and seeing the specs go up and down
[Linguistics] Alan addressing Jeff as Nuu lol
lol the germophobe so I don't touch anybody thing
I did think Jeff and Charlie were working together so this makes sense but I thought the guy who was scheming with Charlie was the same age as him but he calls Charlie Phi and is 20 years old (so Charlie's older than that)
Wait Alan just said Jeff and Charlie are the same age? But Jeff called Charlie Phi, so did Jeff age himself up by a year or two?
Did nobody notice how weird Jeff and Charlie were behaving toward each other?
Why'd they zoom in on Way like that when mentioning the UAC Corp
dang, what plan Jeff and Charlie got cooking up
What is this random physical fight that's Charlie's doing lol
Didn't like the camera work during that fight scene, keep it still
And also this one Red Racing member's an annoying character as he's meant to be but the acting itself annoys me
ahh, Charlie choosing the car he knows is Babe's favourite and Way being like Babe doesn't let anybody get in it but Babe letting Charlie borrow it
"I'm Pit Babe, I don't decide on the wrong people" is crazy omg I hate such expectations
Ouchhhh terrible driving lesson flashbacks when my instructor would yell at my stupidity from the passenger seat like this lmfao
Ouch lol Way being like haha what if I fell in love w you and Babe being like lmfaoooo if we were gonna have sparks, it would've happened long ago
Is Way not an Alpha? why did Babe say I'm good with just chewing alphas? Or did he mean he'd rather do that than fall in love with them?
Alan and Jeff barely exist so far beyond Jeff ignoring Alan and everybody laughing about it but I'm into it. The age difference + Nuu thing is also uh good
The Glances that Alan and Babe share whenever Way's talking and kinda sidelining Charlie makes me think that Babe must know that Way likes him, right?
Red Racing aka the team Tony Cheng (Babe's foster father) is investing in wants to poach Babe?
Saw through some reblog's novel spoiler tags that Jeff's an omega
Ep 3 (Feb 8)
Pouty, whiny, dramatic Charlie and Babe's smile peaking through at the act so cutee
Aw, our tough guy sad backstory
damn, tf he fostered a bunch of kids and did what with them
unexpected telekenesis - if I hadn't been spoiled through a post like 2 hours ago about how it just randomly appears in ep 3, I would've been shocked lmfao
and Babe breaks his no kissing rule
Jeff’s reaction after the sniff kiss from Alan akhdjaja threw him off fr
Alan’s hiding that Pete will take % of price money? or is that just understood?
tbh i dint rlly get the investment and returns cuz the show doesn’t explain it like why couldn’t they do smaller races before but now they can? cause of cost to join the race and fuel and whatever else needed for it without the guaranteed winning money to subsidize it? would it be so expensive to do that they couldn’t go to smaller races at all without investments? how were they doing it before this though like why does it matter if red racing is getting this investment, how does that mean x hunter can’t do the same stuff they’ve done so far?
Ah, I've seen tiktoks of the suspicion and Babe following Charlie
Can Babe tell that it's Jeff
damn girl, how are these thoughts even come into your mind as you drive such at high speed with high concentration
Winner is such annoying character I really cant
Ah, so the driving accident wasn't in this ep but ep 4 I guess
Lol caught a glimpse of the next ep preview and I remember seeing people discuss whether the Way and Babe talking about being boyfriends in the preview is in the past vs present (It looks like the past to me)
This show must actually be insane to watch on air, first the surprise omegaverse and now surprise telekenesis
I understand Way's suspicion of Charlie and he's right to be lol but the way he talks about how nobody cares about him and Babe and Babe shouldn't get too close to people is... I wonder if he really has power to hypnotize through touch bc I did see murmurs about that on the tiktok comments. And I didn't think about this, but Way should've waited a couple days to mention to Babe the results of stalking Charlie since it'll affect Babe's performance
Ep 4 (Feb 9)
Annoyed that I was too busy today to actually watch more than an episode yesterday and I think it'll be the same case today, maybe I'll try to squeeze in 1.5 eps.
Is Babe specifically not mentioning seeing him and Jeff together because he wants Charlie to come clean himself?
Damn, Way really is clutching Babe's arm as he tells him to be alone and not trust in love
Babe so mean for pulling that "shall I be your bf?" thing on Way aksdfj
also young Babe is sooo pretty omg
mopey sad Babe :(
How did Charlie get there?
Oh, Jeff watching but unable to outwardly show concern for Charlie in front of everybody
would Tony do this fr though? I thought it was fuckass Winner
Damn, Winner tryna bribe someone to cut the fluid line or smth in Babe's car idk what that means but sounds bad. stopped by Kim but Winner does say he didn't send those people to beat Babe up, so did Tony really do it? Did Charlie...?
Charlie's endless cooking for Babe ahh
Jeff and Alan hehe
Oh yeah lol Babe's upset at Jeff cuz he thinks Charlie went behind his back w Jeff
woah Jeff can see the future via touch?!?! No wonder he was averse to touching so cool
So does this mean that Charlie and Jeff were also in that house raised by Tony along with Babe? The kids were all separated from each other, so it'd make sense if Babe didn't know them. Interesting
The Tony and Co. have been looking for somebody with Beyond Group Pete's power for a long time? Archery? Hand-eye coordination?
Finally, the car crash. Not much happened this ep tbh since it's continuation of last ep's tensions but hopefully we'll move forward at a faster pace now, either in terms of relationship or plot. I also stopped checking the tiktoks at this point, so I don't know as much now and haven't really seen stuff after this except stuff I've already mentioned like Enigma Charlie? Omega Jeff?
omegaverse + racecar + xmen powers & evil father foistering said powers
Agh, fuck, people are writing novel spoilers obviously and accidentally saw it I think say "Charlie and [Babe I'm guessing] have the same evil foster dad" well the on-air thread people who guessed this like 2 eps ago were correct, gj
Ep 5 (Feb 9)
hmm is it indeed somebody on X Hunter who betrayed Babe? I refuse Charlie and Jeff, would Way do it? Would Tony?
Did Jeff go to that car at night in secret because he wanted to try to prevent the fire since he saw it in that vision?
I mean Alan’s not completely wrong, though Way and Dean came off real strong
exploiting Jeff’s sadness for an ad smh
the person avoided the cameras seeing his face as if he knows where they are…
Pete being like “I thought you guys had a mole and didn’t know”
oh i went to ep 4 on air discussion and ppl were discussing whether charlie can suppress powers/steal powers apparently shown in teaser for this ep and immediately as soon i start this again we get Babe being like why can’t i sense you
choosing Charlie (guy who barely just started training and has never done an actual race before) to take Babe’s place is crazy esp amongst others who may not be good but have actual experience before being thrown into the deep end
well at least they’re gonna test Charlie
wdym? Isn’t Babe too hurt to do a fucking competition?
getting v strong insider job vibes but idk if they’ll make it be Way (suspicious), Dean (suspicious just cuz he’s eager to side w Way), or the youtuber dudes (they seem useless and it’d be boring if it was them)
Ep 6 (Feb 10)
Well, at least they still made Babe win by a fair amount while rookie Charlie who has never competed won by a hair compared to junior Dean who doesn't really win
The directing was bad in this though i literally couldn't tell who was ahead because the cars look the fucking same
Charlie looks sooo good with the kinda mushroom hair here idk omg
What even is this argument? Dean is not acting well here and somehow neither is Alan even though Alan's been fine thus far, though he hadn't had to express too many outward emotions until now
Oof, Way watching Babe walk away from him down to Charlie and going with him
so does this cafe thing happen often or no? and in which countries? First Twinkling Watermelon also had some "story" about their table that the guy had submitted for Se Kyeong and now here Alan did a apology thing for Jeff
Ahh it's so cringe but I'm kinda into it, idk esp the way Jeff keeps trying to not smile
babe and charlie looking at stars scene so romantic
omg children
sorry this mama papa thing is killing me so bad
it’s also killing babe lol he keeps laughing during the roleplay
actually okay idk role playing as each other during the first meeting is kinda fun fr and them giggling through it hehe so cute
Pete watching Way drink at the bar?
Dean so annoying
What did Pete see in Babe's future?!
Ah, publicly saying they're bfs but rip Way
Babe doing that smoke thing was crazy cuz if I was Way, I'd be like damn is he boutta step out of his relationship with me rn
ouch ouch ouch ouch
Unrequited crush on a friend is so saddd even though Way's being annoying about it
broooo that spot when Babe and Way are sitting on the car, looking at the sky - is that the same spot Babe took Charlie?
man, ouch!
