#oh hye rin
yerinsrabbit · 2 years
Little Women Ep 10 Theories and Analysis: Choi Do-il did not betray Oh Injoo
Spoiler alert if you have yet to watch episode 10!
(1) Choi Do-il's Betrayal? I think not.
In the last scene of episode 10, we find that Oh In-Joo's bank account have been completely wiped out supposedly by Choi Do-il.
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We have been warned many times that Choi Do-il was not to be trusted but I still trust him. Here's why:
1. Hyorin's bank book
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In this scene where Hyerin was saved by the 3 of them, Do-il took the banks books and placed it in his bag (but yes, the besties had to use them to go overseas but he might have kept one of them).
What if, Do-il was expecting something to happen and transferred the 70 billion won to somewhere else safe - like Hyorin's bank? Some theorize that it was to frame Sangah for embezzling the 70 billion won by putting them in her daughter's bank.
2. Choi Do-il character
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Ngl, I think he's in love with Oh Injoo LOL + even though he dislike's his father, he still did not abandon him for his mother, showing how he is still a human being who will empathise with others around him - including the Oh's sisters.
3. Choi Do-il's father being caught by the police
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Do-il's father was caught by the police for holding onto guns but the gun that his father had was placed in Do-il's bag, NOT his father's bag.
BUT there was so much emphasis on his father's bag that makes us wonder - what was SO important in the bag that his father would say such a thing? Could be the bank books? Could be Blue Orchids? But I guess we will find out this game changer next week.
(2) The Creepy Blue Orchid
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If you look closely at the scene where Jaesang was with Sangah at the hospital, the look at Jaesang's face was unusual - as if Sangah had passed him the blue orchid and he knew his time was up. Sang-ah got tired of one her favourite play toys. You can look at this scene here
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As soon as Jaesang's suicide news broke out, the speechless Inkyung stared at the camera in shock, confusion and fear all at once. Then, we are shown the blue orchid through the camera lens - seemingly foreshadowing her downfall and that she is next (as seen in her kidnapping the the next episode's preview)
That's all as I can only fit 10 photos here, posting more theories soon! Do check out my other theory in which I give evidence that Hwayoung is still alive here ! Or follow for more theories!
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gaymer-hag-stan · 6 months
On the 25th of March, fourteen years ago, After School released their third Korean single, "Bang!".
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The title track is known for its energetic beats, catchy melody, and powerful choreography. It became a hit for its fusion of electronic and hip-hop elements, showcasing the group's dynamic performance style.
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acekive · 2 years
no one can convince me that in-hye and hyo-rin aren't sapphic lovers like have you looked at them looking at each other??? that's pure love your honour
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standard-muse · 2 years
Little Women | Trojan War Theory
Little Women is walking through the story of the Trojan War.
It’s been pretty clear the influence of Greek mythology that’s been present throughout the symbolism, set design, and characters, but after collecting it all it’s now clear that this all ties into one particular story. The Trojan War. Here's an analysis of the two stories and how Little Women is following this narrative thread.
The Plot
The Trojan war was between the people of Troy and the Greeks. It was orchestrated by Zeus who wanted to reduce the population on earth – specifically, his demigod children that were rapidly growing out of hand. In essence, Zeus was trying to cover up his indiscretions. The finer details of the Trojan War are that Helen of Troy was whisked away and seduced by Paris, causing the war to start as Helen's husband went looking for her. Near the end of The Trojan war, Hypnos, one of the children of Night and twin to Thanatos, tricked Zeus into falling into a deep sleep, at which point Hypnos was able to tell Poseidon the coast was clear so he could aid the Greeks. The Trojan War ended when the Greeks feigned a surrender, snuck a wooden horse full of soldiers inside the city of Troy as a token of their victory, and attacked the Trojans in the middle of the night.
Little Women is a war primarily between the Oh family and the Jeongran Society. It’s being orchestrated by somebody who is trying to gain power and is attempting to kill off his indiscretions. This fight initially started when Hwa-young stole the 70 billion and died/ran away (?) The Oh sisters, with assistance from others, are now trying to stop the Jeongran Society and expose their cruelty to the world.
Now, for the characters.
