#office since thats where the cats hang out
Ok so im pretty sure this is normal but I gotta ask cuz googling isn't helping put my mind at ease
Do some cats just...not use the litterbox when stressed from big changes? And I don't mean going outside the box instead but just not peeing or pooping at all? Cuz harley hasn't used the box since Monday night before the dog got here and while im pretty sure she also didn't go potty her first 2 days home so im pretty sure this is just how she gets when stressed its still worrying me a little bit so I could use some...idk reassurance that this is just how some cats get?
Like mercedes would stop using the box when she was stressed but she would just pee on the floor or in my bed or on my backpack instead. So it was less concerning with her and more "dude seriously? Why in my bed?"
So...should I be worried?
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bigmack2go · 6 months
Their apartment is small. But it’s cozy and, honestly, they don’t need more. They’re on the second floor and when you come into theres the kitchen to your left and to your right there’s a little door in the wall to a sort of storrage room and next to it the entrance to the living room. Up ahead are two doors to the bedroom and the office. In between there’s the toilet and the bathroom. The hallway has a wooden drawer with a mirror above and the living room and the bedroom are connected by a little balcony with a door on each end.
Albert got to furnish it all. They agreed he has the best taste. Basically, Spot keeps it clean, Al keeps it pretty and Race keeps it existing.
The living room is cozy. Its small and full of pillows. And stuff. Next to the entry a the dinnertable is set into the room with the short side at the wall. They barely use it because its allways full of paperwork. Race’s paperwork because he’s the one who handles their finances since he’s the only one who’s sort of good with maths. It usually has a pink rose in a vase on it. They have a tiny, blue couch that barely fits a person, a cozy corner with one of those hanging thingys and a little wooden rustical table which is where they eat instead. Theres a lot of fairylights and hanging plants in that room. Spots electric guitar is in the corner that he doesn’t even know how to play. Its white. They have a little liquor cabinet with fancy glasses and a carafe. However they mostly use it for cofee and stuff. The second part is full of discs for the recordplayer thats on a little white chair on the opposite of the room. Speaking of chairs; they are very mismatched. Race uses a barstool, Albert has an office chair and Spot has a folding chair. They also have a hamburger “pillow” for Race and an armchair that only Spot is allowed to use. Albert has a beanbag. Theres also a little yellow pillow chair in the corner. A lamp stands next to the sofa and there’s a cat-tree behind it. They also have a little birdcage hanging around there but it’s always open so the bird can fly out whenever it wants. It’s not actually their bird but it flew in there one day and completely freaked then out. It took them a while to get it back out and it just showed up on their balcony again the next day. It kept coming back and they’ve grown quite fond of it. The cat and the dig get along with it too. They call it tweety because they don’t own a single creative cell in their body. They have a lot of candles and the three bigger christals that don’t fot in the shelf are on the windowsill, the dinnertable and the drawer that the TV stands on. Above the TV theres a little ikea shelf with another plant on top. Thats also where the rest of Racer’s christal-collection is. A little salt lamp accenting it. On top of the shelf there’s each of their childhood stuffed animal: Race had a simple teddy bear, Alberts was a bunny and Spot had a little spotted dog. Albert also has his guitar on the wall here.
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Their kitchen is something else. Spots coffee machine is his whole pride and joy and its also the only place in there thats sort if clean around. You can barely move in there and no one knows how they find stuff in there, but they somehow do. Davey fainted the first time he saw it. That place is fucking loaded. With the most random stuff too. And when i say random i mean random. Most of they stuff they don’t even know where they got it from or, honestly, that they even have. That may or may not be related to the fact that half of it isn’t even theirs. It sort of replaces a storage room. Dont get me wrong; they have a storage room. Right next to their door to be exactly. But they also have a kitchen so theres that. They have two refrigerators for whatever reason. Both are always either so full they barely close or empty to the last crumb. The only thing thats never missing is grapes. They love grapes. And they always have grapes at all costs. Their toaster is really fancy and their microwave is one of those that looks like an old TV. They have a sort of concerning mug collection. Albert is only allowed to use the kitchen when they’re having chilli and Race is banned completely. It took them two years of procrastinating to clean it until they cave up and just accepted that this is just how it is. They have one of those old stoves that works with gas and actual flames.
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They haven’t even installed a lamb in their office. Its just a single light bulb. They have a wall with fairy lights and photos, polaroids and memories. On another walk the have their future plans; a world map with all the cities they wanna travel to ine day and a globus on the drawer at that wall with little flags on it, possible baby-names, designs for a house to move in, rings they would want should Poly-Marrige become legal one day and hotels to stay at for their next vaccination. Their office is also where the rats live, the cat and the dog also each have their bed there and the cat has another (bigger) cat-tree.
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Their bedroom is a bit more modern compared to the livingroom. At the corner to the window they have a little piano with a little soft chair. Albert loves watching Race and/or Spot play. Above the piano is another shelf with one part full of perfumes, bodysprays and Deodorants. Underneath is a big canvas of a coffee bean and the dresser next to it. The bed is opposite that wall; the far wall to the door on the windows side. Two nightstands that you may or may jot find their three champagne classes on in the morning infront theres a ting white polstererd bank. Above the bed is an LED sign reading “sex” in plain letters, they generally have a lot of led’s. A standing shelf parts their bed from a little sofa sort of thing thats right opposite the door. They have a hanging chair and some more beanbags and pillowchairs in there. The wall that’s on the end to the office has a mirror and a little table for them to get ready. Between the piano and the bed, under the window theres the cats bed and Alberts longboard hangs above the couch like a trophy. The room has a lot of plants because let me tell you, three men sleeping in one room starts to smell fast. They also have a little wooden table with a single candle on it that they never lit once because its really fancy. That table also has lights in it as to make the rustical look maych the rest if the room.
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The balcony is small, even smaller than the bathroom. Its full of fairylights and they somehow made it into a little lounge. There’s another place for tweety to sit and kets be honest, Race probably hang up a “Jazz Cafe” sign. It’s perfect to view mannhattan and the brooklyn bridge.
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
bars,brawls and brotherhood
hey, @bedazzledroach i’m your valentines @gtavfest art swap buddy, i wrote about Trevor/Lamar platonic hangout. this is pretty wholesome in my view however there is mentions of referenced drug use and references to to sex lmao
hope you like it  and happy valentines day :)
pairing: platonic Lamar/Trevor 
word count: 2452 words
summary: Lamar’s bored and thats never good for anybody, especially Franklin as it leaves him to clear up Lamar’s mess, but one fateful night Lamar goes in search of a certain hillbilly to entertain him, Lamar shouldn’t be surprised to realise it ends up in drunken chaos
The bass shakes the dirty floor, and Trevor can still hear the strippers gossiping even over the shitty club music he has blaring so loud that Wade is starting to go deaf. He groans and adjusts his forever-stained sweatpants. He rises to his feet, slowly with his back cracking and re-stretching, maybe he was getting old… but he wouldn't retire like that fat fuck Mikey. 
Fuck him 
The meth head now risen to his full height began scouring the dingy office behind the unicorn for his trusty pipe. He looked under porn mags, fast food wrappers, and files, and rifled through draws. His fingertips brushed the cool glass, and he let his scared lips twitch upwards. He packed the bowl and lit up until the smoke filled all the cracks that fucking Mikey boy had left on his psyche. The meth made him feel whole and undamaged, the aura  of bliss was shattered in the back room by the shrill tone emitting from his cracked IFruit.
“Hey crazy, wanna get a drink fool?”
“You askin’ me on a date Lamar?” teased the now high redneck,
“Oh yeah, I'm gonna suck yo dick and everything.”
“Where do you wanna meet me, princess? Alleyway?”
“Fuck you, ill be at your titty bar in like 10 fool.”
Trevor's phone let out a beep signifying that Lamar had hung up, the psychopath took one last hit from the well-used pipe before strolling out to the bar with his usual swagger. Nikki was working the bar rather than the floor. She went red at the sight of him, no doubt last Wednesday? Thursdays? Team bonding exercise had been in her head, right at the forefront,  from how she gazed at him. Trevor sent her a sultry wink, dropped down onto the stool, and waited for his buddy. Nikki bent over to grab him a bottle giving him a goood view of her ass, and as she approached her boss he spoke with a hushed tone, “You wanna get outta here, Uncle T?”
“Agh, as much as I wanna sugar, I'm waiting on my buddy.” 
Nikki pouted before leaving him in the hopes to score some more tips from the other bewitched patrons. He watched her in action, batted eyelashes, licked lips, allowing good views of her bra… it was how she worked. How his ma worked. Memories of his mother flooded his brain until a firm hand landed on his shoulder and a laugh escaped Lamar.
“Jesus homie, I wanted to get out to hang out with some fool, but if you gonna be chasing these bitches then fuck, imma head back to my place.”
“They aren't bitches Lamar,” Trevor hissed before his anger simmered down and he spoke again with a lighter tone “could be like your and F’s Threesome, where your di-”
“Come on, homie you ever gon let that go!”
Trevor laughed at Lamar's reaction before gesturing for a beer for his “homie”  once the chilled bottle rested in the gangbangers grasp, he muttered, “what's cracking withchu you fucking weirdo?”
“You know, fuckin’,smokin’ fightin’, shootin’ you get it right buddy?”
“Course dog, I'm like a jungle cat, like a panther, I've got this magnetic thing that attracts people yanno?”
Trevor chuckled under his breath and assured the younger man that he fully understood, he finished the rest of his bottle, and then like magic, Nikki had replaced it in less than a second.
Lamar was quiet for a moment before almost awkwardly muttering “so, um since you all up in this mentorship thing/role model/inspiration tip with the homie franklin. I was wondering, you know, why don't you give an up-and-comer the game?”
“yeah…sure you know what professor t’s gon give you a lesson, loyalty- fuck everything else.”
“Like only going to burger shot?”
“Like your brothers are your crew, without them? You're nothing.”
“Well, Frank aint that good of a student if he leaving me on the road to hang with you motherfuckers.” Lamar shot back, clearly irritated by his homies becoming more distant so he chugged the bottle and was brought another by faithful Nikki. 
“Michael doesn't impart the same value system as me.”
“That clear ya weirdo, isn't that the guy that you love at first sighted?”
“Ohhh yes, my dear friend, that's the fat sack of shit I love at first sighted.”
“Fuck man, I dont wanna make you stop acting normal so you wanna get drunk as fuck”
“You read my mind.” With that Trevor called for a bottle of vodka to be brought to the two tattooed men, lamar and Trevor drank a good half the bottle while exchanging stories, quips, and insults. It reminded him of Micheal before the sun melted away his spine.
Trevor let out a shout of laughter at Lamar's reactions, the gangbanger had a much lower tolerance and was going a little green around the gills where Trevor was just starting to become a little unsteady.
Lamar fell off the stool and floundered on the floor like some sort of pissed fish, while the hillbilly howled with laughter. If Trevor did not own the bar then they would've been kicked out hours ago. Lamar cussed him out for not helping a “homie in need” before cracking up as well. Nikki raised a brow but kept the drinks coming in fear of invoking her boss's wrath.
Trevor sluggishly thrust out his hand and pulled Lamar off the dirty carpet before howling with loud laughter when Lamar stumbled and fell face-first into his chest. The gangbanger looked confused at his surroundings for a mere moment, before ripping his face away. 
“Do- dog you smell like shit!” Lamar hissed, the bite drowned in vodka and dopamine. Trevor winked and tossed him a cold- bottle of beer
That was a Mistake 
Lamar was far too drunk to catch the bottle, and the glass exploded onto the floor, with green glass shattering like shrapnel and cheap beer soaking into the carpet, unluckily for the two men something else exploded in their vicinity 
A man, wearing a horrifically ugly polo had stormed over and began yelling at the pair, spittle flying everywhere. “SHUT UP! Why the FUCK haven't you been kicked out yet!” ugly polo kept yelling even when Trevor's eyes had gone dark and the remaining humanity had fled to escape the oncoming bloodbath. His mouth split into a wide grin and his fingers absentmindedly grasped the bottle and prepared to swing. 
A smack echoed through the club, Lamar had smacked him full across the face and was now giggling like a schoolgirl.
Polo went bright red, and Trevor swore he could see steam coming out of his ears like impotent rage. There was a moment of peace and then the club exploded, and fights broke out like rashes, and chaos enveloped the men. Trevor flipped the bottle in his  grasp before swinging upwards and letting out a triumphant roar as it connected.
Polo crumbled and fell to the floor. 
Trevor's wild eyes flitted around him in search of Lamar. Lamar was fighting valiantly but due to his blood being 80% liquor, his swings were mistimed and wide. Wading through a sea of battles, Trevor balled up his fist and sent it hurtling into the men beating Lamar. 
A swift punch to the ribs had wanker one staggering away, and a strong headbutt had wankers twos nose exploding and spraying blood all over the two friends. Trevor pushed down the urge for bloodshed and scooped up Lamar. The gangbanger used him as a human crutch as Trevor dragged them outside.
The fresh air effect was instantaneous, Lamar sobered rather quickly while Trevor calmed as if the fire that violence fed had been doused with a bucket of serenity. Well as serene as it could get with Lamar spitting out blood right next to him.
“You alright down there buddy?”
“All those bitches lyin’ they want Lamar… they all want me … all of ‘em” rasped Lamar as he collapsed, falling onto the broken pavement outside the raging unicorn.
“I'll take that as a no.” mused Trevor as he dropped onto the pavement next to Lamar, resting his back against the bodhi's wheels he slung his arm over Lamar's shoulders and pulled him into a side hug, surprisingly Lamar didnt bitch about the Trevor Philips stench he just coughed before relaxing into it. If he was soberer this could have warranted a very cruel joke about him not showering but he wasn't throwing a fit so the pair remained quiet. Despite the fiasco that had just erupted he could fight the upturn twitch of his lips. He had gotten drunk with his buddy and fought straight after, the ideal Trevor Philips night.
“Whatchu smiling at you fuckin’ weird ass.”
“I saved you in there so I wanna be called sir knight trev from now on.”
“Kiss my ass white as shit knight.”
“Bend over princess.” Trevor thrust lazily in the air, making obscene gestures that would make any sailor blush, but his company was far from some old nun with a stick up her ass or some prude. His company wolf whistled badly and just encouraged it with a mouth that was more alcohol than spit, dripping blood over his green shirt.
Lamar laughed and instantly regretted it once pain shot through his ribs like fireworks. Trevor noticed and demanded to know why the wince, once told he’d been cracked in the ribs by another club goer the hillbilly raised a brow, laughed, and called him a pussy in all of about three seconds. The pair rested next to the truck alongside all the other dirt in the shit hole of a city. The rats were bigger than dogs; there was more plastic in women's tits than the sea; and the residents were fat sacks of lying shit snakes. 
Felt like home.
Sirens flooded his ears, and he lethargically raised his head so that red and blue flooded his vision. Trevor cursed and pulled his friend to his feet for the second time that night, before: dragging him to the passenger side; buckling him in; getting in his seat; buckling himself, and tearing out of the parking lot.
The Los Santos air had become bitter and cold while the moon reigned over the light-polluted skies. Lamar was incoherent and yelling, the driver laughed and swung the car around corners at alarming speeds to the joy of his passenger. Trevor sped around the cracked streets of Los Santos letting the bodhi roar and hug the streets like a koala and tree. 
A warm hand clamped down on Trevor's forearm, snapping him from his reverie instantly, his hazel eyes flitted over to his opposite seat, and let out a soft sigh the gangbanger looked uncomfortable, and slurred out “dog im gonna fuckin’ hurl if you dont cut it out.”
“Whatever you pussy,” Trevor stopped pressing so hard on the accelerator “where to dog?”
“Take me home… I ain't sure you knowin’ where the LD’s cribs such a go- a good idea…” he trailed off, seemingly slipping back into his own mind and ignoring Trevor.
“Are you fucking kidding! The nights just getting started we haven't even had an orgy or killed someone!”
“Dog what, you know what i'm ignoring that, take me to strawberry.” Trevor snarled and went to yank the wheel back to the heart of Los Santos. After realising Lamar gripped the wheel and yanked it in his direction causing the bodhi to swerve across all three lanes. Cursing Trevor rightened the truck and slammed onto the brakes. Eyes flaming like an inferno, he whipped around to face the drunken gangbanger.
“What the fuck Davis?!”
“Take.me.home! I ain't being your emotional support bitch, cause creepers pussy-whipped drive. me .home!” 
“You are fucking deranged!” hissed Trevor, shaking with a mix of rage that slowly was transformed into broken humour. He even began laughing at Lamar's shocked expression, he slammed his foot on the gas and tore away from his current resting spot. Lamar cursed and gripped the door handle as the bodhi raced down the narrow streets, overtaking cars and riding up on the sidewalks.
Trevor sped across a junction, disregarding the traffic lights and the other motors while the gangbanger yelled “when this CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER kills me I want all my shit going to chop! FUCK all those other fools! I dont want you anywhere near my whacked corpse YOU CRAZY FUCKER!”
“I thought you liked crazy driving?” giggled Trevor after Lamar had read his will out loud, and the psychopath raced across lanes.
“FUCK YOU!” cursed Lamar, while the two men argued the roads flitted by until the black man began to recognize his surroundings and their inhabitants. Completely sober and with his heart hammering as he had just snorted an entire bucket load of coke Lamar attempted to calm down with the knowledge that he wasn't far from home to comfort him.
Trevor swung the bodhi into Lamar's neighbourhood, and with a squeal of brakes and a very enthusiastic “ta-da” from the driver, they had arrived at Lamar's crib. The gangbanger punched Trevor in the arm before collapsing into his seat with rapid breaths painting his lips.
“Sooo princess… you gonna invite me in?” asked Trevor with an innocent expression that didn't match his character at all.
“Dog. you got me drunk as hell, started a brawl, and drove like a- like a - like THAT and you wanna be invited in?”
“You started that brawl actually, I saved you that's why I'm the white as-shit knight. So yes I wanna come in”
“Dog you crazy motherfucker… you got coke?.”
“Glovebox, princess, does this mean naughty naughty trevy can come in?”
 Lamar reached forward and dug through the glovebox, grimacing as his fingers grazed over used pornmags until he felt the square parcel, he pulled it out, and even in the moonlight, Lamar could make out the scraggly “coke” written in pink sharpie “Never call yourself that again, but yeah dog we can have a few lines.”
The duo left the car and began walking to Lamar's front door, Trevor tossed an arm over his shoulder and pulled him close as they walked down the front porch. Lamar didn't complain, just fished around his pockets for his keys.
The door swung open and the men walked inside, there were movie posters and a sexy girl calendar depicting the wrong month, Trevor tsked and muttered: “A few… yeah fucking right oh princess this night has just begun!”
Trevor draped himself over the couch, with his arm slung across the back and while Lamar began cutting some very generous lines, he couldn't help but agree.
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thestarwrites · 4 years
All Right, All Might: Ch 12
Word Count: 6,200
Rating: PG
Painting: Toshinori Yagi X FemOC
THIS IS A LONG ONE, FOLKS! at 6,200 words! Because Patho is not participating in the Sports Festival and it is mostly passive watching, I am going to try to get through the whole shabang in two chapters!
Part One...
“Where’s your girlfriend, All Might?” Nemuri purred softly as she leaned over to the lithe form of Toshinori where they all sat in the teachers box, waiting for the first year competition to start.
“Nemuri,” he blushed, “Aren’t you the Chief Umpire? Shouldn’t you be down there.”
Giggling she ran her whip over his shoulders, “I will be in a moment, now, where is that little darling you are seeing?”
Nezu looked over with a smile, “Yes, where is Miss Chairo?”
Toshinori blushed harder and cleared his throat, “I mean- I’m not her keeper,” he frowned and then spoke again, “Where do you think she is? She’s making the rounds with the kids, trying to help them to be steady and to calm their nerves… as if I could stop her from doing anything she was going to do.”
