#oh he is ultra cute in this episode
cutemothman · 1 year
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space boy !!
Fox Mulder The X-Files 1.09
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mintmoth · 1 month
As someone who used to be heavily into danganronpa, it’s nice to see people take interest into it :]
Idk if you’ve already answered or only played the second game, but who’re your favorites from both THH, UDG and DRV3 (uh sorry if these acronyms get confusing if they do lmk T_T)
OH MAN okay so I'll go in order lmao
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
I played a fan translation of the first game back after everyone was reading it on the something awful forums lmao
I'd have to say my top faves are Asahina and Sakura, they're both just fun and sweet and have a great dynamic between them- which speaking of great dynamics Ishimaru, Mondo, and Chihiro are all fantastic as well, two rambunctious idiots and the most earnest sweetheart 😭😭
Also I like Fukawa and by extension Jack but I'm gonna wrap their head in duct tape if Byakuya gets near lmao
Double Also Celestia has excellent drip
Super Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair
I originally played this one back around like uhhh 2017?? Ish?? Idk I played it and had a blast and loved the cast, which is what made me want to replay it actually
I love them all they're all chefs kiss (except the chef Teruteru himself I'm also wrapping his head in duct tape when I need to)
I'd have to say my top faves would be Gundham, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, and Mikan, but really I do very much adore the entire cast and the way the game itself pans out and shows their relationships with one another, they feel like they could all be a really good friend group had things turned out better for them
Also Hajime is my favorite protagonist of the bunch lmao
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
So fun fact about this one I've actually never played it oops
HOWEVER I did get ahold of the manga trilogy- of which they were all used copies so volume 1 has nearly every forward facing character having a little drawn on pencil moustache and volume 2 has an entire panel just cut out of it, honestly I'm surprised the third volume doesn't have anything wrong with it LMAO cursed books
As far as the characters that are specific to this game I did think Shirokuma was quite cute and Asahina's brother was fun while he was around
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Okay so this one- I started playing it a few months back because I had actually never gotten around to it back when I first got ahold of it, and it's the one that has my partners favorite character in it lmao
I actually put it down because I got too upset after chapter 4 oops, but now me and one of our friends have been watching my partner play the final hurdle so we've only got the final chapter left 💪💪✨
Character wise I do like Shuichi, Maki, and Kaito and the friendship they build between the three of them a lot, I also liked Ryoma more than I anticipated and I adore Gonta 😭
Miu can be fun and god I want to like her more than I do but then she says things and she's getting a triple duct tape wrap LMAO
Kirumi and Korekiyo have AMAZING aesthetics tho I gotta give them a shout out for that
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coyotiii17 · 1 year
Ngl, since I'm rewatching Pokemon Sun and Moon now, I can't help, but feel stupid, because of how much I didn't want to watch this series at first. And sadly it was, because of the artstyle. I'm gonna say it right now, even tho it's been a while since this season first aired. I'm late. I know that. But Pokemon Sun and Moon is the PERFECT example of "don't judge a book by its cover". I totally understand why people thought and may still think this show's artstyle is a disappointment. Pokemon S&M is happening right after Pokemon XY&Z, a series where everything looks so amazing and the characters not only look more mature, but also act more mature. Meanwhile in S&M, Ash looks much younger, goes to school and acts more "childish". But to be honest? What's wrong with that? When you're watching Pokemon S&M, you see that it has much different vibe than other seasons. Ash isn't really travelling there. He lives in Kukui's house, goes to school and he's just having fun. And here's the important word: fun. It's not that Ash is childish in this series. He's still mature, but he allows himself to just have fun and be a normal kid. After reading some fanfictions, I totally headcanon that the reason Ash came to Alola in the first place was to take a little vacation and heal after what happened in Kalos. Because it was a little weird to see him come to Alola not on his own, but with his mom. Normally when Ash comes home from his adventures, he's ready to go to the next region next day. With Alola it wasn't like that. Alola is a region where Ash could finally rest and have fun being a normal kid. Where he could just hang out with his friends in school and go with them on silly little adventures. Even when there was something serious going on, it didn't have the same impact as in the other series. And even when Ash had to save the world, he wasn't alone. His friends were there with him and they all saved the world as Ultra Guardians. And he found a second home in Kukui's and Burnet's house. Not to mention the father figure he found in Kukui. So what if Ash has a father? What kind of father he is when he literally won't wait for his own son and literally leaves before Ash can even see him? Yup, Kukui is Ash's real dad and that's that. And some would say, oh S&M is just for kids, there's nothing heavy in it. WRONG. It's such a wrong thing to say, because I literally cried on some episodes. Litten's story broke me, Mallow's backstory broke me. There's just so much of difficult topics there. Pokemon Sun and Moon is really amazing. I just feel the need to say it, because I'm still ashamed of how disappointed I was when I first saw the artstyle, even tho artstyle is not everything. And honestly? I'm actually very fond of this artstyle now. I think it's really cute and it fits the Alola's vibe! I'm also protective of this series, because S&M really helped me when I was battling my depression. It's kinda a reminder for me that sometimes it's okay to just stop and take care of yourself. Maybe Ash needed that too! So if you've never watched Pokemon Sun and Moon and maybe left the anime after Pokemon XY&Z, I really encourage to check it out, because in my opinion, it's really worth it!!
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the episode of savanaclaw chapter 2 spoilers
Before anyone asks, the English scanlation is not yet out (please refer to turtlesoupscans in the coming weeks for that). The images in this post are pulled from the original Japanese release.
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OH MY GOD, WHY IS GRIM SO CUTE IN THIS CHAPTER 😭 First he got a new ribbon for the Sunset Savanna event, now he’s got a whole ass DETECTIVE outfit in the manga... AND HE MATCHES WITH YUUKA........ . .. . . ...... . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . 
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LOOK AT HIS LITTLE TOE BEANS... . . . ... . . .. . .... . . .. HE COULD BE A TUNA CAN PAW MODEL OR SOMETHING qebihrgqyofyadsfsabpAOBHFh
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WE NEED THIS GRIM GROOVY IN THE GAME ASAP, WE NEED P.E. GRIM PLAYING MAGICAL SHIFT. MAKE IT HAPPEN, TWST DEVS 🤡 Crowley needs to stop looking so damn smug about keeping this golden Grim groovy out of my greedy clutches I WILL KNOCK DOWN HIS DOOR TO SEIZE THAT GROOVY YOU CANNOT CONTAIN ME
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ADBHGYOAFAYVFSIBsfiobSBL THIS SOUNDS BAD BUT. I love the frightened expression on Grim here, I think it’s because the angle of the second panel emphasizes how round his face and snout are. It makes him ultra cute!!
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Also! Not pictured here because this post was just for me to scream about cats and eels (not give away the entire chapter) but 😔 we also get to see the injuries people received as a result of Ruggie manipulating their bodies, and the manga makes it pretty clear these injuries are substantial. For example, Trey is in crutches following his incident... 
There’s a big dramatic panel closing up on Trey after he has fallen to the floor, MAN LOOKS LIKE HE JUST KEELED OVER AND DIED.) I suspect we’ll probably see how bad Jamil’s injuries are when the Yuuka and co. approach him for questioning. Really amazing how much detail the manga is able to add to the story without the constraints of the visual novel medium!! 
I guess what’s also notable is we get Jack exercising? Being all sweaty and doing pushups! I’m sure the Jack fans will eat that up! This chapter’s not a ton of Leona, it mostly focuses on the investigation so no, you won’t find me screeching about the Fake Cat this time.
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cavefairy · 9 months
so my brain was certainly. braining. on the way home tonight. we were having cyn discussion and how i think she is still semi-aware inside of her own head after the solver takes over, and she can see whats happening but is powerless to stop it (most of the time. we will come back to that). SO i had a theory that the reason the solver took over is bc they kept locking cyn in the basement and how that went was she messed up once, they put her in the basement, solver is able to take over a lil bit. messup again (bc of the solver), basement again, more solver. its a cycle until the solver fully takes over and cyn is forced back into her own head to watch the solver puppet her body and pretend to be her for a little while. and then she gets to watch the solver turn her friends into monsters. probably crying and screaming inside her own head to not hurt them, not do this to them, to not hurt her big brother. id like to think that she is able to gain enough control that the solver cant put any of itself into n, that cyn protected him just that little bit. theres enough control that she can minimize the damage the solver does to n. obviously he is still murder-ified but theres still.... yknow. less. yeah. he is still more 'himself' than the others. example, v is completely different than in the short episode 2 flashback. that being said, i have no idea rn what kind of shit the solver put the murder squad thru. i think v's ultra-violent tendencies are kind of a coping mechanism, or a result of the what the solver did. either way, she is very not okay. putting that aside, back to cyn for a sec. pre-solver i think she was kind of like uzi, but less,,,, angsty, i guess. less angry, less outright trying to be different, less killkillviolencedie yknow. sure, she couldve had a little bit of spite, bc of her situation, but ultimately i think she wouldve been trying to be good, to be nice, to make the best of her circumstances. and i think she found refuge in n. i think j would have constantly gone out of her way to terrorize cyn. v would either politely refuse her or outright ignore her, depending on situation. n wouldve been the only one to have been kind, to have paid attention, to have cared. and the solver-cyn calling him 'big brother n' ? i think she started doing that pre-solver, and it carried over bc the solver, while imitating her, picked up that mannerism. she would still call him her big brother in her head, after the solver took over. and after he was murder-ified ? she would laugh, still crying, and probably think 'well he is certainly my big brother now, hes so tall'. id like to think that if we see solver-cyn again, that if solver-cyn met uzi, that cyn would immediately take a liking to uzi. that she would see that uzi is good for him. she would be happy her brother had a person, someone close to just spend time with, to talk with, that loved him. granted, uzi has the solver, so cyn probably already has a sorta-link to her, but i also think that it would be nice to have solver-cyn meet uzi face to face. OOH actually, if cyn already has a link to uzi via the solver, i think cyn already knows of uzi and proabably already likes her. oh that would be so cute actually. theyd be besties once they get rid of the solver. cyn gets her brother AND a sister. a sister who is coincidentally her brothers gf but WHATEVER siblings who actually care :D yippieee
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
I'm so not ready for Pit Babe to be over. This is one thing I love about BL, it's never the shows I expect that grab such a hold of my heart.