The characters
Park Jae-sang is Zeus:
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Zeus orchestrated the Trojan War in order to wipe out all the many demigods that he felt were overpopulating the earth.Zeus also had an unending love for power and wanted to be the top dog. Park Jae-sang is obviously the instigator of most of what is happening here and, with his lust for power and desire to be president, it’s clear he is acting as the Zeus in this story. Additionally, his capacity for killing people that he views as superfluous fits the motives Zeus had in the original story.
Hwa-young is Helen of Troy:
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Helen of Troy is what causes the whole war to start. By her capture/elopement (there are different accounts) by Paris, it causes her husband cash in on a promise that his friends would go to war with anybody who hurts her. One of the accounts of Helen during the war is that she went into hiding in Egypt, and that she had Hera fashion a likeness of her while the war was happening and she watched from the sidelines. After the war ended, Helen eventually returned to her husband Menelaus. Hwa-young is the catalyst in this story for why the war between the Oh sisters and Jeongran society is taking place. She also is in hiding during this war, and has also created a false identity like Helen did. Much like Helen in the original story, she is the reason the events take place, but remains absent through most of the fighting and action.
Do-il is the Trojan Horse:
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In Greek mythology, the Trojan Horse was a wooden horse that hid Greek soldiers as it fooled the Trojans and entered the city of Troy. After infiltrating Troy, the Greeks left the horse, open the gates for the rest of the Greek army and were able to conquer the city, thus ending the war. Do-il is this Trojan Horse - the vessel used to infiltrate the enemy. By Do-il leading In-joo into this high class society of IOS, taking her to Singapore, protecting her, paving the way for her, and teaching her all the things she needs to know, he's acting as the vessel for her to take them down from the inside. A Trojan Horse.
In-joo is the Greek soldiers hidden inside:
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The soldiers hid inside the wooden horse that was lured into the city of Troy when the Trojans thought they had won the war. The horse itself was supposedly a token of victory for the Trojans. However, once inside the city, the soldiers inside waited until nightfall and leapt from the horse. Attacking their enemy, they also opening up the city gates that allowed the rest of the Greek army inside to make their attack. In-joo is the one infiltrating the enemies lair. She’s the one who is going to the heart of enemy and pretending to work with them -- waiting to attack. By joining the orchid society and working for Sang-ah, she’s like the Greek soldiers inside the horse, secretly being led inside without them suspecting. Her weapon of choice being the ledgers.
In-kyung is the rest of the Greek army that invade once the gates are down:
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In-joo will be the one to prepare the way to the heart of the enemy and unlock the gates, but In-kyung will be the one to bring the rest of the fire to destroy the city. With her report on the Jeongran society and all it’s corruption, it will be a final blow to the Trojans that will win this war.
Hyo-rin and In-hye are the twins Hypnos and Thanatos:
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Hyo-rin as Hypnos:
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Hypnos and Thanatos were twins who represented Sleep and Death. Hypnos was the human embodiment of Sleep and was linked to his mother Night, and his twin brother, Death - also known as Nox and Thanatos. Sang-ah has a picture of a female version of these characters, Night and Sleep, in her bedroom that we see in episode 7. With Hyo-rin’s reliance on sleeping bills, it’s clear she is representing this character. During the Trojan War, Hypnos ended up tricking his father, Zeus, by putting him into a deep sleep. After Zeus was asleep, he warned Poseidon who was able to help the Greeks get to Troy and win the war. Given Hyo-rin and In-hye's recent antics to get dirt on Park Jae-sang, it wouldn't be a surprise to see Hyo-rin trick her father once again so he gets justice - just like in the Iliad.
In-hye as Thanatos/Greek Soliders:
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Thanatos was the brother of Hypnos and was the personification of death. Given In-hye’s fascination with death, her paintings, and her ease at talking about it, it’s clear this is the character she is representing. Thanatos also worked as an ally of the Trojans at one point during the war, so given In-hye is living in the Park home and seemingly helping Park Jae-sang, this also fits that character. Thanatos doesn't do much in the Trojan war other than retrieve the body of one of the fallen soldiers and stay by Hypnos's side, so it's a bit unclear how much of this character they'll pull from for the story Little Women. But In-hye could also be considered as part of the Greek soldiers along with her sisters - the three of them making up the army.
