#oh how i miss my kanthony
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dearabsolutelynoone · 8 months ago
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“…there was something about her that suited him like no woman ever had before.”
Julia Quinn, The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)
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lookingfts · 1 month ago
Based on a delightful conversation I had with @ladykettlechips: regency Kanthony being happy and horny but also incredibly tired.
“I have missed you.”
Kate hummed softly in response. She knew what her husband meant, even though he had been by her side every possible moment since Edmund’s birth. It was so important to him that he be present, that his son would feel as loved and secure as Anthony had felt growing up. Every day, she fell a little more in love with them both.
“I am right here,” she murmured, curling deeper into his embrace. His fingers trailed lightly against her back, and she sighed at the sensation. Her limbs were heavy with exhaustion, her eyes barely open after a restless night, but his touch still warmed and brightened her deep inside. “This will not be forever.”
“Yes,” Anthony said. “I am very torn on that.”
She chuckled. “I know. He is so perfect.”
It was hard to imagine that Edmund would grow to be a man when he was just a tiny bundle in her arms, his chubby fingers gripping hers. All things pure and lovely.
“As are you,” Anthony whispered in her ear, drawing a slight shiver from her as he nosed at the fragile skin of her neck. “You still smell so intoxicating.”
Kate was not sure how true that was, but she tilted her head to allow him access, a small moan dripping from her lips. “Anthony.”
“I know you are tired. We do not have to,” he assured her, stroking her side. “I just want to feel close to you.”
She could not deny him such a simple wish, especially not when she craved the same. The birth of their first child had been a blessing beyond her wildest imaginings, but that did not mean she did not think wistfully on the time when it had only been the two of them, lost in a world of lust and contentment. A time when she had not been so utterly drained.
Running a hand through his hair, Kate gave him a languid kiss. “It is alright. Slowly.”
“Slowly,” her husband agreed, nudging her thighs apart with his knee and easing into her. They had made love a handful of times since her delivery, but it was not enough for two souls as passionate as them. “My god, Kate. I will never tire of this feeling.”
“Neither will I.” Kate grasped his shoulders as he thrust into her, sedate movements that caused her to feel every inch of him rubbing against her walls. She shut her eyes and lost herself in the feeling. Love and desire, comfort and heat, a connection of mind and body and heart. Sometimes Kate thought she would be happy to do nothing but lie in bed with her husband for the rest of her life. “Oh, meri jaan. Right there.”
The infrequent nature of their intimacy had made her sensitive, a powder keg with a short fuse, and she gasped as her orgasm washed over her, thick as honey. Kate was amazed that Anthony did not spill simply from the tightness of her around him.
He stilled suddenly, his weight significantly more noticeable over her, and Kate’s eyes fluttered open. “Are you-?’
A sharp snore cut off her inquiry, and she realized that he was quite asleep. Slack against her, mouth slightly agape, the lines of his face smoothed out even as he stayed hard and hot in her body.
“My love,” she said with an affectionate shake of her head. Perhaps she could help him finish in the morning, if they received a moment to themselves. At least he had gotten his wish for closeness.
Shifting them onto their sides, Kate wrapped her arms around his back and joined him in slumber.
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myficprompts · 1 year ago
what about a s2 kanthony au where it’s near the start of the season (maybe before the races?) anthony intends to send flowers to edwina to show how he’s a great suitor to consider but as he’s advising what to put on the card (either himself writing it at the florist or what he’s telling his butler or whoever), he’s distracted because he’s thinking of kate and how to best her or something and because he’s distracted, he advises the flowers are to be for Miss Kate Sharma.
And it’s the first bouquet that Kate ever received and she’s confused because isn’t he trying to court her sister but he put such a sweet note and she’s softened by it. She assumes it’s purpose was to soften her to garner favor with Edwina but she still appreciates her first bouquet and it’s proper that she thanks him regardless. then at the races, Kate approaches him and thanks him for them and Anthony is just like ???? Flowers?
And Kate’s like “yes my lord, the bouquet you sent to me at lady danbury’s house this morning? The Lillies and tulips?”
And he’s like “oh! Oh yes. Yes. Those flowers. That I sent to you. Yes. Of course. You’re welcome.”
And that’s when his plans for the season change.
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kepnerandavery · 11 months ago
My favourite quotes from On the Way to the Wedding..
1. “It was only a matter of time before he, too, found the woman of his dreams and settled down to be fruitful, multiply, and take on such baffling hobbies as papier-mâché and the collection of nutmeg graters.”
Nutmeg Graters?? I can’t 😂
2. “Where is the scintillating Lord Bridgerton?” he asked. “Oh, somewhere. I don’t know. We’ll find each other at the end of the day, that is all that matters.”
This book is every Kanthony stan’s dream follow-up to TVWLM 😭 I love that we got little glimpses into their marriage to see how they've evolved as a couple and people.
3. “She was without artifice, the sort of girl a man could trust. Rather like his sisters, he supposed, with a keen wit and a sharp sense of humor. Lucy Abernathy would never inspire poetry, but she would make a very fine friend.”
Bahahaha. Did he just friendzone her in his head? 😂
4. “It was nothing. She was nothing. No, that was not fair. She was something. Quite a bit, actually. But not for him.”
Ohhh Gregory! My poor, sweet, innocent, naive Gregory 🤣
5. “Lord Fennsworth took one look at the duo (more at one than the other, and suffice it to say that blood was not thicker than unrequited love), and he murmured, “Friday it is.”
Props to Gregory for being perceptive about someone’s feelings, if not his own 😂
6. “At least she seemed rather more like herself. The world seemed a bit steadier with Lucy Abernathy yipping along like a terrier. He’d felt almost off-balance when she’d been staring morosely at the trees.”
Signals!! He’s missing all of the darn signals. How?? 🙆‍♀️
7. “Auctioning your friend off to the highest bidder. You’ll be well-practiced by the time you have a daughter.” She jumped to her feet, her eyes flashing with anger and indignation. “That is a terrible thing to say. My most important consideration has always been Hermione’s happiness. And if she can be made happy by an earl . . . who happens to be my brother . . .” Oh, brilliant. Now she was going to try to match Hermione with Fennsworth. Well done, Gregory. Well done, indeed.”
Hahaha, Lucy is too nice for her own good. And Gregory just keeps making things worse for himself at every given opportunity 😂
8. “Didn’t you wish for time for yourself?” she asked, softly . . . so softly it was almost a whisper. Slowly, he shook his head. “I did,” he said, sounding as if the words were coming to him at that very moment, as if the thought itself was new and not quite what he had expected. “I did,” he said again, “but now I don’t.”
My heart 🥺 💕
9. “She later told Gregory that he had still not forgiven her for costuming him as Cupid at the Billington fancy dress ball the previous year.”
I will so pissed if I don't get to see Anthony dressed up as Cupid on the show. I simply must see it 🤣
10. “Surely she would not come over an hour late. If nothing else, Lady Lucinda would not have tolerated it. She was clearly a punctual sort. In a good way.As opposed to an insufferable, nagging way. He smiled to himself. She wasn’t like that.”
Omg, someone needs to hit him in the head!!! How is he missing this? 😫
11. “What happened to you? Are you all right? Did someone—” His grip loosened slightly as he looked frantically around. “Who did this?” he demanded. “Who made you—”
You’re a little too concerned about her safety, aren’t you, Gregory?? 😂
12. “And I didn’t have my mask, which made me stick out a bit.” “Like a mushroom?” “Like a—?” He looked at her dress and nodded at the color. “A blue mushroom.”
Trust him to be even cuter when he's drunk 🥺
13. “I will walk you to the stairs, then.” Lucy knew better than to argue. He would not relent. His voice was quiet, but it had an edge she wasn’t quite certain she’d heard there before. “And I will remain there until you reach your room.” “That’s not necessary.” He ignored her. “Knock three times when you do so.” “I’m not going to—” “If I don’t hear your knock, I will come upstairs and personally assure myself of your welfare.”
Omg. He's sooo cute 🥰
14. “I’m not, he thought, and he realized that it was true. He had a sudden flash of his life married to Hermione Watson, and he was.. Bored. Good God, how was it he was only just now realizing it? He and Miss Watson were not suited at all, and in truth, he had made a narrow escape.”
"A narrow escape" haha 🤣 🤣 At least he realized it rather quickly. Granted, his brothers have set the bar quite low when it comes to life-altering realizations lol
15. “And Anthony was worse. He didn’t even have to say anything. His mere presence was usually enough to make Gregory feel that he was somehow not living up to the family name. It was difficult to make one’s way in the world with the mighty Lord Bridgerton constantly looking over one’s shoulder. As far as Gregory could determine, his eldest brother had never made a mistake in his life.”
Oh, if only he knew.. Looks like Anthony hid his devilry from the younger siblings quite well. Props to Benedict and Colin for covering for him 😂
16. “The way she was looking at him, her hand on his arm. She’d been clutching him, and for a moment it had almost felt like she needed him. He could be her rock, her center. He had never been anyone’s center.”
Awwww 🥺
17. “She turned. She turned, and she saw him. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted, and it hit him squarely in the chest—It was good to see her.”
I would have found this so romantic if I wasn't so mad at him at this point 🥲
18. “He simply liked Lucy. Considered her a friend. And he wished for her to have a bit of fun. It was admirable, really.
Haha, sure Jan 🙄 It totally doesn't seem like you're in love with her. No one goes so out of their way to help friends. He would've never gone to Violet if she wasn't so special to him 🥺
19. “Anthony is exceedingly generous,” Gregory said quietly. “Yes, he is, isn’t he?” Violet said, smiling. “With his money and his time. He is quite like your father in this way.” She looked at him with wistful eyes. “I am so sorry you never knew him.” “Anthony was a good father to me.” Gregory said it because he knew it would bring her joy, but he also said it because it was true.”
My heart.. Anthony was so worried about living up to their father, and yet he has managed to fulfill all of his duties to perfection. Edmund would be so proud of him 😭
20. “I know what it means to work for something,” he said in a quiet voice.”
He's got so hurt by her implication.. And when Gregory is hurt, I'm hurt. It's a simple law now 😫
21. “I have found that most men do not notice anything that is not clearly spelled out, anyway.” “Even your sons.” “Especially my sons.”
Haha It's a universal truth 😂
22. “And then she saw him. Lucy saw him. He saw it first in her eyes, which widened and sparkled, and then in the curve of her lips. She smiled. For him. It filled him. To near bursting, it filled him. It was just one smile, but it was all he needed.”
Sighhhhhh 🥰
23. “His fingers gripped hers when they should have just brushed by. She looked up and saw that he was gazing at her. ”
Ohhh... How scandalous lol 😏
24. “Hyacinth regarded her with a delighted smile. “I like you,” she said slowly, as if she were deciding upon it right then and there. “You are wrong, of course, but I like you, anyway.” She turned to her brother. “I like her.”
