#oh august you great big terrible thing
ifthiswallcouldtalk · 2 months
I get so angry sometimes I can't even cry. It just. Like she does this shit constantly. She'll say some shit like "why should we care about palestine when they dont care about us"
When I get visibly angry and try to disprove her point the conversation becomes:
"You're childish and a baby when you talk to me a certain way. And I don't know why you act like you know more than me. I'm your mother who taught you everything and has been everywhere. Why do you think you can speak to me on the same level. I would never talk to adults the way you talk to me"
Im silent
" theres a book i told you about when you were eight that is about this very topic, and instead of reading it you get all of your talking points from online"
You didnt. I didnt know it was there. I dont.
"You didnt tell me"
"Yes i did. And instead of saying yeah mama i forgot ill go read it, you sit here and do that. You talk at me through your teeth. When you do that it makes me feel like im talking to a child. Something small. And i am"
And then she'll tell me I'm hard to have a conversation with. That we don't speak the same language.
Having a conversation with her is a moving target. A fucking hologram of nonsense and she jumps from thing to thing and In the end she owns my tongue. I couldn't speak if i wanted to. I cant explain it
But i can try
My body is a brutalist building. My mother is its sole architect. When it was young, all the scaffolding held her weight and happily muffled her sound. Now she walks through these walls, and they are hollow. Cavernous. Resonant, even. Just as she built them. So, when she screams, her own anger and passion are echoed back. This surprises her, somehow. Must be a structural problem, she thinks. How disappointing.
Being in this house for too long makes a person start to feel like a temple to misery.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Dracula Declarations of Love
There is so much love, and so much talk of love, in this book. It's extremely hard to pick a favorite, but let's give it a go (or just get emotional over a bunch of quotes lined up together).
I tried to stick mostly to declarations/talk about (rather than acts of) love, primarily to focus on specific quotes and help me narrow it down to just twelve (still a big challenge). Before anyone asks, no, "I too can love" is not on here because Dracula's version of love doesn't stack up to the others for me in terms of emotional impact. And these were definitely chosen by my personal preference of specific quotes; there are a bunch of other great words of love that didn't make it in. Also, important note - this is not exclusively romantic love by any means.
The whole quotes don't fit in the poll, so please read below before you vote.
Full Quotes:
11 May, Lucy: "Oh, Mina, couldn't you guess? I love him. I am blushing as I write, for although I think he loves me, he has not told me so in words. But oh, Mina, I love him; I love him; I love him!"
24 May, Quincey: "If that other fellow doesn't know his happiness, well, he'd better look for it soon, or he'll have to deal with me. Little girl, your honesty and pluck have made me a friend, and that's rarer than a lover; it's more unselfish anyhow."
19 August, Mina: "I have cried over the good Sister's letter till I can feel it wet against my bosom, where it lies. It is of Jonathan, and must be next my heart, for he is in my heart. [...] I must write no more; I must keep it to say to Jonathan, my husband. The letter that he has seen and touched must comfort me till we meet."
24 August, Jonathan and Mina: "Then he took my hand in his, and oh, Lucy, it was the first time he took his wife's hand, and said that it was the dearest thing in all the wide world, and that he would go through all the past again to win it, if need be. [...] Well, my dear, what could I say? I could only tell him that I was the happiest woman in all the wide world, and that I had nothing to give him except myself, my life, and my trust, and that with these went my love and duty for all the days of my life."
24 August, Mina: "Lucy dear, do you know why I tell you all this? It is not only because it is all sweet to me, but because you have been, and are, very dear to me. It was my privilege to be your friend and guide when you came from the schoolroom to prepare for the world of life. I want you to see now, and with the eyes of a very happy wife, whither duty has led me; so that in your own married life you too may be all happy as I am. My dear, please Almighty God, your life may be all it promises: a long day of sunshine, with no harsh wind, no forgetting duty, no distrust. I must not wish you no pain, for that can never be; but I do hope you will be always as happy as I am now."
7 September, Arthur: '"What can I do?" asked Arthur hoarsely. "Tell me, and I shall do it. My life is hers, and I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her."'
17 September, Mina: "Jonathan asks me to send his 'respectful duty,' but I do not think that is good enough from the junior partner of the important firm Hawkins & Harker; and so, as you love me, and he loves me, and I love you with all the moods and tenses of the verb, I send you simply his 'love' instead."
30 September, Mina and Arthur: '"I loved dear Lucy, and I know what she was to you, and what you were to her. She and I were like sisters; and now she is gone, will you not let me be like a sister to you in your trouble? I know what sorrows you have had, though I cannot measure the depth of them. If sympathy and pity can help in your affliction, won't you let me be of some little service—for Lucy's sake?" [...] "I know now how I suffered," he said, as he dried his eyes, "but I do not know even yet—and none other can ever know—how much your sweet sympathy has been to me to-day. I shall know better in time; and believe me that, though I am not ungrateful now, my gratitude will grow with my understanding. You will let me be like a brother, will you not, for all our lives—for dear Lucy's sake?"'
3 October, Jonathan: '"Nonsense, Mina. It is a shame to me to hear such a word [unclean]. I would not hear it of you; and I shall not hear it from you. May God judge me by my deserts, and punish me with more bitter suffering than even this hour, if by any act or will of mine anything ever come between us!" He put out his arms and folded her to his breast; and for a while she lay there sobbing."
3 October, Jonathan: "To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks."
11 October, Mina: "You are nearest and dearest and all the world to me; our souls are knit into one, for all life and all time."
31 October, Mina: "We are truly in the hands of God. He alone knows what may be, and I pray Him, with all the strength of my sad and humble soul, that He will watch over my beloved husband; that whatever may happen, Jonathan may know that I loved him and honoured him more than I can say, and that my latest and truest thought will be always for him."
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 month
Monster Hunter (2020)
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Most probably wouldn’t consider Monster Hunter good for valid reasons. I will acknowledge the movie's flaws while admitting I enjoyed it for what it is. There are some cool monster designs, exciting action scenes and unexpected turns. Today, that’s enough for me and I don’t think I’ll be the only one who says so.
U.S. Army Ranger Captain Natalie Artemis (Milla Jovovich) and her United Nations security team are searching for a missing team of soldiers in the desert when they are suddenly transported to another world. On this hostile planet, humans co-exist with savage monsters of all shapes and sizes. Joining forces with a warrior from the New World (Tony Jaa), Artemis heads towards a mysterious tower in the distance. “The Hunter” was headed that way with his troupe of warriors before they became separated. Artemis hopes the tower is linked to the storm that ripped her away from Earth.
The neat thing about this movie is that Artemis and The Hunter don’t speak a common language. I mean, how could they? After realizing they’d rather stand together against the monsters that would eat, squish, incinerate or lay eggs inside them, our heroes team up. Most of the movie is about Artemis and The Hunter slowly learning to trust each other despite not being able to fully understand what the other is saying. Oh, and dodging the various monsters along the way. Actually, I wish the film showed off more monsters than it does, mostly because the big bad at the end is generic. It looks plenty cool, but the design is uninspired, particularly when compared to the Apceros, the Diablos or the Nerscyllas. Those creatures are memorable and unique, so you’re not even sure if they’re hostile or what their abilities might be. When/if our heroes have to fight them, you’ll have a great time learning what their weak points are and what the best strategy is.
I’ve never played any of the games the film is inspired by but if I were to guess, I’d say it captures the feel of them about as well as Paul W.S. Anderson’s other adaptation of a Capcom property: Resident Evil. That’s to say that the plot's nothing like it, but the visuals are there. I say this because we see plenty of weird-looking characters and people with weapons that probably wouldn’t make sense in real life but certainly look cool - The Hunter’s gigantic bow, for instance. It doesn’t make for a deep film, but as something you kick back and watch, it's certainly entertaining.
Where Monster Hunter loses points is during the last third, when we’re introduced to a Monster World inhabitant who speaks English. How he knows it doesn’t make much sense. It feels like a studio-mandated decision to make sure people would understand what’s going on, but come on. We spent over an hour of this movie piecing things together without anyone holding our hand. Why not have confidence in us paying attention all the way through? Monster Hunter also makes bizarre choices right at the end. The film ends. The credits start rolling. Then it starts up again and concludes. The credits roll once more only for a stinger that promises a sequel to pop up once the last name has scrolled past. The “first” conclusion wasn’t definitive. It was elegant in a way that said “This part of the adventure is over, but there are more monsters out there”. Going over that thought two more times is clumsy.
There’s not much dialogue and the plot is straightforward. That’s appropriate for a movie called Monster Hunter. The world is full of monsters. Find a way to survive the encounters and get back home! Sure, it means the title is a giant misnomer but should that promised sequel materialize (it’s not going to) it would’ve made sense. I went into Monster Hunter expecting it to be terrible because, despite a few recent outliers, most video game adaptations have been lackluster at best. I was pleasantly surprised. I'd watch another Monster Hunter. I'd even watch this again before any of the Resident Evil films. (August 6, 2023)
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britishchick09 · 1 month
Childhood Times: A Wadlow Sibling Fic
@robert-273-fan came up with the idea for this one! it took 2 days to write (from august 9th to the 11th). it was fun exploring senpai's early days in roxana! enjoy! :D
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on harold jr.'s 5th birthday, he wants to know what senpai got up to when he was 5! what were those early days like?
 Harold Wadlow Jr. grinned as he pulled back one of his new trains, making it zip across the floor and into his big brother’s hand. “This has been the best birthday ever!”
“Especially that cake!” Betty added, licking frosting from her fingers.
Eugene inhaled the last of a balloon’s helium. “And the balloooons.”
Harold Jr. giggled. “You sound silly!”
“Yeah, you sure do.” Helen said with a playful squint.
Eugene let go of the balloon right after she spoke, causing her to accidentally get helium, too!
“So do you!” he said.
“Hey!” Helen exclaimed.
“I’d say everyone had fun!” Harold remarked.
“We certainly have,” Addie agreed. “And now it’s time to go to bed.”
“But I’m not…” Junior yawned. “I’m not tired!”
Robert smiled. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”
Harold Jr. wanted to stay up and play, but the call of sleeping was too much to resist. He grew more and more tired as Robert picked him up and carried him to his room. After Addie helped him change into his pajamas, he snuggled into bed.
“Which story do you want tonight?” she asked. “The Little Engine That Could or your newest one, Four and Twenty Blackbirds?”
“I want an old story.” Harold Jr. replied with a smile.
“Oh, what about a fairy tale? I’m sure you’d like-”
Junior giggled. “No, no! I want to hear about Robert.”
“Me?” Robert asked as he ducked into the room.
“Big Brother! I wanna hear about when you were my age!”
Robert and Addie smiled at each other. Then Addie said, “I remember those days quite well…”
 It was a warm summer day in 1923. We lived in Roxana, a village seven miles away from Alton. Robert, Helen and I were walking in a little park, me pushing Eugene in his stroller and the kids walking beside me.
“Can I help, Mommy?” Robert asked.
I smiled. “Of course, dear.”
Robert was five, but the same height as a teen-aged boy. He pushed the pram with ease.
“I love your baby.” a woman commented.
I smiled. “Thank you. His name is Eugene.”
Eugene stuck his hand in his mouth and started to drool. Helen winced, causing me to clean him up with a hankie. “Oh, and what a cute little girl!” The woman bent down to tell Helen, “You look so much like your father!”
‘That’s my brother!” Helen corrected her.
My face warmed. That was one of the many troubles Robert faced. People thought he was an adult!
Robert turned to look at the woman. “Yes, my daddy’s at the oil refinery.”
“Oh!” The woman’s face turned pinker than mine! “Goodness, I’m terribly sorry for assuming such a thing.”
“It’s quite alright.” I told her.
“Good day to you and your family!”
Then she hurried off, trying to conceal her ashamed face with her straw mushroom hat.
“That lady sure was funny.” Robert remarked.
I nodded. “Indeed she was.”
That was the great thing about Robert. He just brushed the stares off as peculiar. It wasn’t until he started kindergarten three months later that he’d truly start to understand.
But for now, he was just a boy who happened to come across some odd experiences. He smiled while walking down the lane with his family, who didn’t find him odd in the least.
 “I remember that,” Robert said. “I sometimes wonder what she’d think of me now!”
“There would be no mistaking you for a father, that’s for sure.” Addie replied with a smile.
“Wow, kindergarten!” Harold Jr. exclaimed. “What was that like, Big Brother?”
Robert smiled. “From what I remember…”
 Kindergarten was quite an exciting time. I loved learning, especially how to read! The teacher stood at the blackboard, writing letters and taking us through the alphabet. Seeing all of them together as we sang the ABCs was so much fun! It was so rewarding to finally be able to write those words myself.
The best time, however, was lunch. Many kids went home, including me. I still remember how good Mother’s ham and turkey sandwiches tasted. Afterwards, I’d help Mother clean up or play outside… especially with my friends!
“Come out, Bob!” one of my pals called.
I looked at Mother, who smiled and said, “Go out and play.”
I handed the plate to her before running outside. We went to an area with lots of trees and bushes.
“We’ll hide and you seek!” the second friend said.
I smiled. “Sure!”
But once the four boys ran off, my smile melted into a sigh. I was always the seeker. It was really the only thing I could do. Hiding wasn’t much fun when I was the size of an adult! Hide and seek was one of those things that made me wish I was regular-sized.
But there was an advantage, too…
“Ready or not, here I come!” I called.
I searched the area, looking over bushes with ease. My friends would have to jump to get even a peek! I found one of my pals there. It didn’t take me long to find the others.
“That was fun!” the last friend said after he was found. “Let’s do something else,” I said. “Like leapfrog!”
That was always a great game to play! Six years later, I could just walk over someone, but back then, I was still able to jump. I giggled as I jumped over one of my friends. It was fun to pretend to be a frog! When the next kid was ready, I ran at him, nearly knocking him down when I tried to jump!
