#oh i should get a cookie
seven-winged-liar · 1 month
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Heyyy cause Brian May is vaguely affiliated with Freddie Mercury you should reblog or interact in some way with this post /nf and thanks I love you <3
Random doodles under the cut ⬇️
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hello extremely tiny circle of lemoncino shippers
look at my cookie yaoi boy
i added this prompt simply as an excuse to draw my bois doin a kith
i haven't drawn peperoncino as a human in a long time and never have i posted anything related to "humanized" lemon to the public besides in gacha life 2 edits
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h. lots of headcanons and extra info below the cut because i love these boys. uhh there's also a slightly nsfw hc too but i added a warning
when i was drawing this i was trying to draw lemon's jacket but it turns out the outline color is the same as his hair so i had to invert it to get it correct but i liked the color so i kept it
the reason why peperoncino is in a wheelchair is unfortunately not because of lemon (i wish it was) but because of something too graphic to talk about on this post. long story short is he got torn in half by two pieces of metal in the ocean and survived three more hours before being found by lemon. i have a more in-depth explanation on a different post in the ship tag
apparently one of my hcs for lemon is he's a sentient robot so in the drawing he has a data panel on the back so in his cookie form other cookies could check in on him but because of the whole electricity becoming too dangerous and everyone becomes scared of him thing he was. kinda neglected by the scientists
another hc related to the previous one. orange wated to take a mechanics class once she found out that lemon was a robot because she didn't wanna see him deteriorate but lemon told her he was fine on his own
i would like to talk more about lemon but this isn't about him. boowomp.mp3
so a couple of headcanons about lemon and peperoncino's relationship. uh. so lemon and peperoncino spent a lot of time together in the hospital but during the first couple days peperoncino couldn't speak any comprehensible words because he was so tired but lemon magically knew what he was trying to explain to him and since lemon treated him so nicely and understood him he started to get really comfy around him and then lemon noticed that and started to have feelings for him but repressed them because he would probably just lose him (peperoncino felt the same and he repressed his attraction too)
usually both parties don't like speaking to others or physical touch but they just now reserve it for one another
sorry for headcanon dumping about lemon on a peperoncino post but i prommy this is relevant to the ship. so about orange using lemon to "recharge." how that works is orange just hugs lemon for a prolonged amount of time (which lemon does not like because of the previously stated headcanon) which kinda transfers energy from him to the other cookie which tires lemon out.
so what lemon does is he plugs himself in (there's a special charging port in between his legs where a reproductive organ would usually be) and when he rests he only puts himself on sleep mode (not completely shutting down because the energy transfer system won't work that way) and hugs peperoncino. triple win situation because he doesn't tire himself out while charging his bf and all the while he gets to cuddle with him :D!!!!!!!
(nsfw) uhhh do you think peperoncino ever stuck his fingers into the cha- *gets sent to the backrooms* but yeah. the charging port is really sensitive and it's possible for lemon to be at the stripped club. straight up "jorking it". and by "it"? haha well. lets justr say. his chargign port
tsunku ♂️ forbid lemon finds out peperoncino gets flustered easily because y'all know he's gonna use it to his advantage (spoiler alert: he did in fact find out)
uhhhh those are all of my headcanons for now uhhhhh gets in my clown car and speeds away and drifts and
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the-cookie-of-doom · 10 months
Kim kissed him. 
Kim kissed him.
Kim kissed him. 
Porchay can’t stop thinking about it, that sweet, wonderful kiss in the studio. He can’t stop wanting more. Kim’s lips had been so soft and warm against his cheek—what would they feel like against his own? 
Kim takes him home that night. They pick up dinner on the way. Kim spends the entire drive looking lost, his eyes open and nearly dazed, like he can’t believe what he’s done. Chay can’t quite believe it either. But he can still feel it like a brand against his cheek. 
Kim kissed him. 
They don’t talk about it. 
Chay wants to, desperately—wants to ask if they can do it again—but Kim looks so scared and skittish, Chay’s afraid of chasing him away. So for once he keeps his questions, and his hands, to himself. They have an uneventful dinner. They wash and put away the dishes. They sit together on the couch playing guitar until they settle back into a comfortable familiar rhythm. 
