#oh and dont get me started on the fanbase. sorry but FUCK the fanbase. most toxic fanbase weve ever had the displeasure of being in
freakpercent · 3 months
taking a break from creatures of sonaria to play tower of adventures has genuinely been one of the best decisions we've made for our health im so serious
#for those who are reading this and dont know what cos is:#cos is a roblox game where you get to play as a variety of creatures#which sounds REALLY cool and its really fun to begin with#until you realize that the head devs of the game are EXTREMELY greedy#(not to say devsis isnt greedy obviously but these fuckers take it to a level of incredibly unfun)#every event is like dragging a lead weight around. you have to grind so much in them to get some of the rewards#every event is extremely p2w and its getting so much worse for every single event and it sucks#some of the choices when it comes to the updates arent always great either#the game went through an entire recode and its somehow more buggy than how it was BEFORE the recode#and attempts to report certain bugs in their discord can result in VERBAL WARNINGS. this isnt a joke im fucking serious#oh and dont get me started on the fanbase. sorry but FUCK the fanbase. most toxic fanbase weve ever had the displeasure of being in#people will harass each other constantly in the games and afaik the devs do jack shit about it. the community is so unmoderated its horrifi#like i obviously dont expect them to moderate each and every single thing players do. thats impossible#but even the fanbase itself is FULLY aware of how toxic the community is. and the devs have never commented on it or done shit abt it#to our knowledge at least#like OBVIOUSLY devsis does pull p2w shit every now and then. but they dont do it for the ENTIRE FUCKING GAME#idk. i hate that such an awesome game with so much potential is going downhill so rapidly#like we made friends there n all and thats cool but. god it just doesnt feel enjoyable when every server we join in results in a verbal war#OK rant over sorry aoguahsgdha
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soudakuwunmoment · 10 months
expressing my take on dream is how i finally get cancelled but tbh im ready.
so i just watched the moistcritical video on whatever bullshit happened on twitter regarding him.
i wanna establish that im not exactly a dream fan. i dont watch videos of his or really anyone from that part of youtube. i dont think hes that great of a person necessarily.
also, i want to establish that i am an idiot 18yo boy. ight? im not some kind of expert on this shit. its literally just my take. its an opinion. and im putting it on the internet. as people tend to do.
okay. recap. dream allegedly sent snapchat videos of him moaning to a minor. there is zero proof that the video was from him, and zero proof that it was sent to a minor. then the fight between dream and gumballva. oh my god. guys. god i cant even with this bit. alright alright ill get to it
im gonna completely fuckin disregard the snapchat thing. theres absolutely no proof. innocent until proven guilty, as it goes.
about the fight between dream and gbva. holy shit stop taking sides. both of these men are immature man babies whos fame got to their head. "it was a physical fight!!!!!!" believe it or not, drunk slapfights happen sometimes. just because the fight was between two famous guys doesnt make it any more important or significant.
gbva was referring to himself as Michelangelo. he was saying how dream is "miniscule compared to him" like the worlds most pathetic dick measuring competition. he mentioned his "intellectual stature" guys. my friend told me about how the gumball va TOTALLY BURNED DREAM and DESTROYED HIM so i had high expectations. but no. the guys just stroking his own ego and shittalking some other guy, and people are hype about it because the other guy is dream and OOOOOOO DREAM BAD GUYS.... and because gumball is pretty well loved as a show. he called dream a slur. like on one hand, it is INSANE to me that a famous guy called someone a slur and twitter cheered. on the other hand its actually not that big a deal. yes, slurs and homophobia are a big deal. but let me reiterate that this is literally just two drunk dudes trying to roast each other and failing miserably. a slur isnt going to end the world. like it isnt cool that he said it, he shouldnt have said it, but honestly what the fuck ever. people are being killed in mass rn and this is what we're arguing about and im part of the problem so WAHOO.
and then theres the fact that dream recorded it. guys its not that fucking weird. im sorry to burst your bubble but recording arguments or recording when someone is aggressive towards you isnt abnormal. was it a little bit dramatic and incredibly childish to post it on twitter? yeah!!! duh!!! this is dream we're talking about. dramatic. childish. but the thing is, and hear me out, hes allowed to do that. insane as it may be, humans are allowed to be dramatic and childish. humans are allowed to brag about their "intellectual stature" in a cab after a night out. humans are allowed to be flawed. no, i dont think he was recording it due to feeling unsafe. i do in fact believe he was recording it to start drama. i believe whole heartedly that dream recorded the argument hoping his teenaged fanbase would run to his rescue. and you know what? who gives a shit!! are you actually surprised? are you REALLY? because dream very obviously has something wrong in his head. im not saying that the shit he does is okay because of it. but i want everyone reading this right now to imagine how you would realistically cope if you suddenly became famous during the fucking plague at the ripe ass age of 21 in the span of a month and then spent the next 3 years being either worshipped by children in mass or brutally harassed by literally the entire world. because believe it or not, 21 year olds are immature and are not normally equipped to deal with a situation like that. its entirely possible that dream already had issues, and its also entirely possible that he FORMED issues in the past 3 years due to the intense stress of his situation. dream is fucked up. dream has issues.
but listen to me. as far as we know, dream is not a pedophile or a murderer or a racist or a homophobe or any of that shit. sure, hes awful at babysitting each and every one of his bajillion preteen fans, but thats kinda not his fucking responsibility??? if a kid is going around doing awful shit in the name of some guy, blame the kids parents. its their job to teach their kid how to act online and around other people. and sure, dream is very very likely a narcissist and seems to be incapable of criticism and needs attention constantly or else he keels over like a scared gerbil and dies. hes kind of a shitty fuckin guy!! BUT GUESS. WHAT. so is like 70% of the population!!!! most of us are fucking awful!!
i know i cant change shit, i know id get bodied by even a single dream anti. i just wish people would stop giving him attention, leave him the fuck alone, and let him get therapy or spend a year in the woods or smoke some fucking weed idk.
seeing the reaction people have to literally just some schmuck makes me TERRIFIED of putting myself out there. can we all just accept that everyone is flawed and sometimes good people have shitty takes or do shitty things. if you had the same exposure to the world that dream did, how quickly would YOU get cancelled? im just. im fucking begging you to look at this guy (and other equally underwhelming schmucks) with a critical mind and context to why you may see them the way you do.
im not tagging this shit i dont hate myself that much. i dont mind if no one reads this i just wanna rant. just leave the guy be.
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years
ok but like wilbur as a dad? like him taking care of you while you pregnant and making sure you feel amazing and confident and just supporting you.. fuck man
Wilbur as a Dad!|| 🌼
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irl / in-game
Genre| fluff
h e a d-c a n n o n s||
Artist| yanteruu on twitter!
warnings: pregnancy!!
(also pronouns are still gender neutral bc pog)
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- he was with you in the bathroom as you took the test, leaning against the wall as you did your thing, he simply stared at you much to you wondering why he was.
- It didn’t matter though once beeping bounced off the bathroom walls, as you got up and walked over to him, only looking at it with him.
- Wilbur never picked you up so fast, he was laughing and giggling as he burried his face into your chest, he was so happy.
“Y/N!! Im- Im gonna be a dad!” He cried out, putting you down but grasping your shoulders. Y/N simply looked up at him, teary eyed and smiling. “Yeah, Wilbur, and you’ll be a great one.” Y/N said, standing on they’re tippy-toes and wrapping they’re arms around his neck, trying to give him a kiss. He simply smiled, snaking his hands to your torso, pulling both of you closer to his body. All he did was press his lips against yours, so softly yet passionate. As both of you separated, all Wilbur had to say was,
“I love you, both of you.”
- Although he was protective of you before, he definitely was now. Well... more of clingy. He was always by your side and catered to all of yours and your babies needs.
- Morning cuddles where your both laying in bed, his head beneath your chest, but above your stomach. He loved the intimacy, being able to be close to the 2 most dearest people in his life.
- Telling Philza and Tommy when you were about 3 weeks in, Tommy screaming while Phil was the definition of [surprised pikachu face]
“W-wait? Y/N’s pregnant?” Phil asked, all 3 of them met up at a small cafe since he wanted to spend some time with his other family. “Yeah!! Dad, im gonna be a dad!” Wilbur jumped in his seat, he was so giddy about everything, not that anyone was complaining.
“Wait... this doesn’t mean you’re going to be spending less time with m- i mean us right?” Tommy said, his face toward his drink, yet looking up at his older brother.
“Awwwww Tommy-!!” Wilbur cooed, looking at the teenager with adoration. “I wont be online much in the later months, but for now my schedule will be relatively the same.” Wilbur stated, sipping his drink, looking at Tommy. “But hey, wanna go back to my place and see Y/N? They didn’t want to come since ‘they didn’t want to ruin the surprise.’” Wilbur asked, both boys nodded as they headed out.
- The ENTIRE SMP traveling to the UK to see you, they already loved you before, but my god they practically stole you from Wilbur for a few.
- Techno was,, surprisingly protective of you. Whenever you were out in public and Wilbur wasn’t there, he was right by your side. He liked you before, you were incredibly nice to talk with, and never minded his tangents.
- Wilbur asking Techno if he has anything to confess, only for Techno to punch him in the shoulder as you giggled
- Setting up a baby room would be both adorable and a disaster. Wilbur would have no clue what he’d be doing most of the time, but seeing him laughing and giggling as he smiled at his mistakes... your heart simply melted
- Him kissing your stomach. This is very important. Every chance he gets, he kisses your stomach. Without hesitation. Even if your not showing, he’ll still do it.
- Both of you going out on little shopping trips, picking out baby stuff.
“Y/N!! Look at this onesie! We have to get it, the baby will look even more adorable.” Wilbur giggled, as he put the article of clothing into the trolly. “Wilbur, sweetie, dont you think we already bought enough?” Y/N asked, smiling a contagious smile as they looked at they’re lover.
- Telling his fanbase was a tad bit interesting, it was during a Geoguesser stream, where you walked into the room, you were in your second trimester by now, so it was very obvious you were, indeed, pregnant.
- So when you walked in to get some laundry, obviously pregnant, and in view, his chat went CRAZY
‘WILBUR?? WILBUR???!!???’
‘Wilbur got something to fess up?’
‘The fangirls are quaking’
‘Hes got someone in his bed AND in his twitch chat pog’
‘Wilbur says hes a soft boy on the streets but a freak in the sheets-‘
- Wilbur just say there wide eyed, as he turned around and looked over at you. You were bending down to grab some clothes, unaware of the situation. He quickly sprung up though, grabbing the clothes out of your hands, quickly throwing them off the bed.
“Love!! I thought you said you were going to rest...” Wilbur mumbled, pulling you close, rocking both of your forms back and forth. “I did, Wilby, but work around the house needs to be done, for the baby-“ “No, you need to rest for the baby. The baby will not be happy if they’re beautiful parent is not getting the proper rest they need and deserve.” He said, looking at you with a pouty face. Y/N simply sighed then giggled, finally giving in.
“Oh also... wanna introduce the little one to chat..? They saw you two.” Wilbur asked, scratching the back of his neck, looking at his partner.
- Singing lullabies to the baby, even if its not born yet. He’ll lighty strum his guitar, humming a tune as you lay next to him, enjoying both’s presence
- Wilbur constantly holding onto you, ESPECIALLY in public. Someone will look at you the wrong way and all the sudden Wilbur is practically suffocating you, eyeing the person who dare look at you the wrong the way
- Making special lullabies for the baby once they’re born, he’ll sing them to both of you before bed, and it always lulls you to sleep
- Orca plushie, Orca plushie
- You know that man bought little beanies and sweaters. Sorry its canon.
- When the baby started to kick he legitimately cried. He was so happy, all he wanted was to hold his baby.
- A absolute mess when Y/N is delivering the baby, he’s just pacing around the waiting room as Phil is trying to calm him down.
- Him being a total man baby with Phil, just constantly like ‘daaaAAAAAAD’ ‘phiiiiil i miss Y/N’ ‘i want my babies where are my babies’
- once he gets into the dilivery he is literally just:
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- i will make a part 2 of this if requested because i have IDEAS, HEAD FULL MANY THOUGHTS
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a/n: i skipped my math class to finish this, so kinda pog. Anyways soft dad wilbur makes me soft, i have writers block atm and have no clue what im even doing half the time but i hope you enjoyed this nonetheless :)
Also finally I uploaded I’ve been stressing for days ; - ;
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volfoss · 3 years
Sending you JJBA of course <3
i saved this for last bc idk how many thoughts i have on jjba but like? probably a lot of them so im going under a cut for this
The first character I first fell in love with: hmm, i remember really liking kira before i started watching? in terms of actually watching it, def dio (sorry for having shit taste xoxo) like hes just funny and pitiful and i cant fix him but i can put him on a lawnmower. i remember also really liking vanilla ice (again sorry for bad taste ajdsfsd) before i was watching and still do.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: mista but also like all of LS? i just didnt really think abt them a ton first time i watched (sure did uh block out like half of part 5 bc i was so upset about stuff w bruno) and now they r my besties. also like trish? for some reason i just really didnt like her a lot first time i watched? but now shes my bestie i care abt her sm
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: god the list is long. but im gonna be SO honest and say doppio. idk i just dont get the appeal really? like im sure hes great and all but hes just some guy to me and not in a fun way that i think abt him a ton. also like idk most of part 2's cast.
The character I love that everyone else hates: um does nukesaku count? no one cares about him sdjkfsdf but like idk out of the popular bitches to hate? maybe luca?? idk probably any fucking woman bc the jjba fanbase kinda sucks <3