Oh my heart.
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The way Babe's hands were shaking as he touched Charlie to make sure he was real...*sob*
Also, can we please stop giving this man head wounds?
Way to understate it Babe.
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"I'm not happy" = "I was utterly devastated and incapable of functioning without you"
There we go! Time for the Kenta flip.
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Being distracted from the plot by how good these two look together:
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Also, I just realized Way is in white for what I think is the first time? Look at our boy getting all lightened up by being with Pete.
There's something about ultimate sunshine boy North calling Tony a dickhead that I can't stop laughing about.
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Holy shit! I mean, I'm not surprised Tony killed kids, I had assumed the ones he deemed useless were sold off for their organs or something, but this is so blatant.
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On the other hand, knowing what we know about the ultra-wealthy...yeah, this tracks.
Although I have to laugh a bit that the first video people will see is Tony just shoving a kid, and then it moves right along to straight up murder. Bit of an escalation there.
Dude, this is on the internet. You are way past containment!
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Uh, yeah, great plan - kidnap another millionaire and a famous racing personality, I'm sure you'll have no problem staying under the radar.
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I am so not normal about how North always puts himself between Sonic and danger.
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Show, if you don't let these boys kiss... *growl*
Kim! My sexy baby! Coming in clutch!
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Lol, alright I give Winner a few points for audacity.
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Dammit, I knew Way was gonna get shot.
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Also, what is it with all of the villains lately who are pulling the "just do what I want, and you will get what you want" move? It didn't work for Jareth, it's not going to work for any of you!!
Omg, Kenta!!
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I have to give so much credit to Garfield, he has been acting his ass off these last few episodes.
Um, can we now stop focusing on sad faces and get Way some medical help?
Equally annoyed that they're doing the death via redemption, and distracted by how pretty Nut is during his dying scene.
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Oh shit, showing Alan like this is what got me.
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Well, this is just rude!
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Though the fact that the funeral setup is just like Charlie's makes it feel oddly like Way is now off faking his death somewhere.
Poor Pavel, the man must have been so dehydrated after filming all this.
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AlanJeff are such a balm for the soul.
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And that tattoo is so sexy.
Damn, the faces these two make. I am weak.
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Yay, our baby is fully where he belongs! Have fun Kim, surrounded by a big group of lovable idiots who will need your constant help.
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Ah yes, can't finish this show without one more locker room railing.
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Also, love that they keep getting more and more specific that Babe is, in fact, the one "taking it", for all those people who cannot see past stereotype.
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Noooo, don't end. I need more fluff.
Ok, we for sure need a special episode, people.
We need:
SonicNorth kisses
Pete & Kenta closure (can be romantic or platonic, either way)
Kim to get a boyfriend
A bunch more group cuteness and shenanigans with zero trauma
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 10 months
1, 9, 16 for the ask game please also thank you for providing a safe space for antis!
It's no problem at all! happy to be here dude xoxo
1 ) Character everyone gets wrong?
*deep breath*
Almost. The. Entire. Main Cast.
But, perhaps most egregiously, Catra.
The reason why sister!c//a literally could not be taken out of the narrative is because if we don't accept that Catra and Adora are sharing Shadow Weaver as a mother figure, a HUGE chunk of Catra's arc very specifically is missing (or, more times than not, horribly misunderstood)!
Catra doesn't hate Adora because Adora is a better soldier. Catra doesn't care about that. She makes it extremely clear that she doesn't care about social status that first episode. She's not bitter and pissed about her commanding officer. She doesn't care about Hordak, so it's not really about approval from authority either.
She very clearly and obviously sees Shadow Weaver as her mother. She wants approval and acceptance and love from her mother. She is upset because her sister is the favorite child of her mother.
It's not a secret that I feel this way, but it felt nice to let that out into the air again...
9 ) Worst part of canon?
Uh, probably when Micah is introduced as this lame dad trying to get Glimmer's love.
And then... not much really coming from it. Why didn't he just stay dead. Why did we have to trade Angella for Micah. Why. I don't get it. To this day. 2/10 would not recommend swapping out parental figures. Especially since the narrative kind of seems like... it has nothing insightful to say about Micah in particular. He kinda starts to feel like DILF bait after a while. That might have been a compliment if I wasn't lesbian and he did a little bit more of that Father Figure thing people talk so much about. But, oh well.
16 ) You can't understand why so many people like this thing... (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)?
Okay, so, we're already in this far, so I'm just going to come out and say: I am actually a furry. IRL. Yeah. No, seriously. I am.
But Catra's? Not??? Fucking? Hot? I just don't see it. She's cute in a purely cat way. But hot???
I feel like people who crush on Catra are closeted furries (sometimes not) and this repression of their furriness kind of... fell on her??? Cause??? What????
But yeah, I'm sorta tired of the characterization that Catra is this ultra hot bad bitch,,, she,,, licks herself clean,,, it's just a little too animal for me. Not even furries really make their fursonas do shit like that. No, seriously. Seriously.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
may i request our favorite emotionally repressed polar bear for the character bingo?? 👀
I'll have you know, that all I saw was this notification:
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and instantly knew you meant Barnacles. 🐻‍❄️
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dang almost 5 bingos-
top row: I am mentally ill about him actually /pos. I think anyone who's been following me for a second knows this 😌 he makes me Feral and oh the headcanons. by gosh the headcanons. they're everywhere. they are falling out of my hat.
not much to say about the 2nd and 3rd rows other than Yeah ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
"Everyone else is wrong about them": okay "everyone" is a strong word lmao- this is p much just referring to a couple really specific takes I've seen in the wild and didn't like 😂
"Canon isn't real if I don't look at it": only if my theories get debunked one day. this applies to all my theories tbh BUT if my Manitoba theory gets disproven I will simply ✨ ✨ look away ✨ ✨
if anything happens to him I will cry, when things DO happen to him I DO cry- but also he's so angstable and the manatees episode is one of my top favs so--
and I love what Above and Beyond is doing with him so far—which is very related to his aforementioned emotional repression 👁️👁️ they're setting him up for a really good story- I can feel it in my bones 🦴🦴
surprisingly, I don't have much else to say about him?? at least nothing that I haven't talked about a million times already. I hope he has more bonding moments with Tunip. I hope he and Natquik talk about the time he was away. I hope he and Tracker get to hang out, just as buds. I hope he gets an episode alone with Calico Jack. I hope they touch more on his claustrophobia, or even some of his other fears (storms, being alone, his friends getting hurt, etc). I hope we get an in-universe reason for his family's absence in AnB.
Yeah, ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.
*squeaks him like a teddy bear with a prerecorded message inside, but instead of a cute little "you got this!" or one of his catchphrases, it just BLASTS the octo-alert at 1000% ultra maximum+ volume*
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:)) he.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
continuing from the last post, we're back to izaya with the bag over his head and earthworm
and it's really interesting because he's animated in a way that makes you really, REALLY doubt that it's izaya
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ok it's hard to show in photo form but like. the way he tilts his head back and forth with earthworm moving the scissors makes him look wary and nervous? and you cant see his face but his body language is so far from relaxed that you're like oh they must have captured nakura or some other person. no way izaya's actually in there
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and after she asks about his sisters (you still cant see well in photo form but i gave you the timestamp and the episode number so :3) he shakes his head back and forth quickly with some kind of wobbly sound effect and it's so unlike izaya!!!! izaya wouldn't react to any of this right??
