#oh god im like a legit adult now
spookysinner45 · 1 year
Oh god I'm 21 now
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seilon · 1 year
sudden vivid memory of being 14-15 years old and daring to wear knee-length boy’s shorts to a local summer festival in one of my first public acts of transgenderism and despite that being the most mundane thing on earth (especially considering I was still not allowed to cut my hair at that point so i by no means looked mistakably like a guy or anything) being verbally torn to shreds to the point of sobbing by my mother upon getting home because I was apparently making myself (and her by association) look bad and being a flagrant humiliation in front of my friends’ parents. i guess sometimes i forget how scarring and often terrifying simply Existing as a trans kid was lol
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kix-mm · 11 months
I LOVE THE ENDERMAN STORY THAT YOU MADE BEING SO LEGIT RN I READ IT LIKE 50 TIMES!! It would be kewl to see a part 2, but if not, im totally chill with just re-reading the thing u already posted bc its freaking amazing! Have a wonderful rest of your day <33 (once again no pressure)
Sure, why not? It's always nice to see people enjoy the small stories I have! Here's a part two!
Beginners mistake pt2
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The ender stared right back at the player, gently kneeling further down to reach eye height. He felt no need to initiate attack, but rather to reassure and comfort.
"You are alone. Where is your kin? Your family?" He spoke but got no answer. The player merely flinched, mayhaps the player interpreted their language as something more aggressive? But the ender still has so many questions to ask... at least he understood the player.
The player slowly got up. Their red woolen blanket was gently wrapped around their body for comfort and warmth. They stared up at the ender expectedly, like a child waiting for an adults answer.
The ender sighed. Questions would have to wait, but in the meantime, the player needed to prepare for the night. They didn't have much time left.
He sat himself on the ground, resting his head against the wall. At least they were out of the rain, and the player was no longer hostile to their guest.
As the night went on the player stared aimlessly outside, at the endless swarm of mobs, they at least made a torch with the help of the enderman by all surprises, they even made an oven and work bench, how wonderful! Now they were finally getting somewhere, right?
The player looked over at the ender, offering them some fried kod. The enderman smiled politely and declined, "You need to eat more than I do," he spoke. The player seemed a little disappointed by the rejection, storing the fish in their inventory.
And once again there was that insufferable silence between the two, the player couldn't stand it, while the enderman didn't seem to mind the peace. The player observed the enderman, he never noticed all the little details in their skin, how they had such sharp teeth and the strange particles that formed around them... the enderman was strangely beautiful, and had to be unique in some way, right? This one, from what the player noticed, had white eyes, while the other endermen out in the fields had purple eyes, and reacted hostile towards the player as soon as they made eye contact...
The ender slowly opened his eyes again, only to be met with the eyes of the player, they were crouched down in front of the ender, with one of their hands being held, oh, how sweet, they were curious. The human quickly yelped and scooted back, expecting a scolding from the ender for getting so close and disturbing their rest.
The ender smiled softly, observing their own hand and looking at the players. They were so similar and yet so strangely different... he offered his hand to the player, he more than happy to let the player dig into their curiosity.
The player hesitated for a moment, looking up at the ender and then down at the extended hand, it took them a moment before they took the enders hand back into theirs, comparing the size between the two, it made the ender smile to see that the human was getting more comfortable with him.
The human smiles in awe, their innocence reminded the ender of a child, which both warmed his heart and saddened him at the same time, he couldn't quite pinpoint the humans age, but he was almost certain the human was in their early teens. The player made a similar guess about the ender, who was an obvious adult, but just how old was he? Was he as old as an ancient god? Did endermen age at the same rate as a human or slower? How could he ask such a question? Would it be rude?
Nevertheless, the player spoke timidly "how old are you..?" The enderman stared at a player in response to the sudden question, they scribbled down an odd symbol that the player couldn't read "Ah... I see" the player responds awkwardly. Not wanting to be rude the human spoke again. "I'm 13, my birthday was last week, and my dad got me this game as a present! I've never played minecraft before, I don't get much time on the computer. I'm only one hour of internet a day from mom" now the enderman was the one left scratching his head, but he was pleased to hear that the young player did have parental figures that treated him well from what he could judge, there was no bitterness behind the boys words when he spoke of his parents and the "internet". What a relief...
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applesjuice · 7 months
I bet that's Kieran's return from Hisui, with his newfound attitude, was quite a whiplash.
(Do you want to know who I am ?)
From : The Question Bombarder
Hahaha you can stay anon if that's what you're more comfortable with!
