#oh and he doesnt wanna be out of the loop
sk3l3t0n444 · 8 months
yk its kinda worrisome that i havent seen the host in a while
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
Down to my level
Headcanons Ft. Umemiya Hajime, and Togame Jo
These guys are 6'2 and I think 6'1 respectively so have some writing about being shorter than them cause I'm 5'7ish and wanna climb them like a tree literally. Some ended up not being about height because i got off track thinking about Ume's arms //shrugs
Umemiya Hajime
Loves ruffling hair and he thinks it's endearing when you try to do it yourself to him. Catch him while hes squatting in the garden for perfect ruffling opportunities. (maybe a smooch or two as well)
He will seat you on things when he's kissing you so he doesn't get a cramp in his neck, or better yet just wrap your legs around his waist and he'll hold you up. Give those big arms of his a workout, he'll be more than happy to hold you.
Can't help but grab things for you if they're too high. If you have a problem with that he makes sure to have a step stool. (Just stop putting things so high? Nah he thinks it's cute when you're on your tip toes)
King of carrying - once again he is a big guy so he can do princess carries, piggybacks, fireman's carry, you name it. He's even tried carrying you under his arm like a football though it's not the cutest carry to be in.
He's easy to pick out in a crowd even if he didn't have white hair so you don't really have to worry about losing him.
Blocks out the sun really well or if you're hiding from someone you can basically disappear behind him.
His height also helps in games of chicken fights when you're in the pool or at the beach. Sturdy af AND tall? Y'all are unstoppable no matter how short you are.
"How's the weather up there?"
"Oh! Wanna find out?" Before you can answer he's wiping his hands off and scooping you up effortlessly, arms looped around your waist. Hands resting on his shoulders, you're a few inches taller than him like this. "What do you think?"
"Crystal clear skies...approximately 76 degrees fahrenheit and," you lick the tip of your pointer finger, sticking it out, "wind is blowing from the west. Not to mention the scenery up here is so much prettier than down there." He puffs out a laugh when you gaze at him a little lovestruck as you say the last part.
"You think I'm pretty?" he whispers, looking up at you for once.
"Illegally so." Your answer is so serious it's got his heartbeat taking off and he couldn't fight the smile if he tried.
"Y'know my normal weather man told me the exact same thing this morning!"
"So he's my competition?" You huff and giving him a pat on the arm signalling for him to put you down. Instead, he lowers you just enough so you're eye level with him, noses brushing lightly. Being this close you can smell the dirt from his gardening and the lingering of his minty shampoo from earlier this morning.
"You win every time sweetheart."
Togame Jo
Uses his height for good - usually. Kisses the top of you're head when you aren't paying attention to him.
If you're a brat he'll hold something you want just high enough for you to start jumping for it (thats the evil). He's impossible to knock down or and weighing his arm down to grab it doesnt work either. If Choji's around you can enlist his help in getting it since his jumps are always impressive. He accepts payment in candy though.
Also a carrier. He likes piggybacking you places the best. Especially in the winter cause you're extra toasty.
He's good at typing hair up and can help whenever you have a bad hair day. He's got a full view so he'll fix it as soon as its messed up.
loves being dragged down by his shirt to be kissed. He wears that gi sometimes though I don't know if thats the correct name for what he wears. In jiu jitsu its really solid and tough near the neck areas so you can pull and maneuver you're partner around? In any case when I see him wearing it I just wanna cross collar grip it and drag him on the floor (lovingly I swear) (I think its a gi?? I know he wears monks clothes so they might just be really similar)
You are not in a good mood. Togame's holding the last strawberry ramune over your head with a small frown and refuses to give it back. If anything you should be the one frowning. Sure you snapped at him because you were a bit grumpy, and it wasn't even his fault but you're tired, it's raining, and thats the last strawberry ramune.
"All ya gotta say is 'sorry' doll. I'll even open it for you if you want." he drawls slow as ever.
"I can get it," the words are punctuated by small hops and desperate grabs at air. You're even more winded than before and Togame's just deciding whether he should give in when Choji rounds the corner. A small gasp as a light bulb goes off in your head seeing Shishitoren's leader. "Choji I CHOOSE YOU!" You yell, pointing straight at the drink being held hostage. He moves before any thought can cross his mind as he makes a high jump between the you and Togame, successfully grabbing your prize. As he's handing you the ramune, you root around your hoodie pocket for the last few candies and trade him.
"Nice doing business with you! That wasn't very nice though Kame-chan" Choji chirps and waves before being lured away by the sounds of the other members laughing and talking about going out for karaoke.
There's a moment of quiet before you peek to the side to stare at your boyfriend. You realize you haven't been nice either and bite the bullet. Roll the ramune over in your hands, you look down at your feet.
"I'm sorry I've been grumpy at you. Think I'm just tired. 's no excuse but-" The drink is gone, being popped open by deft hands before Togame gives it back with a silent nod.
"There's a couch in one of the rooms down the hall. Want me to carry you?"
"You gonna lay with me?"
"That's the plan, yeah." Whether it's from the weather or from fighting with you, you can tell he's tired too.
"Good. And yes please." Your voice is soft as you reach up, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"There's my sweet girl," he grunts, hoisting you up in a princess carry and making his way to one of the back rooms further from the noise of the other boys in the theater.
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ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
if its okay can i ask for a samon gokuu scenario with oblivious bestfriends + star gazing
tysm for this !!! stay safe !!!! stay hydrated !!! take care of urself!!!!
— samon gokuu // oblivious best friends // star gazing
[𖤐] hello anon! thank you for requesting for my event, and your req has finally been answered !! this is more like one (1) oblivious bsf (you) and one (1) bsf who kinda knows his feelings but also doesnt wanna think abt it. anywho, i hope you all enjoy my lovelies!!
wc: 870+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“...oi, (y/n), wake up.” samon felt like he was being challenged. he doesn’t know by who; God, maybe? if there was a higher power, it was definitely testing him right now. 
the only reason he had ventured over into your building was because he’d wanted to show you the stars. the sky was particularly clear that night, and ever since you were children, you had always loved to see the stars. in fact, it was one of the reasons that despite working in a prison in the middle of nowhere, you enjoyed your job. 
however, when he’d walked into your small office, you were fast asleep on top of a rather tall stack of papers, completely knocked out. the sight hadn’t surprised him, since it was not an unknown fact that you always tended to slack off when it came to paperwork, (he hadn’t realized it had gotten this bad, but he supposes that it makes sense). 
he’d gone to go wake you up and tell you, let’s take a break and go look at the stars for a bit, but when he’d gotten closer, he’d heard something that he was most definitely not supposed to hear. 
“samon…” you had mumbled, freezing him in his tracks. 
now, what was he supposed to do? 
hearing you utter his name in such a way had gripped his heart in a certain way, and now he wasn’t sure what the hell he was supposed to do next. ignore it and walk away? wake you up and confront you? ignore it and wake you up anyway? 
it seemed the choice had been made for him. 
“samon?! what’re you doing here?! why were you just standing there? you scared the hell out of me…” you exclaimed, clutching your chest to slow down your heart. 