I seriously wish the subs were better man
but Babe and Charlie were so cute this ep hehe >.< and Babe was just sooo smiley
I want Charlie to get some more personality soon though because we don't know shit about him and I also can't tell what's genuine vs not with him since he's so secretive
Ep 7 (Feb 10)
Ah, so Babe indeed feels suffocated by how Way tells him to be alone and feels like he can't love anybody
I don't get it, I thought Jeff touching Babe would mean he sees Babe's future, so how can that guy lying in the car not be Babe?
Oof, Way and Pete
Also, I try to track when someone's putting on shoes for a romantic partner/candidate but taking off shoes is also so good and intimate, like now Pete taking Way's shoes off
Are Kim and Kenta supposed to ba thing? Can't remember but hope Kenta stops being Tony's laptop someday
As expected, it was Tony's doing
omggg so many things happening at once, exciting
Kim doing a little investigating to find that Tony sells his kids and Babe's the highest price
and also he called Babe to the place he knew that Charlie would be meeting Tony and Kenta omg
and Tony asking about Jeff
oh yeah lol Babe last ep being like since you're Charlie's nong/brother, you're my nong too :) at Jeff like girl first of all Charlie is also your adopted brother technically so let's not get too familial here lol
Tony seeing Charlie and Babe's interaction... Also, I wonder why Tony doesn't know that Jeff is a mechanic at X-Hunter c'mon
On that note, I also wish Charlie had somehow blurted out that Babe shouldn't tell anybody about Jeff being Tony's son also or tell anybody about Jeff's location
Aw, crying and regretful Babe and heartbroken too
Charlie just SAY it while following Babe around instead of being like P'Babe x10 and asking him to listen/being like let me explain. LIKE JUST EXPLAIN BRUH
Charlie doesn't have a power for real or it's just a power like stealing/suppressing powers that Tony's teachers couldn't sense? especially because Charlie specifically mentioned that Babe was just buying time by running away since they were still after his powers - so maybe Charlie thinks the solution is to suppress those powers and that's why Babe doesn't have them anymore
sorry what are we even talking about right now, they're suggesting that Tony intends to get an Enigma (different even more powerful sort of alpha - 1%) to impregnate Babe????? Because that child will be even more powerful? Like what are we doing right now klajsdflkasdjfk
But anyway, this means no hope of Omega Jeff? Since apparently only Alphas have powers.
Kenta doing these "mistakes" with being sloppy enough so that Kim can find evidence + letting Charlie live with Babe... is he on their side?
Oh, Charlie did indeed make Babe's sense disappear by absorbing/stealing it (and being able to do it so well because he's closer to Babe)
ow ow ow ow owowoowowowowowowoow owwwww Babe thinking back to the first night and how Charlie touched him
oh my goddd all their encounters T.T
tf Charlie can't return Babe's powers unless he dies? no way...
girl why is Charlie even thinking of reconciliation right now, you just told Babe all this stuff you hid from him including the way you stole his powers and can't give it back unless you die
stop, I'm really annoyed by this tone change, this is not the time for mama/papa, I want Babe to blow up on Charlie now to dare to make light of the situation and how much Babe's hurting
ah I can't even appreciate the making up T.T
Also, is the fact that Charlie's not mentioning Jeff gonna be considered a secret later on?
Way waiting for their dinner which he took as a date to the sentimental restaurant vs Babe riding Charlie in the car on the road with the roof down
okay sorry this is a whole lot, too much in fact um
Bro Way gotta escape cuz Babe is fr stringing him along for too long let's end this, make some bad decisions but in terms of drinking too much/fucking random people (Pete) but not hypnotizing Babe or anything. and then, let's move on
broooo why are Alan and Babe just discussing Tony and everything in the garage where there are other people
I thought Babe realized that Way liked him... does he not?
woah soooo much info
Wish there was actually more angst/longer drawn out period before reconciliation because Babe would need time to come to terms with everything. but oh well
The spoilers I found right now while going through gifs is that: Apparently Way is the Enigma that Tony's planning to use to impregnate Babe... I'd seen hints that Way is evil/does something against Babe and if we're going with the fact that he has hypnosis through touch powers, then he'd been with Tony but the fact that he's the enigma was new to me
Ep 8 (Feb 10)
Aw fuck, I keep watching this instead of doing my much-needed work D:
Kenta has to somehow not let Kim get killed and his organs harvested right
Aw, Jeff telling Alan his secret special power
Way talking about revenge and being a bad person and doing what he was originally supposed to do...
ahh Charlie not telling Babe about Jeff's vision is scary, even though Charlie consoling Jeff is nice
omg blood everywhere enough investigating let's leaveee
First time seeing Charlie use his powers and he uses it to be kinda stupid lol
Did Tony pick up on the fact that Babe lost his powers?
Ken? Do Pete and Kenta know each other?
Damn, Jeff's visions, he's getting them without touching anybody?
Also, how are you sneaking around in Tony's house lol cameras gotta be everywhere
ah, I wish I wasn't spoiled about Enigma way cuz I might've been like gasp but actually probably not since I already knew about Way being from the other side
Jeff no don't get caught
the fact that Charlie is still like -khap at the end of his sentences with Babe despite having fucked like 50 times and being boyfriends and also having held secrets from him is funny
they're doing doctor/patient roleplay while jeff's in trouble D:
ah, all the plans in front of Way
This must be a trap as well right, set up by Way? I'm afraid Andy's gonna get killed or smth? Or even if it's not a proper dangerous trap, like a trap t somehow save them to gain trust?
Why did they even get out of that room though lol
Winner's soooo annoying, like not even an intriguing semi-antagonist like Way, just irritating and bad at acting
North, Sonic don't both go into the cell cuz what if it's locked from outside
They left Kim again? man...
Jeff I believe in you
Ep 9 (Feb 10)
Charlie can't you at least once wonder where Jeff is? WHAT ABOUT YOUR BROTHER? Literally everybody at the garage is staying at Alan's except Jeff?
you know Tony's looking for Jeff and you're just chill about the fact that neither you nor Alan can contact him? Man, cmon Charlie wtf
girl not Babe finding out about Pete being an Enigma at this place where they're auctioning kids D: and then Immediately going to tell Way about it bruhhh
aw fuckkk not Way hypnotizing Babe when Babe's at the auction place alone with Way and has just found out about Way beingthe Enigma through Charlie. I hope Pete comes out and sees them
ahhhhh aklsdfjalks;fj ewewew I can't watch this like I watched 0.2 seconds of it in the reflection and no aghhh and Babe's sad face in that reflection T.T
Or I hope Charlie immediately goes to Way's apartment or smth after informing Alan of what happened
okay at least Charlie did come
This is so fucking sad, poor Babe D:
And every Babe and Way montage is so sad, first when Way was going through his heartbreak and now because Babe got sexually assaulted by Way agh
abusive father Tony fr but also what power or whatever does he have? He said Way's Enigma can't compete with me
man, this is so fucking sad, the way Babe's trust in me people is shattered and doesn't wanna be betrayed again
Anyway, Charlie learned than his brother Jeff was captured by Tony and crew but has called him and hasn't heard from or seen him since, he should be a little more concerned about him I think
Well, it's good that apparently Jeff is all good and safe
Alan and Jeff are sooo cute, espp because age gap but Alan and Jeff are both so skittish lol... Jeff asking if he can be Alan's boy is crazy though
what are Charlie and Jeff planning, yikes
Also, Charlie being like okay at least father doesn't know that my powers will go back to Babe if I die... so if he fakes his death, Babe still wouldn't have the powers back but the father wouldn't find it questionable?
Is Dean trustworthy?
Ah, this time Charlie getting overwhelmed with the senses and Babe helping me out with an orgasm... romance <3
why is the sex scene surrounded by the car race lmfaooo I kinda wanted to see it and choose to skip parts if it was too much for me, not have it spliced
Ah, they spoiled that Dean's a traitor/snake in the preview, that's dumb smh
oh omg, okay I remember seeing some stuff about main character death in Pit Babe just a few weeks ago (esp when Last Twilight was ending) but as I started this, I was like hm this doesn't seem to track, maybe that was about The Sign. But now I just glimpsed the words "The cross on Charlie's grave [...]" in a text post and seems like this really is for Pit Babe. Not to mention that Jeff and Charlie's plans seem to involve Charlie's death, though I'm assuming it's a faked death.
Ep 10 (Feb 10)
I'm dreading the scene from last ep's teaser where Charlie is against Babe driving and Babe's like you don't have any faith in me? I'm so disappointed in you
ouchhh "you don't believe in my skills" because of the lack of sense? ah it's true like charlie can't control babe just because he wishes babe well but I'm nervous that Charlie planned something terrible what with their plans and Charlie dying/disappearing
ah yep, Charlie's plan is to flip the car over, so scary but Jeff knows at least.
dang, did Babe not finish his lap and just came off in the middle of his last lap? Makes sense, I didn't expect the car to be right there
Jeff's pretending that he did that to Charlie's car to kill him in order to get Tony to do something on his end? Or does Tony also know Charlie's not dead?