Aizawa grunted, “Stupid.”
“Why are you always so cruel to her, Aizawa?” All Might grunted, “She’s a great asset.”
“You’re just soft for her because you love her assets.”
All Might grunted, “Hey! That’s not true or fair,” he scowled, “She’s a great teacher and hero.”
“Listen. It’s like I told her a few weeks ago. She’s a second-rate support hero, and she’s coddling these children who won’t get that type of treatment in the field.”
His eyes widened, “You said that to her?”
“She didn’t run and be a little tattle tale?” He scoffed, “I really expected her to run and cry and tell you that I was mean to her.”

“No!” He glowered, “Aizawa, that’s a terrible thing to say to a coworker.”
“Truth hurts sometimes,” He shrugged, “I’m heading to the booth to sit with Mic. Have fun,” With that Aizawa turned and left, still mostly covered in bandages.
All Might sighed and rubbed his temples.
“All the other courses, they’re coming for us with everything they’ve got,” Izuku grunted, “We’re all gonna have to fight to stand out. And I’ll be aiming for the top too.”
Shoto grunted, “Fine.”
“Tch.” Bakugo looked over his shoulder, staring daggers at Deku.
The door slid open once more, they were wondering who could be coming to see them at such a late hour before the start, when no one responded, she could feel more than the average worry or fear in the room, “Wow, the air is really tense in here!”
“Miss Chairo!” Kirishima grinned and stood up, glad someone was there to break up whatever was happening right now.
Izuku turned to look at her, “Miss Chairo, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with the other teachers?”
The woman chuckled softly, sending out pulses of calm energy into the room, “I’m sorry to save your group for almost last! But I had a lot of classes to visit this morning. I just came from 1-B those kids are… something.”
Some of the kids laughed, feeling a little better, “You visited EVERYONE?” Kaminari blinked.
“Of course, I did the same thing last year, I got a little caught up though, a boy named Tamaki almost threw up and passed out before he went out,” she gave a small smile, “Not that I think he’s doing any better this year but… we had some meetings last week to talk about it — ANYWAY, how are my favorites in class 1-A doing?”
“I’m a little nervous, Miss Chairo,” Mina squeaked.
“Well, first thing I want to tell you all is that you CAN call me Keri, you know. I’m not much older than you guys and I understand what its like going through all this.”
“Tch,” Rang out into the room, “No you don’t, loser. You didn’t go to UA.”
“BAKUGO! Not cool man! Thats so unmanly of you!” Kirishima chastised the blond, “I am SO sorry Miss Keri, he didn’t mean it!”
Keri laughed softly, “It’s okay, Eijiro. I meant I have experience talking to the teens last year, but thank you, Katsuki, no I did not. But I know that when I was in school, I watched the UA festival. So make sure you all do your best, and don’t be surprised when kids from other schools start to notice you.”
“Kids from other schools, oh god!” Miineta gasped, “I hope you mean girls!”
She chuckled, “Okay guys. I have to run and talk to 3-A quick, but you will all do great. No matter what place you come in, I am sure with how amazing you are, and the way you handled the USJ incident, that you will all get scouted for great internships. Just remember to breathe, and to be kind to yourself between games, hm? I’ll be watching!”
“Thanks Miss Keri!” Ururaka smiled.
She waved and left the room just as Kirishima was saying how manly she was to encourage them so well, before defending that being manly isn't reserved to being a man. Keri laughed and hurried down the halls to get to where the Big 3 of UA were awaiting their entrances.
Coming into the room she smiled, “Ah! I made it just in time!”
Mirio turned around and beamed, “Miss Keri! Hi! It’s really nice to see you before the big event!” He was the only one allowed to wear a stripped down version of his hero costume, since - he would be naked on live TV if he didn’t.
Nejire turned and gasped, “Hey!” The girl ran over to their guidance counselor and hugged her close, “I’m so happy you came to see us! Did you come to wish us luck!”
Keri hugged the girl back and smiled, “Yes of course I did, I’ve been running around like a lunatic trying to see how each class is doing, I just came from 1-A. Its tense in there.”
“Why wouldn’t it be tense…” rang out the shaky voice of Tamaki from the corner, “Everyones gonna be judging them so hard… after what happened at the USJ… Man I hope there aren’t villains watching…”
Mirio smirked, “Lighten up Tama!”
Keri smiled and went over to Tamaki, placing a hand on his back, her form glowing pink.
Nejire leaned over to the tall blonde and whispered, “I don’t think it’ll ever stop being neat that she glows pink.”
“Yeah!” Mirio whispered, “Like Tinkerbell!”
“Why do… do you waste your time on me, Miss Keri…. I… I never learn anything or… or get better…” he sighed softly, still anxious even though he visibly started to unclench all of his muscles.
She smiled warmly and turned his head to her, “You’re not a waste of time Tamaki, you’re just like a stubborn little cat, but you’ll get the hang of it eventually. I believe in you. I always have. And you have an incredible gift, Suneater.”
“I… Thank you…. Miss Keri… You’re too nice,” He sighed, “Definitely too nice to be talking to me…”
Chuckling she gently rubbed his back, “You’re going to do amazing today, Tama, don’t worry so much,” she pulled out something from her hoodie pocket, “Here, take this, its some electric eel - maybe you can get some of that electricity,” she smiled, “Smile, Tama,” she lifted his chin, “Don’t think about it. Get out of your head.”
“I- I’ll try…. Miss Keri… But…. But I’m probably just going to… to disappoint you,” he whimpered.
Smiling softly she rubbed his back a few more times, “You could not and would not ever disappoint me, Sunspot,” she smiled, “I’ll catch up with you after, okay?” He nodded, cheeks beet red, and she smiled, turning to the other two, “Okay guys! Show em’ what you’re made of!”
Once Patho left the room, with the festival about to start, Mirio smiled, “Man, she is just the nicest isn’t she?”
“Yeah!” Nejire smiled, “And she’s dating ALL MIGHT!” She swooned, “What a hunk…”
“H-hey! I thought I was a hunk!” Mirio whined.
Tamaki walked shakily over to his two friends and took a deep breath, “You know what… what I found out… about her….?”
The two looked over and blinked. It was a long moment before Nejire sighed, “Spit it out, Tama!”
He flinched and looked down, “You know how I…. I’m interning with…. With Fatgum?”
“Yeah…” Mirio looked at him.
Tamaki swallowed, “Keri and him… used to date when she was in college.”
“OH MY GOSH WHAT!” Nejire exclaimed.
Flinching from the outburst he nodded and wet his lips, “Yeah… he was telling me about her the other day. I mentioned…. Her or… something. I guess…. He dumped her…. He said he was a jerk about it…. He still… you know… feels bad… apparently….”
Mirio laughed a little, “Woah, I can’t believe it. They don’t seem like a good match at all, really… Also, Fatgum being a jerk? That’s weird.”
“Oh heck! It’s about to start!” Mirio smiled, “You better eat whatever Miss Keri gave you, Tamaki!”
“O-oh yeah…” the boy started to eat, hands shaking.
Keri ran into the teachers box, out of breath as she smiled, “I made it just in time! I didn’t miss anything!”
Nezu looked over with a laugh, “I’m surprised you didn’t, Patho, you talked to what? All of our students today? Also… you aren’t in your hero uniform or dress clothes…”
She blushed, “Sorry sir…”
“No matter,” he sighed, “You never are in office wear so why would I start nagging now. Please, take your seat, its starting…”
Moving to sit down, she mumbled, “At least I wear UA merch….” She took the empty seat next to All Might with a small smile, “Hi baby,” she moved to put her hand on his and gently ran her thumb over his large hand, “Hey… earth to Toshinori…?”
Looking over he took a breath, “Hey Sunflower - sorry, I’m just… nervous.”
“Don’t be nervous, honey, I just saw Izuku, he’s determined and he’s gonna be fine. He’ll make you proud.”
He nodded and moved to hold her hand gently, leaning into her, “You’re a wonder.”
“Oh hush, you need to unclench yourself before you have a heart-attack Toshi, honey.”
He chuckled and nodded again, “You’re right. It’s out of my hands for now anyway.”
“I just came from the Big Three,” she smiled.
“Oh yeah? I don’t know much about them except for Mirio Togeta. Remember I told you they wanted him to be my successor?”
She nodded, “Of course I remember,” Her fingers were deftly running over the skin of his wrist, “Mirio and Nejire are doing just fine, but Tamaki Amajiki is a wreck,” She sighed, “He and I have had counseling for the last two weeks about dealing with today. He is absolutely terrified. Last year he didn’t even compete he was so afraid.”
“He has an internship with Fatgum, doesn’t he?”
She nodded and took a deep breath, “Yeah, I’m going to have to speak with Taishiro about his insecurities and everything soon… I don’t really… want to.”
“Taishiro? You’re on first name terms with Fatgum? Why don’t you want to see him?”
“Shh! It’s starting,” she giggled a little and moved closer to him. Toshinori allowed himself to relax a little and throw his arm around her shoulders.
“SILENCE EVERYONE!” The sultry voice of Midnight cut through the speakers, “AND FOR THE STUDENT PLEDGE WE HAVE - KATSUKI BAKUGO!”
“ — Oh god,” Keri clenched her boyfriend’s hand, “Please… Please Katsuki say something not offensive. We talked about this,” she whispered.
“Maybe he’ll say something… uh - no he’s probably going to say something offensive,” All Might whispered to her, “Hun, you’re crushing my hand.”
“Sorry,” she tried to relax.
He leaned into the microphone and spoke in his even-keel voice, “I just wanna say, I’m gonna win.”
“Oh my god,” Keri slapped her forehead as the entire crowd booed, including the students. She watched as Bakugo descended the stairs cool as a cucumber.
The obstacle course was fraught with dangers most of the first-year students have never faced before, but for class 1-A, they had already learned to fight. Even those students in 1-A without flashy quirks were in the leading pack. 1-B wasn’t far behind, but it was clear who was the probable Big 3 of the first years would turn out to be; Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya.
Keri looked around while Toshinori stood, clutching the edge of the box the teachers sat in with white knuckles. She could feel him practically vibrating with excitement and pride. A small smile graced her lips as she finally spotted who she was looking for - Enji Todoroki.
“HE WON!” Toshinori jumped up, as everyone stood to clap at the first place winner of the Obstacle Race. Keri stood to clap as well until the blonde picked her up and started spinning her around.
She laughed and yelped, “Toshi! Put me down!”
He did as instructed and the grin on his face was one unlike she had seen on him before. He felt complete watching his protege win and do as he asked - declare to the world that he was here now.
As the fanfare died down, the students filed in, and soon there were only stragglers remaining. The first 42 students to finish would be the ones advancing. Mostly all from 1-A and B, though there were some support course and general studies students as well.
Toshinori watched, giving a silent congratulations to young Izuku, and Keri walked up behind him, running a hand over his lower back, “Toshi, I’m going to take a look around.”
He turned from his daze and blinked, “Keri - you’re gonna miss the next event.”
“I wont miss it,” she laughed, “I’ll still be in the stadium. I want to check out what pros showed up. I feel like snooping,” wrinkling her nose she smiled, “Is that okay, Toshi?”
The older man chuckled, “Of course its okay, besides, you don’t need my permission.”
She smiled and took his hand, “Give me a kiss?”
He blushed and leaned down to her, kissing her lips softly, chaste enough for the setting, “Happy?”
“Always when I’m with you,” leaning up she pressed another kiss to his lips, “Don’t get into trouble while I’m gone now!”
Blinking he called out, “You’re the one who needs to stay out of trouble, Ree!” He took a deep breath and went back to his seat as Midnight began explaining how the Calvary Battle would work. He groaned to himself to know Midoriya had such a high point value on his head, but this is what he expected - he after all had been through three Sports Festivals in his day too.
Keri walked around, saying hello to some of the pros and parents she already knew. She didn’t stop long because she knew who she was looking for; Enji Todoroki.
The cavalry battle was well underway, and Keri had found Shoto’s father and standing a ways away from him, she took some time to watch some of the game now that she was on the lower levels. It was certainly harrowing. She’d always watched the festival growing up, and every year into her adulthood. She had only missed it a handful of times due to clinic hours and exam schedules. She couldn’t imagine having to compete like this.
As a support course student at Ketsubutsu Academy, she remembered her own first meeting with the kids from UA, going to take the provisional license exam in first year. She first met Aizawa there. He was taking the test again as a second year - him and Hizashi both. She also had met Fatgum for the first time there, he had flirted with her and it was the spark going forward when they met again later. She was too bashful and unsure of herself at the time to do anything but smile politely and hide in the crowd. It was so strange to see these kids who she had seen on television.
She never actually had passed the provisional license exams. Which was just as well, she was never really trying to. Already on the path to researching how to get into a hero college for Psychology / Support Training. Keri never intended to do any hero work until she had met with principal Nezu to discuss her joining the staff.
Keri remembered that day fondly;
“Well, I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve asked to meet with you a third time, Miss Chairo,” the calm voice of the principal sounded out.
The young woman nodded, “Of course, sir, I am both excited and afraid to be here.”
The man laughed, “Afraid?”
“Of rejection, I suppose.”
Chuckling, he took a sip of his tea, “Well good thing for you a rejection isn’t something you will be facing today. I would like to offer you the position officially as our first ever guidance councilor.”
“For real!? Oh my god are you serious, Principal Nezu, sir?!”
“Oh yes, quite,” he laughed, “Some of the other teachers are wary about hiring a woman who not only did not attend UA, but is also Twenty- Seven and has no Hero License.”
Her cheeks reddened, “Well, I was always too focused on my goal of becoming a licensed therapist. Besides, you’ve seen my quirk and it’s not fit for hero work, I can tell you that.”
He smiled, “And why not?”
“I’m not the strongest, I know how to fight well enough to defend myself - but I’m not fast either, all I can do is manipulate emotions, sir. I would be a liability on the field.” She looked down.
He let that hang in the air a moment before beginning, “You know what a liability is in the field for heroes? People who are panicking, people who are out of control or want to run into a burning building to save others, instead of letting the heroes and fire department handle it. People who need to have a sense of urgency to leave a building - or to evacuate an area calmly.”
“I… I don’t understand, sir.”
“What I’m saying is, no your quirk is not flashy, and you’re no fighter - but, your quirk is powerful enough for you to be a first rate support hero. Think of the possibilities for crowd control, victim aftercare, hero aftercare…”
“You… really think so, sir?”
Nezu nodded and smiled, “So, this is the condition for your employment. You work here for me and the school, and I will help you to get your Hero License before the start of your first term.”
“Of - of course, sir!”
“Well excellent. Welcome to the UA family, Keri.” He stood and crossed to shake her hand.
Keri shook it and beamed, “Its such an honor sir, thank you! Thank you so much! I will work the hardest I can to realize your goal of having a functioning and productive guidance office for the heroes of tomorrow! In fact - I’ll go beyond! Plus Ultra!” She smiled.
She was interrupted from her reminiscing when she saw something she wholly did not expect; Shoto Todoroki got cornered, and in his haste - used his Fire quirk. She blinked and shot an eye over to where she remembered Enji standing to see the hulking red-head smirk, arms crossed. The action turned her stomach.
Walking slowly over she hummed, “Hello again, Enji.”
He tensed, she could feel the anger wafting off of him, “You really have never had any respect, have you, little girl.”
“And obviously neither have you, Enji,” she punctuated her sentence with his name once more, “And the name is Keri, if you have actually forgotten it. I find people should be on first name terms with each other, it makes for a healthier working environment.”
“We don’t work together,” He responded flatly, never taking his eyes off the field.
Chuckling she leaned on the wall beside where he watched, “No but we do work concurrently.” He made a soft sound, “Your son is doing very well today,” she smiled, “He is a great kid.”
“He could have done much better in the obstacle course if he applied himself.”
She didn't look at him, “If he used his fire, you mean?”
Turning to look at the insignificant support hero beside him, he grunted, by her tone he could tell that she suspected something was going on with Shoto, something going on at their familial home that was untoward, “I don’t like your tone.”
“I suppose you wouldn’t. Not as the number two hero who prides on having a son who has both his parent’s quirks. Though I have noticed that he doesn’t use the fire quirk, why is that?”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” she smiled and finally turned her face to his, “Anyway, It was nice seeing you off the battlefield, Enji.” And with that she turned and walked away from him. An impish grin came over her face as she felt the older man seething behind her. She absolutely couldn’t stand Enji, and how defensive he became - she knew something was up.
Walking through the halls, the second event of the festival was over with the top four teams advancing - she smiled, knowing Izuku was in there with a lot of his classmates. She was greatly impressed by the fact that Ururaka was in there as well.
“There you are,” the voice of All Might rang out, “I was looking for you everywhere hon— Patho!” He beamed.
“Hey All Might,” she smiled warmly, “Enjoying the games so far?”
He chuckled, “Yes of course I am - why do you look like the cat that ate the canary?”
“Mmm… I may have just come from pestering Enji Todoroki.”
Toshinori raised his eyebrows and smirked, “My girl likes to live on the edge huh? Look at you, playing with something as dangerous as a live bear.”
Keri huffed a bit, “I just can’t stand that man, someone should put him in his place. He called me little girl.”
The mirth faded from his face and he put a hand on his hip, “Is that so? You think someone should put him in his place? Maybe that someone should be me,” the smirk he gave then was one unique to when All Might was pissed off. He was full of spite and contempt as he went to walk off.
Grabbing his hand she blushed, “Ah - Toshi, wait!”
Turning he looked down at her, “If your boyfriend can’t defend your honor, maybe the number one hero can,” he winked and pulled gently away from her, heading in the direction of Enji.
Keri blushed and tagged along after him, in case she needed to break it up - Enji was a dangerous man.
“Yo,” he started. Keri rolled her eyes, the straight up alpha male energy was off the hook, “Long time no see, let's catch up - Endeavor.”
The hulking redhead didn’t turn at first, “All Might,” he growled before turning and staring daggers into the blonde’s eyes. He didn’t even bother to notice the little rabbit at his heels.
“I haven’t talked to you since that press conference ten years ago! Been awhile - I saw you and figured I’d stop and say hi!” The smile never faltered from his face.
“Did you now?” He scoffed, “Well if that’s all you wanted then we’re done. Tch, chatting like we’re old friends - what a joke.”
Keri winced at the awkwardness of the brief interaction. It was very clear to her that he absolutely hated Toshinori with everything in him. She gasped as Toshinori started to laugh. It was so condescending. He suddenly launched himself into the air doing flips and spins down the stairwell.
He landed in front of Enji with another laugh, “Come on! Why the cold shoulder!?” He smirked, “You should be thrilled! Your son is doing very well out there only using half his power. You must be a great teacher!”
The men were locked in a tense stare as Toshinori’s girlfriend stared on. What was he getting at? Endeavor grunted, “Are you implying something?”
“NO! I want to know your secrets! How do we train the next generation of heroes?”
Enji scoffed, “Do you really think Id tell you anything Ive trained the boy? You’re all flash and no brains, as usual - out of my way,” he pushed past him, shoulder checking the man.
“Okay!” He sighed.
“Let me assure you of one thing, All Might. That kid of mine WILL beat you some day, I’ll make sure of it. That’s why I MADE him.”
Toshinori looked uncomfortable, “You did, what?”
The large fire hero grinned widely, wildly, “He’s in a rebellious phase right now, but he will take your place. I’ll make SURE of it,” Turning he moved to continue to walk down the stairs, “And tell your little groupie to stop meddling, got it? She’s not worth the dust on my boots.” All Might clenched his fists as he watched Endeavor disappear from sight.
Keri heard the confession of the man up on the balcony, covering her mouth as she held back a gasp. Thats why Todoroki wouldn’t use his quirk. She could feel herself tremble as absolute devastation filled her - she could only imagine what Shoto’s life was filled with as she fell to her knees.
