#oh and btw i never stopped being dizzy
ziskeyt · 11 months
I am aware that when people say "i'm going to have a stroke" it is hyperbole and they are just trying to say "this thing is making me feel like my brain isn't working" or, a similar sentiment. However, as a person who had a stroke I do want you to know that it is entirely possible to have a stroke and not experience it like what you may expect from media and stroke awareness campaigns. Additionally, it is entirely possible to have a stroke and have no underlying medication conditions or factors. You can, in fact, have a stroke and they will have no idea why.
Some of the arteries leading to your head, especially in the back, can be a little weird. When we were trying to determine why I had a stroke, and ultimately the doctors had to say, "we don't know why," my neurologist told me that sometimes it's about the stress on the artery. You've probably gone to the hairdresser and had them put your head in the sink, right? Apparently that extension of the neck is enough stress that over time it could be why your artery tears and results in a stroke. This isn't to alarm you, but to inform.
You may be familiar with the F.A.S.T awareness campaigns. If not, it's this: Face drooping Arm weakness Speech difficulty Time to call 911 And, in many strokes these are the signs and you should absolutely get help if this happens to you or you see this happen to someone else. I didn't experience any of these when I had my stroke. I was talking to my therapist and suddenly lost my understanding of gravity and place. I became dizzy with no warning. Unfortunately, this was not the first time this happened to me, so it wasn't terribly alarming and is part of why it took four months to learn I'd had a stroke. But, I learned since that sudden unexplained dizziness is actually a symptom of a stroke, it's just not so common to have alone. I just had a very rare type of stroke. Anyway. I get people like to be hyperbolic, and I'm not offended by it, but I do think that a lot of people don't think they could have a stroke, may not be able to identify a stroke, and may be under the misconception this is something that only happens when you are old. I was 33. You've only one brain, if anything seems weird, please go get medical attention.
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So, Scary Villain (you are absolutely amazing at writing those btw chefs kiss) but vs someone who is Into That (hero or civilian) and so this scary big bad who thought they were being intimidating and downright terrifying (which they were... for a normal person) is just like ":D?!?"
I just love the slight inherit goofiness of an intimidation/scare tactic producing a VERY different result than intended towards the receiver.
(Hope you have a lovely day/night btw)
"Are you enjoying this?"
The villain stood with one hand outstretched as their telekinetic abilities wound around the hero's limbs and splayed them against the wall like a specimen beneath a microscope.
"Enjoying is...a word," the hero replied. "They said you'd be able to see me, or sense me or whatever, but man. I was sure that was bullshit."
Invisibility was a useful gift in many a situation. It didn't matter how strong or fast their opponent was when they could never see the hero coming. It didn't matter how many enemies there were when the hero could sneak past them with minimal effort and the right pair of shoes.
They'd been doing their usual, sneaking past the villain too, when the villain's hand lashed out. They hadn't bothered to even look up. The hero had gone flying as surely as if they were wearing a neon sign that screamed 'here I am!' at regular intervals.
"You might as well show yourself," the villain had drawled. "Unless you'd prefer I make an abstract painting of your organs against the ceiling."
The hero had let their invisibility drop, heart pounding.
The villain had rose, slow and predatory, to their feet. The hero hadn't been able to take their eyes off them.
The villain's head tilted at the hero's words. They took several steps closer, and all the hero could do was twitch their fingers uselessly against the wall. There was no hiding. No slipping away. The hero's breath hitched as the villain stopped less than a metre away, close enough to touch, though they didn't. Their gaze raked over the hero like a physical thing, leaving no detail spared.
"Because I can see you?" the villain asked. "Even when you don't want to be seen? Must be a novelty for someone like you."
"Because that thing you just did hurling me against a wall was bloody hot."
The villain blinked. Startled. Their eyes turned dark and molten. Their head tilted the other way.
The hero swallowed.
"But, I mean, we can call it being seen," the hero said. "Probably more professional."
"Do you know who I am?"
"But you are not frightened?"
"I have a peculiar reaction to danger."
"Indeed." The villain curled their finger and the pressure at the hero's throat tightened and left them choking. The villain watched it all. They might have seemed dispassionate, except...
"Enjoying yourself?" the hero rasped.
"You're a delightful surprise. Stupid, but delightful. New?"
"It's one of my many charms."
"The other being how pretty you'd look writhing and bloody with tears in your eyes? What are you doing in my lab?"
"Excellent hobby for a budding danger addict."
"I know, right?!"
The villain snorted. They loosened their telekinetic grip on the hero's throat, before they could get too dizzy. "What are you doing in my lab?"
"I was curious about you."
"Have I satisfied your morbid curiosity?"
"Morbid?" The hero wet their dry lips, but held the villain's gaze. "You haven't killed me yet. Wouldn't be as fun without the screaming and sobbing, would it?"
"There's still time." The villain paused, clocking the hero's reaction to that. "Oh, you weren't kidding. You really are a little freak, aren't you?"
"It's all in the line delivery. Do you practice?"
"No. Would you like me to practice on you?"
"I mean, I should point out I don't actually have a death wish."
"You broke into my lab."
"And for all you know I could have a cunning escape planned!"
The villain flicked their hand and the hero dropped down off the wall with a thump, landing on their knees, hands twisted behind their back. Chin tilted up by an unseen force.
"Then escape," the villain said. "Or I'll assume you want to stay like this for me."
"Most people buy me dinner first."
"We're not most people."
The hero considered them a moment, before they switched their invisibility on and then some again. Focusing. Phasing from the villain's grip.
The villain's eyes grew impossibly darker.
The hero straightened, giving a little bow.
A smirk curled the villain's lips. "I know how to keep people alive when I want to. I think I want to right now."
"Dinner? Tonight?"
"You can break in at seven."
It was the start of a beautiful new...not friendship. But they both enjoyed themselves very much.
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It is angst hours, a little idea for a little sad chaos in my DR entered my head - Feel free to decline to write by the way! It is very specific and not everyone likes to write about these themes either way 💕
This would be Bill-centric, maybe before he’s in a relationship with the reader that is also a member of the band. Their world tours took huge turns on them, I mean, Bill had literal surgery for his vocal chords and they were all very exhausted. What if, after a show that was not very smooth for the reader as she was feeling very lightheaded with the lights and noise so she misses a couple notes, reader collapses from exhaustion or malnutrition when getting off the stage (let’s be honest the kids were running on 2hrs of sleep, energy drinks, alcohol and adrenaline). How would he react and act on this but most importantly, being by reader’s side as she recovers. Maybe you could imply that the reader was also there for him when he had his surgery :)
Have a great day btw 💖💖
(I should script this into my Dr, dam. But anyways, Hi and thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day! Here ya go!)
Bill Kaulitz x Exhausted!Reader
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Sometimes you and Bill were just straight out tired
You never knew how tiring being famous could be
When you were young you dreamed of being on stage, being famous and everything that came with it
Until you actually did
Sometimes, you could compare it to hell
You never regretted getting famous with their friends and boyfriend, but you hated the downsides that came with it
You had no privacy, interviewers asked personal questions, you were followed, you had pictures and videos taken of you every second of every day
You sometimes got no sleep, rarely getting a few hours
Ever since it all began tours took everything, you had interviews and you had photoshoots
You and Bill relied on each other a bunch, but even sneaking away was hard and sleeping was always interrupted by something more "important"
Your relationship wasn't even something just between you and Bill
You tried so hard, but you guys were always under a microscope and hounded with rumors
And you guys were only teenagers
You barely saw family, friends, couldn't even go to your own parents house without being followed or stalked
Sometimes you forgot to eat or drink, stressing over shows and little details so much Bill even got worried for you
It got so much worse when Bill had surgery on his vocal cords because of singing non-stop at shows
It really showed how much cons and pros came with being famous, sometimes you wished you could just have a single day with just you and Bill
But you couldn't even get that, not even in the hospital when he was trying to get better
So, safe to say you were all fucking tired
You ran on energy drinks, caffeine and adrenaline all the time and sometimes two hours of sleep, maybe three
So many things were going on at once, and shows were never easy, but one was worse than the others
You were light headed and dizzy on stage, the bright lights and loud music you usually loved was messing everything in your mind up and you felt like you were gonna throw up and pass out
You missed a couple notes, which you never did, and Bill immediately noticed
He got worried when he saw how out of it you looked
You were sweaty, staring around and your eyes looked barely open
Bill got concerned and the concert took a little break when you looked like you were about to gag
Bill somehow made his way beside you, which you barely noticed
Bill put his hand around your waist and immediately you stumbled
He caught you the best he could, shooting Tom, Gustav and Georg looks before he helped you off backstage
Right when you guys got off, he stumbled when you actually closed your eyes and passed out
"Oh, shit. (Name)?!"
He was shaking you, hearing you mumble in his arms as he was freaking out a bit but trying to remain calm
He called for help and got you back to y'all's dressing room as the guys got off quickly, seeing their friend legit on the ground
What Bill figured out from staff and your mumbling was that you were exhausted, staff hadn't even seen you eat for a bit and as guilty as he felt, neither did Bill, or Gutav, or Georg, or Tom
Bill felt like shit and stayed in the dressing room with you,
You were sitting on his lap, Bill holding you asleep as he tried to make sure you were okay
He was worried as shit and felt guilty
You noticed when he was getting sick but he didn't notice how you were being eaten alive by exhaustion and stress
He was too, but that wasn't an excuse
He stayed with you the entire time, never leaving your side
"It's okay, it's okay."
You couldn't hear anything but Bill's voice as he held you, you exhausted form sitting between his legs with his arms around you.
"I'm fucking tired, Bill." You shook your head, wiping away the angry and frustrated tears as Bill rested his chin on your head, kissing the top of your head to try and comfort you.
"I know, I know." Bill whispered back, feeling the way out gripped onto his arms and let the tears fall as you were held to his chest.
"I can't go back out." You mumbled out through your tired sobs, your body not letting you do anything else but he held.
"I know, you don't have too." Bill shook his head, running his hand over your hair as he pulled back to look at you.
"It's over. You don't have to do anything." Bill comforted you, his face closer to yours as you wiped your eyes, the anger and the exhaustion all from the months before coming out.
You shook your head, sniffling as you tried to push him towards the door softly.
"You can, you don't have to stay. Go have fun, I'll be okay." You tried to convince Bill, the Kaulitz boy shook his head as he gently grabbed your wrists.
"I'm not going back out there without you, I'm not leaving you." Bill calmly denied, interrupting you as you started to argue back.
"I'm exhausted too. You stayed with me when I wasn't too hot," Bill tried to smile for you, wiping away your tears with his thumbs, cupping your cheek.
"It's my turn to take care of you now." Bill stated, seeing the way you stayed silent but the way your body began to shake a little more, Bill knew he wasn't leaving for anything.
"It's okay, it's over now." Bill whispered into your ear, kissing your temple as he heard another son rack through your form.
Bill knew you as the strongest person he knew, but now you needed him like he needed you when he had his own surgery.
And the way you now wrapped your arms around his neck, he pulled you onto his lap, holding you as you clung to him as an exhausted teen.
Because that's what you were, a teenager with too much on their plate.
So Bill let you hold your arms around his neck, gently sitting on the ground with you and whispering nothing but apologies and comforting words in your ear.
Bill wouldn't leave you, not even when you said you were okay, and now you needed him like he would always need you.
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intheholler · 7 months
I'm finding myself having less and less patience with people who make fun of Southerners and Appalachians (and rural people in general, though I do find it interesting how they always use our accents to mock all rural Americans...)
I follow a few Appalachian creators on tiktok who post recipes and the comments on their videos are always full of people making fun of their accents. "Um, where can I find 'oll'? I went to the store and all they had was oil 😂" or "'Worsh' must be some new technique I've never heard of!" Or even just basic insinuation that the creator isn't smart and that the food looks gross. It's annoying. I always wanna shake these people and make them remember that making fun of someone's culture is shitty! Just because they've been taught not to respect our culture doesn't mean it's not one.
