darkrccm · 7 years
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H O L Y  S H I T ! ! ! !
ya girl just hit over 400 followers on this blog!!! i just want to take a moment to recognize what a crazy road it’s been the past two years in the life is strange fandom. life is strange has meant so much to me and i honestly can’t believe how much it’s changed my life. without it, i wouldn’t have had the chance to meet so many incredible and caring people. this fandom has seen a lot of muns come and go but i know i’ve made friends for a lifetime. 
@deadpostergirl / @quccnvictoria ♥
bini, i know you’re used to my sappy ass saying these kinds of things but i am truly grateful to have met you and were able to make you a part of my life. i love talking to you, spending time with you, writing with you and overall, just having you around. you make me incredibly happy and i feel thankful to be able to call you my girlfriend. ♥♥♥♥
@photoangst ♥
scout, holy shit dude. you are such an incredible writer and friend that i’m always thankful for when you send me random gifs and talk to me about how you like to eat sunflower seeds. i absolutely love and adore writing with you and i couldn’t imagine my rachel being the same without her nathan, just as i couldnt imagine my life now without you in it. 
@amaninyellow ♥
listen, i have NO idea who tf rachel would be without eobard. although i still know very little about the flash, i can honestly say that i love interacting with your eobard and enjoy his dynamic relationship with rachel. i’m very happy that you decided to follow me that fateful day and i followed back! you are one of the kindest people i know, and i love having our rounds of ‘guess that icon’!
@polaroiids / @danawcrd / @vortexcd / damn jay how many blogs do you have dAMN ♥
jay, we haven’t talked as much recently but i still consider you one of my very good friends on here. i love all of your characters and your writing and i know im so bad with replying to threads bUT I WILL GET BETTER SOON I THINK. i can’t wait to interact with ALL of your damn characters (seriously how do you keep them all active????)
@firewalkcd ♥
certainly the newest of those i consider close to me but not at all the least. steph, i’m so glad you came back. your writing and portrayal of chloe inspires me and there is no doubt in my mind or heart that you are one of my absolute favorite writers on here. i hope we both get to write a billion gajillion threads together. 
@gamcrsteph / @blackwellburnout / @mevndick / @scoobydudee / @turnedtoglass / @incognitotcb / @sanguineas / @deathcaptured / @fearframed / @wowzcrs / @wowzerisms / @vortextrio / @libxrtaspxpuli / @leeurbaneverett / @illfatedlly / @sowndeer / @rebelhexrt / @xendure / @emoticlysm / @evilwork / @unraveling-insanity / @plasticslasher / @inquisitiveash / @prescriptions-and-a-gun
im sure i’ve missed so many people. if you’re not on this list but you follow me/we’ve interacted before, i appreciate every single one of you!!
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angclicwildfire · 7 years
mun meme. | @firewalkcd
💌 I just think you’re amazing
100% back at you steph oml all of your portrayals are phenomenal
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wowzcrs · 7 years
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    “chloe, seriously, if you ever want your dad’s camera back, it’s yours.” // @firewalkcd
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cravesfreedom · 7 years
❛ You think I would lie to you? ❜ ( rachel c: )
         it’s one of those questions you have to answer ‘no’ to or otherwise you look like an ASSHOLE  ;  rachel complies to the unspoken rules,  though not without bending them,   something not unfamiliar to her,    ❛  no,  of course not  —  unless  …  ❜    she trails off,  eyes seeking chloe’s, desperate for answers.  
         carefully,  she sits up in the hospital bed,  trying to ignore the shooting pain in her arm as she does so  ;  she doesn’t want to be lying around idly for this conversation.    ❛  maybe if you thought you were doing it for my OWN GOOD,  you would.  ❜    
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@firewalkcd  //  misc meme (always accepting)
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comingdxwn-a · 7 years
aaaaaaa you guys I can’t believe I reached 150! thank you all for being so patient with me. i’ll give a short lil life update before tagging you all. ♥♥
so i moved an hour or so away from home with my lovely sister and am now in vet tech school. i have 6 classes a week and spend a total of (about?) 25 hours in class per week. on top of this, i have my hands full with my 3 beautiful children - jasper, onyx, and diego! ( yeah okay they’re 2 cats and a leopard gecko but they totally count. ) I have a new boyfriend as well, we’ve been together for 3 weeks. a lot of my time is spent studying, taking care of my pets, or with my boyfriend. that’s why i haven’t been on as much. i’ve been too busy getting laid 8)
but in all seriousness thank you so much everyone. i’m doing okay health-wise, mentally and physically. my kidneys still want to give me trouble and these allergies are killer, but i’m doing pretty well. so onto the shoutouts!
( these are in no particular order. ) -- please follow one another if you wish, i can assure you these are all WONDERFUL people. I will list their characters :)
@artofbeinginvincible - Nathan Prescott 
@unsided - Carrie Ann Beckett (OC)
@memorydcprived - Anthony Chainey 
@grcwingstrcng - MANY characters. a few fandoms include -- life is strange, until dawn, disney, the hunger games, and grey’s. 