“i just came to tell you the sky looks good right now. and i was standing there ‘cause i was about to wake you up…” he’d decided to take the cool and casual route at the moment, even though you’d caught him extremely off guard. “the clouds are all gone so i figured you would want to see it.” 
“oh, that actually all checks out. i was gonna call you a freak ‘cause you were watching me sleep, haha.” you laughed, standing up from your chair and stretching. “there’s no way i’m gonna be able to submit all this paperwork to warden hyakushiki by tomorrow, so i might as well! let’s go!” as you looped your arm around samon’s and started walking to the balcony, his thoughts began to go wild. 
he’d never really spent too much time thinking about his feelings, especially towards you; he was always focusing on his work and his prisoners. although they were still prisoners and he was still a guard, he’d grown fond of them, (though he would never admit this out loud to them) and helped them with things they brought to him. his little rivalry with hajime was also included with work, and because of this diligence, he never really allowed himself to even think of something aside from it. 
with you though, he found himself thinking less about work and more about normal things. normal things that a twenty-year old might think about, like having a girlfriend and doing things he enjoyed with her. he could teach her all about how to garden and the different kinds of plants and what you can do with them, and he could even train with her. 
except, in these fantasies, it wasn’t a random woman. it was you. 
and that was something that made him a little bit scared. 
now, samon gokuu is not a man to get scared and run away easily, and though he wasn’t running away from you, he was definitely a little scared. not because you’re scary, (at all) but wholly because it was something strange and unknown, and he had no clue what indulging his feelings would be like. he supposes it wouldn’t be bad though. being with you. 
your arm untangled from his as you two reached the balcony, the cool air of the night feeling refreshing. you walked up to the railing, leaning against it as you stared at the stars. 
“ahh, you were right; it’s so beautiful tonight.” you said, a warm smile on your face as you looked back at him. the slight breeze in the night lifted your hair a bit, framing your face damn near perfectly. 
you were beautiful. 
“yeah, um…it really is.” he managed to get out, feeling a little bit too entranced by you. his supposed best friend. he almost felt guilty for whatever he was feeling, but at the same time, he wants to be able to imagine having a future with you. 
as he joined you at the railing, you scooted a little closer to him, beaming up at him with such a joyful expression that it squeezed his heart just a bit, (it really just skipped a beat, he just didn’t want to say it). 
he keeps a small hope in his heart that one day, maybe, these same stars would look down on you and him as lovers. for now though? he’s content just being by your side.
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kingkennny10 · 1 year
Puppy Love
Stan Marsh x gn!Reader
typical stan angst in the beginning but after that its all sweet fluff with stan coming to terms with his feelings for you! Its very quick paced cause i just see stan as an impulsive fella who has to do things in the moment or it doesnt get done
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Stan Marsh is often accused of being a hopeless romantic, he doesn’t deny it but he’s tired of hearing it. This night he finds himself on the roof of his home all alone listening to an old romance playlist. He knows all of the songs, one of them being puppy love by paul ankha. He sings the song and puts it on loop. Each lyric he puts his heart into, more than he means to, staring into the stars wondering when he will have his forever person. He knows it’s not healthy to feel like he needs to be with someone, but he misses being in love. He begins thinking of you while singing the song, your smile, laugh, your favourite clothes you often wear, the lame half assed bracelet he gave to you because he thought he fucked it up.
“Someone help me help me… help me pleeease.” He sang softly into the night air. As the song keeps repeating itself and he can’t get you out of his head he sits up instantly. “FUCK!” He shouts quickly and loudly. He has just come to terms with the fact that he loves you. This whole playlist reminds him of you, he isn’t just sad and lonely, he’s lovesick and misses you. The person who has always stuck by him alongside Kyle. You’re his end game, his one and only. You’re who he wants to have a shitty atomic life with.
He holds his face in his hands letting out a long groan. How could he not see it? How could he not tell how he feels about you? The thoughts he has about you on a normal day aren’t how you think about your best friend. The compliments he gives you off hand, the playlists he makes you, all the times he’s thought about cuddling with you and listening to the playlists he makes for you. The fact that he compares every possible partner to you. He can’t wait, he needs to do something now! He grabs his phone and checks the time, 10:27pm. Quickly he calls Kyle up hoping he gets an answer.
“Dude I have a crush on y/n.” He says blatantly into his phone. Carefully he makes his way off the roof and back into his dimly lit bedroom closing the window behind him. Kyle laughs into the phone.
“That’s news to you?”
“Oh fuck off. Is their light on or no?” Stan asks grabbing his portable speaker off his desk. Stan lives across from Kyle and you live 2 doors down from Stan, Kyle’s the only one of them who can see your window from his own.
“Uh… hmm… yea, just a small one though.”
“Thanks, wish me luck!” Stan said as he hung up climbing down from his bedroom window carefully. On the short walk to your house he connected his phone which was still looping puppy love to his speaker. He let it continue playing quietly from the speaker as he talked himself up the next 10 feet to your house. When he was finally in your yard standing below your window he let out a nervous sigh and shook out his nerves. He turned up the volume placing the speaker down in the frosty grass and grabbed some pebbles from the road. “God this is so lame…” He said to himself as he began throwing pebbles to your window.
Putting your phone down due to hearing rocks on your window you got out of bed shuffling over to open your sheer curtain. You giggle seeing Stan outside scrambling to pick up his speaker and hold it above his head. You open up your window leaning out to hear what he has to say.
“I have a phone y’know!” You say loud for him to hear. You giggle seeing him roll his eyes.
“Well it’s more romantic this way isn’t it?” He laughs at himself. You only nod your head. “I know this is kinda sudden, but uh… you wanna go out with me?” He says awkwardly finally putting down the speaker,still letting the song play. You begin laughing at how straightforward and awkward he’s being.
“Stan I would love to.” You say through your laugh. Stan practically melted at your response. Never in your life would you have thought your crush and best friend would ask you out like its a cliché 80’s romance movie, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. “Is this the part where you climb up and give me a kiss?” You ask pointing at the tree next to your house.
“Is Kyle watching?” Stan asks without looking back. You take a glance down the street and sure enough you see the outline of him peeping through his window. You laugh at how nosy he is.
“Yea, you know how nosey he is.” You say as Stan walks over to the tree.
“Well I guess I have to then.” Stan says turning off the speaker and climbing up the tree to your window. “Hey.” He says as he makes it in front of you. You quietly laugh at him before pulling his jacket to bring his lips to yours. Your heart swells the longer you kiss him, you could very well be the happiest person on earth right now and Stan is thinking the same thing. How could he not have known sooner that you were the one for him. Thank goodness he’s impulsive as he is. You pulled away from the kiss first and nuzzled his nose before speaking.
“We’re still hanging out tomorrow then?” You asked with a dopey smile that Stan mirrored.
“Yeah, Kyle might crash it though now that he’s seen this.” Stan said and placed his hand on your cheek.
“You know Kyle.” You both said at the same time then laughed. Stan couldn’t help but smile. He feels complete, like theres nothing more he needs than what he has right now.