“Sweetheart!” He moved to run back up the stairs when he saw her fall, “Keri - what’s wrong?”
She was glowing at this point, tears in her eyes as she covered her face, “God- Toshi - What has he done? He’s … he’s a monster… how can he even call himself a hero? Let alone the number two?” She shook her head, “Oh god - his poor children,” she put her head down and wept.
He felt his own tears prick his eyes from the effect of her quirk, “Shh… shh honey, calm down, it's okay Keri… it’s okay,” after he set her back on her feet he cupped her cheek, “Come on - lets go to your office and I’ll go grab some ramen and come back, we have an hour for lunch, hm?”
Looking up she wiped her eyes, trying to contain her quirk as people were starting to stare, “Tosh- Pull away from me, people are looking.”
“I’m doing no such thing. You’re upset,” he sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder, “Come along, let's get to the school and then I’ll get us some takeout. We can also talk about everything if you want.”
Nodding she allowed herself to lean into his side as he led her from the stadium with his hand on her lower back. She felt exhausted suddenly, “God I hate it when I go into overdrive like that…” She whined gently.
“I know exactly what you mean,” the pro smiled down at her.
As they walked, a few reporters ran forward, “All Might! Hey! How are you liking the festival so far!”
“And who is this you’re escorting? Do you finally have a girlfriend, All Might?” A female reporter crooned.
All Might looked like he was thinking of something to say, “Oh no,” Keri smiled tiredly, “I’m the UA guidance counselor - I used my quirk a lot today, kind of overdid it actually. All Might was just kind enough to help me to my office - he’s overly worried about his coworker passing out or something.”
He smiled, “Yes- and all of you should definitely know who she is! She’s Patho! The Support hero!”
“Oh yeah,” one of the other men commented, “That’s right, Principal Nezu did say he was trying a new program last year — Miss Patho, may my station come and do an interview with you some time? I’m sure everyone would love to hear from one of the first Student Hero Therapists.”
Blushing she smiled, “Of course - call the school and press five for my office, we will set something up,” she bowed slightly, “Excuse me please, I really need to go sit and eat something so I can make sure I’m of use the rest of today - and in case any students need me.”
The reporters all respectfully withdrew as the two of them continued. All Might smirked and leaned down a little, “Kitten, you’re a natural.”
Laughing softly she looked up, “I’m a guidance counselor, I act like this to everyone.”
“Not to me,” he winked.
She laughed, “Well because when I met you, I was shell shocked, and then we became friends so fast… but sometimes we get clinical together, you know. I’ve used my psychology powers on you.” She wiggled her fingers.
He laughed and continued on inside and up to the guidance office with her.
Closing the door and pulling down the privacy shade he knelt down, still in hero form, “Come here, Sunflower.”
Moving to turn and throw her arms around his large shoulders she sighed, “Oh Toshi… I feel so… devastated for Enji’s family… Shoto is so unwilling to talk. But I think he needs therapy probably more than any of his classmates.”
Holding her close he kissed the side of her head, “I know… I have never been very friendly with Enji - well, I have, but he won’t have it. And I know he mistreats everyone around him - even you, baby,” he gently rubbed her back, “Okay, I’ll go get us ramen - you want your usual?”
Pulling back to look at him, she stroked his face, “That sounds perfect,” leaning in she kissed him adoringly.
Humming into the kiss he slid his hands to her waist, “We should have a date night tonight.”
“Sounds good, hun,” she kissed his forehead, “Be safe getting our food,” he moved to jump out the window, “AND NO HERO WORK! WE ONLY HAVE AN HOUR FOR LUNCH!”
“Yes dear,” he winked, and with that he was off.
After lunch, Keri and Toshinori ran hand in hand back toward the stadium, “We’re late! We can’t miss this! Midoriya is first up!”
“Calm down Toshi - you have one lung for god’s sake!” She sighed as she was pulled along.
When they arrived, there was no time to go up to the teacher’s box, Toshinori pulled her right into an entry hallway and they stood at the mouth of it to watch the match between Hitoshi and Izuku.
“Oh no,” Keri raised her brows.
Toshi turned, “Oh no what!”
“Hitoshi - he’s from general studies. If he asks Izuku a question - and he answers - he’ll be bound to do what Hitoshi tells him. This match will be over before it even begins.”
“WHAT?!” Toshinori looked back out to the match with horror, “Come on, kid…”
“Poor thing… this is so painful,” Keri sighed, hand on All Might’s back.
Suddenly as a burst of wind came from Izuku both adults were absolutely gobsmacked, “WHATS THIS!? HE STOPPED JUST IN TIME!” The voice of Prezent Mic rang out. And in a matter of what seemed like seconds, the purple haired boy was body slammed out of the ring. Midoriya victorious.
All Might looked to his girlfriend, “What the hell was that?”
“Your protege won, what do you mean?” She smiled, “You can ask him later, don’t worry about it now, he’s advancing. I’ll have to make sure the kids in the finals all get appointments when school reconvenes, poor Hitoshi - he’s had such a hard time. He really should be in the hero course, he just doesn’t have the combat training… I know what that’s like.”
Toshinori looked down to her and sighed, “You know… I always forget that you weren’t in a hero course… to me you are a hero, but… you should know what kids like Izuku and Shinsou go through better than anyone.”
Nodding she patted his back, “Do you want to go to the nurse with him? Get some talking in?”
He nodded, “Come with me?”
“No no, you go on, I’m going to go find Hitoshi,” she smiled and padded off in the direction he had gone, while Toshinori followed Midoriya toward Recovery Girl’s temporary office.
“Hitoshi, wait up!” She called out.
He turned and let out a sigh, “Miss Chairo… I didn’t expect to see you so soon… Though, I should have known you’d talk to the losers.”
“Hey. Stop right there,” she sighed and put her hands on her hips, “I wanted to come and talk to you because you did an incredible job today. You know that I think you belong in the hero course, but it isn’t up to me, unfortunately. But even if you don’t, there are still ways to become a hero you know.”
“You think I did incredible?”
Smiling she nodded, putting her hand on his back and filling him with man echo of pride, “Yes. You should be extremely proud of yourself, Hitoshi. I know I’m proud of you - and your classmates are too. I’m sure the hero course students also think you are a wonder. And even though young Izuku won today, I’m sure he thinks of you with the utmost respect.”
He took a deep breath and nodded, “I’ll be a hero.”
“Yes you will, of that I have no doubt.”
The boy finally cracked a small smile, “I’m gonna go sit with my classmates upstairs, is that okay?”
“Of course it is, you’ll come see me when school starts up again?”
He nodded, “Yes Miss, I will… thank you for caring.”
“Thank you for giving it your all, Hitoshi,” she smiled and waved at the boy as he hurried off to sit with the General Studies students upstairs. Nodding she felt a little better about what happened, satisfied he would be alright, as she headed back to the stadium to watch the next fight.
Taking her glasses off and running her hands over her face, she sighed, “God, today is such a long day… I’m glad they only have these once a year…” Looking up she sighed, “Oh god, this is gonna be another short one… AH!”
She had to dive out of the way as ice shards came flying into the hallway she occupied. One of them cut through her pant leg, slicing her thigh, the other cutting her cheek, “Fuck!” She gasped as she covered her head from the rest of the blast.
When the dust finally settled she looked up, the entrance to the hall was blocked with ice, she couldn’t see anything, but she already knew who won. Sighing, she pushed herself to her feet and moved to head to Recovery girl for some bandages, “He must have spoken to his father,” she hummed tot herself, pressing a cloth to her cheek to stop the bleeding.
Knocking on her door, she called out, “Chiyo, it's me!”
“Come in dear!” She called out.
Opening and shutting the door she was met with a familiar husky voice, “KERI!? What happened to you!? Are you alright!?”
Looking up she smiled, “Just hit by some stray ice shards…”
“That’s what that was? Ice?” Recovery Girl blinked, “The whole building shook!”
She nodded, “I just need some bandages.”
“Here - let me,” Toshinori went and grabbed some supplies, “Sit on the bed, Sunflower.”
Doing as she was instructed, Recovery Girl couldn’t help but smile, “You know, you two are the cutest couple I have seen in a long time. I was hoping you two would realize you had feelings for one another, I just didn’t think it would take so long.”
Blushing hard, Toshinori gently stuck a bandage to Keri’s cheek, kissing it tenderly, before looking back at her, “Well… you know… with everything going on its hard to have time for a love life…”
Keri smiled and ran a hand over his cheek, “You take such good care of me, my hero.”
Chiyo chuckled, “Honestly, so sweet, don’t let that girl go, do you understand me, Toshinori? You two were definitely made for each other.”
Toshinori blushed harder and nodded, cleaning and bandaging her thigh, kissing that as well, “All better.”
Leaning in she kissed his forehead, “Have you been getting enough rest? Should we head back up to the teachers box? You’ve been in Hero Form a lot of today already.”
“She’s right you know, go watch the rest of the matches. Some of the others have been quick as well, but the second rounds will start soon.”
He nodded, “Come on, Ree, let’s head back to our seats.”
9 notes · View notes
After a long busy day at work Y/N just finished up the last bit of paper work for her annoying boss Mr.Scott .
Y/N : Ughh finally now he can get off my back about this damn work .
Y/N gets ups from her desk with a pile of papers and heads to her boss office
Y/N : *knocks on Mr.Scott office door * Hello Mr.Scott I’m finally done with everything you asked me to
here you go .
Mr.Scott : Ahh yes thank you Y/N you know you’re my best worker in the office you’re really amazing you worked really hard go enjoy your weekend
Y/N : Thank you Mr.Scott I really appreciate that I will you enjoy yours as well
Y/n turns around and rolls her eyes while walking out Mr.Scotts office closing the door
Y/N : * starts mimicking Mr.Scott * Blah Blah anyways * Y/N cell phone starts ringing it’s her bestfriend Michelle *
Y/N : Hello
Michelle : Hey girl you off yet or you still being a lap dog for Mr.
Y/N : * starts laughing * I’m getting my stuff and leaving now and it’s Mr.Scott your crazy ass
Michelle : Girl you tryna
hang and do something tonight
Y/N : And whats that ?
Y/N : ahh I’m to tired I’ll see plus I don’t have nothing to wear
Michelle : Girl you say that boring ass excuse every weekend I’ll be to your house in about 15 mins so hurry up take a shower we are going to find you something to wear !
Clicks the phone hangs up *
Y/N : Hello ? Hello ? Ughh Crazy bitch Fine !!
Time skip to Y/Ns House *
Y/N : ughh my nice comfortable bed I should really get my ass up and get in the shower because 15 minutes for Michelle means 5 for me the girl drive like a bat out of hell
shower time *
Y/N : now I feel a lot better
knocking at door *
Y/N : nobody but Michelle * walking towards front door * Comingg
Michelle : Why you not dressed yet girl did you lay down first
Y/N : yes you know me to well , just sit right here and I’ll be ready in 5 mins
Michelle: yea sure grandma Daisy
Y/N : I am not a grandma shut up
Michelle : Hm whatever anyways whatchu got to eat in here * checks cabinets and fridge * just absolutely nothing that’s great girl you need to be in jail cause you aint got shit to eat what the hell you be doing ? starving your damn self ?
Y/N : No I don’t starve myself dumb ass I cook when I feel like it
Michelle: Ugh girl anyway
Y/N : I’m ready let’s go
Michelle: Finally lets go Miss Daisy so we can hurry up and find you something sexy
Time skip to the mall •
Michelle: oohh lets go in Agaci they got some cute ass clothes
Y/N : yess thats my favorite store lets hurry so we can go to the food court
Michelle: yea I bet you are hungry cause you aint got shit to eat in that house but crumbs and dust
Y/N : Girl shut up, I do got food it’s just i haven’t cooked it yet , but you wouldn’t know about that since all you do is burn ramen
Michelle: get out my business
both girls started laughing •
Michelle : Ouuu girl that rose gold dress is sexy as fuck hold it so you can try it on and this and this and this
Y/N : ok girl damn
Michelle : Oops Sorry
both girls start laughing •
Y/N : * stomach starts growling * Uhh * giggles * let’s just try these 5 dresses on
Michelle : Excuse me maam don’t be so rude umm , excuse me do you have any dressing rooms open ?
Store clerk: yes right this way
Y/N : thank you
Michelle : here call me if you need help
Y/N : Will do
Starts trying on clothes *
Y/N : ouu this fits nice but I really don’t like it
Next dress •
Y/N : Nope hate it
next dress •
Y/N : now this is the dress this is damn perfect ! And I have the perfect heels for it
Y/N picks the short skintight spaghetti straps that crosses in the back draw string on one side Rose Gold Dress
Y/N : Now let’s take this off so I won’t mess it up
Gets dress and exit dressing room •
Michelle : took you long enough and I’m shocked you didn’t call me
Y/N : I was fine anyway let’s go check out I’m starving
Michelle: Yea lets do that
leaving the store •
Y/N : So what are you wearing at the Pink Panther
Michelle: ouu girl I got this nice ass red dress with some cute ass black heels and my makeup is going to be hitting its going to be a sight for the boys
Y/N : ayeeee yess maam we definitely gonna bring life to the party I can’t wait can you do my makeup too ?
Michelle: you know I gotchu girl cause you need a man in your life all you do is work and go home do you even talk to niggas , no sneaky links , like damn you need to get back out there bestfriend you need to get them cheeks clapped for god sakes not a fuck buddy in sight just you and your damn cat
Y/N : Uhh you in my business , dont do that * starts laughing * anyways when I find someone again then I will right now I’m just chilling and leave my damn cat alone
Michelle: girl all I’m just saying is that that just chilling mess waits for nobody next thing you know yo ass just chilling in your damn rocking chair patting that damn cat and watching Golden Girls
Y/N : Aye bitch now wait cause aint nothing wrong with Golden Girls !
Michelle: I know it ain’t cause I watch a couple episodes here and there
Both girls start laughing again •
while walking to the food court Y/N kept hearing this laugh from somebody a happy cute laugh so she looked and she saw these 3 boys sitting at a table chatting and laughing
one of the boys caught her eye but she didn’t want to stare and make it obvious so she kept walking once Y/N and Michelle got their food they finally sat down and ate
Michelle: bitch this food was life a lady was hungry I don’t think I can get my ass up
Y/N : * laughing * you so damn extra this food was hitting but we do need to get up before we be sleeping at the damn mall cause they are about to close girl lets go .
time skip back to y/n house •
Michelle : Wheew bitch Ima take a nap before we start getting ready
Y/N : you know that don’t sound too bad I am a lil beat girl
Michelle : * snoring sounds *
Y/N : Ugh she get on my damn nerves
while Michelle was sleeping Y/N started to doze off as well but she couldn’t help to think about what Michelle was saying in the mall telling y/n to get back out there and have fun . Previously Y/N had bad luck with relationships and guys although her last fling wasn’t but 4 months ago so it wasn’t that long ago since she had sex or anything •
Alarm starts going off @10 pm •
Michelle: Ok bitch wake up lets get fine cut some music on lets go
Y/N : ouu you heard that new Megan
starts playing Megan the Stallion •
Time Skip to wear Y/N is putting on her dress and heels both girls are done getting ready •
Michelle: Ouuuu bitch now you know you know damn you aint got no business being this fine and I’m serious girl you look good
Y/N : you see me bitch
Bitch that red dress is cute as fuck omg we did a bomb ass job with everything we need to take pictures !
Michelle: a wise man once said A Beat Face starts a Case , Free The Titty Protect The City
Y/N : * starts laughing * Girl who the hell told you that crazy ass shit anyways lets go
Club time
Purpleish Pink lights , Loud music playing and people everywhere •
Michelle: Girl this shit is hitting lets go get a drink and a booth
Y/N : Yes I need a good drink
while at the bar Y/N heard the same laugh from the mall earlier and thought is this the same guy Y/N turns around and sees a group of guys the same 3 dudes from the mall they just added 4 more
dudes to the group and she sees the same cute guy and they met eye to eye a cute , bunny smile bright eyed guy who was wearing some black pants , black shirt , black leather jacket and and some black shoes Y/N was staring so hard the guy winked at Y/N
Y/N : Girl dont look too fast but its 7 fine ass boys behind us and I caught one their attention and he winked at me
Michelle: omg bitch where
Y/N : behind us !
Michelle : do one of them got on all black
Y/N : yea and he got a cute bunny smile
Michelle: yea
Y/N : yes bitch thats them
Michelle: ouu girl they walking over here
Y/N : well bitch quick turnaround so staring
Michelle: okokok just act normal
the 7 boys walked to the bar where Y/N and Michelle were bunny guy leading the pack and approached Y/N
? : Excuse me maam I couldn’t help but to see you looking I think I saw you at the mall earlier
Y/N : uhh yea sorry I didn’t mean to stare , I think I saw you too
? : No its ok I dont mind I was staring back myself
Y/N : Ohh * starts laughing and playing with her hair *
? : I’m sorry I’m Jungkook and these are my friends Tae , Jimin , Hobi , Namjoon , Yoongi and Jin
Y/N : Well hello nice to meet you all I’m Y/N and this is my bestfriend Michelle
Michelle: Hey yall wassup nice to meet you all
Michelle and Tae had been blushing and smiling at each other for a while until Tae came and sat by Michelle at the bar •
Tae : can I buy you a drink or something
Michelle : Sure that would be nice thank you
Namjoon : Jungkook you should invite her over to our booth to sit and chill
Jin : Yea go back to our booth before it gets taken , Hobi do you want to dance I made some new dance moves
Hobi : Shit wassup I’m down
Jimin : I’m coming to watch you make a fool of yourself so I can laugh
Namjoon : Yea I think I’ll go to , Tae you coming? Tae , Tae
Tae wasn’t paying attention to anyone but Michelle they were flirting at the bar •
Tae : Huh ? No go ahead
Namjoon : * shakes his head * whatever , Yoongi ?
Yoongi : Yea I’m coming to watch ans make sure Jin doesn’t hurt his self you know how he is
Namjoon: Yea you do have a point
Y/N and Jungkook began laughing at Namjoon and then Jungkook turned to you and asked •
Jungkook: Do you want to come sit with me at the booth and we can get to know each other
Y/N : Yea let me let Michelle know
Y/N looks to the side and see that Michelle and Tae are too focused on each other that they not even paying attention so Y/N taps Michelle on the shoulder and says •
Y/N : sorry to interrupt but I’m going to go sit with Jungkook at the booth maybe y’all need to go sit and mingle in private to so y’all can get away from the bar
Tae : * looks at Michelle * how would you like to go sit at booth by ourselves * Smirking licking his lips with his glossy eyes *
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mysideblogofsurveys · 4 years
Survey 16.
Favorite beverage: Well, Water I guess.  I like drinking Mt. Dew or Coffee but I’ve cut back on all that stuff (but I will have a cup of coffee every morning)
When was the last time you had ketchup? On Saturday.  We made Sweet Potato Fries but they don’t really good with ketchup
What is the most recent gift you've been given? My co-workers gave me a GrubHub gift card for all the help (they’re working from home but I still go into the office so they e-mail what they need to do to me so I can do it for them - I actually hate doing it but..we don’t really have a choice).  Anyway, they wanted to give me something as “Thanks for all the help” and I told them a simple “Thank You” is all I want but people don’t listen. (Not to be ungrateful but I don’t like receiving gifts from anyone other than family and NO ONE listens and gives me things anyway).
Did you leave the house today? Not yet, I’ll be leaving about 8:10 to go to work
Are there bumper stickers on your car? Yes :) a “Straw Hat” pirate one from the anime One Piece and an EXO sticker for the kpop group.
Are you watching tv right now? Kind of.  “Dark” on Netflix.  I paused it briefly though to read these questions - its in German so I need to read the subtitles.
