#oh lol and besides all of this i have to work in an actual workplace
lilis-palace · 1 year
Hi Lili! I just wanted to say that I love your work!
I also wondered if at some point (I saw you are super busy with your thesis- I wish you all the best for that, BTW!) if you ever thought of doing some functional school and medical items? The vintage wheelchair you made a while back is stunning. It's difficult to play a historical game without old-fashioned school and medical stuff. I'm sure you would do an amazing job of it!
Hi! 😊 I have a school set in progress, but I don't own the Highschool Pack so i couldn't finish it.
The medical stuff is a great idea! It definetly needs some research, but that's the fun part:D
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flowerfreya · 1 month
Part 12 of The Office AU. Simon and reader heavy lol.
Chapter Index
For a couple of days , you sulk. The boys can tell.
You haven’t brought lunch for Simon in a couple of days and he’s definitely noticed. You brought cold lunches and didn’t get up, until it was time to go.
John has been trying to get back in your good graces, buying you breakfast, cracking a joke here and there ( and they have been horrible ). Soap has been coming up to your desk everyday , all the time , trying to rope you into pranks.
No, thanks, and give a small smile. You're just so pissed. Why do you have to be in this predicament? You’ve had a shit day, week, month, fuck , a year. Why couldn't you just enjoy this. Men actually enjoy you, happy to be in your corner, and talking to you, and actually just want to be around you.
You look up as John calls your name, “Did you get that email, just wanted to check on it before it get lost in everything this week”
“Yes, I am making a notifica-”, you get interrupted by wacky girlfriend waltzing , like she actually owns the place. Slides right up to John, in front of you and places her hands on your, his chest and gives him a kiss, that is not appropriate for the workplace.
She turns and looks, gives you a mousy smile, “Not making any trouble, are we?”
You put on your best customer service voice , with the biggest smile you can muster, “Of course not”.
Something you snap, you’ve put your peace on the back burner for too long for some girl that you don’t even know to stress you out like this. She grabs everyone except for Simon, don’t forget about Simon, you hear Soap says. Simon waves her off when she mentions joining them.
You walk up to Simon's desk,”Hey, you hungry”. Simon looks up at you wide eyed. You haven’t talked to him if it wasn't about work and you for sure haven’t talked to him about lunch.
“I could really go for some poke” , you smile at him. You missed him, missed hanging out with him, missed eating with him.
“Poke?”, he questions it , but he’s already getting his keys and logging off his computer.
You start walking towards the entrance, you look over to John’s office and see that the blinds are open and you meet the eyes of a wacky girlfriend and smirk. Bitch.
Simon wouldn’t let you drive there or pay.
“Oh, are we not taking it to go”, you ask pointing at the door.
Simon looks up from the table he just sat at, “Nah, John won’t mind”. You walk back to the table and start eating.
“You eating with a fork?”,Simon points at you with the chopsticks.
You giggle, “I don’t know how”, and shrug your shoulders. You hear the chair scraping and now Simon is right beside you, holding your hand, trying to teach you to use chopsticks. You swear you're trying to pay attention.
But he’s so close and he smells so good.
“You think you can try it now.”
Not really , “Sure”.
You fail miserably. You start to pick up the fork again and then Simon taps you , has you looking up and he’s feeding you.
This is the most romantic thing someone has done for you.
“Good?”, he ask.
“Mmmm, yeah of course so good”, you reply.
Holy shit .
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leatherbookmark · 11 months
another thing is that like. s1 wasn't the most brilliant thing in the whole universe but it did have a slowly progressing community plot. in the first episode, the crew's plotting to kill stede off, in episode 3 jim says he's the worst captain ever, but by episode 9 they've all grown to like him at least a bit, and so they confirm that he absolutely is a real pirate, eligible to use the act of grace, and they even do the talk it through as a crew thing. very cute!
and then s2 just... kindasorta... does... nothing... with that? sure, the crews get separated, they earned some trauma, but it's a comedy series and surely they can get over it and be one crew together again, right? look, half of the crew stays with stede even though they could have just left him -- he has nothing to offer them, after all -- the other half misses the life on the old revenge, then everyone's working with stede to take the revenge back, they're coming back home! they unionize (lol) against stede in ep4 to banish ed because he makes them feel unsafe, then in ep5 to make stede get rid of that awful cursed suit! in ep6, they have a big fun party!
eeeeexcept the swede just leaves without a second thought, and after he's gone no one misses him. buttons gets roach going "did he really turn into a bird or did you kill him", but that's it, no one misses him either and no one really notices they've lost two crew members in a couple of days. when a character is absent because their actor is absent, no one really goes "hey, where's X?", no one really notices that, so we have not one but two annoying examples of "wow, i was doing X and i missed all this stuff!" (lucius+pete and fang). olu, jim and archie are totally up for leaving stede's crew to join zheng yi sao for... no reason whatsoever. i've seen meta that it's because they don't feel comfortable on the ship or don't trust ed anymore, or have enough of stede's 15 minutes of fame, but like, is it text that this is the reason why they're leaving, or just something you as a fan figured out because you actively tried to find an explanation? sure, the crew wasn't a big fan of ed's apology, but did anyone protest very much, aside from lucius? not really. no one tried to get him to leave, no one avoided him during the party, the animosity, if it was there, just wasn't shown.
and now, in episode 8, well. everyone knows what happened in episode 8.
i'm kinda laughing bitterly here, because i made a post about how what izzy's done to the crew wasn't that much worse than what the crew do to each other, and does it mean they're not a good crew and don't care about each other?, no!, it means we're in a workplace comedy and everyone's a bit of an asshole! except. except i was kind of right, because the crew just goes and falls apart and it's barely noticeable, like they weren't a crew in the first place. it's not even sad, it doesn't have a reason, they just scatter around -- whether it's an actor wanting out, or scheduling conflicts, or money issues, i don't know, or the writers needing something that would piss stede off enough to challenge zheng yi sao to a stupid duel. the reviews and reactions to ep 6 were all wow, so moving, so euphoric, a love letter to the queer community, and it's like, a what to what. where. i don't see anything.
i've no idea, maybe djenks really looked at this episode and thought oh yeah, this is a good save point before s3, if we get renewed we can work from here, if we don't it's still a nice ending, but it's literally not in both cases. if it's an ending, it sucks. if it's a middle point, i don't actually want a s3 because the community is not a thing, my favourite little guy was killed off in the stupidest way possible, and the mains got the ending that i thought would never happen since s1, because it's too easy, too utopian, and besides it was obvious that the inn thing was only ed's escapist fantasy and he needs to find himself and what he really wants just like stede. ha. haha. ha.
i don't really care about this show anymore in the form it is now is the thing.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
✨Galaxy Anon ✨ here!
No worries. I just got worried it didn’t send that time but glad to know you’re indulging in your hobbies! Take all the time you want with that ( except sleep and eating. You got to make sure you do that!). Ooh what is it then? Besides as you can tell I took awhile too. I don’t respond on weekends and I could barely look at my phone on Monday.
I give up! * lays on the floor* This is what you done!
Ooh glad to hear you have an interest in it. I promise it does get better and also always keep a look out for some codes and not to mention some episodes will be important later especially a particular episode where it seems silly until you will learn the more sadder implications of it. Trust me it will break you.
Oh definitely understand since you have to make sure you don’t also become a hoarder as well lol. Ooh then I definitely will check it out, I kinda want to find something I want for once other than food to get. Lore hearing is great. Ooh at least I know which one you got into first. Not to mention now knowing which game Dante came from for sure. Thanks I really appreciate it! Oh definitely I respect what they do it’s just a me thing when I can’t hear them for certain reasons. Aww that’s so cute you admire his work for that long and that he has cheered you up in your childhood and now had such a impact on you. Actually since you know how he was from years of watching him what did change in his content? I’m curious now. I’m not complaining or anything I’m actually pretty curious since I watch him only from month to month for like a day or two. Also it was pretty hilarious to me when mark announced if he got a certain amount of bites on his stuff on platforms like Spotify he get a only fans and everyone went for that shit pfft I was like “ Damn y’all thirsty.” It was so funny seeing everyone screaming to check mark stuff on Twitter.
I just hope mark doesn’t ever have any allegations of being a sexual predator or harassment. I actually doubt it because he is one of the people I never expect it from but unfortunately a lot of YouTubers even big names have done some messed up shit. At least I don’t have to worry about that now for him.
Is there any differences in game mechanics or how the world building is?
Ahh I see. As long as you don’t shame anyone who does I respect that. I mean it isn’t your thing and that’s okay. Pfft why so?
Hooray can’t wait for you to check it out.
Hehe guess we both have the same habit.
Yes unfortunately in a lot of workplaces we have the toxic mindset the customer is always right and that won’t change and sometimes we the workers need care and nope don’t get that in our job description. At least there were good to you. Hate to think if they weren’t.
Hey no worries. I totally understand. Just know I will always support you. You don’t have to be sorry to have some things private. I mean to be honest a lot of people are to public about everything and unfortunately that could bite them in the ass later. No worries I know you meant no malice by it.
Really? Huh it actually sounded so similar to mine…now I kinda wanna know who requested it lol they read my mind! Person who requested it good idea! Sure no problem do anything you need to do.
Yeah! Hit me up if you ever need angst prompts.
Also viví are you okay?! I saw in your posts your door was opened when you woke up and while I think you said nothing was taken you sure about that? Your belongings still there? And this maybe more awkward but I need to make sure you totally okay there weren’t anything…suspicious on yourself? I don’t want to think something like that happened to you but I need to know you’re absolutely alright.
I would say the Mass Effect series. I own the first three games on three different consoles. the fourth one on two different consoles, and it's always the game I turn to for comfort or boredom. I've been finding myself more distracted these days, and I'm not even sure why??
:> do you need a pillow and blanket to make it more comfy??
lol why does that feel so evil when you put it that way??
Lore is my distressing time, lol. oh gosh, it would take me a long time to compile the changes, but the one I noticed is how he is with a fan base. To me, he went from a more rigid approach to now they are like old friends. He keeps the fan base updated on everything he is doing with his channel. he addresses them when he feels like they are overstepping. Really, I'm just glad that all his success hasn't gone to his like some other youtubers.
Honestly, I have lost a lot of respect for old comfort youtubers cause of that behavior. It even taints some of the groups they were a part of for me. Vanoss and crew are one of them.
for mechanics, yes. Dark Souls is the type of game where you have to time your attack and roll or get punished by the enemy. Enemies and even detects you what attack or movement you will use to attack to get you. You use souls that you get from enemies to level up and upgrade wepons and other things. When you die, all enemies respawn, you get sent back to the last checkpoint, and you lose all your souls.
Devil May Cry, you can change difficulty, which means you can change how you handle the game. you can go all out button smashing and killing, or you can time you attacks, and taunts, to get better grades. on top of that, you can also turn to devil trigger to take down enemies quicker. enemies drop red orbs (which are crystallized demon blood) that you can use to upgrade weapons and abilities. When you die, you can use a yellow orb to continue (that's brings down the level grade, though) or restart from a checkpoint with you red orbs.
World building is very different as well. with dark souls lore can be learned through the little cutscenes and dialog in the game as well as items you pick up. To me, it's hard to piece together on its own, and that's why I turn to YouTube.
Devil May Cry you learn the lore through just playing the game, watching the anime, and reading the few Mangas they released. it's really all laid out. You just gotta put the games in the right order.
Nope! I only shame if it's illegal cause why??
Fire emblem already has things I don't agree with (that isn't in all the games btw) I don't wanna see the Incest fics.
eey habit twins!
Honestly, I think they did cause I didn't cause trouble. I kept to myself and took whatever rooms they gave me. I learned not to complain about what we got since they had a whole meeting about it my first month there. The only thing I got yelled at for was headphones which I never understood.
that's one of my biggest fears. I already dealt with it I don't want some trying to use against my bad parts of my family against me. Thank you for understanding, galaxy 🥺💕
It's a really good idea, and im fleshing it out more. I really hope they like it when its done 😭
Yes, I'm okay! I've checked everywhere and everything. I even checked all my bigger closets, just in case. I was really lucky that nothing happened to me or the animals cause I really have no idea how long that door had been open.
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wlwloverwrites · 3 years
hi! i love your work it's so so good! could you do emily or jj x fem where reader has a praise kink? thanks! and u can pick whoever it doesn't matter lol. take your time :))
@ssamorg THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG. thank you for being patient. enjoy!
warnings: praise kink, thigh riding, smut (18+)
Lover Hours Masterlist
JJ was surprised how long it took for her to notice you had a praise kink... considering she’s a profiler and all. At first she just thought you wanted to jump her bones cause you had a high libido, but it wasn’t until she had taken you to one of Rossi’s get togethers she realized.
The both of you were the first ones there, not including Rossi and Krystall. Once you had met them only 10% of your nerves were settled. Then you heard voices coming from inside the house, more people to meet.
You were by her side hand in hand, but your nerves were getting the best of you, your leg bounced under the table. JJ had to place her hand on your thigh to get you to stop. She sent you a comforting smile as you hid your face in her neck.
“Babe, they are going to love you,” she whispered “Besides what’s not to love?”
You try your best to hide the way her words affected you. You’ve always had a soft spot for her praise and you always tried to let her know how much you loved it without actually saying so.
“You’re the most perfect person in the world.”
Any other given situation, you would push her into the empty room and moan her name aloud, but now isn’t the time nor place. As her coworkers got closer the dirtier your thoughts became. All you wanted to hear was her whisper how good you are. Such a good girl.
“You must be Y/N.”
“And you’re Emily?” You ask hopefully, shaking the dark haired woman.
As the night goes on you shake new hands and have a genuine smile on your face. Try your best to eat normally, but it is a tad difficult with the filthy thoughts running through your head and JJ’s hand on your thigh. You squirm in your seat whenever she speak highly of you.
“She is the best. Her workplace would be a mess without her!”
“Honestly, the most important woman in my life.”
“She’s perfect.”
“So good to me.”
Is it hot in here? You brush off her praises and squeeze her hand. Are you trying to tell her to stop? Maybe continue? You don’t even know. What you do know is that you hot as hell and very wet between your thighs.
It was the little comments that just made you want to jump her bones. So when you get home that’s exactly what you do.
Your skirt is bunched up to your waist as soon as the front door closes. Panties pulled off by the time you reach the living room couch. Your lips are attached to hers and you’re desperately trying to undress your girlfriend.
“What’s gotten into you, sugar?” She says between kisses. Her hips on your waist holding your skirt as you get comfortable on top of her thigh.
“I’m so wet,” you groan as you push your pussy against her bare thigh.
You were wet, dripping between your thighs. Your clit is throbbing with need and Miss Jennifer Jareau is moving too slow.
“Fuck me please.”
“No, no, no. Sweet girl, tell me why you’re being like this,” she’s curious.
And you don’t blame her. Sure you’re horny sometimes. But this? You’re never like this.
“Be a good girl and tell me.”
Groan at her ironic choice of words. Riding her thigh even faster, harder. “Just want to be a good girl. Tell me I’m good.”
“Oh, sugar. That’s what this is.” She says more to herself then to you. “You want me to tell you how perfect you are?”
You nod violently. Almost crying out when she bumps her leg up and down. The movement causing a filthy sensation between your thighs.
“My sweet sweet girl. Come for me.”
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jatphatones · 4 years
Cheers | One Shot (Luke Patterson x Reader)
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Cheers | One Shot (Luke Patterson x Reader)
A/N: hello hello hello! Y’all are amazing! Sunshine Over Green Eyes has almost 200 notes! Wtf! Thank you so much. Anyways here’s a little throwback to ‘95 where Sunset Curve was thriving. Now back to studying lol
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: swears and typos
The Orpheum was always dark regardless of the time of day. However, it was easy to navigate the dim lit hallways once your eyes adjust. By the time I clocked in, the night sky was already the same shade of the Orpheum hallways. I grabbed my work apron and quickly made my way out into the main room of the theater.
“That better not be Y/N coming in almost late again,” Dave, my brother and one of the bartenders, teases as he watches me tie my apron up. He was cleaning up a few of the glasses in preparation for tonight’s gig and crowd.
“It’s not late if you say almost,” I counter, brushing off my outfit before leaning against the bar. “Besides, you know traffic from my high school is rough on Fridays.”
“And this is what I get for getting my 17-year-old sister a job. Remember, any fuck-ups reflect badly on me, including poor time management.” My brother points at me with a towel in his hand as a warning.
I roll my eyes. “Please, I’m one of your best runners, and I never complain about being your bitch.”
“Mhm.” He says suspiciously. He shakes his head at my innocent smile before waving me off. I tell him I love him before I check in with the rest of our co-workers.
Now I get it - I probably shouldn’t be working at a bar at 17. But when you’re desperate for money, you find that employers can overlook age limitations. It also helps if your brother is both hardworking and charming. It was and always has been just me and my brother living in LA. Dave always looked out for me and kept me straight. When I told him I wanted to go to college, something he never did, he was very supportive - so much so that he got me a job at his own workplace. So while I concentrated on school and getting good grades during the week, I would bus the bar on the weekends. It’s not easy work being a busgirl, but it’s work nonetheless. Plus, the coworkers (minus my mildly annoying older brother) make the job manageable and honestly fun.
“Well, hello Ms. Rose! How was your week?” I slide behind her as she wipes off one of the tables. I grab another towel and start to help her.
“Oh you know - working, sleeping, working, sleeping...” Rose sighs. “How about you chica? How’s school?”
I launch into a recap of the week, sharing all the gossip and mindless stories that plague high school. Rose laughs at my the faces I make as I recount some seriously messed up pranks that occurred. Rose was like the older sister I never had. Honestly, her wise advice and kindness were some of the privileges of my life. Plus, her style tips definitely play an important role in my life too.
“Anyways, who’s playing tonight?” I ask. The house crew began to set up the stage.
At the front of the stage was a group of four boys. Three of them were tuning their guitars while the fourth was twirling a drumstick. It was clear that these were the musicians with the sold out show.
“Sunset Curve. Local band. I think they you’re age actually,” Rose nods at my surprise.
“So these teenagers have a sold out show while I’m bussing tables. I’m definitely impressed and totally not bitter,” I joke. Rose flips her hair back and laughs.
Rose continues to clean up around the room while I head back to the bar. Dave has me running between the bar and the back, restocking for him because he can’t be bothered. I make a note in my head to get back at him later. I was having idle conversation with my other coworkers when the sound of a guitar riff comes through the speaker. We all look up and watch as Sunset Curve start their soundcheck.
