#oh courts drew a red there too
froqpi-art · 1 year
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the sillies!!
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Trial and Error
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Based on the request: "Azriel with single mom reader? I feel like being a single mom in ACOTAR would be tricky as hell… reader comes from autumn court and flees to night court because she got pregnant out of marriage? 😯 the shame"
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: A little angst
a/n: Okay this has taken over my brain. I hope you enjoy it!! You can read the previous little part here and part three here
Main Masterlist ♡
“And what would happen then?” 
“I suppose then we would have to turn into giants, wouldn’t we?” 
“Giants. Really?” Melanie deadpanned as if she hadn’t just unraveled the most incoherent line of questioning you’d ever heard. Her new favorite game was “what if,” and you were apparently awful at it. 
“Well—” you began, pretending to think as you leaned against the counter and tapped your chin. “I guess we could just learn how to fly instead. That way we could go collect the, um… bunnies from the tops of the clouds.” 
“It’s cats, mommy, not bunnies. Why would a bunny be on a cloud?” 
“You are so right.” 
You pushed off the counter and continued restocking the shelves of the small apothecary that had employed you for the past few years. You had started out in Velaris working at a few small bars, but that hadn’t lasted long when they discovered you were pregnant. You had earned enough money to get a small apartment at that point, and you just so happened to find one above an apothecary owned by a rather wicked old woman. 
Lucky for you, she was a wicked old woman who no longer wanted to run her apothecary or deal with the space above it. So, you got a job and a place to live without many questions asked—a two-for-one miracle. 
“Maybe we could ask Nyx to take us up to the clouds,” Melanie pondered as she fiddled with a bundle of cloves by the register. 
“Who’s Nyx, sweetie?” you mindlessly asked. 
“A boy in my class. He has wings. He told me he can’t fly very high yet, but soon he’ll be able to.” 
You inhaled sharply through your nose. 
There were probably several boys in her class who had wings and were unrelated to the Illyrian man occupying your thoughts, right? 
You hummed in contemplation. “I don’t know, Melanie. Maybe Nyx could take you, but I might be too big for him to bring me up to the clouds.” 
“Oh, good idea, mommy! Nyx’s daddy can fly too and he can bring you. Or he has two uncles that could.” Your daughter stuck two fingers in the air with pride. “I wish I had wings. Mommy, did my daddy have wings?” 
You shook your head and abandoned the box at your feet to brush your daughter’s hair back instead. Going to school had opened doors to many questions you had been dreading, and Melanie’s questions about her dad had been coming in waves. 
“Your daddy didn’t have wings,” you began, looping a finger around her red curls. “But he did have hair just like yours.” 
Melanie tilted her head to the side. “Did you love my daddy? Nyx drew a picture at school of his mommy and daddy and said they love each other very much. Like as much as you love me.” 
You fought back a sigh. Nyx was causing you a plethora of issues and you hadn’t even met the kid. “Sometimes families look different,” you explained, running your hands down to brush off the dust on Melanie’s clothes that she’d surely obtained from playing in the apothecary. “I didn’t love your daddy, but that’s just because I had so much love saved up for you.” 
“Hmm…I hope you can have someone to love like how Nyx’s mommy has his daddy,” Melanie said after a small pause. And then she swung off the counter and started trekking up the stairs to the apartment as if she hadn’t just aged ten years with her statement. 
You blinked at the space she left, baffled by your five-year-old’s abruptness. She had only been at school for a week and was making revelations about your life that even you struggled to come to terms with. You let out a small sound of disbelief and made to follow your daughter up the stairs when the bell above the front door chimed. 
“Sorry, we’re closed for the—”
A boot heel clicking silenced your call.
His shadows came in before him, dark swirls instantly sweeping along the walls and wrapping up around the front counter. They didn’t touch you, but there was a hesitance about them that suggested they wanted to. You tore your gaze from their behavior to meet the eyes of the Illyrian from the school—the one you hadn’t seen since and definitely not because you were avoiding all situations where he could spot you. 
“Hello,” Azriel greeted with a calmness that was not reciprocated. “Are you closed? I can come back another time.” 
Every thought tumbled out of your brain. You had forgotten—almost—how intimidating he was. Not just in sheer size, but in the way he held himself, in the sharp planes of his face that smoothed into softness in the exact places they should. 
His wings pressed in towards his back as he took another step forward. The floor groaned beneath his weight. 
“Oh, um—” you uttered along with the straining floor. “We are—technically. But I can help you find something. Or place an order for you. No big deal.” 
“I wouldn’t want to keep you if you’re closed,” Azriel stressed. 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you nervously laughed. Act more normal. Act like there’s nothing… abnormal about you. “Anything for someone from Melanie’s school. What are you looking for?” 
Azriel hummed, his eyes lightning. “Ah, so you do remember me. I was wondering.” 
Was he looking at you strangely? Azriel kept trailing his gaze around the room and letting it land on your face, evaluating you… profiling you? 
You were being ridiculous. 
“Of course I do. You gave me great intel on the teacher. I don’t come until the bell rings now.” You rocked back on your heels and shifted your fidgeting hands behind your back. “Was there something specific I could help you with?” 
Azriel ignored your question for the second time. “Is that why I haven’t seen you? You come later?” 
Was he looking for you? 
A strange combination of excitement and trepidation made your stomach drop. 
Another nervous laugh. Your palms were sweating. “I guess so. There’s a lot to be done here so I usually wait until the last minute to close up shop and pick her up. That’s why your tip was so helpful.” 
Azriel narrowed his eyes in a way that echoed concern, but you refused to read into it. You balanced up onto your toes and fell back onto the soles of your feet. 
You could tell he wanted to say more about something—to ask more questions unrelated to the apothecary. But he stopped himself and the restraint was clear in the tenseness of his shoulders. 
“I get headaches,” Azriel shared. “Awful ones. I’ve tried healing magic and a few medicinal remedies, but I was hoping to find something herbal. Could you help me with that?” 
You breathed a sigh of relief and began rifling through a cabinet to your left. “I may have just the thing. I had terrible migraines when I was pregnant and it took me six tries to get this recipe perfect, but I think it would do the trick for you. I almost hate to share it because I was the one that had to suffer through all the bad batches, but I guess that’s kind of my job.” 
You pulled back from the cabinet with a small bottle in hand, a tiny rendition of your handwriting scrawled along the side. You rolled it in your hands for a moment until you saw the shimmering nature of the liquid inside, and then you held it out over the counter and offered Azriel a smile. He replicated it, but it was smaller and looked forced. 
“You didn’t have anyone else to try it out on?” he asked. 
The question twisted something deep within your chest, but you only grinned and ignored the tightness of your jaw. “Who better than the one with the migraines herself?” 
Azriel breathed a laugh through his nose, his eyes not leaving yours. “I suppose that’s true.” 
The flecks in his eyes had you paralyzed, unable to move as his gaze held yours. You were breathless, fist tightening around the small tonic still held out in front of you as Azriel reached forward and grabbed it. His skin brushed yours. You shivered. 
Azriel’s lips parted to speak. “Where are you—”
A loud thump from upstairs cut him off. 
Azriel started, his chin clipping up and his body tensing. He quickly looked back down to you with a panicked question in his eyes. 
You fought for the words to say. If you revealed it was only Melanie, he would know where you lived—another piece of information you liked to keep close. But if you didn’t tell him, that could lead to something worse. He looked about ready to bolt up the stairs and battle your five-year-old. 
The decision was made for you when Melanie came bounding down the steps with a bowl in one hand and a large wooden spoon in the other. 
“Mommy,” she began with a lax posture that did not match the room. “Can I—Oh, hi, Mr. Azriel. What’re you doing at my house?” 
Melanie’s interpretation of his name included an extra syllable, and she was still working on pronouncing Zs, but the Illyrian ignored that. “Your house?” he asked. His attention was fully on Melanie, but he sent you a raised brow. 
“Um, yes. We live above the apothecary. Melanie sometimes forgets that it’s a business downstairs and not just a private playground,” you explained, rubbing your forearm in discomfort. Azriel tracked the movement. 
“Ah, well, it does seem rather fun down here. I can see the confusion.” 
Melanie perked up, waving the spoon in front of your face. “See, mommy? There’s lots to play with.” 
One of the tightly bound coils in your chest loosened as you shot Azriel a look. “Great. You’re encouraging her.” 
“I’ve been an uncle for a few years,” Azriel smiled, rolling the headache tonic between his hands. “I’ve gotten quite good at encouraging terrible things.” 
You laughed with a huff and placed a hand on Melanie’s head, bending down to meet her gaze. “Were you going to ask me for dinner? I’ll be up in just a few minutes. I was just putting a few things away.” 
“I know, mommy,” she nodded. Then, after a quick look at Azriel from the corner of her eye, she whispered, “Is Mr. Azriel having dinner with us? Nyx has been asking about when we have dinner and said to keep the question a secret, but maybe that’s why he’s here.” 
A few feelings barraged you at once. Confusion over your daughter's words; fear that the night court’s inner circle seemed to be asking questions about you; regret that you had given into Melanie’s pleas to go to school so readily. 
But Nyx was just a child—perhaps he asked everyone when they had dinner and Melanie was just connecting dots that weren’t there. 
But maybe that wasn’t the case. 
Maybe Azriel came to the apothecary specifically because you worked there and he was trying to gather intel for the Autumn Court. It had to be common knowledge that the daughter of one of Beron’s men had run away. But Night and Autumn weren’t on the best terms. That’s why you chose Velaris to—
You couldn’t do this right now. 
Not in front of Melanie and certainly not in front of Azriel. 
You pressed your lips into a firm line and whispered back, “No, he came to buy something from mommy’s shop. It’s just us for dinner, like always.” 
A sliver of disappointment fractured Melanie’s gaze. She hooked her chin over her shoulder and sent Azriel a small smile before disappearing into the apartment once more. You wiped your palms on the front of your pants as you stood, taking a breath to calm your raging anxiety. 
“Sorry, she…” 
“It’s alright,” Azriel dismissed. You looked at him for the first time in a few moments, his expression pinched and difficult to read. “I’m around Nyx a lot. You don’t have to apologize.” 
A beat of silence. 
The room was cloaked in unrealized tension. You weren’t sure if it was fueled by suspicion or something else. For you, it was, but the wistful way Azriel continued to linger on your figure was read as something else. Something older, more entrenched.
“It’s just two coppers.” You broke the silence, gesturing to the tonic still held between Azriel’s fingers—his scarred fingers, you then realized. You looked back up to his face.
“Only two? After all it took for you to make it?” 
You felt your mouth twist at the corner despite yourself. “I don’t know if you’ve seen this place, but it’s not exactly up to par with the rest of the apothecaries. I’m surprised you found it, to be honest. My customers are typically ancient fae with boils and warts.” 
“Sorry to disappoint,” Azriel teased. He searched through his pocket and placed a small sum of money on the counter between you. “Five coppers—for interrupting dinner.” 
“I hadn’t even—” 
“Goodbye, y/n.” 
You watched him go, not noticing the shadow that lingered in the corner. 
part three
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ovaryacted · 5 months
I'm drowsy off of allergy medicine so I wrote this and I'm not sorry about it. Anyways goodnight.