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: dear god the list is long but uh mainly cioccolata. august ellis found him so hot and i really hate that for myself sdkjfsdf but like most of the feelings i feel toward him rn is how much can i torment chris w diavolo x cioccolata stuff and that the one fic i read for him made him really pitiful. but ive been cured from that one <3
The character I would totally smooch: well uh 😳 many but idk first that came to mind was my widdle malewife and girlboss from part 4 (sorry i will homewreck kira and shinobu idc)
The character I’d want to be like: i dont know honestly? maybe jolyne? shes really good and i keep getting kin assigned her from adrian so like i think thats the closest that I can get to someone who i wanna be like? i really like her a lot and like how she just doesn't really take shit from ppl
The character I’d slap: god that list is insanely long. but probably first and foremost funny valentine (and funnier valentine and funniest valentine (sorry for referencing jorge joestar on main im sorry)) he just sucks so so bad but also like a lot of the part 7 cast? also jorge joestar himself...
A pairing that I love: SO many but bruabba is like my main one? i really really love them idk theyre so special to me and like my besties
A pairing that I despise: girl help the jjba fandom is a hellhole :( but idk ppl r so so gross w giorno and im fucking sick of it hes 15 and ppl r like oh free real estate to be gross. theres so many gross ships and i hate them all <3
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omegawolverine · 3 years
I know you posted it days ago but you said something about wanting to rant about either karl or his fanbase and its been itching at my brain. Ive no clue whats happening or what is happening at all cause no one seems to be making clear points?? Or explaining anything?
Obviously you do NOT have to talk about it im sure it might be a sore point to rant because people can get SO needlessly rude to others over it. But if you want to idk explain? Just rant? Im definetly curious what it was over or about.
The "you dont need to talk about this" is amplified by the fact i am DAYS late and you are probably over it by now.
okay hi yes im happy to talk about this but i think i should preface with two things:
1) even tho it may seem like im biased towards him or being very defensive of him im actually a super casual karl viewer and the only reason i am super defensive of him sometimes is bc we act a lot alike irl and that is mainly because of our neurodivegency. when i say a lot i mean we share traits like "annoying" stimming (jumping around, making loud noises, repeating the same phrases until everyone is sick of hearing them), the difficulty reading situations, the very obvious issues with volume control and not just bouncing from subject to subject to subject as we fucking please. basically anything you've seen karl do on stream that is Very Neurodivergent ive done the same in my own way which is why i get defensive when i see people calling him annoying or saying they dont like him, usually for these types of reasons. that being said, when i say im a very casual karl viewer, i fucking mean it. i usually only watch him when he's streaming with other ccs i like or when he's doing chill alt streams bc even with the annoying donos, he's pretty relaxing and comforting when he's just fucking around by himself and he isnt trying to get as hype as he would on a main channel stream. so yeah, it may seem like im biased and sure, i guess i am on some level, but it's not coming from a place of me hyperfixating on him or me even loving him as a cc, it's coming from me being a neurodivergent who likes him just enough to get upset when i see people basically being casually ableist towards him.
2) i dont have all the facts or even a great understanding on what the fuck has been happening recently with his "drama"...mostly bc he talked about it on his priv, which im not on, and people are gatekeeping the tweets, as they always do, and basically making you "dm to see them" (which is already a problem in and of itself bc apparently in these tweets he said he didnt want them being ss and shared, yet they are being shared thru dms over and over and over again like. at that point just stop withholding the information and post the fucking shit, you clearly dont care that he said "dont share"). additionally, most of the threads ive seen on this situation havent actually explained the initial issue, just talked about his apology (a lot of people have said "it's bad" but havent said why and with no screenshots ((i havent asked for someone to dm me them and i still havent seen them posted, which is mildly surprising, but incredibly frustrating at this point)), i only have a few basic details i can actually assess it on) or they talked about the initial issue in very vague details so um. excuse me trying to explain this now, but ill try and make it make sense with how little ive actually pieced together.
(oh, also, here's my first rant about the ableism in this fandom which is way more broad. this is a pretty different rant from that one, but they're both pretty big reasons why i hate this fandoms treatment of karl)
so basically the problems started with mr beast being apart of a charity stream that donated either to autism speaks or to a similar company, im unsure on that part. im also unsure on if the people participating in the stream actually knew of this or not bc, from what i remember, the money was being donated to a separate organization that was like. under the bad company or some shit like that, idk how stuff like that works and also i read about this shit months ago bc this originally happened months ago and just sorta came to a head recently.
anyways, i think karl was supposed to be apart of this stream but pulled out of it right before (that or these were two separate streams and karl was supposed to participate in the first but pulled out while mr beast did both?? idk. regardless karl did not actually participate, just mr beast). from there people started doing the guilt from association bullshit they always do, this was also doubled by the fact that the chris being racist stuff came out sometime around then and basically he got dragged all over twitter for "being ableist" and "supporting racists" and i cant remember if he actually apologized when this originally happened or not. i vaguely remember him apologizing about something back then but i genuinely dont know if it was this or something else.
basically that died down eventually, a good chunk of people unstanned him but him and honktwt didnt end up getting the lovely lil technotwt treatment and they still havent yet, surprisingly. good for them honestly ajsksk
but now we get to the past few weeks and apparently something happened with him "laughing at someone saying the r slur" (it was mizkif, i believe), specifically when it was directed at other people, which is a big yikes, obviously, but when karl was called out for this a lot of people kind of. made this into a situation that it wasnt bc um. basically karl didnt laugh at it, he gave a few nervous giggles, as people often do when in a situation like that (and karl specifically said he does this in the one part of his apology tweet which i did stumble upon, although it wasnt the important part of the apology thread bc why would it be) and people fucking crucified him for it. they quite literally dragged a neurodivergent man for supposedly "laughing at the r slur" when he can literally reclaim it and also he was just nervous laughing.
and this is where the situation just gets really bad because they. basically forced him to admit that he was autistic on his priv to apologize for this. i havent seen the screenshots of him saying this, but i saw people discussing it and i am frankly so fucking pissed about this because sure, it was a bad situation, and i understand people wanting an explanation, but an apology? for a neurodivergent man nervous laughing at a slur he can reclaim? and then forcing the man to admit something he literally said in that tweet he didnt want people to know which is why people were being so gatekeepy about it while also LOUDLY discussing the situation, as if that wouldnt drive MORE PEOPLE to look for screenshots and ways to get ahold of this information? and then people had the audacity to call it a "bad apology" when they had quite literally just violated his privacy by forcing him to admit something that he shouldnt have needed to share in the first place if he didnt want to, which he didnt.
and this is why im so pissed off. karl is already constantly picked at and made fun of and called annoying for his neurodivergent traits, things which he literally cant help, things which are generally harmless, and now he was forced into a situation where he can now be further picked at and made fun of and called annoying bc they forced him to admit something private instead of just understanding and accepting that he had been nervous laughing at someone using a slur he has definetly been called for his neurodivergency.
tldr of my thoughts: yes i think karl needed to address this situation, it definetly looked bad, but twitter stans have this sense of entitlement with their ccs and because of that, they consistently take it way too far and harm the people they claim to care about so dearly. we've seen it happen time and time again with dream, but this is the first time ive seen them basically force someone to out themselves to make their apology "valid" and most of them still seem to not want to accept it anyways, which just makes me feel bad for him bc now that info is out their and people are just disregarding it to continue "holding him accountable".
anyways, i think that's all i can really say on this topic rn tbh, if anyone else knows this situation better please feel free to lmk clarifications and ill add them in since, like i said, i know fuck all thanks to twitter being so goddamn hush hush about the important details while simultaneously being the loudest mfers about how much they hate karl now instead of just fucking unfollowing and moving on.
thanks for the ask and im sorry if this is confusing!! i just think this is one of those weird situations where like. i think karl deserved some criticism for what happened and how he handled it or at least he shouldve been asked to address it but that just. isnt what happened, at all. he was harrassed. karl got harrassed and because of that he handled this situation even more sloppily than he probably wouldve and exposed private info about himself that he didnt feel comfortable doing and it just. fucking sucks tbh.
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Drugs (Bakugo Katsuki) Part 03
part three fuckin finally. in my defense i got distracted by jujutsu kaisen soooo yeah its a rly good anime and alot of the charaters are hot af so thats always a plus anywho time for the s t o r y
Taglist -> @no1herothatlookslikeavillain @5sosfckss
As you exit the building, reality set in. You didn’t have your car to drive home in. A booming laughter. You turn towards the building to see who the fuck was laughing so loud this early in the morning. You were met by a grinning Dynamight standing outside the entrance with his arms crossed like the cocky bitch he is. You roll your eyes and go on your phone while trying to ignore the fact that you didn’t have a way home and really didn’t want to pay for an Uber.
A pair of heavy footsteps stopped right next to you and you didn’t bother looking up because you already knew who it was.
“Seems like you don’t have a ride home.”
“Oh how’d you come up with that smartass?” you really did not want to talk to him and his cocky attitude. You just wanted to be at home, laying down and watching Spongebob. He laughed again and pivoted so he was standing right in front of you.
“Let me drive you home.”
You slowly lift your head from your phone that wasn’t even on anymore, looking up to the hero. He had taken his mask off and there were visible tan lines and the eyeshadow that he used was visible. You had to give him props for being so good at makeup.
“Um what?” You asked thinking he was just messing with you for the fun of it.
“I said let me drive you home. You obviously don’t have a ride home and you don’t look well off enough to be able to just go around paying for Ubers. Plus I wouldn’t want a pretty lady like you getting hurt.” It really baffled you that he just confidently said that with no remorse at all. You really wanted to punch and then smack that fucking smirk off of his cocky face.
“Listen here you little bitch I am perfectly capable of getting home on my own.”
“Yeah but technically you are still a suspect and therefore I can keep an eye on you if I deem you suspicious.”
“I didn’t do it!” You shouted a little louder than you meant to and caught the attention of a couple pedestrians and bystanders. Now that it was brought to your attention you realized there weren't many people fanning over Dynamight as there are with other heroes you happened to come across in public. But then again most of his fanbase is teenage girls fangirling over his muscles. It was pretty evident that he wasn’t going to back down for whatever reason.
“So?” he asked in a teasing tone.
“Okay fine,” you really did not want to ride with him or be anywhere near him but you wanted to go home and try to think of a way to prove your own innocence before news got out that you were a suspect for the numerous murders. He nodded and motioned for you to follow him into the parking lot. While walking toward a Black Lamborghini you realized how well off he really was. “Are you going to get in or are you just going to stand there?”
You rolled your eyes and got in, the car still smelled like a fresh new car but with a hint of caramel. It was clean and very nice, you wouldn’t mind owning a car like that but you knew that was just a dream because there was no way in hell you would be able to own a car like that. Dynamite, being the gentleman that he is, closed your door for you and then got into the driver seat. Right after he started the car he turned the news radio on and then began the drive.
It was quiet for the most part, except for Dynamight’s occasional road rage or his comments on what was on the radio. You found it funny how he was just so loud and honest. He really didn’t sugarcoat anything and to you that was both a blessing and a curse.
When he stopped in front of your apartment complex you were ready to book if out of the car and run to your bed. But as you opened your door you were stopped by a strong hand clutching your arm. You turn to him, confused and annoyed.
“Wait, before you go, here’s my number,” he quickly grabbed an old receipt out of his arm rest and scribbled down a phone number and you assumed that he was just giving you the number to his agency as sort of a business thing. But as you took the scrap paper from him you realized that it looked nothing like the numbers tied to agencies. “That’s my phone number. Call or text if you have any questions or concerns about the case.”
Both of you just kind of stared at each other until you noticed how red his face was getting and you started to smile a little.
“Now get the fuck outta my car...and call me Bakugo.” You nodded and gave him a small wave before leaving the car and entering the building. Now what the fuck was that. You were almost one hundred percent sure that a pro hero giving out his personal cell phone number was not a usual occurrence in the work field. But for a split second he wasn’t being a cocky bitch. To your surprise you found yourself pulling out the paper and putting his number into your phone as you walked to your room. You stood at your door as you saved his number as Bitch Boy. You planned on taking a shower to help wash away the stress of the first two hours of your day. Walking to your room you took your jacket and shoes off. As you walked over to your closet to grab some clothes your phone buzzed.
[New Message From Bitch Boy: are you okay?]
this chapter is so short im sorry ;-; i promise the next one will be longer pls dont hate me ;;--;;
Part 01 + Part 02
ask me questions!
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cheseyre · 4 years
good news, sluts! my brain's no longer being completely stupid (only mostly), i've seen the new asides and...have some thought-y thot thoughts:
*deep inhale*