As we listen to these four musicians rehearse, I start to understand how these guys were popular despite their age. They were a crowd pleaser. With every solo, the talent and musicality of every single boy shined and filled the room. It was only soundcheck, but we could all tell that these guys will become explosive when the lights go up.
It also doesn’t hurt that they’re easy on the eyes. Each boy was attractive in their own way. I silently thank the higher power that the guys at my school didn’t look like them or else I would be in big trouble with my brother. While watching the band, Dave comes over to me and nudges my side.
“Don’t get any ideas, missy,” my brother warns. Rose overhears my brother and scoffs.
“She’s just watching. Let her have fun, Dave.” I mouth a thank you, and she smiles.
“Don’t encourage her!” Dave whines.
“Oh, go away dad. Besides, you know I’m always a sucker for the drummer, but that one up there isn’t really my type so you don’t gotta get all overprotective.” I hope he can hear the honesty in my voice, but I think the little groan he lets out shows that he isn’t convinced.
I really wasn’t lying though. Although, the blonde drummer is a cutie, the lead guitarist caught my eye. His stage persona was hypnotizing. From the way he played through his guitar riffs to his drop dead gorgeous voice, he captivated me. The passion in his voice burned through me like a fire. The way his chest heaved and the sweat dropped down his sleeveless arms after they finished their last song left me just as breathless.
Snapping out of my trance, I quickly look back down at my task at hand. When I sneak a look back up to the stage, I catch Rose’s gaze. She raises an eyebrow and smirks at me, letting me know she caught me basically drooling over one of the band members. I roll my eyes and make my way around the bar. I try to concentrate on wiping down the bar one last time as various voices come down from the stage. My head follows the sound, and I look over my shoulder to see the four boys walking towards Rose.
“...I would never hurt an animal.” The rhythm guitarist directs at Rose. She pays them compliments, and they introduce themselves. I make sure to remember their names, especially Luke’s, for future purposes.
I swiftly turn back around after Luke catches me snicker at the wet Willy he gives Bobby. I look out the corner of my eye and see his curious gaze wander over me, leaving a tingling feeling where his eyes trailed. Thinking that I might as well figure out who these boys are, I walk up to Rose.
“...Size beautiful,” Reggie flirts. I internally coo over his proud smirk as his band mates cringe at the attempt.
“I don’t know if that size will fit me, but I’ll go for a size ‘smoking hot’ if you got one,” I joke when I arrive at the table. All four boys look over at me and I try not to get nervous under their gazes.
Woah, Luke thinks, she’s even prettier up close. He noticed you during soundcheck when you were laughing with one of the bartenders. He thought you were cute with your hair cascading past your shoulders and your wide smile spreading across your face. For a quick second, he wished the room was devoid of their music so that he could hear your laughter. And when you caught him messing with Bobby, he internally sighed at another missed opportunity to hear you laugh. He didn’t miss the opportunity to admire your figure from behind though. When you walked up to his band, Luke made it his mission to make this mysterious, pretty girl laugh and hopefully get her number as a bonus.
“I’m sure we have that size,” Luke shoot back. He sees you respond with a red-stained smirk and knew immediately that he was hopeless. His heart seized as he shot his shot, but quickly started beating fast when you let out a tiny giggle. Bingo.
Luke knocks Reggie’s hand out of the way and grabs a t-shirt from his backpack. He only lets his gaze waver from your eyes when he give Reggie a warning glance as he let out a sound of protest.
“Why, thank you,” I reply sincerely, “I’ll make sure not to wipe down the tables with this one.”
“Oh good call. Whenever they get wet, they kinda just fall apart in your hands,” the drummer advises. Rose and I give each other the side eye.
“Well then, I won’t mention that when I sell it later,” I joke while I grab both of our shirts and fold them. Rose and I lead the boys back to the bar. She was called away for help and left with a wave. Bobby barely left without a goodbye before following her, leaving me with the three other members of Sunset Curve.
“Here’s our demo too if you’d like,” Reggie pulls out their CD and hands it to me.
“Thank you. I’m sure I’ll be seeing this band logo in every record store soon.” Each of their eyes shined with pride from that compliment.
“Anyways, you boys hungry?” I offer.
“We’re actually about to get street dogs out back,” Reggie explains. They start to defend themselves when they see my disgusted face.
“I will not allow that. Not at all,” I shake my head. I circle around them, purposely sliding right behind Luke. Luke hopes you or the boys don’t hear his breath hitch.
“No, have some food and drinks here. On the house,” I offer again, this time from behind the bar. They all start to smile at your generosity.
“That’ll come out of your paycheck, missy,” Dave shouts from across the bar. I rolled my eyes at him as the boys immediately start protesting.
“No, we can’t do that,” Alex exclaims. I shoot my brother daggers which he waves off. Why did I agree to work with my brother again?
“I insist,” I put up my hands to stop their fumbling. “Besides, you deserve it. You guys being as young as I am, I recognize how much you have to struggle to get here,” I turn my head to face Luke. “And I don’t take no for an answer.”
“Somehow, I’m not surprised at that.” We share a knowing smirk as if the two of us were partners in crime rather than strangers. Luke internally sighs with defeat because he knows that he could never and will never be able to say no to your face anyways - not unless he wants the sun to stop shining and the world to stop turning.
The boys eventually give in and sit themselves down at the bar. I get their orders and send the note to the kitchen while grabbing their drinks. When I return, I see the boys whispering harshly amongst each other.
“Here ya go,” I announce, passing out their drinks. I smile a little as I see a redness creep up on Luke as they all quickly shut up. I can only hope that they were talking about me to the guitarist.
“Cheers,” I raise my glass and the guys follow, “to selling out the Orpheum and living like it’s now or never,” I echo their song. We cheer as we clink our glasses together.
“To living like it’s now or never,” Luke repeats staring at me. We both share a moment as we take a sip of our drink.
Luke can’t wait to find out what living like it’s now or never looks like to you.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this little piece of writing! If this actually happened, I would probably not be able to even speak a word in front of these guys lol. Anyways, if you have any comments, questions, feedback, requests, or jokes, (pls distract me from work) hit up my ask and let’s hang! - Titi xx
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mm2305 · 3 years
Hello, hello! This week, we are going on a little:
Home Tour!
Notes: Answer the following with pictures (dialogue from your characters is optional!). Collages are highly encouraged if you want to answer a question with multiple pictures because tumblr mobile only allows 10 total pics. Otherwise, tumblr on a desktop lets you add multiple pictures (non-beta)!
For both:
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Living room and home office (if any)?
Kitchen and dining room?
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Other rooms?
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Hey Bree! Sorry for responding so late (again lol). I'm no expert at interior design so please bear with me. Once again this was great to do and thank you for doing this my dear. Without a further ado, let's go!
Note : these are answered not as newlyweds but about 6 years into their marriage.
{Previous parts here}
Olivia *calling out * : Babe are the girls ready?
Ethan *rushing down the stairs holding two small bags* : Yeah all good, Liv! Vic, Lisa go say bye to mommy.
*the two little girls run over to where Olivia is standing and hug her tightly*
Olivia : Be good for auntie Sienna okay?
Both the girls : yes mommy! Love youu
Olivia : I love you too my princesses. Now go with daddy. Have fun!
Ethan *kissing Liv's forehead* : I'll be back in 30 minutes, love. When is Bree coming?
Olivia : In about an hour or so. Drive safe baby.
Ethan : always
----an hour later----
*doorbell rings and Olivia opens the door*
Bree : Hey Liv!
Olivia : Bree! Come in!
Bree : thank you. How are you all doing?
Olivia : we're good. You know the usual. How about you? Can I get you some coffee, tea? Oh I have some cupcakes too if you want.
Bree : A coffee would be nice, thank you. So a house tour today! Are you excited?
Olivia : Oh yes! But Ethan popped down to leave the girls to Sienna, he must be arriving any minute--
Ethan : Darling I'm home!
Olivia : there he is.
*Ethan comes in and hugs Liv*
Ethan : Welcome to our home Bree. How have you been?
Bree : Everything's good, thanks for asking. So ready to start the tour?
Olivia : Let's go!
Front door, pool/backyard etc
Olivia : Okay, you saw the front door but I assume you need some photos right?
Bree : that's right.
Ethan : okay the let's go from there.
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Olivia : We really fell in love with this house because there are so many large windows allowing plenty of light inside. I know it seems like a traditional American home but I adore it.
Bree : It's beautiful.
Ethan : Going to the back is the garden/backyard. We allow the girls only here because it's protected and there's tons of space for them to run around.
Olivia : We also added furniture here because we always love hanging out and eating here. Plus it's great for parties and having our friends over.
Living room and home office
Ethan : technically we have two living rooms.
Olivia : Yes, one is larger and more "formal" while the other is more cozy and the decor is a bit different. The whole house is in tones of white, blues, greys and black,while this room is a bit warmer. We have the TV there and a little bit of something else.
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Bree : Wow your home is truly beautiful. Liv, I didn't know you played.
Olivia : Thank you Bree. I actually took years of lessons as a kid and teen. Then with college and med school it was pushed to the back. Ethan didn't know about it till we met my parents who still had my baby grand tuned. *going over to the piano and softly stroking the keys* Ethan got me this as a gift for our 5th wedding anniversary. The girls love to hear me play and they seem interested in music too... Want me to play you a piece?
Bree : Wow.. I mean.. If you're sure...
Olivia *smiling* : Take a seat.
*Olivia plays a soft yet cheerful tune on the piano. She finishes and gets up to the applause of Ethan and Bree*
Olivia : Thank you guys. Alright let's move to the office.
Ethan : We try to not bring work back home, but we need the office on the days we need to work from home. We added the library too, so this room is more than a workplace.
Olivia *smirking* : sure is. Plenty of uses for this room. Right darling?
Ethan : Let's move to the kitchen.
Kitchen and dining room
Olivia : This is our dining room and straight ahead the kitchen.
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Olivia : I just love the black wood on the kitchen and there's so much counter space.
Ethan : We spend lots of time here because we both enjoy cooking together, but also because our girls are very into it too. They like to have us cut their vegetables, for example, into shapes and arrange then in their plates. Or baking with Liv. It's a mess after but it's worth it.
Olivia *smiling* : Totally worth it
Bedrooms (master, kids, guest)
Ethan : Upstairs we have all the bedrooms. This is our master bedroom and bathroom.
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Ethan : Olivia really outdid herself with our bedroom. The colors are so calming.
Olivia : Thanks babe. The bedrooms next to ours are the girls' ones.
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Ethan : in the future, if they agree, we're thinking of them moving into a single room. They are pretty close and even now, they are together all the time, they just sleep in different beds.
Olivia : Lastly down the hall is the guest room.
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Other rooms?
Olivia : Back to our bedroom we go!! My darling Bree I present you our walk in closet!
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Olivia : I've wanted to have this as soon as we saw the house so we had some alterations to the house plan and ta-da!
Ethan : She's always so excited to be here.
Olivia : It's my paradise Ethan. Now let's go to the basement.
Ethan : This is our bar/adult playroom.
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Olivia : Aka his man cave.
Ethan : I am not going to comment on that. Besides your friends are here all the time too so it is not a man cave.
Olivia : Whatever you say babe. He did a good work with the decor. All by himself. I'm still seriously impressed.
Ethan *chuckles* : You are so surprised
Olivia : You can't blame me. Now the last room. Our very own home theater!!
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Olivia : definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. We needed this in our home.
Ethan : I wanted a home gym but she convinced me to do this instead.
Olivia : Pf please. There are plenty of gyms around but this? Our own place to watch movies? Just relaxing and doing nothing but cuddling and --
Ethan : Okay you're right, we know it, love.
Olivia *grinning*: We've been together for years, yet these words remain my all time favorite.
Ethan : *lovingly rolls eyes and smiles*
Do you own your dream home?
Ethan : We do.
Olivia : Absolutely. When we got married we decided we would stay at Ethan's apartment for a couple of years, then look for a house. We did intend to have a family so...
Ethan : We bought this house around the start of Liv's second pregnancy with Elisa and by the time she gave birth the house was ready to be furnished. We moved here about 3 months later, with lots of help from our family and friends.
Olivia : And this home, every part of it, was shaped by both of us so we do love living here.
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Ethan : Well... Aside firm the bedroom... The "informal" living room. There are days we'll just be sitting, Liv playing and me reading and just being together. It's the moments of calm that we need and keep us going.
Olivia : Plus, it's the place we spend time with our girls as a family. We always make sure to have time for them every day, despite our schedules. We want them to feel close to us and *holding Ethan's hand and looking at him* I think we are doing a pretty good job with them.
Bree : Honestly, I have no doubt that you do. Thank you for having me here guys, your home is absolutely fantastic.
Ethan : It's always a pleasure Bree.
Bree : I'll see you both soon, then. Have a great afternoon!
Olivia : You too Bree!
A/N : so this is it! Thank you for reading this!
Taglist : Perma (all edits and fics) : @romewritingshop @codykosuckmytoe @sophxwithers @actuallybored @potionsprefect @ethansramsey @crystalwillow @gryffindordaughterofathena @kiara-36 @mrsethanfreakingramsey @writer-ish @panda9584 @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @queencarb @shanzay44 @nikki-2406 @starryeyedrookie @coffeeheartaddict @schnitzelbutterfingers @mysticaurathings @starrystarrytrouble @lsvdw-blog @izzyourresidentlawyer @silma-words @stygianflood @headoverheelsforramsey @maurine07 @natureblooms24 @a-crepusculo @barbean @choicesaddict5 @quixoticdreamer16 let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
new year’s day ; andy barber x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count — 3,960 words
warnings — swearing, mentions of active sex life, SMUT, degradation, sir kink, choking, oral smut (receiving), fingering, unprotected penetrative sex (pls use protection), slapping, name calling, drinking champagne off of one’s body, fluff at the end?? porn without plot lol
pairing — andy barber x fem!reader
a/n — HAPPY NEW YEAR! im still high on my andy feels so yeah,, lmk what yoou think!
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“Fuckin’ hell my eyes hurt,” Y/N groaned out as she rubbed her palms on her eyelids, as if she was massaging the stress away. Rose could only chuckle at her friend’s distress, “Well I did warn you about how you shouldn't have gone to work today; you deserve to take a break once in a while you know?”
Cracking her knuckles once she was done rubbing her eyes, Y/N retorted, “Well it’s not like I had any New Year’s Eve plans so I decided why not go to work?” As she continued to torment her eyes with the light emitted from her desktop. Being her only real friend at the workplace, Rose took it as a responsibility to look after her; for she knew how she wasn’t really close with her family and her other closest friends were on the different side of the country. “Hey, I invited you to that party me and Agnes are going to!”
Tearing her straining eyes away from the screen, Y/N gave the brunette a pointed look, “You mean to say you invited me to party where I don’t know anyone but you and your girlfriend; which definitely guarantees that you’ll both leave me alone so you can fuck.”
Rose didn’t find it in herself to deny her allegation or defend her and her girlfriend’s active sex life; instead she could only give her a sheepish look as she joked, “Guess you’ve been spending too much time with Mr. Barber since you’re incredible at drawing conclusions and noticing patterns huh?” Seeing how much time she had spent with the mentioned lawyer over the past year, Y/N couldn’t help but nod and agree with her.
The soft chime of Rose's Favorite song rang and a cocky, “See! Can’t even wait an hour before you two get to be together,” was quickly being hushed by her friend. “Okay you have a point, we have a high sex drive — but can you blame us? And I need to leave early, stupid bitch burnt herself as she was baking.”
Chuckling without tearing her eyes away from the documents in front of her, Y/N greeted, “Yeah, yeah; don’t need to rub it in. Happy New Year’s Eve, babe.” Before heading to Mr. Barber’s office to sweetly ask to leave early, Rose went to where Y/N was seated and let their cheeks touch as their way of bidding adieu.
Andy was more than generous to allow Rose to leave the office early, “Go ahead and enjoy, you deserve it for being one of the few ones who chose to come in today,” He told her smiling form. Once she left his office, he loosened his tie and undid the top button of his button down shirt and let out a loud groan. Usually, this time last year he would be rushing to go home — if ever his work demanded his presence — in order to celebrate the New Year’s with his family. But now as he mourns the family he once had and lost it as his son was brutally killed by his ex-wife that had gone insane in disbelieving her son’s innocence was now serving prison for her crimes, he had nowhere to be.
After a couple of hours filled with silence and burying his head with paperwork, Andy noticed how there was a soft, melodious hymn coming from the other side of the office. The lawyer wasn’t necessarily alarmed, but he was curious about who was left working since there had only been 7 other people who decided to come in to work today; and to his knowledge they should have left by now.
He decided to check out who was left — but it really was an excuse to stretch his long, lean legs as he felt them cramping up a bit from being seated for too long — and was surprised to see the most diligent employee he’s ever met in his years of practicing law, “Ms. Y/N, what are you still doing here?”
Hearing his deep voice snapped her out of her concentration; seeing her boss in his less than organized state had her taken aback, “Oh Mr. Barber, I’m just doing some work on the Richards case.” Looking at the watch on his left wrist, he took note how it was a mere 15 minutes before the new year dawned on them. “No plans for the new year then?”
Deciding to test the waters she cracked a joke, “Are you talking about the holiday or the actual year? Because I have no plans for both.”Covering up her remark with a nervous chuckle, she was glad to see the older man wrinkle his eyes as he laughed out loud, “Well that makes the two of us; why don’t we grab a drink in my office?”
Eyes going wide and gasping silently, Y/N was pleasantly surprised at his offer but nevertheless nodded in agreement. Quickly shutting off her desktop, she moved out of her chair and decided to leave her footwear and floral kimono by her desk as she somewhat felt restricted by the light cloth. As she entered his post, she settled herself on the gray sofa he had placed near the office’s wall. Grabbing a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses, Andy sat beside her then poured them a drink.
“Never pegged you as a champagne guy, Mr. Barber,” She thanked him as he handed her a glass which she took a sip of; letting out a small moan of appreciation at the taste, the  sound causing Andy to cross his right leg on top of the left in an effort to conceal his erection. “Please, call me Andy,” He cleared his throat as he took a sip of the liquor, “And whiskey and bourbon are my usual choices of poison; but since it’s the New Year, figured this was more appropriate.”