Bro what the fuck what do you even mean that Babe got his senses back
This is actually devastating for real
How has Kenta not turned his back to Tony yet fr
Also, so I guess Jeff was telling Tony that he'd crash Charlie's car + with Kenta's help but Jeff was really planning on it killing Charlie
Babe's "I don't want my senses back, I don't want anything back. I just want charlie back" askldfjaskdlfjsadf owwwwwww
This montage is so fucked up
Oh, can you walk over the grave just like that to give the flowers omg? I'd be like D: there's somebody's corpse right underneath my feet and I'm stepping on them...
fuckkk this grave scene is also so devastating
Jeff really and truly is the only person getting anything done, so he got Kim in exchange for the Charlie thing?
girl, not the Jeff and Alan flirting in the midst of devastation. cute thought :( jeff being so done with Alan's inability to flirt that he has to do it himself here too
aklsdfja;sdlkf ow Jeff so cute, coming back to give him a little kiss on the side of the mouth and then running away
The fuck, Dean hit Babe with a HAMMER?!?!?! to the head
So was it Jeff (or Kenta w/ Jeff) who punctured the oil rigg while Dean did something else (gas smth?). or was it that Dean and Kenta together cut the gas line to crash the car but Jeff punctured the oil rig to kill Charlie?
Oh man, the fucking devastation. How did people who watch weekly go through this fr? I wonder... if I could get away with just looking at Pit Babe archive tags or if I'm gonna be spoiled with ep 11/book spoilers... ig I'll try to be very careful? agh idk
Also, I wonder how they're pulling off this fake death if Babe got his senses back? And we saw the dead body? Though ofc Jeff "took care of everything" on his own afterwards so we didn't see him be buried or anything but yknow
Ep 11 (Feb 11)
Good morning, time to watch the show and hopefully finish it toda
Man, I would've rooted more for Way/Pete if Way wasn't gonna rape Babe when he got the chance... makes me a hypocrite since I'm a Vegas/Pete enjoyed but yknow
Oh my bad, seems like Dean did stuff to the gas lines but Jeff had done stuff to the brakes
Ooh, okay, we get to see Charlie already
ugh so did Kenta tell Dean to do stuff to the break lines? I thought Dean did gas
who is this Uncle Reval and what's his backstory? Anything to do with Babe? He's not his father or something right?
lol a secret drug that fake-kills you and gives Babe his powers back
so what's the plan after this? How we catching Tony guys?
Ah, I love Alan and Jeff :( And Jeff telling Alan to think a lot because he knows he's the one who made Charlie's car crash like that + is hiding Charlie from them all
They sometimes treat Jeff like he's a mourning brother and other times they don't lol
Oh that bracelet with the A is crazy like oh Alan you're marking him laksfj oh and he's got one with J, very presumptuous to wear it first before letting Jeff know but loll I guess he's finally stepping up in the flirting department and not leaving it all to Jeff
I can't believe we're not getting proper Omega Jeff though, so he's just Alpha :(
Why did Jeff say I like no love you and Alan's like I got it already and didn't say it back
Jeff's actor is 28 and Alan's is 30, I wish at least Jeff's one was like 20 (That's Charlie's actor's age) so that we could at least feel the difference in age when they're talking as if there's a big age gap cmon
omg sorry the "Nuu, cooperate" "How?" was so good in terms of experience gap
okay Enough, this is going on forever actually lol
ah, Kenta and Pete were playmates and brothers while growing up in that house, thus the Ken and familiarity before when Ken had his knife to Pete's throat
Does Pete not a special power other than just being an Enigma?
oh ngl I thought they were finally doing a pair of Tony's kids who actually saw each other as siblings and not as lovers lmfao but seems like Kenta liked Pete
God why did they leave this dynamic for the end, Kenta crying (or is it just intense sweat?) while trying to harm/maim/kill Pete and thinking of their times together, it's the perfect dynamic - ToddBlack & VegasPete vibes
Wild turn from last week (Babe's still devasted though, I knew I could trust him) and it's like glad AlanJeff is finally happening but it's really happening a few days after Jeff's brother died lol
Also okay idk how to feel about Alan and Jeff sex scene cuz it's like... Alan is very subtly pressuring Jeff just a little? Like when Jeff was like shouldn't we get to know each other a little? but Alan's like that's for later bc he's so intent on fucking Jeff tonight. + the "Nuu, cooperate" when I guess he thought Jeff didn't want to let him take off his pants. the thing issss I could be so into age gap slightly dubcon, slightly immoral relationships but that's not how it's presented here + Jeff's supposed to be in mourning, so idk how I'm supposed to take this
Ep 12 (Feb 11)
Please please please please please Kenta and Pete scenarios and scenes and moments please please please idec if it's a happy or sad ending
agh no i don't want peteway anymore i want petekenta
oh Pete can read minds, woah
Aw shucks, they're kidnapping Jeff
Is the sense going back to Charlie and disappearing from Babe?
girl every 3 hours? that's all it takes before Charlie's senses start coming back from Babe?
okay I'm sorry but literally why are you bringing Way to meet Babe randomly like that fucker would've raped Babe and gotten him pregnant to forcibly make him have kids like we as the audience could be like oh tortured angsty Way but why is Pete randomly bringing Way to meet Pete. Anyway, Kenta now also knows Way's on Pete's side so it's not necessarily like Way can infiltrate the other side either unless Kenta keeps his lips sealed
ah I wonder who is "working for" Tony now...
Pete, Babe, Kenta, and Way lmao for sure there are not gonna be any betrayals and this team isn't gonna go up in flames. It'd be hilarious if Kenta does manage to finally join the other side but Way or something betrays them
Sorry that I was thinking of kicking Kenta (in a fun sexual way) while he was kneeling down like that and then Tony actually did it (in a mean abusive way but I was unfortunately into it)
oh my god okay sorry this is actually so devastating that Kenta is learning how the man who he's ready to give his life for doesn't see him as a son but as a dog but I'm actually losing my mind at his kneeling and crying and begging and getting kicked and giving his hand like a dog gives its paw
Did they also leave the bag this time? Girl, they're so bad at rescuing Kim and not retrieving the bag
I like don't even want Way and Babe reconciliation for real, so I'm glad we're not getting that already at least
ah, as expected he's Babe's father
All these people know that they're buying the kids right? Is it gonna be like Gifted when they're like making a disruption to let the world know what's really going on but they all already know?
Alan trying to drag Jeff away while Jeff wants to protect the kids, this uncle man is annoying me lately
Charlie just zooming in at the end lmfao
The lack of Charlie and Babe was so interesting. Like yeah, makes sense that the two wouldn't be together in Ep 11 and 12 but we got so much airtime for side characters in these 2 eps but it didn't make me feel like no, go back to the mains, because there are so many characters and threads here. And even gave me Kenta and PeteKenta brain rot in these 2 eps.
Ep 13 (Feb 11)
Last episode, like 50 mins long and I don't know what I'm hoping for. like at first, the show was mostly about Babe and Charlie and I want a good closure for them too, esp after like 3 episodes without them together. But I'm randomly so invested in like Kenta now and I don't know what I want from that end. I don't care that much about Alan and Jeff anymore, unfortunately but I'm guessing we'll get some time with them too. Also want to see how the huge and elaborate child trafficking ring is dealt with.
Bro stop explaining everything right now and escape, even though I get Babe's conflicting emotions of "am I dreaming?" unbelievable amounts of happiness and confusion at why Charlie fakes his death
Kenta okayyy
damn, the reaction to the socmed vids seem dumb from Tony's part but who knows
loll Sonic dgaf about pushing away Winner's gun
What happened to all the other patrons and guards?
ah, you did it Kenta even though you cried, you still killed your father. stabbed him in the back, poetry
oof, rip Way
Man, these scenes of Way dying and everybody mourning him at his grave are objectively sad (esp the Way and Babe compilation again) but I don't care as much about him as I did in the earlier eps when he was going through his unrequited crush but before he attacked Babe
The part with Babe and his dad is so sad man but I hope this is heading toward a better future
Charlie and Babe will never stop having public sex and they shouldn't
negl for a second I got scared that they were implying Babe's pregnant or smth like what
Y'know I realize that Charlie and the other drivers a bit of a public figure, does nobody in their audience wonder why Charlie's not dead suddenly? Or was that not public knowledge, just that Charlie crashed real bad
public-ass kiss frr
Where is Kenta? my beloved
This show had everything: non-traditional alpha/alpha relationship (w concepts I wasn't aware of like Enigmas but somehow no Omegas lol), racecar competitions, x-men like superpowers (heightened senses, stealing powers, hypnosis, mind reading, telling the future), child trafficking, pseudo-incest if you think about it (from Kenta's side at least) and more. And it didn't have a super strong script, there were nonsensical elements and plot holes that didn't get addressed and things that happened to just move the plot along, but it was a fun watch nonetheless, both for the novelty and the entertainment factor.