Are you wearing anything blue? No
Do you have a job? Yes..but I’ve been thinking about quitting so I can move back to the city I loved.  Life is too short to live in a place you don’t like and I’ve seen other jobs I can apply for so I’m not worried.
Is your car messy? No, I like to keep it clean.
When did you last have whipped cream? This morning..I like using heavy whipping cream in my coffee (as opposed to the other creamers that are all sugar).  My husband uses the canned/aerosol whipped cream in his coffee though.
How far away is the closest house? Literally down 2 flights of stairs.  I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment.
What street do you live on? On one that has a cool name
Are you dating anyone? I’m married.
What color is you computer? Both my laptop and desktop are black
Do you own an iPod? What color is it? I do!  I won an iPod at my high school graduation celebration (my class had a “lock in” at the school - basically they “lock” you in the school (from like 6pm to 6am) where you can play games, nap if you want, eat all sorts of junk food or just hang out and have a party for everyone graduating, it was a lot of fun.  They had a raffle before everyone went home the next morning and I won an iPod (this was in 2006 so a long time ago lol) But it was just the standard black one.
What is the most recent picture on your phone/camera of: UGH OMG so I forgot I took a picture of this DISGUSTING roach that I found in our apt on Friday night.  They’re not the tiny/infestation ones, they’re large “Palmetto Bug” roaches that tend to wander into houses that have cracks and our vents.  Since I live in an apartment, theres not much I can do about it. I can’t wait to move!!!
Have you ever shot a gun? Oh definitely, we like to go to the gun range with my father-in-law.  Its a great way for us to bond and I hope to God I’ll never ever have to actually use one but I like the idea of not being completely defenseless if someone breaks into my house (as I’m small and could easily get overpowered)
What temperature is it? Maybe 70 in the apt but probably 80s outside? Do you know anyone with a third nipple? Uh..no.
What do your parents do for a living? My Mom is a dental hygienist and my Dad is an Electrician.
Have you ever had a pet that had babies? No :/ I always thought that would have been fun though
Which grocery store is closest to you? Publix
Do you have a hamper in your room? Yes
Do you know anyone that's a nurse? Yes but I haven’t talked to him in years.
Do you know someone with the name Alaina? No
What color is the blanket on your bed? Ahh, black blankets, blue blankets, purple blanket..we have like 4 or 5 blankets on our bed.
What are your parent's middle names? Well, one starts with an “S” the other starts with an “E”
Have you ever broken a bone? Yes, kind of
Do you wear braces or glasses? I wear glasses and had braces growing up.
What color are they? I’m assuming my glasses?  They’re black and have tiny stars in the corner. 
Are you currently reading a book? Yes, I’m reading “Legends of the Alfar” by Markus Heitz
When did you last get your blood drawn? Its been quite a few years
Have you ever done hard drugs? No, I’ve smoked weed before but didn’t like it.
How many contacts are in your phone? A lot but thats because I haven’t deleted them.  If I deleted everyone I don’t talk to, there wouldn’t be many.
Does your toilet have a seat cover? No.
What's currently on your grocery list? I have a whole list.  We haven’t been to the grocery store in a few days but we need to go when I get off work.
What things do you take with you everywhere? Wallet, phone, car keys..and my Zune (yes, the MP3 player from like 2000 lol)
Do you know someone that is/was over 100 years old? No but my Great-Grandpa is still living and he’s 96
Was your HS principal a girl or a boy? Woman I think..I actually don’t remember
Have you ever eaten a raw egg? No
Do you own any rings? Yes
Have you eaten fruit today? Not yet.  I’ve peeled 2 clementines for my breakfast when I get to work though
What about milk? Nope, not for a couple weeks.
What letter does your state start with? F
Could you list all 50 states? Easily.
What about their capitals? No, I used to be able to though
What internet browser do you use? Firefox.
Do you know anyone that lives in Wyoming? No, but my Husband and I joke about just leaving everything and moving there sometimes (to just get away from all the idiocy we see in this city).  I can’t believe there are only 500,000 people living in the entire state!
Do you smoke cigarettes? No
Which person you know has the most unique name? A few I suppose
Do you know someone that's missing a limb? No
Do you have facial hair? I don’t but my husband does Are you a bad person? I’m not and I hope no one thinks I am
What was the last swear you said? Bullshit (referring to my state closing beaches for Independence Day - yes I realize this was over a week ago but it still annoys me)
Have you ever called the police on someone? No
What is the most amount of pets you've had at one time? Two - a cat and dog
When did you last check your email? Yesterday.
Have you ever had a 3rd degree burn? No
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes, I fainted at work on time and they brought me to the hospital to find out what was wrong - thankfully it was nothing major
How long is your hair? About the middle of my back
Do you lock your doors at night? Oh yeah, they’re always locked even when we’re home.
Does your bedroom have a lock? Our bedroom doors do not
What do you have at your bedside? I have a table with old mail, a clock and sometimes my book (I want to read more before bed instead of looking at my phone)
How big is your bed? King
Do you know someone that was murdered? No
Do you know someone who's pregnant? No.  My friend was pregnant recently but she miscarried :(
Do you wear a watch? No, but I want to start wearing one!
What was your first pet? A cat
How much jewelry do you own? Not too much.  I don’t really wear jewelry.
What is the closest purple thing? My EXO pencil bag - it has their logo in a galaxy themed colors (purple, blue and green)
Green? Same thing as above
What time is it? 7:44am
What is your ideal profession? I wish I knew!! I have no idea :(
How tall are you? Like 5′0
Have you ever gotten x-rays? Yes
Do you wear gloves in the winter? I would but its never Winter in FL.
Do you consider yourself smart? Eh, so so.  I’m not stupid but I”m also not a genius.  I’m just average.
What color eyes are the prettiest? Gray-Blue eyes or Dark brown
Are your teeth straight? Yes
Do you like chocolate milk? I do but I don’t drink it because of all the sugar
Do you own a bike? No, I haven’t in years.  I want to buy one though but theres not really a place to bike where I live right now.
Are you taller than your mom? No, she’s like 5′1 lol so she’s just barely taller than me
Have you ever been engaged? Yes :)
What, in your opinion, is the ugliest name? I dont’ know, I don’t particularly like the old style names though
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luminaxandra · 6 years
So here's an interesting au thing #RichDeku au
-Izuku is Quirkless
-Katsuki bullies deku because of it
-one day at the rooftop of the school katsuki accidentally pushed Izuku off the roof when he and a few other bullies with fighting him
-luckily izuku survives but his legs are now crippled and unusable, He uses a wheelchair now
- Katsuki regrets this alot
-Izuku's dad is a super rich guy who died and gave all his money and resources to Inko
-inko never used them until izuku legs were crippled
-Izuku's dad bought him an entire building before he died and placed it under Izuku's name
- Izuku's dad was a very successful Information broker for both Heroes and Villains.
-Izuku becomes the succesor of his late father's job and opts to live in the building with his mom while hiring a few mercs to keep guard. He's never leaves the building since
-Katsuki becomes Izuku's self proclaimed body guard (he actually gets paid tho). But still wants to be a hero
- Izuku and Katsuki apply for ua as a duo
-Izuku doesn't leave the building but instead uses holographs and tiny flying bug cameras to go out.
-Katsuki wears a chocker he calls "The Eye of Rah" thats actually a 360 camera for deku with a GPS tracker.
- his hero costume also has an eye on his forehead, its also a 360 camera
-Izuku becomes Katsuki's on battle informant and strategist
-he is also a skilled hacker
- Katsuki "I have eyes in the skies and ears on the walls, no matter where you hide or what the fuck your hiding. DEKU will find it out for me. And then you'll die"
-They are basically the dream Support+Hero team.
-Deku has Bird cams, Fly cams, Spider cams, Dog cams, Cat cams, Mosquito cams and cockroach cams. He uses them to spy on people and you'll never know which ones are cameras cus they look and act so alike. The only way you'll know is if you squash them and robo parts come out.
- Izuku has already technically passed college level but chooses to stay at highschool level to support Katsuki.
-He is BASICALLY the bottom sugar daddy
- Katsuki "Money? All i have to do is snap my fingers and show my credit card and litterally every worker in this mall will kiss my shoes"
- phone suddenly rings "Kaachan~! I need you to get me a box no 3 BOXES of pocky~~~ thank youuuuu" hangs up
-Izuku has THAT MUCH MONEY also because he has alot of influence in high places
-Katsuki spends a lot on his Costume and wrist Braces.
- One day UA class 1-A & B go on a field trio to see the central of Information brokers, Midori Inc. Where people can come, sell their information, buy information, get an information network and hire a manager to handle to the networks. The Midori Inc looks like a building for the future ie, Holograms, Hoverboards, lots of glass tunnels for messages, robots, Uniformed informats.
-The reason why Midori Inc hasn't been forcibily shut down is because it has alot of dirt on the Goverment, Politics and almost every hero out there. You mess with M.I? Prepare to have your darkest deepesr secrets and weaknesses unveiled in broad daylight.
-All the workers including the robots call Katsuki "Young master Katsuki", Mitsuki "Mistress Mitsuki", Masaru "Master Masaru" , Inko "Madam", and Izuku "The Big Boss" even tho he is very smol
- The Bakugous and Midoriyas live on the same floor with different rooms but a big door connecting them both in the middle of it
- Izuku and Katsuki share a room with 2 big beds (They like to combine the beds) just incase Izuku needs help with anything.
- and yes, There are robot pets
- also yes #Dadmight
- the UA classes are #shooketh and they are provided with 2nd Class Building Clearence so they get to tour around the offices, training facilities and Science/IT labs. Where they meet Intern Hatsume Mei ❤
- But they don't have clearance to the Residence floors, The Private training facilities, The VIP training, Gym and spa facilities and the TOP floor where Izuku works
-Luckily Katsuki has Master Building Clearance so after (a lot of bribing) they check out the VIP Facilities and travel up to the top floor where they finally meet Midoriya Izuku in the flesh.
-And izuku is a Shy Smol Bab in which Katsuki likes to push around with his wheel chair (It's relaxing for him lol)
-Izuku's wheel chair is the top of the line Hover wheel chair with extra cushion and mobility (inko : Only the best for my baby izuku)
- it also has a tazer
- and a peper spray can
- Basically Izuku is Charles X without the super powers and More money 😉 and no teen students but a lot of grown up students who want to learn how to trade info
I had to put this up so i dont forget lol for myb next month or when i have free time 😂
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mind-writing0 · 5 years
Chapter 32
He might light a fire, deep within,
But we'll light a fire, onto your skin,
In light of recent crimes,
that you've done,
You no longer have the chance,
To be a One.
Virgil woke up with warmth, though he was slightly uncomfortable. Valerie had stayed up with him, chatting about the party and the newfound fact that ever since dancing with Lance's younger sister, she might have started liking girls as well. Now she was resting on top of him, snoring lightly as her curls fell across her face. They hadn't slept in the same bed since they were  really young, and Valerie was scared of thunderstorms.
"Sir Virgil, wake up please. We—we have to get going." Katie said, tapping his shoulder again.
"What's going on, Pidge?" Virgil slurred sleepily. Allura was working on waking Valerie.
"There is...there...I can't tell you now, but we need to get ready." Pidge replied gravely, then walking over to the closet and pulling out a black suit and dress shirt, with a black tie to match.
Valerie got up, still sleepy, and followed Allura out with a nod to Virgil. The Elite boy went to the bathroom to get dressed, and as he fitted his tie, his hands began shaking. His breathing got heavy, and his eyes were watering. "K-Katie?" He opened the restroom door, "Who died?"
"What?" Katie replied, then her look of confusion melted to one of gentle pity. "No, no one died." She went up to him and straightend out his suit and tie. "That's all you need to think about during this. No one died today."
Virgil nodded, breathing shakily, and Katie lead him out to the hall. Patton, Logan, and Bill all stood, wearing similar clothing and looks of confusion. A guard lead them downstairs and to the front of the palace. Virgil's heart was beating hard in his chest; what could possibly be going on? And where was Lance?
The sunlight streamed through the giant oak doors when they were opened as if the world was unaware anything was wrong. Virgil really wished Lance was here to talk to; he'd probably hear enough of what he calls "tea" to tell him what was going on.
Outside, risers were set up like a giant arena. Maybe that was it, Virgil thought, they're putting on a play or something. All the parents and family were here, so it was a perfect opportunity.
Just as the Elite stood in their assigned place long enough to wonder what was ever going to happen, there was a ruffling behind the curtains of the stage. Suddenly, two figures were shoved out and into the bright light of day. As Virgil comprehended it, it was Lance and Officer Kogane. Lance's white suit with angel's wings was ripped, one wing hanging by a thread, along with taters on the guard's uniform. What had happened to them?
"Ladies and gentlemen," an announcer spoke from a microphone in the box where the royal family sat. "It brings me great grief to announce that a crime was committed last night; a treason stricken right into the heart of the prince!"
Virgil looked frantically from Lance and the officer to Roman, trying to piece together things a moment before he was told.
"Last night," the announcer continued, "our very own public favorite, Sir Lance McClain, was found in close relations with a guard, Officer Keith Kogane! Caught on camera, the two are now to be punished for their crimes!"
Virgil, along with many other, gasped and looked back at the victims. They were now being thrown into slacks, their hands bound by wood as if readying for death.
"The punishment for this heinous atrocity on the royal family as the law states is death," he paused, and as messed up as it seemed, for dramatic effect. "Though the merciful Prince Roman has decided to sentences them to fifteen strikes of a cane, and they will be denoted to Eights, the lowest of the low! Long live the prince!"
Virgil was crying before he had the chance to acknowledge it. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. Just last night he had, rationally, agreed to marry Prince Roman. He knew that Lance and the Officer had had some teasing interactions, but there had to be some kind of mistake.
"One!" The announcer spoke out. They must have done the preparations while Virgil was zoned out. With a horrific crack, a soaked wooden cane was beaten against Officer Kogane's back, and the same was done to Lance's hands. Why they didn't receive the same form of punishment, Virgil couldn't guess. It was probably because, disturbingly, Lance was seen as property of Ailea. He couldn't be harmed as much as a guard seen within hundreds as disposable.
What was everyone doing? Why was no one doing something? Lance's family was in tears, the young ones' eyes being shielded from the horror they were being forced to witness. Virgil looked towards the royal box, to see Prince Roman showing absolutely no emotion. A touch of sadness, of regret for this sentence? None.
Six!" Lance let out a piercing scream as his hands were hit again, splitting open as blood spilled out. Virgil would never forget, as tears streaked down from eyes that couldn't believe what they were seeing. Keith braced against his own wooden captivity, streaks of ripped flesh leaving permanent scars down his back.
"L-Lance," Keith breathed shakily, grunting in pain as he was barely given enough time to feel the pain before another hit. "I—I love you...we'll get through this...I'm so sorry..."
Lance gritted his teeth and tried to move his now paralyzed fingers. "I...I love you, too, Keith...it's okay—"
Virgil clenched his fist. Just last night the Prince had unofficially proposed to him, so why did he have to do this? He was the one who sentenced Virgil's best friend and this nice guard to this, and for what? Did a kiss caught on camera really justify this? It couldn't. Virgil had to put a stop to this, he'd been standing paralyzed for too long.
Virgil, hardly making a decision about anything, shoved past the Elite and guards towards the stage. "Lance!" He called out, panicked. "Lance! Stop, stop!"
Lance looked up, though he was so blinded with pain he wasn't registering what was happening. His head fell back down; he must have passed out. The guards got to Virgil, and they were forcefully holding him back throughout his fight back. He squirmed and cried, his breathing more and more limited by the second. "P-please, stop! He's good—he's good, stop—"
Virgil could hear shouts from everyone, all different things he couldn't begin to process. One of the guards hissed something into his ear—something about bringing justice to him too if he didn't quit—and pulled him away towards the palace he now saw as a cage again, the screams of lost lovers still ringing out behind him.
Next (Coming Soon)
@its-the-cat-queen@notalwaysthevillian@the-doctor-demigod-wizard @avocados26@2-many-fandoms-to-chose-from@randomsandersides @misera-libera @kawaii-harmony@seeyoube@dabby-the-disappointment@kaioanxiety@toxicity-levels-critical@sandersfandersblog@tryingtoohard-noclue@amazable01 @hazelswann@ray-iplier@thats-so-crash@thatsthat24 @shootingace@marshmallow-the-panda@sortablue@random-artsy-space-dude@galaxy-lilies-main @magicaldestinayspaceunicorn@theunoriginaldaisy@lydixa-petal@sombraplayslazertag@ray-is-bored@pumpkinminette@ray-is-bored @shesawkward @your-anxious-nightmare @positive-pancake
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sammmys-writing · 6 years
First Date
Pairing: Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi (Barisi)
TW: None
Summary: Sonny finally gets the guts to ask Rafael out on a date and does so
Authors notes: ho- LEE FUCK THIS IS LONG (2,246 words uwu) also i wrote this at like 1AM and its not Beta-ed so please excuse any OOCness. 
Amanda and Sonny being best friends is true MlM WlW soldarity
This is also posted on AO3. Read it Here
"Carisi has a crush, Carisi has a crush~~" Rollins teased in a sing-song voice once the ruthless ADA, (and Sonny's aforementioned crush) Rafael Barba had left earshot.
"I don't have a crush!!" The other exclaimed defensively. Ok, maybe he had a tiny crush on the ADA, but who wouldn't?? Especially with those fierce forest green eyes and the way they twinkled on the rare occasion that he laughed, or his pretty little "I'm Winning" Smirk that only showed up in court, but that Sonny would pay to see.
"Yeah and you didn't just stare at and flirt with Barba for..." She checked her watch "Half an hour" She snorted, poking at Carisi's side.
"I wasn't staring I was... being an attentive listener" He stated, hoping that his excuse would get the other detective to leave him alone about this.
"Right, so you weren't staring straight at his lips the whole time" She said skeptically, raising one eyebrow up. He'd seen her use this tactic in interrogations, but it wouldn't work on him, not today at least.
"I wasn't staring at his lips!!"
Yes he was.
"And the flirting?" She inquired.
"He was flirting with me and i was being polite. How do you know that its he who's crushing on me and not the other way around? Check and Mate" He smirked, crossing his arms.
"What ever you say tough guy" Rollins snorted before going back to her work.
Unbeknownst to either detective, Rafael Barba was in fact crushing on Sonny Carisi. Somehow the lanky detective had wormed his way into his heart, with his absolutely kissable lips, bright blue eyes, and those god damn dimples that would certainly be the death of him. But, sadly, Rafael was pretty sure that Sonny was straight, as he'd always seen him flirting with women at NYPD parties that he was encouraged (forced) to attend.
Although this knowledge didn't prevent his heart from melting as a result of Carisi's laugh or the way he was constantly leaning over things, giving Barba a nice view of his ass. It also didn't stop him from being slightly jealous when he caught someone else eyeing those long perfect legs, connected to that perfect ass. Still, he acted professional, he kept his feelings under wraps, he willed himself to look away whenever Carisi leaned over something (Most of the time), like he did literally every time Barba visited the precinct, and he never actively sought him out unless it was pertinent to the current case. He was slightly afraid of his feelings for the detective getting the better of him. His train of thought was cut off as Carmen entered his office to say
"Mr Barba, Detective Carisi's here to see you"
Sonny walked in as Carmen was leaving and he flashed the ADA one of those award winning smiles that Rafael couldn't get enough of.
"Good evening Detective, what brings you here?" He asked, not looking up from the papers he was working on
"Well, I was wondering, Counselor, if..." He paused "You'd like to go to dinner, with me" the Detective added looking down, which made a few pieces of his hair fall to his forehead, free from the  grip of the hair gel he most likely used.
Barba for once was at a slight loss for words, he looked up from his papers and a slight smirk appeared on his lips, "Are you asking me out on a date, Detective?"
"Would you say yes if I was?" Replied the detective, looking up, his baby blues brighter then normal.
