#off figure fashion
strawberryteabunny · 3 months
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blue bunny-themed coord 💙🐰
JSK: Innocent World Animals of the Forest
Bag: La Luice
Blouse: vintage
Bow: Summer Fairy
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lipt-97 · 6 months
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came back just to post these. okay bye
#gbf#belifaa#did you get triple zero (summon)? the sanfaa scissoring summon? SSS? i sierotixed it. It was awesome. Everythung in gbf is going right for#e except for the fact that i had to sieroticket it but its alright. just the notion of so much lucilius is just enough to put me back on my#feet again it’s almsot unreal how much lucilius-centric stuff theyve pushed out the past few months. his GBVSR debut. his summon.#Omg when I saw the gbfes fashion show i was a few seconds behind zen and she told me “You wont believe this” and I was like “WHAT? BELIEVE#WHAT? WHAT? WHAYT DO YOU MEAN” and the official lucilius cosplayer walked out in his robes it felt unreal unreal like it was seeing my onl#dreams come true after years and years of being like Theres no way they’d do that. There’s no way they’d make a cosplay for lucilius in his#robes because hes in his void outfit forever. BUT THEY DID…..AND THERE WAS BLOOD UNDER HIS SKIN….AND HIS LIPS WERE GLOSSED…AND HE HAD A LIT#LE BIT OF TAREME AND TSURIME (TARIME) ACTION ON HIS EYES AND EVERYTIME HE WALKED HIS ROBES KIND OF FLUTTERED AS HE SHUFFLED ALONG I HAD TO#SIT ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR lay down on the bathroom floor and I almpst puked from how nauseous it made me i was OVERJOYED BEYOND MY PHYSICAL#LIMITATIONS OF HAPPINESS . I WAS SO HAPPY. THIS YEAR HAS BEEN UTTERLY MISERABLE FOR ME AND I HAVE NOT BEEN THIS DEPRESSED SINCE HIGH SCHOOL#BUT SEEING LUCILIUS like this genuinely blew me off my socks . I don’t know if i should be 100% thankful because I’ve been trying to figure#out how to balance my emotional state with the media i consume but#I think i really needed it. thank you lucilius for ending my 2023
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bradandchris · 6 months
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Ugh. This was not what he wanted for his post. Chris swore he had a filter for ‘hot mess.’ This… whatever it was… This was perfect. He didn’t want that.
Ok. This was getting more than annoying. Chris needed to think imperfectly.
Hmmmmm. Maybe Lindsey Lohan had an app… Chris dove in the App Store to find out.
Sure enough, she did not.
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dieselocelot · 2 months
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you're losing a savior and a saint
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honkowo · 1 year
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birgs are small, angels are.............not
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royalsealy · 9 months
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I love this picture, a rare photo where not only am I using my natural hair but it also still has some sense of styling
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turbo-tsundere · 1 year
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I’m usually not one to make such kind of a post but... well, well, well! This detective from Rain Code sure does remind me of someone... and it’s beyond amusing XD
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Five years in space was a long time. It could, on occasion, feel like a lifetime even on a starship as big and bustling as the Enterprise. Between their often death-defying missions and encounters with new alien civilizations, daily routines sometimes began to feel tired, stale, even suffocating. Tempers flared and attention wandered. Even the most dedicated Starfleet personnel were, after all, only human—well, most of them. After a while, they all wanted to stretch their legs, enjoy some sunshine (or at least some shopping), and see some unfamiliar faces off-duty. The captain of the Enterprise, arguably the most dedicated of all the ship’s officers, had sometimes been reluctant to take shore leave in the past. But he felt sorely in need of it now. His brother and sister-in-law were dead, his first officer had nearly been permanently disabled, and the remaining years of their mission stretched out before his eyes like a deep well full of endless, invisible possibilities, not all of them good. He loved his ship and his crew and was still looking forward to the rest of their journey...after a brief holiday.
Starfleet Command approved four days of general shore leave for the entire Enterprise crew on Beta Regulus II. During that time, outside technicians and engineers would crawl all over the ship evaluating its condition and making potential repairs and updates, much to the chagrin of Chief Engineer Scott.  The planet was dominated by a pleasantly subtropical climate and warm seas as well as several large, bustling commercial centers in its chief cities. It was an ideal place to take shore leave by just about anyone’s standards and could comfortably accommodate all four hundred of them.
Kirk had instructed his officer corps carefully regarding his expectations: he wanted the entire crew on their best behavior. “This is a pretty cosmopolitan planet, and we might cross paths with some people we wouldn’t consider friends. If I hear about any of our people making trouble, I won’t hesitate to cancel general shore leave for everyone.” Then he dropped the stern commander facade and smiled at them. With only the best serving on the Enterprise, he wasn’t really concerned about having to make good on his threat. Besides, there were no signs of any Klingons or other similarly unsavory characters in the area as far as he was aware and therefore little cause for real concern.
After procuring some appropriate civilian clothes from the replicator—since he rarely had any reason to be out of uniform and also had the most varied regulation wardrobe of anyone else aboard the Enterprise, he kept almost none in his quarters—Kirk beamed down to the surface with Dr. McCoy and Spock. The former was already fully decked out for a vacation in an old-fashioned polo shirt, sandals, and sunglasses, while the latter, still in uniform, had his Vulcan harp tucked beneath one arm. The three friends materialized in a small, sunny plaza from which they could just catch the roar of the sea in the distance. Numerous other crew members were milling about nearby.