The most important aspect of the show was definitely the characters and relationships despite there being like a wrong human trafficking ring and everything involved; it well went back to how it affected the people and their relationships. Babe was a very compelling character with his past and how he behaves in the present and his relationships with Tony/Way/people in general. Also helped that Pavel did a really good job with him and acted his ass off, there were quite a few emotional moments in there.
I agree with some people's comments that I wish Charlie's actor Pooh as a better actor. And his character wasn't as developed or with depth as the other ones either, like in terms of emotions I guess. I could never quite tell how much in love with Babe he really was at a given time because he didn't quite... look it, it looked more like a little puppy fanboy who may or may not be playing it up to conceal his true intentions. Alan and Jeff were cuter in my head before they got together tbh. North and Sonic are dating to me, they're so cute.
Although I really liked Charlie/Babe, my true ship winners might be Pete/Kenta in a Not Me ToddBlack fashion, to be honest, with Kenta as maybe my favourite character (2nd is Babe). They gave us like 2 tiny hints that they might know each other and waited until literally last 10 mins of episode 11 out of 13 to lay out their history and baggage and relationship and Kenta's crush, all the while showing them in a fight where Kenta's trying to hurt Pete (but Pete knowing Kenta can't kill him). They have an interesting friends (-> brothers/crush) -> enemies -> allies again at the very end dynamic where I think that they could become lovers post-canon. And I love how pathetic and desperate for love Kenta is and how he was willing to do despicable things for Tony's approval before finally, finally knifing him. Really had me writing a fic idea in my notes app after my few months of no drive to write, I wonder if I'll actually finish it or not because it's kinda... more explicit and intense than the fics I usually write but it was really good in my brain.
Once again, I'm shallow, so here are the people I find most beautiful: Charlie specifically when he has his glasses on and is being a cute puppy, Sonic omg pretty girl for real, Babe is so attractive - esp the younger version of him without the gelled hair but even in the present day when he smiles and is happy he's so beautiful. Jeff sometimes but I think I'm more into his vibes than specifically his face. Way is gorgeous omg, also aside but that actor has mentioned dating men before including a 7 year relationship.
Rating: 6/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I’ve watched in 2024: 6.5 -> 6]
Several of the most liked Pit Babe edits from Ep 1 - 2 because that's when I first saw it and went through the tag
Charlie (song: Honey, I Hate You - XIS)
Ep 3: When Babe stops Charlie from kissing him before the race
Ep 4: Babe telling Charlie they're done
^ Those ones I added before I watched the show and these ones I added now:
Kenta with Tony (Song: Mama's Boy)
Ep 11 Kenta and Pete history (Song: Take Me Back to the Night We Met)
PeteKenta interactions
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sunkern-plus · 2 years
Without further ado, my translated (thanks to Google translate and jisho) poison winquotes for the base 16 roster with some translation notes by me!
Vs Ryu
Hmph! Stubborn, as usual…you're no fun!
Vs. Chun-Li
Nothing good comes from fighting you. Well, a win is a win.
Vs. Charlie Nash
It's annoying! What if you're the only one with your burden to handle?! (or) It's annoying! You think you're the only one who has to go it alone?! (note: the word used in the original "annoying" here is, for some reason, kansai dialect slang for "annoying" or "depressing", because google translate literally translated the word as "stinky" and it took a quick search on jisho to find it's actual meaning. unless poison's talking about charlie's corpse, I don't think she's referring to that, especially because no other character has remarked on his corpse having a smell.)
Vs. M. Bison
Evil organization? Not even bothering, whoremonger! (or) Evil organization? Ask again never, whoremongerer! (note: the original word used in japanese was otanchin, which literally translates to a rude or dirty customer in a sex work transaction back in the 1900s or less. i chose a word with a similar old fashioned connotation and also a connotation to sex work; made extra funny by the fact m bison's dolls are mostly young women and m bison is an age indeterminate gender indeterminate person who mainly presents as a man, thus at least outwardly making him the worst kind of customer in sex work.)
Vs Cammy
Seriously…be more comfortable with yourself! (or) Seriously…you need to chill!
Vs. Birdie
I don't hate men who like to eat. However, you'll eat twice your share of food with the hard work you'll do for me! (note: interestingly, poison uses the masculine coded kuu and kuttara for the verbs she uses for eating: in other words, gnc/butch poison real, though I'm aware onee kotoba often involves using crude masculine terms with exaggeratedly feminine and polite terms at the same time.)
Vs. Ken
Hey, playboy. You're looking a bit weak, isn't that unacceptable of you? (note: the word poison uses to describe ken can be easily translated as "lady-killer" or "sexy guy" but I used playboy because I feel like she'd call someone that.)
Vs. Necalli
Devour…? If you say something I don't understand, I'm gonna hit you!
Vs. Vega
There are beautiful things that are smeared in mud. But you wouldn't know that, would you? (or) There are pure things that are covered in mud. But you wouldn't know that, would you? (note: the katakana poison uses, "kireina", both can read as beautiful or pure depending on the reading, but both have a similar message so I went with both.)
Vs. R. Mika
You get it! Yes, fighting fascinates me, makes me sit on the edge of my seat! (note: another kansai slang used here; this time, it's nanbo, and in this case it refers to how much excitement feels when poison watches fighting or participates in it herself.) 
Vs. Rashid
Pyuu, pyuu, is that supposed to be a strong wind? I don't like airheads. (note: one of the many times poison uses wordplay; in this case, she uses the word karui to describe Rashid's wind powers and also his personality)
Vs. Karin
I don't know if I'm like you, but there's a lot of stubbornness here.
Vs. Zangief
At this rate, you won't get out of the ring until you die! Wonderful, wonderful!
Vs. Laura 
Aren't you going to have fun fighting? Would you like to go on tour with me?
Vs. Dhalsim
Don't say things like you've realized what I'm thinking.
Vs. F.A.N.G.
Oh lord, looks like another bad guy. Would you like to reintroduce yourself with my whip?
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Rosie sends an invite to Alastor, Niffty, Husk, and Charlie to come for dinner to meat her husband.
Charlie is clearly excited, gushing to Vaggie about building connections across pride and of course how wonderful is it Rosie married?
She doesn't get the giggling Niffty does but then, that's just who Niffty is.
Husk looks on the verge of telling her something... but gives up before a word comes out.
Cut to a large tray inthe middle of the table, the lid comes up and it's a special dish by the recently widowed. Cooked to perfection, naturally.
"Ah my dear, allow me to introduce you to my dear ex-husband... he was rather persistent about being introduced to my friends, so it felt only right to do an eat'n'greet."
"Aha... oooookaaaaaay..." Charlie grins, tightly, shooting a HELP ME glance over at Husk.
"Just try a little, Charlotte, Rosie always does find the most delectable specimens to marinate in her matrimonial methods." Alastor encourages, directing her to a nice cut of thigh meat.
A shadow tendril covers Niffty's mouth, giving Charlie a chance to take a bite without the full scrutiny of the table. She automatically tries to reject it, knowing that the meat was a Who rather than a What... but, and she's never telling Vaggie this... after the flavour hits her tongue it's clear she can manage this.
"...wow..." she huffs.
"Right? My last husand was a bit dry, so I went a little overboard on the juices this time... but if I do say so myself, he came out perfectly." Rosie preens. A calculating looks enters those voidless sockets. "Hmmm, but you, my dear... so youthful and brimming with power... why, I don't think I'd even need to go that far. Maybe mix in some spices for a compliment to your persistent personality..."
"(Cough)It'sacannibalcomplimentthingjustgowithit(cough)" from Husk.
"...thank you?" There's a pause. "Well, I'm a fan of sweet things so... I think... I'd want to try that recipe my dad likes where you mix spice and sugar on the meat so it tastes just balanced between the two?"
Rosie claps her hands in delight. "Oh, what a lovely thought, my dear! Alastor, you didn't mention how charming she was before, and I think you two need to collaborate if you ever get around to eatin' little old me... that's almost as scintillating as your idea."
"An excellent proposal!" Alastor heartily agrees. "Now, do... as you referred to it last time... 'spill the tea' about what is happening in that odd little territory by the railroad. You mentioned something about a budding overlord with some sort of... condiment theme?"
"Why yes, fascinating little upstart! Let me tell you..."