Hyacinth literally showed up out of nowhere towards the end of the book and stole the show 😂
25. “He and Lucinda Abernathy were meant to be husband and wife. Hers was the face he was supposed to gaze upon over eggs and bacon and kippers and cod and toast every morning. A snort of laughter pressed through his nose, but it was that nervous, desperate kind of laughter, the sound one made when the only alternative was to cry. Lucy had to marry him, if only so that they could eat masses and masses of food together every morning.”
And the most endearing Bridgerton sibling award goes to... 🥰
26. “Her eyes glistened as they met his. In the dim light of the night, they looked a dark, dark gray, and achingly sad. He could imagine the entire world there, in the depths of her gaze. Everything he needed to know, everything he might ever need to know—it was there, within her.”
My man is soo wrecked in the best way possible 🥺
27. “Let me kiss you,” he whispered. “One more time. Let me kiss you one more time, and if you tell me to go, I swear that I will.”
The respect!!! No wonder Lucy fell in love with him so quickly 😭
28. “The night seemed to dance, sparkling and tingling, as if the air itself understood that nothing would ever be the same. Dawn was waiting on the other side of the horizon, and already the stars were beginning to look less bright in the sky. If he could have frozen time, he would have done so. Never had he experienced a single moment that was so magical, so.. full. Everything was there, everything that was good and honest and true. And he finally understood the difference between happiness and contentment, and how lucky and blessed he was to feel both, in such breathtaking quantities.”
Awwww! Happiness is seeing your favourite fictional men so utterly and hopeless in love 😭
29. “It was simply impossible to enjoy one of nature’s small miracles and not kiss her.”
Why is he soo cute??? 🥺
30. “I have sworn in my heart to protect you,” he said, his voice passionate and fierce and maybe even a little bit revelatory. Because today, he realized, was the day he truly became a man. After twenty-six years of an amiable and, yes, aimless existence, he had finally found his purpose. He finally knew why he had been born. “I have sworn it in my heart,” he said, “and I will swear it before God just as soon as we are able. And it is like acid in my chest to leave you alone.”
She's so darn lucky. She wasn't even looking for love and somehow found the best of the best 🥰
31. “Gregory had told Colin everything, even down to the events of the night before. He did not like telling tales of Lucy, but one really could not ask one’s brother to sit in a tree for hours without explaining why.”
What are brothers for, if not to sit in trees for hours in front of their sibling's girlfriend's houses? 😂
32. “Listen to me. I love you.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I love you,” he said again. “There is nothing in this world or the next that could ever make me stop loving you.”
Oh my god, whenever he told her he loved her an year was added to my life.. It's so damn adorable 🥲
33. “He would try with everything he had to make sure that they both came through this alive and unhurt, but if there was a choice—if only one of them was to walk out the door.. It would be Lucy.”
Chivalry at its finest 😭
34. “Nine children. Nine. It was only one less than ten. Which possessed two digits. If he did this again, he would be in the double-digits of fatherhood.”
Haha, Lucy wanted a large family, and Greg certainly didn't disappoint lol 😂
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prongsmydeer · 9 months ago
Ayesha Liveblogs Bridgerton S3
"I must say, all those piano lessons in Bath have reaped their reward." Is this their subtle explanation for where This Francesca has been the past two seasons?
"You do realize what tune she was playing right now, don't you? Mozart's Funeral March." "Oh god." Benedict said: I am both a scholar of art AND a smart aleck, Mum
Say what you will, Bridgerton knows the power of a good haircut
LMAO did they have Colin get his tiddies out in the carriage just to show off how hot he is since it'll take a while for him to get naked with someone else?
"It would be pleasant to have my own house." LMAO Francesca, extremely real reason to get married
I like the Featheringtons' husbands, they're just here to vibe
Speaking of marrying into money, Kate is truly the most gorgeous person alive. Bridgerton said: Do you want to watch beautiful people in fancy outfits struggling to socialize? And I said: Yes!
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The way that despite their troubles, Eloise STILL protects Penelope's identity and keeps Cressida from sniping at her. The love story of MY season
"My stories from abroad are not suitable for such tender young ladies." With all due respect to Colin: Brother eugh, what's that?
"I take comfort in knowing that you will always be here to take care of me." What's the 1810s equivalent of putting your parents in a home? A convent? Lady Featherington inches closer with her every word to Penelope
"Perhaps something like what they are wearing in Paris?" [...] "I love it brother. Where is it from?" "A trader in Marseille." "My perfume is from Paris?" Bridgerton said: SUBTLETY WHO, COLIN X PENELOPE 4EVER
The sneaky looks on Anthony and Benedict's faces as they help Gregory run away with his bow and arrow KILL me
"I lost the battle, and I've no appetite for the war, so I've joined the winning side. Not unlike you, I take it? Or is this truly the new you?" Eloise said: People in superficial society houses shouldn't throw stones, Colin
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(Also. I am in love with Eloise, she charms me more every season. Though wild that they're dissing Emma, Austen has women with SO much agency and Emma specifically is the lady of her house, someone throughout the novel learns that she DOESN'T know everything, and who vows herself not to marry until she changes her mind and falls in love with a friend)
[Voice breaking] "Now you have your life, and I have mine." ELOISE WAHHHHHH. I think she is totally justified, but god, friendship breakups are SOOO brutal
"In truth, I enjoyed having a purpose. Whereas now that you're back, I'm not certain what I'm supposed to do exactly." Explore bisexuality, Benedict <3
YEAHHHHHH Mondrichs!!! I hope society is kind to them
HAHAHAHAHAH I love Kanthony
Kate: You do know that what we are doing is not how one makes an heir?
Anthony, head still between his wife's legs: We have to start somewhere.
If they don't want me to want Penelope and Eloise to be in love, they HAVE to stop making her look at Penelope like that
HAHAHAHHA I love that Penelope, while getting attention from her nice hair and dress, is still extremely awkward when being talked to by a man. It is endearing
After the Queen Charlotte spin-off, I have a new appreciation for Lady Danbury and the Queen's friendship. Agatha knows how to get Charlotte going, 'bestie Lady Whistledown will get more recognition than you if you do not tell everyone who the hottest young debutante is'
Wondering if Kate's gown style is meant to invoke salwar kameez?
I hope Francesca and Penelope become closer!! Two gals who would rather die than talk to any man in this room:
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"Why do I have the feeling that you in turn, know how to make one wither, if you so choose?" I do like Lord Debling so far, even if he looks MUCH older than Pen LOL
Every time they have a one-on-one interaction between a man and woman I'm like, why does it only sometimes matter if they're chaperoned LOL? Inconsistent
"You miss me, but you'd never court me. Is that correct?" GET HIM PEN
Not a season goes by that the Featheringtons are not in some kind of financial trouble. They're like the Coopers from The O.C.
"You disapprove? I thought we did not like Penelope." "What you did was cruel and unnecessary." I like both halves of this interaction, that Cressida is saying 'we' as in wanting to be on the same side as Eloise, and that Eloise is calling Cressida out for how awful she's been treating Penelope
I like that Cressida is both acknowledging that she's been unkind but also giving mind to the fact the women of the ton have been raised to be in competition with each other
God I love Kate and Anthony this season, sappy and sex-addled but also Kate making sure to think of Violet's needs and how difficult it would be to suddenly no longer be viscountess
While I do love the idea of charm lessons, and I cannot help but notice MOST of what Colin likes about Penelope are about him, "I know that you will lift my spirits, and make me see the world in ways I could not have imagined." "[You] have always truly made me feel appreciated.") Don't love that
"I will never forgive her," said Colin, about the woman he just called his very good friend and would later go on to marry
Surely the Mondrichs can decide how things are done in their own house, I highly doubt Violet and her husband or Kate and Anthony do separate bedrooms
HAHAHAH I wonder how many episodes Eloise will have fancy hand muffs to hide Claudia Jessie's broken arm
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I guess I was wrong about Colin not getting naked, he's just frequenting brothels I suppose?
"Pen, living for the estimation of others is a trap." Spoken like a man who can inherit property and fortune through means other than marriage
I was thinking Francesca and Eloise were on similar plights, but it seems more that Francesca's beef is with any sort of attention than with being married
Hee hee, I love Hyacinth beating her older brothers at cards
"Somehow my character gets lost between my heart and my mouth." I feel that, Penelope! I have no idea what I'm saying half the time
"Your eyes are a most remarkable shade of blue, and yet they shine even brighter when you are kind." If I were Colin, this would immediately do me in, a compliment that specific is really something
This journal thing is symptomatic of Penelope's lack of respect for anyone's privacy, even if it is good she understands what Colin was doing in Paris
"I do not wish for her to be friendless, and you are perhaps all she has now." Eloise is SO understanding given what Penelope has said about her AND Colin
"I think of Prudence as a bonbon. Delicate, and oh so agreeable." "Mr. Dankworth, you are so... pretty." I love Mr. Dankworth. Pretty, loves his wife, gives great compliments, what more can I ask for?
Bold of Eloise to tell Cressida about Colin helping Penelope, she knows that Cressida has been purposely cruel to Pen before
"I think we have found your talent. You are a most entertaining speaker." YEAHHHHH Eloise, getting along with the girls with her gift for gab
"How are we expected to understand all these society rules when even someone born into this world cannot grasp them?" [Benedict makes a face but then smiles at being insulted] As I have been from his very first moment on screen, I'm in love with Benedict:
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"We kiss, and then he makes an odd sound, and then goes to change his breeches." "His breeches remain on?" HAHAHAHAH every season there's a problem with no one offering the ladies any formal sex education
"I cannot think of anything [to gossip about] at the moment." GOOD FOR CRESSIDA
"I do not much care for idle gossip," said Penelope, like she wasn't the Queen of Capitalizing on Idle Gossip
I am SHOCKED that they have a character in a wheelchair on this show, and even more shocked there wasn't immediately some comment drawn to it, but glad! It may be a weird show when it comes to race, but at least it's not weird when it comes to ability?
The way the Colin Has Been Helping Penelope reveal was SO dramatic I thought it might actually be a dream sequence
"We can do whatever we want now. We are a married noble couple." That's what I'm talking about, Will
Penelope said: "Be a homie and kiss me," and Colin said: "I do not have the strength to deny that kind of request!"
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This second kiss HAS to be a dream sequence, there's no way they'd jump into this without any preamble
Oh it was COLIN'S dream sequence, love that for him!!!!
Fhfkhfkjhf Colin: I did NOT have a wet dream, in case anyone wanted to know!
"[Hyacinth] waits for the maids to throw out last week's copy of Whistledown because she knows she is not allowed to read it." HAHA this is such a big brother thing for Benedict to say
"It was quite harsh what she wrote about you. Unnecessarily so, I think." Eloise said, be nicer to yourself, bestie
Colin does not know how to act around Penelope, this is the first time I've been endeared by him all season
"If I secure a proposal, it will be because of you." You know what that is, Penelope? Foreshadowing!
