#sorry for the shitty graphic lmao i just threw it together
darkrccm · 7 years
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H O L Y  S H I T ! ! ! !
ya girl just hit over 400 followers on this blog!!! i just want to take a moment to recognize what a crazy road it’s been the past two years in the life is strange fandom. life is strange has meant so much to me and i honestly can’t believe how much it’s changed my life. without it, i wouldn’t have had the chance to meet so many incredible and caring people. this fandom has seen a lot of muns come and go but i know i’ve made friends for a lifetime. 
@deadpostergirl / @quccnvictoria ♥
bini, i know you’re used to my sappy ass saying these kinds of things but i am truly grateful to have met you and were able to make you a part of my life. i love talking to you, spending time with you, writing with you and overall, just having you around. you make me incredibly happy and i feel thankful to be able to call you my girlfriend. ♥♥♥♥
@photoangst ♥
scout, holy shit dude. you are such an incredible writer and friend that i’m always thankful for when you send me random gifs and talk to me about how you like to eat sunflower seeds. i absolutely love and adore writing with you and i couldn’t imagine my rachel being the same without her nathan, just as i couldnt imagine my life now without you in it. 
@amaninyellow ♥
listen, i have NO idea who tf rachel would be without eobard. although i still know very little about the flash, i can honestly say that i love interacting with your eobard and enjoy his dynamic relationship with rachel. i’m very happy that you decided to follow me that fateful day and i followed back! you are one of the kindest people i know, and i love having our rounds of ‘guess that icon’!
@polaroiids / @danawcrd / @vortexcd / damn jay how many blogs do you have dAMN ♥
jay, we haven’t talked as much recently but i still consider you one of my very good friends on here. i love all of your characters and your writing and i know im so bad with replying to threads bUT I WILL GET BETTER SOON I THINK. i can’t wait to interact with ALL of your damn characters (seriously how do you keep them all active????)
@firewalkcd ♥
certainly the newest of those i consider close to me but not at all the least. steph, i’m so glad you came back. your writing and portrayal of chloe inspires me and there is no doubt in my mind or heart that you are one of my absolute favorite writers on here. i hope we both get to write a billion gajillion threads together. 
@gamcrsteph / @blackwellburnout / @mevndick / @scoobydudee / @turnedtoglass / @incognitotcb / @sanguineas / @deathcaptured / @fearframed / @wowzcrs / @wowzerisms / @vortextrio / @libxrtaspxpuli / @leeurbaneverett / @illfatedlly / @sowndeer / @rebelhexrt / @xendure / @emoticlysm / @evilwork / @unraveling-insanity / @plasticslasher / @inquisitiveash / @prescriptions-and-a-gun
im sure i’ve missed so many people. if you’re not on this list but you follow me/we’ve interacted before, i appreciate every single one of you!!
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I love that we as a fandom have declared the clem comic an noncanon lmao. i'm curious tho, do you believe clem will get a new love interest? do you think it will be amos or someone else?
Yeah, gotta love seeing a fandom come together to agree on something.... even though that something isn't exactly invoking happy feelings, y'know? Like yeah, the comic sucks and at this point I doubt the trilogy will be much better unless Tillie suddenly starts to understand Clementine and makes some impossibly massive improvements..... but it's nice to see all of us mostly getting along?
As for the whole love interest thing, I'm like 98% sure that Clementine's going to get a new girlfriend in the comics. That's my prediction.
During the dumb xpo thing, Tillie talked about how she's excited to explore Clementine as a queer character in the apocalypse and considering Tillie's other works, I will bet literal cash that Clementine gets a new girlfriend. I don't think Amos will be the love interest, and if he does end up being that for Clem or if Clem gets a boyfriend, then I will genuinely be shocked.
.....Y'know what, I need to get this off my chest and this seems relevant enough-
I was talking with my roommate about this the other night actually. I told her all about my predictions for Clem getting a new girlfriend and how annoying this whole comic is, but also how annoying people are being to Tillie over this and like.... everything is a mess.