And it faded into the general murmur of dinner conversation as Charlie decided one that what Vaggie didn't know wouldn't hurt, as she finished her plate. She vaguely wondered if they could try the recipe with a non-sinner meat sometime at the hotel...
Upon returning to the hotel, Charlie was able to report that things had gone exceptionally well, and relations with Cannibal Town were stronger than ever!
Lucifer congratulated her, but his snake-like tongue caught the faint scent of sinner on her breath when they spoke, and he merely raised an eyebrow. Raising more questions for Charlie about if her parents had ever had a... a meal of that calibre, in their aeons in Hell.
Vaggie was carefully dissuaded from a kiss until after she'd had a chance to brush her teeth, of course. Even if that meant a rather pointed pout in her direction.
"Heeeeey Whiskers, you wanna come t'my room and have a little after dinner entertainment?" Angel croons, lighting up as the cat appeared behind the group, half-carrying the yawning Niffty.
"Now, now, my good man, I believe dear Husker has had more than enough man meat in his mouth for one night..." Alastor drops, casually into the conversation, before striding off like nothing had happened.
Angel spat his drink a good four feet and wheezed as Husk tried desperately to provide context.
"...Charlie, what was that about?" Vaggie hedges.
She turns, guiltily grinning awkwardly and shrugging. "Uhhhh, nothing, just an inside joke from dinner..."
"Was that another euphemism...?" Angel croaks, half dead but no longer actively choking.
"Well, if one must be technical then it could be said everyone has had a specific sinner inside them tonight." comes the cackle as the shit-stirrer general disappears into shadow.
"I think Smiles is tryna kill me with weird innuendos..." Angel groans. "I didn't even know he could DO that..."
"Rosie's been teaching him 'slang'... often against his will." Charlie laughs, then covers her mouth as if she'd accidentally shared the wrong secret. "Ooops... please don't tell him I told you that, or he's going to call me a Cringefail Queen again. It was weird eough the first time."
"He called you a what in the who now?"
"Don't worry about it Dad, I'll tell you what that means later."
"Are we skipping over the fact you all ate sinner tonight, or...?" Vaggie queries. "You, Missie, are brushing your teeth before goodnight smooches."
"Heh, it's a... cultural exhange of sorts?"
"She's right Maggie, everyone's eaten a little flesh here and there over the centuries. No biggie."
"Did the short king just admit to eatin' ass?"
"He's going to turn you into charcoal if you keep that up, Legs."
"Pfft, you think that'd rile me up, Angel? I stole BOTH of Adam's wives, and got the big idiot eventually... of course I eat as-..."
"Lalalalalalalalaa CAN'T HEAR THIS!" Charlie yells, hands over her ears, as Vaggie steers her out of the room.
Angel, intrigued, leans forwards. "Tell me more..."
"Okay, so imagine existence before good and evil, there was this garden and-..."
Niffty vibrated in the corner, hanging on every word.
0 notes
So, i made this post right here:
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Well, iguess who made this theories was right lmao But dream was cool in this👍
But well just my thoughts and maybe a "theory" i guess
Im sorry but purpled saying "all you do is lie" i just remembered of "all woman do is eat hot chip and lie" LMAO
i guess charlie just thought about it "all humans do is betray people, eat hot chip an lie >:(" lmao
AND THE SLIME ARMY MAN OH MY GOD This was crazy, i would never have guessed that he would do that Quackity needs a hug and therapy Well its was his way to cope lmao
BUT MANNNNNN about that c!charlie being self asure i love that it makes my dapduo entusiast heart sad But i love that, he notices that when purpled was using him, quackity was doing too They just enjoying his naive nature to use him
And he wanted this to stop, but also he wanted to make realize that quackity is not a good person, it looks like that charlie still cares about him and wants him to change liek in this "legacy is all you leave behind, and i hope you leave a good one" HE WANTS HIM TO CHANGE XJSNNZBSJSBS
I wonder where the goopy man is, is he in a hole or a dumpy cave? Is he still going to watch the humans? Idk
AND ALSO FOR THE SLIMECICLE CINEMATIC UNIVERSE ENJOYERS Dont know if you noticed this but i think that when c!charlie says "I saw empires rise and fall and they strongest people fall with them" Its looks liek that he is referring to the thing he said in his "Minecraft but every 5 minutes theres a natural disaster" that he said "I saw empires rise and fall, and i fell with them" Brooo i got so crazy and he said that in the stream i was like "SCU SCU SCU"
But well its was a great stream!!! I got a pain in my chest because of the axiety that gave me but it was great lmao, AND CHARLIE IS SO GOOD AT ACTING HOLY SHIT MAN
Well i have never stayed in the offline chat before a stream starts so its cool :D
Now excuse me, i will search for all the new posts in the slimecicle tag 👍
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In the universe were Bella eats Charlie, does this help to "wake her up", is she a better or worse mother? Is the death of Charlie enough to make any of the non imprinted shape shifters re-think about the imprint issue? (given how their reason of being is to protect humans from vampires and how one of them caused the death of a human because of the imprint) or would it be all the Cullens fault? And most importantly: does Emmet make jokes about it? Is that what breaks the Cullens in this universe?!? And how does Carlisle deals with being unable to send Bella to the funeral? 🤣
Anon's referring to this post.
... Good god, the answer is worse. Much worse.
"Would Bella eating her own father, within days of traumatically giving birth to a daughter eating her from the inside, the father pushed into seeing her by a man who used to be her best friend and is now intent on marrying her daughter, make her a more rational person and a better parent?"
Does that look like a question whose answer is "Yes, most definitely. We call it 'Death Therapy'"
I can't believe I'm actually going to bother answering your questions. I feel like I should hang up my hat and call it a day.
Does Bella Become a Better Parent?
She becomes an utter wreck. She probably isolates herself as much as she can, I imagine from the family as well as humans, as she lives in sudden fear of herself as the possibility she'd never really thought possible is in the worst of ways.
Oh, Bella had been told she might kill someone. She knew it was a possibility, but it'd always been a vague one.
Edward would stop her, someone would stop her, she'd move to Antarctica. And if she did kill someone then it'd be someone she didn't know, a tragedy, but not one that affected her any more than Edward initially killing her would have affected him.
Yes, the Cullens talk about struggling and Jasper nearly ate her once, but she's never seen them slip and it didn't all seem real to her.
Now it's very real, Bella has murdered her own father and he's never coming back, and she has failed as a Cullen within a matter of hours. She is the failure of the family, she's not good enough for them, she doesn't have the self-restraint and control for the diet and she's a burden to them.
She turned and she's still lesser.
Bella is a neurotic, depressed, mess who barely talks to anyone (especially Edward who is much too forgiving of her/angry with Jacob for this), and wants no relationship with her daughter. Bella isn't worthy to be in her daughter's life because she just ate the girl's grandfather.
Renesmee grows up estranged from her mother, having no real connection to her, and probably not a single conversation.
Rosalie just reminds people, in quiet moments when Bella's out of earshot, that she had voted not to turn Bella.
Do the Shapeshifters Rethink Imprinting?
No, because most of them weren't that accepting of it to begin with.
The shapeshifters did not view imprinting as a glorious, wonderful, thing. It causes Sam, Leah, and Emily great distress that they try to cope with, but none are shouting how wonderful it is.
Emily is utterly horrified at Quil having imprinted on her niece. Is barely okay with it when Quil is demoted to "babysitter who comes over once a week."
Jake lives in terror of imprinting because he knows it means he will lose everything he has with Bella. He won't be himself anymore or care about what Jake ever cared about.
The others seem to be doing okay but the imprintees seem to have little understanding of what this means and the consequences.
They all get along because they have to. That's key here: there is no choice and no one wants to find out what happens when the answer is "no".
There was no choice with Renesmee and because of that the tribe stood down (and was very confused on how he could imprint on a vampire, because what the fuck) but in terms of Charlie...
This isn't the first time a terrible tragedy has happened due to imprinting.
Sam mauled Emily. The scenario was very different in that his was an accident whereas Jake's was very intentional and a willful disregard of the human lives he was meant to protect but...
Imprinting steals your very soul.
It steals everything from you and means there is nothing you will not do for your imprint.
The tribe knows this and thorughout canon we see hints that they are not okay with it. But what can they do? It can't be stopped and it can't be reversed.
Does Emmett Make Jokes About it?
He knows enough to wait. And he holds them in, desperately, for years.
He keeps waiting. Because every time he thinks it's cool, Bella's somehow a mess again.
Rosalie tells him, "Honey, it's never going to be the right time. Don't do it. Ever."
Ten years out he slips. Just a freudian slip of the tongue, holding it in too long: "Hey Bella, swans must be your favorite food, amiright? Nyuk nyuk nyuk."
Bella implodes again, regresses back to ground zero, and everyone stares at Emmett in horror and then rage.