[Disdainfully] "Apparently he only eats vegetables." They disapprove of vegetarianism in Georgian England. Also. What a thing to say in front of two South Asian women, when India has the HIGHEST proportion of vegetarians in the world, and also has many historical and ongoing ties between vegetarianism and spirituality kjghgkjhg
Is the open mocking of other people supposed to be why we as the audience should be okay with Penelope exploiting other people's drama for profit? Cause I still don't appreciate 1810s Gossip Girl
God, Mrs. Mondrich is SO gorgeous. Peak beautiful people in fancy outfits
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"I find your frankness immensely refreshing." I like Lord Debling more with every scene
"Do you feel some attachment to him?" Colin said: Penelope do you still like me check yes or no
Penelope just going "Yeah, me too," to all of Cressida's specific commentary about Lord Debling's interests is difficult to watch
Colin stopping the balloon is the first moment I have personally been attracted to him (ever, I think). I think the more casual outfit does do him some favours. This is his Anthony in the Lake moment
Weel weel weel, perhaps Violet will be finding someone to tend to her garden (her libido) soon
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"I see you have met my brother, Lord Marcus Anderson." It would be SOOOOO funny if Violet fucks Lady Danbury's brother after finding out Danbury fucked her dad. It's very messy friendship LMAOOOO
"Perhaps we can enjoy the silence together." I like this man
"I am not afraid of you." "That... is a mistake." I was hoping Benedict would get to flirt with a man this season, but alas it does not seem to be in the cards (you're still bisexual to me, Benedict Bridgerton)
"Members of society do not work." Then how do they make money? Is it only what the crown gives you? What about the lawyers and doctors? Also lol @ this guy admitting that being a landlord isn't an honest line of work
"I do not wish to court someone exactly like myself. I want to be with someone who knows who they are, and embraces their own pecularity, as I do." Men in real life can never do for me what the men in Bridgerton do for me
"It is rare to begin as friends and for both parties to then feel more." I love that Colin is seeking out romantic advice from his mum, he's the only child so far who has earnestly listened to her
HAHAHAH not the I'm-asking-for-a-Friendcesca routine
Colin looked SO desperate to kiss Penelope that for a second I thought he might actually do it in the ballroom in front of everyone
They're selling me on Debling a little TOO much; it's like Daphne and the Prince. Like I know Pen and Colin are great friends, and that they have feelings for each other, but Debling seems like he would make an amazing husband, while I am less convinced that Colin would. Colin is sweet, but he is not street smart, and lacks the emotional awareness that Debling has:
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Even if it's not what I ordered, I do enjoy Benedict catting around
What is Lady Danbury's beef with her brother LOL
"Step another pace backwards, you read me too well." Queen Charlotte's spinoff has really made me have a whole new appreciation for Brimsley
"But how will they know each other if they do not speak?" Honestly a very valid question, Violet
Considering that Lord Samadani wants to have eight kids, perhaps he should ask how many kids Francseca wants?
"Well, let him tell you about it. Men love to explain the world to us. If we have already explained it to ourselves through reading, then they will feel superfluous and unnmanned." Lady Featherington years ahead of her time in defining mansplaining HAHA
"Are there any novels in which the man goes travelling for a very long time, but his wife is happy to stay behind, tending the estate? I suppose that would not be a book with much sentiment, would it?" "Not necessarily. But if the wife had her own interests in life, then perhaps they could both be very happy." "A practical match, but a happy one? I like the sound of that." Again, you are selling me on Debling too well. I cannot believe you are making me root for a blond man with a Vegeta hairline*
*There's nothing wrong with the way this man looks, he just looks much older than Penelope!
"But it is tiring, is it not? The necessity for us to remain caveliar about the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning. Do you not find it lonely?" Colin Discovers: Toxic Masculinity Bad
"Do you know what is romantic? Security." Real, Lady Featherington
"My head is bottle-weary." What a poetic way to say you're hungover
Do we think Cressida and Eloise could fall in love? Let me have at least one lesbian in this show, please:
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"And is your heart located in your breeches?" Apparently Lady Danbury's beef with her brother is that he is a slut
"To be honest, my work has such a large portion of my heart it may difficult to make more space. But I am very glad that you are someone who seems to have such a full life." Alright, I can see why Debling might not be the perfect match
Colin said: What up Penelope I'm here to ruin your marital prospects
"But these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings. Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. About that kiss. Feelings like dreaming of you when I'm asleep. And in fact, preferring sleep because that is where I might find you. A feeling that is like torture. But one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up." I'll hand it to Colin, that was a pretty good confession, 8/10, I'd knock points off for the torture remark
Whoever is dating the Bridgerton cast has to be so strong, these scenes so impassioned
"For God's sake, Penelope Featherington, are you going to marry me or not?" Good for them!!!
I will say, bold choice to hard launch to the fam in the wee hours of the night immediately after a ball and fingering in the carriage, but if anyone's going to be cool about it, it's the Bridgertons:
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EXTREMELY fair of Eloise to exit right away when she finds out her best friend with whom she has shared a borderline romantic breakup after several years of exploitation of her family for money and at least two pointed attacks on Eloise and her brother suddenly announces she's gonna be her sister-in-law
"And until he knows the real you, he cannot possibly love you." YOU RIGHT, ELOISE
"I will tell him. You have my word." "Very well." Kind of Eloise to still take Penelope at her word
Anthony and Kate are SO beautiful. I loooove them
"I am simply enjoying the view of my ravishing wife, and soon-to-be mother of my child." OOOOOh Kanthony baby, love that for them
HAHAHAHAH Anthony immediately forgetting how happy he is about the baby because he is PISSED another sibling is getting married without his permission
"I am one of the brothers as well." "I think of you as the family pet." BRUTAL HYACINTH HAHA
"If I do have to marry a man who could be my great-grandfather, we can at least use his money to shop, and queen over society like Lady Danbury." Cressida you are so lesbian to meeee
"The final part, the betrothal. it did all happen rather... swiftly." "It was swift because you--" "Are you going to duel your own brother or...?" Anthony's definitely thinking about it, Benedict!
Anthony insisting on Colin telling Penelope the depth of his feelings for her. That's growth, baby!
"I proposed to [Penelope] out of love, nothing less. And were you not so narrowly concerned over your own standing, you might see see that Penelope is the most eligible amongst you." Now THIS is the romance I'm talking about, Colin
"I will always stand up for you. Because I love you... Pen." "Are you sure?" [Nods] AWWWW they're so sweet
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"You are cleverest, bravest woman I have ever known." Finally a compliment that feels like it's about Penelope (even if it was immediately followed by a comment about Colin)
I love Colin's Lustful List of How Hot His Fiancee is, and that he asks her specifically if she wants to stop because she's a lady!!
Oh smutty consensual Bridgerton, we back baybeeeeeeeee
"Tell me what to do." "I will do everything." "No, tell me." Ohhhhhh I love this
I LOVE knowing that Nicola Coughlan requested to be as naked as possible for this scene as a memory of how hot she is. And she was RIGHT
"Can we do it again?" "Give me five minutes. Maybe ten." HAHAHA this was a perfect scene from start to finish
"Is this the only reason you wish to delay our news? You are happy, I hope?" "Oh... Very happy." I love Anthony checking in on Kate about her pregnancy. He is such a sweet husband
"I wish to be married. Very much, in fact. I just hope my husband will not hide my piano stool from me." "I would not dream of it." I have been sold on John Stirling since his first shared silence with Francesca, I love them!!
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"You seem to be quite good at [planning hospitality.]" "Oh, I am. I'd still much rather be out riding somewhere." I love Eloise and Kate's friendship also
"Finally, the woman will get the consequences she deserves." You see, Penelope, this is why you should have told Colin you were Whistledown BEFORE you agreed to marry him. Or before sex, or at any point whatsoever. You KNOW he has beef with Whistledown. This is engagement-ending stakes
God Eloise has been SO reasonable this whole time but I really do think the 5000 pound reward is a fair incentive to sell Penelope down the river for her own sake or even for Cressida's. It's tough being a lady in the 1800s!
"Somber clothing is best. Gray or brown. And we do not flit about town, engaged in gossip within the ton. We shall attend no more than one ball per month, and only if the hosts are of strong moral character. I certainly do not believe in music, and modern art nowadays is absolutey scandalous. Her tender eyes and ears will never be exposed to such filth." Not to be dramatic but I think Lord Greer has to die. Somebody needs to spook him really hard, he's like 105, it won't take much
"Featheringtons support one another." "Is that what you were doing earlier, supporting me?" "You are right, I have been unkind. But it stops now. And thankfully we have your engagement party coming up to allow us our fresh start." Parents really do think they can fix years of trauma with a single 'my bad'
"Your ledgers will not miss you, but your family will." A good wake-up call for Mondrich
"Do not take an interest in her. I have a new bow and arrow. Would you like to see it?" Tweens are still the same in 1815 HAHA
Hahaha Lady Danbury could not be emanating "Please don't fuck my brother," vibes harder. To which Lady Bridgerton said, "You fucked my dad, I'm definitely fucking your brother!"
"If it proves too difficult for you to reveal the truth, I will be merciful and reveal it to him myself. You have until midnight." Good for Eloise for giving her a deadline!!
AWWWWW John struggling through the boots story. He said: I'm an introvert and I will not be socialized, xoxo
"I know it is unlike you to cajole your own children." "You mock me." "As you rightly mocked me all last season." I missed these interactions between Anthony and Mama Bridgerton!!! I love when the Bridgertons are all in the same place
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HAHAHAHA not Eloise dropping a really threatening post-script to Colin's speech about how excited he is for marriage
If they don't want me to want Penelope and Eloise to be in love, they gotta stop being so fucking intense all the time. They're turning charades into their own private intellectual battle
Also Cressida is reasonably, pretty jealous, considering the homoerotic friendship fight vibes. She said: Hey, I thought it was my turn to be gay!
Eloise said: I do not have time for two homoerotic friendships, sorry Cressida, Penelope has seniority
"All that to say, sometimes I miss what is right in front of me. But not Miss Francesca. Her, I saw straight away." I love you John, you are my favourite Bridgerton character of the season (book readers, tell me nothing!!)
"It is a great change, but you and I will make our way with our child, as we have always done with each other," said Anthony, like they weren't a whole mess last season public fucking in the Bridgerton gardens and getting into horse accidents
OMGGGGGGGGGG Cressida! Saying she's Whistledown so that she doesn't have to marry Lord Greer is truly a 'work smarter, not harder' moment
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The smart move for Penelope would be to say nothing at all as Lady Whistledown and see how the Cressida thing pans out. Also, TELL COLIN!!
