#oh Christmas tree
theotherendcomics · 9 months
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oldfarmhouse · 9 months
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summerwages · 2 years
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“Tree of Peace” Pinus strobus
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We’ve had approximately fiftyleven vodka sprites
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lulubelle814 · 10 months
Oh Christmas Tree
Tom had just finished his guest role appearance in The Play What I Wrote. Your mum watched your two children so that you could attend and surprise your husband. You loved the play and could tell he had a lot of fun performing in it.
When the play was over, security let you backstage to his dressing room. You could hear his laughter from down the hall and his chats with his cast mates about how much he enjoyed getting to jump in for the night.
The cast had noticed during the rehearsals that he seemed to love the dressing gown from the play. As a thank you gift, they had wardrobe place it in a garment bag to give it to him. As a joke, they also gave him the Christmas tree costume he wore as they had extras. To ensure there was no confusion for him to return it, they attached a note to it saying that they wanted to make sure he had a decent Christmas tree for his home.
Tom was very pleasantly surprised when he saw you which only increased when he realized that meant you saw the play.
"You were brilliant!! You should really do more comedy!"
Tom agreed. "I'll have to talk to Luke and see if he can find any good comedy type scripts I can audition for. "
"Any director would be lucky to have you. " Not that you were biased or anything.
Tom smiled, placed his hands on your hips, and pulled you in close. "Love, I'm the lucky one. I am truly blessed to have not only you but also Ellie and Byron."
"Don't forget about Bobby." You smirked.
"Oh, he's a given. You all are, but I also want to shout out from the rooftops. " He pulled you in for a passionate, breathtaking kiss that only broke when the clapping and whistling from his cast mates got louder and louder."
"Oi! Get a room you two!" Someone shouted.
As much as you both wanted to, you had to run to pick up the kids while Tom signed autographs at the stage door.
By the time you both made it home, you had to muster up energy to finish up Ellie's costume for the 2nd grade Christmas play the following night. Byron was only in kindergarten, but his class had been invited to sing a Christmas carol at the beginning. You were grateful that he didn't need a costume.
Ellie started crying. You knew she was nervous. She was anxious about being up on stage in front of a lot of people, but you and Tom thought it would be good for her.
"Oh, Ellie. Are you still nervous about the play tomorrow?" You asked her.
She could only nod her head. Her tears started getting larger, coming faster. You put her costume down and hugged her tightly.
"You will do amazing. I've seen a couple of your rehearsals. You have your daddy's talent. In fact, if you decided one day to pursue acting, you could be better than him. "
She continued to cry. "I love daddy. Loki is my favorite. I'll never be as good as him. Everyone will make fun of me. I don't want to do it. Please don't make me do it mummy."
Tom started to hear Ellie's crying. He just finished putting Byron to bed and was on his way to the study to look at a couple of scripts. He poked his head in and moved slowly over to you and Ellie.
"Oh my dear sweet Eleanor. Mummy sent me some video of your rehearsals, and I agree! You are doing very, very well! In fact, I called your teacher to tell her just that and asked her to reserve seats for me, mum, grandmum, and granddad to make sure we have the best seats in the house."
This made Ellie smile because not only did he call her teacher to say how well she was doing (because she idolized him), but they would also be in the front row. So when she would get nervous, she knew she would be able to see them. That was her favorite part.
"Thank you daddy!" She hugged you and then Tom gave him an extra squeeze. He picked her up as he hugged her. He had missed being with you and the kids because of his work and cherished this time. Ellie was so tired after being upset that she fell asleep in Tom's arms as they hugged.
You and Tom both grinned.
"Great timing. I'm just about finished with this costume, finally. Do you want to go put her in bed?"
Tom nodded, the smile still plastered on his face, and headed to Ellie's room, placing her in her bed, and placing her favorite blanket over her.
He then went to his study to glance over his scripts but realized how tired he was as well. By the time he reached the bedroom, you had just tucked yourself into bed. Tom quickly got ready, slipped into bed, and pulled you in to snuggle. You both fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
When you woke up the next day, Tom was already up. The house was eerily quiet. You found a note on the counter from him.
'I've taken the children to the park to play. After an hour or so, we'll do a little shopping, then stop to pick up some sweets on the way home. We should be home no later than 1 pm.'