“Planning to serenade the doctor while he sunbathes, Spock?” Kirk asked with a chuckle
Spock raised a brow. “Since Beta Regulus is, as you say, cosmopolitan, I intend to see if any shops carry a set of strings for my lyre, captain,” he replied.
McCoy rolled his eyes as he slid his sunglasses down over them. “Just don’t forget to relax a little too, Spock. That is the general idea of shore leave! Well, Jim, you comin’?”
Kirk smiled. “I’ll catch up, Bones.”
He headed towards the dispersing crowd of crewmen to say hello to people with whom he usually didn’t mingle. A few of the women who rarely got to see their captain in person blushed and smiled like shy schoolgirls as he passed through, shaking a hand here and grasping a shoulder there in the warm, congenial way that inspired so much personal loyalty. His sleeveless royal blue v-neck certainly did nothing to discourage them from glancing over their shoulders to steal a second look or from smothering giggles with their palms. As usual, Kirk paid no mind to the attention.
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multishipper-baby · 2 months
Random Onnie gender thoughts because they came to mind.
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sgt-celestial · 10 months
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finished the shawl!!! 😋
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joanne-woodwards · 5 months
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Lily Gladstone photographed at the 29th Annual Critics Choice Awards at The Barker Hangar on January 14, 2024 in Santa Monica, California
Photo by Taylor Hill
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Mordecai probably lives in an apartment or something, but my first thought when you brought up the Caves on that post was that he won’t tell us because he’s been living in the Caves the Whole Time. Even tho he’d hate the slime mold.
yeah a Whole Damn House would be a bit much, and probably not as useful for the nightly bootlegging related goings on: see, freckle needing to stand around waiting for a ride before he can go shoot people. whereas mordecai can show up to the maribel hotel on foot, or at least have started out somewhere he could get a cab or whatever....and this is probably the closest to any relevant Living Situation Glimpses
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someplace with a bed, and one with an art deco headboard....a modern style, so it's neither Antique nor unfancy enough to have less identifiable stylings at all. like just by guessing surely he lives in some apartment that's unassuming enough to live unassumingly in, with whatever alias, so something large & fancy would be unhelpful....plus if he's gonna be fairly rigorous in his domestic upkeep, it wouldn't really help to have a huge place, even if for the same reasons it wouldn't be too small (or old or otherwise unpleasant; hard no to slime mold, slime, or mold....) and like re: the rotating aliases, maybe he moves places fairly regularly for good measure, been at this like, a decade....tl;dr probably has some apartment/s that's roomy but not huge, nice but not Fancy fancy, at the nexus of practicality, resources, and preferences
but it's important to think about "what if mordecai's been living in the caves the whole time" b/c that's funny lmao
#hey just now appreciating; closest we get to a t-shirt#thank you fashion shifts that said shirts originally worn as Underthings are now just for whenever: tees; tanks. i.e. ideals lol#and we do get tank top mordecai in all his ''officially debuting standing in the woods in underwear b/c he didn't parse Joking'' go off#this and that [morning routine] How are showers taken in the lackadaisy-verse? They are taken...in stride.#that one makes me laugh throughout. perfect quotidian suffering....right yeah lol ''the mundane tortures of existence''#mordecai and freckle as parallel [''unsociable'' guy constantly w/head in hands; sometimes w/gun in hands] is also always powerful & funny#perfect that they do meet over brunch & immediately; continuously; independently decline to interact w/each other at all#the power of distinctive characters in that there's no possible group/combo's interactions that would not be a delight#Living In The Caves could be a party if it was like given a real setup with furnishings and shit. depending....#i don't know anything about the environment of st. louis limestone caves#but yeah between potential Organisms & Dampness & the difficulty of having even your personal cave chamber be decidedly Clean....#i don't think he'd choose to be secretly living in the caves this whole time. sure: who would; yet he's truly a Least Likely contender lol#like rocky probably doesnt only to keep up enough of Any ''i totally have an apartment or smthng too'' appearances. a More Likely figure lo#lackadaisy#but if you move apartments do you have to move your art deco bed....however it's possible a) such furnishings come with the room#and b) he doesn't actually move around that much and c) if he does he just gets a whole new art deco bed like to hell with it#the speakeasy hitman's styled bed headboard biannual tax; as they say#looking up the history of the household vacuum. indeed the twenties are the prime time for the true onset / availability of that
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booksinantwerp · 1 year
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Top half of the 'Virgil Abloh: Figures of Speech Special Edition' cover, a book published by Delmonico-Prestel in 2019 for the Figures of Speech exhibition in MCA (Chicago, US) from June 10 until September 22 2019. follow on Instagram for more
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caracello · 10 months
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something like this.
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recovering-vamp · 1 year
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Pals <3
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
Period dramas need to do more about putting men in corsets and skin-tight breeches, you COWARDS! Look at this.
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You can see his freaking kneecaps in those tight pants. Look at that waist! And that precisely curled and coiffed hair! And he's wearing TWO waistcoats AT THE SAME TIME. And his friend back there, putting the "frock" in "frock coat"... This is the kind of "gritty realism" I want in a period piece.
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