Y/N surprised the man beside her by drinking all of the champagne in one go and placed the now empty glass on the coffee table in front of them before turning to his gobsmacked expression and giggled, “Sorry, really need that one.” With his hooded eyes watching her intently, he drank some of his before answering, “Don’t be Y/N, it was quite a show.”
She could feel her wetness dampen the panties she wore with how good her name sounded as it left his lips, “Don’t think I ever heard you call me by my first name before.” Worried he crossed the line he was quick to fumble out an apology; but quickly stopped as he felt her hand on his thigh, “It’s okay, I’m not mad or anything. I really like it, actually,” She trailed off once she noticed how he seemed to have let out a quiet, but aroused purr. Tilting her head to the side with an amused expression plastered on her face, “You alright, Andy?”
Years of practicing law and appearing in courtrooms taught him not to lose composure; but with a simple touch and mention of his name had Andy forgetting how to remain calm and collected. But can you fucking blame him when the girl who walks around with so much grace and confidence — who also happens to be the subject of his filthy fantasies — is so close to him that he can almost feel her warmth piercing through his long-sleeved shirt. In that moment, he wasn’t sure if it was a wise or dumb decision to discard his suit jacket, but as their arms touched and he felt a surge of electricity run through his veins, he thought of himself as a fucking genius.
“I am, yeah,” Deciding to test the waters, he grabbed her hand that rested on her thigh and intertwined their fingers together; when she made no attempts at removing her hand from his he smirked, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but something tells me you want more than just this champagne I offered.”
Feeling her inhibitions disappear, she gave him a smirk of her own as she untangled her hands from his, “Well, I do want some more champagne,” Her finger was now tracing his lips as she moved to sit closer until she was now straddling his lap, “Maybe taste it from your lips?”
Silently, Andy brought the glass to his lips and downed the remaining sparkling drink; his free hand settled itself on the back of her neck, pulling her close to him until her lips touched his. As he bit her bottom lip, she opened her mouth and moaned out loud as she felt the alcoholic beverage enter her mouth. Both her hands caressed his bearded cheek as she drank up every last drop that he offered her. Groaning out loud when his mouth was now devoid of the drink, he let his tongue enter her mouth and asserted his dominance; something she willingly conceded to him. His hand on her neck traveled lower and rested on her bum, squeezing the soft flesh which emitted more moans from her.
“Been dreaming about this for so long,” His staff silently, mindlessly let out as she kissed him desperately. “Is that so?” He asked once he broke away their kiss, Y/N whined at the loss of his lips and confused with his question. Chuckling at her groggy state he squeezed both her cheeks with one hand, forcing her to focus on him and answer his question, “You said you’ve been dreaming about this, baby. Is that what you daydream about at work? Me fucking you so hard your dumb brain can’t even think straight?”
Letting out a pathetic whine, she could only nod her head enthusiastically, “Want that so fucking bad, sir.” He felt his cock harden even more at the title she called him; but he wasn’t even done with teasing her yet. “And that fantasy will come true; but first, stand up and strip for me, baby,” With a soft smack on her cheek, she stood up quickly and unzipped her dress. Andy watched her present her body for him as he poured another glass for himself.
Resting on the arm rest was the hand with the sparkling champagne, while the other was palming his erection as watched her push her dress down to the floor. “No bra? Just that poor excuse of underwear?” He moaned out as he observed the fabric that parts at the middle, teasing the paradise that awaits for his cock.
Lowering her gaze, as if bashful, at his filthy remarks before resuming her previous position of sitting on his lap with her hands moving to unbutton his button down. “Such an impatient little thing, aren’t you?” He clicked his tongue at her; to which she pouted as she stared at him with want written on her face, “I’m sorry, sir. What do you want me to do?”
“Ride my thigh like the slut you are, baby,” He commanded her without even thinking about it, which turned her on even more. Situating herself on his thick, lean thigh she moaned out loud as the fabric of her thong added even more friction. She began to ride him with slow but sharp movements, throwing her head back when she felt her wetness taint the fabric of his slacks, “How does it feel, baby?”
“Good, so good,” Her broken cries turned him on even more as he sipped on the champagne, enjoying the tingle it left on his tongue. “Do you trust me, baby?” Surprised at his question, she opened her eyes to look at him, her hip movements not faltering one bit. Upon seeing how serious he was she answered, “I do, Andy. I trust you.”
With a smirk, he then tipped the glass just above her breasts, allowing the liquid to run from her collarbones and down to her breasts. Gasping out loud when Andy runs his tongue on her skin, following the trail that the champagne took, “Don’t stop grinding on me, love,” He reminded her as his lips drank the liquid that landed on her nipple — subsequently sucking on the pebble-like flesh. Seeking purchase on his dark hair, Y/N continued rubbing herself on his thigh — his assault on her breast encouraging her to ride him even harder and faster.
“Time to drink some more,” Andy huskily spoke out as he poured some more of the beverage on her opposite breast  causing the girl to stiffen a bit as she was taken aback by the sudden coolness on her breast. His tongue flattened against her skin, now more focused on kissing every inch of her skin instead of drinking up the liquor. His hand held her breast firmly, raising it a bit so he could suck on it and slurp the booze.
“Fuck, the champagne tastes even incredible on you, baby,” HIid praise got her flustered and she could only whine as she felt herself getting closer. “I’m so close, sir. Can I cum, please?” She fluttered her eyes at him sweetly, hoping he’d show her mercy; but his wicked smile and wink got her thinking she’d be shown the opposite of it. “Not yet, baby,” He was quick to shut her wails up with a smack on her breast, “Sit down on the sofa, baby.”
Even though she denied him her release, she followed his orders without a complaint — working with him provided her a clear picture of what happens when you don’t follow Andy’s orders, and it didn’t end well for everyone involved. As she sat down, she watched as the lawyer placed his glass on the table and reached for the bottle; poured some on her pussy. Y/N watched closely as Andy licked her clit, down to her hole. Without tearing his eyes away from hers, he inserted his tongue in her and tried to reach as far as his long tongue can go. “So good, Andy,” She grabbed onto his hair, pushing his face closer to her. The man was quick to smack her thigh, causing her to press her thighs more into his frame, “You know what to call me,” He warned.
“Sir,” She panted out, “Feel so good, sir.” Pleased with that, he rewarded her by rubbing his right thumb on her clit, making her moan even louder. Loving her blissed out sounds of pleasure, Andy began licking her ferociously; he drank up all of the champagne he poured and all the juices she had to provide. He inserted his left pointer and middle finger in her, taking her aback with the sudden simulation. Her thighs were shaking with how good he was making her feel, too weak to even grab onto his hair and her arms were now limp on her sides, “Sir, please! I’m so fucking close, please let me cum.”
Without tearing his mouth and hands from her he replied, “Then cum on my fucking tongue, you slut,” The vibrations adding more to the pleasure she felt. After a few more thrusts of his fingers, kitten licks of his tongue, she felt apart with a scream. Her thighs wrapped themselves around his shoulders, squeezing him so tight that she felt his beard tickle her delicate skin. Andy pulled out his fingers that were in her, replacing them with his tongue so he can gather all of her juices and drink some of them in. “You taste like fucking heaven, baby,” He groaned as he parted from her pussy, his fingers pushing her juices back inside her so he could use it as lube.
“Wanna kiss you, sir,” Her fingers touched the patch of facial hair above his lips, surprised with how it had her juices. Andy complied, giving her a brief, but sweet kiss. “Want you on your hands and knees, baby. Hold on to the back of the sofa okay?” Y/N couldn’t help but feel mushy with how gentle he was bossing her around — when she knew his next actions would be far from gentle.
Holding on to the back of the sofa, she used it to steady herself on her knees, bending slightly so she could arch her back to accentuate her ass. Andy quickly discarded his clothes before rubbing her pussy again and pushed some of her juices in, before entering in her pussy in one go. His forehead rested on her back as he groaned out, “Fuck baby you’re so tight. Been a while huh?” Anchoring himself on her hips, he slid in and out of her at a steady pace.
Y/N moaned out loud as she felt the back of her thighs meet Andy’s hips; he was thrusting into her with no remorse. Her hand travelled to her breast, switching between pinching the nipple or pulling on it. Grabbing her hair with one hand, the bearded man pulled her so her back was pressed firmly against his chest. You’d think that this would give Andy a difficult time to rut into her but it didn’t; instead it just made him drive his cock in her harder and faster, falling into a drum-like rhythm.
“Why are you fucking touching yourself, slut?” Feeling his breath on her ear turned her on more than she cared to admit and she couldn’t even string together a coherent response since the tip of his dick pushed into her g-spot, causing her to moan out loud. “You’re such a fucking mess that you can’t even think straight huh?”
Nodding pathetically was all the response Y/N could offer as she clawed on to Andy’s toned arms; the lawyer then decided to go all the way with his fun by wrapping his big hand around her neck, applying gentle pressure. “You don’t mind this do you, sweetheart?” Shaking her head no, Andy then smiled as he put more force on the sides of her neck as he rammed his cock in her until the tip of his cock repeatedly hit her bundle of nerves that made tears leave her eyes with how good everything felt. The other hand that wasn't wrapped around her throat then lowered itself on her clit, rubbing the hardened nub.
“If only you knew how hard you got me every time you came to work with a tight skirt or pants,” He breathed out against her ear, tickling her with his breath, “Giving me a perfect view of the shape of your ass,” And to emphasize his point he thrust so hard until his cock was all the way in and spanked her ass. “Walking around the office with so much fucking confidence,” He recalled the time wherein she called out an officemate for talking lewdly about her — that caused him to jerk one off in the office bathroom. “But now you’ve been reduced to a dumb cock hungry whore for me,” She wailed out in agreement as his hand squeezed her throat so tight to the point she was now gasping for breath as his other hand wrapped around her tit, loving the weight and feel of it on his hand, grabbing onto it to move it up and down his hand.
“Are you gonna cum again, baby? Gonna cum around my thick cock?” He could feel her walls clinging on to his cock even more, making it difficult to thrust in her but he was determined to keep on sliding his cock in and out. “Yes, so close, please let me cum,” She trailed off as he abandoned his hold on her tit and throat and returned to her hips so he could maneuver her and ram his cock swiftly and harder. “Cum then you, slut. Let me feel you milk my cock,” Was all the permission she needed before she dug her nails into his forearms as came with a scream, “Thank you, sir!”
Even as she was cumming, Andy thrust in and out of her; though his thrusts weren’t as powerful and quick. Once he felt her spasms die down, he slid all the way inside her and came with a groan. They both could feel his cock twitch as it released his load inside her, filling her up with his hot semen. Littering kisses on her back, Andy could feel his regular breathing return — as was hers.
Carefully, Andy pulled out of her, “Can you stand up for a bit, baby?” She nodded and stood up from her position, the lawyer guiding her to sit by the arm rests. Still stuck in her post-orgasm haze, she watched as he moved the coffee table away and transformed his sofa into a bed. Grabbing the spare bed sheet, blanket, and pillows he kept in the office — in case he had to spend the night in the office — he quickly made the bed before he helped Y/N to lay down with him, wrapping the blanket over their naked bodies.
“How you feeling?” It was amazing how he had a quick change of demeanor; Y/N was lazily tracing over Andy’s face with her finger, making the most out of this intimate moment. “Feel good, really good. Always wanted someone to fuck me the way you did.”
Her curt response had him chuckling, loving the way she was being open with him and the way she traced over his features. “Well I’m glad I fulfilled this fantasy of yours.”
Suddenly, Y/N felt small and insecure; was this a one time thing? Just something to release his frustrations and a fantasy of hers that's been fulfilled? Furrowing her eyebrows, she failed to mask her worry as she wondered, “So this is just a one time thing then?”
Hating what she just said, Andy kissed the wrinkle in between her eyebrows as he spoke, “I don’t want it to be. I really want to be with you; if you’ll have me, of course.” A small smile rested on her lips as her eyes brightened up, “I’d want that and you. You’re so amazing, Andy. I admire your strength, resilience, and determination. For someone who could easily give up in life you choose to carry on and look forward to what the future holds. It’s just a bonus that you have a thick cock and know how to use it.”
Her small speech had him chuckling and kissing her nose, pulling her close against him, “What I said earlier was true; I love how you walk around the office like you own the place. You take no shit from people and do your job damn well. Plus, I love your music taste as well.”
Grinning at him she jeered, “Wow can’t believe you still sweet talk your way even if it’s not in a courtroom setting.” Andy laughed at her retort and just grazed his fingertips on her sides, tickling her so he can hear her giggle. Once both their laughter died down, their lips met for a sweet, passionate kiss. “We have quite a mess to clean up tomorrow, Andy,” Y/N reminded him as she referred to the champagne bottle, glasses, their clothes, and his sofa bed — their whole situation, really.
“I don’t care,” He whispered as smiled at her, feeling so much lighter and better having been haunted by his personal demons for so long, “I don’t mind doing anything as long as it’s with you.”
Her heart fluttered with his simple statement; she was then reminded of the new year countdown. Reaching out for his wrist, she checked the time and noticed how a few minutes had passed 12. “Happy new year, Andy,” She greeted him with a peck on his lips.
A short, sweet kiss was returned to her as he planted his lips on hers again — quickly getting addicted to her, “Happy new year, baby. Can’t wait to spend this year with you by my side.”
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bella-donna418 · 3 years
Happy Birthday Eren!
A/N: Been very half inactive here 💀💀💀
So it’s our special boy’s birthday today, I might as well make a headcanon like how I did with Mikasa and Falco's birthday (missed Annie’s birthday but like, I celebrated her bday IRL 😂😂😂)
Actors AU again wew 😂😂😂
(Please don’t mind the timeskips)
Birthday boy's day today, so might as well make something for him 👉👈
Let’s go!
Mikasa was literally sitting at the nearest chair she could find in the set and of course;
It's her boyfriend’s birthday today and there’s no fucking way she'll forget about it.
But she can’t just let him get away without revenge!
That’s right, last time on her and Falco's birthday—Eren pranked them.
At least they got surprises and all—
But that’s not the point!
She needs to at least prank him back—worse than what he did. (evil ik 😔😔😔
But he did “indirectly” made her cry that time.
So she decided she’ll also prank him back then surprise him.
An idea then popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but grin to herself.
“Mikasa!” Sasha called, snapping her back to reality from her ‘annual brainstorming’.
She shook her head and looked at her, confused.
“Director is calling you.” She said while munching on a cinnamon bun (usual Sasha)
“Right.” She smiled sheepishly and stood up.
After finishing her scenes and all, she got back to brainstorming.
Oh, it’s also her break time so she could go wherever she wants, but she decided to stay and think for a while more.
Then an idea popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but laugh a bit to herself. And that prank was her ignoring Eren 😈😈😈 Knowing him, he wouldn’t care if other people ignored him. But he'd be worried asf and he could go crazy if she did (your Eren cares about Mikasa’s attention “only” your honor 😔😔😔) And the beautiful cruel woman mode is on. Eren was going to pick her up today for lunch since he also finished his tapings and all (also Armin and Annie's with him) He got out to wait and greet her like he always does. ~~~
Since EreMika and AruAni share a car (lol cuz why not?), knowing that Annie and is the earliest to finish.
Mikasa decided to call her, knowing that she’s the earliest to finish out of all of them, and Armin's probably busy at that time.
“Yo, Annie!” She casually said trying to stifle her laughter (Annie knows what’s up lol)
“What? You’re gonna ask another favor again?” (told ya)
“Can’t I just greet my friend? 🥺” Annie sighs over the phone and said, “What is it?”
Now this is when it gets ✨interesting✨
She told Annie all her plans and she decided to go along with it.
“Oh, tell Armin as well.” where she just received a hum as a reply.
Mikasa saw a glimpse of Eren at the entrance of the building and immediately went somewhere she can’t be seen.
The prank starts now 🤡
She immediately composed herself and put on her poker face.
Eren saw her from afar and smiled at her.
She literally feels sorry for him (😂😂😂)
5 mins earlier…
She was now facing the camera and she could tell that once Eren watches this he'll go “berserk”. (wild Eren 🤡🤡🤡)
“Eren, if you ever see this, I'm sorry. *awkward laugh* Happy birthday to you my loves. I love you.” (literally said that 😂😂😂)
She passed by him without even saying anything—she’s not even smiling! (Mikasa putting years of being a top actress to work here 😂😂😂)
Eren just looked at her confused and caught up to her side.
She won’t look at him and this made Eren a bit sad and more confused.
From what he remembers, they never argued or anything at all.
He's also wondering, ‘Is she ignoring me?’ ‘Is she in a bad mood?’
Going with the second option, he decided to give her time and space like what he thought she needed.
They got inside the car. (well the car is actually like a van, but let me call it a car ok??? 🤡)
Ok, their sitting arrangement is basically like this;
Eren and Mikasa
Annie and Armin
Ok back to the topic—
Annie and Armin were looking at them—well, especially Eren.
“Annie, water.” She looked at Annie who was literally skeptical about her lasting long or even not laughing.
She gave Mikasa her water bottle receiving a smile of thanks from her—Eren looking at his lovely bae (poor Eren 🥺)
Heads up! Everyone knew about it, and yes, when I say everyone, it’s everyone (ok wtf am I even saying?)
So, they were silent for the whole ride and nobody’s talking.
Annie's asleep on Armin's shoulder while he’s busy on his phone.
Eren was stealing glances at Mikasa while she’s also on her phone.
Please, his face is like, “Please notice me already. I love you 🥺👉👈”
If you’re wondering where they’re headed to, they’re going to a restaurant Annie wanted to try (but she’s too shy to ask to the point Armin instantly read her mind and she’s like “H-huh? I said nothing—“) which is also far from their workplace/s.
After a mere hour and a half, they finally arrived at the restaurant, and yay, everyone’s awake! (Kudos to the 3 henchmen for enduring the urge to sleep the entire ride, especially Mikasa)
It’s a fine-dining restaurant (rich bitches 😔)
So they found a table which is good for all of them (driver and assistant included)
To add salt to the wound, Mikasa decided to sit beside Annie (Armin letting her)
Eren only looked at her—not used to getting ignored this long. Why exactly? Because;
She doesn’t ignore him without any reason at all.
If ever they get in an argument, they’d make up and her ignoring him won’t even last for a mere hour or so because y'know.
She has NEVER ignored him this long.
Eren just shrugged it off, but he doesn’t feel good about this.
