#offered an invite to my sis and she eyed me up and down and said “......the what.” like i was a madwoman
merrymorningofmay · 1 year
for sale...... two bluesky invites....... never used........
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casitafallz · 1 year
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LTRL AU |  Talking Between Relatives
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Vera knew it’d take time for anyone—aside from Luisa—to come and visit her shop. It had been a day since she had spoken to her son, and she had fortunately seen Agustín leading his disgruntled wife through town during the morning to—she hoped— was Dr Lopez.
But she had thankfully caught one of the Madrigal she had seen rarely about since she had heard his return. So, she had invited him into her shop at lunch after most of the girls had hurried to eat with their families. The fact he had without a second invitation was a surprise, despite also not going home for lunch either but she was glad to see him sit down and she put together a cup of chocolate Santafereño and a few buñuelos she had since she didn’t like his too-thin frame.
Bruno sat, a little awkwardly but seemed to enjoy it, though seemed to knock on wood stool often which seemed to settle him more.
“How would you like to be addressed, Señor Madrigal or Bruno?” Vera asked politely, as she took a seat and picked up her own crocheting, and began to continue.  
Bruno looked up in surprise. “Er… Oh, Bruno’s fine.” He answered.
“Then feel free to call me Vera.” Vera smiled, “I’m glad you took up my offer.”
Bruno shrugged, “A…passing sleep vision last night showed I’d be here. I figured…I’d see what happens.”
Vera nodded but it made immediate sense. The man had no release from his gift, even in his sleep it seemed. “Well, I was hoping we could have a…talk in regards to your family. I can’t imagine it’s… all too easy.”
Bruno paused for a second. “Are you a therapist as well as a seamstress?” Bruno eyed her wearily. “Agustín said you were good at reading people…”
“I’m the youngest of seven, Bruno. I’ve learned to read people by necessity—my older siblings at the least—or risk losing food or personal objects… or getting tackled down a flight of steps by accident.”
“Well, there was more and after me but nature is not always kind.” Her mother never went into details so Vera didn’t pass that a second thought. “Nonetheless, I learned young and my mother taught me a lot as well. Was…your mother a single child or did she mention any siblings to you growing up?”
Bruno slurped on his mug thoughtfully. “No siblings, but her mother was a twin. She never talks about her mother or Tia; only that she had them. Wouldn’t you know if my mother had siblings? You came from the same town and you’re close in age, aren’t you?
“Same town but different ends of it.” Vera corrected, gently “Plus, she wasn’t a Madrigal when she was growing up. I can’t remember her maiden name at this point, however, I knew the Madrigal family well.”
That caught his attention, his eyes widening, “Wait, you knew my father?” He leaned forwards.
Vera hummed, not fully committedly. “Si, he belonged to a…small family. A sister and his parents. His family owned a shop close to ours, a bookshop, actually. His family would come in mostly for a new outfit every so often. We sold things a little cheaper so our store was more visited. His family was…known by the fact his father was pale and had such a mass of red hair.”
It was a…distant memory, but she hadn’t been part of the business to care about who came and went too much until she had started to pay attention to boys. But the redhead was easy to remember as they were so rare, more than the blondes. There had been an old woman with red hair and green eyes but Vera couldn’t remember what happened to her. She knew the woman’s family all had dark hair so who knew where her descendants ended up?
 “I… think Pedro was a writer? He loved reading. His father used to drag him to my parent's shop for new clothes but he always spent his money on books or notepads than his clothes until his sister cut the threads out of his shirt once to make a point on his spending habits.” Vera hadn’t realized she had stopped looking at the twig of a man until she had looked up from her wool work to see she had his full, wide-eyed attention.
“My…our grandfather was a redhead?” Bruno sounded a little excited at that. “At least we know where Pepa got her looks.” Bruno leaned forwards in both excitement and anxiety about her words, “He was a writer too? W-What did he write?”
Vera paused, though she felt…confused, did Alma not tell her son of his father or his paternal family?? She hardly felt like it was her place to feed her son information of a lost man when she should have done so. On the other hand… there must have been something to hold her back. Vera’s mind touched on her son, her lost son.
It was almost annoying to hold the same reasoning but… she supposed that they all had their pain held in different places and in different degrees. Vera knew how to handle hers. She had bid her griefs farewells and let them come and go when they visited since. There was no true way to let it go. She had learned to cope… or risk being caught and left stranded and never moving forwards.
“It varied, I…never got involved in his work. Poems were his main interest but… his last few years, his work got more…political. He wanted to help out his town and to have more of a voice for them as well. But… typically people who got dabbled into politics or expressed their option too much were often sought out and killed.” It was sad to think about that, but she had to think that… the following of them that day their town went to the flame was not without purpose. People with influence or in a position of power were often tracked down and killed for their actions; it had been a common thing in the large, open towns and cities for that to happen. Vera looked up sharply, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…imply anything.”
Bruno’s face was…uneasy but oddly calm. “It’s fine.” He sucked in a heavy breath. “It just…. I never thought of it that way.”
“Your father’s death?”
“The senseless killing.” He knocked gently on his stool. “and yeah, that too. I…never thought there was a reason for it beyond terror…and war.”
“Encanto is a safe haven and it’s all you’ll ever know, Bruno,” Vera spoke. “Me, your mother… everyone who was part of the fleeing share burdens with that knowledge of what people will do for control and power. We were all just…civilians caught in the middle.”
“But…Pa died for a cause?”
“He…may have been a target for his public views, si, but you and your family were most likely his cause to protect from the moment he met your mother.” Vera didn’t want to diminish the man’s noble sacrifice; it was for his family and only that when the moment came down to it. An honorable, but brutal death.
“Does… did my Mother know about… what he wrote about?” He almost looked hopeful and conflicted at the same time at the idea.
“I assume so. He moved away when he married. I didn’t see him until he was leading the survivors away with your mother a year later.” She hadn’t even known he had died until morning, the spurt of magic had been a wonder and a distraction.
Bruno took another deeper sip of his drink. “Do you have many stories about him?”
“I do but… some don’t paint him in a positive light.” Vera was careful. “Why don’t you ask your mother for more stories?”
Bruno visibly deflated at her suggestion. “Mama never tells us the bad things, barely anything more than him being a good man who gave his life for us. It’s… hard to see him anything less than that. It’d…” Bruno hesitated, “It’d be nice to hear him more human and with flaws.”
Vera felt her resolve soften. It made sense… Alma put her husband’s memory on the highest of pedestals for all to see the good.
“Well, let’s make a deal, you help me find ways for your family to…get on the road to…stability and I’ll tell you all that I remember about your father and his family?” Vera offered, as much as she knew he’d want to hear more now… she’d have to steer the conversation to where she needed it to be. Less on the past, and more on the present.
Bruno hesitated for a moment, clearly weighing his options as he picked up one of the cheesy bread balls and ate it. “That is….acceptable, I suppose.”
“I am not the only one that knew him, I can point you to a few others who may have other stories as well.”
“Please do.” Bruno ran his hand through his hair, “So… where do we start?”
“Well, I’m not the one to go all the way back to the start of the issues, so I’ll go with the more recent stuff. So, to put some perspective on the matter; following the attack on Mirabel; Isa’s been punished and so, what has the rest of the family been doing the following nine months after that?” Vera questioned, continuing her work with the other blanket for the baby to remain busy with her hands. And, not to mention Isa would need a few spares from either spit up or poop so she’d happily make the girl a backup.
Bruno shrugged, setting his mug down in favor of his plate of fwood he put on his lap. “Well… I noticed they simply…carried on. A little less intense work in town but…it never overly changed. Mirabel was the one to push her mother away from the town's reliance on her gift which… was probably a smart idea.”
“How is she?”
“Who, Mirabel or Julieta?”
“I can’t say. I’ve… sort of stayed with Antonio and his animal friends a little mostly to avoid all the drama. He can talk to my rats you see and… it’s just nice to talk to someone who can actually help direct the rats to position.” Bruno seemed to lighten up more as he spoke, “He’s a...very bright kid.”
“I sense the lingering in your undertone, Bruno.” Vera looked up from the blanket, “Is Antonio alright, that should be addressed, I suppose. He’s young and… I suppose he can be easily missed in the mess that’s happened?” Perhaps Bruno’s hanging around also kept Antonio being exposed to such family messes.
Bruno nodded, “He seems alright. But, I suppose he misses how things used to be. I’ve…tried to explain that the family’s going through a tough time in knowing what to do. He thinks what’s happening is Isabela keeps getting into trouble or someone else is and doesn’t know the resolve. One thing after another.”
Vera nodded though she supposed that was a very one-sided thing that could be resolved quickly. “Why don’t you simply talk to Pepa or her husband about his feelings? I can’t imagine she’s realized among the mess.”
Bruno hesitated but nodded, “I suppose. Dolores wasn’t soft on them and… I think they’re doing better with her today at breakfast. They didn’t realize how…affected she is with her gift.”
Though there was no mistake he spoke with a sense of…familiarity. Vera could only assume it was a mutual feeling, given his own gift which she… didn’t care much for. It wasn’t relevant to her and so, didn’t care. She wasn’t the type to ask for a future. Why spoil her own future when patience was a virtue?
Though, looking at his scrawny face and dark eye shadows… he looked far rougher than he should.
“Then, as long as they keep their eyes on their children then it’s not our business. But, how are you handling this, Bruno?” Vera asked. “I can’t imagine it was easy to appear and get thrown into drama.”
The man in question shrugged. “I can handle it, just another day in La Casa Madrigal.”
“You’ve otherwise told me you’re hanging around with your five year old sobrino to hide away from the drama. Don’t you think that it would be…healthier that you shouldn’t resort to such methods for peace in your own home?” She set the last stitch on her work for now, to give him her proper attention. “You shouldn’t have to live that way, not because of your siblings or your mother. There is more to life than that.”
Bruno huffed out shortly, “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Vera raised an unconvinced, sharp eyebrow up at him, tilting her head to look over the rim of her glasses. "Nine months and no improvement, it’s not fine and no one is willing to talk. I’m not above blackmail or bribery if it gets results.”
“Bribery? That won’t work.” Bruno snorted in amusement.
“So you wouldn’t like rat pockets in your ruana?”
Bruno paused, remaining still for a moment though she could see the wheels in his mind picturing such a thing with some degree of desire. His hand tugged on the front of the one he had. “I see your point.”
Vera smiled though she was glad to listen to Mirabel’s titbits about her family. Bruno and his rats were…common in her talks. She didn't doubt Mirabel already planned for that for him for his gift this Nochebuena.
“I think the problem in the family comes from one source and to solve the family issues, you need to start at the source. Your mother, Bruno.” Vera started, “I hope you’re not too offended on that?”
Bruno shook his head. “I’m not… but I don’t like hearing it. I know…that you’re right. I’ve tried to tell Mama but…it’s hard.” Bruno picked up another Buñuelo, tearing it in half and slowly began to chew. “She doesn’t listen for long.”
“Then she needs a motivation to change…one that doesn’t risk anyone in the family.”
Bruno shook his head uncomfortably. “I… know your intent is good, Vera but…should you really be putting yourself into our family problems? You threw a fit when Luisa did…”
Vera inhaled deeply. “That is different. I have no intention to break into your home and catch anyone unawares. I don’t intend to force myself into a situation like that. I just need to shine a light on the problems and I can point out alternative methods to deal with the problem than your current methods. To do that, I need to understand. The one thing I’ve noticed is no one in your family is actually talking to each other. No talking, no solution.” Vera clarified. “Someone has to start talking.”
Bruno stared for a moment, though his eyes didn’t meet hers. “No one likes talking… it’s uncomfortable.”
“There’s always a breaking point, Bruno,” Vera replied, her voice soft. “Isa broke first. Who’s next?”
Bruno’s shoulders slumped “I hate that.”
“I know. But once it’s all out, feelings and…problems, the family may actually be able to move on. Be a family not treading on eggshells around each other...” Vera fiddled with her blanket. “Broken families drift apart. While I lost everyone, Bruno; my parents, my siblings, and the rest that never made it to Encanto so I’m not willing to allow a loss on such a scale to happen to my son’s family if there’s a way to stop it.”
“You took Isabela.”
“Yes. But that doesn’t mean forever, she needed that just as much as the rest. The point is, the family needs to heal and they can heal their bonds with Isabela as well to the point she’s willing to return to Casita. As a family. Not by force, not when neither side is ready.” Vera pointed out, “Do you need your own vision to see how that might end if the family try that?”
Bruno’s expression didn’t change too much though he nodded. “You have a point.”
“All that’s needed, Bruno, is for the family to be forced to talk; about their problems to their parents and for them to figure out how to fix them. No matter how messy. Apologies, if they’re needed. Your mother should be part of that because she has such an influence over the household.”
That wrinkled his nose. “I’ll…think about it.”
“Then, that is all I can ask.”
Isabela gently kept her foot down on the treadle, the wheel spinning and the cotton fluff in between her finger tightened into yarn. Simple, yarn than anything fine like a thread. The motion was predictable and soothing and the sound of the wheel echoed in the silence of her room.
Her heart ached but there was little she could do. Her mind mulling on one thing
No one had seen Mateo since yesterday morning when Luisa had returned him home.
Abuelita had said she had gone to ask for him but… she came back worried. This meant the real possibility he was left to heal if he was still alive, but… Abuelita had no authority to demand entry to see him. Dolores hadn’t raised an alarm either which was… another concern. She wouldn’t notice one less person missing from the town. She could have slept through what happened to him easily.
A part of her itched to go to Casita; for her Tio. If he could see his future and where he was or…if there was no future to be found. She should do that.
But she couldn’t bring herself to leave her home.
Who knew if Camilo had told the town? Was going out really the risk she was willing to take?
Trying to seek out Mateo herself was another thought. But…confronting his sister would be worse if she found out about the baby. It…would be worse to…put herself and risk the child too. She couldn’t do that. Mateo wouldn't want that; for her or for it.
“Isa,” Abuelito’s voice echoed behind her door. “Someone is here to see you.”
Isa kept going. “I’m busy.”
Her hands paused as she heard Luisa’s voice, the plants in range turning sharp and prickly before a cactus popped up close by. She heard the door open but she didn’t turn to face it so instead, she stopped her bobbin and reset to start on making sewing thread.
“Abuelito, can you remove Luisa? I have no interest to talk to her, regardless of what she has to say.” Isabela asked, forcing her tone to be polite.
“Shut up, Luisa.”
“No,” Abuelito stepped forwards calmly, "Angry as you are, you speak with respect in this house.”
Isabela turned from her wheel to his stern face. “Sorry, Abuelito.” She didn’t give her middle sister a second glance as she picked up her near-empty basket of cotton, though this time began to reform small puffs between her fingers and dropped them into the bottom. “I don’t want an apology. I don’t want you in my room, Luisa and unless you’re willing to locate the father of my child, I do not want you to talk to me. Please leave.”
“Child?” the echo of confusion was soft but thankfully, she heard Abuelito speak softly and their doorway steps echoed before the familiar clip signaling that her door shut.
Mirabel looked up as she saw Luisa return to Casita, her shoulders slumped, and looking very pink in the face like she was about to cry. Mirabel’s hands tightened on her bag of sewing supplies she had though she already had a sinking feeling that tonight's festivities weren’t going to go well.
She knew that Luisa had wanted to go down and apologize, to hopefully bring Isa up to Casita to the party but… clearly something went wrong. Back far too quickly and Isabela-less.
“Did it not go well?” Mirabel asked, drifting from the steps.
Luisa shook her head, her eyes welling up. “She wouldn’t even talk to me. Or look at me.” Luisa swallowed thickly.
“Ah.” Mirabel reached forwards and gently hugged her. “Give it a few days, we both know Isa hangs onto grudges.” Harmless grudges but grudges nonetheless. “At least Abuelito let you try.”
Mirabel tugged Luisa to the kitchen, where her mother was working diligently by the stove, talking quietly with their father though…he was doing more of the talking. The creases in his face suggested concern but Mirabel led her older sister to prep the house for festivities.
“Let’s not dwell on that tonight,” Mirabel decided. “Let’s put up the decorations and see about distracting Camilo before he eats all the food.” It would be a good thing and be done by the time the food and party start.
“I...suppose but  she said something and I…can’t stop thinking about it.” She plucked up the huge stack of plates, leaving behind Isa’s one on the shelves.
The table was set up outside on the patio and lanterns was already up, or being put up by Tio Felix and Antonio. Parce was lounging on the floor, chewing an animal’s leg from a recent hunt.
“She…mentioned that… she has a child?”
Mirabel almost dropped the bowl she was carrying. “What?”
Luisa looked around, clearly being careful. “She’s…probably lying but she mentioned a child and the fact I should locate the father as the means for me to actually have a conversation with her.” She set the stack down. “I know she’s upset but…”
“She’s not lying.” Dolores seemed to appear out of nowhere, looking in better spirits. “She’s pregnant and surprisingly far along but Abuela’s not yet to know. So keep this from Antonio and Camilo if you can help it.”
Mirabel stared at her cousin for a long moment though she felt almost winded at the news.
Isabela. Pregnant.
Now she could see why Isabela was so pissed at Luisa. She herself knew nothing of…the father or anything but if Luisa had interfered somehow… then it affected this…baby too…
“Wait, when did you find out?”
“I’ve heard the heartbeat for months.” Dolores shrugged, “but… it’s only recently she’s known. She had Marquez around to tell him the news.”
Luisa groaned softly, sinking her face into her hands. “That was what I was seeing?”
“Yes.” Dolores’s tone was cooler. “You’re not going to earn back any favors with Isa any time, Luisa. She’s furious.”
Luisa’s head rose, “I can wait…. I just…” She huffed out and walked away back through the door.
Mirabel and Dolores watched her for a long moment before she saw Dolores step to face her, hesitating to touch her arm for a moment. “Sorry for dropping the news on you.”
“I can keep a secret.” God forbid, she had learned from the last time when Isa was involved. “Is…Isa okay with you telling?”
“She expects the family to know at some point but… not for Abuela yet. Your Abuelita’s concerned about how much stress she’s under. The child won’t survive if it’s born too early because of that.”
“What are you two talking about?” Camilo’s voice echoed as he carried a stack of wine glasses, “plotting a prank?”
“No, we’re not you.” Dolores quipped playfully. “We were talking about…Luisa’s mishap with Isabela.” The lie was not too far from the truth, though it made her wince but she’d go along with her story. For Isa’s sake here.
Camilo scoffed, rolling her eyes. “She needs to get over herself.”
“She thinks you spilled to the town about it.” Dolores pointed out, “Lay off her, Camilo.”
“Look, if she's going to screw around then she shouldn’t be upset that she got found out. Luisa did her a favor.” Camilo shrugged, “She shouldn’t be so mad at her.”
Mirabel exhaled out, hating how close to home that phrase was. “She had justification for her anger, Camilo. Stop prodding the cactus.”
Camilo scowled lightly. “So do you, Mirabel. Why are you sticking up for her?”
“Because I want to.” Mirabel snapped, her voice rising to her own surprise which only grew as she felt the hot flush of anger rise to the surface. “Stop going back to that day, Camilo. I am angry. I am downright furious at my sister for what she did. I won’t let my anger get the best of me. I am not ready to shout at her more than she is ready to bare it. There is a time and a place for that. Not now and certainly not any time soon. All I want is to talk to her, be alone with her and actually bond with her.”
“The risks—“
“I’m not done talking.” Mirabel snapped over Camilo sharply, very aware of the eyes on her. “I want to actually move on. I don’t want your weight of concern to keep holding me back so let me decide when I am ready to talk to her. I don’t want any more hand-holding and I don’t want to be spied on to make sure I’m safe. It’s exhausting trying to find privacy and I’m sick of it.” She turned and stormed back inside, not even noticing Abuela through the window
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ktheist · 4 years
2prettybestfrens | jjk
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muses. jeon jeongguk x reader x park jimin ft. kim taehyung
genre. strangers to lovers!au. university!au. 
words. 18.2k
drabbles. pjm
warnings. mentions of physical insecurities, alcohol use, juul use, mention of adoption, mentions of dysfunctional families, handcuffs - lots of handcuffs, jeongguk crossdressing, too many one-sided pinings lmao 
synopsis. you’re in love with kim taehyung who’s in love with jennie kim who’s in love with professor kim namjoon. so park jimin doesn’t exactly fit in all of this, yet he’s always been there in your weakest moments which may or may not be caused by your heartbreak boy - or so jeongguk likes to call him.
oh and jeongguk? you don’t even know jeongguk until that party-gone-awry night where you end up handcuffed together to ponder on what you did.
when you uploaded a snapchat of your darkened room and a single teary-eyed emoji because kim taehyung uploaded one where a beautiful girl was covering her mouth while she giggled, jimin snapped back a ‘why r u awake 😬’ to which you snapped the same darkened room with a slightly different angle and a ‘just cause’. his last snap to you contained a ‘cool wanna call?’ before you dialed him up and ended up talking until 5 in the morning before bidding each other-
“well, good night then,” you’d muttered.
“g’morning,” he’d wished you back in a soft mumble and a hint of sleepiness taking over.
that happened on a friday night. on monday and for the rest of the week, you merely greeted each other in the hallway and went on your days without the inclusion of the other.
when you sat by yourself on the bench on the sidewalk of campus, under the shade of a great old tree a few feet away from your department after being left high and dry when kim taehyung’s friends asked him if he’s joining them to get mcdonald’s which he’d in turn asked if you wanted to tag along and you said you were good only because you never did well in groupies - park jimin sat down next to you, head thrown back as he squinted at the gaps of the leaves where the tiniest of sun rays managed to pass through and dot his face. blonde tresses swaying ever so softly when the wind blew past you.
“so how was finance?” he looked like he was asking the waving branches.
“eh, it was fine, professor kim’s a good teacher,” you shrugged, the sight of jennie suavely smiling and said professor shooting glances at her made you mentally vomit.
“man,” he blew a gust of air from his mouth as he ran a hand through his semi-long tresses, “were we in the same class? because all i remember was dozing off five minutes into class.”
“that’s why you should sit at the front,” you’d suggested.
it was then, did he push himself off the ground and stood up, black and white jacket pushed back as he slipped his hands into the pocket of his jeans. eyes narrowing while his tongue protruded against the inside of his cheek before he went, “you hungry?”
“starving,” you rolled your eyes before collecting your mac and holding it to your chest, bag slung over your shoulders.
the both of you didn’t go to mcdonald’s but the food tasted just as good that day at the cafe in your faculty.
when kim taehyung asked jennie if she was free friday night and the girl turned to you with an endearingly oblivious, “do we have any plans on friday?” and taehyung awkwardly but not so hesitantly corrected, “um, i mean, just you jennie,” the air, without a doubt turned tangibly tense and awkward.
“oh,” jennie’s brows knitted together as she stared at him, as though trying to spot the caption on his forehead as to why he invited only her when everyone knew you and jennie never go anywhere without the other if you didn’t have any prior engagements, “well, ___ and me are going to hang out together so yeah, i’m not free.”
you weren’t sure if she was dumb or playing dumb but you’d found out later that night, that she’d been irritated with kim taehyung’s non-considerate advancements which she’d recently noticed seemed to exclude you ‘i hate people who make plans in front of someone and not invite them’ was her exact word before she followed up with a ‘blockedt’.
but backtrack to when the tension seemed to rise higher than the sky, you were saved by jimin when he came mini-jogging towards you with that adorable boyish smile and crescent eyes, “hey, i was looking for you - you wanna walk to accounting together?”
you’d waved jennie and taehyung goodbye and gladly walked with jimin to class.
and so it goes, with kim taehyung’s eyes lighting like fireworks in the midnight sky when he sees jennie and the girl itching to make a beeline to the opposite side of where he comes from and you shooting her ‘be nice’ looks whilst park jimin pops up now and then in the most convenient time until ‘us’ no longer comprise of you and jennie but also taehyung and jimin.
so much so, some of your casual friends come to you asking for either of the boys when they seem to have something to inform them which you’re not sure why isn’t informable through text. but either way, you’ve become two best friends with additional friends.
maybe said additional friends happen to fall in the top list of cuties in the girls and gays’ books but besides kim taehyung, if you looked, like really really looked at park jimin, you concurred, perhaps he does have the right to be in said list with his unblemished, smooth skin, perfect pink lips and pretty sparkly eyes.
“what?” his lips do the thing where they curl, revealing a pair of perfectly lined white pearls.
“nothing,” you say as you find yourself third-wheeling in taehyung’s bmw with jimin at the back and the first commenting something about his older sister liking to shop at zara as well when jennie asked you if you were free tomorrow to go to the mall near campus.
“i mean i can go with you girls, i have a two-hour gap between classes,” the boy offers.
“oh,” the first laugh trickles out of your mouth without a stop switch, “you’re so cute.”
you can hear jennie snickering in the passenger seat as you turn away from the angle where taehyung could see you in the rear-view mirror, only to come face to face with jimin who seems to get your humor.
“it’s not a big deal,” taehyung shrugs, a tinge of pride in his voice.
“my man,” jimin pats said man on his shoulder, “you don’t know jack shit about women.”
“what?” the older boy asks, perplexed and quite honestly irritated for some reason - but then again, he never seems to like jimin’s quick-to-catch-on nature when it comes to any girls-related topics.
“two hours is not enough to shop, taehyung,” jennie finally decodes the long standing cipher, “we can barely explore one shop.”
by the end of her words, you’re is full out snickering like an unattractive hyena, “i thought you have a sister?”
“i do,” there’s a tinge of confusion in his tone, “she usually goes shopping with her boyfriend.”
“well, how long did it take them to go shopping?” she quizzes, sharing an amused look with jimin.
“uh,” it’s then, do you hear the sound of the screws in taehyung’s brain twisting, “she usually stays over whenever they do.”
“well, whatever you think they did after they went shopping - it’s probably not it,” jimin snickers, shoulderline jolting as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“so cute,” jennie echoes your earlier words, neck craning to look at the two other passengers in the back seat as she gives you a one-eyebrow-lifted look as if to say ‘this is the guy you’re crushing on?’
at that, you shrug, unapologetically mouthing ‘he’s cute’ - in a much different and adoring sense than the first time which jennie must’ve gotten when she shakes her head, a hopeless smile on her lips as she turns to the road again.
you were on your way to the movies then.
“oh my god,” jennie squeals, eyes skimming your specifically-handpicked-by-jennie-kim attire, “you look so cute!”
“only because i agreed to be your live mannequin,” you say rolling your eyes but the curl of a smile on your lips is unstoppable.
“no - because i know what kind of style suits you,” she narrows her eyes in a ‘you know i’m right’ kind of manner, “no offense, your usual style is cute too but it’s more like an... ‘i have a crush, don’t talk to me’ kind of look, you know?”
“am i wrong though?” your eyebrows rise, mimicking her ‘you know i’m right’ look.
she raises a hand, her free one scrolling through her phone as she announces, “i don’t recommend crushing on airheaded guys but you do you sis,” then she looks up, staring at you straight in the eye with the most deadpanned expression, “but if he breaks your heart, i’ll break his leg,” it’s a full, solid moment later, just as you were about to burst out laughing, does she say, “literally.”
and it’s times like these that you fear for another person’s life that isn’t yours - well, taehyung’s life isn’t just anyone’s but - as she turns back to her phone ever so casually.
but before you can fret any further, your phone vibrates, the words ‘chim’ flashing across your screen with a ‘get yo asses down’ and contrasting ‘ur chauffer awaits’ popping a second later.
“get your ass up. they’re here,” you end up saying, pushing your phone into the back pocket of your leather pants that jennie manages to convince you to put on for some unknown reason - that reason going along the lines of ‘kim taehyung’ and ‘jealousy’, but you’re not one to dwell on why one do things they do as you accept jennie’s grabby-motioned hands in request for assistance to be pulled up.
it turns out the shopping plan gets pushed to saturday where taehyung is basically spouting out how he’s a good judge for fashion and that he hasn’t gone to the mall since the semester started which to be fair, was only a month ago. 
you’re not sure how jimin ended up tagging along - the two aren’t even the bestest buddies - but someway, somehow, he always manages to get taehyung to pick him up and drop him off whenever the taller man makes plans to go out with you and jennie.
“wow,” jimin is the first to notice, mouth taking on an ‘o’ shape he basically ogles in plain daylight.
“what do you think?” jennie comes up behind you, chin resting on your shoulder as she wraps her arms around your waist then she turns to taehyung who was the last to get out of the car, “doesn’t ___ look pretty, taehyung?”
at the sound of his name rolling off the tongue of the girl he’s been pining for since he laid eyes on her, his gaze lights up - but only to meet jennie’s. one look at you and he turns back to her with the most beautiful smile, “yeah, she looks great - did you help choose the top?”
“actually,” the girl begins with a cheery tone - they’re walking a few steps behind you whilst you and jimin walk together. it’s been like that for as long as you remember, “i picked out the whole fit. it wasn’t easy though because...”
kim jennie walking side-by-side with kim taehyung whilst you with jimin whenever the two boys join you, be it whether to get to a class you all share, to go to the library to study or to get some lunch - has become a familiar view to your mutual friends. so much so, you’ve heard of a rumor going around that you’re a couple of best friends.
like literal couples. you with jimin and jennie with taehyung. thanks to that, no one would have suspected jennie’s relationship with professor kim nor would anyone see through the veil of friendly smiles and amicable conversations to be you pining over your best friend’s alleged boyfriend.
you’ve gotten used to hearing jennie and taehyung’s conversation fade into the background yet never really able to disregard the way taehyung laughs at something your best friend says or the sight of the two walking a few feet ahead with taehyung’s head almost always turned to jennie’s and the girl, oblivious, occasionally cranes her neck to look at him at the beginning of her sentence before directing her gaze to the front where she’s walking.
jennie dislikes taehyung less now, if only because he steers the conversation towards the areas of interest - which he seems to know a lot of. kudos to you for answering his ass-crack o’clock texts of ‘heyyy what kind of movie does jennie like?’s and ‘heyy you girls got any plans tomorrow?’s.
“you look great in those leather pants, by the way,” jimin’s voice makes you turn to the other boy, a boyish smile on his lips, “so let me guess,” his head tilts to the side as the dip between his thumb and index finger hooks itself underneath his chin, eyebrows knitted together in heavy contemplation, “are you going for a good girl gone bad kind of look,” a playful smile tugs on the corners of his lips, “or are you in a secret biker gang and have a biker meeting at 7?”
you lean closer to the man, hand covering your mouth as you whisper, “you didn’t hear this from me but we’re convoying to disney land. i heard it’s more magical during christmas.” 
or so you thought your whispering skills were close to perfect but a cat with brown hair pops up from next to you, eyes glinting with excitement, “did someone say christmas?!”
so you end up early-christmas shopping just because of that one word that triggers the warm-hearted-who-ness in her. and that’s how you, taehyung and jimin gets dragged from one store to another. but where your attention gets robbed with material things like-
“oh look, a snow globe with a puppy and a snowman in it!” you shake the see through globe, watching as pseudo snowflakes rain over the unmoving pupper and olaf lookalike before you sigh, “technically the snowman isn’t alive and the doggo is alone by itself in a world where nobody else can enter - and on christmas at that . oh my god, i think i’m gonna cry.”
- but jennie’s interest lies within the holiday-themed clothes. sweaters. costumers. lingerie. you name it and jennie kim tries it on.
“___ - pssst, hey,” there she goes, hiss-whispering your name as if you’re not right in front of the curtain she’s poking her head through, eyes darting around for the two boys who, last you saw, were doing the best to look interested in reindeers and candy printed sweaters.
“what, girl, what?” you whisper back, trying to peek through the gap of the curtain over her head as if you’ve never entered a changing room together.
and as if reading your mind, her bare arm that’s supposed to be wrapped with the floral cotton material of her sleeve - shoots out, hand wrapping around your wrist.
a “wha- ah-!” probably echoed off the walls and turned some heads but you’re no longer in the position to check as you find your back pressed against the wall of the cubicle and red and white lace-wearing jennie posing for you.
“so?” she beams.
“those are so cute, oh my god,” you end up his-whispering whilst trying to keep your voice low, “where did you get them? i only ever saw you checking out - and you have got to admit this - ugly sweaters!”
“girl, the lingerie section is just next to the sweaters,” her eyes seem to disappear behind her crescents as she crinkles her nose, “no but for real, you think i was gonna buy them? i just needed the boys to go away. and. they. finally. did,” she rolls her eyes, “it took awhile but kim taehyung is so persistent.”
“that’s why he’s so... cute,” you hum, eyes shutting close as the picture of the aforementioned man flashes behind your eyes. he’s looking at you with those dark eyes and he’s smiling at you with that magnetic-
“gross! get your ass out of the gutter,” a squeal hits the air as your eyes flutter open to the sight of your best friend’s contorted faces as if-
“um, girl,” you tilt your head just the slightest bit, hand on your hip while your other hand raises in a ‘hold up’ manner, “out of the two of us, you’re the one that’s gotta stop being silly and start wrapping professor kim’s willy.”
a stick of tongue out is all you’ve got as a response before she turns to her phone that’s vibrating at an alarming rate.
that’s when you feign almost-vomit, “did you - ulgh - sent him a - ulgh - nude?”
in any ordinary circumstance, she would have made faces to mimic a much ridiculous series of vomiting in response to your fake almost-vomits but when her smile tugs downwards in a disheartened pout, you practically drop all the ugly sweaters you picked out just for the sake of getting into the christmas spirit and rush over to the girl - which is only one and a half feet away.
“hey, hey, what’s wrong?” you coo as she starts blinking back tears.
“i knew it,” she huffs out a puff of air, hand fanning at her waterline, “i fucking knew it.”
in between the ‘you’re okay’s and ‘everything’s going to be okay’s on your part and jennie’s increasingly growing sobs, you manage to make out the words she blurts out. something along the lines of ‘not spending as much time as we used to’ and ‘because i’m ugly as fuck’. so you hold her tighter, fingers brushing out the potentially forming knots in her hair each time it gets into her tear stained face and gets aggressively pushed out of said face with the back of the hand. 
it’s been going on since the start of the third year - the ‘i can’t make it tonight’s and ‘sorry, i’m going to have to rain check’s. 
you’ve been a silent spectator of how your best friend’s face lights up whenever she talks about her secret affair with the youngest professor in the business faculty, how he lives up to her private swooning with the smallest ‘miss kim, how was your day’s when he met her in the hallway, ever so casually greeting one of his supposed students like any professor would and treats her to fine-dinings and became the reason why forehead kisses are her favorite kind of kiss now.
he never really tried to hide his fondness for her even at the faculty and though you knew your best friend could get anyone she wanted, you were dubious of whether that anyone actually deserved such a loving, beautiful person. nonetheless, kim namjoon seems to be the exact person who does.
“hey, look at me,” you implore, sitting cross-legged on the floor whilst your knees touch and your fingers twine together in a fingers hug, or so jennie coined the term in your first year, “you’re so beautiful.”
“you don’t mean that,” she mumbles out.
“girl, if i were to be born again and were allowed to choose how i’m going to look - i want your eyes, they like, pull people in - not gonna lie, i started talking to you because you were intimidating but also really alluring. does that make sense?” you hold up a hand when she begins to giggle lightly, head shaking in show of her disagreement.