I do also see lots of comments from the other side, though! Things like "You sound like my mamaw! 🥰" or "As soon as I heard you say 'cast iron' like that I knew the recipe was gonna be good' or "Ooh, nobody can make cabbage taste good like someone from the holler!"
I love seeing the kind of pride that comes from leftists like me who grew up there. I love living outside of Appalachia and making the people around me hear my accent and eating my recipes. I love thinking about the gifts that our home has given to people all over the world: foods, technology, music, inventions.
Basically, thanks for your blog. I love the perspective you bring to Tumblr
"as soon as i heard you say 'cast iron' like that i knew the recipe was gonna be good" YES that's what we wanna see when it comes to comments on our accent 🤩
speaking of, i maintain that the best way to change minds is doin exactly what you yourself are doin--sharing the food, culture & the overall beauty of appalachia complete with its inherently leftist ideals... in a thick ol fuckin accent.
dizzy em with cognitive dissonance until they have no choice but to accept they may actually be wrong! back when my accent was virtually undetectable, i used to love dropping the "oh btw, im from the south" bomb on em after they got to know me and respect me
but unfortunately, yeah, it's too easy for those kinds to just keep being ugly. takes far less effort to crack stale jokes, speak ill of us and call us stupid at every opportunity than, idk, confronting bias and growing as a person. i wonder if we'll ever stop being the butt of their jokes. probably not. fuck em.
anyway, amen to all you said. i have exactly zero patience for it now honestly, especially after getting to know yall and having this little community that has cropped up around my humble lil blog. i feel more protective of our home than ever before and i been gettin loud about it
thanks for sharing your thoughts and for being here <33
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lildreamycyclone · 1 month
Can you do Edpaintscag fic??
(Edgar x P.ai.nter x Scag) [You already know about two of them, P.ai.nter is from pressure btw)
Sure! It's short sorray
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"Scag is mine!" "No, she is mine!" Edgar and P.ai.nter shouted at each other, while Scag watched awkwardly, standing between them and listening to their quarrel. "Oh please, she would never date such mess like you!" Edgar scoffed. "A MESS?! How dare you call me like that?!" P.ai.nter shrieked furiously. He grabbed Scag's hand. "Scag won't date a meanie like you!" Scag blushed, as P.ai.nter held her hand. Edgar grabbed Scag's other hand, piercing P.ai.nter with his eyes. "Scag loves me more!" "No, she loves ME more!" P.ai.nter squeaked, pulling Scag's hand to his side. Edgar did the same, and they both ended up tugging Scag like a Christmas cracker, shouting t each-other. Scag was getting dizzy, and her arms started to hurt from being pulled. "STOP!" Edgar and P.ai.nter froze, releasing both Scag's arms from their grip. "Why do you hatecore each other so much???" Scag rubbed her sore hand. "I luv u both so stop yellmaxxing!!!" Edgar looked away, coughing nervously, while P.ai.nter glared at him fiercefully. Scag rolled her eyes, then an idea lightened in her head…
Edgar and P.ai.nter stood, wearinga huge "Get-along" shirt. P.ai.nter pouted angirly, his cheek's flushing a bit. Edgar could not deny, this looked cute. "Now saymaxx sorry!" Scag tapped her foot. "Fine, i'm sorry for being such a dunce…" Edgar sighed. "I'm sorry too…" P.ai.nter sniffled. Scag giggled and gave them both a kiss. "Good bois!"
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ofbetterbodies · 4 months
poor things (2023) running commentary:
(live editing as I watch)
from ~17 min mark onwards
- love the variety of camera work!!! It's so cool I love how yorgos tells the story
- Bella is so silly goofy during her carriage meltdown like realest girl ever methinks
-oh how I wish she wasn't chloroformed
- as an advocate of desexualized titties I'm loving the scene with prim and Bella bc yeah real it be like that
-god I hate this actors accent work I'm sorry to say
-the coloring !!!!!! Oh my god it's so beautiful I'm so obsessed with how color is used in this film
-GROSS SURGERY SCENE FUCK YEAH (girl who hates horror movies
- I knew the premise going in but oh my god.
-she is awake ☀️ rise and shiiinnee ☀️
-hey what
-well 😭😐
-as a weird science bitch I love the fantasy world of mad scientist family who use their children as experiments
-Bella be like bye ✌️
-hm. I hate this.
-I understand. But I hate this.
-this is what film is for I think to explore weird ideas and scenarios but oh my god 😭😭
-wish they didn't say it like that
30min mark
-I'm gonna be fr max you are a big idiot if you think this girl understands the sanctity of marriage
-big big biggg fan of the sound design in this
-LOVE the bubble wand
-*hates* I have to hate
-*more hate*
-OH HIS NAME IS GODWIN (that's good)
-Bella is so smart | "Bella not safe with you, I think"
-oh I hate 😍😍😍
-girl I'm dizzy with excitement too so true
-no don't adventure with a man who cares little of damage to you 😭
-I get her
-Bella said heyyyyyy lol
-GIRL HELP????????????????????
-she's so crazy lol
-I hate the pig chicken btw
-YEAH SHE IS A BEING OF FREE WILL! But she needs to be protected lmfao??
-you're such a dumb fucking bitch if you think being worried about her is emotional and not logical
-good for her I think?
-dress 🩷
-I think he should die for saying she can't have another sweet treat
-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm don't like
-idk ! I don't like how these scenes are shot
-could have just been the last frame
-furious jumping 😭😭
-girl help
-girl HELP 😭😭 (yes it's a weakness 🩷)
-I hope she leaves
-yay !
45min mark
-wardrobe so cute hate the hair like I understand it would suit the character but I'm allowed to hate it aesthetically
-sunnies! :)!!
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-the boots are sooo cute help
-Bella so real for crying when watching a beautiful woman play music me too
-Bella discovers fighting and crying from witnessing fights real
-I love how Emma manages to use her body language to be like damn god never prepared me for this!
-throws up
-girl me too
-I get her idk
-Duncan should die btw
-amazement to Bella. I love her
-love that (good for her)
-yeah why would I keep it in my mouth if it is revolting
-because you mean
-I love her
-PUNCH THAT BABY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-like I get her real
-I think Duncan should die
-you are hurting Bella!
-shoulder moment
-Duncan should die
-makes me discover angery feelings for you I love her
-lead that man Bella
-I'm like I think Duncan should die and they're like partial credit
-Duncan hey maybe uh that's a bit far
-stop talking as your sounds make Bella angry
-I love her
-Bella is smart 🩷 she 🩷
-fuck this guy for not loving how intelligent she is btw
-so no head? *skateboard crack*
-she is terrifying I love her
-I love Emma's acting so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭
-I love her
-god I love her
-I fear I am also a confusing person Bella I get you
-oh if something happens to Godwin I'm kms
-sorry. You what
-hey uh I think your father shouldve died 🩷
1hr mark
-Duncan should die
-Oh that went better than I thought
-she sounds so unimpressed I love her
-Bella so smart
-I don't like Duncan
-if that wasn't obvious
- Emma stone is breathtaking. That's the commentary
-did I mention that I love the wardrobe for Bella? I love the wardrobe for Bella
-hi I'm Bella and I like a guy who can kill things
-three days 😐🫡
-she sleeb
-T H E S H I P
-she's so unimpressed I adore her sm
-she's both like so me and also so unlike me I'm obsessed -UGH BELLA I LOVE YOU!!
-I adore her
-do I kin Bella poor things a little bit? Maybe.
-skirt 😍😍
-oh! Maybe she should have asked first
-I agree though I go up to interesting older ladies as well
-yelling happily!
-cadaver into the sea 😭
-that is terrible!
-Bella Baxter btw I love u
-much reassuring news 🩷 she's so kind
-god I'm so happy she made friends
-I think Duncan should die
-marry me or kill me? Is that the proposal!
-adore her
-I think Duncan should die (he is pathetic)
-felicity is so seven.mp3
-Bella I love you
-harry you look soooooo cool
-"I is the goal of all to improve, advance, progress, grow. I know this in me, and I am sure I am indicative of all."
-harry you should shut up and have more nuance in your statements (she said hypocritically)
-she's so belle from batb coded
-Karina kinnie moment ?? Yeah
-wardrobe 🩷 if this was pastel pink I would wear it out daily
-oh. I don't like this. Oh no.
-oh no.
-oh no
-LMFAOOO Martha I love you
1hr15min mark
-slow zoom in on Bella knocking on the door I love her
-oh Bella
-being kept up at night with philosophy I love her
-pretty moron 🩷 I would disagree on the pretty part bc of the fact that his character detracts heavily from his appearance
-scene transition so beautiful Karina cry
-A L E X A N D R I A
-Emma stones beauty in every shot of this film is sincerely breathtaking
-camera work the optic blur does so much for me
-harry I hate how you said that
-I do however love this set
-yay yorgos for the real life set
-weird film
-I hope Duncan died
-pinhole camera is interesting but I don't entirely love it
-I hope these dudes who are going to steal from Bella's donation choke
-I hope she didn't give away all their money I truly don't know if she would know
-oh this scene Emily "emma" stone your acting 🩷🩷🩷🩷
-she worked hard on this and I appreciate it but as an viewer I'm like 🧍🏻‍♀️ uh oh
-Bella run
-going to mute this bc I have ✨trauma✨
- ok good I kind of thought it was going to get physically violent?
-but uh this is not good!
-omg like the marina and the diamonds song??
-god I am a Bella Baxter kinnie 😐
-harry shut up did you know that realism is stupid
-the silly little kiss on the cheek
-"I always think it will be better." 🚬😐
-P A R I S
-I hate this fucking man
-I love herrr everything is an experiment!!!!
-I mean she is in Paris
-if it's consensual I guess it's ok but I fear that she doesn't know about venereal diseases
-why did you shoot this so explicitly yorgos
-it's an interesting choice
-oh! 😐
-I'm... skipping this 😍
~1hr 28 min mark (a little past)
-love her
-oh I hate you Duncan
-oh Bella Baxter I love you
-dude shut up bye
-I can now see you are not that...
-Duncan I hate you
-there is clearly something broken in you
-Duncan I hate you
-god Bella I get you queen
-oh I hate the makeup on her but it fits I guess
-she has to say formidable at the end help
-bye I'm skipping this
-skipped to 1hr 33 min mark -
-oh fuck yes she gets to hang with the gorls
-oh! Good for her
-GOD I GET HERRRR (girl who had scientist dad)
-pls don't talk about yourself like that :(
-an idealist!
-ew 🩷 but she's right
-oh grandchild ohhh I get it
-I do appreciate the camera work
-oh I get her
-oh she is talking to them?
-le giggle
-oh good for her
-this is shot well so I did not skip (and by well I mean tolerable to my sensibilities I guess?)
-grateful for the montage that was tolerable
- Bella so cute
-Bella in stem moment
-aw yay!
-love the sloppy work comment I get her
-she's so real
-Karina skip
1hr42min mark
-Duncan should die
-Duncan I hate you
-ok the little hello to Bella's friend 😭😭
-oh hi felicity
- oh :(
-poor felicity
-gory surgery scene I hate it but why am I watching?
-cancer :(
-oh no
-oh no
-compliments and chocolate help
-swiney is so cool the tattoos are amazing
-oh Bella :( real
-this is reminding me vaguely of fable iii
-oh good for her
-music so pretty
-kinda wish this was shot differently
-they cuddle :) she sing :)
-toinette I love you
-lmfao did Duncan go insane over her
-that's so funny
-max you are so slay
-they go fight fight fight
-oh :(
-L O N D O N
-it could be said that Bella's adventure was a so long London moment
-empirical data says different :(
-beady eyes and hard questions 😭
-she finds out
-can't wait to see how Emma acts Bella's reaction
-that look was severe to say the least
-sister meetup!