Sang-ah is Night (a.k.a Nox):
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Nox or Night is the personification of night. Homer calls her the subduer of gods and men, and relates that Zeus himself stood in awe of her. In the ancient cosmogonies, Night is one of the very first created beings, for she is described as the daughter of Chaos. Sang-ah is the daughter of the general, who was there from the beginning with Jeongran Society. This general is the reason Jae-sang married her, and Sang-ah has also been secretly scheming in the shadows, under the guise of night, for a long time. Night being known as the subduer of gods and men also reflects how Sang-ah has been quietly tricking all the men in her life -- pretending to be a dumb, materialistic airhead and not the psycho, genius, mastermind she really is. Night is usually depicted as being a winged creature, so it’s interesting to see at one point that Sang-ha not only wears a winged ring, but that she literally has a photo of Night and Sleep in her bedroom. Also noteworthy is that Nox, Hypnos, and Thanatos all live in the underworld together. Which, in this case, is the Park house, where In-hye, Hyo-rin, and Sang-ah all live.
Looking forward
In the end, the trick on Zeus and the Trojan Horse are what allow the Greeks to win the Trojan War. So I think the characters of Hyo-rin and Do-il are going to be a lot more critical than we may have initially realized. With Hwa-young being the Helen figure in the story, I think it's likely that if she's still alive that she'll remain hidden. There's potential that given Helen wanted to return home, we could see In-joo and Do-il intentionally turn a blind eye per her request so she can disappear and return home (Singapore) for good.
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anotherfanaccount · 2 years
Every ending scene so far has me pray for oh In Joo because girl really can't take a break.
She witnesses her friend's death...gets 2 billion.....gets the money taken away and beaten up....eyes the 70 billion....has her great aunt dead in her arms....has her identity stolen...gets 70 billion..... immediately gets in a car accident
And that's how far I'm now. Saving the two episodes till the remaining two drop. But boy I'm scared for In Joo. She really be going through everything.
Also someone save Hyo Rin and In Hue, they deserve to elope and live happily ever after. This shitstorm ain't what they need to live through.
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pohaislovesoismaggi · 2 years
When hyorin suddenly asked in hye to keep the documents, I was scared for a second that she was also manipulating the sisters.
Happy to see that's not the case.
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softplots · 10 months
MASTERLIST — female korean names !!
hi sweeties !! there are #50 (FIFTY) female korean names under the cut, they were all taken from kdramas. hope you guys like it !! please like/reblog if you found this useful !!
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Park Se-Hee
In Byuel
Go Yu-Na
Kim San-Ha
Na Joo-Hee
Han Song-Yi
Lee Mi-Yeon
Jung Jung-Won
Shin Ki-Won
Kwon Na-Ra
Ah Mi
Yoon Hee
Heo Soon-sim
Choi Sun-ah
Shin Ki-yoon
Baek Na-hee
Ma Ho-Young
Lee So-Yeon
Lee Hyun-ji
Yoon So-rim
Eun Tae-hee
Seong Mi-do
Ahn Ja-yeong
Hong Chae-ri
Oh Ha-rin
Baek Je-na
Kim Ga-yeon
Son Ae
Eun Ok
Kang Hye-young
Lee Yoo-ri
Choi Dong-joo
Kim Yeong-chae
Jo Hae-In
Bae Doo-rae
Jo Ki-bum
Joo Wol
Yoo Young-joo
Joo Wol
Lee Yoo-jeong
Mo Jae-in
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kdramedies · 2 years
Oh In-joo, while naive in the context of the story we are being told, is not an idiot. In the first few episodes In-joo is established as someone who is resourceful, competent at her job, and a good sister. She always makes sure there’s a roof over her family’s head, food in their bellies, and tries to make sure that they’re (mainly In-hye) safe and happy. In-joo is really good at being poor. Which is why I don’t understand all of the comments I keep seeing calling In-joo an idiot or complaining that she’s too stupid so the show is “un-feminist” (whatever that means [does that mean women aren’t allowed to be a little dumb sometimes? Seems pretty un-feminist for women to be put into a box like that...]). Like, why the fuck would someone who has been dirt poor all their life suddenly be amazing in the world of money, murder, and politics? The first thing In-joo did with 2 billion won was buy name brand ice cream. That’s how poor she’s been throughout her life, corner store ice cream was her big first splurge (and it was on sale!). Some of her scenes have been played to add a bit of levity to such a dramatic show, the “hands up” scene is one of my favourites, but again, those scenes are of her experiencing situations that she’s never had cause to even wonder about before. I’ve certainly never thought about the bounds of plastic surgery, and if faced with a gun, I fully believe I would wet myself. But In-joo, someone who is earnest and takes things at face value, is somehow managing to survive in this world of lies and backstabbing she’s been thrown into. Some of it is dumb luck, some of it is Do-il saving her neck, but some of it is her. And I don’t just mean her badass moment in Singapore. Her resilience, her earnestness, her optimism and kindness. Every choice she’s made has contributed to the fall of the Jeongran Society. Her additions to their rag-tag team go largely unnoticed since she’s not unearthing the story behind it all like In-kyung, or a former inside man like Do-il, but In-joo is the one who has the mastermind behind all of this shaken. And it’s not just because this all started with Sang-a’s obsession with In-joo. Sang-a thought she knew In-joo, but like a lot of viewers, she didn’t know who In-joo would become. She thought In-joo would do anything for money, but instead In-joo would do anything for her family and her best friend, even after learning that their friendship was a lie. She didn’t know that behind her naivete In-joo was strong; stronger than her. Sang-a may be more confident, conniving, and quick-witted, but she can’t handle things not going her way. In-joo on the other hand, has never had anything go her way and as a result is more adaptable and quicker to bounce back.