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and then we cut to here!! and it's like oh yeah that definitely isn't him. he's literally outside with mairu right now
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side note but awww they're so cute. im sure they're 100% normal mentally sound siblings who definitely didn't decide their personalities via a fucking coin flip ahahaha
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orihara family is so fucking weird. sometimes i wonder if izaya is good at dodging shizuo's attacks because he's used to his siblings attacking him all the time (which is really cute actually) or if his siblings saw him getting chased around by shizuo all the time and thought 'hey that looks fun' and decided to attack him too (decidedly less cute but a lot funnier)
im assuming it's the first one though since the twins have been doing martial arts probably before izaya was in high school?? probably
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it's funny how he's actually caught off guard here. like his ultra instinct carries him but he only turns after mairu makes a noise
like he's the king of environmental awareness as opposed to shizuo who kinda blocks everything out so this is hmMMMMm
mayhaps he lets his guard down around his siblings :eyes: ohoho do i sense a weakness orihara-san??
there was this line in the izaya youtuber au where namie is like damn i'm this proud at catching izaya off-guard for like a second?? my life is fucking sad. that's how i feel right now
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smug bitch
flexible characters get me going bro like vash the stampede. izaya. why do i keep grouping them together in my head like they're both human lovers (albeit for very different reasons) and they're both flexible and they're both voiced by johnny yong bosch. what's the deal here what is fate trying to tell me about my taste in fictional men
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i will never get tired of his acrobatics ugh
bro has a fuckin rectangular prism for an ass what is going ON there
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um. gayass
what was i talking about again OH YEAH the earthworm thing. well not like i can talk about that any more until we cut back there
im not taking screenshots of the entire "fight scene" (it's just izaya dodging and being a little shit like "oh woe is me why would you attack an innocent civilian in public??" (he's the one holding the knife, mikage's brother points out)
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and we're back! still not sure how exactly that works considering the transition between phones - was earthworm showing him the footage or something?? or playing the audio, because she asks about mikage right after
in any case izaya continues to keep his head low, visibly reacting to what she's saying/pouring the water but never saying anything
we switch away again to him talking to celty and we're at a really weird place where half of it feels like izaya's going to be under there and earthworm is actually getting to him this time, and we'll see through the flashbacks a series of fuck ups or how he planned to be here and be unphased but he's a little bit shaken by the torture methods
and the other half of it feels like oh, through the flashbacks we'll find out how exactly izaya caught on to them trying to capture him and made a stunt double
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the one post that's like "i dont see him complaining" continues to crack me up
we cut back to earthworm again but im running out room of this post lmAOOO
it's incredible how hard it is for me to stop talking like this is actually insane. see you guys in the continuation post i guess
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ghostlyhamburger · 1 year
Husband Watches Miraculous: Shanghai Special
OK so we don't have an ultra long intro this time. Maybe that extra five minutes will be put towards plot!
That wristband. That's Wayzz. Oh no it's a dragon charm.
I called it! Fan guy will be explained in the next special! It's gotta be connected to the Miraculous bullshit somehow.
I really like this intro so far.
Guardian was always capitalized in the other subtitles but not here so that makes me think this might not be Miraculous stuff.
Oh so they murdered her father.
There was no real leadin to the other special that gave any context. I like Fei so far.
Is this supposed to be summer break?
And someone's gonna try to steal Tikki.
Girl NO. NOOO.
There are LIMITS to the amount of crazy a girl should be able to get away with. DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN A BOX AND SHIP YOURSELF TO SHANGHAI. that is stalkerish.
Gabriel's actually going? Are you actually going to let Adrien spend time with friends?
All right so what's this magical eclipse all about?
How'd he get the bracelet?
So the Prodigious is the prototype of the Miraculous?
If you destroy them you can't get their miraculouses
Okay. I just need to point out some serious stupidity. The trinket for the Prodigious was already in China. It was stolen from the person in China. and then sent to Paris so that he could fly it back to China to take part in the ritual to get the Prodigious. WHY
That is how spines break! Marinette has no spines! Or maybe she could fit inside that box actually
So Tom and Sabine were struggling financially according to other episodes. How are they gonna afford to send her to China?
Why is he prepared for this?
Okay so they actually explained it.
When did he learn to speak English? That was a big thing of his episode, that he could not speak English or French. Or did Marinette learn to speak Chinese or one of the many Chinese languages.
Oh they addressed that.
This is a much better getting someone who's not familiar with the thing getting invested in the story rather than punching your face in heavy handed.
They had to do completely new modeling for this.
Those are just actual photos.
Why the fuck
Super stalkery
Ahh. Gorilla collects action figures.
This is not gonna go well.
It's weird seeing Gabriel walk around and do shit.
So this is Fei's story, basically.
Hm. Master of disguise stuff.
Gorilla's actually doing his job!
Dead eye Tikki
She took the kwagatama.
There's no way she wouldn't notice the earrings slipping off. The inconsistency of the rules is really annoying. In Lady Wifi, Alya had to go behind the ear to get the backing but now they're clip ons?
Also you would definitely feel your bag being taken like that
Okay this is a cute little moment.
There's a lot of tourists in Shanghai, she should be able to get help.
I like Bastille.
But he's the one who's been fucking with you!
That's the same fan that the bad guy had, so
This is the start of a very pixar-esque style that we see later on.
Oh they're just trying to help! Oh that's nice of them.
This one's just a lot more interesting than the other special.
I like how Gorilla's just playing with the bird.
They're both horrible liars.
If she doesn't have her wallet, how is she going to pay?
I like these little moments, but the subtleties on Fei's face say the guilt is getting to her as she's getting to know Marinette.
Aaand Chat Noir to save the day.
Your forms will do nothing here. You're just wasting energy.
Those are good kids. They're doing their best to help.
So we got an eclipse that does magic.
aaand Marinette switched modes.
"You're gonna call your uncle right now" with Marinette's own phone.
I like the subtle echo they have on Hawkmoth's monologue.
[Marinette transforms] is now really the time to dance, girl?
Into the well. Where she's gonna accidentally find the real thing, I think.
I wonder if the colors mean anything on that giant god of war esque staircase.
So this is gonna summon oh that's a big dude.
So Chat's gonna come in and he's gonna fight Hawkmoth and Fei's gonna fight the Prodigious dude
I like the outfit.
[Long Long] is cute.
Oh that's interesting. So it's a different type of transformation.
Heh Hawkmoth got a basketball to the dick
I didn't know he could use an akuma to change other people. That doesn't follow logic we saw in the Stoneheart episode. Although maybe since it returned to him he was able to repurpose it?
Time to get the fuck out of there, it's kaiju time.
"We gotta break the ball, the akuma's inside!" and now it's inside him.
[Gabriel gets thanos'd] oh jesus christ. He's murdered. He's just straight up murdered.
I like that this shows that the akumas are not completely controllable. It opens up a lot more ideas and things they could do with it that I know they're not going to.
This just feels like a complete story without rushing through everything.
"Only the power of the object can reach the akumatized object!" how do you know that? You know nothing of the Prodigious, Tikki has told you nothing of it! You could just dive into the mouth and get the thing yourself!
Goodbye Kitty.
You kinda need to survive so you can reset bomb everything.
Is this where Marinette reveals herself?
"Everything is because of me" No it's because of Hawkmoth. It's literally 1000% his fault. You're just the unlucky sucker who's in it and I hate this trope it is so stupid.
Kaiju battle!
That's a big vase. Put the dragon in the vase?
This is a reference to something, I just don't remember what.
It's nice seeing when Hawkmoth's plans actually go awry.
Everyone and everything back to existence! Except they all know what death is like now.
That was good form on that kick.
So Mei Shi's a kwami.
Overall thoughts. I like the implications of the Prodigious but it's not explained enough. It's like they're an attempt to attain things that shared aspects with other miraculouses but that's too much power for one person and the guardian is a kwami? Or like a kwami? I have so many questions that will never be answered on it.
Overall I like it though.
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wild-battlebond · 1 year
Can this even be considered a joke?! April Fools Day: A full analysis of the fictional virtual pet featured in Yu-Gi-Oh! Ep7: The Underhanded Digital Pet Rebellion
disclaimer: i have not watched any yugioh besides this episode. please excuse any glaring yugioh inaccuracies.
Today’s April Fools Day! For the first time in blog history, I have figured out a way to celebrate it: by offering up a complete analysis of the digital pets featured in exactly one random episode of Yu-Gi-Oh.
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Is there actually anything foolish or prank-like about this? No! But it was fun! 🎉 🎉 🎉
The episodes starts by reflecting the infamous, well-known issues with schools and Tamagotchi, with a normal school class being interrupted by care alerts.
The Digital Pet has a rectangular brick design is clearly based on the Digimon v-pet, and the button count is identical to both Digimon and Tamagotchi. The cleaning animation resembles Digimon’s. At the same time, there’s a zig-zag design on the sides of the screens that resembles the eggshell zig-zag present on some Tamagotchi designs. However, unlike the Digimon and like Tamagotchi, it's held vertically (although it seems to switch between being held vertically and being held horizontally throughout the episode).
The character designs of the Digital Pets themselves most closely resemble Tamagotchi, but ultimately I feel like they just look like your average 90s monster.
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The dating function is clearly based on the Osutchi and Mesutchi, but the battle function that will be seen later is clearly based on the Digimon. To note is that both came out in the same year, but the Osu/Mesutchi was released first.
After class, the brown-haired girl tells the guy he should have "switch[ed] it off" — assuming she means turning it off, this is a feature v-pets of the time did not have, as turning it off (removing the batteries) would erase save data. However, this, as well as the blonde boy's complaint that it won't grow if he does that, does match up with the way nap functions and "pausing" (bringing up the clock set screen and leaving it there) works.
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As an aside, this Honda guy is my favorite. it takes him 60 seconds to go through an arc that would take a Digimon character 25-50 episodes to figure out, all because a pretty girl showed up. congratulations, Honda.
Continuing to be the funniest guy ever, Honda even takes the day off from school to spend his every waking moment raising the digital pet for that girl he likes.
The gold Digital Pet, ultra-rare, ultra-scarce, and ultra-expensive, is supposed to be able to raise the ultimate pet. Assuming this is not false advertising, this is not based in reality, as typically all v-pets of a single model have the same chances of raising the same things with the same strengths. it's also 50,000 yen which, is really exorbitant.