You looked at the clock. It was 10:30 am. No wonder you felt so well rested! It would be a couple hours before they would be back. So you decided to take a nice long hot bath using one of your favorite bath bombs. You also grabbed one of your favorite books, and a large glass of sparkling apple juice since it was early in the day, and you didn't like to drink much. You also brought in a box of chocolates Tom gave you the other day that you kept hidden from the kids in the back of your nightstand.
This was going to be an amazing bath, and it was.
An hour had passed before you realized the water was cold, and the chocolates were gone. You barely read your book, instead listening to a relaxing playlist on your phone.
When you realized how long had passed, you got out of the tub but took your dear, sweet time getting ready. You had your favorite lotion that you were finally able to take the proper time to apply to your arms and legs.
When getting dressed, you opted for comfy leggings and one of Tom's shirts. You then went downstairs and curled into the couch having decided to watch War Horse.
Next thing you knew, you heard Tom asking if you were alright. Then he looked at the tv, noticing what you were watching. He and the kids had returned moments after Captain Nichols died in the cavalry charge.
Tom looked over to the kids. "Ellie, could you take Byron upstairs for his nap for me?"
Ellie was happy to help mummy and daddy. She loved being a big sister to Byron and took him upstairs.
Tom lifted you up and held you close to him. "Love, your alone time was supposed to be relaxing, not sad. "
You nestled your head into the crook of his neck. " I've had such a relaxing morning. I slept in, took a nice, long bath. Then I was able to take time and use that nice lotion you bought me for our anniversary. Then I thought I'd curl up and watch a movie. I realized I still hadn't watched War Horse. So I figured I'd see at least part of it before you got back. I'm not sure I want to finish it now, or at least not without you. "
You both chuckled a bit. Tom placed a finger under your chin and lifted your face so you could only look directly into his eyes. "I loved filming that movie, but it can be emotional to watch. I know I cried when watching it at the premiere. I don't know anyone who didn't. " This made you smile. You leaned in and kissed him lightly. You both wanted more as you could tell he was restraining himself, but the kids were upstairs. Ellie was definitely awake, and there were last minute things to double check as your daughter's play was in a mere 5 hours.
You both stole a few more minutes alone just to hold each other on the couch before returning back to parental life.
Tom went to start the laundry. You went to see if Byron was truly asleep then had Ellie try on her costume one more time for any last adjustments and ensure nothing was missing on it.
You were so glad you did this. Although the sizing was about right, a few stitches had come loose. It also turned out a couple of the accessories hadn't been sewn on correctly. You breathed a sigh of relief as these were easy things and had more than enough time to fix them before you had to be at the school at 5 as the play started at 6.
Tom found there wasn't a lot of laundry to do but decided to wash, dry, and put away whatever there was so that there would be less to deal with later.
While working on his laundry, he remembered the garment bag from his play the night before. It was as good a time to properly put it away as any.
He retrieved the bag from the back of his office door and took it to his bedroom. He really did love that dressing gown. He was just going to take it out and put it on the hook in the ensuite bathroom. As soon as he took it out, he saw the Christmas tree costume with the note and laughed. He decided to keep it in the bag and would tell you about it after Ellie's play as you were busy getting last minute things ready.
About 4 pm, you got a call from Ellie's teacher asking if you might be able to come sooner. Thanks to your early preparations, all you had to do was load up Ellie and Byron along with Ellie's costume as Tom was going to meet you there. He wanted to go with you, but he had a video meeting at 4:30. It wouldn't last long, maybe 10 minutes at most, but it wasn't something he could miss.
Tom helped you load up the kids and promised to meet you at the school the moment his meeting was over. You departed, and Tom went back inside to get ready for his daughter's play while waiting for the meeting to start.
He was relieved that the meeting started on time, but he was not happy that it was going longer than the promised 10 minutes. 15 minutes into his meeting, he received a text from his wife asking him to call her as soon as he was out of his meeting.
When he saw the message, he brought the entire meeting to a halt. "I'm so sorry, gentleman. Unfortunately, I just received an urgent message for a family matter. If there are further details, would we be able to discuss them via email or set up another meeting for another day?"
They were very understanding and apologized for the meeting running long.
Tom called you once he ended the zoom call and could see you were frantic.