“P’Kim?” Chay finally asks, laying his hand against the vibrating strings to quiet them. 
Kim is making that face he always does when they play. Soft and warm and content. It’s the most relaxed Chay ever sees him. 
He wants to ask Kim to kiss him again, but he doesn’t think Kim would appreciate it. He’s learned by now that Kim communicates through actions, not words. Questions make him nervous. 
So Chay leans in—not far, they’re already almost shoulder to shoulder—and presses his lips to Kim’s. They’re just as soft as he remembers. Kim makes a quiet sound in the back of his throat, and his eyes go wide, and stay wide when Chay pulls back with a bashful little smile a second later. 
“Is that okay?” Chay asks. 
Kim just watches him. Right when anxiety is climbing into Chay’s throat, and he’s thinking he shouldn’t have done it at all, what was he thinking—Kim gives a small nod. Barely tips his chin towards his chest, but it’s enough. 
Porchay lays his guitar aside, on the floor beside the couch. It means he has to lean across Kim, who leans back to give him room, and respectfully keeps his hands to himself. Chay doesn’t. The second he releases the neck of the guitar, he puts his hands on Kim, on his shoulders, and leans in for another kiss. Kim expects it this time. He returns it. 
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anyone else ever have this random fear of being accused of copying other people unintentionally? like
>be me >see another artist post something cool >"ooh funky i had a really similar idea once!" >get inspired to possibly draw something >wait but what if their fans or they themselves notice and think i copied their idea and start drama (;;;*_*) >end up not doing anything
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nyxypoo · 27 days
making cookies, who wants one?
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Ginger and Gingerbread or something, I don't know I didn't grow up with this show
#but the truth is NO ONE GREW UP WITH THIS SHOW!!! I came up with the project!!!#...well I guess that means I did grow up with it lol#anyway#Ginger (right) and Gingerbread (left) is a series about a sister and brother gingerbread cookies that get stuck in Gingerbread land#thanks to -and I'm not joking- a peppermint watch Gingerbread has that can traverse dimensions#It also included their Aunt(?) Cake and their cousins as well as the annoying next-door kid Sugar- I mean Sergeant#(who of course has an incessant crush on Ginger)#(but he does get better I promise)#theres also a human antagonist a cookie version of said antagonist and a “pretty” girl named Pepper who everyone (Ginger) hated#(and likewise Gingerbread had an incessant crush on Pepper but unlike Sergeant it does NOT get better with those two)#(also Pepper is Human Gingerbread Cookie whatever's cousin. So that's fun!)#The cousins were the most generic characters ever but I still love them#They were Cutie (the baby) Hungry (the... self explanatory) Gothy (also self explanatory) Scaredy (need I say more) and Sassy#Sassy was the bratty older teenager with a new boyfriend every week of course.#In the original series Sergeant was adopted by Aunt Cake and he and Sassy had a sibling rivalry#I may just make him an orphan now... lol... but I'll still make the Cake Cousins his found family#why did I not think of the cake cousins as a name sooner#anywho. This show gives me intense 2000s disney channel/CN vibes to me let me know what you think of this 3+ year old idea lol#art#digital art#krita#gingerandgingerbreadseries#gingerbread man#original series#also I gave Gingerbread the hat to improve his silhouette is it dumb or no (/hj)#story idea#original idea#oh I forgot someone! There was a cool girl named Angel(ica) and she was Scaredy's friend who became his girlfriend later in the show#i loved the two#oh hey should I make more of these drawings of the rest of the cast/the cast I want to keep
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davlucies · 7 months
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taako rescuing lucretia frfom the depression nexus because otherwise there's no way he and lup can pull off this prank 🌶
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bloodcoveredgf · 1 year
in my prophet era
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sharky-the-idiot · 4 months
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He's having a great time being my most powerful cookie... >:D
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windfannumbuh1 · 6 months