"You have many gifts, but cleverness is not amongst them." A harsh review on Cressida from Mama Cowper
"It is one thing to follow the rules. But if you want to win the game, you must lead it. Otherwise you will always be on the defensive." I love Agatha mentoring the Mondrichs
"Lady Bridgerton. Forgive my intrusion, I simply forgot my hat." Lord Anderson left his hat so he'd have an excuse to see her again. This is No. 1 in the Flirting Playbook
My question is: How do you have a booty call when you have have seven of your children in your house. Eight if you count in-laws!
Anderson really came to just flirt with Violet and leave. I love that!
"Excuse me, I have been taken ill of the plague, and you are all doomed by association." HAHAHA John is so funny. I keep saying I love him, but it's true
HAHAHAH Benedict ending his macaron fight with Gregory and Hyacinth by saying "Last macaron for you," to John, his new soon-to-be brother-in-law is incredible family dynamics at play
"Perhaps I can make Lady Whistledown go away, so she shall not be able to harm any of us again." "You will speak with Miss Cowper?" "With the scribe herself." Eloise is a WAY better friend than Penelope deserves
"Eloise, I have worked too hard for too long. Of all people, I refuse to let Cressida Cowper take credit." We have passed Bad Friend and circled to deranged. It is NOT girl boss behaviour to lie to your fiance and BRAG about exploiting your friend. Get some help, Penelope!
"Lady Whistledown is my name. Not hers." "Your name is about to Bridgerton. You cannot be both." YOU TELL HER, ELOISE
"We think speaking to the Queen would be the wisest decision." "Well, if you think you are up to it." "We would like you to speak to the Queen." Francesca said: I'm not afraid to have my mommy fight my battles for me
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"What about my dreams?" "What dreams? Ladies do not have dreams. They have husbands." I know is a great line and a really stark commentary on the lack of independence for women of the era, but it also kinda reminds me of 'I do not remember names, I am female' in Queen Charlotte and that kills me a bit HAHA
"And my greatest wish has always been for you three to do better than I did. And you have." Penelope having her Mum Trauma healed in real time
Also Lady Featherington, the mess that she is, continues to be one of the most compelling characters in this show
"I am hosting a dinner party later this week. For you, and me, and my dear friend Paul. Will you come?" [CHANTING] BISEXUAL BENEDICT, BISEXUAL BENEDICT, LET HIM KISS PAUL
"I'm writing a manuscript in fact." [High pitched, perturbed] "Oh, are you?" That's also how I feel about Colin's manuscript, Benedict
Colin dancing with Penelope in the empty church <3 Stoppp it's so sweet. (Also. TELL HIM)
"May I present Lady Keswick." Danbury said: You will not be fucking my best friend on my watch, brother!! If only Eloise was this efficient
"It is no wonder Penelope abandoned you. All you ever do is talk. You clearly just envious that I have made something of myself." "Perhaps I am envious of Whistledown. It is quite a feat. And after spending a season feeling nearly invisible, I almost understand why one might be driven to write it. Congratulations on your hard-earned success." Not another homerotic friendship break-up. That's 2 for 2, Eloise!
It must be weird for all the Featheringtons now that Penelope is the favourite child
Well, burning every copy of Whistledown she's made and hanging up her pen is the second best thing that Penelope could do other than TELLING COLIN
They're really namedropping the town of Mayfair more this season than any before it
"You know my favourite part about dressmaking is seeing the glow on a woman's face when she puts the dress on. I can't imagine ever giving that feeling up. At any rate, we will make you the most beautiful dress." I appreciate Delacroix sharing what she thinks about Penelope giving up the column without pushing her in any sense
Things are going pretty well for me Bisexual Threesome Dreams:
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Every since that one post about how the Bridgertons are the Kardashians of their town because they're popular, rich and keep getting with people of colour, I CANNOT stop thinking about it. Particularly for Lady Bridgerton and Lord Anderson, who are now Nicer Kris Jenner and Old Timey Hoe Corey Gamble in my mind
HAHAHAHAH Agatha really said: Marcus I will introduce you to EVERY widow in this town if it keeps you away from Violet
"Not bad. Not bad at all." God I love the Mondrichs earning the Queen's respect by throwing the sickest first ball the town has seen
"I have supported you." "You have been perfunctory in your support." Something something when the people who you love fail you
"Not every attachment must be dramatic and hard-fought. What John and I have is easy... and I love him, Mama. Even if it is not the love you want for me." We have now circled back to Violet's S2 ideology that Bridgertons are physically incapable of having a healthy courtship. Francesca has one, and it's nearly destroying her relationship with her mother LMAO
"The night before I was to be married, I very nearly escaped to freedom. Do you think I did not know that it was you who betrayed me to our father? I heard him thank you." That's really fair, I know it's been like 30 years and Agatha has a really nice life now, but financial independence does not make up for years of marital [LOUD FOGHORN NOISE] and the general unpleasantness of being married to Lord Danbury
"Soma. Soma..." "Soma? You think you can call me by my born name, and right the wrong?" Lord Danbury took her NAME? EUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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I genuinely think that Marcus didn't know. It's giving, for me it was the worst day of my life, for you, it was a Tuesday
"Apparently the wine has made me rather rude." "It has also made you rather charming." I think Benedict is about kiss a man. I have NEVER been happier while watching Bridgerton. I have been saying Bi Benedict since Day 1. He's my people. That is a bisexual man!! I had to pause to hop around for a minute because I am that thrilled at the possibility what I have been asking for 3 years might actually come to fruition. GOD BLESS SHONDALAND. [HOLT FROM B99 VOICE] VINDICATION
Benedict after a man has flirted with him for the first time: I gotta go think about some stuff
I was joking, but HE DID have to go think about some stuff. Aww baby, you'll get there!
Not "[In BSL] she is the Devil," at Cressida hahahaha Sign Language Mama doesn't hold back
"Those [personal passages in my journal] are only for you." Awwww Colin that's sweet
Cressida is so unhinged for posting a Whistledown mid-ball. I do love the drama of it though
HAHAHA them having a close-up of Mama Cowper's arm with ink stains if we couldn't tell it was her from Cressida's near-and-far-far-and-wide speech earlier to the cohesive bulletin of her mum's writing. They don't do subtlety in Bridgerton
AWWWW the Crisis of Cowpers bringing Eloise and Penelope back together again. I can only imagine Colin's gonna overhear their conversation
"Writing was the only way I felt I could have a voice. And I should've been using the column to give a voice to the other voiceless. I have done plenty of damage with my pen. Please, let me use it now to do some good." "You must get a full issue out right away." I LOVE YOU PENELOPE AND ELOISE SOLVING THIS TOGETHER. CRIMES PARTIALLY FORGIVEN, PEN!
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"You... are Lady Whistledown?" Turns out he followed her to the publishing house. FINALLY THOUGH. Talk it out, you Bonkers Betrothed
[Tearfully] "All of the lies... you have told me. All of the things you have written about me and my family." That is SUCH a fair reaction Colin, Penelope really has built an empire on shit-talking your family in secret
"I will never forgive you." Really? Cause you've got like 3 weeks to figure it out before your wedding, Colin
"Perhaps, because a few of [the Bridgerton children] may be of dubious parentage." What does that even MEAN, Cressida!! Which parent are you suggesting was getting around
Also, how's Penelope planning to explain the situation with Colin to anyone. What's Colin gonna do? The last time a woman lied to him, he had to end an engagement
"How many eyes exactly do you think there are in the ton?" "Double the amount of people, I would imagine." Philippa and Prudence's dialogue is great
"Whenever I try to grasp her hand these days, she does not swat it away with nearly the same gusto." Prudence has married the only man in this town with a rejection kink
"Perhaps I should read it then. I could use a distraction." You can't read your way out of bisexuality, Benedict. Try taking Am I Gay Quizzes and failing them. It worked for me!
"I cannot help you with this, Pen. I am so grateful for everything you have done for me, but already, I feel in the middle between you and Colin. Perhaps I always have been." That's because your friendships always lean romantic, Eloise!! And your best friend loves to lie all day every day
"But I hope you know that my care for you is not contingent on your aid. I am here for you, Agatha. Always. Even when there are no unmarried children left to help." [Softly] "Thank you, Violet. That means a great deal to me." Ohhhhh I love their friendship
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"Are you going to stop publishing?" "I do not know." At least Penelope is finally being honest
Colin said: I'm still gonna marry you, but I'm not gonna be happy about it, Pen!!!
HAHAHAHA Tilley inviting Benedict over for an After You Ran Away from Our Threesome Offer Debrief. You know, I found them boring in the first half, but they've really sold me on the second half
"I have known men like Mr. Suarez, but I myself have never felt tempted... before." Oh, that's a qualifier Benedict
"But a feeling between two people, whatever their sex, is the most natural thing in the world." Lady Tilley said: Let me be your Bisexual Guru, Benedict
"If you did not feel anything with Mr. Suarez, then let us, you and I, continue on our own. But you should know... my staff are very discreet." GOD. That we are not only getting bisexual Benedict but that he is getting a bisexuality ARC. More than I could've asked for. I am kissing the Bridgerton writers on the mouth. Giggling and kicking my feet
Look at him trying to figure out if his sexuality. Benedict Girl til I die. FAVE FROM DAY 1
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Violet lustfully watching Lord Anderson eat a fruit jelly. This is EXACTLY what Colin did to Penelope. Like mother, like son. All of her kids are different aspects of her personality
"I am not uninterested in exploration. But I will not know if I am ready for that, until after the affairs are... in order. Especially because I am not the only whose affairs need ordering." Violet said: We cannot start a situationship until you sort out your relationship with your sister, Marcus
When Cressida stared into the mirror I did expect Chappell Roan to start playing in violins
"Well, if I am to be bold, I should need some time to think about it." HAHAHA John Stirling, love of my life (second only to Benedict)
"Is everything well?" "Is everything well with you?" The B & C are really going through it on this stag night
"You were a girl who did not know her own power." "But does that justify it?" "No." Madame Delacroix is the realest friend
I really am glad that Colin is airing out all of his beefs with the Whistledown papers. He deserves to give her a lecture
"I can take care of myself." "Then what good am I to you?" "Colin, I love you!" Colin, you have value beyond what you can do for others
Also I can't believe they're ending this fight by getting frisky on the street. WHERE ARE YOUR PRIORITIES, YOU FREAKS? (AFFECTIONATE)
Relationship status: It's extremely complicated:
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"Two glasses is celebratory. One whole bottle is a cry for help." HAHAH I love Kate's zingers, she's truly sharp as a tack
[Kate, laughing] "You think our marriage is perfect?" [Anthony, immediatley heartbroken] "Is it not?" HAHAHAH THEY ARE SO CUTE
Every time Kate makes any reference to marriage being hard, Anthony immediately gets upset and goes, 'I love you, our marriage has no flaws, why are you bullying me?'