"Darling? What's wrong? Are you ok? Are Ellie and Byron on?"
You were frustrated and slightly upset. This was one of those beyond rare times where you were about to ask him a favor simply because Tom had connections. He never minded when you asked because he knew it had nothing to do with why you fell in love with him, but you still felt awful in those rare times when you asked.
"We're all OK. I promise. It turned out the reason they asked me to come early is that they couldn't find the Christmas tree for Ellie's play anywhere. They always store it in the same place for this reason and think that someone broke in and stole it last night or early this morning because it was there yesterday. I saw it when I came for her rehearsal. "
He could hear how upset you were but could also hear the sadness from the children and their teacher. Although the tree was not center stage, it did act as a focal point at times.
" I really truly hate to ask this but"
Tom interrupted you. "My darling, don't worry about it. I'll see what I can sort out. I'll even call Luke and see if he has any tricks up his sleeves. "
You breathed a huge sigh of relief. Your faith in Tom was enormous. If he said he would take care of it, he would. As rare as it was for you to ask him for help using his connections, it was even more rare for him to let you and the kids down when he said he was going to do something.
"I love you so much Tom. You have no idea how much this means to everyone, especially Ellie. I think she's the most upset. "
Ellie had heard her daddy say he would take care of it, and he heard her cheer the loudest out of everyone saying "I told you Loki is a hero! My daddy is the bestest!"
This made Tom smile. "Love, I'm going to let you go and make some calls. I'll call or text you with updates. Ok?"
You smiled, told him you loved him, and then you both hung up.
Tom called Luke immediately. "Luke, I need your help. It's an emergency for Ellie's play. Someone stole their Christmas tree. They need one for their play, and it starts at 6 pm."
Luke looked at his watch. "I'm assuming decorated as well. In 1 hour? The week before Christmas? You are not messing around. That is beyond crazy, but give me 10 minutes. I can at least make some calls and see if I can call in any favors."
"Thank you so much Luke. I really appreciate you even trying. I know it's absurd, but I can't not try. "
Luke agreed and started making calls.
Tom started to think of possible backup plans. Plastic wrap their own tree and haul it to the school? No, it was too large and awkward and would not only require at least 3 people, but he'd also need a larger vehicle, an absurd amount of plastic wrap, and there were both antique and family heirloom ornaments on the tree that were irreplaceable.
Did the tree HAVE to be decorated? Probably not, but then that wouldn't really be a Christmas tree.
By this time, he had been pacing throughout his house. It had been a very long 10 minutes. He let you know that both he and Luke were working on it.
Ben was out of town. Could he "borrow" his tree? Probably not. It was probably about the same as yours and Tom's.
Once the long 10 minutes passed, Luke called. "I'm so sorry Tom. Everyone I reached out to either didn't have anything or wouldn't be able to get it to you until late tonight. I wish there was something more I could do. "
Tom couldn't remember the last time he felt so defeated. He couldn't go back to you with bad news. He couldn't tell Ellie he had failed her. He walked into his room and fell face first on the bed, needing a minute or two to collect himself before calling you. When he sat up, something in the closet caught his eye.
"HOLY SHIT!" Tom jumped up and ran to your shared closet , reaching for the garment bag. "I know this isn't what they had in mind, but I think it just might do. "
He double checked everything was in there, or on his shoes, grabbed his coat, then texted you that he had it sorted on his way out the door.
A few minutes later, he arrived at the school and went backstage to find Ellie's teacher. He talked to her and explained everything. Her teacher laughed and said it would not only work, it would fit in with the play perfectly. She knew that he knew what to do.
He found you with a confused look on your face. "Where's the tree? I thought you said you found one? "
He chuckled to himself. "I did. I just spoke with her teacher. It's an interesting tree that needs some help, and I offered to take care of it. I hope that's ok? "
You smiled, kissed him, and gave him a big hug. "That's more than ok! You saved the play! I can even begin to thank you. "
"You might want to hold that thought until you actually see the tree. "
"Honestly, I don't care. You pulled off the impossible. Even the fact that you tried is amazing. "
You kissed him again, and then he went backstage to get ready. You were very interested to see this tree he was able to procure last minute.
You sat in the front row with the kids' grandparents. The younger class sang their Christmas carol. Byron then came and sat with you.