“but when i did get to know you, you’re the sweetest, squishiest,” a protest falls from her lips as she clasps a palm over the spot on her arm that you just pinched, “person alive. and oh!” you pinch her cheeks next, chuckling at how she crinkles her nose and like the feline she’s always been associated with, “and i want your cute chubs cheeks! and your adorable nose, and your lips,” you pause for the longest moment before retracting, “okay maybe i’d want my lips but your lips are juicy too!”
she makes a sound at the back of her throat, eyes of dried tears rolling, “please, i barely have any lips.”
“i mean, they’re still kissable,” you shoot her a suggestive look, “and i know out of the two of us, one would kiss you if she’s a little bit more fruity.”
“okay, maybe you think i’m kinda pretty,” she gives in.
but that’s not enough for you,“bih, you’re a literal goddess,”
“i’m not but anyway beauty is subjective so maybe namjoon’s perspective’s changed.”
“nope - nu-uh, we can cry and just... let ourselves feel the emotion that’s been bottling up and burst at one single message but what we’re not gonna do is mope around, being sad all day because of our presumptions that someone else thinks we’re not good enough or pretty enough. because you are and i would die for you.”
she hiccups, “i don’t know if i would die for you but i’d sacrifice my first born for you.”
“ew,” you feel your nose crinkling, “no, you’re not gonna trap me with a kid - that’s a trap right there and i’m not falling for it.”
jennie ends up laughing too loudly that one of the store attendants end up kicking you out. jimin and taehyung followed suit a second later, acting like they didn’t know you two but walking towards you anyway. you’re not sure if they noticed jennie’s swollen eyes but neither mentioned anything about it. instead, taehyung suggests- “since we’re already out, you guys wanna go to chanyeol’s party?”
so you end up going to the party. the apartment’s too cramped for your liking but jennie’s found some mutual friends of yours that she’s dancing and laughing with. and maybe that’s why you haven’t bolted right out of the door the moment you stepped in.
jimin found some of his own friends. they’re probably not from the faculty since you don’t remember seeing them around and taehyung-
you’re not quite sure why taehyung is following you around like a lost puppy and trying to make small talks with you. internally, your heart’s doing flips but your head’s been giving out one of those obnoxiously loud sirens with lights as red as the cup you’re holding.
“...and you know, it’s pretty cool how they managed to attract foreign investors within six months of starting up their business,” taehyung is saying, the awkward shrug and eyes glued to the ground telling you that he’s not so into whatever he’s saying either.
“yeah, like, they definitely got lucky or something,” you nod in agreement.
funny how the blare of the music is barely allowing you to have a proper conversation but all you hear is deafening silence as you stand five feet apart - the kind of distance that screams acquaintances but less than friends and most definitely not lovers.
but then he stands on his two feet instead of leaning his weight on just one - and he looks at you right in the eye for the first time that night. and your stupid heart goes fluttering like the petals in a field.
“hey, i don’t wanna be a nosy or anything but,” he pauses for the briefest second, eyes slanting to somewhere on the dance floor where you think you last saw jennie and then he refocuses back to you. but you already know where his mind and soul remains, “what happened today? like, jennie’s acting off, like something’s bothering her and she’s kinda drinking more than she should and it kinda feels like she doesn’t want me around.”
it takes a moment to ponder on how much you should say before your words become affirmation and affirmation will probably lead to more assumptions and - “well, you should ask her.”
“uh, i- she doesn’t- i don’t know how - i don’t wanna annoy her, you know what i mean? and since you’re best friends, i thought maybe you’d-” he’s scratching the back of his head when you cut him off.
“there’s your answer,” you raise the half-empty cup that’s been lying undrunken in your hands, “if you’re not gonna square up and tell her how you feel, then you, my friend,” your stomach drops at the word but you manage to land a solid pat on his arm, “are going to live the rest of your live like this - wondering what the hell is going on because you’re really not sure where you stand. and i get it, confessing to someone is terrifying and depending on jennie’s answer, you might or might not be able to talk to her ever again but it’s better to get it out there. feelings are like farts, you know?” the way his brows come together in a confused what-the-hell moment, is adorable, “hold it in and you’ll feel like something’s not right and it is never going to be until you get all of it out of your system.” and with a nod and a tight-lipped smile, you leave him with a “good luck,” before wandering over to the dance floor, not sure where you’re going because jennie, lisa chaeyoung and jisoo’s not where you thought they were and the only less crowded but still suffocating part of the apartment is the kitchen where you don’t want to risk going back and seeing taehyung there, unmoving in the spot where you left him.
amid all of it, you almost get your shoulder dislocated before a hand shoots out and pulls you back on your two feet whilst you raise your cup higher in hopes to save its contents from spilling.
the man that caught you looks between you and your raised cup for two solid seconds before a grin tugs on his face and he clicks his own cup to yours, “cheers.”
“aha, yeah,” you laugh as you feel his grip on your arm loosening and you pull it back to your side like a robot, taking a sip of your nicely saved drink.
“thanks for not letting me fall,” you say a moment later, after thanking whatever deity is out there that allows you to get your first drink into the right pipe without feeling the need to cough out loud.
“no problem,” even in the poor lighting, you can easily catch the sight of pearly whites lined up perfectly amid an alluring smile, that is, before a pair of brows knit together in what seem like an unresolvable conundrum, “hey, you don’t happen to...” he pauses for the longest moment, eyes slanting to scan the crowd and making you do the same until he commands your attention back with his next words, lips curling back into the breathtakingly attractive smile as words tumble past them, “...see two pretty best friends in here, do you?”
and that’s when your interest, wherever it is, plunges straight down to the ground and into the ether, “oh,” your vision shakes as you nod repeatedly before forcing out a dry “ha ha” which isn’t meant to disguise your displeasure at all - if anything, a wave of satisfaction crashes over you when his smile falters, “yeah, that - that’s really funny,” you say plainly, smile still plastered on your face.
“o-kay,” he drags out the word for half a second, teeth clenched together in growing panic as all traces of humor fade away, “...joke too old?”
“well, let’s see,” you feel your index finger tapping your chin as you throw your gaze up to the ceiling, “i get it, tell the ugly best friend she’s ugly but in a joking way,” you shrug, “you don’t need to rub it in my face cause i know and yes it’s getting old.”
it takes a whole solid moment of blaring music and non-caring half-way-drunken college students continuing to grind against one another and this insanely attractive stranger staring at you with jaws on the ground, for you to wave a dismissive hand.
“you know what? don’t worry, jennie’s not here, thankfully or she would’ve blo-” air fills your throat and cuts you off when he frowns, “who?”, to which you raise your eyebrows, “je-” you almost choked, “jennie?”
he shakes his head the second time, bottom lip jutting out in an additional- “nope” gesture as he continues with “never heard of her,” after your “jennie... kim?”
so you go one, “kinda cute height, long hair, brunette-” he shrugs, “nope- doesn’t ring a bell,” in the middle of your, “-fierce cat-like eyes but adorable as heck personality?”
in the end he wins with a final word of, “no - nope,” after a whole solid moment of your silenced disbelieve and him drawing his pondering session to a close.
“oh,” escapes your lips before you can even register, “so - it was- like-”
“yeap,” he nods, “it was-”
“a joke?”
“a joke.”
you both announce at the same time. the tones may differ but the essence is there, leaving one to stare at the ground in shame for having snapped at a complete stranger and the other staring with unapologetic eyes.
“i’m sorry,” you finally manage to utter, shoulderline falling with your walls of pride, “i thought it was one of those micro aggressive jokes people throw around just because they can’t straight out tell someone they’re ugly-”
but the words seem to enter through one ear and go out the other when his brows begin to knit together for the nth time of the night - and in a matter of less than thirty minutes at that - when he declares before you get to properly end your sentence, “you’re pretty as hell. why did you think i’d randomly try to crack a joke to a stranger and risk pissing pants off on the off chance she took it badly... which you did. i’m sorry for pushing the wrong button.”
“oh,” but just like him, your brain short-circuits and you seem to only truly hear the first part of what he’s saying as just like any girl - you curse yourself as you - shy away from his gaze, hand going up to tuck your hair behind your ear before you slowly peek up through your lashes, “thanks,” you blink once, shrugging, “and it’s fine i get that joke a lot - i don’t usually care, i don’t know what got into me tonight.” 
but before he manages to say anything, the loudspeaker starts reverberating with the sound of someone clearing their throat and a “how’s everyone doing?” and a dismissive “alright, alright you might be wondering ‘who the eff is this guy’ right? yea, yea, i know, but-” he stops, eyes scanning the crowd for a suspenseful effect, “-but you’re gonna wanna hear this,” to which a groan erupts from the crowd, so he quickly gets to the point “don’t panic,” most of the time, that’s exactly when you should panic, “so, the police are coming.”
his name is jeon jeongguk and he goes to your university’s rival university. his hair is actually a shade of rich deep brown that forms wavy ends and contrasts glaringly against his sharp jawline under the fluorescent lighting which also highlights his pearly whites that remind you of bunnies when his lips curl over them when he smiles.
to think that he’s doing that now while the police officer, a man in his 40′s and on the shorter side of the spectrum is ten steps from marching up to you with a disapproving gaze on his face.
his hair falls over his face in half ringlets, an excited glint in his eyes, “he’s mad cause we’re clean.”
a guy somewhere a few people away from you is sobbing increasingly loudly with every step the officer takes before he comes to a stop in front of you, eyes skimming each faces one by one until he stops on you.
“you,” he announces before sighing deeply, “you look like a kid who wouldn’t cause trouble, why are you here?”
“uh,” the chain around your wrist feels cold but jeongguk’s pinky that’s touching yours as your thighs brush together - is warm, “i...” you pause, in search for words before settling with a disappointing confession “i don’t know,”
the officer echoes your statement with a critical emphasize on the ‘don’t’.
and because of that, you blink once, “in fact, does anyone know what they’re doing at all? if you think about it we’re just astronomical particles in this vast universe which is called the milky way,” you pause, if only squint at his sparse mustache, “why is it even called milky way? like, there’s absolutely no scientific evidence that milk exists in outer space or do you reckon the guys that named it just feels like drinking some milk while they were-”
by the end of it, a few snickers have escaped from the people you and jeongguk were caught with, the aforementioned man, having turned his head the other way as his shoulders jolt silently and it’s only then does the officer’s increasing confused expression contorts into that of a maddened bore, “keep hanging out with him and you’re gonna find yourself behind bars.”
“that hurts my feelings, detective yoo,” jeongguk confesses, forehead creasing as his uncuffed hand holds the spot on his chest where his heart should be.
the man finally shakes his head, motioning to a younger officer who looks just about your age to start unlocking everyone’s cuffs - there were a few other people you’ve never seen before dragged out of the vicinity and to the station. he speaks a moment later, “you kids are lucky because none of you are associated with the ones down the hallway - we were initially going for them. busted their asses and found over a hundred kilograms of cocaine.”
once your cuffs are off and you get your phone back, you’re fast-scrolling through the messages on the notification window before swiping up and searching for jennie’s contact. it turns out she, taehyung and jimin guessed you were one of the few who didn’t make it and waited for you near the building where the party was busted.
“oh my god,” jennie is the first to dash into your arms as if she hadn’t seen you since forever, “i’m so sorry i left you!”
“well to be fair, i left you,” you mumble, your arms banded around her waist while hers around your neck.
and just when you thought the melodrama would end when she pulls away, you find yourself staring at sparkly-eyed jennie and the most heartbreaking downturned lips, “i will never,” she pauses, “ever let you out of my sight.”
you’re exactly against that idea - after all, you’ve made plans to buy a beach house and move in together in your olden days once you’ve poiso- burried your husbands who died of a totally natural cause.
it’s only after breaking apart from a second hug, do you realize the man standing not-so-awkwardly five feet away.
“don’t mind me,” jeongguk holds up his hands, “i don’t watch much drama but i might after all this.”
“jeongguk,” you can’t help the smile that creeps up your face at his joke, “this is jennie,” then you turn to the girl who still has her arm around your waist, and you her, “jennie, jeongguk.”
“have i seen you before?” her cat-like eyes narrows just the slightest bit, as though if she tried hard enough, she’d see the pieces of moving memories that’ll somehow point out where she claims to have met him - but you don’t doubt it if they have, jennie gets invited to a lot of parties and hookups.
you should’ve known when jeongguk’s eyes sweep over you with a playful glint in them as he begins, “that’s funny because ____ here-” that from this point forward, that you shouldn’t have put your foot forward and prance at him like a predator with a secret, hand clasped against a surprisingly hard chest before your brain can register what you’re doing.
and when it does, you’re left to awkwardly pat his chest in what you hope to be friendly gesture whilst you force out a laugh, “that- that was really funny jeongguk,” you turn to jennie who, having known you all your life easily catches onto your out-of-character laugh but says nothing, so you point at the guy you’re basically and is still groping - to which you’ve finally tear your hand off his body, “he’s a funny guy.”
“and who exactly is this funny guy?” taehyung comes up on your left - you think you catch sight of his sleek bmw parked on the other side of the street where he must’ve strutted up from in his beige jacket with his hands buried in its pockets.
“just...” you trail off before your brain completely fries and you blurt out, “some guy.”
and that’s when jeongguk decides to call you out, “some guy? i helped you through a life lesson.”
you attribute the alcohol in your system that’s slowing down the neurons and disables you from thinking before you act when you roll your eyes, “in case you didn’t realize, you were in there laughing your ass off when i had to have my own back while that officer looked like he was a word away from dragging me to the police station for talking back to a law enforcement.”
“you talked back to an officer?” jennie chirps, her jaw falling to the ground as her cat eyes widen in excitement and astonishment.
“she did,” jeongguk nods at the girl, a displaced proud smile on his lips before he looks back to you, “brought out the boomer in him too.”
“you pissed off an officer?” this time, it’s jimin who pops up from behind taehyung, before casually nodding to jeongguk with a “hey man.”
“i mean, it was probably ___’s sheer guts and rebellious streak alone that helped free us,” jeongguk goes on, eyes glinting with amusement in the briefest moment they slant to meet yours but they’re gone too soon as he redirects your attention to jimin and jennie’s overpouring questions.
and because jennie wanted to hear more about how jeongguk embellished what went down, taehyung ends up agreeing to give the stranger a ride as you get squished between two men with jennie constantly pulling on the strap of the seatbelt to look over to the backseat, her mouth constantly dropping with every word jeongguk utters like he’s some well-known storyteller.
by the time the car rolls to a stop in front of his apartment building, jennie’s shooting you approving, borderline provocative looks your way - you don’t doubt that if she had any power in her hand to put both you and jeongguk in the same room, lock the door and swallow the key, she would in a heartbeat.
“hey,” jeongguk leans over the doorframe, “can i talk to you for a sec?” it’s the way he tilts his head to the side on a 35 degree angle, paired with that dangerous smile he’s been shooting you in the briefest span of moments jennie’s head is turned to the road and jimin’s gave is thrown outside of the window and taehyung isn’t stealing glances from the rear-view mirror - that makes you want to shake your head in rejection to his request and prance out of the car like a predator in heat at the same time.
but instead, you calmly slide over to the side now vacant side and slip out of the car, closing the door behind you so no ears can eavesdrop.
the scent of his cologne wafts stronger into your senses now that you have no police officers to be cautious of nor any embellished stories to correct.
that, or maybe it’s the way he’s got you trapped against the car door and his body, right arm placed perfectly on the roof of the car, next to your head.
“bout time you give me your @, no?” the corner of his lips tilts higher into a cocky smirk.
“um, yea,” you begin, “i think it’s better if we leave into the night like strangers with stories, you know? and if we’re meant to find each other, we will,” you swear on your grandmother’s grave that you will never go to any parties anymore, “makes a good plot for a drama,” eyes going wide and mouth taking on an ‘o’ shape, you continue, “didn’t you say you were gonna start watching those?”
 his shoulderline shakes as he chuckles, head dropped it tilts up, eyes capturing yours, “i’m not falling for that,” his announcement is plain and simple and yet you’re forced to put twice the effort in your smile as to not let it falter, “after getting my chest groped and caressed, i deserve at least-”
“it was a friendly pat, mind you,” you correct, smile still glued to your face before rolling your eyes, “but snapchat is as far as i’m willing to go.”
“works for me,” the screen of his phone flashes with a dark mode keypad splayed over it - you’re not sure how he unlocked it without taking those glinted eyes off you but he did. so you swipe the phone off his hand and send yourself a request through his account.
“i’m gonna open your snap and leave you on read!” you announce, and he laughs, “alright, bet!”
and with that, he waves at you using the same phone he told you to put your number in, taking a few steps backward, allowing you room to breathe properly again before he whirls on his heels and walks through the glass double doors.
you don’t wait any longer than you have to, shivering from the cold night air when you slip into the car.
“did you give him your number?!” jennie practically screams.
“no but i gave my snapchat only because he looked like he wouldn’t sleep a wink at night if i didn’t,” you shrug.
and that’s how kim jennie gets it into her head that you’re going to get your first-boyfriend-cherry popped. or so she likes to believe.
but that’s the least of your concern for the greater one comes in a devil with black jeans and matching plain t-shirt and timberlands and a lit up screen at exactly three something in the am, right after you’re done with a hot shower and in a middle of towel drying your hair and putting on your night routine skincare.
you open the text revealing a night view of a cityscape from a window which room is surrounded by darkness and a transparent horizontal strip with a ‘❄️ ’ in the middle from a goldenjks.
so you snap a picture of your skincare products next to a mirror with you and a towel on your head, face blocked by your hand that’s holding your phone, choosing  to send ‘🍜’.
and so it goes, the snap war that erupts between you and user goldenjks throughout the night which, after you’d gotten into bed with the lights off, basically includes snaps of your darkened room and his more superior window view.
before long, you started texting on snapchat about how the police officer seems to know him and how-
u were p chill for someone who got arrested for the 1st time
you’re giggling in the darkness at 5:23 am.
cs ik i didn’t do anything wrong
and he mentions something about a sobbing kid that was made to wait with you and nobody really did anything to comfort him.
that coulda been u if i wasn’t there probably
you roll your eyes but you can feel your muscles becoming sore from the way your lips are stretching from ear to ear.
then it starts with how taehyung didn’t saying anything throughout the ride up until the car rolled to a stop in front of jeongguk’s place.
r u guys using him for his car???
cs same 
i would 2
we’re not 😭😭
and without much thought, you end up spilling a not-so-secret but not-so-well-known truth.
he’s using me to get close to jennie so
ig i should use him for his car
so let me guess
u can’t say no to him  cs u have the biggest crush on him
“what the hell?” you mumble to yourself, smile pulled down into a frown, but before you can type out a reply, two more pop up on his side.
and jimin head over heels for u
🧢 🧢 🧢
u funny 😂😂😂
fr fr tho 😔😔😔
i would b too
all of a sudden, a boy with the softest blonde hair and crescent eye smiles floods your throughts. you and jimin might have been casual friends for the longest time and only until recently started hanging out together - and he may or may not hold confidential information about the littlest details of the lack of smile on your face and the blank snaps in your stories whenever you’re down.
but to say he’s reacting such way because he’s into you would be a total scam.
so you shake your head, laughing out loud, “nah can’t be.”
alright imma 😴😴😴
to which jeongguk tests back a gnight and after one whole solid minute, a text u tmr?
you leave him on read.
“like, who does he think he is?” you huff, burying the plastic spoon into the ice cream before scooping up a chunk of neapolitan flavored goodness and directing it into your mouth, “he literally met us just last night and he’s spouting shit like he knows us for years?”
“i don’t know,” jennie humps, tongue darting out to lick the remnants of strawberry ice cream on her upper lips before she goes on with a smile that screams ‘just get together already’, “it’s kinda hot to me when guys know shits, you know what i mean?”
you’ve managed to avoid jimin and taehyung at all costs and sneak to the ice cream parlor that’s five minutes away from campus where you spilled your guts out about how you got unreasonably irritated by the long running joke, about how jeongguk’s hand wrapped around your wrist and he pulled you out of the way of the chaotic college students who were rushing to get out of the small, cramped apartment and how you stopped him from relaying your disbelief of his lack of knowledge about her.
“like, i flipped out at him because of some stupid joke,” you shrugged, hands fiddling with each other while a coat of smoke wafted over the newly scooped and paid-for ice cream.
your name rolled off her lips before she stared at you with her hands on hear heart, “i- i didn’t know you would go so far as fight a guy for me for calling me ugly,” then she laughed, “but you don’t have to. girl, we been knew i’m ugly as fuck.”
your jaw hit the ground at the word she used to describe herself before you blinked and came back to your senses and aggressive defenses, “oh my god, i’m the ugly one and you’re the literal goddess - like, i shouldn’t even be looking at you. i should be looking at your sole. you should be stepping on me - step on me! now!”
a yelp resonated into the air as you groped around for jenni’s left leg in an attempt to lift her foot to make her step on you to which you both ended up laughing hysterically after realizing that she was wearing a skirt and the way you were sitting may or may have not resulted in an array of possible outcomes.
“oh my god, do you think she saw my panties?” she meant the woman in her late 40′s who were shooting disapproving eyes at the both of you as she scrolled through her phone, seeming to be waiting for someone before placing an order.
“you just flashed a poor old woman who came to have some ice cream,” you were hunched over, hand covering your face as you stole glances her way which didn’t hold long because you ended up giggling with the girl when you caught each other’s eyes.
“you think she likes what she sees?” jennie’s brows rose suggestively and you knew what she was going to say next before the words even leave her mouth, “you think maybe i should tell her about my onlyfans?”
it was a few bursts of giggles later, that you’d finally managed to talk properly. or probably because jennie’s question brought out an unwelcomed emotion that you pushed to the back of your conscience last night and for the most part, managed to forget, “so,” her brows were wiggling like earthworms on her forehead, “did he text you?”
that was what spurred the whole confession and up to the moment where you spilled the contents of the unfairly attractive stranger’s text.
“i don’t know, he kinda went overboard,” you shrug and jennie’s hand reaches over yours, patting it once with what you assume is an understanding manner.
“sweetie, i get it,” she announces, “you feel exposed because he said the absolute truth and only the truth and now you’re projecting your embarrassment on him through disdain.”
silence follows her statement.
and staring.
on your part, that is.
“girl,” you blink once, eyebrows arched, “whatever you’re having - i want some.”
that warrants a bout of giggles from said girl before she scoops her last bite of ice cream and hook arms with you as you walk towards the trashcan to dump your empty paper bowls, “no but for real, i like jeongguk-”
“then you date him,” you announce, nodding in approval.
“i like how he brings this... this... fire out of you, you know?” she quizzes to which you shake your head in a ‘no, i don’t know’ kind of manner as she goes on, “and i already have namjoon so,” she sing songs as she starts to skip in the middle of the mall and since your arms are linked together, you end up taking larger steps to accommodate to hers before deciding that you can’t root your feet down to slow her down into a normal pace. so you join her, skipping to the exit where you wait for your uber.
“you guys made up?” the question comes out in a calm, poised manner once you’ve both slipped into the backseat of the uber - you’d like to believe you’re doing a pretty good job on trying to conceal your spiking disbelief and the need to whoop someone’s ass. that someone being a girl who just pledged an oath to choose herself first instead of some man who-
“i texted him and told him how i felt with him cancelling on our plans and when i didn’t get any reply, i turned off my phone and got into bed because i’m not gonna mope over someone who won’t appreciate me,” at that, you give her an approving nod, “but then he came knocking on my door at like 5 in the morning in yesterday’s suit because apparently he has a deadline to meet and he’s been bending over backward trying to finish it on time and he brought his laptop with him too and managed to submit on time after explaining everything. he said he tried calling multiple times but obviously it went to voice mail so... yeah we made up.”
“that’s...” you trail off, only to stare at your friend’s beaming face like she’s just had one of the best facials on earth, “wow, i... i don’t know what to say now that we know he’s not trash.”
“i know,” you feel her pat the back of your hand sympathetically, “and that’s what a man is,” and when she looks at you with eyes that have one goal in her mind, you know not to start listening because the facts are going to bruise your pride and hit the nail on the head more times than you’d-
“liking a boy has more downs than ups but i’m not too worried because you’re a self-loving bitch and i love that for you but kim taehyung is not it,” she says all that with a straight face.
“yeah,” you mumble, thumbs fiddling together as you turn your attention to them as if it’s the most magnifying thing in the world to find out that identical parts of your body could move on their own with just a thought.
“okay, but i swear, he’s so oblivious all the time-” the girl stops short of her lament, you can see her head tilting to peer at you at a slightly different angle as if to see traces of an impostor on you, “wait, what?”
“we got into a fight last night- i don’t know if it’s even a fight but you know how i go off in a tangent when i get like annoyed, right?” you steal a glance at her for half a second before going back to your thumbs, “so i kind of did that to him before the dude announced the cops were coming and we haven’t really talked to each other since then.”
before any of you could say anything else, the sound of a cough echoes in the air, warranting your attention to turn to the driver, a woman in her mid-thirties. you return her smile through the rear-view mirror, “if you don’t mind me saying this - i know you girls are smart as fuck, but you sound just as dumb as that guy - whoever he is because it’s completely normal to get mad at someone you’re crushing on and still have a crush on them but sounds to me like you’re thinking one fight is the end of the world for you.”
“sis, please, don’t encourage her,” jennie talk-whispers as she leans forward just the slightest bit and covers the side of her mouth with her hand.
“well, we’re not really friends,” you begin and jennie groans - you two went over this and agreed to disagree with each other’s wildly contrasting views about crushing on crushes that could crush you but the lady hasn’t heard it so you’re not going to stop lamenting over it, “and whatever i do, it’s like i’m teetering on a tight rope because one wrong move and he probably won’t talk to me ever again and i’m not like miserably crushing on him - like, whatever we are right now - it lets me see him every day and he has the cutest smile and the prettiest fingers- i just - it’s better than not talking to each other forever, you feel?”
“um, don’t i?” she rolls her eyes, as if coming from a place filled with oblivious boys and hopeless crushes.
her name is solar and she does uber as a part time while working 9 to 5 at a firm that she claims to pay better but still not enough for her to save up for her wedding on the side and she and her fiance knew each other since high school but she’s seen him date two girls and get his heartbroken by both before he actually noticed her, the friend that’s always been there for him through his heartbreaks.
coming from someone who isn’t jennie and her alarming obsession with breaking parts of bodies of people who hurt her loved ones, solar’s view is somewhat a mixture of you and your best friend’s which still bases on one simple fact: whatever you say to and about taehyung comes bouncing back at you like a ping pong ball because-
“you have a crush on him and he has a crush on jennie,” she surmises before looking over at the aforementioned girl, “and people with crushes act like idiots- by the way how do you feel- like how do you handle the guy’s advancements and still aren’t awkward with each other because i have never seen...”
when the car rolls to a stop in the parking lot of your faculty, she finally turns to the two of you, her bleached blonde hair framing her face in waves as the silence - on you and jennie’s part as you both share glances at the indicative joke opening - hangs in the air with a sort of tension you can feel.
might even bite back like you did with jeongguk but you’re more in control now.
 “...two pretty best friends who are still best friends when there’s a guy that comes between them.”
“oh thank god,” jennie sighs, laughing and you’re nodding in agreement, “thanks for not-” and your best friend echoes, “yeah,” before you can even finish your sentence, “-saying that cliche joke or like for giving your own twist to it,” waving a dismissive hand, you address her initial worries, “and taehyung doesn’t-”
“he doesn’t-” jennie chimes in.
“-come between us.”
you both say at the same time. 
“oh my god, that’s great, you know my best friend tried sleeping with my fiance behind my back once,” solar crinkles her nose, “wasn’t a good experience but anywho, i’m so glad to see two girls having each other’s back like you guys. makes me want to...”
it’s a few moments later that you finally hand her the money and murmur out appreciations for being such a great uber driver along with some ‘give me five stars! thanks!’ and ‘we will! have a nice one!’
you both part ways in the hallway when you’re supposed to go for marketing and she has to go for personnel management. jimin’s already reserved a seat for you, waving at you to catch your attention which he succeeds splendidly. by the start of the second year, you’ve opted to sit together in classes you have in common, though not as close as the front as you’d like, it’s better than sitting at the back where you can hear the buzz of flies - you mean people, talking.
“are you doing anything this friday night?” jimin asks amidst people zooming out of the class as if they don’t want to be there for longer than a minute after being dismissed.
that, or they have another class to get to on the other side of the campus.
“uh, just me or me and jennie ‘you’?” you dumbly question.
that warrants a chuckle from the boy, “you and jennie... unless you wanna come alone?”
a hum vibrates in your chest as you narrow your eyes at him, as though if you looked close enough, you can see through his skull and right into his thoughts. 
but you can’t so that’s why you’re spouting out another question, “where exactly are you inviting us again?”
“so, like, you know i dance right?” he drops his gaze for the briefest moment before coming back up to lock it with yours, “it’s very lowkey - just something i do for fun, but we kind of have a dance off with other teams every month and this month’s round is this friday night so i was wondering if you wanna come?” then he quickly adds, “with jennie, of course.”
to be frank your weekends are as boring and dull as it gets - the party-busted incident was a rare exception - but you and jennie are quite content with it. you start having more to do and places to venture out to when taehyung and subsequently jimin join your group of two and made it a group of four but for the most part, if you’re not going anywhere, your weekend is usually spent with watching movies and burying yourself in work for the rest of it.
“bet,” your reply might have come a tad bit delayed judging from how his brows rise to the ceiling and his eyes go round as he chirps, “really?” 
“yeah, just text me or jennie the location the day before,” you request as you both walk down the hallway.
“great- yeah, i’ll... i’ll text you the place,” jimin beams even as he bumps into someone behind him, turning around to lower his head and mumble out an oh sorry before turning back to you, “i got another class but i’ll text you- on thursday - not today, of course.”
and you wave back, shouting out an ‘okay bye!’
then he’s gone like the wind.
the days pass by like a breeze.
kim taehyung caught you in the middle of waiting for jennie’s class to end whilst also finishing up some work in the library. he knew your favorite spot and he knew where you’d usually be - but you had an inkling that you weren’t exactly the reason why he memorized these little things. he waved at you in greeting and you waved back. you would’ve pretended he didn’t exist after that and go back to your laptop if he didn’t hold up his phone screen with blank white space and blue and grey bubbles on the side.
so of course you picked up your phone, noticing that there were already three wiggling dots when you tapped on his name.
kth: hey
you met his gaze once, as if to affirm that he meant to send it. when he shota half, almost pleading smile, you typed out a reply.
you: hey what’s good
kth: nothing
kth: just waiting for a friend
seeing as there was not really a conversation going on where jennie wasn’t involved and how the boy’s blatant dismissal in addressing the big, giant elephant in the room, taehyung must’ve had seen the way your lips pursed into an irritated pout before his phone vibrated.
you: cool
and then you were back to your laptop, typing sentences out and backspacing because of its incoherent nature, or lack of quality or whatever reason that stopped you from doing your job before kim taehyung’s arrival.
then he started whispering “hey, uh, ____,” from across the table. upper body leaned to the front as if it’d help enunciate his words.
you took your sweet time taking out your airpods from each individual ear and placing them down next to your mac before finally arching a brow at the boy, “what?”
“hey,” he repeated, this time with a frozen mid-wave, “hi, how you doing?”
“great thanks,” there was a minimal effort on your part to disguise your ‘what even?’ expression on your face as you picked up your right airpod first - only to be stopped by the boy’s-
“i’m sorry.”
it’s clean and short but his face made up for conveying his genuinity.
“why are you saying sorry?” it didn’t mean you were going to let him off the hook easy.
“well, because...” he trailed off for the briefest moment but the unconcealable bop of his adam’s apple isn’t really helping him appear any more convincing, “i was being pushy...” he looked to you for an indication of him being on the right track to which you were not sure if he did get any but he still went on with his wits and his will - it took you everything not to gush over how cute he looks with his panic-blinking and pretty lips moving as if to say something but no words coming out, “...and i was generally being an annoying little shit.”
“and?” you pressed on, blinking once as if to paint a look of unbotheredness.
“...and...” he echoes, eyes darting from your phone to somewhere behind you and then something next to it but only silence fills the space between you and him.
“alright, i’m gonna be real with you,” leaning back, you cross your arms over your chest, “i know you talk to me when you need something and i don’t really care - well i do, but i just bottle it up until it one day burst out, you know what i’m saying? so yea, if you’re wondering if that night was me blowing up on you, it kinda was and it wasn’t because you were making small talks with me just to  poke into my best friend’s business - well, it kinda is but like not in that way, you follow? what i mean is.. don’t let me catch you sneaking behind jennie’s back asking personal shits about her that you don’t think she’s going to disclose even if you straight up ask her - that’s sus, taehyung.”
by the end of it, he was staring at you like you had two horns and a tail swaying around behind you. but you concur, that may or may have not been your inner self coming to light - just a hypocrite criticizing someone for doing the things she would have done, if she wasn’t already doing it, if she was in his shoes.
and to be quite frank, taehyung’s shoe size is probably a few inches bigger than yours but if they had laces, you would’ve been able to put them on and tied them up to accommodate your ego.
so taehyung didn’t - couldn’t say anything in response to your second time going off into a tangent and because of what he did, at that. he stopped texting you altogether and only talked to jennie whenever you weren’t around and left before you got to them if he saw you coming his way - jennie’s actually. 
either way, jennie wasn’t as elated as you thought she’d be once you told her that you called taehyung out on his bullshit.
“um, i’ve always wanted to tell him about me and namjoon so he’d give up - you were the one who didn’t let me,” she might or might not have said something along the lines of you making her “lead him on all because you wanted to an eye candy to look at every day.”
“what do you mean?” your forehead was creasing a thousand folds.
“not that i’m pointing fingers,” she went on, eyes glued to the pairs of indoor shoes in the corner of the room and anywhere but your eyes, “but i’m like, cool with or without him around but you sort of said ‘okay, then it’s cool if he comes with us right?’ and you were making puppy eyes and i couldn’t no to that-”
and so you were laughing dryly, “aha- wha- what so it’s my fault that he’s being a total wuss and won’t square up?”
“i didn’t say that,” jennie’s reply came a heartbeat later which meant yes, it was.
so now you’re not talking to your best friend and neither are you talking to the boy who’s crushing on her. which leaves you a lot of free time to finish up your work in time to hop into a bullet train and then an uber and get to the building where jimin’s dance off is held. 
you’re in the middle of texting the boy a ‘sorry, might b late. i didn’t know there’d be a line 😭’ when a figure comes up to you from the corner of your eye.
fitted in black jeans and matching tucked in t that shows off his slender waist and beanie, the only thing that isn’t black is probably his white-yellow timberlands, “so you weren’t kidding when you said you were gonna leave me on read.”
“you know, it’s so cute that you think you’re worth the reply at all,” you blink, eyes going wide and jaw hanging loose from shock, “this... this... confidence - where do you get it? seriously, tell me because i have never seen someone with such immaculate self-absorbance.”
jeongguk’s head moves as he nods in admittance, hands buried in his pocket before he looks up at you. that familiar glint in his eyes is telling you that whatever he has up his sleeve, you’re not going to be able to refuse.