Aaauuuuggg i promised headcanons (i think. I didn't check my own post) so um um
I headcanon that hes actually really bad at casual conversation. He spends so much time alone focusing on ~the forest~ that he comes off really awkward when a cookie just wants to talk to him normally. Hes way better with kids though, which is why they follow him around so frequently
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
Omg the Colin thing in season 6 is the most irresponsible thing his and Logan's friend group did, and they actually jumped off of a cliff with no proper support or safety precautions! Maybe it's because I'm from another country so I know how disorienting a new place can be even with knowing the language in it but the fact that a) NONE of the guys in the group were like "uh guys maybe we need to leave the girl be in her own country", b) none of them thought of what they would possibly do with her once she was in a foreign country to her that's the size of half a continent, and c) they were all annoyed and inconsiderate of her when it was clear that she didn't speak the language and didn't even know how to navigate in such a big place, just tells me everything I need to know for how they really behave. Like people can go on and on about how fun the LDB is but the show gives us numerous examples (even within the revival) that they truly would put another person's safety or even their own in jeopardy if it meant "having a good time" in the rich people's sense. Even the club scene in AYITL is so obnoxious because it's just a bunch of grown men annoying other attendees in the dance place and then being all "I'm buying the place so that you people can't get a piece of it!", like genuinely what an asshole
No but seriously when you are or have been a foreigner what Colin did goes from being a dark joke to downright horrifying. Not only did he drag her over to a country where she doesn't know the language, he flew her across the globe. It's not like he took her over to London, where she could always grab a one-hour-ish flight or even a train (because yes you can do that in Europe), he took her across the Atlantic Ocean to a country with some serious border control (no Schengen in the US) and then expected her to what? Hang out? Apparently this girl is a milkmaid who only speaks Dutch (which btw stereotype much) so I'm guessing she doesn't have the resources to book a flight back home or the ability to get a translator who can help her do it. Call me dramatic, but in a much much darker show this could have been a trafficking storyline.
The whole situation just really points out how Colin and the LDB not only don't care about anyone but themselves but genuinely view other people as sources of entertainment that they can push around however they want until they get bored and just ignore them. Like, did Colin think to maybe arrange for her to get home safely? Did the thought of telling him to, or to not let him take her to the US in the first place, even occur to Logan and Finn?
And these are the same people who hold a public party celebrating Rory's felony. The same people who apparently steal boats themselves all the time, and so much more. The same people who claim that a meticulously organized bungee-jumping event in ball gowns is somehow closer to real life than anything in Rory's life. The problem isn't them being rich people who have fun. It's that their idea of fun is doing literal harm to other people through theft and manipulation and almost kidnapping, all the while ignoring the incredibly expensive and important degree they got into Yale to actually work on and waiting for their parents to bail them out of jails and pay their university to keep them on for yet another year and spit in the face of higher education again.
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leonstamatis · 1 year
really not sure why i felt the need to redact information from that ask. most of you know by now. i talk about the hell that was that fandom often and many of the fics were still on my ao3 up till like two years ago. but listen it's the illusion of having secrets. of having a past.
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I had this random thought today (and I'm probably not the first) about Arthur reincarnating into present day with no memory of his past life and becoming one of those better-than-you incluencer celebrities and Merlin having to go through the whole "I'd never have a friend who could be such an ass" spiel again like "Are you fucking kidding me, not again 🙄".