You were on the edge of your seat, waiting to see this mysterious Christmas tree.
Finally, the curtains opened a few moments later.
Center stage was a weird tree that looked oddly familiar. Then you saw the face of the person in the Christmas tree, and it dawned on you. It was Tom in his Christmas tree costume from his guest appearance in last night's play. You wanted to laugh so hard. It was hard to hold back until everyone else noticed what you did and started laughing. You then stopped holding back your laughter.
Not only had he found the perfect Christmas tree, but you realized it also fit in very well with Ellie's play.  Not only had he found the perfect Christmas tree, but you realized it also fit in very well with Ellie's play. Ellie was so excited her daddy was on stage with her, but Tom made sure the kids received the attention. Anything he did was to support them, bring the attention back to them, or quietly comfort the children who were nervous on stage, telling them how great they were doing.
By the time the play was over, the children received 2 standing ovations. Tom even spent some time with them afterwards backstage telling one personally what they did well and how proud he was of them. He also took pictures with the kids who asked.
Many of the parents took pictures and videos of Tom dressed as a Christmas tree on stage, helping with the play and supporting the kids. It went viral!
Luke waited until the next morning and called Tom about visiting a couple of children's hospitals in the tree costume but maybe adding the Loki wig and horns. Tom loved it.
It was such a hit with the kids at the hospital. He even did a bit for a charity show raising funds for unicef.
You were so proud of your husband. He was so good at taking a stressful situation and creating calm and humor. You felt so incredibly lucky to call him yours.
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trashyswitch · 9 months
A Tickly Christmas Tradition
William comes home from work, to the house completely empty. Where is everyone? Suddenly, William's captured and...Tickled?! What in the world is going on?!
For a little christmas treat, I made a FNAF game fanfic. This prompt was actually an idea in a discord server that I was in last year. It was a funny idea brought up by @anxious-lee-ler...back in 2022. Specifically Dec. 14, 2022. Sorry it took forever for this one to be made. But despite that, I hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas Eve!
“Guys! I’m home!” William yelled as he put his bag down at the door. He took off his jacket and his work shoes, before walking past the living room into the kitchen. He looked around the house, and noticed that the house was practically empty. “...Hello?” He looked in the kitchen some more, and checked the bathroom. “Hellooooo?” He called. 
He walked up the stairs to the bedrooms, wondering if anybody was napping, or playing in their room. But when he looked in the kids’ rooms, he found them messy, but completely empty. He looked in the room he shared with his wife, and found it was vacant as well. Weird…
He went down the stairs, and called for them one more time. “Hellooooo?” He yelled. “MICHAEL? ELIZABETH?! CHRIS?!” He called. But he stopped as he stood in the middle of the kitchen. He couldn’t find his family anywhere! And it made no sense! Their second car was here! How could the car be here, but his family be completely gone?!
Suddenly, someone grabbed him underneath the arms and pulled him away. 
“AH! LET ME GO!” William shouted. Someone else wrapped a tie around his eyes and upper nose. “HEY-” he reacted, trying to remove the eye cover. But as he struggled strong and hard within the arms of the stranger, William felt someone…tickling his sides and ribs?! “ST-STOHOP- WHOHO IHIHIS THIHIHIHIS!?” he asked, trying to feel around for anyone who might’ve been standing there nearby. He could quickly tell that the tickling fingers were small, nimble fingers…almost from a little kid!
“Don’t worry, Dad. It’s us.” Michael told him, poking his fingers in his belly button.  
He could feel his fears slowly diminishing. Though he was thankful this was his family, he was still left incredibly confused by their actions. Why was someone tickling him?! Who was holding onto him? And WHY?! Suddenly, his legs were picked up by someone. “Whahait- Whahahat ahare yohohohou dohohohoihihing?” William asked, waving his hands around. 
“Taking you to the living room.” His wife told him. “We’re creating a new Christmas tradition that I think you’ll love too.” She told him. 
“Whahahat ihihis ihihihit?” William asked. 
“You’ll find out in a few minutes.” Elizabeth told her father before grabbing the lights from the decoration bin. 
William felt as his body was wrapped in rope that sounded suspiciously like Christmas lights. His gelled hair was ruined with what felt like a Santa hat followed by a…headband??? And weirdly enough, his shirt was unbuttoned followed by his socks being taken off. 