"I drunk a whole bottle before my wedding (the second wedding) and it was deeply celebratory. Three raw eggs in the morning." It's been a while since Anthony has broken out Dad Mode, but that was a good one
The context that Marcus was 10 years old when he ratted out Agatha trying to escape really does make me not blame him quite so hard for it. He was a kid, he didn't understand long term consequences!
"You had something in you all along, a kind of courage I never dreamed of having. I have wished so many times that I had stood up to him. For you. For myself." New Bridgerton Dubious Race Trope unlocked: Why do all the Black characters (Simon, Agatha, the ongoing plot around the Mondrichs, Marina and Charlotte not having parents at all) have abusive or absent fathers? Discuss
But to be fair, most people in Bridgerton have absent or dead fathers. They're like 'Men? We don't need 'em!'
Also, good for Marcus for putting his resepect for his sister into words
"Do not come for my cane. I suppose you got all the good joints in the family." What a chronic pain sister with a healthy brother mood
"At last, my life is full of joy. And I've been afraid you would take it away from me." "Any joy I am after, I deep hope you are a large part of." Ohhhhhhh we love a healing of family trauma. This is the season of Therapizing Your Relatives
The way they keep referencing Anthony and Kate's wedding that they completely skipped. LOL
To date they have not shown a wedding under normal circumstances. Someone's always fighting, or lying, or under duress. It's brutal actually
Ohhhhh the way Colin nods at Penelope like 'we'll be okay.' MY HEART. I do love that they are friends in love getting married
I do feel like this was the most normal wedding so far. Good for them!
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"Which brother or sister do you like the best?" "Gregory, clearly." HAHAHA I love Benedict and Eloise's little chats. Best sibling duo
"Love is not finite, Eloise. The friendship you have with Penelope is a lucky thing. As is the one you have with Colin." AWWW Eloise is sad because she thinks they don't have room for her in their hearts (Penelope especially, I think)
"Our child... will always be a Bridgerton. But I should like them to know that they are a Sharma as well, know their history. And it is important for me to know it so that we can share that history, with our child, together." I know that this India trip probably solves a plot purpose of giving Anthony and Kate a place to be but I can't help but also think of what a great example of cross-cultural parenting Anthony is providing. He's so good!!
Anthony and Kate really do be kissing in public all the time, HA
"Weddings are never for the bride and groom, even when things are... well, between the couple." "Thank you, for allowing me work it out for myself." [Lightheartedly] "Well, this wedding couldn't plan itself. I have not had time to meddle. Whatever it is, I know you will resolve it." Lady Featherington and Penelope have come a long way
Them doing the cutaway to them being the only people in the room while they dance. I see you 2005 Pride and Prejudice fan who did directed this scene
"I did not think you a dancer." "Perhaps not. But perhaps we should both be more bold in declaring ourselves." Is it unfair to Colin and Penelope if I say Lord Kilmartin and Francesca are my favourite couple of the season? 'Cause they are
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Now that Lady Danbury is cool with Violet and Marcus, Anthony has switched to 'HEY. HEY DO NOT HIT ON MY MUM, LORD ANDERSON. THAT'S MY MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' O'VISION
I love that the Queen said, "Everyone who's not a Bridgerton, get out," and Lady Danbury said, "Hey, I am at least half Bridgerton by now, I'm staying."
"Do you know what it is like to have nowhere in the world where you can truly be yourself? You cannot possibly know, because you are not a woman. You have the choice to be any kind of person you wish to be, while the only choice women have is to conceal the parts of us the world will not accept." Penelope said: Lying to your fiance and exploiting his family for money is feminism, actually
It's very reasonable for Colin to not accept Penelope continuing to be Whistledown
Aww at least Eloise and Penelope's friendship is back in full force
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They split this season in two halves just so they could bisexualize Benedict during Pride Month. That's the reason. I've decided. Happy Pride Month to me!!!!
Also the emotional contrast of these last couple of scenes jgjhgjh
Colin: Fighting with his wife about life-altering deal-breaking secrets 0.03 seconds into marriage, on edge, disappointed and heartbroken
Benedict: Realizing there's a whole other kind of sex he could be having, and having a great time
"You will pay me my sum, or I will reveal the truth to the entire ton." Cressida isn't nice, but she did make a good detective and subsequently, blackmailer
Poor Violet trying to avoid being thrown into scandal once more. Also her and Anthony with parallel declarations that they would've noticed if someone in their house was Whistledown, even though it was Penelope, who until now, has lived across the street
Also also also: Francesca now dropping her own news that she's moving to Scotland Post-Haste
It is satisfying to see Penelope, Colin, Eloise and Lady Featherington all trying to sort out this Whistledown blackmail because they're all aware
"I will not cower to Miss Cowper. I will call upon her tomorrow. Bring her to see this course of action is ruinous for everyone involved." Good luck, Colin
HAHAHAHA again with the contrast of Benedict's family being in crisis while he is off Philandering: Bisexuality Edition
"You do not sound as if you hate Whistledown. You sound as if you are jealous of her." [Unconvincingly] "No I'm not."
Cressida making the sum twice as much + a nice review in Whistledown when Colin tries to empathize with her with his excellent man-free-for-world-travels and supportive family. I'm not gonna lie, kinda girlboss of her
HAHAHAHA Benedict has had no scenes in the past half an hour of Bridgerton but back-and-forths to him and Paul and Tilley. I love it. He's having a great night. They're leaving no doubt about him enjoying this
Also. Not to be bisexual myself. But Benedict being with a man and a woman at the same time is doing more for me than any other Bridgerton scene has ever done. It's a combination of vindication, being a Benedict girl, and the high of hot bi people. Bridgerton. I once again give you a little kiss on the mouth
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"You are both adults. You may do as you wish. After all, it is not as though I asked your permission." I cannot believe Agatha is using this Are-You-Gonna-Date-My-Brother talk to confirm that she fucked Violet's dad. Unhinged. Incredible. What the hell!!
"I know my father was a good man. And that you have been a very good friend. And that is all I need to know." Not good enough to not cheat on his wife though, Violet! But I love the sentiment
"And my brother is a good man. And you are a good friend. And that is all I need to know as well." Awww, I do love a mirrored dialogue. I've said it before but Agatha and Violet's friendship is perhaps my favourite on this show
The zoom in on the Birthday hat was EVIL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
"How do you stand society events?" "I suppose I have love to give in abundance. Love for a bit of chitchat. And love for a good party. Especially a party of three." Benedict is still a romantic at heart, even in a threesome pile
This does kind of get me thinking of how they handle garbage disposal in Georgian England
Finally the embezzlement funds from Cousin Jack come back to haunt them. The Featheringtons are never not in financial crisis
"What will Lady Whistledown write about our disgrace when I am exposed?" "She will write whatever I like her." "That is a agreat power. What a thing you have made for yourself." This is the most optimistic final take Lady Featherington could have on her daughter being an infamous gossip columnist
"It is my great hope that the silence and beauty of Scotland will allow me to know myself better, so that you can all know me better as well. I want nothing more than to be close." Francesca has such a good heart
"For a long time, I thought that is what love must be like for everyone. Surprising, forceful, quick. But you have shown me that there is another way. There is... beauty in the slow approach." You know what that is, Violet? That's growth! She's such a good mum
"May you now live together in holy matrimony until your dying breath." Ominous way to end their vows (book readers, tell me nothing!!)
What is the proper way to court a widow? I guess we'll find out!
"Lady Bridgerton, I see your openness reflected in Benedict, your charm in Colin, your wisdom in Eloise, and a brightness you've instilled in both Gregory and Hyacinth. In this moment, where I feel so much gratitude for my new wife, I feel it in equal measure for the remarkable woman who raised her. I thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart." Good speech John, I think you've really won the Bridgertons over
Francesca and John's wedding wins for most normal for sure
AW FRANCESCA AND VIOLET'S DUET. Something something complex relationships with your mother:
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Also also also. Why are half the scenes in Bridgerton filmed like we're in somebody's pocket. Or in the flower vase. The huge blurs are distracting
"It is not what you do for me that makes me love you. It is your kindness. Your empathy. How much you care. Just being you is enough, Colin. I do not need you save me. I just need you stand by me." I'm glad Penelope is telling Colin this outright, he needed to hear it
"Tilley, you are extraordinary, but I am not certain that serious is what I want." Benedict is the only Bridgerton who knows how to communicate his feelings directly right away
"Is it because of Paul?" "No. Paul could be Patricia, or Polly, or Peter, or all three at once. What happened between the three of us, what has happened to me since I met you, has made me realize how good it feels to be free. You've opened my world. I am not ready to close it again just now." Benedict said: I gotta sow my wild bisexual oats, Tilley, I am not looking for a wife at present
We are BACK at the Bisexual and Lesbian Sibling Swingset. This is where I first grew so attached to Benedict and Eloise. It really is a full circle moment:
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"It feels right now that the next thing I learn may change me entirely." "I agree profoundly with everything you've said, as I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Their dialogue is so fun
"We should not let so long pass again between us before we meet on these swings to be entirely confused together." BENEDICT. B AND E BEST SIBLING DUO
Lady Featherington saying she's proud of her daughters like it's been ripped out of her forcefully. She is so my mum-coded LMAO
"She calls upon my mercy, asking to address you all herself. To plead her case publicly, before I pass my judgment. So I turn the floor over now to the scribe herself." This is a very dramatic way to resolve the Lady Whistledown situation but I guess they did leave it til the last 20 minutes of the season
Also RIP Cressida, who is definitely being shipped off to Wales
"She seems humbled, but we will be watching that she remains so. What is life without a little gossip?" Wow, all took was 3 minutes of 'my bad, you're actually very brave for doing things where I can see them, I won't do it again xoxo' to win over the whole ballroom and the Queen. Power of Lady Whistledown, I guess!
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"You... are a genius." "I know!" Hee hee, go Featherington (or Dankworth-Finch, as it were) sisters
"There is only one person who loves the Bridgertons more than I." "You knew it was me." "I suspected. You are not the only lady of the ton who can keep a secret." YEAH AGATHA <3
"We can now tell that solicitor that money came from my writing. He will have no recourse. Time for us to do better." [Softly] "My girl." I wonder if Lady Featherington is gonna come clean and give the money back
"You have always had one voice. There is no separating you from Whistledown. And after seeing you speak today, well, I would not want to." AND it fixed her marriage. What a powerful speech
"If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, then I will be a very fulfilled man, indeed." "I love you. You are very good man, Mr. Bridgerton." I didn't buy the forgiveness because it feels super rushed, but I do buy this
"Francesca Bridgerton. Kilmartin. Kilmartin is my name now." Ggkhkgjhgkjhg why is Francesca so flustered by Michaela Stirling? Is she also gonna go down a sexuality journey?? Not the sibling I anticipated!! Also does them introducing a new character mean the story will follow Eloise and Francesca in Scotland
"Only until next year. Do you think Mama would ever let me miss her Masquerade Ball?" WEE OO WEE OO I KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT THE BOOKS TO KNOW THAT THAT MEAN'S BENEDICT'S NEXT BABEYYYYYYY
You know, I kept thinking about how Penelope had lost a titled match for Colin, who is the third son, and it turns out they do get to have a little baby Lord Featherington! And she gets to pass on her family name. I love that for Penelope:
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What this season lacked in pacing, it more than made up for in gusto, Bisexual Bridgertons, really powerful and satisfactory friendships, a ton of Bridgerton family interactions, and more than enough romance to keep me giggling and kicking my feet for days. Honestly, it might be my favourite season, for little to do with the main couple, everything to do with the drama and excitement and fun dialogue of it all. I do really keep enjoying this show!! Every part of Bridgerton is good after S1 LOOOOL. KEEP 'EM COMING BABY!