“you know, eugene over there and i are homies,” he nods towards the burly tall man at the front who’s mainly the reason there’s a line in the first place - one that no one seems to dare cut, “i could get you in faster.”
“oh my god, look what that self-absorbance’s got you believing,” you put one, sympathetic hand on his shoulder as your free hand goes to cover the spot on your chest where your heart is, “i’m so happy for you,” you glance over to the not-declining-anytime-soon line behind you, “but sometimes, even confidence can’t get you into invites-only events.”
 to any other person, it must’ve looked like you and jeongguk are friends - friendly acquaintances hitting best buddies at the very least. but something in the way his grin curling sweetly on his lips and the curve of the half ringlet of his hair touching the corners of his onyx eyes, makes your toes curl inwardly and your stomach churn with a sort of emotion you can’t pinpoint.
and because of that, you know there won’t be any sort of friendship forming between you and jeongguk.
he leaves you with an amused smirk and a “see you inside,” and marches up to eugene, the two sharing an uncomplicated handshake before the man steps to the side and lets him in.
it takes you another ten minutes of standing in line and assuring jimin that he doesn’t need to rush out and risk having his team go without him when their turn comes. which according to jimin, ‘isn’t anytime soon - they let the bigger teams go first’.
but then jimin knowing jimin, that probably meant soon enough.
when you’re finally on the front of the line, crumpled up ticket in hand, eugene gives you a once over and nods at his not-as-burly-but-just-as-scary-looking friend.
“follow me,” and with that, she struts in through the door but instead of going down the hallway like the ones before you did before they disappear from eyesight in the corner, she takes a sharp turn to the right until she stops in front of an elevator.
her deep violet hair brushes against her cheekbones as she nods at the empty box with mirrors all around.
yeesh, guess everyone expresses themselves with their bodies here.
the numbers constantly change from ground level to 1 to 2 and finally stops at the 3rd floor where the blare of the music seems to come from. and that’s when you see the black haired boy who has his forearms leaned against the railing as he grins at something on the bottom floor where the shouts and cheers seem to erupt from. but before you can make a sharp 180 to go back down where jimin said you’d only need to follow the hallway and take the turn around the corner like the people before you did, jeongguk looks up as if sensing the heat of your gaze drilling holes inside his head. with one hand raised, he beckons you over.
“your majesty,” you drop into a bow once you reach him, “this humble servant thanks you for bringing her here but,” pointing your thumb over your shoulder at the hallway you just came from you continue, “i think i’m on the wrong floor because all i can see here is flocks of hair - an oh, shiny scalp from that guy - arms flailing around. takes away the magic of dance, you feel?”
“so you’re here for jimin.” it doesn’t sound like a question - so it must not be. a ponderous hum vibrate from his chest as you shoot him an arched brow whilst your insides burst like fireworks at the way his darkened eyes traces down your body and back up after he’s done with what seems to be a scout’s assessment.
“no leather pants and no best friend or heartbreak boy hovering around like a lost puppy - let me guess, he did something that made you mad, the best friend backed him up and now you’re mad at both of them?” he raises his own brow, lips curling into an assured smirk, “oh and jimin here’s probably taking a neutral stance because it ‘doesn’t concern’ him.”
you don’t know if you want to run away or grab the neck of his shirt and smack your lips on his.
so you settle with handguns pointed in his face, “alright, catch you never.”
but before you can even take a step to where you came from, jeongguk’s laying out his card on the table, “you sure bout that? it’s bulleproof boys’ turn - it’s jimin’s teams name, in case you’re wondering and judging by who they’re going against, it might be their first and last performance for the night.”
“i knew that,” respectfully, you had no idea that the teams have specific names besides the alphabetical letters given to them upon registration.
jimin’s only mentioned dance match once and that he’s in team c that’ll go against team d.
so you stick around, watching from all the way on the third floor where the lest people are gathered, cheering out names of teams that are alien to your ears which seem to be the team jimin is going against. but the fact that jimin could dance with such precision and grace is magnifying enough. he’s mostly posed on either sides of the formation, switching from the front left to the furthest back line on the right side as the beat drops.
jimin’s name pours out of your mouth in cheers but it’s swallowed by the other cheers before it can even reach him. in the end, jimin’s team loses. they still go up to their opponent and share handshakes and sidehugs before moving away from the dance floor.
he’s not smiling nor is he frowning as he stands in the crowd after the prelims but his lips curl and eyes disappear into crescents when he sees you.
“hey!” his arms open up into a hug, only to stop halfway in hesitation but by then you’re already wrapping yours around his neck with a “you were so cool!”
and just like that, the awkwardness in the air dissipates.
“i didn’t see you in the crowd.”
“so what? you thought i left?” a light smack lands on his arm, “by the way, you didn’t tell me it was this intense - i can feel the tension from all the way...” you pause for the briefest moment, “...in the audience.”
“everyone here just likes to dance so it gets competitive at some point but at the end of the day, it’s important to have fun,” he shrugs, a shy smile plastered to his face.
“either way you did great,” you bump his elbow with yours, and he shifts his weight to his left foot.
“we lost but it was a fair match the bts people were too good,” a mixture of regret and contentedness crosses his face as he nods to himself, as if admitting the difference in skills.
“let’s get a drink later, i’m buying,” you propose and jimin looks like a kid who just received his favorite candy.
well, that was the plan for the rest of the night up until the winner was announced. then a boy no older than you and jimin came up to the latter, arms slung over his shoulders, “dude, beyond the scene just asked if we wanna join them at the afterparty. can you believe it?”
“dude, you capping - don’t fucking joke with men man, i was about to shit my pants-” jimin attempts to shove the guy away half-heartedly which does nothing as his friend - teammate, cuts him off.
“i’m not fucking joking, man, behind the scenes literally asked if we wanna chill with them!”
the two boys are basically shoving each other back and forth before they start slapping each other on the face once to wake the other up. whoever this behind the scenes guys, they seem like a pretty big deal if two grown adults are fanboying this hard about them.
only after they’re sporting the faintest shade of pink on their right cheeks, do they finally realize that they weren’t squeal-whispering by themselves. he introduces himself as kai - “jimin’s best friend and mentor.”
“he likes to say that because i got into dance because of him,” jimin adds, debunking the mentor myth.
you’re about to wave the two goodbye and call it a night since it’s pretty clear that the behind the scenes guys only invited them and not their friends.
“come with us,” kai announces as the three of you walk down the back entrance where it’s less crowded and meant for the participants to use, “baekhyun can’t make it so we’ll still be five people.”
“i really should go- it’s getting late and my place is in seoul-”
and so begin your war of apologies and ‘no, you’s.
“oh shit, i forgot.” jimin’s usually almond-shaped eyes turn round and wide, “you used the subway-”
“yeah, but i can still catch the last train home-” you try to assure.
“i’ll accompany you back-”
“no, no - you should go with them-”
“no, i made you come to watch-”
and it would have gone on until morning if you and jimin were left to argue on who should do what if kai didn’t clap his hands together and put an end to the long debate, “okay, okay, break it up.”
he looks between the blonde haired best friend and then to you, “jimin came with me so i’m gonna drive him back anyway and i could drop you off too after chilling with bts - it’s nothing you’re not used to, beers and games and shits, you know? plus it’ll be like, less than 20 people there - bts never invites other groups into their circle - who knows, maybe you’ll find your true way like jimin did,” he pats the aforementioned man on his shoulder whilst jimin rolls his eyes at the way best friends who’ve heard their best friend boast about an-untruth for the umpteenth time.
and because you basically made another friend and that means you’ll have at least 2 people to hang out with if the rest turns out not to be your kind of people - so you cave in, “okay, sure, why not?”
'why not’s are subjective - or so you’d like to think.
like when you’re not particularly into americano and prefer latte but wouldn’t say no to having the first if jennie mixed up your order and bought you your not-so-favored but also not-so-hated drink.
but jennie’s known you since she shoved you off the swings at five after you outran her only to get to the swings faster because only one was vacant and the other kid was already in the other one.
so she’d know your preferred drinks.
but in the event she suddenly has amnesia or anything and got you and americano, that’s when you’ll go, “why not?”
but that and finding out that jeongguk used to be part of bts until he hurt his during practice, having to have 2 major surgeries because of it, rendering him no longer able to dance so he’s only going to the dance offs to cheer for his friends which was how he met you at the entrance and now you’re handcuffed together (and yes, again) in the middle of the forest - are two disparate things altogether.
hoseok, the most outgoing and friendliest of the bunch, suggested for the ice breaking to be in a form of 2 beer bottles and a sort of rope or chain tying people from bts and the bulletproof people together to talk for five minutes. they only have 2 pairs of cuffs so the others that lack them have to make do with bandanas and you think a seokjin got harassed into taking off his shirt and using it as him and his designated partner’s pseudo handcuff.
yours and jeongguk’s are - you’re not sure if it’s a fortunate or unfortunate thing - real ones (you’re not sure if you want to know why and how seulgi easily pulls out a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs and a normal-looking one - out of the blue).
but you’re almost sure that you’re leaning on the side of the internal argument of this - this, right here - is why not.
“why didn’t you text me back?” jeongguk is in the middle of asking as you take a big chug of the alcoholic beverage.
"oh my god,” you let a pleased smile tug at your lips as you feel the buzz of the alcohol coursing through your system, “i was just gonna talk to you about that - jennie said i was being a ghosting b because you only said facts and i got like, offended without a reason but i agree that people can be wrong sometimes and that was her time... i just...” you shrug, “i just didn’t want to text you back so i didn’t,” you look at him with a new found familiarity, “anyways, how was your week?”
by the end of it, jeongguk’s nodding and poorly suppressing his smirk.
“well, let me start first,” you begin before he can even say anything, listing down the happenings in a chronological order which may or may have not confirmed his initial assumption on why you’re here alone “...i mean, was it my fault though? between you and me, i think jennie and i need to sit down and actually talk about accountabilities first, you know? but anyway, that’s how my week went! how about you, how was your week?”
to say that your turmoil of a week is anything close to a laugh-worthy joke, would be a lie but for some reason, trickles of laughter are escaping jeongguk’s lips and into the night air as he leans back, holding his stomach. he would’ve hit the ground if you’d poke him.
“wow,” you slowly nod, “that’s... that’s very... flattering that you think my somewhat a quarter life crisis is amusing,” a grin stretches across your face but your eyes drill holes into the boy’s skull, “maybe i should just quit uni altogether. that’d be... exciting, right? just... quit uni and live a life as a comedian because look at how much i’m cracking you up right now!”
and it goes on for another minute of jeongguk’s laughter filling the air as you threaten him to stop in the guise of encouragement besides the cracking of the branches as it gets swallowed up by the fire in the barrel not too far away from where everyone’s scattered.
“god,” when he’s finally reduced to chuckles and wiping invisible tears off the corner of his eyes, you’re about halfway done with your bottle.
“and he’s back,” you announce, “welcome back. can’t say i missed you though but glad that you’re back with us.”
but before jeongguk can get a word out about his own week which you’d asked, if only to be polite, hoseok is already summoning everyone to gather around the barrel as he raises a bottle in the air to - “new groupship and friends!”
or so you think he said.
you’re not too sure because you’re too busy demanding jeongguk to - “uncuff me right now, jeon - was that too pushy? let me try again,” you pause, clearing your throat, “can you please, please, please, uncuff me so i can go back to my friends and not have to stay here a minute longer?”
“don’t act like you don’t enjoy my company,” he offers you one of his self-assured smirks before addressing your concern, “i’m trying,” he says simply, free hand patting around the pocket on the side of his jeans before groping his own ass.
“um, maybe try harder?” you suggest, smiling sweetly but it downturns into a frown not even a minute later when he declares, “i can’t find it.”
“you... can’t find it?” you echo his words.
“it’s not on me,” he states.
“well, did seulgi give it to you at all or...” you trail off only to be met by a devious smirk which doesn’t exactly help his case.
“guess you’re stuck with me,” he shrugs ever so easily.
“oh, hell nah,” and that’s when you latch onto to smirking boy’s body - on your hands at least, and since his left hand and your right hand are cuffed together, it doesn’t allow much room for your physical inspection which is how using your only free hand to get to the side of his pocket that’s farthest from you - may appear suspicious to others.
you only notice that you’re fully facing jeongguk and having your back turned to everyone else when hoseok’s voice cuts through the air, “yo hold up, hold up, hold up - this is bonfire and chill, not netflix and chill.”
your jaws hurt from hanging a bit too low as you meet each and everyone’s eyes, their giggling and laughing already telling enough of what the majority thinks - everyone except jimin, that is.
but you’re a bit too preoccupied with trying to clear the supposed air of you and jeongguk getting it on in the middle of the forest with both your friends and his around, “aha,” you force out, “i know this,” free hand waving between the chain linking your wrists and the open air which isn’t helping your case because jeongguk’s poor attempt at subduing his smirk is well, poor, “might look sus to you but it isn’t - jeongguk lost the key and if someone could help us find it, it’d-”
“oh, don’t worry, i have a spare at home,” seulgi chirps up, hand waving her illuminated phone, “i’ll text my girlfriend to bring it here.”
well, that explains the fluffy cuffs.
“sick,” jeongguk nods over to the girl to which she holds up an ‘okay’ sign and a meaningful smile to him which shouldn’t be ominous but is.
so you fix him a stare when hoseok goes to say something along the line of ‘great’ and ‘lifesaver’ to seulgi.
which the boy only asks back with a “what?”
“i have something to say but i’m not gonna so i’m just gonna keep quiet but just know that i’m watching you,” but the warning doesn’t exactly bring out the intimidating aspect that you hoped for.
“watch all you want, i’m yours for tonight,” the velvety sound of his chuckles is awfully distracting because you don’t even notice the chain clinking until his fingers interlock yours before he brings them up in the air - as if to emphasize on the technicality of his titillating claim.
the night goes on with bottles of beers scattering over the ground, faint smoke dissipating into the air as the scent of something sweet and fruity wafts around whilst the juul gets passed around.
once in a while someone’s laugh echoes between the gaps of the trees and into the night, amidst the sound of woodland creatures. you’ve downed one and a half bottle of henny whilst jeongguk doesn’t seem to have gone past even half of his first bottle. but he’s chuckling and laughing at something someone said which, for the most part, is funny or warrant a jaw-dropping, pin-drop-silence kind of reaction just like now as seulgi confesses to-
“never have i ever slept with my mom’s boyfriend at 19.”
“and that’s on mommy issues,” you hold up a beer in a ‘cheers’ manner at her whilst she mimics your action before you both tilt your head up and take a chug out of your individual beers at the same time.
“what about you?” jeongguk asks and for a moment, you forget that there are people around because jeongguk’s eyes look like someone reached up the sky and handpicked two stars each for his irises and trap them in there like a class case.
but you’d like to believe it’s the alcohol doing its rightful work in your system because you’re back on the ground with an unrelenting itch on your ankle where it’s brushing against the blades of grass.
“yea, what’s your never-have-i-ever mommy issues edition?” kai speaks up.
“nah, it’s wack,” you wave a dismissive hand but end up agreeing to spill the beans when a bout of protest spreads across your ever so faithful audience.
“okay, okay, never have i ever fucked my biological mom’s husband who isn’t my dad,” you say which earns a bout of cheers and ‘that’s messed up’s before seokjin claps his hands together.
“never have i ever...” he pauses, grinning as an added suspense before he goes on, “fucked my brother’s boyfriend.”
the game doesn’t last for long when everyone collectively agree to take the atmosphere up a notch and play strip truth or dare. but before your turn came, seulgi announces her girlfriend’s arrival concurrently with her having to leave for the night because she’s her ride home. and because you and jeongguk are both of the same mind that you’re the ones that should be following after her to get yourselves uncuffed, you do just that. 
yeri is a sweetheart and matches seulgi’s playful yet reserved nature. they take the cuffs with them and seulgi waves you two goodbye with the same, meaningful smile directed to jeongguk - but if that’s not enough, the ‘good luck’ thumbs up is a screaming red button for you.
but before you can even call him out for his possible hand in convincing his dance friends to invite jimin’s and consequently you to the forest after the match - he beats you to it.
“you okay?” this time, his features are lacking the smirk.
“yea, why wouldn’t i be?” you say, hopping on the rail of the train track that’ll lead to the spot where the others are - so far, you’re doing a good job not falling to your demise.
“i don’t know,” the scraping sound of his soul kicking against the pebbly ground fills the air as he walks next to you, hands in his pocket, “you’ve been pretty quiet after that thing about your mom.”
“you think what i did was messed up?” you inquire, resisting the urge to steal a glance at him to see what kind of emotion he’s making - whether it’s contorted with disgust or whether his nose is crinkling at an attempt to appear unbothered or whether there really isn’t any judgments being passed and he’s just downcasting his eyes because he’s looking out for possible sharp objects protruding from the ground.
“everyone’s a little messed up,” his shoulderline shakes as he shrugs, “it’s the why behind it that counts.”
“nah,” your hair tickles your face as you shake your head in blatant refutation, “i didn’t have a reason.”
and just when you expect a disgusted scoff to erupt from jeongguk’s pink lips... it doesn’t.
“that works too.”
silence follows his words for the longest moment with you trying placing one foot in front of the other, pretending like teetering on that tightrope you’re stuck on with kim taehyung at the end of it, not even waiting for you but just happen to be there.
so you break the silence, “i finally found her last year - flew all the way to jeju  because my biological aunt saw my the post i put up on facebook in a last ditch attempt before i hire a private investigator like my dads suggested. she set us up to meet,” the picture of a woman who’s so similar yet dissimilar to you flashes at the back of your head, a biscoff cheesecake slice lying untouched on the table and someone screaming at the top of their lungs right in front of your ears, “my biological mom didn’t know anything about it, flipped out and told me to never bother her again so i looked up where her husband worked and slept with him and sent the video to her.”
jeongguk doesn’t say anything, only nodding in your periphery before a soothing kind of silence lapses between you.
“what’s your story?” you ask a moment later.
“hm?” he glances at you, the moonlight shining over that smirk that you’ve come to miss in the course of the five minutes it went missing, skin painted a creamy white.
“if you don’t wanna tell, that’s fine too but like, you basically tore down my walls and i’m naked as hell - figuratively -” you add as soon as his eyes light up, “right now.” 
but then he tries to bargain, “promise you’ll text me back and i’ll tell.”
and you try to teeter in the grey area between words and its meanings, “alright, promise... i won’t leave you on read.”
“nah, you gotta promise to text back,” his half curls sway as he shakes his head - your end of the bargain not sufficiently satisfying.
it’s a few moments after your surrendering, “you know what? keep your skeletons in your closet - i’m good,” that he finally says something.
“i used to do tracks, lucked out with a sports scholarship but by freshman year in college, realized i didn’t even like tracks and dropped out...”
jeongguk’s parents weren’t happy about it - didn’t exactly welcome him when he came back with a suitcase and a letter from his unversity claiming the outstanding balance of his first two semesters. but he wasn’t happy at home either. 
so he packed his bags one more time and took the first train to seoul where he worked part time at a restaurant and occasionally at the dance off’s, before he found the beyond the scene people and subsequently found dance. that was amidst of a developer of the game he was playing approaching him through the game’s chat server and offering him a job to test out their games with the condition that he gets a degree in computer science which they paid for on the company’s scholarship fund.
and so it was obvious that jeon jeongguk, wherever he chooses to go and stop at, blooms like a wildflower that strives in any condition thrown in his face whether it be a storm, a hurricane or a sunny weather that barely allows any rain to cover the soil he’s rooted in.
and because he’s true to himself, it isn’t as unbelievable, when almost everyone - from every layer of backgrounds, flock around him like honeybees in spring - allured, magnified and bewitched by jeon jeongguk that makes him... well, him.
to say you understand him a little bit better may be an overstatement but maybe you’re less suspicious of his keen intuition and uncanny prognosis of what happened in your relationships, both with your friend and your not-so-friendly crush.
jeongguk jests that his leg “doesn’t work like it used to but-” - he’s been to places. seen people.
“so why are you obsessed with me?” you question into the night in a light hearted joke, “i mean, i can possibly see why because well, i’m... me and i’m amazing but you know, it’s not healthy to be this obsessed with people.”
his chuckles sounds like wind chimes on a spring day, "besides the fact that i was too busy being a tracks nerd for most of my life so i have zero flirting skills and decided to make all the calls that seem to irritate the one person i want to get to know? it’s because you looked like you were head over heels with the guy you were putting in place but still managed to not make it personal.”
it takes a moment for you to digest what he just said, and even then, you’re nodding in complete disagreement as you blurt out, “pretty sure some parts were personal,” and you turn to him with a smile stretched over your face, “but glad that you don’t think i’m the impostor.”
so you stop twenty steps away from where you can see the fire in the barrel and hoshi, one of the guys from bulletproof boys, standing in boxers and shouting an oath before gulping down a bottle of henny at an alarming rate.
“everyone’s a little sus now and then,” he refutes, nose crinkling as a grin spread across his moon-kissed features as he offers you his hand and you take it, hopping off your tightrope journey and onto grounding earth.
when morning comes, you wake up to the familiar but not-very-welcomed sound of cars honking from outside your window and the light piercing through your eyelids, so much so, you surrender to the start of the day. arms stretched over your head and a guttural sound vibrating within your chest as a sign of protest before your vision finally gets used to the bright sunny rays.
and that’s when you freeze. arms stretched and all.
“after all this, you can’t say no to a date with me,” jeon jeongguk is lying right next to you, in your one-person bed which you could never imagine would fit more than your need-for-maximum-space self when you sleep but there he is, in yesterday’s clothes, hugging your light pink alpaca plushie on his stomach whilst his elbow which you don’t notice before is poking into your rib.
the events of last night untangle in a web of hazed memory coming to high definition as each passing second pass by.
you and jimin live on the opposite ends of the city which made you reluctant in having kai drive you back at all, so jeongguk offered to split the uber bills with you because apparently, “oh, hey, we live in the same area!”
which later turned out you didn’t and it would’ve made more sense for him to hitch a ride with kai and jimin. but you didn’t even need to ask why he did what he did.
because by the time you and jeongguk returned, it’d been a set-in-stones assumption that you were off making out somewhere under a tree and everyone cheered you and him for it upon your return.
well, except jimin.
so you pulled jeongguk to the side once the attention was directed to hoseok whose dare was to lick the grass he was stepping on.
“is that thing about jimin liking me true because he’s been like, avoiding my eyes the whole night and now he’s acting like i don’t exist and i’m pretty concerned because his friend is my ride home,” you whispered underneath your beath.
jeongguk threw one, confirming glance at the aforementioned man before nodding casually, “he’s jealous as fuck because he thinks we did the do - cross my heart and hope to die.”
so you ended up offering jeongguk to sleep in your bed because it was already late and it felt like a waste to spend another thirty bucks to go back to a place where nobody was waiting for him anyway.
you were so beat, you’d fallen asleep as soon as jeongguk pulled your protesting self off the futon-splayed floor and held you captive in your own bed.
“you know what? i might as well,” you say, legs thrown off the bed and stretching some more before looking down at the smiling, plushie-holding, grown ass person in your bed, “now we need to figure out how to sneak you out because this is a girls-only dorm and if they found out i have a guy over, i might get expelled.”
but before you can even start brainstorming the best possible route for jeongguk to sneak out without being detected, an obnoxious rapping reverberates against your door. the look of pure horror settling in as jeongguk’s smile melts into a wide-eyed, panicked face would have been adorable if you’re not in the middle of shoving him into your “quick, in the closest!” which he needs to hunch his shoulders to become as small as possible before you can close it whilst you yelp out a “just a minute!”
by the time you manage to school a smile on your face, jennie’s is already sprinkled with a dust of red as her brows come together, judging your choice of outfit and the events that went down last night.
“hey, girl,” you drag out the first word in idle panic, body leaning against the doorframe a little too defensively, “what’s...” you can’t even find the right words as you tap your fingers against the doorframe before finally saying, “what’s good?”
but one questioning look from her and you’re stepping out of the way, left to stand at attention like a cadet in the presence of the general whilst said general struts into your room and scans it once before turning to you.
“’what’s good?’” jennie echoes and you know from the way her head does the slightest of movements according to her enunciation, “imagine seeing your best friend on some mutual friend’s snapchat story which mind you, said mutual friend isn’t anywhere close to either of you and the time in the snap says a big whooping 4:03 am while you’re here feeling bad for hurting her feelings with your words words. but does she feel bad? well, it doesn’t flipping look like she even gave any thoughts about you, did it?”
and that’s when the closet decides that it’s had enough of storing a full grown human in its belly and slowly, but surely swings the door open with thunderous creak in the midst of the calm before the storm. and lo and behold, a jeon jeongguk, still hugging your alpaca tightly, keeping his eyes closed as if it’ll make him invisible before he gradually screws one eye open to the sight of a raging but confused  jennie kim and a mortified you turning to said girl.
so much for keeping skeletons in closets.
“i-i can explain.”
it turns out all it takes for jennie’s anger to subside is for her to find a boy in your room. namely the boy she’s been blatantly shipping you with even though you barely knew each other then.
“i have a wig in my room,” she suggests after you’ve exhausted all options - jeongguk can’t climb through the window and jump down from the second floor.
“well, he can but there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to leave without one of his limbs intact,” you’d added, shrugging.
he’s sitting crossed leg on your bed, alpaca in his lap and looking cute as hell as his eyes go round at the mention of a wig and five minutes prior, crossdressing.  the plan is for you and jennie will walk him out once he’s all dresed up like you’re just three - well, one is kind of buffed up but still pretty - best friends who had a girls’ night and crashed in your room.
he whistles lowly, head lulling to the side as he stares at the door before turning to you with a playful smile, “i’ve always wanted to wear a skirt.”
and so it goes, jennie kim’s squealing and making a short trip to her room and returning with a bag full of wig, stretchable sweaters and lycra skirts whilst she scours through your closet for clothes that you have but don’t even remember. the oversized sweater that’s a few more inches too big for you wraps around his body tightly and the skirt is a tad bit too short for him, going down to a few inches above the knee. but the head turner is the way the curly brown wig gracefully frames his face and softens his jawline, giving an illusion of how his half-ringlet would have looked if he grew them out.
you apply the soft pink lipgloss on his already rosy lips as a joke in a guise of a final touch, heart skipping as his lips curl whilst he gazes at you the whole time you’re putting on the glimmering liquid.
“okay, i feel bad,” you confess, shoulder line falling, “i thought you’d hate the lipgloss and i was going say it’s important to make the look work if you said no but you’re not saying no and you’re looking at me like you’d trust me with your life...” a sigh rolls off your lips at the end of it.
“you feel bad?” he echoes, glossed lips looking kissable as hell - it doesn’t even matter that he’s smirking like it was part of his plan all along to manipulate your conscience into confessing your ulterior motive.
so you nod.
“good,” he states simply.
“you saying good like you’re satisfied that you managed to pick on my guilty conscience is making me feel less guilty,” you narrow your eyes, not even bothering to hide the smile creeping on your lips.
“oh my god, my ship is sailing!” jennie’s whispered squeal cuts through the air before she reverts to her deadpanned self, “okay but seriously, if you’re done sprinkling sugar cubes all over the place, i think we should get jeongguk out before miss snitchery sonyeon next door sniffs the man in jeongguk and snitch on us.”
sonyeon has been known for reporting 2 boy-sneaking activities that went on last year which would have been justified if the girls that brought the boys into their room was doing questionable things and loudly at that but the first incident was with a late enrolled newbie that just moved in and didn’t know that boys weren’t allowed inside and though the other girl did sneak her boyfriend in, it was only because he was bleeding profusely and needed first aid treatment which she stored in her room.
you’re just about a few feet away from the double doors when a familiar but disembodied voice drums in your ears.
“you three, stop right there.”
you think your heart stops working for the briefest moment as time freezes and you’re craning your head to look at jennie whose fear-stricken face mimics yours and then jeongguk whom you don’t expect to wear such ceases in his forehead.
so you do the one thing that you think of-
“run.” you whisper.
all of a sudden, the wind is in your face and a few heads turn your way - but you doubt that it has more to do with how unfairly gorgeous jeongguk looks than the fact that the ra is on your tail, her pitched demands for ‘someone stop them!’ whilst. you’re not sure if someone did try to chase after you or if the adrenaline pumping in your system is what helps you sprint faster than a cheetah but when you finally slow down, almost skidding to a stop on the grass somewhere on campus grounds instead of the dormitory area - it’s because jennie is dramatically breathing through her mouth and found herself a bench to put on an act of dying whale.
“you guys... go on... leave me be...” she croaks out in between breaths, hand reaching out to the air.
“dude, tell me if you’re gonna stop so we can stop and get caught together,” you guff, plopping down, your state no better than jennie’s while jeongguk shakes his head at the two of you.
not even a beat of sweat or heaved breathing coming from him - not to mention that-
“how are you the fastest-” you suck in a much needed breath, “-when your leg doesn’t work as good anymore?”
“yea, didn’t say i can’t run,” he grins.
“jen, let’s go,” you say, tapping the dying whale on her shoulder as she starts wailing words of saddened goodbyes.
“forsake me! save yourselves!” she wheezes, staring into nothingness before waving a dismissive hand, “no for real, i don’t think they’re gonna chase us all the way here. you guys go, i have a date anyway, i’ll text kim,” it’s the name you coined for namjoon whenever you talk about him in public, “to pick me up here.”
a year ago, you would have called her a brave fool for having her boyfriend slash professor that’s teaching at the same university - pick her up in plain sight. but once you saw the unfamiliar ferrari roll to a stop in front of the dorms with tinted black windows, you understand why they can be as free and uncaring as they are.
“you sure? what if they saw you here?” you question, needles of doubt still deeply pierced into your racing heart.
but when she looks at you with arched brows and a familiar couldn’t-care-less attitude, you know nothing you say can change her mind which helps ease the knots in your stomach by a lot.
so you cave in, waving her goodbye - but not before the scarring ‘we still need to talk though’ reminder - and going back to the tall, brown haired person who’s holding his left hand midair and wiggling his fingers about in what you think is a parodic depiction of how girls wave at each other while mouthing a nasally, higher-pitched “thank you so much for helping us.” 
one minute into the walk, you stop in front of the cafe you’re used to having lunch at with your group of 4 - if there’s even any group left after this, “so this kim guy - he’s way older isn’t he?” 
“if you’re all knowing, you wouldn’t end that sentence with a question,” you assert, “so i’m not gonna say anything.”
“that’s a yes then,” he nods. 
“i think we lost them,” you say, a tad too late but pretend to look around anyway like you’re not 200% sure of that fact.
to any outsiders, you’ll probably look like two girls standing three feet apart from each other, looking out in a distance.
“nice,” jeongguk nods, joining in your scouting party before he squints his eyes at something in the most casual manner before suggesting, “so... you wanna go on a date?”
“you think we lost them?” you whisper under your breath, worry filling your chest as you throw your gaze over somewhere at the end of the alleyway where flashes of red and blue lights passed by.
but before the black cladded boy can say anything, his lips smack together as he and you both press yourselves flat to the wall as the sound of radio static bounces into the narrow space you’ve found yourselves in. six months after your first date, which involves a crossdressing jeongguk and a day at a park that had you returning to the dorm with a giant teddy bear and a strip of photo you took from the booth comprising the multiple personalities embodied in one person from sassy to stare-into-the camera-intimidating face to him looking down and shyly peeking through his pushed back curls - you’ve gone on multiple other dates.
none of which can be considered normal because you’ll always end up in a sticky situation like you are now.
on your second month, you found out that jeon jeongguk not only has a stable  income for literally playing games while trying to balance out his education but he also paints and draws.
on your third month, you go on your first mural-painting-in-the-middle-of-the-night-dressed-as-robbers date to which ended pretty well with the two of you getting hungry and having ramen at a 24 hour convenience store. so the mural painting becomes a monthly routine.
jimin finds out about it somewhere down the line and broke out into the most heartwarming smile while teasing you about how “the singles lost another one,” as he shook his head in dismay. but things went back to normal for the most parts. taehyung talks to you more now. he apologized for having only treated you like someone useful to him when he needed something and found that you have more in common than you think.
like how you’re decently informed about the greatest artists of all time - all because jeongguk was telling you about them whilst you chill at his place on days you don’t feel like going out but still want to spend time together. jeongguk, later found out that his supply of artistic information was what led to you and taehyung’s improving friendship and offers to become your spokesperson by having you invite taehyung to a cafe so he can pour his abundance of knowledge in the fine arts of painting - “since he’s so interested in van gogh, you know what i mean?”
he even finished it with a tilt of his head and an sassy ‘ugh.”
“i think we gotta run,” jeongguk’s declarations doesn’t have you arching your eyebrows and looking at him in an ‘are you for real?’ kind of manner.
it could be because you’re so used to running from law enforcement now.
or maybe because jeongguk showed you the world through his eyes. doesn’t mean it’s any less terrifying - the thought of being caught and shoved behind the bars whilst they included it in your records. but hey, at least, you’re no strangers to handcuffs.
“on one,” you say and he nods, hand squeezing yours as if saying i’ll never let them get you.
“three,” you begin, eyes fixed on the stars in jeongguk’s gaze, “two,” jeongguk breathes in deeply, “one.”
note. i hope you guys enjoyed reading!! and if you want anything similar to this kind of style, i have one more college au. the second part of that one is my pinned post which also has a link to the first part. if you’re curious why i’m not gonna link or name it is because i’m convinced that tumblr literally makes anything that’s linked or mentioned it blocked for some reason idk.
but anyways, thank you for reading!!
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Cuddle Buddies
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Pairing: Roommate! Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Minors DNI, RPF, angst, cursing, pining, jealousy, suggestive language, butt slapping, fluff! No smut!  All errors my own. I apologize if you like the smell of patchouli, lol.
A/N: This is an answer to the following ask from @teatro-dira :
Okay so I don't know if this is kinda weird but like an Rafael x reader were they are like really cuddly(like a lot of hugs, cuddling and stuff) friends and roommates and everyone teases them asking them if they're dating. Then Rafael gets a girlfriend which makes y/n lowkey feel betrayed and jealous, but he doesn't realize that. Y/n accidentally ruins their relationship(you chose how). They get into a fight, but it ends in fluff. Hope you understand what I mean:)
Here it goes! I hope you like it!
A series of unfortunate events led you to this situation six months ago.
You were subletting Rafael’s apartment in Santa Monica when production wrapped a month early on his project in Vancouver. He had nowhere to go, and neither did you, so you agreed to share the space.
You vibed, almost as much as he and Daveed did. Folks began to call you the fourth Muskateer, for as much as you, Rafa, Daveed and his girl were always together. 
You all talked, smoked, and created together. You and Rafa especially were always all over each other, keeping each other warm under blankets on the couch, watching movies while you ran your fingers through his hair, in one or another’s bed watching videos, or writing in tandem. 
It was all good, cause Rafa was being a man-whore at the moment with several ladies, and you were just chilling. It was dope. 
It would have been all the way dope, except...