“Oops!” I exclaimed. “Didn’t mean to hurt ya.” “It’s okay, Bob,” he said. “Frogs do that all the time, I bet!”
When the lunch hour was over, we’d run back to school. The best part of playtime was running. How fast and free I felt! I really wish I could still run, so I cherish that especially.
At the end of the day, when lessons were over at last, my friends and I would go to the houses on the edge of town. One of the boys lived there. We could see the oil refinery in the distance, with its big metal smokestacks and gray buildings. Sure, it looked a bit scary, but it was great fun pretending to be oil men. All our dads worked at the refinery, so we used terms we learned from them.
“Let’s get this barrel loaded up!” I hollered, carrying sticks and leaves.
“Ah, Shell will be pleased!” a friend declared.
Two boys pretended to struggle carrying a heavy barrel filled with oil. We laughed as they set the sticks and leaves in a wagon. Then we all rolled it across the street to the imaginary gas station.
“Thank you, boys!” another friend said. “Our cars will be delighted to finally have some fuel!”
Other days, I preferred to spend it at home. Helen would watch me from the porch, clapping in delight as I rolled down the sidewalk.
“Go, brother!” she called.
I waved at her as I rolled along. Then I heard a door open. Across the street, a girl was looking at me in shock.
“Mama! A man’s riding a wagon!” she called. “Yes, I’m serious! It’s a real, live man!”
I frowned. I wasn’t a man, I was a boy! But before I could tell her that, she ran into the house. When she came back, her mom was with her. They were staring at me, a rarity in a small town like Roxana. (Must’ve been new!)
“Hey!” Helen yelled at them. “That’s my brother! He’s a kid like me. Meanies!”
She stuck her tongue out.
“Oh my!” the girl’s mother exclaimed.
She took her daughter inside. But just before the door was closed, the girl looked back at me. Her face had changed. She was no longer shocked… but intrigued. I knew she’d never mix me up again!
And wouldn’t you know it, she wanted to play with my pals and I the next day! Although people could often be quick to judge, they always treated me with kindness. That’s definitely what I remember most about my days in Roxana!
 Robert chuckled. “Yes, being five was a great time for me.”
“Indeed it was,” Addie agreed, sighing as she added, “Sometimes I yearn for those mostly simple days,” She smiled. “But being here is just what I love.”
Harold Jr. smiled back. “I hope I have that much fun when I’m five!” Robert tucked his baby brother in. “Oh, I know you will. This is just the beginning of your great childhood times!”
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black-diamond1329 · 1 year
⭐ Name: Sandra, but you can tell me Sandy 😉.
⭐Age: I feel like I'm 15 years old, I stopped counting at 19 and my friends say that I act like I'm 5 years old XD hahaha ... Nah! I just turned 23 years old this August n_n.
💔 Occupation: Being a universitary girl XD ... Yes! It's so fun! (sarcasm).
🩷 Some things that I love it: Read (I read all kinds of books and about my favorite ships on Ao3! 🤭), cook desserts, listen to music while I do other activities like my homework or when I read, Greek mythology (The love between us will never die! 💗).
⭐Saint Seiya (or Knights of the Zodiac). I found this beautiful serie when I was 7 years old. My favorite is the original serie, although I also like the Lost Canvas a lot and Episode G (because Aioria is the protagonist). Soul of Gold gives me mixed feelings. From Omega and Next Dimension, better don't ask me; my mind lives in denial. My favorite characters are the Golden Saints, especially Aioros and Aioria, being Aioria my super favorite.
Thanks to Saint Seiya I developed a great love for the stars 💫 and I have many scientific books on the subject, as well as books of myths and legends about the constellations ✨.
💥 I'm a Marvel Girl. I love those tormented superheroes and antiheroes. I basically grew up watching Marvel since Iron Man came out in 2008 and I immersed myself fully in the world of the comics, I have a lot of comics and books on my bookshelf 🤭. My favorites are: Iron Man ♥️, Captain America, Spider-Man, Loki, the X-Men, Black Widow and Scarlet Witch, in all their presentations and with all their charms and defects!.
🍿Series: Friends, Full House, The big bang theory, How I met your mother and How I met your father, Modern Family, Mom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel... I love it K-Dramas like Goblin: The lonely and great God, Crash landing on you, Tale of the Nine Tailed 😋, I have also watched many animes like Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host Club, Toradora, Code Geass, Inuyasha, Kaleido Star, Shaman King, Attack on Titan... it's a long list and I don't remember everything at this moment 🤔. Miraculous Ladybug (I know it's for kids, but ... there is Chat Noir 🖤).
🐉In my House of the Dragon era 🖤: Like many people, I was also terribly disappointed with the horrible ending of Game of Thrones, but I really loved Fire and Blood when I read it in 2020... so I decided to give the serie a chance when I saw the first trailer... and I don't regret it! 🥳. I liked Daemon and Rhaenyra so much in the book and absolutely loved them in the TV Show! (Matt and Emma are incredible! ❣️). Another character that I loved in the book and the one I always wanted to know more about was Jacaerys Velaryon and I must say that I am very pleased with the choice of Harry Collett 😍 (oh yeah baby! 🔥).
I really hope that the directors and writers do justice to this wonderful crown prince! 🥰, because for me he is already one of my favorite characters of all time! ❣️.
🎥 Favorite Movies: Troy 2004 (did I mention I'm a Greek mythology lover?), the Star Wars saga 💫 (1-6 only), The Great Gatsby, A Walk to Remember, Harry Potter 🪄 (books and movies), The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy, The Hunger Games saga ❣️(books and movies), The Twilight saga 😊 (books and movies).
I love Studio Ghibli movies with all my heart 💗 since my dad bought me the movie of Kiki Delivery Service when I was a 6-year-old little girl.
I love everything Disney and Pixar does 💗😘. (think of the happiest things, It's the same as having wings! 🎶)
🎧 Music: I have a very varied taste in music, some would say strange 😅, but if I like the rhythm and lyrics of the song I will surely add it to my playlist (mainly I like rock), AC / DC, Queen, Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Imagine Dragons, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Lana del Rey, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. I enjoy classical music too 🩷.
⭐ Something more about me: I am an inveterate dreamer and extremely perfectionist. I express myself better by writing than talking 😚.
I haven't drawn anything in almost 5 years and when I did I used to draw with traditional media (watercolor, charcoal, colored pencils, gouche and acrylic paints 🖌️).
But since October (from last year), when I saw Harry Collett as Prince Jacaerys, I felt a desire to draw that I hadn't felt in a long time ❣️.
This is my first time trying to draw in digital media, I hope you like what you see! 😘 (YouTube tutorials don't fail me now! 😭). I spent the whole summer practicing🥺.
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P.S: Sorry if exist some error, the english is not my firts lenguage.
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boysplanetrecaps · 7 months
Build Up, Episode 2: Tomboy (Hyukoh)
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Welcome back to my extremely timely recaps of Build Up, the MNET vocal survival show thing! In the previous post, we covered Shall I...? and Ditto. In this one, we'll continue with the Pre-4 mission by covering the performance of Tomboy, originally by Hyukoh. Let's go!
Hyukoh is a Korean band fronted by their lead singer and songwriter, Oh Hyuk. They do sort of alt-rock stuff, and they’re pretty popular. Tomboy was a pretty big hit for them in 2017. 
Sample lyrics:  Sad adults always only walk backwards / You, who just passed your Terrible Twenty, look bored / Because we don’t want to be set on fire and burn quickly / We’re cheering for love… The young us / We can’t see our tree rings / Our eyes are getting blind from the bright lights
I know Oh Hyuk mainly from a song I really love by Code Kunst called Parachute, which features him. (If a song by Code Kunst “features” someone, it means that person sings the whole song.)  It’s a really great song, kind of special in my opinion, so do check it out if you have a few minutes. Oh Hyuk has a gruff, textured kind of voice, quite distinctive, and very much in the vein of the voice of our leather jacket king, Lee Gwangsuk. 
The judges are excited, because they like this song, as do the boys backstage, who think that the team who chose this song are well suited to it. And who is that team? 
It’s Lee Gwangsuk, Park Joohee, Hwang Inhyuk, and Jo Hwanji.
The judges notice right away that Jo Hwanji is wearing a uniform. He salutes, saying “Victory!” and Eunkwang, who already did his military service, immediately returns the salute. Hwanji introduces himself as Sgt Jo Hwanji, currently serving in the Air Force Military Music Honor Battalion. I tried to look up info on this, like, does he have to appear in uniform? What the heck is a Military Music Honor Battalion? What is going on? No clue, my friends. My google skills only take me so far. If you have info to share, I’d be happy to take a look at it. 
Inhyuk is wearing a sweater that appears to say “Sensitive People Fragile Club,” and honestly, same. I mean, I’m not wearing the sweater, but it’s implied. 
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He has a pleasant speaking voice, and says he’s looking to be the “main vocalist of Build Up” 
Park Joohee says he’s the maknae (youngest) of the whole show, and everyone cooes over him a bit. He says he already got into college, and he gets some congratulations from the judges. 
This part was a little confusing, so I watched it a few times before I figured it out. Some of the contestants backstage say he’s the same age as them, including Detective Donghun from A.C.E., who I know was born in 1993 and is definitely not 18! Then someone else says Year of the Rooster, and I figured it out -- if you’re born in 1993 or 2005, you’re born in the Year of the Rooster, and that makes you akin from a certain perspective. It might be like in Western culture when people say something like “oh, yeah, fellow August baby here…” It’s been my experience that people who live in cultures that celebrate Lunar New Year tend to just know what year was what animal. The owner of a little B&B I stayed at in Cambodia guessed the year I was born using a combination of my basic appearance and my Chinese zodiac sign. So yeah, the moment they knew Joohee’s age, they knew his zodiac sign and then knew if they were the same as him. I don’t claim that this kind of thing is universal amongst all people in Asian cultures, but I’ve encountered it enough times to think that it must not be unusual. Again, if you have info to share or if I got that wrong somehow, please let me know, but be nice! Thanks, friends! Thriends. 
Joohee jokes a bit with the judges, and it turns out that he’s going to be going to the same college as the one that Jaehwan went to (I think). He’ll be class of ‘27, while Jaehwan is class of ‘19. The other judges call him an ammonite (fossil). 
Gwangseok says hello, and everyone is surprised at how deep his speaking voice is. He introduces himself as a freelance model who wants to make people fall in love with his voice. 
The judges say, “ohhhh!”
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We get to see his modeling profile and it turns out he’s 188 cm tall, making him 6’2. The judging panel jokes that it’s not fair that he can sing when he’s that tall. 
We’re reminded of his unique voice from the vocal check in, and how he got to pick first. Everyone applauded when Gwangseok chose Tomboy, as it suits his vocals. Inhyuk in 11th place was next to join, then Hwanji in 16th place, and then Joohee in 24th place, making this song one of the first songs to fill up completely. 
We find out that Joohee idolizes Inhyuk from the time that Inhyuk went on I Can See Your Voice. Joohee approaches Inhyuk and tells him as much, which of course absolutely warms Inhyuk’s heart. 
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“REALLY?” Joohee (back to us) approaches Inhyuk as pink haired Geonu looks on. 
Inhyuk interviews that there are people here who are a lot more famous than he is, so he was really touched and he wants to take care of Joohee. Inhyuk chooses Tomboy partly to be with Inhyuk, but also because that was the song he really wanted. 
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So how should this team with all four vocal colors distribute the parts?
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Nobody wants part D, which is just “ah ah ah ah” for 25 seconds. It’s like when you do Me and Bobby McGee for karaoke and have to do two minutes of “ladedada.” But on further reflections, Gwakseong decides that the “ah” part is the core of the song, and that it might sound cool if he sings it with a scratchy voice.
A few days later, they meet up somewhere. 
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Left to right: Inhyuk, Joohee, Gwakseong , a pile of leaves and twigs
Aside from Hwanji, they’re all rocking sweaters. You guys, this is the show of sweaters. Inhyuk spent some time on his own to create some layered harmonies and even recorded them so they could all hear them. They practice singing together, with Inhyuk providing advice and encouragement to maknae Joohee. Throughout we do not hear Hwanji speak even once. 
The performance begins.
Link for the version without reactions
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LTR: Lee Gwangsuk, Park Joohee, Hwang Inhyuk, Jo Hwanji
My thoughts: 
Overall, this was an excellent performance and I could imagine it being a lot of people’s absolute favorite. For whatever reason, it’s not perfectly ringing my bells and I think it comes down to taste and the song itself. This song probably relies a lot on the meaning of the lyrics and since I don’t understand them intuitively it’s not as fascinating to me. Also, it feels like it should be in a faster tempo and like someone just set it on slow. Just my take; sorry if it’s your favorite!
All four vocalists were really good and all of them sing better than I do, so please forgive me as I nitpick a bit, ok? They all did great but I have opinions. Okay! 
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LTR: Lee Gwangsuk, Hwang Inhyuk
In my initial write up, I wrote that Gwangseok has a unique, smokey, extremely thick kind of voice that some people might like and others might not. I like it, though I wondered if it would work well in a vocal group that required blending of voices. In this performance, I was able to see how he could fit in as a member of a group, as his voice really could blend in quite nicely. I felt a little like he was trying a tiny bit too hard on the “ahhs”, but maybe I’d feel different if I understood the lyrics and was really jiving with the emotion of the song. His belts toward the end felt a bit strained, and I think that’s his lack of training showing. He still has a really interesting, distinct voice and I could see him going far.