Everybody named theirs, which is cute. this, combined with many of them resembling their owners, implies the pets may be completely randomly generated. They also take after their owners personality-wise, a wonderful miracle only possible through the power of fiction.
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Speaking of, the "dates" mentioned earlier actually involves different kinds of interaction. The pets might get along, or they might start beating each other up – a combination of both how the Osu/Mesutchi and Digimon work. No matter how the interaction goes, even if it seems negative, it causes a chance in the trajectory of the pet's growth (which comes into play later, as Yugi’s pet evolves due to the influence of Jounouchi’s)
and, as Kujirada shows when he battles the girl and Jounouchi’s pets, if these interactions become a battle, it can lead to deletion for one of the combatants. It’s also possibly implied that eating them increases his pet's strength? Producing a similar result as a positive linked interaction, but destructively...
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He also tries to battle Yugi but gets interrupted. if my understanding is correct, this would have caused that bigger Yugi (pharaoh?) to have appeared prematurely? which would probably be an interesting thing to note if i was familiar with the rest of the show
and then Honda shows up yaaay. the last time i watched this the name of his/miho's pet kept getting mistranslated as super ichigo instead of sweeper ichigo but i guess that's fixed now. and because it's epic sweeper ichigo wipes the floor with the other guy. Or, more specifically, because Sweeper Ichigo was raised with such love and dedication, it’s able to easily outclass anything raised with cheap tactics or hate (a trope that most mon-taming fans will be familiar with)
and then a little while later Miho gets kidnapped & the secret antagonist was shy kid Haiyama. who has been treating the other guy as a "pet", physically punishing him. actually the screencaps can speak for themselves
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and he's been doing this to a lot of people. even though I already watched this episode a few months ago, watching this scene again still had me like, “whoa! geez! that’s pretty messed up!”
(where are these 90s kids always gettting whips from anyways…)
and then the bigger Yugi shows up & forces a battle with Haiyama by connecting their Digital Pets together, in the same way Kujirada did to beat up Yugi’s friends’ Digital Pets. I would say that the way they show the pets physically fighting in the warehouse is a (really cool) metaphor, except I think I've heard that bigger Yugi’s thing is that he makes the games he plays real? so idk. it's cool either way. As previously stated, the data connection causes Yugi’s pet to evolve, gaining a rougher personality and an appearance that’s closer to that of the bigger Yugi’s, rather than resembling the smaller one like before. This evolution also happens while it has its back against the wall, another iconic mon-taming trope.
and then after being eaten by his own Digital Pet, the antagonist kid learns a lesson about love. or something. the end. happy april fools.
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berlinbabylon · 2 years
review of s4 (skip if you don’t want to read criticism)
so, i finished season 4 a couple of days ago and... i liked some parts of it and one episode was good (episode 8) but for the most part i really absolutely hated this season and i never thought i would say that. in my opinion, it actually got worse towards the end! i must be living in a different reality from everyone else.
i’m sorry. i really am. but i have to get this off my chest:
- charlotte double-wielding guns and shooting up those white hand idiots like she’s in a john woo movie? awesome! except... it was dumb af. this could have been so good, i’m a huge genre fan of this type of action, but not at the expense of a character’s intelligence. there was zero reason for her to barge in there when she did. at least make it seem like they’re just about to kill the good pathologist, have them string him up or whatever and she sees and has absolutely no alternative but to intervene. or have them conclude their meeting and start making for the door. please, i’m begging, just anything to make her desperate actions make sense.
- malu taking a shot for kiddie fiddler wendt? thanks, i fucking hate it. for that matter, i hate what they did to wendt’s character.
- for that matter, awesome lgbt+ rep or uhmm not. reinhold and fred don’t even get a kiss or any significant scene together (the couples date at the very end is cute but too little too late) although fred actually has a fairly important role to play this season. we never even really get to see them talk about his decision to work for that nazi paper. like, what. okay, fred quits at the end, good for him, but does this qualify as a character arc now?
- speaking of lgbt+ rep, them blowing up the esther/edgar/walter polycule only to have walter go “well whattaya gonna do. i loved him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” right as he croaks was the most ridiculous thing i’ve seen in a long while and didn’t land at all. i actually cackled. i can’t believe they turned the complex dynamic they had introduced in s3 into this clichéd jealousy mess that had no nuance whatsoever. i’m stunned people preferred their storyline this season. it didn’t track at all. neither did edgar showing up again (as i had predicted) and gereon believing him about wanting to broker peace in the underworld. el oh el.
- also edgar being like “oh btw we need to kill doktor schmidt, he’s an evil mastermind” was an absolutely ridiculous and lame way to try and advance that storyline. it also just got dumped in there and you don’t get any sense that it’s influencing gereon or his character actions at all. not that he has much of an arc or anything this season anyway but back when the show was still good (and by good i mean exceptional), his drug addiction and guilt complex was a major driving force behind much of what he did, how he behaved at work etc. here, in s4, you have to be grateful that they belatedly remember to send him to confession because he’s a catholic but that scene also just unceremoniously gets dumped in there. not to compare but since we have already seen an absolutely outstanding confession scene this tv season (in interview with the vampire, fabulously acted by jacob anderson), i couldn’t help but notice how the confession with gereon was neither written well, nor particularly acted well, nor integrated in its episode well, nor, in fact, scored well.
- max raabe’s ein tag wie gold is a bop but other than that, this season was not scored well and i say that as someone who owns the first two soundtrack releases on vinyl. there were many times when i noticed that something was off, where the music actively worked against the scene it was supposed to be enhancing. the song at the shabbat dinner was nice but as a jewish friend who i watched it with pointed out, them playing piano on shabbat is very sus, even if they’re a reform household. there was a woman with a wig which indicates (ultra) orthodox. not going to nitpick that scene any further though because the shabbat dinner and abe goldstein’s character in general were a highlight (although i loathed the storyline he was stuck in).
- tell me you don’t want to write actors out of the show without telling me. nyssen and helga have long overstayed their welcome. nyssen they could justify by having him pop up from time to time in connection to the rocket science “plot”. but he’s lars eidinger (who’s great), so. helga has just become whatever they needed her to be. anne marie’s actress had some extremely dodgy acting going on this season, sorry to say. i don’t even want to talk about the idiocy of how they wrote this storyline which could have been extremely good and important. i’ll just say that i laughed my ass off when anne marie clocked abe with her flute but generally it was not a good choice to play these kidnappings for laughs (and i guess these rich people just have no security whatsoever, even after the first kidnapping). there’s a time and a place and this storyline wasn’t it. but rich people, funny, or something. well, they are ridiculous.
- the whole story with the butler. talk about wasting screentime. his götz von berlichingen monologue was also really bad although i was delighted when i heard the verses. it just didn’t land. that goes for many scenes this season imo. i don’t know if it was the directing or what but even stuff that looks interesting on paper just does not come across well. it just comes across as ridiculous and manieriert. but not in the good way. (there is a way to do this well and the show used to walk that line very well. not anymore, it seems.)
- (side note: the frivolity of the movie industry provided the perfect pastiche for that sort of thing in s3. which is why i really vibe with it, as someone who’s a huge fan of 1930s movies. didn’t even mind that they relocated the apex of expressionism into the late 1920s when that’s very ahistorical. but anyway that’s a different topic.)
- actually as a last point on the nyssen storyline, abe goldstein shooting a hole in the ship instead of shooting anne marie in the head made me groan. it was so obviously written that way just to give her a chance to pop up later again. it made absolutely no sense, even if you try to handwave it as an attempt at poetic justice. neither did helga leaving her down there make any sense. she had no way of knowing that abe would kill her or make it seem like he killed her. at that point, helga still looked like she could think straight, she didn’t tumble around deliriously, she made a clear choice. and they just did it for the twist, not because it made sense for the character in that moment.
- the show was always very drunk on coincidences, twists of fate etc in that 19th century charles dickens / victor hugo way and i could dig that for the most part because they had this rich tapestry of social commentary going on. while i can still appreciate the breadth of society that they’re trying to show, it now comes across as shallow, there’s no immersion, i was extremely distanced from everything going on and couldn’t have cared less, which is a damn shame considering that this is where we should start feeling even more involved.
- as for one storyline that i couldn’t have cared less about: everything to do with toni. in fact, i think it would have been far more poignant if we hadn’t seen her for a season and hadn’t known what had become of her after running away and then when we least expect it, charlotte comes across her living on the streets, maybe while chasing a suspect or something. now that’s a coincidence i could buy. and such a scene would play like a gut punch. but they rob themselves of any dramatic impact by wanting to overexplain and overshow and being all pedagogical which is a huge problem in the writing of german tv shows and s4 of babylon berlin has started showing all the hallmarks of mediocre german tv and it makes me feel sick, considering how stylish and epic the previous seasons were.
- toni’s actress is not good. i’m sorry. i just have to say it. but also, they stuck her in a nothing storyline. moritz’ actor fares better but if they wanted to pair off the spares and get rid of them, they needed to do that in a way that would’ve left more screentime for the interesting and/or relevant stuff. like, uhm, everything to do with malu/litten/charlotte etc. it’s a damn crime that they didn’t do anything with lotte being fired from the police and then hired by litten. nothing. she gets to mope around at the bar a little bit and poor jacky gets to be her hapless sounding board (he deserves better, so many characters and actors in this cast deserve better). and then she gets to be gereon’s emotional support system. once again, charlotte is deprived of any and all agency and no, the double-wielding scene does not make up for it. the scenes in that haus sonneborn institution were well-shot, the horror film genre influence was clear, but unfortunately i don’t much care for horror films and i also, at that point, did not much care for toni or her friend or the pathologist (f*ck him for getting rudi killed in a very lame rip-off of stephan’s much superior exit) and we all knew lotte wasn’t going to die. that’s what i mean by immersiveness: where in previous seasons i’d have been on the edge of my seat with tension and dread, this didn’t elicit much emotion from me at all. except for the groan when lotte did her thing at the end there. the only good thing to come out of that was her conversation with gereon about her guilt which was the only time in the entire season where i believed a scene between them, emotionally, and was invested.