I feel like Kieran when they get back from Hisui is very similar to how he is in the end game/mochi mayham. He's that sweet, kind kid again, only more confident in himself and his interests. Like, his interactions with Nemona, Arven and Penny were so sweet and they seem like they'd be wonderful friends for him too. Nemona'a views on battling and strength reminded me of Ingo's, so Ingo is like the adult stand in for Nemona in Hisui. Kieran legit needs some sort of adult role model who is actively guiding him, and I think Ingo and Laventon (and Irida and Adaman though they're more young adults) would do him a whole lot of good.
So Kieran gets back, there may be a custody battle in the works because Kieran is legally dead, and Akari is an unknown so a whole new social security number got issued for them and now the Submas family is trying to get legal guardianship when Drayton walks in and is like that is a whole ass dead child come back to life Carmine get on facetime NOW im being serious.
Carmine who is two regions away in a different time zone: sleeps through 70 missed calls
Everyone who knew Kieran before has whiplash because this is *their* Kieran, the sweet Kieran who is now so much more sure of themself, and not the misreable tyrant who they last saw. Only this Kieran half remembers them, occasionally says some out of pocket self depreciating stuff that rings alarm bells, and knows how to work a smart phone...kind of. God won't let them join any group chats, but gave access to filters for the photo app for some reason.
After Carmine meets Kieran again she'd probably say something like "we need to tell the protagonist" and Kieran would just be like who's that? And her heart would break.
And then the protagonist's heart breaks because Kieran is alive, doesnt remember them but is happier seeming? Look how much happier they are not knowing me... (surprise Kieran takes to the protagonist again like a fish to water, and the protagonist in return is kind of protective)
Oh and Carmine consults Arven about Kieran's diet because not eating processed foods for two years their stomach is fricked. So is Ingo's (please...the man just wants to eat a slice of pizza even if it kills him).
Also everyone gets therapy
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shesmore-shoebill · 5 months
now im curious as to how disaster!amanda would be in a courtmangelarasha situation. does she pine for the three of them and is genuinely clueless about the reciprocated feelings? is she in a constant state of ‘are they flirting with me or just fucking with me’ ?
HMMM. so the thing about throuple/quartet dynamics is imo, that adding more people to a dynamic is not an addition problem as much as it is like. algebra. yknow. or calculus. w/e. Its not just adding a person, its interplay between all parties involved and their individual and combined dynamics. So while this is probably meant lightheartedly, unfortunately, I ended up thinking extensively about logistics and the how of this, since IMO that changes what Disaster!Amanda looks like and I really want it to feel. Legit. or as legit as RPF gets lmfao.
as always, this is all about RPF amanda, not real amanda, and this is specifically about like, my version of rpf amanda.
in general I think the tricky thing about pining Amanda is that she strikes me as someone to, upon realizing her emotions, either actually have a direct, adult conversation with the person about it, or actively go "oh no". and then do everything in her power to lock that shit down.
So. Hypothetical Amanda might be less of a disaster if she had similar feelings about multiple people simultaneously, over time. I think a key part to my version of disaster!amanda is her being caught off guard, acting in a panic, and then the shitshow that spirals out from that + doubling down. Amanda developing feelings for the three of them over time without confessing to anyone, i think means by the time we hit the full quartet, Amanda would have either tried to do something about communicating, or have somewhat of a handle on how to deal with her feelings solo. (Which could be a great angst thing! But maybe less comedic by that point.)
So in a scenario where Amanda is the only one really out of the loop... hmmm. Tricky for me to immediately come up with the setup. It might need to be something similar to my S&B Courtmangela setup in which the three (Court Arasha Angela) get close and Amanda is like. Fine about it. (Smosh Mouth FOMO tattoo joke style but dialed up x5). And she's flirting with them to deal with it, and they're flirting back, and it just. Keeps escalating. I think there needs to be an element of like, maybe Amanda not realizing she likes them all that way, just knowing she's feeling kind of. Left behind. And she's flirting with them, and they flirt back, and lets be real I think Amanda is the type where if you flirt with her as a bit she Will Double Down, so it would just Keep Going. I think the angst dial is dependent on how much Amanda recognizes her feelings- either she Knows and she's going to hide it from them or die trying (devastating), or she really Doesnt Realize until it culminates in a deeply funny way. Someone is in a kiss with tongue. Shayne is losing his mind because his friend is. A fool. <3
(Angst central: Amanda starts almost exclusively flirting with them when interacting instead of holding proper conversations bc she feels. bad. and is deflecting. Courtney and Angela especially start noticing because hey. They arent clueless. What the fuck. That sucks. Maybe Arasha has to be the one to actually talk to her about it BC Courtmangela have more deeply established ties that are in further jeopardy.............)