MDNI/18+. NSFW. | CW: blowjobs cause yeah
It was supposed to be a simple meet-up for scheduled tennis practice, a part of your daily routine with the Art Donaldson. He seemed rather laid back compared to how he plays, his signature spike and tick along with his cute grunts on the court did enough to make your imagination run wild.
You’ve seen him several times during practice, sitting out on the bleachers to spectate like others who would take space alongside you. He’s certainly getting better, his backhand was more forceful past the second set and his footing was quicker. Intrigued, you felt your curiosity grow as you walked up towards him after training, asking for his number and seeking more of his expertise.
“Oh me? You sure you want me training you?”
“Why wouldn’t I want you to train me? You’re good, you have the skill, plus you’re fun to watch”
That was what he initially told you then, soft eyes staring back into yours and that cheeky smile growing wider on his face at the compliment. It was a slow process, weaving yourself into his life all in the name of sportsmanship. He didn’t need to know your ulterior motive, you’re sure he wouldn’t complain if he knew what the end result was. It will work out for both of you in the long run, he gets the recognition he’s always wanted, and you finally get your hands on something worth your attention.
You knew your plan would work, though you didn’t expect it to come to fruition so quickly.
“Fuck”, the blonde groaned above you, the end of his red Stanford cap almost falling off the top of his head from how he craned his neck back. There you were, on your knees still in your white tennis skirt with your mouth working lavishly over his cock, his token of appreciation for being so good to you during your tennis lessons. Ideally, you would’ve wanted to enjoy him in the privacy of your dorm room, but the empty locker rooms worked just as well.
You hummed around his length happily, his hand coming to hold your jaw softly as he let you do the work. Art couldn’t help but stare down at you again, a grin plastered over his features to take in the view below him. Tongue lapping around his cock, your swollen and spit-covered lips were stuck in a consistent push-and-pull rhythm, working over him until your jaw grew sore. He tried to hide the whimper that was creeping up in his throat, but the moment your free hand went to caress his balls you forced it out of him anyway.
“Greedy huh?”, Art said, his cheeks were flushed down to his neck and sweat ran down his temple. You drew away from him to catch a breath, pumping him with your wrist.
“I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I came to get my prize for beating you last time”, the smirk you wore was enough to make Art’s body pulse, hissing when your thumb ran over his sensitive slit, dragging further down with an audible shlick.
“Don’t let me stop you then”, his heart was pounding in his chest, beating hard against his ribcage with every firm pump of your hand.
You gave the tip of his cock a teasing kiss before wrapping your mouth around him again, taking him as deep as he would go. He was hitting the back of your throat, gagging around him before tugging away to do it again and again. Stabilizing yourself with one hand on his shaking thigh, your neck strained with the pace you set yourself to make sure he reached the edge. By the looks of how his fingers were digging into your scalp and his hips were starting to bump into your face to chase your warmth, he wasn’t too far off.
This was your reward, and you weren’t leaving until you got what you wanted.
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azsazz · 7 months
With Me
Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader
Summary: Anon Req: I know your request are closed but still writing. In the future could you do something with Eris x rhys sister?
Warnings: Graphic depictions of canon violence
Word Count: 1,520
It had been on a wisp of an autumn breeze that Eris found out.
Found out about the plans of the High Lord of Spring, how he and his sons planned an ambush on the wife and daughter of the High Lord of Night on their travels to the Illyrian mountains for a visit with her son.
He had been on his horse, red as the leaves on the trees, scouting the borders between Autumn and Spring. The wind ruffled his hair and tickled his pointed ears with the whispers of scheming sons. Eris had stilled the mare beneath him and urged the current with a touch of magic to enhance the conversation.
That High Lord will pay for everything he’s tried to do to ours.
He won’t even know what’s coming. And neither will those little bitches.
Dibs on the older one.
It had eaten Eris throughout the day. Across the rest of his round on the border, during battle strategy, between sword fighting with his younger brothers. Lucien was learning quickly how to play his brothers against each other, and even scored a hit on Eris while his mind had been run through with worry.
He is a smart male but the thought of going to his father with this news didn’t feel right, but keeping it to himself felt even worse. So, after a family dinner that he loathed, Eris put on his emerald robes and marched into the Night Court territory.
He was too late. 
Eris caught the scent of your blood on a tornado of wind that carried the harrowing cries of you and your mothers downfall. You had been brutally attacked by the Spring Court sons and their father, and as Eris crept closer he saw blood coated flowers sprouting from the ground. The High Lord’s magic, a love note to the High Lord of Night.
A soft gurgle caught his attention as he stepped into the clearing washed in moonlight. The sight before him was harrowing; your carriage door ripped off its hinges, the windows blown out. Even the large, black steeds that had been pulling the wagon had been slaughtered, their entrails long lines in the white snow.
A wet cough, one with the whisper of death accompanying it drew his attention. Eris didn’t hesitate to locate you, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of you curled beneath your slain mother, her arms still wrapped around you protectively. 
Your eyes were wide with fear, mouth gaping like a fish. Blood of both yours and your mothers surrounded you, leaking from your lips, from between the hands you had pressed weakly to your stomach.
Falling to his knees, Eris reached a hand out but halted when your eyes met his. His mind was reeling, a young warrior with little battlefield experience before a female struggling through her thinning breaths.
Something stirred deeply within him, something he knew but couldn’t say, wouldn’t admit out loud until years later. 
You had enough strength to shift your hand in the snow, reaching towards him, eyes screaming a plea for help from the handsome son of Autumn. 
And he did. He held your organs in his hands as he winnowed you from Night into his own territory, right into the hands of his mother. 
Amaretto stood with a start, the book in her hands falling loudly to the floor. There were no sounds in the room, not even the crackling of the fires raging in the hearths. She kept it this way so she could hear the sounds of her husband's footsteps when he walked down the marble halls of the Woodland House, each echo a shot to her confidence.
“Eris,” she gasps at her son, who looks over at her with wide, pleading, auburn eyes. She halts in her tracks, that look in his eyes, the sheer terror on his face. Her own eyes softened with a knowing look, and she uttered, “Oh, Eris.”
He and his mother worked in tandem all through the night. And when Beron’s footsteps began to sound down the hall Eris had been the one to distract him, goad him. He didn’t care about the bruises and pain inflicted by his father’s hand because it was nothing to the pain he could feel from you, through the thread of the bond that had appeared at the sight of you. 
His mother saved your life with the little trickle of healing magic she had left. Always hidden from Beron, but would use it to save her son’s mate’s life. Two gentle souls that deserved much better hands that you had been dealt in the world.
Eris stayed by your side when you had been moved to a guest room. You hadn’t woken for days and he couldn’t figure out a way to hide you from his father who would surely use you against the Night Court, who were mourning the news of their felled female family members.
Word had come of the slaying of the Spring Court High Lord and the two eldest sons, leaving young Tamlin to take his place. In the fray, the High Lord of Night had been murdered as well, with Rhysand taking the chair of rule.
It was all very confusing times. 
“Eris,” you plead, tears staining your eyes. He can feel the cracking in your chest even though you’re trying to hide it from him. You’ve never been good at blocking your feelings from your loving mate, but the thought of returning home was all too much. Eris wasn’t understanding your fear, your need to go home to the Night Court after so long away, after Amarantha’s reign of terror has finally ended. “I need to see my brother.”
Eris had hidden you from the wretched female while he and all of the other citizens of the Autumn Court had been forced beneath the mountain. It had been a long, lonely fifty years of trying to find a way to get back to Velaris, to get inside of the barriers that had been protected with an extra boost of Rhysand’s power before he became trapped.
“I can’t lose you,” he whispers, hugging you closely. The both of you are laid up in his bed, days of reacquainting each other with the other’s body after so long away. Your mate had all but fallen apart in your arms, and you in his, the loneliness of your years spent wondering how your mate fared against the powerful female set to ruin your world. 
“Come with me,” you beg wetly, clutching to his clothes. He had winnowed right back into your arms as soon as he was able, and he hasn’t let you go since. You hadn’t wanted him to. “Let’s run away from Autumn, together.” 
Just like Lucien had done, chased away from the Court he knew as home while their awful brothers hunted him down. It had been another harrowing night for Eris, one you held him through. 
Only the knowledge that his brother was safe in the Spring Court had kept him from completely falling apart.
“I can’t just leave like this, fawn,” he answers wetly, stroking your hair back from your face. You’re as beautiful as the day you woke up, when your eyes landed on his and the bond made itself known to you. He has spent every day since thanking the Mother for this time with you, for sparing you that winter night, for keeping you safe when he was trapped under the mountain with no way out. “Not yet.”
Your voice breaks and hot tears stream down your face, throat tightening to the point where no words could break if you tried. You want Eris to come with you, you need Eris to come with you. You’ve only just gotten him back and it cannot be time to give him up already.
“It’s okay, fawn,” Eris consoles sadly. He will keep you in his arms tonight and tomorrow, up until he escorts you to your brother’s land and makes sure that you are safe with them. He has been a selfish male for so many years, falling headfirst into the mating bond. He’d fallen into you completely and without any remorse, the same way you had found yourself falling into him. “You need to do this. And I will be here, fighting for a better life for us until we can be together, freely.”
Eris and Amaretto had come up with an elaborate plan to tell the rest of the family. That Eris would hide you until you healed, and found his mate at the Autumnal Equinox balls. It would ensure your safety, being classed as a High Fae, but also being Eris’ mate. You had learned to deal with Beron and Eris’ insufferable brothers for years.
You love Eris with every fiber of your being, and the thought of parting with him so soon after getting him back tears your heart to shreds, but you need to go, especially after everything Eris had told you happened down there. 
“I love you, Eris.” 
“I love you too, fawn.”
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Azriel x Reader
Notes: Elain bashing because Nesta is better. This is my first ever fic, so I know that it is rushed and choppy.
**Angsty, implied sex, language**
Living in Velaris, or 'The City of Starlight' as most call it, is a dream. I've been here going on 200 years. I moved from Autumn court when I made good friends with Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. I've loved every second of my life here. The 50 years without Rhys were tough, but of all the places to be trapped...
I felt horrible trying to be happy while Rhys was enslaved to she who may not be named. Vile bitch she was, but now he is back. With his mate in tow no less. I am so incredibly happy for him. He deserves every second with her. I know how it feels to find your mate. Rhys introduced me to mine. His very own Spymaster, Azriel. The most beautiful man to ever walk, fly, talk, breathe. The perfect mate who never lets a day go by without letting me know how cherished I am. He is also my anchor. The power that I wield within me is a raging fire that I am still struggling to control. The fire fuels my emotions which can get out of hand fast if I don't get myself in check. One touch from my mate though, I'm instantly soothed. His shadows wrap around me like a soft, cooling blanket.
Unfortunately, with recent events, my poor mate has had to do this regularly. With Rhys sending him on extremely dangerous missions where he comes home tired and bloody to Elain, Feyre's sister, flirting with him right in front of me. I'm not jealous, but the fucking disrespect is enough to enrage me. One night though.... I had had enough.
I was in the library with Nesta reading. We liked to read books and gush over them later. Specifically, scenarios we would like to play out with our oh so willing mates. I paused when I felt a pull on the bond letting me know Az was back from his recent mission.
"To be continued." I sang to Nesta who just nodded her head in acknowledgement and kept reading.
