#oh and if she dies he’s going to lose his home for the third time; this is sick
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tinyevilgremlin · 4 months ago
the judge from hell / ep12.
oh that scene where daon walks up to justitia, hugs her, and then breaks down sobbing. my heart t.t
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he’d just faced his family's and soyeong's killer, and what ensued was the cruelest conversation ever, with J literally mocking him in the face by detailing how he killed soyeong. kim jaeyoung’s performance is excellent here — the conflict, the sheer sorrow-fueled fury and rage that burns in his eyes as he comes close to killing taegyu, and yet, he can’t. this man, who so mercilessly killed his dear ones is now at his mercy, yet, he ultimately does the right thing, because he trusts justitia, and because he’d made that promise to soyeong. because he’s still a human, bound by the laws of the mortal realm, and he makes the decision to adhere to them even if every fibre in his body may scream otherwise.
which is also exactly why i love this little scene so much:
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it’s something he really needed to hear, and i love that it comes from this angel who’s been watching over him for all these years — it just feels all the more fitting and beautiful.
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when all is said and done, and he sees justitia there, standing in the distance waiting for him, that’s when the dam breaks — the moment where the walls come crashing down, and so do years of pent up emotions, and relief. relief that it’s over, or at least so close to it.
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there are no words shared, no words needed; only silence that’s punctuated by daon’s sobs as justitia simply stands there, holding him and patting his back in a gesture of comfort. without even realising it, she, a demon, has become his safe space — an existence that he can call ‘home’, after having lost his own twice.
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paranoiddreams · 10 days ago
Ch.1 - Spare Tire
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tags/warnings — allusions to death, grief, overall really angsty, assassin!toji, Nobara was adopted by Nanami, Yuji lives with his grandpa and big brother!Sukuna, mamafushiguro is mentioned (not sure if I want to give her a specific name yet), Toji is depressed, Megumi asks a lot of questions, descriptions of murder and killing, one allusion to alcohol consumption, not a lot since this is the first chapter hehe, reader is very confusing and mysterious rn but her side of the story is coming next!
WC — 3.48 k
a/n — oh my god thank you all so so much for all of the support that this series is getting so far!! Chapter one hasn’t even come out yet (until now obviously) and so many people are excited for this series like I am! This chapter is pretty angsty, but we need to hurt before the comfort 🥹 It’s also more of Megumi and Toji but the next chapter will be reader’s POV! I want to make this a story with heavy plot lines, but also with fluff that makes up for the hurt. It’s also a pretty self indulgent series since it’s my first on here lol.
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Nobara’s small fingers braid strands of Megumi’s jet-black hair as Yuji spins on the swing wildly next to them. His cherry blossom colored locks are already sticking up from the tiny braids Nobara attempted to put in his hair as well, but gave up after deeming it too short.
“Have you guys ever lost your parents?” Megumi asks as he kicks the rocks below his feet. The chains of the swing holding him up creak as he slowly sways, adding onto the usual ambiance of recess.
“What? Like in the store?” Nobara asks from behind him, still working on his loose braids with her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth.
“Mmm, maybe,” he mumbles, green eyes looking up into the cloudless sky as he thinks. “I didn’t get to ask.”
“Sukuna lost me in the mall once,” Yuji chimes in, his lisp slipping through when he says his brother’s name. “He told me that if I told my grandpa then he’d lose me on purpose next time!”
Nobara clicks her tongue, shaking her head disapprovingly. “You’re both stupid—my daddy always says that I have to stay by his side when we go somewhere because someone bad could try and take me.”
Megumi shakes his head slightly, wincing when Nobara’s fingers pull a strand of his hair roughly. “I was at the car shop with my dad and a woman gave me a quarter for the gumball machine,” he explains, “I got a blue one.”
“You took the quarter?!” She suddenly shrieks, as if he had just stepped on her toes.
“Yes,” he says blankly. “She asked where my dad was, and when I told her about Betty, she said that she lost her dad.” Megumi explains, trying to remember everything the woman said with all of his might.
Yuji’s gaze snaps away from a cloud he was ogling shaped like a duck, back to Megumi. “What?! She lost him?”
“Yeah,” the boy confirms.
A short silence falls over them as Nobara finishes with trying to drain Megumi’s hair, sitting on the third swing.
“Maybe he passed away,” She sighs solemnly. “My daddy’s mom died before he adopted me.”
Yuji gasps softly. “Yeah maybe!”
Megumi shakes his head. “No, I asked her that,” he says.
Nobara pulls one of the practice braids she weaved into his hair, an angry expression on her tiny face.
“Ouch! What was that for?!”
“Why would you ask someone that? How rude!”
Megumi looks down at his old beat up shoes, a wave of embarrassment heating his face. “She said he didn’t,” he mutters.
“Then what happened?”
Nobara and Yuji both look at him in search of an explanation; but Megumi looks as if he’s searching for one as well.
“I don’t know,” he says, “we left before she told me.”
Megumi had spent the rest of the day thinking about the woman and what she could’ve possibly meant. He knew what loss was—the concept of death wasn’t lost on him. But how else could someone lose someone else?
He even asked his dad when they got home, but he was only met with an “I don’t know kid,” before he watched him disappear into the garage to work on the car.
“Maybe you can help her find him,” Yuji’s enthusiastic voice makes Megumi wince slightly.
“Maybe my dad can,” he theorizes, looking up in thought, “he said he finds people sometimes for his job…”
Toji’s nail beds are caked with blood and dirt, as well as the material of his sweats.
“Damn it, fuck!” He hisses under his breath. He just washed them, the memory of the journey to the laundromat still present in his mind; Megumi’s stubborn attitude, the long wait, and the stares from concerned mothers and old men.
He’s only snapped out of his temporary agitation when he hears the sound of a blaring train horn in the distance—it’s nearly sunset, which is how he knows that he’s taken way too much time on this job.
As Toji walks to the back of the abandoned building where he parked, he unstraps all of his knives and guns from his body. He opens the passenger door before throwing them inside, right under the loose floorboard. His gaze drifts to the back before closing the door, spotting Megumi’s car seat still strapped into the seat. With a sigh, he slams the passenger door closed and gets into the driver’s side, speeding off before anyone could catch sight of him.
The radio in his car doesn’t work, so the drive home is quiet, as usual. It hasn’t worked for the past 5 years, but Toji’s just never gotten around to replacing it. So he’s gotten used to the silence during morning drives to Megumi’s school, or the ride back from a bloody job worth a few weeks of food on the table.
He was never much of a music guy anyways, and funnily enough, Megumi never was either.
When Toji pulls into the driveway of his house that’s never truly felt like a home, he sighs in relief knowing that Megumi is back from school. But before he opens the front door, he takes a deep breath, ready for a usual evening home. When he does walk in though, it’s just as silent as it was outside.
“Megumi,” Toji calls out, dropping his car keys onto the kitchen table. He spots papers of math equations and grammar practice filled out next to a glass of juice in his usual spot.
“I’m home,” Toji calls out again. He steps into the hallway, the sound of his steel-toed boots echoing loudly against the tile. When he’s only met with silence again, he turns his head to look down the hall towards his son’s bedroom, beams of his yellow night light pouring through his slightly ajar door. He slowly walks over to peek his head in. But all he finds is Megumi fast asleep in his bed, his Spider-Man blanket wrapped around his little body. He’s still wearing his shoes, and his hand is dangling off the end of the mattress, but he looks just as comfortable as ever; like a grown man who’s passed out after a few too many beers. A bit of drool drips from the side of his mouth, onto the pillow under his head. His black hair is a mess around his face.
Toji doesn’t know how he could’ve created something so…small and innocent. He isn’t sure how so much good came from him. But then he catches his son in moments like these, when he’s asleep, or playing outside with his friends, and remembers that beautiful face he’s tried to forget for so long.
Some days, Toji can’t even look at him without seeing her.
Megumi wakes up to the sound of his dad’s heavy work boots clomping around in and out of the open garage. He rubs his eyes with his small hand before hopping out of bed and waddling sleepily out of his room.
“Daddy?” He calls out into the empty hall.
Toji peeks around the corner, coming out of the garage. “Get dressed kid,” he says, “we’re going back to the car shop.”
Megumi pulls his hand away from his droopy eyes and looks up at his dad. He looks tired, and if he had to guess, that could only mean he spent the night sitting on the back porch drinking his ‘grown-up juice’.
“Betty’s broken again?” He asks.
“Nah, we just need a spare tire.”
The little boy cocks his head to the side, emerald eyes trained on his father to try and decipher the meaning behind his words.
“Just go get dressed and we can get breakfast after, yeah?”
A rare smile creeps onto Megumi’s face and he nods his head adamantly, his messy locks falling over his eyes. He turns around and speeds down the hall towards his room, his tiny feet pattering against the tile.
Toji warms up the car as he waits for Megumi to get dressed, the garage door wide open. He hears two distant voices across the street, and when he looks up he spots the familiar blonde business man he’s lived in front of for 3 years now. His daughter, Nobara, is tugging on his coat while rambling on about something that Toji can’t make out from where he is.
Nanami’s wife walks out behind them a moment later after locking the front door. She skips over to him and kisses his cheek before picking Nobara up and putting her into the backseat of their car. The little girl’s laughter echoes through the neighborhood, along with the chirps of morning birds singing, and Toji finds himself slightly annoyed.
Does the world have to be so sunny and beautiful while he goes on feeling like he’s stuck? Did the world have to keep spinning after his crumbled right in front of him?
Nanami’s car pulls out of the driveway, the happy family waving at Toji from inside as they drive away down the road. He lets out a low sigh and unlocks his own car, just as the garage door opens.
“I’m ready,” Megumi says when he walks out in a shirt and shorts he put on quickly.
Toji helps him into the back of the car, making sure he’s strapped into his car seat tightly before getting into the driver’s seat himself. He pulls out of the driveway and into the morning sun, immediately putting his visor down to block his rusty green eyes from the rays.
“Daddy, do you remember that lady that was at the car place last time?” Megumi asks as they drive onto the main roads.
Toji’s eyes flicker up to the rear view mirror for a moment to look at his son before the face of the woman his son is referring to pops back up into his mind. He hadn’t given her a thought since that night a few days ago, when Megumi asked him about something the woman told him. But he can barely even remember what that something was since he seldom comes up for air when he drowns himself in work.
“I do,” Toji answers Megumi after a few moments of reminiscing about the woman. He faintly remembers the name y/n attached to the image of her face in his mind. “What about her, kid?”
Megumi looks out the window as he speaks to his father, watching as the traffic lights turn green and red. “I told Nobara and Yuji about how her dad was missing,” he says. “They said that I should ask you to find him for her.”
Toji’s eyes fly back up to the rear view mirror, his scarred lip twitching slightly. “What?”
“I told them that you find people for your job sometimes,” Megumi confirms, “so they said you should find that lady’s dad.”
A soft sigh fills the car, Toji running his fingers through his hair. His face is one of a father’s whose child just asked him what death is. His face carried the same expression when a 4 year old Megumi first asked him what he did for a living to put food on the table and buy his favorite animal crackers.
Toji just didn’t have the heart to tell him what he’s really doing when he’s not home. He doesn’t have it in him to look Megumi in the eyes and tell him that he kills people he only knows the names of for a couple grand.