Except for the fact that you were in love with Rafa.
You loved sharing the same space with him, because you could smell him when he just got out of the shower, play in his silky hair, and feel his strong arms around you. And when he wore grey sweats…. Damn.  You and your little bullet celebrated every time that happened.
Everyone could tell, except for Rafael.  People ragged on you two so hard, that you vehemently denied it every time, to the point of getting heated.
One night, you side eyed the teaser through a cloud of smoke after catching Rafa’s grimace when they said you two should get together.  Your mood sank at what you perceived was rejection.
“I would NEVER get with Rafa, that’s the homie.  He’s like a brother to me. Ugh. Getting with my brother? No way. We’re just Cuddle Buddies.”
Rafa blinked and then took a toke.
“Exactly, we the homies. Platonic Ride or Dies.  It’ll never happen.”  He passed what he was holding and then stood up. “Cuddle Buddies till the end.”  He sounded disgusted.
“I’m going to go get some food. I’m hungry. What does everyone want?”  After everyone yelled out their orders, you offered to come with.
“Nah, sis.  I’m good.  Gonna clear my head. I’ll be back soon.  Rafa peaced out and you sat back down with the crew.
Ever since that night, Rafa seemed a little distant.  He was always busy, and never had time to sit and kick it with you the last couple of weeks.  You all never seemed to link.
One night, he was home when you came in with groceries.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know that you’d be here!” You put the groceries down on the counter while Rafa was at the stove, cooking up some pasta with marina.
“Mmmmmm. Smells good!” You went and stood very close to him, expecting him to give you a side hug, at least.
He just turned and glanced at you, a smirk lifting one side of his face.
“Will you never learn to keep an umbrella in the car? You always come in soaking wet from the rain.”
Here he was, shaking his head that you didn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain.  How could this talented genius ever want to be with you?
You just played it off, as usual. “I’m starving. I didn’t think I would make it through cooking, but you’re always clutch, Rafa!” 
Rafa stood there and gaped at you.
“Uhhhhh… I thought you said you were driving down to the Vista to see your mom… I have someone coming over for dinner....”
“No.  She’s decided to go on a cruise to Cabo with her bestie… she just called and told me as she was boarding the ship this afternoon.  The hussy. Tryna be fast with her little friends.”  You laughed.
“So, who’s coming over?  UTK? Wayne? Jimmy?”
You jumped up on the counter and watched as Rafa put some french bread with butter and garlic in the oven.  Smelled like heaven.  Those guys would definitely invite you to stay.
Rafa wiped his hands on the towel that was hanging on the stove. And turned around to face you.
“Her name is Aurora.”
It was like he’d punched you in the gut. He’d NEVER brought one of his heauxes around. You fought the urge to double over, even though you felt nauseous.  When you looked at him, he looked concerned.
“Hey, you okay?”
You jumped down from the counter and quickly nodded your head, laughing weakly.  
“I...uh.. Yeah.  Like I said, I haven’t eaten since breakfast, expecting to be at dinner with my moms by now.”
You grabbed your groceries, putting them up quickly and grabbed an apple, taking it to your room.
“I’m going to get out of your way in a minute, I’ll go over to Carla’s and hang with her tonight. We’ll probably go out and do what we do, you know?”
Rafa still looked worried.
“Are you sure you’re ok? You need more than an apple. Look, stay…”
“NO!”  Your voice was raised and it startled you.  “I mean, I’m not one to be a cock blocker.  I’ll just get my stuff and get ready to go.”
Rafa just watched as you scurried into your room. Why did you feel like crying?  Why did you feel as if you would never breathe properly again?  You got out your phone and called Carla.
20 minutes later, you exited your room dressed for the club with your overnight bag.  There was a strange smell in the room, and it wasn’t pasta.  It was patchouli.  You HATED patchouli.
You didn’t realize you were giving the gas face until Rafa came out of the kitchen followed by a short, but cute woman, with a body like, whoa. 
Of course.
Rafa glared at you and you fixed your face.  That bestie telepathy was on point. Then he looked up and down, as if he were judging your freakum dress.  Well, fuck him.
“Oh, hey!  Y/N, this is Aurora.  Aurora, Y/N.”
Aurora ignored your outstretched hand and went in for a hug. 
“Y/N!  I’ve heard so much about you that I feel like I know you intimately, just like Rafael.”  
You tried to keep your face straight in reaction to her scent, then gave her a sideye. 
Was it the inept way she rolled the ‘R’ in Rafael, or the thinly veiled shot at your relationship? Either way, you felt like slapping the shit out of her. You looked at Rafa, but then just cleared your throat.
“And I’ve heard so much about you as well.  You’re all Rafa talks about.” He shook his head behind her.  “Nice to meet you, but I’m headed out for the night.”
It was then that Aurora saw your bag and brightened up.  
“Oh!  You do look nice. Are you leaving, you sure you don’t want to stay?”  
You could smell insincerity a mile away. Even patchouli couldn’t cover that up. You just smiled at her.  
“No ma’am.  I’ve got places to see and people to do.”  You winked at them as you walked out of the door, holding up your umbrella.  “Stay dry y’all.”
You made it out the door without crying of jack slapping that little bitch or Rafa.  You were winning.  
But why did it feel like you’d lost everything?
You and Rafa successfully avoided one another for days.  He was either over Aurora’s or you were with Carla, your mom, or just stayed in your room.
One time you passed Rafa and Aurora on the couch watching a movie on your way to the kitchen to get something to eat.  Rafa’s head was in her lap.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard Rafa’s slightly raised voice say: “Don't’ mess with the swoop, Babe.”
‘Babe.’ He called her Babe. That’s it. It was time for you to go. 
You were cramping Rafa’s style.  You just tiptoed back in your room, making little to no noise so that they could watch the movie in peace. You didn’t see Rafa looking at your door after you went in.
A week later, you let Rafa know your move out date.
“Wait. What?”
Rafa’s mouth was open. You repeated yourself.
“Well, I’m going to move in with Carla. She’s going to let me ride her couch until this other place comes open in three weeks. It’s a sweet deal, near the studio….”
Rafa’s mind was racing, you could see the gears turning.
“Well… why don’t you just stay here until then, we got a good thing going.” He looked upset. What was up with him?
“Rafa… I’m just in the way.  You’ve got Aurora…”
“Hold up, wait.  We aren’t even that serious.  I mean, I just stopped seeing Bev and Chrissy. He looked at his watch. Last week.”
You laughed at Rafa’s fuckboi ways.  “Well, what about me? I might want to date someone and bring them over…”
Rafa’s face changed.
“Bring someone over here…”
But it didn’t sound like an invitation, it sounded like a threat.  
It was your turn to stare at Rafa.  “What the hell…?”
He straightened up.  “I mean, any of your guests are welcome here.”
You sighed and shook your head. 
“See what I mean? Things are getting tense, I want us to stay friends, not be tight with each other all the time.”
Rafa grinned.  “You said ‘tight.’”  He dodged a couch pillow thrown at his head.
“What are you, a 12 year old?”  You were rolling.  He really was one of your best friends.  But you needed space to get over yourself.  And him.
“Okay.  You grown.  But just know that you don’t have to go.  And know that I will miss the hell out of you.”  
Rafa came over to hug you, and he held you longer than normal, and then kissed the top of your head.  You looked up at him, still in his arms and it was like…
You cleared your throat.  “Well, I guess I better go start to pack.”
Rafa stepped back.  “Ok.”
Both of you hurried to your perspective rooms.
One night, a couple of days later, Rafael came into your room without knocking.
“What did you say to Aurora?”
You were laying on your stomach on your phone, in just your t-shirt an panties.  You rolled over and looked at him. 
“What are you talking about?”
Rafa wasn’t yelling, but he was keyed up.
“What did you tell her the last time you talked?”
You put your head down to think, then brought it back up. 
“I just said that I was going to miss playing in your hair when we watched movies, that I knew it was your favorite thing.”
Rafa nodded, then shook his head.  
“Y/N, you’re the only one I let touch my hair.  Aurora has barely been allowed near it.”
“That’s…. New.”  You were perplexed.
“No it isn’t. Everyone knows I don’t like people messing with my hair.  Aurora accused me of having feelings for you.”
You were sitting up now, crossing your arms and standing before Rafa.
“That’s ridiculous.”
Rafa looked like he was about to explode. He threw his hands up in the air and walked out of your room.
“OF COURSE IT IS! RIDICULOUS!”  He was really agitated.
“Yeah, I know all too well that you think it's ridiculous for me to want to be with you.  I don’t know what makes you think I’m not good enough for you?”
“Good enough for ME?  You’re the one running around with all the model/actress types, you’re the one who thinks I’m beneath you.  You said so that one night when you said we were ‘Platonic Ride or Dies.’”
“Here we go! Total distortion! Did you hear what you said before I said that?  You said I was like your brother.  Your brother.  You think it’s that disgusting to be with me.”
“I just said that because you made a face when what’s her face said we should be together.”
“I made that face because I was imagining fucking your brains out.  It was probably my cum face.”
You stopped and stared at him, mouth hinged open.
“The fuck?”  You burst out laughing.  “You are mad outta pocket Rafa.” Rafa was rolling too.  “But you ain’t gotta lie.”
Rafa stopped laughing.  
“Why do you think I’m lying?”
He was moving closer to you. This felt… dangerous. He looked up and down your body, and it was the first time you felt uncomfortable being comfortable around Rafa.
“Because you told me that you wanted to just be Cuddle Buddies a month after you came back from Canada. You drew a line in the sand.”
Rafa shook his head at you and smiled, green-blue eyes twinkling. 
“I knew you were too zooted.  I shouldn’t have tried to shoot my shot.”
“Run that back for me?”  You couldn’t believe what he was saying right now.
“What I said was..I wanted to be Cuddie buddies. Cuddie is… you know…”  
He pointed to your crotch.
You looked down, and then up at him again. “I can’t with you Rafa….” 
Rafa tilted his head in that sexy way at you. 
“Can you really not?” 
You were stunned.  Rafa continued.
“But I’m serious. When you came back with ‘Cuddle Buddies,’ I thought you were blowing me off and just wanted to be friends. So, I just settled into the friend zone.”
“Do you mean you’re attracted to me? Rafa, that’s funny as hell. You want me for my body?”
Rafa raised his eyebrows at you. “Hell yeah. C’mon girl. You know you’re fine.” 
Your cheeks heated up. You stared at him for what must have been a solid minute.  The possibilities of this alternate reality where Rafa liked you like you liked him opened up.
“But, Rafa... I don’t wanna be just cuddie buddies.”
“Oh. Ok, Cool….” Rafa cleared his throat and looked everywhere but at you.
“I want your heart.” 
Rafa paused when he heard that and his face fell as he moved toward you.  He took your arms in his hands.
“Y/N I'm sorry, I can't give you my heart.”
It was your turn to pick up your face.
“’Cause you already have it.” 
His mischievous grin made your stomach flip.  But you were mad.
“Fuck you, Rafa.” You were laughing with happiness, despite him playing too much.
“Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Rafa swooped down and threw you over his shoulder. “I’ve been waiting six months for that invitation.”  
You were trying to kick and scream. 
Raa swatted you on the ass, then smoothed his hand over the cheek that stung.
“The more you struggle, the more you’ll be begging me to stop in a few.”
You struggled some more, but he made it to your bedroom and deposited you on the bed.  He glared down at you, all sexy green-eyed god.
“Try me, Y/N.”
You reached for the drawstring on his sweats.
“If you insist, Rafael.”
@braidedchallah @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @anh1020 @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri @theselilwonders @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @janthonybitch @curlyhairclub
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volleychumps · 4 years
hii! can I request headcanons/scenario (up to you) to kuroo's first year sister becoming nekoma's manager (also kuroo is a little overprotective) and the team going to a training camp with the others for the fist time? thank you in advance!
 Awh yes of course this prompt made my heart go !!! This is a tad crack-filled but it has its’ sappy moments, I hope you enjoy!!
The Younger Kuroo
“And what do we say when a boy asks for your number?” 
“Oh please, jump into my bed. I’ve been waiting.” 
You dodge the thump to the forehead from Kuroo’s thumb as you hide behind a cackling Yaku, who wiped a tear from his eyes at the promise of death in your older brother’s eyes. 
“No. Try again.” 
“I’m not five~” you whine, stretching your legs out from the slightly cramped bus ride. You loved Lev like a brother, but his legs hardly gave you any room to sit comfortably. Said boy hadn’t even realized until towards the end of the ride, panicking and taking your bags up for you as an apology with a sheepish grin on his cat-like features. 
Kai thumps your head for Kuroo, causing you to protest. “Kai! I’m supposed to be your favorite!” 
“Keep making jokes about bringing boys into your bed and you won’t be.” 
“Um sir, I’m actually going to be sleeping on a futon-” 
You dodge the next flick to your head, grumbling about how your brother’s team abuses their own manager as you run ahead to catch up with Kenma, ignoring the agitated calls for your ass to get back there from your brother. 
Kuroo rolls his eyes at the actions of his younger sister, watching Kenma show you what he was playing as Yaku brings a hand up to his neck, the three third-years watching with slightly worried expressions as their little sister figure hops onto Inuoka’s back. 
“Will she really be okay?” 
“She’s smart. She can take care of herself.” 
“Inuoka don’t steal her snacks! She’s still growing!” 
Kuroo sighs, the captain raising a hand to his eyes as Kai grins lopsidedly next to him, looking a little apologetic. 
“Nevermind. She’s a dumbass.” 
“So...we should worry about her?” 
This would be a long training camp. 
“Yamamoto, bend your knees a little more.” You instruct, resting a hand on the boy’s back as Yamamoto nervously looks to the side in case Kuroo was looking. You roll your eyes, applying more pressure. Your brother’s overprotective nature was funny at times, but not when it got into your duties as team manager. 
“Are you really her?!” 
“Bokuto, I said no!” 
You blink, hiding behind Yamamoto on instinct as a boy with burly arms and silver hair came running towards you, excitement brimmed in his gold irises as Kuroo holds his collar with an irk mark. A second guy with slightly disheveled hair came walking in tow, hands stuffed in his pockets as if this were an every day occurence. You focus in on their shirts. Fukurodani Academy. 
“Huh? Wait...” The Fukurodani member looks deep in thought. “She’s like, totally cute. What happened to you?” 
“Akaashi, please claim your pet.” Kuroo snips, but before the second boy can step forward, you’re laughing and stepping out from your hiding place and extending a hand to the silver haired boy, who grips it excitedly as he ignores Kuroo’s protests. 
“I’m Kuroo Y/N! The totally cuter sibling.” 
“Bokuto Kotaro! You can call me Bokuto onee-chan!” 
“No you cannot.” 
“...Bo onee-chan?” you offer a bit timidly, ignoring the glower from your older brother as you hide your smirk. 
Bokuto swooned, causing the second boy to nudge him, an amused look tickling his features as he bows respectfully. 
“Akaashi Keiji.” 
“Keiji-Kun?” You grin, and the blue-eyed boy takes on a look of surprise and seems to ponder it for a moment, nodding his head before bowing again. 
“We’ll be taking our leave, Kuroo-san.” 
“Call me Y/N!” You call, the setter turning slightly in their depart to nod to you as Bokuto fist pumps the air, claiming you were totally his type before you zone in on your unamused older brother, whose arms were crossed as you grin a little sheepishly. 
“You’re telling me you know those two hotties and you’ve never bothered to set me up?” 
“Joking! It was a joke!” You say a little too quickly, jogging off to encourage Kenma to get his ass off the bench as Kuroo groans, tugging Kai and Yaku off to the sidelines. 
“...yeah. we might need to worry.” 
“What are you talking about?” Mori laughs. “She’s not a kid, Kuroo. We don’t need to look after her as much as we did before.”
“Literally fuck what I said before.” 
“Just how the hell did she manage to befriend the whole Karasuno team?” Kuroo grits out, Bokuto chuckling to his side as Akaashi reminds Kuroo not to snap his chopsticks in half. 
“Even Tsukki isn’t telling her to leave his sight. Is she magic or what?” 
The event where you were sitting between the vice-captain and wing spiker of the Karasuno team during that evening meal had begun when the captain had accidentally sent a receive towards your head, the goregous team manager managing to protect you in time with a swift wave of her hand. The vice-captain had rushed up to you in a hurry, apologizing profusely before the hyper libero invited you to come eat dinner with them, claiming he would buy you anything you wanted from the snack vendors afterwards. 
“Daichi, if you don’t stop apologizing, I will press charges.” You warn, placing more rice in your mouth as Yachi giggles from across you, eyes curious. 
“It’s hard to believe you’re Kuroo-san’s little sister, Y/N.” 
“You’re not scary...at all. Are you sure you two are related?” Hinata blanches, pretending he can’t see the glower from the captain across the cafeteria. You shrug, shooing the offered fried katsu from Sugawara’s chopsticks away. 
“Eat, Suga. I’m not dead.” You huff, turning to reply to your new friend. “And Hinata, don’t talk with your mouth full. Sadly, we came from the same womb and he was my first bully.”
The fact that you were both first years made you get along easily with the freckled boy, Yachi, Hinata, and even the genius blue-eyed setter and the tall middle blocker managed to engage in conversation with you one or two times. You noticed that the boy who claimed a little too boisterously to call him “Tanaka-Senpai” and the libero “Nishinoya-senpai” were looking at you with stars in your eyes before cutting you off mid-conversation. 
“Was being saved by Kiyoko a mesmerizing experience?” 
“Daichi, why don’t you throw a volleyball at their head so they can see?” 
“Suga, I said I was sorry, I feel bad enough!”
“You hurt a kouhai!” Suga over dramticizes, playfully creating a human shield between you and the captain. “You don’t even deserve to look at her!” 
You laugh, the laugh dwindling slightly when you meet Kuroo’s eyes from across the room. The team all look down at once, Lev pouting and Yaku seeming to be a little more quiet as Yamamoto and Fukunaga pretend to carry on a conversation. 
The captain looks away quickly, and you frown, focusing on your meal. It looks like you were going to have an unexpected team meeting tonight. 
“All right. Why is everyone on edge?” You throw the door open, not even flinching when some of your boys were in the middle of putting their shirts on. Lev and Inuoka both squeal overdramatically, covering their bodies. 
“Y/N you perv!” 
“Oh shut up, you always walk around shirtless and I say nothing!” You protest, plopping down in your brother’s futon. “Where is Kuroo anyway?” 
“Out. You know you can’t be in the boys’ dorms this late, Y/N. Do you want me to walk you?” Yaku crosses his arms strictly, and you sidle up to Kenma before resting your head on his shoulder tiredly, the boy you grew up with not even reacting as he continues to tap away on his console. 
“Nope.” You pop the p. “I just feel like I should say something. So gather around, chums.” 
“What, are you british now?” 
“Lev I seem to remember asking you to gather around, not hit me with an attitude.” You reply sassily, clapping your hands together. “Group circle. Now.” 
“She does have that captain vibe.” Yamamoto mumbles to Fukunaga as he simply nods in response. As your boys gather, you wait for them to settle before starting. 
“Okay, so welcome to alcoholic’s anonymous-” 
“Never mind. She doesn’t have a captain vibe, I must’ve been crazy.”
“Hi I’m Inuoka, and-
“Get to the point Y/N.” Kai says seriously as he yawns. You cross your legs, pressing the off button on Kenma’s console before looking at each of them individually, a seriousness in your eyes that was rarely there. 
“You do know I love you guys, right? Just because we’re at a training camp doesn’t mean I like the other teams more than I like you...so I wanted to say I’m sorry if it seemed like I was being a little neglectful...” You trail off, fiddling with your fingers. “I know some of you see me as your younger sister, and I really really don’t want you guys to feel like you guys are replaceable, because you aren’t.” 
You look up to see a mixture of surprise as some near tears (Lev and Inuoka) before you hastily add,  “And thus that ends my cheesy speech. Anyway, I struggle with high-amounts of alcohol consumption-” 
You’re cut off when the first years tackle you into a hug, crying they’re really glad you’re their manager as you struggle to breathe. You look up after you manage to shove them off, Yaku ruffling your hair as Kai crosses his arms with a satisfied grin on his face. Even Kenma had a little smile on his face before turning his console back on. 
You freeze up. It was time to face the final boss. Your head turns to sheepishly smile at Kuroo before he rolls his eyes, jutting his head to the side slightly. 
“I’ll walk you out.” 
“Goodnight Y/N!” 
“We love you!” 
“Speak for yourself-” 
“Shut up Kenma, we know you do.” 
“So you heard?” You walk next to your older brother, arms swinging loosely as Kuroo hums in response, hands shoved in his jacket pockets. 
“It was nice for you to clarify.” Kuroo speaks after a few brief moments of comfortable silence. “For awhile, we were the only team that didn’t have a manager to deal with us, so I’m not surprised they got a little worried seeing you cozy up to other teams. One might say even a little possessive.” 
Kuroo stops, and you turn curiously to face your brother. 
“It honestly makes me really scared to think one of these bastards might steal my little sister away. None of them are deserving of you, and I’ll be damned if I let you think that they are.”
You blink. Kuroo saying nice things seemed to only happen once in a blue moon. 
“Tetsurou-nii.” You say softly, tugging on Kuroo’s sleeve. “I’m not a kid anymore, you know? I’m not that middle schooler that always followed you and your friends around, having an unexplainable crush on Kenma-” 
“Get to the point.” 
“I’m happy you care.” You hug him, feeling Kuroo relax into your embrace. “But you gotta let me grow up some day, you know? And that thing about none of the team being replaceable?” 
Your grip tightens just a little more. “You’re the one it applies to the most. You’re my one and only older brother who pisses me off at times, but...I...ugh god....why is this so hard? I uh... l-love you, big bro.” 
You feel a hand rest on the top of your head as Kuroo sighs. “I love you too, little sis, so stop saying gross stuff.” 
“Then don’t pout at me from across the cafeteria!” 
“Who the hell was pouting? Me? You must be losing your sight, crazy woman.” 
“At least my hair doesn’t look like a duck’s ass.” 
“At least I’m tall.” 
“Don’t be bitter because you weren’t apart of our alcoholic’s anonymous meeting-” 
and so, both Kuroo’s walked and laughed all the way to the girls’ housing, the atmosphere significantly lighter than it had once been. 
“What business do you have with our manager, oi?” 
“Yamamoto, let Tanaka and Noya say bye.” You scold, highfiving them with both hands before Daichi approaches, Sugawara by his side as the captain of Karasuno hands you a steaming bag of Taiyaki.
“Share with your friends. This is my official apology. We’ll see you soon, Y/N.” The captain smiles warmly before turning to Suga. “Happy now?” 
“No, you abuser. Goodbye little kouhai!!” 
You wave to Hinata, Yachi, and Yamaguchi from a distance, Tsukishima and Kageyama both simply nodding to you as you shake your phone a little, signalling each of them to text you with the number you gave them with a bright smile. 
“Y/N don’t leave without saying bye to your nii-chan!” 
“Never, Bo-onii!” You cry overdramatically as Bokuto spins you around, Akaashi setting one hand on your head with a slight nod and a smile tickling his lips. It was honestly crazy how close you got with these people in three days, but who was complaining? 
“On the bus. Now.” Kuroo picks you up mid-spin from Bokuto’s grasp as you stick your tongue out, offering your final waves to everyone before Kai simply picks you up by the collar and quite literally drags you onto the bus. 
“Oh, did I miss my abusive boys.” You roll your eyes as you’re seated promptly next to Lev, who kindly kept his legs in check to give you enough room on the bus. “Who wants Taiyaki? Daichi-senpai treated us!” 
“Is Daichi the one? I called dibs, already!” Lev whines as the pastries are passed around, the bus settling into motion before Kuroo delivers a chop to the first-year’s head, who quickly claims it was a joke before a laugh bubbles up in your throat. 
Yeah. Your boys were a bit of a handful. 
“Yaku, you can’t have two!” 
“It just means Y/N loves me more.” 
“I’m her brother, you can’t compete.” 
“Shut up, she hates you half the time.” 
“No one asked you, Kenma!” 
But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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keeptheotherone · 3 years
Do You Promise?
Chapter 1 of a new WIP, just for you, my Tumblrers <3
August 1999 the Burrow’s garden Weasleys’ 2nd Annual End of Summer Celebration
Charlie Weasley sat on the fence separating his mother’s vegetable patch from the garden, thinking about the last time he’d sat here, one year ago. Then it had been Bill at his side, not his little sister.
“Knut for your thoughts,” she said, pushing herself up.
“Where’s your boyfriend?”
Ginny raised her brows at the implication of his answer but didn’t tease. “Around.”
“Mmm.” He’d been home for more than twenty-four hours, but he hadn’t seen Potter once. At Christmas, they’d been a package deal, never out of arm’s reach of the other. “I thought he might have had to work.”
Ginny shook her head, pigtails dancing round her shoulders like they had when she was shorter than this fence. “Today and tomorrow, but not tonight. Mum made them promise.”
By “them,” Charlie knew she meant Ron and Harry. But … Mum made them promise? Not Ginny, or even Hermione?
“Well, he’d better show up,” Charlie said, taking a drink of his beer. “He owes me a rematch.”
They had played Quidditch in the orchard last year, he and Ginny and Potter and George and a bunch of kids he hadn’t known. Played past sunset into darkness, until Professor McGonagall ended the pick-up match without a capture of the Snitch.
Ginny muttered something that sounded like “he owes me a hell of a lot more than a rematch,” but Charlie let it slide. Ginny could take care of herself.
He and Bill had made sure of it.
“Shouldn’t you be with your friends?” 
“Thanks, Charlie, that means a lot.” She swiped the bottle from his loose grasp and drank.
Charlie had to remind himself she was of age to keep from overreacting, but even so, his hand twitched reflexively.
Ginny saw it and smirked round the glass, tipping her head back and the bottle up, taking several long swallows just for show.
“Yeah, you can have my beer, Sis. I’ll just get another, no problem.”
She finished with a pop and licked the foam from her upper lip before handing it back. “Thirsty.”
Charlie held the bottle up to the light—there was exactly one swallow left. “Brat.”
Ginny was predictably unfazed, gazing over the crowd starting to assemble round the food tables. “I talked to Angelina. She said Alicia couldn’t make it this year.”
“Who?” Charlie said, right as a picture of a perky brunette, with equally perky … anatomy … popped into his mind. Shit. Alicia wasn’t avoiding the party because of him, was she? The same age as George, she would know most of the people attending tonight. He’d thought they parted on good terms, all things considered….
“I thought you might be watching for Amy.”
“Amy’s coming?” He hadn’t seen Amy Green since he had invited himself back to her room and she politely declined. 
“Fleur wasn’t sure,” Ginny said casually, as if she hadn’t just dangled fairy lights in front of a niffler. “She said she encouraged her to come since she sounded a little down, but Amy didn’t commit. I hope she does, don’t you?”
“Of course. I haven’t seen Amy since the memorial. It would be good to catch up.” Charlie took a subtle deep breath, repeating the mantra he told himself when he occasionally woke with her on his mind. You asked, and Amy said no. It doesn’t matter if she isn’t seeing anyone. She’s still unavailable, Weasley. No benefits, just friends.
“I remember, you know. You think I was too young to understand, but I remember. In Egypt.”
Charlie scoffed. His baby sister celebrated her twelfth birthday the summer his family had visited Bill in Cairo. “Oh, yeah? And what do you think you remember, Gin-Gin?”
“I know Bill was an arse,” she said bluntly.
This reversal of her usual hero worship got Charlie’s attention.
“I know you weren’t. And that you liked her. I know you two went out together, and you’ve both dated other people since … but you’ve never dated each other.”
Charlie sighed. “Ginny….”
“Bill’s married,” she said simply. “It doesn’t matter any more.”
“I never thought I’d say this … but go find something else to do. Even if it’s Harry.”
Charlie did not leave his post on the fence rail, content to get quietly drunk and watch his family enjoy themselves. He had wondered why he’d bothered making the trip in—it made three in a month, when you added the party to Ginny’s and Percy’s birthdays—but now admitted to himself it had been in hopes of seeing Amy. After all, she hadn’t refused him, exactly; she’d refused the timing. 
“I think we both know what will happen if you walk me back to Hogsmeade.”
He raised his brows, leaving the challenging “so?” unspoken.
Amy closed her eyes, then pulled her hand from his. “Not today, Charlie.” She waved her hand at the gates and the castle and the grounds beyond, where the first Remembrance Ceremony had just ended. “Not after this.”
“Oi, sleepyhead!”
Charlie opened his eyes to find an object in eminent danger of colliding with his nose. He snatched it from the air in sheer self-defense, then groaned when he realized he’d just crumbled one of the best biscuits he’d ever had in his life—a biscuit he’d been waiting all year to taste again.
Percy laughed. “Nice catch, Captain.”
“Shut up,” Charlie muttered, trying to transfer the contents of his hand to his mouth without wearing them.
“Full of snappy retorts tonight, I see.”
Charlie eyed his next-youngest brother, his cheery demeanor highly suspicious. “Did you just get laid?”
Percy slung one arm around his shoulders. “I, in the utmost gesture of brotherly solidarity, am foregoing my own numerous opportunities to assist you in yours, however few and far between they may be.”
“You’re pissed.” Alcohol did not make Percy more relaxed; it made him more Percy-ish.
Percy squinted one eye closed and looked towards the gate. “Perhaps,” he conceded. “But not so drunk I can’t recognize a certain beautiful brunette.”
It was Amy. She was wearing—well, Charlie supposed it was technically a dress, but he’d seen similar items under a dress or robes more than once. It was black and flow-y, with red flowers and skinny straps made to make a man think of slipping them off, and just like that Charlie saw the garment puddled at her feet. She was taller than usual in thick sandals, and even from this distance, with the cut of the dress and the way she moved—he could tell she was braless. He raised the bottle to his mouth before remembering it was empty.
“Godric, I wish I had a camera,” Percy said wistfully. “George and Ron are never going to believe this.”
Charlie realized he was making a fool of himself, closed his mouth, and turned, shaking off his brother’s arm. “What’s she doing now?”
“Making a beeline for us.”
Charlie spoke through clenched teeth. “Shut up and get the—”
“Amy! What a pleasure. We’re so glad you could make it.”
Charlie turned to find his brother kissing Amy on both cheeks with minimal difficulty, despite their height difference. His heart skipped a beat. She was taller; he could kiss her easily.
No, not kiss. We’re friends!
Oh, who was he kidding? Unless she flat-out declined, he was sleeping with Amy Green tonight. They could figure out the friendship stuff tomorrow.
“Hey,” she said, pausing just shy of kissing distance (cheek or otherwise).
Her hair was down, as it often was, but she had pulled back the front above her ears, exposing small purple and silver earrings (her house colors) and … a blush?
“I would offer to bring you a handful of biscuits, but something tells me you two aren’t going to be here for long.” Percy smirked. “Take care, Amy. See you tomorrow, Charlie.”
Charlie glanced at Amy to judge her reaction. “I’m sorry. He’s, er—”
“Taking the piss?” She offered the British idiom with a grin.
Charlie returned it. “I was going to say ‘pissed,’ but yeah. That too.”
She laughed.
“I keep telling you, you’re lucky to be an only child.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said, brushing her hands over his chest with slow, deliberate strokes that were in direct opposition to her presumed goal of removing crumbs. “Brothers can be useful. I figured even if you turned me down, not all of you would.”
Charlie froze, just for a second, his brain short-circuiting to a night more than a year ago, before Ron had left for Australia. “Well, if she actually says it with words, that’s always a good sign, although if she strips her knickers off, that’s even better.”
Wait a minute … she wasn’t commando under that thing … was she?
It took a few moments for the silence to catch his attention.
“I take it that’s not a no,” Amy said dryly.
“No. It’s not. But—”
Her expression darkened, and she pulled away slightly. 
“The terms haven’t changed.” 
“I didn’t think they had,” she said cooly.
They had been here before, the autumn after Voldemort came back. Grimmauld Place, an unexpected post-meeting raid, high spirits and adrenaline … and the darkened hallway where Amy had turned him down. “I like strings,” she’d said, and walked away.
The staccato drumbeat of the Weird Sisters’ Do the Hippogriff pulled Charlie from the memory.
“Drink?” he asked, indicating his empty bottle in case she hadn’t heard him over the noise.
“Not really.”
He’d already started towards the tables, but her answer drew him up short. “Really, Amy, you could at least buy me dinner first,” he said sarcastically.
She sighed. “Look, Charlie, I don’t want to play the game. It’s why I’m here. Now, am I wasting my time or not?”
For the second time that night he found himself holding on to his temper. He was starting to see how she’d got under Bill’s skin, why he’d had such a hard time letting her go even when Bill had known he didn’t want to pursue a relationship with her.
“So what, you thought you’d just fly in, snap your fingers, and I’d jump?”
“Am I wrong?”
Godric, she was obnoxious. She was also beautiful, confident, and sexy as hell, and Charlie was honest enough to admit he found the balance of power between them as intoxicating as it was infuriating. 
“We could get a room at the Leaky—in magical London—or maybe Hogsmeade?”
“I have a room in the village.”
Damn. When Amy made up her mind, she didn’t mess around.
“All right,” he agreed. “One last thing, though.”
He stepped into her space, close enough to ruffle her skirt with his legs and watch the gooseflesh pebble across her chest and shoulders. He ignored the temptation to follow it down and looked her in the eye. In heels, she was as tall as he, but his wide shoulders and bulky frame dwarfed her. He paused to let her consider this fact, still not touching her, before dropping his voice.
“You will not be in control the entire night.”
Her reaction went straight to his groin—a sharp intake of breath, dilated pupils, a shiver she tried to suppress. Then she smiled, a sly, knowing smile that reached all the way to her eyes and made them sparkle in the fading sunlight.
“Do you promise?”
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zodiyack · 4 years
A Big Brother’s Duty
Requested by @beth-winchester21: Hi please can I request a shelby sister reader imagine where i ask to go to a party with my friends and the boys say know so I sneak out to the party and get drunk and the girls (esme,ada,polly,gina,linda and grace) tell the boys I snuck out and they come and find me but I hide with my boyfriend and they catch us making out and get mad and embarrass me infront of everyone thanks xx
Pairing: Shelby & Gray family + Shelby!reader (No romance)
Warnings: Swearing, smol angst, alcohol mentions, bit o vomit
Note: Unfortunately, I cannot include all the girls for reasons that follow the show. To avoid spoilers for anyone who has yet to watch the show, neither Esme or Grace would be in the same fic as Gina due to deaths and actions throughout the show, so I didn’t include Gina in this. And it might be a bit different from what you wanted, but it was the best I could do. I hope that’s alright! Also the boys embarrassing the reader part of your request is accurate in my opinion, take Finn being left alone with the girls for example 😳😂
Side note, your boyfriend’s name is George because- idk... okay maybe i thought of another equally as amazing british fandom oops
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Taglist: @matth1w @redspaceace @simonsbluee, @peakysputain​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
She clung to the bed sheets as tight as she could. Her calculations were a tad...off. To think, she wouldn’t be in this situation had her brothers been even a little more or less accepting of the fact that their “baby sister” was no longer a child. She was eighteen, a year younger than her brother Finn, yet she had less privileges than he did when he was thirteen.