“You better get home so you can text Kyle about this.” You say leaning into Stans warm hand still placed on your cheek. He nods and leans in for another sweet kiss. He begins his decent from your window and you wave him off before closing it and getting back into bed.
As Stan grabs his speaker and makes his way home he sees Kyle at his window waving. Stan throws both his fists up in victory and Kyle raises one of his in silent response. When he gets back in his room and lays down he sees a text from Kyle saying, ‘you are so predictable it’s not even funny’ which leads Stan to text back, ‘well I’m not single no more, so it worked!’ After a brief conversation they both said goodnight and Stan went to sleep, all too ready to spend the weekend with you.
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Hahaha, i stay projecting the things i want onto fictional characters, i hate that real life isnt a cheesy 80s romcom im still working on the next chapter of px3 cause i got really unmotivated for a week an a half, hopefully it will be out this weekend but no promises, i spend like an hour writing this, ima proofread and post tonight 🤭🤭
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kadextra · 10 months
I couldn’t watch the q!Bad lore stream live today and don’t feel like putting a bunch of vodblogs in the main tag, so I’m gonna try something new and put it all in one massive post
so if you missed seeing me on the dash and wanna read about me maybe losing my mind (depending on what happens as I watch) here ya go :D
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oh there’s a second him that’s so trippy. he doesn’t recognize himself again, they’re walking together.
THIS IS SO COOL OH MY GOD?!?!?!? now they are digging in the sand??
ah so the corpse of… also himself is still at the deserted village, but its decomposed into a skeleton now. interesting DONT DRINK THE POISONED WATER NOT AGAIN ok good phew. good confirmation this is not a loop, there is new stuff happening that didn’t last time
dude this is so awesome he is cooking so hard. I’m gonna rewatch this whole part again later, I really love surreal stuff like this
nevermind it might actually be a loop? we went back right to where we were at the start. why does he keep sitting outside of the temple, and doesn’t go inside?
and we’re back. he can’t remember how to use the warp stone again :( the memory book is not in his hotbar uh oh.
Hi Ben o/
he doesn’t know the eggxhibition… you built this man, I’m gonna cry. NOOO HE DOESNT KNOW BOBBY IS DEAD AGAINNNNN
“too early to put this up” <- referring to the día de los muertos decor. dude what time and day are you in
he found the egg hospital!!! oh no now he’s looking around erratically. I think he’s panicking :(((( and once again picked some flowers to self-soothe :((( god the flowers are so special to him, they seem to be like his main grounding thing. q!forever doesn’t even know the impact he made
he’s home!!!
dark matter by the vulture lab door uh? a knight armor guy sweeping??? is that a ghost??? what just happened?
oh god the vulture lab
dapper looks so horrible omg also her name is lowercased?
vacation. sure
“I didn’t get to keep it (the eye guy) as a pet.” yeah that’s definitely dapper.
also he doesn’t want to wear armor like the new eggs that’s weird
T E A. and q!bad’s memory is still fudged.
dapper your dad is very sick….
he remembers its been 2 months dapper has been gone! :0 DAPPER WAS NOT IN PURGATORY THE WHOLE TIME??? JUST A FEW DAYS???? EXPLAIN WHY NOW
q!bad keeps forgetting what they’re doing, and then goes off and does something else….. I don’t know if dapper fully realizes what’s going on, maybe she’s just too tired themselves to pay close attention to her dad?
“Since when did we have a farm?” Buddy.
“we hid him (dapper) underground, we weren’t sure if the island was safe” We? you and…? cucurucho?
oh they really did get launched by the nuke and hit the boat I knew it. also I see you…. zooming into the back wound when phil said “you made it in one piece”
chayanne was who led the eggs to leave? huh. chayanne you’ve got some explaining to do
not them talking about the eye guy’s snatched waist 💀💀💀💀 tbh they did slay
philza wants to beat up the eye guy and elquackity I support him so much
dapper hitting his dad off the top of the wall we’re so back!!!
ETOILES SEEING DAPPER and then fell off the wall LMAOOO
q!bad forgot that he forgot his memory
(I am so engrossed in the conversations I am forgetting to write things here lol)
“can we teach etoiles to cope” (with losing to the code) then they make him break a sign with 1s and 0s on it and he logs LMAO
q!bad just mentally zoned out and stared once again at flowers….. oh. the coughing :(
pomme was the leader when the eggs went surviving in the wilderness :3 that’s my girl!!!!!!
everyone just bouncing on the trampoline and chit-chatting is so sweet, I missed this <3
dapper is so based all the time
roier seeing dapper again awwwww
ough I really really missed dapper’s out of pocket jokes :(((
“I’ll get cleaned up for tomorrow, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine!” *hits F5* “I need pomme and the rest of the eggs to wake up, and I’ll probably feel right as rain…” haha stop it q!bad I don’t like this!!!!! 😃
he just said he didnt know a church was built here. now they’re at the graveyard talking about how he saw the dead eggs at día de los muertos </3 sobs sobs
Q!MAX T-T I miss you king o7
“learning how to raise the dead might come in handy” “we will worry about that later” ??? Please Stop That!
“I kinda won in this whole situation!” (the eggs being back) Sure bud. You aren’t dying or anything. You definitely have not entered limbo twice.
honey for smelly richas :3
q!bad saying dapper will like bagi and that she’s a really good friend, and will be his aunt. cries and punches a hole into the wall
More Coughing 👁️ dapper please help your father he needs serious medical attention.
quit saying things are going to be okay I know you are jinxing something and it’s scary. there is a giant hole in your head and your back is turning green.
they’re going to see the prison and courtroom!!
“forever for the crime of looking too handsome I sentence you to 10 years in prison!” UNPROMPTED? I know what you are 🏳️‍🌈‼️
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FINALLY THE BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION FOR DAPPER. so many nights. so many nights where we’d watch him sit awake, crying at that table. waiting, waiting for something that would never come. but now it’s here. I’m in anguish
“once the eggs wake up we’ll have a big birthday party! a big ol birthday party. yep. a party.” why did you say that with such a weird tone sir?
he reintroduced skeppy to dapper…
he is explaining the great furniture stealing to dapper. who was there when it happened and already knows. “my memory hasn’t been very good lately, I think.” Yeah You Think? I wonder q!bad forgot he’s the one who stole it all?
the child is locked outside
yes dapper be salty at your dad for accidentally locking you out
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the sunshine recording omg. he played it for company the entire time they were alone… AAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHH HGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHHHGHGHGHGGHHGHFHFHGGFHFGHHHGHHBSBENFMFKS
dapper doesn’t know why q!bad is blue 😀 he doesn’t know…….. haha head in hands
they are going to visit Niki :3
OHHH HER REACTION TO DAPPER <333 she’s such a sweetheart. have I ever said how much I love niki? she was so great in purgatory, and earlier today I got to watch her meet empanada and bond over baking and sweets <3
nice look at the head wound from the inside
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q!bad’s been so insistent on dapper going to the eye doctor, I have heard him say this so much over the last several days. even in his memory lapses he remembers it. Why? mr. colorblind YOU need to go to the eye doctor. go hospital.
yeah the alien ships from the map do look like eyes don’t they
based niki her favorite animal is elephants :3 SHUT UP Q!BAD YOU DEMON don’t eat the elephants
the hungriest little guy on the island strikes again
I’m just chilling listening rn, bad dapper and niki are so late night podcast vibes
perry the schnabeltier
in the dark of the night is kind of a q!bad song ngl
let’s go a washing machine in dapper’s lab :D oh that was a weird pause in the middle of your sentence bad :D
dapper is running on the ceiling!! they are so talented!