Emmett and Rosalie go on an emergency honeymoon for two years.
How Does Carlisle Deal with Not Sending Bella to the Funeral?
The Cullens are sent to the funerals in part to remind them their victims were human and death has consequences.
While Bella's accident was just as accidental as the other's, she is well aware of the impact killing Charlie had and spends years punishing herself.
I imagine Carlisle's secretly glad he didn't send Bella to the funeral.
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fiction-she-read · 2 years
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It's a wrap indeed! I'm finally done with Clanlands, and not a moment too soon. I will give to Sam that he genuinely seemed to care when Graham was nearly killed (or nearly severely injured), while Michelle just kept repeating throughout that chapter, "We're losing the light."
But that show of concern does not redeem him for everything else he's done. (It is here that I would advise the fans of Mr Heughan to leave.)
Strike 1: Self-promotion of his godforsaken whisky (followed by everything he's ever endorsed throughout the book) over 2-3 pages.
Strike 2: While the teasing would have been fine if done in moderation and with some variety, the fact that he kept calling Graham a woman (Lady McTavish being his go to "insult") eventually left a bad taste in my mouth. If this book had been written in the 90s or earlier, I would have dismissed it as a product of its time. But considering they talk about the pandemic, this damn book was written at a time when you would expect guys to know better. Even if they're old and grew up in a time when it was ok to use anything remotely feminine as an insult to "manly men".
Strike 3: Speaking of that "manly man" attitude, good grief did he like showing off how much of a "man" he is, compared to McTavish who likes the finer things in life. Most of his parts in the book were about him and how awesome he was and how manly he was acting in Scotland. Scottish history was clearly less important to him than, well, him. Oh, we did get some Scottish history from Mr Sam Heughan, but most of it was found in McTavish's parts. Otherwise, we either got stuff from his resume, products he endorsed, or Outlander stories (some had something to do with the location they were visiting, which I was fine with, while others were more about the cast getting drunk, which just made me wonder why I needed to know that.)
As they say in baseball: Three strikes, you're out!
So about halfway through, I only read Graham's parts. Now, don't get me wrong, Graham McTavish was no angel that did nothing wrong. He made fun of Sam for having his makeup artist prep him before going in front of the camera. We also got his resume and some Outlander stories that had little to do. But we got more about Scotland than about him, so when I decided to just stick to his part, the experience became a tad more enjoyable.
But only a tad. The way Scottish history was presented was all over the place and not necessarily in chonological order of the events, but in the order of the place they visited, which would have been fine, if we didn't kept going back and forth between the events. We saw the location where Bonnie Prince Charlie escaped Scotland before seeing Culloden, location of the battle the Jacobites lost which led to the Prince's escape! We would hear about a certain person important in Scottish history, than not hear about him for a few chapters before said person was suddenly mentioned again. To quote my favourite Belgian detective: Order and method! There was none of that in the book. Because the narrative was divided between Graham and Sam, it felt all over the place. Sometime we would get the same event from each of their perspective (which was boring), other times, they would complete each other, but not fully.
In her foreword, Diana Gabaldon, the author of Outlander, compared this book to Jack Kerouac (the exact quote being "Think Jack Kerouac, but with fewer drugs, more paragraphs and no sex. Well, almost no sex..."). This gave me great hope for the book I was about to read... The "almost no sex" is most likely a reference to the scene where Jamie Fraser is raped in Outlander, and is often used as a joke by both Sam and Graham (because rape is so funny). While I have yet to read any of Kerouac's books, what I've heard of the author and his body of work tells me that putting any of Kerouac's book at the same level of this money-grab is an insult to the late author.
To the surprise of absolutely no one, I do not recommend this book, unless you are some big Sam Heughan fan who will defend everything he does, no matter what it is. To the others, if you want to know more about Scottish history, find a book written by an historian or read Wikipedia as it does a better job at explaining the whole Jacobites thing than Clanlands. If you want a guide to know where to go to Scotland, buy a travel book. Hell, there's even a travel book about the Outlander locations! Finally, if whisky is the reason you bought this book, it really only features in like one chapter and gets an honorary mention in some others, so buy a book about whisky (or Scotch, if your interest lies in that particular type of whiskey) instead.
If you insist on suffering, I mean, reading this book, it seems that most who enjoyed it listened to the audiobook. Maybe this should have been a podcast instead of a book...
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Re-contextualizing Angel Dust: Charlie was not ready for this...
And for the sake of warning Hazbin Hotel is an adult cartoon containing heavy dark subject matter (such as rape and drug abuse, that maybe trigger to views so please tread carefully. Warning out of the way on with the post! I also just wanna get this out there older post my analysis of Val and Angel people kept commenting “what Angel Dust isn’t in love with Valentino” and my rebuttal was “no no that’s a past Angel Dust a younger one who didn’t reach that level of abuse just yet” while their argument was “no it’s the current Angel Dust” which can’t be the case. To prove my point I would like to refer back to the comics and the music video and looking at it with the context of the show. And please read my previous post if you want more explanation on Addict. 
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I just want to start off with explaining his relations to Cherri, needless to say Cherri is someone who Angel sees as a true friend and confines in her. And she is there for him as he is for her even willing to fight for her knowing well that he will get in trouble for it. Though one has to wonder why is there such this deep love and care for each other. Looking back to Addict, where we have Cherri singing her “Yeah you fell in love and you fell deeper in this pit...” and several times we have an unknown character pop up during her part of the song. With the little snip bits of info we get from the sequence we can tell that Cherri is in the line of work because of someone who’s over her head. And what they have over is an emotional hold over her if we want to lean in on what the lyrics it might in a romantic sense be we still don’t know who it is tho. So what makes this so important to Angel Dust.
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This is because she herself is in the similar situation as Angel as in the both of us are trapped in the holes we dug ourselves into. Giving Angel someone who can understand the stuff he’s going through. Cherri knows why he’s acting out because he’s just trying to hide how hurt he really is cause” hey so does she”. And knows she doesn’t have to say anything but just be there; and takes him out on a night out with her when he’s down. That’s why Cherri is so important to him she’s someone he know that’s not going to look down on him or patronize him on his actions. And his number 1# go to person; which is why he probably reveal to her that he wants to get clean because hey that’s what binds them together... This connects why he broke streak and his stopped his sobriety. 
During the opening scene of the show we have Valentino texting Angel to do work right after the extermination. Which I also have to point out that Val showing a lack of care for Angel safety after the extermination. He clearly wants his money and is making Angel put himself out there for work. And what does he do after he’s done with the job; he falls back on drugs. Now this is important to note... remember during the News broadcast Charlie confirmed that Angel was clean for 2 weeks before all of this happened! He was doing so well what could have possibly made him break his streak-Valentino. 
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People were theorizing Val gave drugs to his employees meaning Val isn’t only his pimp but supplier as well! Giving the reason why Angel stayed with Val for so long; when I did my analysis of the music video Addict I said Val maybe the first one to find Angel when he first came to hell. Manipulating Angel in a weakened state to view him as a sort of savior and made him forget his sorrows and how did this happen you may ask... “drugs” using sweet words to mask his hidden agenda. So Val basically trained hims like a dog on a leash in a sense of “you’ll get a love & affection with a treat” which translates to “if you do this job for me I’ll give you all the love you were denied when you were alive as along with the drugs you’ve been craving”. I will argue that Val made Angel even more dependent on drugs; because he made it his number one coping method he’s the enabler. After Angel was assaulted and raped by Valentino probably made it even worse for him because Val’s his boss, he goes to work he has to see him... triggering him to fall back on to drugs. That’s why Angel needs his drugs and needs to numb himself, so him breaking his streak clean after taking a job from Val wasn’t coincidence back then. 
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“he’a been behaved, clean and out of trouble for 2 weeks now” until Val got to him...
This makes Val even more dangerous to Angel’s road to recovery than we could have ever imagined. No only that but it makes it difficult to tell someone about it as well Angel is afraid of him and has to stay in contact with him since he’s his employer. This would be good time to bring up my rebuttal for my case of Addict: I get. I identified that the Angel Dust in the beginning of the music video is a younger one that still has some love for before figured out he was using him and he stood up to Val (pre-trauma). And the Angel Dust at the end credits of the music video and the one in the comic is the current Angel Dust and show (post-trauma). When you look at the interactions with Val (via comic vs music video) they are clearly different hence the two different Angel Dusts!
I will be referring to the comics in this section so if you haven’t read them please do.  