So, he told him the least monstrous part of his profession.
“I find people.”
It was a meek response compared to the reality of things. He wishes he would have prepared more, maybe before he took the job, just so he had an answer for what he does. And maybe why. But he stopped looking for those answers a long time ago.
“I can’t just find y/n’s dad, it doesn’t work like that,” Toji says after a long pause. He doesn’t even realize the woman’s name slipped from his lips until he hears Megumi softly repeating it to himself in the back.
“Why not?” He asks, expression blank, as if the answer was owed to him.
Toji clears his throat. “Because, it just doesn’t, Megumi. Mr. Shiu gives me my…clients.”
Megumi’s ears perk at the familiar name of his father’s boss. Couldn’t his dad just save the day for once?
“Then can’t you ask Mr. Shiu to talk to her?”
Megumi just wishes that he could say anything but, “My dad finds people,” when it’s his turn to share in class. Because then, when he only manages to get confused looks in return, they ask about his mom. And he’s not sure what to say about her either.
“Can’t, kid. I only know her first name.”
Toji’s not sure why he’s even saying this; even if he did happen to know y/n’s last name he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Not even mentioning the fact that people who don’t want to be found will not be found.
“Besides,” he adds on as he pulls into the parking lot of the car shop, “she probably doesn’t want to find him.”
Megumi’s confusion only grows.
“Daddy, why? He’s her dad.”
Toji’s hit, yet again, with another question he doesn’t know how to answer without wanting to smoke a cigarette. He turns his head to look over his shoulder at the all too curious seven year old.
“Well, she’s not a kid anymore, so there’s probably a reason she doesn’t know where he is. Some people just don’t talk to their parents after a while,” he explains slowly. “I don’t.”
Megumi’s eyes widen with realization before he looks out of the car window, the sun just starting to fully rise into the sky. His little face scrunches in thought before he looks back at Toji.
“Will I talk to you when I’m older, daddy?”
A moment of silence passes through the car, sending a chill down both of their spines. The answer Megumi is looking for is one Toji is afraid to even consider.
The glass door of the car shop swings open, a small bell chiming as Megumi scuttles in with Toji trailing behind him. He goes immediately to the front counter to talk to a bald man with glasses, the owner of the shop, about the spare tire for Betty.
Megumi takes it upon himself to wander away as soon as the words the two men are exchanging turn into a jumble of adult words. He looks immediately for the two rusty gumball machines near the front window; and to his immense surprise, there’s already a figure standing in front of one.
He dashes towards the machines, turning his head up to look at the figure’s face. And just as he suspected, there she is.
“Oh,” it comes out almost as a question, “the gumball police are back.”
“You’re back,” Megumi retorts, pointing a small finger up at her, “y/n.”
She smiles softly, putting a hand in her pocket. “You remembered? Smart kid.”
He smiles ever so slightly, deciding to leave out the fact that his dad is the one who remembered and reminded him in the car during their conversation.
“I told my dad to find your dad,” Megumi says, tilting his head slightly as he looks up at y/n. “He said that there’s probably a reason you don’t know where he is though—because you’re not a kid, or something.”
Y/n lets out a soft laugh, a little taken aback at how much this kid remembers about their encounter just a few days ago.
“Your dad’s right, there is a reason. There’s a lot of them, actually,” she says, not really knowing why she’s explaining this to a kid. Y/n has always been a brutally honest person, but she’s never met anyone bold enough to actually match it; but now, this kid she bribed with a quarter one time knows about one of her tightly sealed secrets.
“Megumi, what did I say about running off—“
Toji, just like their last trip to the car shop, interrupts a conversation between his son and y/n, the woman who ‘can’t find her dad’.
“You again,” he boasts, as if he’d expected this, “y/n.”
“Toji,” she counters, his name falling from her lips with ease. “It is me, again.”
“You come to this shop often? Or should I be worried about you stalking me?”
Megumi looks up at his dad, a little hand tugging on his pants. He wants to ask if his dad really thinks y/n is stalking them, but when he sees his scarred lip curl into a smile, something he hasn’t seen in a while, he has his answer.
“Yeah, I’m stalking an old man and his kid,” she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. The same subtle smirk that Toji has on his face settles on her’s as well.
“Old man? I really wouldn’t expect a girl who’s barely an adult to determine if I’m old or not,” Toji says.
Y/n’s smirk turns into a soft smile as she shakes her head. “I can assure you, I am an adult,” she says, looking into Toji’s eyes, “and a woman, not a girl.”
He only raises a brow in response, feeling a burning sensation in his chest as she quickly snaps back at him with the same passive aggressive tone as him. By now, most women would be scoffing and walking away.
“Megumi,” Toji looks down at the now scowling boy; his conversation was yet again interrupted by his dad and he is not happy about it. “Take this,” he says before reaching into his pocket to get a quarter, “and get a gumball while I get the spare tire for Betty and put it in the trunk.”
Megumi looks up at his dad for a moment, before turning to put the quarter into the gumball machine. As he turns the metal knob he hears his dad, and y/n, walk over to the counter of the car shop.
“What a coincidence this is,” Toji says once they’re far enough away from his son, in front of the counter where he was just speaking to the owner; the bald man is still in the back of the shop looking for his tire size. “Makes me think I should ask for your number.”
Y/n mirrors Toji’s stance, huffing out a soft laugh. “Really? What exactly makes you think you need my number?”
“Because,” he says in the same unconvinced tone as her, “I’ve lived here for a while now and I’ve never seen you around.”
He says this with some truth mixed in with his sarcasm; he feels as if he’s met nearly everyone in this small part of town, and never once has he seen this woman. But now he’s run into her again, and in the same place no less. He also knows that if she even has a car, it’s not here; only his, and the owner’s are parked out front.
“But,” he continues, “this is the second time this week we’ve met.”
“Via your son,” y/n adds.
“Yes, the brat,” Toji huffs. “He’s always running off…”
“Well, if you must know,” she sighs after a moment, “I grew up here. I’m back again.”
The man’s eyes run up and down her face, searching for any sign of dishonesty; after being in his profession for as long as he has, he’s adopted the ability to tell when someone is telling the truth, or maybe only half of it. Because humans are predictable. The people around him are all the same, morally weak, copies of one another.
But Toji can tell that y/n is telling the truth—she’s not like the people he’s used to being around, she’s unlike anyone he’s met, which he believes he could bet a lot of money on despite this only being their second conversation.
Although, he can also tell there’s something that she isn’t telling him.
The two are suddenly interrupted when the sound of the owner’s heavy boots interrupt them as he returns from the back of the shop. He lays the spare tire Toji requested onto the counter, a sleazy smirk on his face as he looks between him and y/n.
Toji huffs and stares the grimey man down as he grabs the tire, before turning his head to look at her again.
“Well, y/n,” he says with a softer expression than before. “It was nice to see you—again.”
He then turns around to walk away from her, prepared to call for Megumi, who’s now tapping impatiently on the glass bowl of the gumball machine. But he stops when he hears a soft giggle followed by y/n’s voice:
“Gonna give up on my number that easily?”
Toji turns around with an incredulous smile on his face and feels something inside of him come back to life after being dead and gone what feels like centuries.
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nevertheless-moving · 1 year ago
unable to stop dwelling on the discworld trouser leg of time where, in the penultimate fight scene in Nightwatch, Carcer manages to kill teenage Sam Vimes.
Which means that the future that Duke Vimes came from can no longer exist, which means he can’t go home. Meanwhile you’ve got a bunch of history monks with stored up temporal energy, a prepared space outside of time, and the need to do some desperate damage control before the Auditors get involved. Death shows up, reality is unweaving, Sam is reading Carcer his discworld miranda rights because what else is he supposed to do.
and finally, with little other option, the monks de-age Sam so he fits the time period and send him back out into the fray.
(they didn't call it deageing of course. His memory is hazy, splintered during that terrible in between moment, They....took the time out of him? Sanded away the edges of his self for a terrible, workable fit? It...wasn't a good feeling.)
Just—damn. Sam Vimes having to live his whole crapsack life over again, but this time as his disillusioned-reillusioned, unwillingly-character-developed, noir-epic, Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes self. 
Younger (Older? He's never felt so Old, His steps so Childlike, reality twisting in his gut like one of Dibbler's pies) Sam Vimes walking around in a haze after the revolution. Desperate to go home, knowing he can’t. Wanting to drink. Knowing he can’t.
The whole precinct feels pity, he really took Keel’s death hard, hardly speaks except to do his job. Eventually he has to grit his teeth and start being present, because what else is there to do?
Resists the urge to drink until Colon takes the whole watch out to celebrate because -he’s going to be a father!
Come on Sammy, one drink won’t kill you— and after the first drink he’s cracking jokes and after the second hes smiling and after the third hes honestly the life of the party and sometime after that he’s crying about how he was going to be a father and my wife would be ashamed if she saw me drinking like this and— 
Oh shit, Did anyone else know he had a wife?? A PREGNANT wife??? What—aren’t you like 12—no you're 17 now aren't you but when did—
You guys n’ver met ’er—oh gods none if you ev’n know ‘er, is jus’ me...
What—when did you lose—
I lost her the same damn day I los’ ev’rythin else, whadya think...bleeding Carcer...the fuckin revolution...
So! That! Sam only vaguely remembers the night, but rumors travel faster than light on the disc, so by the next day the whole damn city knows about poor Sam brung low by the loss of his poor, tragic, pregnant wife, so young to be a widower, and the Seamstresses nod because they already knew, don’t ask them how, somethings you just have to know in that trade.
And his mother—I don’t know, sue me, I’m a time travel fiend but there’s something deeply intriguing about a man meeting his dead parent, who is somewhat younger than him, and stepping into the old relationship like a badly fitting thing that's supposed to fit well. She would know, right? How would she deal with her son’s impossible grief? Maybe she wouldn’t know—he spent most of the time out of the house, running with different street gangs, maybe he avoids her until she dies and lives with the guilt twice over. God, we don’t even know her name. There’s just so much narrative and emotional potential that I don’t even know where to start.
When he’s on duty, which is most time - it’s agonizing because at first he remembers cases, saves lives that would have been lost. But the more time passes, the hazier his memory because in the original timeline he was becoming an alcoholic. Fuck! A kid dies and he could have saved her if he hadn’t been such a drunk, if he had just remembered where the asshole lived, but it’s all a haze, and he wants to drown out his guilt, but that’s what caused this in the first place.
Good young Sammy, who spends his rare off-time in dusty libraries (and yes, the irony that he’s apparently Carrot now is not lost on him) reading gods-only-know.
It’s not like he can ask the wizards for help, cutthroat and vicious as they are now in the not-so-distant-past.
Good young Sam, who...talks to the Broken Drum’s pet Bouncer like he’s a real person and not a dumb rock? That’s a bit weird, but he’s a bit of a funny guy.
Good old Sam, who believed the testimony of the dwarf who said the humans were trying to rob him and let the dwarf go??
the PROBLEMS this man would cause, good grief. Can you imagine a moderately progressive middle aged man with some degree of begrudging diversity and equity training that he did, for all his sins, pay attention to, suddenly going back to like, 1990, going back just 30 years, and going...oh damn this is kind of fucked up, no man you can’t say that, holy shit.