*Where are you my love?* I sent down the bond. *In the garden* He sent back.
I all but ran to the garden. I had missed my mate dearly. Nesta and I's previous conversation not helping the situation at all.
When I stepped into the garden, I saw Azriel with a small, thoughtful smile on his beautiful face. A flower behind his ear, but not just any flower. A red camellia. The same flower that decorated our bed the night we consummated our bond. The flower that represents our love.
Thinking he was reminiscing about us, I made my way slowly to try and surprise him (it's the thought that counts, you can't sneak up on a Spymaster, let alone a Shadowsinger.) His shadows were immediately swirling around me in greeting. When I drew closer, hidden behind the ornate fountain was Elain. She was holding the red camellias in her hands that were extended towards Azriel. I know he knew the meaning behind that flower, and I'm well aware she did too.
Burning rage took over me at the look on her face. Completely infatuated with my mate with those damned flowers in her hand. How dare she make a move like this on my mate. She has Lucien to ogle over and give flowers to. Where the fuck was he? The shadows sensing my irritation started swirling faster with a slight vibration.
I closed in on them and Azriel felt my fury through the bond as a hiss left my mouth. He turned to me wide-eyed, confused as to why I was so furious. That just seemed to piss me off more. The shadows were trying to sooth me, but failed. My hands were shaking, trying to leash my power that was begging to be let out. Begging to blast this bitch where she stood.
"Hey kitten, what got you so worked up?" Azriel said worriedly using the pet name I loved so much.
I was too focused on the flowers in his hands that he had accepted to respond. I looked up into his beautiful hazel eyes with a tight smile.
"What beautiful flowers, love," I said with every ounce of sarcasm I could muster up, "They express ones love and desire to another."
I reached for the flower behind his ear. His brows furrow slightly as I turn toward Elain. Her breath hitched; she knew she'd been caught. She looked slightly terrified. Good. "And just what the fuck do you think you're doing? What are you trying to achieve here?" Elain just stared at me. Not moving, not blinking. "Did you think you were smart? That I wouldn't know what the intent of giving these flowers is?" She still just stared at me. "ANSWER ME!!" I snarled at her. Elain yelped and looked to Azriel for help. I let out a low growl. My control slowly waning.
I felt Azriel's shock through the bond. I glanced over to him to see him looking between me, the flowers, and Elain. "Elain...." Azriel said hesitantly.
"I love you, Azriel!" Elain shouted, "I don't want to marry Lucien, I don't love him! I want you; I love you! Remember that night...that night you held me when I was crying about how unfair everything was? How I didn't ask for any of this! You consoled me and I felt something between us. I know that something is there! Just because you have a mate, doesn't mean you have to love them! I know that! I'm trying to make you see that too!" Elain fell to her knees crying.
What a sad, delusional, dramatic witch. Hearing her insinuate that there was something between them, that she could convince him to leave me was my breaking point. My control snapped. A roaring sound that I have never heard myself make before reached my ears as I lunged for her. She tripped and fell to the ground trying to get away. I grabbed her hair and yanked her head back to look at me. "I am going to kill you. You are absolutely fucking delusional. You know that? To think my mate would actually leave me for you?!? YOU?!? You're not pretty enough to be that fucking stupid." Azriel tried to touch me, but my skin was searing hot. His shadows weren't having any luck either. I could smell Elain's hair burning in my grasp. My other hand was going for her throat. I was going to watch my hand slowly burn through her neck until she was no longer living.
Right before my hand made contact, I felt Azriel wrap himself around me. His giant wings pushing Elain away, her hair still attached to my hand. I started thrashing in his hold, and my bloodlust not yet quenched. I kept thrashing until I felt a searing pain through the bond. I was hurting him... My skin was so hot that I was burning him! I immediately stopped and turned into him. His face was scrunched up in pain, burns on his arms and chest.
"Azriel....Az...Oh my...what fuck did I do...Az...I- I'm so sorry" Tears flooded my vision as I looked at him. My mate. My beautiful mate. My mate, who dislikes fire because of what it could do...what it DID to him... He was already starting to heal, but the damage was done. I told him he'd never have to worry about my fire, that I would never hurt him. Not after he told me what happened when he was just a child. But here we are...In that exact situation.
I hated myself. Hated how I let this stupid power control my emotions so strongly. My hands shook as I reached out to touch him. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to...I hurt you...Oh god, I'm so sorry!"
"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here, I'm fine. Baby, shhh, I'm fine. " Azriel tried to console me, but I didn't deserve that. I shouldn't be so easily forgiven. I know I'll never forgive myself. I tried to step away, but he grabbed me and brought me into his chest. Arms wrapped tightly around me, burns completely healed. I was sobbing and shaking in his arms. Babbling 'I'm sorrys' mind completely empty besides the fact that I hurt him. Azriel picked me up, and we disappeared into the shadows. Leaving Elain by herself.
He took us to our bedroom. I felt him sit on our bed. I moved to straddle him, put my face on his shoulder, and held him. He put his hands on my hips and rubbed his thumbs in circles to sooth me. It had never gone that far before. I've never snapped like that. I was too ashamed to lift my head and look at him.
He shifted under me. "Baby....kitten, look at me..." Not being in the right head space to deny him, I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. They were so filled with love but also concern. Seeing that made the tears come again. "Hey, hey, none of that, okay. I'm fine, we're fine." He whispered. His hands as well as the shadows were caressing me.
"I'm sorry, Az. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I promised you that I would never...I promised that you would never feel my fire." "I know, kitten. You didn't hurt me. I'm fine, see?" Azriel held his arms out, "All fine, now... I know Elain gets to you sometimes, and I know the meaning of the flowers. What I don't know is what made you erupt like that." I bit my lip and looked back down. His fingers caught my chin and lifted my gaze to his.
"Kitten...." I knew that tone, knew that I needed to listen. "We accepted our mating bond with those flowers. We made love on a bed with the petals of that flower underneath us. Our house is decorated with those flowers. They symbolize our love, our bond. Seeing her give you those flowers and you accepting them....It made me...I didn't want you to start thinking of her when you saw them. Now you definitely will because this mess. It's stupid, I know."
"It's not." Azriel interrupted, "It's not, but kitten, you were the only thing that I was thinking about when she handed me those flowers. About our bond and our month-long mating frenzy." he got a twinkle in his eye and smirked at the ping of arousal he felt shoot through me at the thought of all the ways he took me during our frenzy. All the things he and his shadows made me experience.
"It may have looked different from an outsiders' point of view, and it took me a second to react to everything. I was so shocked by the fury I felt through the bond." I leaned my forehead against his. "I'm sorry." I breathed. "I'm really going to try and get better at controlling how much my power affects my emotions. I'll see someone if I have to. I don't want anything like this happening again."
Azriel hummed in agreement. A strange look taking over his face. "We will figure that out later. Right now, Rhys is requesting our presence." I gulped and looked at him. "I don't know if I can face him right now. I'm still a little too worked up." I gave my mate a heated stare. "Think you can fuck it out of me before we see him?"
He chuckled darkly, his shadows already untying my dress. "Oh kitten, I'm going to do so much more than that."
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Malleus, Deuce: Like Mother, Like Son
BRO'S STILL MAKING THE "ARE YOU LOST BBY GHORL" FACE … Malleus’s birthday hits different knowing what I know now 💀 ALSO THE FACT THAT DEUCE SAID "THAT" ABOUT MALEFICENT VS THE HUMANS IS... (trying to keep this wording vague so as to not spoil people who haven’t gotten there yet)
It’s nice to see Malleus and Deuce in the vignettes, I feel like they don’t get to interact that much (which is a shame because I think their dynamic is cute). They had a chapter together in the manga anthology too! I’m glad they could hang out some more.
A Tale as Old as Time.
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The princess and her prince were picture perfect in the painting.
The woman, with golden curls that tumbled down her back. Her cerulean gown spilled to the polished floors like a fabric waterfall, the tiara in her hair catching the soft evening light. She gazed up at her lover's warm, twinkling eyes, and smiled.
The man, brunette, locks falling loosely across his forehead. He was handsome in a red tunic with a high black collar, a crimson cape billowing out behind him with each step he took. His gaze was locked with the princess's, his one and only.
Onlookers gathered in a ring around the two, spellbound by how they danced, bodies twinning like threads bound together. It was something precious they dared not disturb, even their breaths clutched like pearls to prevent their escape.
This was happily ever after, a dream come true.
It should have been.
Yet Malleus frowned. His brows drew together and his mouth pursed, a brewing storm settling over his face.
“Draconia-senpai?” Deuce called to him anxiously. “I-Is something wrong? You look a little scary…”
The first year glanced at the portrait of the royal couple. He jumped. “D-Don’t tell me, did this painting piss you off?! Er, I mean... Did it offend you?"
“No, nothing of the sort,” Malleus replied. He rested an index finger against his chin. “It sparked memories of my own days in court. As the crown prince to the Briar Valley, it goes without saying that I've attended a number of occasions similar to what is depicted here."
"Oh, for real? That makes sense, you being royalty and all. What were those events like?"
"Most are rather solemn affairs. Grandmother, the senators, and other politicians gather to discuss diplomacy, trade, and national policies. For certain occasions, there are traditional rituals that must first be performed. A royal birth, for example, must be blessed before the festivities can commence. If it is a knighting, then all the royal guard shall be present and a speech of one's accomplishments read."
Deuce blinked a few times, as though shedding sleepiness. His mind struggled to grasp the enormity of a prince's duties. He dropped the smartest sounding response he could: "That sounds tough."
Malleus lips slightly lifted. "I do not mind it. There is pride to be had in conducting such work."
I don't have a reason to doubt what he's saying, but... Deuce clenched his fists at his sides. If Draconia-senpai really feels that way, why does he still seem so pained?
The fairy drew out a sigh, as if dissatisfied with the silence. "... Ah, but how strange. When I look upon this painting, I see many people present... yet the princess touched by diurnal fae and her prince take no notice of them. They have eyes only for each other."
His words were velvet-lined, soft on the ears. Beneath them, a pang of longing rose like a fine mist at daybreak.
"What must it feel like to be so beloved?" Malleus wondered. "To have someone who considers you the most special being in all the world?"
Vines twisted in his gut, thorns prickling his insides. Frustration and molten discontent pooled. For all the power that he wielded, he failed to attain such a basic thing.
"Do you understand such a feeling, Spade?" The inquiry was pure acid.
"H-Huh, me?!" Deuce startled, not prepared for the demand in Malleus's voice. "Well... uh, I guess my mom calls me her big, strong man. Does that count?"
Malleus's brow furrowed. "I'm afraid I don't follow. Is it customary for children of man to refer to their offspring as 'big, strong men'?"
"I think that's just my mom's thing." He shrugged. "I'm the only man in the house, so I try to help her out if I can. She jokes about it when I do."
Malleus made a face. It was difficult to discern the emotion he wore.
"Moms, right?" Deuce gave a nervous laugh. "They can be embarrassing, but they care about us a lot."
"I never knew my mother."
"... Oh." A rock dropped in Deuce's stomach. He hurried for an apology as dread rippled through him. "Shit, my bad! I didn't mean to..."
Malleus held up a hand in an elegant dismissal. "Be at ease. I harbor no anger."