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bawling my eyes out hold on
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the 3 months where q!bad has been so depressed and suffering just went flashing through my mind. every time he had sang the song in a teary broken voice, with nobody across from him listening. in the graveyard as a rainstorm raged above. but now his sunshine is back… hit me like a truck
they are gonna sleep hugging together tonight :’3
“I know it seems I’ve been out of character (since the beginning of the stream) but trust me, I haven’t. I’ve been in character this whole time…”
“Goodbye, see you tomorrow ….I’m sure everything is going to be just fine. :)”
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I’m scared
well I guess this is the end of my vodblogging lore post!!! I hope it was fun to read jfjdjshdh it was just the thoughts I Would have posted if I was liveblogging. my eyes are still watery :’)
see you all tomorrow for whatever horrors await
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honeyedheartss · 1 year
list of disjointed frankie thoughts (some fluffy, most smut)
but cumming when ur half asleep hits so different and frank sliding ur underwear to the side to slip in when he gets home and ur already passed out and u wake up enough to pull his arm over you but not enough to fully register the moment and then wake up later when you're coming
throat training w his fingers. the cocky lil smirk when you gag around them and he's like "awww can't even take my fingers? thought u were begging for my cock a minute ago?" and ur whining and trying to beg around his hand and he just slaps you a lil across your face "cmon now i know you can take it. you gotta. you're not good for anything else but my cock down your throat huh? yeahhhh that's what I thought, princess. attagirl"
boothumping makes me so insane I'm so hnnnnn nnngggggg frank polishing his gun at the table n u getting off on his boot while he ignores you and when you finally come he calls you a MUTT for getting off like that!!!! and overstims you with the GUN
him going w you to go clothes shopping and he's loving spending time w you but borrrreeeddd and so you finally have an armload of things to try on and make him sit outside the changing room (which he grumps abt bc if he's gonna be bored he should at least be able to see your tits 🙄🙄🙄) and you come out in a tight lil number and he gives you that look and yanks you back into the changing room 🤌
u guys don't understand what a chokehold this trope has me in tho it makes me so insaneeeeeeeee also the yanking him into a closet or sum and leaving lipstick smears on his face BUT HE DOESNT NOTICE and you send him back and he's acting normal tryna get rid of his hard on with red smears all over his mouth and neck and everyone knows but no one is saying anything bc HES not acknowledging it???? yeah !!!!
yall hangin out in the kitchen and he's focused on whatever and you're chattering away while doing dishes and he's like half listening, just kinda enjoying your voice as background and you say something ASTRONOMICALLY stupid and he gives you that look and then you think about what u said and you both start cracking up about it. (this is extremely self indulgent as an ADHD bitch who just says things sometimes without listening to myself talk and then ppl react and I'm like wait..... I know that's wrong lmao)
OR OR OR he's vibin at the table polishing his boots or cleaning his gun or summ and you come out stark fucking naked and he gives you THAT look when he looks up and then is like oh? you wanna play games baby? I can play too. and you're giggling and he's chasin you around until you land in a heap on the living room floor, him on top of you like a 250lb dead weight crushing you while he kisses all over your face and you can feel him half hard on your thigh, bucking into you
or tHat look but across the room at a party or event bc you text him something lewd and he finds your eyes across the room and is like we're doing this? u want this? now? and then he fucks you in the bathroom all desperate and feral, clamping his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet and tucks your panties into his pocket and sends you back out on the floor with his cum leaking out of you and proceeds to lean back against the table or bar and watch u squirm and try to act normal
feeling chill and normal and definitely do not wanna lick his vee or loop my fingers into his waistband while he smirks at me… him being already half undressed and just giving u that cocky smirk men do when they know they have u wrapped around their little finger as you frantically try to get his pants off h nnn ggggg
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Req: take ur fav blorbo and write about a perfect date for them
You fool I dont have one sole favorite, they rotate out with every new hyperfixiation. It feels like a "you're my new best friend"(/ref) everytime I focus on a new one 😭😭
Thst said while I want to indulge and write something for knubbler since theres next to nothing for him, hes like. The one character that I truly cannot pin down and keep in character (also I wanna dwell on my fran bow rot for a little longer, I'm not quite ready to pull the plug and stew over metalocalypse again <\3)
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Given that hes canonically introverted (which still throws me for a loop, even though thinking about it, it makes sense!) I think he wouldnt want to go anywhere that involves interacting with people more than necessary... gotta keep his social battery up through the night for you; you know!
Though as I write this I've been struck with an idea, one that I've likely tied to multiple characters before thanks to my fondness of it; a date where you guys just get tother and cook and/or bake something together
Maybe I'm a sucker for domestic fluff stuff, maybe it's because I myself am a baker, or maybe its something else
But coming from someone who used to participate in mock-restaurant days in my school culinary class, I can say with confidence that baking/cooking together takes a lot of teamwork and communication
Something that itward holds near and dear, I think!
Zero thoughts, only itward standing behind you and guiding your hands when you're cutting something up
Hyper specific to me because I have hands thst sometimes go unsteady and jerk around, but HUSH!
Not related to the request but tjers another favorite trope of mine; character a steadying character b's hands (doesnt matter if they're shaking due to fear, or if theres a neurological thing happening, I think both are sweet)
Sure, itward doesn't need to eat and I'm fairly certain he cant eat even if he wanted to.. but I think the activity itself would be enough for him!
Another favorite trope I love is when a character physically cannot eat at all and another character describes what it's like to them
I think that's another sweet idea to take into consideration when with itward; hes not jealous of the fact you can taste things but he loves listening to you talk
Imagine standing with itward on top of the flying machine after the baking portion of the date and looking up at the sky. The stars and the moon, and the clouds. Everything is just so pretty... but itward cant help but to look at your eyes.. getting lost in how they look in the moonlight
Oh if he could take a picture, he would, but alas his memory will have to do for tonight
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queerlordsimon · 2 years
Hello! For my request for the prompt list I would like for Prompt 23 with Kalim and Leona. I feel as though it woud be a nice culture shock for them because they are from the Scalding Sands and Sunset Savannah!
What snow talking about?
Day six: prompt 23 “ive never seen snow before” kalim al asim and leona kingscholar x reader
Cw none really
Authors note. Sorry it's late friend, just couldn't get myself to write yesterday
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Kalim al asim
-grew up in the scalding sands, of course there was no snow
-doesnt change how surprised you were
-first thing he does when you drag him out of scarabia into the snow is nearly scream and faceplant into the snow happily.