In my initial write up, I noted that Inhyuk had a really unique voice and thought he shouldn't have classified himself as an Allround. I liked his soft, almost gruff voice, but noticed some problems with his belts. I felt like somehow this wasn’t the best he could do and decided to reserve judgment. In this performance, his belts sounded a lot better and I think I was right, that he was capable of doing better than he did in his teaser. I also loved how he sounded in the bridge. A voice like that could go either way but I ended up really liking it, especially in that part in the bridge when he had the spotlight on him. He has a slight sharp edge to his voice that makes him not my absolute favorite among these four, but I still liked what he did a lot, and I find him personally appealing for some reason. Also I like his delivery where he seems to be almost talking, and I really like the beautiful harmonies that he arranged. Nice work, Inhyuk! 
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LTR: Park Joohee, Jo Hwanji
In my initial write up, I noted that Joohee had a pleasant voice with good agility, though he lacked breath support. In this performance, I really loved his full, open sound, and he ended up being easily my favorite of the four. His voice is a bit similar to Inhyuk’s but without the sharpness, so it just makes it all the more easy to listen to. I still think he needs to work on his breath support, though. Some notes of his should have been held for another half a second. He was still my favorite, though. I just love his vocal color.
In my initial write up, I said that Hwanji broke the musical actor mold by singing in a clean, full voice. I noted his varied dynamics, impeccable pitch, and power. In this performance, I didn’t love how he sounded in the opening lines. Maybe the trembling, half-voiced effect was what he was going for, but for me it sounded like a mistake, like he needed to clear his throat but didn’t have time. He seemed to be running out of breath, too. Maybe he’s not great at singing softly, since “power” is his strength. Despite that not-great opening, he was better in the rest of the song, and his harmony with the others was gorgeous throughout. It’s not easy to harmonize well, and he really did. 
In fact, the harmonies overall were really lovely. At times, they didn’t quite blend dynamics as well as they could have -- I think it was Gwangseok’s fault, though I might be wrong --  but the actual notes they were singing were amazing. 
If I had to pick a top tier, it’d be Joohee, and I think my bottom tier would be Hwanji, but I’m sad about it because I really loved his teaser performance. Maybe it was an off day for him or maybe he just should have picked a different song. Also, it’s not like he did badly. This would just be my least favorite of the four, not my least favorite singer of all time. I’m still looking forward to hearing what he sings next time!
In the MNET edit, the judges are shown loving everything, even Hwanji’s opening and Gwangseok’s too emphatic “ahhs”. They even show Dahee grinning. Everyone loves the performance.
When they’re done, the judges lavish praise on them. Eunkwang says that they have different vocal colors, but “the emotional line that the four of had together was aligned, so it was different but harmonious.” Baekho says that each time they changed from singer to singer, it was cathartic, hearing a different voice coming in. I know what he means -- I love how I know all of Exo’s voices and being able to say, oh, that’s Xiumin, oh, that’s Chanyeol, oh, here comes Chen, aw, it’s Kai… like that. It almost makes it boring in comparison to listen to a song that only one person sings. 
Vocal Coach Guy (VCG) praises Gwangseok’s “tone that was never taught.” He was born with a tone that can express so much depth just by singing “ah.” 
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Vocal Coach Guy likes Gwangseok’s tone. I think? I guess? Not sure. 
Solar says that Joohee sounds like a “church oppa,” with his sweet, clean voice. She also loved his smile.
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Joohee, looking divine.
Solar says that VCG is also a church-oppa type, and VCG says “shalom, shalom,” which if you don’t know is Hebrew, so more appropriate for Temple than for Church, so that’s pretty funny.  
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Solar is so happy it’s made her cold!
Then Eunkwang points out that Inhyuk is the one who arranged all the harmonies, and everyone correctly praises him for working out such a lovely arrangement. 
The judges say it’ll be difficult to pick a Top Tier, and the guys back stage seem to think it’ll be any of Gwangseok, Inhyuk, or Joohee. VCG says that he wishes that Hwanji would just do a traditional ballad, and weirdly enough, I think I agree. 
Who wins top tier? 
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The judges have voted!
Baekho voted for Jo Hwanji, VCG voted for Hwang Inhyuk, and everyone else voted for Park Joohee. Ouch for Gwangseok that no one voted for him, but he did come in first in the vocal check so he can’t feel that bad. 
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Dahee prompts the older members to say something nice to Joohee, and they all tell him they love him. It’s cute. They leave the stage arm in arm.
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Ok, so that I can keep putting in as many pictures as I want to, I’m going to just go ahead and post this now. In the next one, we’ll be covering “Something Like That.” Thanks as always for reading. You're my Valentine for sure! <3
See you in the next one!
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 years
The Mysterious Benedict Society Reaction Season 2 Episode 6: A Commitment To All Things Cozy.
Hello everyone. Seeing as it is the holidays, I wasn’t sure I’d get to this but if I can wake up early enough I’ll do the liveblog. Those who have been following me long enough will know that I am waiting in anticipation for someone to call out the fact that Garrison probably swept Milligan (can she give his memories back? Were they friends? I need the drama) and I also need the backstory on Curtain and his ex-employees, especially SQ’s biological parents. Speaking of SQ, maybe he’ll finally show up. Who knows? What I do know is that 1x06 was when we got big plot reveal flashbacks last time so maybe 2x06 will deliver for us. Let’s find out.
1:00- oh no Rhonda, I know you're doing a good thing here, but you don't understand, we need this backstory and confrontation. Please take Garrison with you. "no one can punish her more than she punishes herself" "that's true" oh my gosh Garrison. Oh no now she's running. Glad the gang is back together, but I needed Garrison to join them. And of course Milligan shows up now before he can confront Garrison for sweeping them. I hope that comes soon.
4:30- Oh no Ms. Perumal. At least the others got away. Reunited just to separate again. At least we know most of them separated with characters they have important history with, so we can all be thankful for that.
6:00- Nicholas stop giving him information. Oh no Auguste do not do anything for this man. Where are Auguste's parents? Did Curtain kill them too? Did he replace SQ with this boy?
8:00- Yes to the kidnapping Curtain! "lovely," "do not take the tea" "oh," the man just wants a tea party with his brother number 2. Can we not offer him that? Also, Nicholas looks personally offended at the haircut idea which means that even brainwashed, he still hates his brother’s hairstyling which is a great callback to when they were kids and his brother forced him to style his hair. This plan works excellently unless part of Curtain's plan is having you switch places. The haircut may not be a good idea. He's a crazy genius. He probably has video cams in the house and knows your whole plan.
11:00- Reynie just lost his mom. Again. This poor boy. At least Rhonda is therapizing him. Not the Mr. Benedict scream- Reynie is going through his arc. Lol at him throwing the sweater vest.
12:50- well, off they go. The abandonment threat was a good try Constance. I do love the Constance & Sticky team up though. Nice of Constance not to immediately break out with the "boy who fell asleep on me" poem yet (or maybe she's saving it). Oh no the happiness is spreading. Was that frozen man even in the cult? SQ has to be frozen too at this point. If you're taking Garrison away from me, you at least have to give SQ back. Fair is fair.
14:40- Oh dear Sofia, sorry about the fire. "Perhaps we flew too high" oh my gosh even the innkeepers have a tragic backstory. They are almost creepily ok with unaccompanied minors staying with them. I agree Constance, time to bounce.
17:00- Oh no, poor Jeffers is so proud of himself for catching Ms. Perumal, and Curtain's like, "she's literally the last one I needed. No psychic girl, no ex-chemist of mine, not my brother's other top agent, not the girl with the skills of a pro athlete, not that boys I trained for my Whisperer, just some school teacher? She clearly gave herself up to save the others, you idiot!" Oh, poor Jeffers, "her alias as a schoolteacher" Curtain is so pissed. "Be Better" oh, Jeffers, this is why I love the terrible guy sidekicks. Speaking of: Jackson and Jillson, it's time to shine! Oh, dear Jackson gunning for the promotion. It would be so funny if Marlon could hear them. Wow, Curtain actually looks scared for a second, and he knows this could be a side effect; Garrison warned him; why is he in denial (unless he used it on himself or (Gasp) actually cares about his brother and son who he hasn't seen in weeks and doesn’t want to face that something horrible is gonna happen to his family because of him).
18:45- YES JILLSON AND JACKSON TELL HIM ABOUT THE CHEMICAL MISFIRE I love them facing their fears like this. See Curtain, you need them. "I don't trust this doctor" Well maybe you'll be singing a different tune when your son's life is on the line.
19:00- I am careful! No, you're not. But yeah it's realistic that they would have this out. Poor Martina is just there for this. Ironically she's part of the reason Kate dove off the cliff in the first place. "ARE WE PREPARED TO WIN" Martina, it's not a tetherball match.
21:00- how does Constance know this much about cooking scones? Is it part of her backstory? "his tears will lead to growth" yeah Constance, that was mean, the poor man tried his best.
22:00- oh no. Constance. Don't. OH NO. NO NO NO NO NO. Oh this isn't gonna be good.
23:00- Awe. Thanks, Martina. But please don't pull an SQ or Garrison, we just got you back. I don't like this "in case we die" talk. Also Milligan "I'll be...on standby... in case you need me" lol Martina laughing. Wait hold up, Martina actually has parents in this universe? Since when? Why were they cool with her being at the institute? Okay moving past that I suppose.
25:00- Sticky you have to know this is abnormal. "she is breaking me Sofia" this is hilarious the poor man. But seriously Sticky please get a Constance some help. Okay Constance, overdoing it a bit. Sticky, don't fall for that since when does she care about your school?
27:00- "we'll fix things" adorable. Oh hey! They found Rhonda and Reynie! PFT- Not the cut to Sticky and Constance being totally useless, lol. Yeah asking about boatwright was ok, but calling him Sticky? Biggest red flag there is. Oh hi Jeffers. OH MY GOSH HE HAS A SPEECH OF TRIUMPH NOW. "My failure shattered me as a man" well maybe save that for your therapist Jeffers. All of Curtain's employees need to rebuild their esteem instead of trauma dumping on the kids they kidnap. “I can secure the perimeter” he’s so proud, my man finished his story arc.
29:30- lol Curtain's like "Nicholas I regret having you here. I missed you but I forgot having a sibling means having a sibling. Personal space please" He has to be suspicious. My gosh, Curtain’s sense of humor is so bad. Maybe that's why he couldn't get adopted.
31:00- OH WE GOT BACK STORY. They recommended Martina? Why? Oh dear They believed her story so quickly, they’re so trusting. I love Jackson and Jillson so much. They deserve better. NO MARTINA WE ALREADY LOST GARRISON AND SQ DON'T STRESS ABOUT A LITTLE AUTO THEFT I'M SURE THEY'LL FORGIVE YOU. Oh bother.
33:00- Nicholas is gonna crack. This is bad. Nathaniel will too when he realizes the extent of his little problem. Number 2 just knock him out. Ugh number 2 has to be pissed at this point. OH NO. Don't trust the weird boy. OH GREAT Curtain had Constance, number 2, AND Nicholas, and it's only a matter of time before Sticky, Ms. Perumal and who knows who else follow.
Well, now I'm disappointed. No kidnapped Curtain, no SQ, Martina, and Garrison are gone, no flashbacks. But Jackson, Jillson, and Jeffers were the stars of the episode. Good work with the J names. I hope they continue with their cute little side stories. I hope Garrison does too. Also, with all the Constance's parent's teasing, when is that actually going to play into the plot? Hopefully soon.
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getstickbugdlol · 1 year
a summary of the Not Breaking Up saga
bf was supposed to move in with me at the end of this month, this has been the plan for a long time and it was his idea and we've been working towards it for like probably a year and a half at this point. we got a cat together last october with the anticipation he'd move in in august
he graduated law school last year and recently had to take the bar for the third time, he's come very close to passing each time but hasn't quite gotten there and he said this is the final time he'll take it. his postdoc job finishes next wednesday and he has struggled to apply for jobs in the meantime, bc his mom is a Girlboss who does everything for him and he got rejected from a job and freaked out
i was visiting friends in arizona last week and bf was catsitting. the cat we adopted is FIV+/special needs plus he has a food obsession so he has a specialty diet and schedule, he needs supplements. before i left arizona i asked bf to get more dry food and he said he would. i reminded him when i was in arizona and he said he would. i was like ok i'm going to leave it at that. mind you i was gone for over a week, so a weekend passed while i was gone. i came home straight off a redeye flight and had to go to urgent care because i have some sort of UTI/bladder infection, and i got home to find that not only had he STILL not gotten the dry food (although i knew for a fact all he did on one of the days he was here was play video games), the litter boxes hadn't been cleaned for several days, hobgoblin hadn't gotten his supplements, nobody had been given their flea/tick meds or hairball meds, there was extra trash piled up, he had not done the dishes he'd used, my garbage and recyling were full of empty alcohol containers, and all my toilet paper was gone. i called him pretty upset about that and he doubled down he didn't do anything wrong and all of a sudden goes "i don't think it's a good idea for us to move in together" and i was like wtf you know i love you and i want to make this work. i went over to his house tuesday night and he said he had concerns about our long term compatibility and i was so caught off guard because we already had this fight last year about staying in nyc vs going and i thought we got through it. he said it's difficult for him to communicate but he was afraid moving in together would lead us to resent each other and he wasn't sure about it. i left in obvious tears and got so angry because i was like oh my god, you're the one who has had your foot on the commitment gas pedal this whole time, to dip now is sooooo shitty and hurtful. i was like you know we don't have to live together, and we haven't lived together so we don't know that's going to happen and he said he was afraid every time the apartment got messy he'd get blamed...i went home in tears and freaked out and posted everywhere and called him and said i have been so brave in this relationship, and i think you are being terrible and cowardly right now. he was supposed to cat sit again next week but i called my mom in so he could come get his stuff from her instead of me.
at emergency therapy the next day my therapist was like woah this is very fast to go straight to break up, get your mom in here (who does not have great boundaries about my relationships), come get your stuff. this is a big decision, and considering both of us are autistic, it makes sense we might have communication breakdowns sometimes, but he might need a little more time to process things. why go straight to break up, it's going to be painful either way. and i was like damn it sonia i hate it when you're right but i called him and basically said i love you and i don't want to break up but i don't want to pressure you to be in a relationship you don't want to be in. but i'm sorry i was cruel and if you need some time to think then take it. he said he loves me too and he was still processing but we'd talk the following night.