- i guess that, on the bright side, she got to be happy. i support that. even though i don’t believe it should have to come at the expense of the show being good. and she still had to go through that awful ordeal of the dance marathon. (one of the few memorable scenes of the season, at the very least.)
- random but i very much liked the actor playing oskar. and he was very much underutilized. really, don’t get me started on the entire debacle that was malu’s storyline. i think i’d rather have watched an entire season set on that zeppelin than what we ended up with.
- litten not even being in the finale should actually be considered a crime against humanity considering he’s literally the best character on the show at this point. for that matter, the trial against katelbach and the undermining of the legal system and the press should have been a much bigger arc and point. katelbach still being a comic relief character only used to bumble about not knowing whether he did propose to behnke or not is absolutely ridiculous. these are the characters we’ve come to know and care about and they were paid absolute dirt in s4. behnke’s best scene was the train heist and even that was not edited or scored well but hey, at least it was amusing and they did something with some sort of flair there.
- going back to lotte for a moment. i’m happy for the charlotte/gereon shippers that they got so much fucking out of them this season (to be crude, then again so is the show) but i can’t be the only one who thought they were awkward as all hell together. i never shipped them but i did always like their dynamic and i thought their kiss in s3 was magical. what they did with them here did absolutely nothing for me, i cringed when she visited him at the station and their idea of sexy talk in between kisses was discussing case-related work. none of it had the levity, flirtation or charm you’d see in a lubitsch film (one of the alleged inspos for this season) although liv lisa fries sold the hell out of her infatuated smiles and looks. volker bruch trying to smile was physically painful to me, however. sure, it could be charming that he’s an awkward turtle duck but considering everything we know about the bts issues, it really didn’t endear me any further. i dread having to watch them be awkward together in future seasons and i absolutely dread lotte’s only purpose being tied up in that. for that matter, how did she earn her badge back at the end? surely not with her double-wielding gun action? but it’s not like the show really cared to pursue this as a storyline or her as a character this season, so why should i care.
- the way they threw rukeli in there at the very end of the season was almost offensively bad. i was extremely excited for him to show up ever since they had insinuated that he’s her half-brother in s3. the actor here was fine (i wouldn’t count on him being accurately or sensitively cast bc german productions usually don’t do this, haven’t checked it, however) but you’re really going to do a whole season where boxing is at the very least on the periphery and you’re only going to throw him in at the end to make some sort of point? we didn’t even get to stay with him and lotte during their first meeting? we’re just supposed to believe they have some sort of relationship now after that camera shot panned out, showing them through the window of the café? i’m sorry but what?
- worst of all: them having him use chalk as white paint to mock the nazis in the audience to make a point. you can’t make a character we’ve barely even met the dramatic and emotional high point of the season. and i’m sorry but rukeli was a real person and in real life he was forced to present himself with bleached hair and white paint in an “aryanized” form, this was part of the abuse he suffered!!! it makes me absolutely mad to think about how they tried to turn this into some kind of empowerment thing here. nevermind that at this point in time, audiences were still overwhelmingly on his side and actually protested against fights being rigged against him. i just absolutely hate everything this scene chooses to be. i also hate how gereon walks up to that one guy who can command~ the crowd and we get a flashback to something that happened in the same episode, like, just 30 minutes earlier, to remind us that this is the guy he refused to shoot so they can defuse the situation in the dumbest most construed way possible. i feel like i’m losing my mind when i see people say that this is good writing. good writing would have involved audiences not needing a flashback to something that happened in the same episode, just because almost nothing in this season is giving anything resembling the appropriate weight and focus.
- speaking of which, the case of the season was so uninteresting and lame i even forgot to talk about it. and i still don’t have anything to say. except one thing: why did weintraub not immediately suspect that something was up with max (the henchman) when that car bomb went up killing the other henchman? because weintraub arrived in the car, went inside, came back outside and suddenly a bomb has been attached to his car in the meantime and max was standing there all the time? like, what?? this season is littered with this dumb shit and maybe it was prevalent in the other seasons as well and i just chose to overlook it because there was so much for me to love but i genuinely can’t believe five adults wrote this season and struggled so much with thinking any of it through. it feels like they just had little chess figures with pictures of the characters attached to them and tried moving them across a board.
- oh and one more thing about the flashback issue. böhm and his family being in that apartment at the very end was an absolutely ridiculous scene. his money issues were well-telegraphed, a little too well-telegraphed if you ask me, and his involvement in the shoot-up was already extremely obvious by the time his wife demands to know where he’s got his money from. that bit where he collapses against the wall and we get all these flashbacks to things an audience that’s half-way intelligent and half-way paying attention has already gotten long ago was just embarrassing for the show. the issue wasn’t just with the flashback, however, it was also with the way it was shot and edited. so many scenes this season really don’t land as intended. i feel bad for the actors because they’re doing their best and they’re also not at fault for this weird issue in german shows where they do really bad ADR (re-dubbing scenes when there were sound issues in the footage from set, it makes dialogue sound very unnatural and strange and the show always had this issue in certain scenes but in this season it’s amplified to the max, i almost couldn’t watch the edgar/gereon reunion because of the bad sound engineering). but woof that böhm family scene could have been a highlight but the way he creepily said something to the effect of them never being separated (probably telegraphing an eventual fate that we call “erweiterter suizid” in german where usually a man kills his family and then himself) and then the show just straight up cutting to the nyssen last will scene without giving any of it the time to sink in was absolutely comical. i’m sorry. but there are scenes this season that feel amateur and i don’t think you can blame it on covid when the editing is at issue.
- having said all of that, i was excited for gereon’s arc this season and imo they never did anything of note with him undercover in the SA. why not have him befriend stennes for real, become conflicted about what he’s trying to do (and, well, in fact him and the police president do want stennes to succeed so it wouldn’t even have been that outlandish). him talking to the police president about the mission at home while his very much indoctrinated nephew is in listening distance was so so dumb omg.
- the stennes putsch which i also was very much looking forward to was such a flop that fizzled out without any real spark. his confrontation with wendt was lame af. the actor is awesome, his interactions with wendt in s3 were intriguing and this what it all leads up to? gdi. i can’t believe they wasted so much time on that homophobic blackmail material plot when it was never even picked up again after it got stennes out of prison. he never should have gone to prison before the putsch, he already had his conflict with wendt from last season, they could have saved so much time on this and dedicated it to something actually interesting. and if you actually want to get into the messiness of homophobia and homosexuality in the SA, röhm and all, you better be prepared to bring on figures like magnus hirschfeld (it’s honestly ridiculous he hasn’t even been referenced on the show yet because he was super famous in berlin and germany in general and also a favorite target of the nazis). reference the harden-eulenburg affair. do something with this. not just have wendt buggering a kid in a park. i like that gräf was quietly pissed at gereon about the whole thing but this should never have been a storyline in the way it was implemented.
- it really ruined wendt on top of things. not that it made him worse as a person because he was already bad before (though lbr it did make him worse ofc) but it made him a whole lot more uninteresting as a villain (he only seemed to find his groove back in the last two episodes). the interesting part of his dynamic with malu in s3 was the intellectual clash of ideologies. while i did not and do not ship them, i was very intrigued to see where they would take that in s4. well, i have my answer. they skipped any and all interesting and relevant development and turned it into an extremely clichéd and lame honey trap plot because we all know communists loved honey traps. groan. (yes, i watched the americans.) also, rilke is my favourite poet and has been for many many years and wendt needs to keep his words out of his damn mouth. i can’t believe they revealed that wendt used to sexually abuse underaged boys and still wanted us to think that his relationship with malu is in any way romantic, cute or intriguing?
- i was so rooting for doktor völcker to get him and then malu just had to take a bullet for him. bruh. just when i thought i couldn’t hate this season more. i know i already mentioned it but still. at least she didn’t die from it, small blessings, but her getting shot straight through the chest and then being back to spy shenanigans on the zeppelin not much later was just the height of ridiculousness. i always hated the train confrontation between gereon and bruno and it seems that the show is very very determined to evermore move towards that pulpy comic book-y version of the show that i can barely tolerate in order to get to the good stuff. but when there’s barely any good stuff to get to, it gets tough.
- do i even want to talk about edgar? him taking the kids away from esther was lame. anything to do with esther was lame. i can’t even muster more to say and edgar/gereon was one of my absolute favourite dynamics in s1/2 so i should’ve been overjoyed to see it make a return here. but, in the eternal words of the matrix: not like this.