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saecoyle · 10 months ago
spoilers warnings // opinion abt the first part
what I like :
Penelope being an absolute sweetheart and terribly socially akward but not being turned ridiculed, like a lot of "not-like-other-girls" fiction. Penelope is different than the ton as she's not sticking out but she makes it clear that she is a very common girl in her wants and desire, that she is just more introverted and has had less help from her family.
Her relationship with her mom getting deeper as well as their conflict. Love that!
Francesca being a really agreable character and her silent affection towards John is adorable. Definitly looking for more of them in the second part.
I actually enjoy the subplot of both Eloïse and Cressida, the season is really centering on the cracks of the ton's idea of normalcy before going further than the Londonian society in others books which is a great thing. It adresses that in an universe like Bridgerton there's a difficulty for the young misses in market to bond and form friendship because they're in constant competition, but also it doesn't take away the flaws of each-characters, making them whole. The three girls does not only compete with themselves but they also envy each one thing for each-other and are blind to the other person's issue, but at the end of the day the ton ends up being an issue for all of them in one way or another.
Violette and Agatha's brother, very cute, love their different views on marriage and their equal love for their children.
Colin is actually not a non-playable-character! Still feels a lil bit uncomplete to me but hey, it's only four episodes, it might come as well. I do really empathize with him with his awkwardness in episode three and four and hope for more as for later. Also they need to get him a more fluffy wig in the sense that : episode 3 with the wind, thank you.
what I disliked :
The constant threesomes (okay, only two) but I don't like lesbianism being used as porn content for men, even though if it means what it means (Colin is not content with one sexual or romantic partner if it's not Pen ect ect…) as a lesbian it is still icky to me. (Also I know that the few mlm scenes we've had caters to 'everyone' because straight women tends to love gay men but they're also more deeper than sex workers having to shag in front of rich nobles.)
The part 2 teaser, in genereal the fact that L.W will be revealed in this season and that the main conflict will be Penelope lying to Colin. But it's mostly because I've read the books and I hold Penelope and her work's dear in my heart I have issues about how it was handled. Personal preferences I guess.
Benedict's plot, not interesting, love the actress (very pretty) but in general I feel like theyre running in circles with him to keep the hype until they've made all their seasons and then his. Just not interested in it.
THAT half moment in the carriage scene where Pen tries to put her hands in his hair but it feels very weird bc in the book I felt it as unconcious and passionate and his hair being so stiff + the weird look turned me off so bad…sorry I know a lot of people like that scene in its entirety but it's the only part I had issues with.
I'm sad that we don't get news on Queen Charlotte's family situation bc it really intrigued me, I'm not surprised that the universe feels kind of flat.
things I am neutral about :
Kanthony not being that present, well it's not their seasons! I always have issues with ennemies turned lovers in the sense that they become boring very fast if theyre straight ((sorry)) and I do like them so I'm glad I didn't have the time to get bored by them, it also means more Francesca plot, more Creloise so I am truly fine with it.
The Mondrich getting nobles traits, I just wished it focused on the son too. Maybe about how pressured he would be as a young guy, ect, but there's still time.
Oh and it took me a MOMENT to understand the logistic of him f*ngering her, at first I thought he was just pleasing her outside and I was like "but the logistic? does he just gets out of the carriage with wet fingers and goes tell his mom he's getting married?" But it seems that yes. So… Okay.
The pregnancy race, idk it just feels obvious that Pen at the end of the day might win bc one will have a girl or one will be too late ect… I do find the commentaries about sexuality funny, and if it means more Finch and Philippa I'm fine with it.
general opinion for now :
I have been warmed up to be hyped by the season for a while now so there is not a real surprise that i'm appreciating the main romance as they're the only one I read the book and had seen across fandom in laws. Now the four next episode can make it more than great or sadly make my appreciation downgrade, it'll be a different experience that I've had with the other seasons bc I binged all of it and only had a overall opinion on the entirety of the show. Looking for the rest!
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year ago
Six Sentence Sunday
using @kiwiana-writes open tag <3
cheating because currently all of my wip's are only in script dialogue status, so I'm posting a snippet of the new chapter I just uploaded seconds ago
Chapter 2 of Nocturno (bridgerton/kanthony! firstprince au)
(sidenote for context: Henry did give Bea permission for this)
He tries not to show the misstep on his face, but he's unsuccessful and is treated to laughter. "You meant Henry? God no, he's a proper gentleman and utterly softhearted with my mother and I."
Alex nods, trying to be cordial as he smiles. "Good", he acknowledges, trying to force kind thoughts into the word and not the truth of how irritated the man makes him.
Beatrice eyes him in a way that makes him worry she's about to call him out after she checks that no others are in earshot, but instead her next words are both the last thing he could have ever predicted and the first thing he thinks some part of him was waiting to hear. "I think he's trying to work out what men he'll settle for as well."
Almost straining his neck with how fast he fully looks to her at his side, the question escapes his lips before he can even begin to stop it. "Men?"
"Yes," she says with a smile that has some hidden weight to it that he can't parse while his mind is still reeling. "He's quite gay."
"...Oh." Alex doesn't think he's ever been at such a complete lack of words in such an ordinary circumstance.
Interpreting his one word for something critical, Beatrice raises an eyebrow, and he rushes to fill in the blanks, halfway stuttering as he blunders, "No, not—I don't care that he's gay."
"You don't?" she asks carefully, her eyes almost narrowed at him with how detailed she's watching his every single micro expression. He thinks there's something she's not saying, something he's missing, but he can't even pretend he can guess what that might be while he's trying to understand why on earth she thinks he would mind. "Of course not."
"It makes no difference at all?"
Alex tries not to be hurt at the implied accusation and there's some injury in the way he defends himself. "No, it doesn't, and I'm not sure why you think I would, considering I love my sisters dearly."
"I had no mistrust of that, I promise," she assures all too quickly, her expression smoothing over into an attempt at comfort instead of analysis. With a very small pause, she explains, "I only thought you found it curious based on your expression."
He thinks it's definitely warmer outside today than he had expected, the California heat affecting his cheeks and neck even at dusk. He doesn't meet her eye when he airily replies, "Forgive me, but I'm more curious how you are related to someone so firmly annoying."
tagging @terrainofheartfelt @strideofpride @takaraphoenix @nontoxic-writes @hydesjackiespuddinpop @mysteriesofloves @missbrunettebarbie @purgeshubble and an open tag for everyone else to tag me as well!
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zalrb · 10 months ago
LET'S GET THROUGH THEM QUICKLY - Bridgerton 3.02 Review
1. Why do we care about the Kent family? I mean, I'm glad there's a monoracial Black family but they seem incidental.
2. Honestly, the Featherington Sisters who I'll just call the Terrible Sisters seem to be the only ones actually having fun with their husbands. I mean there's Kanthony but they're busy getting busy, so.
3. Colin's coat, doesn't it kinda make him look like a bum tho?
4. I would love this height difference if he were anyone else.
5. "You're saying you want my help after what Lady Whistledown wrote?" SHE WROTE NOTHING. GET IT TOGETHER.
6. Lady Featherington this entire season is going to be like
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8. Honestly, this show doesn't care about rules, tell her to get on top.
9. I don't know, the play at debauchery annoys me, either he's having a threesome in bed or we don't have to see it.
10. "Do you know what I discovered abroad?" "I've been to 17 countries, do you know what I discovered?" He's that guy. That guy is annoying.
11. Who ARE these people?
12. That is a hideous dress.
13. They couldn't get a French English-speaking actress?
14. Jesus christ, how many of these Bridgerton children are there?
15. Oh my god, they are DULL.
16. I just find it funny because as a teen, friends-to-lovers was my jam and I just feel absolutely nothing about this.
17. She is giving and he gives nothing back. GAZE at her with your "remarkably blue eyes" dammit.
18. Bridgerton annoys me so much with the lack of chemistry.
19. Like her reading his sex journal and getting turned on by it, theoretically I get that, theoretically I should be fangirling but I'm just like who CARES, it's Colin?
20. But honestly, more than that, they don't have the chemistry necessary for me to find this giddy and sexy and cute-embarrassing because they don't have sexual tension and they don't have familiarity either. They're just two people in a room.
21. I'm holding my head because this ENTIRE sequence is passionless and bloodless. She's reading his journal, he catches her, she's flustered, he knocks over whatever that was made of glass, she rushes to help him, OMG THE TOUCHING OF THEIR HANDS, THERE'S SOMETHING THERE. I get it. I can SEE this written, I know what it's supposed to be and it's FLAT and it's contained and it's contrived. Nothing about this feels like it organically happened.
22. And the way they're staring at each other is just ... *sigh* I SHOULD BE GETTING ROSSCHEL
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23. Miss Featherington talking to her sons-in-law like
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24. I don't think I've EVER laughed out loud watching this show until now
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25. "Mr. Dankworth you are ... so ... pretty." "Oh!" How can anyone care about the romances in this show?
26. Uh oh, Fuck boy Mouse Man is getting jealous. She touched Lord Basilieo's hand.
27. I mean, OG Mouse Man was a fuck boy too. They're all pretty terrible.
28. "His horse recently died" *laughs* what?
29. "When I have a disagreement with someone, I find the best course of action is simply to pretend they are dead." Ha! I think I just like all of the terrible people in the show. They're more fun!
30. My family was indeed worried about me as a child since I only loved the Disney villains.
31. That was an odd dance.
32. I mean they all look odd to me.
33. "This can all be rather enjoyable" I mean, can it? Can it really?
34. Why do we care about these Kent people?
35. "That is quite ... expressive music" is there music that isn't expressive? Help me god.
36. "I might be pregnant already! I must eat for two." "Your arrogance does not count as two people." I DON'T CARE, THEY HAVE THE BEST LINES. THEY'RE NEARLY FUNNY.
38. "INSERTS HIMSELF? Inserts himself WHERE?" Like this is the most entertaining part of the show.
39. "Did you read the passage about Lady Carter's housekeeper??" Read it? I wrote it!
40. Again, the gossiping about Colin helping Penelope should be dramatic and it's ... not? Like they do the vertigo effect and she's crying in the carriage and it still feels muted.
