#waah sorry for the went... just wanted to write it out cause i have a hard time responding to asks and messagges.
lilis-palace · 1 year
Hi Lili! I just wanted to say that I love your work!
I also wondered if at some point (I saw you are super busy with your thesis- I wish you all the best for that, BTW!) if you ever thought of doing some functional school and medical items? The vintage wheelchair you made a while back is stunning. It's difficult to play a historical game without old-fashioned school and medical stuff. I'm sure you would do an amazing job of it!
Hi! 😊 I have a school set in progress, but I don't own the Highschool Pack so i couldn't finish it.
The medical stuff is a great idea! It definetly needs some research, but that's the fun part:D
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kazushuu · 5 years
19 and 27 for Kazuaki
19. A memory of someone they don’t see anymore27. A memory of something they’re proud of
…writing again! thank you for sending these! sorry that it took a. a month or two or three.
    “Please sit still, Fluffy…”
    Despite that, I continued to cry. Pressing hands into my scalp I whined, “But you’re hurting me!! You probably pulled half of my hair out noow!!”
    My mother held her breath and looked down at me helplessly. One hand resting lightly on my little head, and the other holding a starry-patterned hairbrush. “I’m sorry… But, I’m almost done.” She tried to reassure me gently, “Your hair was all tangled up because you roll around in bed so much… I need to brush it till you’re nice and silky…!”
    “Ow ow ow…” My voice hitched. At some point when I’d bawl like this, I’d only get more annoyed for no reason. Now, the wetness of my own cheeks made me cry even harder. “W-What if I don’t wanna get brushed…?!”
    “Well, then…” my mom pet my head lightly, I heard a smile in her voice, “Then you won’t be my cute prince, but a scruffy forest troll instead!”
    I crossed my arms and mumbled, pouty. “…What if I wanna be a scruffy forest troll.”
    She chuckled at me and tilted over my shoulder to see my face. “No, you don’t~ You wanna be a prince, I know that! Besides, scruffy forest trolls aren’t allowed to wear their dinosaur pajamas around the house when it’s noon already.”
    “Eeehhh??” I stopped crying and gripped the sleeves of my dinosaur pajamas defensively. “Nooo! I wanna be a prince then!”
    My mom had a somewhat exhausted look in her eyes, but shared my enthusiasm as an 8 year old so genuinely, that I often just thought she’s my friend, and not really authority. She smiled, “You see? Just let me brush your bangs, and we’re done.”
    “…Y-Yeah, okay.” I hiccuped, and turned around. My mom crouched down on one knee and gently, as gently as possible, got the tangles out of my hair. I had my eyes screwed shut so hard that it hurt instead, but before I knew it, she tapped me on the shoulder and sang. “All done!”
    She lifted a finger and curled a lock of my hair around it. When she let go, the longer lock bounced back, now in a curly shape. “Ahh, so sweet! You’re so brave, Kazuaki-kun. Now the little prince can hop around wherever he wants with his dinosaur pajamas.”
    I was so relieved. I gave her a big grin and hugged her, which she returned immediately. “Am I really really brave?” I said while sneakily wiping my face against her blouse. “Really really~ the bravest in the world!”
    She said those things so confidently, celebrated small accomplishments with me. My biggest regret is growing up a coward… And selfishly wishing for her unconditional support once more.
    “And? How’d it go?” Hitori headed towards me with a tinge of curiosity in his eyes. I was stunned, having to blink myself back into reality again. “U-Um. It went okay, I guess?” I cleared my throat, “Well, it went good, but… That was the strangest job interview I ever imagined!”
    Hitori smiled like he totally expected that answer. “Yeah. But what do you think?”
    “Well, apparently… Apparently I got the job.”
    “What! Really!? Immediately?”
   “That’s mildly surprising indeed! Mister Ichijou actually called me back a few hours after my interview to let me know I got it.” Hitori grumbled thoughtfully, “Hm, I feel like employment at a school should be a way more extended process. We’ve only visited the classes once, I mean… But this school is known for its focus on ‘skill and passion’ over procedure, and everything seems legit, so it can’t be that suspicious, eh?”