The confusion that filled Afton’s mind was overwhelming. NOW what was his family up to?! Why were they tying him up?! Why was he wearing a Christmas hat?! And how was a Christmas tradition that involved him being tied up, supposed to be fun for him?! 
“Not close to his face, Chris.” Mrs. Afton told someone. 
He could feel something being sprinkled onto him. He couldn’t for the life of him, figure out what it was! It felt strange on his belly. Whatever it was, it sounded like it came out of a pepper shaker of some sort. Were they dumping sprinkles onto him?! No, wait…sprinkles would be slightly heavier than this. This stuff felt completely weightless. What is it?! 
“Okay. Take off the blindfold, Liz.” His wife said. 
Elizabeth nodded and removed it from his face. “There!” 
William squeezed his eyes shut as the bright light filled his eyes. Squinting, he looked in front of him, and found his 4 members of his family standing in his field of vision and stretching their arms out excitedly. 
“SURPRISE!” They all said in unison to William. 
William widened his eyes and looked down at his body. Right away, he got all his answers. He was right! He really WAS wrapped in Christmas lights! And he did have a Santa hat, with a headband! Only…this headband had a yellow, glittery star hanging down in front of his face. And if there weren’t lights covering his shirt and pants, then there was most definitely glitter. Wait…the sprinkly things he felt were glitter?! A bit of yellow glitter that came from the felt star on his head, and bright green glitter absolutely everywhere else. 
William was mortified. “What in the- Why is there so much glitter?!” William asked, more shocked than angry by this point. 
Elizabeth giggled as she held 5 empty glitter bottles in her hands. “Oh…No reason, papa.” Elizabeth said with a shit-eating grin on her face. William groaned in annoyance. Elizabeth only ever called him ‘papa’ when she was in a mischievous mood. Who the heck thought it would be a good idea to give Elizabeth the glitter?! 
And then to make matters worse, Chris was giggling right beside him and STILL shaking the rest of the green glitter onto his lower leg. 
“Okay, okay…I think it’s empty, Chris.” Mrs. Afton told her youngest. 
Chris nodded and pulled the other empty glitter bottles out of his pockets. Chris had 5 glitter bottles as well! His two youngest children had managed to use 10 separate 16 oz. bottles of glitter on their father!! 
That was- like- 20 cups of glitter!!
“Oh……my god…” William muttered aloud. 
Elizabeth giggled. “Did we overdo it?” She asked. 
Michael laughed. “Nope. In my opinion, he needs more.” Michael joked, pulling yet ANOTHER 16 oz. glitter bottle of his own out of his pocket. 
“NO-” Mrs. Afton took Michael’s bottle. “10 full bottles is plenty enough.” She said, placing it aside. 
William looked at the glitter, and blew a puff of air…and the extra layers of glitter blew with the air, over to his crazy family! Mrs. Afton and Elizabeth squealed and covered up their faces to prevent themselves from getting covered. Chris opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to catch the glitter on his tongue like they were snowflakes, while Michael closed his brother’s mouth and gave him a stern look. “Don’t eat the glitter.” He ordered his brother. 
“You are all gonna clean this whole mess afterwards. And I am NOT. HELPING.” William warned, shooting his wife a hairy eyeball expression. 
Mrs. Afton was unphased by his threatening look. She was almost awaiting the look, just so she could say her wonderful comeback. “Oh, don’t worry. We’ll clean it up while watching the video recordings of you laughing your head off on the TV.” his wife told him, hinting at his demise. 
Laughing his head off- What?! 
“What do you mean ‘laughing your-’?!” William widened his eyes as he saw their youngest child, holding feathers in his hand. William widened his eyes and quickly remembered that his shirt was unbuttoned. “...Oh no…” he muttered. He quickly remembered that his socks were off too! “OH NO!” He curled his toes, suddenly fearful. 
“Now do you understand what we’re cooking?” Mrs. Afton asked with a smirk. 
William stuttered in shock for a second, before narrowing his eyes at his wife and kids. “Don’t you dare…Don’t you ffffff-” He quickly changed his word. “-Ffffffreaking dare…” He warned. 