There was no point, he told himself, in rage expressed for a woman he had no bond with. Her face, her voice--they were all a mystery to him. She was but a stranger adrift in an abyss.
Still, a part of him sparked at the thought of her, of someone he had yet to meet--would never meet. The thrill of fates closely intertwined, the tenderness of a parent's love.
Malleus went quiet, lowering his hand.
"Grandmother and Lilia have done their utmost to mentor me in her stead." He sounded hollow, insistent. Like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was Deuce.
The Heartslabyul student swallowed. He placed a firm hand on Malleus's arm and squeezed. "... It's not enough, is it?"
He received no answer.
“Your mom is thinking of you, wherever she is.”
Malleus pulled away, presenting his back to Deuce. "Dead fae do not tell tales," he said simply.
“That doesn’t mean she loved you any less,” Deuce stubbornly protested. “Right up until her last breath… she must have been so happy to have you, thinking about what kind of person you’d grow up to be.”
Dreaming of the day when she can, at last, meet you.
Blink, and his eyes were wet. Blink again, and his vision blurred. Heartbeat hot and quick, galloping upon coals.
Did my mother truly…?
“She’d be damn proud of you too.” Deuce flashed a wicked grin. “Believe me.”
“… Hah.” Malleus chuckled dryly.
The longer he considered it, the more appealing the idea became.
A woman in his likeness—or was he made in hers? Papery kisses, fond embraces, words of affirmation. Fire that burned strongly, warding off the darkness.
Wouldn’t that be something?
"I love you, Malleus," whispered that she-phantom. Sweet nothings that sated his starved soul. "Forever and always. My dear son, my pride and joy."
The carefully constructed stone fortress around his heart faltered. His desire burned like a falling star.
He took a breath, and fell from the heavens with his wish.
“Thank you, Spade.”
Just for this moment, let me walk once upon a dream.
A single tear slipped down Malleus’s cheek.
And what a wonderful dream it was.
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gemharvest · 3 months
Okay hear me out (and I will forget I sent an ask in again 2 seconds later) RGB as crystal gems
PREFACING THIS ART WITH AN "I'm sorry I didn't lean more into the SU side of things" I am being so fr I don't wanna mess with trying to figure out more gem-like outfits for them so they're basically the same except with limited palettes and also gems. I don't think it's actually gonna matter to anyone but ANSJKNKDGJ if I don't open with that my brain will Explode. /lh
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GO CRAZY GO STUPID AHHHHHH. GEMS. I'm going to have to put my bullet points under a read more just cuz I know I am about to fucking Go Off. grins
Girlfriend is a red diamond. Boyfriend is a peridot. Pico is a green spinel.
Went with a diamond cuz of the status thing. I am almost worried it feels like too easy of a pull but I doonnn't care I think it'd be fun if she was a diamond. :) Red obviously because it's her color.
Playing off the status thing; ofc her parents would also be diamonds and so you can have the reasoning of "oh this isn't a high-rank gem" for them not liking Boyf. I mean if you need any reasoning aside from them just being unreasonable LOL but that's always there.
Placement on her chest because !! love !!!! That's also why it's a heart-shaped cut instead of a. Diamond shape.
My backup assignment for her would be a jasper because I think it'd suit her well to be any quartz, and with jasper you can get close to her reds !! The status thing is really what made me decide on a diamond tho.
As I type this I realize there are some vaaaguee similarities to Pink I could pull as extra reasoning but shruuuugs my brain is NOT in an analytical mood rn so I'll just let others chew on that for me.
This isn't really relevant to RGB but I wanna mention it: I think it'd be funny if the demon henchmen were rubies.
The biggest factor for me going peridot with him is the fact that a common headcanon for canon Peridot is that she's autistic and while I mostly work with ADHD Boyf myself (since that's the experience I can pull from personally)... I am a sucker for a good autistic/AuDHD read with him.
This man is short and Era 2 peridots are short. If I drew him SU style this guy would need limb enhancers. lol
Instead of a prohibition symbol his shirt has the outline of a star. I just find that neat. :)
He would sooooooo suck at a peridot's role but also iirc in canon he's a college drop out anyways so it cancels out. He's got that Greg Universe in him.
Honestly, I put his gem placement on the back of his hand bc I had no clue where else to put it. My secondary placement for it would be on his forehead bc it'd make me giggle with him being Dumb but canon Peridot already has the forehead placement so I didn't go ahead with that.
HE STOLE PICO'S GREEN SPOT. spritzing him with water like a naughty dog BAD BOYFRIEND.
This is my little indulgent one I really. I really love canon Spinel. This is tangential but like I literally have 4 spinel OCs and then another 4 furry OCs with designs based on canon Spinel. The urge to make One Of Them a spinel was going to be there.
The juxtaposition of him being a gem with an entertainer role and also a hard-ass hitman makes me giggle. Idk I feel like if you already know canon Spinel then you can probably connect the dots as to why I'd imagine him as a spinel as well.
Heart cut because I find it cute and it matches GF. I think a spade shape could be fun too but idk I prefer just going with a heart. Placement on his upper back because. :) Because he can't easily shield it from damage that way. He has to be constantly aware of his surroundings, unless he wants to give someone the chance for an easy hit on him if they sneak up from behind. Little paranoia thing to fuck with him. I'm so nice to Pico !! :D
Bringing back the status thing with GF's parents; I can't help but giggle thinking abt them hiring him. Imagine you get recommended this really good hitman and you meet up and it's a fucking court jester. Fucking ego hit but DD needs the job done so he hires him anyways. AND THEN PICO DOESN'T EVEN CARRY OUT THE FUCKING HIT. Never hiring a clown off of Craigslist again. /JOKING
hits play on this and sits down with my head in my hands
OKAY BEFORE I'M DONE I WANNA MENTION: I made myself give them all gem assignments BUT I do think it would be fun if one of them was not a gem a la Greg and Rose. So I give you: regular canon demon GF and her two gem boyfriends. Takes a bow. (<- honestly might do something further with that for my own fun. teehee)
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asnowdriftsomewhere · 3 months
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Daylight pt6
Cassian x f!reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
An: I've been busy, but here is the next part. I do hope you enjoy
Summary: Dinner with the IC doesn't go exactly to plan...
Warning: I am deliberately choosing not to put any. Proceed with caution.
Word count: 2239
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Cassian nearly choked on his tongue when he saw you. Doing a double take as you breezed through the doors onto the veranda where he had been waiting for you. He would never admit it to you, but he'd been anxiously awaiting your appearance for more than thirty minutes now. Running his fingers through his hair and gripping the railing so tight he was surprised there weren't hand prints left behind. But you were here now, and Cauldron, you were beautiful. Like dawn's first light given physical form. 
You suppressed a blush as you approached the general whose jaw had gone slack and whose eyes couldn't seem to stop taking you in. Hazel eyes roved over your body, drinking in every part of you like a male starved and were a proverbial buffet. You may have swished your hips as you approached. Just a bit. 
“You..” he trailed off, eyes finally reconnecting with yours as he swallowed hard. “You look… beautiful, Y/N”
“Thank you, Cassian,” you blushed in earnest now as you came to stand beside him along the railing. “You look rather dashing yourself.” 
“Ah, well,” he looked down at himself, and you took the opening to survey the Illyrian before you. He wasn't in his usual black leather armor but instead wore an elegant black jacket and matching slacks. Red and silver embroidery along the lapels and cuffs of his jacket looked like exploding stars and almost seemed to shift in the fading light of dusk. Though it was obvious he was not used to wearing such fine things, he pulled it off as if he never wore anything else. The jacket was tailored perfectly to his broad shoulders. The hem drew the eyes to his slim waist and long legs. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought him to be a powerful lord of this land with all the elegance and refinement that entailed. “The House laid this out for me, I don't even know where it got it.” 
You let out a laugh at that, “You too? It pulled this out for me.” 
He laughed with you at that, taking the invitation to look you over once more before holding his hand out to you. “Shall we?”
You hesitated a moment, glancing back towards the house, “Shouldn't we wait for Nesta?” 
“Feyre came and picked her up earlier,” he shrugged, keeping his hand steady in front of you. “She wanted to visit Nyx before dinner.”
Your breath caught in your throat, “Oh, okay…” 
Uncertainty crossed his features then, “Is… Is there a problem? Should I have Feyre come get you too?” His hand started to drop.
“No,” you said quickly, reaching out to take his hand in yours before he could step away. “Sorry, no. There is no problem.” His hand was large and warm. His calluses scraped against your own, sending a shock of electricity through you as you snapped your gaze up to meet his hazel eyes. 
Suddenly, you were not standing atop the House of Wind. You were not in Velaris or any part of the Night Court you were familiar with. Instead, you were walking around an obsidian obelisk. A baron mountain rumbled beneath your feet, and the wind rushed through your hair. You paused, your eyes shifting to one of the steep climbs below where three figures were making their way towards you- towards the stone behind you. The mountain shook again, and two sets of hazel eyes locked onto yours. 
You blinked, and you were back on the veranda. Cassian standing before you with a look of concern on his face. “Sorry. We should go. They're probably waiting for us.” You shook your head as if to clear the vision from your mind before stepping closer to him.
He stiffened for a moment as you pressed your body into him before bending to sweep your legs out from under you. You let out a small squeak as he jumped from the verandas's edge, and the two of you began a free fall towards the city below. But just before you took matters into your own hands and winnowed you both to safety, his wings snapped out, and with a powerful beat, you found yourself gliding through the air. 
The city glittered like stars below, and you couldn't stop the gasp from escaping your mouth as you took in the view. You'd seen Velaris at night. You'd watched the lights twinkling below as if to match the stars above and had marveled at the perfect beauty of it all. But this, flying through it, as if swimming in a sea of stars, you felt something in your chest shift and settle at the sight before you and the feeling of warm arms enveloping you. You wouldn't name the feeling. Not yet. 
But maybe soon. 
You arrived at the River House sooner than you would have liked, but Cassian set you down respectfully in the lawn just as the door flew open and two High Fae females rushed to greet you. 
“Y/N!” Feyre beamed, pulling you into a hug, “You look amazing! I've missed you.”
“We saw each other last week,” you laughed as you wrapped your arms around the female. 
“Yes but that was so long ago,” she sighed as Rhysand appeared in the threshold and wrapped an arm around the waist of his mate to gently pry her off of you. 
“You'll have to forgive, Feyre darling,” he smirked down at her and she giggled, “Mor convinced her to raid my collection of rare wine again and because she's not had a drink since before she got pregnant it seems to have hit her rather harder than normal.”
“He's full of it-I'm fine,” she protested despite how her words slurred slightly, and you laughed. 
“Oh course you are, my love,” he placated her with a wink towards you. “But we are glad you agreed to join us tonight, Y/N.”
“It wasn't exactly phrased like I had an option,” you raised an eyebrow as you cast a glance towards Cassian, who tried and failed to not look guilty. “But, still, I thank you for your hospitality, High Lord.”
“Please just call me Rhysand,” he smiled warmly at you, and you dipped your chin slightly. 
“Of course.” 
“I think this is the most I've heard you speak,” Nesta's voice was cold, her gaze like a knife opening you up to dissect what she found inside. “You're always so… quiet in the library.” The atmosphere shifted with her words. Everyone went still and alert as you faced the female across from you.  