OPTIONALLY. if the feelings towards everyone differ drastically/change over time, then it brings back in that fun element of "oh shit oh god oh fuck".
Knowing she would probably try to communicate like an adult, I think there's a lot of fun with the disaster!Amanda in this universe being Amanda not realizing her own additional feelings until comedically late/after other people have already figured it out bc she just doesn't register it as that/is misreading her own emotions/it happens WHILE SHES ALREADY dating one or two of them.
(And again, critically, flirting is happening through all this but not everyone is formally in a relationship.)
My initial instinct about this was "Amangela Courtrasha first", and then the merge. I think a hilarious route for that would be your standard Amangela story, then that all gets sorted. And some time into the relationship, Angela has figured out Amanda's feelings (and her own) towards Courtney and Arasha. + that the flirting that keeps happening is mutual. And so we get:
Angela, loves Amanda (and courtrasha), has slowly realized that Amanda Does Not Realize Her Feelings: 'and you love them too, so-'
Amanda (was staunchly in denial, thought she was safe after figuring out her feelings towards Angela): I WHAT. what. oh shit. THATS what that is???
Or we could have Courtmanda and Arangela first. For max comedy we could have Courtney assuming that Amanda DOES know and so is unbothered by Amanda and Angela acting... well........ wellll...... 👀 and Amanda feels. maybe strange about watching Courtney and Arasha together, not bad but. Strange. (Esp because Amanda has also been looking at Arasha more but maybe she doesnt admit that.) She talks to Court and Courtney compares it to her and Ang and Amanda is okay with them all being- equal, right? (they mean dating but that is lost in the convo). Amanda (clueless) goes. oh like me and ang. of course. :)
And then eventually Angela kisses Amanda and Amanda freaks out and tells Courtney and they're like. .... Amanda did you not know. Amanda tell me you knew. Amanda how did you not realize.
it all works out though. :)
Arasha and Amanda first I'm still thinking about. Maybe a FWB sitch and then... hmm. i might have spent too long on this ask as it is lmfao. ANYWAY. fun ask. sorry if this isnt what you expected.. Unfortunately to me, a 4 person dynamic is not 1 dynamic. its 5-6 dynamics in a trenchcoat.
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ritzcuit · 4 months
been thinking abt #gender again lately Cus i keep forgetting im not transitioning LMFAOOO ITS SO!!! FUNNY IDK WHAT IM DOINGGG Im just fucking around if we're being real. but ppl dont like it when you say that. theyre like no you need a god honest legal legitimate Paladin-esque reason to be doing crazy shit to your body. so i have to be like (gets on one knee) i reject my womanhood. Which i do. but like.
if i collect all the ppl whove inspired me to fuck around w gender it's all women in drag if im being honest LOLLL Like drag kings. like women crossdressing. Which is maybe still touchy for some people....
the legitimate way of saying this is "i'm gender nonconforming" which is true + how i feel + what i say, or for medical reasons i say i'm nonbinary (which gets flattened to transmasc because medicine is hell) but like...i just say im a gnc butch... Cus i am. that's the legit reason...
but its funny.... like ... my idols were jo calderone (lady gaga's drag king persona) and like. Ryuutaro tgaa. LMFAOOO. HELPPP.... i was watching someone stream tgaa and one of their friends was surely a nonbinary person and the person streaming was like [name] she's your character you voice her. and i was like man i want that for me. Which is a very roundabout way of getting there....
it's all practical reasons... i want a deeper voice bc i had NO range and voice acting made me so jealous. i want body hair cus its hot. i want facial hair cus i wanna see what id look like with it... i wanted to see if i even could grow it lol. i want top surgery bc my boobs are huge and i never opted into having them. Like it's just practical reasons.... all of these things i don't specify, i just say oh i have dysphoria/euphoria. Bc the health industry is not ready for nuanced discussions of gender in the slightest. so i have to tell half truths or obscure truth in order to get what i need...
its just interesting... so funny growing up around transmed/truscum tumblr (not actively in it, thankfully, but internalizing their rhetoric) and then as an adult im like Ohhhh wait my body is my own + i can do what i want forever + genderweird butches are eternal
But blah i think abt it cus when ppl talk abt gender and theyre like, oh men do this, girls do that, and somehow they still try to be like, trans inclusive, but they still try to shove you in a binary ANYWAY, and even though i am still cis-ish (my friend says cis+ and its so funny to me) its like. well no cus ive been unpacking my identity and trying new things and now this box doesnt work for even me, a reasonably somewhat cisgender person. like. The whole framework is fucked....