"Are you free tomorrow at 8?"
"Y-Yeah, I am"
"Meet me at DiAngelo's at 8"
Carisi smiled brightly and nodded, "I gotta go now or Picatso will get all weird when I get home. See ya tomorrow Counselor!" He said, waving his goodbyes before exiting Barba's office happily knowing he had a date with his crush.
Meanwhile Barba was rethinking all of his life choices that had led up to when he had fallen for a man who'd named his cat Picatso.
[Sonny  days] roLLINS
[Rollin' in the deep] i knew you had a crush on him carisi
[Sonny  days] yeah, yeah, yeah, alright you were right, but still
[Rollin' in the deep] with what? just let him slam it home
[Sonny  days] thats like
the exact opposite of helping
what do i do with the date, like how
how does someone do a date
[Rollin' in the deep] ;)
[Sonny  days] stop or i block
[Rollin' in the deep] ;(
have you told him about Picatso yet?
[Sonny  days] yeah??
[Rollin' in the deep] and he didn't bail instantly? he must really like you
[Sonny  days] hey, Picatso is the perfect name for a cat
[Rollin' in the deep] that is not a cat
thats a demon from hell
[Sonny  days] he just doesnt like you because he can sense how much you hate him
animals are like that
anyway, back on topic, help please??
[Rollin' in the deep] Just, talk to him about mutual interest's or ask him about himself or smthn i dont knoW
I don't know man!! i havent been on a first date in so long
[Sonny boy] since you've been banging the lieu
[Rollin' in the deep] speaking of liv, Noah just fell asleep you know what that means
[Sonny  days] gross
[Rollin' in the deep] ;)
get some carisi!! now i gotta go its time for some designated lady time
[Sonny  days] have a good time rollins
and please never say designated lady time ever again
The next day at 8 o'clock, Sonny Carisi walked up to the DiAngelo's restaurant in a nice white pressed shirt and dress pants with a navy tie, not his work clothes, Barba was too good for him to wear his work clothes on a date with him, he saw Barba standing outside the restaurant, wearing a suit, like always. Sonny wondered what he looked like in home clothes or pyjamas, hopefully, if dinner went well he'd have a chance to see that.
"Hey counselor!" He called, waving to the hot ADA as he walked towards him.
Rafael smiled warmly at the tall blue-eyed detective, waving back.
"You're not late Carisi, I'm surprised" He joked lightly, giving the detective a quick look down, he dressed nice, better then what he wore to work at least.
Carisi smiled at the comment. "I try counselor." He chuckled, "Shall we go in?" he asked, offering his arm, internally panicking about this, he was trying to follow the WikiHow article he read on how to act on a first date, so far it was working.
Barba smiled again, "Call me Rafael" He said, taking his arm and the pair went inside, where they were seated quickly in a little booth in the corner. The date went rather well as far as first dates with your co-worker are concerned, they chatted and laughed, happy in their own little world.
Rafael was sure he'd just fallen even harder for the blue eyed detective sitting across from him. He talked with his hands lot, this was something he had never noticed before, when telling funny little stories of his childhood in Staten Island suburbia, he made grand gestures with his hands, whether he was explaining his sisters giant crush on his best friend, or how he fell off of the playground structure when he was 10 and had to be in a wheelchair for a month.
Carisi noticed how Rafael's eyes softened when he talked about his grandma or his mom, telling stories of his childhood, how he poured himself into his studies and go to college against the odds, go to Harvard, it was truly inspiring and Carisi was reminded of why he fell for the green eyed ADA. He was the most interesting man he'd ever met.
"My apartment isn't far from here, wanna come over, end the night with a few drinks?" Carisi asked as they exited the restaurant after dinner, looking down.
"Sure" Barba replied, after a few moments of hesitation. "Lead the way" He chuckled.
As they walked, they chatted some more, sharing thoughts about cases, the law, and ridiculous perp names that Sonny had encountered during his years as a detective, ("You arrested a guy called Dick Hertz?" "Crazy right?")
Carisi was happy to learn more about Rafael, see the softer side of him, which was just as hot as the snarky work version of him, (in Sonny's opinion at least). Meanwhile Rafael had learned that Sonny was just as loud outside of work as he was in work, which to be honest wasn't surprising and kinda endearing to say the least.
Once they entered Sonny's apartment, Picatso rubbed up against the pairs legs, seeking attention from his owner and this new person he'd brought into the house.
"Hey stinky man" Sonny greeted the eager cat, leaning down to give him a quick pet, before shutting the door behind them and putting up his coat, "Want anything to drink? I got wine, whiskey, tea, coffee, water" He stated, turning around to look at Rafael, smiling a bit. Hopefully his apartment was clean enough, he didn't have much of a chance to clean up beforehand but he thought it looked presentable.
"I'll have a whiskey" Barba replied, hanging up his coat and glancing down at the cat, it was rubbing up against his leg and trying to sniff him to make sure he wasn't an enemy. Rafael wasn't particularly fond of felines but Picatso (what'd the cat do to be named that) seemed reasonable, he leaned over, giving his hand to sniff before he gave the cat a hesitant pet on the head, Picatso purred quietly, liking the attention from the new human.
"He likes you" Carisi smiled, coming back with two glasses, one with whiskey and another with wine. "I think thats the fastest ive ever seen him warm up to someone" He chuckled, handing the glass of whiskey to Barba as he got up. Picatso protested the end of the attention with a quiet meow, he looked to his owner for more but he paid him no heed.
Rafael smiled softly, taking the glass.
"Come, let's sit" Sonny lead Rafael inside, sitting on the couch and motioning for Barba to sit next to him, which he did.
They sat in awkward silence for a moment, before Rafael spoke up.
"How long have you wanted to go out with me" He asked, Sonny looked slightly embarrassed.
"You don't have to be a  detective to notice that" he chuckled, sipping at his drink.
Sonny turned slightly pink, and sipped his wine
"Its fine,  it's kinda cute actually"
At this Sonny blushed harder, "A year  or so" he mumbled.
Rafael smiled a bit, but hid it  by taking a sip of his whiskey. "If it makes you feel any better I've probably been pining for you for longer" He chuckled.
Sonny laughed at this quietly, "Wanna bet?" he joked. "During the moustache or after?" he asked
"Oh god, please never again remind me of your awful moustache"
"I thought it looked good"
"It made you look like a cheap pornstar from the eighties"
"I bet teenage you would've jumped at the chance to sleep with a pornstar back then"
Barba just laughed, and Sonny laughed with him. Both men unconsciously leaned closer to each other. Sonny would never be sure if it was them being comfortable with eachother, or him being slightly more confident (due to the alcohol from dinner and  the drinks now), or a bit of both that made him do it but he closed that gap between them after a moment of  silence, by pressing his lips to Rafaels and kissing him,  softly and slowly.
Rafael kissed back after a moment of surprise. Sparks flew between them and Sonny was astonished that  the other would kiss back. Soon enough, the  drinks were abandoned and Sonny deepened the kiss, moving closer.
That endeavor, however, soon devolved into Sonny kinda straddling the ADA and them hardcore making out, Rafels hands in Sonny's hair, removing it from the hold that the detectives hair gel had it in, and Sonny's arms around Rafaels waist, keeping the pair close.
By Sonny's standards, this was probably the best make out session her ever had the pleasure of being involved in, and judging by the way it was going he was hopefully going to be experiencing it much more.
[Rollin' in the deep] carisi how was ur date
did you guys talk wistfully about everything and nothing while staring into each others eyes
[Sonny days] that is the cheesiest thing ive ever heard
and me and my sister once talked for an entire hour in just cheese puns
[Rollin' in the deep] pffft
[Sonny days] getting back on topic
it was fine
normal first date stuff
we kissed
[Rollin' in the deep] a kiss?
thats nothing
tell me when u fuck
[Sonny  days] haha
even though you'll probably be the first one i tell
[Rollin' in the deep] fuck yeaaaahhh
give me those relationship deets or i will die
i've watched you 2 pine for each other for too long, i need to know everything
[Sonny  days] yeah yeah, ill tell you more tomorrow its too fuckin late for this shit
night rollins
[Rollin' in the deep] night carisi
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rogers-greasegun · 6 years
28 Question
I was tagged by @instantezra thank u bb i luh uuuu
Rules: tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions, tag 20 people
1. How tall are you?
5′5″ aka very very average
2. What color and what style is your hair?
right now its dark brown almost black. Naturally i’m a super light mousy brown and this color was a mistake, I tried to dye my blue hair back to a natural color for a musical I was in but i forget bleached hair takes super quickly so it turned out pitch black, but I like it. It’s been a few months since I dyed it so it’s faded and my roots are hella grown out but I’m thinking of keeping it black.
Stylewise it just barely touches my shoulders and its all one length, no layers or anything, just a straight bob. I usually just wear it down
3. What color are your eyes?
a pale blue that’s darker around the edges 
4. Do you wear glasses?
5. Do you wear braces?
i did from like 13-15 now i have a top and bottom permanent retainer
6. What is your fashion style?
i lean kinda 90s grunge ish. like every pair of jeans I own, except for 1, is ripped. usually with a t-shirt that’s usually a dark color. I wear black top converse 90% of the time if I don’t wear those its vans
i’ve never put my fashion style into works now i feel like a fanfic character in 2009 im so sorry 
7. Full name?
Kristie Lynn [LAST NAME] idk if I wanna give out my last name to all of tumblr so uh yeah. but Kristie is my full name people always think its short for something but it’s just my name
8. When were you born?
July 17th 1998
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?
i’m a small town in central FL, like an hour north of Orlando, now I live on the space coast of florida!
10. What school do you go to?
Florida Institute of Technology 
11. What kind of student are you?
I’m decent i think? I plan a lot but following through is another deal. my first like 3 semester of college were rough but now i’m on my 6th and i got the hang out it. my best quality is i usually try and start studying a week before an exam so i’m super prepared
12. Do you like school?
mostly?? I enjoy most of my classes, I just dont like the stress that it puts me under 
13. What are your favorite school subjects?
in hs I loved history and english so much, but I also adored chemsitry, which is what I’m majoring in now! Under the realm of chemistry I absolutely love organic chem with my soul. im want a PhD in chem eventually and im leaning toward a specialty in organic analytical chem is really ineteresting too. 
14. Favorite TV shows?
Brookyln 99, Parks and Rec, The Office, Cutthroat Kitchen, SCRUBS, uh i can’t think of anything else
15. Favorite Movies?
oh man. Game Night, Bohemian Rhapsody (obviously), Ratatouille, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and uh idk man this is hard
16. Favorite Books
The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brian, Elenor And Park by Rainbow Rowell, the Harry Potter series (OOP is my fav) Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, again there’s more but I can’t think of any
17. Favorite pastime?
I like hanging with pals, watching tv and movies, crosstiching, reading books ( i need to get back into that), playing video games
18. Do you have any regrets?
oof i mean yeah
19. Dream job?
leading a lab where i’m fully funded and i can research whatever i want. Id also love to be an actor 
20. Would you like to get married someday?
not for a long time but i’d love to once i find somone i know i can spend my life with 
21. Would you like to have kids someday?
right now no, but who knows it may change. id like to adopt
22. How many?
if i do two? I knda grew up an only child cause my brother is 12 years older than me and my sister lived in a different state so i would want my kids to have siblings cause I was lonley as a kid and I dont want that for them
23. Do you like shopping?
oh boy yeah
24. What countries have you visited?
haven’t really left the states so rip
25. What is the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
probably those ones where nobody i know knows me and i’m all alone, but i can’t remember any specifically thank god
26. Do you have any enemies?
i hope not?? I mean me and my moms bf 1000% dont get along but idk if thats an enemy
27. Do you have a s/o?
28. Do you believe in miracles?
i more believe that people can come together and make miraculous things happen, but they’re not random they’re because of hard work 
so 28 is a lot ppl so we’re not doing that. I’m tagging @killeerrqueenn, @languagebarnes, @chriscornell1991, @deacydeacy, @smile-nine and uh i know there’s more bbut if anyone wants to do it feel free!
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amaralanegra · 6 years
Into the Abyss (and back into you)
ao3 link
Chapter 1:  First Day
Pairings: A LOT
Warnings: none atm
Summary: After being rescued, child soldier survivor Bucky Barnes tries his hardest to have a normal, ordinary high school life despite the terrors that still haunt him. One day, he receives an email that he thought would never come -- the private investigator he had hired found his mother. He has to make a plan and act quick if he doesn't want to lose her again. Sam Wilson, aspiring therapist, loves his family and his friends. After his best friend Bucky cuts off communication from their friend group, his sister goes missing. A hashtag, a social media movement, a nationwide search. But there's no trace of her. After finishing high school, Bucky contacts him once more, telling him that he knows where to find his sister. With the help of his friends, they all travel throughout the United States to find Sam's sister and Bucky's mother. And perhaps love in the way, too.
Steve♢ is online
Erik ( ಠ ಠ) is online
Bucky ( ˘-___-) is online
Sammy is online
 Steve ♢: first day of school o(*^▽^*)o
Steve ♢: you guys excited?
Erik ( ಠ ಠ): of course
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): i cant wait to finally step into that hellhole we call school
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): and die.
Bucky ( ˘-__-): ^
Sammy: facts
Steve ♢: you guys…
Steve ♢: we only have this year together!
Steve ♢: we gotta enjoy it!
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): oh ill enjoy it alright
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): im always happy whenever i get home from school u know
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): its a good change from the crippling depression i feel whenever i step into those shitty gates of hell
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): did i also mention i get diabetes type fuck-school whenever i enter school
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): its life-threatening steve
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): i could die
Sammy: tick tock then bitch
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): shut up sam
Steve ♢: come ooooon
Steve ♢: you'll be ok! You have me, Sam and Bucky!
Steve ♢: i honestly think this year will be great! Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): yeah
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): i hope so too
Sammy: Alright Steve we'll see you at school
Sammy: I’m about to start driving now
Steve ♢: ok, see you guys! Bucky ( ˘-___-): Oh hey btw
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Don't forget to eat
Bucky ( ˘-___-): You always skip breakfast...
Bucky ( ˘-___-): At least drink orange juice
Bucky ( ˘-___-): That should help a bit
Steve ♢: yep!
Steve ♢: i won’t forget (。・ω・。)ノ
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Good!
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): gay
Bucky ( ˘-___-): I meant that in the most heterosexual way possible
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): when do you ever
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): remember that time you pulled down Steve’s pants while we were at the pool high af
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): because i do
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): and his ass...
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): it haunts me
Steve ♢: i tend to have that effect on people.
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): i haven’t been able to sleep since then Steve
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): you monster
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Erik hurry up we’re already waiting outside
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): dont you fucking try to change the subject
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): remember that time you pole danced and strip teased when you were drunk out of your mind
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): because i do
Steve ♢: but that happened last month
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): and yet it feels like an eternity
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Why can’t you guys forget the embarrassing shit I do for like once in your lives.
Sammy: cuz it was fucking hilarious thats why LMFAO I think I still have those polaroid pics somewhere
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): n cuz that’s what friends do
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): and apparently for you friendship is also traumatizing me with steves bare ass and your slutty pole dancing
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): i’ve had night terrors ever since
Steve ♢: lol
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Erik. hurry up. before I go in there. and beat you. in the face and ass.
Bucky ( ˘-___-): We’re already late. Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): aw
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): come on you know that my hair takes long
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): shit i should be a model for l'oreal
Sammy: we’re leaving
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): okokokok im going out
Steve ♢: lol be careful
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): we will try
Bucky ( ˘-___-): See you Steve!
Steve ♢: byeee
 Steve ♢ is offline
Bucky ( ˘-___-) is offline
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ) is offline
Sammy is offline
 “About time,” Bucky says as he reclines in his seat and pulls down his beanie with a huff, almost fully covering his eyebrows. Sam looks at the backseat through the rearview mirror as Erik lazily opens the door and sits on the middle of the backseat with a groan, his black hoodie still pulled up and hiding half his face.
“Sorry.” Erik says, sounding annoyed and not sorry at all. Both boys can hear the loud trap music coming from one bud of his gold earphones while the other hangs low down his neck. He leans back and closes his eyes, already looking drained of energy before the day even starts. “There was a problem.”
Sam starts his car while keeping both of his hands on the steering wheel, “What happened?” he asks.
“Is Valentina okay?” Bucky also asks, peeking at him over his shoulder.
Erik rolls his eyes at him. “The goddamn cat is fine.” He sighs and sinks further into his seat. “Nah. Do y'all remember my cousin?” Erik taps Bucky’s shoulder to make him fully turn around, as though he wants him to see the pain in his eyes as he speaks. “The one in Wakanda? Annoying, quiet, and thinks he’s better than everybody else?”
Bucky wrinkles his nose in confusion and looks to the side as he tries to remember, but comes up empty. He shrugs.
“Ah,” Sam says, nodding. “Yes, I remember you fondly telling us about him.”
“Well,” Erik says, putting extra emphasis on the word by rolling his eyes once again. “He moved here. Has been at my house all summer. And I have to share my room with him.”
Bucky nods in silent understanding and Sam keeps driving in silence, expecting Erik to continue talking about how his life is full of struggles. But instead Erik sits there with his arms crossed, his eyebrows knitted together and his lips forming a pout like a child. Bucky would call him cute, but starting his morning with a black eye isn’t on his to-do list.
“And um,” Bucky starts, uncertainty in his voice. “That's it?”
“That is it.” Erik scoffs, sliding further into his seat. “I don't want to share my room with him. Shit, I don't want to share it with anyone! Both him and my little cousin, Shuri, are here. They are filthy fucking rich, I don’t get why they gotta live with us.”
Bucky frowns and nods, trying to understand his unique situation. Sam instead feels the need to nervously scratch the back of his neck, but he doesn't want to let go of the steering wheel thanks to his road anxiety preventing him from even looking away. They know that Erik’s mom has been in a… feud of sorts with Erik’s paternal uncle. Erik wasn’t too specific of course, but they remember it made him upset enough to cry. And while they know he’s a soft guy under all the tough facade he puts on – he can’t say he doesn’t cry when watching the pet adoption commercials (“they are all alone, and sad, and the music doesn’t help, you assholes! Stop laughing!”) or that he doesn’t sing his heart out to the opening of his favorite anime – they also know that Erik loves his father, and he loves his mother, but one of them is gone and he has been too overprotective over the only one left. Erik’s hatred for his uncle has not stopped growing since that fight with his mom.
Remembering this, both boys feel an ache in their chest for their friend, wanting nothing more but to make him smile again.
Bucky is not much of a touchy person, so when he stretches to place his hand on Erik’s knee and shakes it in silent comfort, it doesn’t go overlooked. Erik smiles at him, and when he looks to the side of Bucky he sees Sam looking at him intensely.
“What?” He spats out on impulse under the sharp scrutiny.
Sam blinks once, twice, and finally he speaks. “You’re a better person than that old man is, you know.” He slowly says in that therapeutic, soothing voice of his, causing Erik to pause. “You’re a better person than your cousin, who didn’t stand up for you or your dad. You're kind, and you care so much. You— you're not afraid to fight for what's right. You’re way better than them, Erik, don’t you forget that, okay?”
Looking at him with wide eyes, Erik then slowly smiles, thankful for his best friend’s words. It might not fix it all, but it helps, even if just a little bit. He will be caught dead before he ever admits that, though, so instead he says ‘that’s kinda gay’ and laughs when Sam tells him to get the hell out of his car.
“We're here anyways!” He yells out, laughter still present in his voice.
Sam frantically locks his car and rushes to catch up with Erik and Bucky as both argue excitedly about an anime episode that streamed the night before. “Can one of y’all speak English, please?” He pushes them apart to be in the middle of them. “Or Patwah? Me kno ou to speak dat at least.”