41. "I could die tomorrow and I've never been kissed and that would kill me." "But you'd already be dead, so..." Paraphrasing but LOL. I know what they're doing/going for but it really just sounds like he does NOT want to kiss her.
42. Also giving Jacob and Bella vibes. If you don't want me to die you must kiss me.
43. Nicola deserves a better screen partner, jesus.
44. This is supposed to be transformative and I just DON'T believe it.
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pfhwrittes · 10 months ago
bridgerton posting under the cut and kept as vague as possible to avoid spoilers - do not spoil things in the replies or i will hunt you down with my makita drill.
season 3, part 1 - episode 1 thoughts below ⬇️
firstly, i'm not a huge fan of the way colin (played by luke newton) looks this season. yes, i loved his entrance outfit (and very much enjoyed the scene in the carriage with all the bridgerton boys) but i think it's such a shame that luke has clearly lost weight and/or muscled up for this season. there was a certain charm to his round cheeks and fluffy hair and i will miss them.
secondly, the kanthony girlies (gender neutral) are being FED in this episode. i already know my housemate is going to lose her mind. it's lovely to see that all of the passion between kate and anthony is still there, they are absolutely in love and i am overjoyed. also, i love how well they match each other. kate is such a sweetheart and simone ashley is stunningly beautiful. her micro expressions kill me.
thirdly, oh penelope sweetheart. i am just 💔💔💔 right now. when i find gifs of her make over outfit i am going to DIE. ugh! also girly, you did not learn your lesson from last season about writing when angry.
fourthly, is it weird to say that i'm glad that cressida has a bit of depth to her now? i know she's still rather unpleasant (to say the least) but i'm so glad eloise is smoothing some of those sharp edges.
finally, that last scene??? THAT LAST SCENE RRRAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! no one look at me!!! no one touch me!!!!! i am going to EXPLODE!!!! fuck this is going to be GOOD and i am riveted already.
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brynnsasha191 · 5 months ago
I don’t even necessarily disagree with your opinion that there is enough room for Pen and Kate, but I feel like you are deliberately misunderstanding the point, which is not that people think only Kate or Pen can be there, but that the show runner explained that Kanthony has a limited storyline (not screen time but the actual plot points they chose to write) because she finds happy married couples boring to write in the past season. And yet, for season 4, according to Nic’s own words, they suddenly able to write substantial plot for Polin that are fluffy and happy without it being “boring”. That’s why people are saying, oh so Polin can be there in a substantial capacity for s4 but they couldn’t do the same for Kate and Anthony.
Hello! Thank you for the ask! You gave me stuff to think about and made actual sensible points without insulting me!
First off I'll say, I never made that post as an argument why Polin should have more. I would honestly prefer polin having domestic bliss scenes rather than an actual plot of substance, I love them but they had their time to shine as the main couple. I think it'd be interesting if in a couple seasons from now they have a plot where one of their children isn't speaking very well, the same way Simon didn't speak back when he was a kid. And polin goes to S+D for advice. But only because that happened in the books and because it'd be good representation for kids and parents going through that stuff. And only far in the future from now.
Secondly, I didn't deliberately misunderstand the point. I personally don't think I missed it at all. I think people might be angry with me over a point I didn't make, or at least didn't intend to make. I never said people don't have a right to be upset about the unfairness and inequality that the writers are displaying to Kanthony. Only that the writers alone are to blame. And I'm not trying to generalise and say everyone who's upset is blaming Polin, however I came across a YouTube comment section in which some people were talking about how it's Nicola's duty to not be in the new season in favor of Simone having more screen time and that by staying in s4 it's her fault there's not more scenes of Simone, and that Polin isn't important anymore but apparently Kanthony is? I don't know if I could find this comment section but I can try. There was another post somewhere about how polin isn't nearly as important so it's outrageous. The outrageous part is the unfairness, not the who's doing or playing what. Again, I don't remember where this post was, I was rushing to finish making dinner for guests and I only read it once lol. I'll see if I can find it again. It just seems to me that this fandom is so quick to blame Nicola over things that weren't her fault, even back when s3 was announced to be Polin's, it was automatically Nic's fault.
Something I did say was "If Kate isn't in s4 then it's Simone's choice" and after reading your ask and thinking about it more, I realize that might've been a short sighted stance to take. Of course Simone would want to be in it as much as possible and if she's being mistreated it's hardly her choice. I was wrong about that, I admit.
My point was never that polin is better or that no one should be upset over this, they should it's cruel and clearly playing favorites. It was that we can be upset about Simone and Kanthony getting mistreated without turning it into a popularity, beauty, and talent contest with Nicola and/or polin. The writers alone are to blame for this. I'm not trying to defend one over the other, I adore them both and I want to seem them both in s4, the same way and same amount. I'm so excited for Simone to be in s4, Bridgerton wouldn't be the same without her. I apologize of the wrong point came across but I was truly not insulting Simone.
Thanks a lot for the ask! I love receiving them, especially when they have great points. And you definitely gave me stuff to think about, I appreciate that. I hope you enjoy s4 when it comes!
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shadowqueenjude · 9 months ago
Tell me about threeeee! (Also please give Nesta a gun and clear shot at IC)
I’m not sure if you’ll be interested because it is a Snowbaird regency AU not ACOTAR buuuuuuut it’s very Kanthony and Elucien inspired so you might like it!
Flushed and disheveled, Coriolanus chased the mysterious singer who had drawn him in with her voice. It didn’t take long for him to catch up.
“Lady!” Coriolanus gasped, finally reaching them. The entire group turned towards him, but Coriolanus only had eyes for her.
Now that he looked closer, Coriolanus realized he was wrong about her eyes. They had brown in them, yes, but also shades of green, gold, and even grey. Coriolanus had never seen eyes like it.
“Pardon me, my lady, I simply had to compliment your performance at the ball tonight. Pray tell, what is your name?”
The singer smiled winningly at him, and Coriolanus felt his heart thump hard in his chest. Oh what on Earth?
“My name is Lucy Gray,” she answered with a slight accent in her voice that would be a dead giveaway that she wasn’t upper class. However, unlike that prince’s ridiculous Italian accent, Coriolanus found her accent remarkably pleasant.
“Lucy Gray,” Coriolanus repeated. The name rolled off his tongue.
“That’s right. Well, if you ever want to meet again, I perform at the Central London theatre five days a week in the evening, Lord Snow.”
Coriolanus blinked. “How do you know my name?”
Lucy Gray just winked. “This isn’t my first performance at a ball, you know. I’ve seen you a few times. You’re hard to miss, Your Grace.”
Coriolanus blushed as Lucy Gray walked away, watching the back of her head as she followed the rest of her group out.
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anthonybrxdgerton · 1 year ago
kanthony fanfic news (by euphoriapotion)
Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate! Since it's my birthday today, I decided to give you all a small gift - a snippet from the first chapter of (there's) nothing in between, a sequel to line without a hook.
But first, some news:
12 chapters out of 17 are already written
The story has 118k words so far
I'm working on chapter 13 and HOPEFULLY, i can finish it this week
Finishing (and editing) this story will be my NanoWriMo project. I have everything outlined and I hope I can finish it soon (I want to finish writing and editing it before posting!)
The ideal date for posting should be December 6th, but if I'm not finished by then, the first chapter will be posted on Christmas Eve at the latest.
Thank you everyone for reading my stories and waiting for the sequel. I promise you, I'm working hard on it!
Now that we get all the boring stuff out of the way, let's see what our favourite duo is up to, shall we?
A scene from chapter one "i don't really care about the way you touch me when we're alone"
“Miss Sharma.” His voice was quiet as he took a step closer. “How are you this evening?”
Her shoulders tensed and her heart skipped a beat, a shiver going down her spine. She admonished herself for reacting that way. Vexing man, always insisting on staying in her thoughts when she wished to forget his gentle smile and his sincere apology which had caused her heart to stutter and her mouth to go dry. The flowers that had made her heart beat faster and the vague message that had left her wanting more.
Irritation, she decided. That was the feeling she should focus on in his presence.
“You should not be here, my lord. It is my place of refuge.”
“The balcony that anyone has access to?” He sounded baffled.
Kate took a deep breath, looking at the garden below gleaming in the moonlight. The gentle breeze did nothing to calm her racing heart as Lord Bridgerton took a step closer to her and she could feel his body heat at her back.
“You didn’t answer my question, Madam.” His voice was coy.
“What do you think, my lord?” she snapped.
“I hear you have been busy,” he observed.
Hearing this one remark, anger stirred within her. She stiffened as her mind raced to decode his meaning. Was he talking about the suitors she had no choice but to entertain?
She brushed her tears away before straightening her spine and turning around to face him. His brows furrowed, eyes shining with concern as he catalogued every inch of her face, and she cursed herself for being drawn to the depth of his eyes.
“And what is that supposed to mean, Lord Bridgerton?” she challenged, irritation glowing in her eyes. A Rake like him had no right to judge her.
“Nothing, I only meant-”
“I do not particularly care what you meant, my lord. As always, your intentions do not match the effect you have on people,” Kate answered, staring at him unblinkingly. She hoped he would leave her alone.
Of course, he did the opposite.
He stepped closer.
“And what effect do I have on you?” Anthony Bridgerton whispered, eyebrows raising, the corners of his lips lifting.
Kate scowled. “You irritate me.”
She was lying, of course, but she would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that he affected her so. She was barely able to catch her breath with his close proximity to her, his musky scent invading her senses.
“Oh, do I?” His voice was deep and husky, and he stepped even closer, far beyond the line of propriety. “Is that why your breath is ragged, Miss Sharma? Why your eyes are burning? Chest heaving?”
Kate's heart stopped. There was no way he knew? She narrowed her eyes. “I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, I could make you beg”, he murmured, unabashedly, his lips hovering over her ear, the way she’d wished they’d done when he handed her the reins for Nectar and whispered the words that played over and over in Kate's mind throughout her sleepless nights: There is no one else I would trust but you.