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antiradqueerguy · 6 months
now idk if im just old or not, but wtf is the obsession with the dsmp? and this goes for everyone, not just radqueers. how can someone unironically say they are "dream irl" when dream is a real person?
when does the fine line between being an IRL and straight up stealing someones identity break? and why do so many people love to say "oh im wilbur (or whoever) and im gay and in a relationship with Tommy! uwu!"
look, im not in the dsmp. but im like 99% certain that 1: almost everyone is an adult, 2: tommy is a minor, and 3: none of them would like being personated and/or "headcanonned" to be gay/in relationships with one another like your little blorbos. they're real people.
just leave them alone, god.
so legally tommyinit is a adult cause he is 19 but it's still weird since he's a teenager, (nineTEEN)
personally i steal a lot of my traits that make up myself from characters, so sometimes i will say "I legit am _ character but male" etc. pretty sure it has something to do with my autism but that's another story for another day.
I'm not a system so I'm not very educated on headmates and sources, but alters can have sources and that can include real people like Wilber soot, I think as long as that person is acknowledging that they aren't there source, i think It's fine, (if I've gotten anything wrong pls correct me in the comments :[ )
I'm not a fan of the DSMP (nor do i condone any of their bad actions) so I can't really say whether or not certain people in the SMP are okay with shipping and being shipped with other people, (and if they aren't people should stop, that's fucking weird and your breaking boundaries as a fan)
With the headcanoning there has been a lot of discourse between the anti rq community and the radqueer community, because of a certain unnamed radqueer that headcanoned Wilber soot as a map etc.
Like if you headcanoning a character that person is playing go ahead, but when you stating like "Oh Wilber soot is a map and is trace!!" then its harmful, because it's a real person who your pushing ideas onto,
Idk i haven't really thought about it because it's common on this side on the internet that you just sorta stop thinking about it. sorry if this wasn't helpful I'm very tired
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
thungo thursday: oh god bones please don't fuck this up
manga spoilers for this one boys
gotta love how teruko was FULLY ready to murder atsushi no issue but now she's like 'gimmie a piggyback SLAVE'
also atsushi always going like 'im a tiger not a cat' does he??? not know?? that tigers????? are just big cats????
atsushi is incompatible with gay sadists (including but not limited to yosano, akutagawa, kouyou, teruko)
nevermind lol
okay i love tecchou, he's a great character, and so is jouno. but seeing kenji get hurt in any capacity fills me with a mighty rage and now i think tecchou deserves at least one passionate backhand from yours truly
YESSSS GET FUCKED TECCHOU (i love you but like if i really had to choose between you and kenji...it's a no brainer babe)
also i'm legit like kenji fr. i couldn't give a shit if people like try to hurt me or whatever im like ok, but if anyone tries to hurt my friends i get unbelievably pissed about it and genuinely will throw hands
FUCK yeah they actually did kenji right. i was so worried about how they would animate this lmao but they actually did it properly good job bones
omg tecchou it literally doesn't matter if jouno would have wanted you to save him. the fact is that you tried to do it anyway and that speaks volumes (YOU'RE GAY YOU'RE A FUCKING QUEER)
you have to wonder if kenji admires chuuya in part due to the fact that he understands the difficulty behind CHOOSING to be nice when you're actually hated by the world and full of rage because of it. fuck maybe i kin kenji more than i thought. i also am one of those people who doesn't care if someone hurts me but if they hurt my loved ones i get fully pissed and will throw hands
KENJI AND TECCHOU'S FRIENDSHIP IS SO WHOLESOME OMGGGGG also did tecchou really not know the names of the detective agency? maybe that information was withheld from the hunting dogs in order to get them to subconsciously dehumanise the agency, so they wouldn't be swayed by the agency's efforts to prove their own innocence as easily...then again jouno recognised kunikida immediately so mayb not...