Erik playfully elbows him and answers him with that smugness his teachers hate. “Amabini anokudlala oko umdlalo, uyazi,” he answers back, which makes Sam smile brightly and whisper ‘alright, okay, alright’ while elbowing him back.
Bucky, though, smiles and just watches their friendly bickering, finally feeling at home. He missed this feeling. He missed them both so much.
Somehow, they're already in front of their lockers, all three of them stopping together in order starting from Bucky to Sam to Erik. In fact, that’s how they met in middle school. They happened to have been assigned lockers right next to each other when school first started; Erik arrived first and mistook his locker for Sam’s, and when Sam got there Erik wouldn’t let him get close to it. They almost got into a fistfight until they both saw Bucky trying to open the locker they were both fighting for.
Of course, after all three of them were sent to the principal's office, they’ve been best friends ever since.
Erik starts to fumble with his lock, reciting the combination under his breath like he always does with important things he has to remember, until he hears Bucky whisper to Sam to turn around and look.
“Okoye! Koko!” The voice of some girl catches their attention. They turn their eyes to the row of lockers in front of them to see Okoye ‘Koko’ Milaje turn to her girlfriend just in time to catch her as she throws herself at her. Her girlfriend, Nakia, excitedly throws her arms around her middle, burying her face in her girlfriend’s chest. She says something that only Okoye can hear because she laughs brightly, leans down, and presses a kiss to her forehead.
Sam smiles at Bucky, who smiles back at him and says “girls” as though that explains everything and turns to focus on opening his locker. From the corner of his eye he quickly realizes that only two people stop to stare at the couple, and only one looks like they’re disgusted… though they don’t do anything about it, instead opting to turn away from them. Good, Sam thinks. He doesn't have the time for that bullshit so early in the morning. He turns to mention it to Erik, and his friend’s expression is not the annoyed one he expected for witnessing the kiss since he says to hate ‘corny romantic bullshit’ (which is a lie, because he once caught him intensely watching a telenovela in the middle of history class) but instead his expression is just one of...pain.
Sam frowns, confused. Pain...?
“So that’s why he’s here…” Erik whispers, looking away from them.
Bucky peeks over his shoulder and turns to Erik while Sam orderly puts his belongings inside his locker, who is still looking at Erik from the corner of his eye. “Who?” Bucky asks.
“Huh?” Erik stops harshly throwing his books inside his locker to look at him askew. He comes back to himself soon enough though, and he quickly closes his eyes, shaking his head with a sigh. “No, nothing. I was just talking to myself.”
Both Bucky and Sam look at each other, and suddenly, they feel the need to ask him about it again because the troubled look on their friend’s face bothers them, but the ring of the school bell interrupts before either of them can say anything.
“Well, gotta go.” Erik sighs irritably, slamming his locker door closed. “See y’all later – ah, wait. Both of you have art first period, right? With, uh, Ms. Minako?” He asks.
Sam nods. “Yeah, why?”
“Okay, so, my cousin.” Erik says, adding an eyeroll for extra measure. “He’s coming to our school.” Sam and Bucky both raise their eyebrows in surprise, and Erik nods. “Yeah, he’s gonna come to school here, sadly. For some fucking reason. Anyways, he’s probably going to be late since his dumb ass didn’t wake up on time ‘cuz he was busy moping around and I wasn't going to wait for him. He’s in the same class as y’all, I believe, so if y'all could, you know, show him around… or whatever… I’d be… uh,” he coughs into his fist. “I, uh, I’d appreciate it. Seriously.” His voice turns quieter and softer as he finishes, eyes cast away. He leans from one side to another on his heels like he always does when he’s impatient or nervous.
Bucky raises an eyebrow and decides to tease him. “Hold up,” he quickly leans over him, causing Erik to step back. “You’re asking us for a favor?”
“And does that mean you actually care about your cousin?” Sam asks, wrapping his arm around Erik’s shoulder to join in on teasing him too.
Of course, it’s a trick question. Both Bucky and Sam already know that Erik cares a lot about his family (except for his uncle) and that includes his so called ‘frigid ass cousin’, despite… current events. Erik is simply not an openly affectionate person and he would never admit that he’s not the ‘cold-hearted ass bitch’ he claims to be. He would rather dump all of his anime-inspired clothing than admit to having any sort of normal human feelings whatsoever.
“Fuck off!” He yells, pushing Sam off him as Sam laughs at his little tantrum, and Erik is suddenly thankful that his brown skin masks the heat rising to his cheeks. “Just – will you do it or not?!”
“Sure,” Bucky smiles. “He’s uh, quiet—”
“Full of himself—” Sam adds.
“Aaaand he’s annoying. Not hard to spot.” Erik scoffs.
Sam laughs and waves him goodbye. “Okay, you should go before you’re late.”
The smaller teen nods and turns around to head to his class, the sound of his boot heels echoing in the empty halls. While they walk towards their art class, Sam wonders what kind of person Erik’s cousin is and if he's as much of a jerk as Erik makes him out to be. Is he just as grumpy as Erik? Just as smart? Does he also say what’s on his mind without a filter? Does he smile? Is he just as direct? Does he care as deeply, but doesn’t show it? Is he just as soft when he wants to be?
… And is he straight?
“Good morning, Sam! Hello, James!” Ms. Minako welcomes them as they enter her room. “You guys are late.” She’s sitting on the same table as the rest of the students there, with a bunch of different colorful objects laid on it.
“Good morning, ma’am.” Sam greets her, Bucky greeting her too with a wave of his own as they make their way to the farthest seats at the other end of the table. Sam sets his backpack to his right with a pleased hum, while his best friend sits to his left and he takes comfort in the fact that nobody will sit by his right side. There’s plenty of other empty seats around so maybe he’ll have some peace of mind this year (last year he had the misfortune of being seated next to Tony fucking Stark). Besides, it’s not like anyone would decide to sit next to Bucky either, because last year the girl that did so ended up being his designated art partner… and let’s just say… not that many people can handle Bucky’s emotional outbursts. So, it’s a win-win that he gets to be with his best friend. Bucky can be a little weird, he won’t lie. But he knows his friend, he knows who he is, he knows his life and he knows what really happened during those years (news media be damned), so he's more than happy to deal with this so called 'trouble kid’ of the school. They don't know him like he does.
Ms. Minako checks them off the attendance list with a smile and counts the class again. It seems there’s students missing, judging from her confused face and her nervous pencil tapping. “Well, I guess most of you are here. Only two students are absent—”
As if on cue there’s a knock on the door, suddenly halting all talk.
“Oh! Must be the new student!” Ms. Minako declares cheerfully. Sam twists anxiously in his seat, leaning over to see who it is. Is it him…? “Open the door for him, please.”
One of the students next to her stands up and opens the door, returning to her seat quietly. From his spot, Sam can see him stride in.
The first thing he notices is his hair, his short fro perfectly shaped and adorning his face like a crown. His clothes look like they are from a quality brand -- elegant, but simple. Sam’s eyes go back up to his face and he finds warm brown eyes staring right back at him. He jumps slightly in his seat and feels his face warm up at getting caught staring, but Erik’s cousin doesn’t seem to mind because he smiles instead, winking at Sam with a tilt of his head.
Sam swiftly turns his eyes to his lap, repeating in his mind ‘STARE AT THE TABLE STARE AT THE TABLE STARE AT THE TABLE’ as he fidgets with a strand of his shirt. This definitely wasn’t on his to-do list either.
He winked at me?!
“Yo,” Bucky whispers to him. “Was it just me or did he wink at me?”
Sam blinks. “I thought he winked at me,” he whispers back.
“... Maybe at both of us? Probably you, though. I’m a mess.” He sighs, laying his head down on the table.
Sam snickers, playfully dragging Bucky’s long wavy hair to cover his face. “You wouldn’t look a mess if you used a damn brush, you lightskin 2-b Rapunzel.”
Bucky flips him off.
From across their seats he hears a couple of girls commenting on the new student’s appearance, one in particular making colorful comments in Spanish to her twin. Sam can recognize her voice without looking. Her name’s Chal, and her sister’s name is Ime. They all hang out together occasionally since their mom is good friends with his mom. They usually play video games when good ones come out and sometimes decide to have some impromptu language classes – the twins teach him Spanish, and Sam tries to teach them Patois, and they more or less manage to learn a couple of words since they use most of their learning time laughing hysterically at each other’s accents instead.
“El diablo,” Chal whispers to Ime. “Papasito… que guapo, no?”
Handsome. Sam hates that he understood that. Seems like those Spanish classes they gave him paid off.
Ime laughs and nods, saying something else to her sister’s ear. Chal giggles in response, patting Ime’s puffy hair bun until her sister pushes her hands away with a smile. Suddenly, Sam wishes he had a close relationship like that with his own sister, but he shakes the thought off as soon as the teacher speaks. Let’s not start the day with a gloomy thought.
“Hi!” Ms. Minako says. “You’re T.… challa... Uda… koh…?”
“T’Challa Udaku.” T'Challa smiles. “It’s okay.  Just T’Challa is fine.”
“T’Challa?” Ms. Minako tries again, with a concentrated face.
T'Challa smiles again, and nods. “That’s right.”
Chal elbows her sister, whispering loud enough for Sam to hear. “Suena Africano, no? O quizás del caribe?”
“Africano, me parece.” Ime whispers back.
“Nah, es caribeño.” Chal shakes her head.
“Caribeño, coño.”
“You have a slight accent.” Ms. Minako asks T'Challa, interested. “Where are you from?”
“I am from Wakanda.” He answers.
A tiny ‘fuck!’ is heard from Chal, but only Ime and Sam seem to notice. He tries not to laugh as Ime elbows her sister in the stomach. These girls.
“New to the country or the town?”
“Both.” T'Challa laughs. “It’s a lovely town.”
If only you knew, Sam thinks, you wouldn’t be saying that. But he shakes the thought off, again, trying not to be negative… again. It’s hard to not to be a pessimist. But enough is enough. He wants to be a therapist when he grows up, goddamn it, so he needs to get it together.
“Well, T'Challa, welcome to the country! Come on, choose a seat. Let’s start the class!” Ms. Minako gestures towards all the empty seats as she checks him off the attendance sheet. T'Challa turns over where a group of loud white boys are seated together, but his eyes pass right over them. He looks at the seat next to Ime and Chal (the latter batting her eyelashes dramatically, making T'Challa smile) and considers it, until he looks over at the end of the table where Sam is.
There’s one empty seat right next to his.
He looks decided then, walking past everyone and stopping right next to Sam with a click of his heels. Not quite believing what’s happening, Sam can only stare at his own hands and ask to whichever god is listening to make T'Challa sit somewhere else. Next to Bucky, even. He’ll do anything. Hell, he’ll stop eating his gran’s mac and cheese! But please, god, don’t let him sit next to him. T'Challa’s too… too…
“Is this seat taken?” T'Challa’s soft voice comes from his right, and Sam makes the mistake of turning his head towards him.
… Too pretty.
T'Challa’s eyes shine like the sun, his hand resting on the table. Sam’s breath hitches as dark brown eyes lock on his. His face is a little too close for his comfort, so Sam scoots back. T’Challa tilts his head to one side in confusion, waiting for him to answer but Sam can only focus on those lovely brown eyes of his, not even caring that the silence is getting a little bit too awkward, but he just doesn’t know what to say because T'Challa’s way too close and—
Bucky elbows him in the ribs, bringing him back to earth.
“Are you feeling alright?” T'Challa’s face turns to one of worry, somehow inching even closer to Sam. “You look—”
“I’m okay!” He blurts out, laughing nervously. He looks at Bucky from the corner of his eye and sees the bastard stifling a smile. Fucker.
T'Challa’s eyes widen in surprise, waiting for him to continue. “I’m—um, the seat isn’t taken, so…” Sam's eyes slide down to the empty chair while fake coughing and pressing his lips into a thin line, trying to play it cool. Oh my god this is too embarrassing why am I acting like this.
“Alright, thank you.” T'Challa’s face lights up and Sam can’t help but smile as well, despite how nervous he feels. T'Challa drops his bag to his side and sits down gracefully on the chair with a smile. “Nice to meet you,” he says with a radiant smile, while offering his hand to him like a proper gentleman.
Sam’s brain has the decency to remember to dry his anxiously-damp hand on his jeans before he shakes T’Challa’s with an equally anxious smile. It’s kind of odd, it almost feels like they’re finishing a business meeting. Why yes, sir, I’m glad we’ve come to the mutual agreement that I’m awkward as hell, let’s shake on it. But it could be a Wakandan thing, who knows. T'Challa has a strong grip on his hand as soon as they touch, and he shakes Sam’s hand with confidence, taking Sam by surprise as the strong shake dips him forward. He has no time to be embarrassed because T'Challa smiles at him and the guy giggles as though stumbling into someone else’s personal space is charming. He lets go of Sam and instead rests his face on his hand, two fingers up to support the crown of his head.  
“What’s your name?” T'Challa asks, eyes filled with curiosity.
And it’s at this moment when there’s another knock on the door, catching everyone’s attention.
“Oh!” The teacher exclaims. “Must be the other missing student.” This time it’s her who stands up to open the door, blocking the view of Sam’s eyes to see who it is.
“You’re a bit late, mister.” She reprimands the student. “But it’s the first day, so I’ll let it slide this time, alright?”
“I appreciate it.” Says a deep, and… quite attractive masculine voice.
Ms. Minako stands to the side and shows him the way. “Come on in!”
As soon as the student enters the room he can see exactly who it is. M’Baku walks into the classroom with that confidence Sam is so jealous of, looking as handsome as ever. His dark brown skin glows despite the unflattering light of the classroom, as though M’Baku is the exception to little things like physics. His clothes, of course, always carry a Wakandan theme, showing off the beautiful African patterns and combination of colors.
Sam looks over to the twins and finds Chal fanning herself while looking at M’Baku, who suddenly has a distasteful look on his face when his eyes fall on the only acceptable empty seats in the room. The one next to Bucky, and the one next to the twins. His eyes soon fall on T’Challa, and he falters. He recovers quickly though and walks around the table to sit down right across from him – next to Bucky’s seat.
Sam’s eyes go back to T’Challa, who seems to be… frozen in place while looking at M’Baku. He gets it though. One time, he got to seat behind him in math class and every time the teacher called M’Baku’s name to mark him present, he would stand up and give Sam a great first row view of that—
“So, uh,” Bucky’s voice brings him back to earth. He turns his head towards him and sees him talking to M’Baku, who can’t look less interested. “Guess we’re art partners now, huh?”
M’Baku finally looks at him with a neutral look on his face and says, “I am lactose intolerant.”
Bucky freezes.
Sam completely loses it. He can’t help but laugh out loud, making a spectacle even though he tries his damn best to keep it in. Naturally, he attracts some of his classmates’ eyes, but he just can’t stop. He’s trying so hard, but Jesus. The look on Bucky’s face, he keeps remembering it and can’t help but laugh again.
“Mhm, keep on laughing, man. Just let it all out, you dick.” Bucky tell him as he claps Sam on the back, which only makes it worse.
Ms. Minako finally looks over at him, looking confused and quite annoyed at the noise. “Excuse me, Sam? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, Sam, are you alright?” Bucky repeats, faking the worrying tone in his voice as he scoots closer to Sam to look him right in the eye.
“Y-Yes, miss, I’m— I’m fine,” Sam tries to tell her while desperately trying to ignore Bucky’s stupid face. “Thank you. Sorry about—” and he laughs again.
“Do you need to go to the nurse, Sam?” she asks, sounding annoyed.
“Yeah, Sam, do you need to go to the nurse?” Bucky repeats again with that dumb look on his face and it makes it harder for Sam to stop laughing.
“No! N-No, I’m alright. I’m so sorry, miss, please uh, please carry on.” He coughs and bites his lip, mustering all his energy into having a poker face. It doesn’t work, it just makes him look weird with his bulging eyes, tight lips and puffy cheeks… but the teacher is satisfied enough with it to let it go.
“So, uh,” Sam turns to Bucky, a smile threatening to slip past his lips but still desperately trying to look neutral. “Wanna change seats?”
Bucky licks his lips, also trying not to smile, and nods. “Yeah, that’s— yeah, let’s change seats, man.”
Once they’re at their new seats, Bucky turns to T’Challa. “Soooo, guess we’re—”
“I’m also lactose intolerant.” He tells him with a mastered poker face.
Sam lays his head down and covers his head with his arms to tone down his loud laughter, shaking and softly smacking the table with his first a couple times. Bucky can’t hold it in either, leaning forward on the table and shaking his head as he laughs with Sam. M’Baku joins in with a loud and deep ‘HAH!’ and nothing else. T’Challa smiles ever so slightly, and the sight almost makes Bucky stop, feeling charmed by his smile and the soft crinkles at the corner of his eyes. He couldn’t quite get a look at him at first, but now he understands why Sam froze when T’Challa talked to him.
Sam coughs, and looks towards T’Challa, trying to frown in order to cancel out the dumb smile on his face. “Hey man, um, do you— uh, do you… wanna change seats?” He fake coughs into his fist, and Bucky feel his lips twitch. “Or, uh, or something?” Sam bites his lip again, praying to any god that is listening to make him stop laughing.
“I don’t see why not.” T’Challa calmly answers, picking up his stuff and changing his seat with Sam.
Once they’re finally seated, Sam speaks. “Don’t worry, Buck, I got you man. I, uh, you know, I take them lactaid tablets—”
Bucky whizzes out a small laugh, and nods. “Oh yeah?”
“Yes, sir,” Sam nods as well, patting him on the back. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you ain’t gotta worry about that.”
“Thanks, Sam,” Bucky says, smiling at him. “I know I can always count on you.”
“Nuh-uh, uh!” Sam shakes his finger on his face. “Only as long as I got my lactaid tablets,” he adds, and after a second of dead silence they both laugh loud and hard, Sam leaning on Bucky and Bucky flinching for half a second but relaxing quickly enough against Sam’s warmth.
Sam looks up at him from his shoulder. “Stop making me laugh, man, fuck. My face hurts.”
Bucky shrugs, Sam’s head moving with it. “That’s karma, asshole.”
Sam shakes his head, and closes his eyes, smiling softly. “I hate you.”
Bucky snorts. “And I hate you too, sweetheart.” Sam smacks him for that, whispering ‘gross!’ to which Bucky replies ‘but you like it!’ to which the teacher replies ‘both of you boys better shut up unless you want to be sent to the principal’s office’.
Half way through the class, their phones both vibrate at the same time, and they instantly look at each other. After making sure the teacher isn’t looking at them, they look down to check who texted them from under the table.
 Steve♢ is online
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ) is online
Bucky ( ˘-___-) is online
Sammy is online
 Steve ♢: hey hey hey
Steve ♢: Erik told me about his cousin!
Steve ♢: is he cool?
Sammy: …….maybe
Steve ♢: ヽ( ・∀・)ノ i’ll get his number then!
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): steve
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): steve im begging you here
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): please dont fuck my cousin
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): p l e a s e
Steve ♢: you know, i wasn’t thinking about that
Steve ♢: but now that you mention it…
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): steve
Sammy: oh btw Erik your middle school crush is in our class
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): my middle school what now
Bucky ( ˘-___-): M’Baku. or did you forget about him already?
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): fuck off bucks
Steve ♢: wait what
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Erik had like… the biggest crush on him back in middle school
Sammy: it was kinda cute tbh he would like… talk to him about this anime he really liked. which he got m’baku to watch somehow someway
Bucky ( ˘-___-): And there was this couple in the show. Real romantic shit you know? Erik would say how M’Baku is so much like the romantic interest of the hero
Sammy: and also how Erik was so much like the hero himself
Bucky ( ˘-___-): M’Baku never got the hint though. But it was cute to watch. A bit pathetic, sure, but cute!
Sammy: and of course a funny story to tell every person he dates lmao
Steve ♢: aww Erik you sweet thing you!