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Okay, first things first: this art style is soooo fucking cUTE and I'm a jealous, squealing bitch. Anyone who knows who the artist is, could you link me to them, stat? I think Thomas mentioned them at the beginning of the ep, but nYeh, brain hurt, doesn't wanna do wooork-
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Okay, I'll admit, I was a little...apprehensive when I first saw the thumbnail and title. Part of it's just me being a bitter Remus Stan, but also...okay, deep breaths, controversial opinion time, get ready:
I don't ship Prinxiety.
Like, at all. 
I can see the appeal, and these dorks were so very, VERY cute in this particular ep, but I was honestly turned off by the ship long ago due to how overwhelmingly popular it is and how some fans characterize these two and treat this relationship as if it's the only valid one, y'know, the works—slight tangent, but that's also why I don't ship Logicality or Remile. I honestly vibe much better with ships like Roceit or Analogical, y'know?
Cutting in for another brief tangent: I'm surprisingly okay with Demus/Dukeceit/Receit/Trashnoodle/Whatever-Their-Ship-Name-Is-Oh-God-Why-Do-They-Have-So-Many-Fucking-Names; maybe it's cause they haven't actually interacted in canon and the fan content gives me such good Gay Disney Villain content, idk man im weird—).
Still, their interactions were both hilarious and sweet and like I said, I see the appeal, it's just not my cup of tea. y'all Prinxiety fans got fucking FED and I'm happy for you nerds. Enjoy ze happy boys!
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I guess another factor in my...low-key hesitance when I first saw what the ep was about is that...okay, get ready, another controversial opinion, le gasp: well, I'm not a big Virgil fan. In fact, at times, he swaps places with Patton as my least favorite sides—especially with some of his recent behavior in eps like DWIT (the "prohibit your breathing comment" really triggered me, for example). Sometimes, his attitude, especially around other sides like Roman or Janus, reminds me a little too much of my sister, who I don't have...a very good relationship with. Add to that how the more...intense side of the fandom has a disturbing tendency to turn him into the 'uwu precious woobie emo baby who can do no wrong' while unnecessarily villainizing other CERTAIN sides in the process, and...I think you all see where I'm going with this little rant 😅
However, upon actually watching the ep, he wasn't...that bad? I don't think? I enjoyed watching him be a flustered, disaster-y mess and genuinely excited at the end, his interactions with Roman were nice enough, and him literally pushing Thomas to make a move with Nico despite his obvious panic attack was a nice moment of genuine character development. I like seeing that, that's the good shit right there. And him being all flustered and shit, and smiling so much at the end of the vid was just...well, adorable. This man has no fucking right to be this cute, my god
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Okay, but Virgil not realizing that "cyberstalking in real life" is literally just stalking is both a big ass mood and further proof that, yes, Logan is indeed the only one holding the braincell out of this disaster of a lot. God help them all if he ducks out in the next ep.
And Thomas x Trash Can is my new OTP.  I dub thee ✨ "Trashmas" ✨
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Wait, does that mean Remus actually WAS in the ep? Cause, y'know, trash man?
👀 👀 
Okay, okay. 
With how much Virgil and Roman were going off about Thomas constantly lying, I was (understandably) a tad bit disappointed my snek son didn't even make a fucking cameo, but y'know what? In hindsight, I'm okay with this it's fineee~
He was just off playing with shadow puppets and stealing money from us desperate, content-starved peasants with his sheer extra-ness and, honestly? Gotta respect the hustle. 
Get that precious, precious coin, dapper snake! Wring us poor losers dryyyy!
*evil snek laugh*
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Also, this is a breather ep and adding Janus in probably would've caused unnecessary drama with the Roceit breakup and the constant antagonism between Virgil and him. It probably would've distracted from the point of the ep (flirting with social anxiety, exactly what it says in the tin)—much like it wasn't really Virgil or Remus's place to show up during POF. Does that make sense? I think it makes sense. Sorry, brain going brr-
Still, I can't believe the "Fuck Janus Sanders" Club is actually canon now 😂
God, first Patton in a skirt and now this. 
Thomas Sanders, you delight in fucking feEDING this gremlin nest of a fanbase, don’t you? You RELISH our screams of joy and pain and suffering, dON’T YOU?
What's next, actual canonical Janus and Remus interaction? Patton saying the fuck word? The Dragon Witch comes back? Janus's bowler hat gains sentience and takes over the world, Doris-style? What do you have planned, Thomas? Joan? WHAT ART THOU PLANNING, I MUST KNOW YOU HEATHENS YOU FIENDS-
And Virgil's little "would it be fair to him" comment, tho.
Like, I get in the context of the ep, he was likely talking about Nico and how it wouldn’t be good for a potential relationship with Tomas to be founded on lies, but still...my anxceit heart aches, man. 
Gimme that sweet, sweet angst with a side of mutual regret and possible future reconciliation and maybe something more wink wink nudge nudge on top, pls
...and fries.
Honestly, tho, that entire bathroom monologue was fucking beautiful, man. And relatable, too—i can't tell you how many times I've talked to myself in public restrooms because I just didn't know how to get the words I wanted to say out. It's...kind of embarrassing, tbh
Speaking of embarrassing, uh, crying stall guy.
Crying Stall Guy
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Like, I was expecting someone to come out the bathroom stall after Thomas stopped talking, but...I honestly wasn't expecting that. God, that whole scene was so cringe worthy and fucking hilarious
Honestly, Thomas in the ep in general was a huge ass mOOD and we collective gay/bi disasters ALL related with him, and if you say you don't, you're either lying to yourself or a demon. 
There is no in between 
sorry I don't make the rules
Like, I get this series is literally a gay disaster talking to himself for thirty minutes or longer, but like- EMPHASIS on the 'disaster' part 😂
Like...Thomas, you're lucky you're such a goddamn bean, because GOD, I cringing so hard when he first started talking to Nico
Although, I too have apologized profusely for genuine mistakes and am a flustered bi mess around my crush sooo
And god, Roman's "thirty = old man" jokes made me feel old...and I literally just turned twenty, like, come on, man!
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Maybe that's because I was literally watching this ep after finishing my ACT and had been sitting with a bunch of high schoolers, with their tiny fucking desks and tiny fucking water fountains smeh
*clears throat*
Anyways, uh, we STAN Nico Pintrovert Florés in this house
He gives me such big Carlos from WTNV vibes for some reason and this makes me sooo happy
and YESS, he's a WRITER
And he's??? So sweet?? A pure bean?? Just sits on his laptop at the mall food court all day, like a god-fucking iCON?? A Nightmare Before Christmas fan?? weARS GLASSES??
my hEART
The fandom seems torn between "Nicomas" and "Karrot Kings" as a ship name atm—personally speaking, I'm casting my vote for the latter
*crosses fingers* please dont be another janus x remus multiple ship name issue guys, please please please I can't keep track of them all-
*clears throat*
On that note, I'm guess I'm gonna go try and whoo over my crush with carrots now. If THIS disaster can do it and make it actually fucking work, god damnit, so cAN I
Meanwhile, in hell, my brain's just screaming "CANON LOVE INTEREST CANON LOVE INTEREST CANON LOVE INTEREST-"
God, I hope Nico isn't just a one-shot character, he's too pure and Thomas and him are adorable gay Disney fans and I stan
Oh, I wonder how the other sides'll react to him.
Oh god.
Oh god.
This ep just unleashed a new fresh hell of potential Nico x Sides ships, hasn't it?
Welp, time to prepare for ze incoming flood of fanfics, I guess. I'll get my umbrella and rain boots.
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That last shot of Virgil during the endcard was so fucking ominous oh my god mom im scared can you come pick me up-
Goddammit, Thomas and Joan, I'm NOT fucking ready to be traumatized again, fUCK
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I wish I wasn't a broke ass university student so I could contribute to Thomas's gloriously extra Patreon—both so I can support my favorite content creators who make this amazing blessed content and also, to join my boi Janus in fucking  destroying society by giving money to the people who actually deserve it, fuck YOU GOVERNMENT-
New headcanon time as to why Patton, Remus, and Logan weren't in the ep: they were helping Jan film that Patreon promotional video. 
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Remus directed it, Logan helped with the lighting and script, and Patton was just there as the cheerleader. 
The reason Janus made a dog with shadow puppets wasn't just to flaunt his deity status and prove how he is truly above us mere wretched mortals 
despite that being the absolute truth and we all know it, don't lie to yourselves
No, it was really him trying to do something cute and silly for Patton, because Moceit rights, daMMIT
guys, gals, and nonbinary pals
it’s time forr
the most wonderful time of the yearrr
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Step right up, folks! Hear ye, hear ye, my prediction for the next episode: Prinxiety v. Moceit! With special guest stars: Karrot Kings vibing in adorable gay and Intrulogical, bitter at being excluded aGAIN
Who will win? Who will lose? 
here’s a hint: we all will because in this sick twisted game they are no winners only losers-
Place your bets, folks! ✨
Haha im not readyyy~
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this episode has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and ended my suffering—an adorable calm before the... angsty fucking shitstorm that’s coming far too soon. Prinxiety stans, enjoy your food. Place an 'F' in the chat for me and my fellow grieving Remus stans. Trashmas is the true OTP, but Karrot Kings is cute too I guess. I've only had Nico Florés for 24 minutes, but if anything happens to him, I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself. Purple eyeshadow Virgil makes me question my sexuality aGAIN, and happy gay disney prince rights y'all. Say a big ole 'fuck you' to capitalism by giving your local dapper snake moneys. Concussion makes brain go brr and imma go buy some carrots and be gay now.
psst hey @quarantinevibes2020​ you wanna join me in being disaster-y? i’ll bring my best gay stare and you bring the wine
Until next time, my lovelies! ~ Ches 🖤
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bondsmagii · 5 years
I mean to ask this genuinely, no hostility, but can you explain how you correlate scp to being in a cult? I dont disagree, I just cant articulate the reasoning as to why I dont disagree, and would like to see where youre coming from with this. Also, could you tag it with cults or cult discussion or something similar, please? Thanks! Have a good day.
OK [cracks knuckles] I will try and keep this as short as possible, but you have to understand I’ve been observing the wiki in the wild literally since its inception, so there is a lot of stuff to consider. anyway let’s buckle up.
[EDIT: after finishing, this is obnoxiously long. sorry. I encourage people to read it though, because yikes.]
I base this theory on a set of guidelines set out for spotting if an organisation might be a cult. generally cults are religiously based; obviously this does not apply here. as far as I’m aware, nobody sees the SCP wiki as a religion (yet). because of this a couple of the points regarding spotting a cult are irrelevant (they concern things like separation from the Church which obviously doesn’t apply) but nearly all of the others (even some religious ones) can apply if we provide context. so without further ado:
Signs You’re In A Cult and How the SCP Wiki Literally Fits Into All of Them
let’s start with the most obvious:
opposing critical thinking
something that has long pissed me off about the SCP wiki has been its complete inability to think critically. staff will literally ban people for criticising them, and the parameters of “criticism” have only grown wider and wider over the years. anything that is the “party line” is sacred; nothing can be improved upon because it’s already perfect, and Staff Knows Best. any policy changes are law, and any dissenting voices are silenced – even among younger staff members (length of service wise, not age wise). I have seen staff put on probation or demoted for arguing against pointless or pedantic policy changes; I have seen people of all levels banned for arguing with staff. if this doesn’t happen right away, arguing with staff over their decisions will absolutely get a target on your back, and they will find a way to ban or demote you as soon as they can.
any criticism on the wiki is frowned upon unless it comes from the Major Staff Members – these are people at the top of the hierarchy who can do no wrong, and as you can imagine, they’ve done some shit. staff has always had a problem with elitism, bullying, and even abusive behaviour (blah blah blah #NotAllStaff, but the ratio is quite concerning) and any criticism of their behaviour or even pointing this fact out is dangerous if you want to remain on the wiki. hell, I know many people who are aware of this who don’t speak up because they’re genuinely scared of retaliation. a lot of staff are really nasty people, and because of this attitude they are beyond criticism.
isolating members and penalising them for leaving
the penalising them for leaving part isn’t strictly accurate, because as far as I know, nobody has ever been bullied or threatened into staying on the wiki. however, I do remember a while back (2011/2012-ish) when the Foundation RP community began to show up on Tumblr, and the wiki began to get a fanbase that wasn’t contained on the site itself. staff were not happy about this and to this day they still constantly try and get a monopoly on all off-site locations. they have an official Offsite Outreach Team (yes, that’s its real name) who “reach out” to communities on other platforms (YouTube, Reddit, Tumblr, etc) and set up an Official Presence there, and then they encourage everyone to use the Official Presence rather than the fan-made ones (which are often more established and better/more consistently run). there have been several off-site spats between staff and the fandom, because they arrive demanding the authority and respect they have on the wiki and get Big Mad when they don’t get it. just recently one (now ex) staff member, djkaktus, went absolutely primal on Reddit and banned a whole bunch of the community for daring to say that they didn’t like the new LGBT logo for pride month (many of these people were LGBT themselves and felt as though it was pandering/putting targets on their backs); several more years ago (2014, I believe?) I myself had a run in with the Outreach Team and it was one fucking hell of a headache that ended in a malicious smear campaign against me, so like. yeah.