i love how sigma was called a three year old by dazai and he just...didn't react. no 'i'm not three years old' or 'technically i'm an adult', just -_-
LMAOOOOOOO SIGMA BBY HE'S SO EASILY SWAYED (me too bub.) BABY YOU'RE ALREADY WAY SUPERIOR TO FYODOR. also dazai saying 'he's the atsushi kun type' bro i know. they're two of my top three bsd kins. I'M the atsushi kun type. also sigma looks so cute when he's thinking so hard i wanna boopdesnoot
why the fuck did they animate fyodor to be like 'chuuya san!' in the most babygirl voice ever, they even gave him emotions and everything wtf
'the walls are anti-gifted' ARE THEY ANTI ARAHABAKI THOUGH (don't come for me i havent fully read 15 or stormbringer i dont know if arahabaki is an ability or not im maKING A JOKE GUYS ITS A FUCKING JOKE!!!)
not the cutesy wink dazai oh my fucking god stop trying to rizz up sigma real quick and JUST KILL FYODOR
oh yeah are they ever gonna fucking explain timestopper catgirl?? she was there for like two seconds and then she was offed by fyodor once he escaped the water. like???? huh???? WHAT WAS EVEN THE POINT BESIDES THE VERY LAZY PLOT DEVICE?????? also she looks like a mha character i think people have already said this but she doesn't belong here she belongs in mha
how do mersault prisoners go peepee and poopoo
aya is smarter than i'll ever be how on earth does she think of this stuff. you go girl i cant wait for you to save the world
she doesn't take ANY of bram's bullshit she's just amazing
how did bram grow back his eye
bram when aya normally: aya you foolish peasant smh ur dumb bram when aya is in danger: 😰😰😰😱😱💥💥💥 😠😠😠😠😠
well that was a ride! im stuffed. i might need to pull a bram and take a nap. i feel bad for the anime onlys who now think chuuya's dead yikes yall
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fanlucadango · 1 year
Well its been.... 15 YEARS since
This BL Manga with a very... obscuring plotline counting how many days till this beautiful man named "Onodera,' falls in love with his Senpai, "Takano,'
By looking at how the generation changes as Years have passed where many Great BL shows, Manga's are becoming adapted in many languages and how society is changing to a point everyone is aware, Different Morals, Spotting Red Flags & reactions to the Ships & Chemistry has becoming more vocal of their opinions about it.
All those Years ago, Us kids when we know Sekaiichi Hatsukoi(The world's greatest first love) had always been either our First BL to watch or if never been the first -Could be Second or Third-
We never knew what it was like watching and knowing the fact we giggled & fangirled at those scenes as being Animated(Except those in Mangas)
Now this generation, as us Kids who were nowhere Adults or older teens grew to understand how toxic their relationship (Takano & Onodera) is in the manga as they grew to understand the plotline more. Little did they really know... what happened to the manga??? Had it ended after that?
When I checked in the Wikipedia source,
The series is still alive😳😳😳
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(Fr my literal reaction)
Im not gonna say that much but if you wanna know the latest update of:
How many days till Onodera Falls in Love???
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The latest Chapter that is being Translated said it was 16 Days.
Since 2021. VOL.16?!
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Holy shit
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And how it go when the effect come by as the manga showed:
Gurl... I tell you what I saw it's more of like Onodera My guy.
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Madam Sir. You have this man kissing you every 24/7 every now and then. In every single chapter where you guys being Friends with Benefits doing all the Nasty Hardcore Version: Birds & Bees.
And ur asking HIM TO KISS YOU???
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He has been doing that to Onodera for too many times oh my goodness gracious. And You know this man is jealous when he saw Onodera with other people.
ESPECIALLY THIS OTHER GUY WHO we saw in the latest chapter who have been there for Onodera when he went Abroad 🥹🥹
(Lowkey rooting for that man tho)
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After a Banana & Donut Hole moment, I realised they were longing for each other but they both were sort of afraid to show it. Especially, how both of them can be really intense, despite their personalities. Even just for a little things they always see & realised how they grew or small things that they find, as they both reminiscent.
What got me surprised is when Onodera noticed Takano's lashes were long, he usually doesn't care before but when progressed has started as I read the recent chapters. I realised Onodera's feelings grew when Takano was there. Longing for his touch, gaze, kisses, his dire moments, his company... whatever you call it(Remember my previous post where Onodera Touches himself??)
I realised, he's starting to grow his feelings onto him, slowly getting there yet had many doubts.
After reading, the translations STOPPED and I didn't even get to read ANY UPDATE and its been 2 years from now.
All I got was... A Book Cover from Vol. 17 & 18(LATEST 2023)
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I just even realised something...
Volume 16 had... 16 Days left...
Let alone there's 17 & 18...
I feel that Volume 17 onwards are going to start a Single Digit number. As Onodera PROGRESSES ONWARDS....
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This is legit...