“It was my understanding that the Priestesses preferred quiet in their library,” you spoke evenly as you met her gaze head on. “But if you're referring to how I refused their attempts at companionship, then yes, I have done that.”
“So you think you're better than them?” Her eyes narrowed on you. “You think they are not worth your time?”
You didn't back down from her, “I didn't say that.” 
“No, you just implied it-”
“Nesta,” Feyre warned, but her sister ignored her. 
“If that is how they felt by my actions, then I apologize.” You squared your shoulders, “but I am used to being dismissed and overlooked for my ideas and research. The other advisors didn't bother to speak or debate with me in the Day Court libraries because my interests were not theirs. I simply believed that that would be the case among the Priestesses.” 
“You didn't even give them a chance,” crossed her arms over her chest. 
“You're right, I didn't, and for that, I am sorry. Perhaps if Merrill can spare her, Gewn can assist me come Monday.” You offered the olive branch between you, “I have a great many tombs to look into and only so much time before I return to the Day Court.” 
Her shoulder seemed to relax at that as she tipped her head to the side, “You'll have to talk to Clotho about that, but I'm sure Merrill will be fine without her for a while.” 
You smiled softly at her, “Okay.” Everyone on the lawn seemed to take a collective breath as the tension between you dissolved and Cassian stepped to your side.
“Why don't we go in,” he suggested, placing one hand on the small of your back to guide you through the door. “I'm hungry and need the fuel if Nesta is gonna be starting fights all night. 
“Hmp,” Nesta's cold gaze looked over the General like he was little more than a nuisance in her vicinity, “Just because you showed up to a battle of wits unarmed does not mean I have to play nice.”
“Alright, ouch,” he shot her a weak glare, and you laughed before raising a hand to tap his cheek sweetly. 
“Don't worry,” you smiled as the male went still under your fingertips. “I brought wits to spare. I'll cover you.” 
“And what about the rest of us?” Feyre pouted as she and Rhysand led you through the house towards the dining room where Mor and Amren were waiting for you all. 
“You grew up with her,” you chuckled, taking the seat that Cassian pulled out for you. “If you haven't figured out how to handle her by now, there's no hope for you at this point.” 
“Who are we handling?” Mor asked as she bounced Nyx on her knee, the baby giggling happily. 
“Nesta is in rare form tonight,” Rhysand explained as he swept the child from her arms and raised him into the air as if he were flying. “She tried to start a fight with Y/N within minutes of her arrival.”
“I simply pointed out how rude she was to the Priestesses,” Nesta shrugged as she took her seat. 
“Fortunately, I am used to handling people who use their words to bite,” you smiled at the female, venom lacing your tone. 
Amren's grin was a thing of nightmares, “Gods it's been an age since someone interesting came to Court. Where has Helion been hiding you?” 
“Where he keeps all his most useful things,” you shrugged lightly, trying to ignore the flash of discomfort that bloomed in your chest. “The Grand Library.” 
“What's it like there?” Feyre asked dreamily as she took the seat next to Mor. “I've always been curious, but we never have time to leave the palace whenever we visit Helion.”
“It's beautiful,” you said simply as you let your memories of the Day Court cloud your vision. “Pillars of silver and gold intertwining amongst the many stacks of bookcase that hold knowledge as old and older than Prythian itself. The floors are made of clear quartz that capture and refract the light into an array of rainbows that illuminate the floor below of which there are seven. The top floor is open to the air so that the winds of Day can sweep through the mezzanine and remind us to get out of the library every now and again.” You looked to Cassian, who'd taken the seat next to you. “I think that was why time got away from me when I first arrived. There is no wind in the library below the house, not like back home.”
“And how does our collection compare to your own?” Mor asked, swirling the wine in her goblet as she crossed one golden leg over the other. “Are you finding everything you need?” 
“Just about,” you smiled softly at her, your eyes locking on to her brown ones. “There are a few tombs here that have proven quite insightful.”
She quirked an eyebrow at you, “Such as?” 
“A collection of death myths and a scholar's analysis of their similarities and differences.” You shrugged, not looking away. “And the journals of fae who experience near death. Though I think speaking with Azriel will provide the most valuable information to my research.” 
“And what are you researching?” She asked, taking a sip of her drink, “My dear cousin has been incredibly tight-lipped about the reason for your visit.” 
“Mor,” Rhysand spoke from somewhere far away. His voice sounded as if you were separated by glass. By a wall of water, an ocean around just Mor and you. She was all there is. All that mattered was answering her questions.
“I'm researching death,” you said simply, something in your chest tightening. “And if, when someone comes close, do they get to make the decision if they succumb or live. I wonder if it's true what healers say when treating death blows or grave illnesses. Do their patients actually have a say, or is the concept of ‘fighting for life’ just a comforting lie we tell them to give them hope.” 
“Mor!” Someone was shouting from an ocean away, and you felt something wet trickle down your face. 
“Why would you be looking into something as depressing as that?” She tipped her head to the side, those brown eyes seeming to swallow you whole. 
“Because I need to know if it's worth it,” you whispered now, your voice becoming irrevocably brittle, “If I have a chance to live or if I should just accept that I will die.” 
Everything went quiet then. As if the universe were bracing itself for your next admission.
Even Mor’s cat-like smile fell from her face as she asked, “What do you mean?”
“I'm sick,” you whispered, and the world cleaved apart. 
Part 7
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sngchngs · 3 months
Day 5
Cliche tropes
Fake dating
Established quanyin, future fengqing, with side hualian
For Yin Yu Appreciation Week!
Yin Yu blinked at the preposterous suggestion made to him. He blinked again.
“So,” he said, "let me understand this. You want to pretend to court me, someone who you have had minimal interactions with, in the hopes that the person you do like, will get jealous?”
“Yes!” Feng Xin exclaimed.
“General Nan Yang,” Yin Yu sighed. “I am the last person General Xuan Zhen will be jealous of.”
“How do you know it's-” Feng Xin spluttered.
“One,” Yin Yu interrupted, holding up a finger, “I am a ghost. Two, I am the Waning Moon Officer of Ghost City whose master is Hua Cheng. Three, I am a disgraced banished former Heavenly Official. Four-”
Feng Xing reached over and grasped his hand, stopping him. “It's outrageous, I know. And I know we have barely spoken to each other, but please help me on this,” he pleaded.
Yin Yu opened his mouth to reply when they both turned to look for the source of a thundering sound coming their way. A young man with furious eyes topped by wild hair was charging towards them.
Yun Yu gently but firmly pulled his hand from Feng Xin's grasp. “Four,” he continued telling the man. “I am currently, officially, being courted by His Highness Qi Ying.”
Feng Xins's eyes widened when he saw just who was furiously running towards them, towards him. “Oh, fuck!”
He turned and ran. Quan Yizhen in hot pursuit who only stopped long enough for a quick “hi shixiong!” before he was off again.
“I'm not sure why that buffoon thought his stupid idea would work.” A quiet voice said from behind Yin Yu.
He turned to the one who spoke. “If you would simply let him know how you feel, General Xuan Zhen, then he wouldn't be doing things like this.”
A shout drew their attention for a moment, Quan Yizhen had Feng Xin in a choke hold. “It wasn't fucking real!” Feng Xin was shouting, slapping Quan Yizhen's arm.
Mu Qing smirked at the display. “It's more entertaining to see the idiot coming up with hare-brained schemes and then get beaten up like this. I know my feelings. And seeing Feng Xin be stupid instead of telling me his intentions, tells me of his feelings as well.”
Yin Yu frowned but didn't respond. After all, he ran from Quan Yizhen for a long time, rather than confront his own feelings about the man, which he did, eventually. He's not one to judge.
“Shall I play the mediator Mu Qing?” A third voice joined the conversation. It was His Highness Xie Lian. Hua Cheng was behind him, arms folded and smiling sinisterly at Mu Qing.
Mu Qings's eyes widened. “Th-that won't be necessary! I will do it, eventually.”
Xie Lian seemed sad, his lips pouting slightly. “Just don't string Feng Xin along for too long,” he asked. “Or you both will be hurt, and I'll be sad.”
Yin Yu watched Hua Cheng furrow his brow at that statement.
“Gege,” he said to Xie Lian. “If these two make you sad, I'll take them to Mount Tonglu and throw them down into one of the spider web pits and leave them there until they sort this out.” He threatened, looking Mu Qing in the eye to let the man know if he was serious.
Yin Yu covered his mouth with a hand to hide the smile that appeared. Hua Chengzhu did something similar to him with Quan Yizhen. It was highly effective.
Mu Qing glared at Hua Cheng, then sighed. “Fine!” He threw up his hands. “I'll talk to him about it. Right now!” He stormed off towards Feng Xin and Quan Yizhen who currently held the former above his head, like he was displaying a trophy. Feng Xin was still yelling. Mu Qing ignored the inquisitive gaze of Quan Yizhen and spoke loudly to Feng Xin. “Ju Yang! I hope you are prepared to empty your coffers when you court me!” His face was red. “I won't be bought with cheap trinkets!” He crossed his arms, turning his nose up.
Feng Xin was stunned. Quan Yizhen dropped him, the man letting out an “oof” as he hit the ground. His face became red as well when he understood the meaning of Mu Qings's words. Some more words were said between the two but they were too quiet to be heard. Feng Xin hesitantly reached out to grasp Mu Qings's hand with his own. They didn't look at each other; their faces were as red as Hua Cheng's robes.
Yin Yu watched the scene play out while Quan Yizhen came over to stand next to him.
“Crimson Rain,” he said, turning to Hua Cheng. “Thank you for telling me about General Nan Yang’s intentions towards shixiong. Even if they were fake.”
Something clicked. “Chengzhu?” Yin Yu asked. “Were you the one who put the idea into General Nan Yang’s head about the fake courting?”
Next to Hua Cheng, Xie Lian smiled beatifically. “Now, now, Your Highness Yin Yu. San Lang did no such thing.”
Quan Yizhen barked a laugh, Yin Yu smiled leaning into him.
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onyondump · 4 months
You Look Good in Red
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Arthur Shelby x F!Reader
Summery : Your thought of Arthur in red as his wife
Note : This is a quick one and has not been proofread yet. Also dont mind the picture, there is no gorey scene, its quite wholesome?
You’ve always been a good wife to Arthur, at least that's what the family says. You were never nosy and always doing your wifely duties on the sidelines without much complaining. Sometimes outsiders would gossip amongst each other saying how much you don’t really fit in with the Shelbys or that the family trapped you into the marriage that you probably don’t want. 
In truth though, you were deeply in love with your husband. The romance you have with him was not really apparent, when he was first courting you he wrote poems and drew doodles to give to you whenever he bought bread at the bakery you used to work at and you would respond with a poem of your own and a sweet kiss before he went. The look he gave you afterwards was enough to give you the energy to deal with your shift the whole day. It’s not something outsiders or even his closest brothers would think of when guessing how you two end up together so it's always fun to see their reactions when you tell them. 