This entire show is about classism and the ways that it divides us, schooling and intelligence is one of them. Without Hyo-rin’s family In-hye wouldn’t have had the opportunities they gave her. Without their great aunt, In-kyung wouldn’t have gone to university. But In-joo didn’t have anyone to give her a helping hand. People who are looking down on her character for being an “idiot” are only proving one of the points the drama is trying to make. If you’re poor, you’re considered unintelligent, if you’re considered unintelligent then people can treat you like garbage and get away with it. But Oh In-joo is done letting people get away with it.
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kdramasource · 2 years
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Park Hyo-rin as Macbeth Oh In-hye as Lady Macbeth + costumes
LITTLE WOMEN 작은 아씨들 (2022) dir. Kim Hee-Won ✥ Episode 9 — requested by ujryyd
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sandalwoodbox · 3 months
Fast Car | 작은 아씨들 Little Women (2022) fanvid | Oh In-hye / Park Hyo-rin Fandom: 작은 아씨들 | Little Women (Korea TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Oh In Hye/Park Hyo Rin (Little Women) Characters: Oh In Hye (Little Women) Additional Tags: Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Running Away, Happy Ending, Fanvids, Subtitles, Depictions of Police, Self-Harm Summary:
Oh In Hye and Park Hyo Rin finding each other and running away together.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48141091
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ohmydramatic · 2 years
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Little Women, Oh In Hye and Park Hyo Rin Ep 3
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gaymer-hag-stan · 3 months
On the 13th of June, eleven years ago, After School released their sixth single album, "First Love".
The title track is notable for its incorporation of pole dancing, showcasing the group's athleticism and skill. The song blends elements of pop and R&B, featuring smooth melodies and expressive choreography. The music video emphasizes the theme of first love through evocative visuals and a sophisticated, mature aesthetic.
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Welcome to My Liberation Notes archive!
This is a sideblog dedicated to dedicated to archiving the fanworks for the Netflix Kdrama, My Liberation Notes. This includes gifsets, screencaps, fanfictions, and others.
You can tag us with #mlnarchives if you'd like us to reblog your work!
Navigation tags are found below the cut!
web weaving
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Multiple episodes
Yeom Chang-hee
Yeom Mi-jeong
Mr. Gu/Gu Ja-gyeong
Yeom Gi-jeong
Cho Tae-hun
Yeom Je-ho
Kwak Hye-suk
Ji Hyeon-a
Oh Du-hwan
Suk Jung-hoon
Park Sang-min
So Hyang-gi
Lee Min-gyu
Park Jin-u
Cho Yu-rim
Cho Gyeong-seon
Cho Hui-seon
Lee Ye-rin
Kim Ji-won
Son Suk-ku
+ more tags will be added in the future!
tw: blood, flashing -> please message us if you'd like us to tag other triggers
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yousxyloveisblind · 1 year
Baby, come be my starlight ;
“You’re bound to meet unexpected situations in life. Even if you use an umbrella, you’ll end up getting drenched. Just put your hands up and welcome the rain.” – Hong Du Sik (Hometown Cha Cha Cha) 
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HWANG JI-HOON ||  FC: LEE DONG WOOK || OCCUPATION: CEO OF HWANG INDUSTRIES CONNECTIONS: Best Friend, Business Partner, Romantic Partner, Sibling, etc.