A waiter finally came to take their orders.
They each had different foods and since Armin was the one to bring them here (Annie's wallet gets saved by bae 🥺), he's the one to pay for all of them which he doesn’t mind at all.
Mikasa was quite clingy to Annie as well while she just went with the flow knowing it’s all needed for her prank.
Even though she’s questioning if it’s really necessary 🙃
After 10 minutes, their orders are finally here!
And of course, hunger doesn’t wait for any kind of bullshit ceremony and all so digging in they go 🍽🍽
They were a few conversations, Armin initiating them because Eren is too quiet (just a few more hours to endure 🥺) and Mikasa doesn’t want to initiate them and cut Eren off because he’s always the one to reply to her topics (it could come off as rude 😅😅)
And of course, everything was being filmed (yes, their assistant is also a videographer 😗✌)
So it’s basically 85% silence and eating (pls they just need a speaker and it’s gonna turn into an ASMR) while 15% are their conversations/topics 🤡
Eren is also on his phone while eating (ok I can tell ppl gonna yell at me for this 🤡)
And Mikasa's taking this opportunity to take glances at him and she couldn’t help but literally laugh to herself and look at the camera then mouth ‘sorry’
Annie's still skeptical and Armin is trying his best not to laugh or something I mean, Eren's still looking gloomy (fact: he doesn’t care it’s his birthday at all and just cares about Mikasa and all)
After a few minutes, they finished and have paid so they’re now on their way back. But the thing is… ~~~
Sasha cam
“Yo, they’re almost back.” She said after looking at her own phone and seeing Mikasa's message.
They immediately went on double-time mode and so far, the room's looking quite ready 🤭
And since they’re freer later at night, they decided to do the surprise that time (poor Mikasa gotta endure more of this torture prank she put upon herself 🤡)
And of course, Sasha’s filming this ✌ ~~~
7:36 p.m
They’re finally free from the shackles of work!
And yes, they’re immediately headed for phase 2 of the surprise for our birthday boy.
So, trying not to encounter Eren, Mikasa immediately headed to the place where she’s going to meet Niccolo to give her the cake (yes, they planned this carefully)
So she finally got the cake and she's on her spot (they all have different spots 😂)
They’re now all on standby and of course, Mikasa went to Zeke so he could bring Eren to the lovely spot since yeah—
About 2 minutes passed and they’re still on standby—and finally, Eren's here!
Eren didn’t even hesitate to open the door and when he did, his eyes widened a bit.
“Surprise!” Everyone greeted him but his eyes were just locked at a Mikasa holding his birthday cake and smiling sheepishly at him.
She handed the cake to Ymir and Eren immediately ran to her —hugging her (he's glad that his suffering is over 🥺)
Mikasa laughed and hugged him back and whispered “Happy birthday” to him.
He broke the hug and pulled her in for a swift kiss making Mikasa surprised.
“Are we gonna eat now? Sasha might finish all of this if Niccolo will keep giving her free servings.” Ymir retorted making everyone laugh.
“Geez, I wasn’t expecting her to ignore him for a full day.” Historia sighed a bit which made Mikasa laugh lightly.
Eren looked at Mikasa with his brows furrowed a bit and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Don’t do that again—” He was cut off by Annie who was now in charge of holding the cake (Ymir do be passing all her chores 🤡)
“Blow the candles now birthday boy.” She said—him complying while arms still around Mikasa—everyone making noises with party blowers while spraying silly strings everywhere after (bear the bad writing 😂)
“Alright! Let’s eat!” Pieck said while giving plates, spoons, and forks to everyone for all of them to finally be able to eat.
Of course, Niccolo is the sponsor for all of their food to eat 😂
Eren was now being a clingy baby to Mikasa which is just 🥺✨
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and everyone telling funny stories and jokes.
Of course, afterward, they gave him their gifts while he smirked and was like, “Mikasa's the best gift—” receiving a smack on the head from her—everyone laughing saying he deserved it.
A/N: I, personally think this is poorly written 🤡
Sorry bout that.
But overall, happy birthday Eren! YOU’RE 20 NOW AND STILL ASSLESS— 🤡😂
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mythicamagic · 3 years
As usual... I can never just choose one... soo here are my top choices you choose one. Lol
1. Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?
2. The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.
3.that ship has sailed. i’ve had my one great love already
4. we’re just…friends.” “friends don’t do this type of shit!
5. Did you just slap my ass?” / “Actually, I firmly grasped it.” 
Why did I decide 2 of the hurt/sad/angst.. idk.. i suppose im glutton for punishment. Dont hurt me too bad if you choose to do one of them myth.
Decided to do a part two for - this ask. 
I chose;  The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.
The air felt crisp and clean, biting at Kagome's cheeks as she wound her scarf tighter around her neck. Winter markets were so much fun. The vast array of cute little items on display made warmth light up her chest, even as the candy and children's toys reminded her of a certain fox she'd left behind in the past.
Kagome smiled at Ayumi as she prattled on about something or other.
She shouldn't feel guilty. Shippo had barely visited the village in the last year she'd been there. Everyone had moved on. Including herself, somewhat. She'd been so wrapped up in her whirlwind romance with a certain Daiyoukai- the feudal era had been irreparably damaged as a home for her the second they'd broken up.
But she missed her friends. Dearly.
She shook herself. It was too late to go back on her choice now. The well had sealed shut for good.
Ayumi stopped to grab some hot chocolate from a street vendor, allowing Kagome a moment to warm her hands, rubbing them together.
Snowflakes gently danced about like powdered sugar, kissing Kagome's face as she turned- almost bumping face-first into a muscular chest. Fresh scents of wild forests and thunderstorms filled her nose, and she stiffened.
He smells the same.
Kagome bit the inside of her cheek, blue eyes narrowing. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing."
"Haven't the faintest idea of what you mean," he arranged his features into mild innocence, which was near impossible due to his smiling eyes.
"Riiight," she muttered, wishing Ayumi would hurry up.
Sesshoumaru gazed down at her, a pink gift bag in hand. Kagome grit her teeth, hating that she wondered who it was meant for.
"I did not intend to run into you here, before you accuse me of anything," his silky voice caressed her hearing once more. It sounded so lulling, designed to draw her back in. "Did you take my gift home with you or did you throw it away?" he asked, deceptively casually.
"Home. But don't think that means anything- it's not the plant's fault you're trying to worm your way back into my life."
The Daiyouki smiled to himself, obviously absurdly pleased. He began pursuing the street vendor's items right beside her, gazing at children's toys with a touch of gentleness in his steady gaze. Kagome was prepared to ignore him- until he leaned down, breath fanning 'accidentally' over her cheek as he picked up a doll and straightened.
"Do you remember Rin? And the other children-"
"Don't," Kagome said, unable to move away. She hated the thrumming of her skin so much. The way it cried out. Hated him.
Her skin flared alive, body humming with hunger. Like a shot of adrenalin to the heart, Kagome dipped her chin into her scarf to try and mask her escalating breathing due to his proximity. When they'd had sex- so many years ago- it hadn't been like human lovemaking.
He'd wired new pathways within her system via his youki. Sometimes she felt like it still lived inside her, having made a home for itself. They hadn't mated, but she felt irreversibly changed by it.
Kagome made a faint noise, squeezing her eyes shut.
Resist him-
Oh thank God.
"Ayumi, let's go," she said abruptly, facing her friend with an urgent look in her eyes.
Ayumi tilted her head slightly, eyeing Sesshoumaru curiously. "A-alright?"
"You do not need to leave," he turned, exuding a magnanimous air. "I am the one who intruded on your time, please continue," he gestured to the market, ensnaring Kagome's gaze with his own. Unblinking, unable to hide his more animalistic habits even after so many years.
"I hope to see you some other time when my presence does not disturb you," he said softly, walking away.
When entering work that Saturday, Kagome could already sense the buzz in the air. Someone had generously donated some priceless artefacts to their museum. The previously undiscovered finds that shaken everyone due to their rarity and mint condition. No one could stop talking about it.
Kagome's blood ran cold the second the items in question were described to her. Pushing through the crowd that had gathered, she stared in horror at the display case.
Itching for a fight, she immediately stormed to his office downtown, opening the door to reception and letting herself in. "Is Sesshoumaru here?" she burst, stopping in front of the secretary's desk.
"Mr Taisho?" the woman blinked, obviously thrown by the petite, angry miko currently glaring at her and using his name so informally. "Do you have an appointment?"
"No. Just tell him Kagome is here."
She was let into his office soon enough, trying to keep a lid on her crackling reiki. Sesshoumaru glanced up from his computer. "Miko? What a pleasant surprise."
Kagome slammed an article atop his desk. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped.
He raised a brow, briefly flicking his attention to the contents. A photo of red and white silks, coupled with polished spiked armour sat in a display unit. "Something wrong? It was just a donation, given in good faith."
"Donated to my workplace!" Kagome seethed, groaning and burying her face in her hands. "Don't you realise I'm going to have to see your things now every day? I've worn those clothes! I've slept in them as pyjamas! Are you trying to mess with me because you want me back?"
"That's a little dramatic, dear one, I'm not trying to 'mess with you.' It was just a donation," he rose from his seat, face inches from hers. "And if I wanted to romance you, I'd go about it much differently."
"Don't 'dear one' me," she snapped. "You could've donated that stuff years ago- or to a different museum. But no, you had to give it to mine."
"My gift was not meant to distress you, but," he rounded the table slowly, fingers dragging over the wood. "It does make me worry, seeing you so worn thin. Is something else going on? Separate from...us?"
Kagome stiffened, avoiding eye contact. Things with her boyfriend had been strained as of late, and the Daiyoukai's sudden appearance back into her life wasn't helping matters.
"There is no 'us.' I'm frustrated and exhausted, that's all. Don't make things even more complicated by asking about that stuff."
Sesshoumaru lingered close, and Kagome didn't shy away. The one person she couldn't bear to be near was also the only being who could offer some semblance of comfort to her due to his familiarity.
"This one meant to give you something," reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a business card, handing it over. Kagome immediately froze, staring at the name. "You miss him," Sesshoumaru murmured. "The kit lives in Kyoto now with his wife and children. Call him."
Tears pricked her eyes, and Kagome bowed her head. Full lips crumpled into a wobbly line.
"If there is something I regret more than our parting, it is that you felt compelled to leave. The fault lies with me."
Shaking her head, a saddened laugh bubbled up her throat. "It was my decision to break up, and it was my decision to leave the Feudal Era. Don't...blame yourself for that part."
"You did not do anything wrong," a long-fingered hand reached out, blunt nails losing their glamour. Sharp claws stroked dark curling hair back from her neck. Kagome's breathing hitched. "When we were together- you did not do anything wrong. We were both so young. It was foolish of me to act as I did, but I think it is now... that we are in the right place for something more."
Kagome shivered, body warming to him. Intuitively, the brush of fingers on her neck made her foolishly anticipate a kiss- sorely disappointed when it didn't come. "I'm not," she forced herself to say. Seeing the disappointment darken his brown eyes, she sighed. "I miss you," Kagome admitted quietly, turning away to escape from his touch. "I miss how... we were. I'm terrified of that, though. I was...under the impression we'd be together. Permanently. Then you had to go and tell me you needed 'pure' heirs to continue the family bloodline."
She laughed bitterly, loosely holding her arms. "The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I'm still in love with you."
"You are frightened that I will hurt you again."
Kagome nodded mutely. She then forced a giggle, giving a weak smile. "Besides, you may not like me as I am now. I'm more jaded than before."
"I like what I see very much," moving closer once more as though experiencing a gravitational pull, he stopped inches away. "I have missed you too," he muttered quietly, genuinely. She could feel him inhale her scent through her hair. "Very much."
Her mouth suddenly became dry. "I'm with Natsuki-"
"Leave him," a rush of passion entered his voice as Sesshoumaru swept closer, backing her into the desk. The wood dug into her thighs, their hips meeting. "This one is not interested in being 'the other man' in an affair. Nor am I interested in watching you remain with someone less than ideal," he snorted, resting his hand over her wrist and grazing his thumb over it.
"Y-you don't know anything about it!"
"I could smell your scent. It was not bright and cheerful even before I re-entered your life the other day. His feels...murky on you. Unhappy."
Kagome swallowed thickly, glancing away. "Observant as ever," she admitted softly.
"Or perhaps you did a poor job of hiding it," backing off a little- he rested his hip next to hers beside the desk, remaining near but barely touching. And yet everything felt so close. "You've changed. But you're still the same at your core, miko," hot breath fanned over her neck, teeth ghosting over the shell of her ear. "If you permitted me, I would not be reckless with your heart again, as I was in my youth."
Her palms traitorously slid up, sliding over firm muscles- running across his chest. He felt warm. His heart was beating fast. Was he nervous? Such a thing sounded impossible.
She bit her lip, secretly longing for the sensation of silks under her hands again instead of the modern cotton of his shirt.
"I don't know that I believe you," Kagome met his gaze, rewarded with the golden glow of his eyes instead of human brown.
"I've gotta go," she said reluctantly, forcing herself to pull away. "I need to be at work."
"Very well," he hummed, unmoving. "But if you...need something. You know where to find me."
He sounded almost desperate for an excuse to talk with her. Giving a curt nod, she let herself out of his office with a long breath, shaking her head. Sesshoumaru's static youki haunted her steps for the remainder of the day.
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thebiggestshrimp · 3 years
A Special “Souvenir”: part 1
SFW (parts 1-4)
MLQC: Victor X MC (with an appearance from Kiro)
Mentions of: relationship (friendship) with Victor and Kiro, fluff? smut lol (none in parts 1-4)
Potential Spoilers!!: Takes place after plot of chapter 16, so might include slight references to events 
Word Count: 855
Part 1
“Miss Chips! It’s been so long!”  
Kiro practically yelled when you walked out of the elevator into your floor on a Thursday morning.
“Ah, what’s it been, a month now? I was busy in Iceland and couldn’t wait to finally come home and see you!”  
Kiro’s sudden appearance at your workplace was jarring, considering that he never made his location public knowledge, for the sake of his privacy and his friends. But here he was shouting at you from the other side of the 4th story floor. He really must have been excited to see you. You could certainly tell that Kiki was thrilled to see her favorite idol in the building.
“It’s great to see you too Kiro!”, you say while embracing him. The papers you had in your hand slipped from your grasp, prompting you to release Kiro. You thought you heard a slight whine, but only saw Kiro smiling when you lifted your head up.
“So _____, I have a surprise for you once you finish work today. I’ll come by at 8 to pick you up”.
You nodded but then looked at Kiro slightly confused.
“How do you know when I regularly get off work?”
Kiro’s eyes darted up and to the left, pretending that it was an answer he actually had to think about. He returned his gaze to yours and smiled that familiar warm smile.
“Oh, you know, I just paid attention to when you returned my text messages. It’s usually around 8, but sometimes later since you’re such a hard worker Miss Chips!”
His answer satisfied your curiosity, but made you blush at the thoughtfulness in his observations. Huh, you never knew men could be so sharp. Maybe that was your fault though, for always seeming to like guys who you thought you could change.
“Well, I’m kind of swamped with work, so I might not be off by 8 today, we might have to reschedule for some time next week”.
You suddenly noticed Kiki spying on the two of you from behind your work desk. You knew she was a huge Kiro fan, and an even bigger fan of you finally asking Kiro out. You weren’t opposed to the idea of possibly taking your friendship with Kiro to the next level, but you felt that the two of you worked best as friends. Besides, there was someone else who was on your mind recently...
“AH GUYS COME ON!” Kiki screamed as she emerged from the desk, acting as if she wasn’t just listening to your whole conversation. “_____ I already told you yesterday that Kiro would be back in town today, and that I would be handling any extra work so that you could hang out together”.
“But I don’t want to burden you with my work...”
“It’s not a burden, it’s called friendship. When a friend is in need, a friend must help, and right now, you need help. Besides, I wouldn’t want work to impede on your blossoming romanc-”
“OK OK, I hear you”. You can feel your face burning red from Kiki’s romantic implications. Thank goodness Kiro isn’t looking at your face right now. “Thanks Kiki, I’ll have to repay you next week”.
“Mm, me too!” Kiro agreed while giving Kiki his biggest smile.
All it took was Kiro’s three simple words to make Kiki blush too. Her overwhelming confidence seemed to fade away.
Barely audible, she whispered, “Ah, oh, well, I’ll look forward to it then”. Kiki smiled then turned and skipped away, humming happily.
Briefly glancing at your phone, you catch the time: 8:42 AM. Focusing your attention back on Kiro, you remark, “I’ve got to get started if I’m going to leave at 8, I want to finish as much work as possible so I don’t overwhelm Kiki with the rest of my responsibilities”.
“Of course Miss Chips, I’ll leave you to it!”
You turn to walk towards your desk, assuming Kiro was heading to the elevator. Instead you feel his strong grip on your forearm, spinning you around.
“You missed one of your papers when you dropped them”.
“Oh, thank you Kiro, that could have been bad”.
While reaching for the document, Kiro let out a mischievous grin. He grabbed your arm with his left hand and leaned forward.
“You’re welcome _______, I wouldn’t want this to be the reason I don’t see you later”.
His sudden change in tone and the pressure from his grip surprised you. Kiro was rarely anything but overly polite and sweet, so hearing something so... assertive from him made your knees feel weak.
You only nodded when you took the document as he released his hand. You felt you needed to hurry to your desk so you could compose yourself. When you finally sat down, you sheepishly turned around to see if Kiro was still there, and to your relief, he was gone. Thank Goodness, you thought. Any more of his charmingly, vivid eyes and you might faint.
“Ok, time to work!” You enthusiastically began reviewing your notes and documents, figuring that if you engrossed yourself in your work, the time would speed by.
Part 2
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Captain Bucheon 02
Tumblr media
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader (Lee Nari)
Genre: policeman AU; enemies to lovers AU
Warnings:  langauge, mentions of drugs
story masterlist masterlist
<-- first -- next -->
tags: @wooya1224 (if you want to be un/tagged let me know! I forgot to ask last time lol)
Second: Fears and Desires
Rushing out of the building, you made a quick run for the closest bus stop, trying to supress every urge to look back in case someone could be following you. With their identity being unknown and the box being successfully delivered on your behalf meant huge trouble for you and it left you incredibly nervous to stay in the same place as that anonymous. For whatever reason someone decided to deliver the box. Who could it be?