Except Sam’s lived through even more rapidly shifting social moroes! There’s no seamstress guild, there’s no women allowed inside the university, there’s no black ribboner’s society. People hunted trolls for their teeth! But Sam can’t just unlearn everything, and he can’t shut up, and he has no real luck and anyway he would absolutely get himself (temporarily) fired.
FUCK. Sam has no idea what to do with that. None. Zero clue. Wanders around in a haze until that dwarf he saved from police brutality finds him and insists on repaying the debt. No, he insists, do you have any idea what debt means to a dwarf?
“Sort-of?” he replies hesitantly, and that honest admission of incomplete knowledge shows a hell of a lot more respect and understanding than any self proclaimed dwarf-expert ever did.
Gets a job as a surface man, hauling rocks into the city. It’s backbreaking work, but, in true Discworld fashion, it’s also one hell of a workout (again the irony of being Carrot is not lost him. he freezes for a minute while hauling a rock cart, when he remembers he's technically Lost Nobility too, in a strict sense, but someone curses at him in the street and he's comfortingly grounded)
And here is where this au slides into a SPECTACULAR romantic comedy, BEAR WITH ME. Because in his time on the Watch he’s already done noir, action adventure, war story, detective who dunnit, psychological horror, but guards guards only allowed him to be a romance protagonist in an extremely limited context.
Give me righteous, twenty-something-looking, can’t-say-he-doesn’t-have-style, young Sam Vimes, not an alcoholic,  being fed three square meals a day by his dwarven forced found family, hauling rocks. He is startled to find him bumping his head on a low hanging bar that he doesn’t think used to be there, eventually realizing that he’s an inch or two taller than he remembers. Huh. Guess all that bearhuggers really did stunt his growth.
Still doesn’t get what some of the looks from women he’s getting are about, sure, he’s dirty but so is everyone else. Fine, he took his shirt off, but it’s hot out, there’s far wrinklier than him hauling heavy loads, get a life. 
Happens to glance in the Ankh one day when it’s particularly slow and shiny and is startled to realize that he might be turning heads for a different reason. Oh. Right, not that he was ever a heartbreaker, but he did alright for himself... when he was a younger and his face hadn’t been broken so many times. Which...it isn't now.
Is mildly disturbed by the revelation.
Especially once things blow over at the precinct and what with high mortality rates, he ends up with getting hired again. The boys are delighted to have him back, nevermind that he’s an odd one, noone is ever quite in your corner like Vimsey, absence makes the heart fonder, no one else works that hard, and he’s not even competition for promotion. All around great guy, we should set him up with somebody and just, no.
It just keeps getting worse! He’s literate! He’s a feminist! He believes abuse victims! He’s got a tragic backstory! He’s unreasonably good in a fistfight! He’s kind to animals! Word gets around that there’s a good man on the watch and he’s just waiting for a good woman to come snap him up. The widower excuse doesn’t hold people off completely, and for some it’s its own sort-of appeal. 
Things REALLY become stressful after he rescues that carriage full of noblewoman.
What’s he supposed to do? Let them get robbed? Or worse? Chasing down and beating up 10 goons is as easy as beating up one, when they’re that stupid, getting separated like that, drunk and distracted, and he knows these streets better than anyone, really it’s nothing. And oh lord he’s Modest too.
I mean, they were genuinely greatful, as genuine as people like that are capable of being, the skill having grown rusty. And then there is something...magnetic about the man. An air of command.
So, soon enough you get Lady Marigold of Marigrave calling on Treckle Road for that gallant young officer who rescued them, she really needs to thank him. And Viscountess Elanor Thitzferal specifically requesting that he guard her at her next soiree. And Baroness Julieta van Shoeholten insisting that he come to her home while her husband’s away, for... manly protection.
Aaaah just zero sympathy from the guys. None. 'It’s become a competition, they’re just trying to see who can get me into bed first, it’s like I’m a piece of meat, you can’t send me sir, the Marquess greeted me in a nightee last time you made me go to—' and 'small gods Vimes are you even listening to yourself, shut the hell up'.
Simultaneous to this, (again this is several years into the timeline) swamp dragon accessories come into style. Which means abandoned swamp dragons scrounging on the street. Vimes takes one back to his apartment, blows his paycheck on dragon medicine, and eventually, heart in his chest, brings it to the Ramkin estate. The sunshine orphanage doesn’t even exist yet and he’s just standing outside the gates like an idiot, what is he thinking. Turns around, but her carriage is pulling up and—
well. they meet. it's cute. he's never felt so young. he's never felt so old, too old for her, too poor—
and certainly her thoughts linger too long on the awkward, kindly, handsome young commoner, but is it any wonder she doesn't quite connect it to the stern, dangerous, sexy young guard the ladies seem to be in some quiet, cuthroat competition over?
i have this gorgeous, absurd scene in my head in which Vimes is strong armed into standing guard at some high society soiree and one of the pushiest ladies insists he dance with here, or, if he prefers, if he's not confident about his skills, he can dance with her in-private at her home and he’s like [grinding teeth, looking for a way out, seeinf one] “I would be honored to dance with you.”
Steps right into some ultra-complex dance with multiple partner swaps (she never thought he'd pick this one, devilishly intimidating to one not strictly trained, and you barely spend anytime with your first partner).
But he does alright. Better than alright, for a common man, sometimes misstepping but his hands and feet always end up where they need to be. Raises several eyebrows part way into the song because he's throuwing in some slightly scandalous, no innovative, extra lifts and twirls that wouldn't become fashionable for another decade or two. Who even is that guy? Some out of towner? No, no he's in a guards uniform...how very strange.
Gets to Sybll and she's used to embarrassment during these dances, she tries to get out of them when she can... but can't always. Men awkwardly skipping the lifts, or worse, trying and failing. But him — oh it's him, the one who helped little Erold, and looked at her like—like—well like she was someone beautiful. And he's doing it again, and he's strong and there's a quiet moment where she's in the air, they lock eyes, and the rest of the room melts away.
And then the partners change again, the moment ended.
Just...living throught it all again. To the left, a dance he almost knows the steps to, throwing others off balance with erratic moves , honest mistakes, and delibrate stepping on toes. Improvising. Ruining. Improving. Getting far, far too much attention.
Hes almost excited when the first assassains start coming after him. It's like a hobby.
Everyone tells him he should get a hobby.
Interactions with young vetinari...I don't have the energy to write it all down, the slow circling in on each other, both burning with the need to fix the city, save it, their city.
needless to say he ends up fired again, life under real threat after offending some high lord.
Conveniently enough he has an employment opportunity- bodyguard to fucking Vetinari on his 'grand sneer.' The bastard knows vimes isn't what he seems, though sam is pretty sure that he doesnt know the exacts.
Vetinari hypothesis:(the ghost of keel? Keels son, with some hereditary curse? Or a larger spirit of justice possessing a string of unrelated souls? He knows things he shouldn't- mind reader? Fortune teller? Havelock once arranged for a wizard to bump into him on the street, the magical fool gave an odd double look and then muttered something about destiny looping in on itself giving him a headache. Destiny? Lost noble? And hes far too familiar with sybyl, one of the few bearable noblewomen in this city. And his thoughts on guilds, when havelock can trip him into speaking... Most of all, if hes reading him at all correctly (for all the mystery hes not that hard to read, unless thats a very clever cover) then it seems that behind those dark haunted eyes is Respect. Loyalty. For vetinari. What an interesting man. A puzzling asset. An intriguing threat. )
Did I mention the timeline is changing, healing slowly around the place where it was torn? Healing enough around scars to perhaps get some flexibility back, with some painful stretches and...massaging of said scar tissue?
And hes heading to unresting uberwald, a place where a werewolf pack still hunts humans and, truely unrelated but perhaps equally exhausting, an eldritch spirit of vengeance just might be looking to stretch its legs in a hapless vessel?
Opening drabble Vimes Vetinari Meta (Unwell) Scene from the Uberwald Grand Sneer
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scoobydoodean · 1 year ago
Okay so in 1.03 Dead In The Water, there's this exchange Sam and Dean have at one point in regards to Lucas—the little boy who watched his dad drown, who Dean connects with during the episode:
DEAN Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died. SAM There are cases—going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies. DEAN Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? I mean, it's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please.
And the last time I watched this episode, I went "Oh cool! A little Psychic!Sam Easter Egg." Right? Sam goes through the traumatic experience of losing Jess, and he's tapped into "whatever's out there" (the yellow eyed demon) and he's having premonitions about what he's going to do next. Which definitely makes a lot of sense.
But when I was gif-ing stuff from 1.03 today, I realized that... funnily enough, within the context of this episode we also have some fun stuff relating to the "slightly psychic Dean" posts that have gone around this year... Or if you prefer, Cassandra!Dean. Cassandra, in reference to the prophet in Greek myth, cursed by Apollo to utter true prophecies but never be believed.
Dean often knows when bad things are going to happen in Supernatural. He doesn't have visions—but he has "bad feelings" and makes predictions that turn out to be scarily accurate at times. Of course we can infer that Dean is just good at 1) reading people and 2) understanding how sequences of events tumble one by one in a row like so many dominoes. It's another sign of his incredible intelligence. But it IS fun to think about Dead In The Water as the first indication of Cassandra!Dean.
First, because Lucas has premonitions, and Lucas and Dean are paralleled and connect on an emotional level.
Dean and Lucas have similar traumatic childhood experiences. Both watched a parent die and both lost the ability to speak afterwards:
DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
Dean is able to connect with Lucas through their shared traumatic experience. He's the only one who's able to get through to him—and after a short conversation and just drawing together for a while—much to his mom's shock. Dean is able to understand what Lucas is feeling without Lucas saying it.
Second, because Lucas has bad feelings that tell him the locations where the spirit will strike next, but no one listens to/believes him.
...Kind of like people usually don't listen to/believe Dean's bad feelings.
DEAN Anyway. Well, maybe you don't think anyone will listen to you, or, uh...or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake.
Of course, this line is just Dean paralleling Lucas with himself and his own reasons for not speaking, but it must hit home, because Lucas begins communicating with Dean through drawings.
Further, despite Sam also knowing Lucas is having premonitions, when Lucas reacts with extreme distress to the idea of going home and clings to Dean desperately, Sam still... doesn't think it means anything. He thinks the case is over.
Third, Dean has a bad feeling that the case isn't over, and Sam doesn't believe him.
The sheriff had just threatened to arrest them if they stayed in town, so of course going back to town is a big deal. When Dean turns around based on a bad feeling, Sam thinks he's just being paranoid.
SAM But Dean, this job, I think it's over. DEAN I'm not so sure. SAM If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest. DEAN All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt? SAM But why would you think that? DEAN Because Lucas was really scared. SAM That's what this is about?
Dean sticks to his guns, and they arrive just in time to save Lucas's mother from drowning in a bathtub.
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ladybender · 7 months ago
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Jesus oh my god...
Futurama's second episode of this season "Quids Game" was a punch in the guts. In a good way! It goes right on par with episodes like "Cold Warriors" and "Game of Tones": an exploration of Fry's childhood, this time through the lens of mean aliens making him relieve his 8th birthday party games - this time to the death!