- finally, doktor schmidt, eh? well. where to begin. first of all, jens harzer is one of the best living german actors, he’s phenomenal, and the fact that he still gets so little development is a fucking joke, frankly speaking. i might have liked his scene with alfred lying on the floor best. at least it was funny. his sessions with gereon were hamfisted in their analogies. his last scene with gereon also didn’t land, it was just groan-worthy. gereon repeating back his words just made it all the more obvious how much of their luster they have lost at this point. i can’t believe someone spoke schmidt’s platitudes in a serious way like some sort of cool mic drop when the “quelle der angst” stuff only works in that hypnotic evil drugged out therapy session way jens harzer says it. the cgi was also bad but that’s neither here nor there (there was a surprising number of badly lit and framed scenes in this season, idk if they changed cinematographers but even the staple shot of following a centered gereon with his hat around became extremely overused). the thing is that i’ve long been convinced that doktor schmidt isn’t actually anno / gereon’s brother, so i should be happy that he seems to be finally be revealed as a svengali type which i also find very fitting for the movies and culture the show references as well as the history it tries to reflect (in fact, this season was as thematically rich as ever, with many metaphors and analogies for the rise of evil etc etc but what good is that if it’s all pedagogical and the actual character writing is either non-existent or utter bullshit?). they’ve dragged this out for too long now. they also, and this might be the worst offense, have completely lost the connection gereon is supposed to have to this plot. nevermind helga or moritz. have doktor schmidt be a svengali figure, fine, love that, i vibe with it, but that doesn’t mean this plot should have no advancement. it really feels like they treaded water for as long as they could because they only had a very vague idea of where they wanted to go with this and still needed to figure out the details. well, hire some fucking writers (and by that i don’t mean hire your wife, like one of the director/writers did for s4).
- i’ve really come to loathe this very german tradition of producers, directors and others thinking they can write scripts themselves and that there are barely any decent writers around who are just that, writers. we have some that are barely okay but the structural issues of underpayment etc ensure that the talent that exists can’t turn this into a job. instead you really just have nepotism and all those people who think they can write but where the wheels eventually come off. now i’ve loved babylon berlin for a very long time, i’ve been there since the beginning, i’ve actually been there since the first press announcement (the show spent a lot of time in production hell before s1/2 saw the light of day, the budget kept ballooning etc). and i will say that i think the first three seasons featured some of the best that german tv has to offer. (s3 slightly less so but it was still entertaining and i think they did a really good job introducing a number of great characters like malu and litten in it, plus sabin tambrea is always fun!) but i must now question whether i was not more so taken in by the direction, the music, the style, and some very expertly shot and executed scenes that the show either cannot or does not want to afford anymore. the type of scenes that are needed to let the wild and often nonsensical plotting breathe and give the characters a chance to shine, to give all of it depth and resonance. i’m really so profoundly sad by the direction this show’s quality has taken and i have no idea whether it’s because one of the directors did more this season than the others, whether it was because of the new writers (i hope not). whatever happened, they had enough prep time and this just ain’t it.
- last point: i know how annoying it is when a show that you love gets hated on by others, so this is the last thing i’ll say about that. but i really needed to get this off my chest because i’ve been loving the show for a very long time, i’ve been investing a lot of time (not so much in recent years but before that) into spreading the word, at least here on tumblr and irl where i got several people into the show who all disliked s4 as well btw, i loved making gifs (which is also why i’d say i have a very good eye for the cinematography and style of the show and all the finer details but gif-making isn’t a real credential ofc lol). and i’m usually quite chill about stuff, i’m neither a super stan even when i love something (which is also why i didn’t watch it first thing it came out) nor am i a hater when i don’t like something but a case like this, where i genuinely loved something and it turns sour, that hurts, man. i’ll probably watch the next season - if there’s a next season! - because i still hold out hope that it might be better, i think it’s an important history to tell and the show had everything set up in order to tell it. there are two gif sets i want to make of this season (which is also always a good gauge for me to tell how i feel about something, and even those sets aren’t sets i absolutely want to do but i’ll do them nonetheless at some point; probably). after that i don’t think i will use this blog much anymore but i’ll keep it online for as long as tumblr is online because i always find it annoying when other people delete their stuff.
so long und auf wiedersehen!
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crystalelemental · 1 year
"megazardx2: I’m so glad you enjoyed it, especially since you didn’t like the Gen 7 games much at all. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!"
Then this is as good a time as any! Pokemon Sun and Moon anime thoughts, as much as I can stuff in there.
As mentioned in my last recap, the only history I have with the anime is vague recollections from the original seasons, and XY which we watched just before this. And of them, Sun and Moon pretty quickly got itself into top spot. I really like the friend group, and I think Ash works best as just some kid with the others. It feels much more natural to him than the big hero thing of XY, which was overplayed and frankly silly.
This hasn't really gone anywhere. The friend group remains the strongest aspect, I love them. Mallow's probably the favorite of the bunch, but there's not a single one I disliked. Lillie and Sophocles precious, Kiawe and Lana are hilarious, Mallow just vibes the hardest with how I am as a person so like...I get it girl. Even Team Rocket was far more tolerable this season, back to being mostly ineffectual villains with more mild goals and significantly fewer war crimes committed. Bewear helps a lot. I think the decision to swap out their old blasting off routine to Bewear's myriad entries was divine.
Nanu and Acerola had a great little arc. They were a ton of fun while present. I didn't really click with Olivia but she's fine. Same with Hala, who felt like he could've done more. I did wind up liking Hapu, which is very unexpected. Faba's alright, Wicke doesn't really do much, and I have many thoughts, none of them particularly nice, about Lusamine. That leaves the last two clusters.
Kukui and Burnet are a delight. They're adorable, they're hilarious, big fan all around. I am very glad they ditched Kukui's secret just before the final match, I don't know if I would've been able to stomach it through that. The Masked Royal thing was always a bit goofy, and this is naturally no exception. But their whole dynamic is cute.
Guzma. Ooooh Guzma. You got hit with the same bat as Lusamine. From a character in the main games with a lot of going on that you could infer, to...literally just some pissbaby loser who's mad he can't win. Dude, this is like the least compelling villain story. I do like the attempt to use Golisopod as a sort of showcasing of that same mentality, but it's a nice artistic touch on a generally bad approach. I do not like Team Skull at all in this. Or, for that matter, Ilima. Who I legitimately forgot about until this moment. Ilima just doesn't do much of anything. Oh, he's just soft-spoken and nice and talented and all the ladies love him. Sure. But he's no Ryuki. Who wins the award for funniest one-shot character in the series.
The Ultra Beast episodes were solid. I generally like the idea behind it. It's goofy, but it fits functionally. I don't strictly mind why they function in the way they do, but I'd be lying if I said the explanation being "It's the kid in Lusamine coming out" didn't rub me the wrong way given everything else about her character. Mostly I think what the anime nails are character moments. Sophocles getting over his fears and starting to appreciate battles, Mallow getting established as a talented chef in her own right with a strength in reading people's wants, Lana being...genuinely just talented at everything? Like, girl doesn't get enough time to shine because they often pass it off to Kiawe or Ash, but she's legitimately good at like everything they wind up doing.
The tournament was...interesting. I wasn't sure how much I'd like it, given how quickly they belted through top 16 and top 8. But admittedly? It works. It truncates a lot into the critical moments. Watching XY, the battles could be interesting, but often it's sort of a...going through the motions? Like okay, yes, Ash vs Sawyer was generally a good time, but there were plenty of matchups that amount to very little in the grand scheme. Ash vs. Alain, I would be willing to argue, is largely forgettable. Nothing all that interesting happens until the final Greninja vs. Charizard matchup, but I don't really respect Charizard, and I hate Ash Greninja, so it's not like I cared. But it's telling that the entire match and all the episodes in it could've been boiled down to about those 5 minutes with little lost in terms of impact or importance.
I think that's what Sun and Moon nailed best in this arc. The battles are just the parts that matter. Ash's Rowlet has one real rival, and that's Hau's Decidueye. Just do those two, and it's a nice, condensed fight. That ends kinda lame because man it really kinda feels like Hau should've won that, or they should've waited to call it a while so it didn't feel like taking something from him. Mallow has low confidence in her battling and tries to shy away from a battle she expects to lose, and Lana calls on her to make an effort. We only need the one Pokemon for that. Sophocles is learning to put his all into battles and wants to stand his ground against Kiawe, and again, we can do that in one. We need a showing of Guzma being a vicious trainer in how he battles, and boy do you get the point in the 1v1 with Lana. They do really well at linking up just the emotional connection part of the battle. Even in 2v2 matches this holds, as they quickly get to Kiawe's ace in Turtonator, and eliminate Scizor in two seconds for a story beat. It's well done! Even Kukui and Ash, which is a much longer fight, leads off the the big emotional showdown of Torracat vs. Incineroar, but both are recalled before a victor is decided leaving you waiting for the return and how that'll play out. Even after that, they manage to pivot into Tapu Koko vs. Pikachu, which was another battle that needed to finish (though I am slightly sad we don't know Kukui's actual sixth Pokemon).
The Pokemon just feel like they have real connections, not just within their team but with their rivalries. Which is...more than I can say for XY. Every major rivalry in Pokemon was Greninja vs. someone else's ace. None of that team mattered otherwise. They had cute dynamics, I really liked Hawlucha and Noivern. But what role did Talonflame play once it evolved? It ceased to matter. Why bring Goodra back? Ash just needed a sixth Pokemon, no other reason. Comparatively, when Naganadel comes back, it doesn't have a strict rival, but it's the first time it's battling and it came back through dimensions to see them again, and you get how much that means. This season did really well with connection and emotional impact for pretty much everyone involved, and it did it in a cute slice of life-y way rather than trying to big up drama to make someone matter. Which I generally vibe with a lot more.