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): this
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): is the worst day of my life
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): ever
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Hey do you remember that stupid song?
Sammy: which one Sammy: “M’baku and Erik sitting under a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G watching A-N-I-M-E”
Sammy: is it that one
Bucky ( ˘-___-): yeah! cute isn't he?
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): IM BLOCKING YOU
Steve ♢: lol erik that’s so cute
Steve ♢: cute cute cute
Sammy: cute lol
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ) is offline
Steve ♢: omg
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ) is online
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): i forgot to say something :)
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ): FUCK YOU ALL
Bucky ( ˘-___-): Damn that’s hot
Steve ♢: i didn't know Erik was this adorable
Sammy: he aight i guess
Erik ( ಠ ಠ ) is offline
 This year is going to be fun.
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all-things-shipping · 6 years
The Day That Changed My Life-NaLu Oneshot
I walk down the street, my phone glued to my ear (not literally, I'm not an idiot, no matter what a certain ice prick says).
"Natsu! You can not keep doing this!" My boss yells at me through the phone.
"Why not? Lisanna left so we need a new waitress," I reply, scanning the street.
"Lucy replaced Lisanna!"
"Not really... Lucys better at her job than Lisanna."
I can hear hushed whispers from the over side and the phone moving.
"Get here now!" Erza yells down the line.
"A-aye!" I reply, hanging up and running to the pub where I work. Fairy Tail.
I open the door and Lucy is the first person I see. Shes wearing a maid outfit and has a tray in her hand with mugs of beer on it.
"I hate that uniform, Luce." I tell her. I only hate it because she looks so damn cute in it.
"I hate it to, Natsu but Makarov wants all female employees to wear it so I'm kinda stuck. Unless I take up your cousins offer to work at Cafe Sabertooth."
I grit my teeth. I hate that dude. Just because hes family doesn't mean I have to like him. His brothers ok.
"Natsu-nii?" A small voice says. I smile, knowing its my little sister, Wendy.
"Wendy! I thought you were at school?"
"Something happened at Cait Shelter Academy so I came to see Erza-san. Shes waiting for you in Makarovs office." Wendy says.
I ruffle her hair and walk past her, into my bosses office.
"Natsu!" Erza walks towards me.
"W-what is it, E-Erza?" I ask.
"Why are you telling random girls to come here?" Her aura tells me if I lie, I'm dead
"W-well... e-ever since we l-lost Lisanna to Edolas High when she became a teaching assistant a-and Loke t-to Golden Gates restaurant..." I lie. My brain must hate me.
Erza sighs. "Thats not the reason and we both know it. Let me guess. Ever since Sting and Rogue took over cafe Sabertooth, you and Sting have been in competition."
I nod. Its true. Sting and I have a bet going on and Lucy is the reward. Sting has taken a liking to her as well as me so whoevers business gets the most business in three months has Lucy work there. If we win, she stays at Fairy Tail, if he wins, she works at Sabertooth.
"Rogue filled me in. He thinks its ridiculous but theres nothing he can do. How long has it been?"
"The deadlines tomorrow. We only got Rogue involved so Sting wouldn't make up numbers. Yukino has been telling me how its going and Stings light show has attracted a lot of customers."
Erza dismisses me and I walk Lucy home since she finished her shift and didn't want to deal with Cana (a regular who basically keeps us open with the amount she drinks).
The next morning, Rogue, Sting, Erza, Lucy and I meet in the park nearby. Lucy knows nothing of this 'deal'. Just that Sting has invited her to work at his cafe.
"How many?" Sting asks.
"10,078." Erza answers.
Sting smirks. Crap thats not good.
"11,570." Rogue says.
"Well miss Lucy, seems like Sabertooth has a new waitress."
Lucy looks at me and I slowly walk backwards, looking for a chance to escape.
"Natsu," she says, sweetly. "What did you do?"
I rub the back of my head with my hand.
"I said that if Sting wins you work for him..." I reply.
"What!" She screams so loud, birds fly out of the trees and I'm forced to clamp my hands over my ears (as are Sting and Rogue) so it doesn't damage my hearing.
"Fine. I'll work at Sabertooth just don't expect me to EVER forgive you!"
My heart shatters. If only I hadn't made that deal in the first place.
Three months later
Its been three months since my Luce left Fairy Tail and went to work at Sabertooth. A month after, she started dating Sting and I lost all hope.
"Get up, Pyro." My frenemy and roommate, Gray Fullbuster, says.
Ever since Sting and Lucy became a couple (Mira calls them StiLu) I've been lying on the couch, doing nothing, only going out to go to work since neither Gray nor Lisanna (who visits sometimes to see how I'm doing) will let me skip work.
"Not yet, Frostbite. Let me lie here for a few hours." I roll onto my back and cover my eyes with my arm whist scratching my blue cat, Happy, behind his ears. He purrs and jumps into my stomach.
"If you wait any longer, you'll be late and Erza will have your head on a spike." Gray and I both shudder, fearing Erzas 'wrath'
I shoo Happy off me, push myself off the couch, get changed into my work uniform and Gray and I head to the pub.
I wipe down the bar, keeping an eye on the door like I have for three months just in case Lucy came back to us but she never did. Today, however, is different. A blonde female comes rushing in crying.
"M-Mira-san!" She wails.
"Lucy," it breaks my heart to see her like this.
She wipes her tears off her cheeks with the back of her hand and opens her eyes.
"N-Natsu? W-wheres Mira-san?" Lucy sniffs.
"Mira isn't working today... or more accurately, Cana took her on a shopping trip. I'm taking over for her." I put my hand on her shoulder and, surprisingly, she doesn't object. "What happened?"
"Just give me a strong drink and I'll tell you."
A couple of beers later, Lucy tells me what happened.
"I went into work at Stings cafe this morning and caught him kissing Yukino in the kitchen. Turns out he was cheating on me for a month. I broke up with him and quit."
"Did you, by any chance, refuse to sleep with him?" I ask.
Her eyes meet mine. They're red and puffy from her crying.
"Yes but how did you-"
"He dates hot girls, fucks them and leaves them. I could have told you that but you weren't talking to me."
She looks at her hands clamped around her pint glass.
"Why did I do it, Natsu?"
I jump over the bar and pull her into a hug.
"Everything in life has a purpose, Luce. Even if we don't know or approve of its purpose."
She pulls away from me and sniffs.
"I'm meant to hate you."
"Well I could never hate you. I love you, Luce."
She cups my cheek with her hand, her thumb skimming over my lips. She draws my face towards hers and kisses me. My eyes widen, surprised at her actions, but my eyelids eventually flutter closed as I kiss her back. She pulls back and rests her forehead against mine.
"What wa-"
"Everything in life has a purpose," she whispers against my lips, our breaths mixing between us. Her scent fills my nose. Coconut from her shampoo and flowers from her body wash and perfume, the alcohol she consumed lingers in her breath. "I love you Natsu."
A squeal makes us jump apart. "NaLu is born!"
"Damn it, Mira! Stop shipping Bunny Girl!" Gajeel shouts. "Salamander just got his act together thats all!"
I sigh. Life never is easy at Fairy Tail.
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Jaden nd bastion for that domestic ask thing? >:3c
THE OTP YES i have so many feelings and everyone needs to hear me sob over the nerd baby and his superhero 
also that icon is the content i look for on this hellsite well done 
who is the big spoon/little spoon Jaden is the little spoon!! he prefers being the big spoon tbh he likes curling up against bastions fuckin ripped back but jaden always falls asleep first because he has to get this twelve hours or else he will be a grumpy boy but bastion?? bastion stays up all night drinking coffee and doing god knows what bc he’s the type of guy thats like ‘hey jaden im gonna go read a bit before i got to bed’ and then he fuckin stays up all night because he has no self control lmao so when it’s like 3am and he’s finally put down his book or finished dicking around on the computer he finally gets in bed and he doesnt want to wake up his husband (yes theyre married in my mind ok im love them) so he just lays down and pulls the human kuriboh to his chest and falls asleep 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity the standard answer is Card Games but besides dool masters they like to go on drives and look at stars and talk abt whatever. bastion is a chemical engineer and jaden’s his professional duelist trophy husband so they dont get to be together as much as they want bc jaden’s tournament schedule so when they’re together they gotta make it count u know so bastion will pick jaden up from the airport and they’ll just start driving out of the city talking about DM or what bastion’s been up to or whatever’s going through jaden’s mind (an enigma lmao) and then when there are no more streetlights to make it difficult to see the stars they’ll pull over and lay on the hood and cuddle and keep talking. it’s like 4am before they finally go home and since they’re going to sleep at the same time jaden finally gets his chance to be the big spoon 
who uses all the hot water in the morning getting jaden to shower is a fucking struggle he’s like a cat. living in the slifer dorm made him accustomed to being a generally gross person in general so he lives off dry shampoo and body spray so he doesn’t smell like hassleberry after a workout so that leaves bastion to take all of the water because he showers every morning after his run and insists on h is hair being perfect and well taken care of. like the guy has at least five different hair care products in the shower at all times while jaden, even though he’s dumb thick rich, buys that 3-in-1 crap he and syrus used to make stretch for a month back in college. jaden is also known to stick his kuriboh hair under the sink and shake it out like a dog because he is a gross boy that usually gets up about ten minutes before he has to leave so there’s no time for an actual shower and we’ve gotten away from the actual question but the tldr is bastion stands under the hot water he’s got one of those mirrors to shave in the shower while he’s doing his deep conditioning treatment and has a pore strip on his nose for beautiful ™ skin 
what they order from take out this one ties in a lot to my sageshipping BrOTP headcanons (on god there needs to be a brotp ask so i can scream to the world my love for bastion/alexis friendship) but the bit of background is that bastion and alexis would always order from this indian place that was open real late at night when they were in grad school together (no delivery at duel academy cause its an island u know) so it has a special place in his heart. jaden is a wimp when it comes to spice but since bastion loves it they order it anyway and the people that deliver the food know to make it wimpy baby spicy for jaden so he doesn’t end up sweating half his body weight up and crapping out lava four hours later 
what is the most trivial thing they fight over oh god they dont fight a lot because they love and appreciate each other’s eccentricities but if they’re going to fight its going to be over who’s doing the driving. they both love cars, bastion likes taking it apart and modifying them and whatnot and jaden likes the aesthetique (though his aesthetique is painting flames on a corolla jaden u lil shit smh) and they both like to go fast so when they go out they bitch abt who gets to drive. bastion tells jaden he doesnt appreciate the feel of the machine and jaden says bastion drives like a fucking old man so they end up settling the matter with rousing game of rock paper scissors 
who does most of the cleaning NEITHER OH MY GOD theyre both total slobs. bastion’s desk and home office is covered in his notebooks and duel monster cards, his walls covered with god knows what (formulas, dates, to-do lists, grocery lists) the guy just grabs the sharpie and starts writing because he’s afraid of forgetting something if he doesnt get it down right then. jaden lives in filth he has three day old bowls of cereal at his desk and uses used napkins as tissues he is certifiably NASTY. anyway they hire a housekeeper to make sure the entire house doesnt fall into disarray and she’s like their surrogate mother making sure they eat more than takeout and coffee and making sure the house smells nice. they call her Mama Cheryl (good middle aged mom name) and she’s the embarrassing mom at jadens local tournaments the kind that prints out huge pictures of his face and wears shirts with Neos on them and cheers for her boy v loudly. again we’re away from the question but i have a lot of headcanons abt this i’ll probs put in my dissertation lol 
what has a season pass in their DVR hmmm this is an interesting one…i like to think jaden loves crime shows because they’re heroes and he likes watching the good guys ™ win in the end. his favorite show is psych (which u all should watch its hilarious) but since that ended a while ago he’s been in to criminal minds and SVU because he likes watching the really diabolical criminals get caught. bastion never knew his mans was into such dark stuff until he opened the season pass thingy and got quite the heart attack because he thought jaden was all butterflies and flowers and funny stuff but bastion had to learn the duality of man the hard way. bastion doesn’t watch television that much but his guilty pleasure is vikings on the history channel and stuff on the discovery channel because he loves learning what a nerd 
who controls the netflix queue jaden is the one that likes to watch netflix the most but i wouldnt say he’s in control per se. they’re usually down for watching what each other likes but in the end jaden will sometimes end up superseding bastion because dammit bas we are not watching a documentary about the dead sea scrolls you dont even believe in god and bastions like fine youre cute we can watch Castle (even though thats not on netflix but i wish it were) 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working jaden. jaden all the way. bastion brings up a a wikihow article about how to fix the hvac system and he’s like I CAN FIX THIS and jadens like ily babe but you work with chemicals not with this kind of thing ur gonna break it like the time u tried to fix the sink and fuckin clogged the shit out of it we are calling Cheryl and Cheryl’s like jaden im a housekeeper call someone who actually does this for a living. anyway while theyre waiting for the professionals to get there bastion tries to demonstrate he knows what he’s doing he is smort by writing the steps and shit on the wall and jadens like youre so cute but no dont touch the heating system. he has to distract his lil nerd by asking him about what deck he should use for his next tournament or what the probability of drawing three polymerizations on the first turn is and bastion loves talking about math so jaden keeps asking questions until the system is fixed (he doesnt remember much of bastions mathematical explanations but bastion looks so cute with his eyes all bright and shiny talking about statistics) 
who leaves their stuff around BOTH they are slobs. jadens a bit worse if we’re being honest because while bastion leaves his papers and cards around schmaden schmuki leaves his underwear and food and cups in the living room and is prone to stripping off his clothes for one reason or another and just laying on the couch watching ESPN with his goddamn pants on the floor and saying they were constricting his knees or some shit when bastion asks why he feels the need to be half naked all the time. bastion had his own room in college so he doesnt quite understand why jadens comfortable just answering the door with a trail of clothing behind him because most people that dont know him assume he’s been getting bizzay but nah he just be Like That
who remembers to buy the milk jaden do because he drinks milk in his coffee. bastion drinks it black so if theres no milk its like eh whatever but jaden is a mess without his caffeine and he hates how bitter and gross it is when theres no milk in it so even if jaden’s not the one going to the grocery store he’ll write it on the wall so bastion will remember it because his mans dont check his texts that often but anything on that wall he fuckin remembers and jaden doesnt understand why he be Like That 
who remembers anniversaries both! they are dumb thick in love with each other and they like to plan little things to do for the anniversary of their first date, when they made it official, their wedding, etc. jaden is much more extravagant and will do something like jump on the bed until bastion wakes up and then drag him out for breakfast and get atticus to sing a really off-key renditions of classic love songs and bastion blushes so hard and its so cute it should be criminal lmao. bastion will get jaden a cute little gift like one of those pictures where the artist takes a photo and paints it so they can hang it on their wall. or bastion will fine tune his duel disk or get him a new card for his deck. they are in big gay love and i love them so much 
thanks for this ask on god i just wrote 1800 words of tutorship feels i have a problem lol 
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5sos-kingsandqueens · 7 years
Mr. Book Store~chapter33~Luke Hemmings
Luke still wasn't 100% better but I needed to get my shopping done. It was the day before Christmas and both of our offices were closed so while I was shopping, Luke was hanging out with Ashton at our place. I was scared to leave him there but I knew I needed to.
We did most of our shopping online but there were some thing that wouldn't be shipped in time so I went and found the things that we couldn't order online.
I was a little nervous to head home. I hadn't seen most of them for a long time and I'm sure most of them were thinking that I wouldn't have lasted with Luke as long as we have. I was never the type of person to date someone. Luke was my first ever relationship that lasted past  a few months. Luke was my first ever relationship where I moved in with the guy.
It was crazy how fast my relationship moved with Luke. I wasn't complaining. I loved everything there was to love about our relationship. I loved living with him, even if he forgot to put the toilet seat down and I would fall into the toilet at 5am. Even when he left dirty bowls under the bed thinking I wouldn't notice. Even that one time he put too much laundry detergent in the washing machine and it overflowed all over the floor and we had to get it redone. And yes that was only two weeks ago.
He was the love of my life.
I was spoiling him for Christmas since he spoiled me for our one year. I had purchased us tickets to Vegas for the day after Christmas since we both had the time off from work. I also got him some new shirts, some new pj pants because I'm sick of waking up to his morning wood in my face, and I got him a new ipad since his other one broke and he hasn't been able to play his games.
Just as I finished shopping and was heading to get food Courtney called me.
"Oh my god. Can you come over?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah. But not for long I have dinner plans with Luke and Ashton."
"It won't be long just please hurry." She rushed into the phone before hanging up. I then called Luke to let him know that I was going to be a little late bringing dinner home. Courtney and Nick had moved to a house outside of the city so that they could raise a family and the house was beautiful.
I knocked on the door before she opened the door and pulled me inside.
"Jesus. What's going on?" I asked taking my jacket off and sitting at the island on a stool. She laid three pregnancy tests down on the counter. I picked them all up looking at her. "Are you serious?" I asked and she nodded smiling. "Oh my god! Congratulations!" I shouted jumping up to hug her. "This is amazing."
"We just found out." She smiled. "I didn't expect it to happen this soon but I'm so excited."
"Holy crap. I can't believe this. Does Nick know?"
"Yeah. He's out getting dinner and probably telling everyone that he's gonna be dad who he sees." She laughed. I looked at the tests that were still in my hand. I remember taking one of these with her and feeling panicked that I was pregnant and now that one of us actually were we could be excited.
"I'm so excited for you both!" I smiled. We sat around talking for an hour before I really needed to leave or I would be going home to two cranky grown men. I stopped and got the food from Outback that we had all agreed on.
I pulled in the driveway and found the cat sitting on the top of Luke's car.
"What are you doing?" I tried to get him to come down. I shook my head before heading inside. "Why is the cat on the car outside?"
"He's sitting on my car?" He asked and I nodded. Of course when it's his Porsche he's worried. He quickly rushed outside to get the cat off the car as I got plates out for us to eat. Ashton came into the kitchen to help me.
"How was your day?" He asked.
"Good. How was yours?" I questioned. "Hope Luke didn't annoy you too much." I giggled.
"Everything was fine. We just played video games and such." He shrugged before sitting down at the island. I grabbed two beers and a sparkling water for myself before sitting down next to him.
"Your dumbass cat scratched my car." He huffed putting the cat down and joining us at the island.
"Your dumbass shouldn't have let him out in the first place." I commented as I cut into my steak.
"I'm not dumb." He muttered making Ashton laugh. I wanted to tell him he was right and tell him he was something much worse but I kept my mouth shut.
"Wanna know something?" I said changing the subject.
"Sure." He commented.
"Courtney's pregnant."
"Oh that's nice!" He said. "We'll have to send her flowers or something." He smiled.
"Too bad it's not Nick's." I commented just to see what he would say. Both Ashton and Luke looked over at me.
"What?" Luke asked. "She cheated on him?" He asked and I nodded my head. "I'm gonna tell him." Luke said.
"No no no. I was joking. Don't tell him anything." Luke and Nick had gotten close since the wedding. They didn't hang out often but talked a lot.
"How far along is she?" Ashton asked.
"Not sure yet. She hasn't been the doctor." I answered. As much as I didn't want kids, I was so excited for her. Pregnancy was a beautiful thing and I was going to be here with her every step of the way.
"Have you guys talked about kids?" He asked and I nearly spit my steak out. "I'm gonna take that as a no." He chuckled.
"We are in no rush to have children, Ashton." Luke answered. I had one scare once and since then we have mostly been extremely careful about what we do. We have only had sex without a condom a few times and I make sure that it's a time when there would be no way I could get pregnant.
After dinner I cleaned up while they went back to doing whatever they were doing before I got here. Once I was finished I went to shower and then sat on the edge of the bed in just a towel. The talk of kids has never come up before and it scared the crap out of me.
I watched Ashton leave before heading to the bedroom where I thought McKinley was asleep but the light was still on. I walked inside to find her sitting on the bed, still in a towel, and she was staring at the wall.