as for isolating members, they do this via elitism. the above is an example of it (making everyone feel a sense of obligation or loyalty to the Official Presence), but a huge part of it has always been the elitist attitude prevalent on the wiki. the SCP wiki has high standards for writing (allegedly… I’ve seen some garbage on there tbh, same as any other website) and it uses this to bully and demean its users. criticism of writing is overly harsh but highly encouraged; anyone complaining that it was too cruel (which it often is) is ridiculed for being too sensitive. (staff have been working on this for years, but really nothing has changed; people have just gotten more between-the-lines about it.) this encourages a kind of desperation among new users to “rise up the ranks” and earn respect so they can be the ones dishing out the criticism instead; they will do so and then immediately act in accordance to their status, bullying others how they were bullied and sticking to their own “rank”. brief interruption: staff and bootlickers if you’re reading this and thinking of reblogging to defend yourself, the code word is yeet. if I do not see the word yeet in your reply I will know you have not read this thoroughly and tell me why I should then bother reading anything you have to say.staff themselves is incredibly removed and closed off from the rest of the community; they have a bunch of private chat rooms they hang out in, and inter-dating is common. they don’t tend to interact much outside the flock, and are the definition of cliquey. joining this rank is supposed to be an achievement, but really it’s probably the most dangerous place to be. I have seen so many staff members have literal, clinical mental breakdowns over the strain and treatment they suffer.
(there’s nowhere to neatly slot this in, so: I don’t know how many people have noticed this, but SCP fans, when you spot them on other platforms, are snooty. not casual fans, but those involved with the wiki? I can spot them from a mile away, because whenever the Foundation is mentioned, there they are, acting like they’re part of some cool club. some of these people are innocent (they’re just mimicking the behaviour of other members) but some of them really do seem to think that their site is somehow better than whatever site they’re on, and it’s really creepy to see.)
emphasising special doctrines outside of scripture
obviously this is religion-specific, but with context it can fit. if we take scripture to mean SCP lore, and special doctrines to mean differing headcanons, ideas, writing styles, etc… oh boy.
there’s something that’s often said on the wiki: there is no canon. buddy, there is. yes, you can write whatever you want technically, and you can disregard headcanons you don’t like and you can build on different things and theoretically people can just ignore your shit if they don’t like it, but that is not what happens. there is absolutely a canon, and deviating from it will get you downvoted into oblivion and even personally attacked. people will accuse you of the most ridiculous shit, like desecrating the wiki or betraying the universe or whatever. so where does the emphasising part of this come in?
why, it’s simple! if one of these special doctrines (headcanons or whatever) comes from staff or an Approved Member, it’s fine. go nuts. even if it’s something that anybody else would be absolutely slaughtered for, it’s fine if staff approves. there is no creative freedom on that wiki, and anyone attempting to carve a piece out for themselves will suffer for it. one of my close friends still gets hate for an SCP he wrote featuring heavy headcanons and building on existing lore about a well-known character, and some of this hate is because he didn’t set the fucking article out “how it should be”. 
seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders
oh boy. staff are god on that website. they’ll deny it, but they know it’s true. many of them are arrogant and, in my opinion, some of them are pathologically narcissistic. they think they are hot shit, and they encourage people on the site to believe the same. a huge majority of users on the wiki are high school students, so 15-18 years old. the next huge group are college-aged, so 19-22 or so. several staff members are in their mid-20s up to 30s, maybe even coming 40s or early 40s now. when you’re in your mid-20s, it’s very easy to look cool to a 15-year-old. it’s very easy to look at a young userbase and convince them that you’re hot shit, and that’s what staff do. they act like it; most users respond to it, and if anyone dissents? see point one.
staff have always had double standards. from the very beginning of staff, they have gotten away with a lot more than the average user. staff have been allowed to bully, ridicule, harass, dismiss, shit upon, and target people with reckless abandon, usually only meeting punishment when other staff members feel too inconvenienced by them. a lot of the time when they’re punished, it’s a lot lighter than it would have been for an average user (a month ban rather than a permaban, for example). this is seen as almost a point of hilarity for a lot of people, who think it’s cool and just a right you get when you’re staff. you know best, you’ve seen some shit – who can blame you for slamdunking a 15-year-old’s first SCP?
the amount of respect and adoration these people demand is ridiculous, and anybody daring to criticise them ends up on a shitlist. staff show up in other areas (Tumblr or Reddit) and expect that same amount of respect, even among people outside of the wiki who might just be casual fans. they act a lot more important than they are, and demand that everyone treats them appropriately. I’ve seen staff members throw shitfits because they didn’t get enough upvotes for their articles, and many staff members’ quality of work declines when they make staff, simply because they know that they’ll get easy upvotes as soon as people realise it’s a staff member who wrote it. downvotes are enough to get you put on a shitlist. 
publicly, their word is law. you are not allowed to debate with them in the forums if they put a “stop” on the topic; the same applies in the IRC chat. if staff says “stop”, you will be punished if you mention it again. you are allowed to discuss it with them privately, but I think that’s rather insidious, as staff have been known to twist facts and withhold information before. this gives them a public persona of always being right – and something else that cults do is silence dissenting voices so nobody who might agree can see other people saying the same things and feel encouraged/emboldened. 
crossing Biblical boundaries of behaviour
again, we’ll need to contextualise this. if Biblical boundaries are things like sins and all the stuff the Bible says Do Not Do, then in this context these are the wiki rules. staff (and their friends) will constantly cross the rules, as previously mentioned, and they will get away with it.
the wiki rules say “don’t be a dick”. I have caught staff bullying people countless times, and no doubt there’s more I haven’t caught. even out in the open, staff are argumentative, dismissive, rude, intimidating, and oftentimes plain nasty. the wiki rules say “don’t coldpost articles; get feedback”. staff is just out there throwing their shit onto the wiki and expecting an avalanche of upvotes in five minutes Or Else. policies are made that set parameters and staff changes them whenever convenient – for example, the long-standing rule that things that occur off-site are not the responsibility of the Disciplinary Committee (yes, its name.). unless, of course, it’s someone they don’t like. a major staff member bullies somebody on Tumblr? “sorry, it was offsite, not our problem”. someone staff doesn’t like gets into a brief spat on Reddit? banned for harassment. 
there are countless examples of this, from small things to major things like bullying, harassment, and even abuse (or enabling of abuse). staff will punish people for transgressions and then turn a blind eye to a fellow staff member committing a transgression that was ten times worse. they have even protected rapists and sexual predators in the past – another kind of behaviour common in cults, because that’s what happens when you combine narcissism and entitlement with total authority.
that’s the main bulk of it
but now the context has been established, here are a few more concerning things I’ve noticed (quickfire now):
cults shit on former members
and the wiki does the same. any staff member that’s grown fed up of the groupthink and the cliquey attitude and how nasty people are or who has been mistreated by staff themselves; any regular user who feels the same and vocally quits? shat upon. lauded as a bastion of whatever is wrong with the wiki. declared an Enemy and rallied against. it is so creepy.
cults use Us vs Them mentality, especially in language
broad declarations establishing a community and a community spirit in the face of adversity are common in cults. appeals to emotion and loyalty are used in a very manipulative way. catastrophising and fearmongering is common, too. I’m seeing this in how the recent drama with the legal issues is being handled. broad appeals to “defend the wiki”, hashtags being encouraged, emotional speeches from staff about how it’s a make or break situation… 
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…and this is being reflected in the absolutely insane comments people are responding with.
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this is a fucking writing website. the above is not a normal reaction at all.
the attitudes of regular users quickly grow concerning
people very quickly get obsessed with the wiki and it defines their lives. they seem to feel as though they owe something to it or they need to serve some kind of a purpose; many people try and “get the word out” and become voluntary spokespeople. they go around practically preaching, and I do not see the users of any other website doing this.
cults want full control over how they’re seen by outsiders
and the scp wiki does the same. as mentioned previously, when the fandom grew and spiralled off the wiki to other sites, staff debated for weeks over what to do. brief interruption the second code is shrek is life.they were not comfortable with the idea of the wiki having an independent fandom, and for years now they have been in constant struggle with offsite communities, trying to gain the same amount of control they have over the wiki. it’s impossible to do so thoroughly, and it’s clearly an annoyance for them.
cult leaders will let “lesser” members do their dirty work for them
and guess what staff does? rather than wade in there and get their hands dirty with internet arguments, they’ll sit back and let regular users dogpile on dissenters and say all the things staff shouldn’t be seen to say in public. note how even if this would violate the bullying policies, they’ll just get a warning so long as staff agrees. 
in conclusion
@ everyone on the scp wiki: yall know you’re in a cult, right?
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carlyfrombleachers · 4 years
Liveblogging of TS6 (reputation)
Okay. Let me preface this by saying I don’t like Taylor Swift. I think she’s a boring artist, who brings close to nothing to the table. The reason I’m even listening to Reputation is because I keep getting recommended an interview of Jack Antonoff where he talks about New Year’s Day (which is a song on Reputation) and I really want to watch that but I also want to know what the fuck he’s talking about. So here we are. Don’t expect more stuff like this from me. I expect this to be just a one-off thing. Swifties, don’t fucking come after me or I will cry. The only other TS album I listened to was Lover, and I thought it was trash. Absolute garbage. And apparently this one is worse than Lover. I don’t know if I’ll regret this.
Let’s begin, I guess.
...Ready For It?
I keep thinking of that one voice clip from the Hannah Montana intro (?) where you faintly hear a girl say “are you ready for it?” and that’s my first impression just by looking at the title.
I’m hitting ‘play’ right now.
Oh nevermind, I forgot to pay Deezer this month. YouTube it is.
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Hey look, Ajay is in my recommended. Queen of reactions.
Help what is this
rockstar taylor??
what the fuck is up with the beat
chorus felt weak. this is my first opinion im not done with the track
i looked at the music video for 3 seconds and i saw a horse bye
i was distracted by the music video help i dont like this
since i looked at the music video for just a lil while i should say it looks weird. it is weird in a bad way it looks like some knockoff cyberpunk thing.
why didnt she just name this “Are You Ready For It?”
I’m... not particularly blown away by this track. It’s fine. I wouldn’t bop to it but I wouldn’t object to it playing somewhere. It’s like... it’s decent.
End Game (ft. Ed Sheeran, Future)
I don’t know who Future is.
she said reputation haha thats the name of the album
ok future is a rapper i dont listen to rap thats why i dont know him
after listening to lover i cant believe this is the same woman this is so weird
not looking forward to the ed sheeran part
“i wanna be your end game” this wasnt really what i was expecting
fuck off ed sheeran (i just reached his part)
according to some tabloid lady gaga mistook ed sheeran for a waiter? i would do the same thing if i saw this redhead fuckface on the street as well lol
“big reputation, big reputation, you and me got a big reputation” so deep!!!
I guess I should take this time to-- is she rapping?
Sorry, I got distracted. I don’t think every song needs to be this huge deep piece that must be deeply analyzed for centuries, but I do expect some interesting message or context for a track at least. If it sounds good, I’d also give it a pass. 
This one? This was boring. I would not verbally object to this playing close to me, I would just have a grossed out look on my face during the chorus.
I Did Something Bad
I keep reading the title in Akasaka Sad’s tune. You know the part where Rina says “A-ka-sa-ka sad, I’m a sucker”? I keep thinking “I did-I did something bad”. I don’t expect it to be like that.
“i never trust a narcissist but they love me” taylor talks about her fanbase
sorry to drag swifties publicly but i will forever take an opportunity to drag a swiftie
predictable antithesis use there with “i did something bad so why does it feel so good” but okay
why was taylor branded a snake again? she pretended it was “””gone””” with lover but like. it’s weird. its not like she punched kanye on stage in 2008 or something. i dont care enough to search for evidence that taylor is a snake so lol go off i guess
dont enjoy the post-chorus part where she’s like drddddddd dddddddd it feels so distracting the gunshots were more than enough
Yeah, this one was fine. My favorite up to this point, I think.
Don’t Blame Me
lol she said “dont blame me” then it buffered bye
i was showering for the past 25 minutes hello i was listening to track 10 and melodrama
i am enjoying this one kinda
“dont blame me love made me crazy” haha wait until you find out what your next era is
“i once was poison ivy now im your daisy” this is a pretty good line honestly
obligatory katy flop moment: haha taylor could hit the high notes in daisy
this sounds like a country song especially in the chorus i dont know what to really make of it
“loooord save me” this is why your female fans are called horse girls
This was... pretty good. The chorus weirds me out still, but it had its good moments. It was nice.
stop saying reputation in the reputation album
this autotune voice bits of hers are so distracting
i say as i listen to how i’m feeling now by charli xcx
yes i did just roast myself. gotta leave the swifties with nothing
god the music video for this track has 400m views this woman is making my faves look like indie stars LOL
I keep getting distracted because this song is boring. It’s... okay. I guess. The music video was pretty cute. Nothing caught my attention in the track, but it sounds like gym music. It would play on a gym owned by a 30-something white woman during the yoga classes and you know it.
Look What You Made Me Do
We’ve all heard this song. I’m gonna listen to it and then be done with it.
I guess I’ll just watch the music video.
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Okay. I watched the music video.
Really? All the fem guys dancing with her?
I’m not going to sit here and be like “fem guys are BAD and should all die and never be represented” because… lol. But it is kind of annoying how it was literally just fem guys dancing with her and doing all those faces because you KNOW she was looking for the impressionable gays to go “omg taylor progressive!!!!” and go talk about it on social media.