There is a disconnect with the Arthur strutting down the street and the Arthur you see in your shared bedroom but they are both sides of Arthur that you charised deeply. Countless times he would come home bloody, you would tend to him despite the stinging smell of iron, gently cleaning the crimson red blood off his face and countless times you can’t help but admire how the red blood in contrast to his fair freckled skin would make him more handsome in your eyes. You’ve never really said it outloud, knowing how much he hated being reminded of the things he did but you would always kiss him afterwards to remind you that you love him. If other people had the right to be afraid of him then you have the right to be in love with him too. 
Dressing up is the one of the privileges you have as a Shelby. Every party you attend you would have on your clothes each more luxurious next. Arthur would say it’s his way of rewarding you for always putting up with him which would return with a giggle and smile. You know that deep down this is also a reward for him too. He would touch you tenderly, feeling the softness of your blue silk gown, or mapping the rough intricate detail of the lace. He never would have said anything about it and dismissed that he even had any preference to begin with but you can tell he does by the twinkle in eyes, or how scrunched up his face would be. You get the feeling that it's more than just admiration you would see in other couples, there is a sense of envy and longing for something but you never really find out what it is or ask him what it was. 
“That new lipstick love?” 
It’s midnight after another party and you wore a new color lipstick, crimson red, as supposed to your regular coral one and it’s the first time Arthur has seen you in it. 
“Yes, I ran out of my regular one, so I bought a new one” you replied walking to the vanity where you saw your husband sitting on the queen size bed in only his trousers mirrored to you. His eyes look tired, half drunk, bore into you before he stood up to join you in front of the vanity. 
“It looks good on you love” he said before reaching down to gently guide you to face him before kissing your soft lips. You can hear the sound of his heartbeat with the sway of the wind, enjoying his thin lips as his mustache tickles your nose. You deepen the kiss for a little while longer before separating to meet his blue eyes before realizing the lipstick has transferred to his lips. 
“Oh the lipstick it transferred to you” you rush to try to find something to wipe it with only to find him looking at the mirror of the vanity with the same look you had seen but never understand until this moment. It’s the same look you’ve seen him make when drawing all those years ago before dropping the hobby to help his family; the same look you’ve seen him make admiring flowers when his brothers aren’t around; and the same look you see him look at you at the party across the room. 
You approach him again, slowly wrapping your arms around his waist as you rest your chin on his tense shoulders. 
“You look good in red, Art” you say as you can feel his shoulders loosen and his body slightly lean back at you. 
“I think so too”  
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dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
Book of Memories ~ Chevalier and Licht ~ Part 4
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The final part of the collection story and my favorite part 🥹. After this will be their card story.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
~~ Present ~~
In a town in the countryside not far from Rhodolite’s capital, knights from the royal court stood in a line.
A crowd surrounded a convoy and residents of the town gathered to check out the commotion.
On the other side of the commotion—a silver-haired prince appeared before a man who had fled to a spot away from prying eyes.
The man flung a wooden crate nearby, only for it to be cut in half by an unsheathed sword.
Licht: You tried to kill my brother, didn't you? I finally found you.
The shift in the air made the man turn on his heels.
However, on the other side stood the blond prince with icy blue eyes.
Chevalier: There’s this saying about a tiger at the front gate, a wolf at the back gate.* I’ll let you choose who gets to eat you alive.
Man: Eek…
The moment Chevalier drew his sword with the intent to kill, the man fainted.
Licht: This is supposed to be the leader of the global criminal organization…
Chevalier: …
Licht: Disappointed?
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Chevalier: More or less.
The two sheathed their swords at the same time.
A red-haired knight turned up late and carried the unconscious man away. 
Licht: Hey, how did I do?
Chevalier: You did as you were expected to?
Licht: I’ll give you information.
Chevalier: You could have dealt with this yourself.
Licht: …Isn’t that hurdle too high?
Chevalier: Be grateful that I have high expectations.
Licht: …Arrogant
Chevalier scoffed and flipped his cape.
As he was about to walk away, Licht cut him off and blocked his way.
Licht: Information, as payment.
Chevalier: Oh?
Licht: A match with you.
Chevalier: That’s all you ever say.
Licht: There’s no one else to fight aside from Leon. What happened earlier didn’t satisfy you either.
Chevalier: …
Licht: I’d rather go against someone strong rather than a nobody.
Chevalier: You think of me as a threat?
Licht: A threat to Nokto.
Chevalier: …Alright.
Out in an open area on the outskirts of town, the sound of two swords violently classing against each other echoed.
They dodged each other’s strikes, which were too fast for the average person to see, and clashed again.
Leaves that fell between the two were shred to pieces and scattered in the wind toward the town.
Licht: …Did you know? There’s this debate going around the castle on who’s the strongest among you, Leon, or me.
Chevalier: Ridiculous.
Licht: To you, but… It’s huge progress for me.
Chevalier: …
Once they moved back a certain distance, they ready their swords again.
Even after clashing so violently, neither were out of breath.
Garnet eyes were suddenly reflected in the sword in one’s hand.
The sword which didn’t cause trembling or fainting, and felt so natural in his hand, was the result of all of his hard work.
Licht: When I was a child…I came across the scene where you killed all of those assassins. I always wondered why Nokto was there at the time.
Chevalier: …
Licht: Perhaps…
He strengthened his grip on his sword.
Licht: Nokto would try to peek into my room from the outside. I’d do the same if he holed himself up. But that day was different. I think he noticed an assassin passing by my room. Nokto’s diligent so he couldn’t leave it alone… He went after him and found you. And then fainted after seeing the sight in front of him… So I’m probably not the only one that’s been traumatized.
Chevalier: …What does it matter now?
Licht: At the time, you said that it was like I tried to kill Nokto. That was completely true… If you hadn’t given me a reality check that day… I’m sure I would’ve killed Nokto sooner or later.
Chevalier: …
Licht: The reason why he didn’t get killed is because of you. So, as thanks—Use me next time. Not Nokto, me.
Gone was the child who would scream and tremble in fear at the sight of swords.
Even if his face remained blank, the determination in his garnet eyes remained unwavering. 
Chevalier: I’ll consider it if it’s useful. However—
Chevalier, who had stopped moving, immediately closed the distance between them.
Licht: …Ack
Despite reacting quickly to the attack, Licht’s sword was struck out his hand with so much force that it soared through the air before sticking into the earth.
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Chevalier: You still have a long way to go.
Licht: … …I think I understand how Clavis feels now.
Chevalier sheathed his sword, laughed scornfully, and left as if nothing happened.
Licht: But…
When Licht pulled his sword out of the ground, he saw a blank but relieved face reflected in the polished blade—
Licht: Next time, I’ll meet your expectations.
*An idiom in Japanese (and Chinese) that’s the equivalent to being between a rock and a hard place i.e. being stuck in a difficult position
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thesupernaturalhouse · 5 months
Ooooookay! Hazbin Hotle redesigns....but not really? Honestly, it's just me drawing them in my style, but they could be considered redesigns, I guess, specifically Charlie
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Uhhhh I guess we start form left to right sooo, Emily!
Right, so, Emily is obviously a fallen angle. Thiguht this isn't her fallen look, since we already kneo what she looks liek with wings and a halo I didn't think about making a 2nd version of her without the demon disguise- but maybe I should
Either way, I kinda kept her original dress, with the symbols and what not, I feel liek blue and purple really suit her so, indigo
I tried to add red to her, but it just didn't look good. It gave me an eye strain.though her till and horns have a sort of dark magenta color going on
I wanted to add more 'freckles' cause, thier cute, and I have a bunch of freckles ove rmy arms and legs and face and stuff so, added them to em, I put a few on her ears and tail and horns to
Gave her gold buttons and fishnets on her arms, i forget what their called cause they are cute, and I like Athnek(?) Posts about Emily and uh, goth Emily, I think, is pretty cool and so boom, fishnet glive things- I gitta look up what there called
Lso ehr shoes look liek dolphins, which I didn't mean to do but it happened and I've accepted it
Next is Charlie!!
Um. Obviously, Charlie is the most changed from her canon design, I relaly like her hooves and others redesigns of her looking more liek a goat
Originally, I was just gonna add gaot ears and stuff, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of her having fur soooo tadaaaaa~
I gave her a little red stripe between her eyes and fade on her legs and ears to match Razzle and dazzle, and since lucifer was a high angle a seraphm/archangels hoenstly I dotn see a difference. I gave her some white freckles as well to sorta, show that connection
Also, toe beans! If she has claws, she can have beans, I think that Emily would have a normal human hand while vaggie would have little soft spikes on her like moths do, tho that's not shown
I also drew charlies wings cause it's cnaon she has them, and I wanted to play around with the demon/angle wing/s she could have, my irl friend K helped me decide which one to choose
I also drew her leg so you can see the fade in full. Side note that her belly has the same cherry red fur
I also added some chest fluff because why not?
As for her horns, I kept them the same color but added rings like Lilith has to show a connection between them. She also has her mom's eyes and heart tail point. I wanted her to have some demon stuff out just cause, she is a demon, she should......also realizing just how long I made her tail-
Uhhh, oh, right, side note, which I'll have to make a separate post about, Lucifer/eve/lilith are all dating each other, and Chalrie is all 3s kid. Eve is where she got the goat aspect from, inckuding horn shape, her scaly tail, snake fangs, red cheeks and color scheme over all are from dad, and Lilith is where she got her eyes and horn rings and heart point from, and beans to I guess
Maybe I should make a gene sheet one day; I gave her Jean shorts, like how I usually wear just cause I didn't want to add too much red or black
Okay, vaggie time!
Vaggie is the least changed. The most I really change about her is how her wings look. Her hand snow has soft spikes like moths do, and her hair
I do think when she fell, she got more demon aspects, but since her wings were torn off, she doesn't have to many physically other than fangs and the spikes
I also made her hair shorter because please, nobody has their hair that long!! or if they do, then I've never seen them!
I know it's a show, but it was driving me crazy! I'm not that skilled at draw front view bodies yet, so if vaggie looks off I'm sorry:(
Play that should be it!-
Oh wait, hold on, right. The reason they have gold rings/objects on them is because in term software demon courting their all technically married, okay bye-
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brittanymoura · 1 year
all my heart
azriel x reader
summary: inspired by All My Heart by Sleeping With Sirens
word count: 2.2k
warnings: none?
a/n: Here’s part two! Part one can be found here: Nervous (part i)  Enjoy!
Flipping through the delicate pages, you allowed an annoyed sigh to escape you. You reached up, placing the book back on the self and slowly began moving down the aisle again. Fingers ran lightly over the spines as your eyes searched each title, deep in concentration. You snatched another book and flipped it over, eyes skimming the back cover. This one seemed promising.
Opening the front cover you allowed your eyes to swipe over the text, immediately becoming absorbed in the tale unfolding before you. Placing one foot in front of the other, you moved slowly through the shelves. You hoped the cashier was located in this direction, though you were paying zero attention to your surroundings. Suddenly, you felt as though you had crashed directly into a brick wall and heat flooded your cheeks. How embarrassing?
With the book still open in your palm, you drew your eyes from the page scanning upward. Black leather, more leather… not actually a wall then… your eyes continued upwards… that’s a lovely shade of blue…oh. Before you stood a male with rich, tanned skin and piercing hazel eyes. Shock painted his pristine features and the hands grasping your biceps to hold you steady went slack. Suddenly, you were 28 years old again.