- bell whore :(
-oh I love this conversation
-I am finding being alive fascinating
-the way Bella just states her emotional state bluntly and to the point sooo true queen
-oh max mccandles
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-shut up Duncan
-he has cancer you fucking idiot 😭😭
-who tf
-Victoria blessington is a hell of a name
-but that does not apply to the metaphor here
-I am Bella Baxter ,,,,,
-love the dress
-oh :(
-how tolerate it core
-oh she wanted to know why she died :(
-oh that sucks for bella Victoria
-her direct questions I love her
-it was fascinating!
-sound design crazy
-sexual hysteria...
-oh I hate this guy... a lot...
-I love the way this is shot
-Bella I love you
-so I'm a prisoner....
-this guy is weird
-oh the wardrobe downgrade!!
-children's hospital ass location
- oh she must be regretting this something crazy but it is an interesting challenge
-this guy is awful
-hell yeah
-dumb ass
-Bella so smart
-idk how to say this without sounding evil but I hope she experiments on him
-god and Bella!
_bellas smudged lipstick lol
-oh Godwin :(
-it's all very interesting, what is happening.
-gin 🩷
-Felicity 🩷
-Bella wardrobe 🩷
-she nervous for exam but studying my queen fr
- credits are beautiful and old school! 🩷
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
Please Stay With Me
Chapter 11
⚠️ Trigger warning contains some sexual language ⚠️
While MC and Jake where out taking their walk MCs phone buzzed, she took it out of her pocket and saw that it was Jessy again.
MC: I am getting sick of this bitch now enough is enough
Jake: what's wrong?
MC: here take a look
MC showed Jake the message that Jessy had sent, his eyes widened with shock at what Jessy had just sent.
hey bitch!! You think that's going too get too me? Your wrong me and Jake couldn't be happier, oh and btw I loved having Richy's hard cock deep inside me he told me I fuck better than you. He even told me it was the first time he'd cum in a long time, you just couldn't get the job done he faked all the other times.
Oh and when he would go into the bathroom afterwards, yeah that was too finish him self off.
Jake: what did you do?
MC: I gave her a taste of her own medicine she thinks she can destroy what we have
Jake: don't worry MC, I will never let her come between us ever again.
MC put her phone back in her pocket and they continued their walk along the beach stopping at a little bar too get a cold drink each.
Jessy had finally got her self together when her phone buzzed, she picked it up and saw the message from MC her anger began too boil too the surface. She had too calm her self down if she was ever going too get this test done.
She pulled her self together and went too the doctor's appointment, she had the test done and was told too wait in the waiting room as they were able too find out that day for her.
With time on her hands she pulled out her phone and reread the message that MC had sent.
Jessy: you think you can get under my skin by saying that, your so very wrong soon you will see that Jake is the farther of the baby!! And when that result comes out I will make sure everyone knows it!!
After she sent the text she sat there looking at what she wrote feeling pleased with her self. Before she knew it she was being called back into the doctor's office, they had the results of the test and they came back that Richy was indeed the farther.
Jessy sat there in shock she couldn't believe it, she didn't know what too do next should she tell Richy? Instead she decided too be even more spiteful and send another message too MC.
So thought you wanted too know you need too congratulate Jake for me, he's going too be my baby's daddy!!
After taking everything over MC and Jake where back on the same page, they were not going too let Jessy ruin what they had.
Just as they were about too leave MC got another emaaage from Jessy.
MC: OMG!! Please say this isn't true
Jake: what is it?
Jake: MC what's wrong? Please tell me
MC just stood looking at her phone frozen too the spot she didn't know what too do, she finally managed too look at Jake in the eyes and started too hit his chest tears falling from her eyes. Jake grabs hold of her hands and trya too claim her down the best her can.
Jake; baby please, what's wrong? What ever it is we can sort this out I promise
MC: y-your the f-farther, you are actually the farther of that bitches baby
Jake: what!! That can't be right
MC: but it is, all that bullshit you told me yesterday was all crap. You and I both know you didn't use a condom you fucked her and got her pregnant!!
Before Jake could say anything, MC slammed the engagement ring down on the side of the bar and walked off. He tried too call after her but she didn't answer, she got back too there room and started too pack her stuff. Before she had a chance too finish packing, she started too feel dizzy the room spinning MC fell too the floor. She just about managed too grab her phone and called Jake.
Jake: MC I'm so glad you called
MC: j-jake, please i-i-i need your help
Jake: where are you?
MC: in our room
Jake: don't worry baby, I'm on my way
Jake got back too the room and found MC on the floor, he rushed over too her side and helped her onto the bed. He grabbed his phone and phoned for an ambulance, MC was taken too hospital the doctor's ran all the tests they needed too and made sure the baby was okay.
Jake: MC, I am so sorry please I love you so much I can't lose you
MC: I need time too rest Jake please
She took hold of Jake's hand giving it a light squeeze, Jake pulled out his phone and opened up a chat with Jessy.
Jessy: what the hell do you think you are playing at!! How dare you tell MC that I am the baby's farther!! Because of your little stunt MC ended up in the hospital I hope your happy now. Oh and btw I will find out the truth!!
While waiting for the tests too come back MC got some sleep, so Jake pulled his laptop out of his bag and did some digging into what Jessy had told MC.
Jake's POV
You think you can destroy the love I have for MC, you think you can break up apart by spreading your evil lies. I will find out what you have done I have a feeling that I can not shake, deep down I think Jessy is not telling the truth.
After doing some hacking into Jessy's hospital records, I have finally uncovered your lies I am not the farther you just decided you would stick the knife in even further and tell MC I was the dad.
MC started too wake up so Jake put his laptop away and held onto her hand just as the doctor came in, they explained that MC's blood pressure was slightly up and was stressed, she was told too get plenty of rest and she would be fine the baby was also doing really well, and that there was nothing too worry about.
MC was allowed too leave after a few hours, while they waited for a taxi too arrive Jake told MC what he had found out.
Jake: I decided too hack Jessy's records and she was lying, I am not the farther
MC: you really mean that? It was all lie?
Jake: I really mean it, It was all a lie I love you so much MC
MC: I love you too Jake, Jessy is going too pay big time for this!!
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astro-eats · 1 month
Astribbon core 😋 🎭+🎱
Astro looked across the room at the girl you has their heart in her hand. Gangle. The feeling of longing was unbearable. Astro knew Gangle was too good for them. She always will be. It was funny her name was Gangle. She was the opposite of ungraceful. The way she walked, the way she spoke, the way she was so gentle. She is everything astro will never be. Even when they try. All they are is an idiot.
Gangle noticed Astro looking right at her. Astro flinched and awkwardly looked away, pretending they weren't just longing for her. They felt extremely embarrassed, as they should. They were just staring at Gangle like an idiot.
Gangle smiled. That beautiful smile sent Astro over the edge, causing them to blush intensely. (Their blush is white btw)
The ugly purple rabbit appeared suddenly and got to messing with Gangle.
"Oh hey crybaby. How's your mask doing?"
"P- please don't be b- break it jax..."
Astro got upset at this. They started walking to the two, but they froze right next to jax. They realized they had.. Nothing. They didn't have a way to stop this. They muttered out a quiet:
"S- stop it.."
Jax smiled that stupid cocky smile. Eugh. Gangles smile was heaven. His was hell.
"Heh! Lets let the 8-ball decide that~"
Without anything further, Jax grabbed the sides of their head and aggressively shook it. This made Astro yell out some censored curses.
"Jax stop! I feel sick..!"
Jax just laughed and continuously shop their head. Gangles eyes were wide and she kept stumbling over her words, trying to help. Astro yelled again.
"Jax please!"
Jax let go of their head. But they were dizzy. They fell onto the floor, hitting their head on the ground. They laid flat and groaned, disoriented. F(%7*() that purple rabbit..
Gangle got onto her knees and gently shook them, trying to tell of they passed out. They weren't passed out, but disoriented.
"Ngh.. Wha-"
They noticed Gangle trying to help them. They were now extremely embarrassed. They're laying on the floor and whining. 'Crap.. She's never gonna like me..'
They sat up and looked at Gangle. Gangle offered a hand- no, a ribbon, and helped Astro up. Astro stood in front of her, not letting go of her hand. They realized they were looking at her stupidly and giggled awkwardly, their hand going from gangles to the back of their head.
"Sorry Gangle.. Uh.. You look nice today- UH I mean you uh.. Look nice everyday-! I-! F(%7*()!"
Gangle giggled. Was she trying to break them!? She was so cute and kind and sweet and caring and beautiful and amazing and-
"So Astro.. Is your head ok..?"
"Yeah I'm fine..! Sorry for.. Being really bad at standing up to Jax. I tried.."
"No..! I'm sorry for you! You got his attention off of me and onto you.. You didn't need to do that.."
"... Oh."
Astro realized they did help her. In a way.. They look at Gangle and speak again.
"What was the answer to him shaking my head?"
Gangle looked st the back of their head and smiled softly.
"Heh... It says 'Try Again'.."
"If he saw that I would be passed out right now..!"
A moment of silence is shared between the two. How would they even start their confession...
"Gangle! I really like you and I was wondering if you wanna be my girlfriend!?"
What the f(%7*(). What the f(%7*()?! That was the worst confession in the history of forever. Gangles eyes were wide and she looked surprised. Astro prepared for rejection..
"Oh.. Astro i.. Uh..."
Astro interrupted.
"Its ok! I understand! I'm literally a magic 8-ball in clown attire who can't even stand up for you i-"
"I was gonna say that I like you too..."
"... Yeah.."
0 notes
femmeswitchsworld · 1 year
Hey pretty girl, I know you said you’ve had a rough day, and I’m so sorry you have, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t feel like it<3 Make sure you take care of yourself first, princess! A great time to mention if anything I say makes you uncomfortable, we can stop at any time. I don’t wanna push your boundaries- if you don’t like it please mention it and I’ll never bring it up again. Or we can stop all together. Whatever makes you most comfortable!!
I never thought someone crying from being so overwhelmed during sex would turn me on so much- but here we are, darling. I can’t stop thinking about it- You’d be so pretty for me, can’t stop thinking about how you’d sound whining and sobbing because it just feel sooo good. Fuck- I wanna fuck you so bad, I can’t sit still- thinking about you sobbing for me has made me so wet oh my- yeah baby? God- I want you sobbing, fucked out on my strap right now. It’s criminal that you’re not here drooling for me- wanna fuck you dumb. No thoughts in that pretty brain of yours. Just how good mommy’s fucking you. Fuck-
I love how much of a desperate slut you are. You’d let me slap you silly, huh? It’s making you so wet thinking about- that’s so pathetic. Bet you’d love to be on your knees for me. One of my hands around your throat, the other slapping you until your face is all red. Making you stick out your tongue for me and spitting in your mouth. But you’d probably like that, huh? Such a pretty little slut for mommy.
The thought of making you watch my strap enter your pretty pussy makes me dizzy. Making you watch yourself get dumber and dumber with each thrust. Tell you that you’re such a pretty girl and how beautiful you look getting fucked by me. Making you watch as I circle your clit- or maybe I can make you do it yourself. I know you’d be a good girl and do just as I ask. Just wanna see you completely consumed with pleasure, dripping all over the floor, making you watch yourself would be so perfect right now. Oh you’d be so embarrassed, huh? Fucking yourself in front of mommy. I’d love to see how much you blush even though we both know you wouldn’t stop. Fuck- the image of you fucking yourself in front of me ughh I don’t know if I’d be able to keep my hands of you Princess. You’re quite irresistible.
I’m a switch too lmao I’d love for you to fuck me- or for you to power bottom as I’m desperate to fuck you. I was actually thinking about that earlier and I got embarrassingly wet…
And the morning sex thing- god I wrote then when I woke up, I couldn’t stop thinking about fucking you so good you pass out. Want you to ride my thigh so bad. You’d look godly for me. Of course we’d cuddle after! Wanna make sure you feel good both during and after princess. Both are very important! I like taking care of my toys.