But am I saying that because I don’t like Taylor? Yes. But that doesn’t make my point less valid.
The music video was pretty good, the production on this track is really good (thank you Jack Antonoff xx) and the track itself is good. Not outstanding or perfect or a serve, it’s good.
Also the ending with all her previous eras? That was cool. The uncool part is most of the “look how rich I am” parts… because we all know you’re rich, Taylor. Nice SFX.
So It Goes…
i got an ad whyyyyyyy
fuck this shit i cant keep up with what shes saying im pulling genius out for this one
this is not lyrically deep i can tell already from genius
im not a fan of love songs i already have CRJ to cover that base and Lorde covers breakup songs I guess and this song is just. boring. lol
Nothing really shocking or noteworthy here, it’s just.. okay.
I got another ad FUCK
i got a boss baby ad help
god boss baby really was something huh i completely forgot about that
why am i talking about boss baby
okay. reputation
why did a baby say gorgeous
HELP i am so disappointed this is the one track with the lyric video and god this is disappointing
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i saw this and i was like “oh shit shes gonna talk about how its gonna be gorgeous when u die” or smth and
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lol. LOL. the depth is nonexistent and the bar is in hell
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who wrote this? you lied
This song is so boring, LOL. I expected so much from it and was instantly disappointed when the pre-chorus hit. You had everything on your plate and you ate the plate itself. Girl. What the hell. Why. You could’ve given us an anthem about hating your man, and you took the easy route.
Getaway Car
im intrigued
okay im listening and this sounds very jack antonoff? the shotgun thing made me immediately go o_o
it felt a bit weak at the end but at the start i was enjoying it quite a lot… i think this is my fave
I enjoyed this one quite a lot :) It was pretty good but not an amazing masterpiece. It was better than LWTMMD and that’s all I have to say.
King Of My Heart
sounds boring haha
taylor keeps putting these trap beats in things sister youre not lorde LOL
yeah this is kinda boring
i dont. i .. i knew this would be happening but i didnt expect it to be the last one
i guess the timing is accurate ha ha ha ha
i just heard ariana grande
I keep hearing Ariana Grande on this track. Is that good? I don’t know.
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
why are there so many songs in this fucking album
the beat is.. okay. it is catchy
oh i like this i think. its pretty nice
the chorus is nice. yes. i do kind of enjoy this
Yeah, I liked this one. Pretty good writing, and it sounds great.
wtf is this song why is it so horny
horny taylor is weird stop being horny please
this song is okay i would not revisit it because its just weird. do not like this!!!
when carly rae jepsen says slide on through my window it is funny but when taylor sings i bought this dress so you could take it off i die
oh that second of silence was really good
[looks at the producer] [it’s jack antonoff] :)
This song weirds me out. I don’t like it. It had its moments production-wise but it was... weird.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
I expect good things from this. With a title like that? Give me a bop.
Currently not being a bop.
Okay, it was cute. Nothing amazing. Just… fine. Cute attempt.
oh i liked the spoken part thats what i expected from this song
Call It What You Want
this is about genitalia this is my prediction
It was not about genitalia.
This song is pretty good if you remove all the mentions to her lover and her man and her baby, which are all the same person, I guess.
This is disappointing.
umm anyways
I expected so much from this track and the chorus just… disappointed me.
i love this man im gonna cry
The highlight of this song is the part where Jack Antonoff sings.
New Year’s Day
wow the reason why im doing this shit
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look at him. :)
this song was cute. nothing special. just cute. very okay.
just. okay. yeah. pretty fine.
nothing special.
Final Thoughts On The Album
It was better than Lover.
I expected this to be a concept album, all about the drama she’s gotten into? But it was just boring love songs with some extra flair. I expected great things from this album, having only heard LWYMMD from it before this. A concept album that’s just an answer/clapback to everyone’s who wronged her à la Yellow Flicker Beat (I know it’s for a movie but that song slaps and I don’t know a thing about Hunger Games) would’ve been PERFECT but it was just... love songs. I need Taylor to stop singing about love and start serving us big meals.
I would not like to revisit this. Like, 5/10. It could’ve been a lot better, but it wasn’t because you’re too afraid to cross some lines, Taylor.
Final Ranking:
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Getaway Car
Look What You Made Me Do
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
New Year’s Day
Call It What You Want
...Ready For It?
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
So It Goes...
End Game (feat. Ed Sheeran, Future)
King Of My Heart
taylor flop stream gone now
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holywankenobi · 5 years
SW fandom rant
To be honest, I don't really know how or where can I start talking about this. If you aren't interested in any of the Star Wars drama that is going on then skip this post, cause its gonna be long... these goes for the SW fans we are concerned about the whole situation itself. I barely have the strength to do this and exposing my opinion about certain things makes me uncomfortable but it's been a long while since I'm keeping things to myself. There's much information I have to process so please be patient with me since I barely know how to express my emotions in the right way (that's why I'm holding myself back a lot here: it will seem I'm calm... but I'm not. I'm angry and tired at the same time).
We all know where it all started. The Force Awakens premiere in 2015. We will start from there.
As ANY star wars movie, there will be people who liked it, people who loved it and people who hated it. And there is where some fans clash with the others. Fans who enjoy practically every movie or SW related things and those fans who demonize every movie (specially the ones from the new Disney canon) and the only thing that matters for them are the episodes IV, V, VI and the Legends canon (some of them also defend the prequel episodes I, II and III, fact which I'll talk about it later). And they bash against everyone who likes the Disney sequels.
BOI IM SCARED OF TELLING PEOPLE THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SAGA SO FAR. And I already had problems with Legends hardcore fans.
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Let me tell this straightaway... Star Wars are movies for kids. They've always been. George Lucas said it. They seem to be thirsty for feeling again what they felt when they were kids whenever a SW movie comes out but they always exit the cinema with a feeling of extreme disappointment.
I was talking about the last movie with my co workers at the beginning of the year and they complaint it was "too Disney". And that's precisely what I'm trying to explain! It's ok whether you like the sequels or not like them. Everyone has his own taste. I just find funny complaining for a whole saga originally made for kids for being "too Disney". I dont know if you get my point here.
Then there's those who hated the prequels, that said there was nothing worse than the phantom menace, those who hated on George Lucas for doing such a crap, but now praise the prequels because Disney is satan for them and they want the old canon back. George Lucas ended up selling SW to Disney because, he ain't no fool, he knows this fanbase is one of the most toxic and ungrateful that has ever existed. And he saw it with the prequels feedback... Then they now have the guts to demand him to continue the old canon? Smells like hypocrite-crying fanboys to me.
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My whole point is....It's ok if you are a new/Disney sequels fan, it's ok if you are a prequels fan, it's ok if you are a SW original movies fan, Legends canon fan, OG fan, casual fan, hardcore fan... as always you understand that not everyone will agree with your point of view, not everyone will like or think the same way as you do, or live SW the same way as you do. There's a difference between respecting and agreeing with, concepts which sometimes get mixed and taken as the same thing, which is not. Respect other fans mean "I don't agree with you but I know how much this means for you, so I won't intentionally mock you" WHICH THING LEADS US TO THE NEXT TOPIC:
*takes a deep breath*
Man. I dont know. He's a full grown up man and he's behaving like a 5 yo on his social media...... John is the actor who gives life to Finn (the ex stormtrooper). It all started with this sexist comment he responded to a fan in his IG. 
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Then people (naturally) got offended, specially reylos. But instead of apologizing he kept on going, remarked what he said and also did a video to mock the reylo community.
You think I'm only defending a ship here but no. Its bigger than that. He has the right to feel left out in this saga because I agree with him IN THAT FACT. He is probably the actor which is more into the SW world, he was always a big fan (of the whole cast I mean). Thats why fans love him do much. And I did love him too. And he (naturally) wanted to have more spotlight on this saga ( I think Finn was one of the most wasted characters of these movies tbh) But instead of taking it the mature way he's having a tantrum on his IG because Finnrey did not become a real thing, he's trolling reylos and encouraging SW haters and antis to bully them whose are already having a hard time with TROS end (which I'll talk about later because I dont like their attitude about it either).
And it's not just raise the hate on shippers thing dude you could just apologize because you said something sexist and offended a lot of people who ship reylo and really means a thing for them. The whole thing that the greatest achievement a man can have with a woman is sex is just DISGUSTING. Rey kissed Ben but now he's gone Finn has the road clear and can fuck her? BRUH.
This is all so wrong and he was the one who started it.
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I'm really relieved Adam does not have any social media because omg I would be suffering so much rn...
I honestly have never emotionally connected with an actor so much as I did with him. His whole acting is so good and I could really notice on this last movie. I'm starting to watch his other movies. And not just his acting, he's so professional off camera too.
I'm really happy and proud of him for his Oscar nomination, he really deserves it TT
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But I'm worried this whole John Boyega thing affects him. Idk how I would feel if I were in his shoes, if my coworker was saying those things on social media and then smile at me like nothing is happening. But honestly what hurts me the most is he's having a worse time with "reylos".. I think the rumors of him having an affair with Daisy Ridley was what messed things up. I honestly dont know if its true, I've got some info but it's hard to believe. Because there are so many haters manipulating fake info that I dont trust anything and anyone anymore.
And this is where I talk about:
This is gonna be hard....
First of all, I don't consider Daivers (Daisy x Adam shippers) as part of the reylo community. I'm sorry. But its fucking disgusting you going to demand Adam to divorce from his wife, abandon his son and then start dating Daisy because of this rumor or because you can't separate fiction from reality.... I read he even recieved death threats ARE WE NUTS??? They (Adam and Daisy) having a good chemistry working together doesn't mean they are in love, kids...
Driver has an awesome wife and a lovely son. Daisy is currently dating someone.
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Infidelity is gross. No more. And I would be so disappointed at them if this turns out to be true. But seeing all what's happening around the actors and specially having all this haters out there... I'll say this was all false information.
Daiver is not real and won't be. So stick only to the fictional ship.....
About Reylo itself. I find REALLY funny how people who dont know shit about what this ship means say it's an abusive relationship. Bullshit. I wouldn't be shipping them if so.
Also the people still stating it's not real/canon hiding themselves behind the "Ben solo is dead lol" argument. Do you stop loving someone when they die?
Yes, they love each other. No, it wasn't always reciprocated love. They started being enemies in the force awakens, friends who understood and cared for each other through force dyad in the last jedi and ended up being lovers at the end of the rise of Skywalker. Rey wants to revenge her family (her falling to the dark side) but also wants Ben Solo back, and he wants to be the most powerful leader on the galaxy and still being kylo ren. But they eventually meet in the middle between light and dark and Leia finally reaches out to him to make him turn to the light.That's their fight. That's the angst. That's the tea. "No one is ever really gone" there's always hope. Star Wars is centered in HOPE. And their story represents it at its finest.
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NOW. The reylo community.
Despite you liked it or not the end they gave to the saga... I think JJ Abrams doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving... he probably did a lot of things wrong but seriously... just stop. Not only from reylos but the whole fandom.
Sending hate won't lead to anything now...
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I enjoyed The rise of Skywalker. Indeed I spent half of the movie crying and I loved it.
You can cry as much as you want the loss of Ben (although I have hope for him still being alive in a way, there are plenty of theories) but that doesn't give you the right to death threat JJ. And I think I'll stop here cause I'm already tired.
Everyone has their own taste, preferences, favourite characters, ships, whatever. I pray for people stop judging others for their tastes, specially in this cursed fanbase. Sorry if I ever misbehaved trying to defend what I think or like. I just want this place to be supportive and safe for everyone and everything what's happening is not helping... We are all SW fans and that's our connection point. Dont discredit others for having another point of view...
I'll leave it here, but I'm open to debate or talk about anything I said in a respectful way.
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aint-nodenying · 6 years
meeting b.m hc
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gwilym lee x reader
okay so i wrote this like how i speak and type, so if the grammar mistakes and inconsistency with acronyms and shortened words kill you, don’t read it. enjoy!!
okay so i want this to be a story as well but i’m gonna make this super detailed headcanon first
i know, what a dream
so you’re like driving right?
actually, lets start this off in gwilym’s pov
so he’s on the set of borhap
i want to say it’s the first days, like live aid concert scenes
but it could also be when they’re in the farm recording
i just want it to be somewhere with instruments and stuff
so you (y/n) are out and about, having a girls day with ur bitches, ya feel
and i feel as though i should make it prominent that i have a very specific look for y/n here
if you don’t like that, sorry man
so she has a cockney accent (if u don’t know it’s kind of like jesy’s accent from little mix but you can also watch this)
also your band is a bit unconventional i think
bc y’all like move around what you do
like one day you’ll be on guitar and the next you’ll be on drums
that whole shabang
so you’re like out and driving about and gwilym is like “lol lemme kill my wife”