A light breeze rustled through your hair and the late afternoon sun fell upon your face. You were sat on a large, red blanket amidst the trees taking in the last few beautiful days of Autumn in the Steppes. Leaning back on your elbows, legs stretched out before you and wings tucked in tight beneath you, you tilted your face to the sky and smiled. “Hey Az?” You cracked one eye open and looked to the male seated next to you. He gave you a responding hum.
“We should run away together.” A loud laugh burst from him as he moved to face you. He was propped up on one arm, one long leg stretched out, the other bent upright. His other arm was slung loosely across his raised knee. “I’m serious Az! It’s going to be Winter soon and the weather here is awful in the Winter.”
He grinned widely at you. “The weather? You’re telling me it’s the cold air that has you wanting to run screaming from these mountains?” His eyes sparked with mirth.
“I mean yeah, of course. The cold sucks.” Your smile widened and he let out another chuckle.
“You’re looking for any kind of reason to escape all this mess.” You caught his eye again and knew he understood.
“Az, these camps are terrible. I hate it here and I know you do too. We should just leave.” His soft smile remained, but you could see there was pain in his eyes. You let out a long, sad sigh, “but alas, I know you. You’d never leave if it meant forsaking your duty to this court or your brothers. I understand.” You peeled your eyes away from him, shutting them again and tilting your head back to catch the sun’s warmth again. “But one day, eventually, we’re both leaving this place.”
Coming back into yourself, you jolted.
“I’m so sor-”
“Y/N?” Your eyes fluttered shut, the sound of your name on his lips was like a prayer being answered. More than that, it felt like coming home. You opened your eyes again to look at him and smiled softly.
“Hi Az.” Before your brain had a chance to catch up he was grabbing your wrist and yanking you forward. The book in your hands clattered to the floor. He pulled you into a tight embrace and your arms came to rest around his waist. He buried his face in your hair, tightening his hold on you. You inhaled his scent, and your heart ached with longing. Finally, you pulled yourself back enough to peer up at him. His hand came to rest on your cheek and you leaned into it.
“I can’t believe it’s really you. Here, in Velaris. What are you doing here?” He rambled on.
“Ummm it’s kind of a long story,” you trailed off, eyes lowering. As if his brain was just now catching up with him his eyes glanced over your shoulder and his brows furrowed in confusion. You knew immediately what his was looking for and ultimately what he would fail to find. His eyes met yours again and you could see the silent question in them. A long, weary sign escaped you as you took a step back out of his hold, folding your arms over yourself and pointedly looking anywhere but at him. “My husband wanted me clipped. Unfortunately, the person performing it was inexperienced and didn’t get it quite right, what with all my trashing about. They were so badly damaged that in the end they had to be removed entirely.” You couldn’t meet his eyes.
White hot, burning rage filtered through him. “I’m so sorry that happened to you,” he spoke softly. And then, in a harsher tone, “can you tell me his name?” A small smile tugged at your lips. Same old Azriel, ready to kill for those he cares about.
“No need. I killed him and fled. That’s why I’m here.” Finally you met his eyes again and saw his here wet, tears gathering at the corners. “Don’t cry for me. I’m okay, truly.”
“I’m sorry-”
“Please stop apologizing.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you. I wish I could’ve been stronger or better back then, that I’d had the courage to take you from that place like you deserved.” You stepped forward, grabbing both his hands in yours.
“It’s not your fault. These things, sad as they are, happen. I’m alive, I’m okay. You don’t need to worry about me.” You raised his left hand to your mouth and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, then the right. His eyes softened at the gesture, pulling you into him again. He buried one hand in your hair and allowed the other to wrap around your waist. In turn, you buried your face back into his chest.
You felt him huff out a laugh, “I’ve always worried about you.” And then more quietly he asked, “can I take you to dinner sometime?”
“Yes, I’d really like that.” You wrote your address on a slip of paper that you borrowed from the cashier and handed it to him. You gave him a beaming smile, “see you soon Shadowsinger.” As you opened the door and headed out onto the busy streets of Velaris, you glanced back over your shoulder and winked at him. Your chest pulled tight again, just beneath your ribs. You still have all of my heart.
The sun was setting and a warm golden haze filtered through your windows. You were sat on your couch with your legs tucked up under you, a blanket over your lap and a warm cup of tea sat on small table in front of you. Your book sat beside you, held open upside down by its own weight, long forgotten as you stared into the empty space before you.
The winter air was frigid. The night’s chill sank deep into your bones and you huddled yourself closer to him, seeking his warmth. Azriel brought an arm over your shoulder and tucked you in closer to him. His wings wrapped around you, just barely brushing against yours as they encircled you. A shiver traveled down your spine, though this was decidedly not due to the cold air. You tilted your head back and pressed up into your toes, lips lightly grazing his neck as you pressed a gentle kiss there. His gaze moved down to meet yours.
“You okay, sweetheart?” He whispered, his lips falling upon the crown of your head.
“Do you think we’d ever make it?” You asked him in response. Azriel was used to this by now, your strange sudden questioning. He knew where your mind was wandering. With war looming on the horizon and the time you were able to spend together growing shorter and shorter, he understood your fears.
“I’m sure, if it’s right.” It was the best he could give because in truth, he did not know. And it was that uncertainty that scared him the most. There were so many things that could go wrong. So many things that could take you from him. His heart thumped wildly in his chest. He knew should tell you how he felt, that he may never get another chance because tomorrow wasn’t promised. He wanted to let go of that lid he’d kept so tightly shut on his emotions, spill his whole heart to you. He’d tried several times now, but the words wouldn’t come out. Always getting stuck in this throat. The sharp pull against his ribs was aching again but still, he couldn’t utter those words into existence.
You looked up at him again, saying nothing in response. You didn’t need to, for you knew the truth. Your days together were numbered. Maybe, you’d meet again one day. When the world was calm. You tucked that hope away in your heart even though you knew hope was a dangerous thing.
A loud knock sounded against your front door and your brows pulled together in confusion. Your heart began to beat wildly in your chest. Oh Gods, what if they found where I’ve been hiding. Sweat gathered on your palms as you slowly placed down your mug and rose from the couch. Another loud knock sounded against the door. You took in a deep breath and steeled yourself. Wrenching it open, you let out a breath.
There was Azriel, on your door step with his hands tucked into his pockets and his wings pulled in tight to his back. His cheeks were stained red and a sheepish look adorned his face. One of your brows rose as a small smile pulled at the corners of your lips. Despite five centuries having passed since the last time he showed up at your door, this felt familiar. You half expected him to throw you over his shoulder and stalk off somewhere with you for a picnic. Based on the large grin that was spreading across his face at the sight of you, you had a feeling he was thinking the same.
“Azriel. What are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting you to stop by quite so soon.”
“I’m sorry for dropping in unannounced like this but I just-” he trailed off, looking around at your front yard. You knew he’d finish when he was ready, that words did not come so easily to him and he needed time to formulate his thoughts. So you waited, patiently, leaning against your door frame until he started again. “I just wanted more time with you.” Your heart leapt in your chest.
Pushing off from the frame, you swung the door farther open and stepped back into the house with one hand remaining on the handle. “Would you like to come in?” His eyes met yours and you could see the relief flood through them.
“I’d like that very much,” he stated as his crossed the threshold.
Blinking your eyes open, you squinted against the bright morning sun. Warmth radiated from behind you and a smile crept its way across your mouth. You were laying on your side, two strong arms corded around your stomach as your fingers intertwined with his. Your back was pressed tightly against his chest and you could feel his light exhale of breath against your neck. Shadows pooled around you like water, some of them cascading off the edge of the bed and draping down to the floor.
Slowly, you returned to the land of the living, detaching one hand from his and rubbing the sleep from your eyes. A soft whine sounded next to your ear and you let out a breathy giggle.
“Why’re you moving? We’re not getting up yet,” he complained. You rolled over softly in his arms and pressed a light kiss to his cheek. Then to his nose, then another just beside his mouth. His lips turned downward in a pout, “you missed.” Laughing again, you finally pressed a small kiss to his lips and you felt him sigh against your skin. You tucked your head under his chin, burying yourself in his chest as his arms pulled you in somehow even tighter than before. How crazy is it? Someone could waste their whole life helplessly. Just patiently waiting for a love like you and me.
And as if sensing your thoughts, Azriel slowly opened his eyes and glance down to meet yours. The sun shone through the window behind him casting a radiant glow around him and your heart began to race just as it had all those years ago. There was a buzzing in your ears as all the hardships and heartache you had faced in your life flashed behind your eyelids. You couldn’t believe you were here, in his arms. It felt like a dream. I couldn’t possibly be this lucky. He gave you a knowing smile and then he pressed his lips to yours again.
“I love you,” he whispered and the world fell silent. You still have all of my heart.
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haunted-headset · 1 year
♩ Come Be Lonely With Me ♩
Summary: You're known as the 'loner' kid in high school. Wilbur's the popular boy. When he sticks up for you when his friends mess with you, he gets kicked out of his friend group. So, you two decide to be lonely together.
author's note: hey guys! i know nobody requested this, but I was bored :) this was based off of the song This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory!
pairing: school!bur x afab!reader
pronouns used for reader: She/her/hers
word count: 796
proofread?: nope :)
tags: @vibestillaxxx @joviepog (lemme know if you want to be tagged in the next one!)
warnings/cw: reader skips a meal, someone making a self-harm joke, mention of h*ntai (doesn't describe it, someone just assumes what someone's artwork is), swearing, mention of Wilbur shoving someone,
genre: fluff & a teensy tiny bit of angst
You sat down at your usual lunch table near the school's tennis courts & looked at your meal; the usual stale grilled cheese with a (most likely moldy) apple. You sighed & threw both items in the trash. You weren't hungry anyway.
You heard a loud crash sound from the table behind you. You turned around to be greeted with the sight of the popular kids getting involved in a food fight. They all looked identical; the girls were bake blondies & had their boobs practically spilling out of their tank tops, & the guys needed to pull up their pants. The only one who stood out to you was a boy named Wilbur. It was always odd how he ended up in the popular crowd since he seemed so...different from the rest. Unlike the other popular boys, he had a nice sense of style & didn't have a hideous haircut. Not to mention that he actually had potential, unlike his brain-dead friends.
You were too busy spacing out to react to one of the boys throwing an apple at your head. This earned a hearty laugh from everyone except for Wilbur.
"What's your problem?" you muttered.
"Yo! Lemme scan your barcodes!" one of the boys shouted to you.
Wilbur looked over at you with eyes filled with pity. You gave him a scowl in return.
"I bet she gets jealous of her phone when it dies," one of the girls laughed.
You rolled your eyes & put your earbuds in. You pulled out your sketchbook & you drew Wilbur, not knowing what else to draw. You liked his hair & wanted to try & make it look good on paper.
RJ, one of the popular guys, grabbed your earbuds & said to his mates, "Oi! I bet she's listenin' to MCR or some shit!"
"What the fuck is your problem?" you snapped, reaching out to grab your earbuds. He chucks them into the trash can before you can grab them.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" you shouted, which caused the group to laugh.
"I bet she's drawin' h*ntai, too!" RJ mocked, grabbing your sketchbook. "What's this? It looks like shit."
"It's nobody, now give it ba-" you started.
"I think it's Wilbur!" a girl laughed.