My roommate, who knows that literally everything is wrong in the 12 page comic and who I told about the xpo where Tillie talked about Clem being queer is important, asked me how I would feel if she ended up getting Clementine's canon bisexuality wrong, and what if she decides to make Clementine a lesbian?
And like...... I actually stopped what I was working on because this wave of dread crashed through me at the thought of that, and I could actually imagine it happening because she already got everything else wrong and if she hasn't actually played the games and is pulling this shit out of her ass.... I can't even describe to you the feeling I felt...
I want to believe that Tillie would at least know and respect the fact that Clementine is a canon bisexual. From what I've gathered, Tillie herself is wlw and I don't believe she would erase a bisexual character. She knows that Clementine is a queer character. Clementine's bisexual.
Like obviously, if I'm right and Clementine gets a girlfriend, she'll still be bisexual. Nothing will ever change that.
But I'm going to tell all of you this right now because just thinking about it upsets me.... if for whatever reason, if Tillie Walden actually erases Clementine's bisexuality and makes her a lesbian in the graphic novel trilogy while "exploring what it means to be queer in the apocalypse," I'm done.
I will have nothing left for Tillie. I will no longer support anything she does. I won't condone harassment towards her because that makes you just as shitty, but I will absolutely call that bullshit out and then never support her again. I will never talk about the comic again because how dare you think you can get away with that and still expect me to waste brain cells on your comic? Hell, I will probably be so fucking livid that I'll drive my ass all the way to barnes and noble just to return the books I bought of hers.
Dramatic? Yeah, but y'know what? I've never really touched on this outside of a few "Clem being bisexual is important representation and we love it" but her being bisexual means so much to me. It truly does, I mean.... after the dumb "btw Javi is bi, we just wrote him straight and threw in a line of flirty dialogue with jesus so we can have our cake and eat it, too-- the straight homophobes will still buy our game and the lgbt+ community will love us, win win," I cannot explain the joy I felt when Clementine was written as a bisexual woman and that she was given two love interests that meant so much to the players.
Like.... I dunno, I never got any real bi rep in games or books or movies, especially bi girls, when I was a teen trying to figure shit out. In jr high and high school, I could never find stories that has bi women as a lead because I was too afraid to look anything up. I didn't wanna be caught reading/watching things that were lgbt+ because I had a shitty boyfriend at the time and our friend group were heavily religious and judgmental. My best friend [who I haven't spoken to for years now] was one of those people who claimed to support lgbt+ people.... but also once told me that she thought lesbians were okay but gay men were lowkey gross and probably only into other dudes because girls wouldn't date them. Oh, and I'll never forget the time she told me that bi people don't actually exist because you either like one or the other.
That's a great thing to here from the best friend you've know since you were an infant after you've realized that you aren't only attracted to boys.
But now I'm out of that environment and I haven't talked to anyone from high school since I graduated, and I've felt more free to intake all the things I wish I could've before...
I just.... Clementine is important to me for a lot of reasons. I've played these games forever, I've gotten to watch her grow for years, and she's just so well-written and amazing in tfs, and the fact that the writers wanted to write her as a bisexual woman means so much, I just.... even though it's not canon, I can't help but take this disaster of a comic personally. Just from those 12 pages, everything about Clementine is destroyed and it sucks. It hurts..... but I'm still not holding anything against Tillie herself. Her comic is bad, but that doesn't mean she's bad..... however, erasing Clem's bisexuality would be the last straw for me.
.....This turned into a rant. Sorry about that. You asked a simple question and I dumped my life story on you but I dunno, I needed to get that off my chest because it's been bothering the back of my mind.
I do wanna add once more that I don't think Tillie's actually going to do that... she should know that both Louis and Violet are canon love interests, plus Clementine canonically had a crush on Gabe in ANF. I think if she's going to get anything right, it'll be the fact that Clem is bi.... I'm just expressing a major fear I have and what it would do to me, and others, if it happened..... y'know?
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