so he calls you right?
and he’s like “hey baby, what’re you doing?”
and you pick up and you’re like “hEY LOVE, nothing much just rehearsing with the girls, anyways i FINALLY got the chords in ‘39 down, like how fuckin’ cool am i???”
so he’s like oh tight, she can play a very intricate song that i wrote, that’s pretty rad
and gwilym, the little shit is like “yo are your girls with you?”
and you’re like uhhhh yeah lol why
gwil is like “hEEYYYYYY I HAVE A GREAT IDEA. WHAT IF you came onto set and just played it for us”
and you’re like uhhhh why??? is it in the movie?
and he’s like uh yeah sure the entire cast wants to hear it
you’re saying in your head “what the fuck???? who allowed this man to make decisions???”
and he KNOWS that he can’t make you come onto set without another push so he brings out the big guns
“hey, brian may is coming onto set today”
and brian may is like holy shit she’s got a set of pipes 
so you’re like whimpering like uncontrollably and you’re like “holyshitholyshitholyshit you’re my hero”
and brian THE WONDERFUL MAN finally speaks up
and he’s like “hello, y/n how are you today?”
one of your bandmates take the phone and is like “sorry mr. may, y/n in inconsolable rn, we’d love to come in to play you what we have”
and then in the background of the phone, very clearly next to your very loud and high-pitched whimpers are just your other bandmates SCREAMING
while we’re here let’s give them names
so there’s you,,,, crysanthemum (crys (chris), crysti, santhe???, mummy fOR SURE)
aaliya?? (a-lie-yuh) (ao maybe ali, liya (leah))
and,,,, lilliana (lilli, ana, liana, lil’ ana, anal if they’re being little shits to eachother lmao)
cool got that out of the way, let’s say that mummy answers the phone and says that and the rest are freaking out in the background
so once mummy is like “lol we’re in studio rn and it’s a half an hour drive but we’ll be there in 15″
the borhap guys are all around rehearsing and just hangin about and then you and the ladies FINALLY ARRIVE
and so you get on the stage/in the “studio” and you’re all looking around in awe
but i’m just gonna say that if they’re in the wembley stadium, they’re not in awe of the stage bc they’re TALENTED WOMEN AND THEY’VE ALREADY PERFORMED IN THERE
so you all get there with your equipment, well not the drums but you’ve got the bass and a tambourine, and a FUCKING 12-STRING
anyways you get there and gwil like attacks you with hugs and kisses because i’m SOFT
and joe has his phone out again videotaping this
and the borhap set is like!!!! besties!!!! because you’re all besties and you all love and support each other
and you just start crying and blubbering like a fool and they hug you and they’re like
“aw it’s okay love”
and you’re like !!!!
anyways after they let go brian is like “so i heard that you perfected ‘39″ 
and you’re like “wuhwuhwwuhwuh iwouldn’tsayiperfectedit BUT it’s not half bad”
so he’s just like “show me what you’ve got”
and so you and the gals go and set up (who would’ve known they used actual real amps on the set)
and brian and roger are to the side, brian smiling at you comfortingly and roger is brooding as per usual (but he’s in a good mood, you can tell)
so you count down, “1...2...3...”
hold on lemme see if i can find a 12-string cover on yt
okay i’ve got this gal but imagine that she’s with 3 other girls, xxxx
so you’re not the only one singing though bc y’all swap parts
so you guys like harmonize and shit but you’re almost the one that’s primarily singing
uh let’s say that mummy is on bass, ali is on supporting 6-string, ana is on tambourine/stomping VERY LOUDLY/kick drum, and ofc you’re ON THE LEGENDARY 12-STRING
and so when you hit those fucking notes roger and brian are like
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and so once you’re done everyone applauds you guys bc as i said before you guys are so talented
and i guess joe finishes off by recording you like squatting down, covering your mouth crying happily at the accomplishment of PLAYING THAT FUCKING DIFFICULT ASS SONG
and like the video cuts off right after brian and roger like clap and hug all the girls bc daaaaaaaamn
that shit was hard with a capital H
i guess thats it lol
the end
a/n hello this is my first queen fic/hc but i hope y’all like it. queen fandom is a lot nicer and open than any other fanbase i’ve been apart of which I LOVE. anyways i was planning to make this into a fic if you liked this. i also want to make a fic/hc of how you and gwil met but if you want that to be completely different, in no way involving this then i could do that as well. i could also do one about brian may (i’m not gonna say borhap!brian bc let’s be honest, they both look exactly the same) or roger taylor (borhap! or rela life bc i think both are A SNACC) um i’ll also open up a taglist why not, so taglist is now OPEN. i’ll have one for permanant queen!fics and lists for specific members. i wrote all of this in like an hour so i hope it’s not that too much of trash. anyways, have a nice day/night!!! LOVE YOU ALL
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aelincreativ · 6 years
VC #79 Curtis
I wouldn't have any problems with Shiro ending up with Curtis if there had been more development and time for Shiro to heal and move on. It's literally like they thought, oh shpot, our big gay draw is not happening, we already killed the other guy, lets add in this dude! Curtis is adorable and in the wedding shot they do seem so happy. I could accept them as canon with no problem if Shiro had been given time to mourn. If we cut out Kuron's time, cuz he wouldnt have given a shit, Shiro still had a very long amount of time missing Adam and not knowing. And if Shiro got to do any mourning at all, it was kept off camera. And that pisses me off. Adam had 3 minutes of relevant content. But he aas a big part of Shiro's and maybe even Keith's life. A few of the new Adam antis are saying that Adam is bad because he made Shiro choose. Im sorry hun but if my fiance was going to head into space, while suffering from an incurable disease, and was going to be gone for maybe a year, then I sure as hell would put up a fight. We dont see it but theyve probably talked and argued over Shiro going for a long time. And Adam probably thought they had settled the issue and had decided together that Shiro wasnt going to go. So then Shiro comes back to their room and tells Adam he's going. No discussibg it again. Shiro decided on his own that he was going to go. Adam had every right to be upset. So then Shiro's gone abd Adam may be bitter, possible planning abd preparing for the argumebt when Shiro gets back. But after the months of knowing Shiro's journeying to Kerberos, it's made news that the mission failed and the crew is called dead. Adam thought Shiro was dead. At least thats what we can assume. With so littke screen time for Adam it is hard to judge and know how in the loop Adam would have been kept. But assuming Adam wasn't told anything, he has thought Shiro was dead for a year before the show takes place. Possible a year and a half since they broke up. So by the time the show even begins, Adam has been moving on. But Shiro doesnt get that. He spends the months flying to Kerberos focused on the mission, trying to proce that his disease isnt holding him back. And then he has a year in captivity. Where he is put through torture and worse. Id bet my life that Shiro probably cried himself to sleep some nights wishing he had listened to Adam. Shiro goes on though. He fights a war. And he does it well. For all we know, the only knowledge and thought of Adam he carries for those years is one of regret and sorrow. But is any of that shown on screen? Hell no. Why? Because Adam was added and killed for baiting and nothing else. If they had been real they would have existed. We would have seen Adam before season 7, wven just a mention of his name. Adam would have had an actual presence. Hell Shiro could have sent a video back with Sam for Adam. And Shiro would have gotten to mourn him on screen. Because it's one thing to believe that you lost that chance, knowing that you were done and living with it. It is another thing to learn that someone very dear too you is dead and died a hero in a war. Because Shiro didnt move on, at least not to a new relationship, before learning Adam was dead it would have hit him very hard. But we dont see anything. And if Shiro's mourning occured in the months between 7 and 8 then why not mention or show it somehow. Shiro visiting the memorial with flowers or just standing there quietly. They could have shown that he moved on very easily. But they didnt. And it pisses me the fuck off. Curtis could have been great. But they didnt build it on screen. Curtis and Shiro had little on screen interaction and none of it was noticeable because i was blindsided as fuck when they got married. There was absolutely no development. Nothing. I only know about Curtis cheering Shiro on at Clear Day because people went back and had to find Curtis and figure out who he was. I loved these characters too much. Im like a parent with kids. I dont just let my kids get engaged without meeting the s.o. first. Shiro could have been obviously gay from the start. But he wasnt. There is a reason the shiro and allura content is everywhere and rampant in any fic pre lotor. And when Matt came along, the shiro matt shippers took yarn and went bungy jumping. It just there was so little proper development. For everyone. This post mainly focused on Curtis, Adam, and Shiro but i am going to be dissecting every aspect of what failed in voltron as it comes to my attention. I was going to do the obvious Allurance one first but Curtis is popping up everywhere and was on my mind when i opened up the new post. There is so much more that voltron could have become. But it didnt. Ezor and Zethrid were the most we got out of a lgbt+ couple. And we all thought they were dead! If voltron had just stayed ship free it would be one thing. Find a way to leave it open ended. But they didnt. By giving us supposed endgames they gave us the right to argue and critisize them on how they developed the story. A show is nothing without a fanbase. And the voltron fanbase can be very toxic but we are what made voltron big and made it happen. We all loved and adopted the characters of this show. And the endings we got are subpar and feel like a knife in our chests.
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polyamorous-mysme · 6 years
if i remember right, you did non-mc poly ships as well right? do you have any headcanons related to the first post thing you reblogged with zen/yoosung/seven?
oh my god that other anon that asked for this one got the TOTALLY WRONG ANSWERS because i used the wrong ask meme 😭😭😭 so sorry non
and yes i actually prefer non-mc ships tbh!
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?
hm this is weird with mysme but i have to say i totally love the idea of seven and yoosung meeting in LOL and being cute gamer bfs and since we all know seven is a huge fan of zen i like the idea of the pair of them like. being somewhat famous in zen fan circles for mixing gaming and zen characters and zen meets up with them to thank them cause 707 has done so much to boost his popularity like. literally singlehandedly
What song fits your pairing the most?
not really the song itself but more the title maybe a bit of both but 15 reading homestuck on the internet - atlas is the first that comes to mind (as i was writing this i remembered internet personas by the same artist and it fits SO well)
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?
HMMMM maybe a soulmate au like i love yoosung and seven getting paired together in a viddy game match and yoosung hearing “YO WHATS GOOD GAMERS LETS GIT THIS BREAD” and thats literally whats tattooed on his hip and 707 having “omg wadda hell” on his wrist and both of them have like. “are you here for a selfie:)?” w zen just having “oh” “um” on him like that would be so fucking FUNNY. for a prompt idea or trope i really like the idea of enemies to lovers like yoosung and 707 being competitors in an esports league that zen managed to score a place in like hosting cause his manager said it would be really good to expand his fanbase. i love it. gorgeous.
Do you prefer canon ideas or do you have your own headcanons for them?
little bit of both i mean i like 707s canon interactions w both of them but when it comes to zen and yoosung they arent really the BEST of friends and they butt heads a lot so you really kinda have to hc where those interactions are coming from
Favorite canon moment of them?
oh the COFFEE prank definitely
Least favorite canon moment of them?
HMMMMM altogether i wouldnt be able to think of one off the top of my head but i dont rly like the convos of zen like. telling yoosung like. “you should be more like me:)” or 707 like. FORGETTING he told yoosung to come over to his house neither of those are really fun for me
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)
no legit now that i think about it that soulmate au idea is so funny to me i literally might write like. just a little one-shot for that cause its entertaining me immensely rn
Least favorite headcanon trope/idea? 
okay this isnt for the ship but i HATE tsundere yoosung please stop its gross. also stop treating trans!yoosung as an omg soft baby boy always anxious widdle baby like he is an adult w anxiety but he’s not. precious. he just needs to learn how to cope w shit better
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
i love how much zen and seven like. genuinely love yoosung. genuinely they both just want him to do well and start feeling better and zen trying to push yoosung to exercise and sevens little pranks are both just. them trying to make him feel better because they love him and i LOVE that
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)
again: precious baby cant do anything himself yoosung or like. MEAN 707. he’s not mean or malicious.
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
hm. in canon? 707 and yoosung sleepovers getting ready for party and zen seeing them both kinda work themselves/hide themselves away to death and forcing them to get out and have FUN and interactions with people. 
NON-canon … seven and yoosung pro gamer boyz meeting zen like over twitter and realizing that they actually live in the same city and meeting together for coffee and then just. going from there!
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?
dont know what this means. they’re all in the zen is hot fandom tho
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.
not that hard given other pairings they do have a great dynamic that i love. though i have a harder time writing zen in general so that knocks it down to a high seven/low eight
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)
707 i love him so much cause i relate so hard. im a lesbian so not really but i had a hard comphet crush on 707 for a while.
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?
707 might if he thought he was gonna get them in trouble or put them in danger w his work. zen would if their unhealthy habits just kept going throughout the relationship and he felt like he was babysitting them more than dating them
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?
oh always. truthfully i can relate to all of them in a lot of ways and as a ship? yeah. love them.
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?
ive never been zen’s biggest fan tbh i did his route last and i didnt enjoy it really very much at all. him and yoosung just slide a lot under the radar for me but i dont dislike or hate either of them in canon or my own personal fanon. other ppls fanon though … yikes
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?
most my posts have 707 most of my reqs have 707 or zen. yoosungs pretty popular too but i think 707 would be the big one
What made you decide to ship them?
its my job:/
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)
angsty fluff. like good angst w some fluffy bits in the middle and ends in a big enormous $200 beanbag
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I'll add to the comments. 
Anon: DK once said she traveled 24 hours to see JJ for only one day. She did the same with Norman now