I have a lot to say about this episode so buckle up!
Let's start off with some minor complains I have for this one, which are pacing, stakes, and Leela's characterization (in a particular scene).
The episode really flew by so fast, almost at a break-necking pace, and the games felt too short and jam-packed because of that. The emotional weight of the end of each game hits hard because with every one a beloved character dies. There managed to find the time to get the reaction for the major ones (Kif, Leela's parents and grandmother), which is great, but the episode moves so quickly and there is little more time to absorbed it all.
Though, about this issue, I wanna say that I often feel like episodes are either going by too fast or too slow the first time I watch them and it usually doesn't feel the same from a second watch onward. so this is really a minor one that might not even be an problem for me later on, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
moving on to stakes, with this I mean that I originally thought, before the episode aired, that the end goal of the death dame was that the winner would get a prize. A birthday gift for example, and it would have incentivized everyone to go on and even play dirty (which, in retrospect, seems like a really smart thing to put in! compare everyone trying to get an advantage to Fry absolutely refusing to cheat, and pack an even bigger punch with that ending). I suppose playing to survive is motivation enough, but I think it undermines the "wants" of most other characters, and since this was a big coral episode (which is absolutely a strength! I can only imagine how hard it must have been to put together, wow!) I would have loved to see them striving to win, guess what their “birthday wish” would have been, maybe even learn a few of them along the way.
The third iffy thing I want to mention is Leela in the scene in the kitchen. There are seven characters left in the competition and only four baseballs to find to win the round. Leela is panicking trying to find one and she begs fry to cheat and find it for her since he already played when he was a kid and knows the house. Now this conflict was SO good and ALMOST perfect, but whyyyy oh why was Leela so ready to leave Fry behind??? doesn't make sense to me??? I know she was scared and upset bc she had just lost her family and that probably pushed her to act irrationally, but I just can't see her only wanting to keep herself alive and not Fry, especially when an easier and stronger solution is RIGHT THERE.
Have Leela go to Fry already with one of the baseball (that she might have found in some crawled and ridiculous place, to show how desperate she is to win and survive. if you have the wish giving stakes it's even better because you can imagine she'd use her gift to bring her parents back). in the meantime, the other characters find two other balls so there is only one left, and NOW Leela begs Fry to cheat to find the last one and win with her. It's even more emotional, Leela tells him she doesn't want to lose him too but Fry categorically doesn't want to cheat, and in the end tells Leela to win without him, sacrificing himself for her. Bender finds the last ball in the fridge and the episode continues just like we saw (with Bender tossing the ball to someone else right before being pulverized lol. like I said, Bender should be cheating like MAD in these games, really drive home the concept).
I wanna make it clear that these complains don't really turn me off from the whole episode, they are just my free flow of thoughts on stuff that i thought could have been stronger.
But now for the meat. This episode was phenomenal!!! so much good Fry's family characterization and SO much to unpack for Fry as a character. Cody Ziglar has such a spot on take on Fry, it was so validating seeing this episode and putting together all the little pieces of Fry's psyche I’ve picking out for years now, converging into one.
It seems superficial at first glance, but this really runs deeper than it looks. Fry has always been earnest but insecure, proven and proven again in countless episodes. You expect a person goofy and easygoing like Fry to go ham at his birthday and celebrate with all the people he loves, but we find out Fry doesn't like his birthday and feels bad about being put at the center of attention, and it all goes deeper and more upsetting from there.
Adding to all of this and speaking about Fry’s parents, especially his mom, I wanna add that it’s such a realistic conflict it was painful to watch – she wanted to give her son the chance to be a winner, she had no idea how the situation would turn against him. Sometimes a good day of parenting could be the kid’s most terrible experience of his life, and that’s brutal but the parent meant well even if they ruined things for their kid. It’s so sad Fry never got to see how much his mom and dad did for him, and she wanted him to feel like a winner, but this isn’t a story with an easy resolution. It’s bittersweet and it's insane and this last scene ruined me fr, like just look at this what the hell
This exploration of Fry goes hand in hand with everything we know of him. it seamlessly adds another layer of understanding that I’m honestly not even sure I can unpack in a single post, because there is so much to say and draw conclusions from, starting from the very first episode and ending with Meanwhile. From his relationship with his parents and his brother, to his love life and friendships, from his view of himself as a loser to the way he's always striving to better himself while always staying true to himself, trying to achieve his goals the hard way instead of finding an easy way out. Think the why of Fry, Parasite Lost, TKOS, the sting, godfella, my three suns, BBS, cold warriors, and on and on and on. It’s building together a picture of Fry’s character that’s so complex and worth exploring.
With this episode we have a new fundamental facet of him, and for this alone it’s an amazing episode.
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I’ll mail my therapy bill to the writers, thank you
And thank you for reading, let me know your thoughts and opinion, I wanna know what y’all thought about this episode
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watchyourbuck · 1 year ago
most of these are 18+ or will end up being! i urge you to take a look at the tags on each, as some of them have very niche kinks
series knives to the chest (and into my heart) - ongoing The one where Buck and Eddie are killers, but they're also in love (as much as they can be).
dear maddie, - finished After Buck dies, Eddie writes ten heartfelt letters to Maddie, telling her the story of how they fell in love, so she can feel closer to her brother once again.
A.R.C.A.N.E.3 - ongoing (and still receiving prompts) This Dystopian Fantasy AU is part of a Tumblr game, where the world I built is kept secret from the readers. Each chapter is in response to a prompt sent to me on my inbox, shaping the story with the only promise of Buck and Eddie ending up together. The more I write, the more is revealed.
fifteen first kisses - ongoing Fifteen different first kisses between Buck and Eddie
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
one shots i'll guide you through The one where Eddie's never been with a man before, and Buck gladly guides him through it.
not your fault (but mine) The one where Buck invites his new boyfriend to game night at Eddie's house and Eddie does something about it.
next in line Buck has a boyfriend. Eddie isn't happy about it. It should be him in that spot.
the powder room plot A lot can happen at the firehouse's men restroom. The one were Eddie begs Buck to let him eat him out.
fill in the gaps (and i'll fill yours) 5 times Buck and Eddie mess around at work + 1 time it almost gets them fired.
watercolored Buck and Eddie break into a hotel's jacuzzi at night, but can't seem to be too quiet about it.
among the hungry and the patient Buck's tired of Eddie's bullshit so he walks into the firehouse and just asks him to make out.
i love you if you even care 7x04 spec fic where Buck gets jealous of Tommy, but hits Eddie with the basketball instead.
do you mind? im pining 7x05 spec fic. Buck and Tommy have their first date. Eddie is jealous about it. (Includes Buck and Tommy making out at the loft + Eddie dealing with complicated feelings towards his best friend).
i might be a sucker for you 7x05 meta fic. Buck and Tommy go on their first date, but never get interrupted. Includes bucktommy public kissing + first time blow jobs.
third mans the charm Buck and Tommy get nasty at a gay bar - with Eddie. (Includes a double public blowjob + sub Buck)
i dont think we fit on the bed Stablished buddietommy takes the day off. (Includes Tommy and Eddie taking care of Buck in various ways + a little domestic fluff).
everything about you tastes like metal Buck gets a tongue piercing to suck Tommy off.
golden star boy has two boyfriends 7x06 meta fic. Tommy never leaves the bachelor party. He catches Eddie staring at them making out. (Includes drunk Buck and Eddie + Buck being needy for two men.)
just like coming home 7x07 inspired fic. Buck and Eddie go on their first date. Eddie wears the 'good cologne.' (It includes a buddie kiss bc i couldn't help myself.)
we might be marrying a monster Buck, Eddie and Tommy get married. Buck turns into groomzilla - with a clipboard. (Includes Eddie and Tommy being absolutely done with their fiancé + a little smut scene at the end.)
dreams unwind the freefall 7x10 spec fic. The Diaz Parents take Christopher. Buck and Eddie are left to deal with the mess. (Includes a hug and a kiss that may ruin everything - or not.)
old dog new tricks Buck and Tommy meet at a bar. Tommy's a little (much) older. They fuck about it.
personal pornstar Eddie grows a beard, then loses half of it. Buck apparently has a facial hair kink. (Includes Buck getting rimmed by Eddie pornstache Díaz, then fucked over a table. Also a little fluff bc wink).
if you wish to stay (we'll stay too) Buck tells his parents he's in love with two men. It doesn't go so well. (Includes Tommy and Eddie taking care of him + Eddie's inner monologue about the Buckley Parents).
oh, did i wake you up? the buddietommy somnophilia fic (includes buck getting fucked by his pretty boyfriends + waking up in the middle of it).
six of hands, three of souls a buddietommy soulmate AU (Includes established buddie + the soulmate talk + Tommy sucking them both off at the end of the night).
walk him like a dog, tie him like a bunny Eddie and Tommy give brat!Buck a run for his money. (Includes a playboy muzzle + a surprise little ending)
three players one game Buck and Tommy are rugby players. They use Eddie as a way to let off steam.
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felice-jaganshi · 11 months ago
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 10
It was Extermination day… Lucifer was pacing back and forth, like a tiger in a too small cage.
“Luci…” You wanted to help him, but neither of you could do anything. The nature of the Deal he'd been forced to make, made it so he was magically trapped in his home every extermination day. It was his own magic binding him too, the only way he could be freed today is if someone killed a hellborn demon. And he was terrified that it could be Charlie. 
“Not now love… I'm… unsettled.” 
“What can I do to help? Surely I can do something?” You tried to reach out to him, and he stopped pacing, taking your hand and kissing the back of it.
“I'm worrying you, aren't I? I'm sorry.”
“Just a little.” You say honestly, and try to pull him in for a hug. He comes along easily, falling into the comfort of your embrace with an aggravated sigh. 
Suddenly, he flinched in your hold, “Dazzle. I just felt Dazzle die! Oh fuck, Charlie's in trouble!” He tried to pull away but you held firm.
“Let me go with you! I want to help however I can!” You had this conversation yesterday, and it took all of your will to convince him he'd take you with him if he was able to get out on extermination day.
Now that it was actually happening however, he looked terrified.
“I- I can't! I could lose you!”
“I can distract Adam! If Charlie's in a bad position, one distraction could save her life, or someone else's! I have to try. Please! ”
He couldn't waste anymore time! He needed to get there now!  
“Fuck, fine!” He held you tight and opened a portal, finally able to get to the hotel. You saw Adam in front of Charlie, reaching out for her and you threw yourself from Lucifer's arms, wings ejecting to get in front of her. 
“Adam! STOP!!” You stand in front of him and he's frozen in shock at the sight of you.
“I- Becky?!”
“That's not my fucking name!!” He could never get it right! Just as you're about to throw a punch at him, he gets a surprise left hook from Lucifer! He went crashing into the hotel skylight.
You turn to Charlie as Lucifer helps her onto her feet. 
“Sorry I wasn't here sooner, sweetie.” 
Adam came back out of the skylight he'd crashed through, eyes locked on you.
“The fuck are you doing here?” He sounded hurt.
“You pushed me into hell, remember?” You lean into Lucifer's side, opposite of Charlie. Adam looks between the two of you. “I should thank you, actually. I met the kindest, most loving man in all of creation thanks to that fall.”