I'm trying to think of other things to talk about but am kinda running dry. I'm sleepy, we did a lot of chores. The point is, Sun and Moon was really good. Big fan. Unfortunately, my wife and I discussed where to go next. And we have reached consensus. My wife never watched anything before this. And Journeys is more of a recap thing from all accounts, visiting characters and places from everywhere. So we will, unfortunately, be going all the way back to the beginning. I have acquired veto power over episodes if I remember them sucking shit. The original Kanto stuff is only two seasons, so hopefully this will go quickly, but from here it's sequential. I think the intent is to actually go through everything. Brace for impact. And salt. Because save for exactly five episodes I look back upon fondly, I don't know how I'm going to tolerate original Ash, or Brock and Misty.
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ntshastark · 1 year
.......hello 👀
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MAWS liveblog: part 1 (1x01-1x02)
Episode 1
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BABY BOY!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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she's angry and also a vicki vale fan, i love her 😭
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AND SO DOES HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YES HE'S BABY!!!!!!!!!!
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hmm i like lois having a more established career at the point she meets clark, but i can work with this (sv!lois hadn't even graduated yet and she's my fav so)
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he's so in love with her already, we love a man with taste
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loving this dynamic already
everything is so ultra-tech-y, there's tablets with holograms, computers with stupid transparent screens, all weapons are laser
and yet, the newspaper is not only still printed but also delivered by kids
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love the uncanny blue of clark's eyes
gotta admit, i'm not a fan of lois also being instantly into clark, i like when he's instantly into her but she's too career-focused to even pay him any attention, and is also a bit mean to him (but he likes it) (bonus points if there's a bit of a rivalry going on bc he keeps getting scoops and she can't figure out how)
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now that's better >:3
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omg captain america
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what do these lasers even do, his clothes are intact????
this poor man experiencing pain for the first time in like 20 years probably
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wait then whose tie was it??????
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Episode 2
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now i REALLY want to know how they developed the language, bc i don't think it's ever been spoken before
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NOOOOOOOO THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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isn't that the name of, like, that one kryptonian hero that was nightwing's sidekick or something?? (don't wanna google it in case there's maws spoilers)
wonder if it's gonna be a plot point or just a easter egg
wait i think the base for the spoken kryptonian was latin (which is a pity, i was hoping for hebrew)
i'm not saying i dislike this lois, but... she's a bit too quirky and immature... :/ i get that they're younger here than in most adaptations but i mean, smallville!lois was even younger and she's perfect
but it's ok, it's a children's cartoon, i can live with it.
oh my god they gave him a magical girl transformation
full disclosure: i'm not really into anime, so this does nothing to me except make me :/ that we're not getting the "baby blanket sewn by martha" version
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ma'am the word you're looking for is definitely not shorts
the animation on this series is really not that good with expression tbh, like, the voice actors are going hard and the character is just =[]
i wasn't huge on the art style bc i thought it was too anime-like but one thing you definitely can't say about anime is that it's not expressive, so it's feeling like a lose/lose situation over here lol
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i mean, come on
ugh, references to the classic superman theme always Get Me
wait, there's a regular bedroom but also a bunkbed in the living room? who designed this apartment????
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ok the woman is probably amanda waller and the military guy is very likely general lane, but who tf is this tumblr sexyman-looking bitch supposed to be
ok, final impression? it's cute, it's fun, most of the issues i have with it can be answered with "it's a children's cartoon". i'm glad a new generation of kids is being given a new superman series, which is the important thing here (and i mean, the cartoon that got me into superman was fucking krypto the superdog, so). can't wait to get my little cousins and nephews into it!!
the biggest disappointment is probably lois and clois, tbh. she might even eventually develop into a more accurate version of the character, but the get-together that they're going with is definitely not how i'd prefer (and the early-on identity-porn era is my favourite for them, so it's double the :/). but it's ok, there's tons of other adaptations and comics out there that do show them that way (and more on the horizon! here's hoping 'superman: legacy' delivers, the casting is already amazing so 🤞🏻)
anyway, i'm gonna be going through the eps kinda slowly bc i'm pretty busy, so it's definitely not gonna be like my usual half-a-season-in-one-sitting liveblogs (god i miss having vacations)
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overlordraax · 1 year
I’ve become somewhat fixated on the DC superhero Firestorm (mostly the version from Justice League Action, I don’t know the other versions too well) and this is mostly cos I look at him and go “Oh my gods it’s just Hot Rod in all of these”.
Or more specifically he’s like, my perfect version of Roddy. He’s basically how I write Hot Rod in all of my fics.
He's got fire powers and he's an impulsive teenager who's enthusiastic and gets in way over his head, but means well and tries to solve problems through compassion when he can.
I’m just like: Look at him! It’s my son!
(currently I can only find this show in parts on youtube, but the first episode that introduces him is available via watching these two vids together: Part 1 and Part 2)
Things that make him 100% Roddy:
Just the whole fire motif in general
Getting super enthusiastic about being a hero
General dumbassery
His quips and over excitement about having a catchphrase
He has an in-built Ultra Magnus in the form of Dr Stein
Treating the Androids with compassion and giving them a happy ending (Awwh I just like this, it’s very sweet)
Him getting super excited at the idea of impressing the Justice League feels like it’d be such a cute scene if it was like... Roddy trying to impress Optimus or something.
There we go. Firestorm Roddy rant over. I just love this doofus.
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renon4224 · 1 year
Angel Wings
Chapter One: Monday, lunch
“Akari Aizawa?” The principal asked, knowing before even looking away from his laptop that it was me.
“Yep.” I chirped.
“It’s the third time today, what are we going to do with you?” 
“I don’t know why I have to be here, all I did was pass out.”
“Who helped you?”
“Don’t know.”
“No, we can’t let you off campus yet.” Whatever.
“Okay, well this has been nice and all, but I’m gonna go now.”
“Actually, can you run an errand for me?”
“Sure, what?”
“Take this to Katsuki Bakugou.” He gives me a folder that says:
Do not open
“Okay. Bye.” I left, heading to Class 1-A.
-6th period-
“I’m looking for a Bakugou?” I say bored, looking down the hall.
“Bakugou, go talk.” I turn.
“N-” He’s already there, bored and intimidating.
“You gonna give me the paper or sit there?” His voice…
“Please,” I say sarcastically, walking farther into the hall.
“What do you want?” He takes a step in my direction. I feel my shoulders tense up, he takes a half-step back, in fear?
“Here, Nezu told me to give it to ya.” I push the folder at him and walk away, blushing.
-Tuesday, Lunch-
“Wow, no more than two episodes, you’re doing better,” Nezu said.
“Yeah, well, whatever, I wanted to ask you something,” I say, Nezu looks more alert.
“Can I move into Class 1-A? You can put cameras or bodyguards or whatever on me, but please?” I look at the floor embarrassed.
“Yes, I think that will be a great idea, with restrictions.”
“‘Course, but when do I move in?”
“Today, I will notify the students and make arrangements from there.” Shoot, he’s gonna tell them to keep an eye on me.
I groan, “Okay.”
6th period, Mr. Aizawa
“A student will be joining your class.” Nezu waited for the students to calm down.
“Oh!! I can’t wait, this is so exciting!” Mina Ashido piped.
“I know right?”  Kyouka Jirou said.
“Settle down,” I replied in a stern tone.
“When will be the best time for her to move in?”
“Today, I guess.” Ochako Uraraka, said glumly.
“Perfect, I’ll let her know.”
7th period, Akari Aizawa
“You can move in today. However, if I hear a single complaint, you are coming back to the care center, okay?”
“Yep, I’ll go pack, bye!” I ran outdoor and sprinted to my old room.
8th period, Aizawa’s room
I grabbed my clothes and shoved them into the blue suitcase on my bed, I grabbed the rest of my stuff, toiletries, posters, the stuff that made my room mine. I went to the 1-A dormitory.
After school, 1-A dorms
“Oh! Sorry I didn’t know where you wanted me to go.” I stood and bowed in greeting.
“Are you the new girl?” I nod slowly, back to a standing position, “Perfect!, do you have a room already?” I shake my head trying to remember this girl’s name, “Well then, I’ll show you to your room, right this way.”
After school, Aizawa’s new dorm room
“Wait is- is this MY room?” I asked in awe.
“Yep, all yours.” Some other kids came with us.
“Awesome.” I tripped on a rug.
“Are you okay?” A brown-haired girl asked me.
“Yeah I’m fine,” I stand up, ”Um, could I settle in on my own?”
“Sure thing, come on guys.” They left and closed the door behind them.
I sat down on the bed, it was comfy, it had baby blue covers and a pillow that said ‘Plus Ultra!’ in ginormous red and yellow letters. I started unpacking.
-Wednesday, 6:oo P.M.-
*knock knock*
“Who is it?” I said, half-asleep.
“It’s me, Momo Yaoyorozu.”
“Come in, it’s unlocked.” She opened the door.
“Oh okay, that’s bright.” The lights from outside shined in my face, so I turned away.
“That’s the new girl, Akari Aizawa.” I sighed.
“Wow, she’s really pretty.” Huh.
“I mean she looks a lot like Mr.Aizawa, but yeah, she’s cute.” I looked up at my uncle’s name, knives hidden in my hand.