So now that we know DK is definitely in Barcelona (just jared) has anyone still a explanation why she's hiding? Why didn't she attend Normans gallery opening to show they are just friends? Why was she sneaking around in Barcelona alone meanwhile? Why did the fans two days ago say he was with his girlfriend? Why would they lie. Norman is pissing his pants, he deleted comments calling them out. He usually never does this. You all don't know DK, she wouldn't travel the world to see just a friend.


Just Jared shared pics of DK in Barcelona. It was her with him and they were trying to hide their dirty little secret. I hope someone will call them out now. Norman already deleted some comments calling him out. Seems like he can't take it.


It still ticks me off people are now going to label N as a liar or pos. Dude is probably just trying to protect his privacy. Are they fucking? Probably, but I wouldn't buy them wedding gifts just yet. I can't wait to hear what PR wife has to say lol


So it was DK on the bike...


Love you mod! 😘 I love N but he fucked himself with this one. US papers are going to pick up on this, and I highly doubt his people are going to issue another denial. Which he should have never had them do in the first place. If he's boning her, own up to it, if not, he probably should start. lol I don't see a committed relationship here. Cause this fucker sure flirts/goes out with a lot of other people besides her, many of them women. What do you think mod? Im genuinely curious on ur take?

Anon: Ya'll need to think logical. If Dk was only normans friend she would have been there at his gallery opening yesterday. she definitely wasn't. they are together probably since sky and cheating is involved and now they are trying to hide their dirty little fling. they deserve each other. norman is not the person he claimed to be which disgust me to death.                                                                                                    --mod--
Don't die anon.


Oh did you all see Norman and DK let delete all the pictures of them in Barcelona on IG. There were lots of them in both her and his tag and now they all disappeared. Someones trying to hide the dirty secret. They can't take that people called them out when they were sure no one noticed them together in spain. But sure, friends do all this if they don't have anything to hide. Also I wonder why she didn't attend his opening show last night? Friends support friends... oh wait.... 
                                                                                                                                   --Mod-- I don't think they can delete someone else's photos


Daily Mail has an article out now too. Well done Norman. Didn't work with the hiding and trying to secretly screw around in Europe. Too bad. I almost feel sorry for his reps, they tried to do damage control and officially denied it because Norman probably lied to them too and now THEY are the ones looking bad. Hope they going to kick his booty out pretty soon. 