Charlie looks shocked to realize you're an angel too, but before she can say anything Adam is charging at Lucifer with a scream of rage and pain!
“Again!! A third fucking time! How many of my bitches do you have to take before you're satisfied?!” 
Lucifer let him get one hit in, shoving him into the wall before shape-shifting and flying up. It didn't even hurt him a little.
You watch in worry as Adam tries to shoot him, but Charlie puts a hand on your shoulder.
“He'll be fine. Dad's the strongest angel ever!”
When Adam blasts the hotel with his holy light, shrapnel imbeds itself into your wings and body. Lucifer dives to catch Charlie, leaving you to fend for yourself! Just when you think you're done for, Adam catches you.
You try to push away from him but he holds you tight. “Why?! What the fuck did I do wrong?! First Lilith, then Eve, now you?! I just- why won't anyone love me! ?” He's crying, you realize.
“Let me go! Luci!!” You call for help, seeing him holding Charlie, he looks up at you, panicked. 
“Becca! Don't worry babe, I'm coming!” He set Charlie on the ground before flying up to get you back!
But Adam was always a sore loser… he held you tight by the neck, out in the air. Your wings flapped sporadically, blood pouring from them. You couldn't breathe! Is… is this how you'd die? You've already died once,  why is the universe so awful!?
Lucifer is forced to stop where he is, “Let her go Adam! She's not a toy, she's a person! You wanna know why none of them loved you?! Because you didn't respect them! You didn't treat them like people! She's my best friend Adam, do you even have one of those?! A friend?” 
Adam's hands shook, “Fuck you!” He then threw you at Lucifer before shooting a light beam at you both!
Lucifer caught you, but now he couldn't shape-shift, and there wasn't really time to dodge! He barely flanked away and one of his wings had a massive hole blown into it!
Adam charged, and Lucifer kicked him into the ground, not yet registering the pain in his wing. He dropped down himself, setting you down and approaching Adam's crater. “You come at me, and my family! But don't forget, you're in my house now, bitch!” And he began wailing on him! It… was actually kinda hot.
Charlie pulled back her father's rage, and the adrenaline that had kept you standing wore off. Causing you to fall to your knees.
Some tiny girl ended up killing Adam, but you were too tired to summon a reaction of any kind. In fact… Why was everything so… quiet? That was your last thought before darkness consumed your vision and sleep overtook you. Fuck, not again…
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skarkkk · 4 months ago
It's not even about this episode because the premise of the next one got me too much. A well, a kid trapped in a well and 118 being called. I need this to focus on Eddie's trauma and bring back memories for Buck about trying to dig through yards of mud to find his best friend. And I need something to happen to Eddie in this episode and for Chris to find out. Then I need someone to talk to Chris about the other time Eddie almost died but came back for him, the difference this time is that for Eddie Chris isn't waiting for him at home this time, so why should he fight to get back? I don't think Buck or anyone else has gone into depth with Chris about what happened to Eddie in season 3 during the well accident, so I need something to escalate. And maybe that will help more for Buddie, this trauma and thinking about losing Eddie again. All that accumulation of years of almost seeing Eddie die, you know.
Denny's actor (I don't know his name, unfortunately) is such a good actor that I really thought he would die, which doesn't make much sense considering it's the last season and they wouldn't do it right away when they would lose the chance to have a new one with the mourning, you know, but oh my god, the stress. Also in that, it wasn't what I expected when I said I wanted to see more of Eddie and Karen being besties, but hey, at least they appeared in a fair scene.
I loved how ridiculous it was that Buck thought he was cursed by Billy Bubbles. Tommy and Eddie getting together as friends and laughing at Buck? I thought it was so cute, he's literally Buck's first partner that Eddie doesn't totally hate, but during that graveyard scene (ignoring how hot they both were, Buck less because of, um, his face, you know, but anyway) and that moment when he looked at Tommy I could only think that it should be Eddie, and now I can only think about that graveyard scene from season 6 (I think she sees me).
Chim is such a cute dad, man, he's going to be Jee's biggest doormat and that's so cute.
this Halloween episode they killed it, my god, the music, the decorations, the setting, Dracula Bobby (and that kind of British accent? He learned it from Brad, duh).
the comparison of the first Halloween we had with Josh all dressed up as a pirate captain and now with a mustache, disappointing, but on the other hand we had Maddie with tiger ears as a reference.
Seventh; I'm not prepared for my reaction if Buddie isn't canon by the end of this season.
about the next episode, I need to see trauma (like I said) and I need it to focus on Eddie, because seriously? Confessions? Who else could it be besides the guilt-ridden Catholic character who has been suffering silently throughout the season and since forever?
oh my god, it's so cute that Tommy calls Buck baby and Buck calls him boyfriend. I love them.
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generalsdiary · 11 months ago
clouds leave no trace
High Cloud Quintet w/ mentions of the Trailblazer (gn!trailblazer pov)
word count: 1.7k
description: high cloud quintet romanticized (lore), a quick recap from Jing Yuan’s pov – basically poetic analysis of hcq history through Jing Yuan’s eyes (fluff, angst)
a/n: this wasn’t planned, the words just came to me, hope yall like it, hcq means so much to me help
if you think Jing Yuan didn't love Blade think again. he is the youngest of the high cloud quintet, he grew up beside them- he loved them all. and they all adored him as well. to say he didn't care about Yingxing is ignorant. because he loved the arrogant short-life species swordsmith. he got older knowing he might outlive him, knowing he will watch him grow old, the way he'd cling onto him and use every moment to be beside him. in his home or Yingxing’s home he'd hold him in his arms, always giving him a back hug and chatting. as he would with Dan Feng, their fingers intertwining in a gentle intimate touch, he would hold him as well. the strict, stubborn high elder softening up once they all warmed up to each other. oh, the way Dan Feng would walk at a seemingly calm, fast pace to the young Jing Yuan's home for a moment, just a minute of peace, of tranquility. the high elder would draw his fingers through the long white hair, maybe even make a braid or two. he'd kiss Jing Yuan's temple and mumble how much comfort he gave him.
the three are so soft behind closed doors. and when the high cloud quintet would gather to drink and share stories, a rare occurrence, since they're usually on the battlefield, Baiheng and Jingliu would just smile; one's head on the other's shoulder at the sight of the arrogant craftsman, the stubborn high elder, and strategic cloud knight smiling at each other.
just like Jingliu would lean to kiss Baiheng's cheek after a warm story she'd share, chuckling in joy at hearing her speak in a happy tone.
the same way the older men would gravitate to Jing Yuan, furthermore the way Jing Yuan would cling onto both of them. overlapping as they share stories and drink their fill.
so when the time would come for all of it to fall apart when one died, the second met a fate worse than death, the third one was forced to reincarnate and the new one to be imprisoned, the fourth to lose her mind, what would be of the fifth one?
of the young boy in the beginning, and the man on that day. the general. who lost it all, his friends, his lovers, his everything. he cannot even allow himself to scream and cry and angrily throw a ceramic plate on the floor otherwise he'd get marastruck. yes, fully aware of what is left for him to do but suppress all emotions. fighting that Jingliu escapes somewhere safely, making sure Yingxing is banished and not captured, making sure the same fate meets the Imbibtor Lunae reborn- to also be banished and hopefully achieve what Jing Yuan knew his previous reincarnation oh-so wanted; freedom... and making sure that what happened to Baiheng stays secret and safe, making sure that her new reincarnation is alright- going from a Foxian to a Vidyadhara- he must've been so worried. he'd check up on her often, and ask about her dreams. the easy-going smile turning down for a second when she would say she doesn't have any dreams- the hope he'd feel when she'd tell him that after visiting the Astral Express once; she dreamt of being a Foxian pilot. he'd nod with that sweet smile and turn to leave. he says he never grew close with his master, Jingliu… because it is easier to say that than admit to the reality and the pain of losing someone he cared for so much.
after the banishment and when the dust settled, long before the nameless arrived… he sits under a ginkgo tree and decides to meditate. the weight of all that history and not one of the remaining ones remembers it for what it was except for him. so he meditates, clearing his head, and calming his own memories.
so when the trailblazer meets him and he looks so warm, the sun-bathed kind general- they can see it on him, that warmth like he was loved and that he also loved. that he was held and he also held. he'd appear so soft, cuddly, endearing.. just an aura, a mere bright shadow of what he was. just an appearance, like a shell that used to be there. ash still shining some light, unlike the warm fire that burned with love.
he is the general of the Xianzhou Luofu and that is his number one priority. he uses this leftover love which rubbed up on him as a crafty mask, a decoy for enemies of the Seat of Divine Foresight.
so when he meets Yingxing- with his youthful appearance- where Jing Yuan remembers him with gray-white hair and lilac eyes, he is met with dirty orange-red ones and dark hair, his voice rough and raspy in comparison to what the general remembers. the sting in his heart when he sees Yingxing’s hands shake, he knows how much the fact he cannot craft anymore must hurt him. Yanqing urges the general to make the arrest, yet he lets the fugitives go. not batting an eye, there's no more love on either side, no warm emotion that used to be there. but love isn't an emotion, it is a promise. a promise to be there when it is needed. and the promise is loud when he lets... Blade and Kafka leave. there's a longing in his chest for the strong embrace of his lover when Blade turns his back to leave, and he pushes those thoughts back.
unprepared he walks to see the Imbibitor Lunae. in his original form. his tongue faster than his mind as he calls him Dan Feng. the small smile colored with pain when he hears the words, "I'm not him", and the grief-filled nod he offers in return. still, he uses it all to the advantage of the Luofu.
he isn't grief struck, nor mara struck, he has immense control over his emotions, but when put right in front of the man his fingers just ich to hold his hand, well of course he slips up for a second, and no longer than that. he cannot allow himself, he does not allow himself. he is never weak.
so when... Dan Heng and... Bailu walk around Luofu and go to a sacred location finding themselves in an ambush, of course, he doesn't call reinforcements- that by itself could cause more trouble. he, still injured from his fight with Phantylia, comes to aid them and fight beside them.
and of course, he hangs his head low, his bangs covering both of his eyes when a reunion after seven centuries, if one could even call it that, happens. Blade insists that Jingliu fights him. clashes of swords fill his ears, Dan Heng's shallow breathing beside him as the two of them fight until Jingliu wins. he shuts his eyes tight when Blade falls down, his body making the stone ground crack from the hit, holding his own breath to hear when Blade’s lungs rise again in his immortal body. exhaling when the man inhales. one might say Dan Heng is newly reborn and has no memories of this. yet he dreams, and like all of his species, he regains those memories through his dreams even when he tries to ignore them. he knows, he remembers… he still wears the bracers he exchanged with Yingxing. Jing Yuan regrets he cannot stop them from fighting each other, his voice shaking at the end of the gathering.
it is obvious a side of him wishes it all to go back to how it was, yet those people he knew don't exist anymore. Dan Feng was killed by Jing Yuan's tongue, Jingliu’s gone by his own spear, he watched Yingxing turn into a mindless killer and Baiheng become an Abomination. and he could do nothing about it, as they all fell apart around him like ash floating in the air after the fire had been put out. they burned so bright.