Despite her brothers’, in her opinion, painfully obvious acts of favoritism, she was doing alright. Went on a date with her beloved, got caught by three very unhappy Shelby boys, was invited to a party, was banned from said party by the same pissed brothers- what was there not to love?
She knew as soon as Thomas offered letting his family stay with him and Grace for the night that it was a trap.
Y/n was just getting ready for the party when Polly walked in. She gave her niece words of advice, but Y/n brushed them off without a second thought. “There’s no use in getting ready, Y/n/n, the boys’ll stop you before you can even make it out this room.” She was speaking the truth, and Y/n realized that soon.
Y/n stomped back up the stairs and back into the guest room, where Grace sat. She smiled apologetically at Y/n and told her to forgive her brothers, as they were only being big brothers. The older woman felt bad for Y/n, but understood the protectiveness, as she felt the same feeling over the girl herself; to guide her and keep her from harm and evil. She left, leaving Y/n by herself.
And that’s how she got where she was now.
Dangling from the sheets that belonged to the guest bed, not enough cloth to get her safely to the ground without multiple risks. Noise, harm, potential death, she couldn’t risk it. But she couldn’t quite climb back up the warm fabric, especially not with her now sweaty palms.
“You sure you’re as good with numbers as you say you are?” The voice below her caused her to panic, grip slipping for a second before she clung to the sheet harder.
She looked down, expecting one of her brothers or cousin, but the color returned to her face when she saw someone she was not expecting. “George!”
“Let go, I’ll catch you.” The unsure look on her face washed away after he added, “I promise, Y/n/n.”
George caught her, staying true to his vow, and spun her around before setting her down and kissing her softly. “Shall we be going, milady?”
“Now now, Georgie, there are no needs for formalities. Please, call me Y/n/n.”
“Whatever makes you happy, dearest.” They broke into hushed chortles of laughter, running off of Tommy’s property and in the direction of the party, far from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby.
Unbeknownst to the couple, Ada sat at her window, watching them leave and reporting to Polly, who reported to Thomas. Ada only agreed because similar events happened with Freddie and her. 
Sure, Freddie was only chased out of Birmingham, temporarily, but she knew her little sister would’ve been heartbroken if her beloved had been as well. Besides, Freddie and Ada were only sneaking around in his home, not a party with strangers. 
Knowing the Shelby name, as she once, and still, was burdened with it, her sister could easily be in danger. It wasn’t likely, but she didn’t want to take the chance. She’d rather be hated by the younger girl than have her be in a grave next to Freddie Thorne’s.
The boys set out, entering the unfamiliar building with determination visible in their eyes. Arthur was the first to speak, making their presence known all while unintentionally causing the party to quiet and still with fear and nervousness.
“Could anybody point us in the direction of Y/n Shelby?” No responses came, everyone still wide eyed due to the presence of the three infamous blinders. “No one? Well, lucky me! I get to pick which one of you bastards tells me where our sister is, alright?”
Some gulps sounded throughout the room. All eyes, if they weren’t before, were now on the brothers.
“You, boy. Have you seen her? About, yay-high,” he held his hand to his sister’s height, “lightweight, not too nice of a drunk? Probably accompanied by a scrawny red-head?”
“Oh! Yeeeeeah, you’re lookin’ for George and uh- Y-Y-Y/n, yeah, she’s uh- in there or something.” One of the younger folks drunkenly fessed up the Shelby sister’s location, earning a sarcastic grin from Arthur and a pat on the back.
“Thanks mate. Enjoy your drink.” The room was still staring. “Well, get on with your lives! Don’t let us stop your partying!” He grunted loudly as his tone changed from calm and kind to agitated.
He received a nod from Tommy, then kicked the door open. Y/n parted from the boy next to her, looking at her brothers with annoyance that slowly shifted to pure horror as she realized just who the people standing at the door-frame were.
“We’ve-only-had-one-drink-I-swear!” Y/n slapped her lover’s chest, his rushed choice of words for the situation clearly not making her feel any better. “Um- I mean.. shit...”
“Yeah, ‘Shit’’s right boy.”
“For fucks sake, could you please for once not murder our dates? Ada and I can never fucking breathe with you controlling our lives! News flash, I’m-” she paused. “I’m...”
John teased his sister, mischievous smile shining brightly. “You’re what? Spit it out, Y/n!”
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” Before her brothers could react, she hunched over and poured her guts over Tommy’s shoes. “Fuck-”
“Oh you’re gonna get it now, Y/n/n.” John chuckled into his hand, face red like Arthur’s. They both left the room as quick as they could, aware of Tommy’s temper more than what they would call comfortable. 
The vomit would have one of two reactions. Either caring brother mode, or it’d set fire to the fuse of the bomb sitting atop Tommy’s rage.
He lifted his younger sister, shooting a glare at George as he did so. Tommy walked with her out of the room. She smiled, maybe his reaction wouldn’t be so bad after all. Looks like Caring-brother-side won!
However, it’s not wise to assume. Thomas shouted for the attention of the people in the home once more. “You see, us Shelby’s, we drink, and we do it well. However, it seems this little Shelby couldn’t keep it together. Not even after one drink.”
The crowed erupted into laughter, growing louder as a frown took place on Y/n’s lips. “That’s not necessary Tommy-”
“Yes, but neither was introducing your insides to my shoes, dear sister. Besides, I’m just doing my duty as your big brother! Perhaps this was too extreme for you. Would sitting at the kiddie table and drinking juice with Karl be more your level?”
More laughter sounded. The flush of embarrassment reddened her face and quickened her heart beat.
“One drink was far too much for her, obviously. What a shame.”
He smirked at his little sister before finally walking outside. “Learned your lesson, or should I go back in there?” he drawled teasingly.
“Please, for the love of all that is holy, take me home already.” Y/n muttered, the uneasiness more obvious in her voice. He didn’t move. “Yes, Thomas, I’ve learned my lesson. Please, just-”
“Alright, but you’re washing these in the morning, alright little sis?”
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever will get me home faster.”
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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Say You Won’t Let Go
a Sidney Crosby wedding series
Part Four
a/n: it’s finally here -- the last installment! sorry for the long wait, though I don’t think a ton of you have been waiting on this just based on notes, as compared to my Tyler, Mat and Matty T pieces 😜but that’s okay -- I had a ton of fun writing this one and that’s truly all that matters to me. thanks to those who’ve read and enjoyed! ❤️read part one here, part two here, and part three here.
summary: Sidney and Juliette are married at last.
warnings: mention of deceased father. otherwise, so damn fluffy it’s practically cotton candy.
After a full morning of primping and prissing, I was finally tucked away in a small bridal suite deep within the recesses of Heinz Chapel, my pulse racing knowing that I was only yards and a few closed doors away from the man who would soon become my husband.
“You ready to get dressed, Jules?” Lauren asked, rubbing my shoulder soothingly as I nodded.
“Now��s a good a time as any, huh?” I quipped. She grinned, moving to unzip the garment bag containing my gown, hanging on a curtain rod.
“It’s even more perfect than I remember,” I said softly.
“Well, that’s good, because it would be a little tricky to do anything about it now,” Stephanie chuckled, sipping her champagne. I reached for my own glass, rolling my eyes playfully. Lauren and Nathalie worked to pull the dress off the hanger carefully, and Nathalie held the back of the dress open, smiling at me.
“Come on, love,” she coaxed. I turned to Trina, already misty-eyed, sitting in front of a makeup mirror, and motioned for her to join me.
“Will you help me?” I asked. Trina’s eyes flooded even more as she whispered, “Of course.”
She squeezed my hand and came to stand in front of me, Nathalie standing behind, both women grasping the dress as I untied my robe and passed it off to Alexa. I was self-conscious for a brief moment of the white lingerie and garter I was clad in, intended specifically for Trina’s son’s eyes, but the moment was too meaningful for me to focus for too long on that, and Trina was concentrating on lifting the dress onto my shoulders anyway. She smiled at me as she tucked the delicate gown around me, holding it against me as Nathalie fastened it in the back.
After a few moments, Nathalie said in nearly a singsong, “Okay, take a look.” She and Trina dropped their hands, the two of them and my bridesmaids gasping, my relatives already swiping at tears.
I picked up the skirt at my knees and headed for the mirror, stopping in my tracks when my eyes met my reflection.
“This feels like a dream,” I breathed, turning in the mirror to see all angles. Nathalie stood at my side, holding the headband and veil.
“Well, it’s about to get even dreamier,” she said as I bent a bit at the knee to allow her to adorn my hair with the finishing touches.
Just then, there was a knock at the door.
“Just a minute,” Nathalie called. “It’s probably your uncle.” I nodded, Nathalie stepping back from me to examine her work. Lauren approached and the two of them decided that the look was complete, and I nodded in the mirror as I took one more look at myself. I kissed her and Trina’s cheeks before shuffling over to the door.
“Okay, who is it?” I asked through the heavy oak wood.
“It’s me, princesse,” Mario’s voice replied. I smiled, pulling the door open and hiding behind it until he entered the room and pushed it closed behind him, then looked to me.
“Wow,” he began, his voice cracking. “Oh, Juliette… you look stunning.” He took hold of my hands and leaned down to kiss my cheek, being careful not to smudge my makeup.
“Do you like it?” I asked softly, feeling like a little child playing dress up.
“Like it?” Mario shook his head. “It’s breathtaking. You look so beautiful. Just wait until your groom gets a look at you,” he added, smirking in his charming way. I beamed under his praise. “You look so handsome in your suit, like always,” I told him, smoothing the grey fabric around his boutonnière. He smiled, but his eyes signaled that he had come here for a different reason than for us to compliment each others’ attire.
“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” he told me after a noticeable pause, still holding one of my hands. “Would that be okay?” I nodded slowly, a bit anxious.
Mario and Nathalie exchanged a look, one I had seen many times, and I sighed. She suggested that the others in the room get dressed, too, in an enclosed part of the suite. Mario motioned for me to take a seat on the old-fashioned fainting couch, sitting down next to me as the other women left us alone.
“This is about my mom, isn’t it?” I asked point blank.
Mario’s eyes widened a bit and I could hear the surprise in his voice when he asked, “How did you know?”
I shrugged. “I saw the look you gave Auntie Nat,” I said. “It’s not the first time.”
Mario nodded, looking down a bit sullenly. “I guess I should’ve known that,” he sighed. “But listen, your mother just got here, a few minutes ago. She called me - she’s in the parking lot.”
My palms grew clammy and my mouth went dry at his words. He squeezed my knee reassuringly as he continued.
“She asked me if she could come up and see you,” Mario added. “I told her all I could do was ask, that the decision is fully yours. She asked me to tell you that she’d like to give you something ahead of the ceremony. Something she’d like you to have with you today.”
I drew a deep breath through my nose, focusing on the stained glass window across from me. As I toyed with the decision in my mind, sunshine suddenly flooded the room, casting colored light across me and my uncle, the beam seeming to come out of nowhere.
I closed my eyes and basked in the warmth — this wasn’t the first time light had shone on me suddenly. In fact, it had first happened the day we buried my dad, as the sun burst out from behind a cloud the moment I dropped a rose onto his casket. I still got the same comfort, the same reassurance, each time it happened as I did when I was a girl.
“Okay,” I whispered, eyes fluttering open. “You can send her up.” I felt a peace even as I uttered the words.
Mario studied me closely. “Are you sure, princesse?” he asked cautiously. I nodded, looking him in the eye. “I’m sure,” I promised. “That’s what my dad would want.”
Mario smiled sadly and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. “You have a beautiful heart, my Juliette,” he told me proudly. “I’ll go get her.” I nodded, and he left the suite with one last careful glance back at me.
Lauren opened the door from the other side of the suite, and the expression she wore told me she had heard the conversation.
“You okay, Jules?” she asked gently, coming to wrap me in a hug as I stood. I nodded.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I told her. “Honestly, it wasn’t completely unexpected. I’ve wondered if something like this might happen.” She offered a small smile.
“We’re gonna let the two of you have your moment, but if you need me, just say so. Promise?” Lauren requested. I squeezed her hand. “Promise,” I replied. “God, you look amazing! I can’t wait to see all of you together,” I told her abruptly, taking in how beautiful she looked in the dusty blue bridesmaid dress we had picked out together months ago. She scrunched her nose and gave me a bright grin.
“Thanks, sis,” she said. “I’m glad you think so. Okay, I’ll see you in a few, yeah?” I nodded, thanking her softly as she disappeared again behind the door.
A few minutes later, a knock came again at the door. I steeled myself, taking a deep breath, and opened the door to see my mother, dressed in a modest sage green dress, clutching her small purse so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.
“Hi, Mom,” I greeted quietly, motioning for her to enter the room. She did so hesitantly, but once I closed the door behind her, I opened my arms for a hug anyway. She began to cry as she embraced me, and I was surprised by how overwhelmingly calm I felt, not feeling teary myself.
“You look beautiful,” she whispered, gazing up and down the length of my gown. “Thank you,” I said softly.
After inviting her to have a seat, she got right down to business — standard fare for her.
“Now, I know we don’t have long, but I wanted to give you something,” she started. “I’ve held onto this since we lost your dad, and… and I know he would want you to have it. Not just for today, but to keep. I don’t know, maybe you already have something old and something blue, but… but if not, this could maybe be both for you today,” she said, voice quivering.
I’d been frozen since the mention of my dad, and remained so as my mother produced a small velvet box. She handed it to me, nodding toward me to open it myself.
Slowly, I lifted the lid and immediately recognized the memento inside.
“Daddy’s ring…” I began, finally dissolving into tears, reaching for a tissue on the end table beside me to salvage my makeup.
“You remember,” my mother pointed out. I looked at her and nodded. “Of course I remember. Sapphire — his birthstone,” I said.
She let out a hum in approval as I slid it onto my middle finger. “Yes. Your grandparents gave it to him on his eighteenth birthday,” she recalled. I knew that, too, but I decided not to say so, appreciative of her gesture.
“Thank you, Mom,” I breathed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She squeezed me tightly and kissed my cheek, the most affection she had displayed toward me for many years. I sniffled, dabbing at my eyes again as I pulled away from her.
“You’re welcome, Juliette,” she said. “I know we don’t have the kind of relationship that many mothers and daughters do, and I’m sorry about that, truly. But I want you to know that I love you deeply, and that your father is undoubtedly smiling on you, today and every day.”
I managed a small smile, choosing not to delve any further into the subjects she had broached. Instead, I settled for telling her, “I know he is. And I love you, too.”
That much was true, as difficult as she was.
She sighed, squeezing my wrist. “Well, I should be going,” she said, standing. I felt a stabbing in my soul at her rushed exit, but I didn’t allow myself to dwell upon it.
“Okay,” I said tightly. “Well, thank you — thanks for coming up here, and for the ring. It means a lot.” She leaned in to kiss my cheek once more.
“You’re welcome, Juliette,” she said. “Congratulations. I wish you and Sidney a lifetime of happiness. He seems like a wonderful man.”
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from spewing the first words that came to mind — if you took the time and made the effort to get to know your own son-in-law, you would know how wonderful he is.
Instead, I gave a single nod.
“Thanks again, Mom,” I said in farewell, walking her toward the door. With one last squeeze of my hand, she headed down the hallway.
I turned around to see Nathalie, Lauren, and Trina slowly emerge from the doorway across from me. I put my hands in front of me, placating them.
“I’m okay,” I promised firmly. The three of them nodded, each coming toward me with a hug and words of praise and encouragement. As the other girls joined us in the room, all now dressed, I extended my hand to show them the ring.
“I don’t know if you heard her, but… it was my dad’s. She’s held onto it all this time. It’s a little big, but… I still want to wear it,” I said, each of them taking turns to catch a glimpse of the piece.
Taylor let go of my hand and held one pointer finger in the air. 
“I have an idea,” she spoke, heading for the plastic tote filled with our peony and eucalyptus bouquets. Soon she retrieved a spool of white silk ribbon from the box and a pair of scissors from one of Lauren’s emergency wedding day kits. She held out her hand and I placed the ring in her palm. Carefully, she wrapped the ribbon over itself again and again around the back of the ring, using my finger to size it appropriately.
“I used to do this with my old prom jewelry,” Taylor told me, smirking. “Vero, can you hand me one of those tiny safety pins?”
Veronique dug in the kit and came up with the object she was hunting, Taylor fastening the pin to the silk and returning the ring to me. I pushed the ring past my knuckle, and it fit much more snugly.
“Thanks, Tay,” I said to my soon-to-be sister-in-law. “It’s perfect,” I added. I kissed her cheek as she smiled approvingly.
Nathalie approached, taking my hand in hers. She kissed the ring and whispered, “He’s always with you. You know that.” I nodded and we embraced, then heard a knock on the door.
“It’s time, my loves,“ Mario called from the other side. I could hear the smile in his voice when he added, “Sidney’s waiting.”
At his statement, my eyes widened, and reality quickly flooded my consciousness.
“Oh, my god!” I exclaimed. “I’m getting married!” The women around me laughed as Alexa let her father into the room.
“There’s still time to run,” Taylor added playfully. Mario nodded emphatically in agreement. “I’ll even drive the getaway car,” he promised.
I chuckled and shook my head. “Not in a million years,” I told them confidently.
With one last round of hugs and kisses, we all headed down the staircase to the narthex in the back of the church where the groomsmen stood waiting. The first person I locked eyes with from across the marble floor with was Nate, whose mouth dropped open upon seeing me.
“Wow,” he breathed. Mario chuckled from behind me. “Took the words right out of my mouth,” Mario quipped. Nate took long strides toward me and grabbed my hands, distancing himself to take in the full view before hugging me tightly.
“Look at you!” he exclaimed. “You look so incredible, Jules. Sidney is about to lose his mind.” Nate kissed my cheek and I squeezed his arm.
“I hope so,” I added. He rolled his eyes, amused by my questioning of his statement, and assured, “I know so.”
As I bit my lip and smiled appreciatively at Nate, our wedding planner entered the narthex silently from a side door, a grin across her features.
“We’re all set, Juliette,” she told me giddily. “Your groom is waiting for you.”
Our wedding party let out quiet cheers and muted claps as they paired off as rehearsed the night before. Meanwhile, I turned to Mario, who offered me his strong arm to grasp onto.
“Here we go, princesse,” he said gently. “This is your moment.” I nodded, feeling mostly calm despite the uptick in my pulse. As we walked to the side of the narthex, the doors swung open and I heard the processional musicians begin to play. With that, Jacqueline and Geno headed down the aisle, followed by the rest of our wedding party, two by two.
My hands began to shake as I watched Lauren and Nate step up to make their entrance, the last bridesmaid and groomsman pair. As if she could sense my nerves from yards away, Lauren looked my way and gave me a wink.
“This is it, babe,” she whispered quickly. “You got this.” I cast a thankful nod her way just as she and Nate entered the sanctuary, the wedding planner instructing our ushers to close the doors behind our flower girls and ring bearers once they entered the chapel.
Realizing the shift in the music and what the next moments signaled, I froze as Mario stepped forward, stopping short when he realized my feet were cemented to the ground. He ran his fingers gently over the edge of the veil covering my face and gave me a warm smile.
“Take a breath,” he whispered soothingly. I did as he instructed, and he sidled up to me again. Not for the first time this weekend, I was thankful that he could read me so well, just as my father had. “Are you okay?” Mario patted my hand as I slipped it around his upper arm. Before I could answer, I heard the priest ask our guests to rise from their seats, and the wedding planner signaled the ushers to swing the doors open once more.
When I caught the first glimpse of Sidney, his eyes widened and immediately filled with tears as I stepped over the threshold, both of us sniffling as we gazed longingly at each other, overwhelmed by this long-awaited moment.
Mario breathed a quiet laugh as he watched Sidney swipe at fallen tears. “Yeah, you’re okay. That’s it. Just look at Sidney,” he encouraged. “I’ve got you.”
I could have sworn that I floated the remaining distance down the aisle before Mario stopped us, standing between Sidney and me and giving us both tender looks as the priest began the ceremony with a prayer, during which Sidney and I stole blushing glances at each other like children.
When the prayer concluded, the priest turned to Mario and asked, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”
My hand automatically squeezed his bicep and he looked at me with adoration before answering the priest. “Her family and I do.”
Tears stung my eyelids as Mario turned to me, and I whispered my gratitude for his perfect response as he lifted my veil gently. Mario leaned in to kiss my cheek and whispered, “I love you, princesse.”
I squeezed his hands tightly and whispered, “I love you. Thank you.” With a wink, Mario turned to Sidney and placed my hands into his, wrapping an arm around Sidney’s shoulders as Sidney let go of one of my hands to return the embrace. While I couldn’t hear their exchange, I knew all I needed to know as I watched them nod at each other with damp, red eyes before Mario retreated to his seat in the front row.
As the priest instructed Sidney and I to face each other and join hands, we locked eyes for the first time at close range. Sidney’s face lit up as he whispered, “Hi, love.” I scrunched my nose at him and whispered, “Hi, handsome,” just as his thumb swept over the large sapphire ring on my middle finger.
“Where did this come from?” he asked quietly as he examined it for a beat.
“It was my dad’s,” I whispered back. Sidney picked his face up to look into mine carefully, understanding the gravity of the moment and the accessory itself.
“Perfect,” he whispered, squeezing the ring tightly before loosening his grip on my hands and taking a deep breath as the priest spoke up once more, giving a brief introduction before beginning the vow portion of the ceremony, as Sidney and I stared, smiling, at each other, in disbelief that this day, this time, had finally come.
The priest began. “Sidney, do you take this woman, whose hands you hold, choosing her alone to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to live in the state of true matrimony? Do you vow to love her, comfort her, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor her at all times, and be faithful to her, until death do you part?”
Sidney nodded once and solemnly answered, “I do.”
The priest then posed the same to me, to which I responded, “I do,” with a broad smile at Sidney.
“Now, Sidney and Juliette will exchange the vows they have written to one another,” the priest announced.
Nate handed Sidney a small piece of paper and I felt my heartbeat quicken. I inhaled slowly through my nose and tried to relax, my entire body coursing with anticipation of what Sidney would say.
“My sweet Juliette...” Sidney began, voice unsteady. He opened his mouth to say more, but then pressed his lips together in a tight line as I watched tears well in his hazel eyes. My heart swelled.
I pulled a hand free from his hold and reached up just briefly to swipe my thumb across the apple of his cheek, catching one fallen tear. Sidney gave me an appreciative look, seeming to draw strength from the gesture, before turning my wrist to press a kiss to my palm and squeeze my hand in his, eliciting soft “aww”s from the crowd.
“Okay, geez, let’s try this again, eh?” he suggested lightly, our joined hands settling between us again. I heard the distinct chuckles of his parents and Mario and Nathalie from the front of the crowd, along with those of his groomsmen and my bridesmaids, before everyone fell quiet again. I nodded, encouraging him. Sidney drew a deep breath and continued.
“My sweet, beautiful Juliette,” he added, raising his eyebrows and looking me in the eye as he enunciated the added adjective. “I count it a privilege to spend all of my days with you. If I were to wake tomorrow and have lost all of my earthly possessions, recognitions, and livelihood, I would give thanks, as long as I still had you to call mine.”
It was my turn to cry now. As my groom spoke, Nate stepped forward from his place behind Sidney and produced a handkerchief from his inner jacket pocket, reaching to press it into my palm, sweetly squeezing my forearm for a beat before taking his position again.
Sidney cast a grateful glance Nate’s way as he paused his vows for a moment, and I dabbed my eyes and commented, “Merci. What a best man,” making Sid and our bridal party laugh softly.
Sidney cleared his throat and went on. “You have had to shield yourself from much pain and darkness throughout your life, more than you deserve, more than anyone deserves. You have always been careful to put up walls to protect your heart. Juliette... from this day forward, I will be your shield. I promise to protect you. I promise to do everything in my power to make my heart and my arms your home, and to make our physical home a place of shelter, solace, and unending love. From this day forward, you will not walk alone.”
As he spoke, I continued to dab furiously at the corners of my eyes with the hankie to avoid smearing my makeup all over my face. Sidney licked his lips and smoothed his thumb over the back of my hand as he finished his vow.
“Juliette, you are the person who brings me my greatest joys, and you are the person I want at my side in the midst of my deepest sorrows, which life is sure to throw our way as we embark on this journey as one. For all the days of my life, I will hold you as my greatest treasure, and when our prayers for a family of our own are someday soon realized, I will hold our children in the same regard. Thank you for entrusting me with your future and with our legacy. Thank you for choosing me to be your partner and the person with whom you raise a family. Thank you for giving your heart to me. I promise to keep it safe, always. This is my vow to you, Juliette.”
The remaining air had been forced from my lungs during Sidney’s final remarks as my shoulders shuddered a few times, sobs escaping me. We swapped duties as he ghosted his thumb underneath both my eyes. Taking a mental picture of the tender moment, I whispered, “Thank you. For everything.”
He nodded. “Don’t worry — your makeup is perfect. You’re breathtaking,” Sidney whispered back. I smiled at my sweet groom.
As the priest announced that it was my turn to deliver my vows, I inhaled deeply and retrieved my notes from Lauren, as Sidney steadied his feet firmly beneath him in subtle preparation.
“Sidney, mon cœur,” (my heart/sweetheart), I began. “You are a gift, of which I am so undeserving, but eternally grateful. You walked into my life when I was a young woman struggling to find her way. When I found you... I knew. I suddenly knew the way. I knew the path that I was destined to walk for the rest of my days. Nothing in my life had ever been easy, until you.”
I looked up to see Sidney’s face pinched in emotion as he attempted to hold back tears. I squeezed my fingers around his.
“You are so easy to love. You make each day better for me, simply because I can rest assured that you will be there when I wake up in the morning and when I lie my head on the pillow again at night. I know that you will be there to hold me, to strengthen me, to comfort me, to watch over me, to laugh with me, to care for me, and, sometimes, to cry with me. Mon amour (my love), you are the most remarkable person I have ever met. You have the entire world at your fingertips, and you have reached heights that many will never see. And yet, you take pride that I call you mine. You take pride in calling me yours. You look at me as though I hung the moon and stars. In my world, that’s what you did for me,” I told him, my voice starting to shake.
“You hung my moon, my stars. You have served as my sunshine, my lighthouse, my compass, and my refuge. Today, you take on the role of becoming my husband, and one day, you will take on the role of becoming a father to our children. Our children will know what true, unconditional, compassionate love looks like, because of the way that you love me, and because of the way that I know you will love them.”
After a long exhale left his lips, I saw Sidney reach his hand to nudge his nose as he sniffled gently, eyes damp and pooled with affection. I drew circles on his thumb with my own to soothe him.
“My sweetest love, thank you for choosing me to be yours, both now and forevermore. Je t'aimerai toute une vie,” (I will love you for a lifetime) I told him, my voice watery. “This is my vow to you, Sidney.”
With tears streaking his face, Sidney shook his head.
“Thank you, my love,” he whispered, lifting my hands to his lips to kiss my knuckles. After wiping the back of his hand across his face, Sidney joked to the priest, “Can I kiss her yet or what?” His impatience caused the crowd who heard his question to erupt in laughter, breaking up the weight of the moment. The priest laughed, too, and said, “We’re almost there.”
The priest then blessed the rings which Nate and Lauren presented to him and returned them to Sidney and me to exchange, instructing us to repeat after him to deliver what would be our last lines of the ceremony.
As I slid the ring onto Sidney’s finger, I said, “Sidney, with this ring, I thee wed, and with it pledge myself to thee.”
Sidney smirked giddily at the new addition and switched hands to place my wedding band on my finger, repeating the same promise.
At last, the priest pronounced us husband and wife.
“Sidney, you may now kiss your bride,” he said.
Sidney whispered, “Finally,” and grasped my hips tightly as he kissed me so deeply that I found myself leaning backwards in his hold, our guests cheering mightily.
In that passionate yet tender moment, the realization washed over me once more, standing enwrapped in Sidney’s hold, that he would make good on his promise never to let me go.
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zelenacat · 3 years
When We Were Young- Chapter 31- An Obitine Story
There was much to discuss when the immediate battle was over. Anakin had killed Dooku, and Master Yoda insisted they have sessions to meditate together. The Sith Lord Palpatine’s trial was approaching and the Council themselves were very busy. Fortunately for Satine, Korkie was able to show Tristan a back entrance to avoid the paparazzi already showing up at the palace front steps. Tyra was allowed to accompany Mara back to the palace as well, her master discussed strategies with Satine and her advisors, and Obi-Wan went to retrieve Jynn and Lyra, as well as the birth certificates.
“Dear God, Duchess,” Prime Minister Jaru frowned, “you’ve been friends with the Jedi for over eighteen years?”
Satine gave Quinlan a nod.
“The Duchess and Master Kenobi have eighteen-year-old twins, sixteen-year-old twins, twins who are a year old-”
“Eight months.” Satine corrected.
“And,” Quinlan paused for permission, “the Duchess is expecting triplets.”
The silence was so heavy Satine wanted to punch something.
“We need to worry about the line of succession,” the Prime Minister said finally, “Parliament will have to approve your marriage.”
Satine flinched.
“They will likely join the line after you’re married,” Jaru stated, reading the signs, “but this is quite the scandal.”
Just then, Satine’s news alert buzzed. She read the headline and smiled.
“My sister has commented,” the Duchess straightened, “she supports me, saying that tradition would be against her marriage, and that we can honor tradition without sticking to outdated ideas.”
Master Vos cheered as polite applause took hold of the room.
“That is helpful,” the Prime Minister agreed, “but a press conference will be needed.”
“I have an idea,” Quinlan held up a hand, “the ancient monarchies used to hold ceremonies to welcome their new children.”
An idea clicked in Satine’s head.
“A ball,” she announced, “a ball and an old-fashioned welcoming ceremony for the triplets.”
One of her aides began taking notes.
“We should invite influential Parliament members,” another advisor added, “and the whole court.”
“Agreed,” Jaru nodded, “let’s craft the announcement.”
After that chore was done, Satine and her advisors moved on to the press conference that she and Obi-Wan would give.
“We should also like the Jedi Council for a statement,” Quinlan suggested, “saying how Obi-Wan is leaving.”
Everyone agreed this was a good idea.
Quinlan stood, “I’ll contact them now.”
The Prime Minister had three aides type up the announcement they’d crafted, as well as adding the detail about the press conference. After checking it over, Satine told more guards to be stationed around the entrances and gave the go ahead.
“The Council has agreed to say something,” Quinlan announced, coming back in, “they recommend that we set the conference for after the Sith Lord’s trial.”
“I think that is wise,” Satine agreed, “the trial is tomorrow, correct?”
“Yes,” Quinlan nodded, “and Obi-Wan is still a part of the Council.”
“He’ll have to be there,” Jaru concluded, “this will be a test of the paparazzi’s control.”
That afternoon was busy for Satine. She had a room prepared for Jynn and Lyra, as well as rooms for her older children. Naturally, this caused some drama within the staff. Fortunately, Parna, and Khaami, who had just returned from visiting her family, assured everyone that this was formal procedure and that they would get the news they were seeking at the press conference.
When Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi touched down on the palace landing pad with two toddlers there was an upspike in the rumors. Unfortunately, somehow, it had got out that Satine had made contact with Korkie’s old nanny who'd left ten years ago. This piece of knowledge seemed to confirm to everyone that the rumors were true. Still, they’d have to wait.
“Dad,” Tyra asked when the family was sitting together, “what will happen to Je’er after the trial?”
Obi-Wan smiled, “He’ll be put to death.”
“He’s kidding,” Satine put a hand on her daughter’s arm, “don’t you worry, Tyra Satine.”
“Sorry, bad joke,” the Jedi apologized, “he’ll be questioned about his knowledge about the dark side, and then we’ll likely release him.”
Tyra nodded.
“Don’t worry, sis,” Tristan rubbed Tyra’s back, “he’ll be fine.”
“I’m wondering, children,” Satine smilled, “if we should extend ball invitations to your special friends.”
Mara gasped, her excitement clear on her face, Korkie didn’t look so sure.
“All the Jedi Council is coming,” Obi-Wan told Korkie, “and Anakin and Quinlan.”
Korkie bit her lip, “Will it stress her out?”
“Not if her father’s there,” Mara offered, “don’t worry.”
Satine was proud of the way she taught her son how to treat women. He had to be chivalrous if he was going to be a successful prince.
“Duchess,” Parna smiled, opening the door, “dinner’s ready.”
The family at dinner in one of the private dining rooms, serving themselves and laughing at each other’s jokes. Satine could hardly believe how perfect it was.
Obi-Wan’s comm beeped, “Obi-Wan, come in.”
“The Council wants you back to prepare for the trial,” Anakin sighed, “boring stuff, really.”
“Naturally,” Obi-Wan stood, “I’ll be over quickly.”
Satine pouted.
“Don’t worry, Darling,” the Jedi kissed the Duchess’ cheek, “I’ll be home after the verdict.”
“Bye, Dad!”
“Good luck!”
“See you soon!”
“Love you!
“By kids,” Obi-Wan smiled, bopping a smooch on Jynn and Lyra's heads respectively, “look after your mother.”
The Duchess did not watch the trial, but she knew that Anakin, Padme, and Je’er would be witnesses. Not to mention that the Sith Lord electrocuted a couple Jedi Masters when they came to arrest him. They had tested his blood for midichlorians and found them, connections were found to many assassins who’d killed political rivals of the Supreme Chancellor, and there was a direct comm link that when called, appeared on Count Dooku’s body.
“It was horrifying,” Obi-Wan told Satine as they crawled into bed, “his laugh, his mannerisms, he tried to manipulate Anakin right there on the spot.”
“And to think so many trusted him.” Satine frowned, disgusted.
“He was a good politician,” the Jedi sighed, “his punishment is to have his force manipulation ability taken away from him.”
Satine went wide eyed, “They can do that?”
“The Witches of Dathomir have a way,” Obi-Wan shivered, “it’s strange to think about it.”
The Duchess was silent for a moment.
“The press conference,” Satine finally said, “it’ll be just as publicized as the trial.”
“Likely even more,” Obi-Wan agreed, snuggling close to Satine, “but we don’t have to worry about that until tomorrow.”
The Duchess exhaled.
“You're nervous.”
“Yes,” Satine responded, “it’s hard to control what people will ask.”
“We could begin with our story,” the Jedi suggested, “and ask that questions be saved till later.”
That’s exactly the form the press conference took. However, Satine still considered it a nightmare. When they entered, holding hands, Satiine without a corset, the press turned into rabid animals. Khaami and Parna had to shout multiple times to get them to quiet down.
Obi-Wan began with how Master Qui-Gon and he were sent to protect the Duchess from harm during the Mandalorian Civil War, and they did so for a year.
“The Duke of Sundari and his twin sister, Padawan Tyra, were born about eight months after my coronation,” Satine jumped in, “the Duke was raised on Mandalore while his sister was sent to the Jedi Temple.”
“There are no hospital records of this, why?”
Satine sighed at the reporter, questions were supposed to be saved for later.