Mod I'm sorry but I just will never get it. Why did Norman let his reps deny a romance if he knew he'd secretly meet her in Barcelona just two weeks later? Are his reps okay with this? They gonna look like liars I can't believe they agree with what hes doing. It's Norman's fault and his own problem when the next shitstorm is coming now. He and his reps should have said simply nothing but now they look so shady and false. No one will ever believe them again. And that's why I don't understand it. 
                                                                                        -mod-- I don't think your the only one WTF'ing right now


Norman makes me want to vomit so hard. I'm so sick of him and his shit. He stone cold lied into everyone's face, saying he's just friends with DK. Hell he even let his reps deny it. Wonder how they feel about this now. They will look like liars. If this man was my client I'd kick his ass out faster than he can look. It truly disgusts the hell out of me. Specially a man who claimed to love honesty is the biggest liar. Yo Norman, I hope your image is gonna fall to pieces. No fan deserves this. --mod-- Don't puke too hard you might pull a muscle 


None of the gossip site reporting on NR and DK's relationship seem to believe they are just friends so why should we? 
--mod-- People can believe what they want. We don't all have to agree

People should calm down 
The only thing that bothers me regarding the DK/NR situation is the lack of respect of people, they create pages on IG to insult them. They call DK slut, pig, wh*re, etc…and they do the same to NR. Come on people, you can not agree with their relationship (friend or love) but have some education and respect, they don’t own you anything and you won’t win anything if they stop seeing each other. Mod, sending you some whisky and nachos to help you deal with the crazies.
--Mod-- That's a picture of HEAVEN 

Mod, what do you think now? I may be in the minority but what if they are only friends on his side of the coin but it's HER who wants more? How stupid would Norman be to deny it & knowingly have her come to Barcelona 2 weeks later to make him look like a complete lying fool? Her pap shots leaving NYC & then arriving in Paris weren't exactly secretive either. It's not like she didn't tip off anyone that she was on the move and even what part of the world she was in. Something's not right about it --mod-- I don't I guess. I guess I just don't see as a full on relationship, it's something but not all lovely dovey like this pay for play rags make it out to be.He's never really had a problem with being seen with someone his fans disapprove of.

what happened to the DK/NR bike pic?? I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore!! Did everyone just delete it simultaneously orrrr --mod-- It's still out there.


Shes clearly not hiding. NO1 barc paparazzi would know who she was or even nobody except online fans knew she COULD be there. Yeah she wore a hoodie but she also was super over the top trying to make ascene and even took off her glasses so they couldclearly get her face never mind wearing the same clothes as when she was on the bike just so we'd know for sure she was with NR. Total setup cos she doesn't like being the dirty little secret. Get out of there gurl i don't like u but u deserve better


I don't want to go to wsc to meet him now. He's not who I thought he was. I thought he was always the sweet honest guy he portrayed himself as but if any of this is true, how can he be if this is what he has been hiding and then officially lying about to TMZ and everyone else? does anyone know if you can sell wsc tickets? --mod-- You can totally sell your tickets, I see them on Craigslist all the time. Or you could go and meet someone else.


I think this hate group did something to NR and DK's benefit. Of course that's not the their purpose but there was so much anger and hatred in their messages. And then everyone felt the need to act to defend them. Have a good day Mod, I love you Can I ask for a gif from you? --mod-- Wait there's a hate group. That's not rad. I'll get your gif up soon. Any requests 

I wish Norman would say something else. This looks SO bad. If he's really only just friends with her then I think he needs to put his other foot down. No one is acknowledging his first denial and this just looks so terrible now. She didn't go to the second art gallery because I think it would have overshadowed it like the first, no matter what the truth is (friends or otherwise). So I wish he would do a full statement on this. 

To the people saying she didn't want to be seen, that can't be true. If she were REALLY trying to keep it quiet, she didn't have to announce that she was in Europe at all. If he were really trying to keep it quiet, why would he go riding around with her and then take selfies with fans with her standing off to the side? Something isn't adding up! 

Re: potential cheating. Sky was filmed in very early 2015. The supposed bar kissing was in Dec 2015, right? It's now March 2017, and we're just now seeing pictures of them potentially together. JJ's been spotted kissing women twice since the official split. But no public romance from DK / Norman. If they've been together since say February 2015, (1) that's a long-ass time to be sneaky, (2) esp. since neither seems to have super-duper spy skills, & (3) it's the weirdest "affair" I've ever seen. 
--mod-- 3 is the best EVER

I don't understand how everyone can be upset and saying they are done supporting N when there was just a rumor out that he MIGHT be with DK.. But now that it seems he is everyone is fine with it? Makes no sense. My personal opinion (and I've seen this before) he thinks his fans dont approve of his gf just because "theyre crazy fangirls who want him". No, people don't approve because of WHO the girl is. If I recall weren't most of his previous gf liked? Haha btw love your blog. Great job mod💖 
--mod-- Most we generally liked I believe 


Wait, am I the only one who thinks they could just be friends? I don't understand why people aren't believing his denial? He denied they were dating not that they were friends. Maybe she had time so she went over to Barcelona from Paris as friends? Maybe he didn't lie at all?? Maybe she's the one still after his fame? 

I can't believe he did this. He blatantly LIED. Even if they had been together and keeping it quiet, he puts out a denial only to be caught??? I don't get it. Why would he stay silent for a year, then put out a denial then get caught with her? I don't understand any of this!!! I am SO disappointed in him. I can't believe he would lie to his fanbase so blatantly. I defended him for so long. And it's not because I'm "jealous" I'm genuinely hurt by his lying. He has no respect for us as fans. 

I don't believe for one second they are dating. Just Jared is not exactly reputable and the article did say they were NOT seen together. I think it's nothing more than friends if even that. DK is sad and shady AF and it's obvious this is all for attention on her part. --mod-- 😏😏😏


Mod can I ask for your opinion? Do you think it's possible they *are* just friends? I can't get over that she planted those pap shots (both NYC and Bcla) so I can't believe he would risk his reputation by making a statement that they were friends before that and then get caught sneaking? Maybe he's just tired of having to not be seen with females he associates with? It's not a big deal for rich people to fly around the world. 
Anythings possible. The shots are just weird and so are the articles. Whatever is going on they should probably talk it out, get on the same page and then do whatever they want. Also what I said makes no sense my brain hurts 

If NR and DK were just friends I don't get why she's trying to hard not to be seen in Barcelona? It's obvious from the pics she was trying not to be spotted but why bother if you've got nothing to hide? --mod-- They may not have anything to hide, but regardless of what they do or don't do is going to be picked apart. She really isn't trying hard not to be seen. She's not hiding. Hiding is not walking around in broad daylight. I'm not shading her at all, she was in a beautiful city and was taking in the sights. But if your going to hide and you know people are looking for you, you don't go outside and stroll the streets. Just my opinion. 


Norman is not who I thought he was. He apparently lies and cheats and sneaks around. I am so upset. It has nothing to do with him being with someone but the way he lied about it. He's not the person he said he was to his fans. How can we believe anything he says to us anymore? I believed in him so much. He broke my heart if this is all true. 

Mod I am so confused! We know that she is the one who paid for the NYC garage photos, then his PR makes a statement to deny it and then he is caught with her again? And she has paid for the new paparazzi pics bc no way would people even know to look for her in Barcelona. So what is going on? Why would he deny it on one side KNOWING that she would be trying to make it look real? If they were together, he would have known they were coming out so why would he make himself out to look like a liar?? 
--mod-- No idea. 

Maybe this will all end now that it's obvious they are a couple no way their just friends. I will say DK didn't look to happy in those set up pap pictures norman not giving her his attention poor baby 


I'm sorry people but them coming out its not because will be a 'cheating scandal' when that shit was not even a cheating since there is no proof of that. They dont 'come out' because norman wants a fwb relationship. He denied anything with her because in the end they dont have a committed relationship and he couldnt say yeah we are friends that fuck. Diane obviously wants more than what she has but if she continues this greedy i see her in a very short minute being send to space very quick. 


If he was really interested in her and protecting her he had not denied anything and everything with her and since she was in barcelona he would have taken her to exhibition but since she didnt did that she made an 'oh so casually' paps pics when paps are not even common thing in barcelona. She is a friend that he fucks and he is willing to go all over the world at his call. that is her place on his life. she wants more but since he doesnt give her she tries to make it more than it is via tabs

Anon: norman wanted a fwb and made a problem...lol to me is very simple. He called her for a bootycall and she was willing to go. Non of the less and since she couldnt set him up...AGAIN, she calls the paps to 'catch her' in the middle of barcelona where she is not even well know or there is paps for C list celebs. It's obvious to me too this have NOTHING to him protecting her or not. he clearly doesnt want the same as her she is the one pushing and being ridiculous.

Anon: I still think she was there for his art show ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ friends support each other. 

Hey Mod, I noticed the story is in the Daily Mail too. Isn't that who DK pays off? And how come NO one talks about the denial he issued? Could you ask pr wife what she thinks now? 

MOD! Please tell us what you think. I don't understand something: Why would his PR people make him out to LOOK like a liar??? Because that is exactly what he looks like now. They have made it look like he IS sneaking around now. How is that beneficial to him?? Something is so weird with all this because the Daily Mail is all over it and she pays them. Am I the only one who is suspicious? 
--mod-- I dont think your the only side eyeing it. It's just so weird

Some thoughts. Sure, it all looks shady af but until I see pics of them holding hands or kissing I’m going to believe the “just friends”. Notice how she’s always shown up to where he is? Italy, France, & now Spain. He didn’t travel to Europe to see her when she was filming. She could just be one of those types of clingy women who might be sad/desperate/lonely after the end of a 10 year relationship, 40 years old, seeking something from someone - ANYONE! I think a lot of women can relate to that feeling of “I want someone to love me” after a break up and make dumb choices. Anyone who has ever been to a Con or seen Norman meet fans on the street, the guy has infinite patience so maybe he’s just being nice to a friend and she’s a little hopeful. Or maybe I’m totally wrong. Lol. Just remember, at this time there is absolutely ZERO actual proof they cheated.


So the annona source on blinds said there's something interesting that went down in Barcelona with the dk stuff. Can't wait to hear what it is. Sadly he is still in his fwb with her and the other lady who we won't name out of respect even tho he wants more with her. Why Norman can you not cut off toxic people like DK? She called the paps AGAIN. 


Alright, the way I see it, there's only two options left: 1. They are dating and they are both hypocritical liars. Or 2. DK has gone batshit crazy and is following Norman to the ends of the earth to save her quickly falling career. Question is - IF that's the case, why the hell is he playing in on it? It only reflects badly on him

Anon: Do people not realise how horrible it is that JDM and his wife can be papped kissing and being affectionate on the beach but NR and DK have to hide themselves and their relationship because of crazy fans?! I feel so sad for them that DK is having to walk around Barcelona undercover and that they can't be seen anywhere near each other because of fear of backlash. It's awful that some internet bullies are having a direct effect on two people's lives like that. --mod-- Those are 2 very different relationships. It's a married couple -vs- a maybe could be couple with all sorts of shady around them


I am wondering if they ever officially go public. To me the difference between a relationship versus casual fwb would be things like he did with his last girlfriend. Even though he still never publicly acknowledged his ex, look at everything he did with her: Going on vacation alone together his usual places (without hiding it). Her visiting/living with him in GA, time with his family, vacay with him and his son, set visits, etc. She's gonna want him at events w/her which he did w/CS at first. --mod-- Touché


Maybe this is their way of going public? Or at least not caring if ppl see them anymore. Think about it. They were both in NYC, he'll return in a week. If they wanted to continue hiding why would she go all the way to Spain and be out in public with him? Why is she paying mags to take pics of her and write up articles? And ppl can say well that's just her but he's obviously fine with it. Putting on a hoodie and sunglasses before paps take your pic for the daily mail is not "incognito" lol --mod-- If this was a coming out it's done horribly. I mean they could've at least sent me whiskey before hand. 🤣🤣🤣 

well, so much for his "brand" LMAO! most def not investing a single dime in ANY of his cheating lying asses work. frankly, i was getting tired of TWD anyway. --mod-- But Negans lean back is the best... you should at least tune in just to see how far he goes back 

I believe Norman and Diane are secretly dating and I know as fans we shouldn't judge his personal life. But If the cheating scandal was true I can't say what he did was right. If Norman really did had a affair with Diane Kruger and did that to Joshua Jackson I feel like that was wrong to do. I still support Norman as a fan but at the same time I can't say what he did was okay.

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