I like answering you!! I really love seeing your asks pop up in my inbox and I love very thing you send me!! Btw you can always dm me if you want!!
Awwww you really like the thought of making me cry that much?!? Thinking about it makes me really wet too. I love thinking about your strap going in and out of my pussy, just making me dumber and dumber until I’m sobbing and crying and drooling for you.
I really am a desperate slut mommy. You could do just about anything to me and I’d probably get wet from it. I’d love to be on my knees for you mommy. I’d get so wet from you slapping my face. Just thinking about it is making me wet rn. I love the stinging feeling it would leave and I just wanna swallow your spit like a good girl.
Omg mommy you are driving me crazy with this mirror sex. I’m dripping so much rn. I would love to watch as you fuck my pussy and make me all dumb and stupid.
I���m def more of a power bottom but I’ll fuck you if you beg for it 😉
I’ve been thinking about the morning sex thing literally all day. It’s been driving me crazy and making me so needy. And I agree aftercare is very important and I love being taken care of lol.
0 notes
westanthewaterman · 2 years
Care For You - Engineer!Mark & GN!Captain
Rating: SFW
Word count: 1500+
Request:  hi 👋 could u maybe do a fic with the head engineer, where the captains gotten rlly injured but is hiding it from mark/the rest of the crew until mark realises something is up and hes like "huh"? and then he tries to bandage the captain up ? i love ur writing btw!!
Contents: blood and wound mentions, hints at a romantic relationship but can be read as platonic
As Head Engineer of the Invincible II, Mark has a lot of responsibilities on and off the ship. Whether it’s keeping up with the ship’s many, many systems or designing machinery to help the colonists down on the surface, there’s always something for him to do, something for him to fix. And he likes it that way. He likes being helpful, being needed. 
Which is why he’s found himself here - doing laps around the Main Control console, checking the communicator on his wrist every few minutes, and trying not to feel helpless. 
Gunther and the Captain have gone planetside to deal with a mob of hostile animals that has been terrorizing the colony ever since they’d arrived. Normally something so trivial wouldn’t be a job for the Captain but they’d insisted, desperate to get their boots on solid ground. Mark had asked to go as well but the Captain denied the request. After all, someone needed to stay to keep an eye on the ship and the only other person on board with the qualifications was Mack and the Captain would die before they left him in charge. 
So Mark waited…and waited……and waited. 
He was sure it had been hours, maybe even days. The Captain and Gunther were likely already dead, fallen prey to the aliens who would surely leave nothing but their bones left to be found. What if he never sees the Captain again? Who will run the colony? Who will captain the ship now that they were gone? Surely he couldn’t do it. He wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility, that kind of pressure. Would they even have the resources for a proper funeral? Who would be able to fight off the monsters to retrieve their remains? Oh, ye cruel fate! They were so young! They were so-
Mark checks the time on his communicator. 
It hasn’t even been an hour. 
So…maybe it’s not the animals he’s really worried about. Maybe, and he feels silly even considering it, maybe not having the Captain at his side makes him a little nervous. From the moment they had been elected by the Board for the position of Captain, they had never been very far away, overseeing every detail as the Invincible was rebuilt. Mark thinks maybe that’s why the original ship didn’t make it through its maiden voyage, there was no one else on board to rival his meticulous care of the vessel as it was being built. And sure, maybe the Captain couldn’t tell the difference between a plasma contractor and an electromagnetic thruster, but they did their best. 
And now, after what the two of them had dubbed the C.F.W.I. or Crazy Fucking Wormhole Incident, Mark made sure they were never more than an arm's width away. After everything they’d been through, he thinks he deserves to feel a little cautious, especially now that the two of them are…whatever they are to each other. 
Which is why, the second his communicator pings, Mark almost falls forward as he stops dead in what feels like his millionth lap around the room to read the message. 
Threat taken care of. Coming back up. Gunther needs minor medical attention.
Mark turns on his heel and sprints to the Hangar, stopping by the Medbay to let them know Gunther would be heading over shortly. 
Soon enough, the shuttle docks. The Captain steps out of the ship, supporting Gunther’s weight with an arm tight around his waist. Mark rushes over to his other side.
“You said minor medical attention.”
Gunther waves him off. “I’m all good, just a flesh wound and all that. I’m just dizzy from the blood loss.”
Mark sighs with a shake of his head and helps the Captain get Gunther to Medbay. Once they’ve dropped him on one of the cots, Mark turns to the Captain.
“Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all?”
“I’m fine, Mark, really. Thank you for the concern.”
He squints his eyes, looking them up and down before nodding. “I trust your word, Captain. So how did it go?”
They shrug. “Nothing we couldn’t handle. It was nice to get out on the field again, I missed the action.”
The Captain’s eyes are beginning to droop, eyelids feeling heavy. 
“Are you sure you’re alright, Captain?”
“Yeah, I just need to go lay down, I think. All this time in space has got me out of shape.”
“...Okay, but you let me know if there’s anything I can do for you, yeah?”
They reach out and stroke the side of his face gently. “Of course, Mark.”
It’s been four hours since the Captain left for their quarters and Mark hasn’t heard a peep from them. It’s unlike them to take naps, especially during working hours, so he decides to go check and make sure they’re okay. 
Mark stops in front of their door, pressing the little button above the scanner to ping them. When there’s no answer, he frowns, sending them another message from his communicator. After waiting a few minutes with no response, Mark decides to just go in. Maybe the Captain would be grumpy at him for interrupting their rest, but at least he would know they were okay. 
He presses his hand to the scanner and the door slides open. The room is quiet, too quiet. Usually, the Captain sleeps with white noise or one of the audiobooks Burt had recommended but there’s nothing. 
Mark tiptoes into their bedroom, heart freezing in his chest at the sight before him. The Captain is curled up in a ball on top of the sheets, face unnaturally pallid. They’re trembling and when he gets closer, Mark is horrified to see all the blood staining the sheets. 
He cries their name, grabbing their shoulders and turning them onto their back. 
“Captain? Captain, can you hear me?”
The Captain raises a hand, trying to push him away weakly. 
“M’okay, j-just tired.”
“Like hell you’re okay! You’re bleeding!”
“Just a scratch, m’fine.”
“Yeah, sure you are. Why didn’t you go get patched up in the medbay?”
“Crew comes first.”
Mark sighs. Normally, the Captain’s care for the people under their command would be admirable if it wasn’t the reason they were practically bleeding out. He grabs the emergency first aid kit from the bathroom and sits down on the edge of the bed. Carefully, he pulls off their captain’s jacket and unzips their jumpsuit, pushing it off their shoulders. 
“Buy me dinner first,” they mumble.
He chuckles. “Once the colony has a place for me to buy you dinner, I will.”
There are three long gashes on the Captain’s side. Thankfully, they’re not as deep as Mark had originally thought, missing all their internal organs. He gets to work disinfecting the wounds, shushing them when they whine at the sting. Mark’s touches are gentle and tender, careful not to cause them any more pain. He stitches the wounds up with a practiced hand; a small benefit of traveling helplessly through an infinite multiverse - you have an endless amount of time and opportunities to learn how to patch up wounds. 
Once he’s done, the Head Engineer washes his hands in the bathroom and fills a glass with water, returning to the Captain’s side. He tilts their head up, helping them to take a few sips. 
“We should really get you to the Medbay, Captain.”
“Later. Just sit with me for a bit.”
The Captain gives him their best puppy dog eyes and he sighs with a shake of his head; they know he’d do anything they ask of him when they give him that look. Mark sits down next to them with his back against the headboard, running a hand through their hair. 
“You scared me, you know.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to worry anyone.”
“So bleeding out alone is the solution? You don’t think that’s going to worry people even more?”
“Captain, you’re allowed to be cared for just as much as anyone else on this ship. And if you can’t let anyone else do it, then at least let me. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you. Well…I do know.”
“I’m sorry. It was stupid of me, wasn’t it? I can’t take care of the ship if I’m not at my best.”
“You’re worth more than your ability to take care of the ship, you have to understand that, right? Everyone on this ship wants you to be happy and healthy, not because it makes you a better Captain, but because we care about you. You’re worth caring about.”
The Captain doesn’t say anything at that, too lost in thought. Mark takes one of their hands between his and presses it to his lips. 
“Promise me, you won’t do this again.”
“Don’t.” He gives them a stern look. “Promise me.”
“I promise.”
“Good, now seriously, we need to get you to the Medbay. The longer we wait, the angrier Dr. Iplier is going to be with me for not bringing you down sooner. You don’t want me to get in trouble, do you?”
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cookiewrites · 3 years
that changbin hate sex 😮‍💨 god damn thats my fucking dream 😭
i see him being such a great dom its not even funny, also i see him big into choking like, hed watch as your eyes roll to that back of your head and love it hehe 😏
love your work btw!! ❤️
thank you!!! ahhh!!! i'm so glad you liked it!!!
and yes, changbin is 100% into choking, he's into the power that it gives him over you. always doing it safely, of course, but he loves being in control of every tiny part of you including when you get the breathe.
plus the visuals of it all, how small your neck looks in his hands, the marks his hands leave next to all the hickies he's definitely left to mark you as his own, and yes the way your eyes roll backwards. even the way your lips are all puffy from being kissed and the way you gasp when he lets go.
10/10, changbin and choking, great combo.
wc: 0.5k
cw: dom!changbin x afab sub!reader, penetrative sex, choking, dirty talk, pet names for reader (kitten, little one), little bit of dumbification, cliffhanger/no aftercare, consent implied/established relationship
the way changbin's cock filled you up always made your head spin, it was impossible to focus on anything else except the way he split you open. where his cock wasn't the longest, it was more than thick enough to make you feel full to the brink, stretching you in a way that no one else ever could.
he loved when you were on top; when your weight would make you sit all the way down on his cock, making you fill yourself over and over - particularly adoring when you'd get so tired you couldn't hold yourself up any longer and you'd have no choice but sit down on all of him - the way you'd whine at the fullness making him was one of his favourite sounds.
but something he liked even more than that is the face you make when he wraps his hands around your throat. even without pressure applied your eyes would immediately glaze over, head going heavy in his hands, bouncing along with the rest of your body on his cock. the weight of his palms against the column of your neck instantly turning your head to mush.
'hmmm, kitten, nothing going on up there is there, little one?'
'just some hands on your neck and suddenly you can't think of anything but cumming on my cock, needy little thing'
as you try and whine in response his hands tightened, calloused thumbs pressing into your neck, suddenly finding your airway restricted - your pussy clenching in response in a way that makes changbin hiss. your attempts at riding losing any solid pace as you simply try to get off.
'fuck, clenching around me like that, so desperate for me to ruin you like this'
changbin tightened the hold on your neck to the delicious point of lightheadedness, your eyes rolling back into your head as he took over thrusting into you, your tongue falling out of your mouth. changbin using your almost limp body as he egged you towards your orgasm.
'you always get so much tighter when i hold you like this, pretty little pussy basically sucking me in kitten'
'i can feel how close you are, little one, love it when i use your body like this, controlling even when you breathe'
'c'mon, cum for me kitten, make a mess'
and with that instruction you do cum, changbin letting go just as you fall over that cliff, allowing you to cry out for him and let the burning in your chest be replaced with so much pleasure you're not sure if it's the lack of oxygen or the orgasm that's making you dizzy. all you can really place is the way changbin had stopped moving altogether, making you desperately move yourself through the final waves of your orgasm.
soon you settled, breathing steadily against his chest, his hands running up and down your sides as you got comfortable on his dick.
'oh sweetheart, i'm not anywhere near done with you, so catch your breath and start again. i never did tell you to stop riding.'.