#1000 year old merlin just suuuuuper done with this shit before it even really starts#he's like 'so i went through years of grueling attempts to turn this guy into a good king watched him die waited for him to return for#like a THOUSAND YEARS and this is what i get????? a white canvas instead of the masterpiece i worked on for fucking YEARS???'#and this version of arthur is even worse because at least the old arthur had a tiny of responsibility for his kingdom but this guys??#this guy is just entitled on so many levels and old grumpy merlin who doesn't even bother turning into his young-looking self again because#fuck that is like 'is there even a point in trying this time???'#but then of course during one of his many stalking sessions he sees arthur being super friendly and sweet toward either#an animal or maybe an old person or something and he realizes that maybe deep down there IS something he can work with#so he creates more and more scenarios where arthur has to unknowingly prove he's not a total dick and merlin realizes that hey#maybe he actually can do this again he just needs to nudge him in the right direction#and maybe as a reverse juxtaposition to young merlin becoming old merlin when he needs him to do something#old merlin becomes young merlin and pretends to be his own grandson like 'yeah my cooky granddad can be annoying haha'#and now arthur can bond with young merlin again and just like the first time he improves more and more until one day#(old) merlin reveals his young self and gives arthur some of his camelot memories back and oh sweet reunion and happily ever after#i should go see if there's fanfiction like this like i said i can't be the only one who's ever imagined an arthur-as-a-celebrity scenario
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yuribalisms · 1 year
I was having a craving for cookies like I want cookies SO fucking bad so I was like “okay I’ll get cookies there’s a bakery around here that has cookies” and why are they like !!!!! 30 bucks for a dozen cookies!!!! Bestie I’m broke!!!! I can’t spend 30$ on cookies!!!!! But I want to so bad
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kittyhazelnut · 2 years
i am losing my fucking miiiiind
#i have a new years eve 'party' with a few friends tomorrow and I made the mistake of mentioning to friend N that I was gonna make cookies#and fudge to bring because. you know. i like cookies and fudge. duh. self-explanatory. i want to bring cookies and fudge.#and N (who i stg needs to be With Her Friends at least six days a week or she will die or something) was like 'we should bake them#together that morning!'#and i knew i couldn't say no because any time I say no or that I don't want to do something or that I don't like something it becomes#a fucking interrogation so i was like fine. whatever. we can bake them together.#except THEN she said that she doesn't like fudge!!! so let's not make fudge!!! oh but actually she has a gReAt cookie recipe from her#baking class last semester! we should use that! and we should make cupcakes too!#and i'm like GIRL????? THE WHOLE GODDAMN POINT WAS THAT I WANTED SOME MOTHERFUCKING FUDGE????#so fine. whatever. i just made fudge and I can cut it up tomorrow and bring it like i'd planned#because i knew if i said i really wanted to make fudge with her she'd get all pouty and 'pretend she's fine' but not really#and i didn't want to deal with that. i know how to make fudge. i can make my own fudge.#and then she mentioned that she didn't really like vanilla cupcakes but hey we can totally make both vanilla and chocolate cupcakes!#which is great because i like both! so that works out really well!#well i offered to bring the vanilla cake mix and guess what.#no come on guess#you'll never guess#she said i didn't have to worry about that because she doesn't really like vanilla cupcakes :D#GIRL??? WE HAD THIS CONVERSATION????#AND she said she'd buy the ingredients and waited until today and then had a panic attack and didn't leave the house SO that's gonna cut#into our baking time tomorrow. which honestly I would be thrilled about if her two solutions were either I meet her at the store at#baking o'clock OR she goes shopping first thing and then we still meet at her house at baking o'clock#like no! go buy them! i'll meet you at baking:30#I'll meet you at baking + one hour#i lack the mental capacity for this I stg#i wish she had more than three friends because she's the only friend I see on a regular basis and it's still not nearly enough for her#OOOOH FRIEND H WITH THE CLUTCH! SHE SAYS SHE PREFERS CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES SO WE'RE MAKING BOTH NOW#you know. if we have time. since we have to buy the ingredients first.#it's gonna be a trainwreck i already know it#we baked together one (1) time and that was my birthday cake (and I tried to say I didn't like x flavor and she was like 'but whyyy it's so
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
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This time, when he glanced back over his shoulder, he wasn’t so surprised to see Xian-gongzi near at hand. He was startled, instead, by the somber cast to the young ghost’s face; it thinned his features, sharpened the line of his jaw and the dark of his eyes. In the ruins of Lotus Pier, he looked, at once, like a haunting.
“Because someday,” Xian-gongzi said quietly, “you will say them in tears.”
The solemnity of his voice caught in Jin Ling’s ribs like fish hooks. He stared back at Xian-gongzi, unnerved, before he finally tore his gaze away and turned back to where he’d been going. He didn’t take another step, staring out at the path tumbling away into decay and voracious growth. He chewed at words that never quite formed, no quick rebuttal coming to his lips.
i have been reminded of my two favorite don’t-wanna-be-abandoned wips
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