   Hitori grinned, “Well, congrats, Kazu!”
   But I couldn’t choke a word out of me. He leant in closer, “…You okay?”
   “I-I’m… I’m so shocked, but- but happy.” I bit myself at my own stuttering. I didn’t realize the tears in my eyes until they rolled down my face, “Mister Ichijou was so nice to me. He had this impressed look on his eyes when he saw my- my grades back from prep school and accomplishments. And I mean, I guess he does know me a bit, ‘cause he saw my writing and we talked on that Doors Open Day, but still…
   This is… This is the first time I have a job that I look forward to…”
   Hitori put a hand on my shoulder, and continued to speak with such genuinity that it made me melt. “You are impressive. I’m not much of an artist, but you do put your best into those things and it shows. You should be proud of yourself.” he winked, “I sure am.”
   I tried to wipe the annoying wetness from my face. “Waah Hitori~! D-Do you think I’m actually getting somewhere? I’m so nervous- what if he has a wrong image of me and will be disappointed once my teaching starts?! What if the students will hate me? What if I- Mnmn!”
   Hitori pinched my lips shut with his fingers and sighed, “Don’t worry yourself needlessly. You’re clearly exceptional and good enough if you got accepted into this prestigious academy. And even if you will struggle, you know I’m here with you. I’ll show you around. I’ve been working here for a while.”
   “Mnmm?” I sniffled.
   Hitori let go and gave me a quick kiss instead. “I believe in you.”
   I guess he was right. I tried my best to believe in myself as much as he insisted. It was difficult not to trust someone as honest and kind as Hitori. Any compliment that was said directly by him landed in my heart and never came out. So then I, pulled him into a hug that forced a grunt out of him.
   “Thank you so muuuch… I’m sorry for being a nuisance again… Thank you for the patience…”
   He lightly hugged me back. “But of course. Let’s continue to do our best, you delicate giant.”
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rezilient-m3 · 4 years
I feel like I need to unload. And nobody specifically, really, to do it to. It's Jan 9, past midnight, so the 10th legally lol. Alex went back to work on Sunday, and I started my contract job on Monday.! Idk where to start first. The job? Since that'd be the quickest... I think I like it. I'm in kindergarten, working with a young girl from Ethiopia. Her mom died when she was a baby, and moved to the city from her country only a year ago with her dad and sister. She's a little wild girl, but cute. Lol. Likes to run. My first hour and a half of being on her watch, I chased her from class 3 times, 5 times that day lol. But by the end of the week, I knew what to expect. I know what is expected of me, and I think I'm doing well. I hope anyways. Afternoons of our school days, I'm still in the class, but just help other students who would need me. The other takes over with my morning student. The teacher found it impressive that a little boy drew himself to me. Which is a good thing, because I think I could help him. He barely speaks, so it'll be my job to help me repeat simple things, actions, and crap like that. He's a sweetie, but for the life of me, I can't understand what he says lol. So, the kids I work with, the conversations are limited. Hopefully that changes as the days go by.
As for Alex and I, we're still okay. He didn't totally flip out on his time home with us during break. My daughter, T, had a couple meltdowns while he was home, and he got upset. But it wasn't as drastic as the last time he laid an ultimatum on me. So, that's good. But he's gone again. I miss him. Who knows how long it'll be until he comes home. Until then, we're carrying on with our lives lol.