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cynettic · 3 years
Kissing Genshin Characters before you Die
Summary - Kissing the Genshin Characters one last time before you enter the battlefield.
Pairings - Reader x Albedo / Barbara / Bennett / Beidou / Chongyun / Diluc / Eula / Kazuha / Kaeya / Ayaka / Ningguang / Childe / Venti / Xiao / Zhongli
Warnings - Angst, death mentions
Tips - I wrote this listening to ‘Lovely’ and ‘Listen before I go,’ so it might make it better if you listen to both those songs while reading this :’) Both are by Billie Eilish btw, both reverb and slowed down songs for the extra angst
A/N - Im so tired, so so tired of human interaction and having no motivation to talk to people. Its like my social battery simply does not recharge, and I'm stuck writing about interactions I wish I could have, even if it's angst. Burying myself in the delusion that being in a different reality would change everything, burying myself in little imaginations and dreams of a love that doesn't exist.
Also yes, if you did notice the song lyrics playing at first are from "If the World was Ending," used to listen to that song so much. Thought it would fit this :)
“If the world was ending you’d come over right?”
It was absolute chaos, flames crawling up the wooden buildings and spreading smoke through the nation of Teyvat. Everything burned with the scorching heat, children crying, men and woman trying to run from the unescapable flames. Terror etched into citizens faces when encountering the monsters who appeared unaffected by the destruction.
Hilichurls and ruin guards smashing past people, till there was nowhere to run. And it was the mere decision of whether being beaten to death or burnt crisp was a better way to leave this world.
“You’d come over and you’d stay the night.”
But there you were, weapon in hand as you stood up against the blaze. Strong against the unblinking inferno in front of you, unwavering as you stood in front of the monsters that eagerly rushed towards you. Cut and obliterated in seconds, your eyes held nothing but a sickening disgust.
You slowly turned back to your s/o, relief quenching your heart when they were safe in the little location you’d found for them. They were injured, they wouldn't be sitting on the sidelines otherwise. And holding your weapon up again, you claimed the role of protector against the hoard of monsters.
“Would you love me for the hell of it?”
Their voice broke past your focus, a ragged sound that was suffering. It only took you a few strides till you reached them, crouching down to face them fully. Your faces were mere inches away, and you could see the frustration on their face. A deeply rooted feeling that fueled the action as they curled their hand around your head. Pressing your lips against theirs, one last kiss before you assumed the role of predator against the monsters.
“All our fears would be irrelevant.”
Both hands coming to hold their face, you pressed forwards into their kiss. Grasp tight against them, clinging onto them as if they were your lifeline.
“If the world was ending you’d come over right?”
You kissed them as if the world wasn't a aflame, like it was just you both sitting there. Hands grasping for their skin, for their lips, for them. Because without them you couldn't live in this smoldering world, a bright light that cocooned you in its comforting warmth. Nothing like the blazing flames that surrounded the two of you.
You kissed them like they were the only thing that mattered.
“The sky’d be falling and I’d hold you tight.”
But you felt the shake in their hands as they pressed their hand against your back, scared to let you go, scared to lose you. Scared to let this kiss end and have to face the scorching reality.
“And there wouldn't be a reason why.”
You pressed one last kiss to their forehead, basking in their embrace once more between you broke away. The look on your face was confident as you faced them one last time, softened by their teary eyes. Whispering soft words to them, you could only watch as they broke down, a tight feeling in your chest urging you to do the same.
But no, you had to be strong. For them, for yourself, for all of Teyvat. You slowly turned to the flames and monsters, holding up your weapon, screaming one last battle cry as you let your weapon lead your actions. As you let death become your only objective in a flurry to protect your partner.
“We would even have to say goodbye.”
Sobs wretched out of their throat as they watched you crumble, watched you fall the ground and collapse. Till the movement of your chest came to an abrupt stop, and monsters pooled at your sides.
They were forced to watch, unable to move.
“If the world was ending you’d come over right?”
Their cries turned to whimpers, until they couldn't hear the noises that spilled form their lips. Until they didn't care. What they cared about was thrown on their battlefield, beaten and ragged, torn and broken.
“You’d come over… right?”
He takes his time, hand on the back of your neck pushing you so hard against him till he’s woozy. Memorizing the feel of your plush lips against his, molding them into memory with every kiss. He’ll break away from your lips, pressing soft pecks up your face, along your nose, to your forehead. Infatuated with the way your hands gently hold his face, careful, delicate. He doesnt want to let you go, and with one final peck right between your eyes, he’ll close his eyes, whispering a goodbye as you leave. He doesnt open them when you die, he doesnt open them when the monsters reach him. No, he dies in your embrace, even if its not real.
Desperate, oh so desperate. She doesnt know what to do with you when you press your hands to her face, tearful. You’ll have to be the one to initiate the kiss, muffling her cries with a short lived sweetness between the two of you. She’ll have her hands all over you, unsure of how to hold you, how to press you against her. She wants to stay like this forever, and even if her kisses are sloppy and messy, she’s crying too much to notice. She won’t break away, you’ll have to tug your way out of her grip and press one last kiss to her forehead. Her voice is angelic, even when she cries. You remind yourself that this is what you’re protecting as you enter the battlefield, giving it your all.
Oh she knows, knows how this will play out. The kisses shared between the two of you are strong and compassionate, its more intense than any other kiss you’ve both shared before. Because she knows. She knows what’ll become of you and her, that this is the last kiss she’ll share with you, that there's nothing she can do about it. She lets herself indulge in you, her strong hold on you never letting go until you vocally ask her to let you go. You make her promises she knows you can't keep, but simply smiles, telling you to come back to her.
Awkward, his hands will grab your shoulders when you approach him, pressing for a kiss immediately. He misses his mark, accidentally pressing his lips to the edge of your lips, noses bumping against each other as he tries to shift his face. You chuckle, holding his face as you adjust the angle, till you can fully reach his lips and press him against you. Like Barbara, he’ll cry, letting himself melt into you. He doesnt resist when you back away, whispering to him. Just sitting there he’ll cry, sob through it all, vision blurry with tears. But its better that way, he can picture you better when everything is fuzzy.
Everything was smoldering hot, too much for Chongyun who has so much yang energy trapped in him. He’s going through one of his rushes when you get to him, eager to tuck you into his arms. His kisses are sporadic, like he’s trying to kiss you but he cant. Like no matter how much his lips meet yours, it isnt enough. He wants more, he wants the promise of your forever embrace ingrained in his head. And when you break away, he’s left empty, the kisses he’d given you the only warmth on his lips. Suddenly everything was cold, so cold, and he only wished for you.
Too rough, mashing your lips against his until you couldn't breath. Dizzy with the lack of oxygen, he didn't stop. You were ‘his,' right here right now, no one could take you away from him. You belonged alongside him, crouched in front of him, pressed into his arms where he could keep you safe. He wouldn't let you go, strong arms pulling you to his chest so firmly that you couldn't escape. He wanted to be selfish, he let himself indulge in the promise to himself that you weren't going anywhere. You’ll have to physically break out yourself, pressing back his hands as he tries to make a grab for you, tears brimming.
You were her everything, and she’ll tell you it through her kisses. She’ll run her hands along the curve of your back, holding you tenderly against her. She doesn't wish for vengeance for all the soft kisses you’ve stolen from her good days long ago, no, she’s willing to forgive you for everything as long as you’ll ‘stay.’ She promises that in all honesty, she loves everything about you, even if she denies it sometimes. And when you leave, she tells you to come back. That its the one and only thing she’ll hold against you if you don't.
Soft, so incredibly sensual with every touch. Kazuha was always filled with words, filled with lovely compositions made for you and only you. But now, he couldn't think of anything, no haiku he’d written in the past that compared to what he felt right now. Metaphors and hidden meanings couldn't compare to the raw pulsing throb he felt in his chest. “I love you,” he whispered, plain and simple. It held so much affection, he was afraid even those words weren't enough to express what he felt, but he settled with it either way. “I love you,” he repeated, brushing your lips against his before he said it again. “I love you.” He said it again, even as you left, entering the battlefield. He didn't stop saying it, not when he saw the monsters take you, not when they approached him with the promise of death. “I love you.”
He doesnt kiss you, because kisses to Kaeya are a sort of affection that brings the sense of normalcy. He likes the way your lips feel against his, but holding you against him is more special. He doesnt depend on kisses to express what he feels, instead pushing your head to his chest, sighing when your own arms come to wrap around him. No kisses, no touches, just you and him. Offering each other your last shreds of hope, because in the end, you only need each other.
“Look at me.” Her hand cups your cheeks just as you do to her. Now you both simply stare into each others eyes, love and adoration filling hers. She loves you, oh she loves you so much. But she understands duty better than anyone, the urge to protect you almost consuming her. When she kisses you, its soft, butterfly kisses. She doesn't rely on the contact to keep her grounded, no holding your face is a gift enough for her. To stare at you, even for one last time, is all she needs. You’ve given her so much, she would follow you to the ends of the world if you asked her to, and that's why it hurts her so much to watch you fall. She closes her eyes, noticing that she’d follow soon after and perhaps see you in the afterlife. No, she would, that's a promise she makes to herself.
Ningguang has delt with loss before, the concept isnt foreign to her. But you… you’re more than the jade chamber, more than any possession she has. You’re precious, like she sold a piece of her heart to you that she could never gain back. You took it from her, and you plan to take it with you to the battlefield. All she can do is press her lips against yours. Kiss you and the world beside you both becomes meaningless, until air becomes a chore instead of a necessity. Because without air she'd kiss you forever.
Details, in the case that Childe himself cant fight alongside you, he’ll hold you and repeat the details in his head. The way his hand feels on your hair, how soft or rough your lips are against his. How you fit against him, how badass you look out in the battlefield. He won’t stop you from leaving him, because he knows that if this case was reversed, he’d want you to let him go too. So he presses intimate kisses, slow ones that dont consist of a fight for dominance like they usually do. No, he wants to tell you how much he loves you, one last time.
He doesnt know what to do, pressed against you firmly. He presses soft kisses, but theres no emotion, he doesn't know how to express himself here. He’s lost a lot, lost so much in his existence, but nothing prepared him for this. Only after a kisses will he ask to cry, and when you tell him yes he’ll press his head against your shoulder. He’ll sob, hands gripping the fabric of your shirt as he does so. And then he kisses you while tears stream down his face, mashes your lips against his until his face grows numb. And he’ll continue to feel numb when you leave, when you die, when he dies.
He doesn't know what to do, Xiao has never felt so utterly useless when you crouch to him. Form battered and bruised, when you embrace him he feels whole again. You’re his world, he doesn't care about the blazing inferno just beside you, the monsters that threaten all of Teyvat. You are his everything, what he strives to protect and keep safe. Kisses with him are breathless, both of you passionately pulling each other closer. He cant get enough of you, he wants all of you, every single piece. Molded into his embrace until you cant get out. When you break away, he tries to pull you to him, but he finds himself only able to move in the slightest. But Xiao is a protector, he is ‘your’ protector. He follows you as you head to the battlefield, dragging his limp body in a crawl to get closer. He doesn't stop when he sees the monsters overtake you, no, he continues. Just until he reaches your body, grabbing you and holding your corpse into his chest. He numbs out the monsters that attack him, knowing sullenly that he's going to die. But death doesn't seem so bad, not beside you.
As someone who always has control over the situation, Zhongli will be able to adapt quickly. But he doesnt want you to suffer, admiring you for being so strong when everything presses against you. He wishes to relieve the weight if only a little bit with a few kisses. Sensual and intimate, he wants to support you, and if he cant do it on the battlefield he’ll do it right here. Hold you close and promise you that he’ll always be there for you. Only after you die does he allow himself to cry, not wanting to have burdened you with his tears.