the poor general. and Blade continues to travel with the Stellaron hunters, Dan Heng hides his form and travels with the Astral Express, Jingliu goes to a prison cell – even in the end he made an effort to divert her plans of which prison to go to, Bailu keeps working as a doctor and he still comes over occasionally to check up on her, hoping she remains well in this lifetime. his past friends (and lovers) are all, as he puts it, scattered to the wind.
all the history, the memories, the hugs he won't ever get again, the soft touches, warm beds, the kind words- the harsh words, the training, the glasses of alcohol, the soft lips on his... all lost, forgotten. and with his meditation- even he remembers only fragments- perhaps only the happy ones, maybe, if they don't hurt too much as Mimi's do.
so when the trailblazer walks into the Seat of Divine Foresight they see the general of the Xianzhou Luofu, one of the seven Arbiter-Generals of the Xianzhou Alliance's Cloud Knights, one of the Six Charioteers of the Xianzhou Luofu, the Divine Foresight, the strong, incredibly smart, strategic genius and powerful Jing Yuan, and also the dozing general, they see exactly who Jing Yuan chooses himself to present as. leader of the Luofu, mentor of Yanqing, older than any general so far, in an era of peace he fought to happen. the trailblazer doesn't see the past, and what he has been through to stand there and greet them with a smile. he shines like the sun because he burns like one. never-ending, bright, warm, golden. they won't see him crack, because he won't crack. he is incredibly strong mentally and keeps his emotions in check.
with the lazy smile that everyone knows too well and the deep-toned voice he'd greet,
"ah trailblazer, I've caught some free time, would you care for a round of starchess?"
a/n: amnesic meditation is a thing on the luofu where you forget certain memories* that is what I was referring to when JY meditated- it is canon he did that to forget Mimi btw. also the “love is a promise” yes is a reference to an episode of DW whr the Doctor says that line, I loved it had to include it
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countrymusiclover · 9 months ago
1 - Unexpected Reaping Day
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Part 2
Are You District or Capitol?
Pretty please leave your thoughts in the comments 🙏 😁 ❤️ Tag list ( send an ask in my ask box to be added ) @lemonluvgirl @virtualsweetsdreamer @emma-andrea1 @voiddylanobrosey @kmc1989
Effie rushed after Haymitch in her pink dress and yellow wig. He didn’t want to be around where he moved towards his room, opening the door and finding a little girl laying in her crib at his bedside. “You cannot be serious about this, Haymicth. You aren’t in a proper state to raise a child!”
“Oh and you are Ms, privileged and proper. From my experience the Capital is nothing but people wasting food and finding entertainment in killing. That’s no life for a child.” He stopped in his tracks spinning around on his feet.
She gasped, waving her finger in the drunk victor's face. She would have never imagined that she would get drunk with him one night and conceive a child. “I can give her a good life. And the games are a great honor. The kids get to represent their district. Plus I will ensure that she is a proper lady rather than the daughter of a drunk!”
“She doesn’t need to be proper. She needs a life away from these people. In case you didn’t know I don’t like the Capital. Not after he murdered my girlfriend, my sister and my mother. I refuse to lose the last person I could consider my family!” Haymitch shouted at her before he gently picked up the infant girl in his arms.
He left the room needing to get on the train going home earlier than the peacekeepers. He was twenty four at the time and had watched this year’s tributes die. Meaning he would be going home alone until Effie had presented him with the girl in his arms. “Well I never, I’ll remember this Haymitch Abernathy!” But she didn’t think he would last long being a father.
16 years later
Entering the living room in our house I saw my father sitting down holding a bottle of whiskey in his right hand. His eyes didn’t break away from the tv screen when I sat down on the arm of his chair grasping his hand in mine. I hated watching these announcements since my father had told me that his entire family was killed by the president. “I hate when he makes you leave. Then I am left here by myself for weeks. If I hadn’t accidentally become friends with the Hawthorne family I wouldn’t be able to have food either.”
“I know, princess. I am very sorry about that. But if Snow finds out you exist he will kill you because of my actions years ago.” He muttered, intertwining his freehand with mine. I could only assure that my mother was killed too considering he never talked about her. The only thing we were concerned with was making me a little hiding space inside the house the Capital had given him. That way if peacekeepers came in we prayed that they didn’t find me.
The tv screen flashes on revealing our old president Snow. He stands in front of the capital citizens who were cheering before he spoke. “Ladies and gentlemen. This is the 75th year... of the Hunger Games. It was written in the charter of the games. In every 25 years there will be a Quarter Quell. To keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died. And the uprising against the Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by games... of a special significance. Now on this eve of We celebrate the third Quarter Quell.”
“If he announces that he will be picking more than one tribute everyone will go crazy. I am just thankful they will never call my name.” I scoffed under my breath. Since nobody knew I basically existed my name wasn’t in the drawing bowl for the reapings. I have been safe for sixteen years. I only have two more left than I am too old to enter the games.
My father squeezed his hand in mine feeling me lay my head on his shoulder. My gaze focused on the older man on the screen. “As a reminder. That even the strongest. Cannot overcome. The power of the Capitol. On this the third Quarter Quell game. The male and female tributes. Are to be reaped. From the existing pool of victors. In each district.”
“You son of a bitch. You son of a bitch. We should put your family in the arena and let them die!” I jumped up to my feet shouting at the screen even though he couldn’t hear me. Tears were immediately falling down my face at the horrible memory of my father possibly dying.
My father suddenly screamed, throwing the bottle in his hands, making it shatter when it made contact with the wall. “Argh!…I’m so sorry Ariyne. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to protect you.”
“Dad, don’t do that. Please don’t think that you are going to die. You won once before…you can do it again.” Dropping on my knees in front of him I sniffled through heavy tears trying to remain hopeful for the both of us.
He tilted his head to the side tugging me up until I was sitting on his lap like I did when I was younger. He raised his right hand up pushing my hair from my eyes crying a little himself. “I love you, Ari. Just remember that. No matter what happens I love you.”
“I love you too, dad.” I sobbed into his shirt until it was late so I went to bed. It was a few hours later when I walked down the hallway hearing my father talking with Katniss about the games.
“There she is. Finally did the math huh? And you've come to what? Asked me to? Die?” He asked her in a dry tone sitting in his same chair he watched the announcement earlier.
She muttered picking up the bottle off the table while taking a long drink. “I'm here to drink.”
“Finally something I can help you with. What its say that Peeta was here 45 minutes ago begging to save your life and you only just now show up?” He taunted back.
She said back. “It means we have to save him….I’m sorry about Ariyne. She shouldn’t have to watch her only parent go off to die.”
He had told her and Peeta about me when they got back from their year of the games. That is the first time I had seen him put his trust in others. “You could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve that boy. As for my daughter I only wish that she could have a better life than this. Where she didn’t have to hide…but I know Snow wouldn’t let her live.”
“Come on Haymitch nobody decent ever wins the games.” He cut her off short.
“Nobody ever wins the games. Period. There are survivors. There's no winners.” She shrugged her shoulders seeing me peeking my head around the corner without my father knowing.
She begged the man across the table from her. I could see that the love that she had for that boy wasn’t just to survive. “Peeta has to survive. You have to do whatever it takes to save him.”
“Alright if... If they call his name I'll volunteer in his place.  But if they call my name and Peeta volunteers there's nothing I can do.” He sat up in his chair seeing me before I bolted on my heels running back and climbing into my bed. “I think these games are gonna be different.”
The morning of the reaping we had to hurry because there were peacekeepers coming to collect the victor tributs. Pushing one of the couches back I grunted seeing the wooden door and its tiny metal lock at my feet. “Listen to me, Ari. If I don’t come back than you know that I had to go help them. But I love you. I will always love you, my princess.”
“I know, dad. I…love you so much.” Rushing forward I jumped up into his arms where he stumbled backwards a little. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist sitting me down on my feet hitting the wooden floor. “I’m going to miss you so much…”
He brushed my hair behind my ears kissing my forehead before he helped me climb down into the hole. He almost got the door shut until the front door got kicked open and I screamed getting yanked up by some peacekeepers. “No get your hands off her…ugh I’m the one you want!”
“Da - Haymitch!” I caught myself from calling out that he was my father. Trashing against the keepers holding me, one of them pushed me down on the floor grabbing out some handcuffs, shoving my arms behind my back.
The peacekeepers walked my father along with the two others through the crowd and I was forced to follow behind them. Everyone else had their eyes on me since they basically had no clue who I was. Walking up the stairs they pushed me down on my knees in front of the crowd. “My gosh, Ariyne?”
Turning my head around quickly I gave the woman who had spoken up a completely confused look. “How do you know my name?” The woman was none other than Effie Trinket. She was the escort for the tributes that would head to the capital.
“Oh my dear. I would have thought your father would have told you the truth…” She walked over to me eyeing the peacekeepers until they backed away from us. “I’m your mother.”
Hanging my mouth open I felt my eyes welling up with tears so confused at what she just said. Lifting my gaze up to my father he wouldn’t look in my direction. His gaze just remained on the ground. The woman who was claiming to be my mother walked up to her microphone. “Welcome. Welcome. As we celebrate the 75th anniversary and third Quartel Quell of the Hunger Games. As always... Ladies First. The female tribute from District 12 Katniss Everdeen. Wonderful. And now for the men. The male tribute from District 12... Haymitch Abernathe.”
“I volunteer as tribute.” Peeta stepped forward immediately hearing my father’s name. I felt sick to my stomach.
My father grabbed the boy's arm trying to stop him.“I can't let you do that.”
Yet Peeta wasn’t backing down where he stepped up to stand beside Effie. “You can't stop me.Let go. “
“Very well the tributes from District Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Well all that remains is...Oh no. B-b-but.” She cleared her throat before the peacekeepers came forward grabbing both tributes pulling them away.
“Katniss!” Katniss’s little sister shouted getting held back by peacekeepers on the ground.
Katniss whipped her head around trying to break free but it was no use. “I didn't say goodbye.”
“The plan is straight to the train.” The head peacekeeper declared moving his head back in my direction. “Take her on. The president wants her alive.”
I grunted when two of them grabbed my arms, yanking me up to my feet. Throwing my hair around in a mess in front of my face I called out to my father needing to know what the hell was going on. This wasn’t supposed to happen. “Haymitch, what is happening. Haymitch - dad!”
“I don’t know, Ari….let go of her!” He attempted to fight against his own set of peacemakers and dragged him onto the train. They threw me down onto a carpet floor shutting the doors once undoing my handcuffs where I started sobbing in terror.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ichoosechoasandbeingqueer · 10 months ago
Sneak Peak at The Darker Generation
Here's a softer Dis and Fili scene from what is a very anger filled and whump focused fic. Thorin at this point is under the dragon sickness.
The walk home seemed to trail on forever, Fili’s mind in a whirl of thoughts. So caught up with himself he almost walked straight past Dis once he had gotten home, the bag in his hand for her completely forgotten.
“Fili? Sweetheart, are you alright?” she asked her son with a tilt of her head. Fili almost jumped six feet into the air at the sound of her voice and she chuckled lightly. “Sorry son, didn’t mean to scare you,”
“Amad,” he shook his head, his hand on his chest in an attempt to slow his racing heartbeat, “you almost gave me a heart attack,”
She chuckled again and sat at the small table in the lounge. She gestured for him to do the same and he sat next to her.