“Korkyrach and his sister Tyra Satine were born in the basement of the Summer Palace, there was one medical droid and my two ladies at the time.”
There was audible shock.
“Two years later,” Obi-Wan continued, “the Duchess welcomed a second set of twins, Tristan was raised by Clan Wren, and Mara was raised by the Supreis family, to which her lady belongs.”
“What about the birth certificates?” someone asked.
“The real ones are in the hands of the palace lawyers,” Satine answered, “including the ones from the births of our eight-month-old twins.”
In the midst of the stunned silence, a hand was raised.
“Where were these twins born?”
Satine grimaced, “The same room as all their siblings, with one medical droid.”
The crowd shivered.
“Jynn and Lyra, the youngest twins, were given false surnames and raised at the Jedi Temple these past months.” Obi-Wan added.
There were a couple of gasps.
“You have announced your family will host a ball and welcoming ceremony,” a reporter began, “are the dates for these set, and will the royal children be in attendance?”
“The dates are not set yet,” Satine answered, “but the children will be in attendance for both events.”
Audible scribbles were heard all over the room.
“Your Grace,” a strained voice asked, “do we have Mandalorian Jedi?”
The room got so quiet the Duchess could hear herself breathe.
“We have Mandalorian force-users,” Obi-Wan jumped in, “it is their choice whether or not they want to become Jedi.”
In the silence that followed, a reporter raised his hand, “When will the triplets be welcomed?”
Satine ground her teeth, “This fall.”
It was Marsh, Tristan and Mara were having their seventeenth birthday tomorrow and a few months after that Korkie and Tyra would be nineteen. Not to mention Jynn and Lyra would be a year old three months before the triplets were born.
“We will announce the dates of the celebrations nearer to the dates,” Obi-Wan announced, “thank you for coming.”
Khaami and Parna closed the heavy doors with an extreme huff.
“Thank God that’s over.” Satine sighed, leaning on Obi-Wan. “Let’s go,” Obi-Wan suggested, “there’s still the entire palace who will talk about us.”
The Duchess was with her seamstresses, planning her outfit for the ball when Tristan burst through the door.
“Lady Mother,” he huffed, “Auntie Padme and Uncle Anakin are on the holonews!”
Satine jumped up immediately and rushed back to her room with her son just in time for Anakin to announce his departure from the Jedi Order for his wife and children. Then, Padme kissed her husband and the crowd cheered.
“They certainly know how to steal your thunder, huh?” Tyra grinned.
Obi-Wan exhaled, “I think we’re very grateful because of that.”
Two days later, when the entire palace was busy preparing for the upcoming ball, an invitation arrived for the Duchess and her family.
“It’s from a Mr. and Mrs. Skywalker,” Mara read, wiggling her eyebrows, “they’re gonna renew their vows publicly.”
“Ahsoka must be overjoyed.” Korkie commented.
Satine snorted, “They must be trying to outdo us, Ben.”
Obi-Wan laughed and planted a kiss on Satine’s cheek.
“No one could beat us,” the Jedi winked, “just look at how many children we have.”
“Oh no,” Tyra gasped, “what will we wear?”
“My closet is your closet.” the Duchess gestured.
Mara and Tyra giggled and began jumping up and down. Jynn and Lyra giggled at their sisters’ foolishness.
“Speaking of the ceremony,” Obi-Wan asked, “when is it?”
“In three days,” Tristan said, taking the invitation from Mara, “I’m sure the paparazzi is ecstatic.”
“Most certainly.” Satine agreed.
“The ball is in a week,” Obi-Wan frowned, “do you think-”
“I’m sure the paparazzi will have forgotten all about the vows then,” Satine assured her Jedi, “they have a very short attention span.”
The Vow Ceremony was beautiful, and the entire Kryze family looked their best. All in blue and purple, they sat in the front row next to Master Fisto, Master Secura, Master Ti, and Ahsoka. The latter grinned so much her face would likely hurt afterwards.
Up at the front, Anakin stood with his half-brother Owen, and his wife Beru, behind him. Padme’s sister Sola and her husband waited on the other side of the aisle.
“She’s coming!” 
There was a collective gasp when Padme entered, each of her parents holding an arm of hers. The Senator looked overjoyed and glorious in her fabulous white gown. 
Satine almost cried at their reception of each other, they were all giddy and sweet.
“Anakin,” Master Yoda turned, “something to say, have you?”
Master Skywalker grinned, “Padme, I don’t know if you know this, but you’re so amazing and wonderful. There are so many magnificent adjectives that you are, but none more so than mother.”
Here, members of the crowd sighed.
“I know you’ll be the most marvelous role model to our twins, and I can only hope I bring you as much happiness as you bring me. I love you.”
“Anakin,” Padme grinned, “you have a tendency to run off into danger.”
Some members of the crowd who knew the Jedi Master best laughed.
“But I couldn’t love you any less for all the good you do for the galaxy, even if you have a certain charming disregard for the rules.”
“True, this is.” Master Yoda agreed.
The crowd laughed again.
“Ani, I love you, and both the twins and I can’t wait to see you as a dad.”
The crowd cheered and clapped politely as the couple kissed. 
“Congratulations,” Satine kissed Padme’s cheeks when they made it to the front of the reception line, “I’m glad to see you both so happy.”
Anakin grinned at Obi-Wan, “I set the stakes pretty high, didn't I, Master?”
Obi-Wan nodded, “Good job, Anakin.”
There was dancing after the ceremony, but Satine and Padme sat happily chatting with plates of food and their Jedi.
“Ben,” Satinie elbowed Obi-Wan, “Korkie is looking at Kara, convince Khi-Adi not to kill him.”
Anakin snorted.
Obi-Wan stood, “On it.”
“One day, Ani,” Padme looked at her husband, “you’ll have to help our son.”
“I’m worried about how many people will be in love with my daughter,” Anakin confessed, “I’m sure she’ll be as beautiful as her mother.”
Parna and Khaami sat with Padme’s ladies discussing happy times and giggling over Jynn and Lyra.
“It’s wonderful isn’t it?” Padme sighed.
“Yes,” Satine agreed, “the treaty signing was yesterday, wasn’t it?”
“I’m actually surprised at how smoothly it went,” Padme answered, “very pleased however.”
It pained the Kryze family to say goodbye, but Obi-Wan and Satine had much to do for the ball, so they bid goodbye to their friends and went home.
“Good job, Korkie,” Tyra smacked her brother on the back, “I think Master Mundi doesn’t hate you!”
“Korkie was perfectly civil,” Obi-Wan agreed, “although your fear was endearing.”
“The force, Korkie.”
The next few days were filled with dress fittings, menu checking, and formal etiquette training for the children who needed it.
“What do you mean I can’t dance the Mandalorra,” Mara frowned, “you danced it with the Count?”
“It has a negative reputation,” Satine huffed at her daughter, “that dance is best done with fiances.”
Mara stuck her tongue out at her mother.
“Don’t do that at the ball.” the Duchess warned.
Mara laughed.
“Satine,” Parna peeked her head in the dance studio, “the children's friends are here.”
Mara squealed.
“Bring them here, Parna,” Satine smiled, “and inform my children.”
Boba Fett looked extremely uncomfortable at the formalities used to address him.
Satine smiled as the bounty hunter picked her daughter up and spun her around.
“Now only if you can do that in a dance.” the Duchess pointed out.
“Your Grace,” Boba bowed, “I’m honored to be invited.”
“Thank Mara,” Satine grinned, “it was her idea.”
Tyra walked in on Je’er’s arm, her smile radiant.
“Your Grace,” Je’er bowed, “it’s good to see you again.”
“Yes,” Satine nodded, “and this time you’re healthy.”
Tyra giggled.
“Your Grace.”
Satine turned.
“Princess Sori,” the Duchess matched a curtsy, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Your Grace is most kind, inviting my mother and I,” Sori stood, “we’re quite excited.”
“It’s nothing at all,” Satine winked, “I’m looking forward to seeing Cousin Miraj.”
“Sori, you’re here?”
“Yes,” the Princess blushed, “I’m here.”
Tristan took her hand and kissed it.
“Woah, look at that.” Tyra teased.
“Do I have to do that?” Boba asked.
Mara laughed.
“Your Grace?”
Satine walked straight up to Kara and kissed her on the cheeks.
“Kara, it’s so wonderful to finally meet you.”
The Jedi’s daughter looked pleasantly surprised, “Thank you, I can’t believe I’m here.”
“It’s magical isn’t it?” Korkie agreed, putting an arm around Kara’s waist.
Satine clapped, “Children, get ready to waltz.”
Boba looked horrified, “Waltz?”
The room laughed. It was a marvelous moment for Satine, instructing her grown children and their partners in a traditional Mandalorian Waltz. Korkie and Tristan already knew it, and lifted their partners into the air with varying degrees of success. Tyra and Je’er took a little longer to learn the steps than Mara and Boba, but they did do a successful lift first.
“Alright, now,” Satine smiled, “break time.”
That evening Obi-Wan got to hear all about Satine’s adventures while he complained about eating traditional Mandalorian food.
“It wouldn't hurt you to learn the waltz.”
“What do I need to waltz for,” Obi-Wan shrugged, “we already have nine children.”
Satine laughed.
“Do you feel them yet?” the Jedi asked.
The Duchess sighed, “Sylvian is a little stinker. He and Jacen wrestle while their sister and I try to sleep.”
Obi-Wan’s face melted, “You can tell them apart?”
“Yes, Ben,” Satine placed her Jedi’s hand on her stomach, “they're quite rambunctious.”
“We still haven’t picked a girl’s name out yet.” Obi-Wan pointed out.
“We’ll find one.” Satine assured.
Her ball gown was glorious. The entire family was going in white, and they would look magnificent. Satine’s dress was an ivory ball gown embroidered with silver lilies and pearls. It was wide like the dresses of the Ancient Queen Victoria, and was held up by her shoulders, which were covered in lace. Over all of this, Satine wore a deep purple velvet robe also embroidered with silver. It had a lengthy train too, something the Duchess absolutely adored. Then, to top it off, she wore the blue sash of the monarch and all her medals.
Satine met her daughters in the jewel room.
“Oh, Lady Mother, look at us!”
Tyra’s dress was the same style as Satine’s, except her robe was Kryze blue and her embroidery was gold. She wore a purple sash and slim dancing slippers. Mara wore a periwinkle robe over her ivory and gold dress. Her shoes and sash matched that of her sister’s, but naturally, she wore her Kryze brooch. Jynn and Lyra, the precious angels, were wearing little salmon pink robes over their chiffon tea-length dresses, which were also white with gold embroidery. Their little purple sashes were adorable.
“You look lovely, girls.” Satine smiled.
“The jewels in this room, Lady Mother!” Mara gasped.
Tyra and Mara wore multiple necklaces, chokers, and bracelets, all gold and white to match their outfits.
“I see you have the Warrior’s Eye,” Satine smiled at Tyra, “I remember giving that to you.”
“I never take it off.” Tyra nodded.
Jynn and Lyra were each given a string of pearls for their necks, and they looked every part of princesses.
“And you, Lady Mother?” Mara prodded.
Khaami cleared her throat, she and Parna were standing with the Jewel Master, a chest between them. Everyone in the room gasped when the ancient case was unlocked.
“Is that-”
“The pearl-drop tiara,” Mara gasped while Tyra fanned herself, “gifted to Queen Mara by Zagreus the Second of Zygerria!”
Satine performed a regal curtsy and Khaami placed the crown on her head, Parna held up a mirror.
“Exquisite, Your Grace,” the Jewel Master smiled, “we have the matching accessories ready.”
Her necklace was a silver chain of diamonds and crystals hanging low against her bodice. She had pearl bracelets and white satin gloves.
“Pierre,” Satine turned to the Royal Jeweler, “I wish my daughters to wear Kokoshnik tiaras.”
The girls old enough to understand this request squealed.
The Jewel Master bowed, “Right away, Your Grace, if the Princesses will follow me.”
Tyra wore a headdress with cerulean gems to match her robe and Mara wore purple garnets in between her golden latticework.
“And the little ones?” Pierre asked.
“Silver headbands for them.” Satine suggested.
The Duchess and her daughters met the rest of their family in the hallway behind the grand doors that led to the ballroom.
“Gorgeous, Lady Mother.” Korkie smiled.
He was wearing a white version of his uniform, with a purple sash with a blue line through it to designate him as heir. He also wore medals, as did Tristan over his white uniform, but he had significantly less.
“Satine,” Obi-Wan smiled, “you look heavenly.”
“Thank you, darling,” the Duchess smiled, “you get to lead me into the ball this evening.”
The Jedi kissed Satine’s hand, “I’m honored.”
Korkie took Tyra’s right hand while she held Jynn in her left. Mara held Lyra in her left hand and placed her right in Tristan’s. Satine nodded at Parna, who snuck away to find the announcer.
“Wait till you’re announced.” Satine whispered.
Lyra giggled.
“Her Grace, the Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, Second of her Name and Lady Krewella, escorted by the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
The announcer took a large breath, “His Grace Korkyrach Kryze, Duke of Sundari, Her Royal Highness, Tyra Satine, Princess Royal of Mandalore, His Royal Highness Prince Tristan of Keldabe, Her Royal Highness Princess Mara of Mandalore, Her Royal Highness Princess Jynn of Mandalore, and Her Royal Highness Princess Lyra of Mandalore!”
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Happiness Begins
Part 16
Chapter Summary: An unexpected guest at Jensen’s birthday party causes an even more unexpected shift in his relationship with the reader.
Word Count: 5.5K+
Warnings: Angst, semi-public unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving)
Author’s Note: I’m so pumped, we’ve got the ball rolling again. I really hope you guys enjoy this part and as always, I appreciate the feedback. Without you guys, I would’ve never finished this. Now look at us, we are closing in on the end. Part 17 is almost done already and this girl is fighting the urge to write a sequel. More on that later though... xoxo Alex.
Ps. If you have followed me for any amount of time whatsoever, you know that I am an avid supporter of all the SPN women, especially the wives. I hate that I have to say this, but this is completely a work of fiction and should be treated as such. I mean no harm to Danneel or her beautiful family.
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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Jared had been planning this big birthday bash for Jensen since New Year’s. He wanted to celebrate one last time with all their friends and coworkers before they went their separate ways for the last time. There was also a viewing party being planned for the finale, but Jared was afraid that would be filled with too much emotion to be able to truly enjoy. No, he preferred one night of nothing but fun and no worries of the future. This party was as much for everyone invited as it was for Jensen. 
Y/n had been surprised when she received her invite from Jared. She didn’t exactly consider herself a part of the family that this cast and crew had created. After all she had only been there for a hand full of weeks. Jared had been insistent that that was not the case. He really wanted her there. 
So here she was, dolled up in a tight black dress with long sleeves and a plunging neckline and an updo that took her two hours to complete, her clutch tight in her hand as she followed the signs through the venue to the ballroom that had been rented for tonight. She didn’t quite understand the queasy feeling in her gut. Maybe it had to do with the fact that this was her boyfriend's birthday party, but since no one actually knew that they were dating, they wouldn’t be able to spend any real time together. It wasn’t that she would be without people to talk to, but as cheesy as it sounded, she didn’t want to spend time with anyone else. They had officially been dating for two months now, and things were going great. Personally, she didn’t see it ending anytime soon nor did she want it to. As much as running around has been fun, this moment right now had her wishing they were a typical couple. 
Music could be heard behind the doors before she pushed them open. The ballroom very much resembled a typical wedding reception inside, well, minus tacky flower centerpieces on the tables. Jared had commissioned The Impala’s to play tonight and they were currently playing some rock song she didn’t recognize from a small stage on the far wall. Her eyes scanned over the people dancing and others chatting in groups when she landed on her target. There was a bar with a beautiful display of liquor on the wall behind it. Tonight was an alcohol night for sure. She bee-lined it there, quickly gaining the attention of the bartender and ordering her usual. 
Her nails clicked against the wood as she watched the crowd move on around her. The bartender set her alcohol down and she thanked him, taking a heavy drink from the small glass. A soft vibration from where she had placed her clutch under her arm interrupted her thoughts. With a frown, she pulled her phone from the small bag. There was a missed message from Jensen. 
You look beautiful
Her head snapped up and began scanning the room for any sign of the man. It didn’t take her long to spot at all, both him and her brother towering over most of the rest of the crowd. He had a grin on his face when he caught her eye. 
You don’t look so bad yourself. A tux is a nice touch.
I had to try and keep up with you somehow. That dress is… you know you aren’t playing fair, right?
Y/n bit her lip, having received the exact reaction from him she had been hoping. 
I think you seriously underestimate how hot you look right now. Too bad I opted for panties tonight, because they are ruined.
The message barely had time to notify her that it had been sent before those three little bubbles popped up on her screen. She took another sip of her drink as her belly flipped in anticipation of his reply. 
Fuck, you’re killing me here babe. This party has just started.
I know… leaves me plenty of time.
Jensen licked his lips across the room as he read her message, his eyes immediately flicking back to hers with a look that was half desperate and half warning her to be careful. She winked at him and downed the last of her drink. The sound of her name had her halting her attempt to order another. 
“There she is!” Y/n turned back towards the crowd. Trish was headed her way, a guy Y/n didn’t recognize in tow. 
“Hi Trish!” Y/n embraced the woman as she came up to the bar. Y/n eyed the guy awkwardly standing off behind her. Trish noticed her gaze and smiled.
“Y/n, this is Chris. He works on the lighting crew, mostly night stuff and what not. Chris, this is Jared’s baby sis, Y/n.” Trish put her hand on Chris’s shoulder and urged him closer. Y/n offered her hand to him and he shook it before quickly shoving back into his pockets.
“Yeah, or course. Everybody knows Jared’s little sister. Made quite a name for yourself.” He shrugged his shoulders. His words themselves were not rude, it was the inflection in his tone when he said it. It put an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Awkward tension quickly filled the silence that followed his words. A loud clap from Trish broke through  it after what felt like years.
“Well, I have to grab those drinks, talk to you guys later.” She spun around, pretending not to hear either of them call after her. 
“I don’t know what she expects.” Chris grimaced as he turned back to Y/n. 
“Probably for you to offer to buy me a drink.” Y/n had to not laugh out loud at the idea. The fact that Trish would even think they would even get along was wild to her and the two of them had barely said two sentences to each other.
Chris scoffed. “It’s an open bar.” Y/n didn’t even hide her eye roll.
“Well don’t do me any favors.” She spit out, shooing him away like a cat that had just jumped on her counter. 
“Whatever,” Chris mumbled before disappearing back into the sea of people around them. The next time she saw Trish, she was going to kill her for this. What had she been thinking? Y/n doubted that man had ever had a civil conversation with anyone. It would certainly explain why she had never met him before. Everyone had been trying to save her from the experience she just had. Y/n signaled the bartender for another, fully committed to not leaving the spot she currently occupied. Once the bartender acknowledged her, she dropped her head in her hands with a sigh. 
“Same old Chris, it appears.” A soft voice came from her right, following her acknowledgment with a chuckle. Y/n snapped her head up, turning to see who was talking to her. Her stomach dropped almost instantly. If she hadn’t recognized the woman’s face, her fiery red hair would have been her dead give away. There, not even five feet from her was Danneel Harris. She had on a strappy gold sequin dress that fell all the way to the floor. Her hair was styled over her left shoulder, held in place by no doubt a hundred bobby pins. Danneel held a large glass of red wine in her one hand as she leaned against the bar as well. 
Y/n took a deep breath to try and steady the hammering in her chest. She forced a smile on her face. “Uh, yeah. I was wondering why I hadn’t meant him yet. Then I realized my brother had been doing me a favor.” 
Danneel laughed with a knowing nod. “I’m Danneel.” She offered her hand. 
“Right, of course. I’m Y/n… Padalecki, Y/n Padalecki.” Y/n tried to shake the fuzziness from her mind as she shook Danneel’s hand. 
“I know, you’ve done some amazing work. Congratulations on the business by the way.” Danneel had an honest smile on her face. 
“Oh, thank you. It’s kind of surreal if I’m being honest.” Y/n admitted, her guard coming down as she grew more comfortable with the woman next to her. 
“You’ve got this. Just stay clear of Trish’s hookups and you’ll do just fine.” She put her hand on Y/n’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “It was nice meeting you, take care of yourself.” 
“You too.” Y/n called after the woman as she breezed past her and into the crowd. Y/n watched her move in between the moving bodies, eventually finding her target. Danneel wormed her way into Jared and Jensen’s group, position herself right next to Jensen. 
Just when she thought maybe she would get the racing of her heart to calm down, Danneel took it upon herself to try and crush it between her fingers. It was unfair of Y/n to think that, considering there was no way Danneel could have known about her and Jensen. But it was Danneel for Christ’s sake. She was tiny, and beautiful and an actress. Essentially everything that the world expected out of a wife for Jensen. That’s why when they had announced their engagement, everyone was overjoyed for them. What came as a surprise was when that engagement had been called off. Y/n never had figured out why they called it quits either.  Honestly, she had been too afraid to ask her brother, considering it wasn’t his business to share, but still, her and the rest of the world were beyond curious. 
Y/n downed half of the second drink as it was set down in front of her. She never once took her eyes off of the small circle of people in the center of the room. They were all laughing at something, Danneel equally as transfixed on Jensen as Y/n was on the two of them. That’s why she didn’t see the woman sneak up next to her. 
“Hey, what happened with Chris?” Y/n jumped as a hand fell on her shoulder. Her eyes shifted towards Trish for only a moment before going back to where Jensen was now talking to Danneel. 
“Trish, come on.” Y/n glanced back at the woman, her gaze incredulous, before going straight back to Danneel and Jensen. “He was a total tool. I’m honestly offended that you even thought we would get along.”
“Well, you both could use a little relaxation and I thought may you could hate fuck.”
Y/n whipped her head back to Trish. “Jesus, Trish! What the fuck?”
“Hey, I’m just trying to be helpful.”
“Trish, I love you, but I don’t know how to make this any clearer for you. I’m good… happy. And I am certainly not that desperate to get some.” Y/n’s voice trailed off when she heard loud laughter coming from the group she had lost focus on. 
“Fine, I get it.” Trish followed Y/n’s gaze when she realized she was no longer paying attention to her, a look of equal confusion crossing her features as she happened upon Y/n’s distraction. 
“Did Jared invite her?” Y/n tried to keep her tone nonchalant when she noticed Trish had caught on to her fixation. 
“No, I don’t think so. The two of them still run in some of the same circles, so she probably heard about it. Jensen was pretty messed up after they called it off. I don’t think Jared would do that to him.” Trish answered honestly. “I just can’t believe she actually came. She was the one who left him, after all.”
“Really?” Y/n hadn’t known that particular piece of information. After all, her only reputable source was Jared, and she hadn’t bothered with that. 
“Yeah, said she couldn’t do the long distance thing. But with the show being over, who knows what will happen. They were really happy at one point, they could get it back.” Trish shrugged and walked off, unaware of the stab wound her words had left in Y/n’s chest.
“Who knows…” Y/n mumbled to herself. The last thing she wanted to believe was that Jensen would just go crawling back to his ex the second she looked back his way. But the two of them had been engaged, and that’s not some small thing. They had really loved each other. Y/n and Jensen hadn’t even come close to saying those three little words. The knot in her stomach clenched the more she thought about it. Her anxiety was rearing its ugly head, and as much as she knew it, she couldn’t focus enough to try and control it. 
At this point, Y/n wasn’t even trying to hide her staring. It was rude, she knew that, but she just couldn’t stop herself. Her chest felt empty as she watched the two of them laugh at something and then, God help her, Danneel put her hand on Jensen’s upper arm. 
Y/n’s gut dropped, and she shook her head to try and clear it. This was insane! Y/n was not a jealous person, nor did she ever want to be. She had worked so many years to grow out of the insecurities that had been ground into her. In this moment, after coming so far, she couldn’t, no she wouldn’t let them win again. It wasn’t fair to her. 
Jensen looked up then, stopping when he noticed her watching them. He smiled at her, the expression warm. Y/n tried to return it, but she knew her smile was tight. Jensen’s brow furrowed slightly before he recovered. He winked at her before ducking out of the group, and making his way to the stage. He got Bob Singer’s attention as the current song they were playing came to an end. Bob knelt down on the stage to hear Jensen. He nodded eagerly and Jensen followed the length of the stage to climb the stairs on the side. 
“Looks like we have a special request from the birthday boy himself. Ladies and gents, please welcome to the stage, Mr. Jensen Ackles!” Bob hollered into the microphone. The crowd erupted into a roar as Bob stepped back from the microphone and let Jensen take over. 
“Firstly, I just wanted to thank all of you for coming tonight. I thought I could maybe sing something for all of you, if you would let me.” Again, cheers erupted from the crowd. Y/n was only growing more curious as Jensen continued. “Great, well this is a song that I’m sure you all know. I recently rediscovered it, and it has become my new favorite. I can’t seem to get it out of my head. Anyway, here you go.” 
Jensen turned on the band, signaling them to start. It didn’t take more than a second for Y/n to recognize the tune they were playing, and even less time for the tears to form in her eyes. 
 I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Ooh, every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
 A half laugh half sob erupted from her chest as she remembered their first date at the ice rink. Jensen was officially the cheesiest, sweetest, most amazing man she had ever had the pleasure of knowing. He took this stupid, cliched song and made it their song. They had a song. It was so high school, but so adorable at the same time. 
 Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
And I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever
 He got the whole crowd engaged, the lot of them swaying with the music. Meanwhile, she was wiping away the tears on her cheeks, careful to not mess up her makeup. 
 And I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
Well, I just want to be with you, right here with you
Just like this
I just want to hold you close
I feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all of the rest of time
 In typical Jensen fashion, he embellished the ending of the song as it called for. The whole room was entranced. She hoped it would keep them from noticing how he kept looking back at her, how he was singing to her. It was a bold move, but honestly, at that moment, she didn’t care if everyone found out. Jensen was singing a song for her.
 Don't want to close my eyes
Don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
 The melody faded out, and Jensen bowed out from the stage. The band thanked him for the little treat before getting back into their set. As Jensen disappeared from the stage, she broke from the small trance she was in, realizing quickly she needed to fix her face before anyone saw her. She rushed from the ballroom in search of a bathroom. The first one she came to had a small line coming from the door and she growled under her breath before continuing on. She stopped a server who pointed her towards the next closest bathroom. It was tucked in a corner near the entrance to the kitchen. Y/n was leaning into the door when a hand gripped her bicep and pushed her into the bathroom.
“Hey!” She protested, attempting to pull her arm free from the grip. Her words fell flat as she realized it was Jensen pushing her into the bathroom. He dropped her arm and twisted the lock on the bathroom door as it shut. Y/n watched in confusion as he bent down to check the stalls. “Jensen?”
Jensen turned to her once he was satisfied they were alone, his smile faltering when he noticed the tear tracks down her cheeks. “Hey, what’s wrong?” 
Y/n was taken aback, her mind taking a second to catch up to what he was talking about. She walked to the large mirror by the vanity and plucked a tissue to dab at her face. “Nothing, I’m good.” She chuckled at the irony. 
“Are you sure about that?” Jensen came up behind her, one hand slipping around her to rest on her hip as he made eye contact with her in the mirror. 
“Yeah.” She spun around to him and slipped her arms around his neck. “You sang a song for me on your birthday. I’m great.” And she wanted to believe her own words, but something was still working together that knot in her belly. 
“I did? Here I thought I just liked that song.” He quirked up the corner of his mouth as he pulled her closer to his chest. Y/n grimaced, the subtle movement not going unnoticed by Jensen. Normally, she loved his teasing, it was a part of their banter that made their relationship unique to any other one she’s ever had. Right now, she couldn’t help but take his words to heart. For the life of her, she wished she wouldn’t have, but that weird feeling in her gut was too strong right now. 
“Babe, I know what’s going on in that head of yours.” Jensen’s eyes pierced into hers before he kissed her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin for a moment. God, she hated how well he read her sometimes. For once, she would like to not be such an easy read. “I didn’t know she was going to be here.” 
“I believe you.” Y/n’s shoulders dropped with her words.
“Jared didn’t know either. He’s not even sure how she found out about it, let alone why she flew all the way to Vancouver for one night.” He was trying to reassure her, but all she was hearing was that Danneel was determined to get him back, that she was here for what she had tossed away all those years ago. Y/n couldn’t blame her for that. Jensen was one of a kind. 
“She came back for you.” Y/n noted solemnly. 
“No, Danneel left me. Why would she be back now?” Jensen was honestly lost and Y/n almost felt bad for him. They really were two of a kind, neither one thinking that they were worth something. Not to mention it was obvious to everyone else in the room that she still loved him. 
“Jensen, you dedicated so much of your life to Supernatural and now that it’s over she thinks that you two can just pick up where you left off. That you can finally have that fairytale that she wanted in the first place because you’ll have more time for her.” Y/n’s tone was clipped, much to her dismay. She didn’t want to be short with him, but she also couldn’t believe that he could be that obtuse. Her hands slid down his neck and came to rest on his chest, a weak attempt to push him away from her. Jensen didn’t budge though, keeping her secure in his arms. 
“Y/n,” Jensen closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “She’s too late. I got over her a long time ago. I moved on.” He squeezed her hips to emphasize who he had moved on with. “Honey, you and I… I’m in. I’m all in.” 
The look in his eyes begged for her to not look away from him. The stinging grew in her nose as she fought back more tears. The swelling in her chest now disguising the rolling in her abdomen.
“Yeah?” Her voice was a broken whisper.
“Yes.” Jensen nodded his head, his features more serious than she had ever seen from him. He dipped into her, pressing his lips to hers gently, testing the waters. Her hands wrapped around the lapels of his tux, pulling him closer to her chest before finding their way back around his neck. With her encouragement Jensen put all his emotion into that kiss. Every unspoken word and promise. Every need and desire. He needed her to understand, to feel his truth. Jensen nipped at her lower lip, enticing her to open her mouth to him. She moaned in response to his actions, her body shivering as Jensen’s hands trailed up her sides. He ran his thumbs along the swell of her breasts, showing extra attention to her hardened nipples. 
Something had shifted, she could feel it in the electricity of the air around them. She could feel it in the way Jensen’s mouth moved against her own and how his hands gripped her tight. It wasn’t just about the hunger that had been between them since the beginning, it was something new entirely. Sure, she wanted to feel him, to feel his muscles ripple as fucked her, to feel the deep push and pull of him inside of her. But it was also about the emotion behind it. Jensen was here with her. He had chosen her, and he told her he would keep choosing her. 
“Is there a zipper on this thing?” Jensen growled in frustration as he ran his fingers across the fabric of her dress. 
“No, it’s a pullover dress.” She chuckled as Jensen dropped his head into her neck with a groan. 
“Guess we’ll make due then.” He nipped against her neck, his hands now finding their way to the hem of her dress. Jensen tugged it up around her hips as he sucked along her jaw. He let his tongue guide his movements across her collarbone and back up to just below her ear. 
“Jay,” She watched him with hooded eyes as he moved from her and dropped to his knees.
“Shh.” He urged her as tugged her thong down her legs. She stepped out of it, her belly dropping as she watched Jensen stuff the lacy material into his jacket pocket. Her pussy ached in anticipation as Jensen gripped her thighs and leaned forward to place a kiss to her lower belly. He wrapped his long fingers around her right knee and lifted her leg, urging it over his shoulder.
“Shit, shouldn’t we be doing this the other way around? It is your birthday after all.” The quiver in her voice betrayed the sincerity of her words. Right now, she couldn’t think of a better place for him to be. 
“Are you kidding me? Best birthday dessert I can think of.” He flashed her his signature smirk, before licking his lips. He placed another gentle kiss to the inside of her thigh before moving on to her sex. Jensen wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked just hard enough to send pleasure pulsing through her bones. Y/n cried out, the sound louder than she had anticipated, but at this point she didn’t care. All she cared about was Jensen and the fire building inside her. Her stomach clenched as Jensen continued his work. He was pro at reading her body at this point, and he had her higher than she thought possible in no time. 
Sweat was beading across her chest and neck as she watched the man between her legs. She braced herself against the counter with one hand, running the fingers of her other hand through the longer locks at the crown of Jensen’s head. 
“Jay,” She whined as he kept her just at the edge. Her body was so close and he knew it, a low growl emanating from the back of his throat finally pushing her over the edge. Y/n came with a deep huff of air, the heel of her shoe digging into Jensen’s back as her body rode out the high. 
“God,” He kissed her thigh again before lowering her quivering leg back to the ground. “You’re so fucking beautiful when you come.” She threw her head back and laughed as she allowed him to help her hop up onto the counter. 
“Don’t laugh at me.” He playfully chastised with a frown, his forehead scrunching together as he worked open his slacks. 
“Quit making jokes then.” She quipped, only half serious. Jensen paused his movements, his pants hanging open. Y/n could see how hard he was behind his briefs, the sight distracting her momentarily until she realized he had stopped what he was doing. Her eyes flickered back up to his, his expression now serious. 
Y/n/n,” He started with a sigh. He tugged her to the edge of the counter by her knees, fitting himself snug between her legs. “You are the most beautiful woman, inside and out, that I have had the pleasure of knowing. Please believe me when I say I’m the luckiest man in the world right now.” 
“Okay.” She nodded in agreement. The hurt in his voice had her feeling guilty for what she had said. It wasn’t her intention to hurt his feelings. For some reason, her self deprecating humor had found its way back so easily that she hadn’t even noticed what she had said until it was out of her mouth. 
Jensen searched her face for some indication that she may have been just saying what he wanted to hear. When he didn’t catch on to anything, he returned to removing himself from his pants, dropping them and his briefs to his thighs. Y/n grabbed his neck and pulled his lips back to his, her kiss hungry and sloppy as Jensen stoked himself a few times. He coated himself with her arousal before sinking slowly into her. He watched her as she grimaced when he stretched her out, her eyes never leaving the spot where he entered her. 
“You good?” He had to make sure she was set before he continued. She nodded to him, her fingers scratching his neck where she held onto him. Jensen hitched her left leg around his waist and the other he lifted into the crook of his elbow before he set up his rhythm. He took his time at first, reading her reaction to every movement and trying to commit the sounds coming from her mouth to memory. He never wanted to leave this moment. He never wanted to leave her. She had wormed her way into his heart without even trying, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Both of their faces were flushed as the air became heavier in the room. Neither could be bothered with the sweat trailing down either of their bodies, both too engrossed in the other. The feel of the others body against their own, and the way they just seemed to fit so perfectly together. This is certainly not what either had expected from this night, but then again they weren’t complaining either. 
“Fuck,” Jensen growled between clenched teeth. His movements began to become erratic as his instinct took over in search of his end. 
“I know, I’m right there, Jay. Come for me.” Jensen cut off her words, his lips hungrily searching out hers. She met his eagerness, both of them lost in the moment as they neared the edge. Jensen pulled her down onto him hard as he came, his cock pulsing deep inside her. He stilled for only a moment before continuing a few quick hard thrusts as his thumb rubbed tight circles on her clit. It was her undoing then, her nose scrunching and her mouth falling open in a silent scream. 