And it's gonna be released in 1st May...
Oh my GOD
Onodera's Hands DIDNT EVEN FLINCH.
I'm starting to bet when it releases.
We are getting a Single Digit Number till he fells in love & see how Onodera will react that way.
Starting from Vol.18
What if Onodera wanted to confess Takano back when Something bad happened to them again. Will do they do poetic Justice????
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
I wanna watch puss in boots but im not sure if its worth it yk😭😭
Well, I have an excuse to share this TikTok now! But, I'll give you a legit answer - it really is worth the watch.
EDIT: OH MY GOD, I didn't even realize that I went on about this, my bad. Everything is under the cut if you're interested, kinda spoilers for who the wolf really is but chances are that you already know.
I watched the first movie when it came out and while I sadly don't remember it too well, I can tell you that it was fun. A solid movie, nothing groundbreaking but still really fun and cute.
However, Puss in Boots 2 is a delight that I never saw coming.
Something I realized as I'm writing this is that there are a lot of characters in this movie, like, a lot. We have 3 sets of antagonists, Kitty Softpaws, Perrito and Puss himself and some side characters which we see as well. For most movies it's really difficult to develop just one character let alone this many but I have to give a shout out to the antagonists because geez, I love them all.
The Wolf is by far my favorite and I kind of regret being spoiled by social media of who he really is. His presence alone is so chilling, every time the guy is on screen the entire movie suddenly turns into a horror flick! What I also love is how not evil he is and let me explain that a little better.
Yes, he is Death but he ended up helping Puss in the long run. If it weren't for him Puss would have never realized that he already had everything he wanted and would have thrown it all away by making that wish. Death ended up giving him some "tough love" in a way. Sure, he openly enjoys hunting Puss but that is because Death has his own moral code and he sticks to it throughout the entire film. He is an antagonist but he is not a villain, not like Humpty. He reprimands Puss for wasting his life away but in the final battle when Puss realizes that there are indeed people waiting for him and that he has a chance to live a full and true life, Death no longer wishes to fight him. He instead turns his back and says something along the lines of "I shouldn't have played with my food!" and doesn't bother Puss anymore. After all, Death came to take a cocky little legend into the afterlife, not whoever this new Puss in Boots is. Death walks away like the legend that he is, while telling Puss that they will meet again no matter what happens and Puss accepts this. Just overall great writing for both Puss and Death!
Humpty is the true antagonist of the movie and he is hilarious. He's that kind of villain that's there for you to root for his downfall while also delivering some solid comedy while he is at it. He became even better when that green little cricket was with him, that's absolute gold right there.
Goldilocks and the three bears made me tear up, hah. They are I guess what you would say "redeemable villains" but I don't think that description fits them well, if anyone has anything better to add you are more than welcome to do so. This group is the perfect example of the "found family" trope and I am here for it, the ending was so so sweet and I just!! Loved it!!
I also must give a special shout out to Kitty and Perrito, those two are heroes in their own right! That scene in which Puss is having a panic attack and Perrito finds him and comforts him is just... He is a good boy, he deserves everything! And Kitty, oh my. She endured so much and still managed to come on top in the end is just amazing.
This movie really is perfect for the whole family. It doesn't talk down to kids about the more serious subject matters which it tackles but it's colorful and entertaining in the best way possible. Even the adults have something to look forward to because while the main target audience are children, it's still not childish, it's the perfect golden middle.
My only complaint would probably be that the ending felt a little rushed and that Puss's stay in that cat hotel felt a bit dragged out but other than that, I have nothing else to add. I'd rate this movie a 9.5/10, it's just a wonderful experience overall.
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A different kind of post
Please ignore this. Sometimes I forget this is my blog and not just a writing factory 🤣🤣🤣
So I was on the phone with a friend and I like him hes really great. Hes newer in my life, so he doesn't really know everything you know?
So today we're talking about the vibes I give and he's like oh you give 19, which is younger than he is and I was like H U H and he was like yea and we were laughing and whatnot and then he said
"Yeah you give off never grown up vibes"
and that devastated me, and like I’m not gonna just spill you know and tell him why that hurt so freaking much but like- I don’t know. I just don’t and I literally was almost completely in tears and like I could hear it in my voice and god I know he probably could and so he changed the subject super fast and it was funny and it completely worked and distracted me but now I’m alone and im thinking about it.
Like, I don’t want to be like this. I want to be normal I want to be an adult, I want to be older and sophisticated and like a twenty freaking five year old and not a baby. But I’m not and that’s not who I am and that’s not who I’m going to be able to be and I don’t know how to live with that. I mean I do, it’s a lot easier sometimes and sometimes like right now. It’s not.