“Tea inúdoy?”
“No thank you,”
Dis raised a brow and gave him a hard look. He eventually sighed and nodded, and she poured him a cup and placed in in front of him. It was quiet as they sipped. Calm. Peaceful. The taste of chamomile and honey on his tongue was pleasant and he tilted his head back slightly and let his eyes slip shut in tranquility, a luxury he didn’t often allow himself.
“You know, its ok to sit down and take a moment every now and again,”
Fili opened one eye and watched his mother. Her eyes were on her cup as she swirled the liquid in her grasp. She looked older than the blond darrow could every remember her looking, and the smile she wore didn’t reach her eyes.
“Amad, is everything ok?” he asked, turning to face her, “you are… upset. Have I done something wrong again?”
She gave a tight-lipped smile and rested her hand on his own. “Not at all child, I have been caught up in my memories today is all. Actually, I wanted to ask about you. You seem to be of a similar state as of late. With all your work and training I’ve hardly had time to talk with you. You are distant Fili. Call it a mother’s nagging but I have missed you,”
“You have… missed me?”
“Missed you, yes,” she nodded, “When you were younger, if you had a problem, or if you were upset, you would ask to have tea with me. Do you remember? We would sit down, just the two of us, and we would talk over tea and work everything out. You would sit on my lap, steal one of my biscuits, and smile when I would reassure you everything was going to be ok,”
“I may be a bit to big to sit in your lap now amad,” he joked lightly and she gave a small laugh in return.
“Perhaps you are, and I have no biscuits to be robbed of, but I would like to recreate the third act of our tea time,”
“I…” the blond started and stopped. As much as he wanted his mother to comfort him, he had no idea what to ask of her. His mind as of late had been a hurricane and his emotions no better. He didn’t know how to explain what he felt, the numbing sensations that took him over for hours, or the guilt that seemed to drown him for no apparent reason. How did he tell her that he felt like shaking and crying out of the blue, for no purpose other than to lose himself?
“Fili?” she tried again, her eyes searching his for anything she could get ahold of.   
“I just…”
The front door swinging open cut him from any thought he had. He sat up straight and looked down at his lap as Thorin came inside muttering under his breath. His hair was a mess and an irritated sneer sat on his face as he dumped his jacket over the chair.
“Oh Fili your home,” Thorin said, his brows scrunched together.
“Yes?” he questioned back.
“And your having…?”
“Tea,” Dis answered with a frown, “with his mother,”
The dark haired darrow let out a grunt and wondered into the kitchen.
“Now, where were we?” Dis asked again, a hopeful smile on her lips.
Fili just shook his head. Any words that he had put together, left him the moment his uncle had come home.
“I’m fine amad, really,” he assured her, finishing his drink in a hurry, the taste no longer as sweet as it was a moment before.
His mother gave a sigh and swirled her cup again. “I truly hope that is the case mizimith,”
She brushed a braid behind his ear, her touch tender and lovingly. He leaned towards her slightly and she smiled.
“I’m stronger than you think amad,”
“Yes, you are. Just like your father, but please remember little one,” she looked at his with pleading eyes, “you don’t have to be strong alone,”
“I’m not alone amad, I’ll be alright,”
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months ago
So one thing I’ve learned about having a dead parent is that there is no way to casually talk about having a dead parent unless the other party also has a dead parent
Specifically, the first time you mention having a dead parent, the people around you will just mentally filter it out. The second time you mention it, they will collectively lose their shit. Case and point — I was telling one coworker about my dead mom’s birthday coming up and how I wanted to visit my sister during it if I could, and another coworker I had an entire (admittedly drunken) conversation about wanting to bring up the Dead Mom Thing to a third coworker who is currently dealing with a Dying Mom Thing (note: Dead Parents and Dying Parents are entirely different things and talking about it is basically what it’s like for someone who only speaks French to try and have a conversation with someone who only speaks Spanish).
Today, I mentioned that it’s fucking weird interacting with people who have the same name as my mother, and not just because she’s dead, but also because growing up I never interacted with anyone with her name, so it’s a series of syllables I know so well yet almost alien to say out loud. Mid-complaint (and trust me, I was just complaining for the sake of complaining), one coworker bursts out into hysterical laughter (the kind only achieved when faced with Lovecraftian horrors. This is a common reaction) and the other just dropped everything she was doing to stare slackjawed, like I had randomly decided to describe my mother’s death in excruciating detail. These are the same coworkers I talked to earlier, but both insisted they had no idea I had a dead mom and were so completely stunned I couldn’t help but laugh at them
Meanwhile with friends who also have dead parents, one of us will be like “yeah before my dad died he had a couch he got from his college buddies but it sucked. We burned it after the funeral,” the other person will go “oh shit Dead Parent Club, high five, anyway do you think if I take this alleyway couch home I’d get fleas?”
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froggychair05 · 1 year ago
Little thing I wrote for @enden-agolor’s Stardew Valley AU (posting it before I lose my nerve and it just sits in a doc forever)
A new farmer had moved to town.
Well…”new” was sort of relative. He’d been living there for almost a year already, but Lukas hadn’t actually met him yet. He’d seen him around, obviously, but they’d never spoken.
He’d heard plenty, though. People talked; he’d heard all about how sweet and helpful the new farmer was. He was a ray of sunshine, he’d overheard Petra say once. Apparently he was trying to fix the old Community Center on top of running his farm.
Lukas didn’t want to be rude to a guy he’d never met, but that sounded like a stupid idea. The building had fallen into disrepair for a reason; it was honestly a miracle that it hadn’t been torn down or turned into a Joja warehouse yet.
If anything needed that sort of attention, it was the library. Several books were missing from the shelves. Lukas had already read everything there at least twice, even the books he hadn’t been fond of the first time.
He had just checked his third-favorite book out again when he noticed the heavy snow falling outside. It had been snowing when he walked over, but now the flakes were bigger and he was sure to get soaked if he tried to walk home, not to mention that he could barely see three feet in front of him. He’d have to wait until the snow got at least a little lighter.
Lukas sighed, pulling his coat tighter around himself and standing under the overhang. The library was closing soon, otherwise he would just wait inside.
Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long. It was cold and he really needed to start making dinner.
He watched the snow drift down in big, fat flakes. It was pretty, even if it was incredibly inconvenient. The peace was nice, though.
Of course, it didn’t last long.
The quiet was interrupted by footsteps crunching in the snow as a bulky figure approached. Lukas looked down at the book in his arms, hoping that whoever was coming toward him wouldn’t try to make conversation.
“Oh, hi! I didn’t see you there!”
No such luck.
Lukas glanced up without moving his head. The farmer was standing there, holding a book of his own. There were snowflakes stuck in his messy hair and he had a wide grin on his face.
“I’m Jesse! I don’t think we’ve met yet,” he said, shifting the book to one arm and holding his hand out. “I’ve been trying to meet everyone in town. I thought I had, but I guess not! You’re Lukas, right?”
Lukas stared at the man’s hand. How he was so cheerful, especially in the freezing cold, Lukas didn’t understand.
“Petra was telling me about you,” he continued, oblivious to the fact that Lukas hadn’t actually acknowledged him at all yet. “She said you’re pretty shy, but that’s okay.”
He realized that Jesse probably wouldn’t leave until he’d said something. “…Hello.”
Impossibly, the man’s grin got brighter. “It’s nice to meet you.” He seemed to realize that Lukas wasn’t going to shake his hand and dropped it back to his side.
“I should be getting home now,” Lukas said, barely glancing at Jesse before clutching his book closer to his chest and walking off. It was still hard to see where he was going, but it was better than standing next to the human sunshine until the snow died down. He didn’t want to make any conversation.
“See you around!” Jesse called. Lukas just trudged through the snow a little faster.
He knew he’d see the farmer around again, obviously, but the more he could avoid that, the better.
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mike-haters-dni · 2 years ago
Some S5 Ideas, Before Information Starts Coming Out And They Get Destroyed lol, Pt. I
Part II | Part I.V
Roughly ordered from most to least likely to actually happen, but I'm at most like 50% on any of these. Except for the first one which is a 100% :)
No one dies. Yeah, that’s right. Maiming is on the table tho.
The Duffs said we were getting the original groups back together so I’m running with the idea that our boys (and girl) spend the majority of the season as a unit. (yes, this is mostly about the party, I only think about them lmao)
Mike and El have twin arcs that center around responsibility. They are both officially named the party’s leaders who get the last say on anything the group does, specifically for dangerous situations to make sure the group works together. Technically El is the Supreme Leader who gets the final say if they disagree on anything and generally isn't argued with, but Mike is more often coming up with and overseeing plans. They both take this role very seriously, and end up putting perhaps unnecessary pressure on themselves. They both feel responsible for keeping everyone safe, to the point where they would gladly sacrifice themselves if it meant making sure no one else got hurt or died. Mike grapples with his own fears and starts to buckle under this newfound feeling of being responsible for his friends lives, while El also feels the larger responsibility of being the only person with the power to actually fix the apocalypse. Does this mean she has to be willing to do absolutely anything to fix it? Is she even actually the only solution? Does she have to prioritize saving the world over saving her friends?
Lucas of course feels horrible about “letting” max die and funnels his regret into training to make sure he never loses a fight again. As soon as they figure out a plan to get her back he’s on the warpath, and ends up making some game-winning (and very risky, much to Mike's chagrin) plays for the mission.
Will’s arc is about him finding his own self-worth, and ends with him getting to physically defeat the representation of his trauma.
Nancy teaches Mike how to shoot a gun.
Hawkins gets destroyed. I want it destroyed. The rot from the gates and the gates themselves spread over time and eventually monsters come pouring out, making the area completely inhabitable and everyone gets evacuated and the town is closed off. Of course, our heroes eventually have to sneak back into it to fix The Plot. Imagine a scene where they go to the Wheeler house looking for something and have this terrible “oh shit. Nothing is ever going to be the same again” moment as they see how broken down and destroyed everything is. Our homes are destroyed and there’s no going back. It’s like a metaphor.
Everyone ends up having to begrudgingly work with the government/military to fix Hawkins cuz I mean, there's no way they’re leaving the area of this insane alien disaster and someone on the Alien Disaster Response Team is going to know about Eleven and realize that she’s their best resource for fixing this (again lol). Our heroes agree to this because they don’t really have a choice, plus the military has a ton of resources that they can steal utilize.
I also want that timeskip. A lot of it is spent in a makeshift military base in the next town over trying to figure out how to approach the Vecna problem, who has been weirdly absent for too long. There’s very much a held-breath, dread vibe during this section.
During this lull, everyone trains to become apocalypse-ready, and El finally gets an unironic, non-trauma-based training arc to become the finely-honed, superpowered boss bitch she was always meant to be.
Also Dustin learns a good deal about field medicine, which becomes a skill that he utilizes at least once in a very life-or-death situation later.
The other half/two-thirds of the story is spent traveling to the heart of the apocalyptic Hawkins after confirming the military can’t be trusted.