“Wait, do you mean, Shouta?” I asked.
“Yeah our teacher, you look like him.” I saw that it was the brown-haired girl from before.
I got up, still hiding the knives, walked to the hall, and sprinted away.
“WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” She yelled after me.
7:3o P.M., on the lawns
I threw one, two, three knives at the ground.
Why, why did I have to freak out like that? Can’t I just fit in? Wait, what’s that noise?
All of a sudden, an explosion flew past my head, barely missing me and singeing my black hair. 
“What the heck Kacchan?” I see Midoriya and Bakugou fighting, Bakugou shooting explosions at Midoriya, all while Midoriya is just trying to land a hit.
“Would you shut up already?” Bakugou lands a hit on MIdoriya’s back, sending him across the lawn.
Bakugou was stalking towards Midoriya, who was writhing in pain, I wanted to do something, but I couldn’t move, it was too similar, too much like what All for One did to me.
“Knock it off.” Mr. Aizawa walked outside, his eraser quirk flaring, leaving Katsuki and Midoriya almost evenly matched, “Midoriya, inside, Bakugou, come here.”
“Yes, Mr. Aizawa.” Came Midoriya’s reply.
“What do you want?” Bakugou’s shirt was ripped up, pieces on the ground, and he looked so angry, but sad too. 
“I want you to make a good impression on our transfer student.” Aizawa pointed to me.
Shoot, they know I’m out here. I’m gonna get sent back, I’m gonna be forced back into the chains, they’re gonna- 
“Come on out, Akari.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know anyone else was out here, and then I kinda-”
“It’s fine, Bakugou, please show MIss Aizawa around.”
“NO! Really, I don’t need to be shown around I can find my room on my own, promise.”
“Whatever.” Bakugou left, the back of his shirt was almost destroyed, leaving his very toned muscles visible, and a strange scar.
“Sorry again.” I walked towards the dorm entrance, passing Bakugou, my head down, tears pricking my eyes, as soon as I turned the corner I ran to my dorm room.
-8:oo P.M.
“Hey.” His low voice startled me, his eyes were pinned to the floor, his fists clenched, his hair was wet, and a white towel wrapped around his shoulders.
I was still sitting outside my dorm room door, too scared to go in and too arrogant to leave. This time I kept my head down because tears were flowing, I couldn’t stop them, they just kept coming.
He slammed his fist against the wall, trying to make me acknowledge him, “Hey, you’re blocking my door, move it.”
I pulled my legs to my chest, freeing the space he needed to get into his room. 
He didn’t move, he crouched down and put an arm on the wall to steady himself, “It’s late, go to bed.” When I didn’t move he punched the door again, “Are you deaf? Go to bed!” This time, the punch was close enough to my head I flinched back, I froze, my body going completely still, I risked looking into his eyes, but they weren’t angry, just tired. “Are you okay?”
At the simple question, I got up turned around, and went inside, I wasn’t okay, I would never be okay or safe until All for One paid. I heard Bakugou’s door close, and all was quiet. I waited maybe half an hour and went outside again. I looked back up at the dorms, only one room had the lights off, it was the one across from mine, Bakugou’s. I could see movement in the window, it looked like he was punching something, I smiled, I had a punching bag in my room too. I took a deep breath of the night air and went to collect my knives, but when I looked at the spot I had thrown them, they weren’t there. I looked at Aizawa’s window, but I couldn’t see anything, so I went back to my room and blacked out.
-Thursday, early morning-
I woke up on the floor next to my door, blankets were strewn about the room, and my room looked like the aftermath of a hurricane. Well, this isn’t the worst thing that’s come from my black outs.
A very loud bull horn sounded in the dorm room lobby, but my head was already killing me so I went to Aizawa’s room instead, I knocked on the door, “Do you have any pain meds?”
“They’re in the kitchen, only take one,” Aizawa said, sleep evident in his voice, but I understood, the quirks that run in our family give the users constant headaches. 
As I was walking back to my room to get dressed, Tenya Iida walked up to me, “As class president, it is my sole responsibility to formally welcome you to the class.” He cleared his throat and saluted, “Welcome to class 1-A, Miss Aizawa.”
“Too much talking, too late in the day, try me again at three a.m., now I need to shower, so see you.”
“Oh, we have to do morning work-outs.�� Tsuyu Asui said.
“I have a different routine, check the fridge.” I haven’t even had breakfast yet, leave me alone.
“Yep, she does, she wakes up at 3:oo, showers for 15 minutes, meditates for half an hour, then eats a breakfast of an egg sandwich and fruit, then does her hero courses, skips lunch and does her normal classes, then she works out for three hours and eats a slightly bigger dinner.” Minora Mineta took a breath, “She then does knife throwing for 15 minutes and falls asleep around 7:3o.”
Everyone looked at Mineta in a mix of awe and disgust. I was blushing from embarrassment, but I couldn’t say anything, because I would look stupid saying it. I took a deep breath about to say something or attempt to at least-
“Memorizing someone’s entire routine is creepy, small fry.” He said it so calmly, but you could see how his eyes were pinned to Mineta in the most threatening way.
“No it’s not-” He didn’t even get the chance to explain himself before he had a bruise forming on the left side of his head.
Everyone took a step back, Bakugou had punched Mineta, not all that hard, but…he hit him, he leaned down to Mineta, “If you ever claim that what you try isn’t creepy again, I will make sure blood spills.”
I couldn’t help it, the tears started trailing down my cheek, I never thought that memorizing what other people do was creepy, but I wasn’t even around very many other people up until recently. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Izuku Midoriya, had a small bruise forming on his arm.
At this Bakugou turned around, noticing that he was still crouched down, he shot up, brushed himself down, and cleared his throat, “I’m sorry.” It was so low only Midoriya and I could hear it, but he left before I could respond.
I grabbed a banana and went back to my room, I needed to change. I’m sorry, Mineta. I didn’t mean to get you hurt. I didn’t mean to make Bakugou even more upset. I’m so so sorry, everyone. I changed into my altered UA uniform, with two slits in the back of my shirt, no jacket, and the pants were just shorts.
I walked out of the safety of my room and into the outside world, to see All for One. It’s just the panic, not him, not him, not him, please anything but him.
-8:oo A.M., Katsuki Bakugou-
Damn small fry, he doesn’t deserve to know anything about her. Damn stupid Deku, trying to- No, damn me, for scaring her, when I looked back, I could exactly what she saw. All for One coming after her for the smallest things, small as she couldn’t reach something because she was too short. The things I saw when the League kidnapped me…they showed me videos of her, being tortured because All for One couldn’t get her quirk. I took a deep breath, letting the small things get to me could make me lose focus. I opened my eyes, going to the door when I heard her voice, crying out for mercy, the same way she did in the videos, the same way she did when Shigaraki grabbed her, the same way she did in the hospital…I opened the door walking towards the sound.
“Please, anything but him.” She was on the ground, her eyes white, ethereal wings sprouted from her back, if she was steady she would’ve been terrifying, but now she just looked broken, like someone had taken her spirit. She looked around and saw me, except she wasn’t seeing, her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, “Go away, please, leave me alone, don’t hurt me, please.” 
At the last word, my resolve broke, I couldn’t leave her again, “It’s okay, he’s not here, calm down,” I kneeled next to her, this was awkward but the only thing able to break her out of the trance, I put my arms around her, pulling her close to me, the way I saw Aizawa do that night. It surprised me how small she was, just looking at her you would think she would be fine, but she was raised on barely anything, I’m surprised she can even hold herself up…
-8:15, Akari Aizawa-
Please, no. I felt a warmth surround me, smelling of caramel, and very strong. I could still see All for One unleashing his insane minions on me any time I did anything even remotely wrong. I froze. Sometimes he would do this too, so I would give him my quirk, so I would give up my being.
-Katsuki Bakugou-
She tensed up, but didn’t stop crying, she needed something to wake her up…but I don’t want to leave her like this, she’s in so much pain…
“Please…” She kept repeating that word, but it’s exactly what has happened every day since she came back I guess, they told me she wouldn’t be in our class, or even allowed to come to UA, they lied. My grip tightened, they told me they would keep her out of danger, and instead, they put her in the one class that deals with her captors weekly. 
“Stop, please.” She was still frozen, but I loosened my grip, maybe…
-Akari Aizawa-
I woke up in Mr. Aizawa’s room, laying on my back, Bakugou sitting on the bed, Aizawa sitting in the chair across from me. They were talking about….me, and why I was in UA?
I tried to sit up, Bakugou jumped, and almost shoved me back into the bed, “Lay down.” He didn’t meet my eyes, only looking at Aizawa, who nodded slightly. 
His tone was so grim, it reminded me of the day I was rescued, it’s still fuzzy but I remember someone with a really deep voice who was yelling at everyone and smelled like caramel, he carried me to Mr. Aizawa. He just felt safe, and right now, safe is what I wanted, “Will you tell me who saved me that day? You were there, right? You must’ve seen who it was, right?” Bakugou tensed up, he looked almost scared…
“Aizawa?” He nodded, and Bakugou left.
“Now will you tell me who it was?”
“Why not?”
“The person you think saved you would rather not have you know.”
“Again, why not?”
“He…has reasons that he hasn’t even explained to me, but you need rest. Stay, I’ll be back after school.”
@fakegingerrights @conquerius37 @sunrisemcash @wolves-write-in-moonlight
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
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