-you show him how to make a snowman, and snow angels
-the two of you try to make an igloo, but jamil would have none of it, dragging you both back to scarabia for hot chocolate, seeing as you two were freezing.
“Ive never seen snow before” kalim hummed as y/n entered scarabia, brushing off the snow that caked their hair. y/ns eyes widened before darting inside to get him a jacket, shoving it towards him before dragging him back to the school, where as soon as he stepped out of the mirror chamber, his eyes widened and he face planted dramatically, screeching slightly in happiness, making y/ns face light up at his excitement
Leona kingscholar
-growing up in the sunset savanna, very similar to the scalding sands, there wasent really snow.
-he mentioned that so casually though, which is what threw you for a loop.
-you somehow manage to drag his stubborn ass out of savanaclaw,
-he looks slightly interested in the snow, but mostly just moved to lay in the snow and try to go back to sleep
-well, before you threw a snowball at him.
-now hes interested.
-ruggie is the one that has to drag you guys back in to smother you two in blankets, seeing as you were both soaking with frozen water after the snowball fight
“Why are you so excited about this so called snow herbivore? Isnt it just white powder?” the sleepy lion hummed. “I mean, ive never seen this snow, and it honestly sounds to be a bother” y/n raised an eyebrow, before getting up from the warm pile on the floor with leona, and shoving one of jacks jackets at him, and then walking out, expecting him to follow them out. Which he did.
And then went to go back to sleep once he had seen the white floof, expecting you to be content with his presence as you played your herbivorish games. Until he got hit in the face with a ball of snow. He opened his eyes and smirked at his herbivore. “Oh, so you wanna play that game, hu?”
Sorry these were a bit different than how i did the other ones, but i wasent sure how to do it for the two characters, and i wanted to give myself a little easier of a thing. I will be posting this and todays part, along with hopefully a special extra story cause, i wanna. Requests for this event are still open, you can find the links to the prompt list HERE and the masterlist HERE. i hope you enjoyed, and i hope i did this justice. @hytyyto
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ossuarywarden · 1 year
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last session carrie got to dance with the traveling dentist its been crushing on for the past few days and im very much enjoying this slow-burn eventual trainwreck of a dynamic (vengeful morally questionable enabler tells a young impressionable grieving godling exactly what it wants to hear)
also i need everyone to know that i drew this while listening to toxic by britney spears on loop
(long thoughts about the piece under the readmore)
i must emphasize that carrie isnt afraid of him, but its afraid of touching him with the skeletal hand. the hand reminds it of its former warlock patron (noirak), who was a source of pain for so many people, including people carrie itself came to love.
its mere association with said patron tends to end up hurting those victims. and in the words of one of them, "i dont hate you, but your presence is radioactive." that kind of stuff really stuck to it, and its even reminded of that fact near constantly. so no matter how much it wants to have roltz around, it's scared that he might get hurt like everyone else. (carrie's relationship with noirak in another can of worms. ill save it for another drawing)
on the flip side tho what makes the idea of being with roltz so attractive to it is that he has NOTHING to do with noirak. maybe carrie somehow thinks that roltz will see it for who it is, and not a living reminder of noirak's legacy. not to mention that roltz is so far removed from the godhood shenanigans that been plaguing carrie.
it doesnt help that roltz keeps talking about not obligating urself to bear the mantle of heroism (another can of worms), and insisting on what you *want*. this isnt an avenue of thought that carrie's ever considered before and oh boy is it an alluring one. he's been throwing around the word "want" all night ("what do you want?", "want me to kill that guy for you?", "want to get out of here?") and carrie sure is enjoying having someone advocate for its desires
its not all smooth sailing tho bc as a player who knows what roltz' ideals and motives are, i dont think carrie will come out of this unscathed
i also wanna point out the border, the tentacles and daggers pointed at roltz and carrie's backs. those two ARE gonna end up hurting each other someway i just know it. they just dont see it yet. inclusion of lightning and constellations on the sides hint at other figures in carrie's life that its gonna have disastrous but important relationships with (eventually hopefully). bullets along the bottom and the stone necklace on top hint at backatory stuff for those two that they either keep buried or have hanging over their heads constantly
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
hey u guys wanna hear something weird. i clearly spoke too much yesterday abt manic dream girl pixie shit because i was just trying to mind my businiss at the beach today w the dog and another dude came up to me (rather uhh both awkwardly and agressively) but either way i didnt inherently mind it but his vibe was off and i could tell he wanted to ask for my number or something or like clearly wanted something from me but
anyway he asked me what i study and i said anthropology and he said he studied some but uhhhh. anyway out of all things??? he asked me if i believe that our physical bodies and evolution have an impact on who we are?? and i was like well man to an extent were just animals u know but also theres more than that to us (i guess he was asking if i think human genetics impact us like they do dog kinds). but then??? dude goes on abt how he studied human migrations and """breeds""" of people?? (not ethnic groups not race even but BREEDS??) and asked me where my accent and i was from and like oh ita a nice one and,, essentially how oh u know theres a historical connection between asiatic ppl (his ppl) and mine but then like,,, started talking abt how my people have more neanderthal dna??
and its like bro listen interesting topic but it felt very weird while being hit on and being asked where im from and also BREEDS??? and just like all the talk of if,,,, our evolutionarly BREEDS impact us???? bro what
and then the dude started trying to explain that objectivity doesnt exist bc of quantumphysics and how that loops back to religion and i was like,,, dude i get whst ur getting at but he sounded so pretentious saying it
and he just kept being like so insistent to keep talking to me and i uhhh im too polite
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sadkois · 2 years
you know what! i LOVE fics/aus/whatever revolvin around TIME SHENANIGANS (biggest example is time travel) and there needs to be more of these with nishiki and so here's a few ideas i've been thinking about...
Back to the past. after the explosion, nishiki wakes up in the past. sort of a second chance i guess :) (alt. kiryu is the one sent to the past. alt2. they both get sent to the past)
Time loop. similarly, after the explosion, nishiki wakes up in the morning of the final battle, except this time he has to relive the same day over and over... and over...
Switcheroo. 2005!nishiki & 80's!nishiki switch places :)
Back to the... future? nothin to do with that movie asgdh just send any nishiki into the future. it doesn't even have to be y0 to kiwami. it could be like. idk. get a nishiki thrown to y5. one of these could be either y0 or 1996 nishiki gets sent to y7. i really want nishiki to meet ichiban lmao
Meet&Greet. well, you know. all the ideas before only had one nishiki running around. but what if the past meets the future :)
Time Out. time stops while nishiki and kiryu are throwin punches. like, it stops for everyone except them.
read more for my nonsense. spoilers for y0 & kiwami. tw for suicide.