"Kin?" I asked moving closer to her to not freak her out. "Kinley?" I squatted down and touched her knees. "McKinley!"
"What?" She asked moving her eyes to look at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked standing up and going to find her pj's. "Tell me."
"Do you want kids?" She blurted. It wasn't something that I ever thought about. I wasn't sure if I wanted kids. I never pictured myself as a father whereas my brother's did. Growing up they talked about when they became dads and I never did.
"Not really." I said to her and she nodded. "Maybe in like 10 or 11 years but no. Not right now. Don't let Ashton freak you out." I came back into the room and thankfully she was now standing and dropped the towel from her hair before pulling it up into a ponytail. She then dropped the towel from around her body and took the clothes from me.
"No more sex without condoms." She commented making me whine. "I'm serious, Luke. Neither one of us want kids so I'm not taking any risks. I think I'm gonna go get that thing in my arm."
"Nooo not the thot rod." I commented and she looked over at me.
"Excuse me?" She asked crossing her arms.
"Nothing." I commented changing my clothes.
"Don't call it that!" She said annoyed. Now I've done it. I sighed to myself before crawling into bed with my laptop.
"I'm sorry, baby." I said looking at her as she stood in the bathroom putting something on her face. She came over and sat on my side of the bed looking at me.
"I wanna punch Ashton in the throat." I laughed putting my laptop to the side and pulling her into me. "Why did he have to ask that?"
"He was just curious. We're getting to that age when people are going to start asking us about marriage and kids and we can't freak out every time they ask."
"I know." She sighed. "I just..." She trailed off looking at me.
"Listen to me, I wanna grow old with you. If that means a wedding fine, if you don't want a wedding thats fine too. If you want one child, fine, none? Fine. Five? That's a little too much." She giggled.
"I don't want five kids. Maybe two." She shrugged. "Still not sure about how the whole wedding thing though." She said wrapping her arms around me. "I know I want a life with you." She commented after a few minutes of silence. "If you want a wedding and a marriage, I'm down." She leaned back and smile at me.
"I'm not going to force anything." I commented. "We can discuss it when we're ready." I smiled rubbing my hands under her shirt. I was no where near ready to get married or have kids. I was in no rush to start that part of my life. I liked exactly how we were now.
I was up before McKinley which sucked because usually I could sleep in but I was too stressed. We would be leaving for her families house tomorrow and I hadn't packed anything. I tried to be as quiet as possible as I moved through our bedroom and into the closet and then the bathroom.
"Luke." She whined from the bed. "Stop."
"We have to pack." She groaned and threw a pillow at me. "I mean I can pack for you. I love looking at your panties." She laughed and threw another pillow. I turned to look at her and she was sitting up leaning against the headboard. "You look so beautiful."
"You look like dog shit." She said making me laugh. I walked over to the bed and flopped down between her legs and rested my head on my hands. "The perfect pile of dog shit." She whispered playing with my hair.
"Thank you. That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me." I commented moving my hands under her shirt and holding her boobs. I played with her nipples and she sucked in a breath. I smirked before sticking my head under and sucking on one.
"Luke." She moaned pulling her shirt off. She was already out of breath. I loved how sensitive her nipples were. She lifted her hips into me before I pulled back and got off the bed and went to the closet to finish packing. "Luke!" She whined. "Why would you do that to me?"
"It's fun." I shrugged smiling at her.
"I can do it myself. I did it for months before I met you." She commented and I leaned around the doorframe to look at her.
"You wouldn't." I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Bet." She smirked, a word that she picked up from the guys. I watched as she slowly slipped her pants off before opening her legs.
"McKinley Grace." I said. "Don't." She smirked before slowly bringing her hand to her clit and rubbing it making direct eye contact with me. I watched her for a few minutes before going over to her and pinning her hands down. "I'll do it." She sighed as I brought my tongue to her clit and flicked it.
"Luke." She moaned gripping my hair in her hands. I added two fingers into her and curled them making her moan loud and lift her hips. "You're not funny." She said when I laughed. I took my pants off and grabbed a condom. I put both of her legs on my shoulders and thrust into her. "Holy shit!" She gripped my arms and dug her nails into me.
She clenched around me making me groan. I pulled out and flipped her around and slapped her ass making her yelp. I spread her legs and thrust back into her. She gripped a pillow and held her to her face but I moved it away. I liked hearing her moan and there was no way I was going to let her moan into a pillow.
"Harder." She moaned out lifting her butt closer to me. I held her hips and thrust harder. "I'm gonna cum!" She cried out making me speed up. Her moans filled the apartment as she came and fell onto the bed. I slowly pulled out and tore the condom off before cumming on her back. "Fuck." She whispered and turned to head to look at me as I laid beside me.
"You're amazing." I kissed her. "Now. Let's go take a shower and start packing." I kissed her shoulder before getting up and grabbing a tissue to wipe her back off. I wiped it off before going to start the shower.
"You have a nice ass." She said coming into the bathroom and grabbing it. "Your arms are bleeding." She ran her finger over the blood.
"You need to learn to be nice." I slapped her ass as she stepped into the shower. I rushed through the shower and got out before she did. I dried myself and got dressed before starting to pack again. We would be with her family for four days but I packed extra clothes incase we got stuck there due to snow or anything.
McKinley walked into the closet naked and grabbed a bra out of the basket and slipped on a pair of panties.
"You're driving me nuts." I looked at her.
"That's the plan, Mr. Book Store." She smiled before slipping one of the shirts over her head. She sat down and started looking through her clothes. Her's were on the lower shelves so that she could reach it.
I had all of my things packed and ready to go. It always took her a lot longer than me to do any type of packing.
"Did you pack a button down shirt?" She asked coming into the living room where I was watching t.v.
"Yeah." I answered. "It's blue."
"Okay good." She said coming to sit next to me.
"Did you finish packing?" She nodded and grabbed the blanket off the side of the couch and laid down with her head in my lap. I played with her hair as I watched my show. She fell asleep and somehow I knew that this is where I needed to be. With her. For the rest of our lives. Me and her and our pets.
I woke up next to McKinley and kissed her good morning before heading to the bedroom next door to find out 5 year old son still sleeping. He had long brown hair and freckles covering his nose and under his eyes. Loki was laying under his arm and she was also sleeping.
I walked into the living room to clean up a little before making breakfast. The ring on my finger suddenly felt heavy as I looked at it. I smiled down at it and played it before getting back to making the pancake mix.
McKinley wrapped her arms around me.
"Good morning." She yawned.
"Good morning." I smiled looking over my shoulder at her. "Hungry?" I questioned. She nodded and stepped around to stand beside me and that's when I noticed her big belly.
"She's very hungry." She rubbed her hands over her stomach. She sat down at the table and read something on the Ipad before our son came out rubbing his eyes with Loki by his side. "Good morning, Dean." She smiled holding her arms out and he went to them. "Daddy's making pancakes." She said as she sat him on her lap and he rested his head on her shoulder.
"Can I watch cartoons?" He asked.
"Of course." She set him down and he ran off to watch cartoons. I finished cooking and set our plates at the table.
"Dean, come eat." I called to him. He ran in and climbed onto his chair and started eating. "What should we do today?" I asked looking at both of them.
"Zoo!" Dean shouted.
"That sounds perfect." I smiled looking at McKinley who nodded and played with Dean's hair. Our life was perfect. It was everything that we both wanted or needed and I had her. She was mine and I was hers and we were happy.
We were so so happy.
*I debated if I should have done the future thing but I decided to do it just to see what would happen. And yes I did name their son after Dean Winchester.*
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alright so we’re back with chapter three - the Great Witch
i wonder how much of their memories Nick and Maya have actually recuperated 
the whole thing seems a little dodgy...
“This bench looks like a torture tool– shall we try it out on you, Nick?”
why is Maya so bloodthirsty in the game?? i mean she’s mischievous, but...
ahhh their widdle walking sprites are so cuuuute!
hang on– is that a picture-picture of Barnham with his dog?? if so, that should raise a lot of questions...
also why is the only person who *doesnt* comment on the painting Phoenix? he’s the art major.
you know, ive seen plenty of Phoenix X Barnham, and Darklaw X Barnham, but I’ve never seen any Phoenix X Darklaw 
i wonder why...
maybe Ive just never come across it
“Mr Wright, are you alright?”
(no response)
he's dead guys the fucking dog killed phoenix wright 
luke: I can talk to animals maya: haha omg cool! phoenix, laying in a pool of his own blood: hurgle
wait did maya just call Barnham adorable by proxy 
things layton likes: puzzles, stone lanterns 
oh fuck i forgot about the puzzles
also what the FUCK muffet
Patty: I believe in your Phoenix
Phoenix, trying not to cry: cool cool cool
aww. its nice to have a moment to just talk about feelings, especially between the sidekicks. 
...dont go into the forest you little fuckers
maya likes helms..??
“I used to come here with Nick. He’d carry the water pots, and I’d cheer him on!”
that reminds me, theres no plumbing. in fact, since its the middle ages, theres not even any outhouses. maya and phoenix have canonically shit in the streets
its 12:30 on a school night and I've spent over an hour trying to help a dog deliver mail 
oh maya solved that one! thats the first AA solve of the game. ...er, to me.
i dont understand how piccarats work
like, the previous puzzle was 30 piccarats and it was ridiculously easy. this one’ twenty and ive already lost ten points
maybe its to do with how my brain works– the 30 one was a pattern/colour puzzle, and I'm an artist. this one’s about directions, and I'm ASS at directions.
darklaw what are you WEARING
you look like a skimpy medieval furry
seriously what is with the metal skirt on bare thighs 
is that supposed to be comfy 
man these backgrounds are so beautiful 
why did she specifically tell Maya to be wary of witches
“You certainly both love your food. Personally, I’d just like a little more sleep...”
amen bro
oh fuck
Drosselmeyer wants to see Layton. dont let him brainwash ya!
“So this is the deathknell dungeon? Looks more like solitary confinement to me.”
considering the fact that she can see out the door, i doubt its solitary nick. solitary is a sealed box from hell.
Maya: you were just scared that nick would fuck up like always!! because he's an enormous fuck up haha!! Espella: i... no, i think he's really great
Phoenix: ...hey can i change assistants please
one does not simply
visit the storyteller
“come to think of it, during that parade, the storyteller did seem to be held in high esteem by all the townsfolk...”
guys have you not realized that youre literally meeting god yet???
ah see Layton’s got it
c’mon luke keep up
pfft they think Layton’s a hatter 
just wearing a tophat does not a hatter make 
ah the knights garrison
this is where Chucky stopped playing on his second third-space save 
I wonder why...
“And so the travellers finally arrived...”
yeah well first of all??? if you wanted me to get in there faster maybe dont make your door a fucking puzzle maybe 
fuck you old man you aint shit 
(btw i managed to solve it accidentally in the recommended 4 turns by pressing 3 random buttons and then realizing id somehow succeeded)
Storyteller: [farts suspiciously]
Storyteller: you guys are bad because you stopped me killing children
Espella: it’s true... that the towns folk look at me in a different way
well for one thing youre a different art style than most of them without being anything usually associated with said art style 
oh ok that i was not expecting 
she’s,,, jesus???
Maya spitting truths here 
wait hang on a second 
first of all– “the great witch is just a character of myth” yeah well EVERYONE is a character, Espella
also, she says she came to live with Patty 5 years ago... which is also what Phoenix and Maya said
when their memories all got altered to include phoenix and maya, does that mean they like, had a whole growing-up-together for five years roster of memories?
13 y/o Espella and Maya meeting, bonding over stuff, wondering why only Maya had to make bread and Espella didnt 
Phoenix–– hell, in the time frame, he’d be ‘Pheenie’ being their older brother. Acting like his 25 y/o self, or harkening back to those days and acting accordingly??
and how shitty it must’ve been when they realized none of it ever happened.
“Were these things... My memories?”
well probably not considering im pretty sure that tiny kid being flown over was you
i feel bad for nick’s... wherever is getting bitten, but this does lend credence to my headcanon that animals hate phoenix so 
also the inquisitor office theme needs to chill the fuck out
“Exactly what are you doing over there on all fours”
dont do that 
“He just sits back and lets his dog bite people, err... I mean, me”
he’s lucky nobody flips the fuck out and bites back. i suppose nobody would dare if they knew it was his dog, but still. not very responsible.
“Dr. Delduke” eh
well now
“He was no witch.” “Why?”
“HE was a man.”
( Welp, can’t argue with that. )
hey!!! equality to witches!! boys can be witches too!!
“Maya... can you get this mutt away from me? I can’t feel my leg.”
“Aww... So soon? I was hoping he’d use you as a blue chew toy just one more time.”
ok, seriously, what is UP with Maya? I can’t remember her ever being this violent in the original series. Like, she hit Nick over the head with the shichishito that one time, but she wasn’t constantly wishing harm on him??
as much as i appreciate seeing a tiny maya model i fucking hate the cloud puzzle fuck you for doubling up on it
oh i lucked into the answer awesome
this seems to be a running theme...
every time someone looks at the bell tower, they always comment on the bell never being heard. it must be foreshadowing.
wow Jean is very short
...also I'm calling it now, HE DID IT
hmm Greyerl’s voice actress is a little more noticeable than Luke’s...
also OH OK. the fucking bell tower just MANIFESTED OUT OF PURE FLAMES
“He reacted in a moster peculiar way. Unlike others who saw it, he seemed unsettled, as if he was truly afraid of something” 
oh i dunno, maybe the DEMON BELL TOWER???
Maya: only YOU can fuck up that badly, nick!
ok... genuinely, utterly, seriously, why is Maya so malicious in this game? She does tease Nick a lot throughout the series, but its usually in a more playful or goofy manner. A lot of the things she says in this game seem sort of unnecessary or weirdly hurtful... especially since phoenix hasn’t done much to warrant any of them.
well, I know what happens to Maya
but what the hell is he doing to Nick?
also I do hope there’s a reeeeeaaaaally good reason for all this...
layton flings out his arm to shut luke up skdgkafajkf
wait why did the owl bring them that
“Luke, my boy... We have the need... to rent a steed.”
oh and they fucking did
“You think that’s bad? You should see Nick try and do the laundry– Now that’s a major blunder!”
see that seems a little more in character somehow
especially since its something that seems like he would fail at.
still, weirdly insult heavy...
hey hey 
100 coins
“in an alchemy sense”
shouldn’t that be an ‘alchemical’ sense?
“I guess you’re more suited to small, dark, damp places.”
is that a reference to the mushroom thing??
phoenix, in someone else’s abandoned basement: oh no their house plants are dying :( ill water them 
this man??? is pure??
“Well well well. If it isn't a well.”
“Come to think of it... I haven’t noticed any plumbing here in Laborynthia.”
“As things stand, Mr. Wright is in serious danger!”
uh the story said Maya would die, not Phoenix. It said he’d be cursed, but Maya would be tried and burnt. You should probably be more worried about her...
great witch: sup guys I'm gonna fuck shit up
game: the following is too horrifying to look directly at; here, have some shenanigans with Luke and that other bard Bardly was complaining about.
fuck you perhaps
also hi Layton you’re looking a bit uh 
a bit 
...well this hardly makes any sense
doesn’t Layton appear not long after this? also, it’s easy enough to prove Maya’s not a witch; just hand her the staff and ask her to politely turn Layton back. 
that or just cry on him real quick; worked for Ash
bweuuuhhh dont cry luke pls
its ok luke magic isn’t real luke
...though from what I’ve heard of your universe, someone could have used Science to turn him into gold and that could be totally real so
c’mon in for a hug lil guy
also see yuh all next time for part... four? i think?
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devilsroost · 7 years
My OC’s- Here.  
Devil’s Roost – nightclub staff
Where all the wayward souls wander.  Most of these toons have a checkered past and had nowhere else to go. Bendy preys on the vulnerable and desperate and took them into his loving embrace. They’ve all come together to work for the devil and it feels like family for these poor losers and outcasts.
Betsy – Human/Toon. Manager/bar tender
She’s a human toon and lived most of her life in the human world. She’s an enigmatic woman of few words and a past she doesn’t like to talk about.  There isn’t actually much she likes talking about. She’s Bendy’s number 2 and performs most of the managerial tasks when bendy is away/ too zotzed to function. She’s an ex bank robber as her generic and forgettable character design means that no human is able to recall her at all.
Clarence – highland cow. BouncerHe wished he had more friends here, but no one can understand his accent, except in the Roost. He’s very good friends with Betsy, as he was the second one Bendy hired. He also performs some of the heavy lifting. He loves rugby, and ballet. 
Evelyn – Barn Owl. Bartender
Literally a night owl. She’s a very cute, sweet and shy person, with a secret love of dark and macabre things. Bendy hired her because her face reminded him of his. Also because she’s a black market surgeon.
Millie – Badger. Floor manager/dancer
She’s a self-confident, kind and caring woman. Very friendly and loves dancing. She’s one of the loveliest women you’ll meet, except to Bendy. She doesn’t take any of Bendy’s shit. She used to be a bare-knuckle fighter in the human world
Rita – Hedgehog. Cleaner
She’s a cute little thing. The type to listen and giggle more in a conversation than to contribute.
Audrey – bat. Singer 
As the singer she doesn’t get to spend as much time with the others as she’d like. She’s a very beautiful and attractive woman, but most of Toontown would rather have a pretty cat, or cute animal singing at their bars. This was her last resort. 
Toontown is sectioned into eras and genres, but any era and genre toon can live or visit anywhere else. Thats why Fliss looks like a 90′s toon but is in the 20′s section. 
Fliss – dog
Happy-go-lucky golden retriever that works in the café across from the Devil’s Roost. She misses Bendy, as he avoided her ever since she got that hideous, non-healing facial scar.
Viihan – cat
Gentleman detective. He is heir to the vast wealth of the Assaud family, as they are of gentleman class. To his family’s disappointment, he didn’t want to be a man of means, and left for the human world to become a police officer. He reached the rank of detective and stayed there for many years. There is almost no crime in Toontown. At least, there used to be. Ever since Bendy came to town crime has been on the rise.
He came back to live in Toontown permanently when his wife was killed during the events of the Bad Thing. He blames himself for not being there to save her.  Crime is on the rise, and he’s going to find out why.
Aysha – cat
Viihan’s socialite sister. She’s a bored young lady trying to find thrills in this dull place. Getting mixed up in all kinds of trouble. She wants to be more involved in business. Her family used to own a factory and warehouse by the canal. She wants to get that up and running again…only to find that its currently occupied.
The Thumperbatch brothers [X]
Kiba - Samoyed dog
Comedian that sometimes performs at the roost. Generally well liked through the town.
Bunnydict - lop eared rabbit
Owner of a logistics company, financially supporting his brothers.Grumpy.
Gandalf -rabbit
Jittery ball of nerves and anxiety. Independent scientist.
Other’s OC’s that are involved so far-
(I’m not tagging here because I don’t want to spam the owners)
1.       Theo- (hellsbait).
Bendy’s friend. He’s a bit shy and meek, so Bendy is taking advantage of that and has basically wrangled him into servitude.
2.       Bucky The Hyena –(weretoons).Bucky is Bendy’s self declared pet, which he has called Wobbles.
3.      Sam - (thereisinkinmylungs)
Boyfriend of Clarence. A huge rottweiler, who is a big ol’ sweetheart.  4.      Figaro -( thereisinkinmylungs)
Mysterious private investigator. Cat. Drinking buddy, where they like to talk shit, gossip and maybe not be so nice.  Smokey- One of Figaro’s lost lives when he was drowned. Hangs around the Roost (haunts it?) keeping an eye on Bendy. 
5.       Bailey - (Tidorito) Bendy’s mum friend. She takes care of him, spoils him a little, and is an all round lovey lady. Lets him sleep in her exceptionally fluffy tail. 
More-coming soon? 
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