The most cruel part is I don’t feel like anyone will understand me, no one is gonna get what I’m going through and I don’t feel like I can talk to anyone but him the man who caused me to have this lil crisis. Because he was the only one who ever understood me, he was the only one who ever really saw me for me. But he’s long gone and it needs to stay that way and it will stay that way. I just. Need some time to get over this, and I really really hope it doesn’t stick. My memory is shit I legit don’t remember things that happened like five hours ago 🤣🤣🤣 but remembering this? Remembering that apparently I’ve still not grown up? That is going to fucking s u c k if it stays.
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soft--dragon · 1 year
i have a slight bit of an issue
i may have developed some embarrassing feelings…(a small crush if you will)
this crush being on one of my friends from college
and im used to rejection, but like i rlly care about him?
its funny cos im bi but still get no bitches LMAO i got more chance but still end up single
but like hes so funny and kind and rlly cute??????? like i jst wna hold him all the time
i legit had a dream about him (nothing adult, all minor safe lmao) and i woke up like “OH MY GOD?????”
so now im scared of rejection cos hes one of my only friends 🫤
I'd advise just staying friends for now Bean :) you're still young and relationships can be a bit messy (speaking from experience lol)
And honestly? Having male friends is really nice, and I made the slip up of dating my closest one a few years ago. It didn't last long and it didn't end well, mostly cause I realised I didn't like him like that, I just really liked him as a person
Maybe it's a similar situation for you?? Idk, I'm just catching updates from you every week or so, take what I say here with a grain of salt :) <3
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crowempress · 4 years
There isnt enough Kliff hatred in the NSR fandom 😔
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telnaga · 5 years
ive been validated in this chilis tonight...
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anakinthetrashking · 5 years
Ok I unironically love Caramelldansen (and ironically, too lol) and I'm really happy that it's popular again and that a new set of kids are enjoying it!!!
But sometimes the old person in me is like:
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 3
“Six months! Thor I can’t just uproot my life for six months! Do you know how long it took me to get to this position!” You’re starting to get light headed, “I need to sit down.” You mutter and Thor guides you gently to the couch.
“Can I get you anything? Water? Vodka?”
“Water.” Your mind is spinning, “with ice please.” How can he expect you to just pause your life for six months?
“Here,” he passes you the glass of water and you take a couple of sips before looking back over at him.
“Why six months?”
“Because I’m royalty.” He sits down next to you and you resist the urge to lean against him. “I am so sorry. Had I known that it would be considered legit because Loki memorized all the correct words and we did everything correctly I would’ve never fake married you.” It’s all so ridiculous that you you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you.
“Oh god Thor I’m being terrible. I’m sorry. I don’t blame you for this, we were both just kids now were you to know?” You sigh heavily, “I guess the biggest concerns I have right now are my job, my apartment, and my friends.”
“All things I can understand, but unless you want to stay married this is the only option.” He tells you and you lean against him. You’ve always wanted to travel back to Europe as an adult to go see the sights and actually appreciate them in a different way.
“Let me see what I can work out with the hospital, I’ve got work in the morning.”
“It might not be the best idea to tell anyone that we’re married.”
“I trust Hope. She doesn’t particularly like other people so I don’t think she’ll say anything.”
“You know the people in your life and I trust you.”
“Thank you.” You watch the news together in silence, you both show up toward the end just outside your apartment and you change the channel to some baking show or another. It’s too weird to see yourself on the news,
“I should go.” Thor says softly but neither of you move. He’s warm and you’re comfortable and you both end up drifting off.
Thor’s phone rings and it startles you both awake.
“Shit, ‘m sorry.” He says digging his phone from his pocket. “I need to take this. I’ll let you get some real sleep. Can I call you later?”
“Yea,” you mumble following him to your door, once he leaves you lock it then get ready for bed. Morning is going to come quickly.
Thor texts you again in the morning, telling you he needs to be back in Asgard in three days and that if it works out he’d like it if you’d come home with him. You send him a thumbs up emoji then head to Hope’s office.
“Hey Hope, do you have a minute?”
“Sure.” She says not looking away from her computer.
“So, I’ve got to leave the country for six months for, personal reasons.” This gets her attention.
“Is this because of that Crown Prince you were spotted with?”
“Sort of. It’s a long and complicated story but one I need to leave to get sorted.” Hope looks at you expectantly and you sigh before launching into the whole story.