With your heart racing all the way in your throat, you thought that this situation would be the worst. Turning a sharp corner that led to the main road, you collided harshly with a sturdy chest, the person's arms flying out to catch your falling figure. Hands slid around your waist and steadied you up carefully.
Realizing your eyes were squeezed shut, you opened your eyes to be met with familiar ones. You slowly died inside.
“Careful,” he murmured as he took in your scared expression.
Stepping away from him, you tried to brush off the feeling of pining. You'd been working way too hard to avoid him for you to meet him exactly when you were running away red-handed. “What are you doing here?”
He shook his head gently as his gaze slowly took in your features. It made you shudder. “My workplace is not far away, remember?”
Gulping, you nodded, letting out a breathy snort as you looked down on the pavement. “Right. Silly of me to ask.”
“Are you okay?”
“I missed you,” you blurted at the same time and looked up at him. “Oppa.”
Baekhyun was frozen just for a moment before he stepped closer to you with the gentlest of smiles. Slowly, he reached up with his hand and cradled your cheek. “I missed you too, pretty.”
Pretty. Ah, how you missed that nickname.
“Then kiss me,” you let out boldly and you expected him to be surprised or even scold you for being so demanding but he surprised you.
“Oh, yeah,” he murmured, leaning in. “I will, now that you're finally here.” You helped him out by standing on your tip-toes while you let your arms circle around his neck, and his hands slid back to your waist. His lips touched yours gently, carefully, before you hummed and pushed yourself more into him, urging him to deepen the kiss.
He growled when he felt your chest press up to his and his grip tightened while one of his hands came up to your neck, tilting your head so he could have better access. With a simple lick of his tongue, he was inside and you were whimpering, gasping, panting. So, so needy for him. You groaned, feeling the strong attraction you both shared. It seemed that no matter how much you hated him, it was always present. You would always be bewitched by Byun Baekhyun.
He was still hungrily claiming your lips when he reached up for your arms and brought them down until he had your hands in his. He fumbled with them for a while and you smiled, expecting him to intertwine your hands. Just the feeling of his smooth hands on yours made the butterflies in your tummy flutter their wings.
Then you heard a click.
Baekhyun kissed you one last time, his lips puckering, before slowly leaning back and taking in your scared eyes when you felt cold metal around your wrists.
“Lee Nari,” he breathed, the puffs of hot air on your wet lips, “I arrest you for illegal drug distribution.”
Gasping loudly, you sat straight up in your bed, the aftermath of your nightmare still present and fresh in front of your eyes while you tried to shake off the dread and the terrible pull in your lower tummy. Why the hell were you sexually frustrated when he arrested you again?
“What is it?” you heard from beside you, a confused and sleepy Yuyeon. “Nari? Are you okay?” she was next to you within a second, the early morning sun lighting up the room softly through the light curtains. She saw you touching your lips while tears were rolling down your cheeks. “Goodness, was the dream that bad?” she asked again carefully and sat on your bed.
You whimpered, still shocked, and reached out for your best friend, wrapping your arms around her to get a feel of reality. “Just… it was ridiculous. So ridiculous, Yuyeonah,” you muttered, sniffing, flashes of Baekhyun's face ever-present and lively. That was certainly not how you imagined the first meeting with him to go. 
“It was just a bad dream,” consoled Yuyeon gently, rubbing your back in circles. “None if it is real, Nari.”
You nodded and pressed your lips together. 
Just a bad dream.
“Are you okay?” Someone muttered to your ear, successfully scaring the living daylights out of you.
You heard that sentence in your dream.
Turning around abruptly with wide eyes, you spot Chul who was smiling at you cheekily.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You just look a little absent-minded,” he explained, scratching his neck as he looked at the ground.
You sighed. “I’m fine. But thanks for worrying.”
He nodded and wanted to say something before hesitating. You raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking him what was up.
“Was everything fine after I left?”
Oh. You completely forgot to let him know the mission was successful since you were so freaked out by the unexplainable events. “Yes!” you squeaked. “It went perfectly!”
“Great! I received the confirmation text but you never followed up with an update.” He laughed. “Then we can focus on your run in the festival!”
You groaned and started stomping towards your classroom. “I really, really like REALLY don’t wanna do it.”
He followed you, snickering. “You’re our ace, Nari.” He hugged your shoulders with his arm and pressed you to his side. “If you won’t attend, nobody will come and watch!”
Puffing your hair out of your face, you silently fumed. “I already said okay to the darn MCing with that bitc- singer.”
“Were you just about to call her a bitch?” asked Chul, shocked as he maneuvered you through the crowded corridors. Students were giving you looks, some whispering when they spotted Chul, the famous boy.
“Ah, no, not at all,” you grumbled, not bothering to hide your sarcasm.
Chul chuckled and you stopped in front of your class. “You can be so feisty. Either way, bring this spirit to the running track. We are starting from today!”
“But-but I want to go out to the bar-“
Chul clicked his tongue. “I will gladly take you to a bar if you come to the practice.”
Not even stopping to think it over, you quickly complied: “You’ll buy me a drink, right? Oppa?” you added with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
He observed you for a moment, an amused smile splayed on his face. “Sure, Nari. A drink it is.”
“Faster, Lee!” shouted coach Lim when you finished the second round, heaving loudly like a horse. “If you want to win an award for us you will have to do better than that!”
With bitter realization, you noticed how he reminded you of your beloved math teacher back in high school. Unfortunately, you weren’t that good at sports but you were still better than math.
“Okay, got it,” you exhaled harshly, coming to a full stop.
You saw the sun already setting, the cold air turning your hot breaths into condensation. You could practically feel your nose turning red.
“Hey, Rudolf!” Chul.
You snapped your head at him, glaring. “Do not mock me. You’ve dragged me into this yet you seem very unaffected.”
He laughed, walking over to you. “You already forgot why I am the president of the student council?” He quirked an eyebrow at you. “I’m good at everything.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay then you win the award for us.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s gotta be you,” he winked at you.
Too tired to bother fighting with him, you quickly went to change into your clothes, deciding you would take a shower once you got back from the smelly bar. Surely you stinking wouldn’t bother people too much. Plus, it wasn’t like you were trying to impress Chul anyway.
Meeting the senior outside, you headed for the closest bar, bickering on the way. Once inside he bought you a drink just as promised and you were fast to gulp down half of the cocktail.
“So, I’ve been wanting to discuss some matters with you,” started Chul, looking at you in amusement when you took another big gulp. “Just some other stuff that has to be taken care of about the festival.”
You whined and leaned your forehead into your palm. “Why now? We should do that at the student council.”
“You’re my right hand, Lee,” reasoned smoothly Chul and took a sip of his beer. The frothy foam left a small white mustache and it made you giggle. You motioned for him to get rid of it and he quickly licked it off. “Anyway,” he started with a laugh, “you’ll take care of the security team of the festival. Make sure to book the bodyguards and police guards around. We will have famous artists there so security should be our number one priority at all costs.”
You hummed, faking thinking. You ignored your rapid heartbeat at the mention of police, some flashbacks of your dream quickly chasing you down. Nodding, you hid your face behind the cup as you took another sip and looked around the place as if expecting to see the familiar face in the crowd just like you did on the night you met him.
“I kind of want to pass on this one,” you finally replied as you put down your glass.
“Why is that?”
Sighing, you pursed your lips not wanting to elaborate on your actual thinking pattern. “Just feels weird to talk to the police and blah blah blah,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m already doing so much for the festival, Chul, don’t you think?”
Chul observed you for a moment. “I’m sorry. I feel like a total jerk for always throwing all the responsibilities at you but I really am only giving you those tasks that require the most able person.”
“Oh.” You didn’t think about that. After all, Chul was right. You were kind of like a right hand to him, doing a lot of jobs in the behind the scenes whenever there were events happening at the school.
“And I heard that you might have connections at the police so I thought we could use that to our advantage,” he continued, hesitating when he noticed your sour expression. “Am I wrong?”
Your slight scowl turned into a frown. “Who the hell told you that?”
He blinked a couple of times. “Well, she told me it’s a secret so…”
“Yeah,” he looked at your hard expression, prompting him to answer you. You swore you would kill Oh Sehun, you were sure it was him.
“Yuyeon. It was Yuyeon.”
Your mouth opened in shock. You thought you heard wrong. “What? What did she tell you though?” And why would Yuyeon talk to a person she didn't like? You knew her well and she voiced, or at least showed, how she didn't like Chul. In her opinion, he was too friendly with everyone.
Chul laughed unsurely, a little perplexed at the change of your behavior. “Nothing! I mean... she mentioned a boyfriend-“
“I never had a boyfriend at the police station,” you declared quickly. “I hardly know anyone there so I don’t think I can help you in this matter.”
Chul nodded, immediately complying while his hands played with the cup in his hands. “Right, sorry. Maybe I’ve heard wrong. You’d be too young to date a police officer anyway.” He took note of your sudden unreadable expression and when you didn’t reply, he added: “Then I don’t see a problem why you can’t take care of the matters! Since you don’t have a boyfriend at the station.”
You sucked your lips in, mulling over his words. It wouldn’t hurt if you’d ask for favors from Yuyeon or Sehun, right? They could call in with your name and that way you wouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of accidentally talking to Byun Baekhyun. Either way, it was hard to win an exclusive chat with the big captain himself, so eventually, you didn’t see that much of a problem with it. And, it was a must that nobody could find out about any kind of connection with him. People would know you were underaged or could think you were too easy and had a beneficial relationship with him. That could totally ruin your image — because you didn’t care about his for sure!
“Okay,” you agreed with a timid nod, avoiding Chul’s eyes. “I’ll do it.” Managing to fake a strained smile you finally looked up to catch him studying you.
“If it makes you uncomfortable—“
“No, it’s absolutely fine,” you chirped in and threw the remaining cocktail into your mouth. If you pretended it was hard alcohol maybe you could slowly start swimming in nothingness and forget about him.
It was unfair that he’d been chasing you in your dream. It felt so real. Even the kissing was so believable it made chills run down your spine. “I’m gonna order another one,” you decided, already standing up. “I need it.”
Chul nodded slowly, hesitantly, and shook his head when you asked him whether he wanted another one.
Walking over to the busy bar, you caught the waiter and ordered yourself another cocktail when a tall figure appeared next to you.
“Is this your fourth already?” He asked nonchalantly, looking around. He was one head taller than you so it wasn’t like you were obscuring his view. “Jez, woman, when was the last time you took a shower?”
Rolling your eyes, you waved your hand to finally bring his attention to you. “You don't even pay attention to me but dare to comment on my hygiene.” You clicked your tongue disappointedly. “I’m right here, Sehun, and no it isn’t my fourth. But I’m getting there,” you rumbled and tapped your fingers impatiently on the worn-down surface of the wooden bar table.
“Why are you here with Chul?”
“Cause you didn’t ask me to hang out,” you pouted and innocently blinked a few times.
Sehun elbowed you gently. “I was meeting someone else today. And anyways, you’ve been always busy during a weekday - you don’t have work tonight, right?”
Making a grimace at the mention of your work, you turned back to the barista, watching him mix your cocktail. “No, tonight I’m free. And I had my first training, Sehun. I will die if I have to continue preparing for that damn race,” you whined, turning abruptly to him.
“I’ll help you with the training. I promise I’m more fun than coach Lim! I hear he is rather hot-headed,” he said with a glint in his eyes. “You know I won’t scold you.”
You frowned like a kid. “Run the race for me then.”
Sehun sighed and when the barista brought you your cocktail he quickly ordered two whiskeys.
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline. “You’re going hard tonight.” Immediately you took a sip of your drink and felt an instant relief. While still playing with the straw, you looked up at your friend. “Who’re you here with anyway?”
Sehun gave you a look. “Uh, just a friend.” He shrugged. He was thankful for the crowded bar tonight. “We are just catching up.”
“Great!” You smiled brightly and put your cocktail down. “Do I know him? Or her?” you winked.
“Eh—“ Sehun hesitated and his eyes fell on someone behind you, following the person with his eyes for a moment. He then quickly took your cocktail and pushed it into your hand. “Nari, you shouldn’t have Chul wait for you. I’ll see you at school.”
You pouted, frowning. “Yah, are you trying to get rid of me?!”
“No, I'm really not but just go. I’m doing you a favor here.”
You were about to scoff and retort to him something ugly for daring to kick you out like that, when another figure appeared next to Sehun. “I have an urgent phone call. I’ll be back soon, Sehun.”
You stared at Byun Baekhyun with your mouth hanging slightly open. His hair was pushed from his forehead, leaving space to admire his handsome features and the wrinkle-free forehead. His jawline was sharp and you zoomed in on those lips and the way they showed his lower teeth whenever he opened his mouth. He was absolutely breath-taking and he kissed you last night in your dream. He arrested you, too.
Baekhyun finally looked at the person Sehun had been chatting with, intending to acknowledge their presence but maybe he shouldn’t have. Having Lee Nari staring at him that way still pulled on his insides.
It was exactly three seconds and you sensed Sehun nodding to himself awkwardly, obviously thinking well, I told you to leave, but he didn't have to speak indirectly no more. You dashed. You literally dashed along with your cocktail, not bothering about spilling it all over yourself in the process, not bothering to say bye to Sehun, let alone acknowledging Baekhyun's presence. You swore you wouldn't do it. So you didn't.
Your heart was wild and scarily loud as you hastily approached Chul and slid down into your chair, bringing breeze along with you. He locked his phone he’d been playing with while you were away but when he saw your disheveled state, he blurted: “Nari? What happened? Are you okay?”
You were staring at him, desperately trying not to look where Sehun and Baekhyun were.
“It’s fine.”
“Did someone try to do something?” He looked back over his shoulder and he directly spotted Sehun and he must have seen Baekhyun, too. They had their heads connected now, an intense talk going on. “Hey, that’s Oh Sehun with someone.”
“Yeah, I chatted with him for a moment. Anyway, I’m here now. Let’s continue the talk.”
Chul took a moment longer before he finally turned around and faced you. He caught you gulping down half of the cocktail and sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I am.” Your eyes wandered on their own accord and you caught eyes with Baekhyun as he was leaving the bar. He was carefully making his way through the crowd, his phone in his hands, most probably tending to that urgent phone call he mentioned. He must have still been a workaholic.
To your utter horror, he wasn’t a coward. You should have known better than to follow him with your stare, for Baekhyun kept his look on you, observing you expressionlessly until he couldn’t do so anymore and until he was out of the bar.
He would hunt you all the time.
And you, as mature and as confident you acted a year ago when you told him there might be a chance of you two starting over again, you realized you probably matured backwards during that time. Anger, hatred, passion - they were all burning up inside of you and all the unwanted memories came flooding back.
Biting down hard on your lip, you willed away the tears. Lee Nari was not someone who would cry just over anyone and she wouldn't get fooled twice.
It was just the realization that you would never be able to build your bridges up with him again that made you want to weep. Even though you wanted to, you found it almost impossible in that moment.
A/N: Whew. I had a little bit of a rough time with this one because it is so slow-paced and already a little complex (in my head). What did you think? I got you fooled there in the beginning heheh It was just a dream in case you are still not sure! Though you never know with Captain Bucheon, hm?
Please let me know your thoughts!! :) 
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98shawns · 4 years
trusting you; trusting me. (t.c.)
dating in the workplace may be tough, but your new hopeless romantic of an assistant makes it worthwhile. 
(coworker au, boss x assistant au)
chapters: one, two
words: 2500
warnings: mentions of nsfw (none in this chapter unfortunately, but def in the next !!)
a/n: long time no post !! i wrote this such a long time ago and it’s collecting dust so i might as well post without worrying too much about how it will do, right? lol, hopefully i can get to writing more !!
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Keeping a poker face is easy until the new employee transferring into your department was the guy you’d just spent the night with.
You keep your expression contained as you make a beeline towards your office. This wasn’t the plan. The plan was for you to let off some steam with some good looking guy at the bar and then leave without a trace the morning after. He was nice. Style, charisma, and a boyish charm all wrapped in one handsome package. Just your type. 
And you believe that you’d caught his fancy as well. He slipped his number written down on a napkin that sat wedged into your car’s sun blocker. (You’ve been pondering on whether or not you should shoot him a message all morning).
But as much as you enjoyed his company, he wasn’t supposed to be following you around.
‘I’m going crazy,’ You’re quick to frantically grab the file placed on your desk earlier this morning. Surely enough, Timothée Chalamet would be starting as your new assistant.
“Fancy seeing you here,” is how Timothée greets you when you let him into your office. You bite your cheek as you frown at his words.
“Stop addressing me so casually. I’m your superior.” You lean back in your chair and offer Timothée a seat in front of your desk. His lips press into a straight line as he responds with a curt nod before eventually sitting down in front of you.
The atmosphere was heavy but you find yourself feeling somewhat relieved upon seeing the uneasiness in Timothée’s expression. It seemed like he wasn’t expecting an early reunion either.
“Let me get straight to the point,” you start, leaning forward and clasping your hands together as you rest your elbows on your desk. You see Timothée’s body visibly tense up.
“We’ll be spending a lot of time together from here on out. In regards to what happened last night, we can’t let it affect our practice here. While we’re in this building, we’re coworkers first. Got it?” Timothée nods in a silent agreement, and you try your best to not drown in how uncomfortable you had to make the situation for the both of you. It was protocol for situations like these, but you hated the thought of being professional to the man who sweet-talked you for the duration of all of last night. 
“That’s all. I know it’s a lot for your first day, but try your best. Most of our coworkers are all great people so hopefully they can help you adjust. If you need anything, just ask.” You end the conversation with a send-off you once read in a self-help book about excelling in management. It was just a standard between a manager and a worker; hopefully a standard the both of you will be able to upkeep.
You eventually stand up and extend your hand to give your new assistant a handshake. He stands with you and clasps your hand firmly.
‘He has a good handshake…’ You think about how odd it was that you held this very hand last night. It was cold and fragile yet still big and protective when he held you. He had long fingers and surprisingly soft skin; his hands were noticeably beautiful. You told him so as you dozed off in the wee hours of the morning.
Your touch lingers a few seconds longer than it should before you let go.
“Thank you.” Timothée breathes a sigh of relief as he bids you farewell and you let yourself fall back into your chair after he closed the door behind him.
You were always the last to leave, especially on a weekend. Even a few years ago when you were stationed at the cubicle in the back of the office, one row of fluorescent lights would stay illuminating your space.