When Angel is in the limo with Val he’s trying to make it very apparent that he’s upset that he’s not getting any attention from Val. Being very huffy and puffy not even looking at him as Val’ counting his money, forgetting that he’s right there. This is very important because Angel doesn’t hesitate to hide his emotions, this Angel is willing to show discontentment in front of Val being angry and annoyed at him which leads up to why he doesn’t kiss want him and outright rejects him. He shows he’s willing to fight back against Val’s mistreatment and neglect of him, becoming more aware of it. In my earlier post I deduced this scene is where Angel first time he’s disobeyed Val and finally gets the full picture he understands he doesn’t mean anything to Val and he’s using him. He’s no longer willing to put up with his mind games anymore and probably would have left Val that night... which is why he raped him to gain control over Angel. 
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Music video vs. Comic scene
Now looking at the interactions Angel Dust has with Val are completely different he’s submissive to Valentino when we see his conversation in the limo. Not only that but it shows why Angel Dust went on that drug deal for Val; to show him he can do something else other than being a sex-worker. Angel wants out and this was his way of giving himself another option but Val shuts it down completely! Even before he entires, he’s holding his arm in fear and discomfort, even when he’s trying to plead his case he is terrified. He’s no longer willing to fight back because of what Val did to him. And Val reminds him constantly that he could do it again if he wanted to by reminding him of that night! He does this by grabs Angel face when he tries to explain himself, like he did when he forced Angel to kiss. Val forces him to smiles when he leaves the limo he wants him to never show any form of disagreement or disobedience like the last time because that’s what got him in trouble last. To add more salt in the wound he makes him Angel call him “Mister Valentino” reminding him he’s in control! The man is practical holding a gun over Angel saying “the same thing will happen, if you disobey me again...” AND THAT IS SADISTIC AS HELL! It making me hate Val even more and after he leaves the limo all he can do is let out his anger in silence as when he smokes similar to when we see him smoke at the end credits to Addict this Angel is our current Angel Dust. This is his way of expressing his sorrow in silence why he’s an addict.
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So you maybe asking how does Cherri bomb come into play, well I don’t think after the initial incident with Val who does Angel confine to Cherri and destroy a bar together. You see the pattern; Angel has a break down, uses his drugs comes off of the high, he goes to Cherri and in turn go out, and have fun well her kind of destructive fun! And it has been confirmed that he learn all about weapons from Cherri so basically this is the reason why! He wasn’t breaking his clean streak “to do his girl buddy a solid”  he went because he wanted to be with the only person who could understand him at that time. And she just happened to be in a fight and he jumped in thinking  “oh my home girl’s in trouble I gotta help her out...” and that’s probably did out of instinct to protect Cherri. Charlie and Vaggie cut in... now things start to get a little dicey I’m not trying to attack them but they didn’t handle it this best way. They didn’t know anything, and before know Angels story a lot of people are upset with Angel’s action but now that we have context they’re (Charlie & Vaggie) in the wrong. 
These are the points of why Angel cannot confine to Charlie or Vaggie, I will also argue that they pushed Angel further from them. Angel is someone who’s very prideful and isn’t going to tell someone that he’s hurt. Unless they figure it out for themselves or feels safe with them (Cherri). Looking back Vaggie & Charlie made a huge “No-No...” and this scene is incredibly painful to watch. Let’s cut to Vaggie how does she address Angel by scolding him for his actions she goes right to the blame game, which is the last thing she should be doing if they really want to help Angel. They don’t even take the chance to ask him why he did it; unintentionally isolating him from help. 
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What bother me is that Vaggie is quick to call Angel’s actions are a result of being “selfish” which is not the case now that we have context. And probably why Angel just kept trying to piss off Vaggie because he knows that his actions weren’t out of wanting be “selfish”... and makes it clear that he still wants to go clean. It probably actually really hurt him to when she said that  and I’d like to point out that people who struggle with addiction it’s not easy to stay clean and people can relapse. Basically what Vaggie did was shamed Angel for relapsing which is not okay and paints him as a bad guy immediately! To say he ruined the image of the hotel ... it made me furious at Vaggie putting all the blame on Angel. And we know that’s not the case even before the fight was broad casted the demons and sinners in Hell were already laughing at Charlie’s idea and let’s be honest it was reasonable. Because WE DON’T KNOW IF IT’S POSSIBLE YET so putting all the blame on Angel Dust was uncalled if anything it’s just the cherry on top. I’m not trying to attack Charlie but she really doesn’t know what she’s doing she doesn’t know how to send a soul into heaven. Is it irresponsible to broadcast a client before they are proven successful, not only that but it puts a lot of pressure on Angel to prove theory that we’re not sure is true yet.
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And let’s be honest did Charlie really believe Vaggie’s word’s wouldn’t but hurtful they didn’t even take the time to ask him why he did it; immediately writing him off when clearly somethings going on now she’s painting the image that they don’t care about him, they just care about the hotel, and that they just wanted to use him as a poster boy! Hmm... now who has used Angel Dust in the past for their own personal agenda... oh yeah VALENTINO! Which is why he goes on saying “I made you look sad and pathetic...” he chooses those words not to just make Vaggie mad but that’s probably what he was really feeling on the inside. Angel really did want to apologize to Charlie but after what Vaggie said to him it probably made him feel like his apology meant nothing and leaves these actions carry on into Addict. This is where naivety is her biggest downfall she rushed into it thinking just keeping Angel clean is gonna redeem him she was so not ready to broad cast the hotel. She makes it sound easy but it so much harder than that!
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This is why Angel flips off Charlie and doesn’t want to talk to her, he’s basically doing cause “Why should I tell you about my problems you don’t really care you just care about your hotel...” that’s why this is so important to highlight. They already gave him that impression, that they think little of him and that they aren’t going sympathize with him but scold him. And Charlie should have stopped Vaggie yelling when she had the chance. Vaggie sabotaged her chance to understand Angel Dust and help him. And did she really think her temperamental girlfriend was the one to help sympathize and redeem sinners.  If she really wants to help Angel Dust she needs to stop thinking it’s gonna be a cupcake walk, people have reasons why they fall to these bad habits; people have issues, relationships, traumas, that they need to navigate before they can heal. Which makes me believe that Charlie isn’t the one who’s going to get Angel Dust to open up to them about his trauma. Vaggie’s out of the question if not then who... 
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Yup our favorite flying poker kitty... I’ll do a separate post on that because it deserves it’s own explanation! (Side note I really do love Vaggie we don’t know her story so don’t hate her) Hope you guys enjoy the post~
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feralnumberfive · 3 years
The Rewatch Academy: Episode 6 of Season 1
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“The Day That Wasn’t”
I am in no way a good analyst so my little analysis and speculations probably sound a bit goofy or pretty wild and probably mean nothing at all. Everything I put into this post about each episode is purely what I noticed or thought, whether it’s funny or serious. I will be making jokes, so please just leave it at that (in no way am I trying to make fun of an actor and or character!) I am also in no way saying I noticed this stuff first. This is just what I noticed while rewatching these episodes
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| 1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 | 1x04 | 1x05 |
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☂ Klaus is lucky that he never got the briefcase shot up
☂ *Hears Klaus flush the toilet and talk* Luther: Oh good, you’re up
☂ Also Luther gave Klaus about two seconds to get up before hounding him again on getting downstairs
☂ Sounds like Tom’s accent slipped a little bit when he said “three days”
☂ Yeah they needed to have a family meeting right away and yet they took the time to go get coffee or at least order it and have it delivered
☂ “Old bastard” and “Our little psycho” 
☂ I still don’t get at this point how they wouldn’t believe Five. Look at him, he himself is evidence of his time traveling! He was gone for 45 years, but to them it was only 17. Either way they try to grasp at that, Five would look older if he made it back without messing up. He knew about their father’s death without anyone telling him. I really think all the mistrust comes from the way he looks and the way he acts (they obviously believe he’s just crazy right now)
☂ “What did Five even see?”
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☂ Also throw back to 1x02 and I didn’t realized this until now but Five doesn’t have his tie
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☂ I know it’s for the title card gag but no one questions the random umbrella falling and popping open
☂ I aspire to be as sarcastic as Hazel
☂ So where exactly is The Commission HQ at? Is it a random location in the real world? If so then wouldn’t normal people happen to stumble upon it? What about their location in space in the comics? Is this in space?? All we know is that it’s in/based off of the year 1955
☂ “I’d like to discuss the logistics of my family’s safety at your earliest convenience.” He cuts right to what’s most important to him. No “How will you stop the apocalypse?” or “What’s my job?” and even “How will my body replacement work?”
☂ Five sounds almost like he’s snapped back into a work mindset. He's suddenly polite and calm with The Handler. Maybe being back in a work environment has made his brain automatically switch into being more professional. However he might also be acting this way to try to throw her off of him being antsy with a plan
☂ Here's some Commission posters shown throughout 1x06
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☂ One of us, one of us, one of us-
☂ So basically The Commission makes up history? How do they know what to do and when to make something happen? How do they know it’s right? And what’s The Commission supposed to do when the world ends? Haven't they already fixed stuff in the past or are there just continuous time loops so they need to make sure things happen over and over again? If multiple historical events happen with multiple ways they are made, then which one gets to be in the original timeline??