Counseling sessions has returned, and seem to be getting heavier for the girl's. T's gone twice in a row, on Wed and Fri. The 1st one, Renee, the counselor, seen first hand what a meltdown exactly looks like. It started from talking about her 2 friends in school. One girl told T the other girl was only her friend because she was using her to get Xmas gifts out of her. So, when Renee suggested going straight to the girl and ask her what the other one was talking about, T totally freaked out. And it's not like she uses her words. She cries, then (idk how to exactly explain the noise she makes lol) while crying she waahs lol. Like like a fake cry, but grunts? maybe, and gets louder when we try to talk or suggests what's wrong. But anyways, point is, counselor discovered she does this when she's worried, or scared about something and gets easily frustrated when she doesn't know what to do with something, or how it'd end. She was worried if she confronts any 2 of the girls, they'd stop being friends with her, cuz they've been best friends the longest. Like, before she got here. Then, she wouldn't have any left, cuz she said the other kids don't talk to her and she feels they don't like her. I felt for her. I understand how girl relationships can easily turn for the dramatic. So, I get it. Anyways, drive home I told her maybe the other girl is a little jealous about her friendship with her best friend and might be worried about her being replaced, so could be why she'd try cause something between them. Who knows? ... I felt like I spent so much time on this. Lol. My point is, we know why the meltdowns happen, and we're going to try come up with ways she can deal with the frustration and use her damn words. Cuz it's when that happens, everybody here tends to get upset, including me, and avoid her behaviour. But now, I'll need to learn how to get her her to talk it out and help her to resolve whatever. Making progress. Main point.
Then, we moved on to the morning I went get them. The morning their dad fucked up. The morning T tends to avoid speaking about. She didn't do, or say, anything that could help her. We tried to get her to tell us what exactly she seen. Cuz the big question that started this off was "What's the worst thing, in your whole life, that's ever happened to you?" And she said the thing with daddy and K. So, we went there. Anyways, she'd tell us everything that happened that morning, leading up to her going in that room and seeing what she seen, then go quiet. She would not say what she seen. I'll tell you why in a minute.
Moving on to today's session, T wanted a break. Understandably. So, on my way out the door I told S to come with me, since she was sitting on the couch lol. We get there, we talk about what we spoke about before. And what we spoke about before was what she thought about me not seeing them in those 15 months from Feb '18 to Apr '19. She really thought I didn't want to see her. She thought it was because I didn't want to go. That broke my heart. I didn't fall apart, and my voice broke a little explaining that I had to wait all those months for courts and lawyers and covid to happen. AND I would never not want to see her and her sisters. I explained how hard it was on me not to see, or talk to them. I'm so glad we talked that part through. I think she believes me now. Lol. She just never knew because I couldn't tell her at the time. I couldn't tell her " Mummy is getting a lawyer so I can get my rights back" while their dad was listening to every word spoken. I couldn't tell her "your dad won't let me come get you to visit because his gf doesn't want that to happen". All I could tell them was I miss them and wish I could see them. But she was left wondering, "well why not then?" All that time. That made me sad for her young mind. What confusing things for a kid to ponder about her own mum. But we're resolving things, and hopefully I'm answering the questions she has right and as best I could.
Anyways, she reflected on that today, and said she knew I wanted to see them, but I couldn't until I went to court. So, Renee totally just drove into that morning, again. She asked her to recall that night, and what she had seen when she went into that room with T, when I was waiting outside to get them. She was very hesitant throughout the whole thing, but she always answered. I watched my young 9 year old be the bravest little girl. She told us she went down behind T. The lights were on in the room, daddy was laying on his back, with no pants or underwear, carrying K over him like an airplane, but she was asleep. She told us she seen her dad's privates, but didn't understand what he was doing. She knew it was bad, but she doesn't understand it. (So innocent, but now she'll never forget this). So, Renee asked her what changed in her life since that morning. She said she started to live with mummy and Alex and D. Then, spoke about her life at her dads. I was so sad, sitting there, watching her voice breaking as she told us her and her sisters weren't ever allowed to go upstairs. That T had it the worst because their step-mom would always give her shit and ground her to her room and her and K weren't allowed to talk to her. And there were times they went hungry, and had booboed heads full of bugs And even in all these sad stories, her face would light up talking about her having her sister, K, always by her side. They were always sharing a room, and the broken toys they had no choice to play with being confined to their room. After all the stories, and her eyes welling up with tears, S said she's not sorry for being with us, here. Now she has food, her own bed, her own clothes, her sisters, her brother, Alex, no bugs, glasses... idk what else lol. But she doesn't miss it there. She's happy she doesn't have to deal with her mean step-mom anymore. Omg the things they've all been through. I couldn't imagine being in that family, wondering where the hell is my mum. That's what breaks my heart for them. Almost makes me feel guilty and sorry. But I'm doing my fucken best.