After the EXPLOSION in kiwami, nishiki wakes up in the past. WHEN in the past you wonder? why there's a lot of possibilities... it could be anywhere between y0 and kiwami :') maybe even when they both were younger... tho my personal favourite moments are:
the moment he was pointing the gun at kiryu in y0. (he has a gun! when he exploded he had a gun too!)
the exact moment he killed dojima (yep another moment where he has a gun in his hands... )
i havent thought much of this but yea. as for the alternatives. well i wanna talk about alt2 cause its always fun when two characters are sent to the past but they DONT know the other one knows, if u get what i mean lmao
AGAIN. after the EXPLOSION, nishiki wakes up in the past, except this time he's gonna be stuck in a loop instead :) i think it would be great for it to be the morning of the final battle (alternatively 2 days before the final battle. tbh im a bit unsure of the timeline, but im takin the morning as having reina and shinji already dead, while 2 days prior has everyone alive... depends on how bad things are gonna be for everyone lmao)
this is the idea i have thought of the most but at the same time im incapable of putin it into words aaaa
but just. imagine nishiki having to relive the same day over and over. obviously he doesnt realize hes in a loop the first time, he sees it instead as a second chance to actually win lol. i think nishikis smart enough to actually manage this while having knowledge of the "future". so he wins. gets rid of jingu. gets the money. he thinks he's done it but the loop starts again :) actually, to confuse nishiki a bit, maybe he should get shot at the end of that first loop. so he thinks he just messed up that last part :) but yea. he relives everything again and again and again and what is he supposed to do to escape this hell. (oh he absolutely thinks this is just hell at some point. he died the first time and this is his personal hell....) some scenarios for some of the loops could be:
he ends up killing kiryu instead (for this one the loop doesnt immediately begin again. i want him to go really 'what have i done' for this one lmao)
he shoots/stabs himself the first moments of a loop. he, of course wakes up again like nothing happened
he just. leaves. grab his car and drive out of this place for good. it doesnt work.
i want him to talk about the loop to someone. theres many characters he could talk to... kiryu maybe being the last resort...
i want something funny cause it cant be all too awful all the time. i dont know what tho.
he ends up threatenin/killlin/etc etc quite some people
of course this all ends at some point but aaaa thinkin about it.... thinkin about it.
still thinkin about it. i think it would be fun for them to switch with their appearances too. like, 2005 nishiki with his bigass eyebags and blood gel hair is suddenly in serena with kiryu and reina.
OK DAMMIT. ignoring everything else to just say that ichiban and nishiki should be friends. ICHIBAN IS THE KINDA FRIEND NISHIKI NEEDS OK. SOMEOEN WHO ISNT AFRAID TO EMOTE. (WHO CAN EMOTE OASGDHFJG) also this could actually also be sendin ichiban to the past or soemthin idk. WAIT. IT COULD BE SOMETHIN LIEK THE XMEN FUTURE PAST MOVIE. I DONT KNOW.
i feel like 80s nishiki & 2005 nishiki would hate each other on sight and i wanna see it. 2005 nishiki cause ew thats my cringe past self and 80s nishiki would pick up those vibes immediately. and once hearing about everythng 2005 nishiki did he would start throwing punches lmao. at the end i think they should talk tho. maybe they can help each other out...
OK YEA. U KNOW THAT PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR EPISODE WITH KING JULIEN N KOWALSKI? if not. well. the thing is while they are punchin each other out time stops. of course they dont freakin notice until nishiki falls down and kiryu gets the chance to look around. yumi and haruka are frozen. he notices nishiki is the only one actually breathin and we go from there :) practically the fic to force them to TALK. (watch one of them freakin leave lmao)
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am-i-sans · 8 months
dnd adventures 40
holy shit we hit 40 thats so pog champ
suzy is going to kill sunnie oh well. tori said nothing permanent lol. dans asks tori if they should stop her. tori sighs and follows suzy, and us following her. suzy asks if anyones gonna stop her. that depends if we need too xD suzy just shrugs. frog tries to get away from inferno but cant lol. tori is picking up suzy noooo. inferno threatens to kill frog and tori glares at him. tori makes a gimme gesture for frog.
now were just looking for an inn and seeing if theres stuff to do. hotel california. dans goes to get undyne. inferno insights the hotel and is spouting lyrics lol. dans finds undyne and catches her up on what happaned and leads back to the hotel. inferno is still being cryptic so dans tells undyne to beat him up lol. frog says no dont lol. tori says no more drama lets just go in. but we wanna beat up inferno! dess cant find margarittaville :(
dans asks whats a margaritta? dess looks so fucking sad oh no. anyway into the hotel! theres some unforgettable california girls inside xD the receptionist says welcome to the hotel california. oh no the session has devolved. help.
dans did an arcana check but it seems normal wtf. i hate this. beach themed bedroom. inferno get off the bed you dont deserve it. dans asks dess again what a margaritta. she says its a gay drink and dans says to show him. "im sorry did you say COCKtail?" dans please. 'wtf is tequilla?' cam has heard of it apparently. cam says its made far south. suzy chucks a pillow at undyne. undyne throws it back.
dans asks tori if she wants to go in the lobby with him to wait in the lobby for sunnie. tori asks cam to watch the kids. thumbs up! suzy yeets a pillow at cam lol. vani tries to hit suzy with a pillow but she just takes it and hoists him up lol. inferno hits her with a pillow. she turns around pissed lol he acts innocent. suzy doesnt buy it lol. undyne went to eeby deeby for a moment oh no. pillow fight! undyne returns!
dans and tori get to the lobby and he gives her some coffee. talking about brothers. dans fucking tells tori that yeah, i know your a warlock. whos your patron? dans says he will help tori. 'i wont make her same mistakes.' 'so you know this person? interesting.' talking about her crazy mom. dans says she can choose to be better, and he will support her anyway he can. dans admits hes a bit jealous she still has sunnie. "worst comes to shove we can get married and move out to the countryside." that throws her for a loop xD dans cuts off the dark convo and asks about cute stories about the kids xD
sunnie messages tori asking to meet at margarittaville wtf. he'll meet us outside to take us lol. dans is gonna go support her. gonna get the kids to remeet him. dess suddenly came downstairs carrying the smalls. suzy says they broke the whole room. dans says they can come for a remeet if they want. and suzy can beat him up if hes rude. dans tells cam to watch undyne and inferno since they left them alone lol. cam wants to go with us tho so i guess dess is in charge lol. cam starts infodumping the books sunnie wrote to dans lol.
sunnie shows up and kinda stands there awkward. dans squeezes tori's hand in reassurance. cam is embarrassed lol. suzy is glaring at him lol. re-introducing the kids! frog is still excited awww. tori glances at suzy to behave. going to margarittaville! inferno went eeby deeby.
ordering at margarittaville suzy wants one xD cam too. tori says suzy cant lol. dans gets them nonalcoholic ones. sunnie asks how the kids happaned. they found tori xD cam says were cursed together. run while you can! so...hows sunnies life been? their both so awkward. no kids or anything. cam says they met them now and winks xD tori fucking glares. sunnie chokes omg. tori sends wind into cams face lol. jesus cam you cant say this in front of the kids. their rolling to seduce i think kay is gonna kill them
tori fucking tries to charm cam but dans counterspells it. dans tells cam what she tried to do. tori cockblocks lol. dans says to keep it in their pants until the meeting is done. dans gets back on track and coughs about teya. awkward. portal business. how do you even respond to that? 'how did she survive in that other world.' welp about that-
tori hugs sunnie cause he started crying. she apologizes for how she told him at the library. meanwhile dess is giving undyne weed lol. shes super hungry so they show up at margarittaville oh no. sunnie finally stops crying and pats frog on the head. dans slides his drink over to cam since cams is almost empty. and here come the high people screaming for food.