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LEE SOO-MIN “SUZY” || FC: LEE JOO BIN] || AGE: 30 || OCCUPATION: PARALEGAL CONNECTIONS: Best Friends, Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Ex- best friend, etc.
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PARK AHNJONG || FC: LEE SOOK-HYUK  ] || AGE: 37 || OCCUPATION: ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Ex Girlfriend,  etc.
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SEO MIN-HO || FC: KANG TAE OH  || AGE: 28 || OCCUPATION: ACCOUNTANT CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Boss, etc.
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HEO TAE ||  FC: SEO IN-GUK ] || AGE: 34 || OCCUPATION: ACTOR CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Ex Girlfriend,  etc.
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YOO MA-RIN || FC: KIM SEJEONG ] || AGE: 30 || OCCUPATION: SCHOOL TEACHER CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Ex Girlfriend,  etc
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CHOI YURI || FC: HAN JIHYUN ] || AGE: 23 || OCCUPATION: COLLEGE STUDENT & PART TIME WAITRESS CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Manager,  etc. 
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NAM ARA || FC: MOON GA YOUNG] || AGE: 26 || OCCUPATION: ACTRESS/MODEL CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Manager,  etc. 
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KANG MIN-A || FC: KANG HAN NA] || AGE: 26 || OCCUPATION: CORPORATE LAWYER || CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Manager,  etc
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NAMGUNG HYEON || FC: PARK JINYOUNG|| AGE: 30 || OCCUPATION: PR DIVISION MANAGER CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Manager,  etc
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KANG SEUNG-AH || FC: YANG HYE JI] || AGE: 21 || OCCUPATION: WEBTOON ARTIST || CONNECTIONS: Best Friend/Roommate, Romantic Partner, Sibling, Manager,  etc
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pohaislovesoismaggi · 2 years
I knew Won Sang A would stop hyorin and in Hye from leaving.
When she took in joo to her father's hospital, she could easily tell that in joo was lying. Same was the case with Hyorin at breakfast.
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seoul-bros · 2 years
Spoiler Alert : Finishing Little Women
Proceed at your own risk - you have been warned.
Last night I finally got to see the last episode of Little Women and boy oh boy my first impression was correct. This series is dark and unrelenting from start to finish. The sisters, especially the oldest two, don't catch a breather until right at the end of the last episode.
I guess not unexpectedly given the title and the supposed homage, the series is satisfyingly female centric. All of the actresses are given space to establish and develop their characters from the sisters themselves to the formidable great aunt with a hidden past to the mysterious, mostly presumed dead, Jin Hwa Young.
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Kim Go-Eun as Oh In-joo provides the beating heart of the series. A character whose every emotion, however fleeting, is reflected in her expression. She wants to provide for her family and is tempted by the "easy" money that comes so unexpectedly into her hands. Her goal is to raise them from poverty. Poverty here, meaning not only a lack of wealth but a brand of relative worth which the rich have promoted and is now fully accepted by society. It's a tactic not exclusive to the elites of South Korea. Sometimes the social comment in kdramas only serves to bring the reasons for growing inequality elsewhere in the world into sharper focus.
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Nam Ji-Hyun as Oh In-Kyung is the tireless fighter for truth and justice who will take on typhoons but who is swept away by the tears of broken families. She is self accusing and fragile which leads her to numb her senses at the bottom of a vodka bottle. However, once she gets her teeth into the story, she is relentless and agile. So many obstacles and threats had to be faced and overcome in order for the truth to be finally revealed.
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Park Ji-Hu as Oh In-hye and Jeon Chae-eun as Park Hyo-rin wonderfully express that love, care and fierce loyalty that comes with an adolescent best friend relationship. How fitting that they should escape the madness of the blue orchid together. Their closing scene on the ship in Episode 10 when they know they are finally free was beautiful and uplifting.
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Finally, Uhm Ji Won was an eye opener as the gleefully manipulative and malicious Won Sang-ah. To the last her murderous tendencies are flamboyant and theatrical so much so that her James Bond villain ending seemed only fitting.
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Overall this series was unexpected and ultimately very satisfying and a nice counterpoint to Extraordinary Attorney Woo which I saw earlier in the year. What shall I watch next?
Post Date: 29/10/2022
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