On the drive home, I tell her that I know how uncomfortable it is bringing up these things, but it's to help her figure out the confusing things. It's for all of them to get through this mess, and to be happy little content children. I hope I'm making sense to her when I try talk without Renee around lol. I told her, the bottom line was for them to let go of things, so they can move on properly and in a positive way. Idk.
We get home and I needed my stupid mask to go get something for supper, and S stays home, and T wants to come. I take her. And I brought up what S said she seen. I asked her if she's seen her dad's private parts too, and she says idk. I ask, "are you scared you'll get your daddy in trouble if you tell me what you'd seen?" "Yeah. I don't want him to go jail." And I froze there. I didn't know what to say, cuz idk if he'd get jail time, or what exactly is going to happen when the cops finally find him. (BTW, they haven't yet.) But I think she just had changed the subject and I let her. Because it is a short drive. But now I understand why she was so quiet with the counselor. And now I know what we could work on in our next session. Makes sense now.
But I'd just like to say how proud I am of my girls. That moved me, watching S today. A lot of it broke my heart, but to see how happy they can still be here, that made me feel just so proud of their resiliency. Strong, brave girls. I need to write them letters saying how I feel to them. I need to let them know I am here for every step of the way. Omg, my heart. 😩🤗
But holee shit. We didn't do K yet. We didn't ask her to recall that morning yet. Idk if Renee will even bother. Cuz with her, when asked about that morning, she seemed to be not too much traumatized by it. Maybe in her innocence, she just doesn't comprehend how bad it was, and carried on like, "okay, I know that wasn't okay, but we're with mummy now and life is good now" type of way. Never know. Cuz Renee and I discussed that maybe she's not affected as bad as we thought she would be. K didn't even know what alcohol was lol. She didn't get that that was why daddy and his gf would go out, for sometimes days, and come back fighting, or why that's why they'd be kicked out of her house, or why daddy would be acting weird and cry for mummy sometimes, or fight other ppl. She said she didn't know why he did those things. My poor girl. Maybe her young mind just doesn't get the severity of the situation.? We will see.
I just wanted to share how amazing my girls are. And that these sessions are getting us somewhere. This is helping me so much. It's overwhelming sometimes. But to see them flourish is so worth it. Omg. I just feel so good about it. 🙌
Oh, and tonight, my mum and sister R came over to ply cards with me. They're in the city visiting my sister C, so she's back in the hospital. Only one visitor allowed, so our mum went. She told me tonight she's not doing good. That scares me. She's been allowed one visitor since she got here. It's been days. I'm such an asshole. Using work and my kids as my excuse. Like, I am busy and I feel like I hardly have time for anything after-school, but I know I could have went. Idk why I didn't yet. Maybe 2morrow. Maybe these next few days. Idk. Keep you updated with that too.
I'm tired. It's now 1:41. Wrote for an hour and a half. I think I needed this tho. Sometimes I wonder if I should give someone I'm close to this link to these posts and just have at 'er. Lol. Or maybe I'll leave the link in my will haha. Idk. Maybe nobody needs to know what exactly goes through my mind. Whatever... g'night. ✌
Sorry for any typos. Not going through it rn. I said what I said. Lol.
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uta-no-knb · 8 years
[Song-fic] "Just the Girl" (Haizaki x Reader)
This was another wattpad request for Haizaki. Like I mentioned HERE, Haizaki is one of the characters I’m not so confident in writing. If you have any advice for writing him better, please let me know!
(F/n): First Name (L/N): Last Name Italic: Flashback Italic: Thoughts Bold/Italic: song lyrics, and lyrics used in the story (i.e. letter, a character saying the lyrics, etc); Will have "♪♬" to indicate its part of the song lyrics. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ - Flashback
He didn't know why he was here. He shouldn't be here; yet here he was. Haizaki Shogo, the toughest, "bad boy" of Teiko middle school was sitting beside the bed in the nurse's office. He didn't even like you, yet here he was.