dans goes to do damage control and tells tori to uh take care of everyone else. undyne fucking just picks dans up. yes he will get her food. he has to fucking babysit jesus. he tries to keep her satiated with jerky and dess is sad dans went to margarittaville without her lol. dans says hes gonna have to talk to dess later and she instantly gets serious oh no. cam once more shot their shot and left lol. dess fucking drops the bombshell her sister is also dead jesus.
dans is giving her a margaritta oh no. dess is staring off with a scared look oh no dans fucked up. dans says she doesnt have to talk about it if she doesnt wanna and shes a bit relieved. sending undyne to bed. specifically a bathtub lol. cam apparently went to bother shopkeepers. time for dans to get high!
meanwhile frog tries to bond with sunnie over being bards. tori says he used to be better at parenting lol. dess goes to eeby deeby. sunnie is still in shocked of course. he asks what tori has been up to. she spent too long in a cave lol. he asks about dans xD frog gives tori a devious smirk. teasingly says their in love awwww. sunnie says she never explained how they actually met. she was looking for frog and uh cursed. suzy once more was raised by wolves xD
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darkestpsi · 2 years
when i say that i like both dabi and shouto i dont mean it in the "oh my god they're so hot i wanna fuck them" kinda way or the "lol they both hate their parents just like me fr" way but that i really do understand how its like to grow up around such tough, hard love. to have your entire worth, the level of care and responsiveness you receive in moments you definitely should not be seeking this constant validation but your fucking veggies and milk - all of that being based off just how useful you can be to your parents; being told that the point of your life quite literally is for the fulfilment of thEIR dreams, in THEIR way, under THEIR supervision, yknow?
like, i can literally not even begin to count the many recordings on loop i have of my mums voice in my head telling me to always be better and to do so much more, be so much more - achieve things, great things and live to just please and please and please - for herself, for her dead mother (who probably doesnt even care about half of the shit that i have done since she passed, because dead people cant feel - they cant feel, but somehow their presence still suffocates), for the status and the level of respect itll give both her and my dad (so that they wont ever be referred to as immigrants again) and the amount of money ill eventually get paid thatll somewhat, somehow all go back to them, anyway.
point is, dropping so suddenly from being so loved and praised and shown off when you were younger and tried your hardest to be that bit better to the broken toy you are now, unable to carry out their tasks - demands, even - easily replaced by someone younger, someone so much better than you; worth so much more than you. when they are born.
i joke alot about how similar my family dynamic is to the todorokis, the distance between me and my siblings now after all it was that we went through together and how im literally doing medicine for my parents so that they can get their doctor, and i can get my peace, but its very truly something ive had no control over my whole entire life. all ive wanted is some damn control. lmao. my mum literally named me after a doctor she saw on tv who was giving a lecture about medicine and i laugh at the fucking irony of it all because god, you dont even realise that this is fucking killing me, ma- but the thing with touya, the parts of him that diverge from my own experiences is the fact that he was able to break free from all of those restraints secured by his family, the goals they set him, the ones he set himself. the guilt and disappointment and oh my god, how could you -why - why would you regret not being able to meet those expectations and him being thrown aside like everything he ever received was so palpable and fleeting because he was a toy, was always a toy to my mum endeavor. he knew he couldnt compete with shouto. shouto the gifted child. the hero. the hate and anger he feels towatds him, idk, it hits so fucking close to home. but i also see so much of myself in the way shouto is so fucking willing to be the good child, the perfect child, who pleases and pleases and pleases; doing everything he is supposed to without retalliation because thats what hes supposed to do and thats what they want him to do and eventually, someday, somewhere he will get his peace as a hero, because he was "born to be the best", born to be a doctor hero - literally both sides of my personality at war oh my god AAAAA
i literally can not help but attach myself to those characters.
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keromelomii · 1 year
feeling like an entry tdy <3
tdy i practiced driving!! somehow its rlly comfy driving around my neighbourhood just going in loops ww (while praying a car doesnt have to drive pass when the road is narrow) i wanna learn quick so i can go places myself T_T i wanna go on a road trip with bf so bad even though ik thats probs impossible bc my mom would never trust me to drive that far myself sfdnjdsnfkjdkf
oh yeah BOYFRIEND i confessed to him months ago we’re dating now AAAAAA LOL i love him hes the cutest RAAAAA
i thought i was done with uni stuff last month but ig im doing more now, im so fed up i just want to get accepted somewhere to move out
its so hot nowadays the place is a mess (i hate cleaning bc of the heat) ik i need to sell my things n stuff but i cant bring myself to go thru all my things and clean but i hate when its messy
i wanna move out i wanna live alone i hate not being in control of my life i wanna do things that i wanna do but moving away also means i wont see my friends or bf and im so scared
esp bf i hate being long distance physical touch is my main love language :(
sometimes i imagine if he were to ever move in with me as a cute lil possibly like “omg imagine what if” but them im also like i dont think i want that commitment ?? im scared of breaking up while living together but also im scared of being too long term
but at the same time im like blabalalababalbla living together would be so perfect ughfgjdfg
idk i know i cant do anything rn about where i am and what im doing but i really hate my environment and how days are blending into each other
life rn is sosoosossoosoo boring
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lostconductor · 6 days
happy pride month! - 6/4/24
i've had a lot of thoughts on julian's sexuality. it's insane. it's not that deep but it is because the mechanisms of my mind are an enigma. i originally sent pieces of this over discord at like 4 am but it's the most i've been able to explain it in words lol, i ended up adding more to it and expanding upon it slightly more
basically....he is bi yes but hes also a flavor on the ace / aro spectrum in the sense that yes he can feel sexual / romantic attraction but it isnt Often. like it is totally out of sight out of mind until it isnt and he puts the puzzle pieces together. he never noticed eva starting to like him or ever even considered anything romantic w him. they spent lifetimes together but he was going through time loop torture nexus he didn't exactly have time to think about that. there was a timeline where eva confessed to him, and he had no idea he liked him until he confessed. i think i labelled him demi because he just doesnt feel anything until hes spent a long time with u and has forged a lifeling bond of steel with u, but even then he's mostly just given Awareness by the others saying something first
i tried (kind of cringely) to touch on it in the third evacuation ocfic i wrote where he like. he feels an attachment to eva, considers him the person he's closest to, is comfortable with laying in a bed with him and holding hands but literally doesn't really consider it might be love / a romantic relationship until eva tells him he loves him and his brain is like oh yeah. that makes sense......in this timeline too.....yeah ill hold onto this guy forever maybe i love him
he's also extremely physically affectionate already, and was just kind of brought up in a way where he doesn't see a big deal in homies kissing each other goodnight. he doesn't mean to come onto you. which confuses eva so much
overall i think he just doesn't think of romance that much, just kind of does things out of sheer attachment and connection. he expresses and feels love differently in a way thats really hard to describe but i think an aro person would understand/phrase better (i considered it as a label myself before, but i ultimately ended up just deciding my feelings and energy might fluctuate but in the end i feel romantic attraction and develop crushes lol)
put under a readmore for paragraphs about sex i just love intricate rituals . sorry.