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boi69420swag · 3 years
why you should not glamorize ed:
making your friends and family high cal/unhealthy foods so they would gain weight
hair literally falling out in CLUMPS
you literally lose muscle before you lose fat
no s3x drive
always seeing your friends as competition. btw they aren't playing!!
the most RANCID farts
all you think about is food. all day everyday.
constant body aches
comparing your body to literal children
not being able to walk up stairs
your brain will not work the way it's supposed to
internal bleeding
open sores in your throat
metabolism slows down
no energy for anything
the number on the scale is never enough
so so so irritable
constant dizziness
night sweats
food makes you nauseous
bad breath/yellow teeth
not being able to reach your full potential in sports or school
being cold all the time
watching mukbangs
purposely sleeping in
memory loss
being able to talk ab nutrition for HOURS AND HOURS
always tired
PERMANENT damage to your organs
never knowing what your body actually looks like
having to change the batteries in your scale like every week
never feeling valid or always in denial
nobody cares until you're literally skin and bones
your my eyes only filled with body checks
can end up with alcohol or drug addiction
bruises bruises bruises
brain shrinking
being embarrassed to eat in front of others
clogged drains
insomnia from hunger
heart palpitations
walking around the supermarket for hours but not buying anything
no personality
becoming allergic to foods
all or nothing
hands or feet going numb
everything is competitive
lying to everyone you love
ruining relationships
your skin can turn green from anemia or organ failure
heart failure
planning meals beforehand
craving food constantly
the guilt.
very intense mood swings
either super hydrated or super dehydrated
chew and spit
avoiding social events just in case there might be food
obsession with calories
exercise addiction
increased anxiety
"intermittent fasting"
brittle nails
not being able to shit
wrist pains
joint issues
judges what other people eat
rotten teeth
the worst heart burn ever
feeling weak 24/7
hallucinating bc you can't sleep
being too unstable to keep friendships
getting full after like 2 bites of food
moldy food in your room
thoughts never making sense
dreaming about food or being hospitalized
blue fingernails
arms and legs start swelling
once you start it feels impossible to stop
smelling food instead of eating it
punishing yourself everytime you eat
poor wound healing
spending hours looking at thinspo
swollen tongue
takes so long for you to eat one meal
walking for hours on end
using the tiniest bit of food as a reward after intensely working out
veins hurting from drinking too much water
bursting blood vessels in your eyes from purging
having the habit of checking the calories on everything. and i mean EVERYTHING
thinking people just want you to get fat when they tried to make you something to eat
the headaches. oh the headaches
being broke/taking money from people to buy binge food
thinking you're faking all of it for attention you don't even crave
not taking antidepressants because you're afraid that they will make you gain weight
pale skin
bad body odor
brittle bones
not knowing where any of your bruises came from
again with night sweats, waking up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat
lanugo, literal fur
always uncomfortable
gaining back all the weight you lost and having to repeat over and over (never worth it)
your ed becomes your personality
very emotional or very numb
no period
passing out
yelling at your family
knowing the calories of what you're eating without checking
getting called anorexic as an insult
vomit bags in your room
wasting food
not being able to enjoy holidays
"it must be healthy bc it's low calorie"
hands literally turning yellow
being able to feel your body shutting down
paying close attention to other peoples diets
"this wouldn't happen if i was skinny"
always finding a way to make yourself busy
wanting to have a healthy relationship with food but also being in love with your ed
jealous and insecure if you notice your friends lost weight
ignoring everyone who says to get help
feeding tubes
losing trust with everyone
"morning skinny"
people watch you eat so you have to act like you're enjoying it
thinking everyone around you is looking at you
breaking the toilet
oh and i forgot. DEATH!
they aren't fun! we are sick and dying!
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
Omg I’m sorry for not realizing u had a list 😅 but I wasn’t wondering if u could do 41 with Abby and could u make it like rlly angsty but with some fluff or smut at the end
Everything Good in Life Seems to Lead Back to You
Abby Anderson X Reader
Prompt: 41. Overhearing they have feelings for you
Warnings: blood and injury, canon typical violence, swearing, fluff, angst (I tried anon I tried), Owen slander once again (sorry not sorry)
Gender neutral pronoun for the reader (if you’d like your request to use specific pronouns please add to the ask)
Link to the prompt list here
A/N: it’s safe to say that I wrote this with the speed of a thousand blazing horses if that even makes any sense. I hope that you all enjoy this lovely word vomit (esp if you requested) it was a blast to write !!
btw the Virginia Woolf reference is from her letters to Vita Sackville and the Jane Austen one is from Pride and Prejudice. What can I say? I guess I’m just a hoe for old love, baby.
Abby spent a lot of time reading; so much so that she had created this false expectation of what love was supposed to feel like. Abby believed that love was supposed to be strong, and passionate, and bright—an everlasting devotion. Of course she shrugged it off at first, they were just books after all—pieces of fiction to fantasize and dream about. Love wasn’t something you could define in a book nor could it ever live up to the likes of Shakespeare or Virginia Woolf.
Abby had never been in love; she sometimes believes she came close to some iteration of it when she was with Owen, but looking back now she realized that what she felt wasn’t love. It was a desperate attempt to be wanted—to be needed, a manifestation of her desire for approval. And after her falling out with him, Abby had come to accept that she simply wasn’t made for love, and that if by some miracle she ever did fall, it definitely wouldn’t be like the books.
That was Abby’s initial perspective on love, but oh how times have changed. The moment you waltzed into her life, every sad, pathetic notion she had about love was thrown out the window in a matter of seconds. Never in her most outrageous dreams did Abby expect to fall this hard, especially since the two of you were practically best friends.
In fact, it had been very platonic at first; Abby was your superior and you often worked together on missions. She didn’t know what compelled her to talk to you but when she did, the two of you hit it off immediately. You started training together, then working out together, and eventually you were spending almost every minute together. The two of you could literally correctly predict every thought that went through each other's head, all except of course (in Abby’s case) for one. It even got to the point where you both somehow knew when the other couldn’t sleep, so much so that Abby had grown accustomed to opening her door to see you holding a glass of milk and a plate of cookies like a little kid on Christmas. She had spent so many sleepless nights alone only to realize that the one thing she was missing, was you and your adorable midnight snacks.
Abby never entertained the thought of professing her slightly less than platonic feelings for you, because she had become content with the idea that you’d simply never feel the same. However, while she had come to accept her unfortunate situation to be a permanent one, it still hurt her when she saw you flirt with other people. And she’d be lying if she said your absentminded touches didn’t still send her soaring. Sometimes she hated how naturally affectionate you were, it made it so hard for her to not love you.
The box that Abby had continually shoved herself into so she wouldn’t fuck up your friendship was almost starting to feel like home, and as uncomfortable as it was, she knew it was for the best. Almost nothing could compel Abby to leave this torturous, self-inflicted prison she was trapped in. Almost nothing.
The mission was supposed to be a simple one: get in, get the weapons, get out. A mission so simple, the both of you could’ve done it in your sleep. In fact, on a few occasions after a long night of drinking, you had practically done just that. You met up with the group of traders who you were well acquainted with, and the deal went down smoothly. Everything was going according to plan, which is why you and Abby were completely caught off guard when a group of rogue hunters suddenly began firing shots like it was a fucking carnival.
Turns out there was a new rival group in town, and someone had tipped them off. You and Abby luckily were able to find cover from their relentless fire, but not before you got a bullet straight through your left thigh. You didn’t even realize it at first, the adrenaline coursing through your veins still working to protect you from the devastating pain that was to come. When you did notice it, you had already lost copious amounts of blood. Then the dizziness began to set in, and soon after the pain. Abby hadn’t even realized you were injured till you slumped over on the ground next to her.
Looking down in horror, Abby lifted you into her arms. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Why are y-” Then Abby noticed the blood, and suddenly she was panicking. “Oh shit. Oh fuck, Y/N we have to get you out of here.”
“T-the package, we need the package. Can’t leave without it.” Your response was weak, desperate. You had to finish the mission, the WLF was in dire need of these supplies and you were not going to be the one to tell Isaac you failed.
“Fuck the package, we need to get you back to base.” Abby removed her belt, turnoqueting your leg with such surprising ease that you nearly didn’t notice the agonizing pain in your leg. Nearly.
You groaned when Abby hoisted you into her arms bridal style, careful not to move your leg too much before she booked it to the truck. When she plopped you down into the passenger's seat and began to speed away from the scene, you suddenly felt your eyes becoming heavier. You were so tired. You had lost so much blood already and your body felt like it was shutting down.
Abby was frantically racing towards the base, eyes fixed to the road until she heard you let out a small whine. “Abby, I‘m so tired. Need to sleep.”
Abby noticed you drifting off and she reached her arm out to shake your shoulder violently. “No. No sleeping, you gotta stay awake Y/N.”
Though Abby didn’t mention it, she was terrified. When she looked over at you, you were pale and cold to the touch, drifting off while your leg continued to bleed profusely despite her tourniquet. This could be it; you could die right now, and Abby would have lost the one person in this world she cared about most. She couldn’t let that happen, she wouldn’t.
You were equally as terrified as Abby; every natural instinct in your body was begging for you to sleep and you were becoming tired of trying to ignore it. The last thing you remembered was the look on the face of the girl you had fallen for, her eyes brimming with tears while she wore a desperate, horrified expression.
You laid unconscious for what felt like an eternity and Abby never left your side. She had abandoned her duties (with Isaac’s permission) and spent every second next to you, her head resting on the edge of your bed while she waited for you to wake up. The only thing that prompted Abby to step away was Manny, who had heard what happened and went to check on her.
Manny knew full and well that Abby was in love with you; in fact, almost all of Abby’s friends knew. Abby had confided in him during many torturous nights and he was a surprisingly good listener. He understood her circumstances and never pushed her to confess her feelings for you, even if it did annoy him how oblivious Abby was to the fact that you obviously felt the same way. “Abby, I heard what happened. Is everything okay?”
Abby was exhausted, she hadn’t slept at all since you made it back to the base and she couldn’t get the memory of your cold, pale body out of her head. “I almost lost them, Manny. Y/N could’ve died out there without ever knowing how I feel about them.” Tears threatened to fall but Abby did her best to keep her composure.
“It’s going to be okay, Abby. Y/N’s here and they’re alive, and that’s all that matters.” Manny’s hand was on Abby’s shoulder, trying his best to comfort her. “You should tell them how you feel though.”
“Huh?” Abby hadn’t expected that. Manny knew her situation well enough to know that telling you how she felt was a bad idea… It was a bad idea, right?
“It’s like you said, Y/N could’ve died without ever knowing how you feel about them. Wouldn’t it be better to have no regrets at all?” The words stopped Abby in her tracks. She never thought she’d actually agree with Manny.
“It’s just- I love Y/N so much, and I don’t want to lose them this way.” Abby was on the brink of tears, her voice turning into a desperate plea.
“I’m not going anywhere Abs.”
Abby froze, turning around slowly. You were gripping to the doorway for support, limping on one leg and looking extremely weathered.
“Y/N!” Abby immediately ran to put your arm around her shoulder while she carried you back to your bed, setting you down carefully. “You shouldn't be on your leg, you could make it worse.”
There was genuine concern on Abby’s face and in that moment you weren’t sure you could love her any more than you already did. She was so incredibly sweet and caring and no one had ever shown this much concern for your safety and well-being. You had heard her through the door and you couldn’t stop yourself from interrupting her. There was so much about Abby you absolutely adored and she had no idea. How could she not have known you were hopelessly in love with her? Was she truly that oblivious to your obvious flirting? All the subtle touches, the pathetic excuses to sleep in her bed, the fact you literally went out of your way to find rare coins so you could bring them back to her, it all just flew over her head. You couldn’t believe it.
Abby was still rambling about your leg, clearly trying to pretend like she didn’t just profess her love for you while you were standing right behind her. Instead of speaking, you wrapped your hands around her neck before leaning in, silencing her with a kiss so perfect you could’ve passed out right there. You could tell she was stunned at first, but soon enough she was kissing you back. Her fingers were running through your hair and when you pulled away she leaned her forehead against yours, not wanting to part from you.