Wilbur's cheeks lit up like a red stoplight. Your cheeks followed suit.
"Aww, have you got a crush on 'im?" RJ teased. He chucked your sketchbook into the trash can.
"What the-my GSCE work was in there!" you yelled, blinking back tears.
"Oh yeah? You gonna cry?" he teased.
& then Wilbur did something very surprising. He shoved RJ to the ground.
"Can you leave her the fuck alone & not be a prick for about five seconds?" he snapped. You expected at least one person to agree. Instead, Wilbur was met with boos from his friends.
"We're just joking, Wilbs!" a girl shouted. "Don't be such an ass!"
"I'm not an ass, she just doesn't deserve harsh treatment," Wilbur said. You didn't stick around for the rest of the conversation. You walked over to the trashcan, fished your earbuds & sketchbook out of the trashcan & quickly walked over to the lockers.
You leaned against the wall next to your locker & slid to the floor. You sighed angrily & groaned with exhaustion. The bullying was a normal thing, but it wasn't ever like this. What was different? You weren't aware of any new rumors about you that had spread, so it couldn't have been that.
"Y/n?" You suddenly heard Wilbur's voice & he was standing in front of you.
"Yeah?" you asked, raising a brow.
He sat down in front of you. "You seem sad."
"I'm just pissed."
"Is there really a difference?"
"Yeah. When I'm pissed, I want to break a wall. When I'm sad, I want to break myself."
He nodded. "That makes sense."
"Does it?" you asked.
"Yeah. You're very good at explaining, from what I can tell. You're also very good at art. & you have cool hair."
He motioned toward your hair, which was dyed h/c. You smiled for the first time in weeks. He chuckled in response.
"Y/n, can I ask you a question?"
You raised your brow. "Sure."
"Are you lonely?"
You blinked in surprise at the blunt question. "I suppose so."
He stood up & held out his hand with a smile. "Come be lonely with me."
You laughed & he helped you stand up. You two walked out to a field for the rest of lunch, & when the bell rang, you two decided to hop over the fence to skip class for the rest of the day to hang out at the milkshake shop nearby.
It was nice to be lonely with him.
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ellievickstar · 7 months
Valentine's Week Day 2: Too far, Too late.
A/N: I kind of upped and said, "aight I've been too nice recently y'all need to cry." And like given my track record, I don't think anyone is surprised. No I will not proofread this we are doing this shit raw. If anyone wants their therapy bills paid...respectfully, no.
Summary: When the events of the war settles and everyone is settling court affairs, a fox sneaks away from his home to visit the meadow where he had once met his mate. Longing for a time where it was not too late.
Request: Nope.
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Warnings: Character Death, takes place after the events of Hybern, reader is from the Autumn Court and was Eris's mate.
Approaching the stone that had your name engraved to it's surface, Eris smiled and sat down, his hands coming to lay flat on the grave where he had buried you, lying in the flowers that he had grown. Dandelions, a symbol of freedom that had been your favourite. "Hello little fox," He whispered, his eyes closing as he remembered the first day you had met all those years ago.
Your head cocked to the side as you gazed at the red-headed boy in front of you, eyes traveling his frame. He stood tall, straight, almost as if he had a stick taped against his back just so he could stand as straight as he did. You eyes narrowed as he took a step towards you, almost taking a step back to sprint back into the forests that was your home.
"Wait!" He yelled, arm flinging out to catch you by your wrists, "I don't mean to intrude, I'm just running away right now." You did not detect a lie in his voice, cautiously you took a step towards him. Freckles littered across his face, warm brown eyes, red hair that suited his pale complexion. One would say the boy was almost handsome. However, you had heard the rumours about him. The young lord of the Autumn Court. Despite your family being from Autumn, your parents often warned you of the High Lord and his family, how his sons were cruel and mean. But the boy in front of you...
"Eris, Eris Vanserra," He introduced. You nodded, mumbling out your own name shyly. He began to grin as he dragged you towards the middle of the meadow. "Sit with me!" He insisted. Rolling your eyes, you giggled and Eris could have sworn in his small mind that he had never heard a sound more enchanting. "My mother taught me how to make flower crowns, here!" He swiftly crafted one as his hands deftly weaved the stems together, the sunflowers that he picked up weaving to form a circle that he placed on your head. "Mother said that flower crowns are given to people who love each other," You blushed. His face went scarlet and you laughed at the sight.
"Oh!" You exclaimed as you spotted something from the corner of your eye. A dandelion was sprouting and as you went to pick it up, you pressed the flower into his hand. "Make a wish!!" You commanded, looking at the flower, he smiled, wishing for something he prayed would be possible. "Now blow," You instructed, and once more you both erupted into giggles as the dandelion came apart and was whisked away by the breeze into the air.
But that had been a long time ago. Even on the first day of meeting you, he had known. A part of him was completely entranced by your existence, and everything you did drew him in. On long nights he spent tending to your wounds from hunting. On long nights you had spent holding him as he hid from his father.
On days where you both lazed around in the meadow doing nothing but reveling in each other's presence. On days you had both done nothing but chase each other around the meadow, finding dandelions to make wishes, not knowing you were wishing for the same thing.
All those times he had felt home with you. Had felt safe with you. Only you.
Even know when you were gone he could not help but be here by your side where he buried you. Be here whispering stories, making jokes, imagining for just one moment that you could be here.
"I will love you for the rest of my life little fox, even if you are not here. There will not be a moment where I will not look into every flame and think of you. Your spirit is within me. My mate. For the rest of time you will always be my one and only, from now until we become the stars in the night sky, until i can join you wherever you are, I will continue to fight, to live, just for you."
A/N: This is kinda short buttttt i'm not sorry. I'm gonna do more character death angst. And I'm not sorry. This is just a taste of it. You guys will get more character death.
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harlowtales · 9 months
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Ok Mice!
Jack x Reader go to the ballet for a holiday classic. Jack does his best to appreciate fine art 🩰 🎄🐭
18+ Romance/Humour
“Hun are you ready?” You asked your boyfriend. We’re going to be late!” You were busy putting the finishing touches on your makeup and hair while Jack was walking around looking clueless in his underwear.
“Have you seen my favourite sweater? He asked scratching his head. “Swear I had asked you to put it out for me on the bed.”
“Jackman, it’s right there. You put your pants on it.” You said exasperated you always had to get both of you ready.
“I don’t want to wear these pants. I wanted to wear the other ones.” He said to you which put you over the edge.
“Listen. You are a grown man. Wear. What. You. Want.” You said slowly so he knew you were really pissed.
“Ok you know what I love the pants you put out. I change my mind.” He said with a peck on your forehead and a smile. He could tell he was getting on your nerves but didn’t mean to. He felt helpless around you and had to make so many decisions all the time it was nice to feel cared for. This was fine most of the time as you loved your boyfriend so much, but not when he was making you late!
“You got the tickets in your phone?” He asked you as you both scurried down the long hallway to your box seats.
“Got it!” You said and showed your phone hastily to the ticket taker who swiped the barcode and hurriedly showed you to your seats.
“You look beautiful by the way.” Jack said and kissed your hand that he was holding as the lights in the theatre went down to start the show.
“Thank you baby you look wonderful too.” You complimented him back sincerely. Your good friend was in this holiday season’s rendition of the ballet classic The Nutcracker and Jack and you were honoured guests. Because of you the Jack Harlow foundation had saved the struggling ballet company from collapse.
As they finished the first number Jack was so impressed he stood up and said “Woooo!!” To which you wanted to hide. The entire house looked at him.
“Jack…baby…you don’t do that at the ballet.” You lovingly corrected him in a hushed whisper. “Just a polite clap will do and not too loud either.”
“Oh shit my bad.” Jack said turning red. He had never been to the ballet before and you could see the headlines tomorrow “Rapper Goes to Ballet.”
“Babe” Jack whispered “Where’s your friend? Is he the other dude in the tights and shit?”
You mustered all your patience and explained yes that your friend was the only other guy on stage. Jack felt kind of like a fish out of water. He had been to classy parties before but they were still parties. This was like being in church. He started to squirm and get too hot in his sweater. “I gotta stretch my legs.” He whispered and stood up before you could object. You wished he would have waited until intermission to get up because he drew attention again.
During intermission you found him animatedly chatting with the ticket takers who played basketball at his old high school Atherton.
“Them MFs we played against from Lex got a fucking beating bro. I took the shot from half court and was nothing but net bitch!” Jack was boasting as he acted out his high school glory days shot.
One of the boys tapped him on the shoulder as you were behind him listening to his story with your arms folded. “She behind me ain’t she.” He said as he turned to find you not impressed.
“Hi baby you want a glass of wine before we head back in? I’m so excited for the 2nd half.” Jack said with an exaggerated grin plastered on his face.
“Jackman...” You started to say in his full government which meant nothing good.
“I been having some knee trouble since tour and just wanted to walk it out is all.” He assured you. “Let’s get some refreshments and head back.”
You knew he was full of it but was so adorable you took your glass of wine and kiss from him with a smile. You knew the ballet would be torture for him but appreciated he supported it.
“Ok Jack no getting up and no hooting and hollering.” You precautioned before the second half started.
“I got this. I can do cultured shit. You ain’t gotta lecture me damn.” He said a bit annoyed. The curtain lifted and dancers in mouse costumes crept onto the stage. “Okay mice.” Jack said getting into the story.
You giggled covering your mouth and allowed that one infraction as at least he said it quietly and had stopped fidgeting. Not 15mins later you looked over and he was nodding off. You thought it was suspicious he had been completely still and silent for 15 whole minutes.
You nudged him as the house lights came on. “Babe! Wake up!” You said partly annoyed and partly grateful you got to enjoy the last half without any interruptions from him.
He had DJ’d the night before, had an early workout session, and studio time. You knew he was exhausted. “Let’s go meet the dancers!” You said excitedly
Jack saw how you lit up at the ballet and realized he had to do more things with you that you liked. You loved his friends but more often the both of you needed time like this. “Jack Harlow!! Can you sign my ballet shoes please!!” One of the dancers said jumping up and down.
“Of course!” Jack said and asked for a sharpie marker. He knelt down and signed her satin ballet slippers as she tried to stay calm but the look on her face showed how much she wanted to scream.
“Mr. Harlow, thank you for your generous contribution.” The head of the ballet troupe said shaking his hand.
“Of what you saw.” You ribbed him chuckling
“Thank you it was a beautiful show.” Jack said graciously
“It was dope. I just don’t like having to sit and pay attention so quietly for that long.” Jack said honestly
“Well maybe we need to get you in some tights then!” The troupe leader said a little too enthusiastically.
Jack just laughed in response but said to you as you left the dancers backstage area “I know you’d be so jealous if I put on them tights.”
“Why would I be jealous? I love the ballet.” You said
“Yeah but think how nice my shit would be sittin in them things and then I’m twirling around and lifting girls above my head and seeing all up their tutus. You’d cut a bitch.” He laughed
“Jackman. No offence but me and Neelam need to get you etiquette classes.” You said seriously
“I can be classy babe it just feels weird.” He said “I will never embarrass you like that again I swear.” He apologized
“Damn right you won’t or I’m making a bet you will be in tights if you lose!” You laughed
@jacks-daycare @ride4harlow @itsyagirljaz
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