“Ooooh, you’re lucky.” Mrs. Afton reacted, before bringing her fingers closer to his belly. “Cause if you swore…we would’ve made sure you REALLY regretted it.” She told him. 
William yelped and wiggled around, trying to get his belly away from her fingers. “D-Don’t! Why are you doing this?!” He asked, a small wobbly smile building on his face. 
“Because it’s fun!” She told him before touching his belly. Just her little nails’ touch was enough to make the hairs on his arms stand on edge. “Plus, I know you’re gonna like this~” She told him, before dancing her fingers all over his belly. 
William jumped and winced, trying not to laugh right away. If they were going to make him laugh, he was going to make it a challenge. His family was going to have to work hard to get him to laugh like they want. If they were planning on playing games with him, he was going to play too. 
“Ooooh, holding out on us?” His wife asked before looking at Michael. “Get your hands ready. We might need you to help break your father’s walls down.” She told her eldest son. 
Michael nodded his head and readied his fingers on his upper ribs. “Ready, Mom.” Michael replied. 
“You’re not gonna go for his armpits?” She asked. 
“Nah. His armpits kinda stink.” Michael replied rather bluntly with a chuckle, waving his hand close to his nose for extra humorous effect. 
“Sh-Shutup!” William spat through his teeth. 
She laughed at her kid’s bluntness. “It’s not gonna get any better, Michael.” She teased playfully to her son. “But, you do whatever you want.” She said, before winking at him.
Michael smirked at the wink. That was his cue to start. “Yeah. I will.” He replied proudly, before  immediately starting to skitter and scratch at his father’s upper-to-middle ribs. 
“NonONO-” William squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as the biggest wobbly smile they had ever seen on the father and husband had filled his face. He was visibly straining to not laugh. Apparently, it wasn’t just his armpits and belly that were ticklish. It actually looked like his upper ribs were just as bad, if not more ticklish than his armpits! And it appeared that Michael knew this all too well. 
“I wanna tickle his stinky feet!” Elizabeth teased as she ran up and picked up her Dad’s foot. 
“NO! Leavemyfeeheetalooone!” He grunted and protested through his teeth. 
Mrs. Afton laughed. “Sure, go ahead!” She replied. “Hey Chris?” She said, looking over at her youngest. “You sure you don’t want to join?” She asked. “You can prop up the camera and join in, if you want.” She encouraged him. 
But Chris shook his head and walked the camera closer to his Dad. “Mhm! I’m recording Daddy’s girl laugh!” He told his Mom. 
She laughed at her youngest’s reply. “Just keep the camera steady, alright?” She told him. 
“Yup!” He replied, popping the P. 
William could feel his lungs starting to fail him a lot faster than he was expecting. He knew growing older usually affected one's body…but his lungs too!? What a terrible time to figure this out! 
Soon, little titters and hisses started to exit through his wobbly grin. Mrs. Afton lit up upon hearing that. “We’re close! Liz, go for his toes!” She told her daughter. 
Elizabeth quickly separated the big toe and 2nd toe, before sliding the feather back and forth in between his toes. “Coochy coochy coo, Daddy!” She declared. 
William finally broke out in strong, high-pitched laughter. His laughter was so unlike his body frame! And his family was well aware of this fact. “BWAHAHAHAHA! AAAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOHOP!” He pleaded. 
“Okay, stop!” She ordered her tickling kids. Michael and Elizabeth removed their hands from their respective spots, while Mrs. Afton did the same thing. No one was tickling him, yet his laughter was still quite heavy and strong. But just as fast as it broke out, the laughter seemed to calm down into giggles, before turning into breathlessness mixed with chuckles. 
“Yohohou guhuhuys…” He muttered a little bit. 
“Okay…” Mrs. Afton made a signal…and with this signal, came an eruption of squeals and laughter. 
“eeEEHEEK! WAHAIT- NOHoho! Lihihiz!” William yelled and laughed. 
Elizabeth smiled and opened his toes with her index and middle finger, before fluttering the feather very gently into his toe crevice. “Tickle tickle!” She teased. 
“How did you learn to do that?” Mrs. Afton asked her daughter. 
“Michael! He taught me!” Liz told her Mom. 
Michael chuckled awkwardly. “Well…I may have tried it on her a few times…” He admitted. 
“I see~” She replied. “And where did you learn it, Michael?” She asked next. 