@lilacwintersky - Katelyn Phelps (OC)
@ashestoashs - Ashley J. Williams 
@stcrdcst - Ally Nova (OC)
@virxlxngel - Kate Marsh
@blve-stxr - Chloe Price
@diligentbird - Sam Giddings
@firewalkcd - Chloe Price
@ofsurvivcl - Multimuse! Mostly OCs. The only fandom I’m for sure of is until dawn.
@ofdiligence - Sam Giddings
@firstxfhernxme - Daenerys Targaryen
@thoughtburied - Multimuse! Mostly UD canons and OCs.
@diligentsam - Sam Giddings 
@turnedtoglass - Chloe Price
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norefillforyou · 7 years
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“fine, but you’re only getting one slice of bacon today.” // @firewalkcd
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angclicwildfire · 7 years
firewalkcd replied to your post: you know that scene in prisoner of azkaban where...
if we wrote a thread based on this I’d be into it
wink WINK
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wowzcrs · 7 years
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              ���Wherever I end up after this, in whatever reality, all those moments between us were real, and they’ll always be ours.’
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deathcaptured-blog · 7 years
@firewalkcd liked this post for a starter!
Mark probably would’ve spooked the young trespasser, but the thought of doing so made him smile a bit. He watched from a little distance as the bluenette walked onto Blackwell’s campus, and he decided to make it like he was casually approaching or on his way to one of the classrooms.
“You shouldn’t probably be on campus if your not a student you know... Chloe, was it?”
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// your portrayal makes me care about Frank as a human being more than the first LIS game ever managed to, and that's a testament to your talent and how much effort you put into your portrayal
how am I doing? | accepting
I really wish I had some fitting icons of Frank looking bashful or in love as fuck, but unfortunately my jerkass is not helpful in the soft department. Instead, you have to deal with me rambling and saying I adore you and appreciate you and these are the sort of compliments I do not deserve but SO cherish anyway. Thank you.
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cravesfreedom · 7 years
“ if they don’t stop hitting you up i’ll end up hitting them down. ” ( rachel! )
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            ❛    okay, okay  —  i’m sorry.    ❜    she halts in the midst of texting, placing her phone face down on the table,    ❛    it was just frank.    ❜    she doesn’t even want to tell chloe that much,    ❛    i was trying to get some bud for you and me so we can properly plan our next adventure.    ❜    a partial truth  —  there were way too many messages sent  &  received for it to just be about weed, but she’s inclined to omit the part about them FLIRTING.
misc meme !  //  @firewalkcd. 
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“Come on, it’s just an urban legend…”
Brooke shook her head. “Are you saying that for me or for yourself?” | @firewalkcd
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darkrccm · 7 years
Rachel knew that Chloe was at her breaking point with her. The PARTYING and the clinging was only tolerable for so long -- even for someone who was so desperate for her attention like Chloe was. It was the height of the party, Rachel drunk and high as per usual as the pumping of the bass caused her to bounce with every swaying step. Every party was like her LAST -- drinking more than what her slim body could handle (often causing her to purge at the end of the night), a few lines of coke here and there and of course the typical few hits from Hayden’s bong. Rachel was CONSCIOUS of Chloe’s lingering gaze, watching as the blonde moved from group to group of people while the other hung back to make sure she didn’t hurt herself or get taken again. She was especially aware of the others gaze whenever she swayed her hips to the music.
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Rachel found herself moving TOWARDS Chloe, who sat promptly against the wall with Justin and Trevor. She had a giant grin on her face as she plopped down into their group. Even in this state, Rachel was aware of the shifts in those around her. They were UNCOMFORTABLE whenever she was near them, obviously destroying herself like she did her good girl reputation. Now more than ever, the SCHOOL SLUT label stuck to her like glue.
“Cool party, right?” Rachel spoke loud enough over the speakers, her cheeks flushed. She made sure to avert Chloe’s eyes, knowing that the other was worried. “Waaaaaaaay better than the last one.”
@firewalkcd ✖
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cravesfreedom · 7 years
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            ❛    i have to say, i’m impressed by your thespianism  ---  though, i can’t help but WONDER if there were some passive-aggressive intentions in that CPR plot twist ?    ❜    an eyebrow raises curiously as she brings the wine bottle, artfully acquired by chloe, to her lips, taking another sizable swig  ;  though, there isn’t enough alcohol in the world to help her forget what she knows now.  just thinking about it, she can feel fresh anger stirring HOTLY in her abdomen  ---  it’s only a matter of time before she snaps again but she hopes the buzz will set in before it comes to that.  for now, she buries the burning emotion under a FALSE smirk  &  a lighthearted tone.   ( @firewalkcd !  )
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rentacxp-blog · 7 years
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa?”
   “Don’t speak to me like that,” he retorted sternly, voice just below a shouting level. David managed to keep a cap on his frustration this time, for Joyce’s sake if not Chloe’s. He hated arguing with his stepdaughter, but he wasn’t going to go easy on her about this either. It was her room after all, he didn’t understand why she just couldn't listen to someone else for once. 
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  “Your mother told you to clean up this... room, days ago. Can’t you do that, or are you just content livin’ like this?” His arms crossed firmly, eyes narrowing in on Chloe’s with the usual seriousness in them. “You’re not the only one who lives in this house Chloe.”
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