Why did you do this you idiot? he thought, looking at your sleeping face which was covered in bruises and gashes. One of your pranks ended horribly wrong and the victims decided to take it out on you. He thought he would be out of the woods with dealing with people since school was out, but I guess Lady Luck wasn't on his side.
....Hey, at least he didn't run into Nijimura.
More importantly, why did I even bring you here?
He couldn't help but ponder as to what was going on in this situation.
"Fuck, here comes the flashback...."
"What the hell did you say?" you growled, as you held a second year up against a locker. "Say what you said, again."
♪♬She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin'♪♬
"(L/N)," you heard a voice say from behind you.
TUrning around you saw no one other than Haizaki, standing there.
"Hey," you replied, your grip getting tighter on the boy's shirt, as a faint blush appeared on your face. The look faded as one of annoyance took over.
♪♬She pushed me in the pool At our last school reunion ♪♬
"What are you doing?" he asked, looking at her with a confused look.
"None of your business," she growled, as she let the poor guy go. "What do you want?"
He shrugged. "I just saw you about to beat up someone. You know girls, shouldn't fight like that," he said leaning against the wall.
"Says you," she laughed, shoving him out of the way.
♪♬She laughs at my dreams But I dream about her laughter
"But I suggest high-tailing your ass out of here before the teachers come."
"Since when did you care about getting into trouble?!" she asked.
"I'm heading to the arcade; wanna ditch practice?"
"Last one there has to buy the tokens," she chuckled, dashing out of the school.
♪♬Strange as it seems She's the one I'm after♪♬
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~
♪♬'Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else♪♬
He wasn't an idiot. Despite his personality, he was most definitely not an idiot. He could tell how you felt about him. You liked him-no, maybe loved him even. He couldn't help but mentally gag at that thought. There was nothing about you that interested him in that way.
♪♬She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for♪♬
You weren't a mysterious woman afterall. Hell, you weren't even an erotic one, which is the type of women he prefers. There were so many things about you that he couldn't help but list them in his mind. For starters, you couldn't keep a secret for more than an hour and you ran on 100 proof attitude power.
The last one wasn't technically a bad thing, but there were times where your attitude did get in the way of some of his plans. The most evident one being pranks. You were pretty much a female version of him and lets face it, no one wants to date an exact replica of themselves. So he was going to nip this crush thing in the butt.
The day came to an end and the two of you walked towards your house; he may be a dick, but even he knew that if you walked home alone something could happen.
"Did you have fun. Haizaki?" you asked, looking at the taller male with excitement in your eyes.
A simple "mhmm" escaped from his lips, as he kept his gaze forward.
After a few minutes you were finally in front of your house - you didn't exactly live that far from the arcade, so it wasn't a hassle to get back.
"Anyway, thanks for walking me home, Haizaki," you said as you stepped a bit closer to him. Mentally, you were thinking that he would hold your hand-since you guys had a great time (even if you did lose some games.)
"What are doing, idiot?!" he exclaimed, as he noticed you leaning closer towards him"...I just wanted to hold your hand-"
"Just stop." he said, looking at you. "Stop all this shit."
"H-haizaki," you whispered, as you took a step back. "What has gotten into you?"
"I know you like me, (L/N)," he said and he couldn't help but notice your face turn a light shade of pink. "But I don't like you. I never will. You're not even attractive!"
Your heart sank. You really did like him; sure you were hard-headed and you liked to backtalk people but you were still human; you have feelings.
There was silence between you two. The once angry look in his eyes vanished as he saw your eyes widened. He then realized what he had just said.
"Fuck you, Haizaki," you exclaimed breaking the silence, as you walked into your house. "I hate you!"
"Oi, (L/N)!" he exclaimed.
♪♬And the more she ignores me The more I adore her What can I do? I'd do anything for her♪♬
"Oh yea. I said that. Damn I hate flashbacks," he muttered as he got up from the chair that was next to your bed. Walking towards the door, he stopped and looked back over his shoulder briefly before exiting the room.
It was the next day as the silver haired male walked into his classroom. The moment he did, he saw you sitting at your desk, most likely doing homework. He noticed that you had a black eye, but slightly smiled as he saw the cuts healing.