“.....Dad.” Michael replied with a laugh. 
Mrs. Afton bursted out in laughter. “Is that so?!” She reacted. “Having any regrets yet, Will?” She asked her husband. 
William nodded his head “YEHEhehehes!” He replied. 
“Alright. Liz, let’s give your brother a turn to tickle.” She told Elizabeth.
Elizabeth nodded her head and removed the feather, earning her a high-pitched squeak. 
William’s eyes widened the moment the feather flew out of his toes. It tickled SO MUCH MORE than Liz’s see-sawing EVER did! “eEEHEEK!” He went limp in the chair. “Ohoh gohosh…” He muttered, shaking his head.
Michael skittered his fingers on his ribs. “Tell me, Dad:” He started tickling in between the ribs for a bit. “How bad does this tickle?” Michael asked. 
William jumped and snorted, leaning his head back and giggling in a somewhat girly way. “EEheeheeheehee! Prehehehetty bahahad!” William admitted. 
“Okay…” He quickly switched to tickling each and every individual rib. “What about this? Is this better? Or worse?” Michael asked curiously.
William gasped and cackled, shaking his head left and right and throwing the bouncing felt star all over the place. “aAAHAHAHA! NOHOT THAT! IHIHIT’S WOHOHORRRSE!” He shouted. 
“Oh god!” Michael reacted. “It’s really that bad?!” He asked, tickling the individual middle ribs.  
“Alright, alright.” Michael switched to tickling between the middle ribs once more. “I’ll do this instead.” He told him. 
William snorted and started giggling in the high-pitched voice all over again. “Ohohohokahahay, thahahahanks.” William told him. 
“Would it be too much for you if I joined back in?” Mrs. Afton asked. 
William shook his head. “Nohoho, ihihit wohouldn’t nohohohow.” He replied. 
Mrs. Afton smiled and started gently tickling the soft of his small beer belly. “I’ll be gentle.” She told him. 
William jumped and sunk his stomach in slightly, but to no avail. Not only did sinking in his stomach fail as a preventive strategy, but it also ruined his ability to breathe. So he breathed in as much as he could, before falling into an endless stream of high-pitched giggles. 
“Thihihihihis ihihihihis weheheird.” William told him. 
“Oh, hush your mouth and laugh, our 6ft Tickle Tree.” She teased. 
“Wh-Whahahat?!” William asked. 
“There’s a reason you’re covered in green glitter.” Mrs. Afton explained. “Can you tell him why?” She asked Chris and Elizabeth. 
“We wanted you to look like a christmas tree!” Chris told his father. 
“That’s why you’re also covered in Christmas lights with a star on your head.” Elizabeth told him. 
“HAhahahaha- Whahahahat?!” He reacted, unsure how else to react to this information. 
Michael chuckled. “I didn’t want to join in originally…” Michael looked at his Mom. “But then Mom mentioned ‘tickling’, and I quickly changed my mind.” Michael admitted bluntly. 
Mrs. Afton smirked. “Trying to throw your own mother under the bus, I see?” She asked. 
“What?! No!” Michael put his right hand up. “Honest!” He pointed his index finger at his Mom. “But I may be throwing myself under the bus.” Michael admitted. 
“Alright, alright.” Mrs. Afton replied, double-checking to make sure Chris and the recorder were doing okay. 
“Wait…How does the song ‘Oh Christmas Tree’ go again?” Michael asked. 
Elizabeth's eyes brightened. “Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your branches!” She declared, saying the lyrics instead of singing it.
“You’re very close. It’s ‘How lovely are ‘thy’ branches’.” Mrs. Afton corrected. 
“Okay. So…what if we sang ‘oh christmas tree’, but we changed the word ‘branches’ to ‘laughter’?” Michael asked. 
Elizabeth gasped. “YEAH!” She shouted excitedly, stopping her tickle attack. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are thy laughter!🎵” She sang. 
Michael hummed. “I think ‘your laughter’ would sound better in this situation.” He admitted. 
“I think I have to agree with you, Michael.” Mrs. Afton replied. 
“🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your laughter🎵” Mrs. Afton sang. 
The kids joined in with their mother. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your laughter🎵” 
Mrs. Afton continued the song. “🎵Your precious giggles fill the air, and warm our hearts with tender care,🎵” She sang in her gorgeous singing voice. 
“🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your laughter🎵” The kids sang. 
Michael stopped his tickling and sang the next verse. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the laughs most joyful. Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the laughs most joyful🎵” Michael sang. 
“Not bad!” Mrs. Afton reacted. “🎵Each year you bring us delight, with every shining grin so bright,🎵” She sang. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the laughs most joyful🎵” She finished. 
“My turn, My turn!” Elizabeth declared. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, we learn from all your gigglees. Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, we learn from all your gigglees🎵” She sang. 
The other Aftons bursted out laughing. Did Elizabeth just come up with a word to make the verse work?! 
“🎵Your high-pitched squeals of festive cheer, give hope and happiness all year,🎵” She sang. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree-🎵 
They all sang together. “🎵We learn from all your giggleeeees.🎵” They all sang. 
William chuckled and nodded his head with a smile. “I would clap, but…My hands are kinda tied.” He told them. 
Everyone burst out laughing at this. Mrs. Afton walked up and unplugged the Christmas lights. “Let’s get this off you.” She said, removing the Christmas lights from around him. 
“Thank you, love.” William said, leaning in for a kiss. She wiped a few green glitter pieces from his mouth and kissed his lips. 
“Eugh…Gross…” Michael muttered aloud. 
“Awwwww!” Elizabeth reacted, holding her hand on her chest. 
Chris giggled, zooming in on his Mom and Dad’s kiss. 
“🎵I saw Mommy kiss the tickle tree, underneath the christmas star last night🎵” Chris started singing. 
Mrs. Afton and William both broke their kiss and looked at Chris, laughing at Chris’s lyrics. 
“🎵She didn’t see me creep, down the stairs to have a peek,🎵” Elizabeth sang. 
“🎵She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom, fast asleep🎵” Michael sang. 
“He wasn’t!” Chris declared. “🎵I saw mommy kiss the tickle tree, Every little giggle filled the night!🎵” Chris sang. 
“🎵Oh what a laugh it would’ve been-🎵” Liz sang. 
“🎵If Daddy had only seen-🎵” Michael sang. 
Everyone, even William, joined in together for the last part. “🎵Mommy kiss the tickle tree last niiiiight!🎵” 
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welcometololaland · 9 months
Put an unhinged message on the tree!!!!
Or you could write something normal, but you know me, I love an unhinged message!
Thanks for the tags @strandnreyes @rmd-writes @ramonaflow @lutavero - i'm usually a huge grinch but this is so cute.
tagging: @reyesstrand @orchidscript @indomitable-love @celeritas2997 @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @sunshinestrand @guardian-angle22 @theghostofashton @goodways @sarnagati @herefortarlos @basilsunrise @birdclowns @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @clottedcreamfudge @alltheprettyplaces @liminalmemories21 @even-keel @everwitch-magiks @reasonandfaithinharmony @rosedavid and @three-drink-amy <3
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b-andherbooks · 2 years
Have you been naughty or nice? Puff Ball would like to know. 🎄
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topazshadowwolf · 9 months
Chapter Sum: The boys go look for trees, and the Fire King awakens.
Fic Sum: It is that time of year again. It has been a few years since the first holiday he shared with his henchmen… his boys. Since then, a truce formed between his brother and him, and he has started to take the relationship between him and the Guardian of Balance, Lyra, more seriously. This year, he wants to be special… as life is changing, and for the better.
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dr3amscap3 · 10 months
So I did a thing, #isawtaruspost @taruruchi. labyu bro SJKLADSADJAD
so like heres mine
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tormentedshadow · 2 years
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12 days of Christmas day 10: oh Christmas tree
Think the happening. Batman and joker are called to the scene of people being killed by the pollen of Christmas trees. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who’s responsible for this. It’s Posion Ivey at it again, seemingly angry at all those whop have cut down trees this year to decorate their homes. some heavy duty gass masks are needed for the pair, this isn’t Iveys usual toxin.
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doppleganger-rental · 2 years
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oldfarmhouse · 9 months
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ryan-waddell11 · 9 months
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yes it just went up tonight (the immense joy I got from this is unmatched)
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findbeautyinyourbones · 11 months
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vinnyandthephenomena · 10 months
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