so yesterday in the morning he told me he woke up really clear headad and wanted to talk after work and last night we talked and he said that me calling him a coward made him think, and he is really scared about the future and lashed out at me and pinned his worries on our relationship because he was feeling pressure about moving in, but he loves me so much and these have been the happiest three years of his life and he'd be so stupid to let it go over fear. i was like dude i am scared every single day of my life! the future changes ALL THE TIME, but we have to decide we want to be together and be scared together. he stood by me in MY time of crisis, and it's my turn now and it's ok to need me, and to tell me he's scared and to ask for help and if he needs time, then that's ok, we don't need to go through everything right away. he said he knows that and he appreciates it, he's never had to be the brave one before and he's freaking out. i know exactly where he is right now emotionally because i was there one year ago, and we can do this together. so we Set the Intention to work on things. i said the cats ARE a problem, they HAVE to be taken care of properly and we will talk about it, and we will see a couples counselor and cool it on moving in for a bit, and he needs to figure the communication out because i can't do this again. it's natural to lash out at the people closest to you, but i can't have my heart and future just be collateral damage. but for right now let's just remember that we have something really special, and that we like each other and we have fun together. so tonight i'm going over to his house again and we will have a loooooong conversation about where to go from here.
my body is still in a lot of shock and pain, but my boss was really understanding, and so many people rallied around me in support. also like 5 separate people were like "nah this is a fight not a breakup" so clown hours for me. i'm definitely still tender, but i think this is the best possible outcome. bf and i have a really wonderful relationship with a lot of mutual respect and genuine enjoyment. i feel very freed and uplifted by it about 98% of the time until fights like this happen so i hope that he is able to work on this. he seems committed but saying it and doing it are two different things. i'm just deciding to trust him on it
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assaily · 2 years
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I posted 3,173 times in 2022
That's 2,185 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (1%)
3,148 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,548 of my posts in 2022
#tua - 840 posts
#tua s3 - 206 posts
#the umbrella academy - 160 posts
#five hargreeves - 129 posts
#tua art - 98 posts
#art - 79 posts
#tua s3 spoilers - 56 posts
#tua fic - 42 posts
#shark fic - 31 posts
#pluto art - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you guys forced the capitalist machine to move in such a way as to provide better and more affordable accommodations to autistic and nd ppl
My Top Posts in 2022:
Five raised his glass to the rafters. “I’m home,” he said simply. “I’d like to take the time to enjoy that, y’know.”
Diego watched him pour another drink, suddenly understanding him. He’d been gone a long time, lost in a really terrible place that probably never felt like home unless he could somehow forget he was the last soul on Earth. ‘Home’ meant a lot to him.
When Five’s glass was ready again, Diego raised his own, still half-full. “To being home,” he said.
That earned him a smile, a real one that managed to soothe the crease in Five’s brow and make him look so incredibly young in its sincerity, and so incredibly old in its deep gratitude. He raised his glass and clinked it against Diego’s. “To finally being home.”
Or; Five gets kidnapped and it goes wrong (for the kidnapper).
Oh hey look something new. :)
43 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
Five is now a permanent resident of the Hotel Oblivion.
The rooms are crap and the service is definitely sub-par, but at least his siblings are safe, right?
Guys it’s the secret HOb fic that’s been rolling around in my head for a year. Heed the tags, Five angst and whump ahoy!
65 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Hey! I hope your day has been going well!! I was just wondering if you have any recommendations for whump/angsty five hargreeves fics?
I do have a few suggestions from my never ending search for good five fics. Mostly these are just my bookmarks from the last few months.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40268679/chapters/102041718 by @clementineofmine is very good so far, the whump is quietly lurking in background and occasionally reminds you it's there with little jabs to the face. Good stuff.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40331880 this one is nearly the same vein but I adore it. Simple oneshot, very good, don't know the author's tumblr sorry.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39036603 more a domestic fluff and hurt/comfort but very good. The horror thinks five is neat, the fic.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38427829/chapters/96037309 I don't think I've gotten around to finishing this one myself, but the chapters I read were fantastic. Five attacks his siblings and they almost die, and Five almost dies from the guilt.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36352795/chapters/90631132 this one is. So Good. So good I got distracted and just spent the last half hour reading the last chapter again bc damn. Good angst, good whump, good family dynamics, Five is fuckin losing it in this one and it's great.
Quick fire of things I've been reading lately (heed tags):
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40560738/chapters/101618292 which I'm not giving enough credit here, this one is actually really good too
Of course there's also @sharkneto and his amazing fics and @jbd302020 who writes excellent whump and angst as well.
70 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Five was a surprisingly functional person when he was under a world of stress. Take that away from him, however, and all of his little malfunctions came popping out of the woodwork like termites, eating away beneath the façade. For all the bitching he did about being an adult, he was very much still a child
I wanted to write about apocalypse habits, but it turned into Luther and Five fluff. I regret nothing, please enjoy the fruits of my labor. :) <3
81 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ooooooo....a prompt ask....let me see if you wanna try this one?
"I wish you would write a fic where Diego tells Five, "Don't move. For the love of God, Five, please, do not move."
For you, i give you fluff!
Five’s nap had turned a bit too warm for him a while ago, but he was too comfortable to do more than shift his arms to find the cooler, open air.
“Don’t move,” Diego said, sounding entirely unalarmed despite how quickly his warning came. The command was almost gentle, his voice low and nearly affectionate, filled with a quiet, gleeful mirth that made Five peel his eyes open despite how gritty they felt. He’d only been asleep for maybe an hour and a half.
It had taken so much to find sleep in the first place, he almost wanted to rage at being woken up again.
The sun had set since Five had fallen asleep, the tv behind Diego stuck on an endless dvd intro loop, the movie having ended some while ago and no one had turned it off. Five squinted at it, trying to remember when he’d fallen asleep. He and Luther had started some high-concept space flick that, while interesting enough to keep Five’s attention, had been tediously long. The last few weeks of sleepless nights caught him hard and fast, and Luther’s warm, solid body had lulled him into a sense of safety like nothing else seemed capable of.
Diego was standing between him and the tv with something small and boxy in his hands. It made a loud mechanical click that took Five an extra long second to place the nature of.
“What are you doing?” He hissed, already knowing the answer.
 He could see Diego’s teeth flash in a grin, the rest of his expression still hidden in the dim light “For the love of God, Five. Please, do not move.”
Luther snorted in his sleep, his bulk shifting like an earthquake next to Five. One of his arms was draped heavily around Five’s shoulder, and as Luther roused, it curled and tightened over his stomach. Luther sleepily squeezed Five flush against his side, sighing as he woke fully. “What?” he croaked.
Five’s mind had decided to fuck off for the duration of him being squeezed like a teddy bear, the shock and rush of the touch and pressure just enought to stave off the indignity. Five had the time to silently acknowledge that this was weirdly pleasant before the humiliation of it caught up.
The shutter on the camera clicked again, from somewhere in the darkness to the left of the TV, Five could hear Klaus snicker. That was where he drew the line, head snapping to the sound of his brother’s laughter.
“Oh shit!” Klaus laughed, guffawing loudly as Five appeared in front of Diego in a flash.
Diego tried to save the camera, he really did. Five had to give him credit for the effort. By the time he got his hands on it, they were both winded from the tussle, Diego begging for mercy as Five smashed the thing all in one go.
Klaus was on the floor nearby, wheezing with laughter. Luther kept trying to ask him what was happening; Five suspected he probably wasn’t going to get an answer.
“Come on, Five, that was my nice camera!”
“Serves you right,” he replied, then looked back at Luther. “I fell asleep at the ice planet, can we restart there?”
Luther blinked at him, shocked into silence for some reason. Diego shifted his shoulder so he could look up to Five from where he’d been pinned. (Absently, Five was aware that he wasn’t really pinning Diego, so much as he’d pinned him long enough to get the camera and Diego let him stay perched on his back after the fact.)
“You– You want to keep watching?”
Five shrugged, sliding off Diego and porting himself back to his place on the couch. “The plot line about love transcending time and space,” he waved his hand to illustrate the vagueness of his interest. “I’d like to see how they finish that.”
A lamp near Klaus flicked on, basking the room in warm light. Twilight had settled outside, and no one else had been through to turn the lights on. “What’re we watching?” Klaus asked, tripping his way around the coffee table to flop himself next to Five on the couch. His arm fell over the back of the couch and Five fought to keep his body from going as stiff as cardboard at being abruptly boxed in.
“If it’s the movie I think it is,” Diego said, giving Luther a look Five didn’t understand. “Then it’s too smart for you, Klaus.”
Klaus scoffed at him. “I’m not here to be entertained, Diego. I’m here to fall asleep watching some stuffy movie with my stuffy brothers.”
“We’re watching Interstellar,” Luther answered flatly. “It’s my favorite movie.”
“Oh of course it is, you big nerd.” Klaus reached over to pat Luther's shoulder. 
See the full post
196 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Events from August 9 – April 11 – Creature Comforts
This is a real beer company. Some of these brews are old recipes. They are from the morlock and they are used because they had trouble making the Brew and has a mask some aftertaste because they couldn't boil off whatever it was or filter out what they had to and the water had some kind of mineral or something and that's what they're doing they were seasoning it to taste and it tasted better and they used it and it was not making people sick it just was not working that great in the Brew process and master Brewers will tell you if your water has too much of one mineral or another it will throw it off and taste funny so it matters how you purify it and what you put into it these days this particular beer is a top seller and no it's very small and the movie has a huge following at least it did and it crashed recently but the company was never big and still is not it has two breweries and there are two Brew houses. But he did make the Yard House which was world famous and had like 5 million breweries no it's 500,000 but that's a lot and it made more beer than any brewhouse in history and our son helped design it the whole thing and he didn't get a penny from it and Trump is ruined because he's really a mean to her son and sheep thinks he does stuff for reasons that are unknown no he's an idiot Trump thinks that our son doesn't because he's smart enough to and dumb enough not to get stuff which is ridiculous it says if you can't pay it and even feel like it a little there's a reason and I was in the mall said I know about them they're doing it on purpose I'm like the father or something it was oh s*** it's awful so you trying to get him stuff and he did and he says it's working hard I'm going to tell you he's Aaron was on like five different medicines so it was awful and the max are terrible so. Is working at HMC it means hell me Christ about Aaron and Cassandra the black girl who's not really black is in the middle and it was Hera and they're having a face off and that's what the max did to him. The new about his plans to sit on the cities and are Adam and really it is a disaster for him it really is he's having a lot of problems but this is his beer company and the beer is not bad the water in Georgia is not bad he gets it from a protective source no it's from a mountain stream and sometimes it has the sapphire in it and it does turn your eyes blue well their eyes and then drink it and it drives through people think that they're suitable empire but it didn't take off so you're posting they'll probably get too many calls it wouldn't be a bad idea
The brews are pretty good they taste good they go down easy and it's fairly healthy beer it's not too bad it's probably on the level of Pabst Blue ribbon but today which is much better than they used to be and it's less than a coors which is pretty good beer
Thor Freya
Gee thanks this is great I won't be able to make enough but I can try
Aaron m
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evelynndecipio-blog · 2 months
July 6, 2021
Dear Evelynn, The letter did find me well! Specifically for the reason that I received the letter. I like your owl a lot. He does seem pretty proud of himself for delivering his package, and how can I blame him? I'd be proud of myself too if I flew... however many miles he flew; I really have no idea how far away you live. I do hope there's not too much distance between us. It would be great to see each other in person over the summer, other than just summer camp. If I'm being entirely honest, I'll probably forget everything you've taught me within the next month. Come August, I'll be saying 'hocus pocus' again. Or did I ever actually stop saying that? I don't know. I'll definitely be at camp, though, so I'm glad to hear you will as well! I'll be the one screaming loud enough that everyone in the stands just wants me to shut my pie hole when you catch the snitch to win the match. The other seeker doesn't stand a chance; they'll be blinded by the fire in your hair and the storm in your eyes, unable to look away until they crash into a goal post. At least, I know I would. Come to think of it, riding a broom is rather unsafe with you around... Oh, that reminds me! I need to get a broom of my own! Learning on the school brooms has been fine, but I don't want smoke trailing behind me when I finally make the quidditch team... unless it's cool smoke. You know, from fire that's supposed to be there, instead of like a blown engine or something. Brooms don't have engines, though, do they? Do they smoke? Does anything I'm saying make sense? Probably not, because every time I talk at the mirror, I realize that I don't understand a word coming out of my own mouth. Crazy, right?
I forgot what I was supposed to be talking about. Let me check your letter again_____ Oh, right. Rich people, big houses, you apologizing for something you should never apologize for. Eve, you should know by now that any time you talk to me at all brightens my life, as the sun's rays would when they grace the cold face of the earth, reminding its inhabitants that there is a life to be lived, and hope to be perceived. Oops. I'm not supposed to be writing poetry for you, am I? That's awkward. I suppose I could cross it out, but what if it makes you smile? Tell me if it made you smile when you reply. I forgot where I was again. Okay, I remember now. Honestly, I can't believe how big some houses are. What do these people do that allows them to live that way? I'd probably get lost in a house like that. I still turn the wrong way sometimes when I'm trying to use the bathroom down the hall from my room at night. How can I be expected to remember things like that when I'm half asleep? Let alone navigate a palace. My only hope would be if the butler put a tracking device on me or something. Which is actually not something my mum would object to doing as it is. The closest thing I have to a fireplace in my room is my window during the summer. If I'm cold, I just lay in the sun like a cat. It's pretty great. I don't think I've ever met this Healy person, though now I'm very curious. How tall does a half-giant grow, I wonder? I almost wish I could be one. I don't enjoy being short. I'll be taller than you someday - just you wait. Then you won't have to look down when I compare you to a summer's day. I can't believe you have to do summer school! And you'll be doing extra homework at Hogwarts? That's terrible! I'd just die. My will to live would be shattered. Doing homework that involves magic is bad enough, but at least it's better than math or English. I'm so sorry to hear that. If you need someone to rescue you, just tell me and I can get my dad on board. I won't even have to beg. One word from you and we'll prepare the getaway car. In case you're being watched, the code phrase is 'Romeo and Juliet.' Not for any particular reason, of course. It just seems ambiguous. In any case, I'm so glad you decided to send a letter, and I hope we can keep communicating! I may ramble a bit, but at least you can tune me out this way. ;-) You should help me go broom shopping sometime, because I have no idea what I'm doing. Help. With admiration from much too far away, Marshal p.s. I do have a mobile number! It's xxx-xxx-xxx. Feel free to call or text me at three in the morning! I always have a joke ready to go if you need one. It's a skill my dad taught me. p.s.s What do you call a dead fly? A flew.