He knew you were most likely still mad at him for what he said two nights ago, but he still decided to check to see if that was the case. You were a different person around him; while your tough girl demeanor didn't vanish, you still opened up a bit to him.
Did he feel bad for what he said? Yea, he will admit that he did feel bad.
He decided to send you a text and he waited until you received it. He saw you look at your phone briefly before turning it off and putting it in your bag.
....Okay, maybe you were still mad.
♪♬And when she sees it's me On her caller ID She won't pick up the phone She'd rather be alone♪♬
As the school day went on, he continued to send you text messages, and like always you were ignoring them. This of course pissed him off.
♪♬But I can't give up just yet Cause every word she's ever said Is still ringin' in my head Still ringin' in my head ♪♬
However, what really pissed him off, were the words you said to him.
"I hate you!"
"Did you have fun?"
"Let's ditch."
"Fuck you!"
♪♬She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin'♪♬
This angered him even more. Why am I such an idiot? The thought then came to him.
...Do I really like her?
He recalled some of their so called "adventures" together. Pulling pranks on other students-especially that blond idiot Kise Ryouta-, ditching classes, annoying the hell out of Nijimura.
He couldn't recall a time where he had that much fun with someone, especially with a girl. The answer was now clear to him.
He liked you.
He couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. "I guess you do know just what to say, so my whole day is ruined."
~~Time Skip to End of Day~~
It was one of those rare days where he actually decided to show up to practice, only to be met with a surprise as he opened the gym doors.
He was seeing you kicking the blond idiot.
"You're a fucking idiot!"
"WAAH! (L/N)-CHII! I DIDN"T MEAN TO!" he exclaimed, "AOMINE-CHII -"
"You almost made me shoot one of my club members," you growled, stomping on his back.
♪♬Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet♪♬
"(L/N), leave him alone," a voice said, causing the female to stop harassing the male.
"Akashi-chii! Nijimura-chii!" he exclaimed, scrambling over towards the captain and vice captain.
"Control your idiot, Nijimura," you said. "He almost injured one of my teammates."
Haizaki could feel his heart pounding. Damn it. I want her.
"What did he do?"
“This dumbass threw the basketball out the door and it hit the head of one of my teammates, causing her to shoot her arrow and almost nailing another teammate in the head.”
“It’s not my fault Aomine-chii didn’t catch it!” 
Before you were about to reply to Kise’s comment, he decided to walk in. "Yo."
"Oi, Haizaki decided to show up," Nijimura said, turning his attention away from the crying blond and switching it to him.
You on the other hand stiffened the moment you both made eye contact. Immedietly, you grabbed your bow and headed out of the gym. "Nijimura-senpai. Please control your monkeys." And with that statement, you vanished.
"(L/N)!" he shouted, running out of the gym, completely ignoring the screaming captain.
You just kept on walking faster.The moment he caught up to you, he grabbed your arm and spun you around. "What the fuck do you want?!"
♪♬She's a mystery She's too much for me♪♬
He was silent, only being able to look into your eyes. His throat tightened, as he tried to find the words he wanted to say.
"Let go Haiz-" Your sentence was cut off as his lips were placed on yours.
♪♬But I keep comin' back for more♪♬
"Stop!" you exclaimed, as you pushed him back. "What the hell has gotten into you?!"
"Look, I'm sorry for what I said," he started as he backed you into the wall, his hands on either side of your face. "I realize that my kind of women are erotic ones, but I now realize that they're not."
"Then what is your type?" you spat at him. "And let go, I have to get back to my club."
♪♬Oh, I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for♪♬
"Someone who likes to pull pranks. Someone who picks fights. Someone who is a lot like me." He paused as he brought his face close to yours again. Before he closed the gap between you, he muttered seven words.
"You're just the girl I'm lookin' for."
Waaaa. Why is Haizaki a pain in the ass to write for? -_-
I’m alive guys! Don’t worry!!! I have other requests in the making! (Thank God I have today and the next three days off!!
Until Next Time!
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