read more but he like. he doesnt usually feel sexual attraction, more often than not the others initiate it or he offers it to please them or relieve them rather than being Horny For It, and really is just going with the flow and willing to try anything. he doesnt judge or care he just likes making his partners happy. it isnt even in a “ehh i dont rlly want to have sex but whatever he wants ig” way, its consensual and julian is happy doing it, just doesnt rlly feel the sexual drive to initiate it himself *shrugs*. he's more of a giver than a receiver and just likes pleasing his partners.
a lot of him initiating sex otherwise is “hey you look tense/we havent done this in a while, do u want me to help u with that (trying to sound flirty)” or “hey i found out about this thing do u wanna try it it sounds fun”LOL
he is poly and hes also fine w his partners having sex without him or consentually having sex w someone else, and is fine doing it with a friend or something if they want to and not expecting anything more from it because he just sees it as smtng humans Do. yes it can be display of trust and love and sexual desire, but also separated from that its something people do just because it feels good! so if they wanna, and jules is ok w them seeing him nude, why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he's....very lax about it
idk. its so hard to describe. but he experiences it different than me which is hard to shift my brain into anyways. but he's so special 2 me. my little guy. he KNOWS what sex is he KNOWS what a boyfriend adn girlfriend is he isn't an innocent bean but he just DONT GOT TIME FOR THAT HES GOT A TIME LOOP TO SOLVE /J
(ends up supermarried because he spent acual lifetimes keeping this man alive and attached to him like a little worm. love cares him so much thinks hes handsome and likes driving him up the wall and eva wants him romantically and carnally)
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
2/2 ‘BRIAN AND EMMETT! LOOK AT THE BEST FRIENDS. When you think about it, theyre basically the same person. (Emmett says it hasnt been his year dick wise) THIS is what im being robbed off when they don’t give me them as friends! Since when does Em know about cancer? I know for a fact that’d be a sweet moment between them and i was robbed! This is how he’s telling people? Iconic. If this was today, he’d just post it on his IG Story.’ And we are back at Mel and Mikey ‘I genuinely say this from the bottom of my heart: i hate them both. Finally lindsay has a fucking brain shes using. Unfortunately she still has a horrible haircut though’ Loretta brings Deb heart shapped dessert ‘oh rosie. My sweet Rosie *long pause and then looks at me and points to his Brian inside a heart shirt* This is literally me with Brian.’ ‘FINALLY TED MAKEOVER! I get triggered every time they say queer guy, just thought you should know. I’m so happy that Emy and Teddy are friends again’ ‘look Mike is realizing he’s an asshole. I could’ve told you that 4 seasons ago. Or episodes. The next apology and confirmation that he’s an asshole needs to be to Brian that dinner pissed me off! Who does that to a friend? Just watches while they get attacked?. I still hate him for that. BRIAN! Look at this cutie (and Ted reveal happens) TEDDY! He looks good. Wait, I need a video of Brian saying Ted is fabulous on a loop’ ‘they brought Rosie just for a little kissy kiss and that was it? Good for her. *looks at me like he just figured out all the world problems* mmm she probably had to go back to work on her show’ (she did not the show was already over at that point but he refused to believe me) Mel asks Linds if she is giving up JR bc she doesnt want to be her mother ‘girl, after how you and michael behaved? Even i dont wanna see that damn baby anymore. Now where the fuck is Gus, the real star of the show? Give him to Brian and Justin for a sleepover’ ‘mike acts like he’s got it all figured out and like he’s this grown up dude who is suddenly too good for Liberty Avenue and yet he’s a fucking idiot and a child. WHY IS HUNTER BACK ON THE STREET? What the fuck is going on with him? Why would they do that?’ AND we are at that Britin scene now ‘Blondie! Look at him drawing. Imagine if they hung out at Brians office and Blondie worked on his art and Bri was working on his shit? I should’ve been a writer on the show. God, im so happy his hair is back. BRI BRI! Okay what the fuck is going on? He doesnt wanna fuck Brian? Okay cool that’s okay. Can’t relate but to each their own, i guess but why does he look like hed rather jump off Empire State Building? He’s acting like he killed someone calm down it’s just an std it happens, what the fuck? WHAT IS GOING ON? Since when does Justin care for all this? Why is he being like this?’ Justin reveals the Rage drawings ‘WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS? When are you gonna stop fucking every et that moves??? NEVER? And he gave him a virus in the series? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED? Did i hallucinate the part where Justin and him had that foursome? Or when those dudes were all over him in babylon? OR THE LA FUCKS? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BLONDIE? Blondie i said never change? What is this? And dont even get me started on the Rage comic. Thats fucked up, thats why he hid it from Brian cause he knows that’s fucked up. I hate this. What the fuck is going on?’ He then got up and went outside to smoke and didn’t come back for 20 minutes. And when he finally did all he said was ‘this is bullshit’ and then he left the house to go on a walk to clear his head. And when he came back he refused to talk about qaf. So the beginning of the end has officially started.
BRIAN AND EMMETT! LOOK AT THE BEST FRIENDS. When you think about it, theyre basically the same person. (Emmett says it hasnt been his year dick wise) THIS is what im being robbed off when they don’t give me them as friends!
Your brother is feeding my little KinneyCutt shaped heart. They are basically the same person, I've been saying that! Also, they're both tall.
*long pause and then looks at me and points to his Brian inside a heart shirt* This is literally me with Brian. Yes it is, Brother. If Loretta adopted a cat (which she will in a half a second because she's a lesbian, yes this is a self-own) she would/will name it Debbie.
mike acts like he’s got it all figured out and like he’s this grown up dude who is suddenly too good for Liberty Avenue and yet he’s a fucking idiot and a child. The joy I am getting from your brother reading Michael is immeasurable.
I should’ve been a writer on the show. Yes, he should have.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS? When are you gonna stop fucking every et that moves??? NEVER? And he gave him a virus in the series? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED? Did i hallucinate the part where Justin and him had that foursome? Or when those dudes were all over him in babylon? OR THE LA FUCKS? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BLONDIE? Blondie i said never change? What is this?
I'm crying. I'm so sorry anon. I'm so sorry Brother. It gets worse. It gets so much worse.
(To be clear, I love the Only Time speech because it encapsulates them, but Brian proposing and every moment of that is awful. (okay we get some cute couple moments from them being engaged BUT AT WHAT COST? Justin not being at Babylon in the last shot is awful. It is entirely out of character. I hate the writers)
I'm sorry.
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