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
dating a millennia old lich - adventures of last night:
(mordred) "I FOUND THE ROMAN CALENDAR" (nia) "which roman calendar?" (mordred) "thanks, prick"
"oh jesus, for 70 days there was no name for winter"
(mordred) "at one point, the roman calendar was 15 months!" (tayla) "this is nightmarish."
"julius ceasar had One Good Idea"
"if i had eyes i would see the other sentences in that paragraph"
"of course it was dionysus"
(mordred) "okay so if we start from what he gave me, we just need to find an egyptian calendar." (nia) "thats not a thing" (mordred) "thanks! i hate it here"
(mordred) "so, the ancient egyptian seasons were akhet - the season of flooding, perekth(?) - the season of growth, and shemu - the season of harvest. in his words, he was born on the crest of one of the hottest years."
(nini, aka vivian joins call) (mordred) "hello! i'm dying." )nini) "i noticed!"
(mordred) "okay so, i'll say this to you since you werent here" (nini) "okay?" (mordred) "we're trying to figure out ozy's birthday, and he was born on the crest of the hottest years. we also now know he has terrible sense of direction" (nini) "we been knew"
(nini) "okay to figure this out, you have to figure out when the big events happened. if you can track when the hottest years of the era were, then you can find when he was born. even down to the day and time. so if it's the CREST of the HOTTEST years, then look for a great famine and go from there." (nia) "wasn't there a famous one?" (nini) "yes! the seven year famine period of ancient egypt." (mordred) "so let's assume that, because he's nodding at this" (nini) "crest of the hottest years, meaning halfway through the seven years. what is half of seven?" (mordred) ".....i don't know how this is relevant, but three n' a half?" (nini) "right, so he'd be in the middle of the seven years. check your dates and what he's told you and he's basically already given you the answer." (mordred) ".................explain?"
(one hearty explanation and a laughing lich muse later) (mored) "oh he just told a cosmic joke?" (nini) "yes, he did, the brat." (mordred) "...what was the joke?" (nini) "august 8th. look up august 8th" (mordred) "..........i don't understand :( forgive me, i am currently up for 2 and a half days now with like 5 hrs of sleep" (nini) "ouch. okay, so this revolves back to the myths of his times. [abbreviated] the egyptians had a telling of the myth of isis and osiris where every year the nile floods is because of isis crying over the murder of her husband through his brother, set. it was assumed that this happened at the middle of the year, during the flood season. because the flood season you said was from may to august, take it into account that the height of the flood was likely around the last week of june to the early second week of august."
(mordred) "...is he telling a joke about isis?" (nini) "he's fucking with you and telling a joke, it's not his birthday" (mordred) "oh... ...... [giggling] he truly just led us down a rabbit hole for fun" (nini) "he did! and he's an ass for it." (mordred) "i learn things though when he does this!"
"so what IS the joke anyway?" "... a dead king that rises from the grave to become immortal, or rather ascend to godhood." "........yeah?" "is (giggling) is he joking about osiris??" "more like himself." "oohhhh. makes sense!" "HE'S A PRICK"
"i'm glad you stepped in nini, because he would have rolled with that date" "i know. that's why he's laughing isn't he" "full on howling with laughter yeah" "clemency could hear it"
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8/25/2023 DAB Chronological Transcriptions
Lamentation 1-3:36
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm China. Today is the 25th day of August. Welcome. So great to be here with you today. Today is a very special day in my household as it is my husband's birthday and so excited to get to celebrate him. He's my favorite person in the whole world and celebrating him is just so easy. And if you've been around the Daily Bible Chronological for any...well, for maybe a little bit longer. I've had him on a few different times and he's just the best and so I'm excited to get to celebrate him today and he he has allowed me to plan his day for him. So that's like my favorite. I love getting to plan things for people and raise them and like do things that I know that they would love to do. So I'm really excited about today. But I'm also looking forward to reading the book of Lamentations today, which I know is probably stranger, maybe not a popular opinion, but maybe it will speak to you. Maybe there will be something in here that resonates, and if not, maybe just take note of some things that are interesting and maybe put it on a shelf for the days when something does come and you're like, wow, I need to lament, let me go and read the book of Lamentations. So here we are starting in Lamentations one, 1 through chapter 3 verse 36. And we are going to be in the Evangelical Heritage version for this week.
So remember when I said maybe if something doesn't stick with you right now, keep an eye out for something that you're like, wait, I remember this. I want to go back and read this. Truth. Truly, I would have never guessed that in the book of Lamentations is the scripture that you would find...and this is the reason I pop by the mercies of the Lord. We are not consumed, for his compassions do not fail, they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. My soul says the Lord is my portion. Therefore I will hope in Him. What is good to those who wait for him? The soul who seeks him is good to have quietly for the salvation of the Lord like this. I don't know where I would say, Oh yeah, if you gave me like a couple of choices, I don't think I would have chosen. Oh yeah, that's from Lamentations. I think lamenting is beautiful and it was part of I think I believe it still is. I'm not totally up to date on my Jewish culture knowledge, but I believe this is a big part of their culture and the big part of processing and like I actually think it's pretty sacred and wholly and necessary. And sometimes we can get uncomfortable with it. Sure umm. But there's a time and a place and what I've really found throughout my life and learning through therapy is that actually we do a disservice to our bodies and to our minds, our whole being, our soul, when we don't feel the things that we need to feel. And something that my therapist had recently said to me that I thought was so helpful was like, name out loud your feelings. And so I feel like maybe a toddler who got a hand holding the feelings chart. But it's been so helpful for me to be like, I feel excited right now and to notice like, oh, I feel excitement in my chest. Excitement feels like jumping on a trampoline and I feel really like angry right now and anger feels like slamming doors, you know, like just things like that. And you know there's this terrible- I think it's Nicholas Sparks. If not him, sorry, I don't think he listens, but this is a terrible book I read in high school. But the one good thing that I feel like came out of it was it said pain demands to be felt and that is true. And so umm, I'm not sure that lamenting is an emotion. Maybe. Maybe it is, but umm, actually you should just like do a redig, research on what it means, but I think it's like the depth of your soul crying out and grieving and groaning and saying, Lord help. Lord meet me here. And so I think it's really beautiful when Scripture comes to this place of unravelling, unwinding of emotions and then turning to a place of...but here's where I'm going to put my hope. This is where I get my hope. This is who the Lord is, and reminding your Spirit that and I think that's the piece that we missed. There's like two pieces that we miss here. I feel like is lamenting and realizing that this is OK. And it's safe to do, it's encouraged, it's necessary, and then also to turn outward and to say, but Lord my God, this is who you are. And we may think, wow, what a roller coaster. Actually this is like processing your emotions. And I think because I have felt this to be true for me, I think when you let emotions process through your body properly and to sit with them and let them move through you, you may actually be surprised how quickly you go through them and find peace and healing. And I think everybody's different. And it obviously is very situational, but the Lord is in it and when we invite him into it and he gets to be worried and he gets to be father we're covered, we are cared for and we could not be in better hands.
And so again, Lord, I thank you for your word. I thank you so much that we have this book to really just guide us through grief, guide us through understanding that we aren't perfect. We have our own inequities. We have our own things that we have to repent of, and the things that we need to realize and come to terms with and to turn away from and to turn to you. And so I pray that this would just be a sweet time of understanding your word deeper and understanding who you are and understanding ourselves better, too. And I just thank you for that and its in your name we pray. Amen.
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website its the place of connection. It's where you can see what is happening here in the community, so be sure to check that out. Also, if you want to be connected with other DABCers, you can go to DABFacebook.com/daily Audio Bible chronological and there is a page there that you can get connected with other DABers there and ask for prayer or talk about something in scripture that really spoke to you or just have like a furthering conversation. So be sure to use that if that is something you would like to use. That is all for today. I'm China. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line:
Hi guys, it's Kate calling in. I wanted to pray for Cynthia from upstate New York's brother George and mother Miss Alberta. Father, I lift these two loved ones of Cynthia 's up before you and I ask you by whatever means you deem to provide accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. And in the meantime, would you please give all three of them your peace that surpasses all understanding as they deal with very scary conditions and changes in life. Pray a special prayer for Cynthia as she may be the point person who's not sick. Uh, I just ask you to grow her faith during this trial as well as George if he is not a Christian, I pray that you would draw him to yourself, and if he is, I pray that you would help him to lean into you despite all the scary reports and tests and procedures and potentially chemo. And for her mom, I pray that you would restore her eyesight through the drops or whatever means ideally supernaturally. OK. In Jesus precious name I ask these things. Amen.
Pay my faithful DABC fam. This is Kingdom Seeker Daniel family. Just want to lift up a couple of our DABCers.While we come on behalf of Abba's Songbird, our beloved sister. Well, we thank you for what you are doing in her life. Thank you for how you use her more, even in ministry, where LOV and I get to watch her serve and minister by way of song. God, we thank you that you are touching her voice, her throat, and the issues that she is having even now. We pray that you will heal every component within her throat that her voice will be strengthened and her throat will be healed, and anything that seems to be causing adverse effects. Lord, I'm asking that you will cause it to line up according to your divine will. Will you speak to that throat and cause it to be made whole? We give you praise and we give you glory for our sister and we thank you for what you're doing in her life, in Jesus' name. To our beloved Simone from Texas, woman of God, you have been an inspiration to us all and encouragement here in your journey. I too wanna say beware the Ishmael. I pray that the Lord will strengthen you and give you staying power to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, that you will not be duped, tricked or swindled by the enemy in Jesus name. 
This is Daughter of the Silversmith and I wanna take time and pray for all the DABers. Lord Jesus, I pray that you'll be with us today. But most of all I praise your name. I uplift you. You are everything. You are good. You are amazing. You are everything I want out of this world and I can't wait to live with you one day. And Lord, I pray that you'll help us be spiritually healthy, not just health in the way we eat, but in the way we take in your word and the way we take in your presence, that we don't miss opportunities to take you in. That we don't take time for the flesh, but instead we turn to what you have for us and we take it in. And I pray this also for our children, Father and our siblings and adult family members, just don't let us waste a moment of you Jesus. That one way that we could choose you and the soak you in, or another way we can just pick something that will help our flesh feel good. Help us think of ourselves with sober judgment and to teach our children to think of themselves with sober judgment because you are what we want you or what we need. And these things of this world that mean nothing, they are absolutely nothing and I don't want to take them in overtaking you in. So please help all the DABers. And help us work with our families to be spiritually healthy. I love you and I praise you in Jesus name. Amen.
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emberlynnrayne · 1 year
Weddings, Family, and Bullshit
What is it about weddings that make people so crazy? My sister’s wedding was this past weekend, August 8th, and good god, it couldn’t be over soon enough. There are so many threads of B.S. that tie into the knot of that day, I don’t know where to start. Oh! How about that it only happened because I got engaged? No, really. She had been saying for ages before it that they were “married in the eyes of God, and anything more is a paper of man” (Obviously my sister is more than religious enough to make up for my lack of it.) She said they were going to save up for a nice wedding and they were in no rush. She said these things over and over, as recently as days before my engagement was announced. Not only that, my sister has always been very “I’m the oldest, I should be first!” To an incredibly irritating and delusional degree. So just a week after I was engaged, she announced her plan to have her wedding. God. Dammit. Because of this, our weddings were made to be a competition. With little over a year and a half for me to plan mine, and barely 6 months for hers, the family decided that her wedding was going to be a wreck and mine would be gorgeous. No pressure, right? But she just kept screwing herself over! She bought a 4 foot metal swimming pool, and literally HOURS later posted to facebook complaining about trying to afford her wedding. I wanted to be happy for my sister, but for a thousand reasons, I just couldn’t. She kept shooting herself in the foot only to butch and moan like it was someone else’s fault, the family kept comparing all our decisions, and she was such a smug, childish cunt I just wanted it to be over. Some maid of honor I am, huh? But I was only her maid of honor because she moved to a nasty little chicken farm town in GA, alienated her friends, and made a number of bad decisions that keep her broke and housebound. She had no one else and it was her own fault. Oh, and she was planning to milk me for every penny she could. Unfortunately for her, my stable job and working fiance pay our bills, and we do put our bills and responsibilities first, so there really wasn’t anything left for her. You know her church offered her a choice between a wedding shower and free catering for her wedding? Guess which she chose. Then she tried getting our father to do all the cooking and serving. I sound like a terrible person and sister, but I’m still mad. I held all this in, kept a smile on my face, and stayed supportive for her. I did everything I could do for her because in spite of all the crap, I love her and this was her big day. With her date literally 2 month in the year before my chosen date, October 8th, which I had announced before her, as well. All that aside, I sucked it up, put a smile on my face, made the trip to the most disgusting town in GA, and did my best to make sure she had a great day. And it turned out alright. I wouldn’t have chosen blue and orange for my colors, but Rosanna and I have always been incredible opposites.