Will gets slightly more utility out of his monster sensing powers/curse than just being able to tell that the giant ominous rumbling is danger, actually. He can more or less read their minds and sense where they are in an area, which allows the group to avoid or ambush them. It would also be really cool if there was some moment where he sensed some goal the monsters had and it was all spooky and cryptic, or he figures out a way to mask his presence from them and there's a tense scene where he sneaks through a heavily infested area to get to something. Idk, the show’s scifi magic system barely has rules anyway we can have fun with it.
Max gets woken up halfway through the season and has some important new information that is the key to stopping Vecna. I like the idea that she retains like 20% vision and her bones healed through the coma (and the timeskip cough), so she forces the boys to bring her with them on the final mission to end everything despite their reasonable concerns about her physical state. Just so we can have the whole group together.
Continuing the responsibility theme, the idea of El having to sacrifice herself to fix everything is brought up multiple times. She never argues with this—its clear she agrees on some level, but then when the moment comes for her to do the thing and die to save the world, she decides “fuck it, I wanna live actually” and fights her way back to her friends.
The one time someone (Dustin) is brave (dumb) enough to suggest El sacrificing herself in front of Mike he almost spontaneously combusts with rage and gets to say the one ‘fuck’ of the season. I would say lmao but its actually a very intense emotional scene ok take this seriously please.
Mike finally gets a real Violence Moment (checkhov did lend him a gun). As well as anyone else that wants one.
It would be fun to see Dustin like legitimately bitter and angry after what happened to Eddie. He blames the townspeople for Eddie’s death and generally lacks empathy for anyone opposing them. Not sure how that would wrap up for him though.
El loses her powers permanently at the end of the show. I just think it would be a good ending for her to finally get to be normal, and not have the government breathing down her back (as much) anymore.
Part II | Part I.V
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brineffxiv · 2 years ago
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Descending via the Thirty-Third Facet, we arrive in Merryall Agronomics.
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There are no gleaners in the immediate vicinity, yet the workers are just as harried. Time to investigate!
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I ask around a bit and perform some menial tasks, and eventually find myself on this little hilltop in front of these pretty glowing flowers. Which I know are Important because of how the camera lingers on them.
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A passing botanist sees me admiring them, and stops to inform me that these flowers are like mood rings and their colors reflect the ambient emotion - right now they're a dull grey because of the anxiety and stress the workers are under. Despite knowing why they do the thing they do, no one has been able to get to the bottom of how. We also don't know where they come from.
Interesting. I am sure this will be relevant eventually, but I cannot imagine how.
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We spy Erenville from a distance, arriving presumably to give the report he mentioned to his superior. We bet this superior is a forum member, and resolve to eavesdrop.
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Krile is worryingly distracted by the flowers.
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Y'shtola... turns us into toads. So we can spy better.
I. Was not aware this was a thing that could happen.
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Alphi-toad and Ali-toad!
Omg I am losing it.
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...Okay. Okay.
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We find Erenville meeting with a forum member, and it seems he has a bone to pick with them himself.
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A momentous duty they were charged with? And open acknowledgement of the Final Days? Jackpot.
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While walking away Erenville notices us, and recognizes us instantly, lol.
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Returning to Y'shtola we split up to find Krile, who has turned back due to not feeling well. I find her back at the flowers, where she picks one and casts a spell on it to keep it from wilting before giving it to me.
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Uh... "She?" I think I can hazard a guess which She we're talking about.
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Hello again, Hydaelyn.
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Yes, I had gathered you were unable to save the First yourself. That wasn't my issue. My complaint was about your lack of communication. Surely you could have spoken with your champions as you are with me now. You could have told them what needed doing; you could have asked them for help. Failing that, simply speaking with them would have eased their suffering, instead of ignoring their pleas as you did.
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...I forget if I learned about the aetherial sea through the game or if one of my friends let it slip by accident that that's where the dead go. Hmm. I suppose it doesn't really matter.
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...Are you telling me that the sea is separate between the reflections?
I mean. I suppose that makes sense. I had just assumed it was all one thing. But... Oh, of course that makes sense. Or else the shards of the sundered souls would have the potential of meeting themselves and getting mixed up. Then, that means that those who die in a shard are forever trapped there, regardless of where they originated.
Thank you, then. That was... surprisingly considerate of you. On behalf of Minfilia, of Thancred, of the rest of my friends. Genuinely. Thank you for bringing her home. The idea of her separated from those she loved and who loved her in return, for eternity, is a horror I didn't know I had to consider.
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I can think of several who died, but none who are both natives of the Source and not your enemies. Who else did you bring back...?
...Wait. It's not Emet-Selch, is it? Is that why he's narrating??
Gah. I don't know if that actually makes sense or if I'm just a horribly biased fan and can't not think about him. Why would Hydaelyn do anything to aid her mortal enemy? But, only Emet and Elidibus were natives of the Source, and Elidibus got absorbed by the Crystal Tower...
This is a mystery that will only be solved by progressing the plot. I will just have to live with not knowing for the time being.
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You mean I'm not tempered? Is that what you're saying? Or is it that you won't impose your will over mine?
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I will try. It's what I always do; try my best.
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And then She is gone, and Krile is herself again. Not that I'm not glad Hydaelyn is finally communicating with us... But I am leery of seeing those blue eyes on another of my friends. I can never forget what happened to Minfilia.
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On that we can both agree. Why She feels the need to be so cryptic is a mystery to me.
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Uh oh. (And here I will cut the post, because this is getting quite long.)
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musicismymoirail · 9 months ago
Ohhh fellow dragon age player???
Tell me more about your protags 👀👀👀
Oh, yes! :D It feels like I've been playing it forever at this point. But, okay! I do have sideblog for my da bullshit here but I haven't chatted about my protags in ages, so let's go! Apologies for the length ahead of time. ^^;;;
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The Wardens: Left to Right.
Suibhne Tabris, the pragmatic & polite rogue whose always up to teach folks the old alienage proverb of 'no child of Adaia Tabris makes empty threats'. Push him if you dare. He's my technically canon warden and the leader of Origins ragtag group. Mainly because he's very stoic and chill. Mhm. He was left at the Chantry as an infant before the Tabris family adopted him. He loves his family dearly, and took Adaia's death very hard. Like he didn't speak for years after and people feel like he ended up as very muted version of his chaotic child self. But grief can change you, and that's okay. He romances Zevran (utterly smitten~), Morrigan is basically his sister, is the one that does the Dark Ritual, and he'd love to meet his son but respects Morrigan's wishes to keep away. He's just a chill sweetheart who will murder a whole castle of nobles to save his loved ones~. I love him. c: <3
Nari Aeducan, the iconoclastic & favored former princess of House Aeducan. Oh, Bhelen. You can keep the throne but you will never feel safe within the walls of Orzammar again. <3 Nari is... my newest Warden, and not super fleshed yet. She lost her eye in her childhood during a training match, and asked Daddy Dearest to get her a lyrium prosthetic eye. Because it neat. In my canon, she misses out on meeting Duncan and gets to roam around the Deep Roads until the Origins group finally stumbles over her like two months later? She's a survivor~~~ She also enjoys sweetly terrorizing her baby back-stabbing brother. <3 No idea who she'd romance, honestly? Probably no one. Her mind is just set on causing chaos in Orzammar. Bless her.
Raniel Surana, the tempestuous and diligent mage that lasted like four days outside of the circle before she turned to blood magic. To be fair, she was dying at the time & Mouse is cool. Raniel was my very first Warden~~~ Sooo. Her and Tabris both met Duncan before going to Ostagar, and she's both enthralled and terrified and so bitter at Jowan, so she's just bouncing in every direction. During the first fight, the orge atop the Tower bites off her arm and Rani, not wanting to die with her new friends, asks Mouse for help. She's Super Bitter and Pissed for most of the story, as losing your home and arm will do to someone. No one really questions the weird white mouse that travels on her shoulder. But Leliana and the others sloooooooowly bring back her old romantic self. Stories and stars do the soul so much good. She ends up as the Teryna of Gwaren, is a happy little blood mage and since Leliana is my canon Divine, is basically married to the highest religious figure in Southern Thedas. Go Raniel~~~~
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I never got as attached to my Hawke as my Wardens or Inquisitor (weird as DA2 is my favorite game so far), buuuuuuut this is my current one.
Revelry Hawke, the stepford-smiling put-upon third parent of the Highly Dysfunctional Hawke family. All they wanted in life was to keep their family together and safe, and they Failed! Constantly! Carver died in Lothering! Bethany died in the Deep Roads! Leandra died in Kirkwall! And Revelry blames themself fully. :'D They're technically a rouge, but personal headcanon is they have magic too but just for Entropy spells and this goes unnoticed by all until the Arishok stabs them in Act Two. Losing one's family does have a way of letting you let go of a lot of things, does it~~? Forever sides with the mages, I do imagine they got offered the Viscountship post-game (because it's dumb that's Templar-locked) but Revelry stepped down after like five days. They're known as the Five-Day Viscount now. And they, idk, probably ended up in a polycule with everyone accidently. That seems like a very Revelry thing to do. o:
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Do I have a favorite protag of the lot? Yes, it's Mir. :D
Mir'uvenan Ruoho Lavellan, aka Mir, aka Miracles, my beloved and endlessly chaotic Inquisitor. Left his clan because of his toxic and deeply codependent relationship with his twin brother, Mir is basically a shattered mosaic of trauma, impulse and passion. He doesn't know why he's here, he wants to burn the Chantry to the ground and steal its foundation to boot, and people are! Praising him?!? Him? Why! Whhhhhhhy!?! He's not a leader! TToTT!! Except, that's all the gaslighting talking. Mir is stupidly clever and intelligent, endlessly caring and absolutely has no issues telling off Ancient Tevinter Gods and their Fake Archdemons. He lost all his fucks when he got the Anchor, so fuck it. He'll do his best because he's kinda stuck here anyways. TT____TT
(And Bull's like 'this is why you're the Inquisitor, Kadan~~')
Mir's an absolute little nerd who adores mixing his own alchemical concoctions because smashing highly volatile flasks against his skin is just Heaven~~~ He ends up losing his hearing Quite A Bit because of all the explosions, but whatcha gonna do~? Dagna and Rocky teached him Dwarven Sign Language to help. He likes hanging around Dagna to learn magic in the non-magic way too because It's Fascinating! o: <333
Mhm. Romances Bull but it's pretty open. Sera is his BFF, and Dorian a close second. Never gets comfortable being the Herald or the Inquisitor, doubly so after the Jaws of Hakkon, triply so after Trespasser. He disbands it, and is happier for it just being a Red Jenny with Sera and just finally enjoying life at long last with a good support system of friends and connections. I always play the game as Mir slowly working through his miserable self-worth and healing through all the trauma his brother put him through, so I like him ending the game having more neutral-positive outlook. He is actually Not The Worst, and ain't that nice? c:
(He's still gonna punch Solas in the face if they meet again tho. Because friends don't let friends destroy worlds, and he already proved people are just as worthwhile now as long ago.)
And if anyone actually read through all of that, thank you and bless you for reading about my silly little protags I've put Far Too Much Thought into over the years! ;;v;; <3
Also, enjoy a silly comic of Mir buying 57 hand puppets. <3
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