“Did you mean it?” You pulled away to look Abby in the eyes, your hands still wrapped around her shoulders.
Abby had a dumbstruck look on her face. “Mean what?”
“When you said you loved me, did you mean it?” Your eyes searched her face for an answer while your heart was beating a million miles a minute.
Abby smiled, her eyebrows furrowed as she spoke. “Y/N, I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I’m so hopelessly in love with you that it’s almost pathetic. You have no idea how essential to me you have become—how many nights I’ve stayed awake because you weren’t there to hog all the blankets. Y/N, you have no idea how ardently I love you.”
You smirked “Abigail Anderson did you just quote Virginia Woolf and Jane Austen?” You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, Abby could be such a nerd sometimes.
“I just confessed my ever-lasting love for you and that’s the first thing you say?” Abby was smiling widely now, relief flowing through her now that she no longer had to conceal her feelings for you.
“I love you too Abs, so fucking much. Also I do not hog the blankets, your comforter is simply too small.” Abby chuckled before she leaned in for another kiss, the worry suddenly disappearing the moment her lips touched yours.
Although Abby had never really known what she expected love to be, this is what she imagines it’d feel like, and you bet your ass it was better than the books. To tell the truth, it was better than any other conceivable thing on this entire planet. Nothing could beat the way Abby felt now that she had finally broken free from her excruciating self-inflicted prison.
Abby pulled away from the kiss, gazing at you lovingly. “Are you hungry?”
God damn Abby, it was like she knew exactly what you were thinking. You didn’t know how long you had been unconscious for, but you were ravenous. “Starving.”
And almost as if you were telepathically communicating, the both of you spoke at the exact same time.
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stardust-kenobi · 4 years
Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader
Summary: Poe returns to base after a very risky and long battle against the First Order. In the time he’d been gone, and his life flashing before his eyes, he wants to show you how badly he missed you, and how much you mean to him.
Warnings: Filthy, descriptive, SMUT (fingering, m/f oral giving and receiving, daddy kink, choking, vaginal sex) starts with some adorable fluffiness from my fav little resistance pilot 🥺 mentions of death and blood...but yeah mostly smut.
A/n: I’m unapologetically horny for Poe. I’ve been dying to write content for this man, I love him so much. If anyone has any Poe/sequel specific blog recommendations, lmk!
Word count: 4k
Request from @princessxkenobi. You’re the best✨💕 hope you enjoy! Btw, I took your request and RAN with it lmao
gif is not mine
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Your stomach tumbled aggressively in your abdomen. Every pilot that joined Poe on their dangerous mission, almost three weeks ago, was currently exiting their x-wings...except Poe. The Falcon lowered from the sky, landing roughly on the grass. Exiting the ship was Finn and Rey, but still no Poe. The love of your life, your soul mate, your other half...was he gone?
You swallowed hard, forcing back the sorrow lump in your throat that crept up with the realization of what could have happened. A sickness formed in your stomach when your eyes scan the field of landing ships, still not identifying his distinguishable transport.
“No..” you whispered your cry. A cold, stray tear fell over your cheek bone. Your vision went blurry and your mind became a looped, dizzy mess in the wake of your distress.-
Before you fell apart completely, something interrupted you.
“There’s my baby girl” A voice broke the empty air behind you. Your gasp was caught in your throat and you found it hard to breathe for the milliseconds between your pain and your relief. Your body swung around swiftly for your eyes to meet Poe’s loving gaze. His bag slid from his shoulder to meet the ground. He hustled toward you, arms spread open to welcome you into his embrace.
“Poe...” You mumbled softly. That was the only word that your trembling lips could develop in your moment of shock. You reminded yourself to breath. 30 seconds prior to this engagement, you assumed that you’d lost the love of your life to the relentless violence of the First Order. But he was here, he was holding you, he was alive.
“God, I'm so happy to see you, y/n” His head rested atop yours and his arms provided shelter around your body.
“I thought you were gone, Poe” you looked up at him, tears still pooled in your eyelids. Your voice broke as his name rolled off your tongue. That same lump in your throat returned, or maybe it never left.
“Shhh” He calmed you, his hand caressed your head to comfort your distress. “It’s okay”.
The active twinkling stars in the night sky illuminated his features for you to admire. You scan every inch of his face, taking it in as if you’d never see him again. As you scanned upward, you suddenly noticed the dark red liquid dried to his forehead. Your stomach sank.
“What happened?” You direct your attention to his injury. “Are you okay?”. You pulled a rag from his abandoned bag, and quickly tried to clean it from his skin.
“Oh...yeah, I’m okay, y/n. It doesn’t hurt. Just got blasted and hit my head on the side metal of my x-wing. It was a...a close call...but I got out of there in time.” His voice was like honey to your ears in the midst of your worries. Poe picked up your hands that had fallen from gripping his body. Gentle kisses graced your knuckles. “To come back to you, baby”
“I missed you so much, Poe. I didn’t see you land and immediately assumed the worst” you admitted to him, still holding back your tears that were slowly subsiding.
“I didn’t mean to worry you, I’m sorry” he assured.
“I’d be a mess if you hadn’t come back” You admitted.
“That’ll never happen, y/n” He assured you, with no real ability to promise this, but it was comforting to you in the moment.
He kissed your forehead and offered a warm smile, resulting in a grin forming at your lips as well. It quickly turned upside down at the sight of a tear trailing down Poe’s face came into view.
“Poe what’s wrong?” You asked so worrisome.
He instantly looked distressed from your inquiry like he was barely holding it together prior to your concern.
“It was really hard out there. Seeing you just-” his broken voice interrupted his thoughts “it made me remember how lucky I am to have you in my life. It could be over in an instant. But I have you” he pushed through his shakiness. Your thumb meets his cheek to wipe away his sorrow.
You pushed your body up against him, and planted a kiss onto his unexpecting lips. It was deep and passionate and definitely what he needed to feel. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down into your face.
There were others wandering around you, unloading gear, welcoming the pilots back home, rejoicing in the success, but you knew that the intimacy of your kiss would go unnoticed by anyone else. You felt alone with Poe, like no one else existed in the whole galaxy.
He encouraged the kiss further, rotating his lips around yours slowly. The moan that crept from his mouth indicated a desire for more. The relief of being reunited sparked a hunger in you as well. You wanted him.
You both gathered your composure after a few minutes of consoling each other, just thankful to be safe, and together.
“I need to be alone with you” he said, sounding as if he would go insane if he wasn’t able to have you soon.
“Let me show you how much I really missed you” he whispered into your ear. You shoot him an are you sure? look considering the abundance of company around you. Surely there’d be no privacy for a while, and you’d have to be very quiet in his small quarters. “I need you” he practically begged. You happily nodded in agreement.
“C’mon” he smirked and took your hand, leading you away from the commotion of the base and to the partial privacy of his room. There were people that he stopped and spoke with on the way there. You were so eager for alone time, it was torture every time your journey was interrupted.
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You both finally arrived. He closed the door behind you. The familiarity of the harsh fluorescent lighting and the tight enclosure of the room was oddly comforting, but surely not romantic.
“Well that won’t set the mood, will it?” He chuckled, referring to the uneasy lighting above. He pulled a lighter from his pocket, and lit a small candle on the table next to the cot. The lights shut off, revealing a sudden romantic environment, softly lit by a single flame.
A small, black curl laid lonely on his forehead, which you slowly moved away from his face. You stood there together, in the middle of the room, absorbing each other’s presence. Your anticipation rose for what was about to happen. You missed his bare body against yours. You needed him now.
He subtly licked his lips while studying the curve of your bottom lip. Once you both understood that you were alone, he practically pounced onto you with a burning hunger in his gaze. Poe’s kisses were heavy and intimate. Every movement of his mouth was rhythmic. His hands gripped your face, as if to pull you even closer to him, which was completely impossible.
“Fuck I missed you baby” he breathed in between the bursts of fusion of your mouths.
“Me too” you managed to say before his lips were on yours again.
He walked backwards slowly and pulled you with him. He sat down onto the cot and guided your legs to straddle him at his waist. Poe maneuvered the cloth of your coat down your shoulders and slid it down to the floor, leaving you in a thin cropped tank top and your shorts. His calloused hands drew goosebumps where they touched when they travelled over your arms. His kisses transported to the skin on your neck, cascading down to the collarbone. You leaned into him, absorbing the delicacy of his admiration. 
You moaned quietly which grabbed his attention almost immediately. He looked up at you, the same starving look of desire in his eyes with a cocky smirk plastered onto his face. 
“What was that about you showing me how much you missed me?” you purred into his ear, teasing him, and placing your lips at his neck now. Your fingers worked to unbutton his shirt. The motions you made at his skin earned a small groan from his lips. This subtle sound alone formed a heat between your legs.
His grip, already around your waist, tightened as your question rang his ears. Poe knew that sex with you was always paradise, but taking it slow always resulted in a level of intimacy he’s only ever felt with you. He needed to take his time with you, but at this moment it was so hard for him to do so with how badly he missed you.
You removed his shirt, revealing the broadness of his chest, presented to you so closely. You cannot help but stare intently at his features. Your fingertips traced the outline of his chiseled abdomen. The necklace he always wore, that you’d never seen him without, remained around his neck. You loved the way it looked on him, and wouldn’t dare take it off.
Poe swiftly removed your top that clung so tightly to your body. He is met with the sight of your breasts that were unrestrained under your clothes.
“Oh baby girl I missed these” he cooed and cupped your exposed tits in his hands. His brows furrowed in a look is desperation before his lips wrapped around your stiffened nipples. You moan at the contact, you can feel yourself become even wetter by the second.
You rolled your hips forward, and when you did, you felt the bulge that was begging to be let free from his pants. He moaned instantly when you brushed your core against him.
Poe made a quick decision to stand up, lifting you by your ass, and turned to place you firmly on the cot. Your head was rested on his pillow while he positioned his body above yours. The curl that previously sat on his forehead now dangled above your face, which made you chuckle, but also, he looked so hot like that. The chain of his necklace hung down from his skin, too, something he knew was a huge turn on for you. You liked for him to fuck you while it swung in your face. When he noticed you stare at it, he giggled.
“I know you like that, don’t you?” He smirked. You nodded your head, offering no words, eager for him to proceed.
“Poe” you breath, simultaneously grasping at his belt.
“Be patient, baby” he commanded before attacking your lips again. His tongue forced its way between your lips and explored your mouth freely. Moaning into his mouth only made him kiss you harder. The feeling of his hips rested between your thighs through the layers of both your pants was agonizing. Your knees and thighs tried to push themselves together. He felt this around his hips and pulled his lips from you instantly.
Leaning back onto his knees, he unbuttoned your shorts and slowly slid them and your panties down your thighs. After throwing them onto the floor, he sat there and took a long, sensual look at your naked body, licking his lips at what he saw. At this angle you could clearly see how restricted his cock was for you to observe the long outline.
“Fuck. I missed this view so much princess” he groaned while lowering his body back onto the cot, his face moving in between your thighs. His face was inches from where you were aching for him. “Do your best to be quiet, baby” he lightly laughed through his nose and smiled at you sweetly.
“I don't know if I can but I’ll try” you joked.
And with that, his tongue curled onto your clit, taking you into his mouth. Your body twitched at the sudden sensation you’d been robbed of for weeks. The second he tasted you, a low, gruff moan leapt from his throat. His tongue swirled over your sensitive clit, rhythmically and consistently drawing figures with the tip.
“Fuck, you are so wet already” he took a break to look up at you. Not breaking eye contact, he leaned up to push two fingers into your mouth.
“Suck on them” he demanded. You obeyed and sucked on his coarse fingers. He watched with pleasure as you moistened them in your mouth. He then removed them and replaced his glistened fingers at your entrance. Without hesitation, he pushed them inside of your wet warmth.