Family. Oh, tumblr, will you ever hear the end of my family troubles? DRAFT END
Here’s my thoughts, several years later.  Rosanna is stuck in a holier than thou, victim mentality. I was so angry when I wrote the above post, because I was tired of the competition. It didnt stop after this, either. Years later, long after I went no contact with her, she scheduled her baby shower to be on my daughters birthday. She knew from family that that day was my daughters birthday, but she didnt care. Rosanna was the favorite. The golden child that got what she wanted. We were raised in constant competition with each other. She was the normal child that my parents could understand and support. I was the troubled child that liked weird things and they didnt understand. Thats a whole thing to write another day. 
Ive been no contact with my sister for years, and I dont regret it. She’s not a good person, she doesnt make healthy, responsible decisions, and she uses her christian god as a weapon and validation for her toxicity. “You dont need antidepressants, you need god.” was probably the final straw for me. Shes homophobic, ignorant, and so very self absorbed. She doesnt care that she hurts people. Im past being sad about the disconnect.  I dont know what else to write, so Im going to end this here. 
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sailorlibracrack · 1 year
TDA- Episode 0 ( Summer Break 2022)
I’m gonna start my diary right after my first year of college in History of Arts, at the debut of the great vacations, to where I am now. So it’s pretty recent, but all the stuffs/events etc... that happened before will be post in another way, classified by years. But anyway, this Teenage Dirtbag Archives (TDA) is about my 20s. 
I was born on September 26th of 2022. So every year, right after the summer vacs, I celebrate my birthday. But this year was different, cause the nineteenth boy I recently was new that after this three months, I will turn 20. And it wasn't something I wanted for as I hated celebrating my birthday. It wasn't in the odd way to be the center of the attention ( I kinda like that haha) but it was the fact that pretty much every time I blew out new candles, it was an inner reminder that another year was ending, without myself being satisfied of myself, my life or achieving my goals. Certainly, I had many parties and funny and sad stories to tell as much as chaotic adventures, but as I grew up and went to college, they didn’t appear that much and everything was starting to be more....serious. So this time, I wanted my life to move, to take another turn...which it did, in some ways.
Anyway, my first month of summer can be resumed as a literal debauchery. I pretty much went every night partying after my all year of study, that I take very seriously { I can cry if I don’t achieve the best scores :( }. It’s not very interesting to tell you about that month cause we all party the same and end up the next morning with a terrible headache. The only significant event I can talk about is the departure of my boyfriend ( I will dedicate an entire post about him haha) to Singapore, where is father lives. He had spent the entire year in another college far away and I only saw him a month before he went for the entire summer. Oh ! and I went to my first Pride in Paris and it was fun.
The next month, July, was terrible and great at the same time. I had my first real job as a receptionist in a bank, that was located not in the best neighborhood of Paris. This experience meant a lot to me, bc I finally prove myself I could be independent ( I ended up having the biggest score and best recommandations from my boss). It was a pretty boring month, but I kinda grew as a person and funny things happened to me. I had a client coming, drunk af, threaten me to literally piss in the agency if I didn't give money, which obviously we didn't kept here. Every client was original and a peculiar character but all were mostly drunk or high, maybe both, so it was a funny game for me to help them.
Finally, August comes. And I will stat this month by telling you about the best summer party I ever went to. I have this very special friend of mine, that we are gonna call Louise, that invited me to one of her college friend’s (Steve) boyfriend party. The boyfriend in question, Pascal, was living quite far, in the countryside in a very lovely cottagecore and BIG house ( he was criminally rich). The moment I saw his house, I knew I will come every time to take a rest here from the city. It was spacious, with hectares fields, a pool, a jacuzzi, horses, an abandoned tennis court and more. The party was in the fields, near the pool, and everything seemed detailed. There was lighting, a professional DJ and even a liquor bar with a drinks menu. Quickly, Louise and I met everyone and I started to get really drunk as alcohol was free and in abundance. It turned into a pool party (my first one) and It was really fun. I don’t remember being that WILD at a party ever. Anyway, as we went all inside, in a random coincidence, I started to talk to the DJ, which I don’t remember the name. We’re gonna pretend he’s Josh. He was actually kind, and seemed nice if it wasn't for the Versace bathrobe he was wearing proudly. I knew he was starting to get flirty with me, and I admit I liked it, as it didn’t happened to me often. I played with that flirtatious bond we had so he could mix all the songs I loved. I was so drunk i couldn't feel his hands going over my body and not responsive enough to stop him from biting my neck. But what had to happen happened. After and joint shared with Steve, we both went to different bathroom to puke. But bad luck for me, it fell at the same time Josh was taking his break. When he saw me going to the bathroom in the catastrophic state I was in, he followed me. Louise was there too, but the gentleman kindly let her out on the pretext that he knew how to "manage this kind of situation". I confess without lying, that I was on the verge of fainting. So, I find myself in a delicate position where I have to throw up my guts accompanied by a stranger who wants to flirt with me at the same time. I wasn't going to mind throwing up, so that's what I did, in front of him. He of course took the opportunity to touch me when he was cleaning me. Anyway, when he went to fetch me some water, Louise was able to get in and I remember being at that moment two fingers away from dying. Josh comes back and while I'm throwing up again, I hear him talking with Louise. And this bastard, instead of doing what everyone else would have done, no, he starts asking Louise if I have a boyfriend and everything and he thinks I'm just his type. After a while, and unable to take it any longer, I ordered Louise, not without difficulty, not to let him in. The end of this night is quite vague in my mind. I only remember that the next morning, while I was smoking my morning cig, Josh came downstairs to say hello. He had me so disgusted that the moment he left to get his cigs to smoke with me, I ran away from the house. And that was the debut of my (gay) friendship with Steve and Pascal. I ironically learned after that he did quite the same with Steve, but less flirtatious and apparently, had done some filth with Pascal back in the time. 
The rest of the summer, with Louise, we went to Portugal, on a little road trip with daddy. Steve lived in a village right next to mine, so we all went out quite a bit together in Porto and we even saw our old friend Manon. Obviously, with Louise, we had a certain mess like the time we lied to my mother to go party at Steve's villa. But in the end we know we had fun. I keep a very good memory of it and I think that the one that marked me the most was when Louise and I took a pedal boat in a huge lake where we ended up falling on the wild bottom of a mountain where lived dozens and dozens of cows. We hastened to jump into the water to see them closer. Everything was perfect.
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or-something-better · 2 years
Able, Lucifer & Sam
August 27, 2022 
A constant beep beep beep sound was the first thing I became aware of as I returned to consciousness; the pain in my head was the second, damn it was pounding. Opening my eyes, it took a few seconds before I was able to make out the Bunker’s MedBay. Partially sitting up I glanced towards the noise and was able see it came from a heart rate monitor. Oh good…guess that means I’m still alive. I was about to lay back down, when I saw movement and turned my head too damn fast to see what it was. Shit! Beside me on another gurney was Ruby, and seeing her suddenly brought back the memories of OZ. Ruby?
Hearing my name, I slowly become aware of being on some sort of bed and I hear beeping noises. My eyelids are heavy and don’t want to open. After some difficulty, I manage to get them open and look around. Where am I? Looking over, I see Sam on another bed.
You okay? Pulling the leads stuck to my chest off, I reached over and turned off the monitor. Any idea what happened to us?
“I think I’m ok. I, I don’t remember.”  Trying to think is difficult. I feel like my brain is wrapped in cotton. I get vague snippets of a presence inside my head. Was it real or just a dream? I decide not to tell Sam, for now.
“Are YOU okay?”
I’m fine, at least I think I’m fine. Gotta terrible headache…I wonder how long we’ve been out. I look around wondering where the others are
Sitting up, I take the monitor leads off and shut off the machine. “It doesn’t feel like very long. I’m not stiff like I’ve spent days laying here.”
sits in the map room with Ellen and Jo
Man, I understand the headache, my psyche seemed to throw up the complete Evil Hit Parade. I tip my head back, trying to stretch out tight neck muscles. Bad dreams I guess. Sights from Hell and being locked in the cage… but underlying all of it was this great… I don’t know how to describe it… thirst, I guess. Saying the words out loud, brought with them the realization that the thirst part of my nightmares wasn’t fading and was going to force me to address it.
sits in the map room with Ellen and Jo
at the table with Mary and jo. I hear a commotion going on as I follow the noise I'm soo surprised to see Sam & Ruby awake  well hey you 2! excited I leave to call to Charlie
Sam! Oh thank goodness you're awake. Calls Dean into the room
Sam? Ruby? You’re awake!
Guys, guys… no big deal. Neither of us were hurt this time and it’s not like I haven’t been knocked down in a fight before. It’s fine.
Dean, Sam's awake
taking my phone out I go to call Charlie on the other end I hear "Pizza Hut, how can I help you. oh shit wrong number. Ok Google call Charlie. Charlie’s cell phone starts ringing
I’m surprised Sam Got so annoyed.
Alright, you know what? I shake my head, and stand up from the gurney. I’m going to go and take a shower. I can still smell OZ all over me. Without waiting for any of them to reply. I head for the door, passing Ruby I stop to give her arm a reassuring squeeze before going to my own room.
answering the phone as I’m driving from Best Buy  hey Ellen what’s up?
Why was Sam so upset?
calls Dean hey Dean your brother is awake
Hey! Just thought I'd tell ya Sam and ruby are awake!
answers the phone that’s great I’m on my way!
What?!? That’s amazing!! I’ll be there soon!! ending the call I speed up a bit more to get home
I get in the impala and head back to the bunker speeding
picks and calls pizza hut back
After Sam heads for the shower, I feel like the walls are closing in around me. I have to get out of here!
“I need to go. Tell Sam I’ll be back later.” Without giving them a chance to stop me, I pop into my apartment.
coming back from a walk I head to med bay only to see empty beds wait what where are Ruby and Sam
Sam is I’m the shower and Mary said Ruby went home
Ruby went home
wondering was that a good idea was she checked over
I don't think. She just left before we could stop her
pulling into the bunker I park my car, leaving the bags inside for later and run in
I pull up to the bunker running inside SAMMY!  SAM! Where’s Sammy? SAMMY!!!
I get to the bottom of the stairs after being nearly run over by dean
wringing my hands thinking it was not a good idea Ruby left
heading into med bay I start checking a few things and cleaning the room
Sam is acting very strange
You think? I mean he’s been through a lot…
Sam's acting strange
I’m sure he’s fine, he’s a Winchester grins but I’ll gladly check him over when he gets out of the shower
pacing back and forth worries about Ruby
His reaction when he left was violent
That’s what I thought also
I’ll check him out, I promise
Once at home, I take a moment to feel the quiet of the apartment and calm my nerves. I can’t help but have a sensation that I have leftover feelings from something that happened while in Oz but can’t remember. The more I chase the memory, the farther away it gets.
Going into the kitchen, I fill the kettle with water, set it on the stove, and turn the flame on high. Waiting for the kettle, I sit at the table and try to make sense of what happened in Oz. I haven’t had anything like that happen in a long time. In fact, the last time was… A stabbing pain shoots through my head as if a hot poker had been run through it. Suddenly I see an image in my mind….Lucifer! My heart begins to pound. I can see him in my head as if I’m right there with him!
I smirk at her reaction Did ya miss me?
I am shocked at his appearance. He looked disheveled and definitely worse for wear. What has happened to him?
Aww cmon now... it's time to play nice and pay up. And hey- maybe if you're good I'll bring along your little playmate.. Sammy.
Confused, I ask, “What are you talking about?”
Oh I've got so many plans. And I can't wait to share them with you This time I'm getting a Winchester on my team-- and not that wimpy Adam.
Before I can stop myself, I spit out, “You bastard!” Lucifer throws me against a wall and holds me there.
I snarl at her, a feral grin Oh you're going to cooperate. Or my associate and I, will make damn sure you pay.
Gritting my teeth, and against my better judgment, I nod my head.
They shower had helped ease the pain in my head and I was hoping that a monster cup of coffee would finish the job. Pouring it, I take the mug and go back into the map room to sit down and drink it.
sitting at the map table with some of the group and Sam. Sam take your time but try and think if you remember anything from Oz.
Do you remember anything about what happened in Oz Sam?
Patience, I remember seeing Amara, and that's pretty much it
Amara!! That a lot maybe you might remember more later we hope.
No sorry, you guys are going to have to be the ones to fill me in
That’s it? How do you not remember anything that happened?
Give Dean that Really look Oh I don't know Dean, maybe because I wasn't conscious for it
I’m just saying you dont remember what happened before?
Look, I’ve shared everything I can remember about being over there, alright. I’m sorry if it’s not what you’re wanting to hear, you can just… Clamping my mouth shut on the sharp words that almost made their way out. I stand up from the table. Just drop it for tonight, okay. I go back to my room.
I look at Mary I’m a bit concerned about Sammy’s behavior I’m gonna call Ellen I call Ellen listening to the phone ring
I have a feeling something strange is going on too Dean
hearing my phone ring oh hey Dean how the hell are ya?
counties eating my fries glad to have a fun day for once who is it ?
Hey Ellen, hey can you come to the bunker? Its Sam. He’s acting really weird and not himself
That was fun huh kiddo. It's dean
Oh man Dean I don't know. The kid and I just started to eat. We had a great day and wanna continue it.
Oh, what's wrong?  looks up at her
And it's Sam. I'm sure Sam is just fine. Maybe just needs a walk.
putting my hand over the receiver it's Sam.. Dean says he's not acting like himself and asked us to come.
Yeah he’s acting weird like male PMS or something
We are going. If dean says Sam is not ok he's not ok. grabs my basket of food and coat. Heads out the door already in the car
bewildered look about henry ok Dean were on our way! hangs up the phone alright kiddo let's go!