“Ah, jesus.” Jensen leaned into her as they both fought to control their rapid breathing. He tucked his face into her neck, inhaling the smell of perfume and sex on her skin. Her fingers slowly scratched the hairs at the base of his skull as she held him to her, content to listen to his heart beating in time with hers.
“Jensen,” Y/n reluctantly broke the silence in the room. They had already been gone too long, and she had one more thing she wanted to say to him before they parted ways. Jensen stood up to his full height and dropped her leg that he had in his arm as he pulled himself from her. “Jensen, I think it’s time we tell people, you know, about us.” 
“What?” He looked up at her as he tucked his button down back into his slacks. 
“I, well… don’t you think it’s time?” She hopped down from the counter, careful not to break her heels. A blush crept up on her face as she felt his cum drip down her thigh when she stood up straight. 
“Yeah, I do.” He agreed with a soft smile. Hell, he wanted to shout it from the rooftops, right now. He was high on her and he couldn’t be bothered to give a damn about any consequences. Jensen turned to her as she shimmied down the hem of her dress. He stepped up to her, leaning down to give her a quick peck on the lips. 
“Good, then it’s settled. We find the right time and we tell our family and friends.” Jensen felt his heart soar as he took in the smile now on her face. In that moment, he realized he would spend the rest of his life making sure she was happy, if only to see that smile on her face. Nothing else mattered more to him anymore than her happiness. 
“I can’t wait.” He agreed. Y/n reached into his jacket as he kissed her again, but Jensen caught her wrist before she could snag what she was looking for. 
“What are you doing?” He dropped his voice, his eyes narrowed as he grinned at her. 
“I’m grabbing my panties.” She stated matter of fact. Jensen tsked at her, shaking his head in mock disapproval, his playfulness taking back over the moment. 
“Consider them my birthday gift, besides you said it yourself, they were already ruined.” He grinned, releasing her wrist from his grasp. Her hands fell to her hips as she tried to determine if he was serious or not. 
“Jensen, come on.” She tried, reaching towards him again, but he smacked away her hand with a shake of his head. 
“I want you to be reminded of this moment all night. Everytime you feel my cum dripping down your thighs, I want you to think of me and how no one else can fuck you as good as I can.” Y/n couldn’t help the whimper that emanated from her throat at his words. She had to hand it to him, he was good. He knew exactly what to say to her. It was as if the two of them had been sleeping together for years, not weeks. There was no learning curve, they both just knew. 
“Fine, keep ‘em.” She relented, her hands slapping down against her thighs dramatically. 
“Thanks, babe.” Jensen moved to rush out of the bathroom, knowing people would be missing him by now. 
“Wait!” She called, rushing after him. He turned, puzzled. Y/n motioned for him to lean down, running her fingers through his hair as he did so. “There all better.” 
“What would I do without you?” He smiled wide.
“Crash and burn.”
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Part 17
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Forevers: @spn-impala​​ @22sarah08​​ @turtlepad​​ @callmekda​​ @chaldei​​ @hobby27​​ @casualfestivaltrashpainter​ @cowboysnwinchesters​​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @pikabootoyouchu​​ @dawnie1988​​ @grease222​​ @frackinawesomeninja​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @polina-93​​ @clarinette07​​ @moonlight-babeh​​ @suckerforfanfic​​ @witandnargles​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @geeksareunique​ @akshi8278​
Et Cetera: @jbbarnesgirl​ @hillface89​ @arses21434​ @thevelvetseries​ @sslater34​ @mrsirishboru​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @encounterthepast​ @facadeformyrealblog  @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​ @rebeccathefangirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @heartinmyhead1​ @1d-killed-me​ @samsgirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @woodworthti666​ @supraveng​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @heartsaved​ @know2grow​ @littlewhiterose​ @surprisinglysarah​ @stoneyggirl​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @thebookisbtr​ @youaremyfiveever​ @kalesrebellion​ @lilulo-12​ @winchester-fantasies​
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rukia-writes · 4 years
Is this angsty ? I know you don’t write angst but I wasn’t too sure but as always you decide if you would like to write this, but canon Kruger going to a strip club with the other trashy marleyan cops and seeing the only eldian woman there and totally taking her home to free her in more ways than one 😉
Come here anon 💕💋💋
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✨Eren Kruger x fem! Reader✨
✨Setting: canon✨
✨Rated: R, smut✨
✨Author’s note: if there was supposed to be angst I chickened out 😂 as always i get long winded when it comes to Kruger, So don’t hesitate to get a drink. 🥂 ✨
It was late at night in Liberio.
Liberio had a high end strip club.
Kruger and a few other Marley public security officers were at this strip club.
Kruger was laid back in a chair enjoying his cigar and watching a few of the women take their clothes off.
Kruger had been there a few times before and he liked a few of the strippers.
Kruger puffed on his cigar when a woman he hadn’t seen before get on stage. Kruger could tell she was new, she was rather shy.
Kruger thought she had a nice body.
“Check out the ass on her Kruger.”
Gross sat down beside Kruger who merely said “yep” in response, Gross also had a cigar and enjoyed watching the woman perform.
“An amazing body.”
“Not to mention lips, right Major Gross?”
“Hm? Oh yes, beautiful lips. I can think of a few places she put those lips.”
Gross laughed with another public security officer as Kruger ignored their comments.
Kruger on the outside didn’t look interested, but he certainly was, from the way she twirled on the pole to even the way she moved her hips and when the two locked eyes she winked at him making Kruger smirk.
Kruger whistled and motioned for her to “come here” with his index finger. When the beautiful stripper did Kruger handed over a few high dollar bills making her smile and thank the man.
The two talked for a little bit.
The more he talked to her the more he seemed like he saw her somewhere.
“So, how much for a private show?”
Kruger asked while eyeing her up and down slowly, the woman told him how much it would be and Kruger agreed to pay much to her surprise.
“You’re taking her Kruger? I don’t blame you, she’s a pretty marleyan woman.”
“Yeah, she sure is.”
Kruger dryly responded.
Kruger ignored “Gross” and the marleyan officers cheers when he walked with (Name) to a room.
Kruger closed the door and locked the door, then the six foot two male quickly pulled the beautiful woman towards him with her chest against his. Kruger was an intimidating man, his glare even more so.
“I know your little secret.”
(Name) gulped rather hard as Kruger’s cold eyes bore into her own.
“And what might that be?”
“You’re an eldian. I’ve seen you before in the internment zone. This is a marleyan strip club and I don’t see an armband on you.”
(Name) could feel her heart beating rather fast as Kruger had found her out from just meeting him a few minutes ago.
“I’m sorry. I-“
“How did you get hired without your boss knowing?”
Kruger asked as he watched the woman in front of him bite her lip, a look of worry on her face.
“They didn’t ask and didn’t give me a blood test. The owner just said he liked how I looked and that I could work for him.”
“..I think you’re lying.”
“I’m not. I swear. Please, I needed money for my family.”
Kruger didn’t quite believe the story of her getting past her boss, but he did believe her when she told him how she was struggling to keep her sickly mother and little brother fed with a roof over their head and putting food on the table.
“Please don’t send me to paradis.”
Kruger heard her pleas as he merely sighed in exhaustion.
“Put your clothes on.”
Kruger huffed as he took out an cigarette and lit it.
“Are you arresting me?”
“...No. I’m taking you home.”
That’s what Kruger did.
When the two arrived at her home (Name) found out the public security officer’s name was Eren Kruger and Kruger found out the stripper’s name was (Name).
(Name) was pretty worried considering he was marleyan and she was an eldian. When the two arrived on her door step she invited the officer in, when he accepted he made sure no one was following.
“I can make you some tea.”
“Not necessary, I didn’t come here for tea. I came to see if you were telling the truth about your family. Show me some evidence.”
Kruger didn’t see anyone in the house, so he wondered where this “family” was at.
“Of course, I’ll be right back. Have a seat at least.”
(Name) offered as she scrambled to get a photo of her family, after all the man in her house had the power and right to send her to paradis.
Shortly, she came back with the photo and handed it over to Kruger, who simply eyed the photo while (Name) pointed to her mother and little brother.
Both live on another side of the internment zone.
“Is that enough. I promise I’ll find another job, I just needed money to provide for them.”
“You do need to find another job. Had it been someone else they most certainly would have sent you to paradis.”
Kruger handed the photo over to her making her smile putting it on the kitchen counter knowing the man wasn’t going to send her to paradis.
“Thank you for not sending me there. I owe you a lot.”
“You owe me a private show still.”
Kruger grabbed her by the waist pulling her into him making her look in those mysterious blue eyes of his.
Honestly, the stripper was getting turned on by the second by this man.
Smiling she starts to unbutton her shirt making Kruger smirk.
As the night went on, the two struggled but eventually made it to the bedroom, Kruger did have (Name) back up against the wall with her legs wrapped around his waist, his cock deep inside her hitting all the right places in the kitchen at first.
However, Kruger decided the bedroom would be best so he carried (Name) to her bedroom. Kruger had the stripper on her back on her bed balls deep inside her tight and wet cunt.
Kruger was truly enjoying the way (Name) felt on his cock, she was so tight and she was so wet. Kruger cussed so much (Name) thought he forgot how to say a proper sentence not that she cared at the moment as Kruger was giving her a proper fuck.
Kruger’s hands massages her breasts, Kruger was truly a fan of her breasts.
“You have an amazing body. I could really get used to it.”
Kruger kisses her neck making her moan louder as his pace never faltered, a grunt left Kruger when (Name) ‘s cunt tightened on his cock.
“I could get-I could get used to your cock-“
At that moment Kruger pulled out his cock earning a surprised gasp from (Name) not to mention how upset she was, so close to a orgasm.
“What? What are you doing?! Please put it back in.”
Kruger heard (Name) pleas as he slicked back his hair And whispered in (Name)’s ear making her get a shiver down her spine.
“You’re a naughty girl you know. Why should you get all this pleasure? Hm?”
Kruger’s hands that were on (Name)’s breasts were now rubbing her clit making her moan.
“Working under a false identity and not having your armband. You’re very naughty.”
“I said-I’m sorry. Please. I’m so close.”
“I know that. But you have to have some punishment..Right on time.”
(Name) didn’t get what Kruger meant by “Right on time”, as she wanted nothing more than Kruger’s erected cock inside her again.
A knock came to the door.
“Big sis!”
(Name) felt like her heart was sinking now as she recognized her little brother’s voice behind the door. Not realizing that this was the night she was supposed watch him.
“Brother? When did you get here?”
“I’ve been here, I was sleeping in my room. Open the door, I have to tell you something.”
The ten year old boy tried to open the door but the door was locked thanks to Kruger.
“It’ll have to wait-“
(Name) gasped as Kruger slowly puts his cock inside her wet cunt again, Kruger had a smug smirk the whole time. Coming down to kiss her neck again making her hold in her moan. The door knob turned left and right as her brother wanted in as he wanted to talk to her, Kruger slowly began to move his hips making grip the bedsheets.
“Sis, open the door.”
“Yeah, you wanna open the door?”
Kruger whispered in (Name)’s ear in a smug tone, obviously enjoying (Name)’s punishment.
“Why-Why don’t you ..go back to bed! And you can tell me..in the morning.”
(Name) tried to hold in her moans and gasps as Kruger continued his teasing pace inside (Name)’s sweet cunt and licking her nipples. Kruger’s cock was so wide and long (Name) could feel him even if he had been still.
(Name)’s brother didn’t pick up on anything as he huffed a sigh.
“Okay. Fine. I’ll be up in the morning. Sweet dreams.”
“Sweet dreams-“
(Name) chokes as Kruger chuckled coming back to (Name)’s ear to whisper again
“I guess you were telling the truth..”
Kruger’s hands went to her hips as he sits up again getting a good view of her breasts, Kruger went back to his pace making (Name) moan and whimper.
“...I guess I’ll reward you.”
Kruger took out his cock once more and made (Name) get on her hands and knees while rubbing her clit once more.
Before long, Kruger had her a moaning and whimpering mess as he took her from behind.
Both simply enjoying each other.
Kruger would slap (Name)’s ass from time to time as he was balls deep inside her wet and now abused cunt.
(Name) wanted this every night, she wanted him every night.
“You’re amazing-I want this-every night. Come by every night Kruger.”
A loud whimper escaped (Name) as Kruger was now hit her g-spot wit his cock over and over now making the stripper’s toes curl and gripping the bedsheets rather tightly.
“I might just take that fucking offer-especially if I get to see you like this.”
With a harsh slap to her ass again Kruger’s pace became animalistic inside (Name)’s cunt.
“Fuck-I could fuck your sweet pussy all night.”
Kruger kept his relentless pace up as he had (Name) right where he wanted her, a whimpering mess.
When the two had their orgasm the headboard made one last “bang” noise that was sure to wake up (Name)’s younger brother.
The two didn’t care.
(Name) felt Kruger’s cock twitch as his cum filled up her cunt so much (Name) knew there was no way she would not be pregnant after that.
After the two showered and cleaned up Kruger finally spoke up.
“About your job.”
(Name) froze as she wondered what the marleyan officer would say next.
“..it would be wise for you to quit.”
“Yes but..I understand I’ll find a new job.”
Kruger thought for a minute or so and finally spoke up.
“You don’t have to find a new job. I’ll provide for you, if you’ll let me.”
With a big smile on (Name)’s face she hugs Kruger making him blush, the two were in the kitchen once more.
“That would be so sweet of you! Thank you!”
“You’re welcome.”
The next morning (Name) and Kruger awoke to the sound of a familiar knock on the door.
Kruger had his arm around (Name)’s waist but once he heard the knock on the door he groaned and turned over pulling the bedsheets over him, trying to get some sleep.
(Name) yawned as she opened the door carefully not to let her brother see her guest.
After making her younger brother breakfast, she found out that her brother passed his test that he was nervous about in math.
(Name) was so proud.
Eventually, (Name)’s brother went to go play with some friends in a nearby park. (Name) made sure to that he had his armband on, seeing as how she was nearly shipped to paradis last night. Opening the door to her bedroom Kruger was still sleeping with the bedsheets over him.
Silently, (Name) thanked him as she didn’t have to work as a stripper anymore, Kruger didn’t turn her in and that he would provide for her and her family.
Truly, Kruger freed her.
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In A World Like That Ch. Two
Magnus and Alec have been pushed into their TWI roles by a meddling demon who feeds on their happiness. It puts them in a deep sleep and the only way to get out there is to find each other in TWI and fall in love. If they can do that, they will automatically fall out of the magical slumber the demon has placed them under. Otherwise, they fall into an eternal sleep. It’s upto Malec to find their way back to each other. It is set after the TWI episode in the show, so they have met each other once already. Here is the masterlist. My AO3: malecplusotherthings
A/N: I also sprinkled like a lot of parallels between real world malec and TWI malec here and there because I am an absolute sucker for parallels.
Warnings: swearing, TWI characters, angst obviously, some fluff, slight show divergence, suggestive dialogue
Ever since Magnus had met that man with the black hair and the shiny blue eyes, something Lightwood, all sense of normalcy had disappeared from his life. He often found himself distracted or unfocused. A man he had met only once before had had such a captivating effect on him. There was so much about this man that was confusing him. And yet, Magnus couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting to see him again. Why would somebody so attractive be interested in a man like me in the first place? Catarina had warned him saying that this blue-eyed stranger was known to be a flirt. That he had broken many hearts before, and will break Magnus’ if he wasn’t careful. Maybe she was right. Hell, Magnus didn’t even know his first name. But how can somebody so pretty be so cruel? Magnus was very rudely brought back to reality when the phone by the cash register rang rather loudly.
“Bane’s Antique Store, how can I help you?” he said, still distracted.
“Magnus, right? Hi, I’m Alec. Alexander Lightwood. I was in your store the other day and I must say some of your pieces are extremely gorgeous. Do you think you could come down by the Institute and maybe help me decide on a few?” Fuck. Magnus recognized the name Lightwood as the Institute’s lead marketing agent. Also known as Magnus’ blue-eyed stranger. His voice was flirty, as it had been the first night they had met. Suddenly, all of Catarina’s warnings about being careful exited Magnus’ brain.
“I...uh,” Magnus cleared his throat. “I’ll be there, Mr. Lightwood.”
“As sexy as that sounds coming from you, Magnus, please call me Alec. I’ll see you in the evening.” With that, Alec put down the receiver, leaving a blushing Magnus on the other end.
“Who was that?” Catarina asked. Magnus just shook his head in response.
Evening could not have arrived fast enough for Magnus. Much as he tried to fight Catarina on it, there was no denying that he was indeed crushing on Mr. Lightwood - sorry, Alexander. From what Magnus had seen, Alec was almost always immaculately dressed. There is not a single hair out of place on that boy. Magnus, despite trying his best to match that, could only come with a white button-down shirt paired with his black skinny jeans and a matching pair of converses. His thick black-rimmed glasses complimented the look perfectly. With a final look in the mirror, Magnus left for the Institute.
The closer he got to the Institute, the more his nervousness increased. He took a deep breath as he paused in front of the large familiar gates. Well, too late to turn back now, Magnus. Calming himself down, he opened the doors and stepped inside the Institute, looking around for the man who had called him here in the first place. Scanning around the room, Magnus finally saw Alec. He was wearing a well-fitted blue shirt that accentuated his eyes with dark acid-wash jeans. His tall frame was resting against an expensive looking desk. If only I could be that desk. Alec must have seen Magnus standing there because he was now making his way over. Magnus quickly dusted his shirt and smiled at the taller boy.
“Magnus?” Alec asked, smiling back. Magnus nodded.
“Hello, Alexander.” Magnus corrected himself. “Alec.”
“Oh no, please, keep the Alexander. I like the way you say it.” Alec said, winking at him. Magnus blushed at that, which earned him a smirk in return. “Come on then, let me show you around the Institute.”
As Alec was showing him around, Magnus couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. He was sure he even caught Alec looking back at him a few times. Magnus still wasn’t fully confident that somebody who looked and dressed like a fucking model would ever be interested in the likes of him.
“You could have had anyone do this for you. Why did you ask for me?” Magnus said, before he realised that he had, in fact, said that out loud. The words just fell out of his mouth, before he had a chance to control them. FUUUUUUUUUCK. Alec almost immediately turned to face Magnus, with two drinks in his hands. He offered one to Magnus.
“Well, why’d you come?” Magnus could say nothing much, but stare at the man standing in front of him. “I wanted to see you again. I trust you, Magnus. I don’t know why but I do.”
“I-I have to go. I’ll, uh, send you my feedback.” Magnus quickly gathered his things and fled the Institute, his heart still pounding against his chest. Alec’s sudden candidness had caught him off guard and left him at a loss for words. Until I see you again, Alexander.
Alec had spent the last two hours laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He had invited Magnus to the antique exhibition a few days ago but they had missed each other. Normally, Alec would have given up after that, but there was something about Magnus that made Alec want to see him again. He sighed as he tried to devise a plan to attract Magnus’ attention. He suddenly sprang from the bed, his ocean blue eyes twinkling. Simon, who happened to have been watching all of this for quite some time, raised an eyebrow in question.
“Do I even want to know?” He asked, despite his better judgement. Alec just waved a hand to shush Simon and dialed the number to Magnus’ store.
“Bane’s Antique Store, how can I help you?” He assumed the voice on the other end to be Magnus’.
“Magnus, right? Hi, I’m Alec. Alexander Lightwood. I was in your store the other day and I must say some of your pieces are extremely gorgeous. Do you think you could come down by the Institute and maybe help me decide on a few?” 
“I...uh, I’ll be there, Mr. Lightwood.” Alec sucked in a breath at the use of that name.
“As sexy as that sounds coming from you, Magnus, please call me Alec. I’ll see you in the evening.” Alec quickly cut the phone and smirked at Simon, who shook his head.
“So much for not pining.”
“Hey! I was not pining. I’m just trying to get to know him better.” That was a lie. Alexander Lightwood was most certainly pining, a feeling that was very new to the young man. What are you doing to me, Magnus Bane?
By the time evening came around, Alec had attired himself in some of the finest clothes he owned. He made his way to the lounge, where the rest of his friends had already gathered. He frowned as he made his way over to them.
“Hi, Alec.” They said in unison.
“Jace, Simon, please definitely take this the wrong way. What the FUCK are you doing here?”
“Well, Si said you were pining again so I had to come see it for myself. It’s hilarious what this boy has done to you.” Alec simply rolled his eyes at them, keeping his attention locked at the front entrance.
“What are you going to do if he doesn’t show up, Alec?” Jace asked.
“Well, then I guess I’ll have my answer.” Their conversation was cut short, however, when Alec caught the eye of a young boy in glasses and a button-down shirt. Magnus. Alec immediately left the corner his friends were standing in and made his way over to Magnus. Magnus shot Alec a smile that made his heart jump. Composing himself, he smiled back.
“Hello, Alexander. Alec.” There was something about the way Magnus said his name that seemed to have taken away Alec’s abilities to function.
“Oh no, please,” Alec finally found his voice. “Keep the Alexander. I like the way you say it.” Blush tinted Magnus’ cheeks and Alec seemed very pleased with himself.
“Come on, then,” Alec added. “Let me show you around the Institute.”
As they were traipsing through the Institute, Alec noted several occasions where he had caught Magnus staring at him. Although he had to admit, he had been staring too. It’s the eyes. They’re so fucking intense. Alec had never felt this way about anyone. Sure there had been many passing flings, but even Alexander knew that this was more than that. He shook his head ever so slightly and carefully poured out two drinks.
“You could have had anyone do this for you. Why did you ask for me?” Magnus’ voice came from behind him. Alec spun around almost immediately. Magnus’ face indicated that he had not meant to say that.
“Well, why’d you come?” Alec asked, holding Magnus’ golden eyes in his blue ones. “I wanted to see you again. I trust you, Magnus. I don’t know why but I do.”
Alec must have said something wrong because Magnus began gathering all things. Alec simply followed him with his eyes from across the room.
“I-I have to go. I’ll, uh, send you my feedback.” Magnus said rather hastily. Before Alec even had a chance to object, Magnus was already out the door. Alec sighed and bent to the floor, picking up a small piece of paper that Magnus seemed to have dropped behind him. He quickly realised that the paper he was holding in his hand was in fact a business card, one that had Magnus’ personal phone number on it. Until we meet again, Magnus.
Malec Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@thatwinchestergirl67 @quickbright @julialightbane @bestieswithmydarkthoughts @plaggherondale
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Class Reunion
Pairing: Benny x Reader
"No. Ruthie, no. I don't want to go to the reunion," you replied from your desk in the back office. "You remember how it was for me in high school. I didn't 'fit in', all I did was study and babysit the neighbors' kids. I don't have the greatest memories of high school, except meeting you," you explained.
"You 'fit in' just fine, and all that studying has certainly prepared you for your current occupation," Ruthie pointed out. "Besides, you're nowhere near the same girl as you were in high school," she remarked.
"I'm aware of that, Ruthie. I didn't even go to prom, remember?" you reminded her.
"Will you at least think about it? I talked my husband into going, and Charlie has a date. I'm sure you can find someone to go with. Please? Charlie and I need to go dress shopping for this, and it just won't be the same unless you're there with us," she begged.
You pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger. "Fine. I will think about it. That's the best answer you're gonna get for right now. I have to get back to work now, my break's over. Bye Sis," you said softly. After you hung up your phone, you leaned on the desk with your elbows and covered your face with your hands.
"Bad news, darlin'?" a voice from the doorway caused you to nearly jump out of your seat. You looked up and saw it was Benny, the handsome blue-eyed head bartender.
"Nah, just a call from my sister, Ruthie," you sighed wearily. Benny nodded, as he had seen the two of you in the bar together on one of your nights off.
"You look upset, chérie. Wanna talk about it?" Benny asked. "Look, two ears, ready to listen," he drawled in that sexy Southern accent.
You smiled as you stood up from the desk. You put a hand on Benny's shoulder as you left the office and to go back out to the front of the house. "I'll help you close up, and we can talk then, okay?" you suggested.
"Fine by me, darlin'," he agreed, flashing you that winning smile of his.
You had been working at Rocky's Bar for about the past eight years. The bar was co-owned by brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, whom you'd met through some other friends. Your business degree helped to make their bar a success among the locals and tourists alike. Most of your time was spent in the office doing paperwork, but on the weekends especially, you helped as a server.
It had been your idea to hire Benny as the head bartender. Benny previously worked in one of the higher end clubs in New York City, which is where you met him. The two of you got to talking one night, and he let it slip that he was looking to slow down a bit from the New York bar scene.
Sam had tried his hand at being head bartender, but he quickly got overwhelmed. You remembered what Benny had said about wanting a change of pace from New York. You called and invited him to work for Sam and Dean on a one-week trial basis. His easygoing manner and lilting Southern accent had the ladies swooning in no time. Before the week was out, Benny was offered the job, and ever since, the two of you have grown to be even better friends.
The rest of the night was fairly quiet, with only a few regulars left in the bar at last call. You cleared up the tables and brought the dirty glasses to Benny so they could be washed. After the tables were wiped down and the peanut shells were swept up, you took a seat on an empty barstool.
"So, what about that phone call got you all upset?" Benny asked while he continued to scrub the glassware.
"It's something kinda stupid to get upset about," you started. Before continuing, you took a deep breath. "My ten-year high school reunion is later this month, and Ruthie wants me to go," you explained.
"And you don't want to go?" Benny guessed.
"Right-O. She and I met when we were transitioning from junior high to senior high school. I didn't have a lot of friends in junior high. Any of the friends I had in high school were because of my association with Ruthie.
"Plus....I was kind of a nerd. Always studying, and I babysat the neighbors' kids all the time. I didn't get to do the high school activities thing. Didn't go to the Friday night football games, Homecoming Dances....I never even went to prom," you finished in a small voice.
Benny put down the glass he was washing and focused his gaze entirely on you while leaning on the bar. "Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that a pretty lady like yourself didn't go to prom?" he asked.
You cast your eyes downward to hide the blush on your cheeks. "No, Benny. I didn't go because I wasn't asked. What you see before you is a more improved model, I guess you'd say. If we had met in high school, believe me, you wouldn't have even given me a second glance. You're way out of my league," you replied.
"Aw, darlin'--" he started but you interrupted.
"Besides that, I learned my lesson about aiming too high. The guy I had a crush on asked me to prom but it was done as a joke. Eric was one of the popular kids, but I thought he was one that didn't always go along with the crowd so much.
"Long story short, he stood me up and walked into the dance with someone else. The following Monday at school was humiliating for me, because everyone knew. After that, I put my nose in a book and studied," you explained.
Benny came out from behind the bar and took your hands in his. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, chérie. No one deserves that. If I may say, though, I think you need to go to that reunion. If for no other reason than to show them what they missed out on in high school by being so mean," he remarked and gave you a wink.
You blushed again and dropped your gaze to study the wood grain of the floor. "I told Ruthie I'd think about it," you replied as you stepped down from your barstool. "Even if I decide to go, there's still that one other pesky detail," you said.
"And what's that?" Benny asked.
"Finding a date. Goodnight, Benny. Thank you for listening and being such a good friend," you remarked softly. You gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek, then picked up your denim jacket and walked out the back door.
Just as the door closed behind you, Dean walked into the main bar area. He had been in the back taking inventory, and had some supply questions for his head bartender. Dean was studying the inventory sheets on the clipboard in his hand. "Hey, Benny, how are we doing on our supply of--hey, are you all right?" Dean asked.
Benny stood, rooted to the spot. A dazed smile was on his face, and his fingertips touched his cheek where you'd kissed him. Dean stood directly in front of Benny and snapped his fingers in his face to try and break the trance. Benny blinked and shook his head to slowly come back to reality. "Dude, what happened with you just now?" Dean inquired.
Chuckling to himself, Benny returned to his place behind the bar and started to wash up any remaining glassware. Then he brought Dean up to speed on your conversation about your high school reunion. "So, she hasn't decided whether or not she's going. Her sister and Charlie both want her to go. Only problem is, they have dates, but she doesn't," Benny finished.
"Hmm. That would be a problem. I can't see her being comfortable walking in there without a date. Not with how complicated high school was for her," Dean observed. "Hey, maybe you should be her date," he suggested.
Benny stopped what he was doing to consider his best friend's suggestion. He'd known you for a few years now, and he looked forward to seeing you every night. He would always be grateful to you for giving him the chance to get out of New York City's bar scene.
He couldn't deny the spark he felt when you kissed his cheek tonight. You always had a smile for him, one he was always sure to return. Whenever he heard your laugh, it was like hearing his favorite song. Each time he looked into your hazel eyes, a comfortable feeling washed over him, like coming home. One time, Benny was lucky to get close enough to you, and he caught the green apple scent of your shampoo. From then on, he became obsessed with anything apple.
Benny finished his closing duties, grabbed his leather jacket and flat cap then walked out the back door with Dean. "I think I should do that, offer to be her date," he conceded.
"Yeah, 'cause it's not like you have a crush on her or anything," Dean smirked.
"I don't know what you're talking about, brother," Benny grinned. "See you tomorrow night, Dean," Benny called.
The next night, you were in the back office going through some paperwork. You were entering last week's sales figures into the online books and signing off on the inventory reports. After a while, the numbers started swimming before your eyes, and you realized it was time to take a break. You closed your eyes and started massaging your neck, trying to work out some of the stiffness.
After a few moments, you hear the sound of someone clearing his throat to get your attention. You looked up and smiled to see that it was Benny, standing in the doorway.
"Good evening, Benny, so nice to see you! Sorry I haven't been up front much tonight. What brings you back here?" you questioned.
"Well, it's like you said, sweetheart. You haven't been out front very much, and I thought I'd check and see how you're doing. Everything okay?" Benny asked.
"Just going over some numbers, boring data-entry stuff. Although, there's a lot of it, and you caught me taking a break," you explained, reaching up to resume massaging your neck.
"Here, allow me," Benny offered, pulling up a chair to sit behind you. He rubbed his hands together briskly then gently placed them on your shoulders. His now-warm hands instantly calmed you as he started work through your tense neck muscles. "Relax, darlin'. You sure have a lot of knots here. Just close your eyes and let this work," he crooned.
As directed, you closed your eyes as Benny continued to massage your neck and shoulders. His skilled fingers kept working out each knot, and you could feel the tension begin to melt away. "Whoa," you whispered. "This feels amazing, Benny," you said as you groaned with the relief provided by his strong hands.
"Feeling better, chérie?" Benny asked, his breath hot against your ear.
"Much better, thank you," you breathed. "Were you born with such magic fingers, or did you find them on the internet somewhere?" you teased.
Benny chuckled. "Original equipment, darlin'. All me," he answered and wiggled his fingers.
"Lucky me," you murmured.
"Hey, have you decided what you're going to do about your high school reunion?" he asked.
You looked down at your hands, which were folded in your lap. "Not yet. I think you're right, though. I should go, even if only to show people how I've changed from how they knew me in school. Although I don't know why I care so much about what other people think," you muttered.
Benny reached over and with his index finger and tilted your head up to gaze into your hazel eyes. "The only person you have to answer to is yourself. Doesn't matter what other people think. As long as you're happy with who you are, that's what's important," he replied.
You gave Benny a shy smile. "Thank you for saying that, Benny. Besides, if nothing else, it's an excuse for me to buy a new dress, get all dolled up and have a dance or two. Except I still don't have a date," you remembered.
It was now or never. Benny took a deep breath. "So, if you had a date, then you'd go?" he asked, to which you nodded. "Okay then. I'll be your date," he declared.
Your eyes widened at his suggestion. "Really? Why would you want to put yourself through that? You wouldn't know anyone--" he stopped you.
"I'd know you, Ruthie and Charlie. Anyway, it wouldn't exactly be torture, you know. I'd get to see a beautiful woman in a new dress, all dolled up. And, I'd get to slow dance with her a few times," he winked.
"Wow, you would do that for me?" you asked. Benny nodded as he inched closer to leave a lingering kiss on your cheek this time. "Now, go get that new dress, chérie. Can't wait to see you in it," he winked and went back to work.
You pulled out your phone and dialed a number. "Hey, Ruthie? What time are we going shopping for dresses tomorrow?" you asked.
The following day, you went dress shopping with Charlie and Ruthie for the reunion. They were so happy that you had decided to go to the reunion with them and that you'd found a date. The more you thought about it, the more you started to warm up to the idea and actually looked forward to it.
You thought back over the years that had passed since you met Benny, ever since that night in a New York City nightclub. You had been visiting your brother, who was the one who wanted to go out in the first place. He was off chasing some girl, while you were left at the bar with your drink.
Benny kept you entertained all night, with the two of you sharing stories of your childhood. He was from a small town in Louisiana, while you were from Iowa. Neither of you seemed to fit with the fast-paced world of NYC. You hung around the bar until after closing, then you and Benny walked the streets, checking out the city. He kept your hand in his the whole time, which made you feel safe in such a big city, and you enjoyed his company.
The thought of your first time meeting Benny made you smile, just as you did every day at seeing him. You always felt safe around him, protected. He was handsome, but in a way that might lead to him being overlooked by some women, but not by you. Benny was sweet, making time to check on you every night you were hard at work in the back office. He had kind, blue eyes that sometimes held a bit of mischief when chatting with customers or co-workers.
And as with nearly every woman, you often fell victim to the charms of his sexy Southern drawl. Probably how he got you to agree at the last minute to go to your reunion. Up until he offered to be your date, you had successfully resisted Ruthie's attempts at getting you to go. Then Benny made his case, and you found yourself giving in to his suggestion.
The night before the reunion, you and Benny were both working late. You had paperwork to catch up on, and he was in charge of closing the bar. With it being the end of the quarter, there were additional responsibilities, and you hadn't been sleeping well all week.
Benny had finished all of his closing duties, and was getting ready to head out the door when he saw your office light was still on. He gently knocked on the door and smiled to himself at seeing you. Your head was resting in the crook of your elbow, your crossed arms leaning on your desk. He reached over and tenderly brushed the hair out of your eyes and from your forehead, which caused you to stir.
"Evenin' darlin'," he chuckled softly.
You gave him a sleepy smile, then stretched in your chair, trying to wake up. You gathered up your paperwork and locked it in the desk. You retrieved your purse and car keys. "Must've dozed off, sorry. Thank you for checking on me," you said softly, still a bit sleepy.
"Of course, chérie. You going to make it home okay? I can drive you if you'd rather," he offered.
"I think I can make it home, it's not too far. Thank you though," you replied, blushing. "Big night tomorrow. You know, we can still call it off, hang out at my place instead with pizza and movies," you suggested.
Benny chuckled again. "Not a chance," he shook his head firmly. "I'm looking forward to seeing you in your new dress, with your hair done up just so. Even though no matter what you do with your hair or makeup, you're still beautiful to me, chérie," he replied softly. "And I can't wait to dance with you," he said as he brushed his hand to your cheek.
For a moment, you lost all ability to form a coherent thought, all due to Benny's words and his touch on your skin. "Well, I just hope my reality can live up to your imagination," you whispered.
"Of that, I have no doubt, darlin'," Benny remarked. "See you at seven, your place," he promised.
"Seven it is," you agreed.