“Yea I know. So now to get an annulment I have to go all the way to Asgard and since he’s royalty it’s gotta be for six months. So I’d like to stay on as staff just like on leave or something. I love working here and I know it puts you in a bit of a bind but it’d be a huge relief to have a job to come back to.” Hope leans back in her chair and studies you.
“You won’t be back.”
“What do you mean? Of course I’ll be back.”
“You don’t see how he looks at you. This might have been a mistake and you might have lost touch but that man is smitten.”
“Yea okay.” You laugh and she rolls her eyes at you.
“If you can come work a weekend once every other month I think I can keep you on staff. Check with your prince and let me know.”
“He’s not my prince but okay. Thanks Hope. Oh, and Hope, can you keep this a secret? The whole marriage thing.” She nods so you leave her office and text Thor who assures you that should be totally fine. Something you confirm with Hope. Now you have to tell Jane.
You text her that you need to meet her and she agrees for the following night. Thor asks if you want to join him for dinner again but you decline. You just need some time alone, so much of your life is going to be changing in the next couple of days and you just want some peace and normalcy for a night.
When Jane shows up the next night you’ve got brownies coming out of the oven. You needed some chocolate and brownies sounded good.
“Are you okay? You sounded stressed on the phone.”
“Yea, I just have a lot to tell you.” So you do, you tell her every single detail just like she’d requested. Jane sits in shocked silence when you’re finished.
“You’re a fucking Princess.” She whispers, “oh my god my best friend is a fucking Princess!”
“Oh my god Jane shut up! I am not!”
“Bitch you are married to a Prince. Therefore you are a Princess.”
“Well, I hope you’re still willing to be friends with someone who isn’t a Princess because we’re getting an annulment.”
“What? No! You’re so cute together!”
“Yea, and I have to go to Asgard for six months so you wanna sublet my plane?”
“Wait seriously?”
“Yea, I’ll be back for a weekend every other month but Thor said that it would take six months since he’s royalty.”
“Actually that’s perfect my research assistant is looking for a new place, I’ll see if she wants to move into my place for the next six months and I can move in here.”
“That works for me. I just would like someone I know here so when I have to come work a couple of shifts.”
“What are you going to tell Peter?”
“Nothing? We went on two dates and he was awful for both.”
“Oh, well he’s been asking about you.”
“He hasn’t texted or called so keep letting him ask. I’m not interested in a man child who thinks he’s better than everyone because he’s a pilot.” You tell her rolling your eyes. Jane laughs softly and raises her brownie in a cheers motion.
“Do you want me to tell him you’re out of the country?”
“He’s a grown man; if he wants to ask me out again he can ask.”
“Preach sister.” You spend the rest of the night talking, eating brownies and laughing. It’s exactly what you needed before you have to pack up enough clothing to help you get through the next two months.
You end up borrowing one of Jane’s massive Arctic trip suitcases because your little carryon will not do the trick. But you get everything packed, including your passport, an hour before Thor said he’d be by to pick you up.
He’s exactly on time, you sigh softly closing and locking your door.
“I am sorry, Elskede.” He says, “I’m sorry you have to uproot your life but our friends are excited to see you again. Especially Sif.”
“I always thought you’d end up with Sif, she was always so beautiful and badass.”
“She’s dating a very successful business man. Nice guy, he meshes well with our little group of friends. You’ll like him.”
“Oh, it will be nice to visit again. If I can I might travel a little bit, I’ve never seen Europe as an adult and since I won’t be working I feel like this is a good time.”
“If you’ll allow, I’d like to come with.”
“Yea, that’d be nice.” You tell him as you take Thor’s arm at the doorway again. You let him lead you through the doorway and to the car. There are more press this time than last time, they’re still yelling for Thor to look and but thankfully it seems that they still don’t know your name yet. Thor ushers you into the car then he climbs in after you, Volstagg climbs in the front seat and you’re off.
You don’t go to the airport, at least not the one that you expect to go to. You pull up to a much smaller airport and after you go through a security gate you see that you’re at a private airstrip.
“Are we flying private?”
“Yes Elskede.”
“What does that mean? I don’t know that word.”
“It’s kind of like, honey or sweetheart.” He explains and you nod. “How is your Norwegian?”
“Probably rusty but I’ll catch back on quickly. I’ve always been pretty good with languages.” He nods as Volstagg opens the door then climbs out and again waits to help you out of the car. You follow Thor up the stairs of the private jet and over to a set of seats.
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity @silver-lupines
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