Once Lucifer has vanished, I am shaking. Just when I thought being tangled up with Lucifer was over, he comes back into my life to mess it up! And like always, I have no choice but to go along with his plans! I have to see Sam! Popping directly to his room, I see him laying on the bed with his eyes closed and his jaw is clenched. “Hey, Sam.”
Laying on the bed with my hands behind my head and eyes closed, I look like I’m sleeping to anyone who might come checking on me. My only outward sign of agitation was the movement of my right foot back and forth, but I was certainly far from relaxed. At the sound of Ruby’s voice so close, I bolt upright. Ruby! Sitting up and swinging my legs off the bed, I can’t hide the irritation racing through me. Where the hell have you been? I came back from the shower, and they said you’d just vanished. What was I supposed to think?
“Sorry!” I say snidely, “I just had to get out of here. Everything was closing in on me!”
I run my hands through my hair. I know what you mean. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to take it out on you. Ruby, I can’t explain it, but whatever happened to us while we were in OZ has just driven this need of mine to an insane level. I can’t believe it’s gotten to this already.
Knowing that might be a problem, I planned ahead. Without saying anything, I reach into my pocket and take out a vial, handing it to him.
I could have kissed her in that moment if I wasn’t already trying to get the top off the vial and drinking it down. This time I could feel the numbing heat all the way through my body. Breathing heavy as if I’d been running. I grab Ruby’s arm. Ruby, I need to get out of here…
Taking my phone out of my back pocket, I set mine next to his on the nightstand. I lock the bedroom door and holding onto his arm, I pop us out of there.
pulling up to the bunker with kid Hey let's get inside.
seeing Henry and Ellen coming in hey you 2 can I get you a drink or cookies for you Henry
walking in with Henry and our food no thanks we brought our own. So what's going on? start to eat my fries
jumps out and runs inside what's happening? No thanks not at the moment. What if Sam I came for him
I'm not sure what's going on with Sam exactly.
coming out of med bay with sheets of printouts from the monitors I lay them on the table to study them
walk out if medbay with Charlie
looking even more worried about Sam what does it mean
after studying them I point out to the group  look at all the jumps in his heart rate—he was asleep… something was eating at him even then…. pulling out Ruby’s hers too….
All those spikes there showing patience one of the print outs means something had him worked up for sure.
I'm not familiar with anything that can target a demon and a human. What could it be
I agree. Although I wonder what it could’ve been. He was asleep.
Well.... It looks like we got some work to do....but first.... I wanna check on Sammy! I run to Sammy’s room and knock on the door SAMMY! HEY SAMMY OPEN UP! Getting no answer HENRY come pick the lock before I kick this damn door in!
On it! runs and fiddles around the lock and gets it open wakey wakey... Looks like he's gone
walk into the room seeing it empty and their phones on the bed SON OF A BITCH!
walking up behind dean and henry What's going on Dean
They are fucking gone and their phones are here! Sam never leaves his damn phone!
seeing how pissed dean is I'll go tell Charlie turns away to go let Charlie know what they found getting back to Charlie. Charlie,  Sam is gone and they phone 2 phones on the bed.
sighs that’s really odd… they’ve never left me without a way to track them… they know how important that is! Damn it! ….
I come out ranting its gotta fucking be ruby! Why the hell would he leave without his damn phone! Where the fuck did she taken him to now???
shaking my head why would Ruby do anything as stupid to compromise the team it doesn't make sense?
Once a demon always a demon. Their only out for themselves
Ruby’s gotta know that taking Sam is like taking an important limb.
What are some of his favorite places to go. Maybe we can look there
I swear she gains trust just to fuck us over again That will take way too damn long to find him!
At this point, Dean …. It’s our only option!
the vision suddenly is gone and I tell the team what I saw
walking up a couple of stairs, I make my way to an apartment door and knock gently. I glance around myself, then an unseen figure opens up the door. I immediately lean in a bit, lowering my voice and leaning on the door frame. It's time... we need to rebuild my army again. I smirk And as my favorite recruit- I reach through the doorway and poke the unseen man in the chest with my finger - I want you to lead it. I already have the first few prospects chosen, but they cannot know I am involved. Here... I hand him an envelope I pull from inside of my jacket, with the address to an abandoned warehouse not too far and a time later in the evening
I'll begin my meetings there. Do not make the chances that I took in Heaven, be all for nothing. I give him a stern glare in warning then dissipate into thin air
dramatically speaking why is it when you 2 are involved Dean, The world has to be ending. giving him a slight shove of the shoulder
Well I guess it’s just another apocalypse we have to stop…. shrugs
Really? I didn’t choose this shit it chose us
Walking from the kitchen to the living room, Crowley make a move to go between my feet and I nudge him across the room with a little more force than I meant to. Looking up I see Ruby’s face, and I know she saw it too. Shit, sorry, sorry.. Continues to pace. I should be fine by now. This has never happened before. I feel like I’m coming out of my skin!
Trying to reassure him, I tell him, “It’s likely due to the magic of Oz, and it should settle soon.”
Yeah, well SOON can’t be soon enough for me
I say with a sigh, “I may know someone.”
Stops cold You wanna share with the rest of the class?
Snaping at him I remark,  “I could have just left you at the bunker.”
Drops down to sit on the sofa and hangs my head in my heads. Taking a deep breath to keep the snark out of my tone, I look back up and try to be pleasant Can we go already…
Looking at him, knowing he isn’t as repentant as he seems, I tell him “I need to take care of something first, but as soon as I get back, we’ll go.
Fine! Lays back against the sofa and closes my eyes.
I pop over to where Lucifer is.
I give ruby a bored smile Well.. look what the cat drug in... through the mud. Looking a little worse for wear there.
Holding my tongue, I tell him she Sam is ready for the meeting.
Perfect...everything is all set up. Here. This is where they'll be held. I toss her a scrap paper with the address scribbled on it
Taking it, I stuff it in my pocket.
Crazy, how intense Sammy's cravings have gotten lately. Huh...
I look at him sharply! “What have you done?!”
I shrug then fake a glance at my wrist like I'm wearing a watch Would ya look at that. Tik tok- times a little short. Think you need to be on your way now sweetheart.
looks out the window for any sign of Sam from in the Impala
driving around stopping at different places that they would normally go coming up empty handed son of a bitch Sammy where the hell are you?
in the impala with the team having no luck finding Sam and ruby
riding with Henry and Charlie in Henry's truck
Dean let's stop and get a milk shake. I mean we're right here by sonic..
driver around  nowhere it’s like he vanished. Meet back up with the others?
in the middle seat of the truck I direct Henry to turn left that Mexican place ruby likes is just up here… let’s check jt
Should we go to his favorite bar next Charlie?
Yeah maybe I’m just....I dont know I need to find Sammy
Does he only have one phone? Or just the one?
nods ruby loves food… there are a ton of places here in town they frequent so we will need to check them all
more than one
pulls into the parking lot. Gets out and walks inside hey we are looking for a black haired girl
nods in agreement
I know kid,  I know but his usual antics don't seem to be working.. let's try his next place he would go
Bar Patron
looks around there’s a girl in the booth over there… maybe she’s who you want? points to a lady of around 45 in the booth in the far corner
stop into another place i think of and go inside checking if either have been seen and get turned down yet again coming back to the car damnit! This is starting to piss me off this isn’t like him
looks around for Sam not having any luck Hey Dean. Does he have more than one phone or just one?
watching Dean getting angry, (something I don't like to see). I feel for him and love for Sam he has. All I could do was be thankful I have my jo and friends and family. we'll find him Dean. was all I could offer
Ok thanks we will check it out  turns towards Charlie
looking around the bar with Charlie
I can try the numbers I know but... Doubt we will have any luck he might have gotten a nee burner
I walk over to the booth and see it’s not Ruby  not her… let’s check the bar next door…
Do any have what you all call GPS?
I try to call the different numbers of burners we used to use to attempt to call Sam
He left that phone at home Mary.
following Charlie to the bar next door. Charlie, we have to find them
heading outside I walk to the next door bar, it’s seedy and run down and I do my best not to touch anything  let’s make this fast…
Yes ma'am
Okay. I just thought it would help find him.
Good idea because I’m running out of hope of finding them  drops my hoodie off inside my truck
checking GPS on them also with no luck and no answer nothing
I look around the bar and see a few patrons, a tall man is at the back so I step closer only to realize he’s drunk and around 65…. Definitely not Sam…I turn and high tail it out of the bar
walks into the bar thinking what a dump Charlie this looks like some place they'd go they'd think we would not look in a dump like it Right beside you
walk into a bar and grab a glass of whiskey while I ask around on if they’ve been seen still coming up empty handed I take a few more shots before leaving still not a damn thing!
Let's go check this hotel and any aliases
sighs as we get back outside I don’t know what they’re up to… and it’s not like they left us any clues….. where is that diner they like Henry? Can you drive there?
Continues looking for Sam. Checks with locals to see if they saw Sam. Not having any luck
Sure I’m um gonna go down and check that bar there real quick if you wanna go to the hotel?
I don’t remember the name nor directions to get there. Plus, I’m almost out of gas.  gets inside the truck and puts it into gear
getting back in the trunk
I’ll put gas in the truck, but we can’t just stop… it’s Sam… sighs never mind you can go to the library and wait I’m going to keep looking
Sounds good walking across the street to the hotel I go in and see no one. But a little bell sign that says ring for service. ring ring ring ring
I walk down and enter the bar growing more worried and aggravated I order another line of shots and down them before asking around, still coming up with nothing, pissed I walk past a guy who bumps into me watch it bitch! the guy sucker punches me so I grab him and throw him slamming him into the pool table and take off out the door and to the hotel meeting up with Ellen with a busted lip Anything?
Ok but first gas stop drives to the gas station and pulls up to the pump
If you don't mind Charlie I'll continue with you
No one seems to be around. Why don't you go behind the counter and check the log book
checks in a bar. Not having any luck finding Sam or Ruby. Goes to meet up with the others
I keep walking and check out every business along the strip, a bookstore, gas station, another bar and a shopping mall not finding anything I turn to Patience I’m going to text Ellen, maybe we should all meet and regroup…. Wonder if anyone else had better luck than we did? grabbing my phone I text Ellen let’s meet at the library, bring coffees
Yeah well that bar we need to hurry i may have some douchebag looking for me hey wait did anyone check Ruby’s apartment?
nods I agree Charlie
checking my phone as it starts to go off hey Dean it's Charlie. They came up empty too. She said let's meet at the library. But we need to stop and Hortons and grab some coffees first.
I walk toward the library and look for Henry
drives to the library and takes a cat nap while waiting on the others mmm cookies. How much longer I'm bored. These things always end up with some demon thing
That's a good idea. We definitely need the energy
Ok fine let’s go heading out to the car
walking with Mary
grabbed the coffees. We see the others getting out of Henry's truck as we're pulling in
I see Ellen and Dean and give a wave
confused but get out of the impala hey Charlie, feeling my lip
walks with you to get coffee
Hey dean…. Any luck??
handing Charlie and the others their coffee
Um besides a fat lip.....no
taking the coffee I take a sip thanks Ellen, and leave it to you dean to find a fight when we’re looking for your brother…..
Hope the other girl looks worse than you. I say jokingly to Dean
gets out of my truck from everyone's loud voices 5 more minutes. Any luck?
I didn’t do it he pushed past me hitting me said something he punched me then I may have sent him through the pool table
I’ve checked restaurants, bars, convenience stores and bakeries…. And I’ve found nothing
HE went through the pool table
Absolutely nothing I'm getting really worried
The people I talked to didn't see either of them.
Didn’t realize how many rundown places were around here
Ok! Calm down before I pull my gun ya.
I need to fucking find him! This isn’t like him at all no burners work nothing
sighs I know Dean, he’s not one that just disappears normally….
Or without a phone..
watching the people walking up and down the street
Yeah last time he did was with her....coincidence? Would explain a whole hell of a lot
watching and listening to people walking passed us
But Ruby has done so much good for us… and you immediately assume she’s guilty? Messed up sense of friendship I guess….
She’s still a fucking demon and she was supposedly his "friend" then! And that’s when we started the apocalypse and final seal was broken or have you forgotten that damnit!
I wasn’t here then… and maybe she’s changed…. I mean luci isn’t here anymore….
Yeah how else do you explain it???
But what about seeing her in my head and Luci was talking?
Can we not argue. Maybe a demon got them or something trying to be helpful
scoffs well I don’t really have a good answer…
There’s that..... What patience said....her visions aren’t wrong
I agree with Henry. I heard about him drinking demon blood What if that's what is going on?
walking up the steps
I see and run after you hey!
seeing Dean take off I reach out to grab him, but miss and take off running
turning. Can I help you?
Who are you?
follows you who is that
running with the rest of the team to catch up to Dean
You son of a bitch! Dont play stupid i went through hell because of your stupid mark! That was one hell of a fucking ride
only grinning at the child’s question
shit happening too fast we see Charlie taking off after Dean as we all start to catch up to them we can hear Dean going off on Cain
What mark are you talking about
I watch as dean converses with someone he seems to know
confused look crosses my face as I look you over
I guessing some powerful being
Hey dumbass! You know what the hell I’m talking about
stopping next to Charlie what the hell is going on? I kinda whisper to her
a smirk crosses my face as I snap my fingers as if remembering  DEAN WINCHESTER! You’re right , I shouldn’t have given you the mark .
walking up to where Charlie is and listening to Dean go round and round in argument with this strange man
I walk over to my mom, worried about Dean
There’s ALWAYS a weaker brother, I guess we found out the hard way that one is YOU Dean
put my arm around her
confused by the cryptic comments I whisper to Ellen you don’t think he’s got Sam?
I’m not weak you bastard! That fucking mark caused a lot of damn problems. I should have killed you.
I look at my mom And give her a half grin
No. Cain is pretty upfront. No surprises. Idk what this has to do with Sam though...
Can’t just be a coincidence…. I thought he was dead….