"Charlie!! Have you seen my pink lipstick?!? Aaarrrggghhh! Benny will be here any minute, and I can't find my stupid lipstick!!" you shouted. Ruthie and Charlie were getting ready for the reunion at your house, and you were getting more and more nervous.
"Relax, chickie, it's right here," Charlie placed it in your hand and held onto it, trying to calm you down. "You have plenty of time to finish getting ready. Benny won't be here for another 10 minutes. Okay? Come on, deep breaths," she got you to breathe with her, which did calm you down.
"Charlie, I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous. I haven't been on any kind of date for a long time, and I really like Benny. We've gotten to be good friends over the years, but lately....I've started to have those 'maybe-we-could-be-more-than-friends' feelings. I don't even know how he feels, or if he feels the same. If not, it could make it awkward to work together," you finished.
Ruthie came in to the bathroom to have you zip up her dress. "Do yourself a favor and just have fun tonight. It doesn't have to lead anywhere. If it does, fine, but if not, you'll still have your friendship with him, right?" she asked.
"Yes, that's true. Okay. Time to shimmy into my dress," you grinned. You had found a strapless, floor-length, navy blue gown, with a criss-cross bodice that was form-fitted to your upper body. Although you loved the dress, you weren't exactly comfortable with the amount of skin that was left bare. As a solution, you found a wrap for your shoulders made of a sheer material that was a sparkling silver.
A knock at the door was heard and all three of you froze. You looked out your bedroom window and down to the street to see a shiny, sleek, black Lincoln Town Car parked in front. You knew that Benny drove an old pickup truck, so it had to belong to either of your friends' dates.
"Hey, which one of your dates owns a Lincoln Town Car?" you asked. Charlie and Ruthie looked at each other and shrugged, then continued getting ready. You grabbed your shawl and slowly made your way down the stairs. "Just a minute," you called out to your visitor.
When you opened the door, the figure on your front porch nearly took your breath away. Benny was dressed in a charcoal grey suit with a silver tie and pocket square. Gone was his usual flat cap, his hair neatly styled with gel and his beard freshly trimmed. His smile was the first thing that caught your attention. One part genuine appreciation of your appearance, one part mischief, which meant that you were in for an interesting evening.
"Wow," you whispered. "Won't you please come in?" you asked, after you managed to regain your composure.
Benny chuckled and crossed the threshold into your living room. He took your hand and gently pressed his lips to the back of it. "Bonsoir, chérie. Forgive me for saying, but I didn't know it was possible for you to get any more breathtaking since the last time I saw you," Benny remarked.
"My goodness, but you're a charmer, Benny. Thank you for the compliment. You look very handsome as well. Don't think I've ever seen you without your usual cap. I have to say I like it, though," you added softly.
"Well, thank you darlin'," he winked. In his right hand, he produced a clear plastic box, which had a corsage in it. "Now, this ain't no dozen roses, but you are the first woman I've ever given flowers to 'sides my mama," he grinned. Benny took your right hand in his and placed the corsage on your wrist. It had pink and yellow roses with a navy blue ribbon woven through.
"It's beautiful, thank you, Benny," you beamed.
"Not as beautiful as you," Benny whispered and kissed the back of your hand.
By this time, Charlie and Ruthie had finished getting ready, just in time for their dates to arrive as well. They went to their respective cars and said they'd meet you there. Benny offered you his arm, so you slid your hand around it and he tucked it in close to his side. When he got to the car, he opened your door and waited for you to get comfortable before closing the door.
As he drove to the reunion, Benny reached over for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Try not to worry, sweetheart. I'll be with you every step of the way, and if you want to leave, just say the word," he promised. You squeezed his hand in return and gave him a grateful smile. Once you arrived at the venue, Benny repeated his gentlemanly gestures and opened your door for you. He held out his hand to help you out of the car, and you took it.
Just before you walked in, you tugged on Benny's arm. He stopped to look at you, wondering what you were doing. "In case I forgot to tell you, I appreciate what you're doing for me here tonight. Takes a special kind of person to do a favor like this for someone. You are definitely someone special to me, Benny Lafitte. Thank you," you said as you reached up to give him a kiss to his cheek.
Now it was his turn to blush. "Oh, darlin', you don't have to thank me. You're my friend, and it's my honor to help you. 'Sides, like I said before, this won't exactly be torture. Got a gorgeous woman by my side, and I'm lookin' forward to some slow dances, if you know what I mean," he grinned. You giggled, and since Ruthie and Charlie had caught up to you, all of you walked into the party.
As the evening progressed, you found your earlier worries about attending the reunion had melted away. You knew that a lot of it had to do with Benny, who made it his main priority to see that you were taken care of. He was never gone away from your side for long, usually just to get a drink at the bar.
Whenever a slow song came up, Benny was the first one out of his chair with his hand out, asking you to dance. You always accepted with a smile, and the two of you headed for the dance floor. By the third dance, you realized that your feelings for Benny had definitely progressed beyond friendship. A part of you thought that maybe he felt the same for you. However, there was just as much possibility that he didn't. You also knew that if you didn't say something and soon, that you may regret it.
Benny could tell you had something on your mind. He hooked his index finger under your chin to peer into your hazel eyes. "Are you all right, chérie? You look like you're a million miles away," he observed.
You gave him a shy smile. "I'm fine, just thinking about how wonderfully this evening has turned out. And I have you to thank for it, Benny," you replied. Now was your chance, as the song was ending. "There was something that I wanted to tell you," you started. Your eyes shifted only to catch sight of the girl Eric took to prom instead of you. Tracy Anderson, head cheerleader, student class president, Miss I'm-Great-at-Everything-I-Ever-Do.
"And what is that?" he asked, tightening his embrace and drawing you closer.
A feeling of panic swept over you and you couldn't tell him how you felt right then. "I-I'll be right back," you stammered and ran off towards the ladies' room. Benny stared after you, not quite understanding what just happened. He walked back to the table and sat down to wait for you.
Once in the bathroom, you paced back and forth trying to collect yourself and your thoughts. Can't believe you chickened out, you scolded yourself. So what if she's here? Eric was a jerk to ditch you at prom. He didn't care about you, but Benny does, you explained. Now, get out there and tell him how you feel while you still have the chance, you ordered yourself, smiling in the mirror.
You walked into one of the stalls to get some toilet paper to fix your make up. At that moment, Tracy Anderson and two of her friends walked in. You closed the stall door before they could see you.
"Hey did you see who was here? That girl who Eric asked to prom as a joke," one of them giggled.
"Yeah, I saw her. That guy she's with? He's the head bartender at Rocky's Bar. Oooh, he's so cute! And have you heard him talk? Love his accent, how he says 'darlin' and 'sweetheart' all the time," another girl said. "You don't seriously think they're dating, do you?" she asked.
"Please, do you think he'd waste any of his time on the likes of her? She was such a nerd in high school, always reading and studying. She probably had to pay him to show up here with her so she wouldn't look so pathetic showing up alone. He's way out of her league," Tracy remarked. "Come on, girls, let's get back to the dance," Tracy ordered.
Looks like they remembered me after all, you thought. Every reason for not coming tonight was voiced by none other than the most popular girl in school. All of a sudden, you didn't feel well and decided to ask Benny to take you home. At least there, you could cry in peace and no one would care if your mascara ran all over your face.
You exited the restroom, but didn't notice that Benny was standing outside by the water fountain, waiting for you. He caught your arm and as you turned to face him, he knew something was wrong. "Hey, whoa, are you okay, chérie? You look upset," he said.
"I was headed back to the table to find you. Is it okay if you take me home? I'm feeling a little tired," you replied.
Sensing there was more to the story, but not wanting to press you, he agreed. Benny grabbed your shawl and draped it around your shoulders for you. He held out his arm and you slipped your hand around it, holding on dear life. Benny helped you into the car and started the drive back to your place.
Benny scrambled to think of something to keep the evening going. He knew that as soon as you walked in your front door, he would never know what happened tonight to upset you. "Do you mind if we take a little side trip before I take you home, darlin'?" he asked.
"If you want, you're the one driving," you answered absently.
Benny steered the car to a nearby park and drove to the top of a hill. He got out and ran around to your side to open your door. You leaned against the passenger side of the car, your arms folded across your chest. You looked up to see the millions of stars spread across the night sky.
As Benny stood next to you, he searched your face for some sort of clue as to what happened at the reunion. "What was it you wanted to tell me? Back when we were dancing, you said there was something, then you ran off to the ladies' room," he remarked.
"It's nothing, not important now," you responded softly, a single tear streaking down your face.
Benny moved to stand in front of you. His hand cupped your cheek and his thumb wiped away the tear. "Now come on, I don't believe that. There is something I wanted to tell you, though," he started. "We've been friends for a lot of years now, and you're pretty much my best friend. But seeing you tonight, I realized that I think of you as more than a friend. I'm falling for you, chérie, and I'm crashing hard."
You stood there, stunned at his admission. This was something straight out of your wildest dreams, that Benny felt the same for you as you did for him. "You are an incredible woman. You're smart, sassy, with a great sense of humor. You also have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever known. You're always there to help when someone needs it, and you are beautiful, inside and out," he finished.
"Benny, you are the most wonderful man I've ever met. You're sweet, handsome, romantic and I'm falling for you as well. That was what I wanted to tell you earlier, but I chickened out at the last minute. The reason I did doesn't matter any more, because you helped me to believe in love, that it can happen to me. I love you, Benny Lafitte," you declared.
Benny's face inched towards you until his lips swiftly captured yours in a kiss that seemed to imprint itself on your soul. Your hands slid up his chest until they locked behind his head and kept your mouths in constant contact. Benny's hands in turn started weaving through your hair, releasing it from the pins holding it in place. "Mon amour....comme tu es très jolie au clair de lune," Benny whispered.
"Mon cœur, je t'aime toujours," you responded.
Benny pulled back a little in surprise. "Since when do you speak French, ma belle fleur?" he asked in amusement.
"Since I met you," you said simply. "At first, I only wanted to know what you were saying, but now I get to tell you how I feel. Je t'aime toujours, Benny," you repeated.
"Je t'aime aussi, mon amour," he returned, just before his lips meshed with yours.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 4 years
Been on a Ghost Trick kick lately, and went over some of my old work (which translates into “stuff from about two years ago”). It’s mostly a series of interconnected oneshots, none of which are actually complete, but there are a couple of decently coherent chunks that I thought I’d put out there.
If you’re someone who follows me for any other fandom (or just happens across this post) and you aren’t familiar with Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, please don’t read this. It’s set firmly post-game and hinges on The One Big Spoiler.
Sometimes, Sissel wondered how Lynne had managed to stay alive long enough to meet him in the first place. It was a question he mulled over in a previous reality and, unfortunately, one he has to ask in their current one.
He’d been having a relatively nice day prior to phone call. The house had been empty, leaving him to his own devices; that meant he could go wherever he felt like without having to worry that someone would see his empty body and think the worst.
He spent this particular day poking around in the attic, playing with anything that caught his attention.
Then the phone rang, and rang and rang. It was persistent, but muffled—enough to be annoying if nothing else.
He didn’t think much of it until it finally gave up, only to start again seconds later. By the time it finished, Sissel had perched himself in a nearby vase, wondering whether or not he should unseat the handset and take a peek on the opposite side of the line.
The answering machine clicked on, and he hesitated just shy of hopping to the receiver.
Jowd’s voice rang out in the kitchen, and, immediately, Sissel was intrigued. Alma and Jowd would call home, but only when they expected someone to be there. The detective was well aware that it was a school day, and that Alma was still at work, which left…
“Sissel, I need you to come here.”
He might have called it a pleasant surprise, had it not been for the tone Jowd was using. Sissel hadn’t been the intended recipient of a phone call since the Yonoa; he didn’t particularly mind, but an occasional ‘Hello, how are you? Good day to be dead?’ would still be nice.
“Please tell me you’re listening.”
There was a sigh on the other end of the line. “You’d better not be playing in the street again.”
Within half a second, he’d leapt across the phone line and reached out to Jowd, incorporeal tail bristling. “What was that?”
“Oh, you weren’t. Good.” There was something odd under the dry humor—and given that Jowd had called him out at all, there had to be something worse coming—but, for the time being, Sissel ignored it.
“Dogs play in the street. I was investigating.”
“Yes, investigating an eighteen wheeler as I recall.”
“So I got hit by a truck. I’ll have you know I also stopped a three-car pileup. What did you do with your day?”
“I stop criminals for a living.”
Sissel stopped to consider the point, then licked a shoulder dismissively. “I help victims for a living.”
“You don’t make a living. You’re dead.”
“And I don’t get paid.”
Jowd finally cracked a smile—though it was nothing compared to his usual fare. For the first time, Sissel realized that the heaviness he’d felt through the world of the dead was a tightly-wound fury, and, though it wasn’t directed at him, he was worried for what that meant.
He stretched and then sat up properly, eyes fixed on the detective in silent invitation. He was already dreading what he was about to hear when the single syllable rang through their gap in reality:
Sissel couldn’t bring himself to be surprised. When he first met her, she was seconds away from dying; if she had done nothing else that night, Lynne had set a precedent for herself.
He offered a brisk, “Take me to her” before severing their connection and moving to perch in the notepad Jowd had waiting.
The crime scene wasn’t far, but Jowd managed to pack a staggering amount of information into the walk, muttering under his breath so Sissel could get caught up. Sissel appreciated the gesture, but… didn’t feel that it really mattered. He was about to see what happened. Terms like ‘GSR’ only served to complicate something that was really quite simple.
He waited long enough for Jowd to finish his thought before leaping from the notebook to Cabanela’s conveniently angled bicycle, then toward its pedals and further down a road only he could see, picking a careful path towards his destination. Jowd tracked his progress, but didn’t move an inch from where he stood.
Cabanela was there too. That was the second non-surprise of the day.
He looked up at Jowd’s approach and something seemed to pass between the pair of them. Cabanela’s carefully blank expression didn’t so much as flicker, but something in his posture seemed to relax.
Sissel jostled a spring-powered umbrella that had somehow found itself in a tree and braced himself as it hurtled to the ground. He hadn’t thought to loosen the strap holding it shut, which was proving to be a mistake, as it bounced further from Lynne’s body than he’d planned for. When he tuned back into reality, Cabanela was gauging the distance between his starting point and landing position. Jowd looked like he might have been on the verge of laughter, had the circumstances been different.
The latter flipped through his empty pad of paper and made a move to join Cabanela, refusing to acknowledge the umbrella even as he ‘accidentally’ knocked it closer to Sissel’s destination.
Point, Jowd. He was, as Sissel had learned over the years, annoyingly good at helping.
And no, he hadn’t needed help.
Lynne wasn’t awake when he jumped to meet her core, and Sissel found himself disappointed. He’d missed her over the years and, even though death was supposed to be a serious thing, there was a fraction of a second where he’d thought ‘finally’—he could finally talk to her again. If she didn’t wake up at some point, the wait would resume.
He would just have to trust that she’d collect herself by the time he’d sorted everything out. So he went about his work.
It was a gunshot; Sissel couldn’t help but think, “At least she’s starting small”.
He was eying his new friend the umbrella when Lynne regained herself.
“You’re Jowd’s cat.” She said, eyes narrowed as her memories gradually returned. For several seconds, she squinted into nothingness. “And this is…”
“Oh. Oh. Poor kitty, did you get shot too?”
Sissel felt his whiskers twitch, but he refrained from saying anything.
Lynne wrinkled her nose. “Jerk. Who shoots a cat?”
Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. Do not. Say. A thing.
Oblivious to this internal crisis—even though the feeling was being broadcast directly into the world of the dead—Lynne jammed her hands onto her hips. “Well, it’ll be okay, little guy. If we’re in the ghost world, then that means that Si—“
And there it was.
“Wait a second.”
He’d only dealt with this phenomena once before, so Sissel had been wondering how this would play out.
Lynne was looking at him wide-eyed, like one of the rats he would play with, but refused to actively hunt. Finally, she found the words. Or, rather, word.
“You’re a cat?”
“Holy cow! You’re a cat.”
“I am a cat. I have a scratching post and everything.” He gave his tail a dainty flick and reminded himself that it was untoward to sass the recently departed.
…oh to hell with it. Lynne didn’t count as ‘recently departed’.
“Do you want to reaffirm that I’m a cat a few more times, or can I get on with this?”
“How—how are you the cat?”
“Reaffirmation it is.”
“Can you give me a second to process this? I just found out I was crushing on a cat.”
Sissel tilted his head, uncomprehending. “It was a chicken. And it crushed you.”
Lynne buried her face in her hands.
While she was distracted, Sissel shook a tree branch, jostling the umbrella loose as his query passed beneath it. This time, he rode down with it, stuck the landing-- shoved haphazardly in the assailant’s bag-- and waited. When the man moved to draw his pistol, the umbrella’s spring-locked handle shot upwards and knocked it out of his grip. Past-Lynne started and whirled around.
The would-be murderer panicked and tried to grab something in his bag, but only came up with the wayward umbrella. Said umbrella promptly exploded to its full size, giving Lynne enough time to snatch the gun up and train it on him.
Current-day Lynne gave a low whistle, having long-since emerged from her hiding spot to watch the show. “What was that, a tree branch and an umbrella? Either you’re getting better at this or I need to step up my game.”
“I don’t think I can handle you at the top of your game.”
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Winter Eden Chapter one: Wake up
"Live... you have... to live"
Cold, freezing, relentless cold surrounded the boy. And he heard someone call his name. He looked up and saw a girl, beautiful and doll like jumping down towards him. Instantly, he noticed one thing: her eyes. They looked just like his. A light, beautiful shade of cool, crisp blue. But other than that, she looked nothing like him. Her hair was a pale creamy colour, and her features didn't suggest Asian origin like his. But, he welcomed her, nonetheless.
He reached out towards her, and she to him. Their fingers touched as an explosion shook him to the core, sending several tons of snow and rubble into the water.
"-Wake up"
A boy caught the hand that was hovering above him, holding it in his steel grip, his blue eyes suddenly alert and sharp.
"Woah, woah, woah" he looked to see a girl, the one he had seen just moments before, awake and with her delicate wrist in his gloved hand.
"Ren, it's me. Aisha" she said kindly.
He blinked. Ren. That was... that was his name. And she was Aisha. His sister.
He sat up, groaning a little as a dull pain rang in his head. He looked to Aisha, and noticed how disoriented she was. Her hair was matted and stringy, carelessly hanging down one side of her face, her white and pink dress was dirty and a bit torn. He knew she was supposed to have a black shawl with a pink flower pattern over her shoulders, with white fur all over it. He had given that to her, right?
Ren looked down at himself, noticing the once pristine white long coat was covered in filth and muck, torn to near shreds. It saddened him a bit to see it. He wondered why...
"Ah, you're awake"
Ren shot up and got into a fighting stance, gauntlets suddenly covering his fists, try hummed with energy and a curious blue emitted from the cracks.  
An elderly man had entered the room, he had aged well, as he was still rather handsome, and could have been more so in his youth. He was tall and seemed to be very healthy for a man his age as well. He was probably around what, fifty? Sixty even? His kind blue eyes sat behind a pair of glasses, twinkling as he stroked an immaculate stark white beard.
"Ren, that's principal Anjou. He told me he pulled us out of the ocean" Aisha gripped his arm, giving him a pleading look.
Why did she trust him? Some shady old man living in this palace? Or was it a mansion? The room was massive and ornate, arched ceilings and chandeliers, black and white marble everywhere. Perhaps a sick bay of some sorts? But in a castle? How strange...
Ren put his arms down, the gauntlets retracted to bracelets hidden by his sleeves. He eyed the man suspiciously before sitting back down into the bed.
"I'm sure you have many questions, but, I won't be able to answer all of them!" he said, giving him a light hearted chuckle.
"But, your sister is right. I am principal Anjou, you are at my school, Cassel College. And by the looks of it, you're a hybrid, aren't you?"
Aisha piped up "Um, principal Anjou, sir, sorry for not asking this earlier, but what is a hybrid?" She asked innocently.
"Ah, do not fret my dear, a hybrid is just that: a hybrid. A human that has dragon blood running through their veins. Many actually don't know they're hybrids for quite a long time. But, I am here to inform you two that you are both hybrids. Very powerful ones at that" Anjou explained, taking a puff from a cigar.
"Alright, why is that important?" Aisha asked.
"Because I train youths like you to fight monsters here at Cassel College. Consider it a sort of secret organization" Anjou said with a wink.
Ren glared at him suspiciously, fists tightening. Anjou noticed.
"Ah, it looks like the little lotus doesn't trust me, does he?"
Little lotus? That sounded oddly familiar... where had he heard it?
"That aside, it has come to my understanding that you both have long term amnesia, based on some scans run by the school's AI, whom you will meet shortly. And that you two were both injured rather gravely. Ren here survived two bullets, one to the knee, and one to his lower spine. It's remarkable that he is still alive and walking, and how fast he's healed. I've seen some speedy regeneration abilities but never anything like this"
He had been shot!? By whom!?
"And I have taken it upon myself to formally invite you to study here at Cassel, provided you accept"
Aisha seemed to get suspicious as well "Why would you openly welcome two random teenagers?"
Anjou sighed, "It is an unfortunate fact that a lot of hybrids are orphans, and they often run away from home and stumble into danger. More than half of my students have run away from their foster families or local orphanages. Which is why I can't have two powerful hybrids like you two wandering around"
Aisha looked over at Ren, who silently told her that he needed to think. This was all going too fast.
"Can you give us a moment to think?" Aisha requested.
Anjou nodded "Of course. Should you two refuse, I can send you one of our safe houses until you can get back on your feet. But, I encourage you to choose to study here, because there aren't many other places that can teach you how to use you powers. And that may come with a grave price" he stated before walking out the archway.
Aisha sighed and took Ren's hands in hers "Ren, I don't remember much, but I remember that I care about you a lot, and that we do fight with some sort of magic. I think this is the best option, he's a kind old gentleman and it's true for the most part. There are students here, and they're just like us"
Ren met her eyes "Hybrids" he rasped out, his throat hurt, he never said much. He never felt the need to. He knew that he had been like that for most of his life.
They weren't regular teenagers with regular problems, they were warriors. Hybrids with whatever powers the title came with.
Aisha nodded "Yes, hybrids, whatever they may be"
Ren sighed and nodded. Aisha lit up and hugged him. "Thank you"
Ren hugged her back, she smelt like pine, crisp and cold. Whatever it was, it felt like home, and he gladly welcomed it.
"I take it you've come to a decision?"
The siblings turned to see Anjou back in the room, perhaps to check on them.
"Yes. We accept your offer" Aisha said firmly.
Anjou smiled "Good. Now, I'll make arrangements for your rooms, and our Butler EVA will help you get ready for the test"
Just as he said that, a holographic figure of a girl materialized. She was like a graceful blue spirit, with a long flowing dress, and long hair. Strings of code spiraled in and out of existence around her, while her bare feet levitated off the ground.
"This is EVA, the college's AI Butler. Should you need anything, just ask her. EVA, prepare uniforms for our new students, and perhaps show them to a bathroom so that they can freshen up" Anjou ordered.
"Of course, principal Anjou" EVA replied in an automated voice.
"A... test?" Aisha asked nervously.
Anjou threw back his head in laughter "Did you think you could just waltz in and study here?"
"Of course not!" Aisha exclaimed "But, uh, what kind of test is it?"
"You'll see in due time my dear, for now, just make yourself look more presentable, the frozen sea of Siberia couldn't have been kind to you" and with that, the principal left, leaving the floating blue hologram and the siblings in the sick bay.
Ren sighed as he looked into the mirror of the washroom. This was the first time he had gotten a look at himself. His hair was long and snowy white, it had been all over the place but had managed to tame it and tie it in a messy bun so that it didn't get in the way of his limbs or fly around in his face. He was oddly handsome, he supposed, more attractive than he would have thought, with nearly flawless skin safe for a scar on his cheekbone, and slanted blue eyes.
He flashed a little smirk and wink the the mirror, pushing his bangs back a bit before heading out. The uniform was surprisingly comfortable, and allowed lots of free movement. It was rather stylish too, with the sharp black and purple jacket and close fitting black pants. EVA had even provided him with a pair of black ankle boots, he supposed his white boots would stick out too much with the uniform.
When he got out, Aisha was standing there in the uniform, plucking nervously at her black and purple skirt while talking with a male student. He was tall and lanky with ash grey hair tied in a ponytail, and was kind of handsome in an oddly charming angular way. Was he flirting with her?
"Anyways, what should I call you, besides beautiful, beautiful?"
Oh dear god he was.
Ren marched up to him and shoved Aisha behind him, facing the student.
"Uh, hey! Is um, is that your girl?" he asked nervously, pointing a nervous finger at Aisha.
"No. This is my brother, Ren" she piped up from behind the white haired boy.
The student backed away nervously when he looked down and saw Ren's fists clenched tightly. "Eh, sorry I'll go. I won't flirt with your lil' sis again, ok? Promise! Please don't hurt me!"
Ah. So he was a wimp.
Ren nodded down the hallway, the student took it as a signal to get lost. The grey haired boy ran down the hallways without looking back, his pride probably deeply wounded. If he had any left, anyhow.
EVA appeared again "I will show you two outside. Someone is waiting to show you around" she said, gesturing for them to follow her towards the exit. Ren's eyes widened at the sight of the light. Yes, the light. His new light. And he was reading to take it with him, especially with his dear sister at his side.
Anjou sat at his desk, frowning as he clicked his pen. "EVA" he called.
The blue hologram of a girl appeared beside him "Yes, principal Anjou?"
"I want you to run scans on whatever DNA was left on their old clothes. Compare it to every Hybrid family we have information on"
EVA bowed her head "Understood" she replied before disappearing.
Anjou narrowed his eyes as he remembered Ren's slanted light blue eyes. He had only seen a pair like those once before. And Aisha emitted a powerful aura, with a charismatic pale and nearly invisible light pink edging her all too familiar cream coloured locks.
They resembled the missing children of those hybrid families all too well, and them turning up near the ruins of Black Swan Bay couldn't just he a coincidence... could it?
I'm terribly sorry of this seems a little rushed! I might fix it some other time, it is rather late and though I usually have a creative streak around this time, my writing is always a bit sloppy late at night. I know it seems to have gone a bit quick, but that's honestly what is was like in the game and I find this beginning part hard to add details onto, with this being from Ren, a near mute amnesiac's point of view. It's going to be quite a challenge for me since I've never written a mute or relatively quiet character before, most of my characters are very chatty or vocal about their opinions.
Also in regards to the title, I went with Winter Eden since Ren is our Ice King, and Aisha means prosperous, you know like a garden. I thought Arctic flowers initially since Ren means flower, Aisha means prosperous and they grew up in Siberia, but I like Winter Eden much more. Since, Eden was ultimately abandoned and Adam and Eve were banished, much like how Black Swan Bay was destroyed. 
As you can see, Aisha often speaks for Ren, since he doesn't speak much himself. Point of views will alternate in between Ren and Aisha from time to time. I hope this wasn't too terrible, I promise I can write proper stories!
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spahhzy · 4 years
Myosotis. Pt.8 : Stormbound
The familiar light of the broken moon greeted her silver eyes once more. The gentle breeze and the swaying of tree's from the forest behind her filled her ears. "This is not the Bullhead" Ruby thought to herself but enjoying the feeling of serenity that the moon brought.
Looking away from the moon she could see Beacon down below, the moons light illuminating the academy from the darkness, really making it live up to its name.
Came the voice she has come to love and cherish much over their time together.
The crunching of grass from a pair of boots was audible and getting progressively louder until finally it stop right near her. Turning her head slightly upward she was met with the loving, bright smile of one Jaune Arc.
"What are you doing up out here so late?" Questioned the blonde as he sit down next to the rose, who just shrugged, still staring out into valley below.
"This place...is just soothing ya know?" She said to him and he just hummed to her in acknowledgement.
Silence fell again.
"Hey Rubes...this ain't a bad spot to get buried you think?" That caused Ruby to turn to look at him questioningly.
Jaune just continued looking out over the cliff.
"I mean look at the view!" He said pointing out below.
"Its dark Jaune but...sure I know what you mean" giggled Ruby , shuffling over a bit to lean against Jaune.
"Hey Rubes...if I die...mind burying me here?" Chuckled Jaune to which Ruby chuckled as well giving him a light slap on the shoulder.
"Sure Vomit Boy but that won't be till we are both old and grey how about we both get buried here" That statement caused Jaune to snort but nod in agreement.
"Great -yawn- glad we got burial placements out the way" said a sleepy Jaune to which he felt a shift as Ruby motioned him to come lay down in her lap.
Jaune heartily accepted the invitation and laid his head into her lap staring up at those loving silver eyes.
"Gotta tell ya Ruby...the moon ain't got nothing on you" he told her to which she blushed and ran a hair through his blonde hair.
In seconds the blonde knight fell asleep.
Ruby smiled at her adorable knight. Closing her eys she sighed contently.
She could stay here forever.
"Time waits for no one little rose"
Snapping her eyes back open she looked up to where she thought she heard the voice only to see that the night sky was tinged an eerie red.
Smoke started filling her nostrils and she turned her head towards the forest of which she treasured so much, Burning to the ground.
It wasn't until she tried to move her body that she couldn't. The horrifying realization set it.
"This is a nightmare"
"Oh sweet little rose...this is no nightmare"
She twisted her head to try and pinpoint the voice but it was seemingly everywhere!
Her eyes finally settled back to Beacon...or what remained.
Beacon laid in ruins. Fires all but consumed every inch of the school that had given hope to people. Now laid to ash.
No this can't be happening...who could have done such a thing!
"Oh we both know the answer to that"
That damned voice was teasing her now!
"Wh-who are you!?" She spoke out trying her best to remain calm as the voice just chuckled at her.
"You know who I am"
Ruby was sweating bullets trying to come up with an answer, the smoke from the forest fire behind her making it hard to breath.
"I am "
Ruby suddenly felt something very cold touch her cheek and she realized it was a hand.
Hyperventilating she looked down and was met with lifeless blue eyes and a bloody smile.
She screamed.
"Your reality"
Snapping back to reality Ruby jolted forward from her seat. Breathing heavily.
"Ruby" came the concerned voice of her knight. He gentle pulled her into a hug as she steady catched her breath.
"Did you have another nightmare?" He asked to which Ruby nodded. She reached to her side and opened up a bottled water and chugged it down immensely.
"Sis you okay?"came the concerned voice of Yang to which Ruby nodded but Yang was skeptical.
"Ruby... your crying" Yang said which caused Ruby to wipe her eyes with her shirt.
"I - I had another nightmare again..." she said to her sister who got up from her seat and proceeded to nudge Ruby to get up as well.
"Come on were going to the bathroom to clean you up" she said to her little sister with a tone that left no room for argument.
Ruby looking at Jaune who just smiled at her.
" go Rubes you know how yang can get" he teased and Ruby rolled her eyes before getting out of the seat and following yang to the bathroom.
Jaune just looked on as Ruby left, a frown visible.
This bullhead was unnecessarily big. Well thats what you get when you travel with anything from the schnee's.
"Can you believe it! this bathroom is almost as big as my room at home!" Yang said to Ruby who just looked around before going to a sink and turning on the cold water, she started applying it to her face.
"Was it the same nightmare as last time?" Her sister asked to which Ruby shook her head.
"No...this one was different...the forest was buring and beacon was in ruins...but their was this voice" she stopped and yang just raised a brow.
"A voice?" She questioned and Ruby sighed before applying more water to her face.
"What did the voice say?" To which for some reason Ruby hesitated to answer.
"Hey remember its just a nightmare... its not real" Her sister reassured her which calmed Ruby down.
" 'I am your reality'" I s what the voice said before their was screaming and I woke up" She said to her before looking at Yang, who for the most part looked unfazed.
"Hey give me one second imma go get you a towel" and on that note Yang exited quickly much to the confusion of Ruby but decided not to push it.
Sighing for what was the trillionth time before submerging her head under the cold stream of water trying to wash away the weariness.
"Running away...so unlike you"
Fear shot through Ruby like electricity as she shot her head up from the sink.
She looked around to find the bathroom completely empty. Shaking her head and swallowing the lump in her throat, she turned back towards the mirror.
But looking back at her was not her silver eyed self.
No staring back at her hauntingly with black scalera and red pupils with evil smile adorning her face.
Gasping before smashing her fist into the mirror , in a panic. Glass shattering and falling onto the floor. Ruby was beginning to hyperventilate again.
"Just breath Rubes...just breath" she said trying to calm herself down before wincing a little as she looked down at her right hand which was now bleeding from the shards of glass.
"Weiss is gonna kill me" she cursed to herself before collecting the pieces of glass, carefully to not cause more injuries, before throwing the shards in the trash.
Closing her eyes, she let out another shaky breath before turning to fix the cut on her hand.
She turned only to be met with black rob.
Slowly she tilts her head up to see the same evil smile and crimson red eyes looking down upon her.
Shaking her head slowly, and backing up in fear at who was in front of her..
"N-no but me and Jaune..we w-we killed you" Ruby stuttered terror flooding her body as her brain scrambled for a solution. She could NOT be here. Her and Jaune ended her in her own palace. Salem should no longer be ALIVE.
The woman brought a hand to her chin pretending to ponder.
"Oh if thats the case why am I here? Their are...other ways? Hmm to immortality...just ask dear ozzy" Salem taunted before moving forward which only caused Ruby to move a step back.
"Tsk tsk You are running away again, I see" she chided to the reaper, who in turn started whimpering in fear and tried backing up but each step she took, Salem got on step closer.
"Don't worry...you can only run so far from the truth...and I'm going to be with you" She said to Ruby who's back was now against the wall.
Salem bent down to Rubys ear, fear paralyzed the reaper who could do nothing but stare helplessly like a fish out of water.
"Every step of the way"
A gasp of air finally manged to make its way to Ruby as she looked around.
Salem was gone.
"Rubes I'm back had to get the towels from the other- Ruby!" Yang voice finally came through and soon enough lilac eyes looked at her in worry.
"Whats going on? Is everything al-oh my Ruby!" Summer came in rushing to her daughters side, who was now shaking in fear.
"Yang go get the med-kit we need to stitch the hand" all she heard was Yang running across the tile floor.
"Ruby sweetie look at me" Summer said sweetly which caused Ruby to look at her "its gonna be okay sweetie" but that did nothing and offered no comfort. She needed warmth, she needed comfort. Instantly her mind thought of one person.
As soon as the name was said from her mouth, ocean blue eyes met her gaze and a tuft a blonde hair as bright as the sun appeared behind summer. A smile on his face as he wrapped a comforting arm around her.
"Its gonna be okay crater face...your gonna be okay"
And with that Ruby feel asleep.
"Mom...whats happening...only time it got this bad is when she..."
"I know yang I know..."
"Do you? I saw the fear in her eyes... Ruby isn't scared that easily mom..."
A sigh.
"Do you think Ruby...is...remembering?"
" for the life of me little dragon...I hope not...I don't think she can take it "
Yang looked out the window of the bullhead. Eyes red in anger as they saw the dark clouds forming.
A storm was coming.
Took longer then I wanted too really, my bad.
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