You were a hard worker with big plans. Everyone in your relatively new branch was around your age so you were well liked, admired, respected, or at least acknowledged by your coworkers by the time you eventually got promoted to a managerial position. The youngest manager in the company. You deserved it, and you would make sure that you’d aim higher. Nothing would come between you and your performance.
Well, maybe nothing but the new assistant you accidentally slept with a week ago.
“Can I talk to you?” You jump at the sound of Timothée’s voice. He looked up at you as he sat on the couch outside your office with his suit jacket slung over his shoulder and his briefcase resting beside him. Your hands grasp the door frame as you check the clock on your office wall. He’d been waiting for the last two hours for you to come out.
“Of course! You could have just knocked at 5:00–“
“It... isn’t about work.”
By the time you turned back to him he’d stood up. He fidgeted with his hands, putting them halfway into his pockets before eventually folding them in front of his body. You think of all the possibilities that would play out if you said yes and you consider telling him to wait until Monday when you’d see each other at work again. In a professional setting. You knew along the lines of what he was about to ask, and now wasn’t the time to get caught up in your emotions. Not when you’d only been promoted two years ago. 
But for some reason, something pulls at your heartstrings as you observe Timothée’s demeanour. He seemed so… innocent as he tried his best to be patient while he waited for a response.
You sigh and step outside your office, closing the door behind you. You stood still for a moment before caving.
“Have you eaten yet?”
When his face lights up, you realize that your new assistant may have you wrapped around his little finger. 
You don’t know why you chose to come to Denny’s to have this conversation with Timothée, but it somehow felt right. Eating mediocre breakfast foods drowned in maple syrup helped to mask the fact that the two of you being together like this was, well, wrong.
“Are you adjusting well?” You break the silence. Well, silence other than the sounds of forks and knives clanking against each other. Timothée swallows a ball of nervousness down with his chocolate chip pancakes and nods.
“You’re right, everyone at our branch is really nice.” He smiles politely and it makes you feel uncomfortable. He seemed so free spirited when you first met him, but that was when you were just a person at a bar. Not his boss.
“That’s good.” You smile back. It’s not like you weren’t guilty either; he wasn’t just a charming boy approaching you with a cheesy one liner anymore. He was your employee.The two of you sit in each other’s silence for a moment longer.
“Thanks again,” He starts. Your eyes avert to his. 
“For what?”
“You’re not treating me any differently even though it must have been hard to stay professional for a whole week. You even let me keep my job.” 
“You thought I was going to fire you?” You ask, somewhat in disbelief. The more you think about it, firing him would make sense if you were heartless. He nods casually. “I was 100% positive when you called me into your office Monday morning.”
You try not to express your concern towards Timothée’s confession. It wasn’t your fault you accidentally slept with your new assistant but it obviously wasn’t his either. As long as you stayed professional during work hours, what was the problem? It’s not like he wouldn’t be able to redirect your calls or organize your schedule. The last thing you’d want was for him to feel uncomfortable towards you; he was your employee after all.
Yeah… your employee.
You wonder if that’s why you take the extra liberty of comforting him, and before you know it words of consolation becomes friendly conversation. It’s alright if you spend the next two or three hours chatting about nothing and everything at the same time … you weren’t at work, after all. There was no need to be so stiff around each other.
“We should get going,” You check the time: 11:30 p.m. You should have wrapped this up hours ago. You don’t notice Timothée’s smidgen of a smile as he watches you gather your belongings. He eventually stands up to grab your trench coat off the coat hanger beside your booth. You scoff as he holds it up for you, eventually helping you slip into it before he shrugs on his own jacket. 
“Together?” The monotonous waitress, who’d been taking care of you since you entered, punched a few buttons on the cash register. You noticed that she’d let her hair down and put on a sweater as you walk up to the counter to pay for your meal. She must be getting ready to go home as well.
“Yes, please.” Timothée cuts you off by giving his card to the waitress, effectively stopping you from rummaging through your purse.
“What are you doing?” You whisper, watching Timothée’s face as he punches his card combination into the machine. He only smiles when he hears the beep of an approved transaction, and thanks the waitress before finally turning towards you.
“You paid last time.” He shrugs. You feel your heart flutter as he reminded you of the weekend you spent with him.
‘Oh no,’ You think, following him out into the parking lot and back to your car. This wasn’t going to lead to where you thought it was going to, would it…? He joined you for dinner, he listened to your mindless conversation, he helped you with your jacket, he paid for your food…
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
“Timothée,” As the two of you walked out onto the parking lot, he’d just opened the car door when you called his name. He stares up at you with a grin, his hand still resting on top of the car door. You swallow your nervousness. “what did you really want to talk about?”
The subtlety of Timothée’s faltering grin is hard to catch. He was well aware of it too, how tonight didn’t feel like a simple get together between two professionals… actually, it felt quite the opposite. Almost like a date. 
“I like you.” He says, completely serious. You bite your cheek. “A lot.”
“We’re coworkers.”
“Can we not be more than just coworkers?”
You frown at his question. Maybe it was because he was young, but Timothée’s aggressiveness and passion makes your heart squeeze in your chest. You wanted to ask that question too, why couldn’t you be anything more?
“I’ve only known you for a week. I see you every weekday because I’m your boss. It’d be too much for us,” You start, finally stepping into your car and slamming the door shut. Timothée follows, and you keep on chewing at your cheek. You shouldn’t be so defensive; you had to stay professional. “at least not while we’re so young.”
“But we’ve got our whole life ahead of us, shouldn’t we at least try? We’re at the age where we can’t just waste our chances while they’re running out.” You let out a scoff at his words as you start the car, but you don’t say anything in response. You didn’t want him to know that his words resonated deeper within you that they should have. 
You start the drive to his house in silence, and Timothée sighs as he lets his back collide with the seat of your car in frustration. Your relationship as coworkers was not coming to a very good start, but you suppose that it had to start somewhere. Plus if he was looking for a relationship with someone, there were plenty of great looking people at the office. He’d get over it and so would you.
“We’re here.” You say, pulling in the parking lot next to Timothée’s apartment building. Timothée turns to you one last time, and with a sigh, unbuckles his seatbelt.
“Thank you for the ride.” You nod and keep your eyes glued to your steering wheel, waiting for him to leave. You don’t see his gaze avert to your eyes, then to your lips. Timothée opens his mouth but says nothing, only pressing his lips together as he opens your car door to step out onto the pavement beneath you.
You feel yourself sigh in relief when he shuts the door. Don’t look back, you tell yourself. You wouldn’t be able to control yourself if you did. Instead you fiddle with your sun blocker to distract yourself.
Thoughts of Timothée swirled through your mind, especially what he had said before you drove him home. Don’t waste chances while they run out.
You let out a halfhearted scoff. You could only wish to think like that. To be impulsive and take chances as they arise but you can’t. Sure you were jealous, but you’ve got too much on the line… too much to risk.
You lower your sun blocker and notice a forgotten napkin slip out and onto your lap. Timothée’s number from last week. You frown.
You were just a coward.
Fuck it. 
“Timothée, wait!” You call, practically jumping out of your car before running towards your assistant. You get as far as the front entrance before you see that he’d already gone inside and stepped into the elevator.
He only notices you behind the glass doors when he turns and looks up, just as the elevator doors begin to close.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, just after he stops the elevator from closing with his arm and runs towards you. He opens the door for you and you slowly walk inside, panting from your run over.
“I have to tell you something,” Timothée nods expectedly, and you rub the back of your neck.
“I really don’t think it’ll work out.” You start, watching the hopefulness in Timothée’s eyes die out. Just a bit. 
“I barely know you– I liked you from when we slept together but that’s it. I was wondering where we were going to go afterwards as well, but when I saw you at the office last week, I thought I had my answer.” You step closer to him.
“But now I’m wondering… I really don’t know anymore. Maybe this isn’t going anywhere– I can’t be so sure. But when I’m looking back at the past seventy years, what’s the first week, really?” Timothée’s lips part as you look into his eyes, and you feel a warmth rising up to your cheeks. “Wanna go out?”
The corners of Timothée’s lips immediately upturn at the sound of your words, and his hand shoots up to his mouth to cover his smile. Though, you end up seeing it anyways as it travels to his eyes.
“If you’ll have me.”
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bitchiha · 4 years
Incompetence (Sasuke Uchiha x Maid!Reader, NSFW)
A/N: Okay so uhm... Hi nobody fucking asked for this, but I was talking to a friend about this shitty dating sim game we used to play in computer lab in elementary school where you were a maid and like you fell for this super rich spoiled guy that you worked for and it got me thinking about writing something maid related and obviously I am hoe so like it turned into this. 
Summary: Sasuke’s a mean employer with a hardworking maid who is eager to please him, in more ways than you may think...
Warnings: did i srsly write about a maid licking Sasukes shoes? yes and this is your warning. NSFW. Uhm like bullying? maids r jealous lol, Sasuke being a perv, obsessive reader (yandere tendencies?), degradation, also mentions of voyeurism?? also long lol like ik i say that everytime, but this one acc is i got carried away.
You rush through the large hallways of the Uchiha mansion, the ringing of a bell echoing as you make your way through the twisting passageways. There were so many rooms, way too many, most of them were empty and only good for collecting dust. It made you wonder why they kept all the maids in such tight quarters when there were so many rooms just begging to be used—
Ring, ring, ring.
The bell cut through your thoughts and you began to quicken your pace. It was dead silent, save for the ringing of the bell (he never called for you verbally) and the pattering of your footsteps in time to the clinking of the silver trays contents in your hands. The ringing slowly begins to get louder as you move closer to the youngest Uchihas room. Trying your hardest not to disturb the contents atop the tray, you attempt to slow down, but as if your master somehow knew you had slowed your pace, the bell began to ring more frantically.
Finally after what felt like hours, you arrive in front of your Masters study, expertly shifting the trays contents onto one hand and opening the door with the other.
Sasuke immediately speaks, not even bothering to wait for you to walk through the threshold. “You’re late.”
It was difficult to breathe under your corseted maids dress - yet alone muster a response as you stared at him. He made no point to be discrete as he eyed at your heaving chest, breasts on display as they peaked out from the lace adorned neckline. Your older outfit had fit you much better and was much more modest; having buttons sealing fabric all the way up your neck, but Sasuke insisted that you needed a new when he assigned you to your new position... one with some modifications.
He had said that it was because the old skirt was too long and you couldn’t possibly do your work in it. Not to mention how your collar looked so tight it seemed as if you were choking. At the time you hadn’t bothered arguing against it, he was your employer after all, but there was obvious flaws to his explanation. For one; your skirt had only been slightly above your knees, the same length as all the other maids and secondly, you weren’t being choked by your collared shirt, it actually fit you quite comfortably.
You realize now though, with this new skirt that barely covered your ass that he had done it more for his own sake. It was embarrassing to be around your colleagues in this new outfit and you begged Sasuke to reconsider, but he wouldn’t budge. That’s why you had begun trying to avoid the other maids, entering the kitchens when you were sure most of them were gone.
Many of them had become more than a little bit jealous of your closeness to the handsome Uchiha and a few of the girls had even went as far as to call you dirty names behind your back. From what you overheard almost everyone of the staff members was referring to you as Sasukes pet, some members adding the word slutty in there too. You wanted to scream and tell them that it wasn’t true, but you preferred ignoring them instead.
That’s why you were so late in bringing him his food today, you were trying to avoid the petty insults from any staff members nearby. Sasuke seemed as though he didn’t care about your workplace troubles, though as leaned back in his comfortable office chair; enjoying your flustered face as his eyes now began to rake over your thighs, the lace garters of your stockings peaking out teasingly from the frills of the skirt.
“I-I’m sorry!” You finally managed to spit out, bowing forwards while still standing at the frame of the door, items on the tray protesting as you surged forward.
“Tch, you’re going to spill something like that and you know what you’re supposed to address me as little maid, where’s your respect for your master?” The master was spat out in such a taunting tone that you didn’t even have to look up to know he was smirking to himself. He had a nice nice view of your tits from behind his desk and it was an even better one when you bent forward like that, too flustered to notice the indecency. And to think you were such a modest girl...
“I... My apologies, master!” You corrected yourself and straightened up.
Entering the room, you began to move towards where the young man was sitting behind his lavish desk his gaze set intensely upon you. It felt like you were some little peasant girl, walking up to the prince in all his glory as he lounged atop of the throne, scowling at the meek sacrifice you had held in your hands... He always made you feel so small and the walk to his desk feeling like an eternity. You bend forward as you finally reach his desk, placing the tray atop the surface. He snarled displeased.
“Don’t place it over my desk, you incompetent little thing. Bring it around and put it right in front of me.”
You were too stung by his insult to remark that he always instructed you to put the tray over his desk like that. Incompetent little thing... You weren’t even that much younger than him, Sasuke was twenty; just two years older than yourself and incompetent you most certainly were not. You were always doing anything and everything he asked, everyone of Sasukes previous maids had barely lasted a few days before being fired, so far you’ve lasted a few weeks. Besides, all the other Uchihas thought highly of you and considered you a hard worker, the other staff had agreed at one point as well. That’s why - or at least that’s why you used to think - Sasuke had demanded his parents to make you his own personal maid.
But now his intentions had begun to seem foggy to you. Not that you necessarily minded that his intentions were blurred. You’d always had a little bit of an infatuation with him. Ever since you started working here you had clung to Sasuke like a moth to a light bulb. Always yearning to please him, even if his actions were always more than a little bit cold toward you, maybe even a little bit strange too. So if the blurred lines allowed you some room to fantasize you couldn’t really complain.
“...Sorry, master.” You managed to say as you moved the tray upwards again. Mind still racing with your own thoughts, you felt the heat creeping up your face as you walking around the desk.
Pushing his chair backwards he silently signalled for you to stand infront of him. Your heart began to beat rapidly and you felt yourself gulp harshly. His body was so close to your own... Once you managed to make your way between his legs and the chair, which was pulled out just enough to allow you through, you once again bent forward to put down the tray. He was silent as you did so, allowing you to prepare the food ontop of it. Gradually you had begun to focus back on the task infront of you, oblivious to his hand trailing up your thigh, busying yourself with pouring his tea.
“Huh. What a naughty girl you are, bending over and showing your master your panties like this...” His long fingers hooked themselves between one of your garters and pulled at the material, releasing it to let the band slap harshly against your thigh.
You squeaked in surprise, a stinging sensation dancing along your flesh. Oh no. You began to twist around hurriedly, you forgot about how short the skirt was. You hope he won’t fire you for the indecency. “Master, I’m so sorry-“
Your hand made contact with something cold atop the tray as you turned, a loud clank resounded in the room as the object made contact with the floor. With horror you looked down to see the small jug of milk, which you had brought for the tea had spilt all over the marble floor and onto Sasukes shoes too. Knowing better than to speak after such a mistake like this, you just stood there with your hands covering your mouth in shock. His shoes. Oh god. They must be more expensive than your salary. Oh god. Will he make you pay for them? You won’t be able to. Oh god-
“Well are you going to clean this up or just stare like a shocked little bitch?” He spat, shifting in his chair as he saw the tears pricking your eyes. Although you wished his words would have been something a little less mean, you were still glad for some sort of instruction on what you should do. You also couldn’t ignore the heat pooling in your core at his words.
“Right, I’m so sorry, I...” you clambered to your knees, which was difficult because Sasuke refused fo move his chair out any further, forcing you to bend at weird angles to finally get onto the floor. You were stretched forward on all fours infront of his shoes, your ass sitting on the back of your calves and your eyes blurring. Your body was as low to the floor as possible; as if you could sink through the floor and escape the embarrassment you were feeling right now. Then when you were finally in a somewhat comfortable position you reached for the cloth which you always kept in your tiny aprons pocket, but Sasukes voice stilled you.
“Don’t. I want you to clean it up with your tongue, that’s what incompetent little maids deserve.”
You stared at up at him dumbfounded. Sure Sasuke pushed you around a lot, but he never made you do anything like this before. But behind his anger you could see the glint of mischief in his eyes. Was this a test? Was he seeing how far you’d go for him? You didn’t want to pay for his shoes out of your own pocket, but more importantly you didn’t want him to replace you-
The thought of him replacing you made your tongue decisively slip out of your mouth. Without a second thought you swooped your head downward and began to lick the drops of milk off of his shoe. You had to hold back the gag building up within you as you felt the leathery material against your tongue mixing with the salt of the stray tears in your eyes. You didn’t want to disappoint him and you hoped he wasn’t too angry with you. You could do better, you could do so much better for him. You watched his face twist into satisfaction and your heart lurched with glee in your chest.
His look giving you a nice boost of confidence, allowing you to easily move onto the other shoe, swallowing down your urge to gag. Once you had successfully managed to lick everything off you bent even lower, head moving to the floor, but the tip of sasukes shoe caught your chin; forcing you to look back up at him.
“You can use the cloth for the floor. Gosh, I knew you were eager to please me, but I didn’t think you’d go that far.” His tone was degrading yet there was some satisfaction in the mix, even a little shock. It made your face burn as you retrieved the cloth, wiping up the rest of the mess, cleaning your mouth with the back of your hand.
Statsified with how clean the floor was, you grabbed the now empty jug and attempted to stand upright; struggling slightly considering how little space Sasuke had given you. You only managed to get to your knees before he grew impatient, grabbing you by your underarms and hoisting you to your feet like a rag doll. When he touched you, you felt your skin erupt into goosebumps and it felt as if a whole flock of birds were shooting around in your stomach. His hands were so soft and warm... One of them came to pat your cheek before retracting to pat his lap. Confused at what he meant, you just stood in front of him.
“Tch, Come on now... I didn’t think you were that stupid.”
When you still didn’t respond his hands snaked around your thighs, lifting one so that it was seated on one side of his legs. Losing your balance at this sudden action, you braced your arms against the top of the office chairs back; allowing him to lift your other thigh easily. This time he pretended to ignore the clambering of the jug falling to the floor again. Your legs were sprawled out on his lap. You were sitting on your masters lap! Oh, you were sitting on your masters lap!.. You were sitting on Sasuke Uchihas lap! The boy who you’ve been head over heels for since you first laid eyes on him. Your face felt as if it were on fire and you let out a needy whimper, making Sasuke laugh. 
“Do you want to make your master feel good, y/n?” You nodded your head and he snickered at your eagerness, his face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath fanning over your lips.