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fadingreveries · 10 months ago
Bridgerton S1E4: "An Affair of Honour" | Thoughts
❝ Daphne receives a stunning gift from Prince Friedrich but soon courts scandal at a ball. Eloise searches for clues to Lady Whistledown's identity. ❞
After nearly an eternity of procrastinating between school and work... I finally get the chance to watch Bridgerton. I’m so looking forward to watching the new season and keep seeing spoilers all over the internet. When will it be my turn to be fangirling over Kanthony and Polin? 😩 It might be a while at the rate I’m watching these episodes…
Find my reactions to other episodes of Bridgerton here and to episodes from other TV shows here! 🐝
LMAO Violet Bridgerton is me when I’m hungry and don’t want to make it obvious
Oh, to be a girl having a prince tell me I'm perfection... can't relate
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Dang, someone seems to be taking out his anger too much on the punching bag… 👀
Me remembering that we will have to wait at least a year before season 4:
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Me when the dentist and hygienists pressure me to get braces or invisalign every single time I have an appointment knowing dang I do not have $8000 just sitting in my pocket that I would rather use to pay student loans:
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Side note: some of these gif reactions are more relatable to me than everyone else, but a girl's gotta rant one way or another and why not have it here on Tumblr with Bridgerton gifs 😪
I live for stolen glances across the room, especially in slow-burn romance but I get the feeling Simon and Daphne's story doesn't necessarily follow this
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Daphne, your thirstiness is showing 🤔 The second the sleeves get pushed up and the arm veins pop out, miss ma'am's jaw hits the ground like she isn't right beside the prince of Prussia
Not Simon jealously staring at Daphne and the prince thinking "tHaT sHoUlD bE mE, hOlDiNg YoUr HaNd"
Another side note, can we talk about how shy and smiley Benedict is? The fact that he scrunches up his face and closes his eyes just cringing about the critique he gave is actually kind of adorable
I like that Violet and Lady Danbury are basically the ones pushing Simon and Daphne to realize their feelings for each other... mothers know best in their case
I've recently started reading The Duke and I and I think I can start to see the differences between the show and the book. For starters, I don't remember Simon breaking off the agreement between him and Daphne making them fight? I thought it was something they continued in the book, even letting Anthony know the whole thing was a ruse for their own benefits. Second, I don't remember there being a prince in the book? Were these just added to the show to add more tension?
PLEASE not Mama Bridgerton downing her entire champagne flute just begging Simon to pop his head into the ballroom to save Daphne
HAHAHA omg I'm so sleep-deprived that I seriously thought Violet was the opera singer beside Anthony's side chick
Excuse me Polin, I saw that lingering gaze... 👀
"I aM mArRyInG tHe PrInCe" oh is that why you twirled away from him every single chance he tried to propose or is that playing hard to get? 🤔
Okay unpopular opinion, but am I the only one who would accept Prince Friedrich's proposal? Like sweet, kind, wants to start a family, showers you with compliments. I feel like he would not be hard to love and you wouldn't have to constantly second-guess yourself, your values and what you want out of life with him
I don't remember them fighting like this with their kiss in the gardens?
Now Anthony bursting into the scene and landing a nice right-hook on Simon... that I remember very well. Hehe.
Simon is so hot-cold?? 😠 that kind of drives me nuts! you tell her you're not friends, the next you're taking it back. you apologize for kissing her, the next you're making out alone with her and groping her bum. you make her fall in love with you, then you tell her you can't ever marry knowing dang well she's ruined if people saw them kissing alone with no chaperone?? it just irritates me when people don't know what they want and at the expense of toying with others' feelings
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I don't blame Anthony for being so overprotective and challenging Simon to a duel. I feel like if I were an older sibling in that era and someone refused to take responsibility for what they and my sibling engaged in, I'd be seething too
I've been spoiled already about the big reveal with Penelope in season 2, but I honestly can't help but feel for her? like imagine seeing the very real possibility that your childhood love gets married off to someone distant in your family and you have to pretend that you're okay the entire time just because you feel you're not good enough? but I will say the way she spat out that she isn't a pretty bridgerton was a little harsh
Anthony I love you, but I don't like how you coddle Daphne like she isn't her own woman
"Good God. Did someone die?" oh Colin, thank you for breaking the tension with your comic relief
These two rakes are so laughable, like please... reduce the context to a simple sentence... they are willing to die over a make-out session
The thing that annoys me is that Simon was willing to kiss Daphne and be seen privately with her in the garden while groping her everywhere, yet he still won't take responsibility for that after finding out that someone's seen them and Daphne's reputation will be ruined? like if he's saying he couldn't marry her, then don't kiss her in the first place?? I just don't get it
Um... what was that ending? I literally have no words. didn't realize you could put a stop to two rakes' pride by just announcing you'll marry one rake? confused
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skinnyscottishbloke · 1 year ago
A and B for the fandom asks!
Heyaaaa thanks for these : )
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Well number 1 has to be my ineffables, Crowley/Aziraphale from Good Omens. I’ll read allllll the fic - the angsty post s02 pining/reunion fics, the post s01 long friendship realized fics, the south downs retirement fics, hell even the human au fics (although those are a bit more hit or miss for me). I just cannot get enough of them!!! They are the ultimate to me. The outpouring of fic and art and meta post s02 makes being in the fandom extra fun rn. Also I like both the ace and allo interpretations, if the writing is good.
My number 1 used to be Johnlock, specifically from BBC Sherlock. While we all know how that show fucked up, Johnlock fic still has a special place in my heart and I find myself revisiting favorites often. Similar to Good Omens, the post s02 Reichenbach fall hiatus art/fic/meta was a great great time and makes me smile to remember it.
Nick x Charlie from Heartstopper are adorable and sweet and are definitely my fluffy pairing. Alex and Henry from RWRB are like their older siblings in a way - I just love them too (more book versions for Alex and Henry, although the movie was lovely, I just feel like the book goes more in depth).
Also love Merthur (specificially from BBC Merlin). I don’t even really like the show??? but I looovveeee the fic world, especially when the whole ensemble makes an appearance. Modern AUs are really fun for me in this verse.
Gotta shoutout my OG ot3 Parker/Hardison/Elliot from Leverage. Their canon relationship was beautifully developed and I love when fic takes it to the next level. Lots of found family vibes, idiots to lovers, all the best tropes.
The first ship I ever read fic for was Rose x The Doctor (Nine or Ten) over on whofic.com. They’re still a huge ship for me (Doomsday still makes me cry fuck) so even tho I don’t seek out fic as much anymore I still reblog a lot of gifsets and stuff.
I was on the Stucky train HARD for the longest time, and I still go back and read fic, especially from the Winter Soldier or Endgame fix it era. Another Marvel ship I read a lot of was Matt/Foggy from the Netflix Daredevil. Avengers era ensemble fics (everyone living in Stark Tower) are also a favorite.
I went hard on Drarry for a while and I still go back to certain fics but I wouldn’t say it’s a current favorite per say.
Gonna save my last big favorite ship for the next question cause it fits really well.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
So!! My last big main ship is Bagginshield (Thorin/Bilbo from the Hobbit) and this is one that I didn’t really even get into until I read The Riven Crown by beautifulfiction. She was one of my fave Sherlock authors and so when I saw she had written Hobbit fic I was like welllllll normally I don’t read fic of written media (especially Tolkien cause I grew up reading Middle Earth); but it’s B soooo I’ll give it a try. And oh my fucking god I was HOOKED. And now Bagginshield is probably #3 in terms of how many fics I have bookmarked and how often I think about them lol. Richard Armitage knew what the fuck he was doing as Thorin in those movies. I also love the ensemble aspect with all the dwarves and I love fics (like the Riven Crown) where it gets into the bureaucracy of rebuilding a kingdom like Erebor and also rebuilding trust in the aftermath of Thorin’s gold lust.
There’s other pairings I love (Booth/Brennan from Bones, Kanthony from Bridgerton, all the Sense8 relationships, some Zutara) but I think these are the main ones for me.
Send me a letter from this list
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hopepaigeturner · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by the lovely @angel-starbeam
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 24, but if you look in my WIP folder tho...
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
302,639. Erm--since when?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Bridgerton on AO3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Six Days (Kanthony),
The Light in These Shadows (oh my Benophie baby),
A Pinch of Salt (Benophie)
Sunflower Girl (Polin)
Why man looks at horizon (Polin)
But I'd always love more 😉
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It;s my aim to, honestly because I love chatting with people who ahev resonated with my work, and I am so thankful for those comments make me smile. Currently I've been a bit behind, same with writing, for I've got so many plates balancing at once.😅 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm...I'm more of a happy ending kinda girl...but boy is there some angst in my potential The Road to Ruin & BeautyWIP (Benophie)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As above, I love happy endings. It is my belief that fundamentally we enjoy hope and happy endings. As for the fic...I would have to say A Pinch of Salt.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I dont think I'm really that big a writer to get hate--which I am thankful for.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have, but in the future I'm not. 1) because I can't stand to read it back. 2) Reading/writing smut actually messes with my brain chemistry--it basically numbs my emotions.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Does the Umbrella academy AU Two Steps From Reality count?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Never--again I'm only a little writer.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'm always open if you guys want to translate one for me
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I think it would be great fun to do so. But I have done a lot of brain storming with @bridgertonbabe about Bridgerton Umbrella Academy AU..
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
aH. oH. Wait--I...you can't ask me that!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I want to finsih The Light in These Shadows, and I will, I promise. It might not be by the December deadline I had in my head which is a shame. But it will be finished!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I have a good writing style? There are a couple sentences that I've had a double take on because...you know, they're not too shabby. Especially in The Light in These Shadows.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
To be honest, I feel I need to get better at endings, there are sometimes where I feel I overdescribe actions. Oh and I sort of have a writing style that 'misses' out words?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I try to do it (not via google translate) but please let me know if I ever need to correct things!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hmm, personally I think it was Chronicles of Narnia as a little one. On AO3, Bridgerton.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Uh, uh...uhmm...
*looks at her brain babies with identical puppy dog eyes*
I'll let you guys decide 😉
Thank you for tagging me @angel-starbeam
I now proceed to tag...
@silverhallow, @bridgertonbabe, @polarmarie, @sophiebernadotte, & @austencello
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newtonsheffield · 2 years ago
Do we get any MILF/DILF Kanthony energy in LH or is that more ACUPOP?
Oh Lavender Haze Kate and Anthony are in their full MILF DILF mode. From the minute Kate sits on the floor of their bathroom her hand over her eyes as her stomach churned,
"Well, Anthony, I think you got your honeymoon baby."
Anthony's head shot up from the bed, his eyes wide, "I um- Are you serious?!"
"Well, I hope so, otherwise I'm dying and I just peed on a stick for no reason."
"I'm going to be a Daddy?"
"You've been a Daddy for a long time."
"Stop being so horny," Anthony grinned, "This is a cute moment."
"You being so horny is how the cute moment was created!"
Honestly, the first photos Kate post of Anthony with Neddy nestled against his bare chest the ink she's laid into skin, a proud, soft smile on his face send her followers into something of a frenzy.
And Kate might be completely oblivious to the fact that the Dads doing the daycare pickup let their eyes follow her as she lets out an excited coo at the sight of their son: But Anthony isn't.
"Oh, there's my Neddy." Kate cooed picking him up, his hand tangling in her hair and he squealed excitedly at the sight of her, "Oh Mummy missed you, little man."
"Oh, Jesus Christ." Gary, the man who worked the front desk sighed, completely ignoring Anthony. "She's such a MILF."
Anthony cleared his throat, enjoying the way Gary startled a little, "I agree, but that's my wife and the mother of my son so let's maybe cool our jets hey Gary?"
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