corriewrites · 7 years
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astrid has a big smile on her face as she passes a christmas present over to the other, she’d spent ages trying to find the perfect present for them. she hoped she had go it right, “go on! open it! i really hope you like it”.
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comingdxwn-a · 7 years
aaaaaaa you guys I can’t believe I reached 150! thank you all for being so patient with me. i’ll give a short lil life update before tagging you all. ♥♥
so i moved an hour or so away from home with my lovely sister and am now in vet tech school. i have 6 classes a week and spend a total of (about?) 25 hours in class per week. on top of this, i have my hands full with my 3 beautiful children - jasper, onyx, and diego! ( yeah okay they’re 2 cats and a leopard gecko but they totally count. ) I have a new boyfriend as well, we’ve been together for 3 weeks. a lot of my time is spent studying, taking care of my pets, or with my boyfriend. that’s why i haven’t been on as much. i’ve been too busy getting laid 8)
but in all seriousness thank you so much everyone. i’m doing okay health-wise, mentally and physically. my kidneys still want to give me trouble and these allergies are killer, but i’m doing pretty well. so onto the shoutouts!
( these are in no particular order. ) -- please follow one another if you wish, i can assure you these are all WONDERFUL people. I will list their characters :)
@artofbeinginvincible - Nathan Prescott 
@unsided - Carrie Ann Beckett (OC)
@memorydcprived - Anthony Chainey 
@grcwingstrcng - MANY characters. a few fandoms include -- life is strange, until dawn, disney, the hunger games, and grey’s. 
@lilacwintersky - Katelyn Phelps (OC)
@ashestoashs - Ashley J. Williams 
@stcrdcst - Ally Nova (OC)
@virxlxngel - Kate Marsh
@blve-stxr - Chloe Price
@diligentbird - Sam Giddings
@firewalkcd - Chloe Price
@ofsurvivcl - Multimuse! Mostly OCs. The only fandom I’m for sure of is until dawn.
@ofdiligence - Sam Giddings
@firstxfhernxme - Daenerys Targaryen
@thoughtburied - Multimuse! Mostly UD canons and OCs.
@diligentsam - Sam Giddings 
@turnedtoglass - Chloe Price
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fangsandfur · 7 years
starter for @ofsurvivcl
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     wolf's life had never really been a happy one, but then a coven of vampires isn't really the optimal environment for a kid to grow up in. but surprisingly it had taken a lot for wolf to finally reach his breaking point. but that point eventually came after a particularly bad night of dealing with the sadistic vampires that now ‘employed’ him. wolf was heavily injured enough, to the point that even his accelerated healing didn’t seem to be helping matters any. he doesn’t even fully remember making the choice to leave, because to him it seemed that one moment he was still at the hotel and the next he was collapsing at the door of a surprisingly familiar healing shop. the familiarity of the shop and the fact that he had walked there on autopilot only seemed to make sense once he saw the face of the girl inside. it was a face he had seen many times before in various cryptic visions of the future. “it’s you. i can’t believe it’s you." his voice is borderline delirious as he looked up at her.
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etwasisims-blog · 7 years
( @ofsurvivcl​ ❤’d for a LOVEY STARTER. ) II / II.
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   ❝ quit it, before i kill you. ❞ said through a giggle, though.    her fingers slide out from their hair, & her feet drop from    the coffee table, to send the ( annoyingly adorable ) person    laying on her lap to the floor. ❝ & that shit was lava. r i p you. ❞
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trexdita--a-blog · 7 years
@ofsurvivcl liked for a starter
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🐺 ∵ ▌█          it had been a few years now. everything seemed like some faint throbbing headache. practically everything from that night had faded away. the only constant memory of that night being the two missing fingers on his left hand.
rough, calloused digits, eight of them, drag over fatigued features with  small yawn. lecture’s. always boring.
   he was just trying to live a normal life now.
      leaning over enough to whisper a few quiet words, mahogany hues lingering on the professor.