Make him feel good? Yes, yes, yes. you’ll do whatever he asked. “Yes sir! I’ll... I’ll wash your floors twice a day now and I’ll.. I’ll wash your sheets every day, anything! Anything for you, I’ll prove to you that I’m not incompetent. Anything, anything to make you feel good—“
Gosh. You really were stupid, did you not get what he meant? Nonetheless, your unwavering devotion was really turning him on and he didn’t know how much longer he could wait to slip his dick into you... he interrupted your ramble by bringing his hands down to grip your waist, bringing your hips down to grind directly against something hard. 
You stopped speaking coherently as he continued, the feeling of your cunt against that hardness had your promises to shine his shoes every hour turn into incoherent gasps and babbles. Sasuke continued to bring your hips down against what you realized after a few moments was his hardened cock. Was he really doing this? Oh, it felt so good. 
“Tch, you really are pathetic, getting off so quickly and I’ve barely even done anything to you... besides, aren’t you supposed to be the one making your master feel good?” Before you could blabber out another unintelligible sentence, Sasuke saved your brain the effort. His hands moving off of your hips in exchange for one cupping coming up to cup your jaw and the other resting on the back of your neck, pushing you forwards to let his lips smash onto yours.
The second his lips made contact with yours you moaned into his mouth and Sasuke let out another one of his mocking laughs against your lips. With the hand on your jaw he let his thumb slide down to your chin, pushing down on it so as to have your mouth grant his tongue access. You didn’t put up much of a fight against his muscle, easily letting him win and explore at his own will.
He took his time too, which didn’t help much with your already soaked core or the occasional uncontrollable shaking of your legs against his thighs, but that’s what he wanted. Breathing through his nose he kept violating your mouth with his tongue to the point where you couldn’t help it anymore. You were begging against his mouth, which he refused to remove from your own.
“Master... Sir... Sasuke... please, please, please I beg you please!” Was what you were trying to say against his mouth, but it came out all funny and it made him laugh again. Your face felt hot, your eyes began to get watery again and before you knew it you were grinding your hips onto his erection.
One of Sasukes hands remained at the back of your neck while the other moved to palm at your breast, which made you moan desperately into his mouth again. The fact that your panties had been soaked from the second you stepped into the room and the fact that you were actually touching the boy that you had fantasies about in the maids quarters after dark made your brain short circuit... Everything felt so good, he felt so good. It was like sparks of pleasure were firing in your brain everytime your core stroked over his cock and the feeling of his wet tongue licking up every crevice of your mouth... All that being said, before you really knew what was happening your body was spasming and you were making uncontrollable noises that Sasukes mouth swallowed generously and they became nothing more than little “hmphs” and “mmphs” amidst the creaking of his office chair.
Shortly after you came Sasuke pulled away, drool from both his spit and your own pooled down your chin. You looked as though he had just fucked you silly, when in reality you creamed yourself from him sticking his tongue down your throat gosh, this was gold. “Did you just fucking cum?.. I haven’t even put my dick in you yet.” You turned your head away embarrassedly, but he immediately grabbed your jaw and made you face him again. “You don’t get to be embarrassed after that little show. Your gonna ride me now and let’s hope this time you don’t cum in fifteen seconds.” You felt tears brimming your eyes at his meanness, but the new addition of slick added to your soaked panties hadn’t gone unnoticed. Despite your first orgasm, you already felt the bitter ache between your thighs begin to build up again.
With Sasukes hand still on your jaw, the other gripped the hem of your dress that was covering his view of your ruined underwear, holding the bunched fabric of the skirt to your mouth. “Say, Ah.” He said mockingly, shoving the fabric into your mouth once you opened it, waiting for you to clamp your teeth down on it before resuming his touching. He wanted to leave the dress on while he fucked into your cunt; after all, he’s thought about taking you in it too many times to count.
With the fabric out of his way now, he could see your stomach and your simple pink panties that he knew were completely destroyed now. He took your hands and guided them to his belt, silently instructing you to unbuckle it. You got the hint from there and once that was done you worked at his pants. There was spit pooling in your mouth now from the fabric sitting in it and you tried to swallow some of the saliva down, but it made a weird sucking sound and it just made Sasuke laugh at you for what seemed like the hundredth time, but this laugh seemed to be a bit sweeter; lulling your all too pliable mind into a false sense of security.
He lined himself up with your entrance and you felt your legs begin to shake against his thighs again. You could feel the spit pooling in your mouth again at the fabric and you practically choked with anticipation, but to your disappointment he didn’t make any other move to sheath himself inside you.
“M-master?” You asked confusedly through frills of fabric. Why did he stop? Your legs were shaking too hard that you couldn’t stop them from giving out, forcing your cunt to take all of Sasukes cock at once.
It hurt. He wasn’t too thick, more so he was long and despite his zero effort, his cock had somehow managed to hit all the right places as you slid down onto it. Knowing now that he wasn’t going to help you as he rested his hands on the armrest of his office chair with an impassive look; eyes trained on the spot where his dick met your pussy, you began to desperately roll your hips.
He had to bite back his noise, not wanting to give you any sort of satisfaction from him. You were working his cock good though, it felt as though you had been hit with a new amount of energy as you continued you bounce yourself on his lap. It reminded him of what you would do to yourself at night.
“That’s it, just like that.. just like how you hump your pillow at night.” You stilled your movement at that comment, your heart dropping. He... he knew about that?
“Whadda ya’ look so surprised for? I like to check up on my little maid some times,” you ignored the fact that you only did those nasty things late into the night when all the other nurses were sound asleep and that he came to watch you in the middle of the night. It also clicked that the sound of grunting outside the door wasn’t one of the maids odd snoring in the second room... “humping into your pillow and panting out ‘Sasuke, Sasuke..’ you’re fucking disgusting.” He snickered again, cock twitching inside you at that deer in the headlights look you were giving him, he couldn’t help but give his hips a firm buck, causing you to mewl pathetically.
The shock of pleasure knocked you out of that state of surprise and into another one full of pleasure as you began rolling your hips into him again. Still, another few tears had pooled down your cheeks, Sasuke - to your surprise - bent forward to lick them off your pretty little face.
“You’re disgusting you really are.. and a fucking freak too. I’ve heard what the staffs been saying about you, telling them that we’re gonna get married, you wanna have my kids.. I’ve heard you’re a mean one too. Calling other maids names when they were told to do tasks for me. What did you call them? sluts, playthings... scaring everyone away from the position of my personal maid. You naughty girl...”
Your heart was dropping at everything he was saying. You don’t want him to be mad at you. You were doing it because you wanted him to yourself, that you loved him, you loved him... “I love you Sasuke!! I love you, I love you, I love you, I did it all for us! For you.” You choked out between sobbing fits and gaps for breath as your legs began to shake again.
Your movements became sloppy as you felt that knot in your stomach tighten. Falling against his chest you buried your face into his neck trying to chase your high, Sasukes hands still resting on the arm rest of his chair and hardly making any sounds other than words of degradation. But you didn’t care, the twitching of his cock in your tight pussy was enough to motivate you.
“I’ll make you cum, I’ll make you feel so good. Nobody else can, but me. I love you, I love you-“ Sasuke shut you up by grabbing your hips and slamming them down against his own at a harsh pace. He loved hearing your confessions of undying love for him, but your legs were so shaky they could barely move anymore and he needed a release.
You came as soon as he began to take control, the spasms of your cunt helped make sure he wasn’t far behind. Fucking as deep as he could, the sounds of your shaky voice muttering about how thankful you were for him helped push him over the edge and he came with a small grunt.
For a few minutes after he came, the two of you layed still like that. You thinking about how you could die right now and feel as though your dreams had been fulfilled and Sasuke thinking about how he could do with making your skirt a little bit shorter.
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tuanyiems · 4 years
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
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Yugyeom x Reader (f) fluff x smut words: 3.8k plot: during closing hours, you decide to teach your boyfriend a little bit about self-care, established relationship!au, valentines!au warnings – oral (m receiving), public sex, food play, cum play, super slight degradation, health code violations oops lol a/n – part of Le Chocolatier drabble series, which you can find the masterlist for in my blog. feel free to read this as a one-shot or part of the series, in any order you want <3
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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, your boyfriend, the chocolatier, was busier than ever. He’d go in early to ensure there was enough time and enough batches of decadent desserts to last throughout the day and then he would stay late, concocting new recipes and delicately hand wrapping boxes of chocolates in gold foil and red ribbons.
It was heartwarming, seeing the effort he put into his craft. You just wished it didn’t have to come at the cost of losing your boyfriend every time the holidays came around.
It’s midnight when you feel the other half of your bed sink in and Yugyeom’s sweet scent wafts around you. No matter how many showers he took, Yugyeom always smelled like chocolate. It was a trait you loved about him, nosing at his skin and sneaking inhales whenever you got the chance. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he was made of chocolate.
You roll in your sheets, pout on your lips.
“Sorry, babe, did I wake you?” he whispers, slotting himself beside you, a familiar palm rubbing soothing circles on the small of your back.
You shake your head, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “It just feels like forever since I last saw you.”
“I know,” he lets out a sigh. “I miss you too. Just one more week and things will settle down.”
You frown, at the familiar words. He’s been telling you this almost every night this week. “Do you have to work so hard though?”
He smiles softly and even in the dark, you can tell there’s a glimmer in his eyes. “A little extra effort on my part can be a touch of magic for someone else. If my chocolates can give someone a little courage to speak what’s in their heart, or lift someone’s spirits at the end of a hard night, it’s worth it, don’t you think?”
You press a hand to his cheek, softly. Your pout easily melts into a smile of endearment.
You can tell he really means what he says. You think Yugyeom is magic, himself. He’s a chocolatier before he’s a businessman and he is a sweet and kind soul before anything else.
“Besides,” he adds, planting a kiss to your palm. “You had my peppermint chocolates and fell head over heels for me. I just want to do the same for someone else.”
You roll your eyes. “It wasn’t just the chocolates.”
“But it played a part,” he lifts a cocky brow and it makes you giggle. But it is too late in the night to be unraveling your love for this man. So, you place your heart in the kiss you plant on his lips and hopes it conveys the message.
“Maybe it played a small part,” you finally whisper, head sinking into the warmth of his chest. “But it’s definitely not in the top ten reasons why I fell for you.”
You can feel a soft rumble of his laugh against your ear.
“What’s in the top ten then?”
You respond with a gentle squeeze on his bicep and a quiet, “Go to sleep, Gyeom.”
When Valentine’s Day rolls around, Yugyeom calls your office phone telling you he’s keeping the store open late. You’re not surprised. You were expecting this to happen and you were glad his store was doing so well, but you can’t help feeling disappointed still.
While everyone in your office was talking about their dinner plans for tonight, all you could do was stir your coffee quietly.
“What’s with the long face?” Jackson teases you. “You act like you didn’t receive the biggest gift basket in the office.”
You smile back shyly. This morning Yugyeom had caused a huge ruckus at your workplace when he sent over a giant gift basket filled with roses and your favorite chocolates. You were grateful of course, but you would’ve traded the grand gesture for the man, himself, any day.
“Let me guess,” Jackson continues. “He’s hard at work today too?”
You nod, a small pout on your lips. “Which is to be expected. I wish I could at least be there with him though.”
Last year, Valentine’s Day fell on a weekend, so you were able to spend the whole day at the store with him. He was apologetic about spending your first ever Valentine’s Day like that, but you had had fun. You were surrounded by chocolates and love and Yugyeom. It was a perfect day.
“You still have the night together though,” Jackson sends you a playful wink and you blush, almost spilling your coffee at his teasing.
“B-but, he’s keeping the store open late,” you stutter, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Exactly, he’ll be tired. You should take care of him,” he looks at you with raised eyebrows and a knowing smirk.
“You don’t think…I’ll be a bother?”
Jackson only laughs, making you feel even more embarrassed. “Oh, Y/N, what are we going to do with you? I’ve only met Yugyeom a few times but even I know that boy if whipped for you.”
Your eyes widen and you make a face at your colleague. “I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around. You should’ve seen how I acted when we first met. I was a mess.”
“That’s not how Yugyeom told the story though.”
You shrug, looking genuinely puzzled. “Beats me, I keep telling him to get his eyes checked.”
Jackson laughs, shaking his head. “Trust me on this one, surprise him tonight! He’ll love it!”
You only shake your head, throwing a chocolate bar at him as he walks off. But Jackson’s advice lingers in your mind for the rest of the day.
When the cold February air hits your bare legs it sends a thrill of excitement up your spine. You curl into your winter coat, attempting to walk faster against the winter wind. You had been debating about whether or not to surprise him at the store or at the apartment but when Bambam called you about his own Valentine’s Day plans, you knew Yugyeom was going to be at the store alone.
A part of you was worried, although a part of you is almost always worried. The nervousness lingers in your belly even as you take hold of the door handle. Just as you expect, Yugyeom forgets to lock the door despite it being closing hours. The familiar bell dings as you step in and as you fumble with the locks on the entrance, something else ignites inside of you—excitement.
“Oh, sorry we’re closed!” Yugyeom’s frantic voice greets you.
You turn to him with a smile and when he sees you, his surprise melts into delight.
“You forgot to lock the door again,” you respond, in answer to his questioning eyes.
He let out a tired breath, running his fingers through his hair. “Maybe I was keeping it open for my pretty guest to arrive.”
You grin, walking behind the counter to take him into your arms. “I hope I’m not making her wait too long.”
He chuckles, pressing you to his chest. “She’s right here.”
You smile, pulling away to press a kiss to his lips. “How was work? Did you sell a lot?”
At your question, his eyes sparkle. “We sold out all of our heart boxes and premium chocolates. And just as you suggested, the chocolate dipped strawberries were a hit.”
“Aw, are those sold out too?”
Yugyeom lifts a brow, looking all too proud. “Of course, I saved you a batch!”
“My hero!” You cheer.
“Is that what you came here for?” He feigns a pout. “I’m almost finished here, and then we can go home together.”
“I didn’t come here just for chocolate strawberries—or, I mean…not at all actually.” You licked at your suddenly dry lips and Yugyeom arched his brows.
Of course, he was used to you stumbling over your words. After a year and four months since meeting you, he’s seen plenty of fumbling on your end. However, it’s been a while since your nervousness was directed at him.
He looks at you, a little apprehensive himself. “Is everything okay?”
You swallow, nodding strongly. Finally, you blurt, “It was your eye mole!...Not the chocolates.”
“Huh?” Yugyeom looks at you completely baffled now, but he’s smiling again.
“Last night! You said it was the peppermint chocolates. It was your eye mole. Actually, all your moles,” you ramble, feeling a heat creeping to your cheeks. “I like how they sit across your cheeks like constellations.”
Yugyeom slips his hands into the pockets of his red apron, shoulders relaxing as he looks down at your embarrassed face. “You came all the way here to tell me that?”
“That’s um,” you clear your throat, glancing down at the almost empty glass counter. “That’s reason number ten.”
Yugyeom breaks out into a smile, understanding finally dawning on him. “Top ten reasons why you like me?”
You look at him, a small, shy smile meeting his. “Number nine is when we cook together in the kitchen, and you can reach that stupid top cabinet made for giants.”
Yugyeom throws his head back, laughing.
Your eyes brighten and continuing, you tell him, “The eighth reason is how you eat like a 5-year-old.”
He looks at you fondly, leaning on the counter. “My fries are your fries, baby.”
You smile, taking a step closer so you can reach into his pocket. You pull his hand out, touching his fingers with yours. You look at his fingers for a moment, then down to his feet, and back up again.
“I like that even though your legs go on for days, you still walk at my pace.”
He rubs his thumb against your hand. “Reason six?”
You lift your head, grinning up at him. “Remember when we first started dating and I told you I hated being called baby?”
“Well that was an obvious lie though,” he answers easily.
You chuckle, shaking your head. “I’m glad you called me baby anyways.”
“Because you’re my baby,” he tells you softly, fingers squeezing between yours.
“I love that you can read me like a book,” you whisper, leaning into him. “Even though I was a complete idiot in front of you, still am sometimes, you don’t hold it against me.”
“Never an idiot, only a cutie,” he chuckles, tucking a hair behind your ear.
“The third reason why I love you is because you put your whole heart into what you do.” You eye him with a slight pout. “Even though, sometimes it’s annoying when you’re still here when you should be with me.”
He looks at you apologetically, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“But I love that you’re a romantic and believe in making the world a better place.”
Yugyeom smiles bashfully at you. You think you even see a hint of rose coloring his cheeks.
“You make me want to do the same,” you confess.
You take in a deep breath, nodding slightly as you take a step back. “And, I want to start with you.”
Yugyeom looks at you curiously, but the question gets caught in his throat when your fingers come to the zipper of your winter coat. Underneath is a dusty rose, velvet dress, hanging just above your knees. To the unassuming eye, it is a fairly innocent dress for the holiday.
But you know better. You can see it in the way your boyfriend’s pupils expand, eyes growing dark as he swallows. Yugyeom loves the way this dress hugs your curves, the way he can peek into the valley of your chest when you’re standing right next to him like this. He loves running his fingers across your waist and pulling you into him, loves the way his dick feels when he’s rubbing himself raw against the soft fabric.
So, when you fold your coat and place it on the counter, all the while, batting your eyelashes up at him, you both know just how screwed he is.
You haven’t even touched him yet, but you can tell from the rising of his chest how wound up he is.
“You’ve been working so hard, baby,” you whisper, grabbing softly at the edge of his apron and tugging him towards you. “Let me take care of you.”
You pull him into you, tiptoeing until his lips meet yours. Tentative at first, like he is savoring the soft plush of your lips. When you break into the tiniest of whimpers, it clicks a switch in Yugyeom. Tangling his tongue around yours, you lose track of your thoughts. All you can feel are his hands palming against you, kneading at the velvet covering your breasts. When you push yourself harder into him, you can feel his hardness press into your thigh through the fabric of his apron and jeans.
“Let’s get this off,” you smile up at him, undoing the strings of his apron. He bites his lip, lids heavy. It’s wrong how innocent you look while palming him through his jeans. When you giggle softly and slip his belt out of its loops, it brings a guttural sound from his throat.
You pause, lifting a brow at him.
He whispers you name, pouting. He looks so cute, you almost forget your plans to ruin him. But the twitch of his bulge beneath your palm reminds you otherwise and brings another devious smile to your lips.
“You said you saved some treats for us?”