☂ Dot: No hard feelings! 😁
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Ma’am does it look like he’s going to accept that
☂ Wait why are Hazel and Cha-Cha considered the best Temporal Assassins if Five was/is the best?
☂ Well Five has the job of taking down the Hindenburg again but this time from behind a desk. So it’s possible to accomplish “corrections” without actually having assassins do the work. So I guess there’s just so many timelines that they need to fix every single one of them over and over? That sounds like a pain in the ass
☂ TUA portraits!
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☂ Y’know I have to agree with Allison on this one. Vanya was left out, however she’s offering to talk with her about the important family matter and Vanya is just denying it. I get she’s upset, but her sister is offering to include her. After Vanya leaves Allison immediately wants to go after her to talk with her. On the other hand Allison should have told her it was an emergency meeting and that they didn’t have the time to ask Vanya to join them
☂ Klaus seems genuinely concerned/upset for Vanya
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☂ “We need to figure out what causes the apocalypse. Now, there are loads of possibilities. Nuclear war, asteroids.” Wow spot on, Luther! I can’t believe they actually included foreshadowing for both apocalypses (even though technically it was a chunk of the moon, not an asteroid.) I wonder how much foreshadowing for S3 was put into S2.......
☂ I know it’s big joke about Luther and the moon, but the poor guy just really believes that he was on the moon for an important reason. I mean if I were in his shoes I would believe him too since he had to send a lot of daily updates and samples
☂ “Klaus shockingly has a point. What gives us a win this time?” Shhhh careful Diego, he’s right behind you
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☂ Luther is initially the only one onboard with Five on trying to stop the apocalypse. All the others want to go off and do their own thing before the world ends. He tries to get The Umbrella Academy back together to work as a team, but his leadership skills are now severely lacking. Do people *cough cough* mainly people who hate him *cough cough* overlook Luther wanting to also get his family together to stop the apocalypse with his family? Definitely. 
☂ “We need the full force of the Academy to stand a chance.” Well golly gee, Allison, what did did Luther just try to do? Was that not him trying to round up all of The Umbrella Academy to stop the apocalypse? 
☂ Even though Vanya is ranting, how does she not hear all the creaking metal and shaking cars?
☂ *it’s sunny around them but just the block they’re walking on is rainy until she calms down* “ThAt’S a CoInCiDeNcE.” 
☂ The hall floor and Diego’s floor are so dusty
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☂ It’s sweet that Diego wants Klaus to get clean in a safe way instead of going cold turkey 
☂ Dot, what does “utter silence” mean to you?
☂ “Look at you, deadly little thing.” You’re not wrong, but I don’t think he appreciates being called “thing”
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☂ Such a smug smile
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☂ So how does Five know all of this about Karl and his son? Does it talk about Otto never washing his hands in the file? That seems like an oddly specific detail but I guess in a case file it gives as many details as possible for the worker to figure out who needs to get assassinated
☂ There are a few cog references all relating to The Commission, so I wonder if this is a nod to “Teenagers” or if they’re just using this terminology
☂ Odd tattoos (sorry for the super blurry pic)
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☂ “Can I ask you a cuckoo bananas question?” Hazel is such a fun guy
☂ “Wouldn’t it be nice to kill who you want for a change?” You mean like straight up unhinged murder? 
☂ The first time I watched this Hazel and Cha-Cha scene I for sure thought that Hazel was a dead man
☂ This scene just absolutely breaks my heart 💔
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☂ *skips 25:24-27:42*
☂ Diego is just so accepting to everything Klaus is saying
☂ I’m sorry, are we suddenly on the set of The Phantom of the Opera?
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☂ Diego, I think you’re forgetting a very important person in your life who you let down too who is also dead......(poor Ben can’t believe what his brother just said so he leaves)
☂ “Ordinary is not a word I’d use to describe you.” You’re right, it’s “Extra Ordinary” ha! Sorry Vanya, I had to use that joke
☂ Well at least we know Five ate a sandwich 
☂ How exciting! The same division that made a simple candy taste like a candy from the past, but technically it’s not the past since The Commission HQ is based in 1955, is building a human body! That sounds so promising 
☂ Sooooo whatever happened to Five’s new body? Is it just sitting in a lab somewhere?? Or is The Handler just lying about it to try to get Five to stay at The Commission?
☂ With the amount of time Five was staring at the suit, it obviously hurt him to know that while he has a new body within reach, he’s not going to get it because he’s about to leave
☂ “Course it’s a bit easier to see from 30,000 feet.” What is she talking about Reconnaissance aircraft? There was no mention of aircraft though so why would she bring that up? My closest guess is that she’s referring to strategic bombing in general, or even the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
☂ It sounds like Five suddenly has a New York accent when he says “operator” when talking to The Handler about Gloria
☂ Fuck you, Veggie Tales Hargreeves
☂ *skips 36:47-39:48*
☂ Well there’s your hit, Klaus
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☂ I love the camera moving with Klaus as he falls and the transition into Vietnam
☂ “Lock and load, Charlie’s away!” Wikipedia’s definition of a “Charlie” is  an American military slang referring to the Viiet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers
☂ Klaus desperately calling out for a medic hurts my heart
☂ Well Luther if you had left then your body wouldn’t be the way it is now
☂ *fucking skips 45:41-50:00* 
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☂ Ooooh I just really love the entirety of the “Kill Of The Night” scene! If you listen to the lyrics it’s about someone luring someone into a trap to get revenge because they messed with the wrong person (it’s also about love but we’re going to ignore that part). I personally believe it’s aimed at The Commission from Five because the entire time it plays he’s messing things up for them and in some way it’s like a little bit of revenge from him
☂ Why is Gloria confused on who Hazel and Cha-Cha are? Hasn’t she heard their names a ton of times especially since they’re some of the best assassins?
☂ How did Five know which tubes to put the messages in? 
☂ You can see at this part how Five immediately gets anxious and antsy. He has a wild look in his eyes. From this point onwards he’s constantly moving, shaking with energy, anticipation, and probably a little bit of anger
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☂ “You’re a great disappointment to me.” That’s definitely not the first time he’s heard that
☂ “I don’t belong anywhere thanks to you. You made me a killer!” The first part of that stings. Obviously he feels like he doesn’t belong anywhere, but again I think has to do with the whole “good” and “bad” thing that’s going on. He feels like he doesn’t belong at home because he’s “bad” and has done a lot of dark stuff to get home (it doesn’t help that Luther voiced his acknowledgment of this  to Five and now he has that in his mind that Luther knows and somewhat views him as “bad”). Five 100% feels shame in what he has done, and definitely has an issue of coming back to his family with blood on his hands form what he has done. He doesn’t belong in The Commission anymore because he doesn’t want to stay there to do their dirty work to kill or give out kill orders. He’s done with that or at least wants to be done with that life.
The last statement though is Five taking his anger and guilt about being becoming an assassin out on The Handler. She brought him into The Commission, which in turn he became the best assassin across The Space-Time Continuum. It’s not something he’s proud of, and he never enjoyed killing (as much as I want it to be the DNA alteration I just don’t think it exists in the show or at least not yet). However The Handler replies with “You were always a killer. I just pointed you in a direction.” which you can immediately tell has struck a chord with Five. For the briefest second he looks taken aback and his eyes ever so slightly open wider in shock, whether he took that as the truth or just a terrible accusation isn’t exactly clear. Either way he doesn’t like being accused or hearing the truth out loud of always being able to be murderous, a killer. 
I believe it’s a mixture of The Handler just trying to get into his head and a combination of the truth. Reginald trained The Umbrella Academy to use brute force, but that doesn’t mean Five had killed anyone but he was definitely violent when it came to stopping bad guys (not to mention in the pilot script he was called a “Ruthless little war machine” after violently attacking and decapitating a bunch of mannequins)
☂ Diego: I’m going to go kill Hazel and Cha-Cha!........Riiiiight after I get done walking with my mom in the park
☂ He’s so happy to see Klaus again 
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☂ ✨Gremlin✨
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☂ Who exactly does Five owe a debt to? Maybe his family after accidentally leaving them and now he wants to save them? Or is it a singular person?  
☂ Ouch! Now that’s what I call a problem later!
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☂ Five using “Ya’ll” is weird to hear
☂ Five is talking to his siblings like he knows what’s been happening but in reality he’s rarely been at home so how would he know
☂ I love that Five doesn't even answer Diego at the end and instead just stares at his siblings 
Feel free to comment or reblog with things you have noticed too!
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