       ❝ i am so tempted to say “fuck this boring class” &&. get out of here. ❞
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theirprophecy · 7 years
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         he’d been admiring her from a DISTANCE for quite some time, the girl that always rode past him on her skateboard in her own little WORLD. he’d spoke to friends about her, they’d helped him through his journey of finding confidence to speak to her. ‘just walk up to her & say anything’, useless advice, it wasn’t as EASY as that. yet, there he was, attempting to communicate with her for the first time. who knew it would be easier talking to ghosts? even the ones that appeared in his room at night, deformed & making DISTURBING noises. moving curly blonde locks from his features, he cleared his throat to grab her attention. 
         ❝ — michelle?  ❞
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thoughtburied-blog · 7 years
( ✉ → sms ) i j sut left you a 3 mintue long voicemail singing. sorry [penny @ jake]
[ texty ] [ accepting ] [ @ofsurvivcl ]
[ message → penny 💜 ← 02:12:24 AM ] → :^) it’s my new rington lol
[ message → penny 💜 ← 02:12:29 AM ] → *ringtone
[ message → penny 💜 ← 02:13:26 AM ] → it’s really cute, actually. mostly funny, but also cute :P
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diligentsam-blog · 7 years
“HELP I HAVE A SPLINTER” ( from ashley )
“Ash! Calm down!” Sam tries to calm Ash, because the yelling wasn’t making it any better. She knows how painful a splinter can be, but now… 
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   She grabs her friend’s hand, and searches for the splinter, “Where is it?” 
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lilacwintersky · 7 years
ofsurvivcl replied to your post: @ofsurvivcl and @thoughtburied //Thank you both...
anytime my love <3 we want to make sure you’re alright x
//Right now I think I just need to process it all and just take the time to cry it all out <3
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lilacwintersky · 7 years
replied to your
ofsurvivcl replied to your post: ...
take all the time you need, sweet <3 i’ve been through this before and it sucks, so take your time to just let it all out x
//I will <3
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formidablesouls · 7 years
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     “one cup of coffee please and if you’ve got some eggs, i’ll take those too.” henryk was hidden beneath the hood of his raincoat, the drizzle outside a little too heavy for him to just waltz around in. he wanted to surprise her, the little waitress at the cafe whom he deemed to be his friend... though this time, maybe without the scrape. “and maybe a kiss?” now he was just being CHEEKY, hoping to freak her out a little bit as he smirked in the shadows. // @ofsurvivcl
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comingdxwn-a · 7 years
closed with @ofsurvivcl
Josh \\ Evelyn, Feb. 3
   The mines are cold and unforgiving. Left only in a single layer of dripping wet clothes, his body temperature is dropping fast. He hugs the dirt from the ground below him and watches blood drip from his forehead into a small puddle in front of him.
   He didn’t want this, but he knew he deserved it. After all the hell he had put his friends through, that he had put his sisters through, it was probably just as well that he lie here and die slowly, painfully. The tremors that shake his body are so bad they’re barely noticeable at this point -- they just feel like another part of him. He begins to drift off to sleep -- a peace overcoming him as he realized he was about to put everyone out of their misery. The sound of helicopters roared in the distance, and the sun was starting to come out; he could tell from a crack above him. 
   His peace vanished when he heard a movement. A wendigo. It had to be. He tries to stay still to the extent of holding his breath so even his chest wouldn’t be seen moving. He closes his eyes and waits for the monster to pass, but the noise is getting louder, the creature is coming closer.
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fangsandfur · 7 years
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            ro & ingrid ( @ofsurvivcl )
“if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
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dwindlingambition · 7 years
Sam heard there were kisses ;;;;)
1/3 Inbox kisses.
“There are always kisses for my favorite hipster vegan.” He teased as he leaned in and gingerly pressed his lips against her own. “You can have all of the kisses that you want.”
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nobodytookit · 7 years
“You. Me. Movie marathon. Get all the snacks you can carry.” ( from evelyn )
“That’s straightforward,” Matt chuckles. 
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He could absolutely never turn down a chance to just sit down and watch movies, and especially with Evelyn? He wouldn’t pass it up. 
   “I’m in. But we have to watch Nightmare before Christmas at least once.”
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