The hitch in his throat is the only answer you need. When you come back from the kitchen, two bowls of strawberries and melted chocolate in your arms, he almost loses the strength in his legs. You stop in front of him, putting the bowls on the counter.
“Let’s get you more comfortable, huh?” you suggest, slipping your fingers into his jeans.
“Babe,” he sucks in, feeling your cold fingers over his boxers.
You smirk, pressing your lips to his throat. “Shh, let me take care of you.”
“W-we’re in public,” he whispers but you notice that he makes no move to stop your hands from tugging his jeans past his ass.
“I know,” you smile, pressing yourself closer into him. You wrap your fingers around his clothed cock and feel him twitch. “And you like it, don’t you? You nasty boy, you want someone to see us through the windows, don’t you?”
You dip a finger into the bowl of chocolate and wipe it across his lips before slipping it past his mouth. You can feel your own arousal pooling in your panties when his warm tongue wraps around you, lapping at your finger like a hungry puppy.
With your free hand, you tug at his boxers until his cock springs free. You can’t help the moan that escapes you when you wrap your hand around his hot member. The tip is already red and glistening with precum.
“Look at you, Gyeom,” you breathe out and he sucks on your finger harder. “You’re already so hard just thinking about someone walking in on us. Let them see how you make me feel when I’m choking on you.”
“God,” he groans, pulling your hand away to kiss you roughly, sucking on your bottom lip until it stings. He yanks the flimsy straps of your dress off your shoulder and the rosy fabric falls to your waist, showcasing your bare chest, already stiff with arousal.
He kisses down your throat, sucking until purple blossoms across your skin. You moan, too distracted by the excitement of his fingers massaging your nipples to care about the bruises you’ll have to cover up tomorrow. When he leans down to suck at one of your nipples, you both moan in unison—you, from the electric feeling of his tongue on you and him, from the way he rubs his dick into the scrunched fabric at your waist.
Everything is so soft and warm, it makes Yugyeom feel lightheaded. He loves the way you turn into putty in his arms, how soft your boobs feel in his hands, how easily your nipples go hard around his tongue. He loves how your shiver from the way he rubs himself into you, how fucking heavenly this dress feels against his cock. Thinks he could cum just like this.
You’re so worked up too, you almost forget why you came all the way here.
“Gyeom,” you moan, running your fingers through his hair before reluctantly, pushing his head away. He groans in response, rutting against your thigh a final time before looking back at you with lidded eyes. You take a strawberry and hold it up for him to bite into and with the strawberry in his mouth, you sink down to your knees.
“It’s my time for dessert,” you smile up at him, taking the bowl of melted chocolates down with you.
Dipping your fingers into the chocolate, you keep your eyes on Yugyeom as you suck on one of your digits, letting the rest of the chocolate drip down your chin and onto the valley of your breasts.
You chuckle when he moans, running his fingers through your hair.
“Babe, you’re killing me,” he mutters, pushing your head lightly towards him.
You hum, teasingly, pressing another finger into your mouth and moaning at the sweetness on your tongue.
“Please,” he stutters, his cock twitching desperately.
You giggle, looking up at Yugyeom. He looks so wrecked and you haven’t even done anything to him yet. Deciding to spare him, you dip your hand in the chocolate again and hover it above him. You smile in satisfaction, watching as the chocolate drips down the red tip of his cock and down the protruding veins of his cock.
“Fuck,” Yugyeom whispers, eyes dilating when you lick your lips. “Babe.”
Finally, you take him into your mouth, licking tentatively at his tip before pulling away again. His sigh leaves him as a half-whine, half-cry. You hold in your laugh though Yugyeom notices your shit eating grin anyways. But before he can complain, you grab onto his thigh for support and begin lick up the mess you made.
Yugyeom groans when your mouth is back on him, licking him all over like a desperate kitten. He runs his fingers through your hair, eyes glancing up. He had dimmed the lights of the store before you arrived but the streetlamp in front of the store shines through the window regardless. He wonders if anyone can see you behind the glass counter. The bopping of the top of your head leaves little to the imagination.
He smiles down at you when you moan around his cock, tongue running a stripe up chocolate-covered veins. How did he get this lucky? Your tongue feels so soft around his dick and the chocolate smeared messily around your lips makes him want to do even dirtier things to you.
“You’re so good, baby,” he says and watches you glow at the compliment.
“You taste delicious,” you whisper, cheeks pink.
Yugyeom thinks you almost look like your shy self again. The thought is quickly wiped from his mind when you dip down, wrapping your small fingers around him eagerly. He almost chokes on his own spit when you lick at the chocolate dripping off his balls before sucking it into your mouth entirely.
“Fuck!” he moans, squeezing his eyes shut as you suck on his balls, massaging him in your mouth as your fingers tease at his tip, rubbing the precum leaking from his slit and smoothing it down his pulsating cock.
You whimper eagerly when he tightens his grip in your hair and pulls you. You let go of his balls with a light pop.
“Enough,” he says darkly, and you feel your own arousal leaking down your thighs. His grip on your scalp is tight but the sting only succeeds in sending another tingle down to your core. He pushes you closer until his dick is slapping you across the cheek.
“Look at you,” he chuckles lowly when the residue of chocolate, saliva, and precum mark both sides of your cheek.
You stick out your tongue in response, catching a fleeting taste of him every time he slaps himself across your cheek.
“Such a pretty little cumslut,” he smirks. “You love me so much?”
“I do,” you whine and despite himself, Yugyeom flushes.
He lets go of your hair before taking a hold of his cock. He lines his tip to your lip. “Then open up, baby.”
You don’t hesitate, sucking all of him in. The saltiness of his precum mixes with the lingering chocolate on your tongue and makes you moan. You love his taste on your tongue, love how he fills your mouth. You take him deeper, eliciting another moan from his lips.
You mouth is so soft and hot around him and the vibration of your moans feels heavenly. When your fingers come up to massage his balls, he almost loses it, rutting himself harder into your mouth.
It takes you by surprise, but you take him in stride, taking in a deep breath of his heady scent and allowing him deeper into your throat.
Yugyeom curses, feeling his thighs tense as you take in all of him. You look so beautiful like this, tears streaming down your dirty cheeks as his cock hits the back of your throat. When you swallow around his cock, he loses it.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so good to me,” he groans, fisting around your hair and thrusting harder into your mouth. “I love you so much!”
You squeeze your eyes shut, hallowing your cheeks. When you squeeze around his thighs, the shaking of his legs fills you with pride.
You almost whine when he pulls out of your mouth.
“Baby,” Yugyeom whines, one hand on the back of your head while the other rubs desperately at his dick. “Baby.”
“Cum on my face,” you answer for him, eyes still teary when you smile up at him before sticking your tongue out.
“Fu-” the swear quickly leaves Yugyeom as a whine as he cums onto your face. The hot, white cum hits your face in two spurts and then another across your chest.
You grin wickedly, licking his tip clean until it is too much for Yugyeom and he pulls away. You giggle wiping at the cum dripping down your cheek and pop it between your lips.
Yugyeom can only sigh, shaking his head in disbelief as he helps you back up to your feet. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
You grin, dipping a strawberry into chocolate and popping it into your mouth. “I know!”
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balladeer-angelo · 4 years
Pretty pretty please☆ 39, with carlos x reader cuz i have an extreme thirst♡♡♡
this turned out so long and I’m so sorry but I just had too much fun with it lol enjoy!
Carlos x Reader
39: “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
He wasn't sure what was going on this week, but he swore you were up to something.
It all started Monday morning, the beginning of a busy work week for both you and Carlos. You were in the kitchen cooking breakfast, pancakes with a warm cream cheese frosting, humming and swaying in your pajama shorts and a tank top while you whisked the batter. He shuffled into the kitchen with a 'good morning' yawn, immediately going for the fresh pot of coffee. You greeted him, pouring some batter into the sizzling pan. He was leaning against the counter, sipping his hot cup of Joe when you turned to ask him if he slept well as he'd been having trouble just keeping his eyes closed most nights. Those tired eyes of his zeroed in on your chest, something white and translucent drizzled across your cleavage. He almost choked.
"You've got- um..." His voice rumbles out from behind the ceramic mug, teetering off as he continued to stare like he had fallen into a trance. You tilt your head, waiting for him to continue. "Your chest. There's... stuff on your-." He points at you and draws in the air with his finger.
You look down and click your tongue. "Ugh, damn it." You whined. "Guess I wasn't paying much attention while I was making the frosting."
You tug down the front of your top just enough to reveal the rest of the sticky mess and, inadvertently, the valley between your breasts. Carlos watches you drag two fingers through one of the many tiny ropes of frosting and place them in your mouth. His cock stirs at the sight and he finds himself completely mesmerized. You pick up as much as you can, casually cleaning off your digits with your tongue like he's not in your company, mumbling to yourself that at least you didn't do a bad job. Carlos wonders if you'd let him rut his cock between your breasts so he could paint your chest and watch you lap all that up as well. Then the two of you would eat the pancakes you'd made right after and he'd give you a lingering kiss and be on his way.
His eyes dart to the tiny clock on Mr. Coffee. He doesn't have time. With a sigh he sets down his cup and lumbers over to you to plant a kiss to your forehead, doing all he can to avoid looking at your chest any longer lest he ends up being late.
"You're not gonna eat?" You pout up at him and he gives an apologetic smile.
"I gotta go in early today. New recruits. 'Lot of ropes to show."
"Fiiine." You groan dramatically, though he knows you're not actually upset. "Don't go too easy on 'em."
He chuckles and gives you one last kiss to the crown of your head. "You got it, boss."
The next day, he had found a pair of your panties, the thin kind with a lot of lace embroidered on it, in the back pocket of his pants. He wasn't even the one to notice them first. One of the new recruits had openly pointed at something pink poking out of his pocket, nosy as to what it was. He tugged it out and immediately crushed it in his hand before shoving it back into his pants upon realizing that it wasn’t a handkerchief. The other men snickered amongst themselves and Carlos roughly cleared his throat. "Alright, alright. Settle down."
He called you as soon as he was on his lunch break.
"Any idea how your panties ended up in my back pocket, babe?"
"Hm? My panties?" You sounded genuinely confused over the soft tapping of your fingers on a keyboard.
"Well, they're not mine. Pink and lace aren't exactly my style."
I was wondering where those went! Must've gotten mixed together during laundry day. I usually wash the intimates separately."
He pulls your underwear back out to look at them. The silky fabric felt soothing against the new callouses sprouting on his palm. He's curious how they might feel wrapped around his rousing cock.
"Guess so..." He mutters to himself.
Your voice cuts through the polluted thoughts filling his mind and he's reminded then by the silent ticking coming from the wall that, once again, he doesn't have the time to find out.
"Is there any chance you could swing by the grocery store after work? We're running low on eggs."
"Sure thing."
By Wednesday, his suspicions were steadily mounting to almost headache-inducing levels. You had stopped by his workplace to go over paperwork with one of the higher-ups, something boring. Carlos was tasked with helping you pull down some files in one of the archive rooms. He watched you squat down in front of one of the shelves to pull out one of the many brown boxes on the bottom, sifting through its contents. Carlos finds that he really likes you in formal wear. A blazer, dress pants, and heels were a good look on you.
"Carlos, can you reach up there and start pulling down the boxes at the top for me?" You pull him out of his thoughts yet again and he carefully walks over to you, shins gently nudging against your back as he reaches up and grabs a box with both hands.
He keeps up this uniform pace; taking boxes from the top shelf and placing them in a pile to your right while you search the pile you've made beside your left. He's not even entirely sure what you're looking for and he figures he should probably ask. But your exclamation catches him by surprise, as does the way that your body is slotted up against him when you suddenly rise to your feet.
"Oh! I think that's the one!" You take his arms and lower them so they're caging either side of your waist, removing the flimsy top to the box he's still holding. Carlos swallows hard, staring at your hands from over your shoulder as you rummage through the files. Your ass is perfectly pressed right into his crotch, warm and soft. It rubs against him in such an unassuming manner as you shift your hip to one side. You're not even leaning any of your weight into him but he can feel every inch of you through his clothes, licking at the sweat on his skin like fire on gasoline.
There's no way you can't feel how hard he's getting. Just as he starts imagining just how fucking hot it would be if you let him fuck you right up against these shelves in this cramped dingy space, if you let him stuff his now aching cock into you from behind while he uses his fingers to keep you quiet, you're tilting your head up to peck his chin and slipping out of his arms before he can even muster up a single word.
"Found it! Thanks a bunch, babe. I'll be back to help you clean up in a sec!"
You trot out of the room with the files you were looking for, leaving him with a box that was slowly beginning to slip out of his clammy palms and a throbbing hard-on. His groans fill the stuffy room, frustrated and grumpy. When you had returned to help him like you said, the boxes that had been disturbed were put back in their place, though precariously and not alphabetically, and Carlos was nowhere to be found.
Thursday was the day he was sure he would combust on the spot. You had the day off while he was scrambling to get out of the door on time, somehow managing to snooze through his alarm once sleep had finally found him. While he was in the bathroom briskly scrubbing his teeth, he catches something out of his peripheral vision in the shower, something pale pink and... thick.
He slides the glass door open and nearly spits up all the foaming toothpaste in his mouth. It's one of your toys, a dildo, your favorite one, suctioned to one of the tiles on the shower wall at a particular height. Upon closer inspection, he notices that it's got a glossy wet look to it that he knows isn't water. It looked as if it had just been used.
He could feel his heartbeat in his groin again as he stared at it with his toothbrush dangling between his lips. When did you use it? This morning? You did wake up before he did, and it's not like he could go and ask you about it since you were already gone to take care of errands. He could text or call you, but... He starts to imagine how you must've looked when you decided to play. Hands pressed against the glass, fogged-up with steam, wriggling your pussy back onto the heavy hanging toy while your moans get drowned out by the rushing water crashing down on your dipping back.
Did you think of him while you were fucking yourself? Did you imagine it was his cock instead? Were you breathing his name into the glass so he wouldn't hear you? If you needed to get off so bad, you should've just asked him to take care of you! He would even lay there and let you use him, use his body, his hot cock to chase your pleasure. Ride him all throughout the early morning haze, coming over and over again around him and letting him fill you up with copious amounts of his cum.
He finished brushing his teeth with yet another painful erection that he couldn't take care of because time just wouldn’t allow it. Thoughts of you naked and writhing beneath him, fervently sucking him off, peering over your shoulder at him with that knowing smirk as his hips slam into the plump flesh of your ass are all that flood his head for the rest of what felt like the longest day of the week for Carlos.
After another tedious and grueling day of work, he was ready to go home and enjoy a nice relaxing weekend with you. Friday could've come sooner but he was too exhausted to complain, too eager to get inside and wash off the sweat and grime of the day. He stumbles through the door and his eyes are scanning the apartment for you almost instantly.
"Babe? You home?" He calls out, toeing off his boots by the door.
"In the bedroom!" Your voice echoes from down the hall, a sound he's quick to follow despite the fatigue setting in his body. When he finds you, the sight is enough to have him quietly groaning to himself, something familiar churning in his lower belly.
"Hey! How was work?" You ask cheerfully, naturally, as if you weren't just laying in bed on your belly reading a magazine, wearing one of his shirts with the sleeves rolled up to your shoulders, and some panties. The very same ones that had found their way into his pocket on Tuesday.
"Fine." He mutters though he isn't sure if you even heard him.
You toss the magazine onto the end table next to the bed and hop up onto your knees to stretch your arms above your head with a soft sound of exertion. His eyes never leave the sight of the sheer rosy fabric framing your ass.
"I just got off a few hours ago. It was such a slow day. But, T.G.I.F., right?"
You slide off the mattress and saunter towards the door, your arm brushing across his and you swear you feel him tense up at such a passing touch. A quiet current flowing through a tightly wound wick that was ready to ignite at the smallest spark.
“I’m gonna take a shower.”
His hand grabs your wrist and holds you in place for the merest of seconds before he whips you around to face him. “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
The look of surprise you give is authentic enough to have him second-guessing himself. Your blinking eyes, tilting head, and questioning hum almost dry up all the grounds for such a snap interrogation.
“I thought that maybe you really weren’t paying attention that morning when you got frosting all over your chest. And maybe you really did get our laundry mixed up cause there’s no way you could’ve slipped your panties into my pants without me knowing. But your little stunt at the office? And leaving your toy out in the bathroom where you knew I would see it? And now this?”
He gestures at his shirt hanging off your body, barely covering the lace culprit he had mentioned. “I’m startin’ to think that these little coincidences aren’t actually so coincidental.”
The look you give him could best be described as cat-like. A cat who rolled her red ball of yarn wherever she went with her tail held high cause she knew a certain someone would inevitably get snagged in her threads. And he was the big cute puppy she had banked on who got all tangled up.
“It took you this long to come to that conclusion, huh?”
The look on his face you would describe as utterly dumbfounded. Whether it was because of your overtly bold confession to his allegations or the fact that you weren’t coyly trying to deny it like he must’ve thought you would, you weren’t really sure.
“It started out as a coincidence that Monday morning, I’ll give you that much. But after I saw how riled up you got because of it -and don’t try to act like you hid it well- I just wanted to see how far I could take this little experiment before you caught on.”
You easily slipped your wrist from his hand, slowly slinking back inch by inch toward the door. “And especially since we were both gonna be too busy and tired through the week to even do anything, I thought it would be fun to keep you all hot and bothered for me until the weekend when we could let loose.”
You pause in the doorway, watching his expression. Heat had flooded his face, all the way to the tips of his ears though his hair did a good job hiding that. He looked like he was still processing all the details, seemingly at a loss for words at the moment. You took the opportunity to pull off his shirt, leaving you completely bare to him sans those damnable panties.
“I really am surprised it took until the end of the week for you to figure me out. And you’re accusing me of being the oblivious one?”
Whatever words he did manage to find come out in a splutter, the flush on his cheeks clouding over. His eyes follow the curve of your spine when you turn your back to him and playfully wiggle your hips.
“C’mon, puppy. You scrub my back and I’ll scrub yours. And maybe I’ll even show you how I used that toy of mine yesterday.”
The look you give him and those tacked on odds is ultimately what propels him forward, scooping you up into his arms and giving your shoulder an impish bite, relishing the taste of your skin and the sounds of your squeals and giggles as he carries you toward the bathroom.
He snarls into your ear, "You’re in for one hell of a weekend, fox."
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