What mark is he talking about?
That’s Cain… as in the mark of Cain Biblical stuff
Your too weak to handle the responsibility that comes with the mark. You nearly killed your friends, and your family. You gave in to the mark after begging for it. You blame me, but you demanded it, and you got what you deserved. turning if you’ll excuse me I have an appointment with people much more important than puny, whiny hunters. walking away
starts thinking why the hell is Cain here anyway. He likes to keep to himself alone. I don't know Charlie.
Do you mean as in Cain and Abel. What!!!
Yeah I wasn’t weak I needed it to stop evil and it made me worse!
The Cain that killed his brother?
The mark only amplifies what’s truly inside you vanishing from sight, my last words a whisper on the wind   and inside you is weakness
Holy shit
I pop us outside the meeting place, wishing we could be any place else but here.
I feel the sidewalk beneath my feet and look around to see we’re suddenly standing on a corner in front of a Lawyer’s office, and a small chuckle escapes me. Is this your way of telling you want a divorce?
I shove him, “Asshole!” Brushing past him, I walk inside.
I watch them from afar, faint smile on my lips and gleam in my eye ... this time, it'll work out just perfectly.
I follow Ruby down the hall and into a room. Just as I step inside I see Cain and don’t quite believe it. What the hell? Looking back at Ruby, I can’t believe that she tricked me like this. You knew he was here? What’s going on Ruby? You’d better start talking right now or I’m out of here…
kicking back me feet up on the desk  good to see you too Samuel . You’re not exactly what I expected
I try to stop him, grabbing his arm, “Calm down Cowboy! Let’s hear him out.”
rolling up my sleeve
I think you’re confusing me with my brother Cain , I’m Able .
Wait, what? I look over at Ruby
standing up from behind my desk I walk towards Sam  well, maybe Lucifer was wrong about one thing . You stroke me as the stronger brother, but he also said you were the smart one. Let me start from the top.
I know that story, dumbass... why are we all standing here listening to this?
Grabbing Sam by the throat and slamming him against the wall lifting him off his feet with one hand glaring up at him If you knew half of what you think , you string bean, big mouthed worthless vessel, you wouldn’t have walked in thinking I was Cain!
After my brother killed me I spent my eternity watching my brother, Cain, grow in celebrity caused by that wretched book of Charles, or as you called him chuck. Seeing Cain grow powerful, training his knights, the envy grew until as a deadly sin I knew I wasn’t long for heaven. While Gabriel was gone his brother, Lucifer found me. Cain having abandoned him, and when he asked me to train the new knights of hell I jumped at the chance
"Let's everyone stay focused! We have work to do so get your hands off of him! If we want this to work out, Sam is just as much a part as we are."
Holding completely still but not taking my eyes from Able's
nodding at Ruby I drop Sam on his ass walking away and talking over my shoulder I can fix everything Samuel, but only if you agree to work with me and become a knight of hell. Sam not even worth turning to look at I fold my arms behind my back looking out the window the choice is yours but this is the ONLY time I will offer this to you turning back  I do so hope you make the right decision
Getting slowly to my feet, suddenly understanding what's at play here... at least I think I do. What's the bigger picture? Seems like Hell's pretty well defended...
I train you, more than you’ve ever known and to be able to do more than you ever thought possible, and you become a knight of hell. All will be revealed in time. What do you say?
Looking at Ruby, I can see that she believes what he’s saying and the carrot of being able to do more than I can do now is a strong pull. Stepping forward, I turn and hold out my hand, willing to trust Ruby and take the gamble.
grinning as I take your hand shaking it  let’s get started
Glancing out the window, I catch sight of Lucifer. I can’t stop the feeling of dread in my stomach. I hope I’m doing the right thing I tell myself.
sitting at a diner with the team trying to come up with a plan to find Sam
sitting in the coffee shop sipping my coffee why can i not figure out where my brother is? And why the hell was Cain here??
sitting at a table with my coffee in hand and an untouched piece of pie in front of me
gathering at the coffee house with the rest of the team worried about what bad is coming and will we be prepared
I can’t think of anywhere else to look. sips my coffee
sits with the others in the coffee shop. Not sure where Sam is at
I’m at a loss now…. sighs glancing out the window
I guess we can start the list of possible kidnappers of demons.  swirls my straw boardly. Wishing to get back to that new book I’m reading
This shit is pissing me off more and more he just doesn’t do this
giving Charlie a nod. What do we do where do we start?
Do you think somebody is trying to make them work for them?
I don’t even know this time…. Usually I have an idea …. But blank….
Leaving the meeting, I told Ruby that I just needed to have a few minutes alone before we head home. Taking off towards town I just walk and let the breeze clear my head.
I don't even know what to do
looks out the window  What the.. Sam!!!  yells and accidentally makes a cup go flying
Somehow I get the feeling that for whatever reason Ruby really is trying to help Sam just a hunch
Wait what henry!?
What?!? looking out the window damnit! run out of the coffee shop after Sam SAMMY!
seeing what Henry is looking at I throw some cash on the table and go outside
If you didn’t like it we could have just made you a new one!
watching Dean take off out the door. Again hey wait for us! i yell
running with the others outside fuck leave it to me to trip over my own feet
follows the others outside the coffee shop trying to catch up to Sam
I catch up to Sam and Dean. Sam? We’ve been so worried
To be honest I don't really like coffee. But our missing friend is back so I gotta go now  runs out the door not wanting to have an awkward conversation
grabs my coffee and puts cash on the table
I just keep walking
makes Sam float with my telekinesis  guys get him
running after the rest of the team
I grab you to try to stop you SAMMY LOOK AT ME
Dean, look at that new tattoo on Sam’s arm
Writes goofy spoiled brat  on a few cups for when the brat comes back and goes to get them mop flipping you the finger as you go and no tip?? Cheap bastards
looking at Sam’s arm SON OF A BITCH! WHAT THE HELL?!?! Something is most definitely about to go down we need to go back to the bunker and figure this shit out!
To be continued ….
1. Sam and Ruby wake in med bay, disoriented and irritated. Sam asks Ruby what happened in Oz, and Ruby is shocked to learn she can’t remember, but she has a heavy feeling of someone listening to her thoughts, but isn’t quite ready to tell Sam. Sam however starts telling ruby about the dreams he had while he was out, and how his thirst for demon blood seems to be taking over every conscious thought that he had.  Ellen, jo and Mary have been sitting at the map table, hearing the commotion they come in and are overjoyed that Sam and Ruby are awake. Mary calls dean, and Ellen calls Charlie. After hearing the news they head straight back to the bunker. Sam tells everyone to chill out, it wasn’t the first time he’d been taken out in a fight.  Jo is surprised at how violent his outburst appears, Sam shakes his head and goes to shower.
2. Ruby makes an excuse and says she needs to go back to her apartment, while the others wait for dean and Charlie.  Patience comes in from a walk, and sees the empty beds and asks where Sam and Ruby are. Jo tells her Sam went to shower and Mary says ruby has gone home. Patience wonders if that is a good idea, since no one has checked her over yet.  Just then dean and Charlie come back in, Dean immediately starts yelling through the bunker for Sammy while Charlie heads into med bay.  Mary and Jo tell her that Sam is acting strange. Patience is still worried that Ruby took off so fast, Charlie calms them and says she will check Sam over when he’s back.
3. Ruby is back at her apartment. She makes herself a cup of tea and is trying to make sense of what she saw while she was asleep. She hadn’t felt anything quite that strong in ages, suddenly she’s stuck with a sharp pain inside her head, and it all becomes clear as luci appears in her mind. (The rest happens in Ruby’s mind) Ruby is shocked at his appearance and he asks her if she’s missed him. Ruby retorts and Luci tells her it’s time to play nice and pay up, and if she’s good, he will bring along her playmate Sammy. Ruby gets defensive and tells him to leave Sam alone but Luci only laughs and tells Ruby he has so many plans, and can’t wait to share them with her… this time he’d be getting a Winchester on his team, and not that wimp Adam. Ruby makes a remark and Luci grabs her and holds her against a wall, telling her she’d better cooperate or he and his associate would make her pay.  Ruby, gritting her teeth agrees but against her better judgement.
4. Back at the bunker, Sam has gotten out of the shower and gotten a cup of coffee, sitting at the map table. Dean, patience, Mary and jo are asking him what he can remember from Oz.  Sam doesn’t remember anything after seeing Amara, the more questions he is asked the more irritated he gets until he storms off away from the table and into his room. Dean is concerned about his behavior and says so to Mary, and tells her he is going to call Ellen. Ellen is at the roadhouse with Henry, having promised him a fun day they had gone to an amusement park. They were just sitting down with some food when the phone rang.  Ellen answers and dean tells her he’s worried about Sam and she needs to come over, Ellen begins to protest and Henry asks her what is wrong. When she tells him it is Sam, Henry doesn’t waste a minute and tells her he’s ready to go. Ellen tells Dean they’ll be right there.
5. Ruby, back in her apartment is shaken by the mental meeting she had just had. Knowing she didn’t stand a chance against lucifer on her own, she had decided to go along with whatever plans he had. She composes herself and pops into Sam’s room at the bunker where he is laying on the bed, eyes closed-visibly annoyed.  Ruby gets his attention and Sam is livid-asking how dare she leave him like that. Ruby apologizes and tells him she needed to Center herself before dealing with the rest of the team.  Sam tells her he woke up craving like never before, and Ruby hands him a vial, Sam drinks it and says he needs to get out of there. Ruby obliges popping them both out before anyone realizes they’re missing.
6. Ellen and Henry arrive at the bunker, and head inside. Jo and Patience greet them and offer them coffee/drinks. They refuse and ask what is happening. Mary says she isn’t sure, but Dean is really confused.   Henry asks what about Sam, that’s the whole reason he came.  Charlie and dean walk out of med bay, Charlie is holding the print out of Sam’s heart monitoring while he was asleep, and she points out a lot of erratic jumps in his heart rate. Patience asks what that means and Ellen says something had him worked up. Jo agrees but wonders what since he was asleep. Mary says she isn’t familiar with anything that would target a human and a demon. Dean says it looks like they had some work to do then, but first he wanted to check on Sammy. He goes to his door and knocks, when no one answers Dean has Henry pick the locks and the room is empty! Both of their cell phones lie discarded on the bed.
7. Ellen walks in behind dean and Henry, then goes to tell Charlie they’ve left their phones.  Charlie is upset as they never left her without a way to find them. Dean blames ruby, and patience asks why Ruby would do anything to compromise the team. Henry tells her once a demon always a demon, they’re always out for themselves. Jo says taking Sam, is like taking an important limb and ruby knows that. Mary starts asking what some of their favorite places were, maybe they could search some.  Dean complains of how long that will take and Charlie says they don’t have a choice. Patience gets a vision: (Luci is going to play out this vision) Luci walks up to a big city apartment building and meets with a man, that cannot be seen. Luci tells the man it’s time to build the army again, and his favorite recruit he wanted him to lead it. He already had the first few prospects chosen, but they couldn’t know that he was involved. Luci gives him a note with an address and a time (make this up) and tells him that he will begin his meetings there. He threatens that this man had better not make the chances he took in heaven be in vain. Then he vanishes and patience’s vision ends. Patience tells them what she saw, and Ellen makes a comment on how the world is always ending with the Winchesters. Charlie says it’s just going to be another time we stop it.
8. Ruby and Sam are at the apartment.  Sam is still agitated, and can’t understand what is going on with him. Ruby tells him it’s likely due to the magic of Oz, and it should settle soon. Sam says soon isn’t good enough, he wanted to fix it now. Ruby sighs, and says she may know someone. Sam retorts about when she was going to share that delightful bit of information, and ruby snaps at him saying she could have just left him at the bunker. Sam settles and asks when they can go. Ruby says she needs to take care of something first, but as soon as she is back, they’ll go. Sam grumbles and ruby pops to where lucifer is, lucifer smiles and makes a snide remark, ruby holds her tongue and tells him she has Sam ready for the meeting. Lucifer assures her it is all set up, and gives her the address. Ruby takes it and Luci makes a comment about Sam’s sudden intense cravings, and ruby wants to know what he had done. Lucifer shrugs and says time is short, and sends ruby on her way.
9. Dean, Ellen, Mary and Jo are in the impala, Henry, Charlie and patience are in Henry’s truck searching the area, all the restaurants and pubs that they knew of that Sam and ruby liked to go to. With no luck, they all park by the library and start to talk.  Suddenly dean sees a familiar face as Cain walks up the steps. He turns and begins to run after him as Mary and Charlie try to stop him. The rest of the team catch up just as dean starts to tell Cain off about the whole “mark” business. (Free run with Cain a bit here-until Cain has to go because he has an appointment.
10. Sam and Ruby pop in front of what looks like a lawyer’s office. Sam questions ruby about where they are, Ruby responds telling him she knew what she was doing and takes them inside. Lucifer—who is watching from a distance, smiles and makes a comment to himself about it all working this time. Inside the building Sam and ruby make their way to a small office, inside they see Cain and Sam is furious and threatens to leave. Ruby tries to calm him as the man rolls up his sleeve and reveals himself, and how he got to be here, he promised Sam he could fix things for him, if he promised to work with him. Sam is concerned, and the man assured him he wouldn’t regret it. Sam shakes the man’s hand as lucifer watches unseen from the window (ruby can catch a glimpse and think to herself here)
11. The rest of the team is at a coffee shop, they’ve placed orders and discuss where Sam and Ruby might be. They all come up with a few ideas, but nothing that seemed like a real answer. Suddenly Henry sees Sam outside the window, and alerts the team. They all run after him, jo and dean manage to reach him but Sam acts like he doesn’t hear them. Jo notices the new “tattoo” on Sam’s arm as he walks away and she points it out to dean. Dean curses and says it looks like something is about to go down-they’d all better get back to bunker….
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