“Oh fuck” you sharply moaned. His tongue returned to your clit while he pumped his fingers inside of you. He moaned too, turned on by your pleasurable sounds, sending vibrations across your sensitivity.
Your hands found their way to his head, your fingers locked in his waves of black strands. He curled his two fingers, adding to your pleasure. Already, you feel your climax approaching.
“Poe, I’m close” you announced. He instantly pulled his mouth and fingers from your pussy, causing agony for you. He suddenly crawled up to you, hovering over you. His fingers replaced themselves at your core, but it was his flattened fingers pressed against your clit this time. He began to rub firmly back and forth, responding to how you bucked your hips at his touch, picking back up where you left off.
“I want you to look at me when you cum, baby girl” he growled, face so close to yours, intently staring at your expression while you displayed how good he made you feel.
You felt the tightness bundle between your thighs while his hand set a constant pace that perfectly stimulated your clit. You could feel how intense it was going to be before you even reached your orgasm.
“S-shit” you stuttered, focused on your climax.
“That’s it, yeah” he encouraged you.
It washed over you like an ocean wave. Radiating from the center of your euphoria and spreading across your body. Your attempt to be quiet was weak, your moans and whimpering filled the air of his small room. Neither of you cared anymore who was on the other side. Poe’s eyes never left you while you threw your head back in pleasure. Your legs quivered in his touch as he did not let up once during your orgasm. You think he may have rubbed you faster once you hit your peak, causing a more intense high for you.
A very long ride came down slowly. You tried to catch your breath during the time that Poe slowed his motions and removed it from you.
“God, you look so fucking hot cumming for me, y/n” he cooed in your ear, still hovering above you. His tone grew kinkier by the second.
You giggled, unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone any words. Poe pushed himself back into his knees.
While staring deep into your eyes, looking at you with an primal expression that indicated how badly he was about to destroy you, he slowly unbuckled his belt, never breaking eye contact with you. You melted at how fucking hot he looks before his clothes are even completely removed.
His pants meet the ground, his underwear going with it. Seeing his fully erect cock pulled a whimper from your throat. He blushed and pushed a smile from his face.
“On your knees” he commanded, standing next to his cot. He usually wasn’t this demanding during sex, but something seemed a lot more dominant in him tonight. You loved it, so of course you obeyed.
“Yes, sir” you purred at him and got on your knees in front of him.
“Listen to me, baby girl” he started, grabbing the back of your head and tilting it up at him. “Suck daddy’s cock like a good little girl”.
The words leaving his mouth caught you off guard, sent shivers down your spine, and made your clit throb more than it was following your orgasm all at the same time. You’d never heard him talk like that before, nor had he ever mentioned a kink for this. You surely had no objection to going along with it.
You smirked at him, wrapping your fist around his shaft and placing the tip at your extended tongue. You teased him lightly.
“C’mon baby. No teasing” He smirked. You look up at him with baby doll eyes before proceeding.
Giving you no time to cease your teasing, he very suddenly forces his cock to the back of your throat. You gag initially, but adjust quickly to your mouth being completely filled by his length. 
“Mmmm” He groaned as he held your mouth steady wrapped around him.
Deep, hungry moans crawled out of his mouth when you began to bob your head back and forth onto his dick. You used your technique that you know drove him crazy, and tried a new motion with your tongue. 
“Oh, fuck. Yeah, good girl” He reacted instantly, meeting your innocent eyes again. You loved hearing him praise you and encourage you with his moaning.
You add your hands to the bottom section of his length while you continued to swirl your mouth around the top of him. 
“So fucking pretty with my cock in your mouth, baby”
You move faster now, paying close attention to the tip, knowing that was his most sensitive spot. His breath hitched, and you could tell he was eager to have himself buried somewhere else inside you. 
“But y’know...I think you’d look prettier with my cock in that tight little pussy...you think you can handle that?” He growled at a level of a whisper, his words made you melt. He abruptly removed himself from your mouth and lifted you from the ground and onto the cot. 
“Yes, daddy” you purred back at him. Poe’s eyes subtly lit up, he was so glad you were into this, too. He returned you to your position from earlier, comfortably flat on your back, knees up. He loved to start in missionary because he wanted to gaze into your eyes when he first fills you.
He hovered back on top of you, positioning his his hips between thighs, one arm was placed firm in the mattress beside your head, the other trailed up your thigh, soaking in the feeling of your soft skin. Wasting no additional time, the tip of his cock parts your slit and he pushes himself into you.
A sharp, prolonged gasp escaped you as he buried himself completely inside of you, his hips as close to your body as possible.
“God damn, baby girl” his voice turned soft when he truly felt how wet you were for him. He brought motion to his hips and looked down into your eyes. His necklace hung directly above you, swinging with every thrust he took. You watched it, loving the way it looked around his skin. His expression held a look of lust and angst simultaneously, which made your heart beat faster. He dared not to break eye contact with you. Watching your eyes roll back from the pleasure of being fucked by him drove him crazy. And despite the roughness of the passion you were sharing as a result of your time apart, you were still his baby girl and wanted to be as intimate as possible.
“Yes, Poe” you whimpered. A scowl appeared on his face.
“Who? You know my name” he growled at you, pounding your pussy harder with aggression.
“Daddy” you moan, louder.
“Good girl” his voice was so gruff. Suddenly, his hand was wrapped around your throat, applying pressure. You struggle to breath in the most erotic way. Your gasping transformed to whines. Poe loved to watch you wear his fist as a necklace while he fucked you. 
“How am I supposed to last, when you look so fucking gorgeous being filled with my cock?” He whispered, lips brushed against your ear, chills erupted down your body. His grip on your neck was released.
“I love you” you mumbled, allowing a grin to develop on your face. You said it out of no where, but you needed him to hear it. Poe’s seductive stare instantly transformed to a smile, as if he was breaking character from the rough exterior he presented.
“I love you, too, y/n” he breathed before kissing you so delicately and slowing his hips. “Now, turn around” he returned to commanding your actions. You get on your hands and knees, backing yourself up to him, craving to be fucked from behind. 
No warning was given before he slammed his dick into you again. You cried out, not expecting how good it would feel. At this angle, he reached your sweetest spot with every thrust. You found it impossible to muffle your sounds. He watched as your ass jiggled against him every time your skin touched. His calloused hand motioned circles against your ass cheek, prepping it for what he would do next. He pulled back and brought the flattened palm to meet your skin, slapping it firmly. When you moaned out in response, he did it several more times, and enjoyed every strike against your ass. 
“Forget being quiet, I want everyone to hear you getting fucked, got it?” Poe growled. You didn’t hesitate, and released all your expression of ecstasy into the small room, knowing your voice was escaping the walls. His voice joined yours as well, which was music your ears.
He curled his hips into you harder and faster now, his fingertips scratched down the length of your back. When you leaned your head back into it, Poe grabbed the bulk of your hair, using it as a handle while pulling your head back with it. 
“Oh, god” you cried as the pleasure became unbearable.
“You like being daddy’s good little slut? Huh?” he grew louder. You melted yet again at him speaking to you like this.
“I do, I love it” 
“You wanna cum again, baby girl?”
“p-please” you begged.
“Uh-uh, please, what?” 
“Please, daddy, make me cum” 
“Well, since you asked so politely” he cooed, bringing his hand around you to rub your clit while he continued to fuck you. Being filled and having your most sensitive area stimulated simultaneously was overwhelming. You could already feel your second orgasm forming in the pit of your belly.
“Fuck, Poe, I’m so close” you desperately whined.
“I’ll let that one slide for now” he scolded for addressing him incorrectly.
You felt your orgasm unravel, spilling over your body and spreading inside you. Your body trembled, unable to handle the overstimulation you experienced. It was longer than before, keeping you in a state of euphoria for what felt like hours.
“Yessss, princess, cum on my cock” he praised. 
Riding out the end of your glorious high, you became suddenly aware of how loud you were, but you still didn’t care.
“I’m gonna cum too” his breath grew shaky. “When I pull out, I want you to turn around” Poe instructed. You turned to shake your head in agreement.
And with that, he removed himself, his moans growing choppy. You turned over onto your back as requested and positioned your mouth under his length and extended your tongue. 
“Oh fuck” Poe stroked himself over you, crying out deeply in euphoria as he hit his climax. He released his hot cum all over your face, some making it onto your mouth. What was left on your cheeks, you gathered with your thumb, bringing it to your mouth and swallowing it while Poe watched.
He collapsed next to you on the small cot that was barely big enough to fit both of you. 
“That was...” you began, struggling to properly describe your satisfaction.
“Incredible” he completed your sentence. 
“Yeah” you agreed, a giggle trailing your words. “So that’s how much you missed me, huh?” you teased. Poe pulled you into his arms, your head rested on his chest as it rose and fall with his breathing.
As you tried to catch your breath, you were both jolted by an alarming banging at the door.
“Can you guys, uh, maybe keep it down in there?” Finn’s voice travelled through the wall. You looked at Poe, absolutely mortified. 
“Yeah, bud, we’ll do our best. Hope you enjoyed the show” Poe yelled, dying of laughter at the situation. But you? Not so much. You’d never look Finn in the eyes again.
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queenofsantacarla · 3 years
Heyyyy 😊 if you're still taking requests could you possibly do one with numbers 7, 9, and 11 with Paul ? I love your writing so much btw 🥰💕
Heck yeah thank you lovely 💛💛💛 this kind of ties in to the other affection prompts
7. squishing someones cheeks & 9. wiping away someones tears & 11. back hugs
Warnings: recreational drug use by reader and paul, implied poly!tlb
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You had been thinking about it more and more recently.
More than once, you've caught yourself staring intently at the ornate bottle the boys passed around in their nightly rituals. You knew what was in it, you knew what they were, and yet you hesitated.
You loved your boys and they loved you. Forever... was just an intimidating thought.
As time went on, though, it was becoming more desirable. And that thought scared you too.
It was why you had snuck off with Paul to engage in some stress relief in the form of the fine cannabis he kept stashed away in his own corner of the cave. You were watching the way the smoke swirled above you as you exhaled, and Paul's long fingers explored your stomach and thighs with gentle caresses. You could hear him humming softly, and it brought a lazy smile to your features.
After a long drag of his own he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. "What are you thinking about?"
You turned, getting lost in his amber eyes. They seemed to swirl with shades of gold as you stared, and it made your smile grow. "How pretty you are."
"Hey, that should be my line." Paul scooched closer, capturing your lips with his. You could taste the lingering smoke, but there was an underlying taste that was all him, indescribable, that made you dizzy every time.
You loved your boys and they loved you. And when you thought about forever... it looked a lot like this. Simple moments of tenderness that still made your heart race and your head fuzzy.
And there was the thrills that came along with them, too. Sailing through the night on the back of their bikes with the wind in your hair, getting up to antics on the boardwalk every night. And you'd never admit it, but you'd dreamt more than once about what it'd be like to fly with them above the lights of Santa Carla, close to the stars.
It was beautiful. You couldn't picture your life being any different, how could you give this up?
The thought of not being with your boys forever was... painful. And that paired with the high and the tenderness of Paul's kisses made your eyes start to burn.
"Baby?" He whispered against you, and it wasn't until he pulled back and wiped at your cheek that you realized you were crying. "Aw, sugar, what's wrong?"
You reached up, carding your hand through his curls. "Nothing, I promise. I'm... just happy."
Paul laughed, the sound melodic as always. He squished your cheeks in his hands and bumped his nose against yours. "You're so cute when you're high."
"Oh, stop." You playfully shoved him away to sit up, but his arms went right around your waist and his face nuzzled into your neck.
"Hey, where ya goin'?"
"I... think I need to talk to everyone. Come on, this is important."
thank you for the request lovely 💛💛💛
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